Voisin y Cols., 2017

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International Immunology, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 247–261 © The Japanese Society for Immunology. 2017.

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doi:10.1093/intimm/dxx040 permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com
Advance Access publication 13 July 2017

Neuro-immune interactions in allergic diseases:

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novel targets for therapeutics
Tiphaine Voisin, Amélie Bouvier and Isaac M. Chiu
Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Division of Immunology, Harvard Medical School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur,
Boston, MA 02115, USA

Correspondence to: I. M. Chiu; E-mail: isaac_chiu@hms.harvard.edu

Received 1 May 2017, editorial decision 3 July 2017; accepted 5 July 2017

Recent studies have highlighted an emerging role for neuro-immune interactions in mediating
allergic diseases. Allergies are caused by an overactive immune response to a foreign antigen. The
peripheral sensory and autonomic nervous system densely innervates mucosal barrier tissues
including the skin, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal (GI) tract that are exposed to allergens.
It is increasingly clear that neurons actively communicate with and regulate the function of mast
cells, dendritic cells, eosinophils, Th2 cells and type 2 innate lymphoid cells in allergic inflammation.
Several mechanisms of cross-talk between the two systems have been uncovered, with potential
anatomical specificity. Immune cells release inflammatory mediators including histamine,
cytokines or neurotrophins that directly activate sensory neurons to mediate itch in the skin,
cough/sneezing and bronchoconstriction in the respiratory tract and motility in the GI tract. Upon
activation, these peripheral neurons release neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that directly act
on immune cells to modulate their function. Somatosensory and visceral afferent neurons release
neuropeptides including calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P and vasoactive intestinal
peptide, which can act on type 2 immune cells to drive allergic inflammation. Autonomic neurons
release neurotransmitters including acetylcholine and noradrenaline that signal to both innate and
adaptive immune cells. Neuro-immune signaling may play a central role in the physiopathology of
allergic diseases including atopic dermatitis, asthma and food allergies. Therefore, getting a better
understanding of these cellular and molecular neuro-immune interactions could lead to novel
therapeutic approaches to treat allergic diseases.

Keywords:  allergic inflammation, bronchoconstriction, itch, nervous system, neuro-immunology

Allergic diseases are some of the most prevalent disorders vomiting (2). The allergic reaction is dependent on IgE anti-
of the immune system, with ~50 million people in the USA bodies. Initial exposure to an allergen induces its uptake by
suffering from nasal allergies (1). There is a rich history of professional antigen-presenting cells, which then display
research into the underlying basic and clinical mechanisms complexes of peptide plus MHC class II to antigen-specific T
of allergies. Recently, studies have uncovered a potentially cells, inducing proliferation and expansion into Th2 cells that
important role for the nervous system and neuro-immune secrete cytokines including IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. IL-4 induces
interactions in the development of the allergic reactions. B cells to class-switch to the IgE isotype, whereas IL-5 plays
Although many aspects of neural regulation of allergic inflam- a key role in proliferation of eosinophils. Mast cells and baso-
mation remain unknown, we will highlight recent discoveries phils bind allergen-specific IgE via their high-affinity receptor,
and potential future directions in this nascent research area. FcεRI. Upon re-exposure to the allergen and recognition by
Allergies are the consequence of an aberrant response this bound IgE, sensitized mast cells degranulate, releas-
from the immune system to a foreign and relatively innocuous ing histamine and many other pro-inflammatory mediators
stimulus such as pollen or nut proteins. Allergic responses including proteases, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which
vary from severe acute physiological reactions such as ana- drive allergic inflammation (2–4). The tissue type and allergen
phylaxis to chronic manifestations including asthma or atopic involved dictate distinct cellular and organ-specific physi-
dermatitis (AD) that can manifest through a wide range of ological responses. Allergic reactions can occur throughout
symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, itch, edema or the body. For example, anaphylaxis is characterized by an
248  Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation
acute, systemic and life-threatening state of shock due to a growth factor receptors, transcription factors] (9, 10). The
sudden fall in blood pressure caused by mast cell-mediated expression of neuropeptides by somatosensory neurons is
vasodilation and airway obstruction (5). Allergic rhinitis and another type of cellular classification related to neuro-immune

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asthma are, by contrast, chronic conditions characterized communication, because vascular and immune cells are able
by bronchoconstriction and mucus secretion in the airways to respond to these neuropeptides. Neuropeptides, includ-
(6). AD is characterized by chronic itch, inflammatory skin ing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance
lesions and increased epidermal thickness (7). In the gastro- P (SP), are short amphipathic peptides that are stored in
intestinal (GI) tract, allergic reactions to food are manifested dense-core vesicles and released upon calcium influx into
by increased peristalsis, mucus production and diarrhea (8). peripheral nerve terminals. They have potent vasodilatory and
The nervous system is involved in regulating all of the immunomodulatory actions. Peptidergic nociceptors express
major physiological and clinical manifestations listed above. neuropeptides including CGRP, SP and vasoactive intestinal
Furthermore, because the nervous system densely inner- peptide (VIP). The development of peptidergic nociceptors is
vates all of these tissues, neurons are positioned to directly mediated by the tyrosine kinase receptor A (TrkA), the recep-
interact with immune cells to mediate allergic inflammation. tor for nerve growth factor (NGF), and they innervate the der-
mis/epidermis border (11). Non-peptidergic nociceptors, by
The peripheral nervous system and interactions with contrast, do not express neuropeptides and innervate more
allergic tissue superficial layers of the epidermis (12).

