Module-I (ES & E) - 1
Module-I (ES & E) - 1
Module-I (ES & E) - 1
Chemical energy, contained in chemical compounds is released when they are broken down
by animals in the presence of oxygen. In India, manual labour is still extensively used to get
work done in agricultural systems, and domestic animals used to pull carts and ploughs.
Electrical energy produced in several ways, powers trans-port, artificial lighting, agriculture
and industry. This comes from hydel power based on the water cycle that is powered by the
sun‟s energy that supports evaporation, or from thermal power stations powered by fossil
fuels. Nuclear energy is held in the nucleus of an atom and is now harnessed to develop
electrical energy.
We use energy for household use, agriculture, production of industrial goods and for running
transport. Modern agriculture uses chemical fertilizers, which require large amounts of
energy during their manufacture. Industry uses energy to power manufacturing units and the
urban complexes that support it. Energy-demanding roads and railway lines are built to
transport products from place to place and to reach raw materials in mines and forests. No
energy related technology is completely „risk free‟ and unlimited demands on energy increase
this risk factor many fold. All energy use creates heat and contributes to atmospheric
temperature. Many forms of energy release carbon di-oxide and lead to global warming.
Nuclear energy plants have caused enormous losses to the environment due to the leakage of
nuclear material. The inability to effectively manage and safely dispose of nuclear waste is a
serious global concern. At present almost 2 billion people worldwide have no access to
electricity. While more people will require electrical energy, those who do have access to it
continue to increase their individual requirements. In addition, a large pro-portion of energy
from electricity is wasted during transmission as well as at the user level. It is broadly
accepted that long-term trends in energy use should be towards a cleaner global energy
system that is less carbon intensive and less reliant on finite non-renewable energy sources. It
is estimated that the currently used methods of using renewable energy and non-renewable
fossil fuel sources together will be insufficient to meet foreseeable global demands for power
generation beyond the next 50 to 100 years. Thus when we use energy wastefully, we are
contributing to a major environmental disaster for our earth. We all need to become
responsible energy users. An electrical light that is burning unnecessarily is a contributor to
environmental degradation.
1. Growing energy needs: Energy has always been closely linked to man‟s economic growth
and development. Present strategies for development that have focused on rapid economic
growth have used energy utilization as an index of economic development. This index
however, does not take into account the long-term ill effects on society of excessive energy
utilisation. Between 1950 and 1990, the world‟s energy needs increased fourfold. The
world‟s demand for electricity has doubled over the last 22 years! The world‟s total primary
energy consumption in 2000 was 9096 million tons of oil. A global average per capita that
works out to be 1.5 tons of oil. Electricity is at present the fastest growing form of end-use
energy worldwide. By 2005 the Asia-Pacific region is expected to surpass North America in
energy consumption and by 2020 is expected to consume some 40% more energy than North
America. For almost 200 years, coal was the primary energy source fuelling the industrial
revolution in the 19th century. At the close of the 20th century, oil accounted for 39% of the
world‟s commercial energy consumption, followed by coal (24%) and natural gas (24%),
while nuclear (7%) and hydro/renewables (6%) accounted for the rest. Among the
commercial energy sources used in India, coal is a predominant source accounting for 55% of
energy consumption estimated in 2001, followed by oil (31%), natural gas (8%), hydro (5%)
and nuclear (1%). In India, biomass (mainly wood and dung) accounts for almost 40% of
primary energy sup-ply. While coal continues to remain the dominant fuel for electricity
generation, nuclear power has been increasingly used since the 1970s and 1980s and the use
of natural gas has increased rapidly in the 80s and 90s.
