Alcoholic Fermentation: Riccat. S. SHG, Yanni, Nike, Fery

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Alcoholic Fermentation

Riccat. S. Shg, Yanni, Nike, Fery

Biochemsitry Laboratory, Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Padjajaran, Jln. Singaperbangsa No.2 Bandung, 40133 Indonesia


Acoholic fermentation is the biological process by which sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into
cellular energy and thereby produce alcoholic and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products. Yeasts carry out alkoholic
fermentation on sugars in the absence of oxygen. Because the process does not require oxygen, alcoholic fermentation is
classified as anaerobic. alcoholic fermentation is responsible for the rising of bread dough, the production of ethanol in
alcoholic beverages, and for much of the production of alcoholic for use as fuel .This research use Saccharomyces Cerevisia.
Purpose of this research are knowing influence from temperature for fermentation process, to know presence carbon dioxide
gas marked by increasing sodium hydroxide for alcoholic fermentation process, to know presence alcohol (ethanol) through
by iodoform test, to know way of working from enzyme consequence presence denaturation, to know influence from
inhibitor to activities of enzyme worked at alcoholic fermentation process. Whereas the principle are pursuant to glycolysis
reaction, pursuant to decarboxilation reaction, and pursuant to dehydrogenation alcohol. Conclusions from this research
process the fermentation marked by, Durham save to go up and existence of bubble of temperature cause, existence of gas
carbon dioxide with the addition of Natrium Hydroxide, alcohol existence of through test yodoform at alcoholic fermentation
process, work the enzyme of effect denaturation, in such a way that Durham Tube do not go up and over there formed by
sediment, Durham Tube do not go up and formed by sediment of influence inhibitor .

Introduction Alcoholic fermentation which glucose

changed to be alcohol and
Fermentation is activity of carbondioxide. Alcoholic fermentation
decomposition carbohidyrate where as used the Saccharomyces Cerevisia. That
deterioration incurring food have is a microbe or fungi has kinds of
protein. In fermentation process usually enzyme which can doing enzymatic
not generate reek and usually produced reactions (Ernil Bore, 1962).
carbon dioxide gas, but marked by
hydrogen sulfide gas (Desrosier,1988). In area of food processing,
fermentation is older than draining. In
Every fermentation process used fermentation process, foods experiencing
biochemical activity. Product of physical and chemical change
fermentation are come from catabolism (Rachman,1989).
and anabolism process (Rachman,1989).

Metabolism always require enzyme Materials and Methods

for help the reactions that happened.
Enzyme is special protein play role as To know influence from temperature to
catalyst in chemical reaction. Coenzyme alcoholic fermentation
is an organic substance not protein
helped enzyme activity Tube A filled with 8 mL foods solution
(Almatsies,2001). add 1 mL water and 1 mL yeast
suspension then filled durham tube until
Fermentation is microbe activities totality dip. Tube A fill into refrigerant
for getting energy which needed for during 1,5 hour then fill into incubator
metabolism and growing by means of with temperature 370C during 1 hour and
splitting-up or catabolism about organic control it.
compounds according to anaerobic,
fermentation process also used in food To know presence carbon dioxide from
industries such as tempe by Rhizopus, alcoholic fermentation process
and Oncom by Neurospora Sitophyla,
Tube B filled with 8 mL foods solution experimental system.
add 1 mL water and 1 mL yeast
suspension then filled durham tube until Glycolysis is the chemical breakdown of
totality dip. Tube B fill into fill into glucose to lactic acid. This process
incubator with temperature 370C during makes energy available for cell activity
2,5 hour and control it before and after in the form of a high-energy phosphate
added 2 mL sodium hydroxide 2 N. compound known as adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). Alcoholic
To know presence ethanol in alcoholic fermentation is identical to glycolysis
fermentation process except for the final step. In alcoholic
Tube C filled with 8 mL foods solution fermentation, pyruvic acid is broken
add 1 mL water and 1 mL yeast down into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
suspension then filled durham tube until Enzymes are proteins consisting of
totality dip. Tube C fill into fill into amino acids united in polypeptide
incubator with temperature 370C during chains. Factors of influencing way of
2,5 hour then do iodoform test by Tube enzyme job are first enzyme
C connect to Tube F is containing 2 mL concentration, if enzyme concentration
sodium hydroxide and some drop of increasing so speed of reaction are
kalium iodide-iodium then burn tube C. increase; second substrate
control color and smell from tube F. concentration,if substrate concentration
increasing so speed of reaction are
To know enzyme worked at alcoholic increase; third temperature,if
fermentation process temperature increasing consequence
Tube D filled with 8 mL foods solution occur denaturation process and enzyme
add 1 mL water and 1 mL yeast concentration are decrease; fourth pH
suspension was boiled then filled influence, pH increase of decrease occur
durham tube until totality dip. Tube D denaturation process and decrease
fill into fill into incubator with enzyme activity; and fifth inhibitor
temperature 370C during 2,5 hour. influence, molecule or ion can be
Control it blocked enzyme activity.

