AMORC - Frater Stanton C Phelps Letters
AMORC - Frater Stanton C Phelps Letters
AMORC - Frater Stanton C Phelps Letters
Wkn replying print your name and complete address at the top of your letter and give your Key Letter* and Degree.
Be certain to addreaa your lettera to the proper department for they will receive quicker attention.—So as to assure attention to all member*’ letter*, questions should pertain
only to the Rosicrucian studies, the practice of Roaicrucianiam, tlx welfare of the student, and the welfare or the progress of the organization.
Feo. 8, 1935
Stant on 0. Phelo s
1510 E. 29th Street
Baltimore, Maryland
Dear Sir and Frater:
whatever happens is for the best. You will no doubt live to see
the day when you can look back and understand that it was for the
In the meantime, we shall continue our efforts in your behalf and
shall do everything we can to direct Cosmic help to you.
Council of Solace
Stanton 0. Phelps
1510 E. 29th Street
Baltimore, lid.
L O N G D IS T A N C E T E L E P H O N E S ;
BALLARD 8235. 8296
R A D IO S T A T IO N : W 6 H T B
F e b ru a ry 20, 1935
S tan to n C. P h elp s
15 10 E. 29th St".
B a ltim o r e , M aryland
Dear S i r and F r a t e r :
S i n c e r e l y and f r a t e r n a l l y ,
S ta n to n C. P h e lp s
1510 E . 2 9 t h S t .
B a l t i m o r e , M a ry la n d
Universal Cable and Long Distance Telephones:
Telegraph Address: Ballard 8295, 8296
When replying print your name and complete address at the top of yóur letter and give your Key Number and Degree.
Be certain to address your letters to the proper department so that they will receive prompt attention. To assure attention to all members’ letters, questions should
pertain only to the Rosicrucian studies, the practice of Rosicrucianism, the welfare of the student and the welfare or the progress of the organization.
Cosmic Law Fulfills
(The Ro sy Cr o ss is a myst ic al and phil o so phic al symbol , and is no t used as a
Read These Instructions
Very Carefully
HE FACE of this card, with the
large lettering, will help you to
realize whenever you see it that
mental contact is being established
and maintained between the
workers in the Council of Solace
and the person who is to be helped. The
Council of Solace is a special service
department conducted without fees of any
kind, and supported by the good will and
voluntary donations which have been
given by those who have enjoyed its
special benefits.
A report is to be sent to the Director of
the Council of Solace at AMORC Temple,
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California,
every ten days from the date written at
the bottom of this card. Any other form of
help that is being given to you by any
specialist or any system, school, or agency,
will not conflict with the work we are
doing, and what we do will not conflict
with any other help that you may have
arranged for or may be receiving. All of
our work is constructive and therefore
cannot conflict with any other constructive
May peace, happiness, health,
and prosperity be yours!
Help was started in your behalf beginning with:
>smic Guidant
An official publication, published What is the
with permission of the Supreme
Grand Lodge of the Ancient,
Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. Council of Solace?
VX 7TE ARE a group of men and women, not
▼ ▼ unlike yourself, who have pledged our
selves to help humanity. It is our obligation to
put into practice for the benefit of others the
V knowledge of nature’s laws, which it has been
our privilege to receive through our membership
in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. We ask
no personal compensation as individuals or as
a Council for our labor of love. The expenses
of this Council’s activities are partially met by
Communications should be addressed: contributions from those who have been bene
fited by its aid. We operate at all times under
The Council of Solace the direction of the Supreme and Grand Lodges
of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae
ROSICRUCIAN PARK Crucis. W’e prefer that our good work not
SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA. U. S. A. be hampered by stressing personalities. Thus,
every service which the Council can render will,
at nearly all times, be done in the name of this
Each man or woman who petitions this
Council for help and who is sincere in his or
her desires to follow such direction or advice
as we shall give him or her shall be aided to the
best of our ability, regardless of the petitioner’s
race, creed, or financial standing. At no time
will we consciously neglect a case or show
partiality. On the other hand, we are just mor
tals, blessed though we may be with a knowl
edge of the use of an exceptional power, and
therefore, our assistance cannot be infallible,
though we have been successful in thousands
of cases submitted to us over a period of many
years. Each member of this Council is in im
Copyright by AMORC, February, 1937.
