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A',/i/0/ "oj till' Jafim Mai:,

F. NANJO, M. A., BnngakithakHsIii,

Y. IWASAKl, iXogakiishi,


Prof. K. MITSUKURI in Zoological terms,

Prof. J. MATSUMURA in Botanical terms.



upper one grade conjugfition.*' An examfilo is the

verb Jiirit {to boil). Its five forins are J)i, nf.iiUru),
Regular conji-gations.
jilirv) and uKre); remaining unchanged.
tlie vowel i

The roots of verbs constitute the bases for in- (iV.fi.-Itshautd be noted that tlie sndixes ru find

flections indicating differences of mood and tense, re do which is deter-

not affect the classification,
Every verbal root ends in a vowel, wliich some- mined by the vowel ending of tlie verb itself).
tiraes changes and sometimes remains unchanged, Again-, verbs in whicli tlie vowel ending of tlie five
in t!ie process of Indection. In (he table of the forms is e, remaining unclianged tlirougliout, are
Goju-on. or Filty Sounds, the vowels are arranged classed as '• shivw-fcUidaiino hataTakl-kotoVa," or
in the order a, i.u,c, and n. J,ipan6se grammari- "verbs of Ihe lower one grade conjugation." An
ans refer Uie conjugations of the verbs to thnt example is the verb keru(to Kick). Us five forms
order. That they take the negative, in-
is to say, are fce, ke, ke{ru), ke'^.r^^) and ke{re). (iV.iJ.— The dis-
definite, conclusive, and conditional
wttributive, tinction "upper one-grade" and "lower one-grade"
bases, and comparing their vowel endings (i. e the refers simply to the fact that stands above e in the

changes that tlie root vowel has undergone} witli Fifty Sounds). Vprbs in wliicli the vowel endings
the vowel series of the Goju-on, classify the con- are i and if, receive the name "kaminidan no
Jngatlons by means of the comparison. Verbs in Iiaiaraki-koloha,'^ or " verlisof tlie upper two grade
which these bases sliow the vowel endings a, /,w, find cfiujugatinn An example is kuyuru (to repent),

e—o never occurs— are called " godan no haiarali- of whicli the five forms are kiiyi (or kui), kui,
ftr)£o&a," or " verbs of the four-grade conjugation." kt(ijuiru), kuytiO'u) and kuyuO'c). Finally, verbs in

An example is t]ie verb 7/wfcwCtogo). Its negative which the vowel endings fake Ihe ordpr eand u, are
base is 7/u/rer ; its indefinite ferm, yuki; its conclu- classed as " shimo-niOan no hataraki-kotoba," nr
sive form, yukit; its attributive I'orm, yuku, and its "Lower two-grade conjugation" An example is
conditional base, yiiAc Hence the clianges of tlie the verb itkuru (to receive), of whicli the forms are
final vowels follow the order a, i, u, e, and the verb uke. vke, iiku(ru) vkuiru) ^nd nkva'e).
is of the four-grade conjugation. Verbs in wliich Tlie following paradijjm will help to elucidate
tJie vowel ending of the five forms is /, remaining the above distinctions, which are given here be-
unclianged througliout, are classed as "A'af»i- cause they represent the pure Japanese gram-
tc'tida'i 710 hataraki-kotoba,''^ or "verbs of the matical analysis.—


niny denote any tense or mood according to the Anotlier conditional form is obtained by suffixing
form nf tlio lastverb of the sentence in which tliey ba to the negative base ending in a; asyukiba. It
occur, proviiledthfit, they are Branimatically con- is to bo noted, liowever, that this second form has
nected with that verb and stand in the same rela-
a different signification fi-om tlie first. The follow-
tion to it.
ing examples will explain the distinction:—
Kazeyami,tennare. Tlie wind ceases, the Kit
Yama wo kose ba mura If one cross tlie monnt-
clears up. T^ing. ari. ail), there ta a village.
nana waraf, tori utau. Flowers smile, and birds Yama wokosa-bamura Tf one crosses the mount-
Kami wo vyamai, kivil Revere tlio Kami, serve
ni tsiikae, kunt ivo at- aran. ain, there will be a vil-
tlie Monarcli, ;ind love
subeslU. the country. lage.

The third division represents the The former simply states the fact, wliile the latter
verljs in their
is hypothetical. In the same way, the particles do
conclusive forms; tlius:
and domo added to the verbal forms in this fifth
mio ga yuTcii. The man goes. division impart the signiBcance of adefinite concea-
Onna ga kome wo nlru. Tliemaid boils rice. sive, wliila the particle tomo added to the con-
Uma oa koilomo wo kcj-u. The iiorse kicks a clusive forms gives the force of a hypothetical
boy. concessive; thus:
Ware toa ivaoa tsvmi loo ktiyu. I repent of my sins.
Ware wa megumi wo
Sono oshie ivo ukure- Though (T) receive his
xiku. I receive favour.
do, sonohito wo shin- instructions, (1) do not
The fourth division represents tlie verbs in their zezu. believe in him.
attributive forms; tlius:
Sono oshle wo uku- Though (]) receive his
Yiihu ham. The fii>ring that is pass- tomn, sono hilo wo instructions, {\)sha'.l
ing nway. shlnzezaran. not believe in him.
Onna oa niru Jcome. The rice that Ui> maid The majority of Japmese verbs belong to the
four-grade conjugation. Next in number, are the
Keru uma. The horse tliat kicks. verbs of the lower two-grade, and then those of the
Waga kvyiini tsumi. The sins that I repent of. upper two-grade. Of tho.se of the upper and lower
Waoa ukuru viegumi. The favour that I receive. one grades tliere are only a few. In tlie colloquial,
Tliese forms become substantives, also, the nouns the forms In the third, fourth and fifth divisions in
qualilied being understood ; thus: the upper two-grade, and those of the same divi-
sions in the lower two-grade, nreclianged from u,
T<''kyo ni yukn(,koto)ioa Going to Tokyo is not
uru and ure, into iru, iru and ire, and eru, erwand
konomasliikarazu. desirable.
Pre, respectively. Thus, to take the verb kuyuru of
Kovie wo nlru {koto) ni' 'J'liere is a metliod for
the upper two-grade conjugation,
loa ho arl. boiling rice.
Uma no keru (tokl) (T) stood until tlie liorse the third form kuyu is changed into kul Cru),

mnrle ladazumerl. kicked (me). the fourtli fnrmfc«yit(ru) ,, ,, „ kul (ru),

Waya kvyuru (moyio) What I repent is my the fifth form fci(i/u {rej „ „ „ tiii (re) ;

wa waga tsumi nari. sin.

and to take the verb ukuru of the lower two-grade,
Kane wo ukuruiiame) For receiving money, a
nl tegata wo yTsu. cheque is leciuireil. the third furm uku Is changed into Uke (ru),

Practically, the same lorms may be considered in

the fourtli lorm uVwCru) „ „ ,, «A«(rn),

some casee; as conjunctive lovms; thus: the filth form wfcw (re) „ ,, „ uke {re).

yuku ytie ni. Since (1) go to Tokyo.

Tnki/o nl
Kane wo ukuru toki ni. When (I) receive money.
The filth divi'^ion represents the verbiU bases
for condiliunal, conjunctive aud concessive forms.

rukf.-ao. Though (T) nco. There are six irregular conjugations in Japan-
Kome wo Jiire-dnmn Thongh (Ij boil rice. ese verbs. They aie calletl, fii^t, the
Uma wa kerrdomo. Tlmugli the horse kicks. Ka 'jyo, and Nag\f> hcnkaku; or the

T'ivmi wohiiyure-ba. As(lj riiiient of (my) sins. K column, S colum)i and N column of irregular con-
31 mo ivo ukwe ba. When 1 rwcfuve anylhiris; jugaions:^

K. R. H. KA. KA. M. M.

P (ro) ;5

-^ba) ifX
^^•(pa) 1^'

*'(bo) 15;

'S(pe) -;
1- (to) )f

K(do) t:

^ (nu) 4ia

/t-(ru) ^
^(o) 2:

* (ka) ;i;i

3 (yo) i
^(ta) fl

TIIIC SmrCTURF OF JAPAiVICSE agreement in tlielr structure with wordn of the

ivoRns. present language, the changes produced since then
being comparatively unimportant. But the begin-
While it is still a matter of conjecture whether
ning of the use of the written charac^er-imust liave
the Japanese langiinRe is allied toCliinese, Korean,
created nn epoch in the history of the language.
Mongol or Manchoo, or to any one of the Malayan
Some believe that the Japanese had tlieir ow n alpha-
family, it is certain that in the structure of its
bet, invented in a remote antiquity, which, when
Titrils it is still in wliat is called the offfftwtfnatfue
siii'je. Although some of their roots appear very
closely examined, shows a marked reaetublance to
tlie Korean alphabet. But aiithnri ties agree tliat no
obscure, words cau, in most cases, be easily separat-
sucli alphabet did ever exist, and tliat the alphabet
ed into thetr component parts. Close observation
mentioned was of uncertain origin, probably bor-
will show that new words are formed mostly by
rowed from Korea, Htiwever tliat may be, it is
mere changes of suffix. For example:
unquestionable that, at first, the Japanese depended
Aku (verb) to opea exclusively upon Chinese characters lor conveying
^fceffa(c(Cnonn) .... the dawn. by written sign.i.
their ideas
Akiraka-ni (adverb). . . . clearly. History records that the introduction of Chl>
^fcafct (adjective). . . . red. nese characters took place iu the year 286,
^fca7'M(verb) to become bright. A.D., thoughtlie date was probably earlier tli.ni

Aka7'i (noun) the light. that. They are said to have been brought t«
Usuruiverh) to vanish. Japan by a Korean embassy. Tiie pronunciation
Cstnrt(( (verb) to lose. then used is called the Go-on, or Wu pronuncia-
Usuki (adjective) thin. tion, from the name of the kingdom of Go (ift) or
l7'£0(noun) empty talk, lie. Wu, which comprised most of the eastern pro-
vinces south of the Yangtsekiang. There, in-
In tlie colloquiallnnguage of the present day,
cluding Wu, six dynasties flourished one sifter
many words nre nlready in the in/tecttonal or amal-
another in the period ranging from the third
gamtttlng stage, so tha.t it requires an experienced
to the sixth century, and iheir capitals becam*
eye to distinguish the roots from prefixes and suf-
centres of learning and seats of refinement. Thero
fixes. Tlius, the dignified form goza-art-ynasu or
might have been direct communication going on
gozarihiasu (it is) changes in common speech into
between tliat region and Japan, for In attempting
the following forms:
to account for the general prevnleace ol the Go-
gnzaimasu. gnzartmasu. on in the latter about that time, Korea seems too far
gnzansu. goansu. north to serve as a connecting link. The strong
gozassit. gansu. probability, however, is that the bo called earlier
gnassu. gonsu. 60 on used Japanese writings came (rom
in old
goasu. gosu, Northern China. There are evidences that tlie pro-
gasu. gesu. nunciation prevailing in Loyang nnd Cliangan, tlie
two northern capitals, before the fourtli century,
ciii%i<:sic cbi.%Ri%i;ti<:ic5. was nearly the same as that of Wu.
Old words (i?j s) "f more than one thousand During the seventh and ninth centuries, difTer-
years ago have been )iroRer\ed through the aid ent embassies were sent to n orthern China, to the
of written characters. They ehow general courts of the Siii (K) and the Tang (|f) dynasties
— —

Thus the prnniinciation prevailing in that port (»f used in Japan; but it is an undoubted fact tliai

China in thoie times was Intioduced to Japan. the latter was the natural outgrowth of this new
It w«B cfigfrly learned In llie court, nnj, as a pronunciation.
matter of conrpe, the Go-nn ijpgan to be (Jea- It must be remarked here that what are now
pise J as a Rimple country dialect of southern called the Goon nnd Kan-on are the Japnnese
China. EnthusiaBni went even so f»r that pro- sounds of the Chinese pronunciations. Tliey are
clamations were issued by the government to now so different from the original Chinese that one
forbid the use o) tlie Goon. Naturally tliese in- miglit hardly suspect the existence of any relation
not succeed. Tlie new pronunciation
terdicts did belween the two. But that the former are modifl-
Beema to have been different from the fio-called cationB of the latter is not difficult to trace. Th«
Kan-on or Han* (iJf) proBunciation now widely following aro examples:

Go on. OriQ. ;rfnn.

EyoH or hyaitki (i^i%, illness). fiyanr/ki.

(Tioammo or gwammou (5g ^, desire). Ngwanmong.

Konnic/ii or Komiuchi (^B . today). Komnit.
Kubu or Giihui,^?^, nltendance). Kunghung.
M u ltd or muhouiU Hi, lawlesaj. Mull op
Husui^^, absencpi. Lushu.
Sh'ijiki or shavjikiiJE [fl, honest). Ghangjik.
Tokyo or Toukyan 'TJf ^, Tongltyane), Tongkyang.

Kon on. Orig. Pron.

BTicho or Jiauchnv t0 flS, swelling). Bangchang.
Enrjoku nr wenrjoku C>^ 0, distant cot ntry) Wenkwok.
flfilh} or heihaii (Jt i4, military tactit s). renrjfap.
Kaiidan (IK ig. t-old and hot). ffandwan.
Kw'ika or Kivauka(tS i^, Hoang Ho). rtwangha.
Jfeilia (Vijf. NingpOl.
Sriito or Sc III O'li'^lfS). 'rsipnlang.
liusho or Bi.shau tft 5) M'uciiaiia.

A» interconrse m iHi China jncrea^cd, h creat which tliemRelTPK had nn iiieaniug, therefore, when
runiber of new word", mainly Chinese expressK"i<=, thu= empidjed. Tlie charn'.'ter.' so used are called

T^pi 6 added lo the Japanese vocabulary, and as the the Manyo Gana (Jf ^^ 2). fl3J

€0'0n Fpread, accompanying the progress ol'Bvidd- Comparing the Chinese character.? in current
hi'm, BO theKan on spread, following the progress use, it i'i interestini,' lo see how they sometimes
fif Confucianism. and literary
Tiinnyrli tlie otficial convey difTerent meanings according as they are
flassoE employ Kan-on in preforenceto Go on, usage reid -iviih kun or Goon or Kan on. Forexample;
lias become so arbitrary in the modern language, ^ffc: henrje.{G'\ on) means an avparilion; hen-
that in some places tlie Kan-on, in otliers the ff o oil, kwa{K:\u on),~chunge.
and in still other places both combined or both ^£3; seirei (Kan-on) means a soul; sliOryS
indi<:criiiiinately, are used without any special (Go ou),^lhf. siibit of tlie decease; if,i ryo {Kun and
reason. Go on combined I, the spirit of a licntg person,
Another thing to be mentioned here is that WP1: 001)10)1 {.Kan ua),-~a gate; inikado ikan),-
ft ft er the introduction of the Go-on, a method of an emperor.
writing tlie language by using Chinese chnraclers =X-^' Kainbiilsu (Kan-on),— (ti'fed vegetaUes, hi
for phonetic symbols became desirable. S«, in the ino)io ( kun).— cin erf yis/t.
study of the Clilnese cliaraeters, the first tiling *tf ^i): >s''ioniotsi((Uo-oD),— a hook; kakimonoi^Mw)
rerjuiKite was to know llieir nn (g^) or pronun- —any thing wril en.
riation; and the iip^t ihing was to unJerf-tRnd tlieir +:S^: inomen (<"Jo on), — cntton clo(h\ AimaM
kuniM), eguivalents in Jupanese, written \^ith
01' (l\nn), —tree cotton.
different Chinese characters aa phonetic symbols, Intel couifie with riiiria at a later perioil led In

* I'lie llan dyiia.itto.s reigned fioin 20i B.C. to ~*H A.D. In J.ipan, the ninne Man is soinetiinea us«d
i> noiiymou.sly with (,'liina.
tlie tlie T5 on (g f^), orr'aDs pio-
introduction nf pronuncifition is compJii-Htively smnll.
nouncialjon, which so me what repembles tlie th ee examples will be enough.
modern Chinese. The vocabulary belonging to this

1=f ©, a lamp, Is read andon (T5-on) instead of Itotd (Kan-un).

?f ^. biiitcling fushln(, „ ) „ ,, fusei ( ,, ).

5 PC) lime cement, „ ,, shIJckuti ,, ) „ „ sekJcwati ,, ).

fiSiSli- "nfieitain, „ „ uron ( „ ) ,, „ korani ,, ).

certain ntrokes from tlie Oliinese charactera. By

some this invention is ascribed to Kibi, « high
An the plionetlc representxtionB of words and oflicial in the court ol the Kinpernr Kwonin; by
nrllalile!* becaine more impnrtant nnd necessary, tlie others, to Kukai, a noted BuddliUt priest Vor-
niiinese characteifi were found to he too cumber- haps foltowing the Indian alphabet, the syllable-*
flome and inconvenienL. To meet this difficulty, were an-anged Jtceording to what Is cfilled gnju-on,
Bfpinetime in the eighth or ninth century, the or "the fifty sounds," five of which are the vowels.
katakana, or Si de-syllable'^, were invented by talking This method Is atill In general use.


T a


a, § and i are seldom u=ed, except in interjec-

TnA\SMTER\TIOY. tions. When such sounds occur, they are usuaily
Tlie system adupt.od by the Rdmaji Kwai, or Ro- reprefiented by doubling the letter^;, as aa and ii.
mania itinn twenty-two of tlie
Society, refiuires
When two vowels come together, ;is ai, mi, iv, and
letlars used in Knglish, and u having no corres- ow, they should be pronounced sepnrately. In soma

ponding sounds in Japanese, and q and x being cases, afl in the endings of verbs, the two vowels
digregarded. C is never used in its hard sound, or are written for the saUo of symmetry, even though

p in its soft sound. The vowels a, e, i, o, u, have they ure sounded together; as au in vtau (to sintO
only one sound each, uiiless they are marked with pronounced uto, ou in ymi (to be drunk) prononncod
the sign of long quantity. yo, and nu in 5Wfcii« (to save) pronounced .tjffc//.

Til© vowel i is usually short, and ofl-en lu=;qB

a has the sound of a in/at/ie?', but is shorter.
its Foreigners seem to have crt-at diltt-
« .- M •> e ,, 'men.
cuUy pronouncing such words a'; /lifo (man),
* .. „ i 'machine..
and sfiita (tongue), which very nearly have the
.. ., ,,

f I, ,, „ ,, <j ,, so, but is shorter.

sound of hHo and sfiHa. Nnt only i itself is loHt
" I. .1 >. ..I* ,) rule „ „ „ when it enters the syllables nl some words, but in
When a liorizontnl line !b placed over them, inriDy cases Ihe consonants before it are dropped
has the sound of o in hone, and toguther with it. Thus ;

u ,, the ,, ..oo'inmoon

Akaislil ((S^S. t-be name of a place) changes into AkasIH.

Male (^^ ,. I, ,, person) „ ,, Date.
Ashidachi (^ it >• >. •. •> ) >. t>
amishtro (JB^fl; a fish-basket) ,, „ ajiro.
hachisu (ig, the lotu«) „ „ hasu.
toklgire (flf ffl, momentary silence) ,, ,, toglre.

TJie vowel u is also very short, and is sometimes inaudible; thus

mokiiroku (g ^, a list) is pronounced almost as mokrok
futari (3g A, two persons) is „ „ „ f'larL
kasu (i^, dregs) „ ,, „ ,, kas.
onmitsu (|g ®, a detective) „ „ „ ,, ommits.
Qonerally speaking, u before Ttia, we and mo, should be pronounced like the consonant m ; thwM
uma (H, the horse) should be pronounced mma.
ume ij§, the plum-tree) ,, „ mme. ,

umoregi (g?!;. fossil-wood) ,, „ „ mmoregi.

Like i, u IB dropped in the syllables of some words ; thus:

Kawauchl (M ft, the name of a province) changes into Kawachi.

Naruumi ("fi vS. » *. >• i. •> ) .> ,, Narumt.
Toyoura Oiffi, ., „ ., ., >> ) ., ., Toyora.

It must, however, be remarked that similar 5 before a, e, o and u, as sa, se, so and au. Is pro-
tendencies sometimes exist in the case of the nounced as in English ; but before i, sh is ailoptfd
vowels a, e and o, which have more distinct sounds. instead of ,t, though
tliis sound (j/) varie= from shi

The consonants are pronounced nearly like to si according to locnlitie«.

,5'e and ilss<iun(l ze iire

those uf English. pronounced she and je in many provinces of usli j, l<:_\

F IS uoL a labiodental, as in English ; the aud in some provinces along the western coast ol
Biiund 1^ made by letting the breath e-eape softly the Main Island. Even sa is changed into s/ia in
through the lips. This letter is never used except some cases, as,
before u. It is highly probable that the old sounds
ot ha, hi, he and ho were aHo fa, Jl, ft, and/o.
sake (ffl:, salmon) IS changed into shake.
saviisen (S[y:-.fS, a musical instrument) ,, ,, ,, shaviiscn.
sakurl VMf^, hiccough) ,, ,, ,, shakm'i.
ktLSami (M sneeze) , „ „ kushami.

Thk tisk of compiling a dictionary is attended with special obstacles

ill Jap n, where, owing to the rapid introduction of new ideas from the
Cccident, and the development of institutions hitherto unknown in the

country, such numbers of words are yearly added to the language that a
vccabulaiy fairly comprehensive to-day is found defective to-morrow.
Doubtless owing to that consideration, many able men, thoroughly
competent to undertake the work, hesitate to attempt it, until the language
shall have assumed a more finite character. But the authors of this

dictionary, being sensible that if the present transition stage continue to

deter lexicogiaphers, the difficulties of the language for unaided students
must grow constantly more embarrassing, resolved to aim at even partial
success rather than to leave a general want unsatisfied. They fully

appreciate the achievements of others in the same field, and the great
value of such compilations as Dr. Hepburn's pioneer dictioriary, the
Vocabulary of Sir Ernest Satow and Mr. Ishibashi, and Mr. ]_ II.

Gubbins' diclio ary of Chinese-Japanese words. But the first of these

has fallen far behind the time ; the second was never intended to be
comprehensive, and the third, excellent as it is, has only a limited scope.
The present work will, it is hoped, meet an evident need and j rove as
fiee from defects and deficiencies as can reasonably bs expected under the
circumstances. The authors would fain have added an English- Japanese
section, but it became apparent that to wait until that were possible must
involve very inconvenient delay. They trust, however, that they will
soon be in a position to place before the public an English-Japanese
dictionary on the lines of the work that they have now completed after

long and conscientious labour.

Tu/iyo, Ocloher 2nd, i8q6.
^ ^ i: ^ # -. ij] :/7
^ # #
II >'N
Is% ^
'^7 7 m

m m u
rin m
^ A § If
tf -i


It - Jf * ±
rm ^"^ tf X
7 :J: it
m "ji ± # -i:


a: y
IW [in pa
7. 03 y\ 3
^ i -ft it
fe ^ ^ 7. IB1

curacieH, there nre some s^od reasons Cor tlie old indicated by suflixingdiirerent word.'*, such a3(/a(a,
methoil of chissillcation. NovertlielORS, ia this tlic- tachi domo, ra, sliu and hat.

tionnry, company with modern

wa have foUoMcd, In Tonogata. Genilemen.
gi-ommariaus, the English method of dividing the Musuku-iachl. Sons.
parts oi' speech. Keraidomo. Servants.
Musume-ra. Girls.

THE NOUnr. Onna-shu. Ma id- servants.

Hyakiisfic-domo. Farmeis.
The noun does not undorgo syllabic chacge for

the sake of distinguifihing either case, gentler or Sometimes the plural Indicated by nn adjpc-

number. tlve expressing quantity, or by a nunu'rnl pifflxed,

Case is generally indicated by a te-nl-wowa. but these cases scarcely need illustration.
The Nonilnftlive case is indicated by the particle wa Musu no hoshi. Innumerable stars.
or pa. For instance: ObitadashikI kembutsnnin. Very numerous ob.'erv-
Hi wa kagayaku. The sun shlnea. Nihiki no inu. Two dogs. Lwrs.

2brf ga saczuru. The bird sings. Oku no akuji. Many evils.

The Possessive Case is Indicated by the particle Such adjectives or numerals often become com-
no or ga. ponent prefixes.

Hito no Icokm-o. Man's mind. Futa- tose. T wo years.

Sliizu ga ya. A peasant's houRe. Yorozu-yo. Ten-thousand generations.
The Objective Case In Its accusative form Is Sho-nin. \
Many persons.
Indicated by the particle two; otherwise, by a post- Shu Sin. J

position. Sometimes, the plural ia expressed by doubling

HKo wo To kill a mau.
korosu. the noun
Uma ni noru.To lide on a horse.
Yamayama. All, or various inountnlns.
Mlnaio yctsuku. To arrive at a port.
Knwa gawa. „ ,, „ rivers.
Kodomo to asoDU. To play with childrfn. Tokoro-dokoro. places.
., ,, .,

Tdkyo made yuku. To go to TOUy(>._ Ilitobito. persons.

,, „ „
Osaka yori kaeru. To return from Osaka.
A large number of nouns consist of comjjownrt
Gender is, in most cases, to be judged from the
tontext. In some cases, however, it is distinguished 1. Such a comround is formed by the combina-
by prefixes or suftlxes, which are really tion of a noun witli a noun.
ent words.
Ten-chi or ametsiichi. Heaven and earth.
Oto-ko. A young €to-me. A young wo
Jitsugetsu. Snn find moon.
man. man.
So-inokn or kVRa-ki. Grasses and trees.
m-ko. A prince. Bi-me. A princess.
A young lady. 2. It is formed also by a combination of nn fd-
Iratsu'ko. A young gen- Iratsu-me.
jeclive, or a noun u'*ed adjectively, with a noun.
Musu-me. A girl. Ko-ishi. A small stone.
ifttsu-ko. A son.
A female. T.)-mi{:hi. A long way.
Osu. A male. STesv,
The pistil, Haya gane. An alarm-bell.
OsJiibe. The stamen. Ste-shlbe.
Me-jlslii. A lioness. Tal-teki. A great enemy,
Oiishi. Allon.
3len-dorL A hen. Bljin. A beautiful woman.
Ondorf. Acock.
woman or a Te-bukuro. Ghives.
Dan-Shi. » A man or a Jo-shl. i A
Nyo-shi. S girl. Hama kaze. The wind of tl)esea-sliore.
Nan-Shi. i boy.
Yama-gawa. A mountain torrent.
Sometimes, different words are used distinguish
Kaizoku. A pirnte.
A man. Onna. A woman. 3 It is formed also by combining a noun with
Baha. Mother. n noun derived from an adjective or n verb.
Chichi. Father.
Ojl. Uncle. 06a. Aunt. Kvchl waru, A slanderous person.

Ani. Elder brother. Ane. Elder slater. Me-kura. A blind mau.

Oloto. Younger brother. Iinolo. Younger sister. Yo-ake. The dawn.
determined from Hara-Vami, Rtomncli-nrhe.
Number. Hke gender, has to be

In some cases, however, the plural is Ido-hort. A well-digffer.

the context.

4. It is funned uHu by coniblniuja' ti verb with jfrem-e tn a place in the v icinity of the

& noun. peMon spoken o) f

Fuml dm. A '^lool,

Kano baslio or kashiUn. Yonder plnce (with
T.>hi-ishi. A ^teptiin^ stone,
reference to a place remote from th&
Ki-mnno. Clotiiing. speaker and the person spoiten to).

Iri kiichi. Entrance.

The DrsTRiBUTivK Pko.voin.
Kare-Ki. A withered tree.
Di stribut lot pronouns are ono ono, met mei, o-ta-
gal and sore-sore.
The Japanese language has no relative pro-

The Pkrsonal Pronoun. The Tnterp.ogativk PRO.\orN.

Strirtly speaking, the personal pronouns of the Intprrnrjatire pronouns are ta, tare or dare,
fir^t perpon i^re a, are, wa, ware and v}aro, ol which nanl, (lore, ctoclura, izvre and izuko.
wne \< most ciuiiniiinly a-^ftd; aj'd ot the second Alio filtowa tare nam ka. "Wlio i^ be ?

person, and {mashl,ot which

na, naif, minat-hi Sonaiawananl wookurisidh-x. Wliat dtd you
nanji, a word undonhtedlv derived Irom na, ih send?
Izure ga ivan: no nam mine "

most comnionlv used. A'l others are nouns used ka. Wliich is F

pronon:inally. Ol' llies", lor she first person, onore, Dochira ga yoki ka. Wiiich is better f

wntakuslil, teniae, vii.mizukai'a, 7jatsugnre, sorega- When the particle mo or rtifmo i.i added, these
sfii, wariiwa. Ac. ;ire ol* Japanese ori^nn, and sesslia, pronouns are often taken in an indeflnite or distri-

}ibuii,jtsriin,liohu,&hdsei,&c are of Ohiiiepe origin ;

butive sense.
and lor the second per.son, ojnini, omne, otemae, Darf. Wirt shiranu. No one knows.
sonata, rmatn, kimi. kisama, Ac- are ol
okvto, Jjni mo sore nl ateliamaranu. None fits it.

Japanese unJ gozen, hiko, kiilen, kikvn, kU.a,

oriniii, J)iirr<:lf.mo, Any one.
soLka, kei h'^kK'i Ar are ol Climese oriyin. The
. fJoclnrademo ijuV'Slii. Either will answer.
plurals hir th'' tlr.st and the second per-nns are
fiirnifd like nouns. Ol the (ormer, wartra, vjaie-
ware. niidomo, wntakvs/iira, luatalci'ShiAumn, b'^\u-
ra.jibunra, and wagalini,
There are two kinils ol adieel Ives which change
>\ni} ol the latter, Diiutc
their endings to show their re hit it. ns to other
toclii, anatagain, klinira, livUgala, and ke<rn
s/iokun, fire most common, words One is formed by addin;.; t?, fr« and ."/if to
'i'he pronunnR
its root or stem, as (aia /.i, laha-ku and (aka sfii
ot'the third person laost commonly used,— a, are
und ano, ka, kare tiie other, Ity lidding s///^*, slitku and ski, a.s hage-
iui-i kano, ko, kure and fcono; :inij
shiki, hagt sluku and haiie-shi.
io, sojx nnd soMO, u itli tlieir plurals arera, karcra,
korei-aund sorera, —are in their nature demonstra-
Takakl yama. A higli mountain.
Takaku subiyu. (Tt) stirnds up loltily,
tive pionouns, Various C'liinese expressions, too
nuniei'ous to be mentioned here, are used in lieu Yama wa takas!ii. The mountain is high.
if the above. Ifagesfiiki lalakai. A furious battle.
In butli the spoken and tlie written languages, I/ageshiku tatnknu. C'hey) fight furiously.

it is thoui^ht elegant to use as lew pronouns as Tatakal wa hageshi. The battle is lurious.

practicalde, and lor that reasoD, in places where Some think that the second kind of adjective is

llie meaninfi is clear witliout employing thoni, only a mo'lified form of the first, tlipir argument
tliej nre usually omitted. being that tlie double use of slii is avoided for
euphonj 's .sake when the root oi- stem ends in siu.
Adjectives that end in ki or sJiikL are always
Thk DKM'iNsrr \tivk PkouOUN.
placed before the nouns that they limit or qualily ;

Ko, kore, krinoiiiiti hoLo, so, sore, sono and soko, in othei' wordti, tiiey are u=oil attril>utively.
a, are, u no ami astiko, k a, I are, kano and kashiko, Tliope that end m ku or shikn are placed before
i; ith 'he plurals, Korera, kokora, sorera, sokora, are- whose subjects they are predicated, or
the verbs of
and ka^hikora, constiiuie de-
ra, (linATjjtt, karei'a whose action they (inalily; that is, tlioy are Li>ed
unlu^tratlve piimouns. The distinctions of ko, so predicatively or adverbially.
i.nd a or ta are shown in the tollowing examples: Sore tea yoku aranu. It is not good.
Kono baslio or koko. This place. Kodomo wo ashiku alsukau. Ha treats children
Sono basho or soko. That place (with re- badly.
They nre uiso placed before adjectives like Eng- Makoto-niaru,
A true story.
lish fldvorltp: ma\otonaru kanashl. I

KiOlsfiiku saiintKI, Severely cold. Aklraka-ni am,

A (ilfl'tr matter.
Tlie |iit>(l\ Ku avsliikn la very ulteii used to per- akliakanarii kutuyara.
fonn Hie ffllce ol' a corijunctLui], when tlie foi-in of In the colloquial, naru contracts into na.
the hist aitril'Utivo wurd in a sentence ends in ski. NiHinf, when followed hy tho parlicK' t^ and il;d
Kareioalsuv'iku. viiine lie is stitjn^, handsome verl) aru, and verhn. when followed by lI.u p.iiticle

y K'li, (ale tukaxfti. and tall. (c and tlie vci'h aru, act like at'jectivep, lakln;; the
h'azcaraku, na^ni taka- Tlie wind i'^ violent, and attributive form of the latter verb.
Shl. the Wuve'^ are high.
Olokotn am,
This form is .sometimes called the indelinite lorm
One who is a man.
otokotaru mono. '

of the adjective.
Ailjectives with tlie suffix nhi are used at tlie An obscure stateuient
bakvtaru romlai.
ofa sentence, and are placed directly after the
Koe.te ant, 1

nouns that Ihoy limit or quality. Unlilie the En- A fat piff.
koelara buta. '

flliPh u.sase, tlie never intprposed be-

verb to &e is
Kare team,
tween the noun and the adjective in this form. j
A withered branch.
karelaru eda. '

Thup, in the sentence "Varna wa (the mountain)

(afcaa/tf (is high)," " (atrts/i( " is equivalent to the When the auxiliary suffixes, bekl, takt, naki
two words " is hi^^li " in Englisli. 'i'he literal col- and rasJilkt, are added to nouns or verbs, the
loquial trnnslatioD of " t!ie monntaln high" into
is resulting words become regular adjectives.
Japanese would be " Varna wa takakuarn,'^ and in
franubeki lilto. A praiseworthy person.
sncli a method of construction the predicative form
Togetakl nozomi. A fondly entertained hope.
few mu^t be used. ''Varna iva (afcas/tf," or in the
Efakana'ti inochl. An evanescent life.
coUoqiiiiil, ' Tama tya (afcai," i^, howevei, a more
Otokorashiki oknnal. Manly conduct.
common expresFion.
In the colloquial, fc is often dropped in A:f and Adjrclives have no tnjlecied forms of comparison.

fcM,and also in shlki nn,d sliikit, as iioliyokl), and The comparative and superlature ideas are usually
yov or yn (ynku), and vmrui {warukt), and waruu or expressed by the aid of some postpositions and
adverbs, as yort, nao and mollomo. Jn many cases,
warn (luarukv); and sh is often dropped in s hi as
tlie mood must be judged from the context,
yoi (yoshl) and ivaru! {warus/il).
When the verb am (to he) is adiied to adjectival
When tlie three foims of the adjective are
followed by different particles, tliey express differ-
forms in kti or shikv, the adjective partakes of the
ent moods.
nature of tlie verb, and its new suffix changes in

accordi-nce with its "Jpecial rule of inflaction ; as Aki tva kanasiil. Autumn is gloomy.
takakuaranpv takakaraii, takaku-ai-l or takakart, Ano hon waol ni omoshlro- That book was veiy
takaku- am ov taknkaru, and takakuare or takakare. karikl. IntereFting.

When tho partit-les ba, do and dom" are added to JCare iv i nemutakaran. He will be sleepy.

thi.^ compound lorm, are changes into ere, us Ni'jakidomo Kono kusiiri Drmk the medicine,
takakereha, takakereOo and takal ereclomn. But such wn nome. though bitter.
const ructions as takakareba, takakaredo nnd taka- Viikitakiibayuke. Go, if you please.
karedomo, thousli lngic.il in fortn, are seldom u=ed. The attributive form, kl or s/iiA:/, becomes the
Nouns sometimes perlorm tlie office of adjec-
substantive form wlien the noun following it is
tives wlien they are followed by the particle 710.
understood. Then, like tlie noun, it allows the
Kin no to Lei. A gold watch particle, wa, wo, nl, yori or ynade to follow. When
Mugaku no hito. An illiterate person. it is followed by kana or nan, iL becomes a Ct.nclu-

Nouns, or the steni woids of adjectives, some- ^ive form.

times perform tlie office of adverbs, when they are
//t(o ivakwushlki ivo ko- Man does not like pain.
followed by the particle }U.
Mukoto ni. Truly. Stikunaki wa nakl yorl Few is better than
Alh-aka ni. Clearly. yosltl. nothing.

When the verb aru (I o be) is added to these, the re- Samukl ni ojizu. SI am) not afraid o(

BuUlng words behave lilio a verb, the new suffix cold.

ary being Its attributive loru). Takaid yoi-i h'kukl made. From high to low.
When the prodicntive or adverbial fonu hu or nana chirurashi. Tlie flower aeeras to
sJilku Is lolhnveJ becomes a conJiUoiial
by ba, it fall.

lorm. When it is iolloneJ by tomo, it becomes a

concessive I'orm. AVhen it is fullowed by te, it jier-
Many adjkotivks ark Compounded of
Corms a participle.
'W'lieti the conclusive form shi ta followed by (q,

it becomes a concessive or a conjunctive form. 1.Such a compound luay fonueii by the combi-
Sometimes, the particle no follows tlie root or nation of a noun with an adjeciive.
Bteni, aaO is used in the same sense as ki. Kokoro-yasukl. Easy-hearted or friendly.

yokuhuka no yakko. An avaricious fellow. IJara giiroki. Black-Iiearted or malignant.

Osoroshi no yiimei. Wonderful bo\Y-diawii)g Slihnbo zuyokt. Strong in [>atience.

strength. 2 It nl.^y also be formed by tlie combiiiatlou

Sometimes the root or stem is followed by the of a verb with an adjective.
Bulfix mi; then it becomes eitlier a noun of quality,
Al-gatahi. Uiliicnlt to meet.
or a participle.
Kiki-Qiirushlkl. fii.siLgreeable to hear.
Akaini. A tinge of red, Mitaa-hoshihi. De'^irous of iecing.
Varna takaml. The mountain being higli.
It may also bo liTnied by the combination of

Sometimes tlie root or stem lias the suffix sa; an adjectival root with an adjective.
tlien it becomes either a noun of quality, or an
Usu-guroki, Light bla-ik.
adjectival form \vitli an interjectional siguilicauce.
Naga bmokl. Long and narrow.
Samusa. Coldness. Ptika mn\mi nam. Deep-green.
Aji no yiis<i. Goodness of taste.
illru ya Icjnashtsa. Sad to see.
When leki, or heslil is added to the conclusive
form of the verb, llie leMullins word ma3- ba nsed ks
an adjective, exiire-sing command or possibility. CAKlMNAL NUilllKllS.

Tha snine istrue of Cin:clu.-ive yeibal forms to wliicli Oftliese, tlieie are two
sets, one of Japanesft,
iwadded tn'Tjihi or via jl, ihe siirnific-ance imparted in ;ind he utiier of Cliinese, oi igin.
t The Japanese set
tlii.s case being one ol future ne^jatlon. 'I'lius Z>efci,
from one to nine are formed by suffiNing t&u to the
^es'it, viajiki nnd mnji m;iy be cnlled auviliary stem-word of each, Sp 'cLil |yrnn for numbers
i'ljactival sutli\e^. Aiiotlier adjectival .'ullix is
above ten are now obsolete, and are used only in
mshlkl, rashi, whicli conveys the sense of like, as jioclryor in classical uiitings. 'I'he particle no is
ii.e.s also the auxiliai'y adjective gotokl or gotoshi. ci)minonly placed between numerals iind tlie nuuos
ISiitJ. w I kvbcshl. I'ork i-^ eatable. tliatthey linnt. Strictly considered, the niiinerals
iFarTjbekl kutofjara. Laughable niiUt' r. aie to be regarded as nuuiis, and not as adj^ciives.
lianarumozlki knnhei. Inseiiarablo rolutioii. Soinetiiiies their stem-words, combining witli
Tsvwmnonv lua adusui n 'J'nc valiaut is uudauiit- tioiuiy, form compound \^ord,s. Tlie iJldnese set
mazl. iil'le. are also in gener;il use. 'J'liej usually form cuni-
l'-uniyas!nl i hiyori. T\\a weather llint seenn poLiDd words, combining willi tire nouns that they
to niin. limit.

fUluls-f, called In i-'iiumeratioQ



Its dill



To or so,

Indicative l^'esent.—'VU& third base, or the con- Conditional Hypothetical 7'rcsen(.— Formed by
clusive (i)rra itself, and also nari adJed to it, repre- adding ha to tlie first base, naba to the second base;
Bent the pre'^ent tense inclimile; as yuku, niru, and naraha to the fourth base; as ynkaba, niba,
ukuru and stinarl. Zu or mi nddod to the first ukenaba aud surunaraba. Its negative is formed ,

base produces the negative <yrni, x\& yiikazu, nizu, by adding 2:N6a to the first base; as yukaziiba, nigu-
v.k€tu, and sezv, •'^- ba, nkezuba and sezuba.
Inaicalive. i'asc— Of thj pflst there are four Conditional Hypoihet' cal T'ast.—Pormea ijy add-
foims. The fli'St is lornicU by adding fct to the ing iaraba and shlnaraba to the second base; as
second base, as yukikU nild, tikelci and shiki. In VuKitaraba, nitaraba, tikesliinaraba and seshlna7-a-
the place of ki, kerl is often used. The second is ba,* Us negative is formed by adding zariseba or
formed by adding nu or tsu to the second base, as zarishlnaraba to the first base; as yukazariseba,
yuktnv, ninu, ttketsu and shitsu. As a past, this nizarlseba, nkezari slLlnaraba a-rn\ sezarlshinaraba.
form has a lighter signiHcance than the former, and Concessive Present. — Formed by adding do or
somewhat resembles the English perfect tense. domo to the filth base; as yukedo, nireUo, ukvredo
The eliird is formed by adding te and art or tarl to and suredo. Its negative is formed by adding zare
the second base; as yukitari, nitari, uketarl and do or nedo (very often mo after che latier) to tha- ;

sfiitarl. The colloquial form oi tarl Is ta. These first base; as yukazaredo, nizaredo, ukeuedo and
first and third forms of the past are now used indis- senedomo.
criminately. The fourth is formed by adding tari Concessive i'asl.— Formed by adding shlkado
and ki, or tartki, to the second base, as yukitariki, keredOQv Shi naredo {.very olteu mo aitei- the lastl, to
nitarikt, nketarlki and shitarlki. This corresponds the second ba e as yukishikado, vlkeredo, uketaredo

to the English pluperfect. and seshinaredo. Its neKnlive is ft)rmed by add

Indicative J^egative Past.— Formed by adding zu ing zarishlkado, zar'ikei-edo or zarishinaredo, or mo
and ariki or zarilci to the first base; as yakazariki, after each, to the first base; as yukazarishikado, ni
nizarikl, ukezariki and sezm'iki. In some places, zarlshlkadomo, ukezarlkeredo and sezarishinai-edo.
the forms yukananda, nlnanda, ukenanda and sfi- Concessive Hypothetical Pjci^nt.— Formed by
nanila are used in tlio coUoquiiil. adding mo or tomo to tlie third base; as yukum^,
Imlicative Future.— VovmeU by addingn or ma- niruvio, ukwutomo and suriitoino. Its negative is

shi to the first base, nan to the second base, ran to formed by adding zumo, ziitomo. zariimo or zaru-
the third base, and ni and aran or naran to the tomo to the first base; an yukazumo, nlzutMno, uke-
fourth base; as yukan, aramaslii, ninan, ukuran zarumo and sezarutomo.
tn<l suritnaraii. in the colloquial, in tlie place of Concessive f/yiiothetlcal Past.— Funned by add-
varan, ciar3 is used. When tnerl or ras}ii is added ing temo or taritovio or shltomo to the second base;
to the third base, the hypothetical future is express- as yukltemo, nltemo, vketaritomo and seskitomo.
ed. Its negative is foimed by adding zarishltomo to
Indicative Future Perfect— Formed by adding the first base; as yukazarlshltomo, nizarishitomo,
ken, kei'ashi, taran, tsuran or nuran to the second ukezarishltomo and sezarishltomo.
base; as yukiken, arikerashl, nitaran, uketsui-an Imperatic€.—1n the four-grade and R column
and shlnuran. conjugations, the fifih base itself is the imperative

Indicative Ifegative Future.— Fi^rme^ by adding form. Sometimes 3/a is added to it; pir ynke or yukeya
zu and aran or zaran to the first base; as yukaza- and are or areya. In the N column conjugations
ran, nizaran, ukezaran and sezaran. the new base e is used for this form, and yo i-.

Conjunctive, or Conditional 2^-esent.— Formed by added to it; as ineyo aud sliineyo. In the others,
adding ba to the fifth base, as yukeba. nireba, uku- yo is added to the first base; as niyo, keyo, kulyo,
reba and sureba. Its negative is formed by fidding ukeyo, koyo and seyo. The Ketiatin'. Imperative in
tareba and neba to the first b'^^e as yukazareha, ni- formed by adding zare to the first base of each con-

zareba, tikeneba and seneba jugation; as yukazare, nizare, kezare, kuizare.

Conjunctive, or Conditional ^'ast.— Formed by ukezare, kozare, sezare, inazare and arazare.
adding shikaba, kereba or tareba to the second base; For expressing desire, nan or baya is added to
as yukisJdkaba, nishikaba, ukekereba ands/i/^areba. the first base; as yukanan, niiian, ukehava and se-

Its negative is formed by adding zarishikaba or baya.

base; as yukazarishikaba, Wlien to the second base (e Is added, che, form
zarikereha to the first

ni zarishikaba, ukezarikereba and sezarikereha. signifies a relation eitlier of causation or of se-

» The second base of the S column conjugation is Shi, but wlien the paitlcle shL comes immediately
after it, it alway»<{hanges into se.
quence. This lorni some call a geruml, and otiierp,
Kn-n. Ke-s •Fvrti or Jrf-sJifmvru. TfM. (la slitro nl seina Thoenomy press upon the
Kuh'u. Kiil-sasuru orkvi-Hfihmru. riL casih'.
Ukuyu. Vkesasuru nr uke.-shimiir u. Shim ga tnkt nl sein",- 'liie ni.stle is atoimed by
Kuru. Ko-sasimt or Ko siiimitru. 7ajj(, or intre com- tlie oiii'iny, or,
Svra Se-sasurii or se,-s!ilmuru. moiily.
Tnnru. Ina-suru ov Ina-shlmurv. Shiro %vo tekt ni seme- fluvo had the castle
Aru. Ara-svru or ara-shimuru. 7-aru. stormed by the enemy
Uiru. 3ll-scisnru or mi sesU m\ ru. (ht.l.

Causative Vftrbs are fm ineil from both inlnuisi Ttkl 111 fhlro nl Si'iiia- 'i'o h w i.r-eM casth) at-

tlve ami traiisitivo verbs rarit. tn. kt'd (lit. pres; ed

; tlin-:
upon)by the enemy.
Instra-:. Intranp. Oiin". Trans. Trana. Cans.
Kaeru. fcaerasu. Kaesv. Kaesaxu. These rolatinnR ra'inifestly show that the Engli-ih
Nagariiru. Ifaonresasu. Nagasii, NoQasasn. 'erms transitive and Intransitive, nctive and pnn-
T.ttsii. Tatasti. Tat&urv. Talesasii. tive, cannot be applied to Japanese verbs In th'-ir

Noku. Nokasu, JVokuru. trict sen^e. I'nssive verba all belong to the low or
two grade conjugation.
Causativfl.s are always verbs of the lower Iwo
Potential verbs liave the same foi-ms as passive.
grnde conjugntion.
In the collcquial, however, potenilals and passives
A close oltserver will naturally see that deriv^-
often take dilFerent forma; thus:
t ve verbs ending in su, Hre already
of a causative nature. Piobably tliey were onre JT/.iyaj-ej'u (is eaten). Kvtru (ran eat or can

Intransiiive caus.itive vtrbs, wliicli, hnviii;; suirered be eaten).

lunctlonal chanse", pHS-^ed fi'nni t'.eir causaiive Kawartru (is bought). Kaeru (cnn buy or can
Import to ilieir present transitive. be bought).
Utareru (Is stricken). Utarei-v (can strikf).

ffonorijlc verbs have the forms tif ihe causative

Passive, Potentfal and [IonokifTo Vkkhs.
and passive verbs. The reason assigned for this la
Passive verbs are formed by aildlng riirii to the that persons of high rank do not them.ielves do
flr-t base of tlie four-grade verb, and 7-arii to the tilings, but liavo Ibem done lor tlieni by others.
first base of tiie one grade, two-tjrade and S column As lor the theory nl the t'irmation of causative,
verbs; thus: passive and potential veibs, space forbids us to
Kakuitii write), Kaka-ruru. discuss it here.
if/)-u (to see). M roriiru.
Kern {to Itick). Ke rariiru.
Jlukuhii (to reward). 31-nkul rarurii.
Ukinii (to ri'CL-ive). Uke-rarnru. THE POSTPOSITION.
Sitru (to do). S&raruru.
Japanese postpositions correspond to English
Unlilie the English u^age, passive verba are olten
prepositions. Nouns undergo no infiectional case
formed Irom intransitive verbs. In tliat case, apart
changes under any circumstnnces.
from the verbs of the dilferent conjugations men-
T. TTa is comnionly used to indicate the n<mii-
tioned al)c)ve, J'lrru is to be added to the first bape
native case. Hlore ccrrectly, it is simply an isolat-
of tlie N column and U column verbs, and ram tn
ing particle, and since a negative verb logicnlly ex-
th« flr=t base of the K column verbs, they being all
cludes its subject, the latter is usually followed by
iDtrausil\ve verl)s.

/ftM{io tco away), fna-rum.

Ai'H (to be). Ani-ruru. Yama wa takashi. The mountain is high.
Kuril (to come), h'oraruru. wa hayaku oktyo.
ASii To-morrow, ri-e ea rly.
A'.u wanasii nakare. ?>ilfl, do not do.
To illu:-trate tlie various relaliona of these verbs,
II. No and ga are used nearly in tlie same
let us take tliH verb semvrii. It is a transitive verb,
place. They have five ditlerent uses.
and means (0 sform. 'I'he intranPitive verb semarii
is derived fr'iHi the same root, and means to press 1. They have tlie meaning of ''belonging to"
Upon. Each ol these two veiba lias its pussive ioi m. and then thty are possessive, or geoiiive, particles.
J^ki ^a shiro wo semii. The enemy storm the Teki no j In- el. The enemy'.s camp,
ctist^e. Klmi ga yo. The Emperor's reign.
2. Theyhfive the meaniDf? oi' " being of or id." Ni is also a dative particle, having the same

Kin no megane. Spectacles (of) gold, or gold

sense n3"in," "to" or "on."
fipectacles. Kila ye, yuku. To go to, or toward.i, the
JIakoto no hanasJU. A story of truth, or a true north.
Btory. Vaao ni tnmaru. To lodge in a liotel.

Sore ga hitohito. These men. Tokyo ye(nt)tsvku. To iirrive at (in) Tokyfl.

3. They liave the meaning of" existing iff."

In some places, we must tnkft special precaution to
Sumga no Fuji. Fuji in Suruga. find out tlie true signification oln/.
Ezo ga shima. The islands of Ezo.
Tf.ki ni kalsu. To conquer the enemy.
These two last (2) and (3), have, in Japanese, the
Here the English lorm is accusative, and nf takes
flense of" nite aru " and " niaru" which olten con-
the place of wo. Katsu is not, however, a transitive
tract into naru, an adjectival particle. JVo and ga
jn ?uch uses, are, therefore, adjectival particles.
verb, as many grammari-ina think. Ni may ba
considered as equivalent to " to."
4. They are used as appoaitinnal particles.
Teki ni makuru. To be defeated by the enemy.
Sangwatsti no tsuki. Tlie month, March,
Here tlie English verb takes the passive iorm, and
Klkaiga shima. The isle, liiltai.
tlien, nl sliould correspond to 6y. The Japanese
Here also no and ga Imve the same sense as verb, howevt-r, is intransitive, and as before, ni
naru, and may be classed as adjectival particles. may be considered equivalent to " to."
Nonnti ga in all these different senses may be Nl lias various other uses.
rendered "ot" In translating them into Englisii, 1 It h'S the sense of" by " when it is used be-
without much violation ofeense. ft're the passive verb.
5. They simply express the relation of one iier-
Inu nl kam.aruru. To be bitten by a dog.
Bon or thing to another in time ov place
2. It is also used in the sense of " for."
lenomae. The front of a house.
Amegashlta. The under-domain ofhenven; San yen ni aru. To sell for three dollars
or tlie domain uoder the Ryoko ni yosuru knne. M^ney required for tra

heavens veiling.
ffanami ni V itku. To go for seeing (to
No and ga sometimes designate the nominative
see) flowers.
Inu no hoyuru. A dog howls. 3. When nl comes iifter the conclusive form o/
the verb, it has the same force as the English in-
In this example, hoywu the attributive
form, and it may be considered that a noun, as
In ni yasukl. Easy to say.
"koto," is understood after it. Tlie sentence may
Okonau ni katakl. Ditiioult to do.
be thus changed:
4 Wlieu it comes after the attributive form ot
Inu no hoy urv {koto yo). Thehowlingof adog
the sense of " while."

the verb, it is used in

Here, no has a genitive sense. In the same way, IJi zva <>ru ni, waga ko Wliile the sun sets, my
the nominative particle ga may be considered as
wa iinaila kaerazu. son does not return.
the genitive, wliich has cha.nged its n^e.
5 It is used for enumeriiting things.
Bitogayuku. A man goes.
mtoga yuku (koto yo). Tlie going of a man Tsuki ni.yuki uiliana. The moon, snow and

In old classical writings, tsu was used in tlie

place of no. 6. used between repetition of the same

It is

word for emphasis.

Ama tsu kaml, Tlie gods of lieaven.
Ili ni hi ni, D.iily.
HI. Wo is generally used as the accusative Furl nifuru. Kaining and raining.
particle. 7. Many adverbs are formed by adding ni to
iTdfu ga hatake wo suku. The farmer ploughs the substantive words.
field. Makoto-ni. Truly.
IV. Te and ni.~ Akiral-a-nt. Clearly.
Ye is a. daiive particle, equivalent to "to," V. Yorf and kara are ablative particles, and
"towards," or " at." are equivalent tu "Irom."

ntto yori ukuru. To receive from a person. IX. Zo is a more isolating particle than wa.
Ten kara kuilaru. To come dow n from lieaveo. Tsiikl zoyoki. Tlie moon is fair.

Fort is also used in the sense of the coojunciloti X. Nan has nearly the same use with zo.
Kaku nan arikeru. Thus it was.
Sore yori ynki. Better than that.
XI. Koso is the strongest Isolating particle.
Kara is also used in tlie sense of " because," and In
Hito koso sfiirane. Alan dtes not knuw.
thrtt case, always follows the attributive form of
the verb. XII. Shi is used as a sort of auxiliary particia
for emphasis or euphony.
VuknkaraTnate. Wait, becanae (1) go (i.e.
" wait ; T am going.") Jbfci Shi nakereba. As there is not time.

VI. Made lias tlie same uses as the preposition In the colloquial, It is sometimes used in the sense
to," and the conjunction " till." of " moreover," or " seeing that,

Osaka mati« yuku. To go to Osaka. Harumo kttashl. Seeing that spring has

ffa)*w no kuru made mate. Wait till spring comes. come.

XIII. J/o is an adverbial particle, correspond-
VII. To is used in various senses,
ing to "also," "too" and "even."
1. It is used in the sense of " aa."
Kare mo eljin naH. He also is an Englishman.
Vuki wo haua to miru. To see snow as flowers.
Sore mo yoshi. It is good, too.
2. It is used in the sense of" lilte." Tffri mo kayowanu The sea of Genkai, ovei
Ame arare to tobu. To fly iilie rain and hail. genkalnaka. which even birds do not
3. It is used in the sense of " with."

Fujie to sJitzumu. To sink with the boat. It is also used in the sense of •'
both .... and,"

4. It is used in the sense of " and." Otoko mo onna mo. Both men and women.
Cliichi to haha. Father and mother. XIV 2>fflrtf,sae and sura are adverbial particles
6. It is placed between repetitions of the same corresponding to "even."
/ord for emphasis. Tort dani on wo shim Wliile even birds is know
Art to araywu. All that there is.
m, navjl waikan. gratitude, how it ia

with you?
6. It is used in the sense of *' if."
ffito wo anado}-u to. If (you) despise others, Ame no furu ni kaxe While the rain is falling,
hito nl anadoraruru. (you) will be despised saefuku, even the wind is blow-
by others.
Kusaki sura tokt wo Even grasses and trees
7. Some adverbs are formed by adding to to
Shtru. know the time.
labstantive words.
XV. Nmni is an 'adverbial particle correspond-
Shika-to. Certainly. ing to "only."
VIII. Nite or de has the following uses. Toki wo nomi eramu. (I) select only that which
is good.
1. It is a predicative particle.
XVI. Bakarl is an adverbinl particle corres
Kane wa waga na ntte Kane is my name,
ponding to "only" or "about.."
(de) owasu.
SukosJit bakarl. Only a little.
2 It is equivalent to " in."
Sen yen bakarl. About a thousand dol-
Sono sara wo shina That dish (T) bought in 1m ra.
nite (de) kaeri. China. XVII. Nagara is an adverbial particle, corres-
ponding to "while," at same time," " to-
Sometimes the subject is understood. In such a *' tlie

case demust not be mistaken for a nominative gether with," "however" and" though ! is.'*

particle. Hanashi nagara naku. To weep wliile talking.

Fiitarl nagara. Both together.

Amei'tka de atai wo (Some one) pays the price
in America.
Sarinagara or shikashi- Thought it is so, or while
nagara. it is so, or however.
3. It has the meaning of " with." Though woman, how
Onna nagara sono tsu- a
TeppZ ae utsu. To shoot with agun. yosa. strong she li.

XVIIT. Oatera lias nearly Lhe same raeauinsas Dore ciake. How much i
corrospouilB to " while." Naru take. As much as, possible.
nagara, aiiJ

This word may be clasaifted as a noun, together

ruk.'-gatera. While going,
with hodo, kural, toki, koro, tokoro, Ac.
xrx. Si-gara is an atlverbial particle, cor- XXV. Naito, fyaud ra are the particles used for
reFpimUing lo "whitQ" and "during." It comes expressing plurality. The former two are often
fruiu tlie verb sitfju^-u (to i>:is.^). used in the f ease of " so and so."

Vo mnsvgara. During tha mglit. t'i.jiii naAo no shiru It is a matter tlmt women
AJic/ii siigara. While on the way. lokuro ni nraza. cuniiot undeistuiid.
Kin, Qin, to. Gold, silver, etc.
XX. <Jite-nl adverbial [,nnicle, piKinlym^
is ail
Musukora. Sous.
Boinedil-hculry. Itioiuesfroni the adjective fcatuA^i
(dillicultj. XXVI. Ki, tsiirv, nuru, ran, rasfil, nieri, to,

toiHo, ba, dn, domo, de, zn, nv, &c. as particles be-
ruiifjate-ni oniou. To tijink it dillioulC to -to.
longing to adjectives and verb-, have been already
XXt. Goio-nl ia an adverbial parLicie, having a mentioned.
distributive sense. XXVII. Na and nakare, particles used for
negative command, correspond to " not."
HUo goto-ni. Every person. rconiep).

Kxiru goto-ni. Every time I come, or (lie I^TisKimi nakare. Do not steal.

XXII. Maiil-manl or mama is an adverbial Okotaruna. Be not idle.

/article, used in the sen^e of" according as." Wlien no, occurs in the middle of a sentence, the
Kami no maai-mani. According as God wills. l.uier is closed with tlie particle so.
XX MI. Zutsuisa. [larticle used in enumer.iLion.
ffito na km'osfLi so. Do not Itill a man.
Ultvtsu zuUu. One by one
XXVIII. Ka and ya are used for asking ques-
XXIV. Dike or take coming fri'm the word tions. Ka should follow the attributive forms of
taka (quanlity) is u. parliclo used lor expressing adjectives and verbs, and ya, their cimclusive
ciuanlity. lorms.
Tocatlre particles oi nouns, j\'a, wa, wo, kaslit, Subject of a Sentence ana ihe Closing forms of the
tana, oamo, 4c. are also used In the similar places. Predicate.
The Kclatloiis ietwcen the Panicles following Vie



, aO.ii'Ctire. Manvj. stanJsfor . . jMannfactura.

adv. adverlj.

Agric. . AKriculhire.

Antiq. Antifiuitip^.

Arch. Architecture.
Arllh. . Aritiimetic.

A at ml. Astrology.
Aatrnn. A?tronoiny.
Ai'rll. Auxiliary.
liwl. . Biology.
linokKeep. Bunk keepiuK.
Boi. Bo Unn-.
Hu>ld. BiidtJhIsiii.

Carp. Tai peniry.

Chi'm. Cl'emi.stL'y-

Ch is. Cliriatiani'.y.

Chin. (lliinese.

Voll. ('ollmiulal.

Com. Coitinie.rce.

Couch. flonclnjli'py.

Conj. ConJiinclioD.
Conk. Cookery.
Comp. Conipountl.
Conl. Coiitracteii, or
Cornipted, or
Enq. KntjURh.
Engln. Engineering.
Eiit ovi. Entomology.
Epist. Epistolary, or

Ethno'. Etlinolofiy.
Exclam. . Exclnmation.
Fenc. Fencing.
. fi;,'nre, or

Fr. Fiench.
Genl. Geology.
(Jeoiii. Geomeli-y.
Gram. Grainnmr.
Gun. Gunnery.
himo. . lionorific.

Ilvri Horticulture.
interJ. , inler jection.

Jap. .'a iianese.

/.I. . Liternlure.
tit. . literal or hteiaUy.

^^ ^ :^

\ 'Sf. The first letter of the Japanese syllabic AhaUaropii, lolJi'HZ, ^. if, v.f. [pass, of aba
alpliabet {Go-ju-in) , the thirty-sixth of the kn.] To be an<;overed or broken open; to be
Japanese common alphabet {I-ro-ha) consisting divulfjed, or made public (as a secret).
of forty-seven sounds; also, the first of the five A babu, Totf < , 9, ff. w.(. To break off or open to ;

vowels. It has the sound of a, as in art ov father. divulge, disclose; to make public (as a secret).
A, 3^, inierj. Exclamation of astonishment or sur- Tsit^ wo abaku, t^^!S:r, to break open a grave
priso. or burial-mound ; Inji ivo abaku, H ip ^ ft ^J', to
A asoko ni aru, r t v ^ =^ 7 n-, Oli, there Syn. HiRAKU. LtSivulge a sect-et.
it is I
Abara, 15^6, |ft, n. The side of the chest.
*• ^.1^1 interj. Exclam. of pain or sorrow: alas I Abara, lotfS, n. [coK.] Contraction of below.
A» 5i, i#, adv. Same as A, used in answering to a Abara-boiie. loBf ttS*!, M ^, n. The ribs.
question: Aioatakiishi wa scj-e wo itasJii mashl- Syn. Kataiiara-bone,
ta, Oh, yes, I have done it. Abara ni, Totf &l/z, JJ^, ado. [obs.] In a ruined
A, :^, 2J, 71, [Omtth.] The crow^; raven. or devastated condition.
*• 3^r 91^. "• IZooL] A frog. ["Bounds, mute. Abaraya, tUS ^^, flfe^, n. A house in a ruined
A» ^, "fi, «. {CJiin.] Unable to utter articulate state; a dilapidated house.
A, 3t), M, n. IChtn.] Flattery; adulation. Syn. Areya, Kowareta.
*• 2f), gg, w. [C7tin.] Next; second. AbareliO, i^i^HI, j n. An unruly or naughty
A, 5»;5, P,B [^, JJfifi. in(e?-j. Exclamation ol grief, Abnrokko, l^BfR^C, ' child.
admii'ation, gladness, or desire: ah; oh; alas; O! Syn. Dadakko, Itazurakko.
A yoi kana, iiQPf-Si^, Ah, how good it is I 1 Abaro-moiio, 15iiH%0, 5i#;#, n. A riotous o»
toaga chichi yo, J^ (E? SC 3. O, t^Y father ^ disorderly person; one who disturbs peace.
Syn. Ana, Ara, Are. fuianner; so. K5ZEKI-M0N0, RAUB(>-M0S0.
A» %'%, pi'on.a.rx^adv. That; in that way; in that Abarerii, To act in a wild and
TokfittS, ^V},v.i.
A deivaanatachigaiinasu, T7'7'-*'»S"gjSt-7;:;^, furious manner; to be unruly.
[coin there you are goin^' wrong; A iutewa, tt Syn. AREMAWARU, Rasjbo surd.
'U~7T->-*, [coll.^ if he (or she) sreaks in that way. Abaro-uma, f5i±K53, '«• A spirited or mettle-
A.iliu, lo'S, <, ^M, a- [Cliin.] Beautiful; elegant; some horse.
fair; lovely It la mostly used to express the Abnri, iStflJ.ffitf, n. A needle (made of
style of dress or the charac- bamboo or whalebone) used in maUing"
ter of women. Syn. AMISUKIBARI. Luets.
Syn. Utsukusuiki. Abata, TSHfte, j^S, n. Pock-marks.
Aba. % \£, mi^. n. '
weight used as a guy at the Abata-zura, 151*^::^ 5 tS M. «- A pittei
end of fishing nets. or pock-marked face. Cg? SfJ
Aba, loiJ, iintet-j. Good- Syn. Imogao, Jankozura.
Aba yo,Totf i., ^ bye; bye-by« Abau, TSlii, E. i"-*' To protect from danger oi
(used in saying farewell to injury; to guard; to defend; to secure-
children). (^ t|g] Syn. Kabap.
Abokobe n1, "i^^S^^^jz, ^ ^, adv. In a contrary Abiitnl-kabiu'a. ?,>;^*>^ 6, A 5S;3 ^. « [^OL]
or reverBed manner; inside out; topsy-turvy; in Bra^sica.
a wrong way. Abujnl-Blil, \hif7t-L, S2fiiE> n. A stirrup-maker.
Abelcobe ni motsu, R £^ =* ^ '•>', to hold upside Abuml-KUro, l5J«;^t3*H, iS^lJj, n. The mark
down or in a wrong way. produced on the flanks of a horse Dy the iriction
Syn. AOBiKOcei NI, Sakasama ni. of the stirrups.
Abeinah:!, lo'^^^, n. IBot.] Qyercn^ variabilis. Abiinagarii, l^ii'^S'X, X'.i. To be apprehensive
Abl, 'SyXK, iPliSg, ''. [Cftfw.] Charming; enchanting; of danger to be afraid to think dangerous.
; .

Syn. Kamameku, Niyaketaku. LcoQueittish. Syn. Okkanagabu.

ftbljisokii, ia C-^^r & < pBT fS. Jib ^, n. [BwtJd,] The
, Abiinasc l^^^V?-, ^1©, n. Appearance of dan-
lowest of the eight hells, in the Buddhist Tnler- ger; liability to peril; wanting in safety.
Syn. MUGENJIGOKU. Lnura. Abuii:Li, lo^tfV-, ^, ".. Same as .4&unrt.s/i{.
Ablkl, fotA'^, Jt^^l, ,t. [cont. of Ami and HikL] Abunai hito, T -f ^ A K, an untrustworthy
Drawing the net or seine to shore. person; Abunai Jianashi, ^ -f ^, a doubtful
Ablko, io 0' f^, S ffS ?. '"~ i^wl.] A species of story; Abunai kyogen, )§: -< H"a. r^n adventur-
lizard. ous affair.
Ablrii, 150^3,^, V t. To bathe; to pour over; to Abuual, io-J*tJ:\A, )&, interj. Take care look out I 1

wash the body; to sprinkle over. be mindful (imp.). rAbunashi.

Mizu wo a^iru, >J< 9" '^>^, to pour water on the Abiinakkashl,-lf-kl, ^o M ^vi}* L, a. Same as
body; to bathe in cold water; Yu wo ahiru, j^ ^ Abunakkashlku, ^.ftE'yi* L< , adv. See Abu-
K?/i-, to wash the body with hot water; to take a naku.
hot bath; Tsumiwo abiru, p^iSJ^, to be res- Abunakii, i^i«^^, jg, culv. ©In a hazardous or
ponsible for a sin committed by another. perilous manner; dangerously; with hazard. @
Syn. MUKDYOKO SURU, YOKD SURU, YUAMI [coii.] Almost; nearly.
SUBU. Syn. Ayatjku, Kiwadokd.
AbJseru, loV^'^Z, iS, Icaus. of Abiru.l O To bathe Abiinasa, l^ittS, ^ ^, n. Danger; peril; ex-
or wash an.>ttioi-, to pour over. ©To impute posure to injury, loss, pain or other evil.
one's own .sin to anotJier. ©To give a down- Abunaahl.-kl, i^^tn L, iS, " Dangerous; peril-
ward blow (with a swonl). ous; un.safe; risky.
JJito ni mizu loo abiseru, A — :^ ^ iS -b 'u, to Abunaki koto, or abunai me, ^ ^ HI, a danger-
pour water over a person. ous affair or perilous circumstance; a hazar-
Syn. SOSOGI-KAKERU. dous occasion.
Abo, S,tg;, psj^, n. [Chin.] Mamma, motlier. Syn. ATAFUYA, AYADKI, KENiNH)N, ElKKN,
Syn. Haiia, HAnA-l'F, Ofikuko, Okkasan. Okkanai. rnashi.
Abu, lo^-, tt. f" [Entani.] A species of fly; aliorse- Abiiiio, loJ''^^, a. [emit, oi' Abtinashi.] See Abu-
fly- Abuno gozarimasv, T 7" ?- 7 ffii ^ V ^ ^. [coll.]

Ahu-hachi torazu. It $5 lU it is dangerous; there is some danger.

9 7^, \Prov.s to fall Lo the Abunoiiie, lii'(D^, u. [Bot.] Doimttium junccwn.
ground between two stools, Abura, 1^>&, ftb, n. Oil; fat; grease; an unctu-
Abiikii. 1^5 J* i, JlStK, n. [cont. ous substance obtained from animal and vege
of Aiua and Fuku.\ Bubble; table substances.
foam; froth. Abura de a/in-^i, ^tWi "-. to Iry in oil; Abura
Mizu abuku, xi<^, a (water) ras a ci ab. deoiratsukti; ?[ti r 4-' v -y ^, to be iridescent in
bubble; Abuku wo fiiku, ?@^^1IX^, to foam, colour owing to Abura de
tJie pi-e^tnce of oil;
Syn. AwA. rstirriip. iru, or itanurn, -^ =f M ;i-, to cook in oil; Abura

Jthumift^J^?}; ^,n. [cont. of AsJU and Fumi.]A %oo &asu, ?[^ ^ ^ 7., to oil (as machinery); Abura

Al>iiiiii-8aw!Lr:i,'io>^ wo shimeru, fdi^J^ft-, to press out oil; Abura

fj''tt&, Its. rt- The wo tsugu, ftli ^ ii ^, to pour oil (as Into a lamp),
large ornamental tile Abura wo torn, ?[b ^ ^
«-, [vul.] to expose a per-

on the gable-end of a son's faults (as before others); to mortify; to

roof, Bhaped like a chagrin, Abura wo uru, ?ill ^ If Ji-, [coll.] to be

flower, a demon's lazy or idle, to lose time.

head, or a crest. Abura, l^J*&, flg^, )K, f-, n. Fat, or an oUy O

Syn. Okigawaba, substance deposited in various parts of animal
Afeiiml-giiwn, i,ji.-;^<-H, 3SSI*. " [^ffHc.JA kind bodies. ©Sweat; perspiration.

of hoe, shaped like a Japanese stirrup. Abura ga noru, or deru, Hi H? ^ 3R /^, to become
. ;


ftitty or greasy; AJiura, aa tsuyoi, fS 3S 'f very ^ i

Abura-kasii, 15.5* ^*>'^. Jltlffl. "• Oil-cake (tha
fatty or greasy; Aburade nicjiatsuku, HKt'W^ refuse after the oil has been extracted).
^, to beclammy on account of sweat or grease Abura-basu-kiidakl, 15J« &*>-?• < ;t*@, ftil fS fit S.
Tami no Obwa wo shiboru, K ^ * A ? 3KA'. [UL] 71. An oil-cake bi-eaker.

to press out the sweat of the people; [Jlg-I to lay Abura-kavra, ^^i^^•b>\£, i n. The memDrana
a heavy tax on the people. that encloses the fat.

Atiura-age^ lo^ftJ^I*'. fift Wi> »- Prying in oil or Aburake, Joi^W", Jl&M. «- Quality of being oily
grease. fwork. or fatty; oiliness. rAburagO/mt.
Al»ura-a«e, io^ 6 3&-*, fF SK, n. Sweat from hard Abiirakkaml^ %it ^yj)>4^, :

I HE, n. [coll.'i Same a*

Abura-ase wo fcateu, if JjK ^ :*; ^, [Jiff.] to work Abiirakko, :&>6vW, ?[iiE, 1. Same as AburaJce^
or labour hard fgreasy feet. AburalcJce ga nai, ittiS,tf#-f, [coll.] no fat;

Abnra-aslil, %3fi & % L, HKI^. '^ Sweaty feet; not greasy.

Abura-bl, %Xft:,v', ^\'K, n. An oil light. Aburako, TSJtftt.. fi!;. "• t^cfttft.] .ycbosfessp.
Abura-chan. 3&i^&%J^^, w- [Bot.'\ Lindera prae- AburakoaIil,-J,-kl, T5Jt & t L, # BS. ?Ifi Ml. " Very
cox. rnamoniem. oily or fatty ; containing mueli oil or fat.
Abura-damo, to > 6 4, 3^^S, w. it- [^ot.] CT«- Syn. Shitsckkoshi.
Aburn-dano, '^J^i:>75i:x, J^M, The ft- seed from
Abui-ainl, loJ^g;^, flg^, n. The fat; the fatty
which oil ia extracted.
part, a,s of flesh
Abura-dani, "StSf^TdZ t] tff , n. A cask contain- Abura-inouo, Afry; any-
to ji & % CD, jAittt. n.
ing oil; an oil -tub.
thing fried.
Syn. Abura-oke.
Syn. Abora-age, Agemono, Tempura.
Abura-d(^, "S^^^S, iIBR¥-» " Sweaty or gfreasy
AburainiiBhl, loi'ttrL,"- O[^"i0'^-J KSft, The
Abnratte, 3^ j* ^-vT, hands. '

cockroach. ©618. The plant-louse. ffl[coU.J

Aburaderl, io.fc &"? '5, i5 S". **- Very hot weather.
Aburao, Tiiiit^j^, itfllK, « An oil-painting. A bore; a troublesome person. fnensis.

Abiirae-Jutau, [«> 6 fe&W)"?, ?[liaBW. " The art

Abura-na, 15^6^, |g ^, n. [But.~\ Brassica chi-

of painting in oil colours; oil painting. Abnra-nukl, t^J' 6&&, itlia:, '^^ An oil or greasa

« An oil-painter, extractor; oil or grease-extracting.

Abiirae-sbn io>& ^ L, ilh Iffi gif,

one who paints with oil colour, Abiira-niiDO, lo>^{£i®, Wi

Syn. ;flf, 7i. An oily or oiled

Abiira-sainl, 10^*6**^. « Oil-paper; cloth for polishing wood,

water-proof paper. etc.

Syn. TflYUGAMi. CWichurai. Abura-sashl, JSJf^St, ft&

Abura-saya. IS i* & ij' ^, M-M, n. [Bot.1 Scirpus ^ -iP-, 71. An oil-can (for
a lamp).
^. «
Abura«e. tSit W^. Bean-curd
"^ iWl fried in

oil. fadoiihylloides. Abiira-aashlr "khif ^? U fSb

Abnra-gl, i» & §^, n. [Bot.] Acanthoiyanax sci- R, -11. An oilmeasure; a


Abtira-fflkii, l5.&&^<. ^'M, n. [Bot.] Feverfew. measure by which the Cttit^:

quantity of oil is determined.
Chrysanthemum Imlicum.
Abiira-sirl, t^^^^u), m^
Abura-sblme, Toi*^ Lfc. ftftffi. "• Oil pressing;
an oil press; an oil presser.
fl^, n. \ Bot.] Eleurttes cor ,

data. Abiira-shlnio-sl, -t^.S!& L»^, flftmH. n. [Mach..

AburaiKlrii. \n^i=>'^Z, E, An oil-press; the machine by which oil is ax-

v.t. To be oily or gi-easy. tracted from rape-seed.

Abura-^usiirl, loi' & <'-i^ "O,
Abiira-shlba, 3^ Jj 6 LtdT,
Jt. [J/ed.] An oint- rt. [Bot.]Carex nikoen- g^
ment; *i. medical plaster; s(s.

a salve. Aliura-sbiba. TnJte Lfcf.

Syn. KoYAKU. 5^^S, 71. [Boe.]Same

Abura-Jlinl, 1^ J« & C^, ^ as Aburadamo.

ft, 71. A grease-Stain ; an Abura-sblrl, i^Mmv),

oil-stain. flg, 71. The coccix of a
Abiira-JIi»li'"* li? -I< & {? j^ 2 j^lJj, u.i. To get bird; "Pope's nose."
stained with oil or grease. AInii-a-Biigf* To* 6^2?", #^, n. [SoK.] Crypto-

n Gytherea fcotulifer.
Abura*ka1, lo-S" & A> U-. $3, , IGoTich.]

meretrix. Abura-suBukl, hJ^^'f ^^t » [jBoc.] jSFpo£itci»von

Abura-tsiibo, 3t,Jr5-7tI, Ml ^, n. An oil jar; an Te ivo aburu, ^'t Mfl^, to warm the hands at a
oil reservoir. fsashi. fire.

Ahnrit-tSHgl, S)> t<?Sf', fty H, n. Sam© as ^?>Mra- Syn. HOSU, KAWAKASn, Yaku, Atatambru
Abiira-iiri, ^ 1-- c, 5 U), jtii W ^. " An oil-seller; AchI, i^i^, fSJ^ff, (^^v. [Inc.] There, that place, yon-

especially one who goes about nsUing oil. der.

Aburaja. 5>^.^, ?|l|g, n. ©An oil-sellor; an AcJil ye yuke, 'iSiPA -^^ i^, get out of the way;
oil -house; an ail-shop. © An oil maker. hence, away! go away!
Abiira-zara, ^j--e,3'i^, ^M, n~ A lamp-cup; an Syn. ACniR\, ASCKO, Kanata, KAsniKO.
oil dish ; a dish lor holding oil Af-lil-kochi. 'h%'C%, ^ aAv. Q Here and itfc,

Aburazuno, 3r)if (^^'(/i, ^^., QThe end of an

n. there; hither and thither; all about. ©Waver-
axle-tree, to which oil is applied. @ A pot hung ing between two things. © Far and near.
on the hub to grease the wheels. Achi-kochi luosagafiv, f&iit ^ 8K^'. to search all

Abura-KUtsii, %2f 6:p'-7, ftlitSf. " -A- tube in which over; to seek every where; Achikochi ni am. fS
oil is liept; an oil-pipe (often made of bamboo), llfc ^^ found everywhere, both far and near.

Aburo-mono, % Jt 4 (0,- H$^, •!. i-i. A ruffian; a Syn. SOKO-KOKO, OCIII-KOCHI, KOKO-KASHI-
bad fellow a disorderly person a
; ; rascal, scoun- KO, AOUIBA-KOCIIIRA.
an unsettled fellow.
drel, ragamuffin, villain; Aclil-koclil, S)r,'!i%, R?i aov. [co?f.| Upside
Abube-mono, Akuto, Qokotsuki, Na-
Syn. down; in a contrary manner, in the wrong way
RAZn-MONO, Rambo-mono, Waru-muno. See Abekobi'.
\^3u.rfir\\, "S, i'it'ih, '^, v.i. [corrupt, oi Afureru.^ Q Afhira, 15'^ b, ^ Jlfe, adv. Same as .4cft/.

See Afureru. @ [coll.^ To fail to get a customer Ada, io72, Jfi, ^, a. O^'^ai^i empty, useless; fruit-

(especially said of jinrikislia men); not able to less; trifling; inefTectual; frivolous; I'rail; un-
enter a theatre (on account of it being filled of a worthy; unsuccessful; fickle. ©Vainglorious;
large audience). bombastic; ostentatious,
Jssen vio zeni wo tsukawanu, — ^ -^ ffi
ada na
Aburldnslil, ^^ ^t&L, ^^, n. A piece of paper
on which figures or characters are painted with M3 ^ he does not spend (waste) even one
jg-'N jT,

cent uselessly; AtJana noznmi, ^^, a quite fruit

alum-water, brought out by exposing it to heat.
less purpose; a hope that cannot be attained.
Aburl-dasii. ^JfV}^-^, ^^, v.t. To bring to
Syn. Itazdrana, Modana, Mttnashiki.
Bight the characters or figures (as those drawn -Afia, i;;;^., ^^, a. fj [C't'^-] Clinrmirig; lovely; co-
on paper with alum-water), by exposing it to
quettish ; beautiful. @ Flattering ; courting an-
other's love.
Aburl-bae<i. if V} ^, 'Bfi, n. A basket for
-S, i}>
Ada na svgata, ^ jflf
^, a charming figure.
Syn. FusEGO. Ldrying clothes. Syn. Namamekashi, Shinayaka, Taotaka,
Aburl-Kawaltnsu. l^i-iDl'fcii*-^, ft^^, v.t. To
dry at a fire , to hold or place near a fire in order Ada, '}h^, ^, ®, n. O An enemy; an adversary, a
Syn. Lto dry anything.
foe; a hostile match or party; an opponent. @
Aburlho, %>v)£., 0|g, n. A gridiron; a grated
Harm; injury. ©A competitor; a rival.
utensil for broiling meat or flsh.
Acla-uclil, £g iS, vendetta; taking vengeance
Syn. Sakaka-taki, Tekkyu, Uo-taki.
by killing one' s enemy Fvgu talten no ada, ; ^^
Aburl-kosaeii, ^. v.t. To char;
5,i.-«J tft'-^, *- Wt^'^^, a deadly enemy; an adversary, with
to scorch; to blacken by exposing to a fire. whom one does not wish to live under the same
Aburl-koroBii. i^^ifl Ci^-^, ¥^1§., v.t. To kill by heavens; Adawosuru, {ft ^ 7. ;i-, to prevent; to
exposing to afire; to roast to death; to burn at oppose to do harm to be hostile Ada wo kaesu,
; ; ;

the stake; to burn a criminal to death (formerly or mukuyu, -7 ^ 7., to revenge

{/(,to punish an ;

used as one of the capital punishments). enemy; to Avenge (the same as Ada wo zitsu)-
Syn. IIIABDBI NI StIiL', Yaktkobosu. Syn. Adagataki, Kataki, Kyuteki, Shu-
Abiirl-inono, %J««)6®, 0^ #, "- A roast; roast TEKT, TEKI, UBAMI.
flsh or meat. Ada-adashl,-l,-kl, 'S,7e'hf(^L,i^f&, «. O Frivol-
\b\ir\'iM\\io. -hif^yj.^, ijfS^aa, n- Abak- ous; trifling; fickle. @ Bombastic, capricious;
Abiii'mu-mibc, %j;f'^'L-fl-^, Ung pan; a dish for ostentatious; vainglorious; pretending to be
Syn Yakinahe. Lroasting fish or meat. graceful.

Abitri-iiwo, lo.i''!)??^, ^ ft. '" Roast flsh. Syn. Ka wabiyascki, Utsdritasuki.

Abiirii, i^i-2, m, 1'-^- Toesposetofire; to scorch; Ada-adasbiKii, foi^-'J^:^- L < ^W, adv. Change ,

to dry with fl.re; to roast; to toast; to warm ably; in a fickle manner; capriciously.

wltb flr«, to grill i to broU. Ada-bana, VtT&kXtL, ^^, n, A blossom that


At)A 1

does not bear fruit, a flower not producing a Adane, T^?!;*!, IS)g, n. Same as ^damafcwra.
ftuit; an abortive flower. Ada nl, ii;'5VJ, Ji5. 'T-Av. Unauccessl'ully; in vain.
Adatiara, iSft-liS, ffl". /* [Jf&?.] Pain in the Rtom- Syn, Karisome ni, Itazuea ni, iU'DA ni.
Syn. SENKi. Lach; lumbago. AUapiHJski,-!, lo-t-ylifL, »• [coll.\ Coquetti.'ih;
Adablto, lofC'tVir, {ftiffit, n. Same as Adai^). showy; like a flirt; pert. TAdapiioshi.
Adabiialil. liTG i> L, V^B, " A light sleep; a Ailiippokii, 1o ^Ci" t? < ctdw. [coll.} Adverb o(

short nap; a doze. Adaslil, 15/5 L, <^- O Anotlier; foreign, otlier.


Syn. Karine, kasui, Utatank. ©Fickle; whimsical.

Ada-damn, ii;t-;£E, ^ih, n. A missing ball; a Adashi anna luo shitav, ^ ^ © 7, courting fife

ball or shot which lias missed its object; a stray another woman,
bullet. Syn. Betsuno, Hokano, Tano.
Adamdnna, ithT^J^-^U, a. Capricious; whimsi- A(laslii9jlto, To^'e Lt^'if flfi,A, n. Another person;

cal; fickle; nonsensical. a paramour.

Adaeataki, lotdfit^ ^Lm, , n. Same &s AdaWi). Adashl-clileii-l, loi^. f^fO. ^&ig, «. An illicit

Adaguelii, lo /&<'%,
Nonsensical talk; ^u, n. contract of marriage.
useless or empty conversation; ajoke; trifling Adaski-gokoro, lo fe LC t ^. <&, 'i- A fickla ftfe

Syn. Bakagucui, Mcdakuchi. Ltalk. heart; the mind of another person; giving up a
Adakauio, T5it*'4, f&, adi\ As if; just the same former habit; throwing away those things which
as; almost like, just so, just as; Just like, as it one has once prized. Tfalse worda.
were; in a manner. AdasliJ-goto, lo'^i L2:if, ?? "si " Useless talk;
Tsukt no hikari addkamo hiru no gotoshi, ^ ^ Syn. mudagoto, Soeagoto.
^t&^fivips/, the moonlight is as bright as Adaskl-ino, Mfz t, !*, ^ !Gi^, n. An adnlierous
the day; Adakmm yo^lii, t^^iff^, just right; woman; an iiUulleres'i.
just as the time. Adaslil-no, 15?G£©. ftj S5. " A cremation ground ;

Syn. Ghodo, Samo, Sanagara. a place wliera corpses nre burnt; a crt'matory.
Adakeku, lo^tW- <, |K!, artu. Transiently; tem- Adashi-no no tsuyu, i-fc ^ > R, liunian life\

porarily; frailly, feebly. transient exai-t«iice.

Adakcrii, io?&W"2, "^-i- To make a noise, tumult, Syn. DARTSiro, Yakiba. fadulterer.
or disturbance, (especially said of a boy). Adashl-o, loAr LSr. iS ^, 7t. A
paramour; an
AdakeshJ,-kj, lo?£t^L, Se, a Transient, tempo- Ada-iiolil, loJ'C-^t, ^ot. ""• Slaying an enemy in
rary frail
; ; weak. vengeance; revenge. ffor vengeance.
Syn. HAKANASHI, KATOWASni, JIOROBHI, Ada-uchi wo '^vra, ^si'^^^i to slay another
Adakoto, lo^Cif, f¥W. " Silly talk meaning- ; Ada-ya, 1^;^^, &^, n. A glancing arrow; an
less conversation; worthless words. arrow failing to hit its mark.
Syn. ADAGtJCHi. Syn. MUDAYA, Soreta-
Adakuvabe t:^:'!! C 6^, gggS, "• Competition for Adajaka, tovt"^**. iPiM, <*• Same as Adapposhl.
a trifling matter; rivalry m doing a worthless Atla-zakiira, 1o ?£ 3" < &, Efil, n. Cherry bios
thing. soms showy at first taut quickly fading, hence,
Adainakura, lo^C'^ < &> fe:flfc, ii- Illicit inter- often used in poetry for human life, as perish-
course; an unjust love; immoral courtship. able as these flowers.
Adamekasii, I5;^fc4>-^, u-t- \Cau&e. oi Adamx&(.u.\ Adokenakii, To >? fr?" tc < , ^Bf, adv. Adverb of

See AAmtieku. Adok^nashi.

Adaineku, lo?&*C, vA. To look charming; to Adokciin«hl,-],-ki, i^^^W^ L, i}}^ a- O Sim-
appear fickle, changeable, or frivolous; to show ple; naive; innocent (as a child), childish, 9
off one's own beauty Inexperienced, artless, pure (as a child's heart);
Adanil, ^'h?l7i^, ^fi, n. O^'^orthless fruit; fruit without plan or premeditation; indifTerent to
that drops prematurely. © Useless result. criticism (as a child); having no judgment as to
Adainono. lo ;^ 6 ©, ^MnS. "f- ^ frivolous the result of one' s actions.
woman; a coquette Syn. iTOKENAsni, Osanabhi.
Adan, Jofe^, S ^. '" [Bnt.] Snme as JRokwai Adnn:(.i, lo)&'^'\^, a. S'i\m6 tin Adoksnashi. fAyiu
Adana, t^^^Tl, ^^, n. [coV. foiTn of Azana.^ A Ae, lo.'t, §fii., ?' [IcJitli.] [coll. form of Ayu.} See
nickname a name given
; in consequence of some Aegl, l^A.^, IM, n. Panting; a quick breatliing; a
bodily or mental peculiarity. ~ fnotoriety. gasp.
AdanUr lo'^'^, ffi^, N- A bfid or infamous name, Ushi no aegi, 4= -^ PS, panting of a cow.
Adanaml, yht^fiTt; ^2t', " O Light waves. @A Aeffii, T^A.<*, Pft,To pant; to £::vsp;
v.i- to breathe
fickle mind a truant heart
; Syn. IKIGIRERU, IKISSKU suuu. Lhard
Aemono, loA-^i©, ?P ^, «• A salad ; a mixed dish. AKnmem^ T5Jj'fe2, ^, v.t. To regard with honour;
Acn, ^S;t^, SIS'. "• [Min.]Z[nc. to revere; to exalt; to glorify; to elevate; to
Syn. TOTAN. rAenokU. adore to esteem to venerate.
; ;

Aenakii, 1^ ^^ < , gc ?S. adi\ Adverbial form of mto wo agameru, A ^ ^ > to tt-, regard a
Aenjishl»-ki, iS^ttC L, SS: ffi, «- Sad; pitiful; frail; man with honour; Kami to agameru, ^ ^^jt it',
feeble. fa sad end. to revere as a deity; to deify.
Aenakisaigo, Ift -^SS * fti*. a pitiful death; Syn. SONKEI SURU, Takameru, Tattobu,
Aonk^va, feA.^ < fc, S ^ ^, n. [Mw.] Hydrozin- Utamau. Tward ofTeviL
cite; flower of zinc. A^amono, 1oS*4©iffl^. 'i- [ohs.] An offering to
Aeni, ToA-2, fP, u.t. to mix; to mix with dressing. Aganal, loft'^U', ^, n. Ransom; atonement; re-
Gomadeaeru, S9i^r'^;i-, to dress (vegetables) paration; reward; compensation; satisfaction for
with gmna. a wrong or injury; buying back; redemption,
Aete, 1oA.f , gj:, adv. Making bold; daringly; pre- Syn. T3UKUN0I.
sumingly; positively; at a venture; anyhow.
Agaii:ii-klii,Tof ^l^&^. 10^. 'i- Ransom; the
Aete ill, JBc T g 7, I dare say; Aete yuj-usanu, money paid for redemption.
atr g^ * 5r, I dare not allow.
Aganai-nlD, f^ft'tfO-VZA, B@ A, n. Onewhoran-
Ae«u, lii^^,,:;ff^, v.L [neg. of Aeru.] Not to .soms or redeems.
Acnn, lo^tfci, ' dare; not to venture. It is suffixed Aganaii, To atonefor; to expiate,
i^^fj^tti, ^, v.t.
to the root verbs. Aezu is sometimes used as to redeem; to ransom; to make satisfaction
an adverbial suffix.
for; to make reparation for; to compensate.
Tumi mo ^^51 ^^-^-yZ, not dar-
Tsumi wo aganau, f| ^ fK "7, to expiate a
ing even to draw
bow; immediately; at once;
Tori-aezu gohochi moshi masu, T^ M JBc ffi tfl i^ ifll
"vy-i T inform you immediately, not waiting to
A^anaii, lcfi'^-5-. ffiSi
"" ^- To buy; to purchase; to
hear anything further. fQuesqualis Indica.
buy back.
Afuclil, T^i'5, ;^, 71. [BoL] The Pride of India,
Son wo aganau, :$: ^ R| -7, to buy a book.
Afiimkasii, lo-t c**»-^, i5, v.t. [cavs. of Afurery.]

O To cause to flow over; to spread over (as

Agni-l, Toil*'!), ±, §^, ^, fM, n. Q Ascent; promo-

water) or to inundate. @ To cause to over-

tion; rise. @ Conclusion.
Agarl, iSfi'*), IX ^. " Same as Agari-daka.
whelm or to cover (as with numbers).
Afuro, fo-S-*!,, iRiE, n. An overflow of water; a Agai-1-ba, f^i' V] tf ti?- ^, n. , A wharf; a landing
flood; an inundation. Syn. AGEBA, Hatoba. Lplace.

Afurcmouo, i^iK 6 ©, S#, «. A mischievous AgarJ-daka, 15 ft* if) ?& *>, Ut X ia. n. Income; re
fellow; a villain; a rascal; a scoundrel. venue.
Syn. BCRAIKAN, WARUMOKO, YOTAMBO. Agurl-dan, Toii* i!) ?£ ^, ± S, n. Steps; door-steps.

Afarerii, i^^izz, S, im'- O To run over; to swell

Agarl-liana, "iojj^V iStt, # JS. " The entrance; a
portico; a veranda.
and run over the brim or banks. To be abun- @ Syn. embana, Ensaki.
dant; to abound. g3 [coll.] To fail; to disappoint. fa portico.

Katva ga afureta, 'i^if '^i^ ^, the river has

Agari-kiickl, loft* 9 < %,^^a, u. The entrance;
overflowed; OkyaTcu ga afureta, [coll.] ffll^ptf
Agai'l-iiiono, loft*'i) "i®, JiicBf ^, n. Q The crop;
ig u- ^, I failed to get the customer.
the produce of a field, @ Rent ; income.

4riirl-ika, io-J-'i) V*>, 3^ S. n. [ZoeL] A kind of

Agarl-iiiono, "toft^ifl 4 ©, W^, n. See Sonae-mono.

cuttle -flsh.
Agari-mouo, i^ft"/) 4®,&4&. w. [polite.} Food.
Syn. KuiMONO, Shoktjmotsu, Tabemono.
Afiiyo, lo-i-i5,FpI?S^, n. t^ot.]Opium.
Syn. Ahen. Agarl-^agari. loft* ^ ii* V) ^ ^S, W g. '"- Ascent
<!) .

Agn, "SfW, pron. [o65.] My; our. fwile. and descent; rise and fall; high and low.
Aga kn, ^^, my son; Aga tsuma, Sff, my Agarl-Haka, loft"J)'5*', Sifi. «• An ascent; ac
Syn. Wag A. clivity

Agakl, "lofj'&.^ffii '"• Pawing; galloping; move- Agai'i-ya, •Joft^'O-^, ^fS", n. A prison; adungeon.

ment, fmove. Syn. GOKUYA, IIlTdYA, KANGOKU, Roya.

Af/aki ga tsukanu, JEJffitf '*>':» ^, 1 cannot AgH.rii. toft*?, -b.^. ^. ""' O To rise, to go up;
\K:iku, ioi)*< St, v.i. To kick about with the feet,
to ascend. @ To make progress; to advance;
as one in pain; to paw with the butt; hence, to impi-ove; to be promoted. © To turn out
to struggle; to strive; to writhe with pain. well or badly, as in colour. O To be fired or set
Kurushinde aaaku, S S>' v 5'Mffi^. he writhes off (as aflre-work).
Syn. MooAKD. L-^^itb pain. Fusen ga agaru, R gfi W If ff-, the balloon rises.
Sanabi aa agaru, f^'Xff Siti-, fireworks are AgolianochS, loWttOT
setoff; Ikuradeaoaru, B.^ t' ±.n', [coll.] what -t, KISSS. " [Entom.]0
would cover the expenses; Iroga yoku agatta, Papilio xuthus. @A
ft f/ Iff ^±7 Jt, [coll.] the colour has turned out family crest consisting
well; Tef/d agaru, ^-if i.lt-, to improve in one's of a butterfly with out-
hand writing; X'c/ifct ga agaru, ^ ^?/ ± ;^, the spread wings, as that
weather has cleared up. of the Taira family.
itgatn. lijU^litW.' '>' A. prefecture; a district; a Ageharl, lo^EtWJ.Jg, /*.

division of the country. A curtain; a kind of

Syn. KEN. tent; n. curtain which l^ K5 J

Agnta-ineelif. Tot^teftL, BKB, n. [6bs.'\ Appoint- can be raised up or let down.

ment of provincial officials; annual summons Syn. Agemaku, Iakd, Tobari.
sent to prefects to asserahle in the capital, on Ageliii, toVt'^ . -t '"/. 'I- [coll.] The end; result;
nth of the first month (o. S.)-
the consefiuence.
Agata-mlko, loft*?2^t., li ^ ?, n. [obs.\ A sorce-
Ageku no hate ni, J: ^ ^ ^- =, as the final
ress; a soothsayer; a kind of magiciau. issue or result; at length; in the end.
Syn. TciiiKO. Ageku ± ^. a**"- At last; finally.
111. 1oW'< t/e,

Asata- nil sill. l5*'*feSaL, KSi, n. [ohs.\ A prefect. Syn. Owaei Tot5, Tsui ni.
{Iffateii, loii*-7, ^, I'-t- [obs.] To divide, apportion. Ageina, ToVJ-2, ^ M, "" A sacred horse ; ahorse
Syn. KUBAKD, Wakatsu. dedicated to the service of some diety (usually a
A^au* Toi'-i-i EH. "* Sfune as AgaTiau. white horse).
As«. lcW=-. S> «- A tuck (in a garment); a fold. Syn. SuiMUB.
Syn. Nui-AGK. rtongue. Ageinahi, loWv^&.SI^, «. O
%SO-nBlii, tetj-'^ L, ±S. "• [coll.] A slip of the A circular tuft of hair done
Age-ashi wo torn, ± i-'jlg?- IS ;^, to take up upon each side of a little
another on a slip of tlie tongue. boy's head, the rest being
Ageba, loVJitf,3$0S, " A landing place; awharf; shaved off. @A tasselled
a jetty; a pier. knot attached to a suit of
Syn, AGAllIBA, HATOBA, MONOAGEBA. armour. ®[JlQ.] A young
Agoba-scn, ^oW^a^*^. i^SSl. "^ Harbour duty, boy.
port-fees. Agemalci nokorOy iS^-'lS,
Syn. Hatobazei. in one's boyhood.

\ Ye-boi'l, •JomX'O. itel^. « Relief (in carving); Syn. Fl'samusubi, Tsu-

bassrelief; prominence in sculpture. KOGAMI, WARABE. (mn:
/cebuta, iW'^'k, ^S. '" Movable boards in a Agemaki. ^h^'^^, S, « [ConcKI A bivalve
floor which open to a storing place beneath, shell, Siliquaria constricta.
ijgechl, ith'i^^, ih?L n. Weaning. Agcjiiakl. litt-a^, iSi^, n. [Concn.]A kmd of

Ageclatanii, M^'TUfz^t-, E I^. " A mat thicker pecten. (AgemaU.

than the rest; a mat elevated a little above the Agemaki-imLSubi, loVt^UStH-t,"-', Sgfi*£, n. See
others. Agcinaku. %V>'i<, *B, n. A curtain.
Ageilo, 7oW=-i^, iS^i '" ^ door that slides up and Ageinaeari, foW^ia ^ '5 ifS ffi. « Looking prettier

down. for having the hair done up in a becoming man-

%gegakl, loW^ft«^,J$^S. « Writing the name ner.
of a very honourable person (especially of the Age-niorhliVH. i^Hf' %V- Z, ffl, v.t.
To ap- ^
Emperor) in a new line, and higher than the point to office; to give a position in the govern-
other writing on the page. ment; to make one enter government service.
tgogvslij, TolrJ^S L. ISSE. « -A. sedan-chair; a kind Agemono. loW^40, ^M.^, n. Anything fried or
of palanquin now used as a hearse in the Shinto broiled ; a fry. See Abura-mono.
burial. Agenabe, % »-^^,M aS, » A pan used for fry
Agcgotatsu, W/>2:fe-7, 3£Ej1, «. A movable ing; a frying-pan.
brazier, with a I'lame-work, over which a quilt is Age-okosu. ioW-*e t-^, iftS. v.t. To make any
spread. thing stand; to rnise up; to erect; to stand.
Syn. OkiGotatsu. Age-otorl, ioVt?2l?'fl. S*'. « Looking less pret-

Agegoto, toWi&lf, ^B n. An offering to the ty for having the hair done up.
gods Affcru. ii»:&, ±.Wt, v.t. OToelevate; toliftup;


to raise; to hoist; to set off; to draw up;

fly; to tired; to be fatigued; to be exhausted; to bo sick
to weigh. @ To offer. © To enumeriite. Q To of; tobe troubled to become unbreakable. ,

land. ©
To finish; to read to the end. Agumi-hatei'v, ^ ^ %n-, to be quite tired
Age tari sage tar I, jg ^, ^ji %. see Agesage; Ami out; Sem.e-agumii, Ji. fg i*, to be tired of attack-
woagcru, JH^^'i'i to draw up a net, Ilaunhi ing or assaulting.
xoo ageru, iS ^f ^ J: n-, to set offflre-works; Hata Syn. AKiRU, Ita ni naru, Taikutsu scrc,
wo ageru, t^^ ^ H-, to hoist a flag; Ikari wo TSDK.ARERU, UKO.
ageru, ^ "f ±. ji' , to weigh anchor; Kami wo arje- Aginiiii, 1^ <- tT, SJP 3^, V.t. [o6s.] To sit cross-legged.
ru, y£ f- ± /1-, to do up one's hair; Shigoto wo See Agura-kaku.
ageru, tt3f^J:ft-. to finish the work or husi- Agiiucru, lo<'*as, tfjl^, r.i. [CO?;.] To be satiated,
ness; Toko wo agerxt, ^ ±.
/iR to fly a kite.
ft-, glutted, surfeited.
Agres'ii, ih^'^, !^, v.t. OTo bring forth; to call Agura, ^hi'^. IXMM^., « Sitting cross-legged.
out. ©To raise. Agura. io<' ia, fflEK, n. See Agura-shogi.
ilei too ageru, ^^^b-, to raise an army; Agura-Kaliii, lo <- & A- < , mSc, S^^, "*. To sit
hence, to stir up a war; Ko wo ageru, ^ ^ ?i >* cross-legged; to sit tailor-fashion.
/»-, to bring forth a child; Ichi-ichi na wo ageru, Syn. Agura KUMu.
— At ^ -7"
gs ft-, to call out the names one by one; Agura-sliogi, i^C t, L-^JiT, f^, iSfl «. A stool.
to call the roll. .S^U. KOSniKAKE, SllHGl.
AgC'ru, 15J>2, ^, v.t. To fry; to broil. Agiirii. 1S<'3, ^, j>.(. Same as ^peTnt.
Ae-c-ssLgo. Wi ^- O Raising and lower-
iolt-'5V'>. 'Sf. Alion, ^>^, tt.
^;;'-.^, Opium.
ing. @ A kind of door sliding up and down. © Syn.Afuto.
Praising and reproaching, Alien-chinlil. lo- ^ ^^ &, f^fr TiS, y*. [Jlftd.)
Agcta, loW^fe, 1;^ n, n. An upland rice-field; a Tincture of opium.
rice-field on a hill or mountain. Alieu-eii, iS-> ^Jt^, F5j)^@, n. Opium; Opium
Agetazunii, loW'fe::?*ij, IfiT-JR. n. A kind of Syn. Ahek-tabako. i_snioklng.
bridle. fheap, Altcu-tabalco. %-^L1z\fZ-, « Same as above.
Agctsiirlii, "io'/t''^'^, :^-I:, 7i- A mound; an earth Aliiru,i^i>3, ^f|;3, n. tOi-jvaft,.] The domestic duck
Agctsiirnu. li^W'-^&i, 1^, v.t. [o&s-] To argue; to Alio, 1,^«:5, FBJ:^, n.
discuss; to debate. A fool; a stupid
Syn. GiRON SURF, RONZUEU. fellow; a simple-
Ag©wak«-rtogu,i^V:fip<^*5<', t^g^.n \Agrlc.'\
ton; a dunce. fe=^
A reeling machine. Baka,
Ageja^ lioiiPA?, jggg, n. A brothel; an assignation GUBUTsu, Manu-
house; a house of ill-fame; a whore-house. re, Oroka-mono, iP
Agezuinc, Tolr^^'14. J: ^S. " Monopoly of a harlot SlTIRE-MONO, TOM-
or a singer. 5IA. CS5 E)
A<jezinnc ni sum, ±^— 7. fl-, to monopolize .IBiodorl, 3^ ta 5 * y, (o^a. '• [OnUtft] Tin
a hai^ot or a singer for days together. albatrns=!, Diomedia.
Agl, IS^', BSJ?. " l^A'd.] Asfetida. Alio na, l^riStr, R:^, tt. [CO?;.] Stupid, loolish;
Aginuehlf lof ^ U 7i. [£ot.] Arrow-head. silly; nonsensical.
Agito, -kh^^, m, «- The gills offish. ^7io na koto, FpJt^-J-III, a foolish affair; b

Syn. EEA. meaningless thing.

Ago, 35, &,fJThe lower Jaw; the chin. @
J18, n. Ahorash1,-i.-ki. ir/'i 5 ^ t, ^^, «* [coll.] Fool
The jaws. © The jaw bone. ish; silly, stupid, meaningless; worthless.
Uwa-ago, Ji^, the upper jaw, the palate; Ahoraslnl koto, H^Si 7 5/ -^ SI. fco^.l a foo]i=V
Shita-ago, T ^, the lower jaw; the chin. affair; ameaningless thirg.

Ago, 1^&, JHT-, n. One who fishes with a net; a Ahora^lkii. loilf 5 & L< f^:^, ,

fisherman. aAv. Adverb of Ahora&hi.

Syn. AMIHIKJ, IIT09HI. Ai, li ?.i, ^, 'rt,
O [-^oE.] Po^y-
Agoli.iltl-bana, i^&i^^Vf^, ^ItnT, n. [Bot.] gonum tincto-riuin. @ Blue
Violet. rhejus indigo.

Agounslit, i^atEL, n. [Iclith.] Folynemvs pie- Ai df someru, S£ f-' iJi ft- . to

Ag<!8Siitu, ti^aLfe, ^T. '^^ The lower pao-t of the dye with indigo.
chin. AI, loV^, nffi, adr. Yps; aye
Agu, 1o<', J:. *'-f- Same as ^fferu. (iT^ed familiarly especially

AgDiuii. 1« <ri!, Kf». I'-*- To be weary; to bo by a little girl).

.Al 9 AIG
Al, T5vv, Sft, ft. r/cfttft.l See Ayu. Syn. KOGARKRU, KOISHITAU.
Al, iSVn, ^, n. [ChinJ] Qrlef, sorrow; sadness; la- Albo euriMSV^BT-^z, ^J0, v.t. [C?iin.] To lament
mentation, or be reluctant to part with or lose.
Al, T5\r, #, It. [Cfttn.] Affection; love; attach- Albu siirii, Ti\r>>^2,'SflS. I'f- [CMn.J To caresa;
ment; tender sentiments. to fondle; to treat with kindness or tenderness.
Al, IhV; ^, adv. Mutually; each other; one an- Alchakii, "toV^-^C ^^-j ,
« [Chin.] Love; attach-
other; one against another. ment; affection. sum, v.i. To be attached
Ai-arasou, ^^y, to vie with one another; At- to; to love; to be pleased with.
fukwrnu, *0-g-2., to be jealous; not to forget Alcho suru, -io^-C^irZ, ^% v.t. To lament.
former enmity; Ai'<mwu, ^^,~7, to love each Alda, %u7fi, ^, n. Interval of space nr time inter ;

other; not to forget each other; Ai-sa/rii, tfi 0ft-, mediate part or time; time; space.
to be apart; At-teTci sum, ^QSft i^n-, to be hostile Inshaku no aiAa, — R -^ BB, the space of a foot;
one with the other. Ittoki no aida, — BJ^ 3fl, the interval of an hour;
(This word is often used as a meaningless a moment.
prefix to verba, especially in epistolary writings; Syn. Ai, Ma, Naka, TJcih.
for instance, "Aiukagai, Aimotome^* etc.). AMa, iriVTa,^, post-posit, and conj. Between;
Syn. TAfiAT-Ni, ToMO Ni. fspace. during; while; amidst; since; because.
Al, 1Sl^, Rfl. Time; leisure; interval of time or
'(- Kimi to boJcu no aiOa, ^ I* -^ Sfl, between M
Syn. Atda, Atma, Hima, Ma, Suki. you and me; Gozasoro aida, ^ffift^ffl, since
Al, ^h U-, Rfl, Ij'ost-^osi.i.] Between; among; during. such and such is the oa<;e (epist.); Kono aida,
Alai, ^oV^^5\/^, If *r, a, [Chin.] Clouded; obscure; or Konaida, Rfl, a few days ago.

not clear or bright; dusky; dim, *»bscure(I by the Aldagarn, ^^v'7lifl*^,^^, ^- Relations; connec-
clouds. tions; relative terms. peach other,
Alaslii, io\rlo L. 11. [BoLI Ischaemnm latifolium. Yoi aidagara, ftf >{ Rfl #5. on good terms with
Albnn, fhv-]^/^,^^, n. [coll.] a board or plank Syn. KWANKBI, SniNBPi, Tsuzukiai.
connecting a boat to the shore; a gang plank. Alda-^ul, t5t>?£<'U-, Bfl ^, n. Taking food between
Syn. AiBl, Kakehashi. meals, as cake, fruit, etc,
Albnn, lotMdfA, tM#. 'i- -^ fellow guard; acom- Aldanin, 1oSi^2,ES5-, n. Indigo-ball.
panion watchman; watching together. Aldama, io£?fea, 5?S^U, n. Name of a kind of
Aibana, lo&lifjr, n. [Bot.] Commelyna communis. earth. rtween meals.
Alhana, loJtti^. ^?ti 'i- Indigo floating in Aidainono, l^U>7eiS©, Rfll^, «. Pood taken be-
liquor; the indigo-flower. Aldohl snrii, l5V>-r'^-^S, -f^^, v.i [Chin.] To be
Albaslio, 'ihV'iiti.,^ i^fifi, n. The place where a addicted to love to be giveu 'ip to love.

meeting is held; a meeting place. AldeshI, ToU-'C t,, [^ fS, " Fellow student; fellow
Syn. Deaiba, Kwaisho, Maohiai. pupil.
Albaso, ^5l^ti'55 ft. [Bot.] EHopJwrum. Aido, loV"^?, ?i'tfi, «. [Chin.] Lamentation; sor-
Albctsiit loV'^-?, a ^i), n. [£7A(n.] Sorrow or griel row; grief; mourning; sadness; woe; a sigh.
at parting; lamentation at parting. Burn, v.t. To lament, mourn over, grieve
Albeya, |nl ¥,
loy--^-^, n. Living together in the or sigh for.
Syn. Lsame room. Syn. Kanashuiu, Nagekct, Tansoku suru.
Albl,^il^t^^ ^t 'X, n. Slaking use of the same fire. Aieii-Kfen, loV^ ^?f ^ /., § ^ ^ ^, n, [coll.] Love
Syn. MOTAi-Bi. and hatred; like and dislike {a proverbial saying
Albiau, "(Si^cno-J-, ^•^i v.t. [coll.] To compromise, which means " Men have different tastes, so that
mutually in settling a transaction.
to yield what one loves, another hates")-
Hakobtau, Ynzr-RiAU.
Syn. A dye vat; ajar hold-
AiblKl, lotstA'?, ?SiH, n. Mutual retreat; with- Byn. AlTSUBO. Ling indigo dye
drawal of both sides or parties from the battle- Aigumo, t^^y-ftn, RflTfi, [Ornith.] A domestic
field. Syn. Ahibu. Lduck.
Afblii siirii, i^v^ t^'^-^ 2,:^iBB, v.i. To lament, Aigasa, loU-ft'^, -^ 0. Together under one
grieve for, pity; to sympathize with. fvelvot. umbrella or parasol.
Ai-bji'odo* loatA'&S^?-, S^^:^fe!t, ri. Deep blue Alsiliw. ToV^^< :{Spia, "
, O The interchange oT
Aibo, 1o U tf 5 , [ii]
n. [coll.] .A. companion palan- letters orpoems between friends; intercour'sc
quin-bearer or coolie; a fellow coolie, between persons by means of letters. @ a love
Alborp, tot.'-Kh., tfljgS, n. Mutual love. song.
Albo suru, TSV-K^3,tH0, v.t. [Chin.] To love; Algo, 1^lp&, ^^.. n. [Chin.] Special countenance
to desire to sea ; to long after. or support; patronage; protection; assistance
earn, V t. To patronize; to countenance; to
A]gnta-no-geta» To i> ft*fe ® If^-fe, RfirjTS. "-
Clogs worn by boys from fourteen to fifteen
defoDd or protect (as a patron); to favour.
AlgiiTnl, i^v-C'^, mil, n. {c6lT.\ Companion; asso- rears of at^o

ciate; mate; fellow; comrade; partner; ally.

.^iJii-i. loV^W-\r, 'S'E. " [(7ft(n.] Mercy, pity,
compassion. fattachment,
Syn. AiTE, HoBAl, Nakama.
Afsiinil-diilsri^:iKii, loV^ <- ;^;'&v^ -^ 5 ft* < , -fi-^lt
AiK(*f, loV^ttV^, ^®. w. r^/'^'i.l Love and rcpect;
Aiko, f5i>t, ffl^, ''. [cof/.] ICven hand; eauality;
Bt$, n. [.i/"nf/i.] AssociatiTe algebra.
Algusiirl, Ic y- <' "3" specific; a medi a match; being neither victorious nor deleated.
, •d' ^, "• -A-

cine efficacious to a particular disease. A1koliirli:i, l5i)£.6V%-7, f££g:j|t, a. Bluisti sea-

AJga siiru, 15V^<'5-^3, ^iffi, v.t. [Chin.\ To caress colour.

fondle; to treat kindly; to receive with affection Aikokii. i;;vt ( k93. ,

" [C/wn.] Lamentation;

or I'nendship; to favour; to regard with kind- mourninsi; sorrow.

ness. AlKokii, ^^\r'C < , ^ S, n. [Chin.] Patriotism, the

Aiswaii, ^oV^<'47^, "ft^, n. [(7/U«.] Act ol'loving love of countr}-.

or enjoying a thing; such as, old pottery, paint- Ailaikv noj~> kinji-gaiasTii, ^S-^'IS^S^'JS 3/.

ing, Gti.-. cannot re.stratn my ardent patriotism.


Alkokii-^Iia, l5V^t < L ^, ^ 19 #, «. [Chin.'\ A

AUjioanhutsu, ®^ I!©, a thing loved.
siiru^ v.t. To love and fondle; to prize mucli; patriot.

to en.ioy. Aiknkii-s]iln. loV^ C < L A., ^ S..C., n. ['^Mji.]

Alswan, loV^ <'*?^, S Si, ^i- [Chin.^ A petition, Patriotism. fcome patriotic.

complaint; entreaty; supplication. Aikoku-shin wn rkosv, ^^iC -^-S:^, to be-

Syn. AlSO. fratio. Alkni!. iSV'tA, sis. z^- [C/)i«.] Keen remorse;
i%l-llaI^pl,;^L^t£^t^^ tS RJt, w. {Math.} Keciprocal bitter regret; keen spite.

Allian, ^^\r•\^XL, •&$!], ^S, n. QA counter seal Alkotobsi. loU-Jl^tf, [Tg^, Ti. A watch-word.
or stamp. ©The joint or common ownersliip Ai?;iirhJ, i^t> ^ t;.,
fc ^, 77, A dagger; a dirk.

of a copyright. Syn,HrsHr, KfsuNROBU, TantO.

Alkuclii. fS l^ < %, '^a, n. [cnll.] A good com-
Al-hstn Slim, 1^ u- tt ^-^^, Jg K. '"-E- To contra-
dict; to oppose; to counterpose; to disagree panion; having the same likes and dislike'*
(often used in speaking of a drinking compa-
with; to contravene.
Albaii->eii, Ti^ U- H^ i£ ^, t^ K El, n. [Math.\
Circle of reciprocity,
Aikiiffi, iSu-<?r, -n-fr, " A nail fixed between
Allhu siiru, loV/^V^<-^3, ^^. f f- [CT«n.] To two boards to join them; a nail pointed at botir
bring up; to rear up kindly; to educate with
.\ll^iifeislil,-j.-kj. I^U- < Z L. ^® "• [coll.]

Al-Iro, lo&V^^, A deep blue colour. Lovely; charming; pretty.

S^ffi. "^
.-likiisa, loi.<^. 0:^:, n. Indigo pl:int.
Aljiriishl, 1i\r&S L. -^ EP, n. A correspundiny fjoy.

badge, signal or banner.

.likwau, ^o^;^<49^, "g ©t, n. [r/(i>?.l Crief and

Aljd, Xh'^^^^, #1^, «- [ChinJ] Affection; love; AiJcvian 'kamngomo itaru, Rfit'^S. sorrow
attachment. rmourning. and joy come together.
AiJ«, •ihV' S:^ 5. ^ffi. « [Chin.'] Sorrow; grief; Aik.i «, loV^W*i, '^®, n. Amiability; lovely or
AIJo, ToV^tri, ^^. w- Beloved daughter. cliarming appearance.
A1J6-I, \hV-%-'^5V', K^y^:, 11: \Chin.'] A mourning AlTvyo qa arv., ^'^if T ti-. to be lovely; Alkyn
Syn. .\ruprKi'. Ldre.^''. wn vru, ^t&^^Ji-, to aUr.ict love, to '-onrt

AU5m(iii, i;:, i> 1 5 4 A, fflSE*. '*

:£.' a bond of nffection.

agreement in forming partner.ship, Aikyo-fir, kVj-',^J,W^., -^laqs, u. Lnvo-lnrk; the

To pity; lork of hair whii-b luings n|u.n ibe brow or
Aljiitsu sui-Bi, T^ It 2.- '.* -^ 13 , ^tfi. ''-E-

to sympatiiize with; to commiserate. neck.

Alkngl. 1ol> :/!&', -o-^. ". A fellow key to the .'^iiiKil, loVi^^V-,
ni'^ "• [P/c'n. I
Vague; ob-^cure;
same lock. ambiguous, dim.
Alknta, lot>Alz, t@:^, "• A companion; amate; Aimai-ya, Bf B:Sg, [co^/.l unliopr.-^cd pro'^titnte
partner; a liired harlot; a bedmate (often used
ft house; Aimai na Jiito, V'^.^Jf.-y A, [cnll.] a niiin
in an immoral sense). having no resolution; a canny, feline, or per-
Ailcata v)0 sadameru, 1^-^ =f % -^ ii- , to choose fidious person.

a partner, In select a bedmate. /%iinin, lo V> 7* ^, f?. n. ?

[dnrt.] I,ove for the
Alkata, i^t>4'fe people; compassion for the people; synipatbiz-
kn. A counlftrpart.
Algata. lotMitte, Ing with the people.

Alniln, loV^ ^ A-, ^ [Chin.} Pity; compas- Alol, ToU'^V', IS^. " Becoming old In company
slon; sympathy. Alol, ^hV'^\r,li{\^, 11. Tavo growing together; he
Alinii'iiolin, Toft?>-3'^^. SiSS. « Lead-blue, coming old in company.
dark steel blue. Alol-uo-iiiaisii. 15U'?e\r0 5: ":?,|@^^, 7i. The
Almitagnl, i^y-;^fe*«v, ffl^S, n. Mutual sym- companion pine trees, used at weddings as em-
pathy; helping each other; assisting one an- blems of the couple growing old together.
other. Alrs)slil,-l,-kl, loV^ & L, f'ifc, hT^, ". Pretty;
Btishi wa aimitagai , St ± -^ ffl fl. S., (a saying charming; amiable.
in the feudal aetes) knights should help each Syn. AlKYOARU, Kawairashi.
other. Alraslilkii, -k^Xr-h L<,^8k, am. Prettily; pleas-
Almoclil-katou, T5 V "& "t *>.!', -S- $:, " A joint ingly; beautifully.

stock. Alrcii, ^oV^K^, g^, n. [C/i(n.] Pity; compassion.

Almube, •KU-tT'^. ffl 'ff > n. An ancient festival sui'ii, v.t. To pity; to sympathize with; to
celebrated in Nov. when the sake made from feel sorrow lor; to have compassion for; to com-
the first fruit of tlie rice harvest was offered miserate
to the gods. Afrlu sum, l5\rl!) ^tS. § S, -G.i. To be avarici-
A linukal nh IS !> tP *' U- 1^. tS I"]. <^^- 0° oppo- ous; to be stingy; to grudge.
site sides ; face to face; sitting opposite; tete-a-- Airo, lofi 5 5, SSifi, n. Indigo; a deep blue colour
Syn. Sashimukaide. Ltete. used for painting.
Alitmvo, i^y-trt. ®.fflffi. « A sister's husband; Alro, liVr^.S: £, «, \conl. ai Aya and iro.\ Figures
broth£r-in-law. and colours.
Alnndanomi. loV^fJi:^®;^, " [corrupt, of Ainata- Yoru IcuraUu shite mono no airo mo mieivaka-
Syn. SORADANOMi. inonii.] A vain hope. zv, ?Sfi|^ 5-' 7=4^-^ ^tfi^^x^'^J ?:. it is too
Alnal» roib^->. n. [Bot.] Mitrasacme polym/irplia. dark a night to discern the figures and colours o/
AInaha. lo U- "^f *', B^i '" Familiar relations; things, or to discern anything.

Intimacy; having a mutual, good understand- Alsa, foV^:?, , ^ IS, n. [Ornith.] A kind of wlld-
ing; famil; Aklsa, f^l^?, i duck, Merritis
arity. Alsamc, 1565», ^fig, n. [/c/iC/i.] A kind of shark,
Alnamo, %\o the blue shark.

ttft, n. Alsatsii, toV ^ -^.i^^, n. O Salutation; greet-

\icnih.\ ing. @ Acknowledgement of a favour, ffl An
CMrtis hema- answer; a reply, Q
Intercession with a view
grammus. firi V^ '^C ft] to compromise; mediation.
Alnaine, 50.-&16, i ffl 'S^ ^, «- Go aisatsu ni towalcu shimasu, ffli^gi=;©i9
AlnameonutBurl, ^Vtrftii-^'O. ' Same as Ai- don't know what to an'swer; Nan-
S/-7 7., [coll.] I
miibe. toka aisatsii no shiyo mo aro ni, -f?]' ;• ]* ti i^^^
Alnai'ii, ^5t^^^:S, tSBR, v.i. To become; to result, it^=e 7 7 V ^, [coll.] of all the answers in. the
" nari^^
to be caused (the emphatic, form of world; Shotaimeti no aisatsu, %^^iS^^^,
" ai " having no special meaning. This form is salutation on first meeting.
invariably used in epistolary writings or on the siirii. O To salute; to greet; to

stage; but not in conversation^. welcome. @ To answer. © To make peace.

Al-iieKiiinJ.-i;D2>ti^;^. ^S> «- Bluish gray colour. ToTcu to Icanrjaete aisatsu shimasho, % V^ -^^

Alnikii, To\r^<, .^^, a^y- Unfortunately; ^^£^v^9, [coll.] I will answer you after
Ayanlkii^ to-^l/^<, unluckily; by amischance.
weighing the matter.
Alno, 7^ ^, n. The aborigines of Japan, excluded AlNatsu-nln, ^oV^^r?l(Z:^,^^ A, «. An umpire,
from the main island the natives of Hokkaido.
; ago-between In making a compromise; a peacw-
Ainoko, iot>t^t,^SS, w- An offspring of mixed maker; a mediator.
races or breeds; a Eurasian. Syn. Atsukai-nin, Omu-nin, Ohusai-nin.
AInorl, tSy-WiJ.tS^, 1^^, '"- O Riding together; Alsa^va nl, Tote's Utc, ffl!S> odu. Tumultuously;
riding in the same carriage @ [coll.] A jlnrihi- noisily; in great conlusion.

Sha in whicli two persons can ride together Syn. AlPAWAiDE.

(cont. of Airwri-guruma). Alsokl siirii, -ihV-^^^Z, @'^, v.t. To regret; to
Al-iio-sliiikii* lo t> © L W) < . M 5?. "- A lodging rue (especially another's death); to grudge.
place; a post station; a village or hamlet where Aislil, -^hV- l,^=T', n. [Chin.] A dear chila; a be-

travellers may obtain w relay of horses and loved child; a darling child.
take refreshments. Alslifku sui-u, Tii^ L< -^3, ft^, v.t. To be and
about; to grieve for; to lament; to pity; to com- Aitaclil-naliu,-t5y.'tet^<, #|f fS^, adv. Rudely;
miserate. impolitely; uncivilly.
AJsbJn, liv t,^. ^ it', «• Love; affection; a loving Aitac]il-uas]il,-j.-Kl, 1o i> fe *t ^ L, a. U^^,
heart; fondness; liking. Rude; impolite; discourteous; uncivil; rough,
AlsliiraJ, loW- L f>V-,^i^, n. Treatment; recep- coarse.
tion; welcome. See Ashlrai. [ran. Aitngai ill, 1o i> fe i^ V* K, :ffi S, ado. Mutually;
Alshlrau, i^v^ L^-i-.^iS, v.U Leo"-] Same as ^s/ii- each other; one another; together.
AIeliiru, io2» L3, ^^, n. The juice of indigo Aitaqai ni tasiXkeau, ffl = B(J -S' S
to help ?
leaves. ft^iess or concubine. or assist one another.
Alslio, ioV^^.i., ^, 11. ^
[Chin.] A beloved mis- AUal, l^y-fev^, f@^, Ji. Between two parties.
AlBlio, loV^ L-^5, ^^, n. [(7/iin.] Lamentation; Aitaiznk'u, ;fa ii iS. deciding between two
commiseration; sorrow; grief; mourning; sad- parties; without the intervention of a third.
ness. Altai, \h\-'lL\--. ^ Sa. « and aAv, [Chin.] Spreading
Alalio, liot> L-^5, iffi'S', 7t. O Destiny concerning in layers or strata; streaked with many lines (afc
two persons' becoming man and wife, @ Con- clouds or the sunset heaven).
geniality of temper or disposition. Kasumi aitai to shite, g^3^ \-~/t. the baza
Aisho wo miru, by the
^^ 13; ^^ lu, to judge spreading in layers.
horoscope, whether two persons should marry Syn. Tasabiku.
or not. Aitai, ^5l^fev^, jgfg, v.t. To wish to meet; wish-
ing to see; longing to see; pining for.
Also, l^V'-t, a IS. '"i- [Law.] A petition; a remon-
Aitai-gal, 15 O- ?i V^ ii^V-, fi m. n. Trading be-
strance; a complaint; a supplication; a hum- :ffi

tween two parties, without the intervention o\

ble &.uit. suru, v.t. [Cftfji.] To petition lor;
a third. ping to meet.
to complain about; to appeal to the government.
Altakii, l^W'feC.^g, adv. Wishing to see; long-
Aitai mono da, i^S^^ ^^, I should like to
meet; Oh, that I could see! .ZeW aitai, ^4^'^^,
Also, lcV-5 5, 'SfH. n. [Cfiin.] Hospitality; polite-
I must see him.
ness, courtoousness; sociableness.
Aite, -ii>V-X, SS, adv. Same as ^Wte.
Aiso ga tsvkiru, @fi?/* i£ fl-, to become out of
sympathy with; to be alienated from; to grow
Aite, I5if-T, ft)^, i^^-, n. OA partner; a compani
less friendly; Also no yoi, ^ffi-^^W, very
on. @ An adversary ; an antagonist. © A party
(as in a contract or law-suit); a match.
hospitable; sociable; Also no nai, ^^^^%^,
Aiso wo
Aite hoshiya, V^^^z/\, wishing to have a
uncivil; Impolite; rude; iu, "^^^"M companion (to talk or play witli), Aitenitara-
y, to speak pleasingly, politely; to talk charm-
ingly; Also wo sum, 'Sl-B? ^' )^, to treat po-
«", fl3^ = S9
^, too weak to be an antago-
nist; Aitewoerabazu,^:^^^^^.-:^, to have no
litely; to give a feast; JVan no go-also mo gozarl-
preference for strong or weak; whosoever it
masenu, ^^J -^ iS ^ IH ^ 231 ^ V v%^ [coll.] we

may be; any one; Aite wo sunt, ^-^^ 7, jt-, to

have nothing to amuse you.
act as a companion or an antagonist; Hanashi
AlBonaKO jii, i/iV-^-^s^^^.M^^'M.! °-^'^- Coolly;
aite, ^^-ffij^, a companion in talking; Saken*
coldly; indifferently; in an unsuciable manner; aite wn suru, jS .^ ftJ :^ ? y. ii-, to drink 'sake'
discourteously. toge t her.
Als6Fftsiii,-i,-l*i, ^o\;^^5 c.
L, ^ ^t^ Eic, "i- Kind, Aitedvrii. ioi>T^.3, ffl:?'-]^, v.t. [coll.] To accuse;
polite; warm; courteous, sociable; civil; pleas- to bring a law-suit (action) against another; to
ing; hospitable. tiike one as an opponent or antagonist; to be
Alsornslilkii, loV^"?? ^ L< . ^^iK. ad"- Kindly, against.
pleasingly; fourteun.-ly. Alteisyo, to 1^ t
V^ »r 1, S IS fA, ft. [Jchth.] Same
AlsoxukasliJ, loV^^^*i-L, '^^^, i<- [coil.] lie- as SJiita-birame.
coming lesa friendly; cooling in intere.st towards Aite-kata, 1^l>T4>t2, ffi^^, «. See AiteiZ).
another; ruder treatment than usual. Alto, S,V/r$, rW-, n. Lf7(;».] Grief; regret; sor-
Syn. Nakatagai. row; himentation . remor-e for .= omuthing lost
Alsu. ^hhir, SPSiSTH. " [-Bof.] Thorn apple. Tu regret; to rue; to lament; to
siii-H, r.i.

Alan, loj-^-^, "g, v.t. To love; to like, to be fond of. grieve I'or, to bemoan; to mourn the losa of.
Alta, ^h-01t, (i, iJ- Vpasto^Aku.] See .lA:*;. AI-toiin> Hi, foO-^ tlf^i, tBW. art". Togetherwith;
Alta, MV-1i, FpJ0, inter), [cont. of.) anff/m.] Ex- in company with; along w ith.

clamation of pain in hurts; it pains I how pain- Aitsii, ',iV-^, &W, H. [coU.]Uq, she, that fellow.
full Syn. Ktatsu. Akatsu.

AIT 13

Altsiibo. t^(t':?l3;, SES, Tt. A vessel lor holding

mdigo-juice (used by dyors); an indigo vat.
Syn. AlGAMH.
Altsu«'lil, ^5^^•:?'^, I9:B£, n. Smne &S Aizuchi.
AltsutauJI, ioSi-7-:?t, lliStffl. »i- [Bot.]A npecies
of azalia wliich blooms in Autumn.
Alyado, ioV-->i?)&, MW, ft- Lodging together;
lodging in the same room with strangers.
Alyiiko, abW-^l*. n. Wife's or husband's father.
AJyaku, l^y--^^, [^^,, 11. An officer of the same
rank or situation; a fellow-officer; a colleague.
Aiyoku, JoV^K.'Stt. n. [C/ttTi.] Affection love ;

liking; a loving heart.

Alyomo, loi>i;J6,tHif, iSKWj n- The wives of two
brothers; daughtera-in-law of the same family.
Ajyn. 1oV-V5,^:$:, 'fr. [Chin.] A dear friend; an
intimate friend. Ting; pleasant.
Alzen. i;;v^^ ^, Ul ^, a. [CAin.] Cheerful; charm-
Kaki-alzen, 5fl]^||I^,- cheerful and harmoni-
ous; well affected. flike and Ji^like.

AlzC, 15\a5'5,^{B. «. iClUn.] Love and hatred;

Al-zonie, loS?'*, iffiSfe. w. O Dyeing in blue.
@ Blue-dyed; that which is dyed in indigo
AlKOjne-iiiono.T^ib^-fttO,®^?®, «• Anything
dyed in blue colour.
Alzouioya, "ih^ ^'}6^, ^<lh^, n. A dyer.
Alxu, 1.'>U>r3', ^^, n. A signal; a token.
Aizu no Icane, aruiwx rappa, -^ ^ -^ ©, |S •^
^Jii\, a signal bell or trumpet; Aizu wo sum, '^

Mf- 7. )U, to give a signal or make a sign.

Alzuclil, j5t>'='"^, tgge, «. O Hammering toge-
ther; hammering alternately. @[coIL] Assist-
ing a person by throwing in seemingly chance
remarks calculated to make his words more
plausible or convincing in the eye of another.
Aizuc7ii wo utsu, mUf-^^y, [coll.] to help
another by cunningly chiuiing in with his opi-
Alciijiij, loS^i^j ^^. n. Indigo made in the
form ot'sumi or Indian ink cake.
Alxu-no-liata, l5t>:?'C9afe, ^IM, "• -A- signal
flag or banner. Tin blue.
Alzuri, i5S)$i!), (SI !H. « Being printed, or dyed
Ajarl, 7 ^-V V . r*!! If ly, " [Samk.] [cm-rupt- of
Ajariya.] A Buddliist priest who sees to the
instruction of minor priests under him.
Aji, 'i^%', ^, /c l/c/if A.] Hor.se mackerel, Frachii-
rus trachurus.
Ajlro-euvumn, 15E:5<-5:S, S§1^^, /*. Akinaof Altabn-nBht, TSi'U? L, f 4i, 7(. [Zool.) A cheat-
wafjon, made o\' ajiro work. nut coloured cow.
AJlro-ko8!il,i;^L-^2. L, ) ^ft§?, « A kind ol Akahiso, 1^4>i>'?5, fM, 3fS. «. [Bot.] Ama-
Ajii-o-goslij, loEr^C: L, ' bamboo seJan-cliair, or Aka-bi^ti, ^54>t^•l*, J ranth.
palanquin of ajirn work. Akabo, l^*'ffi,!(j:^., n. [Bot. A species of rice
Take no AMI-GOSni
Syn. having a reddish ear.
AJIvo-niJ. ihi:^^, ^iK^, n. A kind oC sJiallnw Akaliosbi, loi-lX L, S^M. ^S 71. The morning
basket make of ajiro work, star, Venus.
AJtroinori, 15 E; ^S 6 i£)
, 8§ ft "S^, n- One who guards Aka.boslil, ToiHKL, irchtlt.] MzixteJus manazo.
the fishing-basket. Akattiira, loi>>fe, [BoL\ La<jp-r^tr(Emia sub-
AJiB;>i, lo%-^&, B^IIIIE. ^RS?E. n. \JJid.\Them-
dranfiea. Akacbalro, lo *> 1^-^ V^ ^. SC i® £, «- A reddish-
AJisaslil, lo \0r- light-hTown colour. rjaponica.
tr 3>

ntth.] Stn'na longipeiiiiis,

L, it'

^#iik Akaclioji. l^A'*^-^? t.^w-,

Akaobubl-daka, ^
n. [Bot.] Dlervilla

D.iurian Tern.
J> '5. 5 U' ?& 4>. "- [Omith.]
lla frier.
.iJltsiiltc-iioi-Gr lo'^-^t'^O Aka<lal, I^Ji^dU-,^. g ^., m. [7cft t/i.] Por/i^us major.

'O.mnS'^.^' SeasoneL'' Akjt-ilaikcii, ?.4.7C-V^2lA., Ei!?S5I. « [-Ot^f-l Red

Tiahusauui-i Garden Radish. r^irtlfsia^apoTiica.

Ajlui-1, l^tr 5 y, mjf<. n. Akadaiiia-no-kl, i5*':t-3:®&. f^^^. " L-i*&t-J

[BoL] The mu>k melon. Syn. YadukuJi. rsliip or vessel

AJlwui, lo'^-iau-, Sf, n Akadaiiio. ^^i}^TzV), Jiifijt, it. [Naut.] A tank in a
Taste; flavour; rdi^h. Akadana, thb^7(^U,PJi ilS\^, n. [Budd.] The shelf
AjiATuii, 15%-tt.i-, tM, I'.i. a or altar in a house where holy water and Budd-
To taste, to try by e.ilm, or drinlvintj a little. Syn. BUTSi'DAN. ^hist idols are placed.
@ To relish intellectually. Akao, l^A'l^.-J-.B, " Red
Al*a, i5i-, ^(/fl, )' l.Saji.9t.3 Water; inBucldhiam; figures or patterns on
the waLci- placed in I'ront o! the idols, and al.so porcelains.

in the slialluw cavitie^ cut in tomb-stones. Akaoi, 1o*' A.U-, SS^gi,, n.

Akn, 15*>, iS, 15. " The water poUiing into a \fchth.\ Trygon iia.'>linaca.

ship or boat; bilge-water. Akacniba,io:t'> i&AtJ, S^^

A\a kvmu, ,f^ 'M i*, to dip or draw
T.ni uji Tu [Entom.'] Same as Aka-

bilge-water Irom a ship or boat. tombn.

Akii, lo "-!)>. ^. " Filth, dirt; I'oul matter; the Akasarbl, lo*'ft''^, fi ^. n.

filthy or greasy excretion of the body; the dirt [Bot.] Strawberry Tomato.
or slime of any fluid, Akagaoru. ia*'i)*-'3. tn®,
Alca darake, iH^if y ^, full of dirt; Aka cm n. {ZooL] A. frog, Kana
(suk!', ig://R|^, ti> become dirty or filthy Aka
wo nagasu, t^ f \% y-, to wash offfilth. Akagal. «• 1®3
1o *- ft* U-. 'i'i flfS. CJS ffi

AKa, 15A>, S^, n. A nd colour; a eiimRon colour;

[(7o)ic/i.] A kind ol' bivalve shel), Area lnjlata.
redness; a blorid cnkmr. T^lete.
Bare; nnked; perfect; com-
Wnganii. l^i-ft^A. ?/;S^, '* Red paper.
Alta. %i}>, ^, II. \cnll.]

Al.n nntnii'rn, % K,
^\ y a perfect stranger. \UaKaiio, Ihi'nh^. M '" [.Wfn.] Copper.
Aha-akaTia. l^*.3r,4>3-. ^ .iT. ^, n. [BalA Lnmb'R Syn. Aka, Do.
Quarter.'!. Tcopper. Akagane-claral. ioi>j)f4a?t'&U-,^^, A coppei
lias in. fcolour.
Alia-araeano. i;; VA c. ft''*!, S^, n. [Min.] Crude
Aha-arJ, '\7,±--ih'^ .i*\.^'i n. \Kntoiri.] A red nnt. AkaKaiio-iro. To ±> ft' *^ V^ ^, ^ g, Copper
tkH-nshi-sliigl. 15*>*X LIST, «• [Orn££/i.] Spotted Syn. Do siiokt'. fscraps.

redshank Akngaiio-kiizii, lo *> fj* *a ( t?%fp]f?, n. Copper

Akn-nya, iii>?,j^, ^i:,«. Red figure-^ ni ^iripe'^. Akagano-nalio, 15i>fi'*ii ?£-<:, fp] M, n. A copper
Akabachlra, lo*>(f "^S. tf ^- ^ [lint.] Spanish pan or kettle. fstamp or seal.
Potato. Akusanp-iio-ln. ^otJ>ftf*aC5^/^^. ^ Ep, n. A copper
Akabann., i^t'tf-^, n. [Tchth.] A kind of flsh Akaeane-n<i-so, 15i-ft''*acD3^-5, ^"J (S, n. A cop-
Aknliiina. loi'tftc, 1^ ^. « l^ot.] Ej)Uobliim per statue or idol; an image cast in copper.

Honkerl. facuta. Akaerno. lo*'ft*i4> #fa, 't. A red face; a flushed

Ababa-sbljlinl, i^4>tr;g.;£'^, «- [Entom.] Curetis countenance.
Syn. Akaki-kao, Akaragao. Akahlgo, T'5*>0-W=', «. [Orra«7t.] Corean Robin.
Alcagappa* TS4>ft''yff, S^-o'??, n- A red raiD-coat Akaliliiin, \h1}>'0-V-tr;Myi, '« [Bot.] Euzolm vlri-
made of oiled paper. Als. rtoad.
Aka-garaslil, iS4>t«& L, SfTF. n. [Sot.] Sinapis. Aknhlkl, T5*>t^&, ^pff, ii. [fiiKtwi,] A kind of
Akngai'l. fo*'ti'*'0 w. See ^fcagtrc
. flfi.
Akahlyu, T54'0-W>,^l?, /*. [Bot.] Same as Aka-
AbaBHshl, i5*>litL,t;f8, jfitlflf, It, [BolA QnercvM Myu.
Syn. Obagashi. . lacuta, Akal, (5*>i&,Mf4I#, n. IBnad.] The font or well
Akagaelilra, loifJ)' L &, a. n. [Omftft.] Widgeon. from which aka (holy-water) is dipped lip.
Abago, loi))^, #^, n. Ked hair. Aka-lino. toi.v-a, ^.^, n. [Bot.] Sweet Spanish
Syn. AKAKKE. potato,
Akagcra, lo * W"- ^, ^*;^. »*- [Omrtft.] Great Syn. Satsuma-imo, Rbukyd-imo.
spotted wood-pecker , J^Lcus major, Aka-luii, l5i>\A&i, 0iit, n. [^boXl A reddish-
Akngi, iSi.af, n. [Bo(.] Bfscftqtfia JSigworfce. brown dog. ffon colour.
Akagli'o, l£i>*fK, ll&, (S, ii- Chaps or cracks on the Akairo, I5*>\r'^, #g, n- A red colour; a crim-
body, made by external cold. Aka-lwashl, f5*>\i^ to L, #S3, n. %%[Ichth.] The
Akagire ga kireta, W^if ^i^ it, the hands (or dried sardine. ^{M-] A rusty sword.
feet)have been cracked by cold. AkaJI, T54>B, gE;(^, n. L-Boe.] Sheep sorrel.
Aka-glslii-slslii. lo*»¥ L?r L, gfSI. '* [Bot.-^ Akajiiiil, I5:»'tft-, ig i?S, ft- State of being dirty
Sheep soiTel. rMrundinacens. or soiled.
Akagisu, %jj>'^it,^MS^., n. {TchthACmtropristis Akajimltn, 75 *> t;^fe, :|gi35, a. Soiled by the
Akago, lo^>a, 3^^, n. A baby; a babe; an infant' grease of the body; filthy; dirty;foul.
Syn. AKAMBO, Chinomigo, Midortgo, Se- Akajimita kimono, ^^s H^^, dirty clothes.
KiSHi, Yaya, r^cJicncls albescens. Akajlinii, I54>ttr, ^'0, v.t. To become dirty «
Aka-gubauEame, 15 *> 7c tt ^y fc, n. [Ichth.] soiled from the perspiration of the body.
dkagoclil. iSi-a"^, n. [TcIitJi.] Bembras japonicus. Aka-kabura, t5*>*>.S'&. ^S^- « [Sot.] B7-as5fca.
Akaguko, l£ir>a(f}',^^, n. [Bot.] Red moss. AkakagachJ, •f54>i'i]''^, ^Sl, " [-Boi.] Same aa
Akagoiiisr. lo*>a'2, SSfi, " L^oe.]Flas. Evziikl.
Akagome, lS*>aJ6, tS?l€. » A Iclnd of red rice. Akakaiii. Tini3>ii^V^,

Akagiizii, 75*. <'-^, n. [Tc/ith ] JTaUevtara stellaia. Akagaiil,

7b. [Zoel.] A red crub.

Akali:i4laka, T54>tt7£*», #^, n. Being eniirely Syn. BKNKEIGANI.

naked; being stark naked; nakedness; boing Akakctto, i5A>W--y>f,
nude. Akageto. f5*>^t-y>r, ( # S ^, «. A red blanket

Akahadaka ni naru, gfH^^-^n-, to become AkakI, 15A» g^, ^, a. [cont. ot AkarusM.] Light;
entirely naked, to take off all the clothes; Aka- bright; clear.
haclaka ni swm, ^^S^^-'^i ^coll.] to deprive a Akakfl»[, g, n.
^^i3>^x^', [Bot] A kin.t ofredmil-
person of all his clothes and possessions (said of Syn. MOCHIKIBT. Llet.
a h^ghwayman^ It i? also used when an animal Aka-kAJi, 154*>5L', ^tS- " [Bot.] Citrus fusca.
Is skinned, AkaliomorJ, 15 *• C: 5 4 3;|i;t"^ fig, Ijl, -«. fZoet.) A
Syn. *Habaka, Map?adaka, Maruhadaka, species of bat.
RATAI. SirnADAKA. .Akakii, %i}><, ^, aflu. Red; like olood.
Akakae* (5 *> tt ;t. WIS. w. ^TclUh.]A kind of Akaku naru, g!^ ^ :J- ;^, to turn red; to blush;
ray. to ripen.
Akaltaji, iSi'H'?'', S^IR-, " [coll.] Open disgrace; Akakiirlgo, 15 *> < 9 Itf-, #-31^, n. [Zml] A red
being publicly disgraced or dishonoured; great or chestnut coloured horse.
Syn. OiiAJi. Linfanfiy or shame. Akakiiga, ^>;,^J><'5, ^^„ n. [Bot.] Bv^Ii/jrbia hu
Aka-ltajikainJ. 15 4> tt t *> ^, 4 S, n. [Bot.] A mifusa. frinm.
kind of ginger. fduck. Akama-giisa, T5A>^<*^, M-M> '" [Bot] Eupato-
Ak:tl3ajli'o, ISA^Idte's, n. [OrnitJi.] White-eyed Syn Sawaararagi, Shiro-ne.
Akaknul, I5*>ttl/c, ^ ffi, n. See Akatsitchl, Akamanio, lo*' a ft. # S, « [Bot.] A reddish-
Akaliurn, 15*'!* ^, 5f> Iflil. w. [31e(l,] Dysentery. brown bean. ftrout.
Syn. KUDAKIBABA, RIBYO, SEItlBI. Akaiiiasu, 15 ^•%-^, #^i '- [IcJith.]A kind of

Akaliatn. \hi'mz,^\% ti. A red flag. Akaiiiatsii, 15*'^":?, grlS. n, [Bot.]PlnuS(lensi-

Akakigo, i54>i>vj-, # iB,
Red beard; a red «. Jlora..

benrded person; hence, a contemptuous term for Akainltel, 15*'^'=V>. of AkarM.] " [corrupt,

all Europeans and Americans. [vuL]A vulgar expression of refusal or unwill-

Syn. KKToJiN. ingness by pulUing down the lower eyelid of
one of the eyes; equivalent to "putting the Akaue-kaKiira, 15 *» *a *> =**
6 , gPJiUf^^. t*.

thumb to one's nose," [Bot.] Tripterigyum.

Syn. BEKKAKKi5. Akuiie-momon, ^5A*a?li6^, S^iES, rt. Cotton
AUftiiibo, ^^4>^tf5, })i-^^ " [coll.] See Alcago. cloth dyed red with inunjeet. ftatartca,
Kaivaii akambo, ov Ahachan, ^ ^. ^, alove- ^ Aknite-initgiii'a, loii^*a*i'<* 6» n. [Bot.] iJw&td.
ly baby. AkanesaHii. liii'Hc- -^, ^H a. A pillow-word
Akaino, T5*>!*, ^E!. " Bloodshot eyes. for '
Bi ' (sun or day).
ATcame wo suru, # ^ 3; )u, to cock snooks. Akane-Kuiseu, ^o*'il^i&-t^, n. [Bot.] Trit^mia.

Abainc, l^*»i6, #^. n. [P.-hth ]SL>e Tai(Mi- AkaueziimJ, loA'tl :3';^, gpEfi, a. A reddish
Akainoilal, i^:ti>i6 ^sV" n. [Ichth.\ Frlacanthus gray. \-miis sp.

Ben^mebari. AkaDCzuppo, 15i>*a:=>'7t^, w. [/cftr/t.] Galliony-

Akanic-gtujlti- AkauJslii, i^A-v^U aillS, a- rConcft.l fi w^ajm.
wa, -ioi'teft* Aka-uo-liariganc, io

n. [Bol.\ilal- «. Copper wire.

lotu& japont- Akii-uo-maiiiuia, %
Ahanieglrl, t^ [con.] A
kind of food
*'*&-'!), ^t|^, CT5*>16;5V3 made of rice imd red (jg; JUJ
7i. [Bot,] Cleroclendron squaniatwm. pea beans (chiefly said of a child).
Syn. HiGlRl, ToGiBi. Aka no jieshi, Azukimeshi.
Akaiuei'ii, 1o*'fc2, #. ^-^^ To redden. Aka-no-uobcUa, %±^(D<D^ \^1t, ^ iS K, n. A
Akaml, io4>v^> #. #^, ^- O -^ retldish tinge; red- hammered pl.ite of copper.
ness. @ The red part of wood; the lean part of Akanosiirl, lo*>©-^W), n. [Omitft.] Buzzard.
flesh. Akauii, -Joi'tib, 'ZsX^, v.i. [neg. oi Akiu'li^ot to be
Akainl haalnrv, gj; = ^ J^, [c ill.] lo become opened; to be shut up.
bloodshot (said of the eyes); Vshino ahaml, 4^> To fja akaiiii, ^^Ug j', the door can not be
gf: ft), the lean of beef. opened, Rachi ga akanu, iSj:;/ IJ^ :?, tedious)
Akamidatsu, io4>;^7:'-^, #51, i' To turn or not speedy; Me ga alcanii, @ -,V [JH 3i, lo.) to be
become red (as leaves). blind to a thing; (6) to be still sleeping.
A'i no ha ga akamidatsu, :^ > %ifm^:iL^y, Akaiiii, lo*>ift, 7.BS. v.i. Not to be tired or
the leaves are turning red. wearied.
Syn. KoVn SURU. Akanu naka, T^BRpf", an inseparable or de-
Akami^vatiit'u, Mi}>?t-t)tt 5, ^ , v.i To be lightful rel.ition.
tinged with red all over. Aka-niikoi'ii, io*>itiW-5, IfjJS, v.i. Q To be neat
Sora ga akamiwatarn, ^ -V # = E «-, the sky and stylish. @ To be polished.
has become red all over (as at sunsetj. AkaoBir-, l-^i.^rW-. M Cfl ^i, '"'• [Buda.] A receptacle
Akanio. lo*>&. 'ri. [£o(.] Bog cranberry, Vaccini- for Imly water; ;i font. fovata.
vm iixy(occus. AkH-okeru, ^5A*5.';^^> *51:, ". [Bol^.'] Atractylls
Akaitiu^asa, io*> 4 ft' 3>, ^?SJB, « p/ec?.] The Aka-oto:^ll^ loA'3i?^ I, ffiTg, v(. A piece of rough
measles. CtJu-ix. cloth u^ed in rubbing dirt off the body. Same
Akainuuo, io*> 4 ©, n. [But.] GaulUmia aaeiio- a^ AJcasuri fese nnzel
Akanioziu 'hi>'%^,^\^ ^. " [OnUt/i.] Japanese AkMppat-a. l^^-j]/^^, n. [OrnUA.] Brown Japan-
Red tailed shrike. fripen. Akai-.iffao, i,^ *> & ft?(i, ^^, k. A red face; a
Akaiini. loi^tr, ^, T>i- (I To become red. @ lo c] im'^on vi'sage; a flushed countenance.
Ume ga akamii, Hii/'^.l,, the plum ripen-;. Al^arngashi, l54»6i!j^L, HiL Cll. n^ l-Hol.iQuercus
Ahaniiitati. i^ *> tf -?, 'i. [Icht/t..] Eteiis berycoi- acuta.
des. -\^U:iyii^Un, 'ioi'C.*', #, a. Red; crimson; scarlet.
AkituuiHii. lo*'^^, # ^, :^ ^ ^, n. [£ot.] Tomato. Akai-aiiie, li *> & fc, ^1. a, u. Looking away;
Syn. AKANASUBI. rMunjeet. looking aside; a sidelong glance, a cast of the
Akaiio. 1^4'iH, M ^?:, ". [Bot.]Br\-iq:r\] Mtiddm, or Syn. \Vak):mi:, Yosome. L^ye.
Akaue, lo*'*l. SIS. "• Reddish mist. Akai-anicni, 15A> i^fc,-:,, ^, v.t. To make red, to
Aba-nebiirl, -ihii'il^ "5. ^^, 'i- [-EnlomJ A kind redden; to cause to flush or blush.
of mosquito. Akaraiiiii, i^*. ^ {f, gp, v.i. To become red; to
Akano-kazura, To***!**:^ 6, W V^, ". [iJo(.] redden; to flush; to flare up.
Munjeet. Akarasama nJ, loi'feS^tt, ^ iik. adv. Openly;

plainly; publicly; without disguise or conceal- Akashi wo tsukeru, i^ 9 -y Ji-, to light 4 flf-\

raent. Syn. Akart, ToMOsniBi. Llamp.

AJcarasama nt hanasu, ^itll — tS>^, to spenk Aknelil, io*>L, SE. "• Proof; witness; evidence;
the plain truth; to tell all. Takete. demonstration; conviction.
Syn. MUKIDASHI NI, TSUTSUMAZU NI, UOHI- Akas?ii wo tatem, fSE"^ aL^ ft', to prove or to
Akavl, %-)]>Vi, ffl, n. Alight. procure a witness.
AJcarl wo Jcesu, IS ^ iff >^, to put out a light; Syn. SnOKO, Sh^mei.
Mi no alcarl ga tatsu, # > ^ V ^ jt niy in- '*>'.
Ak3i«lil-l>lto, T54>LU>'5?, SEA. n. A witness.
nocence ia proved. Akaslil-ckljlinl, io*> 1%%'?^-, m'^W, « A kind
Akarl-ninilo. tht*^'^^, ^IS, n. A skylight; a of corrugated cloth woven at Akashi.
hole in the wall or roof to let light in ; a dorraer- Akaslikle. 1oA';£t?, n IBot.] Carpinus japonica.
Syn. Akahitori. Lwindow. Akasliiya, -ryj'y^, n. [fino.l [£oM The Acacia.
Ahnrlsnhl, T5*>'!I5&, H^ M, Cidv. In one's llglit. Akasliomn, l5*>:fe i. 5
Akari-sakl ni tatsu, ^ V iirf ^= it ">*. to stand
^, n. [Bot.] Astible.
in one's light. Akaso, io4'^, StSE, -rt-

Akarl-Bhdjl, ft*> "O ;fe ^5 C ^ 1^^. ?* A paper [Bit.] BocJvmeria.

shutter tor letting in light. Cmofio. Aknsu. 15*.-^, ^, v.t.
Akarl-torl, 15*' 'O 5f '5, B^^. "- Same as Akari-
OTo make clear; to
Abarii, ioi>2. ^, v.i. To become light; to lighten,
lighten; to illuminate;
brighten, light up; to illuminate; to become
to enlighten. ©To tell
bright. something hidden to
Akaru, T5*>S, BBi ^'- To be opened, as a cover. others; to make public
Akarukii, "ihij^Z < , ^i a. and adv. Q Light; clear- something concealed
ly; brightly. @ Easily seen or understood; per- to reveal or confess.
ceptibly; without doubb or vagueness.
© To spend all night.
Akarukunarv, ^ ^ -^ S-, (a) the day breaks;
^ (^ = 5 * ^, to speak the
Aritel ni akasv,
(6) it becomes clear, bright, well known, public; whole truth; Tane wo akasu, Mi^Sh ^)'^ ^ ^',
Mi no ve wo akamJcu sum, ^^Jb^N^B-'^ y-fi-, [coll.] to make the reason clear; Tsumiwoaka-
to clear one's self from suspicion; Ranipu wo su, W^'^lj 7., to confess a crime; To wo nakl
aTcaruku sum, ^SE^ N^ n- i7 7. ;t, to turn up akasv, ^"^ to weep
?ii=^i^fj 7-, all the night
the wick of a lamp. long.
Syn. AKIRAKA HI srRU, Arawasu, Hakh
Akariiml. 1oA>Z;^, ^. n. QAlight place. ©The Aka-siiiTl, Ihii^f^, ^- ^, n. [Bnt.'] Cryptomerla.
Aka-8iiK»rt, 1i4>-^<*W), n. [/Jo(.] Red clover.
Akarumt ni dasu, ^^^HJ^., to bring to
Aka-si»Ji, \^i3>-}-%-, g!pSj5, n. Red lines; veins.
light; to place before the public.
Akasii III OHIO, ioi'-^4 !i, ^f!^% n. [fioi.] A kind
Akarusa, lo*>3:5, ^, n. Light; briglitnoss;
of pi um.
clearness; degree of light.
Akasiii-I, lo4>-^'5, \^^, ". Same as Aka-otoshi.
Akariishl,-i,-kJ, Ini' Z I, n. QLight; clear;
©Clearly visible or per-
Akatarhl-iio-ii^vo, 15*' ?i "^ © 5 5r, Sp??^, n.
bright; full of light.
{Ichth.] Ce-pola Krusensterni.
ceptible. ©Clever; skillful; fully aware of: well
Akatade, loA'teT?, U.^-, n [Sot.] A kind of red
acquainted with.
Michi ni akarushi, ^=^^ n- s/, to be well ac-
Akataiial)ir.-i, io*>fetrt>*S, ESI, n. [IchtJi.] Ca-
quainted with the way.
poeta limhata. Vlirfus.
Akasagldal, i5i>s^;t-V^, j n. [Jc!ith.] Antheas
Akatateka, io4>tetEJ, «. [Ento^i.'] Vanessa cal-
Akasn^l* lot'?^, ' ScHJeae.HL
Akata-iii-l, foA>fe5 y. Ifi iK, ft- [fiof.] Pompion or
Aka-saanKC, lc*>55V>, S:^S. «• IBoL] A kind
Pumpkin Gourd.
ol red bean.
Aka-soinl, ^oi}'^^, #Ji, « [Entmn.} A species
Akatckakota, io*'-y V^W-fe, a. [coli.] Reddish.
Akatoki, lo^'lf^, ^, n. Same as ^fcafsitfci.
of reddish cicada.
AkashU-l,-kl, 1o*> L, #. »• ORed; crimson; uf Akatumbo, ^oi>i?^l5!, S:^. '"-• lEntom.] A kind
a blood colour. © Sincere ; loyal. of red dragon-fly.
AkaHkokoro, j^,.t^ afaithfullieart. Akatiti-1, 75A>5f ID, MM, n. A bailing ladle; a ves-
^yn. Hi, Kurenai. sel used to dip out bilge-water.

AkasbL, 7;)d*l, JQf. »• a light; a lamp. Syn. Aka^di^I

AKA 18

Akatsiirhl. l^ii>l>%, #±, rt. Ked earth. Akehana&M muyo, BHKtMffl. don't leave the
Akii-tsiigc, -m'-^n-; ^IS, " [liiit.] Diervilla ja- door openl
ponica. Syn. HlRAKTrANASITI, KAino.
AkatHiihl, ^^i'1?^> ^, n. The dawn of day; the Ake-liaiinsii, l5W'tt'^^, flgSfe, ^'.f- To leave open;
earlymorning; day-break. to let a thing remain unclosed or unbarred.
Kehiiri akatsii?ci wo hozu, IS fill ^?^ 7t, the Tansu wo akchanasu, ^^^BgSc^., to leave
cock proclaims the dawn. the drawers of a bureau open.
Syn. Akeboko, Akegata, Asagata, Rei- Syn.AKEHAiVATSU, akeppanasp.
MEi. Shtnonome, Yoake. \"iT\% bell. Akc-karaii, l5W-aG.i-, ^M, v.t. To open through-
AlfatRiiKI-giii^a. lo*>-7? <'^, n. [Bol.^ The morn- out or wide; to leaveajar. fdoorswide.
Akia-tsiiinr-gUHa., 15 i> -t? fe <• ^, n. {Bot.] Red Towo akr-iiarav, p f- Rfl ^j^ 7, to open all tlie
clover. Uapinnata. Akc-liaraii, ini&lii^^, tflJJI;, v.t. To empty out;
Aka-ukikiisn. lo*>5?<"5. gSJTfiT, "• l^ot.] ^roi- to mrtke completely void.
Akn-iiiiia, l^i>5^, B, i^- [-?oo/.] A red chestnut Akel, i5wv^, M5i, ''- [CM??.] One's elder brother.
coloured horse a sorrel ; hori^e. Syn. Ani-L'YE, Axisama, Anisan, aniki,
Aha-iishi. To-i'? L, *^^, n- [^ooL] A red or chest- NlISAN.
lit colourd cow. Ake-knro, 15 W" ( H, MS. " Morning and even
Aka-iitsiigl, 15 *> 5 <7 ?f, ^It, n. [fiof.]Saino as ing; day and niglit; incess-.ntly; without inter-
Akaynke, l^i^-^fr?", Sljg . a OHiiTned red. @ ruption.
Red colourd. rtongs.
Ak^knre ^o),a wo fianarezii, B.® ^ M
?" I-'tC, to
Akayal-e no hibashi, U^ ^ 'XM. red-hot
be at one's side day and night.
Aknyauagi. lo*>-^ti:^. #tS. ". [Bo(.] 4!n«a mart- Syn. ASABAN, ASAYU, ClIOSEKI, TANSEKT.
Syn. Han no ki. Itima.
Akpiiiiiitsu, 15 W-??-^, N3 ^, n. Six o'clock in the
AkDKn, lo4>^. 0- « [-Bot.] White Goosefoot or morning (in the old mode of reckoning tht
Akaza-iio-tHiiyo, loA'
^"©:?jE, S?:f^, «. A Alicjii. i5W-tt, B^^, n. A bamboo-woven basket
with a movable used in travelling,
lid, etc.
stnfTmade ol' akaza
(much prized by old
Ako-iii-soiiiii, i5itK.ttr, Vk^. vt. To dye rod.
r.i. To be smeared with blood.
Akazoiiio. 15 *> ^* J^, jU
Ahr-ni -somite .'•hinthn-u, i^—'^^ r?EV7-*fl',
13^, )i. Dyeing red.
Akaziikii, 15*':3* < 4 i^.
tu lie dead, weltennq in one's blood.

.'tkc-iio-naklta. l5H-©?.ife, H^ ^, n. To-morrow

t'.f. To become dirty
morning; tlie next morning; the following
or greasy.
morning. rVOKl'OHO.
Akaziiiiil, loA'^^, S'-£S.

A Ktick of red ink.

Syn. Ake-no-asa, Akuru-asa, MtoOhA,
7i, L^'l
Syn. Shuzuhi. Ako-MO-lii, 15 W" © y-, l5H.''t. To-morrow; the
AkaRiina, 154>$'^, n. Red sand. next or following ibiy. fJiTSU.
Syn. AKURunr, Ashita, ."HyC-^icitt, Yoku-
Akaziim, 1o*>:^'&, "- [.Bof.] PoiypOTlifm. /jcj'afc/ise.
Ako, 150", Red cfilonr; vermilion. Akc-iio-kaiie, l5W"'^ii>ia, t^tlS, n. The sun-rise
^, n.
The day or the morn- boll (struck in temples).
Ako-l»nii, ^5W•^f^, Sf, 71. JJfl

ing after one has served liis turn as night-watch-

Akc-iiokoru, 15W©?!?;, tfl?^, r.(. To be half-

Akobl, in^xy, Iffi:^, n. [Bot^AkeUa. Lman. dawning; to be still a little dark; not to dawn
See completely.
Akel>niio, i5W-;2r©, 15 b^, «- .ifraCsHfcf.

Akcboiioso, •15:-)'tS©55, ^f^Ea"^, «• [2*ot.] O^iftc-

Ako-nn-iiiyojo, l5 W" © /^ -^ 5 S.* -^ 5. Bg ^^ g, n.

[Astron.] The morning star; Venus.

Hct. fin rain-bow hues.
Dyeing Syn. AKAHnstir.
Akel>onn-xoi»o, i5ltS0 5'to, Iffi^fe, «-

Akognta, I5«'f;tft, li^ :;^, '(. Same aq ^fcats«frt. Ako-iio-sora, 15H-c^^ ^, ^5^, «. The sky at
AUogiir*^, i5W-<'n. ^fi?, « OMorning twilight; dawn; the morning sky.
the dim light before day-break. @ Evening twi- Ake-no-toahi, i5H-i^l^:£, [j^ip, „. The next or
light. following year, the ensuing year.
Ake-kanarm'u, l5tJ-K^H3, m SSt, I'-i. To break; Syn. Myonen, Rainen, YokuxNen.
Syn. Lto dawn. Ake-iio-teuki, I5t7-c7)'9&, HB ^, ,i. The next or
Ake-liuuashl, iSW-HtcX., BHSc, « O Leaving Bucceeding month; the following month; the
open. @ State of being open month after.
Syn. RAiGETau, Tsugi no tsuki, Yokd- empty bottles are bought and sold. & One who
GETBU. buys empty or broken bottles.
Aheru, lcW"Z, ^.BB, v.t. and i. O To open; to Aklblto, lo^CKiC. |£ Ai n. A merchant; a trader;
disclose; to unlock; to unbar. @ To make a tradesman. ThOka, Sh5nin.
void; to empty; to make vacant; to vacate. Syn. Akindo, AkySdo, ShObainin, Sh5-
© To dawn; to begin; to be over. Aklbokor], Iq^ISTZlIj). ^1^, n. {Bot.'\ Slegesbekla

Ana wo akeru, /t^ffi^"-. to make a hole; orlentalis. fground.

ft wo akerv, $K ^ * «-, to vacate a house
S Aki-elij, 1^^ %, flg Jib, rt. Empty or unoccupied
or to be awny from home; Kame no mizu wo Aklckojl, l.^5t-^5£:,#5§t5fi, n. [Bot.} Plectran-
aherv, tffi ^ * fl-, to empty the water out
^ >}< ^ tJms longitubus. rshop.
of ajar; Meivo dkerv, HB^BS'*''^. to open the Akl-tlana* lo? 75% W 0, n. A vacant house or
eyes; McJii wo akei'U, S^ flfl
* n-, to clear the Akido. IS % >^, M, n. The lower Jaw. Same as
way, or to open a new road; Nenkl ga aka-u, Agito.

^-SlVffl^ff-, the term of apprenticeship is Aklfflku. 15^ If < , e>c Si, n. IBoL] CJirysanthemvm.
over Te wo akeru, ^^S*^•(5^.*^^f8| *-fl'),
Akl-gii'l, lo^Sf'O, n. [Bot.] Salvia nipponica.
to open the hand; Lflff.] to have no work on
Aklgo, lo^a, 6^^^, »- A child born during
hand Tsuyu ga akeru, iU M ^^ BB * B-, the rainy
autumn. ruTiibellota,

season is over; Yo ga akei-u, &tf ^ ^a-, the

Aklfuini, % '& <r ?t; fX ^ ^, "" [fiot.] McBognut
day dawns. fMU. Akl-kateru, l^&fefr3, SH^, v.i. To be surfeited;

ITiRAKU, Kara nt suru, Owabu, Su- to be tired of; to becorae disgusted with.
Akorii» loW-Z,^, ^'*- To be tired or wearied of; Ano hito ni wa aki-hateru, fS A— •'^KiR *-.

to be surfeited; to be satiated; to be fully satis-

I am quite disgusted with him.
Akieu, Iya ni nard.
fied; to have enough to want no more. fflsh.

Sakana nt akeru, ^—f^^n-, to be tired of AkI-le, io5V"^, >£5g, n. QAn unoccupied house;
To leave a place a vacant house. @ A house to let.
A.Ke-earu, igH-i? 2, ^, v.i. tifl va-
cant; to quit a plnce; to go away; to dawn.
Syn. Akcdana, Akiya, Karata, Kashi
IE, KAsniTA. VtTvmmlnuSt
Ake~tate, T6Wfe-r, Rg ^, n. Opening and shutting.
Akl-karaiiiatsu, lo ? *• 6 a r?, n. [Bot.] Thalic-

%tae-t^uge-dorMoH-5'Wi'^V),^^5&, n. [OrnWt.] Akl-kase, to^i'^tfetR, n. Autumnal wind; the

A cock. wind which blows during autumn.
Ake-watarn, i^l&i7ltZ, ^ SE. «•<• To dawn all Akikaze ga tatsu, fiJt R^ ^"-y, [ife.] autumnal
over; to dawn completely. wind blows; [flg.] decay, decline, or failure in

Yo wa hoiiobono tc akewataru, S »^ ^ <f !• ^ power, strength, love, honour or position haa

the darkness of night is gradually dis- come.

jg[ lU,

appearing. Akl-kaso-KUkl, io & *> ^ r>* 5, S^cR ^, " The

Ake-yuKii, 15H'W>< . W =ff, u.*. To be gradually eighth month; August.

dawning; to be gradually passing away (as the Aklkuaa-iio-liana. i^ @ i ? O (S tr, $, n. The

year). flowers of autumnal plants. foccupied room,
AH7tal.^ Trade business. Akl-ina, l^l&U, ^ «• A vacant room; an un-
Ahl, ln^, K. »* [cont. of ]|?f,

Aki, 7ft&,fc, n. O Autumn; fall. ©Harvest. Syu. Akibeya, Akisuitsu, Karabeta.

A.kl, lo^, S, n. O Emptiness; vacancy. @ Empty Akimekiira, io§ii6 < ^,ii^,n. Q Amaurosis, or
ppace; vacuity; gap. © A place or post unfilled. glaucoma. @ [Jig.] An ignoramus; one whose
Akl, lo&.S. » ©Empty; vacant; void. ©Unoc- spiritual eyes cannot see anything; guttce serna.

cupied; unsupplied. AkI-inono, -i^^ % C7>, ^ i^, n. [cont. of Akiriai-

Akl'basho, S^Sf, an empty or unoccupied mono.] See Akinai-mono.

place or position. AUlnal, ih^'^v-, ffi. "• O Trade; commerce; traf-
Al*i,1o?jW. **• Satiety; weariness; fatigue. fic; barter; dealing. @ Occupation; profession.

Aki ga kuru, ^^5K'^ to become tired out Syn. ShObai, Torihiki, Urikai.
with a thing or an action. Aklual-biine, 'i^^'ftxy^iX, ffifiS, n. Amerchant-
Akl, "[n^, R^, n. A vacant space; the intermediate Aklnal-rune, loS^O'-i-tl. J ship; a merchant
space between two things. man; a trade-ship.
Syn. AlDA, AWAI, SVKI, SDKIMA. Syn. ShoseN.
AkIaJI, ih^'S)'^, n. [Jc/ith,^ Salmon. Aklnal-mono, tf, ^ ftv- t (D, ^ ^, n. Goods;
Aklbako, To^lft.S®. An empty box. f" wares for sale; merchandize; articles to be

Aklbln, T6& t^'^, S U, n. An empty bottle. bought or sold. pMONO.

AklblA-Ta, To? XJ^'A/^, S tj ^, Baihin, ShObai mono, Shohin, Uri-
O A shop where /*- Syn.
Alitnnslii, T^^^i, ITiKft. "" [-Bol.] Arrow-head. resignation; relinquishment; acquiescence; re-
AkluiLit, lo&^-i-, fS. '*'* To drive commerce; to lief of mind from doubt, perplexity, or anxiety.
trade; to traffic; to carry on a traffic; to buy Aklrame no tame ni isha ni mite Tnorau, SBr if:-^
and sell. :^= S^= ^7'?f-7, [coll.] to get a physician to
Syn. examine a patient merely for one's satisfaction;
srnu, Urikai suru, Uru. AkiraTne no warui hitn, Br ;§: ^ ^ -f A, a man
Akliido, io3 ^l£, SS A, »*. A merchant; a trader; who does not easily give up a desire (which
a tradesman. ouglit to be abandoned).
Syn. Akinai-bito, Akyudo, ShAbainin. Syn. Dannen, Zetsunen, Zetsub5.
Aklndo-yado, 15 ^ ^ ^ -^
^, A E 5S, «• A hotel Aklrameni. lo&tfc3,B, v.t. To make plain to
for merchants; an inn for traders. oneself; to underbtand clearly; to investigate
Akluire, i^^vcti,^ K(, «• [Bot] Ulmus parvifolia. and find out; to clear, free, or relieve the mind
Akl-iiu-araslil, i^'&oa^ &;£., ^ st. '"• Autumnal of doubt.
gale or storm. Syn. RlKAI SURU, RToKAI 8UR(.\ Satoru.
Abl-uo-linliHkogriisa, T^?®!! * t^Si 'i- [Bot.] Aklrameni, 1^^ &y)3, ,^f;, u.(. To resign; to
Gnaplialium hypoleueum. submit to the will of God; to be satisfied with;
AKI-no-lianawnmbl, li^^CIltC*? sy, ^ ^ S 3R, to set the mind at rest; to be resigned or to
n. [Bot.] Moonwort. acquiesce in.
Akl-no-katn, 1o&©*'fe, ^:5. « The open (for- Sore wa rtSmo akira-merarenai, ^ -"n fpj * ^ Jg
tunate) direction of a year. ^.jiJt^-^-i, [coU.I that I can never reconcile
Konnen no aki no kata wa mi ttma no a(da myself to.
Oesu, 4"^-^^ the open
-^:^-*''a^ ^Rfl t'^., Syn. DANKEN SURU, MANZOKU SURU, Omoi-
direction of this year between the serpent is KIRU, ZETSUNEN SURU.
and the horse (betwfeu the south-east and the Aklrainii, l^g ^tf, ffi ,^, |®, v.t. See Akirameru.
south, i.e. south-south-east direction is very Aklrcrii, l^^H^,:^, v.L [coU.i To be surprised,
lucky this year). astonished, stupefied, or dumfounded; to be
Syn. Eh 5. stricken dumb; to wonder.
Akl-no-keslil, tf)^(Di&X, \U^M, n. [Bot.] Lactuca Syn. ElKKURI SURU, Odoroku.
squarrosa. Akita-liiikl, 1i & fe i- &,6^fflCf, 71. [BoJ.] ThL
Akl-iio-kli'liiso, lo & © ?c vj
^? 5, " eS ^ff 7E, n. Nardosmiajaponica, produced in Akita.
[Bot.] Golden rod, Soliaagovirqa-aurea. Aki-Haiiic, lo^^yj.g'cM, n. Autumnal rain.
Akl-no-uogcshl, '\h'^(D<Di(J>-£,, n. [Bot.] Lactuca AkJsliibe-no-]iaiia, -[^^ X-^ ©tttt, ^, n. [Bot..
brevirostris. fof cicada- Tlie Chrysunthemura.
Akl-no-scinl, lo?©^;^, '
n. [Entom.]X 'kind
Sfi. AkltarajEii, i^&fe ^€'. %
ftS g, v.i. Not to be satiat-
Akl-uo-slilnio. io ^ © £ ft , fJ; J3, " 0[^'f.]The ed; not to be satisfied with; to desire much
frost of aufumn, @ [flV-] A sword. more.
Akl-no-!>iic, Ih ^ cr> it ^, ^ 1>", n. The end of Akitarii, l^^tziS. iS 51. v.i. To be satisfied to be ;

autumn. fSalvia. eated; to be contented; to have enough.

Aki-uo-taniiirnsd, lo & ©fetr- ^ 5 5, n. [Bot.] Syn. .Manzoku suru.
Akli>poBlil,-l.-lii. lo & -v US * . ^ at, a. [coll.] O Akitsii, l^&CJ, fAfft, n. [Entom.] A dragon-fly.
Easily tired of anything; uot enduring; soon Syn. Akitsumusiii, Tombo. fdibaJis.
wearied of. @ Ficlcle; truant; changeable (usual- AMtsubaino, l^^-^iifc, n. [Entom.] ffemaris ra-
ly i3aid of Individuals), Akltsu-kaiiiJ, lo^-^A';^. ig#, ?i. An appellation
Aklruka. 1^? &*>, ^, a. Q Clear; bright; brilli- of the Emperor, or " the visible god."
ant; light. @ Perceptible, apprehensible; evi- Akltsu-nniNlii, i^&-7tf:£,!!@t^, a. [£n(om.j Same
dent. © Sagacious; apprehensive; prudent; as Akitsii.
perceptive. AkKHti-^hlina, lo^-c^X-^., ^^K j* M, n. An an-
Aklraka- naru akaH, Nfl -J- ft ;® it, a clear light; Akitsiisu. ^?,'^1?i^, Jcient name for Japan,
Akiraka narudori, afi -?- jl-S, an evident rea- jg derived from its resembling in shape a dragon-
son, Jkiraka naru into, b;] -J- ;p A. an intelli- fly; or as some say, from its abundant harvests.
SyB. Akaruki. Lsent man. Akiya. lo&-^, ^^, n. Same as ^fci-fe.
Aklraka n1, 1^5 iii'K.U^, adv. Q
dearly; bright- Akkiin, io7 t> ^, S0, n. A rascal; a villain; a
ly. © Intelligibly; manifestly; plainly; evident- scoundrel; a knave; a bad fellow.
hakkiri to, -MEIRYO m.
Syn. Liy. Syn. Akuto, Akunin, Kusemono, Shirk
AklrakeshJ,-kl, io& tl^S., ^, « ^^e Akiraka. MONO, \Vakumono, Yotambo. VkakiL
Aklrame, lo3 &K>. fg;S:, n. Giving up a desire; I
Abkaku, Tiovi^i, s$. -«. [Chin.\ Sams as Aku

Akkenaliii. U-/W^<, adv. [col?.] Adverb of Ak- ject and unconscious of other things near, to

krnaKlii. long after; to desire earnestly.

Ahkeii]iNlil.-l>-kl, li-y W-tt;£, ".- [coll.] Not Akogl. \h'L'^, Rif, '( lco(M An absurdity.
enough; somewhat joyless, useless, foolish, AkogI na, ^o t ^tE, MW, f*- [coil.] Kxtravagant;
absurd; very foolish; unreasonable; wild.
Ammari hayaku sun^e
iW 7' T-y ^^ 'f >
akkenai, 6$ V ^w
the interval being too short the
^ Akogt nMStl^lC,
gantly; absurdly.
ppTfil, arte. Wildly; extrnva

pleasure derived ia insulUcient. Ako-iio-(io, ti C ® S- 5, pBj j^ fsj, K, A peculiarly

AKko-nl-torai*erii, tS'vW'W^ 6#t3, ^?S. v-*- shaped body of a drum (first mtide by the Ako
[coll.] To be surprised, astonished, dumfounded, family).
stupefied, amazed, or thunder-struck. Ako-iio-kl, i5t®@, n. [£o(.] Same a.^ Ako.
Akkcrakaii, l^-y W&*>^, adv. [cofi.] In an empty Aliiijii. TScj?., 1
a S til:, n. [Conch.]
or void manner; having nothing to do; caroless- AlM>> ugral, l5£.-^i)ft>, ' -Mother-ol-pearl, AvicuLa
ly. marteuRii. fmaile of Akuya.
Akkerakan to siiite hi wo kurasu, tv-*- 7 * v Akoyanabc, T^Cj^-^'^, ppI^gtS. n. A pan
h ^' 7" B ? ® ^"i [coll.] to spend the day in an Aku, ^, B0. «•*
lo <, To be open; to be un- O
idle manner. barred; to be unlocked; to be unoccupied, to be
Akkl, Ic-y'^. Si., » Bad, poisonous air; veno- empty; to be uncocked; to form a hole, mouth,
mous or infecting vapours; miasma, malaria. etc. ®[coll.] To begin; to commence. ©To
Akkl, i^-j-^, Syfe, «. [Buad.-\A demon; a devil; dawn. See Jfcf.
an evil spirit. To ga aku, pifS^4^, the door opens.
Syn. Akuma, AktjetS. Akii, lo< W, 1^-f- SeeAkeru.

Akko. ih-v-C 5, S n, n. A bad speech; vile, re- Aku, i^< Hit, n. OLye-
The liquor obtained @
proachfullanguage; abuse; reproach; sarcastic by steeping certain vegetables, such as egg-
words. plant, bamboo sprouts, etc.

Akko vjotsulcu itataku, haku, iu), S B ^ ^ ^j Aku, ihi, S, Evil; badness; wickedness; mis-

^^,Kt!^,'M 7). to blackguard, abuse, malignance; virulence.

revile, chief;

speak badly of. rWARUKUoiii, Zogon. Akuntfukeru, ^^^ ^ n-, to become malig-
Syn. Baki, Nikumareguchi, Nonoshiri, nant more and more; Aku ni kuinisu, Jg =^ 3

AkS, 1^4* 5, MM^ "' [Chin.-\A regent; one who :^, to participate in evil; to act evil together;

governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or to become a companion of a bad person.

disability of the sovereign. Akuba. lo<fci', S 1^, « A vicious or worthless

Syn. SES3HO. horse. fa termagant; a virago.

Ako, T=i, T 'X, '*" One whose business it is to Akuba, To<lf< SS, n. A bad old woman; a hag;
burn a corpse; one who is employed in crema- Syn. DoKUFU, Onibaba.
Syn. OmbO. Ltion. Akubl, io < tr, X^, y*^- A yawn; a gape.
Ako, lc*>5, ^*a> "• [Bot.]Fictis Wightiana. siiru, v.i. To gape.
Ako, #)!, n. UchtJi.] Sebastes matsuharae, Akukl,
io;R.5. %<X}'', M^, ft- [Bot.]AkeUa.
Ako, io** 5. 4S. «• andadu. Red; of a crimson Akub^-o, lo < tA'-^ 5, S ^, ra. A malignant ot-

colour (used in connection with the honorific or contageous disease.

with gozaimasu, or with both; in other cases Akuelil, ic < t, S iliL, «. A bad blood; impure
slightly provincial). blood. flips.

Okao ga ako gozaimasu, 'MB'^^^^'i''^^^ ^ Akuckl, %i, %, n. Pimples that break out on the
7., your face ia red; you look flushed; you have AkudoHhl.-l.-kf, IS < ^ L, " [coll.] Quickly
good colour on your face; Taiso ako somari satisfying; claying; palling; disgusting by
masJiita, iKft^.VVk'-] "^ ^ S^- it has been dyed excess; gross in taste.
in an exceedingly red colour. Syn. KUDOj, SniTSUKKOi.
Akoe, loC*-, K. w. The spur of a cock. Akudoslil, 1o<^^,S^, n. [coll.] A bad year; a
Svn. Kezume. year of dearth; an unfruitful year; an unlucky
Akosni'e-ni'uku. lotii^HloS <. «< [col I-J To year.

walk about absent-minded; to saunter in an Syn. Akunen, Ktkindositi, KyOxen.

abstructed manner. Akuen, ^o<^^, Sfjt, w. [Budd.] Bad relation;
Akosareru, lot.ii**t3, Sj?, @, v.l. To be utterly unfortunate connection or affinity.
abstracted; to be absent minded; to be entirely Ikanaru akuen no matoishi nlya, fe] fpj
-^ »- a
bewitched; to be deeply interested in some ob- S -^ t s/ = -y, how ualucky is my destiny I
AKV 22 akC
Ahufn, 15C i5, S n.
Bill O Bad wind; noxious Akuinadc, To< St*. ttJIi, ifif. To the end; to
wind. @ [fig-] A bad custom; immoral manners. one's satisfaction; to the utmost.
Ahiigareni, li<ftUL3,fS, v.i. Sa.me ah Akogareru. Akiimu, lo < €p, S If, "• A bad or unlucky dream:
Akugl, lo<V>S£2, n. A mischievous trick, a an ominous dream.
naughtj' act. Wtumso, \h< h^^,}^^, n. A had name; a dis-
Akuffo, lc<:&5, l^M, n. t^MdcLlO Evil deeds; graceful name or reputation. fthoughts.
Ahugyo, ic<W=--i-, la bad action. @ The reward Akunen, 15 < *a A ^ t:. «• Evil or wicked
for evil deeds done in pervious life. Akune-shdcka, i^ < *l ^ 5, 5 AtSi^Bt,
"^ H «
AKiigyakii, lo<'^-^<,S®, n. U Being outrage- Distilled spirits made in a place called Akune.
ously wicked, atrociousness, or perfldiousness. An unlucky
Akiinlclil, T5< ifC^, , K , n. day; an
@ Treason; rebellion; a treacherous act. Akiijltsu, 1i<X"^, ) evil day; a bad day.
Syn. EOGYAKU, Hangyaku, Muhon. Aku-nln K ^, E A bad or wicked man
, >5 < A, n. ;

Akugydl, io< ^^5&,^^^,n. [Law.] A crimi-

an impious or profligate fellow; a scamp, knave,
nal action; an unlawful deed. villain, scoundrel, rogue.
Akiiliel, io<— \i^, S§??, ". lChin.l Bad practices;
Syn. Akkan, Akuto, Buraikan.
evil habits or manners. Akuon, [Chin.] Distinguished
^5<J?^, S,e„ 71.

Syn. Warukube. fwall.

favour; great kindness or generosity.
Akiihekl, iS<--?,gig, «. A whit© plastered
Akuru, i7>< Z, ,

Syn. Hani, Shirakabe. u.i. See -ifcerw.

Akeru, ^^r,l&Z, )

Akuhltsu, 1^ < V9, Sa, >.. [Chin.] Bad hand-

Akurn-asar "ihi Z%'^,M'^, w. The next or fol-
writing, bad hand.
lowing morning; to-morrow morning.
Syn. ARE NO ASA, My5CHo, Y0KrcH5.
Akul. lS<V',:s:@!, """ Ill-will; evil determination;
Akiirii-hl, 1o< Sy-, S B> w. The day after; the
malicious intention. fnews.
day following; to-morrow.
Akulii, toCV^A.ffi=t. "• [CWn.] Evil tidings; bad
Akui Huru, T^<V^-^^,tJg|tiP, v.i. [Chin.] To smile
flatteringly; to smile in order to please; to
Akuru-koro, 1^ < 3 t%, W ^i «- The time dawn;
day -break. fi'^OAEE.
laugh without any just cause or reason.
Obeickawarai burf, Sorawarai Syn. AKATBrKI,
Akegata, Shtnonome,
SCRU. rtion ; an evil deed. Akiirii-toshl, l5C3)fS.,S^, '< The next year;
tlie year following; the suc"2eding year.
AliuAl, ih<&,M^, n. A bad affair; a wicked ac-
Akujistnri, 3£©TE, a bad action is known Syn. METNEN, Rainen, Yokunen,
a thousand miles; disgrace has many tongues. AUuru-tBuUi, •\n< Z-^^,M ^, n. The next or
Syn. AKUGYo. following month; the month after this.

Akiijitsu, lo^Ar-^.Slf, 'I- l^fcd.] The seeds of Syn. Raigetsf, Yokugetsu.

burdock (used as a medicine). Akiiryo, •Jo< '!)->^5,SH. n. [Biidd.] An evil spirit
of a dead person.
Akujo, ^h< "^-i, S ^, n- A bad O
woman; a virago.
@ An ugly woman. Akuryo ni toritsukarii, S S =^ IS # » »-, to bo
Akujo. i^<*'^5, Slf5, 71. [Chin.] Bad feeling; seized by an evil spirit.
unpleasant sensation. Akuryo, 15< i(l-^5,lSa!- " [Chin.] Acceptance.
Syn. Akukan. Akusal, 1i5<5\r.Si^, w. Evil talent, craft.
Akujn, lc<:fc5.3gi);. ^- A harmful animal. Akusaku eurn, 15< "5 < ^^^, jilfet v.i. [Chin.]To
Akukakii, 15<*'<,S^, '" [Chin.] A contemptu- act in a busy, bustling manner; to labour sedu-

ous name for a teetotaler. Syn. Akuseku suru. Uously; to drudge.

Akukan, lo<4>A.,SBX. " [Chin.] Bad feeling; Akusclbyo. i;^ < * V^ CT-^ 5- IS 'i^:^, w. [Med.] A
unpleasant sense. malignant or contageous disease.
Akiiken, i^< W^, i jl ^, n. The hand
[Chin.] Akiiseku, lo < -* < , Sg iK. ci.dv. In a busy or bust-
Akkcn, ^^7W^, ' wit)- the fingers doubled into ling manner. fwith work.
the palm the ; flst. Akuseku to hataraku, fiSSS I' ffi( ^, to be driven
Syn. Gknko, NiGiRiKonusni. Akusen. ^5<U^, SS!< n. Stolen money; money
AkiikoM,io< W"/^. S"X. ''• A bad dog; a mischiev- obtained in an illegal manner.
ous dog. Akusen mi ni tsukazu, SS^^Pft* z^, the
AMikln siirii. 1S< & ^-^^, it ^, ^-t. [CTi?i.] To money soon slips away.
gripe tightly; to clutch fast; to seize firmly. Akiisha, 1o<;£-^, tS^, Tt. [Ch(n.] A tent
Akiiin:i, ToO.S^. '^^ ^ demon; a devil; an evil Syn. Temmaku.
Rplrlt. Akushtba, io< ;£tf. n. \Bot.] Vaccinium-
AKt 23 AMA
AKusliln, I5<2t^, S -C, n. A bad heart; a mali- Akuto, lo<te5, SI", »'• OA band of bad men.
cious intention, an evil mind. @ [coll.] A bad man ; a villain.
AkushimdcJtd svrv, gg £'Jfl J5 31 fl-, te become Aitsu wa nakanaka akuto da, ffi KR >Mii Ar SK
more and more malevolent. 4f, he is quite a bad fellow.

Akusliltsii, lo < i "^i JS^^, ft. A malignant or Akii-uchl, io< 5*^, HitiT, n. Bleaching.
virulent disease. Akuyn, i5< \i*5, ^ If, n. Hurtlul weeds; noxious
Syn. AkubyO, Akuseibyo. weed.s; tares.
Akiislio. 1^ i, g ^,
< ;£ It. Bad hand writing, Akuxo, T6 < 3" 5, ^K, w. [CWw.] Malice, evil
Syn. AKuniTSU. flity. thought. su)-ii,r.j. To harbour evil thought.
Akiislto, lo<S.-^5, S'li; «• 111 nature; bad qua- Akiizokii, loC ^'<, Igfff. n- LCWn.] Bad practices
Akusbogl, lo < ;£ -^ 5 Sr, * & IE, »- [Bot.] tewco- or manners; evil habit.^ or custom.
(ftoe ffrayana. Syn. Akufu, Aki'suu,
AkuBliokii, ^h<i'Z,'i.<, S il', n. Coarse food ;
bad Amn, loS, Jz, Heaven the sky (used chiefly in
ft'- ;

food; non-nutritive food. Syn. Ten, Sora. Lcompounds).

Syn. SostiOKD Ainn^ lilt, k^, ti. Sea; the ocean.
Auia, Rain (used only in compounds).
Akusho-moiHt. 1.^< X.-^5 4©, S 'H: #. « An ill
\^'%, fH. tf'-

naturedman; a person ol bad disposition. Aiiia, i^a, /g n. A nun.

Syn. AKUNIN. Syn. BiKUNi.

A bad Aiiia, io"S> i^A, 5^, «. A fisherman.
AkiisUuiioii, li < -It 5 *1 ^, K ii' ^. n.
youth; a malicious boy. Syn. Ryosui, Sunadori bito.

Akiisliu, lo<£5, S^, " iCliin.lA. bad or un Aliia, lo^, ^U, n. [Bot.]Flax.

pleasant smell; a stink; an unhenlthy odour.

Ama-agarl, lo'S?. ft- V), M ±i «• Clearing off of
rain; stopping of rain.
Akiisliii, i,n<-£,\.% ^i@, ii. Bad wine; poor safce.
Syn, AMABARE, Amayami.
Ak-.iskii, l^<:£i*, ffilS, «. [Law.] Seizure.
Aina-ni, ^^%^hV', M tS n. The interval between
Akiisku, lo<X.i-, ^-M. "• [Cftin.] Bad practices;
showers o£ rain. frtum.
a bad custom or habit.
Aiiiit-akaiia, ii'S.'^i >U,^{ilhn. iBot.] Bupleu-
Syn. Akufu, WARUcrsE.
Ain.-i-aslil, \c'S.'S>X, Hf Jji, 7t. The velocity of
Akiishii. \h < % tO), ^®. n- [fiw(Ic7.1Transmigra-
falliiig-rain. fheavilyj
Syn. AkudO. Ltion to a worse st.Tte.
Ama-ashi ga liayai, f^ &if ^ ^, it rains
Akiisliii, f5 < X i% li:?-, " Grasping the band;
Aiiin-lrata, t^'^.^-tt, vfeig, " Same as Umibata.
shaking the hand {as in saluting). AmabatiL-ialii, T6*EU;'fe\r&, M'WIS, n. Finely
ATcushu no rei wo svrv, ^=- ^ f^ "^ y- to ^ )i- ,
grained stone found in Ainabata, KGshii, and
salute a ft-iend by shaking the hand. used for ink stones.
Akiieo, i;^< ^5, SSfH, '* A bad physiognomy; a AiiiabikM, [Entoni-] A millipede,
^^'iV^'^, M, '*-

face indicating bad temper or disposition. Syn. YASCnE.

Akiisokti eiiru, % < ^ < it Z, ^M, t' i- To bind Aina-ltoskl, %^[}£:S., ^ T, " Drying in the sun.
together; to make up into a bundle; to tie up. Syn. HiBO.sni, Tempi-gosoi.
Syn. KUKURC, SlITBARU, TABANEHU, TSU- Aina-1)08hj, l^^a*^, i$^, «- Dried persimmons.
Akiitii. 1o<fei 5F. w- Dust; rubbish; filth; dirt, TSUBUSni-GAKI.
Syn. Ohiri, Gomj, Gomikuzu, Aniacka, laS '^^, ±'^|lJ, " \Bot.]ITyarangea
Akiitnfii, 1o<'k^, « The place wliere rubbisli i-^ TiLunberoii, ov Ama-tsja.
thrown a ; dirt-heap. Aniaclia, 15^ %'^, 'W^, "- ^ sweet liquid pre-
Syn. Hakidame, Gomisuteba, Gomitame. pared from the leaves of the plant amacha,
Akutiii. ^^<•k\r, Mc, n. ^
O'Vile, foul, reviling which is used to wash the image of Buddha op
language; scurrilous words, ©Abuse; calumny. the eighth of April, his birtli day.
Syn. AKKr), BAHi, WARrKUcni, Zambo. Aniaclia-siirii, loE'5^^'2, St ^ ^. "• lBot.]Gv-
Akntai, i5<teV^, S §^, n. [coU.] Same as ^fcfco. nostemtiia pedata.
Akutare-inono. fo < fz H 1 O, S S5. « [C?Un.} Ainadnl,
Same as Abaremonn.
Abiitarerii, T^<feHS, S^lf, v.i. To behave like T^. ^
a villain; to act disorderly, ^ ^., n.


Akuto. TS< )r, S n.%Same ,na Akvto. Laiyiiis

Abuto, Idee Kakato. aro^ntatus.
')o< ^, J3, n.
Amn-d.ire, T^^^sJi, , S, n. Rain drops falling Ainn-giiiiio, 1^2^4,111^, n. See Atnakumio.
Ama-d.'ii'i, ToE /;<!), Irom the eaves.
i Atiin-ginnori, To3 <* % "O.M St, w- Cloudy weatiipr
Syn. Amabhitatari. Aiiia-liada, TSEU^-, S S, fi- A thin membrane
Aina-d:u><^-oc]il. T,h'^TC:h.'iff%, aiJ, 71. The place covering the seeds of leguminous plants; the
where raindrops fall Irom the eaves. inner bark of a tree.
Ania-tlnvc-iilce, 1r>'%?tlil^l&, ^.^, n, A tank for Syn. Amakawa, Usokawa. Tofwood.
receiving rain-water from the roof. Ainn-liako, i^'^H'c, w. A box made of a net-work
Ama-dcra, T^E'^i^.^'^. '* A nunnery; a cloist- Ama-ltlko, ^^Sl^t,^lS^, n- [ZoiJi.] A lizard
er where nuns reside. Syn. TOKARK, 'inacranlha.
Ania-do, 1^9,^, MF. »' R^in doors; wooden Anialilrngl,i;^?,t>&^. K ^. n. [Bot.'] Scvtellaria
shutters on the outer side ot the house. Ama-hoshi, i;^5l4iL. ^iiGiP. « Same as ^ma
A'ma-ditKoro, 1o^)&Z.^, ^^, n. [Bot.] Solomon's Ainsti, 1531^, "H", rt.
Siuue as Aniashi. L(/Sl-

seal, Polyfjonatum, vulgare, Aiua-iuio, loEV't ,llj3gft!i- " [Bot.]TuUjjaeauLis.

Amaei'ii. I^'^^lZ, v.t. Q To act lovingly towards Ainaimi, l^iav^&, ?S, " See Komainn.
rouch fondled child towards its parents); to
(as a Ajna-Jio, l^aS.'Ki, feM. » Having not enough
presume upon, or take advantage of. salt; being slightly brackish.
Kodomo amaeru, ^\^if
(la ova 7ii -^ ^ ^^7 Ania-Jltakii, lo^i'fe < 31 i*. W- Equipping one's

n., the child acts lovingly towards its parents; self with rain-articles (as a rain-coat, an um
Okotdba ni amaele, ^ 'g — t' "7 x r, embold- brella, etc.); preparing tor rain.
ened by your kind words. Ama-Jltarl, T^a.S-fe'O.MiiS. "• Rain drops (as
^:tetarcrti. l^^A.feiL3, v.i. To act somewhat from the eaves).
like a spoilt or much indulged child (as a child Amahatsuru, l^a***:? '^."H"^. n. [Bnt.] Sugar
towards its pai-ents); to be exceedingly loving. Syn. Kaksho, Satokibi. Lcane.
Syn. Aina-linwa, loEi'tt, K B^, »» Same as Amahada.
Ama-gaoni, lo K ij-i— 3, M ^. fit ®. " [Entom.] Aniakaxo, lo24>^, ffi ^, n. [Bot.] Movcnia dulcls
A tree frog, Byla arborea.
fpersimmon. Amake, ^r>'il&, "H"ife, n. Sweetness, degree ot
Ainagakl, T^^iji^, n.A species of early [BoL]
Ama-guppa, Ih'^t^-AiC,'?^ ^^, n. A rain-coat. Amake-Eiikii, loEW^*< M ^'fl. v-'- ,
To promise
Syn. Amagi, Amayoke-goromo. or threaten to rain to be preparing to rain.

Ania-gasa, 1olS*'5,M.^. "" -^ rain-hat made of Ainakl, 1^2 &, n. [Bot.] Crataeva falcata.
bamboo-sheath or the leaves ol the suge plant- Amakl, Spanish Liquorice.
M'S.^.'U^, '*- [jBot.]
Ainn-gasa, T52ft'5.M&, " An umbrella. Aniakl-lziDiii, l^U 5 \r-:3'*9-, (E ^, '» A delicloui
Amagc, i^Et:)^. M^. n. Rainy appearance. fountain; a sweet spring.
Amage wo inoyo sliitc hita, EfiMr^fS^^/xS; Syn. REISEN, Sakemizu.
H, rain seems to be brewing. Aniaki-DO-kaxura, lo 2 & © 4> r>' 6,illBfi|. "
Ama-geta, l^'2V*-:te, M^. '»• Rali^ clogs; pattens. [Bot.] A kind of vine.
Syn. AsniDA. Syn. Masaki no kazura.
Aniagi, Io^If', M ^. "• Clothes for rainy weather.
Amaklslilborl, loS&S.ti'lJ.-H-*^, n. A press
Ama-glkii, 1^ a ^ < , It =i^,
used to squeeze out the juice of the liquotlce-
n. [BoL] C/irysanthemum
Atnakii, iSli < o-'^^- Sweet; Indulgently.
Ama-gJnii.ToES'itl, fl!ic, " , "H".

Biiru» V To make sweet.

Same as Amagi.
Ainakiiclil-ncxuinl, i^ a < "t ?! ? ;^, ^ n g, 7*.
Ama-gol, Ic a 2: y-, M E- n.
[Zoel.] A field mouse; die harvest mouse.
Prayer for rain in a
Ama-kiidatrUf 153 < /&3,^f!|, v.i. To comedown
from heftven; to descend to the earth (as gods).
Ama-gomori, V^feifl,^
The state of the
Aiiia-kiidasii, io2 < Tair, ^fjf, v.t. To make a
H, n.
descent from the heaven to the earth
atmosphere being filled
Ama-kiiino, l^ 5 < d.^S, n. White clondB
with moisture. CM l?J
hanging high up in the sky.
Ajna-goromo, lo ^ a ^ 1i,^^, n. Fisherman's
clothes. Ama-kumo* iSE < ?i, MWi "• Rain-clouds; dark,

Amngii, 15U <', M ^. «• A rain-coat; an umbrella; Ama-guino, i^a <r ti,\ rainy clouds.
articles used to protect from rain; rain articles. Ama-kiiDl-no-hoken, ^o2<V^©tt5H'^, :?^ H IT

Amaguclil, iot<'%, "H" n. n. Having much relish 0, n. The sword forged by Amakuni, a famoua
for sweet food; disliking pungent flavour. tword-cutier, and worn by His Majesty.
Ama-kiiHa, lo 2 < ?,#S. » [BoU] Same as Syn. SoRA.
AmaH. Ainn-uo-isai-il»l, lh S ^®V ^W,^B 'X, "• Lob«.]

Ainnkiisado, i;^^ < ^>c, 5^ jffsg, 7*. A whetstone Fishing flre; the fire burned in a fishing boat to
or hone made at Amakusa. attract fish.

Amnknsa-zuru, To5< 5P*3, ^W. ^- [Bot] Pae- Ania-iio-iwato, Tol£©\^5il?, , ^@ ^, 3^ ®, "•

derta tomentosa. Tshowera of rain. Ama-no-iwaya, T^^CD^/^d-^, \[Myth.] The rocky

Ama-nia. lo^^.UfBB. "- The interval between cave in heaven where the sun goddess (Amate-
Syn. Ama-ai. Tbean. rasu Omikami) hid herself for a time making
Amanio, f^'Jft, H h. "^ [Bot.] Windsor or Horse- the world entirely dark.
Ainaiiiixu, loS^^:?', fl!'4<i "• Rain-water. Aina-no-jako, loa©£-^2., >^5P J^, «• [C""-! ^
Amain ixii-tainarl, lo^^^p'teU 1), 31 :*:M. n. A Ania-no-JakiMo^©;&^<, i devil; a demon; an
puddle of rain-water standing or stagnant rain-
; Syn. AKUMA, Magakami. Levil spirit

water. Amanoko, l5EOC,^^. « A harlot; a whore.

Amniiio, 1S)£*,^||^, w. [Bot.] Eel-grass, sea- Syn. ASOBIME, J5R0, YUJO.
wrack, grasR-wrack, grass-weed. Ama-no-misu, 15 U O ;^ -^, EE SS, «• The screen
Ama-morl, 1o2 4V),3fiB. ''- Leaking of rain hung before a god; the dwRlling of a god, or of
through the roof. the Tenshi. ^Forphyra vulgaris.
Ainn-inoyol, l52?ii.y', ^flK, n. Threatening to Amanorl, l55©ii),^^, n. [Bot.] Purple laver;
rain preparing to rain gathering
; ; oi" rain clouda. Syn. MURA8AKI-N0KI.
A')na7noyoi ga shite kita, M fB:V e/ t'JK *, it Ama-no-nuhoko. 1o 2 © to It t, 5c 3. '»• The
looks like rain. heavenly sword, worn by the gods.
Ainaua, l^atr.gigl, »' [Bot.] Solomon's seal. Syn. Yamanohoko.
Ainnnn, l^atE, Uj igife, n. [Bot.] TuUpa edulls. Ama-no-sayoliaslil. 1o^ © ^ 1 H L, n. [Myth.]
Syn. MUKiGuwAi. fple. The bridge across the milky way, by which
Amanashi, lot^t, ^^, n. [Bot.] The crab-ap- Kengyil (^E 4^) the Herd-boy, and Shokujo (fiil^)
Amanau, '\}i'%^^,-^, v.t. Q To relish; to taste the Weaver, go to meet each other, on the
with pleasure. @ To accept or take with plea- seventh of July.
sure; to do cheerfully, willingly ; to be content- Ama-uo-iiklliaslil, loU O 5 5 tt U^l^ffi. 't-
ed with. [Myth.] The floating bridge by which Izanagi
Ama-naKuna, Tg^tt-^'tc, n. [Bot.] False-Flax. and Izanami descended from heaven to earth.
Auiauoku, l^ma < ^, ,
adv. All over; every- @ The clouds.
where; in all places; universally; generally; en- Amausui'u, ^o^^*^,H, v.i. Q To taste; to re-

tirely. lish; to delight in. @ To accept or take with

Syn. DOKONIMO, HlROKU, HiTOSHIKU, pleasure to find satisfaction in.

MAMBENNAKU, NOKORINAKU. jS/iofcw wo amanzuru, # ? 3/ "H"

to relish ::^ A-,
AinnneBliJ,-li], toEO L, {^, B3, a. All; entire; food; SlioTcu ni amanzuru, ^ = v :< »-, to be

whole ; universal ; general ;

pervading every- contented with an office or position.
where. Ama-obune, loS SrJ'il, iS /h *. »i- ^ small fish-

HiROKI, KOTOGOTOKD, Syn. ISABiBUNE, RtSsen. tiugboat.
NOKORINAKI, SUBKTENO. Ama-ochl. \h'^is%rM%, n. The place into which

Amaneivasii, iSaWtt-^, S, v.t. To make univer- raindrops fall from the eaves.
sal; to make pervading all over to circulate or ; Aiua-ol, lo5tot>, ffl S> "- A screen or covering to
diff\ifle in every place. Syn. AMATOKE. Lprotect from rain.
Amanln, ihtVCJu, ,S{eEC, " [Bot.] The seeds of Ama-osae» 15 T£ 3fi ^ '-, M W. «• A temporary
Amant, l^avc, (flax; linseed. covering over a leak in the roof of a house.
Aniano, l^^tci, ^^, v.t. To make peace; to Aina-otome, 15 U J? IT fe, ^ 2 ^. heavenly it- -A-

pacify; to appease; to calm. maiden; an angel. ffisherwoman.

Ama-no-sawa, TS20*>tt, 5^S?- " The mUky Amu-otonie» 15 2 3s If ft, ^ ii'*. ri. A young
Syn. GiNGA. L"way. Amarl* 155 "O, S*, aAv. Very much, very; exceed-
Amn-no-lia«roroino, 153 © tt a ^ 5»3c33iK, « ingly; too; more than; unusually.
The garment worn by heavenly maidens iAmatsu Amari aZsui, (iJ V * -f ,!too hot; AToari chisal,
otome). ^V/^9'f, too small or little; Amari hometa
Ama-no-hara. Ti^aCtd^.^M, n. The heavenly fcotortemonai, ^VS-^^Wt"*-?-^, it U not a
plain, the sky; the Armament; the heavens; the very praise-worthy afl'air.

original abode of the gods. Amari, 7529. 0. »• That which is left over; re
; ,

mainder; excess; surplus; that which is beyond door-sash pasted with oiled papnr; an outside
necessity or more than enough; superabund- door covered with pnper, usually oiled,
ance of anything. Ainaso na, l^^'S 5*^, Seeming to be
'H'ffl. « O
Amarl-mono, 15 3 <& ©, 5^4^, n. Leavings;
ijj sweet, or pleasant to the taste. @ Appearing
things left; remnant; residue; rest; remains. to be good-natured or fooU.''h.
Amari mono ni wa fuJcu ga aru, SS 1^ = -"» ^ Amaso na ringo, "H" ffl ^ t^ ?^. apples appear-
TJi', \ltt.'[ there is happiness in the leavings; ing to be sweet.
[^0.] he who takes after all others have taken, Aniassae, l^Sv'S-^, .^], adi'. Besides; more
gets the greatest prize; he receives most who Aiiiiitsiisar, l^'^-O'^^, ) than that; moreover; in
takes least. addition; still more.
Amarj ua, T^^tii)^, ,Too much ercessive
a. ; Syn. SONOUE ni.
Aniarl ii<», lo'a "il©, ) extraordinary; beyond what Aniasii, I5i2"^.0, ft- To leave over; to let
is common or reasonable; immoderate; inordin- remain; to leave what is beyond necessity or
ate; exorbitant; extravagant. want.
Amarina koto ivo iu Into da, 5S V^^^^'^A liiiitC:), to^fe. Si ^. a. Nnnicrnu'^, mucli; many
if, he uses too severe language. Amata no gunzcl, SS^^^iJ'^, n. numerous
Amarl nl, l^^ U)l/C, 6S, adv. See Amari na. army; Amata no hitn, ^^Jr ^ K, many a man,
Amaru, lo^as, ^, v.i. To be more than enough; a great many persons; Amata no kane, ^^ ^
to be superfluous; to be more than is wanted to ;
^, much money.
be beyond or above; to be left over, to remain Syn. OuiTADASMi, Oku, T.vnto.
over; to be in excess; to be too much. Inintaviislii, lo'ar22 L, ^ "tf" Sk. " O Loose.
Toshi wa gojTi niamarn, ^>> S.+ == 5$ ;^, he Ain::tlaritslij, Xh'^.-)1zZ L, (@ Slow; dull.

is more than fifty years old; Kaiw, ga amaru, Aiiiatatatij, loSfefeV*, ffi IS, '^dw Many a time;
&:VgSB', the money is more than is wanted; many times; very fretjuently; repeal(:'i.l]y.
Goshinsetsu wa mi ni amari masii, Z^ 1^ ^i -'^ Cf Syn. IKDTABIMO, SUDO.
=i aS y "7 7., you are too kind toward'^ me. AniatNii, lo^-^.^r^, o.' Oi lieavenC^ma, heaven;
Syn. NOKOBU, SDGIEU. rbringing rain. Uv. oO-
Amaryo, ih '% ^ i. 5,)^^. n. [Zobl.] A dra-nn A'lvatsn-lii, ^^ H, the sun; Amatsu-mizii,
Ainasn, lo^'S.ti', n. The quality or degree ol Jlf^. the rain; AmatsiMniko (Teushi), ^ i$ ?,
being s^\eefc; sweetnesfl. Ted Heron. the son of lioaven, Amatsn-hire, 3^ ^ g, a
AmnsagS, 15^5^, -JT^K, " [Orn/t^i.] Buff baek- cloud. rNeetile-iniled swil't.
Auiiisakii, i^?: e < , ^ #, n. [Bot.jCe{osia argentae. Amatsiibamo, th'^'PiHb, t&^, n. [Ornltfi.]
Amasaraslil, loE^ & L, ^
M PE " Exposing U. Aiiiatsiibovo, ToS-^^tX^. lUBil^. " 1^0'] Tulipa
Amazarashi, \h'^T^ L, S tlie rain; allowing n edulis. fheaven.
thing to be weather-beaten. Iiii:;(s9i-kaini. 1o E Gods or
-^A'^, ^ rp|ili. "
Amazarashi ni suru, |I^p0=;7. »-, to expose %inalsii-Kazc, lo^"^*'^. ?c fli ^, ". The wind.
to the rain. %inatsu-sOi-a, lo 'S •:? ^ i^, ^ ill ^, „. The sky;
Syn. Ame ni sarasu. heaveni.
Aniaslil.'t,-ki, 152 L, "H", «. U Sweet; sngnry, .%inatsii-wai-.T«-!i, i;")^-?*:) & U, ^ g, n. The in-

saccharine. @ Slightly salted ; not salty enough. habitants nl tliu 'lOiivens; [/{£.] heavenly boys.
@ [coll.] Loose; not tight. g^ [co^.j Soft, as ^ma-tsuKukl, loa-C'p'S, ggfU. 'i- A long conti-
metal; stupid. © Indulgent, m.t strict. Syn. RiN-r. Luued rain-fall.
Chie amal hiio, ^^E^'H"# A, ^ stupid
go, %i)Baiiko-1>aijn. loU 5 t^lf ^, 3^ flE; JjL, n. A nose
person; Katana no ha}(c ga amai. j] ^itii'^l with the nostril pointing upwards.
^, the metal of a sword is not well tempered Syn. SnisnipPANA.
Ktisahi ga amai, i^lif-U'^, the wedge is not .linaiirl, loU 5 "i), t!^ -E, n. [i3ot.] Musk-melon.
tight; Mada sli'n na amai, jft ^S!^##, it i- Syn. Karatjri, Makuwauri.
not salty enough. Aniayaclorl, i^^j^^ tg
, |f fj;, n. Sheltering from
Amnslilmori, -i^^^^fciO, MiiS, " Being wet by the rain for a time.

rain; being damp, moist, or soaked with rain. Ainayakasii. I^S-'^*--^. iS §, v t. To please by
Syn. Amanup.k, Amajitari. indulgence; to pet; to humour; to love too
Ama-shltailai-o, 'ih^.XIzl'.H, ®. M ii, « Rain- fondly; to dandle. fdandle children.
drops falling from the eaves. Kodomo TOO amnyakasu, ^^\=}- t "^ \ tt y- to

Syn. AMADARE. Aiiia-yainl, inU-S-/^, S. «• The clearing off of the

Ama-sbOJl, loEi-^^ t.MiSI^. " A rain-proof Aniajo, 15^i,Mffii "• A rainy night. Lraln.
Ama-yoke, tS^ It?-, KJ ^, -n. A screen, board, etc., Ame-ga-shita wo shlroslii mesu, 3c T^ ffll 5i, to
that shelters anything from the rain. govern the Empire; to rule tlie whole world.
Ania-yosol, l5^i^l>, Mi^. "• Wrapping up so Syn. Chikyu, Sekai, Tenka.
as to be rain-proof. fcoax; to be flattered. Amesiinl, i;^ fe <- k, PH^S, «. A surname of
Amayu, y^'%\t»tWM^, i'-^- To careas, fondle, Syn. HiNOMOTO. LJap;i.n.

Anata no sJiinsetsu ni amaete, g-g ^ ^=T Aine-lro, TofeV^JS, ffi'jfi, n. The colour of ame,

VX7, being flattered by your kindnesR. which is of briglit chestnut colour.

Syn. AlDARU, KIMAWA wo NASU, SOBAYU. Ame-lslil, ^hib\r£., uii'G, n. A atone, the inside of
Ama-yurl^ New-Zealand Flax. which presents a beautiful ame colour.
To^ifl'V), n. [Bot.]
AniaBakaru-liina»i'o'E^:b>:2 t>U,^^V^, n. [ols.]
Amelwaalil. %)hV-inl„ f'- [Tchth,'] Olupea Bp.
A very remote district. Amomnsu, T^i^U-^, MM.< « iIcMh.]Salmo leu-
Syn. T5KI-KATAINAKA. conomis. ferous insect.
Aiiieiiibo. T5l?)A,ffi?, 7ii ^, n. [£?)(om.] A hemlpt-
Amamahe, loa^W-,(S, n. Sweet sake; a kind of
Syn. .^rizL'GiiMo.
drink made of fermented rice.
Aniouilio, •to*^(S? ^W> " [coll.] A stick of aine.
Syn. HiTOYOZAKE, KozAKE. Vsarashi.
Ainen, 7'— -rfv, gS ^- [neb.\ Amen; an expression
Ama-xarashJ, lol^ys L, M !©> " Same as Ama-
used at the close ol' Christian prayers.
Amasa^varl, 1o S ? Q V)
^^, n. Uindrance by
Amondo, ^h^^fQ^,^^^t, «. [Bot.] Almond.
the rain. fdressing a nun.
AmaEe, w- An expression used in ad-
Ainc-uo-lwalo, icS6©\rai?. . ^ ^ p, n. Tlie
"lo^^t fB fiJi
AiMii-iio-i^vitto, lo3®\/^t3^> J rocky door or en-
Amba, T5Atf,^l^, n. [Chin.] A saddled lior^e.
trance to the heavenly cave. fSame as above.
Amtoal, [5^^fV^,g|ftj, ^^Ij:, n. O The seasonini; or Aiiio-iio-iwnyaiflo, ^;^^6®V^ tt-*?^-. ^cSSf^, 71.
taste of food. @ The condition, mode, manner,
Aine-MO-kanil, ToitOA'A, M GilJ. '* The rain-god.
Btate,way; position of affairs; state of health.
Syn, Amefukasu kami, Ustii.
Vol go ambai desu, iff ^ iKi§H§7'7'., the sea-
Aiiic-ito-)iiiii';tki[i»n-uo-l.siiriie:l, i^^cOtr^ < %
soning is perfect (or this tastes very well); Go
©5 3 ?f ^ fk '^f f^- "• One of the three Hacred
ambat wa ikaga Oesulca, ^SP|i^§>^ ic f^ 5' ::^ »,

valuables in tlio Imperial Household (a sword).

how do you feel, or how are you ?
See Saiis/ni-nojinyi.
Syn. GUAi, IIODO, Kagen, Yodai.
AiiiofiksL-iisulesliiko, l^!* V)*>^i?^t, n. [Bot.]
Ajnbu Biiru, ^o^-*'^S, $tS. ^'-f- To pacify; to
Sweet William Bunch Pink. TPiusley.
calm; to tranquilize; to love and make content- ,

Ainci-ilia-iiiiijln. I0 i6 «) 4> K ^ £- A, n. [Bot.]

Tami wo ambu sum, S ^ ^M 7' » i

to love tlie
Anici-ik:t-si]kl, lo 16 1) *> -^ ?, ^^m Ap Wl. ".

people and to have compassion for them. [AgHc] A kind of spade or plongli.
Ainerii, \7,^Zj^, a. Braided; knitted; woven.
Ame, 1516,^, n. The heavens; sky.
Syn. Ten. Aniotsiiclil, \h^'y%., ^ ilk, n. Tlie heaven and the
Ame, M> '»- Kain.
Ametsuchi no Jcamigami, ^ -^ ^[i jS, the gods
Ame ga furi soda, M ^^ f5i V y Xf if, it looks itfe

like rain; AmefutUji katamaru, %\^ rME'^B-, and goddesses of the heaven and tlie earth.
[Prou.] [lit.] after the rain, the ground hardens,
yig.] after a quarrel, love (or Iriendsliip) be- Ame-iirl, loi65'0,Gfl^. " A vendor of am«.

comes deeper. Ame-nsUl, -ih Vi 5 1.1^4", n. [^Too?.] A chestnut-

Ame, J5*, fiiS,
K- O A honey-like jelly made of coloured cow or ox.
flour of various grains; starch-sugar. & [coll.] AniczaikUj toi6S'Vr< , finflai. '" Workmanship
Flattery; false kindness; deceit, adulation. in ame; various fancj' object^;, made of ame, for
A7ne wo fcuwosent, t MV- ^ -*'»-bn', [lit.] to let children. froasting.

another taste ame\ [fig-] to feed one with honey, Ami, f^S'i ^J5R, n. A wire-net for toasting or
to cajole. frain-steps). Syn. ABUKIAMI, Yakiami.
Ameaslil, 1516I5 L, M W. '^- Rain-drops Giterally Anil, "ih?^, SB. " A net for catching fishes, bird.s.

Ame-bakar j, fi^fetf *> A rain-gauge. or beasts; net-work of any kind.

>!) , j£ fH S, «•
Amefurl, 1S»iiiJ,MfS. "• Ramy weather. Ten no amt, Jz -^Mi [lit:] heavenly net, divine
Syn. Uten. Tweed. punishment.
Amenm-bana, tSftAifl tf^, ^^, n. [Bot ] Bind- Ainl, fo^^, ^aS. n. [Entom.] 3fysis SY).

Ame-Bn-sblta, io*ti'*:£:te, ,^T. n. Under the Ami. -ih:^, m .6 M, n. [Bot.] Rush.

Ame-no-slilta, 15*60:6.^. heavens; the earth; J
Amiba, iS^^fcJf. JfHiS. t*- A place for drying or
th9 world bare below; all otu tlie world Bpreadiug neta.
Amlda, 7-=^, ppj^ya, ji, [BwU.] > Anjaku, Kuraku, Oroka.
Amldabutau. 7 H **7'"J', PU 5S
P5 1?f, The name of ' Animarl, ^o^a yi, adv. [coll.] Same as Aviari.


Buddha, the historical founder of Buddhism. Sore wa ammari hiOoi koto Aesu, y ^-•^ y )f

It means Eternal Buddha, ^•^St't;, that is too cruel, you are very strict.
Amlda, T = #, n. [coll,] Subscribing different Aniniashi, ^5^^ L,
sums by }f ^ Eip, 71. A shampooer.
lots for n common object. AniinatorJ, 'k^k.'^.'Z'^ I

Amlditl, lo^^V^.SI^, ". A bamboo sedan-chair Aniinin, -[^KTi-k, ^ K", "- [Chin.] Ignorant people.
or palanquin. Tout; to Invent. Amintn, ^c^;^^, ^flR, n. Quiet sleep.
Amldnsii, li^^Tz-}-, g^^lil, v.f, [coll.] To make Ammin bogwai, 3f HR jl^ ¥, See under Bogai.
Amldo, To^^, SB p, ". A door of "wire. Aminlii, ^^^;^^^,^^-, n. O Peaceable people. 9
AniJgaea^ 1o^ft*e, i^ I'c- " O A braided hat. @ Act of governing the people in peace.
A covering for the en- Annuo, ^^^%,ffif, „. [coll.] A kind of food made
tire head,' the face and by beating boiled glutinous rica in a mortar
all, usually made of (chiefly said by children).
rush. Syn. MOCHL
AmlffasaNemi. ih^iS^'S Ammochl, i^ ^ ?. %,WiW, ?* Mochi stuffed or
^?f; n. [Conch.] Bytho- covered with boiled and crushed pea-beans
capus sp, mixed with sugar. fbeing tacit-
Ainli:aaae5, i^;^f]*^^5, Ammoltii, ^o^6 <,^S*;, n. state or quality of
n. [Bat.] Acalypha. Ammoku no hosho, ffg S; -^ tV
K, [Laio.] tacit
Amlffasa-yiirl. 1^;^ ft* 3 CS ffi
guarantee. fcopy; wording.
l*V), M &. "- [Sot.] FH til aria. I
Aniniun. ^o^11^, ^X, n. A draft; composition;
Amlffawara, "inT^ii^t) ^%, n. A perforated
^^ ,
Syn. Shitagaki, SoKo.
earthen- ware-tile used in the manner of a cook- Aminon siii-n,l^A ^?-^, B; FB.
!& v.t. t%[Law.]To
ing stove. examine or try, as a criminal. @ To question ,

Amlhiki, -{hTf-V-^^W^^A, n. Q Tlie act or labour as a witness. Tmonia-water.

of drawing net?. @ fiahermnn. Ainiiionla-siiJ, i^AtVC-^-^it, ^^J^^iii.n. Am-
for seine.
Aniltshf, ^hTf-V^ IM^, n. Stones lor sinking a net Anipaf 8«ru, T5 ^ af V^ f" 3 ^ , {Jf , v.t. Q To ar-
Amljlb.-in, lo;^^-tf ^, fl?^Kt- « A shirt of net-
range; to manage. @ To adjust.
work, worn in liot weather to avoid the sweat Anipakii, ^hk^lX<, n. [coU.] Same as Wampaku.
injuring the upper garment''. Anipern, T5"!='.^¥, n. [.Bof.] tepironla.
Aniline, i;i;^?>6,,f^ g, n. The meshes of a net. AnipJ, ^5^^^^ S'S. « The state of being healthy
Amfiiie, 1^^y>,^g, n. The me^^hes of any braid- or not; health.

"'ork. ['idioinosa.
Ainpontan, \hkl'^K1tk, ii. [vul.} A foolish fel

Aml-iio-niP. ^h7*(DVi,^^'^^^, v. [Bnt.] Stellaria low; a go od-I'or -nothing rogue.

Amiiiorhnftno, 1^;^e>«) 4 t?? JH ^ 4^. " A sedan- Anipiikii. ^5^J:<.^St, n. Kubbing the abdomen
chair for carrying criminals ol the higher ranks sum, v.t. To rub the abdomen.
to distant places. Ta net.
Amu. I5tf, ^, v.t. O To weave; to knit; to braid,
Aml-no-tsiinii, 1f>7)-(0-y^,$?l^, n. The cords of © compile to compose to write.
To ; ;

Aml-o, lo;^5r, ,^J^, « Braided rope or cord. Aviiivo ami>, Jg-> ^i,, to weave a net; Ku-
Amlso, tsvtabi wo amu, U^^"?- !(^i,, to knit stockings.
i;,;^^, Sg^, O The hemp for making
net-ropes. @ The net-rope. AmiiKIjoi-o. iotf5^'i^5. vi. [Entom.] JVotonecta
AmIsiiUI, 1^;^^&,$B^, n. O The making of nets. sp.

@ One who makes a net. ['Abari.

An, ^^^, ^, n. OA small house or cell occupied
Amisukibarl. 1^;^-^ ? a y.MS^^. n. Same as by a retired Buddhist priest. @A small house;
Aml-urlin l^^^^.mifT.i^m.n. O Casting a net cottage.
to catch flsh. @ One who casts a net; a fisher- An, To^, K3. w. Boiled and crushed (sometimes
man, rkind. filtered through cloth) pea-beans or beans,
Aml-z:tllai, 1^;^?-^ < , JHIffll, n. Net-work of any sweetened with sugar.
Aminn, ^^^a,S-^, n. Sharf.-pooing; a shampooer. An, ^S^, ^, n. [Chin.] O A bill; a scheme; a pro-
Amma kamishimo samhyakv mnn, ^ -t T H JJ" posal a suggestion.
; @ Opinion thought idea. ; ;

5^, niy services in full for 300 7non {3 sen) (cry ©A desk or table.
of a shampooer in the streets of a city or town). CInka shmei an, J16 ^ fi^ IE 5g, a bill for
rev iR-
siirii, v.L To shampoo; to rub. ing land-values; JTiyaku kaisei an,
Amniat. ^o^'^^/^,^ efv. a. [Chin.] stupid, foolish; a scheme for treaty -revision; Kctsuoi an,
dark; Idiotic; extremely dull.
Sf. a scheme proposed as the resolution of ao
1 ,

aBsembly An wo tataite kataru,
; ^ i® ^ B »-, ^ Ananaeii, t^^^, IBll^i ^i- [-BoCJ Fine-appje.

to Bpeak energetically (literally, to speak strik- Auauiku, li'ftvci ^ttj, adv. Same as .^yanijbu.

ing on a table with one's flat). Anareba, lotcHtf, [cont. of Art and JS^areba.1
Au. T5^,3r. ct- a^d n. Peaceful; (lUlet; peaceable; Since it is, it being, as it was.
peace; tranquillity. Anata, lo^aite, ffi>5. adv. and i^ron. O ^ou or
Syn. OOHITSUKI, Odataka, Yasukaka. thou. @ That place, gj They. O Other side,
An, To^,®. An adjective particle meaning dark. there, yonder.
Idiotic, foolish, or weak. Anata no ho ga tadashil, ^"^ ^ "^ ifS. ^ -i
Ao, ^S^, fi^, v.t. To think, to expect; to call to you are in the right AnaZa konata, ^"^ i^"^, ;

mind; to plan, here and there; to and fro. fSoOHi,

Anzuru ni sano gotoshi, ^:A/i' =^1& -^ flO?/, I Syn. ACHi, AoniRA, Kimi, Omae, Sonata,
think, it is as follows. Anatagata, 15"^ fe Ji*fe, fiR:^^, pron. 0[coll.\
Ana, lotcpsfffli. interj. Exclamation of joy, sor- You in the plural. @ [coll.'] A beggar.
row, fear, surprise, etc. Ah 1 1 How I Syn. Omaedaohi, Shokun.
Ana uresfii ya, FrIS^JS 5^ "V. Ahl happyl Ana Anata-konata, T^'^teCtcfe, £^, adv. Here
kanasht ya, f^WM^ "Vj How sad am 1 and there; right and and fro.
left; to
Ana, to^, yCi K- A hole pit cave grave mine. ; ; ; ; Auaii, istci, interj. Exclamation of sorrow,
Ana wo Jioru, i^Cf-i^ff-, to dig a hole or pit; swearing, etc.. How sad I Ana and uki (sad),
Ana ni iru, '/Z^Xn-, to enter the grave, to combined and contracted.
die; Ana wo fusagu, %'f-%^, to shut ap a pit. Ancliaku guru, ^o^*&^<-^^, 3f^. v.t. To ar
Anadorl, lo'^^'j}) %, ^- I>isdain; making iignt o/, rive in safety. fAntimony.
looking down upon; scorn; insult, AncliliiionU T^f-^e:;, ^^^ /g, iu iEng.'\lMln.\
Syn. KEiBETau. Anclil 8uru, lo ^ "^ -^ 3, 3rffi, v.t. To instal; to
Auadoru, lo"51«3,1&, v.t. To despise; to make place an idol in a niche.
light of; to have a low opinion of; to under- Ancliokii, 'kh K% y.<, ^IS, w- [coil.] Cheapness;
value to insult to Iook upon with contempt.
being low in price, moderate in price.
iTASniMERU, Karonzuru, Kbibetsu
Syn. Anchu, to ^ "^ (* 5. ^ ft*, w- and adv. Darkness;
eURU, MISAGBRU. in the dark.
Anagacbl, )^, adv. Necessarily;
iQ^fb^'^, Andara, ithLTz^, 71- U^o. coll.] Nonsense; things
Anagaclil nl, to'^ii^'^V^, ' whether right or of no importance ; trifles.
wrong; by compulsion; corapulsorily indis- ;
Aadou, lo ^^f ^. =fTRS, "• The Emperor's lodg-
pensably; unreasonably. ing-house while travelling.
Anagachi so sendemo yoi, 3^^^ S'^cVr'^a Syn. ANZAiSHO, Karimita.
-f , you do not necessarily do so. Ando, i5^«5. jfiS, »• A kind of lamp with
Syn. MURI NI, OSHITB, SniiTE. Aiidou. ^o^*^, paper shades very generally

Vuagro, fo "^ a, ^ ^. w. [Ichth.'i A species of used in former times.

marine eel, Gongrcrniuraena sp. Andon, ^5^!e^, Rg-^, n. Stupid foolish; silly;
Anaguina, ^^^^<r'Z, M, ^- [Zo'dU] A kind of wanting in understanding.
badger, Meles anagwna. Ando suru, ^o^*5^"3, v.i. To feel easy; to be at
Anagura, TotE<*&, ®, n. A cellar. peace to be free of care.

Anaguva-dalkii, loU <r ^ T!i\^ < , ± 0E> n. One Syn. OOHiTSUKir.

who makes a cellar. Ano, 164a. ft?. ^- An elder sister.
Anahorl, l^UHiy), I^M,^^, "• OOne who Aue-biin, lo41J*^, |^]&$, n. An adopted sister;
digs a pit. @ A grave digger. sister in-law.
Aualclii, loiSV^'^, iSl ^ ^. w. A game in which coins Ancgo, 15*aa, j^ifll, n. A sister (respectfully used
are pitched into a hole; pitch-penny; pitch- by low people or in old-styled compositions).
farthing. Ane-lmoto, iSilV^ti?, Ji*^;, ". Sisters.

AnaJI, TS-^f^, ift^. "• [.aftfi.] Fistula in ano. Ane-niuko, tc^atr^, fl&IS. " The husband of aa
Anajl, lotc tr, t; ^ R, w. A north-west wind. elder sister; a brother-in-law. fdaughter.
Ana-kashlko, fo^4>Lt, 1Z^, interj. Excla- Ane-inusiime, Toilir-^!*. ^ ^> n. The eldest
An^u9uru,T6^i5-^^,B&5a, v.i, ] To make
mation of fear, devotion, admiration, respect, [C/if n.

etc. Used in closing old-styled letters, Budd- an indirect reference; to hint in an indirect
hist prayers, lectures, and sermons. way ; to refer mediately. fperor.

