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Author(s): Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Vrinda Kadiyali and Naufel J. Vilcassim
Source: The Journal of Business , Vol. 79, No. 6 (November 2006), pp. 2761-2787
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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to The Journal of Business
Vrinda Kadiyali
Cornell University
Naufel J. Vilcassim
London Business School
logit model is that of endogeneity of firm choices (see Besanko, Gupta, and
Jain [1998] and Sudhir [2001a] using aggregate data and Villas-Boas and
Winer [1999] using household data). The general issue of endogeneity of firm
choices has been recognized in marketing (Chintagunta and Vilcassim 1992;
Erickson 1992; Kadiyali, Vilcassim, and Chintagunta 1996; Shanker 1997;
Cotterill, Putsis, and Dhar 2000). However, researchers using the logit model
have only recently recognized that estimating the response parameters while
ignoring the decision rules that govern firms’ actions could lead to biased and
inconsistent estimates of these parameters.
The importance of the endogeneity issue is based on the following argument.
Firms in the marketplace make decisions on their marketing-mix variables
every time period. An important input into these decisions is the nature of
the response of the firm’s market share to these marketing activities, that is,
the marketing response function. For that, the logit model has been empirically
found to provide a good representation. From the perspective of researchers
trying to uncover the “true” effects of the marketing variables, however, it
creates the following econometric problem. The researcher observes only a
subset of variables, such as price and advertising, that drive firms’ market
shares. Other variables, such as distribution and market coverage, which are
not observed (but are known to firms), are treated as being part of the “error”
term in the model. If firms’ choices of price and advertising levels depend
on those (unobserved) variables, for example, price depends on product at-
tributes, the explanatory variables in the model are correlated with the error
term, which results in the endogeneity problem.
In the context of the logit model, the above econometric problem has been
addressed in one of two ways. The first approach is to focus only on the
demand side and use instruments for price and advertising. These instruments,
while being correlated with the marketing-mix variables, are treated as being
uncorrelated with the error term. For example, in his study of the ready-to-
eat cereal market across several geographic regions, Nevo (2001) uses the
levels of marketing activities in geographic region Y (for example) as instru-
ments for these variables in region X.
The alternative approach to address the endogeneity issue is to explicitly
postulate the behavioral mechanism by which firms set their prices and ad-
vertising levels and use this information in estimating the demand parameters.
This method, therefore, not only accounts for the endogeneity of the price
and advertising variables but also accounts for the simultaneity of the quantity,
price, and advertising decisions (see, e.g., Berry 1994; Berry, Levinsohn, and
Pakes 1995; Besanko et al. 1998). Hence, the main difference between the
two methods is that the former focuses only on the demand function to obtain
consistent estimates for the effects of marketing-mix variables, whereas the
latter uses additional information regarding the “supply side.” The latter ap-
proach is, thus, an equilibrium demand-and-“supply” model.
In using the latter approach mentioned above, the question that arises is,
How do firms make price and advertising choices that compose the “supply
where ai is the intrinsic preference for brand i, pit is the price of brand i in
period t, b is price sensitivity, g is advertising sensitivity, rit is the nonprice
promotional intensity of brand i in period t, d is promotional sensitivity, N is
the number of competing brands in the market, and CAit denotes the cumulative
advertising effect from all previous periods and the current period for brand
i. In other words, if Ait represents the current period advertising for brand i
(measured in gross rating points [GRPs]), then
CA it p A it ⫹ 冘
j t⫺tA it , (2)
1. By including a 1 in the denominator of the logit expression, we can also allow for the
brands in the market to influence overall category sales. The 1 reflects the “outside good.”
where j is the carryover of advertising GRPs from one period to the next.
Note that the existence of the carryover creates an intertemporal linkage in
demand for the N firms (brands).