The peripheral nervous system is composed of the soma-

Innervation of the respiratory tract
tosensory nervous system (SNS) and the motor system,
which densely innervate barrier tissues that are constantly The respiratory tract receives somatosensory afferent inner-
exposed to allergens: the skin, the respiratory tract and the GI vation from neurons that reside within the DRG, as well as
tract. The SNS mediates important sensory functions includ- vagal sensory innervation from neurons of the nodose gan-
ing touch, proprioception, pain and itch. The motor system glia/jugular ganglia (NG/JG) (Fig.  1B). While DRG neurons
consists of somatic and autonomic branches: somatic motor mediate pain and somatosensation, NG/JG neurons mediate
neurons mediate the relaxation and contractility of muscles, cough, bronchoconstriction, nausea, vomiting and other vis-
while the autonomic nervous system is further divided into ceral sensations. Pulmonary mechanoreceptors from the NG
parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric arms. are myelinated non-peptidergic neurons that are sensitive to
Parasympathetic neurons mediate resting functions such as the stretch of the lungs (inflation and deflation) [for an exten-
salivation, lacrimation and digestion. The sympathetic system sive review on this topic, see ref. (13)]. Pulmonary chemosen-
mediates the ‘fight-or-flight response’, leading to increased sors are unmyelinated NG or JG neurons that detect different
heart rate and decreased digestion, generally functioning in chemical agents including noxious stimuli and a subset of
opposition to the parasympathetic system. Finally, the enteric these chemosensory neurons express neuropeptides includ-
nervous system (ENS), which is contained within the GI tract, ing CGRP and SP (14).
mediates gut motility. All these neurons have been found to The lung also receives efferent innervation by postgangli-
communicate with the immune system through their release onic cholinergic neurons from the parasympathetic nervous
of molecular mediators from their peripheral nerve terminals system. These cholinergic neurons mediate bronchocon-
that act on adaptive or innate immune cells. We describe striction. By contrast, efferent innervation by postganglionic
below the basic anatomy and innervation of different barrier noradrenergic neurons from the sympathetic system mediates
tissues (skin, respiratory tract, GI tract) to facilitate the under- bronchodilation. Much of the function of lung-innervating neu-
standing of neuro-immune interactions in allergic reactions. ral circuits remains to be fully defined, but it is clear that sen-
sory afferent neurons of the vagus nerve transduces signals to
Innervation of the skin the brainstem that could set off motor reflexes back to the lung
through the parasympathetic or sympathetic branches, lead-
The skin is primarily innervated by primary somatosensory
ing to bronchial, inflammatory or vascular regulation.
afferent neurons (Fig. 1A). These neurons have their cell bod-
ies housed in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), which innervates
the trunk of the body, or in the trigeminal ganglia (TG), which Innervation of the GI tract
innervates the face and oral cavity. The DRG neurons pro- Finally, the GI tract is the only organ in the body that pos-
ject to the central nervous system (CNS) in the dorsal horn of sesses its own self-contained nervous system, called the ENS
the spinal cord, whereas TG neurons project to the trigemi- (Fig. 1C). The GI tract is also densely innervated by extrinsic
nal nuclei of the brainstem. Some somatosensory afferent neurons that are outside of the GI tract. The intrinsic neurons
neurons detect innocuous stimuli (mechanical and thermal), of the ENS consist of both sensory and motor arms. The cell
leading to the sensations of touch and temperature, whereas bodies of intrinsic enteric neurons are situated in two plexi
other somatosensory neurons, called nociceptors, detect along the digestive tract: the myenteric plexus and the sub-
noxious stimuli (mechanical, thermal or chemical) and induce mucosal plexus. The sensory neurons of the ENS are the
pain as a protective mechanism. intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs), which respond to
Somatosensory neurons are very heterogeneous and can nutrient changes in the gut lumen, gut microbes and mechan-
be classified by different cellular characteristics (size, con- ical distortion. They then send reflex signals through enteric
duction velocity, myelination) or by molecular characteristics interneurons and motor neurons to coordinate gastric secre-
[expression of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, tion and gut motility (15, 16).
Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation  249

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Fig. 1.  Neuroanatomy and innervation of the skin, the lungs and the GI tract. (A) The SNS densely innervates the skin (dermis and epidermis)
and these sensory neurons mediate itch, pain and mechanosensation. Somatosensory neurons innervating the body have their cell bodies in
the DRG, with central projections to the spinal cord. Somatosensory neurons innervating the face have their cell bodies in the TG, with central
projections to the brainstem. (B) The lungs are densely innervated by both the SNS and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which medi-
ate irritant detection, cough, bronchoconstriction and breathing. Sensory neurons that innervate the lung have their cell bodies in the thoracic
DRG or the NG/JG. The ANS that innervates the lung is composed of parasympathetic neurons, whose cell bodies reside in the brainstem and
innervate the lung via the vagus nerve, and of sympathetic neurons, whose cell bodies reside in the paravertebral ganglia. (C) The GI tract has
a self-contained nervous system called the ENS, which is formed by IPANs, interneurons and motor neurons grouped in the myenteric and the
submucosal plexuses. The GI tract is also innervated by extrinsic sensory nerve fibers originating in the DRG and vagus nerve that send the
afferent information to the CNS. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves also send efferent information from the CNS to the gut by signaling
to the ENS to mediate nutrient sensation, mucus production and gut motility.

The extrinsic sensory neurons that innervate the GI tract neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, thus coordinating key
come from two external sources: the spinal neurons with their functions such as nutrient sensation, digestion and GI motility.
cell bodies in the DRG and the vagal neurons with their cell
bodies in the NG/JG. Spinal somatosensory neurons that Neurogenic inflammation and neuro-immune cross-talk in
mainly innervate the colon transmit visceral sensations to the allergic reactions
dorsal horn of the spinal cord including thermal sensation, One of the first indications that the nervous system played
mechanical sensation and pain. Vagal neurons that mainly an active role in regulating inflammation was observations by
innervate the small intestine transmit non-painful visceral Bayliss in 1901, who found that stimulation of the root of DRG
sensations including nutrient detection, satiety and nausea neurons induced vasodilatation in the limb (17). This func-
to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brain stem. The GI tion he referred to as antidromic conduction, where afferent
tract is also innervated by autonomic neurons, including nerves gain efferent function, is mediated by the back-prop-
parasympathetic efferent neurons through the vagus nerve agation of action potentials and axonal reflexes that results in
and sympathetic efferent neurons through the superior mes- CGRP and SP release at peripheral nerve terminals. These
enteric and celiac ganglia. The extrinsic and intrinsic neu- neuropeptides then act on the vasculature and immune sys-
rons that innervate the gut communicate with each other via tem to produce vasodilatation, plasma extravasation, edema
250  Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation
and immune cell recruitment and activation (18, 19). This led Pruriceptor neurons are the subtype of somatosensory neu-
to the concept that neuronal signaling can produce a ‘neuro- rons that mediate itch and, like nociceptors, their cell bodies
genic inflammation’ [for review, see ref. (20)]. It is increasingly reside in the DRG and their nerve terminals innervate the skin.

