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Residual waste treatment

Utilise waste instead of

dumping it !
By using Herhof’s Stabilat® technology, the vol-
ume of residual waste is organically reduced
through dewatering. At the end, the water con- Household waste

tent lies below 15 percent, which significantly Shredding Evaporation Exhaust air
improves the mechanical separability of the < 250 mm

material. This distinguishes Herhof‘s Stabilat®

process from all other conventional treatment
Biological drying
techniques. Reusable material is separated dur-
ing the process and can be sold as a genuine
high-quality raw material and returned into the
material cycle. The remaining organic waste
fraction is pressed into hygienic, nearly odour-
Mixed Stabilat® approx. 70 %
free energy resources known as pellets.

Herhof Stabilat® process in 3 Density separation Light material Metal separation

phases: approx. 50 %
Colorific value:
1. Processing: Extraneous matter and harmful 15 -18 MJ/kg
Heavy fraction approx. 20 % Dry Stabilat®
substances are removed from the waste and
the latter is then shredded to a maximum
approx. 2 %
grain size of 250 mm and then transported via Density separation Light material/Dust
a fully automatic crane system into the Herhof
bio box. approx. 4 %
Metal separation Ferrous metals
2. Stabilisation: In the Herhof bio box, the waste approx. 1 %
is dewatered through biological means. This Non-ferrous metals
Energy or
is the vital step to the subsequent pure source Mineral
approx. 0,5 kg/t
fraction Batteries
separated break down of the waste mixture
into reusable material and energy as well as Road construction Industrial, Biofuels
Power plants Methanol/Diesel
for the storability of the fuel generated.

3. Inert separation: Removal of the mineral frac-

tion (stones, glass, ceramics) and the metals,
separated into ferrous and non-ferrous.

Waste is a mixture of very different raw materials. The Herhof Stabilat® technology enables selective separation and utilisation of raw

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Composting of organic waste
The Herhof box composting system is globally recognized Although this sounds simple, it is an
in installations around the world. Over 40 Herhof com-
posting plants operate successfully in all climatic zones.
engineering feat! There are decades
This is a testament to the high quality of the Herhof box of developmental work behind it.
composting system. This computerised system processes The Herhof box composting system can be used to pro-
organic waste into a hygienically sound product within the duce compost fast and reliably from organic, garden,
shortest period of time (about 7-10 days) and it is space- kitchen waste and from sewage sludge as well as from di-
saving. At the same time, the composting process and gestate coming from anaerobic digestion plants. It can be
time are regulated using different control and regulation ideal for use in farming or for soil improvement in other
parameters. In order to be able to ensure a complete hy- areas. We have commissioned independent labs to moni-
gienic material, the composting material is heated up to tor the nutrient-rich Herhof compost. The RAL quality seal
65 °C / 149 °F in the Herhof composting boxes. In this pro- is a proof of its high quality.
cess, negative weather factors are dealt with. In addition,
odours and groundwater pollution are managed within the Herhof compost – Your soil is alive !
closed system. Herhof composting is unique in the world. Its core piece is
the computer-controlled, optimised ventilation of the Her-
hof composting boxes.

Supply of organic waste and

structural material
The advantages of the Herhof
box composting system are:
Intensive composting in 1. It is independent to ambient
Herhof composting boxes
2. Controlled composting process

Shredding < 150 mm 3. Short processing periods

4. Homogenous compost quality
5. Less land utilisation
6. Less deployment of manpower
Drum screen 0 - 60 mm Maturation area Screen < 20 mm
7. Automated process
8. Lower transport and
implementation costs
Extraneous matter > 60 mm Mature compost 0 - 20 mm

Structural material 20 - 60 mm Fresh compost 0 - 60 mm

Intensive composting in Filling of Herhof composting Processing of compost The use of compost as fertil-
Herhof composting boxes box by wheel loader by means of screening iser for soil improvement

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Dry fermentation process/
biogas production

The process (dry-wet-simultaneous) has been developed as a dry fermenta-

The process steps:
tion process in order to generate biogas out of biomass with high dry matter
Optional substrate preconditioning
content, associated with marginal energy requirement and material wear. The (e.g. milling, mixture in relation to the
procedure is a discontinuous percolation process where the required material substrates)
conditions are verified by substrates which are provided by process water cir- 1. Disposal of the substrates into the
culating through the system. empty dry fermenter (e.g. wheel
The dry fermentation process is efficient and estab- 2. Optional pre-aeration at closed dry
lished in many cases fermenter to increase the temper-
• Weak gas management system ature