Anakiima, -iotf < S IS, "- [ZooL] Same as Ana- Ansa, ;oM*,SllS. ** [C/tin.lThedeathof anEm-
, ,

Anaguma, 'M'Zr.i:'^,' giima. Syn. HoGYO. fa sign,

Auame, t«'%i6, inttrj. Hard to atand or- AngO, lo/lj))?. i65S> n. A signal; a watchword;
Angd, TS^S5, P^ d-, n. UuiDtentional, unpre- understanding; incapable; foolish; Idiotic;
meditated, or accidental agreement of action, weak.
Baying or opinion. With proper suffixes, ango Kind anjaku nl shite
Tcuni midaru, I^SSM —P'
becomes a verb. XS Stan incapable prince on the
ft-, with
Chodo Jcangae ga ango itashiviashita, T &^'}f throne, a country is disordered.
©-a"Ss^ V ^ if, we have accidentnlly agreed. Syn. AMMAI. ANGU.
Ango, ^o^a, ITh ^, «. A watchword a password. , Anji, ^^^t, ^, It. Care; anxiety; the state oi
Angori, i5X&'(I,jn. [coll.] Hnving the mouth being greatly concerned about something un-
AngurJ, ^^^<'lO, wide open, indicating indifTer-
ence, astonisliment, idiocy, suriivi-;o, or desire Aiiji-dasii, Ih ^&7G^,^^, v.t. To invent by
for food; gaping. study; to make out; to recollect; to think out.
Aiigti, lo^<'. 0H ,©, CL. Foolish; idiotic; unintoUi-
gpnt; silly; wanting in intellect.
Tbtn aiiji dashimashita, \- P Y- "S* ^ a> tBs/vs/
i^, I have recollected it at last.
Aiigwal, ^5^<'t)\;^. ^H, " andnrlr. Out ol ex- Kangakdasu, Omoidasu.
pectation; unexpectedly; suddenly.
AnJMiurasii, ^^A.Z•< &-^,5gg, v.i. To pass the
Mattaku anfjwni deshita, ^^ '^ i'l-
7* ^' ir, it
time in incessant anxiety; to be in constant
was quite contrary to my expect, )tinri.
anxiety (as a mother about her child).
Syn. Zi'NcwAl. riie down in ease.
Aiijlliii siii-u, ^5^i•< ^3, ffSy/i, v.i. To know a
Angtva sunt, V,^<:^)-J•^, ^ W^, r.i. [Clnn ]To
thing thoroughly; to become very proficient.
Aiigyji, ISA^-^, ^Tflif, ". fBiuM-l Travelling about Antt-uiegiiriiKii, 1^ ^:£,• !6 <- & -^, ^J@, i'.(- To
a country on foot calling at various religious
cogitate; to reflect; to contemplate; to meditate;
establishments. Anrjya niny also be used as a
to revolve a subject in the mind.
Syn. Tosu, Unsui, Zcpa. Lverb. Aiijlrii, ^^^X^, To care; to feel anxi-
,5^, v.t.
Angya-iio-.s6, ^o^lr^-©t 5, ^fP fif, .». A travel- Aiiziirii, iiA.^Z, Jous; to mind; to be concerned
ling priest or monk; a pnlmer. about.
Aiti, ^^K, j^, ndv. How, why. Followed by ya has Amari avjlrii to hy^'ki ni nartmasu, §J V S
the force of exclamation.
Ani finre sliiknran ya, ili lit i^ 7 v -V, [Cliin.]
i^ fl- \' M^— ^ V "=?
^. il one is too anxious,
he will become ill.
how can it be so? Syn. KuEO aunu, Sbiwpai sdru.
Ani, lil(^, )£, n. An elder brother.
Syn. HAn.\GARA, Sena.
Aujltsii. ^^^^"^, j^S, « A hut; a retired
AiisliUsii, lo/t^X"^, J cottage of a priest; acottage.
Au-1, ^c^V.^™, »t. Ease of mind, freedom from
Aujl-'wabiru, ^^^:£.*^uf^,^fe, To be anxi- v.t.
care or trouble.
ous about, in an apologetic sense; to be troubled
Ant-biin, (;o^/7.S<^, ^5&. w. One who Is looked
about; to have an uneasy mind.
upon as an elder brother; a very intimate friend;
Aiijl-waziirau, 1oA^**^:p*^_1., ^tS. 'v.t. Almost
the higher persons in the estimation of one's
syn. with above, only a little stronger. To be
professionnl fnrp^. ff pprentices,
extremely anxious about; to feel painful.
Aiii-dcslil, loVS-^ L, )S ?ft ?, Older pupils or
Aut-go, l^]tz^, 5i an, n. Brother. A vulgar hono-
Anjo, 15 ^ e i, S i(P, u.. [Chin.} Tranquil, quiet,
serene; peaceful.
rary to a man or boy.
Anju, ^;^^^t%5, ^tt, n. Living in ease and con-
Aiiibi, l^vr^, 51. « O Klder blother (hon.). @ tentment; fi'ee from care or trouble. With pro-
[}nc. coll.] Friends or acriualntances (,hon.).

AnI-oto, tnli^^lC,
per auxiliaries and particles a nju may be used
{ J£ 5P., 'i. BrothE as a verb.
Ani-dtoto, i;jVZV:f 51f,
Syn. KyuDai. Auka, 1o^i>> IS ft' fifi. «• A small box, containing
An-ltnii, to^^^•7> ^-©c, " T-iving in ease and O an earthen- ware vessel in which kindled char-
with nothing to do. @
Pleasure, glee, mirth. coal is kept, used to warm the feet and hands.

May also be iT^ed as an adjective. Aukaii. ^^^A>^,?r T-^, /<. [Chin.] Leisuresome;
AnI-yciinc, VjKiysil!, n. The «ifo of an elder idle'having nnthingto do; free from careorbusi-
brother; sister-in-law. Syn. KiRAKU, Nodoka. ineas.
Aiija, ^o^.£•^. 1t#, n. A prie,=!t or monk who AiiknsslKikii. Ifl ^ *» -y :£. i < , ^ jig g, 71. A dark
controls the worldly business of a temple or a brown colour.
monastery. Anke], 1hA.^'^,^%\; n. An intrigue; a dark pur-
Anjaberii, t>'&\ < '^. " [Prob. corrupt, of a pose; a secret plot.
Dutch word.] [Bot.] Clove pink. Ankcn, ^5^l*^. ^ft. ". A civil case; a law-suit;
Au-jaEiii, ^S^[:^<.HSS. a. \Chin.\ Wanting in a matter-
Anken siiru, 15 ^ H" ^ -J" 2 , }$ ft, v.t. [Ghtn.] To KoJcka no annei wo tamotsu, S 35 > 3f Vi- ffi y,
examine; to experiment; to test. to preserve the peace of the state.
Anben sum, io^W^^S,^fS> v.L [CWrt.] To be Aii-no-sotokii, lo ^ ® 2: i? < , fe] 5g, adv. As ex-
wearied; to be tired; to be exhausted; to be pected as ; we thought.
fatigued. Alio, fS©, ffi, «. That.
Aiikl, ^o^@, ^^. »• [Chin.] Safety or danger; O Ano Tcoto wa do natta, jflt© >n K 9 ?? ix, what
possibility or impossibility of existence. @ has become of that afliiir?
Welfare. Syn. Kano.
Aiikl, ^S^&,^®a ". Freedom from care or trou- An-on, ^o^3i^^ ) 5 ffi, n. Peace; tranquillity;
ble; tranquillity of mind; comfort. AunoM, ^c^O^, 'ease; comfort; freedom from
Aulil 8UVII, ^«^^-^^,H| jE. T-*- To commit to any disturbance; concord.
memory; to recite; to learn by lieart. Kokka annon, S ^ ^ KB, the state is free from
AnkI sum, lo ^ ^ -^ 2, ®
:fe. v.i- [Chin.] To rise any sort of commotion,
late; to lie in bed tilla late hour. Syn. Annei, Bcji.
Anko, ^«^*>5,$0. «. ICMn.] Health, strength, Anoiicj, loC^ilV^, interj. An exclamatory exple-
happiness, comfort; freedom from calamity. tive mucli used in TOkyO in familiar con veraa-
Syn. BUJi, TASSHA. tion, for calling attention.
Aiiko, lo ^*> 5-^iffft.. »• t/c/it/t-l Angler, or Anrakii, lo ^ & < $ S!*, , w. Comfort; ease; con
goose- fish, Lophius setigefus. tentment; happiness.
Aiikokii, 1oA(1<,0hIS, (*• Darlc; gloomy. Anrakwa, ^n^f><.t>, n. [Bot.] Cydonia, Qutnet.
Aukon, ^5^£.^,flB#, a. or«. [Chin.] Darkness; Aureu suru, 1^^*^^-^^, B&i^ v.t. To learn by
evening; dark; destitute of light; gloomy. lieart; to commit to memory.
Aukoi'O, ^o^t^, SftS. " -A- kind of dumplings Ani'o, IoAJS, Oh B&, n. A secret path or passage.
covered with an Cgg). Auryo, 1^ ^.I!) i, 3?^, n. Freedom from care;
Aiikiiu, ^o^ < ^, HS^ g-, n. [Chin.] A foolish prince; ease of mind. suroi, v.i. To b© easy in
an incfipable sovereign. mind; to be free from cares or troubles.
Aukwal, lo^< 49V^, Bw W, n. and a. [Chin.] Dark- Aur.> o,^o^^!]^5, Hh S?' ^* [Ciiin.] A sewer; a cover
ness; oblivion; dark, unknown; oblivinus. Syn. Umeuizo. Lditch.
Aiikyo siiiMi, lo ^ & 1^ 2, ^ S, v.i. [Chin.] To Aiiryoku, To ^ 1) i < , ^ ftS. " [Chin.] A dark
live in ease; to pass the days comfortably with Syn, KOBIOHA. Lgi'een colour.
nothing to do. Ansaii, Io^3^, ) Hh 3^, W- [Math.] Mental arith-
Ankyil, 1oA&l*5, ) ^^, " A palace where the Aiicau, ^o^3'^, i metic.
Auga, T<9^C5, Emperor stays during a pro-
) Aueatsu, T5 ^ 'S -c?, [la S, n. Assassination.
gress; a temporary Impeiial residence. To assassinate.
siirii, v.t.
Annit, •^6^^^, a. [cont. of Ano and Yona.] [coll.] Syn. Yamiuohi.
That, such. Ansatsu, loA 5 •:?, I^W.^ '^- Examination; trial;
Anna fa, Ti^-^^, that way; Anna hito, t subjecting to judgement, decision or sentence
i/ A. such a person.
-f- (to be used in connection with ofli'enders),

Annnl. ^o^"^V^, ^?i, n. Guide. @ Guiding or O siii'ii, v.t. To examine, try.

showing the way. © Acquainting with know- ; Syn. GiMMi, Shieabertt, Tadasu.
ledge. Knocking at the door. ©Invitation. Ansatsuelil, li^ ^^ rp L, iSS?{^> "• The title of
Annai, with proper suJIixes, is used as a verb an ancient official who went around to examine
in t)ie various senses above mentioned. the conduct of governors and report it to the
/iToTw hen wa yoku go annai de oozaimasho, itt Emperor.
jS-*^ii^^0^ft5'=f-if'fv;/3i>, I believe, AiiscE, '"- Repose; ease; rest; fcran
i^/-^^'\j^, 3?!??,

you are well acquainted with this part of the quillity; freedom from uneasiness. fiiation.

country. Anslil, ^o^L, 0H$'J, fi. Attack by night; assassi-

.-^uiial-ja, V>K^\r-t:^, )S^ft#. «• A guide; a AnelifkJ siaru, ^o^S.^f'^, fftfS'. ^'-t- To commit
Auiiu,i-sbn, 1oAtr\pS.-^) person who leads in a
' to memory; to memorize; to learn by heart.
way; one who knows well tlie natural and arti- Aushin, ^i5^L,^, ^ it', n. A tranquil mind; ease
ficial objects of sight, in a country, city, etc. of mind; composure; contentment; freedom
Aimaljo, ^5^t^l\^2,•^5. '^fi^, n. A letter of from anxiety or care; tranquillity; a mind
invitation. calm, settled and composed. suru, v.i. To
Annal-susu, %/i,^\f^it-^, If ?} ^, it. A call-bell. lirtve a tranquil mind; to be free from care or

Aikuci, ^o^*lV*t ^^1 «* Peace; tranquillity; anxiety of any kind; to be composed.

liealtlL Syn. ANDO, ANBTO.

Anstil siiru, 7o^L?"S, J?fffS, v.t. To inyostigate; AnBon, 1o ^ e^ ^, ?f ^, n. O Safety; exemption
to examine to ; see. from hurt, injury, or loss; quality of giving
AnsliJtsu, ^i^^-7, ^^7, n. See Anjitsu. confidence or justifying trust. @ Close custody.
Ansliltsu, 15AX-7, ^£, «. A gloomy dwellmg; Anseii, lo ^^ ^.S^. d. and adv. Safe; quiet;
darkened chamber or room dark or secret abode ; peaceful; peacefully; reposedly; easily.
(as a prison or cave). Auxcii, ^o^*^^ la^. «. and adv. Dark; ignorant-
Anslio, ^5^:£i, ^#, n. [Chin.] A draft; compo- ly; unknowingly; with no definite aim or pur-
sition; copy; manuscript. pose.
Syn, Shitagaki, SOan. Anzen-kayatsukoBl* f5 ^^ ^tI^^W?r, ^ ^tS
". Safety matches.
Aneho, ^o^X-^5, f^U> "• A general or an ad- :K,

mirril wanting in understanding or capacity.

An«eii-ki, 15 ^^ ^ ^, ??^gg, n. A cut-out or

Anslio, ^o^fr5, t^B^, n. A. hi<lden rock; areef. safety-joiDt (in an electric-light wire).

4ii«u, ^o^^, ?>^, ". IBot.] Apricot.

Ansho ni noriageru, ^ RB = S ± /^. to run on
a rock (said of" a vessel). Ao, 1o^,^, (i- Blue; green.

Analid, ^o^;t i:5, ^S. " Recitation from me- Ao-a.bii. l.BiSr^*. if tt. ". [^n(o-m.] A gr»en gadfly.
mory; learning by heart. sum, v.t. To Ao-al, io5r%2)- 'I- [^ot.lConimeCy/ia communis.

recite from memory to learn by heai't. ;

Ao-akaza, ToSr5.*'3*, 5^ fil. n. [BoL] Goose foot.

Syn. Chudkyomu, Soranzubu. Lamb's Quarters.

Anshu, ^o^S.^*, ^i. ''! A stupid sovereign; an Aoao, 1o$r^5r.^'?. a. Q Blue as the sky. &
incapable prince, master, or lord. Green as tlie flea or a pasture.
Ansliii, ^^^^(,%, flg±, n. The keeper or occupant Aoara, lo5r%6, Serranus awo-ara.
n. [rchtfi.]

of a cell, cottage, or monastery. Aoa^^bl-Bliigi, Ih^'S} tX¥, n- [Ornith.] Green

Ansukko, ^o^^y*>5, ) ^ .§. #, «• 0[Bot.]Iien- shank.
Ansokiiko, 'Io^%< :b>?, ' zoin. @A kind of in- Ao-azukl. lS^*):?*5,^a. » [-BoM Green gram.
cence sticks, Aoba, ;;^5:y:. ^ 5|. n. Green leaves.
^5^^<, 5 i@.. "• [Chin.] Q
Aiieokii, Rest; repose. Aobachl. ^^^}d%,'^^, n. [EntmiA Sphegidce sp.
©Taking no labour. ©Sabbath. T?.kea verb Aobadai, i5$rttfc\r, " [Jchth.] Giavcosoma sp.
lorms. Aobal, io$rlfV^, 'fy UB. ". L-EnEimi.] The blue bottle
Syn. iKOi, Ktusokd, Yascmi. fly, CaUipJiora sp.

Ansoku-nlchl, ^o^^<I/^^, i^'.EH, n. The sab Aobaiia, lo5rtftI,1t IB^. n. [BoE.] Day Flower.
Ansoku-Jltsii, ^o^^<;&'7, 'bath day, a day of Aobana, lo5rfct^.^S5. "
Tliick running at the

rest; the Sunday. nose, of a greenish colour.

AutiLl, loA'teV^. ^IS, «• [CftiTi.] Same as ^nfc'". Aobato, 1^ 5r tfi^, 1^*5. « [Or«i«/i.] Si6bold>a

dntcl, ^o^'^V^J 5S. "• Tr;inquillity, equilibrium, green pigeon. ffooted owl.
the state of being settled. fAssassination. Aubazukii, 155rtt'p'<. "• [Orniih.l Brown hairy-

Anto. ^o^^5. ISot, n. O Assault d; oight. @ Aobcra, i^Sr-^t, Jt. l/c/if/i.l Ptatj/tfiossM* jwe-

Syn. ANGEKI, Yami-uchi. ci lopitrus.

Antohii, 'lo^it<,^ffl, /!. A letter or Qote. Aoblkarl, \h'^V>'^,'H %, " Green light; phos-

Any a, 1o^•^, tS K. "• A dark night; a starless phoric light. flJts.

night. Aobo-inomI, lo?rlI5 4&, " [-Sot.] Abies homole-

AlIyo,^^^^5.?^S- ri. O Recruiting one's health Aobucbl, ^o^:i=%,MW, " ^ deep pool of a bluisk
in tranquillity. @ Supporting (as parents). green colour.
Anxni, ^o^3'U^. i^^> "- Examination ot offences Aobukiiro, i^5rJ--< H, WflS, 't- Pale and sickly
or crimes. swelling, as seen In dropsy.
Anzaislio, ^^^^'V^X 1, ff ffi ^/r, ?* The Emperor's Aocttn,-in^%^,^'^,n. A yellowish -green colour.

place of sojourn while away from the capital. Aoda, 1o5:i^-> " O A kind of basket used in car-
AnsiiD. ^o^3'^, ^ M, n- Kasy or natural parturi- rying earth. @ A sedan-chair for prisoners.
tion; delivery or labour. Aodaisii6.ioV/:\r:£-^5,5J«t^., 71. {Zooi.]Eia-
ADznuJii, ^o^^*^:£^W', ^ ^:§:. «• [-Bot.] The Rose phis virgatus.
of Jericho. Aodake. l^Sr^-W", 1^t!r- n- A. green bamboo.
Anxanshl, lo ^r^ t. ^ UJ ^, "•• A scarecrow, Aodako, I55r7&t. n. [Bot.] Fraxtmis.
usually in the shape of an archer Aodama, i^5r?!l'S,iflFf, «• A groen stone.
Syn. Kakashi, Toriodoshi. Aodosa, l^Sr^"?, I?" ± te. *i- Asort ol blue paper.

Anx» sum, ^^^3rt^.^Ei, v.i. O To sit easily. See Kondosa.

@ To sit without observing the strict rules of Aoe, lo5:J&, W?&. » A kind of earth containing

politeness. oQbalt; gosiu

Aogaerii, tt5rfc'*.2, ff g. n. [EntomA Green-Tvos- Aoka^TA, 15 S* 4' S, 15, ". The green bark of a
Itaria esciUenta. fwork. bamboo.
Aiif^iil. i;95:f)*if, ttffil, n. >rotiier-ot'-peai-l lacquer- Aokasurit, Ih^ji'O'c,, U%B, ". [Bot] Sabla.
Aosal-xalku, ^o5:JI*t^SV < ff ^ SB I, n. Work- .
Aokaviira. T5 ST *» =' & . Wi 3. " Wot.] Ooccultis
manship In mother-of-pearl lacquer. T/iunbergU. fYoung.
AoKRinI, To3rii*A, I^SEi n. Blue or green paper. Aokl, T55:&, ff, a. QGreen; blue, ©[.rtfl-.] to6-'*.l

Aofferu, li5:If^&. \^ W^i /*- [Ontit/t.] Japanese Aoki,i^$:&,;|5ifci|jin]]91, 71. [Bot.] -^ucttHaioponlcn
green woodpecker. Aokjba, lo^9tf> «- [flo(.]Same as ^nba.
^oglehi, to^^%, n. [Ichth.} Equula rtvulata. Ao-klnako, fSi-l&^t, ^ff^. " Bean-flour ot
Aogl-nesa'^va.kubn. li i ^nft**5 < tf W ^. adii. ,
a greenish colour.
Praying most humbly und respectfully. ffoUa, Aoho, loSrC, 71. O Powdered aonor/. ©A green
Aofflri. ISST'T'!) . ^ is. «. [BoL] Sterculia platani- pigmenter used in colouring some foods.
Aoffl-tatoru, lo-tS^-C3, ^ 31, v.t. O To fan. @ Aokn. 1^5: C, flf, 7t. The predicate adjective form
To excite, stir up, agitate. of ant. fAollia japonica.
Aosoke, loSraW-.lft^Sc^. "* [i*o(.] Lichen. Ao-biiniatakoran, \h^ < )£ ft b^ & ^> ^- [Bot.]
Aogu, %i,^,0i, v.t. O To fan. @ To winnow. Aoku-nuru. 1k^<V.Z, ^1f, v.t. To turn green
© To stir up; to instigate. or pale.
Aogii, TiO'i'fr,^, v.t, To look upwards. @ To
O Aokii8aslil,-i,-kl» 15 5r L. ff E. »* O
Tastini O
look up at. © To respect. Q To venerate. S like unripen fruits or unco iked vegetables. Q
To supplicate. (0 To rely or depend upon (as on Inexperienced: youngish; a ;ntinginakill; inex-
the supply from abroad). pert; unskilled.

AoKumo, th^^ 4 ^, 71. A blue cloud.

, ?? O @ A Aoma, to^^, (^ ffi, n. IZoeL] A white horse.
Blgn of the weather becoming fine. Aouiaino, th^'^th, S8a. ". [Bo(.] Green gram.
Aohada., TS5:tI?&, H, n. Same «s Aokawa. rtosa. Aoinn-Jlnin, 15 5rl*:£'3- Wfe^. »• Same as
Aohnkolio, tS^rttt'*, «' [-Hot.] Stellaria tomen-
Aohammyo, to 5- tt ^» S.ffWJffi. "- [Env>^n.] Aoiiie-oi'l, 155ri^5ri!), W^fii!. « Same as Ome-

Blister, Spanish fly, Cantharis, oH.

Aoha-mono, l^Srtti^CD, |&ffl#, " A samuraVs Aoiiie-ivnta. foSrfcJ^fe. ^fe:^. w. Same as Omc-

servant. ftoad. tvata.

Aohlki, loSro-^.ffg, n. [Zo'dl,] A small green .lonil. M)^7f; ft, n. %i\ Bhade of blue or green.

Aohltogusa, %'^V-'£^-5,ff \^> « O Mankind. ©The blue or green part of a thing whicli is Of
@ The people at large; the populace. © The two or more colours.
common people. fyoung. .loiiil-d:iti!iii. 155:;^^r?, T? i, v.l. OTo begin to
Aol, ftSrV^.ffa- Blue; green; Inexperienced; appear green. ©To become green. ©To put
Aol, %^t>,'^% n. IBot.] Hollyhock. forth buds.
Auigal. ^n^V•ti'*T>, n. .liiiiildorl. i52:7>*wi, AS. '*• {BotA Spirogyra.

[Conclt.] Argonaut, Auiiil-lxii. i5 5r^V^^*. fff Hi. v.i. OTo put forth
or Paper sailor. young leaves. ©To present a scene of verdure.
Aol-suko, ^ W,
T^J-O- Aoiiiiwatarii, l^^T^^JfeS, ffH. v.i. To turn
71. [hot.] Dichnndra green all around.
repens. A4>in4H'lil. 15^4*^, #W. " Green JTocht.

Aoi-iiianie, •\r>J^t>'^i6, Syil. KUSAMOCUI.

Aoiitdjf. '[n'^li t, n. [BoE.] ilTidflj'a cUHodora.
Phaseolus. Auiiii>/Hs i^Srtro, W fS. " Greens; vegetables.
Aol-aiiinircto^lf-^^ Auniii, I55rtf, i?. O To begin to present green

n, n. lBot.\ Viola ccilour. © To bud forth. © To turn pale (as the

hirta. face).

Aojl, TSSr'fr. ftftfe. " Auiiiuke, To-S:^t^. W^, n. [coU-l L^ing on the
Blue or green back, that is with the face upwards.
ground (as of cloth). Tese bunting. AonmkJ, lh^is'%, W [Sj, it. Same as above.
AoJI, tSf:£'. Kffi. '*• [Or7i((ft.]TemmJnck'9 Japan- Aomukii, lo$:t?<> W rSj, v.t. To turn the face up-
Aojl-no-nlsliikl, ii^tr®Vf;£?, ffJthffi. '»• Bro- ward; to look upwards. rback.
cade of green or blue ground. Aomutte nertt, ^i^ fSj r JK*-, to lie down on th«
AokainlkirJ. H^ij^/f-^V, ^ *. ". [Entvm.'j A Aoinushl. toSTtPL, tSS^. n. [fintom.] Caterpillar.
kind of beetle. Aomy5bau, .5 Sr;^-^ 5 tf ^, #^ ». n. Same aj
Ao-liushi, 1^5r*'L. ". lBot.]3tachl(us. RiVia. Green vitriol, copperas, sulphate of iroa

Aonn, "in^tr, ?f, n- \Bot.'\ Brassica chinensis, or .-VoNiiji-agolia, T^5r-^ t;%W=-tt, «. [Entom.] Papilla
Brassica compestrls. sp. rep.
Aone-kaKiirn., To5r*l*o*c,, ^ Bg ft. " [Bot.} Po- Aoeiijl-badil, 1h^iri:iS%, n. [Entom.] Crucim
lypodium nippontcum. Ao-siiiiioino, lo5r"^l 4, T^ ^, n. [Bot.] Plum.
Aonl, jJ^SrVC, ^i^, n. A green paint Aotn, 3f.5rfe, 1?^ E8. n. O
A green rice-field or pad-
Aonohii, lo5r®<. Wi. ''' [coll.] A corruption ol' dy-fleld. @ Dead-heads.
Aomuku. Byn. DEMB5.
Ao-no-kuinatnker»ii, T^5r®< Ufel^ 6 A-, t± K. Aota, 1^5rfe. ?0S5, «. See^iwla. rs^cano.
[Bot.] Pollia japontca. Aotade, lol'teTf, ^^, ". [Bot.] Polygonum per-

Ao-norl, TiSrCDV), ff jS ^, k. fBor.l Enteromm-pha Aoto, io3rl^. S'ig, n- A Green whetstone.

^nte^tinalls or IZira iinzcf. Aotokuge, Jo5rlf*>l^,S BS ^. " [i^HfoTii.] Pumi-
Ao-nyororl, TSJrVCi:;^ «. [Sot.J Same as ces qulnquelineatus. rnica.
"(J, ^fl^,
AotNiibainc, lo5"^fcfl6, ti. [JETitOTii.] T)iecla japo-

Aori, lolff'fi, 71. The gunwale of a ship. AottiiiKiira. 1^5:'^:3'&, R6 3. '^- [BoL] Same as .4o-

Aorl, fo-i-*), PBt is. «- Tlie flaps or housing of a Aazura. fCoeeuIitf.

saddle; a Raddle -cloth; a horpe-cloth. Aotaiijciirn-rnjl, lo^r-^ip'&i^-, ?^PJb"3- 'B"f-] «

Aorl, ^TjJr-V), ^, 71, OA forcible stream of air; a Aoiiina^, lo5r5^,Wi^. «• [^oiil.] Same as vioma.
5; 5 a ® A, ^ Ji », 'i- The
blast, @'riie beating of a flap or anything flap- Aoiinia-iio-jlii, i^ "^

Aorltlo, To-Sridlft, n. A trap-door. LUke. waiting-place where the grooms of tlie twenty-
Ao-rlncop ^55rlp^a, tttt. n. [BoC] Apple. one white horses (see below) assembled.
Aoru, to-i-2, IR, v.L To flap; to strike riolently Aoiima-no-seoliiye, T<,5r5'a©-ii:'^5., ^ H PK §, ti.

and noisily; to slam; to blow. An ancient fete in the celebration of which the
To ga aoru, piftj^ji', the door slams. Emperor inspected twenty-one white horpe*
Aorii, T5X3, JS, *'' OTo beat with a flap or from hia Right and Left Stables, held on the
anything like a flap. ©To instigate; to stir up. seventh day of the first month (o. s.) every year.
Gummin wo aoru, B^ K? ffl fl-, to stir up a Aoiinic-miikc, lo 5r fe:?^ W", "^Silf. " Pickled
mob. plums.
Aoaa* To9:3, ff, 71. The quality or degree of being Aoiiiiil, "ih^^^.'sMW, w. The broad sea; the ocean.
green or blue. Vola. Ao-urJ, To 5r 5 y,^}5., SflJi, n. [Bot.] Same as
Aoea, 155:'5, S W, "- [-Bot.] Green Laver, Prasi- Ansaoi.
Aosasi, T«5r^2r, #^, Aojiigi, i^5r-^5', ^^, n. [Bot.] The green willow.
iOriiit)i.\ Common Syn. Yanagi.
heron, Ardea cine- Aoyaglso, i».5:^Sf^5, n. [Sot.] Verainnn.
rea. Aoyaka, lo5r-^*'. iS^, « Green.
Aosagt, TSSr^S*, ^IK, Ao>aiiia. 1^5r^ia, i^ |il, '/i. A green mountain or
n. [Bot.] Melon. hill; a mountain coverfil with trees or gr:i-s.
Aosa«rlsd, ih^-^"^-^ ? Ao«:iincrii, ii5:-3'y)2, ?^g|, r.i. To turn pale,
n. [Bot.] Habenarla. livid, pallid, bloodle'!S.
AoNHtigrojii, 1o^^^a Aoxanic, l^^rS**. ">< [I-chth.] Lamna glauca.
Aozainiiral, 1^5:5" tP '^.V-, iSf f#, '< O [obs.] Green
Green-coloured coral, or young soldier-*; inexperienced soldier-'. Q
AoaajibJ, ^oSrS L.ffjg, A string of hemp or O Formerly, an order of retainers in the Imperial
straw on which coins are strung. A kind of Palace.
confectionery, Aoaaskl, i^Sr^" L. ff ^, '" See AosasM.
Aosen, ^o5r*^. i^^. n. Coins raade of bronze. Aoxashi-xeiil, lo2:3'L^-tP, ^*S U. 7*- The coins
Ao8hl,-i,-kl, io5rL.^, « O Blue. ©Green. © strung on an amashi.
Young or inexperienced. Aose, tSSr^. *i. A north-west wind. fbeetle.
Aoshlroslil.-l,-kl, -}^^:&:S L.^^.a. Pale; livid; AoBonmshi, io5r3*5'f^L, « [BTittwi,] A kind of
sickly; wan; bloodless. AoKiike, io t ^* tt, W ffi. w. O Pre'^erving plums
Ao0O* liiSrt, fetSf, n. [Bot.] Sameas^osct. and other Iruits or vegetables in alcohol or salt.
\ouora., th^^^, ,^^. n. The blue sky; the Eo as to keep the original green colour. ©The
Aoxora, 1^^5' ^> \ az'""© heavens. things so preserved.
AoBudare, l^5r-^?!sH, ?? ai¥, n. A green blind. Aoziinii, l^ir^^, WS. " A cake of indigo used
AoBiise, iS^^rts-, «- [Bot.\Carfx hrevtciil'inls. as a paint.
Ananjl. lS5r-^C,1*f M. ^^ A blue vein, seen especi- Appare, l^yti'H, ':^ PS, a. [coll.] Adminble, praise-
ally on the forehead, when one is angry. worthy, cliarming.

Ara, >5 & ft. " The guts of flsh or fowlB.
Aragomo, 15&&1. I^Mi "• A new mat of coarse
Arn« 1o 6 |Ff, a. New, newly made, not second-hand,
Ara de hito kumi 30 yen nara dekimasv, jjf ^ — Aragotu, 15 6 & if,Playiog murderous
S'ff. "•
JfiS + ra-J-ytli^KT:?!, you can have a new or otherwise coarse parts (as in dramatic per-
suit made at 30 yen. formances), ring aragoto.
Am, i<,t, fl|[^, interj. Exclamation of fear, Joy, AragotosIUj l5 6aif L, ^^E*, n. Actors play-
sorrow, astonishment ; Ah Oh1 I AragiiBlii, 15 & <' L, |a ffi, n. A coarse comb.
Ara, 1o?», fe, o- Rough; coarse; unpolished; AvagyS, lo&5^-^5, ^1t, n. Tortures of the body
crude; unwrought; uncut; ragged; shaggy. which tlie priests in former times had to under-
Ara» 1^ & , iS, a. Rude ; violent ; boisterous wild. ; go as part of their religious discipline.
Ara, 15 6, n. [Ichth.} Mphon spinosus. Aralia, 15 & tt, 1S\ %, '" Same as Aramt.
Ara-nra, i^ c, ^ &, Aval, 15 ^v-, a. [coll. cont. oV Araki.] See Araki.
i|fl t adv. Aral, 15C.U-, n. A liind of sashiml made from a
Roughly; sum- live flsh, (so called from the flesh being washed

marily; coarse- In cold water).

ly; not particu- Aral, lotu-, jSE, n. Washing.

larly or minute- tlo 63 Aralgainl, 15 6 y-ftt;^, })t*, n. Having tlie hair
ly; briefly; rudely; uncivilly. of the head free from oil or pomade, (said esp. of
Ara-ara uketamawari masJiita, ^ Ar ^ -"^ '''
S/it, we have heard of it, though not minutely. Arj.igiisiirl, i5^t><'-^U), ^^, n. Jifcrf.] A lotion,
Syn. Hobo, Oyoso, somatsu, Zatto. or medicinal fluid applied to the skin by rubbing

Araai'3ir^li,-l,-kl, i^ ^ "S, ^ L, M 'f 1^, <^- Feroci- on or in.

ous; violent; harsli; boisterous; uncivil; savage; Aralliarl. 15 & i^ 3fi. n.

W- tt O Washing and
V) ,

turbulent. fulling cloth. @

Washing and stretching old
cloth on a board by pasting it with a thin boIut
Araarashtkt koe, -V Kt^, harsh voice. S
Syn. FUTOKI, Haqeshiki, takeshiki. tion of starcli; washing and Ironing.

Araaraelilkii. 1o & <& 6* < ^ '^ Sfe. a^u„ The ad- ,

Aralharl-ya, I56y-H'0-^, }5t5fiSR, n. A washer-
verbial lorm of Araarashi. man; a washer-woman; alaundress; afnller.
Araba, 1S6UI- [«m6j. form of ^j-f.] If it be; ir there Aralko, 15 t !> t, iSE ©, 7t. A washing powder
were; were he, etc. farabic. made of pea-beans.
Arabiya-Boiiiii, t9 ft-^A.ffittfS If R, n. Gum Aral-iioi'i, loiiU-Cil, n. [BoL] Laver.
tralHya-ffuiiiiijii, i^ S a tr&l*, ^^Bt, n.
CA'-^ Aral-utosii,i56y'5ffif-^, i!tS, v.t. To wash away;
IBot.]The tree producing the gum arable, Acacia to wash out; to cleanse. fminerals.
arabica, Acacia gummifera. AralHhl, i5t\/^ t, ff^, n. [Mn.! Anore; unwrought
Araburii, l^6J-*Z,^, v.i. To be rough, boiste- Aralso, 156V^5:, ^)!l. " Rough coast.
rous, uncivil, violent, or noisy. Araltaterii, i56i>fet:3, j^ i;, v.t. {coU.^lo make
Arailaterii, iSt?!s"r3,^ a, i'.(. To excite; to a ship's bottom clean byjpurning and washing.
irritate ; to exasperate ; to enlarge a trifle. Aralto-odoshl. l5f.V^lf =Sr*Li ;!E jft ^, »• A man-
Syn. TKARASKRTJ, iRAPATASERa ner of pointing armour.
Ara«1atsii. 1o & Ti'^ylrtAL, v.i. Q To be stormy, Aralyonc, 15 & U' i *!, i5E ?f£, n. Washed rice of-
violent, noisy. @ To act roughly, uncivilly, fered to gods.
vidlently; to be excited, enraged, irritated, ex- AvnjJ, 15 f, t, V. [neg. of Ai"u.\ Shall or will not be.
asperated. Arakalio, 15^*"^, & iS, " The first coat of a
Syn. HARADATSU, IKAETJ, IRABATSU. plaster wall or partition.
Arade, I^ft-tf, v. [7i«ff. form of .drt.J See ^r(.
ArakaJInie. 15&*'^-16, W, (^dv. Beforehand'; a
AraetifBu, 15 tA.U-'-il', #^i rt. Barbarians, sav- priwl't previously; in a general Way.

ages, fnietals; ore. Arakajime sJilrasei'u, J$ ^^ "^ ^ ju, to give

Aragane, 15 & j!)f

fa. flf i, «• [3/in.] Unwrought notice beforehand.
Aragaii, T5 6ij<i, 52; 4, v.t. [o&s.] To dispute, con- Syn. KAKEGANE, KANKTE, MAE3I0TTB.
trovert, pppose; to contend with; to engage in Arakan. T7:ftv, H^Sf, n. [Ziwrtrf.] An arhan.
debate; to resist. Arakascgl, 15 c, *» * 5", ^U, it- [c^^.] Robbery;
Syn. ARAS5, IKARASERU. freebooting; piracy.
Aragaiva, 15 tij^tt, ^^,n. A raw liide; undress- ArakaslH, l5t*'L, ffi3. « [BotA Quei'cus vlanca. .

ed skin; untanned leather. Ai'akata, 15 & *» fe, isH, «""• [coil.] Generally;.
Arnge, 15 tit-, ^ ^, n. A bristle. mostly; for the greatest- part; in the m!ii;ii
Arasome, 15 & a*. I^M. « Uncleaned rice. Syn. Taigai, Tairtaku, taitei. Ldiiefly.

Araknwa-odoshl, lo^A-U^^L. i^^U< " -^ coarse-wares, such as clogs, sand^l^, hroonn,
way of pointing armour in which leather is u^etl mats. etc.
Instead of thread. Aramono aklndo, ^I^^A, a dealer in ara-
ArnkcuHsliJ,-l,-l<l, lo ? W" tc L, « Rough; un- mano.
civil, boisterous, churlish, unyielding, noisy. Arainouoyit, lr.& tO-^, ?S%g, n. Astorewhere
Syn. Hagkshiki, Takeki. aTamono are for sale; the keeper of such a store,
Arakerii, lo^W"?, SJ, v.L Q To be dispersed or AraiiioCo, lo^tif.ffl, n. Coarsely ground rice.
scattered. @ To take away; to remove; to dis- Arnniiislia, lo ^ tr S. -^i S #j f^- O Ferocious ffS)

place, fto act noi'iily. warriors, fierce samvrai. @ Ferocity, violence;

Arakcrii, i^&i^5, v.i. To be violent, boisterous; barbarity; cruelty. fbe; may be.
Arakl. 15^&,(^, n. A timber newly cut from Arnii, ^5t^. [fut. of cm.] Shall or will be; would
woods; unvarnished wood. ArnuniHl, ^i^1X?f',^^fS„ n. Boiling billows; a
Arnki. lo'=.?,|a, " Rough, coii>e. rough sea. Tof straw.
Araki, lot?.^, «• Violent, noisy, snvage, ciuar- Araiiatva, l^ii-ViXr^riMi «• A coarse rope made
relsome, boisterous, wild, harsh, sliarp; tem- Arnnolta, -ioi^tlld- [neg. suhj. of Ari.} If there be
pestuous, stormy, hard. not; were he not here.
Aratl hltobito, ^^ A Ar. rough, uncivil, in- Kane ga koko ni araneba, ^if Hf^ — t ^T
decent, barbarous, or noisy people; ArakI mlzii, js, ifmoney were not here.
M'^Jt<, hard water. Araiio, l^t©,^^, n. Same as ^?Tno.
Syn. FUTOI, Hagesui, Takkki. Arano ni takagari suru, ^M f9 - IZ ¥^ ^^ fi- . to
Arakl, 1^^^,^^, n. Violent wind, storm. h:iwk in a wilderness. fJS'al.
Arnkldn, ^o^%fi::,^t• [H. «- A kind of clay used Araiiii, lotfo, :T':^. v.i. [neg. of Art.] Syn. with
tn plastering. Konoiien nl gakko wa aranu, jtt iS — fe^
-•» t
Arako, l^i^t, ®||. fi- A coarse wicker basket. yjf, there is no school hereabout. Ting.
Arako, l^&2:,:^f^, «. Coar-^e flour to be made .'\raiiiii. 1^ listi'j-, ^, jg, n. Rough sewing or stitch-
into cakes, mixed with sugar or ame. Ai-iiiiiika, i.5i^liti4>, i|a5K, n. The bran.
Arakii, lo^ < , S. flt'v- Violently, savagely, wild- Araiiiiri. lo^foiO.fe^, n. The first coat of plas-
ly, hardly, roxighly. ter or paint.
Araku monogoto wo suru, ^ ^ ^^t ^ 7. ;u, tu Aruiixiiraii, \h^K^^A., v.i. and auxil. v. Shall,
do things roughly. pnwiio. will, would, may, or might be.
Arakiire-nioiio, ^
O, 3^ A, n. See Abare-
1o < it 6 Arao, l^& V, ^f„ n. A brave man; a strong fel-
Arakiirerii, 1^ f, < H
5, ^, v.i. To be ruu;j:h, low. The more common forai is Arasftio.
Bfcrong, or noisy; to brawl; to squabble, to roar; Arapi>ONlii.-j,-kf. m-v&lM. a- [vul.] Sam©
to use scurrilous language; to quarrel Indecent- as Araki. faro.
ly- A rara, i^ i^ t , interj. The contracted form of Ara-
Arakuro8hl.-J,-lci, 16& < ^ L. o.. Brawny, inde- Arjira, i^ ^ c, a. Not near; wide apart.
cent, quarrelsome, scurrilous, boisterous, Ai*ai'iis<M'ii , 16 e. e. W^ 3 ^, v.t. To make boisterous.

rough, squabbling, roaring, strong. quarrelsome, noisy; to enlarge.

Arakui'osliikii, tot < ^ L< a.Av. The adverbial Ai-aragl, t^ i^ ^ ^\
|g :§;, „. [BoL] EuimtGHum.
form oiarakuroshU See Arakuro^ihi ArartiKl. 1,5 ^ 5 ^\ |5, n. A Buddhist tower.
Arainakl, lofE&.^^i ^i- Straw matting for Araragi, lo^Gi', ??. [Bot.] Yew-tree, Taxus cos
wrapping flsh or fowls intented for a present; pidata.
Syn. TSUTO. L'lence a present. Ai-araka ni. 1S&G*'L^,S:, adv. Roughly; noisi-
Araniastil, lo&^ L. ^t&. adv. For the greatest ly; violently, see Araku.
part; In the main; mostly; ior the most part; Araro, lo 1^ >l, SI, " Ihnl.
generally; roughly; summarily. Amrcyafurii, ^g//'[t|/^. it halK
Syn. ARAKATA, Taitei. Ararobaslilrt. 16 t It [f L «) S3 Sfc. «. A featlyal ,

kraino, lS6!6,ffl^. « lBotJ]Ecklon1a WCj/ciU. celebrated on the 16th day of the 1st month{o.j.),
Aranil, lo&S-.SfTJ, "^ A new sword-blade. in the Imperi;il Pnlnce.
Araniitania,io6;^fe^,SE flu's."' O The enraged AraresHiiin, 16 f. nJj-g:, SE ^. '^- An iron pot on
Kplrit of a god. @ The spirit of a person newly the out-Ride of whicii there are numerous small
died, or a tablet representing do. elevation'^ like hallstonea.
Aramoiiil, i^ 1 1 ;^, m, "• Unhulled rice. 4i-nre-gnrol, to 6 ttftMiV*. ». [IcJith.] Pleuro-
Araniouo, 11^54©, Si^, f'- Things newly made; nect.es asperrlmus. ^ytdomsis.
things not antiquated. .\rape-gil<ii. 16^Hy C,?);, n.
Araiuono, t^^ <i(D. ffitt. ». n.t leral name for Ararp-l«l»I, T.'tHvL-SH. ".
Arnrc-koin«n, ft&llL£.l&^, ;r Small Arasoii, % c, ^ X, ^, v.i. To contend with, t«
Arare-KOinoii. ^o&K&ft^, spots like hailstones quarrel; to have a difference; to differ; to de-
on various kintla of clotli. bate, to complain; to argue; to compete.
Ararc-k5.«ou, lo t *ti>5*A., ^RS fltt. "• Parched Syn. RONZUBU fto ruin,
glutinous rice used instead often. Arasii. lot-^, ?j?. v-t" To lay waste; to desolate;
Araronii, T^ ^ Kto. :7 i* 'S. '^'i- [Pot. neg. of Art.] Shishi ga Iiatake wo arasv, ¥f^if 7 9 ^i &^
Cannot or could not be or exist. the wild hog spoils the fields.
Arnrf^rii, 1^ ^ H2 , ?> 'S. v.i. [off. of Ararenu-.] Ar:iE)iiiiil, i^Cfir^f; n. [3ffn.] Stone coal.
Konna ga arareru hazn f/a nai, =lv^^
koto Arata, i^^Jz, Iff, a. New; liavlng been made but
^T 7 u-
'S ft--f such a thing cannot exist,
:'/ -J- , a short time; not defaced or worn out; fresh;
or such a thing is an impossibility. novel; of recent origin, invention, or establisli-
Ararczake, l5i=.H*'W, S?l§, n. An inferior des- Syn. Atarashi, Shin. LTnent.
cription of sake in wliich the barm particles are Avtktn,'i^c,it, ^ Jfil, a. [rmit. of Arataka.] Of mira-
yet undissolved and look like hailstones. culous power; remarkable for liearing prayers;
Arnsn, io^^,|a, n. Coarseness; violence; rougli- wonderfully; powerful; godlike.
ness; unevenness; rudeness; harshness. Ano kami wa arata na monodesu, -^
fS JS* -"^ ff
Arasarorii, 1^^-5*13, ^-g-, v.i. To belaid Avastp, Sil-^ =£ -' t't'., that god is wonderfully powerful,
desolated, ruined, des- and lieara prayer well.
troyed, injured, spoiled. Aratn, ig^fc, 4 QJ, n. Pa<ldy fields newly made.
See Armhl. Aratao, >o6te'^, ^K. ^- Coarse hemp cloth.
Arnselto, 1^ ^^V^if?, iJtfSI Arataka, >;^6fe4>, taJg, ,<.. [Ornith.^An untaught
tH ^Ei ^' [Sot-1 Bronipton falcon.
stock, Stock. ArataJkn, to & fe *n ')hf^, « Speedily rewarding
Araseravorii, 15^^^itj, one's prayers; ready to accept a prayer; mira-
v.i. [/ion.] Same aa^rw, culously; powerfully.
used only in speaking to Aratania, ^o^^h.'^, B?, n- [3//n.] Uncut and un-
or of respectful person- polished gema.
ages. Arataiiiam, l^tfelJZ, W. v.i. To be amended,
Gokigen yoTcu arofcrare- renovated, corrected, regenerated, overhauled,
altered, or renewed.
you are (or he Is) well. PS ?ft tH TK Kwansei ga aratamaru, *& ifei) ^z* M "7 fl-, tlie

Arnsprii, 1^^-^Z, -^^- \caus. of Aru.^ To cause to regulations for government organization are be
be or exist; to make; to create. amended.
Arasltf , See Araici C^.
io & L, Vt, « Aratanie, To^-fe*, ^, '"-• Examination, amend^
Araslil. lo*i L, S. SIM. A storm; a tempest. « ment; alteration, investigation, reformation
Ara^lil^oto, 1^1^* S;!?, f^, Manual labour; /(;
" inspection, review, careful survey.
hard work; toil; drudgery; bodily work. Syn. GiMMI, SHIKABE.
Araetil-siian, li & L <' ^, "• [SoM Saxl.fraga Arataincni, 15 & fe 16 3, 5fc. v.t. Q To change,
lycoctonifolia. for preliminary work. alter, correct, renew, renovate, refoi-m, Inft

Araslilko, l^& Lt.,|a$S,™- A. jack- plane for rough prove. ®To examine, survey, investigate,
Arai^liinicnif l^*^;£y)2, -^ W. v.t. [cam. of ^rw.] count, inspect, oversee.
To cause to be to make to exist.
; Kore loa aratameneba narimasai, jlt >'» Hft > ^
Kami lud bamivtsu too arashimerv, ^\-'\%9^ ?< -J- V
"7 ^ V, this mtist be altered; Kane too

9-'%fi'J>1^, God caused all things toexis.t. aratame>-ii, & ? BJ »-, to count the money.
Araslilo. i^h^X^, n. The open sea. Syn. ARATANI SURU, GlMMT SURU, KAERU,
Arasliotaf, l^^ifcifeV^, !&f 1&?ff. ^^- Commencing SEN9AKU SPRU, SHIRABERU, TADASU.
to keep a house, said of a new couple, among Arataiiiote, 15 6 "te 56 T, Bft, adv. Once more;
the lower classes. again; renewedly; anew; afresh.

ArasdJ. lo'i^i>, ^. " Contesl, difference, rjuar- Syn. BETSUnAN Nl.

rol, dispute, strife, debate, contention, emulous Aratainii, i^C-fetp, %, v.t. Same as ^j-atawwrw.
struggle. Arata ni, l^&'teK,
;&f, a(?"- Anew; newly; afresh.
Syn. TSAKAT, Kenkwa, K6R0N, RON. Atarashiku.
ArnsoltiiKarii, ^^^^V^1ti|fZ, i'-'- To be desirous Arato, t^ST, 1^ ^, «. A fresh hand; new combat-
of debating or disputing; to be quarrelsome, ants, conte.'^tantfi, or matches. Ttroops.

litigious, or contentious; to be apt to cavil or Arate wo oktiru, ^ ^-^ i^n^, to send freeh

contradict Arato, 7^&lf, flS^, n- Coarse whetstonea

Afau, i^fii, )!t, "v-t. To wash; to dash against; to (said of unjustly got" fortund or an extremely
waste by tlie force of running water. small quantity of any thing).
Ashi wo arav, ^ M K"?. i^-'i to wash the feet; AregacliJ, 15^1**"^, M^M,n. Frequency of storms
to quit a house of
{Jig.] 111 fame. Aregaslil, 15Hft« L- [comp. of Areitmp. of.4rOand
Ara-uinl, i?>Ci,^?^, ^f^, n. A boisterous sea; an kashi.] I wish that; may. rstorm.
open sea; an ocean. Aregumo, 15H<-%,^S, n. Clouda foretelling a.

Arawn, i^ttt, fig, a- Open; not private; public; Aveliatsii, IcKar?, ^1^, vA. To be utterly ruin-
without reserve; candid; frank. ed, laid waste, devastated, or destroyed.
Arawn nl, 15 i; Hire, Kg, i^ ^, O'l''- Frankly; pub- Areiiiaan, 15H^^,^*fe, vA. [06s.] To be born
licly; candidly; unreRervedly; openly; plainly. (used only in the case of a high personage).
Syn. AKIRAKA M, OMOTKML'KI, OYAKK NI. Arcno, 15H©, ^^, n. O -* 'wilderness or desert.
Arawnroi'ii. 15 ^ KC K 3, 0, m, ""» To come in @ Waste land.
sight; to be seen; to l>erimie manifest or visible; Arerii, 15HS, JE, #. v./. To be rough, spoiled,
to be revealed, disclosed, or detected; to become destroyed, or laid waste; to be barbarous, un-
Syn. Hakkakusi-RU, ROKESSURU. U^nown. manageable, leroclous, stormy, cruel, refrac-
Arawuserii, i5&tt*2, ^'^.vA. [cans, of Armt.] tory, or unruly.
To cause or order to wash, or to be washed. Areta, 15*1^, J^ ffl, n. Waste rice-fleld ; a rice field
Ara-tvnsii, loi^ai^, M, M, i'-'- To exhibit; to promising no good return. fweeded.
show; to enable to perceive; to point out; to Ai'etani, l5Hfe2,^j(B^, a. Waste; desolate; not
Syn. MiSERLT, Oyakh ni suru. (.evince. Aretatsii, l5Hte-7, #3:, vA. See Aradatsu
Arawnsii, l5i=.H-^, ^, '' To publish; to bring Arowatai'ii, l5H*jfe3,||:H, vA. and f. To devas-
out; tn write. tate all over a district, a province, etc.
Syn. Chojitsu srKU, Chosaku suru. Tned. Ai'oyuku, 15HW><,^1t, "*. To go through a dis-
Arawata, ih^tifz., Sf "
-New otton not gin- trict or country devastating.
Arayasiirl, l^^-^-?''!), n. A coar.'ie file.
U^, Ari, '15'5,^, n. A dove-tail Joint or tenon.
Aruyiirii. 15&W>3, ^r^, o,- All; every. Ari, ^^V),^. 71. [Entom.] An ant, Fo-rmica up.
Arayur ii hito ga dnto ni tsukvrarete orii, fyi'^ AvJ, 15 W),
^, v.l. To be; to have; to exist.
^^ —^
f- Kif -{^ "^ ^ 7-
fl H- , s,\\ men are creat- Ai'ii» 15 S,
ed equal. ftlian. Kare ni tada itsu no taishi arl, fg; i-- = 5? — .^
Arazani, lof. y 2- [nRf/. adj. form of ,-lrif.] Other A^T Vi he has but one ambition; Koo-e ga
Araxoino, 15 f,^ (6, $L'<^. " Rough or prelimina- konjo no itmnagoi de am, ft;/ >^-^0EE7'T
ry dyeing. jt-, this is the very last farewell; Pude waken
AriiKii, 15 f.^, 4^. [neg. of Jrv.] Is or are not. yorl mo tsvyoku arii, ^ >••
SJl ^ ij
-e 5S ^ T ;i-, the
Avaxukiiroj, 15 S -p* < ^ lA, UW, " Careless or pen is niighter than the sword.
rough mending or repairing. Syn. GOZARU.
AraKiiinori, I5i^^*4ifl, feTii. '* A rougli calcu- Arl-ai, l5VJ3bU-, fi^, '«. llapiening to oe; to
lation; estiniiitinn without precise details. have, or to be present; incidental presence or
Araminiba, ^5c,^^(i, cany. Unless; ifnot; except. possession. fmoon is still visible.
Are, 15*1, interj. An exclamation of calling atten- ArlaUe, 15"^ *W, ^ ffl, n.
The daybreak while the
tion or surprise, llo! Look! Lai What Hollo I I
Ai'lako-aiidu, 15'!1 3f.W;%^^5. .gK®, it. A
Are, 15H, jfi, 3)ron. That; he; It. ArlaKe-aiidon, 15 V)35W^5^'£^, lamp kept )

Are iva nan no tameka, fS i^-*"*!?!^ ^>?j, what burning through the night.
Arc, 15*1, v.i. [imi). of,4W.] Be. L'stliatfor? Ai-iako-iio-toboshlbi, 1511) S)t-j-t?>if (,9;* fA", ^ ;©, n.
Shinsetsu de hatsii shdjiki de are, ^^ t'M y Same as above. fseen in the morning.
oE IS T T be kind and honest. Ariakexiiki, 15«) %W:p"3,
W^ ^. n. The moon
Are, I5lt, JfJ, n. Storm; tempest. Ari-ainarii, i5i!)35US.^IS, u.f. To have more
Areha, i5*ttf. [sub. of Ari.] Iftliere is. than sufficient; to possess a surplus; to have
3fosht hima gaarebaotoma itashimasho, g -y much above want.
V^ij' T I' y^'^ ^ -^ -J^i'Vi/H'C, if time pei-mlts Arl-ari to, IS"!) >^'!) if . ffiS, adv. Exactly as on©
me I will go with yoii was in life, said of ghosts; evidently; clearly;
Areclil. 15H1^, JSilfe, "- Wa'^te land. plainly.

Aredat!4ii. 15H7i<>, ?f£i£, rA. Same as Aradatsu. Sono svgata ga ari-ari to mieru, ^rffiffi ^^
Areitoino. 15H^4, ri AH.] Although [suh. of h Jl ^ )U, he could be distinctly identified.
thei'e is; although he has; although we are, etc. Syn. AKIRAKA NI, HAKKIRI TO.
Aredomo naki ga oofosM, ^ f-' ^ ^if isi i/. Avian. i5V]3F,i-, W-S-, I'.*- To happen to be; tf>
though we have (or there is), it is like nothing Syn. MooHiAU. Lhave; tobe preseai.
^rl-'awiisc, i;i V ?i tt*, fl -fr, ". Incidental posses- meaning ' I thank you,' '
I offer you a thousand
sion;happening to hav»; what one has or can thanks,' etc,
command at a given moment. Arlgl, loiflir, n. [obs.] A kind of silk cloth.
Ima ari-awase wa JcoreshiJca nai, -^^-fi- 1 >n Arlgln, I^SJITA, ^ff ^, ft. Same as AHf/ane.
=ii^s/yj-^-1, this is all that I have now. Arlliatsuru, Tih^ H"^ Z, u. Living and dying;
ftrl-awasu. 15 9 5 tt-^, ^ -fr, v.i. Same as Ariau. rising and falling.
^rlbachl, iSVJHt, n. [£!ntom.] CreophUus sp. Arljlffoku, I6i!)2t&<.l8«l«, n.

(rtblto, 15^ CViC, P, n. Population; the whole

ffl [Entom.] Ant-lion.
numbet of inhabitants In a country or a portion Arlka, TSi!li>, fiS. «• Same as
ol'it. rtity; amount. Arido.
Arldiika, 7S^:^:6>, ^^, n. The sum total; quan- ArlkagJrl. lo "O *> ^ "S. ^ RB, ".
Kane no aridaica, ^ ^ ^ i^, the total sum of Same as Aridake.
money. fthat one has. Arlklrl, t^V) ^v) :S , «J, «. [coll.]

Arldako, lo*? ^-W", ^ 2fc, « AH that there is or Same as Aridake.

Chikara no arfaake tsuhushtmasJdta, i) ^ ^ ArlkiCarl, 15 ? fe >!) V,^^, n.

i*-B^''7^'*t. I have done all that is in my Custom; manner; habit.

power. fdarin orange. Arlkitarino, ^^^, customary, accustomed

Arlda-nilkan, loV) f&7^iJ> k.^t^. n. [Bot.] Man- Arlkii, 1511) < , Jf fi, v.i. Same as Aruku.
Arldo, lo^^. jft^, n. The place where Arlinal, 15B)2V*, Sfi^/K. "• The rice on hand.
ArJdokoro, ISiOl^t-S, anything is, or where a
) Arimasu, toV)ll-^, v.i. [coll.] An honorary form
person has concealed himself; a refuge. Syn. GozARiMASU, Gozaro. loi Aru.
Kane no aridnkoro, ^ -^ ft J5^, the place where Arlmataii-Hlilburi, l^") 3-:? :£ B! «) ^ K " A , R
money is, or was put away. kind of cloth dyed in the skein, made at Arl-
Syn. Aeika, Aridoko, Shozat. matsu, Owari.
ArfdoBliI, ihV'&tlLjik^^, « [Bot] Damnacan- Syn. Narumi-shibobi.
thm. roracUis. Arlnan, ^5liltf^, v.i. To think or wisli to be; to

Aj*lrtdslilran, TSlO^SLt^ n. [Eat.] dfyrmechis prefer; shall or will be.

Arirurerii, ir,V)^h,Z, v.i. To be common, ordin- Arliiashi. %V) ^ L, ^ IR, n. Having or not having;
ary, or commonplace; to be used to; to be found being or not being; existence or non-existence;
everywhere. presence or absence; whether there is or not.
Arinirii, 1^V)^2, v.i. O
To be found always or Syn. Uhu.
everywhere; to be not uncommon or extraor- Arl-no-hlogi, 159 ©y-3Dii&', fifS, « [Sot.] Platy-
dinary. @ To be long in existence; to be old. codon grandijlornm. fSame as Arijigoku.
ArJ^nne. I^yji'*!, ^^, n. Money actually pos- Ari-no-Jlgokii, 15'0O:£rt < P>^ ^, «• [-Bntom.!
Arl-no-ko, l9l!)®£.,|fiS?> « IBntom.] Young ants
AriBataKarii. T5V)i,<fef,t3, Tg^l, v.i. To feel gra- A»'l-no-kudarl, i5W)®<;^.W), n. What has been
teful or thankful, or was said or done before.
Arlffataku, 15 >!) i' fe < , ^ 8S. adr. Thankfully; Ari-uo-maina, -t5<j)(^%2.£l!l, "- The true, pre-

gratefully; respectfully; willingly; acknowledg- sent, actual, existing, unadorned, unpretended,

ing benefits or kindnesses and wishing to repay or unfeigned state, condition, or circumstances
them. Syn. Akarasama, Aritei, Sosomama.
Arlgata-jnelwahu, f5'!)ft*feftVi^tP< , 'ffiSJiSS. n. Ai'luoinl, tii^CD^f; ^5!/. n. [£o(.]Pyrus.

Useless kindness; an act or a gift of kindness Syn. Nashi.

indifferent or even detrimental to the receiver. Arl-uo-to, ^nyl<^^fi^,^, n. An ant-hill.

Arlsata-nainlda, 1^ V) ifl ft '^ Tf- i^, '^ ^ ®. n. Ari-iio-togiisa, l5i!)©fe-S-<*3', n. [Hot.] Baloragii.

Tears shed in gratitude; warm tears. Arl-uo-towatari, 1h V O^ ib It Vi.^f^.. n. Q

Arlgatasa, i;,'0fi^'fe5, ^«tt, n. The degree of [Anat.] The perinaeum. @ A narrow file of antSs
gratitude; acknowledgement expressive of a Arliiiiuo, 1510 to©, !^^, n. A hempen cloth

sense of favour or kindness received. Arlsaiiia, l^U) 52, 4(||, n. Circumstances; condi-
ArlKat.'ishi.-l.-kl, ^IS. lo'flii'te t, a- O Impro- tion; state.

bable; almost impossible; hard to be. @ Ac- Syn. ARjrO, jtlOYo, Yodai, YoSU. ftenon
knowledsing. Ai'lsashl, 15>!)'3 L, ^, " A dove-tail joint or

Arlffataso, l^iO t*fe3 7. =fe'fStB, « Seemingtobe Ai*l8lio» I5"0:£ii4^r. " Same as .4?-fdo.

thankful; appearing to acknowledge acts or ArJso. 15^5 5,^*S. a- Appearing to be or have.

gilts of kindness witli thanks, Arc wa JufvL de ariso da, t L'-'n ifc (a5 t' ^ V ffl^i
ArlBato, ioUi»*te5, ^K. adu. Equiv to 'thanks,^ they appear to be man and wife.

Arleugata, "ifiV-tV'h., n. Si.ra% 2.9, Arisama. Arukt. 1«2 9,^, n. Going on foot; walking; tha
Arlsiil, thV^v-, n. [Ornith.] Wryneck. manner of walking. fwalking.
Arltake, lo'OfeW'.^i, 'U See Aridake Anikl-burl, 1^3 ^i«wi, ^- ff K, n. The manner of
ArltDshl,-l,-kl, '\hV-k.L,^&, u- Wishing to be. Ariiki-kata, fO'5&**te. '». Sameasabov*.
Kaku aritai moTio to omo, Wr^'SSE'f*^ H Ariikl-niuwarii, lii&att3,it^, To taJc* '''-t.

3-7, T am desirous of its being in this manner. a walk; to walk about; to go round.
Arltaso, >S*)fe35.±^^. " t-Bot.] Mexican Tea, Anikoru, 7- i\.^ - .'i',
ffi HI /TO S, " [-£«C.] [C/icm,]
worm seed, Alcohol,
Arita«o, loW)'te3'5, ISft. n. [BoU^yepetajaponica. Ariikii, loS < il^ ff, ,
r.(. To go on foot, to walk.
Aritel, 'iri^'ZV-,:^^ 71. S&rnB &B Ari-no-mama. Syn. ATFMD, HOKoaUBU.
Arltoarii, iS^iCiX, a- S6.rae an Arayuru. Aniniono, li S 1©, ". Something; something
Arltsukeru, l^iSr^WZ, ^j^, v.t. [coll.} O To find possessed, or a thing that is.

ft position for a person. @ To get a husband Ariipn, TJi'A, n. [Gr.] The name of the first

for a daughter. letter of the Greek alphabet; Alplia.

ifusume wo arttewfccrtt, t&^-^ii -yn-, [coll.] to Ariitokj, lo S If & , aE BJ, 1^"- Sometimes: at a
see a daughter married. fsuRU. certain time. £•¥
Syn. Enzukekf,Katazukeru, Yomera Ariiwn, liStt.flE, conj.
ArltKiikii, lo9-5<,^#, v.t. [coll.] To become Same as .^Irwiiua.
settled in a way of life; to get married. Asa. lo3, A^, « [^'"'(-1
Kane ni aritsuku, ^= :j3E # i^. to get money; Hemp.
Shoku ni aritsuku, ffiS =1 &#^ , to find an avo- Asa, 1^ '5, ^, n. The
cation, fbe, etc. morning; day-break;
Arlurii, 1o'552,fl^, v.i. May be, can be, might sunrise.
Arlj'ake, iS'O^W, n. A^^,
[£ot.] Marigold. Asa, fo^, M.> 'J" Shal-
Ariy u-ltorty a,, t^Vf-^'L^'^, adv. [coll.] Thrown low ;
out of order ; in a contrary order. silly.

Syn. ABEKOBE, ACHIKOCHI. Asa-ako, T^ ^^ ^ W", 71.

Ariyo, loV) 1 5. ^ IS. "- Same as AHsama. A shade of scarlet.

ArlzashI, io'5 3' U IftS^. ft. Same as Arisashl. Asa-asa, loS^e, B.M. "• Every morning.
ArlKashl-no-hozo, l^^O 3* L^IS^', li SS^, « a Aaaasashl.-l.-kl. i;^^?,^ t.WS.^, 'J- O Shal-
tenon; a mortise. low. 3
SuperficiaL Mean, low, ignorant, ©
ArlEiika. loV^'i', fiSS. " Same as .d?-i-no-(o. fooli-'h, silly, or thoughtless.
Aro, 1^6 5, adv. [coll.] [cont. of Araku.} Same as AsaasasSiikii, lo 3 3b 3 L < , j^ -36 &, adv. In a
Araku. froay or maj' be. shallow or superficial manner.
Aro. 1^6 ?, v.i. [coll.] Will, shall, would, or shoiild, Asa-blrakl, loStA't?,^ 91. "• The sailling ofl
Aru, lo2.S£,^, 1- Some; certain. of a junk in the morning. Used as a pillow
-4ri( ftosTio, SE^^, some place; Aru hito, 55 word tor rowing or sailing.
A, a certain person; ArutoTci, JSfif, sometime. Asaborake, liseCc.^", I^hH, «• Daybreak, sun-
Aru, loS,^, I'-t- Same as .^ri. ffectionery. rise, morning dawn.
twilight, or
Aniheito, InZ-^V^It^,^ 2^^, >t. A kind nf con- Syn. AKATSLTKI, YOAKE.
Anil^vn. iSSu-a, SE, conj. Or; either— or. Asada, l^-?^. ^SS> n. [BoL] Cinnamomum.
Na^hi aruiwa ringo, ^'S,-*^\%^, pears or Asndarlit. li3/t'%,^M. « A morning shower.
It sometimes means name, others, or
apples. Asuduekl, lo5/l %, SH ll. ^ ^, « Setting out on
tame others, and then it may be construed as ajourney early in the morning.
a pronoun; as Aruiwa nomi, aruiwa vlo, s5>\ Asadake, li^^^-H", ^ ^, n. [Bot.J The name of a
= iiE SJ: "7. some drank and others sang. mushroom.

Also used to qualify nn opinion; as, aruiwa Aaatle, i^3"C,i?l^, iS(ft, n. A slight cut or wound
aruka mo shiranu, IrE ^\ ^ ft ^ itp 7 tt, possibly Asade woou, 'jt ^ ? ft -7, to get hurt slightly.
there may be some. Asngako, -i^-iWi&.I^Sk, n. Assaulting an enemy
Syn. Matawa, Mosftikuwa. by surprise early in the morning.
AruJI, li*,Z C.± A, fi- Muster; lord; husband; tlie Ai,»Ka4>. io3 iJli, ^ +. n. [Bot.] Morning (Jlory,
head of a household; owner. rsHTT. (onvolvulus majm: Tslirubby Althaea.
Syn. Danna, Kimi, Nushi, Shdjin, Tei- Anagav, 1^3^*11, [BoL] Tree Hibiscus or
-4; «|, /..

Anikaslri, 1^Zi>ary), ^ K, <^^- Kshaustingly Asas.'to-himr. I^3h*fil>i6, «. Same as S/ioVujo.

nothing left or undone. falkali. ANii<a«-iio-iinislil, 1^:5 ft* ft CO ?r L, 4^ « S L fl.
ArDknri, T»-» V . S (i flU *. " [^««'-] [C7/em.] An fE/Uom.) Larva ol Hawk-moth.
Asncara. IS ^ ft* t ;ft S. n. The hemp-stalks Asakura-xansli5, lo^
< t3*^*5, %4
stripped oi the bark.
SyD. OOARA. rbosa. AsabiiHa, 1o3 < ;5, ffltt,
Aengnru, ISsti't,.^ ^(tt, ti. iSot.] Halcsia corvm- ri. iBot.^ Corchoropsts
Asngnrel, lo 3> i* *t Vv, ig] ftj, n. g Breakfast. @ crenata.
The Emperor's breakfast. ® The liall where Asakuea-ganil, 155 < 3.
the I^mperor takes breakfasts. fing, *'», i^^ilK, n. A kind
Asngarl, ISSt^iO.^Rffi, «. Hunting In the morn- of paper of interior
Aaa-cnsiiml, i^ ^ ft* -^ », ?fl S, n. The morning quality originally made
mist, haze, or fog. in Atakusa, Tokyo.
Aeagc, 'o^tt.^tt. "" O Breakfast; the morning Syn, SUKiGAKsrii.
meni. @ The boiling of rice for breakfast. Asakusa-norl, 7^^ < 30
Aecgl, loSir. iftaf, a. Light blue; light leek-
V), SPiR, n- [£oI.] Layer.
colDiited. rcolour; light leek colour.
AauBf-lco. 15 15 &V^ ^. aUfi.
Asaiuailakl, 1o?1X;^d. V&W
n. A light blue
W^ffl, atfr. Before sunrise; rery early in the
A«a«l-kninlkli'M£^^:b>;^@U), 5^41, «. [Entam.] morning; at day-break.
Rosalia Baresi. for haze AeaHia-i'lndd. lo^S ^ ^;^•$, n. {Bot.] Gentiana.
AsaBlrl, lo5 '^yi,Vf\Wt n. The morning fog, misf Asainaslil.-l^-hl. l^ ? 1£ L, i%{S, (^- [coif-] Fool-
A8:iglrls5, loSlfiOS?, ^ 1, «. t^of.] ^r(em(5(a wanting in understanding nr judge-
ish; silly;
ment; mean; base; ignoble; vile; ilishonourable;
Aea-giyoiue, i^^SS'J:*. fflW, « O The morning
wanting dignity of miml.
ablution. @ Sweeping the court-yard In the Syn. ASAHAKA. Tyashimubeki, Oroka.
morning. fof hempen cloth. Asaiiiashlhii. 1o ? ^ L<. i$&. adv. The adver
AHagoroino, 153 & ^ 6 , flS 3!t, ru Mourning made bial form of above.
A^ngiitsii, TSS^-:?, g|^, w. [obs.1 Shoes made of AsainaaA, 1^5.335, n. [Bot.'\Oephalanthera fal-
kiri wood worn on ceremonial occasions. cata. Fus FJarlandt.
^fialiakn, 75^fctl>,S|fi> Shallow mind-
a. [coll.] Asania-tswge.liSa'^ir^.faJWff *. « [BQt.]Bux-
ed; superficial; ignorant; foolish; mean. \saiiie8lil, \^'^V>L, Slits, " Same .t^ ^saftan.
Syn. Bakana, Orokana, Tsutanaki. Asames/ii wo fcu, BK^IIft^, to take break-
Asniinii, loSUA, ^0, n. Breakfast; morning fast; Sore tua asameshi mae no sft laoto de au, "/

Syn. ASAQE, ASAMESHi. Lwieal. '-"'^ ¥)! IS hi/ ^ tt S t' ^, it is a before bienki'ast
Aenlil, lo^t^.tB. " The rising sun. |ob, i.e. an easy tank.
Aaal, To^.Vt', 31, a. Shallow; not deep. \Haiiil, lo"^^, n. Same && Asase. rcolour.
Aealto, f^si/^^, &i^, n. Threads of hemp. taamlflorl, IS 3 ;^ >« Vl . g| SR, n- " light green
Aflajl, 1^5 tr, 6 W'> ft- [Bot.] Tmperata arundinacfa. Abainiijl, loS?! C, ER^. "- Hemp gauze.
AsaJI-liarn, l^^trtti^, ^^^, n. A plain with .^saniu, lo3tr. 1EIR- "•'• OTo be surprised at; to
a tliin growth of reeds. admire. @
To depreciate as bad, poor, mean,
Annji-Kako. i^^-^rarw, BUbM, "• White and or despicable.
thick sahe made In Higo. Asana-aBana, To 3 t£ %3^. M.M.. adv. Morning
ANakj4gc', li^*>W-. mi's. n. The long narrow after morning.
shadow which an object casts in the morn AsanagI, lo^ttlf, ^1^, n. The calmness of the
ing; anything which resembles ih& asakage in sea in the morning.
shape. Asana-ynna, iq^ii^l^^i!;, ^^, n. Morningand
Aaakal, 1£34>V-, ^SS, n. [Bot.] Cinnamomum. evening. Ting.
Asakarauii, i^'^ii* & &> /f-'0, o-- ^^ot sliallow; Asane. 153*1, ^, n. Sleeping late in the morn-

deep; profound; not superficial. Asanebo, iS^JltlS, ^iStt'f " [coU.]OOne who
Go-on asakaranu, SP ,g, iS * 7S, much indebt Bleeps late in the morning. ©Sleeping late in
ed, deeply gratified. the morning.
Asakai-asii. lo ^ i> 6 t, v.i. or adv. QIs or are Asa-no-tia, l£3®a, M^, w- O^ leaf of hemp.
not shallow or Buperficial. ©Deeply; greatly; ©Figures ofthe leaves of hemp on dyed stuff-.
much, VAsaake. Asa-no-baua, M :& (D Q fi., M ^, n. A fiower of
Aeakp-, 1^ 3 w, ?fl ^, ru [cont. of Asa- ake.] See hemp.
Aeakeiniii'l, '\h'^ ^i?'^, MM, "« Smoke from Asa-no-mi, [«ei^^, fKir< "- The seeds of hemp
ehlmneys as seen in the morning. used as food or medicine.
Asahn, ^h'5 i , i$. a(tt>. Shallowly; superficially Asanuiio, l^^tt^l?, fSttS, "• Hemp cloth.
ftimply; not long since; lately; lightly; leniently. lsa«. Ic3$r. <£^. 'I- Hemp
ASA 42 A:5E

Afinok], io3fe?, f!)&, 'n- Rising In the morning. AaaEa, i^;?^, n. [Bwdd.] The morning service.
Asarnka. 7o3 &*', a. Sliallow; not deep or pro- Asasake, lo^S'W'. 9P fi)C. ^i- ' A morning drink (of

found. sake).

Asarl, lo 3 "O . SPi, w. [(7tmcA.l A marine bivalve Aeasuko, lo^'P'W", i'Si^, »i. Pickling radishes witli
shell-fish, Tapes phiUppinarum. a smaller quantity of salt than that used for ta-
AsarJ, 153 V), i^, n. O Searching or looking for Aee, To-fr, ff, « Sweat; perspiration. iJcuamvke.
food or prey (said of birds and beasts.) ©Fish- Hiyaase wo kaku, '^^^li ^, to shudder;
ing. Nease wo kaku, S if ? t; ^, to sweat while-
Asarlbi. th'^W, M'X, n. Fire to attract fislies; sleeping.
Are burned in a Ashing boat. Asebl^ 1^-tf^tr, 1*5:^, 71. [Bof.] Same as ^sebo.
Asari-liiiue. liS'O-J'tl, it^, «. A flshing boat.
Asaru, lo^> 3. JE 8S. M< u-C- The verb form of
Asari. Asebo, l^-a-ll,
Asebo-sblba, i^^S^ar, S pf:,
n. [Bot.] I Andro-
Mrnlii wo
a^|gg^;r-, to scratch for
insects Asari mawaru, ^ gS V Jfi »•. to go about
Asebii, lo-^.^'.

for food or prey. Asebo-no-kl. io'S'15:'^?, ffiSii^- " [-Bot.] ^ndro-

Ashsii, lo3?, 1 «- [BotJ\ LimnantJiemum nvm- meda/apowca.
Aaasa, i^i^?", 'i
phoides, A»«ruk1, i;^-^-!.?:, W^, n. A handkerchief speci-
Asasn, 1o^ ^, yS, '* Shallowness; lacking pro- ally made for wiping off perspiration.

fundity of feeling, thought, etc. ; folly. Syn. AsENUGui.

Asnsnseori-flantsn, lo^SVi^fel) ?&^5 5, SiSii^ Ascgfumii, i^-tf <'tf. if ^, f.!. To be moi.stened
^^. n. A rug made of coarse hemp. with sweat; to sweat. fcaused by sweat.
Asase. lo^-^, "iS SB. f- A shallow shoal, or shelf. AseJIiiii, l^-frX,-;^, if i^, ». Stain on a garment
As:inhl,-i.-kl, lo5 L. 'M. «• OShallow; not pro- AseJIiiilni, M,^i:^:s, if ij^, v.r. To be moistened
found. ©Ignorant; mean; near-sighted. ©Not with sweat; to be dirty witli sweat.
long ago, a few days ago. Q Light (in colour). Ascjiinltn, io^:k7f-f£, if'^, a. Moist with sweat
JZikyo irai hi naoasashi. ± :KU?K B *{^-:x, foj
AsokakI, T5-H:i>§, ^ }f, n. Perspiring abundant-
It is T came to the capital; Asai
not long since ly; one who sweats freely.

ryoken, 31 ^, a shallow thought; a near

-f S Aseiiii, %^^,^:^, n. [iJof.] Same as .^se&o.
sighted view; a mean purpose, Chiye no asai Aseinlso, T^-tf;^^^ if j?!, m. A stream of sweat.
Mto, ^ ]i; ^ i^ 'f A, shallow-witted person. ABeinlzii, lo^i^^", if ^<, » Free or abundant per-
Asashlo, 1o?Xrt;,l^Sa, " Morning tide. spiration, riabouring very hard.
Asnshlino, 1^?* 4.?ntW. " The morning frost. Asemizu nagashite hataraku, if i< Sft i^ t" fH^.
Asa-shlrage, iSS^iiW-, SfS, n. [Bot] Chick- Aaeiiogoi, i^^Cau-,
' liJ, See Aspfuki.
weed. Asenugul, io-ii:Iiii<* V-, S

AsaHiixu, 1^^-^^, ^^, n. Tlie coolness of the nir Ason-yaku, ^^fr^^< , pBI filing, fi. [J/ft?.1 Catechu
in the early moi'nint,'. pills.

Asatoilc. i;i^l^-t, 71. [obs.] Going out of doors in Asoi-ii, i;^-^3,^,C>, S, I'.*- O To haste; to be in
the morning (-l.tT, morning; to, doors; de going hurry; to be eager, urgent, or ardent. @ To
out). strive to escape, to struggle with contortions of
Asat^iikf, l^^-i)^, ^^ig. n. [Bot.] Chive or cive. tlie body.
AsatSHKI-naiiiasn, to^-^&tig:-^, i^SK, " A Aserii ni wn nyobami, ^ ^r )i — >s g ^'^ ^. you
fond prepared of chives and asari flesh and sea- need not be in hiirvy; Donna nt aserwiw mani
soned with vinegar. awanv, fplg ]i ,(:. 'I- ^ ftfl = -^ >^ jf, no haste will
AsatMiyii, lo ^ •:?!*, $;i 3, n. The morning dew. Syn. iRATsr, Tsdgu, Seku. Ldo now.
Asattc, ?5 5 -y "C, ffliij B, «'^'('- The day alter to- Ascrii, -ihtZ/M, i'-i- O To become shallow.
morrow. @ To fade; to lose colour, freshness, or bright-
Asaurn-KSi'l. lo? 5 t^5 V), ^S^lll. n. Strnw ness.
slippers or sandals, the soles of which are Knyca an aserv, Jl|^/Jiy;i., river becomea- .-i

strengthened with coarse hemp. Rhallower; //ana ga aserv, TEVJCJ;!-, flowers

Aaa-iiri. 1i3?V),iSffi. n. [BoCl Melon. Syn. BOKRRu, ICarl-rlt. tf^'de.

Asayake.io^-^W-, ^35, ?i. The beautil-ul redness Aseteiiiigiil.io-*-rtfi<'-t>,if f.^, a. Same as ^sd-
of the «ky in the e.TSt at sunri'^e. fuki.

Aunjn. 1o?l'J'5.'B1^. "• Morning and evening. Asotori. lo-lt^ V) if )^. n. A kind of shirt worn to

Syn. ChOskki, Tanseki. rp^wides. protect the upper garments from being moist-
A«aaa, 1^2 3*. ^ S. "- [Bot.] Limnanthe^numnyni- ened with sweat.

Aaotorii, fo*if S, Bfp, v.i. To perspire. AshiOa wo haku, HJi^^^, [lit.] to weat
Aslii. 1^ L, S, n. O The foot. S [coll.] The leg. wooden clogs; Ulg.'] to lay a black -mail on pur-
Ashi motogakurai, JEtc^W'*. [fiiJ-) have to chases made for another individual; to practice
a leelinff of guilt in one's mind; Ashitnoto no Imposition (commonly applied to the servant
oftar«* uchl ni Tcatriraa&ho, ^% ^ ^ lu- 'i ft=B class).
V "7 ^- a *, I will return while it is lieht: Ashi Ashldamarl, 15;£ « ^ n. O A foothold.
ife^l , ffl,

no hayaki hito, M^^ @ A temporary encampment. fwooden clog.

+ A, a swift walker; Ashldao, A.ai;t-5r, JEKJt, "• The thong of a
Ashi zumH too torn, J£ Aslildaral, lSL?l:6y', ffi, n. A small wooden
IIQm^^f-, to wrestle tub with legs used mostly for morning ablutions.
with the legs; AsJil Aslildome, 15i^fe, Sit, n. Bidding or reciuest-
kosJtl no Ukanu hito, ^ ingone not to leave a place; keeping in; con-
8S^4»7rA, a cripple. Syn. KiNSOKU. l_flnement.
Amiki, loL.H., n. VBot.l AsbiiioH, yiX^yi,sg^, Gait; manner of step-
Reed. ping or walking.
Syn. YosHi. Ashldorii, ;o£^2,^, v. To catch, snatcli,
A8lil» loL, ^S4, n. Mo- seize hy the foot or leg.
ney, cash. Aslijgakai'i. ih£.1i*ii>yf , &&t, n. A foothold; that
JkSlil, 15 L, IS ^, n. iChin.} on which to tread or rest. fpot or kettle.
A dumb person; a Ashlganae, i5;e,ft''"Q:-^. Sffi. " A three-legged
mute. 1.11 A»4bigrane, t5X *)**!, i^. n. Shackles; fetters;
Syn. OsHi. Syn. H0DA8HI. LStocfcs.

Aslii, lo Lj pS -J<, ri. That part of a ship which is in Ashlsara,i5£,ii'&, I£^, n. [coll.] Throwing down
the water; ballast. by coiling one's leg around another's.
Syn. FrsAASiii, Kissui. Ashigara wo toru, or kakeru, j^^? ;^ (JC-»^ I*

Ashl-aburl, \ht'^Sfi^,M^> '''- ^ ^i°<l of P<^^t- ij -yn-), to tlirow down a person by coiling one'ft

able stove specially contrived for warming the legs around his; tripping.
Ceet. fmark. Aehigarii, 15:^6*5, JE®, " The lowest of the
Aslil-ato, loL^oi?, JE,R!|;, n. A foot-print or foot- feiidal retainers.
Aslill)»« lo LU. JE^. w. Scaffolding; footing; any- Syn. Bl'SO-
thing to rest the foot on. TSL', ZouyC'.
le ni asMba wo kakei-it, ^=S^^ n ^ *, Ashlgaso, l^S.ft^-tf',
to erect a scaffolding around a house for repair- ;g, 77. Fetters
ing it. stocks.
Aslilbare, loZ1£h., JE flU, n. Dropsy of the legs; Ash Igase wo ka-
a swelling of the lej.;. ffooted, fleet. keru, g-7fl|^Ji',
Aslillmyn, 15X1^^,^^, n. Swift-paced, swift- to put in tlie

Aeliiliikl. 1«^u:&,Jg5|, n. Originally a pillow stocks; to put

word for mountain ; later, mountains. fple. fetters on.
Ashllilk.i, 1oS.U>'&.S[ ff, w. A lame person; acrip- Asliigata, 15;£ft*te,

AshlMUl no, 15* U-'&O, JE 31, »• A pillow word JEEJ;. 'I- Same as

for mountiiins or hills. Aslii-ato.

Ashlbon*'. -roJfeia:*!, fff, "• [^«a(.]0 The bones of Ashigatame. 15;^

the leg; the tibia or shin-bone. @ The force ii'fe»,/?;S, n. A

e\Rrted by tlie legs. ram, usually of
Ashiboso, ^^%.[^^, n. [Bot.] Polllnia imberUs. wood, emplnypd
AsYiibii, io;£.i, ^'^, n. [Bot.] Andromeda japonLca. in hardening the (^ S]
Aahlbuini, l^LJ*^, JEIS, n. Stepping; stepping ground for the foundation of a building, a pile-

in; stepping up and down witliout going forward driver.

or backward, Aslilse* l^ilt. S^, ft' A white colour mixed
Asblbimc, i5;£i'»l, S US- "• A boat made of reeds witli black; a ijray colour (used in speaking of

or similar materials. linr'^p'^;' colour).

ABhlbyoslin T5:& ^'-^ ^ L.^t&'f. " -Metrical Ashlgc, ^^XW, W, M., " Same as AsVisama.

stepping or treading; beating time with the feet. Asblffp, 1o£Vi^,jlE!». n. ICicking.
Aslilrtii, i5:fe:^",Sai:, "
Wooden clogs used in Ashlge ni Svrv, J^^i = 7, n-. to kick, or to-

rninv weather. Hire a blow with the foot.


Aslilslnii, Tc:£&'(tl, W6, " Coarse Pilk cloth. lilnaka. T^ ;£ ^ 4>, Jg*^, ><. A sandal that
Ashlhara-nn-kiinl, 1^;£a?.©< t/C, ffi -^ S, ". An ers only about the half of the foot's sole; a
nnclent name for Nippon {Japan). kino slippers,
/tstilhara-no-mlxuho-no-kiiiil, 1^£H ^(TiTr^ Aslilnaiiif, 53i,tl^, JE3fe, ". Keeping pace.
l/i^< K^, ffiiSi^WS, n. [obs.] Same aa Above. AsJiinami ga J^^if ]Si -^ they do not
-ivarui, ,

j%»jhii. T5i\/>, |g, a. [cont. of AsJiislu .] Bad, ,ivlL keep pace well; Ashinami ivn tadasv, =) ]£ ^^
Aehl-irl, i^iVN ig, gX. " An engagement for 7., to make them keep step « ith each other.

marriage; betrothal; espousals. Ashtiiarashl. 15 X '^ & :£, Iff It gS. '< A go-cart;
AeliJjiro, io;£S.'^, Sft, <'. Same as Asftifia. any contrivance for teaching children to walk.
Ashlkn. loi4>, vSB. '* [^oGi.] A marine mammal AHhi-n<t-kf>, l^,*i7)W, PMt " Same as AtlA-itC.
of the family of Otariae, Otaria stelleri. Ashi-iio-ko, i.'j.« ©*--t, jE ^, /(. The instep; tha
Syn. .^jiKA back of tlie foot.

Aslii-kaii], 'loXi'U.', 3$3^, n. [Sot.] A reed-sprout. Asiii-iio-»vjkjie^aiiii, i^::fe(^feU)4'i)^;^. i!B, n. The

Asliikagadal, "io Li'S'^V^, '*• [/c/a/i.] Chaetodon pi)pliTe;il space.
I'i'desdix. A8lii-iiu-6>iilj), 1^* ©JffKt ai?.', ;e}ft> «. Th«
Syn. YakkoDAI. great toe.
Afihikare, iS;fe4.h., u(. [imp. mooil\ Be cursed; Aehl-no-yiibt. lo:£®Wl>', ^*g, n. The toes.
be bad. Ashio, loi 5r, B^^iSfl, rt. The string iji'-tened to a
Aahlkueltf, !£:£*> L-jEtSl, n. Same as Ashigase. hawk's foot.
Asliikl, T4;£^,Sg, a. Bad; vrong; evil, wicked; Ashioto, i^X fc '€., S§. ^f=. " The soundmad*
lieinous; unrighteous; immoral; nefarious. by the clogs, shoes, etc., in walking.
Syn. AVAun, Y'iKUNAI. A&hloto&e, kito wo shlru, ^^ t' A ^ ^ ft-, to
Aslilkli-ii, 1^X&«JPJ, '--I- O To cut off thefoot identify persons by thesound of their steps.
by way of punishment. @ To cut off the knee- Aslilrai^ ^oX&^^, ffi^, '(- QReception, welcom-
pan (a Chinese way of punishment). ing; treatment; entertaining. ©Decorating
A«ltlKo, loiCfSiS, adv. Same as ^soto. or setting off; afolL ©Amusing pleasing.
Aslitkii, i^;£ ( , s;, a. and adv. The adverbial form Syn. AESHIRAI, MOTE.V.^SHI.
oi'Ashihl. AsliJraii. iiX^.i-, #S, ^ ig, v.t. and v.i. QTo
Aehikiibi, 1^£<U>', S^, n. The ankle. treat, receive, entertain, or welcome. ©To set
Ashikuilnslil, Ihi, < ^ i,W^M> " [Bot.] Rtibus off to advantage; to adorn; to decorate.
porvifi.lh's. Kyaku wo ashirav, $?#^ 7, to entertain
Asliikiieit. lii5,g, n. [Mot.\ Achillea slblrica.
< or welcome a guest; iiaka wo ashirau^ 85 ffi f-
A^bfiiialrl. MX^i^^.^L^, •< Touching the feet 1&"S 7, to treat a fool so as not to make him
of a Rreat personage, temporal as well as spi- angiy, or .Sensible of his own folly.
ritual, by way of worshiping. Syn. AisHiBAU, Atsukai:, Motesasu, To-
Atihlinatoi, loiS^ i>, ^Effl, ". Any thmg or per- ri atsuk a u.
fion that hinders one in goin{?; an obstacle, Ashlsa, toX'^, U, n- Wickedness; badness; un-
Ashiinl, loi.;^, S^^, n. [Bot.] Same as ^sft<6w. righteousness; guilt.
Asltlinotase, l^L4fe*,fl^}*, /'. A kind of stool Ashlsaina nl, thX'^'S.VZ. ^ t^, adv. Badly; in an
for resting the feet and legs on; foot-stool. evil mannex'.
AiBhtmoto, toLft 5f, jET. "• At or under the leet, Ashtsama)ii ill, ig|^ = -x-7, to speak iU of.
near; close by. AsliICa, -ioXtt. m B, odi'. [coll.] To-morrow; th©

Aihimoto kara tori ga taXsv, ^f ft ? E^ jS day following; the day after.

5", {lit.] to start a bird very near one's leet; [^p.] Syn. ASA. Asu, SlyoNICHI.
to err when one the leiist expects it. Asliltnba, i^*fe[f, gt:^, ». [Bot.] Angelica.
Anliliiiotii, TihX^'^, iffi, )'. The grains of rice AHhltadokoi'o, ihXfil&Z.^, I^Bf, n. [o&s.] The
scattered about one's feet while being cleaned. cabinet; the secret council of government.
Afihlinotoziirl, i^;t ;5r^V), ^;^jg|, „, Same as Ashiiaka-gaui. io;l:te*.j)«K, SS, n. [Zoel.] Ino-
Ashitnor)«iire, 1i^li,-?K, "^
Ashimatoi. chus {MacrochMra) Kaempferu
Anhliiabo. i^:£,-?i:'-^, (£ iifl, n. Legged pan. Ashltaka-siiiiio, io^fe*><'iS, n. [£:nto?n.]A
Ashliiae, i^s, tt—, g, n. A cripple; a lame per- long-legged spider.
Eon; a person wlio has lost the control of his ABhitare-KosliI, i^ifeJiKL, SSg. n. [Asiron.^
legs and feet. One of the twenty-eight constellations of the
AslUiiaga, ^hLnffl, g 0, a. QLong-legged per- old astronomers.
son, ©People of the Giant Commonwealth Asliltaiaii, ioife-7, EB HE, n. [OmftTi.] A crane
{Jlctionl Syn. TSUBU. Lor stork.
AsliltAiisl. lni^-7^, ?B, u. A staol for reacliing Asohilinra, lo t E>' tt ^, f? Jifi, ". Pnlnfelt, from
a liigli ob.lecr. time to time, in the womb, during pregnancy.
Syn. Abhidai, Fcmidai, Fumitsugi. Asobliiiu, lo t U>**, ®^, n. A harlot; a prosti-
AsllltAlikl, ^nX^^^'^, JE#< ** SfLine AS Ashiuckl. tute.
AHl>ltsiiiio» lo^^'^O, n. [obs.] Same as ^sA^A^ab^. AsubJtaKnvii» lotO-'fefl'S, v,l. To be fond of
Asliluelil, loS. 5 "fe, JEiT, n. O Legged utensils. amusement, pleasure, frolic, etc,
@A cont. form of AshlucM-oshtk(. Asobu^ lot>, Jg, v.i. OTo play, amuse oneself,
ARiiiuciii-osiibi. io;fe5'%5r;£^, JEfT^ffe. «. O waste time; to kill time; to divert; to Itollc; to
Trays having legfl. ©High or legged dining visita brothel. ©Togo on an excursion. Q
tables. To stay in a strange land; to travel.
Ashlurn. 15;fe5e, JEjS, '* [oBs.] Divining the Asoko, lott, ^ffl, pron. He. adv. There.
future of a person by what happens to his feet. Asoii, IStA. W\ E. "- The second of the eight chief
AbIiIiii-.-l, 1o;£.5*^, n. The solo of the foot. family names of ancient times.
Ashiwnra, tiXSli, SJfSi " A plain overgrown Assakiikf, lo'y^ < &, Mi^ SS. " [Mach.] A screw-
with reeds. press; a press.
Aalilyn-smna. loX.-^ft')i, ffiM ^. 't. Tea-urns Asanhii siirii, 1^-,^ < -^a . E J?, v.t QToiic-xna
cast, In the middle ages, at Ashlya, Chlliuzen, seeds for extracting oil). @To grind down
and much prized among tea-makers. (with taxation).
Aslilyowa, i;^*J:tt, jg53. «. O "Weakness in the Assart, io"y ^ 11. ¥S, ^iS, a. and adv. Plain;
logs; slowness in wallclng. @A slow walker. simple; frank; not pvessingly; superficially;
©Women, children or old persons. plainly cooked ; neat.
Ashl-zoroe, ii^i.^'5--^, J^fiiJ, n. Keeping the feet Syn. Tampaku, Uspku.
in time; keeping pace. AsRatsii eiirii, lo-yS'^'^S, IE K. ^•*- To crush to
Aahlziirlt IhS^i'SI, jEO. n. Turious stamping of death. fpi'ession.
the feet, especially when one is angry or sad; Asset. Ic-y-tfln, MU, »* Tyranny; despotlpm; op-
rubbing the feet aud legs together, as children Assol siiiMi, lo-jVV-'^Z, E*^). *'*• To tyrannize;
when they are denied their wishes, to oppress; to prey upon.
Syn. JIDAKDA. Assokl, i;5y-fr&, E5, n. A paper- M-ei gilt.
Asho, lo^^5, gSta, n. [C/tirt.]Th6 vice Minister- Asebl, lo-.; L. > M. ^'-f- To peess; to press down;
President of State a minister ; of state. Assiirii, l^-y^Si'to crush beneath; to BtLueeze;

Aflo, lo^, ". Same as Nazo. to bear heavily upon; to subdue.

AbOi 1^S5, adv. [cont. ofAsaJcu.} Shallowly. Asshl siiru, lo-y L-^Z. E?6i ^-i- To be crushed
Asobiikasii, l©^tf*>-^, v.t. Same as ^so&aaerw. to death.
ABoltaserii, iS^li^S, -^JS* [cauS. of^Ww.] To Asii. io-^>M Q adv. [coll.] Same as Ashlta.

make another play; to make one idle; to let an- Asiika-gawa, l^-?" 4'Jb« IJ, ffl^SJU. " IfiS-l A.

other be idle; to amuse a person. poetical word for the vicissitudes of earthly life,

Karada no tame nl asohaseru, f^= -^ E = JS >^ derived from a river in Yamato noted for the
ta-, to let him be Idle for the benefit of his frequency of changes in its depth.
health. Asiiko, lo-jl-C, ffita, adv. Same as -isofco. fbrata.

Aeobasu, im^^-f, :Sjg, v.t. [fto«.]The honorary Asiiiiaro. lo^tf^, ^MHi- "• [Sot.] Tliuya data-
word for nasu or nasaru uaed in speaking to a Ata, lote, J 'Cl, S, '" OOne who in.iures anotiier;

nobleman, or by servants when they speak to Ada, l^fe, ' an enemy. @ An invader. © Bearing
tiieir masters; also much employed by ladies in malice hate.; © Revenge ; avenge.
ordinary conversation. Ata wo kaeSK, ^ ^ ig -^ 7., to avenge; A(a wo
Anaia gojlshln ni otde asobase, SS'iffl^ It ~ surv, ^^ 7' ft-, [coll.] to do mischief in turn

Ulhi&y^^, IcolL] I pray your lordship to go (said eap. of animals).

yourself. Kataki, Teki, Urami.

Asobi, A.!£U>', Mt ^ -Play; spending time in idle- Atne, lofe^. ^. Ti. OGlvlng; bestowing on, S
ness; killing time; amusement; frolic; diver- Syn. HODOKOSHI. LA gift.
sion; pleasure; debauchery; excursion; sport; Ataerii, iSfe-* Z. ^. u.(. OTo give; to bestow
visiting an ill -famed house. upon; to impart; to grant. ®To praise.

Asohi nifuka'^u, ig = St > /i-, to be addicted to Menkyo-jo too ataei-u, ^ |lF IK ^ ^ ^fl-. to grant
pleasure; AsoM ni kuricshimu, iS = ^£^-i», to a charter; to give a certificate.
be at a loss how to kill time. Syn. Horotcoatr, Okdbu, Sazdkeru, TamjJ
Asoblgataki, M^ XJ^ii^lt &> n^ a play-mate; a TSUKAWAStJ, Yabu.
play-lellow. Atafuta, lofc-t-fe, adv. Abundantly; amply; pleo
tifully; copiously; freely; liberally; generously; ii ^ n-, to make a flaw In a precious gem; Atara
exuberantly profusely. ;
hito wo ushinau, "BflS A^ ^ '7, to lose a person
Syn. TAKU8AN Ni, Tanto. for whom one feels much regret.
Atnsatnkl, v^fefttfe S, ^^i(t, it. An enemy; Ataraniono, i^fe 6 t®, Trf^^, n. Anything too
Adn«ntnkl> t5 fti ti'fe ?, ' an adversary; a hostile valuable or too much valued not to be missed;
party; an opponent; an antagonist. fnella. persons too good for certain positions.
Atngo-foke. U tz a & W", M tt. « [Bot.] Selagt- AtarashU-l.-ki, M^ft^ t.1B\, « New; fresh; not
ACnero-ffohe» TSte&aW-, KHI^, « [Bot.] Winter old or stale,
green, shin-leal". Atarashikt hayari, Iff jy =¥ M fi. new fashion;
Atnharn, T^fe tt t, n. O^n abdominal disease, Atarashiki sakana, ^ i/ ^ M. fresh fish.
Buch as colic. @
A rheumatic pain in the loins, Atarashlkl-toslil, lofe t L ^ li L, Iff ^, n. The
such as lurabago. new year.
Atal. ToteV^, M. n. Price; value; reward; impor- Ataraehlkii, i^:te6 t,<, ,3|?r, adv. Newly; over
tance; rate; estimated worth. Atarashu, i^fe ^;£ ?, J again; with a new form.
Syn. Kaohoku, Nb, nedak, kbuohi. Atarashiku tsukuru, ^ t/ ^ f^n^, to make
Atajikeniubl^ TCfeCWtt L, S^, u,. Stingy; anew; Atarashiku. ronji ruwsu, Iff -> ^ afeo^iS 7-,
avariciou.i; niggardly; like a raiser, miserly; to discuss over again,
mean; sordid; parsimonious. ARATA NI, ShINKI NI.
Atakaiiio, l^fei.ft, fft, adv. Same a-; AriaAramo. AtarashiBa, i^fet L ?, iSf, n.. The newness or
Atnkorit. i^lt W 3, ^86, v.L To be excessively freshness of anything.
noisy; to be disorderly, violent, or riotous, to Atari, ihiz^,]^, and adu.
The neighbourhood;

make too much noise while playing, as cliildren. vicinity; hereabout; those who are near by;
Koaomo ga aiakeru, /h^^fffiEI/t, children about.
are very noisy. Atari kiiijo, t ^ V i£^, the neighbourhood;
Atnma, iSfea, h5. %M, n. QThe head. ©The Atari Jiacfiiken, t ^ V A*f [coH.] Sameasabove;

skull. ©The chief of a group of men, or the Atari wo harau, Hig^S^, to make those
head of an institution. QThe brain-power; around keep back; to overawe; Issakunen atari,
brains. ffl[con.] The beginning. (B [coll.] A kinA ~BYif-7 ^ V. about the year before the last;
of numeral used In numbering persons, Koiio atari ni sum.au, ^i^z=.^~?, to live in
The Q
highest point of anything; the top. neighbourhood, or hereabout; Oyoso kono

Atamawo haru, ^^-•^7^, [Jit.] to strike the atari, fl

y tt -^ }S V about this much. ,

head; [Jiff.] to squeeze a certain percentngefrom -Itarlau, l^fe 5,-t, * ^, i'.(. To fight; to act in

the wages or lares (as a coolie master or chief opposition; to fight a single combat; to duel
Atari- hasuro, ©
labourer doe^); Atama wo sageru, M9 y y it-,
lo:te «) a^Vt. n, n. Success or
(a) to make a bow; to bow in a respectful man- failure.

ner; to surrender; to
withdraw a claim. Atarimao, 1^ fe 5 -, "S ^, and
(b) V) -.. a. [colL] Q
Syn. TT.iDAKT, Kashira, Kobe, Tsujkjri. Anything reasonable, proper, or natural. S
Atamasaehl, lo?22fi*"^, tS;:^, 't. A person or an commonplace, or of course.
Ortlinary, usual,
animal having a disproportionately large head. Konna koto wa Tokyo dewa atarimae da, ay
ACainakasii, i^fe:24^$, M R, n. icolL] The num- ^^J^'iti^r^^'S V Ps^Sif, this is quite usual in
ber of persons. Syn. TKKlTD, TozEN, TSDNE. LTokyO.
Atamakazu ga o sugiru, S5 gji?/ -^ jg ^- ju, jltarii, lcfeS,'ffi, r¥.vA. andr.t. QTohit or strik«
there are too many persons; Atamakasa wet against. @ To touch. © To confcwm. Q To be
ikuraka, cSR-'-'StW:*. lio^v many persona are & To happen; to meet with. (0 To reach; not
there ? to err. Q To succeed; to come about as one
Atama- no- line 111, 1^fe2®at, ggS, /t. [Anat.] thought, ffl To inquire. © To be poisoned.
The skull, cranium, or brain-piin.
ACaiaa-no-ke, l^feawW-.gg^, n. The of
Atsusa isfwki) ni ataru, 5 * (jf = ^i n-, to ^
liair be affiMted by the excessive heat of the sun;
the head. iiiuhl (la ataru, gg^V-ffifl-, to be punished by
Atamazr'nU l^te'2'^K, P 8, n. Poll-tax. a god; to be accursed, Kl ni ataru, ^-•^n-,
Atamazeni wo kakeru, ^^ ^-^ n-, to im- to be angry at; Kono hito wa watashi no oji ni
S3-n. NiNTozEi, t_pose poll-tax. ainru, A >^ Ti ^ ^ =
itt ;fe 'ffi S-, this gentleman
Atari) * life c,, pfffij, a. Too valuable to be thrown is my uncle; Mamako ni tsuraku ataru, ffi-^ =
away; too good for a situation; regretful; pre- JSi^^'S'i-. to maltreat a step-chiUl;
cious;hi^Mj estimated, no lokorioma iva seiy^ no mantel-piece ni ataru,
Atara Uima ni kisn wo tsuka-u, Tff Tg i := 3 ^ B ^IC ^ fK .^ m -•^ E f¥ -^ 2 ^^: S j>-- :^ - '£ fl-, the
alcove In a Japanese room is what the mantel- these apples two for each; Watakushi rw ate ga
piece is in a foreign room Ri ni ataru, 3 =^ i£ ; haturtta, ^^^
7 if i/iu H, my hopes have
/I', it is reasonable it conforms with the dictates
; been frustrated ; JVa-a(e, iS ^, an address.
of reason; Shina wa Nihon iw nishi n,* a£arw, Ate, ToT, SHffi, 7t. An anvIL
S^^JP'^^H^-'ffi — 'ST'I-. China is to the west of Syn. Eanashiei.
Nippon ; Xfrushi no aoku ni ataru, ^ ^^z^^ii-, Atedo, lot^e, iJitM. ". [co?I.]Alm; object; clew.
to get poisoned by lacquer; Yaina ga ataru, Atedo n,ashi ni yuite wa muda desu, "SlBi-^ 3/
MJ^^ffi^t to find a profitable mine to succeed ; = 17 -f ? -•'»
^ 1£ f ^, It won't do to go without
In speculation, a certain object.
Ataru» life2, M^ v.i. To warm one's self. Atedokoro, lot ^ C ^, ffi^, n. The address of
Hibachi ni o atari na^ai, i^flt^ffllT'* V i-'^ a letter; the place where anything Is to be deli-

-f, [colLl warm yourself at the brazier; Hi ni vered, or sent to.

atai-u, i'C « iSt J^, to get warmed by the fireside. Ategal, ioTJ)*i>, %ff, n. Allotment; shares or
Atiisii, Ihfzi',^, v.i. O To invade. @ To oppose. portions assigned; rations; allowance; a fixed
Atutakasa., 1ofete*>^, S, «. Warmth or the pay for services.
degree of warmth. fwarmth; warmth. Ateoai ga fukohei da, K ^ ^ S ^ ^.
^ff l-he al-
AtiLtamnrl, 15 te fe 2 "O ®, n. The sensation of . lotment Is not fair; Atcgat ga warui, "^VHfS,
Atatakii8liJ,-i,-ki, MtfLlti* L,^, a- Warm, not >f, the allowance is insufficient.
Syn. NUKUTOsni, Samukaraku. Lcold. Atesnl-buchU ^hX HiV- X>%, %^^^, «. Al-
Atntaiiiarii, \o1t1t^Z,^, v.l. To get warm. lowance or provisions, especially rice; rations;
Atatanieru, ISfefei^a,^, v.t. To make warm; stipend.
to warm. Ategiiii, lotfc'i, %^, v.t. To apportion; to al-

Shim wo atatamo'u, ^ f-^jt ju, to warm the lot; to give rations or stipends; to grant.
soup; ToroH tie atatameru, jfc ^ y'gj-^ »', to JWo wo ategau, ttBI) ^ % ff "7, to aid.
wann over a gentle flre. Atehaka, lottl4>, i^f, ^. a. O Beautiful; ela
Atataiiiii* l^tefetf, ^, v.t. Same as above. Ateyaka, lot-S"**, 'gant; charming; handsome.
Atntnii, lifcfeA, ffl^lt, n. [Boi. 1 The aloe. @ Noble; dignified; genteel.
Atntte, li^te'vt, 'S". [PP- ot Atari.] See Atari. Syn. MlTABITARU, ToTOKI, UTSUKUSHIKL
Atatte kudakero, '^ r Cf ^c , hazard it and see- Atekaniai'ii, MX
Tit Z, ^i&, v.i. To be appro-
Atati, lote-l-i Can; could; to be able; to
, flu. ^i- priate to; to fit for; to be applicable.
At5, Tilf 5, have power; to be capable of.
Atehainii, lot tt tr , ^^, v.t. To apply; to ap-
This verb Is seldom used in conversation; i^ propriate; to set apart to some particular use;
13 much used in the literal translation of Eu- to allot or assign.
ropean languages, as I can do it, WatasM ga Atejl, lot Er, 'Sr^, n. A dubious synonym; a
sore wo nashi atau, It ^/ ^. ^ g J' 3g "7. mere phonetic equivalent; a Chinese character
Atawiizii, lofett'f i^Sls. v.i. The negative form used in a sentence, known to tlie writer him-
of above. self to be Inappropriate, which he employe,

Ware kore wo yomu atawazu, ^ ;£. ? SI i» ^ '^ however in the absence of a more satisfactory
jC, I cannot read this. fthat place. one, or a'S requiring future alteration.
Atcbl, Tih"j%, adv. [coll.] Away; there; yonder; AtekORurl. lot t -^ <il, ffiMt, n. [col!.] A distant
Atclil-kotclij, i^y %'L-j "h, adv.- [coll.] Here O allusion to one's fault or misdemeanors; seem-
and there. About. @
Upside down. © ing praise; an equivocal expression, wliicht.be
Ate» 'ih'C, ttH. (*• Elegant; refined; free from person addressed would take as a rebuke; an
coarseness or vulgarity; genteel. implied censure.
Ate, lot, igf!", w- [o6«.l Patrician dignity; grand Atekosurii, lotC-t^. jSifi, v.t. [coll.] To

Ate-Uto, ;^SA, noblemen. L^ur, nobleness Atekkosurii, lot-yC-^S, ' hint at a fault In one's

Ate, lot, "ffi, !sE, n. O Attaining an object aime.d character, conduct, or services, in seemingly
at. ©An expectation; tlie an
target; a hope; barren or even laudatory expressions; to rebuke
aim. ©Anything relied upon; a clew. O -Any- by implication; to give an indirect cut, slight,
thing that is intended for protection against or rub.
friction or blows. Atekoto, lot t if, '^^, n. Anything one locks
Ate niwa naranu, US r = -J- 9 sr, not to be •** for or depends upon; a reliance; a resource
relied on Kono ate ga areha dafjobii da,
; '^ ?^ itfc
looked for as a means of relief.
?/* T i-- >^ :^ i^ ^. this pad will protect you Atekiir.i. Tot < t, ®K. »*• [coU.]A game in

sufficiently well; KOno ringo wo futatsu ate ni which those concerned compare the power m
rvakeru, ittt^^^ = '5'M =^ *- »'. .to divide predicting future even ts, unknown facts, etc

Atenic. loTX), 'S' §. "•• OAn object fiimed at; ^ fli «', to inherit the father's property or
an aim. @ A blow. e.state, or to take up and continue the busines*
Aleinl, l^t;^, 'S'^, n. Boxinj^ a vital portion of or profession of the deceased or retired father;
th;j body. Hd oato dt yoroshu goearlmasu, vr- iff Ui t*
Ateinono, i^'Cti^i, ffi
^O, n. O Tho art of predict- Kfifc ^ ffi V ^ ^, nevermind, you take first, S3
ing or guessing. ©The object to be predicted. komarv, y f
s-uru to ato de ;^ /p I' ^ 5^ S J^. that
Ateiia, liT^, %S, 11. The uame of the person would bring about trouble in the future.
addressed the address of a letter or of a person.
; Syn. Go, NOCHI.
Atooliuiinii, M-z^c.UX-, 3Eff. v.i. Same as ^(e- Ato, \o^, gj;, ;!g, 11. Q Anything
left or remaining,
gan a foot-print; a track; a beaten path, a trail;
Atei'M, lots, tt", '(- To hit; to strike against. a a blemish; a cicatrix; ruins; remains, a
Tama wo nakaboshl ni aferu, % V- ^\' ^—T zr vestige; a trace; relic; the rest.@ A custom or
M', to liLt the middle mirk of a target with a precedent. © Passing a street or highway.
bullet. Ato wo htku, Bi^? 51 i?, to call for more and
Aterii, I^XZ, 'S. v.f. To touch. ©To comply O more, Ato wo kitramasu, Sj; ^ Ef v 7;, to flee
wirh; to accord with; to make anything agree- Kizu-ato, %^,a. Take
cicatrice; scar; ato, ^^,
able. © To apply one thing to anothei-. O To the ground where burned houses stood; Shu-
apportion; to give a share to. ©To be success- inotsn no ato. Ifg ^ ^ S, a mark by an ulcer
ful in a business or speculative concern. (0To scar; Kono kyudo ni wa chikaoo^'O rynjin noato
guess well; to solve. ga taemashtta, jttgig=-'>i5lSJSA^Si;V;?@^T
Monosashi wo ateru, KS^ffi."-. to apply a S/ St, of late no travellers take thi.s old highway;
foot-measure; Nazo wo aicrv fl^ =^ f^ ;^ to solve AVire wa mukasfd no shiro ato desv, jtt -•*
arlddle. it 7*"^, this is the place where the ancient
Aterii, i^.-CZ, ?S. T-'-f- To address, as a letter. Syn. Atokata. Lca.stle stood
Kotio teoamt vja tarcni aterunoka, [tt:^,^-.^ Alo, i^if, adi: [coll.] Ago; before.
^i~%T ii' -^-Jj, to whom shall this letter be Ano hito wa gonen atii ni yok'i shita, f$ A -*•
addressed ? VAtekrmn n. ^T y =i.p^fi >/ a, he went abroad five years
Atotsukerii, ^^t^1&Z, 'S, i\; r.(. [coll.] Same as Atoaslil, io^;t L,^ jE, n. Thehindlegs. Lago.
Atoyakani, 1o-C^*'K:, i^^, adv. O '"Charmingly; Atoiitogetsii, Mi£-S))£no, ^ f n. n. [coll.] The
be.Tul.ihilly; fasf inatin^ly. ©Nobly; in n dig- month before tiie last; last month but one.
nifipd manner. Atobc, l^^-^.iJk'^, n. The part opposed to the
Ateeii, Qf^Mect' aim. ©Opportunity.
lo-r^', n. front; the part left behind; the back; the rear.
Atczumonai, y f i*'^ ^ -i, [co;f.]has no ob- Atoblsarl, 1^lct^*^'!), l*il. ffi jW, n. [coll.] Start-
ject; Atrzuvional sagashimonowosiirii, 7 y'-;/ Atoblsoi-I, io>f trtv), i Ing or moving backward;
^ i- -^ ^.^^f- 7. /I., to search witliout an ob- flinching; wincing; shrinking back In fear or as-
Syn. ATKDO, KiKWAl. Lject. tonishment.
AtesiiiMto 111, i;j-t::p'-yU?5VC, a. [coU.] At random; AtotilHari, ToifUf^^, n. rEntom.JPeudoscorplo^p.
by chance; without any fixed purpose or definite Atolio, i^;^(3:5.i*^, n. [coll.] The backward or
aim. rear coolie.
Ato.lSiT.l^, n. O The successor; one who.sustains Atodaclii,!;^^^?:^-^, -yj i_ n. Q Starting on a .jour
the part or character whicli another has left. ney after another. ©A person standing behind
©Tlie family succession or line; descendants, another.
ro^terity. g'^ Being after or behind; following. AKigotsii, -i^l^ffp-c^ M. The
7i. la^t month.
Q The dep;irted spirit or soul. The place @ s.\n. ATO NO Tsritr, KmoKTsr, Sexgetsu.
where nne lias gone or is suppo^od to have Atoglyoiiie, l^Jf 5' i y., mfp, ,(. Purifying a
gone. Iiuuse after a dead body has been earned
Ato ato no koto wo negau, iS -V ^ )JI ^ SI V, Atoliaknoaslil. i^i-a*-^L, "- With no trace;
tn make a will requesting that Atohara vanished; annihilated; utterly
oo.yameru, ^M^f'V'^'^, [ntM must incur some Atoliaru, li^ tt 6 , IS flg. ^ Rf fS. « U After-pains.
future loss or expenditure; Ato ye vio saM ye © An after-clap.
TTU) hikanu, |^ --* -- ^ 51 ?; 3t, to go neither
fiff AtohikI, l^^O^.i^SI, n. \ot stopping; caUing
lorward nor backward; .Mo no matsitri, ik .^ ^ or asking for more and more.
V, [c'»(i,] beiiind time; Atosaki mizu ni okonau, Atohiki-jogo, ^!i\±p, [coll.] a drunkard who
tt 5t ^?= ^f "7, to act too boldly ; Ato ni narl wants to drink more the more he drinks,
saki ni nari, y^ =1 + v M- -?"
V . walkini; behind Atokaisi, i^j*:i,fe, j^jt5_ o Trace, mark. S .rt.

<*r Ml advance of; Chichi noato wo tstigu, ^^ tJi Impression. ©Foundation; ground.

Atokata no nai fusetsu, BJ;fi$>Ji'fWS. ^ Nigeta teH rwatowoou, gt >• ^ JJ ^ ^ ^ jg -y^

Broundless rumour; Sonna atokata wamienai, to pursue a runaway enemy.

yvMBl;Jfi-"»J?.^-?' -^i there is not a trace dis- Ato-wo-tsukorii. loS i"-:? W" 3, Ei:^, v-i. To
cernible of it. trace ; to seek after ; to follow the foot-steps of

Atokataaiike, TS If *> fe :>' W". ^ ^ Wt. n. Rear- an animal in hunting.

rangement of things after an incident, as a Atoxan, Uif?'^. ftffi. n. After-birth,

death, feast, storm etc. Syn. NoCHizAN.

Atomaivarl, yo^ltt^.^tM, n. Not advancing
AtOBonao, 1oif5-'Q:— , ^fil, "• [ML] The rear.
parallel with some other person or thing; being
AtoBusarl. loi?55 "C. MiS. « Same as Atohimri.
Atsu, Tor?, 1
left behind getting behind-hand following not
; ; ; Same as Ateru.
Ateiiru. fS-^Z, J
being favoured or served first.

Atsu-. IS"?, ^. An meaning fto(
adjective prefix
1i)c'^ H t,']^i&, "^ Putting off;
delaying; postponing.
Atsu-. lor?, BE. An adjective prefix meaning thick.
Kffre wa md atomawashi ni shiy'5, au^^-v— ^ AtSD, i<;-99, adv. [cont. of^tsuArf.] OHot; warm.
{ft ^ =1 £/ a 9, [coll.] let this be postponed.
©Warmly; kindly. ©Thickly.
Atoine, toiCto, iSf B, a. O Estate or property to
Atsubnl, lo-5fcfi>, SftB^, n. Hot ashes.
be inherited. S
The family line. ® Talcing an
Atsubitai, l^-^U'teV', W ^. ft- ^ 'if\n6. of cap the
official position left by another.
front (forehead) part of which is made thicker
Atome, lo)f», fiiS, n. Same as J.to&e.
tlmn the other parts. fVery thick.
Atomodorl, loit 6l*V), ^M, n. Going backward
AtsnbottaHhl,-l,-kf, iS^H^ylteL, I^ :*:. a- {€011.1
retrogression, return; deterioration.
Atsubusn, i5-c?J«?, ISSg, n. A lialter richly or-
Ato-no-mataiirl, to )f <^ )£ ? V , % ^> n- O [^i^-]
namented with silken or cotton tassels.
Celebrating a fete after the fixed day (rarely Atsugnml, Thick paper; paste-
li^-^t'i^. I^iBE. *i-

Dsed in this sense). @

\JlQ.] [coll.] Useless thought,
bonrd. fwater.
design, discussion, or expedient, after a lost Atsugaii, lo'Ptit/., i^l^, n. iSaA:e made hot in hot
opportunity (often used colloquially in this
Atsugj, ^h'y'^,^?&, n. Putting on several gar-
sense). ments, one over another; wearing thicker
Atonoi-f, ^o'£0^,^^, n. A mounted constable clothes than ordinary persona. fpiank-
or overseer in the rear of a procession. At^ulta, l5"7V^fe. IS^. " A tliick board; a
Ato-uo-toelil, "IhtO^ t,M^f "^ The last year.
Atsulta, Xh-^Kc^it, Its. '^- A kind of silk stuff hav-
Ato-osae, 15)f?£SA, ifeff. "ru O Same as ^tojiort' ing some figures or designs in it, the warp and
@ The rear-guard of an army. @ The last man- the woof being of tlie gloss and the raw silk
of-war of a squadron. respectively.
Atorj, V>€.'^ ,'^ilk, «• [Omith.] Brambling. Atsnkal, fo'5*>i>. fBHI. "• icoll-l Peace-making;
AtosakJ, foif3?.^5t, » O First and last; the arbitration; negotiation; mediation; determina-
beginning and tlie end the antecedent and the ;
tion of differences.
consequent. @
Fore and aft. Order. The © O Atsukal, l^-7*>y>, ^
n. O Treatment; reception.
lastcoming first; disorder. @ Management; transactions; dealing with.
Syn. EUjime-owari, Zengo. AtBukaJgusa, Tc-7A>U'<'3, ^, n. [BoL] Chrysan-
Atoshlkl, lol?L.&.ftJ;?C. «• Same as 4(07)1*. themum.
AtOBhUarl, loiC^sr-ii) ^ jg, «. Same as AtoUsari.
, AtBukaljo, lo-7*'U-:£-i:, W.ffi, n. An office.
Atosliudan, •\h'^%.\fi>-niK, ^#S, "- An expedi- AtsukalDJn. to^*>t^^V^. ® A, n. An arbitrator;
ent resorted to, or a design planned, in order a manager; an officer in charge.
to prevent anything disagreeable following an Syn. AISATSUNIN.
incident. At9ukamaskJ,-i,-kj, ih'Pi>'^ t, o- [coll.} Au
AtotorJ, te^iC y. SftK. '*• OAttheir; a succes- dacious blameless
; ;
paying little regard to the
sor. @ The eldest son or daughter. restraints of law, morality, religion, or de
Syn. YoTauGi. corum.
Atotaiigl, tSiCr? Sr, B}:)B, n. flSame as Atotori, Ateukau. tSr34>i, ®, v.t. QTo arbitrate; to ne-
make peace. ©To treat;
8 Inheriting the estate or property of the fath- gotiate; to mediate; to

er. S
Taking an office after the death or retire- to manage; to transact; to control.

ment of its former incumbent. Kokusai jiken wo atsuk au, B © ft ^ iS ffi? "?

Atotflukl, i5U-5», tt n, n. Same as Al^etsu. to arbitrate an International case of dispute.

Ato-wo-ou. To pursue; to Syn. Aa&^AU, Hakabu, ToRiATSUKa
TSiC'Srfti, SJi. «•«•

follow; to run after. TOBISABAEU.

Ataukn^Tn, lo'^t'Q, 19 fi^. n. Same as below. tention. Biiru, v.t. To dispute; to quarrel;
Ateiikntva-Bura* t5-7*>tt:?*&, S Sfe ffi, |£S$. ". to differ; to act in opposition.

O A brazen face an impudent I'ellow.

; Shame- Q Atsuryoku, fo"^ i!)
i. < , E *. "• iPhystc.'] Pressur*.

lesBness; impudence; boldness in doing; evil; Saidai atsuryoku, feAIBA. maximum presi-
efli-outery. ure, maximum tension; Sokumen no atsurydku,
At»ulce, lo-Pt/f, ^J J-, '« Same as below. ffii if E -^ /!? .
lateral pressure; Taiki no atsuryo-
Atsuke-atarl„ i^c^W-J^'fe 15, ^, n. An affection iJp ku, A^ ^E /!J' ^^6 atmospheric pressure.
produced by the excessive hotnesa of the Atsuryokukei, lo^Vf i < i^\i%, M * H, n. [Physic}
weather in summer. Manometer.
Atraku, Sft, a.
lo-:? < and adv.
, The adverbial or AtBusa. T5-P3, 5^ M, 1- O The hotness of weather.
pred. adj.form of Atsusfii. @ The degree of heat. © Ferjvour, eagernew,
Tenkt ga atsuku natta, ^®,tf*^i!S -y ^. the Atsiisn, lo"^"?,®, " Thickness. Leajnestnese.
weather has become very warm (or hot). Atsuahl, 1^-7 L. " [Bot.] Same as Atsunt.
Atsuku, lo "3 < , a. adr. O Thickly; closely. @ AtsuBhi,-j,-kl, ln-3 L, l¥, a- O Thick. © Famili-
Plentifully; kindly; liberally; generously. ar; magnanimous, kind; bountiful.
Atsuku sewa wo sum, J5 ^ ^S ^ >^*-, to treat Atsukl kimono, a thick garment; ^^^1^,
kindly to give a liberal aBsistance.
; Atsuki oboshimeshi, S, your kindness. g =^ .@,

Atauifuruslil,-J,-kl, igr? < 3 L, i^S, «.. Sultry; Atsuslii,-l,-kl, to-? L, S^, a. Hot; warm. Q
unbearably hot. Excited; eager; furious; earnest Lustful; @
Atanniarl, lo-^^ij), j|[, rt. An assembly; a meet- violent; heated. fafarl.
ing; a congregation; group; party; a collection. Atsuyaml, 1^-7^;^, rfi ^-, Rg, n. Same as Atsuke-
Atsumari-Bel, To -P a « ^ \r, » ^, ^ -3- #. « A Atsuyoku aiiru, lo'^'i, < -^S, EWi. "! To tyran-
body of Tolunteers; undisciplined troops; a nize; to oppress; to crush down upon, to treat
Syn. YORIAIZEI. Lmere mob. cruelly. rbath.
Atsumaru. io-5a3, Jft, v.i. To meet or come to- Atsuyii, li-:?!*, SfS 2&, n. Q liot water. @ Hot
gether; to assemble; to convene; to congregate; Atta, -[i^-jtt. [pret. of Ai, Av. ^ -g-, and Aru, |r.]
to be collected together. See Ai, Au, and 4H. fsfti.

Syn.KozoRU, Muragaku, TsudO, tobu. Attakashj, io-yfe4> L, «- [coll.]Same as Atataka-

AtBume-Jlru. 1o-p»^,-3, fi-JS^S, n. A kind of Attamaru, •\h-jtz.'^Z> v.t. [colLI Same as Atata-
soup containing several solid ingredients, most- maru. Tmerv.
ly vegetables; a medley soup. Attamcrii, ^h}1t'>f:>Z, v.i. icolLI Same as Atata-
Atsumeru, T^-^feZ, ft. v.t. To assemble; to call Attara^ Tih-jfth. [coJJ.] Same as ^tara (TiTfi).
together; to collect; to convene, gather, or Attara, l5-y'fe&- [coli. cant, of .4tta nara&a.] If 1
Matomeru, Yoseru.
Syn. Lmuster. have if there should be if he were, etc.
; S'Ari. ;

Atsomltsu suru, t^-9 ^r? ^ Z,)&'!S, v.t. [Chin.] Atte, t^-y-r. [P.p. of Ai, ^^, and AH, ^.] See Ai and
To prohibit music for a certain number of days .4«« wiitai, 5^ 5= jj. ^ W I with to see him. ,

at the demise of a member of the Imperial Atto suru, •\h"j1Z.5-^Z,M^m, v.t. To overwhelm;
Atsiimono, A soup. to subdue; to defeat; tu throw down; to crush.
T^-:? 16 £73, Sg, n. Lfamily.
Syn. Shiru, Sdimono, Tsutu. Waga gun teki wo attosu, KSSS ^ 51 :^. oiu E
Atsumorlso, ^^'y t <fl ? 5, n. [Bot.]Lady's slipper. army overwhelmed the enemy.
Atsumii, To-7tf, ft, Sama a.s Atsumeru.
v.t. Au, T-^i, v.i. ^O To meet with; to see; to en.
AtauuJ* To-^KC, n. [Bot.] Wych or Scotch Elm. counter;. to face; to find. ©To suffer; to
AlJtarae, l^r??^, K, n. A purchase order; an undergo.
order for having anything made. Soyu ni au, B|S=iS$ 7, to meet a fi-Iend;
Atsurae too kotawaru, ftH ^ ffi »-, to decline Salnanniau, ?IflS = ifi-7, to suffer a calamity.
an order Oatsurae no Tcimono, Sfl ffS -^ if tS. the
; Syn. Deatj, Kwai suru.
BUlt (or garment) you ordered. Au, %^,^, v.i. O To agree, correspond, accord;
Syn. Chumon. to harmonize. @ To suit. © To be joined,

Atsuraeru, &^3, gIS. v.t. To order; to give a

?5r? Karada nt au, f^ := -g- -7, to fit the body; Fu-
commission to make purchase or supply goods. choga au, ^'^.if'^'7. the marks corresrond.
Syn. Chumon subu. Syn. FUGo suru, Gassuhu, Kanau, Teki
AtBiiransal, V/? 6 K'i\r^, JS K 3!, n- [-BoC] Thlaspi SURU, TaURIAU, ITOHI BURU. rtOTilO.
arvenu. Ausliiklna, H^Z^"^, n. [Bot.] Anemone dicft-o-

Atsurekl. T^rPhS, |tflc< ^ O Grating; collision; Awa, Tott, S^ n. [Bot.] Italian Millet; Bengal
creaking; Jarring, e Jfore comnwnly ana figur- Grass. rscura.
tivtly, clash of interest or opinion dispute ; ; con- Awa, iott, ^, fa. n. Bubbles; froth; spume; foam;
Awa ga taUu, ^iffcy, bubbles aro formed. A^vare, T^ttH. S. n. Pity; compassion; sympm-
It bubbles; Awafuku, ^11^^, to froth at the tby; susceptibility to the softer passions; ten-
mouth; [;;flfir.]to be Tery much astonished or per- derness of heart; commiseration.
plexed. Aware wo nwydsu, fi f- fS "7 >t, to be moved to
Awnbl, T^ttty, UK, n. [Conch.'i Eiir-sliell, Hallotit. Byn. AwAREMi, FnuiN. Lcompasalon.
Awabi no Jcataomct, Kffl;^:. [coll.] love unre- Awareml, To ttlt ;>, 01, Tt. Pity; compassion;
Awnlio, lottff, M^. «• The ear of millet. Lturned. sympathizing with; tender-heartedness.
Aivabo. 7Stttff, ^f-ffiE, 71. [Sot.] Bugbane. Syn. Fdbin, Jini.
Awabu, t<ott.J«, 514, 71. A millet field. rtha. Awareinii, lottJitp, W, v.t. To pity; to sympa-
Aivabukl, Tqj9iS''&, n. IBot.'] Heltosma myHan- thize with; to compassionate.
A^vabubii^ioSX, n. Same as ^{mfcu. PUBIN NI OMOO, ITAWASHIKU OMOU.
Awacbljlinl, TStt"^tr;^, PUgfeift, t*. Corrugated Awarcna, OPitlful; moving the
-i^ntttn, 0J, a.
cotton cloth made in the province of Awa, tender passions. ©Miserable; mean; paltry;
AtvndaebleS. T5r;ftt.'55, n. [Bot.l Golden Rod. contemptible. fbe met; can be seen.
Aivaidatsu, lottJ^r?, JQ i, v.i. To bubble; to ef- Awarerii, I^HH^, |S^. [pass, or pot. of Au.]yo
fervesce ; to froth. fcold or fear. AuMta chichi nl awareru, B^ H ^ =1 i§ >^ i- »-,

Awadatsii, toU?!:--^, M tL, v.i. To be chilled Itom I can see father to-morrow.
Awarta-yalil, iStt?t-^&, , MKSI, 'i- Earthen- Awnresa, loklh,^, '^, n. Pitiful condition;
Awata-yakl, i^Hfe-^^. \ waremadeat Awata- meanness; littleness.

guchi near Ky5to. More commonly called Atvase, loH^, n. Q Comparison for determining
Awada-yaki. fantly. superiority or equality. ©A fight; a match;
A^vagaolil, iSHti*'^, a. Frothy; bubbling abund- competing for superiority.
Awa-gaerl, isaij*-^U),^$ Jg, n. [Bot.] Phlcum. Chikara awase, ij t -^^ ^, a wrestlius match;
Awasara, lo[Ift*&, MS. J*- The shells of millet. awase, Jfe t -'^ t, a cock-flghL

A^va-sohe, lottav?, n- [Bot.] Callitriche. Awase, thU^, ^

^, n. A garment of doubla
Aival, JoHi>, M, «. O The space between two thickness; alined garment.
things. ©Friendship; Intimacy; relation. Awasedo, I5tt-iti«, -fi-Jg, n. A whetstone need
Syn. AiDA, Ma. In sharpening swords; razors, etc.

A^val, lotto-, SfilES. n. A ravine; a narrow passage. Awase-giieurl, Tott* <--^ >!), -^SEI, n. iMed.]A
Syn. Yamaai, Taniai. fmatus. medicinal mixture; a medicine containing seve-
Aivaiclilgo, loBV^'^a. n- [Bot.] Rubus pal- ral ingredients.

A^vall, loUV^U-. IRM, «• Boiled millet. Awase-Jiban, To tt * X- K ^, IS ?S. « A lined

Aw.-iKi, IhW^, adv. Insipid; light; tasteless; of shirt; undergarment of double thickness.
delicate flavour. Awase-kaffainl, lolil**'*';^. S'lS, n. A mirror
.\ ^vakii , 1.J a < ^. ,
Adverbial form of AwaH. employed In conjunction with another so as to
AwaniosliJ, 1r,\ii}>bZ,MtS.. ». Same as -dwaii. show the back of an object.
Awamoehl, Tottftt, MW, « A kind of inocfii Awase-matsuru, lo 11*3^2, Efl?, v.t. To
made of millet, place two or more gods in the same temple.
tivaiiiorl, io*3 ft V}, j^g, n. A kind of arrack A-«v»seme, fott*». -&• g, n. A seam; a joint.
brewed from rice, containing more alcohol than Awaseru,Tott-li^2. -g-, iJf, I'.t. To join; to unite; O
sake. Satsuma and the RjiikyEi (Loochoo) to add or annex; to glue together. ©To mix;

islands are noted for its manufacture. to compound. ©To whet, hone, or sharpen
iwaiiiori-shonia, 15 sb ft 1) X 1 5 3, « [Bot.] ©To introduce. ©To make suitable; to serve

AstUbejapontca. Karuia wo awaseru, 'h' tS. ^ -^ -*>

-fe ^i- , to com-
A^vaniorlsd, 75 Jj & 1) 3 5 ^^^, «• [5o(.]Same pare cards; Kono futatsu no sliosha wo awareru

as above. fmalt. to iu fUsetsu ga aru, it ^ :^ -^ffiffit^t^-^*)"-

AwaiiioyasbU iS Kt % -^ L. MSI, «• The millet h X "7 R IS W T ;t-. there is a rumour that thesa
Iwananda, ^c^^^?&• [coll. neg.per. of ^(.] Have two firms will be amalgamated into one con-
was not did not correspond cern; Kusuri wo awaseru, ^?-g->\1r»-, t*
or has not m«t; fit;

or agree.
make a compound medicine.
Aaw-no-inl«uame, 1o11©;^$3d>6, 3S:*tfiS, n. A Syn. Gassuhu, Kuwaeru, Soeru.

semisolid aine made from millet.

Awasctsuehi, ll^Q^-^%, ^ ±, n. Mortar fpr a
Awnokosbj. ioUtsCL, n. Akind of confection- Syn. Sanwado, Tatakitsughi. Lbuilding.

ery, the chief ingredient of which Is millet. A^v.-iebi,-l,-ki, Totl L, i£. "" Insipid; tasteless;

twai'c, loilli, !.nterj. Exclamation of entreaty, light; of a delicate flavour.

pity, or grief. Dear me ah pity me [ I I Aivaeblo, T^d^t^, ^ 9, n. Common salt


Awanii, l^fclf", •©, v.l. Same us Awn y'T 'I Ayagoro, l^-^a t 5, ^ i^^, n. A kind of woolen
Awa.tadaslii,-l*-ki, ^mtzTl^t, iS, a. A-t:n:»-)i- stufl'with raised designs, figures, etc.
ed; flurried; agitated; coufuseU; distracted Ayahigalii, l^-S'U'fi*^, ^ B8 .^ ft. a broad brim-
Aivatadaalilku, -toei'^;^;^, <,i^ adv. Confused- med hat made of rushes.
ly; astonishingly; losing presence of mind. Syn, AMiGASA. riike.
Awateriitaniehii, iot£-t.^:^>6<, fflS, !affl, v.i. Ayabarii, Toj?»4>J,^, v.t. To resemble; to be
To be greatly agitated; to lose presence of Anata ni ayakaru wa watashi no shiyawasA
mind; to be utterly confused. aesu, JS'^ =^ ;i. -•\
^ 7-" ^' . it is my greatest
Atvateni, i^ifltS, S S, v.t. To be astonished, pleasure to be like you; Chichi ni ayakaru, ijC^a

confused, or agitated; to lose presence of mind; ^;t, to resemble one's father.

to be flurried. Syn. NiRU, Rui SUKU.
BiKKURi sunu, Odoboku, Urotaeru.
Syn. Ayakashl,-J»-kl, ^h^il*L, C- Doubtful; susplcl
A^vatsu, i^a-7, ^ J&, v.i. [coll.] Same as
ous; not easily understood; indifinite. ffa-ilura,

Atvatsiii'u, lia'PS, Awateru. ^ Ayainachl, 15-^'2'^,j^, «• A fault; a mistake; a

Awa--»vo-l*n, ISH^rC-i, i^fi". v.i. [coil.] Same as Ayamachl wo aratainwru ni hahakaru nakare,
Aioaterii. ii§^BftA/i-=t^/t^U', [Chin.] do not he.sitate
A^vaya, lolil-*^', interj. An exclamation express- to correct your faults.
ing alarm, surprise, or agitation at an impend- Syn. MAOniGAi, Ochido.
ing peril. Ayamarl, io-^3 "/). ^, '"' Acknowledgement of
Awayaku, i^U-^A', a- Same as .4 was/ii. one's failure; an apology.
A^vayolfiibn, i^HI < (d?. conj. [cyl(.] If it be well Ayamari jomon, ^Vt'X, a note of apology; a
timed; if a good opportunity offer itself. written apology or excuse.
AtvayiikJ, i;^ a t'i &. '^'3, n. QThe sleet, @A Syn. Ayamachi, Wabi. fbeg pardon.
kind of confectionery made of rice flour. ,l>ainurii, ^^J^tz, St. ^'-t- and i. To apologize; to
Awnyiikiso. l^ti'^^ 5 5, ,?.S?f !if , '" [Bot.^AstUhe. into ni oyamarn, K=^W^ii-, to apologize to a
japonic". person; Lo beg pardon of a person.
Awazarii, lnl:i^i, % -a-- [neg. of^lu.] Not to Syn. Wabiru.
agree, etc. .-%y.niii»tsii, l^j^E-^, 1^, %, v.t. and i. To miatako;
AwHxii. l»)H^, jT^jS- [neg. ot Au.] Not to meet, to fail; to err; to offend one unintentionally or
A^vanii, loHtb, 'etc. by mistake.
Aya, lo-^, piUBil, interj Ahlohl A karera tsid ni ayamattari, i!@ oj- iS ^ i^ — iS
Aya, lo-^, rJ, ?'- A sillc stuff witli raised fi'^urc-;, vix^}.Ah they have at last erred; Ayamotte

stripes, or designs. hito wo h'-rosu, i§ t^ A ^ Ift 7., to kill a man un-

Aya, 1^-^, n. The cat's cradle, a children's game intentionally; Vo wo ayamatsit, t^^^y. to
played with a string twisted on the fingers. delude the nation or the world.
Aya, lo-^, X, ». O r''gurep, design^, etc., on the Syn. Machigau, Tagaeru.
surface of anything, natural as well as artificial.

3 Plan. © Ornament-, embellishment. {Bo!.]IHs stbirtca.

Aya cri, % ^, cloth having a figure or design
wrought in it; TaTcumi no aya, %\^^'K, a n. Form; figures;
plan; the intricacies i>ra plan or pKit. colour; stripes; de-
Syn. Br.v, MuvO. fining lines.
Aya, ^h'>,^^, " Papn.; the fatlier. Ayaine-gusa, io-^b6<*
AyHl>iiinii, lo-^^tp, ^, v.t. and i. To doubt; to be ^, 6 a. n. [Bot.]
suspicious; to be timid or fearful; to distrust. Sweet Flag.
Hiio wo ayabuTmi, A ? ^ i*, to doubt one's Ay am o- in o- ivak n ii ii

ability or integrity.
Syn. Abunagaru, Utaoau. ^, a. Utterly dark.
Ayadui-ii, th^'^Z,^, v.t. and f Q To make the . Ayame-mO'wakanu
figures, lines, or designs on woven stuffs. @ To yo, T. ]'^ =B ^ij ^ IK, a rj§ j^
treat, to transact. © Same as AyaTuzsii. Q To night so dark that one can not distinguish black
move a puppet doll. fful; equivocal. from white.
Ayafiiya, l^-^i-^. a. [coll.] Uncertain; untrust- Ayan»o-iin-scIiIiti. lB-^!t©-^-^ < , M ^ B ^, n.
Ayiislu^', 1o-^ir&, @ M< n. Same as Aya (gl). Ayamc-iio-set)sii, lo-^>6C0-tt-:P, i Tlie 5thday of
Aya-glrl, ^h^y^,^^, n. [Bot.^Sterculiaplatani- the 5th month, o. 5. (a festival day).

Mia. Syn. Tango

Ayainerii. lo-^)6Z, v.t. To Injure; to hurt; to Ayoliii, loitP, ^-, Same as ^yuniu.
damage; to wound. Ayii, i;5W>, K, n. [Ichth.]
Syn. Itameru. riecoglossvs allive-
Ayamotnmii, iS-^fetetf, M ^) n. [Bot.] Garden Us.
or Salad Burnet, Ayu, lot*, pSfS^, 71.

AyniiasM, i^-^tf^, ^, T.t. [coll.] To handle or [Chin.] Flattery;

work anything dexterously; to treat or address cajolery; sycophancy; adulation. sum, v.t.

softly and sweetly. To flatter, wheedle, cajole, etc.

Aynnl, lo-^VJ, ^, adv. Q Strangely; wonderfully; Syn. HETSURAI, Omonkri, Tentu.
unintelligibly. ©Very; excessively. Ayiibu, loW)-!*. i&j I'-*- Same as ^ywmw,
Aynuiku, lo-^IfC< , ^1g, adv. Lucklessly; unfor- Ayiiniarerii, ioB)^H3. [pass, or pot. of Aytmiu.}
tunately. See Ainiku. O Is fi-ble to walk to be trodden upon. @ Saraa

Syn, AiNiKU, Oriashiku. as Ayumti. Used only in the second or third

Ayaalil,-l,-k], l^-^ L. ®. «• Doubtful; distrust- person (polite).

ful; suspectlXil; wonderful. Ayiiinl. lol*^, it'i ft. O

Walking; stepping; tread-
Ayashii jiken da, @ ^' ^ t^ ^, >f it is a very ing. @
A walk; a step.
doubtful matter; Ayashlki yatsu, S 5^ =t tS, a Syn. IIOKo, Sampo.
suspicious character. Ayiiiiilaii, To'.%^?»-t, ^- ^, v.i. To compromise;
Syn. FusHiGi, Ibukashiki, Kitaina. to concede to each other in mercantile transac-
Ayaslilbl, lo-^, lu^'i J^. »** S
A conflagration, the Syn. AiBiAU, Yl'zuriau. Ltlona.
cause of which cannot be ascertained; an incen- As'uuil-lslil, 1^W>;^\/^ L, ^S. w. Stepping-stones.
diarism. Syn. TOBi-jsni.
Ayaslilhii. loots', %, v.t. See Ayashimu. Ayiiiiil-lta, To l* ^
V- fe, if-^, ?i. The boards or
Ayaslilini, i^-^ t,S>, "E, "- Doubt; suspicion; dis- planks, with or without cleats for steps, used lor
trust; wonder. walking on; a gang-board.
Syn. GlNH.N, IBUKARI. Ayiiiiiii, lo'Atf,
it", v.t. To go on foot; to walk; to
Ayaahlniu, e,.^ lis, @, v.t. To doubt; to suspect; Aaa, lo?*, ¥, n. Same as Azana. Lstep.
to distrust; to wonder at. A«a, lio^*, 0, 7i. O -A. macula or freckle. ©Dis-
Sito wo ayashimu, ? i*i to suspect a per-A K coloration of the skin caused by a blow or long
son Ware kore wo ayashimazaru ivo ezu,
; i^:t. ^ continued pressure. Hay by.
"^ ^-7 ^ )U=9- 'f,\. :^, I can not but wonder at it. Aiiaerii, iSy-^Si v.t. To compound; to mix; to
Syn. Fl'Shigi ni omou, Utagau. Axakeri, l^^t^ lO , ffi9, n. Derision; ridicule; ban-
Ayasii, li-^-^, v.t. [colL] To make a child merry. ter; satire; scoffing, gibe; raillery.
Ayasii. lo^^-^, v.t. To make liquids run; to
Syn. ChOro, fiURo.
cause to flow or to be discharged. Asaherii, 1o^^2,IlS> v.t. To deride; to laugh at
AyaBiigl>orl, lo^tS'to^J. ^^^Sfe. " A kind of in scorn; to banter; to i-ail; to ridicule; to scoff

serge. at, etc.

Ayatsii, lo-^-^, flk tR, n. That fellow Syn. Baka ni suro, GurG sdru.
Syn. AiTSU. Asania8lil,-l,-kj, ^oT'^ L>f¥^> "" Wondered
Ay ataiirl, l5-^-5 V},^l^, n. The act of working O at; surprised; astonished,

the strings of a puppet, or the mechanism by Syn. Akireru, Kimotsuburu.

which it can be worked. @ Cont. form of below. ABaml, -ih^^./hM. « [Bot.] Thistle.

Ayatellrl-uJnffyo,•^5^:?V)Vi:^W^5,g^A?K, n. A Axamf-seslii, \hS'^V>- L, n. [Bot.] Prickly Poppy.

doll moved by means of wires or strings; a AKaiiii-tainpopo, lo3';^fe/.[5i^, n. [Bot.] Hawk-
puppet. weed.
Ayateiii'ii, Jo-^-^Z.tft. v.t. Same as jiyadorM. Asaiiiiik], i53*ii>]&, Ift, n. Deceit; dissimulation;

Ayausa, Ic-^^^.fi^. «• Dangerousness; peril- craft; clieating; imposing on; outwitting; guile.
ousness. Asainiikii, 1^3^tr<,ft*:, v.t. To deceive; to cheat;
Ayaiishl,-l,-l<J, ^, Dangerous; peril- to tell a lie to; to outwit, etc.
'(o-=^5 L, tt.

ous; exposed to injury or evil; tottering. Syn. Damasu, Tabakaru.

Kunshi wja ayauki nl chikayorazu, g- ^ >n ^=¥ ABana, loS'tr, ^, n. The common name of a per-

= IS 3 9 7;, [P7-0V.] the wise do not purposely son or place; a nick-name.

expose themselves to danger. A«anaei'u-nawa, lo 3" tf -^ S tf 11, ^^KS. '*• A
Syn. ABUXASni, Kennon. twisted rope.
Ayobl» loiW, B^ft-, n. A kind olleggings. Asanau. loS'tcJ-, i^, To twist v.t. (a rope).

Bvn. KYAHAH. Syn. MATOD, Nau, Yoru.


Aanrnslil, lo Ase-suce, T^tf-^r^, to. lBot.]Garex Thunbergii.
r (^ L, m Axo-tosarasIU, li^-te^ijtfe L, n. [Bot.lSame a»
T), n. Aze-nu.
[Zool.] Ase-t5ua. li^-tejtp, n. [Bot.] Crepis Keiskeana
Seal; Pho~ Aauchl, T^^*"^, fttJiJi, n. A target-mound.
ca niitmnu- .
— ABuchlmon, 15^'^(^^, «| p^, w. \ gate erected
laria, CfS JR) on a piece of reclaimed land.
Ajiarorii, WfTi^Z, ?i?. ''' To rot; to piitrify; to ABiiBlgawa, \o::>' ^tfl a, #a*. » A thick
be spoiled or tainted f,e.-peciaUy used in speakiog leather like the red pea-bean in colour.
of animal foods). @ To jest. © To be out of Asiikarl, T^:3^*> fg, n. O Holding anything in

order as a drunken man's garments. custody or in trust; anj-thing received on depos-

Syn. Kl'Ohiru, Ki'sareeu, Midareru. it. @ A guardian; one who takes charge of.
Aanrl, T-ff V , I^J IS SJ. " [Htuld.] Same as Ajari. © The head-officer Q A consignment.
Asn^varaii, ^, Pffl ^, v.t. To laugh at
Iri^ty i^ AMukarl-inono, iq-3-4>»!) 4 ©, 15 ft ^, n. Some-
contemptuously; to sneer at; to ridicule. thing received \n trust or on deposit.
Syn. Seserawarau. Axukarl-nlii, R :p* ir» 9 1/e ^, J^ A, «. One with
Aauyaka iia, lo 3'-'^ *' 12;, <S, ". Briglit; clear; whom something is left in trust; a trustee; a-
plain; faultless; spotless. consignee; the chief commissioner.
Azayaka nar hana, * -h Tii. briglit flowers; ABiikarii. lo^'*>2,^, IM, r.(. and (, ©To take a.
flowers fresh in colour; Azayaha naterjiwa, ® part of; to participate; to share; to be a member
S-^^, faultles.s performance; A^an to czayaka of; to partake of. @ To be intrusted with; to
na kntn, -?- v ® 1 how bright
1- -^ , 1 have a person or thing committed to one's care.
Syn. AKIBAKA N^, TEGIWA NA. ® To be responsible for; to be in charge of. Q
Aaayaka iil, l^^'-^A-KT, ^, adv. Brightly; clear- To be favoured with; to be admitted.
ly; distinctly ; faultlessly; skilfully. Gironni azukaT^, ^^ ^^n., to take a part
AiP-, >o^i )fi^. '*• Low, narrow dykes separating a m the debate; Kodomo wo azukai^u, ^ ^ ^ f@'^.
rice-fleld from anotlier. to iiave children committed to one's care or
Syn. Kl'RO. supervision; Ifyogl nl azukaru, ^g^^'^i to
Aie, ^h'^, lis. I'i- OA weaver's reed. @ Arrang- be admitted to be conference.
ing the threads of the warp in proper order Syn. Taku auRL', Yud-vnerq.
before weaving. [Thunhei'giU Asiikerii, lo^V3,SK,Si. »'' To intrust some-
Asp-bHua, lo * a ^> 5? E iE. « [Bot.] .ypiraea thing to anothor; to put under the care of an-
Akeelil, l^^-"^, fS!f?fi- "- Same as .40.10(51/871'. other, to rely on; to deposit.
Ase-dalkoii, T^yr-ifr-v^ £. A, "J^'^, n. [_Bot.] JVas- Kane no knioari )ii Shi )tairwno tvo azukeru, ^
Aae-saruslil, l^^ftJ& L. I tvrtium. .^ ft = pp tt ? ffi VS', to give a thing as a securi-
Ase-sayn, IS^-fit.^, n. [Bnt.]Lfptoc!iloa. ty for a certain sum ot money due some tima
Aie-gnyataiiri, 1,^ if- fi? -^ -7 ifl , ?;. [Tiyf.] 6'?7perws hence; Kane wo azukeru, ^"^-f^yii-, to deposit
a sum of money.
AEe-Kil.-y5. lo-tft&"&^5, n. [Sot.] Ge?7(/a»a. Syn. I-NiNSUBU, Makaseri', Xixzuru, Ta-
Aeo-IIo, Ih^'V-^C ^. W-> .
« The strings by which ku SURU, YUDANERU.
the proper arrangement of the threads of the AEiikl, lo^'&,S:/hg, n. [Bot.] Muiigo. fgram.
warp 13 preserved. AEiikl-biindS, lot?'& J*^«5, ifSi s, « [But.] Green
Aaeklrl-kaina, 'ih^^Vlt^'^.^^W, ri. A sickle AsiiKi-iiieslif, lo^'&*£,3;afiS, ti- Rice and red
for cutting the water-ways through the mounds pea beans mixed and boiled for food. Vnwchi,
or dykes of the rice-field. ABiikl-iuuchi, 1^^'^ 6 '^, aBf. Same as Ain- # «
ABoUiira, 7^^ < S.tfcll', " A barn, store house, AKukl-nushl, i^:7'@^C, n. Pyrus alni folia,
or granary lightly built. ffield dyke. Aziiina, io:P'a, S^'i^, n. The eastern provinces of
Aseinlclil, ^^^7^%, @, A footpath on the ricc-
?'- Japan.
AKeaioiiien, yht'fi^A., ^ «• A parallel-ribbed
Sfl. Isiimalilto, lot?*ai>*£, gi A, n. People from the
or quilled cotton fabric. eastern provinces; rustics; strong and honest
Aseiniiro, T5*tf^, S ¥5> «• Same as .^zefcura. fellows.
Ase-mualilro, l^^tf^%, ^iSa, n. [Bot.\ Lobelia Aaiima-seta, l^ts'SVi^fe, jfc T K. n. A kind of
Ase-ua, lo»^, n. [Bot.] Vanaelia. iradicans. wooden clogs originally in general us» in Edo
Asoniiiio, t^^toW, iRJfli, n. Same as .izemome/i. and its vicinity. See Komageta.
A^eorl, tSV*^'!) J^USi, n. Q Weaving so as to form Amuma-Kihu,
lSr>*aSr< , n. [Bot.] Erigerron Thun
parallel riba. S Cloths ^n woven berg'-
; ;

Aauma-groto. to':?'2&)r, £ 9, »- A kind of harp. *w**i 9l^-^'f there is no room; Kassenba, ^B
ABiiniH-liynkkwaii, lo^^'llw-j^if < *)^, Si 51!, n. Jjl,a battle-fleld SonoJ)a de, :ft t', on the spot;
; %
A general terra for the surnaraes of the KwantS in that case; then and there.
samuraia so called from their similai-ity to the Basho, Baa I.
official titles of the Imperial court. Ba, if, JQ, [soft sound of ha or tua, when preced-

A«uina-Jt, I5i>'a '^.BlK. " I'he highways ed by the sound "n."] A bundle; a lock; k
through the eastern provinces; the eastern pro- numeral used in counting bundles.
vinces. Sen ba, =f- JB, a thousand bundles.
Aiunia-uauiari, fotrt'lZtTS 9, K Rk. n. Tlie east- Ba» If, ^, n. [Bolt sound of fta or wa.] A numeral
ern prorincialism or dialect. used in counting birds or hares. ftion.
ABuma-otoko, I^'p'^^I^CK ^. " A man from Ba, U, IB, n. [ZooL] A horse. Mostly in composl-
or born in one of the eastern provinces. Ba-al, aiitV; ^-S", n. Occasion; condition; case;
ABuma-^varawa, to =!*
E *5 ^ tt, iK ® ^. ^i- A circumstance; predicament; the state of things.
female court otficial. Ba-at ni yorite wa, 8| -a- = tt r ''^, according
Amumaya. to^'S'^, 3^ S, 4^, n. A aummer-house; to the circumstances; Sono iaaide, ift^-fi-^
an open shed. on tliat occasion; in that case.
Amuaa. %o* 5. Baba, (f^, {^ !£, ji. A race-ground; a place for
^, n. [Bot.] practicing horsemanship; a ground for training
Indian Bean. Syn. KEIBAJ5, UMAKAKEBA. Lhorses
Catalpa. ^^
Baba, QGrandmothor; grandmam-
ii\£,lSS.&, ft.

ABusa-inlko, i^ ma, maternal grand parent. @ An old woman

(ratlier in derision or condescension).

n. [ohs.] A ^ 06a saw, 5;? Jgt ?• v, grandmother (in polite ad-

sorceress who dress).

pretended to Baba, If if. ft, t [coll.] O Dung, the excrement

raise spirits by certain ceremonies with an azu- of any animal. 9 Anything dirty (used by or to
sa how and an arrow. children).
ABUsa-yuml, iSrs'St*;^, |$^, n. O A bow made Bitbal, k£ ^v-, u Dirty; unclean; impure (only
of the azusa wood, a word much used in connec- used by or to children).
tion with samurai's fidelity and tortitude. @A Baba-koroBliI, Uttt^ L fta, n. [Bot.] Green
pillow word used before the words Jiiku, haru, gram. ragrestis.

moto, oto, sue, etc Babano. tf tf tc J-. @ * n. iii. [Bot.] Veronica

Babougyo, a^A^iL.^H^., [Ichth.iFisttd-
aria sen-ata (a sea-fish).

Babciiso, i£-</o-^i>,^^M, iu [Bot /ervain or

-^->>«^-^ Verbein.
Babjhd, tf IK d
5.JB)WS£, n.
[E n t m .'\

Ich Ileum on-

B, fly.

Bnbiurd. a:c^•^

Ba, If. is the soft sound of the twenty-sixth syl-

lable of the Japanese syllabic alphabet {G-oju- n. [Bot.'] Za-

in); and also the thh'd of the Japanese common lacca eduHs.

alphabet (Jro ha). It is a conjunctive particle Babo, ttif:5, ^

suffixed to verbs, and denotes time, reason, pos- J5, ii. [Chin

sibility, etc., like "if," "because," "though";'' A stable

and sometimes it is affixed to the object of a horse-stable. Cl§ H ^)

verb, emphasizing the particle " wo." Bnliukii, (drs;< , ^^, n. [Cldn.] See Umakata.
Ba, tf, SB, 71. O A n arena a room a spot a place
; ; ;
BubotHii, IdfKt:-:?, ffi SH. n. [jSo(.] Puff-bflll.

a situation; a position. ® A seat. © Condi- Baclil, i£%. iS. « A plectrum; adrumsttck; the
tion; state; circum'^tances; case. flat stick used in playing the sami5e?i {a kind of
Ba.fusage, i^'^y, anything which has no
[lit.] guiter) or Mwa. fheaven).
use, but takes up ^pace.l^.] anything useless; nacbi, li£%, S], 71. Punishment ^inflicted by
a worthleaa writing (as in a newspaper); Ba ffa Bnchi ga •oitnru, RW ft" »-, to be punished by

God; to be smitten of heaven; Bachi atari, ^ t mouth to prevent speaking (used in Burprlsing
it y accursed fellow damned fellow Fuko no
, I 1 an enemy). Tsurgeon.
bacM, ^^
^^, punishment for disobedience to Ba-1, (iV*, i^S?, n. A horse-doctor; veterinary
one's parents. fpurse* BaJ, tflyv, ^, n. [Bot] Prunus Murne.
Bacbl-gusa, tf"^<-3,Sf, n. Shepherd's
[Bot.] Bal, tfv-,^, 71. Double; twice in number, bulk,
Bachliiien, i£%^A.,M^y '" The place on a gui- Bai ni sum, ^ — t.jI', to double. Letc
tar where the plecbrum is applied in playing. Bai, yjv^, PS SS, w. A kind of toy like a top, made
BadaJ, kf^'V.JSft. fi. Horse money; the money from a shell.
value of a horse (formerly given to high officials Bal, (Ji^, vfi^, lb. [ConcA.JA species of spiral
as a present). shell-fish, Et)urna japonica,
Badaral, fcj/t & t>, ji M, 'i- A large trough used Syn. HENTARI, TSUBU.
In washing horses, a trough in which horses are Bal-au, k£V-'h^,^'a; v.t. To seize, or snatch
bathed. from each other; to strive to take off; to bereave
Badoyu, tf >5 5 t*, H tfi^] jft,
-«. An oiled paper- of something; to strip or tear something; to
covering for a horse used out of doors on rainy take something from a person by force.
days. BaJ-bal, lfV^H;\r, SM, ^i. Buying and selling;
Bae, tfA.,95- [soft sound of " hae," always follow- trade; traffic; commerce; bargain; purchase and
ing some significant prefix.] Effective; success- sale.
ful; looking splendid, beautiful. Bai-bai keiyaku, ® H 13 St. the terms of a sale'*

^ ^, the reflection of the setting bud;

ru-fiae, Bai-bai no tetsuzuki, 5f W -^ ^ 8St the process o(
looking more beautiful when illuminated by the selling; Bai-liai taishu, S
H Si?-, the parties to
light of the sinking sun; Mi-Vae, H^, looking a sale or bargain; Jinshin bai-bai, A W. the #W
better, prettier; Ki-bae, 3f ^, looking better or sale of human beings; slavery.
prettier than before, when dressed; Beki-bae, tB Syn. AKiNAi, Shobai, Urikai.
3^55, being successful; being efi'ective; a good Baibnl-ho, tflrtJVtt.i, If Wtt. «• [iaw.lLawof
result. fof a liorse. barter.
Baftiii, tf^^, JS SI, n. llorse-dung; the excrement Balben suru, kf\/^'?A-^5, g SS, v.t. To buy; t»
Bitsel^ fcEV?-V^. ^ ©, " Horsemanship; the art of purchase; to supply by purchasing.
riding; equestrian feats. Syn. Kaitotonau.
BngI, lf^,i^Ji|, n. [JSniom.] A centipede. Balbokii, kf\rH<,?E h, n. [Chin.] Soothsaying;
BitgJuu, li^iti, ji j(S, H. A horse-cover; a horse- prophesying; tortune-telling; foretelling; divl
blanket. nation.
Bagu, tJ<',i^:H., )^. The furniture of a. horse; Batboku ivo gyo to suru, ^ h f- H I- ^ fr, to
horse equipments; harness. fsaddler. make divination one's occupation.
Baguslil, fcf <' L, iH -R ". gifi, A harness-maker; a Syn. Uranai.
Bagiiyii,, ]i£<r^, ^MM, « O A harness-maker; a Balboku-sha, i£V^\lS: < X^, ft h ^, n. A sooth-
saddler. @A harness-seller; a dealer in horse sayer; a fortune-teller; a kind of prophet; a
equipments. fsalpinia sepiaria. diviner; an angur.
Bags ojljo, tf ri ^--g 5 , ^ ^, a f*. ^'- [-Bot.] Cae- Syn. Uranai-shi.
Buliu, liU, |g S5> ''- A harrow. Bairbo, }£V-X5,^^, [C/tfn.] A decoy-bird.

Syn. M ANG w A. fdarui Baidan, HV/; ^, K Si, « Demand for indem-

Bahan, tf KA, ffi M, «• A horse-trough. See Ba- nity; negotiation for ransoming, or reparation^
^aliiin suru, tfaAi'X,®^, v.t. T.o smuggle; Baldo, tfv^^>, Jg±, The heap of dirt piled

to import or export goods without paying the around the stem of a plant, whicli serves to
custom-house duties. enrich the soil; a kind of manure.
Syn. MlTSU-YUSIlUTSU.VYU. Baldo, Ifirl*, B? tSi «. [Cftfn.] A slave; aknave.
Ba-liarerii, (JHHS,^^, v.i. To be open; to be Baido-go>a, |iv>?&-'^, ^tS/hM, w. A slave-hut;
public; to be presented before the world. a house I'or keeping slaves in.
i^?%t^T, publicly; not secretly;
Baitarete, Baidoku, (JV^^caiS, '« [-Wed.] Syphilis; vene-
without concealing; Bahareta koto, S PS t- *t B(. Syn. Kasa, Sodoku. i_real disease.
.Tnything nown; things openly exhibited. BaldAkii-byolu, iSV^-£-< V!-^5h A.,m^fH?^, n.
Baliifu, lil>i5, S B^S., '*. [Jftd.] The name of a A hospital -for syphilitic patients; a hospital for
disea'^e of the larynx and bronchia; croup; In- venereal complaints.
flnmnintion of the tracliea, Baldoku-keiiNa, tJVN^< W^^.fi6^i&S " Ex-
Balio, [j:a5, J^fiS- [.E-fttom.] "/t- Hornet. amination for syphilis; examining licensed har-
Bal. yrir, fe, 'i- A gag; something thrust into the lots at the prostitutes' hospital.
flalfu sum, av^i-rX.iiK. «•'• [.Cfiin.] To be toms of syphilis; being somewhat syphilitic in
corrupted; to putrify; to be mouldy; to rot; to appearance or feelings. ftha well.
be affected with mildew. Balklsel, aV'^^ii,^^^, n. a burning naph-
BalgA Slim, tfv^fttS-^S, jS •S', v.L [Cliin.] To BalkS-haguiiia, tf^jL^tK-a, « IBot.] rertya
make persona mi*rry; to interfere in one's mar- scandtns. fSee Kalgara
riage; to unite a couple In marriage; to iiecome Raikoku, tfV-£.< M !B. '» a shell-fish)
Shell (of
the go-between of a marriage. Ualkwa, tfV<49,ftitH. "• Plum-blossom; thi
Syn. NAKADAOni, TORIMOCUI flow of the plum-tree.
Bnlffo, td!\r-&. RS IS, n. See Batdan. Ralkiva, UV* < 47. W tf. w- [Wuft.] Things for sale;
Bnllio sum, ttV^tt^Z.F&ilSli, v.t. ICfiln.} To aid; goods or chattels to be sold; articles for sale.
to assist; to help; to do services for; to share in Syn. Bairutsd, Shiromono, Urimono.
another's trouble. BalkiTH-ainacha, jgv- < Jj^^"^^, w. [Bo(.]

Bal-ln, fc^v^^y^^, WS. n* O Prostitution; devot- Plalycrater arguta. rant/itis diphyUus

ing one's self to lewdness; secret prostitution, Balkn-lkariso, ttv> < 49\/^*''!)'5 5. w> [Bot.]Acer
@ [coll.] A woman who prostitutes hex'self. Balkwnjakii, \£v. < i^X-^< (S TE ig, «. [Omith.] ,

Baljo, tfv^tr t, ^ ic, n. A harlot; a prostitute; a A spring bird. fflaccldus.

bawd a woman prostituting
; herself for hire. Baik^va-ino, \£\r- ( ^ 4, w. [Bot.] Ranvnculiis
Syn. ASOBIME, JoRO, OiRAN, Oyama, SnoGi. Balkwa-oreii, (f V^ < *?ftttJtA, 7t. [BoL] Coptis
Bnljd, tJ\r & i Accompanying in
?, FS5*. «• O quinquefoHa. r^X^'t^dvonsemlbarbatum.

riding; riding along with; riding in the same BiiiUwa-tsiitsuJI, liV^ < JjiPr^tf, n. [Bot.] lihodo-

carriage with another, @ One riding in the Ualkwa-utsiisl, \d\r-<t)^':>^, Ui^tE. «• L-Soi-J

same carriage witli another; one accompanying Mock orange. fsell; to dispose of.

in riding. Baikyakii sum, tfV^?-S»< 1 3. ?f *P. ^'-C- To

Gobaijo, fflipSSI. riding In the same carriage Syn. uriharau, urisabakit.
or car with the Emperor or other members of Balkyo sum, tfV^gi^S, . ft 58. v.t. To count;
the Imperial family. Alalkyo suru, 2\pSi:-^j,J to enumerate; to

Baljo sum, To intermedi- reckon; to number; to mention or point out one

ti\/^2,'l-^3, SEBft, v.t.
ate; to assist as a go-between; to act as an as- by one.
sistant or helper. Baikyo sum ni itoma arazv, t5r ®^ ^^ — jl T
Bnljo, kfi/'^'l^)?, F&iS, ft. An attendant; a follow- Jy', too numerous to point out one by one; too
er; the retinue of a nobleman. sum, v.L many to enumerate.

To follow; to attend upon. ISalk:«u sum, tfv^ @5 il- 3 , g jft, v.t. To buy; to

Baljnkl, ttV^'^W)5&. §S. SS n. [P/tysic] Multi- purchase; to acquire by paying the price asked.
plicator. Balinaslil, av^UL, ^^. w. Being doubled in
Baikal, tf^;^*>Vv, !S^, n. [Chin.] Q Mediation; number or price; doubling.

mediatorship; good offices; interposition. @A Bainiaslii ni suru, ^i'^ — y^n-, to double the
go-between, a matcli maker; an agent between quantity, or increase in geometrical progres-
two parties in marriage a middle-man; ; sion, [latok.

Syn. Baishaku, Nakadaohi, Nakodo. Kaluio, ^S.'yt-^.UW. n. [Bot.] PritiUaria verticil-

Bnlkau, B;vpi>A, g w. [Chin.] Neglecting one's

ffl, U:^'lu, tiV^A, ^1% n. '\hi genital organ of a
own duty by paying money to satisfy the person horse or mare.
or persons concerned ; to buy connivance. Bal-nlu, [J\/^^^l^, ^A, n.
Balkit sum, tf\/vA>-^3, i^M, v.i. and (. To be Q[coH.] SameasiJa/.?oOS
doubled; to double, to increase twice in num- ic). @ [coll.] cont. form of
ber. rafBMWt. SJubainin.
BaikelsS, (iVH'V'25. iot^S. « [BoU] Veratrvm It.-ilou, ttv* fe ^, ^#,
Balkenjo, H;v^H•^X•^5, If ^)K. « A deed of [Mecl.j Harmonics.
sale; an instrument on paper in whicli the terms Balraf. 1i£V- 6 ^/^, S ^,
of a sale are mentioned. [Chin.} A bud; a flower
Baikenjo 710 jvju, W^!K>K5&. giving and yet to open.
receiving a deed of sale. Syn. Tat'Boaii.

Syn.- KOKEN, URITEGATA. Bali-cl, tf\/>KV^, p&S. n.

BaikI, UTVI&.PI/e, n. lOrnith.] The cuckoo, Cu- [Chin.] An attendant; a
eulus policephaliis. servant; a page. iU W)
Syn.HoTOTOGiau, Token. llairl, tfv^V), ?f iPJ, " [Chin.] Gain from trade;
Sallii, fcf\/^?, ft®, n. The cause of syphilis; symp- *be profit made on the sale of anytliin^.

Bairltsii* HVf 9-7, S¥, n. [Physics.] yia.gu[fyiag Balshu, tf\f.XW), Hi. ". [Chin,] A. party in %
power. fiiigwolf. Bale; a buyer; a purchaser.
BaIrS, tft/^i55,B^TH. «- A howling wolf; awhln- Balsliukel, tfv^:£ W) H-V^, W^ft, n- [OmUh.]K
Balryo, tfV^ ») -^ 5 ^ fi, 7i. [Math.] Multiple.
kind of snipe; a moor-hen. See Ban.
Balryd, ^f\/^h.5. SSfl?. « Tlie remecly of syphilis; Balsotsu, tfV-Jfc"?, FS^. 1- A servant of a feuda-
the medical treatment of the venereal disease. tory; a vassal's vassal.
Balsol, tf\/^^V^,FSl. " [Astron.] A satellite. Syn. KERAi, Matamono.
Syn. ElSET. Balsti, ttir-^5, ftJfK, it. t^ae/i.] Multiple.
BnlsokJ, Ifv-^g, f^ fS, n. Presence of the associ- Balta, \i\ftc, ^. »*. A harlot; a street-walker
ate judges In court; being present, not on one's a prostitute; an unlicensed prostitute; a woman
own businesa, but as an assistant or attendant. for lewd hiring.
Bajselcl-haiiji, HV^ ^ ^ H A. C, ^ m^i9. n. Syn. Ba>^0, J5ro, Otama, SHoGI.
[Law.] Associate .judges. Balteii, tflrtA, tt|?c, n. [67if/i.] The raining
Balsen, tf\/^^^, ?JiK, « O a ship lor sale; the season; the weather of the fifth month (o. s.), or
vessel to be sold. @A small sliip for short June.
voyages. © A merchantman. Syn. Samidarezora, Tsuyu no sora.
Batsen sum, ^fv*^-^^, ff cS, v.t. [Chin.] To Balto. tfvir5, ftga, " [Sot.] A bean.
purchase all; to buy up; to buy a great quantity Syn. Natsu-mame. fnus tomtntosa.
of athing; to monopolize; to buy so much of a Baits, tt\/^ir?,tgt*t, n. [Bo(.] A cherry-tree; TVu-
certain merchandise a? ^o make one practically Baltoku, tf\/v^<, ft-^, 71. A gain In sale; »
its sole vendor. profit gained by selling.
Baisetsii sum,
UV-^-?-^2, |t^fg, v.t. To wait Syn. Bairi, Moke.
upon; to converse with; to attend on; to re- Baltoku, If It IT <. H**. «• Purchase; buying.
ceive kindly (as a guest); to welcome. sum, v.t. To acquire by buying; to pur-
BalBhnlcu, i£\:-X^< ,Uf^, n. [Chtn.] Q Acting chase.
as a go-between; assistance in marriage ; mak- Baltokuklu, ^J^/^lf < &A, flf f&^. n. [Xaw.]Th»
ing a couple married. @ A middleman; a match- money earned by selling; the net profit from
maker; a go-between. quru, v.t. To as- trading.
sist in marriage; to act as a go-between, BaUorl-sactal, ^\:^)£,^ ifl%, ^ffiJS, /t. [coll.]
Syn. Nakadatsu, Nak(5do suru. Setting any one to strive to get; allowing any
Bnlshaku-nln, av£-^^ ^r^. fiji;^ A, rt. A go- one to take freely; scrambling for anything a>
between; a middleman; one who assists In nfAr- one pleases; taking all one can get.
rlage; a matchmaker. Syn. TORIHODAI, TORISHIDAI.
Syn. Nakodo. Baitoru, fcfv^ira, fit®, v.t. [co^M To take away
Balshl, arVL.ffi^, n. [Bot.] Valerian, Valerina from another; to bereave of another; to snatch;
offlcinaUs. TCyprcRa, to stnp of another, to take by force from an-
Biilshi, (fv L, ^ =^,n. [Conch.]A species of cowry, other.
Syn. Takaragai, Koyasdqai. Bal-iP, kt\r5, tSM, n. The rains in the 5th month
BaiHitiboku, H'i/^:£S:< , t ^?f:. n. [Boi.] Ixora (o. s.); the rain of the rainy Fea-ion.

Syn. CniaABUKi istricta. Syn. Samidare, Tsi^yc.

BalHlilii, ^fV•2^, fgg, n. A rear-vassal; the vas- Balyukii, lifv^-^C, ^^, n. A medicine sold by
sals of a vassal; a servant of a feudatory. merchants only, but not by doctors; a patent
Syn. Chugen, Matamono. pA jury. medicine, medicine prepared for a certain kind
BnJslilnk^van, tf\/^^^<t5^, fg W^, n. [Law.] of diseases; a. nostrum; a quack medicine; a
Balshl auru, )(i\r L^3, ©Si, v.i. [Math.] To be compound medicine.
increased twice or more; to be Increased in a Bulyaku-ahft, tf v>j^ < ;£ j^5, ffg^ffi. «• OA
large number. nostrum seller; a quack-niedicine merchant. 9
Bal9li5, tfi/^£ J:5,Ef ffi, n. Satisfaction for; repa- One who compounds a patent medicine; a nos-
ration; ransoming; Indemnity; compensation. trum-maker,
—^siiru, v.t.To compensate; to satisfy for a BiilyS sum, ^^.<^ 5 -^ 2 Jff M, r.f. To nourish
Syn. Aganau, Tsukunau. Lloss. (as plant); to cultivate and tertilize.
Balshoku, yrv^jSiC, fi^, «. Taking food to- Balxokii Buru, \S\x-^<.^z, W "B, v i. To ask or
gether; eating to company with a superior; par- demand by bribing; to )>rib&; so entrust or
taking of food. commit in a corrupt manner.
Balsliu, }iJ.\fXVi), Bd (?S, n. Impure unstrained sake. BalBUl sum, tJ-i^^ft-J-s, J^QI, p.(. To followl:
Syn. iMuROMlZAKK. • to attend to; to serve; to wait upon.

BajC, lf;fr-^5, R J:, n. The horse back. Just a moment ago; Kokoro bakaH no motena-
Bnj6-cli6cMn, ia%-Jft.^X^% A., WJiftffl. " A ifii, £i 31' V -^ ff tt, a feast only to express one't
lantern u3ect in ridinif; along-handled lantern. good-will; Kore bakarl tua, &^ ffl V ''^. thii
DiiJO'Eiitsii, tf ;ftr -^ 5 3^ •'. M-tfH^, n. A carbine, only; Kokoio VakaH iwa hayaredomo, .Ciffl' y j^

i.e., a short gun chiefly used by mounted troops. >N "V !-•>?«, although my heart burns withia
Bujiitsii, ttJ&W'-^, |gfl5> n. Horsemanship; the me; Sennin bakari, ^\%\, about one thousand
art of horse-rldlng equestrian Teats.; persons; Uma no koku bakari ni, ^ ^ Vi H' =,
BnJutsu-kyoKwnn. y:;&l5>-:7H-5 < 45^, ^WOkt, nearly at noon.
71. An Instructor of horesmanahlp. Syn. HODO, XOMi.
Bakn, ur*., S^Sl, n. [coll.] O A fool; a block- Bnkasarerii. tfi-^KS, W.t&,v.i. [pass, or potent,
head; a dunce; a an Idiot; a simple-
silly fellow; Bakasu.] To be bewitched, deluded, fascinated,

ton. @ Foolishness; siUliLeaB; nonsense; idiocy; or enchanted; to be imposed upon.

stupidity. ®{exclam.] Nonsenael stuff, Kitsnne ni bakasareru, IH — )^ -^ u /t, to b«
Baka wo iu, f^ U
m 7, to talk nonsense.
enchanted by a fox.
Syn. Ah5, Gu, ManUKE, Tawake. Bakasii, tf4>-^, |^, v.t. To bewitch; to delude; to
BAkRl»ik:iahl,-l,-kl» |f:b>(fi>L. ^^1 t&,, "- fascinate; to eneliant; to impose upon; to cheat;
[CM.] Pnolish ; silly ; stupid ; fool-like vain ;
to befool; to charm; to deceive.
useless, foolish-looking; dull; having no good UUo ivo hakasu, A 9- i^7., to delude a person.
I e suit, Syn. Damasu, Madowasu, MatoWas0,
Bakabnknshlkii, i£t>i£ii-X < . IS Sg ^ <r ft:, adv. Tabdrakasu.
[coll.]OFoo\{n\i\y; nonsensically; in vain; stu- BakaivaraJ, &ii't>^V',^^%, n. A meaningless
pidly. See Bakabakashi. @ Exceedingly; very laugh; a horse-laugh; aloud, boisterous laugh;
much; extremely. giggling.

Bakabakashiku oi, ffi K *f Ar K$ -f , exceed- Baka-yakko, i£ 1i>J^ 'j Z.,^^^, n. [coll.] Ik

ingly many or much. blockhead; a fool; an idiot; a dunce.

Bnkabayashl, tfft'tf-^L, J^MKI^, w- A festi- Bakayaro, tf 4* -^ & 5, Ji E?f (fti. «- [cOll] A
val music, performed with cymbals, drums, foolish fellow; a blockhead; an idiot; a dunce; s
Billy person.
fifes, flutes, etc.

Bakugal, lii>fifO-, n. [Conch.] Mactra sulcataria. Bake, tfW", ifc, n. Transformation; clianging tha
appearance; fraud; Imposition; assuming an-
Bakagerii, fcf4>W^3,mK, v.L [coH.] O To be
like a I'ool; to be silly; to be ratlier stupid; to
other form.

appear nonsensical. @ To pretend to be foolish. Bake ga arawareru, |^i ?/* H >^ i^ ji-, [coll.] to ba
Bnkaffcta, tti>V:^fe, Like a fool;
SE fe, a. [coll.]
unmasked Bake no kawa wo kabwu, it '^ Sc 9"


stupid-looking; absurd; incongruous in beha- K^ fl', to counterfeit; to hide one's reality.

vior; looking nonsensical. Bake-niono, iXi/f-tO.i^^, n. A ghost; a speo*

Bakal. [Bot] Mustard. tre; an apparition; a sprite; a transformed
tf*.V^, H 5f, u.

Syn. Karashi. fhumlfusa. figure; a vision; the human or other flgurei

Bakalso, tf*•\/^t5, ||$i^, n. [Bot.] Euphoj-bia assumed by the tox, cat, or badger.
Bakan, tfA.^, |g ^, n. A horse bit. Bakemono yashiki, ft ta S Ife, a haunted liousa;
Syn. Kl'TSUBAMI, KUTSUWA. an enchanted palace.
Bakaiia. \£*'^> H ^> ^* Icoll.] Stupid; silly; Syn. HENGE, KWAIBUTSU, Obake, Yurkl
absurd; nonsensical; useless; vain; Imprudent. Bakemonobnnaslii. ttW-t©tfJtL, ^ fljfi, n. A
Bnka-nlnJlD, dr*>l(t/,*:A, ff^*, n. [Bot.]Ar- fairy tale; fables pertaining to ghosts; an old
temisia annua. house-wife's story about a sprite.
Bakariislil,-l,-kl. fcf ]b> & L, AK fit. » [coll.] Syn. KwAiDAN, Obake NO HANASHi.
Stupid; foolish; nonsensical; useless; absurd; BakeiiJ5, ^•H^2,•^5, « Jl 9J, n. The grand stand
silly. in a horse race; the stand whence to overlook %
Bakaraslilkii, «*>&*<, ffi ffi R, adv. [coll.] horse race.
Foolishly; uselessly; absurdly; in vain. See Ba- Balferii, |fW-3, ffi, v.i. To be clian^d in a appear-
kabakasJiikiL ance; CO be transformed; to assume another
Itakarl. (Ji't!), %\; adv. flOnly; alone; nothing form; to be metamorphosed.
but; but; exclusively; exceptionally; to the Kitsune ga hito nl bakeru, IR^A=sffc.*-*', •
degree, extent, or measure of; as an exception. fox assumes the shape of man.
QAs much; more or leas; nearly; about; al- Syn. IlENZUKU, KAWABU.
most; as; Just as. Q) In the time of; just as. Bnkka, |f-yl>, S ~fi n- A vassal; a feudatory
Tma deta takarl, ^ tU ff If ) » ^^ went out dlroetly under the shogun
Ctnkl'nu ^iini, fefyi'A-?"^, *K> To expose ^'-i- Bakiirhi-yndo. tf < '^ -^ », tfl ?^- i^. n. A gam-
to Fur)lii;lit; to dry by exposing; to lay open bling house houses where gamblers meet.

to heat and light. Bnkiidan, tf <7^^, JR?^, 7*. A bomb, a large hol-
Bnkhin, ^fy'&^,S^^, n. A fine; penalty in low bullet filled with explosives, a bomb-shell.
inon€jy; {Laiv.\ penalty in money, larger than Syn. Harktsc'gw a n.
" Icwaryo " in amount. Bnkiido, tf<^, Sita, '' [Bot] A black ear of
linKhobachi. tfy*>5li*t, # J@ S*, n [Enlmi.'] wheat or barley; the ergot.
Cynlps sp. Kakiifloryndd-eklsii, (i< >«i/) 5^5S-&-^, ^ ©
Bnkkokii, ti'j-JK.SSa. " [Bot.} Smilax china. iiiJ^MS^Sf. " Wed.] Fluid extract of ergot,
Bukhoku-ruii, tf7 2:< 6 ^, n. [Bot.\ Eria japo- Extractnm ergotae liqvidum. fkitchi,
Rnkiioki. l'£<X^,n^; "• Gambling. See Ba-
Itukko sum, i£'j 2. -jl-S, ^ 1, v.i. To act arro- BakiieJci wo koto to svrv, W?^^ $ i- 7. J^, to
gantly; to be prepuniptaous; to be bna=tful; to make gambling one's daily business.
abuse one's influence in an insubordinate Syn. Kakegoto, ShSuugoto, Tobakc.
manner. Rnknon. [f <A.^, i«3i, adu. and a. [C//(tt.l Afar;
Syn. IIOanriMAMA M SURU, in a distant time or place; obscure; oblivious.
finkkuii, ii'-J < A., JJ ^, «. Surpassing others;
. Bnkiien, U< S^, ja if, ",. and adv. Afar; distant;
BaLtsitgiiD. ^J9<-^, (eminence; superiority; remote.
transcendency, an exceptional promotion. Rnkiifii, tJ<i,a[;ffi, n. [Cliln.] A waterfall; a
Witli the usual adjectjve particles, a.n acljectlve. cataract; a fall; a cascade; a catadupe.
Rnkogjo. tfi'S Sri,fl6S;®, n. [Tchtli.] Cyblum Syr, Taki.
niphoniwtn. Rnkiirii, i£< ^,^^,n. Originally, the l^.eadquar-
Bnkoro9lil» ttt^L, Wa, «- [Bo(.] Green gram, ters of the shOgun, hence the shOgun; the sho-
Biiku. [£<,^, n {Bot.\ Wheat; barley. gun's government.
Bakushu no tan, ^ I5 -^ 1^, [Chin.] sorrow Bakiiffa, tf <ti*, ^^, n. The germ of wheat or
over a luxuriant wheat-fipld. once the site of a barley, barley malt,
magnificent edifice. Rakiiseki. If < w,^,SJtg. «. Attack in discus-
Baku, tf <, ^. 7L sion ;
critirism conlutation disproving reiuta-
; ; ;

[ZniJL] O The name tion; oppugnancy. v.t. To attack in eiini,

ol a beast, tapir (?). discussion; to criticise severely; to conlute; to
@ A tabled animal argue against; to controvert; to oppose by
said to swallow evil reasoning.
dreams. RnkiiKekl, If <^t'&, -^SI, u. [CJiln.] Most ^

Baku kurae baku Rakiifiyaku, if < &*j^ < inti ate; very familiar.
, ) i

kurae, #Pg— WPft-^, Bakugyakv no tnmo, P,',it^^, an intimats

[?('(.] r should like to friend; Bakiigynkn nn majhvari iyoshlmi) ^!fi>'
have a tapir eat up the dream; [Jig.] a kind ol' ^i^), inhimate friendship (iriendly kindness).
charm or curse pronounced when one has Rakiigekl-skji, If <t;f.^ L^^, j.^^^, „. a gam-
dreamed a bad dream. bler, rdice or cards.
Bnkiibnkii, \S < tf < ^ Ar, «- K'/a'/i.] Obscure;
Rakusi, Gnmhling; playing with
tf<?r',fflaS. n.
dark; not clear. RakiiKf. lf<9:'.K!^, If. To ;ugue on; to confute;
Bakubakii, if < tf <, |E V, ti. and arte. [Chin.] to discuss upon; to criticise, to oppugn.
Calm; calmly; quietly; still; noiselessly. Bakiigyo, (f ( ^1, ^ ^, „. [Jchth.] A very small
Bakntiokn, }d<[X<,^^, " [Bot.] Phelloaemlron river fish with prt^jecting eyes.

amvrense. fa. stake. Uakuhan* [f < a^, SffiS, n. A food prepared by

Bnkiichl, ^<%,^^, 11. Gambling; playing for boiling a mixture of rice and barley, customari-
Bakuchi wo vtsv, J^ ^ ^ JT to gamble. ''>'. ly in the proportion of^six parts of the former
Syn. Bakueki, Kakegoto, Tobaku. to four of tlie latter.

Bnkiiohl-ba* Hf<%tf, W5P^, n. A place for Syn. MuGiMESiii.

gambling; a gambling house. Bakiiliei, tf <'-V^, ®:It-, n. [Chi>i.] A mounted
Syn. DoBA. fera. soldier; a liorseman or cavalinr
Bakiiehlku. Hf < '^< , SSIt. n. \Chln.] Fire crack- Syn. KiBAMrsHA, Kihei.
Bakuclil-no-kl, tf < i»©g, n. [Bot.] Prunus Bakiililn, tfCy^, ffiW. " A learned man pri-
macrc^hylla. vately employed by a great statesman in power
Bakiirikl-uelil, ti< %^%.1$^, n. A gambler; as a councillor in important secrets.
one who plays cards, chess, go, etc. for the stake. , Rakitkj 6, [f < VJt"5, S K8, n. A tent-pin.

Bakiiji, If < e, B6 Ke a. "• C-BoM Melothria Regelli. GtSsan, Ki^dai, Takusan.
Syn. SPZ0ME-URI. Bakutol. Hr < -rv^, a JS, n. O Court before a fent;
Bnkiikaii. tf <*'^, , S *?, ". [CWn.] Wheat an open place before a pavillion. @Sli5gun'»
Bakkaii, iiSyij*A>, I straw. government; the feudal government.
Syn. MUGiWARA Bnkuto, (f <^, USE, n. Same as BafcMC/ii-wc/ii.
Bakiiko, kJ < t, )
^, a. and a<iv. [Cfhin.] Afar; Bnkuto. li < if , S5 =1-, ?i. A dish ot'muglmeshi and
Bakko, tf-:/t.. Jin a romete part; far off; in a Syn. MuGiTORO. Itororo, which see.

distant time or place. fbelow. BakutS, ii<ft5,^M,n. Hot barley-tea; the hot
Bakunioii, (i < •& A, S^ P% <! -SC, n. [Bot.] Sam© as water in which scorched barley has been boiled
BakiiinondO. tf ^6^>S5, S^ p^^, n. fBot.l £<K- Syn. MUGITU. Lout or infused.
ppe graminifolla. B»kn-u, [f < 5,^fS, n. [Chin.] A kind of mist;
Syn. Masuke, Syn. KiBiAME, KOSAMK. Lvery fine rain.
Ryfl NO HIGB. Bakii-ii, ]/£i ^, ^'^, n. June-rains; the rains
Kakliretsu-flnn, ^ falling in tlie rainy efeason.
Syn. Samidare.
n. A bomb; a Bakuyji, If <.>t., ^ Jl?, n. [Chin.] Originally the
bombshell; a hol- name of a good sword-maker of China; lience,
low iron ball filled a good sword.
with explosives. Kansho BaTcuya, TJIS^^^P, (the names of two-
Bnkiiretsii sum, tf cutlers), a good sword such as made by Kansho
or Bakvya.
r.t. To explode; CS? PI ?] Bakuzon, tf < ^^, a ^. a. and acJr. [Chin.] Afar;
to burst with violence; to break the covering far off; at a remote part; distant in time or
violently; to disrupt. place.
Bakiiretsu-yaku, (f < *f5-^< , HtSI®, « An Bakucon, tf<'y?A, gj^, a. and adc. [C/i(«.] Obs-

explosive; explosive compounds or mixtures. curely; not clearly seen, darkly; vaguely;
Bnkiii-i, \-£< ^S£, 11), The sliosun's vassals;
n. Batto, Magirawasuiku.
Syn. Ldimly.
the officials of the feudal government. ICiikuzon, ^:<^^, ^^, ailv. [C/tfn.] Furiously;
};akiird, \i^< 6 5,tfl^. «• A horse merchant; one with rapid, violent; steps rusliing with force;
who deals in horses; a horse-jockey. vehemently; violently; Impetuously.
Bakiiro sum, lj< iS-^2, MSIS. ^'•^- To expose. Syn. Masshikdra.
Yani bakuro suru, 5f =, HSS J^, ^7. to expose BainX»an, (J^;t^,K V. adv. O Surely; certain-
anything to the influences of nature in a field. ly. @ Thousands of time?; very many.
Bakiii-yd-sainbSbu, tf < H5 5 ^ta: 9 i', Sffi*9E Baniban medetafcw, ffi V @ Hi IS. to be con-

gR, ,L. The Stuff Department. gratulated (ten thousand times); Bamban ukeai,
Bakiisatsii suru, a;<3-7-^3, *f 3fe, v.t. [Chin.] S ''r 5& -n". positively warranted to be ; no danger
To tie; to fasten with a band; to wrap; to bind; at all; Bamban sJiocJii,
V i^ tp, very well un-ffi

to knit; to make fast. derstood I consent to

; by all manner of means-

Syn. KUKURD, SHIBAR0, YUWAERU. Bambnu, tf ^tf ^, i^'S?. '( O A menstruating

Bakusklu, i£<ZA.,^W, n. [Bot.] Rhizopogon woman. @ A menstruating woman used not to
rulitscens. be admitted in to a solemn or ceremonial com-
Bakiislio, li<.-*?,^!&", n. [Chin.] Wheat flour. pany; hence, an unclean woman.
Syn. MUGINOKO, Udonko. Syn. Ki-gare-onna, meguriaru-okna.
Bakiisliu, ki!<^l^. i^tS- '» Beer; ale. B:tiiibaii, U ^ /t A, fg V, nclv. Alternately; in

IStikuso, (J <?5,^^, «• [fioC] Cliives. turn.

Baku euru» UK-jf-J.K, r.t. To controvert; to Baiubotsu, i£A'^<',W^'S£, n. |i*;((. J Vomit-nut.
argue against; to oppose by reasoning; to con- Bambl, l/SKv,^ B. «
day on which [coll.] Tlie

fute; a refute; to oppugn. one should guard or watch; the day on which
Baku sum, ]d<irZ,'^, v.t. To bind with a rope one must be at one's oftice.
or band; to fasten; to tie; to make fast. Syn. TOBAMBI, ToCHOKUBi.
Shvjln wo baku suru, EI A f- SS 7. ;^, to tie up Bumbo, yrMS:, B^K. ". [Chtn.] Niglitfall; late

a prisoner with a rope. evening; evening dusk; evening twilight; sun-

Syn. KARAMtr, Kukuru, Siiibarl'. setting hours.
Bakntal, J^ <fzV',M:^> " Too many to count; Syn. Bangata, IIigube, yugata, Vugl're.
numberless; enormous; tremendous; extremely Biniibd, ^J^^f5,S^. "^- [Chtn.] Great desire;
great, large, or numerous. earnest wish.
i3AM 62 BAN
ennitMi-litito. ki'^J'i-•fe5, K^ftfff, n. same as supper; Bannen, Bftip, after-life; old age; Baii-
Bampu-fulTj. 'I/". 0* S. the cool of the evening; SZ-ban, ^%
Baiiiinit, fcr^a, i^ !B, «. [Chin.] A. grinding stone. Booner or later.
Syn. H[Ki-usu. rsopeana. Ban, tf ^, ^, u. Late, not early.
Bani-inat»urf, k^r^ar?^g, ?i. [Bot.] Brunfelsia Ban, Ten thousands; myriad.
tf^,fi|l ''
Baniiiieshl, tfA16L. B^gS, "• Supper. Ban, and adv. Q All; numberless; very
tf ^, 3!;, a.
Pyn. Bansan, Yashoku, Yugk. many. @ In the least; at all; by compulsion.
Baniiiiiu, tf^;?^.^, jft f^, vt. All the people; all Ban, tfA. #. O A guard; a watchman; a sen-

men; all nations. try. @ Watch; tending; protection; keeping

Baiiiniokiibetsu, if A4 ^ '^•7, # :^ SJ. ?*. [Med.^ safe; guard. © A turn. Q [col?.] Fate; fortune.
Syn. Maciiin. rWnx-vomica. @ Number; times.
Bam-niotsii, tf ^4•^. , ,^ ^, «• All things; every Ban ga kvru-u, SVS "7, to become un-
Baiii-lMirNii, ti^>-7, j thing; all nature; all be- lucky; to meet with bad fortune ; Ban ni ataru,
ings. ^~T fi it', to be on duty; to come to one's
ffito tva bambutsii no rei, A >N K !fS ^5, man turn; Ban wo suru, ^ ^ 7. n-, to tend; to watch;
IS the -\'\.v\'i 01' all things. Ichiban, —^, number one; first; best; Kavmri-
B;uii|»al*ii, ^f^a•< . afg. [Cfiin.] Foreign bar- banni, ^^=, in turn; alternately; Jfomban,
barians; savage=. #. '1 gate-keeper; a porter, Komlo iva kimi no

Syn. Ebisl', Tteki. ban da, -^ g g -^ # ^, now it is your turn.


Banipalfii, tfAtf<,#)5)5, [Chin.] foreign Ban, y;^, ^, n. A name given to foreigners in

ship (in deri<!inn). contempt, a barbarian; a savage.
Syn. IinisrBl-XK, IKOKUSKN. Bangahu, Sf ^, the study of foreign mattera
llainpuii. 'jAld'A., SflS, u-. Ofallltinds; several; or bocks; Ban-go, S^, a foreign language;
v.irinns; every. fthiugs. Banjin, # A, a barbarian; a foreigner; Ban-
J)ampa>t no jibutsu, ffi US -^ ^ ISl, all kinds of seki, # ft', a foreign book. Ta seal.

Bniiipei. ^J^'~iV,S;ft, n. A sentinel; a guard; a Ban, ^f^, ^j, '/*.. OSize; dlmensloa ©Astamp;
patrol; a sentry. ban no kami, :^ ^J^SE» ^ large sheet of paper.
Baiiip". tJAff?, S':^, JJ.andarti'. O All quarters; Bannnn, j^-?--j-, ^^, n. [Bot,] Banana.
all directions; every place. @ By all means. Baiichn, [J ^•^^, # ^, n. An inferior kind of tea.
Bainpo, UAti5=SIflJ. « All countries; all Bancha wn nirit, ® 21^ ?llv[J^, to make a coarse
Et;ite.s; all nations; all nationalities; every tea, literally or depreciatingly of one's own tea.
country. Ting hrcpze. Banclio, ^J^^S'5,ffi:^, "• A chief guard; the
Bani[tu, yf^ai5, ja,, ?.. Evening -wind; even-
head of watchers.
Uaiiipn. U;^-i-5, ®^, «- Foreign fashion or Baudni. If A^-\r, ©ft, n. A turn; a substitute;
custom (in contempt). an alternative.
BamiMi-riito, tf^i•J-/^5, ;K^Tv^. ». Peerless; Syn. Ba.ngawari, Kawariban.
Bain iMi- till to, |J^J<a'fe5, ' matchless; unparall- Banriai, If ^7£ v^.gE ^t, Eternity; being for Ti-.

ed ;
the quality with which no one can compete. ever; a myriad ages; all generations.
Bampu-fatT, no yn, M^T'-'& ^ M, matchless Syn. YOROZUYO.
cniirage. Bandal, |fA7C'\r,SS, n. The watch-stnnd In a
Bainpiikii, UAJT< ,,5^, n. A great joy; all con- public bath; a high stand where a person sits to
iJitions of happiness; innumerable blessings. manage the business of a bath-house,
Bampuku wo inoru, SS SS ?"
^f >^, to hope one Bandai-fiiolii. (f ^?GV^i:^&, SEI^JTvS, id. Re-
will be blessed with all good thincs. Bauflai-fiihen, lf^7&Vi---^, ffilt^SI. maiu- '

Ban, tt^, KSe, " iOrnith.] ing unchanged for ever; everlasting; eternal;
Moor hen. unlimited in time existing through all genera- ;

«"". \3A.- ?g, 'i- OA block; tions.

a stand; a board; a set. Bandnl-xiira, tf A;^\ap* &, S iS M. -«• L^'«^.]Afat
© A cliecker-board; a face; a round face; a plain countenance.
chess-bo;irJ. g} An aba- Bandato. (f^7t:-r,#i, 71. Putting in order;
cus or counting appara- numerical order.
tus. Bando-oke, tf ^^!$rW, S^Wi, n. Ordinary pails.
Bau, (JA.,B(6, /(. Kvening, Ban-do, tfA^5)iSSi. n. An ancient appellation
eve; night; nightrall. of the proi'inceK east of the Osaka guard.
Ban gata, ^ ^, Ban- CEB J6J Banto-u'n, jg t(j — . the foremost in the east-
/<<--(ii', Bj{g. about nightfall; Bam-meslU, ^ E, Svn. KwANTo. |_ern proTinces.

Itiiiido-iirlil, ^J^>*5 5t,ifi^}7, n. A kind of mfRchance, unexpectedly; by a very small (nar-
tape, made In BnndO row) opportunity.
Ban-o, tfA£., fi(.^, n. A pictured coat formerly Ban-itsu wo gyTkd svrv, S ^ (if? 7. »-, to —
worn by musicians. expect what seems impossible; Man-ichi sonna
Baiii', i£ry, ^^, n. O A steel rest; a spring. S koto ga aru naraba, % — V z^ -^H^if 7 n^ -J-^yt,
Tlie Rpi-ings of all kimla of kuruma. II such a thing happen Ban-itsu wo koinegau, ;

Baiignclil, iiA,f%,^m, n, [Bot.] Smilax china. ffi — ^ ^ 7, to long lor a result very ditficult
iiaueajiitsu, tf ^ i)<4' Ift -9, n. [Bot.] Kaempferla to obtain.
l07lQa. Baujakii, H'^:fe,'^<, ffij^, -a. A large stone; a
Bniigakii, tf ^ i)< < , l!8 flg, 71. Commencing to bowlder; a rock; the heavy weight of a trap.
(Study anytliing in old age; beginning to learn Ugokazaru koto banjaku no gotositi t)iij-^n'~\ ,

late in one' a life. ffiH immovable as a

-^ iSiS/, rock.
Baiigiisa, tf^ft*5,ffi^. rt. A coarse kind of um- Syn. Chibiki mo twao.
brellas used by apprentices, servants, and the Baiijakii-uoi-n tf A.&^<®W), S^HISIJ, n. A kind
poor people. of paste. re very a ffa i r.

n»ng]Vi»lilrn, li Afi'Jfe 6 ^, , # n. O The name of Banjf, tf^C, ffilB, 11: Every thing; all things,
a military olficer in service of feudal nobles in BaTiji wo makasv, K3J ^ ffi::^. to entrust
ancient Japan. @A chief watcher; the captain every thing.
of guards. BaiiJIn, lif ^:£•^, Si K, n. Barbarians; savages;
Cniigawui-I, ti^ftfB^(),® ^^, ji. Q A turn. ©An uncivilized people.
agent; a deputy; a substitute. fthe other. Syn, Edisu, yaiianjin.
Eangawari ni, # fl; y =, in turn, one after Banjln, tf ^ ;£• ^, JSg^, ffiW, n. Ten thousand
Caiigl, tf ^&*, W.^, n. The wooden block, used to fathoms; lofty height; profound depth.
iDform hours, or to give alarm, by striking it Banjinnotanl, S'Kl-^^i a deep vale.
with a wooden hammer. Baiijh*5, fc^^?, & 5, #e®, n. [Bot.) Psidlum
Syn. HY5SH1GI, TakU.' tSuayai'a.
Bnngo, ^J^i*5, #ilS. «• The number; the ordinal Baujil, tf ^i•-^5J BSSJt, n. Various forms; dif-
number to mark anything. ferent manners; many shapes; a multiform.
Bango vjo tsukeru, # SK ^#'^, Bango wo utsu, Sentat banjn, =f BSSE5K, millions of different
SSK^fT-^*. to affix the number; to give the forms; or a multiform of anything. .

number. Baii.|6, If ^ :£• -^ 5 , E ^, Ji. [f»(.] Ten thousand

Baiigoyn, ^J^S^, #/hg, rt, A small house for chariots; [JW-} the Emperor.
a guard; a watch-box. Banjo no Jcurai, K ^ > &. the throne; a royal
Bniigwai, tf^<'*7V*, ^i")., /*. and a. QThe extra seat (position); Itten banjo Jiokimi, — ^ffi^^
member of the Prefecture-convention to explain g-, an emperor; a king.
or support tlie bill proposed by the local govern- Bnnjukii, tf ^:£•W> <, W6JS, n. Ripening late in

ment; an explainer in i,he local assembly of season; a late fruit.

delegates. @ An extra member; an appendix. Syn. Okute, Osonari.
© Extra; extra-ordinary; out of the number. Baiika, [f^*^ #i^, /t. [Bof.] Mint.
Bnugivniit If ^ <- *? ^, jSJ ffi, n. Ten thousand Banka, [f ^*>, ^ {}i:, n. An elegy; afuneral song;
volumes; innumerable books. the hymn which expresses condolence a dirge ;

Bangwan wo yomiydburv, ^^=^ 3lffii»-. to go a mourning song; a monody.

through millions of books; Mune nl bangwan Bauka. ^:^*>, B^S, n. The latter part of sum-
wo takiiou, = ffi iiS ^ HI? 7, to be profoundly
JSSB mer; last month of summer; the sixth month
learned; to be at home with all kinds of books. <o. s.). rsixth month.
Banhnn. li^[J^, ^ ffi. «- Supper; the even-
v Banka no ko, BJ6 S ^ fe the weather of the
Bainpan, tf ^^4'^, jingmeal. Banha, (f Ai>, )!£ g?, n. Ten thousand houses;
Syn. BAUMESHI, BANSAN, TUGB, TUUK3HI. all the houses.
Ban-J, ^r^V,S^, n. O Barbarians; foreign Banka, |^^*», B$S, n. Evening haze; mist or
barbarians; savages; uncivilized people. @ fog hung in the evening. r^icus,
Foreigners ; Western nations. BankaJ, U^*>V^, ^^1^, «. [Bot.} Feiasitfs japo-

Ban-lnii, ii^V*^tl,#^, n. A watch-dog; the dog BankaJI, ^f^*|^, #®<S, n. Blacksmith whose
which tends catties; a gate-keeping dog. business is to make coarse iron tools.
Bnn-itBii. tt^V7, .%^, n, O f^^^ out of a Bankake, (i^4>H•, Kllifi, n. A table-clotb, »
IHan-icIiJ, ^S^Vv^, J myriad; an exception. @A table covering.
mischance a good luck. Q) adv. and a>nj- By
; Syn. Daikakb, teibtjru-kakb.
Bankakii, tf^*><, ffi 5P, «• Ten thousand Ban-nniikwa, ^r^t^^ < *3, SSE. n. [Bot.\
guests; innumerable visitors; numerous cus- Pumpkin. Tone's life,

tomers, fnica. Baiiiioii, li ^*a ^, ^^', n. The latter part or

BaiiKpi, ^J^Wv^. #:^, vi. [Bot.] RanJiloleptsjapo- Syn. RoNEN, TOSHItori.
BniiKoj, tf^wv^, ^^, ,t. Evening; eve; night- Bauiiln, (f^lf^;^, #A, w- A guardian; keeper.
fall; evening twilight. Bani-at, [f^6\/^, Bi6 3K, n. and adv. [Chin.]Q
BaiiKoi, a^W1o, ffiig, -n. [Chin.]Ten thousand Evening; even-tide. @ Towards evening; in
acies; a vast space. the evening. fapple.
Banket no kaimen, S tg -^ iSE, the vast sur- Banreiehl, (f ^H\/^ L, ffi ^ S, "• [-Bot.] Custard
face of the ocean. Bannil, tf ^ 2 ib.ffii®, n. Countless varietiei*,
Bnnki, [j'^&, gj j§, n. A great joy; all blessings; multifarious sorts,
innumerable pleasures. Banrul, tt'^^Z,, ^®, n. Same as below.
BaiiKl, ^J^&, SJ®. n. Allstate affairs; all gov- Banryo, ^f^I!)i., ^-ig, n. [C/tin.] A companion;
ernment matters. friend ; mate,
Banki kiron ni kessu heshi, ffi S^ 3fe = St ^ ffil Nakama, Tomo. Tomodachi, Tsure.
'^ J', all state measures should be decided ac- Baui'yo, kf^y)^5^ffi, n. [Cfiin.'] The rounded-
cording to public opinion. collar of various kinds of garments.
Bankln, If ^ ^ ^, ^i^, u.. and adv. Lately; re- Syn. KuniKAMi, Makueri, Tsutsueri.
cently; now-a-days. Tgold coins. Banvyo. liA 10-^5, ^'^. n. The evening cool;
Bankin, tJ^&^. ^J ^, n. The name of some old enjoying the pleasure oJ walking about in the-
Bauko, a^t, ffii&, 7t. and a(ii'. QEternity; cool evening air.
perpetuity. ©Always; perpetually; forever; Syn. SuzUMi, YusL'ZLMi. Heaping,
everlastingly; eternally, BuMsa, (f^^,^|S, a. and arfi'. [C/if7i,] Dancing;
Syn. EiKYU, FUEKi. Baiisa. tf ^ ^,JI5 SI, u. and adv. Very different^
BaDkn, fef %. « Thinking over many
^*. 5, gj multiform; various; differently; multifariously.
times; a deep thought; deliberation; profound BaiiMae:ai-l, a'^2.il^I!), n. Going off duty.
contemplation. siiru, v.t. To think over Bausal, ^i^^V^,i5^, n. The provinces west of
repeatedly. Syn. KWANSEI. Lthe Osaka guard.
Senshi-'batikTi sure domo, =F-S.® 7. u ); ^, % Biinsnii, [f ^^^, H^^, n. Evening meal; supper.
no matter how much I thought; although I Baiisol, Uf A^V^ ,«S n. All generations;
, ili:, all dy-
thought of It a thousand times over. nasties; perpetuity; eternity,
Baiikokii, tfA^<, ^ a, m Many countries; all Syn. YOROZUTO.
countries; all nations. Bansel, tf ^^v^, BigiW, n. [Cftfn.] Clearness of the
Bankoku itchi, j^S— ®:, the concurrence of sky in the evening.
all the nations of tlie world. Kausoi, tfA-ltV^.KjS. n. [Chin.] The people in
BanUokii, fc)f^^.<, flJE S'J, n. Evening; evening general; all the people,
twilight; sun-set. Baiisekl, ^f^-a•&,^H, n. [3Ied. and Mn.] Alum.
Syn. Bankei, HiGrBF,, Yugure. Syn. Myuban. rneji.
Baiikokii, ^i'^^L<,#g, 71. A barbarous coun- Bausetsii, ^J^*•:7, ^ I'll, n. [Chin,] S&me aa Bai>
try; foreign nation. Bausdlil, ^J^ I, ^ ^, n. [Chin.] Same as Banka (iS
Syn. Ebisuguni, Tkoku. ^)-
Baiikoku-kolto. ^^^t.<^L5H^, ffi ^ S ii, n. Banslil, ^f^L.lK?E. " The greatest danger to
[Lnw.] InternatLonal law. fC^-ncus. one's lile; the jaws of death; at death's door.
Bnii-kdli^v;i, l*/.t5<*7, flfEtt, n. L'<L]Fall li'ihshi wo inamtgaru, 5S ^ ? ^ //* fl', had been
BaiiKii-yakl, e^£.J^^, SS fi "-
feS.A light kind at death's door.
of pmcobiin fdj- whic}i Ise fumed
is lEaitNltl, (i^L, .ffifti. n. Guards, watchman
Bniiku, }SL<5,M^,n. [C/t/n.] Evenin-; night- Baiiisliii, ^f^:£,l^, 1 onduty.
Syn. YusoRA. Lfall. Bauslil, ^i^L.#± " A sentinel on duty,
Baiikwa, ^J^< in, P^tE. 't- [CMn.j Flowens open- BaiisliJ, kTAL, fflt$, n. [Bot.] Lycojjersicum es-

ing late in season. C2tlentum.

Syn. OSOZAKI. Buiislilki, tJAX^.^i^, n. [Mus.] One of the
Bnnktval awni, tf ^
0, u.f.< *7 \r ^ 2. iS twelve note*. See Juni-ritsu. [{ s ^.

To bring or take back something favourable; Baiisliln, UfAS.A, #¥^, n. [jBot.] Same us Bamho
to replace; to repair; to recover. Biiiisliii-o, li' /oZ^ 5.#S^, rt- [Bot.] Psiaiun
Syn. Hjkikarsu, Kwaifuku suRa. Guayava. fwatch-house.
Bankyo. kfA&-^5, ffi®, " Same as Banfcei (gjiaj. Bnnsho, tr ^ :£ 1, ffiBf, n. A guard-hous«; »

Bansho de oshirdbe nt au, ffi J5r 5* 811 HH = -fi-
"7, BautS, Ii^fe5, #ir. n. Companions; foUowers-
to be questioned at the guard-house, Syn. Nakama. rianga.
Onnelio* tf ^S. i. SE ^. "• All affairs or matters Ban-uliOii, ^J^5^.^, 71. [Bot.'] icaemvferia g<^
every circumstance; all events. Ban-iiD, tiX5A, fUfejUr, n. Not being bo lucky or
Syn. Tonozu no koto. {'Cayenne. fortunate as others.
Bnnsho, a^;fe•^5,1fftS, « [Bot.] Red pepper, Bauya» fcJf^•^, #g, n. A street watchliouao.
Syn. KoSHo, TSgarashi. Uanyu» ^i^V>5, S£ '-^i n. Nature; the universe;
Unnslio, tf ^:E.^5,#|E i*. Q A carpenter. © all things in existence.
In ancient times, the carpenters from Hida, Syn. Arayuru mono, Baubutsit.
Yamato, and other provinces, who paid their Banyn-shlnhyo. \^L\r- 5 ;& ^ W-^.R^i^'Si, n.

respects and rendered services at the Kyoto Pantheism or the doctrine that ide-utifles the
Syn. Daiku, Takdmi. LPftla-ce- universe with God.
ISiuiahd. ^f^Xi5,B)Sffl. /*- The evening bell. Baiixal, (iA3:V,|E;ffi, "• CI Ten thousand years.
Syn. IRIAI NO KANE, KUREAI NO KANE. QA cry of salutation meaning, 'Long live I' or
Ilaiisliokii, (i^^i,<,Bf6^, ft. Same as Bam- ' Live forever.'
meshl. Pothers. Banzai wo tono, ^^y, to cry "LongM^^
Uanshoku, }£ A. :£, i. < , ^ §£, n. Eating with live! " or "Live forever," to salute (in general);
Syn. BAI9H0KU, SHnBAN. HelJca banzai, MTMsSi, long live His Majesty
A the Emperor Telkoku banzai, S j^"^, a cry
Banslio-KueliJ. Hf ^^ -^ $ p' ^, # E ^, ».
I ?p

Syn. SAizi'Cni, Lwooden mallet. expressing the wish that the Empire may exist

Sowing late. @ forever.

Bniisliu, tf^:£.0), 0Je?B, rt. O
Late varieties. © Sowing later than proper. Ban>aJ-no-Iiata, ^f^3V©tt'fe, Wt&M n. Tlie
flags set up on the anniversary of coronation
Syn. Okute, Osomaki.
Itaushn, lf^£5,fiS?A, n. Q Tlie last month of of tlie Emperor.
autumn; the 9th month {o.s.). @ The latter Bansci, li^^V^, ffi ??, 7*. Same as Bansotsu.

pai't of autumn.
BanzcD, ^f^^^, K ^, n. Perl'ectness ;
Syn. Aki no owari.
Bnnsliunj ^f^:£Wl^, ISsfi;-, n. Q The latter part Banzuke, Bf^:3*^t, S#, n. A list; a programme;
a hand-bill.
of the spring. @ Tho 3rd month (o.s.).
Syn. Harit no owari.
Sumo no hanznke, <0 i^ > # #, a list of wre.^.t-

lers in the order of their strength; Yakuslia no

Ilanso. iJAt5,^li^, n- An interior priest.
Bansoko. |!f^^5^.$, ll^ll] S, n. [Med.] An ad- banzuke, fS^ -^##. a play-bill; a list of the
names of -actors or actresses in the order of their
hesive plaster.
skill or reputation.
Bansotsii, tf^^?, #i5s, n. Same as ^ampei.
Bappal, ^fvff\/^, §i] 25. "" ['*'•] A punishment cup;
Bansul. fcf ^-^6, D^gJ^, w. Preparing boiled rice or
a cup agreed upon, at the commencement of a
•meshi in the evening,
game, to be drunk by the losing party.
Baiital, (^^teV, us gg, n. All manners, conditions,
Bappo, i£'-j^5, ^^, w. The withdrawing of a
or forms. ffarious.
salary or a part of it, by way of punishing
Senj3 bantai, =f3^?E§§. very various; multi-
blunders or misdemeanour.
Syn. IROIRO NO arisama.
Bara, li^, W^. n. [fiof.] A rose bush.
Bautan, fef ^te^, ^ U. n. Every case or particu-
Bara, tJ &, ^Stg, n. [coiL^; Small cash or coins.
lar; everything; anything; all.
Syn. Bara-skn, Bitasen, Kosen.
Bcmtanomakasemosv, SffifflIffi-1:*^. every- Bara* [J 6, Iff, «. A plural suffix, as in fcodoww-
thing is left to your judgement. bara, children, and onna-bara, women.
Bantaro, [f A fe & 5,S:*:flB, Q The «- [coll.] Bara-bara, (^ 6 K 6, M'e. ^.^v. O Producing
lowest street-watchman who was generally an that peculiar sound heard when anything falls
eta or pariah. @ A pariah. patteringly or is scattered or dispersed. @ In
Bante, ^f^^:, #1^, n. Guardsmen or watchmen. pieces; in bits. ©Iri a scattered or di.=ip6rsed
Bantehl, lf^'C&,SS^, n. Same as Ban-jin. manner or way. O Slightly.
Banto, tfAlf?,^^, '«. O The latter part of Arare ga bara-bara to fiiru, S?/* 'r f^ B', ^ I-

winter. @ The last month of winter; the 12th the hail patters down; Hiio ga bara-bara saru.
Syn. F0YTT NO OWARI. Lnionth(o.s.). Aft* yi 7 3S ^ S n-, the people disperse in dif-
Banto, |£^if $. #@, n. The head clerk of a com- ferent directions; Ifuku wo bara-bara yaburu,
inercial establiBhment ; an agent a factor. ; 'pi'^'f- :^9 J^^^Ji', to tear a garment Into
pieces; Mame wo T}ara-t)ara maJcu, "^9- /^ ^ :^f Baren-Bhlba, tf H ^ J. tf, n. [Bot.] Arundinella
^, to scatter a shower of peas. anomala. rBaren Cg ^).
Syn. Chiri-jibi, Kirb-gire. Barenso, tf HA2 $, .^ 5^ i^, n. [Bot.] Same as
Bnrafii, If 6 ^, gJEi. »• A tortoise-shell with BarJ. liifl.K, 7^. The urine.
black spots. Syn. IBARI, Shoben.
Baragakl, tf ^f)<5, n. [coft.j The act ot ecratch- Ban, [f V) gj a rt
[CAin.] Slander; reviling;

ing very much. abuse; rude reproach; calumny. sum, v.t.

Bai-a-Ichlgo. tf &V>'^a, " IBot.] Bubus rostfoUus. To abuse; to slander; to reproach to revile. ,

BarafKU, ^i&V^^, fft 4=^ tE, n. [^oi.] Berberry. Syn. AKKo SURU, HiBo surd, NONOSHIEU.
Baraniaki, [i^3?. n. [coli.] Broadcast Bowing. Bari-l;ai*l-no-kl, tf if)
tf 1(1 © &, n. [Bot.]Quer'
BarainoD, >^ 7 * v, Si^PI, w- [£ccf.JA Brah- cus glauca. fc'iata.
man, fplant. Barlk on ,
v ^v, i¥ tS, w. [Ornitft..] Cairlna -mos-
BaramoiiJIii, li t 4 ^ t^, n. [Sot.] Salsify oyster Barlkl, ki' V) &, iK ;!?, «• [P/jysics.] Horse-power
Baranioiikyo, y; 7 -"e >- W-i-. ^ pg fe, ?(. :£«; J (mechanical).
BrE\hmanism. Bariku, tfW)<,| [Entom.] A millipede, gal-
Baramouso, B; & 4 ^^ 5, SPfiSStE, ^t- [-BoE.]
ly-worm. fol' the Iria.
Tliorn apple. Rarlu-no-nii. if iJA©;^.
u; ^W. w. [BoK.] The fruit
Baran, ^J&^, |g H, n. \_Bot.\ Aster trinervliis. Baryo. tfK5, ^ », [Bot.] Polygonum lapathi
Baran, tf ^A, (tS^jt^JS

S, n. [lioL\ Aspt- BHsa, "" or odr. [C/iin.] O Moving

distra lurUla. lightly as in dancing. @ Out of order; con-
Bararl to, [f & U)lf , EI fused.
^Sg, aih\ coll.] Basa-basa, and adv. Dry; dried
tf Sfcf 3, u.. [coll.]
Same as Sar'abara.
up and flexible; uttering a sound like that of a
Bararl to narabe- fan.
rii, >^ 7 V h 36'< /t-,
Baenkeru, [f 3. W" 3, v.i. [coll.] To loiter; to
to arrange persons saunter; to stroll about idly; to be idle ort«
or things m thin loaf.
rows or ranks. Baaakeru, tf5W2, v.t. [coll.] To scatter; to
Barasen, tf l^-ar^, ^ :mw derange; to disorder; to dishevel; to sufTerto
St Wi, n. [colt.] Same as Bara (small coin). hang loose.
Barasu, (J & -^, v.t. [colL'QTo diBper.se. ©To Basara, tf 3 c,, adv. Rustling in the wind; shaken
make a plot abortive. ©To tear or break to by the wind.
pieces, yTo ventCas anger or hatied). Basarafu, & Us
5, tgtff 8E31. n. [obs.]i Th»
Het wo barasu, ^J-y^yT^, to disperse an state or condition of being in disorder.
army; to put an array to flight. Syn. MiDARINARUSAMA.
Barnsu, U&-^i iJ-i. [coU.^To curse; to utter an Basatsuku, kf S -^ < v.i. To , feel dry; to lack
imiirecation. for bits. moisture, softness, or pliability.
UaraKakI, tf '^S'5, «. Leo??., Tearing into piece-; BasoJkwa, (f -a:\/^ < *?, ffi K ^. n. The Remoun
Baroi> tfnv^, ^^, ,t. tf7/tt«.l A groom. Bureau of the War Department.
Syn. Betto, Mago, Umakvta. Basekl. [f ^?, 1£ ffi, n. Seat; room or space; un-
Barcru, fcfHS, v.t. anil v.i. [coll.] QThe passive occupied place.
form qZ Barasu. ©Tofail; to prove nofhlng. Syn. Basho, Iba, Tokoro.
Ore no honeorl vw bareru yocla, [vul.] is i^ ^ Bascn, ^f^^, S^ ^, vt. iC/itn.;, A saddle-cloth-
^^^e >^^ n->^it, it seema that my efforts will Syn. KuKASHiKi,
prove fruitless. Shitagura.
Barekljln, ^d'JI^^Z^, U tSl$, n. [MUh.] The god Bason, krl^^, i^fij, n. [Med.]
of horses and grooms.
Baren, tf KA, ^ ^, it. A large fringed banner Syn. Hakuhan, Sni-
used by fiiemon. RAHADA, SniRONAMAZU.
Baren. (JUA, Wi^, '<• A printer's tool, used for Busouko, If ^^^: 5. mfc
rubbing on paper applied upon inked blocks, to %. n. [Bot.jPedlcularis.
secure a good impression. Bnsha, \SZ^, ffi ^, A it.

Baren, ^fH^, iEg 0, « [Bot.] Iris ensata. carriage, wagon, or cart;

Barenkwa, tfj^^^<t^, K 53 ^, ffi i3( tE, n. [Bat.] any vehicle, drawn by on©
Same as above. 01 more horses.

Basha chin, H;^ fi, carriage fare or hire; Ba- Baasekl, «->*&, 5fc fSI. n. The lowest seat 01
sha gioalsJia, i^^^fjH:, a livery company; a rank.
drayage company; BasJia no ietto, Kl 5? ^ J^ T. BasseM nl tsuranaru, 5|t ffi = SI B-, to take the
a footman, or groom; Rokuto dachi no basha, -^ lowest seat (humbly); to be present.
M^L^ ^W- a- carriage drawn by six hox-ses; a BasHlia 8uru, [f-y;£,-^-^3, H^, v.t. To puUup;
coach and six; a six horse cairiage. to take out; to thin.
jtaeUaUu, tt & -^ < , |g Ig, 71. A livery stable BasBliI, [f y L, 5j5 ^, n. The youngest child.
hiring horses. Syn. Otogo, Suego.
Syn. Shakuba, Umakabhi. Baesho sum, ff-y-tt-A-^3, ^^, w.t. [Chin.] To
Bashn-uma^ tt^-^S^, I51I[|^, rt. Horses for travel about ; to go about or over.
carriages, wagons, coaches, carts, etc Sansen wo bassho suru, ^^7^ n^, to g»
\U ]\\f-
Basil], ttL, fig ffi. 7*. [^ffH.] A kind of harrow. over rivers and mountains, (. e. to travel about;
Syn. Umaouwa. to travel a great deal both by land and water.
BaBbl, tf L* An expletive used merely for the Syn. Aruktmawaru, hemegubu.
sake of euphony, Basshii, lf'y:£i9), 13 i§, n. S&me a.3 Bappal.
Bito bashi togameru na, A>^5^?fVJ*»'?-, Bassluitsii sum, (f -,;£ (ft -c? -^ 2, g tB, v.i, and U
don't find fault with others. To excel; to take or draw out; to pull up.
Rasiiiken. ^f:&W^, ^ f^ it, ". [Bot.] Purslane. Bassoku, i£v^ < K W), «• Penal regulation.

Syn. SUBERIHITU. Basson, ^i-y^Aj, S BR. « A descendant; posterl-

Basho, tfX.1. ffiM. n. Place; position; site; Syn. BatstttS, Sbison. Lty.
seat; situation. Bassu], (J-j-^Vi^, ^1^, «. An extract made from
Syn. BA, Baseki, Tokoro. a book or any other writing; a selection; an
Basho. ^f^•^, SSf. n. [Bot.] Mma Basioo. abstract. siivu, v,t. To take out or select
Bashofu, (f^^i, a part from, as a passage Crom a book; to
EMI?, n. Man-
dala; a cloth made Syn. NuKi atsumeru.
ot abaca. Bassuru, kf^il'S, ^,v.t. To punish; tochastice;
Basliolia, B! ^ i^ a, to chasten.

ESS, n. }Bot.] Syn. Kbiratsu sdru, tsumi suru.

Same as Bcmho, Basue, ]/£-}&, ^^, n. The less crowded or pros
BasS, Ifs ?. iSffl, perouB part of a city or town.
•n. A manger. Basuf, tf-^-V^, ig iSg, n. [EntOTn-l A species of
Baso, tf^ 5, ffiS£, beetle of the genus, Carabus.
n. [Bot.] Potamo- Basulbolcu, H;-5l-al2:<, i^K?|c, -«. \Bot.] Andro-
geton oxyphyllzis meda japonica.
Basobu, tf^Jf, ¥ Bata, tfte, n. [Eng.'\ Butter.
fl, n. [Bot.'] Glos- mm Batabata, (ftetfte, adv. [coll.] An adverb O
socomta laneeoiata. used to express the sound of flapping the wings,
Bassal suru, (f-55V^-jl"2, iUtS. I'-t- To cut down or any other similar sound. In rapid suc- @
(trees); to chop. cession.

Sanrtn wo bassai sum, \\i^ ^ ^^7, fi-, to Batabata hito ga fcafcerw, :^ ^^ ii A.^ Stf^,

cut down the forest-trees. people are running clafcteringly; To wo batabata

Bassarcru, tf-y'SJi^, ^19, v.i. [pass, or poten. sliimem, p^ :^ it :fZ it^ii', to shut doors with
of Bctssunu] To be punished ; to be fined. a clatter.
Saaoka ni nam to bassarexit, }% l^f:
^ -?- ;t j-
gg Batcl, fcFtlr, j^ Sffii
«. The hoof of a horse,
•^ f /t-, one is fined if he strips himself. Syn. HizuME.
Bassarl to. If v 3. V) ^f , adv. coIE.] A word ex- Batef, li t V^, i^T, ft. A groom; a servant who
pressing the manner
which anything in talis takes charge of horses; a footman,
softly, or the sound produced in that case. Syn. BettO.
Ami wo bassari to kabvseru, M ^ y; -y -y-
V ! IS BatoJ, {ft:\p, ^^, ft. Ahorse-stable.
^ B-, to put a net over softly. Syn. Umagoya, Umaya.
BasHateii. tf-ye"^, ^tL '"• A sentence or accu- Bateii^o. b;T\i"5$, ^ SSB. '" Dovetail cavity
sation in which the crimes of a pdVson to be ex- Bato, IcTlf?, |g^, n. A stirrup.
ecuted are mentioned. Syn. ABUMi. fworm.
Syn. ZAua-CAEi. Batfija, kf £5 %- ^ $ a ^ HR,
. n. {Entom.] SUIi
Batorel, H:if5H\r, S^^M, la 9E $&. "• [Bot.]Ar- BatCa, i£ -y ft, iS S, '«-. [EttCom.i A graashop-
istolochla deHlis. per.
Bntosd, (Jit 5^5, 16 Battarl to, ]^"j-ftV^, ttdv. icoll.] Suddenly; un-
Jjm, n. [Med.] A expectedly; becoming prostrate.
kind of scrofula. Battari to yvjln ni dekkuwas/dta, ;^ y ii V I*

Datsii. tfr?, ^, n. A SA=atll^ P ^ H, met a friend quite unexpect-

writing at the end edly;Togabattari totamxta, pify^-y9'*i hfffli-'
of a book, by a ^, the door fell suddenly.
friend or admirer Battel, yj'ytVv.jK ^j. " The youngest brother.
of the author —cor- Battokl siiru, tf-v-r^-J-Z,^ 3E,i'.f. To choose or
relative jo (I?). select one from among a number; to promote.
Batsu, If o, fit, 7*. jJeishl wo batteki sum, :^±f^Sffl^*» to

Punishment. promote a soldisr by selection.

Baisu 100 ukeru, g^ Batto, tfvi?, aAv. [coll.'] An adverb expressing
^5^ fl-, to have something disagreeable, in- the manner of anything opening or bursting
on one; to be pumslied.
flicted suddenly.
BatBii, >iS-o,
-le, «- and n. An affix signifying Hasu no hana ga batto hiraita, 3 ^'^if;^v h
lowest, last, etc. See Nembatsu, Sekibatsu, etc. BBt ii, the lotua flower has burst into bloom.
BntRuboku siirii. kj;'?ia;< -^3. ^^, v-^- To cut Batto, tf-yit, ^^^, a. and adv. [coll.] DiBordeied-

down trees, ly; deranged; dishevelled; out of order.

BaUubun, tf-^i'A, ^t., n. Same as Batsu (an Batto Biiru, idf ? ^ 5 "^ 2 SK. u.f To draw » ,

appended writing). sword

Batsubyo, ^iCI^•-^5. SS ^. " nioess symptom- BattoCal, ifv^5fe\/^,K7]!^, «• A doqj of sol-
atic of a second pregnancy. diers armed with drawn swords.
Batsubyo sui-u, ^9-^5-i'Z, tK^S. "*- To weigh Bail, Ki-, ¥ ^, v.t. [coll.] Same as TTbaiu
anchor, to commence to sail; to eet sail. Baya, fefj^. An affix conveying a desire or inten-
Gozenrokuji ni batsvbyo surv, ^Hi[:^fl? = Bi: tion.

^ 7. ^., to set sail at 6 o'clock in the forenoon. Tukabaya to omo, ft » ;^ Y h .0. 7, I have a
Batsu-eteii, a: -9 *. "7, fS gg, n. Good family; desire to go; Asu tatabaya to omoishi ga, ffl D S
noble blood; respectable birth. *t>\V h,gLt:s/f/, I intended to start to-nrorrow,
Syn. IKGARA, MOMBATSU, but r-^)-

tfatsiigel, tf r?Wi\r, ^ ©, »• The more humble Bayal, ur^\r,^^, n. Corrupt, form of Baai {iS
arts or professions. Bayu, tfW),g&^, n. [Myth.] The god ofwind.
BatBiiKiin, [f?<'^,KP, " Same as Batfcun, Syn. Kaze no kami.
Batsiiln. ldf7\p^, ^lilL, w. Same as Btwsow. Basenshl, fcr^^ t, ^ ^ ^. n. [Bot.] Vomit nut
Batsnjo siii-ii, lJ-7&^5-?3. ^ig, «•'• To expel Baiu, [J$,||A. n. Artificial tortoise-shell things
an evil spirit or ghost from a house, barn, etc. made from horse-hoof.
Batftiihhi, tf-^&A,jB3^. " A fine; money Im- Bami no kushi, ^ A ^^ tfi, a comb made from
Buliklu. |fy?^, posed by i way of penalty for the horny substance of a horse's hoof.
an offence; forfeit money. Bebe, -^ ^,tiWL, « [coll.] Clothes; a garment
Syn. KWARYo. (used by or to children).
Bntsiihyokudal, li^gi<A:V^, tSft^, \.BoL] Bebe wo yogoshite wa ikenai, -^ » ^ v§ £/ r >^

SiphonosteQia chinensls. -f *-? 'f. don't your clothes.

Batauunn, ^f-7tc^, ^15, «• The youngest son; Bebo-bana, -^'^Idti.,^^^, «• [Bot.]OommeUna
the younger sons. flife. communis.
Bntftiiro, id-^^, ^ !fS, "- The latter part of one's Becha-kucha, ^V^< %-^, adv. [coll.] In a gar-
Batsiinil, ii^Zh, 3f; 5S, ft. Same as iJosson. rulous, talkative, or loquacious manner.
Batsurya, iS-y "5 5, ^ iSK, " Same as Basson. Ano hito wabechakucha shaieru, t-^A'^'^^Y
Seiwagenjl no hatsuryu, R| :p] ^^ ^ 5l5 i?t'. des- iS'^-ys^-V'*/!-. he prattles garrulously.
cendants of the Seiwa Genji. Beclil-bechl-bana, -^ "^ '^ "& a ^, IS ^ ^, t*-

BatsiiTO» ttr?A.5, 3^11. " Same as Ba5son. [Bot.] Same as Bebe-bana.

