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In 1943, invisibility experiments were conducted aboard the "USS Eldridge"

that resulted in full scale teleportation of the ship and crew. Popularly known
as the "Philadelphia Experiment", these events resulted in paranormal
experiences and mental disablement for the majority of the sailors involved.
After World War II, a massive research project was undertaken to get to the
bottom of the Philadelphia Experiment and thereby discover the functional
secrets of the Unified Field Theory. The purely technological developments
eventually resulted in today's stealth aircraft. Additionally, a human factor
study was conducted that was far more bizarre. While seeking to understand
how human beings could survive in other dimensions, people were subjected to
experiments whereby their minds were interfaced with radio waves and vacuum
tube computers. Psychic abilities were monitored and eventually harnessed
until time itself could be manipulated. The most extravagant of these
experiments took place at the Montauk Air Force Station at Montauk Point,
New York and have been popularized in the first book of this series, "The
Montauk Project: Experiments in Time".
"Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity" digs deeper into the
mysteries of Montauk and offers countless stories and corroborations that show
the project did actually exist. In a new twist to the story, powerful occult
factors are discovered to lurk behind the entire scenario of the Montauk
Project. An amazing search is undertaken which takes us far beyond the scope
of the first book. The secrets uncovered eventually lead us to the very core of
creation itself.
The stars await.
by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon The Montauk Project: Experiments in
Time Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity Pyramids of
Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness Encounter in the Pleiades: An
Inside Look at UFOs The Music of Time
by Peter Moon
The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection Synchronicity and the
Seventh Seal The Montauk Book of the Dead The Montauk Book of the Living
Spandau Mystery
by Joseph Matheny with Peter Moon Ong’s Hat: The Beginning
by Stewart Swerdlow Montauk: The Alien Connection The Healer’s
Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperspace by Alexandra Bruce The
Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of
Insanity by Wade Gordon The Brookhaven Connection
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Sunrise
Transylvanian Moonrise: A Secret Initiation in the Mysterious Land of the
Gods Mystery of Egypt: The First Tunnel (due in January 2012)
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon
Published by Sky Books
PO Box 769
Westbury, NY 11590
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
Copyright © 1994 by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon
First printing, January 1994
Cover art by Nina Helms
Typography by Creative Circle Inc.
Published by: Sky Books
Box 769
Westbury, New York 11590
Printed and bound in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission
in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Nichols, Preston B. / Moon, Peter
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon
260 pages
ISBN 978-1-937859-00-8 (for ebook)
ISBN 978-0-9631889-1-5 (13 digit for hard copy)
ISBN 0-9631889-1-7 (10 digit for original hard copy)
1. Occult 2. Time Travel 3. Anomalies
Library of Congress Control Number 93-084992
This book is dedicated to the memory of Jan Brice,
a fellow seeker on the path,
and the man who photographed "The Beast".
and to
Marjorie Cameron
April 23, 1922 - July 24, 1995
whose memory is charged in infinity
A map of Long Island (which is
eastward from New York City’s
Manhattan Island.

A moderately clear day in Los Angeles will reveal a range of mountains to the
north. Interestingly, if you ask the average local the name of these mountains,
they will usually draw a blank stare and tell you they don't know. This
manifested ignorance concerning an everyday sight is indicative of an even
greater ignorance concerning a mysterious sequence of events that began in
these mountains in the 1930's.
The name of this range is the San Gabriel Mountains and is readily available to
anyone who cares to look on a map. Rising above the other peaks is Mount
Wilson, home of the Wilson Observatory. To the west of Mount Wilson and
just behind the Devil's Gate Darn in Pasadena is Arroyo Seco, the canyon from
which the now famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory was sprung. Our mystery
begins with the genesis of JPL and the rocket scientist who brought the space
age into being: John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons.
Parsons had studied information at Cal Tech concerning the idea of a rocket
powered airplane. Although he had no formal education, he was a self-trained
chemist and had already been experimenting with small rockets. Parsons
approached Cal Tech about his own ideas and his brilliance was recognized bv
the authorities there. Accordingly, an entire unit was set up to conduct further
rocket research.
The Army Air Corps took immediate interest in this activity which ultimately
led to a contract with Jack Parsons and his partners. They formed Aerojet
General Corporation and worked under that auspices. (This company is still
around today as an active defense contractor.) The first task for Parsons and
company was to develop rocket propulsion to assist in the take off of heavily
laden aircraft. Although this work concerned rockets, the name "jet" was used;
hence, the name "Jet Propulsion Laboratory".
Although Parsons was not the only one who made the space age possible, his
contribution was considered so pivotal that a crater on the moon was named
after him to honor his genius. But Jack Parsons was far more than a brilliant
rocket scientist. He was not only a colorful and popular personality but also an
occultist and practicing magician. In fact, his sphere of influence was so great
that rumors consistently circulated (and are still heard even today) that the
other scientists worshipped him and practiced strange rites under his direction.
All of this no doubt disturbed the government authorities who monitored early
rocketry. Parsons' brilliance, independent philosophy and popularity amongst
the other scientists was perceived as a potential threat to the Government status
quo. Consequently, a Naval intelligence officer was sent into Parsons' group.
As is so typical with bumbling government authorities, the Navy's plan
backfired. The Naval officer had his own agenda. In fact, he was just as
brilliant as Parsons, only in a different area: human psychology.
This Naval officer had studied the most avant-garde and top secret psychiatric
records in the United States. All sorts of wild experimentation had gone on
during the war and he was privy to it. Much of this research had to do with
narcosynthesis. People were questioned under "truth serum" and countless areas
of abnormal psychology were explored. Some of these included mental and
emotional blocks as well as the paranormal. These studies, in pan opened the
door to the consciousness of aliens and their influence upon mankind.
The name of this Naval officer was none other than L. Ron Hubbard who
would engage Parsons as a friend and participate in his magical workings.
Their activities and work together are still shrouded in mystery today.
At first glance, it might seem that the genesis of American rocketry could not
have much to do with the Montauk Project. However, recent events have
revealed a mysterious occult connection between Montauk and the early days of
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This myster runs very deep and will be explored
later in this book, but the first thing to know is that "The Montauk Project"
would never have been written had it not been for the liaison of Jack Parsons
and L. Ron Hubbard.
Parsons was assassinated in 1952 by an explosion in his laboratory. I was born
down the road six months later (this is not meant to imply that I was Jack
Parsons) and my life followed a rather incredible path that eventually lead me
to the doors of L. Ron Hubbard, Preston Nichols and Jack Parsons' wife,
Marjorie Cameron (an artist, poet revolutionary and an extremely feared
occultist in her own right). For the most part, my meetings and involvement
with these people were not consciously planned. They seemed guided by a
higher power that was part of some overall scheme.
My first encounter with these remarkable people was with Hubbard. My
relationship with him was not that of a routine Scientologist as I was trusted
with a lot of intimate information. I also helped to handle his personal affairs.
More importantly, I would learn from him the various factors behind
implantation and manipulation of the human race. If it were not for this rather
thorough education process, I do not believe I would have been able to
approach Preston Nichols or deal with the various psychological oddities that
one encounters in researching the Montauk Project.
This is the legacy that I emerged from in order to write "The Montauk Project:
Experiments in Tim"e with Preston. Had I not been clued in on the above
information, it is quite likely that the first book would never have come to
pass. It is as if Hubbard passed a torch to me that would shine light on
Montauk and then lead me back full circle to a strange encounter with the wife
of his magician friend Jack Parsons. That story will be told later on. For now,
just realize that the events that preceded my involvement in all of this came as
a direct result of three very famous and powerful magicians.
This is where our mystery begins.

Writing The Montauk Project was a most intriguing personal experience. There
were more bizarre occurrences than I could hope to put on paper. Certainly
amongst the most interesting have been those of working with Preston Nichols
and Duncan Cameron. As I am frequently asked questions about the nature of
these two people, I will start by giving a quick overview on who they actually
Preston is a walking talking security risk as far as the intelligence community is
concerned. There is no question in my own mind that he has been involved
with secret government and intelligence projects. It is also obvious to anyone
who knows him well that he has been schooled in information that is beyond
the boundaries of higher learning. Preston remembers studying text books and
information that is privy only to those in secret sectors of the military
industrial complex. Although his only degree is a Bachelor of Science in
Engineering, he estimates that he has obtained the equivalent of Ph.D.'s in
physics, psychology, theology and engineering. His opinions are most
definitely sought after by prominent people in the scientific community.
On the more personal side, there is a good sense of humor and a strong psychic
streak in him which he playsdown, even to himself, Preston is by nature a
friendIy person but experience has taught him to be extremely careful of whom
he trusts.
For whatever reason, his experiences and life seem to foster constant intrigue.
Sometimes I feel that he may be stirring much of it up himself. Other times it
is clear that there is a deeper thread at work and there is a much bigger scenario
of which he isjust a part. Preston's life is loaded with mystery, and I have only
been exposed to a part of it. Although it is a delicate area for him, it is my
hope that he will cooperate and do an autobiography in the near future.
If you think that Preston is a mystery to figure out then go and try Duncan
Cameron. He is one of the most curious human enigmas that I have ever been
exposed to. Duncan is a very private individual yet can be extremely
charismatic and sociable at times. While Preston speaks with scientific terms
and references that are quite detailed yet out of the range of college text books,
Duncan does the same with metaphysics. He speaks quite eloquently at times
with access to an enormous amount of information that apparently comes from
some mysterious source. Duncan says he has an I.Q. of about 100. This is hard
to believe when you hear him speak. I think he would score poorly on such a
test because while he is absolutely brilliant in some areas, in others he is
untrained or simply not interested. It is my hope that Duncan will also do a
book someday. Currently, he is a carpenter by profession and works with
Preston on almost a daily basis probing various psychic phenomena. He very
badly wants to clean up the bad effects from the Montauk Project and has said
that he would like to someday sponsor a foundation that would help care for
some of the victims.
I also believe that both Preston and Duncan have been subjected to
programming by the intelligence community. This is most obvious in Duncan
but it would apply to anyone who had involvement with the Montauk Project.
Preston has apparently broken the majority of the programming although there
are some people who would disagree.
Have they travelled in time?
I'm not exactly sure but if I had to place a bet with an impartial judge, I'd say
yes. If time is an illusion and all possibilities are happening in some universe,
time travel can be taken for granted. It is my personal belief that we are
moving into an era where the consciousness of time is reverting to what it was
many aeons ago. Duncan and Preston are simply pioneering the areas that most
of us have left unexplored.
It is not fair to mention these two without mentioning Duncan's half brother,
Al Bielek. He is not only a scientist and a metaphysician, but remembers being
aboard the "U.S.S. Eldridge" during the Philadelphia Experiment. If his
experiences are not to be believed, his contacts in the intelligence community
are noteworthy to say the least. Al is perhaps more dedicated to resolving the
conspiracy behind the secret government than anyone I've met.
I don't claim to have secret government contacts or to be a time traveller like
Al or Duncan, but I have studied and dealt with implants for over twenty years.
Implantation has everything to do with the nature of knowing exactly who you
are and who might have caused you to think in ways that are not in your own
interest. It is a vast subject and is right at the heart of the cosmic conspiracy.
There have been many articles and shows about abductions and implantation,
but most of the practitioners I've seen on television know very little of the
entire scope. However, their efforts do seem to help the general public come to
a better understanding of the subject.
Needless to say, implantation and making people forget is what the Montauk
Project was all about. Had I not had extensive experience in this area, I do not
believe that I would have been able to get close to Preston and write his story.
As a matter of fact, after the book was out and doing well, he told me later that
other writers had attempted to work with him. They would become frightened
and depart as soon as they began to get an idea that his stories were indeed real.
When I first heard the Montauk story from Preston, I was intrigued because it
had all the earmarks of being a real live implant station. I'd witnessed their
effects and had dealt with them but had never met anyone who actually worked
at one or knew the various technologies with the exception of Hubbard. Preston
had new information for me about how people are programmed and his
insights are vast. Duncan and Al were both with Preston when I heard the
initial story and they greatly contributed to my understanding. As I left them
and rode home in an astonished state of mind, a thought suddenly ran through
my mind: "So this is why I came to Long Island". This was not a thought from
my ordinary thought processes. I would later look back and realize that I had
moved to Long Island a few weeks before the Montauk Project culminated on
August 12, 1983. The strings of synchronicity were already at work in my
personal life. Thus, you have a quick overview of how it became my destiny to
become the scribe for the Montauk investigation.
In this book, we will attempt to satisfy some of the curiosity concerning the
Montauk Project and also give a sane perspective on what this story is about, its
relative truth and what are the implications of it all.
We will begin with a brief discussion of legends and how they apply to the
truth. Next, I will give a chronicle of mv actual experiences in writing about
Montauk. This will not only give a different view on the whole affair but will
corroborate some of Preston's stories. Next, Preston will give an update on
startling events that have occurred since "The Montauk Project" was published.
I will then follow this up with yet further information that has come to us. The
plot thickens.

Part 1 — by Peter Moon


Chapter One — Legend and

Perhaps the most important point in dealing with the phenomena of Montauk is
to realize that we are dealing with "the stuff of which dreams are made". We
are directly tapping into the creative zone of consciousness. The creative
process in humans is not only our closest approach to the Creator, it is the
function which has given rise to myths and legends throughout the ages. When
we are dealing with this subject, it is important to delineate exactly what is a
legend and what is its relationship to the truth. Joseph Campbell has made
extremely lucid comments about this relationship in his various talks and
writings on the subject of myths. I am going to offer a
simplified view from my perspective.
Legends abound in all primitive people. They also occur in popular culture,
giving rise to folk heroes and the like. A legend arises when there is something
noteworthy to describe. What is considered noteworthy is determined by the
people involved. It would presumably be in direct relationship to the survival
value or thought value of the concept being described, It could also have
humor value,
For example, if a tribe of people were invaded and fought off their enemies
through the bravery of a great warrior, stories and admiration would be due the
warrior. In time, a legend would arise depicting the warrior with various
attributes. In times of battle, the witchdoctor might even invoke the spirit of
the dead warrior. Without consideration for any spiritual activity that may be at
work, the tribe would at least be concentrating and focusing on the archetype
of such a warrior and would rally around the symbol in order to invigorate
their fighting ability.
This is a very simple example. Legends would also arise about lovers, mothers,
crops and all the various god which one can read about in mythology books. It
can get very complex. The main point is that the legend survives because it is
describing something that has inherent survival or thought value. The
popularity and actual value of the legend is in direct proportion to how well it
is told and how well the truth of the principle is conveyed.
In the case of someone like Buddha or Christ, we are apparently dealing with
individuals who could convey the truth with lucidity and simplicity. Because
they lived the truth, they could convey it with few words and in a direct
fashion. They were so good at what they did, legends abound to this day.
As a side comment, it may also interest the reader to know that there is a
regular and recurring pattern behind all legends and mythologies. This pattern
has been studied for ages by different cultures and mystery schools and is
known by many as the "Tree of Life". It is also called the Cabala, Qabala,
Kabala or Holy Kabalah. One of the best works on this subject is "The Mystical
Qabala" by Dion Fortune.
"The Montauk Project", as it has been told by Preston Nichols, calls on us to
rally around the symbol of time and break free from its limitations. It has its
own place in legend simply because it is so unique. Whether or not it is true is
secondary. The concepts and penetration concerning time that both Preston and
Duncan have come up with are totally foreign and alien to most of us. At the
very least, they are conjuring up thoughts and avenues of consciousness that are
worthy of investigation in their own right. What is of particular interest is that
there is information that backs up their story. Surprisingly, this type of
information is beginning to spring forth like a fountain.
It is vital that the role of legends be explained and understood because the story
gets a trifle more wild and all of this should be kept in proper perspective.
Some parts of this book might ring loud and clear to you as being true. Other
aspects could stretch your credibility past the limit. Remember, the universe is
a complex structure and our commonly accepted forms of thought are limited.
At the very least, we are inviting you to stretch and exercise the muscles of
your thinking process with the hope it rnay make you stronger and more aware.
If parts of this book cannot be accepted at face value, they should be
understood in the context of legend and what the bizarre meaning is behind it
all. Only in this manner can one arrive at the truth behind the subject matter.

Chapter 2 — Montauk Chronicle

At 5:30 A.M. on October 31,1990, I awoke suddenIy and found myself
looking out the window at what first appeared to be a shooting star. Instead of
moving across the sky or in a downward motion, it shot up vertically. I quickly
wondered if this was a UFO as meteorites do not move in such a fashion.
Fifteen seconds later, a second "star" followed the exact path. There were no
others. I had never seen any sort of UFO prior to this encounter.
One week later, on November 7th, I was to meet Preston Nichols. I have since
been told that this sort of experience is not unusual to people who encounter
I met Preston as a result of a business opportunity I was interested in at the
time. Without elaborating on those circumstances, I was interested in a device
that he had invented. This is now known as the Biofiss and is a stereo system
that is designed to balance the electromagnetic fields surrounding the body.
Two of my friends told me that I could meet Preston at a Psychotronics
meeting. I showed up and met Preston briefly but soon found I would first
have to hear a lecture on "Earth Changes". This was a panel discussion by five
different people. Both Preston and Duncan Cameron were on the panel. I sat in
the audience that evening with another gentleman I would come to know: Al
Preston spoke about orgone energy and how electromagnetic factors can affect
the environment. Duncan gave first hand accounts of psychically monitoring
different functions of the Earth. This was done for the U.S. Government. His
role in the Philadelphia Experiment was also discussed.
I was surprised that these two speakers would say anything at all. I was aware
the Government had done strange research projects, but these are things you
just don't speak about. I asked them about this and Preston explained that the
Government was losing control. He said they have learned over time that they
can't just kill people anymore. In the past, silencing people has had a tendency
to create a martyr syndrome. He pointed out the legacy of Morris K. Jessup,
the man who first publicized the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup was found
dead in his car in what was sure to be a mock suicide. In many respects, his
death ensured that the Philadelphia Experiment would never be forgotten.
After listening to Preston, it was obvious that the intelligence community
wasn't what it used to be. Besides, Preston said that his story had been widely
circulated to the point that even if he were to die of natural causes, people
would suspect a hit.
As the evening continued, the Philadelphia Experiment was discussed as were
many alien and UFO scenarios. All of this was new to me. I had once heard the
story of the "USS Eldridge" disappearing and reappearing off the Virginia
coast, but I dismissed it as nonsense. I'd never read about it. Now, I was
hearing about it from people (Al and Duncan) who claimed actual involvement
in the project. Their story, along with Preston's, gave the whole subject much
more credibility.
The evening was quite electrically charged. Questions and answers were being
fired across the room like laser darts. A lot of the information went completely
over my head. It was too much to absorb. Many times during the course of the
evening, the events at the Montauk Air Force Base were discussed. I asked if
there was a book I could read but none existed.
Later I was told that if I wanted to see Preston's Biofiss machine, I could make
an appointment with the treasurer of the Long Island Psychotronics chapter
who I will refer to as Jewel. Having met her briefly, I spoke to her on the
phone a few days later and found that she was leaving the organization and
wanted nothing to do with it. Preston was apparently the devil and all she
would say about Duncan was that he was damaged. I was given Preston's phone
number and soon found myself as an observer in a goofy soap opera.
By coincidence, I ran into Jewel the following Sunday. We had common
friends, and they were going to brunch. I found out later that Jewel fell flat on
her face that day and had to be taken home. She was incapacitated for several
Preston didn't know what she was reacting to and drove all the way to her
house in an attempt to console her. This didn't work. Duncan later did an
extremely elaborate reading which indicated she was working undercover for
another psychotronics group. I didn't know if any of this was true, but I
quickly discovered that psychotronics was neither boring nor lacking in
When I visited Preston's lab, myself and a few other were given a
demonstration of the various pieces of equipment. I found the Biofiss to be
interesting and therapeutic. It was very relaxing and perked up my mental
awareness for a period of twenty-four hours afterward.
During the evening, one gentleman had become excited about the idea of a
book and movie for the Montauk Project. He asked Preston about it and was
told that he could talk about it at a later date. By the end of the evening, as we
walked to our cars, this gentleman did a total about face. He became afraid of
the entire affair and said that he wanted to have nothing to do with it. He told
me that I could write it if wanted. Seeing him later, he was totally unwilling
even to discuss the subject. His girl friend told me that she believes he was
involved in the Philadelphia Experiment as he gets uneasy and clams up
whenever it is mentioned.
For some reason, this subject has a way of frightening the living daylights out
of those who get close to it. I also found that some people were very concerned
for me when I began to write the story. Others couldn't understand why I
would give any credence at all to such sinister energy as the Montauk Project. I
wasn't quite sure exactly what any of these people were talking about, but it
was clear that they were afraid of the energies and phenomena that Preston and
Duncan dealt with on a daily basis.
I am skeptical by nature, and I didn't even know if any of the information I'd
been told was true. I took it all with a grain of salt but found it high adventure
and good entertainment at the very least. If the story was not true, I thought
that it was better science fiction than I'd ever read.
After observing Preston's equipment and what had been left over from
Montauk, it became apparent to me that the Montauk Air Force Base had
served as some son of implant station. As I explained in the introduction, I had
extensively studied L. Ron Hubbard's theories on implants, some of it under his
supervision, An entire book could be written about him so I have included
some further information in the appendix for those who are interested.
One of his most controversial books is a title called "A History of Man". In this
book, Hubbard discusses how electronics can be used to make an entire slave
society. He does not go into technical details on the electronics but gives
several samples of how beings can be snared and implanted with electronic
Whenever Hubbard was attacked, it was routine for his adversaries to quote
from this book in order to show that he was "crazy". It was and is simply too
far out for mainstream reporters to take seriously,
I also found the information to be extremely bizarre, but I also found that it
had remarkable workability if applied under the precise procedures that were
outlined. Even though I found the information useful in getting rid of
psychosomatic ills (for myself and others), I could never figure out how he had
discovered it. I was later told that he had acquired it from the Office of Naval
Research when he was in the Navy as an intelligence officer. I don't know if
this is exactly true, but it seems to fit. More about Hubbard's roots will be
touched on a little later in the book.
Whatever the case, Hubbard was far ahead of his time in regards to implant
research. It is highly fashionable today and is seen on tabloid TV with
Discovering Preston and the Montauk Project had completed a circle for me in
regards to electronics and Hubbard. It supported some of the latter's research
and answered many questions of a more subjective nature. At the very least, I
was walking on familiar ground and fear that others might have were not my
concern. I'd already investigated the area.
In January 1991, I attended a lecture on UFOs held by Bill Knell at a public
library on Long Island. As he had been involved with the study of UFOs for
some time, I waited until everyone had left and told him I might be doing a
book with Preston. To my surprise, he had heard of Preston. He said that it was
a great idea but that if I wanted to do a really good book, I should get Preston
to tell me about ten of the other people who were involved with the Montauk
Project. They could give a complete story.
A few months later, I worked out an agreement to do a book with Preston. He
was surprised at what Bill had said and didn't know who I was referring to. I
know now that Preston is tight lipped when necessary on the subject. Most of
these people (some I have since met) do not want to talk about the project or be
associated with it. I also realized that it was far easier and less time consuming
to simply write Preston's version of what had happened. To do otherwise
would take huge amounts of time and expense, Writing the first book has
helped with the expense but investigating and writing about the Montauk
Project has almost become a full time activity.
My above experience with Preston leads directly to a major problem when
dealing with a project of this nature: it is loaded with counter-intelligence
propaganda. Anything you hear on the subject has to be regarded with
suspicion. People will say something one day and then deny it the next. Of
course, all of this indicates tremendous secrets and that somebody is hiding
something. On a grander scale, we can view this situation as one manifestation
of a universe that has evolved into a lower state of consciousness.
Writing the book itself was easier than dealing with the various intelligence
theories. I tape recorded what Preston had to say because much of it went over
my head, particularly the technical parts. I listened and transcribed every word
he said and played the tapes over until I could
clearly see that what he spoke of was entirely plausible. I began to dream about
time travel and had experiences of a subjective nature which were quite
Preston advised me to go out to the Montauk base with a psychic. He said it
would be of interest to note what they pick up. He warned me not to go alone.
Although I know many psychics, I couldn't find one who would go out there.
Some were too busy and other wanted nothing to do with it. Finally, I secured
Howard Metz to go with me. Howard is a retired policeman and is very
knowledgeable about psychic phenomena. He is also a pyramidologist and is
mentioned in Charles Bertlitz's popular book on the Bermuda Triangle. We
took the two and a half hour trip out to Montauk and left our I.D.s in the car.
As soon as one gets in the vicinity of the base, it is hard to miss the transmitter
tower. It has a particularly haunting presence when you get up close, especially
when the wind blows and makes subtle sounds. On a subjective basis, I found
the transmitter to be quite repulsive as it elicited feelings of tragedy and horror.
It seemed to stand for everything that is dire.
We approached the base from the south end, and I noticed a completely
demolished building. It was the strangest demolition I had ever seen. It was not
only burnt but was in total shambles. It didn't look like it had been simply
blown up. Upon my return, I spoke to Preston and he told me that according to
legend that was the house that Junior (the Beast) had destroyed. The legend is
bizarre, but it certainly correlated with my observation of the place.
We walked around the base for a good while. I was looking for some sort of
documentation or proof about the project. It was obvious the base had been
active but nothing of a spectacular nature turned up. I did find some blue prints
for a Sperry gyroscope. I had them in my hand when we were suddenly
approached by a park ranger. He was not friendly and looked immediately at
the blueprint in my hand.
"What are those?" he snapped.
"They're just blueprints," I said.
He took them hurriedly and studied them for some time. He finally looked up
and asked me if I wanted them. I said no but told him I'd throw them away.
They were obviously of no value, but he seemed concerned that they might be.
He also insisted that we leave the base.
As we headed out, I briefly stepped into the transmitter building to verify if the
torch marks Preston spoke about were there. Sure enough, they were. They
were not small torch marks either. The place looked utterly devastated. It
appeared that something of a highly irregular nature had gone on there.
Before we returned, we stopped for an early dinner and encountered my next
odd bit of synchronicity with Montauk. Our waiter was a young man named
Mirko who was from the country which was then known as Yugoslavia.
Although he'd not heard of the Montauk Project, he said that he knew the
curator of the Tesla Museum in Belgrade and that he was planning to translate
materials that had never been put into English. He has since been unable to
complete his task because of the war in that region. I found this whole meeting
rather odd as most people don't even know about Tesla, let alone have an
intimate understanding of his work. What were the chances of my meeting such
a person at Montauk?
A short while after my return from Montauk, I was at a gathering at Howard's
house. There, I was approached by a man who I will refer to as Mr. X. He
wanted to know how the book was corning along. I found his interest to be
quite odd. He took me aside and told me in private that he had been involved
in the negotiations to secure the Montauk Chair. Upon relaying this story to my
wife, she told me that he must have been negotiating with aliens. I hadn't
thought about it, but her observation seemed to fit in with the story. He also
mentioned that he had managed a very sizable portfolio for the Montauk group.
Mr. X wanted to tell me about his involvement, and we arranged a meeting at a
diner in Amityville. There, he informed me that he had lots of contacts on both
sides of the project. In other words, he had friends who wanted the information
to get out. There were others in the military industrial complex who didn't
want it discussed at all. He said that he was sort of in the middle and that the
whole subject causes him considerable anxiety. He backed off on his plan to
discuss the subject and said that things had gotten too hot for him to say
He was clearly frightened on some level. At times, his conversation seemed
calculated to scare me. I believe that he had some sort of "Montauk programs"
operating during the conversation. Something was activating his speech and
behavior that wasn't himself. He's actually quite a nice person and has a keen
The above behavior is symptomatic of what I call "the Montauk personality".
People who have been involved in the project have distinctly different
personalities. This does not appear to be ordinary schizophrenia but would
seem to be programming of some sort. The personality change seems to kick in
only when the subject of UFOs, mind control, or Montauk itself is brought up.
Mr. X then proceeded to explain various aspects of what he believed got
Montauk started in the first place. That will be talked about later on. He was
definitely a knowledgeable individual and was apparently a double agent on
some level. I later did a minor background check on Mr. X and discovered that
many aspects of his life pointed in the direction of a true experience connected
with Montauk.
Meeting Mr. X was just one more incident that made the Montauk story more
credible in my own mind. I have since been slowly acclimated to various others
who claim involvement in the project. There are also others who won't discuss
or admit anything.
After my meeting with Mr. X, events became a little more serious. I was now
having dreams of dark entities and Men in Black. It seemed someone was
attempting to frighten me by amplified psychic means. It didn't work. Threats
of a psychic nature are just threats. If they wanted me to stop my work, they
were going to have to try something in person. That way, I hoped, I could
catch someone in the act and it would give proof to the story.
The next event of import occurred when speaking on the phone to a psychic
healer I know. She was having dinner with another psychic. His name was
Michael, and I had met him only briefly in the past. I told her to tell him about
the book I was doing.
Michael called me up almost immediately. He said that she didn't have to say
anything and that he had picked up what was going on as soon as she had put
down the phone. He said that there was a government agent who wanted to nail
me. He gave a complete description and said that I should layoff the book for a
couple of years.
I was not about to layoff the book. Shortly thereafter I was washing the car
when a middle-aged man pulled up and watched me for the longest time. I was
aware of his presence in the car but didn't know he was watching me. This was
pointed out to me by my wife who was watching him from the house. He
finally drove off.
After another week, when I was on vacation, a message was left on my phone
at 3:00 A.M.. A woman's voice aid, "You know who I am. Stay out of it."
I had no idea who it was. There was no possibility that it was a wrong number.
They had called on my business phone and first had to hear an entire taped
message referring to my business.
Up to this point, I hadn't told Preston about any of these events. At our next
meeting, I told him that there were some people who didn't want me to write
this book.
He looked at me quizzically and said "What do you mean?
I began to tell him the story of the "government agent". I'd hardly said
anything, but as soon as the term "government agent" came out of my mouth,
he interrupted me.
He said, "That's already been taken care of."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
Preston told me that Duncan had gotten a similar reading two weeks earlier that
indicated a government agent was after me. He then called one of his friends at
a highly placed government agency and told him to tell the CIA to layoff off
me. If they didn't, he would publish secret papers that they didn't want
Up to now, I'd had reason to be afraid but hadn't reacted. Preston's comments
shocked me because there was no way he could have made it up. He'd reacted
immediately and couldn't have concocted anything that fast. I also remembered
that Duncan had approached me a week earlier and asked what would happen
to the book if either Preston or myself suddenly died. I'd thought it was a
hypothetical question. Now, I knew that Duncan was inquiring with regard to
his own reading. He was also kind enough not to try and alarm me.
I was not so much shocked for my life. I was surprised that Duncan's reading
had correlated exactly with that of the other psychic. It brought home the point
to me that this was not a joke and that the intelligence community took it very
seriously. Prior to that point, I had considered it a highly entertaining science
fiction story that was somewhat true.
Preston had also told me about the secret paper previously. He had actually
acquired them by happenstance when he purchased some surplus electronic
equipment. The Government had supposedly found out about it and asked him
not to publish the information. He agreed for his own reasons at the time, but
now it appeared that someone was trying to interfere with the publication of
"The Montauk Project". He was not about to let his book be suppressed.
Since this conversation with Preston, nothing of a threatening nature has
occurred. The strange dreams also stopped.
In addition to the above, there is another series of events which I think are
noteworthy to add. These began as the fIrst manuscript neared completion. I
asked Preston to dig up all his photographs concerning the project. This
required a bit of hounding as he is not the most organized person and always
has plenty of other things to do.
One day, I went into his area and found his work place completely cleaned up.
He pointed to the couch at a pile of photos and said to take a look. I was totally
surprised to find a photo of the beast. He'd never told me he had a photo that
good, and he was extremely casual about it. It wasn't a big deal to him, but it
was amazing to me. I'd heard a lot about the beast and heard about photos, but
this one was pretty convincing.
I asked him several questions about it, but he didn't have too many answers.
The beast had not been there when the photo was taken. It was just bizarre
phenomena. He couldn't account for it. I, of course, wondered if it were some
sort of prank. I asked him who took the photo, and he said it was done by Jan
Brice. Preston then asked me if I would like to speak to him. I said yes, and
Preston called him up and introduced me over the phone. We discussed the
photograph, and it was apparent that Preston was not at all playing a hoax. In
fact, Jan said that he had attempted a lot of supernatural photography over the
years, but this was the only result he'd ever gotten. He wasn't trying to capture
the beast but was just trying to capture a picture of a bunker.
I spoke to Jan several times after that. He confided to me that he wasn't sure
the beast was what Preston thought it was. He just couldn't account for the
phenomena. He told me that he had worked as an astrophysicist and had
worked out some of the early lunar trajectories before man had gone to the
moon. He dropped out of the scientific community and joined a monastery for
eleven years. Now he was a writer and had just completed his first book,
"Secrets of Consciousness".
Jan said that he had mixed feelings about Preston. He told me a story of how
Preston had called up one of his friends complaining about a bomb being in his
lab. Preston claimed to have taken the bomb across the street, departing before
it blew up. Jan's friend visited Preston the next day but found no visible
evidence. To this day, Preston is not sure what happened. He thought it could
be time phenomena, but he definitely remembered the bomb.
Jan was quick to point out that in spite of this incident, he had seen Preston talk
to people who had been involved in projects like Montauk and would know the
strangest things about them. He'd help them pull their memories, and there was
no doubting that Preston had special knowledge and uncanny ability. He also
said Preston was amazingly brilliant.
For his help, we had decided to put Jan's name in the acknowledgments, and
we were going to give him special mention on the title page as a photographer.
At the last minute, after I'd told him about my experience with Duncan and
Michael picking up psychic warnings about me, he begged off. He didn't want
his name mentioned in the book at all.
I was amused at his fear because he was far less of a target than I was. He said
he didn't want his room ransacked by someone looking for photos or negatives.
We left him out according to his wishes. He also told me that we'd see if I
survived the first printing of "The Montauk Project".
Jan died within a couple of months of that last conversation. Although he was
connected to the United States Psychotronics Association, we have no evidence
to suggest that he was rubbed out. A pervasive rumor was circulated that he'd
died of food poisoning. According to Jan's girl friend, the autopsy indicated a
heart attack as the cause of death. She refuted the food poisoning rumor. If that
is true, it raises minor suspicions. Inducing heart attacks is a common trick.
The Mafia used to have a reputation of lacing apple pies so as to induce cardiac
arrest. Personally, I don't understand what motivation anyone would have to
kill him. The photographs he took are suggestive but are not conclusive proof
of anything. The only other questions would be: did he know something else?
In any event, Jan was a great person and a dynamic speaker. We have chosen to
dedicate this book to him.
Chapter 3 — Montauk - The Proof?
I would like to prove the Montauk story as much as anyone. By that, I mean
irrefutable documentation that would stand up to any inspection. I am
convinced that there was a project out at Montauk that was of a top secret
nature. That it included mind control, I am certain. The time aspect is the most
difficult to establish although Preston's theories and memories, along with
those of Duncan and Al Bielek, are quite enlightening.
Proof does not come easily. I liken it to the analogy of a father who abuses his
entire family. The father, of course, denies that he does anything wrong. The
family are so cowed that they absolutely deny any wrong doing by their
patriarch. This type of behavior is also seen in the movie "The Wizard of Oz"
when the witch's entire army cheers after Dorothy throws water and melts her.
Prior to this, they were all profusely bowing down.
It is totally understandable that people can be afraid, especially if they consider
their lives are at stake. But, I believe it is important that the whole matter be
put in proper perspective. Any time someone gets scared or hides evidence,
they are paying tribute to the bogus authority that is behind the Montauk
We said in the first book that there are varying degrees of proof. This chapter
will deal with actual examples and experiences that will serve to establish that
the Montauk Project, in some form, took place.
One of our strongest pieces of hard evidence in "The Montauk Project" was the
section on the radiosonde and how it was used to modify the weather. We
received one review on the book by a gentleman who gave it a fairly nice
review except that he refuted the data about the radiosondes. He said it was off
base from his personal experience. He did work on radiosondes, but what he
doesn't tell us is that he worked in a top secret capacity. He signed
nondisclosure forms and it would be his "duty" to hold the government line.
He had to deny it. It is always interesting when your critics make false
criticism and that is just one example.
After the book was published, I did try to dig up some information that would
corroborate Preston's information. First, I spoke with Dick White. He is the
head of the Montauk Historical Society and is extremely knowledgeable about
Montauk's history. He is very friendly and was most helpful. When I told him
about the book and gave him a brief rendition of the story, he told me that he'd
have thought I was crazy except that there was a fellow in a tavern the night
before who was talking about a documentary to be done on the Philadelphia
Experiment. He had some idea of what I was talking about, but it was simply
too far out for him to easily grasp in a single phone conversation.
Dick did have some interesting stories though. When I asked him about animals
storming Montauk, he did remember two deer running into the town with one
crashing into a phone booth and the other falling and sliding into the doorway
of an establishment. He thought it was strange but that it could possibly be the
result of a dog chasing the deer. No dog was observed though.
He also spoke of an incident in 1972 when he drove a friend to the inner gate
of the Montauk Base. His friend worked there and was allowed to enter, but the
guard pointed a gun at Dick's windshield right in the direction of his three year
old son. Dick asked him to leave the kid alone. The guard subsequently pointed
the gun at him and demanded to know what he was doing there. Dick and his
son got away unscathed, but this is incredibly strange behavior for what was
purported to be a simple FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) radar
installation. It was also an innocent mistake at worst on Dick's part. The
guard's irrational behavior indicates that something of a very sensitive nature
was taking place. The entire incident also suggests that the guard could have
been programmed in some fashion.
Dick then gave me the phone number of some technicians he knew of who had
worked at the base. I was able to get hold of one who I will refer to as Ken,
This gentleman said he had not heard of the Philadelphia Experiment and that
he had retired in about '73.
Asking Ken if anything strange ever went on at the base, he wanted to know
what I meant by strange. I asked if he ever saw any guns around the base or
anything like that. He denied it emphatically. I then asked if there were any
type of guns out there whatsoever. He continued to deny it until I told him the
above story by Dick White. He then changed his tenor and said, "Well, of
course, there were guns. It was a high security area because of the radar and it
had to be protected." I had caught him in a definite lie and I knew I couldn't
trust anything he said. He did admit to a brand new computer being installed in
about '73 just as he was about to retire. This is the same date Preston had given
for the computer change.
There was another odd report from a contractor. This man had a gardener
working for him who would be routinely shocked whenever he hit a piece of
metal in the ground while working at houses near the base. This is evidence of
a highly charged electric field in the vicinity of the base.
Things took a different turn when I spoke with Dan Rattiner. He is the editor
and publisher of "Dan's Papers", a long established local newspaper on the East
End of Long Island. He also publishes the local “Montauk Pioneer”.
Dan was very courteous although he was too ready to challenge the information
in the book. He did remember geese storming the town once, but he disagreed
strongly with the stories about snow in August. He had temperature recordings
in his paper over the years and wouldn't vouch for any weather that unusual.
(Preston's reports were not from his own observations but were from stories
he'd heard from kids on the beach. He also got a report from someone who
claimed to have kept a weather log on the Montauk Base. It was hearsay.
Interestingly, just before this book went to press, we got one report from a
woman who said there indeed had been snow in the summer.)
Although I had not read his paper, Dan informed me that he liked to write
hoaxes. He said they were obvious hoaxes. I eventually got my hands on the
paper and found that he did indeed write some very amusing articles. He told
me that he would occasionally write about a man who worked at a station on
the east end of Long Island who worked in a weather control station. This was
part of a network of weather control stations across the country. This was all
pure fiction and good fun according to him.
While Dan eventually did review the book, he remained skeptical. He did help
the sales of the book though and we thank him for that. Some of my friends
have suggested that he is a plant who would secretly work against any
promulgation of the Montauk story. I do not have any evidence to suggest that,
but I have met other individuals from Montauk who I believe to be complicit
(not necessarily on a conscious basis) with a cover up concerning the Montauk
Air Force Base.
After speaking with the above people, I decided to venture out to Montauk
once again. This time I would go with Maria Fix, a world class psychic. Maria
is a clairvoyant who can find lost keys and that sort of thing. She's very good
and people fly from across the world just to get a reading. Maria is also
consulted by the police frequently to help solve difficult cases by psychic
means. Up to that point, she had not met Preston or Duncan but had been
independently investigating Montauk from a psychic point of view.
On my way to Maria's house, which was in the direction of Montauk from my
home, I saw a bright flash in the sky and noticed a UFO that was big, reddish
orange and dipping. I could only see part of the craft which disappeared very
quickly. It seemed to be in an opening through a distortion of some sort in the
atmosphere. In some weird way, the craft seemed to be acknowledging that
they knew I was on my way. I went to Maria's and we proceeded to go to
Maria drove and we first went to the Montauk State parking lot for the
lighthouse. She pulled up a few yards in front of the parking attendant's booth
(it costs $3.00 to park in the lot) and said that she was going to create an
illusion. She then approached the booth very slowly and stopped. There was an
elderly lady in the booth. The lady robotically turned her head in the opposite
direction, and we slipped on by. Whether this was a psychic trick or good luck
is open to debate, but Maria did call her shot. She is quite good at this sort of
thing and, frankly, she has to be. She supports three children through her
psychic practice.
I had taken my video camcorder and was taking shots of the lighthouse and of
the base from a distance. We obtained permission to go to the base and walked
around with myself getting as much footage as possible. I made a direct line
for the transmitter building. I was eager to see this because Preston had told me
to check for new cables he'd heard had been put in there. This would indicate
the underground was active. Having briefly visited the transmitter building on
my first trip to Montauk, I had seen huge torch marks and indications of some
sort of explosions. I didn't have a flashlight then, but now I did and was hoping
to get a better look. Unfortunately, the building was locked up, but there was
new cable leading to it. A huge steel door had been put over the front and rear
openings. It looked as if they were trying to prevent a military assault or the
Maria then pointed to an area less than 100 yards from the transmitter building
where she had seen a stealth aircraft on a previous visit. It had been flying
close to the ground before it suddenly disappeared. We searched around some
more, and I continued to video tape the area. All in all, I was disappointed that
the transmitter building was closed and that I hadn't turned up anything that
appeared to be significant.
The only strange happening that I noticed occurred as we were driving home. I
sensed what I could almost hear as a voice. It wasn't a voice though. Whatever
"it" was gave me a message that I will never forget. It said, "Don't ever come
back here again." I do not ordinarily hear voices. Of course, this could have
been my subconscious mind. But if communication is possible by
psychotronics, I would guess that someone was trying to tell me something. I
would not return to Montauk for almost six months.
Upon returning home, I viewed about 20 minutes of video footage that I'd
taken. I didn't notice anything that I considered to be unusual or paranormal.
My wife noticed that there was a dot in the viewfinder of the camcorder. She
was upset at me as she thought I'd broken it. I didn't know what the dot was,
but I was entirely certain that I'd not dropped or otherwise mishandled the
Six weeks after the trip to Montauk, my wife noticed that the video camera was
missing. It had been placed next to a portable TV which rested on shelving. I
looked in all the usual places and realized that it was gone. I then said that I
wanted to see if the Montauk footage was missing as we would then know if it
was an inside job. Sure enough, the Montauk footage was missing. It had been
on the opposite side of the television.
This was obviously not a routine burglary. If it was, they could have taken far
more equipment than a camcorder. There was much more there for the
grabbing. Also, why would they bother with worthless tapes? There was no
sign of any break-in. It is also virtually impossible to enter my house without
leaving a trace. It is white and very clean and the backyard could not have been
penetrated without turning up some mud.
We later found out that the battery pack was also taken. It was in another room
and was totally hidden under a table and papers. This fact led me to conclude
that the equipment might have been teleported by some sort of advanced
technology. It could be that the equipment which had been taken was all
witnessed to Montauk as it had just been at the base. (''Witness'' is an occult
term which refers to a sympathetic correspondence. For example, the people
who were cursed as a result of unsealing KingTut's tomb were "witnessed" to
the curse.) I called Preston and explained the circumstances. He said the dot in
the viewfinder was the result of a bad video cell. This was probably due to the
distortion in the electromagnetic field at Montauk. He reminded me of a video
he'd shown me where people were taking pictures of the Montauk underground
and were getting intermittent but consistent interference with their video
It is obviously impossible to prove that my video camera was teleported, but it
was definitely taken in a manner that I feel is extremely suspicious. Preston
thought that they might want the camera as it was smoking gun proof of a
distortion in the field out there. This is still an unresolved mystery.
On August 12, 1992, Preston held an open house at Space-Time Labs. He
invited anyone who wanted to come from the Long Island Psychotronics
Chapter. He had put together the FRR-224 receiver. This was the receiver he
had purchased from Dr. Rinehart (who was thought to be John von Neumann,
the technical genius behind the Montauk Project). It is an extremely sensitive
receiver and he wanted to see what he could pick up. The August 12 date was
significant as that is the anniversary of the Philadelphia Experiment and also
the culmination of the Montauk Project.
I didn't expect much to occur, but I thought I'd better be there to record
anything of interest that might happen. It was a quiet evening in the middle of
summer and only Duncan and one other gentleman showed up besides Preston.
We listened to all sorts of ear-piercing frequencies but we all had to leave the
radio room after a while. The sounds were not conducive to a peaceful state of
mind. Preston continued to fiddle with the instruments, No amount of feedback
or different frequencies seems to bother him.
As the evening passed, I had some interesting conversations with Duncan.
Then, two Montauk psychics showed up. These are two individuals who
remember working in the Montauk Chair. They went into the radio room, sat
down and seemed to concentrate on the various frequencies. Duncan explained
that they were just trying to pick up on a frequency that they could synchronize
with and "trip out" on. In other words, certain psycho-active frequencies would
promulgate various responses in the psychic. He would then receive
information or just experience communication of some sort from an
unconventional source, They obviously had experienced some sort of
indoctrination in this particular technique. This was revelatory to me and it is
why I chose to mention it. While I felt that I could indeed try this technique
and be somewhat successful at it, I had no inclination whatsoever to do it. It
seemed too abrasive for my personal taste.
Another interesting development occurred in September. I received a phone
call from a friend of mine who I will refer to as John. A friend of his had read
the book and wanted to go to Montauk with me. The man was a professional
photographer and wanted to take some photographs with his infrared
I was not eager to go back to Montauk but before I could even respond to the
request, I was called again by John. He said that his friend had already made
the trip and that I could come over and pick up the photos in an envelope the
next morning. I phoned the next day, but was told not to bother. John' s friend
had gotten so excited over the photos that he decided to go down to
Washington and show them to his brother in the Navy. The brother worked in
the electronics area.
John got word from his friend upon his return. He was told that he'd have the
pictures the very next day. John was eager to see them but hadn't up to this
point. The friend never showed up and stopped returning John's calls. This was
odd to say the least as they were good friends and this sort of behavior had not
occurred before.
John's other friends and myself all speculated on what had happened. Some
thought that the person might want money for the pictures but John and I
doubted that. He thought there was something of an unusual nature that was on
the infrared photos but we just didn't know what.
While these events were taking place, Preston called and asked me to visit him.
Some new developments had taken place, and he didn't want to mention them
over the phone.
Upon arriving at his shop, he showed me a vast array of video equipment. He
had gotten a call a few days earlier from a friend and was told of an auction
that was to take place at Venus Scientific. The company was apparently
bankrupt and they were selling the stock. Preston was able to acquire literally
tens of thousands worth of equipment for $70.00. The equipment just happened
to be night vision equipment, both infrared and ultraviolet. A lot of it was
spare parts but all very valuable to a skilled professional. I suggested that it
might have been a set up. I told Preston that the individual who made the call
to him was probably connected to Montauk. He thought that was possible and
explained that strange things like this happen to him all the time. Someone
wanted him to have the equipment.
Preston subsequently took this equipment and took infrared video pictures of
the Montauk base. The video revealed what were either thought forms rising
from the transmitter area or a release of heat from same. Either way, it is a
major oddity as a heat release would indicate the installation was active
underground. Preston later took the infrared equipment to upstate New York
and reported that he was able to visibly see UFOs with this equipment. Al
Bielek was with him and confirmed the report.
When I heard all of this, it occurred to me that John's friend might have
recorded a UFO over Montauk. I spoke to John about this, and he mentioned
that his friend had gone to the Norfolk Navy Base in Virginia. I was earlier
told that he'd gone to Washington. Norfolk is significant for two reasons. One,
that is where the "USS Eldridge" reportedly shifted to in 1943. Two, the
Norfolk Navy Base is reported to a be a hot seat of top secret information.
As time progressed, John's friend never did come through with the photos.
He'd call or show up but there was always some excuse. After about six
months, we got word that the man's house had been burned down completely.
Only the chimney stump was left standing. Arson was suspected as young boys
had been seen in the vacant lot that was adjacent to the house. Further
investigation by the fire department revealed that an accelerant had been used.
This ruled out any likelihood of the fire being an accident. It is also unlikely
that the boys would use an accelerant in carrying our ordinary juvenile
delinquency. In fact, the accelerant was so high powered that the entire house
was gone by the time the fire department arrived. What exactly happened is
still a mystery at this writing. John can no longer call his friend as the phone
was burned, but he did receive one call from the man since the fire. He was
told not to believe anything he heard about the fire. It would all be explained at
a later date. John said that his friend's behavior totally changed after he became
actively interested in the Montauk phenomena.
The next unusual circumstance was a phone call from a kid who said he had
some information for me. He had been out to the base after reading the book
and had turned up some papers. I wasn't about to go driving off immediately
and possibly walk into a trap. I told him to keep them in a safe place and I
would call back in a few weeks. He then began to sound a little frightened. I
told him not to worry because Preston and I had written an entire book and
nothing had happened to us. I phoned him a few weeks later and was told that
no such person lived there. I was given several runarounds. Finally, his mother
asked if I was the one who wrote "The Montauk Project". I confirmed that, but
she said that the person who had called was a neighbor and didn't live there. I
finally concluded that the kid must have given me an assumed name and
wanted no part of it. He also had a friend whom I'd spoken with who also
turned suddenly uncooperative.
An even odder occurrence happened when I received a call from my friend
Mary. She had been talking with her friend Ivey, an occupational therapist at a
nearby psychiatric facility. Ivey remembered taking care of a man who had
been a top scientist. This scientist claimed he had worked on a project that
included a ray gun that made people invisible. The staff view was that the man
was nuts but Ivey said no. He didn't act crazy but just claimed this unusual
experience. She argued about it with her supervisor, but the supervisor simply
said that he must be nuts. After all, he was in an institution! One of Ivey's
fellow therapists was a part timer who also worked in the U.S. Army. This
man told her that the scientist had worked out at Montauk on a project called
NORDOR (spelling could be incorrect). I sent Ivey a book and asked her to
contact the man from the Army on my behalf. Upon calling her two weeks
late,r her number had been disconnected and no trace of her has turned up yet.
I believe she wants to stay away from any involvement in this investigation.
I later found out from my friend Kenn Arthur that NORDOR was a top secret
defense project. Although he hadn't heard about the invisibility factor, he said
that it apparently had to do with radar.
Another interesting story unfolded when Madalyn Suozzo visited Long Island
from California and showed up at a Psychotronics meeting one evening. She
has worked in the healing arts for twenty years and practices Regenesis, a
technique that regenerates cellular tissue by working with the original blue
print (on a psychic cellular level) for the human body. Madalyn returned to her
home in California and read the book. After reading it, she recalled some
strange experiences while she was at Montauk as a teenager in 1973.
Madalyn had studied yoga and healing for a couple of years but had only had a
couple of psychic experiences up to that point. When she had gone to Montauk
to join her friends and look for a waitressing job in the summer of '73, she
began to hear voices in the wind and began to experience different psychic
Perhaps the most spectacular occurrence concerned a wino fisherman who
shared a house with Madalyn and her friends. The fisherman was an interesting
man and had different books on psychic phenomena. He lived upstairs but had
an odd schedule and was seldom there. After reading one of his books,
Madalyn had an incredibly strong clairvoyant vision of Jesus Christ. She has
since experienced clairvoyance on a somewhat regular basis but nothing else
has ever come through that strong or appeared so clearly. In fact, Madalyn said
that her perception and experiences were magnified the entire summer. All of
this would correspond to the mind amplification techniques that were being
used at Montauk.
One day, the wino fisherman and four of Madelyn's friends were in the house
together. Madalyn told him that she was interested in his books when he
suddenly looked her straight in the eye and said, "You and I are different from
these other people."
Madalyn recounts what happened next.
"He then waved his hand to make a partition so as to divide us from the rest of
the group. The light on our side of the room became lighter and the light on
the other side became darker. He had made a statement and then backed it up
with a demonstration."
Since hearing this story originally, I now know Madalyn well enough to know
that she doesn't make up stories. It is also interesting to note that the summer of
'73 corresponds to the ten year biorhythm of Montauk (which was 12 August
1983). According to what Preston has been told, the twenty year biorhythm
was considered the stronger factor but the ten year biorhythms are potent as
There are several more such anecdotes that corroborate that a Montauk Project
of some sort did exist. In fact, there are more than I could remember or easily
put down on paper. Although these experiences are entirely legitimate, none of
the information presented herein is designed or intended to constitute objective
court of law style proof. That is an entirely different project that someone else
might want to take up further down the road. But these various experiences and
stories do reveal an interesting pattern that warrants further investigation.
Ultimately, the only valid proof can be measured in terms of experience, and
there is plenty more of that. This entire subject involves a scenario of
developing consciousness and what you have read thus far is only the
beginning. The rest of this book will reveal more.