2. Types of energy: There are three main types of energy; those classified as non-renewable;
those that are said to be renewable; and nuclear energy, which uses such small quantities of
raw material (uranium) that supplies are to all effect, limitless. However, this classification is
inaccurate because several of the renewable sources, if not used „sustainably‟, can be
depleted more quickly than they can be renewed.
i) Non-renewable energy
To produce electricity from non-renewable re-sources the material must be ignited. The fuel
is placed in a well contained area and set on fire. The heat generated turns water to steam,
which moves through pipes, to turn the blades of a turbine. This converts magnetism into
electricity, which we use in various appliances. Non-Renewable Energy Sources: These
consist of the mineral based hydrocarbon fuels coal, oil and natural gas, that were formed
from ancient prehistoric forests. These are called „fossil fuels‟ because they are formed after
plant life is fossilized. At the present rate of extraction there is enough coal for a long time to
come. Oil and gas resources however are likely to be used up within the next 50 years. When
these fuels are burnt, they produce waste products that are released into the atmosphere as
gases such as carbon dioxide, oxides of sulphur, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, and all
causes of air pollution. These have led to lung problems in an enormous number of people all
over the world, and have also affected buildings like the Taj Mahal and killed many forests
and lakes due to acid rain. Many of these gases also act like a greenhouse letting sunlight in
and trapping the heat inside. This is leading to global warming, a raise in global temperature,
increased drought in some areas, floods in other regions, the melting of icecaps, and a rise in
sea levels, which is slowly submerging coastal belts all over the world. Warming the seas
also leads to the death of sensitive organisms such as coral.
Oil and its environmental impacts: India‟s oil reserves which are being used at present lie
off the coast of Mumbai and in Assam. Most of our natural gas is linked to oil and, because
there is no distribution system, it is just burnt off. This wastes nearly 40% of available gas.
The processes of oil and natural gas drilling, processing, transport and utilisation have serious
environmental consequences, such as leaks in which air and water are polluted and accidental
fires that may go on burning for days or weeks be-fore the fire can be controlled. During
refining oil, solid waste such as salts and grease are produced which also damage the
environment. Oil slicks are caused at sea from offshore oil wells, cleaning of oil tankers and
due to shipwrecks. The most well-known disaster occurred when the Exxon Valdez sank in
1989 and birds, sea otters, seals, fish and other marine life along the coast of Alaska was
seriously affected.
Oil powered vehicles emit carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide
and particulate matter which is a major cause of air pollution especially in cities with heavy
traffic density. Leaded petrol, leads to neuro dam-age and reduces attention spans. Running
petrol vehicles with unleaded fuel has been achieved by adding catalytic converters on all the
new cars, but unleaded fuel contains benzene and butadene which are known to be
carcinogenic compounds. Delhi, which used to have serious smog problems due to traffic,
has been able to reduce this health hazard by changing a large number of its vehicles to CNG,
which contains methane. Dependence on dwindling fossil fuel resources, especially oil,
results in political tension, instability and war. At present 65% of the world‟s oil reserves are
located in the Middle East.
Coal and its environmental impacts: Coal is the world‟s single largest contributor of
greenhouse gases and is one of the most important causes of global warming. Many coal-
based power generation plants are not fitted with devices such as electrostatic precipitators to
reduce emissions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) which is a major contributor to air
pollution. Burning coal also produces oxides of sulphur and nitrogen which, combined with
water vapour, lead to „acid rain‟. This kills forest vegetation, and damages architectural
heritage sites, pollutes water and affects human health. Thermal power stations that use coal
produce waste in the form of „fly ash‟. Large dumps are required to dispose of this waste
material, while efforts have been made to use it for making bricks. The transport of large
quantities of fly ash and its eventual dumping are costs that have to be included in calculating
the cost-benefits of thermal power.
ii) Renewable energy
Renewable energy systems use resources that are constantly replaced and are usually less pol-
luting. Examples include hydropower, solar, wind, and geothermal (energy from the heat
inside the earth). We also get renewable energy from burning trees and even garbage as fuel
and processing other plants into biofuels.
* Hydroelectric Power
This uses water flowing down a natural gradient to turn turbines to generate electricity known
as „hydroelectric power‟ by constructing dams across rivers. Between 1950 and 1970,
Hydropower generation worldwide increased seven times. The long life of hydropower
plants, the renew-able nature of the energy source, very low operating and maintenance costs,
and absence of inflationary pressures as in fossil fuels, are some of its advantages.