Batsiiyo, tf -7575, S ^, n. An abstract; extracts. Bechjnd, -^^.tt-Jr,^^, u. [obs.] An out-house; a

Batsiixa, tf-7$*, 5^^, 71. Same as fiasseftt. barn; assrvants' hall.

Batsiisal, lf"93rv, |3f^. « Funiflhing an offend- Bel, '^v*, v.i. [loc] Same a,fl Beki.
er or a criminal. CBoLSSat. BeJ, -z\/y,^, n. {Chin.] Rioe.
Batvusan suru, t2'7$'^i'^, {JitR^, vX Same as Syn. KOMB, Mai, Yonb.
BEl 69 BEM
Beirnn, -«\A-l^,^^. ?*• [Cftiw.] The rice flour. fore wa bekkaku no shZshln desu, =i u >\ ^ij ^
Syn. KOME NO KO. '^ ^'Mv^ ^, this is a promotion out of the
Bellio, -^V^ttS.iJKS. "• [Cfiln.^A rice bag usual- ordinary rule ; Toshiyori kodomo wa bekkaku sa,
Syn. KOMKDAWARA. Uy made of straw. ^'Sr/h^-^M^ ^, the old and the young are
Belln, '^V^^i^^, ^ ^, n. [Chin-] A thin rice gruel. held as exceptions.
Syn. Omotu. Syn. Kakubetsu, Kakodan.
Bo|]u. ^VJ:I.*,^S. fi- The age of eighty-eight Bckke^ ^vV^, gij ^, n. and v. A branch family or
Belju no iwal, ^^^M, to celebrate the house. This word takes both the passive and
eighty-eighth birthday of a person, the active form of the verb.
Belka, ^V^*>, ^ ®, The market price of rice.
n. Ototo wo 7)ekke sasuru, ?ft ^ SJ S^ 9- >^ fl-, to es-

SeiJca tr-ki, ^M^^> riae In the market price tablish a younger brother as the founder of an
of rice. independent family.
Belka, -^Vr**,*®, "• ^!'!-ol'] A small kind of Syn. BuNKE.
crustaceoua animal, prawn. Bokken eiini, '^7^3'^^^. ^^. "* To glance
Syn. Ebizako. at; to look with a quick momentary cast of the
Belkiin, '<!V^4>A, ^ ^, n. [Chin.] Water whitened eye.

by washing rice in It. Bekko, ^yii>X, %W,n. Tortoise-shell, [line.

Syn. KOME NO SHIRU, SniBOMIZU. Bekko, -^-^t?, BOS."- Another item, article, or
Belkln, ^V&^, Sl^±, n. The title of a high Bekko ni nosu, )^ = SE 7. to allude to in
^i] ,

oflice in the old Rhukyii (Lew Choo) govern- another place to put ; down (write) as a separate

Belko, ^v^ ^,-^Wi,n. [Chin.] Rice paste. L™ent. article.

Syn. KowENORi. Bekko. ^y'C. KiJ P* "• Seceding from a family.

Beikokti, -«v* t < ^K SS. «- Rice (as distinguished
Bekkosarol, '^ y*>5ft*KV>, n. [Ichth.] Pleuron-

from other grains). ectes Variegatus. Same as Roshigarel.

BeiJcoku'wo ymhutsu suru, ^ (9 ^ ® Hi ^'^t *o Bekkokagero, '^•y4>5*'W^6 5. «• [Ent<»n.}Me

export rice; BeikoTcu gwaislta, jfcj&^lit, a rice- galoprepus sp.

trade company. Bekkokamlhlrl, '^ ?»*> 5 *> »& 9. ". '\Entom.]

Belkwa, ^vx < Confectionery made of

t),^Mf "•
A species of beetle.
parched glutinous rice sweetened with sugar. Bekkou. ^y'^A,, SiJIg, a. Specially dear or in

Syn. KOMEOKOaHi, Okoshi. tlmate very friendly.


Veiktvii, -<\j^<i7,i^^,n. ICliin.] A grain of rice. Bekkon no tomo, gij ig -^ S. ft bosom friend ; a
KOMETSCBU. ftaxes In rice. dear friend. Tgreen, shin-leaf.
Bcluo, '^V-tc.i-.^SPj, n. The practice of paying Bckkoso, -^'yi>X^3, EBS^. " IBot] Wlnter-

Belrlu, -<:V^«)^, ^IS. "• IChin.] A granary. Bekkwa, ^y<S9, %VX, n. A sacred fire; [««-]»

Syn. BeisD, Komeguba. different or separate fire, meaning a Are special-

Belryn, ^^Ir "5 i, ^ *5. »• A grain of rice. ly struck out for sacred use.

BelsetBii, '^Vn*-?, iKg. n. ICfiin.] Cracked or Bekkyo suru. '<y^i.-^Z. JgiJ S. v.t. To live Id

Syn. KOGOME. Lhroken rice. a separate house.

BelBlio, ^V^^-S-S, ?Kffi, «. A rice-merchant, Bekonosliita, -^-COZfi. ?StP, " [Bot.] LysicM-
Beish'o gwaisho, the rice exchange;
^Mt^f\> ton JcamttrTiatense. fTo be
Beku, Amodified form of .Bes7i(.
Beisho naJcagai, ffi ^
1, a rice broker. fitJ
-^i , wf, atix. v.

Belzoku. ^\i^^-<,MM, n. [Chin.^ A general term Beku-uruehl, '^OZ U rT^, Excellent lac- «
for grains. quer originally brought from a district in Siam,
Bekarasu, -^*> 1^^,/f.'^- v.i. [neg. potent, jrwod.} Beniben, -^^•<^, ^^, adv. [coll.] Idly; for Q
May not; shall or should not; must not; cannot, no purpose; procrastinating; vacantly; slowly;
Mtdari ni ii-u bekarazu, JS = ^f hT X, must not without consideration, @ [Chin,] Very big (as
enter indiscriminately. the abdomen) well stuffed with food; distend-

Bekkakko, '«y*>yt., , n. [coW.] Fulling down the ed.

Bekako, '«*>C., J lower

eye-lid by way of Bemben to ctioza suru, ^V'^v h^*fe7. »-,

expressing refusal or slight derision. to remain long in another's house without con-
Syn. Akambekkakko, akambei. sideration; Fuku bemben, t to have a big B^ .

Bebkaku, -«?*><,«iJ*S, n. and a. An exception; or distended belly.

making anything special; out of the ordinary Bembeu* '^^'^^, ^ V, adv. Diligently; actively;
industriously; steadily; attentively; assiduous-
rule or track; an extraordinary thing or treat-
rgliding along smoothly
ment; special; out of order; extraordinary; ly,

Bemben, '^K^K, SS «r. "- [Chin.] Flowing

Uoiiil>etsu siiru, '^^'^-7-^^, i^ gij, v.t. OTo Z, BEn^. To punish with a whip;
v-C- to sWike
(lis! iuguisli , to discriminate. @ To discern. with a lash or sweeping cord; to whip.
RyD. Satoru, Wakeku, Wakimaero. Bendnn, '^ ^ Tf ^, ®S!, n. A palace or room
Uemlju Kuril, ^^J-•5l-5, i\^ M, v.i. [Chin.] To where a member of the Imperial family takes
dance clapping the hands, when one is excess- Boucloku, '^^^< ®#. ,
"• [Med.] A bubo. Lrest.
ively happy. fof the heart. Syn. YOKONK.
Beinitiakii, '^^l^<, ?S0, n. [Anat.]The valvea Ben-etsu sum, ^Kif^-^Z, *f= Ift, v.i. To be in
Beiniiiol-sho, -<^^6'^:£i, JS B.^ #, n. An expla- transports of joy; to rejoice in a high degree.
nation (sometimes apology) in writing. Ben^Hkii, '?^i*< ^i¥, , n. Hard study; striving
Beiiimoi sum, ^^^6^/^^S, j^ 0^, v.t. To explain; to learn ; diligent application to study.
to excuse; to apologize; to refute; to answer. JVakal uchi ni lengaku shitamae, ^ -i ^ =^%
Beinmen, ^^!*^, ^ M. " [Chin.] A fa,n.
^ i/^ "^t study hard while you are young.
Beiii-ino, '^^ % 5, fS ^, n. First step, rudi- suru, v.i. To study; to learn.
ments; primer. Bong], '^A.'^t^'M., n. adv. and a. Convenience;
Beuiinoii^ '^^ 6 ^, fiS f"3, «. A side-gate, or back- opportunity; as it suits you; consulting your
Kattemon, Ubamon.
Syn. Lgate. convenience; convenient; suitable.
Bempal euru, '^^[|ivf"^, ^^, v.i. [Ghin.]To Bcngoslil, '^^^L, jJSISi-, n. [Law.] An ad-
clap the hands thrice and to make a worshipful Bengonin, ^^^^(^^, vocate; a barrister.
bow; to worship. Bengo suru, -«X&-?-2,SSt3f. r-(- OC^^w.]Toact
Bempaku euru, ^ A,]/i < -^2, ^K. v.t. and i. as an advocate for; to appear for in court. @ To
[Chin.] To refute; to controvert, etc. See Ara-
vindicate; to plead in favour of. Crata.
Bengyo, -<A?ri,®^, " 'Jchth.]Fistulariaser-
Beinpa surii, '<I^^3^-^^, ^5E v.t. Same as above. Benl, '^Vr.SE, n. Rouge; a colouring material
Bempatsu, ^^fet'•C', '^ kt. n- [C/tin.] The Chinese from the saffron plant.
cue; a pig-tail. Ben-I. ^^\J*, ^3)c. '>< Clothes or garments worn
Bempel, '<^'<V^, {SS!, "- Constipation; costive- at home or for every day use.
uess; retention of urine. ("a protege. Syn. FuDAN-Gi.
Bempel, ^A,^\r, ffiS, n. [Chin.] A favourite; Benl-bnna, ^VZ'dt^, B.^'fh "• [Bot.] Safflower,
Beiiipekl. '^^'C&, ® Rf, n. [Chin.] A flatterer; an bastard saffron. [Ims spectabilis.
adulator; a sycophant; an obsequious parasite. Bonl-bana-lclilgo, '^l/t[J"tv^&. ". [But.]Ru-
Syn. HETSURo-niTO, Ojionee0-monu. Bcjil-bana-lngen-nianie. '^V^!J^V^^W^^*tll^,
Bempl, ^^i^', ^g., [ifed.] Constipation. 71.
n. TBoJ.] Scarlet-runner. fCCTviua.
Beu, ^^, ^, ^, n. O A valve. @ A petal. Roni-dodau, '^ K >? 5 7& A, n. [Bat.] Arulromeda
Ben, '«^, ^, It. Speech; eloquence. Bonl-gakii, '^(fCij?<, n. [Bat.] Hydrangea Horten-
Ano hlio no hen ga hoshii, W. -^ K -^^if ^t/ sia. riron; red ochre.
'i , his eloquence is enviable; I wish I were as Boni-gara., --^{Citfi, ^^jg;, n. The sesquioxide of
Ben, -^^, !g, ,1. [Chin.] A -whip. LeloQuent as he. Benlherjliamlklvl, '^ 1/2 '^ V) 4> 7^ & V,Jz^, n.
Syn. MUCHI. lEntom.] A species of beetle. fpole.
Ben, '^^, ^, n. O Conveiuenrc; the first oppor- BonI-IUw», '^ItiMi, SISS. n. [Or»(7/i.^ Mealy red-
tunity. @ The infestinal discharg&s ; excre- Bcnl-lcanoko. -^ vc i- ® t.SEE^, w- O Ked
ment; dung. fawn. @ Red crape with spots like those of a
Ben, ^, ^, n.
'^ 'Chin.] A crown, coronet, or fawn.
diadem. ^ Benl-kawa, -<\iZi.\s,is.M, n. Red leather.
Benc]ia.ra, ^^t^ i^, Beul-kawa, '^l/cijti, ;S, n. [Bot.] Rhynchosia
n. [coll.] Loquacity; volnbiVs.
garrulousness. BenlkaKiira, -^ i/C 4> [Bot.] Rubia
^710 hito wa "ben- cor (h folia. rred.
thara hakarl ill, ^K Beiiiko. '^I^t,iig[!(&, O Carmine. @ Aniline
Beiil-koko, -?Kt£., ». [Bot.] Pyrus.
he is .1 mere chatter- Kenlkurigc, -^ K < if)
V>.a^^. " The dark
er, he tallcs much tor chestnut colour of a horse.
nothing, Beni-kivanKO, L
^^ %,

n. ^^ SemerocaUis minor.
-^ \iL

Bouf-niuusaku. '^l/^a^;5C,?'. [Bot.'. Dlsanthus

i r> -^ ^.K^:, n. [Bot.]


place. Benl-inashiko, -^ K E J. t, ?| ^ a. [Omiih.] 'rf^,

Ueikclii uuru, '^ ^ l^-^ CSJ Syn. Mashiko. LLongtalled rose finch.

j5E^ a be:e^

Bonl-no-haiia, ^VCCDll'5, iHgtH, n. \Bot.] Saf- Bcnketsu, -^AW"?, ^it, n. Bloody dlfichare«
flower ; bastard sa f- from the urinary or intestinal canal.
l"ron. Boiikt, ^^&, ® S, 7t. A wooden or earthenware
Bcui-rlugn, -^Ki/) ^G, utonsilfor receiving the urethral and Intestinal
^, 71. [Bot.] Same aa dischages of infanta or persons confined to bsd.
iJemifcofco. Syn. Okawa, Omaru, Siiibin.

Bonl-saflhl-yiibl, ^ \it Bmikl-bnko. ^A^HIC.'ISESf Si, «• A box used

for putting away a benlci.
The ring-flnger; the Beiiko, '<^t.5. SS fJ. ** Eloquence In a bad
third finger (with sense; loquacity; talkativeness; fluency ol

which women apply speech; power of elocution; voluble tongue.

rouge). Anohito no tenkd cle iva, ffi .^ -^ 5^ n 7' *\ A
Syn. KusuRi-YUBi. with his talkativeness; with his power of elocu-
Beiil-shl borl, -^ trc £, ^ tion. fofBcer.

^.StiK. "• DyeingO Boiikwan, ^K<1oK,^'^, "• [obs.] Title of an

red in the skein. A @ Rcnkwan, -^ ^ < io /^, ff-f^, n. [Chin.] Trans-

cloth so dyed. ports of joy; a great rejoicing. sum, v.i.

Bonl-Blilda, '^ v: ;& ?&. [Bot.] Aspldiutn ery- To be glad in a very high degree; to rejoice ex-
throsorum. fmatus phlcBOS.
Bcnkyu, '^A^.^?, ftfeS, n. ODiHeence; iudus
Bentsliljlml, -^ VI %^ ^, n. [Erttmn.] Polyom-
Benlshltalin, -^ \^ t. fz. liZ, n [Entom.'] Catocala
try; assiduity. ©Study; learning siirii.

electa. fminor. v.i. O^o work hard; to study diligently. @

Benl-siigo. -^V^it^,^^, n. [Bot.] iTemerocallts
To sell things cheap; to push hard.

Benl-siilsho, '^r VC "^ £ ;£ -^ 5, "• l^in.]

Bciikyokii. -<:A5 i < fiE ES. ». [Chin.] Striving;

Carbuncle; red garnet. fflnch. labouring hard. sum, v.i. To strive; to

BonisuBiime, ^Kit^ib, n. [Ornlth.] A species of labour hard.
Benltake. '^ tt -fe W-, H iK, n. [Bot] A kind of Boiikyo-iiiii, ^A&j^5t2A. ^3S A, 1 n. An In-
mushroom. Boiikyo-sha, '^A$-^5S.-^, ftfe3S#, ' dustrious,
diligent, or studious person.
Benl-tsnke-yiibl* '^IC-^W't'iU-', St^ta. " Same
as Bentsashi-yubi.
Benrau, -^A&A, ig®, n. \Chin.]A. kind of pa

Benlya* '^ VZ " A person who sells

Syn. YoTSaoEKAGO. Llanquin.
rouge; a store where rouge is sold.
Bcni-ei, ^AK\r, ft5-16. " Industry; diligence;
Benl-xara, •^IfC^rs.StJE, n- A saucer for keep- hard study; assiduity. sum, v.i. To work
ing rouge in. fploth so dyed. hard; to be diligent; to study.

Beni-BOme, '^ K ". Dyeing red or Bciirl, -^ A uj, •QEfiJ, n. Convenience; suitable
5' ». SCtft.

Bent-eome ni suru, iK = 7, to dye red. neas; fitness; commodiousness.

j:^ fl-,

Anata wa go-jlbun no benri bakari haharu, ^

BenJJ, '^^e, !S®, «. O Management of affairs.
©Manager; warden; agent; clerk. S'"''^ § ^-^ U^]>^t) V ^|!:fl;^, you conpultyour
Benjlru, --^/,;£,'3, .W, v.t. Q To explain; to Syn. TSDGo. Lconvenience alone,
Benxurii, -^X.^3, (unravel; to discriminate; to Boiiri, '«^ 10, |?S, ". Management; conduct;

make clear. @ To do or transact. © To defray administration; transacting; dealing; acting;

to answer the piirpose. to have affairs under one's control.

Korede benjimasv, 3U'?'|^s>-7:^, this answers liciivjkoshl, •-?^li)^:5 L, ^iSi^ljIg, n. A Minis-
my purpose Koto wo benzuj-u,
; ^ !8f tT n- to © ,
ter Resident.

make a thing clear or all right; to conduct a fSowro, -^A^, {EB§, n. A shorter road; the near-
matter of business satisfactorily. est way; the shortest path.
Syn. AzuKAU, TOKtr, Wakatsu. Uenron, '^A^SA, !PIb. «• A discussion; dispute;
Benjo, ^A.S:i.,^^/i, n. A water-closet; a privy. nvgunient; debate; contention; a process of
Benkai sum, '^^i>V/^-^2, j^P, v.t. To explain; reasoning. suru, v.t. To discuss; to de-

to excuse, plead. bate; to argue.

Benkcl, ^A.t&\n,^^, n. A household utensil, Koiw mondai ni tsuite benron suru, itt RS iM =
usually made of bamboo. at r g?a^ 7, ;i^, to argue on this topic.
BonkoJ-lino, -^K^fV-V^^, X'^-, "• [Sol.] Yam. Syn. GiRON SURU.
Benkel-Jlinii, '^AW'U^&a.MSIfiS, ""- A checker- itciiryuku suru, -^^lJ)i,C^^, ^t, i"-*- To
ed cloth. YbnroseuTn. strive alter; to labour hard; to do all in one'a

BenkelBO, ^^^V^'Sf^.^Ji, n- [Bot.] Sedum al- power. Its uoun-form is B&nrvoku.

Beuryfi, '<^«] 5, ^ Sft, «. [Chtn,] A crown. To distinguish right from wrong; to discrimi-

Bensal, '<A,'5\r, ^^, "• Eloquence; wit; power nate.

of elocution. Boppa, ^-j]^, giJi®, n. A different sect, party,

Bensul, -^A^V, W jUT, w. [Xaw;.! Repayment. denomination, or school.

Bensai no telkyo oyobi kyodaku, Iff ffi ^ ^ #t S Boppal, --tytiV, ^il %, n. OA farewell cup. @^
l--:^jj,fLaw.] tender and deposit, Bensai no farewell entertainment.
juto, ^M^1£'^, [Law.] appropriation of pay- Beppai wo sum, Ki| *R ^ ^ J^, to give a fare-
ments. well dinner.
Buru, v.t. To repay; to pay back with in- Beppln, '^70«^, ^i] iS) w. O' coll.]': lit.'} Anotlier
terest; toredeem a pledge. thing. @ '.^.j A beauthul woman; a beauty.

ICensnl-klgoii. '^^^U^&W^^, mmMM, n. The Beppij, ^y_J;$, ^\IM, 71. A letter or enclosure in
day on which a debt is due the term of a debt. ; an accompanying envelope.
Beiisetsu Buru, ^ J^^-^iT Z, ^W, v.t. [Chin.] BeppiiKii, ^-yJJ^ SiJIRt. '*- Having the Same

To refute; to silence; to defeat in an argument. lather but different mother; born of a step-
Bensetsii suru, '^ ^•y:9 -^ 3, ^g?, u.t. To ex- mother or a concubine.
plain or expound; to excuse; to apologize. Berabo, -^^115. w. [vvX.] Q A fool; a rascal. @
Bciisha, '<^:£-^, ^^, n. An eloquent person; a Nonsense,
talkative or loquacious person. Borciisii, ^I'z^zx.,^^^, n. [corr^ipt. from Berlin
BoushJ, '^^L, ??i". n. A speaker; an orator; blue.] Prussian blue.
any one who gives an address or a lecture before Bcrobcro-no-bainj, ^:^^Z<7:>±>?f., n. A child-
an liudience. ren's game which consists in guessing who did a
Benslil, •^^ Li ffi ^, n. Same as Bempatsu. certain thing.
BeueliJtsn, '^ ^ :£ -P, -fiS g, 7*. OA privy. @A Beshl, '^L.'sr. avx. u. M-.y, shall, should, etc
resting place. Also used in the imperative.
Bcnsbo euru, '^^:£.^5•il•^,PfS. v.t. To re- Kimimovukubeshi,^^iff^^i/, youmuat
turn; to repay; to remunerate. go too; accompany us please; ShocIU subesiti, jf:

Fusai wo henslib sum, ft^tS^SSfS^fl-i to pay ^ ^^^, you should consent; please consent or
a debt. acknowledge; Tsubomi nn uclii ni toru beshi, g
Bensliii, '«^XW^. *H ?. '* \Chin.'] Clapping the -^ rl^ =i 15 /^ ^y, should be plucked in the bud.
hands consequence of excessive joy.
in Bcso* '^5:, n. [coll.] A sob; convulsive siglis ut-
Bcntnl, •^^feU^, 5i^, «. The string for fastening tered when one is about to cry.
a hat or crown. Beso kaku, -« y ?j if, to sob (only said ot a
Bcntatsu. '<^fer7, P^®, n. Q Whipping (an of- baby).
fender). @ Chastising. © Encouraging. Bcsokucbl, ^Jc< %,S n, 74. Same a.s Beshikuchi.
sum, v.t. To whip; to encourage or urge to Bessat»4U, '^j'^-7, f,\\M, " Another book or copy.
study- Bessokl, '^r 7 ^ ?, ^ij ^, «. Another room.
Bento, ^^fe5, !B9?S",fT^. "• Luncheon; labour- sum, v.i. To withdraw into another room for
er's noon repast; the noon-meal taken at one's private talk.
office. fcheon-box. Bessbj, -^7 L, Another paper or docu-
^iJSE. ^-

Bento-bako, ^^te 5 t, S!*'^'!!. '^- A lun- fef

ment; an accompanying or enclosed note.
Beiito-inoehl, ^kft^^%, ^'ffljt, n. One who Besshi ui ktsal stii-it, gij = JC 7> «-, to men- iiftt fflj

carries luncheon for others. tion in amither paper.

Bonyakii sum, •^k^<irZ, Vr^^, v.i. Same as Bcssbiii, ^•jXL, Si|.Ci, n. Reserve; coldness; not
Benkwan sum ©;). {.V(^ being free or Irank in words, actions, or social
Benyo, -«^i, iS®. " A palanquin. intercourse; sliyness; an inclination to suspect,
Syn. AJIROG0.SHI, ANBA, KaGO. a stranger's mind.

Bonisalton, -^^3'^/^•r^, mWi^, n. [Afyt/j..] The Bessliinnakti. SO -6 ^ ^, without reserve.

goddess ot riches (colloquially written Benten).
BcsBlii sum, ^-, lirz,'^m> T-'-t- To slight; to
O look down, tu make
Benzetsu, -^^«•5', i^ §. '^- Eloquence. @ light of; to neglect; to dis-

Speaking. regard.

BonKctsii-sba, ^L't-'^X-^, ^§#, f'- An elo- Ui^si^bite, '^yit.gijf^, adv. Especially; particu
quent orator; a person with a tongue consider- larly; above all.

ed rather too voluble. Bess/lite osewa wo nenaimasu. j?i] £>' ? ifl] ift K^
BeUBuru, ^^$^, Sff, v.t. QTo speak for, to ad- ggii T :^, I p;nticnlarly wishyou to assist me.
vocate; to expound; to explain; to transaet. @ Syn. Kakii;l.isU, IvOroNi, Wakkte.
BES 13 hi
B&estto, '^•vZX.i'iSi, « Another or difTerent V '-^^yif, is not other than; la not by way of
place. objection. fparted.
Bessliu, '^vXlft. «iia, « A different kind, sort. BetHiigo, •^5 G,?iJ^, adv. After or since wo
or speciea; another deHcription. Bctsiigy u, 'C-pvjti, ^ij ^,n. O A villa; a country-
BossS, '^vtS. RiJSEi " A country-seat; a villa. Beat. @ Another occupation, avocation, or pro-
Ifatsvju besso ni oru tsumorl <l€su, S = it' *ij iffi

B *- S V f ^1 [coll.] I Intend to pass the sum- Botsiil, '^rPV', gi] ,'S> «

Different idea, opinion,
mer at the villa intention, or purpose; objection; a rebellious
Beta-beta, 'tte'^fe, a. and adv. Q Sticky; ad- view; bad ambition.
hesive; gluimous; too much; all over @ Betsui wo idakazu, ^ij ,'S^ iS * ::^. I have no
CoquectiBhly; too amorous. different opinion; I bear no malice.
wa oshtroi wo beta-beta tsuketa, t ^?>^
AnoJco Betstijl, ^'P t, SOS, '«. Something different; an-
^V^9-< * ^4 ^ # *• *, that girl covered her lace other matter.
all over with powder. BetsiiJIu, -^-ly^Aj, A, ". l!ij A different person;
Bota-lchlmen, ^ te Vr % » A, «. [coil.] All over another man or woman.
the surface; completely; thoroughly. Botsiijo, '^r?-^ 5, f,\\i^„ n. Another or differ O
Beta-ichlTnen nochi aesu, '^it'f f-j*>'^]fil7-*7., ent matter; another clause or item; anything
covered all over with blood. unusual. @
Danger; fear of change.
Betaklu. ^te ^ ^,Sg^. a. \coll.] Covered all Bet8i0} wa arlTnasumai, ?i] fij -•» r V "^ 7^ "^ -f i

over with gold golden ;

there will be n-athing different, dangerous, or
Betakin no kwannon, '^^#v^^#, a golden fearful.

Idol representing Kwan-on. Bctsiijoknn, '«•9'eJ:^t^, ^ilK^fffl, n. [Law.]The

Bctatsuku, •^ft'^C, v.i. [coll.] Q To be sticky right of exclusion. rBessJit suru.
or viscid. @ To act like a coquette or harlot. Botsiijo suru, ^-y Ci,-^ 2, 15 in, v.t. Sume as
fteto-beto, ^ )£ ^ )£, a. and adv. [coll.] Sticky; Hisen nari tote hito wo betsujo suru na, i^ l^ ?•
putrid; putrescent; rotten; carious. V H ? A ^ ^
iD 3^ /u ?-, do not despise a person
SaTcana ga Tcusatte beto-beto ni natta, ^ifM^r because he is poor and humble.
** h 't h = -}--/ it, the fish has become a putrid Syn. Kaeonzdbu, Keibetsu suru, Naiga-
Betsii, '^•5, gij, J*. Distinction; difference; separa- Betsumono, '^•7 4©, ?ij ^, n. O Another or
tion; discrimination; eminence. different matter. @ Anything unusual. © A
Futari no aida ni betsu wa nat, zn A -^ Rfl = «|J person held exceptional, as regards ability,
'^H 'ft there Is no difference between the two friendship, etc
Syn, Ta, Wakarb, To. Lpersons BotsumyS, ^:?;^j?»5, S'J^, ". Another narct
Betau, -^-CPiKU «• f^ot.] A snapping turile. or appellation; pseudonym; a. nom de plume, or
Beteubara, ^r?U&, Mi9ll> """ Same as Bepimfcu.' nom de guerre.
Betsu-betsu nl, '<='5-^-C'K, ^ij^ij, adv. Separate- Bctsurl, ^-p*^, f;i]KI. w- Parting; seceding; sepa-
ly; to pieces; apart; asunder; in a state of dis- ration. See EibetsiL.
tinction. Betsiiro, '^-^'S, BiJB&. n. Other way or road; an
Betsucbl, '^'^S, @t^. n- [Omith.] The golden alternative.
pheasant Bettakii, '^yte < ,
gij ^, It. OA separate or dll-
Betsudau ni, ^^?t^I(t. gij^, adv. Particularly; ferent house; a villa or country-house. @ Same
especially; distinctly; notably. as Bekko (gij p).
Betsudan ni uTnat koto Tno nai, ^0 — "H" 'f ^ S Bottarl to, ": 7 fe V) "£, adv. [coll.] Closely to-

^-h-f there Is nothing very profitable, advant-

, gether; sticking fast.
ageous, or sweet. Ame ga bettari to liittsuita, ^if -^v ft V hts
Syn. Kakubetsu ni, Tokubetsu ni. -/y -f ^, the jelly has stuck fast to.

BetsudS, ^'07i'^,%^\^, n. Another or different Bottc, '^-/T, S'] ^i '* Another army.
way. Syn. BETTAi
Betsuen. ^7A.^, M #, n. Same as B^pai. Bottel, '^-jt.yf^, ^ijfili, «. Another house or pa-
Betauffl. ^c>^, gi] ift, n. Another or different lace; a villa; a country seat.

matter or opinion; objection, taking exception. Bctto, '^-yte?, «iJ\K, «. O The High Steward. @
As an adjective: special; different; otherwise; Tn its old .'lense, a chief commissioner, g) A
besides; uncommon; unusual. groom or ho.stler.
Betsngl ni wa gozarimasen ga, i\i ^ =^ '^ W \SS^
III. cv, ^. fu and a. ICVitn.] Beauty; uloganco; ex
BI 74

cellence; nice; delicious; fine; handsome; good; BlbSrolni* El-' tt ? -S < , {S S SS. «• -a. memoran-
refined; polished; graceful; luxurious. dum, plus.
Bi-gyoku, |^ EE, fine gems; Bijin, #? A, a niliun, [Ki*^, IRf^-, '" [Math.] Differential calcu-
beautiful woman; a beauty; Bijvtsu, ^'^. the Kihiiu-hoteisliJKJ, V^' :&= A.it ^tv^i.^, K^^&g
fine arts; BiTcei, ^^, fine or beautiful scenery; j^, n. [J/at/t.] Difl'erKntial equation.
Bikwan, ^^, a beautiful view or sight; Bimi, Blchl-blclii, ty%V%, gS -fr, (Kiv. Actively; jerk-
^^ nice in taste; delicious food; Bi na Icura- ingly; moving like a live fish when out of the
sht, 5|-?-g;7 5/, a luxurious life; Binaiishi, ^ water.
S ?, a handsome man or boy; Bishokv, |^(5, Bioliu. tK'^W)$,Efc^, n. A humble desire or opi-
beautiful face; a beauty; BisJiu, g^Ig, Rweet or nion; one's true heart.
nice sake; Biso, H ^, rich garments; Btznku, //' tti ni bichu ivo kataru, A — ^ !S ^ ^ «-, to
5|^, refined customs and manners tell a person one's true heart.
Syn. URUwASni, Utsukdshi. lEIditn. V^?&^,^e?!^ "" A narrative about one's
Bl. tr, SE. "• IBot.] Royal fern. merits or virtues; a fine story.
Bt, D-*, 55[. a. and n. [Chin.] Slight; small; little; Blen, V''^K,^'M, i^ [Chin.] Snuff; pulverized to-
trifling, trivial; of little importance or value;
bacco inhaled by the nose.
wortMess; paltry; nicety; delicacy. Syn. Kagitabako.
Bijaku, © S, weak; delicate in the bodily
Birii^ T^i-,^^, n. A beautiful woman.
constitution; of little power or influence; Bi-
Blfa, cviJ.SlK. '^- A gentle wind; a breeze.
kwan, g[ IT, a low official appointment; Biryoku,
Blfiikii. Ty^<,^M, w. Disguise.
gt i}, little influence, strength in power; Bisho,
Qji Ufvku shite tekijin wo tikaoau, ^ ^ BS 9Bs^
K5I, asmile;£/yo, ^^, slight illness.
Syn. Chiisasht, Kasdka, Wazdka.
^^M^ 1^ "7i the prince reconuoitered the eng
my'a camp in disguise.
Rl, O', g, n. [CJUn.'lO The tail; the end. ©A Syn. Kakurb sugata, Shinobi idetaohi
numeral in counting fishes. ©r^stron.]One of
Blfuhii, D^'i^ ,51 flS, w. Pine clothes; beautiful 01
the 28 constellations.
splendid garments.
FiinaichiM, (ift—E. one carp; Kl-H ni fusu,
Bl^oklt U-t^&.MK. 1^ Pursuit; chasing alter.
81 S — Wt ^> to follow (a classical expression).
Teki no bigeki ni aw, gft ^ g E =: IS "7, was
Syn. BiKl, HiKl.
pursued by the enemy.
Di, Of, Jg, "'. [CAiTi.] The eyebrows.
snrti, v.t. To pursue or chase an enemy.
Syn. Matu.
Oini zampei wo bigeki sum, A^iS^^^^S^
BI, cy, $., «. [Chin.] Tha Jic,i<!.
ft', to send a large number of soldiers in pursuit
Syn. Hana.
of the remnants of an enemy's force.
Blaliti, lySii, #&^, «. [C/ifn.l Whether anything
BIlio sum, U''tl5-?"2, ^H, v.t. To cover up a
1b good or bad; beautiful or ng^y.
fault; to apply a temporary remedy; to manage
BIW, xyV, W.^, LC'Mn.] Slight; little; small.
to cut short bod consequences. Its noun-form
BiH taru seiryoku, ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ little influ- 7!/,
is Biho. fplinaent.
Syn. Kasuka, Wazdka. L^nce.
Blblshl,-l.-lil. t^'t^£, ^'j,o- Gorgeous; splendid;
BII, c^v. iK .k!. " A humble desire, wish, or com
Syn. SuNSHi, Wazuka no kokorozashi.
beautiful; well-trimmed; well provlded.
BiUshlki itSetachi nite sJiutsvjin swrw, ^ ^
Blldoro, t
K H, ^ ^, fk [Port.] Glass.

=¥ m it —? lb I5& ^ fl-i to go to battle in splendid

Biidoro no chaioan, {g -^ i!i^ Bt, a- glass tea- ^
Syn. Garasu. Lcup.
Uruwashi, Utsukushi.
Syn. Blldoro-kaffamJ, y.' V^ ^ ;S *> *» ;^. BtiSI?!. "• A
BIbJsliiKu. Dt'tP:£,<, ^ArM. adu. The adv. form looking-glass.

of BiUshi. Bllru, t-fl', ^S, «• [SnClBeer.

BiUshiku yosoo, 5^ <r fiit i? K 7, to dress well Btjakii, u.';£'^ < !IS 33, a- See under Bi (g[).

or with fine ornaments. Bijaku naru kiml, §§ -J- »- g", an effiminate iSJ[

Syn. Uruwashiku, Utsdkusiiiku. prince.

Blbo, C"t5! 5 , J ^ w?. 1*'. Before appearing or BIJI, u.-^, ^ ^, n. Polypus of the nose.
niflio, At3:5> 'arising. Bfjlf C^*t,^l^, n. Praiseworthy act, practice, or
Ran tvo blbo ni fusegu, St ^ :^ |5 - Kr ^. to tiling; merits; virtues.
suppress a rebellion before it ripens or gathers Biji wo danzu, 5^ 91 f- ^ t!, to speak of the
head. merits or virtues of others.
Ctibo, V\£3, (fflS. "• Writing down anything to Syn, HOMUBEKT-KOTO, YOKI-KOTO
aid the n^emnn-. Bi.lln. CPX-A.^A, 7i. See under i-'i'SC^'

BUlnsliO. X}tX'A.t5, !S.M,n. IBot.] Mvsa coccinea. Blh5, Uf < *? 5 , ^ ?S» "• Providing against famine.
Bljinso, V^'X'A.^3, Bilcd chochilcu, fitJ£3?1?. Btoring grains or
m^n, n. [Bot.] saving money by way of providing against a
Corn-poppy. general failure of crops or famine. auru,
Bijo, ^^•trX,5^^, 7*. v.t. To provide against famine.
Same as Bljin. BIko sum, tVii>5-?"3,iS!E. v.i. To lie; to range;
Bljo-sane, XKZ'i-^ to extend; to influence.
&**!, Mm^,n. A Syn. Wataru, Tukiwataru.
buckle. Biko fiurii, t>'4*5-3"2, S 1f» v.t. To go after; to
BUo-ka.Kura, ^' *& follow. Its noun-form is Biko.
Biko auiii, tKi> 5 i- 3 IS ^. »-* To go in disguise

Verbena phlogtjlo- to travel under a pseudonym, said of high oflB-

ra. dials, nobles, etc.

BiJu, Xf!£:\/i>,BW,n. Bikii, y>'< Jt j£, n. L'S'ct^s.J

, A Buddhist priest (the
[Chin,} Great masculine of Bikuni).
age; longevity. Biku, v^'i ,'^, gr gg,^^, n. A little basket mad©
Syn. CH5MEI, Nagaiki. of twigs or bamboo.
Bljukii, D^'^'W) < SI 3}?j "
, [CTiirt.] Rica boiled with Bikii. V^it^M, '' An inferior, little, or humble
a greater amount of water than usual so as to person or body (chiefly referring to one's self).
make it very soft, rice gruel. Tenka hlroshi to ieaomn liku wo iruru chi
Bljutsii, VZ'^'Pf^W, «. See under i3U5§) nashi, 5cT)Si^hSS^EEt[9!^SStff-v ift^s/, the
Bijutsu tenrankwal, ^%S5S#", a fine art wide world has no room for this little body.
exhibition. fa^vt museum. Blku-t)lku, T}!<. xjf< ^ tt, a., and ailv. Fearfully;

BIjutsu-kwan, XJ^'X'^'^<i>/u,^'^^, n. A fine awfully; timidly; in fear; dreadfully; afraid;

BIJ utsu- salt ko. CN':fcW)rPi«-y*>5, g|'#¥^. «• A awful.

school of fine arts. Biku-UJcukowa garu, tf^t?^rj*?^»-, tobelB
Bika. tK*>, Sfc®, n. \CMn.'\ A slight flaw ; a little trepidation, to be afraid, etc.

fault; an insignificant defect. Blkun, w< ^, ^^, n. Same as Biko (10:55).

Blkol, TKWv, 5I ^, n. See under Bi (H). Blkunt, CN* < t/C, Ji i fg, n. [Sans.'] A Buddhist nun.
Mfiijon wa HTcei nl tomu, B l^-'^^^ — '^l-, Syn. Ama.
Japan has many beautiful landscapes. Bikiit«uku, V^irX, v.i. To be astonished, sur-

Blkko, I^••;;C.IK. "- [coll.] Same as CMwiBa. prised, or alarmed. ^'^)-

[Tlkkui'l, V'v < ^,?HM< <it^"- 3.nd a. [coH.] As- O Blk-^vaii, V'<iok,^M, n. [Chin.] See under Bi
tonishingly; astonished; alarmed; surprised. @ A Jcore wa bikwan da, t » =r ^•-'^ 5^ JK ^, Ah I

Astonished; alarmed; surprised; shocked; start- this is a beautiful sight.

led; stricken with horror. siiru, v.t. To be Bikwan, t^*<*?^, ©'&. « See under Bi (gS[).

surprised or astonished. Bikwatsu, U>'<*9<?, ?S|Sft, n. [Ornft/i.] A crane.

Syn. MANAZUBU". ftime.
Sijd ni Hlckuri shite nasu tokoro wo shiratu,
BIkyfi, t^&5. MA, "Permanently; for along
?^ *«* - ^^
V ? :^ :x ^i ^ *0 ^ :^', he was quite
Syn. Tata-hisasb^

astonished and at his wit's end.
Odoroite, Tamagete.
Syn. Bikyn-no-sbl. tV @ 3 ® t,W.Blt±, n. Brave

Blko, U>'*>5,§${l?, «. Good; fine; nice; beautiful; Blmnn sum, CK^ A--?" 3 ^ , iS. ^•*- To extend all
splendid; handsome; unique.
around; to spread about. f&Bnce.

BlkO, Ufi>5,5^S^ n. A nice food; a delicious BlmbexB, l>'^^^, ^ fS. '"• iOhin-l Industry; dili-

dish; fish unique in taste; anything good to eat Syn. BENKT5, Benrei, Hagemi.
while drinking Safce.
Bimbd, t^*^lK-S. ®S. " ftii'i "• Poor; poverty

Syn. UMAKI KCIMONO, Umaki sakana. stricken; needy; poverty; indigence; want.

Note; remark; observation Bimbo-dokkuri, ^It^M, [coIS.1 akind of sake-

BlkO, 0-'i>5,l^%> «•
jug probably so called from its cauising bimbo or
In writing.
HlKIAWASE, KOKOROK. poverty; Bimbo hima nasfii, g^H^-J-j^. the
poor have always to work; Bimlrd hima nashi
Blk5» U.'t5,:(Si^8, ». [2bot.] An»pe.
BlkS, Wt.5,E5!j> "- Little merit; slight desert. kasegu nl oi tsukazu, [coll. Prov.] ©S (JS -^ 3^ ^
BiTco ni TwTcoru nakare, ^^ — ^ n-^ i^, do — iB.ii'^:^'poverty cannot overtake ceaseless

not boast of your small deserts. industry; Bimtio-kvji, S 2 ^, [coll.] a losing lot;

Syn. SuKOSHi NO tkgaba, SUnkO. Bimbo ni nam, 3? g = ^ Ji-, to become poor.

Biko, U^'C5>AB- ^ The nostrils Buru, v.i To become poor or indisent
BiM 7« BIN

Syn. AWARENA. Btro» xyf>^, g 3, a. O^TnpolIte; indecent; vul-

BlDEul. tV ^
6, >*<i£.
i& 71, {Ornith.l Tree-plpit, gar; indelicate, ©[coll.] Unsightly; ugly. 9
Anthus maculatus. Not to be openly declared, most frequently used
BtiiKiii-u, 0'•^^S, ^, n. See ^!7ema?C<. in asking pardon.
Bluxnru, ^^•^$ 3, ffSffi, ". [J5«dd.] Oc9 of O gomen wo komuru, S H t* 7. f/j)p
Bivfi desiioa
th« Rakans, (drhata) with white head and long pardon the indelicacy for my vulgari-
J§ ?" SR "'.
eye brows. A red idol placed in a conspicu-
S Ryn. MiGURUSHiKl, Shitsubei. Lty.
oua part of a temple. Biro, y-'65,i^ff^, n. [Bot] Palmetto; Livistonia
Blon, t^•ft^, ^#, n. A fine or good voice. Chinensis.
Syn. BlHEI, YOKIKOB, tokihe, Yokioto. BlrSdo, VS^'^.^S?^, n. Velvet. rmoaa.
Bion, I^*$:^, Rift, 0,- Lukewarm; tepid. Blrodo-goko, u.' 5 ^ S W, Jlfe^J^, n. [BoL]X e.

Syn. Namaattakai, Nurui, Nukumakkoi. BlrSdo-lro, U>'6 5'!fVi5, ff^JH-fi.w. Velvet colour.
B1oiit5» u.'5r ^te 5 iSt '^i 71. Lukewarm or tepid
5^tj* L. «• [Entom.]A npecies
. iffi
BIrSdo-iiiiialil, u,'6
of beetle.
BIra, t^'t, If IS, n. Paper money.
BlrSdo-rnn, tK ^ ? * 6 ^, n. [Bot.] Goodyera velu-
BIrn, jy^, W^ht '"• Q A. ha.ud-h'i\l or placard. @ Blrodo-shldn, Xt!^5'SX7&, n. [Bot.lPolVPodtam
A loose sheet or cvirtain with Bome congratula-
tory remarks or pictures on it.
Blrodo-Bugl, criij*-^*^, ^tt, H. [Bot.] Lycopo-
Kaiten ni Ura wo okuru, BB = J¥ 'W ^ Hi '»'. dium japonicum. f Acorns.
to present with an ornamental curtain (mostly
Bli'odo-BokJslio, U>'6 5>etf-l&£.-^5,i£S'. " [Bot]
of paper) to congraturate the opening of a new
Birokii, U^'^S < W<^' '^- Small salary; a ration

Syn. Habifuda. Lshop.

or stipend of little value. euru, v.i. To be
Blra.-blm, U>' & ur 6, a. and adv. Ql^luttering;
ruined or impoverished by the loss of an official
waving. @ Assumes the various verb-ferms. appointment.
Blran. t^•6^, n. [Bot.1 Prwn/us Tnaa-ophylla.
Blran, U? 6 A, S. K,, n. A storm or tempest; a
Fuchi ni hanarete biroku sutu, ^^ ~^uy
ffiCjiS :^ fl'i to be impoverished by the loss of a
violent gale.
ration, or of a lucrative offlce.
Syn. Bayu, Oabashi, Oahe.
BirushanabutBii, rj^ZX-^'^^o, EISSSPW, "•
Blrnnjl, I^'&^C. "• [Bot.} Stlene repem.
[Biidd.] The name of a Buddhist deity.
Biran aiiru, 0fS^"?2. MM. ^•*' To be inflamed;
BIryS, O-' -^5, IJ.se. "- [CWn.] The bridge of the

to present febrile symptoms to become red and ;

Syn. Hanamine. Lnose.

Syn. Tadaberu. Ltender.
Blrarl-ahararl. XJf ^ V) X"^ ^ y) ^'Sl. ci. and adv. Bli'TOku, ofW) i < , g)[ :^, n. See under Bi (JR).

[coll.] OWRveriag; vibrating; constantly mov- BIrya, C^''(I5,fflffl, o-- [ifcd,] Dangerous; critical;
very bad fatal hopeless,
ing. @ Being in doub';; with nothing special to ; ;

be done. Blsal. IV3.V*, SJtJl)], a. and odu Small; nice; deli-

BUEABURA, Buratsuite. cate; miml'te; in detail; particularly.

Blrnrl to, U-'&iDi?, adv Same as Sira-Mra. Syn. KOMAKAI, KtlWASHIKF.
BIsei, j}!^\^,^V^, n. [Chin.] Beautiful or fine
Biratsuku, Uft-?<, v.i. To wave; to flutter
Kokkl ga Mratsuku, S S6 ^ tr 7 ^, the '•J'
Syn. Kaisei, Tokihare. L^eather.

national waving.
flfig is
Blael, CN*^V^,^S?, '" [Chin.] Same as Bfon.

BIrei, tA'Hij^, 5^K. a. and M. QBeautilul; splen- Blsoinenslia, c^''^V^n^X^, )*IR^#,«. [Law.}
did; graceful; fine; ornamented; showy; magni-
jtllsoluenstin, Tt-^V-^LX^, Persons under the
legal age.
ficent; brilliant. @ Splendour; beauty; magni-
BlseiB, C^'*^, iStRS, >*• Humble; low; base, mean.
Syn. Blsen iforl okotte saisho to nam, ffc ^a V S t'

UTSUKFSniKT. ^ffi h ;S'^. to Tif'e from a humble position to

Blrl-blri, v>' V}V ^, <*• and adv. [coll.] O Produc- that of prime minister.

ing the sound peculiar to cracking or tenring, Syn. lYASTTIKI.

©Smartly; painful; f?ripi°ff- sum, v.i. To BJshamonten, U.';^-^^ ^-C^, JE?>P5^, " Oii»

smart; to prick or gripe. of the four Buddhist Tenn'i, or Deva kings,

Yakedo wo shite Uribirl suini, iK^^ S/ t" \i V Tamionten.

\i V 7' B-.the burn smarts. BlMhl, TyX,^^., n. [CMn.]See Bichunnil Bl.

BJrlkJ. VV^„ ^t, n. Smtib ^B BiryokiU. Bishfn, V^XA.. St^.'"- [Chin.]Snme us Blku(^m
Blrltsiiku, l^V)'7<, a. Same as © under 5irf6/rt. BlsbiD, ty L^, SitE. "• A humble subject or »«r-
Blr», o:&5, AH. n. [Chin.] Same a.a Bim. Syn. ITASHIKIKSKII TtLDt •
Blslid, cvi t.5, 5^59. w- A eulogistic name, title, mto, CA*lf5, The tip of the nose.
9.^. n.
or fippellation. Bito, tN'if a, '. \Bot.] Dnlichos LaUob.
5, ^
KSii^ho, U.'-fr5, St iJ', a. Little; small. Syn. Ingemmame, rchaiarter
Syn. Wazuka.
Chiisai, Sukoshi, Sukunai, Bltoku, U.'!f < '^^., n. A virtue; a good trait of

Oisho, CK^-^ 5 i0[ ft, n. A sUgbt wound or cut.

Bill, ^^•5, gi[fg, 11. A slight rainfall.
BLsho wo uku, S:il^55^, to be slightly Syn. KOSAME.
Syn. ASAUE, TEKizu. L'wounded. Bliin, t^*5^, Kj^, »i. O Same aa BctJi-wra. ©Mis-
Itisho. iy*5,S[1l, n. See under -Bi (8X)- fortune ill-luck.

Hiirii, v.i. To smile; to express Joy, love, or Syn. FUSHIAWASE, Hakumei.

pleasure by a slow contraction of the ieatureB Bitva, 0-* tt, S a, tt.

of the face. [Mus.] A four-string-

Syn. HOHOEMtJ, NiKONIKO warau. ed lute.
Illslio-toisho, ry % 'i. xy X 2l, y^ O Thoroughly
drenched ; wet to the skin i^Eng.) or to tbe bone [JSot.lTheloquat, or
(SpaTiuV;); completely wet. @ Raining slightly. Japanese medlar.
Amega bishobisho furu, ^^tfs/atf?/ 3[^ /i-, Bi«vabon, C^*H^^^, 1

a drenching rsi in falls. Biwaf^oto, lA'tJa^. '

IClslioku, tA'X i
Bli^liokii, l>*ati.<.^fi, n.
Rlslioiiiire, tA'iiSih., a.
< , #@, ,1. See under Bl
See under 5i i^).

Drenched with
p §1,

n. [Mus.l
rain or water, BiwaliSshl, pr S »2 i
nisliii, jyzi/b, ^M, '" See under Bl (^y, strolling lutist, usually
Itlso, CPt, AM. '>^- The originator; the founder; blind.
Syn. GWANSO Lthe inventor. Biwalto, 0(.*ttV\if, %^^., V. Strint,' tor a lute

Bls5, iK5 5,||tB. w. Fine or good physiognomy. Blwauchf, C^ H 5 ^, ^HJT. «- A lutist; one
Rls5, iP3 5, $$ n. See under £i (5g).
ifcl;, who performs on the lute.
Rlaokii, V'^<,!i!§., n. [Cfttn.] The pleasure of BlwayStS, U'-a^5fe5, atffi?^?^, n. {MedAK
one's superiors. decoction of loquat leaves, said to be a good
nito no MsoTcu wo ukaoau, A^AJ-^ffl"?. drink In summer.
to consult the pleasure of another; to flatter; BIya, xy^, ffliffl, ti. [Bot.] Same as B'fwa.

to play the courtier. Blyabu, X}!^<. ig^, n. A philter.


Bl9Stiori, Ty-y%.i.S>, d- SomQ as Bisho-blsho. BIyO, Uf^5. $[S. «- See under Bi (^).
Oame de Msshori to natta, ;'cM^tf'y£/aV h Blxen-yalcl, U-'-&A-^&,M65'!^. "• Bizen earthen-
•^yH, to be drenched with rain. ware.
Blsnl.tK-^V^, SKSS.n. and a. Slight Intoxieatlon, O BlEul suru, :^?V-^2, M^, t'-^ To follow; to go
drunkennest!, or inebriety. @ Half drunk not ;
after; to accompany; to imitate.
excessively inebriated. Syn. Ato ni soitagau, Ato ni tsdku.
HaTia wa lianJcai saTce wa bisul, ^>'*^MM-^ B6, {f5, B, 7*. {Bot.l Miscanthns sinesls.

St[ Bfi, stop safce when half drunk, see the flower B6, K?. Wt "• O A stick, pole, or bludgeon. Q
when half open they will be at their best.
: A line. © Blows with a stick, club, etc

Bisul sum, I^*^lr-i^2, !R®, v.i. To hare a Bbort Bo wo hiku, ^f- 51 ^, to draw line to cancel .1 ;

sleep; to doze; to nap. or make an account square; Bo-osM wo sum,

Syn. Madobomtt, Torotoro bvylv. ^ JS ^ ::^ i«-. to play polepushing, the exact
Blta» Uvte.SES. ft- An iron coin of Tery little value. opposite of rope-pulling; Rokmhaku-bo, i%Ki^,
Sita ichlmon mo motanu, K — ^=ej^^3r, I a sixfoot pole used as a defensive weapon.
Syn. NabesRN. L^ave not a cent. Bo, If 5, Ipfl, n. lC?iin.] A hat; cap; hood; bonnet.
Blta-t>lta sum, VtiV^'ftitZ, vi. To stick aaeori BS, 13:5. Re. « A fabulous bird, monstrous both
when walking on the wet ground. in size and power of flight.
Bltrhiri, Xh'-j%^ , "• [Bnt.] Corydalis Aemi7nX>ens. Bo- ld?5, ^. «• [Chin.] QUsed in compound words
BItelcliii. c^*-^:v^%-W)5. aa^A, «• [ZoSuY A slug. means hope, prospect, or popularity. @ The
Syn. Nambkujiri. fullness of the moon the 15th day of the month ;

BlteEkotMi, ^^•^:v^t•^. MgS^, ". [ifetJ.] The Syn. MOOHI. i(p. 5.).

coccyx the coccygeal vertebrae.

; Bfl» U?, ff, 7*. [Chin.] A. room or chamber ; store
S711. KAxmoo or lb* p.

BS. 5, ^, pron.
If [Chin.] O rie; eo and bo. @ K5cbo, If 5 t^ 5. 00, n. [Physics.] Swelling;
In compounds. It is a pronoininal adjective expansion; distension.
meaning some or certain. Mem-b'dchd, iS ^, superficial expansion : Sen-
U6, [5'5, J5R, n. [Astron.]OaB of the 2iJ constella- bocho, MlB^i linear expansion; Taibdc7t7), t)C

tions, the Pleiades. 0^5, cubical expansion; Zettal-bochTi, i|!g^0AH,

Ho- IJ5. Bf. Ti- [^stron.] One of the 28 constella- absolute expansion.

Bo, U
tions, the

5, t5, /t.
four stars in Scorpio.
[CWn.] A temple, especially a
— siini,
v.i. To swell;
to expand.

small one; a cottage or cell where a retired B5c]i5, If 5 "^-^ 5, ^Jgj 71. O Attending as an
priest lives; an out-house belonging to a Budd- auditor. @ Audience.
hist temple. Bdch~imuryn,^^^i^\, admittance free; Bi-
B5, If 5. n. [coll.] Ahoy, a loving word. chowo klnzu, ^^'9-^:A, to forbid audience;
Boya, :^X/ -V, [coH,] my dear boy Bosan rip- to meet with closed doors.
I piearer.
pa na 6e6e Oesu net, p"^V z/ ^^ ^ ^ ^ f 7. =^
"9- - stirii, v.i. and t. —
To hear; to attend as a
— what a splendid
, coat you have on, my child BOcho-klppii. 5%^^^-jJi,mM9in, n. A

Bft, US, Cj. n. [Chin.] Used in compounds, de- ticket for admittance to a place of assembly.
ceased late dead.
; ; Bocho- jiiL5-sblkl, 1X5*^^5 V?t 52.?, H^J1S=W
Bo-fu, C^, my dead father; Bo nantgashi i^, n. [Physics.] Expansion factor. Thearera.
vji, O^0i> la'te Mr. 80 and so. Becbo-nlii. ^Sr5'^^5l/t^, ^^BSA, n. Audience;
Bo, U, S, w. {Chtn.'i The Chinese character for Bocho-no-kelsn, (f 5 V^5©W•^/^-^5, B^Jg C^ ©,
haka. flowing. n. [Physics.] Coefficient of expansion.
BO, tt 5. ^, n. The bellowing or cry of cattle; Boehdsel, if 5 *^^ 5 *V^, i^)lS#, n. [Physics.]
8A-abu, (f 5 i C 1^ £. fu Cruelty; tyranny; 1 Expansibility.
savagenesa wickedness. ; BScho-sebl, If 5'^-^$-%'^. C@^R€. n. Audience
BSatsu Buru, -^S, ^%, v.t. [Chitti.] To
^r 9 % •^ chamber, room, or court.
stop; to prevent; to cut short; to block up; to B5dal, ttJfeV', 8§ffl, 7*. [C/tfn.] Referring to any
hinder; to obstruct. thing outside of the principal theme in compos-
Bfibana. tfSlfti:, ^JL, n. [COEK.] That point in a ing a Japanese poem.
highway where it enters or loaves a town, city, Bodal, *f^-f, [BM^.]Perf6ct devotion;
^S, n.
or village. the way ql salvation; redemption
BSbJ, aso:, R5^, ra. iOliin.} Providing against from worldly troubles or cares; full knowledge
an enemy; defence; protection; defenslre pre- of the Buddhist doctrines.
paration. Semo no bodai wo tomuro, ^|a>^ffi^ffl7,
Bfiblya, I3i ^ Vf ^, ^ IK115> ti. An iron case con- to have a priest read from the sacred books over
taining a charge for a gun. the graves of one's ancestora
BSbfi, (K ? K
5. Wk, adv. and a. Foolish; silly; Syn. HOTOKE NO MiCHi. rgiosa.
nnintelligent; dull; stupid, Bodalju, tf ;t'V^:&W), ^ffiW, n. [Bot.] Flcus reli-
Syn. NiBUKiT. Bodaiju, K?E\f-&W), 71. [Bot.] Tilia Meqiteliana.
B5t>5, tf$tf5> IE3E. a.a,ndadu. Growing thick O BodalBbln, ff?t•V^:fc^, ^ffi.Ci, ». A religious
and rank over an extensive tract of ground. Q aptitude; a devotional disposition of the mind;
Extensive boundless. ;
carelessness as to worldly aflFairs.
Kusa hobo to shite shozu, :^fB k b^'y^TT, Bodaisho, fl:fev^;£3:.v*. [Buad.}A tem-
the gi-ass is growing thick and rank. ple where the deceased members of a family
BSbuna, tf$ Jt«, have, had the religious rites performed over
hS ffi. n. [BoU] Pdmpkin.
BObura. lf9Jt&, their departing sours; a family cemetery.
BSbiitsusen-nndS, If ?>'9^^9^^$, 2ti'^$gJS Syn. DanNA^era.
Sfi, n. [Physic.} Parabolic motion. BSdan, tf 5fe^, Sf?, n. [Cftin.] Idle tattle;
Bocbl, ffi'5, SE ife. w. Cemetery; graveyard; buri- groEBrtless talk; gossip; false report; lie; false-

al ground. hood.
Syn. Hakaba. Hakaoht, MatsSohi, Sito no b^dan wo shinzu, A -^ ^ ^ ^ ^f :^. 1^*

BSchlKli'l* \Si5%VSi, n. [coll.] A long stick or believe an invented story.

Bodara, t3r5?t-e, ^E, »! A dried cod.
KenMoa sttgite no bochigiri, IS ^ 1^ =*= t* ^ i^^ Bddo, (f 5*. l^iS, n. Violent anger, ire, wrath,
^ 4^ V * to bring a cane after ft (luarrel; Iflff.] to or Indignation. enru. v.t. To be angry oi
be behind tinu. Irritated.
Bod5, K^5, ^!^, n. [Ghin.\A. mother (respect- BSrurl, 1^5^15,^11!:, " [Bot.] Same aa B56ura.

fully). BSrurl-miiHbl. 1^^ ^V)^i, :f :f,n. [Entom.]Th9

Syn. BokO, Hahagimi, HokudS. larva of the musquito.
Bdfl5,kf 5 ^ 5, ||:5!t'i "• -A- riotoua or mobbish Bdriiynkii, (f 5 .i.^ < RS ®S. "• L-M«i-1 An anti-
, fiff

movement; disturbance; riot; rebellion. Reptlc; anything that counteracts putrefaction

siiru, v.i. To riot; to revolt, to cause a tumult" or putrescent tendencies.
or disturbance to act traitorously; to renounce
; BSgal, fef 5iJ'V/^, fi5W, ". Violation; Infringement;
the law and government. injury; harm; prevention; disturbance; an obs-
Fuhti no tami t>Tdd wo okosu, I?^ ^ K S^ ^ ^ ffij tacle.

g y., the malcontents i'orm themselves into a ATnmtn bogai, ^ Jtf #, disturbing one'a fife

mob; the discontented take up arms against sleep; Chian bogai, ^^jJJ^, disturbing the
the gnvernmeot. public peace. fstruct.
Syn. Ran, Sawagi, S(1d5. sum, v.t. To disturb, injure, harm, or ob-
Boekl, K5 A. 5, S lo. w. Trade; commerce; ex- Bogal-butsii, tf 5 b'^j^ J*-^, l^j"^^, » An ob-
change; traffic; business. surn, v.t. To stacle; hindrance.
exchange. v.i. To trade; to carry on com- Bog^ashira, arSft'XS.^pM. «• The chief or head
merce; to traffic. of chairbearers.
Gwaikoku to boeki suru, ^t S h ^Si^' f^> to Bdge, lf5l^, J^JJ, n. Prevention; obstruction;
engage in foreign trade. presenting an obstacle; standing in the way of.

Syn. KoEKI SURF. Buru, v.t. To prevent, etc.

Bdekirn, If 5^&-t-5. g ^ SI,, ». The trade wind. Bogeo, tfJW'X, ^B^, n. Violent or angry words;
llantai h" ekifu, R S g .^ ffl,, anti-trade wind. impossibility; the language of a crazy person.
BOelilgln. tJ 5 i^ r^, ^^SB, n. The silver Burii, v.i. To use violent language.
coins nseU in dealing with foreign merchants; Bogen, tfJl^XiSW. ^ [Chin.] Same as fiofiaii.
the Mexican silver. assumes the usual verb-forms.
Bdeki-JljiiiiKwun, 13^5^$ ;£*?< ib ^, S^^ ?i5 Bogctsii. ttf5W^-^, ^fl, n. [C/ifT?.] The full moon;
"%, n. A commercial agent, the moon on the 15th night of the month (o. s.).
Boekijo, 0;?A.^-^-^5, %^)^,n. A trading BOgi, tf5'^, K®. '* Counsel, consultation, deli-
post, place, or port; a foreign market. beration; careful discussion; plotting or In-
BocUlsho. K$A.^;£-^5, R ^ ^, n. One who is trigue (in a bad sense).
engaged in foreign trade; a trader; a merchant. Bogi ni azukaru, ^HE=i||Ji'> to partake in
Bockl-sliokwal, lf5^&X-^5<47V^. S J^ ® ^. the consultation. fintrigue.
It, A trade company or firm. sum, v.t. To consult; to counsel; to plot,
Bdcnkyo, ld'^i&^&^5, SJa^. n. [Physics.^ A Kokiijl wo hvgi suru, SH ^ K- S 7* n-, to deli
berate on state aflfairs.

Hansha boenkyl, Bi^Mi&^, reflecting teles- Hakaru, Keir-taku subu.

cope; Kussetsu-blenkyo, HtlrgiS^, refracting BogI, KSf. ^^, n. Same as fiodi.
telescope. Bogo, ti5&, ^sg, n. [C/iin.] Same as BSdaji,
Syn. Tom EGA NE, Takes the usual verb-forms.
Bjieii siiru, ^J5;t^^^, mm. v.i. [Chin,] To ex- Bogo, tf5S:, PJS5, n. Defence; opposition; pro
tend; to reacli far or continuously; to stretch tection; resistance; fighting for defensive pur-
out, to be continuous in areal dimensions. poses. suru, v.t. To defend; to protect,
Dora, tt 5 ^5. ESPl, n. etc.
[BoL] Siier divaricatvm. B5gul, K5M>. 5^^, n. Posts for marking the
UoTu, tf 5i5, :^R, n. A boundary-line; a mile-post.
violent wind or gale; Bogui wo tatsu, Stt ^ jS y, to set posts for
Btorni; tempest. fTB. marking bhe boundary.
Syn. ARASHI, Hata- Bogunii, as^-;^, ^*B. " [coll.'] Fellow chair
Bom, ti5J-, CK. «• [Chin.] bearers, fellow coolies; an associate; a mate.
A deceased father. Bdgwal, [|f 5 (cinV-, ^ J'k a. and aiJv. Unexpected,
Bofu no katami, tjiC^ unhoped; not looked or hoped for; unlooked-
ffB.'g:, the memory of for.
dead father; Bofu no yui- Bogwai no seffc5, ^9\-^^i^, an unlooked-for
gon, CK -^ JS Si a deac qSA) or unhoped success.
father's wUL Bogyaku, If 5 Igr-^ < , ft !fi. o- and n, Q Violent,
tyrannical; brutal; not bound by morality or inerudite, humbly prefixed by literary judges,
law. @ Violence ; tyranny ; cruelty, etc. to the word hyo, which in Itself has the full
Bfigyakii, &fiW^<.^tB, n. Cruelty; violence; signification of the English verb to criticize).
oppression; despotism; tyranny; injustice. B5I, (if5V^,Kia, n. [Bat.] Goccttltts Thunberglt.
eurii, v.t. To act cruelly; to tyrannize. Bfll, tf5V^. I^RKi n. Abuse of power; tyranny;
BSgyo, a 9 ^ i.Kj J®, n. Defence; resistance overwhelming authority; irrational rigour.
against an invading army; protection. Boi wo furutte banjin wo appuJcu sunt, ^^9-
Kalgan bdgyo, ^ ^ K5 JS, defence of the coast. figx^A^MflB^^, to keep down the savages
siiru, T.t. To defend; to protect. by dint of rigorous discipline or by means of
Byn. FasEGi, Fosegu. threats. fAwning.
Bohan. tttt^, ffi^T, n. [Chin.] Example; model; Boi, isy^, ^ti, n. O Mounted soldier's hood. @
pattern; standard. Syn. HORO. fsound.
Voktt)o7ian, $|^S$B. good model. Boln, l^:v^^, S^, n. [Gram.] a vowel; a vowel
Syn. HTOJtfN, Igata, Tetion. Boln, Of v> ^, ^ fp, n. Sealing with the top of the
BSIian, ^K5tt^, Forging or counterfeit-
SiE^j, 7t. thumb (in cases when a proper seal is not at
ing a seal or stamp. sum, v.t. To coun- Syn. TSDMEIN. |_hand).

Syn. GiHAN, NiSKHAN. Lf^^rfeit. BoJii. U 5 \r' ^, #§*:, n. Drinking too much;
BStinn, ll9:5tt^,SE^, n. [Chin.] Rebellion; con- drinking spirituous liquids to excess. suru*
spiracy; revolt; treason. sum, v.i. To v.t. To drink excessively, etc.
rebel; to revolt; to renounce the authority of BTiin suru to fccnfco wo gaisu. 3^ St t; ft- I- ffi

the law and ffovernment. ^ ?? ^'i excessive drinking of sake is detrimen-

Syn. FUKI, PUTEI, SOMCKU. tal to one's health. fuiug away.
BOhan, fcTjaA, WIG. '*- Violation. Boitsu, kf5V^, CiS. " [Chin.] Escaping, run-
Bfihau-nJu, « 5 H ^ K ^, Sft ?J A, ». One who Bdltsii, iS^V'''?, ^^, ft. [Chin.] Overflowing of
forges a seal. a river, lake, etc. suru, v.t. To overflow;
BShun-nin, ^f5a^^/c^, )%^\,n. Arehel; trai- to inundate.
Mulion-nln, tp^'i^^/c^, S tor; conspirator. TatTca b?5/(s« 5urw, iK.^^'U^ n^, the great
Bohan-nln wo baku suru, ^I^A^SS^ff-, to river overflowed its banks.
catch and bind a traitor. BojaUu-bujIn. id^£:^< J^Z'A.. «?^fRA, a. and
Bohel, t9!-^V, ©:!?, n. [Chtn.] A recruit; newly adv. Not caring a bit for bystanders; as If no-
enlisted troops. suru, v.t. To raise an body were near; shameless; regardless; unres-
army; to recruit. trained; audacious in ahigh degree.
BoJiei hajimete tataJcau, ^^-^llk j* T'M'y, the Bnjaku-bujin no okonat, g? Av ^f St. very ^#
recruits have taken the field for the flr.'^t time. audacious conduct; to act shamelessly as if one
Bohl, K^.SEf^. "• [Chin.] A tombstone; monu- were the master of the world.
ment; cenotaph. BoJakH suru, [Jir5^'-^<-iI-3. CE. v.i. [Chin.} J

Syn. Haka, SekitD, Tsuka. Botoliu suru, (i5i?< ^3, To flee; to run )

Bdli5, Kt45.^ilf. w. [Chin.} A grave mound; a away.

sepulchral elevation or hill; a raised ground for Boji, lf5S*, ^0, n. Sexual Intercourse.
tombs. BflJI, [S3&, ji^5t, n. A cook whoso business it is

Syn. TsrKA, Tsukatama, to boil rice; a cook of a low grade.

Bobyfi, K-^5,]^)^- n, [Chin.] A post with the BoJI, IXXs Q:^, n. [Gram.] A vowel.
name of the deceased written upon it, tem- BSjiD, [J$:£*A, t A, ". The dead, deceased, or
porarily set over a grave. departed.
Syn. Hakajirdshi. Bojin, (f 5X^. )
WA. .
A blind man.
Boliy5. l,9;-.5,Jg£, n. [Chin.] An Inscription on Mojln, ^5X•^,
a tombstone; epitaph. BOjIn, |i5:£'A, ^A, ". [CT-in.] A bystander.
Syn. HiMEi. BfiJIn, iS^X'k, ^
A, n. A rough person; bully;
Bdyho, tf 5y-^5,S^, n. An irrational criticism; one who behaves violently or unreasonably.
speaking ol' anything critically without I'ully BoJin suru, tf 5 ;£• ^ ^ 2, SIS. v.i. [Chin.]To
knowing it; inerudite judgement of literary or lessen; to be destroyed or defaced; to be ex-
theatrical performances. suru, v.t. To hausted.
witicize, etc. Bojitsu, (J5X-9, ^H. ". [C/iin.] The I5th dfiy ot

BMbun wo bohyd surv, ^S: ^ ^^ :?. ;t., to the month (p. s.).

eriticlze literary compositions; to pass a critic- BSJo, tf5X--^5, niK. n. [Chtn.lThe state of be-

al Judgement upon prose and poetry (.Bo, or Vng violent, audacious, unruly, or Irratlonat
RojiiEi. ^f5&'.^^. ^Ji, n. [C/Un.] See MiijuTU Boki, IJ5?, RS^ n. [Bot.] Pencedanum japoni-
KoUtil, tffi'V^. ^)S, "• Same as Bote* (^ ISJl. cum.
lEokal, SAV. Bokl. IS %, 35 bB, a. Book-keeping.
, n [Bot.] QwiBce.
noknislil, IS*.\/^L, GinkTi-boki, S9 ff !S bank book-keeping;
Uokifckii, if5i><, ^^, n. A bully; a quarrel- Kakei-boki, g^iii^jB. domestic book-keeping;
some or insolent iierson. Kwaisha-7}0ki, #^ ntt ^ BE- corporation book-
Bokwiiu sum, (i$<ih^-?^, ^M' ^'t- To look keeping; Kwanyo'boki, "^ ffl i? IB, government
up to; to look 'lowu upon; to survey; to take a book-keeping; Sfidgyoboki, ffliJHUBi commer-
wide view. cial book-keeping,
BoknsliJ, Ui'+, iff, 71. Gradations of tone from Bokl-boki to, IS^Sr^lf, adv. [coii.] A word
tlie deeper to the ligliter; leaving uncoloured representing the sound or manner of cracking
orunpainted, shading. the fingers, or breaking a brittle substance.
Bokasu, \3ii}'-f, &. u.t. To make lighter, as Boki-sakko, IS.^iityi>^, 'Mt&m^^ " A school
shades of a colour. where the art of book-keeping is taught
Iro wo^f-^Ti, to lighten a colour.
bokasu, Boklgaku, ^ @ 1]* < , ;$|B¥> ^- The scienc« or
Syru art of book-keeping.
Qoke, KW, :^Jk,^^. '? [iJot.] Japanese quince. Bokl-gakuflhn, IK & ft* < X -^, 5t IB^ #. «• A
Boke, 13: W-, 1t^ti. '" [fiot.] Spanish potato, or book-keeper; one versed in the science of book-
sweet potato. keeping, rkeeping.
Boke-lioke to, l^i/f[%^)^, ^IW-^ adv. Stupidly; Boklho, StK-t, -^BBii, n. The rules of book-

distractedly; charmed; bewitched; foolish; be- Boklkata, ^ @ *>fe, ?| BE ;5. »*• A. clerk; book-

reaved of reason. keeper.

Bokni. \%\d-\r, ttJPJ. 'I. [Sot.] Hemp-leaved chaste Boklkwa, la & < 49, S SB ^. /*• [Bot.] BemerocaJ-
tree, Vitex Negundo. Us fiava^
Bokoi, lf5W-V*, Utll', « Policy, piot; intrigue; Bokin siiru, tf51&^-^^, PSS. v.i. To porhibit;
expedient; plan; stratagem; artifice trick. to prevent.
surUr v.t. To resort to a stratagem or policy; Bokkakii, 1S:-yi}'< ,S^. "- [C/Hn.]One skilled in

to plot or Intrigue. the use of the brush-pen; a calligrapber; a pen-

Syn. Hakaru, Keirtakd. man,
Bokel, Gi:w-\/^, !?lal, n. [Cftfn.] A scheme; design; Bunjln bokkaku. S A^S, [Chin.] poets and
plan; project; continued attention to a subject, calligraphers; painters and calligi apliers of ^
Bokel, KtJ-v^, i^M, n. [Chin.] Model; plan; pat- literary turn.

tern. Bokken, B;yW•^, :+: 01, n. A wooden sword.

B5kcl, Ki;50-V\, ^?^, n. [£aw.] A branch line, a Syn. KiDACHi.
collateral line. Bokkl suru, t^y^^S.^^, v.i. To stand elect;
Bokel, lffW*V^, StTj, ". Tlie evening; the evening to swell up; to erect; to rise firm and upright.
twilight. Bokkon. l3iJ'C.^, 'f: KS, ti- A wooden club; stick.

Kdken, ^i5H^, '^^, n. A bold enterprise; jeo- Bokko suru, H -y j. 5 -^ 2. ^ P, v.i. [Chin,] To
pardy; adventure. -snrn, r.f. To adven- become suddenly Influential or powerful; to rise
ture; to risk; to hazard; to try the chance. of a sudden.
B5ken-ryo, tf 5tt^*^5. m^^^,n. [Law.] A pre- Kokkivan, IS-y < *5 ^, iSf. n. Dismissal from
mium for risk. office; deposition; depriving or withdrawing
Bdkcn-elia» HrjW'AX-':-, mBIS', n. An adven- one's official appointment.
turer. Kokkyaku suru.iS-y^-^^-^Z.iSiP, v.t. [Chin.]
nSkon-talshakii, ^f5W'^fe^^:£•^< , 1' ^ ^ fg, To demolish; to pull down; to destroy.
n. lLaiv.]A loan with risk. Bokkyo, t^y^i, h g, n. [C/iin.] Fixing a place
Rokcii-toltO. id'5W^^:v^:te5. ^m^'^.n. {Law.] of residence choice of a house to live in. Takes

A mortgage with risk. verb-lorms.

Kokorii, [J 3 W, ^, v.i. To become weaker in BokS, ifC^.^^, n. [Chl}i.':[horw.] Mother.
mental power in consequence of age; to turn Boko. Hr5**5, ^W> '• [Bot.] merochloa hnrealis
childish. Boko, H:;i$, tt g, 71. -Bot.] Artemisia japonica.
Toshi zvo torn to hoJceru, if ^^ ;t- h g »-, age B5kd, li5*'5,5:tT, n. A'iolent or irr.itional act,
is second childhood. or conduct; imprudence; villainy; atrocity.
Syn. OlBORERTT. suru, v.t. To act violently, etc.
Boketau, KW"-^. ^53. ?* Same as J5o/ii Bok5. ti5*>'J. Sff n. SCMn.) iBcunslcJeTivt-e
act; imprudent conduct; acting or behaving Bokiiff-tvan, |S:< <'*>^, * %, n. [Chin.] A gag.
rashly, injudiciously, or incautiously. Syn. SARUGUTSUWA.
Bokon, Kl:it.^,^K, n. [Chin.] Poverty; needi- Bokugyn. a;< Sr5,:tSt4^, n. Breeding of neat cat-

ness; want; indigence. fsunset. tle. sum, v.i. To breed neat cattle; to
Bokon, ia:C.A.S:{?< «- [CMn.] The evening; the raise cows and oxen. ffor neat cattie.
Syn. HiGURE, Tasogake. Bokiie;yu-Jfi, »:< ?r?'e^-^5,lR*«S, «. a pasture
Bokon, li5^.^, G^. n- A ghost or sprite; an Bokiilin, K< fcJ, 7^: ffi, n. A wooden rake.
Syn. TUREi. papparition. Bokuliaku, is: < a< , tic 16, n. [Chin.] A governor
Bokosal, a 5 C 5 5 V^, ^ » 3S. '*. [Bot] Drosera of a province; the head of a local
lunata. government; feudal lord.
Boku, \S^< ,^, n. O A servant; «. domestic. @ Syn. Kashira, Osa, Tbdkasa.
pron. your servant.
I, Bokiilian, s:< (l^, ^)S. "• The art of printing
Syn. Kbrai, Kozukai, Yatsugaee. ftom wooden blocks; a wood-cut More com'
Bokii, 19:< 5f:, n. [Chin.] Wood.
monly written Mohiiban.
Boku, tK< S, 71.
, O Ink; Indian ink. @ Writing. Bokuhan ?io e, /f: ftg -^ ffi. a wood-cut; Bokuhan
Syn. SUMi. zuri, Tf^liBIS, taking impressions from wood-
Bokiiba, K < tf % JK. ,
'"' The breeding ol' horses. cuts, rfemale domestics.
Bokn lia, IK ^ If I?, «. A wooden horse.
, ?|v Bokulil, 13: < Vt'^M, n. Servants; male and
Bokulmn. }^ < a A^, -^ M> n. A wooden bowl or Bokiihon, a<ia^, S>P. " Prints or impres-
basin. sions taken from monuments or other engraved
Bokiibokii, 'V < tK cms, t^- [Ohin.] Grand; stones. fviner.
stately; highly dignified; majestic. Bokiijin, ^2:<*'^, l' a. n. A fortune-teller; di-
BokiichI, 1S:<%,B'^, n. [Chin.] A liind of ink- Bokiijln, IS < X'k, IK A, n. A breeder.
Syn. Suzuki. Lstone. BokiiJO, IS < :£• 1 5. S^, n. [Chin.] The car-
Bokiii'lilku, \Si < % <M^, '" Stock farming; penter's inked line. riithograph.
breeding and rearing of animals. BokiijO, B:< "C-S-, ^^h- "• [Chin.] A copy-b ok; a
BokncliJku-Jo. a*<%<;&-^5.te^tt;. n. Apas- Bokvjo vjo narau, ^^^^"7, to learn to
ture; a Rtock farm write by imitating the written or printed cliar
nokiiriiokii, ia:< tJ:<,j^iS, a. [CM??.] Simple; acters in a copy-book; Kowataii no bokuju, jg'igE
straight-forward; artless; undesigning; frank; •^SM. lithographs brought from China a long
open; candid; honeit. Syn. BOKUHON, HoJO, itime ago.
Syn. JlTTEI, SHITSDBOKU, SHoJIKI. Bokiijfi, tS < -^^ 5 IS «S. n. A pasture.

nokiidnl, ?X<7&\/-,^'M, 7t. Anything on which Bokuju, U£<X-^. St, n. Ink.

nn ink cake is made to rest. BokujD. HTCZ'?, flI'fS, n. A servant.
I!ukiuld, KC'5«5.'feSt^. « A boy tending horses, Boknkaku, lff<i><, S5P, n. See iSofcfcaftu.

cows, or other domestic animals; a cowherd; Bokukel, K<WV^, =* w. [Chin.] Branding a ff!j.

herdsman. criminal by way of punishment; a mark made

Bokvdo fue wo fuku, IK( S S ^ ^ the herd- li)^ . with a brand -iron.
boy is playing on a flute. Syn. IEEZ0MI.
Bokiido, lS<l«,t{ClR, n. Labourers on «, "iock- Bokukl, \^( %, h SB. w* Same as BoJctizet.
farm; lierdsmen, Bokumetsu suru, I& < Ib-oit Z, itM, v.t. T|
RftkncUl, \^.<X.^,:^'i^, n. Wood sap. destroy; to eradicate; to cause to cease; to sub
ISokiifii, }Si< ^,^^, n. servant; menial. A due; to beat or put down; to suppress. Mort
Bokiiniyo. t^<^i5,7fc^^. 71. [Bot.] Hibiscus proper form is Bakvmetsu.
Syn. KiBAGHiscr. ImutaUUs. Korera wo boknmetsu suru, St^l^i^ ^'M^- n-,
Bokiigii, tg;< <'5,:^1S. ^ A wooden statue; an to suppress cholera; Yamahivaji wo bokumetsu
Son. DEKUNOBO, MoKUBo. Lidol. suru, \UiK'^ f- B'M ^- 1^, to put out a forest fire

RokTisriJiii, li^^ <'5^'^,^^S A, rt. A good-for- in the mountains.

nothing fellow; man of very sendentary habits; Bokiimiu, 0:< ;^^, ifeS, 71. [ChiTu] Governing a
a puppet. province; prefectship.
nokiig^vii, (Sf < <' *j, g,^, n. Ink-picture.'^, i.e. Bokiiii, [f5<^. 3Ng. «. [C/ifTi.] A tyrant; auto-
sketche-, pictures, or figures drawn with Japan- crat despot
ese or Chinese ink. Bokiin, tf 5 < ^, tj g-, w. [Chin.] The deceased
Bohttgwa no kakemono, S.S--'ffl'^T Indian master or lord.

ink hanging pictures. BokiiD. H< ^, fiHi[, 71. [Chin.] Instruction; teach-
Syn. SUMiB. ings; advice: mandate.
Seiken tio hoknn, gl K > S^ rJi|, the instructions Bokuto, K<i?. ^=f. f'- [CMw.]Asmall portable
S-ja. IBIASHIME, OSHiE. Lof the sages. case for inked cotton or hair, and brushes for
Ookiirel. ec< HV, fit^, n. [Chin.] A servant or writing; a kind of inkhorn.
domestic, especially of a nobleman. Syn. SUMITSUBO, Yatate.
Syn. JUSHA, Eeeai. Bokuto, 1I£< )£, :^c >l£, ".. \ZooL\ A horned owl.
Bokiirl, ig: <
, ^ a, )(. Wooden clogs, Syn. Kizti, Mimizuku, Zdkct.
Syn. Geta, Komageta, Pokeuri. Bokiito^ ^<'£^, ifiMi n. A block, log, stick, or
Bokiirl, t3;< iJ), :^ ^, n. [Bot] Pyrus japonica. Syn. KiGlRE. Lclub.
Syn. Karaeoke. Bokuto, li'<fe5, ^ :yt, n. [Bol. Pyrus jajmnica.
Bokuri, s; < ifl, ?f;J5, n- [Chin.] The grain of BukutotHu, \^ ( It "7. 5f: IR, a. [Chin.] Simple;
Syn. Ki NO ME, MOKUME. Lwood. honest; pure; guileless; artless; not eloquent
Bokii-riro, (jc < "il 5, ?t^?'S. '* [Bot.] Leucothoe Bokutotsu na oyaji, 7|s ^ ^^ S^, an honest old
Grayana. fellow; artless peasant; simple rustic.
Bohuryu, (1* < TO 5, * M. [Chin.] Knots or " Syn. EuKOTsr, Kazarinaki.
protuberances on a tree or in wood. Bokuyo suru, I^<j^^-^Z, fe Sf v.t. , To breed;
Syn. FrsHiKOBU. fof wood. to feed; to rear or raise.
Bokiisatsu. BTC?-?, :* ^b, n- Labels or tickets Kachiku wo bohuyo surii, ^ ^ ? ^ ig 7, fl-, to
Bokitsoki. K C *&, SS*. '* [CT.^ft.] Hand-writ- raise domestic animals; to breed cattle.
ing; penmanship. Bokuzel, [a: < -ev, " [Chin.] O fortune-
h 2S.
Kojin no boJcuseki, i& A --' S S}:. the hand- telling; divining. Q Slender rods of bamboo
writinga of the ancients. used by the fortune-teller.
BokiiHoU), IS < -^ & ^S, n. [iff. 1 Wood and Bokwaii-sli:t., Id 5 < io A. £, ^. ^M^, rt. A
stone; [Jig.] inanimate things; being without looker-on.
passion. Bokwan i^iiru, tj$ < i^^-^^, 6? tS. t-'- [Chin.]
Bokunhn, l3r<X-=^. h ^. '^ [CJiin.]A coniurer; To look on a thing without taking any interest
Syn. UEANMsnA. Lfortunb-teller. init, or as a mere bystander; to disregard
Bokusha. ^<X^, ^#, « Same ks Bokujin. Sometimes used as noun.
Bokuslil, tS^< t, ^^, n^ A preacher or clergy- Bokwo, l,i^<t}5, W-^, n. [^na(.] The bladder.
man; pastor; missionary; evangelist.
Bokiisltltsii, }S:<£,-^,M% "• Simplicity; frank-
Bokyaku, kf5^-^<,,g^, Tz. Forgetting. —
euru, v.t. To forget.
ness; openness. Syn. SniTSUKEN SURU, Wascrerd.
T^''fu no boTcushitsu, j^^^i^g, the simpli- Bokyo„ U5&1, l^ig, n. A violent or irrational
city of a peasant. act, or conduct; a disorder; riot; tumult; rebel-
Bokiieho, RC<;£-^5, :^ E, 7i. A carpenter. lion.
Syn. Daiku, Takxtmi. B5man. ic^5E^. f^fS. «• Insolent; violent and
Bokusho. IK ;£• -^ 5 , I^ ^, ?i. A bruised or con- saucy; acting very contemptuously toward
tused wound; a wound caused by a blow. others. May be used in the noun and verb
Bokusliu siirii, [^<X'3irZ, B^T. t'.f. To pre- forms.
serve as sacred; to cling or adliere to closely. BonibaJ. a*^^JU^, n M, [BuM.] Reciting from "
Jasetsu wo boTcushu Siirv, ^M^ ^^'^' f', to the Buddhist sacred books.
cling to a prejudicial or biased opinion or idea. Roiiilrorn a•^la:'i) , §3^1, ft©, n- a portable or
Syn. KoDEi SURU. hand lamp.
Bokuso, 19:<5 5, (fe^, n. Grasses. Boinbu. {SA>, H-^. «, " An ordinary man,
Bokutnku, [^ < fc < , tJ; S, 5<. OA bell with a BoiiipH, ^S^JI, man who is mediocre in geaius

wooden tongue, formerly used in giving alarm. and acquirements; a slave of passions.
@ Alarm proclaimer one who arouses, alarms,
; Bouiel, tiSfeV-.C^, ?i- Running or deeing away.
warns, or incites. sum, v.i. To flee or run away.
Bokutan, tJC<fe^, *i^, [Bot.]A kind of per- « Syn. Kakeochi.
simmon that ripes on the tree, a sweet persim- Bouimatsurl, H'A3:-CJ IIJ,
S?^, n. The feast in
mon. fSHIGAKI. memory of the dead, celebrated for 3 days from
Syn. KlZAGAKI, KIZARASHIGAKI, KlZAWA- the 13th to the 15th inclusive of the 7th montli
Bokutan, K<fe^. * m. " Charcoal. (o.s.).

Bokntckl, }^<-t%, ©gf, n. [Chin.] A herdboy'a Boiiimlii, K^;^^.JlS, n. [CMu.] The common
flute. people the mass of the people.

Bokuto, t9:<te?, * 7], '' A wooden sword or Bominon, )B.L% L,% %, n. The Sanskrit tongue;
Syn. BOKEEN, KiDAOHi. L^afiser. the Sanskrit writings.
BOM 85 Bo:t^

BSmorl, \i^ly) ,piKp, n. Q The keeper of a Bonnfl, ^K^tCi, K %, n. {Budd.] The worldly pas-
Buddhlat temple. @ The wife cin Monto priest. sions, hopes, desires, cares, troubles.
Bon, ^^:^.®l " a tray, waiter, or salver. BonnTi no inu, W,\^ ^ it, the burning or ever-
Malde no bon, ^^ -^S. '* tray painted with returning passions; the word inu or dog is used
gold lacquer; NujH-bon, ^^, f^. lacquered tray. to emphasize the difficulty of the carnal passions
Boh, K^, Ji, a. Used In compounds; ordinary; being discarded.
mediocre; not highly gifted; slavish to papsion. Syn. Nayami, Wazurai.
Syn. Namt, Yonotsunb. non-no-Kiibo. lg;^K> < [% ^ n. [coll.] The hoi %
Ron, KA. S& &TI. 'I- Same as BommaL'^nr!. low on the back of the neck; the back of the
Ho nn, ^, a. Violent; boisteroua; riotous;
t?5ti:. neck.
tumultuous; irrational; cruel; fierce; -wild; pas- Eton-odorl, t3:^V^*^, S:^. i'- A kind of dancing
sionate. practiced during the bon festival.
Bona yatsu da, ^^M^, he is an irrational ^W. " [Buaa.] The voice or
BI«in-on, ^3:^3ff^.
fellow; Bona Jcoto wo simi, ^ ^"51 f-^.ft-, to act words of a Buddha; the sounds of Sanskrit
violeMly, fiercely, or unreasonably. characters or letters.
Bonclil» {3;^*t, K-fe^ '" Common wisdom or wit; Boiii'in, ^iL'^V)^, K Jfi, ru A mirror placed in

ordinary intelligence; common sense; human front of a Buddhist idol.

knowledge or wisdom. Boni'yo, [^A.^'i 1., JLlS.- "• A commonplace idea
Bonileu, ^:^-e^, Jffi?^, n. OBrahma. ©Apaper or thought; conception or judgement by an or-
charm for preventing the evil spirits from enter- dinary person; mediocre intellect.
ing one's house. fata. Bonsai, lS^5V*,^^ n. A plant in a pot; plants
Boudenhwa, ^^^^f^<*5, n. [Bat.] Urenasinu- or flowers preserved in pots.
Boudenkwii, S:^^?^< ir),-^W^n. iBot.] Tree Bonsnn, ^^^^^, ^ga, T.. [Chin.] See Wasan.
Hibiscus, Shrubly Althaea. BonNekl, K);^^^tffiE. 'f- Pebbles used in mak-
BS-ne, ff$fl, S^tfi, w. The tap-root. ing the bon-e.
Bon-e, ^S^i6,, a,l!t. »i- Making landscapes on a Boiisetsu. l3:^-t:<', ^ Ji), n. [Chin.] A Buddhist
tray with fine sand and pebbles. temple.
Bonsnu, l?C^ft*^, Kj H5. Tt. [Chin.] The eyes of a Syn. BONKYU, TEKA.
coiflmonplace person; ordinary int-elligence; Bonsliin. ^S^£^, Jl.C, n. Ordinary mind; hu-
mere man of Reuse. man understanding or intellect.

BoTigan ni wa waJcaranv, — '^ ^7 ^, Bonslio. il•^:£i, K#, n. The Sanskrit books.

K. TiS

not intelligible to an ordinary person.

Bonslio, ^g:^;£. 15, ^ a. n. [Chi7u] A temple belL
Bonge, H:^^>, K.T. <^- Mean; ordinary; mediocre; Boii'^o, ^3;^^5, jm, n. [Chin.] An inferior or
ordinary priest.
common; low; humble.
Bonso, ^a:^t5. ^JK, -"' [C/iCn.]Thewifeor con-

The Sanskrit; an old cubine of a priest.

Bongo, tK ^ a, ^hS, w.
Syn. Bonsai, Daikoku.
Hindoo tongue or letters.
Bongul, ^g:^<'t^, > n. [coll.] A post, especially one Bonteiiwo, ^t^^'C^!t9f5, ^^I,w. Brahma, i.t.

set to direct travellers.

the deity viewed as the Creator in the Hindoo
Bogiil, tJ 5 <' i>, >

Boiilii, H;^t^, iKi^, rt. [C/i/w.] A vulgar fellow;
Boinpl, ^g;^ 0? a rascal. , )
BoiitoKii-tnde, la:^i? < fe-e, «. [Sot.] Polygonum
Bonji, 13;^i^ ^^, «. The Sanskrit character-^ or
Bon-ii, 1JK^5, ^M. w. Heavy rainfall or shower.

Boiijo, ^3:^^•^5, K-^. n- see Bony ». Syn. Came, Oburi, Yudachi.

Bonliui'a, ^ff^< t, a. [coll.] Same &a Bonyo. Bonwokyu. tia*55§5, K3E^, «• [C/t(n.]The

Bonkwa-nlii, tK^ < *JV^^,fE^ A, n. An offend- heavenly palace of Buddha,

er; criminal. Bonynri, ||3;^^'0, ® ^, a. and adv. Q '[coll.] D\m;
Boiikjn, ^^^^^5lK!S'. " ICT^w.] A pioua appel- vague; not well known or discriminated; obs-
lation for a Buddhist temple. cure. © [coll.] Silly ; dull ; foolish ; distracted or
Boniiin, ||3:^^/^^, Ji A, »i. 'Chin.] An nrdinnry
person; a person of mediocre genius; a man apt InaJca-mano wa bnnyari shite imasu, [Q ff
to be enslaved by the lusts of passion. ^ vV V 5^ ? ^t=
"7>'•• country people are dull.

Bonnin mo manabe ba kenjf n to nam, JiA^ Syn. POTTO, Uttori.

flj'*^ A. h ? fl', even a comnionplMce person

^ Oonyo, i 5, Jiff. ^- Jommon; ordinary,
majr become clever by study. fommonplace; mediocre; middlins.
, ;;

Bonxnl, K/.yvr, IfQ f)J, n [Lata.'ISeeiranzat. Borog-lliii, IS^^-: , n. yBot.} Seneclo nikoemts.
Boiizokii, t^:^^'<, UPS, n.and a. 0[Chin.]The norn-giro, [^ h ^' iv, ^f|, ?). Rags; threadbare
common people, as distinguished from priests clothes; a cast off garment.
or wise men; persons not free from the chains Borokerii, ffi 'S W" 3 v.l. QSi^^ie ^^ Boi-ei'u.. g
of human passions. Ordinary; common com- @ ; To become threadbare, ragged, or worn out
Syn. BOMBD. Lnionplace, Roroku, iS^ < tt ^. « [Zuoi.] A stag.

BS-okii, K5^<, y^M. n. A thntched house or Syn. Ojika.

cottage my house (in humiliation).
; B6roii,}j5;SX, gsi^, n. Groundless or unfounded
Bo-okii, IS 5r ^ , ft §1 n. The principal or miiin argument; a liction; an unacceptable opinion.
Syn. MOYA, Omota. Lhuilding. Rovonji, a*^At, Kr^^¥. "" Same as C"i u ,^0- ( f'l;

Bora, K^,®. «• IJcIitl^A marine t.sh, Mvgil ce- Boi-ulsuclii, ^ ^ %, n. Dry porous earth;

phalotus. loose earth; dust.

Boran, (f 5 ft^. $![ ^ US, n. Boryaldi, IS $ V)-^ < , Sf ^., «. Stratngem; plan',

Borel, tt5 KV^, CS, '*. design; policy; any trick to oulwit an OT'porient
Same fts Bokon. Teki no Jjoryaku wo yahuru, SS -^ iS S- ? £S /^,
Boroi, l^klV^. tt*3.. »< O to outdo or defeat the stratagem of the eneray.
[Conc7t.] Oyster. @ ^Jlftd.] Syn. BtiKEi, Hakarigoto.
Medicinal lime made from Boryo, IS 5 "5 Contemplation; plan-
1, s?S., «-
oyster-shells. ning or designing good sense); a profound (in
Borei. IS H\r. St 0S. »*• deliberation, consideration, or thought on mat-
[CTiin.i Old age; the latter ter? of grave importance. sum, r.t. To
part of one's life. consider; to weigh In the mind; to think over,
Syn. Bannen, Toshi- to design.
TORI. Bosul, [J5'3V', CW. '*• The deceased wife.
Borei, If 5 H\r, ^M, 7t. :!£Ri=H9:] Boi^ialii. 1S5^&. W%' "" [coif.] A sum of money
Violent; fierce; unreasonable; not according to which a merchant gives a corruptible servant in
the dictates of reason or principle. order to get the custom of the latter' s master
Borci-ii, ^'H^, ^, o.i. To become decrepit or a percentage which a bad servant deducts for
cliildish from age; to be worn out with age; his own purse, from a sum of money entrusted
to dote; to show the weakness of age, mentally him for making purchases.
or bodily. Syn. IlojiAGriT, Kasuri.
Borilturl to, H:'5H*'5^, adv. [col?.] Producing a BoeaUii, a'5^<. %%., n. Same as C^ri/rrtu.
sound like that heard when any hard substance Bosaii, lS^^. M^y n. tomb to pay
Is crushed by the teeth; easily; with ease. respects to the memory
Visiting a
of the deceased. —
B->ribari to hone wo liajiru, dt' V *" V h '^ ^* siiru, vJ. To visit a tomb, et'\
to gnaw ft bone with ease. Bosatsu, Books used in book-
S> ft-,
IS'S'-^, UM> "-
Boro, IS^, iSfS. "• ORags; tatters; wornout keeping, as day book, ledger, invoice-book, etc.
clothe';. @A rent. account-books.
Boro yori Tcami wo seisu, ffi fj| s 'J S!R 'f Jli ^- Syn. Oflono, CnoMEN.
to make paper from rags. Bosatmi, ^" 1^ --y.
^ ^. n. [Sam.] A being wor-
Syn. TSUZL'RR. shipped by the Buddhists as next to none but a
Boro, tS'^. J'l n^. t). 1?> '^^ '^ performer on the flage- Buddha.
olet who
formerly went about the country con- Cosatsii-ibava, IE'7,<?\r-]d^, "i-^^' '^- [Bot.] A
cealing his face and head in a basket-hat. kind of ro^e.
Boro, |;S 5 ^ 5, ^'M, '" [Mea.] The whites leu- Feldspar.
corrhea; Fluor Albiis. ji6s:'.(Mi-ii)ji. IS 5 5 -7 I/^ ^.15S ^, n. [Law.] ^
Boroboro, Kt^ffi^. n. Same a^i Bnro (^- ^). murderer. rnin^'fier-

Burol>oro to, IS^'I^^. « and nih\ Q Ragged; E!,>:,t^M stint. lS5^^t Z,V^>"i. v.t. [iaw.] To
shabby, threadbare. © In a crumbling manner; BIOS*"'!, i-i'5^V, ^ il, ". Taking a new family
brer.king into small pieces. name.
fi'-riiburo to shita nari de irv, d^' o ^' p i- -y ^ Kosel s»uM. tJ^-irv-^?., R/j"(hiJ. T'.f. To prohibit;
t^ bS 7= 41= ;i- , in shabbily clothed or clothed in tn defend; tn jmt a stop tn,

r •j:''; Fin-ukahe rja brruboro to ochiru, tA S ^i' .^" BTosekl, IS^?. SE, " S.Miie r.s flakaishi.
B it; » I' iS 'i-. the old wall crumbles down- Bo&ekl, lS-t?,^3E, n. Same as CViyliO-
tbs 87 BOT
Boaen, tf-%-A,{9:^, n. [Math.] Generating curve, Bosho, lf5:6,i,Jt^, n. A certain place; some
generating line. place.
BSsen, Hr5*^,P)5S?. n. A defensive battle; fight- Bdsbu, A badge on a hat or
[i5^->^5,1"RSE, n.
ing on the defensive; fighting against the in- Kauuri no SHiROsni.
Syn. Leap.
vaders. 8ui*u, v.i. and t. To fight against BoBlio, K^ i, % #. '*• The papers or records kept
the invaders, etc. fcribed circle. in a government or other institution; archives.
BosetBiien, BT ? -^-^ i& ^, ^^IBl. n. [Math.] Ea- Bdshokii, ldf5:£l< ,#=#, ?*- Gluttony; gorman-
B5Blin>, tf5;fe-^,36^, n. Same as J35-oftru. dizing; voracious eating. suru, v.t. To
BSeha, tf5^-^, fi^^, t*. An out-house belonging gormandize; to eat like a glutton; to eat to ex-
to a Buddhist temple where the priests reside. cess.

noslin, IX5;£-^, 5^ El*, /*. [Min.] Tinker; borax. Boshoku suru to kenko wo gaisu, & 7. a- # h ffi

BoBlia, tf5X-^,ll=fS. »• [^fftM O Violent bowel- ffi ^ W ^1 gluttony is detrimental to health.

movement. @ A non-epidemic disease resem- Syn. MuTAMiGUi, fma grandiftora.

bling cholera in symptoms, but not so fatal. BoshoKwa, 1*5^-^5 <*3,fii?® IE, "• [Boi.\Teco-

Syn- Kakoran. BoBbo-niu, XiK

^, ^IF A. «.
19: 5 One who
forges a letter or any other writing.
Bosha stirii, tf 5 :£,-^-^ 3, llf Jg, v.t, [Chin.} To
Bosbo sum, IdfSiS.-^^f'Z.^!^'. ^'-^- To give
stop; to prevent irom entering; to cut short.
praise or a prize to one who does not deserve it
Boslia siiru, KT^fe-^'^ 3- ^13.'"•(' To copy; to
trace, i.e. to copy by following the lines of a
Boshu, ig:;£ 5 , S ?^, n. The latter part of r.utumn.
Syn. Aki no sub.
drawing or written characters, and marking
them on a thin sheet placed over it. fjectile.
Bosbu. liS 5 ;£ 1*, %^.i n. The chief plotter or

Boshatai. schemer; the ringleader.

tf5X-^teV, tiSifM, n. [Physics.] Pro-
Bosiiun, ^S::fe«'^, gb ?(t, n. The end of the spring,
BSsbl, (f 5 L, ?^ ^, "- The pupil of the eye.
Syn. HiTOMi. Syn. Haru no sub.

A covering for the head; BSshun, (f5;£Wl^.^S. " Clever or sroort boys
BoshI, U5 t. ?B ?. ^- a
BoBhu sum, t9:;£^-^S.St^, i'-«- To collect; to
hat; cap; bonnet; hood or cowl.
Boshl, K5 L, HE ±. " O -A- tactician.@ A plotter
or designer, rather in a bad sense. © A coun-
Gicnktn wo bosfiu suru, IS 3ft ^ ^ Sif^ ^' '^t

to collect subscriptions for charity; Toyaku-sha

seller or adviser.
Syn. GUNSHi, Sakushi. for tactician.
wo Wshii sitrti. J® *tJ # ^ IE ^ Jft '^. to collect the
Boshl, 1X5 L, %M, " ^ master designer, plotter,
Bosbu sum, tf5:£W)-?-3,R6^. u.*. and f. To de-
Boebl, fflCL.M^, n. Same as Bimei.
fend; to be defensive; to prevent from; to pro-
BSshi-bana, kE5 LUJ^, THifi]^ w. [Bot.] Cam-
melina communis.
Boso-no-hoben, ^f5^©t.5'^^. fi^lS;t tiiit. «•
Bosblu, t45:£^, «§.ir., ».
[Law.] Plea in abatement.
[Math.] Escribed centre.
BosoBuru, lf5t5-^5.^iS. v.t. To make a close
BoshiD, yr5;£A,cm. ».
search; to scrutinize.
The deceased parent.
BosshI, STyL, as, '*• Death. suru. S!.<. To
Syn. Nakiota.
die to perish.
B9fibl sum, m? Li-Z, ItS

Syn. SHIB5, Shikto, Shinttru.

^, u.(. Same as Bi.sha
suru. Bos8bn-butsu,ia:.y:a 5 i^-O.^i^^, n. [Law.] A.

B5sbltsu Buru, thing confiscated. fconfiscate.

X.SS'c. v.t. To forget; BoBsbu suru, '^i-jX 5-?- 3, Sift. v.t. [Law.] To

to lose memory of. ZobvZsu wo Vosshu suru, ^'^'^^Hic:^ n-, to

A confiscate things tliat have been stolen.

Bdsho. a5;£.i5,S§E, "•. [Law.] false testi-

fmirabiUte. Syn. ToRIAGBRir.

mony; perjury.
Boaho, tf5Xi5,=!^M, n.. [Min.] Glauber's salt; Bossii, \^"ji-,t3., v.i. O To sink. @ To die or
A forged document or perish. © To set.
letter;any unlawful writing. Ano hito wa kyonen bosshi mctshita, 7 ^ A-*'* S
BoshoVohan. Hft^^ftJ, forging a document ^13,5^^5^*1 he died last year; Hi seizan ni

and the seal attached to it. bossu, g S UJ == tS. ^> t^6 ^^^ s^ts in the west.
Syn. GiaHO, NiSEBUMl. Botamochl, ffiteS'^.ttflSf. n. Q A ball of boil
BSBbd, 5:£-^5, fiil®,
tf «• Prevention; checking; ed glutinous rice covered with an t(@). [coll. @ I

pttttlne a Btop to. Anything sweet to the taste or to the feeling.


Atta Icuchl nt botamochi, gg it p =i {{t f^- ff Yuki botsubotsu, MM,^
very courageous; "t,

int.] a hotamochi falling into the open mouth; spirited; animated. little by little. fby;
[coll. Jlg.l an unexpected gain; realization of a Botsii-botsu, J^^^i^i?, a. and adu. [coli.] By and
wild hope. Botsuhotsu hajimemasho, ^"y^V'J'^^'^&'alS',
Botan, lii:te^, ttfl-. n^ \.Bot.'\ Tree Faeony. let us begin gradually.
Botan, ^"itv, ® Botsiidekl suru, [K'^'^S'^^.^iS. v.i. To be
drowned; to be submerged in water.
A button, Botsiiitcn, il'•:?^^, ?S 03. w- [Law.] Land confis-
Botaii, tf5fe^. cated by the Government under the feudal
gSlE. w- An regimi.
invention; a Botsiigro, ti'-7&, iS^, adv. After one's death.
Action; a fab- Syn. Shigo, Shinitaku noohi.
ulous nar- Botsugyakii, t3:-P ^.^ < , (? ^, M.ando. Wrong;
rative ;
a stubbornness; perverseness; obstinacy in tlie

groundless wrong; untractableness; stubborn; cross; petu-

ru 11 our. Syn. YOKOsnjMA. Llant,
Botan- bofa, ^ Botsiijo, {^<?Z'i., ^ is, «. [Chin.] Same as BoUu
botsu{^ ij).
^W., 7t. [Bot.} mm Bo-tsiikaj, 13:5 -^i^y^, ta^, Sis'. "^ One who Is

Feucedanum ja^tonicimi. skilful in the use of a club.

Botanhi, S:te^y.ti^&, 't- [Med.] The pseony Botsiiiiietsii. i^-oifj<?, iXU. n. Destruction; ruin-
bark. snni, V.!. Same as Botsuraku susu.
Botan-ibara, K fe A \A tf 6. ^B" IB ^, n. [Bot.] A Botsiinyu sum, tl'^Ki-^Z, iS X, v.t. To fall

kind of rose. into; to be submerged or plunged; to sink. Oft-

Botaukyo, ^5:fe^&J?'5, GflSf. '" [Bcf.] Almond. en used as noun.
Botanna, lSfe^^. « [Bot.] Cabba^^p cauliflower. ; Syn. OCHiRU, Shizumu.
Botan-nlnjln. a*fe^l/C^^.'^, Ed" R- « [£ot.] P?w- Botsiiraloi, Ht-^^i.iS.^ «- Broken fortune;
ce<ia «wni japonicwm. fdes. bankruptcy; failure; ruin; destruction.
Botaiiso, iaffe^35, 71. [Bot.] Leontice t7ialictroi- stiru, To fail; to be ruined or destroyed.
Botan-xiiru, ^:fe^p*^,^^, «. [£o(.] dematu Syn. OoniB0RERU.
api( folia. Botmiccn, (J-p-^ ^,©^'?^, a. and adv. QiChln.]
Botefui-1. B:T:.i-^,WIKIBf, ^¥-^. " One who Same as Botsuhotsiu @ In an angry manner.
Bellsby outcry; ahawker; a peddler. Bottarl, igj^fev},
Boteffui, Smilax china. f a. Same as Bottori.
\Srt <'\r, SE M, n. [Sot.] Bottara. I3:.yfee,
BotenliYva, l^;'t^ < *3, i^ ffi, it, [Bot.] Tree Hibis- Botterl, tar-v-CO.Sia. a. [coll.] Flump; fleshy;
cus, or shrubby Altbffia. fat; round; sleek; fleshy without being ugly.
Boto, li5if,:S:it, n. Disorderly rascals; a mob; SytL FnTORlTE, KOETB.
rebels; re'volters, abrifaad. Botto, a"7l^, a. and adv. O [coll.] Dim; dull; im-
BSto, 1*51^5. W^. [CTilw.] The beginning of a
composition; the
perceptible to the senses. @ [coll.] Foolisli ; dis-
head- paragraph; tlie coin- tracted; insensible; silly; stupid; likeafoolish
mencement of any writing.
BOto, 0:5^5, f#fiE» a. [Chin.] Disorderly in tlie Bottorl, ^j)£V), adv. and a. [coll.} Quietly; still;
functions of the mind; distempered; distracted. calm; softly; silently; smooth. Much used in
Bold, a'5i?5.^5B. Tf" [Chin.] A mucous dis- describing snowfall or rainfall.
charge ftom the eye. B6-". 1^5 5, ^M, fi. A copious rainfall, especial-
Syn. Meyani. ly of short duration.
Boton sum, ^*t.5i£^-5l"^,!4 ifi, v.i. To assemble Bo-n, 13:5, SM, ft. Rainfall In the evening, or
like a swarm of bees; to swarm; to be in crowds; before sunset.
to throng. Boya, (J5-^, ft. A child or baby (in endearment).
Botoshigl, EKi?:£?r, n. [Om«7i.] A kind of wood- Koya, ig;j^, n. A Are put out before It spreads; an
cock. incipient conflagration.
Syn- Dbashioi. AsoTco de boyawodashita, fS^r'd?-V^Ul3/ir.
Botsu-botsii, t^* "7 la: r?, Sll *r, adv. and a. [Chin.] an incipient conflagration broken out there.
Lively, sprightly; excitant; spirited; energetic; Boyn, K.^, f^m.,n. Tlie main building.
anlxoated. SyD OMOTA.
Boyahnsii, {g:^A>-^, v.t. O To entangle; to knit Ichibu nishu, — ^ i; 35, 1 6« 2 shu, a sum of
together. @ To cccfuse ; to make obscure. money equal to 37t sen.
Boyakeru, K-^l*2, v.i. To be softened by being Bu. Sr, SR, n, ODepaxtment; bureau; sectional
tmmerBecl In water; to liquefy; to become en- office. © Class; group; genus; order; section;
tangled. Bubdivition; set. ©
A copy of a book.
Boyahii, ll^<, v.t. [coll.] To murmur, grumble, JuigaTcubu, KS?¥SR, the veterinary depart-
growl, or complain; to be discontented. ment; Kore wo daiichlbu tosu, ;t ?• SB h ®— >^,

Syn. TSUBUTAKU. this Is the first section or set; NibuTiolum, ]{C

B6y6, If 5-^5, ?S ?¥. o- [Ohln.] Like a broad ocean; ^. two copies of a book.
Sn -^
boundless; unlimited; infinite. Syn. KUOHI, KUOHIWAKE, Ktokij, Tagui,
Buyo, ii$-^5. ^W, w. and a. [Chin.] Looking TOKORO. fcompound words.
!\z the ocean a distant view very distant.
; ; ""» -S*. ^>%- A negative particle used Infomung
BoyomI, K5 1^, W aB, «. Reading; reading a Buret, # ip8, not polite indecent. ;

Chinese book without translating It, which the Bu, 2?, IS, n. [Cfein.] Dancing; making postures;
Japanese usually do when merely giving the mostly in compounds.
sounds of the Ideographs. Bu-al, i-^u., ^^, a. O rJlfatA.] Rate per cent
BSyu, IK3V^5, KSS, n. [Chin.] A memorial, @ A percentage; a discount
advice, or counsel addressed to a sovereign or Bu-ai wo torn, 4^ ^^ to discount. -n- ji',

government. Bu< \lsat8ii, ltt>'\^'^-o,%^^, n. and a. [coll.']

BS«at5, I3:53rfe5, ^p>J3f, Yt. Loaf sugar. greeting a person; not giving information;
Bozen, tt 5 t!? ^. ft^, a. and adv. [CMti.] At a uncourteous; impolite.
loss what to do or where to go; astounded; hor- Bu-also, >^\/^35, %^^, n. and a. [coll.] Not
ror-striken; terrified; stupified; aghast, treating well; not hospitable; long-faced; not
Syn. Akike, Bonyari to. favourable to a stranger.
Bozetsu euru, Ki^ -^ ?'S, ^SS. v.i. To be ut- Buaiso na hito, ;?:#ffl^ A, an Inhospitable
terly destitute; to be deprived of everything. person a person who is not friendly to a strang-

Bosetsu siirii, To disap-

yri^-7^3, CM. v.i. er; a long-faced man.
pear entirely; to die without a survivor; not to Buan sui-u, >2&^^^, ffi^, v.t. [Chin.]To pacir
leave any remnant. fy; to make quiet and contented; to ease,
Btizu, If 5
i& ll, n. priest. sort of DA @A tranquilize, or assuage.
table servant in the employ of a daimyo in for- Buashlral, >?,;£. c, «., 7; §-^, n. [coll.'] Not treat-
mer times. © Any person whose head is shaven. ing or entertaining well; not favourable or
O [coil.] A roundhead. kindly to a guest; rustic towards guests; coarna;
Bosu-Kiisa, tf $$<'?, ^!g. n. [£ot.] Gastrodia rude.
elata. rcifflcinaUs. Buba, i* SJ H, n. [Chin.] Fire; conflagration.

BuKu-gusa, I3:5^<''5,ilfcl^. » [Bot.] Sanguisorba Bubaru, >tf 3, jij^g, v.i. To boast; to be proud
BoEti-gusa, lf5$'<'2. fi|3I. n. [Bot.'] Eouttuynia or arrogant; to strut; to afibct dignity; to be
cordata. over-bearing or aflfectedly pompous.
Bu, J*, ^, n. OSame as Tsuho. ©Interest. Syn. IBARU.
Bihu, Q i^, daily interest; Ucliibu, JT0-, dis- Buben, J(^^, ^^, n. Warriors; soldiers; mili-
count. tary retainers; feudal subjects in generaL
Syn. Wari, Warimae, Waritsuke. Syn. EUKE, BUSHI, IKUSABITO, SAMtJRAI,
Bd, Jt5, n. [coli.] Hot water or bath (only used Bubl, >cr. W^M, a. \Chi7i.'\ Fascinating; beautifol;
by children). charming; handsome.
Bii, j;*, fft, 0" and 71. Military power or glory; mili- Syn. Utsukushiki.
tary; pertaining to military affairs, Bubl, ^t^^ fftfi, 71. Military or warlike prepara-
Bu wo araso, H ^ ^"7, to compete in military tions; the army and navy of a country; the
affairs or accomplishments ; Bu wo kagayahasu, military force.
^^tS^t to raise the military glory; Bu wo Bubl wo gen nl sum, ffl:liSf-K=^^. to pro-
kozu, ft; ^ S 7^1 to learn the military arts. vide a strong military force.
Bu, >, ^, n. OThe tenth of a sun. @An old Bublkl, J^tF^, ^51, n. Cheapening; deducting
denomination of money-value, the quarter of a a certain percentage from the price asked or
ryo or yen. ©
Part or fraction. fixed. suru, v.t. To cheapen; to discount;
Kusungobu no tanto, ^>rE5»^!@73, a short to take less
dagger; [Ut. ]a dagger 9 5un and a half in length; Syn. NEBiKi, Waribiki

BtJB 90 BtJO

Biibii, J«>, n. [coll.] Same as jB&. Yama-inuwo bucM-korosu, S:^^iT)S^, to

Uiittiiii, >>A, SRi9«, n. Part; portion; Bection; beat amad dog dead; to kill a rabid dog.
fraction. Biicki-kotvaBu. ^-^ta-^, fT^. v.t. Icoll.'] [Ut.']
Ichl btihim, — SR^.
a part or portion. To break by beating; to break; to put to pieces.
Syn. Bu, TOICORO. Syn. UCHIK0WA3U, Buoiiiyaburu.
BulMi]i-bll>iiu-kelsu» »^U.*>^W V^ -^ 5. SRS* Biichl-kudaku. JSf%<Tti< ,fj^,v.t. [coll.] Q To

SSS-^SS. "^ [i/atTi.] Partial differential coef- break into pieces by beating. @ To disclose the
ficient. weak points of an argument.
Etiiolil, Jf %, gj, a. With patclios of different Uiiclil-iiiukeru, i-^^^Wz, i=TiS, v.t. [Tokyo coll.)

coloura; dapple; diversified in colour; piebald. Corrupt, to Buclii-akeru.

Buchi neko, gj 5S. ^ piebald cat. Biiclil-makcru, Oc^E W3 , JT f^, v.i. \coll.\ To bo
Syn. AlADARA. defeated or beaten; to lose.
Buclil, it%, ^^, ?S, n. [ioc] Drum sticks. BakKchi ni bucM-makeru, M^^ — fTftrt-, to
Syn. Bacbi. lose in a game of chance.
Buclii, i:%, IS, /I. A corruption of Jfwc/ii (whip). Biichl-noinesii, .b %i7) ii> it, v.t. [coll.] To beat
Bucbl-aknni, ^%'S,l&Z, fJllH, v.t. O To open; one almost to death.
to beat open; to empty. ©To conless; to dis- Biielil-uiikii, it-^ftK, fjK, v.t. lcoll.]To beat.
close; to declare openly. drive, hammer, or tread through.
Mako wo Imchi-akeru, ?S ? fj [J0 > fl', to empty Biichl-tnomi, Ja^ltX^, fX0J, v.t. To knock
a box violently; UiviUsu wo huclii-akP.ru, gf ® down anything standing.
^ iT ^ ffl
*" i^. to discloRo a secret. Btichl-tataku, a.-*^fefe<, fX^, v.t. [cor?.]OTo
Syn. XJoniAKERU. beat. ©To cudgel; to whip. ©To torture; to
Buclil-ateru, ^%%-z:^, fj 'g', v.t. [coll.'] To chasten or punisli by whipping.
strike against; to menace; to challenge; to hit Biichi-toiiiei-u, J< "^ i^ 1* 2, fjit, v.t. [coll.] To

at an aimed object. stop; to shoot at a flying bird or running ani-

Buclil-dnsu, i'%,7^-^, JT Hi. «-t. [coll.'] To linock mal and kill it; to make a person give up or
out to; make persons go out by beating a drum stop by persuation.
show or theatre.
as at a Biicbi-tosii, ^--^if tt -?. iTil. v-t- [coll.] To make
Buolil-hanaau, i"t^H^-J-, fj&. ^'-E- [coii.;o To anything one's liabit, or to drive or beat
shoot; to let fly or discharge, ©{coll.'] To aban- through.
don; to be dismissed. Syn. BUTTOSU, UOHITOSU.
Tailio wo buclU-Jianasu, :^5'g ^ JTSc 7., to dis- lEiiohl-tsukerii, :&> %^ -o Id" Z
tJ iU v.t. [coll.] To

charge cannon. nt; to compel a person to do anything.


Syn. EUPPANASU, UCHIHANASU. Kugi wo bvchi-tsukeru, E ^ ft" f|/^, to drive a

Bacbl-kakaru, ^'^A>*>S, fjg|-, v.t. [colL]OTo nail in.
challenge; to attack; to make an assault upon a Biic-lti-uinn, i*^5E, gSffi, n. [Zobl.] a piebald
person. @ [coli.] To betake or apply one's self. horse. |-ox.
©To begin to. ISiicbi-iiahJ, ^-^.j i, fjs,^, «. [Zo'oL] A brindled
Sito ni buclii-kakaru, A=flfl|ft'. to make lEiicbi-yabiirii. x^-^j^^ z, JTES, v.t. [coll.] To
an a'lsault upon another; to begin to .strike a break by beating; to beat an opponent; to tear.
person. Riicbo, ^r,^ 5, gpjl, n. A chief of a division
Biictii-katsii, J«*^*»"7, fX^. VA. [coU.^To win; cither in the local government or in the metro
to gain victory. politan,
Buclil-koinii, J^'^ttr, KT ^. v.i. [coll.] Q To Ititfholio. i-T5tt-i-,
%m^, a. [coIZ.]Awkward;
drive plies into; to load a gun; to hammer into. coarse; impolite; not polished; rude; inexperi-
@ "CM?/. J To make a verbal assault. ©[coll.'jTo enced; not versed; not accustomed to; not ao-
addict or devote one's self. Q [co/i.] To invest cordant with tlie rules of etiquette. Often used
capital. as noun.
Kul wo buchl'komu, fe^JTii-^. to drive Buchohomorm, 'J-.m^^, an awkward per-
piles; Ayo^hii shoho nl kane wo hiLcM-koimi, {^ son; ronda hvchoho
wo itashlmashita, h v ^ :^
jz-fSii — ^^JT^iii*. to inve.st money in Mii^ ^ 1/ ^have been very impolite
:v ^, I

speculative business. (apologetic); wa tabako wa buchohd

Syn. BuKKOMU, ITamari-komc, Uchi-ire- desii,a>^@J,i-^T.g^iir :^. I am not accus-
BU. tomed to the use of tobacco; excuse me, I do
Buclil-koi-osii. ^'^t?St. fTifi, t'.t. \colh_ OTo not smoke. rSosO.
kill or slay. @[Hi.] To knock or beat to death. Syn. Fdnare, Fdtsuzuka, SHiTauwu,
BtTD 'ai BUI
Buda, y^, ^ p&, n. Buddha. Bngakii, j« i)t < , f(;^, 7t, Military science and
Biiilal, i-'7G\p, n. [Ichth.] CaUyodon japonicus arts; tactics.
Budnii, i- tt^ A, Syn. IlKiaAKU, hbihO.
SCSI. " Mil- ^ugel, > W"' \j^, K S^. n. Milit-ary .^rta or accom-
itary law or Syn. BUJDTSU. Lpllshraents.
discipline. Bu^on. .frW'^, U
a, w. [Chin.] Biting or taunting
Sudan setjit
St Sf Bt ?&. ft
speech; sarcasm; insulting or offending words;
libelous or defamatory language.
government Syn. Anadori, Bari.
which disci- BuKcn, i•^>^, ^fE, n. Q Same as Swngen. @
plines and Ci*/'&V^] The state of being rich, wealthy, o_ well-to-do.
rules the people iilce soldiers. Syn. Kanemochi, Mi no nono, Utoku.

Budan, JfTnL, ^^, n. Narratives relating to Biisensha, J'^t•^;£.J^, ^|Ig^, n. A rich, wealthy,
war or battle. or well-to-do person; the rich or wealthy.
Biido, * fc 5. flKiS. n. and a. Without reason or Kono wa mura no bvgensha desu, ilfcA>»
principle; corrupted; irreligious; bad; arbitra- # -^ ^ PR # 5* ^ this gentleman la the richest in

ry addicted to vice.
; the village,
Biid^ynolcimi, Sl?3C--'S. a vicious sovereign; Syn. PUJIN, GoKA, OGANEMOCni
an arbitrary king. Bu^l, Jf'&.M^, n. A dancing girl.
Biido. .Sj^5, ^^, n. [/ff>M Grapes. Biigln, J*^^, ^^, n. Profit made in mercantile
Biido, J*';«5, SCSI, n. The military arts; tactics. Syn. BuAiGANE. LtransactioDB.
Biido, J*^5, SI'S, n D-mcing boys. Biigu, J«<*, SC^i " Military equipments; warlike
Syn. MAIWARABK. apparatus; arms; weapons.
Butlo. i''5e-5, ifSs.. «• [-Bof.] Green gram. Syn. MONO NO Gu.
Biitlo-iioziiml. i--^5init3'^,^^®, n. A reddish Biigu-srura, J<<'^ &, g; 4 Ett. " An arsenal.
gray colour. Bugyo, .Slir-^?, ^!}?, n. Officials of various de-
Biido-sel<l, a'>&5*&,^#S, n. [Mn.] Prehnite. grees and duties under the feudal government.
Biido-scnsokl, J«^$*A-fr^,^^ MS, » [-iJ/iTi,] They were a sort of commissioners, such as the
Omphacite. commissioners of Temples and Shrines {Jlsha
BiidosUii, J*^5:feHI). ^'^i@. "• Wine, especially Bugyo, -^ftt^^T), the commissioners of Fin-
red wine; claret. fvine. ance (,Kanjo Bugyo, S ^^), etc. The iMachi
ffl) ^
Biidozitru, Js ^ 5 ^* 3. ^^S. 'J- [Bnt.] Grape- Bitgyo, 6rf ^
ff), of which there were two in the

BueUl. J^fL'^, %^, n. OL-M'ws.] One of the twelve city of Tedo, correspond to the present Gov-
Icey notes. @ The ninth month of bhe lunar ernor with this difference that the former pos-
calendar. sessed not only administrative but military and
Bucn, J«A.^, ffi^, a- Having no relation, con- judicial functions.
nection, or aifinity; nut cognate or kindred. Syn. SoKWAN, TsuKASA. fBugyd.
Syn. Enishi-naki. Bugyoslio, .5'^'-^5:fci,^=i?^, ". The Office of
Buen, J^^A.,U^^ " Fresh; not salted. Bugyo sum, > IT 1 if* Z SS 3P, «* To govern, ,

Bueiiryo, Jj j& ^ Id 1, |!S is at. ct- «-nd adv. Not manage, or train mildly.
bashful, reserved, timid, or diffident; audacious; Buhon, J<'--^,Sti& tt. anda. [Mil.] Military af-
bold; forward; talkative; pert; intrusive; offi- fairs; warlike matters.
cious; pushing. Often used as noun. Buhen wo konomu, ^i^9-0 Z->, to be fond of
Syn. Enryonaki. warlike affairs.
Bufii, i«i, ^^, n. A military man; soldier; war- Syn. Bud5, Buji, iKuaAGOTO. fglory.
rior. But, i-V^, SiSc. "* [Mil.l Military prowess, force, or
Syn. HEiSHi, Mononopu, Takeo. Sui wo tenka ni kagayakasu, it SU ? ?c T — M
Bufuryu, Jii5 "5 5.lffi ^i5K, « Having no music- y^, to fill the world with a nation's military
al or poetical idea; not refined or genteel; not Syn. BDRYOKU, HEIRYOKU. Lfflory.

fashionable; rustic; coarse; having no idea of Bill, ^\i^, )^%, a. und adv. Not unusual; as; ever
Syn. Sapfukei, Ltaste. ]^Iu1, itXr-, 'healthy; happy; safe; free from acci-
BuBalfii, i-'fi' < 3^ 1^, n. Dancing to music; a
musical entertriinniont connected with dumb Bui sokusal, ^^ ,@. !Jl.
healthy and happy
Syn. JlAiiiAYAaui. Lshuw. Syn. BUJi.
Bal, J.Z., ) ji-, be tried for the critu* of bringing
[Law.'] to
S^U, n. [r7/U7!.] Doing nothing.
into contempt; Kwanrl Imjoku, 'eTlEife^, [Law.]
5ui Tii s/iffe Unka osamaru, if iS jf5 55 T ?&. Insult to a public official.
[CAfw.] nothing done, but -well governed,—^ Biijiin siirii, i- :£• W) ^ -^ S, ffi iS, v.t [Chin,] To
no particular administrative measures jire
i.e., subdue or to make tractable by sofv ^eans,
taken by the Emperor, but the people live Biijiir,su, J.-:£-ta>-7, ? ^ ?^, n. Sorcery; Mie art of
peacefully and contentedly under his govern- B^iijutsn, -i-X'l^-7, invokinga god or spirit; mag-
ment. ic; witchcraft.
Bulkl, ^\r-^,'Z-^.^ n. [coll.] Not fashionable, Syn. Majutsu, Uranai.
polished, or genteel; vulgar; not accordiugto Bujiit««ii, ^Z'l'i)-^, 5tif5. n- Same as Bv., .1.

the fashion of the time; unrefined; rustic; Biijiitsti-sliiigydja, i-;£:t5i-7* t%W^i^-^. jf;^^* fl
clownish. ^, One who travelled about differont places

ButTci nafit, ^":^-^R, vulgar fashion; un- for acquiring skill in fencing and othij military
polished manners; Buiki na otoko, %^.%^ ^, art in former times.
an unfashionable or rustic person. Biijiitsii suru, J^X'l'b'^-i-Z,M-l&, v.t. / give re- '.

Biillcu mini, ^V^< -il-Z, ga W. u.E. To bring up, lief to the wretched; to relieve; to aiv; to miti-
rear, or educate; to govern leniently nr mildly. gate the rigour of poverty or misery.
Kodomo wo hutku sum, ^#^-?- 1^ i^ 7. ;^, to Biiba, J14., ^T, w. A subordinate; un ir-officer;

bring up children; Taml wohuiKu sum, ^^M attach^; suite; retinue; dependant; followers.

W ^- J^, to govern the people mildly. Syn. TESHITA.

Syn. IIagokumu, Yoiku sdru. Biike, J^'.-f,^^, n. The military reti ers; war-

Bufn, .frV^,tf#. " [coll.] Not writing a letter riors; gentry; the military caste.

to a relative, friend, or acquaintance, sending Bukechomn, St^tiXA, gentry an uerchant;

no word or communication. Buke yashiki, St ^MHi. the part x.( a city or
Gobuln nl uchiP^nrji soro, iSP JS ^ == ig M. I ^ town where the military class residi.
have not written to you for a long time. Syn. Samurai, Srizoku.
Syn. BUSATA, OTOZURENAKI, TAYORrXAKI. Biikot, i-t?-v/^,^^, a. Unfounded; roundless;
Bui siiru, .S--'^-^2, ISgt, v.t. {Chin.] To solace or fictitious; inerudite; fnlse. fmour.
soothe. Bukci noflisetm, M fg > ^ ^, g- andless ru-
iSiiJI, J*Lr, ^
m, u,. and a(.h\ Same as Bui {ffi ^). Syn. iTsuwARi, Makotonarahu, Uao.
Bujl ni kurasu, fij ^ - :g 7,, to get along Biiki. .i-'&,fft;SI. «• Arms; warlike Vmplements;
without any accident; to be healthy and happy; military apparatus.
Buji ni iocliakusv.ru, JKIJT —SI Sr ^«'. to arrive Syn. Bug a, tieiki.
In safety. rTsuTSUGA.XAKi. Biiki, >&,f!;|ffi, 7(. [Chin.] The «( -e of having
Syn. Kawarinaki, Kotonaki, Sokusai, a mighty military force.
BiiJI, .bt.g;^, /(,. S:\m6 a.s Buhev. BiikiKui'ii, J'^^' &,51;^E, It. Sai > a« Buguko.
BiiJI, i^X;%^, a. [CMn.] Foolish; ignorant; not Buklryo, ^? "(J-^?, $S ^ g, a. [udl.] Homely;
well-informed or erudite. agly, ul plain features; not bea -tilul or hand-
Syn. BusHo, Oboka. some.
Rujln, JI:£•^,f^; A, n. A soldier; warrior; the Bukiryo na vcvsiime. M ^ fi -? ft homely girl.
military; soldiery. Biikli-yo, &
i- v) j^ 5,7^gga, a. ^Jt skilful or
Syn. Gdnjin. clever; slow.
Bajln, .Sf^•^,fCS^l, "• The god of war. Biiklyo. M^X5,:f.^m, 't. [coii.JNot bright or
ISiiJlD, J»:£•^,|gA, rt. Dancers. clever; unable to accomplish results quickly;
Syn. Maibito, Rkijin. not quick; slow; lacking natural ability or intel-
Bujd, >;£'-^?, I'B^, «
Not sympathizing with; lect.
Blujn, trZ'-^?, not pitying of relieving; coldness; BiiliUa. l^-:;±\BWi, n. Same as Bwtfce.
indifferenco. Btikka, j--.yA>, ^ 0, /,. Price; exchfinge value.
Bito no bujo wo ikaru, K ^Wi^"^ "^.i^, to be Bukka ga ocrfXn
enraged at one's Indiireronce,
shita, t5 1@ ^/*
T J? 5^ ^.
prices have I alien.
Bujo, .S'ii'-^?, fftfet. "• [Bot.] Polyfjonmii ciuipiaa-
lEiikkaliyd, X'y±^^^,^^^, n. A list of prices.
Syn. iTADOni. ytum. Biikkakii, i'v*><, fl)', Kfl, /(. A Bnddhist temple.
Bujoku, J^X'X.<. ,%W, " Libel; coniompt; ridi- Jtnja bukkakv, s$m.BM, the Shint/) and
cule. Takes the usual verb-forms. Buddhist temples.
Bujoku no tsuirii ni towaru, 1&^ -^ ^= Bfl
-»> Syn. DO, Garan, Tera.
RiiKke, i--,w-, ffpg^. n. The Buddhists. Buko no tami, if S> J5, tlio gullUesfl or In-
Biiklien, i9W'^. fSff, n. [Zaw.] A commodity. nocent people.
UuKlien-kf^iyaltu, >yH^^^\/^^< , % ft |g **],«. Buk6, >t5, St J;fl. « Militnry exploits; a military
[taw.] A real contract. deed of renown.
BiiUlil, Jfy%,^^, n. UtenBilH used In Buddhist BukoUu, J<t < . I M^. ". Falae accusation or
rites. Fiikoku, ic < 1 charge; the niisropreaentatloo


Biikkl. ^v^, SES. »• A certain period of time of a crime; caricature. - siiru, v.t. To mis-
after the death of a person's parent or relative, represent; to accuse falsely.
during which he coDflnea himself to his liouse, Syn. Shiirp.
dres&«d In mourning (fcl), and doef> not appear Bukoslil. J'tS.. KIS ^. n. The superintendent
before the goda (fuku or 6«fc«), as defiled by the of an arsenal, or Iiis office.

death. Buko suru, J--4>i-J-2, f^^, v.i. [Chin.] To make

BukklrabS, J'-j'5&ffi5. » [coli.] Plain; short; a great persnnaRe or a superior, and
light of
simple; not affected; unreserved; using no de- become too familiar with liira.
corative or roundabont language. Bukotsu, JiC-?, ^ ^. a. [coll.] Same as BukklrO-
Bukklrl. >^^Q,j^Sg. n. A bow-drill. bo.

Bukklrl-ame« .£-'-y@ 9%16. lT'9)SAt n. Short rods Bykoi.su na

fg^-J-H, an unpolished,

of the harder sort of ame; a favorite confection- unaffected or clumsy man; a slow mau.
ery of the younger members of the middle and Biikotsu-inoiio, £='C.'y'i^,M^^y^' A coarse,
lower classes. rude, unaffected, or unsklillul person.
Bnkko, J^-y'L, % SC. « {Chtn-I Death. aiiru, Syn. BtrKKiBAfiS.
a. To die; to expire. Buku, j! < )(.
The period during which a per-

Bukk9, *-yC5,^X. »^ *. maker of Buddhist son does not present himself at a god's temple,
statues and some other things used In the or a government ofhce, if he Is an official after

Buddhist rites. a relative's death; mourning.

Syn. BuSSHi. Syn. IMI.

Btikkoniii, J(-yt.^. v.t. \eoU.'] See Buchi-lcomu. BuUii-nke, ^<%t^, BR^, n. The expiration of

BukkoroBU, JfvX.y>-f, v.t. [coH.]See BucM-lcoro- above.

su. fleneare. Bukuryo.>'< 15:^5, ^^.n. OC-^fed.] A medicinal
Bukkoso. Jf viJ>3 "^5, flp ff ?:, n. [BoL] Sedum funi,'us. @ [Bot.] Pachyma.
Syn. IWAHKNGK, Nenasuigusa. Syn. MATSOFIODO.
Bukkowa.su, Jf •y 'C JS -i", v.t. [coll.] See Buchl- Bukurj osni, i- C 9-^5s\i^,n. [Bot.] Dlcrocepha-

kouiasu. la latlfolia.
Bukku, Jt'y< , ^^, n. Offerings to the Buddhist Bukuryoso, Jt ( U)->^53 5. K!S^. "• [Bot.'\ Po-
objects or worship. fdaku. tentiUa discolor.
BukKiidaku, ^•y<7Q<, V.t. [coll.] See Buchi-ku- Buk uyo, i'< jE,
flggjj. 7i. A period of time during
Rnkkwn, Jt^ -^ < i^ , ^> ^, n. Kolease from human whicii a person is considered to be defiled be-
existence; the perfection of the Buddhist happi- cause of the death of a relative
ness; BtuXdhnphalam. Syn. IMIBCKL' NO KEGARE.
Biikk^vn, Goods; things; arti-
^"j <ib,'&'W' '" Biikiva, i!<t>,^'X, n. A strong heat or fire.
cles; baggage; merchandise; wares; commodi- Bukwakiii. J=<*5^^, K^^, /*. [Law.] Rates;
ties. charges.
Shinamono, Shiromono, Kwabdtsu.
Syn. Buk^van. .S« < h ^, K *&, "• Military or naval
Bukkyo, ^^y^^?, ^M, n. The sacred books of officers; olhcers.
Buddhism; the holy volumes of the Buddhists. Bukyo, i!&j^$,H; 35i » [C/tin.] Military strength;
Bukks'S, JfyW'S. J^K.n- Buddhism; the religion having a mighty military force.
of Buddba. Bukyo fft3£^3i a strong nation,
710 kuiii,

BukJcyo ni kie suru, f*- Sft = E$ fiE >^ fl-. to be- Bukyo, n. ami a.
i!§-^5, ^§fi, [Chin.} Infinity;
come a believer in Buddhism; to be converted permanent duration.
eternity; of eterni'^y; of
lo the Budd. religion; Bukkyo wo hiromu, ^Jft Banju bukyo, K^^S, [Chin] enjoying an
^ ^ Jm, to propagate the Budd. religion. eternal life.

ftiiko, ^t, It IE, «• See Muko. Bukyoku, ^&i<,0tt, f-. Dancing and music;
UuUo, Si'c, f$K U' ^ andn. [Chin.] Ghilltless; in- pantomine.
Mtiko, tPCi uocent; not havingdone wrong; free
ii Bukyokusei. >? t < -ftu-, fft i^ m, " [Astron.] A
trop) harm or guilt; pure. star in the Great Bear.
Riilcyn» i-g 5,ffitK, a. and n. H;\ving no limit; Burtihu Tcemhi no shi, ^jf;^fw-^±. ^^ ao
permanent; eternal; eternity.
infinite; complished Boldier with a good stock of literary
Biiinn, Sf'3.,UM, «• \coU.] Not punctual; dull; knowledge; Bumbuni tomu, 5: St — Si*, to be
awkward; unsuitable; out of place; mistaken; rich in military as well as literary knowledge.
nonsensical. Bumbntsu, J^^Ji:?, 5:^, 7t. [Chin.] Science, in
JSuvia iia koto wo shita, fSR^^^^S^^. I itsbroader sense; learning literature.
made a mistake or blunder; what I have done Bumbidsu gijutsu, "X^t^'^, the arts and
is quite out ol place. sciences. fglory.
Syn. KINOKIKANU, NOROMA. Bumel, jiii/iV; ffC ^j n. [Chin.] Military fame or
Uiinial, JrtV-, 5t ^, n. Rice for daily use or fami- Bumel wo tenka ni kagayakasu, ^^ %y f-

ly consumption. — M'^-> to fill the country with one's milita*f

Syn. KriGOME. glory.
niiman. >E^. IfelS. " Insult; contempt; carica- Buiniii, i*;^^, SR ^, n. The people under the
ture, sarcasm. suru, v.t. To insult, ridi- jurisdiction of a local government. ['makeriL
cule, treat with contempt, or sneer at. Buiiimakerit. ^- ^E t}- 3, v.t. [crilL See Buchi-
Bunia siirii, J--^-^5, fiSS^. ^^-t- [Cftin.] To rub or Biimmatsu, .tf^'a•7, ^^, n. The end or conclu-
stroke softly; to pat. sion of a writing, especially of a letter.
nuinbai. -S-- A fc? V^, ^ g, n. [Conch.] A kind of Bammawasbj, J^ ^ U tt X, S ^, " Old styled
Syn. KOTASUQAi. Lcowry. compasses made of bamboo; compasses.
niiinbaii, Jt^yf^, i^ftS, n. [.3fe^.J Labour; par- Bnmmel, J--Ai6v^, 1 ^ ^, n. [Chin.] Clear; well-
Biuiilien, Jt^'^^, * turition. May be used as Bamniyo, i^^ZM?>$, ' defined; plain; evident.
Syn. SHUSaAN, Umiotosu. Lverb.
Biiiiibel, i'^'^V^, ^Ife;, n. I^O/ifK.] Parting with a
Bummel ni sum, ^^ ^y. n-, to make clear
or evident.
person; bidding good bye or adieu. suru,
Bunimcl, i-'AfeV*, 3: ^. "-. and a. O Civilization;
v.i. To part; to bid farewell,
refinement; social progress; enlightenment. @
Syn. BETSCBI, Wakabe,
Refined, civilized, or enlightened.
Bumbetsii, J*^'^:?,^ J|iJ, 7t. Discrimination; se- Bummel kaikvm, S; ^ BS Hi. civilization; Buin
paration; distinction; assorting; classification.
mei koku, Si ^ @, a civilized or enlightened
siiru, v.t, and (. To separate; to discrimi- country; Bummeishi, 53 £&, the history of ^
nate. civilization.
Bumbo, J»^^, ^g:, n. Denominator.
Bummei, ^ A.)b\/^, ^^, n. 'Chin.] Listening to
Bumbo, Jf^li5,KS, n. Good reputation; fame; an order or command. May be used as a verb.
renown; distinction. Bumuien, J-' A 16 A, S: Bd, n. The contents of a
Syn. HOMARE, RKIEUN, YOKIKIKOE. letter; a letter; a note; a dispatch.
Bumbo, JfA.{£$,^U, '^- \Chln.'\ A study; an GobiiTnmen no omomukl, i^iX JS > 3|i, the pur
apartment for literary devotion. port of your letter.
BumJiogn, XHf.R., stationery; things neces- Biiminocbl, ^^4'^i, 5>^. n. Dividing a load
sary for writing; Bumtd-shiyu, ^^pg^, [lit.] into two parts, and carrying them on the enda
the four friends in a study, i.e. the brush (pen), of a pole.
ink-cake, ink-atone, and paper. Bummoku, ^Juli <,'X S, n, Colour; hue. O @
Syn. Shosai, Shoshitstj. Figures; forms; lines that define a figure; out
Bumboju, J'^B::£'»),S{Cg:Kt, « [BoLI Distylhmi lines of an object.
racemosvin. Syn. Atame, Iro.
Syn. Hyon no ki, Isu. Bummoii suru, ^^6 ^-^^, [ig Rfl, t).(. To ask; to
Bumboku, iaK< ^ 3^. .
«- [Chin.] O Materials interrogate; to inquire into. fcaste.
for writing. @ Penmanship. © Literary pur- Biimou, .itft^, iS PI. fi. The military class or
suits in general, Buinnn wo narau, SC P^ ^ ^ 7, to imitate the
Bumboku wo moteasobu, ^ rS ? IK 7*, to be manners and customs of the military class.
engaged in literary pursuits; to divert one's Itunipa, i;^ki', ^jg, n. [Chin.Qx tributary;
self with writing Cliinese cliaractera. a branch stream. @ A religions sect or denomi-
Bumboso, J--^^3r55, !K^^. » [-SoM Veronica nation party.;

Syn. MUSHIGD8A. iperegrina. SoAo-shuwazenshUno bumpa de am, ^fl5^

Bumbu, JJ^J^, ^ K. "^ [Chin.] Literature and -•^ JK ^ > ^ iE r T /^, the Sodn-shu is a branch
tactics; literary and military arts or accomplish- sect of the Zen denomination.
menta. Syn. Edawakare, Wakarb.


J*^ffV•, 5^02. '*• Distribution; nllot-

niiiii]i.'il» Itiiii, ^^, ^, n. Portion; share; rate; circum^
ment; assignment. suru, v.t. To distri- stances; one's social position; one's ability or
bute, allot, or assign; to divide, standing; status.
Syn. KUBARU, Waritsukerd. Bxin ni ojtte, ^=t IS 5> r, according to one's
Biiinpei, ^A ^\/N, PBJK. «• rC/itn.]A fimelling standing, ability, or circumstances; Bun si5'3

Syn. JCagibin. Lbottle. 111,^ffl ^

=:., agreeably to one's circumstances,

Diinipei siini. M/u-<^f^irZ, ^^, v.t. To divide or standing; JJito Tio bun, ^ ^. one's or an- A
an army or regiment Into several companies or other's portion, or share; Jtsuha bun, 3l B ^,
detachments. anything to bo accomplished or consumed in
KaTcusho ni bumpet suru, ^pfi st^^T.ji', to five days, Kobun, ^ ^, one who is treated like
send detacliments everywhere, or to various a son; protege; apprentice; Kono bun, tt^, this
places. state, condition, or circumstance; Mibun, if ^,
Uumpt, J»Ao(, XIS. " [Chin.] A cover or case one's circumstances or position; Mlnobunwo
for a work consisting ol' two or more volumes. shirazu, ^^ ^ ? jEp v X, not to know one's self;
Syn. CHITSIT, FUMAKI, HOM-ZUTSUMI. to be too Rokunin bun, -^ K^, appro-
forward ;

Biiiiipltsii* .fr^uc:?, S;S. "• tC^ftin-] Literary art; pria tion for six persons enough for six persons

letters; literary pursuit. Samhun no ni,"^^ ^ zi, two-thirds; Shoku bun\

Bumpltsu ni tassuru, — M:^fl^, ^^ to he IS'9', duty, function; Sonobun, %:^, that part
proficient or eminent in literary pursuit; jBu?»- or sliare, that state or circumstance.
pitsu no sai, ^ S ^ Pi", literary genius. Syn. Akisama, Wakaohi, Wakemae.
RiiuipltBu, if/^xP'O, 1^ itf, '(. [3fed.l Secretion.
IKiina, i'^, Uj ^fi^, n. [Bot.] Beech.
ISiinipl, .fe^tN, I sum, v.i. To secrete.
Biiiiiil,^^cv.SRft. 71- One's authority, control,
Buiiipfi, J^^ff.i., jK ii. n. Rules of compositiou
or province; sphere of one's duty; persons un
or grammar.
der a chief functionery.
Brnnpo wo mancaiu, ^ ys 5- JS :^i to learn
BunaMgol<o, S^Ti^Z^W, n. [Bot] Usnf a Florida
grammar or composition.
nun-an, >^3&^,^|g, n. [C/iin.] The draught oi
nuiiipd, J*Ai55, jS: IS, /t. [ChirulA. writing brush,
any writing; a rough sketch in writing.
Syn. FuDE. L^ peu-
Uuiian, jfitiA,, ^{@, a. and adv. Safe; secure; free
niimpo-e^akuBiia, -t^fei'^ii<;£-^, X^^t, n.
from danger, trouble, or accident; unalarmed;
One versed in grammar; a grammarian.
undisturbed; well guarded or supported.
Biiinpoka, .S' ^^J' J-4>, Si i?. n. Same as above.
ICuiian 111, i-tt^^;^, ^^, adv. Safely; securely;
Buinposlio, J<^^i'i;e. X, tC^%, »- A treatise
unalarmedly; undisturbedly; in a well guarded
on tlie principles of language; grammar.
Biinipo suru, J( ^ [a? 5 -^ 3, fi« W. v.f. To break
Kunclil, i*^'^,5'ilk. " Dividing an estate intc
or part into pieces or fragments; to crumble;
parts for conferring upon one's children.
to be broken into small fragments; to be des-
Buuchln, .fr^*^^, ^t^, n. A paper-weight.
KuzuREEU, Tsdburbru.
Syn. Ltroyed.
Syn, Kamiosae, Kesan.
Bnnipu suru, ^^J:^2;, ^ffiK, v.t. To apportion; flEunclU suru, .fe^*^-^S, M *P, v.t. [lit.'] To hear
to allot; to impose, as a tax.
and know; to be informed, apprised, or in-
Chiso wo bumpu suru, i^ffi^ ^St^i 7^, to structed; to learn.
impose the land tax. liuDCho, JfA.-t^,^U^, "• lOmitli.] Rice-bird,
Syn. KUBARU, WARIT3UKKRT7. Spermtstes oryzivora. Ting.
Dunipu sum, i-'^J:-^^, ©Pff, v.t. [Chin.]Tn Runclioku, J^^%i.<,^M, «• A brush for writ-
command, order, charge, bid, enjoin, or direct, Buucltu, ^A^%5, ^^, n. iChin.] A mosquito
to lay an injunction upon. Syn. Kaoho, Kaya. Lnet.
Syn. Meibei st'RU, Ydjtsukeeu. ftujidal, i•^7c^/^,^iS, «• A stand, support, or
Dun, Ji ^, ^, «. A literary composition; sen- rest for holding reading or reference books; a
tence; style; prose; letter. bnok-stand; a book -rack. @ A small desk upon
Bunsho, "XM, composition; sentence; Bitn- which written verses ai-e placed, at a utayomi-
shu, ^ Sf, selections from famous authors or kivat (a club which meets for composing Japan-
standard works; Gosat no biimaonasu, EifS ^ Syn. FuzuEUE. [.ese poems).

"^C^ ^"^'i to write a composition full of splen Uuudan, -5•'^^^,^ S, n. Divisions; steps; gra-
did figures; Shibun, ^^, prose and poetry. dations; terms in a series.
Bun, i'A, ^, n. {Math.} Segment (of a finite Bundan, i'^;!:-^,XS, n. A paragraph; article;
straight line) clause; phrase; sentence

Syn. BtJNGEN, MONKU. BiinffI* J'^»r, tC^, n. The literal meaning ofa
Buiidun Buru, i'^/t^-^^ . Ef ^. v.t. Todiride; letter or other writing.
to cleave; to cut; to analyse; to cut up. Syn. BuN-i, Frm no imi.
Bundo, J'^^5,^S. "• [-Sot-] Green gram, PAa- Biingirl, J»^S•W), ^^, A percussion cup.

Syn. Yaenari. iseolus radiatvs. Riiuffd, i<^i*5, ^^, n. [Cftin.l A small particle
lEundo, J»A^5,S3a. '* [BoC.lPea. or fraction; almost nothing; anything as small
Syn. ENDn. or trivial as a divided hair.
Bundo, ^ ^ ;fe 5, S: iS, n. Literature; literary Bungo mo shiranai, ^^^^7-> I know 'f,

pursuits; learning; the accomplishments of a nothing of it ; BnngH mo tagawanu, ^ ^ ^ jg >>

scholar. 57, not different at all; perfectly similar oi
Biindoi'l, J--^>5VI,5'Ji. 'I- Spoil; plundering by Syn. MiJiy, SUKOSni. L^qnaL
force; plundering by violence. Biin^odiike, i-^&7£W, ^^Y[, "• lBnt.]PhyUo-
Bundorl komyo, 5-}tBig^, E'>'zing valuable stachys kumazc^a.
spoil and getting fame. Bunso-uine, i•^a?!6, 5li^ |§. " [Cot.] A large
sitru, T'.t. To despoil, to seize by violence kind of plum. ffJafce.

or force; to plunder a hostile army. BiingOKasn, J'Aays, n. [Bo(.]S<^.ne ks Bunijo-

Syn. Kasumetoru, Ubaitobc. Biin^wal. i'^<*^V^, ^ J't-, a. Out of one's pro-

Uiindori-mono. Sti^^,
J-•^^l!) 4C0, n. Spoil; vince, not l^ithin one's sphere of duty, exces-
the plunder taken from an enemy. ffon. sive; too much; unusual.
Bun-el. i^A.V^,5^'^, Adetaclied garri-
'* [^fif-] Biingyo, i*A.W--i, ^Sl. " [Cfdn ]
Division of
Dai ichi ryoaan Vun-ei. ^—I^M^'^- » ^^ labour. Takes the usual verb forms.
tached garrison of the First Army Corps. Biin-i, 3--^V^. -XW; "• [CT-'n.]The meaning of |
Biinen, i^a.^,1i^, a. and n. Careless, thought- passage; the literal significance of any writing
less; heedlessness, neglect, omission. Bun-lkl, J^^Zl&, ^i^, " [ChiTu] Boundary;

Watakushi no hunen de arlmashitn, ^ ^ ^ .& limit; demarcntion; division.

T'rV^i/it. [coii,] it has been throntrh my Cfire- Biin-ln, ^^V^^, 5^1^, w. [CMn.] A moment;
lessness. very little time.
Syn. Fucnu-i, Fukizuki, Okotari. Bvn-lii wo oshimu, ^^:-^^9^h., not to lose
Banffa, > ^i)*,Xfk, «• [CUn.'l Pertaining to even a moment; to value time very much.
belles-lettres; of a poetical or literary turn; Biiiilu, J--^/^^, ffiA, 71. and a. Scarcity or Tvant of

elegant; tasteful. persons or bands; solitary; left alone.

Bunga furyii, X^^'M- pertaining to light Kono setsu wa liunin de soto e derarenai, t^ |D
literature and the refined arts. >\4a \5'.J'|.-s.lH 9 t' -^ >(, I cnnnot go out at
aiiDKaku, ^^ftt<,X5g, n. Literature; literary, present, being short handed at home.
philosophical, or political studies; belles-lettre'?. Ruiijaku, i•^X.•^<, ^53, n. [Chin.] Weakness
Bungaku ni kokornzasu, ^ ^ = ;S 7., to in- of body and want ot spirit accruing irom exclu-
tend to study literature; Bungalcu wo sakanni sive devotion to literary pursuits; effeminacy,
turn, X^^SS— 7. ;^, to roii^.e the public to imbecility; docility; weakness.
the imp'-rtance of literary studies. Biinjl, ^^C, ^ IP, n. Literary matters or pur-
BunKaKu-liakaee, >^JJ*< ai *, j^® t^l-, " suits; literature.
ntiiigakii-haKuslii, >^^]'<l^r< L, ' Doctor of Riinjl, ^^e, S-R?. ^- Amoment; a little while.
Literature. Biinjln, .S«^35'^, ^A, ?'.fCftiw.] A literary man;

Bungakuslil, >^jj7< L,S:¥±. " The lionorary poet; scholar.

of a graduate of the Literature Dep't of the
title Qunjin bokkaku, '^A^^. S* under Bok-
Impwial University; bachelor cf ar;s; men of kaku.
lei ters. Uunjo-ran, J-•^2^J^5&^, n. [Bot-.]CIemi:is

Bunoakushl Lyoktoai, %^.±'^^, a club of tuhalosa.

men of letters. rcoraplishment.=. E^'iiDjii siirii, .5--^;&l^?^, ^5, v.t. To receive
BuHsel, i-AW'Vv, ^@, Yi. The literary arts or ac- or take a portion of anything; to v rlake of; to
liMiigen, i«^V^^, .>PR, «• @ OLimit; extent. ihare.

One's social position; circumstances or stnnd Uunkal, The line of demarca'

.t^i>\p, ^5?,

ing; position boundary; frontier.

tion; limit;

Syn. BUNZAT, KAGIRI, JIIBUN, S'llNOnOJDO. BiinE4a!, Jt^*>V^, ^M. '' OLP/t^SiCS.] Resolu-

Bnugenalia. JSf. k^ f^%-^, ^U%-, ^^- Gamo as tion, ©Analysis; breaking up. g) Explana

Buotnsha. 'tlon; excuse; apology.

Denki burikat, W%^^, electrolysis ; I^etau Biinkii, J«^<, 5; •^7) w. [ff7*am.] O A sentence; a
bunkai, M'S'Sf. thermolysis. flogize. clause or phrase. @ The content.'? of a letter.
sum, v.t. T<i analyse; to explain; to apo- Syn. BCNGRN, KOTOBA, JIONOON, MONKU.
Pyn. MosniiuHAKU, Tokiwakatsu. Bun knit, i^ C A,lfC®), w. 'JJhin.] Literary merit;
Biinknianii, >^i>V>^^, &-.%M> "• ^-'"^ '^*' *^^' the merit of civil ofRcials.
marcatlon, the boundary-lino. BiiiikwsB. i-- ^ < io, %'K, It' \CKiTu\A gentle
BiinUnliu siii-H, * ^ *>
3, ^ISi v.t. To dis- C -^ heat or fire.
tance; to miLke separate, distinct, ordistant. Syu. TO ROB I.
Bunhatsii (.nrii, ^^A>-7-Ji 3, ^fll, u.t. 0[^<^i^-.. ESiiiikwa, i•^<49, S:lf, 'i. [CM«.]The flower of
To alienate. ©To divide; to cut up; to break literature; learning or education; refinement.

Oj-cn; to cut. Bunkwn, U k.iio,%\ki, n. [Chin.'] Civilization;

Syn. Sakiwakehu. refinement; leaving no trace of barbarity or sa-

BiiuKo, 3f k.'ft, ^^, '" A branch of a family. vngciicss. Tof a bureau.
siivii, v.i. To separate from a family in Btnukwiij ^^< ij,^^, n. A brancli or section
order to establi'^li an independent household. Syn, Kakariwahk.
Buiiltcn, J=^H'^, [Ifl ^, ^i^ Audiiory and ocular Btiiiik>va-dnig::iku, ^A. < 'y}r;-'^iif< .t. ^'^:K^. n.
evidence." siia'ii, v.t. [tU.] To hear and to The College of Literature.
see; to observe. IS((iik^%:tii. ^^< i9^,i<C 'eT, n. A civil olRcial.
Syn. Mjkiki. Uiinkfvaii, J^^< ioA^,"^^, n. Books; volumes.
BuuUeu, >^W^, i^'a.^ilB. »- Surveying; ex- Syu. Hon, SnoMOTsr.
aminatioo, iluiikwan-fitCsnsliiSii'ii. J'^ < i^^i"7 5:£.W'^.
Burikeii-dogxi, S^^iK^fl-. surveying instru- 51 'eT ^ ijS K S&- " The ordinary civil examin.i-
ments; Bunken-ezu, ^^^^, the map or cliart tion.

of a survey. Biiiikwan-riitsuskikcn-lfn. J-•^< 39A.i.-7 5*

Bui-ii, v.t. To survey or measure, as land. W•^\;^&^, --^f ^ifliKfiS^fi, n. Tlie Commit-
Syn. SoiciTRYo. tee of the Ordinary Civil Examination.
Biiiikoie, >- A W ^, ^, "• ^
The division of Buiik^vaii-fiitsnsliikeii-iiiicho, .i<^ C i7^i5'
power, as opposed to the centralization of power. $^H-^v^a^^^5,^'p;^Iai^ss*a jl, n. The

siii'u, v.t. To divide authority. Chairmin of the Committee of the Ordinary

BunKeii-lmheital, -5'^l'f A tt5— VfeV/v, ^jJSflEl^S Civil lixamination.

^, It. [jJHL] A detaclied company of artillery. Bunkwaii-kotosliiken, .S-A C *^^*'5^5;£^^^,

IliiiikPtsii, i'AW-5, 5- K, ". Snn\& as Bumbei. tC^I^^M^' " The higher civil examination.
RiiuKi, ^'A^, Sf-ifi, n. [G!ti7}.] A forked branch. Itiiiikivait-kr>I()>>ltJkou-sIi<iki, J-•^< d9^*>5^f
siii'ii, v.i. To brancli out; to be divided 5^w^:£i&,*'l:i';E;5^Ksa f^sa. «. Acierkof
like a fork. the Board of the Higher Civil Examination.
Biinlil, J<A?, ^p|c, -It. 'coll.] A boundary post; Buiikwiijiitijii, i^<i95Z•WJ^.^'^i^, "• [Pl'V-

asign-post; a limiting m-irk. sics.] spectroscopy.

Syn. BfisiiiGui. BuukM-oki, >^ < *i 5 &. *-1fcg|, ". [Physics.]
Biiiiko, >At, ^ ^., n. A library; book-case. Spectroscope.

Biinkooiira, % % ^, \CQll.\ the go-down or Bu JO, J* ^ W- 5, ?C?fc, ri. Education; literary

warehouse where books are kept. and moral teacliing.
UunEfo, i'^il>5, ^fit, n. Disturbance; disorder; EEiink>'o, .S'A^ i, ^B". 'i- Same a") Bwn'io.

disort^anization; confusion; derangement; ir- Biinkyokii, .J-•^^ iL< ,^$), ?i. Subdivision of an
regular mixture. siini, v.t. To disturb; bureau; a branch office.

to be confused or deranged. Biiiikyokti, >^^i<,^§S, n. [Physics.] Polari-

Bunko, J^^^&>5, '3; E, n. A box in which letters sation.

are carried ; a letter-box. B:iii(k>u-sen, .5* ^ i& 5 *^,XASI. n. A cash

Syn. FUBAKO, FUMIBAKO, JObako. worth l^iin, flrnt cast in tlie Bunkyil period.
BuDko-sorl. -t ^ t. & 5 I!)",
^ 0. ff ^, w. A box Biititiin niirii, J'^K^?^, ^ fE, v.i. To divide a
made of- osier. work into several parts and assign each part to

Bunkvku, ifhSCi., ^ ^, n. A section of an em- a person.

pire or kingdom which ts ruled over by an Buurctsii sum. J-*AH-7^3, ^ig, i»./. and t. To
almost independent prince. be rent asunder, or dissolved, to crack; to break
Bunko-shiikwiin, > L2.;£W>< *>^, 3: Ki "ff. f*^ or split open; to disjoin or disunite.
The superlntendant of a library, Chi bunretsu su, Sb^Si^-, the ^ouna cracks;
BUN £ 1 Bim
Kuni bunretsu su, U^^^-. the state is dia- tative analysis, TeishUsu bitn.''c},-i, ^'[T^iJf,
membered. qunlitfttive .Tnalysis; ShUsn bunsc'ci, fiS 33* JJfr

Btinrl, J'^'0,^g!, ?t. [CTf7i-] Syntax, or the laws humid analysis.

of composition; style of composition. ISuiisokl-iiUsig, J-•^^i-|[.S.'.'i<^, *fit(l.\ ". '"C/fOTi.]

Biiuri, i-^V). ^12, «

The sraullest particle; the Auiilysis, the separation of a compound sub-
breadth of a hair; mite; ii bit, stance into its constituents.
Buni'l, i•^'!),^M. '« Separation; diRunion; dis- IfiJiison, A ^, 3tM.
,5-' ^ A fine sort of the "
FOlutioa; rending. surn, v.i. and f. To se- Kioanei-scn, with the Cliinese character -% [hun)
paryte; to put asunder; to di?ort;ani7.e , to be on its back, first cast in the ICwi-mbiin period.
disintegrated or dissolved to set npart. ; EIitHRl.i, X- L t„ -9- ^. ". |.l/wr//.' Nuraerater;
Syn. BETSU NI NARU, SlUNAWAKK, WaKA- \Clin)i.] A molecule; an atom.
RERP. r(iii>lit, i'ALi^^. " [ff'"^"i.] Participle,

Itiinrilio. ^AiO ai-, ^ffS Ji. "• [Cheiii.] .Method of Ci'mni-hunshi, gJtt-S'^. the present parti-
chemicfil separatiun. ri"urnace. ciple, Kwalohiinshl, ')^Ji^l\], the p;u-t or im-

Itiinrl-ro, J'^l!) ^, ^Kf *S. " ni^oi.] Separating perfect participle.

llimriil, i'^^£,5^fi1, ". Classification; system ISt(Li>!->bokei, ,!-^ US< . !& -T-l--, " ^-C"'-l Di^ty-

atic arrangeniput; ussortmg. 'I'akes tlio ordin- Hum racemosmn.

ary verb forms. Syn. IlYON NO KI, ISf.

IXiiiiryo, i ^ U) -^ 5, -?^^l>, ". Quantity; bulK, BTitnsliijii. i- ^ * ^- i^ 5, ^ T- jE, " [i'!'ystcs.]

amount, weii^lit; extent, tlo^^Tue. Jlolecular weight.

Kusitri IV hiivry'i, gS-^^-fi', <fu:uitity of '.\

ISiinsliiii, J^A.£.A.,^^, n. Q Tlie inc:iMuitlon of

niedici?-'? , Suvjai iiu bd/iryn, ^ 'Jf -^ iMil, tlnj

a Hindoo god iaTatina). i^ Dt:li\eiy ol a cluld,

extent of diimages l»arturition.

S.\ 11. llAKARl. KASA, >]EKATA. iritiiMliin, ^A£^, S-J'j'. n. [rv.;;?.] Tattooing.
Biiiir>o Ktirn, J-'AH 5"^ 3, ^ «p, v.i. To exercise Syn. HoniM'iNO, Trkzi'mi.
sovereignty over a portion of a coniitry to have ; IiiiisI»(-r>«Iiii, J^kS.^ i.< ,^^ij, >!.. [Physics.]
a share oranylliing. Molecular force. fnl index,
Syn. Wak>.-iis \MLRl', BL'n-yu st'un. DEiiiisliEr.ri. S'k Li 5. ^15 Ei, ". '3rath.] Kractiun-
Riinr^n, i-^l!)5,^L^, /(- A iributary or branch ISiin^hf Slim, Jr A. Li' Z ^ Z'i, v.t. To give a por-

strejim. tion ol anything (saxi o[ .-^iii ei mrs).

Syn. Epa-NAGARE, Sriirvu. Syn, WAKACIIlTAllAr, WaIvI", VTuKir,

Btiinu.ii. i- ^ ^ V-,^g&, ". [C?an.] Decnrntive Bh!i[slii(^(!, J'A*-9, ^^, n. [C7/(;i./fhest;ite 0(

flgures or stripes; ornanicnl , llorid style; splen- bemy el Lboratc or simple, aitilicial or iiatur.il,
dour, cnltivated or rmle, etc.
Bunsai fltryu, '^'^-.W^ iSfE, [f/i in.] elaborateness lEiiiit^lio, J^ki^X' ^^' "• A branch olbce. Tlii\

and tastef'ulness of style. term is usually applied to the police and Un'cst-
Syn. IRODORI, MoyO. for ability. ry ottices.

niinsal, ^A^\p,S:^- " [Chin.] Literary talent Biiusho, .S^A:^-^?. ^ iS, « l**o-e ,
Uiiiisaii, ^k-^K,^^, n. Oli-in^^riii.tr'y.a great sentern-e, letter.
failure in trade. @ {ruii..ics.i Dispcr-inn. Syn, Fl'mi, Kakimono.
siiru, t>.f. and f. To sf:ii ter; to brenk up; to be £:iijiolii>. i;/* J;, ^^, n. Record, letter; any-
made insolvent; to be declared a banki-upt. thing written; archive; book.
Syn. Hasan, RmNDAi-KAf;ii:[. 13vnshn-bako, 5^ ^T ?3. ^ letter-box; Dvnsho-
Btinsnii-on. i-^ :? ^ 5.^. -3- K5 IR!. "• 'I'l-vsics.] hi:hvri-i, JCi^^, a letter-bag,
Circle ©f confusion. Syn. Frwi, K'AKnioNO.
RiiiiS]in-nr>. i- ^5 ^© 5,^Vi.n^. '»• WhysUs.] Btiinsilioiin. i- A* i < ,
£, .L. [rinn.] Figures;
Dispeisive power. stripes.
Syn. Atamk, Moto.
Bitusaii-iiir., 3!^^^^/^^, jrupt; an insolvent. a£iiii<-lioi<ii, J^Ax,i.<, ^ S4. n. A pnrtial eclipse
Biinsel, i-'A^V^,^ii. " [Physics.'] Divisiliility. of the snn or tlie moon.
Bunsckl, J'^^&,^tff. 'i O [Chem.'] Aniilj'nis, IttitiHlioKii, Ji? A.X i. < , "iC !i^, n. [Chin. Ornament;
assaying. @ Analysis; examination; scrutiny. figures; embelli'^binent; splendour,
Takes the usual verb forms. B!iiii>linliwn, J^A.,^X < *7, ^#!S. « The Section
Tsuchl 100 bvnseki svrv, ±S ^ -Sf-^t 7- /^, to of Ourrc^cp.inib-nL-e.
analyse a Poil. 'leir!/~ bunseki, !£ !i ^ t'r. yuanti- Jiiinsin.. j.-/„.<.i,i), ^4"., 7t, Same as iJitmSci.
Uniislin. J--^;£ 5, -^i$. n. [Ckiit.] Embroidery; Burn-biirxi, >&>?,, a, and adv. [cofl.] Slow;
vaiiegiitetl needlo-work. Idly; hanging loosely; in a vibrating ur swing-
Syn. Nriwovo, Xvitoki. ing manner.
lEiiii^o, >^^$, jJCJ^l, 7t. &i).me as Bun-an. Chochln ga bwa-bura sagatte iru, ^ ©;'/' zT 9
Uiiiisn i-A-c-rX, ^JS. <'' [C!Un.]TQ ex-
siii'ii, 7* 7 T 7^ # '^. the lanterns are swinging bub-
pUiin; to excuse; to jUead one's innocence. pended.
Syn. IlHIBAKt', MoSHIWAKI! SURU. Syn. Bdrasagatte.
Biinsu, Ji;^f5, ^IK. n. [J/af/i.J Fraction. Burabura-yninal, .5-*
& i* & -^ 3 \r. ^ ^, « A
Ui:nsri-t:ui-E, ^'^-i^5fe^S., ^ Si ^tt. /t. [Mjtft.] chronic disease.
Fractional unit. fcom position. Syn. Dahadaka-tamai, Manseibt5.
l^uiiiai, l=A.-fz\r, X fff, " The style, or tenour oi" Biirat, Jj 5
Kiftfa, «.. [C7;;j?._ Worthless;
V^, mis-
Uiiiitniolio, ^A.tzV^'^^^, ^PSJ5. 't- An officer chievous; good for nothing; dissolute; irregu-
in command of a sub-company.
lar; scampish; villainous; roguish,
Biitttaji iiurn, i--^?^^-^^, ^{g, v-C. To bear a Syn. HOSHIIMAMA NATIU, TANOMI NI NARA-
partial responsibility; to talie a portion of a
work, duty, or obligation. ieiii-al-k:tn» ^'5\^il'^, SSfflH?, ". A fellow

Buiit.'itMi, h^izo, n^JJI, "

^ Fame; renown; Uurai-inono, i-6\/^4©, ^H^^, ' good for no-
celebrity, good reputation. thing; an abandoned fellow; worthless rascal;
Buiitei. ML'ZV', %^, t^ame as ^i;*i(ai. i<..
rogue; mean villain; scamp.
Biiiitoit. ^^t A, jSC !J4. n. Grammar; rules of Syn. Narazumono, AA'aru-mono.
compositinn. Kiiraliu, P. 'i- '^Ohin.] Sections of a bar-
< , Sl5i5.
Biiutoii. i•^r^, -K\% "- [CIdit.] Tranquility in barous or savage country (or tribe).
literary or civil matter -1.
IKiirnnkotto, -f^i/^-; V , n. \ETig.'\K blanket.
BuTiten hull, S:^fftiJ, [CViin.] civil and mili- Biii-:titko, J-•6^t., f'^- [coil.] A swing.
peace; tlie public peace.
T-'iry Biirari, ^ and a(\:i\
& a.
15, Hanging Q
Buutso, a-^-:?5, jSClE, "i^- -A^" epistolary corres- loosely; dangling; with a swinging motion;
pondence; letter; epistle. vibrating. ©Tdle; of loose habits; with nothing
Bim-iiii. J;^-5^, %M-< "• \Ch.ln.'\ Social refine-
to do; loafing,
ment; advancement of civilisition. EEiii-a!«lii, -f^:/. M^, -II- ^Emj.^AhTMSh.
Ifiiiiy.i, J-'^J^, X S. "" A library; an apartment Syn. Hake, EEOARai.
in which books and charts are kept. B!iii-.-l(«:ie£iii ^&-9<, V.I. foil.] To walk idly; co
Syn. ElXKO, BDXsniTSL'. loiter, loaf, or lounge; to spend time in idleness.
Bunyn, X^ A--^", ^[i?, ?t. Being civilized or nar-
KTien 7ii tturatsuhu, S- [il =y ^ 'y^, to lounge
baroH'j, Cilucated or illiterate, or refined or in a public garden.
rustic. iJur«M, ^ixxr', Mi^. ". Impoliteness; insult; rustic
Biiiiy:i-Iitislii, J-'A-^^^' L, ^^ I'ff. " A popular manners; want of good breeding; rude conduct
musical air, urii,'uiated by Okamoto Bunya in
and adv. lorms.
Tiiki?^ tlie a.
the Genroku jieriod.
liiirei luiasJiirai, *r. '1! ^^ iffi. impolite treat-
Biioya.kii. .S-'^=^^C, X$^, ". A written contract.
ment, Buret 100 ill, 3)S ^73 -/ H" '7, to use insult-
.ifiujiyeii, .^'^£,^, 5: 3iE, O [C/ifn.] A collection
inglanguage; Bvrei nn hUo, A, person %^^
of masterpieces of literary work; library. @
ol'no good breeding; impolite person.
[lU.]The garden of letters.
Syn. BiSAHo, Rkt:-jaki, SHiTSfKi:!.
ItiinRnI, .S•'^^V>, ^f^, fi. Oiiij'-^ social standing
lEiirot^iiii, i!ix-7, jtt ?'. n. and a, Energuric; reso-
(used chieily wlien speaking of a humble per-
lute, vigorous; daslung; spirited, veliement;
son); condition; circumstances.
brilliant; bright; animated.
Syn. BL'Cl-N, .MlUL'>'.
Iliiri, S'^O.Wi, " ^TcJitJi.] Siriola qiiinqiieradiata
Bunzol, 1= ^^\/>, Sfcin, " ''-£'?'("V7i.' Mosquitoes Biiri, ir'/(, adi\ [^co;^] Diu-ing; for, since; aUei-.
and gnats. Ilisaslii buri de ome m
kakari mnsu, ^A^y-f v -r
Riipiii.-i, ^'•yc^•^, ^ pD, « Same as ii/(A-S;iya.
ijl g — !^ V ^ ^-i 1 have nut seen you for a long
Biippo. j^-j]^X; flfii, )i. Euddhl-m; the religion time,
of Buddha. Btiri-hiirl, Sf^Jf^, n. and Q ai\,- A kind ..f'toy.

Buppo nl hie sunt, ^ii — ES^ ^-'^t ^° become @ In a flaying or peeling manner.
a believer in Buddhism. Biu-ndirl-gitolio, J> UJ i-U) ^-j t^i, fig *? [^ fet, n,

Biipp5so, i: -y \S ^ "S Si ,
" iOriiitfi.] Surystomus A new-year toy for boys, said to drive out evii
orientaZls. Spirits from a house.
LUll 100 BUS
l(iirl1*n-'>sM. i-!0*.— L, '(. [coll.] Beinp; t:\ken lEiiNPi, i'-ltV;^, %f^, n. and a. Idle; lazy; slovenly,
•fiic-k a^;tii.. Tiikes tlie ii^utI verb-fornT^. li..ijlng, not to be industrious; negligent; care-
OiTiionohyTiki (to lnirlkne>i!tlt€ kmnarirtiaxhila, less. roA.

^ ' frj % ^Z* 7' V ^fJ -^ S/ 5^ IS '1 ^ :- •5r. T fitd ^m-- Syn. Braiii", aioxogusaki, Okotaru, Tai
rv tn p;iy that my brother Ims hepn taken sick ISu8(-l, 3-' y-\/^
, ^ r/. '< [Hot.] A turnip.
RiiviMil. iU)7^,^^,
Tin „. |ilnto. Lagaiti. Syn. KabIRa.
niij-ikKi-Iitvnii-soJxoltiknl, i-w) v^ < i9^^V3^ n. The few; few personB; not
il'A'l^.'lfil^ J|$yi^?:';t^, n. [.Vnc!i/ A mncliino ha\ Mig a large army,
for making tin cnn^. T'i.--i ni busei, ^ 3 = M ^. the few can bn no
Kiiril£!£l-l£-%^nnxi)tiio->nUo. .t-' V) y ? f t)A.-^'^h-^
miit'-ii fui the many.
lrf,V-j1ZP^W^i^^ " *^.»nncd j=;i]inon. Ralmnn in Percentage of profit- in-

tincani. Ttinplate tbiiiic*. Syn. BCAlZKM. Lter*>st.

EiirikSil-.v.M, Jr ^'y^^,f3.'^]S. " The raakfjr of Pnme as Kachiyiimi.

Bitro siirii, IfT^-^-^z. 1^ #. ''-f- To asperse; to A warrior; a member of f h«
Inngh at =cnirifully ; to ridlcuie, to make liirbt military c.l;tss, a sol-

of. to slight, dier.

Ryn. AKADOrtt:, NaBtru. Syn. BUFU, Mo-

Burn, i'2, ^, r.l. or t. ruU.'] To nfTect; to make NONOFQ, Ml'.^IlA, TaU-
show of, In 1.16 like; to put an air of. WAMnNO.
Gfikvsha bnrv, ^ -^ f >h, to put on the air of
BllNllI, J^' L, Rt T-. "•

a learned man; TnaJ.abtvu, to net or

[Bot.] Aconite.
|D "S 7'' fl-,

talk like a person from the country; Otona KilsIlillj^n,i-;£^:£-^, ^

hv.ru, ^Ay'ri', to be pr(''.-ocIonR; TaJ.n bvrii, Z^-t
a ,C., a. and n. [c-.u.]

-fl^, to be Relf-important or boastful, Y^dnl Irreligious; not de-

huru, '^4-^ -f n-. to make a vain display of one's vout, infidelity.

importance or dignity. Riisiilnjlnslia, J^^.^X
Buni-hiii-ii, J-- 3 i- 2 , tIS ^TS- 'J- and adv. \r(,r\] A.£.^,m \t 'C %, n. cm ±3
Tremblinp:; shaking; in a shnrMering manner. An infidel; unljeliever.

Bxn'U-hvrxi fariierv, 7"ji-7'«.-7't -^ji-. to shako

KiiRliJtsiikR, ^Z -^ i^,^M. ^*- [coll.] Want or

ehxidderingly; Sanwkvtte Iniru-hnrii surti, 'K-^-}

good breeding, impolite; not courteous.
t' BS -"r ^' B-. to tremble with coUl. Bw^hit^ul-p-onmaRhlku, %%1f v ->• ^, [coll.''

Syn. Wan.\-wana. in an audacious or overbearing manner.

Bunii, *Zit,5n^, w. Class; system; genus; spe- Syn. BCREI, SniTSURKl.
cies; kind; order. rtiiNlio, -i*;l-^5, fftS^, 7i. A commander; a gene

Burui wnkaisv, ^'y. to divide ral; the chief ofhcer; an officer.

luo ^1S J- into
classes; to classify. Syn. TkISADAISHO, iKrSAGIMI.
Syn. BCWAKE, Tagui. Bii^lio. >;l-^5. 7;i!^, fT/?T.andn. [co??.] Slovenly;
Bur^nkii, s^yj-^^K ,K^. n. [Chin.] Stratagem; in a perfnncl ovy fashion dirty; not clean idle; ; ;

military plan or design. c.ireless.

Bor> ,Ph.^,UM, a- and aclv. I^onely; having

o. BvRhn ni s-i/r?/ tn kitovai , %^^ ^7. n, y- if »-^
no good menns to kill time; cheerli^ss;, unplefi- -f , rarelessne-= ].>ave« things dirty; Fu.-ihl bnsho
saot, ni .•!fr<rh i siir,.-. T- 3? T- 1^ = )R Xn y- n-, to consent
Syn. TAKo.snTKARAN'u, TANnsniyiN \ki. witli reluctancp.

Busniio. .S-'^S-i-, $if f1= iJr. a. Rude; ruptic; \ian; KilRlto, >:£.->^5, M?$- '" riapping the hand<(.

ing good manners; imimlite; insulting Syn. Oakl'SHU.

Syn. BiMinsi-KE, Stm >;r"in-i.
Bi'KF.i, IttiNlio. ji*j^5, gR'JS, 71. The commander of a
Bii^^iiiliii. Ji>^\r< J-^X. « aud n.
\roU.] Not subdivision of an army.
Pkilftil; of bad workmanship; awkword, aSiisliir,X-Xi. Sli-S. n. [C!i(n.] OA branch of »
Syn. Fi'TEniwA. government oflice. @ Dividing a work for

Buantn, 3=^fe,1lft ?>;*, " ]cnn.] Noi \iritingtoa having accomplished by several persons.

person or not vi«iting him. lEitsSioxiiinn. ^^^J^^a^a. Stl?. ". A kind of top.
livantawfi Ki rv, %^^''tk'^ :'.ft', not to write to Syn. Bai
a person; not to inquire fifter one's health; not Uii.«I:oiii«iio i-^--;-5 4 (7), 7^*^^, n. [coll., An
to visit a person. idle, careless, or negligent per'^on.
Syn. ToDogniKi, Utoutoshjki. Biisiia, i-:E(/i.5, SiJiK. n. Same as Bumin.
Uiisliu, -ir:£.W), Sn^. ft. Subordinates; inferiors; BuRsho, JSn-yXi., ffl ^, n. Holy books of the Bud-
persons under one's authority, dhists.
Syn, KuMiKO, TEsnitA. Syn, BC'SSKTSU, BL'TTEN, KyOkwan.
ItiiHlmlii, ^^(fl>U.', 7;tf M, CL- [co/i.]DisapproTal; BuiQSlio-e, ifyZ^^^,B^%, n- [Bwdri.] The Sth
liiilure, disapprobation; to be in disl'avour; un- ot the 4th month (p,s.)\ Shaka's birthday.
successful. BiisBliokii. Jf -J i, i <,1^g, n. 6'/i/7i.] The ex-
I^^ani 100 shite mo bushtibi aeshita, W? ^r^ ternal appearance of a person. sum, v.t.

T- "S' S r i' «, I failed in all undertakings. To search for a person by his external appear-

Itusliiiksui, iI;&l%:t;>^, ^#Jtr. «, fBot. I Horned ance, or by his picture.

orange. Syu. Sagasu, Saguru. fcorea.

Biisshoslio, S'-yZ-^5i.i~,W'^^, n. [BoLDlos-
a. [Chin.] Un- Syn. TSUKI'IMO, TSUKUKEIMO.

paralleled; un- Biisso, J«75 5,^Bfi, a. Perturbed; disturbed,

surpassed; un- not peaceful; dangerous; infested with robbers,
equalled; incom- or thieves; excited.

parable ; match- Ohlkagoro sekcn oa lianahada tmsso rfa, Jfi ti ft

less. flfl
S ^ ^ 51 ^, the public is now excited to a
Teiika buso no high pitch; robbers and thieves have become
Shi, ^ T US 5? ^ very numerous of late.
±, a gentleman ^'-^'i^ ^ fffJ Btisso, Jf 'J ^, ^ lis, n. The founder of the
wlio-se equal is founa noTvliere in the world. Buddhist religion.
Syn. Narabinaki. BiiBsog^e, jf'j'^ 5 W^, J ttS. ". [Bf«.] China hibis-

BiisotHu, Jfi^-^y 31^1 ci. [C/iiTi,] Soldiers under Fiiso, .i.5 5, ' cus, or Rose of China.
tlio same commander. Biisii, jtf", ^ ^-, n. [Bot.] Same as Biishl.
Buesakl-biiori. -fe'V ^ & tf 3tf "fl, i-lgiT^.^. « A BiESQ, jf -jl- 5, }> K, w. [itfa(/i.j See Tsubosu.
Japtinese coat similar to the swallow-tailed coat Biisii, >-^,^, 7z. Poison.
in shape; a haori, having a part ol' the midJle DOKU.
line of its back lelt unsewn together. Bii8iil. ^-jl'V'-, ^^, a. Not fashionable; not pleas

Biissan, J^-y-^- k, ^^, n. Visiting a temple or ant; deficient knowledge of men and tilings.
grave for paying respects to the deceased, or for Bi'sm n<i hitn, Jft J? -^ A, an unfashionable
worship. person; a persou who.se moral notions are rath-
Syn. HOTOKEMiiDE, Tkramairi. er too strict.

Syn. Uirakenu, Sabakenu.

Biis^nn, ^t-y ? A., ^M, "n- Produce; products;
productions; manufactures. B(i snrn, Jif^Z,%, v.t. Q To strdfee to ; pat. @
Biissan-gwiLlsIiii, Jfi-y'^A.<rt)\fX^, ^ ^ To tranquilize or pacify.
"h" fflt,

n. A merchantile corporation established for Ken wo Z)U sum, ^f-M 7. ft-, to handle a sword
disposing of the products of a country, or pro- fondly; Se wo bu suru, ^ ^ Kf :^ »-, to stroke
vince. the back.
BuNsaiikn, X* v 5 ^4^ IS ^ ^. "• Producers; But!!, i':te.©, at. n. [2oSl.1Pie; swine
manufacturers. fSliaka, Syn INOKO. TcorpulenLly.
Biissetsii, .J; -y^ -7, 1^ fg, n. The teachings of Biitabiitn. * fe Jffe, cu and adv. [coll.] Very fat,

Bussetsu wo kikv, ^M'^M^- to listen to Biitiiguya. .S^fea-^, Et/h§, ". A pen for swine.
Shaka's teachings recited. Biitai, ^teV^, $?S, 'it.The stage ot a theatre.
ISiissetau, i-.yit'?, i^; Ji], II A Euddliist temple. Butai wo fumu, ^S^®i*, t.o perform on
Syn. Garan, Ticha. the stage; to be experienced; Ilinoki bvtai, (9
Bim8li:i. i'-yi^, ^W, ". A Buddhist. Rdols. 6f S> Uit-\ ^ stage of fir wood; Jlo. the stage,
Biie8lil» Jfi-i t, fl? One who makes Buddhist
M, "- in all the greater Japanese theatres is made
Biisslifu.stifi. Jry:S,A.Zf.'i>^.^-i:'^., '* The J^en of this material; No butai, SE ?5 fi. a stage I'or

sect of tlie Buddhists. operatic performances.

BiisshitHii, i'y:£.-7, 4^^, ". The chemical or phy- Syu. Maidono. fparadise.

sical nature of a thing; substance, mutter. Biitaiclio, >fev^-r5. ^^^. f^- Ornl(h.\-B\raQ{
Busslin, ^"jX^^'Bfk- " I^'''6 ofTered to a Bud- Biituii, ^fe^, ffilS, adu. Precipitately, rashly;

dliist idol or given to a Buddhist priest. headlong.

Bueslio, .i^-yi-*5,0'i4, n. The Buddhist or di- Syn. Hashinaku, Sozoro ni

vine nature. Bnta-uo-nbura, .i^-fzO^^^. ^ Di. n. Lard

Biita-nn-inanjn, i' fe ® 'a ^ %- 5, i(. [Bot.] Sow- Biitsvnl g'izen, ^ '

, the publiu waa great-

bread. ly exasperated.
Biita-iMi-iiikii. ^•fz(D\l^< , ^t ftj, " Pork. Syn. TORISATA, UWASA.
Rutnrcrii, >-feH3, l^fl, v.t. [colL] The passive ISiitiuMtJ^o, ii-c»&, i^'tf., n. Buddhist language.
or potential lorni ol' Batsiu BiitsiieiE, i"p<-, % ^, It. Things used in Bud-
BiitiiN^'i'ii, ^72-^:5, ^ YS, ^"^- icori-i The cr-ii]=;a-
dhist worship,
tive lorm of Buty.iL ftliiri;!:^, rrnsswise. Syn. flOTOKE NO UTSUWA, OBCKT.
Biitrlil^ni. J&= .'%fi'V-,YiiA.^^' " iC""-. To put BSiifimi;;!!, i'<5<', f^^, ?(. OITcriDgstoa Buddhist
B-uiciiinii^ nl kokki wo tatsu, ^X = ^ ^ ^ "i^i idol. r'wwi.

"y, to raise niitioniil O.ig'^ on crossed poles. Riitsuji, i":?Z-, f^JT-, " /J.'f.l ro-.C'-r(U,j( vuhja-
Rtiti'liiinorii. i--y tfib Z, r.t. [coll.] The contnic- Syn. HAKAGdCI SA.
tion of Buclii-s/ilmeru. Biitfsii.il, Jf-^M, 1?^ If. "• A Buddhist tomple.
Biitclioziirii, ,V ^ p nTj, n. Sulky,
"j%^ :>' c., lt5" ISiitsiiJ). J^-c^'t, g^^t, The Buddhist majis.

morose, or angry countennnre Irowning. , E'.iitsiijo. i-C'X'-<j>5, 4^'IS. "- The state of alfiirs.
Buto. i--fe-"', SESS. '' Dnnring, dance. IUU^iiliiis:i, >-p<^, adr. In a grumbling v., ly.
BvtO'liwai, leil'J^, a hall; a danciDS club; Butsu'.v-a ill, -f y ^ -y-z: "7. to grumble, to
Kas'^-huiTi'-kwoj , lEJ i4- 'J.T gS ^, » fancy ball. complain.
Ryn. :\[Ai, ODOiii. Butsiihusa, -!^-7C^,^JS, vt. Tijoc; Beta ri(/(7aj-/s.
Buto, i'lf, ^X^-' " l-^'ifCT"-.] A ppecies of dipter- lEiitKiiina, ^-ot.. \%%, w. An apartment in a
oaa in:^ert witli gceat =;tinging power. private house, especially furnished for reliL^iuua
Bnt»;ii. 3''9, ^,' )' Buddha or ShaVa. services; a chapel.
Biiteu, J«-7, it. '^' [B'^'-J Artemisia '-ul'tarif:. Biitsuiiioi, i-ci^V", 'l^ ^, Ti. The n:ime ofa thing.
Butsu, i--:?, JT, r.f. O ico^'-l To strike, knock, RiitHiiiiiel. ^.-oi^Xf, illf'^, »i- The name ofa
beat, or drub. @ To wliiii. © 'i o aim at. Q To 9Siit8iiiii> r>, ,!-"9;V^$, 'deceased person, given
play a ganif. A ron^upted form of Vtan. him by a Buddhist priest.
Syn. Ohociuicu, T\T\i;r, Utsu. Butsumyn ^ijn I'nvirni, j^i; a ^ [ig n-, to recite
But->4ii, .J»-9, 4^, '1. A thiuii. the Bii(idhi-t name of a deceased (as in a pray-
Syo. MONO, Sni.VA Syn. HuMY'J. l&T).
Biitsii-hnrlii, J? -y \S %, ffl) ^, n. Punishment Bnt<^iiinon, j^-o ^, •!,
^ p^, n. The gate of Buddha;
inflicted by Buddha. Buddhism; priesthood.
Syn. TIoTUKE no thramp:. Butswnon vi kie siirv, flf n^fi; (j^ 7wu, to enter
Butsii-lxitt^ii. ^'^.V-r?, 3f, V, 'I''''. An adverb priesthood, to become a follower of Buddha.
u'=ed to represent t)ie p.:fuli;tr noise of water irii(Hi]-oii. S=-yfz/u, #,S. n. The grace ot Buddlia.
boiling; bubblini^, grumbling. Be(<(!t«iiri. ^OV), l^?g, n. The laws of nature; the
Yii ga biitsu-butyu to niyuru, fol
"^ |}^ '/ I-^^ physical causes ol a natural plienomenon
n-j the water boils, Biitsu-bu'su iii, r3E <r £ T?. Bi'tstiTi uio kiivamu, flS J5 V- 5H A. to ascertain
to grumble. the laws of nature,
ButHiidn, .i"??;:., ^Ip^. n. BiuliJha. Bi!isiii-igra!iiB. i-'-9 iJ)
i)* (, tSM^, "• Physics;
Syn. EUTSU, IIotokk. natural pliilosophy or science.
Biitsn<I:(ii, i''Ofzh., ftiifjf, u The Buddhist shrine ISiitMiri-Kaiiiisha, .5^ -9 ^ f^ < Z^, 491! i^W. '"-

in a pi vvate house. A physicist, natural philosopher.

Biatsiadon. .J'•^tf^, (Ti'-fig, a Same as /;(rU.-rtA'«. Ciitsi4rilii. ,t"7 W)
%, ^'i) ij, ii~ The powers or mi-
UiitsittEo. J^-07::-j. \%'^, n. Kuddhinn. racles ol Buddha.
UiittiiiKlo, I"7?g5' f^Plii". " Buddhi-;m temple. Biiiti^iiroit, .i-"7^^, 1^^, n. Same RS Butsugi.
ButE<(;-n. i--7 J,, flp %, ii. A public service ol EuO Biitsui'iii, .i-'-92&, i^|3, n. Kinds; species, sort.
dhist priest^ Syn. EuRfl, TAr.Ui.
Itiitsiien, i- "9 ftf, IS i^, " Kxtoi-nal thintifs and Biit-fci-ii, i'-75, ^]i^, >i Same as BwArfcafcii.
one's self. fdliism. Biit.<ii/.a. .J-'-oy, The seat of a Buddhist
6|;i!g, „.
BiitBiisakii. .Si-9fif < ,
fifi ^, n. The study of Bud- Syn. Daiza, RKNdKzv. LiJo^-
But<«ir(?:ti, J^of^yj^, SP M, ">• a canopy over an Biit.«ii-x:ii->,<', .S' -9 5" \j^ -t|-. flit tit, « The time
idol, or a colhn when Shaka was still on tlie earth.
Syn. TENGAi. Bttilsiixcii. J-•^^^, 015 {^. adi: Before, in front of,
Uutsusl, .J-'-^y, i^yS. n. rublic opinion or dis- a Buddliist idol or the mortuary shrine of a
cu'^sion; conLrovoisial argument; provocation; deceased pei;'on, fima^e.
exasperation. Butsuxo, J«r?3-5, A Buddhist
fflJ®, /i. idol or
jBb'j 103 BYO
Shaka nn imtsitzn, ?S^^S&Q^, an imase of ® The Emperor's undress. © A winding-sheet
Shak.1. fstance. or sliroud.
lEuttiil. J^-j1i\r^, 4^98, 'I. Object; matter; sub- Byakiigo, V^'-^<1i^^,^ ^,71. A prominence on a
lEiiltiKiNii, S-- -y ?2 J. -^, fTffi). ^'-t- [col^]Same as Buddhist idol's forehead, said to be the organ
Buchi-taosu. which emits a light illuminiting the whole
ICuttiLtakii, ^'y'fzfe < , J7 0. v.t. Same as Buchi- universe.
tataku. fBuddhists. Kyakiijiitiiii, X}^'^<Z''/i'-^,'^1\\, "- [Bot.,Atrac-
Itiittt"!). i' -j-t ^, The sacred books of
l^l^iUi, n. tylls avata. '^^W/.i
fltiittsiihiu'ig, :^-yOb>Z,Ws% i'-'- 'coil/ To strike BynktirnJ. Xh'-^< tV^, |^
or Jnsh against; to coUIJo witli. fmediately. n.
ffi(, White leprosy.
Cii(.t>*iil<c, ^! 7 -P tJ", atlT. Directly; frankly; iin- Syn. Shirahata-
Buttsuke ni lu, -f-j ^y ^- :£ "7, to ppeiik to a KK.
person directly. {Xsuktrvi. aSyakiivoii, Xy-^< *^^, ^
RuttsuDicru, Ji-^-S'W'X, T'-f. Sams as Biichi- ^, It. [Bot.] Vltis
Bii-tiii, ^5^.5ti3^. w- Military fortune. serjaniaefolia.

Bu-un cfinkyTi, j^i^^ Aj the permanence of esyukurj, Uf-^ < "O I^ , ?fi).

one's good forture in military matters. n. rjtfed.] White mu-

Ryn. Tkusa no sachi. cous stools.
lEyakiiro, O-*-^
Bii^valie. Jti in l&, ^^, n. O Classes; classiflcv < :^d, |^ i

tion; sorts. © Percent:ige. 7i. Pewter. Ci5 fl'

Biiivari, i-^^ifl, ^'M, '"• [coll.] Percentage. Ryakiisan, O'*^^ ^^. ^ IKt. "• l-Wed.] A medlclQe
Syn. Eu-Ai. put into sake, to be drunk on New-Year's day.
Bu-^vo, ^ io 5,§Stai, « [Chin.] False accu?atirni Syn. TOSO.
or charge; calumny; slander. ICyakiishi, u.'-^< L> iS lE. «. [Bot.] Angelica.
Syn. Ttsuwari-shituru. Ryakiislilii. V^<-$.A.,^^, « [Bof.lJuniper.
Biiysi, > j^, jt 3?> '^^ '^'^6 plain of Bushti ov Musa- Uyakiizen, W^i'it-k, '^v^,n. [Bot.] Vince
Syn. MrSAsniNO. U''''^-
toxicmn. fphant.
Biiynkn, Jk^ A? < , BS <S, «. Ijaliour exacted ftoni Kyakiizo, u-'j^ < 3*5, gf^, n. [Zool.] White ele-
the lower people by a clan government. Bs o, tA'^S,^, w. A sharp pointed nail with a
broad head; a tack.
Buyaku wo aUrn, B3; u^ 'fi& '^. t^ assign forced
Syn. Yaku. Llabonr. Byo, -^5,#, " A second.

To dance; atyo, '^J./S, n. Ancestral shrine or temple.

Buyiiliii surii, J---^<-^3, f-fS«, r.f- t..

S^n, Tamata.
leap or move with measured step*=i.

Syn. MAr-ODOiic. n^|0, tA'^?, ^1 «• Sickness, illness; m.ilady.

Buyel. J*i&U^,St^. "• The Im|>eri;il gutirds Very often used in compounds, as By~kl, Eai-
guards ol the Tmperi;il PiUace. Syn. Wazurat, Yamai. Ibyo, etc

Biirojin, .J--i?,1^,#ffl.C., " [coll.] Tmprmlent. 3I> obakii, V^'-<?^li£< ,WM< Ch. and adv. Far reach-
careless; heedless; negligent for; improvident ing; vast; extending; boundless, spacious.

for a future e^tgen^y. U.>«>bo, !>'^ 5 tf 5,iSt ^. and aav. Sanje » as

Syn. ABr.NAi, .MrYo,ti.v, YH.tin skxu. above.

Buyo siii-ii, i:-^ 5 -^ 3,E^. ''' Sftmea<i Bulkv aE>obii, tA'^5i-, !if P,, '* A folding-screen,

sum. fmilitFiry rnlonr; warlike. /sso no kim.-

Bnyiir > L?> 5, K 5j. "• ^nd a. Cournge; bravery; bynbu, — ff^ >•

Buyu, j« 1-3), fi^, n. [.Entom.1 A species ofdipter- ^ ^ P^, a pair

ous insect. S-nmo as Biito. - of folding-

Buxntsii. i'3'-3,;Es J(t, n. 'Chin.l Disordered, de- screens of

ranged, dishevelled; out of order. gold paper.

By.iKfio, v^'^'^-L, ]^^, n. [Z(,ol.] White tiger.

Bynkko, C^*^"/> l^JK, n. [Zool.] White fox.
lA'-^ 5, S; V,

Byakubl, tX^ <Vf, ^ ^, 'i- [^ot] Vincet'-ix^cwni a. nnd attr.

atratum. ^
rw<!od. Spacious; far- (M ^1
Byakudni). i>> < ^t-A-TSiV. »*- fB''^"' P:ir;d«l- reaching; extending far and wide; vast; distant
Byakudnii-nO'ki. y.*^ < ?£ ^ © &. £ n. .^at ItJ.
and not well discernible; boundless,
[Bot.] A kind of Juniper. Bisobyo, t^'^5C^'^5.f^£3ift, a- "^nd ariu. Same as

Byaku-o, U.'-^ < Jt, i^ H, " O A while giirmeni,. UyTibyo and Byobo.


Ryorlin, tK-^ $ I5 l^ 5, ^ +, " and. adv. Being Byonan, tP-^ 5 tc ^, ^fillK. " A calamitous dis-

sick or ill; -while one is sick or ilL ease; calamity caused by sickness.
Byodnn. '^ 5 ^^ IS M, *' -A- shrine or alter for Byoiiln, Ty^ 5 W ^. *^ A, «. A sick person; b

keeping ancestral tablets in. patient.

B.yodo, CN'-^ 5 * 5 ^-S, "" ^
'lud adv.
Equal; uni- Byouo, U.*-^$'^5, ;^ tS. "~ Same as Bynku.
form; just; even; imparti.iUy. Byord, tV-^ 5 5, ^"^i% '*- Weakness or weari-

Bymln, '^5feJ', j^ ^, n. The governnient; min- ness felt after a disease.

istry; Cabinet; the cabinet chamber or boar J. Kyui'un, ^5^k„ M^, " Same as i?!/rj-/^.

Bjo-el, '^JSlV/', "S iS- ?i- A descendant. Byoryakii, '^^^^i, M%, " The policy of a

Byofii, tA'-^5-l-, H^ !(S. " A sick woman. cabinet, government, or ministry; adrainistra

Byofii. tK-^S-t, ^ j^c. n. [r/(in.] A sick man. tive views.

llyoKn.n, t^-^5i)'^, *(l flS, '^- [C/tin.]Sure eyes; Byos«a, ^^55, $S ^, ii. The chain attaclied to an
diseased eyes. Syn. Ik ARIZONA. L«"Chor
Byoe.iiisekl. '^5ft'^*&. ?SHS5. " '-'^'" I!yos:)u. '^5a.^, ^ BE, n. Same as Byoryaku.
Cat's eye, a variety of quartz or clialcedony. ByoseJSf^kJ, -^^-^V/^^^. ^S Bf a, "- P^'" J Samd
Syn. TOMBODAM.*. as ByTi./niueki. LtienL
Bydgl, ^5'^, ^ Wt, " ^C/i '"?).] Deliberations of a Byoslin, [A'-^^5;£-^, S^ #, 7t. A sick person; pa

ministry. Byoi:«lia, -•'^S.-'^, ^ iftt. " a :>7M'Jifi^ shrine.

kesm, ^^"^ 7 ^zk, the mini-
ByTiyi hajimcre Yashiro.
sters of Stat© have at last concluded to ... Bjosh.i auru. -^S^-^-i^Z, M V5, r f. To trace,
Byogo, U-'-^S &, ^ il^. n. and adv. After sick- to copy; to draw or write after a pattern.
ness; period of convnlesconce. Syn. MoSJiA si'RU.
By'iyn no or By'x/n no tsukav, #|
hir~>, ife
^ U30SUI, u-'-^^J i, *^5E, n. Derttti from sickness,
§, debility or weakne'^s after sickness. siirii, v.L To die of a di-je;Lse.

Cyolu, u:j<?5Z>A, ^ Pit, "- A hospital; an infirm- Bjiii-liJn, C^*^5:£A., S^ J^, a. find n. Easily it

ary. tacked liy di^o.ise^; a sickly or weak body.

Baldoku hy'm, WiW^^> ^ liospital iur sy- Byosho, V''^^i,-'^^, ^f^, n. Simptoms of a

philitic patients; Fliten hyoln, |Sl, SS J^ P;S. a niad disease.

hospital; JikeL byoln. B iS *N Kb. -' cliarity hos- B.>o:!ilid. C^'.^5X-^5, f^ft. " A sick-l.-d.
pital. BjoHko, V^-^ 5 ^5j VPtP, « [<'!dn.] Small; not
Bjojo, XK-^5i:^5, iKK. "- Conditions or symp- - important or considerable; insignificant, hum
toms of a disease. ble; of no consequence; lowly.
ByOka, '^5i>, ^ S^. "- [Zobl.] A kind of small Syn. CiniSAKi, WAZUKA.
shrimp, prawn. fsick family Byoslio, ^5* i,, g',^, fc. FHmilyline; pedigree;
B.I oka, Uv'-=^5*>, i^^, n. A pntient'& hoiiRe; a genealogy.
ByT-ko wo mimau, ^§^^^jS"7, to visit a Syn. lE^UJi, Yi'isno.
patient's house. Byoslio, -<5ii.. M^l!, «• A grave-yard; a cerae-
B:tokaE*ii, L'-'-^54><, ^ 3f "- [CTfj?.]A pitient , Syn. BuSiio, IlAKABA. Hery.
received at a doctor's house, or a hospital. Byotol, Q^'^^XV-.
Byoknu* t^**?•5*'^, ilfi^RB. '*• The period during Bjotal, lA'-^5:feV>, ^

* fl2i tt- A sick body.

Helk:tn, -^v4>^, ' which .1 sick 1 erson feels Bij fitoclio, -^ 5 if 5 "t: 5. 3ii iiS ^, " [Oniitli.] A
well. liorned owl.
n^oUi, EA'-^53, ^^ n. Sickness; illness, mnla- Kyotoyo, ^ 5 ^ 5 i 5, 3^ fiP, -t- Ornith.l A iJii

dy; indisposition. fto hc-nlth. horned owl.

Bydht zenkwoi, il^^^W, complete restration B3U-II, '^5 5, ^^, n. [CVn're.] O Ance.slial

Bydko, CA'J^St. ^ St. 'i- Same ns Uyr-sZ/f. shrine. @ A Shinto shrine or temple.
B>oNon, tN'-^5tA, <^tfi, Origin or cause 7i. of a Syn. Tamaya, Yashiro.
disease. nyojanjijfl. Ty^t>^U^, '(^^t^l ». [Bot.]Hy-
Byokii, o-*-^5 < ,iH^i. " [Chin.] A diseased body. ftericivm. <:h > e ii^r n.

Byokii, D^'->^5 < ,

i^ S. ". Suffering or pain caused Byozen, '^5^J?^, ^ (^, n. and adr. In front of a
by a disease. Shinto sln-ine, or an ancestral altar; the en-
Byokiit'>iii, ^^K'O, flg)S, n. A cave-temple. trance to such edifices.
Byokwan, t^^5<I^'^. *S " Same as Cyrfr/. Ji.. Byujien, c^•->^$^.^, ^ ^, adv. Snme Bynhyo. nFi

Byomn, 1>'J^5^. !(p9BB> ^' A sick-room. Bjuden. tN' W 5 T* ^, ^ n. [Chin. A false

fffi, \

Bydman, I^'^52^> ^ S. »• Same as iJyoftyy. rumour or report; misleading statement.


BYtJ 105 C&A

BySs'. V^'i'i^'^'. ^^, "• Alio; falsehood; viola- classes to be the sign of sometliing good to
tion ol' truth, untruth. come; a tea-pillar.

Byuffo, u:il)5&. ® IR. « -An error; a mistake; Chabashira ga tatta kara dare ka kuritdarou, ^
blunder; mi-iconception; incongruity. lS.1f ^; HI} 5 E :» 3l£ ft- ^ 7 1?, somebody may
Bynkol, 0^* I* 5 1+ V^, si'. '^ A mistaken policy S visit us, for I see a stem standing erect in my
or plan. tea-cup.
Bsusetsii, m^5*-7. @^. n. tCMn.] An opinion Cliabatake, t W", 3^ "•
-^ tf feA field where £ffi>

based upon misconception; mi-talien nnnour; the tea- plant grown; tea-plantation.

false report. 4'li:iIif^ii(o. ^^'«^?25, J?^'^, " A portable

chest in which one
curries fill the nec-
e-isaries for tea-

->^^€^-#- making, when on

an excursion.

)t5, It. A tea-pot.

Cli.-Ll>lii-sltikl, %J^

,1. A stand for a C3?Wf'S3

Cha. %^, ^. n. OIfiot-]Tea, ©A trifle; a con-
temptible person or
<'liablshak], %-^v^-X^'^. "^ \h, n. \_Bot.]Orixa
japoni ca.
Cha no sTisJi o, :^ ^ ^ Cliablshnkii, %.^iy£.'^ C, ^-tifi), «- A ladle
(E, a professional tea-
used in teH-ni-iking,
maker; Cha WO irern,
diabit»<ii, tf^V^'-y, ^'>H. w. A teacup canister.
JE ^ ;i^ u, ;u, to make
i:iiabn, l^-^tiC, 7i^, n, l.O;-/i/(ft.] A small kind of
tea; Cha wo tateru, '^
domestic fowl, a Ijan-
^fl Tju, to make tea of tam fowl.
pow dered tea-leav es dvtiiollib:!, -^^IXotJ,
Cha wo hiku, ^ ^
fiW,n- liiot.]Chamae-
J^ ^, [litA to powder
cyparis brevD aiiila.
tea; ''fig-) to be tvith-
nUo Clialiokelto. %^ltl/f\^
out employment, said of ill-famed women;
5, Jsm bH, 3f m S6 S.
wo cha n! sum, A ? 3^ ^ ^ »-- to slight a
n. [Bot.] Cocks-comb.
son Oheso de cha wo walcasv, jtf ffi t' 3? ^ i^P- ^J ^'
Clitiboki, %-^ti! 5&. gt
[coU.][Ut.] to boil tea on the navel; [;!(/.]
it i^

whale in 1^, n. A feather-brush Cj^ffi)

ridiculous, or impossible; to fish for a
used while grinding tea.
a tub.
ofteioci; same Cliabokiii-i, %^1S:< u), nW\ii. n. [-Bot.] A small
Chil. %^%' [7j«l. coli.] Corruption
not kind of chestnut.
So itchd ikan. 'J V% v =f- 'r ^ ^ ^, it is
Cihaboti, ^J^S:^, S^ffi. n. A tea-tray.
well to say so,
Same as 5cmbai.
Ihabo-no-boaiikl, %^^0 « 13 :=• &, S ¥ S. "
CliabJil, %^id\r^, ^m, «•
Solaiium lyratum,
Cliiibnkai'i, %^i£i>^. 3?S. "• A tea-scoop.
CUabnko, %^i/£li, ^m.n. a tea-chest or bo^-. Cliabo-obako, -^^'^toi-itf t, ". [Bot.]

ChJiban, %^)f£ A^. ^ffi. « O The contracted kamtscliaficum.

©Ridiculous parade. Cliabo-tacliiba-
form of Chalan-hyofjen.
©A waiter in an eating house; a servant of a iia, t^-a'fc-^lJ

public institution.
^, sm ^. '^
CliabanasltU '^^]r£n L, ^ Talking over [Bot.\

tea; a familiar tea-party.
Cliaban-kyfiscii. %^tf ^ &
^5^:^^, S#Hs. Cbabozn, 1^^tf5
farce; a theatrical perJormance, the sole
^,^!^t-,n. A
n. A
to excite laughter. domestic in a i%^&iMt\£'C'i
obleet of which Is
nobleman's household whose chief business is to
Cbabnsblrn, *^^Hr L-*^, ^^. n- Tea-leaf stems,
erect in a make tea.
often found in coarse teas, standing
tea-cup, which is considered among
illiterate Chabukuro, %-^ ^ < !^, ^^, n. OA bag in
which tea la BoTnetimes hniled. @A bag for CSiaJin. %J^Z-A., A, n. ^ OA person skillful In
away tea-leaves.
Btorins the art of tea-making. @ An antiquarian; an
Chabiiiic, %^^il, ^^2, 71. A kind of junii used eccentric person.
in river transportation. Syn. KlJIN.
Clinbiii'iil.%'^^ Z 0-, ?jr fiS> A '" sieve uped in %^tl^\r; n. [OrnU/i.] Pale thrush.

the manufacture of tea. fnut. I'iialmgo, V^i'&.SrS?, n, A tea-basket.

Clmlmslil, %j^s: L, ?jt|^[^, i- A l^ind of gall- ^Jhakasshokii. %-^i]>"j£.i. < ,7ti^^B, " Alight
Cliiiclia, %jii^%^, V. [co?^] Contempt; ridicule, brown colour.
obstacle; oiiicclion; preventiun, confuBion , dis 4'ItaK:Ei^ii. |?, v.t. t-fi
t-^*--^, i& To huigh at;
order, to scorn; tohoax to play a trick, to rail at hu-

Choclia muc/iaku, ^ -V ^ -y i. ^ -V ;?. confu- mourouslj'; to impose on, banter, ur humbug.

sion; disorder; Cluicha wn h-eru, ^ -> f- -y -7-
X into wo diakasv, K=9-=i-\1i'^-, [cull.] to piay
u ji', to obji-'ct., to prevent, a trick upon another in spoi f.

Cbadnl. %^7i\/^, ^ ^, n. A piece of Tuetal on Syn. AZAKERF, Guru suRn,

wliich a tea-cup is set, when it 13 served; a C'liaknsii, '^~^i>-^,3?i¥. '^^ i^anic as Ckunnra.
saucer. Cltak»xiir:a. V^*'::5' f., -^ ^, n. l.yJor.] CVcmatis
Cliadal, •t,=^7:v>. <5?lt, n. A present of money ophfolia.
given to proprietors of hotels, saloons, etc., CliakI, t.-S'^.'^gg, »<.- Same as C'/tad^&K.
under the name of" tea-price." 4:iiakil>aliO, -^j^^lf t.S^gSlg, «. Aboxfor keep-
Cba(lan:t. %--^7r-^, 5^ ©I, n. A shelf for placing ing tea-things in,

tea-vessels and utpn^^ds on. €liakjki, V^&^>^^SS, « Tea-testing cup.

Clindansii, "^ -"^ /c ^ ^, ^ 3:^_ S, ". A cup-board Clijikiii, ^-^&^,^rl], /i. A napkin usedintea-
fortea-tliing.s. makmg.
Cliadaslii, %^75 L, ^'i^, " A tea-pot. ChakfD-KutsiniiJ. *^ -^ ? A p* -7 ;^. 3? rtJS, 7t. A
4'liailo, ^lE. '^- The art of tea-makino:,
t;-''p7;-5, corruption of .Shakhi-ziitsumi. A packet of
said of powdered tea only. gold-dust, used as a medium of exchan^^e in

Cliadusii, %^7&0 n, <-, Vessels nnd uten-

^iS « ancient times.

siis for tea-making, tea-thmgs.

4')iakU:i, "fe-^-y*., dS'lt, n. Tlie miun family.

Cliafm-im. %^i ^ ^, fifSTtb'. «- [BoKSunmn. Clialioslii, t.j^'JiX.j?, iiS, n. A te.i-stminer.

CliJi9:i"i:>. "^-^Jj^S, 3? Sr, " A pot lor boiling CBiitkuEiu, '^^< H". (g hj-, II- The principal wife in
a family; the mistress nf a house.
Bumlmku clianama, XMHi'^' a fabulous tea- €liak(u-liakii, -^ .'? < '^^<,^^, a'iv. Steadily

pot snid to confer great treasures upon its XTogressively ; stop by step, by and by.

owner. Chakuc'iah n ho u-n susumu, £' ?? ^ ^ i^A, to

Cliaprsnin-iio-lii, %^f^'^<D'^, t± ij, n. [Bnt.] m;ike steady pfuLxres?. Ttal.

A"^n}uni Blvmel. Tgrounds. diiikiifii, %'^< ^,7^^-h n. Arriving at the Capi-

Clia«ara, i^^-ii^i;, ^-^, n. Tea-relu-e or Cliakiifukii, %.Ji? < ,i- < n. Putting on , i£^ )J5,

Cliagara-doiiic, i^J^fiit^yi. ^\", ^. »<- A tea- clothes,wearing a garment. siii-ii. v.t. Q

grounds stoppei'. To put on 11 gariiieiit, to dress; to clothe. Q To
Cliagwaalii, 1^^-<*t> L, ^St'F, " Any edible embezzle.
served with tea, diakii^^.gii, T-j-r < t- A.,^ l^f-, n. Reaching the
Syn, CnAUKE, Chanoko. coast; an iving in port.

Clialiihi, %J^l>?, '^^, -"• [n-l.] Arena fatua. 4;iiuE.iie:iii. •t^-'<ii*A, ?f BR, n. Fixin- one's eyes
Chaliikjgnsa. "^ '^ l> ^ <' e, « [i3"f.]Sanie as ujion ;
aiming. siirii. v.i. To ob.'^ervf atten-

above. tively ,
tu:iim, to pay attention.

Chalioji. 't,-^?a5 L-, i^:(^. " A tea-firer, a iisen=U Ryn, ClIAK' JTUKf, MK WO 'Isl-KERU.

u^ed foi- beating te:i-leavea. Cliakugu, %^< < ,|j;3. n. [Orniih.\ A kind of
CI»a-iro. %.^\/^ii., T^X, " A tea rinldy. pelican.

Svzuiiocha-irr, ^^TkX. a l«.i caddy of tin. Clialitigrso, 't-^< S'i, t!i], n. Arrival; ^\ earing

Clia-lri. %^-^V-y) S)f^. 'I'- An iron pan fm linn- (spoken of only the munibers of the Imperial
rtea-colour. family).

CliaGi-o. ^-^V--^' ^ £. n. and a. Tea-colonr; of CliaBiiii. %-^ < V^, ?r- ?c. n. Putting on gurnieuta
Cliajawjii!, %-'^Z-^ir>A., Zf «r »''-*, '» Atea-ciip. or clothes; dressing.

Cliajluia, -^^Z-'i, ^ifi. 'I- Tea-coloured stripes, Chakiii. %^<\r, '^ ,=g, n. Paymg attention ilxing
or ribbing, on stuffs. one's mind ou an object.
Ch:ikiijfii. %J^ < ^ /u,^m 7b. ArriTlng at a at the birthplace ; Minato ni chaku suru, fi —^
camp, ;irri\'al y- fi-, to arrive at a port.
ChakufU.'*!!, %-^<^-7,?f Iff, n. Calm; collected; Syn. Itaritsuku, TOChaktj suru, Tsuku.
slow but steady and honest; prudent; sober- (.'Iialiiitai, l^->^<feV^, ^^, n. The ceremony of
minded; stjiid; serious wearing the yuwata-obi. In tlie 5th month of
Cliakiijo. •^^C^i, !@^, It- The ijldesb daugh- pregnnncy.
ter. CUakiitn. %-^<fz^, ^S!, n. Arrival; coming.
Clialiuho-tinjhnc. ^^< *»5M:2;i6, , ^- ¥ ftS, ''•
Chakuto todoke wo suru, S' S] @ f- 7. p-, to re-
€Ii:iI{lkr>-liajimc, %J^< 7ir>5KX'i6. ' Wenrinf; ar- port one's arrival to office.
mour for the lirst time Syn. TocnARU.
€!iaki[i9;iii, %^< UA., ^]^, n. Tlio eklept son; Chakiiyii, %^< 15, S-ffl. ". Putting on; wear-
the son who is to sTicceed tlie rather in tlie poR- ing. stirii, v.t. To put on; to wear.
session of family estates. Cliakwni, %A-<io\r; ^^. »'- A tea-party.
^'SiaSiuryu, %j^ i V) 5, ,^\'ffti, n. Progeny ol the Syn. CriANOE, CnANOyn.
Ti'liiryfl, -C&'ff5. J eldest son; the line of Clian)artara-itaar<(mi:.'-3ii, %^'%7^t^'t. ^%f L,
descent through the eldest son. a. {Entam-I riiylir^ierUta diversa.
riialfiiRal. '^^(.•^V-, i^'^, n. XMfe; the lawful i. ri-H:i:tga, %J^f.ii*, n. Same as Chagama, (Tokyo
consort of a man. di licet).
Syn. TIONSAI, Setsai. CSaainainc, V^-U!*, n. Beans coated with sugar;
Cliahiiscii. '^-^<-^^, Z\^^, •<- Arrival of a ship a kind of conl'ectionery.
or boat. siivn, v.i. To arrive at a harbour. S::iinniarii. %A?'^'6, '^%, n. A kind of «ilk: stufl
KaijT) anzen ni chakvsen svru, H§ ±.^ ^= \'i ClBitioE t.!iiir<», ^j^^i-< ?S, 71. A corrupted form
fiS 7^ B-, to arrive at a port in snl'ety. of Cliahukuro. Ttea.
CiinliitHlil. %^< L. '^^. Ti. T!i6 eldest son , tin-
rJgame^lii, %^'?'^h L. ^iiR, " R'ce ooiled in wenk
lieir. Chame^in anlnlc cl'fn, ^ M gQ fit il f/«. ^ ''»-
Syn. CiioN^N, Cnusni, Rouvd, Tektstti. , vorite dinnerof the Japanese Buddhist priesr.i.
iT'r.liiiKlitii. -t, -^ ^ ;£. ^, !iS SI, Tt. T.egitimate or <'lia»ifM.-. %A,^?^=i, ^15, 71. A tea-shop; a rea-
liiwfnl parents; roiil parents. house.
4')i::K-itsli<v, %->^<S,1 )'t^!^, n. Same as Chakv
T<-lt:fiIio,-r^Si, ^ shosM. Ciiamp:ip<iiiiP. %^ k^'^Vi,'K X, n- [Bot.] A
i_li»iiti^lu\liu, %j^ < ii, < , I?£, n. Colouring kind of rice
painting. siirii, v.t. To colour, to paint, riiamp.-eit-ii, %^A.\i'¥< ,n'^M, n. [Bot.] Boc-
€Ii:'-ki[sJ5oS.ii sum. -^J^ < S i < itZ, ?f Sffi,
To dress he.uitifn'.ly; to wear fine garments. ri»an, 'ti-^^,77. {rul. colW] Papa; fatlier.

Cliakiislto!^!:). %^< S.!. L, ,!^^: ^, n. The eld- Clis'ii.tn-^,WlflQ. "• Pitch, tar, resin.
TrkJshosSti. T?£ i L. 'est child of a concu- CSDaK-'-lianihoaii, V7^ V^^^f 5 ^, " >"' ^^olL]

bine. A Chinese or Chinaman (cliiefly used in con-

CI-.nl'.uKltii Riivii. -t-^ < 3, ^- ^, r.t.
:£ W)-?- To tempt.)
begin; to commence; to set about. Also used i-liaiicIiiiitmi'N %^ ^ i^-> ^ ?>. :«^. "• [Bot.]

as noun. [hjiVrocharis asiatica.

Daijigyn ni chnlcvsliu sum, -KV^^z^lg^y- CUancliaT. %A?A.%^A., ti. Q coll.\ A Cliina-

n-, to commence a gi'eat work. man, © 'colL\ A Chinnman's cue. g^ A wander-

Cli.'iliiisfln, %^ < ^ ^. iSJSt, TI- A descendant- ing vender of ome. O Children's upper gar-
through the eldest son of a family. ment with no sloeve=. {chinensis.
CIiRltu snrii, %^<'^Z, tr. ^'t. Tc put on; to Cliaii.-E9in, %^K%h., 1^1?3. n. [B-.t.] Cedrela
wear; to have on fitjids:''". %'^^%''5, " A musical bell, so called

Bifuku wo chnku suru, ^ fiS ^ tf 7- P'. to put from the '^nund it produces,
on a beautiful garment; GuvumVu wo cJiaku Cliaiiii-c, -^-^-W?., ?^^, V. A tea-party; a feast
El-'' ", IE US ? ?] ^- '^. t" P"t on the military uni- in wlii'-h powdered tea is ceremoniously served.
form Rdfvh-u wo cfialcu suru, fg HE -? ^ ^ n-, to
, Cha-iio-fii, %--^<D^,^^Pi, ". The price-cuneot
have dress clothes on of tens.
Syn. Chakuyo sueu, Kibu, YosoO. Cfia-iiu-ki. %-^(7)^,'^i^. n. [Bot.' Tea plant.

Cliakii suru, "t^ C ^ 3, Sf, t-'-i- To arrive; to Cli:i-nii-ko. %-^(DZ.,^i^^, "• O Same as a'^a-

come. gwa-'i'it.&[coU. Anything wliich can be very

Kokyo ni chaTiu suru, i*j *K = 3^ ^ »- to arrive easily aTomplished.
Sonna koto wa ochanoko da, y> -h ."'-•^fc'V:^^ 4Jlias<>nih:ina, -^-^^AIJ^, ^^, ». [Bot^Dlan-
if, it ia an ensy task. IJl'us .fiirerbus.

ChMiitiiiin, %-^(7:)%, ^f]l!. ''- The dining-room; <J}K)seiiiiii:i|B;(^. *li-^-yrA3W-, "^ ^^ A«

sitting-room; tea-apiu-tjitent. FA "lea-cup. way of wearing the hair See Mage.
CliaiMtiiBJ-Mi-^viiii. "t-^©;^"^-^ J^^, ^#^5ft, " Clia^-s'ii. !VJ^-l^^, '^5, n. Atea-stirrer
Cli:ii>oini-Cuiiio():irlil, -^^CO;^ ^ % 7's%.~>f-^t. ol' b;iniboo, riadle.

j^. n. lit.] TBa-friends; acquaintances; [fio.] Cliutiliaitii. %.->^?X-^< . '^i'i. « A tea-

I'riend-4 wlio cannot be mucli depended upon.
CImwojii, "Vf O W), ^ ji, '(. Tea-making. Tlu3
word is used only when the powdered tea is

served. A manufacturer of tea.

Cli.-islii, %--^t, ^Bi5, n.
Cliaiitu, •^J^^^f, fl -^p n. and a((y. 'coll. rerl<;ct- C'liasliilMi, %-''^- £.-'•-',
jSI-i. ". A deposit from tea,
ly; certainly; without fail; surely; right; cdt- seen inside of an old tea-pot.
rod, in good order. CBi:inliitsii, %A?X'^, ^M> " A tea-.-Qom, or
Chui»l>o, % -^ y IS, -^ i:i, '(. .
[coll.] A olnth worn Syn. Kakoi, Sukita.
around the loins by women, Cltai^olKi, %-^^liX, ^^??, a. A sort of verml
Syn. YUil0.Fi. celli ni'ide of hnckwheat flour wetted with tea.

Cbar:i, %^^,^M. n. ^'71^7.1 Tea-iiapket. 4^'tiit t:tKii, %-^'tz<,^^. " A stand for tea-cups.
^luLE'aii, 1;-^ ^ ^, ^%^, -a. \BOt.\f:ht,>rnuUnis tliiitJ'l. %.<<?x \j-^.'f^^, n. [Chin.] A small build-

incn)}spiruus. ing sepnrite I'rom one's main residence, special

Chari, i^^-y),^ipj, n. Q ly erected for tea-pnrties.
I'l:iying upon words; 4'li;i(4'ii. t,->-r^. 5f0, n. Saxne RS Chemise.
apCHking \\ itli the sole <:ii::tii, ^j^tzCi '^'iw, "- Tea ofTered to Buddhist
intention of exciting idi>N.

Ifinghter, joke; pun; l'.S::ir«i.

^j^jf, ,niiv. [coll.] Not Spending much

bunion r, bulfoonery. dt:»lt(r, %-'^-j)C, time; quickly in a momenL

1 ;

@A buffoon; a fool. ^'[lalhti, V^-?, S^^, n. A small tray used one for

Chnri mn irrr", f- -y L^ach person in a tea-party.

V -^-^ i^'i-, to play upon Syn. .MErjllcluuN.


word-* wliile t;ilking I «'lcatsnt>o, 1^-^—71,3:, ^^, n. A jar In which tea

with anotlier ur mak- IS kepr.
ing a speech. Miat-iinii, t. -^ -^ ^, ^M> n. f| Gathering of
Syn. Odokkgl'Ciii, SrtARR. ten hvivp^^, tea-harvest. @ One who gathers
Cliari-lciiiashi, %'<^^ i£ Tt L, "- F;uce, pnn. the s;iiiie.

hunii)ro\i<; narrative. fcomedy, C'li.ilMiitilt.ago %-^o7hii-^, ?/rJiuii-ii. "• A bam-

Clinri'Sliilnil, %Ji? U)
X i£V-, « Furce; farric;d boo liH^kot used in gathering tea-leaves from
Cliai-o, %^h, JiVft'S. "- A tea-l'ni-n:ice. the tree.
CliariiiiMM-a, f^/L-^y, uj!^
H'J, , A trumpet; n 4Jh:i-ii. -^-V >?, ?jV^, n, A fine silk stuff from India.
bngle, :* horn. 4:iia-u-Ji:iia, t,-^ 5 ^- E 7j^ £|, n. Striped c/ia-M.
, $
Clianiaiorii-u, '^ J<? 2 !* 3 ^ 5 \Bi>( ]J\lilr!hi Clia-iisii, 1^ j^ 5 -J-, ^j g, n. A mortar for pul-
japoH'cn. verizing tea.
CI»ar>o. t^^-K 5, 71 5?. <:iia«a. %^'in,'^J-,, n. Same as ChabanasM,
7i. A sniiiU building Chaioa-h-wai, '^^^, a meeting (or Iriendly
specially erected I'or talks.
the use i-l tea-parties; 4'l)a-'viaKii^!il. %^t)%^ L. :^ fS. "
a tea-cottnge. ii^U:i]!y 'ii copiier, in which tea is boiled.
Syn. Kakot, Sl'KI- 4'Iiai<t:iii. %.^':?^ ^, '^-^^ u. O A toa-cup.
YA. , cup in wliich rice iq served.
Ch»ir-oir»i, -f^-^-ltlr^, ^ <'Jijii^:iii-,-<iif.3M-i. %'-^}'jAj<"f<i},7^^m, n. Glaz-
it l^. ".. A b'l^ket for in-^ ni:ir(;rial=;.

steaming ten le-ivt-^s. 4;!ia«aii-Bi:iBo, t^j5>t5 ^:i>a,^-l;ftg§, u. Abas

ket used in washing cups and other dining uten-
n. A tea-rodui, a C^-^^fc^^^i sils,

place where a tea-party meets Cha^vau-iiiorl, %^ti^liiO, SffiSS, ,.. A bind

ofsoup served in ii ves'-el similar to a tea cup Clii, t,, ^", n. Wisdom; Intellect; knowledge;
In shape, but larger. powers of the mind ; in.stinct; intelligence.
Clinwnu-miislil. "f^ihL^sL, *i^5it's^, '*• A kind Syn. CltlK, SAI. R.\T0K1I£0T0.
of food prepared by stejunintja mixture oregs^j Chl, %, JS, n. Peace; tranquillity; good govern-
fisli, iind veijjtables, in a topsoI similar to a tea- ment.
cup in shape, but larger. Chf ni He ran wo wasvrezu, ?S = ffi r SI ^ ,S^
Clwiya, "^j^^, ?jtg, n. OA tea-stone. @ An tT, not to forgot war in peace.
eating-house; saloon. Kiivii, v.(. To jfovern; to cure.
Cliayn-oniiit, ^-^-^5:^^. ^ *, Girls em- ^ " Syn. TAIllEl, OS.AMARU.
ployed in an eating-house. Chl. ti, S, n. [Chin.] A 'itick. rod, or whip for-
Clinyoii, %^^A., ^ ^, ,,. A tea-garden; a tea- merly used ill Hn^'i^iiig ;i criminal.
plantation. Syn. SniJiOTd.
Clia>iw9l.Ikl,-riJ^S-:£5,3t5^e[, n. An apartment, Chi, %, ^, 11. Foolishness; folly; want of intelli-
specially bnilt and lurnished for tea-making. Ryn. Alio, Gv, Oriika. Lgence.
4;ii]iKOiiie, %^^'ib, Jt iji, n. Dyeing in tef., or Chl, %, @, n. A numeral in counting tilings.
brown colour. ftesi. Same as 7'sn.

Clisizuke, %^r:3'iff, ^j'.^, n. Tiating boiled rice in TfilnrJii, - -j-g, twenty (things); Moniochi,
Tempura cha7Uke, 9? St U."^ r5. I'l'ied Ash with @ g, one Imndred.
boiled rice and tea, a favourite raeal or the Clii, %. 0, n. ^oc)7.j A serpent.
Japanese. fkind of rice-cup. Syn. Mizucill.
ChaKiikowitii, %^^'\&ijK, 5?f!g^", n. A coarse Chi, %, Be, n. [Chin.] Taste; air; manner. Used
Chasiitsii, %^-o'-o, T^:^, ,i. A cylinder ni tin- only in compounds. fful; taste.
plate or other materials, for keeping tea. FJ'Chi, ,11,
@r, timte, elegance; Gachi,^W, tast-
CUi, %, li, It.
O Blood. ©Consanguinity. Syii. Tsno, KOKOROGUSII, Omowuki.
Chilie Chi wo arnu, it f ^ jlii i5E 7, {coll. lit.} CEilao-uo-itiaUtii-i, %'h^a:>-%-9^, Ail5P^, n. A
to wash blood with blood; ijTff., to hnvn a quar- feast or I'estival formerly celebrated for keeping

rel among blood-relatives, Chi on f:airn{iv, ^if thu evd spirits away from the capital city.