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clear that neuronal regulation of immunity plays an important Many of the inflammatory mediators released by allergic-type
role in the context of allergic inflammation. immune cells (mast cells, eosinophils, Th2 cells) can act on
Recently, a multitude of two-way interactions between neu- pruriceptor neurons to sensitize itch. For example, pruricep-
rons and immune cells have been discovered, due in part tor neurons possess receptors for, and respond to, hista-
to the proximity between nerve fibers and immune cells in mine, serotonin (5-HT), lipids, cytokines and growth factors
mucosal and barrier tissues. Mast cells, which are essential (Fig. 2A). The itch–scratch cycle could lead to skin damage,
for allergic responses, are in close contact with nerves in the increased allergen exposure and exacerbation of inflamma-
skin (21), in the GI tract (22, 23) and in the airways (24). Some tion. Therefore, a better understanding of the neuro-immune
mast cells are able to form direct contacts and attachments mechanisms of allergic itch could result in better treatments
with nerves through the cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1) for AD or other skin conditions.
(25, 26). In certain allergic pathologies such as allergic rhini-
tis or AD, the number of associations between mast cells and Histamine and itch
neurons increases during inflammation (24, 27). Dendritic
Histamine, released by mast cells, was one of the first molecu-
cells (DCs) are also found closely apposed to the peripheral
lar pruritogens to be identified. Histamine-induced itch is medi-
nerve terminals of vagal sensory neurons in the airways (28,
ated by the histamine receptor 1 (H1R) on pruriceptor neurons
29) and these interactions are increased in allergic airway
and its activation leads to Gq-coupled downstream signaling
inflammation (29). Eosinophils, a key innate effector cell type
through the transient receptor potential V1 (TRPV1) cation
in allergic reactions, have also been found to localize close to
channel (33) (Fig. 2A). However, antihistamines targeting H1R
cholinergic nerves in antigen-challenged animals in allergic
often do not relieve itch, in particular in chronic itch conditions
airway inflammation (30, 31).
such as AD (34). More recently, studies showed that target-
Immune cells act on sensory neurons to mediate allergic
ing the histamine receptor H4R was more efficient to alleviate
processes driven by the nervous system including itch and
histamine-induced itch (35) and the combined treatment with
bronchoconstriction. Sensory neurons possess receptors
H1R and H4R antagonists ameliorated the pruritus and the
for cytokines, growth factors and other inflammatory media-
dermatitis in a mouse model of chronic allergic dermatitis (36).
tors secreted by allergic-type immune cells. Neurons secrete
One clinical trial showed that JNJ-39758979, a potent
mediators including neuropeptides and neurotransmitters,
selective H4R antagonist, was able to inhibit histamine-
which act on their cognate receptors on allergic-type immune
induced itch in healthy human subjects (37). In a second
cells to drive or regulate immunity. These bidirectional neuro-
clinical trial, which was terminated early because of off-target
immune interactions occur early and could have a huge
adverse effects, JNJ-39758979 showed promising though
impact on the development of the allergic inflammation. Thus,
not conclusive results in alleviating pruritus in AD patients
understanding and targeting these neuro-immune interac-
(38). A  combination of H1R and H4R antagonism might be
tions could lead to novel approaches to treat allergic disease
a good strategy to treat AD patients in the future. However, it
is also likely that many itch mechanisms in skin allergies are
non-histaminergic in nature, necessitating further research.
Neuro-immune communication in itch and skin
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin and itch
Skin allergic reactions usually involve rashes, redness and
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a cytokine produced
itching and can be caused by immune reactions to chemicals
by epithelial cells (e.g. keratinocytes) during allergic dis-
(e.g. urushiol in poison ivy), food, medications or environmen-
eases and is a key driver of skin allergic inflammation. TSLP
tal allergens such as house dust mites. AD (also known as
levels are elevated in the skin of AD patients (39). TSLP acti-
eczema) is a chronic skin condition caused by aberrant skin
vates DCs to induce production of the chemokines CCL17
allergic responses. The cross-talk between the immune sys-
and CCL22, which attracts Th2 cells to the skin (40) (Fig. 2A).
tem and the nervous system is extensive in AD and other skin
Transgenic over-expression of TSLP in keratinocytes triggers
allergic conditions and it is increasingly clear that these inter-
skin and systemic AD-like pathologies (41, 42).
actions drive itch and inflammation. Below, we highlight some
Recently, Wilson et al. showed that TSLP can directly acti-
of the key molecular mechanisms discovered to be involved
vate a subset of DRG sensory neurons by calcium influx.
in these neuro-immune interactions and how they are being
They found that TSLP injection into mice induced scratching
targeted to treat allergic skin diseases.
behavior, which was dependent on its receptor, composed of
TSLPR and IL-7Rα, expressed in neurons (43). This pruricep-
Immune-mediated neuronal activation and itch tor activation was dependent on coupling of the TSLP recep-
Itch is a sensation that is closely associated with skin aller- tor to the TRPA1 cation channel. They further showed that
gies. It is a neuron-driven reflex with the purpose of scratch- TSLP release from keratinocytes was stimulated by the activa-
mediated removal of threats from the skin such as a parasite tion of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) by its agonists
or an insect. The mechanisms of itch and pruritus (inflam- SLIGRL (a peptide) and tryptase (43). Thus, keratinocytes
matory itch) are complex; for a more extensive review of its release TSLP during atopic diseases such as AD and this can
molecular and cellular mechanisms, please see ref. (32). act directly on pruriceptor neurons to induce itch signaling.
Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation  251