Chapter 4 — Montauk, the Occult

and Thorn E.M.I.
There is an amazing occult connection to the Montauk Project and the next part
of our investigation will take us into that arena. Later in the book, we will
return to more corroborative information about the project itself.
Anyone who seriously studies the occult will sooner or later encounter the
work of Aleister Crowley. This in not an accident. In fact, he designed it that
way by plastering his name in any conceivable way so as to achieve
recognition. For those who are not familiar with this man already, read
Appendix B which gives a synopsis of his life and philosophy.
Crowley was very influential and arguably near the peak of his magical career
when he opted to take a "magical retirement" to Montauk Point during the
summer of 1918. (A magical retirement consists of a withdrawal from normal
mundane matters to work on matters magical.)*
* According to Preston, the paranormal was studied and used profusely at
Montauk, not dissimilar to the way the Nazis used their Occult Bureau. Most of
the personnel used at Montauk had an intellect or aptitude for occult matters.
This included secretaries and the usual mundane jobs that are required to keep a
base running. It is also presumed that these personnel had additional duties of a
more esoteric nature.
What exactly transpired there remains a mystery to this day, but this book will
reveal a very mysterious connection between Crowley and Montauk.
I first became aware of Crowley's association with Montauk when Preston had
informed me that he remembered an earlier life as Preston B. Wilson. In that
life, he had allegedly been the twin brother of Marcus Wilson who is thought
to be Duncan Cameron in this incarnation. They were known as the Wilson
brothers and manufactured the first electronic instruments in Great Britain.
These were crude instruments which monitored electric pulsation.
The Wilson brothers were associated with the Crowley family as friends and as
business partners. Together, the two families shared a business interest in a
corporation that would later merge with several other companies in the 1920's.
This conglomeration would eventually be known as Thorn E.M.I., one of the
largest electronics firms in the United Kingdom. They also have a famous
entertainment division which includes music and video publishing.
Interestingly, Thorn E.M.I. is the company that distributed the movie "The
Philadelphia Experiment".
The above information concerning the Wilsons and Thorn has to be considered
legend at this point because not all of it has yet been confirmed by normal
physical universe means (documentation, etc.). It is mentioned for two reasons.
One, as you will discover later in this book, the Wilson connection has received
the most amazing corroboration. Second, we hope that by publishing the
Crowley-Wilson-Thorn connection that we will arrive at further answers. The
legend will also be of interest to most readers.
The Thorn connection is admittedly abstract but it is integral to the legend of
the Wilson Brothers. The story also gnaws at us and won't go away. It begins
in approximately 1986 when Preston received a call from a man who identified
himself as William Berkeley, the historian for Thorn E.M.l.. At that time,
Thorn had an office in New York City. The historian was from the parent
company in England and arranged to visit Preston in person.
Upon their meeting, the historian wanted to know why the name Preston B.
Nichols appeared in their archives. Preston didn' t know anything about it but
was curious. Preston was then shown a photograph of himself that was
allegedly taken in the late 1800's. The Preston in the photo was presumably
from the future as he had grayer hair and looked older. While this photograph
has to be considered legend, it should be noted that there are a few others who
claim to have seen this photograph.
The photograph consisted of Preston Wilson, Marcus Wilson, Preston Nichols
and a fourth unnamed individual (some have speculated that it was Crowley).
The historian told Preston that two of the individuals were the Wilsons. He also
explained that the Thorn company was originally
connected to the Crowley and Wilson families.
Preston's mother, who has read various books about Aleister Crowley, said she
remembered reading about the Wilson brothers in one of Crowley's books. She
recalled that the Wilson and Crowley families were involved in some
enterprise. Unfortunately, she didn't remember the specific book and no one
has yet been able to turn up a Wilson in the literature on Crowley. Also of
interest is that one of Duncan' s readings indicated that Preston's mother was a
Wilson in a previous life.
This entire story takes another twist when we consider that Thorn E.M.I. is
considered by some to have been involved in producing the movie “The
Philadelphia Experiment.” This information comes from a childhood friend of
Preston's who we will refer to as Mark Knight. While this is a controversial
claim, there is no denying that the Thorn name appears on the video cassette
Mark also claims to be the actor Mark Hamill who appeared as Luke
Skywalker in the Star Wars trilogy. Preston will not officially identify him as
Mark Hamill as he thinks he may be a look alike. It is also interesting to note
that I have received totally independent information that Mark and Duncan
Cameron used to be good friends. Based upon this and a private file I have
seen, I believe Mark Hamill and Mark Knight to be one and the same.
There is also another important point to consider about Mark Hamill. When he
was married at the height of his fame, the "National Enquirer" ran an article
about him and his new bride. It just happened to drop the information that his
father was a retired U.S. Naval intelligence officer. Mark Knight not only
looks exactly like the aforesaid actor, but he remembers working at Montauk
while the project was in full force. In any event, he was instrumental in getting
Preston work as a sound engineer for "The Empire Strikes Back". More
significantly, he claims to be the actual producer of the movie "The
Philadelphia Experiment". It is believed he did it in conjunction with Thorn
E.M.I. and through shell companies. He was not listed in the credits as he
wanted to keep his identity secret.
Mark was not alone in his plot to reveal the story of the "U.S.S. Eldridge". His
brother is known as Peter Knight, also a childhood friend of Preston' s. He
played in a band known as Gary Puckett and the Union Gap in the 1960s but is
perhaps better known for his role in the Moody Blues’ "Days of Future Past"
album. He was the conductor of the orchestra and his name appears on the
cover. Of more interest to this story, Peter supposedly sat on the Board of
Directors for Thorn E.M.I. It is not known what exactly his role was but he is
thought to have played a significant part. Peter is no longer affiliated with the
company and when last seen by Preston (in the U.S.), he claimed to be on the
run from the intelligence community.
According to this legend, the movie was released to theaters across the U.S. but
was pulled by court order at the behest of government officials. Thorn E.M.I.
supposedly went to court and got the original order rescinded. It had been
speculated that Thorn' s foreign status helped immeasurably in that they could
not easily be intimidated by American authorities. But by then, it was too late.
The movie was a disaster financially and Mark claimed that he was nearly
bankrupt. Fortunately, it could then be released as a video for broad
distribution. Mark was then able to get his initial investment back.
Al Bielek has made countless attempts to verify this aspect of the story but has
come up empty handed so far. He did talk to a man who claimed to be Mark
Hamill's agent but this person denied the entire affair. I did get a bit luckier
than AI. I received a phone call from Howard Barkway in England. He is the
president of Bellevue Books (which distributes "The Montauk Project" in the
U.K.) and offered to do some digging on the Thorn E.M.l. connection.
Howard met a wall of bureaucracy at their headquarters but some people were
helpful and he did find out a little bit. According to his research, Thorn bought
the rights to the movie through different shell companies. One of these was
housed in the same lot as Pinewood Studio. This is noteworthy because that is
the same studio where "The Empire Strikes Back" was shot. It doesn't prove
but backs up the possibility of a Mark Hamill connection.
What ever the case is with all of this, it is a fact that "The Philadelphia
Experiment" was critically acclaimed but didn't last but a short time in the
theaters. If none of this story is true, it would seem at least a little odd that a
movie could fold totally at the box office after receiving excellent reviews and
then do blockbuster sales and be quite popular as a video.
In Al Bielek's attempt to verify Thorn's connection to all this, he spoke to
Douglas Curtis who is listed on the credits as the producer of the movie "The
Philadelphia Experiment". According to Al's account, Curtis denies an
involvement by Thorn E.M.I.. His story was that the movie did not do well in
the box office and was sold to Thorn E.M.I. for video distribution. The movie
then sat on the
shelf for a considerable period of time before being released as a video.
Curtis's story could easily be accepted at face value except that the movie he
produced went beyond the bounds of the normal Philadelphia Experiment
story. Prior to the movie, no mention of full blown time travel had existed in
the literature on the subject. The movie introduced a connection to the future
from the 1943 experiment. This was not only a novel idea, but the future year
that was reached in the movie was 1984, just one year away from 1983. They
didn't go to Montauk but ended up in the desert. Allegedly, the date and
location were changed so as not to rub the story in the nose of the Government.
The movie also has the time travelers go to a base where they are befriended
(to some degree) by a scientist much like John von Neumann. Additionally, the
cold spells that one of the time travelers felt are similar to those experienced by
Al Bielek.
All of this becomes interesting when we consider that Duncan had
independently arrived at a similar story line through psychic readings and by
recalling his own circumstances. Consequently, when Preston and Duncan
eventually saw the movie, they were intrigued as to how the writers could have
obtained such a close approximation to what they recognized as the actual story
Two possible explanations came to the surface almost immediately. One was
from a person who told Preston off the record that Doug Curtis had somehow
acquired the actual government file on the project (though Curtis officially
denies it). The other explanation came from another source and said that Thorn
E.M.I. had acquired a video tape in VHS format during the 1970s that revealed
key parts of the story. As VHS did not come about until the 1980's, the tape
wasn't played for years. It had apparently been sent from the future. It is also
possible that if such a video existed, it could have contributed to the file that
Doug Curtis allegedly possessed.
Things took yet another turn when Preston and I were doing a radio show on
KOA in Denver. A gentleman called who claimed to be Mike Janover, the
screenwriter for "The Philadelphia Experiment". He'd never heard about any of
the Montauk information and was quite surprised. He left his phone number
with the producer and I called him afterwards.
Mike said that it was his idea to put time travel into the movie. He said the
movie had been rewritten about eight times before he was hired to do the job.
Prior to his involvement, the scripts were trying to depict a deep and dark
secret not unlike the Watergate scandal, but he didn't understand what that was
all about. After all, what is so bad and secretive about a relatively few people
being killed, maimed or otherwise damaged when there were thousands upon
thousands dying in World War II? He said that he personally loves the idea of
time travel as a subject and used that to spice up the script.
Preston wondered if this really was the Mike Janover who wrote the script or if
he was a plant that had called in to throw us off. I think he was the real Mike
Janover, but I have no way of knowing that for sure .
Mike told me some other curious information. He said that while he was at an
eating establishment in Fort Collins, Colorado, he got to talking with someone
there. When he mentioned that he'd recently scripted"The Philadelphia
Experiment", the person mentioned that he knew Carlos Allende.*
* For those who do not know, Carlos Allende was the man who broke the
original Philadelphia Experiment story by writing to Morris K. Jessup. At the
time, Allende was reported as working as a ranch hand in the local area. He is
currently in a nursing home and has requested to see AI Bielek but the meeting
has not taken place yet. This is an interesting development because he has
avoided Al for decades. It will eventually be reported in the "Montauk Pulse”
Mike thought this was a very remarkable coincidence. Not only was Allende
intimately involved with the original Philadelphia Experiment, but he has made
a habit of being hard to find. He would chronically make mysterious
appearances and disappearances. But this wasn't the only coincidence Mike
would experience. One week later, he met a man whose father was the
commander of the "U.S.S. Eldridge"! This man had served as commander after
the experiments had been completed.
He also told me that Orion pictures took a strong interest in initially financing
the picture. They backed away, but I mention it as Orion will fit in later in this
story. 20th Century Fox was involved for a while and Mike remembered that
they had a whole file full of documentation on the project. This backs up what
Preston had heard independently about Doug Curtis having a file.
Finally, New World Pictures picked it up and the final O.K. for the picture was
given by Bob Rehme who now heads the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. This man is obviously a very important political power in Hollywood
and his connections are probably quite intriguing in themselves.
It is also noteworthy to mention that Mike indicated that he worked with a
special science advisor on the script. Unfortunately, he wouldn't give me the
name of the man. This man was reportedly quite knowledgeable and could
have possibly been a plant of some sort.
Mike told me what appears to be an honest and interesting story. If we assume
he' s truthful, there are two other possibilities that could be at play. One is that
he had involvement in the project itself and was writing from his own
submerged memories. The script process had gone through a labyrinth of
decision makers before it got to him. Maybe he was purposely selected to write
it. The other possibility is that he tuned into it simply by exercising his own
creative process. He is already a creative person and a successful writer who
loves time travel. In fact, he told me that he had scripted a series called “The
Time Police” (but this show has yet to see the light of day).
All of this information opens the door to an intriguing consideration. The very
concept of Time Police implies a manipulation and monitoring of time itself.
Where did the concept come from? Mike says he made it up, just like the script
for "The Philadelphia Experiment". Actually, an artist knows the creative
process goes far deeper and no idea is totally original. If one is locked into
three dimensional time, one will think he is making up ideas rather than
channeling a stream of consciousness.
As will be discussed in other parts of this book, most of us are to some degree
locked into three-dimensional time by programmed thought (if you weren' t,
you wouldn' t be sitting there reading this book). And, to go straight to the
source of it all, who programs such thoughts? Th quickest and fastest answer to
this question is the Illuminati. They are the world famous conspiratorial group
who are deemed to hold the marionette strings to the entire consciousness of
Earth and the universe. Their symbol, the eye in the pyramid, appears on the
dollar bill. Actually, they are more known for their political and economical
conspiracies than for their programming operation or their manipulation of
time. (Manipulating time is the key to their entire facade, and keep in mind
that possible changes in time could have obscured Thorn E.M.I.'s connection to
any parts of this story).
And, who is deeply associated with and sometimes thought to control the
Illuminati? None other than Aleister Crowley! This relationship is discussed in
depth in the book "Masks of the Illuminati" by Robert Anton Wilson (notice
the synchronicity of his surname).
Whatever the case is with Doug Curtis and Mike Janover, there is still a
mystery here which only seems to be breeding. No matter how many denials
come out in the future about this movie and its sources, it will likely raise more
and more questions.
Commissioned by President George Washington, the Montauk Lighthouse
is a popular tourist attraction. It is only a long walk away from the
former Montauk Air Force Base.