* Solar energy: In one hour, the sun pours as much energy onto the earth as we use in a
whole year. If it were possible to harness this colossal quantum of energy, humanity would
need no other source of energy. Today we have developed several methods of collecting this
energy for heating water and generating electricity.
Solar heating for homes: Modern housing that uses air conditioning and/ or heating are
extremely energy dependant. A passive solar home or building is designed to collect the sun‟s
heat through large, south-facing glass windows. In solar heated buildings, sunspaces are built
on the south side of the structure which act as large heat absorbers. The floors of sunspaces
are usually made of tiles or bricks that absorb heat throughout the day, then release heat at
night when it‟s cold. In energy efficient architecture the sun, water and wind are used to heat
a building when the weather is cold and to cool it in summer. This is based on design and
building material. Thick walls of stone or mud were used in traditional architecture as an
insulator. Small doors and windows kept direct sunlight and heat out. Deeply set glass
windows in colonial homes, on which direct sunlight could not reach, permit-ted the glass
from creating a greenhouse effect. Verandahs also served a similar purpose. Traditional
bungalows had high roofs and ventilators that permitted hot air to rise and leave the room.
Cross ventilation where wind can drive the air in and out of a room keeps it cool. Large
overhangs over windows prevent the glass from heating the room inside. Double walls are
used to prevent heating. Shady trees around the house help reduce temperature.
Solar water heating: Most solar water-heating systems have two main parts: the solar
collector and the storage tank. The solar energy col-lector heats the water, which then flows
to a well-insulated storage tank.
A common type of collector is the flat-plate collector, a rectangular box with a transparent
cover that faces the sun, usually mounted on the roof. Small tubes run through the box,
carrying the water or other fluid, such as antifreeze, to be heated. The tubes are mounted on a
metal absorber plate, which is painted black to absorb the sun‟s heat. The back and sides of
the box are insulated to hold in the heat. Heat builds up in the collector, and as the fluid
passes through the tubes, it too heats up.
Solar water-heating systems cannot heat water when the sun is not shining. Thus homes must
also have a conventional backup system. About 80% of homes in Israel have solar hot water
Solar cookers: The heat produced by the sun can be directly used for cooking using solar
cookers. A solar cooker is a metal box which is black on the inside to absorb and retain heat.
The lid has a reflective surface to reflect the heat from the sun into the box. The box contains
black vessels in which the food to be cooked is placed.
India has the world‟s largest solar cooker pro-gram and an estimated 2 lakh families that use
solar cookers. Although solar cookers reduce the need for fuel wood and pollution from
smoky wood fires, they have not caught on well in rural areas as they are not suitable to
traditional cooking practices. However, they have great potential if marketed well.
Other Solar-Powered Devices: Solar desalination systems (for converting saline or brackish
water into pure distilled water) have been developed. In future, they should become important
alter-natives for man‟s future economic growth in areas where fresh water is not available.
* Photovoltaic energy: The solar technology which has the greatest potential for use
throughout the world is that of solar photo voltaic cells which directly produce electricity
from sunlight using photovoltaic (PV) (also called solar) cells.
Solar cells use the sun‟s light, not its heat, to make electricity. PV cells require little
maintenance; have no moving parts, and essentially no environmental impact. They work
cleanly, Photovoltaic Cells safely and silently. They can be installed quickly in small
modules, anywhere there is sunlight. Solar cells are made up of two separate layers of silicon,
each of which contains an electric charge. When light hits the cells, the charges begin to
move between the two layers and electricity is produced. PV cells are wired together to form
a module. A module of about 40 cells is enough to power a light bulb. For more power, PV
modules are wired together into an array. PV arrays can produce enough power to meet the
electrical needs of a home. Over the past few years, extensive work has been done in
decreasing PV technology costs, increasing efficiency, and extending cell lifetimes. Many
new materials, such as amorphous silicon, are being tested to reduce costs and automate
PV cells are commonly used today in calculators and watches. They also provide power to
satellites, electric lights, and small electrical appliances such as radios and for water
pumping, highway lighting, weather stations, and other electrical systems located away from
power lines. Some electric utility companies are building PV systems into their power supply
PV cells are environmentally benign, i.e. they do not release pollutants or toxic material to
the air or water, there is no radioactive substance, and no catastrophic accidents. Some PV
cells, however, do contain small quantities of toxic substances such as cadmium and these
can be released to the environment in the event of a fire. Solar cells are made of silicon
which, although the second most abundant element in the earth‟s crust, has to be mined.
