CR 0063 PDF
CR 0063 PDF
CR 0063 PDF
Table of Contents
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CR-0063 v06 Issue Date: 04-30-2012 Page 2 of 39
1.0 Scope
1.1 This document establishes American Transmission Company’s (ATC) substation equipment
steady-state current capacity ratings criteria for use in planning, operations, and design.
1.2 This document does not consider system stability, voltage limits, operating economies, or
capacity limits of transmission line conductors – all of which could otherwise limit or affect the
ampacity of a transmission line.
1.3 In summary, this document includes permissible continuous current ratings for normal and
emergency conditions during summer, fall, winter and spring seasons.
2.0 Introduction
2.1 The electrical ampacity rating of most substation equipment is dependent upon the physical and
metallurgical characteristics of associated components. This document considers maximum total
temperatures for these components in determining ratings appropriately applied to general types
of equipment. For each type of substation equipment, this document includes:
2.1.1 Current ratings for normal and emergency conditions during spring, summer, fall and winter
2.1.2 Detailed explanation or documentation of methods, formulas, standards, sources, and
assumptions used in determining current ratings.
2.1.3 Qualification of any difference in ratings calculation methodology based upon: Equipment age or vintage Maintenance history, condition, etc. Pre-loading levels
2.1.4 Explanations of any specific manufacturer exceptions to the standard criteria in this
2.2 This document is consistent with ATC material specifications for substation equipment items
specifically addressed, including power transformers, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, circuit
switchers, current transformers, conductors, series inductors and relays. The manufacturer’s
nominal continuous current rating shall serve as the limiting rating under all conditions for any
equipment not specifically covered in this document.
2.3 This document does not provide for ratings of shunt connected capacitors, reactors and potential
devices, in that they are not in the normal current carrying path and are not part of the operational
load flow consideration.
2.4 The ratings provided in this document are static ratings based upon several assumptions and are
generally applicable for broad equipment categories and under ambient conditions determined to
best represent ATC’s service territory. Should specific equipment details or ambient conditions be
available, Asset Planning & Engineering can perform specific-case ratings analysis when
2.4.1 Additionally, users of this document’s ratings must be cognizant of ATC’s standard ambient
conditions criteria (Table 1 – Legacy Substation Ambient Conditions Criteria). Users shall
recognize that known extreme weather circumstances, especially ambient temperatures
above 104°F (40°C) requires the user to exercise caution in application of this document’s
ratings. Contact Asset Planning & Engineering for analysis under such extreme
circumstances. For the user’s reference in this context, the tables in this document do provide
ratings associated with most equipment’s design temperatures of 104°F (40°C).
2.4.2 ATC uses numerous rating software and programs to rate the various substation components
as described in the subsequent sections of this document. These applications may not
provide identical results, however the comparable results that are within meting accuracy are
acceptable for rating purposes. Metering accuracy is considered to be 1 to 3 percent.
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3.0 References
The latest revisions of the following documents shall be applied when a version is not specifically
addressed. If there is any apparent contradiction or ambiguity among these documents and this
criteria document, the legislative code shall take first precedence followed by Procedure PR-0285
and this document. Bring the issue to the attention of Asset Planning & Engineering for resolution
before application.
3.1 The Aluminum Association, Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook, Third Edition, 1989
3.2 ANSI-C2 - National Electric Safety Code (NESC), as adopted by the respective state code
3.3 ANSI/NEMA C93.3 Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Line Traps
3.4 ASTM B241 Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extrude Tube
3.5 ATC Criteria CR-0061; Overhead Transmission Line Ampacity Ratings
3.6 ATC Criteria CR-0062; Underground Transmission Line Ampacity Ratings
3.7 ATC Design Criteria DS-0000; Substation
3.8 ATC Design Guide ECS-GD-0130, Equipment Connection Diagram Requirements
3.9 ATC Design Guide GD-3100; Bus
3.10 ATC Guide GD-0480; Document Control
3.11 ATC Procedure PR-0285; Facility Ratings
3.12 ATC Operating Procedure TOP-20-GN-000034, EMS Facility Seasonal Limit Transition
3.13 ATC White Paper, Analysis of Substation Jumper Conductor Operating Temperatures
3.14 CIGRE Technical Bulletin 299, Guide for Selection of Weather Parameters for Overhead Bare
Conductors Ratings
3.15 IEC 60287-1-1, Electric Cables, Calculation of the Current Rating, Current Rating Equations
(100% Load Factor) and Losses
3.16 IEEE 605, Substation Rigid-Bus Structures
3.17 IEEE 738, Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature of Bare Overhead Conductors
3.18 IEEE C37.010, Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis
3.19 IEEE C37.04, Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis
3.20 IEEE C37.30, Standard Requirements for High-Voltage Switches
3.21 IEEE C37.37, Loading Guide for AC High-Voltage Air Switches (in Excess of 1000 V)
3.22 IEEE C37.100, Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear
3.23 IEEE C37.110, Guide for the Application of Current Transformers Used for Protective Relaying
3.24 IEEE C57.12.00, Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and
Regulating Transformers
3.25 IEEE C57.13, Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers
3.26 IEEE C57.19.00, Standard General Requirements and Test Procedures for Outdoor Power
Apparatus Bushings
3.27 IEEE C57.19.100, Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings
3.28 IEEE C57.91, Guide for Loading of Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers
3.29 IEEE C93.3, Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Line Traps
3.30 NEMA CC1, Electrical Power Connection for Substations
3.31 NERC Reliability Standard FAC-008-1, Facility Ratings Methodology
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3 kV amps
4.3 Emergency Rating: The rating as defined by the equipment owner that specifies the level of
electrical loading or output, usually expressed in megawatts (MW) or Mvar or other appropriate
units, that a system, facility, or element can support, produce, or withstand for a finite period. The
rating assumes acceptable loss of equipment life or other physical or safety limitations for the
equipment involved.
4.4 Normal Rating: The rating as defined by the equipment owner that specifies the level of electrical
loading, usually expressed in megawatts (MW) or other appropriate units that a system, facility, or
element can support or withstand through the daily demand cycles without loss of equipment life.
4.5 Seasonal Periods: ATC uses four (4) seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) as described in
Operating Procedure TOP-20-GN-000034, EMS Facility Seasonal Limit Transition.
4.6 SELD: ATC’s Substation Equipment and Line Database (SELD) is the primary computer
application for maintaining ratings data at ATC.
4.7 Steady-State Load: A theoretical condition with constant electrical current; electrical load.
4.8 Transient Loading: The electrical load is continuously increasing or decreasing due to changing
electrical demand. The changing loading causes an associated increase or decrease in the
conductor and equipment temperature that lags the change in loading due to thermal inertia
equipment and conductors.
4.9 Electrical Load Duration: All ATC ratings assume a steady-state load. The load duration is
assumed valid for the following durations
Continuous (24 hours) for Normal Ratings
2 Hours for Emergency Ratings
5.0 Ambient Conditions
5.1 ATC is transitioning from legacy weather parameters to study-based weather parameters.
5.1.1 Substation equipment and transformers shall be rated utilizing legacy weather parameters.
5.1.2 Substation conductors may be rated utilizing either the legacy weather parameters or study-
based weather parameters. Refer to the Section 12.1.1 for specifics on related to substation
conductor study-based weather parameters.