Chapter 5 — The Cameron Clan

Before I had met Preston, I was well aware of Aleister Crowley and had read
some of his scholarly works. I thought it was fascinating that he could possibly
be a part of Montauk and that he might be related to some of the major players.
While I was disappointed in my search to find any mention of the Wilson
brothers in Crowley's books, I did find reference to a Duncan Cameron in his
autobiography "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley". The full name I actually
saw was L.C.R. Duncombe Jewell, but Crowley referred to the man as
"Duncan" and said that he was quite proud to claim the name of Cameron. This
Duncan Cameron was eager for a Celtic revival and wanted to unite the five
Celtic nations in an empire.
The discovery of the name "Duncan Cameron" in Crowley's work was
surprising, but more importantly, it led to a data trail which revealed an
amazing synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families.
I continued to search out some of Crowley's harder to find books and hoped
that I could find a Wilson mentioned. I was surprised again when I discovered
the name "Cameron" also appears in the preface of his book, "The World's
Tragedy". Crowley is describing a scene from his childhood and he mentions a
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. They were part of his father's fundamentalist Christian
sect. Other than a bizarre argument, not much is said about them.
As I poked around in more books by or about Crowley, I discovered that his
actual birth name was "Edward Alexander Crowley". He had adopted the name
"Aleister". This was interesting to me because Duncan Cameron first name is
"Alexander" as was his father's. "Edward" is, of course, the name of Duncan's
brother who is now known as Al Bielek. There was also an uncle in the family
who was named Edward. He is a bit of a curiosity as he was extremely wealthy
from a family business but philandered and drank until he ended up as a
homeless person.
These coincidences between the Crowleys and the Camerons were not
conclusive of anything in themselves, but all of this was a definite curiosity.
Next, I happened to be speaking to a friend of mine by the name of Chelsea
Flor and told her about the name associations I'd been finding. I knew she was
somewhat familiar with Crowley's materials. She didn't have any further
knowledge about Cameron or Wilsons in the Crowley family tree, but she did
report an oddity. She said that her sister used to date a man by the name of
Cameron Duncan. He had a twin brother and his father was an associate at
Princeton University (the same place where the theories for the Philadelphia
Experiment were hatched). Cameron Duncan had a strong interest in Crowley
and was believed to have experimented heavily with LSD (a mind control
drug). The fact that he was a twin was also curious because, according to
information I'd learned at a Psychotronic meeting, twins were the best
candidates for psychic (including psycho-sexual) experimentation in certain
secret projects. The Third Reich had also done extensive experimentation with
I asked Chelsea to ask her sister for Cameron Duncan's address and to find out
his twin brother's first name. She couldn't come up with the address as it went
back too many years, but she did find out that the brother's name was
When I next saw Duncan, I recounted the entire story about Cameron Duncan
and he smiled in amusement. He also informed me that this type of phenomena
was not so unusual in his life. Doubles for him have been sighted in Los
Angeles, a local diner on Long Island and in Plattsburg, New York. When I
told his half-brother (Al Bielek) the story, Al simply said, "How many of these
guys are there walking around?" None of this was new to him either.
A yet more amazing aspect of this story is that I saved the best for last. I asked
Duncan if he had anybody in his family by the name of Kimberly. The answer
was his sister!
I continued to find remarkable synchronicity with Duncan's family name. I had
met a lady by the name of Claudia Really who worked at the Starbrite Book
Store on Long Island. While the book was being written, I had told her a little
bit about it. She was very interested because she had an unusual experience at
Montauk when the project was active. She was a leader of a Girl Scout troop
and had seen a UFO there while transporting girl scouts. Although it has not
been addressed therapeutically, she experienced missing time and thought it to
be an abduction.
Upon reading "The Montauk Project", she said that she had always known
someone in her life who had known a Duncan Cameron. The name had figured
in her life in many different respects. It would be seen in store windows, street
signs and what not.
Claudia later introduced me to Joy, a psychic friend of hers. Joy has been
accurate in telling me things about my personal life. I believe her to be very
good in this regard and largely undiscovered as an effective psychic. In another
bizarre twist, Joy revealed that she'd been channelling the name "Duncan
Cameron" for a year and a half and she had no idea what it meant. She had also
gotten the name "Wilson" along with it. In a surprise to her, I was now able to
explain some of the significance behind what he had been channelling.
Joy also did a reading which indicated the Wilson brothers were twins (this was
not the first time I'd heard this!) and were separated early in life. They were
finally reunited in Geneva, Switzerland. She said there was another name
associated with them that was something like "Shell", but she couldn't quite get
a clear picture. I suggested "Shelley" because I associated Geneva with Percy
and Mary Shelley, both famous writers. Joy said, "That's it! Shelley".
I then proceeded to go to the library and research Shelley. I went straight to the
biographies without consulting the card catalogue. There was a big thick book
about Percy Shelley so I picked it up. The author's last name Cameron! I was
dumbstruck. I would soon find out that his full name was Kenneth Cameron,
and he is considered the quintessential scholar on Shelley. Unfortunately, this
book didn't provide much information for my investigation, but it did indicate
that the Shelley's lived in the same time period as the Wilson brothers
supposedly did. The investigation of the Shelleys would lead off in another
direction which I've included in Appendix C for those who are interested. I
didn't include it in the main text as it hasn't come full circle yet. Whatever the
case, the name Cameron was still lurking on the horizon. I was soon to get an
even bigger surprise.
These are not the only instances of synchronicity I experienced with the name
"Cameron", but they are some of the more pertinent ones. The most interesting
one started in August of 1991 when I had seen a book advertised in a
catalogue. It was called "The Collected Essays of John Whiteside Parsons and
was edited by his wife Cameron. I was aware of who Jack Parsons was. He is
mentioned in the prelude of this book and had not only been an integral pan of
the rocket research at Cal Tech but was a student of Aleister Crowley as well.
In 1941, he joined the Ordo Templi Orientis* or O.T.O. He would later
befriend and engage in magical experiments with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder
of Dianetics and Scientology .
* Translated, this means Order of the Oriental Templars or Order of the
Temple of the East. It is a brotherhood that is "dedicated to the high purpose of
securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advaneement in Light,
Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power."
I was very surprised to see that Parsons' wife's name was Cameron. There was
no first name or anything listed in the catalogue. I eventually saw the book in a
book store and bought it in May 1992. I read the introduction and back matter
of the book to find some more information about Cameron whose first name is
Marjorie. The book said that she had served in the Navy in Washington D.C.
and joined Parsons after her discharge. I thought that this was all very
interesting and I addressed a letter to Hymenaeus Beta. This is the titular name
for the person who is the Outer Head of the O.T.O.. I asked if he could obtain
Cameron's address for me. I was going to write her and hopefully fly out and
visit her. I placed the letter in the mail box and proceeded to fly to Los
Angeles that very same day for an entirely different purpose. I was going to
announce the release of "The Montauk Project" to the American Booksellers
Association in Anaheim. This was the location chosen for the 1992 book fair.
I soon noticed a booth that sold Crowley's books. I asked a gentleman there if
he had ever heard of Cameron and if he knew where I could obtain her address.
He was very direct and referred me to another man who just happened to be in
Southern California that very week. I got hold of this man and arranged a
meeting with him. We had a long talk. I gave him a copy of "The Montauk
Project" so that he could read it and understand what my purpose was. He
informed me that Cameron did live in Southern California but that she didn't
ordinarily see people. As we continued to talk, it became apparent to me that
he was indeed the Outer Head of the O.T.O., the very man I had written a
letter to just days earlier. My letter had been addressed to the O.T.O.'s post
office box in New York and I arrived ahead of it in Los Angeles! He requested
that I keep his identity secret which I will continue to honor.
After a few days, Cameron agreed to see me. I was given her phone number in
order to set up an appointment and was surprised to see that her phone number
prominently contained the numbers "666". This was, of course, Aleister
Crowley's code. I knew I was on the right track and it was very exciting.
I won't give away the location of her house, but it created an impression on me
that I will never forget. There was a modest but striking entrance that consisted
of a high bamboo fence and a sitting Buddha. It was like entering a shrine or
holy place. Beyond the entrance one was immediately greeted by the sounds of
a bird that sat in a tree. It was an extremely penetrating sound.
A dog at her porch stood guard. Cameron spoke to the dog, and he allowed me
to enter. Her house was old with trappings that might be associated with the
occult. She was in her 70's and possessed a striking presence. An aura of
immense knowledge seems to surround her. Cameron peaks with a very strong
volition and her words manifest a mastery of occult principle.
We talked for four hours and her stories were quite fascinating. She talked
about the old days with her husband Jack, Ron Hubbard and Robert Heinlein.
She explained that Heinlein's most famous work, "Stranger In A Strange
Land," was based upon Crowley's "Book of the Law." Although Hubbard had
crossed her husband and his ventures had financially wiped Jack out, she said
that she liked Ron. He and Jack had a complex relationship that was not unlike
two brothers. In later life, Hubbard claimed that he had infiltrated Parson's
group on behalf of the Government in order to break it up. Church of
Scientology officials have claimed this from time to time but the general press
have been quick to refute it. Cameron said it wouldn't have surprised her if
Hubbard had been a spy as he came from Naval Intelligence. She had also
worked for the Navy and said that she had considered the possibility that she
had been sent to Parsons on a similar basis. Whatever the case, it seems that
someone in the military was very interested in Jack Parsons.
Cameron said she used the name "Cameron" simply because that was her last
name and that was what she was called in the Navy. She wanted to make it
stick. She was also interested that I had such a strong desire to find out about
her family name. The Cameron clan was very important to her family legacy.
Her father had told her that before she passes on, she should go to Scotland and
be surrounded by Camerons. It would be an essential experience for her.
Cameron also mentioned that she had worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
had a very important position of influence. She met Churchill and all the heads
of state that visited the country. The head of the Scottish military requested a
special audience with her when he heard that her name was Cameron.
Somewhat to my surprise, she had not heard of the Philadelphia Experiment.
The Montauk data was new to her as well. I proceeded to give her a quick
synopsis of the entire story and synchronistic circumstances between the
Crowley and Cameron families.
When I finally finished my story, I began to feel a bit uneasy. What if she had
nothing to add? I had already sacrificed an entire day at the book fair and had
risked making a nuisance of myself during the entire quest. Was this a dead
Strangely, I felt there was no place in the entire universe that I would rather be
than sitting there and talking in her kitchen. I felt strongly that she held some
key that would unlock the mystery I was pursuing. It also occurred to me that
whatever she might say would be totally unexpected. I told her exactly how I
felt and waited for her reply. Hopefully, I would not be disappointed.
Cameron was silent for a short while. My whole being was riveted on whatever
she was about to say. Finally, she said that it was interesting that I had
mentioned the name "Wilson" (when referring to the Wilson brothers) because
her actual name wasn't Marjorie Cameron. It was Marjorie Wilson. She was a
Wilson! And so was L. Ron Hubbard. His name was Wilson, too!
I was too shocked to respond.
Does this man look familiar to you? He is Duncan Cameron, born on June 29,
1951 and had extensive psychic training by secretive agencies. He manned the
Montauk Chair during the Montauk experiments and also remembers traveling
between 1943 and 1983 during the Philadelphia Experiment.
ALFRED BIELEK is Duncan's half-brother and was previously known as
Edward Cameron. He remembers being aboard the "USS Eldridge" with
Duncan during the Philadelphia Experiment, jumping overboard and landing at
Montauk Point.
Also known as Duncan Arnold, he fathered Duncan and Edward Cameron.
Duncan Sr. is a curious enigma because of his mysterious connection with the
intelligence community. He spent a lot of time building sailboats and traveling
to Europe and is believed to have smuggled German scientists into the U.S.
Scientist and author, Preston was recognized by many employees from the
Montauk Project before he investigated it himself and broke the story. He
continues to investigate the phenomena of Montauk and also maintains his own
electronics business.
Chapter 6 — The Wilson Clan
Cameron said that her father's original name was Hill Lesley Wilson. He
became known as Hill Lesley Cameron because he was adopted by an uncle
whose name was Alexander Cameron. Unfortunately, she couldn't remember
his middle name.
She explained that the Wilson clan was a subdivision of the Cameron clan.
Cameron also said that the Camerons had descended from the Gunn clan, the
oldest clan in Scotland. The Gunns came from the Odins who had come over
during the Viking period. This perhaps explains why the Camerons were
known as the "fiercest of the fighting clans". It also reveals that they have a
definite Aryan root.
I was surprised to consider that Hubbard could be a Wilson. Oddly, Cameron
has a striking resemblance to Hubbard. And it's not just the fact that they both
had flaming red hair. There is a facial resemblance. I asked her how she knew
about Hubbard being a Wilson, but she wasn't sure. She remembered reading it
somewhere. I checked this out and discovered a reference in a book entitled
"Bare Faced Messiah" which said that Hubbard's father, Harry Ross Hubbard,
was really a Wilson and that he had been adopted by a family named Hubbard.
I also discovered that Harry Ross Hubbard was born in Iowa within a hundred
miles of the birth place of Cameron. It is also ironic to note that Duncan did a
reading (before any of this experience of mine) which said that he had some
sort of connection to Iowa.
I would later return to the Outer Head of the O.T.O. and tell him about the
resemblance between Cameron and Hubbard. He just laughed and said they
both came from the same batch!
All this was extremely fascinating, but it left me perplexed as to what it all
meant. In one respect, my quest had come full circle. This entire experience
validated Preston's memory about the Wilson brothers. It may not have proven
it on a court of law basis but even the most dense would observe a
synchronicity that is beyond ordinary belief. The Wilsons, Camerons and
Crowleys were inextricably connected by some workings which could best be
described as magical.
I believe the entire experience can be best explained by what happened next
(which I only realized during the writing of this chapter).
Cameron showed me a copy of a quote by Jose Arguelles, the author of “The
Mayan Factor”. It indicated that after July 27, 1992 synchronicity would step
up and play a much bigger role in all of our lives. It would continue to increase
and is a sign of the times we are living in.
I said good-bye to Cameron and went immediately to a phone booth to call the
Arcuri family. These are old family friends who I grew up next door to and
hadn't seen in sixteen years. I got on the highway and drove straight for my old
neighborhood where I'd lived almost thirty years earlier. I was totally amazed
that I was able to drive exactly to my old street without any directions or
getting lost. I'd moved from the area when I was ten and had never driven in
Southern California prior to this trip.
I was expecting to see huge trees as it had been thirty ears since I had lived in
the neighborhood. It was astounding to me that all the trees that had grown
over the ears on the parking strips had been removed and little ones had been
replanted. It looked just like it did when I had resided there. It was the same
magical place of my childhood and it had an extremely pleasant and stunning
time warp effect.
Not only was I coming home to my oId neighborhood, the entire experience
with Cameron was a homecoming, too. My Scientology experiences had come
full circle in a sense and I was also getting to the bottom of a very deep
Montauk connection.
It then became obvious to me what the whole importance is behind the entire
Montauk story. It is the harbinger of a grand homecoming. We have the
opportunity to come home and regain our inheritance. Our consciousness was
ripped asunder eons ago. Analogies about this can be read in the Holy Bible
and sacred texts from many other sources. The Age of Aquarius has mandated
that we will recover the lost knowledge of millennia. Hence, the holocausts of
the past are coming to view and we can regain our birthright as fully conscious
spiritual beings. But, the work is not yet done. We have to pull back the
Wizard's curtain like Toto did in the Wizard of Oz. And, at this stage, the
Wilson brothers would seem to be at least two of the wizards behind the
According to psychic readings and memories, Preston and Duncan would be
incarnations of the Wilson brothers. And while they are wizards in their own
right, they are certainly not capable of having all the answers in their present
state. It would therefore seem that the Wilson brothers are lost parts of their
entire soul bodies, existing in other dimensions and occasionally leaking
through (perhaps quite purposely) to the third dimension. And, on a broad
level, we all probably have our own "Wilson brother" parts that exist in other
dimensions of existence. We will come into contact with these other
dimensional soul-parts of ourselves as we fully integrate with the entire
Although the above is philosophical and is probably fairly accurate, we have to
continue to pull back the wizard's curtain in the physical realm. Accordingly, I
stumbled upon a rare book in New York City. It was entitled "The Secrets
Aleister Crowley" by Amado Crowley. My first reaction to this book was that
it was by a crank. I hadn't heard of Crowley having any sons. But when I
looked through it, I was surprised to see a man named "Wilson" mentioned in
the book. I bought it and read it. Unfortunately, there was no information
about the Wilson brothers, but I found the book quite interesting in that it
portrayed a side of Crowley that I'd always suspected but had never quite seen
in print. On a deep and subjective basis, I thought the book to be accurate but it
is not my position to pass judgment on the legitimate genealogy of the Crowley
family. Synchronicity was definitely at play and that is most important.
I wrote to Amado Crowley via the publisher and asked him about the Wilson
brothers and if he'd heard of them or if they were related to the Wilson
mentioned in his book. It took several months for him to receive the letter.
Finally, after all hope of hearing from him had vanished (there were more
postal delays en route to me), I received Crowley's reply.
He said that the Wilson he'd referred to in the book was not a member of the
same Wilson family, but he did know of the Wilson brothers. They had
actually existed. According to Amado Crowley, the Wilson brothers were
intimate with Aleister and with Grandfather Crowley (Edward Alexander).
They were also on close terms with the writer, H.G. Wells, who may have been
influenced by them when be wrote his novels about time.
Interestingly, be also mentioned that he understood that the twin brothers were
physically sterile. This would at first seem to indicate a dead end as there
would be no descendants from which to obtain information about them.
However, it does provide a further clue for those who are familiar with the
principles of magick. First, it will be necessary to explain some of these
principles and relate other stories about Montauk before we can try to solve the
mystery of the Wilson brothers.

Chapter 7 — Magick and

Now that we have completed our journey into the occult, it is important to give
a brief understanding of how magic relates to psychotronics and the work that
was done at Montauk. The study of the occult is essential to understanding
what happened there.
Crowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in
conformity with Will." Magick is parallel to science in that both recognize that
natural events follow one another invariably without the intervention of
supernatural causes. The entire order and uniformity of nature underlie both
For example, if one wants to use Magick to gain a fortune, one would study the
nature of fortunes and the natural laws concerning such. The practitioner would
then align himself in proximity with these forces and accordingly be the
recipient of such. It goes without saying that one should of course study
himself in detail and be sure that it is indeed one's natural course to obtain a
fortune. If not, one could be scorched or suffer accordingly in regard to the
principles of nature. Hence, stealing would not be without its consequences.
Magick departs from conventional science at a very key point. Science
understandably measures the universe in terms of quantity. When a scientist
can't measure something, he won't consider it because it has no basis for
existence according to his system. His investigation will pursue no further.
Magick, on the other hand, continues on from that point. It is definitely a
rarefied art form in its higher levels. Magick is said to be scientific at that level
but it is hard to communicate the principles in terms of ordinary language and
common Earth experience. Accordingly, it becomes an esoteric subject and is
usually mastered only by initiates.
We can build a bridge from conventional science and magick when we realize
that we live in a multi-dimensional universe(s). If this concept cannot be
grasped empirically or through direct experience, it can be arrived at by logical
progression. For example, if there are three dimensions, it stands to reason
there would be at least a fourth. Traveling around on a piece of paper and
talking to two dimensional beings might be frustrating. They would likely
think you are crazy talking about a third dimension. There would be no way
they could experience it without rising to the third. This is a similar analogy to
our world and the fourth dimension. The higher realm cannot be isolated
simply by using the tools of the lower dimension.
Although scientists routinely use mathematics to measure the universe, they do
not seem preoccupied with the fact that mathematical principles are entirely
absolute and have no existence in this three dimensional universe. That very
"absolute universe" of mathematics is integral to our survival in today's world.
Therefore, we can give credence to other universes besides our physical world.
As science ordinarily only measures in terms of three dimensions, it becomes
necessary to go beyond that. This is what the study of the occult is actually all
about: going beyond the realms of ordinary experience.
It is intriguing to one's own personal being that one could conceivably take a
being from the fourth dimension (or an even higher state) and make them think
they could only respond to ideas of a three dimensional nature. This is simply
programmed thought and is the exact antithesis (opposite) of creativity.
All of this makes it abundantly clear that it is the Godlike and angelic (both
creative) forces that take us to the higher dimensions and that is the satanic and
demonic forces that approach the lower domains. It is theologically satanic to
argue on behalf of three dimensions only.
Magick properly concerns itself with quantity, just a regular science does, but it
also embraces quality, which could be considered the quality or character of
life itself in all its myriad manifestations.
In the Philadelphia Experiment, it was the human factor that suffered. Humans
were thrown out of this dimension and their references to ordinary reality
suffered accordingly. The human factor equates to the character and quality of
life. All of these weird and secretive experiments have run amok because they
have not accounted for the human factor. All of this brings us to a very good
question. What is the character and quality of life itself?
The answer to that question would seem to be in the question itself. Life is
character and quality. Human beings have a particular nature and character that
are not quantifiable. It is this dichotomy which results in technological
nightmares where you find Science versus Man.
The closest bridge between science and spiritual beings could be observed in
the field of psychotronics. There, man can be measured to some degree. His
individuality can be recognized by specific frequencies and wave lengths. Such
frequencies would not necessarily be the individual for absolute purposes but
would be the manifestation of the individual for practical or technological
With psychotronics, one can tune in to a specific frequency and snare it,
thereby also snaring the individual. It is done by isolating the specific
frequency and wave length and jamming it or otherwise perturbing its freedom
of motion. This would make the individual (as actually observed by the change
in frequencies, etc.) change his signature or basic characteristics. He would
have to change them if he didn't want to be continually bombarded by the
jamming frequency. This means that the person would be changing himself and
therefore would no longer be himself. If he was further induced into adopting
frequencies that were controllable or suggestible, he could easily become a
controlled person.
All of this can be easily brought to mind if you imagine a petite ballerina who
is floating across a room in sacred dance. She is being her natural self. If she is
bombarded by aggressive and coarse wave lengths (which can be found in
certain coarse noises), she would stop dancing and cover her ears. Her dance
would become impossible. She would become obsessed with covering her ears
so as not to hear the noise. Finally, she would become deaf and degraded to a
point where she wouldn't want to think about dancing. Dancing could even
become associated with being painful. A woman who had been indoctrinated in
such a fashion would probably jump at the opportunity to become a mundane
middle class housewife. That's quite a relief compared to being hammered with
a "buzz saw". But, in this case, it's a far cry from being or manifesting her true
This illustrates how humans can react to electronics with the principles of
magick ever lurking in the background. When the order of life is enhanced,
such magick can be considered white. When the harmony and order of life is
reversed, one is dealing with black magic.
Magick is a deep subject and it is not the place of this book to go into it in
depth. Those who are interested can study it in different texts.
We will now return to the real life people and unfolding drama concerning the
Montauk Project.

Chapter 8 — Mister X
In an earlier chapter I referred to a Mr. X who claimed he had been involved in
the Montauk Project. He'd supposedly managed a huge portfolio that financed
the operations and also worked in the area of procurement. According to
legend, his work was crucial to obtaining the technology from the aliens for the
Montauk chair.
At our meeting, Mr. X said he would not be able to divulge any more
information about his own role. He was nervous so we proceeded to talk about
other things. I asked him about the photo of Preston with the Wilsons brother
which Mr. X had supposedly seen, too. No new information would come forth
on this subject, but he had some very interesting things to say about Aleister
Crowley and Montauk.
Mr. X said that Crowley was actually manipulating time back in the teens and
twenties of this century. He was able to go backwards and forwards in time
through a purely magical basis. Further, Crowley was also familiar with
principles of levitation and was known to have spirits materialize in both sound
and physical form.
One of the reasons Crowley was able to travel in time, Mr. X explained, was
that he was not locked to any dimension or illusion. This is not new to the
subject of metaphysics and has also been performed by other psychics and
trance mediums who actually get into a symbolic state. This would be an
altered state of consciousness where they would read information like the
akashic records. There is a level beyond the akashic which deals with entities or
energy forces that go into other bodies or go into other dimensions (or
existences). Crowley was able to go beyond the set norm and project himself
into different planes of existence. Thus, he was not only ahead of his time but
was exterior to time itself.
At this point in our conversation, the possibility occurred to me that Crowley
was creating worm holes from the physical realm to other realities and back
again. Perhaps even the bizarre manipulations at Montauk and in Philadelphia
could have been elaborate physical deployments at the behest of simply one
very powerful magician. It is highly ironic that The Beast was Crowley's own
chosen logo and that this was the materialization that appeared at Montauk.
Crowley was notorious for finding ways to get attention, and in some ways this
book could be considered an elaborate advertisement for his work. That is
definitely not the intended purpose, but his connection and synchronicity to the
entire project cannot be denied.
Mr. X and I had now reached an understanding and it seemed that he had
wanted me to know exactly what Crowley's role was. I also think that it is
interesting to note that he spoke about this subject with an authority that is not
usual to his normal manner.
He also said that the Catholic Church had a tendency to make a story much
grander than it actually was and therefore manipulate people. Crowley was
operating on an even higher level. He was bringing in pagan deities and energy
forces (sometimes black or negative) that are all a part of the collective
unconscious (could also be called preconscious or simply imagination). This is
the same unconscious where angels and religious visions come from. Crowley
went beyond the artificially contrived boundaries of the Church and state and
was not in agreement with the machinations which kept the masses ignorant.
He dealt with pure magic and knew it on an intuitive level that was both deep
and experiential.
Mr. X concluded our discussion by admitting that he was frightened. Crowley
had remarkable powers and ability which few others possess. He thought of
Crowley as a wild joker who was romping around and having a good time
without regard to how it might affect us. I recognized this joker aspect as "The
Fool" from the tarot deck. This is the wild creative impulse that started the
whole universe. It is a creative force that creates willy-nilly, on whim and
without regard to consequences.
After this talk, I searched through books trying to find out if there was any
documentation on any of this. Mr. X seemed to be sharing some sort of private
data base so I didn't really expect to find any in common literature. I concluded
that there might be something to find in 1923. That was twenty years prior to
1943 and coincided with the twenty year biorhythms of the Earth that were
explained in the first book. I had a great deal of difficulty finding any
reference to 1923 and where Crowley might have been. I eventually gave up
the search.
Finally, I arrived at the doorstep of Maria Fix, my psychic friend. Although I'd
made an appointment with her, she was surprised at my arrival and asked what
I was doing there. She seemed to have her schedule mixed up. We were just
supposed to go over various information about Montauk when she suddenly
said, "I know why you're here!"
She whisked me away in her car to a friend of hers who had a whole case of
books, most of them by Aleister Crowley. Some of them were rare books that
I'd never seen before. Upon taking them home and scouring through them, I
found a book entitled "The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley". This book
contained a diary for one year only: 1923!
I immediately looked for the entry for August 12th, the day the Philadelphia
Experiment took place. This date and the 13th were missing. Almost every
other day had an entry. Reading the diary indicates he may have been sick
during these days. Someone else suggested these entries were purposefully
omitted. Whatever the case, it was extremely rare for Crowley to omit writing
in his magical diary on any particular day.
As a side note, Crowley also mentions in these diaries that he picked up an odd
colony of blisters while at Montauk and they stayed with him for at least five
years. No further mention is made of Montauk in this book.
None of this research through his diaries properly documents Crowley being
involved directly with the Montauk project. It only leaves us with another odd
instance of synchronicity. I did, however, find something of interest in another
In the book, “Eight Lectures on Yoga,” Crowley makes it very clear that he
understood the subtleties of electromagnetism and how it interfaced with
gravity. He was far beyond the mundane scientists of his day (and ours, too).
He also is on record for stating that space is "finite yet boundless" and was
amused that Einstein would shake the world four years after his own public
statement by detailing the very same point with mathematical formulas.
Crowley's understandings were not just from his own brilliance. He had been
schooled in sacred geometry and many other alchemical disciplines from
ancient orders. The scientific crowd that heralded Einstein toed the line of the
establishment and were coming from an entirely different quarter.
It has long been said that science can only hope to arrive at what religion has
known for millennia. Crowley, being steeped in all sorts of religion and
mythology, would seem to be a prime example of that old saw. He was ahead
of everyone.
None of this information should be considered as a glorification of Aleister
Crowley. He lived as a human and died as a human. If we believe the
information trail he left, he had very severe shortcomings as a human being.
His scholarship was brilliant beyond belief. In this book, I have attempted to
relay some of the best aspects of the man as they seem to be the most
important. They also tie into the story.
Before we embark on the next part of the book and read Preston's entries, it is
important to note one other thing that Crowley pointed out in “Eight Lectures
on Yoga.” He lectured to an audience that science is a closed system because it
does not assign human values to its description of the universe. If values form
an integral part of reality, it seems strange that science gives a consistent
description of phenomena which ignores them.
This brings us right back once again to the human factor that was abused
during the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project. This is the most
important factor in the universe.
A view looking east on Montauk Highway about seven miles from Camp
Hero (the old Montauk Air Force Base). The main strip of Montauk is
only about a quarter mile long. The town branches out in different
directions with many hills and gullies.

Part 2 — by Preston B. Nichols


Introduction to Part 2 — by Preston

B. Nichols
I have been investigating and talking about the Montauk story for over a
decade, and while it is not my intention to convince anyone of anything, there
are important developments that have occurred that I believe are in the public
interest to know about. You should make up your own mind as to their relative
truth and what should be done about the information presented.
What will be relayed in this section of the book are events that I have
experienced since the writing of "The Montauk Project". These will reveal a
larger scenario to Montauk than just myself and Duncan.
I am particularly concerned about the group we refer to as the Montauk boys.
For those who do not remember, the Montauk boys were those who were
programmed with psychosexual mind control techniques. The following
information concerning them was initially arrived at by interviews with various
people who had been part of the project. Duncan's readings also played a big
part in figuring out what was going on. A major breakthrough with the psychic
investigation of this project came when I came into contact with a man who
had supposedly programmed the boys. He was sent to prison after he began to
work with me and his real name has been withheld to protect him and his
family. I will refer to him as Stan Campbell in this book. Without his
cooperation, it would have been extremely difficult for me to have acquired all
of the following information concerning the Montauk boys.
First, I will give an overall description of the Montauk boys project and follow
that with the bizarre events I experienced with Stan. Finally, I will go into
another strange encounter which led to an investigation of the history of the
electronic transistor and alien involvement in such. As the story flows, it all
strongly points to the Montauk Project being active today.

Chapter 9 — The Montauk Boys

Back in the early 1970's, the Montauk group became interested in
programming children. According to legend, gray aliens picked up about fifty
kids and delivered them to Montauk. They would then be programmed and
separated into three groups: ages 6-12, 13-16, and 16-22.
The first group, after they were processed, and if they survived the processing,
were placed into two separate subgroups. One would go to the grays for genetic
experimentation. The other subgroup would be programmed and put back into
society. Sometimes they would return to their original family; other times they
would be inserted into a new family.
The idea with these younger children was to have them assimilate into the
population. They would be groomed to be normal pillars of society and would
go to college and become lawyers, doctors, politicians or whatever. These
people are sleepers in the sense that when the secret government wants to
activate them, they will be on call. They could be answerable on both a
psychotronic/hypnotic basis or verbal command. The plan is to activate them
when chaotic times come so that they band together into vigilante squads and
go after government enemies. Their instructions are not specific other than to
go after anyone believed to be anti-government and to commit general
destruction against anti-government grouping.
The second two groups, ages 13-16 and 17-22, were also used for genetic
material and for infiltration into society, but their programming was for more
immediate results. Again, those programmed were placed into two subgroups,
if they survived the programming. The first were a hit squad of mindless
assassins. These particular agents could be set up and triggered to go after one
particular person. The second subgroup was called "The Disrupters" and they
were the spearheads for the satanic movement and similar style cults. Their job
was to organize and subvert on an immediate basis as opposed to the younger
kids who were long range sleepers. In some cases, the older youths, ages 17-22,
were also groomed to be slave workers.
The programming of all these youths started in 1973. but there have been
suggestions that it was going on at Brookhaven (Brookhaven National
Laboratories on Long Island) much earlier. The reason they looked for blueeyed
blonds has to do with a psychic genetic factor believed to reside in the
Aryan race. This is an ancient occult doctrine that has to do with the different
root races on planet Earth and is parallel to the interests of Hitler and his
researchers. There were also some with darker hair and skin but most fit the
Aryan look.
The programmers concentrated on three particular ages: 9, 14 and 19. Each of
these was considered a peak age. They would put the kids in a room stark
naked. Radio sensitive electronic paraphernalia was placed on their genitalia
and a diabolic program was started where they would be treated brutally, not
unlike a Pavlovian dog. These kids would be beaten to within inches of their
lives until they were mentally broken, conscious-less hulks. Many died. Those
that were able to survive it became extremely suggestible in the extreme.
While the kids were being broken, rod like antenna structures were placed in
the room. I believe this was an alien device that was designed to pick up the
patterns of fear and hopelessness. Someone was apparently recording these
patterns. The boys that died were analyzed and had certain body parts removed.
These body parts were significant because of the state they were in when the
body died at the height of fear. UFO folklore has it that the gray nation is very
interested in our fear. It has been suggested that they harvest our fright. At
Montauk, it is possible that this kids scenario was originally set up by the grays
for their own purposes. It is also possible that they suggested it and the
Montauk brass did it for their own purpose.
Once the kids were broken, they were sent to a programmer who would then
rebuild their minds in the way that those in charge wanted them rebuilt. The
entire subconscious would be reconstructed from the ground up. The minds
were always programmed for a particular purpose. Then, they would be let
loose on the world.
MONTAUK MYSTERY CLOSETS Around the neighborhood of the
Montauk base there are different small structures with doors, such as the one
above. They sometimes are equipped with red lights which might be part of an
alarm system. Some have speculated that they could be entrances to the
underground, but we are not absolutely sure. The structures are a mystery.

Chapter 10 — Stan Campbell, CIA

In 1991, I was asked to appear at a lecture in the New York metropolitan area.
I was invited by Elaine Donald, a practicing psychic who was the hostess for
the evening. After the lecture was over, she asked if I could give a ride home
to one of her students. His name was Stan Campbell (fictitious name). Based
upon what I now know, this entire meeting could have been a setup.
Stan was quiet during the lecture but wanted to discuss things afterwards. I told
him to save it for the ride home. There, he let loose, describing problems as an
abductee, problems with the Government and consequent legal difficulties. He
had been accused of embezzlement but didn't remember doing it. Although he
recalled opening bank accounts and getting money from somewhere, he wasn't
sure exactly what he'd done. Generally, he talked of all his life problems.
Before we got to his house, he said he'd like to work with me. I eventually let
him off and agreed to see him at a future date.
As I began to work with Stan, I found him very cooperative. In fact, he was
suspiciously cooperative. I observed that his mind was almost total mush. He
would unquestioningly do anything that was asked of him. There was no doubt
in my mind that somebody had seriously violated this man. I heard all sorts of
stories about him going to different UFO groups. He also told me about seeing
a psychiatrist and a particular bad experience at an encounter group which had
been conducted like an inquisition.
I took most of what he said at less than face value. He was paranoid, his mind
was weak and he virtually had no will of his own. He was very hard to work
with so I suggested we use some of Wilhelm Reich's methods. (These are
methods of accessing a person's subconscious which are much deeper than
ordinary hypnosis. They were used at Montauk and by other secret mind
control operations.) He said fine. The first thing I noticed was that he
responded to them as if he'd been trained with them. For him to respond the
way he did, I would normally have had to work with him for a couple of
months to get him to that level. This told me right away that he'd had
experience with these techniques. Although he claimed he couldn't remember, I
am sure that he was trained in the Wilhelm Reich methods.
As we worked, Stan began to come up with UFO abduction experiences. In a
nutshell, he had apparently been abducted by various alien groups. He also had
recollections of abductions by human types (allegedly government personnel)
in UFOs.
Eventually, Stan started to remember activity with the CIA. In the early
1980's, he had received a phone call at 3:00 A.M. with someone requesting that
he apply for work at the CIA. He was told to report to a specific place and fill
out application forms. Subsequently, he was requested to go to the New York
Institute of Technology and take a test. He was contacted again and told that he
extremely well on the test. Then, he was told to report ro a particular hotel (I
recall it being The New Yorker) under an assumed name and that there would
be a room waiting for him. He gave a false name, was given a key and went in
and waited. Stan said the room was suspicious because it was next to a utility
closet and there was a mirror on the wall next to the closet. He was fairly sure
that there were cameras and surveillance equipment behind the mirror. After a
while, the phone rang and a lady came up and gave him a battery of
psychological tests.
He returned home and was eventually contacted again. He was told that he'd
done very well on the tests and that he had to report to the final testing section.
This unit was in Virginia in a town I remember being called Crabwell Corners.
There, he went to a Holiday Inn. He was sure it wasn't open to the public
ecause it always had "no vacancy" signs yet there were any never people in it.
Each room had car keys and other things that went along with it. Stan was
given another fictitious name and told to go to a room on the second floor and
wait. A number of people came in and did more tests. During the tests, he was
sent from one room to another. The whole experience was very strange and he
didn't remember half of it.
The "testing" was odd, to say the least. He remembered waking up stark naked
with his rear end up in the air. A lot of times different parts of his body would
hurt. Three out of the four days he was there, his anal opening hurt. This was
about all he remembered. He was eventually told that the testing was complete
and that he should go home and wait for further instructions.
After two or three weeks, Stan grew impatient and called a number that had
been given him. He was told that he wasn't needed at this time, but the agency
would keep everything on file.
All of the above was his conscious recollection. His wife has also indicated that
he was involved with an application for the CIA, but I'm not sure if all of this
was some sort of a hoax and she was in on it with him.
In my opinion, the only proof of any of this is what he remembered under the
Reich method. In certain trance states, unless you're heavily trained, it's almost
impossible to lie. These states I am referring to would be much deeper than
general hypnosis and lying under them would be similar to lying under truth
serum (sodium pentathol or the like).
While in such a trance state, Stan went back to the time he applied for the CIA
at the New York Institute of Technology. He recalled nothing unusual there or
at the hotel he had stayed in during that trip. But when he go down to the hotel
in Virginia, he recalled an incident where two guys came to his room at 10:00
A.M. They told him to get undressed and rolled him up in a rug on the floor.
He was then put in a stretch limo trunk, driven to a wooded area, taken out of
the rug and told to sit in the back seat of the car. From there, the two guys
drove him to an old castle estate. There was a big entrance room with a man in
the middle who registered them. They went over and pushed a button on the
wall. It opened and Stan was popped into an elevator. After descending down
what was thought to be two or three levels, the elevator doors opened to a
room about twenty feet square.
In the center of the room was a table with a foam cushion on it. The top was
hollowed out for a human form. There were actually two cushions so that one
could lie face up or face down. Stan was put on his back. Then, a device came
down and inserted something into his navel. It hurt like hell as there was no
At this point, he started to recollect shock "therapy". Different programs were
recalled. One was to go into a major corporation whereupon he'd be hired on
the spot to be a financial officer. The corporation would be expecting him.
There, he'd misdirect funds outside the corporation for Project MALTA, which
signifies "Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives". He was diverting funds
for the carry on of the Montauk Project in Europe which is situated in the
Alsace-Lorraine mountains.
Before Stan left, another panel opened up and there was a gray alien who
ducked as if he didn't want to be seen. Maybe he did want to be seen. No one is
quite sure. Whatever that was about, someone decided that they had to get him
back to his room at the Holiday Inn by 4:00 P.M., and they did just that.
Apparently, something else was happening at that time.
It was at this point that Stan's recollection stopped. He couldn't go any further
as it was too upsetting.