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Fig. 2.  Cross-talk between neurons and immune cells in allergic skin inflammation. (A) Immune-mediated activation of neurons in the skin: here,
we illustrate how allergic-type immune cells release molecular mediators and cytokines that act directly on sensory neurons in skin inflamma-
tory conditions such as AD. The functional result of this immune to neuron signaling is increased innervation and itch. Mast cells, eosinophils
and keratinocytes release the neurotrophin NGF, which binds to the high-affinity receptor TrkA and the low-affinity receptor p75NTR on neurons,
which can induce increased skin innervation. Mast cells release histamine, which binds to neuronal GPCRs H1R and H4R, which in turn ampli-
fies its downstream signaling through the TRPV1 ion channel to induce neuronal activation and itch. Keratinocytes release the cytokine TSLP
in response to cleavage of PAR-2 by tryptases released in allergic skin diseases. TSLP then binds to neuronal TSLPR–IL-7Ra, which in turn
is coupled to TRPA1 ion channel signaling to produce itch. Finally, Th2 cells produce the cytokine IL-31 in AD lesions, which mediates itch by
binding to its receptor composed of IL-31R and OSMR on neurons. IL-31-mediated neuronal activation is also coupled to both the TRPV1 and
TRPA1 ion channels. (B) Neuron-mediated activation of immune cells in the skin: neurons release mediators that act directly on immune cells to
modulate inflammation during skin allergies. Sensory neurons that innervate the skin release the neuropeptides SP and CGRP from their nerve
terminals. NK1, the receptor for SP, is expressed on keratinocytes, where its activation triggers the release of NGF, TNF-α and IL-1β. Mast cells
express both NK1 and MRGPRX2, an Mrgpr receptor that responds to SP, where their activation by SP induces mast cell degranulation. The
receptor for CGRP, which is composed of a complex of CLR and RAMP1, is also present on mast cells and its activation triggers degranulation.
CGRP induces Langerhans cell cytokine polarization, where it increases the release of CCL17 and CCL22 and decreases the release of CXCL9
and CXCL10, thus favoring Th2 cell recruitment and responses. Therefore, neurons can mediate immune cell responses through neuropeptides.

Interleukins and itch showed that nemolizumab, a humanized antibody against

IL-31 is a specific cytokine highly expressed by Th2 cells IL-31RA, improved pruritus in patients with AD, supporting
in AD (44). The cognate receptor for IL-31 is composed of future studies of IL-31 as a potential therapeutic target in
chronic inflammatory itch (48).
IL-31RA and the oncostatin M receptor (OSMR), which are
IL-33 is another key driver of allergic inflammation that is
both expressed by pruriceptor sensory neurons that mediate
released by keratinocytes and acts to drive type 2 immunity.
itch and by skin keratinocytes (9, 10) (Fig. 2A). In mice, intra-
Interestingly, in a urishiol-induced model of allergic contact
dermal injections of IL-31 induce itch-associated behaviors dermatitis (ACD), Liu et  al. showed that IL-33, acting on its
(45). Moreover, IL-31 mRNA is increased in the lesional skin receptor ST2 expressed on DRG neurons, induces itch in
of AD patients (45, 46), and serum levels of IL-31 were shown sensitized mice (49). The activation of neurons by IL-33 is
to correlate with the disease activity in AD (47). Therefore, mediated by both TRPV1 and TRPA1 ion channels. They fur-
Th2 cells likely release IL-31 during allergic skin inflamma- ther showed that treatment with IL-33- or ST2-neutralizing
tion, which acts to sensitize pruriceptor neurons to produce antibodies reduced the dermatitis phenotype induced by
itch. IL-31 may thus be an interesting target for the treatment urushiol. Therefore, both IL-31 and IL-33 are able to directly
of itch in AD. Indeed, in a recent clinical trial, Ruzicka et al. sensitize sensory neurons.
Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation
Mrgpr members and itch NGF binds to its receptor TrkA and to the low-affinity neuro-
Several members of the family of the Mas1-related G protein- trophin receptor p75NTR, which are expressed on pruricep-
coupled receptors (MRGPRs) have been identified on sen- tor neurons, nociceptor neurons, as well as on eosinophils