The advertising investments are measured in GRPs. Consequently, we need
to translate these into monetary terms for use in the profit function. We define
the advertising cost function (ACF), which relates GRPs to dollars, at time t
by the following expression:
ACFit p v1i A it ⫹ v2i A it2 , (3)
where v1i and v2i are parameters that translate GRPs into dollars. Depending
upon the magnitudes and signs of the parameters, v1i and v2i, advertising costs
can be linear, concave, or convex in GRPs. Rather than impose a specific
functional relationship between GRPs and dollar costs, we propose to estimate
these parameters from market data.
We assume that firms choose their price and advertising levels in each time
period. Given advertising carryover, in each period t the firm chooses its price
and advertising level that maximizes profits from that period on. Hence, the
firm’s profit-maximization problem becomes one of infinite horizon and is
equal to
写 冘[
pit, Ait
(pit ⫺ c i )MSit ⫺ v1i A it ⫺ v2i A it2 rt⫺t , (4)
where M is the (fixed) market size, rt is the discount factor associated with
profits t periods hence, and r 0 p 1. The assumption of a fixed market size
is not an issue if the share formulation for Sit in equation (1) includes an
outside good (see n. 1). However, in the absence of the outside good, one
needs to check whether M depends on the prices and advertising levels of the
N brands. Note from equation (4) that the firm’s control variables are the price
and advertising levels in each period. As noted previously, there are two
solution concepts (nonadaptive and adaptive) that can be used to obtain the
equilibrium price and advertising levels. We discuss these in turn.
where the parameters mjip p are introduced to capture deviations from Bertrand-
rtj t ( pi,t⫹t ⫺ c i) Si,t⫹t 1 ⫺ Si,t⫹t ⫺
( 冘
mjiAASj,t⫹t . (7)
In the above expression, Mi p M/(2v2i ), and v1i p v1i /(2v2i ). There are several
aspects about equation (7) worth noting. First, the right-hand side of the
equation is a function only of observable prices and shares and the model
parameters. It is not a function of cumulative advertising levels. Further, if
j p 0, then the equation reduces to that from a static optimization problem.
Note, however, that the above expression entails an infinite sum. In empirical
situations, one will not have access to the entire future time paths for the
firms. The actual number of terms to be included in the above expression will
depend on the discount factors for the firms. If firms do not weigh profits
beyond a certain number of time periods, then the weight for the subsequent
profits can be set to zero. Consequently, these terms would drop out of the
equation. Second, the mjiAA parameters are the advertising CPs and, as in the
case of price, capture deviations from Nash behavior. Whether advertising
competition is “stronger” or “softer” than Nash will depend on the signs and
magnitudes of the CPs (if they are all zero, we will have Nash competition).
As described previously, the nonadaptive nature of the equilibrium derives
from firm i not explicitly incorporating rivals’ responses in period t ⫹ 1 to
its pricing and advertising levels in period t. The adaptive equilibrium we
discuss next explicitly accounts for such behavior.
2. The conduct parameter mjimm p ⭸mjt /⭸mit for marketing instrument m, brands j and i.
⭸P i
冘 冘 (
N ⭸P i
⭸pit tp1 jp1 ⭸pj,t⫹t
⭸P i
p 0; )
冘 冘 (
⭸P i N ⭸P i ⭸Aj,t⫹t ⭸P i ⭸pj,t⫹t
⭸A it tp1 jp1 ⭸Aj,t⫹t
⭸A it
⭸A it
p 0. )
In the above equations, the terms ⭸pj /⭸pi, ⭸Aj /⭸A i, ⭸pj /⭸A i, and ⭸Aj /⭸pi
capture the reactions for the different firms at different time periods and
different instruments. These intertemporal reactions are referred to as the
DCPs. Because reactions in price could differ from reactions in advertising,
firms have separate price and advertising DCPs. In principle, one can obtain
a closed-form solution to the above equations. However, empirical imple-
mentation is infeasible because there are infinitely many DCPs in the above
equation. Hence, we focus on a very specific form of reaction.