Chapter 11— The Devil’s Chapter

When Stan told me he was involved with Montauk, I was not surprised. In fact,
I had suspected that he'd been at the base at some point. On different occasions,
he reported waking up and seeing a man's face in the window. This face stared
and laughed at him. This we upsetting to Stan and when he met Duncan he
recognized that it was Duncan's face. Meeting Duncan was like a nightmare
walking right into reality as a real live person. We concluded that Stan must
have been a target from Montauk and that he somehow must have psychically
put together the identity of the man (Duncan) who had generated the forms that
were bugging him. I would shortly find out that the psychological connection
between Stan and Duncan went much deeper.
Eventually, we asked Duncan's information source (this refers to a
metaphysical information source) if Stan could come over. Duncan's reading
said that Stan was not a security risk. But first, we decided that it would be
desirable for Stan to take control of himself because he was evidently under the
influence of alien life forms. Actually, he was under the control of quite a few
different aliens. We worked fairly fast and feverishly to put Stan in control.
Stan was able to channel the aliens directly. He would do a genuine
transchannel with the alien entity speaking directly through him. Duncan and a
friend named Peter (not Peter Moon) verified that there was something
speaking through Stan that was not Stan himself. We eventually got him to the
point where he was in control. He could command who and what came in. At
that point Duncan's information source indicated that Stan could come to
Space-Time Labs.
As Stan came to Space-Time Labs for the first time, he had emotional troubles
as he approached the place. He broke down and cried and started to remember
his involvement with the Montauk boys. He said that he was originally picked
up by gray aliens in 1973, taken out to Montauk and put through the early
Montauk boy program.
It was realized by the Montauk program directors that Stan had some psychic
resonance with Duncan, but he was diverted from the program and became a
liaison. He became one of the directors in charge of disciplining and breaking
the kids. The retrieval of this memory explained for him why he had
compulsions at times to be rough with his own kids. He was acting out his life
from Montauk. Ordinarily, Stan is one of the most mild mannered people
you'd want to meet. But he says his kids will drive him to the point where he
becomes like a commandant. He was visibly shaken up by this realization and
wanted to undergo a psychic trance to see if what he thought was valid. This
was accomplished and approached from many different directions. He kept
coming up with the same thing which meant that it had actually happened or
that it was a learned response.
What Stan described under trance fit in with what other Montauk boys had
described. There was the mention of a five sided room in what appeared to be a
damp underground. He described a cage made out of heavy meshed chicken
wire (which can be seen out at Montauk today and has been recorded on my
video "The Montauk Tour"). He spoke of bodies on tables that were practically
in suspended animation, waiting to be programmed or waiting to be sent back
after programming. There was also mention of bodies being sent back with big
burn holes in the center of the chest and gut. Duncan had spoken about this
before but not in the presence of Stan. This was a completely independent
account. Now, Stan's information was jiving with Duncan's. There was now no
question that they had known each other. Consequently. we delved deeper and
In what is perhaps the most dramatic and sensational recall that I have ever
witnessed, Stan had a recollection of being on the planet Mars and giving
something to a robed figure on Mars. He was asked to go back slightly before
this incident whereupon he found himself being programmed on a table at
Montauk. He was in a chair that had some sort of electroshock setup with a
helmet. Stan recalled putting the helmet on and going into an electroshock
response that he was now reliving. The next thing he saw was a rectangular
opening appearing above the table where they had done the programming. He
was sucked right up into the rectangular opening and found himself dressed in
early Jewish robes about the time of Christ.
The next thing Stan knows, he's in the time of Christ. His mission, as he
remembers it, is to go find Jesus and do two things. First, he's supposed to
remove a sample of blood and then he's supposed to kill Him. He finds Christ
and Christ greets him in a most surprising fashion. He said that He knows what
Stan is there for and He even volunteers to give him the sample of blood. But,
Christ indicates that He is not ready to die yet. He tells Stan that he will not be
able to kill Him. Operating on his orders from Montauk, Stan then reports
emptying a revolver into Christ without phasing Him.
The whole experience might have lasted for ten hours in terms of Montauk
time but Stan felt that he had been in the time of Christ for about two months.
We believe that Stan may have somehow become Judas or walked into his
body. Somehow, it seemed that he assumed the identity of Judas, betrayed
Christ and arranged for His death as reported in the Bible. Again, this was all
on order from Montauk.
None of this is terribly clear. It is also highly controversial from a religious
point of view. I am simply reporting what was recalled and am offering it as
raw data. I will add my own conclusions and the reader is invited to do the
Stan reported that he brought a vial of blood from Christ back to Montauk. He
didn't want to give it up and continued to hold on to it. Then, he felt a burning
and the blood "went through him" like an exorcism. He was subsequently sent
through a portal to Mars and told to hand over the blood to Christ who he
would find on Mars. Stan then emerged out of the underground on Mars and
saw a mountain range. Near a mesa, in the corner of a group of rocks, stood a
tall thin figure who looked like Christ in robes. He walked over and nervously
extended the blood to the robed figure. As the figure accepted the blood, he
looked up and Stan now saw the face of Duncan Cameron, masquerading as
Christ. Duncan stood there frozen for a number of minutes and Stan took off.
The time context of this is not known but we guess that it is late July of 1983
because of some incidents that Duncan has additionally reported on.
Stan then went back to the Martian underground, popped into the vortex and
returned to Montauk. There, he was told that they wanted the blood because it
could be mixed into Duncan's bloodstream in such a manner that Duncan
would have the same DNA blood coding as that which is on the Shroud of
Turin. This could then be used as an argument (quite falsely) that Duncan is
the second coming of Christ. Whether the exact details of the incident are
accurate, this aspect of the story rings true because Duncan's training (in his
current body, born in 1951) had groomed him all along to be the Antichrist.
Stan and Duncan had many similar recollections completely independent of
each other which indicated the incredible story I have just told to be true on
some level. What is perhaps the most ironic part of all this is that it offers a
plausible explanation for why the Montauk Project was crashed. In the first
book, I only reported what was known at that time. Somebody had activated a
program in Duncan that released Junior (the beast) and frightened everyone
into stopping the entire project.
According to what we've been able to put together, Duncan had been trained to
be the Antichrist. He can remember the training and is very uncomfortable
whenever the subject is brought up. It can even trigger a severe reaction. None
of this information is new.
It should also be noted that there are twelve major mystery schools on planet
Earth. Each of these secret societies has their own agenda and each is
concerned with the fostering of the Antichrist. This is an extremely complex
subject loaded with conspiracies. I'm not going to go into it here, but it will be
touched on later in the book.
What apparently happened during this ridiculous and perhaps unprecedented
manipulation of time is that the powers at Montauk were trying to usurp the
very power of God. Christ, as the representative of God, got the last laugh. His
blood was wanted for diabolic purposes, but He reversed the entire process.
The blood ended up having a cleansing effect on Duncan and changed his
entire personality. Before that incident, Duncan was conceited and arrogant.
Afterwards, he became quite a nice person. His first order of business was to
meet with a cabal of people at Montauk who would sabotage the project. An
arrangement was made to release Junior and the Montauk Project became
inoperable. Although it is still active in some form today, the Montauk
operatives are not believed to have anywhere near the capability they had in
The previous story sounds as weird and unusual to me as it probably does to
you. If it bothers you too much, please reread Chapter One and try and
understand it within the context of mythology. It has been reported because it
came up in the due course of my research. I did not make it up, and I don't
believe Stan did. It also check out with Duncan' s information source. The
important point is that it indicates the Christ consciousness prevailed and saved
us all from possible manipulation by the Montauk Project. Mankind can be
saved from devastation and there are higher forces at work that we can align
ourselves with.
Meanwhile, Stan had a serious real life situation to deal with.

Chapter 12 — Stan Goes to Jail

I continued to work with Stan after we discovered the strange incidents
surrounding Duncan and Mars. Suddenly his legal problems escalated. He had
been accused of embezzlement of funds from the Charles Food Company
(fictitious name), a major corporation on Long Island. As the comptroller for
this company, he was the key financial officer and had the ability to transfer
large sums. His whole legal case was surrounded by strange circumstances. I
will give a brief description of these before I continue the story about his legal
problems. Some of the information has been contributed by AI Bielek.
The Charles Food Company's connections to Montauk run deep. They are also
deeply tied into the mob. Some believe that Charles is a front agency that the
secret government uses to handle all sorts of problems. It is believed that the
Charles Food trucks used to go all over Long Island and pick up youngsters for
the Montauk programming.
When Montauk crashed in 1983, there were plenty of kids from the
programming that had to be taken care of. The weren't simply abandoned on a
wholesale basis although we're sure that some were. A financial trust fund was
set up to handle the kids but this eventually ran out of money. Stan
was then selected to handle this problem, apparently by the CIA. He was
indoctrinated, as previously discussed, and sent to the Charles Food Company
in about 1985. There, he was ordered to take the job of Comptroller and
continue certain clandestine financial arrangements which were already se up.
One of these was to withdraw laundered money from Charles and send it to
Germany to keep Project MALTA (the continuation of the Phoenix or
Montauk Project) going.
Stan was also told to set up a new trust fund for the kids. The money was to be
placed in his account by Charles and he would set up the trust. This was a
crucial mistake on his part as it made him vulnerable and culpable if anything
should go wrong. His masters knew exactly what they were doing.
Surprisingly, Stan balked at his orders and became hard to deal with.
Al Bielek remembers hearing of a meeting where Stan was being raked over
the coals for not setting up the trust. The money just sat there in his own
personal account. He was specifically told that it was his task to set up the fund
and that was why he was at the Charles Food Company in the first place. Even
though he was allowed a 1 percent management fee for all the monies
transferred, he continued to be obstinate. Finally, his masters had enough and
he was nailed for misappropriation of funds in 1988. On the advice of his
attorney, Stan pleaded guilty to bank fraud. This plea was offered in lieu of
being prosecuted for embezzlement of about $400,000.
In a strange twist, the Government had postponed sentencing because Stan had
agreed to cooperate with a case against the Charles family for income tax
fraud. An "honest' faction of the Government was prosecuting Charles for their
own reasons. Stan's defense hoped to show that he didn't commit the
embezzlement other than as a stooge for the Charles family. There were
allegedly millions of dollars embezzled out of the corporation. The money Stan
"took" was from a S400,000 stash which was essentially his cut of it. This
means that the entire sum misappropriated would have amounted to some
During this period, Stan described receiving threatening phone calls and
Molotov cocktails were thrown in his driveway. I even remember my mother
reading the paper about a house in Stan's town which had one or two Molotovs
thrown at it. It actually did happen. The Charles family was probably trying to
frighten him and keep him from testifying against them.
In the meantime, the Government got mad and strung out the case. He would
be notified months ahead that his sentencing would be on such and such a day.
A day or two before the sentencing was to take place, Stan's lawyer would call
and say that it had been postponed again. Sentencing would again be in a
couple of months. Then, just at the point where he began to remember his
involvement in the Montauk Project, he gets a call and is told that he's going to
be sentenced that Friday. This was highly unusual because prior to this he'd
always had a month or so notice. Now, he was scared.
Stan went to a meeting with his lawyer and claimed that black helicopters had
been circling the building. His lawyer was real nasty and told him that the
sentencing bad been postponed for a couple of days. At this point, I began to
threaten over the phone (which I know to be tapped) that if Stan was locked
up, I would go and prove the Montauk Project as much as I could and also go
public on my involvement in the Moriches Bay UFO crash (I helped to shoot"
it down when I worked for BJM by jamming its drive with the appropriate
frequencies — a whole other story). Stan returned to his lawyer's office after
we made the threats and was told that the sentencing would be in two weeks.
The lawyer was suddenly very nice and "goody-goody”.
Next, Stan was hauled into court and the lawyer did a very good job of
explaining what had transpired. He said that the prosecuting attorney had not
been able to fulfill the Government's part of the deal (as far as getting Stan off
the hook for assisting in the tax evasion case against the Charles family).
Additionally, the Government said there was nothing further to be pursued.
Stan's lawyer wanted a mitigated sentence because two years had lapsed since
legal proceedings had commenced.
The judge was sympathetic and said that he personally agreed that the case had
been totally mismanaged. Unfortunately, it was out of his hands and he said he
had to go by the guidelines given to him. He then asked the prosecuting
attorney if he would agree to a lesser sentence by putting this man on
probation. The attorney said that under no circumstances should Stan be put on
probation. He should be locked up with the maximum sentence. The judge then
indicated he had no choice. If he were to rule in favor of probation, the court
above him would overturn his ruling and he would get in trouble. The judge
then followed his guidelines and took the different points of the case into
account. He sentenced Stan to thirty-three months in prison. Parole could be
granted after eleven months. He was given thirty days to straighten out his
I had tried to keep Stan out of prison by making threats over the phone.
Judging by the reaction of his attorney, it did seem to carry some weight, but it
obviously didn't work out the way I had hoped. The strategy now became to let
things slip and maybe the prosecution would suspend the sentencing. We
thought that this plan might be working because there had already been many
postponements of his sentencing. Stan actually had about three months between
sentencing and prison. The federal marshals kept telling him they couldn't find
a place to put him. Then, I heard something very interesting through the
grapevine. A guy in federal prison camp at Danbury, Connecticut told me that
Stan was proposed to go there but they didn't want him because there was too
much controversy around him. More delay ensued.
Our next strategy was to try to keep someone from brainwashing him while in
prison. It was at this point that John Ford got involved. John is the head of the
Long Island UFO Network and was instrumental in the investigation of the
Center Moriches UFO crash. John set Stan up for an interview on Geraldo
Rivera's "Now It Can Be Told" program and also arranged publicity
nationwide. This way, the Government wouldn't dare monkey with Stan.
At about the same time, John quite innocently introduced Stan to a woman who
we will refer to as Mary Snodgrass (fictitious name). She was an abductee who
turned psychic and had a good reputation working with abductees. John also
knew she had excellent connections, but he didn't know for sure what those
connections were.
Mary knew exactly how to push Stan's buttons. It was almost as if she had a
whole profile on Stan right in front of her. She literally took Stan and totally
changed him. This turned him around one hundred eighty degrees. First, she
got him to refuse the publicity. Then, she got him to believe that the incidents
he remembered were real but were only in his mind. According to this account,
Stan was never physically anywhere. Mary maintains a theory that there are no
physical abductions but only mental ones. She prepared him for prison and he
called her everyday during this period. Mary literally became his "manager"
and was talking to Stan more than his own wife.
Finally, Stan Campbell was sentenced to the federal penitentiary in Ashland,

Chapter 13 — Stan is Silenced

It is interesting to note that some of this information might not have come to
light in this book except for a strange occurrence that happened with Peter
Moon. Peter had never met Stan and was skeptical as to whether Stan had any
real connection to Montauk at all. He thought the Christ story was interesting
and that it had great dramatic and mythological value whether it was "true" in
the physical sense or not. Stan's story turned out to be a bit deeper than he
In the autumn of 1992, Al Bielek called Peter Moon and told him that he was
coming to Long Island soon. He wanted to know if there might be any
speaking engagements available even with extremely short notice. Peter said
there wasn't enough time but that he would make a few calls. His first call was
to Elaine Donald, the psychic who introduced me to Stan Campbell. He didn't
know Elaine but had her business card and knew she organized lectures. She
informed Peter that she had too much UFO subject matter lately and that Al
wouldn't fit in with her current program. She asked some questions about the
Montauk book and wanted to know if he knew Stan Campbell. Peter said he
didn't and she said that Stan was a very dear friend. She wanted Peter to visit
her in New York because she had some things to tell him that she couldn't say
over the phone.
Peter visited her and they generally got to know each other. Then, she wanted
to know what he knew about Stan. She was told the Christ story mainly as
Peter didn't know the details of Stan's embezzlement. Elaine said that all the
things that Stan came up with were under the influence of the drug Prozac and
that he wanted nothing to do with Montauk. First, she insisted that his name
not be used in the book. Peter readily agreed to this but she went a step further
and said that none of the information that Stan came up with should be used
either. It was all pure hallucination and/or delusion. She was trying to convince
Peter of something.
Next, Elaine said that Peter should call Stan at prison. Stan could then tell him
that the Montauk information was all fabrication or delusion, at least as far as it
concerned Stan. Peter explained that be didn't know him and that he would
have no way of knowing if the person on the other end of the phone was
actually Stan. Besides, he wasn't interested in talking to him because it
wouldn't prove anything anyway.
Elaine then insisted that Peter call Mary Snodgrass, the therapist who had
worked with Stan. As you can imagine, Peter knew something very strange was
going on. These people were going to a lot of trouble to convince him that
Stan was an unfortunate soul who had been on Prozac and was heavily
manipulated at the hands of Preston. The final straw came when Peter pointed
out to
Mary that Stan could have been brainwashed in prison. Mary said that she was
assured by the prison guards that Stan wasn't brainwashed. That was her proof
and Peter was very amused. He commented to her that it was good evidence as
prison guards have impeccable reputations and are never prone to lie. She
agreed and carried on with her conversation, but she missed the sarcasm
entirely and lost complete credibility in Peter's eyes.
After getting off the phone with Mary, Peter explained to Elaine that they were
digging a deeper hole the more they talked. He even warned them that I might
go all out to prove all of this did happen as a result of their trying to convince
him. Elaine then blurted out something that was extremely non-sequitur. She
said that Stan spoke eight languages and that when his briefcase was
confiscated by the CIA en route to Israel, it had been a case of mistaken
identity. Peter hadn't heard about the CIA or any trip to Israel and was amazed
to hear that Stan spoke so many languages. It occurred to Peter that she might
have been programmed or told to deal with some trip Stan took to Israel for
the CIA. None of us know what that was about but it indicates strange business
was going on.
Peter returned home and called me that same evening. He insisted on visiting
myself and Al Bielek the next day and wanted to get the full scoop on what had
happened with Stan. He was now convinced something of a highly irregular
nature occurred. He tape recorded the meeting and what you have already read
is the edited version of that conversation.
As he was concerned about Stan and his family, he wrote to Stan in prison and
asked whether or not he stood by his previous information and wanted his real
name in this book. Peter received a strange reply less than a month later. In a
carefully worded letter, Stan disavowed any of the information that he had
given me. Further, he held me up to ridicule and did not want to be associated
with the book in any way. Curiously, he indicated that he had learned the real
truth behind the so called Montauk Project and said that he would some day
reveal it. If this is so, we would like to know what exactly he learned and who
taught it to him!
Stan's letter was read by a few psychics. Although none of them denied that
brainwashing did occur, none of them focused on this point. They all focused
on the point that Stan was a deeply disturbed individual and had guilt
associated with the project.
Peter would speak to Mary Snodgrass once again and would find out that Stan
was a model inmate. He was teaching the other prisoners and served in a
leadership role. Ironically, it was the same sort of supervisory job that Stan had
described for himself at Montauk!
It's now been over a year and Stan was not released from prison as early as
normal probation might allow. After all, he was never considered a violent
criminal. I believe that he is toeing the line or that he has been worked over
heavily. He doesn't want to endanger himself or his family any more than he
already has. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when he is finally
released from prison. Before he was put away, without any prompting, he
swore that he would not recant what he had experienced.
Almost as soon as Stan departed for prison, another oddity began to lurk on the

Chapter 14 — Alien Treaties

I made a very interesting discovery in 1992 that broke ground for me in
understanding how the electronic transistor was developed. This is one other
story you won't find in the typical "history of science" textbooks.
First, I will explain the legends of treaties between the Government and
different alien groups. These treaties are referred to as legends because there
are no copies to show you. I'm not even sure if they exist. I can just tell you
what I have heard through the grapevine from countless conversations. The
pertinent point, and the only reason I would mention this, is that these legends
will serve to help understand the nature of what has occurred with the
development of the electronic transistor.
The first treaty between aliens and the U.S. Government was supposedly signed
in 1913. I don't have any information on it other than it involved World War
The second treaty was signed somewhere around 1945 to 1947. This was
supposed to be an alien technology exchange of some kind. Rumor indicated
this exchange was with aliens that referred to themselves as the "K Group".
The K Group had been alarmed by the dropping of the atom bomb and wanted
the world to disarm from nuclear weapons. They apparently feared what
mankind might do. There was an agreement that nuclear devices would be
abandoned in return for other technology. Of course, this treaty was not
adhered to by the humans and the K Group totally abandoned us.
The third treaty happened when the Regelian grays came and contacted the
Government. These grays said they could help us, but they wanted us to help
them as well. They desired certain technology. According to what I'm told, this
treaty was agreed upon sometime between 1951 and 1954. We are currently
under this treaty although the grays have violated it from time to time.
I believe that alien contact was made in 1946 because of the document which
you will see in Chpater 16 entitled "The Surface Barrier Transistor". Notice
that it uses the term "crystal valves" in 1946. They were subsequentIy called
semi-conductor triodes. Finally, in 1948, the devices became known as
transistors. This is where my discovery about the transistor begins.
Chapter 15 — The Legend Behind
the Transistor
The history of the transistor begins with a corporation known as the E.T.
Company. It was a fully legal and valid corporation and came into being in the
1950's. You can see their logo in Chapter 16.
There is a gentleman I know who did some lab work at the E.T. Company in
about 1960 or '61. I refer to him as Klark, and he is the same Klark that was
mentioned in "The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time". He knows the
character Dr. Rinehart who claimed to me that he was John
on Neumann, the technical director of the Montauk Project. I also suspect that
Klark might keep an eye on Rinehart in a professional intelligence capacity.
I generally believe about 90 percent of what Klark tells me because his stories
are sometimes quite fantastic. I'm quite aware that people may say the same
thing about myself. This is simply a professional hazard for those who work on
or have worked on secret projects.
Klark once told me an interesting story about the E.T. Company. He said that
he worked under a gentleman by the name of Herman Anapoly who was also
an instructor at the RCA Institute (which is now called the Technical Careers
Institute). Anapoly had sworn on a stack of Bibles that in about 1952 or '53,
Philco had acquired a government contract from the Navy to set up a special
area in the back of the Philco lab. There was extremely high security in this
area. Tall thin men dressed in black trench coat were observed to enter the
secure area. They also wore odd hats that draped over their faces, leaving holes
for two eyes but little else. Anapoly swore to Klark that when they took off
their coats and hats, they were actually five foot grays. These aliens taught the
personnel to produce a crystal amplifier that became known as the Surface
Barrier Transistor.
In an attempt to verify Klark's story, I called the Technical Careers Institute
and discovered that there was actually a Herman Anapoly. He taught transistors
and at one time was fully employed at the ET. Company. He eventually
retired, started teaching and worked part time at the E.T. Company. So far,
Klark's story held together but it didn't prove alien involvement. It had to be
taken with a grain of salt, but I did file it away in my memory. It would prove
very significant when a new development took place years later.

Chapter 16 — The Surface Barrier

In 1984, I made my now famous excursions out to Montauk Point, taking apart
various equipment and carting it off piece by piece. As I took things apart, I
noticed an oddity. There were about 300 solid state transistors hooked up to the
transmitter. This is surprising because solid state technology (which is what
transistors are) do not lend itself well to the esoteric technologies with which I
was familiar. (For those who are more technically minded, I will say that solid
state technology does not lend itself well to the linear amplification of potential
etheric technology. Based upon what I knew, I wouldn't have expected any
solid state devices to be placed in the analog path of the transmitter). I was
familiar with vacuum tubes which are more common when dealing with
matters of time and space. To this day, I still do not understand the entire setup
they had out there.
I yanked out all the little transistor boards and took them home. At the lab, I
carefully took the devices off, pulled them out of the mounts and looked at
them with a magnifying glass. I recorded the number on the transistor and
looked it up in my transistor manual. It said "Type SB". Referring to the
legend in the manual, I discovered that "SB" meant "Surface Barrier". What in
the hell was a Surface Barrier? I'd been around electronics a long time and had
never heard of it. I was only able to turn up one paper on the Surface Barrier.
It turned out to be fifty pages long - a very interesting widget indeed.
My next step was to try and find a Surface Barrier Transistor. I tried to find a
Surface Barrier Transistor and called everybody under the sun but was not
successful. Finally, I would discover the truth about this device. That occurred
in 1992 when I received a call from a Dr. O (fictitious designation). He is a
brilliant naturopath and an expert with cures for AIDS through the use of
ozone. He showed up at a Long Island Psychotronics meeting out of the blue
and informed us all about the conspiracy concerning AIDS and the medical
profession. This is an entire subject all to itself, but it is not the subject of this
book. What is significant is that Dr. O invited me to meet a friend of his by the
name of Joe Pitone (fictitious name). Joe is a senior executive at Orion
Diversified Technologies and was quite friendly. Dr. O thought it would be
good for Joe and I to meet each other as we could possibly help each other out.
I was subsequently escorted around the plant and saw a mountain of transistors,
diodes and other electronic instruments. Lo and behold - I saw literally
millions of Surface Barrier Transistors! I told Joe that I was interested in them
as they involved esoteric technology and they would prove useful in my
research. He said that we could possibly make some arrangement. I took home
a sampling and put them on my tester. These were indeed Surface Barrier
Transistors as per the manual.
As I was testing, Duncan walked in the lab and looked at the front page of the
catalogue that I'd received from Joe. It said "E.T. Company." He thought that
I'd concocted some sort of joke and that "E.T." was meant to stand for
"Extraterrestrial". I told him no, that is the name of a real company. Suddenly,
I remembered what my friend Klark had told me about working for the E.T.
Company. I called him immediately.
"Yes, that's the name of the company I worked for," Klark said.
All along, Klark had been giving me more information than the papers on the
Surface Barrier Transistor revealed. He obviously knew more. This also
validated his story that he had actually worked on them in the 1960s. He
basically analyzed them and tested them in the lab.
Klark also related stories from that era. He said that the company joke of the
day was that "E.T." stood for "ExtraTerrestrial". I reminded him about the
story of Herman Anapoly saying that aliens had worked on the transistors.
Klark swore that Anapoly had indeed said this was true.
I asked Duncan to do a reading on the transistors and he said that they were the
key to opening the time barrier. There was also free energy, sometimes
referred to a Tachyon energy, in the transistors.
In addition to Duncan, I called Al Bielek in Phoenix and asked him to do a
reading on the transistors. He hadn't been told any information from the earlier
reading. I was keeping things very quiet because I didn't want to say anything
until I could have the devices under my control. I was afraid some competitor
might try to buy them all up.
Al indicated that the transistors went right back to the alien technology
exchange. He said the original alien device was in a plastic package about a
half an inch in diameter and had eight leads coming out of it. It consisted of six
of these SBTs ganged together in one packet. His read said literally that the
aliens had come to us because they were having reliability troubles with these
things in their craft. The SBTs drove the levitation of the power crystal. Now,
it all began to make sense. A spacecraft requires free energy and control of
gravitational waves. If you're dealing with these factors, you've literally got to
have an opening into space and time. This is exactly where the SBT fit in.
It is also interesting to note that I was pronouncing Joe Pitone's name
incorrectly. When I had spoken to Klark, he corrected me on the
pronunciation. This convinced me completely that Klark had worked at the ET
Company and that he in fact knew Joe Pitone. Klark asked that I not mention
him to Joe.
I went back to see Joe Pitone and said that I had a friend who worked for the
E.T. Company quite some time ago. I told him the story about the initials of
"ET" standing for "ExtraTerrestrial". I asked if it were true and he got almost
bug-eyed. He was silent and bug-eyed for about a minute. I knew then that I'd
struck a nerve. He finally admitted that it had been a major rumor. He said that
he didn't know if it was true.
About two hours later I went to him again and said, "Come on, Joe, tell me. Is
the alien involvement in E.T. Company true?"
He said. "Yes. it is, Preston".

Chapter 17 — History of the

Electronic Transistor
After Joe admitted ET involvement with the company, I proceeded to do some
corporate research. I looked at the corporate structure of the E.T. Company
and found out that they started as a bunch of rebels. They flourished and built
up quite a business. Eventually they acquired too many bean counters and went
into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Joe, being the major stockholder, ended up with
the company in his hand. He reorganized it and renamed the company Orion
Diversified Technologies.
The next thing I sought to find out was where did the name "Orion
Diversified" come from. This was very suspicious as legends had persisted that
the alien group from Montauk was from Orion. The reptilian race from Orion
is also popular in much New Age literature. Whatever the case, there is no
denying that there is a real company that is actually named "Orion Diversified"
which grew out of the original E.T. Company. It is all a matter of legal record.
Joe claimed that his daughter actually made up the name "Orion" for the
company. To me, all of this is too much to be a coincidence. Although the
name is very tongue-in-cheek, it is a further indication of alien involvement.
Now, if we look at the bottom of the first page in the first column of "Surface
Barrier Transistors", we see at the top of the footnotes: ''The research leading
to the development of the Surface Barrier Transistor was supported in part by
the Bureau of Ships, Dept. of Navy under contract number, etc. For those who
don't know, common legend has it that the alien technology exchange is
supposed to filter through the Navy. The Navy applies the technology exchange
through the Naval Research Laboratory. This fits in as one more piece of the
If we look at the original manuscript on the SBT, we find that it was received
on October 14,1953. I consulted several UFO experts that I know and asked
what happened about this time period. They uniformly said that a year earlier,
in the summer of 1952, the White House was buzzed by a massive fleet of
UFOs. This is documentable history and is even reported in the newspapers of
the period although they have a tendency to water down the sightings
considerably. There are pictures though and a serious researcher will find
convincing evidence. The buzzing happened for a while and then ceased. The
Earth was then contacted once again by the aliens. It is at this point that they
gave us the Surface Barrier Transistor.
Now, let's go back to the genesis of the transistor. Crystal valves (or
amplifiers) carne out in 1946 from Great Britain. The transistor as we know it
today came out in 1947. This was occasioned by a discovery at Bell Labs. The
key scientists who claimed the discovery were named Shockley, Pearson and
Hayes. A man named Osborne headed a group of people who were invaluable
in marketing the transistor.
If we go to the last page of the Surface Barrier information, we see the
transistor semiconductor triode came out in 1948. There is an interesting time
sequence here.
Next, let's assume that we did pop off the first atomic bombs and the K Group
aliens got very upset about it. What would they do about it? Threaten Truman?
More likely, they would have told the President that they didn't want him to
make any more bombs and to abandon the project entirely. The K Group
would have offered a new technology to replace the atomic efforts but still
place the U.S. as the world leader. A treaty was then signed for an alien
technology exchange.
The first order of business was to get away from the cumbersome vacuum tube.
The Government took the project up to AT&T Bell Labs so that their think
tank could have a look and do some research. The aliens showed Shockley and
company how to take a compact diode, use it as a detector and eventually make
it into a crystal amplifier. Keep in mind that the early name for the transistor
was a crystal valve.
I have some very early transistors in my collection which are designated as
"221s". These are one of the very first transistors. They come packed in a little
cardboard case. On it, it says "military part #221, crystal amplifier". It does not
say transistor. This was made in 1946.
How did the name "transistor" come about?
Shockley and his crowd developed the crystal valve (the basics being supplied
by aliens) so that it was easily reproducible and fully marketable. This seemed
to be their main contribution. Osborne handled the business end and spun off
the first company that would market transistors. These partners chose the name
"E.T. Company" believing that the alien contact was going to be common news
after a few years. When that happened, the name of the company would be
changed to the ''Extra-Terrestrial Company" and they would have a monopoly
on that name. Osborne wanted to play on that, but they weren't going to call it
"Extra-Terrestrial" to start off with. They couldn't claim they were E.T. based
so they brainstormed for names that used the initials "ET." The ''E'' was easy.
That could stand for "electronic". "T" required a little more imagination. A
crystal valve is sort of like a translator and sort of a like a resistor. The word
"translator" doesn't quite fit. Instead, they came up with the word "transistor"
(translator + resistor) because it starts with a "t" and also describes the object.
In researching this, I found out that no one had the facilities to manufacture
transistors. There was only one exception and this was a group in Orange, New
Jersey. I found out the original plant the E.T. Company used was the Western
Electric plant that was used for making semiconductors. This is all very
interesting because Western Electric was a major contractor to the Navy for the
Philadelphia Experiment. Osborne had actually helped to start up and then spin
off a manufacturing division of Western Electric. The name ''Electronic
Transistor Company" was incorporated at the outset because they didn't want to
be accused of having a monopoly as Western Electric.
By the early 1950's, the E.T. Company had come alive and was making
transistors for everybody. Bell Labs introduced the transistor through their
channels. The Institute of Radio Engineers, which today is the Institute of
Electric and Electronic Engineers, did the same. This list goes on and on. The
E.T. Company made the transistors and the others sold them.
Subsequent to this, the E.T. Company was given information on how to make
point contact transistors and what are known as alloy transistors. This bolstered
their business for a while but the company would eventually run into trouble of
a most unusual nature.

Chapter 18 — Alien Technology

Exchange and the Orion Connection
As the transistor industry developed, the Government continued to make
atomic bombs and build up the nuclear arsenal. Eventually, the K Group
showed up and they were understandably very upset. They wanted to know
what was going on. The K Group was told by the Government that nuclear
weapons were needed to keep the upper hand in the world situation. They
wanted to have their cake and eat it, too. Atomic power and the alien
technology exchange meant not only military domination of the world but
superior electronic technology. The K Group was not pleased and left.
Fortunately for us, they were not hostile.
The Government's decisions in these matters is certainly open to criticism,
however their choices had been complicated by the Roswell crash of 1947.
There, the military had discovered human body parts in an alien craft. This was
not the K Group, but Truman was reported to be very upset. What were these
"advanced beings" doing with human body parts?
The Roswell craft was studied, at least what was left of it. There were actually
two crafts and one was somewhat intact. They learned what frequencies the
aliens communicated at and also some of the alien language. Big radio
transmitters were turned on and the military kept sending out the
communication, "We want to talk to you".
The next thing that happened was that the sightings became more numerous
and crafts were seen flying about Washington. The aliens indicated a
willingness to talk and there was a meeting. Truman wanted to know why they
were picking up body parts. I believe the aliens gave an excuse. They might
have said something to the effect that they were trying to clone a human.
An agreement was reached that included the technology exchange. The aliens
had trouble with some of the equipment on their ships and they wanted to find
someone in the galaxy who could produce equipment for them. This equipment
primarily consisted of the Surface Barrier Transistor. The aliens would receive
a cheap and effective labor source and the humans would get alien technology.
That is the point in the story when the Regelian Greys appear in the plant.
The story I got from Joe Pitone was that the production of the SBTs would
stop, start up again, stop and follow this sort of pattern.
Al Bielek worked at Singer HRV. He remembers them making some kind of
weird electronic counter-measure receiver that used the Surface Barrier
Transistor. While he was there, Singer called up their supplier, the Sprage
Company, to order some more SBTs. Suddenly they were not available. What
had happened?
Investigation showed that it was Sprage that actually had a major contract with
the Government to sell the SBTs. This contract had been subcontracted out to
the E.T. Company. Sprage had been ordered to shut down the entire line. Not
only could Singer not get their SBTs, the ET. Company was now stuck with a
half billion transistors that they had already produced for the purpose of
Sprage's government contract. They had unsalable merchandise on their hands
and were told to scrap it. The E.T. Company wanted to be compensated for
what they had produced and decided they could change the number on the
SBTs and sell them under their own name. They were told by the Government
that they couldn't do that, and if they did, they would be held in treason.
The E.T. Company was understandably upset and negotiations continued. It
was finally decided that Sprage would pay the E.T. Company for all costs to
produce the transistors. They would then be destroyed or scrapped as per the
Government's direction. In a cabalistic turnaround, meetings were held at the
E.T. Company. They surprisingly decided that the transistors would be shelved
and put away for a rainy day. The Government would assume they had been
The company eventually ended up in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. That means the
company is protected from it creditors so that it can reorganize its management
and become viable. The company was renamed Orion Diversified and Joe
remained as a key executive. The company has since emerged out of
bankruptcy and is functioning a a government contractor once again.
I was introduced to Joe as the company was getting its act together. The SBTs
were still in storage and Joe asked me to have a look at them. I took some
home and asked Duncan to do a reading on them. He said that these transistors
were key to bending time because of their esoteric properties. We would need
about 150,000 of them. According to Duncan's reading, these were part and
parcel of a time machine. I also discovered that the SBT had healing properties
that were even stronger than the Tachyon energy beads that are popular in
Japan. These properties were demonstrated with kinesiological testing by
Bernice Louie at a Long Island Psychotronics meeting.
I went back to Joe and told him I would like to have as many transistors as
possible. These were still a hot item as far as the Government was concerned
and he seemed anxious for me to have them. I worked for him in an
engineering capacity for several weeks and we had agreed to work out some
sort of barter arrangement. My time could compensate for the transistors.
Within a short time, a bushel of transistors were mIssing from his warehouse.
What happened next continues an even stranger mystery. It is best not told by

Part 3 — by Peter Moon


Introduction to Part 3
The fact that Preston even met Joe Pitone was highly ironic. The working
relationship eventually abated but the time period was highly dramatic and was
not easy for Preston to deal with. In hindsight, it appears someone was setting a
trap for Preston in an effort to bring him back into the Montauk fold.
I will relay what happened with Orion Diversified as I found myself in the
middle of the fireworks for a short period of time. This will be followed by
corroborations of the Montauk Project and further experiences that have
occurred from that time until the completion of this book (Summer, 1993).

