Stop Limit PDF
Stop Limit PDF
Stop Limit PDF
Stop Limit
*The above example is for educational purposes only and not to be interpreted as a recommendation.
Select price type and select ‘Stop Limit’ from the drop-down, and set your stop
price, as well as your limit price. When you sell, the stop price is always higher
than the limit price. Select a day sometime in the next 30 days to keep your order
open for a while.
Come back on a regular basis to adjust your stop price as the stock price moves up
or down.
If stock hits Stop Price > order is activated; turns into a Limit Order
If trade can be filled above Limit Price, the security will be sold
Scotia iTRADE® (Order-Execution Only Accounts) is a division of Scotia Capital Inc. ("SCI"). SCI is a member of the Investment
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investment advice or recommendations and investors are responsible for their own investment decisions. ®Registered trademark of
The Bank of Nova Scotia. Used under license.