5.2 Legacy Weather Parameters
IEEE C37.100 Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear, 1992, page 3.
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5.2.1 The ambient weather conditions as shown in Table 1 - Legacy Substation Ambient
Conditions Criteria, apply for rating calculations according to the respective season.
Application of these ratings outside of the seasonal periods listed herein may be appropriate
if actual or predicted conditions are different.
5.2.2 ATC uses four (4) seasonal rating periods: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring as described in
ATC Operating Procedure TOP-20-GN-000034, EMS Facility Seasonal Limit Transition.
5.2.4 The ratings of outdoor substation equipment, especially conductors, are based upon a
standard set of ambient conditions (those determined to be most probable during peak load
conditions) as shown in Table 1. Ratings calculations for substation equipment and
conductors are consistently based upon these common conditions. This criteria is also
consistent with that in ATC Criteria CR-0061; Overhead Transmission Line Ampacity Ratings.
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CR-0063 v06 Issue Date: 04-30-2012 Page 9 of 39 The majority of ATC power transformers are rated for arithmetic loading. Therefore, the
nameplate rating includes any tertiary loading capability. For example, if the tertiary load
is 10 MVA on a 100 MVA power transformer, the maximum load for the high-voltage (HV)
to low-voltage (LV) winding is 90 MVA. For all ATC power transformers, the tertiary load shall not exceed 25% of the nameplate
rating of the power transformer unless documented in the individual loading criteria for
the power transformer.
6.6.9 Stray Flux Heating Stray flux heating may drive some power transformer limits. In no case can the
transformer maximum rating exceed the stray flux loading limit. This will be determined
within Asset Planning & Engineering and in conjunction with the manufacturers. Flux
leakage occurs especially in joints and corners in a magnetic circuit. The stray flux can link one or two of the windings. The stray flux is not measured as a
voltage drop at the terminals. It can be measured within a coil in the neighborhood of the
power transformer. A portion of the leakage flux can also be stray flux when it escapes
the power transformer boundaries. Stray fields emitted from a power transformer (or any
other electrical device) can cause serious operating problems to the surrounding
electronic components.
6.6.10 Ancillary Equipment ATC’s transformer specifications require that all ancillary devices be sized to allow
emergency loading application in accordance with IEEE C57.91, Guide for Loading
Transformer. However, ancillary equipment may drive existing power transformer limits.
6.6.11 Load Tap Changer Load tap changer normal and emergency capabilities are obtained from ATC records
inherited from the local distribution companies as former asset owners or from the
6.6.12 Bushings IEEE C57.19.100, Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings, Section 5.4, limits
the bushing temperature to 105C for normal loss of life. So transformer operation at the
110C top oil temperature, where the bottom of the bushing resides provides that the
bushing should be sized larger than the nameplate rating of the transformer for new and
old units. With the bushing manufacturer’s approval, the bushing may be loaded up to twice the
nameplate rating for 2 hours. Without such approval, it may be loaded to 1.5 times the
rating for 2- and 8-hour periods. For periods longer than 8 hours, the nameplate rating
may not be exceeded. These ratings apply to both bottom-connected and draw-lead
connected bushings.
6.6.13 Extreme Emergency Operation At times circumstances will call for a variance to the power transformer limits outlined in
this operating instruction. If such a situation arises, the Operations Department will
consult Asset Management for a Special Exception rating.
6.6.14 Reporting Any time a power transformer is operated above its normal rating, Operations should
notify Asset Maintenance for follow-up inspection.
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7.2 A circuit breaker’s design features dictate appropriate values for maximum total temperature and
temperature rise. The rated continuous current is based upon the limitations of a breaker’s
individual components when the breaker is carrying rated current at 40°C ambient temperature.
Therefore, operating the breaker under loads higher than nameplate is acceptable but is
dependent on the combination of ambient temperature and load duration. The breaker ratings
provided will not compromise the mechanical strength of current-carrying components due to
annealing at excessively high component temperatures. Such effects are cumulative and could
otherwise prove detrimental to a breaker’s intended successful operation.
7.3 This criterion provides ratings separated into two groups of breaker types; 1) gas breakers and 2)
oil circuit breakers. Section 7.7 details the calculations used for the ratings provided in Sections
7.5 and 7.6.
7.4 The ratings provided in Table 2 and Table 3 are also based upon the following factors:
7.4.1 The allowable load current limits provided are associated with nominal continuous current
ratings that are consistent with ATC material specifications. The values assume ANSI
standard for transformer bushings (per IEEE C57.19.00, clause 5.4 and IEEE C57.19.100,
clause 6.0) also apply for oil circuit breakers and do not consider any limitations due to
internal bushing current transformers tapped at less than full ratio. Refer to section 11.0 for
current transformer ratings.
Breaker allowable load currents are based on IEEE C37.010 Application Guide for AC High-
Voltage Circuit Breakers, clause 5.4. Breakers normal and emergency allowable load current
limits are obtained by multiplying the nominal continuous current rating by the appropriate
listed loadability factor (LFn or LFs):
Ia = Ir x LFn and Is = Ir x LFs
Ir = breaker nominal rated continuous current @ 40°C ambient.
Ia = allowable continuous (normal) current at ambient temperature.
Is = allowable short-time emergency load current.
LFn = normal loadability factor.
LFs = emergency (short-time) loadability factor.
7.4.2 The permissible temperature rise above ambient temperature (r) of a breaker is based on
the highest permissible temperature rise breaker component. Without analyzing each circuit
breaker for particular component details, the maximum temperature rise values used for
calculating ratings presented in this section provide the most conservative loadability factors.
Under most circumstances, identifying specific component characteristics is difficult, therefore
the limits used herein are the most conservative.
7.4.3 Circuit breakers operated at temperatures that exceed their limits of total temperature may
experience a reduction in operating life. After every four instances of 2-hour emergency
loadings, the circuit breaker must be inspected and maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations before the circuit breaker is subjected to additional
emergency loadings.
7.4.4 Following any single emergency period, the load current shall be limited to no more than 95%
of the nominal rating (Ia) at the specific ambient temperature, for a minimum of 2 hours (IEEE
C37.010 clause
7.4.5 Higher operating temperatures will have little effect on the interrupting capability of a breaker
because the influence is minimal when compared to those temperatures attained during
7.5 Gas Circuit Breakers
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7.5.1 The ratings provided in Table are generally applicable to any ATC-owned gas circuit breaker
>1000V (and presumed designed per IEEE standards in effect at the time of manufacture),
including live- or dead-tank breakers or those utilized in gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). More
aggressive ratings may be possible on a case-specific basis through analysis, which is aided
by the manufacturers’ heat run test limits (if available). Consult Asset Planning & Engineering
for such analysis as required.
7.5.2 For any other size breakers, multiply the nominal continuous current rating by the appropriate
listed loadability factor (LFn or LFs) to obtain load current limits.
7.5.3 For example:
Given: 600A nominally rated gas circuit breaker in winter.
Find: The emergency load current rating.
Solution: = Ir x LFs = 600 x 1.365 = 819A.