We assume that the intertemporal reactions are Markovian in nature. In
other words, firm j reacts to firm i’s decisions in period t, but it does so in
period t ⫹ 1. Similarly, a reaction in period t ⫹ 2 is a consequence of actions
in period t ⫹ 1, and so forth. Just as is the case with Markov-perfect equilibria,
it is important to note that this is only one among several possible strategies
that firms can follow. Nevertheless, it is an appealing strategy because of its
“payoff relevant” property. We also assume that reactions take place in the
initiating marketing instrument only. Hence, reactions to price changes with
changes in advertising (and vice versa) are not considered. There is some
empirical support for this assumption. For example, Leeflang and Wittink
(1992) find that although cross-instrument reactions do occur, simple reactions
are far more common. The assumption also helps us conserve degrees of
freedom in data. Operationally, as we show below, DCPs measure the devi-
ations of a firm’s price and advertising levels from the nonadaptive case.
Hence, when these DCPs p 0, the firm behaves according to the nonadaptive
equilibrium described previously.
We note that in a recent study, Erickson (1997) also examined dynamic
advertising decisions using a conjectural variations framework. There are,
however, some important differences between Erickson’s and our approach.
The most important difference is that we estimate some of the dynamic con-
duct, or dynamic conjectural variation, parameters directly from the data,
whereas Erickson sets them to some chosen values. As stated previously, the
adaptive policy we develop has as a special case the open-loop equilibrium,
and it might well be that in a given empirical situation, the open-loop solution
may be the one most consistent with the data. Clearly, it is preferable to “let
the data speak,” rather than impose nonzero values for the dynamic conjectural
variation parameters. This also helps reduce the possibility of incorrect demand
parameter estimates arising from misspecification of the supply function. Ad-
ditionally, Erickson uses a Lanchester model for the evolution of market
shares, whereas our objective is to examine the endogeneity within the context
of a logit demand model where more than a single marketing-mix variable
has to be analyzed.
The necessary conditions for an adaptive equilibrium, are therefore given
⭸P i
⭸P i ⭸pj,t⫹1
⫹ # p 0;
⭸pit jp1 ⭸pj,t⫹1 ⭸pit
⭸P i
冘 ⭸P i ⭸Aj,t⫹1
⫹ # p 0. (8)
⭸A it jp1 ⭸Aj,t⫹1 ⭸A it
⭸ pj,t⫹1 ⭸ Aj,t⫹1
mjiD p p p ; mjiDAA p . (9)
⭸ pit ⭸ A it
冘 S (1 ⫺ S ⫺ 冘
1 N Si,t⫹1 Sj,t⫹1 ( pi,t⫹1 ⫺ c i) mjiD p p
p̃it p c i ⫺
b (1 ⫺ Sit ⫺ 冘j(i mjip pSjt)
⫹ r1
it it j(i mjip pSjt) .
Dpp pp
In the above equation, m is as defined in equation (9), while m param-
ji ji
eters are the contemporaneous CPs. An interesting feature of the pricing
equation above is that the presence of DCPs creates pricing dynamics in
addition to advertising dynamics. In other words, although there are no explicit
price dynamics built into the model, firms’ accounting for rivals’ reactions
induce an intertemporal linkage in their pricing decisions. If mjiD p p p 0, we
are back to the nonadaptive case.
The adaptive solution for advertising yields the following:
A˜ it p Mg
i ( pit ⫺ c i) Sit 1 ⫺ Sit ⫺
( 冘j(i
mjiAASjt ⫺ v1i
⬁ N
冘 S (1 ⫺ S ⫺ 冘
N Si,t⫹1 Sj,t⫹1 ( pi,t⫹1 ⫺ c i) mjiD p p
p̃it p p ⫹ r1
it (10 )
jp1 it it j(i mjip pSjt)
冘 冘
⬁ N
A˜ it p A it∗ ⫺ Mg
rtj t⫺1 ( pi,t⫹t ⫺ c i) Si,t⫹t
mjiDAASj,t⫹t ,
(11 )
∗ ∗
where p and A are the nonadaptive equilibrium price and advertising given
it it
by equations (6) and (7), respectively.