mediate touch with the others by various
means, and has access through the Council’s The Cathedral of the Soul
secretary to the particular facts of every case
under consideration. Regardless of our religious beliefs, we all be
lieve that the Soul of man is a divine essence
which influences his psychic being and inner
V self. However, we may attune ourselves at
times directly with the source of this Soul power
in the Cosmic realm, and receive an influx of
The Mystical Principles It Employs added strength, inspiration, and Divine guid
ance. The combined thoughts of men and
women throughout the world who are seeking
We believe, in fact we know, that there is a this Divine endowment, when projected into
Divine Intelligence, a moving, actuating mind the Cosmic, constitute a “Cathedral” of help
in the universe. You may call it God, Divine fulness unsurpassed by any earthly means. The
Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Love, Cosmic, or as periods for contacting this “Cathedral of the
you will; yet it exists and functions according Soul” are set forth in the booklet entitled, “The
to the law of its being. We know that this gov Cathedral of the Soul, Liber 777,” which is sent
erning intelligence directs the order of the uni every member of the Rosicrucian Order early
verse, not according to whim and fancy, but in the studies. It is urged that you avail your
according to a stupendous system of natural law self of the periods outlined in it for special
that is just, because it manifests equally for all mental contact, as well as following the in
beings. We further know that these Cosmic structions of this Council.
laws can be used by man to further his proper
end in life. These laws can release and put into
effect marvelous powers for accomplishment and
good. We know that man’s mind, the Cosmic
part of his being, is the controlling factor in di
recting the influences which these laws exert.
Man is more than the aggregate of his objective
faculties and attributes. He is also a com
mander of universal, infinite powers which
await his command. Every human being can
léarn how to employ these Cosmic forces in his
own behalf if he desires, and it is the purpose
of the Rosicrucian studies to teach the method.
However, this Council assists by using its
knowledge of the teachings to solicit Cosmic
guidance and aid in behalf of the petitioner by
single and at times united <— mental contact,
until the petitioner is able to do so without its 1
In order that the greatest good may be ac
Record is Kept complished in the shortest time, it is best that
i you report to us in the following manner:
Send us a report every TEN DAYS telling
A. N ANCIENT philosopher once said, "God
us how the conditions of your case have, or
* geometrizes”; others have said, “The uni
have not, improved, or what changes have
verse is the pattern of order,” and “Chance has
taken place. THIS YOU MUST DO if you
no place in nature.” The sum total of these and
wish us to have at our finger tips all the de
similar expressions is that nature is orderly and
velopments of your case. We have not the time
that nothing, no matter how strange or excep
to meditate on the developments of each case.
tional it is, is an accident of nature.
We prefer to utilize such time in helping to
Consequently, in endeavoring to utilize the bring about a remedy, thus we need your report.
Cosmic powers, the Council of Solace has felt If you have been sufficiently benefited, kindly
the need of first systematizing its records of the let us know at once so that we may discontinue
cases of those who petition for aid. In other our service. On the other hand, if an emergency
words, copy in some degree nature’s orderly condition or crisis arises, you may communicate
methods. When your petition is received, there with us before the ten-day period.
fore, it is: Your reports, unless stated otherwise or else E
where, should begin ten days after the date on u
the “Cosmic Law Fulfills” card sent you. Mail <
a. Carefully read and analyzed. w
them to the address shown on the back of the I
b. Important relative facts are entered on an
card mentioned above, or to the address that
individual record card.
appears on the inside front cover of this booklet.
c. A copy of the needs of your case is given
to every member of the Council so they
may establish the proper mental contact. V
d. Your subsequent reports are entered on
this record card of your case, and when Be Brief
necessary, copies of them are given to the
members of the Council.
Make all your letters and communications to
e. Prompt letters of acknowledgment and this Council brief. Time taken in reading
mental advice are given when proper and voluminous letters of many pages is time taken
possible. away from a period of actual help. Be explicit.
Come to the point. Omit extraneous matters.
Every communication received by the Coun Give your complete name and address and your
cil is kept in the strictest confidence and not key number, if you are a member, and describe
read by any but the members of the Council concisely your problem and what you wish to
and its assistants. have done in your behalf. Omit, unless it is
absolutely essential, tbe comments, opinions
and remarks of others about your case. The What is Expected of You
Council of Solace will form its own opinions
in accord with its own methods of serving you.