Table 2 - Gas Circuit Breakers Allowable Load Current
Nomimal Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps) Reference Breaker
Gas Summer Spring & Fall Winter Design Basis 4
Breaker Ambient Temperature (θA)
Rating 32.2°C (90°F) 15.6°C (60°F) -1.1°C (30°F) 40°C (104°F)
(Ir) Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg.
600 634 696 702 760 765 819 600 665
1200 1268 1393 1404 1520 1530 1639 1200 1330
1600 1690 1857 1871 2026 2040 2185 1600 1774
2000 2113 2321 2339 2533 2550 2731 2000 2217
3000 3169 3482 3509 3799 3824 4096 3000 3326
Loadability Factor, Normal (LFn) & Emergency (LFs)
1.056 1.161 1.170 1.266 1.275 1.365 1.000 1.109
40C (104F) ratings are provided as this ambient temperature is the standard design basis for new breakers per IEEE C37.04.
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Table 3 - Oil Circuit Breakers Allowable Load Current
Nomimal Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps) Reference Breaker
Oil Summer Spring & Fall Winter Design Basis 4
Breaker Ambient Temperature (θA)
Rating 32.2°C (90°F) 15.6°C (60°F) -1.1°C (30°F) 40°C (104°F)
(Ir) Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg.
600 639 710 716 782 788 849 600 675
1200 1278 1420 1433 1564 1576 1698 1200 1349
1600 1704 1894 1910 2085 2101 2264 1600 1799
2000 2130 2367 2388 2607 2626 2830 2000 2249
3000 3194 3551 3582 3910 3939 4245 3000 3373
Loadability Factor, Normal (LFn) & Emergency (LFs)
1.065 1.184 1.194 1.303 1.313 1.415 1.000 1.124
The temperature rise of a current-carrying part is proportional to an exponential value of the current flowing through it. Industry
experience has shown that although the exponent may have different values, depending on breaker design and components within
the breaker, it generally is in the range of 1/1.6 to 1/2.0. IEEE provides that a factor of 1.8 is appropriate for these calculations.
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= 0.5 hours; circuit breaker thermal time constant (per IEEE C37.010 Table 4). The
length of time required for the temperature to change from the initial value to the ultimate
value if the initial rate of change was continued until the ultimate temperature was
reached. While this time constant varies by specific breaker design, the value used here
is generally applicable and consistent with IEEE suggestion.
i = θ maxr ; total temperature due to the current carried prior to emergency loading. Ratings
here are based upon this pre-loading equaling the circuit breaker’s rated continuous
ts = permissible time for carrying Is at a after initial current Ia.
θ max s θ i
s = t s /τ
θ i = total temperature that would be reached if Is were applied
1 1/e
continuously at ambient temperature (a).
θ θ a 1.8 I 5
LFs = s = s = short-time emergency loadability factor (all temperatures in °C).
θr Ir
Is = Ir x LFs = allowable short-time emergency load current.
1975 was used as an arbitrary cut-off date to allow for the fact that some manufacturers may not have immediately converted to
the newer version of the standard.
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Table 4 - Air Disconnect Switches (Manufactured >1975) Allowable Load Current
DO6 Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps) Reference Switch
Nominal Summer Spring/Fall Winter Design Basis 7
Switch Ambient Temperature (θA)
Rating 32.2°C (90°F) 15.6°C (60°F) -1.1°C (30°F) 40°C (104°F)
(Ir) Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg.
600 695 797 779 866 849 931 647 763
1200 1391 1595 1559 1733 1698 1861 1294 1525
1600 1854 2126 2078 2310 2264 2482 1725 2034
2000 2318 2658 2598 2888 2830 3102 2156 2542
3000 3477 3987 3897 4332 4245 4653 3234 3813
Loadability Factor, Normal (LF) & Emergency (LE1)
1.159 1.329 1.299 1.444 1.415 1.551 1.078 1.271
Table 6 - Air Disconnect Switches (Unknown Manufacture Date) Allowable Load Current
AO6 Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps) Reference Switch
Nominal Summer Spring/Fall Winter Design Basis 7
Switch Ambient Temperature (θA)
Rating 32.2°C (90°F) 15.6°C (60°F) -1.1°C (30°F) 40°C (104°F)
(Ir) Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg.
600 673 797 779 866 849 931 600 763
900 1010 1196 1169 1300 1274 1396 900 1144
1200 1346 1595 1559 1733 1698 1861 1200 1525
1600 1795 2126 2078 2310 2264 2482 1600 2034
2000 2244 2658 2598 2888 2830 3102 2000 2542
3000 3366 3987 3897 4332 4245 4653 3000 3813
Loadability Factor, Normal (LF) & Emergency (LE1)
1.122 1.329 1.299 1.444 1.415 1.551 1.000 1.271
40C (104F) ratings are provided since this ambient temperature is the standard design basis for new switches per IEEE C37.30
Standard Requirements for High-Voltage Switches.
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8.5 While IEEE C37.30 – 1971 introduced a new requirement for the nameplate to include the
switch’s ACCC designation, this was not always the case. When the ACCC designation can not
be determined, check the nameplate for switch manufacturer date and apply the following:
8.5.1 Switches manufactured after 1975, assume an ACCC designation of DO6 and use Table 4.
8.5.2 Switches manufactured before or during 1975, assume an ACCC designation of AO1 and
use Table 5.
8.6 If the age of the switch is absolutely unavailable, assume an ACCC designation of AO6 and use
Table 6. The ACCC designation of AO6 is the more conservative composite curve of a combined
AO1 and DO6 loadability classes.
8.7 If a switch has been upgraded since 1975 (e.g. new live parts to increase from 1200 to 1600
ampere rating) assume that the upgrade parts have the same ACCC designation as the original
switch, unless a new ACCC designation was provided on the nameplate as part of the upgrade.
The ratings and loadability factors in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6 are only appropriate for use if
such loading is not encountered in a 2-hour period preceding the emergency-loading event.
8.7.1 The loadability factor of a specific switch at a specific temperature not shown in the tables or
with a known ACCC designation other than provided above may be calculated from the
formulas below or may be taken directly from the appropriate curve in IEEE C37.37 based on
the switch’s ACCC designation.
6 Continuous Load Current Formula (from IEEE Std C37.30) :
Ia = allowable continuous current at ambient temperature (A) = Ir x LF
Ir = manufacturer's rated continuous current
A = ambient temperature (in °C)
LF = Loadability Factor =
max A
r = limit of observable temperature rise (in °C) at rated continuous current
max = allowable maximum total temperature (in °C)
9 Emergency Load Current Formula (from IEEE Std C37.37) :
Is = allowable emergency current at ambient temperature (A) = Ir x LE1
Ir = manufacturer's rated continuous current
E1 r e d / T A
LE1 = Emergency Loadability Factor (<24 hours) = d / T
r 1 e
max = allowable maximum total temperature (in °C)
E1= the additional temperature, 20C, allowed during emergency conditions for
durations less than 24 hours.
r = limit of observable temperature rise (in °C) at rated continuous current
A = ambient temperature (in °C)
T = the switch thermal time constant in minutes (generally 30 minutes for switches)
d = the duration of the emergency in minutes
Table 5 and Table 6 provide values for allowable load currents for common non-load break air disconnect switches. Note that if a
disconnect switch is equipped with a load-break device or interrupter, it may not successfully interrupt currents above the nameplate
rating of the interrupter.