The above equations (10) and (11) provide the justification for our adaptive
equilibrium. Specifically, they indicate that when the DCPs are all zero, the
adaptive equilibrium simplifies to the nonadaptive one—which we know is
the open-loop, or precommitment, equilibrium. Hence, the DCPs capture de-
viations from the open-loop equilibrium in a manner that accounts for firms’
intertemporal reactions to one other.
Consider now the price DCPs. If mjiD p p is positive, then p˜ it 1 pit∗. That is,
positive DCPs imply that firms are interacting in a manner that results in
equilibrium prices that are higher than those under nonadaptive behavior.
Consequently, the firms’ price/cost margins are also higher. What is it that
could result in positive DCPs? We note that when firms repeatedly interact
in the market, they could adopt a competitive stance that “softens” price
competition. Evidence of this type of tacit collusion has been provided in
several empirical studies (e.g., Kadiyali 1996). If, however, the DCPs are all
negative, then p̃it ! pit∗, implying aggressive pricing behavior on the part of
the market rivals. If the DCP is positive for one firm but negative for the
other, then one firm is being accommodating, while the other is being ag-
gressive. Of course, which of these conditions prevail in the market is an
empirical question.
Turning our attention now to the advertising DCPs, we note that if they
are all positive, then Ãit ! A it∗. That is, when the advertising DCPs are positive,
the equilibrium advertising level under the adaptive decision rule is less than
that under the nonadaptive case.4 Hence, firms can “soften” advertising com-
petition by appropriate conduct. As with price competition, this softer stance
can be brought about by repeated interaction in the marketplace. If the DCPs
are all negative, then the level of advertising competition is higher, relative
to the nonadaptive case. Mixed forms of interaction result when one DCP is
positive and the other is negative. The empirical results show which condition
prevails in the market.
1. Estimate the system of demand equation (1) alone, treating price and
advertising as exogenous variables.
2. Estimate the system of demand equation (1) alone, using three-stage
least squares (3SLS) and treating price and advertising as endogenous
3. Estimate demand equation (1), pricing equation (6), and advertising
equation (7) simultaneously, using 3SLS, where price, advertising, and
shares are treated as endogenous variables. Advertising has dynamic
effects, but competition is nonadaptive.
4. Estimate demand equation (1), pricing equation (10), and advertising
equation (11) simultaneously, where prices, advertising, and shares are
4. We reiterate that under both the adaptive and nonadaptive cases, the equilibrium advertising
level is higher than the static case because of the advertising carryover effect.
冘 S (1 ⫺ S ⫺ 冘
1 N Si,t⫹1 Sj,t⫹1 ( pi,t⫹1 ⫺ c i) mjiD p p
pit ⫺ c i ⫹
b (1 ⫺ Sit ⫺ 冘j(i mjip pSjt)
⫺ r1
it it j(i mjip pSjt) p
4it ;
A it ⫺ Mg
i (pit ⫺ c i) Sit 1 ⫺ Sit ⫺
( 冘
mjiAASjt ⫹ v1i
⬁ N
5. Some studies have interpreted the error term in the demand equation as stemming from
brand-specific temporal shocks (see, e.g., Besanko et al. 1998). Likewise, the error terms in the
price and advertising equations could be a result of either demand shocks or cost shocks or both.
2. The static price and advertising levels are nested within the nonadaptive
price and advertising levels, that is, when j p 0 in the nonadaptive
case. This too can be tested econometrically.
The above system of equations consists of N ⫺ 1 demand equations, N
pricing equations, and N advertising equations, for a total of 3N ⫺ 1 equations.
The variable T denotes the empirically determined upper bound for the number
of terms retained in the pricing and advertising equations. This would depend
upon the firms’ discount rates. Note from the above system of equations
that the ACF parameters, v1i and v2i , and the market size parameter, M, are
not all uniquely identified. What can be estimated are Mi p M/(2v2i ) and
v1i p v1i /(2v2i ).
