Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process Parameters For Inconel-825 by Using Grey Taguchi Method
Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process Parameters For Inconel-825 by Using Grey Taguchi Method
Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process Parameters For Inconel-825 by Using Grey Taguchi Method
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Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM) is a versatile and fastest growing machining process primarily used to
machine hard and difficult to machine materials. This machine is also used to machine soft, thick, light, thin
and fragile materials. It compliments other technologies such as Milling, Laser, EDM etc…. It doesn’t possess
any mechanical stress to operator and environmental hazards. AWJM cut the material accurately unlike any
other machining process. AWJM mainly adopted by aerospace industry for cutting high strength materials and
other composites. It finds most of its applications in machining of gas turbines, rocket motors, space craft,
nuclear power and pumps etc., very thin stream of about 0.004 to 0.010 dia. can be cut and material loss is also
less due to cutting. Standoff distance between mixing tube and work part is typically 2 to 4mm important to
keep to a minimum to get superior surface finish. The objective of this research is to analysis the effect of input
process parameters and to optimize process parameters for achieving optimizing Processes responses such as
Metal Removal Rate(MRR), Surface roughness (Ra), and Kerf width simultaneously while machining on the
nickel-chromium based super alloy INCONEL 825 using AWJM process. It is a precipitation hardened material
and has good creep-rupture strength. It shows good mechanical properties even at high temperatures.
Applications are Intricate shapes can be easily obtained for Aerospace products.
Keywords : AWJM, Material Removal Rate, Surface Roughness, Kerf Width
AWJM : Abrasive water jet machine
MRR : material removal rate
DOF : degree of freedom
DOE : Design of experiments
IJSRSET1841054 | Received : 25 Sep 2018 | Accepted : 05 Oct 2018 | September-October-2018 [ 4 (10) : 248-261]
G. K. Kiran Kumar et al. Int. J. S. Res. Sci. Engg. Technol. September-October-2018; 4(10) : 248-261
Reservoir: It is used for storing water that is to be To achieve the objectives, present research has been
used in the machining operation. done in four phases
Pump: It pumps the water from the reservoir. High Development of Design of experiment (DOE) as per
pressure intensifier pumps are used to pressurize the ranges of processes variables in AWJM machine.
water as high as 55,000 psi. For the abrasive water jet, Experimentation of AWJM is done on Inconel-825
the operating pressure ranges from 31,000 to 37,000 material as per DOE.Measuring the processes
psi. At this high pressure the flow rate of the water is responses on-line and offline.
reduced greatly. Phase-II
Development of Multi-objective optimization model
Intensifier: It is connected to the pump. It pressurizes by using Grey-taguchi technique.
the water acquired from the pump to a desired level. Determination of optimal setting of AWJM Processes
parameters for processes responses simultaneously.
Accumulator: It is used for temporarily storing the Phase-III
pressurized water. It is connected to the flow Development of mathematical model for MRR,
regulator through a control valve. Surface roughness.
Development of Grey Relational Analysis Traverse
speed, Abrasive flow rate, Standoff distance by using
Grey taguchi analysis.
Development of multi-objective optimization model
for Orthogonal Array L-25.
Determination of optimal setting of AWJM processes useful for modeling and analysis of problems in
parameters for processes responses simultaneously. which the response is influenced by several variables
and the main aim is to find the correlation between
Methodology (or) Step by step procedure followed in the response and the variables i.e., it can be used for
present work : optimizing the response. In the present study water
pressure, abrasive flow rate, orifice diameter, focusing
nozzle diameter and standoff distance are chosen as
the process parameters and varied at three levels and
the commonly used constant parameters of AWJM.
In Response surface design, a Box-Behnken design
table with 24 experiments was selected.
Genetic Algorithm:
Genetic algorithms have been used in science and
engineering as adaptive algorithms for solving
practical problems and as computational models of
natural evolutionary systems. Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based
on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and
genetics. As such they represent an intelligent
exploitation of a random search used to solve
optimization problems. Although randomized, GAs
are by no means random, instead they exploit
Fig.3. Flow chart followed in present work historical information to direct the search into the
region of better performance within the search space.