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sory neurons as responding to different types of ­pruritogens and mast cells (63, 64).
[for review, see ref. (50)]. This family has >50 members While TrkA is not detected in keratinocytes from healthy
in mice, subdivided in MrgprAs, MrgprBs, MrgprCs and subjects (59, 65), in AD patients, TrkA is expressed in
MrgprD-H. In humans, this family only has 10 members and is keratinocytes and this expression is increased during inflam-
called MRGPRX. So far, three members have been identified mation, where it is thought that NGF promotes keratinocyte
as pruriceptive receptors. MrgprA3, and its human homolog proliferation (66). Importantly, NGF is known to increase cuta-
MRGPRX1, is responsible for neuronal activation and neous innervation in a mouse model of AD and could thus
scratching behavior induced by chloroquine, an antimalarial mediate the development of chronic itch (67). Treatment with
drug that undesirably triggers itch (51); MrgprC11 mediates a neutralizing antibody against NGF inhibited the develop-
itch induced by BAM8-22, a bovine adrenal medulla peptide, ment of skin lesions, epidermal innervation and scratching
and by SLIGRL, a synthetic peptide (52, 53); and β-alanine behavior in AD mice (67). In AD patients, serums levels of
induces itch through MrgprD (54). Both MrgprA3- and NGF, as well as the neurotrophin BDNF and the neuropep-
Mrgprc11-mediated itch are dependent on the TRP channel tides SP, CGRP, VIP and neuropeptide Y (NPY), have been
TRPA1 (53). The endogenous agonists are yet unknown for found to be elevated (68–70). Thus, NGF could be a target
most of these receptors and their role in pathologies involving for future treatment of itch and allergic inflammation in AD.
chronic itch such as AD is the subject of current research.
Neuronal mediation of skin inflammation through SP
and CGRP
Sensory neuron TRP channels in itch
Neuro-immune communication in the skin is mediated by the
As we have discussed previously, members of the TRP cation neuropeptides SP and CGRP. Upon activation, peptidergic
channels family, particularly TRPV1 and TRPA1, are involved sensory neurons release SP and CGRP from their nerve termi-
in the amplification and gating of pruriceptive signals in nals, which can then act on immune cells (Fig. 2B). The num-
sensory neurons. TRPV1 is a prototypic large-pore cation ber of SP/CGRP fibers in the skin of AD patients increases
channel that is activated by noxious heat, low pH, and it is during allergic inflammation, suggesting a role for these neu-
sensitized through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that ropeptides in the pathophysiology of skin allergies (71).
are linked to inflammatory mediators, including the histamine SP induces the degranulation of mast cells and the release
receptors. TRPA1 is another large-pore cation channel in of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandin D2 (PGD2),
nociceptor neurons that detects noxious chemicals and elec- histamine, leukotrienes, serotonin (5-HT) and tryptases (72).
trophiles (55). Intra-dermal injections of SP in humans results in a wheal
As we saw before, TRPV1 mediates histamine-depend- and flare reaction, which is mediated by mast cells (20, 72).
ent itch while TRPA1 mediates histamine-independent itch SP also induces keratinocytes to release pro-inflammatory
including TSLP-induced itch (33, 43). It was further shown mediators including TNF-α, IL-1β and NGF (73). SP acts on
that TRPA1 is necessary for the development of chronic itch the vasculature to cause plasma extravasation and edema.
in certain models. In a dry skin model of itch, TRPA1–/– mice Finally, SP injections can induce a scratching behavior in
developed a weak itch and inflammatory phenotype (scratch- mice that is dependent on TRPA1 channels (57).
ing, skin thickness) compared to wild-type mice (56). In the The receptors responsible for the actions of SP are a
same study, gene expression was measured in skin biopsies subject of discussion in the literature. SP binds to the neu-
after dry skin induction. The up-regulation of genes coding rokinin-1 receptor (NK1) expressed on keratinocytes and vas-
for inflammatory mediators including IL-31Ra and IL-33 was cular smooth muscle cells (74, 75). The expression of NK1 on
dependent on TRPA1. In a model of ACD induced by oxa- mast cells is still controversial and whether the SP-induced
zolone, TRPA1–/– mice displayed strongly diminished derma- degranulation is dependent on NK1 has been debated (76).
titis pathology: diminished skin thickness, protein levels of A  study reported that NK1 is expressed only in certain rat
inflammatory cytokines (CXCL2, IL-4 and IL-6) and scratch- strains (77) and NK1 mRNA was also detected in cultured
ing behavior (57). Thus, TRPA1 seems to have a major role RBL-2H3 cells, a rat mast cell line (78). Interestingly, another
in the neuro-immune cross-talk in pathologic skin allergies study showed that NK1 expression in bone marrow-derived
and could be a potential target for new therapies in allergic mast cells was low but that its expression increased when
dermatitis. the cells were stimulated by factors present during aller-
gic inflammation including IL-4 and stem cell factor (79).
NGF in driving skin inflammation and itch Treatment with NK1 antagonists has given contrasting results
NGF is a neurotrophin that has been linked to both itch depending on the studies. NK1 antagonists either have no
and skin allergies. Neurotrophins are growth factors [NGF, effects or block only partially SP-activation of human mast
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 3 cells (80–82). They showed disparate results in treating pru-
(NT-3) and neurotrophin 4 (NT-4)] involved in the differentia- ritus in patients with atopic conditions: beneficial in some
tion, innervation and survival of neurons (58). Keratinocytes cases (83, 84) or without effects in others (85, 86). It was then
are the main source of NGF in the skin (59). NGF is also proposed that SP could induce its effect through a different
expressed and secreted by immune cells including eosino- pathway. Recent studies have shown that SP can also act
phils and monocytes during inflammation (60–62) (Fig. 2A). on mast cells through MRGPRX2, another type of receptor
Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation  253
belonging to the Mas-related family of GPCRs, to induce mast and TrkB, respectively, as well as the low-affinity neurotrophin
cell degranulation (87–91). McNeil et  al. found that human receptor p75NTR. These receptors are expressed across the
MRGPRX2, or its mouse ortholog MrgprB2, is present in lung epithelium, airway smooth muscles and immune cells,