Mining creates environmental problems. PV systems also of course only work when the sun
is shining, and thus need batteries to store the electricity.
* Solar thermal electric power: Solar radiation can produce high temperatures, which can
generate electricity. Areas with low cloud levels of cover with little scattered radiation as in
the desert are considered most suitable sites. Ac-cording to a UNDP assessment, STE is
about 20 years behind the wind energy market exploitation, but is expected to grow rapidly in
the near future.
Mirror energy: During the 1980s, a major solar thermal electrical generation unit was built in
California, containing 700 parabolic mirrors, each with 24 reflectors, 1.5 meters in diameter,
which focused the sun‟s energy to produce steam to generate electricity.
Mirror Energy
Solar thermal systems change sunlight into electricity, by focusing sunlight to boil water to
make steam.
* Biomass energy: When a log is burned we are using biomass energy. Because plants and
trees depend on sunlight to grow, biomass energy is a form of stored solar energy. Although
wood is the largest source of biomass energy, we also use agricultural waste, sugarcane
wastes, and other farm byproducts to make energy.
There are three ways to use biomass. It can be burned to produce heat and electricity,
changed to a gas-like fuel such as methane, or changed to a liquid fuel. Liquid fuels, also
called biofuels, include two forms of alcohol: ethanol and methanol. Because biomass can be
changed directly into liquid fuel, it could someday supply much of our transportation fuel
needs for cars, trucks, buses, airplanes and trains with diesel fuel replaced by „biodiesel‟
made from vegetable oils. In the United States, this fuel is now being produced from soybean
oil. Researchers are also developing algae that produce oils, which can be converted to
biodiesel and new ways have been found to produce ethanol from grasses, trees, bark,
sawdust, paper, and farming wastes. Organic municipal solid waste includes paper, food
wastes, and other organic non-fossil-fuel derived materials such as textiles, natural rubber,
and leather that are found in the waste of urban areas. Currently, in the US, approximately
31% of organic waste is recovered from municipal solid waste via recycling and composting
programs, 62% is deposited in landfills, and 7% is incinerated. Waste material can be
converted into electricity by combustion boilers or steam turbines. Note that like any fuel,
biomass creates some pollutants, including carbon dioxide, when burned or converted into
energy. In terms of air pollutants, biomass generates less relative to fossil fuels. Biomass is
naturally low in sulphur and therefore, when burned, generates low sulphur dioxide
emissions. However, if burned in the open air, some biomass feedstock would emit relatively
high levels of nitrous oxides (given the high nitrogen content of plan material), carbon
monoxide, and particulates.
* Biogas: Biogas is produced from plant material and animal waste, garbage, waste from
house-holds and some types of industrial wastes, such as fish processing, dairies, and sewage
treatment plants. It is a mixture of gases which includes methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide and water vapour. In this mixture, methane burns easily. With a ton of food waste,
one can produce 85 Cu. M of biogas. Once used, the residue is used as an agricultural
fertilizer. Denmark produces a large quantity of biogas from waste and produces 15,000
megawatts of electricity from 15 farmers‟ cooperatives. Lon-don has a plant which makes 30
megawatts of electricity a year from 420,000 tons of municipal waste which gives power to
50,000 families. In Germany, 25% of landfills for garbage produce power from biogas. Japan
uses 85% of its waste and France about 50%. Biogas plants have become increasingly
popular in India in the rural sector. The biogas plants use cow dung, which is converted into a
gas which is used as a fuel. It is also used for running dual fuel engines. The reduction in
kitchen smoke by using biogas has reduced lung conditions in thousands of homes. The
fibrous waste of the sugar industry is the world‟s largest potential source of biomass energy.
