Kelas 2 - Latihan Soal PTS 2 Math
Kelas 2 - Latihan Soal PTS 2 Math
Kelas 2 - Latihan Soal PTS 2 Math
3. If I have $50 bill to pay for some books that cost $12, how much the rest of my money?
a. $38
b. $48
c. $22
4. If an ice cream cost Rp. 12.000,- and I get change Rp. 38.000,-. What banknote did I use?
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima
5. If I wanted to buy pencil that cost $8, pen $9 and book $15. How much should I pay?
a. Thirty two dollars
b. Twelve dollars
c. Twenty dollars
6. I buy oranges cost $3, and I get $7 dollar change, what banknote did I use?
a. Ten dollars
b. Six dollars
c. Twenty dollars
7. I have a banknote:
I buy a chicken crispy that cost Rp 38.000,-, an ice cream Rp 12.000,-, and a soft drink Rp
10.000,-. How much I get change?
8. I have 5 coin of one thousand rupiahs, and 6 coin of five hundred rupiahs. How much
money I have?
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima
a. Eight thousand rupiahs
b. Ten thousand rupiahs
c. Five thousand
9. I have 2 banknote of ten thousand rupiah, 2 bank note of five thousand rupiah, and 5
banknote of two thousand rupiahs. How much money I have?
a. Fifty thousand rupiahs
b. Sixty thousand rupiahs
c. Forty thousand rupiahs
10. If I wanted to buy orange that cost $6, chocolate $3, and cake $9. How much should I
a. Sixteen dollars
b. Nineteen dollars
c. Eighteen dollar
16. Chilla sells some doll that cost Rp. 120.000,-, what kind is this number Rp. 120.000,-?
a. Odd number
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima
b. Even number
c. Odd and even number
17. Malika buys drawing books that cost $17, what kind of this number $17?
a. Odd number
b. Even number
c. Odd and even number
91 95 99 103 107
78 82 86 90 94
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima
Match Number into English Word
1. A. Fifty nine thousand rupiahs
Please Make “Plus” become “Minus”. Make the number into English.
1. 48 + 18 = - =
2. 52 + 8 = - =
3. 70 + 15 = - =
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima
4. 98 + 2 = - =
5. 36 + 19 = - =
Shakti Mikayla Tsamara Karima