Introduction: Vba For Word
Introduction: Vba For Word
Introduction: Vba For Word
The aim of this lab is to get better acquainted with the VBA language syntax. Loops, conditions,
variable declaration and so on will be presented and complete programming notions already
presented in the previous lab. Also, MS Word is used as the primary application platform for this
lab to complete your knowledge about VBA. A brief introduction to allow communication between
Word and Excel using VBA is also presented. The MSDN library is good information website to
get deeper in VBA language:
Introduction to CS VBA #2 – language tips
Another important object is also the Selection object, which corresponds to the cursor position or
any text portion selected in the document. Indeed, unlike Excel that is set around a grid-like
domain, it is a bit harder to navigate between letters or words in the document and therefore it can
be not trivial to know the current position of the cursor. However, because we can access to any
character of words, then the call of the Select method at the level of a Paragraphs, Words or even
Characters is possible.
Sub selecttext()
dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(8).Range
.Words(4).Start, End:=ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(8).Range.Words(10).End)
end sub
Add also another procedure called main that you will leave empty for the moment.
Warning: for some reasons, it may be possible that the paragraph #8 does not contain words. So
play later around with the value (try 6, 7 or 9) and see if words are selected after executing the
Task1.1: try to modify the previous procedure to include input variables (decide which one you
believe could be parsed). Remember that you need to call the macro from another procedure where
input values are set (for instance in main).
So far you have been introduced with variables (standards such as string, byte/integers and also
object variables). In what follows, we treat the case of arrays declaration and also variable scope.
Exercise 2: array
In the previous exercise you have selected 7 words from the text. A question may arise: where can
we keep them? In which type of data? The answer: an array. The way you declare array in VBA is
very simple: you need to define its size. Example: Dim myarray(1 To 10) As Byte. This is
the default declaration. Of course, your array can be N-dimensional. If you want a 2D array, easy:
Dim myarray(1 To 10,1 To 4) As String. Also very easy to assign value to an array cell
or use the array value to be assigned to another variable, e.g. :
Introduction to CS VBA #2 – language tips
Task 2.1: In selecttext macro, declare one array of integer of size 7 (index: 1 to 7) and use it to
store the number of letters of all words in the Selection. Display the results in message box. What
you have above may be useful!
Now, what you have above is called a static array, that means you declare the size of the array from
the start. What happen if you don't know the size of the array (for instance you don't know how
many words the user wants to select) . The solution: write Dim myarray() As Byte. So keep
content of brackets empty. However, at some point in the sub body, before the array is used for the
first time, you will need to initialize its size using the Redim statement, e.g.:
Redim my array(1 To 100) or more generally, Redim my array(1 To nbcell), where
nbcell is a variable with a known value.
Task 2.2: replace the static array with a dynamic array in your previous task. Link the size of the
array with the number of words that may have been passed as an input variable of the procedure.
Now, in order for selecttext to recognize myarray as a module level variable and not any more as a
procedure-level variable, an empty array of same datatype as to be declared as input but don't need
to be redimensioned in the procedure body (ask the teacher why), as below:
Introduction to CS VBA #2 – language tips
Task 3.1: Do the module-level declaration of the array, assign to the first cell any value of your
choice. In selectext body, declare an array of same size and datatype as myarray in which the
length of the 1st selected word will be assigned to its 1 st cell and display the result in a message box.
Then, after the call of selectext in main procedure, add another message box to display the value of
myarray(1). Are the displayed messages showing the same value?
Task 3.2: now, modify the previous code so as the previous procedure-level array is set as an input
f o r selecttext macro (see above hints). What can you say about the values displayed by the
message boxes?
We will continue visiting the characteristics of variable scope in the next lab, especially module-
level and public level.
This means all language structures that fulfill certain conditions to take decision on what is
executed by the program, i.e. Decision structures (IF...THEN...ELSE, SELECT...CASE) or Loop
structures (FOR...NEXT, WHILE...WEND, DO...LOOP). Of course, there exist in other
programming languages, but declared in another way. The difficulty here is to remember how the
declaration is done.
Task 4.1: include the code above in a macro to test if you can change the font of the 1 st word of the
1st paragraph. Then do another macro to test if you can change the text of the Header of the
Section 2 so as it is the same as the one of Section 1 (LinkToPrevious property set to True). The
strcomp f u n c t i o n c a n b e h e l p f u l t o c h e c k t h e v a l u e o f t h e t w o h e a d e r s
(strcomp(text1,text2)=0 if equal, <>0 if different).
Instead of If, a set of choices can be declared and check by the program using the
Select...Case...End Select decision structure. For instance, let assume you want to format a
Introduction to CS VBA #2 – language tips
selection by changing font or style (bold, italic or underline). This can be programmed as follows:
Optionally, the statement can also take an Else case that considers any expression that does not
match the defined clauses of the Case statements.
Task 4.2: create a new macro that control the font of a selected text (i.e. The one selected in the
selecttext macro). This macro needs 2 inputs: the selected text (type Selection), the font choice
(type String) and an optional input for the font size (simply write Optional before the input
declaration). Call the procedure from selecttext and observe results for different test cases.
Note: you can see that input variables are not all mandatory and depend on the case to be treated.
Task 5.1: modify selecttext so as to copy the number of characters of the selected words in an
array and after display their sum in a message box.
A useful alternative in the case of arrays is to use the For Each...Of...Next structure. Note that it
has already been introduced in the previous lab (exercise 7).
Task 5.2: create a new macro that will Copy/Paste each word of a selected text range (again here
set as procedure input) after the paragraph selection, with the condition that a paragraph is inserted
between pasted words. Use the following statements to locate place for performing the Paste
selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory 'put cursor at beginning of document
selection.MoveDown unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=nbpara 'paragraph number
'where text is selected
selection.HomeKey 'place cursor at beginning of paragraphs(nbpara+1)
Also, use selection.InsertParagraph and selection.MoveDown unit:=wdParagraph
to insert paragraphs between pasted words.
Introduction to CS VBA #2 – language tips
The other popular Loop structure is the While...Wend. The Loop stops when a condition is
satisfied, e.g. a certain number of words is reached. The while loop can be stopped earlier using
Exit While if a particular condition set in the While body is satisfied. For instance:
Usually a buffer value is used in the While body to control the flow (and so overcome endless
loop), with the primary condition that it is initialized before the While structure (in the example
above, it is obvious: the buffer is the variable i.
Task 5.3: create a new procedure that will count the position in an active document of the first
instance of a word that is parsed as a procedure input. The value of the position is returned in a
message box. It is advised to set Range variable directly linked to the ActiveDocument (so take
the whole range of words in the document, regardless of 6paragraphs). An example of possible
input is “foreign” and should give position 100, as shown on the 1st figure.
TRIM(string): trim basically remove the leading and trailing spaces of a text value. If you have
noticed, a word in Word is a set of characters followed by one space. To remove the space, use
CHR(ascii_value): returns the character based on the ASCII value. One useful example is Chr(10)
to add new line in displayed message. Use & to concatenate text fragments, e.g. Chr("Hello
students" & chr(10) & "how are you today after VBA classes?" & chr(10) &
"Lost in translation?")
ASC(string): returns the ASCII value of a character or the first character in a string.
VAL(string): accepts a string as input and returns the numbers found in that string. If string starts
with number, return natural part of it. Str("12.45")→12,45 (if , is set as digit separator),
Str("12,45") → 12, Str("hello")→ 0
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