Another issue we face is regarding the number of time periods T to be included
in the analysis. Operationally, we did the following in determining T:
1. We started with t p 1 and increased t in increments of one.
2. Using a likelihood ratio test, we stopped at the value of t from which
an increase did not result in a significant improvement in model fit.
3. Given the finite time horizon, we set the discount factor, r p 1. This
facilitated quick and easy convergence of the estimation algorithm from
several starting points.
One of the issues that we need to address in the dynamic case is the number
of parameters to be estimated. For one of the product categories we consider,
yogurt, we focus only on price competition because we do not have access
to data on advertising. For this category, we estimate only the contempora-
neous CPs. For the other three cases, we analyze both price and advertising
competition. Given the paucity of data, that is, the number of observations
available for estimation, we set all the contemporaneous CPs p 0 in the
estimation for these three data sets. Given that our focus is on the dynamic
aspects of firm behavior in the presence of advertising, it is important to
demonstrate the effect of adaptive versus nonadaptive behavior. We recognize
that our estimates would be affected to the extent that we do not include the
effects of the CPs in this case. Additionally, for two of the four data sets, we
do not have enough data to estimate all of the DCPs. Therefore, for these
data, we estimate the system with various combinations of DCPs to see which
ones are insignificant, and we set those to zero to save degrees of freedom.
Other estimation restrictions imposed because of the paucity of data are the
equality of marginal costs and advertising costs across firms.
IV. Data
We use three different data sets in this study. Below, we describe details about
each of them. There are several differences across these product categories
that make these data sets interesting for our purpose. The categories vary
from food to nonfood, perishables to nonperishables, and those with only price
to those with price and advertising competition. Also, the data frequency is
of two types—weekly and monthly—and there are data from local as well as
national markets. This diversity of data will be useful in generating some
insights into the effects of endogeneity and simultaneity on the estimated price
and advertising effects. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for these data.
A. Yogurt
We study weekly price competition in the yogurt category. Hence, there are
no DCPs in this case, and we estimate only the contemporaneous CPs. The
(scanner) data on prices, sales, and feature/display activities are for Springfield,
MO, for 102 weeks in 1986–88. These data are pooled over stores. There are
four brands in this data set—Dannon, Yoplait, Weight Watchers, and Hiland.
Using data from the household file for the same market, we obtain no-purchase
information, which we use as a measure of an outside good for the estimation
of brand intercepts. An issue with examining competition among national
brands from data of a local market is the role of the retailer in setting prices
(Sudhir 2001b). Following Besanko et al. (1998), we assume that the retailer
charges a fixed markup over manufacturer prices while determining the prices
to the consumer.6 A critical issue in the estimation is the choice of instruments
for price. Consistent with the Besanko et al. study, we chose cost-side vari-
ables. These variables are the costs of fluid milk, container prices (plastic),
and labor-costs data taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
B. A Hair-Care Product
The data available are weekly data over a 2-year period for three brands of
a hair-care product with the highest market shares in that subcategory. For
reasons of data confidentiality, we cannot reveal either the brand names or
the specific product category. The variables included are unit market shares,
retail prices, advertising GRPs, and a couponing variable. The last variable
is the total value of coupon drops in each week. Further, the variable is lagged
by 1 week to capture the delayed effect of manufacturer coupons and is scaled
by a factor of 10⫺4. For purposes of this analysis, we assume that the couponing
variable is exogenous. This assumption may be reasonable because coupon
drops are often planned well in advance and then executed according to a
predetermined schedule. Given these data, we study price and advertising
competition in the category.
