This document discusses the importance of promoting and enhancing knowledge in nursing. It outlines three key elements needed: undergraduate and graduate formation, practice, and research. Formation is important for learning nursing as a discipline and profession. Practice is crucial as it generates issues for inquiry and shows nursing's work. Research helps validate knowledge and test concepts and theories. Dissemination of research is also important for sharing knowledge.
This document discusses the importance of promoting and enhancing knowledge in nursing. It outlines three key elements needed: undergraduate and graduate formation, practice, and research. Formation is important for learning nursing as a discipline and profession. Practice is crucial as it generates issues for inquiry and shows nursing's work. Research helps validate knowledge and test concepts and theories. Dissemination of research is also important for sharing knowledge.
This document discusses the importance of promoting and enhancing knowledge in nursing. It outlines three key elements needed: undergraduate and graduate formation, practice, and research. Formation is important for learning nursing as a discipline and profession. Practice is crucial as it generates issues for inquiry and shows nursing's work. Research helps validate knowledge and test concepts and theories. Dissemination of research is also important for sharing knowledge.
This document discusses the importance of promoting and enhancing knowledge in nursing. It outlines three key elements needed: undergraduate and graduate formation, practice, and research. Formation is important for learning nursing as a discipline and profession. Practice is crucial as it generates issues for inquiry and shows nursing's work. Research helps validate knowledge and test concepts and theories. Dissemination of research is also important for sharing knowledge.
Knowledge is the product of the action of learning Editorial
and has as requisite that it can be expressed and communicated to others.(1) According to Fawcett,(2) one of the central issues for the survival of nursing as a discipline is understanding the nature and structure of nursing knowledge. This can be interpreted as the clarity about that which should be investigated, what should be done in the practice, and what should be taught during the formation of professionals. Although research, practice, and formation have been based on the body of knowledge from other disciplines,(3) it is not 1 Nurse, Masters, Ph.D. Candidate. Associated Pro- fessor, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín possible to achieve autonomy and independence in (Colombia). practice, as a given right,(4) if progress is not made in email: How to cite this article: Osorio-Castaño JH. Promotion the construction, consolidation, and appropriation and Enhancement of Knowledge in Nursing. Invest. of nursing’s own knowledge. Hence, to promote Educ. Enferm. 2018; 36(1):e01. DOI: 10.17533/udea.iee.v36n1e01 the development of nursing knowledge requires three central elements: formation, practice, and research; and each of them transversed by other
Vol. 36 No1, • February 15th 2018 • ISSNe: 2216-0280
support elements, like the development and concerning the nursing practice and discipline.(9) But analysis of concepts, the use of medium-range achieving undergraduate and graduate formation theories, the use of a standardized language, and also requires the formation of the teaching staff. evidence-based nursing. As mentioned by Ramírez et al.,(10) formation in Nursing requires highly trained faculty to promote The first necessary element is the undergraduate autonomous learning of their students, the same and graduate formation. It gains importance that will give origin to graduates committed to because the learning and teaching processes permit their self-education, so that as a professional group understanding and favoring the appropriation of they assume a leading role in the development of nursing as a scientific discipline and as an autonomous humanity and learn from the classroom to create profession. To achieve this, it is indispensable to and participate in a more humane, equitable, support this formation on transversal elements, and responsible world. This generates another especially on the use of medium-range theories and challenge and the curricular structure of the of a standardized language. Medium-range theories undergraduate and graduate formation programs deal with specific phenomena of the discipline, must respond to many components, like progress like – for example – transitions, the maternal in the discipline, the new action domains, national role, unpleasant symptoms, self-transcendence, and global population needs, and strengthening of suffering, ailing, comfort, and uncertainty, among their own knowledge to participate actively in the many others, that emerge from the practice and multidisciplinarity approach. return to it in a more elaborate manner. Moreno(5) and Seguel et al.,(6) ratify that the construction of Strongly linked to the formation, the practice is the theories, especially the medium-range theories, has soul of a professional discipline. This element is been essential for the practice due to the limited crucial when favoring the development of nursing number of concepts and because of their great use knowledge, given that it is where the problems or in understanding specific phenomena of the nursing phenomena appertaining to inquiry derived from practice. the discipline are generated; it is also in the practice where it can be seen what nursing is and what its Standardized languages are used to document practice supports. As stated by Duran de Villalobos,(11) the professional practice, given that they permit the practice is accompanied by a system of abstract comparing and evaluating the effectiveness of the knowledge, dynamic development, which for its care offered in multiple scenarios of professional production and modification requires its being performance and provide a tool to communicate supported on daily practice that, in the end, what is being done clearly and similarly.