Chapter 19 — Orion Comes Alive

I first heard about Joe Pitone shortly after "The Montauk Project" was first
published. Preston had given a lecture at the Long Island Psychotronics chapter
on the subject of the Surface Barrier Transistor. He also talked about Joe and
the E.T. Company.
Shortly after the lecture, Preston called and informed me that someone was
interested in doing a movie. My first reaction was that this was all extremely
premature. I definitely expected to see this story taken to the screen but this
was too quick. The book was hardly in the book stores at that point. I asked
him who the interest was coming from, and he told me that it was from Joe
Pitone and a certain Dr. O. This sounded almost comical to me as these are far
from being professional movie makers. Preston also told me that a major
director had read the book and the projected cost to make the movie right
might be $50,000,000. Preston also explained that Joe is worth about
$50,000,000 on paper. He owns many different companies and is juggling
things all the time. This was paper worth though and certain deals would have
to come through before he could cash out.
This also seemed very odd. If someone had fifty million, why would they want
to invest it all in a risky adventure like a motion picture? I was already
suspicious of Joe because of Preston's story about the transistor. My main
concern was that someone might try to buy the rights to the picture and never
release it. This is a common axiom in Hollywood: buy up and suppress movies
that express the truth or expand the consciousness and put out schlock.
By this time, Joe had also become friends with Dr. O. He showed up at a
Psychotronics meeting one night but wouldn't give me his name or tell me
where he lived, only that he came from Florida. I would later find out that he
was security conscious about the ozone machines he sells. As
mentioned earlier, ozone is purported to be extremely effective in the treatment
of AIDS and Dr. O is alway looking over his shoulder for the FDA or AMA.
The machines are sold only as water or air purifiers and they are expressly
forbidden to be used for the treatment of any disease. For some strange reason
(probably because it works!), people use them to treat diseases. Dr. O doesn't
do anything illegal by selling the ozone machine purifiers, but he is ever
cautious. His friend, a valid medical doctor, has a clinic in a foreign country
that administers ozone treatments. This friend was shot at and his house was
burned to the ground. Consequently, you can understand Dr. O's hesitancy to
reveal personal information about himself.
I got to know Dr. O by advising him on how to publish a manuscript he had
written. I also found him to be the most knowledgeable person I'd ever met as
far as knowing effective treatments against bodily afflictions. His information
resulted in medical miracles for me and my family which I will not elaborate
on. Consequently, he became a good friend.
It seemed very odd to me that Dr. O suddenly showed up at Psychotronics and
introduced Preston to Joe Pitone, the man who just happens to have all these
surface barrier transistors. I told Dr. O that this was too much of a coincidence
when you put all of the other circumstances together. Dr. O just laughed and
said that Joe is just a regular guy and doesn't have any "strange" connections.
He said that Joe was a boarder in his mother's house when they were much
Preston set up an appointment for me to meet with him and Joe in order to
discuss the movie rights for "The Montauk Project". Upon meeting Joe, the
first spontaneous thought that ran through my head was that this man was an
alien. That was a totally subjective thought — it just came out in my mind. I
didn't vocalize it to him.
Joe is in his 70's and looks very good for his age. He can be quite a gentleman
and is also an excellent story teller. As he spoke about his interest in the movie,
it came across totally differently than what had been told to me previously. He
was interested in acquiring the rights to the movie and showing it on his
balance sheet as an asset for reasons that are too complex to go into. A quick
payout could probably have been arranged, but neither Preston nor myself were
eager to make a deal. Joe made it clear that he is not a movie maker, but that
he has connections to Orion Pictures. I pointed out that Orion Pictures was
under Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. He acknowledged this was true and
told an interesting story. Joe said that Orion Diversified emerged out of
Chapter 11 bankruptcy after court proceedings on April 29, 1992. The next
court docket that day was Orion Pictures entering into Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
He claimed there was no connection between the two companies. The
synchronicity in these matters is certainly odd. He just happens to know
executives at Orion Pictures!
Joe went into the possibilities and options in detail and he definitely seemed
knowledgeable about such matters. He said that if he couldn't get involved in it
directly, he would at least help us make the best possible deal. Supposedly,
Orion's bankruptcy (which they have since emerged from) wouldn't hurt the
deal. Things could be structured so that there would be no liability of the
movie not being made. We all agreed to keep talking and while interest in a
movie has been generated from Japan and in other quarters, nothing has
happened with Orion or Joe Pitone. But something of a far more intriguing
nature was beginning to develop.

Chapter 20 — Montauk Comes Alive

Earlier, it was mentioned that a bushel full of surface barrier transistors was
found missing from Orion Diversified. This had happened just before I had
visited the plant. While I was there, Preston gave me a tour and took me to a
work bench in the corner. There was a piece of paper which said. "We can get
in any time we want."
This indicated that someone was playing games. Presumably, some faction of
the secret government knew Orion had these contraband transistors and were
flexing their muscle. There was no evidence of break in so this was either a
high security job or a teleportation.
In the meantime, Joe had given Preston a tremendous amount of SBTs. He
wanted Preston to test them and tell him which ones were good and exactly
what sense he could make out of them. According to Preston's story, a barter
arrangement was to be worked out whereby Preston's time would be paid for
by giving him SBTs at a price to be determined later. At this point, Preston
discovered that these transistors possessed Tachyon energy. This mean that they
had healing powers. Anyone who is at all sensitive can notice a definite
vibration that these transistors give off when they are held. They have been
tested on many different people. Preston actually analyzed them and
determined how they were made. (He considers this proprietary information so
please don't ask for the formula).
After Preston's discovery, all hell seemed to break loose. Suddenly, a huge
misunderstanding arose. Orion suspected Preston of having taken transistors
that Preston understood he was supposed to keep in lieu of payment.
Preston was mystified as to what was going on. He knew I was friendly with
Dr. O and asked me to talk to him and get a feel for Joe's position. I
subsequently invited Dr. O to my house and we had the first of what were to be
many bizarre conversations.
As he sat in a lawn chair, he mentioned that he had been reading the "Montauk
Pioneer" and noticed a review of "The Montauk Project" in it. The "Montauk
Pioneer" is a small weekly that has extremely limited circulation.
How did you get a copy of that paper?" I asked.
He told me that he got it out at Montauk. I asked him what in the hell he was
doing out there, and he explained that he goes out there all the time. This is
about a two and a half hour ride so I wanted to know why he went out there.
He said he liked to pick the grapes out there because they are excellent. This
was almost as funny as it was weird. I pointed to an abundance of grapes in my
own yard and told him he wouldn't have to go out there anymore. He could
pick all he wanted.
Dr. O then surprised me again by telling me that he also goes out there to visit
his wife. This was odd because his wife lived with him and her job was nearby.
Why would she go out to Montauk? He said she liked to go out there, rent a
motel and just visit because it was so nice. I would later find out there was a
woman who fit Dr. O wife's description that worked as a bartender on the base
when it was functioning. She had the same first name and was the same age,
but I have not been able to establish whether they are one and the same person.
I presented the whole scenario to Dr. O and said I thought it was extremely odd
that he showed up out of nowhere and just happened to connect up Preston
with Orion Diversified and all these top secret transistors. He emphatically
denied that there was anything unusual or secretive about Joe Pitone. I pointed
out that Joe had connections to the carting industry (garbage) on Long Island.
And for those who do not know, anyone in the New York area who deals in the
carting industry had better be approved or sanctioned by the mob. If you don' t
believe me, try opening up a competitive business and see what happens.
Dr. O acknowledged that Joe had connections in this regard but that he clearly
stayed away from any illegal activities. He also said that Joe was a heavy
mover and shaker as far as politics were concerned and could get things done.
Still, Dr. O wouldn't bite at my suggestion that all of this indicated an even
stranger involvement.
I continued to be quite frank with Dr. O. I told him that I'd even asked a
psychic (that I know to be accurate although not foolproof) to read on his own
involvement. This psychic indicated that Dr. O was a dupe and was being used
on some level. He thought that was amusing and said that maybe he was a dupe
and maybe it was all being done in an alternate reality. We have joked about
this ever since, but he has yet to explain the oddities mentioned.
Dr. O was of the opinion that Preston had stolen the transistors. Although it
was not their intention to do so, he said that Preston could be put in jail. I
thought this was hilarious because, if the transistors were contraband, a court
case could get very messy indeed.
This whole situation between Preston and Orion Diversified was much more
weird and emotional than I will relay here. I found myself hearing stories from
both sides which contrasted considerably. The most notable difference between
the two parties was that Preston was willing to consider all possibilities. He was
distraught by it all and wanted some answers. Orion, on the other hand,
through the mouthpiece of Dr. O, was very coy. Their position was that
Preston was just making things up. It is too easy to accuse him of that. All of
this points to strange and concealed information from Orion.
At one point in the conversation with Dr. O, I told him of an encounter Preston
had during this time period. One night, Preston returned to his house to find a
man waiting in a car. This man claimed to be from the Government. He told
Preston that they wanted him back. They had lost most of their time capability
and while they could view different times on monitors, they could not keep
things stable enough for traveling purposes. Preston told him that he had been
screwed over once before and didn't want to have anything to do with it. The
man was not forceful but left an open invitation.
I then told Dr. O that Preston had received an offer from the Government to
purchase the SBTs at a price of $25 per transistor. I did not think that Dr. O
would believe me, but he fired back that Orion had been offered about $13 per
transistor. Here again is another oddity: the Government buying back material
that they could supposedly confiscate! Preston does not remember the offer
from the Government although I have it in my notes and remember him telling
I didn't quite know what to make of all this. I did some serious thinking about
Dr. O and marveled at his unique medical knowledge. He is truly incredible
and is literally light years ahead of the medical world. It occurred to me that if
one had the reins of the Montauk Project and could command tremendous
resources, they would likely have the best medical care available and that it
would far surpass medical technology of today. Now, Dr. O more began to
make a little more sense.
After telling him my thesis, Dr. O sort of smiled but took no credit. He
obviously liked the compliment, but he was more interested to find out whether
or not Preston took the job at Montauk. I told him no and that there was no
way he should. We debated the issue. Dr. O seemed to think that if the
technology of time could be properly harnessed, there could be great gifts for
man. This might be true, but you'd first have to trust the powers that be. We do
The final chapter on this whole episode is not ready to be written yet and it
leaves more questions than answers. The misunderstandings between Preston
and Orion Diversified that were referred to previously have since been ironed
out and there is no animosity between any of the players here.
Dr. O continues to play cat and mouse, yet he is always there when I need him
for something. His latest claim is interesting. He said he met a gentleman who
just happened to be flying an airplane on August 12, 1943 and remembers
seeing the "U.S.S. Eldridge" disappear as a blip on the radar screen. According
to Dr. O, this man also invented the beefalo which is an interesting genetic
development from decades ago. This is a laboratory cross breeding of buffalo
and cattle. What is even more interesting is that Dr. O says he will be meeting
the man who was in charge of the genetic experiments at Montauk.
And what is last, but not least, Dr. O has given me scientific descriptions of
how to reverse the aging process and keep the body from dying. This is a
whole other story in itself and would require considerable time and study on
my part. Immortality and time travel might be fun, but they also require a lot
of hard work.

Chapter 21 — A Visit to von

There is never a dull moment around Space Time Labs. As the scenario
surrounding the Surface Barrier Transistors was cooling down, Preston asked
me if I'd like to go up and meet his friend Klark and Dr. Rinehart, the man
who had once claimed to Preston that he was John von Neumann. He was
concerned that Rinehart might die and thought it would be important for me to
chronicle that the guy actually existed. If I was lucky, he might even reveal
himself to me as von Neumann.
After a very long drive, we arrived at a country lot surrounded by woods.
There was a good size trailer with garbage strewn about the yard. It looked
more like a junk yard than a dwelling. Dr. Rinehart was outside and recognized
Preston although he knows him by a different name. He came over and was
quite friendly but was very odd. He does resemble von Neumann's pictures to
some degree, but due to bis advanced age, it's hard to say whether he is or not.
Besides, it's possible that von Neumann's spirit was placed in the body so that
genetics are not the ultimate test.
Preston had warned me not to mention anything of a metaphysical nature to
this man because he would react poorly to it. I was introduced as a World War
II researcher who was particularly interested in Navy ships. Preston then talked
about mundane matters and tried to help him with
one of his personal and financial problems.
Rinehart appears to be more like a homeless sorry soul than a doctor of
anything. He has no heat for his trailer and seems to live off the largesse of
General Electric who mysteriously show up whenever he has a piece of
electronic equipment to sell. Rinehart has no phone so he writes a letter to G.E.
Someone then comes out, treats him very nicely, and buys the equipment. It is
possible they do this in lieu of a formal pension but no one is quite sure. And
although he could easily pass for a derelict, Rinehart is as sharp as a tack when
it comes to the subjects of electronics and radio. You wouldn't believe that
someone who seems so despondent in general could be so responsive on a
subject that is so complex and exact.
We tried to steer the conversation toward 1943 and the Rainbow Project. I
asked him directly if he remembered it. He said that he'd heard about it back
then but didn't know much about it. Preston asked him about the contractors
from the time period such as Western Electric and he seemed to recall a great
deal about all of them. In fact, Rinehart's memories of people and events were
astounding and it even went back years. I told him he had a photographic
memory, and he said that people often tell him that.
When Rinehart went off to talk to some people who were interested in his
property, Preston indicated that his memories were too good. In fact, he
sounded like someone who had been programmed to remember things. I
specifically asked him about Tesla, and he fondly recounted the Father of
Radio. But what he said sounded like he'd memorized a page blurb from
Tesla's biography. It really sounded suspicious. Then, he surprised us both by
saying that he remembered seeing Tesla's free energy tower (which was never
completed) at what is now Shoreham, Long Island. This was odd, as he would
have been about 13 at the time it was tom down. I pointed out that he would
have had to have seen it as a youngster, but he couldn't remember when he'd
seen it, only that he had seen it.
Probably the only other significant thing Rinehart talked about was his family.
He said that his brother had worked on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was
somewhat adversarial with him. From what he said, it was clear that his
personal family was neck deep in the military and defense industry.
The conversation rambled around for hours, and I grew impatient to leave.
He'd only appeared as von Neumann to Preston. No one else had reported
seeing this side of the man, and there was no great anticipation that he would
come out for me. Then, as we said good-bye, he looked at me and winked.
He said, ''Next time you come up here. I'll tell you about some secret radio
Overall, the trip to Dr. Rinehart was inconclusive. It didn't prove Preston's
contention that he is von Neumann but there is definitely something very weird
and unexplained about this character. He did act like he was programmed, and
his family background fit the bill for an identity relocation program.
Hopefully, I will meet him again soon and he will tell me some real secrets.

Chapter 22 — A Visit to Klark

After our visit with Dr. Rinehart, we drove for several miles and met up with
Klark. He was mentioned in "The Montauk Project" as the man who introduced
Preston to Rinehart.
Klark lives in a well shaded and beautiful area that is very peaceful and far
away from the city. Upon our arrival, we sat down at a picnic table and began
to discuss whether it would be too chilly to stay outside. I then made a
comment that it was too bad we didn't have some radiosondes so that we could
change the weather. Klark looked me right in the eye and said that the weather
can definitely be changed. He said it with an absolute certainty. I now got a
much different impression of him than when I'd been introduced. He acted like
brass. By that, I mean brass in the armed forces. My guess was that he had
served at Montauk on the highest level.
I got to know him generally and found out he has all sorts of interesting
contraptions, some of which he stores for Preston. He literally believes that
Preston will build a time machine because he remembers being visited by him
(Preston from the future) in the past. Consequently, Klark finds pieces of the
time machine now and then and either gives them to Preston or holds on to
them until the time is right to pass them on.
Klark could be considered unusual because of the above but he is not a fool.
He's an extremely serious person and holds down an important job in the field
of medical technology, in addition to having more than a layman's knowledge
of electronics. If this doesn't make him a candidate for Montauk involvement,
his family is loaded with Defense Department connections as well. Upon
meeting Klark, it occurred to me that Montauk is not only a real scenario but
that it is filled with real life players.
Preston informed me that Klark does not open up often to others, but he
surprised us both by telling me that he had seen himself as an older man when
he was a youngster. It was a paradox, and he wasn't in denial about it.
Now I had met another time traveller besides Duncan and Al Bielek. I sensed
however that Klark might have used Duncan in the processes of Montauk. In
other words, Duncan was the guinea pig who was utilized to open the portals
and was also stripped psychicly. Klark was one who received the "benefit" of
traveling in time but at a cost to Duncan. None of this is meant to put Klark
down. It's not even foolproof true as it's only my perception of the role he
probably played. But it is interesting to note that Duncan can't stand to be
around either Klark or Dr. Rinehart. It apparently brings up too many bad
memories. It's nothing personal on Duncan's part. It should also be pointed out
that Klark has his problems with the Government. They've not made his life
easy, and he believes they have caused or contributed to a terminal cancer
condition with his wife.
Klark was happy with "The Montauk Project" and mentioned that he'd like to
help with some further books. He definitely had a specific agenda in mind for
all this and exactly how the movie should be done. He wanted to use the profits
to help assemble a time machine. At one point, it sounded like he was giving
me orders but this did not become an issue. He continues to speak with Preston
on a routine basis, but so far he hasn't offered any further information.
In an interesting development that took place after my meeting with Klark,
Preston was paid a visit by Brian's mother. Brian, to refresh your memory, was
Preston's psychic assistant in the first book when he made the initial trip out to
Montauk. She had visited Preston's place while Klark just happened to be there
and was in for the shock of her life. Klark looked just like Brian! Apparently,
Brian was Klark and there was time traveling going on. It was more confusing
than logical to all parties concerned including Preston. I, of course, wanted to
meet Brian and his mother. Preston is open to it, but we have not been able to
reach them at this writing.

Chapter 23 — A Visit with Helga

About a month after I visited Dr. Rinehart and Klark, I received a call from
Helga Morrow. She remembered the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk
Project because her father, Dr. Frederich A. Kueppers, had worked on both of
them. Helga's story is very interesting and serves as one more corroboration
that there was a Montauk Project.
In 1981, she attended a dinner party and was introduced to a Dr. so-and-so.
Helga asked if he was a Ph.D. or an M.D. and was told that he had a Ph.D. in
engineering. She mentioned that her father also had a similar degree and that
he'd worked for the Glenn L. Martin Company (now Martin-Marietta). When
this man heard that she was talking about Dr. Kueppers, he was astonished. He
confided to her that her father had been one of the scientists who had worked
on the Philadelphia Experiment. He had also invented the timing device for the
A-bomb (and represented the scientists to President Truman, asking him not to
drop it), invented the mathematical formula that brought the astronauts back,
and designed the miniaturized electrical system of the Sputnik. In addition to
those accomplishments, he worked on Project Blue Book/Black Book (UFOs),
initiated the use of aluminum wiring to replace heavier wiring in WW II
planes, and worked with mind warfare, including the use of psychics to
communicate with astronauts in case of communications systems failure. He
even trained extraterrestrials to fit into human society.
Suddenly, everything began to make sense for Helga. He was born in 1935 in
Baltimore. During the gestation process, her mother's gynecologist, a noted
spiritualist by the name of Dr. Haase, inserted a mysterious metallic rod into
the womb in order to enhance the I.Q. and psychic ability of Helga. She was a
government experiment! To this day, you can see what appears to be an
antenna structure in X-ray pictures of her head. This is part of what makes her
an acute sensitive and psychic.
Helga recalled early experiences with her father. He even showed her how two
objects could transpose in time and return the same way. Taking her to the
cellar, he put steel shavings in a cigar box with a large V-shaped magnet taped
underneath. Gently tapping the shavings, two concentric circles gradually
appeared. He said that if one could transpose the circles, one could actually
change time. According to Dr. Kueppers, alien spacecraft were partly moved
by reverse magnetism and he showed her how to create this effect by holding
two opposite magnets.
His interest in time fits into perspective through an interesting story. When
August 12th arrived one year, Dr. Kueppers took Helga aside and told her it
was a very special day. This did not surprise her as it was her mother's
birthday. Dr. Kueppers indicated that was very important but that he was
referring to something of much greater magnitude for Mankind. He said it was
the anniversary of
a very great experiment that he had been a part of.
Helga also remembers being taken as a child into an underground facility in
Colorado with her father. She went down several floors in an elevator, entered
into a high security area and saw photos of men on the moon and what
appeared to be shuttle craft similar to today's. That was in the 1950's
Dr. Kueppers believed that the Russian and American scientists had worked in
collaboration for years and that the cold war was a sham. In fact, he became
such a rebel that he was finally put away and electrically shocked into
submission. His death certificate was issued in 1962, but Helga noticed that the
man in the coffin was not her father. It was a scam. All of this was a puzzle to
Helga and she didn't know what to make of it until she one day saw a paper by
her father that was written in the 1970's. The language was German and the
leak was unanticipated.
Helga was seeking her father or any information about him and that brought
her to Long Island in January of 1993. I introduced her to Preston and Duncan
and we all went to dinner. We were also accompanied by Al Bielek who has
known Helga for some time. The dinner was interesting and Preston said he'd
met her father at Brookhaven. He didn't remember too much about him and
this seemed unfortunate. We then returned to Space-Time Labs and she became
very emotional about her father. Duncan and Helga then proceeded to do some
trance readings. Preston went out the door for about five minutes and suddenly
returned. He announced that he had just had a download from a Pleiadian data
base and rattled off all sorts of information about Dr. Kueppers. We were all
astonished that Helga said much of the information was accurate. The rest of it
was unfamiliar to her so she couldn't confirm or deny it. As Preston channeled
the information, he also had a memory breakthrough from Montauk. Dr.
Kueppers had indeed worked at Montauk and Preston even remembered the
exact door with the initials "F.A.K." on them. Sadly, Preston indicated that Dr.
Kueppers was no longer with us. He was a passionate scientist and although he
despised the politics, he was thrilled to exercise his knowledge on secret
projects. Unfortunately, his love for science cost him his freedom and
eventually his life.
Helga went out to Montauk the next day and went to the office that had been
her father's. Although the door had been blown off or otherwise removed, she
was sure it was his office. The rest of the day was also interesting. Video shots
were taken of the area and an underground bunker was also visited. A cage was
found that allegedly housed the Montauk boys prior to their programming. It
was a very gruesome sight and so horrified Duncan that he broke down and
cried over his involvement in the project, apologizing profusely.
After her visit to Long Island, Helga travelled to Maryland to visit a family
associate who decades earlier had been instrumental in getting their father
committed. From conversations she'd had with him, Helga knew the basement
of his house contained papers that might reveal proof of some of the projects
Dr. Kueppers was involved in. Unfortunately, he wouldn't let her in the house.
Perhaps the most amusing and ironic story Helga relayed was that of Dr. John
von Neumann. He used to be a frequent dinner guest to the Kueppers' home in
the 1940s. She said that he had a real sweet tooth and one of his favorite
desserts was strawberry ice cream. Ironically, this just happens to be the
favorite of Dr. Rinehart!
Helga is currently working on a book. Hopefully, she will discover more
answers to the mystery of her father.

Chapter 24 — The Norfolk Triplets

About the same time I met Helga, we received a letter from another lady who
claimed her father had been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment. She sent
along a newspaper clipping from the "Norfolk Virginian-Pilot" that included a
short article and a photo of a set of triplets that were born in February of 1945.
This lady was one of the triplets and referred to herself as "Baby A", her sisters
being "Baby B" and "Baby C". While she told me her real name, she asked that
it be kept confidential for the book.
The newspaper article indicated their father was a radio mechanic at the
Norfolk Naval Operating Base. This is noteworthy because, according to the
literature on the Philadelphia Experiment, the "U.S.S. Eldridge" had teleported
to waters off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia. Baby A thought it was odd that
her father was listed as a mere radio mechanic because be travelled by jet and
was saluted by military personnel even though he wore blue collar garb.
According to family information, the father had been expecting the "U.S.S.
Eldridge" during the Philadelphia Experiment. In fact, he was manning
controls and jumped aboard when it appeared. What he did during this
operation supposedly changed things for the next two thousand years. The
project was subsequently hidden and the key vehicle (time machine) was placed
in a warehouse at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk. According to this story, the
right man will eventually find it.
Like Helga Morrow, the triplets have an interesting story about their birth.
Baby B was a normal birth, but she was a singular baby. In a strange
experiment, Baby A and Baby C were created from laboratory DNA that was
alien in nature. They were accordingly amalgamated with Baby B and were
born as triplets.
I have spoken to both Baby A and Baby C on the phone rather extensively.
Baby A is "out there". She is quite psychic and often talks in a stream of
consciousness that can be hard to follow. People take to her readily and her
personal charisma has made her a remarkably popular bartender. She can
naturally pack a place with people. Ironically, she'll send the majority of them
to a spiritual church or other metaphysical endeavor. I also found it interesting
that she knew about the incidents (mentioned in this book) concerning Duncan
on Mars without me having to tell her.
Baby C is the more practical one. She is a writer and good communicator and
is psychicly sensitive as well. The triplets are intimately connected and they
experience frequent psychic phenomena. For example, they "tunnel" to each
others' rooms from across the country. In other words, they appear to each
other and can communicate. According to studies, this type of phenomena is
not unusual for twins. Triplets add a whole dimension to this and I'm not yet
aware of any studies that focus particularly on threes as opposed to twos.
The triplets have two other sisters plus a brother who we will refer to as
"Brother". He was struck by the passage in "The Montauk Project" where
Preston remembered lost time while constructing the Delta-T antenna. Both
Brother and the father had similar experiences. Brother lived two lives
apparently because he would go to work from a rural area, but the mileage on
his car didn't add up. It showed only a few miles, yet Baby C travelled for
eleven miles in every direction from his house and there was no place of work!
Brother is a machine and radio expert. He now knows that he had missing time,
but he is not willing to talk at this point. Three family members in the secret
service have lost their lives and there is a reticence to be known or involved in
any strange projects. Once, he picked up the phone when I called Baby C. He
said he knew who I was but he didn't offer any information. As Baby C talked
to me, he asked his sister what she was doing. She told him that she was talking
to Peter Moon. He just looked at her and said ''Why?"
I invited Brother to come to Long Island, but he was afraid it might be a trap
from the Government. He wanted to build some sort of protective time device
first. Brother's sisters want him to open up and perhaps he will. Preston and I
hope to visit the family some day.
There is another interesting story concerning this family. I was telling Baby A
some information that Al Bielek had relayed to me. He had discovered that
there was a complete Sage Radar (this is the same radar used at Montauk) sight
at Sembach, Germany (near Nuremberg) that was fully operational. The man
who told Al about this had been there for two weeks and noted that people
arriving acted strangely. It was considered a mind control project.
Upon telling Baby A about this, she mentioned that her son had been stationed
there. I thought this was an odd coincidence, but she was matter of fact. Her
attitude was "what do you expect?" She said that her son had been working
guard duty at that base and had heard people crying and screaming. The terror
was amplified and terrified him to the point where he walked off his post in the
middle of the night. This is an offense worthy of a court martial but the
circumstances were so sensitive that he remained unpunished.
All of this sounds bizarre to the "normal" point of view, but this family takes
the entire subject of Montauk and time travel with great seriousness. The
triplets' father was obviously a strong influence in regards to how they look at
all of this. He was extremely confident and treated the intelligence and military
community with irreverence. He could get away with it because his technical
expertise was needed. Reportedly, trench-coated personnel would come to the
door and threaten and he would thumb his nose and laugh. Perhaps this
behavior has something to do with his own identity. Baby A's father told her
that he was an alien who just looked like a human!

Chapter 25 — The Investigation

Montauk Point is a very cold place during the winter and most people wouldn't
even consider taking a trip out there. Preston and I are no different, but we
were persuaded to pay a visit and show a Hollywood producer around the base
for a prospective documentary on the project. His name is Peter Beltz.
The three of us scouted out the base during the weekend before Christmas,
1992. We showed Peter the transmitter building, but it was tightly secured and
still inaccessible. It was noted however that coaxial cable had been wired from
the radar reflector down the sides of the structure. Preston explained that the
only logical explanation for that would be to ground the reflector for lightning
strikes. Apparently, there would be no reason to do that unless there were
workers in the underground. We also noted that almost every building on the
base had been forcibly opened and vandalized. These same structures had been
locked or otherwise secured on my visit earlier that summer.
Peter was struck by the haunted atmosphere of the place. Having also met with
Duncan, he knew he had a real story on his hands and said he would return
after New Year's with a camera crew. He went back to California, and we
coordinated by phone how the documentary would be done. It now became
necessary for me to visit Montauk and make arrangements for accommodations
and an interviewing space. I went there alone and searched out the few places
that were open during the off season. The trip was noteworthy for one reason. I
stopped in and asked directions at a local realtor's and met Carol Brady. She
was very friendly, and I told her what I was up to. Carol hadn't heard about the
book, but she had some interesting stories to tell me. She said the radar
reflector was still in use and that she saw it turning from time to time.
Remarkably, she also said she'd witnessed a stealth aircraft actually hovering
over the cliffs near the base and making absolutely no noise. This is an oddity
and suggests an anti-gravity drive in the stealth.
I eventually introduced her to Preston. As she showed us pictures of her sons,
Preston pointed to the oldest and said that he would be very careful regarding
him because he looks just like the type the Montauk crew is after (he is blueeyed
and blond-haired). Carol said she was well aware to be careful.
Kidnapping of blue-eyed and blond-haired kids was occurring as late as 1988
and the police had been very concerned and watchful. I have since found out
from other sources that there is a considerable amount of crime at Montauk that
is covered up as far as press coverage is
concerned. Montauk is a tourist town and shocking news does not make for
more people and good business.
When Peter Beltz and the camera crew arrived, we were all surprised to see
that there was now a hole in the transmitter building and it was mysteriously
accessible for the first time in over a year. Torch marks could be seen as
Preston described in the first book. There was also a strange device that was
said to have held a giant crystal. Additionally, the name of the company that
Preston worked for could be easily seen on the transmitter computer.
Perhaps the biggest find during this period was a house next to the officers'
lounge. The upstairs contained the oddest "military" decor you've ever seen.
One room was loud paisley, another tiger striped, and one was painted like
confetti. There was a fourth room that was painted black and white in the
strangest pattern arrangement. I first speculated that it might have been a base
whorehouse. Preston had seen pictures of similar room used by the
Government during the Timothy Leary (allegedly CIA financed) experiments
of the 1960's. He concluded this was a programming room, and I think he is
accurate. This is also some of the hardest evidence existing that irregular
activity occurred at Montauk. He has it recorded and it can be viewed on his
video "The Montauk Tour' .
As the documentary actually got underway, the base was used as a backdrop.
Duncan, Preston and Al Bielek were all interviewed separately. Preston was
asked questions with the transmitter building in the background as that is where
he worked. As the camera rolled, Duncan and I huddled up against a wall. It
was incredibly cold. We could hear Preston describing that the Delta T antenna
was below ground and that there was a null point between that and the
transmitter. This is where Duncan would sit in the Montauk Chair. At the exact
instant Preston described this, Duncan had a sudden and violent jolt go through
his body. He went into some sort of shock state, and I placed my hand on his
foot until he returned. The camera was busy on Preston and none of that
incident was captured.
The entire video crew was remarkably undisturbed during the entire shooting
sequences save for a black military helicopter that circled the base on two
separate occasions.
After the base footage was shot, everyone returned to a rented condo where
further interviewing would be done in front of a fireplace. After hours of
taping, we all broke for dinner. Someone looked out on the balcony and
noticed a strange hue surrounding the Montauk base. It was faint but definitely
visible and confined to the area of the base. The camera crew tried to tape it,
but the hue wouldn't show on video. They did see it though. Up to this point,
the phenomena with the hue has only been understandable if Duncan's readings
are taken into account.
Before the documentary shooting began, Duncan's readings said it must all be
completed before the 18th of January (1993) or there would be danger. His
information was very specific. Further readings indicated that four aliens from
the Andromedan galaxy had entered the underground base and caused some
sort of etheric distortion in the electromagnetic field over Montauk. They
apparently caused an explosion in the entire underground and caused untold
damage to the current Montauk operation. The Andromedans are believed to be
benevolent and were willing to sacrifice their lives to sabotage the Montauk
This is strange information, but Preston received three phone calls indicating
that something strange had occurred during this period. One friend not far
from the area reported a tremor and another reported a rumbling. A third
person said at least two Montauk policemen heard a big loud rumble at the base
with smoke and steam coming from the buildings. Whatever the case is with
these reports, security suddenly stepped up after January 18th.
On January 22nd, Preston visited the base and was surprised to see two young
women in combat fatigues strolling through the base. He politely said hello and
mentioned that it was a good day for a walk. They were not friendly to say the
least. Later that day, a state trooper started to arrest two civilians who
happened to be strolling on the base. We thought this was extremely aggressive
behavior for keeping people off of a derelict base in the middle of winter.
After much persuasion, he opted to give the civilians citations for trespassing.
Strangely, the same officer accosted Preston but did not ticket him. He
suggested that Preston could be arrested, but Preston told him that could be
useful (in terms of publicity). The officer demurred and asked him to leave by
the nearest exit possible.
Preston returned to the vicinity of the base a few days later and continued to
shoot footage in an area outside of the base proper. Even though he was not on
the base itself, the same officer (accompanied by a second officer) discovered
him. Preston pointed out that he was not on forbidden territory. The second
officer said they'd had enough and would harass anybody who even came close
to the base. They claimed they were cracking down on vandalism. This doesn't
make sense because someone had already ransacked the base months earlier and
they didn't seem to care then. Preston, Duncan, and a friend of theirs were all
ticketed. While the officers talked, Preston left his video camera on as it
dangled from his neck and some of the above conversation was recorded. *
* Preston, Duncan and their friend took this case to court and eventually won.
They didn't have to pay the fines. In fact,the judge was irritated with the State
of New York for not posting proper signs. It should be reiterated that Preston
and company were not on the base proper when they were ticketed. Th officer
said, in the future, he would arrest anyone who came inside the fence. As a
further note of interest, the officer said be had read "The Montauk Project" and
found it to be "fun". He even went to the Montauk library and asked for books
on Camp Hero but was told by the librarian that this information had been
taken off the shelves a few years ago as it is now classified! He didn't have any
paranormal experiences of his own to relay.
Upon returning to Preston' s vehicle, they found that someone had let the air
out of the right rear tire. It is unlikely that kids did that as they would have
exposed themselves to passersby. Preston was told that officers sometimes use
this trick to trip up anyone who is trying to get away. This is not an accusation
but is merely recorded as an actual occurrence.
Security was now tight and it was speculated that the underground had been
dismantled by the Andromedans and that the Montauk crew (including the New
York state troopers) were rabidly trying to figure out what had gone wrong.
Fortunately, the documentary footage was shot without any interference.
Duncan' s reading to get everything done before January 18th had proven very
A tasteful and beautiful facility, the Montauk Manor consists of condominium
apartments which are rented out on a daily basis. It is built on a Native
American burial ground and the fourth floor is said to be haunted.