Eli7, the menses are out of order, Chi nn aine wo Syn. MicniAE no matsi'RI.
fvrasu, nil -^ PH ^ 1^ 7 5t, to rain blood Chi no ,
Chliii, %hi>, -G-. !j|f ftl, /*.
JliL Flesh or meat ol

namida, ^ i^, tears of blood,; paini'ul tears;

bloody colour, as seen in a part of the bonito
Chiwohakii, jfii^p±^, to vomit blood; Chi wo or whale's carcass.
tomerv, ^ it K-, to stop hemorrhage.
Chlnia-zasa, '^^?S'5, ^, n. [Bol.] Bavibusa
Syn. CIMSIUO, Kktsu. nana. fpeace.
Chi, %, ?L, n. Milk, the breasts. Chiaii, %(&^, ^$, ". [Law.l Peace; tlie public
Syn. CiTlciH, Ojiishibo. Chlan bngai, JS ^ fi5 ^. See under BogaL
Chi, %, gi, n. [Chin.] \Mus.] One of the five natural Chlaii-snihaiisho. "^ :% ^ S \/nIJAX i, ?&5=tg^J
sounds of the Iiuman voice. These five are the ^/r, 7t. [Law.] A court of peace.
Kyu, Sho, Kalcu, Chi and U. Chlarc, t ^ K, lfil?i?, n. Abortion; premature;
CIil, %, fl. ®, n. A loop. parturition; miscarriage.
Hata no chi, ^ .-^
JH, a loop of a flag. Chlhakuso, "^If <?^, iib^lg, n. [Bnt.] Kochia
Syn. Cjiigata, Miui, Toshiwa. scoporia.
Clii. %,^, Tmperata arunclinacea.
n. [Jint. , Chiitaii, % \i£ ^,iii^, n. A piece of ground laid
Syn. Chigaya, Kata. out so as to suit one's purpose.
Chi, %, ^, n. The ground; earth; place; locality; Syn. JiDORT.~ riniperata.
the earth; land. Chlbnua. %ij£tr, ^^, n. [Sot.] The flower of the
Chi nl otsu, i& = ^
y, to fall to ttie ground; Chlbauare, %'dts.iv. ?LS(I>^¥L. « Weaning.
to be lost; Kotw chl no hito. itfc ^ j^^ A, persons Knno too wa chibanare ga yokaita, itt^'''«?L$8
of this place; Mcikyo chl ni otsu, ^^^j^. if ^f] ii, this child was easily weaned.

[C/iira.J morality Is at a very low ebb; Tochl, "^ Chfhare-inouo. % tf H 4 ©, fl-SS, n. [Med.] A
ftb, this place. cancerous swelling of the breast.
Syn. CniKTU, JI, Kcga, Tokoro, Tsfohi. Syn. Ntugan.
Chl, %, =f , Yt. A thousand. ChlhaNlilrii, -^ijiz, ^, v.L. To become red jfl.

Chitabl montotabi, T^SIg, {lit.] & thousand from determination of blood to become bloody. ;

and hundred times; [Jig.] repeatedly; again and Man^iko ga chibashirv, ^if ^j^Jt-, the eyes
Syn. Skh. Lagain. are blood-shot.
Clitbrn sitrii. %-<A.'i-Z. ^W< ^'-^ ^'^ whiii, to Chichi wo hanasu, ?L ^ SS ^-i to wean; Chichi
flog:; to striKo wifh a whip or i-od. w(in"inrim, ?L'?"^^'''. to give milk, to allow
Cliilit. %T>\ JttI, ". FPFitliers of a peacock. to milk, Mada rjucln h-yjiai, ^^tLQ^'f, yet
ChlBtlrltlM. % ivr.xK, 0, adv. \coU.\ Little hy sraeJling of milli, very young; helpless; like a
liitle; in ''niiill quantities. h;iljy, green.
Chlhicliibl Ivrati, ^r^^'j, [coEI.] to ent little 4'Bci4*lti, "^^.fSAr. Ci- Very young; green; im-
by little, Zeni chihichlhi ifi'l.nv, J§ ?
v:ii ij
jg f!'/ matui'e; j imthlul.
~7, coU.\ to spend money a little at a time but Syn. Mrzrjirzr'sniKi. Wakaki.
Irequently. i:u\v\\\.'^t./^S. 'f- 'I'lJ ctfi^'- Stowy; dull; not
Syn. ST'KdpiiTzr'Tsr. fpen. advancing or improving rai)idly tardy; in- ,

CBilhiriirio. %v\'^'c. ^.^, ". A ivnrn out bruslv active, slnggish, fslowly,
CliihiLi, t.tVg, T-'JI. a. Reaninng a thnn'^aml Chfclii to !:hif<' yiilni, ^ ^ I- 5/ x ^f '-', to go
mfn to pull or push. Syn. HlMABORITE, GL'ZI'Gf'ZrSHJTK, SORO-
Chihil.-i no i>rn>\ ^-. \ BJ 51 i^ Y7, a very lienvy .sono, Yi urvrKr.
rock; C'ltibiki no l<.i'n,i, =f'^\ ^jg, aveiy Ktunr. 4'liit-h)ljii. %%i:,Ji\ii%, n. [/fof.i Fcuscrrcta.
Syn. SK^NIMIUKI. Lrope. rhirhiliit-erliui. %% i'-^r^.r^.KITh " A silk
CliJbiKI-oi-i. i">r&3^W), =F-5I^, n. Doormat stnlf Ironi ('bichihu in Musashi.
made of the fillers of fan-palm. ritii Bii!.u-jim;t, '^•^j.-t.^, gi^',^;^, n. A cnUon
Chltilni, %v^'Z', H. '-'• Towe;i[ out; to !j<ji'nmw stuif \\ith 'Striped figures, from Ohichibu in Mn-
l6S3 by degrees; to wa'ite ;i\\.iy.
J'Hrte no ^ e fja cliiblrv, ^ ^ %')f^ fi, the liair flsiclU-UiiinesIiJ, %%r&V:>L.flB, n. [Physics.]
of the brush-pen waste ;iwny, Lactometer. rpnmila.
Syn. IlKRU, KIRRRD. i'.A-lnaoyi*, % % -c }:, :^i ^, n. IBnt.: Ficits
Chfbo, %it5, 'Sft, n. [C'hiv.]A clever .h'-^i^n r.r ri.R-liieo. f,-!;2r,'^2?I, n. hon.] The father.
plan; wise counsel; intelligent scheme, artin! S^\n. SltN'l-AIJiN, 'fK-IJiiO.

e>:i"M.iient; shrewdness,
ChibTi nl tmnn, ^ iV = S' i- very shrewd ; pro- OiK.-phaliuiH multiceps.
lific of desi^^'ns, every crisis;
I'qual to C'ub'> i;iii<'Eii-siiH;(, %% i' ^,HtS, >i~ [BoL] MetaplexU
salin-yakii, ^
^, shrewd design ,Tnd
'-^ '-4,
polic.v. stauntoni.
Syn. Chira'aku. CliirliJ.giD^a. -^
-^ <' 5 . Jih M, n. [But.] Euphorbia
Cliilto, %l^, n. \hi<: r,,/?.] OA pick jperKol (in hui'ufusa. riatherVs side.
Osaka). @A mnle infant (in CIiikiLZi ni CEiiclil-kula. ^'^A'fe,^:;?, n. Relanves on the
Syn. Kr^CllAKKtRI, Sl'.ri. Chichikata no ituko, 'Ji^ ^ '^^t .x;, eimsin on
ChllxiKnsn, %Biii-B, ^ ,W£, >i- A hirtre hat tlie father's side; Chichikata no uji, ijC ^ ^ j^
worn by women. iiC, uncle on the same.
CliiRHilioi-l. •t.t3:t'J), K^. -'.. [;i'iE.~ Piiir-brill. Syn. Naisekt, Tetekata.
C;ltll>iiluii-n, %j&i( i^,
¥L£j^, n. Tbe enlar^ired pmt €lil<'l>ii.(». %%^, , t^ vit a. " t-BoI.] Ancnvnie
of the upper portion o( the shaft of a .ta>ni;e)L IJIiiflilitho, -^%^t, "^crmun.
Syn. CliiBr-KTRO. C'tiii-lilko-icriisn., "t^t. <'3, i£ !^, n. [Bnt.] Dian-
CliiliiiUiiro, %^<y^, ?Li5, n. [Annt.\Th& mam- thus suijerbtis.

ma; udder. €lil<-liiliii sui'ii. %%<irz,m':.^.v.(. To pur-ue

Cliiliuru, %1'Z, 5§, 1'.*. Same as (7/i.//w'r?/. on horseback; to pursue; to run after.
CliihtirnI, %MZlh, ifil M. 'n. Shivering during a Uma v'o ch'Chikii svru, H -y-^^^- to ride
fit of milk lever; dizziness felt by lyintj-in moth- after a (wild or runaway) hor-e.
ers; vertigo. Syn. Hasiiirikakeru, Oikaki-.i-.t.
Chlbusn. "^.V;:-, ?L *;, n. [Anat.] The hreast-pap, r!ip--hi-iio-lsasi.sa, %%<D m- :^, ^^ ^„ n. [Bol.]
Syn. ''niFcrij. L^i teat; nipph^. J'"! you /win teniiicnu'i .

Clilolii, %%,K, "• Father; pnpa. CJti*-S(1-oya, *tii^Jff^,?LSl, d. A nurse.

BlVi no chichi im-u mono, A -^ ^ ^ )i-
iJ-, the Syn. jMknoto, Ura.
father; one wlio is a father; Kh>ti va (ami no riii4-lilsjiK*'. t^t^W^.,
t-?L?S. ".. milk-c:in. A
chlcli! narly 1^ ^\ K ^'iC^ v. the Emperor is Cliicliisiii. -^-^-^y-, irt5'Lj^, n. A sucking-bottle.
the father of the people. rhJ(-lii-iio, %% 5—, ^±. n. [hon.^ Honourable
Syn. Ototosan, Tete, trteoya, toto. father; my father.
ClilchI, •t'&.fL, «. OMilk. ©The breasts. ©A Cliichb o-n.taKO. % -t i A 7c- W, Sr S. n. [Bot.)
nurse. A kind of mushroom.
Oi ni chiai ftashiDxashita, "X-'-^l^^t/ ^
pTtorbla aOennchlnra. ^H, it has boen delayed very much; Ohien suru
Chldilyoso. %%f(,ir--^^,'S£fM/hP.,'n: [Bot.}AJu- to ihenai. 5Sii 7. ff- h -f ^ -^ 'f , no delay is per-
ga ocnecensis, var sinttata. mitted ; do not delay.
ClilPliu, -Tii^?, ^ ^, n. [£:»(w)i.] A creeping insect. ChiOiii-rlsoKn, %^^ U) t < , JS£E^J,(|., «. In-
Cliivhii, %.l^t^, ^W, n. [Enimn.] A spu\ei\ terest in arrears.
Syn, KuMO. fiiiie^n sen. Chlfusu, =f--7-A, IS^A^. n. [j1/ed.] Typhus.
Chlc^luB<al,%1il5>5*•\/^, Jlferl^ i®, n. The Metiiter- ChT) chlfusu, ^"M^Wu abdominal typlius;
Clilchu sum, %%5irZ, 01®, rJ. To hesitate; Ilatchin chifusu. ^ia^W:t5f, eruptive typhus;
to be in suspense; to delay; to Rtiimme.r; to exantliemiitic typhup, or fever.
stop; topmse. Clilgaerii, l^ft^ ^3, ''f O To make different;
Mimzen ni chichu suru, T^ iJJ = ^J^ 7. n^, to to vjiry. @ To put out of joint; to displace or
pause outside of the gate. dislocate.
Syn. Chucho st'RU, Taohidomaru, Tame- <'liIgiio-y:i.i'lilo, ^ftt^J^-TO*, IS;^R n. Doors
RAf, TAYURAU. that can -be moved imr.illel to one another.
<:i!iKJ[|, %j)'ij}-,
jf, ii. O Difference; distinction;
ii^, ft. LnnJ rent. characteristic; disagreement. ©Change; error;
JItlai, "^^irlr,
mistake; blunder.
Clililiirnko. "t, ^ r, W-, tffjij, a. icoll.] Covered,
smeared, or stained with blood. Sui. ^Eaciiigat, Tagau koto.

Chidarake ni natte talcJcni, ]& v5 =. ^ -y tW.

Clii^iii-dniia. %fflv-7n^, SfflB. «• Two opposite

"7, smeared with blond.

to fight
shelves of which one Is a little lower than the
Syn. Chimaburb.
i;iitdd, % 7G: 5. ^^, 71. The streets passed by n 4'hi^aku, %.ft<^, Jt& ^, " Study of the earth;
Syn. Onaeimiohi. iShogwi. geography; geology.
Cliifloiiie, %>ay>, jfiLlh^, ". [Med.]A styptic; i\
Syn. Chikigakd, Cuishitsugaku.
medicine for stopping hemorrhage. 4;itJgntana, %'ti-^U, AD, n. A bloody sword or
eiEldntiio. %-^-^, f^,^, n. [£o(.]Puffball. dagger.
CiciVoiiie-e:iisa, •%^)h <-5. HiSa ^, J3 ^f^l^^, « Chigatanavjo f'liriitte kirttsukeru, &.J] f- 1^

\Li-t.\ irydrotyle rntundlfulia, X -9J V Wjfl-, to assault a rerson with a bloody

Clilddiiic-JsliU % 'i^thV- I, iLltS. rt. A ferrugi sword.

n(ni5 earthhaving styptic qualities. 4;iiigau, '^Jj'i, S, v.t. To fail; not to produce
CltitltMi. %)&^, SfUS, a. [CMw.j Slow in dec-idiiiR, the lookpd-for efTect, to miss; to err or mistake.
or understanding; sluggish; foolish; stuiiid Atena chlgati, '^Iflf^, failed to obtain the
dull: scarcely improving. Also used as noun. de-^ired end; Michi ga cldgau, Sg^i'S"?, have
Fvu. GUDON, NiBDKI, NOROMA, OROKA. not hit the right path; J/okntekt oc clilgau, g ^
€hirt*iri, %^V} , ;t<#c^, n. [Orw/ift.] Siinderling. if -S "7. to fail to attain the object aimed at.
i;iii«1r.i-i-aalii, %^ V) % i, H- Bi ^, ii- Toth-rin- Syn. Maobigau, Soi suru, Tagau.
whilo walking, as n drunkard; reeling, shiilviritr. CUixAtt, '^ijt.i, '^, v.i. To be different, or vari-

Syn. HYOROnTORO AHl'Kr, JIANSAN. ous, to differ; to be dissimilar.

Clil(l4iriso, %'£ry)-^ 5. VS^®, n. \Bot.\Epu!>r,li nakvsekiji7i to osJiokvjin to wameiro ga chi-
vm macranthum. gav, ^^ K I- 5f fi A r-'^0BgVii7, the white
Chitlorlflo, -^^e 15:5 5. ^^%^, n. [BoL] Mazvs and the yellow race differ in the colour of their
Cliio, %^, ^ IS. (^- ^"d odr. A thousand fold. Syn. Kawaru, Kotonartj, Tagau.
ChJo, =?-x — , -fc, n. Seven (a word used in the Cliigau, *^f]'-J-, ^. i'.^. To cross; to come across,
game of ken). not to meet; tn pass by.
Syn. XAX^Tsr, Smciii. SJurecIiigav, <!*? u'^~7, to pass by; to rub
CliloilaRtisa, Tj'--;^<'^, af-ross; Vv.ki-ch.igav, ^ =* ^ 7, to pass by with-
^2, n. 'Bi>t.\ Fine.
CliiORiisa, "i^-*^?, out meeting.
C'lifoM, f- at — V, n. [Enrf.] Chain attaclied {<• ;i C'J.is:iii. %h'fX, ^. v.t. To put things crosswise;
Syn. KrSA Rl. L "''i tfrh. to inter^^ect.
Clifon, %^A,,)^M,n. Coming later than expect- ffnne ion chigait, ^ ^ ^ "7, to dislocate a
ed or i^romised; tardiness. suru. v-l. To bone KynOoA sashtclUgaete shisu, 5£ ?f5 #J
; 3 :* i^-

come later than appointed or agreed upon; to 7=

5E :x, the brothers died by stabbing each
delay. otbar.
Same an CJUgaeru. ChlgobamJ, %'^a7^, IL S "' * wound on a %
Chlfiay:i, %ji^^, ^^, "• ii.''^] Imperata arun- mother's nipple inflicted by a sucking chibl.
ilina'^ea. CliliErobnnn, "^Sfef^, n. [Bot.] Anemone cemua.
Cliipl. %^S. %iFS. n. 'iM'jtIi Ood-s and goddesses C]iigG9n,o, "^Crti'Wl. i!tl0. ^- The countenance of
on tliG e ivtli. nn infant; a babyish face.
Tcnshin chlol, Ji^M' I, the IieAvenly and Chigooao no airashisn, ijj ^ ^^ rT ^ 1*", loveli-
earthly gnds (and goddess ness of an infant's countenance.
Syn. Kr'MTSrKAMi. Syn. OSANAGAO. rHobby.
CIiiTi, %^'. =J--J^, n. f'rosfl-benms on the roof of f Clifffoliay.-Lliiisn, *^&a-^.St^, n. [Ornith.]
Shfnt'' templp Cliisoinazii, "t a 4 ?, w. [Ornit/i.] Siberian fly-

Cliisi, %-t:, ?L ^.. n. r:\tcher.

[BudfK] ],Mrning Cliiff(i-ol, %afev, S 4, ". Growing of a child-

wond, nnd pniying Clilgii, %i'-, ^ ^,, u,. Foolish; stupid; dull; slow
Biiddlia to destroy in learning or nnder.standin;^, wanting intelli-

evila, CKXJ. Syn. OuDON, Nuroma, Oroka. L^-'^ence.

Syn. KvunO- I'liicu. %i' 5, M/!^, n. Meeting; meeting by ac-

cident. siirii, r.i. To meet; to meet ac-
A Icrer l.alau'-e, a cidentally, or unexpectedly.
steelyard. TT^V^' ni chlfjU sum, Hfl ^— IS 7. n-, to hap-
Syn. HAKARI- pen to meet a friend; to meet a friend by acci-
ZAO. Syn. Au, Dead. Ldent.
HeRitation. md-ifi^ion. — Cliigii. %<', ?^ -S., n. The organ?, or means of
SUCH, 1" t. ;ind i. To liB«it;ire, to pause ndminifitration; [iif.] the government apiiar.i-

donlit, to be Flow in dem tus.

TAVfTAL", Cliigti-lineii, "^ <- a <-, «. Di'-;;igreement; con-
Clilgtrc-clilfirfro. %^'k\.%'^iv. gi *r, ". In pieces; tradiction; not fitting together well.
piece meal, to pieces, broken or torn to pieces f'hiswal. % (t ^ '^, ?S ?!, a. and n. Extra-terrl-
Ryn. K'rRKOilui;. tnrial, extra-territoriality.

CliIfltirrTH. S-"^"H3, ^®f, t-''- To Iji- cut, broken, Cliie;wal-giokeii. -^-CsbVait^A. ^H^^. '*

torn, or renl. [Laio.] l':>tra-territorial jnri'jdiction.

S.\ n. KiiiEur. A' \ hui;ki:L'. C/nin-"ii-iiriken wn tekkyo sii, }(j yj-^i Cl.^Wii^'^-,
Chieii'l. %'h"^'i , I?, " Friendly aR>ociation, union. to ri.-=iiio\e tlie estra-territoriallty.
agrecni(!nt; alUfince, ens^fffinent; pled;^e. 4,-|rigwan. %<:-t)A. S j^. o. [CW/i.] Obstinate;
Fhfiinn chiqiri lu-l vti''ii'hii. ^ tql ^ 53 5^ $i /. foolish and obstinate, blindly fanatic; narrow-
to lie mnrricd tn ,
lietroflie ,
to become mnn and minded ; (intractable; refractory without rea-
wife; !J7>yli no chhilri, gg '^ ^ ^. friendship. Syn. ni-cni, Oroka. [_son.

Syn. Keiyaki', YAKisoKr. ^:iEiK>n, 1^^'.^ 5, itp fr, ". a daimyd or samu-
Chlgli-i-lOakurl. %^'^\^i}>'^ "f-M ^. , n. A lovet 7-a,'s- estate.
balance, a balancing beam. ChiqyT, wo atroknnau, ^^^^^"7, to bes-
CliiKli'lffi. t^fruj^*, ?Lyj^, " Ree nr>chl(jb-i. tow a cftlriyTi upon any person.
Chl^lrigii-'-.-a. i^S'V) <"^, n. li<it.\C'hrvmulliemvm. Syn. RYum'N, SilORYf*.
Clitgli-ii, %-^Z,M&y '' Tn cut, break, or rend, rhi;sE:\osIio, %-^->i?3XX, *P ff ^/r, n. The territcry
to disunite, to tear, toplmkolt, tu p ck. held by a <l<i,'iiiyo or saimirai, as his estate.
KinoniP v}0 clii'ilrii, -^ ^ if. ^ J^gjf ;i,, to pluck diiliai sum, -^-tttV^-^Z, 5te0. vA. [C]iin.]To be
otrtbe buds of a tree; Sode wo liU i c/iigirii, ?tb7" loose or slack; to be ceased or suspended; to
51 =* M^ 'I-, to pull and tear a sleeve. slacken; to become obsolete. [la.
Syn. .MoGiTORC, JVloGr, MrsniRF. <-|tiii:iri, U)%a
31 fS SE, ". {Bot.-\ PaHs tetraphyl-

Clilglrii. ^. v.t. and (.

%^Z, To ally; to unite <;iilhat9ii. %1-t-^,^^, ra Shaving the head; be
by contract, marringe, friend^bip, or any other coming a priest, this corresponds to the tonsur-
tie;tomM.ir\ to pledge; r^i promise; to confe- ing of Romnn Catholic priests.
derate. rsoKTT SITRr. Chihatsu shitr nyudo to slid.tii, ^ ?/ r X "^ ^
Syn. KElOAKU SURU, Majiwaru, yaku- I- ^ y., he had his head shaved and called liira-

Clilgo. i^ i, ?|, ^, ^ a. »i- O A baby; an infant; sell a iiylidn

a sucking child. @A page ' f a bigli personage. Syn. Kamioroshi, Tkittathd.

Syn. Akambo, Mitazukai, Warambe. Cbihaya, %lll^,MA, n, OA white hempen
garraentworn by a Shinto nun. @ A narrow CliilrlifiiffKfln, "^V^^V^C^.-S^. n. [Bot.'[Siaum
band or cord with which tlie sleuve^ :ire girded alboroseum.
up. Clil-ijnl, %.\r^7f; jfe ,g, n. Unluckv days Ln the year,
Sj n. OlZURU, HAFL'RIMK ko koromo. upon which It is held good not to marry, not to
ClillinyHliiii'ii. 'ttt-^^S, , =T-3^if, a. A pillow practise acupuncture, etc.
"IJIilivnynrnrii, %i£--=!?^Z, 'word for Kami or Chlinil-nlehl, %\/^:^VL%, jft.,p. t]. '"• Same aa
gods, said to mean niightj' or influential. above.
Cliflifti, ^---'^, fe^, n. [Chlti.] Peace; tranqnilli- Chiin, '^V^^,^^, n. [Chin/ O' An acquaint-
ty. ance; a friend. @ Acquaintance; knowing per-
Chihei no miyo, ^^^iWit, peaceful reign or sonally; information.
Syn. Odayaka, Taihei. Lf^ge. Syn. SlllRIAI, Shibibito, Shirube.
Cliiliel, •^'^V^.lllj^I^. n. The horizon. Clilin, *^V^^,iSO^ '>^- Delay; postponement;
Chlliclkols:, 'V-VW-VnS-, ilfeilia fiS. « {Physics.} procrastination; negligence. surii.t'.i. To
An azimutli compass. become late; to delay; to postpone; to procras-
Clillielsen, ^^\J^*^, Jlfe^-g^. n. A horizontal tin.Ue; to neglect; to he alow.
line. fpond. Syn. OSONAWARU.
Chilu.-ii, %^ ^, i^ig, -11. [Chin.'] The side of a CIiii!in-K:;tniBii, "^V/^sij^fetE, /^ 7J, n. A dagger.
Chihen ni tsurlsu, MiS = t^^. to angle for ChilMaliti, %\r-'^<,/h, odv. On a small scale; in
fi!>li in a pond. a curtailed manner; humbly; not luxuriously;
Syn. Ikft;e, Ike no hotori. not proudly.
Cliiliiro, %J>h,^^, n. A tliouaand fathomg. Cliiisnftlii,-i,-kf, %i^'^ Li/p. <^- Small; dwarfish;
Fukasa cltUilro, ^^^y=^^, ji thousand fath- little; petty; humble; low; trifling; of little im-
oms deep; very deep; Chihironotani,=^l$.^'^, portance; of small value; childish.
a very deep valley. fboo. Syn. ITIKUKI, iTOKENASni, TSASAKA, KA-
Cliiliii-osiisn, %if- 7^ <' 5,=^^:^, iX. T-Bot.] Bam- SUKANA, OSANASFIT, WAZUKA.
Cliiatu, "^ a 5 , ilfe :;!;, n. Locality; province; rural Cliiiso, %\r'-5 5,i&ti'^^ ^<- '-Bf'f] Moss or lichen.
district; the country. Cliili'O, '^v*5J-, adv. [coll.] Likely to be small,
Syn. INAKA, JlKATA, TOKOEO. little, humble, or low; small or little in appear-
Clillio-gikwJti.-^KI 5 r< I^5\/^,ilb:;5I?|^, n. Lo- ance.
cal assemblies. CliiJI. *^t,5r[l5f, n. A governor.
Chili61il-kwa, -^a 5 l^ <*?.*!;? ^i!. w- The Clilji, % t, Expressing an idea or a
ffiSI??, n.
Section of Local Charges thought by means of words, choosing suitable
Clilliokwsiii, "^tt 5 <*?/.. ilk :;&'^, 7*. {Law.} Lo- words; arrangement of words in sentences;
cal o,r provincial officials. grammatical construction.
Ch'lhokwan kivaigi, itb^lT^ISI, a meeting or Chljl, % %',^ *, a. and adv. [lit.] A thMiaana

prelects and governors?. thousand; [Jig.'] different; very many; diversifi-

Chiho-salbnnslio, %tt5 5V^ldf^X J;,:te:;&lfi^J ^, ed; abundant; much; numerously; immensely ;

n. A local court. variously.

Chllio-snibanslBO-rlio, "^615^ \Atf A;£ J:V%"5, Chiji ni kanashiki, =f- ^fr — ^ s/ ^, very sad;
M"^ ^^^> '^- The President of a local court. heart-rending; ChijL ni mono omou, =f ^ — 4^ .g
Cliilin-selcio, %-^ 5 ^V-^; Jfe:;^ M ®. '*• Local -7, to he extremely anxious; Chiji ni somuru,
government systeni. =p *r =i '.U A »-, to dye in many colours; OMJi
Chiho-seiao wo shiJcu, Jft ;& M ffi ^ Si *'. to Pi"o- ?KJ iro, ^tr-^fi, diver-iflod or different colours;
mulgate or practise a system of local govern- many colours; Chiji no kogane, ^'r--*$J^,
ment, much gold; a great quantity of money; abuir
Chllioznlniii-kwa. %iX5^^is<i7, ^:;&B+^^, dance of cash.
n. The Section of Local Taxes. Syn- AMATA, KUSAGDSA, SAMAaAMA.
Cliiliuzel. •^ffi5^'V^,ife::?^, n. Local tax. Cliljlkamnru, '^^*>^3, 1^, v.i. To shorten; to
C/tUiTzH wo chishu suru, ilfe>?^^ fiS^ ^ fl-.
contract; to be reduced in size; to be lessened;
to collect local taxes. • to become narrower; to be abridged or drawn
Clilh<woi-kwa, %'&^^\[-<r>,i^':^UWl., ». The into less compass; to become less audacious.
Section of Local Taxes. Syn. Chijikomaru, Chijimu.
Clil-1, %.a,,Jlfe1i, n. Position; situation; status; CtiUiinarii, %-^-S.Z, '

^, v.t. The active

site; place; grade; point; degree. Clifjll^omarii, %^tU2,
forms of above.
Syn. lOHl. Cbljlkuinu, %-^i'ir.
OHl 114 CHI
ClilJIkcru, %-^lfZ, 1^, v.{. To be curled; to Cliiji''"' '^'yZ, 1^. v,i. Same as Oliijikvru.
ClilJIkiirii, %%'< Z, J become frizzled or undulat- (JliUilM), %Z"^,'^ n, n. Long days.
ed; to shrink into ringileta. Syn. EiJiTSLf, Nagakihi.
Kami no ke ga chijikery, g ^^ if f- ^ '^ Ji-, CliiJ». %S:-^^, iSiw. "" A blind passion; irration-
the hair of the head curls. al amorousness; too lervcnt affection, I'oolL^h
Chljlku, %%'{, Jtfe^i, " The axis of the earth. love; lovo; uncontrollable attachment.
Ctiljiinl. %%'?f., S! ;f|], /<. Corrugated cloths, Syn. AiJO.
usually of cotton. Cliijo, 't.*:J;5, SM. " l-^ct'f- Lashing and flog-

Klnu chijvmi, llf]^, a covrugnted cloth of ging, rflciea.

Bilk; Momen cliijimi, >1;SS®. corrugated cloth <;iiijokon. 1^ X'^ 5 W'^. Sb-bKI. " Tbe super-
of cotton. <;iiJjokfiislia, %X--^^Vi-L£.^,-&±\^'^; «. The
Cliajliiil-jishl, %%-^-S,L. ^m, rt. Crooked legs, fiuperficiary.
parenl helical legs. Ciifjokit. 1; %- 1 < , Jh ^, n. Shame; disgrace;
€IifJlini-g;ii)il, %%'^f^7r. U ^, n. The hair dislion^iur; oi'proUrium, infamy.
formed into ringlets, C'/iij-ikn wo iihrru, ITi/^-^ ^ »-, to be dis-
OlWjhiif-liotaori. %%'7Atfz1s^ . fei; (S ^ ^, n. X graced or dishouiiuri'd.
coarse corrugated gauze. Syn. llAJI, llAZl'KASillSJK
Cltljluil-katablra, %%-7:f.i--fzi\- 1^, ^'iFli'-. n. A CliJJiiti^ii, %:f:l'!)-7, it Wl, '" Surgical opera-
very thin corrugated cloth lor summer use; a tions; a remedial process or art. @ Adinini.stra-
garment of do. a kind of hemp eloLli.
; tive principles; the doctrine of the sr.ite.
Cliljinil-orl, t^'^Tfje'O, J:|^.^, ?i. OWeivvingso Syn. Naoshikata, Osasibk,\t_\.
as to be corrugated. @ Corrugated cloths. I'ltika, %i',15, ?i. O Tlie iieighboiirhooj , vicinity.
Cliijitiiii, %%'ts; JS, I'-i. and i. To shorten, to con @ Very frequei tl> u ^ed in cnm|iounils meanrjg
tract; to ni:;ke leas or humbler; to shrink; to near, akin, cognate, close by, or kindifd.
shrivel. riiika, %4-, Jibig, 7*. The pnce of land land , tn
Samukutemi ga chljlmu, )^ •? r fl-^ ^ A, to price.
shrink from the cold. Chika ln!,i. i^^^^, the ri.se ofland values.
Syn, CIIIJIKAMARL:, flllUlMAUU. (Jiikii-ilonnri, %±*)e.i'j^ ifl, tSifs^i, n. Tlie neigh-
DliiJIii. %£.-A.. jft^, '< Same as (/<((/(. bourliooO or vicinity; a pl.ice close by.
iJlLfjiii, %Z-A., iV A, n. An acquaintance; person^ 4'ltIKa-g:itMic, %j}-f*<?^, )5.U' n. Hunger.
M'hom one kno'ws; lamilinr people. 4 ItiUaguru, •^A-t^, jfi tQ, adv. Of hite; lately;
Syn. CriiKAzrKi, Ciiiki, Sttirube. now-a-days; in these dii3-s, recently.
Cliljln, %£:A., -^ K. n A foolish fellow; a sim Syn. KiKKAl. KONOAiUA, K'ONunuuo.
pleton; a dunce; a nonsencical rogue; a person 'Mkikagoto, & *> & ^. S ,= n. I'ledye; oath; ,

T\anting reason or understandiu'i. solemn promise. rkadonark

Cliijiii "jifme ivo tr>]:i(, -^i \ ^} ^ ^J .7, [Chin.] n 4;Mka-liotori, %ii>^>£.^, J^ifi, n. S.une as Chi-
BimpletoD may sonieriniesexplaiu the import 01 CItlKal. •^i-y, S, n. An oath ur j-ledgp.
a vision. Ghlkal ni somukv, ^ —^f i^ tu break an oath; .

Syn. BAKAM<i.\'t, Orokamoxo, L'kkemonu Chikai wo tad-ru, ^

? it ? ;^, to make an oath;
CliiJIn-ffodai, %:^'A.^7^V^, itfe^Eft, n. Theflve to pledge; to promi.se.
generations of the Sovereign gods of the enrth. Syn. SEiaON.
Cliljlii> u, %t'/J.'i>5.'^ C iTj. n. Wisdom, benevo- d'lilkal, %i}-J>, ^
^, n. [Chin.] Same as Ahd.
lence, and courage. 4'liikai.so, %i}-\r-5-^. ^iftB, »'• Bt>l.]Asea.-
Chijlnyu Icmbl no Tynsho, ^C.^]^Sk '^ Wi^, Syn. Wakame. L'^'eed,
an accomplished general who is wise, bcnevo Chilm-jiliix ni, %i}.^i]']jz, '^ f , ado. Within a
lent, and courageous. few days; in the near future; snon ; at nO dis-
Chljlre-sc •^'^rii.;'?-, tant day; in a short time.
SS^. 71. Curly, lnzz:cd
CblJIro-ke, %%-ivi&, Syn. KiNjiTsn, Tukarazu.
or woolly hair.
ClilJIrekkc, %%-U-M, L'liiliakl-iulyorl, ^*>?;^iiO, jfitf!, /*. Near
CMjire-ge no onna, ^^ ^ ^, a woman who^u ichitions; kinsmen, blood relations
hair Is curled. Syn. ENJA, SHIWB0I, ShINSEKI.
CliJJIrovii, %%'iv:^, ^, v.i. To be curled, frizzled, 4.'lilkakl3 0, %i}>^ X, jR^, n. Modern tnnea:
or undulated, to curl; to he lormed into ring these days.
lets or undu-latious. for fir-tree. CliiKnkii, "^ii.^, 15, adv. Near; cloee by; In no
CtalJIrJ, %%-HI, ^^, 7t. IBoLjThe coue ol' a pine distant place.
Clilknkii, %ii-( , tC-ffi, n. Sensation, sense; con- I'lilKni'iigiisn, i^ 4. 6<' 3,*U;H,^. » [Bot.\Era
BciouBDess; feeling; knowing; sensibility. grostis fei-rufjlnea.
Chikaku salcuran, B-ffi^El,. the sensen iire Clilkava-kobii, 't*>&£.^', A gj, «. The promt
derftnged; ChikaJcu seistiiii, ^^^f^^, feeling nenco made by the biceps-flexor muscle.
and thought. ClilUara-kiii-abe. -&*>&< 6 '<, fl A " Wres-
CblUa-inasarJ. %*» 2 5 1£ >!), ffi. n. Looking tling; comparison ol strength.
better from closer proximity. Chikara kurahe wo suru, ^ ;!;
? 7. fl-, to com
Cliikame, *t-i>fc,)£{tB, n. Q Sliort-sightedness; Syn. Lpare strength; to wrestla
myopia, @ One who is near-sighted. Clijkara-mako, %i}> fe ^ W, A ft, »»• Falling by
Syn. KiNGAH, KINSIIIGAN. the misdirected exertion of one's own strength
Cblkame-no-inosnno. *^4>lfe®i6fi'**a, JfiftSai, « (said of a wrestler).

Spectacles for near-sighted or myopic persons. Clilkara-iniBii, %i3> e, ^^', ij-^f «• Water in
Syn. pailrf placed on opposite sides of a wrestling
KESHOMizu. L^rena.
Chlkniulclil, t *> ;^ '&. jS S&. «- O A shorter or Syn.
nearer road or way. @ More convenient way CliiUara-iiioclii* % ii> & 4 *&, ^ J^, n. Q Lifting
Syn. Hayamicui. Lor method. lieavy tilings. @ An athlete; a person having
Clilknii, %i3>^,lLviJS, n. [C/tfn.] Same as Ahi\ extraordinary strength.
Cliikaru, %iii ^ , i] , n. QForce; power; ability; C;hllinraiia»<lil,-l.-kl, "^ ii> & tC L, * Sf. «• «°<*

capacity; strength; prowess. © Help; a*id; as- adv. Without strength or power; helpless; weak.
sistance; dependance; reliance. Chikaranashl ni tachi &aru, ;^|ffi^=iL*
Chilcara nashi, powerless or helpless; to leave or go away, sadly disappointed.
;(j-j-s/, is

Chikara ni naru, yJ=i-^;^, to lend strength; Clilkai-a-okoslil, %*>&3fftL,Aft. " Favour;

to help or assist; CMIcara ni suru, i} =. 7.^-, to Syn. HiiKl. Lpatronage; custom.

depend or rely upon; Chikaratotanomu, i) ^ Cliikara-utoshl, % *> t 5s >£ U ^ ^. "• I>i3-

upon a person or thing; Chikara nppointtnent; frustration of a hope; losing

f.'-2,, to depend

woawasii, ij'^^y^, to cooperate; tohelpeach spirit, lamentation; sorrow.

other; Chikara wo otosv, ij ^ 1i% 7., to be disnp- Sazo ochlkara otoshi desho, ^,-iei]%t^ 5'S/a
pointed; Chikara wo isukeru, i)'9-ii^n', to Tj, ycolL] Ilearyou have been greatly disap-

encourage or embolden; to help or aid; Gaku- pointed ;

you are greatly cast down.
or, that

mon no chikara, §&Hfl ^ j!j, learning; the pro- Syn. Gakkari, Rakutan, ShitsubS.
fundity of one's leiirning; Kami no chikara, !^ Clilkararyo, *t*'&K5, igig, n. The Taxation
> iU the power of God; Kaze no chikara, ^ ^ Bureau (in former times).
)), the force or power of the wind. ClilkaraHlilba. %-i>>t^X^,%W^,Wi^. ». \.BoU]
Syn. IKIOI, KiKlMK, KlRyOKl', NOutoku, I'ennhalnm japonicum.
Shirubiii, Taxomi. Chikarasklba, '^*> &;£[i, It t6. " [BoE.] iVOffeftu

ClilUarii, %±-' c, Formerly a govern-

't/f^X^ n. Q Cliikara-waTia, %i]>^ir>^, i) M. « A work or
ment official whose duty it was to control tax- leac requiring strength; athletic feat.
afTairs. @ Tax custom. ; iUlUitrii-xuUu, %i}'C>d'<, 1) m, n. Strength;
Cliikara-dake, %i3' i^ Td W", ij Yr, n. A big cane virtue of strength; dint of bodily or mentaj
of bamboo used by a coolie in carrying burden strength; intrinsic strength or power.
on his back. Syn. Udezuku.
Syn- IKIZUE. l-htkaraxiiku, % 13> i;, ^' < , 1} it, v.i. To regain
Clilkarn-ganc, '^i»?.?jt*a, t ^, «- liealth or strength after sickness; to recover.
Cliikara-ga^va^ %±> ^ t^ H, 'Mfl, Syn. Genkizuku.
leather. Clilkaslil.-l,-kl, %ii* L.Ja, a. Near; close by;
neighbouring; short; akin; cognate; having
Clilkarnge, "t *» & W-, A ^. n.

Lone hairs on the brenst, blood relations; intimate.

arms, and legs, popularly cnn- Hyakunen ni cliikasJii, gip-i^j/, nearly a

piuered indicative of musculjir liundred years; Keisuen chlkashi, iSt ^ftjfi ^,

strength. closely related in hlood; Me chikashl, g J^ J',

A near-sighted; c/i./Am7f,(, Ig i^ ^•, shorter.

Clilkaragi. *Si' 6 IT. ;!) *. "- ./tfir/U

W'snver's betira. a road).

(said of


4;iiikn.ruKiisa, % ±> ^ <'^t5§tfp rJ31$U
ChfUasliilcii, %i' L < adv. Tutimately, friendly;

CT. '* ISot] Vf.rvnive. indica. familiarly.

cni 116 CHI
CIiil<:i.ii, %j3^^, S. v.t. T(i ni kb an oath; to afflnn Jfel^ iT fl' u ft., he fell in a vapour of blood.
or declare Boleinnly. Clilkeji, % i& A.,^ M., ft. Knowledge; cognition;
Jiii wn susntre chlkau, A -? ft^ 7 S "7, to make information,
an oatliby sucking up bliidd. Syn. KENSRIKI, SATORI.
Syn. Seiy \kv sl'kii. Chilton, •^W^, ife#, n. A title-deed.
Clilhawnri, %>: K V) , ilk fJ! Y'!, " Assessment of Syn. KOKEN. Kenju.
./ind for piirpniL'S or t:ix tion. Clilkonjo, %1tfA.&^i>,f^^^,n. Same as above.
Cliikaw:i»i(M-n. %t-ittZ, ^ ^- I'l- The causa- Ciiiki, %%,^^. n. Vapour arising from the
tive form oV Ch^Ltiv. ground.
ClilKn.yora6erii. ^*.J;(i^3, ^ To let i^ ^, v.t. Syn. Tst'CHi NO IKI.
one come ne.ir; to nUow one to take more Clilkl, %^ ,)^^, n. v;/;f;i.j A friend; an acquaint-
liberties. ance; a bosom friend.
Clilliii>'orM, %h-X^, l5?f. ^-'' To come or go Chili mo motojnuru, ^^"^ i^ 2* n-, to try to
near, to approncli, to '.Iraw near. get friends; C/iikI wo vru, ;&) 3 ^ to get a
f^f "-t
CIHUnjOKorii, •t^A'i.-tfZ, ^1£^, I'.t. The causa- friend.
tive I'orm of aliove. Cliikl. "^^.^Il^, n. [Chin.] The rays of the sun.
Cliikaziihcrii, t,4.t3*t+2, \^. v.t. To cause to CliiK(u. %% •/
[Hot. J Vitis inconstans,
A., JftIS,
become intimnte or IrtenUIy; to make to come Syn- TSUTA. livy.
neaier, to bring near. ClilKi-i. The name of
-^ ? A, Jtk^, [Bat.] a
Chlknziihl, "t,i'-:?'^, [Si .^, fi- An aCQualntance; mushronni- fungi,
a Ci-iend not yot very intimate. Syn. ASADAKK.
Syn. CiHKi, HOvu, TuaiUDACni, Shiriai. CliiUlaso, ^^^^5, a [Bot.] Euphtirb'^
CliikaxitKii, %.J7'0' < UEiS,, v.i. To become inti-
mate or I'amiiiar; to draw or come near. i^yn. NisrilKiSo.
Syn. CiliiCAYORu. ClilKlrl. %^IJ),
llilkaziihiirii, ^io*< 3, lEU, v.t. The causa- Chlsiri. %'^'V),^^-
" A weaver's beam.
tive form of Chik-izKU u. fn whip. I'liiUirl. % ^ iJj.iiF^, n. A
Cliihoi, %',)\-^, S JflJ, n. Punishing by tlie use of steelyard, a liivel b .lance;
Zattiinni chikci ivo l^uwav, 3f: A^S Jfil f- /IP a weigliing beam.
~p, to punisii a criminal by lashing. Syn, Obakari.
€l)ilici. %i&\r, ^'^, II. "(7/iji.l Sin-ne as C/ffe. Clilkiri-iiiiio, -^ g <QZ'^,
Cliikol, "^otVp, ^ bI. " -A. clever plan; wise coun-
)|?r *fif, S:, '«. A wooden
sel; artful scheme; skilful design. clamp, a piece of wood

Syn. RYolio. RvocilU, Rvr-SAKU. used to hoid boards to- cw m
%1/^V-, ilfejg, 71,. TJie shape or contour of gether.
a country; the topograpliical foat\ires of a Cliiklrl-natsiniio, "t? ^:?i6, |g|^^,
«) 'Bot.]
coanti-y or region. A kind of Jujube.
ChUcei wo hakaru, ilk Jf^ -? i^J ?i-, to make a Clilkii-l-Iiaiiinuiri, %^ V)i^ A,^-^ ,m, n. A white
topographical survey of a district, ChiLei wu funeral bonnet worn by women.
iriiru, )lb )f5 ^ T^S J^> to observe the features of a Cliiki surii, % % -^ 3, Jfi'i'JS, v.i. To be ashamed
Syn. CniaET. Lcouutry. to he alfocted with sh .me; to be abaslied or coU'
CliiUodotn. -^WU^^ih. JlfeJK^, *i. The Division luhed by the consciou.sness of some wrong ac^
of Topography (in a Bureau), Syn. llAzanu. Ltion.
Clifkolrati, '^l.^^y^tA, n. \B>(.]Llparis Ciifkkaii, -^-vi-A, Ys%, n. [Chin.] Same as Chi-
Clilitol ^.urr. %lff\f-f:&, i^ kuhaku.
W, '''' \f'''"n., Todraw a Clilkkr-n, t-yH-A, JXPf, n. Same as Chikvjn.
tiglit around n per-
cord i:iilkkf-t>,u mini, •^yW^-^^, fj ^K, v.i. To3tqm-
son's neck I'or the purpose ble to trip upon the legs.

ofd ostroying ht-^ life; Syn. TauMAzricr.

to strangle. Clilkkiii. '^•y&^, Sl|^, n. A carving chiseL
Syn. Kc'i MURORDgr, Cliikko, %-y-C^, ^\\^, Red lacquer carved.

CliiktMiiiirl, %i^i^V), jfii'^, Cliikko, %-ji]>*>, *gif, 7i, The construction ot a

n Vapour ari'^ing from harbour. siiru, v.t. To construct a har-
blood shed in flghtlng. bour.
Cfiikeinuri tattp. taoreru, C^W"!/^ 5 ^} ClilkkurJ, %y ( ip. aclv, [coll.} A little; a bit.
CHI 117 CHt
ClilKUyo, %'j^ X, ES. n Of^onflncment in ClilKiilMisNiil, %< :Sf-y L, It^T. "" 'Enlom.]
one's o-wn house, I'ormerly a mode of puniphinpc OcckroTch.
samurai; home-conflneineut. ©Confiniug; not Cliikii-clilkii. %i%i, adv. [coll.] An adverb
goinpr out. modifying a pain caused by the penetratiou ol
a pricif or sting
Chikkyo mnshi tsul-eraru, 52 E 4^ ^J ^ ^. *•"

be sentencetl to Viome-conflneTnent. Cliikii-dUku itai, ^^^^ ?i5i -f . acutely or

To confine one's sell' to his resi-
siii'ii. v.i. sharply priinful; CliikiichlLu nomi ni sai^areta,
dence; not to go out of the gnte ofone'R own f-'i'-J- ^ J& = $ij W ^, to he badly bitten by flea.q;
Syn. Heimon, OSHiKoaiK. Lhouae. Cliiku-cfilku sasu, ?-^-J-^ ^] y-, to prick ur sting

ClilKo. %1L-^. JlfeSt. 71. [£ot., JIunjcet. painfully.

Clillio. "^t, %i%, n. A dwarf; a very short i^er- Chf-kiidarl. "^ C ;^. id
, T ii, 't. Discharging blood;
pon; a person of extraordinarily low stuture. bloody flux.

CblUo, %i)>^, adv. A raodilled form ofC/tifcafcw. Syn. Gekktsc, skkiri

CfiiJco osiistimi nasai, f-ut'ffll;^ = ^-9''f, Chikiidekl siirn, t < t? ? -?
3,^J^, t.(. To
[coll.] come nearer; Chik,'} wa nal, j^ 9 ••'*
JR -f, convulse; to agitato or shako violently; to airect
it is not near. by irregular spasms.
Cliiko, %'L, n- A priest in a Buddhist temple Syn. HtKiTSURir.
who receives the visitors. Cliikiirtrii-tsiilio, "^ < ^?^•7ll^ "^^S ^. n. [EUc]
Syn. Shika. A Loyden jar.
Cblko, ^t., 5;flSC, tT" Old acquaintances or friends; Chikuflo, "^ < ie, f; tCt- ". 'Chin.] Camboo rest.
one who is familiar. ClUkiitCuii, '^<>e^, ^^T", n. A low ollicial in

Cliiko, %Z. 5, ^V], q,. and n. [Chin.] O Nice; the old Riukyii government,
delicate; fine. @ Delicate or nice workmanship. ChikuriiJtJi. %{ i^•^.n5t A, n. \Chin.\ nn.] A
Clilko. %'!L^,^T6, «. and n. Wise and skillful; bamboo wife; \jly.] a bamboo basket with which
sagacity. a person sleeps, in summer nights, in order to
ChikolMi, tC-S--, Jfilffl, n. [Med.] Aneurism; a soft secure coolnesri or to avoid fleas.
bloody tumour. frobin. Syn. Dakikago.
ChlKojHku. %i3-'^Z'^< ,^W-^, n. [OrnitJi.] Tlie Chiki[sn, *5.C*]Mt^. «• \Bol.] A bamboo shoot
Clilkokn, '^Z. < , ]^ S'i, '<• Coming late; not com- Syn. Takp:noko.
ing fit the exact time; not being punctual. Clijkirsraii, i^< ^]T^, SamB
^^^ ^, n. !L<i Ganchikit.
si:rii, v.i. To come late; not to be punctual.
CklknlKi. %<\iS,f^^, n [C/ttji._ A bamboo rake.
6ki ni cJiikoJcu itau/iimashita, i\~T^^\ -f -H

5/ ? ^, [coll.] I f'.m very much beliind vime; I

i'liikiihitkii, %< }ii< ,Yi ^, 71,. [Chin.^ IllstoricaJ
record, chronicle; history.
tear that I am mucli too late.
Mehri wo chikuhaku ni taru, ^ S^ ^ ^ ~^
Cliikokii, %t. < ,W^&, n. Announcemeijt; notice, ti"

infonnation; notification; public decbi ration.

/^, to leave one's name in historical records.
Syn. K0KLJ8HI, Seisiii, ShtjO.
sui'u, r.(. To annouiife; to iiifurm; to
ChiKitliakti. %<^<,f\'^, n.. [BoL] Nageia.
ClilKokii, %i. <, ^^, n. [CJitn.] Gitveming n Chlkiilmtsu. %i\S.o,t\^y n. :C/urt,j Not shav-
country; a country well governed. ing the head; suffering the liair to grow becom-
Chikoku Iiel lenka, ifj^^JzT, governing ing a layman. sum, v.t. To let the hair
the countryand tranquilizing the world. grow; to become a biyman.
Cliikotsii, '^t-^.l^^, n. A stone. Cliikvhatsu s?nte zika ni kaeru, ^^t/ 7^ {§;=
Chlkii, %< ,yy, n. [Bot.] Bamboo (cliieily used in ig/t, to leave the hair growing and become a
compounds). layman agiin.
Clilkiilui. '^<fcr, ItflQ. « A bamboo-horse; stilt5=. Syn. Kami wo hayasu.
Ghikuba no tomo, Yi ^ ^. "Id friends, -^ riilkciliosurn, '^<f^t3,^ffi, v.t. To overtake;
Syn. T.*.KE(MA. LPlaymatep. to pursue and catch or apprehend.
Clilkiilinliii^yo. "^C [J < ^1, 1t^ ^., n. [IchUi. 4;Si3kiilclDl, %<\^%,^—, aav. Thoroughly;
Syn. Huno. ITrigla kiimv. entirely, particularly; in detail; minutely; part
Ctalkiilil, t<U-'. ?L^. "• [Anal.] Tlie nipple. by part, closely; criticrtlly; scrupulously; with-
Syn. Ohibusa. fchikv. out omisaon.
CtiJkiibokii, % < IS: <,^^, n. Same as Boku- Ghikuicht hakujo sttru, g—^ J^ :^ a-, to
€liikubokit-jo, tC^ <"5r-^5,S!lil£-, n. Same rrnlesi thoroughly; Chikuichi kikitadasii, ^
as BolcxLcliikU'io. — &1:?L^. to examine closely; to scrutinzie;
oai 118 OHI
ChtJcuichi yomlageru, ^^ — ^ J: »-, to read or an- Clilkiirnnso, "^ < b ^^5, t±^, ". [Bot.l Pollia
nounce In detail. japonica, fTabacheer.
ICHIICHI, KUWASIIIKU, Chlkureki, %< H^, l^iS, m. [.Bot.JTabachir or
Chlknjf, %^ f, ^^, adv. Successively; by and CtiikurcD, % < K ^, ti"3^, "" [Chin.] A bamboo
by; by degrefts; m Qrder; step by step. blind -fold.
Chlkuji hairetsu Surv, j^^ Jlji^fJ t; tl-, to ar- Syn. TA KESUBA RE.
Syn. JONJUN Ni. Lrange in order. Clilkui-i, -^ < 1(1, til ji, n. [Chin.] Same as Alyome.
Chllfiijiti^ti, ^iZ-^, ". {Chin.^ Tlie fruit
tJ-K. Cliikiirju, %<yA,,Yi^, n. A bamboo grove.
or seed ot the bamboo. Chikurin no shlchi-kenjin, ft tl^ ^ -t S? A.,
Syn. Take no mi. [C?iin.] [lit.] seven wise men of the bamboo
Chllciijo, %<.-e5, %{^., adv. Article by article; grove; [Jig.] the seven discontented statesmen
in detail; minutely; point by point. who lived in the Shin {^) period of Chinese his-
ChikuJQ moshi-hirakl surv, ^{^ c^ fjfi ^ :^ »-,
tory and secluded themselves from the world
to plead minutely; Cliikvj') shlngl, j^f^g^g, and the court in a bamboo grove.
minute investigation; deliberating article by Syn, SA8AYABD.
article, as a parliamentary bill. Cliikui-liioEio, %< IJ)
^-C^,Yi^M. n. {Ornith]
Chlkujo, % < :£-^ 5, trtt, n. [Chin: A bamboo Japanese blue flycatcher, Niltava cyanomelaena.
Syn. -Takezue. Lcane or stick. Syn. RURi.
Chlkujo, The tender epidermifi
'%.<:^-X, 1^55. n. Chikuro, %( ^$,ttili.«~ A b.isket mide of split
or scurf skin of the -bamboo, also, bamboo Syn. TsuzuRA. (.bamboo.
Syn. Take maiuada. Loa-kum. Cnikiiroku, %< 7^ < ,%M., n. [Chin.] [lit.] Run-
Chihiiknkii. % < ij> < '^•^. n. [Ckin.] An out-
. ning after a deer; [flg.] striving to attain an
law; awnnderer; a vagabond; an exile. object or end.
Syn. RoNiN, Taikyosha. Cliikiirtii, % ( Zi>,'§^, it. Beasts; animals;
Clilkiiknn, %<i>A., It ^, n. [Chin.] A bamboo domestic animals,
pole, or rod. Syn. KEDAMONO, JURUi. fformity.
TeJdteki tarn chlkukan motte kawa ni tsnru. Cliikiisii, '^<3,^fi@. " A great variety; multi-

SV ^ J^ W 3f a 7= fsr zi $V| ^,, to angle for fl^h in Cliiliusa ni onnno wo omou, =¥ ffi = ?& ?" S. 7, to
a river witli a bamboo rod. form a thousand reflections.
Syn. Takezao- Syn. KUSAGUSA, Samazaua.
Chikiiknu 6iii'ii, '^<*>^^^, ^g, vt. [Chill.] r'liikiisnl, "t < S \/^, Itifi, n. [Bot.l Chamaele
To pursue; to run to catch; to go after. tenera.

Syn. OiKAKURU, Ou. Syn. Oresdama.'5IIi, Sentoso.

Clifkiilccii. 't<W^, -^f^, n. Same asChikiijo. Cliikusnlro* %< ^V^^.^f-^g, n. A light green
Cliikukl, S < ?, Y!i&.YrJl, «. rc/ifn.] Sama a.-

Chikiifujin. Syn. MOYEGllRO. Trope.

Clilkiiko, %<i}>^, %'^, n. Same aa C/i;A:»in. Chlkiisakii, % < :^ < Yf^, '" ,
[Chin.] bamboo
Clilkiikwitii, %( <ijA., W^. "• [Chln.]A bam Cliikiisaslii.-l.-ki, %<-^ i.fl^.a.. Smelling of
Syn. Takekuda. Lhoo pipe. milk; young; babyish; infantile.
CliiKiikyos.yo, ^<&J:5S'i, 11"^^. n. [Iclith.] Syn. MlJL'KUSA, Itokexashi.
The scud; horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus 4'Biiku!miMlif.-i,-ki,-^< 5t,±%,S^,a. Smelling
Syn. Ajr. of blood; having the disigreeable smell of raw
ClifkiiiiiJt. '5<"a, ItSE, n. [Bot.]Cimicifuga U animal flesh.
teri'iat'i. Chihusakl kaze na fukii, sk^ ^ ^'^ ^^. »
Syn. iNrsiioMA. wind blows that smells nf blood,
Chikiiii, %<L,^-M, " [Ohi'n.]Qs.mQR?. Akaglre. Syn. OnoAMAOUSASiii.
Chikiiiien. %i iXL, ^ ^., A cherished idL-a or
7i. (JMUiESU-xiin:!. *^ < ^ -p* 'ji,
^$.ffl|, it. A rope
thought; settled purpose. mide of the imperata.
Clilkiincn, %iilA., '^^f-, o<lv. Year after year, Ciilluiac-i, 1^<^V, tt??. 't- [Ghln.] A fox trap.
yearly every year, annuaHy.
Cliikno'iii, % < ^ < , 1^^, li. A house; a build C'lilhii^f'ki. "^ < -fr ^.tl'fS, "• [Chin.] .A. bamboo
ing or edifice. Syn. Takami'siiiro. (_mat.
Syn. Tateta. Chlkit!«eki sum, t. C -it & ^ 2 jg , /f, i-i. To drivp
ditkiirau. -^ < b ^, S P, n. [Bot.] DeTKlrobltim out or away; to remove to banish; to expel.
mcmlUfonru- Syn. OiNOKERtT
CHl 119 OSl
Chlhiiaekl siiru. % < -tg-il-S, SfiJ, v.t. and (. \Chin.'\ To remove; to displace; to expel; to
To accumulate; to collect or bring together, to drive away or out.
layby; to stove; to stock orfuruish ngainst the Syn. OiDASU. rgrove.
future. (^liikiiso. 't < 5 5, Its. « [Chin.'\A. bamboo
ClilltuBcii, T, <-^A,^'5?, ft. Pruning scissors. Syn. Takamuka, Takayabu.
Syn. h'iBASAMI. Cliiktisu, "^ C -3 5, Ittt- "• iChln.] A bamboo
Cliukusen. ^< ^A, tl"^. «• A bamboo pole, one spear. See Takeyari.
end of which is cut obUquely so a.s to mnke a Clilkuso. %< ^, Jk^, « [JHeih] Bloody flux.

point; a bamboo spear. Syn. Skkiui.

Syn. KiSSAKI, SOGIDAKE. Cklkii!siil-Jlt$ii, -^i-^^&o, ItSSH. »i- {.C!itn.]
Chlkiisotsii-iiliiJiu,^< *-7V^^:£•^.1t&lI A^, «. The day on whicli the Chinc'^e drink fate in
iJiot.] Panax repeiis, which bumboo leave-- have been steeped; the
Cliikiisotsusai, ii < -Ti- -^ 5 V*, It&TSJfi, ". [BoL] 13th day of the 5th month io.s.), a good diiy for

Commelyna communis. transplanting the bamboo; [(/t.l bamboo intoxi-

Cbikiisotsiiso. % < >i<? :? 5, It 13:^, n. [Bot.] cation day.
Syn. KAilATSCKA. L Aster.
Chikii sum, % < ir Z, ^M, i?-*- and t. To run
ClilkHslii, %< t, It^, ". {Chin.]QX branch ol" fast on horaeback, to drive fast; to move ra-
the bamboo. @ Light literature. I
pidly; to gallop; to run a horse.
Syn. HAsniBAsr, KAKEnA9HiRi7. rshoot
Chikiishi no uta, 11" fiS -^ St:, songs or poems I

upon light topics. Cliiktitiil, *& < riV^, It Br. n. [Bot.] A bamboo
Syn. Takk-nokda, DoKF-nON, Kokkeiuta. Syn. Takknoko.
« A CliiKiitoi, 't<t\/*,ltffl, w. [Conch.] The name of
Clilkiislii, %< I, tt'.fii. very thin kind of
paper very much like thin membrane found in a razor fish; Solen.

the liollow o'f the bauibon. Syn, Mate.

Syn. Gampishi. CliiUutei sum, %< TTV^ ,l-3. |g:S, v.l. To build
tin embankment.
ClillfKshi, "% < L, ^ Si. w. Same Shukun en.
Absconding; liiding
Ciiikiiton, •t<-C^,jSS, '*•
<'liiki!Khi-cl>Irn, "^ < LA-IK?., ^"^f^, n. A kind
Syn. Yatsdbo. Lof quiver. one's self; concsealing one's self to avoid le^^al

ClilKiisliiii. [Chin.'] A kind of consequences. suru, v.t. To abscond; to

-n < ;£ A, ItSi. "•

bru-h made of split bamboo. run away; to liide one's self to avoid legal

Syn. S.\SARA. consequences.

CiilhiiKlio, % < %^ Of %Vh, "• An inclosing Ano hlto wa yiibe dokoka e cii ikufn shimashl
Btrnctnre olearth; an earth wall. ta. 7 ^ A'^^ f^ fpi &:fJ ^'Sl^ -y ^-y^. ^^^ ^^

Syn. TSL'KlGAKr. Bconded ytyterday to some place or other.

Clilliiii^StA, %<£.-^?''^, ^4, n. O An animal; a Syn. Kakboohi, Shcppon.
brute; u. beast, ©Contemptible person*, such I'liiKiito, %<'^3,Yf7], n. A bamboo sword, used
as beggars, liars, thieves, UPuiers, misei's, etc. Syn. SniNAi. Lin fencing.

ChlkusJio djo, ^-^'i^^, 'coU.\ [lit.] dying like

an animtl or beast, [fl9.~_to die in obscurity; Eriocaulon sexangulare. fMaulel.
ChiJcushn doyn na yatsu, ^ ^ IriH^ -J- IS, 'coll.] a Clilku-umo, %< 5fc,a^-. n. [Bot.] CyOonla
brutal person, abeMSt-like fellow; Knno chiku- VUiiiu-wa., %<t>,Yf^' "• ^6^ Kamaboko.
shomel 3 ^^ 4-^, [uw?.] a form of curse. Ch\lniyu.,%<^,MK,aau. Every night; nightly;
Chikusho-liai'.-iiiil, •% < :£-^ 5 tf t ;^, S4 ?, " night alter night.
Bearing more thnn three fatuses in tlie womb Syn. Maiban, Maita, JiAIYO.
CliikHslio-do. •^^:£->^5?5 5, '(& 4 ig, " ''Bmhl] Cluliuyen. '^<3&^,1t^. t*. CWn.] O A bamboo
A place of pnnisliment or torment for the wicked grove. @ Members ol the Imperinl Family.
after death. Syn. Takezono.
CIMkiiyo, % X6, nSI. '»• QBimboo leaves
C!iil,nsJiT'-dd ni daraku sum, g^ i ig =- 2§ f? ^' <

;t-, to fall into the tormenting purKatoi-y; Glii- f^Sake; alcoholic beverages.
Syn. Sasa, Take no nx.
kusho-cW ni wmare knwai-u, ^4S = ^^•^•^ A bamboo
IL, to be born again into the Chlkush'i d '.
VUiUuytt, % < i., 1t^. n. [Chin.]

Cliikuslin eiii'ti, "^^^ Sf'S. Tocollect sedan-chair

or bring together; to gather; to fetch together Syn, Kago, Takekaoo, Yama-kago.
for preservation; to amass; to accumulate. Clilku.tSnin, -^^^SSA, ttllS; " \Btft.MHa
ClilkuBhiitsu !!.>]-- T-,
'^<;£(»-7-^S, JSm »£ rt^^'a odorata.

CHI 120 CHl

CI1II1U3 onIiI, "^ < A: 5 L , tt 55 iSK. "• Same as Chikyu wa oyosel nn it--u nari, iife^ -'^
^7 M --'—
Chikushi (It HE)- fZnntlioxyl'um. 9- V the earth is one of the planets; Chikyii wo

Clilkiiyoslio, '^<A.5*5. YtW-M> it- l^ot.] shliko-niTU, JlkBK ^ i^ ^7 7./1-, to circumnavigate

Cliikuyo suru, t < -^ 5 -^ Z. ^ ^, v.t. [Cliui.' the globe; to go round tlie world.
To feed; to keep; tonoxiiish. Ckikyu-daiEWi, *t^:j;c-2, ilfe fi :li. ft. [coIi.;S.ame
Clillfiixui, t< 3*\r , ^ Bt. '^^ AccuTniiliited -wealth as Clilkyurji.
or riches; money saved, stored, laid by, or Cliikj uKi, %^^%', ithStC^, " A terrestrial globe;
hoarded. sum, v.i. To l.iy by, pave, store, a spheie repre'=:6nl ing the earth.
or accumulate money or wealth. Cliiiti}&kj, '^ ^
% Wi, ,
n. Gli.tinous rice or rtce-
Sekken shite c/iiLnzal sm-u, B^ j' t ^ Bt ^J^, floui- wrapped in
to save money by managing one's coucems I'ra- bamboo leaves,
gaily; Chikuzai shite man-lc/ii no yonSatern, and boiled, a
SRti'TSS — xffl^^r;!-, to store money food which every
again'^t contingencies. family prepares
Syn. CiiaCHiEU. on the Tango
Chikii7.:i]U:B, %<^\ri; ^-^T', f- One who holidy.

saves; one who ho;ird^ money, a raiser; a nig- CUiiii:iki-iriis:i, %


CliikiiKaii, % ( ^/^, ^ \h, n. iChl.n.] An artificial [Bnt.] Zizania

hill, often an impcirtant feature in Japani5-e aquntica. C17:'

Sy n. TSUKI YAM A. LSfi-i'd ens. lliiutuhi-fusii, -t,?,?:*-?, i6, n. Akindofbnra-

Cliil. 117.0. %<Tf>, %i^, "• Constructing; build- boo used for m 'king cinmoki. fblister.

ing, erecting, r^iirti, v.t. To construct; to ClgiiM.-iitio, % 'a V), 't. An extravasated corn or
build, to L-i-ect, to raise. 4'lifin:iiiii:>4*. % ^ Tf- it, ]& ?^, CL Smeared or
Chikiizokii, %<^/<, ^^-, II.. [Chin.] Rice, mil- covered wall blood.
let, or other grain lakl up again-t contingen- Cliimamtrc mwagi, iL ^"^ L' El +'. blood ^hed-
cies. diBg; murder; Chimamire zala, rfi §£ l- ?>"5(;, a

Clilkiizo snrii. "^ < ^-5-^3, ^"sS, r.(. To -tore blood-shedding affair,

up, to accumulate; to keep things in a go-down. Syn. CniDARAKE, CniMiDOIiO.

Cbikwul sum, %< ib\j-^-)-Z,'^^. v.L Jjhln. jTo dil!ii:iiiiirom, i^U^'i-5, jSL'B. ^''- To be sm-^^r-

ride, run, or drive about. ed or covered with blood.

Syn. HASEfilAWAliL', rCAKi;MA\VAi:r. t'liii)i:>n. %'^. k, '&*&. n. and u. {nou.} Slow-
Clilktvjtl sum, % < ioXf-}- Z, '^i&, v.i. [Chin.] ness; idleness, laziness; slnggislmess negli-

To delay, to come or go by a roundabout way; gence ; slow ; lazy ; idle ; d ila t ury ; negl igcnt
to proceed circuitously. sluggish, siit'ii, v.i. To delay; to put off;
Syn. TEMADOBa, UKWAI aUKU. to linger; to be slow.
Cliik-ivnjI, %<ij£;, i&jS.^, n. [iJoE.J Water- Syn. NOROl, Tknt'KUi.
h ore-hound. fLiici'i'u^ europCEiis. 4.'liiiiian:iko, *^ ^ tf C, ifil GB, D^. " Elood-shot
Cliikwiijllbjo. •^<i^-V'^5, MKatJ. "- L^ot.] eye'^ , bloody es'es.
Syn. iML'SfURONE, RlllKUNE. Ohimanaho lu natte a'-cmawaru, ah. Rg =•-?- -»

Clilkivau, "^ < 39 ^, tS^. 'i- "-"d a. Sbnvnesa; t'JS^IE'^' ^° 1^1^" about watchfully with
dcl.iy ,
procra^tiii;Uhiii ,
dullness; negligence; blood-^hnt eye^.
tardhiess; not advancing rapidly; slow; tardy; CBiiiiiata, %'^'fz,''^,'(^, <t- A street; a highway, a
dull, inactive sluggisli, dil'itury; delaying. walk, a lane; nn alley, the town.
Syn. NO-ROill, yiMlUYAKA. Ka3sen, no chimaia, {j-TiBc -^ ^1, a battle field;
Cliikjo, '^W.i, ilbiyj. " Ani-;tlumi^, a narrow Shura no clnmalu, V^^^ -^ S&. a- scene of blood-
slip 111 land separating two bridie^ ot water. •
shedding, a scene of fighting so bloody as to .-«?
Cliikyo. t&-^5, ilbIS, '* [Cftin.] Bouud;iry; mind one Shuraao
of the ol the BuUd. hell.
frontier. Syn. TOKORO, Tsrji.
Clilk>u, t^W-S.itP^. ""' Perceiving; understand- C'lilmntii-no-k:tiiil. 1i5t^»i^?^, 0,if Jz. , \mjtli.\

ing, comprehension; recognition; cognizance. O A guardian god of the street. A god © named
ClitUyoditi. *i^ &-^- 5
?L5£X:. "• Fer.suns AiV/^, Sarudahlko.
brought up by the samw wet nurse. Cliimiiti^nrl, %'^'0^ , ^^,Tr, n. Offering one's
Clilk) u, -^SS, HbF^. y* The earth; the globe; own blood or that of his enemy to the gunjin,
the world. (or Invoking the god's help in battle.
OSI 121 OHl
SJiiUsvjtnno chimatsnri , lU ^ > ]& i5? V . invok- Clihnoii, tl6^, 1 JtbflB, 71. A piece of land; the
ing the war-god, before a samurai leaves for a. Jliiioii, '5^i6^, J surface of the ground; ground;
battle field, by Phedding some of his own blood. land.
Clilmayoi. "C.
?. i i>, jfe.^. n. Derangement of CItiiiii. '^;^, ^i^, n. ;CTin.] Evil spirits hauntltig
mental functions caused by determination of mountains and forests; an elf; s fairy; a goblin;
blood to the brain; an insane person. a nymph; an imaginary supernatural being.
ChhiKiymi. %'Zi.X,l&.}^, v.i. To become Insane; Cfiiml moryo, ®^^ffi, land and water
to run m"i.l. spirits.

Clilitibii, ^ ^ If , Kfe. n. [coll.] U Lameness. @ A Syn. KODAMA, Madama, Sudama.

lame person; a cripple, riilnil, % ^, ilfeBfe, n. The fertility or barrenness
Syn. AsniNAE, ErKKO. Syn. CnisniTSU, LofthesoiL
Cli iin1>ili i. '^^0.•& , S tt, S JS, n. [coll.] Q Spinning riiliiiiiltiro. %^)S-:^, iUk^il.n. Sameas C//t7?ia-

cotton by the ,1ob. @ Drawing Ajlnrlfclsha, by Cliiiiiidori, %7-f.'&V), ^ bwr.

the .job. Chlinidnro chinnai ni natte taorete irii, -?- = jf

Cliliti1)o. '^^a^ /l^^. "• l*^""-- ^be male c ^f-z^^f ^ =-7- y 7Si y ut ^a-, to lie prostrate
Clifmliolto. f, ^^^^:, organ of generation in the
^ covered with blood.
vocabulary of children. ClBinijtHii. "t 7;^-7,ij!8^, n. and a, [Chin.] Fine-
CliiinlxitRii, -^/-ffi^.itia. n. Pinking; founder- ness; closene'is; delicacy; intricacy; fine;

ing; being submerged; failure; lolling to the delicate; elaborate; compact; close.
bottom. surti.r./. To sink; to be submerg- Syn. KOMAYAKA, KUWASHIKI, MlUSAI, SEI-
ed or lost; to founder, to be ruined. MiTSt'. Trice.
TekJcan Kishu oH nite chlmbotsu su, i^^j^E Cliltiininl. -ti ^S V^,^^, n. 'Chir}.] Stnle nr old
;^' =i T
>^, an ironclad has sunk olf the
gfct^ Syn. I'rRCGoair;. T1tsi:gobik, Kojiai.
coast of Kishu- Clilniiiiiiri. %/,^ to, iftfj, adv. and a. {ci'U.\ Con
C]iiinl3ii. *^ 1 J-', « ^, " A labourer; one who tracted, abridged, short; fnng; compact; com-
serves merely for wages, a ,1obber. fers. pressed; epitomiz'jd.
Chimhu wo yat-oii, 1? ^ ^
7. to hire bibour- ^ Chlmmari to shita kozasJiikl, S!i v V h s/ *r/S
ChliKlni. %^i^
Sa,Rf, •"• Restoring peace and 01©t. f small but well furnished apartment; a
traiiquilUr.y. p;iciflcation; suppressing a rebel- snug room.
lion; BubduiiiR amob. : sum.i'.f. To tran- — Syn. KOOIIISIMARI, TSI'ZI'MATAKA na.
quillize; to quiet; to suppress; to pacily; to riilinmoii ^iirn. •^^ ft ^ ^ 3, jtiffj, v.l. [Chln.\
restore pence and order; to quell; to settle. To be given to to be addif teU to to indulge in.
; ;

CIclmlMin, l^?ri-^ ^PB, n. News; curious stories; Sak-' nl cliimvten svrv, jQ^ itigj 7. ;i,, to be

rare facts. addicted to drinking.

CJiimMin too IconoTmi, ^ 53 ? ftf A, to he fond Syn. Sake ni pukkrc, YoisnizuMU.
of news; CJdmDun wo saciwru, ^03^^"', to Clilinmetsii ^ ft :? ^ 3 M ifS, v.t. To
siirii, "^ ,

go after curious stones, to aot as a repor'er; suddue; to destroy; to conquer; to defeat com-
Sore wa chikannro no cJiimbun (tesn ne, V y

jgtg^^pg ^' 7.^, [co'M 01 that is indeed news. Chiniiitl, % A. ^,H!^, n. A dainty; a rare dish;
CIHinlmtsii, 1^^.fr^,^4S. n. A dainty; riire or delicate flavour or taste.

precious things, i: hi III 111 In, -^ ^ /^ ^, ^m,

Sound sleep; pro- ri-

Chliiio. %^, jSl @, w. An inflamed eye; eyes suffer- found slumber. To sleep well;
sin-ii, i\i.

ing from cimjunctivitis or other inflnmmatory to be profoundly fisleep; to take a s6und sleep.

di'=eases. Syn. Umai srni', Yokcnkmuru.

CUimesusa, % ft <' ^, Hfe ^, n. \Bol.\ Patrinia Cliiiiniioflii, % A. i %,^t^, "-. 'coll.] Carrying
scablosofifolia. any thing to a distance by the Job. fthe job
Cliliii*^*. %ftV,ift^. "• The name of a place. Cliiiniiioclil, *t^4'^,KSf. n. -Alaking mocW by
Cliliiir:!, -jit^VA, S^. '" [CJiin.] Sacrificing one's ChiniiiioUii. % A.% <, vtlJ;, -«• 'CJiin.] Silenro;

life tn a cause; exposing one's self to personal taciturnity; reserve; secrecy. sum, v.i
danger. To be siifint or taciturn.

CliiinPl-no-foslii, ty)\/NO>f L, *Pl!&-^. n. [Chin.] Syn. MoKiNFX.

Fifty years of a go. ChliiBo, %1i "5, ^M. n. [Chin.] One who ia

CbJinpifiho. i^»\^:£3:,Si:^ffl, " Vital portions mentally blind; a foolish person; a dunce; a
of the living system. simpleton. raeloiiles.

Syn. KyuSHO- Cliimo. % '&,4tJ®. rt. [Bot,] Anema/rrJiena aspho-



fiyn. Hanasugk. Hand. Rfl R, Tvages; cost of lahonr; Tnikal chin, ^
('Iiiiiittkii, % % <,S6@. " Tlio claRsification of 5t, a sum of money given to one who carries a
Cliiiiioro, %^)^,\\im, 11- [liot.i Allium chinense. message; Jin chin, i^ JJ, fare; ireigbt.
<:iiimt>!Ui, ^^ff^, ^^, 7[. A feudal lord; a Syn. CnixsEN.
dainiyo. Chin, %A,>M, ". yjrnith.-] A poisonou.s bird like
Syn. DaimtO, SliOKfj. the secretary-bird.
or vol
ume an
; old KcroU, memorial, or
^- Ad antiquated book
any other t-

CJnii wn
korosu, l^f-Q^-7
t'K 7.,

to kill by
Cliiin|t4Mi, ^^'^;^, %;g, adv. [Cll^n.^ Ne;ir a poisoning with the
pilUjw ; by the he;nl of a person in bed.
close chin venom.
Makitjauk, Makuramoto.
,-;yn. Chhi, %L.i^,n. Any-
CItlinpi, t^A. i>', F3i ^'' " Dried uraoge peel, much thing rare, curious,
used 111 I lie prei ar-ition oT condiments and quacii strani,^'", nf;w, or ri<^i

niediciiiL's valuable;a curio; ararify. Al = o u--pd as prefix,

Cliliiiptii. % A-VA-.S'^ op. "• '''tiiMin^ or rare things; Kiscl nocJnn to sn, jR it -^ ^ h 7., is re_r-iF.li.,j

a cuno. as a curio or rarity,

Clvimvinivl, % .'^V! a, V)
,m<li^il " \-BU.\AcLiniilia Syn. AlEzrRASHiKi MONO, Takar \.

argvta, Chin, %J^,f^,B';tf<'},n. [Zi'df.] A van.-ty of i

Cliini|to, "^A12 5, ^^, n. A rare treasure; China, ^n,^^, n. China Ltl"K-
anything uncommon and valuable. Chin-», % L^h,'&C^^, '! Mr<t. '
\ ('Iirnnic dise .=?e.

Cliliiipii, %A.^!,tkiff, n. The lather; papa. [Chin.] Syn, Ko.riREVAMAi, Sirr-Kr.v.

Syn. CUICHI, TKTK'iVA, Kazo. Chin:ic, -^ fr^, f," @ 'ft, n. [Hot.] Slyrax ia}-<o)ur>nn
Chlinpii. t^J,^ IDRHJ. n. and u. \Cliln.\ Old; ChEiine. %'^X,f'!:^, " IBot.} Lijonia jnjionlni.
antiquated; hackneyed; universally known; Chiiini, Same
%-tx\r. f'&^^.n. '"/io/.l

trite; common; outofdate; unacceptalile. Chin»f-ito-I<l, %'^V'<Z)'^, Wis Chliiar.

Chimpu no setsv, -^^^ fin old theory; a M^ Chinnnil, % n T)-, '^^ /'-
O Tie; connection;
trite idea; a common place opinion. affinity; relation; consanguinify union; ; alli-
Syn. KURCKVSAKr. KOFU. ance. @ Reference; origin, re;ison, cause.
Cliimpii, % ^-fc, ?,t(-?. "- Sinking and floating; Chinami wo rnvsuhv, ^, V- f'S y. to form a

rising and lalling; fluctuation; undulation; connection; to mnry, Chinami wn tatsv, ¥? '/

ascending and descending. R3 "9, to disunite; to sever connections.

Clilmpiikii, •^^i< , ISfiE, " Subjugation; tran- Syn. Kn, Vukari.
quillizing, pacification, putting down. Chlnainl ni, %-^;^V:,0=, odv. By the way; by
siirii, v.t To tranquillize, to pacify, to sup- the bye, in connection with.
press; tosubdue; to put down; to quiet; to Clunami ni iu, [3 = x: y, to say in connec-
Syn. LQ^ell. tion with
Clilmyaiku. '^;^^< ilfegR, «. A vein (in Geology
, Syn. TsriDK NT.
and Mineralogy). Chlnashl, -^Tj.-
l, ^g^, n. 'Bnf.] CytJonla JUaulel
Chin, % ^, ^, pron. We (only used by the Em- Chin-:»tau, -^Alf,-^, ^;i^, 7i. Suppres.^on ; con
Syn. MARo. Lperor). quest; subjugation, quelling; tlestrnction; re-
Chin, % A, *?, n. [Chin.] A summer-hnnse; an straint;subduing; putting down; repressiun;
arbour; a small pleasure-house in a garden or tranquillizing. .»iiirii, v.t. To suppress; to
Syn. AZUMAYA. Lpark. pacify, conquer, dele it, quell, destroy, or put
Chin, "^ A, S. " O Recompense for per on"l down.
service; wnges, bire, reward for the temporary Cltin-ntHu-hl. % ^S,o ?,MI3f g§, n. Anything
use of anyTliing. ©A bribe. that weighs upon anotlier; a weiglit.
J)a chin, fits, a fare paid for having tldngs Chlnchakii. %L%-^<, }t ?f , <i ^-omposed; with
carried on horseback; I'lina chin, lES. " sum presence of mtnd, cool, calm; re'^crved; firm;
of money fur hiring a boat; passage, freight; und.iiinted; self-contained. Also used as noun.
Kisha chin, j^IftS. railway fares, Jfocliikomi CltiiEclLl. %A^,^^, 71. A piece Of hind to let.
Chin, ttjiff. extra ireigbt fur liaving letters, Syn. KASiiicni. {'cej-nua.
bags, trunks, etc., carried to one's residence, 4;iilnrhJko, % A.% IL, fj^B. " \Boi. Aneinom
Tana chin, j£ fi, rent; a sum nf money paid for <;iilnchlii. %^%A, ^tM. " [CO?,;.] Same as fVi/Tn&o.
the temporary use of a teiiainent; Tenia chin. ^ Cliinrhlu tAtA, m [vuL and coil.] Jealousy;
cai 123 cm
suspectful love; mutual love; enviable In- Chlni^lii siirii, •^^&*^^^^. ^^. v.l. CMn.lTo
timacy; the state of being amorous. consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, or
JIata chinchtn wo okosu, 3t ^ v -^ :^ ^ ^ 7., think; to be anxlou-s.
[cdll.] to be jealous again; Chlnchin kamo^amo Sdshi te$sd no moto ni chingin sum, 3± dt SS ^
fie tanoshinde lini, ^"G J'S^VT^^ft-.
^-yi- :y-}j-V: -^ IS = i!t t^i^'i-. the soshi are anxiously ponder-
[coll.] from tbe same
to take pleasure in eating ing within iron-windows (prisons).
kettle (saitl of a married or amorous couple). Clilnf^o, "S ^ a, ISJS, n. Protection; watchfng
CItlurlilii, 't^t^.^'*. a. andaclu. Calm; serene; over; preservation from injury; insuring secu-
dot noisily; quietly; softly; not boisterously. rity; guarding.
Syn. Shimeyaka, Rhizuka. Ojio no chingo, iftS .-'|i|IS, guarding the Im-
rhljioliliiknKurn, "t ^ i; ^ i»r3* 6. pfiPSa, "• perial Palace.
[Jio(.] Cocculus tfiunhergli. Buru, v.t. To protect; to preserve from
Chlnrlilrobaiia, "t ^%:^ litclEffiS^, n. [not.'', injury; to watch over; to secure the safety of a
Day-flOwer. f.loyous. place.
CliiiivUv, %A.% X5 ,1^ 'S., a. Glnd, happy; blissful; Cliiiigivaii. %H:ink.,HU, >>• O Taking or find-
Chlnclid noitarl,^^ ^ jg, most hiippy; Ohin- ing pleasure 'n. @ A plaything; a toy.
cho ni zonzv,'^-^ =.^:^, to feel very happy; Syn, MOTEASOBUKOTO, OilOCTIA.
to be excessively gbid. Clilnffwan-I)iitsii« 't^<'*9^i"^, i^JS^. A «
siini, v.t. To value liii,'hly; to be ex toy; a bauble; a childish gewgaw; anything
cessively glad; to prize. mere pleasure.
prized for
Syn. MKDKT-U, Kekko. Cliinsyo mivii, %/^-^i.^Z, SH®, v.l. To guard
Cliiiidal, -^Aifr-V-, SIIC. " Agarrisi-in. against ; to resist; to withstand; to ward off; to
Cliimlaii, Ii/.75^, S^. 'i- ^
Curious or interesting baffle,
narratives; an exciting story; wsne. Chiiilio. •t^(3, IHm. n. [ChiTulA shop or store
Clitndan wo Uku, ]^ ^iS ? M^i to hear curious to be had for hire.
news. Syn, Kashimisb.
Cltlndolif siini, % A,-^ ^ it :&, ^M, v.L To be Chln-]« "^A-V, ^1?^, ". and a. Rarity; wonder;
drowned, Bubmei'ged, given, or addicted. curiosity; strange; unfamiliar; rare; curious;
Shusholcu nl chindeklshite kasan wo yaburu, marvelloias; to be wondered at.

ffll fi = £t IS S' 7= g^ li 9- Efi »', to become an in- Cliinj!, 'S^t, ^1^, ". A curious or rare thing;
solvent (or to break one's foi tune) through de- an accident; a remarkable fact; an anomaly a ;

Syn- FuKEKU, OBOUfnu. Lbauchery. notable event; an occurrence worthy of atten

C!iJiidoii, ^^-^^,gtBff- »• ^iChem.'] Precipita- tion or notice; rarity.
tion. @ Leaving sediment or depo.sit. Sorewa chlkagoro no chinji tiesune, y u >v 15
Syn. Odomukoto. ^ ^^M ^y^ ^, [coll.^ that is a remarkable
Cllla»lell-buts1I,•^^-^^J*^,fil:^5W. n. OlChem.] occurrence; Tondachinjl gadekimashtta, v z^if
A precipitate. @
Sediment; deposit. ^3*^ m 3K v^z-jr, [coll.] a wonderful anomaly
Syn, Obomimono, Oki. has come about.
Clilndokii, %L '^ < ,'i^^, n. Q The chi-i venom Clilnjo, ^;^:£•^5, ^^, n. Expressing one's
or poison. @A poison. sentiments; stating one's views or opinion;
Cliln-ekl, '^^A.&, KS, n. Working for hire; la- declaring one's Intention; opening one's heart
bouring for wages. siirii, v.t. To work to another. surii» v.i. To express one's
for hire, etc. sentiment, etc.
Cltiii era sill, %^ ft* L, 53 £J. w- Letting for hire, ClUnJoliyd, % k:£:^5^^, ^IS^. « Asenti-
fare, or rent. mental memorial;" a petition.
Cltingen, %A.^K, 1^ ^. " O
Statement; declar- Chinjohyo wo tatematsurv, ESfiS^^^"'. to
ation; manifesto communication. An old © present a memorial or petition,
saying or story (very rarely used in this sense), ChJujo sum, %JuX'-^ 3it-Z, PI J;, v.t. To say,
siirii, v.t. To say; to communicate; to 'state, relate, tell, express, or communicate to a
write; to state; to manifest, Syn. MoSHTAGERU. LB"perior.
Clilngin, '^^a^^, H£5. f" Wages; cost of labour. Clilnio Riirii. %A.Z'i.irZ,^U. v.t. [Chin. ,Sa.me
Chingin too tatekacru, S£g^ jilts', to pay as Chinjutsn.
wages In advance; Chlngtn wo watasu, K^^-iSE i:iilujii, %/^Z-'.f, ^'^, n. QThe guardian god of
3t, to pay wages a place. ©GHardianship of a god; guarding;
Syn. Chih, OnraSBN, watcbtag over.
Chlnfiir^. %^^*t1)X, B'^-}^, " CI A naval sta- Chlnboii, %^^L^fiStS, 't. [Cftfw.] An oia root
tion. @ Formerly, a local government Syn. FURUNK.
Cblnjuru-sliogun. •^^:£•^*J-* ^-*? <- ^, W^'Jff'^ ClLrnhnn, '^^^l^, ¥J|i:|, n. Pacifying tbe souls of
H, a. An ancient title giveo to the head otiicer the deceased, commemorating the dead; hold-
of a Chinjvfii, ing a festival in honour of the deceased.
Clilnjiisal, •t^^•t%^V^, M^^. n. A to^livnl diiiiliuiiNai, % ^ zi ^ ^ V, SS'ii'S?, ". a fete in
celebrated in hononr of the guardian god of a lionour of tlid decea'^ed.
Syn. Ujigamimatscri. Lplnce. 4JlElnlivt'n, "^ ^ < i9, SI '^C. «• Suppression of •
CliiDjiitsu, %^t''.'b'9• ^l^, " Statement; relat- conflagration; e>tinguisliing a fire. siirii,
ing; comraunication declaration; prooiania-
v.i. To die away, to '^r, out; to be extinguished
tion; apsertion; affirmation. sum, v.t. To or quenched (used only of fires).
state, declare, etc, Mohaya chinhwa shhnnshua, ^^.^^'Kt^^iy
Cblnjutsiislio, %^Z-'.'i'7Zi., B^%, '-• A writ-
^, the fire has already died away; the fiames
ing in which one's views are stated; a memorial; have already been subdued.
a written Btatement, Ciuk<%v»i-Bokl. -t A < i^U^ * &, §i^lSB, n. A
Cblnkji siirii. *t^4>^^, ^ T. v.t. To sink to celebrated stone in the district of Tto, inChiku-
the bottom; to decay; to fall; to deteriorate, to zen, associated witli tlie memory of the Emprosfl
degenerate; to become worse. Jingf"..
ChiukoiKal. "tAW-vyi/^. SI'S®!, " [Med.'\ An Chliikwnsai, % f^ <. io'^\i^,^^'K^, n. A festival
antispasmodic. celebrated in honour of the god of fire.
Cbluhl, '^^&. ^gg, n. A curio; articles rare Cliiiik} :)kii, % L'^ ^ < J^'S, J(- , A welcome
and valuable. Hove curios. gue-t, a rare visitor.
Chlriki wo alovjan sum, ^^ "?
-f: ^ :Pi n- , to C/iinl-yaku wo kyo-o sutm, ^^ ^ 5P IS :^ B-,
Cbluia, tz^^, T m. '<• [Me(l.1 A tincture. to entertain a rare guest.
Tctsu chir^l-i, ^TiE8> f»n iron tincture; Yojainu ClilnK^ii, l^^?5, P^A> ii- [^Ain.] Old; hackney-
chlnki, j^lSBTif. tincture of iodine. ancient; decayed by time;
ed, longpractised ;

CliiiiM, '^^?, ^ u, <3~ Valuable; rare; precious; obsolete; out of date.

highly prized, much esteemed. Cliliin? u, '^i^VC5, 03 \, n. [Chin.] Rushing or
CliliiM. %k.^, ^- Sf, w. Same as (7/tfre-t. forcing in; plunging into. siirii, v.i. To
CltlnUiiiitrori, "^ ^& ^ K "0, gt&HJ, ''- Chased plunge into; to rush in; to force in.
gilt work. Syn. Kakeromu.
ChinhimboTi no makie, ^^Si -^ KB. chased C'lilii-okii, %A^^ < S §. , "• A house to let; or a
gold lacquer-work. rented house.
Cliinkln. '^^&^, 5J ^, -a. Wiiges; hire;asum Syn. Kari-ie, Kashi-ir,
of money paid co any one working by the job. Clil-no-iiiii-lil, %(D7f-%,il'^. It.
O Veins and
Syn. Chi.vhex. arteries, blood-vessels. @ Deturminatinn of
CliinKlii, t^^^, il-'^, «. same as Cftind^re. blood to the head; dizziness (only used of
Clilnl^iii. ^?
^, it^,
-^ "- Carving flguj-os in women).
hair lines in lacquerod articles, and gilting Cln nn michi ga okotte memai ga suru, ifi. ^W
them. rtnre. tS ? K S :'>' ^- «- .
to feel dizzy from tlie blood
CliiiiLiK.'ti, %^§3V, T f^.®!, n. iYiM.W tinc- rusliing tu the brain; .TltM-hnRim u;i, rlii-no-
Cliliit.o. % LX. -y, "i^T^. n. Delicious fl^h; any michi no ryoyaku desu, T!f ^ ^ '^ A '& -^ SS^?
dainty gor-.il to be taken with .':iil ''. 7.. Jitsiib-^ sail is good women's dizziness.
C'liinlvo, -^A^t, 't. '
cnU. ] ?i:ime n^ Cfi!,-mbo. <:iiiitoiiiiR(», T^ro^a:, JL^- n. a baby; a sucking
Clii!i!-o, 1,^r.5. ni/f. «- L'.boufirigon the farm cliild, an inlant. flmperata.
liir wngoB. Clii-no-iir. % ©*a.^(g, n. [Bot.] The root of the
Cliliit--'"*. •^^4•5, / i'tff. n- Aloes-wood; an in- Chi-iio-ri. %<Dy, itk ?ij. "- The geographical
Jjiiko. %-K.i3'^, W'ense. iiilvTintage; a natural stronghold. See Chirl.
Syn. Jim. Ji.VKo.
Ten no toki wa chi-nn-ri ni shilnzv_ chi-no-n
CA Irl.olilrl, -^ ^ ^ ? I5fi>^. n. Cutlligto
vm }iitn-7u<-!.irn ni s}iik<'zi', 7z -^ ^ '^ ji^ ^ fi] =^
b irco by the Job.
to ij 7', JH) -- ?'j >N A -• Til = id] ?j 7:. Chin, the ^-a-
I'liin'.nkirl ion naisfin'.-u nl sum, tK ^i 9 z>- p^ son is less important than the £rPogi-aphic,il
^- y- n-. cutting toba'cco for hire as a private advml-a-e. tlio -ri^-raplncid advanta-e thaB
o-nploymt'nt. the union of men.
CUiuhukii, f.^t.<.SS^. "- Same as Ckinjo Syn. ^oGAi.
. "

cm 125 CHI
Clil-nu-ivn, "SCOih, 'H'iH. «• ^-irne up Cliieno-wa. Cli!iisli:i]<iilion-no-NetteJ, '^^;fc^ < W^©*yt
Chi-iiu-ivn, t©!h, n. A c/it-gi'ass rintj supposed \r, Rfma-^-aStlS, ". [Law.] Creation of the
to have the mysterious powei- ol' keeping away right ol' lease.
evil spirits. CliiiiHliiikiiken-iio-slionioCsii, '^^£,-^< C^^CO
Cliliirete:!!, %A.tfCf,^?], n. Arrangement; put- ^^V>o, ^^ilZ^/^M. "" [Xaw.] Termination
ting in order, setting out in proper order. of a lease.
BUi'u, v.t. To arr;ingc, put in order, etc. CliiiiHliukK-nlu, '&^;£J^<l£^, JH&A, n. [Law.]
Syn. Naraiikkh. The lessee.
Chlnretsii-lilii, •t^n•9t>^, ^.?l)Sa, n. Articles Cliiiisli»kiiiitn-no-siinii, %^%-^< ^/^^®^tf, H
arranged in orJer (chiefly snid of :in exhibition). fS A ;i J^ ^. ?(. 'Law.] Obligations of the lessee.
Chiurrtsii-jo. "ti *i -9 £ -^ 5
/'i, , 0^51])^, n. Any Cliiiishakunin-iin-keiirl, %^£.-^< b^:^CDIr^
place where articles are to be set out in order. A 'O.ffifSA^iiafiJ, '*. [Law.: Rights of the
Bviypin chinretsup), !^ iu ffli
$ij 12, an indiis- lessee.
trial show; an exliibition. ChlHUiilia eiirii, '^^,*^-^^, S^sHf. v.t. To plead;
Cliliiriinbel. ^^I0 ^•^V^, ^0 Jfc, n. Stale rice in to vindicate, to speak in one's defence; to ex-
a granary. plain; to apologize. Often used in its noun
Syn. FURraVRAGOME. Syn. ATAUARtJ, Wabi wo iu. [foTm.
Cliiitrin sum, %^•J]^t^, rt-^. ''* ''Chin.]To Chljislil, tAlS.SIT-, n. [CHn.] A papenveight.
sink Into obscurity ; to lall into hell; to be ruin- CkinMlilgt'io, -^/.iSG^, Ktt3?, n. Jobbery; Q
ed or de-troyed ; to become in( nnous or ol)s- the practice of .lobbing; working by the job @
cure; to be compelled to hide oue'.s head. Wiishing or sewing clothes for money.
Syn. OOHi-iRU, SHizcjia. Aii" yamovu wa cMnsh inntn wo shite kvraahi
ChliiRa, -^A-?, gfcj^,, n. 'CMn.l Sediment; lees; wo tateru. m -^^^ telJ ^^ S tt iff ^ -> ^ 4 iS ? it t"
dregs; the matter subsiding to thebuttomofa n-, the widow gets her living by job work.
Syn. Ori, SiiTzriiiKAsr. Lli»luor.
Cliiiislil sum, '^^X-^^.j!!tS.. '' To consider
CliinsaCsii. t^A^-?, 'iRS, ™. S:ime ty^ Dokusats ii carelully; to reflect; to ponder; to think pro-
Cliliisol, %A.^V-, ^Sf, « Ol-.''"n._ One of the foundly; to use philosophy.
moon« ol the planet Saturn. CkJjcsliJ siiru, '^^^.t^.'iSjK, v.r. [CMn-lTokUl
Cltliiitol, % ^*\^, P^sS, '*- Requesting; present- by poisoning witli tlie cliln venom; to poison.
ing a petition; desiring; asking. sum, v.f.
An!<-un wo cMiv^hi sum, [^ g^ 'iS fiS 7- "'. '

Syn. Negaf. LTo rerjuest, etc. poison an ucwise master or sovereign.

Chiiiscl ijiim, *^^^\^t^, !S^, v.t. and (. To Syn. DOKUGAI srRU.
make anytlnng calm; to pacil'y; to quiet; to Chiiife^liUsi), %A.%<',1^% n, [.Vert.J A fevet.
silence, to subside, to become tr-inQnlllized. Syn. Ill NO YAWAT, NETSUBY")..
Its iioun-rorm is also in use. Clilusho.-c,/,* 1,^1^, TU Rare books; a Caxtnn;
Syn. Siiizt'M «LRn, SirizriiERU. a curious book; a "Vinegar Bible."
Clitiis^'Kl, %^1^:?, gBH, II'- A stone weight. Kisel nn chinsho, ^ it-^SS-^.a very rare book;
Syn. OMosni, Osni. a Caxton; Tvehi nochinslio, ^ g -^^S'. Ji^rare

Cliitifaoki, ^^^r&, R^ii^. n. [C?itn.] The impres- and useful book. fbeetle.
sion left by anything gone away. Cluustso, '^^£^5, ffii^, n. fjjntojn.] A kind of
Syn. FfKfKT ATO. eJliluNhn, ^^£5,l^gg, n. ;niln.] A delicacy; a
Cliiiisc'lii siii'si, %A.^%fZ, PIfE v.t. To mips dainty; any edible nice in taste or good to be
in a high degree; to lament. taken with sake.
Syn. MEDEOSIIIMU. Syn. BisnOKU, Chiszen.
Cliinsoii, ^^l^:^, K iJS, n. Same as C/i/npfn. Cliinsliu. %A.^\fi>, t^M. " Cilil or f'tale sake; old
Ciiinsetsii, %k,^o, ^Mi ^' -^^ uncommon opi- lilcohollc beverage.
nion; a doubtful rumour; news, strange news. Syn. rURUZAKE, Hinkzake.
ChlusliHkii siirii, % A.X-^ < ^ Z, R fg, n. To Cliinsliu, %/^:$,Vi>,-]l^m, ^- Toi^^oned safce.

hire; to bold on lease. Often used in its noun- Cliinsliiikwa, "^ A ;£ 15- < ib , ^ JS TH. "- i^^^-i
form. Syn. KUBOHAZK. iSpiraeo,
Clilnsliiikii-figdosan, '^^^^<J-^55^, ^^ Chln.«o. %A.^M 5fE.
'"• ""CT'fn-lVindication; pleatf

/f^SJjM, '* [Law.l Immovable property under jng one's innocence; explanition; apology.
lease. >
gui'ii. v.t. and I. To make excuse; to plead; to

ChliiNli.ikiikeii. -c.^£.^<H^, Sffifa,?i. [Law. apologize, etc. rc/iinrlmbet.

The right af lease. CkinMlmifci, * A^ 5 3. V.p£^3|$- n. Same as

cm 126 cm
C'hinsomai 100 mof.te Jiimmin wo niolwaav, 1? <:iifni;eirii, -^ A ^V -i-. SliS Iff- W- OIn ancient
£~ He^U?' 36"
R^ BS-'"'^-. to relieve the poor time", 'he martial administrative office in Kyl-
wirh the stnle rice in the gran.nricf. i-hu. @ Later, an appellation of the DazaifiL
Syn. FlTRl-GURA-GOME, UlNEGOMB. <;hlnzcili:i, '^^^V^a. g| ffi i(g, " A sect of the
Cliinsiiiko. % A.ir ti' 3, JZ^Wr. «- Same as Jodn denomination ol Buddhists,
Chinkfo. Chiiizeii. ^^^-^, (g^, a. and adv. [CfttTi,]
CliiiiNiii FiiKM, % ^^^J^-^ 2, ^S(!. ''* To be Laughing; smiling; an adverb expressing sor-
drunk; to be intoxicted, to lose one's self lu prise or joy.
the exressivp love of nnythinp;. 4;iilnzen, %•^^^, ^BS'"* Nice or delicioua
riiliital. '^^^fe'J^, Si!3f. n. Same a.!i CJiindal. dishes; food-articles of nice taste.
Cl)liit:ti, %Att\n,^^. n. liaitJ." I^ea^e. Syn. TJmakimono.
CliiiitiU-butNii, %./.rz V/^X?. IS^IS, " [}'-a.io. Cliiiizo, %K^3, ^sBt, n. Something very much
A thing uniier lease. valued; a treasure; a curio; anything very rare
Clihitnl-Kol.tnkii. % A,fzM^^\j^^ < , It If ^ *9. "• and valuable.
[/^aw.] A contr.ict ol' lease. flessor. Kono emaTci-moJio wa bdJce no cht-mo d^su, ft
Chlitt:ii-iiin, I;^'f^v>v^^, ^g A, « [Laiv. The
^^^^^^^-^^ififp^. this picture roll is a
CliiiitU! (^iirii. %Ate\rtZ, fet(^. '•*• To stay; to treasure of Mr.^^.
remain; to be (lull or stngnant; to be obstract- CliiiiEiikl, *t^:^•?,RJ&, n. Sa.me a.R Cftintsjtki.
ed not to move lorward; to be stationary.

Chlnziiru, %A.^Z,^,v.i. O To state; to plead;

siiru. v.i. Tn stay, remain, ete.
vindicate. @ [cnii.j T(»
to assert; to excuse; to
4'liiiiloi, ^^TV^, W.^' "- SAme. iis Shinjo.
misrepresent; to speak falsehood; to try to
4;itlulol, '^^rv^, M-g, 71. Same flsCTiinsci.
cheat. fRTJ.
iSewran hajimete chintei su,'^ £L "^ J* t" |S S ^- Syn. TlHAETT, ITSUWARU, NOBERF, TSUGU-
tlie rebellion has at last subsided.
<;iiippohe, %vl£ti^, u- 'coll.] Small, little; per-
Cliiiilnkii surii, %A,'£<i-Z, StK, v-i- Same as
taining to a pigmy; dwarfish; insignificant;
Chimmen •mm. lowly.
Cliiiilsu, i^A-:75, PliSii, 77. [3f«d.] P.tid preceding
Ano hito wa chippnlce na koto no hoka dektnat,
parturition, labour, or delivery; partK^ laborts.
Pyn. San no ke.
T^ A-'^ "} 'JT^ -^ +^ -^ WHi ?jE^'f. he is unable
to accomplish any great deed ; Chippoke iiayOr
Cliiiil»4a, t^-:?5, §SJ3i. n. [J/'Jrf.] Alleviating or
tsu, f--vd; ^-J- tH, a dwarfish fellow; a lowly per-
aPRuaging pain.
son; Sonna dtippnle na koto ni okamai nn.mru
Clilntsufkl, %A-?5^^, ga^ig;, n. ^J/cd.] A fluid
va. yv+f--v^^-f-5I=^fflK f--9-»-^, don't
anodyne. fthe Job.
mind such a trifio; na inu
Taiso chippoke desu,
ChfnCsiiKl, %^-7?. K tSi. /J- Cleaning rice by
iT'f y l>f-ylK^:^::^ f:^, what a small dog I

Chliitsnz:Ll, %L'0 5'^\S', MJffi^. "• [Med. An

anodyne. riiippiihii Biirii, %'jii < ^3,?gt^,r.r To hide
Clilniirii, %fyz, To smear with blood; to
1?, v.t. or conceal oneself; to hibernate; to be hid in the
make sacred by smearing with blood taken from state of torpor; to winter in a hole.

a sacrificed animal. Hlgwma va fuyujU ana no uchi hi chlppuku

Kane nl chinuru, ^=.%!i', to smenr a tower- siirv, nl-'^^^!?;>4' =-2Bf^^n-t tlie brown
bell with the blood of a sacrifice by way of con- bear winters in a hole.

pecrating it. Syn. FpSniKAKURU, Komoru.

ClilnuNlii, %)hi., ?L1^., n. A nurse; a wotnurse. €liii-»l>aru, i^&lJ2,^£L, vA. [coll.] To be scat-
Syn. Menoto, Ura. tered or thrown about; to be dishevelled; to be
ClilD-yo. '^^l1l5, it^j< '"• Cool courage; pre- in confusion.
sence of mind, being composed in the ("ace of Kami ga kaze f?e cJiiraljarv, ^if % 5'f-9 >s»-,

danger. riuagnanimous, the papers are scattered by the wind.

Chin-yh taidn, gfc i^ ^^ (S. f "urageou-s and <'Iilr:i-olilrn, % c^ % h,?i k, a. and adv. In a
Clilnzii, •^^?', jiTim, n. Residing, dwellin-; flickering, fluttering, or waving manner; blaz-
taking abode (said of gud^ only). ing fitfully.

riiiiiK»-in:it.(«iiri, ^A.^'a.'?^, gS I^ ^, n. A fes- Viik! ga chira-chirafvtte kita, ^1f ^ tt ^9

tival commemoriaiMg a god for his aeUling fn a
^ ^, t'le snow lias commenced to fall in thin
Shintn shrine. flakes; nana ga chlra-chira to tabu, ^if f 9 f
Cliliizol, %^^lJ^, IS [S, n. The western provinces; y 1- fl8 y. the flowers fall fluttering ia the air.
Kyiiahu Ryu. OnjRiBft.
Cliirnltorn, 1^61*2^,^^ aciu and a. icoll.^ In a tj, Chii'i, Tjif), ^^, n. O'Hie geographical facts or
scittered manner; here and there; dispersed; leatures, @ (Jeography.
few. Temmon chiri, 3^^^®, a'ltronoray and ge-
Hiio ga cMra hara Tcaeru. \ff "f- 7*785^-, ography; the physiography of the heavens and
scattered groups of people are going home; the earth.
ffana ga chirahora sakldasfiita, :?£;/ ?- 9 ikJ 154 Cliirl, %^,^,n. ODust. ©Rubbish; dirt; waste
tH ?/ ^, a few flowers liave peeped out. matter, reluse. ©
[iiucit?.] The world; theattrac-

Syn. ACHiKOoni ni. tions, enjojmentR, and cares of tlie pre.sent life.
Cliii-niiieku, % f, )t < , "ci. To flicker; to move C'liirihodn mo nai, ^^^ -J- -f , there is nota
by fit.irls; to flap without flying; to flutter; to particle; to leave little or nothing; Chiri ni ma-
fluctuate; to quiver. jiru, i^^Sn-. to go along with the world;
Clili'.-iu, *t6 ^, ^ £L. "• [Cliin.] Peace and war; Chlrl no hoiin.. M -^ i'l-i o"t of the world; Itee
whetlier peaceful or disturbed; trsinquiUity or Irom worldly car*.i; Chiri no mi, ^^ ^, a. man
disorder; peace or cuiiuiiotioii. of the world; ^ \t\,y man., Chiri wo nogarerv, £S^
Cfiiran \dhat, ^£t^S. [Chin.] the political
flft u n-, from the world.
to seclude one's self
history; whether peaceiul or disturbed, and Syn. AKUTA, GoMr, IIokori.
whetlier rising or lalliiij;. Chli-1, fiJ.St. " Scattering; dispersion.
CliiruD'i to, '5&'0 5f. ^ a. adi'. Cursorily; hasti- Chiri no wakare, gj[ ^ ^\\, dispersing in various
ly; at a glance; Rupeificiiilly; a little; in a hint- directions.
ing manner. Clilri, '^Vl.ftbJpJ, 7t. [(7fttn.]0 Advantage of situa-
Cliirari to hanasv, ^7 V I- ^ ^. to hint at; tion or position. Same as Chinori. @ The pro-
to tell only a part , ChirarL to kiku, f- 7 V H P3 duce of the earth, ;igricultural or mineral.
^, to hear by acciiient; to overliear; Chirarl to Ten^i ch iri jinkwa, ^ B? ^ ?] A ^, iGhin.\ good
itdr., ?- 7 V ft-i I- ^
to get a gUmpse of; to opportunity, advantageoxis position and, faith-
tjlance at. ful union, the three requisites for victory in
CliiritsM. -^ &:£, gfe, «. O The act of scattering, Chinese tactics; Chiri wo tankyU sum, :fe f"J ? IS
dWiei-sing, or dishevelling. @A hnnd-bUl; a ^ :x ft., to look for an advantageous position.
loose sheet with a commercinl announcement. Cliirl-akutii. %^To ^fe. Ei?F. "• Dirt; rubbish;
C'liti-nsi.i-gnKi, -^c.iftf&, £iC #, n. Writing O litter; waste or refuse materials.
irregul.irly or scatteringly, as a Japanese poem Kono tokoro chirl-akuta wo sutent hekarazu, j^
or love-letter. @ Writing on alternate lines. ^ E 5f ^ Ji^ »- ^ 7 7:, it is forbidden to deposit
C'lilraslii-eaiiii, % f, % t^ Ti-, Vi % "• The dishe- rubbish in this place.
velled hair; untied hnirtns oC a woman), Chlrjb.tkart mo, % tJ** flft, V) adv. Not a bit;
Syn. JiiDARKGAsn, Rampatsu. by no means; never; not the least; not by a
Cliii'ftsd, %c,-f, $c, v.i. To scatter; to disperse; hair's breadth.
to cause to sprend; to separate; to put to flght. Chiri bakari mo shochi wa dekinu, f- y y? fl

FuTci chlrasv, R>; ^ {& 7 7., to scatter by blow- V ^ ^^ -*^ tij 5fS 5f . not to be consented to by
ing, Fare cln'rasa, IS ^ IS 7 ^-j to cause to pass any means.
fioin person to person (usually said of bad Clili'lbiimorii, %^\£^Z,^, S^:, v.t. Toengrave;
news), il cliirasu, B"iiiE 7 :^, to circulate, as a to carve; to inlay; to ornament by inlaying; to
secret; Jlakl cJiirasii, ^^7 :^, to sow broad- emboss.
cast; to scatter about. PMidasu. Kin-gin wo chiribameru, ^^^S0n-, to inlay
Syn. Barahara Ni SURU, Makiciiirasu, with gold and silver.

Clili'a to, t; & if , adv. [cont. of ChlraH to.] See Syn. HOBITSUKRRU, HORU, ERU.
Ctifrari t€. <;iiit-ib;Liiiii» %V) [jir, g-Ji^, v.t. To become dusty;
MiiratsuKii, *ti^-7<, ^, v.i. OTo twinkle; to to be covered with oust. fru.
glitter; to be brilliant or showy; to sparkle; to riih'lltainii. %y){£ir,f^, v.t. Same as Chiri-bame-
flicker; to flash intermittently; to quiver. @ To Chlri-boKurl, "^ IS C
ifl M iS. J^- Dust; particles
"fl .

be dazzled. of earth raised aud wafted by the wind.

fCumn rja rJUratSUku, ^ ff ^ i^, the cloud Kaze de chiri -bokui-i ga tatsv, ^fM^ff'il
shows flashes of light; Me ga chlratsuku, RR^ pg
5', the wind raises the dust; Uma ga chiri-bokoH
dazzled; the eye glistens; Ramim wo tatete kakeru. Jlg^J'^K?- Sir »ffi^ »-. horses
^, the eye is

gachiratsuku, p^j^it' '^ ^, the flame (ofa lamp) galloi> raising a cloud oldust
flickers. ClilribosUi, % *J 13; U #iS. "• [Astron.] One oi

Syn. CiiiKAOHiBA Bimu, H'RAMKwU. the 28 con3v:ellations of ancient astronomers.

C'lil^Irtiirl-giisn. %y) %^ <' S-.^i&JX. n. 'Bui.] CliirlHbo. f!)*!, ilkM*. '* A book or treatise
Sarjlna LinnaeA. • on geosjraphy,
Cl:lri-rliiri to, %^%'^'£., adv. In a contracting CSiirifara, %V)-fzV), interj. An exclamatory word
or curling manner, .-^o as to make wrinkles, or a expressing one's I'avourable refognition of ^
curj-iigatet] surl'/.ce. particular tune placed on a flute
Chiri-c/i'V to chijimu, ^ V -?
V I^Jj^i., to be Cil.li'U'.>r!, %V!)^iT, asm, ». Adust-pan.
formed into ringlets, to be wrinkleJ. Syn. GojiiTORi. fk nd of ''''iine'lla.

ChlrfgaKii, % i()i*< , Jife it ^, '<, Geo-rapl.y. Cltii-it6sil);iki, "^ ifl -7 a ^, H^ 0] ^, n. [U 't..\ A

C/in\Qaku no sho, ilk S2 ^ -' 'fi-. ^ book on Cliirit!«u siii-ii, -^ U) <? -^ 3, ffiii, r.t. To esta-
geogra phy. rseogi'ap' .er. blisli; to make, to rai-e to erect; to found.
Clilrlg;tki:slia. *t TO ftM ;£ ^-', M 15: ^ ^t, 't- A Chiri-iir.o, %^ ^i^f, B^^, a. Same as C/f(, /(.^rf.

C]ilri@r:iji:i, % ig
i)*;^, giQic, ". A kiod of coarse Chiri-3a-t:irari, % ij -, li i, >-) , fntesi. See Clnri-
paper made from piiper rubbisli. inri. fplace for reiuso.
CBiirih.-iriii, % l) (2 i^ t>, ^ |i^, «. A tlust-brush Clih-jziika, -^ If] :>'*•, ®' J^. a, A dust heap; a
made of leather, liair, or paper, a duster. Syn. GOMITAJIE, llAKlDAUE.
Syn. IlATAKi, Saihai. frubbiHli. lUrt Clili'u, %'^^,M.M, It: Mca.\ Excessive menstrual
Cliirfhlji, V-%-,^^, n. Dust and mud, dust;
%>Si di--cli;irtje'^ , nienorrhatjia.
Syu. Syn. XagaJI.
Cliirlji. %'^%', giili, n. I'car colo. red ground <'Itii-n, %^, )i^'^, n. An o; en fire-place, pquare or
tliickly spotted with fine particic! of gold, a rectangiUiT in form, built in a convenient part
word in lactjuer-H ork. Saint; as IS'as/iijL Syn. IKORI. (.0' the first floor.
Chirijici, % ^ % ^, '^ ^, tntv. a.nd a. Scattered; C'lilro-chii'o. % h% ^it, aOv. In a flickering or
di^per^ed , dis-ipated, ruined. fluttering manner, with an intermittent motion.
OlLirij'vi borabara 7iinaUe nigeusela, -f- V ^ CliiruKu. ti;s<,vGi^. ?<• 0''tii._ See Nikuclu.
y ?^ 7 J^ 7 ~ -i- y 7 ^ y^ -k ^, took to flight Cliirori, *^ ?. y , ?!& S^, "- A pot of copper or brass
in utter coDfusiuu. for warming ur holding Sake.
Syn. BARABARA, CllIRSTlAIUTK, Sanzan. Cl.'.ru, % 5,lii(, v.i. O 'I'o i^catter, to di-per-e; to
Cliii-lK:'Mt, i^iOA'J-, ^^rz. <-''• 'Julie .-irattered or witJier and fall , to be dis-^^ipated . to spread. @
lo fly in evei.\ dii-eetion. r>i:il '•'
ol the neck. To fade, to lose Lieauty, lustre, or Ire-hues'^.
Cliu-ikf. -t,
9 W, U &, ru {AuaLYYbQ back or Ilaiiaga i/nrn, It; ^z' |{i ;i-, tlie tlower.s wither
Syn. Bun no Krr.o. rol Geo-iaphy. and fall , to lo^e beauty (said of a womanj; //ito
Cliifik^iihii, *^t'5§J:<, JteSti. "• Bureau 'I'he ga cliiru, Aif'^ii', eople disperse;
i i'ujiii ga
Clkiriiiieii, 't.^i6^, -,. ^, n. Tlie Japanese crape. c/nru, £ ;/ *^ It', mk spreads.
1 l.u-iiiKin-gaiiii, %^)i:>A.t>;^)., ^ S-j] ?Jt, 't. A kind riii.-.^;il..i, %V)^< ,^^, II. Same a.s C/iibo.
ol pajier made to l>'uk like cra| e. CliErjr.. -^1015,5:3 ig. /(. A dragon.
Cblrliiioii-gorii, % ^i It /^ 7t d, ^ , gi-Iftf^ 't. Syn. Amahyu.
iMnsiic de laiiie, vwusseU iie Oe. latnr.. Clii-jo, ^ifli,,^^'^, n. Prudence; wisdom; pro-
Chlrhtroii-lillia, r, lJ)J6^ytf, n {BoL\ThnyopsU i'<'und lisoiiglit. fprudent person.
dolabrata, Chn-yafiikaU hito, ^° ;£ ^+ A. u. wise and
Chlriiuen-jNo, "^ «) i^ A Z- t, U' '^ iS, 1 a^, n. 4,'hirso, -^H^Jikipi, n. Tholandrent.
[iivLj I'entta aiQ^ ta. Chirjo. %ii3,}^J^, n. iMedical treatment or
Clilriiucu-k:i.ztii-:t, "^ 10 i6 ^io* j-^, S BIl, ". [Bot.] OJ er.ilion.

t'liinjv gaLo'lniiezeakioai shita, ?i-^^/Bt;r

Ciilrl-uo-30. -t; vj
©i, ^Ifc, ?.. The cunupted i '\k =y^, the medical treatmeijt restored him to
world, tlie dn-ty \\ oj id. health.
Chti i mi iju wo riiiijan-.U'. yaina ni iru, |3g ^ -jji: ? siiri), v.i. To treat medically; to use re-
9(J; u-T di =^ A/i-, to hide one's sell iu tiie mount- medial lu'jaii'^, to lieiit wall medicines.
ain-, Ic.Lviiig tlie world liehinj, Cliiooli', ^H5t>, ?&0i?, ,<.. Expenses of medic-
Syn. Dakl-sei, Ukiyo. al tre;itinent.
«;ii[|-i-utu»Jn, l^ U) *2 i" L. /;;fif, n. A bru.sh lor l-Jiirj oUii, -^ i-j
i < , ^ -yj, „. Intellectual power;
cle.i!imglurniture L»y removing dust intelligence, mental capacity, .--agncity.
.syn. UlUKlllARAI. Syn. ClIIB, SAIKVUKU, Saturi.
ChlrJreiiifo, %^)HA^l,t. aStillHi » An eartlien «.'liii-3'dslil, -^ y i 5 L.J[k;i£^, a. [Zool., An
ware spoon sliaped aoiuowliat like a petal ol the eartliworm.
Syn. RKAGW. Llutud-flower 4;hlr}6 sum, tn5t5»fil7, v.t. To know com

OHI 129 cm
pletely ; to he well
informed to be aware of. ; from an otllcial appointment at one's own re-

Chlryn stini, '^vi5-^Z,Sff, "*• To delay; to Syn, JrBIK'KU SURU. Lq"63t.

stop; not to go on. CblNbl, %l, Jtb-i=, 11. Land rent paid in kind.
Cliinn, '^^^.iMfltlf, ih [Bot.] SSuvae as Chisha. Cliltvlil, %i, Jf^^, II. [Chin. A baby; an inPant;
Cliisngo, %-s- a, ft- A dwarf an extraordinarily
; Syn. OSANAOO. La suckling; a child.
small person. CblBbI, % t, ilb^:, n. Geograplilcal sketclieft of a
Cblsnl, "^^V.Si^. n. Abstaining from unclean Syn. CniRisno. Lplaca
things immediately before a solemn occasion, CblehlBo, %£,"&, ^JEM> '* Divining the time oi
Bald of a Shinto pi-ieat or believer. a man's death by cogitating upon the clrcum-
Syn. Ma-imi. Btances of his birthday.
Clilsan, '^?^, ]£$, n. Being late in coming or Cbtsblki, %i,^, SPgBS, n. O Knowletlge; discern-
going; not being punctual. siii'u, v.i. To ment; learning; erudition; cognition. @ A
come or go late; not to arrive in time; not to be learned priest.
punctual. Chlshiki aru hlto, *p^ t ^ A, learned men;
ChlsantodoUo, •^3^>?ieW, 5g^B, /t. An In- Chishikt looJdrmnv, i3iss^]^2,, to make learned;
formation to an office stating or exrufling one'a to teach; Chishiktwo molanui, ^^'^-jRi*. to
late arrival or attendance. fC'hisha-no-ki. peek, enlfirge, or improve one's knowledge; M'i-
ClilNa-no-hl, 1; ^© &, ©^, n. [Bot,] Same as so chlshiki, if^\if^ erudite or learned priests.

Clii8aslii,-1,-I<i,%-^t, o. Same as (7W£5as7iL Chlshfii, '^;:£^,¥ici?, n. Same as dftimei.

CliUel, *5^V^, ^¥J, O Position of a country;
7fr. Cblsblo, tiZlA.iiW, '' Blood.
the general features and environment of a coun- Chishio ni somaru, ^^ ^'^ v;u, to be stained
try, province, etc. @ [Jfil.] Geograptiical ad- Syn. Chisiiiru. [.with blood.

vantages and disadvantage^. CbJBblo, ^5:£tt,=^A, n. Dyeing cloth repeatedly,

Clilsel, %^V- ?&it, ". The period of time during BO as to deepen the colour.
whicli a sovereign reigns; reign. fyears. Chishio no iro, =T-X > fi. a very deep colour
Clilsei 0"junen, i^^'S. + ^p. reigned for fifty obtained by dyeing repeatedly.
CtilseUl, %^%, ^^, n. same afl 67iUai. Cblahirii. %£,:$, flfi; n. The milk.
Clilsokl. %^^ , i^'H^, n. A record of tlie survey of CblslileoD. %i.tk,^^^, n. Land tax.

land and doomsday

fieldR; a *
book.' Cbleliltsn, %%-r?,i^^, n. Geological or agricul-
Syn. Chikbmbo, tural qualities of a locality.
/iblsekl suru, "t-t^-jl-S, SJf, v.t. To punish or Syn. Chimi, Doshitsu.
reprove with a whip. Cblehltsii-cbosnjo, %;fe-5-r52;&i, ift^ SSSE^.
Cblscii, %^Aj, M&i, '"' Tax on land; land tax, n. The OlBce of Geological Investigations.
Syn. Chlsbltsit-sabii, %:$,<?iii < ^, " Geology; , MW
Chlson, '^*^, ilfeS, «. [5o(.] Liverworts. the science which treats of the constitution and
Syn. Zenjgokb, structure of the earth's crust.
Clilslin, %%^, ^#, TO- A wise, sagacious, ta- Cblshitsii-e;al<iiaba, '^X'^ft*< ^^. ^^?3^, i

lented, or ingenious person; a sage; the wise. Cbisbitsu-galiusbl, %X<Jb^i L, *lfeW®±.'

Chi sha nLmo senryo no isfjiiisu art, ^#=^=6 n. A geologist.

^^ ^ —^T V 1 the wise are not always infalli- Clilshitsii siiru, %X'p-i- Z.^ffi, v.t. [Chin.] To
Chlsha. %X-^, t^, n. IBot.] Lettuce. Lble. know in full; to be aware of completely; to be
Cblsa, %-^, } apprised of thoroughly.
Cblsha. %£,J^, fe #. n. Chlsho, -^S.^?. ^'IS. rt. The quality of the sol]
The governor or ruler, Chlsho, %'t^. S!s SI. «- -^^ action raised concern-
the opposite of Hichisha. ing land; aland-':uit.
Chleba-uo-bi. %%.^(0%, CblsbS, %Z-^5,^U, » An ingenious, or gifted

^. «
ffi [Bot.'] EJiretia general; a wise commander.
acuminata Chisbo, i, H^ Pfu "• A piece of ground;
CblBhl, t- L. Sft, « Re- CUisbu, t* 1%, iM^, «. A. land-lord; a land-

signation; giving up 4 Jisbii, %• ;^ W>, ' owner.

one's official appoint- -^ Chlshu suru. "t-ifew^Z. {S'g, "* [CTi/n.] To pre-

ment; abdication. pare sake (or a dinner) for the reception of

snruv v.i. To resign; to guests.

end in resignation; to Chishu shit fteisu wo tsugu, S fiS 5^ ^ BJ -^ *

abdicate; to be released mm) ^, to give a farewell entertainment.
Cblso, %^,MM, ". LancI tax. dismissal (or degrading). Chiefly used of gov-
Ciiiso kaisei, iibflmiTE, the revision of land tax ernment officials.

regulations; Cli Iso telgen, iifeSl^i:^, diminution HvJien cJiitcJioku, ^^5?i^. [Chin.] praising

of land tax and blaming, promoting and degrading.

Syil. CniZKI, NENGD. siirii, v.t. To promote and degrade (or

Clilso, %t 5, l! 3!, «. O A feast, entertainment, dismiss).

tea, or banquet. @ Running on horseback (rare- ('hlto, %'tt^, '^7], 't. A kind of halberd ancient-

ly used). ly used by soldiers of higher grades, but kiter

Oi nl gocliiso ni nari mashila, ^ = iMl^^ by priests and women.

=1 -^ V "^ ^
^. T liave taken hearty pleasure in Syn. Naginata.
your entertainment (said by way of thanka tf'Bilto, 'ttej, ^S. '*. [Sot.J Late rice.

wben taking leave). fto give a dinner. Syn. Okute.

8tirii. v.t. To entertain; to make a least; Cliito, %"f, ^, ((. n. and adu A small quantity,
Syn. FuRUJiAi, Kto-o, Motenawi. amount, or sum; alittle;afew; a short period
OtilsS, -^5 5, iife^, n. The strata oftheearth's of time; slightly; little; inconsiderable; trifling;

crust. Syn Ohitto, Isasaka, Sukoshi. La bit.

Clilso, *^5 5, ',*. ?). ^ Young grasses. fiaio. Cliitofiusn, '^^<'5,M, «. \Bot.^Ac^n'lcn tihlricn.

CiiisoVMi, %^^, "^^L. " fJ3rjt.] Codnnj?S'/5 lanc'o- Cliitolfii, %'& < ,^^, n. [Chin.] Wisdom and
l^liiso^ii, 'tt<, j^i^, /t. Velocity, raJ:e of mo- virtue; learning and morality.
tion, whether slow or fast. Chltokv «J0 kanesonau, ^S^ >|f (^ "7, to be
ClitBohii, %.^ <, f^J^, n. 'Chin.] Knowing how wise and virtuous. fwm..

tn 1)0 satisfied; contentment; satisfaction. Cliitoine. %)r^, & ^ ^, « [Bot.] Sedum alborose-

Slim, v.t. To be satisfieJ or contented. riiitoine. %)^)ib,'B^,n. \Bot.] Mctrtrlcxis staun-

Clilsso. %tf^, gjg, n. 'C7/(^/n.] Nitrogen. toni. ring instruments.

Cliissnlfii, % -y ^
Being stopped up;
< , '^%, n. Chitoi'l-dogii, S^"/) /C'S <', llilKiS-S, n. Bleed-
beins completely obstructed or impeded. Syn. SUIFUKUBK.
sum, v.t. To stop up; to impede; to obstruct. Cliitoae, %'€.^,=^Vl.< "• A thousand years; the O
Syn. Fus\GAKa millennium; an immense number of years. @
Clilssuvii, %--y^)&, S. 1'.^ OTo winter; to Me The name of one of the clramatis i^ersoncR con-

underground in the stite of torpor. To be ® cerned in the saribaso performances.

confined in one's house. Tsurv wa cJiitose no yowai wo tamntsu, fiH >^

Syn. CniKKTO, SUGOMORU- T-F&^(fe^ ffi^^*. the crane lives a thrusand yeai's;

Clil.«iiiliwn. %ir^ < in, ^yti^. n. The Section of the crane is proverbifilly long-lived.

Hydrological Engineering. ClillotKii Riirii, %)£-C?irZ,^.'^, v.t. To assault on

Clilsiijl. %--}%-, jJi^, -rt. Linenge; family connec- licrseback; to attack violently; to Invnde sud-
tion or line; consanguinity; blood-rolation; ped- denly, fof book or volumes.
igree. PYakara. Clii(><ii, % -7, ftS, n. [Chin.'' A cover for a series
Kyn. Ketsl'Kn, Kktto, Mironi, Ukara, Itchitsu vo sfio, — t!^--'^, a series of books.
Chlsiiji, %-}-%', ikWir "- Blood-vessels; a vein or Syn. FnMAici.
an artery. ChltMii, %'?, gf. n. [9/ed.'] The vagina.
Syn. KKKKWAN, Kl'.TSL'MTAKir. UiHsiijn. %'7X'i.i9i f?. 'I- Order; proper arrange
Cliitahi, % f2 y.', Tig, aav. A thousand times; ment.
very frequently. ChnF:vjo sakwan, f^J^^^. out of order; dis-
I-fitn motnotabi sureba onnre cliUahlsu, A "5 K ordered; C/iitsvjo ivo midasu knto nakare, ^]T
>t L- -^S =f (g :::t, to make a thousand efforts ^ SL ''• "1 :S^ "^f do not disturb the proper order;
oneself Cor every hundred made by others. Chiisujo lun taOa^e, ?^ |5^ -? IF -t, restore order.
Syn. Amatatabi. CliUsiiKf, -^ <•;-!, ?t ((ft. n. A wetnurse.
<'IiltJLl, %U\r', iSi^, It. Delay. Same as Ejifat. Syn. Uba
CBiltiil, ^-ftV-.^^, 'i- The results of aduiiniPtra- CliKstiki, S-:? ?,?Lf^tt, " Looped; provided or
tinn, how govcnifd? fastened with loops.
ChUal, %tiV-, iibl^, '< A mortar for cleaning Cliltsiiroliii. %-0^ <,^j^, n. The capitalized

rice, in whicli tlie pestle is moved by treading pension or allowance given to the daimyo 01

upon it. samurai.

Syn. FPMT uau, KARA-usu. Chitsuroku kosal sJiZsho, ^£Ti5iffiHE#, cap*
Cbltctioku, %'j-^i.i, M^, " Promotion and talizod pension bonda.
Cbltto, "^ »>:'.!*
i>, a. and adv. [coU.\ A little; a long life; the venerable age.
bit; a few. CMyokalcttefitfuno chigirl wo miisubu, =f ft
Itatte cfittto desu oa.,^7' &'J? 9y^)f, although iH *-5'^!ffi^-^l5'?"^:/. to swear to bo man and
very Utile (used in an apologetic, or deprecia- wire for a thousand generations; Clyo yaclUyo,
tory sense); JHochitto kudasat, ^- -;
^ 1-
"F * 'f. T^ft A=f1t, forever; never-ending.
give me a Uttle mare; 3fo chitto saki Oesu, ^ f--; Cblyo, %X, ^S, n. A thousand night; a count-
y- 5fe 7"':^, (it) is a little ahead. less number of nights.
Syn. ISASAKA, SnKosiii, Wazuka Clilyo, %i., =f-^, n. A thousand knot8"(of ireei
CliJttd. 't-vfe5.!SI3, «. [£ufom.lAkindofearth- or bamboos); grown very tall (said especially of
svider, trap-door spider. trees).
Syn. TSDCHIGUMO. {Chippuku sun:. €lilyo» "^^.S. MSS, Ti. A rnlamity or dlRnste.
Clilttokii Same originating in the earth through natural agen-
siirsi, %-y'£. i ^^^.KE, v.i. as
CliHva, *^ *?, iiSi ^, n- Foolish or nonsensical con- cies.

yersation between lovers; lovers' throwing ban- Tensai cMyii, ^ % ift

rm.] the heav j-^y and

tering or sarcastic words at each other in a terreatial catastrophe; [M-] a disaster caused
sportive manner; a sportive love quarrel. by the power of nnture.
CMwa gejitiva, iSp fffi PS flip, a love-quarrel; a Cblyoffami, t i ft< »•. =f ^^ m, » A kind of th«
word-flglit between a married couple. 7iishlnouchi paper with coloured figures upon it
Clkl^vnAiiinU %t^.S'^, 9& 9f, »• A love-letter; a Chi.togl, %i,-^, =m:*, ". The pine tree; [lit.]%
le+ter of courtship. thousand generation tree.

Syn. IROBUMI. Chlyoinaso, '5t5*. [cont. ol Chiyo RnA fmase,]

Cbl^vitgiiriil, %i7<:Zt>, @gB. w- Talcing excea- " Long live the Rmperor" ; may you live for a

sive liberties (said ol personp in love); playing thousand generations.

extraordinary love-tricks. Clilyu, &»>?, ^^. n. Wisdom and courage;
Ohlwa.ru, %ioZ, v.l. [coll.] To banter out of fool- learning and bravery.
ish love; to flirt; to make a love quarrel. Chiyu kemU no i-yZsliS, ff ft ffi fS^* R SS. R eo^x
Wisdom; intelligence; general, wise and courageous; an able
CliJye, %^, ^S, '". in-

genuity; genius; elevorneas; talent; under- mander, brave and accomplished.

standing. ChJyii. -^fft-ltls^, ". [£ot.] Burnet.

Chlye no hayaki kodmno, ^1S. ^ W- ^^^> * Cb ly 5 , %.«. 5 E B. « [CTitn.] Establishing poctal

precocious child; a clever boy or girl; Jlito no stations; sending by mail; a post stage.

chive wo kariru, A ^ ]K f"

.^ ftf V *. to borrow euru, v.L To establish a postaUtatlon or

others' wisdom; Issho no chiye wofuru, —^ ^ Clilyu, %Vi).^m, 'I- Healing; recovery; re.^tora-
^ }S 7, to try or do one's best; to do Ltion.
S* ]K all In Syn. HEiYa, Zenkwai.
offenre which
Syn. EiKo, SAioiir. Lone's power. Chlzal, -^rv^, S %, n. [Law.] O An
Cblynbiikuro, %}k^ < :r>, ^igr,^. ,i. Ot^^MThe Is punished with lashes.
form of punish- @A
bagof wisdom; [^gr.ltlie brain @A valuable ment which consists in bel-bouring the otlend-
or secret memorandum. ©A very important er with lashea.
[Bot.] Acorn.
book for reference. Cli)z:Us-i»hi, -5.5^*1 L,S%, n.
Cbiye-no-hiiko, ^.JBCar., ^E^ffi. n. A box Cblmalbo, *^yv*ttJ-.?&flit. « irMw..Caaeo1
used in a game of puzzle. criminal procedure.
Cblye-uo-bl, %.ik<DV-. ^T^'A. n. [Bvad., nU.^ Clilzel, '^*-V,illS^. «• Landtax.
Fire of wisdom; [Jl0.'] wisdom, the purifying CMzu, •^^. ^ffl. n. A map; a chart; an atlas.
''^^'"' '
effect of which is as strong as flro. 4.^bli!.isbl, %^ L.ilbSg?. " 0^® ^^°
Chlye-no-lta, t3£.eOVfe, ^E^. " A puzzle con map or chart.
the dawn.
sisting in making certain structures of a series Cbo, X?, '^, "• The morning;
of boards. Kon-cho, .^^, this morning; Myo-ch^. ffl W.

Chlye-no-bi,'t-&®&,^ a; :*:,,*. A kind of build- to-morrow morning; Safcw-cfto, Bt ^. yesterday

ing blocks (for children's amusement). Syn. ABA, AsniTA
Chlyo-110-wa, %.£.®49, ^ E iR, M. A ring-puzzle. tJbo, -r?,^, "• OThe Imperial Court. ©One'i
Cblye-Kukii, %i^-:f<, ^ IS Wt, v.t. To commence own country. ©A dynasty; a reign, (f The
to understaRd or recognise things or persons; government.
to become 'ffiser, or more Intelligent (said of Son-cho, $ffl, this Empire; ffoku-cfi5, 4i:W!.
infants). the northern court; Ifanchd, )^^, southern
CUijQm %>j ^fti n* A thousand gouerations ; a court: Shin-chZ, ff( flU,
the Shin dynasty; C/iSfM
tatte matsvrtgnto v:o fc/A?', ^ij = i; y jgc ^ 0|^, to Clio, %^^, T, ". O A measure of leng1;h=60 fc«n
take char[;6 c( tlie go\ernment. or ^ of a H. @ A leaf of a book. ® A land
Syn. KOSHiT.^a, MiYO, Skifct. mr.asure=3,000 L^ubo.
ChO, "^ J?. 5,g, 7J.
O LengtlL ^ The elder. © Cho. 1^J^$, ^^, n. Aneven number
The head; the chief; the best. CIlo bi han 6»., 1f^ 9 i?f H. tbe even and oild
CUT) to naku yd 10 iiaku, ^ h-J-iT^ ^-^^,buth days; Cho han, ^-|S. (a) the odd and the eren
the yountf and the old; whether youthful or number; (&) [coll.} gambling; srieculation; CVt3

aged' Cho wo Ion tan luo oginan, S^ IS V S^ s*', -IS Si, an even number.
Ed -y, to utilize themerits of others to make up Kyn. Gu.
one's defect; Hyalcufu no chn, S ^ > J^, the ChS, ii-*^5, Bg, m ;C/i.fw.] Hearing; listening to.

head of a hundred men; Sake wa hyakjiyaku no Clio, *^.^5, rfi ''• [-3/(1?.) A carbuncle; a painful,
cff'', j@ >^ @ -^ ^, ^
sake is the be.'it of all medi- highly inflamed, find olten fatal tumour
cines; Shishi wa hyak-uju no cho, f&5 ^ >^ S ^ -^ Syn. ITakicmono.
fi, the lion i.s the king of beiists. ChiJ, 5, SIS, ".
"T A kind o\ tribute in cloth and
Syn. OsA, Kashira. fa tribunal. other things customarily paid to tlie govern-
CbO, %^ 5, K. n. A government office;a court; ment. © [tTmro.] Inflection of voice. ©[ifzjt.J

Fu-cho, Brf gg, a city ofTiCB; Ken cho, W. ^, a A note. rtion.

prefectural office; a prefect's office. Cho, TS, ^, J?. O A billion. @ A sign or indica-
Syn. Yuki wa hunrnnncho narl, ^--^ S^-^ ^t + V

Clio, "t -^ 5
nrr, It. , ^^ town; a street. An O snow is the sign of an ahundiint harvest.
urban district, or ward. @ A long measure=60 Syn. KizASHf, SniRusni, Zkmpyu.
ken or ^ of a j-i. ©A land measure=10 to» or CU6, t?.^. «. Mourning; ofrering-cnndKlGnce.
3,000 (sw6o. Ket cho ai oraisu, ES^ffliijR^-, to exchange
Bo cho, Ktit]", a certain town or street; Nani- visits in happy or mournful cases.
cho namban-chi, ffj tij fpj # ^, what number in Cho, T5, »i. [coll.] The prostitute quarter.
what Btreet; one's address. CJio e Myakafihi ni dekakeru, f f jc t:i-?7 'y^
Syn. Icril, Machi. Ih^-^f', ^cnll.] to visit the prostitute quarLer
CbS', "C-t, Ifi, n. A dose of medicine wrapped in for the purpose of mere sight-seeing.
k' piece of paper.
Cho, %!., T?, " [-Bo:.] Tree of the gods, .diiato.
Kcgxisurl san cho,
gi^=|fi, three doses of Cho, %i., ^, u. (5iM P.;per mulberry.
powdered medicine; Toinpuku itcho, lERflB — fiA. Cho-»l. r,^ JloV^.-t^-S-. n. [Com.] Balancing oi

a dose of medicine administered for a spaciiil

auditing accounts; book keeping.
a?idai fca»i\ -HE-^taS, balancing accounts;
Cb6, %^^, ?S, n. O [Astro n.] One of the 28 con- Cho-at wo sum, f^^^f-y-it-, to audit account.-!;
stellations. @ A numeral for harps, bows, lan- to keep account- books.
terns, etc.
ChSnJ, %i.^l^V;^-t, fi- Peculiar or particular
Clio, t-^5, iH, /i. O An account-book; a ledger;
favour; kind regard; treating with partiality,
a diiy-book. @A record; a register; a note-
love; affection; fondling; petting. sur:i,
book. ©A lent, a curtain.
v.t. To love; to treat with constant gentle
Chd jiri ga awanu, i^Kif '^>^^, {coll.} the make
attention; to fondle or indulge, to a
two accounts are found unequal; CJwxuoharv,
favourite or pet.
^ 56 "-, to draw a curtain.
Syn. Amu SURU, Ai euRU, Kawaigaru.
Syn. t'nOMEN, .Maxp, Tobari.
Choaf. Tjl^V, ffllS, ". [Chin.] See A'-nn--tsumi.
CbS, "^ ^ 5, %, lb. A numeral for guns, spade-,
Choahii. % i. 1^ ". Reproving evil;
< ,W:^^>
chisels, knives, etc.
punisliing wickedness; warning against wrong
iVfmii itcho, S— fig, one chisel; TepiyZ itcJid, ^ doing.
S^ — ^, one gun, n piece of cannon. Kwanzen ch 'akxi, ® §S ||, right encouraget^,
Cho, t-^5, ^, " The intestines; the bowels.
wrong chastised.
Dai-cho, t^^, \Ana(..] the large Intestine-
Chonn, "^J^fJS, ^. ^5, n. {Chin.] A poetical wore
Sho-clio, /h ^, [J-Jzat.] the small Intestines. for the Capit'il. fterlly
Syn. Chnnshi, T j- ?> L, ^Jl, " The legs ofa but-
CtiS, -C-^, ^, n. [Eniom.] A butterfly.
Clioar^hl-xen. T -i- 3c. L ^^,
ES E IK. "• A dining
Cho yo hana- yo to sndoterv, gf, a s W ? '^. :Jt' I- table whose lei^s are like those of a butterfly.
to bring up a daughter with the best of care ChOba, •^-^5kir,MTSS, «. O The field of work^ the
lava c»o tSfoT^ BDhere of labour Cn-^ed almost '^
'cluaivoly \rr
rererence to labourers). stage (on a Jour- @A Choho wo utsu, f^f-Xfy, to make a dot
ney); the distancebetween resting-places. Syn. H08HI, TEN.
Cliob:i. %-^a^, ff^^, n. QTlie place in v. shop or Cbobo, %-i.\% rt. Same aa ChobotcM.
store where all cash and book accounts are Cbobo, "^SKt, lilgii, ififij^, K. Same as Cftomen.
ujaile. @ The book-keeper's table at a mer- Cbolio. % i. 13:, n. tcoU.] A band of musiciani
cantile establishmout; acounter. ftlo* singing in a theatre.
Cliohii , -C C
^, M
^, «~ Training horses; breaking Cbobo-cbobo, -^ i tX *t J; ffi. !?<fi V , «-. and adv.
CUoltsi«»slH,%.^^]/£i}>3 L.^i^^i^^.n. Ascreen [coll.] Dotted; spotted; falling in drops; scatter-
of lattice-work placed between the clioba and in gly.

the other parts of the shop. Chobo-chobo tn amadare ga ochiru, ^A t t-^1t

iCIaobai. X 5 tf V, U^IS. *'• O Selling rice. @ ^ n-, from the eaves.
the rain drops fall

Selling by auction. Takes verb-Iorms. Syn. foompoOHi, Taratara.

Syn. SEEiURi SDRU. rbookH. Clioliogakl, '^iB:ft*^,i'CS. ?i- [ilot.] A kind ot
CliobaKo, %'^ 51^2.. il£^, ". A box '"or account- persimmon fwlth dice.
Cliobiislil, T5tf L.I^SEip, «. O A Horse Trainer <;boiM>ii-bl, '^itgrVA'^'.f^lt. n. [coli.] Gambling
in service of the Imperial court. @ Any one CbobuKiire, % i.[^< K, w. [coil.] A vulgar song
who breaks and trains a horse. sung by a street musician who goes about beat-
Syn. Bajdtsushi. ing a wooden bell.
Cfaobasbu. t ^ Id:^!^, MM^, "' Ad Assistant CbolloB*w:l»,^i5a'<4^^.SiS'r.n• A Recruit
Horse Trainer. ing OlUcer,
Chobasliu-cho, r5U'£'.1)'tJ^5, ej-^^^jl, n. a «;boBioi). T 5 IX ^. MHi, «• and lu lixcelling
chief assistant horse trainer. ordinhry people; superior; paramount; preemi-
Cliobu fisurUf "C 5 B: -? Z.I^M. t'-^- To revile; to nent, distinguished.
reproach; to A;b'ise. Cbrihon. V^5l3:^, 1 5g:ip, /*- OA ringleader; a
CUohn-tansu, %.T?^ld-}t^i-.mm'^% " A Choltoii. 1i.'^5t3:^, ' demagogue; a chief or head.
bureau in the book-keeper's otiice; a chest of @ Tlie cause, .irigin, or occasion.
drawers in the c/i> ba. Tozoku no chobon, -^ 3G^. the leader of^M
Chobatsu, % i. ^ ^ -y,^.^, «. Discipline. outlaws; the chief of brigands or banditti.
Hiii'ii, v.t. To punish one for misconduct Ryn. HOTToNiN, Kashira, kyokwai,
ChobiLt^ii-llii, '^3;5k^^&a^,lSigg^I. rt. The SllUBO.
Commitee of Discipline in the Diet. 4Jbobou-ntn, -n-"^ 5ffi/u KC^. 554^ A, n. Same as

Chobalsii suvw, -t^a-^-^S, MK ^-f- To select gj under Cli'bon.

for sp'jcial promotion. Cbobo eiiru, "^ 1 5 K "^ 3. fil J^. ^'t- To enlist,

Cbolictgu siii-M, %-^5

^-oit 2, 0: Si], v.U To be raise, or recruit; to call out for service. Takes
separated from a relative or friend for a long the noun-form.
time. Cliihoviozii, Sig^ia ?;, to be enlisted; to
CbobI* '^=^5CN', T 0. 'i- An even day. present one's self as a recruit.
Chobi hambi, TH^ . even or odd days. Syn. JIESniATSUMERU, YOBIATSUMEKU.
Syn. GUJITSD, SoJiTpg. fcoraet. €hob<> sum, *t i ti.5 i- 5, t? ^, v.i. [Chin.] To
Clinbisfl, %>=!? ^ CA**V, 5 g M, n. \Astron.] A look at standing.
Cbubltsii, %-^ 3 V^'o,^^, n. A chest in which Cbobii. -^ i -S-'.^Se. «- [Chin.] Kash; too bold;
aecount-boolis are kept. wild; headstrong. ftsubo.
Cliobo, Alorning and evening.
X^l^,^}\%,(^cli-'- Cliobii. '^ ^ 5 ^, Sit ^^, n. A land men sure of 2,000
Syn. ASAPA.N', CnOsKKi. Cbubiikii, t^^<, >$Mik,n. 0[Bvdd.] Tuvoklng
Cbubo, X 5 lii^,^%, ti" A distant view; aland- Cbofuku, t:5.i-<,'the ail-poweri'ul Buddha to
scape; t;ikini; a view of things within the range injure an enemy or quell an evil spirit. Curs- ©
of the eye. ing or using incantations (in general). Takes
CHobo zekkei no c'li, ^li ^ iS g -^ the finest ilfe the verb-forms.
lard-cape; a place having picturesque scenery. Syn. INORU, NoROU, SHuao.
i^iirii, r.t. To ti'ke a view; to look at a Cliiibiin, t 5 > ^. ^^. "• Cai-ved characters,
wide expanse of land or water, to survey with figures, or letters.
the eye. Syn. ERIBUMI, HORIMONO.
Syn. ^rrilAUASIII. .MlWATASr-, Nagameru. CUobiiD, -^:5^^. ^^. » a prose composition
Cbobo, -^iia. ^, '1. &{colL] A point; a spot. 8 expressive of sorrow and lamentation; a funeral
\coll.\A speck. or mourning addreis.
Chobim wo rMoku sum, ^S:^!^^'^'*'. ^° Chorhlnkngo, r:5'^^*»a,Sl^S1. w- A lantern-
read a mourning essay. flong letter or essay. case, rfeast 01 lantern. ; bon festival
Chobim, '^J%'5>^, ^^, « A lengthy writing; a Chorblnmatsurl. -C5'^^a•:? W), i£ 'ig'g?, «. Th*
Chobu suru, T 5 J-'^Z, Bt 2?. V-*- To dance. Cborbiii-iio-o, ^:5%^cr>fL. m^i^. « The
Syn. Mad, Odoru. handle of a lantern. fl^inging lamp.
Chobiitmi. t-^5 i-7, g^, /t. Anything useless Chocbln-toro. •r5t^^5&5iStS'^H. /i- A
or superfluous rubbiah refuae an objest grown
; ; ; Chocho. %^^%j^^, iTT.fTJT. adv. An adverb
to an immense length, but of no use. Cbotu, i^i^, I representing the manner
MuyTi no cJiobutsu, % ^ ^ ^'^. anything un- of striking or chopping, and the sound produced
necessary; a useless prodigy. thereby. fbeat repeatedly.
Syn. MrDAMONO, Zr.lBDTSU. ChTcho hassht to tdsu, H" V '"»)' j^ b JT '*', to

ChObyaku, "t, ^5 The exact 100

tV-*^ < . T S, « Choeho. -CitJ-, JS -v, a. Garrulous; talkative;
mo7i in contradistinction to the nominal 100 mon loquacious; emphalic; noi<!y.

mon in reality) of the tempdsen.

(or 96 Imasara choc/td Sfziitomo, 4-]5 (^ V fe 7T f- =B,

Cbfibyo, %^^V^^^,^i^, n. A chronic disease. without further discussion.

Syn. Nagatamai, Shukua. Syn. KrcniYAKAMASni.
Cbdebakii %i, 5 %^<. ^S.JTJ®,
siirii, "o.t. To Cborbo, t-^t^,^., n. [£:?i(07».] A butterfly.
strike, beat, whip, or lasli. Chorbobi. 'ti'^lCK.lI^. n. [Bot.j Al^ebia
Syn. BuTau, UOniTATAKU. Quinatcu
CfaSebl, %'^^%,%^, v. The state of being tight ChocboUii, -C ^ %1 <. al^iS. " Reidju^tment;
or loose; hence, prosperity or decline; whether re-estimation; revision. sum, v.t. To
the laws are rigorously administered or not; the revise; to re-arrange; to make riglit.

state ofthings. Tnlten the verb forms. CIiocbdRbl,-l,-lii, tXX^L, "- The less learn-
CbSclii-clidchl, t ^%-C ^ %, n. Clapping the ed form oT Choeho.
hands together (spoken only to babies), ChTichushii mono no yuiyT-, iQ^ (?>- -f ^^ ^t i
CbSrhlknu. T 5 % *- ^. Sfe^, n. A correc- •7, a garrulous way of speaking; ChdChoshikA
tionary establishment; a house nf correction. iu, 7 ^r'7i/ir ^~7, to speak garrulously; toba
Cbocblkii, %2.%<, BY^, n- Storing up; hoard- talkative; to prate. Tnoisily; etc.
ing; saving against the future. Kiirii, v.t.
Cborbo to, TiTT-t^, it^ *r, adv. Loquaciously;
To lay by; to 6toi-e up; to treasure up, etc ChTichxi to ben zuru, (^ <r h S^ >C »-, to plead
Cbochlku-gtnko, %i.%< IT ^l'5, K-^SS fl. » emphatically; to be talkative.
A savings-bank. CUoclal. "^-^J;^ V^, IH6K, n. Receiving or accept-
Chochm. -C5^^.it®,)®^l, Tt. A lantern. ing from a superior or an elder. -siirn, v.i.
Bajd chochin, JK ± J| 5E. lantern for use on
*>• To receive from a superior; to be bestowed
horseback; Bon chTJchtn, ®^®, the used In 1. upon; to be given. fceive grateCully.
Bvra chuchln,
the Bon fe.stival; :^ ? S ®. «• I- * Arlgataku clwdai sum, !K: ^ H SE 7, /t, to re-
part of whose handle is made of very elastic Syn. Hatryu, Ttadaku, Morap.
material; ffako chvcJiln, JSM^, al. somewhat Chmlai, %-^57£U^, iffi iE, n. O A raised seat for a
like a box in shape; Hozuki chochin, jhrfc y' A= ^ distinguished person. @A curtained bedstead.
;E, a small 1. of red paper; Odawara chochin, fy> Choilal, 't^5;^-v^, iqm, n. A town ofliciai nest
ffliKl&ffi, a cylindrical 1. wliich can be folded below the yamishi.
when not in use Takahari choch In, ig 56 $1®, a Chodnl-inono, '^'^5
7C'lr t ©, H E£ *8, «• A gift
big hung on a long pole Yumihari cJwchln,
1. ;
or present from a superior,
^ 5S ^S its, 1- li^ whose making tlie mechanical
Chndakii, %Jt-j7'(, SJSa, n. Clear or turpid;
principle of a bow is utilized; Chlchin iH tsuri- Syn. SuMi-NiGORi. Lr"re or impure.
l/ane, ^® and a tower-bell; a figure
=. @, a 1. Cbodnii. *^^5/'c^, Us?, n. A long talk.
often used to designate wide disparity between Chodan woitoti, i^ ^ 9 to dislike along
f^l'. -7 ,

two thing.=i or persons; Choch In mochl gahm-i e talk. rtime, to have a long talk.
hamat-u, |6 :S f^ ;>• iffl -- ^^ v n-, [Ht.] the bearer eiirii, v.t. and /. To converse for a long
of the 1. falls into a pond; the guide him- Cbodansii, %-^ ^
\Jlg.] ?& A.ir, ^^, n. A bureau or
self loses the way, Chochin mochi. vjo sum, g '® chest for keeping arconnt-books.
J^ ^ 7. ji., [Ut] to carry a 1. for others; [Jlg.'i to Cliodntsii, T^rrhO,ims't,n. Supplying anything
be servile, or base. CbotatS'i. t: 5 r2^, ' warned, collet ling a sum of
Cfafichlngunap 5 "^^ ^ <' 5. -T E SB '*• [Bot.] money.
Bydrocotyle rotundt/oUa. Imi cfLodatsu, ^^.^M, having the garment!
rectulred newly made; to borrow the same; [Law.] Convict Imprisonment with lard labour.
Kinsu-chodatsu, ^^^^, making up a sum of ChdeJci wo yul watasaru, Wt iii^ "M "^ '&. ^ ^i
money. fto have tiDything ready for use. to be sentenced to imprisonment with hard
suru« v.t. To supply; to collect together; labour. ("establishment.
SytL Saikako suru, Totonoektj. Cliuckljo, %X5ii. % £--^ 5. ^ SI®. '^ A convict
Choclatsu-lcwnislia* t $ ?S'C? < 4:.V^&-^, al9 E # Cliooki-niiiw tJ;5A.&l(CX,i® SA, «. A convict;
fit, Ti. A supply agency. a criminal under sentence of imprisonment with
Ghodntsii Mini, t^TH-^irZ, Sfl9,. v.t. nnd (. O hard labour.
To go or leap over. @ To distinguish one's self; Ckocn, %.J^ 5 A. ^, ^ ife, n. [Med.] Inflammation
to excel. ©To break (as a prison); to escape. of the Intestines; interitis.
Q To abandon. Cboon, '^•^5j^^,^!lf, a. Very far; afar olf; very
Cbodon, tSTfA, (SatH, «. A fields to which the
widely separated. fseki,
tide has access. Tor hall,
Chooii. t-^5A.A, Si^. «• tC7tm.] Same as C7/i&
Chodo, %J^^'fih^ B&^» " A government edifice
Cbdetsii, t 5 /t"!?, ^aS, *»- Audience wiih *tho
Cbodo, %j^5)z, ygg, a. and adv. \colU] Just;
Emperor. eurii, v.t. To have an audience
right; suitable; proper; exactly; precisely.
with the Emperor.
ClidOo ima deyo to omote orimaslrUa, T ® •#* tU Cbootsii, 'Z5^'^,f^M> -«• [C7ifrt.l Leaping over;
H9 h a "7 7 E ^J
-7s/^, I was just thinking ol" being superior or more. siiru, v.t. and i.
going out; Sore de chodo desu, y i^t'TSt ^>i
To surpass or excel; to transcend; to cross; to
that makes the account square; Chodo yol tolct leap over; to be more, to exceed.
deshita, TSiff-^BSf'S^*, It was just at the Chontsu-Kahii, t^ ^-oifl < ,^M% n. A sum
right moment. over the estimate; a surplus,
first ftrlbute.
Syn. Adakamo, HoroTOKU, masashiku, Chofu, t 5 X-, g|:ffi, n. Cloth offered a.s a tax or
Ciidfii, "t 1 5 i, Sfi !§. 't- [Chin.] The wife of an
Cbodo, T:5fe5, ^1^, n. A narrow path; a lane.
Syn. Anitome. L^lder brother,
Syn. HosoMiOHi. fcanal.
Chodo, t-^5?iS5, Bi§. -"^ [^nae.]The auditory
Ckorii, %XX, ffKS,n. Hemp cloth.
Cbodo, %^37(-5, :g JE. «• A long road; a great Chofu, -^15^, ffi;^, «. O A heavy burden. @^
grave responsibility.
Cbofiiku, t5X.<,-mM, n. [Chin.] An
Cbodo, -C ^^^j l^St,n. O Things required. © dress; a court robe

© Weapons of war, especially

Utensils; articles.
Cbdrnku, •Si5-t<,jE^, Needless repetition;
the bow and arrow. Q Supply,

repetition; reiteration; duplication.

IfuTcuno chodo, 3)c flS > IS S, the pupply of
clothes; the wardrobe Tabt no chodo, /jg .^MS.,
ChofuJcu wo itowazu, IE IS ^ IK >» :??. though

this is a mere repetition.

things one requires to have during a journey;
Tometrl no cJiodo, SS X -^ E^ Si things which
sum, v.t. To repeat; to do over again.
custom demands of a bride before she goes to Chofukii. -t:ii<, ^ BS, n. fCMn.] Composure;
the house of hor husband. tranquillity of mind. surii, v.i. To be
Cb5do-kake, x 5^A'tt. A rack for calm, composed, or settled in mind.

bows and arrows. Cliofnku,t5i<, Same as CAo6«fcw.

SHtt, n.

Cb5do-kyok(i, -r5 ^ ? i.
Choniku-hokeii, %i.5i<i3H&^, mSftfift, n.

The Bu- Double insurance.

<. S^gJS. n.
reau of Supplies. Cbofaslil, %i.i.5X, ^^^. n. [<7ft(7J.l A poeti-
Cbool, t i 5;t\r,Sgm. ».
cal name for paper; [lit.] a paper-mulberry-
[Chin.] Special favour learned-man. fto affix or attach.
and promotion; pros Chofti suru, tJ-i-^3, lfi<J-, v.t. To paste on;
perity due to the kind- Kami wo Tcabe ni chofu suru, igK ?g= |fi # 3(
ness of a superior, n-, to paste paper on the wall.
CJioel wo komwu, ^^ Clioga, -Z^a*, ^W. '"• Offering con gratu rations
f-^]^, to be specially to the Emperor. siini, v.i. To appear at
favoured. the Court to offer congraturations.
Choel, -n i 5 ^ It, ^, «
^ Cbognku, ^^5fi'<.^^. w. Study of the O
[Chin.] A grave mound; stethoscopic examination; stethoscopy. @
a tomb. Learning by hearsay.
Syn. Haka, Tsuka. Chosetsu, *5 ^ 5 W^ 7, t3 >i. «. A poetical term
Cboebi, %X5^'&.^&. n. [|ig fg ©] for the 11th month (fl.s.).
Cliosetsii, %^^yf'<?, ^ M, n. A name of the 9tli Cliolian-ziililn, %^5tt^t^•?^, SgS^sgflJ, '•. A
month (o.s.). deep hood (or veil) which covers the face.
CliogI, -C 5^,0] 51, n. The cabinet deliberations; Cliolintsu, %^^\t-o,^^, n. Longhair.
the ministerial deeislon. Ciiohiitgii, -^ ija-:?, gi@, It- Appropriating for
Chogl ikketsu su, ^[^ — ^t^-. the ministers military use; levying for tiie public service
Syn. (.have ngreecl to. sum, u.t. To levy for the state's sake, tj
Chogiii, "^-^ 5 ?t^.TJS, ^Sj " -^ silver coin appropriate for military use.
made in the KcichTi period in the form of a. rod or Syn. IDASA SUEir, Mesu.
board. Vsuru. Cltotiatsii-rol, % l.^n-^i^\r,T<kVL^, " [Law,
riiuffi eiirii, t^'^irZ, M&, ''-^ Same as CIinrTi The Law of Military Approprintion.
Cliogo, '^^52:, ^.r°, It- Misunderstanding; mis- €lioliei, %i.'^\f^,\%^< 71. Paper currency.
conception. siini, v.i. To misunderstand; Syn. SATSC, Sni-REi.
Syn. KiKiATVMARU. Lto mistake. Clioliel, -r 5 -^ V-. !?, '(., Summons tn the
% Ira.

Cliosobn, t:5ft*j-yf, M^^^' "• The place where perial Piilace; the Imperial invitation.
medicines are prepared according to prescrip- siirii, v.i. To be .'summoned to tlie Imperial
tions. Piilace. rOonscription.
OiogosJiiiii, 5 ft'iib^A, IS^,^
-r n. OPiiper f'holici, "^ i 5 — V^,Si-i£, n. ©A conscript. O
u=ed for wrapping medicines. ©A recipe; a CIiT-UpI Kensa, StJ^^iO^. examination of con^
pre^crljition. ywy, iSi /? 5® /?. temporary ex'
scripts; CTo/tei

Cliogo siiru, t^i^'-l-il-^, ^1^, v.i. To signal, emption from enlistment, tern porn ry exemption
to inform each other; to nnmaince by some from nntnol service as a recruit, Clio'ici tvo iya-
Syn. Arzu srnu, Shijiesiii-au. Lsigns. aaiit vkkemon/}, ffii/l ^ lyj// '^ ^^-|f-, [coll.] a

Cliflgo KMVii, -r5fi'*^'^3 lfi'^,v,t. To compound. fool who difililios to eerve as a conscript.
rcilT., or prepare C-'^s medicines). Takea the .SIII^,1^ To recruit; to levy conscripts;
noun- form. to rai.-^e soldiers.
Cliogu, "^IfJC?, BeliS- " Special favour; kind- t'liSiiol, t i-~-V^, gl:f|, //. A military spy; a re-
ness; grace; being treated with kindness by a connoitering soldier.
superior. Cliotn^i, % i^i,v, p';-^. n. Money stored up,
IJij^ no chogu w-i homiiru, ^^^ -^ ggiS ^ £1 ^ hoarded ca=h.
lU, to be extraordiniii'iLy IrLvoured. Syn. Takltwaegane.
siirii, T'J. To treat witli special kindness. Cliolioi. T 5'~.V',S1^, n. Enervation; declinfc,
i'l;:0@:iin, C5<'^, M 8¥, u.. and n. Preeminence; exiiau.stioii; decay; showing signs of weakness
superiority; excellence; tranS'cendoncy. sum, v.i. To decay; to decline, etc.
siirii, v.i. To excel; to surpasa; to rise above Clioliol-i*ei, -^i 5-^v nv.SfcJ^-S-, Ti. Tlie con
others; to be preeminent. scription laws or regulations.
di09iis.i. 'ti5<-^, <S. "^ [yjrtf. Pine. Syn. ^fEsnnu'sii.
ClKigiisii, i=.J;<''2., ^, n. [BnL] Chrysanthemum. ClioJioI suru, %i.^^\f-irz.nj^, v.t. [C7i1n.]To
CIios-*vai,^^'^5 <'i'.<\A, fj^ ?!, a. Not in tlie account upon one
call to take an office; to summon.
book; not written In the nj^ister; out of the Syn. .MKSirilDAStT,
ordinary run.
Cholii-kl, %l^-^-^,^M, n. \Mcd.' Il.'irdne^s of
Cliog^viif-inono. -^-^5 i'JbV'l <D, 1SH^1, « a
the abdomen ; biliary culculun.
vagabond; a friendless rascal; an onfc.i^t,
CliosyoUU ^i^lg^.H'n^ H, n. A relVigerator. CliuIioU!, i; i 5-- ^.Sii?, ". \rhin._ Snmmons
Clioli.ii, t
5 IS V^, Wlf-f, n. Congratulating the from the Emperor or from a minister of ."^taiii
Emperor on 1-Iis august presence at the begin- 41loll^ 't^-5l>, iqtf, '^. Town expenditures; mu
ning of the new year. nicipal rates.
CliohjiJ, -^ J:5a\p,iaff, ». A basin in which one CholiB. •^150-,.t?ig, n. Siimeaa Chn^cO.
washes a wine-cup before he p.isses it to an- SJlioSii, % 1 i>, tgg^, n. Tlie bark of the pnper
Syn. Haisen. Lother. mulberry,
Cliohnn. %^5feI^, T^^ 'i. Gambling; [I/f.>dJ Syn KozD yn kawa.
and even numbers. sum, v i. To gamble; Ciioltd, -C51S-S-. ,"FIB, a. Serviceable; convenient;
to. play for money. useful; suitable; valuable.
CboliniKigntH, t^H tEft^fe, g^tt: JK. "• A paper Chohn Unslumastr. m^^-:'^ ^, is of great
figure in the form of a butterfly ol'ten used to use; Choho na mono. SI9?i-^^ra. a convenient
adorn the mouth of a wine-pot things (sometimes in a bad sensel
sui'ii, v.t. To value; to And a tiling to be CFio|a-no-hwnshl, %->^5&^<D<ijU ^^4", «
of great use. frGctansle. [Hot.] Ardisiajoponica.
ChoBidkol, ^-"^SttSW-lr, ^1]Wi, n. [ffeom.] A ChoJI, tit, tiUS^, "• [Chin.] The Princu In>
t-^5iSA, ^ 'AU n. Same
Cliolioii, as C/).50on. perial; the holr-apparent to the Tlirone: the
Cbohou-iilii, 'e^5Kt^V^^. ?S7fCA, n. Snnie as crown prince. ftlie Prince Imperial.
Ghobonnlii. Chojl wo tatswv, Qi^J-ALfi', to declare as

Chd'ho siiru, 7:5135-^3, 15?^, v.t. {ChlvA To Syn. CnoKUN, Taisitt.

play the spy; to coinraunieate the enemy's move- ChJijI, "t ^ 5 K, 1^ it, n. Forbidding for a time;
ments. suspension; stopping. Takes the verb i'onns.
Cholio suru» T X^ir 3, ^^, v.t. \CJiin.] To Narimonn chojl, P^fl^j^'it, forbidding all sorts

make good by pntchwork; to supply a defi- of musical amusemeptp, as after the demise of a
ciency, fproof; reTSon. member of the Imperial Family.
Cliohyo, "^ i 5 i>-^ 5, S!'^ "• Ri{?n; evidence; Syn. KiNZURU, Tomebu.
Byn. AKASiri, SniRUsni. fcloth. ChojI. t-^5 t,T -7, fi- IBot.] Clove-treo.
Choi, "^iv, ^3!c, /(. A garment made of hemp Chujl-ahura, %-^ 5 C 5.
Syn. ASAGiNa, Kataeiba. .i* 5, T^?fll, n- The
Cliol, -r5S, i^ ^, n. The T^rerial authority or clove-oil.
dignity. fdreas. Chofl-nsn^ao, ^ -^ ? &
Cb5J, T5V>, ?^35c. « The official or court robe or :&5ftm, Tw^ir, n.
Choi, -CSV', ^St. n- Mourning; consolation; [Bot.] Calonyction spe-

condolence. ciosum.
Choibii sum, %^5V-<:-^Z, ^"^y v.t. lGhln.]To Clioji-a'tvasern, "C 5 2
rear; to bring up; to train; to educate.. %\£^Z,m'B;v.t. To
Clioln, x5\rA., n. Attaching a signature consult with; to agree
or seal; signing. siiru, v.t. To affix a seal; upon a plan; to confer.

to sign. MtotocJ>djl-awaserii, CT ^3
Eemjjanjo ni choin sum, ^^^-^W^ri', A I- ^ -p- Ir «', to agree with nnotlier.

to sign a confidential document; SKdmon ni UOHIAWASERU, SDDAN SfRU

Choji-bukui-o, %^^:*:i'< /^.T ? J5, « a clove-
choin suru, fE^ = g^ R] :^ /^, to affix a seal to a
bond. bag. ffor burning cloves,

Choi sum, %i.^V'irz, ^^, v.t. To love In a €hoJl-1mro, *& -^5 ;£• *^,T ^I^ISS. «• A censer
specially high degree favour exceedingly.
; to Chojl-sashira, %^^Z-^^%. &, T ^^bS-ISTE. ".
Syn. KOTONI-ITSOKUSHIMU. A burnt wick of an ando, in the form of a clove.
ChoJto, % IV^if , —if, flf^w- For a short time; for Chojl-gashira nt kikkyo wo uranav, 5E ^ =-|r
a moment or an Instant; instantaneously, ESI ^ [57, to tell one's fortune by choji gasJiira.
Choito oiOe na, — ^^ 3& Hi 9-, [coll.] just come Choji-gusa, -^ j^ 5 5r <' 3,T^^, n. [Bot.] Am-
here. sonia elliptica. fcolour.
Choitsii Slim, %^5\r'-r?ir:&, ^fg, v.t. [C7itn.] ChoJI-lro, "^-^ 5 S:\A^, T^fi, "• The clove-
To make a respectful bow (in the manner of a Choji-kohu, %J^ 5 ;£ J. ^, S fK, n. \Bot.] Trlch-

Chinese). osanthes cucumen-oides.

CboUsii suru, -r5l/\r7f-S, i^i^, v.t. [Chtn.]To ChoJiKu, %^^'^<, ^f^, n. [Math.] Major axis.

surpass; to go above others; to excel; to be Ch5jl-n:isubf, ^^5&^-^Uf,T#ffi ?J, n. [Bot.]

distinguished. Ipomaea muricata.

Choltsii suru, -^ -^ 5 vn -7 -fz, iSlS. v.i. [Ohin.] Chojl-no-hl, ^-'^5:&© &, 1?, «. [Bot] liottlera
To overflow (as the banks of a river); to deluge; ja^onica. felliptica.
to inundate. Clioji-so, % i ^ ;£• ^,ii<'^'$.,n. [Bot.] Amsonla
Choju, %.>^-j£:'^, ^^-, 71. The rich; the wealthy. Chof 1 sui'u, % i 5 "S- -^ 2 , :^. ?:&, v.t. To censure,
Chojagihi,^g^^g, member ofthe House a reprove, or torture with a view to correct.
of Peers elected from among the highest payers ChoJItsu, %-^ y Z'-^,^ B, n. Long days, long
of direct nation.il taxes. days ofthe summer.
Syn. KANKjiricni, sroNOMOCHi. fpurse. ChuJJtsu, -r 5&-^, ^ .
« The morning sun the ;

Chojaliu, %^5&'^< , ^, n. [Bot.'i Shepherd's Syn. ASAHl Lrisingsua.

Choja-no-liiinm, "^ -^ 5 ^' ^ O *> ^, f± ^, n. Chojlyu, ^-^5&W),T^^. "• A clove-bath.

[Dot.] Asm'uni BlumeL fpa Kaempferi. Chdjl-zakura, %^^S:^< &. ?£^, n. [Bot.]

Choja-uo-kJ, &-S'5;t'-^®g, *K. « [Bot.] Catal- Daphne Genkwa.



Cbojo, ^-^5-^5,® jij, ct. and n'/i'. O Over again; restore to friendship; to bring to acqnleacenca;
repeatedly. @ Very gooLl. to reconcile; to harmonize,
Sore wa chojd na loto deshitn, V w •*•
Si § -)-
Cliokal Buni, 'ti5*>Vv-^a,a43t, v.t. [Chin.] To
^ 'f ^ ^, [coll.] thdt was excellent. reprove; to blame; to censure; to blame one's
Chojo, '6-^5;£'-^5. J^-t. n. One's superior. self. Tangle.

CboJo. "t-^^Z'-S*?,!!? J:, «• The top; tlie summit; Chokalcii, -^ J^ 5 *> < rg S, ,
n. [MalK] Vertical
the head. CliokaKii. X5i><,^'^, n. [(77t*n.] An angler.

Clnijo nl tassu. in± - IS ^•. *" reach the top; Syn. TsuRiBiTo, Uotsubt.
Varna no chajo, \i\^T^±, the eummit of a Chokakii. T5i><,@^, '6. A rein.

mountain or hill. Syn. Tazdna.

Syn. ITADAKI, SaIJ"), TKPPEN, ZETCHO. Clioka siiru, X5t>itZ,^jT, v.t. LC/Uti.] To sus-

Chojo, %-^t>'^'i,S:ic, n. The eldest daughter. pend to let down; to lower.


ChojoUii, -tia^-l C, ffl^, ?t. [Chin.] Whether Cliokel, "t i W V^, ?g!^, 71. [Chin.] A very short
approved, or not; whether favoured or blamed; Syn. IKUBT. Lnecli.

[lit.] favour-disgrace. Chokot, '^J^5W-V^, :g||-, n. [Chi7u]A. wise scheme;

ChSjo sum, t^Z'^^irZ,^^. v-^- [Chin.] To aforseeingplan; a prudent and profound policy.
go or leap over; to ride over. Cliokci, -^^5 ^V^, gK, n. [Chin.] O The eldest
Syn. KOTTTRU, NORIKOTUR.D. @ A priest's superior.
Ch5jii. %-^^X'Vi>,^^, T- Long life; a great age; Cliokcmbo, % 1 SW ^K 5. n. [Omtth.] Japan
longevity. fplenty. Syn. Magusodaka. (.kestrel.

Chojuviampulu, #!^)SSjS, enjoying age and Chokon, '^->%•?H^, Si 13. "• Grave censure;
Syni CnuMEi, Nagaiki. severe blame or reproof. Haws.
CHoJn. '^>^-5i-W=5. iM%n. [Sudti.] Audience; Cboken, t5W^, IKTS. n. The constitution; the
ClioHhu, 1V^5:£11)5, 'hearers. Choken wo Unran sn, l^ ^ ? ^ St ^. to act In
Syn. KiKUiTlTO. opposition to the constitution.
Cltojn, X5S:^, A^, n. A rowllng piece. Ckokeii. "C$H•^, The Imperial censure.
i0]|3, ''.

Cfieoju. X^X-^,^^, n. Birda and beiiRtfl. eernrii, v.t. To be censured,

[pass, form.]
CliajTi nt mo otoru kolioro, ^ gJ! — "^ ^' n- -6. » reproved, or blamed by the Emperor.
mind Inferior to that of a beast or bird. Cbukoii, t 5 fr^^, 53^(31. n. [Chin.] Sovereignty;
t'bujiilni Hiirgi. %-^5*r W) < f" S. i^ Jft. I'.L To be the Imperial authority; the power of the Gov-
accustomed to hear; to hear repeatedly. ernment,
Syn. KlKTNARERU. Cbokoii. %^5\fK, ^M, ST a, n. Surveying to
Cliojtitsii, %XM'ii-o,^-'^y "- O Authorsiilp. @ ascertain the distance between two places, or
Writing books. sum, v.f. To write a book. the extent of a piece of land. [gu.
Syn. CnosAKU. €bokcn, ^1 5 W-A.. ffH ^, " [Chin.] Sameas(7A3-
Cliolutsiikn. %ii'l^-9*>, i^tz5^. An.au-
Cbokeii, %^^]rrk,^^], n. The name of silk Q
ChoJiitf^iisl):i, %X~:^\!i'-0%^, ' thor. used for making suikan, and karl- shitatare,
Chokia. -t 5*', ¥J]3^, n- IChln.] Tlie Imperiil giniu @A long sleeved upper garment worn
F.^mily. by kuge (is the contraction of choken no szUkan).
Chohn. %-^5*>, ST 'i^, '<" S,bb Machlya. r;bdken. X 5 i-t ^. ?a a, n. Audience with the
Cliokii, t;-^'?*>,TS:(^. '^ [Chin. Snmo. as Omonl. Eniperur. Takes verb-forms.
CltoZiU, t 5 *. ^.M.' "- '^ fomnle dise;ise, tiie 4'bokcsbl, %->^3if L, "lis "iS". w. Canceling, eras-
clmrrictei istle symptom of wliicli is tlie indura- ing, squaring, or crossing an account; leaving
tion of tlie fibdomen. no balance.
Syn. Kamebara, Katabara. [via. CbokotNii, 't J; 5 H- -7, S a?, ct. Clear; free from
ClidKa, %^^i}>,^V^, n. A lone song, Src Naqa what darkens or ob.ccures; pure.
CiioUii, T?*', ^35. " S'imoii'iAsagasiimi 4.'bokl, t5?f,^IHi, n. [Vhln.] Same as Jso/if.
Ch5^nl, *^ 1, 5 A'U^, ^^'i, 'i Rc.'p''oor, piirilsii- 4'bdki. % i. 5?,ifgi(5, ". [Chin.] Q A favourite
mcnt, consiirc, roprimand. Tdipcipliiiary law. mistress. @ A highly beloved daughter.
ChoBiaa-ltri. t^3:5*'VK-!-, ^TKifei "• [Laiv. Tlio Cboklbiiiip, % i ? >*1, JIf if M, n. A kind of
rJiokal-iM-t. r.i5*-V*tU^.^^ill4't}'. n. [Law. The light and swift boat. Tings; hoarded money.
Regnlitions lor Di-^clpllnary Punishment. ^bokln, %i^^, H?:&-, n. Money stored up; sav-
ClioUal fiiii-u, t;,^>^i3^V^fZ,m\l\l.v.t. [Chi, >.\To ChokLn wo aznkeru, HT & ^ I^ to deposit rt-,

overHow; to flow out; to inundate. one's saving; Chokln wo harai modosu, fj'ft ^Sl
cuokal suru, -r:5i»V^ -^ S.SiaES- «•« IChin.] To ^^, to return a deposit.'
Chokln-aiiikarljo. %i.^K%^*>V)S!i. B?^^ Bito vjo chokkurt-kaesu, A^f-3-^^V»'^
ffi, n. A aavinga bank, or place for depositing y^,to confound a person.
flavlnga. <:iiokkwnn, %i.'y<t>A., ^f^, n. OA Straight
tulje. @ Same as Clwkkwatsiu
7*. One who deposits his sfwings at a bnnk. ClBokkfvatNii, %i.-?<*3r7, IK^. «• Dlrectsuper-
Choklu-Kiiiko, •t::^^ar^*>5, l?l(tSH1=f, n. A vision or control. sum, v.fi. To control
savin gs-b auk. d irectly.
Cliokln-kayol-clid. %l^^*>iU•^^5. l?^Jlfi Chokkyo, "^i-^^i, ^^, n. The Imperial sanc-
lis, a. A book in which all the accounts con- tion or permission.
cerning one's deposit are entered. Clioko, t: 5 1 5 ©I "S". w- Tribute to the Emperor.

Choklu sum, X^% LitZ, ^M- ^''- {C/Un.]To sitm, v.i. To pay tribute to the Emperor;
pay a visit to the Imperial Palace; to ro to to pny homage.
Court; to pay homage or tribute (as one coun- Cliuko, %X^i7i^, SijSt. n. [Jiftrt.l A symptom.
try to another). Syn. KIZARHT, SniRt'STTI.
Chokl sum, T 5 & -? 2, PSSJ^, v.t. [Chin.] To Ckfiko, 5 t, if^felr. "- Withering; decaying;

abuse; to reproach; to revile; to treat with fading; dying (said ofplants only). suru,
opprobrious and contemptuous language. vJ. To whither, etc

Cliokka, %i.yij>, ST. '>^ The place directly Pyn. Karkku, SniBOiiu.
under. suru, vA. To fall perpendiculary. Clioko. •r5t'5; ^M- " Same as CTofccn (Hj H).

Sekido choTcka, ^MiST. directly under the Clioko, T 5 £. 5 ^t (e^, w. A sign an omen.

equator. Syn. KizASnr, Shirfshi.

Chokkal, %i.'ji}->y^, "• Words tending to
fcoll.] Choko, %i.54>5, #, n. Speclnl ffg
favour shown
frustrate a purpose ; an ill-natured humour; a to a woman by noble persons.

jest; a malicious pun. Clioko, "t-^?**?, g^, w- Ustron.] Venus; the

3 make Syn. Toi NO MY(^.ii3. Listening star.
Chokkai wo aasu, f- 7 ft < ^ Hi 7., to
a malicious pun. ffingle. Clioko, i;-^54'5. T#. " [BoL] Clove.
€liokkakii, •%tv^><, Itffi. »* [fffiOTTi.] Right Clioko, %12., >iS P, H, n. A small cup for
Choklcaku jud JLku, MftSSffiSA. rectangular Choku, %i< ,
1 drinkingsa/ce; awineglass.
axis; Chokkaku saiinen, M^SSM. normal sec- Syn. Sakazuki.
tion. Clioko. "C5t5, fltr5, a- [CTfn.] Skillful In obse-
Chofckakn-eankakiikcl, %Xvi><'5/^i}>< ^"^^ quious arts; artful to please others.
iSSHfiJfS, n. [ffeom.] Right-angled triangle. Ckoko, -C52:5. flSI. « One who carves; ai

Cliokkakn-siil, %ii-yi/><il-Jt>, IS ft ${6, » [Geom.] engraver; a sculptor.

Right pyramid. fRight prism. Syn. HORiMONOsni.
Cliokkakii-to, % i,y 3 [Geom.] Clioko, X5Z3, MM, "• The time when the tide
i}> < "£ . MfliS. n.
SmODOKi. Lflows
Ctiokkan. r, i.-ji)^ ^, ^M, " [oTis.] Being de- >Syn.

graded by the Emperor. Clioko. -r 5 t 5 Bi Sr, 7*- Carved or embossed


ClioEckau, '^i,•y*>^, H:^, ". [CTifji.] Advising or lacquer of verraillion colour.

reproving one's master in his presence. Syn. TSUlSHtr.

sum, v.t. To advise or reprove one's master, Ckdkd, t5t5. S^ffil, n. A fishing hook.
Ckokkel. %2.<y\ff\r, 0^, n. The direct line. Clioko-clioko. %il:.%X'L, adv. [cn?i.]0 Often;
Chokkcl, "ti-^W-V^, ISSg, n. [Geom. The diame- frequently. © With haste; in a hurry; quickly.
Syn. Sashiwatasiti. L^er. © Like a dwarf.
ClioKkl, %l.-y^, n. \En(i.]A wnist-cont, a vest. Chokoclioko aytimu, -^ a =( f-a =« -^^A, to walli

Chokkura, % i-y < ^, adv. For a moment; Torn in haste; to walk with a humble gait.

short time; just; in a hasty manner; merely. Syn. SiiiRAsniBA, Tabitabi.

Syn. CnoiTO, Ohotto. Clioko-gaki. -^^ 5 *> 5 ?]*'&, Ti=*&. »• t^"*-]

Cliokkura-Tnochi, % i: 'j < 6 4"^, vt. [coll.] A DiospyriiR LoUi!?.

Cl.okokn. -t:5t<- ^§ii. "• Sculpture; engrav
thief; a pick-pocket; a piU'orer.
suru. and I
Sakki c/wkkura-mochl nl aimasluta, ^n %^ ing; carving; embossing.

7^9=ef-=^i3(t^^^, I had my pocket To engrsive, carve, etc.

picked a short time ago. Syn. liORTKIZAMU, Erikizamtj.

Chokkurl-kncsi!. '%i.f<^ii>'~'^,vi [coll.] Ckokokii-slil. T:5t< L, mtim. " An engrav-
Same as Maze-kaesu. er; a sculptor.
Chohon. '^J^5t^, :g tS, n. [C/ifn.j Regretting ment; speaking bare facts to a superior straight
lor a long time. 8uru* v.t. To regret for forward ly.
ft long time. Chokvgen wa mhrvi nl said, iS b -'>'?= M 7,
Cliohoahii. ^^5£.5XW), Siiii «• [Cftfn.] An truth is disagreeable to the ear.
elder sister ola sovereign, sui'u, r.l. To state unreservedly; to speak
Cbdliot.-ai, X 5 tfe\j^, ffi ;!& ?^, n. [Chin.'] Suspend- of a thing just as it i'^.

ers for Iiolding up trousers*. Cbokiigo, %!< a, ^}sM, n. O Emperor's words,

Syn, ZUBON-TSDEI. the Imperial spcocli. @ An Impen.il edict on
Cbokozal, %XZ,T\f, Pedantry; being "- [coil.] educntion, promulgated on the .30th day of the
wise In small things; pmattering of learning. 10th month ofthei!,1d yearofMeiji.
Aitsu wa choTcozat na koto wo iu, W -"• ^ ^ M Syn. MiKOTONORi.
3 -tj-" 'f ?- ^ ? =: "7, he uses big words lor his Cliokiigo, %i < a, E s§, fi. Same as Ckokugen.
age, Chokozai na yatsu, ^aa-y^'f-J-iR, a.
Cbokiigwau. %i.< <'i9^, fj sa, ,t. An Lmperor's
pedantic lellow; a precocious rascal. prayer to IJnddha I'or blessing.
Syn. KOSHAKU, Namaiki. Cbokiigivniiji, "f.
i C <* ib ^ f, sKl SI #, n. Bud-
I^hokii, "^i, < , 7t, A small deep porcelain cup for dhist temple built by an Emjieror's order.
serving dressed veicetables in. Cbokiililtsii, %i. ( U- -^i S- ". An Emperor's iiifi

ihoku. *^J; < , ^, '/(.. Same as SakazuJct. hand-writing; the Imperial chirography.
(Uokii, %!.< ,M., «. and a. Uprightness; justice; Syn. SillMPlTSU.
honesty; integrity; rectitude; right; just; hon- Cbokiibo, % ^, jK/g, n.
1. < The Imperial
est; impartial; direct; immediate. Olten used praise, approval, commendation, or applause;
in composition. fman. an Em|ieror's eulogy, encomium, or panegyric.
Choku A, an honest or impartial
na. hilo, ii;+ CJiioUiii, tii. < V», i^^g,, u. The Emperor's volition,
Syn. XaOKI KOTO, SHOJIKI, TaDASHIKI. choice, or pleasure.
Choku, % X i 'I- ico(i.] OSimple; unceremoni-
, Cbokiii, % X < V^,^"^, It. A long robe worn Dy
ous; plain, unadorned; unaflected. ©Light- kannushl formerly, a court-dress worn by

hearted. © Cheap, inexpensive. kuije and other nobles, anciently, garmeots

Syn. KaN-I, KldARU, TEGARU. worn by common people.
Cliokii. t-^5 C, :KIIs, " [Chin.] Going f.ir on Syn. Naoe, Naoshi.
horseback, pursuing an enemy a great distance, 4;]iukiilii, ^J:<u^^, ^^, n. Same aa Chokkyo.

either mounted or on luut. Clioliii-Jitsu, t i. < :£•:?, IS H , li- The day upon
Choku shite tojo nl semeiru, y 'r ^t&=:.^ ^^ which it IS one's turn to be on duty.
\ jL-, rode up a great way to the city and in- Syn. Bambi.
vaded it. ChoKiijo. %l.<. %'-^ 5, iKllS. [More commonly "
To ride a long distance.
siirii, v.i. read Ghokutei.'] The Imperial decision or regula-
Gboku, %i.( ^, n. and a. O Imperial order or

command. @ Imijerial (often used in com- Cbokiiju, -^1 <^'-^5.^K. " Same as Cftotzwfto.
Syn. MiKUTo>ORi. Lposition). Cbokujo, %X. < trJ^?, M Si., ". Same as Chokngo.
Cbokiibaun, "ti. ( Id^s^.l&'ih n. [Bot.l Bindweed. Cliukiijii,%X < Z'^, ^} iS, n. The Imperial grant;
Chokucbo, -^ t< t -^5, jiiSK, n. [.U6d.j The an Emperor's giving or conferring on,
Cbokuju, "^K"^-^?, 'rectum. siini, r.t. To confer, grant, or bestow (only
Cbokiido, '^i.<;t5, iSiS. ft- Same as C/iofcM7-o. of the Emperor).
Cbokiieu-njiil. •tl<^^t^., USIBISS. "• [Math. Cboku-klfikitt^bJ, %i. < % V) i %,-^^u, i. Q
Riglit cone. [ffeo7«-.] Right section. ^^ The blunt mouth (aa

Cbokueu-to, % i < £^fe5, EEliS. "• [Math.\ of a tea-pot, pitcher, etc).

Right cylinder. Cliokuuiel, %X < ih\r,^f^, fi: The Imperial
CtioXiwTnt %i.< X-^, fe^, re. The seal or stamp order, or command.
on an Imperial letter. CliokiiiiH^ii, '^i.<i6^, iUJg, n. Same -.xs Chokkyo.
Cbokiieakii, %X<fi^<, i&l Jfi, »i. A tablet with Cbokittnon, %X. ( t A, M flfl, «• The Emperor's
an Kmperor's inscription on It, sometimes seen enquiry or question.
In a great S/uiifo slirine, or renowned Buddhist (ihokuii. t^iCA, figS". " CTtfTi.] The Prince Ira
temple; briefly, an Imperial tablet. perlal; the heir-apparent to a crown; tlie crown
Choknoakunomoii, ^j IS ^ P!. a. gale with an pr nee.

Imperial tablet. Cliokuii, -^ i 5 < ^, ^ ^, n. [Chin.] A prince

Cbokusou, 'C,J:Ci*^. EK. " Unreserved atate- directly descended from tlie eldest sou, and
who is consequently the legitimate heir to the CboUiiHoii-kot, '^i.<ft^W•U^, la^JK, « [^ath.?

throne. Rectiline;.! figure.

Cbokuuin, %i.< tt^,^tE, n. and a. QTrnperlal CIiokiDBoppo, %i^-l!:.;»[J^, iiaieti. «. O

appointment; the second of the four official Cbokiisptii4ti-ho, %.X < ^^tt.i, * [ilfath,] Direct

ranks. @
Appointed by the Emperor. demonstration. @
[Gram.] Tlie indicative mood,

ciiokiiuin-Kijii, % i. < ^c^*'a ^,iKlffiIiS. «• Cbokiisctaii, ti,< ^5>, Iflifi, a. Direct; immedi-
ate; with nothing intervening.
Same as Chokusen-Qlitu
Cbuliuuln-Iiauji, 'ti < W ^ tt ^ C JfeD ffi f>J 91. " Chokttsetsu no kwanket IS Jg > &l] C^, direct
A juUse of chokunin rank.
Chokiiiiin-KonJN ^J: < VC^^J•^ C, ifi!/ ffiS&m. «• CbokiisotBu-kokiiKol, %i.< ^':P'L<^-\/^, lEfSB
A public procurator of clinjcuni n vnnk. gi, 9(. A direct national tax.
" <;hokiis4!!tsu-i'lko, %.i. <^<? ^i)>'?,M.t^^^, "
Cbulttiiilu-kwnn, % i. < \IZ A. < t> A.,Bii'^'
Oflicials of chokunin rank. [Law,] Specific performance.

©hoKiirel, '^i<HV.fj'^. n. [/iaw;.] An Imperial CbokiisPtsii-soken, "^K tc?t^J•^. ESfSfil "•

oidinancR [Law.^ The right of direct action.

Cbokurl. r.i, <^. Kte. " [Sol,]\ Fp*.'Cle3 of Cbokitsba* '^ i < * ^, E ^. " [Chin.] An
Fresh-water algse. upright or just man.
I'lioKiii-liI, %i, < L, ®J ^, n. Same as Chokumd.
Syn. AONORI, Kawaaonori.
CbukgiNbf, "^ J: < L, S", «• -A-n Imperial am-
Cbo1<iirit9ii, %i.< «K'. iUti, a. PerpenOlcular;

li.TSRudor or messenger.
Choburyu, -tiC iJ)?, > standing upright; ver- To look
CbokiiHbl siii'u, %i. <^-^S,Eiiifl. v-'-
Chokuritsu heivien, E
it ?P iSI, fMath.] vertic-

al plane; ChoJcuritsu-sen,m.jlM.
[>/atft.] vertic- Cbokiisltiii, % i < ;g. A, EE. «• [(^/ifTi.J An O
honest Rubject or retainer. @ A direct vassal
al line.
siiru, v.i. and t. To stand vertical. of the Sbogun or a Daimy'd. An Imperial ©
A straight path or Cliokiisho, "^ i; < :£ 1, ^^, n. The Imperial
Cbokuro, *& J: < ^, EBS. ^-
letter; any written statement direct form the
[Min.] Emperor.
C3iokiiritflii-bd. *. i< y)-p-h>^.m.i.i%,n.
Cbokiisho, %i.< ^5,M^> "• Same as Choku-
A perpendicular shaft.
Cbobiiro. •ti< :5,1a ^. »
[06S.1O Theroom in met.

the Imperial Palace occupied by officials on CbokiiHO siiru, %l. <^ 5 f" 2, E^. «' To re-
night-watch. ©
An anteroom in the Imperial present one's own impressions directly to the

Court for the ministers of state. Emperor. More proper form Is Jlkiso,

Cbobii-rohiimeutal, til< :s< & AfeVr, lS:^?[iB Cbokiital siirii, "t 1 < fe\/^-^^, > EM. ".(. Tore
suru, X'^teV^-^Z, * ply to a superior
ga, rt. [Math.] Kectangular parallelepiped. .llkititl

^, « The Imperial deci- without the intervention of a third party.

CbokuBal, 5 1 < 5V/^, iEl

Cboknto, %l<l2.5,W}i^f '>"' The Imperial reply.

sion; the Emperor's.judgment.
ChoJcusai ivo aioogu, ^ $!{ ? ftJ ^, to ask for the
Cbokuwa, % i, < t>, W.U, fi~ Speakuig directly
to a person.
Imperial decision; to submit to the Emperor for
Syn. JiKiWA.
his decision.
Choktiya, % i. < ^. U^> « [Chin.] The night
Cbokusal, %i. 5\r,i!l^. ri. The Emperor's
iH which an official has to be on night-watch,
attendance at a religious ceremony.
or to perform night-duty. sum, v.i. To
Cbolnisen, %i: < *^, iKi ill. " Imperial nomina-
be on night watch to be in one's turn of night-

Same as ChoJcu- duty.
Cbohueen, t i < *^.*S^. »•

mel. Chokiiyaku, % i. < ^ < El^. « Translating ,

word by word literal translation. eiirn*

Chokusen, %iL< t J^,m.B, n. [Math.] Straight ;

line. v.t. To translate literally.

Cbokuscn-sfln, r, X < * A IT ft ^,m'MWi^, "• Chokiiyu, *t h < W). E 19. « The Imperiallnst-
[Law.] A memberof the House of Peers nominat- ruction or direction.
Cboku-yunyfi, %l.<ViiVz5, EftIA, n. Import-
ed by the Emperor.
Cbokusen-helmenbei, % i. < -ft-Aj — V-ft^W" ing directly from a foreign country.

^, HE^^MJlS, n. [Math.] Plane rectilineal Cboku-yushuteu, %X< ViiX^^-^, E fel Hi, n. Ex

11 sure. I porting directly to a foreign country.
Chokuznkiyomenn. % i. < r&llfttr. n. [Bot. Cbome, -^ 1ft. il^m^.n. [Bot.] Styraz japo-
riioliiizei. i;i<^\r, H^, Cbomel, '51»V^, ^1^, o- [Chin.] Considerable;
n. A direct tax. significant; plain; distinct; explicit; evident;
Syn. Arawa, Meiuaku. Lclear.

n. A grave offense pun Chomcl, T5ftv.^^, The Emperor's order;

ishable, either capitally or an order of the government.
by imprisonnient with or CliumeJ, %J^5V>\f*.^^, n. Long life; longevity.
without hard labour; a siirii, v.i. To be langlived.
heinous crime; a severe Syn. Nagaiki, OuOju. forder,
punishment. Clioine!, %15^\r,M^. " A superior's gracioua
Syn. JUKWA. Clioiiiel, "^l^feip,® ^.o. [C/iin.] Clear; limpid;
Chok^vn ? < *9 ^
eurii^'t pure, transparent.
Z, i^ii, nnd (.
v.t. To [-^i < y? itotC] Sdmiwataru.
exceed; to be more than; to pass over. ClionicJswan. %^5^V-iifA.,^^ti,n. A quacli
Yosanoaku nt clioJca sm-u, J® EC ^ ^ M ^ ff-, ii^i medicine said to have aphrodisiac virtues.
to exceed tlie estimated amount. Syn. iKOcrsuRi.
Syn. KoERU fsuperbus. Clioiiieii, %^^i6A.,^M, n. An account book; &
Cliok'wn, "t i 5 < j7, S2 5g, n. \Boi.Dianthus ledger, a register; a day-book; a note-book.
Cliok^^.-). %i,<io, W:'iff '^^ Paper currency. Syn. Ciiij, OnoBO.
Hyn. Satsu. Shiiiei. Cliojni, X ti Tf-, Z^\^> X. Cooking; dressing or
Cbok^va, 'C5<ib, I^JfP, « Being in peace and seasoning food-articles; preparation of food.
friendship; harmonizing; adjusting so as to fit SHS'ii, V.t. To dress or season food so as to
or suit welL fand the people in harmony. make it pal,itable.
Kivammtn cJiokwa, I'Sc'^^ll, thegovernnienl i;iioiiiisusa, % X7)-<r -^.^t ft. [Bot.\ Chrysan
Cliolt^va. "CJ < ^, the mum.
'imw. [Matli.] Harmonic.
Cbrijiiju, -Z 5;^^, ?feK, '" [Ohtn.] The people.
Chokwa hlret, tf^^it^l. harraonical propor- Same as Bammln, but less frequently used.
tion, C/iokwa kyusu, ^fPHfK. harmonical pro- CboiiiokiQ,-t5 6 < ,£i B, a. (Ht.l Bird's-eye; [^jr.)
gression; Chokwa nt walatsu, ^"^ — ^^-y, to cash of Rmall value,
divide harmonically; Clidkwa-ten, aig^OS^, bar Syn. OwASui, Zicsi rthe head.
monical points. Chomon, %^ ^ % ^,10P^, n. iC/ifn.] The top oi
CbSkwaii, '5J^5<d9^, Jll;, The chief ofli-
Chomonno Ushiii,-^f^ ^ —^^ [Chin.] [lit.] &
cial; the otKcial presiding over a government needle thrust into the head; severe cen-
office. sure; piercing reproach.
Chok'no, %i,5<io^, 'S^% n. Favour or grace Ciioiiioii Slim, -r5^6^-^^,^RB. -v.t. [CAfn.] To
shown by a superior. fspheroid. pay a visit to express one's grief; to send a
Cbokyn, "t-^ 5 ^ 5, :gJ^, n. [Math.] Prolate letter of condolence.
Cliokafl, '^^5&5,SA, ti- Permanent; eternal; Cbonioii eurii, '^•^5 4 ^^^, ^PB. **-«. Tollsten
long; everbir^ting; perpetual; long-enduring. to; to hear one speak.
Also used as noun. Syn. KiKU.
Chokyn aiirii, "^ 1 5 & 5 -fZ, SiJft. v.t. [Chin.] €lionio surii, *^ -^ 5 "6 -? S, ^ fi, v.t. To grow
To call for; to demand to make requisition of.
; luxuriantly; to make a rank growth.
Olten used as noun. Chomu, t Jtp, i^ ^, w. [Chin.] Same as Asaglri
Ctidma, t^^, n. [Entonu] Same &s Cho. Chona, "C5tC,$ff. "• An adz.
Choma, •tl?.,^[a, •^. [.Bot.] China grais. Syn. TEONO.
Syn. Karamusiii. Clional, ti^J'^V, HTft. ™- Atownorward.
CliSnia, ^^5^, ti. lOiizith,} Eastern field lare or Chonai anzen, IT ft 3f ^. the peace and safety
Syn. Zl'GCMl. L^usky ouzel. ofa ward; ChZnai no kaoyakv, ^ -^ IS S. t^^ tirj

Cb5niau, %J^^% ^ BS ffil.

n. [J/ed.j A collection magnates or notables of a town.
of serous fluid in the abdomen; dropsy of the Olioiian, V^5tc^, ^^, n. The eldest son.
peritoneum; ascites. Syn. CnAKUSHi, CHoani, SOrtS, tekishi.
Cbomborl. %i.A,^yi,u.. and adr. [coll.] Alittle; Clionon, X^txK, $E^, «. [CJiin.]ThQ beginning
In the least quantity; as Inconsiderable as a of th* new year; the new year.
Ch5iietau, t^n-?, MRl. »• [Med.] A parlodlcal


Increase or fever In the course of a dlseaBe; a fit Cborl. -^l 5 lO.lEfiJ, n. Double Interest; high
of an intermittent fever. interest.
Cbouln. %i.^\izA,, Hi A, n. A merchant; a trader. CbdrU %.i^ 5 VI , g S&, n. IC/dn. ] The liead-manager
Oionin hyakzishZ, Hj A S 4i. merchants and of secular affairs of certain Bud. temples.
Syn. AKTUDO, Shimin. Lpeasants. Cliorl. %-^?5i!),Sse. ?fiM, n. [Chin.] Q A pariah.
Chonln, tlV^^, ffiffi. n. O An Important office; See Teta. ©A
horse doctor.
grave responsibility. @ Ee-appointment; re- Syn. Yeta, Yetori. fpound interest
newed designation to a service or office. €bovi-bo. %i.5yi ax,ffifi]ii, «. [Math.] Com.
Burn, v.i. To be invested with an important Chorin, 1 5 1) ^, JB n. and a. Same as Chogun.

office; to bear grave responsibility; to be re- Choi'ln siirii, T 5 «) ^ ? 2, ESBI. «•*• To take
appointed. a distant view; to look at a thing from a
ChSiio, 1 5©, w. [colUI Same an Chona. eminence ; to command ; to lord it.

Clioon, ^:5'to^. Bl-gu w- The Imperial grace, or Syn. MrOROSu.

kindness. sum, %l.Vi-pfZ,i^:iL,v.t. To be on
Choon ni Hg] ,S, = St illt 5t n', to be
TcanlcyU ««rM, Chovyn Bum, "^iVi^-^z, (tiptoe; to stand
moved to tears by the kindness of the Emperor. Syn. TSUMADATSU. Lstill.

Chovporl. •^I-.IS'!). ,
^^^ [coIUAlittle;abit. Choro, %J^5 &5,g^. "• OA priest who ranks
Cboni bovi, *^i: ^1S V .
next to the JusItoJcu in a temple of the Zen
CbSrakii, "T 5 ^ < -^ ??. . "• O Same as Clidko. © denomination. @ An elder.
Ruin being broken in fortune. suru, v.i.
Chrro nlwa tenl:ara narenai, =i>>^vft 9 g^
O To decay; to wither and fall. ® To be ruined.
•j-i-'-J'-f , [coll.] can by no means become a Chord.
Chornn, -SitA, IChin-^A. lattice-work
SFtfifl. '*•
Cboi'o. %J^5)S.^Sf&, « Alongdiatance to go; a
for keeping off dogs.
long road or lane.
Cliorauilniiia* T5 t^^S^, ffiSSK^. '*- A hang-
CliSro Buru, -t555-?S.II§Sl^. v.t. To laugh at;
ing-ball mf\de of silk embroidery.
to sneer or jeer at; to ridicule ; to expose to con-
Cb5i'el, t 5 K5, ;^Sg, n and v.i. [CMn.]Same
tempt or derision; to mock; to make ridiculous.
as Ch^rak/iu Often used in the noun form.
Cborcl. tSH-ir, 10] -^i « An ordinance or edict
promulgated in the morning (used only In the
Chorosi, t-^S^^.f^B^.-y-SS^, n- [^ot.l Chi-
phrase like below). nese artichoke.
Chord bokai, ©1 -^ IE ©E, to change in the even-
ChorokJchI, ti^^*^, i $
ing an edict Issued in the moroing; extreme Cborokii, -e-iS^C, * S
inconstancy of ministerial policy.
g, n. [BoL] Same as above,
Cborel, %i,H.\i-^, Sf^, n. { Bot.] Podhyma cocos.
Cborolcisii, %i. J5 A>-^, v.l.
Cborcmba, T 5 KAlf. I^Si«l. The place « {colLj To deceive; to play
where soldiers are drilled; a ptirade ground. at fast and loose; to play
Ryn. KEMPEIBA. false.
Cboi-on. -C5i^^, l^i^. " Military drill or exer- Cboro-UyoUwal, "^^5 5
cises; [coii.] parade; review; military display.
snru. v.t. To drill soldiers; to move about The Presbyterian churcti.
in military array; ''coll.] to parade. Cboroso.t? ;53 S.^ffi^. Offi 115 ^)

Syn. JiNDATR, S5REN. ^ ffi iK Sr, n. [Bat.] Flower of an hour. Bladder

ChftrcH, ^^5*^^, ik^n. A scythe.
[Cliin.] Tcetmicu rcreatures.
Cboron, -C 5 H ^, J|^ /t. fifc, A tribute; a tax; an Cborul, T 5 3 Z>. S^. " Birds; the leathered
imposition. sum, v.t. To impose a tax; Chorui sae ko wo omou, E?S-9''^^^S'7,
to make
to pay a tribute. even birds have paternal affection.
Cboren suru, *t3:5H^-^^, fit u.J. To levy or igfc, Cboryo, ^15'!1^5, fiE, n. Weight.
Syn, TORiTATSHBD. LcoUtict (as a tax). Cboryoka, ti5^t<, ^t, n. Gravity.
Chorl, TSiO.H^a. « O Arrangment; putting in Choryoso. ^.^S'O^SS?, ^?X^. "- lBot.]Se-
order. @ Cooking. necio japonicits.
Ghori wo totonau, 5I| ^ f- SS "7, to make a per- Cboryo suru, 'C5 lO-^J-^Z, B^, v.t. [Chin.]To
fect arrangement; to adjust well; to cook in ex- gambol; to leap or skip about in frolic; to
pectation of. forder; to cook. frisk ; to dance in sport.
auru, To arrange; to adjust; to put In
v.t. Chdryn, -C^V) 3, mB, -n. QThe tiial flow. 9
Syn. RtOri subc, TorowoBRtr, Fashion; an overpowering Impulse.
Cboryii, ti i. 5 V) [^ 5 , Hg [^, ti. and v.l. [Chin.] ChOsel Burn, X3^\f^Z, of^^, v.t. Tomake;to
Same an C/tTii, ftioti. mannfactnre; to draw np; to prepare (as a
Choen, -r^:?, t^OS.Examination; Investiga-
71. report).
Chdsai, t 5 3 \p, i^l ^, 77. A decision given by Cliosel ftiiru, r,-^5'^'^-^Z, gj^fi, v.l. To depart
the Emperor or by tiie government, never to return; to die.
Ctiosal, T 5 3 V-, IegE, « Bidding I'arewell to Syn. SRIKYO, Slimo.
the al'd year. Cliosci N"VH, t^i5^\/x-^3,ffiii^, D.(. Sg6 fCnriru.
Syn. Otsunen. ChoseBif, % i -y: &, iJff, w. Storing or hoarding
Chosal, %i.^'^\f, ^^, n. See Karo. up. Slim, v.t. To store or Iioard.
Cliosal, "CS^V-, ^ ^. n. ReUgiou<t services in Clsosolil, t3^^,^-y, n. Morning and evening.
commemoration of one's deatii. surii, v.t. Ghosekl wa reiki ni nari 7nas?d ta. ^^ -••'"/uS
To perform religious P6rvice3 in commemora- — "^ V "^ > if, [coll.] it lias commenced to Lie cool
tion of the death of a person. in the morning and evening.
Choi^ni, ^:5^V^, ISjK, n. [Cliln. OCnoking ve- Clioscjii-inatsu, -C5^^U-P, i©iS. " f^^'Oi- \Pinus
getables. ©Preparation ol' tlie edibles to be koralensis.
talien with rice. CUosem-matsii-no-nil, t 5 ^^a-7l^ Tf-, f)SK ?,
didyal, %'^5'^V; |g,SSi " The court decision. /i fSuf.] Tlie ^e(.-d of Fi/uw torai 015(5.
CliosaJbo, TJ-s-V^lcf 5, f^flSjt?), ". [coll A fonl; €liosoni-)iiodain:i, t5 ^A 4 ?fe li, fS ^^. "
a simpleton; a stnpid follow. [iJtJf. Tamarind riacryma,
Ifito wo chosalHo nl suru, A ? MM V} = ^' }^, CllOsoIIl-IHllK^•r5-y:^t^^, E ^C. " [SoClCo/a
coll.] to make a fool of a person, to laugh nt a Cliosei»-iiiitltu<Iorl, -c$*^tpC ^"O, 'i~ [Or^ih,]
Syn. Nauurimono. Lperson. Wtiite liended starling. [oatsu,

Chosal sum, %^^-&\/^irZ, f7ffi*-, r.t. See TTcM- CUoHoii. t 5 -^ ^, leJff, " K'/ifn.] Same as Cho

Tcudakit. Clioscii, -r 5-y:^, i/ESS. ?* rnviting to fight, call-

Cbosniiii, %i.'^ < -Jffft^. n. A literary work.

ing to any kind of contest. siii'ii, v.t. To
siii'ii, v.t- To write a book cliallenge, to Rummon to answer for a wrong by
Clioshnkiielia, "^isC^-^, ^ft^, j". An au person.ll combat.
ChosnKiika, 1^i3<*., ijf f^ iS, ' thor, an CliO!>.eH, X5tA. tS S, n. Clnn.] A fulding fan.
editor. Syn. TATAMiOai.
CliosaKwn, X3'$<i^, m^^, n. The Section of Chosen, 'C:.i^^, IfiB. The balance ol money "
Inv6stii,'ation paid beyond the price of goods purchased, the
Cliosainlfoslil, tS^ASTL, ^^gtE, n. [Chin.] Syn TSL'Ri, TSL-RISHN. Lcliange.
[lit.] Morning evening four; [fig.] not
three, Chosen-asagno. t? ^ ^ %3 ft*t^. ^ PS ^?E. "-
remarliably different; fix of one and half a [Bot.] Datura alba.
dozen of the other; Tweedledum and Tweedle- Cl)ON4>n-azaiitl, ^:5^^3^?'A,
dee; heoce, apt to deceive or mislead. Vil^Wi, " iBot.} Artichoke
GhosamboshL no Hfntanii, ¥f] S ® E9 ^^f^-, live- Cynara scnlymus.
lihood. Choseii-hf^Biko, T ^ ^ ^ '^y
Chosnn. % i.^ ;^^, jK =. ". [Chin.\ Tlio holiday
ii>5,mmm^. "• Artificial?
on tiie 3rd day of the 3rd month (o.s.). tortniaeshell.
CtaAsau, ^:$5^, ?^-^, v.i. To pay one's respect Choseii-doKiisn, T 5^ ^ )^i'^-
to the Emperor fment. "5, ll!i 'J ^. « (^''C.^ Equistum
Cliosol, TTS^V^, ?fl iKj, ''t. The Imperial govern- ra-mostssirnvm.
Oliosei, 'i^-'it'^-yrV^, :§ 4, /'. andr.t. Same as Clin Chosen-garatsii, t5-^^^i]^
m i. 6-7. ?nf?^Ft^, 7i. The
Clidsftl. r>i5^i^, Sli;§. a. [C/Un.]Olear; mlm, name of a species of
Ferene. riinipld. faience.
Cliosol, i^J:5-ltV^, Sfi?, " [C/U7i.]Calra; pure. Choson-Kiboshj. X 5^^^
CItoeol, i^ i 5 ir\/^, SEi??. a. |CT£n] Calm and Ki: L. HE 53=, ^. [Bot._ mstea
seiene. sieboUXiana.
Cliosei, %l,5^\f, ^h%, n. Growth. See SelcJw. Chosongiliii, -t:5^^?^<,
sum, v.i. To grow. n. [Bot.'s Bolt onia indi CO.
Cliosel, %^5t\r,M.^, «• iChtn.]See florimono. CbOHon-gomlHhl, T 5 -y: ^
Cbds?)! siiru, X^t\i^irZ, g^S. "•*• To arrange; &;^ U :it5(*^, n. [-Boe.]
tu adjust; to put in order.
Cboscii-suruinl, t: 5 * A- <' X ;'^, ffl p£, n. [Sot.] Chaahl, %J^ 5 L. g JS> "• The middle finger.
Walnut. Syn. Nakayubi.
Clioson-liOEiilcl, '^5-fr^tttt^•^, eiS. " [Bot.] CbOfibi, % i: 5 I, ^±, "- [Chin.) A samurai
Physalis angulata. under a dalmyo, called upon by the Imperial or
Chd8oii<lbnra. T:5-*Alrtf&, ^ fi? ^, '* [Sot.] the Sh5gunate government, to perform certain
A kind of rose. frLlla arguta, duties.
Chosen-JIsn. t 5 * k"^ t. * K. "• l^ot ] Pe- Choshl-biio, T5 ;fe J* A., M ^ S. "• * ^^^
Cli09on-ua, "C5*^&, ^US, n. [£ot.] Beet. consisting of twelve tubes used in tuning other
Ch«Boii-negl, 'r5«^U^, S %, n. [Bot.] Allium. instruments.
Chospii-shlltn, ^:5*^;£.tf. ^flffiS. "" Tiie nanie ChoehJ-cblJlinJ, 1 5;&*^'^;^,gE-?Mt, «. A kind
ol a fine kind of lawn grass. of cotton fabric sent to various parts of the Em-
Cliosen-sniiitro, r$*^-jl•».K, ggM^:. n. [Bot.] pire from Choshi in Shimflsa.
Viola pinnata. riBot.] DotvraaWa. Cboshl-baKure, T^ S.^-o' it,^^9U adv. &uAiU
eiidsen-tabalfo. t: 5 * ^ fe tt t. 4 pS ?| 1H. "• O Out of tune. ©Unusual; perverted; craay',

CliOBen-tabaho, "C? ^fe^i t, eccentric.

-B: ffi^, "- [-Bot.l

Polyoonum orientate. awanai, fi^

GhosJii-Tiazure de iita ni ^l-t'5' ? fflt

GlidBen-tsiitfiiiJI, 1 5 *^•^^ C, ¥ iS J5, n. [Bot.] — 'n'-'^-f-'f out of tune and does not
(Ills) voice is

Rhododendron slnense. go with the music; Choshi hazitre no Jcoe, fiS^^

Clioson-yah], T 5*A.J^&,^ffiP|iS. ^- Tlie name ^ ©, harsh or discordant voice.
of Korean faience manufactured during the past Cboshin, "C 5 £ ^, in E, n. The Chinese reading
two centuries. of Ason.
CbSsnn-Tanaerl. -C5*^^tj:»r. ^BS^, n. [Bot.] CbSsbIn, '^J:5X^, IfSE, n. [CJUtu] a favourite
Caper spurge. fPonicgranate. subject, or retainer.
rboseii-Eakuro, t:^^A.^< !>i, 'X'BWi, «- I-Coi.] Syn. KlNIIKI NO KBRAI.
Chosbn, •&l::fe'^, 5gf#, n. An autlior; a writer. Cboahin, %J^5i, ^. S#, a. Tall; high In stature.
Syn. CnojUTSUKA. Clioshln. t 5 ;£ ^ Fijg. n. Preparing; manufac-
£hdsba, %-^^£.^,^^, n. A Ruperior; anflder. turing; serving a customer. sum, v.t. To
Syn. Meub no hito. prepare and offer for sale; to serve a customer.
CbSsha, -TiS.-^, S<#. " A spy; a secret emissary ChS-sblnbcl, "^^5 :fe ^ » V^.KSIB. " [Anat.]
Syn.' Kanja, Shinobi, Lor agent. The auditory nerve.
ChSsbl, %A?^ L, ^^. w. The eldest cliild. Cbusblppaxure, t $£-yff:3' H, S@^ W, "- [coll.]
Syn. Chakushi, OnriNAN, Suryo. Same as Ch^shthazwre.
ChSsbl» t 5 L, i^-?, «• O A metal vessel from Cbosbfn sllrn,•r5X^-^^,e;g, v.t. To rise over
which sake the heads ol others in governmental or other
poisred into services.

drinking- Clioslil, t 5 L.^^- " A monody; a letter of

cups. @ Any
Buch vessel.
i^^ condolence; a verbal expression of one's grief
at the death of a person.
Choshi safcozwM, [S6 -^J Cbushl euni, T^ X -}rZ,m^. v.t. [Chin.] To re-

^^36. c^^o&hi and salcazuki\ drinking utensils. connoitre; to survey in secret; to spy.
Cbosbi, -C5 L, B^^. «• O Tune; tone or pitch of Choshi siirii, t 5 t-?2,^5B. v.i. To lament
voice; melody. @ Temper; humouv; disposi- one's death; to wail or cry for the deceased; to
tion. ©Manner; condition. Q Opportunity. mourn.
Choshi ga kvrii, a@ -T ^S
7, to have one's Cliosbitsii, -CSX-?, ifflfii- "' Wetness caused b7
head turned; out ol order or tuiio, Choshi wo the flowing in of tides; being marshy. Some-
awasu, bS -^ f- ^ ^, to atljust tlie strings so as times used as adjective. fbooka.

to produce a melodious tone; to assist one in ChoKbo* hi.:^l.,tt^.n. Theworksofanauthot;

playing a trick; Choshi wo hasusu, g^-? =^^[7-, to Cboslio, %.i.^^,'^^.n. Paper-money; "green-
be out of tune; to lose an opportunity; Choshi backs " ; bank-notes.
zuTcu, fl^-^'fl ^, to take to a thing too much in Cbosho, t^^5,M%, » Same as Choro (MW)-
earnest; to be excessivGly self-important; to Chosho. "^ i 5 ;£. 1 5, Silg. " [Chin.] Proof;

give one's self airs. demonstration; evidence, testimony; attesta-

CtaOabI, TJ L, fiK^. w- [Chin.] A. Aish; a plate; a tion. siirii.v.t. To prove; to demonatrat*;

saacer; a shallow vessel for serving up food at to attest, to give evidence.
Syn. Sara. Lthe table. Syn. Akashi, Seikusbi, Sh5eo.
Clioebo, 1^15-y:^,!fBi?,n. A favourite mistress, Cbnshiin-na, % -^ 5 £ B) ^ IS, 1^3!. "• [Bot.]

Syn. AisnO. L"!" concubine. neet.

Chosho, -c 5 :£ -^ 5,?^f4 n. The morning meal; CbORhu BHru, % I. 3 £.Vb 3 -i" Z, 2l'&. v.t. To
fiyn. ASAGAREi, AsAJiESHi. Lbreaklast collect ; to levy,
ChSebu, -r 5 ^ -^ 5, fl^ E, «. [CJiin.] Same as CbOKhu 8111-11, %i.5£,3-^Z, Sl^. vt. To raise

l/"rimonoshi. or muster; to recruit.

Chosho, % i, ^ ^-^ 5,iS'iT. '* High praise; an Hel luo choshh suru, j| ^ Si16 T'.?!-, to raise oJ

enviable rewmJ, or commendation; valuable levy soldiers; to reci'uit.

prize. siirit, u.f. To praise highly; to give Syn, MkSHIATSCJMERO.
a valuable prize. Cbosliiitsii sum, "T 5:feB>-^t 2. K tU. v.i. [Chin.]

Choslio, %^ ^ % }:, S^/r, «. Tlie forte; a strong To leap, Jump, or run out.
point; a strength; Samson's hair; anytliing in Syn. OD(niiD\SU", TObidasu.
which one excels. Cliciso, t J;5t, 3i#, "- a fiec>md accession to
Onore no clwsho wo toku nakare, S ^S^ "? the throne. fJuso.

^^^ t^. don't refer to (or boast of) your Clidso. i;i 5 5 5, S |l], n- [cotrvpt. of. Jieso.] See

strength; Sono koto wa ano hito no chosJio dan, Chuso, T^t, Igg. n. [Zoei.] A weasel.
y -^m-^^^A^&P/jT^^'. that is his forte. Srn. 'I'ul'Pi.

Clioslio, %.^ 5 2. -^ 5 fr ffi. '" [ji/''f7.] A cnntn=eO

TJt, ^ ;yi.
CliCiso. ". [Cftfn.] Same as Jfanaito.
wound a wound caused by a 61o\v.
Choso, r5-<i5,#^|g, /(, Anagedangler.
Syn, UCHIKI2C. rbool; -binder. Syn. TSURIBITO.
ClioelioKo. %^ 5 :£ 1 t 5. SS^X. «. [Clun/ A Clioso, %J^5^,Wl^. " [Bot.] Corambola.
Syn. SEIHONSHI, STIIHONYA. Cb06ol<u» *5^$?:<, Jf ,i., 71- [Chin.] A sigh; ex-

ChONliokii, *ti.5Xl.< SKi, ,

« [con-iQH. of Jlt- Syn. Nagaiki, Tameiki, Lcessive grief.
shoktt.]S66 Jushoku. fMesu. CboBokii-ryn, '^^5t< '0 5 » :S SS JSlE, "• A school
Cliosliosum, %i. 5 ^3 itZ,^^, v.t. Same as of liursmanship, named alter its originator.
Cboslio siirii, Ti-^^^S, P£fi5, v.f. Towliisper; I'liosoi), %^3^^, 6IJ+J. w. Town.s and villages.

to speak under the breath; to spealt with a low, CI)oson-cbo, •^^5t^'5*^5, etj^g, n. A con-
Syn. Sasataku. Lsibilant voic?. traction of two phrases, chocho (Chleiof town)

Choslio Hiiru, %^3^5itZ,S:^,v.i. [Chin.]To and sonc/iO (Headman),

whistle; to be singing in an idle mannur, Chosoiihi, t^?^^u•, BT^frtff, «. Town or vil
Clioslia, %-^ ^ X\/i> 5, n. The audience; lage rates.

bearers; persons attending a lecture-meeting. Cbosou-IcM'ul. %^$%^<lb\/^, SfJ^^, ?i, [iaw.J

Syn. ChDmon-nin. The cho (town) and son (village) assembles.
Clioshu, t5X5, '^^, n. [Entom.] Ephemera. Cbosu, -^-^5-^5, T M. n. O '^'he number of c/to
Syn. Kageec). rmonth. (1 chd=^ of a rl). @ The number oi pages or
Choehn, -r 5 X 5.S6^, «• The first autumnal leaves,

Syn. Hatsuaki. Cboaiil sum, To be ema-

X^irV-ir:!,. -MW-,

Cbfishn, 't-^5XW'5,:g?4, n. Long sleeves. become weak and lean.

ciated; to lose flesh; to
CIioBliu-sha, %^5%^3%-^, Sl*#,
n. Cour- Syn. Yaseotoroeeu.
immediately under the
tiers; the civil officials Cbo Slim, %X^-^Z,!&i,v.t. [CTin.]OTolevy;to
Emperor in feudal times (a cant term). impose to charge. @ To refer to for evidence;

Cho&hU'Sha name hetwo Rhiran va, ^1^% ^ to see; to corroborate,

)^:^^^7s^-V, what do courtiers understand K<--re 100 kosho ni chdsu beshl, 3i ^^#=a^
about military affairs? '^ ^', it can be seen in ancient books.
Cliosliu, •^l:£«>5, B?*, «• [Chin.] Snrae as Cho- 4-'li6 wiirij, t 3tZ, r^, V.I. OTo visit the Im-
chiku. fa tumour, perial Talace. @ To lace upward. © To empty.
CbORlui, %'^5i%^,WW.,n. Aswelling; aboil; KaryU kai ni chdsu, j^ e5^ JS =i ?;i 5^, rivers
Cbosbul, '^^5Xi9)5\A, g?ft3^. n. [C/iin.] The empty into tlie sea.
Chinese reading of Fur i socle. l^lio aurii, -r5-jl"S, ^.v.t. To mourn; to lament
Choshu-lfwn, i;l5,tt1'5 < *?, ffi^XS. «• [Law.] one's death; to wail.
The Section of Revenue. Mo wo cft5 suru, K? .^ 7. fl,, to wail for the
Cboflhiiii, V^5:£W>^, S ^, n. Having flowers in Syn. TOMURAU. Ldeceased.
all the four seasons, eternal spring. Cbotalsobu, %^5fz^^< , ^X:^, n- [C7Wn.]A
Cbfisbuu, %^5 :£,i^ A-.Ii^, w. [Bot.] India or deep or long sigh. suru. v.(. To draw a
China Rose, Perpetual Rose. long Bigh.


ChStal siiru. *r5fe\r>-^X, Sftifi. «*• To leap, ChoyO, %J^^i.5,^ii}}, n. [(7Wn.] The young and
jump, or spring tiBlde; to wlthilniw one's pelf the old.
In haste. ftan. CIioyT\Joarl, ^^^FF, [Ohin.]the nged must
Cliotnh, %i.ii1i.A^, ffiJS. n. [CAin.] Same sxs JTi- be revered by Ihe young; the elder shall preside
Clidt»ii, i^-^ 5 fe ^, :5'^, a. and n. Long and Syn. RSja kf,- RO-XTAKiT.
short; length; lineal measure Choyo, 1 5 ^ 5,
"^ IE[^-, 71. The 9th dny of the
Ghotan wo hakaru, ^^=f-'M '^. to determine 9tli month (.o.s.); a festival day; of the chrysan-
tlie length of Bnything. themum.
Cliotaiisum, *t-^5fe^-^^, g ft):, v.t. Same as kikktva no en, ffifS iffi^l^ ^ !&, a feast

Tansoku suru, given to one's relatives nnd Iriends at the cliry-

Cbot.'itsii eiirii, X^1t<?fZ. aMS. "•*• Siime as R.nnthemum fei-tiva".
Cfiodatsusuru. CI1030, t 5-^5, SIfSg, n. [Chin.] Same as Asahl.
Cliotci, X
5"C\r. ^ iS, ". "J'he Imperial court; CUay o, %J^ 5j^ 5,fifi, " [Chin.; Same as Ch
the Imperial government, tku.
Clivtot. t 5tV, il-l R', »(. "C/)fjj.] Arbitration; Clioyo, *ti5A.5, ffi:^, ii- [GJiin.] finme us Jiiyti.

settling of a dispute; intervention. - biismi, Viioyii suru, TJ-i 5^3, SS ffl,

To attach;

v.t. To intervene; to arbitrate. to fljx ; to paste on, fa stamp to a paper.

"i^i^tV, E tT. n. A second revisiou.
i;iiotol, Inshi wo chdyn svrv, Ep $K ^ ffl ^ ^i to
)l/j atlix

Clioteki, T 5 t ^, $nx^. n. An enemy of the e^hoKni. tl.3'\r, |]?3+, ft. Ss.me as Chlkvzai.
Emperor; a traitor or rebel one who sells liia ; t'horjil, "C 53'\/^. W U, « Freparatinn of medi-
country. cines. suru. V !. To prepare medicines.
C/i'dteki seibatsv, ^SftGE^^i. sending an army Choxjimr, t: 5 3" fe, j^ffi, n. [With.^ A species
to Bubjugate a rebel. fNiN. ol sturgeon
Sjn. Hanzokc, IvOKt'JI^^^R!^A, :i!rnoN- diOK:9n.
Cliotelii, -r$-rg, iS§IJ, "• \Clkiii.] C.nuj,nn-, scoop- -C 53-
ing, etc. siii'ii, v.t. To gouge; to scoop; k, ;^'
to dig out; to force out; to excavate. BE. n-

Syn. EGURU, KUJIKC. [Chin^]

Choton, "C 5^ ^, "^ Mt " Same as Choko. Same as ChZrakti.
ClidtOr "^J^^lf.S'^, n. A long Journey. na pa chTizan suru, Vc^f'^^.^.ji-, the flower

Choto no tsukare, -^ l-', ^^ ^

weariness cr withers and dies.
exhaustion after a long journey. Clioza guru, ^^5$'t("S, ^ IS. v.i. To remain or
Choto, t5i?, fj^, n. \Chin.'\ An angler. stay long; to be sitting in anotlier's room or
Choto, "t-^Si^.T.fT. a(t". Same as Cho cho to. house for a long time.
Chotsiigal, tX'^h^V'.^^, n. A hinge. Syn. Nagai suru.
Chotto* ti-ylti— >f. «d«. [coll.] S&me 0,3 Clfoito. Choznl, %i.5^\r, ffiBi, w. A heavy tax.
Chotto goran nasal, — ^ R ?- i^i -fl- -f , just loolc Chnzollil-Kwn, %l.^^-\^v-< f), %^X^M, n. The
at; Chotto moshiage soro, ~ ^' ^ 1. %. I write a Secticm nf Expenses for the Collection of Taxes
short letter to you. Clioz<>ii, %-^^-^Ji, W.^, <^- "id adv. Sad; sorrow-
Cho-uelit, "^-^ 5 5 "5, Bt7fX, n. Shooting at an ful;grievous from the depth of the heart
object placed at a certain distance. Chozen to shite nageku, K b y t' W: ^. ^'^ ^
CbOya, 'S'^5-^.^^. '*• A long night; long lament from the depth of the heart to cry sadly ,

nights of the winter. Chosen, T^^k, ®^, adv. Standing aloof; ou

CItTiya no en, ^^^ |F, feasting till a late hour of the sphere or pale; eminently; considerably
In the night. imcomparably.
Choya, "C 5 -^i IH^tW- [Chin.] The government Chozen to shite nuklnzurii, g^ I- sx y It lil

and the people; the public; the people at large; •pi It-,above all others; to surpass every-
to soar
the nation. Syn. Tachikoetb. l'i<^' ^ '

Choyaku, t-^5-^< WliS. " See ,

Machlyaku. ChojECtsu suru, T:5^-7-^3,@¥g, v.t. To acr
Choyahuba, %J^^^<.i£, irjSJS. n. [Z aw. j Of- pass all others ; to transcend.

fice of a chief of town. Syn. Masaru, Taohikoeru.

Choyakii-nln, '^^5-^< ^(r^, HISA, n. Same Chovo, Tjy?, fliffi, n. A carved statue.
as Machivaku-nin. CbOKOkii auiMi, % X^' < fZ,'^^, v.t. To store
CbSyaku suru, "C^-^C i"?, SStSt. v.i. To prepare rice or millet; to keep corn ^s against the gen

med^cineii. eral fftUi;r« of crops).

