Curriculum Implementation: School: DLMNHS
Curriculum Implementation: School: DLMNHS
Curriculum Implementation: School: DLMNHS
Name: JORICK G. RANTE School: DLMNHS Advisory Class: Grade XI- ARTEMIS Quarter: 3rd Calendar Year : 2018 - 2019
2. Learner Achievement in Quarterly
1. Curriculum Coverage
Test 2. Learner Achievement in Quarterly Test
Number of Mean Percentage Curriculum Teacher's
No. of
Subject Competencies Classes Score (MPS) % Gain Classes No. of Guide Guide
% Learners % Subject
Handled Handled or Loss Handled Learners Is it Available?
To Cover Covered Previous Current with Failing Handled
(TARGET) (Actual) Grades
CSS (11) 10 10 100 CSS (11) 78.89 0.00 CSS(11) 39 0 0
CSS (12) 6 5 83.333 CSS (12) 11 CSS (12) 34 0 0 CSS (12) / /
CSS (11) / /
No. of
Issues/Challenges/Concerns: Issues/Challenges/Concerns: AVERAGE 56 0 0 Classes
No. of Available
Issues/Challenges/Concerns: Students/ Textbook/Le
( Section-
Because of the loaded of subjects Because of the school activites Because of the students behavior towards Class arning
school activities. and the lazyness of the student to their study habits, and the additional
study their corresponding lessons. school activities. CSS (12) 34 0
___________________________________ CSS (11) 39 0
Interventions/Actions Taken: Interventions/Actions Taken: Interventions/Actions Taken:
Time management towards the Encourage the students to study their Encouraged the students to passed the
different task to be done. lessons to passed the examination. examination to get additional points and
___________________________________ will be reflected to their partcipation
___________________________________ part of the grading system.
Proposed Recommendation to Address Proposed Recommendation to Address Proposed Recommendation to Address 6. Instruction. Please list down teaching
Issues: Issues: Issues: strategies(for specific topic) worth
There should have minimal load Limit the school activities to Study habit should encouraged to the Group activities, peer teaching
subjects to be focussed on the subject concentrate the academic part of the learners performance. gallery walk, relay, role play, and
assigned and learners performance. Philippine education. reporting.
Name: JORICK RANTE School: DLMNHS Advisory Class: XI- ARTEMIS Quarter: _____
3rd Calendar Year : 2018-2019
1. Percent of Monthly Attendance 3. Nutrional Status 2. Other Capability Building Program
Ave. Monthly Attendance No. of Learners classified as WASTED and No. of CB programs attended not Included in IPPD
Yearly Enrolment
1 2 3 Common Reasons for Cutting Classes: SEVERELY WASTED % SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS
Grade 11 97.00% 100.00% 100.00% ___________________________________ At the end of Quarter In the Baseline Data 1. Co-Curricular and Community-Related
2. On Tardiness and Cutting Classes Because of friends or they have their 0 0 CATEGORIES ROLE/S
group fun Adviser, SMEA
Number of Co-Curricular
Number of Learners who Interventions/Actions Taken: 3 Coor, Level
Engagement Coor
Classes Handled always cut
classes are frequently late ___________________________________ Conduct feeding activities im my classroom. Number of Community 2 Partcipants
Month Month Interventions/Actions Taken: _________________________________________ Activities Participated
1 2 3 1 2 3 Always check the attendace to monitor the _________________________________________ 2. Alternative Delivery Mode System(MISOSA, Open
CSS (11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 student and have corresponding punishment 4. Self-Rating Quality Management Appraisal Forms High School, e-IMPACT, EASE)
CSS (12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 like deduction of points to their performance. AVE. DESCRIPTION No. of Outputs
and have open forum. Record Management 95 Program/
Students logbook Quarterly Accomplis %
Common Reasons for Tardiness: Target hed
Classroom Inside and
Management- 93 outside of the
Lazyness. Classroom Practices classroom.
TOTAL Interventions/Actions Taken: No. of Outputs
Classroom Program/
Common Reason for Absences: Open forum with the learners and noted Maintain the Quarterly Accomplis %
Management: Ensuring Projects
Common reason for absences is financial aspect and on the anecdotal record. cleanliness and Target hed
and Maintaining Clean, 93 avoid charging
lazyness. ___________________________________ Conducive, Secure, and on cp in the
___________________________________ Energy-Saving Learning classroom.
Unresolved Issues and Concerns: 4. Ancillary Services(Canteen, Guidance, Library,
Interventions/Actions Taken __________None PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Clinic, School Records, ICT, etc)
Help the students to encourage to get better to their ___________________________________ 1. Individual Plan for Professional Development No. of Outputs
studies. In terms financial, help them by giving ___________________________________ (IPPD) Accomplishments Projects Quarterly Accomplis %
support financially sometimes. ___________________________________ Total No. of IPPD Total No. of IPPD Target hed
Recommendations to Address Unresolve Outputs ( TARGET) Outputs (ACTUAL)