Chapter 26 — Hauntings at Montauk

Had there been no interest in doing a documentary, it is questionable whether I
would have traveled to Montauk at all. I had avoided the place since my visit
with Maria Fix and there was no strong desire to return. The events of January
1993 had a big impact on us and there were several return trips.
Carol Brady connected us up to a local gentleman who showed us about the
town and shared some interesting information with Preston and myself. He said
that he'd always been fascinated by Montauk because if anyone ever wanted to
conduct a clandestine activity, it would be the ideal place. The entire area is
loaded with rolling hills, gullies and woods. One location can be entirely
diverse from another, almost as if you had just entered another country.
This gentleman also told us that UFO sightings were not uncommon to the
Montauk fishermen. Green lights and what not were often seen over the boats
at sea. He pointed out that many of the fishermen are illegal aliens from
Ireland and want no part of any publicity.
We then learned about the Montauk Manor. This is a huge facility that has been
broken up into condos that are rentable on a daily basis. It is refurbished and
has a grand ambiance. Although some locals try to keep it quiet for business
reasons, there are persistent rumors that the fourth floor of the manor is
haunted. The entire location is on the site of an ancient Native American burial
ground which makes it a good candidate for hauntings. Perhaps the most
convincing evidence of that is the story of a respected local sea captain who
owned a condo in the manor. He was in his dwelling and was suddenly thrust
across the room by a strong energy field. Afraid for his family, he moved them
completely away from the Montauk area.
In an interesting side note, the local gentleman from Montauk also confirmed a
rumor heard months earlier. Preston was getting gas at a station near Montauk
and asked the young man working there if he'd heard anything strange about
the old Montauk base. The young man said he'd heard that a coven of witches
meets on the grounds from time to time. I did a little bit of research into this to
see what I could find out. The only thing I did find out is that there are many
covens on Long Island. The further east you go, the more there are and the
more serious they are. The local gentleman wasn't an expert on covens, but he
did say he knew a witch (a white one) who did rituals on the base. Although it
is possible that she may be just one of many, we have yet to meet her or any
others up to this point.
For those of you who are not familiar with witches, it should be noted that they
have always centered their major activity around ley lines (energy grid points).
Montauk has long been considered to be a hot bed of activity for this sort of

Chapter 27 — Nazi Gold

It was mentioned in "The Montauk Project" that the entire operation was
possibly financed through Nazi gold that found its way to Montauk after
mysteriously disappearing from an allied troop train in Strasbourg, France.
I was surprised to receive an anonymous newspaper article in the mail one day
that indicated that there well could have been Nazi gold used to finance the
Montauk Project. But before I elaborate on that, it is time to reveal a new
character in the Montauk psychodrama. His name is Kenn Arthur.
I mentioned earlier that I met Preston, Duncan and Al Bielek all on the same
evening. Kenn was also there, but he seemed out of place. Intuitively, I could
immediately see that he served in the Navy, and he confirmed that. He had
came to the Long Island Psychotronics Chapter to buy one of Preston's
psychotronic devices. I subsequently studied with him in another group, and he
warned me point blank to stay away from the Psychotronics crowd. It was too
dangerous. Kenn liked Preston and Duncan but it came to a point where he
could no longer be around them. He thereafter has avoided the group like the
As the months went by, I got to know Kenn well. I refer to him as a walking
oracle because he relays esoteric information in the most ornamented and
interesting fashion. He is a personal friend of Edgar Cayce's family and studied
at the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) for years.
Kenn was extremely cynical about Preston's story and would sometimes make
up the most hysterical jokes about it. However, he would be the first to admit
that he is obsessed with pessimism about anything. As time went by, I would
make little discoveries that indicated that a project really did exist. He'd laugh
it off in one way or another. Then, I told him about a video I saw that showed
a radio device in the Montauk underground. It contained a coil wrapped around
a large crystal. He didn't comment on the crystal but said everyone knew about
the Montauk underground. In fact, he used to buy radar equipment from the
underground when he served in the Navy. He later told me details that
indicated he had served in a top secret position.
I found this all very odd. He apparently had some connection to Montauk, but
he wouldn't talk about it. As time went by, the main thrust of his
communication was that Preston's story was an elaborate hallucination. He said
that the true story is far more bizarre than anything Preston could possibly put
together. He did acknowledge that Preston sincerely believed his own story.
Preston was amused by all of this and said it confirmed that Kenn had a
connection to Montauk. But we were both frustrated. If Preston's story isn't the
real one, what is? He could at least have the courtesy of telling us.
Then one day I received the newspaper article in the mail that I referred to
earlier. It was entitled "Hunt for Nazi Booty" and was from "The Ease
Hampton Star" of November 14, 1985. The article tells how New York State
employed a treasure hunter by the name of Ovid Arnold of Varina (should
actually be Fuquay-Varina), North Carolina to use a pendulum to detect
precious metals located at Camp Hero (the Montauk base). The Nazis were
believed to have buried at least $12 million in cash, diamonds and gold in
Under the watchful eye of the State Park Police, an eight foot deep hole was
dug where Mr. Arnold thought the treasure was buried. Officials from the state
capital in Albany filmed and tape recorded the entire event.
Tom Tubbs, a spokesman for the Division of Land Utilization of the State
Office of General Services was quoted as saying news of the dig was
"leakproof, hush-hush to the point we didn't tell anyone why they were going
to be there".
He also said the belief in the existence of the treasure was based on an old tale
from 1945. According to the article, Tubbs relayed the following information.
"In 1945, the Nazis, convinced the Third Reich was about to fall, sent a U-boat
to Montauk containing riches seized during the invasion of France with
instructions to bury them underground inside twelve metal shell casings. The
German sailors followed orders and buried the treasure at Camp Hero with a
large rock nearby to be used as a landmark. After the war, the money and
jewels were to be used for bribes, false passports and safe passage to the United
States and South America for high officers of the Reich."
According to the article, the submarine was sunk but several German sailors
survived and told their story years later to the treasure hunters who wrote to the
Governor and obtained permission for the hunt. The entire booty was to be
split between the State and the treasure hunters. Although the treasure hunters
were unsuccessful on the November 6th dig, they wanted to return in the
The entire article could well be disinformation to cover up a very successful
dig. It is also possible the dowser was used by the State so that they, or some
other agency, could follow through on the initial dowsing and then find the
actual treasure. There were certainly more technologically sophisticated devices
than dowsers for finding lost treasure in 1985. It is also thought the amount,
which was quite huge at the time, was far greater. I asked "The East Hampton
Star" for permission to reprint the entire article in this book. They knew about
"The Montauk Project" book and expressly refused permission to reprint.
I faxed the entire article to Kenn Arthur and was surprised by his response. He
said that I was finally getting close to the actual truth of what went on there.
Again, he emphasized that it was more bizarre than I could ever imagine. He
told me that the German sub captain came ashore and met with the U.S.
military authorities. A deal was cut with the military personnel, but the sub
captain would have to go back for four additional runs and transfer more
Kenn believed only one run was made. The captain and other German sailors
made their way ashore and settled on Long Island. He said many ended up
owning barber shops on Myrtle Avenue in Ridgewood, Queens. Kenn also said
he knew the families well and grew up with the captain's family. He couldn't
reveal any names but said they were very respectable people.
If one looks in various books covering that time period, different mentions are
made of that incident and another one where four Nazis reportedly landed in
1942 and turned themselves in after taking the Long Island Railroad to
Manhattan. Most of the accounts are sketchy and offer contrary views. The
incidents were filled with suspicion including complicity of J. Edgar Hoover
and other top military and government officials. Some also believe that the
entire operation was pulled off by the Thule Society of Germany. They
engineered Hitler's rise to power and were a splinter group that derived from
the Ordo Novi Templi which in turn had derived itself from the Ordo Templi
Orientis* which was associated with Aleister Crowley. For some reason, no
matter which way we turn, this man keeps coming back into the picture.
* This information is according to "The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies -
Their Influence and Power in World History" by Michael Howard, Destiny
Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, 05767. It should also be noted
that the practices and principles of the above organizations are not considered
to be in alignment with those of the O.T.O..
Construction on the Montauk Tower began in the 1920's, but the work was not
completed for decades. Over the years, it had been nearly impossible to find a
tenant or a suitable purpose for the building. Of interest to our story is that the
catacombs of Montauk supposedly lead to this tower which is located in
downtown Montauk. S

Chapter 28 — Catacombs of
The next point of intrigue concerning Montauk came when I received a phone
call from David Adair, the president of Sirius Minds* in New York City. He
had spent New Year's Eve at the Montauk Manor just after reading "The
Montauk Project: Experiments in Time". While speaking with one of the
managers of the estate, he was told about tunnels underneath the grounds that
were referred to as the catacombs. The manager took him to the basement and
showed David where many of the entry ways had been sealed with cinderblock.
There were various crawl space that were accessible but all of this was more
than he could explore in a short outing.
* Sirius Minds was a psychotronic salon which is sometimes referred to as a
brain gymnasium. This company worked with corporate clients or individuals
to enhance brain capacity and enhance life functions.
Upon hearing from David, I gave Preston a call and asked him about the
catacombs. He was nonchalant about the subject and said he'd known about
them for years. They were not of much interest to him. He told me that,
according to legend, they were connected to the Montauk base.
I called Kenn Arthur and told him about the catacombs. He again said I was
getting closer to what was really going on. According to Kenn, the catacombs
are a pathway to the Inner Earth. He spoke about the catacombs of Rome and a
few other places. According to legend, there are many such entry ways. Also
included would be the labyrinth of Crete, the Incan tunnels in the Andes and
the underground passages used by the Viet Cong.
The next day, Preston was at my house and overheard me talking on the phone
to someone about the catacombs possibly leading to the Inner Earth. He
became very interested in that possibility. Then he came out with what I call
"vintage Preston". He spieled off a load of information about the catacombs
that he probably didn't even have access to ten minutes before. He said that the
catacombs were built during the early part of this century, probably in the
teens. The Kaiser of Germany had a multitude of spies and sympathizers on
Long Island and had financed many of them. The Kaiser had his own purposes
in mind. Preston also said the catacombs lead to the Montauk Tower in
downtown Montauk and travel all the way to the base and down along the
shore through an area called Ditch Plains.
Preston humorously recalled going to Mark Hamill's (or the person thought to
be Mark Hamill) mansion and discovering the underground tunnels which were
connected right to the mansion. Dick Cavett was in the mansion next door and
Preston said the tunnel connected to Cavett's house as well. He said they used
to sneak in on occasion and mysteriously rearrange the furniture in the living
Al Bielek was not so amused when I told him about the catacombs. He
remembered some aspects of them from the Montauk base but didn't know how
extensive they were. He felt that Preston had been withholding the information
from him. It also explained to him how Preston was able to acquire so much of
the underground equipment. Al had recognized some of Preston's equipment
from the Montauk underground but could never figure out how he had
managed to get at it. The catacomb were the obvious answer.
I explained that Preston probably just didn't remember it. He's funny that way.
On some days he'll suddenly remember a vast amount of information that he
could have been totally oblivious to the day before. It is interesting to note that
it was the suggestion of the Inner Earth which triggered his recall.
There is another aspect to the catacombs which did involve Aleister Crowley.
The German Kaiser was mentioned previously and there is no question that
Crowley was a supporter of his, at least verbally. He was hired in the United
States to write propaganda for the German cause during World War I and
someone in the British government even tried to convict him of treason.
Crowley escaped any trouble by claiming he was working for British
intelligence. Whatever the truth is, Crowley was a very influential person and
could have been playing both sides of the coin for magical purposes. This
entire relationship with the Kaiser makes Crowley's visit to Montauk all the
more intriguing.
Crowley also had a friend on Long Island by the name of Otto Kahn. Kahn was
a famous financier and incredibly influential himself. In 1917, he chose the
highest point on Long Island on which to build his mansion. It still exists today
but visitors are not encouraged. There have been persistent rumors about
underground tunnels that lead to and from the mansion. One of these was
supposed to lead to Manhattan.
I circulated this story at an evening discussion on Montauk and one of the
people in the audience had a strong interest in Otto Kahn and his mansion. He
said that he used to visit there on bike rides but that access was almost entirely
cut off. He said that the mansion was turned into a boys military academy and
was eventually closed down. He backed this up by sending me an article from
"Newsday", Long Island's daily newspaper, that indicated the school was closed
in 1978 as "unsafe and unfit for human habitation". There were scores of fire
violations with students crammed into small, sometimes windowless rooms.
Garbage and cockroaches were on the floor, alI in the presence of exposed
wiring. Further, the toilets were frequently not working with excrement
spilling onto the floors.
This entire scenario is the spitting image of what has been described at
Montauk for the boys program. There was total and complete disregard of
humane factors which is the total opposite of what you would expect at a
military academy.
It could be a meaningless coincidence that this school reached its nadir while
the Montauk Project was in full swing. But the intriguing connection to
Crowley and the tunnels warrant that it be mentioned. It is hoped with this that
we will hear from cadets who actually attended the school.

Chapter 29 — Madame X
What you have just read completes the more tangible aspects of the Montauk
investigation up to this point. What we are about to embark on now is
considerably more abstract and speculative, but the synchronicity in the
circumstances you are about to read is undeniable. The information is in line
with certain esoteric doctrines and will be old hat to some readers. For those
who are not familiar, I will try to make it as understandable as possible.
All of this concerns a chance meeting I had with a woman I will refer to as
Madame X. Long before "The Montauk Project" was published, she had come
to Long Island to visit the Montauk base. Afterwards, she visited with Preston,
myself and a few others. I was struck by her immense knowledge and
understanding and spoke to her afterwards. A year after our first meeting, we
began to talk on a regular basis.
I was very surprised to hear from her that she had known about the situation at
Montauk long before Preston had gone public with his story. She knew highly
personalized information about Duncan which came from an entirely
independent source. Madame X explained to me that certain mystery schools
have bad a very strong interest in Duncan for a long time. He is a heavily
watched and monitored individual.
After a while, Madame X began to reveal information to me on a fairly steady
basis. She explained that there are twelve major mystery schools on planet
Earth and that she seeks to monitor their various activities. Instinctively a
rebel, she is not a member of any of them. Although her position is extremely
unique, it fits the esoteric tradition perfectly as described in Hermann Hesse's
novels. Her entire family is likewise loaded with similar connections. She also
explained that it is a wise precaution not to use her name as her sources of
information could be cut off if it were found out what she was saying to me.
The data that follows has been inspired from a year's worth of conversations
with her.
What is a mystery school?
Also known as secret societies, these are organized groups that have been
around since time immemorial. Their names sometimes change with the winds
of politics but throughout history there have been many branches. The
Illuminati, Knights Templars, Masons and Rosicrucians are just a few samples
of organizations that have been identified as mystery schools. While the
aforesaid are well known throughout history and are at time considered
notorious, there are others that work more secretly in an effort to balance what
the others have done.
The Order of Melchizedek, the Magi and the Order of the Seven Rays would
all fit into the latter category. I don't know the full organizational charts and
interrelationship of all the groups. That is a job for conspiracy theorists. At this
point, we are concerned with the mystery schools a a whole and not one
specific organization.
All of these societies have their own agendas. The can be dangerous or noble,
depending on the nature of the people operating in the various schools. Modern
society would appear to be regulated by them in the most mysterious ways.
They could also be considered the gatekeepers of knowledge. Madame X tries
to monitor the information and activities of the different secret societies and
relay whatever communications she can to promote universal balance; hence,
her involvement with Montauk.
Since the beginning, the twelve major mystery schools have been concerned
with the balance of good and evil or light and dark. It is in this realm with
which we can identify the Antichrist. The Antichrist is important because it is
the focal point of what Montauk is about. Not only was Duncan trained in this
tradition but Crowley used "The Beast" as his logo.
The common reaction to the concept of an Antichrist is that it is evil and to be
avoided at all costs. It is not quite that simple. Philosophically and empirically,
if there is a Christ, it would stand to reason that there is an Antichrist. This is
reflective of the common duality upon which the universe is based such as yinyang,
etc. Christ is, of course, perceived as good. However, the equation
becomes complicated when there is an imbalance between the two. For
example, the Inquisition championed the name of Christ and committed some
of the worst atrocities in history. The very concept of Christ became polluted
and was the mouthpiece for the forces of darkness.
During this period in history, certain mystery schools began to actively
promote pagan rites in the name of Baphomet or Mephistopheles which equates
to the Antichrist. The goal of this was to magically reverse the polarity of the
Catholic Church. The Church denied and squashed the beast in man, but the
pagans promoted it. Man is a spirit but his body is resonant to the world of
beasts. To deny this relationship creates an imbalance which results in all sorts
of ills upon the world.
On a more broad scale, an imbalance of either the Christ or Antichrist creates a
disharmony in the continuum of life. The trick to all of this is balancing the
two polarities so as not to get lost in either direction. Achieving this harmony
could be called "the middle way", the Tao or the manifestation of the Holy
Spirit. It depends upon what belief system you subscribe to.
Crowley, of course, identified with the Beast because it reversed the evils that
had been perpetrated upon him in the name of "Christ". This is simply a
magical formula and has no reference to good or bad. In order to understand
the full nature of such a formula, one should consult Crowley's various books
on Magick. It should be pointed out that Crowley was a human being who
erred and committed both good and bad deeds. More important, and beyond
judgement of good and evil, he was a magician. In that role, he was also
ultimately concerned with balancing forces and releasing the universe from
untold torments.
To Crowley, raising the Antichrist did not mean summoning the devil. It meant
balancing energies that had gone off the rails. For example, if a person was ill
from sexual repression, kissed a crucifix every night and associated their
illness/repression with Christ, a dance with the devil just might restore their
health. This has more to do with semantics and subconscious associations than
good or evil. And don't forget that Jesus acted nasty and outrageous when He
kicked the money changers out of the temple. It was the right action for the
Of further intrigue in all this is another esoteric doctrine. And that is that the
balance of the Christ and Antichrist has everything to do with our own
entrapment in time. These energies run rampantly through us on a daily basis.
Sometimes you might want to help somebody out of the charity of your heart.
Other times you might want to give someone a whack. Knowing what to do
and when to do it is the key. Charity to a terrorist could have dire consequences
for everyone. When these energies flow in a union of balance, harmony is
achieved. One rises above duality and attains Christ Consciousness which is
outside of space and time as we commonly know it. An example of this can be
seen with Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree. He confronted completely the
desire to do good and the desire to do evil. He was tethered to neither but
promoted the balance of all forces.
Crowley defined yoga as meaning union and sin as restriction. These
definitions by themselves can be very useful on an every day practical basis. In
a magical ceremony, Crowley or someone else might raise the Antichrist for
the purpose of lifting the restriction that has already impaled one on the cross
of space and time (the cross, by the way, has long been a symbol of space and
Many ceremonies, masses and what not have been authored throughout the
centuries to promote the facility of leaving this dimension. While some might
be quite comical, others are infinitely elaborate and based upon the most
carefully guarded secrets in the universe. The success of such an operation
depends on who is doing it and why. But the basic theory of any ceremony
should recognize that the universe is based upon polarity or two dimensions. A
ninety degree shift from a two dimensional universe (such as Christ-Antichrist,
yin-yang, etc.) would be necessary to enter the third dimension. Likewise,
another ninety degree shift would be necessary to enter the fourth dimension.
This is not easy to visualize, but if you can, you are likely to protract your
consciousness right into the fourth dimension.
Once you have ascended into the fourth dimension, you are fully conscious of
the relativity of time. It is from this realm (including higher dimensions than
the fourth) that manipulation of time can occur. It is also from this realm that
infinite healing and enlightenment can begin. If one has ascended into higher
dimensions, the relative truth of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk
Project won't matter. They could be changed and rearranged and re-scripted.
The purpose of this book and of our promulgating the Montauk legend is to
raise consciousness of higher planes in hopes that we may ascend.
Duncan was trained to be a factor in a grand experiment. That it failed is quite
obvious. At Montauk, the Antichrist factors took over to the point where evil
ran wild. If we believe Stan Campbell's information, Christ Himself played the
magician by turning the tables and balancing out the evil factors. Whatever
magicians do, these forces will naturally ebb and flow throughout the universe
on their own. But there is no reason a magician or a certain society can't be a
catalyst for such forces. In the next chapter, we will examine a very ambitious
attempt to harness the forces of nature and thereby change the universe and the
interdimensional relationships therein.

Chapter 30 — The Babalon Working

In 1946, one of the most celebrated and significant magical experiments of the
century occurred. It was called the Babalon Working. The participants were
some of the most colorful characters in recent history: Jack Parsons, Cameron,
and L. Ron Hubbard.
When I first became involved in the Montauk investigation, I had no idea that I
would be led to Marjorie Cameron. I had always been interested in what had
gone on between Hubbard and Parsons, but I didn't know about Cameron and
never would have looked her up if it had not been for my fascination with the
synchronicity between the Camerons and the Crowleys. That her real name was
Wilson was quite astounding, but even so, I have had a hard time admitting
that she could have anything to do with the Montauk story. It seemed either too
corny or too good to be true. Madame X has pushed my nose into this and has
finally gotten me to see that the synchronicity of my meeting Cameron (under
the odd circumstances that I did) was not an accident. After all, I have now
personally met two of the principals in the Babalon Working. Unfortunately,
Jack Parsons died before I was born. He is definitely the most enigmatic of the
three. An important and intriguing figure when it comes to the subject of
interdimensional shifts, Parsons appears in countless footnotes by many
different authors. His life was a labyrinth of mystery and his writings are
difficult to find. We will examine key parts of his life and then look at his
involvement in the Babalon Working before we come full circle back to
Parsons was born into a wealthy Pasadena family in 1914. Although he
attended the University of Southern California, he was apparently too brilliant
to stay in college. He had a remarkable reputation as an explosives expert and
as said previously in this book, he was a principal scientist with the rocket
research group attached to Cal Tech that founded the Jet Propulsion
If it takes a rocket scientist to understand magick, Jack Parsons was certainly a
fast and furious student of the subject. He was introduced to the O.T.O. by a
scientist friend and was particularly impressed by the fact that Crowley had
predicted the work of Einstein and the quantum theory in his book Liber Legis.
Jack joined the O.T.O. in 1941 and at one point served as Lodge Master for the
Agape Lodge of the order. He became associated with L. Ron Hubbard after
the war ended and together they participated in the "Babalon Working" with
Marjorie Cameron, Jack's second wife. The Babalon Working was a magical
ritual that lasted days and is probably the most famous magical working of the
20th century. An entire book could and should be written about the Babalon
Working. In this chapter, we will give only a brief summary of what happened.
Parsons was considered by some to be the spiritual heir of Aleister Crowley,
but this magical working would set Parsons' life on a new path and lead to the
end of his relationship with Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard. It involved creating
a Moonchild which was the raising of the Antichrist as was explained in the last
chapter. Parsons also viewed this experiment as reversing the stagnant and
unbalanced patriarchal power structure of the Piscean era. He was also a big
fan of womankind and in this work he sought to bring out the Goddess energy
that had been repressed for millennia.
What exactly is a Moonchild? There are differing views. Cameron explained to
me that she's uncomfortable with the word. She said that every time one has
sex, a thought form is created. This is sometimes called a Moonchild. The
thought form will go out and do the bidding of the magicians involved (sex
A Moonchild is also considered to be the Antichrist by some, but there is an
interesting polarity in the word. The moon is reflective and acts as a shadow.
The sun, which is mythologically referenced to be in alignment with Lucifer, is
considered to have opposite polarity to the moon. This gives the moon a
redemptive quality. On the other hand, the moon can also be associated with
darkness and sorcery. Again, it is all a manner of semantics and what style of
forces the magician chooses to invoke.
The Babalon Working began in 1946 with a full ritual ceremony. Parsons and
Cameron gave their sexual energy with Hubbard overseeing the operation and
using his astral vision. It was an exhaustive operation which was designed to
open an interdimensional door for the manifestation of the goddess Babalon
(which means understanding), the Mother of the Universe. She would appear in
human form, and many to this day consider that Cameron is indeed the
incarnation of Babalon. I agree that Cameron is a very impressive and magnetic
character, and I would never deny that she is Babalon but it is not my job to
pass judgment. But I do not think she was intended to be a Moonchild. That is
something else. In fact, she feels that many of the children born in the 1960s
are "her children" in a magical sense. The Moonchild has been considered by
some to be the spiritual heir to Crowley. As Cameron and Parsons had no
children, the Moonchild should be relegated to a birth in a different dimension
(which could well have infiltrated this world in almost any form).
Much to Parsons' surprise, Crowley did not take kindly to his experiment. He
sent someone to effectively take over and muster Jack out of the O.T.O..
According to what Hymenaeus Beta (the Outer Head of the O.T.O.) told me,
Parsons was experimenting in forces that he could not control and would lead
to trouble.
So what did Jack Parsons actually do?
According to the accounts of many others, Parsosn (along with Hubbard and
Cameron) succeeded in creating a rift in space-time (not unlike the
Philadelphia Experiment). A doorway to "the other side" or another dimension
was created. It was after this operation that UFO sightings began to be reported
en masse. The famous Roswell crash occurred in 1947, prior to the death of
Aleister Crowley. Whatever happened during the Babalon Working, there is
extremely wide acceptance in both magical and scientific circles that something
of an extremely profound nature occurred that had an extreme interdimensional
effect. Besides the massive UFO sightings that followed, there was also the
National Security Act and the formation of the CIA.
It is also noteworthy to point out that, according to Cameron, both Parsons and
Hubbard were never the same after the experiment. Both would have many
struggles and Parsons would be officially assassinated six years later.
Ironically, the Capitol building in Washington. D.C. was stormed by UFOs
within a very short time after Parsons died.
At this point, we are invited to speculate about the Babalon Working. It was
most definitely a magical act which was aspiring to reach the realm of creation
(God) itself. If the creation zone were accessed, history could have been
rewritten or changed by the very power of God or lesser minions. Most would
never know the difference. Based upon the above information, mistakes were
made during the operation. This leaves a trail we can follow.
If Jack Parsons was a failure in his efforts, it would appear to be as a result of
infiltration from another dimension. (The violation of women through alien
abductions is a somewhat related example.) He opened himself up to an alien
force which has gotten the better of many of us. Perhaps this is what Crowley
was so concerned about when he kicked Parsons out of the O.T.O.. In any case,
Parsons was a pioneer in an area that is only now becoming popular. He was a
maverick and a radical and that is what brings about changes and progress.
Hopefully, we can learn from this man's errors.
The Babalon Working not only opened the door to interdimensionality, it
sought to create a spiritual heir to Crowley. While Cameron could well be that
heir, there are other possibilities as well. We will address that a little bit later.
The next question to consider is: how does all this relate to Montauk?
This is an actual Delta T antenna that sits above Space Time Labs on Long
Island. By definition, it can actually facilitate shifting time zones. Two coils
are placed vertically around the edges of the pyramid structure at ninety degree
angles to one another. A third coil surrounds the base. Shifting time zones was
accomplished by pulsing and powering the antenna as is discussed in "The
Montauk Project: Experiments in Time". Even when the antenna is not
powered, it has a subtle interdimensional effect on the nature of time itself.

Chapter 31 — Crowley Chronicle

As I alluded to earlier, until now I had been resistant to seeing a clear
connection between Montauk, Cameron and the Babalon Working. At Madame
X's suggestion, I reviewed my experiences on the whole matter. I will now
share with you the various factors of how Crowley came into my life.
My first encounter with witchcraft was as a high school student. I was reading
some book that was totally lambasting witches and the supernatural. It was so
prejudiced that I began to wonder about the subject in general. Almost every
book on the subject in our library treated the subject with extreme scorn or
laughter. It absolutely couldn't be taken seriously. There was so much prejudice
that I figured there must be something to the subject. That began my interest in
the paranormal. I did find a book by Sybil Leek that was instructive. She
explained the Old Religion and said witches were a misnomer for the ancient
Druid priests and priestesses. She mentioned a man by the name of Aleister
Crowley who was a relative and used to read poetry to her in the mountains.
Sybil made a point of saying he wasn't the wicked man everyone thought. That
was my first recognition of Crowley.
My next experience had to do with Monique Wilson. During my research into
the Cameron-Wilson connection, I discovered that she was from Scotland and
was considered the "Queen of the Witches". She created much controversy in
the witch world in the 1970's when she sold her rightfully inherited witch
memorabilia to Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. Some thought it was too
commercial and denigrated witchcraft as an art, but if it were not for this act, I
might never have had Crowley step further into my life.
In 1974, I was stationed on a Sea Organization (the elite management branch
of Scientology) ship named "Excalibur". We were docked at Fisherman's
Wharf in San Francisco and a few of us decided to jump ship and look for
something to do after 11:00 P.M.. There isn't much to do around there that late
at night, so we tried to go to the Ripley museum. It had just closed, but they
told us the witchcraft museum next door (it has since moved or closed down)
was open. My friends and I went in and had a good many laughs. The museum
was very hokey. But the biggest laugh of all was when we came to a waxed
figure of Aleister Crowley, "The Wickedest Man in the World". He was
brandishing a knife over a naked lady and looked quite mad. My friends and I
laughed and talked about it for months later.
Within a week, a man came aboard ship with his head shaved and looked just
like Aleister Crowley. We joked that this man was the "wickedest man in the
world". Within six months, this man worked his way into a position of
financial trust and absconded with S30,000. We wondered if Crowley had had
the last laugh. Actually, the man returned to the scene of the crime within six
months and another friend of mine escorted him to the police and he was
immediately jailed. The whole experience was quite bizarre.
Later on, in the late 1970's, I would work for Hubbard and find that he would
get letters calling him the Beast 666. I had never read the Bible up to that point
and thought this was all extremely funny. The letters were never answered as
they were derogatory but many jokes ensued. I was eventually told that a court
case in England had cleared L. Ron Hubbard of any connection to Aleister
Crowley. Although Hubbard's affection for Crowley was stated in Church
authorized tapes (which I hadn't heard at the time), I wasn't aware there had
been any connection and it seemed like an absurd issue.
As the 666 messages continued to come in (this was during the time Montauk
was in full swing), the joke became funnier. I even used "666" as the
combination on my briefcase as it was so easy to remember. A year later, I
would loan the briefcase to a friend. He asked for the combination and stood
opened mouth when I told him. He told me that was his number and that he'd
been a man called Aleister Crowley in a past life. I thought this was another
absurd past life claim to fame, but it certainly perked my attention. He insisted
that I look at one of Crowley's books. I told him it looked interesting but that I
didn't have the time for it. This same man was also a friend of my wife to be
and he served as my best man. He is still in the Church today and while I don't
believe he is Aleister Crowley, the incident made quite an impression on me.
Oddly, there are many aspects of his personality that are similar to Crowley.
He did study Crowley quite profusely when he was a San Francisco hippie and
this could account for his strong identification with the man. In some respects,
he was also one of the most brilliant people I'd ever met, but he had some
shortcomings. One was a severe case of epilepsy. I would later read in a book
that Edgar Cayce considered this a symptom of having been sexually
promiscuous and abusive of psychic powers in a previous life. Whatever the
case with my friend, there was a very synchronous pattern at work. In
hindsight, it would appear that someone or something was trying to
communicate to me. The code word was Crowley.
My next encounter with Crowley came when reading a book called "L. Ron
Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?" by Bent Corydon and L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.. It
is a discreditable book about Hubbard, and I consider it to be a severe
distortion of the whole truth about the man, but the author did me a service.
Many pertinent facts were brought to light which indicated that Hubbard had
studied Crowley profusely. I slowly began to read everything I could find by
Aleister Crowley. It explained a lot.
There is another interesting experience about this time period. Just before or
during the time I read the above book, I found myself totally outside of my
body (during sleep) in the middle of space. A horrible looking hag of a witch
was looking at me. She was utterly hideous and had some sort of direct line to
me. I simply confronted her and looked her straight in the eye. Her face slowly
faded to reveal a bust of Hubbard. It crumbled into dust and fell away. I woke
up and felt like a spell had been broken. On a subjective basis, this coincided
with my discovery of Crowley's influence on Scientology. None of this is to
say that Hubbard was practicing witchcraft or black magic but the experience is
interesting to note.
As time went by, I became very knowledgeable about Aleister Crowley and his
writings, but I never joined any groups or became a ceremonial magician. Off
and on, I studied these materials for about four years. All this information I'd
accumulated was apparently just waiting to be accessed. The grand design was
at work.
My next episode with Crowley was meeting Preston Nichols. I'd met him
briefly just before a lecture. He said we could talk afterwards. There was a
break in the middle and I remember asking him a question. I don't remember
exactly what it was, but the first thing he mentioned to me was about Aleister
Crowley and the Wilson brothers. This is odd as Preston hardly ever mentions
this subject, let alone at lectures or to complete strangers, yet these were
practically his first words to me. I hadn't mentioned Aleister Crowley. He did.
It appears the universe made the connection for us.
You've since read about my encounter with Cameron and how I arrived at her
doorstep. But it doesn't end there. Just before the manuscript for this book was
completed, I took one last trip to the library to check the derivation of the
word "Montauk". Much to my surprise, I would find three references to the
name Parsons in Montauk history. The particular associations do not seem to
signify anything other than a possible family connection between Jack and
Montauk. This prompted me to call Cameron and inquire about Jack's family. I
did find out that Jack’s family were among the first settlers and shippers in
Massachusetts and were very influential on the East Coast. This makes the
Montauk connection all the more plausible.
Cameron also had another instance of synchronicity to report which I
considered even more interesting. She mentioned that the name "Wilson"
appears all over Lo Angeles. She referenced Mount Wilson and said that there
are several important Wilsons around town. In fact, she said that her current
connection with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was a Wilson. A Jim Wilson had
contacted her in about 1991. She'd been out of touch with JPL since the 1950's
and he suddenly invited her down for a tour.
Then, Cameron dropped a bomb on me. She told me that practically her whole
family (the Cameron family) had worked at JPL during Jack's tenure there. It
was embarrassing to the family because Jack was a security risk. He was always
under investigation by the Government and this had a tendency to put their jobs
in jeopardy.
Now, it was almost forty years since Jack Parsons' death and Cameron and her
grandson were mysteriously summoned to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for a
tour of the modern day facility. Jim Wilson conducted the tour which ended in
the observation booth whereupon Cameron read him the introduction to Jack's
book "Freedom is A Two-Edged Sword". After she finished, she was
immediately escorted out. It did not go over too big, but Wilson surprisingly
confessed to being a fan of L. Ron Hubbard and said that he had read
everything Hubbard wrote. Cameron would later call Jim Wilson and ask him
to help her on a personal matter. After that was discussed, she asked him if he'd
heard about the Montauk experiment. He became suddenly silent and hung up.
There was also another oddity about Jim Wilson. He claimed to know all about
Jack Parsons. Obviously, he must have been interested or he wouldn't have
called Cameron. He showed her a life size photo of the original rocket research
team at Cal Tech. Although Jack's picture was there, he couldn't recognize it
and pointed to Ed Foreman who he said was Jack. This is very bizarre because
I know for a fact that Jim Wilson knows a lot about Jack Parsons. I have a
copy of an interview he did with Dr. Frank Malina who conducted the initial
rocket tests with Jack. Practically the whole interview was about Jack Parsons.
This man was up to something, but Cameron gave him a jolt he wasn't
expecting. It must have been the truth. Sometimes that scares people.
I relayed this information to Preston, and he made an interesting comment. He
said he wondered if Jack Pruitt (who is mentioned in the first book as Preston's
boss at the Montauk Project) was indeed Jack Parsons who had gone through a
witness location program. He also said that he'd been speaking with a friend at
NASA who told him that, years ago, the buzz around NASA was that JPL
originally stood for "Jack Parsons Laboratory". The name "Jet Propulsion
Laboratory" was a cover.
I told Cameron about this and she sort of snickered and said, "It fits, doesn't
Of further interest was another encounter with Mr. X (mentioned in Chapter 8)
who heard me talk to a small group about some of this information. I was
discussing Jack Parsons and synchronicities with the name "Wilson" but I did
not mention Jack Pruitt once. At the end of my talk, he said the information
about Jack Pruitt was interesting. I had mentioned Jack Parsons, not Pruitt! He
had subconsciously connected the two on his own, perhaps based upon his own
involvement at Montauk. The next day, he acted suspicious and told me he had
thrown that out there to see how I would react.
It is hard for me to accept that Jack Pruitt and Jack Parsons could be one and
the same, but I definitely thought it possible that Jack's death could have been a
smoke screen. I spoke to Cameron and asked if she'd actually seen Jack's body
after he died. She said no and that she sometimes wondered if he had been
taken hostage. Later, she was not too enthusiastic about the prospect because
she recalled that one of the local firemen had spent a good deal of time with
Jack on the day he died. He gave her a convincing report on what had
happened. I find it suspicious that a fireman would spend a great deal of time
with someone on the day they supposedly were killed from a pyrotechnic style
explosion. After all, a captain in the New York City Fire Department once told
me that most arsonists masquerade as firemen. He said it was a statistical fact.
In this case, the fireman could have been entertaining or otherwise distracting
Jack while his lab was being set up to explode.
All of this experience reveals an amazing synchronicity between Jack Parsons,
JPL and Montauk. In fact, it asks for an even deeper investigation that is
obviously beyond the scope of this present book.
Cameron has instructed me that synchronicity is the entire basis of magick.
Magick, as it has been defined by Crowley, is the entire basis of our universe.
She also said that synchronicity carries forward from one life to another and
that might explain some of my current research. I'm not ready to comment on
any of that, but there are some things I should say about Cameron. Upon
reading the initial manuscript of this book, she became cautious about being
associated with the Montauk Project and distanced herself from the subject. She
did say that the Montauk Project might simply be a reflection of Jack and his
Many people have implied that Jack failed but he didn't necessarily fail at all.
Cameron said the Babalon Working mandated that he must become "the fire"
and he did. His success or failure cannot be determined for a least one hundred
Interestingly, Preston did not disagree that the entire Montauk Project could
have been a magical reflection of Jack Parsons. The various synchronicities
discussed still require a lot more explanation. More importantly for this work,
they do indicate some sort of tie between Montauk and the Babalon Working,
all via the name ''Wilson''. I will attempt to draw the connection full circle
after we examine another candidate considered by some to be Aleister
Crowley's spiritual heir.