Ethanol produced from sugarcane molasses is a good automobile fuel and is now used in a
third of the vehicles in Brazil. The National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD), and
Community/ Institutional Biogas Plant Program promote various biogas projects. By 1996
there were already 2.18 million families in India that used biogas. However China has 20
million households using biogas!
* Wind Power: Wind was the earliest energy source used for transportation by sailing ships.
Some 2000 years ago, windmills were developed in China, Afghanistan and Persia to draw
water for irrigation and grinding grain. Most of the early work on generating electricity from
wind was carried out in Denmark, at the end of the last century. Today, Denmark and
California have large wind turbine cooperatives which sell electricity to the government grid.
In Tamil Nadu, there are large wind farms producing 850 mega-watts of electricity. At
present, India is the third largest wind energy producer in the world.
The power in wind is a function of the wind speed and therefore the average wind speed of an
area is an important determinant of economically feasible power. Wind speed increases with
height. At a given turbine site, the power avail-able 30 meters above ground is typically 60
per-cent greater than at 10 meters.
Over the past two decades, a great deal of technical progress has been made in the design,
siting, installation, operation, and maintenance of power-producing wind mills (turbines).
These improvements have led to higher wind conversion efficiencies and lower electricity
production costs.
Environmental Impacts: Wind power has few environmental impacts, as there are virtually no
air or water emissions, or radiation, or solid waste production. The principal problems are
bird kills, noise, effect on TV reception, and aesthetic objections to the sheer number of wind
turbines that are required to meet electricity needs.
Although large areas of land are required for setting up wind farms, the amount used by the
turbine bases, the foundations and the access roads is less than 1% of the total area covered
by the wind farm. The rest of the area can also be used for agricultural purposes or for
Siting windmills offshore reduces their demand for land and visual impact.
Wind is an intermittent source and the intermittency of wind depends on the geo-graphic
distribution of wind. Wind therefore cannot be used as the sole resource for electricity, and
requires some other backup or stand-by electricity source.
* Tidal and Wave Power: The earth‟s surface is 70% water. By warming the water, the sun,
creates ocean currents and wind that produces waves. It is estimated that the solar energy
absorbed by the tropical oceans in a week could equal the entire oil reserves of the world – 1
trillion barrels of oil. The energy of waves in the sea that crash on the land of all the
continents is estimated at 2 to 3 million megawatts of energy. From the 1970s several
countries have been experimenting with technology to harness the kinetic energy of the ocean
to generate electricity.
Tidal power is tapped by placing a barrage across an estuary and forcing the tidal flow to pass
through turbines. In a one-way system the in-coming tide is allowed to fill the basin through a
sluice, and the water so collected is used to produce electricity during the low tide. In a two-
way system power is generated from both the incoming as well as the outgoing tide.
Tidal power stations bring about major ecological changes in the sensitive ecosystem of
coastal regions and can destroy the habitats and nesting places of water birds and interfere
with fisheries. A tidal power station at the mouth of a river blocks the flow of polluted water
into the sea, thereby creating health and pollution hazards in the estuary. Other drawbacks
include offshore energy devices posing navigational hazards. Residual drift current could
affect spawning of some fish, whose larvae would be carried away from spawning grounds.
They may also affect the migration patterns of surface swimming fish. Wave power converts
the motion of waves into electrical or mechanical energy. For this, an energy extraction
device is used to drive turbo-generators. Electricity can be generated at sea and transmitted
by cable to land. This energy source has yet to be fully explored. The largest concentration of
potential wave energy on earth is located between latitudes 40 to 60 degrees in both the
northern and southern hemispheres, where the winds blow most strongly. Another developing
concept harnesses energy due to the differences in temperature between the warm upper
layers of the ocean and the cold deep sea water. These plants are known as Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion (OTEC). This is a high tech installation which may prove to be highly
valuable in the future.