ChoEd-ahl, 1 5 3" 5 L. IK ® gif, n. One who carves Chn, '^t4>$,S£> "- A comment; a note ; a remark
aBtatue; an idol-maker. in explanation.
ChovS mini, "% i."^ ^ -^ Z, S7IS. v-t< Same as Chu wo liaku, K ? # ^, to annotate; to writfl
Chochiku suru. commentary notes; Chu wn tsukeru, ^^Pft*-*',
£hdBu, T 5 O Water used to wash
^', ^7ii, n. to annotate; to illustrate.
the face and hands. @ Going to a privy; urina- Syn. TOKIAKASHI, Wakigaki.
tion. In this latter sense, inostly used by ladies. Chu, '^5,2, [Chin.] Day.
Ugai-chozu, «K ffi, garglinR; Chdzu ni ynlc.u, Chu ^, day and night.
ya, IE
yTp^y^tr^. [coll.] to go to a water-closet; Clin-nl, %l'i>5 ^DU^.ffi.®, ". Loyalty and love;
Chozu wo Uukav, ^ jt< ^ fli "7, to wash the face, faith and affection.
mouth, and hands in the morning; Chozu wo Chn-bnl, Arbitration;
t;W>5tfV^, f^ iSi, n.
iwrw, ? ip -y* ^ :^ »-, 'coll.] to urinate ; to make mediation; going between two parties.
water. f water- closet. Syn. Nakadachi.
Cb&siihn. T 5 r>* if , ^ ;^ ig, /*. [coli.] A privy; a Cliubittsii, "ti Wi 5 tt'^, 1^^. n- Punishing with
ChSmu-bachI, -r5-=>'tt'^, ^y(<i*, "• The water- death; dispatcliing an aimy against a hostile
basin placed nonr a privy. countt y, or a band of rebels. suru, v.t. To
Cli6mu-dnrnl.T:5p*;t'ti>, j
¥-J*<92. §!. « A smnli punish with death (a rebels, offender, or insur-
ChOEii-tarni, -r ^^'fetO-. tub for wa.shing the Syn. TsrMi SURU. Lgent).
face and hand.i in. CliDl>:itsu siirii, %W) 5 Iff "5 ^ Z, Jl^ilt, v.t. To
ChSsume. ^^ 5 fc, BHK- "* p"
Sausage; an ani attack an enemy; to punish rebels with military
mal'a gut prepared and stuffed with minced force. PA rice weevil.
meat. Cliubel-chii, '^t*5'«\r%lfl)5.S^S, n. [Entom.]
ChSHu-mlKii, -c ^':f7i--z>\ )?t^-^. «• Water for Syn. KOMFMUSHI.
washing the hands and face. Cliubcii, "^11)5 '4^, 4> Sf, n. [obs.] An official at
Chasiirii, %J^^^ Z, g, 1'.^ OTo grow. ©To the Impeiial court in former times.
be excellent or versed, to I'e nn adept or expert. Cliuliu, "t I* 5 >, + SB, n. Tlie middle or central
Asobi nt ch^zuru, M" ^:^ i^< to l
e an adept portion. fphlegia.

in idle sports; Gigei ni clidzum, ^© — g>C/i., ClinbQ, 5 J* 5,

*t t^ %, t*. [Med.] PaLsy; hemi-

to be versed m the arts; Kiisa gn ame gntoni Clinbyu, %3V^'t>, il?J S&, n. [Chin.] O Revolu-
tion; being ^\rH|ii>ed round or entangled. Q
thozuru, ^W M 4ff = :S :^ »!', the griics grows
taller every time it rains. Deliberation; concentration of ideas. Assumes
Syn. NOBTRD, Okiku naru. SrorBURD. Syn, Matoitscku. Lverb-forms.
Clin, ^W>5, ^, n. OThe middle or centre. @ C'liucliu, %^%^^, fSi K Grief; sorrow; lamenta-
Enclosure, ©post, posit. In; within; during, tion; sadness; offliction; grievance.
throughout, guru, v.i. To grieve, sorrow, mourn, etc.
Chu Ika, + mTi the middle and lower classes; Cliuchokii. %t5i5'ti^,iffi.i£. « IC/iCn.] Loyalty
Dochu, S ^j, while on a journey; travelling; and integrity; fnithl'ulness and honesty.
JTchu, Jffir|j, in the castle; the inmates of a Cbncho eiiru, %.5 % 1^ 3. UV&, v.t. To hesi-
castle; J'-chu-ge, ± 4> T, the first, second, and tate; to waver; to be puzzled what cour.'^e to
third; upper, middle, and lower; Kblcuchu, g3 take; to be irrepolute. rsuBU.
rf), throughout the country. Syn. GuzuGuza suru, Tamerau, YUto,
Syn. Ma-nnaka, Naka, Uciir. Cliricbu, -^ll) 5 "tlA 5,!tp«(), a. and adv. [CJiin.]
cnn, %\ii>5, Sf4'. ffi. n. The atmosphere or air; Grieved Fad; ; sorrowfully, fpenter beetle.
unbounded space. Clinchn, % ^ % i/b 3 ISt A.
{."i , n. f-En/om.] The car-
Uchu, ^ffi, the universe; Chuni burasagaru, Cbudnii, %15;5?&/-, rt>H(i »• O (Cleaving; dividing
ffi =, y 9 * :V ff-, [coll.] to be suspended in the ©Stopping, ceasing, or inter-
at the middle.
air; Chit wo tobu, fif ^fffi 7'. to fly io the air; Clmi- Assumes verb-forms.
norl suru, W ^:^ f>', to perform in the air, said Chudan, %t/i,^ 71- ^, ^ S, ". The middle stage;
of a juggler. fness. Syn. Nakadan. Lthe middle or midst
Clin, % W) 5.i®.. rt Loyalty; patriotism; faithful- Cbndon, *^ 5 "C ^, R ffl, n. [C7fttn.J Fields under
Chli wo tsukushite kunt ni hdzu, j®. ^a >/ t" a cultivation; a garden, a farm.
a (G 7^, to be loyal and patriotic; Ximi ni chu Syn. Tahata.
oya ni ko, g a ffi^S =^, loyalty to the Emperor Chiido, '^rt.5:«E5, ttijS. " Midway, in the course
(sovereign or lord), obedience to parents. of a journey, or in the porlormance of any
8^11. Maiiktaka. wor^
dHtJ 149 CHU
CTtfidS ni shite hatsu, rp Iffi =2 s/ 5" K :«, to give Syn. IbotarS.
up when half completed. Cbnhau, •t5tt^, SfiS. n. Same an Clmjtkl.
Cbndokn. %Ub5«<, ^ #. n. Foisoning. Cbaban, '6W^5tt^. 't" Mi, "• and o. Mid- way; O
Ghudoku nite shisu, t^^^ r Ti^y^, to die half way the middle.
; Unsuitable being too @ ;

poisoned. large or too small to be useful.

sum, v.i. To be poisoned. Chnhl, tl^SW'.iBf M. «• A maid-servant; a cook-
Syn. DOKU-ATARI. ing woman; a housekeeper.
Chnddrl, *tl*5>*tti!), 4> M. i- S'-rae as C/iwffuraf. Syn. MizusHiMB. rcyaneus.
Cbufii, ^tftji, Mi'^, n. irWn.] Father's young- Cbnbl, %^ V, 7*. \OmUh.'\ HenHarricr, Circus
er brother; an uncle younger than one's father. Cbalio, "^IftSW;?, rt" ^., n. A middleman; a go-
Chnfii, % W" 5 i, E 0, n. [Chin.] A cooking between; a mediator.
woman a housekeeper.
; Syn. Chdnin, Nak5i)0. fshi.
Clinfa, %Vi>5^5, ^ R, n. [Med,] Same as Chubu. Chubo* "^ 5
tt.fttt, n. [Chin.] Same as ffirvme-
CliDriin. *^l5^5-t^, ,S.tf. » Being highly ppirited CbShoii, tW)5*2/., ^ :^, n. Books of middle size;
in defence of a sovereign's cauRe. bonks of love-stories.
Clingn, %i'i)3f, ^3^, n. Bame ns MiisJtlba. Choi, %\.'ii^h,t^^U 71. [Mtl.'i Lieutenant
CliuKiiklcS, %Vi} 5 i!*'9'h>5, ^B^^, n. A middle Cbnl, % ^\f^, l^^„ n. Observation; attention;
school ; a higher school. See Koto CkugakJ.o and notice; care; heed. sum, v.t. To take
JinjoChugakJcS. care; to pay attention; to observe; to notice.
CliUKukii, % a 5 ft* < , ft" ¥, n. The abbrebiated Syn. KiTSUKERU.
form of above. Cba'n. *tt*5v*A, r|3 1^, n. A period of mourning
Cliagiitn, %W)5ft*fe,'ti' JK, n. Middle sizp. lasting 7 weeks or 49 days.
Chugata no moyd, ft" JK ^ ffi RS, a pattern of Chulu, 1; W) ? V- A, 3 E, n. ICltln.] Posterity; a
ordinary siz3. ff'-il words. descendant.
Clingdi* %(.*5t:^A., iS-B". "• Loyal advisee; faith- Chajnku, %Vi>^:t^< ,m^, n, Brtsp.
Clingoii, %t/)) 9 t[^^, li'-TC. /I- The last day of CbuJiikiiMliigi, ti 15) $ X- -S" < X il', n. [Ornith.']
tlie &ott festival; tlie 15th of the 7th month (0.5.). Whimblcr, Numenivs pliaeopvs varleg'Uus.
CliDSCii. %Vti ^^
K, ^ M., n. The central plain; Cbujlkl, "tS^r^. filJ, n. The noon-meal;
the whole country; nation at largp. dinner. fmiddle class.
Cliuffcii, t'A5^^^, {i|"iffl, " Asamui-ai'sattend- Cliujiu, tl*5 K^,^t'A, n. A person of the
Syn. Orisuke. L:int. Cbujlii. %Wl5^^, tt" ^, w- Same as Chugun.
GIiukI, %Vi>^'^. ,S, S, n. Loyalty; allegiance; Cliujlii, tlft^KA.Ff A, n. [Chin.'] A cook.
patriotism; fidelity; faithfulness. ChujlUii, %i'i>f, tt3, iE-lf. a- Sincere; honest;
C/iUfj Ino samurai, sS.iS-^±, a loyal or faith- upright; faithful. [boku.
ful warrior or gentleman C/iugi wotsukusu, ;
^ Chujiisv nam alitmohe, ,^ "ff -J- B' flf, See Chu-
fft^ffl:^, to be loyal. Cliujitsit, t5;£"7.2 a, " The daytime.
/hDffoliii, %i'i>5'&<, tfJ gg, n. O The eight prov- Cbiijo. •tl2)5;£'-^5,rt' S9 "• A lieutenant-general
nnd Ranyodo. &[Chin.]
inces in the San-in-d5 Chujo, '^t^5;£'-^5, ^ Iff, ». The heart; sentiment;
The Chinese empire the middle kingdom.
Cbugoslil. 16W>5au ^^. f*- [coH.j Half-Bitting; Chvfo wo toro suru, 4^ ffif ? |i±B 7. B', to dis-
bowing humbly. close what is in one's heart.
Cfivgnsht de aisatsii sum, tt" M ^-'K gS 7. a-, to Cliujo, *tl*5.£-^5,3E'(S. «• [Chin.] One's inmost
make a humble bow. feelings or true heart.
Clin-Boshd. "^(ftSSife-^S. •+ /hlS. « A dalmyTPs Cbujo, %\.'i> 5 X' 1, ,^ iS. [Chin.] Loyalty and -".

page. Tfiueen. benevolence; faithluluess and kindnes.i.

Chagn, *tW>5C5, ff" ^. "• The Empress; a Fushl no michi iva chiijo nomf, 3t-^;&3&
Cbngiin, t B> 5 <- /,, Tfj ^, n. [^/Un.] The head- Sa?n3^. teachmgs of Confucius
\Chln.] the
qnaters of an army or a fleet. centre in faithfulness and benevol;;nce.
Cliusiir;il. %i.0>^^^73, 4" tt. o. fcoii.] Ordinary; Chujiin, %l^^£:l'i>A-,^^, n. The pecond decade
commonplace; averago; mediocre; middling. of the month.
Cbngwiil. %Vi>^<rt3\r, '^ 9[, "• and a. Internal Ciinba, %i'i ^ *>, fp 5, n. [C7tln.', The middle of
and oxternal; this and other countries; our summer; the 5th month (o.s.),
country and foreign states. Chalcnl, ^ (ft 5 *>\r,S£IR, n. A commentary; a
Cbahnhuro, %Vi>^tl< &.^,3r^U(, n. A vegeta- note In explanation; annotation. siiriL^

ble Tax yielded by the Ligvstrum tbota. v.t. To explain with notes; to annotate; to
OHtJ 150 CHtJ

illustrJitei to comment od; to give explanatory Chnknkii, %t5) 5 t < S, , ffi, "- tCAfTi.] Advice;
Syn. TOKIAKASU, Lremark?. warning; remonstrance. sum, v.t. To
Fetters. advise; to warn, to give counsel, to remon-
Syn. IlOTA, KasE. Syn. IKEN, ISAME, KOKOROzOE. [.strate.

ChuKnii, *tl*54>^, r^K?, Same as Ghiijun. Clinkon, %lt>5^A.. iS.^. " [C/Uti.] Same as
Ctanknn, -^W) 5 *. ^, ^ n. [Chin.] Faithful Chugi; lUL] loyal soul; faithl'ul spirit.

advice; strong representation of reasons in CliDkoslil, %t/i>3 t L, ^ ti &, ••• Mediaeval his-

opposition to one's master; remonstrance; ex- tory.

postulation. ~7-siirii, v.t. To advise faithful- Chak^vn, %tO)5 < *5, 4" 1^, n. Tftfn.] The Chinese
ly or loyally; to remonstrate; to expostulate. empire; the middle kingdom.
Chnkan, %'A$*•^,^flf, n. [CAin.] FaitlUulness; Ckuk-wal, '^L^5<i9V^, ^%,n. A presbytery.
loyalty; fidelity; [tit.] faithful liver. Clinkiva-sctsii, %\/ii^<r>^-o, FtjfB&TT, n. The
ChuhnD, t5*'/U Sflfl, n. [0/i(n.] The day-Limc. 1st day of the 2nd month (o.s); the festival ob-
Sjni. HiRUJIA. served on tliat day.
Cbnkaii, ^t*5*>^, 4" M. n. [C7Mrt.] The middle; Clinkwa surii» %\.'i> ^ i ih -^ 3. ^^, v.t. fl To
Ryn. AiDA, Naka. Ltlie centre. neutralize. @To pacify; to appease; to tranquil-
Cboknuko* 1il*$±>^il5, ft> ^ H, " [J/a(/t.]Tn- lize.

termediate term. ClinU.iosel, %i.'ii^t/fX^V-, ^ffilE, n. An order

Clinkau iil, t (* 5 4> ^ VC, i^^. adv. Bot-ween; among the Buddhist and SJilnto priests.
Interposed. Clifiinctsii sum, 1^ I* 5 » -7 -^ 5, Jl^ M, ut. To
Ckukan ni tatsu, 4] Rfl^ir-y, to stand between; exti]'patG, to destroy utterly; to exterminate.
to interpose; to intervene; to arbitrate. Gyakvzoku lOO chumetsu suru, I^M^ISJS?.
Cliakel, t 5 W-V^. iJr^S. "• A folding ff., to destroy the insui-gents,
lfl> ft' S^,

fan with the two outer stays recurved, used CliuinUsii, % 5 A-7, VSi^, "-. [Chin.] Collected
by court nobles in former times. together; dense; numerous; crowded (said ol
Clinkol, '^|,*5WV, ^ ^. n. [Chi n. ThQ I S'.-cnrni houses 01 people}. Ttogether,
of three brothers. Jinkaclilimlfsv, A^^^®, houses stand close
Chukoii, "^ Ift 5 « ^. 4" S. "• iChin.] The main Syn. KoaiAi.
division of an army; the head quarters, Clniinokii siii-ii, %1'i) ^ li < -^ 3, ^3 g, v.L. To
Cbnk!, %Vi>^^, ^^, n. [JM?.] Palsy. observe, to attend or watch; to look at careful-
Syn. Chupu, Yoiyoi. ly; to regard attentively,
Clinkln, %I/S)^'^A., J^,^, n. [Cftfn.] Loyal ser- ChuKion, 1^11) 5 4 A.Ff n " [Chin.] The Inner
vice; faithful discharge of duty; zealous appli- gate or door.
cation. siirii, v.L To serve loyally or faitli- 471IUIIU1II. %.[^ ^ "6 ^,sE^, n. A commission to
fully. supply goniU; an order suvu, v t. Tu
Cliuko, %l5)5t. f^ f^, ". Tlie middle ages. order; to give an order.
Ryn. Nakamukasiii, Iriii wo cliUmon suru, jfc ^ -7 It "^ 7, n-. to or

CliDliO. '%t/t>5'C^, iV ^, " |n//)i.JRein'^tating in drr ganneiits, or a suit of clothep.

a rurmer rank or capacity resturntion, revival; ; S\ n. Atsurae.
reli:ibilitatii>n. 4'liriii]i^oit, %'.-l)5'^&/i,, f^ ift s, n. A (nnclionary
Cliuko )in grnkim. tt" |a v' 7£gf], the chier jictors of stiite under the old mon:irchicnl rcQi-me,
on tlie singe of ihe Restuniriurj. whose principal duty was to give advire lo tlie
CliaKT), '^t*5iL5, i4i 3g, n. Chlv.jA bed-cham- I m] eror on important nirairs,

ber; a bed room. CliuiiOM. % i^ 5U ^, r^ if., n. 'Chin.} A youth; Q

Syn. NEMA, Nl?Y.\. a person ijctween 20 and 30 years of age young ;

Cfcako, '^t'))5i'5, ,$. ?, ** ICTtin-l Loyalty to tlio ppr.-;i.Q3 collectively. ©Tlie mitldle staa-o ol
Emperor and obedienre to parents. life.
CUuKofutatsu naga'-amntta karmii, ,ffi. ^^ ^ C'liunotsii, ^l5'5*a-7, 4" S^, "•• [3/e(?.] Sunstroke.
If 7 ^'f} 7 tT, no! perfect either in Inyalty to insol It ion.
the Emperor or oliedience to parents. Miriiii* III. %tJi} 5 vr •^,>l' D, n. The middle day.
Cliuko, *t I* 5 i' 5, ^^. ". [a'iln.J A shirt of ppeciallv said oTtho //f{7in period.
mail. pTA. ffigan no chunlchi, ^ /^i ^ 4' H , the ^th day
Syn. KlCOMI, KrSAKI-KATABIRA, YOROISIII- of Uigan; the vernril and the autumnal eouino\ ;

rkoko, '^l*5;:,aK.^^*S, *- [Hot.] Carpeslum the spring fe.stlv.il (tlie 21st of Marcli). tlie au
abrnianoldes tumual lestival (the 23rd of September),
Chnnlo, *t Wi 5 Vz ^, ft A, «. A mediator; an Chusaffl, -^ Bj 5 3 1^, n. [Ornitft.] Plumed Egret.
arbitrator; a go-between; a ralddle-man. Cbosal, -^ ifl) 5 -svn, fij]^ n. Arbitration; recon-
Syn, AlSATSDNIN, Atsukainin, Baishaku- ciling; settlement of a difference. surui
>'IN, v.t. To arbitrate; to settle a dispute; to recon
Chaiiori, 't5©V).tErai, « See under Chu C®). cile.

CliQiiyu siii'u. '^»>5l/r5 -il-3,jiA. i-'-t- To pour Cbasal-kelyakii, %Ui>5'5V-ti^V-^< , W^^i^, n.

Into; to conduct (a liquid). [Law.} Contract of arbitration.

Chno, -^119)5405, 4^ ft, tt. and a. QI'lio centre; Cbnsal-liandan, *^W55\/^a^fe^. W^^\W, "
the middle. @ Central; middle. [Law.] Adjudicatii»n by arbitration.
Makaka, Mannaka
Syn. Chnaal-iiiu, tW^55V»VC^l {'1'^ A, '" An arbi-

Cbno-biinko, *tW)5 49 5-S*A2.» ft* Wi tt" " The trator; an umpire.

Central Library. Chasal-tetsiisiikl, -^l^S^V^-C-?:?'?, ftlIi-T-19.
Cliao-clscl-Ifwalgi, %\U) 5i9 5 JS.V It'^ < *^V^'&'- n. [Law.] The process of arbitration,

ft iSi ^ # SS, 71- The Central Board of llefiltli.

^^' Chnsakii* "^ 5 2 < , K ^. » [Chin.] Same as
Clino-guiiiba-lkiiseljo, t^W>545 5 <' ^^i*^ < *^ HaTcarigoto.
^'l.it'ftilll'SlS^. n- The Central Training Chiis:i!ii. '^la)55^, gS ^, " [C/iin.] Calculation;
Establishment for Military Horses. estimation; leckoning; counting; numbering.
Cliuo-kit«lidcliil,%\.'i>5Sr)^ '^%^i> /C-V.'l'ft^^ — eiiriif v.i. To calculate, estimate, number,
ff, n. The Central Meteorological Otsorvatory. or count; to reckon.
Chno-ltwaikol-]cantol{iil>ii, %]fi>^in^ < SoV^W- Cliusatsu, V,^?^^, EIH), n. [Chin.] Residing
V^*>^l?: O,
fl^ft^SI'^'&Sil, w. The Central in a foreign country, exclusively used of an
Board of Inspection of Accounts. iimbassadoi'. sum, v.t. To reside in for
Cliod-selfu, %l* 549 5 *\;^ A, ft^ftiStfl^^, n. The eign country.
central government riiusatmi sum, *^l*5 ^-^t 3. MJ ^. "•* To put
Chno-slilliclbii, *tWj5 Jj? L W V^i-Mi= ft TO 13 Sii. to death (as an enemy).
n. The Central Board of Contracts. Cbusol, '^l,*5'^\r. 4^ JE, a. 'Chin.] Fair; impar-
Chud-sliukcii. '^W)5495;£5W^, t4Jft}Ii]i2, tial; eciuitable; unprojudiced.
w. The concentration of power in the central Cliusel, "^ W" 5 ^V^, 4^ 11*:, « [Chin.] The middle
government. Syn. Nakamukashi. {Bl^&s.

Chnrou. tW)5H^, ^?I, n. \OIUn.\ Seu Shlme. CImsel-sliusnu-kai-i, -^ B) 5 ^t^i^^53 ^*>'i) 4" .

Cbnrcn, tW)$H^ ffi^, «. [C/ifn.] See TTashira 'l3:BSEiJliifi> "- t-SfttJ.] Potassium oxalate, Oxalas

Tcakushi. YChubaisu sum Tcallcus nevter.

Cbnrlku siirii. %W)5 9 < -?"S, !^ ?$, ut. Same as CliuaeltokJ, 'tl*5*Vt&, 4"I3;W, a. Neutral.
Ctanrltsd, "tt^S V) "7, i 4" 3:. « and a. Neutrality; Cliusekl, ^.t*?*^,^^. w- L(?/iiw.] O Pillara
Ciinryn, %\fi> ^ i/) A, i neutral; not engaged on and the stones upon which they rest. @ The
either side; unbiassed; inditferent. foundation.
Churitsu ftihen, tt" At^{S, neutral and impar- Chuseki no shin, ft H --' S. the ablest and
tial ; Kyokugwai chv/rltsu, Jg ^1- 4" 3[, complete most trustworthy subject, or retainer; Kokka
neutrality, no chuseki, S g? -^ -SS. [m-] the pillars of the
Cbnrltsiikokii, •^l*?W)'!?t<,4'i:^, n. a state; [^.1 the ablest statesman.

neutral power or country. Syn. Dodai, IsnizUE.

Chnrfi, %\/i> 5 & 5, 4" ^. " [obs,] A minister in Cbnsekl, t^-fr^, S3 Ir. 'i- Whin.] Yesterday.
the Itofcugiatya government. Syn. Kino, Sakujitstt.
Cbnro, %\^^ 6-2-, 4^ bS. " [o&S.] A lady in wait- Cbusekl, -tS-tS, S^. '* [Chin.] Lastevening^

ing; a maid of honour. yesternight.

Cbnro. %i'i>^^, 4^ g. " O l^us.] One of the 12 Syn. SAKUTA, YAZEN, rOMBE.
notes, @ Another name for the 4th month. Chnscn. ^Wl5*^, 4^^, n. [Math.] Median line

Chnryakii, %^^^< ,^fS-> "" [C'/ifn.] Same as or median.

jffaTcarigoto. Cbnson, *^ 5 «^,ttE, n. [Chin.] The drawing
ChQryakii, %f/i) 5 '5 -^ <, 4" S. "• Ellipsis used of lots. suru, v.t. To draw lots.

like the typographical signs *•»,.. ., or Syn. KujiEiKi. KuJiDOEi. rChugl.

ChSsctsu, '^W> 5 ft'"^. ffi> SIJ. n. [Chin.] Same an
CburyS, 5, 4" gK, "•
%.W)5 «) [Cliin.] The middle Cliusha. %{/i>^ L-^, iil^, n. [Chin.] Injection.

of a river, or stream. fColonel, Hlka chusha, fiStT^fld"! rJ/6(I.Tsubcutaneoua

Cbnsa, *& 1% 3 s. 4^ &> n. [ML] Lieutenant or hypodermic injection.
CHTJ 152 CHt)

V.J. To inject. affection of the nervous or digestive system,
Syn. caused by intense sun-heat.
ChQslia-lid, t(,*5 L-^Ui, fIj St S. «• [Physics.] Syn. SHOKIATARI.
Method of parallelogram. Clinslio, %Vi)^^5, ft W. "• [Chin.] Same as Fa-
ChnsliaUl, %\/i>5X^^, S M " A syringe.
han. Than.
Chnalinku. ^l^5:£.^< , ^ ^, n- [Cftin.] Same as Cliusho, '^5X^5, SM. w- [CTtn.]Samea8 C/tu-

Chiikai. Clmsho, tl*5*$, It t?, ii. [Chin.] Same as

ChoBhl, "^IftS L. Dying for one's

ffi.?E. "• [(7/iin.l Chuten. rChumolcu,
sovereign; a loyal death; martyrdom. sii- Cliaeliokti, %i'i)^'^X< 3^ ©, «. and v.t.,
Same as
pii, v.i. To die as a loyal subiect; to die the Cliushn, -51*5 t. 5, W^, f- [Chin.] The middle
death of a martyr to die honorably.
; of autumn; the 8th month {o.s.).
Choslil, '5B)5 L. iiniS, n. rc/d'rt.] Same as Chii- Ciiiisliu, tW>$X.t%. 4"®, '^- Drinking safc<! while
»»)#:?(. for. eating rice.

Chusnl, 1^5 L, ^ ^.n. [Chin.] An heir; asucccsp- Cliaelniii, *tW>5;£W)^, ftfilS. » The middle of

Gatke no chushi, 1^.^ -^ ^ ^, the heir to the spring; the 2nd montli (o.s.).

estate of the Gen family. Clia.slni siiru, %'/ii^%.\fi>iryii, t^c^. I'.f. To adhere
Clinalil, %19)5 t, F^fg. n. [Chln.^See NoJcaytihl. or cling to; to conserve; to preserve.
Clmshl, %\.^^ t, t¥ lb, W- Iiiteri'uptiun; suspen CliUNliiitsu sui-n, -^SiWi-^-^S, fttlj, v.t. To
sion; cutting short, stopping. draw or pull out , to select.
Cfiiishi kaisan, i\>itM\^, interrupting a Fpea It- Syn. NiKiiDAsn. fhasis.

er, and ordering tlie audience tu be disperseil. CliuKo, *^l^5 ?: ftlt. ". [Chin.] Foundation;
sum, v.t. To stop a work in the midst ol Syn. DODAt, iSHizi'E, MoTOi. Tshakiu
its execution; to suspend; to interrupt, as a Chuso, t; l^ 5 ?:, |£f)!:, n. [Chin.] Same as C/iu-

speaker. CIiu suru, %\fi> 5

3. Jl^, v.t.
-^ To punish with
Enzetsu, wo chushi sum. i5l Bt T" '^ it ^' i^ , to death; to subjugate by military force.
interrupt a speaker; to order a spe;iker to re- Cliulal, %\:y>^'tt^, It PS. '" [Mil.] A company.
sume his seat. ClifitJilcIio, "tl^^feW^?, fta?:S, « [Mil.] kn
Chusliln. %l'3)5 £. A,, f\> -iT-. n. Q [.Vath.] Centre. otticer in command of a company.
©The centre; the middle; the lieart; the focus. Cliatuku Mini, t^fe^-^S. i^S. "v.t. To select;
(Thiishin ni oite no kafcu, A^ .(!.•— l^ f ^ ^, to choose; to promote over the heads of others.
[Oenm.] angle at the centre. Clintau, •t'.^)5te^, it -Ifi. " LC'Mti,] A shirt worn
Cbnsliln, 'tW>5S,^. S ii, n. Information; warn- next to the skin.
ing; alarming;
communication, report; ap- «
Cliutitn, % 5 te ^, ^ Jg, [Chin.] Same as
prwal, sum, v.t. To inform; to warn; to
communicate, etc.
Cliutol. *tt*5'rvv, ,5,^, a. and r?. [Chin.] Fidelity
Syn. Shiraseeu, Todokeru.
and ehastity; faithful and chaste.
CbfisJiln, -^WiS^^ ffi,E, n. [C7(m.;A faithful Cliutol, ^. w- [C'/ifj;.] See iVafcaTjiioa.
'^ti^5'C\r, rt
or loyal subject (or servant).
Ctiuton. %\.t)5 t
^. ft ?c, «. [C/i(n.] The middle
Ghushin nikun ni tsukaezu, ,^ gn S'^tt'^P*!. sky; the heaven over one's head.
a faithful servant does not serve two masters.
Syn. KUOHU, Nakazora.
Clinsliln, -^ 5 ;& ^. ^m. '" [Chin.] SnmQ as ClintS. %\n>^^^, Ft3 ^, n. and a. QThemiddle
JJXrune. rOentr:il axis. or second class. ©Second; middle; mediocre;
ChnBliln-JiUu, '^(a>5^A'^<, ^ .t^%, n. [Math.) indifferent. fment.
Chfishln-ryoltu, -^ Ift 5 :£ ^ i < ii)
, t^i
.C ;(;, ». ChulTi sl.itsu, ft 5 ^. "• second class apart-
[Physics.] Central force. Cliuto, *^W)5)f5, ftti^, n. The middle or

4^ushltsu, %\.t>^%'7, it i^, n. [C/i/j?.] A morbid winter; the 11th month (i.s.).

affection caused by an exces-* of moisture. Cliuto, 1^1*5^, rt^, adv. Same as C/md5.
Clinslilu-im(ld. 1^1*5 X^5^•-*?, F|^.ir.iE#, n. Clintd. %^)£^, EiS, ''. [CWn.JAtbief.
[Physics.] Central motion, Syn. NnsuBiTO, NUSUMT.
Chnslio, %l*5i'^5, } fl'ira. « [MIL] Lieutenant Chnto, %5'£, tt^K 'i- A drawer (as of a bureau
Cliujo, %\fii^X-^^^ J General. More commonly Syn. HiKiDASHT. Lor desk).
the latter fonu is used. Chuto sum. -^^^5-^3, tH «.(. To be dis-
Chnalio, tWi5;£-^5, ft'ig, « [Med.] Palsy. pirited; to be descour^iged or desponding,
Chnslio, %\&^i,y., r^ ^, n. [Chin.] A secretary. Cbn-tsulliu, -^l^J-^ZittS. ftilKt. 'I- A crime
ChuBtao, t W) 5 ;£ 3:, * *, /*• [Chin.] A morbid punishable by transportation.


Cbn-ii, 'tlft55, Hi'^, 71. [Budd.}ThB dark space
between this world and the world underground
or Hades.
Chftru nl mayou, t^^=^iM7, to be wandering D.
(said of a noul).
Clinya, ^ Midnight.
-tlftS^, S. «• [Cft*n.] Da, ;%. O [coll. cant, of De aru.] Ib; are; art, @
Syn. YONAKA. The soft sound of Co.
Chayn, %,3^, S, ft- Day and night.
ft Atsui hi aa, ^ '1 D ^, it is hot, to-day;Da qo-
Chuya nezu ni hataraJcu, ffi )g ?C = fiS ^, to ^ ne, if If ^, although it is so; however; Hana
work day and night without sleeping; Chuya- itai nomo kurushii mono da, ffi^ffi-f ^^^ ^
hethun, fi^^fl*, the equal day and night; the ^ very painful; lya da ka
4 -^ if, tooth-ache Is
autumnal or vernel equinox. ra yoshi da, -f -V ^ J5 7 3 5/^, I will stop, fol
Chnyo, tW>5it5, 4> ^, n. [CAfn.] Premature or I dislike to go on ; Svnda Jcoto nara yame da, :x
early death. siiru, To die, when a
v^ 1 ?- 9 Y > ^, let us stop, If U la already
Syn. Wakajini. Lchild. doue.
Chnyo, t[i9)5J:5, fJi gf . "• lC7ii?i.]0 The mean; THi, ;^, git, u. Low; mean; coarse; inferior; me-
juBt proportion; Impartiality; not Inclining to diocre; commonplace; cheap.
either side; moderation. ©One of the 4 books Dagwashi, fit ?g ?, coarse kinds of confection-
of Confucius in which the doctrines of the mean eries; Dojare, Be 55 ^, low jokes; puns or hu
are propounded. mours not at all witty; Damono, Et ^, thing?
Chuyo wo mamoni, t^^f-^ n't to be mode- coarse or inferior.
rate; not to run to extremes Chuyo too toru, t^ ;
ff ^ Sit *•, [Chin.} to act moderately; to be im- >n. 75, J&i, n. A liorse-load; a numeral for horse-
partial ; not to act violently. load3=about 300 pounds.
Gbnyo, %\Ji>^it^, r|j 3g, n. and a. 0[CMn.]The Makljucla, 8? + ^, ten horse-loads of fire-

mii^dle age.s. @ Middle. wood; Ni Ichi da, Hl~S» one horse-load of

CUuyii. t W> 5 W)5, .ffl. ^. "• [Chin.] Loyalty and luggage. rtlmld; ieariul.

bravery ; fidelity and courage. I^i>> fik, ffi. a. Weak; indolent; lazy; etTemlnate;

Chuyumuhi, ffi. ^Tj^iii, unparalleled in loyal- Syn. YOWAKI.

ty and courage. I>aba, f&a, ©tffi. "• [Chin.] A pack-horse.

Chnsn, %Wi53", pfi ®, Withdrawing one's self n. Syn. Nr-UMA.

from a meeting before it breaks up a French ; Daba» it a, fg J?, n. [Zool.} A kind of snake,
leave. tlyilrophix sp.

Clinzal, 'tW)53r\/*, [^^, n. Residing ; stationing. DaM, fC'V, f2 S. «• The immerseJ part of a
siirii, v,i. To reside ; to station. rudder.
CliuKSLiilfOkii* %t5>53'A2.<, t^\iiB,n. [Geoff.] Dxibi, f&V^', IE ffi, n. Ciematlon; dlaposal of the
Another name for the Loochoo islands. dead by burning Instead ofburi.nl.
Cliuzen, % ^ ^' Ji, i^^.a. and adu Sorry; sad; Vabi-ippen no kemu7-i to nasv, 5? ffi
— W^--' S h
sorrowful ; melancholily ; sadly. J* ^. \fl9-] to dispose of a dend i)ody ity Ijiirn

ChDECtsii, %Wi5«.-9, Interrup- log; [Ht.] to reduce to a wreatli of smoke.

tion ; cutting short ;

1^10, ».
giving up before fully ac-
— sm-u, v.t. To practice cremation; to bum
complished. sum, v.i. To interrupt, break the dead
Syn. KwASu. LUie dead.
off, cut short, or givo up.
Chiizo-Iiojo, t53*5C5;£,-^5, ^«al«3. "• A nablslio, feCN'X X, ^^Pfj, n. The place where
found ory. tlie dead are burned.
GhuKO siirii, -5 5 S* 5 -jl' 3. SS.ii. v.t. QTo past. Syn. AdaSiiino. fbrvnnetis.

@ To strike; to mint. natioliiizc, ^t-STtttf-. i^r^-^, n. {fditfi.] ftnbSut

Taiho wo chiizo svru, :^V& ^ ^ 'i^ ^ f^ > to cast Dnbuliii, 7C'13:<, t'TffIr " lC//(n.] Striking; blow;

a canuon. bruising; flogging. siii'ii. v.t. To strike ;

to deal a blow.
Syn. UCHrsir, Uciiitataku.
l>acbiii, 7&%K, Stff, T<- Transportation lare(said
of a liovse or coolie).
-^-^c^-«- Dacblii siirii, ?^% K-^ Z, Xtt^, V.i. [Chin.\ Ti
voyage to travel by; sea.


Dnclio. ?&'!i-^5. fS^. n. [Med.] Hernia. what one takes for something he gives; substi-
DacliOp ;c:T5, ie^, n. [Ornith.] Tlie ostrich. tute.
Dada, 7C- ?&. n. [coll.'] Crossness; peevishness; Daikln, f(; ^, price; Dat wo harav, ft ^ fft 7,
fretfulness; petulance; absurd request. to pay the price.
Dada wo koneru, it if f -zt =f- )i' to make an
, Syn. Atai, Shiro,
ftbsnrd request ; to fret and cry after an im- DaJ, ;t-V>, ®, n. Subject; title; theme, heading;
possibility (said of cross boya). topic; question; proem; preface.
Dadn, TC: 7tk, ?fe <f , l*. and adv. [Chin.] Q Rank; Dal nl (tasu, ® = ^. to give as a subject or (±!

luxuriant; in full bloom. @ In layers (said of theme to propose Hyudai, fg S. a- *^'tle (as oi
; ;

clouds). a book); Nandal, SffSl. « liard question; a di-

Dadakorii, 7& 7^ id- 3, v.t. ''coll.] To be cross or lemma a difficult affair SM dal, ^ ®, the sub-
; ;

petulant; to fret; to be peevish or ill-tempered. ject of a poem,

Syn. JlRERU, SUNEEU. To write a preface or an
siirii, v.t. intro

Dad.aklfo. TC: 7Q: -^ t, S§ S. " [coll.\ A Iretful or duction to write a short remark

cross child. Syn. Kakitsukeru, Tsuki'RU.

Dadarii, %1^Z, v.l. [coll.] Snnie ns Uctrfafccru. Dai, f^'^-n, %, ti. A residence of a nolileman.
Daen, ;^5.^, ^ E), a. [Physics.] Elliptic. Syn. TAK[t, TEITAKI', YASIIIKI.
Daoii-uiido, ;t'i&^ 5 ^i^ 5, ^iniii^. «. [Phy- Dai, ?&V^. ^. Q- Number.
sics.] Elliptic motion, Dai icM, tr^—, No. 1,; flr-^t ; Dai nt, ^n. No
Dafu, 7&^, IX ^, ic. A timid or efftiminnte person ;
2 ; second.
an indolent nmn; a coward. Dal, TlV^, pf, IK. n. lOrnilh.]A female fMlcon.
Syn. InujiNASin, OKUiivn mono. Dal, 7C'V^, ISIKE. n- [flwW.] Same as iJffftf.

Daglinpo, 7& ^^ [?, KIRSli, "- •V/iin.] An ex- Daiba, 7c-\ri^. S J^. "- '"^ battery; a fort; a for
change shop. tificntion,
Syn, RvoGAKVA Dalbawo lizukii, ^Yc,^ "^-a^, to constmct or
DaffOkii, 7C' & <.EgR >' [Ji'ihl.: Fidlins into Syn. lluDAi. Lbuild a baltery
hell; going to the rep;ion of evil spirits or DailUaii, 7(^\r^L, ^32, "• A dining table.
Hades. siirii, v.i. To fall into hell, etc. Syn. Hand \ I. Zen.
Dasii, 7c- <'. % 1^., a- and n. [Chin.\ Timid and Daiban-doKoro, ?G'^/^li^^£.:s. 2f 5i ^r- » OA
foolish; weali in intellect. room for keeping dining tables and fuod u'cnsils,
Syn. Oroka. a kitchen. @ The wife of a minister of state or
Dal, 7&\j^, S. ^^- O Basis, pedestal f^taiul , log; of a general {respectfull n). © A harem an ;

stock. @ A terrace. ©A tower. apartment apart for a concubine.

Fiimidal, E@S, a footstuol; Sliol^iidai, i^-^, Daibaiislio, fO:V-i^ ^^M, ^^5 « [Iiof.,Rei
a candle-stick; candelabrum. Syn. TnGAltASlll. LP^Pper"-
Dal, /irV, ;^, n. and a. Q iMatjnituJe; imiien-^.ity ;
I^allioii, ^i-Vr'^/-, :^fili. yi- Intestiual discharge.s;
greatness; majesty. ©Large; great; itunieuso ;
(ei-es; luiman excrement. rbowels.
majestic; big. Dalbeii wo siiri', ^^^ 7.n-, to evacuate the
Dal no tsitkl :K '^ )\, 9. month of 31 days; ;l Syn. DatyO, Kuso, Unko.
long month; Dal shv hashira goyomi, A/i> Ufg", Dallioii. 7ti\f^-^K, AS?, 'i- Name of an official in
a rough almanac (showing the long and short feudal times ; a secretary.
months) to be hung again^it a pillai-. B>:ill»oii-ka.slii. TtiT'^AC? L, ft Slf^fili, n. Same
Syn. Fdtoki, 6i naru, OKri. as Dairikoshi.
Dal, ^V. f^, "* Generation; age; dynasty; reign; DalbCD-slia. 7tkV^^k%^, ft If ^, n. An nttor-
lifetime. ney one who serves or pays for another; an

Dal i^^ V. transition irom one ge-

gaiua;,, Syn. Dairinin. Lagent.
neration to another; t;iving one's property to Daibcu siirr, T&V^'^A^Z. ftp, v.t. To serve,
one's son; Ko no dal, ^> -f^;, children's genera- pay, or act for another; to represent; to do
tion; MnnOal, % -fi, always; f.ncver; jier- anytiiing in behalf of another; to act as an
manent; [?ff.j ten thousand generations; N'ailai, ageut.
^ {tt [coll.[ famed; ofrepute; Oyanodai, Jll -^ Dnlbciiteii. 7GV^'^^^:^, ft!9?0. "• An agency,
father's generation or time; Sendai, ^i^, Dalbii, ;^- V^ i', -K^, adv. For the most part;
an ancestor; SItindat, tf iK, fortune; estate; pretty very much to a great extent.
; ;

Syn. Yo, Lproperty. Kesa wa daiitu samid, ^5^>>;^^S'f, it la

Dal, 7&\r, ft, '*• Price; value; renumeration pretty cold, this morning ; Datbu benky'5 suru


fco, ^^®,5S ^ Ji-^, a very studious (or diligent) ship of Kducation. It was hereditary in th©
Syn. Okata, Yohodo. L^^oy. family of Hayashi.
DallMiii, ;'C^, aai\ Same as above.
;'fe\.'^J«^, Daieakualia, 7c\i^ji^< t^, A^W, «- A learned
Dnlbntsii, ?t'V^^"7, Af/i5, n. A large stalue of scholar ; a person distinguished for erudition.
Buddha. Daagakii-sliukuhiitsiicu, ;^ V" ft* < %X < S'lP S
DnIeUo, r&\A"^^$, :klSi, n. [3Iea,T\ie large in A.. :K^.^!\l3^, n. The University Botanical
testines. Garden.
DalcliO, ;^^v%'^j^5, ^^,n. A ledger. Dalgaku-xiiiiiliokwan, ;^Un?j*<^';£J: C shA, ;^gi
Daldal, T{::\rf&\i^, i^ <r, adv. From generation to El ^ ffi, n. The University Library.
generation; forages. nalgasa, /£ V^ ft* 5, ^ ^, n. A big umbrella for-
Syn. Yoyo. merly carried before a magnate.
n.-tldai. 7C'V^7C'\r-, i;^^.Illl?®, n. [Bot.] Sevelle, naigcii, 7C:V^\fT'^,i^^, n. Pleading for another;
Bitter orang'e, Bigarade. the business of a lawyer. siivti, v.L To
Dafdaikagiirn. 7!k\r7C'\/^ ±-km^, i. A ii^ <r t^, appear in court for another to advocate. ;

dancing performance pluyed on an open stage nalKoii-iiin, fe\^W-^l/c^, flra" A. n. Abarriater;

In front of a Shinto shrine. an advocate; an attorney; a lawyer.
Dnldai-iitlUnxtikc, 7c- V^ ;^- VT^-^t^'W, ^'^ifS. « I>al9;oiisii], 75W^^-^£l, AxS*. n. O The name
Orange perserved in honey. rpalace. of an Indian god. © Tlie generalissimo ;' the
Dnidairl, 7e'^7(i\f^^, A S. ^- The Imperial F*i supreme commander of the Army and Navy.
l>:ilclMtzu, 7i:-V^7G\/^^, i^^_, n.. Ornnge venegar. Oaigi, fev^r, S^fi. fifffi, n. The stem or branch
Daldoii, 7GV-e^, ::h:l'^. n. A palace or castle. in which a gralt i^ inserted; a stock.
Syn. Odono.
"alsl, 7&\r'^, i^^, n. The function of a popular
Daido, ;^V^^-5, ;^-g, n. 0[Ghin.]A main-rond representative. To act as a popu-
siirii, v.t.
or highway. ©Great etiiical or moral princi-
lar representative, delegate, or deputy; to re-
present; to partake in the making and adminis-
Daido, ;t-V^'1^5, ;ft;|p|. n. and a. C/;n?.]Great tering of Laws.
similarities; much like; ptactic:illy the fianio ; I>algl->^cital, 7:-\^^^^V^feV^, {"(.^nW, n. The
almost Identical. representative system of government a parlia- ;

Dittid shO'i, A [dI /M?., similar in essentinlF mentary government.

and different in details nearly alil;e or iOenti
Dafgl-slii, /cv-i^L, t^W±,n. A member oi
cal ; little different,
I>aigi-iiSii, 7c-^/^afK^, ) parliament; a popularre-
Dnldol<o> ?i5V^^-t. ii. Same n.R Daiilokoi'o.
presentative. Tniilk.
IMiaoko-oiiiia, /£\i^^^.2r^t3:, mW, '< same as Oafgo, Tc^T''^, ®SK, n. A beverage prepared from
nalgokiidon, 7:.V^&<-^f^, i^.'m^, «. A council-
Daldoko-otoko, ;^V^t5r>^21. ffj T, n. A cook.
hall in tho Imperial Palace.
Duidokoro, /fe\r^'2L^, K^. n. A kitchen.
Ilalgnji, fi-\r-(r^ t, i\'^ni, n. A grand keeper ol
Syn. Kattk, Kukiya.
a Slirine.
Dairiikd, /&Vi<, A Is. "• "-"'i ^- Great happi-
Uaigwau. :^-\^<'*5^, ^^i^, n. [Bot.] Aleurltei
ness; lucky ; lortunate.
Daifakuchdja, ;^^;^ ff, a- very fni tunale and
Dalstvaii. ft\/^^i9^, :^M, n. An earnest prayer
wealthy person. fljook.
or request ; a petition, supplication, or wish ; a
Dairiikiiclio, ftj^V^X < %-^^, :Km^, •< a day
great desire.
Daifitkuinoclii, 7c^!^X^<4%, ;^^©f, n. A cake
Dalgwan 0Ju, :kMBtfL things or events
of mocftt stuffed with an (gQ).
turning out as prayed or wislied for; Dalgwan
Dalga, i^\pj]*, '^'{•'li '« A great river.
i\^=9-^ ^ i^, to offer up prayer to
too kal'erii,
Dalffakko, 7£Vf]i<A>5. i\^^, A ''<- c-ollt-ge ; a a god; Da'Kjw-'in wo sr.ru, i^'^=^ '7. n-, to peti-
university. tion ; to pray.
Dalg:nku, i^\A ft? <, i^f^., n. O A university. © R>:if£>':(!iii. 7^\r'^-^< , -k'^, jl. Rebellion revolt

The name of a Chinese classical treatise on poli- treason ; insurrL-ctiovi.

ticsand ethics. Daigyakv miulo, :kW^'^< taking up armd
DalKnkii-lii, ;2V'S*< A -A , ^ ^ £^, n, Tlie Univer- against one's Foverei.iin.
sity Hall. "
H>iif|[ari]i, ;c-V^Kf;, ^Efet. [Bot.] Arlsaema
Daisrakii-no-kaiiH, ;^ V^ < CO*'?s :'^^un. '«• ft-f japonlcimi.
An official title under the Tokugawa Govern- naihaelil-giiiMt:na, ?& V^ (S *^ <- 2 E, XAM. n.
ment, correBponding to the present minister- A dray drawn by oxen or coolies.
DnIlianjI, ;t'\^Sl^t, i^ftjip, n. Senior judge, n DalJlnsD, ;!svv;^^ <- 5, ;A;ji|ig', n. A tempM
title long since disused. dedicated to the Sun-goddess.
»alhauii>n» 7&\/^ lit A, K-^, :^|K^, ft- [Bvdd.] A DalJInke, it-V ;fc ^ H", :KS.^, »• A family Irom
sacred boofc«r Buddhists consisting of 600 vo- which ministers of state and other high officiala
lumes. were chosen. frlfie or gun.
Dalhannya too yomu, ^ IBS ^ ?• 31 A, to chant Daljlrl, fO:\r-Z'^, SK, «• The breech or butt of a
the 600 holy volumes through; in practice, to DalJIzaltcii, ;t- U^ i-
3" V^ T A, The ^
|| ffi% n.

read them only here and there by a Inrge num- Indian name for the god of generation ; Siva.
ber of priests. r.Budd.] See above. I>«U«. ^ V- Z' i. A!?, n. The beglnnlna of a
DallKiDus'a-kyo, ?t'V^HAVCJ^&-^5, :K^^W, "• thentrlcal performance.
The name of an of-
Dalliltsii, Ti-V^V-O, ;/;^, n. Daljo, 7G \r ;£' i 5, ^ *, «- [Budd.] A system of
ficer under the feudal government; aVice-min- Buddliism more profound than Shnjd; maha
iBter. yama.
^alliUsii, ^t-VrO--?, ^^, n. Writing for another; iiitMoiiii. 7: v^-^-^ 5 i*. :^*3fe, a. [coH.] All O
amanuensis. suru, x\t. To write for an- right; not to be feared; requiring no anxiety,
other, ©Safe; secure. © Strong healthy; robust. ;

Salliyo, ifeVMi'j^?. ;*!;#, Jt. A person of extra- fl Suitable; answering one's purpose; In time.
ordinary bulk and stature ; a giant. Syn, SiriKKARi, Tashika.
Dalhyo htman no hito, ;^^SG jffl ^ A, a big, Dnljorliln, ;c- \^ "S 5 't ^, ^^^, n. A lantern
plump person. raised on a pole inserted in a pedestal.
illiyd sum, 7gV"^5-^2, ft^, v,i. To repre Dnljodnljiii, i^^ l^ X- ^ 5 ^t V> :£ A, Ai&:^E. "•
sent ; to personate. Same as Dajodaijin.
SJidkwal wo dalhyo swu, 'Si.^ "? iK^^ '^, to naljoe. fii\rZ-^^)k, A^^. n. See Dalj^sat.
represent society. Ikaljofii, 7:v^^^'5-i-, Ai^, It. Same as JftMurotf.
Dallclil, '^V'V^'^, 35—, n. See under Z)af (g|;). Diiljokwnii, T&V^Z-^5<ihA., i\&.%',n. Same as
Dallclii-lidiiKMi-lioiiNlio, 7c-V>\p'J;a5ftA(^ ^:;£, DajTikivan.
i., ^— ':^ iS :itc ^-. n. The Central OtYice oi tlie B>jilj«s:ii, ;;v;£'^5 ^\p, ^'^-'^, n. The corona
First District (lor tlie purpose of tlie Imperial tion ceremony; a ceremony of o(Tering rice to
Enginper.=). the spirits of the Imperial ancestors by a in
Dallclii-slilNhln-snllmnHlio, 7&v^ \/^% £;£^^V' Kmperor nt His ascension to the throne.
tt^:£i:, m-t^^nnp/u n. A court of first Syn. OnaMEMATSDRI.
;t- V i- .i ©, It !A: =f. Ti.
Instance. DiiljDiiu. A shovel prov:^
Dall-no-ltciisat, 7e V £ © '^ ^^V», i^iiLWm, " ed with a stand, used to carry kindled charcoaj
Piiyment with .subrogation. fgated, in.
Dallsliii, fevZ> L^. iKiiit. n. A person subro naiha, 7£V*'. K'0. n. Same as Daikln.
DaIJa, iit- \A X' ^-', :KiB. n. [ZooL] A big snake or I»:tlk»siii-a, TaV^i^ fr &,
n. A kind of
Syn. Ouooiii, Uwabamt. Lserpent. danring performed the streets, by boys wear-

DnlJ'. /C-VAt, SOS?, n. A sliort prel'ace. ing wooden lion-heads; Iience, its coUoqun/
Syn. JOIU'N, IlASniGAF<I. name, shlshimai.
DaIJi, tv^\:,i\J^, 7(. A mji Iter of importance ; a Syn. RriisniMAl.
perilous or dangerous alTair; a thing of con- Dnlk.-i«iii-a-tNiil»akl, T&V^A^C- ^-^fci;?, n. \Boi.^
sequence. Common c:imellia, CameUtajaponica var.
Daiji nasht, ;;*; (^ Jff s/. aafe; no danger; DaijL I>»lkal, 7Ir^/^4.\/^, :^i!g, n. Tlie ocean; the .sea.

ni omow, ;^iH -,S. 7, to estimate higlily; to Dalhai loa c/i iri wo erainazii, A ffi
S ^ B? "^

value; not to underrate; Daijl nt sum. ;^^ = tT, ^^0 1 trltles :irenot things to be concerned
:^ «., to value; to love; to respect; not to about; _Ut.^ the ocean does not care for dust.
neglect; Daljirtomaenoshnjl, ;'iC(II > fiJ -^/J^ 51, I>aikaii, 7c-\/^*•^, 7; JOJ, „. Tlie period of great
trifling matters preceding a great atrair. cold, one of the terms of the year, beginning
Syn. TAlSKTau. in the last decade of .January and ending in the
Daijlclallit, 7:.v:£:7&V^ [>. :KU:K^.. a. The most firr't decade of February.
merciful (used esp, as a reverential epitliet for OnlKaii, T&\f-i3-A., ;^if. n. [Cft^i.]Seme as Dai-
tlie goddess, Kwannon). nntUixtsu. 7g\a4.^, :^llS. n [Vht7i.] A loud crj
Daijln, AE5. " A mlnl'^ter of state.
;t-\^X•^, uttered in detestation.
Oa]|iii, ;t-V^-•^ AS, ®$, n. A very rich per- DaLkatsu issei, :7; Bg — SJ, one loud cry.
son; a milliouitire. I»afkoi>ilil, 7c-\j^l<f}j^L.i^^m. n. An otRcial titU
loDg since disused correBpondIng to the present DalkyoJI, ;^\r&-^5 C, ;^Si0P. "• -A- maker of

post of Chief of MetropoUtaln Police. hanging pictures and screens.

Dnililchl-nlclil, ftVvl&'^VC'^, ^^ H, " * very DaJk>uBcl« Z&V^Wi^V^, AfitJE, 71. An ecclesiastic
blissful day ; a very good day. ol high rank ; a chief preacher.
Dal kik wall sill, m^^ < ioK t. AffiSR ±> n. First Dalkyu, fev^&5. A^.w- A largo bow; an
Engineer. ordinary bow as distinguished from yokyu and
Dnikln. ;t'\/^l&A, ft«fe, n. Price; value. hankyii.
Syn. Atai, NedaN. Datkyu wo hiku, ;^^ ^ 3i ^, to shoot with a
Oalko, /feVtS. 75 by the writers
^f pron. I (used bow. fpronoun.
of light literature in dialogues between a noble- Dalinelslil, ;fe V^ » \r> L. ft 2 ^. "• [Gravu\ A
inaQ and his serrant, or between a father and Jin-dalmeishi, Aft:2^, a personal pronoun;
his child). Kwankei-aaimeishi, 0| D^ ft ;g ^, a relative pro-
Spn. Oresaua noun.
DaiKO, T&V^t, Atfi, n. [Bot.^ Sa.me 0,3 Daikon. Dalinojtsd, ?tv/^|& :£• ^ 5, ^®#., n. [Bo(.] Sax-
Dalkogl, ;^\r*>5?r. ;^S8. "• An order among ifraga cm-tztsaefolia.
the Buddhist and Sltinto priests. Ualiiioku, fe V^ 4 < ^ g, O ,
Tt. Tlie title of a

Dalkoku, 7&\/^Z. <AIR, JS jS!. " O See DaiJcoku-

book. @ The title oi the prayer of the NLchiren
ten. SA concubine or mistress of a Buddhist denomination, Namu myo ho ren ge ky '>.
The name of a play.

Dalkokubashlra, 7Z\^-C< \£Lti, i^M^, n O Dalmoku wo tonau, gfi g f- Pi "7, to say or re-

The large pillar in the centre of a building. @ peat the namu myo, etc.
Syn. Gedai, HyOdat.
[coll.] The head of a family.
Ilainiokiiko, 7C-V*4 < C5, iS S "• A fi-aternily
nalkokiiiiiiislH, ;t'V'?.<trL. €SS> ""• [Entom.} iiJ.

A beetle belonnins to tlie laniily Soarabldse. of the followers of Nichi-i'cn-Shonin.

DaJliOiiii-sCiiiibol, ?EVt. < IfA.-^V/^, i\^'^\!.^, n. Dulnion, 7^\r- % ^, ^^, n. A long robe with a
1 bon-bon ill which a Bmall toy la inclosed. number of large crests formerly worn by nobles.
9ya. GARAGARAEEMREI. DnJinonJlso* '^V' ^^Z''5 5, '"• [Bot.] Saaifraga
DaUfOkuteu, 7GVC<C^, :k^'^, « [crt;'. Dai- cortusaefolla.

loku.] The god of riclies or wealth, Dalmotsii. TtkV- 4 -7, ft IS,

Saikoii. ;t-V^t^, iMB, Atfi. Jim, n. {Bat.-]

n. Price; value; an

Diiiliona* Givrden radish. article received in ex-

ftvt.'S:, '

Dulkouhurl, A turnip- change.

;^-V^^.^ia u) , iSll*Ei w-
digger. Syn. DairyO.

Dalkonso, " Ayens Dalmu-lulii. ;^v-ff «E)lfZ

;feV/^t-A3 5. ^Ss^. [Bot.]
or herb bennet. ^,ftS^Sfi." [Law.]

Dalkontsiikl, ;AlUv^.^r73, Affi giE, ?«. A turnip The grant of a procura-

el leer.

A utensil for grat Dalniii-nln, T&Xfir^i^K,,

Dalko-oroshl, ;feV^C.3ff^ L. n.

ing radishes a grater.

ft JS A, n. A procurator. i7fi\/^ 6 ^&5 53
Dalkii, T&yfK, Al. «
Acarpenter; an architect. Dalinyakii, :fc-V/^;^J^ <, ftBR, w.Diagnosing or
a patient instead of the doctor in
Funa-(laiJcu, KA
X, a shipwright a ship- ;

builder; a Bhip-carpenter. charge. suru, v.t. To diagnose instead of

Dalkun-n ^ ^'^BSti. »• Order of the the doctor in charge.

fe V> < Z>,

Grand Cordon. Dalmyo, '^V^?t^5> X^, "• The head of a clan;

Dalkwal, r&V' < ty\j^, ;*;#, w. OA general a feudal chief having an estate worth more than
assembly, or meeting. A synod or council. @ 10,000 koku of rice.
auru, v.t. To hold a general meeting or Dalinyo-nlcbt, }% V » -^ 5 VC -^^ ;^ ffl H . «• A
synod. A ?ucky or fortunate day.
Dalkwan, ?& V^ < 4? ^. ft '^. n. Governors of Dalinyo-batta, fev^»^5tf9fe SS. "• lEntom.]

domains under the direct control of the

nraall A grasshopper , Vachyiylus cinerasceus.
House ot Tokugawa, Syn. TONOSAMABATTA.
DalkyS* ifeV*?^?'?, ^9, "• A great feast given Walinyo-chlkH, :fl;V^^5*t<, BSMtf. «. [Bot,}

by the Emperor on a special occasion. A kind of bamboo.

Datkyo, i^U^ S 1: 5. :^fi3. '* Great evil; a bad Dalmyo-Jlnia, ;t'V/^ *^ 5 & 5, ;^ « 83. " Any
woven stuff with irregular stripes.
Daln.igon, 7cV^t;&^, ;^^B"i 'J- The name of an Syn. GORIKI.
official at the Emperor's court in former times ;
Uairliioslil, ^.V^i!)t5 L. ft® ^^, n A Chargi
may be translated aa Flsit Adviser of State. d' j4 ffairs.

Dalnngon-.'iziilti, 7C- V^ "^ a A. % =>'

& . SSflTS:, n. Rinjl aaU-ikoshi, gjEfJ-ftS eS-1^', » Charge d'

Phascolus radiatiis.
[Bot.] Affairs ad interim.
DaliiiilKI, ;t-V^tF\r^, A ^ EB. «• OhieT Secretary, Dairisekl. -fikV^yi^^, :KM'^, n. Marble.
no longer used).
(a title Dairisli.t. ^\r^V)Z'^, ifiM^, "• A substitute;
Daliiangliiipo. ;^\J^^^^^t^. n. [/cWft.l Blenny, l>:iii'iiiiii, 7C:\/^yniLA., ) an agent or deputy; a re
Dlctyosoma teimntncki.L presentative ; one who acts for another.
Dnliinii, ^,
7£ V- tJ
$4, n- A
Gi-eat adversity, l*ali-iton, ;^V''i^^:^, i'iMJB, " A mercantila
ditRculty, calamity, or disaster; groat danger or agency ; the office of a commercial agent.
Syn. Onatami. L^Hliction. Walrjo. :^V>K5, 1tf-f. n. Same aa -^(1'.
Ralnan-iiniiliobl, v t'^^V'', " [Tclith.]
i^- 'tt^ Dais:tsi, 7l V^ 3 ^, ^U ^, '*• [OrnKA.] Great
Opliisvrui spt white egret.
DalnashI, /'gv-'^ L, i"Jt'- and a. O Spoiled; Roiled; Syn. OSAGI.
stained; torn; dirty. @ Of no u-e or effect.
l>}iisaKl, ^tV^^iT,
Dainashi ni shita, ^ -i-^V — ^/m, lias entirely
n. [Brit.] Babe-
spoiled, destroyed, soiled, or failed.
naria sieboldia
Syn. MuoriAKroiiA. na.
Raljieinliutsii, 7^\f^i^k,J!^0, "K^,^, ^t- Same as
l»:ilsaeiso, ?tv ^
^'^5, n. [Bot]
Daliilclil, 7&\r\lZ%, A tl , « {Bua(i.\ One of tlie
Same as above.
Nyorai, the sun. Btaisal-nlclif, 7c-V'
»atnlcIil-nyoral, TtV^W"^ VCl &V^. :A: B '(-

ftp SK,
c& n ^]
[BmUl.] as above. n. A national holidy; a great festival day.
I>alnlii, ?'GV^|t^, ^ K.T^- A substitute; a deputy;
nalsalhtt. 7tIV-'3\/>t, ^^^, n. [Bot.] Buplevrinn
a repn-Fentative ; a proxy an agent. ;
Dainlii, V^ K ^, ft fl. "•
Discliarglng official
Dalsalcii, ;t-V*-5 < , gj 31. " Composition upon a
given subject or theme.
functions in the capacity of another.
I>ais:ikii, 7c-U^'5<, ft f^, n. Composing in behalf
Daiiii-ymEoUo, t^V-^X^ ^ 21 5, m^J^S^, «
of another. aiirii, v.t. To compose for
[C/'em.] Subiodide of mercury.
Oalokii, Tt'V^Srf . 31 §. '* A mansion; a residence
of a nobleman.
I>aisan, ;^ v^ ? A, ft :^, ti. Visiting a temple by
proxy. sitrii, v.t. To visit a temple as a
Syn. IE, Yasiiiki. \'^atum.
substitute for another.
Dalon, ;t'V^Jff^, /^fet, w. [BoC] Polynonuni cuspl-
Daloii, ^\fie/u, :Atf, n. A loud voice
Ualsen-scKal. 7i \/^ -^ ^ * *> \/v, :^ =f ift ^, ?(.

Syn. TArsEr.
[St(d4.] The world.
DaioD.jd, 7C'V^'3ff^X'-^5, A^gJ, n. Same as above, D>alslil, 7&V^ U :^±, ". The equivalent for
only a little more emphaUc. "man" in the phraseology of the mortuary
natonifyosiiii, 7& v^ fe ^ w- ^ :fe W), :K!SM^, " tablet of a person of high degree.

The founder of Budilhism. fThe Kmporor. D»ai9lil. ^ v\ L, :^fc5. n. The equivalent for " wo-
Dalrl, 7!i\ry), ft ^, n. O The Imperial Palace. @ man" phraseology of the
in the mortuary
Syn. KiNRi, KlNTEi, EOkyo. tablet of a person of high degree.

nairl, 7!;:\fV), f\; ^, n. A substitute, deputy, prosy, Utalslil, 7£V t, :^M, "• The highest honorary
or agent; acting in behalf of another; taking title of a Buddhist ptiest. fchestnut.
charge of an official duty in.stead of anothe:' Oaislil-giirl, ;c-V^ [,<'«), iz^'-^^, n. T-Bol.] Horse-
functionary. sum, v i. To act In belialf of B»uisIiiho, 7C'V* L 4' 5, XM^, n. A fraternity
another; to be an agent. assembled to commemorate the death of Kobo-
Dalrl-liOiyaKij, 7t- V^ V] H" V^ ^ < . i^nm^, n. datshi.

[Law.] A contract by mnndate. »aisliiu-iii, 7t-\^;£^^)^,

A¥f^, n. The Court
Dalrihl, 7gV I/)
&. :^^iJ. " Great muscular Talsliln-in, ft\/^*.^S>^l ''of Cassation,

strength immense bodily prowess.

l»nlslilnln-clid, ?2V^;£^&^'^^5, ; A S f^ ^. n.
DairlU musH no yushi, A*M5S^^±, a Taislilnlu-clio, T^V^^^^l^'^^5, ' The President
warrior unsurpassed in strength and courage. of the Court of Cassation.
DalnhO, i^ V^ ;£ -^ 5, ft 1'r, n. Indemtiifioation ; Daltaf, 75\rft\/^, i^m, n. [Mil.] A b.^ttaUon.
compensation for loss or injury Bustalnod ;
pay- Daftat-biitsti, 7!l\ftz\/^lf7, ft#fl^, ". [Lau}.]A.
ing a ransom. sum, i'.(. To indemnify ; to thing which is lungible.
compensate ; to redeem ; to ransom. Daltal-elio, ?t-V^fe\/^'^^$. M^0:, n. [Mil.} An
Dalfilio, T&V^t^, ^/h, t(. and n. Q Largo and officer in command of a battalion,
small great and little grave and trifling.
; © ; I>altal-ritkuk-\van, ;t'\/^teV^i< <i9^, i'^W^l'^,
The long and short swords worn at the waist. n. [Mil.] Camp attached to a battalion.
Aide de
6) Size, magnitude Daltal-kafiiKiikwnu, T&VfeV'i'-K <47A, ^Hl
Daisho chotan, ^/h^S, size and length di- ;
T B!l IT, n. \illl.} Assistant Aide de Cam^ attach-
mensions; Daislio wo hakaru, :K/h'^ ^ fl-, to ed to a battalion.

determine the size; Daislih wo sasu, :X/hf'i^ naltalkii, 7£VfeV*<. ^[^IS, vt. [MU.] A district
3t, to wear the long and short s^\ord. under the jurisdiction of a battalion.
Dalslio, ^itypj^J:, ft ^, n. AVriting for another, es- naltaii, 7£V'te^, ABS. "• and a, Q Audacity;
pecially in judicial courts or other government impudence; boldness; great personal courage.
offices. siirii, v.t. To write for another. @ Audacious bold; courageous;
; heedless at
Dalslio-nln, ;^v X. i VZ ^. ft 'S A, w. One who personal danger.
writes any document for another; a scribe; a Daitan fiiteki; ^^yf.S&, very bold; extraor-
notary; formerly, an inferior advocate or law- dinarily audacious or impudent.
yer. I>nlto>n-l, /feVC^V, i^^^, n. Cliief court phy-
«9alBlifi, (^ V
W> 5 ^ flo "•
grent number of
, -*-
siciau in thedn.\ b ufthe Shogunate.
people; an immense crowd. Daftflt ?&\rlf5i i\^. " The Imperial Throne.
Syu. Oku vo hito, Czki. DaWd wotsvoii, A^?".Sf^. to succeed to the
Dalso, ?5 V^ t 5, ft iS". " A Buddhist priest per- Syn. M I K irB A I. LTIirone.
forming some religious functions for auotlier. DaltoK»i!)o. ^-v ^ 5&ft, ^^-, " [Co(.] A kind
Daleojo, 7&\/^^^ Z'^5,i\ifiE. n. The highest ot rice.
Buddhist priest; an arclibishop. Daltokii. TCiXj^'^ < , ^i\^, n. ff/t. Q Great virtue.
Vaisoreta, 7g V* -t H fe, a. [coll.'^ Inordinate ;
Dnltoko, ;t'V^^ t. '@^.^.] A learned and virtu-
extraordinary; improper; insolent; contrary to ous priest. rent of a republia
settled rules; immoderate; bad; wicked; not nnltorjo, 7£V^ 5i5-^5, :k!^i^.n. The presid-
knowing one's self. I>itiii, /(IV>5, £ ^, n. A tower. fanlse.
Salsoreta koto wo sur-u, it ^ y u^r^^^n-, Dahiikyo, ft\A5V^'&-^$. A0?f, n. [Bot.]^t!iT-
[colL] to act improperly; Daisoreta yatsii, if -i Dalwakokii, Tl-V^iolLi, :^ifnS, ". [C7(in.] An-
y i^ ^ W. one who does not know himself; an other name for Japan; [!((.] very harmonions
impudent fellow. country.
Dalsu, ftv^-^, ^^, n. O A furnace on a stand K>niwo, 7ii\f-ii5, ;^if, n. [i^of.] Rhubarb.
used in the mjiking of powdered tea. © {coll.] A Dalwo-eklsii, 7&\r!h^ it^ ^, AlrTSaWf, n.
large wooden brazier. ''Med.lThe tincture of medicinal rhubarb.
Dalsn, '^V-ir^, ftM. "• [-totr/i.] Algebra. naiwo-salropim, 7&\rih)5^\j^^-yJ!, :k "^f ^ f>] ?,\],

Syn. n. [Med.] Rhubarb syrup. Yledei-^na.

Dalsn-lioteisliikj, mx-^'J^^XM^L^, ftEi:^^ Dalyngawa-norl, 7&\r-^h'^^<7>^ -n. [Bot.], Phyl- ,

j5, 71. [3/aift.] Algebraical equation. Daiyainondn, ;i?-f -y^evF, u. {Enrj.] A diamond.
Daiflu-kanen, ;t- V -^ 5 *> ^^ 5, ft SK 33 St. »- Syn. KONGoSEKl.
[Math.^ Algebraical function. Dalyen, ;t-V-^A, :^IS!, rr. 0[iJ?'rtrt.]R6liciou> con-

Dalsa-kie^o, ;^-\r-^5 &S^5, ftlKsBSK, " [Math.-] tributions. @ The .sun. © [Physics.] Great
Algebraical symbol. Syn. HuGA, TaiyO. (_circlo,

Dalsa-hlka^akii. !t-V^-^5 ^*'fi«<, ft'Etaf^^, I>al:f(>kti, 7^\^y.<. f'K^, It. Inordinate covetous-
n. [3fath.'\ Algebraical geometry. neFS; greed; avarice.
Dalsu-kyokiiscD. n^M^ir ^^X< "tk, ft M ft ^, DaiyoTcu iva mvyoku ni chlkashi, ^ ^ >> M S
n. [MaXh.^ Algebraical curve. — jfi 5^. avarice Is like disintere.stednesa; greed
Dalsn-shikI, SL\r^5X&, ft'SSit. ». [J/ftfft.] Al- is blind.
gebraical expression. Daiza, ;t'V'5'. 5-ffii i- The base or pedestai of an
Daltai, TzV'iz.V; "K^, n. General principles, ge- idol; do. of a tomb-stooG.
neral features; elements; essential points. Unixal, ^-V^S'V', ^ ?p, /*. A great critne; a grave
Rinri no daitai wo sh'ru, i^M -^ :k fiS^^Jt-, to Syn, JuzAi. Loflence; treason,

understand the elementary principles of ethics. Dalaal-nln, ;'5\^3^lc^, :Kf^A, n. A felon; a

great oflfender; one Tvho has committed a grave Daklkakaei'ii, TO: % ii> i}> X. Z . ffi J6. v.t. To em
crime; a traitor. fplover. brace; to hold in the arms.
DalKOnshlffI, 71- \^ ^- Aj X %'. I*. [Orntth.] Grey Daklkoinii, /e^ttr. ttg, ffiii, ^'-t- [coll.]To gain

DalEonsliokii, ^ Of- over to one's cause or interest; to purchase the

^j V^ 15 ;£ i. < , :^ IK J(3l. ''*•

ficial of the Culinnry Section in the Imperial

asBistance of; to subsidize.
Syn. Kakaeirrru.
Daklmort, 7G.?r % u), {$, iQ'f. it. A dry nurse.
DalBo, fcV^S*5, ;*;*. n. Ran e as /?a/j3.
Syn. Dakicua, KARACniOlII.
DnlBJi. ^V'-p", ^H. "• \Bot.] Soja bean.
Da hliiiy uga, 7^. ? i6 -^ 5 i*, Jg s ^, /*. A crest-
DalKiigiiinl. 7z\r-z>'C^, n. [Ifot.l
figure consisting of two mj/opa- flowers depicted
DaJaUii, ft* Z''^ < , fS^, n. and a. EfTeminacy;
opposite to each other.
wenkness; imbecility; iocloience; imbecile, in-

felTeminate person.
Daklokosn, f^^^l,-^, ffii®, v.t. To lift a person
dolent; idle.
lying down in one's nrms.
Dajaku naru A, an indolent or
hlto. ft §3 ^ n-
Syn. iKUJiNAaei, Jujakd.
Dakl8lilinorii, TZ'^Xi^Z, JS^, v.t. To embrace
Dnjo, -^X'^^, tS.^, " Afiledge; aaleigh.
closely; to hug tightly.
Syo. SOR!. Syn. Katakuidaku.
Dnj5daljln, 7i:-S.'^$?£V-X^. i!:B.-XU< ^- Prime Dakltoniorii, 7lk^ "£ ^b Z, To stop a
fS S?. v.t.
Minister of State; this title was abolished in
person by embracing him closely.
December 1886. The Cabinet \va8 reconstructed Dakltsiikii. T&'&'7 < JS?f, ,
v.i. To run and em-
with Count ltd as its chief witli the new title of brace; to cling to with one's arms; to hug up
Naikaku-sm-l-aaiilri (ft Kl M S :^ S) or Minister to; to embrace afTectionately.
President of State. Syn. IDAKITSUKO, TORITSUKTT.
Dajokwan, ?&X.-^5 < 4^^, isi^"^. "• Council of Dakliiba, 7&^ ^}S, 'ffi iSl. ". Same as Dakimori.
State abolished In 1885. Dakkan, ;E«.*>^, ffitg-, n. Breaking jail, escap
Dnjokwo, rc':£'-^5<a95, :*:±^. »- The title of Syn. RoYARURT. Ling from prison.
a retired Emperor. fas above. Dakkau, 7&t/i}>Jo, ffij^, n. [Chin.] Lost pages;
Dajotoiiiio, ;^-:£'-^5T^i?5. -k±.Jz^, n. Same pages taken out from a book or.documeii' »n
Dnhan. ftit'k, SS. «• A letter (respectfully). purpose, an abbreviation.
Dakan haldofcn, ^1^^^. [E2}lst.] I have had Syn. NUKBTAROKAMI.
the pleasure of perusing your letter. Dakkeii sum, 7c-^W^^^, 3$\^, v.i. [Law.]To
Syn. Tamazusa. deprive a person of his rights.
DaKasorH,;t-*'*3. '"t- [coll.] The )
causative Dakkon sum, 7£7W'^^2,ffit gfl, u*. To takeaway
Daknsii. 7c-fe>-^, forms of DaJcu. ' the long sword, aa wasformerly done by a samu-
Dako, IflsW", &, ^- A high or isolated mountain; rai before entering another's house in peace.
peak; mount. Dakko, Ta-ifZ.^, ffiJHt, [JKed.] Prolapsiis ani. rt.

DnliCr ^^, ^, n. As much or fia many as; as far nakkokii siirii, T&"jZ.<-^Z, St S, v.i. To aUa-
as; this much; thus lar; nothing else. cond ftom one's country or province.
Kore dnke dcktreba yni, 3 u ^ ^ fU'^ u >~ 3 Dakko sum, ^fyt^^f'S, BK fi§. v.i. To finish a
-t, it will do if thUi much he accomplished; Sore literary composition to complete a draft; to ;

dake vo koto da, V uit 'y H, no more than y^ finish up a sketch.

that; tlmt is all. Tjavonicus. Dakkwal, -^ -y < *9 Vn, mW,, n. [Cftin.] TurpiditJ

nakolnikl. T^Vf :^ ^, ^'{\M< « \B'>t.'] Senecio and uncleanliness; corruptness.

DakrgJira8M,fc0-ft''t^, 71. [O^'nlth.] Nutcracker. Dakk^vnn, fa y < *^^, SSEIT, " [iaw.] Depriva-
Dakcinoml, it-W" ft ;^. n. \ Bot] Ahles honiolet)is. tion of otlicial rank.
Dnken, ?c-'/^^. JT^. ti. Same ns Yawara. Dakkyakii siirn, ?t- :/ & -^ < ^ Z, ffltip, v.i. To
Dakctsii, if&H-r?, [gift., n. [Chin.] Spitting blood. cast off; to break through ; to wash away.
DakoKorl, ?tW^vi, [Hot.] Plviplnella '/u ca'yrAna. Dakkyu, rc:-y?5> UftQ, n. [Anat. nnA Med.] Dia-
DakI, 7&?, it"®, « Same as Onlyaraf. Syn. IIONRCiiiGAi. Llocation of a bone.
DakJaii, 7C' ? TS -i-, IS -8-, i'-^- O To onihraco each DaKo, ?t- t. tS ^, '1- A spittoon; a spit-box; a
other. @ To pl'y parts favourable to further- small bamboo cylinder, usually with a wooden
ing a common interest. cover; for receiving tobacco ashes.
Syn. IDAKIAU. Syn. Haifuki.
DnklKaalilivn, 7&% ft';£!h, telfJ. "• A crest, Dakii, 7&< , B@,n. Cantering; trotting.

two oak-leaves depicted opposite to each other. Daku wo kakeru, ^"^ I3 -^ j>^, to canter; Daku
pfiklkago, ;E'&4>a, J&n. See Ghikv/vjln. " wo noru, Ml ^ fl »-. to trot.


Daku, ?t: < I"-*- To embrace; to hug; to hold
IS. Damaslil-uchl, Tn^ L 5 ^, ffiU", «. Attacking
Syn. Idaku, Kakakru. |,iii one's arms. or killing in the dark; an assault by surprise.
Dakiiboku, fe < K < fl [13. a. Convex and con-
. Yamiuohl
cave; rising and falling; undulating; uneven. Dauinsu, T&'Or,^, v.t. Same as Damdkasii.
DakuboJcu no michl, fii U -^ Si an undulating Daniasii, ;^.a-^, K, v.t. [rare.] To silence.
Syn. Ototsu, Takabiku. Uoad. Koaomo no naH wo ilamasu, /h g > itt ? St^i
Dahudakii, ?ir < ^ < ^ 'i,n. and aav. Yes, yes
, to make a child stop crying.
all right; assent; agreement. Damliashlgo, ;^.'l tf L a, S Pg^, n. [coH.|
li daJciulaku, \^ M^ "t, all right ;
yes, yea ; Stairs; a flight of steps.
consenting implicitly no refutation whatever. ; Syn. KizAHASni. fsword.
Dakiiou, ^, i53^, n. The impure or soft
Ta < fe Dambira, p^Au:^, gl^, Eia;^, «-. [coll.] A broad-
sound of some of the Japanese syllable;!, as ba, Dambira wo hikinukt te Into wo otiosu, S ^
^e,ji, go, zu, etc fioferior safce. 9'3l=^K^A^Si^i to threaten a person by
Dakuro, ^ < 6 5, iSH!. « \Chin,'\ Unrefined or drawing a broadsword.
Syn. NlGORIZAKE. Danibukuro, ft ^ J* < J5, S®. «- O A. large
DakuseJ, ?£ < ^v^, ^ tfr, n. [CMti.] A corrupt age; cotton bag. @ Pants; trousers.
a world world; here below.
full of evils; this Dame, T&'A, a. [coll.] Useless; vain; ineffective;
Da-kiisel, ?&<-^Vr, fiBS, n. The coarse or hoarse unable ; not paying.
voice of a clown or rustic, Sore wa dame no koto da, y u >\ ^>>
Syn. Damigoe, Doeagoe, Nigorigos. #, that Is vain; it is useless to do so ; it does
DakusliJ, 7!i i L, fflf?, n. iGhin.\ The dregs Syn. MUDA. Lnot pay.
settling at the bottom of liquors; lees; sedi- Daino. ?t- i6. K- '* [coll.] Q Anything useless;
Syn, Ori. [.ment; deposit. transactions that do not yield any prnflt. @
Dakiisliii, 7ik< %i'i>, iS^, n. [Cft(n.]SaTne asi?aA;«ro. Pieces of no use in the game of go.
Daku sum, ?'G<'^2, ^, v.i. To assent, consent, Dame wo umeru, H ^ S «-. to put the un-
agree, or promise; to nod; to respond to a call. necessary pieces in their places before seeing
Syn. Ubknau, Ukegau, Ukehiku. which party has won (Jin a game of go).
^aktvan, 7z< t)k., i ft ^. »• Convertible, ex- Daniensororao, ftl6^&^ 4, fTHR3'c, n. Clotbes
i>akk-«van, Ttk'y <. iy/u, ' changeable. worn at home on ordinary days.
Syn. HiKiKAK. Syn. FUDANGi. fours.
iiAkwaii-sJukoii. ^.<*)^lr^w^, i a^^ Dainlc, TG^ik, ffSS. w. A picture of various cul-
Wakkwun-sinkeii, ;»fe9<*^^^^^^^, ( #, n. ]>aiiiigup, ftV^&S., Itiig?, n. Same as Doraffoe.
Paper money convertible into silver. I>3iiiiitaru, /si^teS, Ht, o.- O Solt; impure. @
Dakya, A game of ball played Coarse; hoarse; rustic; or clownish (said of
?& ?i 5, fTSi, n.
on horseback, formerly much in vogue among voice only).
Syn. Namareru, Nigokerq.
daimyo and samurai.
Dakyo-sajj, A Dainni:i, ft^^,J|S;|g, n. A pack-horse.
7& % $ -^ C, JT^X^. n. net
fixed to a pole, used to catch the ball in the
Daiiiiiiai'i, ^ 7&^ y, «. O Pantomime; repre-
sentation in dumb show. ©Silence; keeping
above game. ffragrans.
still or silent.
Dania, r&t, :^^, iSS, STH. « [Bot.] Smanthm
To decieve,
DanimaH no Tnaku, if 5/ "^ V ^ ®. theatrical
Daiuakasii, 7^^-i)>ir, j£, v.t. [coll.]
representation in mute action.
cheat, or mislead; to impose upon.
Damakurnkasii, fd^i ^i>>ir, £• ^•^- [vul. coll.]
Daiiiiiiatsunia, ;^ ^E -7^, EK^^. " [Bvdd.]
The last breath; the hour of death. fWA.
Same as above. fJ^cimaru.
Syn. IMAWA, Matsugo, RiNsnu, Shinigi-
Damaraseru, ^"^ 5 -it «, v.t. The caus. form of
Damari, ;^2 n. Silence; forbearance of Dniniiietsii, j^^^6'?, SiEJi, n. Destruction, ruin;
<!), K,
speech or noise; habitual taciturnity. extinction; extermination sum, v.;'. To
Damarlklru, become extinct to be destroyed or rooted out;

;t'2'd@2,Ml':. v.i. To be entirely

Syn. Horoburu. Ltogotoruin,
silent; to silence to say nothing to the last

Damai-ii, ;t2 s, JK, v.i. To be silent or taciturn; Dainmouo, ^ A. ^ <D, S4&. '"• A theatrical play

to shut one's mouth; to be still; to say nothing.

consisting of two or more scenes or acts.

Daiiio, ft 4. adv. Merely; only; even.

Syn. MODASU, Mokunen SURU.
Syn. Demo, Sae. rpedunculatum.
Damaaareru, 7& ^ ? H 2, ^, v.i. The pags. or
potent, form of Damasu, fDamakasu. Danio. ft a, 5^ ^
S, n. [Sot.] Cinnamomum
Vaiuaslii-komu, 7^"^ L'Li^, Wc &, v.t. Same as Syn. Yabdnikkbi.
Dampnn, fzA^^A., ^^], " Conference; delibera- Syn. Tarenuno. prake.
tion of two or more persons with a view to de- Daueho-lcake, ^%^ 5 *>(*. SS ^5 ffl. ^- Ourtaio

cide; consultation. .siirii, v.t. To confer; Dauclia, 7&^'^W>5, 1^ ^, n. Same as Da,inp6.

to consult with; to deliberate ; to negotiate. Dandan, Tt-Lft-K-, S *r. cw^v- O Gradually; by de-
Syn. Dango, Kakeai, SoDAN, grees step by step.
; @ In rows or ranks.
Dampatsii, ;^^ff7, ^^, n. Q Cutting the hair. Dandan noboru, |ft ^ ± ;^, to rise gradually;

@ The hair cut in the fashion of a European. to improve step by step ; Dandan osewa ni azU'
Danipci. ;t'^'-^V', a^^#5. ". A subiecb of conversa- karu, S -fr ffl^ Ut b5 = ffi "-. to be favoured in vari-
tion or gossip; a topic of familiar discourse; ous ways; to be treated with great kindness;
Syn. HANAsniDANE. Ltal^^ Dandan yo no nako ga susumu, S * tfc > f^ tf )B
DampeD^ ?fe^-^^, ffif w " • [Chin.] An imperfect A, society gradually improves civilization ;

volume; a broken sot of books. advances by degrees.

Dampen, ?& ^ -^ /., ^ ir, «• A piece, scrap, or Syn. Oioi, Shidai ni, YOyO.
fragment of anything. Dandan, /^^/s^, M t, «• Round; sphericaL
Syn, KiRKPPAsni. Dandan, T^kT&A., K *r, adv. In pieces; piecemeal.
Those under the Dandara, /uTn ^, n. and a. \colL] Q Cross
Dainpo. T&k\i^-5, ^'Ij, n. spiri- 7!k

tual care of a certain Buddlaist temple ; the stripes; lines or stripes of different colours. @
financial supporters of a Budd. temple. Irregular; checkered; varigated.
Dandara ni someru, if ly if =^ =^ '^ j* n-, to djt
Syn. Danke, Danna. fvoices).

Dnmii, To be coarse or hoarse (as with crosa stripes; Dandara no makit, if ^/ if 9

7c- tr, Bti. i^-'-

Dnniii, ifttf, flg, v,t. To dye in various colours ; to ^ jft, a checkered curtain.
DandoUu, Tn Aj^ <, • IBot.] Comn
Indian shot.
Dainiig], ;feti- ^, n. [Bnt.] EuscapJiis staphyle-
@A DandoUuso, ;^^^ 2
Dau. ?t'^ S. '^ OA Step. platform. © <

5. ®!^4!;. n.
Grade; rank. Q An act in a drama. @ A chap-
Same as above.
ter or section of a book. (B Matter; afTau-;
Dandori. r&A.^ V),S^.
topic; subject. Often used as a prefix.
n. A design, plotting;
DancJilgal, Si^t, different in ability, skill,
or capacity ; Dan ga noboru, ^if ^ n-, to take a
higher grade, or become proficient, in the game
ot'go and Dan wo
kizuku, S'?"^'^. to
Daugai, ;t- ^ ft* \/^. BIf S.
make a platform (of earth or stones'); IchiOxDt
— n. iChln,] Same as
taJcakri, Iftig^, one step higher, farther;
.> S, this matter; Mlginodan, :fe
Dangan. Ci^ A.
Konodan, itfc

Daugai suru, ^^fi^V-?^, iE^. "^-t. ICftfrt.] To

>S, what precedes; what is said above; Shodan
impeach; to charge with a crime or' misdemean-
gural nara saso. ^^i±^ 9 ^ y If. I will try,
our, e-pecially in administration.
ifhe is only a master of the lowest grade (langu-
age of games of skill aa go or chess),
Dnngau, TtiL^tA,, Ei fii. '* [Chin.] A precipice; a
steep descent or bank.
Dan, ;^^, |5, n. [CTiin. ]0 A man; tlie nmio sex. Dangan zeppeki, ES Ml iffilS. ^ rock nearly per-

@ A son. © A baron. Syn. Gake, KiRiKisui. (.pendicuiar,

Syn. Otok", >[i-suko, Segabe. Dangcn auru, ;% ^ Wi^-^ S. SS s"! i^-'^» ^^^ * To
Dan, 7& A., 12, '(. A platform ; a table ; a niche. st.nte positively or conclusively; to assert de-

Mostly used in composition, as Butsudan, Syn. IiKiKu. Lcidedly.

Gomadan, Safdan, etc. fcolour. Daugi, fe ^ ^, 0^^, 11. O Preaching; religious

Dau, ^ ^, ^, 71. Any woven stuff variegated in discourse; sermon. @ A dry speech.
Dan-an, ^ T5 ^. 3?, »•
«:• ffii
[C^Wn.] Decision ;
Dangi wo kiku, {?. to listen to a f§55 ^ M
opinion; view; conclusion. Hiifarla. sermon Ileta no nagadangi, T ^ .> S ^ t3. *

SanchiUu, ^^ ^ "^ -f , ?<c ffi 'Tt, rt. [Bot.] Arundo dry long speech by ix mediocre lecturer; a
Daiicho. ^ ^ t -^ [G?iin.i Excessive novice's lengthy sermon.
5. ES BBi 'i-

grief or sorrow; Iamenr;ition. fthouglit. Syn. HuDAN, KoSIIAKU, SekkyD, Seppo.

Daiicfw noomof, Hf SS -^ .0. ti, a heart-rending Danglkii, 7&k'^<, n. lBot.\ Caryopterls incana.,
suru, vA. To be pad, melancholy, or griev- Danglrl, 75^?^V), n. [Bot.] Euscaphis sta4)?iyleoides,
ous; to lament over. Dango, ;^^a, EB^, n. A dumpling.
DancbO, ;^^V*•5. ffi'SS. "- Acurtain. Bona yorl dango, ^a y B) ^, [coil. Prov.]
dumplings are better than flowers reality rath- ;
Danketsii sum, T&A.t^'y}- Z , ^ ^. v.(. and t. T«
than show. Tconference. combine ; to be formed into an association ; t»
Dango, ^
5, Wi^> »"
it. ft* i'^oll.l Consultation ;
Syn. Ketspgo sdru. Lunito.

Biza tomo dango, h * SS «*, [Prov.'j to conler

m Daniel, ;'fe^^, [g^, n- Warmth of the weather.

even with the knees an expression stating the

; Syn. Atatakasa.
importance of consultation. Daniel, ?&A?, 5EJSI, n- A spring; any mechanism
SyU. HANASniAI, Katarai. for utilizing elasticity.
Dangobana, ;fti^&Wr^, litfatg. ^- [^°^-^ Syn. Bane, Hajiki.

DansToltadakl, ;'t^^^V'12:t-&. ' Burnet. Danld, T&A,^, StR. n. A sling.

DangtiisSii, fe ^ a V^ L, 5P S cS. » I-S/'W-] A no-
DnnklUI, ;t^??. 35^1S. "- Same as above.
dule a rounded mineral mass ol" irregular
DanUln, fe^'&^, Sf ^. «• r*''^«-l Intimacy; warm
sympathy; true Iriendship. Twarm friendship.
Daugroltu, fe^ a <, Bf^. 't- Investigation of a
DankiJi no'majtv}ari,^ ^^^^ a bosom friend;
criminal case hearing an offender. fshot.
Playing on a harp.
I>niilcln, ;t' ^ !& ^, 5iB^. n.
Daugwau, ;t-^<-lb^, iv %, " A bullet, ball, or
siiru, v.i. To play on a harp. rieoides.
Dangwan koJciishi no chi, f£ ih^^^M, [Chin.]
;>anKina, ft ^ & tt, n. [S»t.] EuscapJtts staphy-
a small piece of land ; a little country. Decidedly; certainly;
ISaiiko, ft^t, IE ^. acTu.
Dnnl, ^tJVC, post-posit. Even; as much as; only;
positively; decisively.
in the least; as I'ar as.
ugohazu, Eff^sj/y®]:*:^, to
Danko to shite
Oto ni dani sezitha, ^- ^ it ^ ^ :^ >^, if it pro-
not to be influenced or moved by
stand still;
duces no sound Yume ni dani mizu, ; ^ ^if =^ any means.
B, :?;, not even dreamed of Danlio, 7zA.i>^, ^-g-, ". Same as Dango.
Syn. Demo, Sae, Sdra. Ceasing to be friends;
Dauleo, feA*>5, ER??. '«
l>anl, 4^®, [Entom.] Amite.
breaking with; "to be wroth with one we love."
Dani, ifel/r, at?^, n. A load carried by a pack- DauUolial. Olkimon-
ft^4>5fcJru^. fflS^tg. n- [-3"^-]
anthns fragrans.
Daii.tE, fe^a. It. [OhLn.]
e, ^ OA boy; a man.
Dankobal, ^A,i}> 5 ti V^, «. [Botr Undera obtu^
@ A hero a brave person.
Uaiikokii. ft^^.<, ®S, n. A warm country or
Syn. Masukao, Nanshi, Otoko.
Daiiji, fc ^ t. Wl^, n. and adv. While convers- Tocarryoutin
»nukd siirii, ;^A.t5,Ef1t, v.t.
ing; in the course of a dialogue; conversation; spite ot obstacles or objections.
Pniihotsii. Tfkk'C.o, Sf ^. n- O lAnat.l A tooth
Daiijikl. /t-^X•^, Sf^, "• Fasliug; not eating
@ [J/erf.] Fracture of a bone.
for a certain period of time. Daiiiia, n^^, <SW. S^, O '^. Bum.] Same aa
Xtanjiki wo sum, Elf #^ 7t )P, to fast. Danka. © A master.
Daujlri, ?t;^X*'5. SSe. OjS, " SameasJosM. Syn. Aedji, Dan ochi, Shujin, Teishu.
Daujiru, ;&^:£.•^, i^, v.t. To make one consent nannartora, ft ^ ii "S 6, HSIIf, w. Same as
DanEurii, 7fe^¥^,'by dint of elotiuence to ; Bodaisho.
Dauueit siiru, ft^«L^^ K To cease
speak with a view to pursuade; to reason with; 2. ;a:, «•'•

to speak to. fltanjiru. to think of; to give up a desire.

Danji-tsuhorii, 7&A.^OI&Z, t^U, ^-t- Same as Syn. Omoikiru, Zetsunen stjbu.

Dano, ft©, conj. And; or (used to convey a ravl-

Daiijo, ?&A.Z-i., ^ ^. "- Eo*^^ ^exes.
tiple idea),
Daitjo. ;&^i.•^5. SiJE, '«. roBS.]A Judge.
Daiijotal. 7G^X•^5 teV-, 55 JE 3. w- The Board ol lyadano odano, '1'iriC^:AVif^. nolens volens;
Eodomo wa ddano kodono to urusaku iu, /h ^ -*%
Police in the early period of the ancient Im-
perial regimi: its place was subsequently taken •y— if^^— it^ V^^:S7, children trouble

by an Kebllshtcho (J&^^SISE)-
office The us by their constant request for this or that;
Yamadano kawa dano taJcusan koete, dj ^ >
Danjotai was revived in 1869 but was abolished

Metsukk. Lin 1871. if ^'M\hM^^, Soiog over many mountains

DniiUa, /fe^A>,
and rivers.
Daiil#c, ;^AW,
( 19 1^. M T. " Same as Dampo.
Dan-oclil, ftA5r"^. jiaiS, '«• f-B^idd.] Same as

Daukal, feAft>'jv. SFg. " Step; gradation. Dan-otaii, ftA?:-^, Danka. J

Syn. Dandan, Kizahashi. Dauraku, ftA & < J5?S. « A section; a par
. O
jyanhetsii, ?t^W^, Hi ^. '*• Decision; a settled agraph; a chapter. @
A step taken in the execu-
s II I'M, vt. Todecid**' tion of some work.
Danrnn, ^^6^. SSI. «• [Chin.] Making a Dniivra, 7&A,ty, gf |g, n. Conversation; dialogue;
group; sitting ai'ound a table; taking seats in flpeakiue; verbal communication.
a circle. DanyakH, ;t-^^<, ®SS. '"- The powder, ball,

Danran kyu wasu, E| !S 15 ^ SS ^ to sit in

too - shell, shot, etc., discharged from flre-arms and
a circle and to speak of times gone by. ordnance of all kinds; ammunition.
Dnnrlu, :^^V)^, 1SW- '* A Buddhist church. DaiLVen, fe ^ s£ ^, ^ EJl. «- Round; globular;
Danro, 7&^'S, iSSfi. f^- A stove; a furnace; a Bpherical.
hearth. 1>an.yntsii, ?EA£.-7, ^®, 7*. Same as Dampo.
Danroii, ^-^^^, t^^, n. A discourse, lecture, I>ai3za, 7l:-^?'. ^^, Tt A round seat ui" paper or
or sppech; an arsument. siirii, v.t. To leather stulled witli cotton or other Bolt
make a discourse; to speak; to argue. material.
Syn. Danwa auBU. Tcity. I»aiiK(<n, 7fe^^^, Ef^<fi. «cfv. Positively, deci-
DnnryoKii. X < ^iJ< " [PhysiCS.I'Eln.sti-
fi^ A.'") .
sively; assuredly, certainly; finally.
DanryAUw»> /^AV)^? < t?. 5iW.lZ. " C^o«-] Daiizcttsii siirii, 7H A."^-:? -^ Z . Bi t@- v.i. and e. To
Srn. OTOKOHEsm. \_Patrinla villosa. become extinct; to cease to exist; to cut off;

Dansol, ?t-^•ftV. 55 '^f «- [P^'-l/s/cs.] Elasticity. to destroy; to anuiliilate.

Ass?ilku daTiset, E|g ^'U, elasticity of cora- Kainel daitzeimsuru, g? 2 Bf S^S^wi-, thefamily
prcBsion; Dansel no jilcu, ??'U.^|4, axis of name is dend (or extinct)-

elasticity. Syn. llOROBVRU, MESSURU, TATnRtJ.

Dansei, ;^^^V> ^1^, n. Q The male sex; man. l>:tuziirii, 75^t3, E?, v.t. To speak; to argue;

@ [Qram.]
The masculine gender. to discuss.

DansoUI. ;&^^5, g fS. " A seat just left by Dara, ;^ ^ , p^SB, n. a kind of top.
a person; a warm seat. Syn. BAIGOMA.
Dauscii, ?E^tt'^^ [S^i 'i- A round fan which Dara, ^i'^, 511, /(. ^Avi.] A dollar.

fcannot be olded. Dara, /c & , W:^, n. [Sot.] Araiia sinensis.

Syn. UCHiWA. ras an arrow. Dara-(tara. 7i e,?: ^, a., and adv. [coll.] (J Slow-
Dansha siirii, ?&^L^-^3. !S 9t. v.t. To shoot, ly; in a sluggishmanner; slovenly. ©Flow-
Danslil, ?&^L. ^ -f. 'I- O A man. a male; a ing slowly; drop by drop.
son . a boy. @ Same as Masurao. CM ga dara-dara nagareru, Aif it =) iC^ ffiju

Danji. Nanshi, Otoko-no-ko.

Syn. »,, blood flows out in drops.
Danslil, ?& Aj t. ift. ?i S
Thick white paper Daraflara-»ri, ?& c, /;; /^ :f2 U) , ^ :^, u. A gentle
made of paper mulberry, and having very fine desceut; a slightly sloping mountain path.
wrinkles on one face. Syn. HiRASAKA, YURDKlSAKA.
Danahl sum, 7c-AL-^3, 5S}g, vA. To flllip; to Darako. ?fe & W, i>.i. \coll^ iTeniolia.] Covered
strike with the nail of a finger, forced suddenly or smeared with.
from the thumb. Dora darake, %iCJ->-, muddy; smeared with
Danshiti^ii, ?t-^L7, S S- n. A greenhouse; a mud; Hal darake, JjHif?-^, covered with ashes;
hot-house; a conservatory. Siimt darake, ^i^ y -^ blackened with ink (as
Danshd, :^^L^?. ^'/^. " Same as Kagema. the lace of a school-boy)
Dantel sum. 7r-k.~t\s^irZ, BfS. "^-t- To decide; Syn. Maiiure.
to conclude; toGx. Darakorii, T&^l/fZ, ?lt1fi, fffi:£. v.t- [coii.] To
Syn. KlMERU, TOBISABAKO. be idle, negligent, or slovenly; to be made
Dnnletsii, 7c^rP. ®5S. ^- Wrought iron. inactive or dull.
Dantotsii-Jo. 7:^T•C'•^v^5• Wi^S.^. n. Afound- AtSHkutte Jcarada ga darakeru, ^ ^y T'fifii*
ary; smithy a blark-smith's work-shop.
it y -^ iU, heat makes one's body inactive; Da-
Dantddal, ?& ^ 5f 5 ?5 V^. E ^^. « A scaffold raketa nari wo shite Iru, ^' 7 ^^ -j-
raised for the execution of a criminal. S-;t, (he) is dressed in a slovenly manner.
Syn. KUBIKIRIDAI. Syn. Tayukunaru.
Dnnto Burn, 7c^>f5fS. Bi ®. ^'-f* To sever Daraku, ;^. c^ < , |g^, n. Q Falling into the
the head from the body by way of punishment. region of -evil spirits. suru, @ Apostasy.
Dnutan,i(i/:?Xf, K ?. ^M, " A carpet usually v.i. To fall away; to become an apostate.
made of cotton. Jigoku ni daraku suru, tfe ©{ = S^ ::=^ '>'. to
Dan^va, :fe^J), K ;fP, a. Warm and agreeable fall into hell; to go to Hades.
(used only when speaking of the weather). Syn. Genzoku. Ochiburd".
l>attwa no kd, ® ifij -> fij, the warm season. Darakuma, ^ '3 ff ~k, «. [Eng.] A drachm.
Darnldi-inouo, i^ & < 6 ©, !Si5#. '* An Dariima, ifn'^,'-^M> " The celebrated prince
apostate. and priest of South India who first taught the
Dnrakiiso, ;^ 6 < ^ 5. MlSfS?'. An immoral " Zen doctrines in China; Dha/rma.
or unjust Buddhist priest; an apostate monk. Ditvuina-dai, 7!s:iS.'^f(i\r; n.
Davamn, ^ ^ j*, n. [Eng.] A dram. [Ichtli.'] Priacanthus nipho-
Oaranl, ^^=:, |?t;i|^;g, )n.[Sansk.'\ nius.
Dnraul-kyo. iff=L^^xr, ^Bf^M. ^ A collec- Daruina-slliU, ;t-2^ir< ^a9 .

tion of words considered to have some magic ^, n. [Bot.] Aster spathvU-

power. follus.
nai'aiitsiik<», ii^&VZf-W-. PEIS/SB/). n. [Mea.] A. I>aruiiia-kasa«rn,/j::S^:ib>? &,
kind or bitter medicine said to have been ori- /*. [Iclttli,} Synanceia erosa.
ginally used by Buddhist priests while chant- OaruiiiakI, itjl- v =^, Ji S S.
ing dai'ani to prevent Hleep. n, A festival in honour of
Darappyoslilna, ^- &-;/tA-i5 f^, a- {vul. coll.] Dharma, celebrated on the
Same as below. anniversary of his death, the
Darasltfii.-ii, f^^ L"5:\^, ">. [coll.'} Slovenly; dis- 5th day of the 10th month (o 5 ).
orderly; unlidy; careless; inelegant; negligent Uariiiii»sd, ;t-3as5,Sfel^&JI. w-
of nearness, cabbage.
Darashlnai minari wo shite iru, ^ 5 ^ -^ -f
Dai'iiuiu, "T&Ztr, ^, v.L [coll.] To slacken; to be-
# JK ? £^ rS '''. lie is negligent of dress. come loose.

Darari to, ?& & ^ 1£, adv. [coll.'] Hung loosely; ^2 L, S. <^- Same as Darui.

in a dangling manner. Jshi ga aarushi, ^jf^jLi/, the legs are

Darari heavy; Madarui koto da, Bfl ^fl- ^ ^ it, that ii
to tai-eru, :*f ? y h jgff', to be liung
loosely; OJil ga darari to sagaru, ^ifif^^) h too slow.

the belt is hung loosely in thejuanner of Syn. TSUKAKBTARU, YOWARITARTT. TDCWW.


Daro, Who; npne. Daaarerii, 7&5ifx5, HJ, v.t. The passive form of
i^jt, ^, pron. [coll.] |_a tail.
Dason,7C'^^, lS5^. 'i- [J^ert.]The salivary glands.
Dare ga suru, ^if th^, who does? Dare mo
Dnserii, ^--^3, v. I. The potential form of Z>asw.
deklnai. aS^Ui ^-d-H no one is able to....; who

can do it? Dare mo inat, S|^ S- -^ -f no one is ,

Goju yen daseru, E + El [U ^ ff-, I can con-
tribute 50 yen.
present; no one is thei'e; Dare mo kojial; 5|-*
Dashi, ;^- L, llii n. A sauce for improving the
3J -J- ^, no one conies; Da7'e nitemo, (demo) yo-
Syn. NiDASHi. Lrelish of soups.
roshll. H =T* Cv-'^JS S^ -i. aTiybody will do.
Dnskif !$, n.
Ts L. An ornamented car drawn
Darci'ii. ?jifi3. ffi, v.i. [coll.'] (| To become
on a festival-day, usually fitted with a stage
putrid; to putrify; to rot. @ To fall in price;
on which theatrical or other performances are
to become cheaper.
GyuiUhu ga dareta, ^\^ P^if ifl^it, the beef Daslil, 7& t, f6. ». [coU.'j Excuse; pretext.
IB bad Soba ga dareta, ^1f^ u 5f, prices have
; -fg
Sito wo dashi 7ii tsukau, A -/ 16 —^y*
Syn- KusARiT, Sagaru. Lfallen. pretending that it is for another's sake.
Dai-o, fe^i. [cont. of De ard.} Will or shall be Syn. Kakotsuke, Iimak.
ordo; is, are, etc., I think. Daslii, ) ?& L. tti.'w-t- 0'ropiito"t. @ To payout;
By'oTci ga naoru dar'o, M^jf%'^ if yV, the Dasu, ' to defray. © To send, as a letter or mea"
disease will probably be cured Kanega wiofcarw ; senger. Q To show, to exhibit. ® To take out;
da.r'b, itifWiiJ iC^V, you make much money
n^ to bring out © To drive out, to divorce.
or profit of it, I think; Sore wa v^o dar'o, VU^s Chinjiwo kiki dasJii ta, ^ HUs/it, heard ^U^
% if y ~7, that is a lie. I think; Yo ga osamaru of an strange incident; wormed out a secret;
daro, \tii'j^-T n- if 7 7, the world will be in Kane wo dashi te kau, ^ ^liS 5/ r ^' 7, to give
peace. money in exchange for; Kl wo mom.1 da^u, ^^
Dariif, ^ 3 ij^, a. Languid; slow; weak; sickly; ttii^^, to commence to be anxious; Kuchi-
indisposeil ; flabby; inactive; lifeless; heavy; dashi wo suru, U^9- ^ n-; to talk; Kyaku ni
spiritless. cha wo dasu, '^ -- % ^ lH :x. to make tea for
Danikii, 7e3 < , «.. Same as DaruL. a, g:ueat; Mi.se wo dasu, ffi^iij:^, to open a shop;

Karada ga taisv dariiku naUa, Sf^lf^J^if Sora ga kumori dashlta, ^ *i* ift V IK &• f(, the

f^ ^ -^ ••} S(, the body has become exceedingly sky has become cloudy; Tedashi wo suru, ^ ^
languid. *3ijB-, to commence;to begin; to put handB

DAfe. ib6 DAT

on; Yukl gafuridasMta, Wif'^'^i^s/ ^, sdow Dassu, 1 7tz-j-ft ^. v.t. To omit; to neglect;
has begun to fall; it has commenced to snow. Dassuru, ) to leave out; to escape; to retire;
Syn. Idasu. to abandon; to take off.

»a8liial,^L<&«', tii'Q-.w. Contribution; inveatlng Moji WO dassuru,

fSt^ ^i to omit ^^ f-

in shares; collecLiDg money together tor tlie characters or letters; dassu, Vt^f^zf., Yo wo
purpose of business or reiresliment. to abandon the world to become obscure Zoku
; ;

Dashial shlnslio, ^^^±,

the property of wo dassu, f^^SJ:^, to become a priest; to en-
a company; Dashlai Shite shosha wo hi- ter a monastery.
raku, HI -g- s'7'Eiiii^Ba<5'. to invest money DntaJ, T&ft'^, 51^. n. Abortion. suru, v.U
in shares lor opening a stora. f^bove. Syn. KO-OROSHi, L'fo abort.
Dashiaii. iflsL^i. lii^, v.t. The verb-Iorm of Date, -fi^-r, ^'M, ^^, /<.. Foppery; dandyiim;
Dasblgluu, ;t L^Jiti. a f5. f^- I'Ong shirts. vanity; show; love of dress; ostentation;
Syn. Kedashi. show; finery.
DaBhi-lre. Date moyn, f^HiS'^iS. fine fantastic figures,
^tXt^jn, m fffi, n. Credits and debits;
as on oiie'sdress; Date otoko, 0'^ 5j, a fop; a
expenditures and receipts; paying and receiv-
man excessively Jond of fliiez'y; Date wo suru,
^JS ? ^ '^I to be vainly fond of dress; to b»
Kingin no dashUire pa oi. ^ SS > Hi ft i^ ^ ( wealily o.stentatious.
much money is paid and received.
Syn. Hade, IiAz.i^Ri.
Dashiiirii. ;t'LC3, Jtttii-, n. a soup.
Syn. NlSHlRu.
Uitte, Tax, a
sulhx which added to other

words makes them nouns, andsignilies state

Dasliliiiiko nl. ?5LltiH-K. ^Wi,^*^, adv. AU
or manner.
of a sudden; by surprise; at unawares; un-
Kamai wo Shite wa ikenai, 3>v^i;i^j/?
>^-f*-^'f. does lint please me that yim treat
Dashlniiku, ?t-Lto<, g. u.I. To elude; to
me too kindly; Otokodate, |g i, behavior; lik«
get an advantage over others to overreacli to
; ;
a man; Telshudate, ^±^1. behaving like a
cheat; to circumvent; to outwit; to go ahead
of others to one's advantage.
UaCekoki, ;&-C2i&. It fiS ^, ii. [coll.} A fop; «
Bitowo dashinuku, A'^Bi^i^, to outwit a dandy, one weakly fond and vain of dres ,
Datekiigi. f^ X < ^, ^^$J, n. A na* used
Dashu, 7:- LW). Hf-, n. [Cftiw.] Spitting in the merely tor sliow; an ornamental nail.
palm; in an easy manner. Syn. Kazarikugi.
Dashu shite tenkivaivo toru, '^'^ i/f-% T5-^ Uatcra, ;t"C 6. An affix signifying to do what
ft-, to take a country easily. is inappropriate to one's nature, age, or pro-
Dassol, 7c-",'^V^, SfcUi. ii- Same as Tonsel. fession, only used in poeticlanguage.
Daasrhl, TC-y-frg. gj; ^, „. Omission of one's Onna datera, ^ if ^ y, as a woman.
name not entered from the census register. Datosha, ?;-rL-^, ggitfet. 2i ^. ^ n. Same as
feiirii, v.t. To cross out one's name in the Datekoki, only a little politer. fgallant
register. nateaiu. Ti^XL, n. Q Aiop. @ a cliivalroui
Dasslii, Tf^-j L, MB.. " [Chln.-\ Taltiug off Walsu, n^-^, n. [Icht/u] Belone gracilis.
worn-out Rtraw shoi^s from one's feet; often Uatsiihuu. ;fe•:p>^, gft^, ,*. Omitted sentences
used as a, figure for auytiiiug one does not or paragraphs. sin-ii, v.t. To omit sen-
miss in any degree. Tsonal danger. tences or paragraphs,
Dasi^lilii, f^'jtk, 0t#, n. Escaping from per- Datsuoba. ^.^feli, ^3^^, n. [Budd.] An old
I»as:3hu siirti, 7>k"j L\^i'Z, ^ ffi. v.t. Same as woman who watches on this side of the Styx
Ubaitorii,. and strips the departed befoie their entrance
UassbutHu. f^f LW)-^. ^ [il, 7i. IMed.'] Prolapsus, into Hades,
suru. v.i. 'lo escape. Plus. Datsul, -fy-ov^, fStti, n. Taking off sacerdaUl
l>n9so, fHv'^, ^i!. "• [Jlfecl.] Gangrene; sphace. robes on dismissal from tlie priesthood.
Dasso, Ttkv ? 5, ^ ~M. n. Flight; escaping, Datsul sum, 7c-^jj-^3, ^jf, v.t. To neglect;
desertion. suru, v.l. To escape; to desert to forget to insert; to leave out.
to abscond to run away.
; Datsujl, m-^t, m^. n. An omitted word or
Syn. NUKEHASHIRU, SHUPPON 3UEU. character. suru, v.t. To omit a letter or
BaBsd-iiln, ifcr? 5l^^. K^A. n. One who has Syn. NOKEji, RAKcrji.
absconded. Datsujiu, Tti:^%-k, Sftgg. n. GoinB out of th«
ordinary run of the world ; retiring into moun- fS U, to do without buying; Me mo Jure de
tains or a forest. iru, g * fK u 7-* fi ;^, does not even turn (his)

Datsuraku suru, ;^-7& < -^S, ^S. v.l, Tobe eyes upon; Mono wo moiwa de kaej-u, ^9-^-x:-^
omitted, neglected, or left out. ^0!;t. to return not saying anything, Utayo-
Syn. mat de sa {Uta yomanat koto ga arumono ka, ^
Dntsurl suru. l^-rJifl-^S, JStiS, «« To get out ISv-fx*-9-C®^-?--f-ltf7'fl.^^»), theideaofnot
of; to separate; to disconnect one's self ftom. composing a poemi (we will of course compos-
An omission; any- ing a poem); Yoman de wakaran, t^-7 -y 5»f»
DatBuro. :te'^/55, ffitiffi, n.
thing omit ted or neglected. euru, v.l. ^ y. do not, know because (Ij have not
To omit, to neglect; to leave out.
read; Yukade art, ^Jj=f7V did not go.

Dntsuro. /G-Ci^, ftGS. n. A secret passage by Do, Q[cont. of Ide, to come out.] Coming
T?, n.

or rushing out, as of people to look at some

which one can escape.
objects of sight, or of water over the banks of
Datsuryaku. :fe-:?«J-^<, StS. '" An omission a river. @ The capacity of lasting, the slowness
or quickness of exhaustion.
in a writing; an ellipsis.
Datsuryaku suru, 7g-?'£)-^< -S"?. W^' f-t- To Sito node gaol, A ^ iHii' ^ -f , people come
plunder; to talce by open force; to spoil; to out in great numbers; Kono cha wa de ga aru.
pillage. ft ^^N Eij if Til', this tea is nut soon exhausted;
Syn. BnNDORU, Kasomuktj, Ubaitoru. MLzu no ^ ^1f%^ -f water
de ga sii.kunai, -^^ ,

Datsumen, ft•5&^, IBt^, ailv. PreSnuneatly; does not run out in great quantities, as a well;
prominently; pai- rxcellence, Sato wa de ga nai, 61- fiS >•« tU ** JS -f sugar is .

DatsuEOku suru, v.i. To quickly used up.

7ti-^^<it:&, fjfff.
become a priest; to abandon the world. DInal, T!;^^, m ^, n. Coming together with;
Dnttal-kwankotsu, ;^-yte\/* <*7^t."7. SRi3*^ meeting; holding a meetins.

^, n. Expressing the same thought in dif- TuSlit no deal, W .'£--' lU #i meeting of pro-
erent words; as practised by another writer it Syn. Shukkwai. LJecters.

is a sort of plagiarism. fplant. Dealgas'^ifra. -fflSU-ii' L5. tiJ •& ^, » Coming

Dattanna, feyfe^?C, SS, n. {Bnt.] Rape seed together of two or more persons unknown to

Datto suru, T^ylt^irZ. ffltS. '"^- To leave a one another, as at a corner, in the dark, or
party. on going out fiom a room.
Daun, :^5^, ^^, ». IC/iin.'] Your letter. DeaigasJiira ni atama wo utsu, UJ ^ 5H — ® ^
Daun Jiaidokit tsukamatsuri sorQ, ^S^OI fj y, to strike one's head against another's

ti:^. I have perused your letter. just at the moment of meeting.

Syn. GogHOMEN, Otegami. Uoaklnal, C^^'^V-, tb iS W. "- Selling out of

De, S. ITenioJia.'] A particle like an Eng. pre- one's home; hawking; itinerant traJe.

posLtioD showing the rrtlation of circumstance, Uoau. -fffti, Hi -g-, v.i. To meet; to mtet with;
situation, value, instrument, measure, to agree to coincide.
reastm, ete-
Hanashl ga deau, til •« ^ » the stories M -t"*

agree the relations coincide; Iro ga deau, g If

AsM de keru, gy'Slrt'. to strike with the

foot; to kick; Dodesuka, v'97'^'*J' bow are Hl-8'7. colours agree well with one another;
Kaijo nlte jiampii nl deau, ifi_h— tM^^Hj-S"
you or how is it? Fitde ae kaku, ^y' ^^^,to
Pune de yuku, ^^^ir, to go y, to meet with a violent gale at sea; Mlchi
write with a pen;
de chlki ni deau, i^^'J^g,— tiJ#'^- to meet
by water; Futari de yuku, nA5'lt<5'. to go
acquaintances on the road.
accompanied by another; Sitoi'i de asobu, —A
^M.'f' t" trolic alone; to play by one's self; I>oba, -fftf.jaS. n. A projecting tooth.
Syn. SOPPA. rin dressing fiah or fowl.
IcJtido de sumu, —iM.v'^h,. to be all right
without repetition; Koi-e wa nan de aru, it-*^i^ Dcba, SiS, A kitchen-knife; a knife used
|Ii ;g:, n.

5* r ;»-. what is this? Nambo de uru ka, ftj ^ t* Dehahoclio.-^lilf 5*^-^5,m )g;/ST. « QSame
^n^ij, how much do you sell itXatlSayodegozOr as above. @ A weapon often used in bloody
rimasu, ^l^y^m^V^T^. it is as you say; it is attem pts.
80; Te de tataku, ^'fB.^, to knock with the Debahoclio sawagi, ffi 33 /g T 18 ®f. a sangui-
Tnegation. nary affair. Tor diachai ge
Do, Tf. [Tenioha, cont. of Zu and («.] A suffix of Dcbaua.-etfiS:,tb JS. iH ^.«- The first appearance
Kaira de yaminan, Ht "? S'lt ^ i^. to go on Banchamo debana, &5S^-=eyiJS. even coarse
Kawan de svmu, W ^^ 5* tea tastes well at the first infusion; Atara
without returning ;


debana no liana wo chirashtta, ^ fl| (H ^ -^^f- expressing one's thoughts offhand, or at

Hi/*. [flV-] a beauty of high promise died an Syn. Detabamr. Lrandora*

untimely deatii. Del, "21/^, K, ". 0[Chin.] Mud. ® A paste of
Syn. NiBANA, Onirasa doughy consistence made of gold or silver dust,
DebnrI, -Ctf "D, ttj S. " Atteadins to one's duty glue, and water, used as paint.
away from his otfice othome; a police-Btation Delbotsii, -CVr-^-:?. iSS. "• IZooU] The snappinj
an outlying station. rstation. turtle.
Debnrljo, -fUWI Ci. ffi ^, n. An outlying
tfj Deldoi. "ev^tfl^t n. [coll.] One who walks the
Debarii, TfffS, 5R, r.f.
To so to a fixed place streets for mending jreta, sJioes, and boots («o
CD business or dutj'. called from his crying del del as he goes along);
Shlten ye debaru, $ IE '^ UJ ® fl-, to go to a a pariah.
branch store on business. Delgii, SV'i'i^i^i n. [£oC.] Coral tree. Tfilate.

Syn. Shutcho surd. DelhanseKi, ^v^^^tt&, JSffiS. "• l^liri.] Clay

Delioso, Tf'<^, IKSSI. »*• A projecting navel; DeflilD, ^V^&^, iE ^. '1- Same as Kondei.
umbilical hernia. Tforehead. Deiko, T!\r C, ^46. "• [iioi-3 Same as Deigu.
Debltal, -ffui-teth, a 8g, ^fli, n. A projectins Oelkwal, "CV^ < *7V>. M tS- " Same as Jjetotu.
Syn. Odeko. fpacea. Delnel. -ev>*a\A, iS ». "• i^°d <^- \Chln-\ Q l^eep

Debogayn, "ffra;^*-^, n. [BoC] Cephalotamus dru- mud. © Very muddy (said of roads).

Deebiyal, -f^MO. tU ]£< "• Missiug a visitor Syn. Ndkarumi.

by being away from home. Delri. -^V-^, dl A. " O Going out and coming
Dedntia, -fffeil. J£, A branch shop, or store;
tli /(.. In. @ Credits and debits expenditures and ;

an agency. receipts. ©A law-suit; an action. Q A dispute

DedeiniiBhl, -CTftr L. (ia4=, n [Snlom.] Snail. or fiuarrel-
Desako, "CJitt^, [H ^, n. The time when one is Delri no mono, ffl A -^ #. o°s ^^° ^'^^ '^^^

Syn. Deshina. L^^boutto leave home. enlrke, to a suporior'R residence for getting
Dcgnra, -5**6, n. Q Grounds; dregs; refuse. cu,stom or employment.
@ The cocoon left by the moth. »elrl-cho, CV^y)'^-S'5, lU AtS- » *- ^ool^ "»

Chanodegara, :^>y^ji'y, tea-grounds. the which debits and credits are recorded; a
Dege. ~£^, v». A little porcelain spoon with a day-book.
short handle. Dolrlalil. -eVviJ) L, [Ji A CT. n. \coll.\ a lawyer;
Deffirnl, tyev, n. One who dislikes to go one who manages a lawsuit for another.

out; one exceedingly desirous of remaining at Syn. KujiSHi. Tofcoi'ier.

home. rcutting. Dcli-okii. -ev^;s < , iffi S, n. Verdigris; diacetate
Degli-e. -eS*h. Si fil. " Scraps of cloth left after Delsho, Tf\P L^5. iS E, « i plasterer.
Deglrl* "CS'ifl, tU ^3J, '* Absence of all from the Syn. SaiKWAN.
bouse ; the state of universal absence.
Deisul. -C\r-^&. iffi '^<. " OMuddy water. ©The
Deglwa, S^a.i^W^, n. The point of go*ng out lite of a prostitute. Tdi unk,
Syn. Deshina, Degakb. Dcisui. -^V^-it&. ifiSS, '* The state of bein:t dead
DegoshU "ffi'S L. liitt'?, i. A projecting lattice- sum, v.i. To be dead drunk; to be exces-
work, built outside of a window. sively intoxicated.
Deguclij, -£<:%, \^U, n. Same as i>cfctic/ii. Deltnu. -euvte^, iE^, n. Brown coal.
DelKL, TJtt, lilts, n. The opportuoity for going Delto, iS±, -CV^ir.'n. Mud; clayey earth.
out. Dejlro, -^C^.tiiSI. "• * small castle built at
Kyakurai ga attt deha ivo iishinatta, Sr^jj/* Bome distance from the mam one; an out-
^7 {IJ fiS f^'J^, lost my cbance of going out Syn. DEMARU. Lcastlo.
owing to tlie arrival of visitors. Deknkerii. tii'l^Z, Hi IS. v.i. To i;o out.
Debuli-I, •ffHVr'i'- m t£ A. ""• Going out and in. DcknHCBl. t^ii>^-^,iiiU' " Seeking or gettioB
Syn. Shdtsuntu. employment away from home.
Dehaua, Tftl'^i tU %. n. Same as Degiwa. Dekasegi nl yuku, mflS = 1f ^. to go away
Debaral. -Ca^V^.tU^, 't- Same as I>eoiri. from home to get employed.
DeharniiT •fftt^.i., fctl Ml. v.i. To go all out; to DefcashI, -C4>L> ^. « Triumphant; exulting In
leave none at home, or in an office. success; victorious ; suceessful.

I>eltodal.-ffa5:?fe\r.|iiSt gj, adv. [coU.] Speaking Dekashi gao, 7*3(1 5^ M, triumphant counte-
witliout study, reflection, or preparation; nance Kondo no koto wa ^Oekashi,
; K -^ S -^ ^
slving utterance to momentary sentimenta; AyA s^i this time (you were) very successful.
. ;


Dekasii, ~Sii>-^, [li 3K, v.t. The causative form of Doliigoto, -ff^aif, tUsS^I. " An event; an
Dekiru. accident; what proceeds from an unknown
Dftknta, •i!*>fe, ^"JS, n. A spy; a secret agent. cause.
Dekawarl, -ff*»m!), Leaving one's
ffi #, n. Q Tonda dekigoto de shlta, ^v^[Bs^53I7'5/^,
house, especially of a servant.@ The debut of what an accident!
a new actor; playing another drama. Dekljliiflh6,'?& t^Li5.n. Patne unDekihugm.
Gejo no deTcawari, f^
^ \^^^}, leaving of Deklniono, T^^ft^.SBfP, " An nlcer;asore,
old maid-servants, and coming in of new ones, attended with a discharge of pus.
ShiJjat no dekawaH, S ffi > IB @ 'i change of • Deklmono ga dekUa, M'^** Hi ^ *f- »n "leer
playB. lias formed.
Dek], Tf&.fH^. »• O "Workmanship; finish. ® Syn. FQKIDEMONO, Haremono, Shumotsu.
Result; effect. © Success; accomplishment. Doklrii, -^^^.tii^P, v.i. Same as /Jefcwru.
Sektftiaekl, |fJJK7^m;K, success or failure; le ga dekiru, ^1f iH^J^. the house is made

good or bad workmanship; Beki ga warui, ffi^ (or to be made); Kane ga dekiru, iitjfll'j-^n'.
iflS>'f, is badly made; not successfnl, money is made; one becomes richer; Ko ga
Syn. Shuttai. dekiru, ^if ^l^n-^ begets Cor gives birth) to a

Doklagarl, -C^3^7j*'!J, Iti ^ i. JSRsft. « Finish; child.

accomplishment; workmanship; work; produc- DekirL-^^v?, [fi ^,

^^,n. The state of all beinR
tion. are gone out; tliat no one is left whom one can

Deklagarii, v.i. To be ac- send.

-e&^^fttX, HiSSi:.
complished, finished, or completely made. Deklshl. -f 1^ tt!@?E. "• Dying by being over-

le ga dektagaru, g^ fr|H ± »-, the house * is whelmed In water. sum, v.i. To be

completely made or finished. drowned ; to be suffocated in water.

Denial, Tf'&abU', tB JE-^. »• O Ready made; on Dekl-sokonau. Tf^ 5 ttci, lH ^^.v.i. To fall

hand. @ by mutual consent,

United not to produce the desired result; to bo spoiled in

through a middleman, as a couple. making; to be of bad workmanship.

Syn. Dekiawase, Ariai. rclothes. Syn. SnisONzTTRU.

Doklnl-gl, if^SiU'r. 52 tZ, n. Ready made Dokl-wnkusiirii, ??*)< ^5, iSS!.'"-*- [Ghtn.]

Deklal-inoslii, T?&;?.Vft L. ® M, «- Boiled rice To be too much addicted to; to be enchanted;

not specially prepared, as for a goest. to be under the spell of.

Syn. ARIAIMESHT. Dokkp.l.-kii. -ev^'Vr. :^. « [coil.] Large great; ;

Dekjalsnru, tf^i^V^tZ. iSS, v.l. To love in big; tremendous; extraordinary

an excessive degree. Syn. Okii.

Deklakl. tf & ^^ , tli * f^ fA tt. n. The autumn »oko, ^-t, j*l!li, "• O A puppet, a doll, ©One
hai-vest; crops. Ttohave on hand. Deku.Tj < who has a
, > projecting forehead.
Dekubokii, -?< t$<, a*lu- [cofl.] Concav*
Deklaii. -ei5^-t. Ui 5IE-S-. u-i- To be ready made tl9 l!b.

Syn. ARiAU. and convex; uneven; having ups and downs;

DeKlbac-^l^lfC?, SjS IK.". Production; result; undulating.

effect; work; success. Dekubokunochi, £i > :^, uneven land.


Dekibae ga nai, Hi ^5 IBf ** M -f no success; . Dekucki, )-S<%,^ U* ^- A passage way out ol

DeUbae ga yoi, * iWE itf ^ -f successful; has
ffl . Dcguchl. )a place; an exit.
brought about a good result. Vhugen, Dnkii-giitsu, -e < <'-7, He l^F. n. A puppet-player.
Deklboslil, Tf&KL, [H * S, «• Same as Deki- Deku-no-bo, t!<®K5. 'i- Same &b Deko.
Deklbotsii sunt. -S^IX^-^Z, i§IK£. vA. To be nokuru. -^^X, tij^, v.i. O To produce the
drowned, or to founder. desired effect; to succeed; to result; to accon*
Deklbuercn. -e'&.5--l>^, UJ ^^d, iS^, «• O plish; to produce; to finish, @ To be able. @
One who has suddenly got rich. @ Riches or
To do; to make. QTo be admitted.
wealth gained by chance. DckH-tSHkal, tK -7>b>U>, "• {coll.'} Same as Veku-
Syn. NIWAKA BUGEN. gutsu.
Dekldakn, -e&fe*>, ifeffiiS, «. The quantity of Dekiiwasii, t?< *5-^, iI5g. "•*• To meet unex-
crops reaped or gathered. pectedly,
Syn. AOARIDASA Deinae, S"^-^, Hi ft'I. "• Sending food to order
Deklffokoro, -e&£ ^ ;&. [U flEJ&. « A sentiment from a restaurant to one's house.
of the moment; a sudden thought; caprice. Syn. SHiDASHi.
Syn. Fdtoshita kokoeo. Demaru, -tfaS.Ui^. " Same as iJ^iro.
Denil»on, ^!^-^^, IB S. "• ^ shaft of lightning; Domp5, TfAUri, ^^, n. A telegram; a tele-
a thunderbolt a stream of lightning
; ; a bolt. graphic message or intelligence.
Deiiibo. t!M25i " A bully; a noisy; blustering Syn. Denshin.
overbeai-ing fellow; a dead-head taking things ; Dempo, n. Q Introduction and
-r^/u&Jr, ftKii,
without paying for them. propagation of religious doctrines. Religi- @
Say. ous rites or doctrines traaamitted from age to
Domboliadit, e^llS5t475l «- [colL] The disposi- age.
tion of a bully. Dompo, "CAli'i, fSft, n. A method of preparing
Dembu, -£^i^, [Ejy:. ""• Q Katsitobttshi sliced some quack medicine transmitted secretly from
into fine pieces and boiledtill dry In sfioyu a person to another; a secret prescription
sweetened with sugar. The flesh of some @ or receipt.
boiled, dried, ground, and boiled again
fish, Deinpu, •e^J?, ffl ^, n. Same as De7nbu.
till dry, and seasoned with sugar and common Doinpiiii, -e^J^^,i^^, 7i. Starcli.
Bait. fson; a clown. Deinpu sum, -e^J:^5, fS /(? , v.t. To make
Dembu, ^?^i, H^, n. A peasant; a rustic [jer- known to the public; to propagate. fbelow.
Dembu yajln, [13^^ A, rustics and clowns; DeintiBfai, •Ct^i3>x>, [HiS, n. The noun-form of
uneducated persons. Demukai ni yuku, tJii iS — ff ^S'. t*> So out to
Deiiibiin, ^^*^,fiBBg, «. Learning by hearsay; meet, to receive, etc.
common talk; a rumour or report. Takes verb- Deimikaii, C£pi>i, Hi i£. ^t. To go out to meet,
forms, fgraphic intelligence. to receive, or to welcome some persons coming
Dembuu, -e^^^, fg-S:. « a telegram; a tele- home.
Dembiit^ii, -e^J*•7, iSS^, n. A precipitate, sedi- Dcu, -eA, ffl, 7t. O
Anything transmitted from
ment, or deposit. age to age, or from father to son in writing;
Deme, "Cfe, {h HS. n. Projecting eyes. tradition; chronicle. @
Biography; lite,
Deml'^et t^-fr. Ha fBr " -A- branch shop or store. Deu, "E^^, n. [Chin.] Lightning; electricity.
Demicii. t^rs', tb ?K. n. A freshet; «, flood; an Syn. INABIKAEI, Denki.
inundation. Deu, -CA.RS, n. [Chin.] Q A palace. ©The after-
X>ei3iizu ii\:^}f^fc, there was a
ga shtta, most part; the rear-guard.
freshet; water rushed over tlie banlv.s. ^nata. Den ni noboru. ^-^jp, to visit a palace.
Deinnia, -e^S, H gi|i, n. [But.] Corchoropsis ere- Deu, X'^, B3, n. [CMre.] A rice-field.
Demo, -£ ?i, conj. and tenioha. And; either; Syn. Ta.
whether; or; both; even. Deuchi, -G/^%,^'f^, n. An electric battery.
Asonae mo yoi, j§r'^3-f, he (or you) may Syn. DensO. Tpalace.
be idle, or amuse himself (yourself); Hon demo Deuchu, eA"tlft5.0Ftj. n. A palace; [HC] in a
mlyd, ^^T -3. 3 7, let us read (booits); lya Denchn, ^!^'^5, H E. «• [Chln.'\ Same as Den
demo sliifcata ganai, •< V5*s^A^'//'•^'f there .

is no help, even if you dislike; Kane demo Denchu wo koyasu, ffl E ? 3E "t^i, to fertilize
m,okeyd, ^ y-*-^SS-^3i7, let us make money; Ki (or manure) rice-flelds.
detnochigattanoka. ^^^^^^jf-yfojj may it , Deuao, "^^^-5,SSdt: w.[C/an.] A palace. a castle.
be that he had his head turned? Ocha demo Syn. Kyuden.
agare, iai5?x^Ti''L-'. please take tea; So demo Deiitlo, t?A;'l25, ®iS. «. Propagation of religi-
nal, y l>7'*-J-'f it is not that either; not so too.
ous truths; mission work.
Demo, "Eft, M-. [Chin.] Mediocre; not genuine; Dencio, -£A^:.5,fi?^, n. [Physics.] Conduction.
commonplace; nominal; not real; ordinary; Deudobiitsu, -SAJT&Si'-^, ^, n. [Physics.] ^4
barely adequate; interior. Conductor. Tcific conductivity.
Demo galcusha, t'^^^, a pedant; a scholar Deudodo, -CA^G^^?, fS^ &, n. [Phijscis.] Spe-
of mearge erudition; X>emo isha, r'^Sif, a Deiido-Bwalsha, •^^?&5 <'shV L-^. My^t^,
quack doctor; a physician of mediocre capacity. n. A missionary society.
Dompasurii, "^ ^a'-^ S (® S, v i. To be pro- , Dondoshl. ^^ft'5 L. IW jg El, n. A missionary;
pagated; to become publicly known; to go one sent to propagate religion.
abroad, as a rumour or secret. Deiiokl, •eA(f?i&,{S®, n. [Chin.] Sending by
Dempatn, C^^:fe,EBS. " Cultivated fields; the mail; an established system of letter-
land under cultivation. carrying; post.
Syn. TAHATA. Denga, "CAM S5 T> i- [coll.] Same as Denka,
Deinpo, fA-X S 8/l> S Sli » Same as abuva Dengaliu, "CAfi'^ , ffl Jg«, «. O An ancient musi-
caLand dancing performance originated among DeukI, -e^$, fiSifB. n. A chronicle; a biograghy;
peasants @ [coll.] Tdfu baked and covered a historical narrative.
with sweetened miso. DenkI, ^^&,?EM, n. [Physics.] Electricity.
Dengaku wo mau, HSSjf- 7. to play den- In-denkl, fiS ^ S. negative electricity Netsu ;

gakw, DengaJcu wo yaJcu, ffl SB ? ig ^, to bake denkl,^^^, thermo-electricity; Ryvdodenki,

or prepare dengaJcu. SEKjS^, galvanic electricity; Todenki, Rglfi®,
Dengaliu-dofii, '^?^ positive electricity.
Deulfl, "e^&.^SS. " An electrical machine.
n. See above I>ollkl-lmnka^-c^gi.'^:^l>V^, ^M.S'M.n. [Phy-
Dcngalkii-lioslil, t! sics.] Electrolysis.

Donkl-ds&ino, ^:-^&fea. ^^iS. ?* [Physics.]

|rp, n. A profession- Accumulator; secondary battery.

al player of den- »onlil-kwo-gi»Siu,C'^&<ib5ft^<.^E^^. »-

gaku. [Physics.] Klectro-optics. Tscope.

-e ^ &.
l>eiiB(i, <W Ueiiliiiiil, -e^&;5-, ^^|g. «. [P/iys(cs.]Electro-
Ueugou. ^?^a^, iU Dcakiii, -e^^^, H^, ». [not.] Ranumulus
K. J "• Word con- sceleratus. TElectric force.
g, ' veyed through DeiikiryoUu, C^@ lO J; < , ^ S& A. 'i- [P'tysics.]

a person; verbal I>i^iii£lryi>kii-s"ku, -ffA^ V) i < h- < .?Baa*^. "

message. [P/tj/sics.] Electro dynamics. fmaUue.
Dengon wo uku, Douhisoki, C^^^&, ^ES. " L-^^"0 Tour-
mm^^^, to be B>cHl4l-td, (!^&if 5i^S':®. 'i- An electric light.

entrusted with a m^^W Denkito wo hiku, ^E')2^3I^. to lurnish

verbal message; to be requested to say to with electric lights.
Syn. KOTOZUTE. Lanother. Df^ukl-iinclo-gaB^ii. t;^^ 5 A»5J]'< ^ i^ IB) , iffi

Dtensun. -eACA, KSE. n. [C/iin.] The rear-guard ®. rt. [P/tysics.] p:iectro-kinematJcs.

of an array. Doukwa, -e^<*5,^iA:, w. SameasX'arefcMJD.

Densui-lgneshl. t* A <- 15 t«-^ U. M^. " * nonkwaEiii, t'A4'<. ^J. ?i- [Orni(/i.] A crane.

Bumersault, turning head- over -heels. Doiikwo, -e^<475,^it. ". Aflash oflightrng;
Syn. TOMBOGABRI. Syn. iKAZuaiA. Llighting.

Denjl. e^tr, fflJi, n. A cnltivated field; land Ociiiiyo, -^^W'5.f*?i:l «• Teacliing ot religious

under cultivation. rgiMdrifoUa. ti-uths or doctpines; mission; propagandism.

Donjlso* -C^%-^5.EH^W.SS.1 [Bot.] Marsiiea »enl*y»s*"»'-eA.t^5 L. ffi^Ei?."-

Syn. Tano^himo- Tpalace. an evangelist. fPaliidlna.

DoDjo, -e^C^5.6SJ:. 'I- [o^«-] The Imperial Deitru. •^^&.rat?. " [Entom.] River-snali,

Dciijo-bito, -e^e^5C^•i^.^-ilA. 'i- [o&s-l Per- l>4Ml^al,-^^t,v^, fiil Jj5, « Transmitted or handed

SODS wlio, by rank or office, are admitted into down from ;

inherited; imported; introduced.

the Imperial palace. Seiizo denral no tsw^igi, itMfffi?R -^ :^1. a

" Transmitting to ano- sword lianded down to successive heirs from

Denjii, -CAtB). aifS.
ther the secrets of an art or a profession; in-
an ancestor.

struction; teaching. Tmstructed. Deiiraii, ^^&^,?FS< ^- Your seeing, observa-

tion, scrutiny, examination, or perusal, (only
Denjuwo ukuru, 13E59^S'>-» to be taught or
used in letters).
sum. v.t. To teach, etc.
Denkn, -C^*», Hi?, « A farm-house; a rural Go aenran kudasaretakusoro, W^W^T &.

Syn. INAKAYA. Lcottage. ^ please see, examine, etc

-^^*>, ^T, «- A title of honour and Doiii-d, T?^&5,^!i. "- A porch or vestibule
at the entrance of a palace or temple.
respect used in speaking of princes and prin-
Denryo, .-CAKi, [Dia.w. [C/ifii.] Huntrng.
cesses of Imperial blood; H. I. H. (his or her
siirii; v.t. To hunt. Tfietd
Imperial Highness).
KdtaisJhi denka, ^:;fc?6ST. H. I. H. the Ya ni denryo su, ^ = [H !El hunt
^. to in a

»CIlsall,^:'^S^, Effi. " The produce of a rlce-

Prince Imperial.
fleld;rice; grains; cereals; corn.
Deuka, -£ A.*>. ffl St, ». A rural song.
Same as Dengon, only
Dbnscf. -e^^^^, 0SS. "•
Deakel, tAW-v, Q £&. »• [OrnWi.'] Gallinule.
used in lelters.
Deakeu, e^iri•^, EB §9. " [OrnftA.] The eucltoo. , vonsen. T^^^, ^SS- '* A telegraph wire.
Doiisen* T? ^^ ^, IS QJ. n. Infection; spreading Dcntaltu, •e^'fe<, ffltg, n. Cultivated fields «*
or prevailing, as a disease. suru»ul. To dwaJling houses.
spread ; to be infectious. Dentntsiisoi, T?Afe-7*v^. 8! iiS, «. [PAysfcs.J
DonscnBiyo, Tf A-t ^t^•^ 5 18 ^^. n. [3fed.] An Transmissibility.
inTectious disease; a,n epidemic Doiitntsii siini, "CAfe'^'^S, JiSi^. t' ( To send
Densetsu, T? A-ft-7, fff^. n Tradition report or ; goods or messages by transmitting them from
rumour transmitted from age to age, or from one person to another till tliey reacli their des-
one to anotiier tination.
DenHha, tA.l^tS-^, w. O A rural cottage. Syn. TsuDATsu suru. fabove.
©The country; a rural district. DoiitCl sum, t ArCV-itZ, iS, v t. Same as fflE

Syn. INAKAYA, INAKA. Deiito, -^Al^?, B3wl- « [Chill.] The places near
Dnnslia, '^A-L^,9S-^' " A palace. or about a rice-field.
Itonslia* -C^L*!'1 fi5Si 't- Repeated copying. Syn. Ta no HdTORi.
Den&lia no ayamari, fffS ^g?, errors made Doiito, -SA,'£3^iUt"£ n. [Bmia.'] Bning fully in-
in copying. structed in the doctrines ol Buddha :[(((.] trans-
Doiishnltnu. -c?^L^*'^. H -0 i6, "• {Chin.) mitted light.
People from the country; a rustic; a clown. Doiitr». -ffAirS.^JS. «• Same as 2)fijit'7o
DonstilH. t^Al/v, ffiji, n. O The telegraph. Dent6-li6sIit,TrAi^5tt-J-L. fS^Si'iBiS. " [Budd}
@A telegram. A Buddhist saint.
Denshiii wo kakefu, 1^ jf 9-gl'^A-, to send a Dento-lovnJshn, "C A^5 < i^V L^^, S® i& St, n.

telegram; Denshlii luo iitsii., CtMl^JT'-^* Same An electric light company.

a* above. Dentsiikii, -J A"? < - SS 1^ ^. « [Bo(.] Kriocaulon
Di^nslifiiki, SA.LA.^.'^i-BW.n. The telegraph. sexangu^arf..
Deushiii-Kialio-iU, -?A LA& L^5&, ^ti g.fe Deii-K, ^A5.K?. « [C;if7i.j OA BuddhiMt or
^, n. lF7i.ysics.] Tt'lemeteofograph. Shinto temple. © A mansion.
Donsliiii-ai-tva. -f^ LA < ih. ^ it 31, :*. Tlie Dcnwn. i^A,^, ^ S, n. Speaking by means of \
Sefftion of'l'elegraphs. telephone.
Deiisliiii-looKn. -CA c.Agi<, 1^ Jg, n. A Demva de kyiiyo wo tsutaeru, ^ ^ 7' it ffl -73
telegraph oftice. fDensen (^ i^). '^?^, to telephone an urgent busineK5
I>pu«ililn-Neii, rALA^A, W\^^< '"• Same as Dcn^va.-M, T?A*??, ^TK t8. n. Atelephone.
UeiKlto, -CAL'^5, RS .t, w Same as Deiijo. Doiiwa-Jo, -^A*? ti. ^^fiff, " Atelephone
neiiiBiio ^iirii, -eALi5:^S, fi?^, w i. To hear call office.
from another.
Don wa-Kok wan-jo. ffA*^*' 5 <ibAti.®S5$
I}ciiKi!o-tori.<!i)iiinari, -^^A L^5 if! >!) LS. "J), 1^3^
Jg ^/(, Tt A telejihone exchange office.
K gS- "• The superintendent of the keepers of Dcn>'a. ^A-'\^.IHW. 'rt- [C'/ifM.] A field, either cul-
the Ptiace.
tivated or uncultivated.
nensltB, -CA L l^) 5, fS ^. ?>. Learning the ncir>oi>, T^AS.'., " [C/iin.] Fields and
ffl S.
various branches of l;nowledge; tuition; in-
struction. — siii'ii, ii.f. and (. To be taught;
Plantation; a cultivated estate.
-2Al*5,fSSJ: «. [C'.'ii?!.] Same as Den-
instructed, or trained. ffee. ek(.
l>cn.sliur}d, T!ALt^5H5. fS^r4. "- Tuition Derarrrn, -ff^K^.tH, v.i. '.Co be able or fi-ee to
I>clll^o, TA5 5, ^tS- "• S^me Doirhi. i>i^
go or come out.
Ueiiso, tiA.^, mU, n. [C/nn.] Same ap. ClUso. Dero, Tj^.i?;^, n. [Bat.] Populus snaveoleiu.
IteiiMo. "SA?. IB®, n. [2oyi.] Amole. D(^r<». t;:^, u./. liie imperative lorm of Deru.
Syn. ugi;r.*mochi. Dorofo, -C^ t.^5,-:ga75. 'i- [Bot.] Tiie prickly
Denso. tA =S 5. f|?^, »• An uNicial in t!ie poppy.
Imperial Palace whose office it was to hear any Dei'oyaiiaKt. Tf^-^-?C^, t [Bot.] Cotton wood,
statement of a dal'inyo and report to the Em- Popuivs suaveoltns.
peror. Dorii, -CJ, lij, r.f. O To go out; ^o iP.^ue for(h;
Deusdiiwnii, -ffA ^ 5 < 45A, fiS^SB. «• A man- to proceed from. @ To be published; to be-
Bionin the enclosi'-'u of the Sliogunate castle came known. © To appear; to become conspi-
furnished ?,a lodgings for a Aenso, and lus cuous; to rise.
.luite. rD^ntatsu suru. C'htye ga aeru. S'^ifltiJi-. to become in-
Denso suru, T? A 5 5 "if" 3. flSJS. u.'-- Same as telltgent, as a cliild; to tliink of alternatives;
Ueneu, -CA,^. MftfQ. 7>. The keeper ol a temple. Sa ga deru, tiif%n', the leeth appear, said of a


child; Sana ga
den*, Aititf tU *-. to have a Desorou, "ff 5 ^-t. JIJ JSJi v.i. To come out a/1; to
runniDg at the nose; Bito ga deru, Kif^H', leave none behind; to hare none unopened.
people coma forth; Boko ni deru, ifltS-^ [H »-, Hlto ga desorou, A ** |ij KJ 7, ail pprsons hare
to goto serve; Ii'ogaderu, fi *• n-. colonra ttj come out; Inaho ga desoroUa, SfSiT lii JH 7 *,
come out; to be dyed well; Kao nl deru, 0=;tH the ears of rice have all sprung i'orth.

»-, to appear on the face; Mega deru, ^ffl^jn-, Desii, Tj-j". [less polite form of De gozarimasu;
buda make their appearance, 3£izu ga deru; synonymous with Be arw.]
<#t J/* m fl-t water overflows, as the banks of a
X OASU, 7—t:^, it is that way; AmegafurisH
river; Seken ni deru. Htfig = HJ »-. to go forth desu, fS V lis V 1*- IC 5' 51, it threatens to rain;
into the world to become widely known Shim-
; ;

Dekisodesu, ^^'X't':^, it will be possible;

tun nl deru, Jff B8 — Hli'. to appear in the news-
papers; Umamigad&ru,^^if^n,, to become
promises to be successful; Do d£su ne, Kf^
^^, how is it? how do you dot Ko desu, =1 Jr
Bweet; U^ni ga deru, ^if % n., pus oozes out,
Useinono ga deru, ^o^if \^ fu, lost thinRs
^ 7i, it is this way; So desu, ^Vv^^i. it is so;
Sorewa iriyo desu, y u-'-^Affl^^. that is useful.
reappear; Yanl ga deru, fli *" tU n-, rosin (or
l>nsiiffl-inono, "^-^^ftO, tH iii If n. One who is .

Berection) exudes Yo ni deru,; — »., to be- -ffi: tti

too audacious; an intruder an insolent fellow. ;

coTiie famous in the world; to so out of a

Syn. Deshabari-mono.
prison ; Ima deru tokoro desu, ^ UJ »- ^ r' :^,
Dosiigirii, Sir^Zy^i^, v,i. To intrude; to bo
is about to go out.
too audacious; to interfere too much ; to be in-
Desai£n.rl. -g34»'!l. Hi ^> '*• Persons or things snlent.
being out in greatest numbers. Detaclil, Cfe'^.tHi:, «. Setting out; departure;
Bito no desakari, A> tU^i the time when starting on a Journey; leaving a place.
the greatest Dumber of people comes forth. Syn. HossoKU, Shuttatso.
OesnkI, -CSg, HJ 56, «. The place where one has Dotag:iru, Tjftij'^. v.t. To desire, or to be apt
gone to to go or come out.
DeBhabnru, T! L-^tf 3. u i. [coi/..] To obtrude Detarainc, -fife 6», tt SI. «• icolL] Same as De-
to enter when not invited; to be Insolent; to hodal.
begin to talk without hearing out others. Detatsii. Tfte"?, v.i. To begin to be out; to start
Syn, Desugiri S^shidbru. , off; to depart; to set out- Tshop boy.
Deslif, £ L. 56 ?, "
A pupil; an apprentice; Detdii. -J -v "^i TfS. /his. n. An apprentice; a
a disciple; a scholar; a novice. Detchi-boko, TffiSgi^. apprenticeship; Del-
Syn. MONJIN. MOKSKI, Montei. chi-kozd, TtS/h fif. Icoll.'} an apprentice boy.
Deslil-liSbal, -C t a 5 tf V*. ^ n. n- Same as Detclil, -C -^ "^.al^ —. IE— n. Presenting the .

Desiiikyodai. marked one of the two dice used in a game of

Deslil-lr], t; lV/^ V, A n>
Entrance to an esta-
»- sugoroku.
blishment as a pupil, a novice, or an appren- Dctclilri.-ff-jf!),". icon,} A projecting buttock.
tice, fpupil of a teacher, Syn. Degetsu.
Deshilrt vjo suru, AH ^^S-t to become a Detcliiru. -S'j%Z,iS., v.t. [coli.] To knead (as

Ntfgakf, Nyumon. flour with hands). finto dough.

D^nbi-loodai* "CLS^SfeV^. U^^<n. Fellow- Kona wo detchlrUt ^ f- S /t, to work flour

pupils; apprentices in the same establishment; Syn. KONERU, Netasu.

Syn. AiDESHi. Lschool -mates. De3'6,T!-^5, n. QA passage by which to go
Dosliinia, t*L-%> '"" Same as below. out; how to go out, @ The manner of speak-
Desliina. -£ L^, «. The point of going out or ing; conduct; terms of stipulation.
making appearance the time when any person
Sakt no deyo sjiidai de kochira nimo deyo ga
or thing is about to come out. aru, 5E^7'Vl>=Jca;7-'itb::5=*7'-VB'ir7'fl', what
Deshlo, t* LU, tU i^. "• The flood-tide. they say will determine our reply.
Dead. "CSS, a. \cont>. of Deru, to come out, Oeyojo, -e-^ 5 C-^ 5 ffl ^. "- Going out for
, M
and so, likely.] About to come out; likely to recuiting health; visiting adistant place for tha
appear or to be produced. benefit of ^lealth. suru, v.t. To go ou(
for recruiting health.
Bashita ga a^^so da, igT** 1^ !> ^, some

come out; Bebl no deso Deyu, -C Wj, iS SI, "• A hot-siiring.

fractions are likely to
? Syn. inETD, Onsen. Tcimq
na yaDu. «S > 7-' B' *
K. a thicket where
Bnakes are likely to appear; Kinomegadeso DCBUiiie, -C5**. tU ^> "•
Going out for the fir^
da, i^^^lf^^^if, the trees are going to bud. SJiolm gvmi no dezome, >iSEfiffl> til J?, firo
, ,

DO 174 DO
mQn'B going about the streets in ordered ranks of It Do nlka, ]iXf~i7, in some way; some-

on the 4th day ol'the new year. how; Do mo mazul, Y^^^y'-i not woU done; ,

Do, )&, ffi, «. O A degree or the 360th part ol" the not nice or sweet (dnmo merely emphasizes);
circumference or a circle. @ A division or Du-mo shdchl wa itasaren, p IP^^^-'^S*
Intervalmarked on a mathematical or other L-^, cannot assent to Do nari
Instrument ©Extent; meisure; degree. Q to-mw iVashimasho, Fiy-j-y h^Ss/vs^-yflf,
Repetition. ©A period of time, ffl Quantity we shall see to it in some way Do naruka ;

eaten or drunk at a time wakaran, \t B'-?'7i'J!7^'7j^, what follows

Do-do no koto, S v > Si things repeated Oiow it will eventuate) I cannot tell; i)3
many a time; Do wo hakaru, SE ^^ ft-, to M nimo naru, F 5?= ^e •?-»•, can be turned aay
measure; to adapt to ruqiiirements; Do wo way ;i?o nam monoka, K^f-j-ji,^-^*, wliat will
sugosu, \S.^ i^'T., to take more than sufficient;
follow? what will be the consequence? D~^ sliiyd
Tie, KC'S'SB'?-. what shall (we) do? Do shite
to go to excess; to be intemperate; Do wo kasa-
7iuru, ft ? 3i :sr fl', to repeat; Do wo moru, jgf- iruka, 1" i'i/T'f ;^:^, how is he (or are you)

55 fl-. to graduate, Do wo ushinau, ig^^"7, going along v Do shtta koto ka 7ie, y^'py ^^jj^,
to be out of rule or measure; to be irregular; what 13 the matter? D't shltara yokaro, Kfrix^

InsJwku no do vjo sessuru, ^ ^ ^ t-B :^ JJ- ffl; l.t?

9 3.ij 7 I?, what shall we do ? what shall be our

to observe temperance in eating and drinking; present policy? Do suru nodaro, y^Xfy^ii-^i^^
Maitlo, ® (g, every time; very frequently; San- Xf, what how is he to proceedl
is (he) about?

do ni ichl-(lo, H K = — K, once in tliree times; Do totno naru, B- h^-J-ji-, Same as -£>j nimo

Syn. Tabi, liODO, Kagiri. Loccasionally. naru; DTi tohio suru ga yoi, k V \-^z^n-if3. 1,
Do, '£, ®, n. A bamboo basket used for catching do it anyway you chuosQ; Do yarakTi yara yuki-
fish, especially eels. Timsfio, ly-V^^ i>-V7a.^V5/a B*, it will be

Do wofuseru, ^J-^^tn-, to place a fish bas- some way or other.

effected in

ket in a river. fslave. D6, >e5, ^, n. and a. [C/tin.] Samenes.-?, identity;

Do, i?, tSi )'. A servant; a menial; a domestic; a similarity; close resemblaQce; similar; analo-

Do to naru, iR h ?- »-, to be enslaved; to be- gous; Same.

come a servant. Do-banchi, IqlSJiJi, the same uuinber; Do-
Syn. Shimobr, Yakko. cho, [rJWJ, the same wai-d or street; Do-iial, [pj

Do, ^, teniolia. Though; if. !l£, fellows; mates; companions; Dojitsu, [Hig

Toeilo kotarzu, fQ |i' ^ -^ >C, though askeO, the game day; Do-fcatu, Iq^fg, (a) the .same

docs not answer, rank; similar qualifications, (6) [Grajn.] the

same case; Dokoku, g, the same country or
DS, ^S.M O
trunk of the body; tlie
'I. Tlie [qf

province; l>d-myo, |q]^, the same name; one's

main part of a system. @ That part of an
armour which is over tlie trunk. namesake; Do-nen, \p}^-, the same year; Do-
Do no ma. IM RB. middle part of a ship be-
nln, A, the same person; Do set, ISJ^i, one

tween the fore and mizzen masts; To.iko no do, who has the same family name; Do-seki, |^ K,
sitting in tlie same room Do-to,
^M '^ Mt the hollowed cylinder of a drum. ^, the same ; fg)

D6, \e5.^. n. [Mln.] Copper. rank or class; equal; Do yd, iqj^, the same
Syn. Akagane, manner; similar; analogous.
D6, >«5. M. ?* A cylinder for holding dice, used Syn. Onaji, Onajiki, Onnaji.
in the game oisugoroku. Do, 7c-$.i£, " O A road, path, or passage. @
Do, 1&5,^, ". Same as i)o (S). Doctrine; philosophy; tenet; religion, truth.

Do, x-5, adv. How; what; why; please. @ A group of provinces.

Do da, VVif, [coil.] how are you P how or Doro, iggg, a road; a highway; Butsu do, 9
why is it? Do dai-d, WHyy, how will It be? jg, the Buddhist religion; Buddhism; Hokkai-
D~> dsmo a, Pt^* . it does not matter how
n' -f ,
do, 4tifiia, the Hokkaido; Judo, iSiS. the
it is; Do dvnio nai, |VE'5'^?--f it has no affect; ,
philosophy or instructions of Confucms.
It Is nolning, or of no consequeoce; Do Syn. MiCHi, OsHiB.
de shikata ga nai, ^ "^ 7* i/-^ »if -i- ^ , there is Do, ?&5, ^, n. O A temple or shrine. @ A hall.
no help Do iu wake da, ytV-i VWit for what
; . © A church ; a chapel. fa chapel.
reasonT why ? iJo i« ftito fca, \< ^ i y Kij yi\\7iX >
Hond^, $lg, tlie main building of a temple;
kind of man is lie ? Do iu -mono da ka, }? p-s:y^ Do, "iS, ^, An ancient bow used for
n. {CMn.'\ tl

^itlj, what is it, iutemo or what Is it for ? i)o throwing stones; a kind ot catalput. @ Strenu-
yoi, fXf-iy 7% 9-^,1 don't mind what he says 6yn, isniYUMi, Otumi. ;,ou8 exertion

DO 175 DOB
Do, )&, ±., n, Hnd a. Q Earth ;
ground. @ Native DObokti. i«--5l9;< , {3 fK, n. A servant boy.
aborigine; local. Q ITistic Dobokii, \« S; <. J: ^, 1. An engineering wort
D5* >£5, Si ** [O/iln.] A ihild or youth. Mostly building.
us^d in composition. Doboku wo oko-^u, ±:^ i^:X, -y- to cominenct
Sytt. KODOMO, WARAMBE. fhorse. an engineering work to begin to ; build.
Doba» >fttf , Si ffi, 71. [C%in.] A slow or worthless Syn. FusiiiN. Sakuji.
Kirin mo oyureba aoba nl otoru |g 6K ^^ -71^ • obokii-kwa. >cl3; < < *?, ± :^T H, n The Sectioo
^S IS — & J^l
even a unicorn, when oUl»
[lit,.] of Engineering.
becomes inferior to a pad (olten used figura- Bobnkii-kyokit, ^IK < 1^ i(, ±:^ ^, ii. The
tively), fassemble. Bureau of Engineering.
Doba., i«li, n. A place or house where saniblers »obokii-kant»ki;-slii>, ^^3:<*»^^< Lt. it*
Dobaclil, '&^[£%,^^, n. A copper bowl. ^^S". " Tti6 Office in Charge of Engineering
Dobncbi. ^^;*t,±iE6, n. [Entom.'] BumHe-bee. Works.
Dfibnu. ?&5tfA, ^#. n. Same as Domori. »oboau-slil, ^tS< L. ±TJ^C'S. " * civil engi-
DSbnu, le-^tf ^, 1 fp] #, n. Accompanying. neer.
Ddliiiii. ^'5tt^, 'aui'H. v.i. To accompnny. Dobii, >c.
^, )3, 71. A ditch, drain, Rower or trench.
Go rto/ia?! itas/ifmas/40, ffll Ici) f^iS:5/"7?/3Sf, I Bobu wo sarau, ® ^ v,
9- to clean out a
shall accompany you; Go dnhanwonegalmasu, ditch.

ifll [^ fi^^ ES t-7>t, please take me with y'vO. DobiKlubii, ^'it^j*, adv. [coll.] An adv. u.sed

Dfibau, ^5y:^,53^^, " [CWn.] A copper oasin. when speaking of a belly full of liquiJ, as after
Syn. Kanadaeai. drinking a great quantity of water.
^5ban. A copper-plate. Dobiigal. ^Jt/)S\/>, n. [Condi.] Fresh water
>?5k);^,S'3)[5. n.

Dobaii-sbl. ^5l^^L. A copper plate nrnssel. fDogl.

ai^lSBiS, «•

sculptor or engraver. nObiiku, ^5J«<.IE3 Same as Hanten and

DOban-yo, >&5ff^fe, S3ffiffi, n. Copper-plate DobuVii, ;t'?-S*<,

engravings, or pictures. ^f)g. 71. A dress
Dobau-xiirl. »5H:^^'!J. SSJiRffl, n. Printing worn by philoso-
from copper-plates. phers and other

Dobiishl, ^-ffL.i^.w- A bridge built of earth. learned men; an

DobasO. ^[f5 5.±lfl®!. ^- [.Bot.1 A moss. overcoat for-

l>obato. >&a^,S6. " [Ornttli.] Dove. merly worn by

DobnttJiuliC, ^tjy-7fr?-. )±^. n. Fastening the
Dobarltsiiko, ^e-tfifl-^i*, Monr limbs of an offen- Dobiikur> 0, ^»
der or a criminal to the ground with nails, and
n. [Bot.] China-
afterwards killing him by shooting an arrow.
Dobel, ^^'^V', J:^. n. A tvall built of earth.
Dobl» ^tN', SfeSit, n. [Bot.] Rvfus rosl/olius. Uobiiro»>ejt;5. ±» GS BS3

DobI, »u?, SiS. « [5oi.] The white rose. fifi, n. An earthenware bath-tub.

Dobln, ^t^•^, ±^ «• An earthen tea-pot. Dobiiroku, «Jt;s<. @^. n

[coll.] Same as

Dobin no tsif/ru, ±)Si^(i*, the arched handle

Doburiil, ^$>^l^,BgfII, n. Shivering; shakinff
of a tea-pot. fa tea-pot.
quaking; trembling.
Dobl«-ahilil,>ct^•^[,$.±liS!;;< " Astandfor
DobO, "£5125. St!?. «• A fool in the employ of Samusa ga tsuyokute dZburvi ga sum, !$ tf j|

a noble ; a buffoon an inferior page.

^5^ Wi^if^}^^ to shiver with intense cold.
D6b0, >«5H!5, 1 I^DB. '*• Brothers; brethren; Dobusaral, ^>? &V> ^i@#i n- One who cleans
D&bo, ^5115, ' companions; compatriots; out a ditch.
countrymen. Dobusaralr ^>^ G U*, [[g ^. ii" A machine %
Dobo fcyodaf, I^SSK*. brethren; brothers; used in cleaning out a ditch or river.
TenTca no dobo ni utto, ^T^^SS^'eS^. to Dobutsu, "&y'^,%^,n. Anything slow, worth-

the brethren of the woHd, less, stupid, or useless.

appeal to all
Dobutsii, «5J*-3,S(l1ft, ». Ananimah
Syn. Harakara. rtmpertalis.
IBoL] Pauloxvnia Syn. IKIMONO.
D5bokiU«9ia:<. n^.m, »».

Dobolciu ^ia:<. fiXffi> " *• servant, menial, Dobutsii, ¥>-7,±^, n. A clay Buddha; «
domestic, or slave. Buddhist Idol made of clay.
Dol>iit»4ii-you, ^5>-7£.^, if) 43) gQ, n. A zolilo- ndcha, )&i%(/i3^, S+. ?t O Travelling; Journey.
gical tiiirden; menagorie. @ The land or water by which one travels.
D5t)iitsu-sakii, ^9^-7tl'<. ^^^.n. Zoology; Naga ddchu, g ^ 43, a long Journey.
natural history. fn. A zoologist. .
siiru, v.t. To travel.
Dobutsu-gakualia, »5J*r?t)t< t.-^, ^^^^, DocbDki, ^.5't(fl)5S, ig Ft' iE, n. A guide-book;
Dobutsii-lionoffuml, '£'-5Ji^-o^iXi'^.^UB^. a book for travellers in which are recorded the
n. A specimen of the bony framework of an routes, celebrated places, hotels, inns, etc. ; a
animal. road-book.
DobyakiisltS, iecv-^<2t-^5, i'SJ^, «. [coll.] A a>6chn-uil*l.i, 7i:-5'tt*5l^7&. iS* S i&, n. The
neeOy faraier; an indigent peasant. daily notes taken by a traveller.
DObyo. i£-5tA'J^5, fnl ||?3, n. The same disease, Dorliu-slii.7£5"^B>5L,ia4» ^.n. O A traveller
sickness, or weakoess. @ Porters or coolies on the higliway. g) A
awaremu, I^i^JgfiS, to pity one
DTibijo ai guide.
who has the same disease. Docbasiisoroku, T-_^% 5ir^ ^< ,^t^ Sg ;*?. n.
Dob.vosbl, i5tK-^5 L. If^^^T. ^- Cymbal a used in A game played witli a die in wliich one wins by
religious rites. reacluug the capital first, going by a certain
Dochaliii, ^S -^C , ±iff, «. Living on one's route. fwork, or irainework
own estate or land. sum, v.t. To live on Uocliil, ^ '*
'£'7<'\r , :t , A foundation, ground
one's own land; to settle. Dodai ±^T, under the groundwork;

Doclii&liu-uo-bpi, )£'h'^<0-~'\f^, ±^- ^ ^. n- Dodal wo sueru, ± f-^ '^ ;t, to lay a foun- ^J^

A soldier who lives on his own estate, subject dation. Caquatlcus.

to being called out to duty by his lord. Dodalwo. ^;t'\ri5 5, ±:A: ". [Hot.] Rumex ti?,

Dflrbakii sum, 1«$1;^<-^S, ffi^, v.t. To con- Uddau, )&^7&A.,MfS, n. The same thing, (Jitto.
flict with; lobe contradictory.
Gongododan, s ^ 13 Ef. [coll.][lU.]thQ sameaa
D5cbf ^5t, S¥tl, n. Children under ten years
words, [;I(/.J vex'y bad or iusolent, Mtgi dodan,
of age; infants.
fefKlBf. the same as above or before; Zen
Syn.KODOMO, OSANAGO, Wabambe. dodan, 3? ^ ES. the same as before.
Docbl, ipron. Where; what directiou or
)£:%, Dodo, ^51^5, adr. and a. Roaring (especially
I>otcbi,tf-y"5, [jlace; which way.
said of the rushing sound of wiml or water).
Eho ivadotchl, TS-Z^ '••y-ji', which way is the JUisu ga dodo lo nagaru, A<.jj'\f'iff:pt'Sk»',
SyiL IzDKF, IzuRB. ie/to? water rushes on roaring.
Dochi, '^%, ^, /*. Icoll.'] Same as Do-shi. D5do, 555:^-5, f^ iS. 't- Same as Xiy/ta/i.
Onna dochi, ix ft, Same as Onna doshi Otol^o ; Dodo, TH^TC:^.^^, a. Splendid, grand; eml
dochi, ^ ^, Same &s Otoko doshi; Ofrio dochi, nent; majestic, iUusti'ious; imposing; solemn;
S "7 ^' lovers, Itiends; Omowanu dochi, ,§.-"• important; well regulated.
3<^, in different parties; Wahaki dochi, g- 4ft, y>ddonojiii, grand military
^'^.^W' a. dis-
the young only. play ; a regular battle-array Dodo taru shinshi, ;

DoSHi, Nakama, tsuee.

^^ ft li-P^ i, an illustrious gentleman.
Docblkngaiiii. ^ *^4> ftt ;^, ^Jcglf, n. Hy-{Bot.'] Dodo, ^^.. ^ iz, adv. and a. Often, frequently;
arocJuzris asiattca. Tway; who; which. repeatedly; irequent; not uncommon.
Docblrii, )&% &, ^-^,pron. What direction; which Dodo hanasu, & fi iS :^, to speak often ; to
Dochira ga viakeru ka, ^ "ji if % -y n^ )] who , Dodo mairimashita, g^
refer to frequently;
will lose? which will be defeated? Dochira ga £:VV5/^, went many times; Dodonokoto, ^
yol ka, ^-^ ifti^'iii, which is better? Dochira V -^gi. frequent occurrences.
demo yot, fl"^ r-^'iF-fi any one will Ao\ Dochira Syn. KOTOGOTO, Tabitabi, Tsudotsudo.
nl okuka, f\:^~ Z.-^i}. where do (yon) put it? Dodoitsii, '^^V>'7, 3ft '^ ^. " A species of po
Dochira ni svru ka, ^:^ ^ z^n-ij. which will pular song, rie.ss; clownish
(you) take? Dochira nimo inal. ^ -^ ^ ^ fl ^ Dodun. •)&)&/u,U^, c- Stupid; foolish; worth
-J, he is no where to be found; Dochira e yuku Dodon na yatsu, S$E -^ iR, a stupid fellow.
ka, ^^•^\f^:fj, where do(you)go? Tta. Dookl , ^i5C7&, M,^. n. A post-station, fners
Syn. DOKO, Dore, Izuee, Izcku, Izuka- DofD. ';ei5. ± W,, n. The local customs or man
D5clil Slim, ^ ^%-?-Z, U9^, v.t. To penetrate Dofft ga yof, ± Pt i;* (if I: the customs an« ,

imentaily); to understand in full; to perceive manners (of tlie place) are good DofH ni narasu^ ;

well. fordatned Budd. priest ± JK = lfl!| ::^ , to mrake familiar with the local
Ooclio, tf-T-t, ffiJS?. ". -A. diploma given t« an customs and manner; to acclimatize.
nofii* >ei, ^SJffi. "• {Cldn.] The treasury. corates a stage one charged with the getting

Dofiiii* l«i^, HW. «• See Funao. fa baby. up scenes on a stage, g

The manufacturer ol
nOsnl. «5i)?V/^, aiS.w- [C/U7?.]An infant; a child; tools, furniture, etc.
DA^nkii, ;t-5jj*<,2S». « Ethics; moral phflo- Dogusiirl, ^5<rirV),>xm^ "• Gunpowder.
Bophy. rethica. Syn. KWATAKU, Tamakusuri.
Dogaku sensei, 3£*ft#=. a professor of Doguaiirl-Ire, >55 et«\/^H. !/C^ffi. rt. A gun-
Dogakii. )&^tit<,^^, n. Q A Bchool-Tnate. @ powder flask. rfurniture, toolfl, etc.
Learning in the same school, or under the same Dogiiya.
?&5<--^,iS#g, n. One who deals in
tutor. Dogwaf, >&<-toVv, ^ff{, n. Putting aside as
Dogaku no tomo, ^ ¥ > :£, school-mates. useless, worthless, or too valuable; out of
DoffHiiia-Eiiml, ^ft'a?'^', ±fflg^, n. A kind of question.
charcoal which is very light and easily kindled. DogyS, ia5«r-^5,|g^. n. Those who go to-
Syn- Rakuda-zumi. gether, as a group of pilgrims.
Dognine. >eft?i/>, |£, n. [Zool.'] A snapping turtle. Doha. ^5tt, IqJiK, n. The same school, sect.
Dogainft-basii. ^^bfUb^/Si; n.[Boe.lThefrogbit, party, or denomination.
Hyarocharis asiatica, Doliachi, ^9^^^, '^J^, u,
Do^aiiiiie-Kurii, )&^ii'ib:>'Z,^f^, n. [Bot.] Meta- A Buddhist sacred vessel.
plexls Stauntoni. Dotinl. ^ 5 Kv^, f^ afi. n.
DAgiuie. ^^aitltM^, n. A metal band put Persons of the same rank,
around a package or other things* class, or caste; equals.
Do^rane-biiiiibuii, >£•$j!)t|^J:^J(^, 71. [Entom.'] Dohan, .ias a^,^S. n
A beetle, Euchlm^a cuprea. Doban. See Doban.

Pogarai^lil, l«i)t& L.3?K, «. [£o(.] GastroHla. Dohan, » 5 tt A, ^ ^, re.

Dognza, ISVJ-?'. JiTffi. « Sitting down on the Same as Dohan.

ground and bowing. Dobftii, ie5^^, [^^, n. No -^ - -.

Dogl. 5«-5^, HIS, ". An under-garment; aghlct. change, used only of sick CS?| &(i)

Wogi, ^5^,KJKt ". A motion; a suggestion. persons.

Z>0)7i wo okosUf ®] HI?- @ ^. to make a mo- Dohcn, ^e5-^^, [^i^, n. Same as above.
tion (parliamentary); Klnkyn aogt, K li: fi) K. Yahari dohen de komarlmasu, % 5S im iS t* B
an urgency motion. y-^:^, it aggrieves me much that he shows no
nogl. ^^, ± g, ». The staple products of a place Dohi. ^l^, IR^, n. Servants. [.change.
or locality. fdistrust. Dobltsii. ^y--?, S(s5K, 'I. [-Bo(.] Horsetail.
DogI, Doubt; suspicion; anxiety;
-^-S^T. iK!^. ". nSbo, iajarS. RIflg. "• same as i)o&o.
Dogi .5 !^,
;t ^
^. «. Ethical or moral principles. Dobo euru, ^tt5-^3.±B3. u ' O To crumble
Dogl-giiUii, f&^'^ti<,^&l^, n. Sameasi^o- down; to fall to pieces. @To be dispersed.
qixku (^ ^). rside. Dobyo. »5-*5. ^JM. n. A copper monument.
Doglrl, ^^i^ii), fi||^j[J,
". Cutting the body at the Dobyo, ^-^a, ±fe n. Bags filled with earth
Syn. TSUTSt'GIRI. or sand.
Dogo. ^ii*5.Jii^. "• A rich farmer; a local nobyoba, ic^5tf. ±^ An arena where
grandee; a landed proprietor. Rage. wrestlers contest; usually contracted into do-
D5go, ^5j)*5, i@B. Ir] w- The same county or vil- hyo.

Dogo, fe5ii<5,^SS. "• Asurname, asofascho- »(»b.veii-i* *— 5\pi!).±'S A, w- The appearing ol

lar or stationer. fber raioga. a number of we.stlerR, on the arena, wearing

Dogouso. i?£^3 5.$tlSj^. «• [^o(.] The zengi the badges of their rank. fagreeing with.
Dogosiiitgii, ^aLr?.± + EE, n. TBoM .^cAyran- Dol, ^5v^, ^'^., n. Concurrence; consent; assent;
t/^^s hidenZata. Dol wo hyosu, ^M.^ ^^f to concur; to
DugD, )e^5> ii 'IS< Aclayimageor consent; to second.

Dogujin,. >e<-5CA.±lPSA, ) idol. "

suriif v.t. To agree with, etc.
Dogti, f^5<r^^^l »*• Tools; instrumeots; uten- D6i, 1«-5Z), i^te. n. OlMath.'] The same digit.

sils; furniture. Tor furniture. @ Tlie same rank; equal standing.

I>6gu-date» ;&5<':fe'C, S AaH;, n. Stage scenery, Dol, i«5a,[^W-. n. Same as /do.

Dogu-mocbl, ;^5<' <& %,^M-^, '"' OSameas Dol, ^S,±S, n. Same as i?o(e.
Yarimochi. @ One who carries a. paper en- Dolkaiiii, te5ife*><.[Rlttft. '*• l-Sfath.] Corres-
sign (niatoi) at a fire. ponding angles.
n6s*^'atkl, )&3<rL,^AU. n. O One who de- D5in, 1«5U*^. ^fP. " A copper seaL
DOl 178 DOK .

I>Sln. ^5\;^^, ^5|, 7(. A ahatnpooer who hua the Dojo, ^* 5, 1^. 7*. {Ichth.} M'lsgurnus anguilli'

sense of sight. fby rubbing. caiidatus.

Doin mnmt riidjt, 3 SlHeJS? }§i curing diseases Dojo, >??*5.S6B. n. O A place for fencing
Syn. Amma. foi clay. exerclsep. @ A reading-room connected with
I>nlnKotsu, '!?V^^W'r7, ± 15 g, n. [Min.] Ochre, a Buddhist temple or monastery.
Ddltsii, ^SV-?, IPJ— , n. Sameness; the same; Dojo, >? C-^5, .1: @!, n. The soil; arable land.
coincidence: perfect equality. DojnnlM. 7£5 C^5l/^^, iStJ: A, ^i- [o&ff.] Persona
Boitsu na koto, [^ — -J- ^, the aame tiling, af- of high rank admitted to the Imperial presence;
fair, or matter; Doitsunl omo, [^ —= ,§. -7, to the kuge.
consider the same ; to loot u pen as equal. Dojoznn. >a CJ^5y ^,±*^^^, ". [Bot.] Orixi
Doltsu. iav^5, ^yx, ti. [coll.'} Which fellow or japonica.
rascal; who. Doju, CSCWf.Sffl.n- An Infant; a young child,
Doitsiiiio, ^Slr-^a-t, IH)
— ii, " ^Math.'} Rule Dolta. ?t5i>, ^"F. w- A form of address to ft

of identity. superior.

I>ohi, >e$vpi, ^5:. "Wliat; for what reason, DoKn, ^5*>, adv. How; please; through youi

object, or purpose. favour or kindness; someTiow.

Dolu koto (laka shiranai, '\^-S;^ifijipy-f--1, Doka itashitai monoda, ]fp-f] ^^z -»'(*>#,
what Is the matter I do not know; Bdiiimono da, may it be done somehow ; D'oka koka dekt s'dda,

^x:^>if, why; what is it? Doivtemo wakara- l*iy:'/=ti>:»[ij ^y -it, I think I can perform it

nai. {fi-x:9 =£iV ^ y ^'1, (he) cannot under- in some way; Ddka nari s'dda, V" 1> » -f- V *
stand however I explain. tfit, there is some prospect of success; Doka

DoMf '^%'.^^, a- [coll.'} Stupid; nonsensical; nasare masMtaka, k l? :^ -?-"^ ^'^ S'^ *. does
dull; sluggish; foolish; silly; slow; wanting something weigh upon youf does something
common sense; not intelligent. trouble you? Doka negai masu, KB':^St:v^,
VojL nn koto wo shipa, K^-^rf b^S^^, how please do so; I request your aid; Doka osa-
sillily have I actedl what nonaensel Dojl na viari soda, VXriJI^'^V ^U"^, it seems likely to

yatsu, ilSiM-J-W- ^ foolish fellow. be arranged in some way Doka ;

sukUte yarltai,

>»''ii. 1^5 t, [i^B?. '* and adv. Tlie aame time; at Vt'ijik'79^'*}^-1. I should like to help, il
the same time; ,1u8t then. Syn. DQzo, Nanitozo. L possible.

>oji, ^5 t:, 1e ^, n. A child ;

a boy; a youth. DoKa, »5*>, 1110, n. Tlie same value or price;
Syn. KoDOMO, Warabe. an equivalent.
Do.i't ^5 Er, ^®. n. The same thuag; just that DoKnclolm, ^A'^Si^ KiT !K)T. Ck'y- [coII.]Many
alfair or matter. in succession ; suddenly; one after another.
Dfi.ii. 7g 5 adi'. and n.
t.^^j*:, Q In passing Dokadoka to kuru, ffJjTffilT f- ?K n-. to come
through. @P(ith; track; way; road. suddenly; to enter In rapid succession.
Dojigon, \e5 tVt-^, [rI^x:. "• [Mat/i.] ITomoge- DSiinl sum, >c5*>\a-^Z, ?|g DB. v.i. To open; to
nooua dimension. make passable; to unclose.
I>oil|gf>«lii. ia-5 £:-ft*5 L, ST^jJ-f. " The stripes Dokan. ^5A>^, [^ EX. w. The same Hentlment;
in the form of double latti?fe\voik wrought in concurrence; consent; assent.
I>»l,M">e, >a5 Kfe, S3 W, *i- A bolt. Lcl^th. Dnh-an wo idaku, ^!S,^^^, to have the
l>r>ii;i.o-Ei»naiinnio. ^5 tit^'-ttft©. BBSfi^^S, same sentiment; to sympathize or agree with.
a. A buckle. ngiiB. ^-5W, iSfb, -«- [collA O Abuffuon, jester,
Dojlii, "£; i: Aj, ± \. n. A native; an aborigine, or fool. @ Buffoonery.
Dojiii. 7£ 5 £;^, ^ A, n. QA guide; one who DoKogulu. 7{i-^Vftnz.-^i^l{i, " An actor who
leads. @ A c'hier or leader. rkindness. plays the parts of a buffoon.
Dojln. ^5 Er ^, 115 Ci "- Impartial favour or DolifA, ¥5WW^,^j@, n. A musical instrument.
IsslU fJoj(?i, — iSg |f!I C rendering no partial ndl<o-inoito, ?i55W-'&®.imt:^, «• OSameas
favour; behaving as kindly to one as to Doke. @ One who is fond of cracking jokes.
another Doli<^}i. ^5W^,Iq)a. II- The same views or

Dojii'ii, ^5 ex, ®J. v.t. To be al'ra;il, or frvght- opmion.

oiiad; to shrink from; to feel the influence of; D5lien, ^-5W•^, I^) tffl,
n. Equal rights; equality.

to be moved or excited, Danjo doken, ^ ^ I^ ti, the equality of mwi

DoJIsliifiil, ^^t; t,@> [^^JC. « [JtfaC/i.] Homo- and womeli.
genous expression. Dolceru, fa^i^Z, v.i. To jest; to crack a joke;


to contort the features with a view to excite Dokkyo, »03:,ilSS, "- Living alone; tli-e life

the laughter of the bystanders. of a hermit. 'Siiru, vA. To live alone.

Syn. FuzAKiiRU, HicOeebtj. Dokhyo, 1*< &-^5, SI 13, '* Reading or reciting
Ookeru,15W3,)S. ^. ».t. [coH.] To remove; to Buddhist sacred books.
dismiss, expel, or take away. Syn. Kankin. rincequalts.
Jama mono wo aokeru, 3P,!g%^ J*', tore- [ffi Doklovatsii, ^< C!i9"7,iEffi, -ft- [Bat.] Angelica
move obstacles or hindrances (both men and Syn. SHISHIUDO, DDO.
Syn. NOKERU. (.ttiines)- Doko, i£5*>5, ^tj;!^, /t. A oopper mine.
Dokeyc, T&^ld-ik. JtJ^ft. " A comic picture. Doko, ^^'L,^'^, n. A copper boiler attuohed
nokcslilbal. Tt-SW-tliV^, JSBIiKSJ. " [coU.]X to a cooking furnace.
comedy a vulgar dramatic representation of the
; Doko, ^c, filig, adv. Where; In some place;
characters and incidents of life, merely for somewhere.
exciting laughter. Doko aemo yoi, fi r' ^ a 'f I do not mind
•fEJ ,

DOliotsii* 'S5W'"?. HI^, '»• Being buried fcn the where; it does not matter where; Doko ga
same grave. warui, MS*'S 'f where is the defect or fault?

Katro doketsu, fS^WK, i;/lff.] the relation or Dokoka deka viita yocla, -fpr^?jytia*:*i^, me-
affections of man and wife; [lit.] to become thinks I saw somewhere; Doho kara kita, ^St
aged together, and to he buried in the same yj ^3fc4(, whence (did you or has it) come? Doko

hole or ^rave after deatli. fgrotto. mademo, fS' S "^ t' ^. wherever you go to the ;

Dohntsu. tS^trJ-^.P/C. "• A cave, cavern, or last Doko no dedaka wakaranai, fpf ^ -^ tli ^*

DoJji, '^-5^, ©j1^, n. The palpitation of the heart. Xf:ljy-^-i, (I) do not know where Is he (or it)
Dokl ga Hageshli, %%1f^\i/^, the heart from; Doko no hito, fqa^A. where is (he)
palpitates violently. fvessel. from? Doko nlka aru, ^ S.^lJTft', (it) is some-
J>oKf. ^&,±&|, n. An earthenware; an earthen where; Dofconf mo nai, inlS si^-J-'f not found ,

DoEii. >a^,!SI^. "

Anger; resentment. anywhere Doko tomo nashi ni ayum^jt, fpj ^

Dokl wofuMumu, ^M^^

^> to l^e angry. -j-^=:^A, to loiter or walk about, not caring
DOiii, >«5&, [^S, «" A similar turn of mind; Syn. DooniBA, Tzdko. where. [_

resembling one another in disposition. Doko, ^5*>5,PJff. "• Going or visiting to-
Dohi ai motomu, m^l^M^, persons simi- gether; accompanying or taking' together.
larly constituted are likely to associate. Hiiru, v.i. To go together.
DoKfdolii. 'S^-^^^ t, Throbbing violent-
Doko. «5?l5,lffi?l. » P^f'H Tlie pupU; the
ly; pitapat; palpitating. apple of the eye.
Mune ga doJcidoki suru, Miff^t ^H'* the
Syn. HiTOMi. rby peasants.
heart throbs violently. Doko, ^t.5,i5S. w. An agrarian riot; a revolt
Doko^ ^5*'5,[^K. "" [CTiin.] Of the same age.
»6iiln, >e5&^, " Servmg under the same
Dok5, ^t5.±X, n. The construction of an
diief, or in the same office. fearthwork.
Syn. DORYO, DOTAKU. Dokowookosu, ±Xf-^:^. to commence an
DoJ^in sum, ^5'&^^^,ra^. "* To sleep m A
Doho-dana. ;£5*>57fetf.3S ^ tSB, w. shelffor
the same bed ; to cohabit. an apartment specially built for
tea-things in
PoUUarito, ^y*>'!)^,CKi"- [cott.]OMuch atone
Dokojlii, ^2:5 I:^. ±4^*9. "• Tlie god of the
time. @ Heavily suddenly and violently.

soil or ground.
DuJckari to mokaru, v-y^i V hS * »-. to gain
m uch at one time ; Dokkari to suwaru, Fv A V Dokokii 8iirii.¥5t<tS.ffi9?. «* To lament
down heavily. a death excessively to mourn bitterly. ;

1-4^ ;u, to Bit

Dok u ^ < iGoll.'] To go away to leave to
|)uiil<««lii* ^-yWL.')?!®. »i- An antidote. , , jS. w-'^- ; .

move one's self. Tor unmarned-

ftouuo, '&'yi3'5,m^, «* To go along alone; to

travel alone.
Dokii, >e < . iS. « [Chin.} Being alone, liriendleaa

|>ol<B<4>c-(loWkoe, >e-yC.^^"/t^. IcoU-] A " Dokii, ^< , #, n- O A poison or venom. @ In-

jury; harm; detriment; disadvantage.
lottery wlieel used by street vendors of candy
and sweetmeats. Dokuna mono, #-?-=E .-', a poisonous thing;
DoliKoi. Ah! OhI Doku nl ataru, m~'^n-< ^^^^ poisoned Doku ;

^"vZ.-^, intei-j.
Dokkoi abunai. l»-v3 -fg'f-. Ah! dantterousl
mmonaran, ^=^^9v, not even poisonous,
IndifTerent; Doku ni imru, ^ st -j- ji,, to

Ichneumon sp.
prove poisonous ; I>oku wo kesu, ^ f- ^ 5t, to
neutralize a poiaon Doku wo kuraeba sara ma-
; Doku-tmo, i5<\pt,l^?, «. [Sot.] Zantedeschia
demo, g^ ^ -^y^jE 7 5*^, [iit.] if you take a aethlop-Lca. fous snake.
poison, take tlie vessel containing it along with DoKiija, >e< c-^, SiFf, n. A poisonous o? venom-
the venom; yig.]once in the iine of a vice or Dokiijo, ^< ei,iS!l!jti w. [^nCom.] Spider.
folly, never shrink from pushing to the very KuMO.
last point; Doku wo nomasu, ^f-fiJtv^, to cause nokiiJii,^< Clfti.^lffi. n. Reading; recition.
to be poisoned; to poison. Tvity. Principally used of Buddhist bibles. fdote,
Uokunlcu, ^<3&<,0S, n. Evil; vice; depra- nokukeshi, ^< H-L. ^S. -i^SS. " An anti-
Uokii-atarl, ^< <^%9. ^f^, n. Being poisoned. Dokiikl, )£-<^, ^Mi n- QFoisonous breath.
DoKiiba, >?<U, SK, n. A poison fang. © Sarcasm; scorn; irony. © Vice; depravity.
DokuboliiiKyd, «< l$< W5. !S* fiS. "- Same as Dokiikyd, 1? < @-^ 5, S?S. «• Reading sacred
Do'k.ui'yQ. books.
Dokuchn, ^ < tW>5, ^M. n. A poisonous insect. DoKuini, •&<7f;W^' '» Testing by eating or
Dokudaml. >^<^'A-, JH^. drinking whether anything is poisonous.
H. [_Bot.'] Hoiittuynla Dokuiiiaknri. >5 ^ T£ < IQ,®, n. [Boe.] Houttuy-
cordata. nia cordata.
Dokuilnn. « < T&A., m BH. Ooliunngnani-gnsn, ^ f i^il' L ^-S. © il S. "•
n. Decidint; by one's [Sot.] Bwddieia j'aponfca.
lelf; selfish decision. Doku 111, ^< K,!^, Ofli;. Specially; particularly;
^— sum, v.t. To de- for a particular object or purpose.

Dokudate, )&<?i^X, 9 Doku-uo-ki, 'S<<D%,:^'^fi}l^. "- [Bot-'} Gori-

f, n. Abstaining from aria japonlca.

food calculated or pre- Dokiirjikii, )^< ^ < ,^^, n. O Having a good
aumed to be in,iurioua
time alone by one's self. @ A top.
to one's health. Syn. KOMA. TQomi.
Dokudoku, ^<*<.iS <r. ^i^- Gurgling; flow Dokurtki-I, ^< &V^, "fl ffi ;;(; 3!^. «. Same as Fwn-
ing out with a purling bubbling sound; not in Dokurltsii, >t< V)-7,
a tL, n. Independence-
jets. Dokiii-}u. ^< U]^,
Chi f/a dokudoku to shttataru, jfii ^ jS ^r t- iS ^ DokurUsu ni nam, JB 3l = -?- ;t, to become
»-, blood runs out gurgling. independent ; to cast off troublesome inter-
Dokudokushl,-l,-kl, ^<^{ L. I Itm, a. O Syn. HiTORTDACHi. Lference.
Poisonous looking; venomous, @ Injurious; nokiirifsii-Kokii, <«^<wi'7£.<,JSi;8, n. An
hurtful. 63 Scornful; sarcastic. independent state, power, or country.
Syu. KUDOSHI, Sbitsukoshi, Dukiiritsu-no-gdl, ia < U)-9®ii*iV^, MiL^^H..
Doku-ofto-kl. >^ < C? <9 @, U -^ ^ [Bot.] n. {Law."] Free contract,
Aleurltes cordata. Dokuro, >a< A skulU
;^, ^(5^, n.
Dokurii, *< i, ffi ^, n. Same as Dokushim-mono. Syn. SHARIKOBE.
Dokufit* >?<-&., S!(9, '< A bad woman; a woman
Dokurjo, ^< S}-^5,}SSg, n. A log bridge.
prone to vice or depravity.
Uokuryokii, *< iJi. < , JS *j '» Despotism; de-
Syn. AKUFU, Kanpu. ciding independently of others.
Dokugal siiru, 5«<J)JV"^5 , V.t. Same an
Syn. ITTE.
Dokusatsu suru. Dokuryn-no-kl, *Cy5©@,^^fi^, " \.Bot.\
Dokiigaku. «<i)3<.i|g$. ? Learning without Aleurites cordata. for ability; desposition.
the help of a master; Belf-education. Dnkiisal, lS<3V,iBti!> «. One's unaided power
Dokugau, i*<i)«A, ffiRS, «. Blind of one eye. Dokiisai-kunshu-koku, ^< ?\/^< ^ LlftC.< . 99
Syn. Mekkachi. A
iSSiH. '*• country governed by a despot;
Ookugen, >S< V>^. lEWt n. Speaking or mut- a despotic monarchy.
tering to one's self, as in a dream or reverie.
D«kiiB;il-seljl.«<5V^-^VC,ffl^EaS, ». Adefl-
Syn. HiTORiGOTO. falone. potic governmeni.
Dokusln. l*< ^^^, ffilt^, T». Humming; singing Dukiisatsii, >c<'5r7,#5e. rt. Killing by th»
Dokiigyo, >e<Sri, 9^., " A poisonous fish. use of a poison. suru, v.t. to kill by
DokHl, i?<\r, SS?18. n- [BoL] Same as Doku- poisoning; to poison.
enoki. Dokusen suru. >« < *^-p-^ . Iffi (5. v.t. To ap-
Doku-lml, «<|p;^, 9E!i » Same as i}oftuda£«. propriate everything to one's self.


Dokuslinkii, ^< L-<^<.3SS^. n Drinking sake kakaru, g W ? ig t' ^ »-, to set about boldly;
alone, or without a waiter. fjo-ponica. Dokyo wo tamesu, fi ifl ^ gS >^i to see wtiether
Dokiislilba, •s< Ltf. 4S:>fc, n. [Bn.] Andromeda one is truly courageous or not.
Doknsliiiii-iiiono, >e < L^ i<Ot IE # ^< ^- ^ Syn. TANRYAKD.
bachelor; a peraon who leads a single life; a Dokyo-shlnEoku, «5Si L^^C. f^ gUIS. "
widower [Law.] Kinsmen or kinswomen living in the
DoKiisliln. )S< L^. ffi^g*, ru bachelor; a QA same house. ,
widower. @ Celibacy; single or unmarried Dokyn, ^ 5 @ .2., [^ The same class, grade,
fiit, n.
Syn. HiTORiMi. Llifo. or year (said of school-boys and other Btudents.
I>okuRlio,^'< LI.
htE«. Reading; study. Dokyii sei, or dokyu no seito, ^ ^ (^ IS S£5 1*5 -^
Tokiislio, ;f < LI.

Dokushowosuru, s9^^?*ii-, to read; to study.

4 ^), the students in tlie same class classmates. ;

Dtiiiia. ^^,± n. O Unfloored parts of a house;

Ookii9liii, ^< LVi>, Si@. n. Poisoned sake.
ground apartment. @ Tlie pit in a theatre.

Dokiisiiiiilrn, >&<-^^g, :g ;;{;, /t. [Boe.] Zycorls

DoiiiakI, *5E&.PiS. « A belt-like sack tied
radiata. rphyaician. around the waist next to the skin, for carrying
Dokiitorii. K ^ h P-. "• [^ng.] A doctor; a money or important documents.
I»6kiitaii,>e5<'5.!(3K. « Same as I>(5A;ef2M (it^"^). Domaiiju. ^5^^W)5, ±1633, '«• An earth
Dokiiya, ^<-^, S$t, n. A poisoned arrow. mound raised over a grave.
Dokiiyitkii, ^<'^< 1^^, n. A poison; u
poi- Doinaru. )£^'iZ, M%, "• The name of ancient
sonous chemical or drug. armour, a specimen of which is preserved in the
Dohii>oke, )& < iW", S^, Jt. Same as DnTcuJceatii. Kasuga shrine in Nambu.
DokiLYO-sliosun, ^. < i5L15<'^. ffifflllSW,"- Doinburi, »^i-v),?f, n. A deep bowl.
[Bo(.] rj-ioseEwm siniAutum. Doinbiirl. ^^.S<'!), adv. Precipitately; headlong.
Syn. TsURANQKigc) Originally used of the sound produced by any-
nokiiza siivn. >ft<3-^3, US *fe, v.*. To sit alone. thing falling or plunging into water.
Dftkwa, ^5<*p, ^fl, «. A copper coin. Domburl mizu e ochita, Vf i/ -f^) ^-^^^ Ht
Dor -w.iii^ -,C5C49^, SelSIE, ». A copper boiler fell headlong into the water.
o^ kettle. Doinbiitsii. i5^.5^-7, ^f^^, n. A simpleton; a
Doli^vaiiso, 7£5 C*5^^5 fool; a dunce; a blocl:liead. ftinct,

Doiiiel, ^-StoV, 1^ Hfl, «• Transparent; clear; dls

cow-herb, Saponaria Syn. Akiraka, sgKiTrmu.
Vaccarla. Doni4^i. ^5i6\ri^K, «. Alliance; confederacy;
Ddk^vo. l!5 5<*5 5.15']iffi. "• union by treaty or league.
A copper mine. Domet no monOf [rI S^#i allies; confederates;
confidential friends.
[Jfin.] A copper ore. sum, tJ.t. To ally; to confederate.
Vokyo, )&3^ i.. njS, ». Domcl-kohii, ^JfcV^t < |p] S- rt. Allied or . M
Living iu the same confederate countries, powers, or states.
house, or under the DoniJdoiiil, ^;^^;^,§^, adv. Cloudy; hazy;
same roof. siiru, v.t. To live in the same foggy; indistinct; turpid overcast. ffarmer. ;

house. Duinin, >5;^^, ± S. "• A peasant; acottager;a

Dokyo, ^'5?J^5, 1^ Mt ** The same place; being Doininetsii s»irH, l^Afer^^t-Z, SSS. "o-t. To take
born in the same town or village. hy force (as a country or an estate).
DoTcyo no Shi, IrI ^ -^ ±, gentlemen of one's Doiiio, i*'^,^. tenioha. A plural suffix.
birthplace. Kodomo, fh^, the young; the children; the
Dokyo, le&J:?, KM, IBRS. "• [coll.'] Spirit; O juvenile members; Kotodonio, gj^, things;
turn of mind; temper; disposition. ©Courage; affairs; matters; Monodomo, # ^, domestics;
boldness; vehemence; vigour; enterprise. menials.
Syn. DAcni, Ra.
Dokyo ga warui, HE W l/S.-f cowardly timid . ;

craven Dokyo gayol, &^if Hf- ^, bold coura^

; ;
Dotno, ^ 4, iS, tenioha. Although; though;
even however; but.
geous; composed; of vigour and enterprise; Do-
kyo no nai rUto, fiEM > ^ -< A. a timid person; Kikedomo kikoezu, ^ ->- K ^M -^ ^•. listens,

a coward a craven J>okyo wo sadamt;ru, j£ (X^^

; ;
but does not hear (as a person whose mind is in

^ jt n't to compose one's self; to gather one's the state of abstraction); Kmne domo tsvkizu, ^
self; to gather one*i courage; Dokyo wo sueU jt K * S +^' though drawn, not exhausted (of
ft well, or any liquid); JUire domo miezu, %U Donatn. ^'ttte, ^'^. pron. Who; all; any one.
ft^ ^ "-3?. looking at, but not seeing; Ute Donata demo irasshat. ^-jj ^ "^ -i^-yiz-^-i,
domo Tcuclakezu, jg r 1« ^ fis -^ 7:, not broken all may come; any one is welcome; "Donata

thougli Btfuck or beaten. nimo wakarlmasu, ^;^ =^^i^'^} -77^, any one
DSino, ^5 ft, adv. and conj. An Intensive liavins can understand; Donata no toko e oidenasal
no special sisniflcance; an expletive used for masuka, ^S^^ h 3--iiBi|ii:MJ--f t7.?j, whom are
imparting: emphasis. you going to visitf
Domoikenai, ff'ir^^-^^ -i , Impoasible after Doiicliaii, ^^'^>5>^, n. o ^iil'J'^r iiit^slc; wild
all^ Domokimyoda, Vtf'B^&'if, how strange! frolic; noisy merry-making; the clatter of drama
truly mysterious; Domo miemi, K S' ^ E "^ and samisen. gutter coufusion; great noise
3f,not found out, do what I may Domorachi- ; or tumult.
akanu, K i> ^ i^ R3 ?j ^t cannot settle, do what , Syn. AWA-TERU KOTO, SAWAGI.
they can interminable; Domo samui, K P "C S Donclio-slilbai. )&A,%^^ L]£V^, i^m^B, "' A
-f , how cold it isl Dcuno yoi, ]t p^ a -f, re- cheap theatre.
markably well ; admirably done. Oondon. »^^^, 5^ J^, ^ ^. a'^'O- OKapidly;!n
Domo, ^ V) , Ffi, n. Same as Domorl. fast succession. @ Making a u'reat noise; cla-

DOiiio, i£.5 4 5,"® ^, 7t, Children; young per- morously. © Confusedly; indiscriminately;
sons; schoolboya. without order. Q Frequently.
Douioi^iiito, ^ i&
< 4> 5,±:^§, n. [£o(.] Ele- Hito ga dondoii atsumaru, A^IS^tK'''. people
campane, Inula Helenium. assemble in great numbers; JJ'zu g:i dondon na-
Doinorl, '£'<(iVf,^, t*. One who stammers or gareru, /J^ i* ^^ ijfi
L-- ji- . water flows rapidly;
stutters; a stammerer. Taiko wo dondon ttchldasu. ^ES^'^^JTW ^.
Syn. Mamanaki. to beat a drum noisily; to beat rubadubl rub-
I>6moi-i, Ai 5 ft "5. ^'f. » The keeper of a adnbl
temple or shrine. Uoiiilorl, 'i«^>«^lJ]. SSSi '^' A percussion cup.
Domoni, ^ft 2,p£, i'.(. To stammer; to stutter; DoiH^oro, ^^^;^,^^ n. {Bof.] Clematis apii-
to utter with hesitation. foUa. rsnapping turtle.

Dongnmo. ^ ^ 1^ a&. »^ [coU. Zoel.] The

Ano hUo no hanashi wa domoru, ^ A -^ bS -•'' », JjJ

pg'L-, h« stammers or stutters while speaking. UongiDiit^-nu-te. ^-^ili60-r, " [Bol.'\ Cardi-

I>oinpcl sum, '!« ^'^^^ "^ 2- # IJt. '^-i- \CIUn.'] andra alternifolia.

Same aa Eeidon swu. »(>iigiu-i. ^^<''!),|giJSI, ^Iff. n. [Bot.] Acorn.

DfimsuKii, 1«5;V%>< IfilJ^Ct " An artery. ,

Douswan, i«•^< ii7^, M^. Stupid and stub «
I>5inyaUu-linsaiiil, ^-5;^^< Ss;^, Eb ^ 5tf, n. born.

Arterial forceps. Do-niujin, ^c.^/^^e^ n. [Bat.] Pa7iax repens.

I>5iiiyd. >S:5i65, i^ g", ?i. ©The same family Doiijlhl, i«^E;^, glifi. " A dull colour.
name. @A near relation having the same Syn. NimiRO. fend; the rear.
family name. Donllri, *^t'i). n. [coll.] Tlie last; the very
Syn. DosEi. DoiiUnl<ii, ^-^A>C,^fl, n. [Geom.'] An obtuse
Domyd, ^57>^5, [^ :S, «. The same name. angle.

Domyo Ijin, f^^^ A. a ditieteat person of the DoiiKaUii-saiikahiikpl, ~.5^^A*< 5^*>< WV*, $4

same name; a name-sake. ft H ft JK. «. IMaih.] Obtuse angled triangle.

PomjoJI. ?&5;^-^5 t:. ^ NJJ"^- "• Rice steamed Donna, >e^tJ:. [coll. cont. of Do no y'^na.'] What;

and afterward di'ied; It is eaten parched and what kind, material, or appearance.

sweetened with sugar. Donna mono demo irimasen, l" v -^ ffi^ 5* ^X

Don. l^^, ^' u. Dull; slow; stupid; foolish; V vi:V, I want nothing whatever; Donna ni
simple; sluggish. Chiefly used in compounds. tsuraL ha shirenai, F:x^ =;^^ * JSJ I'-J-f ono .

Don, >«.^, SI. '" [''""•] Snme as Bono. rke;,tle. cannot imagine how distressing it is; Donna
Donabn- ie tr ^. :J: flSi »*• An earthen pot or ni yni koto daka, 1" V -h ^ |^ -f QJ ^ ^j . what a
DOniin. '&^UA., i£?J. '" Boys; men 5—15 years nice thing; how happy!
of age Doiio, 5«-0, RS. w- O A title of dignity or respect;
Donnrii.-ri, "j^^S , ife RS- ^^- To vociferate; to esquire; his Excellency or Honour. @ A palace.
speak-loudly or angrily; to roar; to bellow; to In this sense used only in composition.

ery or shout out. Dono, 1«^5,.±#, n. An earth-bag.

Donaru tomo kamawanu, ttx^gji- h^^-*"*J5t, Ido Douo, i? fpj, pro7i.
c7), [caiLI What; which; how.

not mind how be roars. Dono hito, iQ A> what or which person; Doiv>
DO^ 183 DOR
Jcuni, H, what or which country; Dono

kurai, 1">K. how muchT Sono atal wa dono- dissipation; vice. ® Curiosity; eccentricity.
kural aesuka, ^ -"^ 91 j^ ^ fi M
how much 'iiL , Doraku musuko, as;!5;^.a, a profligate son,
does it what do you charge or aak for it?
cost? Poraku wo sum, ^ ^"^t^h-, to be addicted to
Syn. IKANARU, IZUEE NO. debauchery; to be dissolute or proQigate,
Donoinlolil, )&(0^%,'^^, adv. What way; be Syn. HOBATau, MoNOZDKr.
it what it may. DaralcM-bSjui, ?t5t<(dr5?, iSiKi&±. " O
Dononficld hanashite mimaslid, Ifil ifi K ^ t" S A vulgar form ofDorakii- mono. @ A ptiest whb
V £/ a i>, 1 shall tell him and see, however I is more diligent in other things than his duty.

manage it; DonomicM kata ga tsukisTi aa^ filig Doraliuuia. K7^v, n. [Eng.'] A drachm.
ii Stif ^ "9-
tJ it, it is'likely tobe settled in-aome a^oviiUu-itivutt, /a ^ e, < ft©, S^^, n, Q A disso-
Syn. IzDEK NiSBTO. L'way. lute or profligate person. bae who is fond of @
Doiisnl, ^-^^V',$^6^. "- Stupidity; foolishness; going out of the course taken by an ordinary
dullDess. person one who devotes a part of his time to

l>unsliokii, *^Li.<l Ssgfi, w. Same as DonjiJct. things out of his profession or employment for
l>oiisliol<u Riiru, ^A t i. < -f Z,^-^, v.e. To the sake of diversion or pleasure.
swallow up; to ensroas C/lff.>
Doraniu, K^A, n. [JJrtff.] A dram.
Doiisii, iw::^,^'^, n. A kind of sUk damask, Doran « 5, & ^, S66 5P. fli SL. A. leather wallet.«O
used chiefly for making ladies' belts. @ Cartridge box. Now rarely used.
l>oiit:ili.ii, Vi^ft^, n. [co7T«p. otOerm.Sotm- DoraucKo, )£ Stltt ^- A bad cat.
tap.3 A Sunday a holiday,
; fweather. Doraiijl, ^^S^C,± H g, n. [Bo(.] Ground-nut
Donteii, ^e^t^, &^, n. Cloudy or foggy Dorc, ^ ^jti, n. Arespouse used exclusively in
DoDto. ^^te5.SEII."• A dull knife or sword. answering to the call or knock of a visllfcr.
Syn. Namakura., Nibukikatana. Dore« istLiPron. Which; an? one.
D5u-yo. ^5Ki.,S*-, n. a girl. Dare demo ii, KU'7'-=e-f », whichever or any
Donan adnyo, £ ^ 5 ^, boys and girls. one will do; J>OJ-ega yoi, KU-^a-f, which is
Syn. MesOwakawA. good; which do (you) prefer? Dore kara ha^
Donyokii, ^^i<,#®':, »t. Avarice; covetoua- jimeyo, isu-^^^.y al>, which shall we com-
ness; an inordinate desire of gain. mence witlt; where shall we start? Dore demo
Donyoku na oyaji, -^^-f-^, aShylock; an kamawan, ]v i^$^=^-ii tI? v, I do not care which.
old miser. Dore, *H. An expletive equivalent to wellt why,

DoiiEel suru, ieA-^-\/v-^3,#S2, «.t O To swal- ornow.

low up. @ To take or annex (as a country). Dore haiken, f i^ S S.. well let me look at it;
DoiiEusaoalil, « ^*tl^-> L. *St. "• [Bot.] Dore kaerimasho, k t-'B V "^ 2/ a &, well, I
Greater duckweed. shall return; now I shall go home.

DoDKiiiiiarl, )e^^2 «), gt ^, n. [coW.] The end Syn. IzA, Yaworb.

or extremity, Dorel, )&lttV^,^Wi' " A slave.

Syn. Hate, Owari. Dorol, ^5Kv.EICTi «- The same instance; the
D6ou, «5ftA,[qJw, '*. O The same sound one ;

D5ri. :^5?),^S, Eeason; cause; principle;

voice. @ Concurrence. ".
motive; ground; account;riBht; justice; truth;
Iku ddon, SP IrI ^. ilit.'] different-mouths-
same-voice; [Jig.] to cry out the same thing at doctrine; dogma; law.

once ; to concur. 3
Dorl ga warui, jS ib* IS '^ -f no reason; not .

Doppo. >e-yIS, O Going or walking alone. justiflabie; unreasonable; Dorini hazurete tru,
as i^i «•
@ Independence. © Preeminence; superiority. iSS— P\-^^ '1 f^> is unreasonable; out of the
Tenka doppo no shi, 3cTffi^>dt. the first sphere of truth or reason Dori ni kanau. SE ;
— .g-^, is reasonable; agrees with the dict.^te!t
or best gentleman under the heavens; one ex-
celled by none in the world. of reason; Ddrt ni somuku, iES — H^- to act

Dora, SPiSPw. A kind of gong used in Bud-

)fi6, contrary to reason or truth Dori wo Shiran, ; K
g^ S3J 5 y, does not know
reason; does not
dhist worship qr funeral.
Dora, ^6, a. and n. [coll cont. of Dorakti.] understand the principles of propriety.
Syn. SUJiMiCHi, YOE, Wakb.
Abandoned; vicious; profligate; refractory;
Uorl, )&^y,^}&t n. Same as Z>ofci/o (^ (SB).
addicted to gallantry; profligacy; debauchery,
etc. fson. D6ro, »5*i,1SiS> "• A kind of silk-gauze.

Dora musuko, v 9?A. * profligate or unruly D«>ro, *:&, iffi.

«• Mud ;w6t clay.
Doro tnabwre ni naru, K ^ ^ = ? ^. to be DSrya, 1«5 9 5, fql 8fE. «• The school or style Caa
smearecl or covered witli mud ; Oya no kao ni in philosophy, fencing, archery, chirograohy,
doro J5>0 = iSf"^»'. tcoU.] to do a
wo nuru, painting, etc.),
tilingwhich disgraces one's father. Ddsa,, >»t>U-,^>f(, n. A mixture of alum and
Doro. ?(r5J5tiSK. n. A road, pathway, street, glue, used for glazing paper, silk, and other
way, lane, or highway things.
Syn. MioHL Dosa wo htku, ^ ,(< ? 51 ^f to gla7.e paper.

Dorobd, ^5U5,EE A. "• A robber, thief, bri- Dfisn. ^55, Demeanour;behavior; con-
®] f^, n.
gand, or freebooter. Syn. Tachiipdrumai. Lduct
Dorobowo tsukamcLCte nawa wo nau, ^A9- Dosnclosa, ^^»^, ©l^ E) [i. a<lu. [coii.] Same
ffi^xlH^^7. [lit.] to make a cord after as Doyadoya.
catching a thief; [flff.] to be behind time. D5>iakii, ^^-5 < , I^ft, n. O A work by the same
Syn. Nugi'BiTO- rdviegaster sp. author (or maker). @ Doin^ a literary work
Doroboyaminn, ^;sti5^^S, n. [EntoDi.] Cor- together.
Dorobu, ^-^ Jr, S ^, n. IBnt.'] Poplar, Aspen. Doaaliiiaa, 15.^ < 2, JgJJ, n. a. and adv. [coll.']

Dorol>iinokl, ^6^-©&, n. [So(,] Cotton wood, Confusion; disorder; tumult; being disoi'dered
Populits suavfolens, so as to produce loss or error; thrown into
Syn. DEROfANAGr. disorder; confusedly.
Dorodoro, ^^£ ?5, 88 V, S V. ''t. \coll.'] The Dosakitsa maglre ni mono wo nusumareta, J^

rumbling sound of thundei- or cannon. Often j^J^u-ni^-^-JS^L^^. I hfid many thiugs stolen
used as adjective or adverb. in the confusion.
Dorusniiio, ':&'^h^)b,%^, /i- \_Zo'6l.'] The snap- Syn, Mazekoze, Torikomi. fsonal effect
ping turtle. Dosan, *5^^. SfiS. ""- [Z^aw.] Movables; per-
DoruliakKw.itsiiko, »;SH< < »9-7*>5, ^ ^ S:. Dosan, ^^^, ± S, n. The industrial or agricul-
71. [BoE.] Lophanthus riigosus. tural products of a country, district, village,
Dorokonn, )&^Z.tX, i^^, n. Mixing or working etc flLaw.] Pledge.
clay, mortar, or cement. fof Dosojin. nd.«iaiisliikkcn, ^ 55 ^ L-y I* ^. #^ Hltl. '*

DoroUiiJiii. '^5:s< t^,iSI^|l(l, n. Acormption DosansliUsii, ^^^AL-^, 3ft) S 1". «• [£ aw.] Pawn
DoroiiiiKii, '^?^?f--:i',%'^, n. Muddy water. or the pledging of movables.
Doro-kwa, ?t- ? ^ < *7, iJT [fg ^, " The Section of Dosnnsliltsii-koiyakii, ^ J^Af^W-U^-^C.Sl
Roads. ^ ^ in JiJ, n. [Lmv ] A contract of pawn.
Dorouokl, ^^^CO^, n. [Bot.] Same as Deroyanagl. Ddsarabasara, \" Xf ^ -^ >^ "9-
y , S^ig:, n. See
Dorota, ^^fe, iH ffl, rt. A paddy field which is neisarabasara.
clayey or marshy. l>o»t:tri to, 'S'5 yi)^, adv. Precipitately; suddenly.

Dor5to. ^'^Slf 5.±SJ^. " [-Sol',.] Betel-pepper. Dosatsii, '^5'3r7, il^ ;^, n. Appreciation; ch'ar

Doroyoko, ^^^ it^". ^K^. « A splash board. discernment; ideutiflcalion; lull recognition.

Dorii, Kji,,^. n. [Am.^ A dolbir. i^iirii, v.t. To recognize perfectly; to ap-

Doriibitko, ^Slf t. 51/ m, n. Q A preciate to penetrate to discern.

safe; a money- , ;

box. @ [coi/..]One who supports another. Syn. MlNTKU, MITOSU.

Dosn, ^5-^, adv. By all moans; at all; alter all.
l>driil, ^5JSSi. IpJ 33, 71. O ''''6 f'^'ne kind, class,

genus, or order. @ Coinpanioos ; accomjilices; Dose katarenu, Ff-lz^^i^^, I can not win
confederates. by any means the day will be theirs after hIL

Doryo. ^w)-^5.)^^, w. Of^apiicify; measure; Syn. DoDE, TSU-MARI.

quantity. @ One's cnpticity or matinaniinity. U5i>>oi. ^5lt\r, M'^, n. 'J'he same family name;
Jnryoku doi-yo, Ut IS.^, gravitation meas- a near relation a blood -relation.

Doi'jo. ^'i!Ji.?,.hng. n. [Zo'dl.'] a mole. Lure. DTisei wo merorazu. |t|]i[Jt^5?7 jC, no intermar-
Syn. MrG('RA:MOCHi. riage between blood relations. fturn.
D6ryo, ^5H?iPJE?. "• A coUensne; one who »osol. »^iA, ± ^, n. [Astron.] The planet Sar
serves in the same ollice. Uosei, ^5*V. ©JS?, n. O [P/iysfcs.J Motion
VoryolAii-^iLitii. ^5'!)l<?i*< . Kj ^J S. " [Pi'ys- and rest. ©Demeanour; conduct. ©The state
ics.} ICinetics. Ttics. of health. Q Condition; state; circumstances;
Rinltai doryohu gaku, ^ f+: K.'* ^. hydro-kine- whether peaceable or not.
Dorynltii Kiirii, >a VI i < -^2, ^ ^, v.i. To try Yo no dosel wo ukagn, tfc .^ Ei ^ 7, to see P g
one's befit; to use every efi'ort in one's power; how the world goes on; to look out (or any
to strive; to try hard; to exert. unusual movement in society.
Doscl. Iff^V. iiSfi?' «• An angry voice or tone; Do-slil, ;flj5t,. 9S±, n.O A moralist;
a writer oa
Toice uttered in resentment. ethics; one who comments upon the duties
DSsel* 15 5 -^V*.^??. n TenJigris; rust or of life ; one who holds it his chief object of life
Syn. RokushO. L^iacetate of copper. to correct vice and inculcat.e moral duties. @
DSsol, »5*\/^,[qJ^, n. [coW.]0 Attendants, fol- A conjurer, sorcerer, or magi.
Dosiil, T&^ L. iff Ei?. "• The priest who leads
lowers retinue a train of persons a suite.
; ; ;
@ in the

A company; companionB; accomplices; friends; performance ot religious rites.

assistants Doalil, »5 t, [^ ^, n. OThe same mind, monve,
Syn. TOMOMAWARI, TSUWAMONO. idea, opinion, purpose, or principle. One @
Dosckl, ^5*?. Ii3 fSi, n. O Sitting in the same who has the same mind, motive, etc. ; an asso-

roon-. @ Being in the same offlcial rank. ciate looking for the attainment of a common
D5scn« »5'a'^. WM, "'• A copper wire. obJACt
Doson, ^5^^. S^^) n. A copper coin; fiub- Doslil-lliiisiL, 15LV'< 3, IrI± S^, ". Fighting
Bidiary money or coins. fscrapa. among ourselves or themselves; a civil or in-

Dosotsii, !£S-^-^.^/S. " Copper PlingR or ternal war.

Dosim, ?& 5 L-^. ^#1 « A pil!;rim;an evan- Doslilii, 155 LA. 1^ «Ci. "
OThe lowest officialg
gelist; a religionist; a believer or devotee. under the roVwgawcc government. ©The same
Doslin. 15 5 L^M%, n. The same cnrriage. mind; common interest or motive; unanimity;
coach, car, wagon, or jinrlfcisha. siiru, agreement in opinion or determination concur- ;

v.t. To ride in the same carriage, etc. rence accord thinking alike.
; ;

Dosha, 1*L^, « O Earth and sand. @

J;Pj>, Doshln icyoryoku, [^ iC ^ to be harmonious>f; ,

[B«dd.] A
powder wlilch has been con-
certain and assist each other Jchiml doshln, — SJf [^ iC-i

secrated by a Buddhist priest, and is supposed those who have a common object to pursue.
to have the power of softening the rigid joints Dosliln, 15 [,A..± ^1 '* The tutelary or guardian
of a dead body when sprinliled over them. god of a locality.
Syn. TSUCHisuNA. DoshinKnkii, 15 5 t A4>< . fql -6 ft. n. I3fatli.]

DosliaknJI, 15 L-^**"^, i Si" JD}^, n. Religious Concentric angle. Tcentric circles.

rites performed over a certain powder. See Doshlnyeu, 155 1-A5.A. Con.
[^ -C S3, n. [MaUi.]

above Ddsliltsii, "^^ f^, Iql g, w. and a. The same ma-

DsslinKn-iitKyosel, ;S:-5 L^*>5V^'&-^5*V/^. tffi
terial or quality; made of the same material;

iS f? *S. '" C-W^ert.] SolvZio ammonacl spirt- similiar in qualities and properties; identical;
ffl" fin

titosa anlsata. analogous; siniilar,

DosliaUii siirii, 15 5 L-^ C ? 5,[qlg^, v.t. To Dosliitsii, ^ [,-7, ± ^, It. The quality of a soil.
drink sake together with otiiers Tmonia, Doshltsii-lkel, 1^5 Lr?V^W-V^, igUSJJl^, n. AUo-
noslmsel, T&^ L^ -& V/^. 1® 5t'*g. " [Med.] Am- tropism; allotropic ibrms.
D6»4lil, 155 L. ®J ^' "• [Gram.] A verb. Dosliitsii sum, 155 L-^"^5.iPI3^- v.t To see,

ISosIil, 15 5 L.Jffii ctf^^- Continually; without know, or understand perfectly; to penetrate; to

ceasing or intermission; steadily; constantly. discern clearly,

X^e ddshi, Sil, to be continually in bed or Dosliltsii mii'u, ^L-P-^S, '(Sffc- vt. To blame,
sleeping; Nomi dosht, ©; M. to be drinking scold, censure, or reprimand in an^er, resen1>

all thetiuio; Fo rtos/i/. ^K JS. through the whole ment, or indignation.

night; Fomf dos/ii, tSM' to read steadily. Doshl-iichI, 155 l^%. )PI±iT. «. [coll.] Saim
Doslil-uclil, »S.5'^. '^s Dns/u-ikusa.
Doslil. 155 L. I^i> '* ^^^ '^^^ Associates; com-
Dosho. 155 L-^5.^i£. "• A copper mark, badges
panions; Iriends; the members of a party,
company; together; insignia, seal, stamp, or medal.
society, or family; in
Doslid. 15 L-^5. J: ffi. "• A resident merchant ol
among ourselves, themselves, or yourselves.
^-7 tradesman, as opposed to kdsho.
Om.0 rtosW, |W]±, lovers; On-na doshi de
DO'^lio, ^5 Ll. [rIM. n. That place; the same
hanami suru, ^^± y'^M.::^}i'> to go to look
rimperial Palaca
no man into the company place or locality.
at flowers admitting
(by women only); TomodacM doshi de sake wo Doslio. ;^5L.-*%"5. S±, " The interior of the

nnmu, ti^^±^M^^^^ **>^"""^ ^" com- DoshC, 155L-^5. [^1^. '*- Same as Z)cisef.
pany with TonaHfriends; doshi no kotoyuenl, Doslio, 155^5. M^' " [C/tin.] A wind instru-
± -^llSC—we are neighbours.
since ment.
Syn DoCHi. Nakama. Doslio, »L-^5, ±E. "- O A plasterer. fi^A

nl, 15 5L,tt^. "* The pupil of the eye. mason.

DoHlio, :^-5 ti., ^ #. w. Bookfl consulted by a Uosii.-tiitii, ^^2?i4>V, H3#. a. fcoil.] Dark red;-

-conjurer [n the practice oihis occult arts, dirty scarlet, too reil.

Doslioliu, ^-5L3i<t |p! ?S. ^- T'lw same pro- Dofliiso:t'Or "^irViSi, 33 @. n. Same as Damiaope,
fesRion, avocfition, or employment DosiiKiiroi, ^ -^ <- ^ V», ffg^, a. [coli.] DarB
Dt>.4liol<u, )& ti.<, Sfi. ^- [Chin.] An angry brown; too black.
Bipn. colour, face, or appearance. Do suru. )&i-Z.B.. v.t. [Bt^tid.] To save; tode-
Dos/iofcu wo aratvasu, M^^ M^, to sliow Jiver; toredeem from sin.
anger, resentment, or ire on one's lace ; Mam- Syn. Saido SURU, Suku.
men ni dosftoku wofukumu, gggff-Sfe? ^ i*> DotuJ. ^ 5 fe V», ® (t. n The state of being
(his) lace was flushed with intense anger. virgin or undeflled. ftion.
UQslioBiuJiii, >a5:t i. { :£•^, ^ g A, n. A copper- Dofal, ^5teV», ® i*. -" \Pliyslcs.] A
body in mo*
coloured man: an American Indian. Dote, "i^-r, ± ^, Jl, n. A bank, dyke, or em-
Do^ho'jeu, >e.5:^5-c^, |B)^,3S. " [Math.] Gon- bankment.
t'ocal. fprlesthood. Demlzu nlia dote wo kuzusu, tii ^^ — ? ti ^ H3
Dd^liQ, ;^$ LWj5, E??t. " Buddhist priests; the ^, the flood opened the dyke or bank; Bote wo
Doslm, ;&5U*5, Kffi. « Filgrims. kizuku, ti f- ® ^. t'O make or build an embank-
D»^inigf>o. >55LWiiri. esat. «. [/c/it/t.j bo- Syn 'fsuTSDMi. Ln^ent
Ryn. Katsowo. Lnito. D'otel, ;t'5tv«, 5^@. " The distance from one
Dft>«liu. »? LW>5. f^^, "• The same religion; place to anotlier.
tlie same denomination or sect. Syn. MlCHiNORl.
Ddsliiil^u, ie?Lt5><. [^ SS, " Lodging at the Dotei, ^5"CV. ^^il. ?! [Chin.] Same aa ChoshU
same inn or liotel tsiiru, v.t. To lodge Dotelrnu, 'S^t\f^^,M^^, «- fSoM Vero-
Syn. AiYADO. Lfetc. nica incana.
D5s6. >a53 5, fS ®. Jt- The alumni of an Dotera, le-T 4,^75. '*• fcoll.] A wadded outer
educational institution; a school-mate; a fel- garment worn in one's private rooms, or while
low-student Bleeping.
Do»JO, 1^55, ±ip., n. Inhumation; interment; D5td, ^-51?5i [r]^. «• and a. Equality; the same
burying the dead in the eartli. rank; equal; of the same rank, class, or grade.
Doso ni suru, ± ^- zx. ii-, to bury in the Syn. HiTOSHiKi.
ground; to inter Doto, ^^5,^3. 1- Raging billows; the boil-
DdsO. «5 ^. ri. and a. O Same as DdshJi.
'5 5. Ir] ing sea.
@ Descended from the same ancestor; of the Kyoran tioto, JS^M'S'I^, U^i^] frantic waves
same family. and raging billows ; Iflg.'] the madly boiling sea.
D5so, ^5 5, MM' ^- Same as above @. Syn. HAi'ANAMI, Onami.
DosoJIn, :^5 5 CA. iSffl|llii « The god of roads. D5to, i55if,i^^, n. Same as i>oro.
Syn. SAINOKAMl Dots, >?^5te5.I^S, n. Thesame party.
nosoKu, 'S'^ < ± M. " Having clogs or san-
, Ddto, 'S51?, adv. Precipitately; headlong.
(Jals on; muddy feet. Doto ochtru, 1" *? ^ 3^J^1 to '"all precipitately,
Dosoku nite agaru, IJ: £ — t* ± n-. to enter Doto I* i ^fe 5 & ± '^ 55,
, ". \Bot.'] Ara'.ia cordata.
a house without taking clogs or sandals off. Dotolfii, T&5)£<, ^ W>^ '<• Morality; moral
;4oss»rl, )&y-^y), u.. Icoll.] Abundant; much; character; righteousness; strict observance of
plenty; thick; maoj.-; copious; voluminous; one's duties.
numerous. Dotoku kengo noso, ig ^ ^ @ > f^', a priest of
Dossarl kome ga tsunde aru, V^v^^) ^if^v* moral character (or principles).
7**, there is a great heap of rice bags; Kokoni Dotokii-sitKii, 'c5i?<fi'<.iSa^, n. Themo
ishi ga dossarl aru, jtfc = S ** F -i- *V T ;i-. the ral science or philosophy; ethics.
stones are thick liere Dotto. ^y^, »S. Eft. «f*"- Bursting intoasudden
Syn. TAKUSAN cry; suddenly; at once.
Oosshlrl, ^vLV), a. [co^.j Same as above. Dotto Iiomeru, Jj^ I- 9( /^. to applaud . to praise
Dosshlrlto. "^-j L^)^. >adv. The ad ver vial form by acclamation Dotto sakebu, y^ i- u^
t", to cry
Dossarl to, ^S-^^^iS, of above. out at once; Dotto warau, f ^~7, ^ to burst
Dossu, '^y-^r, n. [coif.] Leprosy into sudden laughter
l>flu, ?£5 5.S^, n. IChin.] temple.
Oosn, 1:5-^5, Bf K, n- O How many times. @ D5wa, 7&^t),M.^u n. A sermon; preaching; a
Degrees (as of heat, longitude, an angle, etc.). moral or x'eUgious discourse or lecture.
.;; .;


DTiwa wo hlku, ifiSS^Rg^, to listen to a good time, or to make merry together with
SyD. Shingaku banashi. Lsermon. others @ To go or visit in company with ano-
DOwastiro, ^c5ib-^*^, B S.. 1S.g. n. [coll.] For- ther.
getfulneaa; being upable to recollect. Doaiaoiiion,>e^C?% ^, n. [coll.jX drowned person,
DoyadoyA, )^.x!?t-^, adv. Suddenly confusedly ; so named after one Kurofune (or Na/rusegawa)
at the flame time. Useii of many persons Dozaemon, a wrestler of Tokyo, who was so
entei'ing; aaHeinblins, or coming together at exceedingly corpulent as to remind one of the
the siime time. swollen corpse of a drowhed man.
Doyadoya to tT^Hcomu, i? -v n -y hXJlii»i to enter Syn. DKKiaHiNiN. Tor punishment.
suddenly ; to come tosether in utter confusion. I>ozal, ^-53:^/^, I^ fP, 71. The same crime, olfense,
DoyaKI, i?^^, ± jffg, n. Earthenware; pottery. Dosan, ^S^A, ^|ll, n. A copper mine.
Ddyalui. ^3-^C, fi3^, n. Gunpowder. I>o/,oi, ^5te\/^,l^^. ".. A retinue or stute; fol-
Syn. DoGUsoRi. lowers; persons who go togetlier; companions;
USyaku, )^^^< ,^^, n. Same as Doryo. accomplices.
Koyasii, l«j?"-5l-, v.i. \cQll.'\ Same as Butsu. DoBeii> ^^ ^, zt IS lifl. n. [Bot] Aralta cordata.
I>«y6, »5*.5. @pS. " [<?fti».] A children's song. Ddzen, >$5^A, IQgi}, a. and adv. Same; alike;
I>6y6, )e5A.5, Kj ffi, n. O Moving; being tossed as above or before; ditto.
about. @ Sliaking; trembling. ©Excitement, Syn. DOdan.
riotousmovement; agitation. aiirii, v.l. Doxeo, >e5^^^I^J3?ft. adr. and a. Similar; Iden-
To move tremble, or shake to be
; ; toaaecl about tical; analogous; In the same or similar man-
to be excited or perturbed. ner.
Syn. SOdS, SOjo. noKO, )S3r5, iS, 71. A go-down; a warehouse;
Uoyo, ^5<^5, (^ fiSli '*• a^nd ^ Sameness; simi- a store-hquse; afire-proof building.
larity; analogy; similar; identical;
iileutity; Syn. TEUCHlGUEA.
Syn.ONAjiKiSAMA, Onaj] KittOTO. L^lili^e- I>UKO, ^' 5 3*
5 S^ i3^.
«• A copper statue; an idol
Doyo, ^51,5, Si^, J(. Behaviour; conduct; de- made of copper, fyou please.
meanour; manners. Doso* £-5 5*1 ^^i'- IcotL] Please; I pray you; if

l>«>yo, )ej;5, ±ffl, '(. O A permd of 18 days in Dozokitehttdasai. V&y5R5^^^*'-f. please

each of the four seasons. @ Popularly, the come; I entreat you to come; Dozo ohanashi
period ot the greatest heat in summer. nasal, Vff t^^^-^^-l please speak or tell

D056, ^J75, ±(Si "• One of the shichlyo of (I) retineat (you) to deliver a lecture or speech;
Chinese astronomers; the planet Saturn. Dozo ome ni tcakarital, F 9 y @ =^U V ^ 'f ifl)

Doyo-baltI,^i5t(f S,± ^. n. See SusiHiaral ffl

(I)wish to see (him); please take (me) into (his)
Doyobi, ^tStV, ±i^B n. Saturday. ,
presence; Dozo onegai desu ga, K ^VJ^SSt'
Doyo-boshI, iel5S!L. ifflSi, HS-^. "• Same piif, let me beg you to Dozo ;

as Mushiboshi. fof Bamboo. tanomital, Kl^/ J]3= i^-f . let me ask ;

DoySdalifi.^eiJ^-W. HSH". n. [Bot.] A kind pray be so good.

Doyokii, ^5i. < S@§;t, ". Avnrice; selfishness;
Syu. r5KA, Nanitozo.
greediness; inordinate desire. I>6io8*u,:^5=5'< . Sfff. " PriHSts and laymen;

Sorya ammarl doyojcu na, y v ^9' Wjgn;^ clergy and laity.