• Optimal biogas yield at low retention time 3. Anaerobic treatment by percolation

with process water
• High annual throughput of substrates up to 16.5 times of the useable
3.1. Primarily hydrolytic phase
volume of dry fermenters
3.2.Primarily methanogenic phase
• Minimal electric energy requirement
4. Post-aeration
• Low thermal energy requirement
4.1. Deaeration of the biogas,
• Secure degasification and greatest possible deodorisation of fermentation aerobisation of the digested
residues material, deodorisation
• Maturity level of the digestates III to IV 4.2. Optional aerobic aftertreatment
• No excess water to reduce the water content

• Flexible integration in existing plants at low fixed costs 5. Removal of the digested material
(wheel loader) Optional aftertreat-
The advantages of dry fermentation in comparison ment of the digested material (e.g.

to wet fermentation maturation, screening depending on

application of final product)
• Less water demand, no mashing required
• Lower process energy, no mixing device required
• Less material wear, because of fewer movable machine parts
• Lower susceptibility to impurities and acidity
• Modularly upgradeable plants
• Smaller digesters because of higher energy contents of the used substrates
• Synergy effect in using waste collection and agricultural equipment
• Easier stackable storage of the digested material

Herhof mbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Biogas and Compost

Our ideal solution for biowaste For the latter, significant amounts of water are stripped
from the substrate due to the continuous aeration in the
The most advanced product of the Herhof GmbH is the
combination of the two renowned products:
If requested, it is possible to add a downstream roofed
• Dry anaerobic digestion box (dry AD box) and
maturation area to obtain further quality improvements
• Herhof-Rottebox® retaining the highest quality standards.
into one matching system: Production of energy-rich bi-
ogas as well as nutrient-rich compost. Arising synergy The benefits of a combined system
effects further increase the efficiency and environmental • Optimally harmonized system
sustainability of the overall facility. • Maximization of potential income

The concept – “Innovation through • Simple and clear plant control in a combined and inter-
working process control system
• Optimized operation procedure:
The delivered biogenic waste is loaded batchwise into
the dry AD boxes of the system, where it is fermented for › defined retention times
approximately 3 weeks. During this period biomass is irri- › low specific space requirements
gated with process water from the process water tank in › low-emission due to exhaust air system and weak
order to guarantee optimal milieu conditions for a produc- gas management
tive digestion throughout the process. The biogas that is • Cascade use of biowaste (energy and material utiliza-
produced simultaneously in both dry AD boxes and pro- tion of the full potential)
cess water tank is used to generate electrical and thermal
• CHP-waste heat used to support actively the hygieni-
zation step
In the next step, the digestate is removed from the dry
• Modular design with extension possibilities
AD boxes and placed into the Herhof-Rottebox® for com-
posting. Depending on the desired dry matter content and • Synergy effects for wheel loader operations
the compost quality of the end product, the waste is pro-
cessed for approximately one to two weeks. Usually, hy-
gienization and conditioning take place in this time period.

Our progressive concept, arranging
our biogas production in series with
our Rottebox®-process, has been
successfully implemented at the plant
in Doerpen and Heppenheim. Through
our R&D policy the system is perman-
tely under research for improvement
and optimization. A very high demand
Intensive of our latest product is currently
shown by a remarkable number of
customers worldwide. “Biogas and
Compost” will be our highest selling
product the following years.

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Waste treatment plant Larnaca

• Reception bunker with negative
• Grab crane for bunker management
and charging the bag openers
• Drum Screens for sorting the cor-
rect sizes
• Ballistic separators for sorting in
heavy and light fraction as well as
The plant in Larnaca handles the MSW and source separated green waste pro- cubic and flat fraction
duced in the region Larnaca / Cyprus. The yearly amount of MSW going into • Enclosed conveyor system interfac-
the plant is approx 210,000 tons delivered on six days a week. es for dedusting

The waste-technology is an automated sorting plant for paper, cardboards, • Separation of specific materials with
PET, Metals and films combined with a biological composting process with the infrared sorting machines
target of creating a compost (fertilizer). Thereby the plant is able to produce • Eddie current separators and mag-
different kinds of secondary fuels. nets remove ferrous and non-fer-
rous metals from the fuel fraction
By means of a computerized biological composting process plus a subsequent
• 10 Herhof Boxes with air and liquid
fully automatic separation system the MSW is completely split into RDF, Paper,
tight lids with feeding / discharge
Cardboards, PET, PVC, Metals, Compost and Inerts.
by automated crane

Time schedules • 10 day biological composting pro-

cess with the Herhof technique
Construction time 22 months
• Ventilation to assist the biological
Status in operation processes by heat exchangers and
since April 2010 cooling towers
Contract duration: • Dust removal with baghouse filters,
turnkey delivery to holding company Helector pelletising
Waste reception
S.A., Helector Cyprus LTD operates the plant • Exhaust air treatment with RTO
for 10 years. system