Chapter 32 — Crowley Rising

In an earlier chapter, I mentioned that I had received a letter from Amado
Crowley verifying the existence of the Wilson brothers. According to his book
"The Secrets of Aleister Crowley", his father had many children out of
wedlock and he chose Amado (which means "beloved") to leave his spiritual
heritage to.
As to the authenticity of his parentage, there is some controversy. The O.T. O.
does not consider Amado Crow Ie to be either an heir or a son of Aleister
Crowley. Other people have verified that he is indeed the real son of Crowley
but this has been on a psychic and graphology (handwriting analysis) basis.
None of this is court of law proof or necessarily true otherwise. For that, we
would have to exhume Aleister Crowley and do some DNA testing. I'm sure he
would have relished the idea, but alas he was cremated. (I can just see him
rigging the coffin in his will so that his tongue would pop out in the event that
he was exhumed.) I continued to correspond with Amado as the manuscript for
"Montauk Revisited" was written, and he volunteered some very interesting
additional information.
About the Babalon Working, he said that Parsons and Hubbard were censured
because they were very interested in "chaos theory". In the occult sense, they
were seeking the forces that would "reverse" or "undo" the created universe
with a view to harnessing them. If this is true, it seems to me that Aleister
Crowley was very concerned that they might actually succeed. And if we listen
to others, they certainly did!
As for the Philadelphia Experiment and how it might relate to his father, he
told me that I would be intrigued to find out where Aleister Crowley was on
August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment). I wrote back and
told him that I'd like to know not only that but where his father was on August
12, 1923 and August 12, 1903 (this is in reference to the twenty year
biorhythms of the Earth). I received a quick reply.
"On the 12th August, 1943, Aleister Crowley, myself, and five other people
were gathered round an ancient stone monument, called Men-an-Tol, near
Morvah in Cornwall, England. You will note the remarkable similarity of the
name to Montauk. I enclose a photocopy of a postcard. The stone itself is
called 'a quoit' because it has a large circular hole in it. I was made to lie on a
length of board, and this was inserted (me with it) into the hole. It was like the
ferrite rod that is put into an electric coil. Aleister performed a ritual which
appeared to 'cause' a line of 'rough water' between this spot in southern
England, and Long Island in the USA."
It should be duly noted at this point that the O.T.O. disputes Amado's claim
and has provided a quote from the typescript of Aleister Crowley's unpublished
diary for August 12, 1943: "40th anniversary of my first marriage. III all day:
damned ill. Insomnia, choked nostrils, dry mouth & throat. Yet on M.B.
coming at 7:30 P.M. I woke up bit by bit & wrote well, clearly, & vigorously
to Saturnus [Karl Germer of OTO], Roy [Leffingwell of OTO], Chris
Kraemer. 2:30 Insomnia; better after sleeping 4:30 A.M.-11 A.M. break for
brekker [breakfast]."
At first glance, it would appear that Amado is incorrect on his dates at the very
least. But it is very interesting to note that this day (assuming the O.T.O.'s
typescript to be authentic) was the 40th anniversary of Crowley's marriage to
Rose, the woman who directed him to write "The Book of the Law", his most
inspired work and the core of his legacy. This is at the very least a
"biorhythmic synchronicity" in that it is exactly forty years before the
Philadelphia Experiment. The anniversary of Crowley's wedding is very
important to the O.T.O. and they honored it by having a feast on August 12,
It should also be noted that the above quote provided by the O.T.O. does not
entirely preclude the possibility of Aleister Crowley being at Men-an-Tol on
August 12th. In fact, just before this book went to press, I received a letter
from Amado Crowley. It even arrived on August 12 1993! I had told Amado
about the discrepancy between his account and that provided by the O.T.O.. I
will now quote from his letter of July 26th.
"Thank you for offering me the chance to 're-think the date when Crowley and
I were in Cornwall, doing that human magnet' trick. There is no need for me to
change a thing. It was extremely helpful of the O.T.O. to provide a copy of the
entry in AC's diaries ... but, you know, I do have access to them — the
originals are kept in London. So when I said we were at Men-an-Tol, you can
take it for granted that I knew about the discrepancy with the diaries. I chose
not to alter a thing because I am right, and the diaries are not. Never mind
what he wrote. Ask rather, for whom did he write it? There are a great many
other occasions when 'what Crowley wrote' seems to be at odd with 'what
Crowley did'.
"Is there any mention of 'The Hess Affair' in the diaries? Does he once
mention that the French 'Deuxieme Bureau' financed the Abbey of Thelema?*
Spies are not quite as stupid as the O.T.O. seem to think. l doubt if they are
even aware of the agents in their own organization. But this much is certain: no
spies, not even those portrayed in Hollywood films have a habit of charring
about it openly. Instead, they do all they can to turn attention away from what
they are up to. In 1943, please tell the O.T.O. we in Europe were at war too! It
may be news to them, being upright and honest, but Aleister was in the habit of
covering his tracks".
* "The Hess Affair" refers to CrowIey's involvement in a plan that lured
Hitler's deputy, Rudolph Hess, to parachute to Scotland. It involved a magical
ritual and also routine intelligence activity.
** The Abbey of Thelema was a retreat in Sicily run by Crowley and allegedly
financed by French intelligence. Mussolini, upon hearing of Crowley's occult
powers, expelled him from Italy in the 1920's.
More importantly, and long before Amado had heard about Montauk from me,
he had stated that Crowley spent time in Cornwall before the end of his life.
That he was able to recognize the connection between Men-an-Tol and
Montauk is significant. Before I had heard from the O.T.O., I took Amado's
letter to someone familiar with Gaelic linguistics. They informed me that
"Men-an-Tol" and "Montauk" (which is a Native American name) come from
the same root and mean the same thing. Unfortunately, both dialects are lost
and you can only find conjectures in library texts. I am told both words trace
back to the root "mer". This is associated with the sea but also means a circle
of perpetual motion, like a vortex through which creation can manifest and
from which one can conjure. The root of these words has actually turned into a
separate research project and will be expounded upon at a later date. It should
be noted however that all the Native American shamans are reported to have
worshipped spirit guides referred to as the "Manatu". These were shape shifters
and time travelers according to legend, and the root of the name is related to
the word" Montauk".
So, even if Amado Crowley is considered to be inaccurate on his dates, his
scholarship is noteworthy. Additionally, the fact that his letter to me arrived on
August 12th definitely gives him a definite degree of credibility if one
recognizes the principles of synchronicity. There is, of course, considerable
controversy concerning Amado and we do not wish to take an official position
on his legitimacy but merely report the data that has come to us. What is
important is that his information is undeniably synchronous with our own
Of further interest is Crowley's whereabouts on August 12, 1923. Amado says
that he was "in the desert, just outside of Tunis, where he had been 'on retreat'
with Leah Hirsig and Norman Mudd. As a companion, he had an Arab boy
called (surprise, surprise) Mohammed. They were in the tent of an important
sheik who acknowledged Crowley as a Master. It was on this occasion that they
prepared the way for Crowley to become the new head of the Karl Germer
branch of the OTO.
On August 12, 1903, Amado was not so sure. We know from the O.T.O. that
Crowley was married on that day. Amado said that was just after the final end
of the Golden Dawn, a major magical society of which Crowley, William
Butler Yeats and many notables were members. He suspected that Aleister
received information on that date about locating "The Book of Desolation"
which deals, among other things, with the "wiles of chaos". This opens the
door to infinite possibilities. It is also noteworthy to point out that according to
legend, the Wilson brothers, or at least one of them, died in 1902 or 1903.
According to Preston Nichols, this approximate date began the downfall of
science. It became a twisted and warped subject as it fixated upon materiality to
the point of excluding discoveries that were not in alignment with prescribed
thought patterns.
Another intriguing aspect about "The Book of Desolation" is that it was said to
be found in or near the tomb of Hoehnê Wronski. He was a magician who
preceded Aleister Crowley. Both were knowledgeable in a process known as
spanning the "distance" although spatial distance is not involved. Amado
explained to me that most people misconstrue spanning the distance to mean
going from the physical plane to the astral plane. This is not correct. The world
we live in is here and now, like Zen masters teach. This is our "reality" in
which we exist. But the world "there" is a different reality into which we may
wander on occasions. Spanning the distance means to go from "here" to
"there". Between the two worlds is a transformational state.
This information from Amado is strikingly similar to what Mr. X told me
about Aleister Crowley traveling from one world to the other. It has everything
to do with traveling to other time zones. All of this leads us straight to the
enigma of the Wilson brothers.

Chapter 33 — The Wilson

In the chapter on the Wilson clan, it was mentioned that the twin brothers were
sterile and that this would provide a clue for those who are familiar with
magick. This has to do with the subject of virgin births.
To my surprise, I discovered during this investigation that virgin births are a
medical fact and not just miraculous stories from the Bible. They are not
common but are written up in medical journals from time to time. Even
ordinary people are aware of this oddity but most are not. I have heard many
debates over the divinity of Jesus during my life. If this one oddity were
recognized, it would have changed the entire context of those debates.
Actually, I hope that my bringing the subject to light in this book will change
the entire context of how humanity looks at itself. The information which
follows has been supplied by Madame X and is written with a bit of medicalese
but is based upon esoteric doctrine (medical doctors are not trained or qualified
to go beyond the physical plane). Those interested in the purely biological
aspects should consult a state-of-the-art medical library .
Sterility in twins is a sign of a virgin birth.
A virgin birth refers to interdimensional mating and results in what is called a
Moonchild or Sexchild. This is also a sterile birth, and the sterility results from
the interdimensional mating.
On a physical level, a virgin (or even any other woman) can be impregnated
and not know how. This is the result of a latent male protein from the father
that resides in all females but cannot be found unless it is triggered. It is in fact
an acid that acts just like a sperm and penetrates the zona pellucida, a protective
body which contains a sack. The zona pellucida is very hard to penetrate. If it
wasn't, any old sperm or perhaps anything else (like animal sperm) could come
in and be a candidate for gestation.
Normal pregnancy occurs when the native (or psychic) intelligence in the cell
receives a message that a sperm is out there waiting to enter. If the proper
biological conditions are present, the sperm is permitted access. In the case of a
virgin birth, the protein is activated to act like a sperm and "fools" the zona
pellucida into thinking it's a sperm. A child is eventually born with the
gestation period usually lasting ten months.
The protein referred to above is located in the body's original cells which are
eight in number and located at the base of the spine. This is the root of
"kundalini" and is the first physical base of life where spirit first united with
matter. These eight cells are juxtaposed in a geometrical fashion that consists of
two pyramids. Four cells make up a pyramid or tetrahedron. The other four
make another similar pyramid. The two tetrahedrons then interlock upside
down to each other. If you were to take a two dimensional side view, this cell
structure would look like the Seal of Solomon, more popularly recognized as
the Star of David.
This geometric structure contains all the wisdom of the universe and can be
tapped either psychically or electromagnetically. (This is also the exact point
where Montauk boys have had incisions for abduction purposes). This
tetrahedral structure is what is penetrated by the magician when a Moonchild is
created. His own consciousness or psychic/sexual energy (which is
electromagnetic in nature) is taking the latent protein within the center of the
tetrahedrons and is awakening the kundalini within the zona pellucida. A
magical child is thus created.
The timing in this has to be very exact and there are countless other factors that
we won't go into. What is important is that this method is used to create a
Christ or Antichrist. It is also quite possible that a third party besides the
magician could come into play. For example, the magician could be a vehicle
for the Holy Spirit or for something sinister.
As has been suggested before, the major mystery schools of this planet make a
profession out of these type of operations. The scope of this book will not
begin to attempt to describe the various motivations and scenarios of such
groups. It is enough to know that making Moonchildren is a serious subject that
has vast repercussions. Balancing the Christ energy with the Antichrist energy
has everything to do with the subject of time and how we became entrapped in
this locale.
If the Wilson brothers were Moonchildren, it would seem to explain a lot. The
key would have to do with their general genealogy and exactly who their
parents were. That is currently being researched, but it is difficult to say the
least. The genealogy shows that there is a link to the Cameron clan. In the
grand design of creation, it would stand to reason that certain names or lineages
would be chosen to fulfill certain roles or destinies.
Next, we should consider the Montauk legend of Duncan Cameron being
reborn in 1951. According to that, Alexander Duncan Cameron Sr. got word
from the future that he should have another baby. After first siring a daughter,
his son Duncan re-arrived on the scene. If Duncan was trained to be an
Antichrist, it stands to reason that there was a magician behind his birth (this is
not meant to imply that Duncan's birth was a virgin one although that
possibility cannot be entirely ruled out). Was it Duncan Sr. or was it Crowley?
We don't know, only that there is considerable synchronicity between the two
In the case of the Wilson brothers, we have to wonder if their magician was
any of the above. It could even have been Crowley or Duncan Sr. in an earlier
life. All we can do is speculate at this point.
If we try and keep to the same logic as the above legend, we can postulate (and
after all, that is what good magicians do best!) that Father Wilson or Mother
Wilson was contacted in much the same way that Duncan Sr. was. The Wilson
brothers were subsequently born and created an avenue through time whereby
Crowley or whoever could work their magick through the space-time
continuum. This entire family of Wilsons, Camerons, etc. would seem to be the
agents of some force that has tremendous influence on the continuum. The
goodness or badness of this force is not the pertinent point. We have to rise
above duality if we want to understand the mechanism behind it all.
Going back to the Babalon Working, we have an event which transcends the
boundaries of space and time. Cameron and Hubbard are both interesting
family players in that they are Wilsons and apparently come from the same
gene pool. Jack Parsons would seem to be somewhat of an outsider and ended
up conflicting with Crowley. Did Jack give us the Wilsons? Was it Crowley?
I ran my theory by Cameron, and she said there could be something to it. She
agreed undoubtedly that there is a very mysterious connection. Perhaps she will
reveal more as time goes by.
This entire subject has given us many ponderables and it is extremely likely
that we will get some answers in the future. The objective here is to lay open
the playing field and thereby open the door to further investigation. That
inevitably leads to more truth.

The original purpose of this book was to corroborate that the Montauk Project
took place in some form. If my experiences and the accounts of others are
believed, it becomes obvious. Most people do not want to look at what makes
themselves tick, let alone the universe. This fact alone has made the
investigation difficult
The occult factors and synchronicities I have relayed came totally as an
unexpected surprise to me. It has been a long hard journey experiencing,
collecting and writing all this information. Even though we are at the end of
this leg of the journey, the horizon is filled with intriguing potentials and many
new adventures await.
I find the Babalon Working to be one of the most fascinating synchronicities,
not only because of what was being attempted but because of the characters
involved. No major work has been attempted on this subject to date. Cameron
has had countless interviews, but the writers always want to know about Jack.
They abuse her by ignoring her. In fact, she was the result of the Babalon
Working and her life has demonstrated that Cameron holds the keys to many
mysteries, the most important of which is the unleashing of womankind. This
has already begun but has a long way yet to go. When I initially met Cameron,
I discussed the possibility of writing such a book. While this may still happen,
there is no firm commitment from either party. She has also expressed interest
in writing her own book about the Babalon Working.
In the same breath as Cameron, we must consider the stories of conspiracy that
have surrounded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. According to some accounts,
Jack Parsons is practically worshipped by key members of that organization. In
any event, he was definitely respected. Much of the light shown on him in this
book was the result of a staff member of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
contacting me out of the blue and giving me some of the information I've
included. He enthusiastically studies Parsons and will provide me with any
further data that he finds. This story is apparently just opening up.
Also on the horizon is Amado Crowley. He may hold the trump card yet: only
time will tell. On the 50th anniversary of his father's death, he intends to
publish some explosive documents that will indicate his father was murdered
and that his legal will was altered. Crowley died on December 1, 1947. We
will have to wait until 1997 to see if those documents will have any serious
repercussions. Madame X tells me that this information has already
reverberated throughout the different mystery schools and is of the utmost
concern. Amado has promised to give more information as the timing of
circumstances allow.
Perhaps the biggest clue to the Crowley connection concerns the family's
heraldic Coat-of-Arms. It equates to the tarot card "The Sun" in Crowley's
Thoth Tarot Deck. This concerns the New Aeon (New Age in today's
vernacular) and the emancipation of the human race. Maybe the incredible
thread of synchronicities between the Crowleys, Camerons and Wilsons is just
an old magical formula built within the structure of the universe that is telling
us that it is time for Mankind to be free. It is safe to come out of the
Whatever the case with Aleister Crowley, his knowledge is a tool. Like a
hammer, it can be used for good or evil. It is up to each of us to determine the
And last, but not least, is the research of Preston, Duncan and Al Bielek. New
information about Montauk, its ramifications and other projects continues to
come in. There is no shortage of excitement or lack of avenues to pursue in our
quest for understanding the universe(s).
We will talk to you again later.

Appendix A — L. Ron Hubbard

An incredible amount of nonsense has been wrinen about this man. I will be as
brief as possible and stick to the salient points based upon my own personal
knowledge and insights.
Hubbard was extremely wide read and had an acute aptitude for the
paranormal. His experiences were not those of a "normal" person and he was
continually finding that nobody believed him. Various authors and courts have
condemned him for being a compulsive liar. I definitely found this not to be
true in my own experience, but if he was a compulsive liar to some, it was
partly because no one believed him when he told the truth. Why not just tell
them something that works? Hubbard believed in workability beyond all else
and he was extremely effective in his pursuits. He hated the establishment
because it furthered stagnation and was a hallmark of ineffectiveness.
The Navy career of L. Ron Hubbard is checkered with ambiguity. His actual
Naval records will not be released although there is agreement that he worked
in Naval Intelligence. This being the case, disinfonnation as to his whereabouts
and duties would have been fabricated as a matter of due course.
It is known that Hubbard studied the psychiatric records of Navy personnel and
had information on the cutting edge procedures of the day. This included
narcosynthesis and regression techniques. He took what he learned from
psychiatric research, plus his earlier studies, and formulated Dianetics. This
was the first major regression therapy applied on a broad basis and was
designed to be easy for the layman to use.
Hubbard also studied Aleister Crowley and found him fascinating. Crowley's
principles are to be found here and there throughout Hubbard's work, but they
are not one and the same thing. Hubbard developed his own techniques and was
more of an innovator than a copycat.
Hubbard's popularity grew and he never had to look back as far as money was
concerned. The Church of Scientology grew out of this popularity and it was
incorporated as a legal religion in 1954. Hubbard had constant difficulties
running organizations and found he couldn't openly trust others to "just go do
it". He formulated his own administrative system and set it up to be effective.
The purpose was to sell books and get his Dianetics and Scientology processes
to the public. He honestly believed this would save humanity.
The Government waged decades of war against Hubbard and much of it was
unconstitutional. I believe that they were angry at him for breaking security
with information he had obtained while with the Navy. His organization was
also perceived as a threat by J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon and other
establishment forces.
I first saw Hubbard in 1972 and Scientology was a growing and dynamic
movement at that point. He had definite health problems, but they were not
exaggerated nor did they seem to hamper him. These were not hidden from the
crew. He considered himself an experimental guinea pig and what he released
as standard Scientology was watered down (as far as being dangerous) and
foolproof as far as he was concerned.
Hubbard is often described as a temperamental hot head who always had to get
his way. He had extremely high expectations and they were not often met.
Very often, he didn't get his way and nothing was done about it for a long time
or sometimes not at all. Of course, there were plenty of times when he
achieved what he wanted, but he was mostly busy researching. Hubbard did not
constantly police anyone. At times, he would keep to himself but he never
ignored the crew. I only saw him get angry a couple of times and this was after
a person had repeatedly acted like a fool.
Hubbard said he had no idea he would become so popular and become such a
figurehead. Had he known, he would have led his life much differently. It was
wild and filled with outrageous aspects. In fact, he told a friend of mine in the
early 1970's that he would prefer to die. His body was worn out, and he felt he
had to keep it alive because he had become an important symbol to so many
people that followed the movement.
Government agents reportedly used to take bets on how fast they could put
Hubbard in prison. Although they were not successful in this regard, I believe
he was under constant psychotronic attack during the time the Montauk Project
was in operation. He even ended up on Long Island during most of 1973.
The Church of Scientology grew to be a very large organization by the early
1980's. Despite high officials going to prison for conspiracy against the
Government, the movement was highly popular and growing. In 1981, at what
was probably the height of the Church' s popularity, Hubbard was no longer
directly involved. He was hiding so as not to be served with a subpoena.
Several people thought the movement had been infiltrated by the CIA pitting
one Scientology faction against another. There was tremendous infighting
within the organization during this period and the majority of people I knew
left. The organization totally changed its operating basis and hasn't been the
same since.
Hubbard passed on in January 1986 at the age of 74. He called his confidante,
Pat Broeker, to his room a few days before he departed and told him that he
would be leaving his body. Hubbard was concerned that people might grieve
and cry over his departure. He said this wasn't necessary and that people would
cry only because of their own self-invalidation. In other words, people would
be crying over their own belief system that they themselves were not immortal.
I've tried to be as objective as possible about this short biographical sketch of
Hubbard. It is important to realize that this man had incredible knowledge. He
wanted the entire world to access it. If he were clearly interested in money and
power and that was all, he would have led a much more extravagant life style.
Most of the time, his quarters were not as plush as the average three bedroom
house. His life was also filled with pits and valleys and he would have been the
first to agree. The man has simply not been accurately portrayed in any
biographical accounts of him.
I believe that the real clues to this man' s role on Earth have to do with his
involvement with Jack Parsons and his heritage with the Wilson clan. His
activities there are still shrouded in mystery.

Appendix B — Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley was born in 1875 and given the name Edward Alexander
which he used until his late teens. His father, also named Edward Alexander
Crowley, was a wealthy brewer who became a fire and brimstone preacher.
Crowley's brilliance as a young child is legendary. He reportedly learned the
game of chess after watching one match and was virtually unbeatable
thereafter. He led a privileged life except for the fact that he was force fed the
Christian religion in a most abhorrent manner. Perhaps the best illustration of
this is an incident that took place as a young teen at the private school he
The teacher had caught wind of an outbreak of homosexuality among
Crowley's classmates. One of the perpetrators was caught and was forced under
the whip to tell on his accomplices. Crowley was named as being a guilty party
although he would deny his involvement for his entire life. (This is particularly
noteworthy as Crowley never denied being involved in homosexuality in later
life.) The teacher then proceeded to extract a confession from Crowley and
flogged him repeatedly. He was forced to recite Christian prayers between
floggings under the assumption that he would see the errors of his ways.
Unfortunately, Crowley didn't know what he was accused of, but he was beaten
repeatedly for a period of about two weeks. The teacher finally became
exasperated and told Crowley what he suspected. Crowley told him he would
have confessed to that right away if he'd only known what he wanted to hear.
The teacher became disgusted and expelled Crowley.
Upon returning home to his mother with the expuIsion notice, she read the
scandal and said words that are now famous. They were something like the
"You're a beast. Yes. You're the beast of revelation — 666!"
Young Crowley felt very relieved to hear these words because he could identify
with them. Anything that was anti-Christian must be good because Christianity
had proven itself to be the most evil thing in the world in his own mind.
The above experience is usually overlooked when books are written about
Crowley. It is perhaps one of the most revelatory experiences in his early life.
Crowley's father died when he was twelve. He lived under the care of his
mother and an uncle until he went to Cambridge University. There, he studied
the physical sciences and had a renaissance education. He is arguably one of the
more skilled poets ever. In any case, he had a mastery of the English language
(and many others too).
At the age of twenty, he inherited a fortune and abandoned the last year of his
formal education. He was now enthusiastically pursuing the occult and studied
in many secret societies. He would later rise to the highest leadership position
in many ancient orders. The Masons, Rosicrucians, Order of the Silver Star and
Ordo Templi Orientis are amongst them. The latter, commonly referred to as
the O.T.O., is perhaps the most significant in his own life. While being the
Outer Head of the O.T.O., he formulated and wrote down his most famous
work, "Magick, In Theory and Practice". He spelled "magick" with a "k" so as
to differentiate it from parlor magic.
The most spectacular event in Crowley's life occurred in 1904 at the Boulak
Museum in Cairo. Crowley and his wife Rose had recently spent the night in
the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. While staying at a flat in Cairo,
Rose fell into a foreign state of mind and kept repeating that Crowley had
offended Horus, the Egyptian god. Crowley was mystified as his wife knew
virtually nothing about Egyptian mythology. She then proceeded to tell him
how to invoke Horus and finally dragged him to the Boulak Museum. There,
he was shocked. Rose showed him an image of Horus in a form known as Ra-
Hoor-Khuit. The display number was "666". This experience resulted in a
tremendous illumination which would change the course of Crowley's life
Soon after, at midnight on March 19th, he declared that the equinox of the
gods had arrived and that a new epoch in human history had begun. Crowley
subsequently dictated a message from Aiwass, his own Holy Guardian Angel,
which would serve as a link between the solar spiritual forces and mankind.
This message was written down in what became known as "The Book of the
Law". This work lays down a simple code of conduct which is "Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. There is no
law beyond Do what thou wilt."
These words are often misinterpreted, particularly when they are spoken of on
TV talk shows and written about by authors who are not serious students. Such
persons might say that the above doctrine encourages others to do what they
want, such as murder, rape, and pillage. This is very far from the true teaching.
Crowley taught that every man and woman is a star. Each of us is to move on
our true orbit, marked by the nature of our position, the law of our growth and
the impulse of our past experiences.
According to this same doctrine, all events are equally lawful and everyone is
necessary in theory. In practice, only one act is lawful for each of us at any
given moment. Therefore, it is our duty to determine to experience the right
event from one moment of consciousness to another.
It should also be noted that "thelema", the Greek word for "will"', has the same
numerical value as "agape", the Greek word for "love". This is not considered
to be an accident. Each action or motion is an act of love that will unite with
the whole. Each act must be "under will', chosen so as to fulfill and not thwart
the true nature of the being concerned.
The technical methods of achieving this are to be studied in Crowley's system
of "Magick".
It is important to know that Crowley's life was full of scandal. Much of it had
to do with sex., drugs and strange rites. Sometimes he was accused of murder
such as sacrificing his son, MacAleister. When you realize that he had no son
by the name of MacAleister, you begin to understand that what has been said
about this man is not usually accurate. He did have quite a reputation as a
sorcerer or magician and some people were quite afraid of him. He was never
jailed and some say that is simply because he such a good magician.
Crowley was definitely a trickster and there are those who believe that he
created a cloud around his activities so to repel those who were not worthy of
the knowledge he had to teach. A case can be made for this as he once hired a
secretary, whom he referred to as the Ape of Thoth, to write scandal and
circulate rumors about him.
I should also warn the reader that the average person who reads Crowley's
works may find himself repelled mentally, morally or both. If this occurs,
understand that repulsion is a reverse magnetism and is forcing one not to look
at something. One often has to get past that to discover the truth. But if the
repulsion is too strong, it may be best to stay away from the material. It is far
easier to whimper off to the refrigerator and munch on a fudgesicle.
It is quite possible to be appalled by the grossness of the internal combustion
engine. Without a muffler, it is absolutely horrendous and quite repulsive
indeed. But if the sound is muffled and the engine works, no one thinks twice
about driving the car to get to where he is going.
Whatever the case, Crowley dedicated his life to trying to give others the keys
to drive out of this universe. He coined the phrase "THE WAY OUT IS
There is much controversy surrounding the life of Aleister Crowley. The
principles he illustrated are far more important than the person himself. I think
if he were here today, he would tell us one thing:

Appendix C — The Shelleys

When my psychic friend Joy told me she had been channeling the name
Duncan Cameron for over a year and a half, I asked her for further
information. The name "Wilson" came with it, along with a name like
"Shelby” which I later identified as "Shelley". This name, of course, refers to
Percy and Mary Shelley. Percy was a master of the English language and
considered by some to be the best writer ever. Mary authored the book
Frankenstein. They lived an exotic and creative life on the edge of society.
Their exploits have been romanticized for years both on stage and in countless
Joy had told me that the Wilson Brothers had a connection to Geneva. This city
is very close to where the Shelley's were living when they told the midnight
stories that eventually resulted in Frankenstein. Geneva has long been
considered in legend to be the world headquarters of the Illuminati or some
such conspiratorial organization.
I checked several books but came up with no significant connections between
the Shelleys and any Camerons or Wilsons. I did however check with Marjorie
Cameron and she told me an interesting story about Dennis Murphy. He
authored the book "The Sergeant" and inspired a character in "East of Eden"
by John Steinbeck. Murphy's family settled in the beautiful redwood studded
area of Big Sur in Northern California, near Santa Cruz. The family eventually
founded the Esalen Institute, an avant-garde training school that deals with
metaphysical topics and is always considered "very California" and on the
"cutting edge". Cameron thought a great deal of Dennis Murphy.
When I told Cameron about the Shelleys possibly being connected to the
Wilsons, I asked her if she had any information on a possible connection. She
told me that one time Murphy had taken her to a very special spot in Big Sur.
There seemed to be no other agenda than his taking her to some cliffs and
pointing to the ivy that was growing there. He told her that the ivy had initially
been transplanted from Percy Shelley's grave. It was odd. Why had he gone out
of his way to show this to her? Cameron didn't have any more information for
me other than that.
I then called my friend Kenn Arthur and asked him if he knew anything about
the Shelleys. He said that Percy Shelley and Lord Byron (for those who don't
know already, he was the most famous writer of his day and was a trio with the
Shelleys in Geneva) were bisexual. He joked that Mary Shelley was trisexual.
In other words, she'd "try" anything. This being true, it is not a far leap to
guess that they might have been involved in sexual magick in their own right.
The concept of Dr. Frankenstein's monster certainly identifies with a magical
child, albeit an aborted one.
Kenn said that there was a mystic named Marcia Moore who had done past life
regressions with her group. Three of the people had turned up past lives being
Percy, Mary and Lord Byron. He referred me to a book but it could not be
found. When I told him about the ivy from Shelley's grave at Big Sur, Kenn
said that explained it. Marcia Moore disappeared from the face of the Earth at
Big Sur in the 1970's. It was one of the major metaphysical mysteries of the
I looked into Marcia Moore and found out that she was a very beautiful woman
who was a yoga teacher. She lived in Manhattan and Massachusetts before
going to California. She had children and apparently took excellent care of
them. She was not a "kook" in any sense of the word.
Marcia was experimenting with certain herbs and was actually trying to
transcend the physical plane by invoking higher consciousness. Her
disappearance was a total mystery as far as the police were concerned. I took
her picture to psychic Maria Fix and had her read on it. She'd never heard of
Marcia Moore but immediately said that the woman was beyond this
dimension. I told her the circumstances surrounding her disappearance, and
Maria read that two gentlemen had found her in the woods and murdered her.
The body was well hidden and never recovered. She also said that the
murderers were friends from a previous life and were giving Marcia what she
wanted: transcendence. Marcia was shocked and extremely disoriented after the
death. She eventually regained her bearings and had achieved what she wanted.
Just like the sailors on the "U.S.S. Eldridge", Marcia was jolted out of this
dimension. If Maria's psychic reading is correct, Marcia Moore's spiritual
training put her in better stead than the average crew member of the Eldridge.
Further investigation would show that Big Sur sits on the same parallel as
Norfolk, Virginia. There is also a psychiatric hospital in the area with a huge
underground facility. Both Al Bielek and one of the Norfolk triplets (see
Chapter 24) have informed me that there was a version of the Montauk Project
at Big Sur.
There is also another interesting aspect to the Shelley investigation. There was
an actual Castle Frankenstein and it can still be visited today. In my search, I
ran across a book entitled "In Search Frankenstein" by Radu Florescu. He
researched Mary Shelley's notes from the time period and shows that they
likely visited the castle. The Shelleys apparently stopped at a wayside inn and
got drunk listening to tales and legends. Some of the peasants believed these
two strangers were in some way related to the Frankenstein clan.
Florescu extensively researched the Frankenstein clan and gives considerably
more information than I can relay here. One noteworthy ancestor was Baron
Frank von Frankenstein who wrote a history on the origins of Transylvanian
Germans. The Baron was adamant about refuting the legend of the "Pied Piper
of Hamelin". According to that story, the children were led by the Pied Piper
through a hole in a mountain and emerged in Transylvania to become the
ancestors of the Germans in that area. Whether or not it is true, this legend has
a gripping similarity to the Aryan Montauk boys that were grasped at Montauk.
Of even more interest in this book is a young alchemist by the name of Johann
Konrad Dippel. He was born in 1673 at Castle Frankenstein and signed his
doctoral dissertation "Franckensteina" which was about "the principle of life".
Because of his unorthodox views, he was expelled from the University of
Strasbourg (Strasbourg was a city the Shelleys visited and was also where the
Nazi gold treasure disappeared at the end of WW II).
The career of Dippel paralleled that of Mary Shelley's character Victor
Frankenstein. He was quite brilliant and far ahead of his professors. Traveling
to Sweden, he taught wherever he could but eventually made his way back to
the University of Strasbourg. After a two year residence, he fled unexpectedly.
There had been body snatching in a local cemetery and the locals gossiped that
he had been involved. These sorts of rumors plagued him throughout his life.
Dippel returned to the study of alchemy and ended up back in Frankenstein
country. The area was loaded with different alchemical laboratories and the
castle itself housed one. He experimented with human body parts and animals
and invented actual medicines and the artist's paint known as
Prussian blue. Dippel's philosophy indicates a belief in magical ritual to give
life. He became the victim of intrigues and continued to run from place to
place. Dippel's life ended in an unnatural death and his own body disappeared.
A larger than life legend ensued after Dippel' s death. Bands of alchemists and
treasure seekers sought out his old haunts near the castle. While popular
recorded history apparently has them all being unsuccessful in seeking treasure,
this is not necessarily the case. If someone had actually found any spoils, they
would have wisely perpetrated the story that nothing had been found. History
would be none the wiser.
"In Search of Frankenstein" begins to give some real clues as to a thrilling
history that is far stranger than ordinary legend. Unfortunately, scholarship and
recorded history (which is often altered by the powers that be) can only reach
so far. The author leaves us at the threshold of fascination when he talks about
the exquisite clock makers of Switzerland of the 17th Century. The technology
of the time period was so precise that robots were built that probably far
exceeded at least the technology of the 1960's. These robots could play a
variety of songs with musical instruments but most were lost or taken away
during the centuries. Occasionally, one can find a remnant in a European
All of this gives rise to serious questions. What was going on in Geneva during
the last few centuries? What was the power and technology behind the clock
makers, also the seat of world finance? And, what was the symbology of
creatures popping out of clocks?
Could all this mean to suggest that those who control the finances of the world
also control and manipulate the consciousness of time?
May the intrigue continue.

Appendix D — Cameron
Cameron is a poet and artist and is probably the most significant figure in the
Goddess movement. Born in Belle Plain, Iowa*, a spiritual passion overtook
her as a child and she became a center point for various forms of knowledge.
*Belle Plain is the home of the largest artesian water well in the world. She
believes this is significant because there is a legend that this water well is
connected through the underground to Lochness where Aleister Crowley lived
and gave rise to the legends of the Loch Ness Monster.
Cameron joined the U.S. Navy as Marjorie Cameron but began using her last
name only after being called that during her entire military career. Working
directly for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during WW II, she made maps and was
the only enlisted person working for them at the time. She had occasion to
witness unbelievable corruption and went A.W.O.L. when her brother was
brought home in a straitjacket. Fearing that she might expose her own
commanding officer, she was court martialed but it didn't appear in her
After serving in the Navy, she came into contact with Jack Parsons, the notable
rocket scientist who co-founded Aerojet General Corporation. In a reversal of
fortunes for the Navy, she married Jack and engaged in the now famous
"Babalon Working". This was an ambitious sex magick ritual, the repercussions
of which can still be felt today. Shortly after this operation, mass sightings of
UFOs began to occur across the United States.
Cameron left her husband about a year later and sought out Aleister Crowley
himself, thinking that she was his magical daughter. By the time she reached
Paris, Crowley died. After this shocking news, she decided to enter a convent
near Geneva, Switzerland. Three week later, she had one of the most profound
experiences of her life. She found herself looking in front of a mirror and had
a spontaneous reaction. She took off all her clothes and howled like a beast.
This act removed any denial of her true human nature, and she returned to her
husband in Pasadena.
When Jack Parsons died in 1952, Cameron moved to Mexico and associated
with famous artists and writers there. A renegade Catholic priest tried to burn
her at the stake during this period but his plans came to naught (he was also
expelled from the Roman Catholic Church). She eventually returned to Los
Angeles and continued to work as an actress, artist and poet. Her life continued
to read like an adventure book and she married Sheridan Kimmel. He was the
inspiration for Ken Kesey's character "McMurphy" in the book "One Flew
Over the Cuckoos Nest."
Cameron is not well known to the general public, but she has been one of the
foremost revolutionaries of our time. She appeared in different underground
movies and one of her visionary drawings resulted in the closing by the vice
squad of a gallery exhibition. This broke new ground in setting artistic and
legal precedent for freedom of expression. Her audio lecture series
"Superwoman" is played regularly on Los Angeles radio and the world has yet
to discover the depths and influence of this woman.