* Geothermal energy: is the energy stored within the earth (“geo” for earth and “thermal”
for heat). Geothermal energy starts with hot, molten rock (called magma) deep inside the
earth which surfaces at some parts of the earth‟s crust. The heat rising from the magma
warms underground pools of water known as geothermal reservoirs. If there is an opening,
hot underground water comes to the surface and forms hot springs, or it may boil to form
geysers. With modern technology, wells are drilled deep below the surface of the earth to tap
into geothermal reservoirs. This is called direct use of geothermal energy, and it provides a
steady stream of hot water that is pumped to the earth‟s surface.
Geo-Thermal Energy
In the 20th century geothermal energy has been harnessed on a large scale for space heating,
industrial use and electricity production, especially in Iceland, Japan and New Zealand.
Geothermal energy is nearly as cheap as hydro-power and will thus be increasingly utilised in
future. However, water from geothermal reservoirs often contains minerals that are corrosive
and polluting. Geothermal fluids are a problem which must be treated before disposal.
* Nuclear Power
In 1938 two German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman demonstrated nuclear fission.
They found they could split the nucleus of a uranium atom by bombarding it with neutrons.
As the nucleus split, some mass was converted to energy. The nuclear power industry
however was born in the late 1950s. The first large-scale nuclear power plant in the world
became operational in 1957 in Pennsylvania, US. Dr. Homi Bhabha was the father of Nuclear
Power development in India. The Bhabha Atomic Research Center in Mumbai studies and
develops modern nuclear technology. India has 10 nuclear reactors at 5 nuclear power
stations that produce 2% of India‟s electricity. These are located in Maharashtra (Tarapur),
Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Gujrat. India has uranium from mines in Bihar.
There are deposits of thorium in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The nuclear reactors use Uranium
235 to pro-duce electricity. Energy released from 1kg of Uranium 235 is equivalent to that
produced by burning 3,000 tons of coal. U235 is made into rods which are fitted into a
nuclear reactor. The control rods absorb neutrons and thus adjust the fission which releases
energy due to the chain reaction in a reactor unit. The heat energy produced in the reaction is
used to heat water and produce steam, which drives turbines that produce electricity. The
drawback is that the rods need to be changed periodically. This has impacts on the
environment due to disposal of nuclear waste. The reaction releases very hot waste water that
damages aquatic ecosystems, even though it is cooled by a water system before it is released.
The disposal of nuclear waste is becoming an increasingly serious issue. The cost of Nuclear
Power generation must include the high cost of disposal of its waste and the
decommissioning of old plants. These have high economic as well as ecological costs that are
not taken into ac-count when developing new nuclear installations. For environmental
reasons, Sweden has decided to become a Nuclear Free Country by 2010. Although the
conventional environmental impacts from nuclear power are negligible, what overshadows all
the other types of energy sources is that an accident can be devastating and the effects last for
long periods of time. While it does not pollute air or water routinely like oil or biomass, a
single accident can kill thou-sands of people, make many others seriously ill, and destroy an
area for decades by its radioactivity which leads to death, cancer and genetic deformities.
Land, water, vegetation are destroyed for long periods of time. Management, storage and
disposal of radioactive wastes resulting from nuclear power generation are the biggest
expenses of the nuclear power industry. There have been nuclear accidents at Chernobyl in
USSR and at the Three Mile Island in USA. The radioactivity unleashed by such an accident
can affect mankind for generations.
Energy Conservation: Conventional energy sources have a variety of impacts on nature and
human society. India needs to rapidly move into a policy to re-duce energy needs and use
cleaner energy production technologies. A shift to alternate energy use and renewable energy
sources that are used judiciously and equitably would bring about environmentally friendly
and sustainable lifestyles. India must reduce its dependency on imported oil. At present we
are under-utilizing our natural gas resources. We could develop thousands of mini dams to
generate electricity. India wastes great amounts of electricity during transmission. Fuel wood
plantations need to be enhanced and management through Joint Forestry Management (JFM)
has a great promise for the future. Energy efficient cooking stoves or „chulas‟ help the
movement of air through it so that the wood is burnt more efficiently. They also have a
chimney to prevent air pollution and thus reduce respiratory problems. While over 2 lakh
improved chulas have been introduced throughout the country, the number in active use is
unknown as most rural people find it to be unusable for several reasons. TERI in 1995
estimated that in India 95% of rural people and 60% of urban poor still depend on firewood,
cattle dung and crop residue for cooking and other domestic purposes. Biomass can be
converted into biogas or liquid fuels i.e. ethanol and methanol. Biogas digesters convert
animal waste or agricultural residues into gas. This is 60% methane and 40% CO2 generated
by fermentation. The commonly used agro waste is dung of domestic animals and rice husk,
coconut shells, straw or weeds. The material left after the gas is used acts as a fertilizer.
