A tritone is a music interval composed of six half steps, which is 3 whole steps or whole tones
(hence, tritone). For example in the key of C major, F to B is a tritone, since it encompasses
three whole tones: F–G, G–A, and A–B.
Each major scale has only one tritone per octave, as shown below for C major, where the sole
tritone is F to B. Start on any note other than F, count 6 half-steps up, and you won’t end on a
scale note.
If we consider the key of C major, which can include more than one octave, we find two different
tritones: F to B and B to F. This is shown below for two octaves of C major. No matter how
many octaves you include, you will find just two different tritones. So when reading about
tritones (if you do), don’t confuse statements about there being a single tritone of the major scale
with other statements about there being two tritones of the major key. They are both correct.
The tritone is considered a dissonant interval, in contrast to others like the perfect 4th and perfect
5th, and for this reason was rarely used in the Middle Ages. Some sources say it was outright
banned from music during this period, and was considered the “devil in music,” but that is
apparently not true. Considered unpleasant, it was simply used infrequently. For an interesting
history of this interval, view the following 10-minute Youtube video, “The Devil in music.”
Also note that the tritone is an interval in dominant chords, like C7 and D7, when in their root
position, i.e., not inverted. It occurs between the third and seventh note above the root, so in C7
the tritone is E to Bb. This interval of course doesn’t hold if the chord is inverted (see Chord
Inversions, Section 9). Below is the C7 chord. E to Bb is 6 half steps and is a tritone.
Tritone is E to Bb in D7 chord
Today the tritone is commonly used to create tension. The tritone seeks “resolution”, so in tonal
music is always followed by another chord or chords to resolve the tension. The typical
resolution for a dominant 7th chord is to move to a major or minor chord, e.g.,
G7 resolves to C Major or minor, D7 resolves to G Major or minor, F7 resolves to Bb Major or
minor (
Finally, a word about nomenclature. Below is the table of intervals with their half steps,
presented earlier in this Section. Note a 6-step interval can be either a diminished 4th or an
augmented 5th (highlighted in yellow). So, every tritone is either a D4 or an A5. Stated another
way, D4, A5 and tritone are enharmonic. They are different names applied in different situations,
but the intervals — 6-half steps each — are the same.
Music theory about tritones can become quite complex, and this is more than enough for
beginner-level piano players. There are many more tritone videos on Youtube. The four below
range from 2 to 10 minutes. If you only have time for one, I recommend the 6-minute video from