Appendix E — Jack Parsons

In this book, we have already discussed the basic facts surrounding Jack
Parsons and his unique life. There is considerable intrigue about this man
which is apparently beyond the scope of this book but should be commented
upon nevertheless.
As his contract work with rocketry resulted in the founding of Aerojet General
Corporation and substantial government contracts (this all began prior to World
War II), he was of keen interest to the military industrial complex. They also
would have been very keen on his brilliance and technological capabilities. The
fact that he was a magician would have either intrigued or irritated the military
to no end. He was highly sought after and the Government watched him like a
One of the government agents who spied on Parson was supposedly L. Ron
Hubbard. He claimed that he was sent in by Navy intelligence to bust up the
practice of black magic amongst the scientists at Cal Tech. Cameron said the
same might apply to herself, but whatever the case, they both got involved very
deeply themselves. Hubbard would later credit Aleister Crowley in his
Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures so it is likely that he was involved on a
personal and magical level.
"The Magicians Dictionary" quotes Colin Wilson as sayings that Parsons had
been advised by a higher power "to declare war on all authority that is not
based on courage and manhood...the authority of lying priests, conniving
judges, blackmailing police and to call an end to restriction and inhibition,
conscription, compulsion regimentation and the tyranny of laws." The higher
power was identified as Hubbard, but this did not come out until the late
1980's, after his death. This identification appears to have validity because it
was revealed in several place at once.
Whatever Hubbard's actual role was, he did share secrets with Jack Parsons.
Hubbard touted a book called "Excalibur" which supposedly described the
secrets of life itself. According to legend, the people who read the manuscript
went insane and he withdrew it. Parson's most significant work has been
closely guarded as well. Both of these men were participants in what has been
described as the most celebrated and significant sexual magick act of the 20th
century. Cameron said both men never recovered.
Another one of Parsons best friends was Robert A. Heinlein, the "Dean of
Science Fiction". Heinlein frequented the same haunts as Hubbard and both
were made privy to the inner workings of magick and the O.T.O.. Not
insignificantly, they both were U.S. Naval officers. Heinlein made a big step
toward changing the world when he wrote the book "Stranger in a Strange
Land" which was a rallying point for what later became known as the hippie
movement. He originated the word "grok" (meaning deep understanding) and
based his entire work on the philosophy of the O.T.O.. The relationship
between Heinlein and Jack Parsons is covered brilliantly and in great detail in
"Green Egg" magazine (Summer. Autumn and Winter editions of 1992).
Parsons knew many famous people but perhaps the most politically powerful
was Howard Hughes, the czar of the fledgling aerospace industry. Cameron's
research indicates that Hughes controlled the CIA after 1949. This time period
is interesting because it occurs just after his famous plane crash. Hughes was an
enthusiastic pilot and held world records. In the late 1940's, he was almost
killed and went into a serious coma. The doctors thought he was dead or at
least a vegetable case. He made a miraculous recovery, but it turned out not to
be so miraculous. It was at this point that he became incredibly eccentric and
just plain weird. It is speculative, but it is not a far stretch to guess that Hughes
may have been resurrected by aliens who programmed him to do their bidding.
The man had tremendous influence and this may have led to Parsons' death.
If Hughes was a CIA monster, Jack Parsons' disdain for authority couldn't have
helped him any. In June 1952, just before Cameron and he were to make a
scheduled trip to Mexico, Parsons died in a laboratory experiment of
mysterious origin. Popular and irresponsible accounts like to depict him as a
suicide over his misfortunes with Hubbard or some other imagined enemy, but
this is not the case. In fact, two explosions occurred that day and one was from
under the floor boards. He didn't blow himself up. Somebody killed him, and
Cameron is sure that Hughes was behind it. A very appropriate question to ask
in this matter is "Who was behind Howard Hughes?"
Hubbard would state after Parsons' death that he was very fortunate to have
known such a remarkable man as Jack Parsons. Two weeks after Jack died, the
Capitol was stormed with UFOs. Serious Government pursuit of Hubbard
began in earnest shortly thereafter. The world hasn't been quite the same since.
Established in 1992, Sky Books became immediately recognized as the premier
publisher in the world on the scientific pursuit of time travel and time control
when it published “The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time” (see below), a
book which shook the world due to its unprecedented insight into the
mechanics of time. Always immersed in very controversial subject matter and
traditionally boycotted by the mainstream media, Sky Books is a company built
on grass roots popularity and its influence has been recognized worldwide with
translations in Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria. Sky
Books has published over fifteen titles since releasing “The Montauk Project”
and also issues a quarterly newsletter which has continuously remained in print
since 1993. Continue reading for further information on these titles and also
newsletters (including back issues) on the topic of the Montauk Project.
Ordering instructions are at the very end.
Since “The Montauk Project” was published in 1992, there have been many
interesting developments and several sequels chronicling the investigation to
determine whether or not “The Montauk Project” did, in fact, exist. Preeminent
in this quest has been the “Montauk Pulse,” a quarterly newsletter that has been
written by Peter Moon since 1993. It has never missed an issue, and there has
never been a lack of interesting things to report upon, and these include Peter
Moon’s adventures with Dr. David Anderson (see,
a scientist who has excelled in understanding the actual mechanics of time and
has made remarkablebreakthroughs with time control technology. Dr.
Anderson’s work is all based upon hard science.
If you are interested in subscribing to the “Montauk Pulse” or receiving past
back issues, you may visit the Sky Books website or follow the ordering
instructions at the very end of this ebook. The Sky Books website also features
all of our sequels to “The Montauk Project” and other titles which are all
available in hard copy format. We are also currently working hard to get all
Sky Books titles into ebook format as well, including the back issues of the
“Montauk Pulse” which now features three separate volumes comprising six
years worth of newsletters each. The Sky Books website is as follows:
We have also added a blog to our website to encourage participation and
comments by readers. What follows below is a decsciption of titles published
by Sky Books. Please consult our website for additional and future titles as
by Preston Nichols with Peter Moon
“The Montauk Project” chronicles the most amazing and secretive research
project in recorded history. Starting with the "Philadelphia Experiment" of
1943, invisibility experiments were conducted aboard the USS Eldridge that
resulted in full scale teleportation of the ship and crew. Fourty years of massive
research ensued, culminating in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point that
actually tapped the powers of creation and manipulated time itself. “The
Montauk Project” bridges the modalities of Science with the most esoteric
techniques ever imagined and finally catapults us to the threshold of the stars.
We all know something is out there, but we're not sure exactly what. This
book, at long last begins to provide some solid clues.
180 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-0-9 $15.95
The stir and controversy produced by “The Montauk Project” was
overwhelming to the society it was released into in 1992. The powers that be
behind the military industrial complex had a lot to explain. As has been the
pattern for decades, they called on one of their old allies, Hollywood, and a
whole new genre of television shows were spawned in an attempt to absorb the
fallout of questions and to do damage control on the trail of information thus
exposed. The most successful of these shows was the X Files. In the meantime,
Peter Moon set about trying to verify the general thesis put forward in “The
Montauk Project”. The result was of equal interest to the first book and
resulted in:
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity by Preston Nichols and
Peter Moon
Montauk Revisted: Adventures in Synchronicity When Peter Moon
researched the remnant trail of this mysterious time travel project, he
encountered incredible and unprecedented experiences in synchronicity which
ultimately unmasked many of the occult forces that were behind the technology
used in “The Montauk Project”. Following the trail of these “coincidences,”
Peter Moon reveals an enigmatic occult tapestry which leads from the
mysterious associations of the Cameron Clan to the genesis of American
rocketry and the magick of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, and L. Ron
Hubbard. The Montauk investigation carries forward as Preston Nichols tells
the bizarre history of the electronic transistor as he opens the door to Peter
Moon and unleashes a host of incredible characters and new information. A
startling scenario is depicted that reaches far beyond the scope of the first book.
Illustrations and photos are included.
256 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-1-7 $19.95
Immediately after Montauk Revisited was completed, and much to his surprise,
Peter Moon discovered that the mysterious trail of synchronicities was getting
even more fascinating when he discovered that the site of “The Montauk
Project” experiments was sacred Native American ground that was once
accompanied by ancient pyramids which could be clearly seen in old
photographs of Montauk. The result of this brand new investigation was:
by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon
Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness An astonishing
second sequel to “The Montauk Project” and Montauk Revisited awakens
the consciousness of humanity to its ancient history and origins through
the discovery of pyramids at Montauk. A full examination of the
mysteries of the pyramids at Montauk Point reveals that the Montauk
Tribe were the royal family of Long Island and that they used the name
Pharaoh as a designation that connected their heritage to ancient Egypt
and beyond. The discovery that these pyramids were placed on sacred
native American ground opens the door to an unprecedented investigation
of the mystery schools of earth and their connection to Egypt,
Atlantis,Mars and the star Sirius. This book explains why Montauk was
chosen as a select location for pyramids and time travel experimentation.
A further examination of sacred geometry awakens the consciousness of
humanity to its ancient history and origins. Preston Nichols also fascinates
us with an update on covert operations that includes the discovery of a
nuclear particle accelerator and the development of psychotronic
weapons. The Pyramids of Montauk stirs the quest for the end of time as
we know it. Includes photos and illustrations.
256 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-2-5, $19.95
The adventures had only just begun by this point. It was now 1995. After all of
this information came out, Preston Nichols then revealed that he had
mysterious UFO experiences as a young child and also as a teenager. This
resulted in a new book which blends the history of physics and UFOlogy with
Preston’s personal experiences and gives unprecedented insight into the
technology of flying saucers and their accompanying phenomena in:
by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon
Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs
No constellation in the night sky has rivaled the Pleiades for its impact upon
the mind of man. Artists, poets, scientists, mythographers and prophets alike
have not only cited the Pleiades as an inspiration to their work but as a key to
understanding mankind and his/her relationship with the creative principles of
existence. This book is the incredible story of a man who found himself taken
to the Pleaides where he was examined and instructed by intelligent life forms
who appeared human. The Pleiadians proceeded to give him an education and
indoctrination that would enable him to regain his health and attain an
unparalleled understanding of electromagnetic science and its role in UFO
technology. A new look at Einstein gives insights into the history of physics
and how the speed of light can be surpassed through the principles of reality
engineering. New concepts in science are offered with technical but simple
descriptions even the layman can understand. These include the creation of
alternate realities through the use of twisters and spinners; mind control aspects
of the Star Wars defense system; implants; alien abductions and much more.
Never before has the complex subject of UFOs been put together in such a
simple language that can be appreciated by the scientist and understood by the
layman. Peter Moon adds further intrigue to the mix by divulging his part in a
bizarre project which led him to Preston Nichols and the consequent release of
this information. His account of the role of the Pleiades in ancient mythology
sheds new light on the current predicament of Mankind and offers a path of
hope for the future.
256 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-3-3, $19.95
By the time Encounter in the Pleiades was published, Peter Moon had also
accumulated considerable information on intriguing connections between the
Montauk Project and the Nazis which also extended to the latter’s mysterious
connections to Tibet via occult master-mind Karl Haushofer. Peter’s collection
of information on this subject culminated with a visit from world renown
author, Jan van Helsing, who allowed him to publish (for the first time in
America) his photos of the mysterious German flying craft built before and
during World War II in connection with the Vril Society. There is much to
read in:
by Peter Moon
The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection
After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied military
commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi
regime’s state secrets. The world’s best intelligence organization was not the
least of these revelations. Also discovered were massive and meticulous
research files on secret societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits that
boggled the imagination of the Allied command. Even more spectacular was an
entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer factories with
accompanying technology that still defies ordinary beliefs. A missing U-boat
fleet possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left
many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with
Hitler himself. Behind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element: a
secret order known to initiates as the Order of the Black Sun, an organization
so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in
modern Germany. The Black Sun probes deeper into the secrets of the Third
Reich and its Tibetan contacts than any other previous attempt. Author Peter
Moon ties all of these strange associations to Montauk Point, where an
American military facility was used by the Nazis to further their own strange
experiments and continue the agenda of the Third Reich. Peter Moon unravels
more Montauk mysteries which leads to the most insightful look ever into the
Third Reich and their ultimate quest: the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy
Grail. This quest penetrates the secret meaning behind the Egyptian and
Tibetan “Books of the Dead”. Includes photographs and illustrations.
304 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-4-1, $24.95
When The Black Sun was completed, a very interesting man surfaced who was
mentioned in Montauk Revisited by the psuedonym of Stan Campbell who had
gone to prison for refusing to cut his ties to Preston Nichols. Preston’s
revelations concerning Montauk were very hot at the time and “Stan’s”
involvement in the Montauk Project was a very sensitive issue to the
authorities. When he was eventually released from prison, he no longer had
anything to lose and went public under his real name, Stewart Swerdlow, and
by Stewart Swerdlow
Edited by Peter Moon
Montauk: The Alien Connection
As the new millenium unfolds, countless stories of alien abductions have begun
to penetrate the mainstream consciousness of Mankind. While some new
insights into the human condition have been obtained, too few of these
accounts have brought such experiences to a level where they can be consumed
and digested into a profitable understanding for the individual reader.
Montauk: the Alien Connection unravels the remarkable story of Stewart
Swerdlow, a gifted mentalist who has experienced extrasensory perception
since birth. Stewart’s rare abilities not only made him a magnet for
government surveillance, but his unique genetic structure made him a clearing
house for different alien agendas which sought him out for their own purposes.
Everyone’s sinister plans went haywire after Stewart began a deprogramming
procedure with Preston Nichols which was designed to clear his memories and
the controlling influences which had been installed. Stewart was subsequently
threatened and eventually jailed after refusing to comply with orders to sever
his ties with Nichols. Despite this, the truth began to work its way into his life.
Estranged from his family, Stewart was sent to prison as a financially destitute
and hopeless, tragic figure. Despite a severe human struggle, he was able to call
on his own God-given abilities, reshuffle the deck, and reevaluate his life and
the various agencies and entities which sought to utilize him. Weeding out the
most negative influences, Stewart was able to receover key memories and
discard those forces which sought to entrap him. The most intriguing aspect of
his incredible story is that he has a valuable legacy to share.
256 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-8-4, $19.95
When Montauk: The Alien Connection was completed, Peter Moon helped
Stewart put together a compendium on his healing work which features
aninterdimensional language of symbols in:
by Stewart Swerdlow
Edited by Peter Moon
The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperspace The miraculous and
strange become common place as you journey out of this dimension with
Stewart Swerdlow and discover the Language of Hyperspace, a simple
system of geometric and archetypal glyphs enabling us to comprehend
universal mysteries ranging from crop circles to the full panorama of
occult science. Written for both individuals and practitioners alike, The
Healer’s Handbook embraces color healing, dream analysis, numeric
values and symbols, auric fields, astral and hyperspace travel, and
radionics as well as offering exercises designed to unlock DNA sequences
programmed within you since the beginning of your existence. The
ancients uniformly alluded to an arcane language, sometimes described as
Vril or Babylonian, which was once common to all mankind, connected to
the Mind of God and also served as an inter-species and interuniversal
language. Now, for the first time ever, is an entire text dedicated to the
explanation of these ancient concepts. This book penetrates the secrets of
creation through DNA and includes a vast panorama of healing and
meditation techniques. Fully illustrated with exercises, color chart, Dream
Dictionary and Hyperspace Dictionary which includes the most complete
rendering of the Hyperspace Language available.
152 pages, large format book, ISBN 0-9631889-9-2, $22.00
Having known Preston Nichols for many years at this point, Peter Moon had
heard many stories of Preston’s intriguing involvement in the music industry
where he worked as a sound engineer for many popular rock groups of the
Sixties and Seventies. At the same time, Preston became involved in some very
hot political water over the legal case concerning John Ford, the founder and
president of the Long Island UFO Network. John was put targetted by
government forces and was incarcerated ever since without ever having
received a trial. Read about both of these intriguing aspects of Preston’s life in:
by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon
The Music of Time
The Music of Time blends music with time travel as Preston Nichols reveals
his hidden role in the music industry where he worked as an expert sound
engineer and recorded hundreds of hit records during the Golden Era of Rock
’n Roll. Beginning with his work for Time Records, Preston chronicles his
innovations in sound engineering and tells how he constructed the premier
music studio in the world for Phil Spector at Bell Sound. Having created a
Mecca for talented musicians, Preston found himself surrounded by and
interfacing with the likes of the Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, and many
more such popular acts. For the first time, Preston reveals his employment at
Brookhaven Labs and how his connections in the music industry were used for
mind control and manipulation of the masses. Ultimately, Preston’s real life
adventures lead to time travel and the bone chilling efforts of his adversaries to
put him permanently out of commission. These include his association with
John Ford, the founder of the Long Island UFO Network, who was arrested on
the ridiculous charge of conspiring to put radium in the toothpaste of the local
County Executive. Ford was railroaded into jail without a trial and then placed
in an institute for the criminally insane without ever having received any trial,
let alone a fair one. The County Executive was later imprisoned himself but
Ford remains locked up to this day. In a remarkable twist of fate, mysterious
forces rescue Preston and lead him to a bizarre series of financial transactions
which set him up to be involved in a new time travel project. The Music of
Time unravels more layers of mystery in mankind’s epic quest to understand
the paradox of time and the imprisonment of consciousness.
244 pages, ISBN 0-9678162-0-3, $19.95
With all the literature that had been produced thus far, the subject of the
Montauk Project was very popular and intriguing to the public but its
controversy raised many questions and attacks by those who were upset by the
data and disillusioned by their own belief systems being shattered. Peter Moon
sought out additional sources to verify aspects of the general story of the
Montauk Project that were not connected to Montauk Project per se. The first
book of this nature from Sky Books was:
by Alexandra Bruce
Edited by Peter Moon
The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics
of Insanity An added edition to the intriguing series by Sky Books which
exposes the truth about the conspiracy to manipulate time itself. This
book, edited and contributed to by Peter Moon and authored by
Alexandra Bruce, begins with the tragic murder of conspiracy lecturer
Phil Schneider. An investigation of this murder exposes a massive coverup
by authorities and reveals astonishing information, the trail of which
leads back to the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Before his
assasination, Schneider lectureed across the country and released
documents connecting his father to the U.S.S. Eldridge. Additionally, his
father claimed to be a Nazi U-boat captain who, after being captured by
the Allies, was recruited as a medical officer and served as a Senior
Medical Officer to the crew of the Eldridge. More haunting was the
discovery of gold bars in his father’s possessions with Nazi insignia. The
Philadelphia Experiment Murder investigates these circumstances and
uncovers a host of new characters including Preston Nichols’ actual boss
from the Montauk Project. Startling truths are revealed which lead to an
examination of parallel universes and the nature of insanity itself.
252 pages, ISBN 0-9631889-5-X, $19.95
While The Philadelphia Experiment Murder was being written, a man surfaced
who had grown up in and around the mysterious Brookhaven Laboratory on
Long Island, the very location where the Montauk Project was hatched. His
amazing story is:
by Wade Gordon
Edited by Peter Moon
The Brookhaven Connection
Since the advent of the atomic era, Long Island’s Brookhaven National
Laboratory has served as the premier and most top secret research lab in the
world. Shrouded in mystery since its inception, no one has been able to crack
the code of secrecy surrounding it. Wade Gordon, who grew up in and around
the lab and amidst its top players, now tells his personal story of how he was
groomed from a very young age to share the legacy of what happened there.
Beginning with Brookhaven’s formative years when the Philadelphia
Experiment was researched, links are revealed which tie Brookhaven directly to
the Roswell Crash, the National Security Act, the MJ-12 documents (which are
included in this book) and the Montauk Project. This includes a description of
a time chamber which was utilized to monitor the JFK assassination in order to
secure funding for the continued existence of the researchers.
250 pages, ISBN 0-9678162-1-1, $19.95
One of the most interesting research threads Peter Moon had ever encountered
occurred right after completing Montauk Revisited, but it took years for him to
meet the man who was responsible for circulating this mysterious legend of
quantum research on the internet. his name is Joseph Matheny. Together, they
collaborated to put this into a hard copy book:
by Joseph Matheny with Peter Moon
Ong’s Hat: The Beginning
Ong’s Hat is a real but enigmatic location in south central New Jersey that has
inspired a counterculture revolution in physics. Exotic pursuits in the Many-
Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics by Princeton physicists paved the
way for avant-garde experiments in quantum consciousness. Integrating
meditation with biofeedback and brain machine techniques, synchronicity
attractors were developed which sought out tangible states of existence beyond
the bounds of Earth. Allegedly, the experimenters achieved success with the
accessing of parallel universes. Up to now, the truth about the cult has been
vague and indecisive, but the legends, technology and quantum theory
surrounding it are more than tangible. Since Peter Moon’s involvement in the
Montauk investigation, he has encountered incredible synchronicities with
regard to space-time projects and clans of mystery. None of these have been
more riveting than his encounter with Joseph Matheny and the legends of
Ong’s Hat, a real but enigmatic location in south central New Jersey that was
once used as a return address for dissident Princeton physicists who wrote
anonymous papers that broke the scientific barriers of the day. This is the first
book in hard copy format to explore Ong’s Hat, the home of a mysterious
ashram with both scientific and natural features that included a hodgepodge of
Tantra, Sufism, Ismaili esotericism, alchemy, psychopharmacology,
biofeedback and brain machine meditation techniques that was said to involve
actual time travel by the participants. Compiled by Joseph Matheny, a multitalented
individual who was “chosen” as an intermediary by the time-travel
cult, this work is based upon the popular ebook known as “The Incunabula
Papers,” but also contains new material revealed for the first time that includes
interviews with actual survivors from the ashram and the revealing of an “egg”
used for attracting synchronicity induced time travel. Up to now, the truth
about the cult has been vague and indecisive, but the legends, technology and
quantum theory surrounding the cult have been more than tangible.
192 pages, ISBN 0-9678162-2-X, $19.95
Peter Moon’s collaboration with Joseph Matheny was a big breakthrough
because it gave further answers to many of the fascinating magical threads
which had been uncovered in Montauk Revisited. By this point in time, Peter
was also sitting on many more aspects of that story, with particular regard to
the Babalon Working and the connection between Jack Parsons and L. Ron
Hubbard, which had not been fully communicated in his previous work. These
were written up and released in:
by Peter Moon
Synchronicity & the Seventh Seal This is Peter Moon’s consummate work
on Synchronicity. Beginning with a brief scientific description (for the
layman) of the quantum universe and how the quantum observer (the
spirit) can or does experience the principle of synchronicity, we are taught
that synchronicity is also an expression of the divine or infinite mind.
Besides exploring the concept and influences of parallel universes, this
book includes numerous personal experiences of the author which not
only forges a pathway of how to experience and appreciate synchronicity,
but it goes very deep into the magical exploits of intriguing characters
who sought to tap the ultimate powers of creation and use them for better
or for worse. This not only includes the most in depth analysis and
accurate depiction of the Babalon Working in print but also various
antics and breakthroughs of the various players and that which
influenced them. These characters include the legacies and personas of
Jack Parsons, Marjorie Cameron, L. Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley.
Peter Moon adds exponential intrigue to the mix by telling us of his
personal experiences with these people and their wake which leads to even
deeper encounters which penetrates the mysterious legacy of John Dee.
Eventually, this pursuit of synchronicities leads Peter Moon to a most
intriguing and mysterious encounter with Joseph Matheny, an adept who
has not only had similar experiences to Peter, but has his own version of a
space-time project known as Ong’s Hat. Matheny has not only had
incredible synchronicities himself, he created one of the highest forms of
artificial intelligence known to man, a computer known as the
Metamachine which is designed to precipitate and generate
synchronicities. These many synchronicities lead to the books climax, a
revelation of the true Seventh Seal. The proof is delivered. No theologian
nor anyone has even tried to counter the claim.
455 pages, $29.95, ISBN 0-9678162-7-0
After Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal was finished, Peter Moon wanted to
complete a trail of investigation that he had pursued for many years and this
had to do with occult phenomena surrounding a “quantum relic” he had been
mysteriously handed when writing about the Montauk Pharoahs in Pyramids of
Montauk. This “quantum relic” was so interwoven into the fabric of his life
that he realized that, in order to present a complete picture, he would have to
write two books instead of one. The first book was autiobiographical and
includes an in depth look at Peter Moon’s personal association with L. Ron
Hubbard. It was deemed necessary to write this book before he could address
the topic of the “quantum relic.”
by Peter Moon
The Montauk Book of the Dead
A tale of the intrigue and power which hovers over the most sacred kernel of
our existence: the secrets of life and death. Beginning with his early years,
Peter Moon reveals fascinating details of exactly how he became involved with
Scientology and serendipitously ended up working in the personal employ of
L. Ron Hubbard aboard the latter’s famous “mystery ship” which was called
the Apollo. Included in this riveting account is the story of how L. Ron
Hubbard, at the age of twenty-seven, clinically “died” only to discover that he
could “remote view.” From this state of consciousness, which would later be
called “exterior,” he was able to access what he termed the answers to all of the
questions that had ever puzzled philosophers or the minds of men. Transcribing
this information into a work entitled “Excalibur,” which is still under lock and
key to this day, he developed one of the most controversial movements in
history: Dianetics and Scientology. The truth and import of the above can only
be evaluated by the all out war which was waged by governmental forces and
spy agencies to obtain the legally construed rights to the above mentioned work
and all of the developments and techniques that ensued from it. Thi is the
personal story of Peter Moon which not only pierces the mystery of death and
reveals fascinating details of his years aboard L. Ron Hubbard’s mystery ship
but gives the most candid and inside look ever at one of the most controversial
figures in recent history.
451 pages, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-9678162-3-4
When The Montauk Book of the Dead was completed, Peter Moon would
finally correlate information and experiences he had accumulated for twelve
years, all of which surrounded a mysterious “quantum relic” which was, in
fact, a 1909 playbill from the New Montauk Theatre that contained cryptic
occult messages which are expounded upon in full in:
by Peter Moon
The Montauk Book of the Living
A stunning new book by Peter Moon that tells how his research into the
Montauk Pyramids led to the discovery of a mysterious quantum relic. This
relic not only led to the Matriarch of the Montauk Pharoahs but has opened the
door to understanding the greatest mysteries of history. These include the
occult biochemistry of an Amazonian Blue Race which founded the Egyptian
culture and honored the feminine principle through the star Sirius. These truths
lead to the unveiling of the biological truth behind the Virgin Birth and how
this theme intertwines with the descendants of these Amazons who live today
and are known as the Blue People of the Saha ra. Other occult surprises include
new revealations concerning Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law that
demonstrably reveals that the ancients who built the pyramids of Cairo and
Mars knew deeper secrets concerning DNA that our scientists of tod ay. The
pursuit of these various threads leads to Peter Moon’s encounter with Red
Medicine, the Medicine Man of the Montauks who is destined to fulfill the
Second Coming of the Pharoahs, a time prophesied by native elders which
signals the return of ancient wisdom, universal brotherhood and healing . This
is also the riveting personal story of Peter Moon which includes new streams of
synchronicity that include the mystical background behind the events which led
to the revelation of the Montauk Project. Old themes are revisited and more
deeply explored, but there are more new twists and turns than ever. The legacy
of the Montauk Pharoahs is explored as never before and leads to more truth
than can be readily believe which is designed tolaunch a new era once
prophesied by Native Elders as the Second Coming of the Pharaohs, said to
signal the return of ancient wisdom, universal brotherhood and healing.
384 pages, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-9678162-6-5
Although intriguing follow-ups had been done with the data uncovered in
Montauk Revisited and Pyramids of Montauk, there was also an equally
fascinating trail of data with regard to the Nazi-Tibetan connection reserached
in The Black Sun. This research is so controversial and so proprietary to the
Government that it is virtually impossible to pursue beyond a certain point if
one is going to use routine journalism. Taking solid threads that are based upon
hard facts of journalism, Peter Moon opted to penetrate the unknown or occult
aspects of the Nazi-Tibetan story through an intuitive stream of consciousness
by Peter Moon
Spandau Mystery
A historical novel by Peter Moon which reveals how the mysterious deaths of
General George Patton and Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess were intertwined
through the Nazi’s secret flying saucer technology.Directed by Tibetan elders,
the Germans sought to harness the Vril, an energy so powerful that it can
change the very nature of the elements themselves. To succeed, however, a
major change was required in the evolutionary development of the human
species. A dramatic scenario of events unfolded, however, which not only
ensured that this endeavor was sabotaged but included an undertaking designed
to prevent humanity from ever discovering its ancient heritage and the secrets
of the Vril. It was against this backdrop that two of the most colorful
characters of World War II, Rudolph Hess and George S. Patton, became
immersed in an age old battle involving the legions of light and darkness. The
end of World War Two precipitated more intrigue and struggle for power than
the war itself. Much of this centered around the secret projects sponsored by
Rudolph Hess which included not only the Antarctic project but the
construction of Vril flying saucers. Patton’s job, as the war came to a close,
was to recover the secret technology of the Germans and safeguard it for
American use. After accomplishing his mission and compiling a German
history of the war, General Patton was killed in a dubious accident, the mystery
of which has never been solved and has been magnified by government refusal
to declassify the file on the investigation of his death. Far more conspicuous
and powerful than Patton was Rudolph Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer of Germany,
who flew to England in 1941 as an envoy of peace and was imprisoned for life
and suspiciously killed just before his imminent release. The current of intrigue
and power which permeated these two individuals and led to their downfall was
the same current which led to a repatriation of the U.S. Government and an
undermining of a constitutional government that is run by and for the people.
Besides technology, much of this intrigue centered around the banking files the
Nazis confiscated from the Freemasons. The effort to keep this secret is still a
factor in today’s politics. It was thus that Patton and Hess wore different
uniforms but shared common interests and held within their grasp a force so
powerful that, if harnessed, it might raise the ancient civilization of Atlantis
itself. It was for this power that both were killed and so begins our mystery.
Spandau Mystery is an historical novel and murder mystery featuring 350
pages of fast and easy reading which penetrates one of the greatest intrigues
surrounding the Nazis and their occult interests in Tibet: the ancient Dropa
civilization, a group of “little people” who claim to descend from the stars and
whose corroborating artificats have been studied by scientists for over half a
century. If you would like a new view of world history, order and read this
book today.
350 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-4-1
As all of the aforementioned books were written and Peter Moon continued to
report on various aspects of the Montauk phenomena, he met a very unusual
and intriguing scientist, Dr. David Anderson, an engineer and physicist who
had his own Time Travel Research Center on Long Island. This was a serious
laboratory where time could be slowed down or speeded up in a self-contained
field. Dr. Anderson also had a research center in Romania and eventually
invited Peter to that country to lecture at a United Nations camp for youth.
During this time, “The Montauk Project” was translated into the Romanian
language and was ultimately responsible for creating a brand new publishing
company in Romania, Daksha Publishing, which subsequently published what
is arguably the most amazing story in the history of Mankind. It is intertwined
with Peter Moon’s adventures with Dr. David Anderson in:
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Sunrise
A mysterious scientist by the name of David Anderson made an eventful trip to
Romania in 1999. Dr. Anderson, who is credited by the U.S. government as
having developed advanced time-warp field technology, established diplomatic
connections on this trip to Romania where he also set up an advanced research
facility dedicated to studying the mathematics of time travel. Upon his return
to the United States, Dr. Anderson visited Preston Nichols and Peter Moon,
internationally known authors of “The Montauk Project: Experiments in
Time,” and introduced himself. At Dr. Anderson’s suggestion, a collaboration
with Peter Moon began which was brief, tenuous and eventually aborted due to
security considerations as a result of a logistical attack on a similar time
research center that had been set up on Long Island. Dr. Anderson’s continued
journeys to Romania eventually resulted in connecting Peter Moon with a
Romanian publisher and Radu Cinamar, a member of the Romanian
Intelligence Service’s occult department. The purpose of this collaboration has
to do with what is arguably the most significant archaeological discovery in the
history of Mankind: a mysterious holographic hall of records that utilizes
technology far beyond the concepts of modern science. Transylvanian Sunrise
is the story of this mysterious discovery and the political intrigue surrounding
it, all capably told by Radu Cinamar. After Peter Moon secured the publishing
rights to this remarkable story, Dr. Anderson invited him to Romania where he
has pursued these mysteries one step further. The story is inside this book and
waiting to be read.
288 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-5-8
The remarkable story told in Transylvania Sunrise is exceded in its sequel as it
concerns the mysterious factors and actual characters that pecipitated the most
amazing discovery in the history of Mankind. Peter Moon also contributes with
reports on his continued adventures with Dr. David Anderson and a journey to
the ruins of an ancient culture in the heart of Transylvania in:
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Moonrise: A Secret Initiation in the Mysterious Land of
the Gods Radu Cinamar rose to prominence for his role in exposing the
most remarkable archaeological discovery in the history of Mankind: a
secret chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx containing holographic
records of Earth’s history, bio-resonance imaging technology, and three
mysterious tunnels leading to the deepest secrets of the Inner Earth.
Despite the political intrigue, turmoil and restriction around this great
discovery, the leader of the expedition enabled Radu Cinamar to visit and
explore these artifacts. Ever since, Radu’s life has been a labyrinthine
adventure of strange events, clandestine liaisons and extraordinary people
and circumstances. In Transylvanian Moonrise, Radu is sought out by the
mysterious Tibetan lama who orchestrated this discovery while working
under an alias as Dr. Xien, a secret agent for the Chinese government. The
enigmatic lama introduces Radu to a creature known as a yidam, an
energetic and physical being who is created by a sand mandala ritual and
can literally warp the space-time continuum and takes Radu on a mystical
journey from Transylvania to the mysterious Land of the Gods in Tibet
where he receives a secret initiation from the blue goddess Machandi. This
is not only a remarkable story, but it is an initiation of the highest order
that will benefit anyone reading it. Transylvanian Moonrise: A Secret
Initiation in the Mysterious Land of the Gods will take you far beyond
your ordinary imagination in order to describe events that have molded
the past and will influence the future in the decades ahead.
288 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-8-9
Issued quarterly, every Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall by Peter Moon
A newsletter by the name of the “Montauk Pulse” went into print in the winter
of 1993 to chronicle the events and discoveries regarding the ongoing
investigation of “The Montauk Project” by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon. It
has remained in print and been issued quarterly ever since. With a minimum of
six pages and a distinct identity of its own, The Pulse will often comment on
details and history that do not necessarily find their way into books. Through
1995, the “Montauk Pulse” has included exciting new breakthroughs on the
Montauk story as well as similarly related phenomena like the Philadelphia
Experiment and other space-time projects. Consequently, the scope of the Pulse
was expanded to embrace any new phenomena concerning time travel or
related events. It has been the leading publication when it comes to covering
the work of Dr. David Anderson and his time travel research. The cost for a
subscription to the “Montauk Pulse” is $20.00. Do not ad a shipping/handling
charge, however, unless you are outside the USA. In such a case, please add
$12.00. Back issues are available in three volumes of 24 issues each (spanning
six years). Each individual volume is $30.00 each. See order form.
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(Winter 1993 through Fall 1998)
VOLUME II — Issues 1-24
(Winter 1999 through Fall 2004)
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The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness
Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs
The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection
The Music of Time
Montauk: The Alien Connection
The Healer’s Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperspace
The Philadelphia Experiment Murder
The Brookhaven Connection
Ong’s Hat: The Beginning
Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal
The Montauk Book of the Dead
The Montauk Book of the Living
Spandau MysteryTransylvania Sunrise
Transylvania Moonrise
The Montauk Pulse (1 year
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Table of Contents
A map of Long Island (which is eastward from New York
City’s Manhattan Island. 7
Prelude 8
Introduction 11
Part 1 — by Peter Moon 14
Chapter One — Legend and Mythology 15
Chapter 2 — Montauk Chronicle 17
Chapter 3 — Montauk - The Proof? 29
Chapter 4 — Montauk, the Occult and Thorn E.M.I. 40
Chapter 5 — The Cameron Clan 49
Chapter 6 — The Wilson Clan 57
Chapter 7 — Magick and Psychotronics 61
Chapter 8 — Mister X 65
Part 2 — by Preston B. Nichols 70
Introduction to Part 2 — by Preston B. Nichols 71
Chapter 9 — The Montauk Boys 72
Chapter 10 — Stan Campbell, CIA Applicant 75
Chapter 11— The Devil’s Chapter 80
Chapter 12 — Stan Goes to Jail 85
Chapter 13 — Stan is Silenced 89
Chapter 14 — Alien Treaties 92
Chapter 15 — The Legend Behind the Transistor 94
Chapter 16 — The Surface Barrier Transistor 96
Chapter 17 — History of the Electronic Transistor 102
Chapter 18 — Alien Technology Exchange and the Orion
Connection 105
Part 3 — by Peter Moon 108
Introduction to Part 3 109
Chapter 19 — Orion Comes Alive 110
Chapter 20 — Montauk Comes Alive 113
Chapter 21 — A Visit to von Neumann 117
Chapter 22 — A Visit to Klark 119
Chapter 23 — A Visit with Helga Morrow 121
Chapter 24 — The Norfolk Triplets 124
Chapter 25 — The Investigation Continues 127
Chapter 26 — Hauntings at Montauk 132
Chapter 27 — Nazi Gold 134
Chapter 28 — Catacombs of Montauk 139
Chapter 29 — Madame X 142
Chapter 30 — The Babalon Working 147
Chapter 31 — Crowley Chronicle 152
Chapter 32 — Crowley Rising 158
Chapter 33 — The Wilson Moonchildren 164
Epilogue 168
Appendix A — L. Ron Hubbard 170
Appendix B — Aleister Crowley 173
Appendix C — The Shelleys 177
Appendix D — Cameron 181
Appendix E — Jack Parsons 183

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