Small hydro-generation units are environment-friendly. They do not displace people, destroy
forests or wildlife habitats or kill aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. They can be placed in
several hill streams, on canals or rivers. The generation depends on flowing water due to
gravity. However, this fails if the flow is seasonal. It is easy to waste energy but cheaper to
save it than generate it. We can conserve energy by preventing or reducing waste of energy
and by using resources more efficiently. People waste energy because government subsidies
it. If the real cost was levied, people would not be able to afford to waste it carelessly.
f) Land resources
1. Land as a resource: Landforms such as hills, valleys, plains, river basins and wetlands
include different resource generating areas that the people living in them depend on. Many
traditional farming societies had ways of preserving areas from which they used resources.
Eg. In the „sacred groves‟ of the Western Ghats, requests to the spirit of the Grove for
permission to cut a tree, or extract a resource, were ac-companied by simple rituals. The
outcome of a chance fall on one side or the other of a stone balanced on a rock gave or
withheld permission. The request could not be repeated for a specified period. If land is
utilized carefully it can be considered a renewable resource. The roots of trees and grasses
bind the soil. If forests are depleted, or grasslands overgrazed, the land becomes unproductive
and wasteland is formed. Intensive irrigation leads to water logging and salination, on which
crops cannot grow. Land is also converted into a non-renewable resource when highly toxic
industrial and nuclear wastes are dumped on it. Land on earth is as finite as any of our other
natural resources. While mankind has learnt to adapt his lifestyle to various ecosystems world
over, he cannot live comfortably for instance on polar ice caps, on under the sea, or in space
in the foreseeable future. Man needs land for building homes, cultivating food, maintaining
pastures for domestic animals, developing industries to provide goods, and sup-porting the
industry by creating towns and cities. Equally importantly, man needs to protect wilderness
area in forests, grasslands, wetlands, mountains, coasts, etc. to protect our vitally valuable
biodiversity. Thus a rational use of land needs careful planning. One can develop most of
these different types of land uses almost anywhere, but Protected Areas (National Park‟s and
Wildlife Sanctuaries) can only be situated where some of the natural ecosystems are still
undisturbed. These Protected Areas are important aspects of good landuse planning.
2. Land Degradation: Farmland is under threat due to more and more intense utilisation.
Every year, between 5 to 7 million hectares of land worldwide is added to the existing
degraded farmland. When soil is used more intensively by farming, it is eroded more rapidly
by wind and rain. Over irrigating farmland leads to salinisation, as evaporation of water
brings the salts to the surface of the soil on which crops cannot grow. Over irrigation also
creates water logging of the topsoil so that crop roots are affected and the crop deteriorates.
The use of more and more chemical fertilizers poisons the soil so that eventually the land
becomes unproductive. As urban centers grow and industrial expansion occurs, the
agricultural land and forests shrink. This is a serious loss and has long term ill effects on
human civilisation.