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mast cells and responds to a variety of basic secretagogues mediating a wide numbers of responses in these cell types
including SP, VIP, the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and the [for review, see refs (58,102,103)]. Their receptors are also
canonical mast cell activator 48/80 to induce degranulation expressed by sensory neurons, playing a key role in neural
[for review, see refs (89) and (90)]. Knockdown of MRGPRX2 growth, survival and sensitization during airway inflammation.
in human mast cells or mutation of MrgprB2 in murine mast Of note, these neurotrophins induced hyperinnervation of the
cells inhibited SP-induced mast cell degranulation (82, 90). lungs by DRG neurons, and increased their expression of the
Gaudenzio et al. found that MrgprB2MUT mice showed a 50% neuropeptides CGRP and SP (104–106).
reduction in vascular leakage induced by SP intra-dermal In immune cells, neurotrophins participate in the activation
injection; however, total mast cell-deficient mice showed a of eosinophils and their survival (63, 97); they promote the
complete abrogation of SP-induced responses, indicating maturation and polarization of lung DCs toward a Th2 phe-
potential involvement of another mast cell SP receptor, poten- notype (107). Neurotrophins enhance the contractibility of
tially NK1 (91). In the skin of patients with severe chronic urti- ASMCs (108, 109) and promote their proliferation (110).
caria, expression of MRGPRX2 on mast cells is up-regulated NGF infusion also induces airway hyperresponsiveness
(82). Taken together, these findings suggest that SP-induced (AHR) in different animal models of allergic airway inflam-
effects on mast cells could be mediated by two pathways, mation (103). Several studies investigated the therapeutic
and that MRGPRX2 or NK1 may prove to be therapeutic tar- potential of inhibiting NGF in mouse models of asthma. Anti-
gets in skin allergic conditions. NGF neutralizing antibody was found to significantly reduce
CGRP acts by binding to a receptor composed of the AHR and inflammation in the mouse model of asthma in
GPCR CLR (calcitonin receptor-like receptor, also known as which chicken ovalbumin (OVA) induces sensitization (107).
CALCRL) and receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Anti-NGF and anti-TrkA neutralizing antibodies were able
These receptors are expressed on keratinocytes, mast cells, to reduce collagen deposition in the airways in a model of
Langerhans cells and vascular endothelial cells (92). CGRP chronic allergic airway inflammation (111). Administration
is well known to act on the vasculature to induce vasodilation. of a small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting NGF signifi-
Langerhans cells are DCs that reside in the epidermis that cantly inhibited AHR, decreased pro-inflammatory cytokines,
drive skin antigen presentation. Ding et al. showed that CGRP decreased eosinophilic recruitment and inhibited production
stimulation causes Langerhans cells to bias their antigen of the neuropeptide SP in the lungs in a murine model of aller-
presentation toward a Th2 response by inducing up-regulation gic asthma (112). Therefore, targeting neurotrophins may be
of IL-4 and down-regulation of IFN-γ (93). CGRP also induces a novel approach to treat allergic airway inflammation.
mast cell degranulation and keratinocyte proliferation (94, 95).
Interactions between mast cells and neurons in allergic
Neuro-immune communication in asthma and allergic airway inflammation
airway inflammation It is well characterized that histamine, released by mast cells,
Allergic airway inflammation is driven by immune responses is a key mediator in allergic inflammatory conditions. Histamine
in the respiratory tract to allergens in the air, such as pollen, is present in high concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage
house dust mites or molds. The most common types of air- fluid (BALF) of patients with allergic asthma and it is known
way allergic conditions include allergic rhinitis and asthma. to promote characteristic symptoms of allergic inflammation
These atopic conditions frequently occur together. Symptoms through both H1R and H4R (113–115). Histamine receptors are
include a runny or congested nose, sneezing, irritable air- expressed in vagal sensory afferent neurons (116), which inner-
ways, bronchoconstriction, cough, wheezing and shortness vate the lungs. However, the contribution of sensory neurons to
of breath. Cough and bronchoconstriction, as well as many histaminergic effects in asthma remains to be elucidated.
of these other symptoms, are direct consequences of neu- Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a known mediator of aller-
ral activation within the airways (96). Recent work has drawn gies that is released by stimulated mast cells. In the lungs, S1P
attention to the nervous system and neuro-immune interac- administration triggers AHR and airway inflammation in mice
tions as playing an important role driving or modulating the (117). S1P has autocrine and paracrine effects on immune
physiopathology of asthma and allergic rhinitis. cells, inducing degranulation, cytokine and lipid production,
and migration of mast cells (118). A recent study showed that
Neurotrophins in allergic airway inflammation sensory neurons that innervate the lungs express S1PR3, one
of the receptors for S1P (119) (Fig. 3A). They further showed
The neurotrophins, NGF and BDNF, are mediators of neuro-
that the AHR induced by an S1PR3 agonist was absent in mice
immune interactions in the airways. NGF and BDNF levels are
lacking sensory neurons, suggesting that neurons might par-
increased in animal models of allergic airway inflammation
tially mediate S1P effects in allergic airway inflammation (119).
(97) and in the airways of asthma patients (98–100). During
inflammation, NGF and BDNF are produced by structural
cells of the lungs including epithelial cells and airway smooth CGRP in allergic airway inflammation
muscle cells (ASMCs) and by neurons; NGF is also highly The neuropeptide CGRP is increased in airways of patients
expressed by activated mast cells and eosinophils (Fig. 3A) with asthma or allergic rhinitis (120, 121). In the airways, CGRP
(58, 101, 102). NGF and BDNF bind to specific receptors, TrkA is released by nodose sensory neurons during inflammation
254  Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation

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Fig. 3.  Cross-talk between neurons and immune cells in allergic airway inflammation. (A) Immune-mediated activation of neurons in the res-
piratory tract: immune cells release molecular mediators and cytokines that act directly on sensory neurons innervating the lungs in allergic
diseases such as asthma or allergic rhinitis. The functional result is hyperinnervation, cough and bronchoconstriction. Mast cells, ciliated cells,
eosinophils and smooth muscle cells produce the neurotrophin NGF, which binds to the receptors TrkA and P75NTR expressed by sensory neu-
rons. Ciliated cells, smooth muscle and sensory neurons also secrete the neurotrophin BDNF, binding receptors TrkB and P75NTR expressed
by sensory neurons. Mast cells release S1P that binds the receptor S1PR3 on sensory neurons, inducing a hyperinnervation of the lungs, cough
and bronchoconstriction. Exogenous irritants, such as tear gases, air pollution or cigarette smoke also act directly on the TRPA1 cation channels
expressed by neurons to activate cough and bronchoconstriction. (B) The autonomic nervous system, including parasympathetic and sympa-
thetic branches, releases neurotransmitters to signal to structural cells and immune cells of the lungs. The parasympathetic neurons release
Ach that binds the muscarinic receptor M3 on the smooth muscle leading to bronchoconstriction. It can also bind M1, M3 and the nicotinic
receptor (nAchR) on ciliated cells, resulting in mucus secretion. Ach has a dual effect on macrophages: binding to its M3 receptor produces
pro-inflammatory effects; whereas binding to nAchR produces anti-inflammatory effects. The sympathetic nervous system releases NA that
activates the β2-AR expressed by smooth muscles, resulting in bronchodilation. It also binds to β2-AR on Th2 cells to suppress T-cell activation.
(C) The sensory nervous system, including DRG and vagal afferent neurons, releases neuropeptides including SP, NKA, VIP and CGRP that
can directly act on the immune system. SP and NKA bind NK1 or NK2, respectively, on smooth muscle cells, leading to bronchoconstriction.
VIP binds its receptor VCAP2 on ILC2, inducing the release of IL-5 and IL-13 to drive the type 2 immunity. CGRP binds to its receptor complex
CLR–RAMP1 on DCs, which has been found to induce both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects depending on the context of lung
Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation  255
from their nerve terminals (122) and the CGRP receptor com- Therefore, VIP signaling and VPAC2 could be an interesting
plex CLR–RAMP1 is expressed by lung DCs (123) (Fig. 3C). target for allergic airway inflammation.
However, other cell types secrete CGRP in the lungs, such as