3-, that is too selfish of you. D6aoku,^5 5'< , [^ tS. " OThe same caste, class,
SyU. HIDO, TONYOKtT. YOKUBARI. rank, or order. @ The same family or pedigree.
Doyoniekii, '^i.itii ,\S.&, v.i. [coll.] To sound Dozokii. )&^<, i ^, «• The customs and man-
loudly; to reverberate; to rumble. ners of the natives or aborigines; do. of a

Syn. Naeiwataru.
HiBiftu, locality.

Doyoinii. l«J:tP, y^, v.i. Same as above Doziilit. ^ii-'&.P??. " The foundation og

Doyd-uanil, ^IStcAi ± ?g. «- High waves ffl

which to raise a structure; the groundivoi-k.
which are seen on calm days during tiiesuirrmer Syn. JIGATAMB, JIGY5.
doyo. OoKiirii, ^J?*? ,!R). v.i. To be moved, agitated.

Doyo-no-lrl, ^i5®V^ii),± X, k. The day Influenced, astonished, or outwitted; not to be


calm or composed, to give up the presenco

upon which the doyd season conimences.
Doyo»ntiur5, » t 53* ?. 5. ± ffl H SI, n. The of mind.

third day in the doyo period of summer, one of Sarani aozmru koto nashl, |E='.^3C«-~I+i', is
not atall influenced by; is calm and composed.
the four unlucky days or' the year.
05yn Buru. )&3\r3i^K>,MM- "' <• ^o have a Syn Mdnasawagi SUB-h
Dosiiru, ^5^2, I^, v.i. To agree to or with; to KbI, A.l>', fft> " A stirlrap; prawn lobsier
[-^ooi.] ,

afisent to ; to consent to ; to approve. Ebl» itVf, 9^, n. A padlock.

kvmaAate ni dTzuru, it ik — I^ tI A-, to
SoTio Ebl, itxy, W, n. [Bot.] Vitis thunbergii.
consent to the design; to approve the proposal. Eblashl, ;tU'*5yrL, SSflfl, n. A club-foot; a short
and deformed foot; bandy legs.
Syn Magariashi.
Eblgaraclio, A.tPij*&ti, 71. [Entom.] Protoparce
ortentatis. rphoenicolastm.
Kblgava-fcUigo, A.tN'fi'^lr'^a, n. [Bot.] Rubus
£bi-goshl, ^vfTzl, ^pf, n. The back bent with
Syn. Magarigoshi. Laga
E. EblJro, iS^£, n. The colour of an *«-
E, ft, Iffi, n. A handle. el>(; grape-colour (reddish brown).
Ono noe, ^ ^ #g, the handle of an axe. Ebfjako, ^tA.*tJ?»t, i^SS, n. [^bol] Shrimp.
^^ *.! il, '? O river. © An arm of the
-^ sea; a Ebijo, ftV-'-tr^^, 'M^^, ^.IfS. -^^ A kind of pad-
hay. 63 A sound or fiord. lock like a shrimp in shape.
JTori-e, i^jHC, a canal; 7ri-e, Xvl, a,bay. Eblhaziira, X.Th'i>-::>' &, ©S, vt. [Bot.] a wild
E, X, Iff, n. [Bot.] Celtis sinensis. grape, Vitis Tfiunbergit.
E. A:, :j^,

n. [Bot.] Perilla ocimoldes.
^ Ebjiiio,
ftXK<i, f^m. '^
E, A., ffi, m. O A fold; doubl- rotamogeton crispns.
ing of any flexible i^ub- Eblmushj, ftV-'i?L, 'Ai^
Btance.@ Times repeated. [Entom.] A larva of the
© Taking mucli care. Q dragon-fly.
Intricacy; complexity; Ebiiic, ftV'-ii, IS:
convolution. Burnet.
Fvta-e, zi M, double; Ebine, Xxm, n
Jkv-e nimo, H Hi =^, TantJi/: ^iscoT»r.

manifold ; how many Eblra, ."ti^'t, W^, bamboo-mat used In

folds; [Jlg.l please; Nana- silk- culture.

eya-e, -tSAIE, sevenfold and eiglit-fold; convo- Ebira, ;t U-* &, flS, 7*. A
luted, riy. quiver.
E, ^, adv. Icoii.] Possibly; ably; well; Kuccessful- Ebira-fiiJI. ft tv & J- "^r, re
E tori inaerasen, :t IS ^7 Ir z/, I can possibly [Bot.] Vicia venosa.
take (it for you); I am able to bring. Eblrn-baKi, XXyt^yx^'.-^^^
E, ft, 52. w- An elder brother.
E, f(_. An expletive used in expressing a question,
doubt, or suspicion. Ebii-it-siblda, S:U>'&L:^-, »•
ST, lea e, y 9 :tt 3:, is it bo r [Bot.] Polypodium Kra-
E, ft, ^, v.t. Same as Eru. meri.
E, 3&, ig-, n. A religious meeting an assembly. ; Ebirii, ^ tK 3, T.t. [coll.]
E, ^, ^, n. A picture, drawing, figure. Same as Thiru.
E wo Icaku, St ^ ffi ^, to draw a picture. EbLsii, XV--^, M. n. A bar-
Syn. Ezu, GwA. rflshes;bait. barian or savage; uncivi-
E, ;&, 15. ^- Food for animals, birds, insects, or lized people; outlaws.
Enrarael, A.S.& ^'T, « [Sof.J Sweet Basil. Eblsii,A,0.'-^, T^iti^, n. The giid of wealth; the
Eawase. ff\^ii^, B^.MM, n. A kind of game guardian god of trade and industry.
inwhich two opposite parties try their skill in Eblsii-saiiii. Xv^'fiftTh, ^.^, n. A leaf of a book
drawing pictures. which the binder has failed to fold in.
Eba, g,(f , fS, n. Same £(£9). Eblsu-gohoro, j^iy-'-^^Ei^S, n. The heart, idea,
Ebarl, A.UV),!^^, n. Anything infeetious.epi- mind, or thought, of a savage or barbarian;
demic, or de.structive; pestilence; plague; pest; cruelty. fTora.
a prevailing disease. Eblsu-giiea, ;t u>' ^ <- 5, ^03, n. [Bo£.] Cassia
Syn. Eyami, Toki no ke. Eblsiiko, A.o.'-^4>5, Igie, K. A fete in honour of
Ebarl, Aky«), n. [coll.] Same as Ibari. the god of wealth celebrated on the 20th of th«
Bbam, A.fcf3, v.i. [coll.] Same as Ihariu 10th month (o.s.).
Eblsuliiiiil, itVf-^ < VC, 1 ff, n. A barbax-ou3 coun- A kind of crape extensively manufactured at
EblHiiKiinl, XV'ir<:V:, 'try or state. Syn. GiPU-cniRiMEN, LGifu, Mino.
Eblsu-inatsurl, X V ir '^ -o VJ ?5^, n. A fete , Ii:boBbl-siisa, ^K t,<' 3, ^MU, " [Bot.]Lotus
observed by merchants on the 20th day of the cm'nicidatus. ^cap^ls sp.
10th mo. (O.S.). frina. KboslilmiiHlii, ^ tgr L tr L, «. [Jwtoni.l Byffto-
Kblsiime. itV^itVi, n. [Bot.] Laminaria saccha- Syn.Hatomushi.
Kbisiinieku, XVfir)sb<, v.i. To be like a savage 2;boBbJovl, ^KL^rW), ^ifS^Sf. ^(•I'SE, « One
or barbarian. who makes eboshi. ffather.
Kbisii-iitu,, A-tr-?"5:te, ISffl, '"• A country -song. Ebosbi-oya, ;3l K L tc ^, .fefH^^, «. A god-
Syn. HlNABURI, HINADTA. Ebukuro. ^S'<^, fi? Jg, fi*. n. The crop of fowls,
Eblsu-zon, ^r^•-^^^, ^ )}g, n. [coll.] Sitting on the stomach. fimplement.
the wrong side of a dining table. IDbiirl, it^V), tg, ft. The name of an agricultural
Ebl^varcru, XVJninZ, ^'-^ [coll.] To burst open; i IQbiirlko, ^i-'Ot, (iS^iSil:, n. [£(jt.]FoiW-
Kinl^viireru, ^Tt-joivz, to crack; to open in ' JObiirltake* A.J^'^JiW", 'porw5 oi?(c(wa!is.
chinks. Chiefly used of ripe fruits. Echlso-ebJjiini, J.tia'^-S-;^, jgyjig, n. A kind of
Eblzoine, ^U.'^'*, ^^^, n. Dyeing in light hempen cloth woven in the province of Echigo.
Bbo, A-IX, SG, n. Same as Ibo. Lpurple. KchfffO-Jlsbl, £*tatr t, iffi ^, n. ^
A kind of ])5S O
EboJlrlinaKi, A.19; 1 1) fiS, «. See under Jfaffc. dancing performed before a shrine in Kambara-
Eboslii, XiTt, ^'I'B'?) 'I- A kind of cap formerly gori, Kchigo. @
Same as Kakubejishi if^^^
worn by nobles, and at present used by Tcamiu-
thi, no actors, and majizal. Syn.Kakubejishi. fvionejapatiica.
Kazao7-i-ebosht, Ptjrf^fB^. ac e. used on IDcblzeu-slkii, iiB't^^^<, ifetttfl-. n. [Bot.] Am-
ordinary days £da, ;it?E:, tS, n. ©The branch, shoot, bough, or
iFig. 1.); Komu- limb of a plant. @ Any subdivision of a body or
suU-ehoshi, /]. S system; a ramification. ©Any individual of a
Jl -fiRan e.
^, family descending in a collateral line.
worn by an in- £da, XTi^, ^, n. An articulated extremity of an
ferior samurai animal system; a limb. fherb branches.
{Fig. 2.); Man- Kdabui'l, A-ife^fl, n. The way in which a tree or
zai-e1)oshi, g Ift
Kdagakl, X'^ti*'^, S^. ^^- Same as -KwsMpafct.

J^ fH ^, an e. Edasa-tva, Jti^ft^a, Kill. ^'iM., «• Abrancli rivei

worn by a ician- or stream; a tributary.
zai (JYfl'. 3.); Edaha, fii7& iX, K^. n. Q Branches and leaves.
Slomi-eboshi, gfe @ Digression. @A subdivision of a religious
^ fH ^. same as sect or political party.
Yanag isahi Hanashi ga edaha ni nam, ^ S IS —
fl" "J" ff-i

{Fig. 4.); Natto- the story or narrative digresses.

eboshi, S^ a ,fe ffl Edamame, it 7G ^ W>, :Ka. Ot^it-] Branch

^, the popular bean. &[,coll.] Beans boiled in pods on the

name for samu- stalks

rai eboshi; Ort- ddamlcbi, ?Lt(k^%; *^^, n. QA branch road.
eboshi, ifrJ^VS^f ©Digression; deviation. fshears.
a name applied JOdaorl, A.?G5:'0,^KS5. « A pair of pruning
to any e. which Gdaotorl, A-^:fciC ijj, n. One branch being in-
has its top fold- ferior to another or the main stem: frequently
[Fig. 7.] iFlg. 8.]
ed ing.5.y, Sa- used when speaking of a branch of a family.
murai-eboshi. Edaru, X7&Z, #5ffl, "• A barrel or cask with two
f^^itS^. sanie *s -fi:(wnzfst(6i-€Bosfti, (jftj?, 6.); Syn. Tsunodaru. [.horn-like spouts

Tate-eboshi, g,^fH^, an
used on ceremonial e. lildasakl, XTa'5^, ^Si ". The
tip of a branch.
occasions (^£/. 7.) Tanagisabi, ifflia. an e, used by
; Edaslilina, XT&fi, n. A peninsula. flative*
persons having no official rank (/"t?. 8.); Eboshi Kda-shlnrul, AL;^L^5^., ^MM, n. Remote re-
shitatare, J^if^^W.^, putting on an e. and a Eldawakare, itT^inii^H, K ^. « Same as £da (:!J),
sMtatare; a court-dress. but chiefly used of those of a family.
Ebosbl-bnna, A-lXLIdf^, Kdazasbl, XT&^t, S^. w- Same as fftJaftwrt.
r-ft ^, «. [^o(.] Aconite.
Ebosbl-giku, A.l9:Ly<, \ Edo. i&», iS±, n. [Bwdd.] [lit.] The filthy earth;
Bboshl-cblrlnieu* A.i^L*6.'il»^, J^W^B this sinful world.
EDO 190 EI
Edobaral, A.^tfe.V, 'n.PW>> n. An order to Egiiui, i&arfo, mi A kind of silk used for
leave Edo, a mode of punishing political agita- drawing.
tors under the Toltugawa gov'nt. Ego» ^a, 'li)J^, n. A dock or broad deep trench
Edobiislil. A.^^ L, KP^'i, » Same as Man- on the sea-side for building and repairing ships
dayii &zis/i(. in. frax japoniecL
Edoe, C? ^ ^, tiP^f '"' Beautifully coloured Ego, ^ a, 0f®fM, It. [Bot.] Japanese storx, Sty-
paintings or pictures for w-hich Edo (now goego, i^ a £. £, adv. Waddlingly; toddling
TokOy) used to be famous. along (as a fat person).
Syn. AZCMA NISHIKI-E. Eg«J, ;g,av^, SX, o.. Acrid in taste, rancid.
Edokko, KpT-, ".. [coll.] One born in
jit^-yC. KoTio imo wa egot, jtt^ -"^SJit:, this tare Is
Edo (Tdkyo) who considers boldness and forti- acrid in taste.
tude his greatest rirtues. Egoiita, A.aa, S, n. [Bot.] Perilla oci moides.

EOoKko il pT->^
Iiada, *«', [coll.] the temper, I|pi>ni»ta, ^.Siate, n. [co^M Same as ^fos/iC.
character, or disposition of one born in Edo, Ego-nc-k(, ^i®?, ^ifk^,n. [Bot.'] Same as Eg<x
Edolioro, ^>^t.^> ?^^, n- An ancient bureau of Egii, i& <-, ^^, n. [Bot.] Clematis capiifolia.
drawing an^ painting. fpiirple colour. Egifi^no, j§^<r\r1>, '^^, n. [Boi.] Akind of taro.
Edomurasalfi. C?^?5&'3.?f, ilp^, n. A deep Egiiri-w»ruslil,-l,-kl, X i' ^ it> Z L, " Tor- O
Edonn, C^^ti:, " [Bot.] Sinapis cernua. tuous; roundabout; winding; zigzag. Cross; @
Edori, J5.^i/), ^ g, «. A butcher (formerly held perverse; obstinate in the wrong; stubborn,
to be the lowest class of people). Eguru, ;%. <* 3, ?•!, t. To scoop; to lade; to ex-

Syn. Eta. cavate; to gouge; to force out; to dig.

Edoru, ^)&Z, !3S, v.t. To paint; to apply colours. Ana ivo caiirv, S, ^ ^ '^. to excavate a hole;

Ee, A., interj.

ft. An exclam. of doubt, wonder, or Me wo eguru, @ 5- fl| >'', to gouge or force out an
surprise. Syn. KiJiRU. Leye.
Efii, A.J-, «• A box or
basket immersed in a pond Egusa, jg.^S, n. Acridity acrimony. ,

connected with the sea, for keeping fish alive. Egiislii, g.<-L, ^, ft- Same as -E(7oi.
Syn. Tkesu. Egiisiii'l, ^<:t^. ^^'^. n. Enamel.
Efii* j^i, !^R5^, n. A central office for the military Egiiwa, A.<'i3, ¥iWii n. A kind of hoe.
men of guard at the gates to the Imperial Eliira, A-U-t, w- Same as J/aywdaTna.
Palace. EI16, ^a5, TU* lucky or blissful
^:;?, ]&:#, n.
Efurte, g.i-^, ^^, n. A drawing pencil. direction. The points of the compass and y^ara
Efukdko, ;ti*'i4>5, ^ ¥ #. " The operculum are named by a round of 12 names ne, itsJii, tora,
Syn. NiSHiNOPiJTA. Lof a shell-flsh. M, tatsu, mi, uma, hitsuji, saru, tori, inu, and i.

Eruri, A..i-i!), «. A faun implement for leveling and that direction called by the same name as
and smoothing soil. the year, is the cho, towards which it is supposed
Ega, ^J)i, g|@J, n. A prickly pericarp or bur. to be blissful to face in worshipping. In 1892
Kurt no ega, M^, a chestnut bmr; Ega-gurl (^atsu), the eho is E. S. E. which is tatsu; in 1893,

atama, 3: ff ^ V "Z ^ v, [coll.] the hair cropped Syn. Yoi. Imi; etc.

short; roundhead. Eliou, ^l2^, M:^, n. A picture book; orabook

EgaeEij, Xii*%, " Pedantry; ostentation. that has pictures in it.

Syn. KOKOEOEGAO, MONOSHIRIGAO. El, A.\r, SS, n. [C/iiw-JThe strings of a cap or hat,
Egaliara, A-fi^HS, n. A painful disorder In the El, X V/^, ik, n. [Chin.] Permanence; eternity.
bowels; children's colic or belly-ache. Only used in composition.
Egal*"* S.t'<. ffi. Jff. v.t. To draw, picture, or El, XV", ^ n.
iLifi,[CJdn.] Reading; recitation;
delineate. singing. Used only of poems or songs.
Hana wo egaTcu, ?(:??§*', to draw a flower. Gin-ei ni fukerv, t^ ^=-Mf^, to be addicted
E:gao, ^ifl\A, ^gg. n. Merry or smiling face or to reading and reciting (poems).
countenance. guru, v.i. To read; to recite; to sing.
EQOo wo Snru, 5??i^ ^ ^i to smile; to look Shi wo ei zuru, i;^ ^ Off? ipC ;t- , to sing a song;
Syn. Waraigao. Lgay and joyous. to recite a poem loudly. fperity.
Egata8lil,-l.-hl, fLU^tt:^, '^, a- m
DitHcult, hard, El, :tV/^,5&, n. [C/tin.] O Honour; glory. @ Pros-
or impossible to get, have, obtain, or gain. Issldn no ei, — ^ ^ ^, personal honour, glory,
Mata to egataki jtsetsu, ffl )- (Eft ^ h? i-d, an op-
ilj: or prosperity; Ml ni ama7~ti ei wo kvmvru, ^^
portunity neven to be had again; Yoiniegat<Li dJ fl, 5g ^ ^ ;l , to receive an honour greater than
shinamono, '0.^~^^-^ ^a% an article or one is worthy of.

thing which is hard to get. Syn UosiARE, Sakae.


EI 191 EIJ
El, ft.\/*, a. intai. Eh I Elfusn, IkV'^i;^^, v.i. To become drunk and
Bl, /tlT.J^, n- Shadow; shade. Mostly used in lie down.
Syn. KAGB. Lcomposition. Elfntsu, A.\i^A-5, 3E1^, n. England and France.
El* >t. V^, % n. and a. O ^^^b corolla of a flower. KI^Rkko, X\r'tifvi>3, ^^^, n. An English
S Excellent; clever; intelligent. © English. school; an educational institution for giving
Byn. Hanabusa, Suguretartt. instruction in English.
Kl. A.V^, ^, It. [C/iin.] A tombstone. IDlaraku, A.\^fit<,^||, n. The study of English;
El, A.\r., ^
ti. and n. O
Sharp; pointed; acute. the English language.
@ The stronger soldiers in a regiment. EigaJcu sJiQ^ei, ^^#4, an English student.
Syn. SURUDOKI. Klsakusha, XVKil*< L-^, 3i*#, n. An Enghsh
El, A.\r, tZ, a. Majestic; sagacious; divine; noble; scholar; one versed in the English literature.
wise. Used only of the Emperor or the Im- Blgen, X\/^V^A., ft, »*. [ZoiiL'^ A newt, Triton
perial family. PVrrhogastra.
El, 3kV',^, n. Intoxication; drunkenness. Syn. iMORi.
Ei ni noi'ite, S^ — SI V ^, carried away by Elgoe, *.\rSJ6,aSg, n. The noisette* (^ *).
drunkenness; Ei ni magirete, K = ^ ^ y, con- Fiffwa, A.V^<'to, Sl^, n. Prosperity; opulence;

founded by intoxication. I'lkwa, A.\/^ < 45, S glory; riches.

Syn. YOI. Eigwa ni kurasu, §|^ = S^. to do well; to
filben, A. V» '^E Aj,
?? !9|, " Eloquence. be well off; to live in opulence.
Bltiln, ^ V" 0>' ^, SI 84, a- [Chin.'\ Clever; sagaci- Syn. Ogori.
ous; sharp; intelligent; gifted; of parts. Klkiu'il, i&tKSJ., KHi "<• To be crazed with
Elbo, i§i\riS5,VS^, «• [BoC] Dogwood; pigwood; drink; to get mad by intoxications; to be raving
skeweswood; prickwood. drunk. fdeed.
Elbu, it\r *, ^ffH, a. Wise and courageous. Said Eigyo, A,\/^t>A, ^SE, " A great or an illustrious
of military men of high rank. Klgyo, A.V^V>i, ^S?, It. Occupation; avocation;
Eihu no ktmi, ^SC-^S"! a- wise and courage- business employment calling.
; ;

ous Emperor, fcompoaition, Syn. Nariwai, Sugiwai.

Klbun, ^ V -& ^^ 35^1 '^' -A-° English sentence or I<:igy5-ii]ii, A.VrB*^VeA, ^SA, n. One who i9

Elbiin, i*L \/^ .fc ^, 3!? H, n. The hearing of an Em- engaged in an occupation for getting profit.
peror. Eigyo-sel, A.V^Wii^-1^, ^S^^ «. A tax on oc-

Eibun ni tassuru, JJ a@ =s i^ ::^ »', to inform or cupations; fees,

report to the Emperor. fwiBdom. lOHicI, i^\r'--\r, ^#, n. The guards.
Elchi, ^.V*'^, 32^. " The Imperial or divine Eihel &urn, it\j^-^\t^-^Z. SP, v.t. [Cftfn.] To
Sojnei eicht, M^fSiW, wise and intelligent screen; to shelter from; to conceal to darken; ;

(said only of an Emperor).

to cloud. rtomb; a grara.
Elcliiku siiru, fLV^%< irz,'^^ v.t. To build Elikl, A.y^i^^,^^, w. [Chin.] A sepulchre; a
to erect; to construpt, Syn. Haka, Tsuka.

JBlcho, k.\J^%X ^, ^M, w- [Chin.] A gracious Eilku, fL\{'\r<,MU, n. [Bot.] Wild grape, or
favour bestowed on an inferior. black grape, Vitus Thunbergil.
Syn. Atsukimegumi, Syn. Ebikazura, KurobudO.
Eiebo, it\r%i.5,'^M>n. Same aa Eibun (3? M). Fiitsii siiru, A.V^Vvj'-^j, jSa, v.i. [Chin.] To
EUlan, A. V^ ;fe A, ?? Bf. «• -A- wise and decisive overflow to go or run over the brim.

judgment; resolution. Syn. MiCHiAPURERU. ra suckling.

Klmi no eidqn ni makasu, g- >'3£H = fiE 3t, Elj«, A-U^C, §5S. "
[Chin.] An infant; a baby;
to leave to your wise decision. Syn. Akago, Midorigo.
Elden, A. V^ "C A, K Sft, "• [Chin.] Same aa MieiOo. Eljin, A.V*&^, ISA, «. An Englishman,
Eldd, ;t\/^^5,{B^, «• [Chin.] Same as Ihaido, EJJlru, X.\nCZ, W, v.t. To sing; to hum; to

and Mieido. Elzuru A.V>53, compose. J

Eiel, ^V^ A-V^, S '5r, interj. An interjection uttered Vta wo eijiru, 1^9-%^}t', to sing or com-
by coolies when drawing a heavily laden wagon. Syn. Utatj, Gin zuru. Lpose a song.
Elei, A.V^ALir, ik^f a. andadu. Everlasting; con- Eljiru, it\r^Z, ) BA> "o.i. To reflect, as in watar
stant; forever; alwaya; perpetually. Elzuru, A.V-5S, ) or a mirror, to throw theraya
Elel, A.\aA.V,^'V> a. and adv. Strenuously; with upon; to shine on.

earnest efforts; zealously; strivingly; strug- Eijltsu, Jt\r:&':7, ^c

J . n. A long day.
gling ardent.
Nao eijitsu wo goshi soro, iSmB 9^s/^, tha
Syn. SKKUSEttO. rest ia deferred to a longer day (epiatolary).

Syn. ElYo, Nagakihi. fdisgrace Elkyoku, A\rti<,^[lfl, n. tC^Wn.] Vulgar songs

Eljokii, X.V-£iX< ,^^. n. lOhin.] Honour and or tunes.
Kiyo eijoku, Sj^S^^, censure and praise, Elkyn, ;itV^&5,:^A, n. a. and adv. O Eternity;
honour and disgrace. perpetuiLy; permanence. ©Everlasting; per-
Eljo sum, SlV-B?5-?-3, .6^^, v.i. [Chin.] To petual; forever; eternal; permanent.
Einyo sum, ^^/^fi.?-^^^, 1 coil round; to wind Syn. ElEl, Nagaku.
Syn. MATsnwARu, Meguru. Labout. Elkyfl suru, X.V^^ ^ir^, ^B, v.t. To coil or
Eijil, jfc\r'Vl1'5, 77t ft, " Living at a place for a entwine around; to stick to; to be a parasite.
long time; long residence. siiru, v.t. To Syn. Matsuwaeu, Matoitsuku.
live long at one place. Ejmiii, A.V^au^, $EjS, a. [Chin.] Clever; wise;
Syn. NagahluSDMAU. fMilitary Store. gifted; of parts; talented; sagacious.
EijH-buko, jBvx:£-l*i-j:, j^KSEffi. The guard
"• Eliiiitn, :t\/^a^,a?K, « IChin.] The waxing of
EJJu-byoJii, ^lr;&'.5)!>*i 5 & ^, VHJ&I^B, n. The the moon and the rise of the tide; success;
Guards Hospital. fGuards Prison. prosperity; the height of glory. aiirii, v.i.
Elju-Kan«okii, i5.\r^-t^i.A.a<,iSf^^-3S. n- Tlie To be perfectly successful; to wax; to be proa-
Elka» fc\r*>, %'^, n. A song; a lyric poem. Syn. MiTSDRU Lperoua.
Syn. YOMIUTA. Eliiiot^ A-V^l6\p, ^'Z, n. Fame; an illustrioua
]<:ikaku, A.V'*»<, ^^, n. [Mitft,.] An acute angle. name ;
Elkaku-sankuKu-kcl. ^V^*»< 5^4>< W^V^, $3 fi Eimei wo kaigwai ni kagayakasu, 35 ^ ^ ^ = J").

= ^ fl$, n. [Math.] Oxygon; acute angled ffi»7., to become famous abroad; to hecomo

triangle. known to the whole world.

Eikan, :itV'*>^, iKSt. "• [C/im.] An Emperor's Syn. Homare, Yokina-
admiration or approval. Elnen« X.\f^ilA.,-7Jz^, n. Eternal or long ages
Eikcn, ;tV^W^,^ffi, n. [Chin.] Prosperity and Eli'u. ^u^ e g^ 4a, n.
[Conch.\ Turbo cornuius.
celebrity fa hero. Syn. Sazai.
Eikctsii, A-V^W-CJ, ^K, n. [Chin.] A great man, Elrakuaeii. A.V- & C -frA ^S?^, it. A coin im-
Tenkano etketsu, 35T ^^^l^S. a world-famous ported from China, bearing the stamp of the
hero Tung-lo (.Eiraku) era, and worth about one rin.
Elketsu, ;'LV^ W*-7, Sc 6^1 " [C/iin.] Parting never Eirakii-y:vkl, X\/- ^ < ^'§, ^^i^, n. A kind of
to meet again; death. porcelain made by Zengoro Hozen, a former
Syn. Nagakiwakare. fsepulclire. potter of Kyoto. fseeing.
Elketsu. A.VW-7, ^7C. n. [Chin.] A grave; a Elran, ;tV^6^, S^K. n. An Emperor's personal
Syn. Hakaana, TSUKA. Eiran ni kyosu, '^^^^'^.y., to submit to the
Eiki, A.V^5,$f?^ n. An animated spirit; ardour; Syn. Gyoran, LEmperor's examination.
courage; spirit. EirJ, A.V^'O, ^?ij, a. Sharp; pointed; true as steel;
Eiki'botsubotsu, ^^^V, a spirit impulsive- shrewd; penetrating; critical; to the point;
ly animated; Teki no ciki ivokujiku, fift^fS^^ Syn. SuRUDOKi. Lastute.
^ ^, to break the spirit of or to discourage the Elrl, *,\/^Vf, SK^iJ, " [Chin.] Profit; making money;
enemy acquiring wealth
Elko, AV^C ^ftS". "• [Chin.] Flourishing and Syn. Eanemoke. Hllustrated.
decaying; prosperity and failure; rise and fall. Eli'l, 5.\At!J,^X. n. anda. Containing pictures;
Eiko SIfeSES. success an;l failure;
seisut, Eirin-sliiijl, X\x-^ kt.i'i)^, '^m^^. n. The
rise and decline; ups and downs. Superintendent of Forests.
Eikivo, XV^do^, ^%
Honour; prosperity">>•
Eirin-siitijlho, Siv^y A-:£ I* t ri, ^^^ ±m Sli, n.
fame; celebrity; splendour; chivalrous pride. The Assistant Superintendent of Forests.
Syn. EiYO, Sakae. Elri-shlmbuii. ^\^ '^ L A. l^k,^X1^%. n. An
Klkyo, ;tV^5 1, S !^, «- [Chin.] Waxing and wan- illustrated news-paper.
ing; rise and fall; ebb and flow; success and Eiro, jtV6 5.^^, " Imprisonment for life.
failure. EIryo. iLV'^'i.,ti.\i., «. The Emperor's minO,
TstAki no eikyo, ^>S Sfi, the waxing and wan- anxiety, consideration, opinion, or thought,
ing of the moon as seen by a spectator on earth. Eiryo wo wazurawasu, 3? /jt ^ 'i^ >. 7., to make
Elkyo, ^V*'&^5,K¥, « [Chin.] Influence; ef- the Emperor anxious.
fect; [((f.] snadow and sound; an echo. Elsal. A-V-^V^.-lfi:^. n. Whin.] Cleverness, intel-
EiJcyo wo oyobosu, ^^f-'B:^^, to influence; ligence; smartness. Mostly used of young
to feel the Eikyo yori sumiyaka,
6fl:ect of; K ff children.
V jSA. quicker than an echo. Eisal, ^V5V/%, 3J:t, 71. [Chin.] Same as above.
Blsal, it\/^5V^,leiS, n. The decision of the Em- EisS, A.Vv5 5,JKm, n. [Ohtn.] A. photographlo
peror. picture.
Sisai wo aogu, tlM^i^i^, to request or call ISIsoku, iO^iti, a^, n. [CJvin.] Waxing and
upon the Emperor to decide. waning, as of the moon.
Syn. Chokushi. Syn. MiOHiKAKE. Tmuru.
Elsnn, A.Vv^A, jillj:, »i. The Emperor's opinion, Elso siiru, J*.V^5 5s^^,S®. v.t. Same as .ffS-

thought, or estimation. Eltai. X\j^1tV; ^ -R, n. Same as Bandai (ffif^).

KIsan, A-Vr-^A, 'S^gl, n, [Chin.1 Carrying on husi- Eltnlshakii-kolyaku* ft.\pte\^X.^< H'V^C.^W
ness for getting food; livelihood; taking care of f&^S*J, «. [Xaw.] A contract for emphyteusis.
Syn. Nariwai, Shobai. Lan estate. Eltahn, A.\Aft<,^^, '* Same as ffafca; [H(.] the
Klsiiii, X.\r'^A.,&Vc, »*. [C/iCn.] Sleet. eternal residence.
Syn. MizOBE. Syn. FUMBO.
Glsel, X.V-^V'.^M, " [Chin.] Wise and glorious. Eltaoreru, ^V^iz^h.Z,^&}, v.t. To fall down
Eisei bumbii naiii tenno JieiTca, 35 ^ St ?" 't- ^ ^ from intoxication.
^ ISTj His Majesty the Emperor who is wise ISiteu, itV-t A,,^i% n. Promotion in rank.
and glorious in matters civil as well as military. Go-eiten de o vicdeio gozaimasu, I congratulate
Elsei, /tV^-^V^, ^clH:, n. and adv. Eternity; all you on your promotion.
generations eternally, forever.
; Eiteu siiru, ^l/v-r ^-^^, !g ^, v.i. [Chin.] To die
Eisei kuchizu, ^^^Tf^Vj, not to decay, go to leaving none alter, as a body of men.
ruin, or be obliterated forever. Syn. SUINITAERU.
Syn. YOYO, NAaAKITO. Eltotsii, ^V^T-^, ^-S^i n. and a. a wise man; O
Elsel, i^V^^V-, ?!0S. '* [jistron.] A satellite. a profound scholar or philosopher; a sage. 8
Syn. Baisei. Wise and learned.
Klsel. ^\/^'frV^•, Wf 4i "• Observing the conditions Syn. KASniKOSHI, Satoki.
most favourable to health. Kits, A.V^t 5 K ,
"• A magic lantern.

Eisei no micM, !^^-^iI, hygienic rulea the ; Syn. Gents.

sanitary conditions. IJIl'tva. A.V*49,I5^, ti- English- Japanese.
Eisei-saku, ^Xf^^Vif < VS ^ 9, ,
n. Hygiene. £lwa-Jli, *.V-*3X.'a,3??n^*. w- An English.
Eisei- ky Oku, £ v^ -1* V^ @ i < , ^^ B, n. The Japanese dictionary or lexicon. fabove.
Bureau of Health. Elwa-Jiteii, A.V^t)£:t ^,Kipl¥l4. n. Same as
Elsei-k-tvn, j^V-^V^ < *5, DS ^ 15, «• The Section £iwa-taiyaku-Jisko, ^v^*3te\^-^ <£:Li.,M^^
of Health. ES ^ #, 71. Same as above.
Kisei-kwalsi, ^ V/^ V < »>V> IT, JS ^ § ^. «• -A-
-ti: Klya, ff^^, S. intei-j. An exclam. uttered by
meeting held for discusing on sanitary matters. a number of persons engaged in drawning or
Eisei- sliikeujo, }kV'^^llf)'A.£:i.,m^USk&i, n. lifting sometliing heavy.
The Sanitary Laboratory. Giyatto, i-7\r^J^"j'£, adv. [coH.] In a difficult man-
Elsoii, X\i^^A-,^^, n. The contracted form of ner; by all means; with dilficulty; hardly;
Eirakiisen. rsen=l ven. barely. fwith difficulty.
tK^M'^^, 1,000 nwwi=100
Elsen ilchwammon, Eiyatto motte ktta, ai-f -V-^ ^J^r3Ki?> brought
Eiseu, X\r^A.,Wt^, « [C/iin.] A screening fan. Syn. KarQjite.
Elslia, ^\^X^, BT$, n. Copying the contour Eiyew, ^lJ^£,^, ^jg, a. and n. Eternal; eterni-
lines only. ty; everlasting; to the distant future.
Syn. Kagedtsu&iti. Eiyen no saku tvo tatsu, ^ Ja -^ *fe ^ it y, to
Elenaku-ken, X\r^ L-^ <^K, ^f&H, " {Law.^ plan with a long-sighted view.
An empliyteusis EJyo, *.V^5, )5^(f. " Luxury; pomp; splen-
Eislsl, X.\r- L. 41 W. «- Same as Eiryo. Ey6, A.A.5, dour; magnificence; glory.
EJshi, ^VL, ^St, w- Composing poetry of his- Eiyo eigwa wo kitvamu, ^WSi^SE ? A, to @
torical sub.>6ota. fcorctata. be extremely luxurious; to go the whole length
Eishito, ft\f L«?.^^*0, n. [Bot.^ Aleurttes Syn. EiKWA, OGOBi. Lofluxury.
Some time during
Glslio, A.VS, i. ^ #. « -A-n English work or book. Eiyo, A.'j^J^5, ^[^. ^-

Elsbd, A.V^a^5,^Re. »• [Cftin.] Ascreenorpar- Syn. HaBUNAQA.

Eiyo, [Chin.] Surplus; anything
Syn. Oi, Sasawaei ttltion X\/^X,fiA^^, w.

Elstein, *.V^AW>A, ^^, a. andrt.. {Chin.] O Dia- left; the remainder.

tinction; fanie; eminence. ® Excellent; dis- Syn. AMARI, NOKORi.
tinguished; clever. Eiyo, A.VrJ:i!K#. " Qloryj honour; fame; re

ElsS, ^V^S 5.^11. " Amanuscript of poems. nown; celebrity.

El.vd-hJIiliiUc, XV-Xi>^^t^,^^?\^,n. Accep- Ekl. A.?,?^, n. A fluid; a liquid or juice.
tance for the sake of honour. Syn. Shiru, TauTU.
Klyo-sliilinrnl, fC^XZHX^V^.^W^M, n. Pay- EkJba, ;t&tf, lSi?|, n. [Chin.] A post-horse.
ment lor honour. fry post. Syn. Shuku-cma, Temma.
Elyo-sliok», ;tV'iXi<,5tWlS£. « An honora- Eklljyo, Sl&O-"-^?, '&.f^, "- A pestilence or
Elyn, ;tVP'-'i5, 3?ii, n. A great or illuatrious man. plague an epidemic disease.

J^iyTi (joketKu, i?^^^, great men; heroes; Syn. Yakubyo.

Syn. Masctrao. L'worthy personages. Ekiinoso, A.&?.^5, .^^^, '^- t-^"*-] ^^
Elyn, XV-'Ji), ^Sfl. « [Ohin.] Winning anil heing Yakiimosd, ^i 4^5, \ nurus sihUicus.
won; victory and defeat. Syn. MEHAJIKI.
Eiyu wo Jcessuru, ^^"f ^7. n-, to fight a de- Ekiclio, iL^%^^, ^:g, n. OThe head official of
cisive battle; to have the final match. arailway station. @ The chieftown-olhcer.
Svn. Kachimakr. fxication. Syn. ShUKU-NO-OSA.
Elxanio, •fey-3'i6, SS ll'. « Recovering from into- Eklfii, ^§i, P3^, M. A coolie employed at a
^ixlil^-gt>U<^, ^V^^^^:W-, 2j?lJj^, fi. [Hot.] Tl-iC- railway statioji.

lio'im.iii, rndirnjis. Ekls", X-% <',S^'E;,Jil*86, w. \_Ornith.-\ Pelican,

ElKiiKl^o, ^v^3'^t 5 , fflJt Ul SS, ft. [Bot.] RhoiU)- PeUcQ/nus sp.

(leyt'lnm iiiiUcinn, var. oMusa- Syn. (TAn-ANCHO.

ElKnii-sniniro. "t \f* ^ /wi- ^ it, ^ m ^, " t-Bot.] EkJJiJi, ;it.& C^, SpT!*. 1^ The god of plagues; an
Viola tunnaia. fauratvmu evil s iri'.

Ela'.\u-yitri, A.\^3'^t*'!), ^^5-^. "- [Bot,] Liliv/ni Syn. EKIBYOGAMI, Yakubyogami.

£lzoii, ,-t\A-H? ^, 'Sf ,^, n. Building and repairing. EklKa, %.'%ii^M%> "- Same as Hataooya.
JUizen ni torikakat-u, '^Ji — ^ffi-B', to com- Ekika, ^^b>,0T, The arinpit.
n, [/7nn.]

mence to builji or to repair. Ekika ase slUmhin, J^Tifl^*. the armpit

Syn. SiiDPUKU, TsuKfnoT. perspiring copiously.
Elzcu-ffaUari, ^\f^'/utH^'^,^M %, .n. An of- Syn. Waki no shita.
ElaeK-yaUii, X.M^'S- k^^ < '^ Wix, , \ filial ar- Ekjki. ;t^?, S|5^ n. Same as Wakiga.
ch itect. fof Architecture. Ekiki. fiL% %rM%.> '^ Same as Ekijin.
Fizeii-kwji, ^\A-^^?^< ih. '^M^, "• The Board EkjkM'a, k."^ <t),^ ib. n. [Pliysics.] Lir4uefaction.
Elsoku, *.\^y<,^c®, n. Continuing or lasting Eklkw:tn, :t& < *3 A, [^ Pi?, n. Same as llatagoya.
for a long. time. siirii, urf. To last long; EkiuasM,-1,-kl, X.%U-£., MS, « Useless; ofno
to stand permanently. benefit or advantage.
ElKuru, *.v>^3,H/ff, v.t. Same as .Efjirw, Ekhiaki koto wo suruna, -^ ^- ® 1^ ^ :^ B- -J-,

Elziirii. SLV?'3,0!f. f-i- Same as .E/Jtrti. do not engage in useless business.

Ejl, i&C^ir, [ofts.] An Imperial guard.
«. Syn. MuYAKU, J\lUEKl.

EJIIiarii, ^tf*>2, t».*. [co!M To shrink from I'ear Eklre, X^iT-, '>'- Being sultry or moist and op-
or cold, to be terror-stricken; to be astonished preSfeingly warm (said of the weather).

and at one's -wit's end. Eklrol. X.^fn-\r,W-B^, " A bell which acourtier
IHcaki, g.i»f,ffiX, «• ^ Mainter or drawer of keeps ringing while running
pictures; an artist. ou official errands.

" Ekifi'i, Same

Elil, X'%,^, O The Clime-e rlfi,==ir on pro- ."ti&H'u^, ^ffii, ?i.

babilities or changes; Y-ld-ntj. © Divination. as Ekibyit.

Eki no o7}Wte, ^^\^, what apr«ars in the Ekii-o, X^^.m^, n. \Gliln.]A

book on divination; Eki womiru, ^ ^ ^ JL-, to pu>t-roKd.

Syn. Umay'AJi.
Syn. URANAi. Ldivine.
EKi, X.^, M, •" A post-station; a post-town; a Ekiro-no-siiKii. A.?6®-jh¥,
Syn. SnuKU. Lcoach stage. S§ SS. " Same as Ekirei-
Ekisifkii, A.§'3<,^^, ''- [Chill.] Death, giving
EUl, s.^, ^. n. A contagious disease; a pestilence.
Ehl, ;t?, j5, 7t. sei-vlce; an employment. @
OA Syn. BOKKO, SlUKYO. L^p the ghost.
A campaign, or war.
battle, suru. v.t. To EkiHlia, X^%^,^^, n. A diviner; a fortuua-

employ; to purchase one's services. Syn. UKANAISflA. L teller.

Syn. TKUSA. ruse. Eki»4kn, ^?X-^, SII. ^ Same as Niournma.

Eltl, :t^-S. '" Profit; advantage; gain; benefit^ EklNlia. X^£.^,m'^, n. [Chin.] Same a.£> Hata-

Eki vjo urv, S ^ ^p J^. to get a profit; Nan 7to goya.

elci mo nal, M^^^-f-f, of no use or ad- EkJslifi, ^g:fe5, JSff-, « [C/im.]SameasJ?HCSS).

Syn. Kai Moke, Toku Lvantage. Eklslin, ^@;&^ mUfti. [Chin.] Same as Wakiga.
[Chin.] Same as Me- E^mnklmoiio. sk.'%'^%<D,^^>^, n. Pictures in
shudo. Email, A'^^,%, v.t. Same as -fimw. LroHa-
f<:ki6utsii» X.'^^-^,
iS^, ii. Same as Kozukai. Emnu, J5.a-i, 51. 'O-i- To smile.
Ekitaj, ^&feV,}ft9S, w. [P/i.?/Sfcs.] Liquid. Kinlia, S^(^, j^i^, 11. Riding to a far distance; »
KkltRi. ^^Xy^,'m^, n. [Cfdn.] The number of long drive. flong drlT«.
miles between the different post-stations on a EmJia wo moynsu, jg Ji ? ffi£ :^, to prepare lor a
highroad. ICinlia, :*. ^l^, SS i^, n. [finiom.] A dragon-fly.
KkJtel, A.&TV^, S? ^, n. [Chin.] An inn or a rest- Syn. Akitsl'mcshi, Tombo.
ing-place on the roadside. JBmbai, ^^ldfu^, ^yt_ n. Soot.
Kkltel, A.&'t\A, tgi^, 74. Carrying letters; post. Syn, Yuen.
Syn. Umatsuqi. IL'inbuku. fiL^\f£<,^W, »*• [Bot.] Oatfl.
Kkltel-kyoku, A. S t Vv & j: < ^i^ jg, n. The , Syn. Chacikigusa, Kabasumdgi.
Central Post-office. Kmbau, ;l^a^, ^
©)tg, n. [Print.] a stereotyp*
I';kl-ii, A-^S.^Mt *! Same as iSTiifftirfioma. Knipau. A.^ff^, i plate.
Si^kl-giu, ;*.^5^, ^^, n. [CTtin.l A cloud threaten- Embannitoru, ^W. — M^'^, to stereotype.
ing to let fall showers of rain. liliiiban, A.^[^^, ^ ^, n. Same as Tabakobon.
9yn. Shigukegumo. rci^fl;)- ¥imhi, A.^iy^ ,16 g, n. [Bot.'] Fleur-de-lis, Flower-
Ekiyo, A.&;Si^, ?e3g, " [Chin.] Sameas DaiAai de-luce, fsp-
S'iklj-ft, ;t&U^5,®^, n. [67ii«.] A usel'ul friend. KniBil-biwa, :t^t^•£^'*^,S^, n. [JBot.] Tfiujopsis
B<;kkeu, W ^, IS ^, n. {Chin.\ Audience; in-
^-^^ KmMfiikii, SL^t^*.i.<,5ti=Sff8, n. A dress coat;
terview. Used of the Emperor and nobles. a awallow-tailed coat, or a swallow-tail.
Ekken wo tamau, fg ^ ^ Bg "7, to be received li^nibi-liiba, ^^C^U•fcr. )^M t^t©. " [Bot.] A spe-
m audience by the Emperor. cies of juniper. CcJiinense.
siini, v.t. To have an interview with per- I^mbiko. ^^^'A>5, JKf M^, n. [BoC] Svpatorivm
sons of high rank; to pay respects to. Euiblsen* ^^I^'•ft"^, ?H? M^, 'i- A forked arrow-
Syn. Omemie, Mamiyuru. Syn. Karimata. Lhead.
Kkkeii-jo, ^.yH'Ati.fSl.^/f, n. The audience JBinbl-seiiiio, A.^t^'-^^0
hall an apartment set apart for reception.
; 5, 71. [Bot.]£yc/mis Wil-
f!:kbi, ^y^.lSg, n. Joy; gladness; joyfulness. forcU.
Ekkltsii, £.'y?r?, aSi^, 't. [ifoC] Cowberry. Vlmbo, S: ^^K 5, S S. "
Syn. KKMOMO. [C/iin..] The extent of a
l^ko. ;tt. llft'te. an undue bias of
't' Partiality; tract of land.

mind; favouring one party more than anotlier. Syn. Hi ROSA.

Skonosata, -fe 14 --*?>' j!^, a partial treatment; ]!)nibo. i&^ld:5,iffl^', «. A
a biased copduet. distant view; a far off

Syn. HlIKT, KATAYOET, riEMPA. scenery; looking afar at.

Yko, S.*>5, ID |nj, n. [B't((?tf.] Saying mass for the Km bo, ?. ^a5, fSi'^, '".

dead. fiurii, v.t. To pray for blessings upon Looking to with regret;
the dead. feeling resentment. rA.^clf*^©53
lOkoIiiikU ^Z.V-\r-%yi^^&% « Favouring one r^mlbii. ;!L^>, r^i?, -n. \Budd.~\ The abbrebiated
more than another; partiality. form of Embuda.
fOkoJi, ^t.C.'ffetfe il. '^^ [coll.] Cross; morose; pee- Bj^inbu, A.^i^ f^K. »! [Chin.] Practice in mUitarj

vish; perverse; bigoted; too earnest; obstinate. exercises,

EJcojl ni nam, -^fi g =1 f- ;t-, to become too li^mbu, ;t^is, SffC. « [CMw.] Ceasing to have
earnest, cross, or obstinate. war, shutting the door of Janus' s temple.
Syn. KATAIJI. fwith a handle. lj:mliii<la, ;t^i«?t', !Si?^. «- {Budd.^ Land south
K^koi'o, £*>5^,#5SSS, « -A- censer provided of the Sumisen; this world; the earth.

Kkoryo, S*>5*t5. 13 f^^4, «• Money paid to £]mbujd, ;tAit'"?r-^5,?^SCi^, n. A military hall;

Buddhist priests for saying prayers for the dead. a hall or ground where fencing and other war-
Syn. OGAMig^TiRO. like exercises are practised.

Ehubo, ^ < 19!, !E- " -A- dimple in the cheek. Syn. Shiaiba.
Kina. 5.5, St ^, "n- The pictures (eepecially of X:in1>un, ^^.fc^,ffi^, n. A redundant style of
horses) hnng up in a shrine as votive offerings. composition.
Kinado, i&a;&5.S^,^:S. n- A building in> shrine £ml, S,^, ^, « A smile; laughter.
where pictures (especially of horses) are hung up Emi wofukumu, 5^ ^ -^ i., to be smiling; Emi
as votive offerings. no naka nlmo yctiba vjo fuKumu, 5^ .>» r|) =a ^ 3J
EMI 196 EN
9- ^ [Prov.] "there is dagger in men's [coll.] with every weapon each could is*' hold
Syn. Warai. Lamiles." of (as a mob),
A chestnut bur which Emor), A. 4 (!J,MiH). " TJie rain drops running
Syn. Waregdri. Lhas burst open. along the handle of an umbi'ella.
[Bot.] Solomon's seal. EiiinrI, ^^V),W-^> « -^ butcher; & a leather-
Syn. AMADOKORO. dresser. @ A pariali.
I<:inisii, A.;^-^, , Sg 5g, n. A barbarian; a savage; Syn KawaiiagIj Yf.ta. fSee Tmori.
I^blsii. XVit, (an outlaw. Einorl, ;t ?. VJ I? ti?, n [coll. corrupt, of ImorL}

Kmiwarorii, i.?ft>i^^,iQV<, v.i. To burst open; I<}iii|>el, ^A-^jA, jgi£, n. A reinforcement.

to crack; to be cleft; to open. Syn. Kasei, Sukkzki.
ICmmii. A.A'S, Talis. " The king of Hades who Kmpcii, ^^K-^K,^'i^, n. Relations, connecti' 103
judges and punishes the departed souls. SHINR0T, SUINSEKT.
Kniinu-dutwo, XA.'^T^^\r-t>^.fi\"^ :k^, ^n. See £ni1>ltsu. XLv^Oiffi^^, 'n. A lead-pencH
Kmniii'ivd, S:yv2 4?5, T^^ 3H, j above Kinpltsii-srwa, A-AU-'-^'^io, f&S®. " I'lctnrical

sketches taken with a lead-penciL

Kiiipo, ^Aj]S^,'^'^, n. A distant place; a far
[Entom.^ Grylius sp. distance.
Emmji-iio-clio, A. A^ Tnmo emp7> yoi-i kitaru, gH i?" :;5 =• V ^ "-. *
friend lias come from a distant plurc.
The rourt ol Km ma Ksnpo, ^A[^, ^^, '^. [Chin Afield, alarm. ]

dilJAVU Syn. tIatake.

KiDiiiH-iniiNiii, .t.^a«? Knipri, i-.AJs*?, iJ5H„ '( Ahotwind.
X, n. [Entom.] A Syn. ATSriKiKAZE, Neppu. fof lead).
beetle, iV'ecrop/iorii.t j^ V I'lnipiin. ft.^2;^, ^^,
White lead (carbonate

arientalls. (.^ 33 ^ JBiititim suru, £.A^*A^3,?o^'tS, v.i. To rankle m

I'miiir-i, A.Ai6V^. J^^, « Longevity; long life. hatred. fblonm; to blow
SoKtisaL emmel, ,i. i(J ig ^, happy and prolong- EMiia, ^-ir,%,^,v.i. O To smile; to laugh. (^ To
ed life. Balkwasudeiu cnu, IStES = iS^A, the plum-
Kiiimci-eliu, ^AfcU^XW), 5£l^i^, ^l. A medicinal trees are already in bloora. Tcrack
liquor the liabitual taking of which is said to Kmii. g.tr, {;$, v.i. To open; to be burst open; to
[u-i'long one's life. E^niiisBiiro, iS.tf L 'S 2E IS, « A straw matting

ICRimeiso, ^As^V'a-S, i:^ ^^'. n. [Bot.] Plectran- with varioufl figures printed on; a variegated
l/ius glancocalyx. Ta general. Kii, fLL,W.< w. [Ornit/i.] A swallow [jirxt.

J'^niim.'u. £.A.?.A,®P1, n The headquarters of Syn T3UBAME.

Eminrm ni kudaru, $8P5=^[^/^, to surrender En. ^A, .IS, n. [Ornith.] A kite. ,

one's self before the lieadquarters of the enemy. Syn. TOBI, Toawi.
Ii:]iimustibl, A.AtP^tK, iStS> »i- A love-knot. En. X^j,^. w. anda. Q A mistake; an error, a
EmntuS'ubi wo Suru, ^iS^^-^. to make a blunder. © Surplus; redundancy.
love-knot with an oath. Syn. AYAMARI, YOKEf.
ICiiioUvazu, iL'i\nlil^,yP.'^fs, "•- Impossible to En. ^A, ^, n. O [Chin.] A flame. © [Me.<JL\ In-
describe; unspeakable; inexpressible. flammation an inflammatory disease.

JItsu lit emoiwozaru arlsama deshita, If =^ Syn. HONOO, KiKSao.

^ "g >> -y-' ;i-
^ tSI ^ S^ ^. tlie state of affairs was En, XK,^!, " Lead.
such that it is impossible to describe. Syn. Namari.
Kiiiou, ^'{iA.,^B., 1- Ciothes; dress, garments. En, *.A, eS. « Charm; fascination; beauty. Al-
EowH wo tstikvru, 3KS[^ 'J*^^, to adjust ways used in composition.
one's dre^^. Eu, fLk,,^, n. [Gheni.] A salt; the result of an
Einou-liJike. A.lt At-tt, K£!t5i?i " A frame to alkali and an acid combining. fquet.
liang clothes on; a clothes liorse, a rack. En, XA,, g, 3S, 7t. Feast; an entertainment; a ban.
Syn. iKo. nana no I'll,
7B -^ S, a feast prepared for see
Kiuoiio, A.4©,IS'!^- n. Prize; game. Syn. Sakamori. (_ing flowers.
Ikusa no tmono, ET 35 ^, prizes taken in --'
En. XA>,^, ti. O Connection, relation; cognate
war; Kari no emono, J5>^1S, game taken in ~ness, athnity; underlying cause. Blood-rela @
hunting. tion; consanguinity; pi-oceeding from tha aame
Eni'iJMO, XtO, n. iroii.] A weapon. stock. 63 The relation of man and wife; marri-
Eino/iucnumoivj ottotte, x^E^x^^^:!'? I^'jt-, age. Q [Bndd.] Fate.
EN 197 ENG
Fushl no en, i)CrF>ift, the relation of lather Endokti, A.^'!«f,^g:, n. Same &a Enchi/doku.
and son or daughter; Fiifu no en, ^i^v'^, Endo-iiiaine. ^ ^)e 5 )b, SHa., » Same jls "3,

the relation of raan and wife; Ai-enlii:n, ffij® Endo.

Iff jgi, u, union of singularly well-matched di;^- KnUiisUU-U-UI, A.^>e5 t,U^, a. Late in being
positions; En doi, SS i^ ^, being unmarried married. frus Davidit.
till quite old; En no lisuki hlto, SR -^ iS =* A, a- Kndo^ju. ^^^«5^5.a=5y^:^, n. \Bot.] Zathy-
person who is not married while young; Mu-en Euildso, SiA.'&^iS'f .mum, n. [Jftd.] A kind of
no hlto, %^
^ K, one who hiia no relation; eruption.
one whose fate promises no salvation; Eti wo En-on. Al^^^, M ^, adv. and a. Glitteriog; bril-
kiru, ^J-^ii', to sever a connectiont* to di- liant; bright; gorgeous.
vorce En wo viusKlu, ^f- -^7% to marry Go-
; ; Syn. KiRAKiRA. rgloomy; dusky.
en gcb araba mala o me ni. kakarimasho, gji ,^ jf Eii-eii, A.^*.^,P£ -!?, a. and adv. Darkish;
T'^j^iSapg— J^V '^£^3?', late may give us Syn. HONOKCRAKI, USUGITRAKI.
the pleasure of seeing again. Eu-en. A.^A.^, as ^, .... Bl.izing; flaming.
Kn, A.^, tS, n. Veranda; balcony. En-on, A.^A.^, iJJ'Jg. Flames. n. [Cftin.]
En 710 sakl, ^ ^i^, the outermost part ol the En-cn ten ni minagiru, ig ?c — iS «-, the ^
veranda; Kn noshita, g% > Ti under tlie veran- flames brightened tlie skies.
da; the {ground under the first floor. Eii-cn, i&^£.A, S5 '^r, " Fine; beautiful; charm-
En, £.^, la, n. A garden; a park. ing; fascinating. fJapanese galL
Syn. NlwA, SONO. Enfitliokiu Al^-tt^ <.artr*. n. [Hot.] Th»
Enn, X.U, Tlie placenta.
flfg, -n. Syn. FCSHT, NORUDB.
Ena wo osamu, Hfe ^ A, to bury Slj the xi]n<-entfl. Eiifiikii, A.A-i.C, jtSSBS, n. ICfiin.} Same as
Enngii. A.'Plii*, 5^ti£. n. [Ornith.] Japan long- Kmpiikii. ^^j,•<, ' A'emaW.
tailed tit; Acr^Oula triviryaia. £?iifiin, ;lt^-^^
n. Lead cosmetic.
En-al, S.^3f,V', ttSIK, a [CMti.] Gloomy; obscnre; Eiiipiin, A.^.ir^,

dusky; somewhat dark. tr.ngnti. A.^&5^, rtf^, .„. The coast-line; the
Kn-i&l, A.^Io\^, SIS, n. Same as Jra.5umf. coast.
EnaoS^e. SL'ttSrW', flSffi, n. A ve'^sel in which tlie Engan wo sokuryT) surv, YJ^-^M^^ n-, to
placenta is put bel'oi'e being buried in the earth. survey the coast-line.
Kiin-rurtn, jt.'^ fi fo, ftfi, u- Charming, pleasmt; Sj-n, ffysHizoi.
cheerl'iil ; fascinating. Engawji, A-^i|fSa, #(&], II. Veranda. Se,eEn(^y
Syn. KOKOROYOKI, Taf-saru Syn. Ensaki.
Enarazu. ft.ti:&^, :^;'sif}, a. and adv. Impossi- EnKOi, SA-V^^V^,®^, n. Horticulture.
ble to pay or to describe; uncommon; extra- I':iige1ka, ^^^^\r•*^ SS^, n. Horticulturist.
ordinary; inexpressibly. Knsekl, :^^^?,?»S9, n. A theatrical perform-
Syn. Emoiwaeezu. Syn. Shibai. L^nce; a play.
Eoehl, ^A.%, SIM. «• A garden and a^ond; land- Engck], £.^i^^^, fiSRS. «- Resentment; enmity;
scape; scenery. fLead poisoning. antipathy.
Enclintfokii, X K%\fi> 5 "& < ,^^\>W, n. [Med.] Enseklba, A^^>&^f, mmiU. n. A theatre;
End.-Ll, A.^;t•\^, ISr^, n The subject or topic EnsekiJA, A:^^>& C^s-?, 1 an opera-house.
upon which one is to speak or deliver a lecture. Eugcndd. £.^i'Ji^^'5,:£^lfi, n. [tVt/n.] Gam-
Endal, *.^7£V^,tSS. "• A bench for sitting on bling.
while enjoying the cool air of the evening. Engi. K.^S', ". [coll.] A paper or clay model til

Syn. SUZUMIDAI. the male organ of generation.

Endal, ^^^'\/^, ia ;'\, a. Not easy or temporary, Engl, ^^»t•, iSgiS, H. O Tradition or history as lo
far-reaching; grand; great. robject. how a Buddhist or Shinto temple was erected.
Endai no kokornzashl, Js ^ .^ ,^, a grand ©[coii.] An omen; a previous sign; luck; por-
Endan , A. A^t- A^ Sft S^if , «. Consultation as to mar- tent; a good indication.
riage; courtship. Emji gayoi, ^jS#'(ff ^, indicating something
Endan wo mosliikoniu, ^SiM^ 4j Ji i*, to ask a good; lucky; Engigawarui, USt&if S^ -i, omin-
girl's parents or relations whether she may not ous; unlucky; Eiigt wo iwau, -^fe^SH"?, ta

be given in marriage ; to court; to woo in love. w,elcorae a good sign; Engi de mo nai oyoshtyo,
EndeJ, A.A"CV^, $^ i^, n. A white vai-nish. ^ :te ?' ^ •?" 'f "fe 3 i' 3> [coll.] stop for it pro-
Endeu, £.;.^^, BJIH, n. A cultivated; field; a mises no luck.
Syn, Ta, Tambo. Lfarm. Syn. KizASHi, Shirusiii, ZeuftO.
Endo, ^.^^t5,elH. «• [-BoI.lPea .Engi. A.^S', ?KS, n. Sae Chiishakn.
ICngl, A.^S^03^, " An omen. Kiiji, 5SAtr,igiig, 74. Far and near.
Kngo, ;tA&. l^SSi ". [Chin.] Q [t/t.] The twitter- Kiijl, j&At.^ffl, adt'. Just like, as if; as it were.
ing ol a RWifllow. @ [Jiff.] Talking rapidly and Fnjlii, ^^t^,Ig\, ;*. [CTi'j;.] A eunuch.
indistinctly; chattering; talking too much. I^iijitsii, SlA t-^, ^ ,
11. [Chin.] A hot day.
Kngokii, •&^a < , iS S. « '^ distant countvy; far- Eiijo, :rt^*^5, >ft±, ". Burning; fire; conflagra-
off provinces. rantblrjiia. tion. Used only of the Imperial residence.
Eneoaal&ii, (f? ^a? < , Jg iSJ? ??, " [Bot.] Loj-ydalis ICyi'jTj evjTi. g" Jifi burning of the Imperial
i{f J:,

Enffninl. ^A<-A, S5i(=a, «• Marriage. Palace. ffire; to be consumed.

Enoumi wo sum, ^1^^ 7- n-, to marry; to sum, V.I. To burn; to be destroyed by

contract a marriage. Knjo. S. A L* -t . 12 IS. « Assistance (especially in
Syn. ICEKKON, KON-IN. war); rendering help. sum, v.t. To assist
En«ri!nii'Slio&lio, ^A<-;^»-i. i 5:£ Ji, ^$11 SE *, 7*. (as in fighting); to help.

Contract of marriage. Syn. SLTKEDACnn, TETSUDAt.

F;ngunui, ;!t^<-*i', 1-SM. t'-t- and i. To inrtrry, to J'-njii, ;t^tr^^, t^. n. [Bot.] Sophora japonica.
make a marriage contract. I-;njri, S:^ f;i.%5, fig ,-|-, n. Same .is Vi'jan.
X'.rx%\\u, ^.^<'^, ^g?, n. R.arae as i:m3W. Knj:i, ^^^£''.%, jSf#, n. Long life, longevity.
Kugwa siirii, ^^<-t9-il"3, E IS'u ^'.'^ '''o lie pros- Enjutnke, :*.^L•tO'fel-t, ^4^:. » [Bot.] A kind of
trate; to stretcli one's .sell upon tlie ground <m muslironm.
Syn. Frsu. Nf.korobu. L^loor. I':nhn. ;t^*', '^31, 7'.. (.^''-1 Smoke and haze. O
I-:n-l, 5.^'J^,ffi^, ". [Bo(.] Tlie name of a mess @[j}a J T':<;ture^ and paintings.
growing on the wall. Enka no koshltsii, '1^ Kg -^ )s i|^, [Chin.] an ox-
r:u-i, ;tA\r,SS?K, n. Same as I'ndarer/ake. ce•^s|ve love of paintings.
Kn-I, A.A&, ^iE2, Ti. The excessive heat ol the FnSta, S.^*>, ^i^, n. Same as Enja. nine.
snn. r(H' H ) I^iili:il, jtAA'V^, /'tl- ft*. « Along the coast or coast-
VOnlriii. ^.\il%,%B, '<- A fete day. SQe E?miclii fiyu Usitzoi. fas ol an in.stitution.
i;n-io, ^^V^^, ?S5I.«- Delay; procrafitination; Fnlialiii, fLA,±-< ,,r;W; "" Tiie historical changes
fr:!!!!!!!. ^^V^^, ( putting off; heing tartly or slow, l!:iiki{l<ii, X A.i> < , Ui^i< "• Remote from each
tarrying. sum, and i. To deliiy, to
v.t. other, distant.
put err, to be late in coming; to procrastinate; iCnlahunn Chi, i^rl^-'Jilj, ii. distant place.
to be alow or tardy. r'MUiikiishi. :tA*>< t/'^'Hl''^. n. The history,
lOiiJshJ, XVI I, ^, n. as of an institution.
Same as En. ICiil^:iu, A.^*>^, i^> :?.. n. Being hot and dry, as
the M'onther. Vkuaasti.
:{(:, n. [Bot.] Scotch Eiikii feiiru, A.^ft>^^, i^T. I'-'- Same as Niyml-
broom. l-'islioi, i&AW-v^, jfi-^, « A distant scenery.
I?:ultau suni, A.^V"^^ I<:iil£oii. :l^fr^^, 1*1^, n. Same as iVotifta.
2,irT/it, v.i. Same as lOokt'H, fe^W'^,ig,^, J(, A distant view; any-
Afiiru. thing seen from a distance.
Knja, ^^C^, St#, 7i. EiiDii, Xk,'^,mM. " Postponing till another
Kelatives. day; putting off. siirii, v.t. To postpone
Enjukn, A.A t^ < , SiS tt, c& ^ n-) to another day; to put off".

n. [Ornith.] The wag-tail. Syn. HiNOiiE.

Faijakn, ;t^tr-^< , )1ff i:g. « Rmrill birds in general. Kiikl, ;t^&,^^, n. Warmth; being hot and
Eiijaku nanzn k^k''> no Inkur-nashi wn sliirmi moist. Said of the weather.
va. f? y Rg JSi ^
ffi f^ T^ til 7 V i- [CJiin.] can ;3r; , Syn. HoTOBORi.
sparrows and swallows know what geese and Knl£i, XL'^,^1^, 71. fC/i^m.] Abase; an alkali.
swans mean 7 Knkin, ^^^^,IB^, n. Same as G/A-p/iWji.
KdJI, C7^t,fif?. " [Chin.] A redundant, super- I<;nkin, A.^?^,l£^5. 'i- Far and near.
fluous, or pleonastic word, an expletive. Fiihl-iio-kdbcn. :t^&«i>5'<^, ^SSH 7*.
:t ia;5!S,
I'lnjl, :1^C, Hg, n. JJ Rouge. Same as I
[L0.111.] Arguments for a delay.

l':ni!4lil, A.^ L. i Slioenji. © A paint made by mix- IDnkii-l, ;t^^'!J,^<^J, n. Severing a relation; a
ing a purple and a red paints together. dissolution of some tie or bond; divorcement.
Syn. BKNi. Kiihlsel-nlioRnn-siiiKiii, A. A ot ^v% 5 ^ ^-fb ^
Knjlrii, ^^[:^;, 1
f[g, tj.t. and /. To feel spite, en- S'^. |gd£#m®£/«^. n. [Ch&m.] Basic nitrate
EtiBiirii, i6.^?)5, ' mity, or dissatisfaction; to be of silver.
offended at; to complain. Knbo. ^^t.Hftffl:, n. Same as CAtnamt.
Enlfo. j^^?:'5.ffiHS, ". [^bo'M A long armed mon- Enokoro-BiiBa, ft.©L^<*S. fflB5t. n. fBoE.]
Knko. £. ^C5 . ¥£ li. « [iftjeM A dragon. L^ey. Foxtail grass.
X:i.i^o-!ioliu8lil, lfjA,C'5C^:£.. « [2'67.]A8pe- Eno-no-fiisuma. ^K'h^O
clos of crab, Myrafugax, i-^a.miSSE, »• Abed
Knkoi!, i^^^.^, JStS, «• Antipathy; enmity; re- for a married couple.
Syn. Urami, Nikusuimi. Tgold. Uiiori, A.©1|), 5g|ij, «. Same
Kuk«so» i&^£.5^5.K(tS4S;, ". [£oM Marsh mari-
Eukotsu, iLhXjo, l^U,, adu. Same as Tac/ii-
macfti. n. [iJot.J Honeysuckle,
Kukwa, ;!t^<l^^.^^, w. [Mti.] Native carbo- woodbine.
nate of lead. Eno-iiwo, ^® 5 5r. ^gfil^.
Unk-wa. ;^^ < 47, IS ^. ^- \GHn.\ Same as Hanabi. 7t. [Jc/).t7f..] Trygon sp.
li:nkwn-;iiniiioiiia, A.^< 45:&^4 K35. ggf^j^BI/E Knra, ;^^t, f^ Ke, n. Same
56, n. [Chem.] Chloride ol' ammonium; sal as Emma.
ammoniac; salmiak. lOiirai, A:^&V^, jgSK, n. and
Knkwnl* A,^< ib\r-. ^"S". "" A social or friendly distant place.
meeting at a saloon or restaurant; a feast or Enrai no hyaku, jgJE ^5P. a visitor who has
banquet. come from a far-off pla ce.
Bonen p.nlcwat, S.^^^. a Mendly entertain- Kiiroj, ^^*^,V^. 9£i?i, «-• Beautiful; handsome,
ment at tlie cloae of the year; Sidnnen enkwai, bright; charming.
Sff^-^§-, do. at the beginning of the year; £«- Syn. Uruwasimki.
kwai no seki, W ^ -^ fi^> the place wliere a friend- Knvol, ^AHV^,S(S&. Prolonging ^''- one's life,

ly meeting is held. CEnjtn. i'lni-ciso. A.^HV^5 5, ,!3B&4!i. « [^ot-l Birth-

Enktvaii, A.^<*)^, l^'i:, n. [CJiin.] Same aa SCnreso, ^A*f55, (root.
RnkwfLii-clilkii, ^^<*^^'t<, :g'S=t5". «• Bam- ICnri, A.^l5,gRSS, «- [^-iidrf.] SeparfltJpg one's sett
boo used in making tobacco pipes. from worldly concerns, being disgusted with
£nkwd, ^^<495.^Sfi, "• [Mn-l A lead ore. them.
KnSiyo, ;t^H•5,S6®, a. iChin.] Same as Yasa- n. A plantation a forest a
; ;

shihi. rof thesun. Syn. Uekomi. LgroTO.

Knnetsii, A.^*a'7. ift j^, n. The excessive heat A long rond; along journey.
Syn. Atsusa, Bhoki. Syn. ToMicni. Ohotki.
Kn nl, fL^'V^,^, adu. Same as ^adeyafca 7i<. ]<:nrlxu, :*.^ V)r3*, 1^ ^ h. " L-Cof.] Doliehos Labial.

Kuniclil. A.^V^'^, *S 0,#Sfl. "- A fete day; a Syn. Ajimame.

festival; a holiday. Enro, A.^^$,!lSffi, ". Same as Kemw-iciashL

Ennichi slidnin, 3^ A, the street-trades- lOni'ojii, fLA,i^^X-'.')>5,^MH; n. Sam« as Nlgari

men whose business it is to sell things on the lOuriif, ^^^\A, ^S, n. Same as Snja.
fete days of various gods or goddesses; Bnnichl I'lnrul. £.^5Z),ig3gi, 7(. Remote relations.
mode, ^( a ti, going to worship a god on his Kuryo, A.^^^) i, is®, '*. O Thinking of and pro-
eniiiu, ^^^/^^,S'J[. Be&En-in. Ltete day.
'i- viding for future contingencies. @ Reserve;
EnDO, A.^tc5,^S. '»• A tobacco poucp. ©Confining one's seU
restraint; backwardness.

Kn-o, S.^%5. M%, n. iOrnUh.'l A mandarin duck. in his house either as a punishment or for

Bno-sikH, j&^i55lr<,Sa.1eft^ « [-BoM Aconite. mourning.

Knogo, !6.©a,j^, n. L-^eJ.] A painful swelling ol Knryn, S.^'!)5.*SW, "- \Chin.] Staying; re-

lymphatic glands at the groin or arm-pit. maining one place; sojourning.

in siiru*
Syn. INUGO. rbelow. v.i. To stay, remain, etc.
Bnoso, £.©&,$& ^, n. [coli. form of Enogu.'\ See Ensau, A.^5^,ligE, n. {Chem.] Hydrochloric or
finogu, j&®<-,J^II., 71. Paints used in drawing; muriatic acid.
pigments. EDsangoke, AL^5^^W, ^.il, [Bot.l TricJio-

Eoogu-lta, g.coCvrte, l&^^, w. A palette. mants radlcans.

fiuogit-zara, £C5 C' ? ?> !& ^^ M, , "• Dialios in IRiisatsu suru, ^Ju'^-O-^Z, JSi v.e. [Chin.^ To
which paints are mixed. strangle; to choke to death. fforr^ment.
OnokJ, A.©&,^ht^, w. [ifot.] CeWis sirwnsis. fna. Knsei, £^^V>,g*. n. Auxiliary troops; reen-
Enoki-giisa. *.®S<-5, rt. [Bo(.] .^cait/p/iaffemf- An expedition; invading
Enokovo, A.Ot.6, fdS. ^. " -* yo^ng dog; a, foreign country. suru, v.i. To go on

luiikMvo, Vr-ttiCl^, ( a puppy or whelp. fkin. expedition; to make war against a distant
ICuokoro. A.ffl£.^, ^S, n. [£ot.] An ament; cat- uation.


EnaefBun, g.^^^VC'^, i? 5E^, n. A -n-arlike ex- Syn. 0S(^, SBMERU.
pedition Eneo. ^^^, igg^, ". O A mixture 01 vinegar and
Enseki, A.,^,*&, |p BE, n. Tlie place where a friend- common salt or one of sake and soy. @ .ilfiso.
ly meeting is held a banquet hall. ; Enso, ^A^, IIJ^, 7[. [CTiem.] Chlorine.
Elnahn, A.^t'^,M?^, " An exercise in the use Eneo, ^^^, ^'g, n. [2be7.] A mole.
of the bow and arrows; archery practice. Enso. ^^^5,JKsg, «. A swallow's nest.
Enelil, A.^L,5i^Ba, "• Same as OsMj-o*. Eneo, S:^^5,:@iS> "• Same as Kemuridashl.
Enehl, ;^t^L,^BI Et. w. A professional scory-teller. Eueo. :it^:^5, '®:^, n. Tobacco.
Enshl. ^^L,0^. 1- A shot or bullet. Syn. Ta HA K o. Tfrofton.

Enshi. ;^:^L flft^, "- [Cfiin.] A per.=nnal ap- Ensoboii, it^^5(^;^,!aJ^fi. «• same as Taha-
pearance which is exceedingly cli arming or Ensokii^ A.^t < jffliE. « Taking walk to a dis-

fascinating. tant place for pleasure or healtli; an athletic ex-

Yasaspgata, Mitabiyaka.
Syn. pedition suru, 1'.'. To take walk to a dis-

EnstiJ, A.^L, Sfi^, n. Abrlght purple colour. tant place.

Euslilchn, A.^S.'tl9)5, ^^ Ri S, " [-Entt^m. Eusoku .suru, A.A^ < •^?, SK £. ''*- '''i^ be satis-
Cochineal insecit, fied, contented, or gratilleU.
Coccus cacti. Eu8oku suru, ^^^<-5•^, 1!S,0., v.i. To rest, to

Enslilku, ^ ^ £. < 1^ ,
Syn. Yasumd. Lstop.

g, 71. Sapie as Shin- EiisoUii suru, A.^%<-^^, Sag. v.i. \Clan.\ To

shiku. dam up; to stop; to prevent or hinder the pro-

Enslilkwa. ig. ^ L < Syn. SEKiFrSAGU. Lgre'iR of

Ensuslia. ^^^5 L-^. K i^^. « Same as Datt-

A kind of sweet-flag, sha.
Jris ICEvigata Ental, ;it^*»V^,^3?f^^, ". Being long in going,
Syn. KAKiTsn- stoping on the way. suru, v.i. To stop on
BATA. the way; to be long in coming or going.
Ensliinryokii. !^^L Syn. TODOKoRU.
Kntnkii, ?t^^<,@S$. n- A little bell.
[P/?-j/sics.] Centrifugal force. Entan. A:^te^, ©f^, n. Red lead.
Euelit&ni. A. ^i ^ V^, ?^ fla ^, Y(. [iiot.] .BoscUa Entan, XLitk,^^, n. Same ns A'oH^a
rttbra, \'shi suru. Entan, A.^te^,S8S8. " Same as JVfflan.
EuHhl euru, ^^ L-^3. iS?E. v.t. Same as Dcki- Eu(el, A.^t:v, Igi;^, n. Adlke; an embnnknienl
Enshu. A.^:£,i, iff S. « Same as JJnnetsti. Eutel, :it^-rv-, e5:5Sf, n. [Zd'eL] A Gecko.
Ensho, ;t^Li, S£#. '«- A love-letter, a biWet- Syn. YAiiOKl.
(tovx. Entei, j«^'rv, ST. n. [Chin.] A gardener.

Syn. Cht-wabumt, Trohoii, Kesobuhi, EiiteJ sum, A.^tV^-^^, H ff', v.i. Same as En-

Enstio, A.^:£^5,^if, ". Same as 5/iwju. tai sunu

EuHhg}, A.^:£^5-1eKt, ". An upright screen. Eiitekl, :tAt:&,f^efi, n Same as Ont^fci.
Enslio, ^A.t^,'is^. " Gunpowder. Entcn, ^A.XA,, l^iX, n. 'Hot weather.
Ensho, :t^Li..ii^. n. A distant place. Eutoii suru, 56^-t^-^^, gj^, v.i. To fall down
Enshd-gura» A.^*5 ^ 6, itiSBHK, n. A powder Ento, S.Afe5,©iRI, n. Sugar of lead. Land rolL
magazine. Ento, A-^i?5,Jf ft, 1- Banishing a criminal to a
Eoshfi, s.^£5.^W^, «- Exercise; practice. far off island; exile.

eiirii, v.t. To exercise or practise. Syn. Shimanagashi.

Ensim, -B
A 2. "- A deep rooted antipathy
L? , fi5 Ent6, ^^iC5.i^M, 1

an antagoni'it; an enemy; an adversary, Entotsu, A.^^•:?, !^ !^, f

" Same as KemurlHashi.

Enshn-kcinpaKii, ifiA*5H'Aa'<, K'ffl^ft, n. Eutsn. :^^•:'5,i@iS, )

[Hot.] Selaffinelia cayXeacens. Enu, X.tx, "^ ^, u.i. or t. Tlie negative form of
Enshfiry6,i6^l.5'J)5,IiS'lt^!S^E, « O A style of te* kyoken.
making originated by a nobleman, Kobori Toto- Shiri enu, ^ 7^ ^, can or may not be known.
mi no Kami (ig jl t?). @ Also a peculiar style in En-u, A.^5,@?S- '"' Same as XiHsayn*.
the art of keeping flowers in vase. En-u, A.^5,tlS^, ". Same as JVofci.
Enshn mini, A.^;£V)>5-^^, ttirg!. ^'-t. To act after; En^vo. £.^to5,l|glE, n. Same as .Enzat.
to foiv^v; to-succeed En-wokyn, A.A*)5Sl*?, Iffli'gr, " Hades; th»
msim sum. A.^Xt*5i'^.f® 3- ^'-^ '*'" attack; residence of Smsnadaiwo; the abode of tht
to make an assault. deceased.
Knya, *.^^, f£*&, Same a. as UtsukiisfiL Eb- Ernbii. A.^*, IS.JSf, v.t. O To choose, to select;
pecially used of women. to assort. @ To elect; to vote.
Rnyfi, *.^•^5, tSiJ^, n. [^bol.] A castrated ram. DatgisJii wo erabv, ft^i^-JSy. *o elect »
Enyo. A.^ i. ffr 5*. "• [Clitn.] Sarae as Xmarf. member of parliament.
Enyii, ^^V5,iiIl|, " Reason; cause; origin; Syn. ERAMU, ER0.
afllnity; connection. TVlikari. Bi-Oliii-iiiinsl, A. e J^ 5 tc^.SBS. " [^<'0l.} A
Syn. Enko, Wake, Wakegara, Yuisho, kind of 8ea-fieri>pnt, Plntin'tisfasciatus,
Enyu, £.^['i)5.?E0. "^ A park; a garden. Eraliiaos]ii,-i,-1<i, X^X>'&L, a. [coll.] Exceed-

Knyu-Kwal, » ^^,*5 < *^V^, Kli??®". n. FeastioR ing; extreme; trcnltendous; wonderful; im-
in a garden, a pleasure party; a ptcnic. mense, fwonderfully.
lOnyu, ;tA\i^5, B±{ilJ. "• [Entom.] Scuitgera. Eraliii, A. 6 < , adv. [coll.] A'ery; exceedingly;
Syn. Geji. rcrime. Are frnku Jcomatta monoda, fS -"» x 9 ^ H

Enxn, ft.AS:',:^*^, ". Being involved in anolhev'fl •yft^if, he is an exceedingly troublesome fel-
lOHT^ui, £,^3rv^, *^P, «- A crime of which one is low; Erakii 7,1,-iku natta, 317^ ^'C^^ -^y ^i has
innocent; a false charge. become very large or great. r6fi?'eru.

Enzai wo sosogu, ?K SP- ^ S y, to clear away ErnniiLi-ei-i9, ;t & UK2 , ^ Sf , v.t. Same as Era-
false infamy. fly wovin. Ernml, ;ft.6;f>, ^t^, n. Sameas£ra6/.
EnKiuimsIil, A.^rtf L, fleftfi, «. [Entom.'\ A Gal- EraHiidaeu, A.^^7C'-^. i^lli. v.t. To select; to
EDRnn. ^^S'^, ^ Ui. «. A lead mine. assort; to pick or point out; to appoint; to elect.
Syn. Namakiyama Syn. YoRinASU.
Enzan, ^A^^^. JtUJ. ?i- DinantmountainR. Eramitovii, ^c,7f-'£:&, MM, v.t. To take any-
Ensnii sia-u, £^r^^^. Ja SS. I'.t- To exile to a thin;; one is pleased with.
distant place. Syn. yoRiDORU.
Knscn. £.^^ft^,'<^t ^. ^i^- Just an. aa it were.
Erainii. A.^$P, ^, v.t. Same as Erabtc
Syn. Sanagaha. Zen wo erande aku wo sutsu, gf^^JSi^' 7*15 ^
Enzetsii. A.^^-5', ?«§g, «. A speech; .v lecture;
|g -^y, to prefer the good to the bad.
arvoration. siiru, v.t. To deliver a lecture
Eraji,A:^A, E^i. " [Bot.] Pineapple.
or speech; to speak. fture meeting.
Eran, A.&^, n. [Bnt.] Screw-pine.
EnaetsiB-fcwni, ^A,V--o < t)'^,itSiU^, "• A lec-
Erarerii, X^iiZ.Vr-, t-I- The passive or poten-
rnEctsM-slin, A.^^-•7 t,^, ?5fieW. !«• A lecturer;
tial form of Erii.
EiiK(^ten-8lilp A.^«--7U?»IB±. J a speaker; an
Er:i9hi,-i,-l<l, A.^ L, ^. a- [coll.] Orpat; able;
wise; clever, remarkable; eminent; extraordi-
EnKOtcn, js ;^?-< Distant relatives.
@j^. w-
nary; illustrious; famous; noted.

EiiKiikei'ii, :l^rJ•^?•^,3i•fj, T-f. 83 To give one

Erai hataraki luo shita, gt 'f f® ? J' -51, haa
in marriage. ©
[coli.] To find demand lor one's
done a great deed; Erai hito ni natta, ^ 'f A =•
merchandise; to sell; to dispose of.
^•y it, has become a great or illustrious man.
Syn. SritARASHi, TaisD.va.
EDKUkl. A.^t^•&,ai•]. "• OMarriage. @ \colLl
Erchi. 3:t-^,ilSgi, n. [Physics.] Electricity.
Disposing of; selling; getting a buyer.
Tn-ereki, f^.i^M> negative electricity; Nctsu
Syn. JCatazuki, Yomeiri.
EnTuli.u,X^^'<Mii.'^•i^ O To marry. ®[coll.]
ereki, ^MM. thernio electricity; Kyudo-ereH,
dynamiciil electricity; Sci-ereU, SJ J8
To be sold or disposed of. m.WMW..
Syn. Katazuku, Totsugu, yosiktru.
^, statical electrif ity l'T)-ereki, ^MM. posi-

tive electricity. rtrophorus.

EDBurii, /t^r>*S,^lS, v.t. To practise; to exercise.
Bu wo practise E^eKi-^o>s, ^*^]&^^^. @ BgSt. "• IF/'l'sics.] Elec-
enzxiru, SU^iK'Tt^. to in
Erel*J-fc«Bkal, :Sl n & -t* ^ *• V-, E^ 5- JH. «
military arts; Shibai wo enzuru, S S ^ JW 7* 't-.
to play theatrical parts; to perform; to act.
Syn. NOBCRU, Okonaij, KugyO suru. Ercl*l-IJiHUliai-hn«K:i, ^i^^i'^*>V^.i:7, M M^
j^ifa, 7i. \Physics.] Electrolyte.
EnEiirii. •&^^^,?lg, v.i. See Enjb-u.
Eppuku suvM, A.-:)J--< t^.lftllG. '^''- To be .sub- ErcKi-Oanic, ;t K >& /: i6, J^ ^iBJ, n. [FhysiLS.]

servient or obedient ivith pleasure. Accumlator; secondary battery.

Bra, *.6,(t?, n. [JcAtftJ The gills of a fish. ErcM-€!oryol4ii, ^H&^Jtfl i<. Mil ^ *• '""

Erabarovn, A. &HfH3, ^JSE. t'-*- The passive or [Physics.^ Electro-motive force.

potential form ot Erabtt. Ei-oia-KaE"i, S: H ? iJ* < . M^ ¥. "• [P'^y^'^'cs.]

Electricity. ftrometer.
Erabl, A.&CV, 1$, V. (^hoice; option, volition; as-
Bortmant; selection; election. Erpki-keJ, SlK^W-V/^. M^ 01. "• [-P'll/Sics.] Hlec-

ehe 202 ESS

Shogenerekl-kei, quadrant elec-

Erlwnknrii, A-ig J5W-3, }jgw, v.t. To pick out and
trometer, separate; to assort,
EreM-klknl, ;tttB &*>V>, ®^ KM. n. An elec-
Eriwakii, X'^ij<,%^, v.t. Same as above.
Krel.I-lovn^aku, XH ^ < t> t^ < .Mmi^^. «•
[Physics.] Electro chemistry. Erosokii, ^ 5 ^ < ^ Sg tS, ". A painted candle,
ii ,

such as used in Buddhist temples.

KrekJ-Siivogalni, ;t H& < !b5ftS< , ®M -fc ®, n.
Ei'ii, S_5,}$, To pick out, choose, or
v.t. select.
[Pkysics.] Klectro-optics.

^H^ Syn. KRABtT, YOEU.

KrcKI-s-yohii, «) i < , ®^ ;5, 7t. \Fhysics.]
Kvii, £S,,5J, v.t. To carve to engi-avo.
Electric force ;


lOrekl-oohiikcl. l^\/^,mm t %\:
Sl K & U) 1 < «
[Physics.] Electro -dynamometer. Kru, ;ta, S, v.t. Same as Uru.
KroKitr-rii, aiu-^rrt-, n. [ZJu(c/l] Electricity. Km, x;l., n. [Eiig.] Ell.
t''"l. :tV),fS-, f^. 91. The part of a garment round Kaa, Jk'5'>U, "• Bait (as for catching flsh).

Nie necii; a collaj. Syn. p;ba.

Syn. Unaji. Ksitrnuii, ^^^iti, a. [lU.] Can not get rid of;
Krlnshl, ^I0%L. ^S. «. The loose bair ou the indispensable; unavoidable.
back of the neck. rpointed out, Esasci'ii, XS'tZ, ^^, v.t [cans, of Eru.] To
KrJMto. fiLyiv')^,m K, •< Persons selected or cause to get; to let have or receive; to bestow;
Syn. YORTRiTO. to give.
Frirtasu, ^i()?t-f-.}f lU. v.t. Same as EramiAasu Ksnslil. S^t,>£l^, ^. One who catches small
I-:riclovi. ^lO^V),)^^, n. Taking or picking out birds with a bamboo pole armed with bird-
one or more at one's pleasure.
Eriaori hyakumon, ^M'S ^, [coll] take any
one of these for 100 mon (l sen).
£aasliJKao, j^-^ L3'5:, U^^, n. A pole armed
with bird-lime for catching birds.
K'-lgo, ?a^, 11. Sa-me a.fi Eriashi.
Syn. MooHizAO.
I':rlirt.-i8n, ;tviW!:-^,^m, f.«. Same as Eraml
Ese, X^, u. O Low, mean; infamous; vile. @
Erjkahe, False; untrue; hypothetical,
^W)*>fr^,i^S, ,t A piece of cloth used
as the collar of a Japanese garment.
Ese gakiisha, x t^:^, one who puts on the
KHKuKarj, aiJT of a learned man; a pedant; Ese (joto, a:
ifetOAi^-V),^ 3ffi, n. A neck-tie,
-fe e"

rrlKjrfti. SiO &6LS JSiift, n. Likes and dislikes.

falsehood; Ese moiio, x -t ^, a mean or vile

Eriidral wo surzi wa yokunal, \^t^9- 7. p, >\

fellow; Ese hoshi, x t a hypocritical
ji gip,
^-^•^, bad to have
priest, a mean or vile chuvchmafl; Ese saivjai, x
it is like.s and dislikes.
Ki-lkiibi, ;t«)<CA',>&^, rt. The nape of the neck.
t fortune obtained by some unjust means;

Esewa7'ai, jc ^%, an affected laugh.

Krikiiri, ^y < B) , a. \Yaiding or tortuous (said of

Frlkii/.ii.^iO <^-,\^^,n. A refuse, or .something

Ksliajorl, L. ^ ^
f ? "0 ^ # S «^, ^ , 's. [Budd.]
Those who meet must part again.
left after picking out the best.
Eshakii, L^<.#^, Salutation; a courte-
Ki-linitki, X^ -^
^,m^,mi1i, n. A comforter
?. n.

worn around the

ous excuse.
neck, a tippet, muHler,
cravat, Eshahn xuo sum, %^'9' y- n^, to salute, to
Kriiiioto, ;SlW)i&^,^7C. " The lower extremities make a formal apology; Enryoeshaku, Ma# HI,

of a collar fas of .Japane.'^e garments). reserve and apology; formality.

I^h-lnukl, i&vito&.^g, n. Anything picked out Syn. AlSATSL', JiGl.
or selected from among a great many indivi- Ealil, S L, a? gi5, " An artist, a painter,
duals; a select or snperflne article. Syn Ekaki.
Syn. YORINTJKI. ENliiki. ^ t&, ^ J^, 7i. A religious assembly;
Krtiinki). ^ip &< , jf ^. v.t. To pick out or select; meeting of Buddhist priests.
to elect. Esortigoto, 3& ;fc (i a >f.^S3I. n. [colt.] [lit.] A
Syn. ERABrNUKU, Yorindku. falsa portraiture; a falsehood. frow-hawk.
KrlOMUU-o\, ^V)fzlhV^,¥>^m. n. A cosmetic Essni, A."/5V^,©n!?, Vfe'fg. n. [Or»»£/i.l Chinese spar-
for powdering the neck of women. Esslia. X-y t-^, SS #, n. [Chin.] A servant who in-
KrisiiSti. ^v)-^^,^%, n. The part of a Japanese troduces a visitor to his master.
garment where the collar overlaps in the tisso, ^v^, @ IS, ". A petition or complaint made
front. directly to the governor or the SliOgnnate (no*

ESS 203 ^ZO

according to established rules). auru, v.t. Klo. ^'s,II^Jl, u. [Buaa.] [lit-] The filthy earth;
To make a petition directly to tbe ShOgunate. this sinful world.
Efisii, fL-jir, iR, v.t. To see, meet, or have an Kto, £.^5,]|E;1R> n. Favouring with anything;
Esaurii, X.'vi'Z, \ audience with a superior making a present of; gii^ng; bestowing. Only
Syn. Mamiycrp. used in an expression like below.
Kbii, :6.-^,^fi. n.Same as Bsa. Go-eto ni azukaru, Wl&^ — ^J^t presented
KMEffuta, ^iriiVt,^W^< " A likeness of a per- from youa- honour; to be kindly given by you.
son drawn or painted a portrait. ; Etodokoro, S^^t^, WIK. " [Sot.] A kind of
KsKkye, A.-^WS. BRMK, n. The doctrines of yam, Dioscoo-ea.
Jesus Christ; Christianity. Etoki, jl^^.l^sg, n. Explaining by means ol
Ktn, i&fe.tS^, n. tcon(. of Eton (g?IR).] A class ol
figures; illustration; explanation.
people who has continued to occupy the lowest Etokii, S.^if,^ffl-, n. Understanding; compre-
social position until the late Revolution; their To under-
hension, perception. siii'u, v.t.
chief occupations having been those of leather stand or comprehend.
dressers, cobblers, or buriera of d-ead animals. Syn. Gatten, NoMiKOMn.
Syn. Kawabo. Etsii , it -7, 1g, «. Joy gladness ;
; exultation.
KiJi. itfe, ^, v,t. [prn. tense of Eru.\ Have got,
ecstacy, rapture.
bought, or purchased.
lOtsubo, £.-9l3!, 5J ^, n. Laughter; smile; amuse-
Kono /ton wo eta, M;^^ ^ *t, (I) have got
ment. Only used in an expression like below.
or purchased tliis book.-
Kie, A-t, v.t. [jjy, of Eru.] Having got, obtained,
Etsuho nl iru, ^^ — Xii-, to laugh; to bo
or purchased.
EtHiilbii, J-.-^tS, ^!^, « A pot used for feeding
Kte, XX, ^ ^, n. [coll.] That in which one is most
caged birds from. fto peruse
versed; a speciality; dexterity.
FtsiKlokgi eiiB'ii. X-^l&iitZ.M^, v.t. To read;
mto niwa gaaru,
etefuete*^'^^Z^^f^ \~ Eteurnlfii. X-^^i ,^^. n. Merriment; gayety;
if 7 fl^, every person may have some things in
felicity; bliss; hilarity.
which he is an expert and others in which he is Careful reading or in
Etsui-aii, ;l:?6^, Bfl^. n.
the reverse; man cannot be wise at all things;
spection; perusal. smcii, v.t. To read over,
Etc ni ho wo age, ig. ^= (fill ^ S- **. \f^olL Prov.\
to peruse.
setting sails to one's dexterity.
Etto, JR-yfe?, iS^ifE, « [5oC.] Cape Jessamioe-
Euiiia, £.53, ^iS. '* Sameas^nui.
Kte, A.T, adv. Pretty often likely possibly.

Euivo, £.5 5:, ^'^, n. [Ichth.] GoiUa nasvs.

Sore iva ete aru kotoOa, y u-'^:^9Tii-^if.
Eyaml, X^^i-,'^, n. Plague; pestilence.
that may be olten the case; such a thing is
Eyiiml'giisn, A.-^;^<*5, fiEF,@, n. [Bot.] Gentian.
possible to happen; Etewasureru moTio desu, re
y iS i-" JKl^ 7* 7., it is a thing liable to be for-
Eynitii-gKsa., /t.-*^f^<'5, S ?^:, n. [Bot.] AtralyUs
ovata. fEkibyo-gami.
Eyiisni-iio-kainif X^?f-(0j3>?f',^&i^, n. Same as
Syn. Yatamosureba.
Eyo, XX^, ^^, n. Luxuiy, lasciviousness; sen-
Etekatte, X'Ci>'jt, n. One's own convenience;
suality; magnificence, splendour.

Etekatte na koto wo iu, x. 7ti -j r-J- 9J^ s 7, to

Eyo eigwa wo kiwaviu, ^^^^Wlf- ^ i*, to
indulge freely in sensualities; to be at the hight
talk of thingsmost convenient to one's self, to
of pomp and luxury.
Speak in a selfish manner.
Syn. EiGWA, Ogobi.
Eteru, Xrt. 3 ^ ^, ».(. To be skilled or versed in

to be expert or experienced in.

Eyo, ^-^^.Sfi^, n. The form of anything repre-
Syn. JUKUREN SURU sented in figures; pattern.

Eto, Xt., ^3?. w- The ten calendar terms derived Eaaru, X^Z,X-'^, a. [neg. adj. termination of

from the names of five elements (wood, fire, a verb.] Unable to do.
earth, raetal. water) and used in naming years, Famu wo ezam yomuki, it ^ i?f i^ /^ ffl IS],

days, etc., namely, kinoe, tree (^), klnoto, herb

unavoidable business; S/Urizoki ezaruba-ai, jg

^inoe, fire hinoto, charcoal fire

=t^^f;i'^'R-i a case where one cannot withdraw
(Z/), (j^), (T),|
tsvcJiinoe, earth
Oft), tsuchinoto, earthen ware
(B), kanoe, coin hard ware (^),
(gj), kanota, E«fi# !&S'5,.^©. A portrait; likeness; image.

mizunae, sea water (4), and mizunoto, stream EEogihii. X^'^'<.^^, n. [^ot.] China-aster.
Esomatsu. X^'^.-^, «• IBot.] PLcea o^anensis.
EZO 204 FV
Kzonfgl, A.5'*air, n. f-Bot-J Cliivea. ga arv, ^^ya-, is spotted, mottled, dappled,
Kxonlslillcl, ^^'17 L^.SSIS^. ">• A splendid or dotted; Shlra-fu no ha, lirK -^33, feathers
silk clotti broiiglit to Etorofu and othe^ places in variegated with white spots; Tora riofu, ffi .^ Hi
and there exrlinnged with furs and skins,
r.zo the spots on a tiger's fur.
Kzornfclio, x^- G \r"t:5, ?*. [Ornith.] Hazel grouse. Syn. Brcni, Mabara.
£zfieli1, g.S'J L, SS-^M. " Illustrated books (esp. Fii, i, 3^, S, 7v. A well-known food made of

novels). wheat ground whole.

Syn. Eh ON. Fii, 3>, n. O An
fi^F, urban perfecture. @ A go-
KKOshlrocIiOf A.^* L% vernment office; a station. © A storehouse.
T A, 7i. [^Jn-towi-l Cliinju-fu, SI "i^ fl5^, a naval station ; Kono-yefu,
Aporfa aralcegi- Ififlffff. the Imperial guards' office; Tokyo-Ju,
RxoEiinnlre- ^5'^#^H, W.'^.K^,Tokyo Fu, an administrative district
egiS$., 71. [Bot.]Vio including Tokyo and the neighbouring gu7i.
lapinnata. Syn. TSUKASA, Yakusho.
F,«ii, J5.:5*.S&^, n. O A S'^t ^, Va< n. O A inmily record, chronicle, book,
plan; drawing; pic- or register. @ [-Mit!'.] A character to mark a
ture. @ Map; ch.art; pounds; a note or tune; a music-book.
.itlas. Gakv-fn, ^ |^, a musical note; Fu vjo miu
. A drawer of charts. iitau, ^ 9- ^y" l^y, to sing from a music book;
EBoyamadorl, iii^'^%)^V} 71. \Ornith.'i Same as Fu Mif) shirabitru, pi ? jf?
7' fl', to tune.
Eznraicho. Ft*, -t-. HS. n. O Levying or collecting taxes or
r«ii, -t^.T^fS^. v-t- [neg. of" ^rw.] Can not get or impositions. @ A style of composition; a
obtain. rhymed prose.
Yamuxooezu, %'^\h< cannot avoid; unavoid- Sekiheki no fu, #^K, a famous writing of
ably; pressed forwarUly by necessity. Sotoba, one of the literary celebrities of China.
E'Tzitkn. 3S^'<,p±[i^, vi. O To feel nausea, to be F11. -t,it, 'rt. [CTess.] A p.twn; afoot soldier.
KiRk at the fitomach. @ To gag, or make an Fu wo utsn, if- V" JT y. to place a pawn; J^t wo
elTort to vomit. tsiikii, ip ? ^y if, to move a pawn.
Syn. MUKAzrKU. Svn HyO.
KmiUii. ^^<,
e?#, v.i. To become accustome^I ?!- .!-.($, /(. [Vhin.] An instructor, assistant, or
to feeding (as a caged bird). adviser, enpCC'^lly to a prince Imperial.
fCziislil.-i.-Ui, fLO' Lt^, w- Irritating or painful Syn. KaSIIIZUKI.
(said of the eye only). Fii. " The viscera.
-1 , W,
Goz^i Tuiii^n, atsa^SS, the abdominal vi^'.'ra
or ui'^'.'ji-; J-'toaike moiio, M^^', Icoif.J a sim
pleton, dunce, or stock.
Sj n, Harawata, ZuFD.
-|5^>"^-^ Fu. J-, d^, ii. UJ A woman. @A wife.
^'-/w, l^ft^. a beautiful woman; B-'shi nofu,
^&,-^^, the wife of a certain gentleman.
Syn. Onna, Sai.
F«, i,^, n. OA token; a sign, or seal in two
pieces. @ A charm; a paper Iiaving some
F. character.^ writen upon it supposed to have
.some supernatural power.

V^» i> K!. " Tlie contracted form oi Fashl. Fu wo aivasn, ^=?--^7^, to see whether the

r»*<^. ^. '^^ A piece of ground overgrown with two halves of a sign or seal agree with each

shrubs or herbs. Used only in composition; in other; to agree; to prove; to verify.

compounds it often i=<"'unds u or ou. Syn. ruDA, Shirusiii.
i^JF ^. a plot overgrown with shrubs;
Asa-jli, f'^ii, i, 7;, adv. Not. Much used as a prefix (= in,

a copsewood; Shi-bn, or Shibafu, 4> a lawn; S un, or dis in English).

an open space between woods. Fithenri, 'J> ^ ^, inconvenient; Fu-rynkm,
"^^ kJ-.K, « A spot, dot, speck, or mark; a place 7^7 (i, ill-.judged; bad; of evil intention; Fu-
of a different colour from the ground. tsug~), T^ffi-g-, not propitious-; unjust; Fu tsuri-
Fa-iri no ha, MA-^Sli a spotted leaf; Fu <xi, 7"'
4^ B-. not well proportioned.

FD 205 FUG
«• i. ^, 'i. [(7?iin.] O A fal-her. @ An old man. Fublii. Aij:An 7;gJt, a. and n. [Chin.] Not clever,
Syn. Chichi, Chiohioya, Tetego, Teteota. sharp, gifted, sagacious, or intelligent; want
u.i.^.n. O A husband. © A man. © A work- of sagacity, genius, or cleverness. Used only
man; a labourer. of one's self. fl am not at all gifted.

Syn. OTTO, TEisHtr, Otoko, Ninsoku. WarefuMn to iedomo, ^':^^ r* SiPE, though
^. -fc. ffii '" lChi7i.}Q A cloth. ©Arranging, Fiibin, iCN'A, ^fiHi t*- Pitiable; piteous; deserv-
stretching, promulgating (in tlila sense used ing compassion; poor; miserable; wretched.
only in composition). Fubin na koto wo shlta, ^^^-f^S^ s/ i(,

Syn. NUNO, Orimono. miserable ;a pity Fubln Ha mono, % ©-f^,

it is ;

Fu, i, J^, n. A port; a pier, mole, whari, or jetty. a poor or wretched person; FuHn nl omo, z^^
Syn. Hatoba. a S"7. to feel compassion; to sympathize with.
^. A5. Wit n. O Wind. @
An air or appearance. Syn. AWARE, BINZEN, FUTSUGO KlNOnoKU.
@ Customs and manners. Q The physical or Fublngaru, J.u^Aii'fS. v.t. To pity; to sym-
moral characteritics ot a person. @ A song; pathize with one's misery or sorrow.
a tendency or disposition; an inclination. Fublto, .iU^if, S. '* '^''^ keeper of a record; a
Kunshi no fit, g-^ ^ M,, the air ol' a gentle- clerk; a chronicler or historian; a secretary
man in its fullest sense; Tochi no fa, ± Jt& ^ ^, Fiibo, ilKi 'i^^t '" Father and mother; parents.
the customs and manners of a locality; Chichi Fubohii. i|a;<. 'S*. " A decayed tree; rotten

nofu ni nitari, Jf^^-^^ V . to resemble one's Wood.

father; Koku-fu wo tattobu, g^l^'S'T*. to ho- Fulxeii, its A, ^'iQ, n. [JSMrirf.] Keeping the
nour the national manners; wo mane-
Seiyo-fii Buddhist commandments; leading a pure life.
ru, S"?^R^1S'^. to imitate the manners of Isshofubon, —'^%^, bein^,' pure and plows
the West. Cor one's life.

KA2E, FUZOKC, Narifuri, Narawa-

Syn. Fultuui, i.fr&,RS, SLItf;, 7*. snow-storm. OA
8HI, OMOMUKI, SUGATA. @ Turning grny, white, or hoary, as the hair.
Fa, i5, it, n. A seal on a letter; fastening up;
O FubuKu,.^i<-< ,£LOX. w^- I'o whirl about violently.
closing A letter.@ Blockading. © Said only of snow. fed thing.
FUvjo Tciru, K?--9J^i', to open a seiiled letter; Fubumltiitsu, ^>^i-7, %^i^, n. An undiviU-
FU wo sum, Id-^v^ft , to seal a letter; Ippu wo ta- Fabun. J-5i'A, RM, n. A rumour, report, or
temasfUru, —^"^--^ii-, to write a letter to a Syn. HyOban, Uwasa. Lcurrent stoiy.

Syn. Fu.ri, NORlTSfiCE. Lsnpei-ior. F^lblm-Kaisau,ii-A,^rv.a^, :Z- ^ ^ &' l^^-^-l '>^-

Fu, i5 , i^. n. {Bot.l Liqiddambar JUaximoiviczii. An undivided property. fno meat.

syn. Kaide, Momiji. Fucha, A%^, If ^. n. Ahodge-podge containing
Fuainl»iil. _t76/ydr»*. :^^ft5. «• ©Not nice in Fuebakii siiru, i*t-^<-3-3, Pft^. v.i. and To t.

taste or flavour. @
Indisposed; ill; sick. © adhere; to cling to; to attach; to connect.
Syn. Mazui, Ajinai. LUnpromising. Syn. Kctt.suku, Tsuku.
Funnnnl, A7$^tCV^, T^S ft- "- Ignorant; not Fucbi, ^%,^, n. (5 A border, rim, or margin;
knowing unacquainted with ;not familiar with
a corner, an edge. @
A side or bank of a river
being a stranger in a country, proTince, town, Fuchi wo tsukuru, ^^ff"', to make a border;
or village. Thospitable. to hem Kawa no fuciU,
; -^1^. the hanks of a ^
Funslklrai, i75 L&l^. ^ ^ ^. 'S^- « [coll.] Not river; the riverside; TenjonofucM, 3^# -^ S,
FubASiO, J-fft, 5:ffi. ^^, « A letter-box. the borders or margins of a ceiling.
Syn. FuMiBAKO, Jubako. rbasami. Syn. Heri, Mbguri.
FubRsainl, itfa»., S:M. "• Same as Fumt- Fuchi, i"^, i)ia, St, 't. The deep parts or pools Id
Fubntsti, XiX-7. "^iSi, a- IChinJ] Indomitable; a body of water, especially a river.
not daunted; courageous; not inQuenced; im- Fuchi-Kawa emi wo nageru, ^ig'^#?fi:;^, to

movable stanch firm in principle.

throw one's self Into a pool.
Kakko fubcUsu, gj ^^tS:, firm and xinmovable. Fuchi, 3^%, igk^, ii" Rations in rice paid to feudal

Fubcii, i'?^, 7®, a. «nd n. Inconvenient; in- re tamers ; a sti peml or salary.
commodious; not suitable or propitious; in- Fuchlnln, K^ A, the receiver of a ration; a

convenience; trouble; difficulty of communi- retainer; Ichinin fucht, ^f^, a monthly —A

cation, rofetoquence. ration of 1 to and 5 sho FucJii ni hanareru, If ; K
Fuben, and n. Uneloquent; want
-S-'^A, 7;S$. a. be dismissed; to part with a feudal
-Igt-rt', to
Fu(>en^l,i'^^?),7^®?li, a. andn. Inconvenient; lordF^ff.] to lose one's position, official
Syn. FoTsaoS Lwant of convenience. otherwise.
FUG 1^06 FUD
Fiirlii, X%, %^, a. Incurable: mortal; fatal; Fuda 1f\^ji, [coll.} having a label on;
deadly. having price-marks on; having a fixed price;
Fuchi no sho, T^^f^ > ^, a fatal disease. FvAa \vo haru, 'kh^^h^' to affix a card or label;
rnclii, ^^%, IB,g[, n. [C/ifji.] Taste; elegance. Fuda wo tateru. Iti^iEr/J-. lo post a i-lacard;
Issdnofiichl an. — /f'^JB^StT' V , is more ele- Fmlaivotsukeru, :fL^#'/i', to affix a card -jj-fuiXa
gant or tasteful wo itadaku, "fc-^L^iSt^, to receive a charm.
SyD. Fqga, Gachi. {TiiannaJ. Fiiilasnin), i^t'i)*;^, tL-SE. tS.«5. n. Cardboard;
FnclilMiiiiiii, iti7?>^^J^., T^SSI ^, a. Same as
FucBiige, .i.'^W-, jS^- n. Same as Merige. Fiidal, i;t-v, and a Two or more gene-
eS ft. "•
Fuclsijt, •^%'S:, M^'i^^< "• ^'tie governoj^oJ a J'w rations in succession; hereditary.
Cljfj; an urban prefect. fanything. Fwlai no kerai, f^fi; .^%%, a hereditary vassal
FiirliikJn, ^ ^, n. A metal rmg around
.i-'^^ ^,
or retainer of the Tokugawa-SliGgun.
Syn, Fdchigamc, IIeriganb. frations.
Ftiflait:ii-|iiit«u. ^ ;t- V fe T>> -7, T^ft ^ 3&. t*.
Fiichlinal, ii^:3iV^, ^:lc^^3|t. n. Rice styrved out as
[Law.] A thing which can not be exchanged.
FiK-lilu. J.%A.. ^'{):,n. [Chin.] Floating :md sijik-
Fiiditn, i7c-^, T^SS, a., and atU'. Usual; common;
ing; the turns or vicissitudes in one's career;
every-day; constant; continual; usually, etc.
beint; prosferoua, lucky, or successful and ^j^ij
Fudan no tori, 7; iglj , as usuul; Fvdan-
zuJcal, ;?;Elf -gt, for every day use or consump-
Isslionofiwhin vi kakaxaarii, ichiclalji, — ^ ^
Syn. 'i'AEZU, TauNENI. Ltion.
j^gt = (S'">H- — ^iH. a matter of great conse-
FiKlaugJ, -i-?C-A^', T>aiif. {SflG,®fla. w. Clothes
quence to cue's fii.ing or l;illiiig in his social
ivorn on ordinary days everyday garments. ;

Syn. UlusilJ'/.UJli Lestate.

Fu4l:i-n«>-t!<ujl, ife©-ci e, fl^, n. A street or
Fu'eliiii. .i-5t^, 'A.>,. ". Same as BunriUn.
by-cornerof a street where placards ai-e posted
Fiirlio, -J-'t-^i;, Iff Si, /(. The office of an urban
Inr public view.
prefect, or Pachijl
ruv\.&. J^%.^=5.'^f}^,'\^-T.^,^, n. OAnysign,
Fiiclnu>«o, J..?'.A.-^5, ^X. n. [Bnt.] Beet.

mark, or token. ©Any sign or characterusedby

PuAaiizaliiir.-). ^?G^^< i^, J. gf ffil, n. [Bot.] A
cherry that blooms in 10th month. tjie
merchants to imlicite the [trices, a price-mark.
FudnraEiii, iH^ir, ^ft J^. [liudd.l Q An is- ''*

FvxIiT, ICO tsuh cru, ^ (^^ Iflt ?t, to allix a price-

land. @ Another name lur Kwan-on.
mark ; lucho ntte neiian no kakeiuki suru, ^ \^ Fudasaslil, i?&'S (,, t\j^. n. A person specially
— 7\tiWL>'}3-^'^^-X)i-, U> make a busiuess trans-
licensed lo exchange rice into money for feudal
action by inenn:^ of signs.
retainers. fa-s above.
Fucito, ^-C5. 'J>M> II- Failing to settle a ques-
tion, leL;al or olherwiue. fParadise,
Fiidasaslil-iiln, .i. ^- ^ L VC A, ^L ^ A, -«. Sama
r'aAnz\iUnltJr^-::fi}>X>, n. One who carries a letter
Fnclio, J.5t5, |i|ft M ^, n. {Ornlth.] The bird of
for hire ; a letter- carrier.
Foclid. J
Syn. Tegamizukai.
Fudf, i.t, 3E, n. O A brush; a hair pencil; a pen;
a pencil. (Q One's handwriting or chirograph


FuiXe no alo wo nokosu, S>S)^-?'i3^.'to leave

one's handwriting; Fude wo furu, SEi?"J5'7, to
write to draw with a brush Fude wo Lreru, g-?-
; ;

Xfl'.to correct or revise a manuscript; Fiule wo

ou, it--' W. MJ-i^'7, to follow the fashions olthe koko7'om,u, lE^^A, to write for the first time in

age. fful, upright, or honest. the new year; Ftule wo kuo, |g?-fli]'7, to add a

Fiicliu, i%(,9)5, %^, ii- Nbt being loyal," faith few words or pages to another's writing; Fude
FucMifiigi, %'^,%^, neither loyal nor faith- too kuda^u, ^^T:^. to write; Fudewosomu,
ful; FuchUvio shin, %^^ gi, a disloyal subject. S^Cfii*, to write; to draw; Fude wo toru. ^^®
Fuclml, .i.'^W)5\^, ;j;^:S', n. Careless; neg B-, same as above; Fiide vo yfl, ^-^-^ "7, to
ligence; heedlessness; want of attention. bind make) writingbrushes; Nanigashi
(i.e. to
Syn. OlOTARI, YVDAN, nofudenare, fpjS^g-j-y this is Sir. s'hand ,

Fuda. 3r^7^-, th, fifi. If?. « OA card, ticket, or label Syn. HlTSU. Lwriting.
a placard an ;
atfiche, @ A charm. Fude-ftrai, iTj^ftW', ggt. « A vessel in which
brushes are washed after writing or painting Fudoshl, J.'&X, ^. n. Same as ^W7t(Zo«M.
Syn. HisSBN. L^^'ith them. FudS siiru, -i.^5-^S, ^ $Jj, u.f. To fluctuate; to
rudeseitS, i-gV>V^^5, n- [BoW] Silvery- rise i:\nd fall ; to go up and down,
spiked cock's comb, Gelosia argentea. FU€!, .

Piidcsusa, i-e<'5, ?|^, 71. [Sot.] Horae-tail.

FudeJlKii. A-<f^'< ^^, 71. The handle or holder
n. A CIEn

of a pen or hair-pencil. fpen-rack. flute; a musical pipe; a whistle.

Furtckario, J.ti>i/f, ^ffi, %^, n, A pen-rest or Mie wo fuMi, S'^R)^^, to play a flute; to bioir

Piuleimslii, At!i&>L. ^T^ tH 3i5, a. [coil,] Not well a whistle; to perform on the flute.

done; unsuccessful; failing; Inferior; bad in Fue, i.^, iin., n. The windpipe; the throat,
workmanship; niistake;i. FvewoHr^u, Bt?-4ju;i', to cut the throat; Tort
FmlcKi, ^-g^, yf-H'i^, "• {coll.'] Bad in work- nofiie, ^^nfi, the windpipe of a bird.
manship; not producing much ^aaid of crops). Syn. NoDOBUB.
Kotoshi no Ine wafudekl de atta, -^ ip ^fg>\;;f; Fue, i;t, #.ii^, n. An air bladder.
Fucfnkl, i ^ A &. SUk, ?, One who
Hi 3}S ?' T")^, we have had bad
crops of rice this tff

year. FA penknife. plays a

FiMli'liiri-liog.-itrtna, i-e&igtft^tetC.^^TJ.?*. flute; a

One who flutist.

Fuaemainc, ^-t?afc. ® ^, 6? ^. «.
writes well or rapidly.
Same dai, A
Fiideaose, i"^©-^-, %%, n. as ^wSefcafce.
Fiiao-no-uiiil, ^-g05^. ^V^i «•• An inkstone. X ^ ^
Fudf^sayn, i "C 3 ^. ^ ^. 52. 'I'he sheath of a
fbrushes. [Tchth.]
One who makes pens Lethri-
Fiidcslii, J-Tf^, %%» w. or
Fudeso, -1.-J5 H S6 8i. « [So(.]
5, Gentiana.
Fudct:ite. At?fe-r, ^S,^^. 'rt. A bamboo, emato-

metal, or porcelain cylinder without a cover,

ptertts. iX-X^^TnV^'i

for keeping pens or brushes in.

Fuekl, AA.9.;^^, w. Immutable; unchange-
able; unalterable; constant.
Fudetovi, ^-tJ^fO.^^, n. One who writes or
fer, Banclal fueki, iSSft^^. immutable for a
prepares a draft,
Fude>a. J^-^^, ^M, A pen-store; a pen-mak-
myriad of generations.
Same as Fua&- Syn. ICAWABANU. Tprofitable; useless.
Fiide.'iui, i-^ia>U', ^^. SE. 'i-

Shi. fa brush. Fiielii, Ail2&, ^^, 71. [coll.] Vain; of no use, ua-

FudeziiUn. The handle of Syn. MUDA, MUYAKU.

iT't3*A>, ^#§,|Sf=. ".
FudezuKa, ^-^-ij'**, ^^,31®*. n. A monu- Fuen, AA.A. ^^. "- [coi;.] Divorce; dissolution ol

mental stone built over a place when old writing the matrimonial bond disunion of any close ; tie.

brushes have been buried. Fuen ni natte sato e kaeru, % JJ^

^-^•'j 7M -^ SK

PudezukaJ. iT?:5*i>y-, ^ji?, 'MM-'^M' "• The »,, and return to the parental
to get divorced

manner in which a brush is used in writing or liome (said of a married woman).

paintine:. Fuen euru, i5? A--?- 3 ffi Sf. Et St. ȣ- To ampli-

FudezuTcai ga arai, gJi^fni'f. — writes fy or develop; to enlarge upon, mostly used of

an argument or a hypothesis.
carelessly; Fudezukai ga warui, MS^J'S -f.
RonsM wo ftien sum, ^gf-^^:^^-, to
not expert in writing.
extend or develop one's theory or position.
Pudo, A^. ± S a. w. [-Hot.] Avios Fortunei.
VnAo. X^5, >F®I. «. A Buddhist idol considered
to have the power of keeping down all the evil
Fiieru, AC?3, ^
v.i. To increase; to multiply; to

become more numerous.

ffana gafueta, :JBi'*M'^*f. the flowers liave in-
Fiiflu, A5^, ^'Jc, /*. The natural features or
creased Blto ga fueru, Aii'M. •'^. to become
characteristics of a place or country, ;

Fudokii, i5'i?< .^#. '«. [J-Zed.] Rheumatism. more populous.

Fudoin^ owo, -i.^5 ^-^ 5 49 5,;:^ffiJ^S. i

Fudosou, Al£-5^^.^ :7-Sj ^. "" *

Fuotsu, ifc?-7, ^^, n. A battle-axe.
Same as Fiido. Syn. Masakarj, Ojio.

Fndouo, -t^CD, ^ 0, «. A library. fproperty. Fnfu, i5-J-, 5tc!^i ^- ^ married couple; husband
Fndosan, -i.i§5^^, :7;EfJ0S.«- [iaw.] Immovable and wife; man aull wife.
Fufu kldorl He kurasu, ^!^^K V 5*®:^. to FHgo, iib*5, ffig^, n. Same as Bitten.
jump the broom-stick. Fiigu, Afi, #, n. A basket.
• Syn. IMOSE, MyBto, Tbureai. Fiigu, i<-, ;^^. a. and ?i. Unlooked for; unex-
Furuku, J-i-i ,%Mi '^^ Discuntentment, disap- pected; unthought of; sudden; accident; con-
proval; dissatisfaction; complaint; grievance; tingency disaster.

noD-conipliance. Fugu ni sonaeru, :T'^.~^-^ lu, to provide

Fufukuwo tono, yf' Wl "^ 'By * to express one's against accidents; Fttgu no wazawal, y^^ ^
disapproval; to complain, riiumbly. !Ji, an unexpected calamity or disaster.
Fiifulcii suru, Xi-<irZ, ^ ^, v.i. To bow very Fugu. A<', ;f;^, n. and a. Infirmity; decrepitude;
Syn. Fuse, HiREFUSO. infirm; decifpit, maimed; deformed. ;

Fiiftnniiu o, Ai^^M^5, ^ 5^ IJ^, n. Not clear, Fugu naru fiUo, Z^ -^ •^it' A, an infirm person a ;

evident, or distinct. Syn. Katawa. Lcripple.

FDgii, -i-5fe', JS^M' '"' ^°tl a. J'^legance; refine- Fuen. .i. <-, ^, n. ilchili.) PoiPonous-flsh, be-

ment; fondoftlie fine arts; refined; tasteful; longing to tlit- f^enus Telrodou; its flesh, though
genteel; polislied. fis fond of the tine arts, ol'teu liigiily pjist uuuH, is provLTbially pahita-
Fvoa no. hito, ^ 9i -^ A. an amateur one wh o ;

Syn. :\IiYABi.

Fiiff»iii»siii-,-i,-kl, ^1ii\r'-^Z> '-> Icon.] Having

no tact or talent ; foolish ; incapable.
Syn. iKUJiNAKi-
Fugiiliu, ^ft^C, 7^^, n. Iffni-irant; unlearned;

liaving no useful knowledL,^e.

Fugaa, i5ilt^, ^PH, IB^^BH. n. {3Iea.] Catar- Fugu wa kuitasiti ino'-hi iva oshts/ii, jS]
rhal or purulent ophthalmia. ii^/^ -"-i^z/, [Frov.'] sweet is the/uf/M, but life

FuffCii, -tW^A, ^^, n. O Beirj^' universally wise is sweeter.

aud benevolent. @A
Buddhist idol or image Fugui-l. i<'«,!^^.lSB. n. OThe testicles. @
usually drawn riding a white elephant. A coue of the pme.
Fiigcu, ^it ^, ^
£, n. A rumour or report. Syn. iNNo, Kj.ntama, Matsukasa.
Fiigeu, ^^t-^, Bi*^. ". The fountain of wealth; Fueuruiiia, -t. < 5^ . 3C S. 'i. A bookcase pro-
a resource means of raising money.
; vided with wheels. rfcc.

Wneetsa, J. 5)f>'0>fsi, n. n. lUt.'} &

Wind and Fugyogi, igr-^5&". « [coll.] Same as Bushitsu-
moon. @ [fiQ.] Nature; landscape; scenery; Fugyojo, ^Ifr^'^Z-y-?^. J-'^T'^.n. [coll.] Mis-
poetical taste. conduct; profligacy culpable gallantry; debau ,

Fvgetsu no sai arl, JSt H -^ Pj" :r *», .•-- has chery, Otten used as adjective.
natural talent for poetry; Filgetsu wo aisu, JS,M Syn. FuMiMOCHi, fas above.
'f^ZK, to be fond of looking at tlie beauties of Fugyosekj, i^'-<i'5-»i-&, ;?^=fTKi:. n. [coll.] Same
nature. FiiKy?l>:ikii> i^SLK. 'S^^. n. [Bot.] Bian-
Fugi, i^, 7'^^, n. and a. Adultery; impropriety; Syn. FujiNADEsuiKo. itiius jai)onictts.
immoriil, unjust; uncliaste; morally impure; Falui. ^^ii> ^fif, "- int.] Wind and billows;
libidinuus; lewd.
Iflg.] a storm met with at sea; enraged waves;
FugL naru mono, T^jS-J-zi-^, an unchaste a quarrel or difference among the members of a
woman; an unjust person; Fugi wo suru, ';:f:.^ family.
9- 7. n-, to commit adultery; to act improperly.
Fuha no nan ni au, ^2£ ^ SS — iS'i7. to en-
Syn. counter a storm, said of a sliip; Fuha wo okosu,
Fuffl. J.5if, Habits; customs; manners; to destroy peace; to
1*1 SS. ft-
K2t^©^-> quarrel; to
demeanour; behavior. Syn. ABASOi, Namikaze. LdilTer.
Syn. FuzoKTT, Narawashi. Fulinl, ^iX\n, BS S^. '*. Putrefaction; corruption;
Fufflrl, Z.V^> /f'^Mi Violation of what « is rottenness. Tthings.
riglitordue; wrong; injustice; ingratitude. Fuhal-butsu, K BS t3, putrefied or rotten
Fugirl wo shlu wawarui, i^jft^^j/y-*'* S-f ,
suru, v.l. To putrefy; to rot; to corrupt;
It is wrong to be unjust or ungrateful, to go astray fi'om the path of justice.
Fii|;0. -! ft* 5 ^ ?". n. A mark, sign, token, or
. Faliibliu, i5ll<> Wif^i ?i. Au imaginary being
symbol. Bupposed to control the wind.
Fngo, itf J., ^^, n. See under Fu{^). Futinliu, iff < ^tU, ft. Unfeeling, unkind.

Fufffl, -t6*5. :^ K. «• {Matli.) Nagative sign. Fuliikku, -t-ac. ;ffiS. ".[C/iiu.] Any kind of cloth*
;, ^


Fuhanson, ^5tX^-^^,S,lnj|'^, n. A saiMns ship Fulso-innCsurl» A\/N»)£r7ijl, Vk^, n- A festival
Syn. HoMAESEN. Lor boat. celebrated by blacksmiths on the 8th day of the
Fuhaii siirii, itt^^2, ^ Sg, v-(. To carry about nth month (o.S.). TRsh.
anything for sale on one's shouldera, to hawk, FiilffO-imo, AV^S^STi 31 H^..'". [/C7it/i.] Bellows
Fiiliel, J. i^v\, ppip, n. Displeasure; Olscontent- Fiiiji, A&X'. ;^iS^. ^- Non- commission.
inenl ; dissatisfaction; grumblins;; complaint; FiiHtl-todukt, AV^I&^^&.n A corrupted form
murmuring; being Irritated or vexed, fu-t. To seal, and stamp.
Fuhet wo narasu, ;?; 2(i ^ qg 7,, to utter sullen
of FuyukitodoH,i.
Fulw, A5V/^^, ^EP,«. A seal or stamp. -suru, —
discontent; to grumble; to complain; to ex Tenami wo fuin suru, ^ iffi ^& Ep:^fl. , to seal
press one's displeasure. Syn. FozuBU. L^ letter.
Fiihcii. X-^/u,/f,'S^, n. Same as Fuekl i"^^). Same as Fubon.
Fiiln, Air A, Tijl. n.
FulM^uJI, ^ '^KC, ^fijgiP, n. Making no answer Fuin, Av^^, "^^y a. Same as Busata.
or reply ; givins no favourable answer. Fui-no-hlto, AV*Ql>^. ffi 35c > A, " A com-
Fulien suru. X-^ A,ir )$ ^ ^, v.i. [Chin.]To ,
float moner, the common people.
to glide or swim on a liquid. Syn. tada-no-hito.
Syn. UKABCtHu. marked with
Fiilrh Av*ifl, JfiA.. '". Spotted; dis-
Fulil> Au-. j^ i^, n. [Bot.] Premna japouLca.
coloureil places.
Fublnko, i.y•^*>5, T^^plf. w- Irregularities in
manners or behaviour; profligacy; gallantry;
Fuiri no omoto, ^ X-^^^ff. « spotted ground
Fnjn, A5tf-^, RS^ »!• [.3Ied.] Cold; ntfsal ca-
Syn. AaniKiMiMocHi. L^lebauchery,
Syn. Kazehiki. [tarrh,
Fulio, AHA, ^^, 0.. Same as Furachi.
Fu.ll, AC- St. ^i" [Bot.] Wista-rta chinensis.
Falio, i5a5. ff.^. n. An air-gun.
Fuji. A2t. /?^Bf, a. Out of time or season; casual;
Fulidto. Afet^iS 5, tlS^ II. n. [iJyt ] Eiwiiymus
incidental; sudden; unlooked-for; importunate;
FuliyS, A— 5, j?:^, n. A buoy. iracUcaus.
FQliyo, ijU*^?, WS^, n. Rumour; report; a
Fuji no lienjt, T^ffS^S®, an unexpected
talk in everybody's mouth.
event; an incident; Fuji no monoiri, ^^ffS > ^
¥0 no fuhyo ni mayd, tit ^ PI ^ ^^ {¥ 7. to be
at a loss what to make out of a rumour. X, unlooked-for expenses; Fuji no sainan, "Z-
Syn. TOEISATA, UWASA. -^yjS?. Same asj^i no sainan,
JTiii, i.\p, ?B E5tt "- O A cotton or hempen
Fuji, ^^'. «- O^*^ °^ fi^®"^ order; irregular;
garment. @ A commoner; common people in J^X;.
especial; not accordmg tp rank.
Ful, Air-, /f-^, cL- and adv. Sudden; unexpected; Fuji no onten, Z^^ ^ ^M, a special favour;
unlooked-for; while off guard; accidentally. Fuji no toyo, 7;=Jc > g ffl, being promoted over
the hefid^ of others.
Fui ni deau. %M
— Wa^ v. to meet witli or
A-S-?.?-;*, n. Cnicus purpur
encounter suddenly Ful no sainan, ;?; gv fJl fE,
Fiijl-»«»>"1' [Bot."]

ratus. nruinale
an unlooked-for calamity or disaster; Fui wo
kuralte nigeta, yf. ^.j- f( 7-'%^'^ seized with FuJibiLl. AtrtfU-, a S. « [Bot.^ Panicum san-

surprise, he tied away; Fui woutsu, ':^-,%fYl^y FuJI-biikiimu,Atr|J«>

to surprise, as an enemy to attack while the

enemy is ofT his guard. imtorium chlnense.

Syn. DASHiNCKE, Fdto, Omojtoranu. FuJJMtal» AgrtKte\r, S
Ful, AV-, SS3lc. n. [Chin.] A paper screen with ±|g, Ti, [coJL] The
axes drawn without the handles, made to stand '

hair-edge on the fore-

back of the Imperial throne,
at the head, curved as to
Fulcliosuru, AV^%J^5-^3. IB^^.v.t. To publish; appear like an in-

to make known; to verted fan (considered

cry out; to announ- a point of beauty In 1

ce; to inform; to
Fujlbotan. AtrfffeA.,
Vidian. «• vBot.-\
Decentrq^spectaHlis, CH S)
Ffljl-bukuro, A5&.S«< 5. ^ S. ». An envelops
5 E ,K. «• Moham-
Syn. J5BDKUR0. Lfor a letter.
Fujitlana. A tr ^ ti:, SM. il%> A wistaria

FulffO, M\r-^5, ^ A bellows. CSJ treUi4.



PuJIgoromo, i'^^;^* ,^ti.,W.^, «. A mourn- Pii|l(.siibo, Jt.'y'?\S., BS^. " [ohs.] The name of
ing garment. fcoloul, a hall in the Imperial palace.
Fa|i-lro, J- "^r v^ >s. UffSft, «. A light purper Syn. HlKYuSHA.
Ryn. UsuMURASAKi. rdium OWiami. FuJItsubo* i.'^-o]A,n. [^'^e';.] Barnacle,
rnjiknnsu. itr*>A35, tU'^S, [Bnt.] Desmo- FuJI-ntsiigl, ^"5-5-7^. ^® i^.n. [Bot.] Buaitnja

rujlltnf.iira, Jt-^fy^Jt?* 6 . ^, n. [Bot.] Wistaria. japonica.

PuJlUI, i*r?, n. [Bot-I Sopliora platvrarpa Fujiyn, J-:£,*\/v5, ;?; 9 ffl, «. Uncomfortable; not
FiiJlkur.iKori. i'e-< G?"? 'O. Bi^P-^^n. Straw free; disagreeable; inconvenient; lacking the

Blippera. r'';/"^-^ Lahlab. means of access or communication.

Fiijtinnme. Atr'^!*, H. ^ a, n.
«S [Bot.] -Doii- Fujiyu gachi desu, '^^[Bfi^y'y^, wanting se-
Fujiiiiiitsii, i ^5: a -P.^^-JS, tt. TBot.] Larch- veral means of comfort; inconvenient in many
tree, Larlx leptolepis. respects.
FfiJImo, ij'^fc, ^^, n. The part of a letter- Syn. JiTUNARANU, Mamanaranu.
envelope where it is sealed. FhJo, -t&J., ^Sfl, n. TTelp; aid; assistance;

FuJJinl, J.%-;^, 'X^C-^, n. InsensibUity to pain; succour; support.

not suffering ITora any TvoiinJ invulnerability. Sito no fujo wo «fcw, A-^^Wi'f-^-i^, to receiv*

the aid of others; to be supported by othera.

FuJliiiodoUl. i-^^S'^, ^?B, 71. [Bot,] Daphne
Genkwa. fly sis.
— 9iiru>

To help, aid, etc.

Fujln, -t*•^,:7;C. n. [mm.] InsenHiblUty; para-

Pujo, X%'^5, ^12. <* Uncertain, especially used
Fullu, -t+'A, ^A, n. ']'he v.ife ol a person occu-
of life and death.
pying a high social position,
Rosh:o fttjo, ^ii^/f.^, it ia quite uncertain
FaJIn, [Svdil.] The worldly or whether one dies young or old,
^iJ-e^A, JS^gg, 71.

eecular affairs; the bnstle of the woi-ld. Fujo, i;£,'J^5, 7^ i^, n. and a. O UncleanUness;
Fujin wo foulness; the state of being defiled; pollution;
ii", 3liil ^ EK "7. t-o hate worldly
concerns; to be misantliropic. impurity. @ Impure; derlled; unclean. ©Men-
FnJIn, i£*^, T^C. »- [C'/'fji.] Unkind, pitiless;
cruel; inhuman beastly. Ol'ten used as noun.
Fujo na mono, %W-^^' ^ defiled person; an
infidel; a menstruating woman; Fujo woharau,
FuJIn, _t%•^, ® A, A woman or wife.

Syn. Nyubo, Womina, wonna. !^i^^ J^ 7. to make clean; to purify one's sell

FoJIn^ -t-5^'^. ^J^, ti. The god of winds. Syn. Kegare, KiYOKARAzu. Lor a houae.

Fujlnn, i.-^:-^, i^ 2-;^, n. [Bot.'] Dandelion. FuJo, X-i:^^, ISTS?, n. [Chin.'] Fertile; rich; pro-

Syn. Tampopo, Tsuzumigusa. ductive. More commonly read Funyo.

FiiJIniulcsliniO, .i-tr^-^^t, '^^'^, h. [Bot.] Fiijo, -i-Sri. M-ic, n. A sorceress.

Dianthus japonlcus. fple colour. Syn. ICHiKO. rtive mood.

Fiijioesuinl. .X.'^n^^}^. S E. «. A i^nyish por- Fujohn, -6.;S-^ 5 H-t, %.%^, ii- [Gram.] The infiui-

Fuji-i>o-liann, ^^(OliitS.. i&l^^E, "• [Zool.'i Fiijii, ij.'l^, ^ D^, n, A charm or spell for keeping

Eggs of octopods. Syn. Majinai. I^evil spirits away.

FujB-norl, .S.5£'®'i). The paste or mu-
Mlfi^. n.
Fujii, -i-2t!*. fiS If' 'i- [Chin.] A pedant; a bigoted
cilage used for sealing letters and other pur- Confucianist.
poses, fcloth. Fuju, -S-J&Wj.ia^. "•. [-Bot,] iigwifiambar.
FuJiiitiiKt, i'trto©, " kind of coarse Fujubutsii, i&l5i5.5'-7. r#l;t^. "• Accessories.
'^M^ A.

Syn. Aranuno. Fujiihii, A;&19)< , %%. a. Unskilful; inexpert;

Fnjlro, «. Same as -Fii?-o. unripe; unsettled, disturbed; nor peaceful.

-£-5S.'&5. it lfi»

Fujlsiiw.'i-glku. i'?r349^<. 3ft -g^. « [BoU] Dampan fujuku, ^$ij 7; Sfji, the conference 13

Seneclo campestrls, not concluded; Fujiiku no ktuiamono, ^)^>

FiilltoriDaon, J, -5- 1£ ^ (itE, $^®£«), /t. [Bot.] ^ an unripe fruit Kanai fujuku. ^ ft ;^
4fe. , 3??!i

Uncaria rhyuchophylla. to have differences among the members of a

Fujitsu^ X^-O, % ?r. "• ^"^^ ^ Wanting sincerity family.
or kindnesa; insincere; unfaithful; inhuman; Fiijuu, A&^$^^, ^KH, 71, O IiTegular, said of the
unkind; hypocritical; untrue. weatlier. @
Disobedient unfilial undutiful. ; ;

Syn. FuNiNjS. Makoto-no-nai. Oya nlfvjun nam fco, ^ =. ;^ I^-J-zi-rf disobe- .

Fujitsu, i- S.-9, %
Q «. In a few days.,
dient or unfilial children.
Fujitsu ni (leklmasho, :?; 3 =m i^ t j^a jf. Fiijurl. X.1^\fS)^, T^'S®, n. [Law.] Not accep-
will be made (or, ready) in a few days. table; not accepted.

Syn. HiNAEAza, TOkarazo. Fuha, A4>, yfft, n. [Zool.] A shark.

Piikn, i4>, 7;^, a. [Cliin.'] Not to be allowed, Kaze ni fukareru, R == Bk ^ Ji-. to be blown by
perinittetl, or toleiated; bad; wrong; condem- the wind.
nable; im possible. Fakasa, iA>3, 83, "• The depth,
Sono Tcoto iva fuka nart, % $ >^;;^ ^^ V . that Fukasa wo hakam, 5?R ^ ijiji /t, to nieanure the
Is wrong or impossible. depth of anything to sound, ; {Fuku.
Pukn, i4>, Iff T. «• Beins under the jurisdiction Fukaseru, 2^±>^^, v.t. 'J'lie causative form of
of an urban prel'ecture or fu. Fue wo fukaseru, ®^R>;-b/t-, to make one per-
Fulfil, i5*>, "ffi^, «. A rich family or person. form on the flute Yane wo fukassru, ^ tfl ^ tt

FuUKljiim-htitsii, A*>^^^•9, %iii^^. /». An ?j-lr;i', to have the roof tliatched or tiled.

Indivisible thing. Fukaslil,-l,-kl, i*>;£.,-;f„ a. Deoii; intimate,

Fukaltiiti, i**>A, '^»f^,n. Inalienable. familiar; prolound.
Fiikiidu, ^i]yT&, 'MBi, " A. deep muddy rice-field. Ana fukasJii, fz W'y> the hole or cave is deep:
Fukado, -i.4*-ff. ^f-. 16 tS, «. A deep, or severe Fulcainaka, 55S -( intimate relation; J-ukakl

wound. fin the snow. (^<^, M^iil, a hated enemy ; Kangae fukoAhl, ^-

Fuk;teutsii, ^i]>i'-o, ^^, n. Straw-boots for use ^ 5^, a profound thought; Majiwarl fnlcaslU, gg
Pukal suru. A5*>Vr'^'3. SH^K. "•''. To censure in- ^^, a close Iriendship; Oku fukashl, %^i/,
directly; to allude softly to one's misconduct. very deep or profound, Tani fukaslU, ^^s/,
Fiikiikel. _t*>Wv*, MMM, n. [Law.] An ad- the ravine is deep ; U'lni fukashl, ifi^~/, tlie sea
ditional punishment ia deep; Yama fukasfii, Uj i!R s/, the inountains
Fuk»-kdryokii. i*>C.5 V 1 <. %'^^U, «• extend alar, Yokufukashi, g^ ^^, desires are
ILav}.] Irresistible force. inordinate; avaricious; voracious; ambitious.
Fiik»Ku, ^:ft>< ,^, adv. Deeply; well; intensely; Syn. ASAKARAND, KAEISOMBNAKANU, OMO-
very at a distance.
; SHi fshigl.

AmarifukaJcuwamailivarimasen, M^-^"^ ^v Fukashisi, A*>:£ig', ;f;Rrsai. a. Same as Fu-

^->> ^j -7 ^ v, does not associate very closely Fukaslilgl-rou, i*>LS?;5^, :r^RrSI®BiS. '*
with, has no very intimate intercourse; Yama AgnoaticiBm; an absurd theory.
fui-.aku sumXe iru, ilj^SR^'^^'S-'*'' to live far back FukaslilffB-ronsha, Ai>;£g'5^;£^. 7^ ^T SHSaS
in distant mountains. #, «. An agnostic.
suru. v.t. To malte deeper or more intimate. Fukasu, iir*-jJ', ^, It.*. To beiengaged in any-
Pukaku, Jrh><,%-^, ". [coil.] Defeat; loss; cul- thing till late at night.

pable riegligence. Yo wofukasu, S'^iS^. to sit up late at night.

Fukaku no namida, ^'^ -^ iK, tears slied after Fukaau, i>!i>-^, ^, v.t. To Steam to prepare food ;

adeieat; regretful tears; Fukaku wotoru, '^'^ by steaming rtoes.

5^S'^, to be defeated; to lose the day.

lino wo fukasu, ? ? SE ^ . to steam pota-
Fnkanil, i*>»., i^, n. A deep place; the depth; Say. Musu.
anything in which one is liable to be impli- Fuka suruj i-it>-^Z, %^, v.t. To take on one's
cated or involved. self, as a burden or responsibility to bear; to ;

to be impli- carry. fcharge in addition to.

Fukami id hcumaru, ^^=^ -'•v;j-,

cated; to lose one's self in the deep.

Fuka siii'u, i*i-^3, fiJiJD, v.t. To add to; to

FukiLinigusaB, i4> 7^ <- 5, ^,a*. «. [iJot.] The Fukasauio, i*>3*»,^, n. [Zoel.] A kind of
Mawtan tree, tree peony. fcolour.
Fiikamldorl, i*»;^>2i!], ^ ^, n. A dark green Fukazame, .i-*>p*i6, ^/I^, n. [coll.'] Catting the

Fukaiiuirnsakl, Jl.A>tf e.-^^,^^, u. A deep fluger-nails almost down to the flesh.

Syn. KOMURASAKi. Lpurple colour. Fiiko, AW-, ^ ffl, n. Same as Fukada.
Fukainurii.^j)>^S.^^, vt. To deepen; to make Fako. AH", ^flsifiii^fi. ""• Dandrutf; scurf form-

deeper or darker; to dredge or entreoeh. ing among on the head.

the liair

Fakau, i54>^. E^^. n. Reproving a superior Syn. Ikoko, Uroko.

by means of indirect allusions. 9uru, ti.t. Fake. AVt, n. Q The mildew. @ [coll.] Winning
To censure one's superior, indirecll>. by being defeated (a technicality among card-
FuKnuuin, i*.^V^^. Z^JSiS., ><•• [ooU.} Impa-
tience; not controling or restraining one's self. Fakcda, W-i.;^-, ^ E0, n. Same as Fukada.

FukH-no-hlre,i*»0i>Jx, ^ ®, & -M ^, n. Shark's Fakel, i-H-V^, 7;®, ". An insult to a member o(

fins (highly relished by the Chinese), the Imperial family; more loosely any irapo-

Fukarera* it>HX, The passive form liteness or disrespect.

ISlDc, v.t.

of Fuku Syn. Bdrei, shikkei, suitsprbi.

Fnkol. -t tt V^ , ;?; M. 0.- {Chin.'] Absui'd; not Fvketsu na mizu, ;?;S?-^;j<, Impure water;
classical; sceptical; heretical. Fnketsu na dobu, %^-^'iH, a dirty ditch Fukgr ;

Fukei no setsu, ^M -^^^ au absuid opinion ; tsu na yatsu, T^^-^tS, a corrupted person;
a heretical idea; f't'?.''i no sho,^^^ !^, a trea- a rogue dishonest in mpney concerns.
tise propoundins sceptical tiieories. Syn. KEGARE, PujO, Kitanasa.
Syn. TADASHIKARANf, YOKOSHI.MANARU, Fuki, i.'g.l*;^, 71. [Bot.] Fetasites japontcus.
Fukel. iWlr, ^5£. 't- Father and elder brothers. Fukf. i-%,%^, 71. [Chin.l Insurrection; re-
Fukel, iWV*. ^5i, n. [C/nn.] Tlie husband's bellion; revolt; sedition.
elder brother. Fuki \uo hakaru,
T^ifl ^IB^'^, to rise in armo
FuKcl. iW\/v, t^ 3^, It. Same as Keizu. against legitimate authority.
Fukel, iWV. 1^1?' "• [C/n'Ti.] Same as ^I'^irits/ii. Syn, MunoN
Falcel, ^JW-li^, R g, « Landscape; prospect; Fuki, i^, 7;jgl. " and n. Ungovernable or an-
view, sceaery. controUable; unrestrained; unbridled; free;

Fukei no ijokl tok'<rn, ^ S > Sf ^ S, a fine liberty; freedom; independence. fdence.

landscape; a place possessing a beautiful Fuki dofcwrusw, T^EJfiS aL, liberty andindepen-
dyn. KFSiiiKr Lscenery. Fuhl, i&, ?5, u. 'J'hat part of the lining of a
Japanese garment which turned over out-
Fukeiki, .i-Wlr?, %^^, N<^ busy; dull; not

prosperous, quiet; little chance of

alEordin:.; side at the skirt.

making money. Specially used in speaking of Fakf, i5^, 13,^, -'(.. [Jlrch] Q Flatulence; windi-
busines.-i. ness caused by gases in the stomach and intes-
Shobai ga fukeiki ni natta, ^jfj-. ^ ^-^y tines. ®A cold. fmoraUty.
gl, the trade Ims become dull; we have little Faki. i55, RiiS. n. [C/ii/;,] Discipline; public

trade; Namgoto rru) fuh.fi_iki defuruwan, f>j5I-=E Fuki. i5&, '^g-, a. Rich and noble. Tblown.
i^ ^^T tS V, trade
;^ '"' is altogether bad and Fukinsaru. .i.&%ib*5, vJ. To rise by being
i.iy. Sabisui Lthinijs are dull. Fukiago, .if 751*. B*C J:> PS S. «- A contrivance
Fukel««i, it*-v3"V. 7^® ??. '* [Laio.'] An of- for spoutingup water. f^apes sp.
fence to a members of the Imperial taraily. Fukiftffe-nsnri, ifjf.V^^'S y, M^, n. [Conch.]
Fukeiiiai, ^WSV, [-"4
1 , " Old or siale rjce. Fuklageru. i576l*5. J;, v.t. To blow up. ftJc

S\ n, Fdbl'GOMB. Fuliiakasu, i^7$4'-^", v.l- To blow until the

Fukeru, ^i&Z, %, vA. \coV..'\ To l.iok older than Fuklba, i^ld", 77. A foundry, Lday breaks.
one's age; to become older. i
Syn. IMO-No-BA, Seitetsujo.
.4710 hdu iva taiso fukete miyiiru, ^ A "» A /& Fukicliirnsii. .tl&'^fe^, RJC^, v.t. To scatter by
^if j!,3^)^, he looks much older than his age. Syn. FuKiTOBASu. (.blowing.
Syn. TAKEliU. FukidnKc, Jl-^Tt-i/f, R>cV5'. « Same as Hifukidake.
Fukerii, iW-J, g^, r.>. Tu grow late; to advance. Fukidniiia, ig;^3, nJU,, n. Bubbles blown m
Especially i>anj of the night. the air.
Yoga ^if^-^&, the night has
fuketa, far Fukjdnsu, .t^/j-^, R>:fJi, v.i. To blow or O
advanced it has become late.
; breathe out to expire to begin to blow.
, [coll.}
Syu. Takoru. To burst into laughter \ii laugh violently. ;

Fukortc, AW-S. SJ, v.L. To be mildeTved. Fukl-jdn9u> Jt-gU^.^-^, ffi, Bfi HJ, u.t. and i. To
Kovie ga fukeia, -iiiJfW.^, the i»ce has got blow up, to Spout, to issue in jets.

mildewed. J//2M WO fukidasu, M=9-^^T., to blow out

Pukerii, Jr-i/fZ.Wi, vj. To be addicted to; to be water; to make water run out in jets ; Okashl-
fond ui in excess to be absorbed in to be given
; ; sa wo koraekanete fukidasu, -sj ^^ j^ ^§g^ y^^
to. ti^::^, the thing is so funny that one bursts into
Gaku ni fukeru. ¥-K fl-. to ^^ absorbed in uncontrollable laughter,
learning; Iro nl fukeru, fe=igt»-. to be addicted Syu, FuKiAGERU. Ton. *he skin.
tovenery; Shushoku nl fitkeru, ii5fi sijiK^i-.to Fiiklde-tiiouo. i&-C "i©, *S af , 71. An eruption
be given to sensual pleasures. Fiikikaeskl, .tg ±» A. L, IKig, S^H, " An ear-
Syn.Hamaru, Oboru, Susamu. likeappendage on each side of that part ol a

rukesliu.iW;£(A5,^|tl^, n A brancliofthe^n helmet which comes over the forehead.

sect, originated by ROan in the Bummei period. Fiikigon, .i^l')l^, T^tSlSe, n. and a. [colli Dis-
FnkoNu, iW-^ 5. ^ ft (9^. n. Same as Komuso pleasure; not being in good spirits; unpleasant;
FukeUiD. J.Vjr-o.-pf,^, a. O ImP^re; dirty; disagreeable; indisposed; unwell; angry; out
unclean. @ Corrupt; UDjuBt ot temper
Pukllinkl. ^@GX^. n. Same ns FwS:(snjf. disagreeable. © Without talt^it or ability;
Fukllinnatsu, ^^U-^-?, Oi^cak. v.t. To cliscliarpe unskiiCul, dull.
by blowing, as a missile. FukiryHnamiisume, %^ (iV -f-(|3, an ui;ly girl;
Pukilinrnii, i^KSi, Rk^, v.t. To scatter by a homely maiden a not silted daughter.
, fKi.
blowing; to blow off. Syn. MlNIKCKl, CSIYENAKI, IlATABAKINA-
Ftildlcneru, -J-5i>A.S-
tt Q, v.t. To make the Fulilslilku. J~@.l<.i{);;^, v.t. To blowofrenor
new to reroof to thatch again.
roof ; ;
ruklkaosu, X^ii^Xit, ftkl^, v.t. QToupstttby Fukisujl. A?^5 L-, ^^0^. vi. [coll.] Sweeping
blowing; to blow over. ©To resume respira- a room and wiping tlie lurniture. Takes verb-
tion, or to come to life ag^aiu, said of ixn ap- syn. Fl'K ihaki. (.forms.
parently dead person. FukisokiidcelU, X-'^M'& 5 t,%^m%'^. n.
FiiklKnKorii. 2.&4>W-5, (ft^, v.t. ©To blow [Oram..] An irregular verb. Tsuperior.
upon. @ To challenge. Fiikisuru. X-^irZ,, Rt^. v.t. [C/tiw.] To follow a
Mizu wn fukikakeru, -^ ^l^^?t', to besprinkle Fuki siiru, .i.g-^2. fliiif. v.i. [CMn.] To i'ea.v; to
anything with water blown from the moutJi. Syn. Ojiru, Os^oruru. L'Jread.
Piiklksii^aru. -t^i'llS, ©, u i. To turn or
fti^ Fukitnosu, -i-Stfei-^, (feS|. v.i. To blow over;
cbani^e, said of the direction of a wind. to blow down.
I'ukikesu. -tgW"-^, ft^M. u-t- To blow out; to Kaze&abyobuwcifulcltaosu, %if^^V-\^^\:^,
extinguish by blowing upon. the wind blows over the screen, rby blowing.
Fukikobornru, i& t-ffiHZ, R*; ffl, !¥ S. v.i. To Fukltoru. S.%)£Z.i^M> V.t. To tear or break off
overflow to run over
; tlie brim. Fuklturu, -i.9ir3, }^Ig, v.t To wipe ofl.

Syn. Afuredasu. Syn. NrcriTORu. fthrough.

Fiikikonni, .i^S.*r, ftJiji.JSii. v.t. Q To blow Fukltusu, igie?-^, \^M.^iSl, To blow v.i.

into. @ To inspire ©To produce a peculiar Fultltau, J>-%-y, %'a, a- and n. An unlucky sign;
lustre by wiping tlioioughly. an omen; a portent, unlucky; ominous; por-
Syn. FOKIIRU. tentous, rdream,
Fukikownsii, i^ttt"?", n*:IS!, i^-t- To break or Fukitsu no yume, ;^n"^^, an ominous
destroy by blowing; to blow down.
, Fukitauiucsd, i^-^^tosS, n. [Hot.] Diapensia
Fukikiicluku, i^ < feC. B^tSf. v.i. To bruise or jajiQ/iica. Rently.
break by blowing. Fiikltsiijui-ii, ig'PlS. iJ.i. To blow more vio-
Fiikimnku. i^E<, v.i. To blow or whirl about; Fuklt8ureru,i.&-?KS. v.i. To continue to blow.
to overwlielm. FiikJwakeni, i^sJ^WS, iRjC^, $S5«, v.t. ©To
Fiikimnw:)su^.@^a-^, v.t. To turn round by Fukiwakuru, ^3*5 < a. 'separate by Ijlowjng;
blowing. rinstrunient. to winnow. @ To wurk au ore; to assay.
Fukimoiio. -tg*©. RJctS, ft^lg. ft- [-W«« 1 A wind Fukiyn, i5J%>ft>c5c. n- An arrow used with a.

Fiikiii, .i?^,ffirt), n. A towel ornapjcin. blow-gun. fblow.

FDkiu, i5^^, 315^. «. [J/MS.] An organ. Fuklyaiiiu, X% ^ i?, Rklt, v.i. To cease to

Fukjii, .i.g^, ^fr, n. [Chin.] A wood-axe. -

Syn. FcKiowAKi;.
Fuktii. -i.S^, ®;^, n. OA duty or tax paid in Fukl>:i-ii<t-teiitsu, -t-@.^o-9-3,BJt^JSf, ,n. A
money @ A tax paid by the keepers of licens- Fuktziitsii. Ji.'^i:/^, BJtB, ' blow-
ed brothels. gun.

Fiikin, i&^,ftBi5. 'i- [BGt.] Asplentum.

Fuki.tose. i&i-fr, [^^. u. QDi^iving together

FiikEiiagusht. JC-^^fi'L, UXSfE.S^iitE.ffilffl. ». A into heaps, as by wind. @A

drift, as of snow.

streamer; a pennon. © Bringing things together at random.

Fukinarnsn, -J-l^"^ v.t. To cause to

sui-ii, v.t. To drive together; to drift; to brmg
&f*, nXRft.
togetlier indiscriminately.
ring or sound by blowing; to make public.
Fuktftoto, .i-&®if 5. ". l-Bot.) The flower of the
Fukiyukjso, -t&L4&:5 5. S 3 J^, " [Bot.] Beef-
steak eaxUraga, strawberry geranium.
Petasltes japonlcus.
FukJn suru, X. @ A,^ 5, ^S5, v.t. or i. To Fukki, X'v?,^ gf- (* Sameas/uA.-i('^9-).

approach; to be near to; to be on good tei'ms Fukkichomei. 'SS&g^, rich and long-lived.
with. FAn air-hole. Fukliisd. A'v^^ f^. »i- [Bot.'i Pachysandra ter-

Fuhliiukl, i&to&,n*;S. "• pennon. @. OA minalis.

Fiikluukl-ldo. i?aa&X)>e. R>;t3'#p, « An Fiikko. Jt-j'L, (gi&. " Revival of the ancient
artesian well, regime, dead manners and customs comingt©
Fuklryo, AS 9-^5. T^ ffi fi. ". O Ufily . homely ; life again.


dsef fvkko. liftgjfS', the Restoration; the yii "fv^ ^ , to send forth water violently, Yama
returning; of the exercise of Rovereignty into yorl hi wo fuku, ilj a ^J it ^ nS ^ . the mouutaia
the Emperor's hand. Hends out flames.
FultliO. i -jii* 5, BWh "• IChin.] Tlie mental Fuku, i< 5i. v.t To roof; to tliatch.

analysis of a compositinn about to be written, Kawara de ya-ne wo fuku, ^T'^^^S^.to

Fnhkiiri, ^-j < ^ , ^ Qg, a. [coll.] Fat; corpu- roof witli tiles.

lent; fleshy; plump. Fuku. i.< , To wipe; to clean by rubbing.

JS. v.t.

Fiikk'«vjin, ^7 < *^^. 'S.'^. '"- Restoration to a Syn.NOGOU, NuG^, Surikesu.

governmental otfice ; a second installment, Piikiil>:i, i<tf, Biiffi. /(. A horse in reserve.

TxiUUyb, X-y^/fj,^^' "- 'I'bedawn, or sunrise. Syn. NORIKAEUTMA, SOEUMA.

Fiilio. ii>5, %^, n. Not obseivinp: flii;il diities. FuUubr, ^< ^,^.^n. [Bot.] A calabash, gourd.

Fulio, Jch->-^t%^, n. 6} Misfortune; flisaater; Syrj. HyOtan.

unhappiuess; calamity ;
unlucky accitlent. © Fukubcru, X<^i^. n. [Bot.] Anemone Jlacci da.
Deatti. Fukubiki, i< ^51, u. A lottery;tlie dis-
Fukuchunoko,%^^ ^ ^, anytlunji calcu- tribution of prizes by drawing lots, a favourite
lated to lessen tlio evil consecpiences of a ganie among children. fberry.

disaster. Fukiibonshl, i < la:^;£, ?. ?i- [BoJ.]Straw- SS

Fultd. -t-5t5. Pm, n. Same as Kaza^a. FukulOotSHSuru, X < 11-7-^3 SS iS. v. I. To smit; ,

Puk«, iC.:5,S,J^, n. {Math.} Negative term. to founder. Said ot ships or boats.

Fukokii. it< . *gf @. "• O A rich country. © Fukubnkiislil,-i.-ki, i<.S^C:£, ^Sa. ^- [T-oU-]

Enricliing a country. Happy or wealthy looking.

Fukoku kyohei. 'i£ @ 5£ ^S. enriching and Fukuliunsu. A < i' A^ir 5. ^, " [^^ath.] S^
Btrengthening a country. Compound fraction.
Fuholiu, AtC.ffi^. " A government notice; Fukudiike. .i<ftW*, n. Same as Fukuge.
decree, proclauiatioi-), or ordinance. sui-ii, Fukuclntna* i<;65, n. [Bot.] Ophiopogonjapo-
v.t. To publisli, to deciie ; to proclaim. nicus.
FuDioKii siirii, i£.< -3-^, 52^, ''-f- '''*^ accuse Fukndnmi. :t.< n^.H^ ^ fJ^M^' n. The flesh

falpely; to inform wroiiE^l'ully. and guts of a tokobushi chopped and salted.

Fiiltoss<.. i t7 5,ffit^S:. » !>''-''] *^f^'''eR of Fukuduniu. .2.<7&tr, ^M. v.i. and t. To dis-
bones. fmeTatarsal bones. arrange; to dishevel; to hang loose; to be dis-

FuiiotHu. X.-^-o, E^ff, u. [3[r.a.] The tarsal or ordered.

Fokotsii, -$-5^-:', ®. 'g', n. Smneas Hdogara. Fukucleii, X.<ttk, SI E. ». [Budd.] Piety, obe-
Tuliu,i.( .S, v.t. [coH.] To cast; to mint; to forge. dience, and charity.
Fukudc'n-kwni. -JA < *9\/», ^ EH ^. « A <
Zeni wo fuku, E? JS ^. to coin; to convert _t-

metal into coins. Buddhist society for charitable purposes.

Fiiliu, i<, ^, '<- Same as s.iiwai. FuiiUiln, i<^, n. [Bot.] Artemisia japonica,
Fuhii, -t< ,
gi|, n. A prefix meaning ((S.^iitanl, var. cl/^sflrtornm.
aajutaiit, vice, nnd aii.rAih'r'j. FiiKudoku sui-u. -t<»<-t3.ffi^. v.t. To read
Fuku shcgun, Eijli§ig, an -ulintant general. by way of review to recite to study.
; ;

FulKi, -!-< , BS. «. & Same as Kimono. @ [coll.] Fiikueki, i< ;it?, flfi^. it. To serve.
Foreign clothes or dress. Fukuffnsuru. A < ili'-^S ^ , E'l. f-' To be with
Syn. iFfKU, Kimono, K'-mnMO the face downward.
Fuku, A<,'t@. "- €5 A liant;mg picture. @A Fiiiiugiclio. x< ^"^-^5. EiJI®^> " Vice-presi-

numeral used in cunnting hangiug pictures. dent, fsign.

Syn. Jiitu, IvAKKJi, Kakemonu. FnliHgo, .2.< ft^5, ISSjg, )i. Ambiguoug

Fuku, A< n. Same as l/ara. Fukusuii, .i,< <'^, gijtg. a. An army in reserve.
, flg,

Fuku,-ki, j.< . nji;, pH, vt. and t. QTobreatlie. Fukugyukwji, i.< a['5 < sb, "• [Z^ot.] Berberry.
@ To blow. © To issue forth ; to vent; topour Syn.

out violently. QTo sprout; to bud. Fukultai. .if: HV^, flt(^. »«. The belly and th«
Garasu wo fuku, ^i ^ ^, to blow glass ^^ back tlie front and the rear.

Rora wo fuku, ^U'7\k^. [l^*-] to Wow a Fultultef, ^i^\r,^^< '>• An ambush.

to boast; to exaggerate; Tkl too Syn. FiTSuzKi.
conch ; [^ff.J

j'Wcu, ^RJ^^, to breathe; Kewofukite kizu

Fiikiilil, i < U-, ^ jti «. [-3fat7t.] Compound ratio.

wo moiomu, € ^ r SS -7- jK i*- to P^^'ert one's

Fn!<nl)«)u, i.<^a^, gi]3p, n. A copy.
elf to own'B own dis^^'vajitage, Sltzu wo fuku FukBl, i< Z>, SS, /., [jT/ae/i.] Ambiguity
; .


ruliiiiliu, ^(ir<. JSI ^. u. SmoUlng sweetly; Fukiimotsu suru, .£- 06-7-^2, Si^. v.t. To ba
fragrant in a higli degree. fof Cicada. ruined, vanquislied, or destroyed.
Fuitulltii, ^< V> < . !(^ Sir, ^- [.Sntom.] The pupa Fukuniu. A<tp, v.i. To be shuf closed, or
Vuiiii-lu, ^< jb^, itigg, n. Breadth. unopened.
Sjn. Haha, HiROSA. Fukuinu,^<f;, v.t. O To contain; to hold,
^, ^.
Piiiiu-lii. ^<V^^, ^ #. n. The ChristiaQ gospel. 6 To absorb. @
To bear in mind; to under-
Fiiku-lu, J. < V^^, ^^, n. Low temperature In stand. Q 'I'o have anything in the mouth.
summer. Ikari wo fukumu, Jg'.f-'g'i,, to be angry; 3ft
Puluijn. J.< &^. fig *B, «. [Zoel.] A viper. wo fukuniu, ^^^A, to bud; On fukimii kuda-
FiikiiJI, X<X:,flSflI. w- Being obedient or sub- saru beku sore, ^"^ ?S T ^. please understand

missive to a superior. siiru^v.C. Toaerve; it to be so and so; Urami wo fukumu, tfi ? & i».

to subserve; to pay homage. to entertain rancour; to be rancorous; hate;

Syn. TSUKAKRU, TSUK5MATSDBU. Warai wo fukumu, %=^^u, to smile softly; to
FiiUii.1111. x<:&•^, ^4^, n. Tlie seven gods of Syn. FuFUMD, Tamotsu. Llangh secretly.
happinesH. namely; Ebisu, Daikoku, Bisha- Fukun, .i-< ^, g, n. [Chin.] Q The governor

mon, Benzalten, Hoiei, Jurojin, and Fufcuroku- of a province. @ Your father.

Syn. FuKU NO KAMI. U^n.' Fuku-nin, i< ^ff^, ^ g, n. Re-appolntment.
Fukiiju, X-<ti^, ^aS. n. Being subjected or Fukuraliaci. X< SttS". SSSS. "• The calf of the
subdued; obedience. sum, v-i. To obey; Syn. Komuba lies.

to pay homage. 'Adonis amv/rculsis. Fukuraka, .2. < &:ir>, £%, u,. Corpulent; fat;

Ful<u.|iis5, i<£'«})5 5. SaS-J?--ffl'J£3i^B.n. [-Bot.] swollen; bloated; big.

FiiLuju suru, A(;frl^-^3. ^ St. '^-t. Same as Syn. FUKKURI. FUKCRERU.
Fukuiioku suru. ftion. FuUurauil, i< 6^, BSfiS, »* The state or con-

FukuKen. .i,<^}^, ^ ffl, ». iLaw.] Rehabilita- dition of being swollen or expanded.

Ful*uB*i, i< gr, KG ;S. «• Same as JmfhMtew. Fukurauiu, i< &tf. flfi, S^^, v.i. and t. To ex-
Fuliulil-lcen, ^< '^W•^, iSKia. ". [iaw.] The pand; to distend; to grow corpulent; to be
riglit of restoration. inflated or blown up.
FuKukl «ui'u, iC&-^«, iaail!, u.f. To return; FukiirauJ, .^ < & Vt, A3 f^> ^^- A. sea-ear boiled so
to be restored, rehatjiUtated, or reinstated. as to malie it sott and turgid.
FuKiiUo. i< A>5. ia^l. «. ReTival; recovery; Fukurappago, i< S-vBTIf^, » [coil.] Same as
renewal. fHerpes. Fukurahagi rTotunda.
Ful(uKo»hiii, -i. < *• 5 X ^. iB^f ;©. »• [-Med.] Fukura-sliiba, .£< &:£.tf , ^ W> ^- [-Oof-] '''^^^J

FuKukwambu, Js^ i < 4j ^ J<, SW&SIJ. «• The Fukurasu, ^< &-^, To make anything
^, v.t.

office of aide de camp. inflated, distended, or expanded.

Full iilovntsu , i < < *)*5, at ffi,

n. Resurrection Mo wo fukv/rasu, ^f^7>, to distend the

coming to life again. surii» v.i. To come cheeks; to be displeased to be angry. ,

to life again. FukurasiiKuiiie, .t.<6-J-$'fc, n. Figure of a

Tneum. sparrow with its wings spread.

Fukuiiiialiu, ^ < 5 " <,flf|il. [^nat.] Perito- FuKureru, A<*L5,^flS. "* O To, expand; to
Fukuina!<uen, i a < fa/l, "
C [Jlftrt.] Inflamma- distend; to swell; to become inflatad. ©To be

tion of the peritoneum. displeased. rtenauce.

Fukumnseru, i< 2-\t5, ^, u.t. The causative Fukuretsura, 7^1^^, [coii.] an angry coun-
form of Fukv/rau. Syn. BoCHo surd, Harbru.
Fukuiiiel surii.^<ftV^-^Z,^frr. «•«• To report Fukurel Buru, ^< ici\f^:^,1SL^, v.t. To return
to a superior on returning from a place where another's compliment or salutation.
Syn. Hammei suRtr. Lone was sent. Fukurin, J<< l!)^. S$S. "• An ornamented rim
FukuiiieD, .i><)6^. 3S> " Covering the face; or border.
a veil; a mask. Kinfukurin, ^ffi!^, a gold border.
Fukumen wo kabwu, W.Mf-^'f T^> to ^^'1 Fukuro, ACiS, i$.S. »- OA bag, pouch, sao.
or wallet; anything, protuberant and swag-
or mask; to be disguised.
FukUDien-Kukln, X-i ^>^^P''@^> S@ ^ tfi, /<• A ging. @Amother, ©[coli.] Being behind
others in doing anything.
kind of hood consisting of a piece of cloth with
which the head a id the face are covered.
Fukuro e irerti, ^ '^ X »-. to put ii. .o a bag,

Same aac, or pouch; O/M&wo, Javirn, an oldwomao

FiiKinnoru, A< »X. BB, ^, w-t- as JTwfcit-
or mother; Te-bukuro, 3^ fif. gloves.
mertL I
Faknro, i.< 7!,, ift, n. [OrnitJV.] An oivl, Syr- FukUShin no shin, B|,i:;. >g, a faithful or
Fukurd,^< :^i. } nium rufescens. favourite subject.
Syn. Ne- Fiikiislio, i<;£-^5, HiJ!}§, n. An adjutant-

KODORI. general; one second in command ot a military

force. rture.
:r>ii, v.i. To
Fiikiisiio. ^ < ;£ 1, gi]^, n. A counter signa-

be ripped or PiiUiislioKun, i < :£ J^ 5 <- A. B'J35^. «• See

under Fuku (gij).
torn open to ;

Fiikiislioku, i< Xi. < S 64, w. Abandoning the ,

give way,
priesthood, ussd only of a nobleman who once
flaid of a
.ioined tite clerical fraternity.
peam. The
Syn. Genzoku. fnln (gj ft)
form more
commonly piikiiBliokii, i< :£ i < ^ Bt. , 71. Same as Fuku-

used is Boko-
Fiikiislm, i< X.1%5, (g JB. "• Revenge, avenge;

vengeance; retaliation. sum. v.t. To re-
vpD^ie, to retaliate to return evil.
Fiikiirodana, X.<. ^1^-fs. A box-like ;

Syn. ADAUCHI, Katakiuchi.

closet provi'led with sliding screens built in
one cnrner
Fuknso, J.< ? 5, 3§^, 'I. Coming toi^ether in
oi a parlour or sitting-room, a few
groat numbers; assembling; crowding. Takes
feet above tlie floor.
verb-lorms. [Complex fractiou,
Fiikiiroflo. X-i ?^p, n. Same as above-

Fiilfiiroivo, ^< ;5&, g-7, n. A cliild delivered

Fiikii^olninsn, i< 5 ^^i-5, jS^H. "• [Matli.] S
Fiikiisolir-iisu ,i < ^^A.i-3,U^^^''i- [Matfi.']
wrapped up in the membranes.
ComiJlex variable. fComplex quantity.
Fiikiirognino, i < ^ <' 6 n. [Entom.] Alypm sp. ,

Fiikni-o-KiiNa, i<7,<'3. ^Ti, ,.. [Bot.] Sedum-

FiikiiHO-r>o, X- < ^ V)-^5.?S#S, n. [iHath.}

FnkiiS(t-!«lilia. i< ? i 5, ffi;R5^. '* [-i/ut/i.]

Complex expression.
FiiUiiroinaclii, ^<
^9q, ^l^, n. A street ^'9.%,
Fiiiiiisrisai. Ji-< ^^^V^. SySSS. ". Vice presi-
or pathway the one end of which has no pas-
dent, Assistant director.
page nut
Fnkiis(» sum, ^< ^f-^, ffi #, v.i. To ascend
FiiktirctiiiDiKt. -!•< ^ 6CD, ^4^, II. L^eneral
the throne agfiin. Tnumber.
name for tobacro pouches, )"ickoT-books,
purfBF, bLc. Fitkiiso, J-<-^-5. ^SJS- n. [ffmwi.] The plural
Fiil<:giri.ii»rl, i< :^cr)V , " [Bntj A'fjai:.
F(ikii«ii, i< -^i ^A. '-f- fiQtl ' O fo yield .
to own
Fiiliiir(»-tntalif, Jr.< hft^-k.^', SJPP,^;-^, "• Beat-
or conlesR. @ To lie concealed; to lurk. © To
tap:, flofTtring, drubbing or pommellmi; until place in ambusli.

one is completely overcome. [ Fiikuroilana.

Iryuku nifukusu, ^i]~^7., to yield to power
and inlluence; Netsu nal fitkusu, ^^.^^T',
FiiKnr(»tod:iiiii. X< ^.^^^'t, i^ p #J, n. Same as
FiiKiirn. i< 3, flf, u,(. Q To •^well, to puff; to
thi? leviT is latent Ri nl fukusu, ^ ;= f^; :'., to

distend. @ 'In bo angry; to frown. subiriit to one's power of reasoning; Tivmi ni

FiikiirynM, Jx5 t El] SS ¥,

2- < ,
TireconBul. >'-.
fukv.<iit, fg = f^ :^, to confess one's guilt, to

Fiiltii'^:!, 3r.<. -3.,^^, n A square silk cloth used ackiin\vledi;e a crime

lor wrapping or covering. Syn. HisoMU, Kakuru.
Fiikiisni, ^<3'V^, ^SS, n The henven and Fuliiisii, i< -^, fi'g,
u.i. and t O To take; to be

earth, tlie universe. administered. @ To obey; to be subjugated.

Fm!*ii.*oI, J.<^\r. ^ ^, <.. Same a.s 5flSc/. Bammin mina fukuau, ffiR^-+B57., all the

Fiiliu-SPki •sum, i<

To have! ^»(-3-3, fti.®, I'.t people pay homage with pleasure; the people

one's nnme put down a second time on tlie have perlijctly recognized the virtue and supe-
census register of a certflin place. riority of a monarch; Kvsuri wo fukusu, i^k ^
Fiikiistii, i<*, gijfpj.w. An adverb. Hjl7., to take medicine; Tekl wofukusu, SS^flS^
Fukiislil. X- < %, gij A vice-ambassador.
a. to subjugate the enemy.

Fukiislii. J.< ^, ^ Iftt, n. Same as Saiwai. Fiikii8ii» .^< ^, fS. i).'. and t. OTo return; to re-

Ftikiishilil, _t< :£&, BtJ?, [Math.] Compound

cover; to restore; to become as it was. @ To
expression. repeat; to recite.

Fukuslilii, i < ;£ ^, flS-61 "• f^'id u. Devoted; M"ti> niftikusu, ^ = ig :^, to make anything
faithful; obedient; private; confldential; a as It was formerly Shomotsu wofukusu, ^ ^^

favourite; a friend. Syn. Kaeru, Modoru. L^^. to recite



Fiihitsulie, i < -jt-W. Bi filj, It. [from ^tw(BoocI- ——suru, v.t. To force or wrest the meaning
luck and Suite) a terminntiona for many nftnies Syn. KojiTSt'KB. L«f words.
of men. 1 A person, real or Imaginary, of short Fiikwal, j.< i9V^, 'J.,^^, n. [C/i<n.]0 Displeasure;
stature abU laVge head; a dwarf. illhumour; Hpleen. @ TUness
fultutetsu, X<-Z-^,^^ n. [C/i(n.] The rut In Fukwai ni omou. %'i^=-^'y; to feel displeased;
which a waf^on has upset. KtoajUsn wa goftikwai vo yoshl, Jg -^ SPT^W
Fukutetsuwofuniu. ffi (fi f- g@ i» [({(.] to tread , .^Bl. [c.pisU'] that you were unwell the other
on the rut where a wagon had upset; to pursue Syn. Buiti, FiKiGKN. Lday.
a course which has led otliers to ruin. Fukwaku. i< 4^< . ??iS. '* [Chin.] A prisoner
Piilinto, i< •£, .^ftt, 71. [Chin.] The abdomen. Syn. TORIKO. Lofwar; a captive.
Fukiitoku snrii. J^<)£< ir z, ikW.< "*• [C/iin.) Fiikw^an. X-iink., /i^BI-''- [C/ifn.] Tnconvertable.
To save (usually a criminal) by concealing him; Fvkwan shihei, ^gS^?iJ, ineonvertable paper
to shelter, or harbour. money. flandscHpe.
ffanjin ivo fukutoku suru, JE A ^ f^ BS >^ '"'> Fok>d, J-5<J5 5, f^%, n. Scenery;
Syn. Kakumau. Lto shelt-er a criminal. Fiik>o, i&-^5.^35. «• [C/iin-l Rich and power-
FukutHO, i< •:? 5, flSJSi, 7*, [Chin.] Pain in the ful (as a country). fpower of a nation,
Syn. llAitATTAMi. Labdoinen, colic. Kuni no fvky~i, g -' S 35i the wealth and
rulitiivakn^lii. i<*3*»L.®9B. " The food Ftikyo, ifrJ-5, yf.J^. n. Q[raye.] Absence of mirth;
made by cooliing the Jtagamimochl with rice infestivity. @ Despleasure; ill humour; spleen,
gruel, in the llr.^t month (said to confer luck on Hakarazu gofukyo wo komvru, E 9 tC ^ /f^ ^
thope who take it). ^^fi-.to unexpectedly incur the displ«asuro
riikn-tvnko, X< iobf, 85 5^. "• [^*'] Dividing luck; (as of one's lord). Ting up and down.
distributing to others things received from a Fnkyosurii, A&i5-^2. Ifffiiji. n. [Chin.] Look-
person. Tenchi nl fukyv s?iite hajizu, 5t — fflf (* s^ ? life

Piikiiyakii, A<J^<,fl|^, n. [Chhi.] Taking Ilt^t, [fif.] to look up to heaven and loott down
medicine. sum, v.i. To take inetlicine. on the earth wittnjut arxyfi^nse of guilt; [jlp.] to
Fukii} 6, -5- < 1, 5, it /[p, n. [C/iin.] Keeping in be with a clear conpcieiice.
one's mind (as anntlier's instruction); cla.'^ping Fakyu, -J-&5,7;t^, a. [CIUn.l Undecaying; in-
to orre's heart. sum, v.t. To keep in one's destructible; immortal.
Piikii:»'4it«kl, i< i Lt *B R. n. A leper. L^ind. Bansei fukyu, BE It 7^ t^. undestructible lor
Fukuyn hiiru, i< i$-^S, flE ffl, v.t. [Chin.] To allgenerations; everlasting.
take (esp. medicine). Tone's guilt. Fiik> u auD'ii. J.?-l--^2, ^S, u-t. C<^/(./n.] To be
Fiikiisal, _t < j-^s, flB ^,n. [Chtn.] Acknowledging dlHused throughout; to pervade.
Rare ism ni fukuzai scrl, ffe = flK p "b lie ^ 'J , Fiiiiiaorii, -1-5—.3, V.I. To tread on; to step nn.
at last nctnowledgcd Ills guilt. Susu wo fumacru, IB ^ J3 '^-1 ^<* tread on the
Fukiizo. -t< ^5, SIIS, 1. ReFervation. shirt of oni^'R coat psirmont.
Fiikuxniiakii, i< ^5tC < , SI^ H^^* aciu. Witliout Fiini.'ikl, iE^.K^. " A letier-envelope,
reservation. |~[: .y.
^ ^ speak without reserve. Fiiiiiau, i2^, T^fg, II. Discontent; dissatisfac-
Eukvz'inaku ohanashi k^dasal, flS jS ^ 3ff S -J- tion, rfied.

Fuk^va. X< io'^^,n. [Ch(n.]l<ilo show; vanity. Fumanni omou, '^^=^ ^ :7,to feel dissatis-

Pukiva xuo kisou, )?¥ ^ ^ 7, to strive to ap- Fumaiizokii, ia^^< . T^SS i£t " Same a.=! above.
pear ricli, to compete lor obtentations display. FiEinaserii, AU-ltX, -^^, v-t- [Cans, of Fumu.]

FuKwa, X3 <1t)<^i{l, n. Q [C/ilrt.] Change of To cause to tread or step on.

manners (tisp. to lietter state); amelioration Fiiniliani, J-^lf 2, ^ ?S, v.i. To spread out the
enlighteoment. @ Deliquescing; oxidation. lei^s, to strut; to straddle.
siirii. v.i. To chanjje (as manners); to Fiinikctsii, i^'^-P. ^gij, n. O Discrimination;
ameliorate; to deliquesce (as a chemical). discornuient; judgment. @ A plan; an ex-
Ftikival, -S. <*5V^, ^ §, n. The assembly of a Fu pedient.
or city. Fumbetsu ga tsuku, ^SiJ»#4', to And an
Fukwai wo kaisaii svru, fiff #? ^^ '^ ^. to expedient to ft)rm a plan; Fumbetsu zakarl no

dissolve the assembly of a Fu. otoko, ^giJS^I^, a man In the full Mge f discre- .

Fak^vai* i< Forcing or wrest-

fcv*, Pft©', n. [C/i(n.] tion Mufumbetsu na koto wo shita, iS ii giJ ^ "I

ing the menring of words, aforced analogy. ? 2^ *t, (I) have done a thoughtless deed.
Kenkyo fukwai no setsu, 38 Pf} # -^ S. a ^ suru, v.l. To judge, discriminate, or dii-
forceitand conceited analogy cern; to And an expedient.

rUM 218 FUM

E^init»o, -J-^^S, iMM, " Same as ^afca, Finiiiiiarasu, a;^^ 5 -^t ^i&. v.t. To level or
Punif»o-no-c]il, iAtS:©"^, SE^. « One's smooth by treading on.
birthplace. FumlnlJJru, i ;^ vz ;£• 2, v.t. To crusn with the
I'liinoi. X)t\f^, yf^^, "- Not clear or evident; in- foot; to overpower completely; to trample on.
di'^tinct; oblivious; obscure; vague; dim. Syn. JDRIN SUR0.
Pninl, X^?t, ^^, n. Flavour; taste. FiiniiBiuliii, Jr.7i-fy< iSK, v.t. To pierce ortolet

Syn. AJT, AJiWAl. go by treading on.

Piinij. i;^, ^, n. O -i- letter, especially alove- Fiiiiiisaslil, .2.;^'5£, «. A frame or rack for hold-
letter. ©A book. ing letters and other papers.
Syn. Tamazusa, Tegami. Fumlslilkti, X^i.<, ^^, v.t. Same as below.
Fiimi:tr:asjii, ^^"S^^ir, ^f^, v.t. To destroy or Finn is him II, i.?)-i,Tf,^§0, v.t. To consolidate or
spoil hy treading or walking over. to make more compact by treading with the foot.
PiiiniSinko, Ji.Tf-'d'L, ^^, n. Q Same as FuboXo. Fitinltodoniarii, X^-£)S:'^Z, i®S> v.t. To stop
P2i A book-case. or halt; to make a stand; to step and encounter
Fiiinibnsainl, X-7>\S.'57}; 3tR n. Same as Fu.- an enemy or any other resistance.
basami. Fiimitodomatte teki wo fitsegu, |@ W r Sft ^ KS:/,
Pumidan, ^Ti-TnA., i^tl, n. a stepping block; a and make a stand against the enemy.
to halt
stool; a .step ladder. Syn.FUMIKOTAERU.
Syn. FuMiTSUGi. FiiinitsiiDusu. ^;^r3i'^, ^]S, v.t. To crush
Funile, -i-;^^., ^B- « The metal Image of with the foot; to overcome, overpower, or over-
Christ -which the foreigners as well as natives in throw.
Nagasaki were required by the authorities to Fdinitsiiei, ^^-7%', I®^, n. A stepping block.
trample upon, under the old regime, in order FumUsukcru, ^;^-c?WS, JgW. v.t. To tread on;
to prove that they were not Christians. to trample upon; to oppress; to put to naught.
I'^iiiiigai, ^Tf-jifx}', " [Condi .] Pectuncles sp. Fuiiii-usu, .i-^j^y-ir, 8g^,:^5S. '" A mill ormor-
F^iiiitg), ^^*c'. 71. A treadle. tar worked by treading.
FiiiiiSliHdalcai'U, x;^f-a/C'A>5. ^^, v.i. To strad- Fmiiiwarii, .i.?}-jo'i, ^^. v.t. To break or split

on a horse.
dle, to part the logs wide, as by treading on. fbook-seller.

FiiniUiajlme, iS-aS:i6. l5#*S. «" The first Fiiiniyn, ^^^, ^g,#S?li. " A book-store; a
reading; the readingexercif.es on the new year's li'iiinlj'.iika, i.;^'p'i>, n. A
tombstone erected in
Syn. YOMizoiiE. Lday. honour of a worthy pedagogue.
B'^iniilmxiisu, ^^^a^'-^, ^\, ^ v.t. To lose one's FiiiiilKiikl, X?)--o'%, -$: M, n. The 7th month (o.S.).

Tooting; to trip or stumble. FEiinizg:kiie. -l-^^-p' < j&, ^^> '4- A writing table;
rtintl-ielil, iA\r:£, !SH. «- A stepping-stone; a desk.
a step-stone. Fiiiiiinnu, i^^^, JSfS. '' Anger; resentment;
•'iinii-iln. i;^^;^te, M> " Tlie floor of a stable. ire; indignation; being ofi'ended.
rmiilliul^iirii, i^ff-i-i-S, v.i. To step into and Fiimman ni taezu, ^^ f^ — f& -^ 71^, cannot but
get soiled. be angry or offended. fraka ni.

runUkutamoi-u, i;^ij>-fei/)2, ^ E, I'-t. To con- FiiiHin^o Mi, i^;^^=51/^, ^e)\, o^^c- Samea.4fci-
solidate by treading on. Fiiiiul, -vU5,7;^, <-( Waste; uncultivated; wild;

FiinafSiii'J, JC-^^^V), 5'if^J, n. The place where a sterile; unproductive.

common road crosses a railway. Futuuu, ^5 6 A, ^P^, n. [jJ/e(?.] A sore resulting
runii'.ii-ii,^?f-%Z, v.t. OTo cut or sever by from the application of the moxa.
treading or walking on. ©To cross n railway, Fiiiuo-no-clQl, X-'^ ^ <D %, Ti^Jfe, n. A wild,
rumikomii. i;^t"tJ*- E2 ^. I'-f- To step into; to virgin, or uncultivated land. ftain.

enter violently; to assault; to rush into. Fiiiiioto, Ji-ll^^Mt « Tlielootofa hill or moun-
K^inBlkudahu, ^;^<?s<, SSBS, v.t. To break or Fuinpatsn, iAU'-^, 'JSW, « Putting I'orth one's
make into small pieces by treading on. mental or bodily energies; zeal; earnestness;
Fiiniiiiiayoii, J-;^'^^^, ^^, v.i. To lose one's seriousness; enthusiasm. sui'ii,t).£. to put

way; to go astray. forth one's energies; to try the utmost; to be-

Fiiinlmoclil, .t;^ 4 -t, ;?C^^, «- [coii.] Miscon- come earnest, serious, enegetic, or enthusiastic.

duct misbehaviour debauchery profligacy

; ;
immoral habits.
idle or Fui»i>o, -t- ^ I^ 5, -^ ^i n. Fragrance; sweet
Syn. FugyOjO. Fdhinko odour or scent. fbook.
I'^imlnaosii, ^^-^iii-, ^iS. T^- Tocorrecta I''iiuil>uii. .A-AI^A. ;|^3p, n. An artist's sketch-

mistaken step; to go over again. Piiiii|)uii, i^J;^, K)S&, a. and adv. Confusedly;
disordered; unsettled; scattered here and there; Fiiuabata, Xtflf te, iSk^> K. " The gunwale of
adrift. Funaberl, itC'^ifl, 'a boat; the bulwarks of a
Giron fumpvn, Wtu^^^i the opinions sug- ship. fseaman.
gested are various; arguments excited and un- Funablto. itflKlf, ^A, ifr^, n- A sailor; a
settled; Risetsu fwmpun, JRfSfif ffl»
snow-flakes Syn. SENDo.
afloat (in the air). Fnna-bSkI, ^^(jf?^, ®E|Si. " [BoC] Artemi-
Fiiinpun, i^J;^, ^^, ». Strong; diflfusive; in- sia capiilaris. fof a vessel,
tense. Used only of scents nnd odours. Fiinabuclil, itO"^, Ki& w. The sides or edges
JCoki fumpun, §^^^,
intensely fragrant; Funachin* i"tt t A, iK^St, n. Passage fare;
wau with sweet fragrance. freight by a ship or boat.
Pumii, iij>, p^, BJS,^, v.t. O To tread on; to step. Fiinadaehl, itc/t-"^, « Sailing away; the depar-
@ To follow. © To wade. O To fulfill. ture of a ship or boat.
Asase wo fumu, ^M"^ ^i*, to wade a ford; FiinadaiUu, i^fei^< ^;';X, fiSE, n. A ship- ,

In luo fwmti, gg ? ^ A, to rhyme; to put into wright; a hoat-huilder.

rhyme; Ne wo fumu, M.'^Wi*, to propose or Fuuadaina, XUZ&'S., (ffiS, iS^. «• The god of
determine n price; yafc« Two/wmw, ^ ffi A, to ships in whose honour sea-faring people observe

fulflU a promise; to be true to a contract, a festival.

Fiimukf, .tt?&, %^, a. Not fashionable; not in Funadana, i^fe-Q:, 62 M, ^> ?*- A Fhelf, bunk or
demand. closet in a ship or boat.
Fumuki no shina, 7^1^ --'on, articles out of ]<'uiiadayovl, .t 'Q: 7c i lO lS2 ijg, rt. Sailing of a ,

fashion; things not in demand. boat or ship from one port to another; shipping
Fun, J.^, ^, n. OA minute. ©The tenth part opportunity. f^chi.

of a rrumvme or sun. Fiinade, S-fS.'T^, ^\i\,MP^, n. Same as i=^?iarfa-

Fun, iA, i^, n. Powder; anything in the form of Fitnadolya, ^-^^y-.^, ,j!|5^g, n. A shipping
a powder. Ftiuadouya, J,tt^*^^, 'merchant.
Baku fun, '^1^, wheaten flour; Kin fun,^^, Ei'iiuadoniari, ^r^^^'U.V), JS iS, '" Stopping of a
gold dust; powdered gold. ship in a port, for one or more days, in the
Syn. KO, KONA, course of a voyage.
Fun, i^, ^, 71. Excrement; dung; faeces. Funadonie, itt^i*, fi&^.^'M, n. A blockade;
Syn. KUSO. forbidding ships to enter a certain harbour.
runa, i-tt-,'^), n.[IchthA Cam sstvs aura t.va Puuad«-no-kain1, i.W£-<Di>:^, M.MP^> '"' Same
\ una, i 'i,
as Dosojin. fing; casting anchor.

65, It. Funagaliarl, J>ti:t'*>ia. ^^, S??S. i- Anchor-

Same as Fun ag^nss^'u, i^ft*y^^, ®^^, 71. A naval
Fune. On- battle.

lyused in ^ Funagcta, X-Wif'fz, ffr^, n. Same as J'wTict&arf.

composi- Fiinngl, J-tE^', Timber for ship-building.

tion FuungiaiB, A'^i^^i, v.t. To run a boat-race to ;

Fuua-akjisfln, ^n'S)^A.'£, Mi^S, " A merchant hold a regatta.

who trafiics in a boat; one who carries on the Funago. itcs, n. A sailor.
coasting trade. Funagoico, J.-^Gfrf, fiS %'^, ". The moss grow-
Fuuu-ar:itaiiiie, X^WS) & te 16. jSffii, « The in- ing on the submerged parts of a ship or boat.
spection of a ship or boat. Funagoyu, itr^-^, Wilh^> "• A boat-house.
Funa-asm, i^:&Z. fiSSif, V^yH, n. OB«llast. © Funugu, -tti:<',)i2^, n. The rigging or furniture
The progress or velocity of a vessel. fsion. of a ship or boat.
Funa-asobl, i.WS} ^XJ-', |!2jS. ct- A boat-excur- Fuuagura, -i-tf <' &, 9-t. n. O A boat-house. @
Funaba, J--?j:U, fi5^. ±8-0, « QAport; a place A dock for keeping ships or boats in.

where ships or boats touch. ©A wharf; a pier. Fiinabjhl, i'^y-^, One wlio tows a boat.
SyD. FUKATSFGI. Fnnallcai'j, AtfV^*>'!) iS ^M. SSS + ?. '* An anchor.

Funabaraso, X^kJ; & ^5> fi ^, w- [BoL]Vine- Funalliusa, Atii\rC:5,^S, n- Same as Funa-

cetoxicum atratuin. gassen.
Funabarl, J-tftfV), ^^. n. A ship-beam. Funalre, i-teVH,62'St « A dock where ships
Funabaslil, i -^ li L, flSli, i?ffi, n. A pontoon and boats are kept; a boat-house.
bridge ; a string of boats across a river. Funajl, J.l5:'fr,^BS,ffiiB&. ". Q The distance to a
Funabasliigo. i tp li :£ S , ffi iJiJ "f . " A ladder certain place by water. The route taken by@
for use on board a sh i p. a ship or boat.


Fitnnjlriislil, i^£S;£,ffiSHI. « An ensign or a pillow the bottom of which is gradually elevated
flag of a ship or boat towards the longer ends in the manner of a
Funaka» XUi'*, CL- Unfriendly; on bad terms. boat
riiunkake. J.'tti'W", n. A boat race; a regattau PunascumJ, itEt?';^, )SfS, n. Putting in cargo;
Fiinakata, ^G*>fe, i82 ::?. w. Same as SetmIo. loading a vessel.
Fiinakazarl, itc4>?''!) . 62 ai1> '^ Decorating a Fnnaziiiiii-sltoslio, -i-trr'';^* i5:£l., KifllEEffi
ship. n.A bill of lading. [dranrjea.
l^^innko, J-'^-S., i^^, rL Same as Funaao Fiindaiikwa, -1.^7C'^< i?,S^ED^, n. [Boi.\ Ily-
Fiintiliotjorc, .S-tttllitn, (S jg, n. One who has Fiiiidun iti, -t^;t-^V^. $. adv. [cori-vpt. oi FucJan
Eurnved a shipwreck Tkake. ni, constantly.] Abundantly; in a great quanti-
FuuakiiE-^Bbe. 3^ti~<. S-^.^SE. " Same as i^WHa- ty ; mucli ; immensely.
rttiinniielii. X-'^T}-"^,^^, n. The route or course Syn Ta^usan ni, Tanto. Twhite lotus.
ol'a sli.p or boat. Funrtiu-iko. i^;^.1JJ^J, ^l?£ipj:|H, n. [Bot.] The
F)ii:a:i90(-Etl, U-^t ^, ©}^, n. A ship-owner. I'liiKio. J.^^-5,
Fnn;i:::05 ilJi-^[>, n. I'reparing FiindGU, i.^^^, '^^.iiS.
n- A weight
:'.!, H-,^, ii j

E''i:ii;ii:u>5 o>, X-tl^ Xi>, ) vessel for sailing. Fiindo, XA,)^.^±, 71. Night foil.
Fi:i::siiui-siji, i *j ;j- *., j;t Ci D. " [y^ ol.] Ligia Fiiudo, -J-^^,{3S^ n. Indignation; resentment;
~P- riuiise, O/itscus. anger; ire. eiiru^ v.t. To be angry nr in-
f'ti..:;r:,::shi. J-^f;.^, IJiM'S n. [Zoo.'.J Sua wood dignant; to be out of temper; to resent; to be
Fiiiiani. .i-^K, flj-i^i ^i- Acnrgo. offended.
C''ii[::ii)iiri, .J.'^cO'O , 65 ^;, 'i- Samo as Funaga, Syn. IlARADAOHl, IKARI, TkIDoRI.
C iiii:tttii.vl.|. -i.'Vd:;*, fiSzII. ft. same as i^'KHO^io- Fiindoslil, XA.-&L.W-, n. A walat-cloth.
f .'((
pot a Ehip or boat. Syn. SHiTAOBi.
FiiiiaurosltJ, ^^?:^ L. liE^, ?' The launching Fiine, i^ta.fil, IS, ®, n. A general name fsr
FuiKit.sii. .i-tE^'?. (G ii, /I- The capitaio of a sliip. steamers and sailing vessels.
Syn. Sknciiu. Fiiuc, i-fi, tg, n. A vat, ci.stern, or tub.
[i:t-;it:iJsh6, i -Q: fe U^ £ ^5. 22 A ^S, ^ B^ ?& 'B. n. Ilizu-bune, ^t^, r large cistern used for hold-
An iidmiral. fa ?quadrou. ing water. rhumiliatlon).
Fiinui*', ittt, ||2 ?-. EJPS;, ;!K'i]i. ?! A naval force; Funei, -t n V>, 7"^ &:. irnn. [Chin.] I (used in
Funatsukj, it:-:?&, K^.EiiQ, n. The place Syn. SESSHA, Yatsigare.
where shipa or boats touch; a harbour; a port. Funozao, J-fa?'5r,fi2^?. ". Same as i^i(7iazao.
Syn. FUNABA, I'r.VAGAKARI, MiXATO. Fungcki, tSt;i n.
i-/.i(-7'&, Violent anger or In-
X^U^ft,^^i,^^X, n. A
riiiia-iita. sailor's song. a burst of passion.
di5r^.nttou; sum, ti.i. To
Fiiuawata. Xf'^tyft, n. Oakum. be excited, to be indignant
Syn. ilAIlTADA. Syn. iKlltORi
FiGiiawatasliI, i-Jia^i^z L.SJiS. SEGS. "• A ferry. Fiiiigiru. -J.^&'^, gg^j.Zfcff, u.i. and (. [corrupt
Piinayado* itc-^i?, l52 if. (IB P, " O A person of Fiiviiklru.] [coll.] To act decidedly; to over-
who keeps boats for hire. @ An inn fox sailors. step.
Piiiinyakata, -t-tc-^i^r^, lES g JK, iSflf, ii- The FungomJ, i^&;^, 831^, n. fj Stepping into; con-
or covering on a pleasure
pavilion boat or necting one's self with an affair. kind of ©A
yacht loose trousers worn by peasants.
Fituayauiai. itf-st-TSu-, ^ K B&. i5 05, «. Sea-sick- Piinlii}. ive;s>i>, J-\^^, a. Unbecomin":; not well
Fiijiaei, itrSU-, (ness. Tboat. fitting. Twliat rests with one.
Fiiunyobnl, -tiJitfy-.^Pf. n. Calling a ferry- Fii-iiiD. -I-K^,^0. n. Responsibility; liability;
Funayosol. itfi^u-, ,Eit,r^, n. Fittinp Fiinin. ^v^^, jtL-fE, n. Going to one's post of
Fiiunyosocl, i^i^W:v, out a ship for a voyage ) duty. SHru, v.i. To go to one's place of
or battle. appointment.
Funayurcl. itc V 5 iiV^, 62 1^ S. " The ghosts Fiiu-lhl, i^z^e, SPtSa, n. The atmosphere.
or spectres of those who died at sea. Fuiiinjo, J.VtA*'^5, :?;A1;5, a. and n. Unklnd-
Fiinayiisiin, i^»-^^,)Sig Ul, J&iS. " Same as want of sympathy; unfeeling; cruel,
Funaasohi. human; cold.
Punaxno, -l-'fJ3'5r.Sbii!^tfl. ""- A pole used for Syn. Fujitsu, HakujO, Nasakenai.
pulling a junk. Fiinlnkl, .ivc^?, T^AM. a. Not favoured by
FiinaKOko, itE^t.fftlcS. n. O The bottom of a the public; unpopular; out of fashion.
ship. @ A kind of hood. Funlnso, iK^^5. T> A JB. » Of bad physioE-
Funazoko no makura, ^B >< tt. ^ wooden


FuDjltsu, i^I;'^, liSSJS'c. fi- loosing anything Fu-nyol, -i-l/riv-, T*. io ISI. o- QNot equal to one's
Funsliltsu, i^ {,<?, > by misplacing. suru, ambition or desire; notj^o o'ne'smind. @ Not
v.i. To lose or to be lost. well off; not well to do indigent. ;

Syn. NAK0NASU, USERU, USHISAU. Kattemoto fu-ny(A, ffi? ^. 7C ^ ftp !K. iiot wellta
VtinjojlsaJ, i^e5Xr^V/^. ^fSasR. n. [Bot.}ITe- means of subsistence.
do; wanting the
litiopsis grandijlora. Tmitting suicide. Syn. FCJiTU
FiiukeJ, i^H•\A, j|!l§|, n. Losing one's self; com- Funzcu, i^^^.^J3St, a. and aav. In a fit of
Funkel no majiwari, &|I ^ -^ ?g, [Chin.'] the passion; enraged, spirited; animated; energe-
most intimate friendship; a friendship for which tic.

one is but too glad to lose one's life. FunKorl-kaci'u, iA5''(I*>— 3. v.l. [coit.] To fall
Funkl, -l-A^, tgt§, 71. Same as /"wmpatSM. backward or on one's back.
Funkt, i^&, ?t:fi&. w- [2bo7.] A kind of tortoise. Funct^ru, iX?*3,ggR, v.i To bend one's self
Funkotsii. i^f^. Reducing one's
!IS-^. li- [liC-l backward.
bones into powder; [fig.} trying all in one's Fiirac'hJ, 3^f,%,%iSi,n. and a. Vice; misconduct;
power. immorality impoliteness vicious
; immoral; ; ;

Funkotsu saisMn, ^^W^>

tlie more emphatic bad; wicked; impolite; unprincipled; corrupt;
form or funkotsu; [lit.] pulverizing the hones debauched; profligate.
and smashing the body Fumcltimono, Tf-^^, a bad fellow.
Fiinkwa. i^<i9, ©i/c, n. The eruption of Are. Syn. FUTODOKi.
suvii, T.t. To emit Are. Furaflira, A&ic., a. Weak; sick; not perfectly
FunliwnE^ii, ^^<*5S'^, '!^'X\h, «. A volcano. restored to health; dizzy; as if about to faint.
Funnu, iAto, IgSS. «- Same as /Yindo. Fnrat, iJSV.K^. «- Coming on the wings of
Funniin, ^^itl^, j^gs, «. Coraplicatinn; distur- the wind; unexpected; sudden; not invited;

bance; confusion; difliculty; dilTerence of wandering.

opinion. Furai-j'in, R
5K A, a vagabond; an outlaw; a

i gum ubiquitous person; a wanderer. rtum.

Fnnorl. 5 © V) , S ifiifl,
"- Sealing-wax; a
used for senling letters; a wafer. Furan, .i-?&^.^ffil. " {Bot.] Angratcum falca-
Fiinori, ^<DV), ffiiJ^^, ifi?l, n. [Sot.] A kind- of Furancru, 77^'^,/^:feS n. [£nf/.] Flannel.
sea- weed, ^iocojjeitis intricata. Fupanke, -y^z/^, n. [Eng^] A blanket.
Punori'knEiira, i-CO^t'-o' e,, ^'S.I^T', ". [BoL] Furnukn, -7 7>4',ii, n. [FA A franc.
Kazura japoni ca. Piiransu-giku, J-&^-^^*< , n. [Bot.] Whiteweed
Punran suru, J-A&A-^Z. B^. f-*- To be dis- or Ox-eye daisy.
turbed or confused to be in disorder ; Furan suru, i. &^^^, f^ JIS). vA. To be rotten,

Fuurlii, i^^(^^, *M, n. The slightest quantity corrupt, or purulent.

an atom," a grain; a straw; a button. Furari to, J.6Vl£,^^, orn-. Accidentally; un-

Fuurin, i^I!)^, It ^. " The pleasure of your expectedly; by chance; ramblinsly; desultorily.
company or attendance. Used only in letters. Syn. FOTO, FUTOSHITE, YUKARINAKU.
sui-u, v.t. To.attend or come. Furasuko, 777-3.^^i#. "• [D%itch.] A flask.

Fuuryu, iAU)(/l35, »}^, vt. [Jfed-LA wen;aw<irt, Furasu, i.^-^, -^1^, n. The causative form of

an encysted tumdur which is elastic to the Furu {^).

touch. Ame wofurasu, M ^ 1% ^-i makes it rain.

BMiisen sum, i^-l^:^^^. ^W, v.i. To fight Syn. KUDASTJ.

with energy. [Thunbfirgii. Fiiratsuku, J-6-7< .if ^. "< TO totter; to be

Funsetsukwa, -t ^ * -CJ < 4?, n. [Bot.] Spiraa dizzy or shaky; to be unable to stand still.
Funshi sum, i.^;&-i^•^, ^t^E, v.t. To die inaflt Fiive, X-i%,^, n. A public notice; an otRcial in-
of Indignation. formation; a government proclamation.
FunslUtsu, iAS."^! ii^^. ?i- Same as J'wttjitsw. Fure wo maivasu. ®
^ J& ^, to jssue a go- •••»

Fiinsul, A^^^J, ^ii<., n. Same as J^fctacre. vernment proclamation

fMnsulkt, i^^ib&,PH1}<g|. ">. An apparatus for Furechii-asu, iK-^ &-^, ®Sit. v.t. To make
throwing up jets of water. fblock head. public; to circulate, as news. Mostly used in
Punuke, iktit^, n. [€611.1 A fool; a simpleton; a a bad sense.
Fun-un, J.^5^,i^Js, n. Same as J^nnwn. Furcg.ahi. iHJ.t,®», same assure. ,

Fo-n^^o, i*a?,:SK, a. Rich; fertile; productive. Furel, inv>, ffi-e-, '

Fu-Jiyoho, i Vc i. a i, :?; ^ ii, tt. Contrary to Furel. ^nv^. ;^CT, " O Not usual; not in accor-
rule, law, or discipline; unlawful; not true to dance with a precept. @ Sicli; ill; unwell; in-

one's duty; immoral; vile; depraved. Syn. tsunenarAntt, Ldisposed.

Fnrelsfi, J^5kt\/^-^ 5, [^ 7£ J^. " [Bot.] Gynand Purfdasu, .i-U)?:--^, f^ [U, v.i To begin to rain
ropsis visctaa. or to snow.
FiiroJ5, ^K^'-^$, IB 3:^, n. Same as Fure. Purlsnna, _l-i!Jftf5,gl@ ^,© ^i|, -«. The karia at
Furema^varu, iHUtI2, ^M.v.i. To go about the side of a Chinese character to denote what
makiog anything known. fhigh. the latter represents.
Fureii, iHA, 1'^^, a. [(7/i/n.] Dear not cheap;
; Furltianasu, iJUtltC-^,
v.t. To shake off
Purllianatsu, ^Vjj/Xti.-^,

Furen no atai, %W: -^ ^, ^ liieli price.

Furen, X-ivL, U.^, n. [Chin.] Taxation. FurUianatte nigesaru, M1&7 ^^ n-, to shake
PureuzoKu-kansu, J•K^^' < 4>^-^5, ;^5II®E off" and run away fshaking.
K, 71. [Math.] Discontinuous function. Furlharau, .iTil a&i, ^^, T-t. To scatter by
Furcni, iJt2, Q To touch; to hit
$3, }glS, r.(. Piirikaeru, -tW)i.'^2, ^ E, m gg, v.i. To look
or strike against. To break or infringe. © @ back
To promulgate; to make known. FiiriKaeru, i «)*>-. 3, fg#, v.t. and i. To change;
ITo nifureru, ii =® ^-?^, to act against rules; to turn; to displace.
to break the law; Ki ni furerii, — i^i^n-.to ^ Tegatawofurikaeru, ^f^f-^^B', to change
offend; Kono shina ni te wo fureru hekarazu, ;lt bills or checks. fsprinkle.
iJjj-j^-^mu-ft-nrT;?;, no one ia permitted to Fui'lkalferu. i V) *> W- 2, ^ffi-, ^, v.t. To be-
touch this article. Furlklru, .i- 15 1^ J , Jg §>, v.t. To cut by shaking;
Syn. Atartj, sawaru, Hirogeru. to sever or separate by force.
Furerii, .tJtX, £E. ^^- To go astray; not to go on Fiirikoiiiu, -i-
li) ttf , ^ ji, v.t. To pay a certain
in a straight path; to deviate; to be bent; to be sum of money for a bill of exchange.
turned or canted. Fiirlkomu, i V) S.tf, |iS Ji, v.i. To rain into.
Kiga fureru, ^^/"S^-, to get mad or crazy; Ami gafuri-komu, M ^" f? ii .t^. the rain enters,
to have one's head turned. as into a room.
Syn. KURU, Magaru. Furimawasu, -tv) ^ af", JgJ@. v.t. To brandish
rnrcs.-isursi, ^H^-ji'X, -^SS- The causative form about; to flourish; to shake and turn round
of Fureru t^). (as a stick). fa stick.
Furl, Xig.R, n. O Air; manner; behaviour; ap- Bo wo furimawasu, ^?-}S5S^-, to brandish
pearance. @ Pretension. FiirineiBku, -i-iJ) $?< , ^ [S], v.i. To face; to turn
Kikoenufnrl suru, ^ ^ j^ ^z7.n^,to put on the towards; to be divpcted,
air of not hearing; Mtc minufurl suru, ^t^ Faviu, 2^^V} ^,J^^, n. A small bell hung up
:x JS, 7- ji-, to pretend not to see. where it I'^Iikely to be rung by tlie wind.
Syn. SUGATA, Narifcri Yosn. FnrlnsS, A5^J^'35. n. [-Bo(.] Canterbury bell,
Furi, iV), n, A pendulum. Tetc. Furlokosu, i.ui?ct-?". u.t. To shake and awake;
Fiiri, iV),}^, n. The numeral for swords, spears,
to rouse up.
Tachi hito-furi, i; 7J — Jg. a sword; Yari'hito- Furlsakeniirn. ^'5 ^W;^S,^Si Jl. v.t. To look
furi, £S— M. a -spear.
over a wide expanse of water.
after, as
Furl, iiJ] % ipj, «. Not profitable; lo^mg.
Fuvlsliiklru, ^Vfx^ZM'^. v.i. To rain or
Furl, ^i!),:^^S> a- Unreasonable; illogical; ab-
snow continually.
Fiirlslilku. -tigs.<,|^^, v.i. Same as above.
Fiirlnl, i-'^'S,X>>^%; It.. Usage; customary way;
Furlso na, ^V) -s-^^S., |!? ti, t*. Likely or threaten-
fashion; precedent; ex.imple; what is commonly ing to rain or snow.
Furiso na tenki, -7 V i^7-?-?cM, the sky
Furiai ga shirenu, ^' ^ -/(*
*P t-- 5?. not to know thre.itening to rain or snow.
the common usage.
.i- V) ^ -7^
Fiirlsode, ^, , ^ u. A long-sleeved
Fitrlrtastil, Jt. vi:^'^ , ffi m . n. infusion.
garment worn by young ladies; the sleeves of
Piirldastil, ^jy, n. O Remittance (as of
such a garment.
money). @ A box or bottle for candy, from FuvlHutsuru. ^^iroZ.iM^' ''^- To shake off;
which the latter can be taken out by shaking. S^irlsute-ru, iV)f-T2, ) to sever by force, to
Fiirldaslil-nln. -t- ij)
;t XW A. t^ Hi A, n. A re- abandon.
mittor. Fiii-itateru, i.V}fzXZ, v.t. O To shake furiou.sly.
Fuviilaslil-tegnta, i 15 ^. Lt ftife, j^ tiJ'^ JK, n.
© To raise, as one's voice.
An exchange bill; a check. Furltsukeru, .J.V)-7W3, ^#, v.t. and i. To dis-
Furldrtsu, -i-V;^-^. JS Hi. "(. O To prepare an like; to go away from, as a person.
infusion. @ To remit. ©To shake out. Furltsuzuku. i -9 :?* < |ig gj, v.i. To continue

Kantwo furUiasu, ^?-^}iJ7., to remit money. to rain or snow.

rurltsuiuml* i id -9 A, S^ BS, •=** Tos?tl wo furu, ^ ^ 13 B', to pass a number of

n. A tambour made to ring years; to superannuate.

by shaking Syn. HERU, SUGIRU.
Purliirl. ^ V) 5 VI, t^W, ff ??, « Furiif iZ, "fi", ?S:, IS. ci. Old; aged; ancient; former
Same as Botefvri. Furu danuH, an old badger; an old oc-
Piirlwiikc-gaiiil, XV) t) f^ ifl Tt-, cupant or incumbent (in derision),
^a^^, ?i. The hair parted Furii, iS, jSf, v.t. To shake, to shudder; to
and hung down. Furn, i-S A, quake. )

Fiirlsorn, J- V) ^' t , [^ S, n. Tlie Chi gafuru, ^VS|7, the earth shakes or

sky threatening to rain or quakes; Mi wo furu, ^ 9 w7, to shudder to; to
snow. i^m tremble.
Ptiro. J.:^,^43, W, S. 1'- OA bath-tub. ©A Syn. Ononoku, Wananaktj.
public bath. ©A cooking-stove; an oven. Q Fwrn, iZi, ffiB,
v.t. To sift.

A bos inwhich lacquered things are dried. Fiii'ubl, XZXh', iftfi, n. The tint of age.
Fiii'o. i&d.^si::^. "• The elders or magnates of a FuruH ga tsuku, ^fitf ffft^. to assume the
Fiii'fl, _£- 5 5 5 S^ tS, n. ,
Sealing wax. Lplace- tint of age. fafter parturition.
Fiiro, Ai^5.7^^, a- Never growing old. Fiiruchi, XZ%, Sife, 0&, n. The hemorrhage
Fnro fiishi no kusuri, %%%'^ -^W- ^ fancied FiirudOffu, XZTa 5 <r, ^iS^, '^U. «• Olfl or
elixir for prolonging life to eternity. second-hand furniture.
Fiiro, .it5,}?i^, o. Wandering; roving; having Fiirugl, iZir, ]&^, ia:3!c, « second-hand clothes;
no settled abode. the Mammoth Street clothing.
Fv.r'^noto, j?i^>^, avagabond; avagrant; Fiiruglro. .iZ^K, ^^, n. Old rags.
an outlaw an outcast; a ronin.
Fiiriiliou, -i.3l4A, 1&7P, iKJW^. "• Old or second-
E?iEB-ot>a, i:^Bf. B H3, ?& g, )Sl ". A bath room. hand books.
Ftii-ofiilfl* A % A &, W B lyc, «. Boiled radishes Furiil, iZi>, ^, J®=^, n. A sieve.
eaten with sweetened miso. Funil. -t.Si>, g?, WtS, W^liS, "- Shuddering;
FtivoUu, Xh i m^. ,
n. O An appendix or supple- trembling, as with fear or cold; a shivering.
ment to a book. @ An extra to a newspaper, ffl Fiii'iiltsHkii. A
S i> "7 < ^#, v.i. To begin to ,

A codicil. shiver, sn id in a case of intermittent fever.

Fiii-o-ohe, Abath-tub. « FMViilwiilieni, iZt>aW'2, Jffi^, i'-(- To separata

FiiiMtsItikl. ^^X?, '* A square or IS^SKc. SW, or classily by sifting.
rectangular piece of cloth for wrapping. Fiiriikune, .i-2*'*!, ffi^S, « Old metal.
Furoytt, Xh^,%%M, "'. A public bath. Fiiriihl. J-35, SSH, w. [2i3oI.] Mustela zlbellina,

Syn. SENT5, YUTA. tiyn. TOPPI

Fiirii, XZ. 1^, T'-i- To fall; to come down; to rain.
Furiikoto, iZ C^, K$, n. An old thing, re

A-me gafuru, M V [9! ;^, it rains; Vuld gafuru, ference to antiquities.

S^/" f^ '^. it snows. Furiilais:iHlil,-i.-Eil, iZ •: ^ L, ^ J^, ^ ST. «

Furu, AZ.Jg. '"^- O To brandish; to flourish; to Obsolete; old fashioned; out of fashion.
wave. @ To sprinkle; to scatter. © To dis- Fiiriiinal, iZtt>, JS SI. S. SP ©. «• ^ Conduct;
tribute. O To carry (as a Mkoshi). © To remit action; deportment; behaviour.

(as money). Tachi furvmal, SS®f^. conduct and beha-

J7ata wofuru. ^ »'. to wave a flag; Kana Syn. Okonai, Shiwaza. |_viour.
ffi if
wo fvru, iS^^^B', to attach k.ana\ Kmoase Fiiriijiiai, iZai>, ^S^, 5IS, n. A feaet; a din-

wo fiiru, E # ? M '^. to pay for a bill of ex- ner party; a banquet; an entertainment.
change; Shiobana wo fitru, la^^^^ft-. to scat- Furumai wo suru, §PllS^ 7' ^. to feast; to

ter common salt; Warifuru, ¥l]^B-, to deal entertain.

Syn. CHIS5, Kto3, Motenashi.
out; to distribute.
Furiiui.au, (KSJ. =RS. v.(. To behave; to
Fiira. iZ-t, jg, ffl, u.t. O To use (as a pen). @
© To exercise Nasu, Okokau.
Syn. Lconduct.
To use by shaking; to brandish,
influence or power over others.
FurumekaeSii.-l.-kl. iZi6*>L, a- Same as i?^-
Katcma wo furu, 7]9^~J, to flourish a sword;
Koroma wofurU, ^ ? ^ 7, to shalce a garment; Furuniono, J.Z%©, K1^, «• Old things.
IwofVTU, B)2 f- M~fi to exercise influence. Fururu. XZZ.M. v-t. and i. Same as Funu
Pui-u, ij, M> v.t. and t. To pass; to go along; to Ikari ni fm uru, SK - ® '^ * . to offend ;
to ex-

lapse. cite the anger of another ; Jiko ni fvirwru, BJ ^

= iHS ft' « , to be affected by the weather; Koto ni Fiiyru na hito, )!, git ?- A, a man of refined
fururu, =i Si't- ^ to be inTolved or concerned
, taste; an amateur; a dilettante; Furyu saishi,
ID an affair Te nt fururu, ^=^^ lu ^ to touch
; , PWfi ^ ^F-, a man of fashion.
the ttand. TTaUKU, YORU. Syn. Gachi, Miyabiyaka.
Syn. Atabu, Kanzuru, Sawaru, Somd, Fusa, i^, ^, n. Q A tassel, cluster; or bunch.
Fururii» ^ZZ, H, ".* To go astray; to turn; to ©The corolla of a flower.
lapse in delirium. Fusafusa, i^i^, a. Rank; luxuriantly in clus-
Ki ga fururu, ^ifScf^", to become crazy or ters; bushy and spreading.
delirious; Jishaku ga higfuhi ni fururu, &r^ ff Kami fusafusa to taresagareri, ^y f~7 ^ K

K 5
= ;^ * the compass turns eastward.
^ U-^l" i' ij, the hair hung down thick and
Fiiriirii, -t3 3, ®, 'i^, v.i. To notify; to promul- spreading. Tof Fusagv.
gate; to order. Fusiigrareru, J-^fi^HS, %, f-'- The passive form
Rei wo kokuchu ni ftiruru, ^^'Sit'— fS'i- »! Michl wo fusagareta, '^"J- '^ff ^ ^, the road
to publish or promulgate an order throughout was stopped up or blocked; to have communi-
the country. cation, cut off.

Furiisa, iS^, ^, w. The degree of oldness; an- Fiiaiasarl, i-^ft'Vl, %, n. The state or condition
tiquity; being of ancient origin or date.
of being shut out, obstructed, or prevented;
FurusiUo, ^ c If i&li, Wf'i:, 71. One's birth-
-t ,
having no resource left; being gloomy or cheer-
KOKYo, KyoRi.
Syn. Lplace; old home.
Syn. Sasawabi. Lless-
Furiislii.-l.-ki, ^ Z L, ffi, cidv. and a. Long
Fiisngarii, ^^6*3, %, vA. QTo be closed, shut,
since; from ancient times; old; ancient; an-
stopped up, blocked, or obstructed. To be @
occupied or filled up. ©To feel oppressed; to
Furusu, i2 "^, ''' To make old; to damage; to
be depressed.
make useless by long use.
Ana ga fusagaru, 'Kif'^ii-y the hole is closed
-fiTi/wrw-sw, ?f "7 ?i-7., to make useless t)y wear-
or filled; Te ga fusagaru, g^:ft'35'^, the house is
ing lor a long time. ; Kiki furxisu, ^~7 ti- ::^, to
occupied; Ki ga fusagaru., sg,f/•gg)^, the spirits
render familiar to the ear. Tone's home.
are depressed; to be low-spirited; Munega fusa-
Fiii-UHU, i 2. -^, i^-Si., n. An old nest or haunt;
garu, ^
'J£ ff'. to be choked to have anything ;
Furiite, X-ZX, r&^, iS;?c, ?*- OSame as Furugi.
heavily upon one's mind; Te ga fusa
©Anything superannuated.
guru, ^'Jf&n', to be engaged or occupied.
Furutekiii, i 2 "T *> l^, "ft^^', " A merchant
Syn. TsuMAitu.
who goes about to buy cast-off garments,
Fii^nsl, J. 5 ^, #;. n. Being low-spirited or
Vuriitoslii, i-Z'€%, S^-. '* The old veur, last
Syn. FrSAGABI. Lgloomy,
Syn. Kozo, KvuNKN Lyear.
Furii^vitsu, J. S 49 -^i M^., "' The causative Fiisasii, J.-3.<', -i';, r.t. and (. QTo shut, close,

stop up, block, or obstruct; to pl4:g or dam up,

form of Furu. pBtone.
FuniKiika* XZ-p'ii', 1^M>'^^- " An old tomb-
to stem. @ To feel gloomy
Fui'yo, i t, 7^ S. a. Unexpected, unlocked
Seme wo fusagu, ^9%if, to do a thing only
Syn. TozASU. Lto escape censure.
for;sudden; accidental.
FiiHiil, -i-sVA, 5t #, n. Husband and wife; a cou-
Furyo nosainan, "Z--^ ^ fJlM. an unlocked lor
calamity; a catastrophe; an accident. Syn. FUFU. Lple-

Syn. Pui. Filial, J-3V^, ^fii", n. anfl a. Not wise or gifted;

Fiirjo, -i-U) i., t?^, It. A prisoner of war. Fusal, J^^V/^, ^®, ». A debt. Lstupid.

Toiii^u. Fmai. ga kasamu. f{^-}f^.i^, the debt in-

" Not good; bad; unwell; Syn. Kari, Dime, Shakuzai. tcreases.
Furyo, .J-i!)i5, 7^ H,

wicked; ill; evil; unpromii^ing. Fusal. ^ ^ ?V^, ^^, n. Personal appearance;

carriage ;flenieanour
Fur\fb no to, ^W^^, ba^ fellow burglars.

Furyoken, i 5 W" ^. T^ 7 M. «•
Hj Bad Judg- O Syn. HiTOGARA, MiKAKE, Vm-^F
ment; false or erroneous opinion; mistaken FuHiil. .t 5 :5 \r. HI yf, "• Damages caused by a

view. @[CoU.] Immorality; misconduct. hurricane or tempest.

Furyoken wo dasu, i^ T SS ^ tH ^-i to think of FiiHakn, i^ < !^, T §, " and
, ::?; a. Yielding no
what ia wicked or mistaken; to begin to act im- good crops; unproductive.
morally Fiisakiil-iio-glnin, i^C^tD^tp, %'^%1^/^^,
Fnryn, -t5i!)5, jStVtl, *• Of elegant taste; taste- n. [Law.] The obligation of omission.
ful; fanciful; fashionable; given to imagination; Fusain<t, i3 % , 7*. [Bot.] Jifyrlophyllum verticil-

reflnd; polished; whimsical; eccentric. latum.

Fnsan, i^^, T:*, "• Not going, coming; visit- Fusel, i-^V*, ffJE, n. [Cftin.] Correction or re-
ing, or repairing. suru, v.i. To absent one- vision (only of writings).
Belf. Fusel woko, ^ IE ^ £ 7, to request to revise
Fusajatodohe, i3^>^»W•, %^B> n. A notice or correct.
of absence or non-attendance. FuBolshutsu, i-tt-\A;feWi-?, :7>11fctK. «• Unparallel-
Fusnri to, i-^iOlf, .adu. and a. Rank; luxu- ed; unequalled; excelled or eyqualled by nono;
FuBsnrl to, i-;3 v) )£, riantly; thickly.
) extraordinary; extremely rare.
rusaseru, i^-^X, i'^^, v.t. The causa- Fuseishutsu no sai art, ;:?; IS: tH -^ ^t 'V , is un-
FiiBiislilmerii. -fs^.*?, ^ tive form of Fusu. paralled in genius; isa miracle of wisdom; la a
V\tf*nwn^sitl,-i,~liU -t-3a:£, ffl®, ». Becoming; prodigy.
fitting; suitable; appropriate. Fusekf, i-^l&, f^tf, 'I- Having one's name re-
STusaivnslilkaranu, i5a;£.4>f,lb, a. Thenega- gistered in another's family for temporary
tive form of above. reasons.
Fusayalia, S-'^-^ij', a. Same as /"wsarfto. Fuacki, i^5, )?S, "• Same as Karuisht.
Fusayoji, iS^5;&, B^U, " A wooden tooth Fusen, Aft^, Wt^. n. A small piece of paper
brush with notes, pasted to a docament.
FiiBayomoerl. -t5i?iir, ^ffi, 7*. [jBot.] Artemisia Syn. Harigami, Tsukegami.
FuBOn, X^A,, /R£, ". A term customarily used
FusiiKaliura. i-'SS'C &, n. [iJot.] Bwjjteldeajjori/-
at the end of a friendly letter meaning that the
andra. Tpriestfl. writer has been unable to say all he wishes to;
Ptiao, ^=t, MM. Ml '^- A presenb or fee given to I remain.
Fuaodoi, i*>ai>, f^ SS, Bt 1:^. I^ SF. "• An under- Fnsen, J-5*^. »ll^, ©l&S^. "• Balloon.
drain; a pipe buried underground, as for con- FuBen-kazura, X 5tt^*>:^*&, n- [£ot.] Balloon
veying water; a hidden drain. vine. Heart-seed.
Piieegane. A-tifi**!, f^-^,0, SE, ». A hasp or FuBeuui, i-^gji>, t^tK. « Hemming.
clasp for fastening a door. Fuseru, J. -^3, ft, v.t. O To bend down. @To
Fiiecgi, i-S'^. R/j JK. w- Defence. cover with; to place underground. ©To am-
Syn. FusKGU koto, Kobamu koto. bush.
Piiseel-manioru, .t^^'S%3, PSW.PS*?. u-t- To ? f^;t-, to lay an underground
Toi ujofuseru. Ki
defend; to guard against; to repel danger or pipe, as forconveying water.
harm; to protect; to guard from injury. FuBerii, J.^3, 6\, v.t. To lie down; to go to bed;
Fiisegi-tntahau, -fc- ^ i&*fe fe ii> .t, R!j§S, i'.(. To to be confined; to keep one's room.
flght by way of defence ; to encountei an enemy Syn. Neru, Yasumu.
Syn. B5SEN SURF. Lon the defensive. FusetBii, i-^-:?, ^JITf, 7t. The two halves of a
rusogo, i-ft-a, tft SI. Stgg, 71. A large bamboo seal. See Fu (^). ffalse report.
basket on whicli clothes are spread and dried. Fusetsii, X^-y, ?¥^. w. A unfounded rumour;
Syn. ABURiKo. Syn. Nenashigoto. rcurrent talk.
Fusogii. i-^<', Bb'i^K.^. v.(. To defend; to guard Fasetsu, i5^-^, ]S,^, n. A rumour; a report;
against; to ward otf; to repel; to protect from To nofit.'ietsu ni mayo, ^ .^ R ^ = ^ t, to be
injury; to prevent from spreading or increasing. deceived by a rumour.
Biwofusegu, 'K'^^i^, to check the blazing FUBUN, Hyoban, Uwasa.
flames; Teld wofusegu, SS ? PS ^. to ward off an Fusotsu, X^-P, ffi iS, «. The construction of a
Syn, KoBAWU. Lenemy. road. sum. To construct; to build.
riiscl, i.*V\, %1(^, n. and a. Not diligent; indo- Tetsudo wo fusetsu suru, SB JS ? sS ^ ^^ to ;ffi

lent; negligence; not being faithful to one's construct a railroad.

Syn. BusnO, Okotari, Randa. Lduty. Fuseya, X^^, tt^, w- A lowly built cottage; a
FiiBol, iSV^, ^itt, 74. [CAtn.] This world; mortal hut. rcottage.
life. Shlzu ga fuseya, ^if f^ §. a lowly or humble
Fusel ywine no gotoshi, f$ tt iti ^, life is but a Fusezel, i'^^V', ft ^, An ambuscade.Tfr.

Syn. Ukiyo. Ldream. Syn. FUKUHEI.

ritsci, J-^Vr-, T^IE, a. andn. Unjust; improper; Fnska, .i.5:£-^, PH$, n. A wind-mill.
wicked; bad; wickedness. Fuslil, X'£,,'i£.^, n. Father and child.
Fusoi, i-llrV^, gg'IS, n. Same as Umaretsuki. Fuslil, XX.'S.^^, n. [Bat.] Gall-nut.
Posel, J;5-^\A, W,S?, ?i- Snme 0.9. Fusetsu. Syn. G-obaishi.
^leel, A-^V^, "^^^W, a. Irregular; perturbed; In- FuBbl, i^, &7f, n. A joint; a knot; a knob.
consistent; not coinciding. Fu£hi ga itamu, ^ffM^i to feel pain at the
FUS '^26 FUS
Joints; Ki no fushi, ?fc ^ Bi a knot In the stem speak against a man's expensive habits with a
of a tree, Take no fushi, tS"> iiS. the joints of a view to correct him.
bamboo. Fuslilnie, .i-;£fc, i-B S, n. A knot as seen in wood.
Pushl, ^X, nil '-. [Mzisic] A note or tone; an air. Fuslilnic, .i.;£i?), iji g. WM, "- A ijlffinnv down-
Fushi wo awasu, ^iJ ? •&• >t, to attune; to play cast, sober, or grave look.
the same airs; Fushi wo isukertt, &Ti7-P(tJi', to Ffisliln, i5^A, J3li^, «. Same as jrazaboros/if.
marli the musical points, to modulate the voice. Pusliln, .i.:£A, 7; g, n. and a. Insubordination;
FosliJ, ^ 5 ;£, ^ ^^, w. A learned tencher; an being less polite or faithful than usage or law
erudite person. Used in addressing a learned requires, dislqj'-al.

man or one's teacher, but esp. as an hon. title of FiisIiIji, ^:£^, ^S, 71. and a. O Unaccountable;
Confucius. fpearance; the couutenance. Buspectful; dubious; doubtful; suspicious. @
Fasbl, -t.5^, ^^, The personal aspect or ap-
n. Hard to understand; anything difficult to be
Syn. Katacht, Narifdri, sugata. seen by the mind's eye.
Fiislilanii, iiS^, BIZ,^^, " A knot hole in Fushln na yatsu, ^-^-i-^, a suspicious fel-
wood. Syn. IcuKAsei, Teok na, lIow.
Fiislilawase, i* % B ^, :^it'^,%^, "• and ti. Fushlii, J^x^, ^fn, «• OBuilding; construc-
Unfortunate, unlucky, misfortune calamity. ; tion. ©Repairing. sum, v.t. To build,
Fusblbone. iilS:*!. &IJ#, S-^, n. The bones of construct.
<, joint. ri)i'iefitg,ta. Syn. KenchikiJ, Tateru,
]Pu8liidiLlta, .i.;£,7£ii>, Achyranthes
4^^, n. [Bot.] FusIiiHgainl, ^X ^ ft' ^. ;?^ S ?5, n. A piece of
Fuahidara, i£ ^^(^,
i^ f,,Misdemeanour; ti. red paper Avith which one marks difficult con
misconduct; being debauched, doing things structions or phrases that he meets with wliilt
in !i Slovenly maoQer or by halves, carelessness; Syn. TsuKEGAMi. (.reading.
Syn. Ft'SHiMATSU. Lnegligence. Fuslilujin, -i-£^;£^, ::?;if it,, n. anda. Impious-
Fut^hidatsii, i :£ 7£ -^i v.i. To be knotty; to be ness; irreligious; impious; profane.
uneven or rough; to be liarsh. Fuslii-no-kl, ^:£0&, ggjff^, 7t. [Bot.] Rhut
PiiBlilcIo, J.Z'^-i W\PJu 71- A btU-chamber. semi-alata, var. Osbeckii.
Syn. Nbdokoro, Neva. Fiislil-uo-ko, i*®t, n. SameasJV5ftl.
Fiistalg:ttii, ^:£.jii^, n. A hedge of shrubs. E<^i.s!il-no-]iin, i;£©5, n. A little while.
T?f j#, « and a.
^;t ^, 7'^ E. SI,
PiiBiliIsi, A mys- Syn. Zakji, Suibaraku.
tery a wonder, a miracle; mysterious; miracu-
, FiisMosaiini. .i- £ fc i]**tf , ^^, v.t. To kneel or
lous, wonderful; marvellous; surprising, super- bow clown and worship.
natural. FuKlifofj, .i*fctO, EiB.Sfe, "• Same as Fushiito-ort.
Fushigi na koto doino, %!S.^^W' 1' ^, things Fusliifthlba, ^ IZii, "
S?. M Brushwood; small
miraculous marvellous, or supernatural;^'us/it- stems and branches to be used as fuel.
<ji ni omo, ,11 ^ = ,§, 7
^ to wonder at; to be at
FiisliisliJzuiuu, ^^tz^'iP, ttit, v.t [(a.] To lie
a loss what to make out. down andsink;[jt{7.] to have one-'s face upon the
Syn. AYASHll, KlMYO. fmum. gioundis to taint; to'be in a fit of grief.
Pusltigiiro, j.;£ C 6, n. L^"'-] Jl£landryum fir- Fuslii 6ui*ii, ^5 L-^2, i§i$ij, v.t. To reproach or
Fuslik-ito, i;£V^ !^, &SM. " Coarse silk full of censure indirectly; to satirize slyly.
knots. fwoven with above. Syn. ATEKOSURi, MiMiKOSUBi. Ttlsm.
Fiisliilto-oi-l, ^^V^-i^-ieV) , &iJ.^,t^ n. Silk stuff FCshitsti, ^$X-7, ^m, IH.^, n. [Mea.] Rheuma-
FuBhlko, ^X C " [Fntam.] Holuthuria sp. Fiisliltsiiko, i;^-?^', n. A mode of capital pun-
FushlliObu, ^* CJ*. 7^:Sf. ^^. « A knot in the ishment which consiste<a in burning with brush-
stem of a tree. wood, fbrushwood.
FudliJKui'edatsii, i:£ < n/t-^, &'S1^ir, v.i. To be I'^iisJiiztike, X-£,i>'bf, n. A fishing trap made of
lull of knots to be irregular (said of a boai\\),
E'\islii£uke, J-Xp'W, ^m,B^, n. O Affixing
Fiisliiinuclii-uo-t$iikJ, J.£,'3,'^<D'P^, ^^ M, it. the musical notes or marks. @ Putting or set-
The moon of the 19th day o( the 2nd month (o.s.). ting poetry to music. © Driving nails tlirough
FiisJiliniGi-obu. i-Xa^J*. ikW. ^'.i. To fall and the principal joints by way of punishment.
roll over. Fiislio, i;£^5,Z^0, « Not well or fine; unpleas-
FuHblniatsu. i S, 3 -5^ 7>t^^, it- Irregularity; ant.
mismanagement, beiog uneconomical; misde- Ffisho, i$ii, U^, n. A sealed letter.
meanour. Fiislid, .i--^ 5, :^W> Pran. and a. Ql. Used oy
Eare na fushimatsu wo imasMmu, ^if yf^i^^ one's self In a depreciatory sense. ©Foolish;
fJ^^, to censure one's mismanagement; to uuwortliy; ignorant; inexperienced; not ^'ifted.
Ml fusho Tiagara, H* ]?; ^ •^ W 9, though I am Mibun fmd'O nt ogoru, ^
?^%^lSi'-=-^Ti', t<
but an ignorant perso-n; inexperienced as I am. be luxurious beyond one's social position.
I^islio. i£-!^5, ^Mf w- Ominous; portentious; Syn. PuTSURiAi.
unlucky, inauspicious Fusorol, .i.^;^^, /f.M, « Not equal or uniform;
Syn. Engiwaruki, Fl'kitsu. incomplete; not matching well,
Fiieho. A:£-^5, ^ ®, a. Being wounded or in- Fiisti, Xi; i^, v.l. OTo lie concealed. ©To lie

Syn. Kega, Teoi. LJu-red. down; to go to bed. To bow humbly.