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8.8 Switches carrying loads and being subjected to outdoor environmental conditions for several
years rely upon adequate maintenance for satisfactory performance. A switch not properly
aligned, with poor or dirty contact condition, or without proper contact pressure will not carry
rated current without excessive temperatures or resistance.
9.0 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Ratings
9.1 The GIS component ratings, both Normal and Emergency, are rated at the nameplate value. ATC
assumes GIS components have no overload capability unless the GIS manufacturer provides
emergency ratings based on ATC defined ambient temperatures and load durations.
10.0 Circuit Switcher Ratings
10.1 S&C Electric was specifically consulted for the circuit switcher ratings represented in Table 7. For
any circuit switchers that cannot be referenced in this table, defer to the nameplate continuous
current rating for all seasons’ normal and emergency ratings or consult Asset Planning &
Engineering for specific analysis. Additionally, consult Asset Planning & Engineering for special
ampacity analysis for circuit switchers used for capacitor bank switching.
Table 7 – Circuit Switchers Allowable Load Current
Maximum Allowable Load Current Rating (Amps)
S&C Model Info Nominal Ratings Summer Spring/Fall Winter
90°F (32.2°C) 60°F (15.6°C) 30°F (-1.1°C)
Device Style Type kV Amps Normal Emerg10 Normal Emerg10 Normal Emerg10
C-S VB G, MK II-V 69-161 1200 1270 1590 1400 1650 1500 1750
C-S CB G, MK II-V 115-161, 345 1600 1690 2000 1870 2100 2000 2200
C-S CB G, MK II-V 115-345 2000 2100 2100 2300 2300 2500 2500
C-S VB MK-VI 69-161 1200 1270 1590 1400 1650 1500 1750
C-S VB MK-VI 230 1200 1270 1790 1400 1800 1500 1960
C-S VB MK-VI 69-230 1600 1690 2000 1870 2100 2000 2200
C-S All Series 2000 All 1200 1270 1450 1400 1550 1500 1750
T-R VB 69-161 1200 1270 1590 1400 1650 1500 1750
T-R VB 230 1200 1270 1790 1400 1800 1500 1960
L-R VB 69-161 1200 1270 1590 1400 1650 1500 1750
L-R VB 230 1200 1270 1790 1400 1800 1500 1960
L-R VB 69-230 1600 1690 2000 1870 2100 2000 2200
C-S = circuit switcher, T-R = trans-rupter, and L-R = line-rupter.
VB = veritical-break disconnect, CB = center-break disconnect, SB = side-break disconnect.
Proper contact pressure is largely dependent on the condition of springs. Most spring materials (Phosphor-bronze, berillium
copper) are subject to degradation from the cumulative effect of elevated temperatures. Stainless steel springs are not similarly
effected except at extremely high temperatures.
Email to ATC’s Greg Thornson, July 14, 2003, from S&C Electric’s Leslie McGahey, Mike McHugh, & Peter Meyer.
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11.2 The thermal rating factor (TRF) is the number by which the rated primary current of a CT is
multiplied to obtain the maximum primary current that can be carried continuously without
exceeding the limiting temperature rise from a 30C average ambient air temperature (and 40C
maximum ambient air temperature).
11.3 Current transformers form any manufacturer with identical style/part numbers are assumed to
have the same thermal rating factor (TRF). The source of TRFs can be from any of the following:
11.3.1 As stated on equipment records for the respective CT or device
11.3.2 As stated on an equipment nameplate for the respective CT
11.3.3 By consultation with the equipment /CT manufacturer (e.g. from factory records or
11.3.4 Certified field test for the thermal rating
11.4 The TRF may be adjusted based upon the following factors:
11.4.1 Free-standing CTs, insulated by air, will be affected by changes in the ambient air
temperature different from the CT design standard of 30C average. Ambient temperatures
lower than 30C will yield higher TRFs.
11.4.2 CTs installed within another device (i.e. power circuit breaker or power transformer) will be
limited by the thermal limits of this parent device.
11.4.3 TRFs adjusted according to any of the preceding factors should not ultimately result in
excessive current on the circuit connected to the CT secondary. Unless specifically known,
the continuous thermal limits of CT secondary circuits (and associated connected equipment)
should be considered to be 10 amperes.
11.5 The consequences of overloading a current transformer include, but are not limited to, the
11.5.1 While accuracy will often increase at higher current loadings, should a CT actually reach
saturation, accuracy will be significantly compromised, and relay or meter misoperation or
misrepresentation may be the result.
11.5.2 Core or winding insulation may be degraded and effectively result in some loss of life. While
each overload instance in itself may have little discernable effect on the CT, the cumulative
insulation shrinkage and breakdown effects of the resulting excessive temperatures can
ultimately result in a short circuit between windings or between a winding and the core.
11.6 Free-Standing Current Transformers
11.6.1 The following ratings methods apply to all free-standing wire wound CTs. Free-standing CTs
(mounted separate from an associated transformer or breaker) differ from bushing-mounted
CTs in that they are designed to meet permissible overloading by independent control of such
parameters as primary and secondary winding current density, geometry, area of radiating
surfaces, and heat transfer characteristics.
11.6.2 Free standing optical sensing type current transformers have no secondary wire windings
and are limited only by the CT primary limitations.
11.7 Current Rating for Free-Standing CT
11.7.1 Single Nominal Thermal Rating Factor (TRF) for Free-Standing CTs If only a single nominal TRF is assigned, this same TRF value applies to all taps of a
free-standing CT. A single TRF is typically representative of CT secondary thermal limits
(which are more restrictive than any CT primary thermal limits for any tap). If a nominal
TRF is unavailable or unknown, the nominal TRF shall be assumed equal to 1.0.
11.7.2 Multiple Nominal Thermal Rating Factors (TRF) for Free-Standing CTs
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CR-0063 v06 Issue Date: 04-30-2012 Page 18 of 39 Free-standing CTs may have multiple nominal thermal rating factors, since both the
primary and secondary components are integral parts of these CTs. Any taps assigned a
TRF derived from the CT primary limits, shall have CT ratings according to the following:
TRF = thermal rating factor assigned to the CT, based on the actual connected tap
TRFP = CT nominal thermal rating factor associated with CT primary thermal limits
IFR = CT full ratio nominal primary rating (amps)
ITap = CT connected tap nominal primary rating (amps) Any taps assigned a TRF derived from CT secondary limits, shall have CT ratings
according to the following:
TRF = thermal rating factor assigned to the CT, based on the actual connected tap
TRFS = CT nominal thermal rating factor associated with secondary thermal limits For example:
Given a 2000:5 multi-ratio (taps at 2000, 1600, 1200, 800, & 600) free-standing CT with
TRF = 1.0 @ 2000A and TRF =2.0 at 800A. The TRF at each tap would be as follows
(nominal TRFs in bold):Tap TRF
2000:5 1.0
1600:5 1.25 (= 2000/1600)
1200:5 1.67 (= 2000/1200)
800:5 2.0
600:5 2.0
Note that the 600:5 tap TRF is equal to that nominally assigned to the 800:5 tap. The
second nominal TRF (2.0) specified by the manufacturer for the lower 800:5 tap is
indicative of CT secondary thermal limits (that would not permit current ratings higher
than 10A on a 5A-rated secondary winding).