(7) For evidences the relevant phenomena and problems of Seguel et al.,(6) and Silva et al.,(8) the nursing the disciplinary knowledge. process and the use of standardized languages, in spite of having a strong positive influx, favor To understand the practice as promotion of a work method that contributes to appraising, nursing knowledge, it is necessary to recur to a planning, and evaluating under standards that can mainstreaming element and that is evidence-based guide the practice; besides generating questions nursing, understood as the conscious, judicious, and on the effectiveness of the nursing interventions explicit use of the best scientific evidence available that must be strongly adhered to by professionals related with nursing knowledge that permits making since the formative processes. decisions about care, bearing in mind the patients’ preferences and values.(12) It is fundamental in the Using a standardized language through a work practice and in the formation to contrast, verify, test, method somehow defines the knowledge of refute, question, and rethink.(6) the discipline and, if used properly, can permit nursing professionals to describe, communicate, Practice and formation of a discipline based on investigate, and teach consistently the phenomena tradition, on intuition, and on the hegemonic power
Invest Educ Enferm. 2018; 36(1):e01
Promotion and Enhancement of Knowledge in Nursing
of other disciplines are probably condemned to is the first step for the theoretical development of disappearing. Hence, the emergence of a new nursing. Now, research cannot have repercussions connection between formation and formative upon it, on the formation and practice of Nursing if it professional practice in evidence-based nursing; is not disseminated. In this sense, the dissemination understanding here that the evidence may come becomes a more real element of the promotion of about from the generation of concepts, theories or the development of nursing knowledge, given that their corroboration, the validation of a standardized whatever is not published perishes, inexistent. Only language, and – of course – from the use of research that which can be read, shared, socialized will be results to generate new knowledge and inquiries that used in the consolidation of the formation, practice, contribute to consolidating the practice. Practice research, and professional autonomy. The publication that can achieve a balance and a link between the of research results, especially in peer-reviewed orientation to the task and the procedure and the care journals,(20) determines the production of knowledge of experiences that are not tangible or measurable to in a profession,(21) enables the dissemination of new facilitate the generation of new concerns, innovative knowledge, and contributes decidedly to scientific proposals and the permanence of both orientations progress.(22) Although, as mentioned by Fawcett,(23) within a discipline dedicated to bedside baths and local, regional, national, and international to the balance of liquids, as well as to interventions conferences are another platform that favors the to favor an adaptive system and accompany the dissemination of research results in nursing, but do transition toward motherhood.(13) not have the potential of reaching thousands as do Everything described until now would not be serial publications. Another fundamental aspect in possible without the aid of research. For several research is funding. This is a first-order challenge in authors,(6,10,14,15) research is the motor that drives nursing, given that – according to Avena(24) – some disciplinary and professional development. It favors negligence is noted from funding agencies to offer the generation, renovation, and consolidation and disburse resources for nursing research when of the discipline’s knowledge. It is fundamental considering it of low impact. for the formation and practice, as well as for Finally, everything exposed in terms of factors the other transverse elements that have already that contribute to promoting nursing knowledge is been described. According to Fawcett,(16) Nursing condensed in the great autonomy that, in spite of research can be carried out under two perspectives: being real according to Legislation 266 of 1993,(25) to generate theory or to test theory, but the author seems more of an illusion because of all the breaches warns that both can be based on a conceptual and and disconnections occurring among formation, theoretical structure of the discipline and it would practice, and research; furthermore, because of all not be possible if there were no paradigmatic the setbacks found in the medium-range theories nucleus, as denominated by Fawcett,(17) or some – both in the formation, as in the practice and as domains of knowledge, as called by Meleis.(18) foundations of research, as well as with the use It is important to highlight the pertinence of research of a standardized language and evidence-based by identifying the phenomena of the nursing domain. nursing, ignoring that everything as a whole makes These phenomena can be defined through a single up a structure of knowledge that permits promoting word or in theoretical terms, through a concept. its development and which shields from the Concepts include an experience that can be identified consumption of knowledge from other disciplines through observation, cognition, or language.(19) and from the generation of questionings on the Moreno(5) indicates that the analysis of concepts phenomena not appertaining to Nursing.
Invest Educ Enferm. 2018; 36(1):e01
Jhon Henry Osorio-Castaño
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