3. Soil erosion: The characteristics of natural ecosystems such as forests and grasslands
depend on the type of soil. Soils of various types support a wide variety of crops. The misuse
of an ecosystem leads to loss of valuable soil through erosion by the monsoon rains and, to a
smaller extent, by wind. The roots of the trees in the forest hold the soil. Deforestation thus
leads to rapid soil erosion. Soil is washed into streams and is transported into rivers and
finally lost to the sea. The process is more evident in areas where deforestation has led to
erosion on steep hill slopes as in the Himalayas and in the Western Ghats. These areas are
called „ecologically sensitive areas‟ or ESAs. To prevent the loss of millions of tons of
valuable soil every year, it is essential to preserve what remains of our natural forest cover. It
is equally important to reforest denuded areas. The linkage between the existence of forests
and the presence of soil is greater than the forest‟s physical soil binding function alone. The
soil is enriched by the leaf-litter of the forest. This detritus is broken down by soil micro-
organisms, fungi, worms and in-sects, which help to recycle nutrients in the sys-tem. Further
losses of our soil wealth will impoverish our country and reduce its capacity to grow enough
food in future.
Until fairly recently mankind acted as if he could go on forever exploiting the ecosystems and
natural resources such as soil, water, forests and grasslands on the Earth‟s surface and
extracting minerals and fossil fuels from underground. But, in the last few decades, it has
become increasingly evident that the global ecosystem has the capacity to sustain only a
limited level of utilization. Biological systems cannot go on replenishing resources if they are
overused or misused. At a critical point, increasing pressure destabilizes their natural balance.
Even biological resources traditionally classified as „renewable‟ - such as those from our
oceans, forests, grass-lands and wetlands, are being degraded by over-use and may be
permanently destroyed. And no natural resource is limitless. „Non-renewable‟ resources will
be rapidly exhausted if we continue to use them as intensively as at present.
The two most damaging factors leading to the current rapid depletion of all forms of natural
resources are increasing „consumerism‟ on the part of the affluent sections of society, and
rapid population growth. Both factors are the results of choices we make as individuals. As
individuals we need to decide;
What will we leave to our children? (Are we thinking of short-term or long-term gain?)
Is my material gain someone else‟s loss?
Greed for material goods has become a way of life for a majority of people in the developed
world. Population growth and the resulting shortage of resources most severely affect people
in the developing countries. In nations such as ours, which are both developing rap-idly, and
suffering from a population explosion; both factors are responsible for environmental
degradation. We must ask ourselves if we have perhaps reached a critical flash point, at
which economic „development‟ affects the lives of people more adversely than the benefits it
What can be done to save electricity?
Turn off lights and fans as soon as you leave the room.
Use tube lights and energy efficient bulbs that save energy rather than bulbs. A 40-watt
tube light gives as much light as a 100 watt bulb.
Keep the bulbs and tubes clean. Dust on tubes and bulbs decreases lighting levels by 20 to
Switch off the television or radio as soon as the program of interest is over.
A pressure cooker can save up to 75% of energy require for cooking. It is also faster.
Keeping the vessel covered with a lid during cooking, helps to cook faster, thus saving
Reduction of the unsustainable and unequal use of resources and control of our population
growth are essential for the survival of our nation and indeed of human kind everywhere. Our
environment provides us with a variety of goods and services necessary for our day-to-day
lives, but the soil, water, climate and solar energy which form the „abiotic‟ support that we
derive from nature, are in themselves not distributed evenly throughout the world or within
countries. A new economic order at the global and at national levels must be based on the
ability to dis-tribute benefits of natural resources by sharing them more equally among the
countries as well as among communities within countries such as our own. It is at the local
level where people subsist by the sale of locally collected resources, that the disparity is
greatest. „Development‟ has not reached them and they are often unjustly accused of
„exploiting‟ natural resources. They must be adequately compensated for the removal of the
sources to distant regions and thus develop a greater stake in protecting natural resources.
There are several principles that each of us can adopt to bring about sustainable lifestyles.
This primarily comes from caring for our Mother Earth in all respects. A love and respect for
Nature is the greatest sentiment that helps bring about a feeling for looking at how we use
natural resources in a new and sensitive way. Think of the beauty of a wilderness, a natural
forest in all its magnificence, the expanse of green grassland, the clean water of a lake that
sup-ports so much life, the crystal clear water of a hill stream, or the magnificent power of
the oceans, and we cannot help but support the conservation of nature‟s wealth. If we respect
this we cannot commit acts that will deplete our life supporting systems.