You may solicit the aid of any other service 'THERE is one thing you must consider be-
in your behalf; it will not interfere with the fore you proceed further. There is a double
work of the Council of Solace. On the other duty to be borne in overcoming your difficulties.
hand, our work will not interfere with any First, we have the duty of rendering our unique
other reasonable method of assistance you may service in soliciting Cosmic aid in your behalf;
receive elsewhere. Do not describe the methods and second, you have a duty of cooperating
of other forms of assistance you may receive. with us to the fullest extent at all times during
Just briefly state what has or has not been done the period your case is being considered. You
for you to the present time. Remember, the cannot dismiss your problem from your mind
more brief your letter, and the more explicit you completely after petitioning us. You must pre
are, the quicker we are able to arrange our pare yourself, make yourself ready for the forces
records and begin our help for you. which 'will be directed to, through, and around
you. No mystic influence is going to descend
upon you and lift you to any heights without
some effort on your part. This is not a magical
process we are exerting, but the invoking of
rational laws of the universe.
First, you must have faith that there exist
about you unseen, but NOT strange or super
natural, forces which can be directed to aid you.
Second, you must stand ready to act according
to the direction of the Cosmic mind whenever
it instills in your consciousness new ideas, sug
gestions, and plans for HELPING YOUR
SELF. Third, you must leave no stone un
turned to use the worldly methods at your dis
posal to help yourself. Keep your mind clean.
Entertain no evil, mean, or sordid thoughts.
Remove jealousy, hatred, envy and lust from
your consciousness. You cannot expect Cosmic
guidance if you contaminate your own mind,
or if you dwell in a mental mire of your own
making. You will not be lifted upward if you
reveal by your conduct a desire to live in a
mental, moral, or physical depression. Do not
dwell too much within yourself while awaiting
Page Six Page Seven
personal aid. Turn to others who may be in be clearly discernible and not too small. No
distress and assist them to the best of your use will be made of this photograph by the
means. Don’t ash for unselfish service to your Council except as a matter of reference to help
self and, at the same time, live a selfish life. bring about a closer contact. Of course, if no
The Cosmic mind cannot be deceived by out photograph is available or obtainable, your case
ward conduct on your part. Your mind is an will receive the regular assistance nevertheless.
open book to the Infinite Intelligence. You must Photographs will be returned upon your request
either be sincere in your conduct and state at the conclusion of the case, if sufficient post
ments, or all your entreaties will be of no avail. age is sent for that purpose. (Foreign postage
If you withhold from us any facts, whether to stamps are not acceptable in this country.) Send
your credit or not, which are relevant to your photograph to address that appears inside front
problem, you will not obtain the desired results; cover of this booklet.
not because of any failure on our part but be
cause you have not made yourself ready Cos
mically. For—by such an act—you would not Instructions for Non-Members
have shown good faith in your petition for
Cosmic blessings. The Council of Solace was organized pri
marily for the purpose of aiding members of the
Rosicrucian Order, but it is willing to assist
V non-members who understand what the Coun
cil of Solace is endeavoring to accomplish, and I
Use Your Reminder Card who are sympathetic with the principles applied.
Non-members, who are able to do so and wish w
With this booklet a card is sent to you en
titled, “Cosmic Law Fulfills.” Read the instruc the assistance of this Council, must petition it
tions on the reverse side of it and place it, with in writing, personally and not through another.
the large letters out, wherever it can be seen by The first sign of sincerity is the personal letter
you daily as a reminder of the mental and Cos of request asking for help. One not willing to
mic contact established between you and this do that is not considered worthy of help by the
Council. Council. Non-members who are physically un
able to communicate directly with the Council,
must request a member to do so for them.
the following very practical and helpful books:
The Law o£ Cycles "Rosicrucian Principles for the Home and
Just as the sun, moon, earth and planets are Business," price $2.25,
governed by a system of law and order which "Self Mastery and Fate with Cycles of Life,"
causes them to travel in definite orbits, so, price $2.25.
too, are the affairs of men governed by cycles. These books may be obtained from the Rosi
Periodicity is a fundamental law of the uni crucian Supply Bureau, San Jose, California.
all the divine or natural supervision of mar
Domestic - Legal riage. The laws which unite a man and a
(Read pages I to 9 inclusive before beginning this section.)