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T cells, macrophages and human airway epithelial cells fol- Sensory neuron TRP channels in airway inflammation
lowing the activation of CCR4 by CCL17 (120, 124).
Neurogenic inflammation, and thus neuropeptides release,
Recent studies have shown contradictory effects of CGRP
can be due in part to the activation of members of TRP chan-
in driving or modulating airway allergies. On the anti-inflam-
nels expressed in airway-innervating sensory neurons, espe-
matory side, administration of CGRP resulted in the normaliza-
cially TRPA1 and TRPV1 (13). As we previously discussed,
tion of airway responsiveness to inhaled methacholine (125).
TRPA1 detects noxious chemicals and electrophiles, in
CGRP inhibited DC maturation and reduced eosinophilic air-
particular a large number of airborne irritants including tear
way inflammation (123). On the pro-inflammatory side, CGRP
gases, air pollution or cigarette smoke (138). It is also acti-
was shown to alter DC motility (126) and knockout mice for
vated by mediators of inflammation such as bradykinin and
CGRP (Calca–/–) or components of its major receptor (RAMP1–
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2).
and Calcrl+/–) showed attenuated hyperresponsiveness in
In the OVA-induced mouse model of allergic airway inflam-
OVA antigen-induced models of allergic airway inflammation
mation, either genetic ablation or pharmacological inhibition
(127, 128). Therefore, it remains to be determined whether
of TRPA1 greatly reduced AHR, mucus and cytokine pro-
CGRP is pro- or anti-inflammatory in the context of asthma or
duction as well as leucocyte infiltration (139). By contrast, a
other airway diseases.
recent study found that TRPV1, but not TRPA1, was involved
in a house dust mite-driven mouse model of allergic airway
Tachykinins in allergic airway inflammation inflammation and an OVA-driven rat model of asthma (140).
Tachykinins are a family of neuropeptides expressed by While the particular contribution of TRP channels remains to
sensory neurons, including SP as well as neurokinin A (NKA) be determined in asthma, these studies highlight the poten-
and neurokinin B (NKB) (Fig. 3C). These neuropeptides are tial roles of TRP channels and the neurons that express them
processed proteolytically from common precursors called in animal models of asthma, especially in the context of neu-
Tac1 and Tac2 (also known as preprotachykinins). SP, rogenic inflammation.
NKA and NKB bind to GPCRs named NK1, NK2 and NK3,
respectively. Both tachykinin levels and receptor expres-
Silencing sensory neurons to treat airway inflammation
sion are increased the airways of allergic patients following
stimulation with allergen (121, 129–131). Several studies Targeting sensory neurons may be a novel approach to
have tested pharmacological antagonists against the tach- treat AHR and lung inflammation in the pathology of asthma.
ykinin receptors in the treatment of asthma, either selective Tränkner et  al. recently showed that targeted ablation of a
(anti-NK1), dual (anti-NK1/NK2) or triple (anti-NK1/NK2/ subset of NG/JG sensory afferent neurons expressing TRPV1
NK3) [for review, see refs (132,133)]. Although a number prevents the development of AHR in an OVA-induced mouse
of these studies showed positive results in attenuating one model of asthma (119). Though AHR was greatly reduced,
or several asthma outcomes such as airway responsive- they did not find major differences in immune cell recruitment
ness (AHR, bronchoconstriction) and airway inflammation in the airways following sensory neuron ablation (119).
(eosinophilic influx), more investigations are necessary to By contrast, Talbot et  al. showed that ablation of sensory
understand the mechanisms of action and the specific con- neurons expressing the sodium channel Nav1.8 decreased
tributions of the three receptors in the physiopathology of immune cell recruitment in the OVA-induced asthma model
asthma. As we have discussed previously, SP can also act (137). They also acutely silenced the sensory neuron activ-
through the receptor MRGPRX2 on mast cells. While lung ity through administration of QX-314, a charged, membrane-
mast cells express low levels MRGPRX2 (82, 134), the sub- impermeant sodium channel blocker that is a derivative of
type of mast cells that express the receptor is increased in lidocaine. QX-314 is thought to specifically enter activated
asthma which suggests MRGPRX2 could play a role in the sensory neurons through the pores formed by activated
pathogenesis of asthma (135). TRPV1 and TRPA1 ion channels (141). Talbot et  al. found
that QX-314 treatment after OVA-mediated allergic airway
sensitization reduced AHR, Th2, and ILC2 responses (137).
VIP in allergic airway inflammation
Therefore, silencing lung-innervating sensory neurons is a
The neuropeptide VIP is also a key mediator of neuro-immune potential therapeutic target for asthma.
communication and is classically considered to have anti-
inflammatory effects (136). In a recent study, Talbot et  al.
uncovered a role for communication in the respiratory tract Parasympathetic and sympathetic regulation of allergic
between sensory neurons and immune cells through VIP in an airway inflammation
OVA-dependent mouse model of asthma (137). They showed Acetylcholine (Ach) is the main neurotransmitter released by
that nodose afferent neurons released VIP, which acts on parasympathetic postganglionic neurons in the respiratory
innate lymphoid type 2 (ILC2) cells, which express the VIP tract inducing bronchoconstriction. Two types of acetylcho-
receptor VPAC2 (Fig.  3C). In response, ILC2 up-regulate line receptors (AchRs) bind to Ach: muscarinic receptors
IL-5 production, which in turn drives eosinophil recruitment. mAChR (GPCRs) and nicotinic receptors nAchR (channel
Interestingly, they also found that targeting VPAC2 with a spe- receptors). In the airways, AchRs are expressed by structural
cific antagonist also decreased ILC2 activation in vivo (137). cells such as ASMCs and epithelial cells, and also by immune
256  Neuro-immune interactions in allergic inflammation
cells such as macrophages and T cells (Fig. 3B) (142, 143). In Interactions between mast cells and neurons in the gut
the physiopathology of asthma, Ach is involved in the airway Mast cells, present in the submucosal tissues, play an impor-
remodeling by inducing thickening of airway smooth muscle tant role in driving food allergies. Upon recognition of food