To know inhibitor influence for The chemical equation below

alcoholic fermentation summarizes the fermentation of glucose.
Tube E filled with 8 mL foods solution One glucose molecule is converted into
add 1 mL water and 1 mL yeast two ethanol molecules and two carbon
suspension and 1 mL KF solution then dioxide molecules:
filled durham tube until totality dip.
Tube E fill into fill into incubator with C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2
temperature 370C during 2,5 hour.
Control it. The process begins with a molecule of
glucose being broken down by the
process of glycolysis into pyruvate:
Results and Discussion
C6H12O6 → 2 CH3COCOO− + 2H+
Saccharomyces is a member of the
This reaction is accompanied by the size
kingdom of fungi. Fungi possess plant-
difference of two molecules of NAD + to
like cell
NADH and a net of two ADP molecules
walls, but have other features more in
converted to two ATP plus the two water
common with animals. A significant
amount of

Pyruvate is then converted to

information is known about
acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide by an
Saccharomyces due to the utility of this
enzyme called pyruvate decarboxylase
organism as an
and requiring thiamine diphosphate as attack hydrogen  from alcohol.
cofactor. The acetaldehyde is hydrogen  is hydrogen stringed with
subsequently reduced to ethanol by the atom C nearby with function bunch.
NADH from the previous glycolysis,
which is returned to NAD+: To know enzyme worked at alcoholic
fermentation process
CH3COCOO− + H+ → CH3CHO + CO2 Enzyme for fermentation process
CH3CHO + NADH → C2H5OH + NAD+ contained in yeast but after that yeast
burned being denaturated and not active
Many species of Yeast (K. lactis, K again.
lipolytica) will oxidize pyruvate
completely to carbon dioxide and water To know inhibitor influence for
(respiration) if oxygen is present in the alcoholic fermentation
environment and will ferment only in an Inhibitor used in this research is kalium
anaerobic environment.To know fluoride constitute inhibitor competitive
influence from temperature to alcoholic it can be blocked process fosfogliserat
fermentation become fosfenol piruvat at glycolysis
process so that can not reforming to
Foods solution are consist from sugar, piruvat.
ammonium sulfide, and buffer acetate.
Function of sugar as carbon resource, Tube Treatment Result
function of ammonium sulfide as A Tube filled After kept by
nitrogen resource in glycolysis process, mixing solutions refrigerator,
and buffer acetate for maintaining pH. then filled Durham tube
Function of added water as solvent. Durham tube and do not go up.
Function of yeast suspension as enzyme After in
put in refrigerant
for fermentation process. Filled Durham then put in Durham save
tube is to know fermentation process is incubator 37oC to go up and
happen or not. When in refrigerant existence of
Durham tube in the bottom its meaning bubble.
fermentation process is not occur but B Tube filled After in
when Durham tube in incubator Durham mixing solutions incubator
tube on top its mean fermentation then filled Durham save
process is occur. Temperature in Durham tube and to go up and
incubator is 370C because that is existence of
then put in
optimum temperature for enzyme bubble. After
incubator 37oC warm-up of
working maximally and not occur added sodium there are
denaturation. Denaturation is enzyme hydroxide bubble. before
destroyed consequence burning too high. + NaOH = go
up(+), hereafter
To know presence carbon dioxide from + NaOH =
alcoholic fermentation process Descend(-)
Before Durham tube added sodium C Tube filled (-) After in
hydroxide, Durham tube on top but after mixing solutions incubator, save
added sodium hydroxide Durham tube then filled the Durham of
on bottom because carbon dioxide Durham tube and there are
decreased consequence reaction with bubble, after
then put in
heat Durham
natrium hydroxide. incubator 37 C, o
save to
tube C connect to descend and
To know presence ethanol in alcoholic tube F with pipe smell the
fermentation process L. tube C burned Iodoform
The function of iodine as weak oxidator
which reaction with alcohol become
aldehyde and produced iodoform smell.
Iodoform test is reaction phase will
D Tube filled (-) After in
mixing solutions incubator,
then filled Durham tube
Durham tube and do not go up
and existence
then put in
of sediment
incubator 370C

E Tube filled (-) After in

mixing solutions incubator
and added kalium Durham tube
flouride solution do not go up
then filled
Durham tube and
then put in
incubator 370C


Process the fermentation marked by,

Durham save to go up and existence of
bubble of temperature cause, existence
of gas carbon dioxide with the addition of
Natrium Hydroxide, alcohol existence of
through test yodoform at alcoholic
fermentation process, work the enzyme
of effect denaturation, in such a way that
Durham Tube do not go up and over
there formed by sediment, Durham Tube
do not go up and formed by sediment of
influence inhibitor.

Almatsier,S.2001.Prinsip Dasar Ilmu
Pengawetan Pangan.Jakarta:UI-
Ernil Borel, Probabilities and Life, New
York: Dover Pub., Inc., 1962, p. 28
Teknologi Fermentasi.Bogor:IPB.

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