Fuzzy Logics:
Taguchi Technique: Fluffy Logic was started in 1965 by Lotfi A. Zadeh,
Dr. Gene chi Taguchi is a Japanese researcher who educator for software engineering at the University of
spent quite a bit of his expert life examining California in Berkeley. Fundamentally, Fuzzy Logic
approaches to enhance the nature of fabricated items. (FL) is a multivalve rationale that permits middle of
After World War II, the Japanese phone framework the road qualities to be characterized between
was gravely harmed and useless. Taguchi was traditional assessments such as genuine/false, yes/no,
designated as leader of Japan's recently framed high/low, and so forth. Ideas like rather tall or quick
Electrical Communications Laboratories (ECL) of can be defined scientifically and handled by PCs,
Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company. Quite a keeping in mind the end goal to apply a more human-
bit of his exploration at ECL included building up a like state of mind in the programming of PCs. Fluffy
thorough quality change philosophy that included frameworks are a different option for customary
utilization of the DOE strategy. thoughts of set participation and rationale that has its
Response Surface Methodology: starting points in antiquated Greek reasoning.
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a collection
of mathematical and statistical techniques that are
Parameter design:
The design indicates to the determination of control
elements and the variables determination of ultimate
levels for each of the components, control variables
will be in methodology parameters such an item is
practically. The high level performance below ranges
of conditions exits. Control calculates that are to be
located at ultimate levels to increase the quality and
decrease the affect capability to noise in Dimensions
of parts. Noise Factors express to the demand that is
standard in creation. Dimensional variation and
operating Temperature. The design parameter one a
time a first feasible design is finding to be an
approach to design optimization. However, leads to
expense of time for completing the design. Optimize
the design so that it improves quality and reduces cost.
Mechanism and Evaluation of Metal Removal Rate Mechanism and Evaluation of Surface roughness (Ra):
(MRR): In this work the surface roughness is measured
by Mitutoyo surftest SJ-201P
Metal Removal Rate (MRR) is the rate at which the
material is removed from the work piece. The MRR is
defined as the ratio of the amount of metal removed
from the work piece in mm3 to time taken for
machining in min.
This research analysis have been done by using Mini tab software and by using Grey-Taguchi technique.
Taguchi analysis is suitable for optimizing process parameters for single objective only, but in this chapter
we require to optimize process parameters for multi responses, so Grey-Taguchi technique is employed for
optimizing process parameters to get maximizing Metal Removal Rate, minimum Kerf Width and Surface
Roughness simultaneously during Abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) process
TABLE.2. Experimental results of Kerf Width, MRR and Surface Roughness and their S/N ratio’s
FLOW Kerf S/N MRR S/N Ratio
SPEED DISTANCE S/N Ratio roughness
RATE Width Ratio
(mm/min) (mm) (Ra)
40 50 1 1.17 1.17691 0.0145 37.1206 1.921 4.5292
Source DF Seq. SS Seq. MS F-Value
Total 24 0.17128
Stand Off
Level Transverse Speed (A) Abrasive Flow Rate (B)
Distance (C)
1 0.5167 0.5500 0.6080
2 0.5240 0.5493 0.5799
3 0.6144 0.6030 0.6148
4 0.6092 0.5896 0.5600*
5 0.6672* 0.6396* 0.5688
Delta 0.1505 0.0903 0.0548
Rank 1 2 3
From the response table the optimal condition for maximizing Metal Removal Rate, minimum Kerf Width
and Surface roughness simultaneously in Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM) process, is found to be A5
B5 C3 i.e. Transverse speed is 80 mm/min, Abrasive Flow Rate is 250 gm/min and Stand Off Distance is 3
mm. For this optimal setting A5 B5 C4 conducted experimentation for validating results.
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