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tissue through growth factor-induced proliferation, contractile allergens through specific IgE bound to cell-surface FCεR1,
protein expression and extracellular matrix deposition (144). mast cells degranulate and release a number of pro-inflamma-
A recent paper showed that these effects of Ach were tory mediators, such as histamine, eicosanoids or proteases.
greatly reduced in mice lacking the M3 muscarinic receptor Beyond playing a major role in activating type 2 immune cells
but not in the mice lacking the M1 or M2 receptors, indicating through their specific receptors, these mast cell mediators
that the airway remodeling effects of Ach are mostly depend- also act directly on enteric sensory neurons in the ENS.
ent on M3 (145). During asthma, Ach also stimulates airway A study showed that a cocktail of mediators released from
inflammation. It activates macrophages to release leukotriene stimulated human mast cells was able to induce activation
B4, which in turn recruits eosinophils and neutrophils into the of both human and guinea pig submucosal sensory neurons
airways (146). The use of a long-lasting non-specific mus- (157). Histamine, PGE2 and the leukotriene LTC4 are able to
carinic antagonist, titropium, was able to inhibit eosinophilic signal to naive and sensitized neurons. In submucosal neu-
inflammation (147). By contrast, M3-deficient mice showed rons from guinea pigs sensitized by milk, stimulation with the
similar levels of infiltrated eosinophils and Th2 cytokine food antigen β-lactoglobulin induced a depolarization that
expression (145), suggesting that anti-inflammatory effects of was similar to the one induced by the degranulation of mast
blocking Ach might be mediated through a combination of cells (158, 159). Pharmacological inhibitors for the histamine
muscarinic receptors. receptor H2R, prostaglandin synthesis or for leukotriene
The cellular sources of Ach in the lung might also be synthesis were each able to partly reduce these neuronal
diverse. In addition to parasympathetic nerves, lung bron- responses to the antigen and to almost completely suppress
chial epithelial cells were shown to release Ach (148). While neuronal responses when used in combination (159). At the
the contribution of neuronal and non-neuronal Ach in asthma same time, histamine inhibits the release of Ach or NA by
is not yet completely understood, a recent study showed that acting on the inhibitory histamine receptor H3R present pre-
the ablation of the parasympathetic nerve in the lungs by synaptically on parasympathetic neurons (158) and on sym-
vagotomy decreased both AHR and inflammation in a canine pathetic neurons (159).
model of asthma (149), indicating a key role for neuronal Ach A recent paper showed that, in submucosal neurons from
in the physiopathology of asthma. rats sensitized with chicken OVA, the main histamine receptor
Sympathetic nerves that innervate the lung release involved in the response was H1R, whereas H2R was present
noradrenaline (NA) that will act mostly on β2-adrenergic but played a minor role (160). Serine proteases (tryptase,
receptors (β2-ARs) on ASMCs to induce bronchodilation chymase) are another type of mast cell mediator that can
(Fig. 3B). Circulating adrenaline from other sympathetic fib- act directly on neurons. Proteases activate a family of related
ers could also, in a similar way, induce bronchodilation. GPCRs called PARs, by cleaving a part of their extracel-
Indeed, β2-AR pharmacological agonists are the most effec- lular domain, which in turn signals to activate the receptor.
tive bronchodilators for asthma and are commonly used to Myenteric sensory neurons and submucosal neurons from
treat patients in combination with glucocorticoids to sup- guinea pig small intestine are activated by tryptase and by
press inflammation (142, 150). The adrenergic system can be specific agonists of the receptor PAR-2 (161, 162).
dysfunctional in allergic pathologies. In asthmatic patients,
β2-ARs are desensitized in T cells leading to a decrease in
Neuropeptides in gut neuro-immune allergic interactions
NA-dependent inhibition of T-cell functions (151, 152). This
desensitization is mediated by the thymus and activation- Evidence for neurogenic inflammation was also found in
regulated chemokine (TARC) (153), which has been found to the GI tract. Enteric mast cells from guinea pigs and from
play a role in asthma (154, 155). Both parasympathetic and humans were found to express NK1 and the CGRP receptor
sympathetic neurons could contribute to regulate allergic by immunochemistry (163). Antidromic stimulation of spinal
immunity and inflammation in the respiratory tract. afferent neurons induces the release of the neuropeptides SP
and CGRP in the small intestine of guinea pigs. These neu-
ropeptides activate the degranulation of mast cells and the
Neuro-immune interactions in the gut and food
release of histamine and proteases, which in turn render the
intrinsic ENS neurons more excitable (163).
In the GI tract, allergies take the form of reproducible adverse In a model of food allergy induced by OVA, expression of
immune reactions to proteins present in food and the preva- CGRP mRNA was increased in the colon of mice while the
lence among adults can be as high 4% of the US population distribution of nerve fibers remained unchanged, suggesting
(156). The symptoms vary from diarrhea, nausea/vomiting that CGRP release might be increased during food allergy
and abdominal cramping to manifestations in the skin, in the (164). VIP is also released by intestinal IPANs and partici-
cardio-respiratory tract and severe anaphylactic reactions pates in GI smooth muscle relaxation (165). The receptors
that require hospitalization (156). Although the nervous sys- for VIP (VPAC1 and VPAC2) are also expressed on several
tem in the gut, including intrinsic ENS neurons and extrin- immune cells types (ILC2s, macrophages, DCs, neutrophils),
sic neurons, is a complex system that has been the subject and VIP is known to play a role in neuro-immune interactions
of many studies, our comprehension of its role in driving or in pathologies such as colitis (16). However, the role of VIP
inhibiting food allergies remains limited. in food allergies has not been studied. Therefore, as in the
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