The data are aggregated across stores and chains to the national level, so
individual retailer behavior and interactions among retailers are not easily
addressed. Because prices are at retail, and we have nationally aggregated
data, we assume as before that retail prices reflect fixed markups over man-
ufacturer wholesale prices. This facilitates the use of our proposed model
TABLE 1 (Continued )
Variable Mean SD
Proportion of brand 1 sold on promotion .29 .08
Proportion of brand 2 sold on promotion .35 .09
Proportion of brand 3 sold on promotion .20 .06
Price of brand 1 in other markets .31 .09
Price of brand 2 in other markets .31 .08
Price of brand 3 in other markets .27 .05
Advertising GRPs of brand 1 in other markets (#.01) 3.41 2.66
Advertising GRPs of brand 2 in other markets (#.01) 4.42 2.63
Advertising GRPs of brand 3 in other markets (#.01) 2.69 2.19
Price index of Robusta beans 83.37 47.21
formulation. The weekly nature of the data also drives our choice of time
interval (i.e., week) for the analysis.
As instrumental variables for price, we used the costs of packaging (plastics)
and inorganic chemicals (major ingredients of the product). These data are
also from the BLS. For advertising, the ideal choice of instruments would
have been weekly advertising costs. Unfortunately, we did not have access
to those data. Therefore, we use lagged couponing as an instrument for ad-
As mentioned previously, we had to impose the restriction of equality of
marginal costs and advertising costs across brands. In the absence of these
restrictions, we were unable to estimate the parameters of interest, possibly
because of insufficient degrees of freedom. (With these restrictions, this cat-
egory has one less parameter to estimate relative to the yogurt category, while
the number of data points for yogurt is 701 compared to 114 for this category.)
Clearly, if more data observations were available, such restrictions may not
be needed.7
C. Coffee
The third data set we use is monthly data on a subcategory in coffee. Again,
for data confidentiality reasons, we cannot reveal the subcategory or the brands
in it. An interesting feature about coffee data is that it is available to us at
two levels of aggregation—at the national level and at a regional level. We
also have data on average price and advertising GRPs for all markets other
than the single regional market for which we have data. Therefore, following
Nevo (2001), we can use marketing variables from the average of all other
markets as instruments for those in the regional market. Other instruments
used in the regional market and in the national market include price of (Ro-
busta) coffee beans and lagged promotions.
For this category, too, we had to impose estimation restrictions. We have
only 35 (monthly) data points for this category, compared to 114 for the hair-
care category and 701 in the yogurt category. Therefore, more restrictions
7. We note that the contemporaneous CPs have already been set to zero for all categories
except yogurt.
were required for parameter estimation. First, as we did with the hair-care
product, we impose the restrictions of equality of marginal costs and adver-
tising costs. Second, by repeated estimation, we determined which CPs were
insignificant and then set them to zero in the final estimation. Clearly, if more
data points were available, there would not be a need for such restrictions.
An important issue that arises in the context of the hair-care and coffee
data sets is that we do not have measures of the outside good and focus on
brand shares conditional on category purchase. This has several consequences.
First, the elasticities obtained from the analysis will not be true demand
elasticities because category expansion is not accounted for. Second, recall
our assumption that the total market size, M, remains constant over time in
our model development. For this assumption to be tenable, it must be the case
that the total sales in the (sub-) categories of interest are not sensitive to the
prices and advertising levels of the brands included in the analysis. Accord-
ingly, to verify this, we regressed total (sub-) category sales in each case on
the average price and total advertising level across brands. For both the hair-
care and coffee categories, we did not obtain statistically significant effects.
Hence, our assumption on the market size appears reasonable, at least for the
data at hand.
In summary, we have different kinds of products with different numbers
of observations in the categories. In all cases, we used input costs as instru-
ments for prices. Additionally, where multimarket data are available (as in
the regional coffee market), we use outside market advertising levels as in-
struments for in-market advertising. In the absence of such data, we used
lagged values of the promotional variables.