woman are man-made, and were legislated for
the motive of protecting the family, a unit of
society. Where two human beings are mis
Domestic mated in intellect and temperament, the at
tempt at a fulfillment of the marriage contract
TAOMESTIC tranquillity begins with self- will result only in a menace to society. A family
restraint. A family is one in name only. environment of hatred, jealousy, suspicion and
It is, in fact, an aggregate of separate interests, deception is poisonous to the consciousness of
temperaments, talents, and abilities. Any at children. It breaks down their faith in human
tempt on the part of one member of a family ity at a tender age and mocks the very ideals
to compel the others to suppress their natural, of society itself. It is far better, under such cir
wholesome inclinations is going to provoke in cumstances, that divorce be obtained even
them mental anguish and cause domestic in though it may conflict with religious or ecclesi
harmony. You cannot stifle individualism to astical canons. Divorce should at all times be
further your ends, whether you believe you are the last and final resort, but should be readily
right or not, without eventually producing a accepted where incompatability exists to the
violent family eruption. You, as a member of a point of destroying self-respect and peace of
family, must withhold a degree of YOUR mind.
OWN personal desires. You should not exer The Council of Solace will not attempt to
cise them to the extent that they impose on pass on the merits of a case of this kind that is
parents, brothers, sisters, husband or wife. brought to its attention, nor will it decide as to
Study the extreme interests of yourself and the whether or not it warrants divorce proceedings.
others of your family, and take the middle We consider that such a decision is strictly a
course and you will preserve domestic felicity. personal one.
If you have been suffering family disagreement
because of an excessive aggression on your part,
unconsciously or consciously, change this con V
dition first, before asking for Cosmic aid, for Legal
the primary fault exists with you.
Someone said the ultimate end of law is
justice. This may be so in the ideal application
and enforcement of the law, but unfortunately
it does not hold good in a great many actual
Divorce cases. In theory it should apply, but in practice
many persons are injured by the course of the
Marriages are not made in heaven, contrary very laws they depend upon for help. The law
to the old adage which states that they are. The is conscienceless. It operates upon its theory of
instincts which arouse connubial associations perfection, and consequently even when it is
are inherent in human beings, but there ceases apparent at times that an injustice will be done
a litigant, it cannot deviate from its routine
system. The laws of the land are enacted and Social
executed by man for man, thus they are con (Read pages t to 9 inclusive before beginning this section.)
stantly subject to human weaknesses of char
acter. It is better to resort, whenever possible, TN OUR social sphere, in whatever walk of
to personal arbitrations or even minor losses life we may be, we confront many agencies
than appeal to law. At times, however, litiga of inffuence^-'the principal ones being religion,
tion is necessary, becomes unavoidable: then politics, and the conventions. We should either
only should one enter into it. unite with them or avoid them, but never ag
gressively oppose them, unless our liberty or
personal welfare is at stake, if we desire social
V happiness. If an existing religion is not in ac
cord with your personal convictions, ignore it.
Professional Advice Do not set yourself up as a reformer, unless, we
repeat, your personal life and freedom is jeop
ardized. If the conventions of society seem un
If you have stated the facts of your legal
problem honestly and completely in the opinion reasonable to you, work through the properly
established channels to bring about a trans
of this Council, it will endeavor to assist you
Cosmically. However, it cannot pass upon the formation. Do not become an independent,
conspicuous crusader. Many persons have per
technical points of your case, nor offer you
legal services. The technical advice must be petual social headaches because they are con
acquired by you from a competent legal adviser tinually, of their own volition, running their
in your community. This Council may at times heads against a stone wall in someone else’s
put you in direct touch with such a competent front yard. Be neighborly, but do not become
legal adviser. your neighbor’s judge and self-appointed ad
viser. If you conduct yourself in a proper man
ner, the Council can often assist with your
social problems. If you do not, then the Coun
cil cannot help you and you must suffer the
Your Personality
Many individuals bemoan the fact that so
ciety seems to ostracize them. Persons they meet
are hostile to them. The members of society,
as a whole, psychologically speaking, are in
different toward each other. They neither like
nor dislike another person unless something or
someone gives them what they believe to be
sufficient reason to do so. Obviously, therefore,
if you are disliked by many persons, or if almost
everyone seems to avoid you, you have pro
voked this feeling toward yourself by something
you do or have done.
The first thing to do is to analyze yourself^-
not, “What is wrong with society?’’, but
“What is wrong with me?”. Start with your
personality. Do you radiate happiness ? Are
you glum? despondent? suspicious? arrogant?
conceited? phlegmatic? or selfish? Then work
outward. Study your objective appearance.
Are you neat, clean and orderly? Physical at
tractiveness is not very important. Some of the
world’s greatest political, screen, and stage per
sonalities were actually homely, but they radi
ated an inner beauty of character.
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