Piielid, J-X.i:5, 7^^, v.l. To comply with reluc- Syn. INU, Utsubusu, Hisomu.
tantly not to be satisfied with not taking the
, ,
Fusu, xir, ©, v.t. O^'o compose, as a poem. S
circumstances into consideration. To distribute; to divide.
FuslioRivsliS, ^ 1,5 ^S. i. 5. adu- Reluctantly; Syn. KUBARU, TaUKDRU, Waritsukd.
contrary to one's mind or wishes. Pusiibe, Jt-it^, ?>^, It. [Zool. local.] A sand flea.
Syn. ITAIYANAOARA. Fusiibe, X-f-^, ffi S^, ". A black spot.
ruelidehl, Jt-t.X^%, %#*P, n. Not consenting Fusubegin, .i.-^'^^A, tS^, n. Fumigated or
to. See SliocJa. smoked pilver.
Fushachi luo iu, yp.i^^^-s'y, to declare Fusube-lro, i-^-^V^iS, SBfi, "• -A smoky colour.

disapproval; not to consent to; not to agree Ftisuberii, i.-^ ^ 3, ig, v.t. and C. QTo smoke;
with. to fumigate. @ To be gloomy or angry; to fume.
Fiisliolilbutsii. ^:B.^5X>Jf^ T^vSS^. n. Non- Syn. iBi'Su.
consumable. FuBiiboru, itlS^, %, «* OTo be smoky; to
Fiisliolni, -J-S. 1. <, ^^, n. Anorexy, want or be fumigated. @To fume; to be in a rage; to
loss of appetite. be gloomy or jealous.
Fnsliokii, i5;£l.<, ^fe,
71. Same as J'wfcei. Syn. IBURU, KEBDRU, Kububuru, Kuturu.
Fiishoku-Korojlon. .^ZX<Z.^'^^A., Bf S4|*fS Fusiiji. Xir L*. :^Ws, iJ" Not in accordance with
?f ^, « [3/ed.] Collodium corrosVvum. justice, usage, reason, or propriety.
FiiBhoku suru, ^% i. < -^5, ,^'K, v.t. To cor- Syn. MiCHINARAKU.
rode. ^ ffcCTl. Fusiiin», i-^tt, m, n. Bran.
Fushozon, J-:£i^'^, 7^^;?^, «. Sa*ie a.RFuryd^ Fusiimn, i-^3, H, liS P^. 3c, n. O Sliding screens
FiiBli-u, i;£, 5, f? El, n. Same as ^w7T/o. covered with wall paper. @A bed-quilt; a
E<'ueliu» X^Xlti^, ^^> » Habit; custom; man- Karakami
Syn. Luight-gown.
ner; inclination; usage. Fusuimi-shojl, ^-^E:£^5C, ^[5SE^, n. Ashdji
Sym Narai, Narawashi, Shikuse. the lower haU" of whicli is made like nfusmna.
Fushubl, .i-;£W)OV', T*"^ M, «- Same as Susftwfii. Fusuma-iitsugi, i^aj-^lT, n. [Eot.^ PlUlaOel-
Fuso, i^, Stffi, «- Taxes. pMis coronarius.
Fiisd, i5^£5, ^^, n. IGJiin.) Same as Unarl. Wki siii'u, .i.-^ 3, m, ft- OTo attathv to loUow;
Fiisokokii, .i5$£.<, tt^lS, «. The name of a to depend on. @ To entrust with.
country in old Chlne.ie books supposed to mean Sono ato ni fu suru, tti£ = Pit^- J^-. to place
Nippon or Centpal America.
either after that; to make to follow it; to append; to
rusolcii, ^^<y%'M, u.. Unlocked for; unex- affix.

pected; sudden; accidental. Fu i^-^, #. i'-<- To submit (as a Bill to the


£<'usul£ii, i^ <, %^, n. O^^'ant; being insuffi- hand over (as an offender to a tribunal).
Diet); to

cient or inadequate, indigence. @ Discontent; Fu siirn, X5irZ, ""(• Sfime sis Sonomehasu.
dissatislaction. FiiSQ surn,.J.^5f Z.iaS. ^'-t' To go in haste; to
Fiisoku wo iu,"^^'^ -xy, to complain; not hasten toward.
being satisfied with; Nani fiisolcu waftw, {^^g
Futa, ife. g, n. A lid a cover. ;

Futa wo akerit, S ^ M > '^, t^ open the cover;

-J- ^, without wanting anything, well to do;
to take off the cover ; to take off the lid ; Baico
well oir. ' rMt>isctia.
Fiisokivn. i 3. 5 < *5, ^ ?R TE. China
n. [Bot.]
no futa, a ^ ^, the cover of a box.

Fuson. i5^^, 10,^, ii Damages caused by a Futa, .ife, SfWi " A scab

tempest. Syn. Kasabuta.

k-usou, A^^, 7^^, a Not humble; proud, haugh- Futa, X-fz,=L,M^, "• Two (only in compound).
ty; elated. rdalzurlcum. Futa laU, zi&, two times, twice, Futa lose
E<'iisoua, i ttf, i5E IJ)5a, n. [Bot.l Menlsper-mum amari, — iSS r ^ V upwards of two years.

l''ti8d-9.i-553ff5, T^tSiS. ^ Inappropriate; un- Futa-al, ife2&&, — iS. n. Violot colour.

becoming; unsuitable; inconsistent with; in- Futaba, .ifetf, =^S. "- Cotyledons.

congruous; dispropoi'tionate; beyond, Ssndan wa ftitaba ym-i kobasht (or kambasht'U

tWffi ->M;5^a V@J^, sandal wood is fragrant even Fiitamelkii, i fe J6 < , ^ 3K, v.f. To pant with
in the gei-m H-e. gonius sliows itself in youth). alarm, to be excited, agitated, or flurried.
Putal>ii-:iol, ^fekflo-i'U', @^SH¥, « [Bot.'\ Asa- Aioatefulamekv, t '•^t- ~7 ^ M ^ , to be flurried.
rum caiitescens. flavOia diffusa. Fiitamojl, if2 fi t, ^I, w- IBot^ Allivm odorum.
Ii1ital>Ji-3inisiir», _t- fe tf tp <- f,,n. [Bot.] Olden- FMtainrpiio, ife%CD,S4^> "• Anv porcelain ves-
Putab»-rnii, J.^^f(i^, n. [Bnt.^Ltsteracordata. sel with a lid or cover.

Futae, ife->, —. ^, n. and a. Two layers, duplica- FaCanari, ^1>UV}, :zjfi, A^,'^ ^, n. a hernia-
tion, double, twofold. Syn. Haniwari. Lp'ii'odite.

PutaCKOsM, Mz-^li L,^M, "- Being bent in Fntan, XttA^,-^^, n. Burden; responsibility
the loins (as with .ige). obligation- charge. sura, v.t. To bear; to
Futae-Iiltoinl, ^ fz -* U> If: ^, IE Bf. n. DouDle be held responsible for
pupils (of the eyp.)- TDouble eyelids. Futn.iu», .ife®, ^1^, n. A clotli worn by women
Putac-iiiiibuclii, i fe ^ is * ^, - tg as, ^ 2f, n around the luin=,
Futagarii, i'feft'S, gg, -u./. Same :i?. Fvsaoaru. PiitaoEfj, J~te!fe5,^S- w. A stand for putting
Futago, ifear, n^, P*fe, ^T-, " Twins. the lid of a tea kettle on.

^= ? ^
Futnoya, .i-1fis-^.M^'^^> Both parents.
FHiaoo wo nasii, ^ 7., to beget twins.
Syn. RYosin.s.

Lfather and mother.

FutngoKoro. ife&t^j, EC-C tz. Double dealing,
duplicity, insincerity;
Futarl, ^fei;, — A, n. Two persons.
donl)le faced, faithless
treacherous, falsehearted, disloyal
Fntari naramle yukv, ^ A 36 5* ff ^f, to go to-
gether side by side; to go abreast.
Fiitaookoro aru hitn, j^ ,i;, t ;^ A, n. falseheart-
ed person; a man of double dealing; FiUaookoro
Fiitarl-sliizukn, Jr. it ^ S. =')&', S E, "• [Bot.]

Chlorant/i us serratus.
wo idakv, ^ .c. ^ 'i-/; ^, to be double faced.
Fiitatabi, «- Two times; twice
Syn. Adasuigokoro, Koto<;okoro. ifefec^', ^, pfi If .

Putngii, ^fz.<r,'^, v.t. Same as FuSLirju.

Fittatabl shiken surv, H t? s? SS 7- J'- . to re-ex-

riital, -t5'teV^. Pl^. " A pair of oroamental rib-

amine; Futatabi viirv, ^ t? J!, /i', to see twice,
Syn. NiDO, RyoDO Lto look at again.
bons or cloths hung on the upper part of a kake-
Futatsii. ifz-?, nS, /.. Two.
rutixU -i-5feV^, J^S'^.IS.^, n. The tare of goods.
Kij} p viofuiaUa. ni wakero, a uf n — 3?"^^.
\yid. col'.] divide this mtotwo; Yo ni futatsu to
FTital ivo mini, IHi?^ = ^, to ascertain the
naki takara, ^=r zlI^ V -t- ^'^, ^ tre.isure hav
tare of the good-.
ing no equal in the world, a peerless treasure
Fiitai, ^7z\r;l't-\'^}, " Eeinj.- joined or added to,
Fiitnt.su, J-fe-P, t^ rS., 'i- Proclamation or notitica
Incidental, accnmpiinying, attcndanr.
tion. siii'ii. f. and
i' To issue a proclama ''.

aiii'i!, v.t To be joined; to accompany.

Syn Fl'KOKU. Ltion; ro notify.
Syn. 'i'uMoNAf, TsuKiSu.
Futal-.-^ciKu, ^/£^y^^^;^?t1)5,(ffHWJ?;4^, n.
B<'iitafsii-kaslilra-»u-licbJ, J-fe-:?*'* SCD^CN', M
cHfB, If- [ZooL] A double-headed snake.
An attendant claim.
ETiitiiltoko, -i-feV^lf t, ~ i£ n. Second cousin.
Futatsuii:islii,-i,-ki. .i- -fz -^ "^ L, SS— , # S. ^
Without anequnl, unrivalled; peerless.
PiitaUawaiiie, ^itt'l^^, z: ^ PJJ, n. Llyes liaving
Futegiiva, ^'tS'ti, ^^IS, n. and 17. Inexpert-
double eyelids. pSee Futako-orl.
ness, iiidextei'il.y, clumsiness, unskill'ui. sloven-
Putalio, ifeC — ^, " {cont. fui'iu of /'/(;aA.o-OT-;.]
ly in make, awkward in doing anything.
FutaUo-sinii, ifc fi ??'&;, — ^,?3, n. Silk threads
Syn. BusAiKf;, IIkta.
of two strand^. fstrands.
Fiitel, J-T'.y^.^jg, I.'. Not submitting to authori-
rutaUo-lto, J.-it'^vifi, = flgfefi, n. Threads of two
ty, unsubmissive, insubordinate; refractory,
Futako-ori, X-lz.'ds ^^ — =f '^, u. Cotton stuff

rebellion=, contumacious.
woven with threads of two strantts.
FuLci no to. "X-^'^-^^y insubordinate people.
Putamatii, -t^^iafe, — Jig, n. A crotched; forked.
rebellious individuals
Futamata- daikon, — IKSl^'ffi, -^ forked radisli Futel, i^TV. % Manners, deportment;
W, ''I-

putainatadake, J.ft'fk7c'&, ^Yf, n. [jiot.] A Svn. Nakifhri, Sugata. |_appearauce

crotched bamboo Fiiteisai. J-tv^Vr, ^ f^ifi, 7t. and a. Being no
Futnine^ Xftlsb, 7^ K n. and a. Not advantageous mannerly, unseemly, ini.lecei.t.
or beneficiiil. not conducive to one's interest, ^-C^.^^,
Fittolil, a. O Bold, fearless; daring,
inutile, unprofitable. unproductiTe, impolitic.
rude, audacious @ -Mivtchless, unrivalled.
Kare wa omvii 7kj futame nl narlmasen, ^-'^ fjp Daitan futeki no kusemono, AlST^SS^tt^. '

S- -^ Z^ K- •?-
V ^ "t V. [coll.] this will not be bold and audacious fellow.
prejudicial to your interest. FiitekUo. AT 3 fe 5.T*ii§'5f. n. and a. Beniud
handedness; not punctual or diligent In doing Fulokoro&e nite kemhutsu suru, ffl ^ = ? Jl fij^
anything. R', to look at a thing with one's hands in one's
rutciiiiiwnrl. i.T'mSS. 7'>?J@, «• and a. Unfit, pockets. riarge; big; thick,
unsuitable, unbecoming Futoliii, ii^
< in, etrtu. and a.
, Very; exceedingly;
Syn. FuYUKiTODOtt. Futohii, X^^i,^^, Female virtue. -ft.

Puteii, ^XK, ^ ^> n. EveryTv-liere under heaven. Fiitoku, i^<,7"%^, n. and a. Not bein^ virtu-
Futen no sJiHa sotto no kin, 'Jf^iS.T^i^S. ous, want of principle, demei-it, un\Yorthiness;
every part of the worla, the ivliole earth, virtueless, inunoral, lieartless, unrighteous.
Fatcu, X ^ X /^,^M, n. Mental derangement; Futokiii. X'C i V; % f^f '^., CL. Not versed in. In-

insanity; lunacy. competent, inexpert, unskilful.

Fitten sha, ^\ ^^, an insane person. Futokushlii, il£ < ;£^, ^W 'd', "" \\'ithout con-

Syn. KlCIIlGAI, MONOGURl'I. sent; uncomplying; refusing; not tlioroughl-y

raten-lis'oiu, X^X^V(^^^A.,WMi^U. n. A Syn. FcsHuciii. Lunderstanding.
lunatic asylum; a hospital for the insane. Futomac, .i-^a"-, ;*: 6!f. " The mighty iiresence
Futoi'iif XXZ>i v.i. To be sulky or moody; to be (of the deity).

offended; to grudge. Fiitoiiiol, .i-l^5i6lr, Zn^P.^, n. [P7iysfc5.] Opacity.

Haratatsu, Okoru.
Syn. Futoinoiiio, i^ "£» % , >k )]§, n. The thigh.
Piito, i^, adv. O Without difficulty; easily. Futonionio. X^ % %.Sfi"^£. " [Bot.'] Eugenia
@ Immediately; soon; directly. jambos.
I^to, iif,Z^^.^S^^ o.'J-'v- By chance; suddenly; Futoniojio, i^t©, :fc4S, n. Cotton goods.
accidently; untimely; unexpectedly. Fiitoiiiouo-ilaua, Aif 6 ©T&ti:, in^fS, «• Cotton
Futo shUa koto kara, 7^^ s^ ^ ~\1J 9, from a goods store.
casual circumstance; by chance. Fiitomouo-ya, A>^ 6 ©^, ^EctSM, n. One who
Syn. FuiTO, Hakarazu. deals in cotton goods; cotton goods store.
FutO, ite5,7;'^, n. and a. That which is im- Futoinugl, ^J-^tPlf, :i;SS, n. [Ziot.] Barley.
proper or unjust: unreasonable; un*?uitable, un- Fiitoii, X'£/u,^M> w. A quilted bed cover; a
becoming. mattress; a cushion.
Futo wo moshi'tatsu, Z^'S'?- * 3: y, to make Sfdkl hiiion, fiMWi, a mattress; ZaWton, ^
an unreasonable claim. a rug or cushion for sitting on.

Futo, X)^^,^^, n. [Chin.] Same as /TatoM. Futouuuo, X^'^<D,i^t^, 71. Cotton stuff.

Fato, 79\-,^R, n. [£no.] A foot (linear measure). Fuicorl, Xl^^^i-kt^, n. A thick, coarse allk

Futo, X^'£5,U^, n. [Chin.] A letter envelope. cloth.

Futo, 0-^5. T^lf, a. Unequal; disshnilar. Futoorl-tsuinugl, i m? 9 r? tf »f :fc?A,fc&, ".

uto. -t^, jf-mr^^> "• O Buddha, Sliaka, @A coar.se kind of pongee.
Buddhist priest. © A Buddhist temple, a Futurascru, .i-i^t^Z, v.t. [caus. oC Fidorn.] To
pagoda. fatten; to let grow large. rFuio-ori.

rutolJJira, ii^l^e., i^llS, «• Audacious; bold; Futui-i, .ijf ifl, n. [cont. form of Futo-ori.] Se»
Ftitoppiirn, unscrupulous.
Jr.'^-v^i^, i Fiitorii, J-)£5,flG. u.i. To grow large or fat; to
Futoppara na yatsu, in flS-J- W.. an unscrupulous become fleshy.
fellow. Nippon no surrio iva minafutotte Iru, B :p > ffi

Futodokl, .tie>fc&,7;g. ". Disobedient to au- j^ >\ -^ -J- HE T # »-, Japanese wrestlers are all

thority; insubordinate; rude; audacious; repre- Syn. KOERU. Lpiiirap-

hensible. Fiitosn, J-)^^, ±, n. The largeness; the size.

I^toaoU semban, T^S^f-S. exceedingly rude. Fiitoelil. i^ L, )? S ifc. n. A Buddhist.

Syn. FuRACHi. Futos][l,-],-k1, .i-i^L, *. a. C9 Laige, big; fat.

Futolieu-saiiKaJcuBieJ, .i.^5'-^^^ ^*»< iji-\r,Z- fleshy, plump. ©
Bold, daring, tearless, auda-

^ jg = f^ jfj, n. [MatJi.'] Scalene triangle. cious, stout-hearted; indomitable.

Fwtoi, -2-^&,^, n. [Bot.] SdwiiS. Futoi tsvye, ^icf fet. a big stick; Futol yatsu da

FutoJsoBJk, X'£h^^,f^M, ». A kind of rush >6: -f tK3*', ;»" audacious fellow.

[Futo-kaazura. Fiitosul, .i ^ 5 -^ £, T-^-ig. "• Wath.-\ Scalene
Futo-kaxurn, i^5*o'6. J:'t^. " {Hot.] Flper cone.

JPutoKoro, .t^t-^.tfi, n. The folds of the dress Futotsura. iif -^ ^ S SR, n. [liot.'\ Stemonc sessiU-

Futau, .i.<>, S. l"^^-] To throw away or

that cover the breast; bosom; pocket.

Syn. KwAiciiu. Futsuru, X'yZ, to forsake. 1

Futolcorodo, iiCt^-C.ta^, ftfe^, " Pocketing Fiitsu, i-55,$tiS, n. and a. Common, ordinary,
one's hands; warming hands in the bosom. usual; general, universal.
. —


PutsumeiShi, S'lS iS hn], [Gram.] comraoD noun. Fvttsuri to omoiMru, ~7-! VV t- .® -K A-, to giva

FutSQ, ^"55,^11, II. No commuDicatlon; DO in- up anything entirely; to cease entirely to thinii
tercourse; uncurreot (as money); impassable (as about.
roads); not generally received or acknowledged. Futtsii to, X-o-;'^, aan. Completely; wholly; abso-
Patsa. i. 5 "IP 5, ^iM, " A kind of thick cloth lutely; positively.
or ribbon woven with raised figures of gold ami Fxiiizu to irae mo sezu, '7'^ -v 1- ® -^ ^ t?-', Che)

Bilver. made no reply; Fiittsuto o-moi yorazu, y-y-/ hS

Futsii, -yy, P, n. and a. France, French. t^y?;. to be wholly unexpected.
Futsufiitsii. ^OX-o, a. Not constant; inter- Syn. FUTSUFUTSU, FUTTSFRI. fptorm,
ruptedly; intermittently, FA-ii, J.$5,P1M. ''^- Wind and rain; tempest;
Futsugn,ltii, i-:?ji*<,{^^, n French literature. Fuun, _t-5 ^, ITiiS, w. Ill luck; misfortunes; un-
Futsii^nkiESlia. ^ -c t^ < Z ^, i^' ^ « 0"e '^'.
fortunate; unlucky,
versed in French literature; French scholars. Syn. FUSHIAWASE.
Futsiigo, .i-'^a.^lS, n. French language. riiiin. -i.5 ^, ?5i^, n. [Cfiin.'\A floating cloud, used
Futstigo, ^•Oiii^,%^-^, a. Inconvenient; in only flguretively in such an expression as the
commodious; unfavourable; unbecoming; re- following :

presensiblG. Fi(ki van' ni oitefuunnogotosJhi, ^g^JJlg^
Fiitsnjiii, i.-^Z'A., M A, n. Frenchman.
j¥^, wealth and rank are, to me, like a shifting
FutsiiKHr i^4', — D, n. The (^(jcond day ot the Syn. UkiGUMO. Lcloud.
montli; two days. Pa-ii-sliin, ^55^.^.Rf!f ^. n. Barometer.
Fiit9uk:i-cj, -t.r74>£.U', — P ^, ?g SS, n. Illness Fii'W'a, Xt>, Tf.^, n. Being on bad terms; discord;
Fut!!iiika-3-ol, i-9*>l:t>, (resulting from intoxi- quarrel; rupture of friendship; inimical, at
cation. daggers drawn. fcord.
Futsiikliil. ^'p'&'S^V^,':^?^-^, n. and a. No inter- Kanai fmva, ^ ft %?n, the family is in dis-
course, inhospitality; not intimate; unsociable. Xiy^io, aih: Pnd a. [coll.] Lightly,
Syn. SOEN, Utoku naku. buoyantly; soft, spongy, buoyant.
PutsiiHal. i-^ V) n, nml a. Not
h V-, Z-fj^, FiiYvakc, -t-*oW", n. Dissection of a dead
ffif <)?-,

matching; disproportion, not balancing; incon- Syn. KAiBt"). Lbody; an autopsy.

Biatentwith; incongrwou.s. Fiiwnke-aogii. i ih W- Ai 5 <.', SSS-iSrH-. " Dis-
Syn. FUSOO. secting instruments.
Futeuroki, 'yyyr7^,m^M' [By some said •> Faivari, ^io'O, n. The boundary lines of amap,
to be corruin. of F^-ance, by otliors to be derived Fuivari to, J-ibV)^, «''i'. In a light and spongy
from the name of a European.] A cannon. manner; buoyantlj-.
Futsut^uka Hi. J.-^r7*>V7, ^ M?, a^?"- Rudely; ig- Fii^vatstikii. AJi-P^ v.i. O To be light and airy;

norantly; in a rustic er impolite manner. to be soft and compressible. @ To flutter in the

Syn. BUKOTSU. wind; to wave.
Plitsayo, -l-'?^ i,5, ^H ffl, t'-- Not current, not Fiiyajo, -J-j^i;-^5,7^^ffli, n. [lit,] Nighttess tor
generally accepted. constantly illuminated) castle; [fie/.] prostituto
FuteuBiika, X--oi:f i3>, .7*^. o.- Rude; rustic, quarters,
clownish; ignorant; of ill breeding; ungainly ruyakcrti, ^-^ttS, , j^ A, v.t. [coll.] To swell up
stupid. fin self depreciation) I-'iiyakiirn, ^j^ < :5, ) (as bj' imbibing moisture).
Fiitsuziika Tnono, 7^ ^ ^, a stupid fellow (used Fiiynkn. ^•^<,fi3'S§. ^' Escharotic medicine.
Futtcl, ^yT\A, IS, u.. flji Scanty; scarce. Fiiyasii. -i-*v*-^, 5i£, v.t. [cans, [ottci of Fuyeru.] To
Syn. S0KUNAI. cause to increase or augment; to add to.

Futto, X'j)^^,iWl^y '^- Boiling up, effervpscence. Syn. Masd.

evaporation. siirii, v.t. To boil up; to Fiiyo, ii, |f|t^. "- Bestowing, conferring, grant-
effervesce. ing, giving, or presenting. i^urii, v.t. To
Gironfiitt-'- su, ^^'M^^ ^', the discussion be- bestow, confer, etc.
comes heated or animated. Fuyo, jr-^^,^^i^, n. [m<.] HlUscm mutaUlis.
FiittONaii. Jl.-:?i^ 5 ^ ^, aUSfiSS. n. EfTerve'icing Fiiyo, i-i, :^^, n. OOut et humour; being un-
powder (a mixture of sodium carbonate and acid pleasant or cheerless. illness (only of tho @
tartaric). fliquor. EmperorX
Futtosiil, J- X),;t^^. "
'V ^ 5 -^ Effervescing FiiYO. _i-i.5.7iffl, ". Not wanted; of no use; use-
Futtoton, -^7^5r^,ifflES^, w. [P7t3/5ics.] Boil- less; unnecessary.

ing point. rwlioHy; Absolutely. Fuyo no shina, 7^ ffl > nS, a useless article.
Futtsuri, -i.9 -^ V 1 HI ^. cidv. Entirely; completely; Syn. IRANU, MUDA.
FUY ^31 GA
FuyOl, ilSV^.T^ffl S. ft. and a. Not being well another's late call); WataXvzni fuzei, lij^'til,
provided for; neglecting preparation; unpre- such a one as I.
pared. Syn. ARiSAMA.
FuyOjIn, iJ:5fi^, /pffl -C, a. Carelessness, neg- FuEOku, A ^' <,R|ja, n. and a. Belonging to;
lectCulness; unmindful, Improvident. being in possession of; tributary. suru, v.i.
Fiiyojo, i-^5;&-^5, /PI64. w- and a. Not caring To be attached to, to belong to.
for one's health; unhygienic; injurious to health Fazokii, i5 :e < ,^,f&, n. Customs; manners;
(rare). usage, fpopular manners.
Jshanofuyojo, S^-^7^^4, [coll. i^-oii.]the Fuzoku wo aratamu, ^ fS ^ Bit i, to ameliorate
doctor's carelessness about his health, rtosa. Syn. FuGi, Nabiwai.
Puyornn, ii.5&A, n. [Bot.] Marsdenla tomen- Fiiziikl, -t^'g,^ fl, tt, A poetic name for the
Fwyo suru, J. 1^ S,®;??, u(. To bestow; to 7th month (o. s.).
grant. Trich. FiiKiikue, -t^'< ^,$:ita, n. A writing table.
Fayfl, J-5V^5,^=^, H. ando. Opulence; wealthy, Fazurii, -i- 5 ?' 3 S^. t. To seal (as a letter).
Fuyii no hito, "S^ >* A, an opulent person. @ To shut up or blockade (as a harbour). To ®
Wuyn, Xl'i},^, n. Winter. Ccliella. stop or cure a malady (by a supernatural pow-
Fuyu-nol, i W) % i T>, ^g, n. [Bot.] Malvapul- er).

Fuyugare, Alftft'H, ^ n. tfi", O Withering of the S ? it tC »-, to cure worms

Mushi wo fuzuru,
leaves In winter. @ The cold and dreary state or "malady in the bowels"); Tegwmi wofu-

winter. fof animals and birds. zum, ^B,^ M :^>J-, to seal a letter.
Fiiyii^e. i-W)W^, ^^, n. Solt winter hair or down Fiiziitoiiic, .i.-p*lf&, ^Sfl. '* and a. Neglecting
Fuyugomovl, .2-t^aa W)
? SS. n. Winter confine- one's daty; negligent, indolent.

ment; hibernation.
Fuyuffl, iW)^, ^ ^, :?• jK, n. Winter wear; winter
garments. fEuergeri.
Fuyii-icMgo, i-ViiV^ %7t, ®^-, n. [Bot.l Rubvs
Piiyukl, il^&,^*. w. Winter tree, or a tree
tliat sheds its leaves in winter.
Fuyukltodokl* il^&^^&, T^ftS, "* Notdoing
anything thoroughly, doing imperfectly or re- G.
missly; incomplete, inadequate.
Syn. FUTEMAWARI, Ga, tit, ^, n. O Act of congraturating or felicitat-
Fuyiiinono, X-\fi>^<7^,^^, n. Winter clothes. ing. @A fete in honour of a person who has
Fuyumono uridashi tsukamatsuri soro, ? % ^ attained an advanced age (the periods for such a
HI ft SI. ^s commence to sell
winter goods (a fiSte being at his 42nd, 61st, 77th, and S8th year of
notice often found at a mercer's store at the ag&).
beginning of winter). Shinnen no ga, Jff^--'^. congraturationson
Fiiyumekii, .2-W)*<, v.i. To be wintry or have the new year; Ga wo iwau, ^ ^ ^ 7, to make
the appearance of winter. Ctwn. an entertainment for one who has reached an
Fuyunegl, Alftil?, ?:§, n. [Bot.] Allium esculen- advanced age.
Fuyu-no-banawarabl, ^l^OQ^d? &U>M%^M. suru, v.t. To congraturate or felicitate.
n. [Bot.] Botrychium ternatum. Syn. Iwau.
FnyuvH, il*?, iSt, v.i. To increase, augment, or Ga» fc'. 3£. "• [Ornith..] A tame goose.
Fiieru, A.A.3, J multiply. Tathome. Syn. Gaoho.
Fusal, i3V-, /f ffi. w. and a. Being absent; not CJa, fit, ig, n. O A carriage or norimmio (now used
Fuzakevu, iyw-X, v.i. To Swell up (as starch to signify an honorable person coming or go-
when boiled). fto dally witli. ing on such a vehicle). @ Act of taking a car-
FuKakeru, ArWZ, JIP®, v.i. To sport; to romp; riage, frank.
Fiuol» .i-^\p,SCgt, n. Taxes; charges. Ga wn tnukau, |g ^ jS "7, to welcome a man of
Fusel, J.^\r-, R'iS. 7*- O
Manner; appearance; To ride (as on a carriage).
sui'ii, v.i.
air; aspect. ^ Taste, form, fashion. © Such a Kuruma ni ga suru, = fg >^ ?^, to take a ^
one as, such iiTio. Syn. NOKU. t,carriage.

JFUzei am naonme, R W"^ ^ -^ ^ pictur- ^ . Ga, fti, Se, a- Refined; graceful; classical; polish'
esque sight; JVctje Ti^/Mzei mo naJcu, fpj v' IS, --B "li^ Gtt, t*. iHS. ii- {Entam.] A moth. Led.

without doing anything to please you Syn. HiiRU. fselfwlll; pride.

•f- 9,

(often used in a letter in expressing thanks for Ga, ftt, 3g, n. OEffo; self; egotism. ©Selflshneas;

GA "232 GAI
Ga wo liaru, |g f- 5E;^, to be selfwilled; Ga wo drive a carriage or ride a horse; r^-] To rule;
oru, 36 ? ifr »- . to break one's pride ; to cease to to reign; to govern. Ttion,
Gst, Jjt, 3g, iiron. I; ive. L^e obstinate, Gahyo, ft*-^5, ffi?£, «. People dead from starva-
Hi-ganoaida, il£|g^Rfl> between them (l\ini) Va ni gahyo ari, g^ = ffit^ r y , tliere are per-
and us (me); mutual relation. sons starved among the people.
Syn. Wake. Tcouns. Syn. Uejini.
Ga, Nominative endinf; of nouns and pro-
jjt. Gal, fit\r-, ^, n. Injury; harm; hurt; evil;damage.
Kimi ga yuku, ^if ^ ^, you go Ilito ga kuru. ; siiru. v.t. To injure, hurt, or damage.
Aif^H'.a- person comes oris coming; Mru ga into wo (/ni suru, A^W >'• )^, to injure an-
tanoshiki, ^ ii-if ^^, pleasant is it to look at. other; to kill a person.
Ca* a*. lL [fen*o/ia.] Possessive ending of nouns Syn. ITAMERU, SOKONAU.
and pronouns. Gal, 6*v^, s^, a. That; said.
Kimi ga yo, ^if jl, the Emperor's reign; Gaijikrn, ^ gj pf, that case; the said affair.

Wagamono, ^if ^, my property; Sadoga shi- Syn. Ano, Kaso, Suno.

ma, ffijffitf @i, the island of Sado. Gui,^t\f, vx, n. [J/ert.] Cough; disease of the throat
Ga, fit. [te^lloha.] Anadvervial ending of verbs, Syn. Seki.
meaning: in spite of, althougli. Gai. ii^v, ?^", Hl| 0, n. Self-will; obstinacy; way-
Vukishi ga awazu, ff ^ s^^'^-*'*?^. though I iviirdness; egotism.

went, T did not meet; Ame wa fitrishi ga ide- Gai ni makasu, 3g ;@: = fll- 7., to trust to one's
kiiai a-i, Mifi^- V ->- ^IH jfcL- V he came in spite .
own will; to fullow one's own way; Gai wo
Ga, ijJ, ^, n. A government office. Lofrain. haru,^^.=^%}U, to obstinately stick to one's
Syn, Manuokoro, Yakusho. own opinion; to be self-willed.
Gabn to, 6» tf ^, ^. i^, adv. [coll.] Suddenly; Syn. Wagamama.
quickly; hastily. Tsuddenly. Gal, f)'V',:fg, n. The seeds of stone fruits.

Gaba to Jinne okiru, H-'i^b ^ Mn-, to spr n^-up Syn. Sane, Ta.ne.
Gabl, ii^ZS', tr.B, " Beautiful eyebrows (especial- Galbiin, ftA/^>^, ig^, ,t. Same as Bunzai.
ly of ladies). <Gailmn,ftV.i•^,^SP5, n. [CViOj.] Ilesiring the main
Caclil, ff'%, ffi?.
An adverbial or adjective ending substance of a matter, general informatioo
of verbs or nouns, impnrting to them tlie mean- about a particular affair,
ing of frequency, predominance, or prevalence. a^aldo, f3n/>^5,I^^, n. [C/m"«.1 An infant; a baby;
Ame furi gachi na WV^^^^f^.' rainy
jiho, Syn. MiBORiKO, Os\NAGu. [a. child.

Beason; B'j~'l^l gachi, ^^?^, prone to si'-knes^. GaijI, ft*VL-, BiK. " [Chin.] Same as above,
Gaelil, ib'"^, %t^, n. [Oliiii.] Being elegant or (^ajjlu, ftn/^%-^, gHHi. SJl^tS, "- Returning from
artistic; a graceful appearance; good ta-^te. war in triumph; a victorious campaign.
Kono e ni lua godi i ga aru, ]iti^~-''^3'£^ifT Sj'n. Gaisen.
jLr, this picture is artistic in style. GiilBca, f^\r~ii>, gH 'i*:. '^. A song of victory.
Pvn. FUGA TKqUula. Gaika wo s'su, M fjt -7 ?;-; v., to smg a song or
Gaclii. ii^%, n. [Jc/U/i.] The boar fish, a spL-cies of victory; to triumpli,
Ga-clio, ft5T5, 5S.fi. '^^ ['^T'^iit/i.] A t:ime goose. GaiJie, fjAi^W, m%, n. [Mnl] Brunchltis.
Gacli6-sai, foi'^^^^V, ^!1S3S. n. [iJoC] Chick- Gafkcu, Jl<\i^^J•^, ig(^, n. A general view or sur-
Syn. riAKOBK, I-lAKOBERA. Lwced. vuy, a rough in^pectlon. fa general view.
GaenKiirii. t|T^^?'5, "r, I'f- To allow; to agree Gaiken ni y(y)rh'(, ^gf a ^ tt u /s, according to
or consent to; to be willing to. ^aiki, ij*\A^,P^^, 71. Cougli.
Kare koi'e wn gaenzeri, 5: ^ ^ -l^ V be has ffit .
Sj'n. SEKI. rof the dead.
consented to it. Galkotsu. ft*V/^C-:?,'g^^, n. Skeleton; tiie bones
Syn. Ukegau. Gaikct.'^iiiooko, ti ^^ £"7, iCV/in.] [«^] to beg
Gagn-liuta. fe*t)*^fe. ^5S^, n. [Bot.}Limnan- for one's oun skeleton; [Jig.] to resign olhcial

tJtemum indicum. f-'^t'ivntotii. Ber\ir'6 con account of age).

Gaga-lmo, i)*?j*U^4, JS®. " [Bot.] Metaplexi Syn. Kabane.
GngaliH, t^iji( , 5ff T:, n. Same as Gafcu(^). Gaiku, f]Tljs < , f^jSJ, n. A street.

Gagurl, f^l'^, ;'\ ffi, ra. A large coarse-toothed Gaik^vatsii sui-m. JjJvn < t)-:y^Z, UW, "(• To
saw. sum up to summarize to generalize to present
; ; ;

Gagen, ft'^>A, iSSb. "• [Chin] Refined diction; briefly.

elegant words; classical language. Galryaku, J)*\/>V)j^<, lEfg, «. and arti'. [Chin.'\0
Syn. JIlTABI-KOTOBA, YAMATO-KOTOBA. The essential points general outline. @ For tha ;

Gagyo suru, i)t^t-^2. ifigH, v.t. and i. [iit-lTo most part; in general; in the main; generally.


Syn. ARAMAsni, Otoso, TAiaAi. GakI, jjtt, 0£!^, Hg p, n. QA
hungry npirit op
Gnlsnl, ft'V'^V^, MS. n- \Chii^ Limit; bounaary. devil. ©A spirit of the dend fallen to the gaki-

Syn. HATESiii, KAGiRr. (J5. © [Tokyo coll.] A contemptuous turm for b

Gntaal, t^V/'SV^, ffiBSt- " iCMn.] Glaring at; an boy.

angry or fierce look. Gnkklu, ft»&/:-5, StaS. n. One of the places oj

Syn. NIRAMIT3UKB. torment Buddhist hell, where the dead

in the

GaiflAD, **v^5A-, igs:, «. Approximate calcula- Spirit.^ are punished witli liunger.
Gakkai-J, fif-vi*!!), adv. [coli.] Tired, fatigued, ex-
tion; rough estimate. rtriumph.
liausted; startled; petrified, shocked; dejected;
Galsoii sum, ft*V•^^-^2 fl:^, v.i. To return in
GalBlit. t|t\y^ L, Sft-?, :5c^, n. [C/iin.lAfool; asira"
pleton; a blockhe;id; the hare-brained.
'I'd-michi wo aruita sei ka oakkari shtta, igm
Syn. And, BaKA. Tnioul -T-'J-' -i S^iiil} If v -}}
V ^a, have been exliausted
by walking a lung distance.
Galslil, h't/^L. Stt. " iBoU] A kind of persim-
Syn. Enzauaki. fniurder
Gakkl, ft%&, S^^gg, n. Musical instrument.
Galshlii, tl*V^X^, ^-Cs "' Intention to kill or
Syn. Narimono.
Gnlsd. Accusation of a
Gnkki, jj%^, ^^, n. Academic term.q.
i]t\/\5 5.^1?. "H' [Chin.]
Emperor; impeachment.
Gakki-sura, fi^-y&C^, |K&§HI. «. a storehou.<i6
liigli ofRcial to tlie
for musical instruments. fa seminary,
auru, v.t. To report faults or bad motives
of a lii{?h olficial to the Emperor.
Gakko» ft'7**5. ^^, n. A school; an academy;
Gakkii, E, "• Divisions of the country
fiiy<, IS
Galso, finr-^S, PS ^, 71. [Chin.^ Clearing thd
for purposes of educational administration.
throat; coughing. siivu, v.t. To cough.
Gakkiiri, f^-j < ^t adv. [coll.] Breaking or falling
Syn- SEKI, Shiwabdki, Sekibahai.
down suddenly; unexpectedly; ol a sudden.
GaUnn eiiru, tl^V>'fe^^S flX Kt, v.t. and (. [Chin.]
Gakkvri ojo swu, ?/y^v f£^7. a-, [coii.] to
To lament; to complain of; to sigh; to deplore.
Syn. KnvAKA NI. Ldie suddenly.
GultS, ft*\rfe5, '^^t, n. [^ot.] A large kind of wal-
Gakk^vn, m-y ijp, ^^, •«. Subjects or course ol
study; the different branches of learning; curri-
Galseii, flt^/^^^, fi5£j?ft, adv. and a. \Chin.'] Excited
culum, rthe mouth.
to resentment; indignantly; lamenting; deplor-
Syn. FUNZBN. Ling-
Gakoso, tjȣ.5^5, S iS, n. [Med.] Aphtha of
Syn. SiiiTASiiiTOKi.
Gaizen, ft*V^^^, fS^. ctdi'. In a surprised or
Gakit, ii<, 3^, n. Tablets with painted figures,
startled manner; amazed; astonished, awe-
inscriptions, etc., and hung in temples or or-
Syn. BiKKCKl. LStruck; petrified.
dinary houses, eitlier as votive offerings or for
Galzon, i)*\/^^^, ;^jffe, adv. Same as above.
Elegant or refined ornament.
Gi&jl, fi't, ^ffip, n. [Chin.\
Gakii, j)'(< ^, n. Learning; literature; science;
diction; classic language. ,

Syn. Gakuuon. , Lstudy.
Gakii, fi< iJ, n. Music (especially that consist-
Ciijln, c^, g^ A., n. [Chin.] A genteel person; a

literary man; a person fond of refined arts or ac-

ing of drums, fifes, etc.).

complishments; a person with esthetical taste. Syn. Ongaku.

Syn. MiYABio. ''disorganization.
Gakaliau, fts< [J^, laJflJ, n. Same as Gakugin.
Gakal, tH>\r',%^, n. [C/ifn.] Ruin, destruction;
Gakubokii, ftt<K<,^^, n. A poor student who
pays his fees .and hoard by performing menial
Cuke, ft*W-, ^.Sg^.SM. ». A precipice; steep
KiRlGiSHi. l.mountains or rocks.
labour for the school or for his teacher.
Gahc, ffl^- [coll. ajjtx.'] While; when; at the some GakubiioUl, i]<<^-&, SE^. ^$i?, n. The borders
time that. or frame of a grafcuCi^).

TorigaJce ni, iSVV^^, while passing, as I

Gakiibutoa, i* < i* ^ ^, ^tB^, n. A pair ot
passed; Kae7-l gake ni yoru, gg = ^ ?^, to small quilts or cushions put below the lower
»; :V -^
visit on one's way home.
border of a gakuto support it.

Guke. ft^W", Wt- [coll. a^fx.] A particle affixed to Gaka-do, fii<.7tki>, ^^, Same as Gakumonjo.

numerals in speaking of the percentage or rate Gakuilo, j]i<;^$, ^^, n. A small building In a
of discount. temple, where votive ofTeringa of pictures or
Kono tion no 07-oshi-nedan wa shichigake desu, writings are hung; a picture gallery.
ft»» ^Sls/iSS'-'-fcffi-T-*^, the wholesale Gakufu, jit<i-5, ^^. '' Style or manner ofa
price of thLs book is seventy percent of the fixed particular school of pliilosophers. fnotea.
price. Gakurii. jjf < .£., ^19, n. A musical book; musical
Gakemicbl, iiibf7^%. i^K.iSU.n. A rocky pass. GakuKcl, f^ilfPXr, $ @, n. Science and arts.

GaK 23 0AM
Cakii^rnhu, t^< b'^< , ^ *r, adv. and a. [Chin.] In lege or university in former times. The prin- S
a fearless or undauntfid manner (said when cipal of a private academy; a tutor; the head
remonstratrtig with one's superior, or against student. ^viretis.
the pubUc). Gnku-iitsiiffl, ftT < 5 -^ ^, n. [SotJ Hydrangea
Galdigin, tif< ?r^. IKfB, "
An old tablet-shaped Gakiiya, fit< -^, 1^ g, © ^, n. Greenroom.
silver coin of a 6w in value. Galniyu, fit < V*^,^i^, n. A schoolmate; a
Gnkugyo, f* < VP S., m Si:< ». Study; learning; literary friend.
Kcholary accompliRhnienta. Gakuz en , fei < &
^, ^^, adv. and a. In an alarm-
Oaktilin, 6t< CI, flgjig, n. A school or denomina- ed manner; shocked; aghast; awe-struck.
tion in philosophy. fa flower Gakwan-sekl, i* < it5 ^ -^ S, JB ^5. " [Mn.)
Oakiihen, ft*C^^, fi^^, n. [Bot.] The sepals o<' Aragonite-sinter.
Onkiijiitsu. jji( Z'l'i''^, * '^, n. Science and arts. Gakwnnso, ijtc ]b^;5 5, 85^^. «• [-BoM Brachy-
Onkiinipn. t^< i^^, 555 igj, n. Same
as Gaku(m)- podium japonicum.
«^akiiinnii. fjt<6A,flgRg, «. Learning; study; Gama, ft^a.figj^. n. [Zobl.] A toad.
science; literatni-e. sum, v.i. To devote Gaina. ft?2, i^, #-;ig, 11. [Bo£.] The bulrush or
one's self to learning; to study, cat's-tail, Typha japonl ca.
Gakumon ga jociatsu sliita, ^ RS V ±i^ ^^ <?i, Gainngikii. t)«a^<,5t!ffi. '^ [Bot.] Srelampyrum.
has made progress in learning.
[coll.] Gainngnclil. fc*a <"^, jg tS n, A pociiet bag;
Oakninonjo, fit^ % A5.-i, ^ Rfi ^r, n. A building a wallet.
pet apart for stfldy; a school-house. Gania-liabnkl. fi'^fcrt?&, ?Stt Uh n. Leggings
Gakiiiiln, f*<yzA,^A,i^ A, n. Musicians. made of rushes. Tof rushes.
GAkiiou, fit ( 3j^, gtt^^ n, [Physics.] Musicnl Gaina-mushlro. fit^tf;£;S. ^ fSi, ' i. A mat made
sound. Gainau. iJ^a^. IfetS. »i| H- SJS., n. Patience; por-
Gahiirol, M<
*x\p,*gS^, n. The age at which severance; end-jr£Uice; forbearance; t'ortitude:
children are to bo sent to school. stoicism.
Gukiirc.kl. ji^i *t&, ^M, 't. An academic calen- Gamaji non-ai hito, ^*^ ^f-'f A, a man want-
dar or record. ing in fortitude; </o sukoshi oo.man wo nasai, ^
Gakurln, 6f< A, fl| ft, lO n. Same as below. 7. =r J/ 36 14^ ^ iJ- 'f . be patient a little longer;
Gaknryo, ft*Ot?, ¥ S?, n. A literary iiistitn- rose gaman, -V t |g -13. [coti.] pretending to bear
tion ; a seminars'; a school (mostly applied to more than one is capable of.

those supported by Buddhists), suru, v.i. To be patient; to endure, per-

Gakiir>okii, Jl< t, n.
U) i < , ^ Literary ability; severe, or lorbear.
one's scientific attainments. fgenius. Gavian suru na yoroshii, K'tft^' n'if'M.i/ -f.
GakiiKal, fi'C^V,^^, n. Literary capacity or would do well to forbear.
Gakiisi^l, f)t<-y:VN,5i^, n. A student; a =cholar Syn. Kataiji, Kokakru.
Gakusci, bt<-ft-V^, g» Ji], 7t, System of education 4;nmaslil.-n-kl, i}*3::£i>, 'fv ^fl ft. An affix mean-
Gakvsel wo aratamu, Sg ^ 84 ^, to remodel
Ifl ing like to appearing to be
; ; in the manner oi
the system of edncat'on. MaulTi gamashii, ga ,
Gakusci. *»< -IfV^, ^ife, n. Musical cadet. Gamaznmi, fit 3 ij* ;^, [Bot.] yiUurnum
Gakuslia, fit<^j^, ^|f-, w. A learner; ascliolar; dilataiii'm.
an erudite person. Ganihako. fiT^kr£., \%, n. [o&.?.l A collin.
Gaku8hat)uru. ff<%^PZ.Vi^^, -v.i. To as- Gajnbokug.yo, t?^a:f §' J;, ^aSl, n. fZooi.] A.

sume the air of a learned man. Syn. IKA. Lcuttle-fish.

Gakushi. fiJ^ L, ^ ±, n. © A scholar; a learned Ganiliutsu, ft* ^ > ^, ^ ij^, yi. Counterfeit; an
man, a prolessor. @ Bachelor of arts or science. imitation, forgeries.
Gakuslii, &«< L, S?SiIJ, n. Musiciiwi. Syn. KisEMCkvo.
Gakushlclio. ifl<Z%^^,^m^, n. Chief Mu- Gnmbyo. i<^D*^5, ag^, n. Disease of the eye,
sical instructor (In the Army or Navy). ophthalmia.
GakuslilkU fi*<J.?t,^^, n. Learning. Ganil-ganil, fi«;^fit;^, aav. In a snarliTlg or growl-
Gakusci, i)*<-tt'\r,ag^. n. A student; a scholar. ing manner.
Syn. Shosei. Gami-ganH to yakainashiku iu, if ~ if = h A
GakuRhu, i)t< ;£.ii», Si^, n, A Musical party. *-Kift:i7, [coll.] to talk or scold in a noisy,
Gakushuin, tj*< £,W)5a^, ^ Wl^, n. The Noble's grumbling manner.
College. Gainniodokl, fitAt^g. ffi S, n. See Modoki.
Gakutni, fi'< ftV, S^PW, n. A band of music. Gaimnoku, fiT^l^; <, Bisg, n. Q [ift.] The eye. 9
Gakutfi, fit< i£5, K^. n- O President of a col- [Jig.] The most important point.
Gammoku no toUorot iU -^ &• the most es- large coarse-toothed saw. gj Zitj-zag. Q a
aentiril or critical point. hooked weapon for catching a thief with.
Syn. ITanaME. roffice. Syn. GA^fSHi.
Giimon. ffl % ^, f§f n, w- [Chin.] A government Gnngl-yasiiri, ft*^S*^-^'i3, n. O A kind of a'fila,
dampaclil, ijt^ar'^i, n. {IcHfi.] A kind of fish of used for abr;idiDg or 3moothing'_hard wood 9
the SaHola genus. Anything quite contradictory.
<2anipl, i)^^o:, :© S S. w. [Bot.'i Lychnis coronata. Gnne. fi*il, n. An advervial ending of verba,
Oanipl, ft^^t^^ IS S, n. [Bot.]Wikstramia Ganpi. meaning like, just as, so as, as if.
GampI, fttAtp, IjS S, n. Cont. form of below. Yuki to miru gane, S I- fi. »- ^/ -7. so as to ap-
Ciampisht. jjf^tNt. Iffi^iilEE. 7». A thin kind of pear like snow.
Japanese paper. fwritin^. Gnnjo, b-t k.X' i. 5.fi?^. ". and a. Q A strong
Oampon, fI1^[£^, !^4C, n. A counterfeit book or horao, [coU.] @ Strong; solid; secure; firm.

Gamnslii, ft'tf L, w. [Sn(om.] ffvdrophtllus cog- Ganjo na ioricle, 83^-^^. a strong fortress.
natics. Syn. J*1BU.

Gau, j)tA, IS, n. [Orntth.] The wild goose. Gaiikn, ftfA*>, ggy, n. Beneath the eye.
Gan, jjtA, BR,
" intowo ganka ni milcudasii, A ^ BRT— fi.T^.
The eye. to look down upon or despise another.
Syn. Ma- Gnnknir tl*^±>V^, IIR ?f, ft. The circle or extent of
nx KO, MK. Syn. MiRUKAGiRi. Lone's vision.
Gan, flt^, S. "• Gaakel* i^t^H-^^,ga, n. [Bot.] Osmanthxts fra-
A smnll shrine Syn. MoKUSEi. igrans.
in whicli Budd- Gaiikcii, t<A.W-A., DB89, n. The eye-lids,

hist idols are picked. (m Syn. Mabuta.

Syn. Zrsni. OankI, fe'A&, [jR^, n. Same as Gamhyo.
Gan, Jlt^, IJf, n. Counterfeit; imitation (always Gankiii, ft'^9^,!^^, n. Counterfeit gold coin;
used in compounds). imitation gold; forged money.
Gan-hitsu, (gampTtsu) !^ g, a counterfeit Syn. NiSKGANE. rthe ej-e.

autograph; Gan-satsv, fjff ^tj, counterfeit paper Ganko, ft»^t5,BH/L. n. The orbit or socket of
Syn. NiSR. Lii^oney. Gankwo. i)»^<*3 5. RRifc. « Glittering of the eye.
Gana, ftf^, inter}. Kxclamatinn of doubt or wish. Gankwo hito wo iru, RR it A ? St W-i to pierce
Miru ynshi mo gana, ^ fu ili ^ if -j-, would aman with one's glance.
that I Iiad some means of seeing it. Gnnkoran. ti*A4»5 ^^, g s ffi. "• [Bot.] Empe-
Syn. OsninoMT. trum nigruTn.
Ganarii, ftf^S, r.i'. [coll.] To cry aloud; to growQ; Gankiibl, fe^^ < ty, ffSti, n. The bowl of a tobacco
to vociferate. Now rarely used. pipe (so called from its resemblance to the neck
Syn. DONARU. of a wild goose). fvai'i catum.

Gauclil, i)'A"^, f^W. n. Being blind of one eye. Gnnkiibisd, ft*ACtK5 5, n. [Bot.] GaiTesium di-

syn. Katame, mekkachi. GaiikiiCeu, fti ^ < -7,K%i€^> cave in a

i. A
Ganclilku 9^^nl,i]/^'^<-^ 3,^?f, v.t. To imply, Syn. Iwata. \toc^
involve, comprise, or include. Gnnk^vn, il'^< Jp, BS?f, n. Aphthalmology.
Gaucliu, ft^^V^5.fiB4'. w. and artu. In the eye; Gaukwn.1, fit^ < i^v^, Dg^lf, n. Aphthalmologist.
within the limit of one's vision. Gankyo, ftf^&J^5, IBIS. w. Same as Megane.
GanchU hito nashi, |@ fI^ A+ 5^, [Ut.] to have Gnakru, i]^A.9$,HBf^, w- The eye-ball.
no man within one's eye; [Jig.] showing no Gnnraiko, ^ t V^ C 5. IS 3iJE. w- [Bot.] Ama-

fear or respect for otliers'; Gan<;hu siczushl, ranth.

B3 ^ y-iAv, to have clear, kindling eyes. Ganrlkl, tl*^'')^, .^i), n. Power ofsight;
Gando, fi»^^53S^, n. A robber; a highway- Ganryokii, f]^^'!^i,<, strength of one's vision. S

man; a house breaker. Ano hito no ganrlkl loa osoroshii, A ^ BR ^ ffi[

Syn. OSHiKOMi. riantern. ^fflp^'f . his power ofsight is wonderful.

Gaiido-clioclilu, ft*^^ J**^^? t ^, n. A dark- Gansaku, il«^•5 < , ^ {^, ". Counterfeiting; imi-
Gangasa, i)*Aii'5, liSffi, n. Eruption on the legs; tation. sui'u, v.t. To counterfeit, etc.

literally " wild geese eruption " (so called from Syn. NisERU. fcurrency-
Its appearing in autumn and disappearing in Gansatsu, i)*^3•:7, ^PftL, n. Counterfeit paper
Rpring like a flock of wild geese). Gansel, il^^-^V^, BBSS. " The eye-ball.
Syn. GANSfJ, Syn. Manako, Medama. Tcha
GaasU j)> A &*, IS?^, /» O A gangboard. QA Ganseiso. JiJA-fri^35. ". [Sot.] Tlia rose of Jerl*
GAN 23 r, GAS
Ganshl. J^^^2;, HS B^. ^. A gunrmy discharge from ance (of the stripes) suits me well; or I like that
Ryn. Metani. Ltlie eye. kind of stripes; Mi gara no yoi hito, Q^ ^^s ^
CiansMsnl. it^£^v^, Bg^iR, n. [Cof.] The pond- A. a. person of high social rank.
weed, Potaviogeton palygonifolliis. Gnrn-eiira, f^ft^i;, p^ V, adv. A noise like Q
Syn. IIlRUilfSHIRO. that of gravel shaken In a box; rattling sound.
Gnnsliohu, ft* A-;£ i < g, n. The colour or
, j!Ji
© A rattle (a toy).

complexion of the face; countenance. Gara-gara oto ga sum, Ifyif'^^ff^Ji'.ii

Syn. Kaoibo, Kamdase. make.s a rattling sound.
CnnsS, f]f^55, %W. "- LJ^ecI.] Same as Gangasa. Garahaiil, -Wy-fs—, ii. [Eng.] Galvanism.
4;tinsoKn.i-el, ft*A^5i)*K\/^, n. [/c/i(/i.] Rhmnbus Garakiitii. t'*f><'ft, n. Things old and worn out
cinnamoneus. (as lurniture).

Utinsoxitt, tJt^t$?V,^I^Sl|. "• [.l/crf.] A medi- Garakuta dogu, if ^ ^ ^ ^ U< oltl and value

cinal wash for the mouth; a gai-gle. less articles of household funuture.
Syn. Ugaiguscri. Garamekl-no-lil, J]t&fc&©0-, ft^ H ;+c i^, it. Na
tural gas.
h^5,a, n. EockH,
Garainii, if y L., n. iEng.'\ Same as Guramu.
Syn. IWAO. Gai'aii, ify-y, ft) g£, n. [,?a?isfc.] Buddhist temple.
Ganta, JJ^^fe, ^|B, n. Same as Ganchl. Garaitciio. ^J'&^^:5, 4ui£&, ?t L'J/'/tit/i.] Uio

GnnKekl-dofii, t^^t-S^-5^, SSsfl?. "• 5^/w Pelicin.

roasted, wrapped in kombu, and cooked for inod. Garando, fii 6^'^55, a. \coll.\ Hollow, empty.
OanKcn, ?]r^lfc^, JB n. adv. and a. Before
Gai-anko, ft*&^*>5, Wl^S, n. \,Boi.\ Agallo-
one's eyes; in one's presence; now; immediate- Syn. Kyara. Lc/iunv.

ly; instantly; present.

Garashl, ft*6£,, K^#, ri. [iJo(.] Wild grapes.
Ganzen ni waharu, WttifS — ^''-' c*^" ^^ ^"- Garasu. if=^y., 5S^,3SJS. '" V^m.^ Glass.
Etantly discerned. Syn. Bjidoro, GiYAMAN. rbottle.

Menowae, Mokuzen.
Syn. Garasti-l)iu, fti &-^lA' k, fifl^iS, W- A glasse

Ganzo, Jl^^^•5, ^^, " Same as Ga-nsaku. Garasii-lta, fc*5-^\/^'fe. Jffi J?i K, 'i. A glass pHte.

Shiliei wo oanzo sum., ,?R ?g ^ ^ ii 7. ji-, to Garasii-E<li-1, ft* & it" l"(i , Sf J3 Sfi 7J . '^^ a glasB

counterfeit paper currency. cutter. rto other nouns).

GaiiKdga.rci, fi* ^^^5*'H^/^, n. [Ichth.] Same as Garl, ftfi^, 1^, n. House, residence (mostly affixed
ffans3pc[rej. feoo'^e. Garii, ft* 2> [sulRa;.] A paiticle affixed to verbs,

GauEumo, fi^Ar)'*, US jl^. "The claws of a wild Imparting to the latter the meaning ol desire or

Uuorii, tj<5rS, |g Ifr, v.i. [co;i.] To yield assent to feeling.

another's argument; to be crestfallen; to be de- Awarcgaru, t ^\Uif }u, to feel pity; to sym-

jected. pathize ;-/i/a f/aj'K, i\1fn', (cot(.] to feel reluc.

Gapiiel, t^-/^^< -^ 6f. n. Combining together; tance; to dislike; Sahishi garu, ^lyif n^, to be
union; junction; combination; amalgamation. lonely; Yukiia garu, ^t ^ &if >i-, to be desirous
siirii, v.i. To unite; to combine; to amal- of going.
Syn. ISSTTO Ni NARU. Lgamate. Garuliani, ifix-.>\^, n. [£?ie7.] Same as Garahani.
Gappchi, ft'f-y:?, -p-^. «. A near neighbour, Garulinni-slogu, ft*2m;r7&5<', tH ® SS, ". Gal-
houses separated from each other only by a vanic battery.
wall; neighbours. Gariiliaui-uickki, ft* 5 a t/c >6 -y ?, 7t. Elecro-
Syn. RINKA, TOKARI. plating.
Gappl, ii^-jv^, )Fl B, n. Month and day; Gariircn, Ifiu-a-:/, ^, n. {Eng.^ Gallon.
Gtvappl, <'*9vU.*, ' date. Garya, ft*W) 5, fgSI!. " One's own style or man-
Gappl 100 kinyusuni, fl ? SB A 7. a-, to put ner (of lencJng, writing, tea-making, etc.), self-

down the date (as in a registei). taught method.

Gappull-SWJl!slla,fi^yK^<'ih\^;£-^, )-&$:# E. GaryU na kenjvisit-tsitkai, K SS -> ^ '^ flip, •
Gdlioii-swafslia, ft^5l3:^<*!h^^i^ ' '* Joint self-taught fencer; Gai"yu ivo kaku, 3gi)fE^#^,
Btock company, to write after one's own style.
Gappon-gwaislia wo okosu, & 4^ ^ fill:
? ^ 7., to Gasa-gasa, ft*2ft*3, adv. Uttering a <'nundlik«
establish a Joint stock company. that of paper rubbed or grasped.
Gnra, fj* 6, #5, n. ©Kind; sort; quality; rank Gasatsii, ft* e "5, ^^, o.. [coll.] Rough or coarBt
(mostly in compounds), ©[coii.] Look; appear- in manner; rude; restless; careless; flighty.

ance. Ga&atsumoiio, |a^^', a rude lellow.

QaragaTclniitta, ifkifft.^X», the appear- Syu. S0K0T3D,
GAS 2:^7 GE
teasel III, i)'-^\p \iz, ?£ i/fl. adv. [coll.] Intently; Guto, liix. An adverbial ending of verbs, mean-
industriously; clilisontly; laboriously; imJelati- ing hard, diflicuit, or unable.
gably. rdilisently. Ayunii gate iku, 7^=.if7'1)j~'. t« rest
Gasei ni shigoto surv, lEtl^ =i {1;9I:^;^, to work. being unable to walk.
ti.iseiraii, h'tV^i^A., ^lEM, "• [Hot.] Adonis. Gnfcu, Hit A,, ^SS, 71. O Understanding, percclv-
^jlasoit, h^^^, 3""^. "• Comuiisaion, percentnRe. iig. @ Assent; consent; agreement; concord-
Syn. KuSK.v. ance.
<inslii, ti* L, fS5E> " Starvation. sum, v.i.
Galen ga yvkanai, -^tUf i- ^, T fail to ^U
Syu. Ukjixu. L'l'o starve. understand; Sore uict galen shimas?iita, ^. i^ >•*
tiashln, ii*:^A., IS.C-, « Egotisui, [Jlaccida -u- iS ^ "^ S^ ^, I consent to tliat.
tiiaslioed, i)*;£-^'5?5, ffiStj^.", «. 1/Jor.] .-iHemojic Biii'it, v.t. and i. To understand; to per-
Gaslioi, ib** i, |!i?^, 71. Bigotry; eelfwiU; wilful- ceive; to allow, consent, or agree.
ness; ob&tiuiicy; pertinacity; stubbornness; con-
Syn. KlKIIRERP, Nattoku sdru, Nomi-
Syi). GWANKO, Kataiji. Ltumacy.
Gnssai, ijf'y^V', •u'-^J, adv. All; wholely; entirely;
Gntoi'a, f^X iii, conj. adv. While; at the same
Syn. IS3A.I, NoicoRAZU. Laltogether.
time that.
Gassai-litiliuru, ^i-j a. v* j« < ^5, ^^^, n. A
Ifanami gatera ni hito wo to, '^^Jf r 9 = A
travelling bag made of cloth (for putting in
? l/j 7, to go out flower-viewing, and at the
vai'ioQS things needed in a journey).
same time visit another.
Gnesan Kiiru, f]^y3^^^, ^^., v.t. To count up;
Katagata, Nagara.
to find a total.
Gatsu-gntsii, h'^-oh'^-y, adv. [raft,] Voraciously;
CiassBeiki, ftJ-y^&, -fi-j^, n. Same as ffassaf.
ravenously eagerly. ;

Gasslio, tf-j£^^^, -u-Sit, u. Hands joined to-

geth=:r (as in prayer). i^iiru, v.i. To clasp
Gatsu-gatsu mcshi wo lev, ff 'y -ff >;'
fig ^© -7,

or join tlio hands together.

to eat ravenously; Galsuijatsu shite iru. If v }f
ft* 7 ;£ -^ 5 /C- %, ^ 3E i, n. and a.
"y ^7 fi )i', to be hungry and voracious.
S!ii"ii, v.i. To be eager to eat; to be vora-
Standing in the manner of the two hands joined
cious or ravenous.
together (as two poles resting on each other).
tinssJiu, Jj^-5£ 5, -H- ?fc, ". and a. Union, confe- Gntsnisinni, fi?-:?^3, n. [Bot.] Mens retvsa.
deration; combined, united, confederated. Gattnl. ij*"yte\r, -S-fifl, ". Agreeing together
tinssliu-lfyecHI, iiiyXL')}^'^ i.^%, '^'^i^-^, n.
likeminded; alliance; combination. su:-.i,

Federal government, confederacy. v.i. To unite or agree together.

Gntteii, t^-jXA,, -^K, n. SnmQ as Gaten.
Hitsso, tfl / ^ 5, -g-^-, n. Playing in consort (as
musicians), siirti, v.t. and i. To play in
Gaya-gaya, to, fi*^fifJ^'£, adv. Inanoisyand
confused manner (said of many people crowding
concert. fgether.
tiiisso sum, ft* y ^ 5 -}!" 15 ,
^M, v.t. To inter to-
Gassurti, tt'-vit^, -f>, v.t. To combine, unite, or Gaya-gaya shite iru, if \^ -V s.'' 7 J^ ji^, to be

mix togetlier; to add up. noisy and crowded

Gasii, }j'y., JtJ5f, ". [Eng.]G^?.. Gasainl, ft*3-;^j., U
GasuKlUwitii, fti-;-@ <*?^, %mBSfi. n. [Phy- ^, n. [Zool.]

sics.] Gas origlne. Portumis pelagi-

Gastikyoliu, ft*^@i:<, ^ I^ J^, n. Gasworks. cns.

Ga suru, J]*-^^, ^, v.i. To congratulate; to feli- Gaao, ijf^, -mm, "•

Gasuto, ft«-^-it5, %W'^, •"• Gaslight. Lcit;ite. [Zoo! ]

Gata-gata, f^lttCfz, adv. and a. The sound of nrcliin. im s^3
rattling or slamming. Syn. Uni.

To &a gataoata iu, p if If Hlf ^ A the ~7, <;nzeii. h'^^t'/u, ffi^, adv. Suddenly; unexpected-
door rattles (as by the wind). ly; incident.'illy; of a sudden.

Gntnliislii, fi^J> L, )adi\ [coU.I The sound of Syn. NiwAKA si.

Gataplslitt L, 'walking hastly with shoes GaxoBiii, ft* ?• < , ?£lfS, ft: Refined or vulgar,

or wooden clogs on; a paltering noise. elegant or homely.

GataidsliL oto ga shite ne>-arenv, if ^\z.^ ^1f Gazoku konko, StfSt%?2. mixture of the claa
t/ 7 '^y l^ ^, can not sleep on account of pat- sical and vulgar dictions or stylos of writing.
tering noises. Go, \fP, y, n. adv. and a. InJ'erioriry; inferiors;
GatavJ to, ijffevi)^, adv. The sound of anything the last (as of volumes); below, beneath, un
suddenly falling down; with a bang. der, down; low, mean, base.
JZge 7U) shabctsu nashi, _hT-^^ 81J+2/, m^iking [ArcJc] Kingpost
no distinction between the high and the low; tiegyo, ^^g 1, T».
Ge no kwan, T ^ ^1 the last valume. r.i. To alight; to
€«» 1^1 ^, *!• Buddhist verses or eulogy. dismount (said of
Ge ivo tonau. tfi
? Pi 7, to recite Buddhist the Emperor only).
Oelmi, W^tiu^, Tiff.
C«. yp.^', n. O-A tusk or the canine teeth. @ J^ )g, 71. Inferiors,
Cunt, of zd(ie, ivory. low claeses. OS It)
Go» Yf; ^- [affiz.] Impure /ce (^), meaning look or GeJiln-, VPV-/u, T iS, 7t. Inferior quality or grade;
appearance, ancL always suffixed to verbs or vulgar; ugly.
other words. Gel, V^v>, S, »( Polite accomplishments; the arts.
Kokoro ari-genamonoiibvri, ,t-7 V >* + t^K Get wa mi wo tasuku, B •*> 5* ? Bfl ^. [Prov.]
-f V .a thoughtful way of speaking; 3Iono omoi [tit.'] accomplishments benefit those who pos-
£76, i^ g. t y, appearing to be anxious, thought- sess them. raturo.
ful, or pen^lve; Oshl-genaku hitoni hodokosu, fg Geibiin, W-U^.S••^, S^. [Chin.] Arts and liter-

>•-? i? A — SS 7., to give alms to another without Gclgel, ][f'\r-yf'V-, n- [coii.l Same as OkuH.
any appearance of reluctance; rrc^hi ge nt GeJgl, }[)^V''^, S<S. Same as Gcfsfta.

warau, igs^^'^^V, to smile joyfully. Gei-ln, ^:^V^^/^^, Sb^, "• Drinking like a whale;
Geha, WS, T ,^. « Alighting from a horae. taking a great quality of intoxicating drinks.
<i;oblrii, Irl'-O'^'S, SP. w-(- To be low, mean, base, or Getjutsu, V:}i v^ £• 19) •:7, g'#, ri. The arts; accom-
vulgar. fi^ay of speaking. plishments.
Gehita monoii, >' tr ^ 1^ 'f * , a low or vulgar GeiUo, |^>C., B^, n. [Kyoto and Osaka dialect.]
Syn. Tyasitjki. flow. Adancing or ffi^ging girl. Same as Geisha.
A low mean A general name for
<;el)lsiik4>, ^V^irid, n. [coii.] or lel- Goliiln, Vj^V^VE^, A, »t- S
<;ol!ii, 'if ^, M3Ji " Low officials in ancient actors, story-tellers, puppet men etc, one ;

times, whose chity it was to torture criminals versed in a certain art of amusement or perform-
10 order to make them confess, ance, ras Gelko.
<;el>ib. ^t' -i'. T SR. « inferior servants in a noble- Geisha, W^V^S.-^, ®#, " [Tokyo dialect.] Same
man's household. Geiiio, IfJ^Vr'® 5, St/S. *^ Polite accomplishments.
Syn. RiiiMOBE. GeisliuuLi^va, lrtiU^Xl*^< in, iS^^E. " [iiot.]

4;eclinKii Kuru, t^t-^<-3"3. T tJ ,

vA. To arrive Jasminum Slebjldiana.
from the capital. <-*'JI. W'"^, Ti^i TJ- Command; order.
(Seclai, ^ji/C'V^, ^l-S, 'i- O The title (of a book). @ ffe/i wo sum, T^^ 7. ft-, to give orders; to
The name (of a play). Syn. llTBCKK, MEIREI. Lcommand.
Shibai tio (jeilai, 1^Ji ^ ^\^. the name of a Gojl, VP-'^, )titi?g. M. [Entom.] Scolopendra
Syn. IlYoDAl. LPl-ay. Gejlgejl. W=-'?^V>'5-. 'morsaa«5.
4;e(1aii, |^^^-^ T S. " The lowest step or grade Gejlgeji-Slilda, n-Z-n-i:X7&, iBoU] J:sx>ifdiv.in
(said mostly of the way of h )lding a sword). decursive-pi nnatum. rinstruction.
Gedan nl kamacru, T S =- * ^ '^ »-. to take A written order or
a posture (in fencing or actual fight), with the Gejilti, VJ'V?, TBI, n. and a. Cheapness; a mo-
sword held low. derate price; low-priced.
e4<dat£iE. vyTQ-y, iSSt, ". [Bwrtd.] Deliverance Syn. Yasdke.
from evil; salvation. Gojo, }{^%'i.,'T ^, M. /£. Inferior maid-servants.
<»(>'t]on, yp-^/u, H^, "•• The name applied by the Syn. HA3niTAiiE, MizusniMK.
Buddhists to books of other sects or religion. Gejo, Ir^S: i. 5, ?S> ti- T
Alighting from a hors*
Cicclo, 5. *I-S. n. [Btidd.] False or heretical
W;- 7C' or Twritnono (especially at a certain point in th«
doctrines, beterodoxy. approaches to a palace or shrine).
tieilolfii, if)^'& <, J^Sf, n. Counteracting the ef- Gejuii, nti\^k, T'H). «• The last decade of the
fects of poison, an antidote. month. ViBudd.] This world.
Sya DoKUKESHi. GckaJ, tj:4>Vv, T^, «. O The lower world. S
Godokusal, Vj^>e<rv^, f^^Wi, " [Sfeil.] An an- Gekan, V^i.^. yi^, n. Same aa Gejvn.
tidote to poison. Gokan. W^i>^, T Jff, «• \_Med,] Disease of the
Cego, }[)-}f^', T T. '"• Inferior classes of people; genital organ.

the lowest grade. Gekaneo, W:i»^5 5, TfffS n. IMea. \ Disease o(

Syn. SHiMOJiMO, Shitajita. the penis.
eeffen. W^atA., T5£ « Waning moon. GokotBu, r^frt"^, Tit, n. [Med.] A bloody fiux.
suru, v.t. To discharge blood from the keeper or a night watch; [Jig.] a man of the
bowels. lowest occupation.
Coklf !(>§, #).(&, n. Secretary of the ancient Dai- Geklto, W^^i?, y*^, n. Rebels; insurgents.
jokwan (Couucil or State), which see. Geklyakii. \{f'^^<, gJJ ^, ,«,. A powerful or dan-
<>ekl, }[^^, Violent or powerful.
gerous medicine. rbarbarians.
Syn. liAGESHIKl. Goklsctsu, Wi^-e--?, ^^, n. [Chin.] Language of
GohlbuD, W^$J*^, «^. n, A manifesto. Gekka, i^vii>, ^T, o,dv. In the moonlight.
GekiJmn fvo mawasu, W.^f-)&7., to circutate Gekka nl hana wo shli su, ^ T = 7E ? !h! ^. to
a manifesto. for space. view and admire flowers in a moonlight night.
GoklchI, |r^g %, ESC jft, n. [Ohin.] A vacant ground Gokkako, Tuberose.
]t>yJi*ii>5 flT^. «• [Sot.]
Gokldo. Ir^^^e, i^igt, 71. [Chin.] Indignation; ex- GekkftwO. God of love.
W^94'5r5, fiT^, rt.
asperation; wratli.
Geklflo suru, V:^^^^-^^, ^ v.i. To ba ex- Gokkoi,
np-j w V, ;i S. n. The cypress in the
cited, roused, or agitated.
moon; t)ie laurel, or the emblem of literary
GeklhatSu eiini, ^>&Kt:?-^^, aS9, v.i. To rise honour.
(as in insurrection).
Goklhen. W^^-^^. ^'^, n. A violent change.
Sekkei no kammu?-t, ^ S ^ S. ** crown of
bays a crown of glory.

Gokljo, ^^^^'^5, M^, n. A theatre; a play

Gekkel, li^-vi^\r. M 0. n. Court nobles.
Syn. SHiBAi. Lhouse.
Gokkcl, }rf"/lff\r, ^SS.^tK, n. The menses.
Geklku, 1f^%<, B^, n. [Chin.] A fast runnmg Gckkcu^ W''vW^, ffi)^, n. Fencing.
horse the sun.
; fduties.
Gekken no shi-ai too suru, SiM-^K-h-^j^i*-,
Gcklniii, W^ 5 tp, ffi!i ^, n. Urgent or assiduous
to play fencing matches.
Gcklrnu, «; g & ^, SJf 5-L, n. Rebellion; revolt;
Gekketsi^t^-yW-r?, ^ A, n. Same aa Gekkeii^^y
Gekketsujakii, t^9W^;&-^<, ^fiJ^S, «. [Or-
Syn. MUHON. Tharsh.
nith.] The cra'^s-bill.
Goklretsii, iP^lrLi?, M^U « Violent; severe;
Goklrln, V:^^WJ^, {figS, n. The anger ofthe Em- t)^'j^<ij, ^$?E. "• [iJot.] A species
of rose, Bosaindlca.
peror; Imperial wrath.
Gekirin nt fururu nakare, IS £5 — ffi
Gokkiu, Wl7^^, M^,n. A kind of stringed in-
»' ^ i^.
strument of music.
never incur the wrath of the Emperor. fya exotica.
Gokkitsiu H^ 9 5-:?, IS. +fi W, Murra-
n. [Bot.]
Gokiro, W^ S & 5, J*i^, ". Adver.se or opposing ;j

Syn. Sakanami.
Oekko, W^7<)b5, Hit, n. Moonlight.
L^vaves; a head-sea.
Gokiro, yt-^^, ^ame as 5afcaro.
Gekkyu, l:^v&5, ^ S&, n. Monthly wages;sala-
jttJS, 71.
'ry per month.
Gekiroii, ^:^3^^, ^lil, n. An angry or lieated
discussion; altercation; wrangle; philippics. Gekkuden. Wt» ^ 5 t? ^, ^ g'Sl. ". A fabulous
siii'u, v.i. To dispute angrily; to altercate. palace supposed to exist in the moon.
Gekiryo, «=? VJ l.ffi JS.tt- [C/ii7U]An inn; a hotel. Geko, ^^t. yp, n. A temperate person; one
Gekiryo no fcafcw, jteiS >^, the guest of a who does not drink sake.
hotel; a traveller. Geko no tateta kura mo nashi, T P -^ ^ ^ H
Syn. Hatagoya, Yadota. * -h S'. [coll. Prov.] [lit.] no storehouse was
Goklryn, W^^ V) 5, ^gfE, «• A viole-nt stream; a ever built by a teetotaler.
SyD- Hatase. L^oiTent. GekS 911111. t>t5-^2, T lal, v.i. To go down; to
Geklsatsu siii-u, W^&?-:7-^2, gffi, v.t. To strike come down Ironi the capital or a temple.
and kill; to kill by shooting. Gekokii, W^'t <, TS, 71. OGoing "home from
Gckfscii sum, t^S;*^-f^. ®i?S, v.i. To engage the capital. @ A barren province.
in a hot fiffhting; to fight severely. Gekn, W* < 5, $'1.'^, n. The outer shrine at Ise
Goklshii, V:^5;£l5), Sfi-lf, n. An Imperial yacht. dedicated to To yoke-no-Kami.
GekJsHo, i>&;£-^5, SifiS. '^ A dangerous dis- Gekwa, 1ff'<iJ, ^1-^. "r^. Surgery.
ease. Gekwa-dosu, }ii^<t>7li5<% f^m^Mrf n. Surgi-
GckisuruvV^^-^S.^. v.t. To be excited, roused, cal instruments.
enraged. Traged. Gekwa-l, Wi<i9V^, ^t^B, i k. A sur-
6i ni geki suru, ^ — Si :^ S-. to be greatly en- Gckwa-lslia, Wi< *3V^:£-^, ^i^S#. ' seon.
Gokltaku, )^^1t <, ^H, n. [CMn.] O Striking Gektvan. ^<t>A^, T St. « Same as Gejun.
together two blocks of wood (as by a watch- Gr'ktvau, V^<i9^, T *&. » Inferior office.

man). @ A watch man. Gekwan, ^i to A,, T 1^. pron. I (used by offici&Li

Sokwan gekitaku, JQ Effi IS t^, [Chin.} [lit.] a gaU only^
Gemba, ^>^kf,Stfl. ff" ^^^ *^''- 'I'ho actual spot; Gen, W^^, H, n. and a. [Chin.] Grave; severe;
the place in question; on the spot. rigid. Used mostly m compounds.
Gemba, ^f^^a. ^iS, n. flOilicialg belonging to Gen, YPA,,^, n. Field; moor; wilderness. Alwayi
the Gemba-1-yo, which see. © The name ol' a in compound.*!.
large pail or tank used for carrying water in Syn. Hara, Nohara.
conflagrationa. Ccn, 1>A, ^. 71. [ZoiJl.] A large kind of turtle.
iiemba-ryo, W^^^JH5, S Sf 5I- " The name Gen, W^^, 52, n. [Matli.] Chord.
of an ancient bureau Cor foreign nlTatrs. Gcnn, ^^. [ajjlx.] A particle affixed to verbs a od
tteinbatsii, l/:Ji ^ tf-:?, fiSSi]. " A severe punish- adjective.", imparting to them the following
ment. meaning; I hear tliat, is said to be, appearing to
t^eiiiliii. l-^AJ*, :£lt. " [Chin.] The north (used be, etc.

by ancient astrologers or physiographers). Asu kiirji gena, ^ ?fj Ji- i-*->, is (or are) eaid

^^i'<,fcl]5 "•
4^cinliii)^ii, O Originally the coming to-morrow; Kashilco gena hito, S?
to he
ceremony ol' changing the personal nnmo and y-^K, a person appearing to be wise. ftinn.
wenring, for the first time in life, the hat and Gen-an, t^ASi ^, /^ ^, n. The original proposi-
clothes of an adult, when a young man reaches Gen-an vjo hakisu, ^ ^=9- {fi @5 7., to reject tho
the age of 15; later, this ceremony consisted original propositions; Gen-an wo sanseisu, J§ ^
only in shaving the forelock and changing the ^ 5E 7., to support
fiK the original bill.

personal name. ©
The ceremony of shaving the Gcuau, W;^^, y ^. n. Inferior man-servant
eyebrows and blacking tho teeth when a woman Syn. SuiMOHK.
marries. surn, v.i. To perform the above Gencba»a-e!tibu,>*^^T^x^7., KB ^ 61 W. i.

ceremony. [Med.] Extract of gentian, Extractum gentiaiice.

Ueinbuii. ^^^-S*^, ,g^, n- Original text. Genclio, l>^*^JL, f§.^, J(. Original work or
Goinhiiii. t> ^^ ^,BX. « tipeech and writing; authorsliip (as distinguished from translation).
oral and written languages. Gens:iKii, W* ^ ft* < , I^ !S, n. Diminishing the
Gembvn itclii, m'^ — ^, unification ol spoken amount, reduction. fc'-s.

and written languages. Gcngo, WiA.V:}i, !^^3t. " [BoL] Astragalus sint-
Gcmhutsu, ii:/^^^^,^^, The very thing, 71. Gonfret»;ii, ^>^W^-:?, ^ ^, n. Orescent moon.
things in question; actual substance, any thing Ger.ffiii, ^k.VK, S Si. ^- Pendy money; paying
visible. foutslde. © Tlio face. on delivfry of goods; cash payment.
donieu, ^t-!6^, ^l-ffi, "- Ql'lie exterior surface; Gcngo. ^^^&,
t^, n. Words; language.
Ciomln, ^^S•^. TK. « i^o^v people.

Gominni, ^>^^\^, :£ -"K, " Uiirleanetl rice, i. c. Ge7ignj'ulsu, sfST'iifi, unintelligibility of l.nn

rice not yet pounded and whitened. gU!ige; Gengo meisekl, l^ iS B,1
fi", his speech is

Syn. KUROGo:\TK. diPtinct.

GoIn»n:li,|r:}^^EV^. 5? ^c. " O Pension or salary In Syn. KOTOBA. fguage

rice. ©The actual quantity of rice on hand. Gengo. W: A &, ^i^ gg, ii. Onginnl words or lan-
<Soniin4'i, ^>^fcV^, S5'p'. "- Strict order; grave Genpuro, (:> ^ & ^ 5, ffg|5. „. [Entom.] \ beetle
command. fsevere; rigid. of ilie {;cnu^ Ci.'ijiate?:

Goniinltsii. }[PA.?hO, SHWn << nnd a. Strictness, GenEw:ti. vt- ^H. flt'i'- and
<- i'j \r, Pg ?i. Out ol

Goiiiinoii. ^t-^^&^, ^^, "• Korean characters bound; beyirnd limit; exception.
closely resembling Japanese kana. tf;eiig-\vai, T(^/j "= and adu.
iov^, >?[, n. Beside tho
Gompl, l':^ ^^^^ TCiie. " \Chin.\ The p:mpress; a actual or ditjct meaning of a word; under the
queen. ffendant. words, between the lines.

Genipl. \>ktr,^W.. '^- t-'^nw.l Plaintiff and de- Genius u. W^^^l., "gsS, n. Sae Gengo.
Gempu, k^^ki-^,^li_ „. [j/((f/).l Subtraction. Gcnl, ifT'l^:. ,
¥f , adv. Really; truely; m-
Gonipon, ^>^l^^, ffiii>;, ". Original copy. GcnS ino, V:M(?i6 , ' deed.
Gomiiii, W-^J-•, flS'^\ n. Your father; [^if.Jagrave Syn. JiTSU Nl.

Gen, W=^I^l ™- [^fri/'.] Subtracting. LI'ather. Gon-fn, ^:^^^y^^, ff^.tS, II. Cause, reason; origin.
Syn. CIKSIIT), lllKIZAN, Genin, V?v^:^, f A, ". A person of low grade;
G«n,W^,SS."• Beneficial effects; eJRcacy; virtue. inferior servants of a nobleman.
/yafcw no gen ga mienu, ^^, y S^lf il^i j(, Gcnjn. ^>^:£'«i-, g^ff, n. Sume rs Slmgenja.
the medicine does not show any beneficial effect. GonfaKn, ^^^/u&^<, ^ '^, u. [Omith.] Embcriza
Syn. KlKiMR, KONo, SniHUSHl. variabilis.
Gen. ^^,1S, n. Source, origin, cause; afountain- Gcnji, l'j-^^.•, =1^, n. Words; speech; language.
Syn. M INAMOTO. Lhead.
Geiijiiiiiinio, |*^Z'^fc, tEjia. n. Sucar beana.
GenJO, ^>^2r^ 5, MU> n. The real or actual Genk5, H^ ^ £. 5, M^* «• and a. In operation;
condition. existing.
Genjoraku, V^:&->^5 t<, 3*8 5!. "- The name Genkohan, W^^r.5a^, SffiTG. " [Law."]
of an operatic performance. Pdivision. Flagrant delict.
Gciijo, Wi^:e,'t, 11$.%, n. [^at^.l subtraction and Genkokii, Ws- ^t < , SSSS. 't- ^md a. Severity,
Geiijn, V^^%W'5, Sffi:. «• strict, severe, rigid, strictness; stringent; severe; harsh.
rigorous; strong, secure, well fortified. Gonkokii, )fp^A,Z.<, 1^^, n. [Law.]Cont. lorm of
GoDjn, »>A:£:(.*5, S^. " The present residence; Genkokn-nin. ^^^t<K^, JS^A, n. [Law.'iA
actual residence. plaintiff; the accuser.
Genjiitsu, ^J!^^•W):?, inV^, -^ Magical arts; a Geukon, ^:^^C.^, i^-^, adv. Now; at present.
secret art of maliing one's self invisible. Syn. Xma, Manoatabt. Ties.
Syn. ydJUTsa. Genkotsii, ^^^t"7, f$^, " The fist; the knucJc-
Genjutsusha, W^ ^ :fc Ift -7 £ -«?», S:^#, n. One Genkotsu wo furimawasu, ^ ^ Jg S? § 7., to
versed in the above arts; a witch or wizard. flourish the fist (so as to strike anotlier).
Genha, lr^^*^ iK9*:. "• Music and song. Gonkun, L i k,, it^,
)(y^ f^ Persons who have
ffenfca no Tcoye, jE Si: ^ ffi. the sound of music done meritorious service to tho state.
and voice of singing. Gonkn-a, B^A < i5, S^. " A severe punish-
Geuka, V>^*>, JS®. w- Original cost. ment. Ykioa.

Syn. MOTONB. Geukwa, V> ^ < *5, ?c TE. " [Bnt.^ Daphne Gen-
Genka, ^*^*^ J^ffl, n. Reduction of price. Gcnkwa, ^>^^*5,£|3, n. {coll.] Same as below.
Genkal, ^ ^*'V^, B.
Keeping vijjilant watch.
'"• Genkwan, V^^<i^^, ^ n. The porch at tlie |j|,

Genkalcii. V:^^i> <, Sf^, »- and u. Sternness; ft-ont entrance of a house.

solemnity; grave, formal; serious. Genkyd, ^^^^^'5, S<S. i^- The present condi-
Genkan, ^:^^4>^, Ere)^. n. Same as Gekkln. tion; existing state. frajaponicn.
(named after its Chinese originator). Genkynto. W^^?$^5, :£ R ®. t^- [Bot.] Kadsu-
Genkaa, )[^J^i»k, SlM, n. Severe cold. Gennen, V^^(l^, %^, n. The first year of an
Goukel, ^j^^W•\i^, "(tffiJ, n. {Law.'l Commutation era(ne/iffi}); the year of the coronation of the
of the degree of punishment. Emperor.
Genkel, ^>^W\A, Sff^, « The present form; the Gen nl, I^AK, lU, adv. Evidently; obviously;
existing E5tate or shape. manifestly; before one's eyes; really; plainly;
Genkel, W=^W•\^, fSfft], n. A severe punishment. actually; truly.
Qentcei nl shosu, SfPJ - S ^. to sentence to a Gen ni mimashita, ^= 1, v 5/ .$r, has (or
severe punishment. fvignur. have) actually witnessed It. fly; sternly.

Geuki,WiAi&,7ClS. n- Natural strength; energy. Gen nl, ii^^;/C, fi?, aciv. Strictly; severely; rigid-

Genklni natta, 76^ =?":' *, to be of high Syn. Genju ni, Kibisitiku.

spirits; Gmki no yoi hito, TcB-^iff A, a vi- -^' Gennin, ^JJ^l/^^, JHfEi n. Present office; actual

vacious person ; Gehlcl wokwaifuku suru, tc^ occupant of an official post. fmer.
9- [eIW.^}^> to restore mental (or bodily) vigour.
Genno, ^^^©5, Sa^.^GHfe. " A large hara-

Syn. iKior, SEr. fpayment. Gonnoslioko^V^ACDii 5il.5g*SS. « [Bot.}

Genkin, ^^^&^, 3S^. "• Ready money; ready Gerani um nepn'f. nse.
Genkinkakene nasM, SI^^^M- ready pay- Gen-on, Vj^ ^3ff ^, ^ #,
ment and but one price; Genkin wo harau, ^ ^ n. [Pftysics.] Funda-
mental tone.
^ ^ "7, to pay in cash.
Genkin, W^AS ^, *SM, »' Forbidding under a Gcnri, \^ A. V), Jg ®, «.

severe penalty; a strict prohibition. Principles a

(as of

Words and action. science); fundamental

Genk5, ^>^t5, Kff, "•
words and actions truth.
Genko itchi, Wff— K.
agreeing with each other; conformity of practice Genri wo kiwa^mu,

and precept. l&M^'^Z^, toiuquire

Genko, ^^^^:?,S^, « original copy or manu- Into the principles of;

Genko, W^^t.. ^S, " Tho fist. Lscript. to search after funda-

Genko, ^>^C.5, 7C Jg, «• The monarch; the so- mental truth. L^ * SI la-

Rarely used. Genre, lf^^^ "sKfi. w- The medium or channel

Genko, The highest merit or through which advice may be given to the gov-
»>A-t.5. *5tf. »•
eruuient or superiors.
Genro aokai, b K P BSi the say, or means of Genao, l^^^, U^, n. O [Ofiein.] Element. Q
communicating one's opinions to the authori- The active principle; the essence.
ties is open Genro wo fusagu, K BS ^ 36 :/, to
Gensoku, ^A,^< ,MWi, '» Natural or funda-
close all channels through which private views mental laws; elementary principles (as of a sci-
may be offered to the government. ence).
Cieiiro, ^1:•^&5, %%, ft- Distinguished men who Gcuson, ^^^A.,^U, 11^ A great-great-grand-
have grown old in the .service of the state. Syn. Yashago. Lchild.

Kokka iio genro, S ^ 1c^. the oldest and --' Gcnson, W-^^^, i^^., n. Actual existence.
most experienced of ministers, prime minister. GoDSon suru, ^:^^t^-^^, iiS ^, v.t. and i. To
Cenroln, Wi ^ & 5 £ ^, x^PS, «• The senate. diminish; to decrease; to lesson.
Abolished a few years since. Gensii], ^j^^^v, % &]i, n. The generalissimo; com-
Genroln-Bikivnn, ^^^ 6 5^^^?r < *?^. %^U^ mander-in-chief.
IT, II.. A senator. Geneiii, l^^-^ib, )^;^, n. Lessening or decrease
Genron, ^S Speech; discussion; of water (as in a well or stream).
^, MWs, ti-

expression of sentiments. GontpJ, W^/lfeV^, JS9S. " [Jlf/n.] Primary form.

Genron no 3 ly a, B" Sl> S 0^, freedom of speech. Geiito, W^^fe5, iEg'^, n. [cont. of Gensei a a-i^d #
GonesU, V^^3^V^, ^^, t3¥. "• [coii.] A concubine Torai '^?)J.l The present and future worlds.
(a low tenn). Geiito nisei, ^^'- Ikr, the two states of exls,
OensMl aiiru, Wi^^U^•il-^, I^Jg, v.t. To lessen, tence, the present and the future.
diminish, or reduce. <iicnt6, tt-A^5,£?^, n. Rigorous winter.
Gensan, ^^^^^, JgS, n. [£jitom.] A silkworm. Gentd, W=^^^5, ^?J", J(. [iawj.]Diminution of the
Gensel, W^A^V;^, KIE, a. Solemn; grave; majes- degree of punishment.
tic; dignified; stern. Gentd, it-^i^5, 4t12, n. Magician tern.
Gensel, W'•^-fr\^, ?£ 1^, n. [Entom,.'] Spanish flies, Syn. Kageye, UTSusniYZ.
Cantharideii. Gento-liw:il, V; ^^5
< 49\j^, il!® t", n. Exhibi-
Genselkurojloii, ^>^y:\^^l ^^Jl^. %^^^'U tion of various pictures by a magic lantern.

©, n. [J/(fd.] GoUodlum cantharidole. Gcn-ieii, ^:f•^5^, K^> " Dizziness; giddiness;

Gcu8el<l. W^^^&, //SM. "- One's place of perma- vertigo. To be
siii'u, v.i. dizzy, etc
nent registration. Syn. KURUMEKI, MEMAI.
Gensekj siiru, Ui^^@-^^, £5 Sf . v.t. To blame, Gon-uiu-.o, W-' ^ 5 ^» 5, ^Jl B, » [Physics.]

censure, or reproach severely. Harmonic motion.

Geushl, W*^ L, -Ittk, ^i^. 11" The beginning; Gen-y::, ^t•^-^, 1^^, «. Uncultivated land; a
Syn. Hajime. Lorigin; Kouree. wilderne=s, a flold; a moor.
Genslil, ][f-A. [,. M? n. [Chem.] An ultimate par- Gou-yu, ^>^l'>, J^. iS, M. Cause; origin; beginning;
ticle of matter; an atom. Syn. Ges-in, Moto. Lreason.
GeiielBiii, ^^^£^, M^t "" This present body. ^'euznl, W^3*\^, K^, and adv. The present»(.. Q
Geuslilsai, )(}'A,X'^^, %ilo^, " One of the time. @
[Gram.] The present tense. Before ©
great national holidays, observed on the third one's eyes; in one's presence; evidently; mani-
of Januarj' {n.s.). lestly.

GonNliirsii, ^if-A^X-^, ^^. "• Elen)ii.--iiy sub- Gen*jin, ^:^^3-^, ^ ^, n. Meeting or seeing &
stance; material, element. sujjerior; having an audience with one's lord.
GeiisSio, ^?^^5, E^iJ/, n. Decrease; diminution; Genzan ni iru, Ji^=^X)U, to present one's
lessening. suru, v.L and t. To diminish; self before his lord.

Syn. Qenkyaku, Hbhu.

Lto lessen. Genae, ^:^^^,
Geusho, H'^;fc^5, iSISi " Phenomena. Gcnsi'i, ]iy-'A.^V',
^ It, n. The present world.

Geuslio, |*A:fei.,JS*, n. Origio.-a book or writ- Syn. iMA NO TO. Tof taxes.
ing (in distinction to translations). Gonael, i^^^t-U^, Jggi, n. Reduction of the rate
Genslio, ^*^;£ 1, fiS3^, ". Severe, of summer; Genzen, W- A^ ^, JH ^, adv. and u-. Plainly;
Bengal heat; dog-day,i. » obviously; manifest; real
Gensiiu, Vt'^;£^9^, TCti. '» The Emperor. GeoKcn, orto. and a.
W-Aff. ^, ^,^, With a flood
Geusliusnl, W;•^^5^\J^, TCfi'EiS, w. [fiot.] The field of tears; in a meltingmond.
bean. Genzon, V^^e^, ijg^, adv. nnd n. Gravely;
Gonabuhii, l*^:fe^al< , £|g|S, i*. Grave; sedate; solemnly; strictly; with an air of importance.
composed; collected; serene; tranquil,
staid; Genxoku. lf^^5•< iSffS, u. Returning to secular

Genshiitsii suru, ^>^X^*•5-^^, SUJ, '"•^- To be life (as priests), 8iiru, v.i. To abandon the
revealed; to appear. priesthood, to return to the laity.
Genzii. V> ^^^ U^, n. The original drawing, Gesho, W-S.1. T#. ^i;^. "• An original writing
map, or chart. Syn. SniTAGAKi. Lto be copied.
GmiEtirii, Vf^p'^, Jg, v.L To be revealed; to ap- GoBlio, nt^J^^, T'ffi, '*- Wetting the bed.
pear; to be visible; to be manifest. ffes/io no aru ko, y '^ ^ t )t' ^, a child that

Syn, ABA-wABERtr, Mieru. has habit of wetting it.s bed.

OcnBurii, V> ^^ 3, If^, I'.f- and i. To lessen, de- Geslinlfu, W-^lC, TflS. Low or mean oc- *'t-

crease, or diminish, cupation; an ignoble calling.

Syn. Herasu, Heru.
l-lAJiUKU, Gcsokii, W"tC, T S. ** Taking ofTwooden cloga
OeppiiEiti, W=-.y ti" < ^ ig, [coll.] Approaching
-11. at the entrance of theatres, etc.
the end oftiie month. fry. Gesokiiban, W- -c < (df ^, #. "• TS One who
Oepj»6, Y^-ylS5, fl 0, Monthly wages or sala-
?(-. takes chnrge of clogs aud shoes.
Gcppii, \fi:--yM, ^ j®, n. Monthly payment or in- GosaaUii. W'-y^<, fl |)13, n. The first day of the
stalment. Syn. TSDlTACiil. Lmonth,
Geppii, ]if"y2i, (g^, n. [coii.] Belching. Gossliai, W^-y:^-^, B 3}J, «. Monthly fee.
Syn. Okubi. Mu-tjessha de oshieru, i^ fl ^ T^ft -^-i-, to teach
Geppyo, t>'y^5, ^ ^, '". A monthly report in without receiving any recompense. fmoon.
a tabular form. Gesslioku, W^-^:£. 1. <, fl ^. « Eclipse of tlie

Gerakii, W* 6 <.Tj?> "• Falling In price. Gessiiokii, Iij'-y^ i < , ^ gi, a. The light or colour
aiu'ii, vA. To fall (as a market price). of the moon.
Cicrciii, i-'u-fy, u. [En?.! Grain. Syn. tukikage, tsuki no iro.
Oeri, T?K, '* Diarrhoea.
Yi'-'^, GeaHtmlcii, W;-^i,^< , "f 5i. "• ^Lodging; board-
Syn. IIARAK0DARI. ing. © A boarding house.
«er6, ][^'fi^, TfliJj '* An inferior servant (for- Geshuku wo suru, T S^ ^ 7. /i', to lodge or
merly applied to the lowest servant in the board. Per.

household of a samurai) a low or vulgar fellow. ;

Gc^liuuiu, l(j^XW>^(^^, y^A, n. a real murder-
Gero» W:&5, T^
" Being put into jail; a dun- Gesii, &is-, T fJ. T Sti ''^- [coif.] a low iellow; a

geon or jail. sloven; a vulgar person.

Geryaliu, W' 9 -^ < T S. **• These characters Gesubn.ru. icJi-^liS, T H 55. I'-i- To be low,

stand as a sign that there is an omission. mean, or vulgar.

GesnKu, W"-^ < iEf^, '>' Making or writing
for Gesul, l/t'-^S), T'/ffC, n- ©A drain; aditch; drain-
amusement; a book of fiction; novels. age. @ The water of a drain or ditch sewage. ;

sum, v.t. and /. To write for amusement. Gesul, Vji-^a, T?f<i n. The menses.
Ciesalcuslin. W-"^ < :£-^, £gf^^, «• A novelist.
GesuUai. if-^V-lt, il^'M^t Wooden hoards I't-

Gesuf'ftn, It'-^'V^Vte, used as covers for a drain.

Geaan, H'' 3 ^, T 1^1. ** Descending a hill, or '

mountain, siiru* v.t. To come down from Go suru, VT'irZ, Mt i'-*- O To understand or per-
ahilL ceive; to explain; to comment on. @To dis-

Gesen, W5^^, T^ *^' IjO"*^; vulgar; mean; base. sipate; to disperse; to purge; to counteract the

Syn. lYASHiKi. effect of poison.

Gescrii, Wi'^S, i^ v.L ipoten. of Gesu.l Can be DoJcu wo oesuru, ^ J^ 7. jj^, to counteract #
understood, or is intelligible, poison; Geshi Tcaneru, S?;/3S»'. unable or im.
Syn. Wakaef. rhumiliation). possible to understand; Tmi too gesuru, SlSfe^S^

me 7,)i', to understand the meaning.

Gcsetsii, It"-^"^, T JtH. PTon. I or (used in
GeslKikuImra, ](y-%^<^^, Tf^SS. " -A- child Geta, W*fe, T ^. "- Wooden clogs.

born of a concubine. Geta wo lialcu, T li ^ SP ^i to wear clogs.

OesliJ. \if'%,, M S, ?^ The summer solstice. Geto, W'i^S. T ^. ** Lower class; inferior kind
Inferior government or quality. Tpound).
GcsliJ, l>:£, TH. '" of-

ficials, ring to sleep. Getsu, ^'<?, ^, 71. Moon or month (only in com-

Geshl, W:-:£, n. [politecolLI Going to bed; retir- IcUi getsu, — ^, one month; the first month
Gcsliiiini'ir, ][f'--£,UZ, v.i. {coll.} [cont. of Gyosfiin or January; B M M.^> ^^^
Jitsugetsu seishin,

ni, &n(i naTu.] To go to bed; to retire to rest sun, moon, and stars; Nika getsu, i^W. ^, two
'eaid of superiors). months; Getsu yetsu, M M, month after month;
otottmn wa mo gesht natta, FrT S'r
-*^ ^^ ^ ir* s^^ monthly.
yH, [coll.] father is already gone to bed. iiGtsugiiltu, \^-c>iif< , H % n. Monthly amount
An money).
«;csliinju, ^^;at/7^, M^A, n. actual, or verit- (as of

Tcorn. Getsuuiatsu. IrJ--?^':?, ^ ^, n. The end of the

able murderer.
" Tropic of Oapri- Syn. TsUKizuB. Lmonth.
GeshisoM. }t>%.t K, BSSI.
GET 244 Gil

GetsurS, 1^-9^5, f\ ^, n. The old man In the Glboshl, ^'ff L, US' -^.
'^- Same as Gi&o.
moon, or the god of marriage. Glbosliu. ^^5^1*. , S8 lET^, n. Ornamental tops.
Getsiiya, W^r?-^, ^ CJ, n. A moonlight night. Glbosbu, ^KEXW', 1 on the railings of bridges or
Syn. TSUKITO. Hng. temple corridors. fsubstance,
Cetsiiyo, Wi-51^5, ^ 1^, »?. Cent, of the follow- Glbiiu, '^Jii^K, ^tC, " Fo?m, or show without
Oetsujobl, \^oXiX}!, ^^ B, w- Monday. Gjbutsii, ^.5*-?, 04^, n. A counterfeit article.
Octtan, \i^''j it K, J1 S, " The beginning of the Syn. GAMHDTStr, Xisemono.
month. Glcbl, -^i^, n. \_Ichth.}Equalamtc.],aiis.
Gettan-hyo, ^ B. 1^, \Chln.] monthly summary Glchigiclil, '^%'^%, n. The sound ot creaking

of current events. (as of a door).

rieja, tjij^, Tg, n. A house or slied connected Glcbo, ^%-^5,^^, n. The president of an as-

with the main building. sembly; the chairman of a meeting.

Ocsa, ^tjr, "F" ^, Taking the lowest seat; sit-
<.',. Giclai, ^';^'U^,tS©, "• Subject for discus.sion.
ting down on the ground for worship. Gldan, 5'^^,gE^, n. Doubt; scepticism; dubita-
Geisii, W^S'v-, TS"]. i^- A purgative medicine. tion. fentertain doubt.
Geziil. W^3^,T IH", 0?^, n. [.v/'n.] A miner. GUlan wo Idaku, ^[S^ffii?, to harbour or
Gesan, Vj^ ?* ^, ^, n. ^ Presenting one's self Gldnyn, ^';^\/^5, |^ ^fc^, n. A musical drama;
before a lord or superior; paying respect to a one who performs it.
superior. Gltlaya-buNlii. ir?2V^5^- L. ^ yfc ^ n. Atone t^ii,

Gl, ^, IS, n. O One of the five cardinal virtues, or accent peculiar to the musical drama.
propriety or justice; faitli; righteousness. See Glfu, ^J^, l^&C, "- Adopted father; foster father.
G03T) (S^"^). @ Meaning (as of words); sense; Glfii, ^*J-, ^^, n. A chaste woman; a faithful
Klgniflcation. © Matter; business; affair; ac- GJfii, ^i, ^^, /(-. A harlot. Lwife.
count. Q Ties of friendship. @ A suffix to Glga. ^ibt_ gE^, 71. Doubt; dubitation; sceptisism;
nominative pronouns or nouns for no other disbelief.
purpose than to emphasize. Gisau, ?ffi*•^, ftl flRt n. Artificial eyea.
Gi 710 kataki fitto, |g ^ [g ^ A, a faithful per- Gigcl. ^'W^V-, }$f§, n. Polite art; accomplishment
son; Kono ji no gi, ttt ^ ^ ^, the meaning ot Gigeii, ^'tr-/^, (t^ 5 . n. Falsefood.
this word or character; Kono (ji wa ikaga tori- GlgJ, ^'|t', ^^, adv. and u. Towering up in a

Iiakarai masho, lit ^ -'^

ip f^ IS al' 7 li "7 s/ a f, grand, pompous, or magnificent manner.
how shall I manage this affair? Glwoinusul/u, G'giclTiau, g&ES^'ll'. grand and imposing.
fi -^ J£ 7*, to contract rriendsliip with. Gigi. ^'*f, ^j®, 71. Doubt about another's state.

d» 1^. Ki »*• A rite or ceremony. ment or proposition,

Kon-lnnoql, 4giS^fi|-, nuptial rites. Gigi. ^'^', 5j ^ JS, n, [Icht?h.] Bagrus aurantiacus.
GI- ^, fi^, " Same as Gi (S, ©). GigiiD, W<'^, i'-t^'iiK, 11. Loyal or patriotic army;
MlgL no oi nl Uiiki, ;& ^ g| - fl-, as to the a band of volunteers.
stated matter; on that account; SaynTio (li, 2c Giban, ^'lfI^, ^^, n. Established rules; an
R^^lg, that sort of an affair; f^e.^shayi, Jtli^ffSe, example; a model, a precedent.
I (u-ed in a letter, note, or some official writ- GIban, ^"HA, fS llfi. n. A fal^e print; deceptive
ings); Sono gi naraha, 5t f>^ -^ 7 J^, if that is the publication, farmies.
case; Sono gi ni oyohazu, ^.fi|=S>^pC, you Gibei, ?r-->V', 1^^, Loyal soldiers; patriotic

need not do so. Gilui wo ct'ju, 16^^ ^l^i^, to raise an ai'my

Syn. Koto, kotogaea, Wake. for loyal or patriotic purposes,
Gl, ^,%., " Discussion; argument; reasoning; GiUitsii, IS ^, n.
»F't^-7, A forged writing.
Idea; opinion; confiultation. Syn. NisEFfPE. fDiet
Sono gi ni shltagau, :it^ — Ht'?, he yielded to Giiii, ^ib^, ^^, n. A House of the Imperial
the argument; he adopted that opinion. Giiii. ^a^, S5 5. ^'' A member of an assembly;
GI, ^. [stifflx.] A masculine suffix to mythological member ol the Imperial Diet.
proper names (as in Tzanagi), the fem. being vii. Ghokusen giin, M'^W^, a member of the
GI, 1^, JS, n. A singing girl; a harlot; a prostitute. House of Peers nominated by the Emperor;
GI wo maneku, {S ^ iS *'. to call a singing Chofcwal giin, I'T ^ 195 S. member of a town
girl. assembly; Chojagiin, g-^!§SM. member of the
Glan, &'S^, Hf^. ^*- A proposition to be discuss- House of Peers elected from among and by
ed at a public assembly; a bill; a project. those paying the largest amount of direct na-
GIbo, T^'K, ^*?. 1^- [Bot.\ Hostta CQeriilea. tional taxes in e.ich lociility; Fitkwai giin,f{f^
Glbeku, S^(3<,IS6?. w- * faithful miin-servant SS^. member of a city Assembly; Kenkwai
Gil 245 GIN
fUn, U^M^, member ofaprefectural assem- Glk3^5clal. S'W5;^V',|^5aift, n. BrotherMn-law;
bly ;
Kokkwai gtin, S ^ Kl H. a member of the Glkyokii, af& J; < gSlll], n. A drama. Lbrothren.

Diet; Shikioai giin, rfr@-Iia, t'itto of a muni- Glkyn, r?W)5. 1315, n. [Oliin.] Same as NisekubL
cipal council; Sonkwai giin, ^#Ii5S, ditto of Glina, ira, n. [Ichth.'] THacanthvn brevlrosMs.
n. village council. GlnibaJso, ^^kI^^5 5, n. [Sot.] Deinanthe bijiact.
Giln, ^\;^^, fl^Ep, n. A false seal; forgery. Glracl, ^i^V^, 0^,1. A false name.
CiJI, arc, ^$, rt. Discussion; debate Glin-miiiiie, "^ A^^ Vj, it. [Bot.] Amph i caiTdta
Giji ni kakaru, ^ $ =. ft^- n-, to commence EOocworthii.
debate; G-iji wo Mraku, Ki9f ^Bfl^, to open Giiniiio, ^A>6, ^
@, «. Denomination of money,
debater. formerly applied to weighing silver. See Gin (fg).
Cijldo, ^i.-ra^, KS^ ^*. n. An nssembly hall; the Gliiiinj, 2^^?>, R^ ^, Examination; trial; in-

hall where Houses of the Diet meet. spection. To try, examine, or


GUIn^ ^;R^, ISA, «. A rigUteous or faithful Syn. SniRARERU, tadasu, inspect.

person, Glininltsiida. '^KTi-^n, SRffi'P&, « Sugar of
G1J6, ar;£'-^5, I!S^, n. Same as ffyirtS. lead. Texaminer; an inspector.
Gljo, arS.'i,iS*. w- Same as Gi (yi). Gliniiilyaku, '^h7f^<.t B^ B^ S, ?i. A judge; an
Gljolicl, %';fr-^5— V^, ^;fe!;^, n. Military escort; Giiniiiorii, ^ATS5S, n. Silver cloth or ribbon.
guard of honour. frin orb. See llhrxi. floyed silver,
Gljiitsii, ^'X'^-^.&.'l^, n. The arts; a handicraft; Glinnitikii, arAtr<, ^ ^ ig, n. Pure and unal-
Syn. Waza. fnical officiPA. GliiioTi, ?r'4A, ^ R9j w. A question; interroga-
Glj(itsiil<-ivnii, ^:£l5>7<I^9^, K WW> «• a tech- tion; inquiry; querries.
niJiitsii-kwulKi, ^^'W)-? < ibv^r. KW^^, n. Glinpnl, a^AfeJfV/v, ^ JS, "- -A silver wine cup (ge-
A conferenfo of specialists. nerally used with reference to a cup given by
Gfkai, ?^*>V/^,|^^, w. Explanation of meaning; way of reward).
definition, commentary. Glinpniui, arAU'<, ^?S. n. Silver foil.
Syn. SriAKUGi. GJinpau, IfAffA, ^$5, w. Asilver plate.
Glknii, ^*>A, }S^, n. An Engineer in Chief Glinpo, l^AI^, n. [Ichth.'\Gun€llusn&iulo&us.
Glkol, *^W-V^, ISK, n. Brothev-in-law; brethren. Gliiipiin, ^^Js•^, SKIS'- 'n- Powdered silver.
Glkei, VW-v^.^SgU n. Trick; artifice; stratagem; Gljnii, 5'tr, IS?^. "• Duty; obligation.
manoeuvre. fticliet. Gin, af^ JH. n. ©De-
QSilver. ©Silver coins.
Glkcn, ITW ^, {g i^, rt. A forged oote, hill, or nomination of old silver coins. Q [coni. of Gin-
Glkcn, %'tii'A., t%. ^. " Giving any tiling in cliari- sKo.] The name of a chessman in the game of
ty; contribution. iftfifft having powers similar to those of the .

GikenklM, ^TW* A& A,, fg ^r ^, n. Money given in Queen.

charity; subscription money for a charitable Gingmtiaiy @lE;te, five silver pieces; ff^nsan-
purpose. momme go fun, t^H^E^, Sfiiomme and 5 fun
Glkotsii, '^l/f-y,l^^, n. Resolution; decision. in silver; G(n wo tsuku, ^=9- "-y
^t to move the
siini, v.t. To decide; tn resolve. gin forward in the game of shogi.
OIki, ^&,^1S, n. A flag hoisted by a party of Giiinnso, i^?pA^5, n. [Bot.] The Day 'Ily.
patriots; a loyal cause. Glndania, ^^/t-^. ^ S, " Same as Jfawicffin.
Gikiaguru, ^tK"^ ^ ^' to -wave a flag of
wo Gindnfshl-nliurn, ^ Ai^ ;£ 3&J-*6, i^ [Ij #, 71. A
loyality to take up arms for tlie cause of patri-
soft kind of pomatum.
otism or loyalty. Glndel, li?^^V, ^ iS. "• A kind of silver paint,
Glkl, ^&,|S^, n. A faithful heart; a loyal or Glndo-kO, r^»$<*55, JSS^ft^, « SUver ore.
chivalrous mind; a patriotic feeling; heroism. Gfnon, IT^A, ^.g:, n. Doubt; suspicion; dis-
Glkkiirl to, -^y < V) if odv. [coll.] Tn a startled or
, belief.
alarming manner; suddenly; abruptly. Ginenwo harasu, M^^^- '^:^, to clear away
GlhwaJ, ^<ihV', 0^, «
A public or national doubt. fof large shears.
assembly; the Imperial Diet. Glncn-liasniiiJ. «^|a^ H^ Tf; ^^.^, n. A pair
Gikwai wo kaisayi svrv, ^§ ? iP{{i! 7. jt, to GIn-ciiko, '^LfLki^l), ^©[^, n. An ore con-
dissolve the Imperial Diet. taining silver and lead,
Gllovan, '^<tjA.,^%', n. A senator. Glnfiigii, ^^iC, n. [Ichth.] Tfitrnifnn lunaris.
Glkyo, "^ % i., ^^, n. A chivalrous or heroic Gliiffn, arA-J]*, SS ?51, /.. The milky-way.
deed; a philanthropic work. Syn. Amakogawa.
GJkyS, ri^i, KK. "- Ohivjilrouo notion; gallan- Gingnso. ^^Ai'SS. »• [Bot ] flydrangea involu-
try; hence, a hero. eraia.
Gini<n, a<'A,*>. ?S^, n. [Bat.] \ kind of egg-plant. GiDEnme, ^^^'i6,:^]S. " [/cW'-IC/i/m'T'r-i
Ginko, iTAti. mn, n. A bank. monstrosa. TPine Gio.sl..eak.

r.iuk5-l<yokii. ?r^r. 5 ^ J; <, ^fi^. w. The GlnsaminnskJko, S^ ^ S* ^ ^ ;£ t, ". [Ornlth.]

Bureau of BrinMnfr. Tpwa.
«inifornl, ^A3;5^V. n. [flor] Matrtcoria ambt- Ginsnn, »f'^3*^, ^ llj, n. A silver mine.
QJnhdslillioi, iT ^t 5:£-^\/^, ^^T^ffilt?, n. A GjuKurii, '^A.^Z, P7, v.t. To sing songg.
bank-note. Syn. EizURU, Utau.
CfnUd sum, ar^^.?^^, ll^fl, u.f. To Bing or Gion-dofu, ^ 5r ^ ^ 5 -t, m S a S?. ». A parti-
liu m as nnfl BtroUn about. cularly good kind oftofu manufactured at Qion
Tsukl wnfvmi napara in Kyoto.
olnlcn sunt, B=^^^if
'^ \l^ if 7. n- ,
to slroU in tlie moonlight singing GJoiiskoska, §'5r^;£^5:£^, ^K*^-^, w. iBvM.-l

Hongs. Ttie name of an ancient temple in India where

GlnUwa, ^'/o(t), £@tf, n. Silver coin. Shaka preached liis gospel.
Olnkwan. ^^<47^, ^m, n. Silver ring. l.jratsukii. '^P,<?< ,v.i. To glitter; to sparkle.
G rnkivo. ^r^ < *p 5 s^ i^, n. Silver ore. Giretsii, ^H<?, ^^(, 71. and a. Gallantry; hero-

Gluzinf^iiMM. ^Atti'L, ism; chastity; chivalrous; heroic; faitiifuL

SHiSfE. n. Copper or brass
amalgamated or conted with quick-silver.
<ilrl, ^u),^U, n. O Propriety, rectitude; moral
Glnnarjashi no kiseru, ffg i5(t
> JB^, a tobacco
cause. @ Meaning; sense; signification.
pipe made of some metal amalgamated
Gin ai'u iiaka, ^ST/t-ft", connected by ties
mercury. of friendship or marriage; Giriga chigau, l^jg
Olnnan, ar^^^. IS ©, n. iBot-Z Ginkgo if}§. y, is contrary to justice or propriety; Giri
Olnnlkii, ^Ave<. gg ftj, n. The gums. gawarui, ^^^S -^t is unjust, improper, or

Glno, |r©5, ^3E, n. Same as ffefno. wrong; GiH ninjo, f^HAW, justice and hu-
GInran, VA 5 A. SSffl. "• Silver bvocade.
manity; Giri tSiizezv, I^^M^zA, the meaning
Cinrnn, ^A^^, «. [Sot.] CflpftnJanf/tera er«c(a.
unintelligible; Girl wo sum, |^ S ^ 7.;^, to giv<
Giureiso. »rAix\r-55, anything for the sake of friendship or propriety;
w. [Sof.] iys(mac7i(a ac-
Giri wo tatsuru, I^S^'ityj'', to behave kind-
ly toward another; Kare wa girl wo shiranu,
Glitro siii-ii, ar^ 6 5-f 3. 1*7^, v.t. To sing; to
hum. iS -•' IS ^ ^ 7 5T he is ignorant of what is just
H ,

or proper.
Ginryoso. ?r^o)*^5^?, ^Sk^. «• [J3o(.] 1/ono-
KOKOKO, MiCHisuJi, Wake.
ira/)a uniflnra.
Girktatc, ^'y7cX,^MtL, «- Doing anything for
GInscknl, ^^*i>V^. SS i: ^. «. ['/f] Silvery
the sake of kindness or justice; being strict in
world \_Jlo.1 a large piece of ground covered

discharging social duties.

with snow or studded with white blooming
Girlgii-l* ?r'!)^y,SS€. n. The crown of the head.
Gliisen, F^^^. ^i3. '* silver coins made in
GivJgirl, ^v)-^'V),%±, a. At the lowest iirice.
he form of iron or copper pieces.

Girigirl ketcJiaku no tokoro iva ikura, v 4^ 1

GlDSciikwa. ^^•*^<fc,WE /MS, n. [Boe.Jffi-

biscvs Trionum. iS i§^ ^ &

'f ^ 7, what
is the lowest pussibls
price (of the goods)?
Ginshi, a^^L, fS ftS, n. Silver-thread.
GInsko, ^^£^5,0i(§, n. The name of a chesB- Gii'6, ^^5, i^g, 11. Prostitute liouse.

man used in the game of shagi s^e Gi^ Syn. JOROYA.

Glnskii, ?f ^ W>. t^iA', «• One who advances
Giro, -^^, HiJgS, n. A forked road.

money lor anoLher acapitali=t. ;

Syn. EDAMlCHi. ring manner.
Glnaii. Silver money. <;;irogiro, '^y^'^'h, adv. In a glittering or spark 1-
"^A^ir, IB -f. n-

Glnstiuago, &'^^^a, 15 51'^, " Silver dUflt.

Giroii, ^ ^ ^, ® igf, ft. Argument; reasoning;
discussion, debate.
Gln-yttiiiiiia. ^^^^a, Sflft^, n. [Sntom.] ^M-
chnn macuiatissim- .
ring or sparkling;
Glrotsiikia, '^h':?<, v.i. To glitter, to be ahin
Glii-ol, &^3&\^, fl^ W(. "- Singing or composing
Giryo. i&'iO^S, iSP. Jt. Ability or skill.

Syn. Wazahae, Udem^e.

Glii->ci, S-A-A.^, ^SS. « Silver leaf.
Glsiikii, §'5 < <S f^, n. Same as Ga/tsatw.
GliiK.'i. ^^3', ^^, n. A mint where Rilver coins

GIsol, -^^Xp, ig^J;. ;(. A sacrifice.

are made.
Mi wo gisei ni kyoSK, tf ^ ^Vk=~^ ^, to sa-
Gln-salkii. VA.S'V-C. SIffll. «. Anything made
of silver.
criri-»; one's self (as for the sake of some oobl*
GIS 247 GO
GlBol, lgf^\r, ^^, 11" A pretended fialnt; a false Gl auru, If-^S.BS, v.i. To copy after; to imitate
prophet; an impostor. Syn. Mankru, Nazora0. rsplrit.
CIsol, If-i^v^-, ^$1, n. Making after the mode of GItan, arte ^, 5658, n. Chivalrous mind; heroic
another; imitation; facsimile. GItclid, -^y %^5,'^U, ii- A mallet shaped toy.
Glsolkwnii, ^-^V^i^A, I^tBt'^. n- A counsellor GJtcikwan, TT "C V/^ < 49 ^, ^ '^, n. A sort of

of state (long since abolished). commiitee in the Boiird of Decorations.

GIsoKlban, r1^^&^f^, ^Hffi. " -A-n imitation Gltel sum, artV^-^S.ISIU, v.t. To discuss and
Blate(for writing on). settle; to consider and decide. fceremony.
Glsliakii, '^X-^<, ti. icorrupt. of Jisftafew.] A Glton, ^T^, fig^, /*. A regulation; rules of
mariner's compass. Gito, ^Jf,ft$^, n. Same as Giro. rhesitation.
Glslil, af;£, ^±. i. A faithful or loyal samvn-ai; Glwalni, "Sfioi,^^, it. Suspicion; scepticism;
a chivalrous person; a patriot; a martyr. Glyamnn, 4?vw, tt. [corruiyt. of Dutch dia-
Glalil, a^L. ^ft)i. ". Sister-in-law. Tnond.] Diamond; now corrupted to mean glass.
Glslil, i^L, ^ Eip, ^ An engineer; a scientiflc ex- Glyainan-sohl, ar^a^-lt&, ^Bl|5,«- Diamond;
pert; tlie title of gisUi is applied to officials Glyel, Vik\r,MW. n. Same as ff/^o. Lglass.
charged with technical affairs. GlyS, ^1^5,1^31. n Chivalrous courage; hero-
GIslil, ru ISg3. n. An artificial tooth. ism.
Gtshi, i^Li IS9E. 'I- Martyrdom. fw^cws, Giyahei, rW)5'-\/^. Jfe ^ #, n. Volunteers.
Glahi-eistil, ^;£S'L, ^B§, w. [J?o(.] iJwmea; jajjo- Glsaglza, ^yiTS', a. Zigzag. fmanner.
GlslilKl. af :fe &. filiC, n- Forms of ceremony; Glzon, *r^^, g4^, adv. In a grand or imposing
rite; etiquette. Gizen to shite tolcalcu wo arawasu, M^ h ^ T
Syn. HusniKi, Sah5. fticlsm. bS ^^ .H. ^, to cut a prominent or conspicuous
Gfslijii, a^;£^, ^.t^, n. Suspicion, disbelief scep- ;
Gishin wo idaJcu, ^iCf" ^ &, to harbour or GUcnsha, iT^AX-^.^S^, n. A false saint; m
entertain doubt. pretended philanthropist; a hypocrite.
Syn. Utagai. fary Gi&Ui. GlECtsii eiiru, &^-r?-^S,S^, v.i. To break off
Gfshl-siilho, -^1.%%, ^BifSS^. »t- Aprobation- or disown friendship.
Glsslio, -sfjli,, iS S^, n. A forged letter; forgery. Syn. ZekkO suru. rforge.
Gislio. S';£,i5>flS^, ". O False accusation; per- Glxo eui-ii, -^^-^itZy^'^.v.t. To counterfeit; to
jury. @
A forged bond. ShosJio wo giz~ suru, SElfr ^ ^ at 7.;^, to coun-
Glsho suru, irXi5-^3, ^ffi, v.(. To use a false Syn. Ganzo sdbu Lterfeit bonds.
name to prete nd to be.
; fof liannin raiifc. Go, &,M'ftlJ. fi- O Bean oil. @
Beans softened by
Gisliii, S^jfel*, IS^, 71. Inferior technical officials steeping, grinding^ and then filtering through
Glsliu-mlnarstl, IT S. t9> ^ tc & \r-. ^ ^ a ®, «• coarse cloth (a mordant in calico printing).
Probationary Gisliu, which see. Go, a, ^, n. A game resembling that of checkers,
Gislin sum, irsS-^S, iS SS. vA. To gather to- but much more
gether like ants (in great numbers). complicated.
Glso, ^^5. PS^. K- Officials at the Emperor's Go wo kakoniu, j

Court in former times, who superintended the S^ia i*, to play

officials of the Household. They received their checkers.
salaries from the Toltugawa government; there Go, a, gg, yt. A
were five of them. word; language.
Glsshirl, '^yi,^, adv. Snuggly; closely; tightly. Ichigo mo iwa- cSJ
Ilako tsume-komu, Jg -^ 4? -> ?/
e fjisshiri to >; ]- zu, — S ^ 3; aoes not say a word.
-»> 7^,

Sp ji i», to closely pack anything into a box. Syn. Hanashi. Kotoba, Monoii. Tmoment.
tiisu, Sr-^,0RS, n. [Entom.] Locusta japontca. Go, a, Ml '" A fixed point; occasion; stage; time;
GIsiHlieinuslil, ^ir7!i'3.z, n. [JSriiom.] Angustifo- Kono gn ni oyobi, JS = ^ tr. at this critical itfc

lia ap. moment; Sono go ni itatte yaku wo henzeri 4t ,

GJsiigi^ii, «riMS'^", a*'.In a proud or importu- Ki-^'-y '^^'^^'^V, when the moment ar-
nate milliner; haughtily; arrogantly; on stilts. rived, he broke his promi.<ie; Tstikuru go, S ^».
To act arrogantly.
sMi'ii, v.i.
Rfl, the time bv which anything is exausted.
Gl 8IIPU, ^'^Z,^, v.t. To argue, discuss, confer, sum , v.t. To fix (as time) to promise.

or deliberate; to compare views. Gojitsu wo

H ^ S3 ^, to fix another
gosu, Ui
Gunji wo gi sum, ffiip ?^ !3f 7; it, to discusa day; to wait lor another opportunity.
military oj naval affairs; Yosanwo gisuru, Jft^^ Syn. ToKi, Ori.
Sg :x »>. to debate upon thoBut^'^et. Go. a. tt. adv. Behind; after: afterwards.
GO 248 GOD
Sono govja atoazu, t,, S^ >'v^ •'n since then, Coban, a:^J^, ?S^, ^^, n. A checker-board.
I lm»-fa not met (or seen) him, Sono zen-go, ^t fiif
C^C^anjlmn, atf^:£•a, SMiS, K ?E, n. Checker-
yj, lieloie fvud alter tlisit. ed cloth; plajd.
Syn. A.TO, NOCUI. Col>nn-uo-iiie. &i^^®^'), t^SI^S^, n. The squares
<Jo, a, (fll. [|J7'f/a;.J An honorific prefix. on a checkerboard. fa word,
Gn-hnn, 2? flg, [j5oii(e coii.] hoiled rice; meal; Gobi, &Z>*, ^^, n. The termination or ending of
Go-tnnn zen wo tT.ri mashita, 2^ T'J b5 ^ iM *J "T" aX Doshi no gobl, <?+ n^ -^ i15 ffi. the termination of
«(, [C'jEi.] I pfissed before yonr^ate; TaiSO r/n- a verb; Gobi no henkwa, b3 ^-"S ft, the changea
7jess/i/n da )if, A^ iSll^iCi^ T-, [coll.] you are of the ending of a word. VLappcL
very entliusifistic; Qo-ranni ireru, ffllJH^AL-Ji-. Colto, & (d; 5,4^^^', «. Burdock, Arclium

to show anything (to a superior); JVani ka go-yo Cobo, tlJ^jiMl^, n. Reverend (used in address-
desu ka, fpj A Sff) ffl t' :^ Ij , have you any business ing a priest). fburdock.
with nie; is there anything T can do for you; Cobo»«lii, &[df5 L, -^PS ^, 'rt" [jSfl(,] The seeds of
Oji-go, )^'i^'^, [polite.'] hii or yourunde; Oya- Cobuku f^^jfi -^2,[I?ft. i'-^- To surrend-

go, S^iSl. [^Joi'/te.] his or your fatlier. er, yield, or Rulnnit (to an enemy).

Co, a, S, CL. Five. Cobiiii. ^.St^, g;|!S, Hearing wrong; an error


Go no hi ni cJebaru, H. --' H = [H ?P( ft-, to attend in hearing.

office on the 5th, 15th, 25th days of each month. GobuKitif e, & J.- :?* S ^ i^, n. Dried radish

Syn. Ttsu, Itsutsu. chopped into pieces of about 5 7>MCor half an

Co, &, ^, 71. Nnon. rnoon. inch) in length and cooked with soy and sugar.
Go-go, ^^, afternoon; Go-zen, ^ gQ', (ore- Cobyo, tL-_trr-^5, 5^^ J^, n. Illness supposed to be
G6, &.;-, ^, ti. @
OBusiness; occupation; trade. apunishment for one's evil doings in this or a

One's actions in this or a pervious lifo. previous life.

Ahvgo, ^,5?, evil deeds; Bl-gl no shi, ^^^^ Gobyu, 1^^. n. A mistake; an error.

ifE, a guiltless death (as of one murdered or be-

Ayamaciii, Maciiigai.
neaded without any crime). CocliiKii, &'^<,5."S, n. Five domestic animals,
Co, fi»5, 3g, n. OSaraeas Ghhatsiu © A writing viz., horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and domestio

bnish or pen. ©A measure of weight equal to fowls.

ti of a?-(«(^). Goclil-nyoral. S'^Ki.ev, E^ iff] JS, n. [BudO.]

Syn, FUDE, KB. Five nyorai or Buddhist deities, viz., Dainichi

CS. O One of a subdivision of a gun{'^ CKB), Ajiku (FE[|3}, HoshO (K'li), Mida (jg pg).
i)'5, M^ ''-

in ancient times. @ The country or a place and Shaka (^ iiP). ftreat.

away from a city. Gochiso, a'^5 5, 71, Icoll.] An entertainment; a

Kln-g' JS^Eififc the
idii-zai, neighbouring Gocho, a-^-^S.fSJI, 11. [i)/'?.] Corporal,
country or environs (of a city). Gocho, tl^5%-i:,'^A'<!:. ^- [2'ooL] A porcupine,

Syn. INAKA, ZAISHO. Cocbokii. ti*5 1, 1. < , Rll E, u. Just; righteous;

Co, i)t5, SK, n. ONarne; designations. ®[Chin.] upright.

A liter;iry name; nom. deplume. © Number (or- GZchoku no otoko, Ri] lE --'
?fl . f- righteous man.
dinal). OA prefix to the name ot a ship. Godal, £;t\r,Sf^, «. Five generations; five dy-
G" wo tsukeru, y^ "f # «-, to give or fix a lite- nasties of China which succeeded that of T3
rary name; Sh(cliiju-gn go, -t + 3i.!!^, No. 75. Codaii-ikt, r^TzV^y}^, ?<. Akindofboat. Ut).
Syn. Na, Tonae, Shirushi. fous. Ooclaisbu, &;t-\r-:fc '-5. S A SH, n. The five great
CO, f 5, H'l. '' Strong; robust; valiant; courage- continents, namely, Asia, Europe, Africa, North
G' no mono, Kl-^^i ^ strong or valiant person, America, and south America.
C6, tl*-i-. U-, 71. A measure, for grain, liquids, etc., Codalyo, 2:^V^^ 5. 21 A ^, n. The five great
equal to fa of ^ sho if\-). @ A piece of land equal oceans, viz., the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arc-

to fo of a tsubo O). © Numeral for boxes, jars, tic, and Antarctic,

etc. Godan. &^-A, y^ g, a. OThelast act in a play.
Gon-gTi no sake, 5l-&-^M. A^e ^^ of sate; @ Dessert.

I/aho ichl gT\ -gT — ^, a box. G5dan. f* ^ T& A., 55,i';f> n. Compulsory demand;
C6, SA,5^, n. [Biidd.] A very long duration of pursuasion by intimidation.
time, infinity; eternity. Godan ni oyobu, i^$li=^R y", to demand im-

KonKii. *<5 5)<, 35 S, n. and O Wickedness,

a. portunately.

vlciouaness, knavery, villainy; brutality. @ siirii, v.i. To ask importunately.

vicious, wicked, heinous, demoni-tcj^. Godatsii, a ^-5, W<Wt, n, Oraishion by mistake;
csulmlshl. atfV^L.E^g^. n. [Bot.] O'tfllnut. missiuK.
GSdntBii, t* 5 76 "7, 55 flf. ". ErsCTachment; Gogon zekhu, E l" ffi fej, » Chinese poem con-
violent intrusion or seizure; plunder. sisting of four verses each containing five wordi
sum, v.t. To seize unjustly upon anything or characters;
which belongs to another; to plunder. Gogiisokii, aC^ < , 3l .fl IS, w. Five things needed
Gofld» &ft5, IS iS, 71. Understanding truth (espe- before a Buddhist idol, viz., a flower-vase, i
cially of Buddliisml. candle-stick,an incense pot, and a pair of lamps,
Godo, i)'il£5, -M- w. [3f(i(7t.] Congruence.
Gog'^Viitsu, a<'*5*7,S fl, 13. May; the fifth month
Codokorn» &^t.JS, ^^, " Master of the game (0. s.).

of go in the pervice of the Shogunate (the post Goswatsii-glkii, a<'47 -o ir < , s: fl ;^, «. [Sot.]

was hereditary in a particular family). Early chrysanthemum.

Gofu, aA5, ?S??F- lEH^. "• A. polite term for GogtviLtsii-sasiige, a<'4T7^'^W-, ^^, vt. \Bot.'i

Mamnri, which see. Kidney bean. Bean.

Syn. Mamori. Gogyakii, a^-^<,E5E, n. Cont. form ofbelow
A rich Gogy.-tktixiil. ^%'J^ < ^Vv.E,^^. [Budd.]
Gof", ft'Ji, ^ Tif, 71. person; a wealthy fa- "tt.

mily; the opulent; a millionaire. Great crimes committed against superiors mur- ;

Gdrnkii, ffl ^ X < Hi]'®, n. and a. Intrepidity, dering one's father, murdering one's mother,

obstinsicy; headstrong, self-willed.

wounding Buddha's person, killing his immedi-
Gofiiliii, a^<, 71. Dry goods. murdering a Buddhist priest.
ate disciple, and
Gorniiii-diiim, aj-<7£tr., ^flSffi, A dry Gogyo, a?f'-^5,Efi^, n. The Ave elements of

Gofuka-yn, aiC^^, ^BEM. fltore; nature in Chinese philosophy: wood, fire, earth,

mercer. metal, and water.

GoriiUii-sliakH, a:i<X-^C, ^BgR jn. A O iiogiio. ft'J-lt'J-, a- SI. " Combination of labour;
Gonikii-xnslil, m.<Ti..^M^, measure of S
partnership; association in tijide.

length equal to about 1.25 Eng. feet (now dis- GoliKii, aH^,ffllRS, n. [polUe. coll.] Boiled rice;

used). @ A measure 2t ft long used by mercers; Syn. GOZEN. Lmeal.

a yard stick.
Goharii, a$Hc.,^Il|, n. [coll.]'T'he state of be-

Gofiin, er.J.^, iiHW. «• Native carbonate of O ing enraged; heart burning; the gorge rising;
lead, @ Chalk or carbonate of lime prepared by the vials of wrath; feeling resentment.
burning shells. Goliatsii, ft*5ll-7,3f^, n. [C/i(m.] The hair; [^p.]

Goffnkii, liiffii, "S-Wiy i^- The five principal peaks the least possible quantity.
In Japin, namely: Takachiho, Kongo, Nyoi, Hi- Golia.tto, aa-y>?,iHlii;^, n. imperial prohibi-

ei, and Atago.

tion; laws of the country; statutes. Now dis-

GogiLkii. a ft* C, bS^, 1. The science of lan- used.

Golicl, a^^Vi ft?, n. [coll.] Paper cut in a peculi-
guage; linguistic;; philology. rphilologi''t. ffll

Goffakiialin. a ft* < :* J?-, SS ^ ^. »*. A linguist ar shape, fastened upon a stick, and placed in a

Gogro. & W:, ^^, n. A case or box for checker- Shinto shrine before the kami aa a sign of offer-
stones {goishi). fof a word. ing (supposed by the vulgar, to represent the
Goffoii, ^W-^, fS J^, n. The origin or deriv;ition spirit of the deity).

Gof!mi. a^'A, ffliW. 'i. Your words (used respect- Gohcl-kntHiigl, a^V^4>-3'&', ffllffiff, n. [UU] One
fully by ladies), who shoulders a. gohei; [Jig.] a superstitious
GoRl, ft* 5 ?r, 3SS. «- [cn^?.] Oreat; extraordinary. fellow
n\, adv, Va'itly; enormously; remnrkably; Gohen, a^^,fflliff, pron. You (used to equals in
exorbitantly. Syn. SOKOMOTO. Lformer times).
GTiQi na liatarahii wo
5S^-?- iSt ^ S^ ^>
siiita, Golicnkei, a--^H'V',S:igfi$, n. [Matli.] Pentar
[coll.] ha=i (or have) done a great arcbievement, gon. fponents.
Gogi na yatsii da, J5ti,+ t5t^, an extra- [col^] Gohi-iio-rl. ft*iyc?5'!l,-g-Jfi;ta, n. [Math.]Com-
ordinary or remarkable I'ellow; moke ga G'^gi ni <;oIiltsu, ft*5U"7, ^^, «. A writing brush; a
= pen. foperations.
altn, [co(i.] 5S5i. ?'iS:y T-/ H, there has been
GoK». aa,^^, Afternoon. Golio, atdi.Sti, n. [Math.] Five fundamental
n. L^ great gain.
Syn. HIRI'SUGI. Golio, a^fcl^.SI^, n. Condign punishment, a
Gogo, ft'i&, -n-Jtfl, '1. Being in time; answering retribution of evil deeds committed in this or
the purpose. siii'«» v.i. To be in time, etc. previous life.

G6ko, a5a5,HAr, adv. and a. The sound ol Golio, ft*5tl.i-. SS5S. '" A signal cannon.

snoniiff or roaring; uproarious. GoJl'i wo Jianatsu, SWftE ^ S ^J'. to discharge a

Gogoii, aa^, E B, n. O l'''^'e wonls. (SlAChlnese signal gun. fson of that nink.
»erse ci)n,siKting of five words or char.'icterfl. Gol, & fc, Ett, n. Fifth rank ol honour, or a oer-


Coi. i)ti\/\,^;g, Agreeing together, union;
71. GSJOpparl, J]*5X*-^5-yl*^ . n. [coll.] A stiff-necked
concord; contract; agreement. siiru, v.i. or obstinate fellow.
To agree together; to unite, etc. GojB, a%W)5,^ft, n. Successor to the priorship
GAln, av^^, E^-, ft. [Chin.'] The five principal of a Buddhist temple.
notes of Chinese music, named, respectively, Gojfi, ej£:i,3G:-f-, ct. Fifty.
^yu eg), Sho (M), ^aJcu (^), CM mi and UiW- Mngen wazuka goju nen, A Rfl ® E + 5p, [coll]
Golit, i)'''5\rA, llSfiJ;, Drinking (ardent spirits)
n. human life Is but fifty years.
to excess. sum, t./. To drink to excess. Gojudal, TzZ'^TuV^.'^X ^.'n. Entering the Im-
OSiii, iJS5\/^^, 55 ^, n. Rape; violation of women. perial palace (said of the Empress first entering
suru. v.t. To commit rape upon; to ravish. the palace on her marriage with the Emperor).
Syn. GoKAN S0RU. Gojukara, aX'5A»t, n. [Oniil/i.] Nuthatch.
Cofsjtgj, Z:&-^%',yi<.^, /(.. [Ornith.] Night heron, Syn. KlMAWARi.
K'jcturrdea nyctl- Goja-iio-to. Gt.-I5)5©fe$, Sffit^, n. A Budd-
Cot ax. hist tower or pagoda of fine stories,
Goja-on, SX*i3tf^, E + W, n. The filty difTcrent
n. Small circular sounds of Japanese kana.
stones or ground Goju-oii-zii, ^jS-ia^A?", E-h#^, ti. A table
pieces of shells of the above arranged in five coUimna accord-
used in the game ing tu the five vowel sounds, a, i, li, c, v.
of go. Golf a. ii*5i>, ^^, 7*. A wealthy family, an opu-
Syn. MONOMOOHi. Llent person.
A wrong letter or Goka, ai?>, EJ]], n. [Bot.] Acanthopanax acvlea-
character; a mis- tum or divaricatum.
spelled word. Syn. Ukogi.
Goji, &X-, flf w.^Noon. , C:*< ^3 GohaJ, a4>V. E.JE, n. The five Buddhist com-
Crojiu, aX'A. ^SS. *" The rear ranks of an army mandments against murder, thelt, adultery,
rear camp. rarray. lying, and intemperance.
iaojiii. c:trA,1£(5, 71. The ranks or flies of an Gokal, &*>V, ?>S, "" [Zt;o7.JiVt)T<i sp
Gojiii, ^:t-^,^A, 7*. We (used in writing only). Gokai, aijiV, S?S3. Misunderstanding; an er-
Syn. Wabera, Wareware. roneous interpretation. suru, v.t. To
(iiojiii, ^:.£•^, i^aS..^- Misconception; an errone- misconstrue; to misunderstand; tomisthmk
tiitnin. ^sK^, 3 us belief. smi'ii, r.i. To mis- Syn. OiioicniGAi.
conceive; to misunderstand; to be in error. Gokaiso, t^^±-\r-^, Bi§U, f^ [^-u/.] Dried
Gojiso, &.£. ^ ^.^rS'^^' " [Bol.] Fejitapetes bi;che-de-mer,
pIioeaicM. GoKaku, tiS5i>< , ^^, n. Same as GnhyT) (g tfi).

GojJ sum. ^yirz,a^t^,v.t. To preserve, defend, Goliaku, 2:*> < , ^ fi, S ft, " and n. Q Even;
guard, or protect. rBaddhi?m. equally matched; well-balanced; undecided (as a
Etitsndn wo fjoji sv, ^S^BSff ^. to defend battle).@ A drawn game.
GojiLr<ii, &;£,'r7,i^H, n. A subsequent day; an- Gokaku no shJhn, ^ ffi -^^^i a drawn game,
other (or future) day. GoJcaktt no ikiot, S^ ^^, the stnte of being
Gojo, &:£--^5,E'^, n. [Ch.ln.] The five cardinal well-balanced in power (said of two hostile par-
virtu6s:iiK (C). humanity, gi (|g), righteous- ties), rtagoual.
ness, rel Oiffl), politeness, cJii (^), wisdom, and Gokakii, S4><,3L^],a. [Jlfa(/j,] Five-angled; pon-
shin C^g), faith. GoKakii, &i'C, §StS. n (Jrammatical ruies.
Gnjo, &X-J^5,fflI Si:, n. The command of a superior GokakuBccl. Si- < W V^, E g JB, ". [Mnth.^Ven-
(especially of one's lord). 4;okan. &4>A, giS, «. Severe cold. Ltagoa
Gnjn viwa snro5? =-. '^ i^ f^. although it
ga, iJiJ Gvkan, &i.^, EJf, ». The name of n children's
Is the commandyour honour. of disease.
S3 D. Okotoba, Osb. Gdhaii, f)? 5 *. ^, 35^, 7t. Same as G^iti (35 il)-

Oojo, &-25,KS, 71. The scarf made with five Takes the usual verb-for !is,

breadths of cloth (worn by Buddhist priests). Gokniijo-biEgyo, aA>^'^-->^5i•!&'>^5.211 £l)!£?5 f?.

Gojo, ft<5;&'*^5, SSIS, n. and a. Obstinacy, stub- n. A polite form of Kan}nbu/jy~i.

bornuess; headstrong; stiff; obdurate. Gokayo-worcii, £*-;t.t*p5 i^^, Ei(]D?^*51. t*
Goj'i'i wo haru, iS'IlS^>N»', to be stubborn; to [B^M Coptls qvinquefolla.
per.sist. Tclamation. Goke, ^l/f, ^ I?, n. A widow
GoJOEiutIm, a-C5 4 < , iSlf4 B. "• Imperial pro- Syn. Yasiowe
G5ke, Ji*5fr?, )5^8?, li- An influential family; an sanjo itasu beku soro, ffi gij ft ± "hT ©: It

G5ka, t'5*>, ' opulent person. by and by I shall call upon you.

Gohol, atMi^, ifli^, 7*. A

word for m(«Offi.
Gokol, aW-V-iEffiJ, «. [C/Un.] Five ways of punish- Gokoku, aC.<.2.JS, n. The five cereals, viz.,
ing criminals in ancient times,, which consisted rice, barley (and wheat), millet, sorghum, and
in thrashing (with a bundle of twigs), whipping beans {which, though not a cereal, seems to
(with a Bticb), hard labour, exile, and execu- have been so considered in China).
tion, Gokoku. S2,<.JSS. 'J- Protecting the Empire
4;6bel, h<iW'',j^, -g-^l, n. The whole nmnber, the from evils or foreign invasions.
sum; amount; total; aggregate. sui'ii» v.t. Gokokiislit, a£.<X,.EaSfe. « The five noted
To count up; to totalize; to sum up. historical writings in Japan: Zoku Mhongi t^ B
;$:iffi). Mhon EZki (B 4C^iK). "^iJfcM
Gokoiinlio* &0•^X2;5,^»E^, »- lEpist.] In Nihon Kbki
good health; healthy; sound. C^ ^ ^ *e). Buntolcu Jitsuroku (X^KW, and
lyo-iyo gokensJio no yoshi, SfiiSiE^^ffl. that Sandai Jitsuroku (S ft If ^^.
you are more healthy than ever. Gokoku siii'ii, ft'52:<-^3,JM55. v.i. To groan;
4^okotsti, t* 5 W"^, KKi. w- [Chin.} A man re- bemoan to wail.
to ;

markable for his ability or genius; a hero; a Gokou, ^it^,3I^, ft. i;£«dd.]The five senses.
master mind a luminary.
Gokoii, ^:£.^,StS> «. Same as eoffenCfS!^)-
^;okl, a* 5 9, SfiS. **• aiid a. Courage, bravery; <-okii, ^< ,1^, adv. A superlative degree; ex
intrepid, stouthearted. fly used. tremely, exceedingly; very. Used as a prefix to

lioliU a&, ffiigg, ^SS, « Same as B^an (gB). Rare- many words.
Gokl, ft'5?,;K'IiS. 1. and a. [CTifn.] Being firm Goku hidol hito, ®K jr >f A, [coll.] a very
liokl, i>5&, ' and upright; righteous and intrepid. cruel person; Ooku urnai, ffi^-f, [coll.'] very
GokU a^.SSMi 1- Way of speaking; the force of Syn. Hanahada, iciiinAN, Itto. Leweat
words; emphasis. <;okii, &<,£!;, B A prison, 71. a jail; a dungeon-
Goki siirudoshi, ffS ^ M S/. to have a harsh way @ Criminal cases; litigation.
of speaking; he uses sharp words. Goku iTl kvdasv, m^^y :z, to put in a jail,
Goklu, S^^, %&, n. The five metals, viz., gold, Goku w I (ianzuru, St ? Sf tC ;t, to try a criminal
silver, copper, iron, and tin. 4;okii, &< , ffix.
''^- Cereals; grain. Lease.

Ookin, il*i&^,-S•&, n. [IViysics.] Alloy. Goku dachi wo sui-u, iKBr ^ ^'^. to abstain
Gokiii, itil&A.-S'^, n. [Chin.] Sleeping on the from cereal food.
same-bed. suru, v,t. To sleep on the same Gokn, a < 5 ^, n. Things , iff offered to deities.

bed. Goku-aku, &<:%<, Sg, a. Most wicked, vict

<;okln:tl, S^tCV-, ft, n. E0

The five provinces oua, or malicious; malpractice; the sink of in-
adjoining the ancient capital (Kyoto), namely, iquity; the lowest dregs of vice
YamashirOjYamato, Kawachi, Izumi, and Settsu. Gokudftclif. a< ^%, KBr, "• Abstinance from
Ojohl-Euru, £&:3'3,'S'^j§L, -«. [Bot.] Actinostem- eatiuK grain.
Tnajaponicum. GokiHio, & C ;^5, n. and u.. [coIM Prodigality,
I^oko, ai>5,S|l^, n. Sajne &&Miyuki. unthriftiness; profligacy; dissolute, dissipated,
i;oko, at.5.E.i^, n. The five trading ports; Yo- '
kohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Niigata, and Hako- Gokudo irmsuko, af iJ' ii^ ti' ,©. =?, a [Provlnc]
date. profligate son; Gokua'i me, -^ ir iX "0 j* ,

doko, S£.5,^J3, n. [ifatft,.] Consequent. [Provinc] you, debauched fellow

f; B:*>5 % U> w. [CJiin.'] O The five parts into
oko, ,
Syn. HoRATSn.
which the night is divided, including the time GoKiieetsu, a<^:^r?, ^Ti, ". The last month of

from 8 p. TO. to 4 a. m. @ Also the fifth division the year; December.

which extends from 4 to 6 a. m. Syn. SHiWAsa.
Goko no ten, E E -^ ?5> the break of the day. Gokiilil, aCU-, Si®, a. and n. Kept very secret,

4;oko. a*>5,E§, n. The five ingredients of in- complete secrecy.

censes viz., aloe wood, clove, sandalwood, cam- GokuUln, a < U-A, ffi^. n. and a. Being ex-
phor, and turmeric. tremely indigent, privation, destitution; poor,
Goko» &t.5, (K fcJ. n. iEntom.] A centipede. penniless. Tflne quality.

Gekd, a< J?5, tiJ^, n. A golden halo or glory Gokuliln, a< t^^, Si5, " An article of super-
on the back of a Buddhist idol. Gokul, afV-, E" S!, T*- The most profound princi-
Gokoku, at<,lfe5iJ. " 1° a while; in a few ples of a science or art; th» myaterieR or secrets
minutes; by and by. of any subject of study.
Kenjutsu no gokui wo Iclwatnu, ^'^^ 6@ 1^ ^ 8S Gokusiil, &<?'Z), n. Same as ffofcwjo (81 J;).
A, to attain or to be versed in tlie deepest prin- Gokivnn, a<*^^, El', The five senses.
ciples or the art of fencing. Gokivnnboku, ib*J-<49^K<. -^iSt*, ». [Bot.]
Syn. OGI, OKt'NOTE, AUizzia Julil)rissin.
(;(tkiijo, &<:£-^5, eiJ:, (.1. The very best; of the Gokyfi, & ^^ 5, EIS, " ^phin.] The Ave Cninese
fine'it qualify, flrst-rate; peerless; superfine. classics;EkikyoO^^), Shokyo (:^^), Shiky~>(^
^1. ^ Si,
GokujTi no shina, a first-rate article. M), Shunju i% ^k), and Beiki (M JS)-
Roktikan, &<**A, i®^, n. Severe cold; the Gokyo, a 5 & ^ 5. W\ 5S, n. and a. Strong and
GokUnii, £•^4>^, ) coldest season. energetic; bold-spirited; firm; indomitable.
nnlfiikwatii, &< <*5^, igil^, ft" The highest of- Gokyo, a 5 0- 5,^W,n-. [C/i(n.JGall:int, chival-
(^-okkivnn, '^••;<ir>L, ificialpost rous; heroic.
GoUinnon. a < ft ^, i^ P^ n. QThe gate of a Gokyn no kakv, W^ ^^< ^ gallant person.
jail. @ A mode of punishing a criminal by ex- Gokyo, aH-5, The five cardinal
SJft, n. C/tin.;
posing his head, after execution, near the gate precepts viz.. Shinbetween parent and
C?5. love)
of a prison house. child, Gi (f^.righteousness) between matter and
Gokiimoiiani, a< ^ LTqV-, W.?'^^, n. a scaffold servant, Betsu (gij, distinction) between husband
useJ for Rxposing the head of a criminal in the and wife, Jo{^, order) between the old and the
above punishment. younp, and Shin (fg, faith) between friends.
Gokiiiiotsii, & < fi-?, gg|^. -n. The severest or Gokya sum, ft* ? ^ 5 -^ 3, ^jft, v.i. ,Chm.^ To
most intense heat. cry aloud to groan to roar.
; ,

Gokiimhii, & < A < , S IS, n. [;(E.]The highest Goma. aa.SSiSE, n. [Bot.] Sesamtmi Orientalis.

happiness; celestial bliss; the paradise of the Goma wo suru, iSS IS 9' }S '^ .
[coU.\ \Ut.] to
Buddhists. grind the seeds of the above plant in a mortar;
Gokiii-akn-sokal. a< & < fr*>V, ^S?it^, i [J^ff-] to cater to the whims or prejudices of an-
«okui-.ikn-J6do. &< ^<;t..^'5if, ®g???±, i other with the object of pleasing; to take oDe'a
The abode of the blessed; the garden of Hesperi- fancy.
dcs. paradise; Kden. Goiiin, aa, IS^, " [Btuid.] A lUiddhist ceremo-
Gokiirl, G^V). Wi^< A.jailer. «• ny of burning fire before nn idol and saying
Gokiiisoi, & < -^ V^, @ ^, n. and a. Anything prayers at the same time .supposed to di'struy
prepared with the utmost care; of superfine or blot out all sins and evils).
quality. Goma wo takt(, l^^^i^i^, to perfonu the
Cokii^liji, 23r < ;£.->^, Wi-^. 11- \Chin.'\ A prison above rite.

hou^e , a iail. Goma. 5 a, (Sg

ti* n. Chin.] Conquering evil

Ookfisho, &< 5:£i, iSl t!^^;f, #13, n. A building influences; subjngating devils.
attached to a shrine or temple where offerings Goma no riken, [^ f^ ^ ^ij S^, a sharp sword for
are prepared. subjugating demons tusually held by the image
Gokiislio, & ^ :£ i, fig :S, w. The severest sum- of the Buddhi-'st deity FuildmyuwTi).
mer; the li'ittest season. Goniadaracho, a^^&TJ-, ".. [EniOTn.] Eiiripus
OokiiflOkii, 2: < t< , ^ |ij, «. Regulations In a japonica.
prison house. Goinadnra-kniiiikiii. aS;t- &A>;^^ «), n. [fCn
GoTcusoku ion mavioru, 3|t |i] ^ "^ rt-, to observe torn.] Mcsosa longivennis,
the rules of a.jail. Goinado. &S;t-5, IS-"^^'. n. A temple ivliere
GokiiHiotKii. Zzi^-P, ^^, n. OA devil in the the BuddhiPt rite ol u'lui'i is performed.
Buddhi=;t hell, whose duty it is to torture the GoinaJ, fti^avfv, ^^jg, a. Chin.j Biave, valorous;
spirit of the dead. © A jailer. gallant; undauntcil, l;irge minded.
Goliutoi, &<t:v, WiT. n. Ajailer. GoinakaHltl. aSA.(,, ^, n. CovennK up one's
Gokut»iiil>iiNBti, a < r? > L, 53 SI, n. [colL] A mere fault or deloct bydevice; ;i tn>cu';-;i.)cus- <'h.\i-la-

consumer of food; good-for-nothing fellow; a tanry, borrowpd plumes.

drone. Syn. JtlAntRAKAsni.
Gokiiyn, &<J^, Wi-^, n. Same as ffofc«s/j(i. Gomaka»4ii, aii>-i. ^., v.i. ;cnr!.]To hoodwink
Gokiiflinl, & < "V^, ) SS ?t, w. The most horrible anotlier;to hocus, to delude; to jrild the pill,
Hokiixnl, ^i < ?lf, crime; ' capital offence. to play one a trick.
GoU»£»l8iiikJ. a<rv-:£&. mm^.m^. '<. The Syn. MAGntAKASU.
style or kind of painting in which various beau- GuinakJ. a3&, n. [BoL] ViWrnum SielGldi.
tiful f.olonrs are applied on minutely drawn iJoinaUnsa. as < 3, ti. [But.] Caitranthera Ma-
flsurer uida.
Gomanie, a 2 W), H, «• Dried young aardines flavours: acridity, bitterness, sournea', sweet-
(eaten eapecially on the new year's day). ness, and saline taste.
GomamlBo, 35E^t, iSS SS ^ '&, n. Goma parched, Goial, a;^, fig, n. Dirt; dust; rubbish,
mixed witli mtso, and ground in a mortar for
Goml wo harav, ^ f- J$ -7, to brush off dirt.
Goiiiliniislil, a;* if L, n. Several species of
Goinan, t» 5 ^ ^, fiJctSi " "-i"! « Arrogfince, beetle belonging to the family Oaraliidae.
haughtiness, assumption; proud, pufl'ed up, Goiiilii, a;^^,^|^R, n. SnmQ &<i mrune.
highflown. GonilshU a;^L, EeJc^, «• I'iot.] Kadsura japo-
GTmanfuson, W,*&%'^, proud and arrogant nica.
(especially toward one's superiors), Gomltauio. a;^fefc,?riS, n. A box or hole for
Goiiiitiin, &^.Tj:, n. [Bnt.] Aster Glehni. throwing rubbish into; a dirt heap.
Goni:t-uo-aburn, a30l5i-*t, jSS!£E?[ll. n- Gin- Syn. Chirizuka, Hakidame.
gelly oil.
Goniitorl, ^7*-^^, J^M. ;^5[-, ». A dust pan.
Ouiiia-iio-ii»£uaiL, a^. cDia<'5, :£^, n. [Bot.] Syn. CniRiTURi,
SvTOiJhuiaria Oldhami. Gonilyji, a»^-^, n, A scavenger.
Gonia-uo-hal, a ia O HV, n. A thiei disguised Goniojii, a 4 ;£•(,*, n. [Bot.] Viburnum Sandankvjo.
as a traveller Tor deluding his victims. Goiiioku, aft<,^5p, n. Litter; rubbish; dirt.
Goinaelilo, a a ^ (5, iSg 35 g@, w. ffOTTia mixed GoinoKu-narabc, a 4 < ^ 6 't, 31 g 3£, n. A
with table-salt, and used for flavouring. game in which that parry wins wlio fir^t suc-
Gomashio atama, jSHKEH^, the head almost ceeds in arranging five clieekers in a row.
eotireiy gray, Gouioku-nioslci, a ft < i6 L, 31 flS, n. Rice
Goniitsiiri, aa-^^, [coil. n. J One who caters to cooked with variou.s kinds of vegetables.
the whims or prejudices of another; a syco- G oinolf ii-sii8hl, a ft < -0-
L, ) 5. 8a, " Boiled
phant; a tale-bearer; a toad-eater. Gonioku-zustii, a6 < $'L, 'rice mixed conked
Goui»tsii, ij^5^-:?, ® 5|c, n. [Chin.l The end of the fish, eggs, vegetables, or other food articles, and
hair; the hair's breadth; the smallest possible flavoured with vinegar,
quantity. Gomotsii, aft-:?,ii3l^, '"- Imperial treasures.
Gomel, ai?>V*,E^, w. The name of a fan said to Gomon, fe'5 ft A-, ^RiJ, it. Torturing criminals to
have been made by the famous Emperor extort confessions; examination by tortures.
Gushun of China. sum. v.t. To examine by tortures.
GoDicn, al6^,^Hl|g, n. Your gracious permission, Gomu, aTi., ^^, 7t. \Eng.] Gum; india-rubber,
pardon, or excuse; permission or exemption (as Gomu wo hiku, ?S ^ ^ 51 ^, to gum or varnish
by the Government); acquittal. (as cloth),

Gonitn wo komuru, ffll 13 f" JK A ^-i to receive Goinu-gutsii, 95tf<*-7, IS^ S^- "n- Rubber shoes.
permission from a superior; Ma^^iira oomen Goinu-liikf-uuno, atfiN@JsEi(=5. !g S^ 51 ^. « .

kudasari mase, ig.^i31l^^^-9*V v^, [coll.] I Gomu-blltcl-nuno, a^j'tV^ifeiOi Gummed cloth. S

earnestly beg your pardon; Oyaku gomen, ^ Gomu-inarl. atfU'!) , ® S5IS. '^- An india-rubbei

S29 16, being excused ft-om a public service. ball ; a loot ball.

Syn. KWANKTO, YURUBHI. Goinuniclij, &$f|ft*t, n. A calendar daj Eg ,

Gonfiensa-n'a, a»^**a, iW ^ ^, "• [comp. of Go- said to be good for commencing to build a house
men and kawa.] A leather stuff with white Gomu-uo-kl, atp®?,!^^^, n. [Bo(.] Acacia.

figures on reddish yellow ground (in distinction Gouiu-nurl, atrtoiil. ^^^, n. Theactofvar
from nishikigawa which the common people nishiug with gum; or things so varnislied.
were not permitted to use). Gon, a^, %, n. O -A- term used in the art of divi-

Gonieuseta, a ft ^ H^ fe,2SS TEk, '*• Wooden nation; signifying earth. © Same as Ushltora.
clogs with straw matting on the upper surface Gon. aA, ^, It. Temporary or secondary (used
(so called because court officerB were permitted only as a prefix to official titles, in much the
to wear them in rainy weather). same way as Eng. uJce or assistant).
Gome nU »»l/c, adv. Together with; including Gon, a^, W. " A word.
or involving, Gdiia, a 5 tC, " [^i>i.] A liermit-craO Ftuju

Ki ga negome ni iaoru, :^1f ^j^ — ffl) »', tbe rvs.

trees fell down roots and all; nana gome nl, :fE Goagcn, E^W^^. ® JS, "• [^wdd.] [!!«.] Tempora
aC jt -, together with the flowers. fhedron. rily revealed; a name applied to Buddhist
Goinontal, afcAfeV^, SMffl. n. [Math.] Penta- deities. Tspeech.

Goml. a;^. E^. n. The five kinds of tastes or Gongo. a^ a, a H. "• Words; language;
GOK 254 GOE,

Gongo ni zessu, g" si — J0 :^, to be beyond tho stii'ii, I'.t. To command; to give an order-
power of speech; to begger description; beyond Gorencliu. a*^^tt•*5, iSpM iS*, « An honorific
expression; inexpressible. title originally applied +o the wife of the court
Qonso-dddan, a^&;ft:.5;^-^, s^^Sr, a. Nc-t nobles of the better class, bat latterly also to
knowing wbat to make of; inexpressible; un- that of the ShOgun or of lils minister.
utterable. Mostly used in a bad sense. Gorctsu, z^ivo, ranks (aa of
([i5)J, n. Tlie rear

Gousyo, S^i^^5, atlfl, Tt, [Budd.] Religious Koretsii, J.5H'P, an army). *

austerities; penance. Gorl, t^'^V), g-gt, n. The smallest quantity; hair'a

<;onlcli1, ai^*5, i^ B, " A subsequent day; an- breadth.
other or future day. GoH no chigai senri wo ayamaru, ^ fif
-^ j§ T"
GoiiSiiguml. £KA<*^, SAJfi, n. A company oi BI ^^ Ji-, [Prov.] the smallest difference is often
five persons or families, which constituted the tlie cause of the greatest error.

lowest baeLs of communal government in former Gorl, a«),Sttt, .'.^ '


times. [Ichth.] Cottus '""^1i;^;^J

Gonjo, G ^*^ 5, ^ ±, 7t, Reporting to a su- rtlidi.

perior, relating or telling to one's lord. Gormi, ij? 5 W)

Go7ijd id oyoMt, B" -fc — S ^. to report or tell ni), n. [coll.]

(as to one's vuperior). O A strong- C5 f^ ^:)

Syn. J5SHIN, M5SH1AGB. man. @A title given to the servant of a shu-
Gonlin, Hi, '^ X.iiK, "^ y adv. As soon as spoken;
immediately; quickly; at once. G orin, a ID ^, S
[Chi n. The five human rela-
IS, n. ,

Gonka nl toki-fusu, I'y = ^^^ tt ^, he at and son, of master and servant,

tions; of father
once forced him to yield assent. of husband and wife, of brothers, and of friends.
Gonklrl, a^^V). 3l 't S. TSS, » Young hamo Goriu, &15^.3I?&1 «• O [Budd.] (Jont. lurrn of
dried, chopped, and cured with vinegar. Gorinto. @ [Sindoo llteratvre.] The five ele
Goulfii,^< W r^ ,
"6?, «• Words; speech; language. ments or bodies: eartli, water, fire, wind, and
Gono, a^5, ^ tS, n. Indisposition of Imperial space.
personages. Gorin-tmna, a^Jl ^t^^, rt. [Bot.] Adoxa moscha-
Gono, ii*5©5,^,^, n. A rich farmer. tellina.

GS-no-iiioiio, ib'5©S ©, RIIW, n. A bold, courage- Gorln-no-to. at!J A©-fe5, 2i^^, ^^ [Budd.] A
ous, or strong person, monument composed of five sculptured layers of
Nihon icht no go-no-moTio, B^— -^RII^, the stone, one on tlie top of another.
strongest man in all Japan. Goro, =L't^, ^^, i^ S, n. Camlet.
Gonin .siis-ii, &VC^-^^,^^S. u.i. To mistake a Chirimengoro.^^^^, mousseline delaine.
thiuf? tij be something else; to misconceive; to Goro, a^.^Kf. O The style or way of com-

get a ral=e Impression. bining syllables in a line of poetry, for the sake
Gonial, ^A^\r,R|^, n. [coil.] A concubine. of eupiiony or measure. A kind of comic @
Syn. MEKAKE, TEKAKB. verse; doggerel,
Gonxi=9, &^$Vv, [^^)#, w. [Bot.] Euscaphis Ata- Syn. Shiraue.
phyleoUles. Goro, a^, ifci,n. Time; period of time, about the
Go-ou, &'Jtf^,^§, n. A peculiar way of pro- Koro, t^, 'time. Used mostly in compounds.
nouncing riiinese characters said to have been Higoro no negai Tcanaeri, HtQ'-'^tift-^v.i
introduced from South China. have attained my cherished desire; Hai gctsu
G6-on, &' -i- 3tf ^, -p^^, «. Combination tone. goro kaeru daro, ^M^^ni-^ rV, [coll.] will
Gornkii, a ^ < *SS?, n. , Pleasure; enjoyment; return about the next month; Sn nji goi-o sJntp-
amusement. mini, v.i. To amuse one's pan seH, H B5 I® iRl "t set Pail at about 3
!li ^J ,

B^ir, to enjoy. o'clock; TosJii goro kare ivo onwt kKra^^rri, ^tg
Goriiii. i^^, 21-3?, n. [polite, coll.] Seeing or IS ? ,E 12V g -fe , have been longing to see liim
looking at (used to or of superiors). for many years past.
Goran asabase, M^M >'^< [coil.] please to look Gorofuliuren, a't]:?^^^, ^Sgflg-^v. „. [Dutch
(used to a superior); Goran ni ireru, ffll 01 — X'-' ffro/ and grein.] Camlet.
ft-, to show to a superior, zuru, v.t. To Gorogoro, a^a^,a^, adv. The sound of rum-
see (said only of superiors). bling (as of a wagon), or rolling (as of a tlmnder);
Gdrcl, i'SHV^, 9^-^* n- A command; an order. the purring of a cat.
Gorei wo kakeru, ^^f'fi'^f', to give an Kaminari ga gorogm-o nam, ^h'^ozftj ng n.^

ordar faa a military officer). the thunder rolls.

Gorohacbl-jawnn, a^H•ttr^!^>^, SSB AilSSB, GoseJ, a^\/^, fk^, ". OFoi^ce lu speaking; em
n. An inferior kind of rico-cup. phasis. © Same as Goki (@ ^.
GorSlilba, a&5t>kE. «- \Bot.] Tlmjajaponica, Goael-kombikyo, i^^i*\;^H•^t^&^5. ^JSRSiR
Gorojlru, & & 5 ;& 2> v.t. [polite, coll.] To see, ^, n. {Physics.] Compound microscope.
look at, or consider. Gosel no, fi'.i.^V'®, ^B,, «• [ifat/i.] Compound.
GorOjn, as 5;£:W)5, tip^fji, «. The ministers of Goselso, a-ltV-^S, ffi^:^, «. [SoC] Shepherd's
state in the Tokugawa GovernixiGnt. purse.
Coromaru, a 6 J'SS, S 9Ji ^. '*• -*- stuffwoven Goselcko, a -^ W", 5.Si^, n.
-^ The Ave noble
in the province of Etchu, and used for making families of Kyoto the members of which were
hakama. formerly entitled to the ofricial post of prime
Gorota, a^te, n. Cont. form of below. minister, or Sessho Kwambak,u,Yi7.., Konoye (35

Gorotalslil, a^feV^S,, g- S, "• Cobble stones; m\ Ku.io (:ft.ffi), NijO C^fS), Ichijo (-f^), and
a pebble. Takatsukasa (g h]).

Gorotsukl^ a^-5?, «. [coll.] An idle rogue; a Gosekkii, a-lty < ^i n.

, EB The five national

vagabond a bully. ; festivals. See Sekkui.^^').

GorotBUku. a % -7 <, "U.f. [coEi.] fjTo wander Goscn, a -fr A-, Sf|I|. w- A person skilled in the
about; to lead an idler's life. @To make a game of go {^). ffor each other.
rumbling noise to ; roll (as a thunder). Gosen, a*A, SiS§i w- Mutual election or voting
Goryaku sum, a? 9-^< -^2, ^ S. ^'«- To take ffoscn tofti/"', SBItliM. voting lor each other
by force; to pillage; to plunder. (as to membership in a public assembly).
Goryo, a'0-^5, ffll^, n. Territory or land under Biiru, v.e. To vote for each other.
the direct administration of the ShDgunate. Gosonhlra, a^^l^6, E^^, n. A stuff foi
Goryo, ah.5, &? 1f^, n. Anything for the use of 7iaft:ama woven at Gosemmachlln the province
the Emperor; the Imperial domains. of Echigo.
Goryocbl, ZsH^%,'^T^^,n. Land belonging to GoBha, a;E-^, 5SI3. "• [(7Ain.] A mistake in copy-
the Emperor; Imperial domain. ing a document or drawing. auru, v.i. To
Goryo-kyoUu, a h, 5 S i < ^ i^ )^, n. The , copy wrong.
Bureau of Imperial Domains. Gosba, J)'J.;£.-^, ^Btt, /*. A shrine subject to the
Goryonin, aKJKA, ffl]*^A. «- [Osaka coll.] An Jurisdiction of a town.
honorific title for another's wife. Goaba, J)J5 ;£^, SJ 3F, » [Chin.] Profligacy;
Goryd-no-basha, aK50U;£^. '^i^^M, n. extravagance; profusion; lavishness; luxury.
An Imperial carriage. Gosbaku, a S ^.
2i -^ < Explaining the
, n-
Goryo-no-matsM, aK503-5. ES®, «• [Bot.] meaning of words or writing; commentation.
Pliius pentaphylla. GoabI, a5 L, ®±, n. A kind of samurai who
Goryn, ijt-t-iOS, -B- ffiE, " The confluence (as of lived away from the castle town of their liege
two streams). lord, and cultivated land.
Gosa, a^. ^^, ». iPhysics.] Error. Goshi, ai,^^, vt. [ffram.] A post-position.
Fueki no gosa, 7^ ^
-^ 2g ^, constant error; Goshl, a L. [port-posit.] Through; beyond; over
^ j^ V ^ si, mean error; SJiuki no gosa, )!i.M -^ Kaici goshi ni miru, ^^ ^^ }^}i', to see over

^^, periodic error, a fence.

Gosai, a^i.^^, i&^. "- Second wife. Gosbl, a L, S rp, n. Barter; commerce; trade.
Gosan, a 3- ^, S Ul, 7i. The five Buddhit?t tem- Goshljo, a:£:£*-^$, aiS^, n. Amart oftrade;
Kyoto Tenruji C^ SS #), Shokoku.ii (|g 1
ples in : market; emporium.
^). KenninjI (itC^). TOfukuji (^ ^ If), and Gosbiki, a;6,&,2:fi, «. and a. O The five

Manjuji (^ g ^). festimation. colours: red, yellow, green, black, and white. @
Gosan, a3^, ^H, ". Miscalculation, erroneous Of various colours; party-coloured, variegated.
Gosatsii H1IVII, as-:?-?^. ^S, ii.t- To kill a Gosbliiipltsu, a S, ^ W-5, ffllBJg, n. An auto-
person by mistake. graph of the Emperor,
Gose, a -^i ^ ISi '" [BuiXd.] The future world, Goshiii, a^^, SS^, «. and a. Defending one's
future existence. person.
Qose anraku, i^lBr^S?, being happy in the Goshin bo, Jg^^, a, pole or stick for defend-
Syn. NOOHI NO YO. Lfuture life. ing one's self.

GSnel, i)t5*v^, 5SS« '^^^ [coll.] Extremely; ex- GoHblnkan, aX^i>^, ^i?^, n. An autographic
traordinarily; greatly. letter of the Emperor.
Syn. Hanahadashiku, Oiki. Heaves. Gosblnxo. a:£^?^ apSS^. " [coll.j A respectful
GoseJyo, a-^rV-Ai?, SiS. «- [BoC] -Alternate title for another's wife; your wife; mistreaa.
Goshl-sninpu, f]•'-l-*^^k3ri, -S-^Si£, n. [Math.] slowly rummaging through a mass of something
Fellowship. fbidentata. light; noisily; annoyingly.
G-oeliitsu, &£•:?, ^^, n. [Bot.] Achyranthus Goson, fiJ^tA, MU' "• The country; villages.
Gusho, a:£i,tHl^;fi " O The imperial palace. @ Gosu, ^it, ^5^, i^j^, n. OChinese porcelains
An honorable epithet formerly applied to with blue designs under the glaze. Cobalt. @
noblemen above hirakuge.
ranliing Gosul, 35-^V*, ^ §, n. Sleeping in the daytime;
Got!iUd, &X-^5.^^.«- IBuaa,] Future life; hap- Syn. HiEDNE. Lslesta.
piness in the next world, Go suru, it 5 -jtZ, 55?, v.t. and i. To call or name.
Gdslio, fj*5;£-^5, ^^, w- A rich merchant. Syn. Nazukit, TOBir.
Goslio. fi'5S.-^$, 9"®, « Signal bell. Go euru, a -J- 2, Sf], v.t. OTo appoint or fix (a

Gosho, &*j^5,Sp;i, ri. [Burfd.]Th6 Ave obstacleH time). @ To promise; to wait for.
flgaiiTit women's getting to Nirvana. EijlUu wo gosu, j^ B ^ S] >'., to wait for long
Gosaiognkl, &:t iJi*&,E^;f:fffr, n. [BoL'] A kind days; Bi wo go-shite yaku su, H ^ JS 5^^ ^ '^, to
of persimmon. fix the time in a contract; Itsu wo ka gosu behi,

Goslio^iinmin, &;£:1<-S3, ^^5:, w. A cover- {^ ^9- ij M^^ '^ ^, what time ia there for ua
ed coach drawn by cattle, formerly used by the to promise.
Emperor or other members of the Imperial Gosiitsuclii, a-^-o-^, ,^WB, n. Cobalt.
Family. Gotabnko, afetf t, ^M^. "• A box for con
taining miscellaneous articles or uten-jils.
Gotactil, afe"^, iSi^. " "^ofts.' Females, woman.
Gotnsota, afeafe, ^Et, n. and adu. O Confu-
sion; disorder; disturbance; quarrel. ©In aa
irregular manner, disorderly, jumbled together.
Gotagota ga okotta, zf m zj' idf j^-y ac, [cnu.l
a quarrel has arisen; Gotagota irikomu, SgJKX
V JJ -i». [coll.] to enter without order (as a larti
number of people). fa rear gur\rcl.
Gotnl, afev, Ife PS?, n. The rear ranks of ao array;
Gotal, a fe \p, 3t, 9^, «. The five parts of the body
Gosbolcliigo, i>S.i.\r%^,i\^^, n. [Bo(.] A kind i e. the head and the four limbs.
of straw-berry.
Gotal, ft*3fev, PiW, n. Rigid body.
Geuliokti. i]*5.£ i < 35^, y*. Eating to excess;
Gotalrd. afeVv 5, 'm:K^, n. The Regent of

gluttony; gormandiam.
Tokugawa Shogunate.
Goshu, a^i*, aP)f5, "- [poUte. coll.] Sake.
Gotaliii, afe <, ffllSt, n. [co/i. ] Foolisli saying
Gdi^hit, ftiJXl*, 33M> w. Excessive drinking of
word; nonsense.
silly fsense.
ardent spirits; hard drinker.
Gotaku wo tsuku, fflJ K?y ^, to speak non-
Goishiideii, a^l^T? A-, iSP ^^. " The residence Gotaniaze, a fe a ^, fS i#, "• snd a. Mixing to-
of the Shogun's daughter, married to a daimy'i
gether; a mixture; a jumble; a hodge-podge
higher than the third grade. mixed; jurabled together; medley.
GcHliiiln, a ^,
£. W) Vr 3t EP, 71. The vermilion
G5tuB, fi»?feA, ^5g, n. and a. Undaunted spi-
seal of the shugun; adocument or deed stamped rit, courage; bold, fearless, courageous.
with do. Gotat.Siiku, afe-7<, v.i. To be involved; impli-
Go»luiisien, ^:£,W)*^, 31 ^^, « An old Chinese cated; to be disordered; to become trouble.^ome;
copper coin. fcarpa.
to cause confusion.
GoHtiii^u, £*(,^W>,i^^ ", n. [Bot.] Evodiarutae- Syn. Gotagota sur0.
G o»d, & ? 5 , ^ "^, pron. We (used only in written Goto, a-r, i^ #, n. O Being behindhand. @ The
rear troop.
Goso. &^,)jB®, 7i. iZool.] A flying squirreL Gate wo htku, ^ ^^ ^, to be behindhand.
Syn. MUSASABI. Gotel, a-C\r, n. {cont. of Gotelshiu] [coll.] Your
Go.sd, &^c?,®iS, 71. An escort; a guard. husband ^ised to inferiors).
Hiirw, To escort.
v.t. G6tPkl, ft* 5 T ?, 55Sft, n. and adv. strong QA
Go»o, 6'?5^, 5SIS.5SIS. "• A-n urgent complaint opponent; an indomitable enemy. @ [TokyO
or petition to the Government made by a mob. cofi.l Extraordinarily, exceedingly, very.
suru, v.t. To petition in an audacious Goton, ar^, iSl^, n. A palace; residence of a
manner (as a mob). nobleman.
GoBosoao, ^^^^, adv. [coU.] The sound of Goten, iJt5r^. fig?^, n. A mark; a sign.
GOT .*zf,7 GOZ
Gotmi, ft»i-rX, -S-IK, n. [Jlfa(ft.TVanishlnB point. Gottorl, a-v^'iJ. fldu. [coll.] Suddenly unexpect;

Gotcujo, il*i-r^X:^$.^?c#, n. A ceiling with edly. [.died

fimall squares like those of a checkerboard. sMnda, :^-y>V5EV:^, has suddenly
Goto, a^ 5, ^tlQj ff- iBot.'\ Stcrculia platani- Go-iichl, a5'^,JSrfT.*^. n. One skilled in the
folia. game of po; a professional player of po.

GSto, fj''5^5,1£^f 71. iCfiin.]Toi) notes on the GowngowR, 9;-[(I»Kt, adv. [coll.] O -A. Round like
pages of a book, in the way of Englinh foot-notes. that of two pieces of leather chafing together.
Goto, ti' ? 1£ 5 3S IS, ". A pobher; a highwayman;
Gowd, ai75,^J$. n, Bezoar.
Syn. DoBOBo, OSHiKOJii. la. bandit. Gowo, a*7$,^S, n. O Same as ahuve. @A
Cot51»orl, a>?519:«),ife^H;. " A style of carving charm or a piece of paper witli the characters ^
of the metallic ornaments of a swords (so SlT^ printed upon
and given to the be-

called from its originator, Goto, in the service of lievers, at various shrines (supposed to keep off
the Asliikaga Shngunate). diseases or other evils).
Gotogoto, aitaj?. actu. [coll.] The sound of water Goya, a-^, ft ^, n, The hours from 12 to 3 o' clock

boiling in a kettle. in the night.

Gotoliii. a^<,S:^,^0-i=, rt. An iron tripod for Goyakii, fttij^ < , -g- gg, n. Gunpowder.
supporting a kettle over the lire. Syn. ENsn5.
Gotokii,-slil,-kl, ai? L, iD, 'v.i. and adv. To be Goyel, &S.\r, IS^f. n. The act of guarding or es-

or like similar to; to resemble; as though; ap- corting; escort; guard. suru, r.(. To es-

parently. cort or guard.

Fubo no on fukaki koto solcai no gotoshi, SC ^^ Goyel-tiel, a i6,\/v-^vr-. Sg ^ Jv. « Escort; guard.

z^ T i^Vfit ^ fc 1^, the deepness of parents'

Goya, ai5,'(^ffl, n. Government service; your
g^ gp_
use or Bervice.
kindness is like the blue ocean; Miqi no gotoshl,
Goyo, Gi5, ISffl, n. Misuse; erroneous applica
fe -^ as stated above; Naki pa gotoshl, Sf^if
ftp 5^,
tion. suru, v.t. To misuse, etc.
though there were nothing; Kunshi wa
J/, as
Ooyokn, a i <, S.§J^, n. The different desirea
seitoku atte yobo gunaru ga gotoshi, § =? '^ ^ ^
excited by the five senses.
T -v r ^ lA lEi -^ /^ ^ ^ -y. a true gentleman is Goyeku, Strong
ft* 5 i < , 3S gi^, ;& Jg, n. lust,
he that, possessing great virtues, yet has the
greediness, rapaciousnesa; inextinguishable
appearance of a Bimple person; Nanilcafuho no
carnal desire. fpentaphvlla
shinmon aru ga gotoku iu mono art, ^:fi yf-i^ ^
GoyO-matsu, a.t.-i.3-5, S.JS©, 7t. [Bot.] Pinus
Sfta -rit'ff Sti «'5:#Ty some speak as though ,
Goyomeslil, Si^feL, iff S, n. Being sum- ffl
there were an illegal inquiry.
moned by the Emperor or from the Government.
Syn. Tori, Y6.
Goyo suru, a 1 5 -^ S, E ffl, «.t. To use inter-
eoto-kujirn, afe5 < "^5, E SKi. " [ZooliGlo-
changeably or in common.
MocepJtalns steboiati.
GSyn, ii<$V/^5, WlMi n. and a. [ClUn.] Courage
Goto III, tt^Vc, @, adv. Every; each time that.
and bravery; valiantness; daring; courageous,
Sam goto ni, ^^=^, every spring; Si goto ni
boldspirited, iieroic.
kltaru, a ®-^K?^, to come daily; SHo goto ni
GSy a suru ft* 5 W) 5 -^ 3 if iS, v.i. [Chin.'] To
, ,

iu, A ® — B' "7. to speak to each person ; every

amuse one's self unrestrained; to wander about
one says that; Ken goto nijunkwai suru, B§ =; ® wantonly,
jffiifi^'fl'. to go round each prefecture; Saku Goaa, ay, ffli 1^, n. O A respectful term for seat.
goto ni miru, ^ ^ @—
J3. fl-. to see every time
@A raised seat or matting for the use of an
it blossoms. eminent person.
r.otoHhalcii, aif:5;£J^<.H:^S, 71. The five Goaa, ay, ?6 ^, n> Common matting; a mat.
orders of nobility, viz., Kd (^) Prince, S:3 l^),
Gosaliuiie, ayj^n., W'%^, fi- An Imperi.il
Marquis, Saku (f6), Count, Shi C-^), Viscount, yacht. r(ffl}±).
and ZJaw(^), Baron. Gdzainural, ii'SytrtV', ^^, "- Same as ffo«fti
Goto-Kiirume, a'te5^Sft, 3£,ii3iiW- Dried cuttle Goeannnre, ay^,^^L, n. [cant, of Koso, aru and
ftsh produced at Goto in the province of Hfeen. nare.] An exclamatory term meaning: lo I the^o
GotHiigotsii, a-aarp, TC It, adv. Tlie sound of tlie comes.
striking together of hard things. Suwa (efci TcosQ gozannare, :^»RS=r y =f-i?v
Gottn, a^te, a. Jumbled together; mixed up. J- u, look there indeed comes the enemy.

Gotta ni natta, zf-'jH=.-3-yix, [coll.] have (or Gosa-no-nia. S r O 2, Mffi ^.BB, fi- iohs.\ The
has)become jumbled together room where the feudal lord usually sat.
GottanI, a^teKC, ^3I§|, n. [coll.] Medley floup. Goaaru, TSi^t, iff v.l. ^
[poltic CoH.J To ba.
Hcaga de gozaru, to {rl t iS ffi B', ho-vv are you? humble consideration; Gu omoeraku, /ta iS "^ 9
SayTi de gozaru, £ Rg 5* i» M *•, it is so; Kare ni ^, I thought.
waryo shin ga gozaru, ft!l ^-'^iWS^ ='**' ^. 'j'^^h Gu, C'd.iS. ". and a. Even numbers; even.
his parents are alive (literally, there are both Gn, <'5,iS, n. Treatment; entertaining, recep-
pareuts to him). tion. sum, v.i. To deal with; to treat.

Goio, &-^, £3!^, n. A word

used a3 a respectful Gd, <-, S, a. Five (a term used by gamblers).
suflix to the titles of women, as himegoze, honor- Gual, <-3&7>,X-S'. w. ©The working of the differ

able young lady, atnafiwze, the venerable nun, ent parts of a machine or an apparatus; state;
etc. condition. @
The condition of one's health;
Goio, &^, ^ -ic, n. A blind woman who goes disease.

abni-.t begging, hy singing songs or playing on Guaiga warui, X-n-:'/'St;, does not work
the guitnr. well, to be in bad health; Qualwo naosu, X.^9-
4SoseM, &^^, ifllfift, n. (JYour honour (used in ig y., to re-adjust (as an apparatus).

addressing nobles). ©-A- respectful sulPx to the Syn. Ambai, Cfl5sili.

names of ladies, as Tomoegozen, Shizukagozen, Giinn, <'?iA,,©5S, n. a foolish view (in humilia-
etc. tion); my opinion.
GoBOii, &-&A, lai 0, n. [coll.] A polite term for GubiJIiiBO, ^ t^•;£:^ S 5,S5i^A:?, n. [Bot.] The
meal or boiled rice. field poppy, i'apacer KUoeas.

Asa-gozen, ^'MM> breakfast; Hlru-gozen, g iJfl

Gul>1 suru, (rv-'-fZi fl(^, v.i. To be completed.
Syn. GonAN, MESHI. Llf, tiffin.
to be well furnished ; to be completely equipped.

Goxf^ii, a^^, ForenooD. Syn. SONAWARU, SOROU.

^fiff, n.
Gitbo, <'t5:i, 5ii ii, 11. [Bi(dtl.] Propagating religi-
Gozen hac'niji, ^M 7\99,
GoxKn, ftt5^^, Jli?^, adv. and a. [Cfttw.] Noisily; ous doctrines.
noisy, clamorous, uproarious.
Gubii, <'>, tf^^, ". Attending the Emperor m
and Proudly, his going out, or attending a mikoshi when car-
Goj(on,Tbs$^-A,fi)(i?^, adv. a. [C/itn.]

vaingloriously; conceited, puffed up, high- ried about on festive occasions.

flown. Gyoho 7W gubu, ^t ^ .^ ^^^, attending the

Gozo, i^"?, 31 ffl, n. The Ave viscera: heart, Emperor in his travels.

lungs, stomach, liver, and kidney. Gubiiiiln, <rl:\lt^,^.=^\, n. O One who attends
G ©soil II, 1)155' <, S i^, n. T/ttrt.^ A distinguished the mtk-nski when carried about in procession.
or powerful family; an aristocratic lineage. @ Imperial retinue.
Goxu, ^-7>', ^ £S, w. [Budd.] The ox-headed jailer 4;iibiitsu, <' .i< :?, .iS^i " A. stupid fellow, a

in the IJuddhist hell. dunce; an ignoramus.

<Soxuine. £:?•», ttlp, ^. S, «- A body of troops Syn.Ano, Bakamono, Orokamono.
reserved for an exigency; reserve. GuchI, Nonsense; silliness; foolish
^'%,^'j^, n.
Gosumesii, &-:3*16:?', 4^0 |§ ^, n. The two jailers ness; stupidity; an absurd notion.
in the Buddhist hades, one with the head of ox Guchi ivo iu, IR.^'^ S: y, to talk nonsense, to
and the other of a horse. Syn OB0KA, Lsp^ak unwisely.
GoKUtojiwo, &t^*-t:^S95, ^Bi5^^ n. The name Guclioku, <- "t i, < , ^ iS. « and a. Foolish but
of a Buddhist deity. artless; simple and honest.
Gii, <', ^, A complete set or suit of
n. tools, Gnt'liu, (r%^, jS. S. " iC/itn.] A foolish idea (m
usensils, implements, or furnitures. liumiliation); my humble vlws,
3fono no gu, ^^^, military arm^ and armour; Guchu wo nobu, ^.'S.^ i&'f, to state one's
Enofjv, S > #. paints used in drawing; Yorol own views (a humiliating expression).
ichi gv, la— .fl.,
a suit of armour. Gudarl, ^^ V H 5^ %, n. .
[Bvda.] The name of a
Syn. DoGF, KiGtt, UtSUWA. Buddhist deity with eight arms.
Gil. ^.iSi. "- ^^^ o.- O -A. fool; a. simpleton; a Guden, <-C^, a. [coll.] Dead drunk. ftruth.
dunce; an Ignoramus. ® Silly; foolish; stupid, Gud€, <' ;^ 5,jKS. "• Seaking after religioug
very often prefixed to the names of things be- Guflogudo, <'^><"^, a. [cot£.] Complaining, mur-
ioDgin.^ to one's self out of modesty. muring, or grumbling. fstupidity.
Gihhix^u, ,^EE> an unskilful handwriting; my Giidon, ^^«^,;ii|fi, a. and 71. Foolish and dull;
TTiting (in modesty); Guzon wo mMShiag^u, ^ Giidon-sha, ^^^X•'^, Si I6#, rt. An ignorant
l5t ^ 4i i. rt', to state my humble ."opinion, and stupid person; a duU-witted fellow.
*". <*, ffi, " I (In humiliation), Gudotsubu. <-»-5i<, v.i. [coll] To grumbl* or
Gu %nzuru ni, ffiS::<fl-=i. according to my murmui-.
Gufn^ ^i5, filWi, «. A violent wind; a tempest; Gummu, C^tf, SK. «• Military affairs.
a btorm; a hurricaDe. Gummuhwan, ^^tJ•< 47^, ^'bT, n. The
Guru, Ci, J^iC, 'I" A foolish father (in humilia- partment of War, which existed at tlie be?;lD-
tion); my father. fDorant people. nlng of the MeiJI era.
Gufu. ^-i, a*,?!. fooUsh fellow; ig-
[Chin.'] A GumS, ^ t ^. Alt, n. and a. Same as Gvmal.
Gugeu, tSifJ-A, S s"i A satirical remark; a
"- Guinpl, ^AtV, 5Bf, n. Military or war expenses.
feigned speech; au apologue. Guinpi^ <'AU-', JS, Expenses defrayed by the
i?l> n.
Syn. Tatoe. people of a gun; county expenses.
Gugo, <-a, f^'(g^, n. Food of the Emperor. GuinpO, <'^Ui?5, ^i^, n. Swarming bees.
Syn. OuoNO. Guinpo, <r^i/X^, iEii, n. Military tactics; m.ir-
Gugo auru, <r5il*^irZ, <S -S-, v.t. To meet with tial law rC^ourt Marshal.
by chance; to see a person unexpectedly. Guinpokwaigi. <-Aff.i< ihV^?r, 5^ ii ^ IS. n. A
Gul, <*5\r. K .'S, « Implied idea; insinuation. Guinpiiku, <-^J:<,^|g, n. Military unifoxm.
Gulbl, < \/* CK, SH 1^ ^, " [Hot.'] Elaeagnus pun- Gun. i' ^, ES, ^- Subdivision of a province; a
gem. county a rural division.

Giislil, ^-J L, )KkJ, n. The chief ofhcial in a Syn. KoRl.

Gujl, <-5i:, S s7iin(o shrine. Gun, <-^, 1^, n. and a. A flock, herd, crowd, or
Gajlii, <-$X'^, ^SA, ". iChin.'] A puppet; a doll. Bwarra; flocking, crowding, or numerous.
Syn. Deku, NikgyO. Guu, <'^, ^, n. and a. War, an army; militai-y,
GiijtD, <-X*^, A, »t. A foolish person; adunce;
a simpleton; an ignoramus. Syn. IKCSA, Tatakai, Tsdwamono.
Syn. Ab5, Bakamono. Giin-a, <'^%, S¥SS. '^^ A flock of crows.
<i"jo» <':£'-^5, -aii^, K- Makintj a full report of Gunchd. <'A%-S'5, C?:S. « The chief official of
the circumstances. suru, v.l. To make a a county or gun.
circumstantial report. fa lodging. Gunclan, ^A,%Vi>5, SE ft), a. During war; while
Gulfjo, <'5Si, K S^, 7*- A temporary dwelling; in encampment; in tlve battle.
Syn. ItAlitZTHHAI. Guudal, <*A;t-\A, BStt, n. The chief magistrate of
Gamiii« ^t^, u.. and n.
<* ]£ v*', Foolish and a county or gun in the time of the ShOgunate.
Ignorant, unlettered; an ignoramus. Gundau, <-^fe^, 3iCffl. '"' A company of militia
Giimbaf, <* ^ fef \/>. E E. 'i- O Cont. form of in the feudal times; an army,
Gumbat-uchiwa. @ Giving directions or orders. Gundau, <'^;t-^, a?^. »^- War-stories.
Givnibai wo furU, gcgH^^'7, to flourish the Guudansbl. e^:t-^X, iEtSSli. ^i- 0°^ who gets
gumbai and give orders. his living by telling war-stories; a public story-
Gumba-l-ucliiwa. <'Xli\r'5Stt, ^flSES K, n. A teller.

flatgourd shiiped fan used by military offlcers Gundari-yasba, ^ ^ # V ^ -:/ >. ^1^ ^J ^ 3t.
in giving orders in former times. [Buoa.] The name of a Buddhist diety with eight
GiiuiBini-uchl'iva, <*^^i arms.
\^ ^ % iX, n. [With.] GuQ-el, <rA.X\{^,^^,n. Same as JlTO-ei.
Vliactodon modestvs Gun-ekl, <*^A.^,S^S, " [ChiTi.] Military service.

Giiiubnl-uchlwa. <'^^f Guugaku, <'^ft*< , E<S, n. Military science ; the

V- 5 -^ tt, Jl ffi ^, n. art of war.

[Bou] Thiaf^pi arvense. Gungaku ni tassuru, ^S — i^^fl'. to be
Gumbulso, <'^^fV^5, versed in military science.
"H" |£, n. [Hot.] Brassica Gunsakubu, <'^i]JO, Es^SR, »- The Military
oleracea. Band Bureau.
Guuibyd, <r A.Vf-^^.'S.-S^. Giingukucho, ^^6•'< "e-l^, 5^ S?fi, »• The Su-
It. Soldiers; an army. perintendent of the Military Band.
Syn. OUNSOTSU. Gungaku-jiebo, <- ^ i* C :i:%i.^, KSI^S. »•
Guinl, c:^,^^^-, n. [Bot.] Elaeagnus pur^ens. Tlie Assistant Superintendent ot the Military

GuuitUr- i:7fh., S, K, w- Foolish or ignorant peo- Band.

ple. Gungaku-kihoutal. ^ ^i)5<^W:^fe^A, S5?3I
Giiniiuiu, ^^^^, Sf K. »• Multitude of people. 3K RK. «• The Central Military Band.
Giiiuinon, <-^6^,W^. "• A camp-gate. Gungakuahl, e^ft«< L, SESfP, « O^^ verse*
Gvmwion ni kudaru, E P^ = H fl'. to surrender
in the art of war.

one's self before the camp-gate of the enemy. Gungl, <'^r, 3EB1. n- War counsel.
Gungi ni azukaru, 5K IS =S i*- . to take part Gunrltsu, <'^^7,^AI, Ti. [CWn.] Towering up
in a war counsel. fin gambling). In great numbers (as mountains).
Cii-iiJ, <' JC, S— , »i~ Five and two (a term used Gunryaku, <-^>!l^< ,SE, n. Military tactics.
C^uu-I, <'^V/^, ^gff, n. A Military or Naval physi- Etratagemfi.
cian. Gunryo, <-^V)l,SJS. "• [(7^".] An army.
Guu-l-gakko, <' A \/^ til y *. 5 , E S ^S •Kf, « The Gunryoku. <-^ i < ,K W) :i!;. «• Military power.
Military or Naval Medical College. Guusel, ^^-VV^, 2g la, n. [CJUn.] Military adminis-
Gnn-l-sOkan. <- ^ V^^ 5 *•/-. KSSgK. "• The tration.
Military or Naval PhyBlclan in Chief. Gunsel, <*^;tV^, WU, n. MlUUry organization.

Gunjl, <•^ c, E5 ft], '«. [0&5.1 The title of an ancient Gunsen, <-^^^, %^, n. A fan. the frames of
county official of whom there were four or- which are of iron (used by higher military offi-

ders, Jcamt, suke, jo, and sakwan. cials in ancient times).

CuUJfu, <^S.*^. !S^. "• God of war. Gunsen, i'K^k, %^, n. A man of war.
GuDjin, <^^:£^,5f^, tt. a military camp. Guushl, <-^L, %%, n. One versed in military

Gunjm, <•^^.'^, ^A, /». Military otticers; a tactics.

soldier. fraent; a blue paint. GuushiH, <'^*^,B^E. n. The whole body of the
Gunjo, C^^^5, ^'i^,n. A kind of mineral pig- officials of the crown.
GimkuD, <- ^*>^, SES*. n. A secretary to the Gunsho, <'^XJ:. ^*. y*- A history or chronicle
head of the Chinjlfu, which see. Tvessels.
of war; a treatise on military tactics.
Gunkan, ^^4>^,^flg, n. A man of war; war Giinslio-yoml, <- ^ X H X7i; IE * ^. '" Atelier
Giuiken, <: X,i^ A.,UM, n. O Prefecture and
of war-Rtori63.
county. @ Cont. form ot below. Gunso, <'^35, MW. "• A sergeant
Giinken-no-sel, <• A W- ^ 0*V/*, RK ^! Z U, "- A Gunso, <*^5 5, ^SS. «• A military dress or
term designating a monarchical form of govern- equipment.
ment in distinction to a feudal system. Gunaon, <-^^^, E5 ^, n. Counties and villages.
Gnnkl, <•^^,Kla. " History or record of war. Giinsotsu, <-^^-P, SS^. ?!• Common soldiers.
Gunkl, ^^^,E^SI, n. [Chtn.'i Military secret or Gunntil, <'A.-^V^, ^g*, «. A general-in-chief.
movement. Gunta, (rk.1t. ®M. "• {Sot.} Vitis Thuribergll.
Gunkl, <-A®,WI5. " Weapons of \\ ;\r Guntd, A band of robbers.
<'^if 5, C«iS. "•
Gunkl suru, <-A&-?-3, g^)S, »• To rise in insur- Gunya-gunya, <- K -^ < ^^, ^^> « and adv.
rections in various parts of the country at the
[coli.] Wanting firmness; yielding to the touch,
same moment, Tploits.
flabby, limber; pliantly, softly.
Giinkd, <*At. 5,^55,« MUitary services; ex-
Giin-yaUu, (: k.^< %'^, it. Military service.
Gnnku,<-^< 5IIE. w. Rural and urban divisions.

Gun-yakuslio, <-^^< ;£ ^l, EF iS ©f, t^- A county

Gtmkyo suvu, <- ^ & l^'S.a^S. v.i. To live
office. rnyo-
together. n/ima.
Giinyarl, <'t(t-^V), fl- and ti. Same as Gunya-gu-
Gunn»i, <-^tfV^, (JPft. "• Cont. form nt Gunnat-
GuniuU-furo, <- ^ li W^ A 5 5,aSI^. «• [-Bot.] Gun-yo, ^A-^5,ef ¥:. " A flock of sheep; flock-
ing sheep. farroy, needed in war.
Gera«*wm eriostemon,
Giinnati-Jlma, ^A^V^:&2, PS ft JS. "• A striped Gun-yo, <-^i5. ^ffl.Bi^i. « ^o^ use in the
silk cloth woven at Gunn&i in the province of Gun-yo-hln. <-^i5U•^, Sfflffi.m^. «• Arti-
cles for use in the army. rpenses.
Gunnal-orl, ^^tCV^I^'!) BS ft S^ »• A silk stuff Gun-yS-klu, <' ^ i 5 3 ^, H ^, "
War ex-
woven at Gunnai. Tgamblers). G-an-yo-Tcin too fcwa svrv, ffi ^^ ffl S ^ ^-t to
Gu-nome, <-C5»,3:B, n. Five (a term used by levy a tax to defray war expenses.
GimrQl, ^A*iV*,^ffi. ti- Military etiquette. Gun-yu, <'^W^5,J!|^, n. [Chin.'\ Numerous
Gunrct. <'^K\^•,SE'^. " An order or command warriors,

given to an army. Gun-yu shi/iT- nl kalckyo su, P tiE;;?- 10 iS^.

Guurl. <•^l!],^RE. "• Civil officials belonging to numerous w;irriois established themselves in
a gun; connty officials vanous^arts of the kingdom.
Gunrl, <'^'^),!®^. n. A mUitary paymaster. Gunsan, <'^^^•^, E¥ Uf, n. A chain of raountaina.

Gunri-sakushjfc, <-A.i!)ti« < X-^,^^^^. "• A Gunzel. <rA,^-V^, ^Sjf, n. An army; forces,

school for military paymasters. Gunzel wo kuHdasu, H^^^SSffi >^i to send

GtiDi-ltau, e^lfl•7, S?P. »• Martial law military ;

out forces,
discipline. Tmllitary discipline. GunEOku, <*AV<, ^S. ". Military classes.

GunHtsu ivo mamoru, ^3t^'3=ff', to observe Guuzoku, ^^5•<.KfW. " Numerous robber*.

GUE, 261 GUS

Gunzoku wo tairagu. pM f- 4*^, to subjugate GuruH to tm-imalcu, ^b-V hK©^', to com-
numerous banditti. pletely surround; to encompass.
Garaffura, C" 6 <" &, ?£ S^ JS. Odu. [colL]ln a Giisnl, <-^v-, aSE, /*. My ignorant wife (in
tottering, rocking, shaking, or unsettled man- humiliation). fforce.
ner; threatening to ftill down; unstably, slip- Gusa to, <- 3 if , adv. The sound of stabbling with
perily. sum, v.i. To totter or shake; to Gusa to sasu, if ^ V^^, to stab with force.
be unstable. Gusntsu, <';3-P, ;ffiiJIi, n. My humble letter (in
Tsukue ga guragura sum, ffl,tf^9^7 pi^, humiliation). fbiy of one's self).

the table is rocking or unstable. Gusotmi, <rt'y,B.W^, pron. I (in speaking hum-
Gurahnsu, <r ^ii>ir, v.t. [coU.] To cheat, defraud, Gusetsu, <'*'?, S.K, n. A foolish opinion (most-
or swindle by a petty artifice; to shirk work. ly in speaking humbly of one's own view or
Giiramu, ^72>„ n. [Ft'ench.'] Gramme. idea). rignorant person.
Guraslii-niouo, <* & ^ ft ©, n. [coll.] Goods in Gusha, <::S.^,!k^, n. A fool; a simpleton; an
buying which one has been cheated. Gusha nimo ittoku art, g. ^ =. ^ — ^ 7 V
Gurnsii. <- c,ir, v.t. To cheat, det^aud, or swindle. even a fool may have a merit.
Oiiratsuku, <- 6 -9 < gj^, v.i. To threaten to ,
Guelit, <- L, SI, n. The hair of the head.
fall down by rocking, shaking, or wavering; to 0-gushi ga midareniasht ta, ^^ 1f^u-r^$c,
reel; to be unstable or unsettled. your hair has become dishevelled.

Guren. ^ujcy, n. [£np.] Grain (of weight). Kami.

Syn. fsuperior,
Gurcru, <'H3, SH.fi, «•< [coll.] To have a twist; Gushin fiuni, <-^^-^^, ft #, lU. To report to a
to be deranged; to be out of tune. Gusho. <-;£l, ^^, n. My letter or writing (in

Ki ga gureru, humiliation). feral.

S»-, to be out of one's
Syn. CniGAU. L^iind; to run raad. Gu8h$, <rt.-<^5, ^'^, Ignorant or foolish gen- -fi-

Gurl, <'iil,I!®, n. Mottled or wavy marks on GusO, <'5:5,^fS', n. An ignorant priest (used by
lacqu-erod wares made by applying lacquera of a priest in self-depreciation),
different colours. fthe skin.
Gusoku, <r^c<, jffliS. n. Foolish son (used in
GupJsurl, <• V) ^ hard lump under n. A speaking humbly of one's own son).
ifl , ite,

Gurliltl-B<ya, <-V)VSH-5,^iafSi$fc. n- The Greek Gusoku, <r^< ,^^n. [BoL] RliamnAis japonica.
church. fraen in humiliation). Gusoku, Cc < :R.M. n. Q A complete set of

Gurd, i'e,5,^^, n. A silly old man (used by old armour. @ Armour; a coat of mail.
Guron, <r ^ A,, &^, n. Foolish arguraent, or Giisokii-MtsH, <'t<U-*<?, -aS^. ". A box for
humble opinion; one's own views (in humilia- armour.
tion). GiisokiB-inoclil. <' ^ < "& ^, 4 S®f> ". Same as
Guroesen, ^a-y^z^, n. [German,] Groschen, or Kagwmimochi.
the name of a small silver coin of Prussia. GusokunI, ^^c<\!^, -H^IS, n. Lobster chopped
Gurosu, ^t3 y^, [j^ n. [Etiq.] A gross or 12 dozen. into transverse pieces and cooked with sugar
Guro saru, <'^5-J*2, jB. 5?. I'-f* To deride, jeer, and soy. fmour-maker.
mock, or ridicule to make a fool of. ; Gusokii-slil, <-5:<£,^S^. ¥ E. S A. 71. Anar-
Guru, <'3, 71. [coll.] Conspiring for a criminal or Gusoku Buru, <r ^ < -^ Z, ^JS, v.t. and (. To
Improper purpose; participating in an offense; complete or perfect; to be completely furnLshed;
accomplice. to have every thing needed.
Guru ni natte hito wo damasu, iftt'^^-jT^A^ Syn. SOSAWARU.
f^y<, to conspire together to cheat a person. Gusokiiya, <*t<-^, ftJEM, n. An armourer
Guru-suru, C S ^ 3, adv. [coll.] Round and Gnsa, <'5^5, <F§ K- «- Even number.
round; circularly; in a circle. Guaiiku, if y. 9, n. [Ryukyu dialect.} [probably
Guru-guru mawam, ^ fl- ^ w- Jg s-, to turn the corrupt, of fl'OSftwfcw(^ Jg).] A castle.
round and round. Gu suru, <--^2,^, r.i. To be completely furnish-
GururJ, <rZ^,f^^,n. and ativ. Q Circumference; ed; to be well equipped.
a precinct; a boundary. ©About; around. Syn. SONAWABU, SOROU.
no gururi wo mamoru, ^ ^ 1^ M"^ '3' ^i to
le Gu Burii, <' -^ Z, <R. I'-*- To lead or take along
watch around the house; Machi no gururi, rfr ^ with (as servants). fvant along with
S !£> the environs of the town Yama no gururi, ; Tomo wo gusuru, #? ^ ffi ^ P-, to take a ser-
ill -^S S9. abaut the hill. Syn. MESHiTsunn, Tomonatt, tsurerd.
Syn. Mawari, Meguri. fabout. Gu siirii, <'5-i^3,iS, v.i. To deal with (another);
Gururi to, ^Z V]
£.BS £!. adv. Around; in a circle; to treat or entertain (as a guest).


Kyahu wo gu suru nt rti wo motte sm, ^ ^ ig t. rice bread ; only used figuratively in an expres-
fl' — ^ ^ £1 r 7., in entertaining a guest to ob- sion like the following.
serve courtesy. Gwabei ni zoJcu su, ffiSf =H :^, to be disap-
Syn. ASHIBAIT, M0TENA3U. pointing; will lead to no practical result.
Gu suru, i'5irZ, K. u.t. To live (in a temporary Gwablclio, <r t) Vt ^ M M ^. 't- [Omith.]Em-
residence); to lodge; to sojourn. Syn. HuJiRO. ibenza ctOi^sts
Kauo Chi ni gu suru, fffi ^=S ^ A-, (he) so- Gwabo, <-*9tf5,e\S, " [Chin.] A bedroom; a
journs in that place. sleeping chamber.
Syn. TOMARU, Yadoru. Gw.ibyo, <-lht^••^5,E^:^. n. Lying on a sickbed.
Gh sum, ^3-$-Z, S, v.t. To imply (as a moral fi-^va-on, <-*D;t^, n. Servants belonging to the
truth); to satirize. guards stationed at the castle gates of Yedo in
Giita-Kutn, <- fe c* fz, adv. [coll.^ Unfixed, un- former times
settled, not decided; loitering idly. Gwnru, <*47-i-.Sf S^, n. A picture book.
Guta-guta sfiiie iru, if^ifH^f^rt', is un- G^vafukii. <.'ir>S-< , Sffg. w. A picture or drawn-
settled, or he is idle and loitering about. ing made to be hung in the above for ornament.
Gutntsuku, <* fe -5 <, v.i. [coii.]To be limber; GwaKakko. <'*9^%*>5. S * fe. 'i- a drawing
flexible; pliant. fther. school. fdrawing.
Gntel, CtV, :ffl ^, n. My humble younger bro- Gn-asakii. <-*-yft*< , 5| ^, Art of painting;
Cutto, <'y^, adv. O At once; in a flash; in an Givag^ojl, <'ib&C, n. The name of a monster or
instant. ©Very much more; in a superior deg- demon used in irightenjng children.
ree. Syn. Gagoji, Gagoze.
Gutto nomikomu, i^-y b gfc s iji., [con.\ to Gwaffii, <rio<r,^\.^, n. Articles used in sleeping,
swallow (anything) at once; GvUo ukehiku, iT'j as pillow and bedclothes; mattress.
Y Tlt^SI^, [coU.] to comply with :it once; Gutto Gwabltsu. <'t)V--<?,^^, n. A drawing pencil; a
yoki shina, ^-j b (ff # ip, a much better article. painter's brush.
GuaoJ. <-^V^, Si, S- n. [Budd.] The promise of Gwaho. <'*:ia5,ffif(^, n. [C/iin.] A pleasure-boat.

Buddha to save all mankind. G-^val, <'49V, ^k n. a. and adv. Exterior, outside,
Gvzei no ftine. Si, S ^ -jg-, [Budd.] the boat of foreign; out of, beyond, besides.
salvation. fly; fortuitously. Syn. HOKA, Soto.
^UEen, <-5^^, -IS^, adv. By chance; accident- G^vai, <:-ibXi,%£., n. .
B<>t.] Poly podium lineare.
Gitzen nt omoitsuk-u., ;^ =i ,g; t; # ^. to think
^fby chance; GUzen no gosa, ®^^-^g^^, [Phy- Gwai. <'*jv^, % p^. n. [Bot.] A kind of moss grow-
sics.] accidental error; Koto ga oi'Z'n ni okotta, ing on tiles.

W^ 'iS ^ = ^-v sty a thing has happened acciden- Gwaibo, <•*:) V^ tf 5,^[.Jft, rt. An outward look;
tally. appearance.
Ggbo, <*53r5, ^ (S^, n. An Image or idol. Gwatbo vjo yosod, Ht^^ ^"y, to adora the
GuBoKyo, CS^'^W^.-ffiffiSt, n. Idolatry. outside; to put a good face upon.
Gusu-giiBu, '^^. adv. The voice of one
<:^' (:•=>', Gwaibiin, Reputation; pub-
complaining or grumbling; slowly, lazily; idly. licity; notoriety; fame; honour.
Guzu-gvzu shite iru, iS ^ =x t" ^ »-, to lie idle; Gwaibun ga vjarui, H^if^ 'i, to be pre-
to be loitering. judicial to one's reputation; Gwaibun ni kaka-
Giixuru, <'r3'2, Bit, RS. v.t. [coll.] To demand im- lua?-?/, =^ t) » to afTect one's fair name;
^\.M -•^f^,
portunately; to tease (as child for canity). Gwaibun wo habakaru, ^[. H?W ft-, to bo afraid
Syn, Nedard. know
to let others it; GtvaiMin uo 7iShinou, 9^9i
GuBu suru, <'t?"$-#"2, 5t IS, v.t. and (. To propa- f"^ f, to lose reputation.
gate (as a religion); to spread far and wide. G-tvaibiitsii, fTin\r-J»'0,^\-^, u. lChin.\ External
Syn. HiROMKRU, HIEOMARU. things; a foreign matter.
Guzu-tsuku, <•:?':? <,v.l. [coll.]0 To grumble; Gwal-©u, <*i9\A^^, ^tg, n. Assistance from
to murmur; to complain. @ To be tardy; to be strangers; foreign aid. sum, u.t. To ren-
slow in doing any work der assistance to a foreign country.
Gwn, Ctj.S. w. A picture; drawing. Gwairu, ^i^v^-5•, ^\^, n. A mistress kept In
Gwa wo narau, ffi ? ^ ?, to learn drawing, private; a concubine.
6wa wo egaku, S ^ ffi ^t to draw a picture, GwalhO. <• *>V^a5, *l-ffi, n. [C/iiJt.l Foreign
Syn. E countries.
CSwabol, C'So-^V^iBfif, n. [C/iin.] [lit.] A picture of Gwal>i, Cfov^ir, *i JJI. n. [Chin.] Foreign bar-


barians, a general designation for foreigners Gwalsal, <'*)V^'5V^, Wflt. '* A foreign debt.
before the Eestoration. Gwalsel, <'*?Vv*V/^, ^l-fiE, " [CMn.] A hostile ex-

Syn. Ebisu. Tgown. pedition against a foreign nation.

Gwal-l, tijXT'Xr; tf\-ti^ «• Outer garment; a Gwal-sel, e#3V^-«:Vv, ?H!J, n. A sister's child.

Gwaljl, ^J^V^Xr, ^].©, n. [CTiin.] Foreign affairs. Gwalaekl, <' 45 V^-* 1&, ^tBS. " [CMti.] Maternal
GwalJIn, ^t)\£^S:A., 9{ A, n. Foreigners; a relations.
stranger. Gwaisetau suru» CioVr-S-^-^S, W J£, «* \_MaXK.\

G'wftlkakii, ^f)\r'i>>i , ^t B. n. An external In- To be circumBcribed about.

closure (of a castle). Tangle. Gwalsotsu suru, <*45^/v.ft9-J^, J'l-ID, u.e.

C'walkaku, <rt}\j^ii>< , Wfti «. [JJ/atft..] Exterior To touch externally.

G'wulkel, <'49\rW'V*, HM> «- External form. Gwaisetsu-ycn, <'i9V^*r7iil^, ^l-^BI, «
G-tvulken, <'i^v*W^, ^l-ft, ?*. Another business. Circumscribed circle.

Ci^valken, <r f> \f bf Aj, H M., n. External look; Givalshln, <-jDl/^:£,A,?t.C., w. [Jl/a(7t.] Circumcen-
outside appearance; look; show. tre; outer centre (of similitude),
Gwaiken wo Tcazaru, S\-R^ M 1-. to adorn the Gwaislilu, <-a9 V^ £^, i'l-E, ". Foreign sub-Ject,
outside. Tcourse; diplomacy. i.e. a foreigner, whii, in addressing the Plra-

ewalko, C'toV'CS, H^> n. [Chin.] Foreign inter- peror, calls himself his subject out of respect.
Gwaiko, <rt)\i^Z.^, HVi, n. [JlfaWi.] Extreme GwaisliiiB-knkii, ki:>V-%.kii><. ,i\ >t.^^^,n. [ifatft.]
term; extreme. fforeign invasion. Eccentric angle. fin private,
Oivalko, <"49V^£.5, ^i-SS, n. Foreign enemies; a G'wal-Blid, <t>V»-^5,^|.^, n. A concubine kept
Gwalkoka, <'t3\/^£.5*>. ^I-SE^, " One skilled in G'walelid, < *5\AX.'^5i^tRSi w- An external hind-
diplomacy, a diplomatist. Syn. Sawari. L^-ance.

G^valkoku, <'49V^£. i ,^\%, n. Foreign countries. Gwalshiitsti siiru, iTir>\r-%\fs>o-f%,i}\\^, v.i. To

Givalkoku-go, <'i9V'C.<a, ^j. g si, n. Foreign go out (from one's house).
languages. flomatic officials. Gwal-sobo, <' *j \r t ffi. ^i-ffiSt. n. Maternal
Gwaikokwan, ^45\/^r5< *7^. ^l-SSU'. "• Dip- grandmother. ffatl er. 1

Gwalkoku-Jln, <- *5 V^ C < & ^, ^l- S A, n. A G^val-sofii, <rt}V-^i;i'\-i^'^,n. Maternal grand-

foreigner, feign ship. Gtvat-SOD, ^ 4? V* t ^, ^l-Sfi. Ti- A child of one's

Gwalkoku-sen, <**D\;^C. < ^^, *i- S lE, n. For- daughter married to another family.
Owaikoku-koshi. <-*PV^t < C.5 L, ^t S S filE, ti. G^vaJto, <rt>\t^1t^,9\-^, Overcoat. 11..

Foreign Representative. G'svalya, (rt>\/-^,H^, n. Suburban fields.

G-walk^va, ^*?v^<]h, ^(-^i «. Same as ffetjya. G-»val-yo» <'*9V^i5, ffl, n. External use

Ovraik'^van, f:io\s-<. *>A. ^i Outward show; of medicines).

appearance. Givai-yokii, <" J?v^i C H iBX, , " Passion or desire
Syn. MiE, UWATS0BA. ftroubles. caused by external objects.
G-tvalkwan. <'45\/^<49^, *^i- 0, n. Foreign G^vai-yn, <*47V>-\/^5, W 9, a. O Fifty days mourn-
Gwalkyo <'45V^&l-ir2, ^^ ffi, v.*. To live
eiiru, ing for the death of one's mother. @ Same as
away from one's house. ff^'ther-in-law. Gwaikan(H^).
Gwalkya. <• J^V^ g 5, *!??, w. Wife's father; G-tvalzoku, irr>V^^'<,^^^,n. Same as (T-icaiselci.
Gwainaon, ^J5V^^6^, ^l-ffi. W- External surface GwaJIkii, <-fci-<,ffil4, n. Same a? Gwafuku
the exterior; the outside. (SW)-
Gwaiinu, <'!b\/^tr, ^i-Sf. " Foreign aSiairs. Gwajo, <- *5X,'-^5,
A bedstead.
(SAfK. "•
Gwalmu-dafjin, ^^ t>V^ tl'?&V^*^, ftSS^'CE. « Gwaslio, eibX-^5,
The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Gwaj6, <'aoT!5,!IS'f'i. "• A picture book (i.e.

Cwalmu-Jlkwan, i:ir)\r'^s^iir)k, ^l-3«=*:'^. «. autographic works of one or several artists fold -

The Vice Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, ed in the form of a book).
Cwalmu-BhO, ^ *? V*tr ;£ ^ ?, ^l-gf^, " The G^vaka^ ^*?*',BS!. n. A painter; an artist.

Department of State for Foreign Affairs. GivakaJ, <rioi}>\r,%M, ft. Falling to pieces; des

Gwal-ral, C'toV^SV*, 9\'^, rt. Comimg from truction; ruin.

abroad; strange; foreign. Sodo gioaJcai, ^±%^, a nation falling into
Gwalralsha, i:ici\i*^\f%.^, ^t-3K#, ti" A person utter ruin; Toho gwakai, ± ^Sg?, crumbling
who came from abroad; a stranger. [U(.]like earth and breaking like tiles fjiff.l uttor
Gwalsal, ^i^V^SV-,^!-^, ". [C/iin.] The external des traction.
canthUB of the eye. suru, v.t. To be destroyed or ruined (as a

Syn. Kajiri, Manajibi. country).

Givabahn, et5A><,S;KI. "• [Chin.] a building Gwaniiea, <'*5^<a^, x:^, n. The first year In
beautiful like a picture; a raagnillcent palace^ which a nerigo begins the year of the coronation

Owakl, eto^,^^. Earthenware. rt. of the Emperor.

Gwalf 0, <" J5t.5, ^ X, n. An artist; a painter. Gwaniiln. <- *? ^ K ^, ^ A, ". An applicant; a
Gwako, <'i54>5,SiS. ". An artist's sketch-boolc. petitioner.
Owako, <'*3C$,J^X, n. A tile-maker; a tiler. Gwanral, <'4>^ 6V^, 7£S5, a^V- Originally; natur
Syn. Kawarasht, Kawaraya. ally; anciently; from the first.
Gwakwan, <rij < ihA,^ ^, "- A picture made in Syn. HONRAI, MOTOTORI, ZENTAI.
tlie form of a scroll. Gwanrl, <'47^'il,7t ^J,3p,iL, n. Principal and in
Syn. EMAKJMONO. rtoy. terest.
fiiivambiitsii, <**5^J-'•:?, gcl^. "- Aplaything;a Gwanrlkl, <'J?^^iJ &, Si ^, n. Efficacy of prayer;
G^vaiiiinl, <'*^^;^,iSs^, n. [C/iin.] Tasting or re- infiuence of ofie's earnest desire; force of wilL
lishing; digesting or examining the meaning (as GwauFosurii, i:t>A.^^-^Z,^^, v.t. To amuse
of a sentence). siiru, v.t. Q To taste. @ one's self with; to toy or trifle with.
To digest; to examine critically. Gwanro-butMi, <'45^65 i*'^, go#^, "• A play-
Jukucloku gwammi sum, J??iS JJc^^'J-. to read thing; a toy.
(a book) caroiuUy and digest (its contents). Gwausko. <'i9^;£i:, g® ft, n. A written petition.
Gwanmitu, <• *5 ^ ft- ^, ^ Jl, n. Obstinate or Gwanshu, <'*^^XW>, SE i, n. A petitioner; an
bigoted people. applicant; one who offers up a prayer or sup-
G^Taiiiind, <-i?^3 5, EH^, n. Wish; desire; hope; plication, rforce.
request; petition. guru, v.t. To desire; to G-wanseJ, <'39^*V^, [Pftj/sics.] Coereiva
jg'jf, n.

lou^' lor; to beg; to entreat. ftion. Gwanso, <'*5^t, TClS. "• A progenitor; an ori-
G^vniiiiiion, <'i9^ 4 A, IfHX, «. A written peti- ginator; a founder; an inventor; a forefather.
Gwaiiipu, <* *5 ^ Ji, ^ 3t. It- IChin.] Bigoted Gwantan, <'i5^fe^, 7c£. Same as Gwanjitsu «
people; prejudiced person; an obstinate fellow. Gwan-yakn, <'t)A.^< .ib^. n. A pill.

Ciwaii, <-i^A,K, (t.

O Desire; request; wish. @ Gwanze-nasbl,-l»-bl, Cr>A.^-UL,m^m, a. Q

Prayer; supplication; vow. Without understanding, ignorant. @ Innocent,

Gwan wo fiodoku, * sinless, or unblemished (aa a child).
SS ^ F ^. [coll.] to cancel
a vow, to revoke a prayer; Gwan wo kakeru, !S Gwaoku, <rt>^<,%^, n. A tiled house.
^M fi', [coll.] to make a vow or prayer; Gwan Givappal, <rt3v}£\j^,}i'^, n. [Chin.] A kind of
wo up ancestral tablet.
tatsu, S& ^ iL^y, to offer a prayer.
Syn. Negai. G-tvnppi, <-ihviA', ^ 0, 7*. Month and day; date.
Gwnn, <rt}A., iti, n. A pill (used as an atiSx to Gwappi wo shirnsu, ^ B ? |B ^. to put down
names of medicines in the form of small balls). the date; to date.
Ikkaku gwan, —^
%, [Ut.j unicorn pills, the Gwara-gwai-a. <-fcG<-fc^, adv. The sound of
Dame of pills prepared irom the horn of the uni- rattling (as of tiles, falling down from the roof).
corn, rpiiis. Gwara-gwara to ochiru, i^Vy^V^ Y% ti-, to
Buru, v.t.To make round; to make into fall with a rattling sound.
Syn. Maromeru. Gwararl to, <-*?&"(Ii?, adv. Q Wide open; ex-
Gwando, <•*3^l«5. 0S, w. [CAiw.] An obstinate posed; spaciously; freely; frankly. @ The sound
or ignorant boy; a boy used by sodomites. of opening wide a screen or door with force.
Givanbodohl, <'lb^(S>?&, KSt. ® g@, Finish-
n. To wo gxoarari to akeru, p "9-
^ V ^ ^} hBB>
ing a prayer continued lor a certain number of ft- , to open a door in a noisy manner.
days or weeks. Gwarekl. <'i^H^,S0l. w. Tiles and pebbles.
Gwangu, <*45^<',S;B, a. Stupid; ignorant; ob- Gwaretsu sum. i: r> h.-7 i: Z,%^, v.i. To b«
stinate; prejudiced; bigoted; perverse. thrown into disorder, to be in a state of com-
Gwan-], <- *> A V*.
^. n. The meaning or pur-
SS motion (said of states only). fupper story.
port of a petition or prayer Gwaro, ^45&5,S®, n. [CJiin.] A picturesque
GwanJItsu, <'*5^S."7, x B, " The first day of Gwaseiishi. ^J^^^L,SflIJllK. n. [C/tin.] A kind
the year; New Year's day. of ChincRe drawing paper.
G^vaukln, <**?^&^, 7C &, '*• Principal (as dis- Gwaehl. <-]j9 L,^ BiP, « Same as Gwako.
tinguished from interest).
Gwaeshoku. <'!tj.y;£i<, fl te, n. Eclipse of the

Syn. MOTOKiH. Gwasaoku. <**57t<, moon, lunar eclipse.


Gwnnko, <'*>^t.^EI, «. Obstinate, stubborn; Gwassui, <-*9-:,-^Zj, ^ •^, n. The monthly course*
Syn. Katakuna. Lprajudlced. menses, catomenia.
Givata-gw^ata, ^*9te<'*5'te, aAv. The sound of Gyakii-8liin, »f-^< :fe^, Jfi ,&, n. Same as Gyaku-l
anything shaking or trembling; rattling. mm-
Syn. Fdbubbu. GyaJcu-shinwo idaicu, Jfi,&^'BI^i to entertain
Ownto, ^i7'£^,%iS, n. A Bhallow earthen dish traitorous sentiments or designs.
used for lighting purposes. Gyaku-sbln, ^^ < X ^. Ifi Si "- A traitorous
Cwatsu, ^i^O, fl, n. Moon; month. vassal; a disloyal subject.
Sangwatsu, H fl, March, or the third month Gyakushn, ^^< X.W)5,M(i¥. " The act of an
Sho gwatsu, IE ^, January, or the first
(o. s.); old roan or parent burying his dead child or
Syn. GETStf. Lmonth (o. s.) saying mass for the latter.
Gwnttal-BOku, ^-i^-yfeV^t^ , ^ ?B K. n. Taitial Gyakiital siiru, ^^Cfev^3,fflfiF, v.t. To ill-

eclipse of the moon. treat or oppress.

Gwaso* <'*?3'5,!aiS- « A portrait. Gyaku-to, $'^<lf,i^^f ri. A rebel; an insur-

GyaKii. ^j^< ^, , O Being upside down;

72- and a. gent, a traitor.
opposite, contrary, topsy-turvy. @ Rebellious, Gyaku-u, &*Jt< 5, JSM, " Adverse rain, or rain

traitorous, refractory; riotousnesa, mutinoun- accompanying adverse wind. flusurgents.

ness, disobedience, treason, rebellion. GyakuEoku, ^-^i 5-< , ^f^, n. Rebels; traitors;

Syn. Sakasama, Somuku. GyaJcuzoku wo cJiiisu, M !S ^ ^ :^, tn punish a

Gyalcii* ^^<,ffl, n. [J/M.] Intermittent fever. traitor with death.