Prior to discussing the results for the estimation, we note that they are
conditioned on our assumption regarding the role of the retailer in setting
prices. We assumed that the retailer plays only a passive role and sets prices
using fixed markup rules. The importance of the role of the retailer and the
consequences of ignoring it are likely to be dependent on the level of market
aggregation in the data. That is, one would expect that where the data pertain
to a local market, the role of the retailer in price setting is likely to be
significant. However, with national U.S.-level data, the role of the retailer in
price setting is likely to be less important. Hence, by having different data
sets that cover different levels of market aggregation, we can determine
whether our results regarding endogeneity and simultaneity are robust to the
assumption we have regarding the role of the retailer in price setting.
V. Results
A. Preliminary
The results of the estimation are presented in table 2 for yogurt, table 3 for
the hair-care product, table 4 for coffee with national data, and table 5 for
coffee with regional data. Rather than describe results for each product cat-
egory, we describe results across categories.
Regarding the time-period length chosen, as described in the previous sec-
tion, we carried out the three-step procedure described previously to determine
T. We note that a higher value of T does not increase the number of parameters
to be estimated. Hence, it might seem reasonable that a higher T would fit
the data better. However, this is not necessarily the case because increasing
T with no additional parameters would also place greater restrictions on the
same set of parameters. Indeed, we found that T p 1 captures the dynamics
for both the hair-care product and coffee.
confidence. For the hair-care product, the computed x2 value is 7.53. For the
national coffee data, the estimated x2 test-statistic value is 8.23, and for the
regional coffee data it is 8.07. The critical value is (with 6 degrees of freedom)
again 12.59 at 95% confidence. Therefore, we cannot reject the null of no
misspecification at 95% confidence in each case. We conclude, based on the
Hausman specification test, that in all four data sets, the supply-function
specifications are not causing the demand-side parameters to be biased.
Another way of determining whether accounting for endogeneity and si-
multaneity along with a flexible form of competitive conduct among firms
makes sense is to examine whether the parameters under this estimation are
more intuitive than in the other scenarios. Consider table 2. We see that for
yogurt, the brand-specific utility intercepts in column 1 are all negative (relative
to the outside good), whereas in column 4 they are all positive, and three out
of the four are significant. In table 3 for the hair-care product, column 4 contains
the implausible result of insignificant advertising effects but a positive and
significant advertising carryover effect. However, the estimates given in col-
umn 5 show both a significant advertising effect as well as a significant
carryover effect. Additionally, the carryover parameter seems unreasonably
high at 0.90 in column 4 when Nash interaction is imposed but seems more
reasonable at 0.55 in column 5 (see Leone 1995). In table 4, for the national
coffee data, we see that the marginal-cost estimate is negative with static
advertising effects (col. 3) but is positive in column 5. Similarly, in table 5,
for the regional coffee data, the marginal-cost estimate is negative for both
columns 3 and 4 and is positive only for column 5. Hence, from the standpoint
of the face validity of the parameter estimates, the formulation with a flexible
form of competitive interaction is more appealing than imposing Nash behavior.
Summarizing the results of both the specification tests and the reasonable-
ness of the parameter estimates, the formulation with both endogeneity and
simultaneity, as well as a flexible-form firm interaction, seems to econo-
metrically produce “the best” set of parameter estimates. This result under-
scores the need for accounting for all those issues, even when the primary
focus of the empirical analysis is on obtaining accurate estimates of the demand
effects of the marketing-mix variables.
of all three brands. Most DCPs are not significantly different from zero.8 The
exceptions are that firm 1 prices cooperatively with respect to firm 3, whereas
firm 2 prices competitively with respect to firm 3. The only significant ad-
vertising DCP is of firm 3 advertising aggressively with respect to firm 2.
Given that we are unable to estimate firm-specific marginal costs, we cannot
determine the relationship between these DCPs and marginal costs. However,
firm 1’s cooperative pricing is consistent with its lowest intrinsic brand pref-
erence and its lowest market share. This cooperative pricing translates to the
highest prices charged. Firm 3’s aggressive advertising is consistent with its
highest intrinsic brand preference, its lowest prices, and its highest advertising
For the national coffee data, the only significant interaction is that firm 2
prices competitively with respect to firm 3. Its aggressive stance is consistent
with firm 2’s larger intrinsic brand preference and its larger market share. In
advertising, firms 1 and 2 advertise competitively with respect to one another.