11.7.3 Ambient Temperature Adjustment for Free-Standing CT A CT’s winding temperature rise under load conditions is the result of heat dissipated by
the winding I R (copper or load) losses. In open air, ambient temperatures different than
the 30C IEEE standard design ambient temperature will affect these losses. Ambient air
temperature adjustment factors can be calculated using the following formula:
max a
AFFS = the adjustment factor for ambient temperatures other than 30C
max = the total average temperature limit at a 30C ambient temperature
r = the allowable maximum temperature rise above 30C
a = the actual ambient temperature Table 8 provides adjustment factors, based upon ATC standard ambient air
temperatures, which can be applied to the nominal TRF. If the insulation class of CT
(maximum winding temperature rise) is unknown, the conservative application is to use
those adjustment factors for 65C rise CTs.
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Table 8 – Free-Standing CTs (in Air) Ambient Temperature Adjustment Factors
Maximum Maximum TRF
Ambient Temperature, θa
Winding Total Adjustment
Temp Rise, Temperature, Factor
Season (°F) (°C)
θr (°C) θmax (°C) (AFFS)
Summer 90.0 32.2 85 0.98
Spring & Fall 60.0 15.6 85 1.12
Winter 30.0 -1.1 85 1.25
Design Ref. 86.0 30.0 85 1.00
Summer 90.0 32.2 95 0.98
Spring & Fall 60.0 15.6 95 1.11
Winter 30.0 -1.1 95 1.22
Design Ref. 86.0 30.0 95 1.00
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11.8.2 Bushing CTs, when mounted as accessories of power circuit breakers, are subjected to wide
variations in their environmental ambient temperature (a-CT). This variation is dependent
upon the thermal characteristics of the breaker and the relative current loading with respect to
the rated current of the breaker and its bushing CT. Once a CT manufacturer knows the CT's
ambient temperature as specified by the breaker manufacturer or IEEE standard, the CT
manufacturer designs the CT to limit the total temperature (max) to 105C, thereby driving the
CT’s temperature rise limit (r). Any desired increase or decrease in the CT temperature rise
will be proportional to the increase or decrease in load current squared.
11.8.3 No adjustment due to ambient air temperatures shall normally be determined for bushing CTs
mounted on breakers.
11.8.4 Manufacturers design a bushing CT with a particular nominal thermal rating factor (TRF) on
the basis of both 1) the short-time thermal rating (i.e. fault-current) and 2) longer-term
continuous loading (including ATC’s normal and emergency loadings).
11.8.5 Current Rating for Circuit Breaker Bushing CTs: Known Nominal Thermal Rating Factors (TRF) for All Circuit Breakers:
If the bushing CT’s nominal TRF is available, the CT rating (ICT) would be:
ICT = ITap x TRF
ITap = primary current rating of bushing CT ratio (connected tap) used.
Given a 1200:5 full-ratio bushing CT with nominal TRF = 2.00, connected at 600:5,
installed on a 2000A gas breaker, calculate the CT rating.
ICT = ITap x TRF = 600 x 2.00 = 1200A Unknown Nominal Thermal Rating Factors (TRF) for Oil Circuit Breakers
If an oil breaker-mounted bushing CT’s nominal full-ratio TRF is unavailable or is
unknown, but a CT part number is available, consult the breaker manufacturer for specific
CT design TRF capability. Otherwise, the nominal TRF shall be determined by
considering the nominal current rating of the breaker on which it is installed as follows:
Assume a conservative thermal rating factor (TRF) of 1.0 for the circuit breaker CT.
With the assumed TRF of 1.0, the CT current rating (ICT) is equal to the CT ratio
(connected tap, ITap) that the CT is being used at.
Assumed TRF = 1.00
and ICT = ITap x 1.0
When the primary current rating of the CT ratio (connected tap, ITap) being used is
less than the circuit breaker continuous current rating (IB) and the current rating of the
CT when using the assumed TRF of 1.0 is the most limiting element in the section, a
calculated TRF can be applied to the emergency ratings only. Under these
conditions, the circuit breaker and CT temperature rises would be lower and
therefore, the CT can be operated at a continuous thermal rating factor greater than
1.0. It is impractical to provide the maximum permissible thermal rating factor for
every condition, but it is possible to calculate rating factors based on constant
maximum power dissipation. For this occasion, the following equation shall be used
to determine a calculated emergency TRF for bushing CTs used on oil breakers.
From “Memorandum on Thermal Current Characteristics of Current Transformers Used with Power Circuit Breakers and Power
Transformers”; C.F. Burke, G.J. Easley, C.A. Woods, and E.E. Conner; Westinghouse; August 18, 1969.
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If ITap < IB & ICT (with an assumed TRF=1.0) is most limiting element, then
I Tap
and ICT = ITap x TRF
TRF = calculated thermal current rating factor, when a nominal TRF is
IB = breaker continuous current rating (amps).
ITap = primary current rating of bushing CT ratio (connected tap) used.
This equation is valid only for:
calculated TRF 2.00 and
the continuous current rating of the associated breaker is not exceeded.
Example 1:
Given a 1200:5 full-ratio bushing CT with unknown nominal TRF, connected at 600:5,
installed on a 2000A oil breaker, calculate the CT rating.
IB 2000
TRF 1.83
ITap 600
Since the calculated TRF < 2.00;
ICT = ITap x TRF = 600 x 1.83 = 1095A.
Example 2:
Given a 1200:5 full-ratio bushing CT with unknown nominal TRF, connected at 300:5,
installed on a 2000A oil breaker, calculate the CT rating.
IB 2000
TRF 2.58
ITap 300
Since the calculated TRF > 2.00, the TRF will be set equal to 2.00;
ICT = ITap x TRF = 300 x 2.00 = 600A. Unknown Nominal Thermal Rating Factors (TRF) for Gas Breakers
If a gas breaker bushing CT’s nominal TRF is unavailable or unknown, but the breaker
serial number is available, consult the breaker manufacturer. Otherwise the nominal TRF
shall be assumed equal to 1.00. Emergency Current Rating for Circuit Breaker Bushing CTs
Emergency ratings for CTs are not supported by IEEE C57.13 or by many CT
manufacturers. Therefore, ATC CT emergency ratings will equal normal ratings, with the
exception of applying a calculated emergency TRF, as outlined in section
11.9 Power Transformer Bushing Current Transformer
11.9.1 Bushing CTs are integral to the power transformers and are similar to oil circuit breakers in
that they are subjected to high ambient temperatures due to the temperature rise of the
internal transformer environment. Note that the ambient adjustment factors in Table 8 do not
apply to bushing CTs.
11.9.2 No adjustment due to ambient air temperatures shall normally be determined for bushing CTs
mounted on power transformers.
11.9.3 Current Rating for Power Transformer CTs
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From “Memorandum on Thermal Current Characteristics of Current Transformers Used with Power Circuit Breakers and Power
Transformers”; C.F. Burke, G.J. Easley, C.A. Woods, and E.E. Conner; Westinghouse; August 18, 1969.
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V = the nominal voltage rating (in kV) associated with the bushing on
which the CT is installed.
