The document provides definitions for various English vocabulary words including:
- A "glass half full" type of person referring to an optimistic outlook
- A fugue state meaning a state of light sleep or trance
- Noticeable meaning easily seen or detected
- One in three children sleepwalk referring to the statistic that approximately one-third of children walk in their sleep
- To maintain equipment or speed referring to keeping something going at the same level or rate
The document provides definitions for various English vocabulary words including:
- A "glass half full" type of person referring to an optimistic outlook
- A fugue state meaning a state of light sleep or trance
- Noticeable meaning easily seen or detected
- One in three children sleepwalk referring to the statistic that approximately one-third of children walk in their sleep
- To maintain equipment or speed referring to keeping something going at the same level or rate
The document provides definitions for various English vocabulary words including:
- A "glass half full" type of person referring to an optimistic outlook
- A fugue state meaning a state of light sleep or trance
- Noticeable meaning easily seen or detected
- One in three children sleepwalk referring to the statistic that approximately one-third of children walk in their sleep
- To maintain equipment or speed referring to keeping something going at the same level or rate
The document provides definitions for various English vocabulary words including:
- A "glass half full" type of person referring to an optimistic outlook
- A fugue state meaning a state of light sleep or trance
- Noticeable meaning easily seen or detected
- One in three children sleepwalk referring to the statistic that approximately one-third of children walk in their sleep
- To maintain equipment or speed referring to keeping something going at the same level or rate
A customs officer a fugue state A lengthy phone call A severe crime A straightforward person approximately articulate pronunciation Capable OF memorisING Dashing through the snow deception deliberately dependable I BRISKLY walked accross the road I can't afford TO buy a new car I dared tell her the truth I RELUCTANLY gave him the gun. I suddenly tripped and fell over I woke up SHIVERING one night Intentional error it tends to run in the family lab results are consistent with anecdotal accounts LOOK 1.gaze 2. glance 3. glare 4. peep 5. peer 6. stare My phone bill has mysteriously TREBLED Noticeable One IN three children sleepwalk professor Brain carried out research into how... quotient Self-reliant There are chimps and ants and sticks. The former use the latter to dip into nests for the ants. There, army arms are plentiful. To be CONFIDENT about the scores To crawl To creep To deceive To exhibit To maintain (equipment; speed) To play truant To pour (wine; rain) To sleep soundly To stroll To TAKE all evidence INTO ACCOUNT truancy „što na umu, to na drumu“ vrsta osobe Biti sto posto siguran da će rezultat biti dobar Bježanje s nastave Bježati s nastave, markirati Carinik GLEDATI; 1.zatelebano 2. ovlaš, na tren 3. naglo šireći oči 4. viriti, ćiriti 5. netremice i usredotočeno se zagledati 6. buljiti Gmizati (kretati se užasno sporo) Izložiti Iznenada sam se spotaknuo i pao. jasan izgovor Jedne noći sam se probudila drhtureći Jedno OD troje djece hodaju u snu Jureći kroz snijeg Kvocijent laboratorijski rezultati slažu se sa anegdotalnim navodima Namjerna greška Namjerno Ne mogu si priuštiti kupovinu novog auta Neodlučno sam mu dao pištolj. Obmana Održavati (opremu; brzinu) Onaj na koga se možeš osloniti optimistična, pozitivna osoba Podugačak telefonski razgovor Prevariti, obmanuti približno Prof. Brain je proveo istraživanje o tome kako... Puzati Samodostatan Sipati (vino), lijevati (kiša) Spavati zdravo (čvrsto) Sposoban upamtiti stanje lakog sna Šetati bez cilja, tumarati Tamo vojničkih mrava ima mnogo Telefonski račun mi se na tajanstven način utrostručio Težak zločin to je obično obiteljska osobina Tu su čimpanze i mravi i štapići. Prvospomenuti (čimpanze) koriste zadnjespomenuto/potonje (štapiće) da bi ih umočili u mravinjake. Uočljiv Usudio sam se reći joj istinu Uzeti u obzir sve dokaze Žustro sam hodao cestom