Size • Maturation area with windrow

Surface area building: 14,984 m2
• Refinery with screens and backing
Total footprint of plant: 105,763 m2
station for marketable compost
Volume of bunker: 3,750 m3 products
Height of buildings: 12.5 m / 14.5 m /
17.8 m Baling Press
Height of stack: 30.0 m Operator:
Helector Cyprus LTD
Operating data Vass. Friderikis 33
Workdays per week: 6 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus
Employees: 20 Responsible authority:
Number of shifts: 2 Ministry of Interior of the Republic of

Air treatment LARA®

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Recyclingcenter Osnabrueck

The Herhof Stabilat® technology is a
mechanical-biological waste treat-
ment (MBT) process with the target
of creating a high quality fuel (trade
name: Stabilat®) plus a high recycling
rate. By means of a computerized
biodrying process plus a subsequent
fully automatic separation system the
The plant in Osnabrueck processes all municipal solid waste of the city and the
MSW is completely split into:
district of Osnabrueck. The annual throughput amounts to 105,000 t collected
• Stabilat® fuel fraction for industrial
on five delivery days a week.
use (e.g. energy production),
Annual throughput • minerals e.g. for use in road con-
Municipal solid waste (MSW): 105,000 t/y ( tons per year)
• metals and batteries (reduces
Types and quantities of products produced concentration of heavy metals up
Stabilat® fuel: approx. 45,000 t/y to 95%),

Water: 21,250 m3 reused as cooling water • process water is cleaned and reused
Metals: 0.850 t/y mixed non-ferrous plus as cooling water,

3,400 t/y ferrous metals recycled • exhaust air treatment according to

30. BImSchV.
Inerts: 11,050 t/y inerts e.g. as ADC on the landfill or
for road construction Climate protection
Dust: 1,700 t/y The use of Stabilat® replaces fossil
fuels like coal, petroleum and natural
Batteries: 0.5 kg/t input
gas. Because of its high organic com-
Time schedules ponents Stabilat® releases less than up
to 80 % CO2 as usual fuels.
Construction time: 18 months
in full scale commercial operation Operator
since 01.02.2006, complete building measure Helector Recyclingcenter
completed in 08/2008, contract duration 17 Osnabrueck GmbH
Exhaust gas purification via Fuerstenauer Weg 73
Size LARA® D-49090 Osnabrueck, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 5 41/34 9 79 - 0
Surface area buildings: 6,063 m2
Fax: +49 (0) 5 41/34 9 79-49
Total footprint of the plant: 20,210 m2
Mail address:
Volume of bunker: 1,800 m3
Kalkgraben 2 · D-35606 Solms
Number of Boxes: 5; each
Responsible authority
30 x 5 x 6 m
Entsorgungsgesellschaft Stadt und
(L x W x H)
Landkreis Osnabrueck GbR
Height of buildings: boxhall, Dedusting of the box hall
P.O. Box 11 24
20.13 m
D-49109 Georgsmarienhuette,
machinery hall
13.00 m
Phone: +49 (0) 54 01/36 55 - 10
Height of stacks: 60 / 65 m Fax: +49 (0) 54 01/36 55 - 33
Operating data
Workdays per week: 5
Employees: 12
Dedusting of the
Number of shifts: 2 machinery hall

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·
Reference facilities
The Herhof technologies have been successful for several cilities. Each one of these facilities works reliably, efficiently
decades and were used worldwide in more than 40 com- and economically. Below you can find some reference
posting, more than 10 Stabilat® and more than 5 biogas fa- facilities.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Location Capacity Start of operation Contractor

Entsorgungssgesellschaft Stadt und Landkreis
1. Osnabrueck, Germany 105,000 t/a February 2006

2. Niederlehme (Berlin)
135,000 t/a June 2006 ZAB Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Nuthe-Spree

3. Trier, Germany 220,000 t/a June 2007 Zweckverband Regionale Abfallwirtschaft Trier

4. Larnaca (Cyprus),
210,000 t/a April 2010 Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus

5. Kassel-Lohfelden, November 2011

30,000 t/a Abfallentsorgung Kreis Kassel
Germany Expansion in 2015

November 2011
6. Uelzen, Germany 18,000 t/a Landkreis Uelzen Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb
Expansion in 2015

7. Dörpen, Germany 14,000 t/a September 2012 Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Emsland

8. Heppenheim, Germany 31,000 t/a July 2014 Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Kreis Bergstraße

Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode,

9. Mariscina (Rijeka), Croatia 100,000 t/a August 2015
Ulica Republike, Zagreb

Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode,

10. Kastijun (Pula), Croatia 90,000 t/a October 2015
Ulica Republike, Zagreb

11. Sofia, Bulgaria 400,000 t/a September 2015 City Sofia

12. Timisoara, Romania 23,000 t/a approval planning RETIM Ecologic Service S.A.

Herhof GmbH · Kalkgraben 2 · 35606 Solms, Germany · Tel.: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 64 42 2 07-2 33 · ·

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