This equation is valid only for:
calculated TRF 2.00 and
the power transformer nominal full load is not exceeded.
General Electric states that the above formula does not apply to CTs used in their power
transformers because these CTs should not be operated beyond their nameplate
rating.Example 1:
Given a 1200:5 full-ratio bushing CT with unknown nominal TRF, connected at 600:5,
installed on a 500 MVA 345 kV-138kV power transformer 345 kV bushing, calculate the
CT rating.
P 500
IT 837A
3V 3
Since ITap (600A) < IT (837A), then
IT 837
TRF 1.18
ITap 600
Example 2:
Given a 1200:5 full-ratio bushing CT with unknown nominal TRF, connected at 600:5,
installed on a 100 MVA 345 kV-138kV power transformer 345 kV bushing, calculate the
CT rating.
P 100
IT 167A
3V 3
Since ITap (600A) > IT (167A), then,
TRF = 1.00 (since otherwise unknown) and
ICT = IT x TRF = 600 x 1.00 = 600A. Emergency Current Rating for Power Transformer CTs
Emergency ratings for CTs are not supported by IEEE C57.13 or by many CT
manufacturers. Therefore, ATC CT emergency ratings will equal normal ratings, with the
exception of applying a calculated emergency TRF, as outlined in section
12.0 Substation Conductor Ratings
12.1 Substation Conductor Ambient Conditions
12.1.1 ATC is transitioning from legacy weather parameters, as indicate in Table 1, to study-based
weather parameters as indicated in Table 9.
12.1.2 Substation conductors may be rated utilizing either legacy weather parameters or study-
based weather parameters.
12.1.3 Note “Special Exception Ratings” for a conductor, which is a temporary rating defined in PR-
0285, may be applied using either sets of ambient conditions.
12.1.4 Study-Based Substation Conductor Weather Parameters Study-based ratings are based on the ambient conditions as shown in Table 9 according
to the prescribed seasons defined in ATC Transmission Operating Procedure TOP-20-
GN-000034, EMS Facility Seasonal Limit Transition. Study-based conductor weather parameters were developed through a study following
industry guidelines in CIGRE TB 299.
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CR-0063 v06 Issue Date: 04-30-2012 Page 24 of 39 These study-based weather parameters are consistent with that in ATC Criteria CR-0061;
Overhead Transmission Line Ampacity Ratings
12.2.2 The finding in the ATC White Paper, titled “Analysis of Substation Jumper Conductor
Operating Temperatures” that conductor connectors run cooler then the adjacent conductor
due to the heat dissipating mass of the connector, will also apply to a reduced extent to rigid
bus conductors.
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conductor sag to a point where required clearances are compromised. Strain bus designs
with spans under 50 feet generally do not require consideration of conductor sag effects on
clearances but may have a design clearance concern under fault conditions. With the
additional concern of the increase in oxidation of copper conductors operated above 80C
and the reliability of the associated connectors, the emergency temperature for copper strain
bus spans of less than 50 feet is limited to 110C.
12.3.2 The normal temperature rating for stranded copper conductor is limited to 167F (75C),
versus 176F (80C) for rigid copper bus, because of conductor elongation in tension
12.3.3 For the purpose of substation application and limiting the temperature to connecting
equipment, ACSS conductor will have the same maximum temperature operating limit as for
12.3.4 When bus design spans exceed 50 feet, consult a transmission line design engineer for
special clearance analysis and determination if operating temperatures lower than those
listed in Table 11 Table are required.
12.4 Stranded Jumper Conductors Temperature Limits
12.4.1 The allowable operating temperature limits for stranded aluminum and copper jumper
conductors are as shown in Table 11. For jumpers the normal temperature limit or the
emergency temperature limit may be used in determination of the normal rating.
12.4.2 Since conductor sag is not a critical concern for jumpers, emergency operating temperatures
of jumper conductors are permitted to be higher and therefore tolerant of annealing. Copper
substation jumper conductors are permitted to operate to the higher 230F (110C) limit and
aluminum substation jumper conductors (AAC, AAAC & ACAR) are permitted to operate to a
275F (135C) limit.
12.4.3 The operation of jumper conductors at their maximum emergency operating temperature
assumes that the connectors on the jumper are in good mechanical and electrical operating
12.4.4 Substation conductors are infrared scanned on a routine basis to assure that connector
deterioration has not occurred.
12.4.5 Jumpers connected to substation equipment are not limited by the operating temperature
limits of that equipment. A review of industry tests by ATC has concluded that jumper
connectors run significantly cooler than the jumper conductors themselves. As a result,
jumper conductors have no significant effect on the temperature of the equipment to which
they are connected. An ATC White Paper, titled Analysis of Substation Jumper Conductor
Operating Temperatures, documents that jumpers can operate at least at the same
temperatures as bus conductors without adverse effect on adjacent connected equipment.
12.4.6 Previous revisions of this rating criteria limited jumper allowable operating temperatures
based on the equipment to which they were connected. As a result, some jumper ratings may
reflect the more conservative temperature limits.
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Characteristic physical data used in ratings calculations is per ASTM B241 Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and
Seamless Extrude Tube.
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12.5.4 Study-based rigid conductor ratings - Table 15 and Table 16 list allowable load currents for rigid
copper and aluminum conductors used in substations, based in legacy conductor weather
parameters as summarized in section 12.1.4.
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For those conductors not included in the Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook, characteristic data was obtained from
Southwire Overhead Conductor manual, 2nd Edition or from consultation directly with Southwire.
