Penjabaran BET
Penjabaran BET
Penjabaran BET
1) For the first layer the rate of desorption is considered to be equal to
the rate of adsorption
5) The heat of adsorption for all layers except the first layer is
assumed to be equal to the heat of liquefaction of the adsorption gas.
Derivation of equation
1) The first step in the adsorption r ads = kads.θv.p
r des = kdes.θ1
A(g) + S AS K1=1/vp
K2 = K3 = K4 = •••• = Kn = K
1 = v + i = v + 1(Kp)i-1
- From Eq.(1), if we temporarily set Kp=x,
1 = v + 1(1 + x + x2 + x3 + ••• )
v = 1/K1p
v = 1/cx
1 = 1(1/cx + 1/(1-x))
1 +2x + 3x2 + ••• = (d/dx)(1 + x + x2 + x3 + •••)
= (d/dx){1/(1-x)} = 1/(1-x)2
N = cs1/(1-x)2
N = Nm1/(1-x)2
N = Nmcx/[(1-x)(1 + (c-1)x)]
v = vmcx/[(1-x)(1 + (c-1)x)]
v = vmcp/[(po-p)(1 + (c-1)(p/po)]
p 1 (c 1) p
Persamaan BET
V ( p p ) Vm c
Vm c p 0
BET Equation
( intercept ; 1/vmc, slope ; (c-1)/vmc)
1. Adsorpsi fisisorpsi
2. Harga C harus positif
c = K1/K ataupun
1 = v + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
1 = v + i = v + 1(Kp)i-1