Given firm 1’s much larger market share and larger intrinsic brand preference,
as well as its larger GRPs, it is not clear why firm 2 should advertise ag-
gressively relative to firm 1. The marginal-cost estimate is below prices for
all three firms.
For regional coffee data, we see a different competitive pattern than for
national data. This is not surprising, given that the demand and cost conditions
vary across markets. Firm 2 prices cooperatively to firm 1’s prices, and firm
1 to firm 2’s. In this market, firm 2 has more market share than firm 1 and
also has higher intrinsic brand preference and higher GRPs than brand 1.
However, firms 1 and 2 have the same market price. Firm 3 prices cooper-
atively to firm 1’s prices. Firm 3 is the smallest, with the lowest price and
the lowest advertising GRPs, and, therefore, cooperative pricing is profitable
for firm 3. Advertising competition is more intense than price competition,
with all three significant DCPs being negative.
We also find that for the coffee data, more of the advertising DCPs are
significant with the regional data relative to the national data (three vs. one).
Further, we find that there is no pattern of significant advertising DCPs with
respect to the choice of data intervals (weekly or monthly when we look
across all four data sets). These results seem to suggest that the estimated
interaction among firms seems to be more a function of the level of market
aggregation than the data interval.
The results from the coffee category also reveal that some of our marginal-
cost estimates are negative and statistically different from zero. Clearly, this
is unreasonable, so what might be an explanation for this finding? Note from
tables 4 and 5 that the negative marginal-cost effects are always accompanied
8. Note that some of the DCP parameters in table 3 that are not statistically different from
zero have large magnitudes; e.g., A1 with respect to A3 is ⫺18.75. We redid the estimation by
fixing all the nonsignificant DCP parameters to zero to see whether they had an affect on our
other reported results. We find that while the magnitudes of some of the other parameters change
somewhat, the nature of our results remains the same.
price and advertising equations that can be exploited in the estimation. Cross-
equation restrictions reduce the number of independent parameters that need
to be estimated and provide extra information that can be used in efficient
There are a number of possible avenues for future research. First, an im-
portant issue in using an aggregate logit model is that of heterogeneity in the
response parameters (see Berry 1994; Berry et al. 1995; Nevo 2001; Sudhir
2001a). We do not address that issue due to the additional complexities created
and the consequent inability to study equilibrium advertising behavior. Nev-
ertheless, some recent research is attempting to address this issue (e.g., Dube,
Hitsch, and Manchanda 2003). Future research should relax the assumption
of a passive retailer. This may not be an appropriate assumption for pricing
decisions where retailers use any type of category-management system. Under
such a system, a constant markup rule is not likely to prevail, and the observed
retail prices will have to reflect the retailer’s decision-making process. In order
to accomplish that task, the data used in the empirical analysis will have to
contain information on manufacturer transfer or wholesale prices (or alter-
natively, the retailer margins on each brand). However, obtaining such data
for research is not an easy task.
Second, the analysis needs to be extended to other instruments of firm
competition and incorporate richer demand specifications. We have chosen
very simple demand specifications here for reasons of tractability. For ex-
ample, one might want to use a more complex demand specification that
incorporates a measure of brand loyalty, which is a function of past purchases,
weighted exponentially. That greatly complicates obtaining estimable first-
order conditions. Nevertheless, future research needs to find ways to handle
such formulations.
In summary, in this article we have attempted to provide a benchmark study
of important effects and issues that must be considered when analyzing ag-
gregate logit models of demand. Ignoring such effects can lead to biased
parameter estimates of the effects of price and advertising on demand. We
hope that future research will pursue these issues further and provide additional
empirical generalizations that could assist marketing managers in choosing
how to implement their marketing-mix decisions.
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