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Table 18 – Legacy Stranded ACSR and ACSS Conductors Allowable Load Current
Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps)
Summer; 90°F Spring & Fall; 60°F Winter; 30°F
Conductor Description Normal Emergency Normal Emergency Normal Emergency
93°C 135°C 149°C 93°C 135°C 149°C 93°C 135°C 149°C
200°F 275°F 300°F 200°F 275°F 300°F 200°F 275°F 300°F
ASCR Conductors
2156.0 kcmil ACSR 84/19 Bluebird 2257 2973 n/a 2611 3223 n/a 2957 3481 n/a
1033.5 kcmil ACSR 54/7 Curlew 1442 — 1990 1664 — 2133 1880 — 2281
1033.5 kcmil ACSR 45/7 Ortolan 1416 1837 n/a 1634 1990 n/a 1845 2147 n/a
954 kcmil ACSR 54/7 Cardinal 1367 — 1883 1578 — 2018 1782 — 2158
954 kcmil ACSR 45/7 Rail 1351 1753 n/a 1557 1899 n/a 1759 2049 n/a
900 kcmil ACSR 45/7 Ruddy 1301 1692 n/a 1500 1832 n/a 1694 1972 n/a
795 kcmil ACSR 45/7 Tern 1200 1560 n/a 1383 1688 n/a 1561 1818 n/a
795 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Drake 1225 — 1688 1412 — 1807 1594 — 1930
795 kcmil ACSR 24/7 Cuckoo 1215 — 1676 1401 — 1794 1581 — 1915
605 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Squab 1027 — 1413 1181 — 1513 1330 — 1614
556.5 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Dove 973 — 1336 1119 — 1430 1259 — 1526
477 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Hawk 881 — 1206 1013 — 1291 1139 — 1377
477 kcmil ACSR 24/7 Flicker 876 — 1199 1007 — 1283 1132 — 1369
397.5 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Ibis 785 — 1070 901 — 1145 1012 — 1222
336.4 kcmil ACSR 30/7 Oriole 715 — 974 820 — 1043 921 — 1112
336.4 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Linnet 706 — 961 810 — 1028 909 — 1096
336.4 kcmil ACSR 18/1 Merlin 693 890 n/a 795 962 892 1035 n/a
266.8 kcmil ACSR 26/7 Partridge 610 — 829 700 — 887 785 — 946
4/0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Penguin 473 — 609 542 — 652 607 — 695
3/0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Pigeon 410 — 529 470 — 566 526 — 603
2/0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Quail 362 — 469 414 — 502 463 — 534
1/0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Raven 317 — 412 363 — 441 405 — 470
2.0 AWG ACSR 7/1 Sparate 244 — 319 279 — 341 311 — 363
2.0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Sparrow 240 — 312 274 — 334 306 — 356
4.0 AWG ACSR 6/1 Swan 181 — 237 207 — 253 231 — 270
ACSS Conductors
1233.6 kcmil ACSS/TW 38/19 Yukon 1585 — 2184 1829 — 2341 2066 — 2503
959.6 kcmil ACSS/TW 22/7 Suwannee 1358 — 1868 1567 — 1999 1768 — 2134
556.5 kcmil ACSS/TW 20/7 Dove 962 — 1315 1106 — 1408 1243 — 1502
1033.5 kcmil ACSS 54/7 Curlew 1431 — 1952 1650 — 2092 1865 — 2237
954 kcmil ACSS 54/7 Cardinal 1358 — 1849 1566 — 1981 1769 — 2119
795 kcmil ACSS 26/7 Drake 1237 — 1701 1426 — 1820 1610 — 1944
477 kcmil ACSS 26/7 Hawk 892 — 1219 1024 — 1304 1153 — 1392
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Table 19 – Legacy Stranded ACAR and AAC Conductor Allowable Load Current
Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps)
Summer; 90°F Spring & Fall; 60°F Winter; 30°F
Emergency Emergency Emergency
Conductor Description Normal Normal Normal
Bus Jumper Bus Jumper Bus Jumper
93°C 110°C 135°C 93°C 110°C 135°C 93°C 110°C 135°C
200°F 230°F 275°F 200°F 230°F 275°F 200°F 230°F 275°F
ACAR Conductors
1700 kcmil ACAR 54/7 Lapwing1 1896 2162 2419 2189 2412 2622 2478 2666 2830
1172 kcmil ACAR 24/13 Curlew3 1484 1687 1894 1712 1882 2052 1934 2077 2214
1109 kcmil ACAR 24/13 Ortolan2 1433 1629 1829 1654 1817 1982 1868 2005 2138
927.2 kcmil ACAR 18/19 Drake3 1266 1437 1610 1460 1603 1742 1647 1768 1878
853.7 kcmil ACAR 30/7 Tern1 1223 1387 1571 1410 1546 1699 1590 1705 1830
543.9 kcmil ACAR 12/7 Flicker1 913 1031 1178 1047 1140 1274 1177 1261 1371
AAC Conductors
2500 kcmil AAC 91 Lupine 2380 2726 3151 2755 3045 3417 3121 3367 3690
1590 kcmil AAC 61 Coreopsis 1831 2086 2397 2116 2329 2598 2393 2572 2804
1272 kcmil All Alum 259 Rope Lay 1640 1867 2142 1859 2084 2321 2144 2302 2505
1272 kcmil AAC 61 Narcissus 1594 1812 2077 1840 2022 2251 2079 2231 2429
954 kcmil AAC 37 Magnolia 1324 1502 1719 1527 1675 1860 1724 1847 2006
795 kcmil AAC 61 Lilac 1184 1345 1540 1364 1497 1666 1539 1649 1794
795 kcmil AAC 37 Arbutus 1183 1344 1539 1363 1496 1665 1538 1648 1793
750 kcmil AAC 37 Petunia 1138 1291 1477 1309 1436 1598 1477 1581 1720
556.5 kcmil AAC 19 Dahlia 942 1066 1216 1082 1185 1315 1217 1304 1415
336.4 kcmil AAC 19 Tulip 686 774 881 787 860 953 883 945 1024
4/0 AWG AAC 19 Oxlip-19 510 574 652 584 638 704 655 700 758
4/0 AWG AAC 7 Oxlip 509 572 650 582 636 702 652 697 755
12.6.5 Study-based stranded conductor ratings - Table 20, Table 21 and Table 22 list allowable load
currents for rigid copper and various types of aluminum conductors used in substations,
based in study-based conductor weather parameters as summarized in section 12.1.4.
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Table 22 – Study-based Stranded ACAR and AAC Conductor Allowable Load Current
Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps)
Summer; 90°F(32.2°C), 1.2 fps, 18% Fall; 60°F (15.5°C), 1.1 fps, 14% Winter; 38°F (3.3°C), 1.15 fps, 24% Spring; 77°F (25.0°C), 1.3 fps, 12%
Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency
Conductor Description Normal Normal Normal Normal
Bus Jumper Bus Jumper Bus Jumper Bus Jumper
93°C 110°C 135°C 93°C 110°C 135°C 93°C 110°C 135°C 93°C 110°C 135°C
200°F 230°F 275°F 200°F 230°F 275°F 200°F 230°F 275°F 200°F 230°F 275°F
ACAR Conductors
1700.0 kcmil ACAR 54/7 Lapwing1 1604 1809 2077 1785 1960 2195 1900 2063 2285 1723 1915 2170
1172.0 kcmil ACAR 24/13 Curlew3 1250 1407 1611 1391 1524 1703 1482 1606 1774 1344 1490 1684
927.2 kcmil ACAR 18/19 Drake3 1065 1199 1372 1185 1298 1451 1263 1369 1512 1145 1270 1435
543.9 kcmil ACAR 12/7 Flicker1 755 847 965 840 917 1020 896 968 1065 812 898 1010
396.3 kcmil ACAR 12/7 Linnet2 607 679 771 675 736 815 722 777 852 653 720 807
AAC Conductors
2500.0 kcmil AAC 91 Lupine 2050 2291 2641 2254 2482 2792 2399 2609 2903 2175 2424 2758
1590.0 kcmil AAC 61 Coreopsis 1548 1745 2000 1723 1890 2115 1834 1990 2202 1663 1847 2091
1272.0 kcmil Alum 259 Rope-Lay 1388 1562 1790 1544 1693 1892 1644 1782 1970 1461 1654 1870
1272.0 kcmil AAC 61 Narcissus 1344 1512 1730 1495 1638 1829 1593 1725 1905 1444 1602 1809
1000.0 kcmil AAC 37 Hawkweed 1151 1293 1476 1280 1400 1561 1364 1476 1627 1236 1369 1544
954.0 kcmil AAC 37 Magnolia 1113 1250 1428 1238 1354 1509 1320 1428 1573 1197 1325 1493
795.0 kcmil AAC 61 Lilac 994 1116 1274 1105 1209 1347 1179 1275 1405 1068 1183 1333
795.0 kcmil AAC 37 Arbutus 993 1115 1273 1105 1208 1346 1178 1274 1404 1067 1182 1332
636.0 kcmil AAC 37 Orchid 856 960 1093 952 1039 1156 1016 1097 1206 920 1017 1144
4/0 AWG AAC 7 Oxlip 413 461 523 459 499 552 491 528 578 444 489 547
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12.7.5 For aluminum conductors smaller than 1000 kcmil and all other conductor sizes smaller than
800 kcmil, the impact of the proximity effect is less than 5 percent and is considered
12.7.6 For paralleled conductors that are not manufactured pre-assembled multiple connectors and
have a center-line spacing less than the minimum spacing indicated in Table 23, the per
conductor allowable load current may have to be de-rated from that for a single conductor
rating. The de-rating is dependent on the conductor’s current-carrying capability and spacing.
