Concept of Paging Group in GSM
Concept of Paging Group in GSM
Concept of Paging Group in GSM
Diagram Conventions
Sets/queries the paging IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) field, used
paging the MS. The test set will stay in Active Cell Status (Setup Request), see C
Processing State Synchronization until the paging IMSI is returned if the state is o
Feedback GSM
Did the information on this The paging IMSI is automatically updated by the test set during an MS originated
web page help answer your
question or solve a call using the IMSI reported by the MS. If the MS has no SIM, the paging IMSI is l
problem? unchanged.
GPRS This command is not applicable to GPRS.
Range: up to 15 decimal digits
Resolution: 1
No Range: up to 15 decimal digits
Resolution: 1
Did not apply
*RST Setting 001012345678901
Please provide additional Programming Example
comments about this page.
(Optional, 255 character
OUTPUT 714;"CALL:PAGing:IMSI `01012345678901'"!Set paging IMSI
!to 01012345678901.
GSM Sets/queries the paging mode that the test set will use to page the MS. Some mo
Function stations can be set to a discontinuous reception mode (DRX), which configures th
MS to look for a page in a pre-defined paging subchannel only.
When paging mode is set to Reorg (DRX off), the test set will page the MS on the
paging channel in the next available paging subchannel without waiting for the
defined paging group.
When paging mode is set to Normal (DRX on), the test set will page the MS on th
correct paging subchannel defined by the mobile station's paging group.
GPRS This command is not applicable to GPRS.
Setting Range: REORg | NORMal
Query Range: REOR | NORM
*RST Setting Reorg
Programming Example
GSM This parameter is used when the paging mode is normal. MFRames and IMSI are
Function used to define the mobile station's paging group. The paging group determines
when an MS can expect a page if paging mode is normal.
GPRS This command is not applicable to GPRS.
Range: 2 to 9
Resolution: 1
Range: 2 to 9
Resolution: 1
*RST Setting 2
Programming Example
Sets/queries repeat paging state for the active (that is the selected) format. When the state is ON
paging repeats until the test set receives a RACH. When the state is OFF the test set returns the N
response to page timer T3113 expiry. SeeFixed Timer Messages .
This command is not applicable to GPRS.
0 | OFF | 1 | ON
*RST Setting
The *RST value of this command depends on the format that is currently active. For example, if the
GSM format is currently active, the *RST value for this command is the same value as the equivale
command containing the :GSM format identifier.
Programming Example
Sets/queries repeat paging state for the GSM format. When the state is ON paging repeats until the
test set receives a RACH. When the state is OFF the test set returns the No response to page time
T3113 expiry. See Fixed Timer Messages .
This command is not applicable to GPRS.
0 | OFF | 1 | ON
*RST Setting
Programming Example
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