Table Table 24 indicates the de-rating factor, to the nearest 5 percent, for common conductor
sizes at various reduced conductor spacing. For other conductor types, sizes and spacing,
the de-rating factor will need to be calculated using the above formula.
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Table 25 – Trap Temperature Rise Classifications
Insulation Class B F H
Insulation Temperature Index (°C) 130 155 180
Average Rise Above 40°C Ambient (°C) 90 115 140
Hotspot Rise Above 40°C Ambient (°C) 150 175 200
Total Trap Limiting Temperature (°C) 285 315 350
Total Terminal Limiting Temperature (°C) 150 150 150
13.3.2 Any values of current in excess of rated current in this standard may result in the designed
temperature rise being exceeded and may shorten the life expectancy of the wave trap.
Ultimate consequence may be a trap failure when insulation between windings deteriorates
extensively due to excessive temperatures. Since it is difficult to field-test a trap for indication
of this deterioration, visual inspection for fiberglass delamination, resins evaporating from the
trap surface, or paint peeling would be the only indications of excessive overload wear before
premature failure. In order to minimize trap loss of life risk, a return to nominal continuous
current for a minimum of 5 hours is required after any trap emergency overload condition.
13.3.3 Table 26 provides loadability factors and load current ratings for standard size wave traps.
The factors provided minimize the reduction in operating life and should be applied with great
care. For any size not listed, multiply the nominal continuous current rating (Ir) by the
appropriate listed loadability factor (LF n or LFs) to obtain load current limits.
Ia = Ir x LFn and Is = Ir x LFs
Ir = switch nominal rated continuous current @ 40°C ambient.
Ia = allowable continuous (normal) current at ambient temperature.
Is = allowable short-time emergency load current.
LFn = normal loadability factor.
LFs = emergency (short-time) loadability factor.
For example:
Given: 1600A nominally rated wave trap.
Find: The winter emergency load current rating.
Solution: = Ir x LFs = 1600 x 1.20 = 1920A.
Per ANSI C93.3-1995, Tables 6 & 7. Correlation to insulation class, provided by Ross Presta, Engineering Manager, Line Traps
and RCC, Trench Ltd. (2/5/04)
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CR-0063 v06 Issue Date: 04-30-2012 Page 37 of 39
Table 26 – Wave traps Allowable Load Current
Maximum Allowable Load Current Ratings (Amps) Reference Trap
Summer Spring & Fall Winter Design Basis 18
Line Trap
Ambient Temperature (θA)
32.2°C (90°F) 15.6°C (60°F) -1.1°C (30°F) 40°C (104°F)
Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg. Normal Emerg.
400 408 448 416 464 420 480 400 440
800 816 896 832 928 840 960 800 880
1200 1224 1344 1248 1392 1260 1440 1200 1320
1600 1632 1792 1664 1856 1680 1920 1600 1760
2000 2040 2240 2080 2320 2100 2400 2000 2200
3000 3060 3360 3120 3480 3150 3600 3000 3300
Loadability Factor, Normal (LFn) & Emergency (LFs)
1.020 1.120 1.040 1.160 1.050 1.200 1.000 1.100
PTR Z Setting PTR
Z Setting * 16
VL-L = line-to-line voltage (volts)
ZSetting = Distance relay secondary impedance setting (ohms)
PTR = Potential transformer ratio
CTR = Current transformer ratio (wye connected) A phase overcurrent setting is at 100% pickup current. Such rating may be specific to
direction, as in impedance relays above. Ground relay and differential relay settings do not limit normal system load flows.
This table applies to all traps, designed per ANSI C93.3, without any distinction between horizontal vs. vertical mounting or
vintage. (While some may argue that open-type designs may provide more efficient heat transfer than comparable fiberglass-
encapsulated traps, the ratings effects are minimal and therefore, the ratings in this table are not type-dependent.)
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14.1.2 Relay setting limits are typically absolute; normal and emergency ratings are equal and have
no seasonal variation. Aside from a thermal limit, typically no short-time or emergency
overload capability exists. Any difference between relay normal and emergency thermal limits
must be qualified in the SELD Comments field and indicate manufacturer approval.
14.1.3 Any real time delay settings are very short (20 cycles to a few seconds) and thus are ignored
when considering operating limits. In general, no alarm or warning is given prior to exceeding
a relay setting limit. When the limit is exceeded, the relay is expected to trip, removing the
associated transmission element from service.
14.1.4 Relay thermal limits are determined by the most restrictive of all of the relays associated with
any substation segment. The relay continuous thermal rating shall be used for all seasonal
normal ratings and also for emergency ratings if a 2-hour short duration thermal ratings is not
available. If the relay manufacturer has identified that a higher relay thermal limit for a specific
two hour time duration, it shall be used to determine the emergency rating limit. If the original relay design allowed for a higher short duration thermal limit (e.g. 2-hour), it
will be considered to have that capability for it life, without regard for its age. All relays that normally carry phase currents must be taken into consideration for the
limiting relay thermal limiter. These relays include, but are not limited to, phase distance,
impedance and overcurrent relays, power relays and differential relays. Ground relays of
all types are not a thermal limiting component. ATC will consider the thermal limit that the equipment was originally designed and
manufactured to exist throughout its life, regardless of age.
14.1.5 Relay ratings are not of themselves representative of any limits that are characteristic of the
current transformers to which they are connected. See section 11.0 for current transformer
ratings criteria.
14.2 Meters
14.2.1 The thermal ampacity limits of meter current coils and internal electronics may also serve as
possible limiting elements and will be as defined by the specific manufacturer and as
translated to a nominal high voltage basis. The EMS group is responsible for the RTU.
14.2.2 The ampacity limits in SELD will be determined by the actual ampacity measured or via the
following formula when no ampacity is measured:
kV 3
14.3 Remote Terminal Unit and Transducers
14.3.1 The thermal ampacity limits of power transducers (data as communicated through a remote
terminal unit – RTU), the RTU internal electronics and/or electronic devices may also serve
as possible limiting elements and will be as defined by the specific manufacturer and as
translated to a nominal high voltage basis. The EMS group is responsible for the RTU, with
the limits established by one of the following: Analog rating, via transducer/scaling resistors Digital rating, via Intelligent Electronic Device (IED), generally microprocessor-based
protective relays or meters,
14.3.2 The ampacity limits in SELD will be determined by the actual ampacity measured or via the
following formula when no ampacity is measured:
kV 3
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