Syn. OKORI, WATlAnAYAMI. Gyo, ITi, M.t w. and a. Fish (mostly in compound).
Gyaitu, "^J^ i yt&, a. and n. Oppressive, tyranical Syn. Sakana.
cruel; tyranny, brutality. suru» v.t. To <Syo, iri,ail, rt. [CMn.] Horsemanship.

oppress or tyrannize. Gyo wo manabu, '^f-^:f, to practise horse-

Gyakuen, r^<^^,€SS, " Being connected manship.
Tvith an enemy's relative in marriage; an uncon- suru, !|'i^^S, O To drive as horses;
iffl, lit.

genial union. to ride on. @ To rule, govern, or sway to hold ;

GyakHfu, i^-^ <5 iS! R.

.i- ,
" An adverse wind. the reins; to preside over.
Syn. MUKAIKAZE. raion. Tenka wo gyo am^, ^T ^ 8P ^ "-i to govern

Gyakiihon, |f-^<•^^,®§?, n. [Physics.] Inver- the country; Uma vib gyo sum, ^ ?-i3p>^fl-, to

Gyakuhl, W^<i>,^ ^, n. \Math.] Inverse ratio. ride on a horse; to drive.

Gyakublrcl, ^j^< U-HV.lfeiii^J. " [Math.] In- Gyo, "^i.,'^, n. An epithet for the Emperor; Im-
verse or reciprocal proportion. Syn. Go, On, On. Lperiai.

Gyakii-l* ^
-^ < V^, a* S. n. Rebellious mind; Gy3» W*-tiS?. ^- Business; calling; trade; occupa-
treachery; treason; perfidy. Syn. TSUTOMB, Waza. Ltion.

Gyalcu-i wo Jiasamu, Jfi^^JlGi., to harbour Cyo^ 1^-^5.1t. "• O Religious austerities or ser

traitorous designs. vices. @ Cont. form of Gyosho (tf #). which see.

Gyakii-n r-^CV.SS)^, n. Tyranny cruelty. ; @ Numeral for rows, a row. fj Elements (of

Gyalcu-i wo hoshii-mama ni su, JS ^ ^ gj =i :^, nature).

to practise tyranny in an arbitrary manner. Gyowosuru, ^=}-zKji^, [coH.] to practise religi-

Gyakujo, i^^< S:-^5, !fi±. "• Rushing of the ous austerities (such as fasting, contemplation,
blood to the head; dizziness; vertigo. sum, etc.); Gyo yori s7i ga kakiyoi, ^ff s ^3V ^^
v.t. To be crazy or dizzy. ^ the cursive style is more easily written than

the gy'd; Mizu wa go gyo no itsu nari, ^*^%^

Gyakii-ko Buru, ir^< 2.5-^2. Ifi ff, v.t. \Chin.] ^— -J- \) , water is one of the five elements MfU ;

Tiogyo, -^ ff , the frontline; Sa7igyd ni kakii,

to that
O To go or move in a direction contrary —#

^.to write in three lines.

which is proper. @ To behave in a perverse H, fi'

manner debauchery.
rSaTcago. Gyobel, ^I'^V^, SP^fe, n. [^oC] Poppy.

Gyaku-san, ^-^ < ^ ^, J^ai, ff^S, " Same as Gyoboku, ^iffif, n. [Bot.'j CTataeva rcliglosa.
Gyakii-satsu suru, ar-^< ^-^^tS, S SS, «•( To Gyobo suru, W^JBTS-^Z,® B?, v.t. To fix the ej-e
murder in a cruel manner. upon; to glare at.

Gyakii-sel, IT^^ *'/^, S Bt, n. An oppressive gov- GyobH, «• The title of an ancient
W-^5.1'. JFlISR.

ernment; tyrannical administration; tyranny. belonging to the Gynbvsho.


Gytkusei wo oTtonau, tS iK^ ff "7, to govern in Gyobu-Sbo, W-^5>:£-^5,ff!lSn^. n. The depart-

an oppressive manner; to tyrannize over the ment of Justice in former times.
people. GySchJ, }i%^%, M Sfe. n. [Chin.] A gravelly soU.

Gy akiisha-ky okuaeo. ^T^ < £^9 i < */-, Ifi fi*

Gyod»». A number of small fish
^^ [Math.] Anticlinal curva.
'ffX1i^, n-
EtruDff on a stick, covered with mlsoy and Gyojoslio, ir-^5X'-^5Xt.ffW», n. A biogra-
roasted. phy; a memoir.
CySdo, ar-*?'5 ;^-5,fTS. n. The motion of a Ciyoju.<aga. r^ 5 ;fcW) 5 ri)*, ff tt^E^. n. Going,
heavenly bodj in its orbit; orbit staying, sitting, and lying down; both action
Gyo-ei, ^iA-V*, ffll^, n. Poems composed by the and inaction.
Emperor. Gyokan, ^ i *>^, ^ St, rt. [CAin.] Imperial ad-
Gyo-cji, lriA.^, ]g.a, 7(. [Chtn.'i [lit.] Fish and miration.
and sa.lt manufacture.
Bait; fishery Gyokan naname narazu, iJ|iflpET>^. His Majes-
Gyo en no rf, ^ gg ^ ^J, preflt derived from (or ty admired not a little; the Emperor's admira-
advantage of) fishery and salt manufacture. tion was boundless. rtulating.
Gyorii, ^XX,^^, n. A fl Sherman. Gyokei, ariW'V*, "
Act of congra-
ffllSf. [Spist.]
Syn. Rtoshi, Sonadori. fments. Gyokei wo moshiageru, iWS ^ t^ ± n-, to have
GyofuUn, ^i.i.< K, , ffll « Tlie Imperial gar- the honour of congratulating another.
•iySei. V-'^^^, ffSS, " Conduct, behavior; de- Gyokel, ^-"^SW-V^, ff-B^, -». The going out of the
portment; order. Empress, or Heir-apparent. fperor.
Gyoni ga warui, ff ^ ^Z" JE -f to be ill-manner- . Gyoken, 2fJlH^, '^^, n. The sword of the Em-
ed,rude; Gyodi vjo narau, ffifi-7-^7, to learn Gyokctsu, iri5W-7, ^-iiS, 7t. Congelation; con-
good manners; Gyogi yoku suwaru^ =ItK^^^ densation, conjulation. suvu, v.t. To con-
A-, to sit in an orderly manner. geal or coagulate.
Syn. GrojO, Okonai, SahO. ftylon. Syn. Hyoketstt, Katamabu.
Gyogi-shlba, S"j^ 5 &';£. fcf, "- [Bot.] Cynodon Dae- Gyoketsnkl, ^i. ? W -5 §, ©ia gS, « [Physics\
<j^yoeiyi*>**» ^^^Sr-^^.frSEJ^, " An unglazed, Condense!'.
gray coloured pottery originated by a Buddhist Gyobi, \-^^ 5, ifg^, rt. Degenerated age; a nation
priest named Gyogl. in a state of demoralization.

(iyogu, 1fi.<r,^^,n. [Chin.] Fishing implements, Syn. Massk, SUB NO TO.

such as nets, fishing hooks, etc. Gyoldl. yi&, 3PS. '" Name given to the anni-
Gyogyo, -^X^X-.m^. Fishery. -'t- versary of the death of a famous Buddhist priest
GjosyQahl. ^ X3'5f i. 5:S,.^$tl^, n. [Ornith.] named EiikoAaishi.
Tlie reed-wnrbler, Acrocephalus. Gyokko, &'i.-yC:5, S.I,n. [C/itn.] One who cutu

Gyo«ry«sli».-I-ltl. ar-^5^*-^5S, flS:^, a. Noisy, and polishes stones; lapidary.

clamorous, vociferous, uproarious; highsound- Syn. Tamasuri. fEmperor.
in^; deep-mouthed; boasting; vaunting, magni- Gyokd, ^.^5t5, fr ^, n. The going out oftha
loquent. Gyoko, Wi.5t,^@, n. [PAysic*.] Solidification.
GyorjyosMlci mono no iiyo,
+'-V94'-Vie'i/*tt^ Gyeko, t>5t5, ^ ff [Cliin.] A good fortune;
, n.

g m, vaunting way of speaking. unexpected luck; a windfall. suru, v.t. To

Ciyobni, '^XtXV-, iff fS, » [Chin.] A wine cup used venture upon.
by the Emperor. Syn. koborezaiwai, Magurkzaiwai.
Gyofiai wo tamawaru, fR ? gg-'^fl', to bestow
iffi Gyoko, irj:t, ^^, ". [.2ooi.] Grampus.
a wine cup (said of the Emperor). Gyokocho, ?rit-C5, a^a. » tO»'ni£A.]A
tiiyoliyo, ^'i,'--?,^. Oi, n. [Jc7i//i.Usinglass. kingfisher. ftufa.
i«yo-l, Wi.^, SP S, n. [honorif.] © Tlie will of the Gyokosekl, TlSt-*?, S @ S. »»• [Mn.]Lim«
Emperor. @ Your will (to superiors). Gyokoten, af i 5 t T A, ffiSlK, « [P/iVSics.]
Gyo'i no manimani, ifll ;E --' ^=v =;, as your Solidifying point.
honour please.s. GyokotRu, S'iJ-t?, 1?i^, '/* Fishbones.
*lyo-i, ^iV^, iWiK. 1- Imperial clothes. Gyokii, 2^i, < , 71. Precious stones; a gem; a jewel;
tiySJa, ^^^X-'^, fi"^. '" One who goes about per- chalcedony.
forming religious austwities; a pilgrim; an an- Gyoku, •^X<, EF., i n. The price of »
chorite, f Allium victoi'iale. Gyohiidal, -^x danseuse,
i i^V, Sft, ' or of a
Gyoja-iiiiinlbu, ^.^$:&.^t^:^t(C < , g: S, n. [Bat.] prostitute.
*^y<iji. 1f*-^5;&, iT^, ". One who manages affairs Gyoku wo harau, +' a ?
i? Jft -7, to pay for a
(as of a guild). Syn. AGEDAI. Lliarlot
«3'oM- y-^5 t,ffai,n. An umpire or j^d£e (as of Gyokucan, ^ i. < ii* A,, -,*, The Imperial
wrestlers). face; a beautiful countenance.
CyBjo, ?r-^5*r-^5,ffJW, n. Conduct; behavior; Gyokuben. ^ i, ( ^^, ^^, „, [ifi.]Diamou*
deportment. book; [Jig.] the name of a famous Chinese-Japa-
Syn. FUBUU1.I, OTSaEEi, Oeonai. nese diction&ry.
<;yoku-iii. ITKV^A, SRI, n. A stamp made of Gyorin, ^'iVI^, ^.jBI, 7i. The scales of a fish; •
crystal or other precious stones. way of arranging troops in battle,
4;:yi»kuliokwa. WX<n5 < h, ^Bffi, '.. [Bot.] Gyoriil, WJ:ZZ>»£Ei0in- Animals of the fish ciasa:

iTabenaria sagltttferi*. fishes.

GyokuJI. ^i.<£j, EES. n. The Prier Seal. Gyoryo, i&'i'i) i.5, iffiBS. «• Same as MisaSugi.
GyoKiiJiD. -^i. < X,'^, £ A, n. [Chin.] A lapidary. GyoryS, iSf jLh.5, jim, n. Fishing; fishery.
Gyokukel. ?ri WV, 3E@,
< t». A sonorous stone Gyoryn, IgriiOi,®^, n. [Bot.] TamnWaj'fjmi-
used in Chinese music. fjcrina. fings; works.
Gyokiikwan. ^i<<47^, 3iS. « [<?/i*n.l Tlie Gyoea. S"15S.fff^- '» Actions; conduct; do-
ImperialCrown made of gold and ornamented Gyosan, ^^^5 S ^,ja jli.ftftX « and adv. [coll.]
with strings of precious gems. Very many; great many; very much; abunUant-
Gyokiikiviin. iri < < 47^. ^18. "• [Bot.'iThe Syn. Taiso. Lly; Immensely.
lotus-flower. GyoseJ, iri-*V, arlK. "• Literary productions of
Gyokuran, 'T J: < ^l^. B.M, « [Bot.} The yulane, the Emperor.
Magrioiia conspicua. Qyosei no uta, iW ^ 3*:) a- poem composed by
Gyokiircn, IT ^<H^. Sffi, n. [Cftfn.] An Im- the Emperor, the Emperor's poem.
perial palanquin. Gyoaet. ^-^J-^l^.J^^, n. Same as Ssisei.
Gyokuro, ^ i. < :6 5, ?.(S, 7t. A magnificent GyoMol, »c"J!i'5^V, ffS. n. A planet.
upper storey or building. Gyosol. ^S'5-y:V^. IfBt. w. The executive; ad-
Gyokiiaekl. IT t < * &. HES. "- O Precious ministration.
Btone, lewel; gem. @Gera and stonp, the good GySscibu, ^^5^VJ«, ff iiSR, n. The executive.
and vile. Humbled together. Gyosetken, ^>^5*\^0•^, fl Bt (3. »• The powers
Gyokuseki konko, 3g.E ^ W. the good and bad or functions of the executive.
Gyokiisenkwa, ^ 1< *^ < *?, ^SS JU. »• t-Bot.] Gyosol-aalbansho. ^^5*\/^5\^k?^X i, ff ift

The sweet flag; or iris. SifpJfi^, "• A Court of Administrative Litiga-

Gyokusliln, ^ Ji < :fe A, -lE^, " IBot.] Funkia tion, fconduc.t; deed.
Syn. Choskngibosui. \jyoata. Gyoseki, ^ -^ 5 * ? , ^fr IS, «• Actions, doings;

Gyokuslid, !rJ:<XJ:?,EEe, n- Precious sen- Syn. Gtogi.

tence; your letter (an honoric expression). Gyosba. ^i:£-=^, 91^. " A coachman; adriver;

GyokusSiokii, ^i^<^i.<, ^&,-w. [ift.l Precious a charioteer.

food; delicacies; dainties. Tfea Wlbifera. Gyoslii, %'i.Z, ^ ^. " [/cftt/i..] Fish-roe.

Gyokushukuso. ?fi<;£W)<55,«- [Bot.] Lapor- Gyosliln, ^i:£^, iSI @. «• Sleep or going to bed

GyoSsutnl, IT 3: < /zW^, 5#> « The body or person Emperor only).

(said of the

Emperor. CSpiraea. Gyosliiouaru. S'3:;£^tc^, iffgfiE, v.t. To

ol the
Gyokutalkwa, ^ 1 < fe V^ < 4?, EP.?ffttt "• [Bot.] sleep (only used of superiors).
Gyokuto, ^i < i?,3£S. " t^"-] ^he precious Syn. GEsniNARU, Oyord.
hare ;[^C.] the moon (from the superstition that GyosUl sum, ^ i. ^ L-^r Z,-^M, v.t. To fix tha

a hare lives in it). eyes on to stare at.


Gyoknto. ^ i < fe 5, £Bfe, « [Conch.] A kind of Gyosliftsii, Wiife"^. S 3. " [Zool} A flsh-louso.

shell fish, Pinna japonica. GyosUo, ^^$;£i,fi#, ?i. A style of writing

Gyokuzn, ^i. < 5*, iffi, n. The Imperial Throne. Chinese characters intermediate between the
Syn. Omashi. square and the cursive forma.
Gyokiizul. ^X<^\r,%^, n. [Mn.] Chalcedony. Gyosha, ^i^5, iS^, n. [Chin.] A fishing boat.

Gyokiizulk^vn. *f i. < ts'i^ < 49, 3£^?0, n. [-BoC] GyosUu, *rJi5:£l*5.iS^, " [Pftysics.] Cohesion.

The passion-flower. Gynshu no arisama, ig S? -^ ^ fiK. state of ag-

Gyokwn, iri.<i5,iS J'C. «• A fishing Are, or fire gregation, faegregata

lighted by fishermen for attracting flah. suru, V i. or t. To collect into a mass; to
Gyokwa, W^ 5 < *?, IS^E. l^^t-l Wickstrtmnia " GySshiiku Burn, ri:5X Vb < -^ Z, U^. "•* Ta
Ganpi. contract or condense (as liquids).
Gyoiicn, S*^^5U^. =ff^. " One's age at his Gyoshn sum, ari?:£l*5-^2. S^. «' To con-
death. fSOth year of ago. geal or clot.

Gvonen fiachljissai, ff Sp A + K, (died) in the GySed, ^iS^J.iSrn. " Glazed frost.

Syn, Nenrei, Toshibai, Yowai. Gydso, ^J?-?^ 5, IT i?> " Dressing one's self for

Gyonlku, ril/2<,SlRl. «• Flesh of flah. a journey; traveling apparal.

Procession, parade. Gyo suvu, S'J:-?"^. aP. u-t- T« go, do or use (aald
Gyfirotsu, ^J^SH-O, ft W, «.

suru, v.i. To ffo in procession; to parade. only w-f the Emperor^

, ;

GYO 2 3 HA
Shin ni 9V0 sum, g = iS :^ »•, to go to bed Gyuro, «r 5 6i, 4^ K, n. {Z(^l.^ A brindled ox.
(only of the Emperor). Gynslia, @r?:£-^, *?, " A carriage or wagon
Cyotnl, Srifelr.fil^, « Ad drawn by cows or oxen.
ornnmental bag anciently Gyfishiko* i^5:£t,4^MiK, n. [£o«.] Puff ball.
worn by the higher ranks GynBlilCsu, *r5;fer?, 41©, n. [iJTttom.] A tick,

ol' noblea. Gyushltsund, 1S?'5;£,'C5 5,4=^ Ki$^. «• t-^t.] -ic^I/-

Oyotnisuru, ^i.^fz\r-fZ, ranthes bidentata.
SiS. r-i- O
To be ob- GyasfaOBlil, ^5;£,i. L, 4'^K'?, ft- [Sot.;; (7a?JfcaTya
structed or impeded. @ jai)on(ca.
To be Wept back, delayed, Gyntan. ^5te^, 4^ja, 7i. An ox's gall.
retarded, or clogged. Gynto, 2f51C5,+S, n. Vaccine disease.
c^otel, Wi i -r v^, S f*. K Gylito wo ueru, .i^g ^ S ^, to vaccinate.
Businefis; calling; occu- Gyn-to, S'jif.adu. [coii.] The manner of suddenly
pation. comiug to a stand still.

Cyotcn 9uru, *^^$'C^^

2) i^Jz, «* To turn up
the eyes; to stand agog;
to be struck with wonder.
C:toto, ^i^5,lSSf, w. Cont. form of below
Cyotoyii, ^iirSW-.ftffifth. Fish oil used for
illuminating purposes.
«yotto, ^iylf.ffi. Taken by surprise;
a«(«- [coil.]
Ha, tt, 31, n- A leal.
awestruck; with gaping mouth; all agog.
The reign of the Emperor.
Ki rco ha, 5^; > ^, leaves of trees.
fiyo-u, ^3:5, iSl^, n.

Syn. MiYO, Yo.

Ha, a, a, n. OA tooth. @ The teeth (as of a
saw). ©The cogs, and
rim of a wheel.
also, the
Cjoyo, ^^5;t5, SIS", w- An ornament attached

Kyojo, &-^5*.5.*to a Chinese saddle; patterns

Q A pair of supports or blocks inserted on the
sole of a geta (wooden clogs).
resembling do.
Ho ga kawarit, ^if^jt-, [lie] the teeth change,
<«yoyn, i^iL^)?, i^l @i " The Emperor's pleasure
i.e. cutting the permanent teeth; Ba ga uku, ^
excursion or amusement.
if'^^, the teeth are set on edge; Bawo fcui-
«yoy«>. -^WiJk^b, "' Fishoii.
shibaru, ^ -^ -f ^A)i-, to gnash the teeth; //o
Gyoyti-ehime-riosu, *'il*:£fe;t-$<', :& ftllf^^^, wo migaku, ® ^ ^ ^, to clean the teeth ffa wo ;

n. A press for extracting fish oil. fwater.

nuku, S ^ S ^i to extract a tooth; Ila wo so-
Gyoxut, ^-^5$fc, ^T ;^, « Bathing hot or cold
meru, ffl^Si;!', to dye the teeth; Kui-wna no
Gy6ziil~dn.ral, ]&'j^5*&?'C- &V^, ff /KM, "• A bath ha, 5 ^ ffi, the cogs of a wheel the rim of do. ;

<5yu, ^5,4^, n. [iTooi.] An ox; a cow. Ltub.

Kushi no ha, tffi -^ ffl, the teeth of a comb; No-
Gyfl» i^5,4^i "?*•
O On© of the 28 contellations in
kogiri no ha, ^ ^ M, the teeth of a sa-\v. fete.
Capricorn. @ Beet. Ha, H, 3J, M. The cutting edge of a sword, knife,
Gyub:i, %*5tf, 4^fig, 7t. Cattle and horse.
Kaiana no ha, J] ^ ifj, the cutting edge or
GynblaaU ^ ^ V5 »/^, + SIR. «- \B't j SmUaa; blade of a sword.
herftacea. Hpftaiys iiistdiator.
Ha, II, ^, n. O Feathers; wings. ©Power; in
eynhlgyo. '^^WSTi, * S ^., « [/c/((7i.J Piatvce- fluence; authority. ©Numeral for counting
Gynbo, ^5fc£5, 4=^13, n. [£«(077i.] Gadfly. birds.
Gynhoii, t^^-^/u, 4^M, Tt. [£ot.] ^COTiitum lycocto- Ba wo kikasu, ^ ? ^j S 7., to exercise au-
Syn. RElJlNflo L^W"i- thority; to lead by the nose; Jia. ion nobasu, ^^
Gynlil, ar5z>, 4^^. /.. Oxliide. Tame. ^tfi ^, to extend one's influence over; to lord it

Gynhl, i^5l^.3RBG. 4^S. " Cont. form of Gv«ft.i- over; Kama

ni-wa, IS"??, two wild ducks;
Gynhl-»me, ITS i>3&16, 4= W SS- " Akindofcon- Tori no ha-oto, ^
.^ 33#, the sound of the flap-

fectionery made by boiling together glutinous ping of a bird's wings.

rice, starch, sugar, etc. fcauclatum. Syn. Hane, Ken-i, Tsubasa.
GynliNlio, ^T^U-ff 5, 4=^ £f -K, M. [Bot.'] Cvnanchim. Ha, [J, JtS. '«. Extremity; edge; end,
Gyakotsii, ^5 C.-^, 4=- ft. n. Bones of an ox. Noki ha, $f Jg, the eaves of a house ; Yama no
Gyanllcii, ^3VC<,J^fd, n. Beef. ha, ilj^ Jg, the extremity or edge of a mountain.
Gya-UTo, V$VZ5, 4=^71. » Cow>b milk. Ha, tt- ^, »*. The odd number, or a number

HA 269 HAB
TThich iB over and above a round number ba- ; HabaCakI, ttttfe^, 33P, n. Flapping (na of
lance (as of money). birds). suru, v.i. To flap.
Kazu Tioha, K > ig, the odd number; Zent no Habattasli!,-l,-kj, tl^-yht, a- [coll.] Too

v/wa-ha, 3 ^ ± ^, balance cash. much for the mouth; too large.

Syn. Hampa, Hashita. Habei'M, tt'^S.^.v.i. To attend or wait upon. @
Ha, It, 25,Sect; branch; denomination; school;
n. To be; to have (used only in classical language).
Eda, Wakare.
Syn. Lparty faction. ; Syn. HAMBER0. Sor3.
Ha, e, inUrj. An exclamation of laughter; also Habl, tttv, fll H . rt. [cont. of Han no M.] The odd
an expression of satisfaction or understanding days of the month, as the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.

in response to what another has said.

Habikorii, EHfrcz, $ ^, v.i. spread, ex-
Ha so d«w fca, >>• ^ "tf j' 7, •)! , \CQll.'\ indeed, is
tend, or run wild (as plints); to increase or
H,n, (I, ffi, n. A bundle. Lthat so? multiply. ©To perk one's self up; to ride the
Maki ni-wa, ^ r: ffi, two bundles of Are wood high horse; to be arrogant; to become more and
Warago-wa, SSffi, five bundles of straw. more powerful.
Ha, H, Si n. A hand rako with iron teeth, Kusa-ki ga habikoru, ?:>f: J5 J^-. the plants ^5
Syn, Maguwa, spread all about.
Ha-arl, a%V), Jlfi, n. [£:7ltom,] A winged ant.
Syn. HlROGARU, Shigeru.
Habn, ttU, i|g, flJ, n. ©The breadth. ©Power; Habjkoru. ttI>'tZ, flj lT. v.i. To strut ;\bout; to
influence; authority.
commit depredations unmolested.
Haba wo Ttikasu, itQ ^ ?] p^, to make a figure; TozoTcu habilcoru, IK -"n t! 3 fl- , robbers com-
to sway; Haha wo sasu, ijg ? S ^. to measure mit their depredations unmolested.
the breadth; Haba wo svru, f^^ y-n-, to have rundate.
the upper hand; to rule the roost;- ifi liaba hart,
Habikoru, ttV^L^B. a, v.i. To overflow; to in-
H^ ifci three and a half breadths of cloth.
HabAkl, Htf??, ^ff. n. A feather brush.
HabakarawaBhl,-l,-hI, [£ If >b> ^ U t. a. O Syn. HANEBoKl.
Ashamed; abashed; backward. ©Exciting fear
Haboro, BK^S, WAS, w, [Bot.] Elaeocarpm
or reverence; dreadful; aweful; reverential. pJiotiniaefolta.
Habakarl, i2lfj)>v}, ftjl, n. Fear; dread; appre- Habotan. ttlS:fe^, ffBS. n. [So(.] Cabbage.
hension feeling backward or ashamed.
Habu, fflj<, fiSJBR5, n. [^ol.] Trimeresurus riu-
Syn, OsORB.
Hattalcarl* mi*>'0, rt. [polite coll.] The water- Habit, ftlJt, n. fJtfin,] A kind of bla«kmica.
closet; the privy. fprivy. Habiikaru, tti«±'S, ai^,atW. i"-*- Ca-o"- o^
Habakari ni yuku, >njR» v = fr ^. to go to the potent, form of below.
Habakari-naKara, H fcT *» ij H ft* 6 , -^ 1*, odu. Habuku, Hi- < , ^S", ^. v.i. QTo lessen, diminish,
Though I fear that; although it may be rude for or decrease to reduce, deduct, or subtract
; @
me begging your pardon.
To omit, abridge, or abbreviate. ©To leave
Habakani, a|f j)>2, v.i. To spread; to extend; out; to dismiss.
Syn. HiBoaARU, Lto disseminate, Moji wo habufm, X^^^W^. to omit a character;
Habakat-u, t£|cf^>2, ff, |g|, v.t. To feel backward; to abbreviate words NaTcama wo habuku, ^9- ;

to be afraid of; to fear; to be diffident. •^ ^, to exclude from company; Ninzu wo

Syn. ENKYO SURU, habuku, AK^ W^. to reduce the number of
Habnkl, tttfS, 0, n. A thin metallic ring for persons Tema wo habuku, ^ Rfl f" ^ f^. to lessen

aeeuring the guard to the sword-blade. labour; Tsuie wo /la&MfcMyS? ^^, to curtail ex-
Habaki, Htt g, ]En],«a!,]S3!c, n. Leggings.
Syn. Kyahan, Syn, eESSH5 SURU, Genzubu, Herasu.
Habakisasa, tl tf ^ Ji' 5 , IE ,'lft », «. [Med.] An HaburJ, ei'*],^^, n. O The flapping of wings.
eruption on the legs. @ The form or features of wings. © The posi-
Habamu, KlJtf, B., M, ^^-f- To object to; to op- tion of a person as regards hia influence in socie-
pose; to resist; to prevent; to thwart. ty.

Syn. KoBAMiT. Haburj. aj*if),^}f^. The form or appearance

Haban4>r], fil(f©«l, n. [Bot.] PhyUitis debilis. of a leaf.
fci no Uaburi ga yoi, tt-^^>igJtS:tf(ff
Habarl, tttfifl, Stf. iffi«. «• ^ lancet.
Syn. HIBABARI, Ransbtta. the foliage of this tree is good.
>f ,

Habaru, llttS, v.i. To spread over to.extend ;

Haburu. ttiS. v.i. To flap the wings- [rare.} O
Syn. HIEOGARTT, @ To overflow, as a river.
IliibuBlil, HJ^L.ffl&'li, n. The teeth with respect llachlBsaku, EI "t ^ -^ < , A Jfi, n. Eight great
form or appearance.
to tlteir crimes, such as treason, conspiracy, disrespect
IlitbuBlil, tt-t L,?3|iS.^, n. The qmll of a fea- toward the Emperor, disobedience to Parents,
Syn. Hagl'Ki, Lther. etc.
Ilabuso. tli-^ 5.^/Ti^, n. [Bot.] Cassia occiden- Ilacblhatdofu. tt-^ttV^l^Si, AJS Sfg, n. Ti-fu
talis. fsilk. chopped into small pieces and boiled in a soup
Ilabutue* tti-fe-^, ^ - S, u. A kind of glossy composed of four cups full of water, two of soy,
llnbutue-Kauakfu, tr>fc— il.^5^, 33=: iK & r|J, and two of sake.
7i. Glossy shirtings. llachihlraki, B•^t^6 ?r, A beggar.
f^Jg, n.
Il.ibiitckobum, >^7'7=37'9, tB:^:, «. [cont. of Ilac]ii-1» U'^V^.Att, n. A person of the eighth
twi. Hindoo words meaning snake and tree.] a rank of honour.
medicin.tl i)laQt used as an antidote for snake- Hachi-ln, 1S%\r A„/\^, « [Mus.] Eightsounds
a;.clki, a"^, ^, n. [Entom.} A bee. LMte. of music, produced respectively by metal, stone,
Iljfcclil, }ii%,/\. a. Eight. string, bamboo, gourd, earth, leather, nnd
Nihactii, —A, [lit.\ two by eight, 'jff/.Ja young H)i.chljJ< iai^t,AfF?, «. Eight o'clock. L^ood.
lady ol* sixteen years of age, a blooming damsel. HacliJJlJQ, d "^ ,£' ^, A^, n. Eight modes of
Syn. Ya, Yatsu. disposing troops in the field, originated by a
Iluchi, ]£%, $^, n. A pot, bowl, or basin. CJiinese general named Komei.
Ki bachi, ?|c ^, a wooden bowl; Matsu hito- Hacbljd, tt *^ * i. 5, Aii, n. A fine silk stuff
haclii, S — ^. a pot with a young pine; Ueki woven and dyed in the island of HachijO (Izu)
baclii, ^^^, a flower-pot where it is called tango-ori.
lluclii, lit., ^, g'g, n. The skull. Hachijo-sal, tt t? J; 5 ti' i>. K ^. n. [Conch.]
Atama no hachl, Ji% ^^. the skull. Cypraa sp. fas Sachijo.
Hju-lElnwase, n%'5, lat,^.^, Bumping «
n. Hachljo-glnii, tl "^ tr i 5 'T itl. A**|. Same
heads. fheads. Haoliljo-Jlnia, tl-ttri$:£'2, AiiSS, n. Striped
Bachiaivase mo sum, ^-^ f- y, n-, to bump silk stuff woven in the Hachijo Island near Izu,
tlai-hlbiti, a-^SiV-.n^, a. Eight-fold; eight Maeliljdkelina, U%%-y.5i&^t, "- [BoU] Cher-
times as much.
ry-laurel, P7-unns macrophylla.
lan-cliJRmii, tt -t tt ^, Affl, n. Eight barbarous Ilacliijotsiisiiml, a^Vi.^KXrTf-, n. [Ornitfi.]
nations, all the barbarinns of the world. ^tor.
Turdus naumannl.
H.ichlcho, at-C^.,3$^, n. Entom.] Aegeriahec- '

Jlachljoso, tl'ttriSS?, «:?,« [Bot.] Angeltet^

iBacIWdal, KT -^ ?& \.^. ^J^S, S^il. n. A stand for a
ki-usiana. fkind of pongee.
Qower-pot; a bowl stand.
HacStlJo-tsuinuffl. tt-t^l 5-:?tf ¥. A i 14. n. A
ll:ichl-dalJigokn, Ul % 7^ \r & ^ < , n:Ki&Wi. n. llaeblju. lii%Z'^,7\-\-, n. Eighty.
[Bttdd.] The eight Buddhist hells, viz., TTikwatsu Syn. Yaso, Yasoji.

Hachlju-bncbl-ya. n%Z'J'-tt%^. n^ n^. n.
e^), {^*?i), Dalshonctsu (.A-^m, »nd The eighty-eighth night from tlie first spring
ir«/ce»(SfM). day {o.s.) or from the second of February (n. s.)
Hnohlitnlsliu, tt'^;&\r;£J-. A;^ i^, ^*. The eight on which frost is over and the farm work ia
famous poetical collections of Japan, viz., Kokcm about to be commenced.
iti -^l KTjsfn Cii ^). Shui (^ iS). Gns/tiii (i$ J* g),
Haclilkii. a'tC.WJW, 7t. [iiof.] A black bamboo,
S/ia-u-nC^^E). Kin-yo (ife?t|). 5enza( (=r-SS). and
Phyllostachys nigra.
ShinKohoii (gf i& 4-).
Ilachlhu, \il%<,lUti, n. \IU.] Splitting <>, bam-
flH<:l[l<!u, l!l-^?t5. Aig, n- The eight sections of boo; only used figuratively in an expression aa
of Japan, namely, Tokai iTlW), TOsan {% Uj), below.
Ilokuriku Hokkai ^t W), San-in (Ui K),
(:it f^), Hachiku no ikioi, 5S W -^ I?, a force which op-
Sau-i u (Uj (^), Nankai (j^ ^), and Saikai (ffi gg). poses anything coming in its way, as easily as
ffofci hacltian, E^AS, all the provinces of splitting a bamboo. fzard.
Japan; whole Japan. Machlkumn, !£'%<%, n. [Oi-nith.] Honcy-Buz-
IlachiAikii, \fl%^( ,^\^, v.i. [coif.] To regard Ilacliiinao, ij'^^'-, ^j]?, vt. The spot near a
witli aversion; co turn away from. necessary where a basin is usually placed for
H.-ichigaue, ia.%t-n, '- Frontlet of a helmet. washing the hands.
HacliiguHa, tiX%<r-^,U, '<-. [Bot.] The shepherd's Hachlmnkj, a-^t ?, gtii^. ^ K. I5S SH, w. A hand-
purse. rSth month (0.5.). kerchief tied around the head; a turban.
ISacblswatsu, 12'&<'t)-3, A.S. '*• August or the UaclUniau, If^lS^, A^. n. a canonical tltU
of the Emperor OJin. He ifi worshipped as the Jiaaa wo nugu, HH^^*'. [^*t-] to bare one's
god ui" war. rof a helmet. shoulder; lJlg.]to earnestly engage in, Ki no
Hacliiman-xa, tt'^;)a^y, ABS, n. The crown hada, tt V Si the body of a tree (bark removed),
Hactilinen, ^'tA^, Affi, n. and a. Eight faces Syn. Hadae, Kawa.
or sides; octahedron. fDisphenold. Hada-nl, ttfeJ^W, n. QThe texture of the skin.
Iflacliliiiousetsu, ll*^» ^ -t ?, AS^. "• C-Win-] @[coii.] Character of mind; temper; disposition.
llacliliiiltsu, tt'^^'P.HSf. n- Honey. tBadabnkama, tt^Glf A'S, M^, n. A kind of
Ilaolilinojl, a% 4 C, A ?. n. The Chinese charac- waist cloth in the form of short pastaloons.
ter A (.hachi, eight); having the form of do. Hadae, liXTa^, fl/l, ff « The naked body, the,

shoulder; the skin.

Bachtmoji wofumu, A i? ^ i*. to walk with ^
the toes turned inwards (as done by courtesans
lladasi, tt;^?r,MS, ^ti.n. An underdress worn
Syn. JtTBAN. (.next the skin.
when walking in a procession); to be parrot-
toed; Bachiji no hige, A ? ^ iS, the mustaches
Hadal, a?&V^, ffilft. n. The hire of carriages,
wagons, jtnriklsha, etc.
in the shape of the character (Jiachi). A fcarriage.

TInclil-nln-sei, n%]^U>V; AA^. n. Acting

Kuruma no hadal, ^ > K ft, the hire of a
the parts ofeiglit dramatic persooae; ventrilo-
Hadajubun, aft;£•^*Hr^, flKE^N « A shirt.
Madaka, a?£A>, ^, n. and a. Nakedn63.s; nudity;
bare, naked, nude, stripped, exposed.
Ilachl-no-kl, H'^O^, i^f.-^, n. A plant grown
Hadaka ni muku, %=^M '^, to peel ofi" the
in a pot; a potted plant,
fSachl-no-ko, at®t, " A gitrmentworn
skin bare; Ifadaka ni nam, |® = ^;^, to become
naked; to undress one's self; Hadaka ni suru^
around the loins.
^=L y. fL, to make bare; to strip another ol his
Hacli]-no-su, n%<Dir, j^Si. a. A bee-hive.
Syn. Akahadaka. Ldotlies; to undress.
Ilaclilrlhaii, ^%'^^k, Its, n. [Bot i

Hadaka-bozukl, aft-*'iaW::3'&, 9&m. " l-Bot.]

Ilacliiryo-no-yorol, iI%^-^5<Di.^V;Amt.^, Solanum anomalum.

n. Eight famous armours worn by warriors of Hadaka-niHlri, a^^i'^ib >!), ?SS. ^'- Goingtoa
the Minamoto family. fnucifera. temple to worship in a naked state (an asceti-
Il.-bcliisu, \l%ir,^, n. [BoWj The lotus, NclMTribo cism often practised in cold winter nights).
Syn. Hasu. reus. Iladaka-iiiiisl, a?t*>tf ^, i^^, n. [Bot.] Kye,
Haclilsu, Et "S 3tc ^, 71.
-jt", [Bot.^ BiUscus Syria- Scale cereal.
Hachl§;iibaiin, a'^-^if "^T, S^E. « I'^e flower of Hadakaniushl, tt ;t-*>*f L, ?SS, n. Q:_Entom.l
the lotus, or more properly that of Neluviblutn A caterpillar. @ icoll.] A naked person (in
speciosum, derision).

Hnchlsiiffi, e-^-^^, SfS. n. [Sot.] Lotus tree Hadakaru, aft*>3, Si, v.i. [coll.] To be wide

HacbitatakJ, a-tfefe^, ^Pp, Popular name » open; to stand with one's legs wide apart.
for a branch of the Tendai denomination of Bito no mae ni tacM hadakaru, A ~^M — 'iLf^

Buddhists, so called from the circumstance that 3g B-, to stand before another with one's legs
tlie priests of thw branch strike metallic bowls wide a part.

while chanting their prayers. See also E^ya- Hadaku-uma, O ?G 4> 5 3, n. A bare backed
nembutsu, horse; a horse having no saddle on.
llacliltsuke-no-lta, H-^-PWOV^fe, SS#^, «. A Hadaka-yania, a ^ :A> -^ S, f$ [Ij, n. A bald
metal plate attached to the crown of a helmet. mountain; a naked or treeless hill.

Ilaclil-ue, a "t 5 JS., iSIS, " A plant growing Hadakeru, ^'^^Z, iV.%. [col!.] To open, stretch,

in a pot. ring in a pot. Hadakuru, a?&< 3, 'or uncover.

Hachl-ue no vme, ^ ® > tg, a plum tree grow- Futokoro wo hadakeru, %i^ >^if ^ n-, to bare
llachlyo* a'^^i, AM. "• The name of a family the breast; Ode wo hadakeru, A??- >'»^4-B-, to
badge or coat of arms consisting of eight lotus stretch the arms.
leaves. fin dishes. Syn. HiRAKTJ, NoBAsn.
HachlEitkana, B't3'4>tF, ^#, n. Fish served Hadaku. a7s<.S3, v-*- To scrape ofi'; to sweep
Kada, aft-, it.ffll. ff. "• OThe naked surface or or brush. fdirt.

body of a tree. @ The skin. @ The naked body. Ghiri wo hadaku, |g ^ M 9, sweep a,way thn

O The shoulder. Hadaml. a^;^, flfllf, 71. The naked body.

Uada nl furenu, flf = Sj u- 3t, not to touch the BaAamX hanasagu, H/IS'SS'^:^. constantly
naked body; not to have carnal intercourse; carrying about one's person (said of a mamwi,
Sada wo Icegasu, M f" B^, to pollute the body; a ^nger-ring, etc.); Badami ni tsukeru, SiSl—^
t-, to keep attached to the skin or one' a person Hae, HA., RSfti "• [JcWA.] The minnow or daco,
(as a purse, or some precious memento). Zeuciscus,
nadan, tt:^^, !KS?, n. Breaking a promise; fail- Hae, ElA., Rf(. ^, "• A good appearance, diow^
ing to agree with each other. nesa; parade; pompousness; splendor; briUlan-
JEngumi wo hadan ni sum, ^SH^ffiS!— ^^. Hae. II'~-,ifg, n. [EnUmi.]A fly. Ley-
to break off a naarriage contract. Hao, KA., ?fJK, n. Southerly wind.
stiru, D.t. To break a promise ; to violate a Haobneahi,-l,-kl, a;tkir^L. B{?^, a. Pleasing
Syn. SoMUKU, Taburit. |_contract. to look at; brilliant; showy; splendid.
nadiinkyS, B;t^&-^5, G M??. l " [Bot.] An Haebaral, tl— a 6 V-, WBflS, n. A stick with a
Hatanhyo, ttte^&^5, almond. ' \'dos?ii. tuft of hair at the end, and used for driving flies

Hnda-no-otri. tt?fe®5ffD'*. ff ?ff, n. Same as Fun-
Hadnniiffl, O Becoming
Haech5, }£^%^5, tS'lS. »• A safe for protect-
Ti:- fo ^, J^^, ^ ffl, n.
ing food from flies
naked to the -waist; to bare the shoulders.
Haefflwa, ttA.§*tt, ^^, 3||^, n. The edge or
Uaaanugi rU naue hataralm, flf St = -j-
^ r SJ
border of the hairy portion of the head.
f, towork bare-shouldered.
Hadanugu, Syn. KKGiwA.
ll?t-!tt<', ff Bt, ftj ffl, vA. To be bare;
to become naked to the waist.
Haenaelil,-l,-kl, a^flL, m^.^m. <* Not
delightful to look at, not showy; indecent; not
Hadaobl. tt^i-fetK". ,^ ?f?, «- Same as JVmioxftf.
producing good results.
Hadare nl, tti^^H^, , adw. In a scattered man-
Hadara nJ, a?:- "^ K, ) ner; not close together.
Bae-nai tegiwa, ^-j- >f :^^, a workmanship
Syn. Mabara. not worthy to look at; Haenaki shigoto, 95 ?*
Hadase, tt;^-^, Wtf, «- Bare-back (of horses). ft0, a fruitless task.

Hadnslil, (J^ " Barefoot.

Hae-uo-ko, tt-— ©£., n. (iB.. [£niom.] A maggot.
L, Kfe,

Sono hanashiburi wajitsuni otona mo hadashi Maeru, tt^S, v,t. To have a good look; to be
^. V ^K^>^?f-;*^A^>NtJ<'s/^. [coll.] his showy, gay, or decent. fto grow.
manner of speaking will make even a full grown llaeru. H^^, 4, v.t. To spring up; to shoot up;
person escape barefooted (i.e. his eloquence Kabi ga haeta, gitf 4^, it has become mouldy;
will beat a grown up person). Ke ga haerv^ ^if^ix-, the hair grows; Kusa
Badatsuke, ga haeru, f^^f^/i-. the grass sprouts.
HTfe-^W". ^^, "• The pad beneath
Syn. Shitakura. L^be saddle. vSyn. MEBASU, OlRU.
Hadntsuke. tl >t -? W-, /ff f]-, ?*, n- A garment Haeru, e-,2 v.t. To heap; to pile up; to arrange

worn next the skin , a shirt. Syn. TSCMU. !_ln piles.

Syn. Hadagi, Juban. Haesasani. H^^fi#S, & T. 4 S. «.(. To grow

Iladntsukl, H^-:P&, n. Appearance or texture hanging downwards.
of the skin. Tsuta ga haesagat-u, ^ ^z" ^ ^ n- , the ivy
HadaiEamushl.-lf-kl. Hfri^^ t. MM, a- Reel- grows hanging downwards.
ing cold in the akin (as late autumnal breeze). Haru. MX., ffififp. n. [Chin.] The government of a
Hade, QS, W$^, ". Gay; showy; gaudy; fine; ShOgun the Sh5gunate

ostentatious. Hafu, ai, Effi/St. n. The gable ofa house.

Bdftie na kimono, ^i'^-f-M^, gay clothing; Hafiirl, HAU), ^, «. An official ef a Shinto
Bade nt sum, 3g§|=i 7. jt, to make showy; to
dress one's self gaily. Mariiru, Kt^S. v.i. To move the wings; to flap.
Syn. Date, Hanataka. Hagae. HftJ— , ^#, n. Shedding the feathers, or
Hadesha, moulting (said of birds).
UTfJi^, n. A person fond of dress; a
dandy; a fop; coxcomb, 'Hasae. ttjjs-^. ^^, 7*. CJhanging or shedding
Syn. Datesha, Sharemono. leaves (as plants). fa bird).
Hade-^gata, H "2 -^ii'fe, 96^;, n. A beautiful flagral, ,'^^,%, n. The wing or feathers (of

appearance; a showy figure. Sagai wo noiasu, 3352^ K ^, [I't-] to stretch

Hadeyaka, tI-ff-^*>, ^% a. Same rb Sacle. the wings, to become powerful; to sway.
Hado, a7ii5. 13 S, n. [Chin.] A feudal system of Syn. Hane, TsubaSA.
government. Ilasaki, t&tfl^,^^, n. A postal card.
Hado, K;S-5, 2t ®. "• Wave-motion. Hasakuro. QHtOn, gp^, n. Hidden among the
Hadome, Ii£^i6, iS it, 71. A device to stop the
rotation of a wlieel. fundulation. Hngaina. ktftta, ® S. n. A flanged kettle.
Hadotou, e^5^:^, ^^U, ' [Math.] Point of HagamI, abf^.iSm. » Onaahing th« tMth.
ffagami ivo sum, ffl Ffi ^ y^n-, to gnash the Syn. FUMPATBU StJRU, SEIDASU, TSUTOMKRU
teeth. rdiffident; to blush. Hagoru, (Hji^,
jHJ, v.i. [pass. &u^ potent, of nor
nnffRniiit ttft*tf, v.i. [coiL] To be ashamed; to he (/«.] To be stripped; to peel off; to fade (aa
Hasaue. ttft'n, M, '* Steel. colours).
HagniBCba, Uti^ilfcE. H>9^. "• The edge of
steel Hageru, ttW^S,^, v.i. To become bald.
cutlery. TSteel wedge. Atama ga hageta, ^if^ix, the head has be-
Hasmic-no-Uiianbl, It Ji'#l O ( ^5 tV, ffl^^, « come bald.
Haga-rcru. ttb^KX, W.^1, 1"-^- [pass. and potent. Hageshl,-l,-kl, ^V^L. fij, «. Violent; furious;
form of Siapu.] To be stripped of; can be taken flerce; vehement; outrageous; boisterous; se-

off. vere; extreme. flent

Koromowo hagareru, sCc f" ilSiJ i^ »-, to be divest- Kaze ga hageshii, B, ff 5/ ^, the wind is vlo-
ed of one's garment. Syn. Araki, Kibishiki, Tsutoki.
Hagasu. ttft^-jt", gij, v.*. [catts. form of Sagu.] To Hageshlkii, Wd'Xi, KI. o,av. Adverbial form of
cause to strip off, or undress, above.
Syn. HEGASU, Hegu. Hageyama, tti>.^2, 5§ [1|, n. A bald mountain;
Hagasiiinl, af^ir^, ® H5, « The tartar which a hill scanty of vegetation.
collects on the teeth. Hagl, tt^, i59 :K ^, «• [BoW] Lespedeza Mcolor.
Syn. HAK0SO Hagi, a ^. ^, n. The shin.

Magata, ttitfe, ffl -ig, n. Teeth shape; zigzag form. Syn. MUKozUNE, SDio:.
Hagataine, tl&«tei6, tt EI, w. [lit.] Hardening the Hagi, tt?f, ^, n. Sewing a piece of cloth to nn-
teeth; securing longevity; also a ceremony of Syn. TSDGI. Lother; a pati'h.
eating mocJii on the third day of the first month Haglerl, Ug"^!!), ^lifig, n. A patched collar(as of
(O.S.). Japanese clothes).
Hagayiishl.-U-Kl, BijTl^L, ^- C^i*.] Itching K^. Ha^lkko, tt Igf 9 £., " [colW] Patched clothes;
of the teeth; feeling impatient on beholding any- Patch-work.
thing done in an unsatisfactory manner; itching llitSliituBliiko, ttSrUi ii.-ktSi'&, n [Ornith.i

Syn. MODOKASHi. Lto interfere. Japanese snow finch,

Hage, [1W>-, B, «• Baldness. iflngl-no-inochj, U^© <fi '^, )>^ Sf. W- M'nchi in

Atama no hage, ^^K the baldness of the

the form of dumpling and covered with an ((.n).
head; Urushl no hage, ^^ ftj, the
peeling off of
Hagl-no-Co, a^<7)'£, Vi P, ?*• The name of a hall
Hageataina, n}&%ft^, n. A bald head. in the Imperifil palace at Kyoto (so called be-
« Amarantm cause it was inclosed with a hedge of hagi).
Hagelto^ ttW^v^l??, IfiJKa:. \BQt.^
Hagli'l, tt^iO, JS^, 1". Gritting or gnash-
" Haglahfrl, H'^X'O, IL ing the teeth.
Hagoklten, ^H&-t^, GgS^,
[Bot.]Folvgala ffl

Magejiiasii, }il^'S.-^,Bi, v.t. [cans, of Hagemu.] JSagislm-i wo svru, 38 $L ^^ *"> to grit the

To cause to strive at, incite, stimulate, or urge teeth.

on; to encourage; to animate. Hagltorii, a^lf Z, S^IM, ^-t" To strip off (iia

Gakusei wo hagemasu, ¥^ f" HB =^, to encour- clothes); to divest of; to deprive of.

age students; Heltai too haoetnasu, M^> ^^^ Haglyabou. ^l^^a:^, fdJimK. «• a title of

to animate soldiers; Ki wo hagemasv, ^ ^ gg :?., Buddha.

to rouse the spirit; Koe wo hagemasu, ®?-^7., Hago, E1&, ^'^, II'. Pieces of twigs or bamboo
tospeak with a loud voice. covered with bird-lime, and used for catchins
Uagcinl, QVJ^^, 13^, n. Exerting one's selt; assi- birds.

duity; diligence; zeal. Hugo, l(l&,^-^, n. A shuttle-cock.

ga tsuku, Wiif ^ ^^ to be stimulated.
Hage^iti Mago wo tsuTiU, M^f^^, to strike a shuttle

Hagcinl-al. m^?i-%V-,Wi^, "• Striving together Syn. TSUKDBANE. Lcock.

for anything; vyin^ with each other; competi- Hagolta, aav^'fe, 13^®. "• A battle-door.
tion. Hagoku, i(ia<, ifi^, n. Breaking out of a Jail.

Hagemlnu* ttlt'^5.i-. M ^> *"•*• To vie with each siiru, v.t. To break a prison.

other; to contend for, to compete. Hagokumu, aa <*J", W. ^^f- O To rear; to bring

Htkgeimif filW^tp, v.i. To strive at; to be diligent, up. QTo nourish; to support.
assiduo-Ufl, ardent, or zealous. Syn. SODATHBU, Yashinau.
GaJeumon wo hagemv,, $ T? f- SB i^i to study Hagoromo, ll£^6, Jiti, "• Feather sarments
with %a\\. worn by tennin (angels).
HAG 271 AHl
lla«oroino-meinl, Q Zi ^ % ^;^, ^^M, n. [En- Hahago, tIEla.&ffl), n. [spolite.] Vour or his mo-
torn.] Cicada sp. Tleaves of trees. ther; also used by children respectfully.
Ilagoslil nl, 12 S :& liC, ^@> 0.<^v. Through the Hahaknta, ^^i}>-ft,^'^, n. Mother's side (said
lliigottie, ilafe— ifflS. ''^- Feeling hard to th« of relatives) maternal. ;

teeth. rto chew. ilabakata-no-baba, Htti'fec^tf tf, S^ffflft, »*•

Bagotae ga shinai, ffl fS V 5/ -^ 'f , Is not hard A grandmother on the mother's side.
liagii, ae.ijij.ift, v.t. O To skin; peel off, to flay. Ilaliakata-no-oba, tlUi* fe ®5:tf. ®^/&tf[5 f*.

® To strip off (as the clothes); to divest; to un- n. An aunt on the mother's side.

clothe. © To deprive of (rank); to dispossess. Hahakata-no-ojl, K tt 4- fe ® 5r ^. & :5 jK (6 'iit.

Tfuku wo hagu, 3!c HB^ S"! ^. to strip off the n. An uncle on the mother's side.
clothes; to unclothe; Kawawohagu, &=^Sf]i^. Ilaliaki, aa^,-^, n. A broom. Same as ft^Sfci.
to .skin; Kwan-i wo luigu, I'tt^^^i ^° ^^' If ahakigi, H a ? ^, i^M, "• [Bot.] Kochia sco-
prive of rank and office. poria.
Hagasd, Mukd, Nugaserd, Ubau.
Syn. IflaliakogiiBa, a tt £,<'5« ® tt5. ". f-Bot.] ffna.
Ung". iX<r,t&, i>-f- To patch; to join together (as phalium multiceps. fa letter).
boards); to veneer. Hahamojl, tta6:£-, /*. Mother (used by ladies io
Ita wo hagu, ifS. f^i/", to Join boards together; IHaliHSO, aat, 3^,71. [Bot.] Ao oak, Quctcus d^n-
ffv.no wo hagu, ffi f- }£ ^. to patch a cloth. tata.
Syn. TsuGU. IBahatojl, aa^ t, fitTJ S, "- One's mother;
Iflngu, H<-,t?|, To feather an arrow.
IS. ^'-t- mistress of the hoase.
Iliiffucliiffoe, tt <-%£---, ft. [Agri.'] A compost llaliOD, ttd:^,JS^.^^. "• An imperfect set of
made of night soil, straw, and loam, books; an odd volume.
llngiikl, tt<-=&, SS. n- The guma. Hal, a\r-, ^, ". Lungs.
Hiigriik), a<-?,^'g=, n. A quill. Hal, Hvn, 3, n. Worship; bowing reverently.
Hnguina, fcK-a.^i?. n. [ZooL] A
white bear. Ilai ivo okonau, ^ =f- fj "7, to worship at; to
Ilaffumn, H <' S, ^^M. ft- [.Bot.] Macrochini- bow down.
diwni robustutn. Syn. Ogamu.
Hagiin-^el, ^<'^*V,5fiS^, The constella-
n. Hal, aif,M>^> ^- A wine cup; a glass.
tion of the Groat Bear. Hat wo agete kotolniki wn nasu, ^ ^ ?l 7= g| ^
Hagiiralinsu, tK' &*>^^, ^fg, v.t. To cause to be 7., to lift up a wine cup and drink another's
separated; to make fly from the track. health I/ai wo toru, ^? to hold tlie win*
ffi ;i-,

/jjjiai ow mizu, — fK .^ ^, a glass of water;

Hagiirerii, fcr<'K3, jg, v.i. To be separated from; cup ;

to run to one side; to lose the way.

Sakt sambai, fg = tf three cupa of sake. ,

Tsure ni hagureru, jf- 18= [^a-, to be separated

Syn. Sakazvki.
from a companion (as among a crowd).
Hal, avr, Pfl, ad Yes; aye. I'.

^af to henji wo sm-u, >^ -f 1- i^B?^ ?; »-, to
Iliisuro, H<'^, ea^R, SfiSJ. " The black dye used
answer " yes."
by married women and fonnerly by kuge for
Hal, ay-, M, "• Ashes.
staining their teeth. The custom is going out. Hal, au^.
Ilaffuroine, tt<*^i?),ffiS, /*. Dyeing the teeth

t^, n. [EntOTP..] A fly, house-fly.


a-^. >

Syn. Kane, Lblack.

Hal, liv--, ?^, n. [Bot.] A kind of millet, Panicutn
Hagui'u, tI<-'2>S'J. "' Same as //a-ffcru.
frumentaceum. fwards.
gahaguru, fe^ftijrt-, the colour fades;
Iro Halagaru, JS V^ "S, jji Z , ^ v.i. To creep up-

UrusM gahaguru, ^ififiit-, the lacquer peels Halban, tt^^'^J^, *R S, »i. Cups and plates.
oft Halbl, av^CT, ff /3. « Seeing or meeting with
llaguru, tt<'3,4)8i v.t. [coll.] To turn over (as a (used respectfully in a letter).
covering); to uncover. Isai wa JiaiH no u€, ^ tffl
-'^ I? S -^ ±. the de-
Futnn haguru, JffiBffl ^
K-o »-, fro turn up ^ tlie tails are deferrod until I see you.
bed cover (aB to rouse a sleeping person). Halblshaku, HXV- X}^
Z -^ < , M^iP^, " An ash
Ilasiiruma. tJ<'3B,®^. " A tootlied wheel. scoop.
Hnffiisa, tt<':5,l?, n. [Sot., Weeds; Tares. Haiboku, av^lS <, BJ^4t. 'i- ©Defeat; loss of a
UaguBiS tK'?:, n. The gum which collects on the battle; overthrow, ©[coil.] Kepulse suffered;
Syn. Hagasumi. Lteoth. failure. suru. v.t. To be routed or defeat-
Haha, ftfU, ^, n. Mother. ed; to disperse; to be beaten; to fall.

S/n. HAHAOTA, ONKAOTA. Syn. Haisbei 8URU, Makbkv.

HAl 275 HAI
Halbo Buru, Eiv^li5-^S. Rfc l^, u.t- To be over- Hal-etsu, ^\fX-o,^^^, n. Presenting one's self
thrown; to be destroyed (as by eneraies). before a superior; audience with the Emperor.
Halbukl, ttO'J*&, RUJi;, n. Cent, of below. suru, v.t. To present one's self before Hia
Halbuklgln, ttl^^^af^, p^ft);^, n. Silver in- Majesty; to see (a superior).
gots. Ilal-etsu, ttV^;t-5, ^Sg, n. [Spist.] Inspecting
Ilaibun, ftn> > ^, El^, n. Distribation; appor- with respect; reading reverently.
tion; share. siiru, v.i. To distribute; to Halfu, lJVi5, gjj ^,n. [Chin,] Corrupt manners;
dlTlde; to share. degraded morals.
Syn. Haifu surd, Waritsdkeru. Hairukl, lay-i^iKB*;, t^S. « a spittoon usua-l-
Halbutsu, lav^J*'^, 0%, n. A useless thing; ly made of a section of bamboo.
refuse; waste. HalfU, felV^i, flj^ffi, n. The innermost part of
Haibutsu riyH, M^'^\ ffli making a profitable one's mind.
use of anything thrown away as useless. Hamikii suru, d V/^ -5- < -5^ Z,^-iJi, "*- [fit.,' To
Syn. SUTAEEMONO. bow down and worsliip; to make a raspectJul
HalbyS, UV^tN'-^S, ^ ^, n. {Med.'] Consumption; obeisance.
Syn. R5sn0. Lphthlsls. Haifurul, ttl>i3y-, M BiS. "• An ash-selve.
Halcbabu, l!lV^tJ^<, (S! !@, n. Stripping an heir Hulga, V2\rh*,^W, n. IlaspectfuUy offering con-
apparent of his right of Inheritance. suru, gratulations. suru. v.i. To congratulate
v.t. To strip a person of his right as an heir- (respectfully).
apparent. Halffal, tt\i^i)tVA,vilr5C, a. [£7Mn.] Fine, beautimi,
Halcbl, B£S» "• Putting things in regu-
tlV^"^, or splendid (especially said of horses).
lar order; arrangemeot; disposition. sura, Haigai no uma, iill >t -^ i^. a A^e horse.
v.t. To place in a row; to set in order; to ar- Hajgalcu, 11 V^ ft* < , IS Sg, n. Ceasing to learn;
range. abandoning one's study. suru, v.i. To
ISalchl suru, ttv^'t^3,=y'Sft, v.t. [Chin.\ To be abandon study.
opposed; to be contrary to. HaJsiLHf tlV^^*^, ^-^i LPoIUe.] Seeing; meet-

Ilalclto, laV-tS, lEf 111, « Suspending all govern- ing; having an audience with. suru, v.i.
ment or public business (as on the death of a To see or meet.
member of the Imperial family). Slalse, 81U>W^, SS^^, «. Gray coloured (as a horse).
Hajcbo, HV>-*&-^5, tS^^,n. A safe to protect food llaf^eki suru, ii\^yp^irZ, ^^®, v.t. [Chin.] Q
from flies. flungs. To attack (as an enemy) to assault, @ To assail ;

Halcbo, tt\A't-^5,Mi5. w- [J(fc(i.] Emphysema of with an unfriendly speech or writing; to cen-

Halclio, ttV^ V^5. ff- ^> w. Hearing with respect. sure.
suru» vxt. To hear (respectfully). Halffo, EI\pa,!bE*w. Eggs of a fly; fly-blow.
HaMal, t±V^;^V^, ^, n. Dethronement; de-
llaigo, tlV tt, ^y^, n. The back side (as of a
Haitei, a\A"C\r', position of an Emperor.
llaldate, ttv^?&t, EP, ¥. « Armour for the
llalgo suru, lH/^f]«ii- 3, fE ^, v.t. To match,
thighs. pair, or couple together, fspouse.
Ualdcu. HVN-ff ^, f¥ Kl, HaiffO, 61V'C5, f^^, n. A match; a couple, -*

71. A hall for wor- Haigu wo erabu, gl 4^ f-gf;/, to select a spouse.

ship in ftont of a sum, v.t. To unite (as in marriage); to
sliriile. match. rioBlng a battle.
Ilaiaoi'u, Kv ^ 2,51 Haigun, la ij^ <• ^, ItSt 91, n. Defeat; overthrow;
m, i!.(. To creep Syn. ilAKEiKTjyA.
out. Hnlgun, ^, g g, n.
tt Vv <- Disposition of an
HaldoUu. ll\r^ < , ti army; assignment of places to troops in the
^, n. A fly-poison. fiel(3, suru, v.i. To dispose tro'^os, in
ISaJdoliu, n'^'^i.^l [Eplst.] Keadmg or proper places.
perusing (respectfully). Halsyo, |g^> n. Closing one's business;
Go-shomen haidoJcu tsukamatsuri Boro, ^ ff M retiring from trade or occupation. suru,
^ il ft l^j I have respectfully read your letter. V.I. To close one's business; to give up ane'a
fSaidokueaJ, ttVv^< 3V^, ^{[#35, «. [Bot.] The occupation. reflected in ISTl.

ox. tongue gsass, the Dock. Hal-bau, EC\J^e^, 0^, « The abolition of clans
Syn. Usa no shita. Haihrni chiken, ^B^U, abolition of clans

Ilal-cu, Il*\f A.^, RSife, n. [Jfed.] Pneumonia. and eBtablishment of prefectures, i.e. abolition
of feudal system and revival of the pure Monar- HaJkel, ^tv^wv^,3 ©!, n. [JSpist.] Writing to with
chical Government. respect; I have the honour of writing you (a

Hatlinn snrti, ttlrtt^-^S, ^ K. v.U To oppose; word very often used at the beginuing of a
to disobey; to be contrary to; to revolt against. letter). fof perspective.
Syn. SoMUKU, Ueagaertt. Halkeljlhu, ttV^H-lrX,-^ ,ffi:S |4, n. [Math.] Axis
Haltaarai, ^^J^BI&l^, CSSSi ". An instrument or Halkelshln, ttV^W•V^£^, S & ^C;., 7t. [Math.] Cnn-
device for driving flies away; a fly-driver. tre of perspective.
Haihei, tt Vf -< \r, BS; ^, n. Defeated soldiers, a Halken, ttV'W^, S^, n. Seeing, looking at.

routed army. reading, or perusing (respectfully). bui>u.

Halliel, mr'-^-v, SI-^. '" [Chin.'] Disposition of v,t. To see, look at, etc.
soldiers or troops. suru, v.t. To distribute Halkeu, ttV'W^, #i^. n. A sword that is worn;
soldiers or troops. Tcap. girding on a sword.
Halhlrael, ttV*t>6i^, Sf ^, «. [Bot.] The scuU- Halkl, IIvn&, tgig, n. [Xaif/.j Renunciation.
HalUl euru, iX\nV-^Z,H1^, v.t. [JEp/si.] To open Joyaku haihl, renunciation of trea-
f^i $^ Sf lis,

or read with respect (as a letter). ties, fgive up.

Klkan haihi tsukamatsuri swo, ^ (^ ^ tS ft 1^. sum, V I. To renounce, reject, abandon; to
Ihareyead your letter with reapect; I beg to HaJkisuru, av-&-J-3, gj ^, iJ.t. and Chin.] to i. \

acknowledge the receipt of your letter. damage or injure; to be ruined or dilapidated.

HalbUi^u, BlVt^^, f&W., f^- -A- M'orn off writing Syn. ARERU, Yabdrikobotsu.
brush. Haiko, av^ C 5 , t? If, « [Chin.] Perverse con-
Hal-irl, ttl^\^«I, n- Creeping into; entering. duct; an evil deed; misdemeanor.
liallro, 6JO-V^5, M
fe. "• and a. Ash-colour; gray. Ilalkoinii, EtV^CtP.jS j5. 't'-'- To creep into.
IJalivo-cliuliI, 'a.T>\c-^%^J>t It. [Ornith.'] Hen Kalkwn] sui-u, ^l/^ < d^V^-^S, ^f '4^, v.l. To wand-
Harrier. er about; to stroll, ramble, or roam.
Hal-Ji'u, ttU-l/^X, tIX, v.t. To creep into. Haik^van, HV- < 4? ^, ^ W. " Novels.
Hall siiru. HU^S-^S, ^ jg, v.i. To act contrary; Haikwan yaju, ^'b,'^^, novels and romances.
to turn away from; to disobey; to transgress, HaJkyoslia. SJv^W'.i-^-'^, If ^, n. One who has SIfe

infringe, or violate. forsaken liis faith; an apostate; a black sheep;

Ilalji, (iV^ C, 15^, « An old and dilapidated a deserter. faround.
ahurch an uninhabited monastery.
, Hajinatou. H\/v'ai^.i, 5 Jig, v.i. To creep or twins
liaUiiif tt\J^^'^, SS A, n. A disabled person; the Blaluiatowarii, tlV^E^a^,^^, I'.t. and £. To
maimed or crippled. creep and twine around; to be entangled
Maljln, ^V3:^, ^ A, ti A professional composer Syn. Karamakx'.
of TiaiJcal, which see. Hainiatsu. HV-^-:?, iSfi^, n. A variety of pine tree,
Hatju suru, ttv;&lft-^ Z, ^ S. v.t. To receive with, short stems and far spreading branches; a
with reapect (honorific). creeping pine. fappointraent.
Halju sum. tt V^ Z' 1% "S" S. S. v.t. ^ [Eplst.] To BSahuei, ii\r't6\{^,^^f^, n. Receiving an official
read (another's letter) with respect. Saimel wojlsiiru, H^^^'^ )t', to decline an
Hniba. HVri>, SIT. "- Being under the jurisdic- official appointment. fpost.
tion of another; subjects; followers. sua-u, To be appolntea to an official
Haikd ni zokusu, BB T— ffi 7., to belong to the Haliuei, ttlr-i6V^, =H=Sa, n. Breaking a covenant;
Jurisdiction of; Waga hatha no hei, ^if ^T -^ breaking an oath. suru, v.i. To break a
f^, troops under my command. covenant; to be false to one's promise.
Syn. TEsaiTA. Ilalnien, G\/^1tA., ^ ®, ii. The back, rear; facing
HalUn.1, Bl;^i'V^,13f ilB, n. A kind of comic verses backwards.
consisting of seventeen syllables. Haimen no bijin, 'H' ffi
-^ 1^ A, a beauty when
Syn. HOKKD. seen from behind only.
HalkiiD, Hv^i'^, Iff. flit «
Lungs and liver; the Syn. USHIROMUKI, Ushirosugata.
innermost part of the mind; the bottom of the llalmen, H \f* 16 ^, ^ [g, /). ^-Fp^'st.] Seeing or
heart. meeting. Used respectfully only with reference
Ilaikanni meisu, ffSSf = Btl, to impress upon to the person addressed.
the mind; Ilalkan wo ktidaku, Jffifff^Jjl^. to Syn. Haigan.
take to heart; to labour under afflictions; ffal- HaJmetsu. a\j^)^-c>,^m, n. [Chin.] Falling into
kail womlmdcu, ffS St ^ .H- 5T ^, to see through decay; rum; destruction; dying out. suru,
the mind of another. v.i. To fall into decay; to be ruined, etc.
HAl 277 HAI
llainiiislii, GtV^t? Li ^, /i^ fi. W- Creeping animals, issued from a temple to the believers; act of
Buch as lizards, etc. distributing do.
Halmyd, tt\r;^-^5, fif Si, n. Nom depltmie aseum- Halsei, liv^-ffii^, ^^, n. [Astron.] A comet.
ed by -writers of JtaiTcai. Syn. HoKiBOSni.
Halnaraahi, H \;% it 6 L, Pc^, MS, n. A small MaLsolil sui'U. av^^S-^Z, ^ f^, v.t. [Chin.] To
BhoTel used for leYelliDg or ad.lusting ashes in a thrust aside; to drive out, expel, or turn out
brazier. (as an enemy); to slight or disregard.
lalno, l!lV*tC-l-, ffll3l- '" A wallet; a purse. Halsekg sum, IH/n^&-^2, RitiS, v.i. >Chin.} To
Syn. DoBAN. * fbarberry. be defeated or routed. Twine cups.
HalnoboraEU, EtU^©S&^. tft * TE. »'• [Sol.lThe Ilafsen, fcHp. -^ ^, W 0t, " A basin for washing
lalnoboru, a\/*®K5, tIS, u-t. To creep up, or Halsetflu, m/\-1t-7, Jftit. Vomiting and purg- 'i-

ascend by creeping. ftctcea. ing; expelling (as a gg-s). suru, v.t. To

HaSnoUi, HV^©9,^I^^, n. [Bot.] Symplocos myr- vomit and purge.
lial-no-ko, ttV^Ot,®, n. [Ewtom..] A maggot. HaieetsiBl>iit8u, ttV/*-^'^^'^, ^^ iflt ^i '* The
Ilaino 8uru, (J Vv -^ i -^ 3, ^^, v-t. [Eplst.] To discharges (aa in cholera).
respectfully acknowledge tbe receipt of; to Ha-f^ha, av>S.^, iS^^,^^. n. A dentist.
receive -witb thanka. Haisha. av^X-^, S^, « [Epist.] Respectfully
IBai-no-Eo, {iv^O^'^.MBI. « Thelungs. giving thanks. suru, v.t. To offer respect-
Hiiloslij, avis L, ji^^. §^, '" A small sbovel ful thanks.
for levelling ashes'in an incense pot, hlbachi, Haislialcii. tt \r ^ -^ C ^, [polite.] Act ol
, J? ?i.

etc., by pressing with. borrowing. suru, v.t. To borrow.

llalotOBliJ, au-J?'^ L, Hif:, ". An asb-receiver
as of a portable furnace.
Mniran, Same as Halken.
Haishl, au^ L. W £, "- A novel, fiction, romance.
Hi/n & ^, ^. K. '' Syn. KuSAzr<SHl, ShosEtsU.
Ilalraeerii, [Ir> 6-^:2, v.t. [caus. of ITairu.] To
BlaishI, av^^, (3 it, ". Ceasing from an action',
cauBe to creep into; to let enter; to admit.
abolition; abrogation.
Halre. E1\/^*l, S3A, '* A mender of geta; a cob-
Hyn. Yameru.
llalsSilba, av:£(f, !S^?, n. [Bot.] The scull-cap.
Ilalrel. ftHrHV/v,^-?8, n. Wor.shipplng. eurii.
Hafslil Buru, av^i-?3, EEsH, '"^- To sanctify in
v.t. and i. To worship. common
a shrine (as two or more persons killed
in a battle). fmaimed.
Hnli-ol sum, tlV^ih.v^-^3, I¥^, v.i. [Chin.] To be Haishitsu, a\/^X^, IS ^, «- Being crippled or
opposed to; to disobey; to be contrary. Halslto, }&\r%. X, MBi, n. A place of banishment.
Halrctsii siiru, ii^/^H-5-^^, ^m, v.t. To set in Syn. Tekisho.
a row to arrange in order.

Haishd Ruru, av^;£15^3, H^, u.C. To hear

Halriteii. Hv^wj-^, ^^^, n. A Chinese poem con-
with respect.
sisting of more than pis lines, of which there
Halsliutmi suru, av^XlftrP-^Z, "jg m. v.t. [Chin.]
are several antithetical couplets.
To come forth in great numbers (said of persons
Hairo, tlV^ 6 5,flf6?Sf. » [Med.] Consumption,
of some virtues, or talents).
phthisis. rto enter.
To creep into; to go in,
Jinsat halshutsu su, A ^ 3£ tfj ^-t to abound
Halru, ia\p2, 51 A, v.i.
with men of genius (said of a particular epoch).
Ana nl Jiairu, !^ =± 51 X »-. to go into a hole.
Losing a law suit
Olaiso, av^^,afelS, ^-
Syn. IRTT.
surti, v.i. To fail in a law suit.
Halru, av^3, iS i3l. " Banishment. suru,
Syn. Makekuji.
v.t. To banish; to exile.
Halsosha, av^^Jfe-^, HSt IS ^, "• A person who
Syn. Shimanagashi.
has lost Ills law suit.
Halryo, avr-lli:. 0S*. « Troubling one'smind;
anxiety; concern; trouble; solicitude.
Haiso suru, avo^ 5-^S,^^, i!-*. To fly away in
deleat; to take to flight.
To respect- Syn. Haiboku suru.
Halryo swru, n\^Vi-^^-^Z,n^r v.t.

fully receive anything (as from a superior or Hal Buru, av^-?"3,^-. O To worship;
w.f. to bow
Syn. ChOdai surt:. Llord). down. @ To appoint (as a general).
Hairyn, Klv i, B5 A. « [CTm.] Dethroning and
Hal sui-u. \&M^irZ,m, v.t. To cease; to do away
enthroning (monaichs); abolition and erection;
unmaking of sovereigns. with; to abolisli, annul, or abrogate; to abau-
the making and
Ilalfiatsu. UV^:?-:?, BEJU n. Amamori or charm doD
G-akumon wo hai surv, $ Rg^ Ef ^ '•'t to aban- Halto, ttV^)f5,W,J), «. Wearing swords, or «
don one's study; Kican wo hai sum, "b^ y- K? 7. sword worn.
», to abolish an office. Haito, tt\pie5,SJ7J, «. [OMn.] The abolition of
Syn. SUTEBU, YamEEU. the custom of wearing swords.
Hal suru, ttV^-^S, Ife, v.i. To be defeated orrout- Halto, ixv- iC 5 , 35 Apportionment dividend
ISf , n. ;

ed; to lose the day. of profit. suru, v.t. To apportion, allot,

Syn. MAKERU, YaBURU. assign, or share; to distribute.
Hat suru, tlV^^3,ffi, v.t. and i. [Chin.] O To Syn. HAIB0N SURF, WAEIDAStr, WARITSU-
match, equal, or coinpare to. @ To join together KERC.
(aa in marriage); to mate. 63 To banish, Haitograku, i£\j^)£3b^< ffiS" !S, n. Total amount ,

Sono toku tenchi ni haisu, JtfS^ftfe = 02 ^-t of profit in a company apportioned to each share-
his virtue compares well with that of heaven or holder.
Syn. Kdrabebu, Meawasu. Loarth. HaltOkin, a\/^)£5%^.^•B^, n. Dividend of
Hal-gu Hurii, iXV^ir^i'Z,^ ^> v-i- [OAin.]Togo profit; any sum of money distributed among a
to; to call upon; to visit; to wait upon. Used' set of men.
respectfully in epistolary writings. Haltokushjtsgi. HVp^ C :£-5, J5^i^, n. An in-
Syn. SanjO suru. curable and dangerous disease.
Haltni, Hv^tei/N,l|9,?^, n. The wearing (of swords Halt6rel, ttU^i^5HV. Imperial pro-
7) ^, '^f.

or medals). clamation, abolishing the custom of wearing

Hnltni suru , illV*feV^-^3,}EEflB. v.l. [Chin.] To swords. rtrap
begin to exist; to spring up; to originate. HaUori, tt V^ If 1) , ^ IS, n. Fly-poison; a fly-
Syn. MiGOMORU, NEZASU. Haitori-ffuuiu, {IH/^ IC ij) <- !& , *a £&. w. [Entmn.^
Haltal euru, tt^y^tev^^^, Kjg, v.i. [Chin.] To Fly-catching spider.
crumble down; to fall into pieces; to be ruined. Halwataru* fcly-i^feS, iEjE. 9 £§, v.t. O Tocroas
Haltaka, ttU^feA., {^, n. [Ornlth.] A hen of the by creeping over; to crawl along. @ To spread
common sparrow-hawk, Accipiter nimis. over.
Syn. KONORi. HaJyaKu, ^\/^.^ < , =tf $«), ' [Chin.] Breach of con-
Haltaku, tt\rfe<, K^, n. [CJiln.] A ruined or tract; breaking a promise. suru, v.t. To
dilapidated house; my humble cot (in self de- break a promise.
Syn. Abauaya, Hettaku. Lpreciation). Haiyo. a U^ 1 5, SS S6. it. [MeH.] Pulmonary
HaltatakJ, tt\Afefe5, f^ -Jfi,
n. An instrument abscess.
for killing flies by striking with. Tgreavea. Haiyo, ftH;^ J: 5, fli^ ffl, n. The wearing ot decora-
Haltate. av^feT, fli^, " A shield for the thigh; tions. suru, v.t. To wear (as medals).
Haltatsu-nin, av^ff^iiCk, Si^A, n. A distri- Haly6. ttv^i^.K^, n. [C/un.] Conceiving a child;
buter (of letters, newspapers, etc.); a postman. pregnancy. suvu, v.t. To become preg-
Hattn^su suru, ttVte-^r^^, ^it, v.t. To distri- nant; to conceive.
bute; to deliver. Halyo suru. !llV^i 5-^3. J? /ff, v.t. To lay to the
Nimotsu wo haitatsu suru, iSf ^ ? (E ii 7. »., to heart; to pay attention to; to keep in mind.
deliver goods (said of a transportation company Used with reference to advice received l"rom a
or its coolies). superior.
HaJtel, ttl/^TU^, ^ M, w. A term placed at the Halyu, a\AV^5, ef», w. An actor.
beginning of a letter, meaning I have the Syn. Yakcsha.
honour of addressing you. Halzal, I4\p3*\r, ffllffl, n. Dispensing medicines;
Isshn Jialtel tsukamatsurl soro, — SJ^gftjEI, a medical formula; a prescription. suru,
I have the honour to address you. v.t. To dispense medicines.
Syn- Haikei, EEUd. Halsen. H\r^A, iT|]^. adv. and a. [CWn.] Li-
Halten, ^V^XA,,^^, n. A disused rite or cere- berally, abundantly, heavily; great, magnani-
mony; a rescinded edict or regulation. mous, generous.
Halto, ttV'lf, $A, r?. 'cont. of ^aya (bold-apirit-
ffaizert to shite ame wo furasu, i^^ h s^'^pg
ted) and 7Uto (man),] Originally the bold and
send down an abundance of rain.
^|i?7., to
daring race of men in Satsuma and Osumi. In Haizon, pg 0, n. One who waits at the
tlv^^.^, .

ancient times Imperial guards were recruited

SSalaen, ti'V^^^, table of a nobleman.)

fi-omamong them, and hence their name after- HnlKcn, tI^^^-^, 0E M, n. Placing dining tables
wards came to be applied to a
body of Imperial («en) before guests.
euardfl in the Department of War. HaljEeuuiu, ^v^^^l(^:^. K 0S A. ?*. One who dla-
HAl 27y HAJ
tributes dining tables at an entertainment; a @ To repel, ffi To push with a quick motion (a*

waiter at table. the balls of an abacus); to twang (as a string).

Ualaetsu, BI\^« <>, K!|g. n. [<7Mn.] Abolition; Abura ga mizu wo hajiku, JBifi*;f< ^^ ^. tha
annulment ;"coming into disuse; extinction. oil repels water; Ito wo hajiku, ^^ ^ ?tB ^. to-

8uru, v.t. and (. QTo abolish; abrogate; to twang a Soroban-dama wo hajtku, ^f.^
do away witli. ©To come into disuse; to fall S^ 513 ^1 to move the balls of an abacus; YuH
Into ruina; to become extinct. nite hajiku, }S = r 5S ^, to snap with the fin-
HMsuml, \i\r^^,^S^, n. Lampblack. gers; to fillip.

Haja, tt;fc-^, H!e3?, n. [t7/ifn.] Overthrowing or re- Hajlninrl, KC 2: 5 SS. ^. "• i/)
Beginning; com-
futing heretical doctrines. Tchant. mencement; cause; origin.
Hi^aya, tt"^j^-^i ^ iS g , t*. Tea-store; tea-mer- Mngen no hajlmari, A M -^ JS, the first ap-
Hajl, H-fr, pearance of man; the origin of human beings;
Jg, n. [coll.] Extremity; end; border.
Haatal, QL. Shibai no hajimari, ^f^ ^ta, the origin of
Syn. Hata, Heri. theatres; commencement of a play.
Hi^l, 11 ^5:, Jt, 76. Shame; dishonour; disgrace; Ryn. HOTTAN, OKORl.
Ignominy; reproach. Ilajtinani, l£:k'^Z,1^, v.t. To originate; to be
Chichi no haji wo sustigv, iC ^ Bt^ S:^. to gin; to commence; to take rise.
wipe away the disgrace of one's father; Haji wo Amegafurl hajimela, M^W"!!? V », {coU.\^>
haji tomo omowanu, lit ^ Ik b * ,§. -'^ 3t. not to the rain has begun to fall; Utai hajlmaru, ETUI'S
know what shame is; not to be at all abashed; v^, to commence to sing; Kenkwa ga hajtmat-
Haji wo JcaJcu, Jh ^ :» ^, to be put to shame; to ta,(S^tt'JSv)'^, [coR] the quarrel ha-g begun.
be disgraced; JSaji wo shiranu yo^u, 5[fc^*ll9 Hajlino, aX'S6,tf&.%5, n. QCause; origin; rise.
5c lot, a fellow who is insensible to shame; a ©Beginning; commencement.
ahameloss or brazen-faced rogue. Hajime owart wo kiki tadasu, ^^'^^^yi.,
Syn. Ohijoku. to inquire into the origin and result ol" a matter;
Hnjlgaiiia«lil.-l»-lcl. Htrft'Ti;£, S. «• Shame- Jibutsu no hajime, M^^'ltt, origin of things;
ful; inglorious; disgraceful; disreputable; in- Toshi no Iiajime, i^^-^i, the beginning of tha
famous. year; Tomt hajime, ES = ift-rf, reading for the
Hajlii'u » ZX. v.i. To feel disgrace to be
tt-^^v^ , lit ; first time; commencing to read.
put to shame;
to be abashed. Usually in a Syn. Hajimari, Okoki, Shote, Saisho.
stronger sense than hajlru. Hajlme-owarl, tttfeSrttW). $ftj?. n. Feglnnina
HajJJlromii, tt"^&**Pr «•*. To be conscious of and end; cause and effect; the whe<e history of
shame; to be abaahful, shy, or dilfident. an affair.
Hajlkain], tt:£*>;^, ^ ^, «, [£oE.] Ginger. Hajlmeru, a£'i6Z,$d. v.t. To begin; ta com
Syn. ShoGa. fspread open. mence; to start (as u trade); to set about; to
flajlkaru, tt"^4>S, v.i. To be expanded; to be enter u.pon.
Hajlkaseru, tt;&*>*3, v.t. [cam. QtSajihu.'] To Da/mpan wo hajimeru, Ptfii^l^jtA-, to enter
cause to snap or jerk. upon a negotiation; jKorefcara ?tai£mci/o, ft ^ itfc

Uajiiceru, tt^-W-Z.W^, [coil.] To split open;

v.i. j^jit 3 Xf, [coll.] I ^ihall begin from this one; let

to burst; to break or burst by inside pressure. U3 commence from this moment; Tatakai wo
Mam£ ga hajikeru, a^if ^^-^ ^ i^, [coll.] the haJlmerUt ^f-t^jln-, to commence fighting.
peas snap. HnJUnesasoru, ttSr & 3 *S, v.t. Caus. form of
Syn.Hazeru, Emiwareru. above.
Hajlbl, tt2.'&. 55. «• OSpring (as of an instru- Hajlinete, HX'ft-r, ^, adv. For the first time;
ment). ©A jerk; a snap. ©A kind of game at first
played with the fingers. ome nt kakari masu,
ffajimete '(^S —^1 ^t
MieuhajlH, jH^> a squirt; a syringe; HajiH V have seen you for the fitst time i.e.
>^, [coll.] I

tex>P^, 3S^?S, a toy made of bamboo for throw- I am happy to meet you.

ing stones tti a distance; TsimiahajikL wo suru, Syn. Arata ni, HatsU si, Shinki ni.

JS IB ^ 7". ;^, to fillip; to snap the fingers. Hajlinu, a Kt?, JS. v.t. Samft as Hajimeru.
Hajlkl, e;£-]&,fS^, n. A mould. Jigyowo hajimu, ®:si^^-«. to begin a work;
Syn. IGATA. to set about an enterprise.
Hajl](ig:&ne, nz-'&t^tl, 55^. »• The hammer or Syn. ShidaSU.
cock of a gunlock: a spring. fbow. Hajlnokl, tri;0&,3f», n. [Sot.] The name of a
Hnjtkl.viiiiii, tt^-5«)»., ®^,n- A springing tree, whos« wood is used as a yellow dyeatufE

Hi^U^"* &t£' < . 9. v.t. Q To jerk, yerk, or snap. HajlD. tfClS, n- Bajm^ ^M Sahuso.


Hajirau, B'^ti, S^. v.i. To feel abashed; to Haknchl, H4>%, gjft, n. A burial ground; a
be put out of countenance. Syn. Hakaba, Bosho. Lgraveyard.
Syn. Makadorasoru, a4>'!?&'^2. t'-t- [cans, of Haha-
Hajlro, tta?5.^6. a- White-winged. dnru.] To cause to be rapid, prompt, active, or
Hnjlro, ttX^^, *lgta, n. An outpost. expeditious.
HajlroUaitsuburJ, fii;£,'^i>\At?-S«^ , n. [OrnitK] Hakadorl, aii>)&V),^M, 'M-^, n. The degree of
Syn. Hajironio. LEared Grebe. progress of any work or undertaking; degree of
Hnjiru. a'^Z, U. To feel v.t. ashamed for; to be efficiency or expeditiousness. fprogreps.
abashed at; to be put out of countenance. SakaOori ga osoi, jgif-tf ^ >{, to be slow in
3fi no okonai wo hajUm, # -^ ^fr ^ Jih »', to feel
IHnkadorii, H*>^2,^St, vA. To be quick; to
ashamed for one's own conduct; Sengaku niha-
progress well; to be done fast.
jiru, i^ i^ = It /^, to be abashed at the shallow- ^'^ the ne
Davipan ga hakado'sv, ?^<f^\if n-,
nes3 ol' one's learning; TOShl nimo Tiajinu, ^ =i gotiations make rapid progress; Fushin ga
* lit s, he is not ashamed for his age.
JialLO'loru, ^^if^Mn-, the building is being
Syn. CniJOKu ni omou,
done quickly ; JTenshu ga hakadoru, ,^ 3i // ^ IS
HajIsliJ, tt;£'L, ffr. n. The gums.
fu, the work of compilation is in full progress;
Hajishlnierii, ^-^XtibZ, -fr |g- ^, vA. To make
another feel ashamed; to reprove; to blame; to
JT-yaku kaisei ga h-akadorann, f^ **i lE^ ^- ^ E
3r, the revision of tiie treaties makes littles pro
disgrace or insult.
Syn. HAKAYUK0. Lgress.
Hito wo hajishlr,ieru, Kf-f^jl »-, to make an-
Hakal, tj*>\/^, CS jfi, n. [Biuld.] Breaking the laws
other feel ashamed; to put a person to the
of Buddha.
Syn. Haji wo kakaseru, Hazukashimertt. Hakai no so, igJS ^ f^; a priest who trans-
HnjJM9:liiiurii, Same as gresses the commandmnntfi of Buddha; JlaKai
tl %' X. tT 3 . iS /ff . ^.t.

above, no tsnmi, EKflE-^P. the crime of violating

tnjii-nii, tti?^^, Bit, v.i. To be ashamed; to be Buddhist laws. j'a monument.
abashed; to blush at.
HakajIrushI, aft^;£'3 L, Sra. "• A iombstone;
Syn. Hazukasbjgaru. rgrasp. llaKakii, ^, n. [C/iin.] Being contrary
KCft'<, Effi

ll-».|l Mirii, lJ%-^S,ffi^, v.t. To take hold of to ;

to established forms or rules.

jijiin, »!;£' W)^, ^ ^, Yu [Biuia.] Evil spirits; Hakamn, Jiii'S., W ?S,

fiends; a demon. n. I.oo-e trowsers

witli many folds in tlie
Femma hajun, ^Wf K'tl, demons and fiends;
front, divided skirts,
all evil spirits.

(nbn, A
tomb; a sepulchre; a grave.
H4>, ||, n.
l/akama wo 7iaku,
ffaka wo ahaku, It^MS'i'. to break open a f§^ ^^ ^, to wear lia
Syn. TSUHA. Lgrave. kO-ma\ Naga bakama,

Hakn, !!*>, ||, n. Division of the field into seve- g J^, long hakama
ral patches in sowing or harvesting, for securing (formerly worn by sa-
the efficiency of labour. murai on ceremonious
Hnka, occasions) Unianoi'i
Hi', ^, «. [corrupf. of above.] The state of ;

being expedient; expeditiousness;-eflicieucy. bafca-ma, B i^ ^, ha-

Baka ga yuku, ^-ff^ 9, {collA to be rapid fcama for riding on a

(said of any work or job); Ritori dewa nani goto horse.

mo haka ga yitkanu, — A 7'-'"»'PJS * ^^ tfTf, Hakaina, [a*»a, %,Wt, The sheath arouiuV

[coll.] nothing can be done expeditiously by the stem of wheat.

working alone. ftery. ]Iakam:tgl, tli-'a^, ?g ^ The ceremony of

Ilakabn, Et*>tf, Blfi, '"• A grave yard; a ceme- wearing hakaina, lor the first time, at the age of

Syn. Hakawaba. five years.

nakaliaka§ilij,-l,-kl. a *. tf 36> L, ^ Rapid, Hakaiiiagroslii, ttA>'2a L. ?^ I®, OThe upper ''i.

prompt; efficacious; expeditious; expedient. part of the back of /iaArawia stuffed with a tliin
Hahabakashlku, e*.tt4>L<. o.Av. Adverbial boaitl in the form of a truncated cone. @A
form of above. dike or embankment constructed iu the form of
Byunin mo hakabakashiku artmasen, fj? A ^ -*^ do. rfor worship.
3(i>^^£-^^7' V "7^^! [coll.] the patient does not flakainalrl, HA'Efc V) , gfc §- « Visiting a tomb
recover quickly. Hakainajl, tt4>a'&, Si(b, n. Cloth for making
Syn. Hakihaki to, Kiwakiwashiku. haJcama with.
; ; .


HiLkama-knsurn, t£i)>1£>::^&, |& JI.£S. '»• [-Bot.} HakarJ, ]£j]>^ , ^, 5?, fij, n. A weighing beam; %
BanJiinia japonica. balance scales
Habniiia-no-lilda. (1 A> ^ CD V i^, ^ Kl, ft. The steelyard.
folds of hakama. Hakarl ni kakeru,
Makaiiia-uo-machl, 1ilii^t(D'^%, Wj^, n. The f^^^ji., to weigh
gore of hakama. with- a balance.
Hakaiitlcbl, ttic?;-'^, M tS. '* A path in a grave Hakarl, a*> 15, th n.

yard. O Act of calculating

Makaiiiorl, KC*> "& ^, S*?! " The keeper of a OL- weighing. ©Con-
cemetery; a sexton. sultation; manage- CFP-)

Ilak:) itakii,tl:b>'^ < ,'^^, o^^'O. In a feeling man- ment; transacting.

ner; eranescently; Imperceptibly; in a vanish- Hakarl-berl, tti'Vl'^lO.aa, 5f iR, n. Diminution
ing manner. of total amount by being measured in too liberal
JTalcanaku ktyuru, ;g^v§»', to vanish or die a manner.
quickly. HakarlffOto, 11*>'!)3S1£, Hf, n. A plan; scheme;
Kyn. MOROKD. stratagem; devise; artifice.

Ilakauashl,-l,-kl, e£j)>ti:L, ^, ^a, «,. O Fleet- Bakarigoto wo megurasu, %^ j* if '^ ^, to

ing; transient; evanescent; imperceptible. @ devise a plan; Waga hakarigoto ni ochiiru, |E if
Insicrniflcant; trivial; unfortunate; hopeless. ^ = RS ?i-, he has (or they have) fallen a prey to
Hakanaki inochl, ^ =¥ ^, the transient life. my stratagem.
Syn. Choito, Karisome, Moroki, Wazuka, Syn. BoKEi, Moktjromi, Takumi.
YOWAI. Hakarigusa, a*> "jj <' 3 , ^ ^, n. [Bot.] Aconltum
Slakaral. \Si>t,v, H', it. Directing affairs; man- Ivcoclonvjm. fsagittlfolla.
aging; administering; arrangement; transac- MakariffiiwaJ, tti'iij <-47V^, n. [Bot.] SagUtarli
tion , discretion. IIakarikir»« tt**'!] 53, SS. ^'-t- To level off the
HaYarai (la warui, |1' tf S '< , his (or her) man- top of anything measured to strike. ;

agement is bad; Kimt no hakarai de kotozumi ni Hakarlkoiiiii, tti>1J CtPi I'-t- To measure any-
natta, g" ^ B!' ^^ffl - ^ :' i^. ^^^ matter has thing and add it to something else; to measure
been settled peaceably by your good manage- out more than is due. fa steelyard.
ment. MakarJine, ll*>«]», S.St @. "• The marks on

Ilakarascru, B:i»6-^2, v.t. [cavs. form of Ma- Hakari-miiehl, U *> tf ;£, R fil. " [Eiitom.]

fcarM.]To cause to consult; to let another weigh Same as Shakutorl-mushi

or measure. Hakarlnaosii, 11 *> tc 14 -?-, ffl M, fg iiW, v.t.
ij) To
iakarau, tt*> e i. ih fg^, v.t. QTo manage, weigh again to correct the error; to remeasure.
administer, direct, or transact. @To think Hakarl-iio-ouiori. 1£ii'V}co^1i v), ^M. n. The
about; to consider; to reflect upon. ©To con- weight of a steelyard.
sult to confer vrith.
; Syn. FUNDo. fsealea.
Slinjin ni hakarau, ;^A=B!"7. to consult Hnkariya, ttA>'!)-^, PF- E, n. Seller or maker of
with all the persons concerned; I/odoyoJcu koto HakariEa, 0, n. An authorized seller
tt*>>i) 3", iPF-

wo hakarau, gJS^lS ^ gi ^ 7, to properly man- of scales in the time of the ShSgunate govern-
age an affair. ment, fa steelyard.
Syn. ainkai'iBara, !!*>«)?• 6, fi^ M.S. " The pan of
Hakarawasoru, ai>6*5^f5, v.t. Cans, form nf HakariKawo, l£i3>'^^^,W-^, " The oeam of a
above. steelyard.
Hakarasu, a*>6?, %^, o^v. Suddenly; unex- Hakarii, ldCA'3, %\, 'M, 3. ffi. v.t. Q To estimate,
pectedly; of a sudden. calculate, count, or reckon. @ To wei gh or meas-
Bakarazu omoi Uukv, 7;[S.@,t#^, to sud- ure. © To consider, to tliink about, to reflect
denly cros3 the mind; to think ol' suddenly; upon. O To consult; to confer with. © To
Balarasu sMppai sMta, ^^ [coll.] %Wi^^^ deceive; to impose upon; to entrap; to ensnare.

has (or have) failed unexpectedly; Hakarazu (B To survey. Q

To plot; to conspire against;
taisn nl ritki ga atta, Z^ ^ :^ = ^J S ^ r -^ *, * to contrive.

[coll.] there have been unexpectedly large pro- Bei-koku wo Jiakaru, ^©^S'l-- to measure
fits; Hakarazu yajin ni au, %^%K^''^V, to grains; Gen-ya wo hakaru, 1^^} f- 'Mi^< to sur-
meet with a firiend unexpectedly. vey a field; JTito ni hakaru, A = H ». to consult
Syn. FCI NI, FOTa with another; ffito wo haikaru, X^^^ijrt., tx>
entrap another; Nagasa wo hakaru, 5? /jE n-, to Hakekata. tti^4>'te, S"] i5, *» Demand for goods;
measure the length; Tekt wo hakaru, ^ ^ It /^, srile or market for do.
to plot against the enemy; TTrni no shiv^en wo HakekaZa ga yoi, S^] "i^ if &4 , is in good de-
hakaru, vS -^ ^ "SI ^ iB] J*', to measure the depth mand, pmarket.
of the sea; to aound the ocean. Hakekuchl. \il l^ < %, -f^ a , n. Demand; sale,
Syn. DAMAStr, HAKABAU, S5BAN SUBU, So- Hakekuchi wo sa/jasu, -ff O ^ -fr ^ 7., to seek a
KtrRT5 SUBtr, Takttmu, Tsdmoru. market (for goods); Kono shina wa hake!:uchi ga
Hnknsc, K*>-fr, fl?t 7], 't. A sword. ol; itt iSp •* ^ ^'' ^ 'f . there is a wide market
Hnknso, 114>-^, 1^ ±, n. An honorable title for a for tliis article.
learned man; a doctor. Syn. UREKUOni. Tbruah.
Hnlcnsorii, a *>* 3, -^^R, -p^ SP, -^ 0E, ^ ^, v.t. Ilnkemc, ttWJ6, fijijig g, ^ij^, «. Marks left by a
[caus, of 3aku.]0'To cause or help another to liakeu sum, \lil/f^i^Z,ilR.^, v.t. [C/i/nJTosend
wear (as a sword pantaloons, etcj. @To cause to out (as a messenger); to dispatch (as officials).
flow out; to drain (as water). © To make another
Kwanri wo haken sut^, ITIE ?" iK i3 7- b-. to
Bweep (with a brooro). Q To let another vomit despatch officials.
or spit out. © To dispose of (goods), to sell off. Syn. Okuru, Tsukawasu.
Kuisu wo hakaseru, |R ^ >^ :*? -t »-, to put on Hakei'ii, f/XJ/fz, ^ H±, v.i. [cau£. of -B'afcw.JCanspit
another's boots for him; Nlmotsu wo hakaseru,
or vomit.
)S 4^ ^ >\:^ ^ B', to clear out goods; Mizu wo Ilnkeru, ttW^, v.i.[caus. of Ilaku.] To
v'^iK, iSJt Hi,
hakaseru, iH'^- >^-}j ^n-, to let out the water; sell (as goods); can be cleared or disposed of.
Gomi wo hakaseru, ^ ^ tf& ti -fe ;i-, to let another
llakcru, ttt^S, St-, v.i. [caus. of JIaku.\ Can bo
sweep away the dirt. worn or put on.
Hakasii, ffi?^, 60 13, n. Same as Hakuso.
MomohiTci wa hosoi ga hakeru, ^ 5I

Ifg -f ^S
Haknta-Jlma. tti>te;&^. t^ ^ iSg, n. Striped
fu-, the pantaloons are narrow but may be wora
Bilk or cotton cloth, woven at Hakata in the
Hakeru, IJWS, ^,v.t. Can be swept or brushed
province of Chikuzen. Hakeru. attZ.gfEii, v.i. To be sold off; to be in
Bakata-orl, tti'^fe^z ^, ffl^ffi. «• A general demand.
name for various kinds of stuflfs woven at Ha- Kaigwai etaiso cha ga hakeru, iS^I-^A/ffS
kata. it >\ -^ n-, tea is in great demand in foreign
Hakatayurl, tj*>tel*?l. 3^i=. "• [Bot.] A Illy
having long flowers, Lilium longiflorutti.
Hakl, tt&.pi, fg, /(. Vomiting; spitting out.
Hakan-ara, ttir>[IS, EJS. n. A burial ground;
Saki ga tomaranu, fti:V li: v 5 sr, the vomit-
a graveyard.
ing does not stop.
Syn. BOSHO, Hakaba. fthe leaves.
Ilakldamc, H S ft- *, ^iffl, «. A place where
Hakaxe, tt*>tf , g
R, n. Wind whistling through rubbish is thrown; a dirt heap
Take no hakaze, ti" > )Sl, wind whizzing ^ Syn. Chirizuka, Gomitame.
through the bamboo leaves.
Hakidashl-niouo, tt5;^& t ®, Vomit;
Bakace, tli>^, 33 PU « Wind produced by the i^ it 1ft, «•
the discbarges. fvomiL
flapping of wings.
Hakldasii, tt&ft--^, v.t. To spit out; to
Tsurii no Jiakaze, ffi ^ 33 1*1, the wind produced ftt Ui,
HakJdaau, a^;^-^, }ft tH, v.t. To sweep out.
by the flapping of the crane.
Hakliiakj, ti&tt?, JSi^, adv. Actively, smartly,
Bake. KCH", SiJ^. " O
A brush made of bristles of
briskly; active in doing anything.
animals; a paate brush. ©The queue formerly
worn by the Japanese. Bakihaki to luxlaraku, >\ ^ >s ^ ^ 00 ^, to be
active in working; Hakihaki toshitahito, Silh
Sake wo chirasu, >\ *- ^ St 7, , to spread out
^$t\, a smart person.
the end of the queue; E-bake, M ffiO^, an artist's
rgoods. Syn. Rachiaki, Sadaka ni. Thrush oft
Bake, *!«, The selling off; demand for
HakiUaraii, fct^lll&.i, v.t. To sweep away; to

Kono shina wa hake ga warvi, ft ffi >'» JS ^ iffi

Hakl-kukcru, tt&4.W3,Jg^. v.t. O To sweep
upon; to spit upon. @ To commence to sweep;
B^, this kind of articles does not sell well, or
to begin to vomit.
there Is little demand for goods of this class.
flakn, ai/f, as, n. Flowing out of water drain- ;
Chiri wo hakikakeru, ^^>^*?j^»-, to swesp
age. dirt upon; Kabe ni tsuba wo hakikakeru, if = S
Mizu no hake ga warui, ^ ^'i^?&if ^ -f the ^II±=^A^»', to spit upon the wall; Mwa wo
drainage is bad; the water doea off not drain hakikakeru, E^-^ffi »**, to begin to sweep

Syn. MIZUHAKS. LwelL the yard.

HAK 28ri HAK
IIal«lfcl,ttt&,33fI, n. ando. [?i(.] Powerful of the Hakkon suru, tt'yW'^^^, 931, v.t. [Chtn.]To
wings; having authority, powerful; influential. send out (as a messenger). fnilnosity.
Syn. iKipi AEU Hakkj, ^y g, fEflj, n.
rinto. [Chin.] Emitting light; lu-
Haklkoiiiu. tt^ttr, v.t. To spit into; to sweep Hakkln, tty&^. ^ ^, n. [JM?n.] Platinum.

llaklmouo, tt&ft®, S^. " That which is Hakkln-lrljuinu, 61 "y & ^v^ 13 trlfttr, n, [3fln.]

worn on the feet; shoes ; clogs. Platlniridium. fly; distinctly.

Hafcl siiru, B&-?-2,5K©, v.t. To annul; to abro- Hakklrl, Qy^ «), ^ iq, adu. and a. Plainly; clear-
gate to destroy to break.
; ; fdecidedly. HalcTctfi vnlenu, ^ ^ il '^ 5r, not plainly seen;
Hakito, fcl&iC, adv. Plainly; distinctly; clearly; ITakHrl to shlta kotae, ^ P^ [-
s/ ii^t a distinct
Hakito MIcoeta, '^# )-H-^^, [colL] has been or answer; Bakkirl wakaranu, S»ffl ^ * 9 sr, can
was heard distinctly; Hakito -miyuuru, ^s^^h^o. not be clearly understood.
»-, to be seen clearly. Syn. BUMMT5 NI, MEIHAKtr NI.

Syn. AKIRAKA NI, HAKKIRI TO, SADAKA NI. Hakkl suru, tt-y@^3, SE;^, v.i. and C. [0Mn.]O
Halilyoserii, li&l*S, ^i&??, v.i. To collect by To be roused up; to be excited, @To originate;
sweeping (as dirt). to inaugurate; to start; to project.
Haklxoo, tt@5'-<,?B'giI, n. A short sword worn Hakko, l!l-yA»5, S J*. « lBot.]Aj-t€misiaSchmia-
together with longer one. tiana.
Haklcomc, tt&yii^.^^t "•

The ceremony of Hakko, 11 -y *> 5, R#, w. Fermentation. —

sweeping rooms, for the first time, on the second euru. v.t. To ferment.
day of the first month. Hakko, ldty4*5.Sfl, n. Issuing; publication.
Hakka, !!:'*>, JSJS. " \Bot.'\ Pepper mint, Men- Makko telshi, fSfff?lt. suspending publica-
tha arvensis. tion (as of a newspaper) for a time.

HakkakUt « Revealing, disclos- Buru, v.t. To put into circulation; to issue;

tty < *>< , S-ffi.
to publish.
ing; becoming known; discovery; exposure; de-
tection. Always in a bad sense. sum, v.i.
Shihet wo hakko sum, iJSK ® ^ 9 ff ^ *•, to

To be discovered; to be detected. issue paper-money; Shimbun wo hakkd sum,

Syn. ROKEN aURU. Sff 53 ? S^^ /^, to publish a newspaper.
Hahkaku, Syn. iDAStr, Shuppan sueu.
t!l'y*><,Afi, a. and n. [Jf/ixtA.] Octa-
hedral ; octatiedron. rplalaiiifoUa.
Hakkoboku, e5'*»5l3:< , S S*. n. [Bot.]Bhm
Hakkakufa, semialata. fpreparation.
EI.>'*>< i5, Afi ffl, n. [Bnt] Marlea
Hakkakusiii, tt ?*><-?&, A ^ fg, n. [Min.l
Hakkoko, a-^4>5i>5, S ^ ?^, ". A mercurial
Ditetragonal pyramid.
Hakko 6niru. ll"^4>5-^3, Sffii, v.i. To set sail;

Hakkan, [Chin.] Printing, publi-

from a port; to commence a voyage.
to sail out
!!•:/*> A, S?H1. »*-

cation; L<isu6. sum, v.t. To publish (as

Hakko suru. tt-y*>5-?-3, SrSl. v.i. To set out for

news). any place to start; to begin a journey.


Hakkan, tt -/ 4* A, S ff, n. Perspiration, Hakkotsu, 11-; f^. 6 ^, n. [Chin.] White bones;

siiru, v.i. To sweat; to perspire. bones bleached by the rain (by being left long
Habkan-mal, A diaphore- in the field),
Kty:b>^^^v>Sif 94) ii-

tic medicine. Twine. Hakku, tt-> < . 3 13, n. [Chin.'] The white colt (a

Hakkashu, 11 -/ *> Js, ©, iW??f S. « Pepper-mint poetic name for the sun).

Hakkasiil, tl -y *> -^ iE», iSl^ ;f<, n. Pepper-mint Hakku, a-ji, A^, «. Eight kinds of afllictions
water (a summer drink). fcryatal. or disasters, viE., parturition, old age, disease,
Hakkayen, ^vi)*^ ^, jB^ El, « Pepper-mint parting,encountering enemies, disappoiDdfd
Hakkayu, a7:A>liQ}, JSi^ ^> ^- Oil of pepper-mint. hope, and five skandhas or concatenationa.
Hakkatsu, tt-y*>r3, ^f?, n. [Bot.^ Smilax China. Hakkudokusui, (ly<>e<-^2,. ^A:^^i(. ft.
Hakko. tt-yW", A||>, n. The eight diagrams used HaoliJkiidokusuf, U'^Oe^-f^,, [fufld ] Tht )

by fortune-tellers. water of eight different virtues, viz., clearness

Hakkr^l, tt-yWV^.ffi Jfi, n. [CAin.] Elder brother. (Jj| if), coolness (j^ Jfr),
sweetness (^"31), fragrance
Hakkol* tti'W'V'. A The eight famous views
-fit, n. fig §), softness (^ ^, bringing peace (?? ^), sa-

in a particular region, such as 6mi Jiakkel, Kana- tisfying hunger and thirst (fi^ fft ffl), and curing
sawa hakket, in imitation of the eight celebrated diseases (^ j^ 1H)- rUdonium Majus.
views in China. HakkutBusal. Hy<-73'i^, ^ B 3!, n. [Bot.]Ohe-

Hakken» II7WA1. S A. « First finding out; dis- Hakkutsu suru, !i£-y < -o ^ 3. gtF, v.t. [Chin.']

covery. 8uru, v.t. To find or discover, To lay open; to dig open.

Uakkenaba, St9l^^2^> WtH^.n. A discoverer. Hakkwa. tt -y < i?. &!fc,n O Kindling; catch
ing Are. ©Tinder. eiiru» v.t. To kindle, A.shi wo hakobu, ^=^i^:f, to walk; to taka
to catch fire. the trouble of going to ; Ktirnma de zaimoku wo
Knliktval. ll7<JhV^. S ©"i " First meetmg (as Iiakoint, 5 t' ti" Tf: ^ il y, to transport timbers
of an association). Vnia viUosa. on a dray; Shigoto ga TiaJcobu, jtt!i^f'My> "the
HnlikwnUo, tt-y<fc*>5, &TE#, « [Bot] Patri- work progresses. fTSUgn.
Hakkwanso, tt 7 < 4^ ^5 5, 6 JB ^ » [-Bot.] Syn. Hakadoru, Okuru, UksD surf, U-
vitis serjanimfoUa, Hakofiigii, li £. i <*, n. [Iclith ] OstracLon cuhi-
Il».kk^vn8nj, dy < *7 5 V^. S ?B 35. ''*• [Bot.^ Gy-
nandropsis viscida. Syn. Karu-
Ilnkk^tu. ll-y<455, A^, n. [CTU71.] Eight direc- TOFUGU, KAWA-
tions or points of the compfisp. GOPUG0.
H:ikk.ro, iJi-j^^^, SH. " Becoming insane; Makohibnclii, (1

getting mad. sum, v.t. Tu suddenly be-

come insane, fperson; a lunatic. n. A brazier in CtttA^']
ll:iKkyn-JEn, }£-y^-^5£:U, ® A, n. An insane the form of a box.
Syn. KicuiGAi. r-'/aW jor, ( A S?).
Hakojoellin, a^l%i5'^^. ffi ffi :S. "• A large

Hakkyokii. A^, ^. [Chin.] Same as

tt.y?fi:<, paper lantern with circular boxes at both ends
Hakkyosan,a7§^-5^^, ©SB^- «• 'A'ntcun.l A which can be fitted into each other when the
silk worm dead by a disease called muscardine.
lantern is not in use.
Hakkyo sum, tt7&-^5^2. S :^. ^-^^ 1'" go out Hakoiniine, aCtF*i, «. The ridge of a roof.

of the capital. Eflakoiie-eiisa, ]£Z.ili-^, Sis^, « {Bot.'lAdi-

antvni mnnochlamys.
Hakkyu, tt -v ^ 5, M^' " -^ 1"^'' amount of

salary; a small jiension. ftrunk. Hakoue-iio-sjinsliS-uwo, ^lC.*l©5^-ff 555:.

Hn.ko, HJi, J6, E. S", iS, "- A box. L-hest, case, or SjliJ^3*£t. "
I'Cfita II.] A. kiud of salamander.

Onyc/iodactylns jajiO mens.

Haku-iri invsnmc, ¥g X SI. [^'M a daughter
kept in a box; ["^f?.] a young girl confined in a Hakoiie-utsisgl. ttttlS-^F. S?,?^?E. "' [Bot.]

house under the vigilant caie of her parents, VlerviUa grandiflora.

Hakonitsii'mek(rm.u,^=i^}^L., to pack in a box; Hakoiioso. KCU55, iSK ^. " [Bn(.] Same as

Sakoowftila, the cover of a box: Balco Hnkotfu, tttis.?, ) ITakone-oiisa.


wo sasu, ? ^ 7., to ,ioin or make a box. IBakoroino, a^^ "& . ^ -Kt, « [-Bot.] Achillea
Ilakobauu, tt£:lj&, S5i. ^'^- [neg. o[ I-lakohu.']

Not effected promptly.

laakoseko. ttt*2., '* A paper veil. pifoUa.
SEnkosiii, fiSScM, [Bnt.] Fsoralea cory-
Makobascm, I12:li^3, 'p-jE, I'-f- \cnu!^ form of
KlEl L, ^i-

BInko suru, at-?'2, v.t To go to stool (rare).

Hakohu.] O
To cause to carry; to let convey
or transport. ©
To cau^^e an affair to make pro- Ilnkoyn, fclt-^, l^ifeM. fi- The name of a fabu-
lous mountain inhabited by hermits; elysian
Nimotsu wo Jiakobaseru, iS ^^ JS >^ ^ /»-. to

let another convey luggage.

flSakoyn, KIJl-^, n- Q A maker or seller of boxes.

Hakubasklgo, Ktttf:£3;', ffi ^ ^=. n. A stair-case. ©The attendant on a dancing girl or geisha.

Ilukobe, ttt'^, ^ SS, » [-ao(.] Ghickweed, 5(ei- llakoyaunsl, Ht-^ ^ IT, 1^^, «. [Bot.] Poplar.

Populus tremala. fboxea.

laria media.
Ilakolicra, aEi'<:&, /t. [£o£.] Celery. lenkOKUikiislil, tIt3'\A< L, !^ E. w. Maker of
Hakol»l, HX-V, M, « O Transportation; convey- Blaku, H<, ^, u.. ^^'hite. Used mostly in com-
©Movement; progress; walk- position.
ance; carriage.
ing. Ilakii-men slLOsei, ^iS#^. "white (pale) faced

Ashi no hakobi ga marui, Jg>^?y^, 'f, the student (in contempt).

manner of moving the feet is awkward or slow Syil. SHIRO, SniROKIKOTO.
nakoU ga tsukanu, M^ ""^fJ ^' ^^^^ "^^^ P'^°' Haku, tl 1; , fi^, ". A count.
gresn; HakoH 100 tsukcru, M. ^ U ^. ^^ settle a Makii, B<, ?5, gft, tt. Foil or leaf; gilding.

matter; to arrange. Kim-jiaku, ^v5, gold-leaf; gilding; Gim-paku,

Hakofilte, liZ. V^'X, M^, n. One who conveys £Bv5, silver foil; Haku luo tsukeru, v5^ »•, to #
goods; a porter; a carrier. cover with gold or silver leaf; to gild.

Hakobii, ttC^, M> '''^- find f. O Convey, trans- Ilakii, KI< , ^, n. [Ctiin.] White silk.

port, or carry- @ To move (as one's feet); to Haku, U<, P±. v.t. OTo vomit; to spit out. @
walk. ©To make progress; to advance; to be To speak out; to express (as one's thought).

Beetled or arranged: Chi wo fiaku, 16. ^ H± *'. to Tomlt or spit blood;

. '


Tatgen wo halcu, :^B' ^ Hi *'. *<> talk big; to Hakuch5, tt<'t-^5, SM.ST,"- White clothei*

brag; TsubcUci wo haku, Ig f- [1± ^, to fspit. worn by inferior ser-

Hnkii, ti <, as, S'. v.t. To put on (as shoes); to vants of a kuge; hence f

wear (as pantaloons). men wearing such ft

Jffakama wo JiaTcu, ^f-^ ^, to wear divided clothes.

skirts; Kutsti wo haku, -^ ^ gf ^, to wear shoes. Hakucho, a<"C5, Sft, n.

Hakii, To wear (as a sword). [Omi(/^] Bewick's

ii< , ^, ^, v,t.

Tachi wo haku, :*: TJ ? W. *, to gird on a swan.

Syn. SA8U, Waki-basamu. Lsword. Hakucbo, K <t:5. :^ ^
Haku, tt< , fw. ^'*- To sweep; to brush. ®, n. [BoC] Serissafoe-

Akuta wo haku, ^f-^^, to sweep away the tida.

dirt; Niwa wo haTcu, gf-jm^, to swsep the Hakucho. K < %i., g « [Bo*-] fifi,
Quercus glauca.

yard (with a broom). Hakucbo^o, a< '^>^5V>. SlS^. "• C^ot.] 5erts-

safatlOa. fdnng-
Syn. Harau, Soji surd.
Hakuchoko, tt< *5-^54>5, 6 T#, «•Sparrow's
Haku-a» tt< ?., ^ M. « [Chin.'\ Chalk.
Haku-ai, tt < %\i^, t^S*. «• \Chin.'\ Enlarged Hakucbn, H < "t 5, fiS, " Noon; broad day-
Syn. HiRU. Llight.
benevolence; humanity.
Hakuba, a<lJ, S^. White horse. n. Makuchn, ffi < •^(* 5 , fS f4'. i^-
[C'lin.] O Elder and
Makuba no sechie, j&flgKSS', an ancient court
younger brothers. @ Being nearly alike prox- ;

imity, suru, v.L To be nearly equal; to be

ceremony of delivering twenty one white horses
without superiority.
to the Imperial cavalry on the 7th of the first
monLh (fl.s.); more properly, awn-uma no sechie.
Hakuftaku, H S '^- [-^^ecl.] Gonorrhea
Ilakufiera, tt < '^ ? . ^^ ?R. k. [Bot.] Chickweed.
Syn. RiMBYo.
^ 7s < . IS.

IffakubJ, 6I<D«', g?g, n. [Bot.]Vincetoxicumatra-

Hakudatsu, H< ;t-^, fttj^, ift^. ^-
The act of
turn. ring; twilight.
depriving, dispossessing, or divesting of soma
Hakubo, tt<K. ffiS. " The dusk of the even^ suru, vX
office or dignity; deprivation.
Syn. Tasogare, Yugtjre.
To deprive of; to bereave; to divest of.
Hakiilio, e<K,f&&, n. Aunt.
Syn. Oba.
Ewarv-i wo Jiaku^atsu suru, 1: ti ^ I I]
^ >« *»
and rank.
Hakubo, H C If 5 S , ^" White banner a baton. ;
to divest a person of
Hakudo, tt< *5,6S^. "
liis office

Haku boku, tt< S < a M. «• Chalk, crayon.
6 ^^. "

Syn. Shirazumi. Hakueuko, H < A. ^ < to 5. [J/(n.]

Hakubukon. tt ^ *t. ^, S SR *S, « {BoU Aspara-
« An uncle.
gus, rwine. Hakufu, B < i, f6 ^,
Syn. Oji.
HakubudoBbu, HC i*>«-5£»>. 6 =S" ^fS. "• "^^ite White cloth.
Hakubuu, a < ^ A,tiSM. "• [(?Ain-] Being very Hakufu, H < J., e iffi, n.

Hakufuii, tlI<i^, S©, White powder.

learned erudition. fstrong in memory.

very erudite and Hakuga, H < fi^ W fl. « [Cftin.] Very iearned*.
SakKhun goU, t?M?SfB,
Chinese writings well informed; erudite; enlightened.
Hakubun, ff< J< ^, ^ ^, n.
Jffakugano kunshi, t^Si^l"^, an erudita
with no Side marks for Japanese readers.
gentleman; an enlightened person.
Hakubun-ln, tl< i'^V^^. 6 S: EP. « ^ seal, the To perse-
characters of which appear white on the impres-
Hakugai suru, ll <f)<V^-^3, jfi.W. ^•*-

ral history. cute, vex, or harass.

Hakusaku, B C t^ ^, «• [C7wn.] Being weU
Hakubutsuiraku, ^< Jf-^fi ,n^^>'^- Natur-
ib* < ,

informed or well-rea4, possessing profound

Hakubutsugakiisha, tt< JcC'ft*< X^, W^ *? W.
pMuseum. knowledge; erudition.
n. A naturalist.
^,1$^f^. « Syn. Hakuban, Haktishiki, MOKoaniBi.
Haku butsulf wan. a < Jf -9 < io
< i)* A. 6 US. «
Hakusan. B {OmWi.] Snow
Hakubutsukwan-socho, a< Sf<?<t>A^'S^%^
'«- The Director General of the goose.
5,f41^«ISS:S. or angry
Museum. Hakugan, B < j:)<^, ^ B

Hakucbl. ^<%, a?Si. n. IChin.] An idiot; a look; glaring at.

feebleminded person; a fool Hakugekl, H<W"9,lStK, « Opposing; contr*

dieting; controverting. suru, v.t. To op
Syn. Karabaka.
HakuchlWtfin, tt< T,S)^.&m'm,n. [£ot.] Arrow- pose, etc.
TgraBS. Hakugi, B < ^. ^ Gl. '* A ^'^^^^^S present or r*-
head, sagittaria sagtittata.
compense (used in humiliation).
Hakuobiso, tt < -6 3 5,S^^. " f^^'-l ^^^°
llakusln, 11 < ^^, a ®, n. Silver. Hakuinen no sJtosei, S SB -^ S li. aji Inexperi-
Haktigin go-mai, 6 ^ H, tt, Ave pieces of silver. enced pupil; a green lad.

Syn. Gin, Shieogane. fffeni. Hakuiiio, a<E5, l^^, n. White hair or wool.
HalciiKyoku, tj < ^i. < . Sf i, n. An unpolished Hakuinokiirou, a < 1> < i^^, aEffi. "- [Sot.] .Vacr-

Haliusyil. U< '^-ir.. ^ a, 71. IBoE.] .Bfetta hyacin- nolia conspicua.

thtna. rbillowB. Hakuniyakiikon, a<^^<'LA., 'SUtSt, "
Hakuba, Ufa, &K, White waves; foaming «. [Bot.] Lotus copniculatus.
llukuhntsu, tt<tt-7.^^. '«- White or gray Syn. KOGAXEBANA, MiyAKOGTTHA.
hair. Ilakuiialsho, tt < ""t V^ S. -^ 5. & ft I^S. "' [Med.]
Bakuhatsu no rojin, ^ B -^ ^ A, a gray hair- The cataract, amaurosis.
ed olil man; a hoary age. Hakural. a C 6\/^, 3}J. " Brought from foreign

ilnkiiUI, H<i>, jift^, •.". [Cftin.] Trifling; slight; countries; imported.

humble. Tof ice.
Hakurai no jdki kika(, ffi ^ > ^ ft §g tfi, an
HnkiiUyo, IK iM5-i?f^c. "• [C/iin.] Tliin layer impoited steam engine.
Hahuhyo wo fumu ya gotosM, 3|5k?' S^^ fc^'. Hakurai, 1£< ^V-, S ^, »* White leprosy.
walking on a thin layer of ice (30 danger-
lilie Hakuraku, a C [CAtn.]One versed in
& < , ffi S?. ^-

Hakul, ll< V, ^'^, ft- White clothes. Lous)- judging the qualities of a horse; a veterinarian.
Hakulshl, K< \a L, f5 H. ^SS. "• Copper ore. Syn. Ba-i.
Hakuja. a < *-^, |^ K. «• [-Zoot.] A white serpent. Hakurakukwal, a< &< <ioy^. HiSJE, "- [Bot.]

Hakufaku, tt<&-^<.i®^. a. O Wealc, feeble, Bocconia conlata.

or imbecile (mentally or physically). ©Small; Syn. Chambogiku.
insulticient; or insignificant (said of capital or Hnkurau^ aC & A, ]J5 H, «. and a. [CA/n.] Being
funds). deeply read; well informed; very learned; eru-
Hakiijl, a < t, S ?, w. White characters impress- dite.
ed by a seal. See Halcu-in {^ f-p). Hakuran kyokt. K W 5S 5B. learned and reten-
Hakujfn, a<X'A, n. A naked sword. tive of memory.
Hakvjin wo fui-u, ^S:^^7, to brandish a Syn. Hakugaku, Hakushiki.
Syn. NUKIM.I, Shiraha. Lsword. Hakurankwai, a < 6 ^< *5 V, I^K n. & An
HakuJU8u. a < Z'^, & 0, n. Daylight; day- exposition; an exhibition; a show a fair. ;

time; broad daylight. Makurl, a < 9 , (^ ^> '" [^cd.] Mucous diarrhcEa.

Syn. IIAKUCHU, HIRUNAKA, NiTCUU. llakuro, SB, n. White dew.

tt< ^5,

Ilakujo, a<;£'-^5. ^3*. "• Confessing a crime. Hakurd, a<^-5-, 6 2H. " Solder; pewter.
sum. v.t. and f To confess. . Hakurokii, a < % <, t^l^. ^ [C/Un.] A ChinesB
Kyu-aku wo hakvjo sum, ^ BS ^ & !K 7, ;t. to name for Kwambaku or prime minister.
confess one's past crimes.
Hakuroku, &<^<,^iv%n. A small salary; a
trifling pension.
Hakujd, n<Z'-^^,i^^,n. and a. Cold indiffer*

ent; unfeeling; callous; unlcind. Hakuru, a < Z,-MM. v.t. To be sold off; to be
disposed or cleared of (as goods). More common
Hakujomono, a^'lS^. an unkiud fellow.
Syn. Nasakenaki. fovata. form is JJakeru.

Hakujiitsu, a<X'(.^-^. S/lt, n. [Bnt.] Atractylis Mlzu ga hakuru, -^if *^ if »-, the water is

Haknko, tit < 4'5. iSW. " A" untiud action; cleared or drained; Zakkwa ga gwaikoku e ha-
vicious course of life; disfavour. kuru, iS tf ^ i"!-
S '"-"' ^ w-. fancy goods sell

Ilakukyu. a\&i,^$&, 'i- A small salary; no well in foreign countries.

insignificant pension or allownnce. Hakusa, a<3,:^S,«- [Bot.] Olematts panicula-
Hakuina, IH ( "&, S tft, "• [Bot.] Abutilon avi- ta. fsores.

Syn, ICHIBI. IceniKE. Hakusn, B<3, 3^Jff. n. A gum-boil or canker

Hakumal, a < '^\^, & *. n. Cleaned rice. Hakusal, a < '^\r-,^^, n. [Chin,} Incapacity;

Hakumaku, tt < U < & ^, n. [ilea.]

, White inability; poverty of intellect; shallow -brained;

membrane, or the sclerotic coat of the eye. dull. Used in self-deprecation,

Hakumel, a<&V>, ^^, w. and u. Q Unliappi- Haku^amboku. a< ^^t2< E^fS- « i^ot.]

neas; misery; wretched oess; adversity. @ Un- Viburnum japonicum.

lortunate; fi^^pless; comfortless; unblessed; 111- Hakusokl, tt < ^t 5> 6 =0", a. White or fair (ai
Syn. PuBHiAWASE. LfS'ted. complexion).
Makumen* tt < ft ^, S BS, n. and a. [lit.] White Hakusekljln, a < 5 S: A, * SWA. ". Whit*
(ace; young; inexperienced; green. people; a Caucasian; a European.
HahusekkA, 11i^-9ii>^, t^^-U. "^ A kind of Hakutoku. fiZ<)C<, iSS, " Deficiency of vir-
confectionery. tue; unwortliiness; weakness (moral); fl-ailty.
Hakusen, El<^^, W, n. A |!i
white folding fan. Blakutoto, tt< fe 5 it 5, lit 7J S. » [-Bt*-! Cana-
Hakuseu, tt < ^, ^ gf -fr , 7t. [Bof.] r)-axtnclla volif a &isifarm,is.
aI6a. rOranmiatite. HakiitowO. tt<X55r5. SSIii.n- O Gray
Hakusensekl, tf < -^ ^^ &,
[Mn.] [^ f'SS, n. hairs, a gay-headed man. @ [Bot.] Anemone cer-
Hakueetan, H < ^-c?, i5 §. w. [C/tfn.] White snow. una. rtea.
Ilakilsliaku, H<S.-^<.f6S, '*- Count; an earl. Ilaku-u, ff< 5, S ^F, 71. [Bat.] ic«coca5(a{/i(;a«-
HakuHhaku-rujIn. tt < ;fe ^< i :£• A, ffl Bf ^ A, Hakn-u, tK ?, t^ ^, " White feathers.
n. Countess. IBaku-u, tt< 5, S fS, rt. Shower.
Hakiishl. tt< L, ^SE, " White paper. Ilaku-uinboku, tt < 5 ^l3:<, E§&7E. 'i- l-Sot.J

Hakushi, tt< L, i H±. "• An academic title, 5£V?"aa; o&ossia. fcovite.

Hakase, H*>-fr, equal to Eng. doctorate, con-
' Haku-uiizuio, |ll<5^6, SS^. " [-a^*?*.] Mu3-
ferred by the Minister of Education one who ; Makii-uii, u:< 5^,^^, 71. Thin clouds.
has tnken such title. Ilnku-unsekl, tl < $^'fr@, g^H> « [Mln.]
HakuBlil,, tt < L, S IE, "• [-Bot.] Awjzlica anoma- Bitterspar; dolomite.
la, a fleur-de-lis. Hakuya, tt<->^, f5E. w. A gold beater,
Hakushikl. K <;£'&, and a. {Chin.] O A
fflSS. « lEakuynku, i£<^<,^^, n. [Bot.} Dog-tootb
person possessing extensive knowledge; an eru- violet.

dite man. @ Well-informed; very learned; llakiiynnagl, UK-^ti:^, S ^. " [Bot.] Poplar.

erudite. fsive knowledge. Hakuyokwa. H < i; 5 < 49, &^JE. n. [Bot.]

HakushiU no Shi, MsS-^±, a man ofexten- Crape myrtle.

Hakujshiu, H<:fe^, t6«, «- [Bot.] Jumper. llakuEatsu, U < ?* -?, ISt ^, a. Mixed up; con-
HakusklDju, e<XA2.-W'. ^^tS. «• [-Hot-] -P^e- fused; jumbled together; motley.
rosty7'ax rltotfolia. Hnkiwel suru, it< '^V^irZ.W^, v.t. [C/iin.] To
Syn. ASAGARA. seize or spring upon (as an animal of prey); to
Hakasko, tt<;K.i. JW*. ". Moderate heat (as at flght together. rnlkoense.

the beginning of summer). Tcolour. Makuzon. tt<*^, S fij, rt- [Bot.] Vincetoxicum
Hakiishoku, n<^^<, ^ fi. n. White or pale Syn. Kamomezdru, Yoikazdra.
Hnkusku. a<;£l9), t6^. "• Clapping of hands. Hakuzenso. tt<^:-^^ 5iSliJ^, « [Bot-] Fin-

Bakushu kassai. t6 ^ WB 3^. clapping of hands

Syn. Kagamigusa. icetpxicwm.

and shoats of applause. If akUBulko, il < $£.4>5, fi S #, ". [Bol.] Daphne

Hakushii, a< XVi), 6^, "• Empty-handed; rt^lecurreus

bare-armed; unaided. fZespedeza. Haku«uls6, ttC 5£35, 5S$,7i. [Bot.] Thesimn

Hakushii, a < ;£ 5, S 5R. «• [-Bo(.] A variety of Hakusuna, SIC ^tc, ?SE>, n. Gold or silver pow-
llakuahuku, fer<:&B)C, fS jgl, k. Uncle. der (used for gilding).
Hakuso, tt < t, B fR, « The tartar collecting on Hak^val, il< ^V-, EESI. «« Breaking down; ruina-
the teetli. tion; destruction; demolition. suru, v.i.
Hnkii Buru, il<-^3, 5t, v-t- To oppose; to con- ande. To break down, to crumble down, to ruin;
tradict; to controvert; to refute (as another's to destroy.
argument). Hakwalsuni, tt< *5V^-^S.S!t?S. "<• To be de-

Kare ga setsu wo haku swu, Si# ^ ? ©t 7. »-, molished, ruined, or destroyed.

to contx-adict his argument. Hakyaku suru, a&-^<-^3,5gip, v.t. To break;
Hakutai, H < :te\r, 6 ^, n. The white fur on the to destroy; to damage. f^lasticity.

tongue. fwhites, leucorrhEea. Haky^Jiku, KS i-% < fe S Itt. «• ,

[^in.] Axis of

Makutal, ix < feV^. &SS. "• I-Sfed.] Fluor albus, Hakyn suru. Hgi-^Z, Sfe fi, «-«• O To spread
Byn. SHIRAOHI. or extend. @ To affect or influence.
flakutal§re, liX < fzV^^, ?ff T. "• Same as above. Syn. HOTOBASHIRU.
Hakutaku, }£<ft< , ^ iS. " [Chin.] A fabulous Haina, tta, iS, n. Q The sea coast; beach; shore.
animal possessing the power of speech, and sup- @ [T5ky6 coll.] Port of Yokohama
posed to appeaj only in the reign of a good Hama-akaza, na^**?", ;*(iS^^, " [-BftO -^f*^-

monarch. fMarcasite. pleic taZarica.

Hakutekkwo, B<-tv<*35, 6^88. " i^'^n.] Haina-nol, aa^.iV, P431, " [Bot.] 5^6)- df wrt-
Hakutetsu* IKt-^, fi^ n. Tin plates ca(ym.
Ilakut5, tt<X5, ^B> w. A white flowered wis- Hama-basho, ttaU^iSr. ^^ffi. ". [Bot.] Crinum
taria Hamabe. tI2-^.iSifi> ^- The sea coast.
Haina-bUbf, ttacrX.SIS[, « [Bot.] Tribulus Asnbt ni hamarikoviu, ^^^il^K, to be
tei-restrls. entirely given up to pleasure.
Hanmbd. tl'S [J ?. *€l, n. [Bot.] mblscus Ha- Ilaniarii. fcf2 5, jg, v.t. Same as above, butuaed
fnabo flitter alis. in a less
strong sense.
Hniiinbora, Cia [J 5i 5, n. [Bot.} F/ifillopterui Katari ni hamaru, ^
= ^\ t a-, to fall a prey
KamiicbKlorl. lii'^%'^V), n. [Ornith.] Plover. to a machination; to be entrapped; Kawa ni
Huinncliidor j, EI 3 "^ * ig , P, n. [Bot.] Caryop- hamaru, jsj = ^NVft-, to be plunged into a rivt^r;

teris divaricata. To ga shifcii ni hamaru, p if ^ ~ '^^ ^ n-, the ^

laainnchlrimen. \^'S.%Viifi^, ^^^, n. A kind door is fitted into the groove.
of crape woven in the rural division of Sakata FUKERU, Oboreru, Ochiiru.
(Omi) and chiefly exported from Nagahama in Ilaina-iiasuge, tt255W^, g ;(?, n. [JBot.] Caesat-
the same rural division. pinia sepiaria.
Hamudoliusn, BtS^O, R&U^, n. [Bot.\ Bqui- Hamnsoru, HS-^3. ^^, v,t. [caus. of Hamu.]
setuTn, ramoslssimum. To cause to eat; to let (an animal) bite.
Hama-eiido, ^EA.^»5, ff Kh> "• [Bot.] La- llainashfkibj, tt 2 £ 5 i>', ^®, n. [Bot.] Vitex
thyrus maritimus. trifolia. rrotundm.
Haiiiiigo, ttUi'S, lE^J, n. [Bot.] VUex trifolia. Hama-siige. a a -^ W^, #1*1--^, n. [Bot.] Gyperus
Hamaffiirl, at i'^.Xt^, n. [Conch.] Oythet-ea Hnma-taKan.-i, {(iafei>tc. ^ « iRf, n. [Bot.]Car-
meretrix. pesium abrotanoides.
Hamabirugao, aau-Jfite.n. [Bot.] C'onvoluvu- Hamate, HaTT, gf ^, n. The sea beach.
lus soldanella. Ilania-iido, ]£'S.^)&, gf 3J, n. [Bot.] Angelica dO'
HaiiiabtsaKI, 12 2 U-3 5. J$, ra. [Bot.] Cala'.pa huria.
Kaempferi. Ifaiiia-iiUogl. Ha ? C i^, & ^?fj, -n. [Bot.] (?»
Hanialiltogu^-n, H3 7> i^CS, :^ ij:^. n [Bot.] nanaropsls pentaphyiia.
Euphorbia. frotti. SIaiiia-ut»iil)o, tt a 5 CK, ?lj '^. «. [Bot.] Oro
Hauia-kugu. ttac-^.fel^, n. [Bot.] Carex Ple- banche amnwphila.
Hania-ku8ngi, tta< S^.f^m.n. [Bot.] Premna Mania-jomogl, ift i. l^, ^ W,^ n. [Bot.] Arte-
iaponica. misia Stellariana. rasiaticum.
Haniaiiiatsu, ttTSSr?, ffiJl^, n. [2ooJ.J Black- Hama-m, aaw>5. IC^m, n. [Bot.] CHnum
coral, Antipathes. laamaywmi, tt a B) ;^, tfilfe ^. n. A bow sup-
ifiainaiiiatsu, tl 3 3 -P, fij ^. " [Bot.] Suaeda posed to poR.sess the efficacy to drive evil spirits
glauca. away; also a small bow used as a toy by child-
Haiiininokko, tiaft-yt.Jg 5 7E. "- [-Bo^.JAklnd ren, especially on the new year's day.
of Indian-hawthorn, Raphloiapis jaj>(jnica. Ilania-xerl, ttSifctp, fe ft, n, [Bot.] Cellrium
Hania-iiiiigi, iZ'^i^^. ^^, ,.. [Bot.] Carexma- japonicum.
crocephala. Hanibal, 11 ^ (J v^, B5 ?f « Selling; sale; retail

Ilninana-iiatto, Hia^tC y^ $, ^ « Jfta. n. A trade. v.t. To sell; to offer for sale;

kind of food prepared of the black variety of to deal in ; to retail.
beans (ao called from Haraana, now Hamama- Syn. UErSABAKU.
tfiu, in TOtumi, where it wiis first made). Ilanibaltcu. tt^av-T^, BS W ffi, n. A shop
Hanianashl, ttS^L, n. [Bot.] A cram berry. where anything is sold; a store.
Kaiiia-nasu, ttatc-^.^gf^, n. [Bat.] Rosa Ilaiiibakunia, ^^^fA>a, ^^, n. Ordinary ha-
ruQosa. kama (used in distinction from nagabakama,
Hania-iile;ann, HSKft^tc, g =C IE, n. [Bot.] Ixe- which see).
ris repens. IlambaUu. tt^tf^, 5S fS. «• The leading clans,
Hatna-ninjlu, ttavcA,2r or the political ascendency of some particular
^. RS*. n. [Bot.] Sell-
num Japonic um-
Hamanlre, a'S.VzH. M^,n. [Bot.] Wicfcstroemia.
Ham^atsu seijl. S B^ i& ?S, a clan system of
Haiua-omoto. ttEfcUr,^*;^, government; elan government,
n. [Bot.]Crinum
llainboru, e^'^^, ^, v.i. OTo attend or wait
asiaticum. Tanother.
Hamari, upon. @ To be or to have. See also Haberu.
tt^iO, n. The fitting of one thing into
Huinarlkoiuu, Mambctt^u, tt^-<:•p, ^J gij, n. Judgment; dis
tt^ijliitf, PSJ^, v.i. [coll.] ©Tu crimination; discretion; distinction. siiru,
fall into; to be plunged or immersed in. @ To
V.I. To judge; to discrLminate; to distinguiiih;
devote one's self to; to be addicted or given
to decide.
up to.
Syn. Handan sueu, Kcbetsu stteu.
Bambl, lt^Uf, n.
£(! Odd day, such as
B.^B. Hammen, (i^fe^, f^'^, n. Half the face.
the first, third,day of the month.
or fifth Hammen no gwazo, £fc S -^ 9 IR. a profile im-
Hani birnke, tt^O^&H, £^6fl, tj. Being half civi- age (as of Buddha). fri.
lized; Rerai-barbarousnesfi. Haminlcbl* iaA,^%, t$:^, n. Halfway; half*
Hambiralcl, {£^c^'&@, i&M, n. Being half open; Hammon, tt^'5^, 9&tC, n. Stripes, specks.
the middle stage of flower blossoms. Hnmiiiun, 14 ^ 6 ^. tKE^, " Trouble; anxiety;
Hambltsii, ^^UfP, '4^^, n. A small cliest. agony writhing or contort-
restlessness; worry; ;

Hainbe, [l^ff 5. SS'It. a. Busy; hard at wort; ing the body in pain. suru, v.l. To ba
occupied. worried; to be in an agony; to writhe in
Go hambo no tokoro ojania wo ttashiTnashtta, pain.
ffllSHfi^SM^TSfS^Scs^ vs/^r, [coll.] I have llamiDo suru, tt ^ I -^ 3, S" 3S, v.i. To grow
disturbed you during your busy hours. luxuriantly or exuberantly.
Hambun, tt ^ Jt A, ffd?*. n. and a. One-half ;_ Hammoto, d ^ t i^, fifi tC, " One having ths
half. copyright (of hooka, pictures, etc.); publisher.
Sambun ni Tciru, t^^=^^ lu-, to cut into Hainmu, H ^tp, JS! J§. ^- Troublesome duty or
Syn. FuTATSUWAKE, Nakaba. Llialves. occupation.
Hame. tJfe, ^S, SiH, '*• Weather-board; clap- Hammu, ^^tP, ^^, n. Being busily engaged;
board. pressing engagements; pressure of business.
Hame ni Jcakaru,
influenced by mirth or jolity.
^g =* * »-, [Jig-] to be ISamniTd, a^»5.
[Zooi.] Blister-fly, Spanish
jBH^i. ".
^ V
Hametle, il'ibS, n. [coll.'] Cheating, deception; IBnrao, aft,?SKig, n. [Tchth.]
deceit; imposition; hoax fcoting. Conger hamo, Ophichthys
Ilameitn* tt fe\/^ te, ^"K.'.n. Clapbofird; wains- urolophus.
Hamekomu, tt !6 Cif , {ftj^. ""•t- IcoU-jTo fit or Hamoji, tt 6 C, a. Feeling .

put into; to insert. shame ; bashful ; blushful.

Haineuaosu, liXibtillt-^, ^i^, v.t. To fit again Now only used in a lady'B
into (as a screen); to reinsert. letter.
Hamoru, tt» 3, v.t. To put into (as a screen, Hainono, tt'S ©, (JSfS, i- Things
door, etc.); to insert; to flt into; to plunge or deficient in number or measure; Incomplete
immerse. set (as ofuooks.)
Hainetsu. 11*-?, ?S^, n. The state of being de- llainouo, iX 1 <D, SIS. ^ Edged tools; cutting
stroyed; aestruction; ruin; overthrow. au- instruments; cutlery.
rii, v.f. and t. To be ruined; to destroy. Syn. KiKkmono.
Hami, Et J^, iiM.^, n. [Zool.]A po^onous snake, Haniono-slii,. mti©;£,, ^^M> " A cutler.
Syn. MAJiugHi. L^iper. Maniou suru« ilft^-^^,5S^. f-*- To expel flroia

Maml, Q?^, ^, n. O Part of the bit which enters a. school; to dirtmisa (as a scholar); to excom-
into the horse's mouth. @ A halter. municate.
Haml. kt^, #1?, n. [Pi-ovinc.l Food of animals; Ilamorl, B?i 9, n. One who takes care Of plants
bait. or trees a gardener.

Hamldasu, ^Tf-Tnir, •& tlj, v.i. Icoll.'] To projept; to Hamoto, mx, ®:tS, n. The gums.
be forced out Cas by the pressure from within). Hantpa, li A ff , ff: JS, w. A part, fragment, or
Hamldoni, \&'^~Z'Z, fi\^, v.f. 8ame as above. fraction; an incomplete number.
Hamigaki. h;^**^, ©S, t*. Tooth-powder. Syn. Hashita.
Hamlkacru, li;^*>--^2, v.i. '[coll.l'Yo return Hampaku, tt^ki^ < ffi S, n and a. ,
A mixture of
into former condition (as a disease); to recur. white and black hairs; grizzled; gray-haired.
Hamloke. 13 ;^ ;§: ^, ^ tl, n. A manger; a Syn. Shiragamajibj.
horse -trough. Hampakiiso, tt ^ ff < S 5. K 6 ¥, " [-Sot.] Po-
Hammal. QAUV^. W.^, "- Hice to be used as tentilla chtnensis.
food. Hampatsu, ^^ff7. gS^, n. Gray hair.
UammaJ. H ^ )£ V^, £f :gc, n. Half a sheet (as of Hampel, B^'':v>, » ^, «. Wall or fence; bul-
paper). wark.
Hammol, Et^i6V^, S'fi'j '* Bringing back an an- Oshitsu no Jiampei, ^S -^ 9f Si the bulwark of
swer; reporting the result of one's particular the Imperial Family.
miflsion to one's master. suru, v.i. To HampeJ. Il^'^\^, if^^, n. Food prepared by
bring back an answer, etc. grinding and steaming the flesh of fish (named
Syn. FuKUUBi suku. after a cook who originated it).
Hampen, (l^-^^, n. Corruption of above. Han wo osu, ^J ^# ::^, to stamp or seal; Ban
Hnnipj, [J^^>•, ^jys, n. A short under cof t with wo toru, fJ-^-S't-. to require another's stamp
no Bleeves, formerlv worn by noblea. on a paper; Kaki han, ##51), a written seal, (.t
Syn. Hapi'i. a character which one writes under hia name In
Hampo, Kt^[^, gtiif, 71, Peedins in return (said lieu of regular seal.
of ayoung crow which is popularly believed to siini, v.t. To stamp or seaL
repay the kindness and care of its parent by Syn. IMBAN, INGT5.
feeding her from its own mouth). Han. tt^, sg, n. A block for printing; an engrav-
Karasu ni hampo no Icq art, ^ ^ K PS 5- ?. ^ ed block or plate.
crow performs its filial duty by feeding its San ni okosv, ^ = jg to cut in ::^, blocks (for
mother in return for her feeding it. publication); Ban wo svn^u, fig ^ (S Ji-, to print
Hampon, tt^lS^, IS^, A printed book. « Syn. Hangl
Hampoii, tt^i^^, SS^f;, n. A second edition; a Han, a^. AH. w. Rice cooked for food; meal.
republished book; a reprint Asa han, |?| fig, breakfast ; Han wo kissu, JS ?
Syn. HONKOKUBON. g; t;, to eat boiled rice; to take a meal.
Hampn* ^^J;5, ^^, n. [Jftd.] Maculae on the Syn. Ii, Meshi.
skin. Han, El^, '^, n. Half,
Syn. NAMAZUnADA. Bannp.n, *^^, half a year; Ban sht hansh5,
Hampu, \£k^, jSffi, n. Distributing or issuing, S^JE^ii. rift.] half dead and half alive; [M-]
as government notifications. suru, ut. To life hanging by a thread.

distribute; to issue; to promulgate. Syn. HAMBUN, Nakaba.

Sorei wo hampu sum, S't" ^Sl^^^. ^° issue Han, tt^, S, ». [iJt] Wall or enclosure; [Jig.] a

or promulgate laws or regulaUons. feudal lord occupying a territory and serving

Hampiiliii, a^J;<, i^flg, n. Half--wa.y up an as the bulwark of the monarch and his family;

ascent. a daim/yo; a feudal clan.

Tavia no Iiwmpuku,' Ui --'

^ Bg, half-way up the Han, tt ^^ g., n. Q Going back; returning. S
mountain. Direct opposition orantagonb^m; contradiction.
Hampiikn, \£ A^M <, ^U. "• Revolt and sub- ©Rebellion, revolt; treason. sum, v.i. T»
mission; betraying or obeying; inconsistency. go against; to contradist; to rebel, etc.

HampuEiii ssiru, a A. -1; < if 2, RS- v.t. To do Han, iXA,, S, n. Rebellion, revolt, treason, plot,

over and uyer again; to reiterate; to repeat. conspiracy.

Hninu, afj, iS, n. [ichth.] A kind of sea-eel. Ban wo hakaru, g( ^ ^ R-, to plot a revolt.
Haiiiii. {(JiF, tJTo
-ft, v.t. eat, or swallow. @To sum, v.i. To plot, betrey, or rebel against
live upon; to consume. Syn. SOMUKU.
Koto hamu, nf-'&i*, [m-] to eat one's
v>o Hana, ttti, ^, JS. O fi- Outset; commencement;
words: to break a promise; to go from one's
beginning, @ Extremity (as of floor).
word; Jioku wo hamu, S$?- fi^i*, to live upon Syn. Hajime, JIassaki.
one's salary. Hana, H^, 'Vc,^, « ©Flower; blossoms; the
Syn. Ku, KUBAU. cherry flowers. ©The fairest or choicest part
iinniM, titr, -fr ^, JS, IS, ^'-f- O To let eat. ©[obs.] of anything; fame; glory. game played ©A
To feed. ©To fit anything Into; to insert; to with cards.
plunge into; to immerse. JB To take a person In. Hana no kambase, -^ g|, beautiful face ^ ; fair
Ki'/ryaku ni hamu, f| S= JH A, to entrap in a countenance; liana no mlyako, ^>g;, city
scheme, to cheat; to entrap; Taga wo hamu, }g^ of flowers, the capital; Hana no utcna, ^ ^ B,
(5 i*, to bind with a hoop; To wo ?iamu, p^ffl the calyx of a flower; Hana wo ikeru, :fH ^ fS*.
i», to put a door into the groove; Vublwawo to put flowers in a vase so as to keep them alive
hamu, fS ^^ SEA, to put a ring on the finger. (see also Ikthana); Bana wo
kazasu, Vaf-I^'^,
llamuKaii, JJtr*'-!-, ©fro-iftgii, v.t. To oppose; to stick or adorn with flowers (a,s the hair, a hat,
to resist, to gainsay. coat, etc.);Hanawoteoru, ^^^^^^ yu, to pluck
Syn. Sakarau, tekitau. a flower; Issho tw hana, —^^^, the flower (i.t
Hnmiislia. [l*f:£-^, JSttli'^. " Common soldiers; the most glorious deed or occurrence) of one's
a private in the army. life; Te-ike no hana, ^-4^^, [lit.] a flower
Hnmiialii. atfL. ^ S, n. [ZooL] The louse infest- stuck into a vase with one's own hand; l^.]
ing the loatbeis of a hen or cock. 'iColl.] a beauty made to obey one's will.
Han, ^^. ^J, n. A stamp a seal. ; Hana. u^, ^s^. n. A present of money or "Miy

HAN 291 9AN

other thing made to a I'la.y actor, -wrestler, Ilnuablyaka, Ht tc Of ^*>, a. Flowery; gay;
singing girl, etc. beautiful; splendid; brilliant; dazzling.
Haoa, tttr, A, n. The nose. HaiiiLbusa, tltuJ'S, ^^M, ??. n. O The calyx of
Bana ga aku, $.if^^, [coll.] to be astoniBhed a flower. @A peduncle, blossom.
greatly to be put out of countenance
; ; Uana nl Syu. Utena.
Icakaru, A—^ » Tt-, to speak through the nose Hanachl-clorJ, a'^S^'O, St E. Water " O
Bana ni fcafcertt, il = ffl'
*•»-, [UiA to put on the fowls kept in a park or garden with their wings
nose; to vaunt one's self; nana taTcashi, A© clipped. @ Letting a bird loose, as often dona
I/, \Ut.] to hare a high nose; to be proud, by devout persons.
consequential; Uana wo akasu, i^ ? t * ^, to Hana-ehoji. tt tc "^ ^ 5 &, Q Sg S. " l-Bot.] DOr
astonish another (as by an extraordinary ac- phne sinensis.
tion); to make another disappointed; to put to Uaiiada. Utf/c-, $5, ii^ [cont. of Hanadatro.] A
the blush; nana wo Jiishigu, A^^y, to humble deep blue colour.
another; to put out of countenance; Hanawo Syn. IIANAIRO.
oru, JL ^ W B'. same as above; liana wo takosu, Ilanarta-Kiisa, tlittft<'3, fCIK :^. " [Bot.] Com-
K.?iS 9^. to be boastful; Hana wo
tsuku, i^^'9 melina communis. fda.
fi, to strike the nose against; to be discomfited; Manatla-lro. Kf^^SV^^, gK fi, 7i. Same a,8 Uana-
Hana wo tswnanni, ^=f ^
i,, to pick the nose. Haiiadarsii, H^fa-y, v.i. To flower, bloom, or
Haua, tt tf, ^«. Mucous of the nose; snot. blossom; to open ^as flowers).

liana wo kamu, ^J-ljl^, to blow the nose; Syn. IliRAKU, Baku.

Sana wo siisuru, SS"?" ^ » ^, to sniff; Baim wo Hananiki, aiS-J-^, n. A handkerchief.
tarasu, Si ? S 7., to run at the nose. Hanariisagari, W^.i-^lj^^ , A-'&it^f ^- Stoppage
Syn. Hanamizu, Hanashiru. of the nostrils.
Hana-Hbu, iX^h-i', IS&i, n. lEntom.} \ species Hauagaori, lilttfc'^BJ, TEJg, n. Fading or chang-
ol wasp. fro.sea. ing in colour of cloth dyed deep blue.
Hana-aol, aUlb^V^, S ^. »• [Sot.] Althaea Hanngnl, fftri'v^, A i®) »• The nose ring for
Hana-araelij, Ei & ^ 6 L, n. Forcing the air oxen.
through the nose, or snorting (said only of ani- Hauagahl, UtCi)^?, n. A flowery hedge.
mals, such as horses, cows, etc.). Hanagamc. [i^ijJfc, tEiS, n. A flower vase.
Hana-awaee, ftj^i^a^, tE-S-, IB^EI*. «• A game Syn. Hanaike, Kwabin.
played with cards; card. Hanagaiiii, ll^ijtA, fl.SE, 7t. Paper for wiping
Syn. MEKDRIPUDA. or blowing the nose.
Hana-ayame, tl ^ % -^16, ^IS. '». [Bot.]Iris Syn. FUTOKOROGAWI.
sibirica. Tflower. Hanngainl-biikiiro, \xn.tf7i-}f < h, ASES. ^13i
Haua-baUama. [!l'5tfA>2, n. The calyx of a A small wallet in which hanagami, and very
Hana-baii:tshl,-f,-hi, tttfK^ L.^^E.a- Splen- frerjuently, money, writings, visiting cards, eta

did; glorious; illustrious; brilliant. Mostly ap- are put.

plied to human actions. fbattle. Syn. Kawiire.
Hana-itanasJiil tatakai, '^K ^
W, ^ glorious 'f ManagaiMo, atri*'&, n. [Orwii/i.] Common itield

Syn. APPARENA, KiREI, MiGOTO, KiPPA. Syn. TsuKrsHiGAMO. t^aka

Hanabnua to, fer'Qrti^i?, adv. Brilliantly; Ifauagasa, 11 -^i' 5, 11:1^, n. [Bot.JA beautiful
splendidly; gloriously; full-blown. parasol ; Verbena phlogifiora.
Syn. Hanayaka ni. fscissors. Manngasa, H'^fi*^, 7ES. " A hat stuck with
Hanabnsainl, tl "Sf li 3 ;^, ^'SS?, Flower
n. flowers, often worn by dancers.
Hanabasblra. StctfX^, fl.tt. ^J%. «• The Hanagata, fc£^f]^fe,7E!K, n. QShape of aflower.

septum or partition which separates the nos- flowery patterns. @ [06?.] Pock-narks. © A
Syn. Hanascji. Ltrils- nickname for a metallic mirror. Q The young
Hanabatake, iZ'^i£ftl/f> ^t BS. «- Flower garden. and most gviily dressed actors or characters in a
Syn. Hanazoko. play. rket.

HanabI, KCtflK, ^iK,'M^, n. Fire-works. IJlanagatnmJ, nUf^-ft^ ?ES. '^- A flower baa-
Hanabl wo uchiageru, Mll:^ i'l Wi '^> to set off HanagiitsuiiiJ, U^ i' "^ », M^. '<• t-^oE.] Same
flre-works. fa flower. as ilana-ayame.

Hanabira, tttrtN'&, tE^. 1ES?. « The petals of llRuagatsno. H tc ft* -s" $:, ?B fe^, n. Katsuobmhi
IlanaMshl, e^tA';£, ^^W, «• A bridge or coat made into shavings and sprinkled over food (M
of firms in the form of a diamond-shaped flower called from their resemblance to the petals of
consisting of four petals. flowers).


BannffaAvn. a^4*H. ,^^,'n. The nose-strap or Hana-lkada, tttiV**>?t-, ^ «, n. OA raft ornn
that part of a bridle which crosses over the mented with flowering branches of trees; henc*
DOS& used, poetically, to express blossoms Bloating oo
Hannge, [4tFt>, A^. "• Hair In the nostrils. a stream or pond. @
A kind of confectionery.
ffanage go. nagai, ^ ^Wg'f , [liC] to have long ffi A kind of cosmetic.
haira in thd nostrils; apt to be taken in or de- Haua-lkada, atc^;^A>fe, ^^ %5|, n. [Bot.] Sel-
ceived, especially by women; Hanage wo nvlcu, vAngia japonic a.
&=6^K(!'t to pluck out do; f^p.] to wheedle, Hanalhc, lilt:\AW. 7E
n. A flower vaae.

cajole; Manage wo yomu, 4L^^ 3 A, [coll.]to Syn. Hanagame, Hanatate, Kwabin.

count the hair in the nostrils; to befool. Hnnaiko-daf, H^lrW-^t^V^, TEMS, n. A stand
for a flower vase.
HAnagI, UtrS'i -ft:'tc, n. A nose ring for oxen. rthe nose.
Hnna-{70lfe, tt'^&t?', S H. "-• [Bot.] Claclonia. Hanaiki, M:tEU>&,^.t,SS, n. Breathing through
Ilaungolforo, Htt&t'S, ^ iC>. n. Amorous pro- Ilanalro, fcttfVS, ^t fi, n. A deep blue colour.
pensity; lascivious feeling, llanajj, tj ^ ;£•. ^ Jfil, M il, n. Bleeding at th»
Hanngoe, U '^ S i&, S^ ®, ?i. A nasal sound; a °ose. rnose.
snufDing voice. fstraw matting HanaH ga deru, aA^mfl-, to bleed at the
Hnungozn, kttj&y, ^E |^, ffiS; [Sf, n. A figured Hanajto, atH^i^.^fBll. «. Baked table salt made
Syn. Hanamushiro- in the form of flowers.
nana«mnoi-i, a The Hanajli-oinii, ttttSr^tf, ^ t0,. v.i. To be put out
tc <- « "0, TEiS. ^^B^. n.
cloudy weather in spring, supposed to be of countenance to abash; to look fooli.'sli,

favourable tn the blooming of flowers. Hanakago. atfi'a, TE SI, "• A flower basket.
Haiiiigiiruinn, l'lti:<*2'2, tH?. 'i- An ornament- SlaDakamii, tItrA>tP,ift, v.i. To blow the nose.
al carriage laden with flowerp.
Hanakanzaebl, atC4.^3-L,^ ^, «. An orna-
Hauagiisiirl, fctiK'-^i/), ii. [coll.] Cake given to mental hair pin with artificial flowers on or near
children to quiet them; hence a bribe. the top.
Hanngii'^vaelil,-Kl, (d '^ <' U L. "- Beautifully Hanakaze, atE*>1fc, A/S,, ji. A cold In the head;
blooming; also a pillow word for the cherry. coryza; catarrh.
Hanalialfotaii, aTi:t^a7^^. ?E&ff "• A flower- * Ifaiiakaziira. a-^i>r)"fi, TE 13. « A garland of
ing cabbage. flowers worn by dancers on festive occasions.
Hajialiada, tE"^12?t, S, i;, ?L, a. and adv. Very; Hanaklru, tt^^s, ^11, v.t. To cut off the nose
very much; extremely, exceedingly; unusually, a way of punishing criminals in Chinese law.
most. Iflaiiako, ll^t, Vc^. n. The pollen of flowers.
Sanahaila kwnarti, K ^ S'''. I "^^n very much
Ilanakojs. iff ^ 4> 52., f [T ^, n. \Bot.] The loos©
.lacket (an orange-tree).
troubled ; Hanahada warul, Ji ^S 'f , very bad
Hanakonjo, tt^^:^X'^5, ^. n. Smalt or
exceedingly wrong; IlanahaOa zannenda, ^ if 7E SH"

oxide of cobalt. fstufl;

Hit.if, mostly regretful.
HannkiidasStl, tt^ < ?& t, ?E IS, n. A kind of dye
Hanakiiso, atE < ^, ^ ^, a ^ , w. Hard mucous
HanaliatlasliJr-i.-lcl, litU^7& L, ^^, a. Great.
of the nose.
est; most; utmost; extreme; excessive.
Hanakiita, n. A ST.
[coll.] A person who
[ffii < :te,
Gu mo mata 7ianahajSasJii, S^5J:S;/, it is
speaks through the nose on account of disease.
the height of folly; RanahadashU atsusa, gj/ Hanameku, Ii tc 16 < , v.i. To bloom, flourish,
>f jfft 1^, extreme) or unbearable heat; Kutsa ga
prosper, or go on well; to bear a charmed life.
hanahadashii, ^ Jffi :V S 5-" 'f . the pain is exces-
HiDOKC, Imijiku, Itaku.
Syn. Lsive. Hananij, ^U7t;^^,n. Arrangement ofleavei
Hanalitrl-gusa. H ^ u- VJ <* 3, S SB ^, n. [Bot.'\
on the stem of a plant; phyllotaxis.
Hydrocotyle j'otundifolia. Hanainl, l^ftTf-, Bik, n. The arrangement of
Haiialilvl-no-lil, IHti-V- 9 © t, :^ WIS. n. [Bot.]
the teeth in the jaw.
Leucutlioe Grayana. Hanami ga warui, mi^if^-f, to have bad
HanaliJrii, it'^V'Z,^, v.i. To sneeze. arrangement of the teeth; the teeth are Ir-
Syn. KuSAME surtj. rnosed. Syn. HABusHi. Lregular.
Hana.lilslilgo, tlttu-^feV^, JjL^g T. n. Being flat- Hanami, H^;^, ^^, ,h Flower-viewing; look-
Haniahlyu, [Jttu-Wf, E.fe ffi, « [Bot.] A species of ing at flowers; pleasure excursion for seeing
amaranth, blossoms.
Han-nl, tt^5V•,yl#, n. [Chirv:] Universal love; Sanami ni yvku, ^a
= fi 4', to go a flower
Mila-nthropy. viewing; to go on an excursion to see biossoma.
Hanamlchl, 1I1U7^%,^U, n. [lit.] A flowery the clog) has broken ; Uanao wo sttgeru, &.'^9-:x
path; along, raised passage leading to the stage ^ jt, to fix the thong in the clog.

in Japanese theatres. Hanaoredal, tttcSrHi^V^. n. [Ichth.] Chrysophrya

Hanamlno, a^-Tf-il, A!R. «• The septum ot the twmifrous.
nose (only of horses). Hanaoxure. tt tc 5r ?• H, ^ JS, S] $>], n. A sor« ^
Syn. Hanabashira. caused by the rabbing of the sandal thong,
Hanainlxo, IS tc ^ 5*. Jt Bf, " The raphe or fur- Hauaoclil, tltEJtf"^, rt^, n. Young fruits of cu-
row In the upper lip under the nose. cumbers, egg plants, etc., harvested a short
Syn. NiNCHU, fnose. time after the petals have fallen.
Hannniizii. tf^;^^', XW> ". The mucous of the Haiiarc-bnnaro 111, lcC^Ht£ ^ H. IC, 1^^. cuiv.

Hanamorl, tt tc 6 «) , tE f. « The keeper of a Separately; apart from each other; Rcattered.

flower garden. Hanaro-goinn. tttCKtsU, & fi^, « A stray colt.
Hauumoto, tttc41f, A'tc, n. Near the nose. Hanaro-Jiina. tJ-^iKXra, 31 fe, «• An island far
Eatia-nioto shian, JSL tc .@15^. [coll.] a shallow or distant from the main land; a solitary island;
Buperflclal idea or opinion. Hanaroi-ii, tl-^JtZ, SS. te. i'-'- and E. O To part
H ana-mo toyul, tt^4>£«iO', TElcS, w. Colour- from; to be separated or removed; to leave.
ed motoyui, To be apart or remote from, g) To be disjoined
Hanauiugiii'J. aUis <' v) , n. [Entom.] Cflycyphana or sundered. Q To get loose, or to break away
argyrosticta. (as a horse). 65 To be dismissed (I'rom an oflice).

Hnnauiulie. HttlpW, £^, S. ™- ^ present made Fuclii. nl hanareru, i^^ —^^i-- J^, to be strip-

to fi person setting out on a journey. ped of rations; to be deprived of one's salary;

Syn. SembetsU. Ko ga oya ni hanareru, =f-if ^= u-fl-, the child ffii

Hannmiiko, a^tpt. ?E !?. n. A bridegroom. is left by its parents; Kuni wo Jianareru, ^ ? SS

Hauaiiuceliiro, Ktttp:^^, tB2§, "• Figured or t' ;^, to leave one's country; JTma ga hanar&
painted straw matting. fu, 1^ "^ iSft u- »-, the horBe breaks away; Yaku
(lauaniyoga, iX'^?i-^^h^, Uj S, n. [Bot.] Japan- ni hanareru, S= fii t- ^i-, to be diamissed from
ese alpinia, Alpiniajaponica. one's official petition; Yo wo hanareru. It ^ IB
Manana-tvn. ll^tcH, H SI. n. A cord put in the u-fl-, to be removed or separated from the world.
nose of oxen to lead them with. Syn. HEDATER0, Wakauerq.
Hana-nlkiiEgihii. tJtElt <=**<, M^^. " Nut- Hnnare-uma, KtiK52, & l|,l^ Jg, n. A loos^

meg flower. horse; a stray horse.

Haun-Eiit-ehlmatH. atuC'^E'te. ?E Sf. n. [lit.] HanarQ-iiBlii, 13'?CH.-5;£,, Pl-*}^, n. A pa^iring ox.

Flowery streets; \JlO-] prostitute quarters. Hauare-waza, g^^, §f i$, n. An ex-

Hana-no-on, iX'^CO^A.,:^^, n. Making a feast traordinary piece of skill; a wonderful feat or
in a flower garden. accompl ishme nt.
Haua-uo-Uiikl, tti£® < ?,TEf5. ^'- iBot.] The Hanareya, Ktfii^, ^g?, 55^, n- a house hav-
stem Ota flower, peduncle; pedicel. ing no neighbours; a solitary cottage.
Syn. Hanaochi, Heta. Syn. HiTOTSUYA.
HaDa-uo-sblbo, tt^©:£'<, ^. " [Bot.l The ManapezashiSil, atrHy;£i&, jg ^ig^, ^^, n. A
pistils and stamens of a flower. chamber separated from the main building for
Haiia-iio-slioji, tl "S:© ;£.^5 ^*, AEIS, «. The study or other purposes.
septum separating the nostrils. Hanaro k us lio, tt-^^ < ^•'^J.tHia f^. n. Smalt,
Hana-no-tsulioinl, ttticD-^KC^.^E^. n. Flower or oxide of cobalt. rreru.
buds. Hanaruru, ttPJZS.ffiSi I'.t. and (, Same as Hano-
Haua-uo-tsiiyii, lil^O-7»i,TCra, n. Q Dews Bflanasaki, 61 'tt ^ ^,M.^> '"• Near the nose;
collecting on flowers. @ The fragrant oil dis- under the nose.
tilled ft-om flowers; the extract of flowers. © A Hanasaserii, KtC5-t3, ES?, 'U-*- [cans, of Sana-
bind of cosmetic. sit.]To cause to speak to permit to tell. ;

Haua-iio-ynbae, Kf^CDl^StJA., SI. '*• The ^^ Himitsu wo hanasaseru, fi}^^BSl*-ts-, to

fine appearance of flowers in the evening. let another tell a secret. rpellvclda.

Hauao, tttc^*, ^- "• A

^**® thong or strap usual- Slanaseserl, H^-fr^l), n. iEntom.] Pamphila
lymade of leather or cloth stufl'ed with hemp, ManaabJ, tt'^ L,S, ^, PW, n. A saying speech,

and attached to the sandals or clogs for fasten- or tallc ; a story a tale.

ing them to the feet. Hanashi tela, Ks^-T^. unskilful to talk;

nanao <ja Hreta. &.^if =^i^ H, the strap (of awkward in speech; Mimi yori na hanashi, ^m
HAN 29-1 HAN
1( ? BS. ** story one is desirous to hear; Otoshi Hanasugc, tt^^V^, ^&, n. [Bot.] Anemarrh*-
ianashi, JSs^K. a story In which a pun or play na aspJiodeloiaes. fthe nose.
in words is iutended. Hanaeujl, tl'S-^C, |LS5, fiL*K. n. The contour of
Syn. MOSOGATABI. Banasuji ga tnru, ^%if h *«-, to have a
Hanaslilnl, tt^;* l^u-.K-S'. « Talking together; good contour of the nose.
consultation; ^ionference. Hanasusuki. aff-^-^^, ^E S. "• [Bo£.] A species
Syn. SuDANZUKD. of Miscanthus. fSanazuwTi.
Haiiasltiuu. a & 2. S i, s? fi-.
^.i. To talk to- Hanasiiwo, tt'^-jt-i^ 5, ^ M. w- [Bot.] Same ai
gether; to consult with; to confer; to converse. ManatabaEto, HtlfziS'L, & JS, «• Snuff.
Syn. Katarau. Syn. Kagitabako.
ManashlHfO. BttZ'^. tE®. "• The pistils an<l HanatachJbaua, atE7a*tti?C, 5^'^, n. [Bot.]
stamens of a flower. Ardisia crlspa.
HaBnsSildorl, HiJx^'O- Wi ^, " Caged birds Hauatade. iX'^ff^, ^ it, /<. [Bot.] Folygonvm
which are sold to dovout persons who release posumbu.
them from their conflnoment as an act of piecy. Blauataka, atEfe*>,
fi.;^, Q High
(§? i^, n. and a.
HanaahJsiLt, trtr ***«•, St<t5t, "• Pasturing ani- nosed. @ [JloA Being conceited or proud.
mals in the moor; feeding auimnla in the open Manntitro, a^'fe*!, S.M. '». A person having a
air. snotty nose.
Hnuastilsnino, U^Xii^.^Sk. n. A tortoise for Hanatareru^ H^lttiZ.i^Wc., I'-t- [pass, or potent.

letting loos© Tor some pious purpose. See ffn- of JIanatsu.] To be banished; can set free, or
nasludori. Ting- liberate.
HanagltlgiicEti. iX1£,^'%, U P, n. Way of taik- Hanatashlincru, a^^'teS.ftX, I'.f- [caws, of
HanasUiKa. ati:;fei>,Pffl '?.,;SH!S<, f- A story- ^anatsu.^ To make one let go or liberate; to
teller; one who gets money by narrating stories. cause to banish. fdragon-fly.
Syn. Ki'silAKUsni. Ilauatoiiibo* tt^ X ^ K, n. [Entom.] A species of
Hana-slilkaiiiu. a'j:^*'tr, B^ ^, v.i. To wrinkle Hanatsu. a^-:?, SS.St, R v.t. ©To separate or
the nose; to show disgust. More commonly part; to sever. ©To let go, set free, or liber-
the phrase hana wo shihamu is used. ate. 6) To banish (as a criminal); to exile. [|
Hauaslilrti, iiiiX^, JB.;^, n. Thin mucous from To send forth; to emit (as light). ©ToletRy
the nose. (as an arrow); to fire (as a gun); to shoot.
HanashiaiiSfi. tttP^?' ?, ^ tff. " ft°tl «• *
CTiojuwo hanatsu, 1^^^ '^-y, to fire a fowl-
person who is fond of stories; addicted to telling
ing piece; Jli wo haiiatsu, i^ ^ '>', to set fire; 3
or hearing stories. HikarL wo hanatm, itf-^^y, to emit light; Koe
^710 hito wa tokaku hanasfiizvki da, fS A •^ ?& wo hanatte ynT}u, S2 t di r [^ y, to call another
ft K (^ ^ ^. he is
always ready tor a gossip. with a loud voice; Uma wo hanatsu, i^?-St 5',
Haiia8hlstmie-no-niat«Mrl, a ij S^i^<^t^'0, to let a horse fly or escape; Ta wo hanatsUt 95
P?H^. '' A ceremony fonnerly performed at ^iS to shoot an arrow.

Court during tlie 3rd month (o. s.), for keeping llanatsiiUI. QiXO^, AiE. '* Striking the aoa«
off diseases for the year. ^laevigata.
against, or running against each other.
Hanasliottu, a "^ -^ 5 i*. EE TH, " [^ot.] Fris
Hanatsuliuri, atj-:' < "O, ^Ef^. w. A flower gar-
Hanasii, UlUi', ife, ^, v.l. QTo separate; to dis-
dener; a manufacturer of artificial flowers.
join, disconnect. ©To let go, set free, or liber-
HaiiatsnntI, a^-?;^. " Plucking or gathering
ate. © To firo or discharge (as a gun). flowers (as for pleasure).
TewohaTiasv, ?-^& ^-i to let go the hand; llanniiriisbJ* HU^Z L, ttf^i "• Prepared lac*
Taih^ wo hanasu, ^T&'/'B.^' to discharge a quor or Japan lacquer purified by filtering
cannon; t7s?it too hanaxu, 4=-^te 7., to set a through thin paper.
cow loose; Zainln wo hanasu, ^ A ^ t:, to fiSt Hanaiita, fS.tt-5'h, .(^LPg, n. Singing in a low
set a criminal free. tone of voice; humming a tune.
HaDnsii, atj:-f, B^.eJf, v.t. and i. To tell, speak, Haiiawa, tt^j^, ,%. ^, n. A
nose ring.
or relate; to talk. Manawn, afl*?, tg n. A small hill; a mound.
MHsvJi ivo hanasii, ^15 ^ IS ^. to tell a se- Hannwnrnbi, B^to 6 0-', l^i fifa n. [Boi.^Bot-
cret; Mukashi wo hanasu., ^^ "f '^7., to speak rvchium • lernaCum.
of old times; KT'rai no koto wo hanasu, 6i3K -> Ilanayn, ttfiJ?% 7E gip, n. One who sells flowerfl;
B f- K 7., to talk about the future. a florist. fahowy.
Byn. lu, Kataro, Tsugu. Hauay»gii. a^-^<', S|, v.i. To be gorgeous or
llana>al<a, aii^i>, i^^, a. Beautiful; magnl- settling; interpretation; divination. aura,
ficient; handsome; gay; showy; gorgeous. v.t. To judge and decide upou; to interpret; to
Syn. Hade, Kieei, Rippa. divine.
Hnnayalcanl, ttti:-^*>K, -If ^js, adu. Beautifully; Klkkyo wo handan sum, '^ IS|
?• ?)J E ::^ »-, t«
gayly; gorgeously; in a showy manner; reaplen- divine whether anything will turn out lucky or
dently. rvari. unlucky; Tvme wo handan sum, ^9- ^IJR ^»-.
Hana-yarl, Htt-^'IJ, ft I?) ^, n. Same as JcM6an- to interpret a dream.
Hanayibshllfl, tttc-^;£ &, :fB S K, B ^BB, «• A Syn. Hanjiru, Kangaeru, toku.
flower garden. Handeu-dotal. a ^ ?^ ?c- 5 ;feir, f&® !3 f^, n.

Hanayaaurl. [Physics.] Semi-conductor,

H-pc-^^uj, )f5 a /h:^, n. [Bot]Opht-
oglossum vulgatmn. Hnndo, tt^>e5, flfi, n. A tub for keeping boiled

Hanayonie, tttcj:*, ^{1, ?Bf®. » A bride. Syn. HiTSU, MESuiOKK. Lrice In.
HanaKakarl, tttc y *> v). 7HS. ^ffl, "• O Full- Hands, tt ^ >5 5, RS&, n. Keactlon. sm-u,
bloom. ©The flower or prime of life ; halcyon Syn. YuBiKAEsa. iv.t. To react
days. Handoshn. tt ^ ^- 5 £ ^, K &]M. n. lP?tysics.]

Hanazalcuro, H^T
^, SIgfS, n. < [Bot.] A Reaction wheel.
pomegranate bearing do fruit. Haue, tt !, 33 tS, W. 3S. «• OA feather; wings.
HauHBarii, tl "^ y 3, ia.(g5, n. [Zooi.] The long- @ The paddles of a paddle wheel. © A shuttle-
nosed monkey- cock.

Hanasato, K-^y^, ^515, n. A place where ffanewo t f Vft-, to spread

Iiirogeni, 33tg?-

flowers abound; a flowery region. the wings Rane wo narahurv, 33 ^ ^ i£ -fti', to


Hanasome, arrange the wings in a row.; ITane wo tsnku, ^

tt ^
^ 16, 7E tfl, n. Dyeing with the
juice or decoction of flowers, or cloth so dyed. ?^5?^, to strike the shuttlecock; Tiane -wo
JETanazome no vtsvroi yasuki hitoqokorn, :^ gfj^*
B ^ ^ y, to flap the wings; Mizv.0U7~uina
no hane, :i<^>^tl, the paddles of a water
V'5'Wt: ^^A iC.. the human mind Is as change-
Syn. Ha, Tsubasa.
able as the colour produced by the Juice of
flowers. Hane, ia*i,$?, n. [coll.'] The ending of a play or
nanazono, H"^?'!^, TBS. "• A flower garden. other performances.
Syn. Hanabatake. Yose ga hane ni natta, 9? "E ^^ ¥? — + -^ it, th«
Hanasuna, ^'^o''^, $_^, ^-^t u. A cord passed performances at the yose has ended (see Tose).
through the nose of oxen. Hane, i£ti.,M' '^- The oblique, upward strolce
Hanasiino, tltC:^'*^, JJ. ^, «• The horn growing made in writing Chinese characters.
from thB snout of a rhinoceros. Xsis. Haue, (1*1. Sl^, n- The spring attached to la-
Hanasiio, tt^r)**??, ^JfiJ, n. iBot.^ Ctrcit tMntn- struments or machines.
Hanamurn, ^^-^^^ E S, -R *S, «- O The tip of Hane, 6J*a, gft. n. Particles of mud spattered
the nose. @ [o&s.] A nose-ring. about when walking on a muddy road).
Hanohl. ^r^t;, ?ij fi), n. Knowing by conjectures; Hanega agaru, ^if 7 ff n-, the mud spatters.
judging; guessing. Takes the usual verb-forms. Hane-agani. a*13&fi<3. &tSf, v.t. To spring or
HantiliIJi, tt^S^^ ^SP^, " The governor of a bound up; to leap up. fbridge.
ftan or of the former estate of a Aainrtyo (a title Hanebaehl. Etiitf L, ^ffi, ffi^, «. A draw-
given to the daiwiyo a short time after the Re- Hanedaslil, Hfl.?t-L, n. [coll.] The act of tlirow-
storation). Ing or jerking out (as from a number of things).
Hancimiu, H ^ % <,iS11'. «• {Bot.^ A kind of BaneAashi-mono, 'n^^s/^, things ilirown
striped bamboo. out as useless.
HanchlD, tl^^^, ffigl, n. The Imperial terri- Hanegukl, tm<-5, S'ff, n. A quill.
tory; a clan; a daimj/S's estate. Han-el, tt^A.\^, iS^. "- Prosperity; flourish-
Handa, ^^;'&, ^, n. A sedan-chair made of bas- ing; a run of luck; palmy days; blooming.
Handa, ^^;iS, ^^, Pewter. rt. L^et work. sum, v.i. To prosper; to flourish; to thrive;
Haudaj, ttA^'Vr, ^ S. "• A dining table. to go on well.
Handal, UAfeu^, {g $J, A shallow tub used by Hanejleusn, tt*! "^ e 5, S w, "• l^oL'] Lycorit

fishmongers. radicbta.
Handalinoii, nK7^i'^k,^^%,n. Semi-impure Hane-kaern, Kni>— S, ©K S. ''•*• To spring
Bounds, or the sounds that can be expressed by back; to bounce bach; to rebound.
the five syllables, pa, pi, pu, pe, po. Hnne-Kaheru, QtXt*1d-Z, B^, v.t. To splash
Handnn, HA-i^&A, W Hf. " Decision; judgment; or spatter.
Hano-lialiuslii. tj*i*'<£, n. [Entom.] Staphy- Hnnczuml, ttia^;^, JKK. tS^, « Charcoal which
Unus paganus. fru. snaps in burning.
HnuoEiasii. tliHi>^, S, v.t. Same as Hane-kake- Syn. HAsniRizUMi.
Dorcmizu wo luinekasv, 'H^Tif.^ M^ ^-, to Hnnj^aBce. ^^i]fW, n. [T5ky?J.] An ornamental
spatter muddy water. fra. piece of cloth attached to woman's mage.
Hnnokniitrn., filW*>:?'i;, ?i. Same as Tfcinafcazw- Hangakii, t!I^*'< , i|^ ^. n. Half the sum; one
HnnemiitTarii, tt*ag;io3, BtSI- ^-'f- To leap or half of a total amount.
spring aroQQiJ; to bounce about, [po'la. Syn. Handaka,
Ilaiiomiishl. Ktn $p L. ^< S. n. [Zool] AvipJth Hanffawukj, 6J ^ ft* « ? , it @t. " and a. Bemg
Hnuo-uC2i>iiii, iZiXiX^^^.M^, «- l^o'uL] slo.i- half dried; still moist.
goliau jLTboa, Dipus annulus. llaiDgro, ttAV>, ^E, « [Bot.) Saururus Lmirelrt.
Uaneiil, Q Goods tlirown out as
ttimT, f^Jf, n. Hinngekl. ttAlffg, gjgij, a. Busy; hard at work;
useleaa from amcng a grent many. @ Throwing having one's hands full.
cargo overboard as at a shipwreck. B-Banffcu, a^^t'^, ^ t^, •/*. and a. Diminishing by
Maiie-nokerii. a tt® W S, ^ ^, H^S. v.U To one half; deducting the half.
throw out; to jerk out. OSaugcsUo, KCAW';E-^5,^S -4- «- The eleventh
Hane-oKh-ti, il^-ft^^, StJg, rJ. To spring np day after the summer solstice, regarded as the
(as from a prostrate poflltion). last limit for seed sowing.
llan-erl, ^^.t'5, ^fS, « &-Mt-] A half collar. Hniieosho-gugr;!. K^ tt";£ ^ 5 <' ?, H&:^, ii-.

@ An oroamental piece of cloth sewn over that [Bot.] Sanrulus Lnureiri. rherraaphrodite.
part of a la.dy's under garmont Ciw&tin) which Hangetsii. ^^^;^r7,£f; ^, n. O Half month. ©A
is exposed around the neck. Haiigotgukol. ^^Wir?rt•v^, iiiflfij, «. and a.
Hanorii, Ui^lS, B^, v.i. To prance (as a horse). Crescent shape; semicircular.
Umagahanerii, i^^fijft-, the horse prances. Ilniie;}. a^^, RSic, EPS, w. A printing block; or
Hnnerii, HiliS, 5&, v.t. To flounce, flounder, or a block used for engraving on.
bounce. rflouncoa. Syn. Katagi, Ebiita. fcuttei.
Uivo ga hanrru, '^.if^Ji', the fish leaps or l^nngSshl, ^ar:£,liS^Ei5,w^l^X. «. A block-
Syn. fmud). Hauglya, a^l^'-^,ffi5fc 1, n. Same as above.
Hanci'ii, aHZr
M. I'-i- To splash or Rpatter (as Mango, ^3^S-, S^, n. A word or phrase intended
Haneru, tI*13,5J. ut. To cut off (as the head);
ji|I, to mean the exact opposite of its literal sense;
to behead; to decapitate. Syn. Uragoto. Lirony.
Kubi wn haneru, "g" -^ !^8 ;^, to behead. Haiisoiiko, a^&^*>5, K^§, n. [lit.] Life re-
Haneru, ttUS, ^ Ec. '"-i- To end; fo be over. Rtoriag perfume; the name of a fabulous In-
Shibai ga haneta, iS/2^-"»^^. the play is cense, the burning of which is said to hav«
over. caused the flgure of a dead person to appear in
Hanosnserii. tt*l:5*2, -^EJL ^Sf, -^Si, -^aU. the fume. rpalmatus.
v.t. Caus. form of Haneru. Hnnsonad, a^a^:^5,K^^, n. [Bot.] Stnecio

Hano-tsiicltl, Kt-tl-^i;, ^, «. Olay. Haiigiitsii, Shallow shoes.

tt^<'-7,i^-'#ft, n.

Syn. Hani. Ilaiigwan, tl ^ < ih A, ^J *&, n. Q Anciently a mi-

HanctsiiEi«rii, a^l -7 W S, tSfl, v.t. [coV.] To litary or civil high otliclal ranking next to th»

repel; to refuse; to turn a deaf ear to; not to Vice Ministers of State. @ A judge.
Syn. UKETSUKENU. Lcomply with. Syn. HoGwAN.
Hanetaiikl, JUn-P^, 33?S5^. n- Striking the Hangwandal. tt A< *9 ^ /£ \/^ ,
$ij "g: ^t, ji. [obs.]

shuttlecock (a kind of young girls' sport). The title of an ancient higli oflicial belonglna
Hanotsurubc, aU^S'^, M^it. Iff:^, n. A well to a retired Emperor.
bucket swung on the end of a pole or sweep. Haiigyaku, & A,'^^ < , ^ ^, n. Rebeihon; insur-
Haueyujl, H *a ^ 5 5?,^*E^tS. n. A feather rection; treason; treachery. eiiru, v.i. To
tooth-brush, Ttached to wheels. rebel; to conspire; to plot treason.
Haii<^>oke, a*aiW-, i)S;i<S, n. A splasher at- Hangyaku-nln, U ^ ^ -^ < W ^, Si 52 A, 7i. A
Syn. DOEOTOKE. rebel; an insurgent
Hnnosaikii, H *1 y \^ < ,^BD I, ru Anything Hans70. El^^^5,f!JJf^, n. The Impression madi
made of feathers. by a seal a seal mark.
; rtion.
HaneauKiirol, H#a-3?< :SW, ^^,M. "• Dressing Hanban, H^^^, *t*f!, n. [coll.] One-half; bisep-
the featliers (said of blHs^Ki the posture of a bird Haabenreis, ^J^--.^#l^,
about to fly. Haiupenren. e^^^h,^, \ beiia radicans.
HaDhl. K^I^. cess; Increasing in wealth and trade. euru,
Et Jfci ?*• [Math.] Reciprocal ratio.
Hnmpl, tt^Of, j
v.i. To prosper ; to thrive etc. ;

Hanhlrel, tt^^^K\^, jKiiiWl. »*• [ifatft.] Inverse Mise ga ?ianJo suru, tf S g :^ fl', t..d shop
Hamc^el* tJ^CPh\^, 1 proportion; inverso rule of
Syn. NiGiwAi, Sakae. * Lprospor*
Hnni, BKC, i5, n. Clay. Lthree. Hanju« ttA.&B>, !h}&, "- Appointment to an of-

Han-1, e^6,|gS, n. Field or province (as of a fice by the head of a public department,
science); the sphere; scope; limits. Hanjuku, tt^XW)<, ^^, a. Half-cooked; halt
Konojiken wa gyosei-ken no han-i gwai ripened; partly done. fegga.
da, ^
-'^ft'^1figtffl^ffi5an^. this affair lies be- Tamago no hanjufcu, [E ^ ^ ^ B, half-bolld

yond the sphere of the powers of the executive. Ilanka, {|^^i>, ® -"^, a. IGhin.] Strict and vex-

Syn. Kagiri, KAKoI, Kuiki. atious; annoying and oppressive.

Hnnlbe, ^VZ^, ig g, ji. An unglazed bottle or Selret hanka, Sc-^iS'^, to enact many strin-

vase. gent laws and regulations.

Hanlfii, (lK-£, tiE ^. n. and a. gj A clayey earth.
Hanka, lll^4>, ^U, ^ Half-price.

@ Humble or lowly (used as an adjective for a SanJca de kau, '4^ Ht'St, to buy at half-prio».
cottage or house). More common form ia ha- Slaukn, tt^A>, f^ "bT, a- Moderately good; toler-
nyu. ably well; mediocre.
Haufknmii. m/J4>tP, ^ S£, v.i. To be shy, timid, llankag^nuii, tt^*>iJ*S', ^J®. n. The standard
or fearful (as a child in the presence of stran- impression of one's legal seal to which his
gers). stamps on future documents are to be referred
Hantku, ttK<, $3 K), n. The gums. fdite. for attestation. fin bloom.
Ilan-ln-yd, a^V^^J^5, ^ [^ f^, n. Hermapliro- Haukai. (a^4>v^, £^Bg, a. Half-civUized ; half
Syn. FUTANARi. Syn. Hambibakb, Hambiraki.
HanJ^ra, tivr*j, yj IS, n. Clay images which were Hankan, tt^j)>^, ^ US, n. Causing treason
placed around the Imperial sepulchres in an- amongst the enemy; treacliery; perfidy.

cient times. Hankan no hakarigoto, R Sfl > BE, a stratagem

Haniivavi, HVCfc'!), ^ ^, «. Same as Ban-ln-yo. for exciting treason (among the enemy); Han-
Hanja, ^^:£•-^, #y#> ". A critic; ajudge. kan wo lianatsu, ^ Hfl ? fflc y, to o:s?ite treason
HaitJI* a^I;, ^B?, w. Half an hour. among the enemy,
Hanjl, ^^C, ^jg?, «. ©[-Caw.J A Judge. ©The Haukntsil, l!l^*»5•5,^^G6, n. and a. [coll.}On9
title of ancient officials belonging to the Gyobu- only slightly acquainted with any art; half-
sho, and of which there were three orders. learned.
Hanjle, a ^ £r S., ^J ®, rt A picture, usually Syn. Namagiki, Namamonojiei.
comical, the ineaning of which is to be solved Iffankoctal, >w^^, ^J0, n. [cont. of Eng.] Hand-
by a conjecture; a puzzle; a rebxis. kerchief.
HanJIinono, H Af C Hi O, ^} ^, n. Anything re- HaukeJ, tlAW\/^,*ii:M. n. [Math.] Radius.
presented by emblems (usually pictures or na- Kwaiten Juinkei, m$&f^U, radius of gyration.
tural objects), the meaning of which is to be Ifiankeii. tt^W'^,4EIal;. "• Laws; regulations;
guessed or conjectured; a riddle; a puzzle; a constitution.
rebus. Hankec, [!J^W^, ^^, n. Copy-right.
Hanjlni^ ^^S.•5, ^J. 'O-t. To judge; to solve; to Sanken shoyu-sha, fit fiS ^ ^ W". o°e who has a
interpret. copyright.
Tume wo hanjirUf ^ ^ ^J /i-. to Interpret a Ifiaukcn, l[t^W•^, JHfil. "- [Law.] Infriugement
Syn. HANDAN SUEU. Ldream. of rights.
Hanjl-slillio, 1SA.f^Zn, f^imU^, « [Law.] ManketEU, ifj^l^-y, ft] jft, ji. [Law.] Judicial deci-
Probationary Judge. sion; judgment. suru, v.t. To give a deci-
llaiUo, liA,S5, M^, " Stripes aa of clothes or sion.

of furs. Haiiketsu-roku, tt^^t-P6 < ,_^Jift^j n. Ajudi-

Hanjo* ^^;s'^5, ^%, a.Andn. Troublesome; cial report. fjudgment
annoying; vexatious; perplexity; embarrass- Hanketsu-sho, a^W5 :£ i, *J ft », n. Written
meflt. Hankl, aA.%,^M. «• Half year; half of a fixed
period or term. fhalf year.
HanJo, Kt^£,•^5, t^ift, n. Half a mat, or the area
of a building equal to 4 of a (sirfjo iff-). Hankl, H^&,*f^^, n. Half of a fixed period;
Hanj5, Sl^&•^5, RS, n. Prosperity, flourlsh- Hankln, l£^]^^.^^• n- Half of a certain aniD
iDs; thriving state; run of luck; continued suc- of money ; half thb price.
Hankin, a:^&^, 5?ifl. « Being busily engaged Hniinokj, |lI^©^,#^, n. [56(.] A kind of tree;
in one's duty; assiduous duties. black alder, Alnus maritlTna.
Haulclrc, tt^&n> $ ^, «. O Half of a piece of Hanuyn, aAK-^, flSE, « [BmM.] Q Wisdom.
anything; half a slice (as of meat). Small @ ©Popularly, the name of a female demon bar-
pieces of cloth. ing a frightful countenance.
Hniiklri, UA^'U, Sf!^, n. Same as below. Hnnuyaky<}. a^V^^&-^5, flS^SS, «• The titlo

HanUlrJiHcnm], H -^ & i)*;^, ^ 5) ifK, '« A kind of

of a canonical book of the Buddhists.
letter paper usually rolled up. flaniiyn-no-iuoii, ld:^V^^©*^, fiSS^S-M, "•
Hanko, tt^C, K. ^, « The act of looking back A mask representing the face of a haniiya or
on things past; retrospection. suru, v.t. a female demon.
To look back, to retrospect. Hniinynto. ^^V^^y^5. fiS^?^. «- [^w7(7.] [lit.']
HanKo, a^t5,Ba ff, »^- OPublication (as of Wisdom hot water; a priest's cant term for
books). @ [coil.] A block used in printing. wine.
To publish; to print.
sut'ii, v.t. fshaved. Haii-o, tt^5?5, 5®, ^. O Betrayal. ©Reac-
lEanko, H:^4>5,^^. n. Having the head half tion (as of chemicals). suru, vA. To be-

Ilnnk'oliK, tt^t.< , ) ^S'J. ". Republication; re- tray; to exhibit reaction.

Hookokii, ^KtL < . ' print. sum,
v.t. To Haiionil, UOTh, n. {EntoniA rralticaviridlcyanea.
reprint; to republish. fwound. Unn-nulil'ltn, ttiA*r LV^fz, ft& W U, «• A printing
llnnUon, HAJ:A,{g;rg, **. The scar left by a board. fdow; to inundate.
a^^.^. ^tS. ''• {Chln.'\ Tortuous or Hanran sum, K^&^-3^, i/i-^, v.i. To over-
entangled roots, complexity. K^H^;^, K-^J- "
lluiivei. Freiace of a book;
Bankon sakusetsu, ffi +S ^ ^, extreme com- general rules or introduction.
plication, Ilanrolslii. a^H.\^ L, ® 1^ ^. n. [£o(.] The pine-
Hankoyn. H ^ c 5 ^,'^fiM, n. A printer; a apple, rtion.

block cutter. Tworkman). Haurr-tsii. nA.H-o, fl?U, n. Rank; order; posi

Haiikii, aA<,^[^X, n. Half a day's job (aa of a Huiii-J. H^lO, '4^Si, n. Ualfarf Cil).
Hanku, H^<5,'4^^, n. Midway between the Syn. HAMMIOni.
heaven and earth; mid air; the lower aky. ESanri. KC^'5. ^ S2i "" A wall; fence; enclosure.
'Vnnl<-«vn. tt ^ < !h, gf^> n. and a. Flourishing HanrJn, H:^y^, '•^^, " QSemicirclo. ©Ha"
state, prosperity, thriving, bustling, busy, gay, moon or crescent.
prosperous. fplace. Ilauro. H^i^5^^, 1^- Pains or troubles taken
nankwa no basho, SsiS-^JS^f. » flourishing in behalf of another.
fEaiili-tvniso, H^ < it7V^^ ^,:K^^^, n. [Bot.] Hnavo, 13 ^ r, 5, S'S?. «• Multiplicity of work;
Scncdojaponlcus. hard labour. Tmand.
A bow (of about Ilnuro, tt^'^, B5B&. ". Market for goods; de-
IDnnUyu. B:^'&5,^^, «. small
hiilf the length of th« ordinary bow). Ilanro wo hirorjeru, H5 5& ? iS i-* Ji-, to extend

Ilankyu, VI ^ % 5,'-^M, n. The hemisphere; a the market (as for the goods).
hemispheric figure. Syn. llAKEKUCTTI, UuiMicni.
Ilaiikyukci, tt^^5^JV^. tfi^Jt^, «• Hemispheric- Ilanron, K ^ ^ ^, •;/lJS, n. [CUnA A universal
al form, rboots. opinion; general views, rrvbra.
linniinsagiitsii, a ^ tP i)< <- -5,^^ ?ft, n. Half Hanroso. H ^^ ^ 5. fCJSIf, " [J^o'-l ^ase^'a
Haniicn. tt^*a^, t^^, ii- Halfayear. Svn. TSURUMURASAKI.
Uuuueai£-«va. ^cl^n^ < ib. *:^?E, «. [Bo(.]£aff. Hanryo, a^V)^5.*M.« Halfaryr). Reei^i'fr
erstrmniicb indica.
rthe ground.
Haniijrlii, M:^KC*&, ^H, "• Halfaday. Hanryo, K^y^5. iflSilg. "• A dragon coiling on
Hannln, fij A,
lil^VC^, An indorser; a bond- « Hanryo, a^V)l, ffi fS. n. {GMn.\ \ companion;
ShoNin, Ukenin.
Syn. (.man; a surety. associates; comrades.
Hannlii, tt^V^^, ^A, "• Half man, i.e. half a Hansai, ^^^^^, i^'^,n. [C/n?;.. Burnt ofTorings.

day's labour. fa day's work. Hansaii. [(I^:5^, '^S. " An abortion; miscar-
Hannln mae no hataraki,^ A iW ^j l^alf riage. -^ fiiS

Haunin, a^V^^, $>] H," A class of officials who Hansaukaku-Kwnnsw. Kt ^ ^ *• < *^^^5. ^5 <

are appointed by the heads of public depart- KS Si- ?( [-'/«'''] Inverse trigouomotricalft ffi

ments. functuui.
Hanuiukwnii, K^^/^^<*5^, fijffi'"^. n. An of- Hnusci, tt^*Vp. KSS. « Same as ilanjo.

ficial of Hannin rank. Ilaiisoi, ]£L^V',l^'-^,n. Sell-examination; care



ful consideration; introspection. —— suru, v.t. llanalio, tt^;£^5, ^^, /&. Being half alive ot
To eTcamine one's sell'. almost dead.
Hnusel, (lA-^\r, RIE, n. Restoring order (as of Hansltd» tt^^^5, RflS. ". Shining back; refleO"

a country); bringing back to a proper condi- tion. suru, v.i. To shine back, etc.

tion HauslioKu suru, Ji£ A,% X < it Z, ^U., v.i. To

Hansokl, ^^^$, Sf^, n. The census of a clau increase or multiply (as property, animals, etc),

or daimiate. Syn. FuERU.

Haiisen, H ^ ^, ^, -fr Half asm. See Sen.
Hansliu, ttASt*, i^±, n. The chief ofa/wwor

Hanson, ^^^^, ([fl^, n. A sailing vessel. clan a feudal lord a daimyo.

; ;

Hansotsii, a A. -tt"-^, yi^. w. A general or brief Hansliu, }iXAj£.Vi}, )Si6E, n. Sowing seeds.

statement of views. Hashu, k£;6.ia), ) suru, v.i. To sow.

Hansntsii, ffA^tr?, i^Jjf. "• Half a sheet of Haiisoku, tC^^<, JG fli], n. Breaking or violat-

Chinese paper cut lengthwise, and used for ing law; not observing regulations.
writing a poem, maxim, or other specimens of Hansoku, Kt ^^< . RfflO, «. Turninf? over to on«
chirography. side (as in bed). suru, v.i. To turn over.
Hanshn, a^S.-^, ^^, n. Shooting or spring- Hansurl. ^[I^^^l!),Sg tS, n. A printer; a pressman.
ing baclv reflection (as of light).
; suru, v.i. Han suru, li^-^ 3, R, v.i. Q To turn traitor;

To shoot baclt; to reflect. to rebel. © To be opposed to; to be contradic-

Hanslia-boenkyo, tt^S.•^|*5i&^t-^5, RM^ tory.
jig (SI, «. [Physics.} Reflecting telescope. Hnnta, (^^fe,S^,K. and a. Multiplicity of buBl*

Hansliagaku. {PhVSUs.} ness; busily engaged; actively employed.

ll^:£^il^<, RS^f*, »•
Catoprics. Ilanta nt torimagtre, =®Ji9 u, distract- S^
Hani^liaki. (I^;£^^, R|f|g. n. Reflectingmir- ed with pressure of business,
ror; a reflector. Syn. IsoGAsni, SEWAaiii, Tatio, tayO.
Hanslianicn, tt^X^*^. RJWM. "• Plane of Hautal, ^^fe\^, fl^h ''- and a. Opposition; con-
reflection. trast; contradiction; dissension; resistance; op-
Hansliakyo, ti^^^&^5, RS^fig, « A reflect- posed; contrary; contva.sting. sum, v,i.

ing mirror. and t. To be opposite; to act contrary to; to

Ilansliaro. KIA2.-^i5, RStfiS. " A large furnace Syn. URAnARA, Urauk. Ldiseent
used for melting metals. Mantal-bdoklfn, tt ^ fe V^ 1*5 A.?i5, UEMA
HaBslif, tt^ L, ^SE, "
Ordinary folded paper. ^, n. Anti-trade-wind.
Hanslil, lS^S,, S+. "• A sainwaf ot a clan; a Hantaito, {i^feV^>^5, R ^IC, " Opposite poli-
TOtatiiei of a aalmyo. tical party; the opposition. rglovo.
Hanslii, ^^L.. if--9E, »• Being half dead. Hauteliukuro, ii^^:Jf<^,'^^'^,n. A short
llanslii-liausho, ^^
Ltt A& -^ 5. ^5E *^. w^- Hantcl. tt^^:^^,S6l^. «• A. daimyd^s residenco
[Zit.J Half dead and half alive; almostdead. in tlie capital.
Hanshin, ^:A.;£^, RE, n. A rebellious servant; Hantcl, EJ ^T V^, $J IS, /i. Judgment; decision;
Syn. MUHOSNiN. La rebel. discrimination. suru, v.t. To decide or
Hanehiii. M:^X^, ^&,n. Rebellious thought; judge.
Intending revolt. suru, v.t. To purpose Hauton, fii^r^, i^i^, n. A short coat worn by
rebellion. inferior classes in winter.

Hanehin. tt^:£^, if ^. « Half the body. HauCou-no-rl, tt^-C^®'!), Be® ;£S, «• [mth.]
HausBiln-fuzui, 62 A ;£ ^ i ^ V, ^S'i^ig, w. Invertendo. fdono.
Being insensible at the right or left of the body Hanto, tl^lf.i^"^1 n. Halfway; midway; half
(as in hemiphlegia). Hanto ni shite haisu, if;^=£/7=0::s, to stop
HauBlAiu-liacgi, K ^ £ ^ tt ^ IT, ^f^*^, " or give up any work when half done.
[lit.] Half believing and half doubting; floating Hanto, tt^fe5.^S, n. Apeninsula.
in a sea of doubts; with grains of allowance. Hanto, iXA.^,f&^, n. Dominion, domain, or ter-
Hansliitn, a.^^fe, RST. «• The copy used in ritory, rdominions,
cutting blocks. Ilmito wo hirogeru, Sf:^ ^ ^ i^' ^i-, to extend

Ilanshita-haki, ^^:£fe*'?, RET*. "• ^ per- Haiitomcl, a ^l£ 5 » »r,)ta^^. "• [Physics^

son who makes it his occupation to write the Translucent. 1

copy by which blocks are cut. Hautorlclio, a^it'i) '^^5,$1J JSIH. "-• Abookln
Haaslio, a^:£^5, if!©, n. A bell smaller than which the stamp of the customer ia receivod
those used in Budd. temples; a flre-bell. whenever goods are delivered to the latter.
flanui, miibt>,^.^, n. Sewing the borders of a Ranzen to etoku su, fij ^ h# ffl- ^. to under-
Syn, Hasujnui. Lcloth. stand clearly; to perceive distinctlj-.

Hnniike, KibW", SS^i n. a person who ha,s lost Hnuso, l!I^S*5, *|!jip, «. A small wooden tub or
his teeth. rbird. basin used for toilet purposes.
Hnuiikedovi, ^^l/f&V},^^^, n. A moultiDg Syn MIMIDARAI.
llauiilil, tJ&,&,iS3iS, n. A person who makes it Knnzoku. tt^5'< , R.^, n. A rebel; a traitor; an
his profession to extract teeth; a tooth-forceps. insurgent.
Ilnniirii, (3:&3,Srt. "• Same as //a/ierif. Hiinciirii, 6I^?'3, iflj, u.t. To judge; to sol vi; to
J)Iizuc/a /laniiru, Hiif to splash (as water); llaori, H3ff «) 33 gfe, n. A coat.
, Liuterpret.

Swmi {/a hamirii, i^if M /^. the cliarcoal snaps. Saori wo kiru, ^ffi^^fl-, to put on a coat;
Hnniiru. liitlZ, K!,5I]. tft. v.t- Q To splash or Haori wo nugu, ?3.Sfe^^^. to take off do.
spatter. © To cut oir(the head); to behead. © HnorHiJiiio, Hto iMi .Sfe gl, n.
, ^
The ribbon or
To throw or terk out. O [coll.] To levy black- thong for fastening a coat in front.
mall. Blnorit, tl3ff3, v.t. To wear or put on (as a coat).
Chlnsen no ichl-warl wo hanuru, ^Wt ^ —ti IDa-osIili'ol, tHZ^/SV^, ®)^, n. An oxide of mer-
9- ^»-, to levy a black-mail of one percent on cury, used as cosmetic powder.
the hire (.--aKl or a coolie); Kubl wo hamtrv, § ^ Haoto, Hfe^,33#, flS |f$, n. The sound of wings;
feK/t, to cut off the head; Kuzu wo Ivanwru, ^^ flapping (of birds).

(5J^, to throw out worthless ones; Tsimilnl wo Happa, H-^ii'.AA, t- P-lght times eight; sixty-
hanuiti, fS 57^J3/i', to throw out goods as
from a ship in diatresa. Ilnppi, HyC\', iP ffi, i£?S, n. A kind of coat worn
by inferior servants of nobles or by labourers; a
IIiiUAvaS^o, !lJ^J3W, ^Ki " Division into halves.
livery coac.
Hanwake nl Sum, i^^=i. y- tu, to divide into
Ilappo, }&"j]X5, A;;?, n. Eight directions; eight
Bides; every side; all about; all directions.
Ilan-ya, tt^^. ^ i!t, ". Midnight.
Han->-oii, ^3^5.^, .SIS]. " [i/a.(/t.] Cii'cle ot in- Happo yorl oshiyosu, A'M ^ 'j S^^i toap-
version. proacli or attack from all sides (as enemies);

|lan-3Cii, ^^£^, ^EB, n. 0[JIath.] Semicircle. Nappo ni sanran su, A ;5=i gi £1:^, to be scatter-
@ Hall a yen or dollar. ed all about; to disperse in all directions.

Ilan-yo, tJ^i5, S ffl. " and c*. Being actively Ilnppo, ttvLS?, Sifi, n. Firing a gun. —
enyiigfd, busy; lull of busineRS. sum, v.t. To fire a gun. foi spider,

Syu. Hanta, Tayo. tinppdgumo, Ja-j\^f><:^, n. lEntom.] A species

ISanicii, ^^3'. $ ®, »i. Hall a seat. Only usc'iJ

llappii, fel-^-2?, ^fif, n. Hair and skin. Lsp.

in such f\n expression as below. Skintal happu, S" M= ® flJi the whole body.
GokuraTcu de haiiza wo wakete viatsu, ^ S^> t* Knijpuu, tt"^J;^,A^, n. Eight /wn. See Fan.
Sp Si ^ ^
>• T f5 y, to wait paradise leaving m Uhh\\uy\, H'^-ttU),it;cg, MS2. "• Armour for th«

part of one^s seat unoccupied for some beloved iorehead, a frontlet.

one coming or dying after. IBnppii mini, fcJvJM-^S, 9;)1T, v.t. To issue, puo-
Uanzu, a^3', KSii"- Being punish e-l fnr a crime lish, or promulgate.

ofwliiciione has falsely accused another. llnppynUii, ^-jtSi^i ,7\'^, n. Eight hundred.
Haiiziil, tt^^"v^, JG3?. " [iaw-lComniicting a Happj o, K y '< 5i 19l6, w. Making jnuo^vn to the
crime; oHence. public; becoming manifest; revealing; disclo-
Hno«Jil-iio-clkl, e^^v©1i, m^:ti&, n. The sure; discovery. sum, v.t. Todisclose; t«
place \\ here a crime has been coraniitted. reveal; to ]»ublish.
Haniinlsltji. U:^^*V•*•^, JUf^#. j
n. [iaw.] An Happj SKiii, tt -^'-tSSV. SSS. "'. rj/ed.] Adiap
Hauz:iluli), H^?•V•K^, <fU H A, * offender, a horetic medicine.
transgressor; a criminal. Ilara, (16,^, n. An uncultivated field; a praine;

HaiiEaslil, n:^3•U H #J. «. A short swora, a a moor; a wild plain.

dagger. ToJcama no hara, K 5^ ^ IS, the Kingdom ot

HanEUtHii, b;^?*-7, K!^, n. and OConfu-

fl. heaven; celestial space; the heaven; on high.
Bion; complexity; disorder. ©Confused; com- Ilarn, tjS, flg, n. O The belly; the abdomen. @
plex; bustling. siiru, v.i. To be confused A mother. ©
Mind; heart, conscience; will.
together; to be complex. n The midway up (a mountain).
naDEen. tt^^ A.^JSS, adv. Distinctly; clearly; Hara de warau, BS t' "7, [lit., to smile in the ^
plainly; decidedly. belly; to laugh in the sleeve; Mara gaau, 3


* •n' "7, to be of tha same mind; llara ga haru, Hararulitirc. tt 6 i < K, ?S, 66 ^, n. Same a«

Bl'iVSSfl', to have the belly distended; to have ChoTnan.

one's ftppetite satiafled Hara ga Jieru, f&lfW. ft-,
; Haragnko* tttft*^-, flgffl-, n. A cloth for cover-
to be hungry; ffara ga ttamu, flff^r^i,, to ing the chest and abdomen, used mostly by
(eel pain in the belly; to have belly-aclie; Hara Syn. Hara ATE. [_childreii.

pa kudaru, JBS^fT'^i to have diarrlicea; the Ilarag^awarl, n^t^t^'^O, U9@, n. Being born of
bowels are loose; ffara ganaru, '^if^^Jt', to a different mother but of the same father.
have a rumbling in the belly; Ilaraoatatsu.f^ ffaragawari no shimai, ^M .^Wt^- half-

i^ it ^y, tobe angry ffara ga ivarui, ^if S, ^,

to be bad-hearted; ffara ni iru, DS — XW'. to iaaragStanaslil,-i.-kl, Id^lTfe^L, ffiK. «
feel satisfaction; ffara ni omo, )S=.S.'7, to tliink Bad-hearted; mean-minded; mean; base; selfish.
mind; to have it in one's mind; ffa/ra
In one's IlaragomorJ, ttfeS'S lO, 1)U JS, '»• Being in utero-
niosamu, flS^sK-t*. to store up in one's mind; gestation; pregnancy.
to be reserved ffara no futol yatsu, flg^^'f
; fiSt. a ffaragomo7-i no ko, 13 > S, a fetus.
magnanimous or audacious fellow ffara no nal ; Harngiiro, tt ^ <- ^, B^< 7i. A black-hearted
hito, US ^ Sf -f A, a poor-spirited or pusillanim- person; a vicious fellow; a knave.
ous person; a milk-livered fellow; ffara wo Syn. IJIWARD.
kakaete loarau, SSf' IS -^ 5= 7, to hold both ^ Harasiiroalil,-J,-Ui, tt & <" ^ L, SJ> «• Black- ^
one's sides; ffara wo kiru, Bg^'- ^J 7>, to commit hearted; knavish; false; perfidious; debased.
Buicide by cutting the belly; ffara wo mesaruru, Ilaraliara to, tt&tl&>f. a^v. QThe sound of
flS^Bi''''' *. [polite.] to commit suicide or hara- the leaves blown by the -wind rustling. @ Th* ;

kiri; ffara wo saaurv, )iii

? ^ ff', to search an- sound of any liquid falling in scattered drops
other's heart; ffara wo suete koto, 0f^l&'^7^^'7, (said of rain, tears, etc.). ©Anxiously; uneasily.
to malie an answer in a positive manner; ffara Ame ga harahara to furtkvru, M^f -'^ ^ -^^
wo tachiwani, 36 ^ l^f- t? ?(-, to cut the belly P^. V ^ J^f the
y- rain comes down in scattetod
opeu; ffara wo ym-tt, g§^ a jp. to shalce one's drops; ffarahara omd, >\^ *\=f ,f. 7, to think
sides (in laugliing); MPkah-ebara, gfig, born of anxiously about; Kl no ha ga harahara to ocM-
a concubine; 3Iiya hara, 't? I}6, born of an Im- rw, ?fv 1$ ^
-"* 7 >« ^ I' S
fl', the leaves of trees

perial Princess; Waki bara, flg,fl5, the side of the are blown by the wind making a rustling sound;
belly a strange womb (f.c. not that of the true Namiila wo harahara to otosu, i^ ^ -'^ ^ -^ ? ^

wife);Varna no hara, il] > SS. the midway up a J5 7., to drop tears.
mountain. Harai, til 6 U-. fifi. "• O Clearing or settling an
Bara-aCe, tjt^t:, flg-^, n. A cloth worn over account; payment. @ Clearing off (as goods);
the chest and abdomen; a shield fortheabdo- disposing; selling.
Byn. Haraga ke. Lmen. Niki no harat, ^ $ > ^, the semi-annual pay-
Harnnwnsp, e & 3& K*, Sg-0-, n. A woman's ments of money (i.e. at the ends of the 6th and
belt made by sewing together two pieces of the 12th months of the year).

cloth of different kinds. Haral, ta ^ tA, 2S, ^^, n. Shinto prayers for
Harnbaii. tt&eS. fl5>E, ffi -a. ''•*• To lie flat on keepmg away evils.
the belly; to creep. llaral-l>ako, tt & iMf C SS ffi- " Small boxes
ilaraclilffnJ, tt6%ft*U>, B?;t.l?ffi. »*• Being born containing pieces of paper used for haraigushi^
of a different mother (said ot a brotlier or and distributed from a shrine among its believ-
sister). ers, who consider It a charm for guarding off

Haradnclii, ttSTii't, M^,^„ '* Anger; wrath; evils.

Syn. RiPPUKTT. Lindignation. JIaralbusokii* ((I&t>Js^<,Jft7;S. '^ Part of

Haradatasbl.-l.-kl. ii6?fefeU 6ESt »• FiHei^ an account remaining unpaid; arrears.
with anger. Haraidasii, la^V'Tl--^. v.t. OTo pay out. ©To
Haradatsii, tct;&-9, To be angry. v.*. sweep out; to expel.
Syn. lEAKU, IKIDOBTJ, RlPPUKU SURU, HaraiKlrii, EJ^U^S. Jffi«),iti^, v.t. To clea*
Harac, HJi— an account; to pay so as to have nothing left
n. Shinto prayers.

Haraikoma* & &ttP. ^. v.t. QTo pay in (u*
Harae-Bitslil, iiX^^^ L, W ^. «• ^ small stick i

Haral-guslil, n&tK- L, "^vith cut paper fasten- ' asum of money to a bank). @
To sweep into.
Haralino dosu \iX & V ^ ^i", H^^.
v.t. To pay
ed at the end, and used as an offering in ShintZ
J back.
CkoTcin ivn haraifnodosu. |?^? JftH^t, to pay Syn. KOKORO NO UCHI, MUKE NO COHI.
back deposit (as from a savings-bank). llaraobL, B: ^3(?tK, flE^, n. A saddle girth (of a
Hwrat-nioiio, iX^X>%(D, ^fdi t^- Ai-ticleg to be horse); a belly-band used by a pregnant woman.
disposed off. Syn. Haramaki, Harubi, Iwataobi.
Hnra1-no-1>a, H 6 i> 0}£, ftS^, n. The place Hararagasu, H & &i]<-^, £{[, v.t. To put to flight,
where prayers are offered to the Kami; a. sacri- scatter, or disperse.
flcial ground. Hararngu. (I ^t <-, K. v.i. To take to flight; to
Harati-no-toiio. tltU' © ^ ©, i^^, «. A house disperse; to be scattered about.
where Shinto prayers are ctfTered. llararngo, ttti^&, fig. " [Ichth.] Fish-roe (of
Hnra-lso, iX^V-^, "• Dispelling one's resent- salmon); milt.
ment; venting ang«r. Haraserii. H ^^2, -^ ^, .^ ifi, v.t. [cau5. of Ban*.]
Harn-ltnnii, tt ^ V/^ fe ;^, ffiJS, n. Colic; belly- To cause to paste or paper.
Syn. FCKUTSU. (.ache. C'hochin wn harase^'u, 0'© ^ ^ to order
-fe ff-,

Hnrnl-tcffata, 6 t>tft5fe, S^JK, n. A pro-

Ej to make a paper lantern; Shuji wo haraseru, H
missory note; a bill given for the payment ol ^? Hi fe B^ , to cause or oi'der another to paper
a debtor account. fover. a screen,
Barnl-Avataeii, a& V'ijft.-^, SfiiE. "-t- To pay Harasu, [J ^-^i PS. 3, v.t To clear away; to driv«
Harnlzuiiil, IS ^ V^ ^ ^, 3S iSf, n. Finishing the away; to dispel.
payment (as of money); clearing or settling an Kaze kumo vio fuhifiarasu, 3lS^[ft*S^i
account, rPcLlMyra palm. the wind drives away the clouds; 3Iayol wo ha-
ttarajii, a^:£W), S^iK, ". [£of.]The tala tree, rasu, j^ 9- ^ :^, to dispel doubts; Omoi wo ha-
Itorakara, i!l&i>(?,, [h]BS, I^S^. " Persons born rasu, ,S. ? ^ 7-, to dispel cares; Urami wo hara-
of the same mother; a brother; a sister. su, fg ^S^ . to dispel or gratify the feeling of
Haraklrl, tt&gV), flg-^], n. Cutting one's belly resentment by avenging mischief done.
to commit suicide. Harasiijl. tt^-^C, ^SS. n. The nerves or llgar
Syn. Kappuku, Seppuku, tofuku. tnents of the abdomen.
Hnrakonashi, tt & f^ L, 'M^. '* Digesting Jlarasiiji wo
ggljj^^n-, yoru, to split one's
food as by walking or other kinds of exercise. sides; to convulse witli laughter.
^arabiidart* Gt& < ^9, SIT, TSil. « Diarrhoea. Haraeuiiii. tt^-^A., (SK, ". Cracking or snap-
Syn. Gkei. ping charcoal.
Haramaki^ H&a?, flf SS, n. A belly band or Harataeliipi>oslii,-l,-kl, Ktfe'^-ylffL.i*. [coll,}

armour for the abdomen. Irritable, irascible; peevL^ih.

Haraniasorii, ij &2-^2, ^ §?, v.t. [catis. of Ha- Hnratakakl. «&&*»&. BliS. "-. With a big bel-

ramu.] To impregnate. ly; pregnant.

Haranii, }iX ^ ^, ^, n. The state of being with Haratataelil^-J^-kl, a tfete L, ,flgjlBt, w. Ex-
youDg; conception; pregnancy. Harntlntaslil,-1,-kl, tt &;^-fe L. 1 citing anger;
Harumlso, H&&&, BbS>'1S^. « A foetus. irritating; provoking. Vdatsu.
Haraml-onnn, a 6 &5r ^ ^, ? fii 1^, ". ft^, A Haratatsu. a & ft -7, 0g it, v.i. Same as Hara-
pregnant -woman. IBara-tsuKuini, a 6 -^^ i^.BS ^. n. Drumming =»*•

Haraiiiltsii, ix^^-c, &Effi. "• [Budd.] The act upon the belly, expi-essive of contentment.
of entering Nirvana. Haraisuzwmi .wo vtsu, St^^fl^^. to drum
Haraiciii, (dSip, ^, Mf. SS. '-'-T- To conceive; to be upon the belly; to be entirely contented.
pregnant; to be with a child. Blarau, a ?. -t-, i{S. 'V-t. and i. To say Shinto prayers;
Ko wn iiaramu, %9- ^ 1-, to be with a child; to deliver or purify from the evil influence of
to conceive; to become pregnant. spirits or demons by chanting prayers; to ex-
Syn. KWAINIK SURF, KWAITA] SOP.U, MlMO- orcise, revil spirits.
OORU, N7KSIIIN SURD, Akuma vjo harau, S f® ^ Sf "7, to exorcise
HnrainiislDl, H 6 tp
L. S3 S, ?i. l2ool.} Human Ilaraii, a?..2-,J?K, v.t. Q
To clear away; to drive
round worm, Ascaris. o£F; to sweep; to brush; to dust. @ To pay; to
Ilaran, llI&^, ikS^, w. O Waves; surge; billow. sell off.

©Disturbance; disorder; tumult. Atari wo harau, JS"7, to clear away all

^ f-t^

Syn. AKASOI. MOME. Nami, Onami. about one's self; Cliiriwo harau, ^^^~7, to
Harau, ^5^, — ^, n. [Bot.] Desne. clear away dirt; Fuyo no shiv,a wo harau, 7;ffl >*
Hara-no-uclil. u & 05%. B.^, « [Ut.]ln the Saf-i^~7, to dispose of or sell unneeded articles;
belly; [jii;.] heart; mind. Kanjto wo harau. It)] !S ^ tt 7, to settle an ac-


count; Kin tvo harau, ^^J^-?. to pay money; Is dispelled Ovwi ga hareru, ,Sl ^W"
; ^ t' *, th»
mtsudan ni hito wo harau, ^^=^ A9- J)t7, to mind has been freed from anxiety.
dismiss all attendants when holding a secret Hareru, IIHS, K, v.i. To be swollen; to swell
conference. up. fen.
Haratvarorii, tt&KJtS, v.t. [pass, or potent.of Te ga Itareta, ^V ffl ugc, the hand haaswoU-
Barau.^ To be paid; can clear away, sweep, or Syn. PuKUREKU. rthe Lord.
brush. Hareruya. >\ujt''f. [^ng.] Hallelujah ;
praise y«
Haraivaiseru, ll&tt-^S.ut. [cans. oS Barait.]To Harete, HKT, S- SS, adv. Publicly; openly;
let another pay; to cause or order to clear away, without any concealment; not in secret.
sweep, or brush. ftines. Harete hito ni au, ^n i-- 5" A=# "7, to meet a
Haraivata, tt & i^fe.H, n. The bowels; intes- person openly.
Marawata wo shiboru, ^^-^ft-, [lit.] to squeeze Syn. Otake Nt.
the bowels; to be unusually exasperated; Hara- Haretsu, ttH-5, SS®. "• Bursting; explosion;
wata wo tatsu, ^J-^^y, {lit.} to rend the intes- rupture. suru, v.i. To burst; to explode.
tines; to feel extreme sorrow or grief. Dangwan ga haretsu suru, 5i :hi 'A* 5K S 7- *-»
Barayn. [16'^,:;j<CR(&, '*• A preparation of mer- bomb explodes.
the Tshell.
cury used as a medicine or a cosmetic. Haretsu dam a, U ti-r? 75'^, ^^%, n. A bomb-
Syn. Keifdn, iSKOsniBOi. HareyaUa ua, 6Iih.-^*>i!c, ^, a. Clear; bright;
Hare, UH, Pf, n. O Being cleared away or dis- clondless; airy.
pelled; a fair weather. @ Becoming public; Hareyaha na tenlci, ^^^ ^, a bright weather.
a public occasion. Hareyaiiial. HJij^^O-, -A^M., n. Water swellingr'
Hare no Tcimono, it-^^^, holiday clothes; dropsy.
ffarenoselci, fS>^, public place; formal occa- Harf. EfV), ^t> K!> n. A needle; a pin.
Syn. Oyakb. Lsion. Hari nite nuu, &t = 5^ S8 "7, to sew with a
Hare, Qh, j^, n. A swelling. fdown. needle; Hari Twdo no T^to wo bo Tiodo ni iu, ftt *
Hare ga hlku, ^ff m ^, the swelling goes K>W^^*lf= x;7, [lit.] to speak of a pin ai
Hareltare. KHfefH, fFJ^, a. and adv. Clear, O if it were a pole; [Jlo.} to make a mountain of »

bright, or unclouded (as weather), @ Free from mole-hill; to magnify or exaggerate.

cares; easy in mind. Hari, H VI, AI. Ml ^, n. The art of inserting neo-
EX ga liarcbare sum, ^ifW^ l^^B', to be freed dles for remedial purposes; acupuncture.
from anxiety; to be cheerful. Hari wo utsu, ^\'^ fj '>*, to insert the needle
Harebareslii,-j,-l<t. liX kti£ ii UWSlfH;
^, ^ a. in acupuncture.
Bright and clear (as weather); splendid; cheer- Hari, tt fi 0. i^i, " A. prickle; a spine; a thorn.
«IaresaiiiaBbl,-n-ki, Q K t' i£ U m K fi, a- Hari, ttiO, fS'UM' "• The Btlng (of an insect).
Open; public; splendid; formal. Hari. mg , $^ 5t. "• Same as Tsurlbari.
Haregl, \iXiv^,'^M> w. Clothes to be worn on Hari, tr V), 3g, ;KE. "• [coll.] Spirit; couragft^-
special occasions; holiday clothes. striving. fbe emulous; spirited.
Harcsiuu, fctH^TJia, a ffS. " Same as above. Harigaaru, ^ff'Tn-, to have courage, or to
Harcma. ttJt^, n. Clear spaces or intervals be- Syn. Hariai, Ikihari. Ikiji.
tween the clouds or rain. Hari, ttV), ^, ft. Heavy beams in a roof.
Harema no tsuM, SJRfl > ^, the moon appear- Syn. Utsubari.
ing from the clear spaces in the sky or bet^preen Hari, tju), g£0, tt. Glass; crystal.
intervals of rain. Hari no kagami, KBK -^ iS. a looking glass.
Hareinono, ilti%<D,M^, n. A swelling; aboil. Syn. BiiDORO, Gakasu.
Syn. Dekimono, Shumotsu. Hari, tt in, ?S, n. Numeral for counting paper-
Haro na, Hii'^,^, a. Bright; flue; splendid; lanterns, bows, tents, mosquito nets, etc.
gay; formal. See also Haregatnashl. Makv ^aya ono-ono hito haH, ^te^# — 5R,
Harenclil, aH^ '^, EiS ^ ISt, ». Shamelessness a tent and a" mosquito net, one of each.
infamy; ignominy; Indignity; dishonour; dis- Harlageru, ttvi^Wf-S, v.t. To spread aloft; to
Syn. Hajisuirazd. Ls^ace. raise (as the voice). rthe voice.
Haroru. tlHS.fW, v.i. To be cleared away; to be Koe wo hariagcru, gjt^ >\ y TyU', to lift up
dispelled; to clear oft Hnrlal, a ?S^, g§^. "• OStrivIng to-
^O ^^ U-.

Ame ga ftarern, fH tf uff-, the rain has clear- gether; contending with; competition; emulft*
ed up; Qiwahu ga hareru, ^'^if^un-, doubt tion; rivalry. ©Courage; spirit; vigour. All
noun, more frequently used in the latter sense stretching and drying clothes on after they are
© Motive for competition. washed
Hariai ga nuketa ^^^^^ ti, to be dis- Harlkata, H "jj *>te, ^ ^, n. An artificial model of
Syn. SERIAL Lcouraged. the male or female organ of generation. ffftrt.

Barlal-uiii, K V) ^ xr tft ^, n. A competitor; a HarJhJri, taV) SWj.SiJSIJ. " [Bot.l Same as nari-
riTftl; a maipli. fsteKata. HarJklru, ttv) &s, gg^, u.t. To stretch anything
Hnri-anlfo. a «1 3& At5, ft. [IchtJi.] Hallentaca to a full length, rpapier-machS.
Hnrl-nsngno. H ^^^JjJ 12, A ^ S. «. [Bnt.] Spo-
V) Harlko. kjiij t.SSSI. "
Anything made of paper;
maea muricata. Harlkomu, H v) t.'ir, 5g Et ^ @. t-^- ^.nd C. To ex-
Harlati, mOJoi, gi •&, v.L To contend with; to ert one's self; to be magnanimous; to be liberal
strive together; to compete with; to rival, in expenditure. Ting for the price
Slto to hariau, A 1- ?5 -§• "7, to compete with ffarlTconde Tcau, ® ii V f g 7, to buy not car

anotbsr. Syn. IKIGOMU.

Hnrlbalco, ttiOtft, StfiS. "- Alady'Bwork box. Harllird, H'!) &-^5.KS? ^. " A glass mirror.
HarU>3iu, iX ^ Id A., n. A sentinel; watchman; Harliiia. tt^lUi^M. '"-• The number of ken or
sentry. fpuncturation. the space traversed by a beam of a roof.
lEnribikl, Kt>!)0>'?, 5? Jfli, w. Acupuncture, acu- Harlmakiira, inyj-a c,, ^ffe, n. Paper pUlow
llaribiiiiko. ttV)^^^:, K SC 0- "- -A paper box. Harlnie, m£i!6,BS@,«- The line or seam formed
Harlilamaslii, HV) 7c-S L. a. Bold spiritetl; stout- ,by pasting over with paper, cloth, etc.

hearted; resolute; determined uot to giro away. Hnrfmo, HOJl*, §t *. «- A seamstress.

Maridanlii, H i!)7(: L, K [li, Efi HJ, "• JTittinjj out; aiarlmeginu, a ijl & ?r So, If g ^. « A patched
bulging out; stretching out; protrusion; a pla- garment. froad.

card; a poster. Harliiiicm, tU "5 "t, ?g a, ;i^ n. A newly opened

Ilarfdasii, H ^T^i^.^U!,, life Hi, ^-i- O To stretch Ifarimicbi, ttyp^-^, ^^, n. The wayorartof
out; to jut out; to protrude. @ To placard or sewing; needle-work. fneedle-work.

post. Sarimichi wo narau, ^^^^7. to learn

Harlcl, H'5A.\/^,M®,, n. [/c/ifft.lA species of ray. HariinoQO. IJi!) <&©, 5g4S, n. The act or occupa-
Harl-ouisliJda,iiB);llci;&,$iJffi;S., n. [iJot.]The tion of fulling cloth; fulled cloths.

prickly broom. llarlmouoya» tjoj (, ©j^, gg;;^ g. n. A fuller of

llarlfiHln, e v) i Ttr, K ^L, ?? W, "• A handbill cloths. rhog.

pasted up; a placard; a poster, Harfnezuini, ew)*l$;^, tS. "• [Zobl.^ A hedge-
fBarifugUf Hi0.i-<-, n. [IchtJi.] Dlodon Ugrinus. Hnrl-nu-hl, H O &, ^n^S. W) «• [^ot.] Black
Ilarigaini, H «!)*]* ;^, 5S HE, j¥ W. '" A note pasted alder, .diuw5 maritlma.
to a writing; a placard; a poster. HarlBiikl, triflto^. 5ftt^,^?J?, »i. Articles made
Syu. SAGEFUDA. ot paper pasted together; papier-mache.
MnriKiiiic. tj VJA^*:!, ^t ^. "• ^'re. Syn. Habiko.
llariK»MC-liiKi, 61 i|)ii-tlO'&, t4^|f, n. One who Ilariniikl-nlnsro, ?f"^ 5 Stt fS, "
tt "fl fe & ^^ .

mnnufactures wires. Papier-mache fSame as Barinuki,

llarigauo-niu^^IiU HiSi^ia^rL, ?7 !fift, w. [^wftwi.] Ilariiiiikl-Ealkii. Hi!Jai53'VA<, SSKfiBl. n.
Hair-worm, Hnrlnnkii, ai!t&<, ^^, v.t. To make anything
Harlgano-Kazurn, tl «1 ft^ iH A> :3' 6 St , ^H. ii- by pasting paper together.
[}3ot.]Chiogenes htspiOula.
Harlryojl, ttW)K5 tr, MSfiS, «. Acupuncture;
Ilarl-slrl, tX^V^.mW:^, n. [Bot.] Acanthopa- ncupu D ctu ration.
nax rlclnifolia. (LangsdOTjil, Harlsakerii, tt «) S W 3, BS ^. v.i. To tear by
Harfgoclil, a <0 J^ %, n, [Zc/itA.] Soplichthys
stretching or expanding; to burst open.
HariiEoshi, li<!)&L, ®9I, n. A kind of palanquin Harisaslil, a V) -5- Z, S+ ^J, n. A box with a
covered over with a sort of straw matting, cushion for sticking eawing needles; a needle-
narlhari, J£V)yi^, /* Minohoshi or dried radish case, rdon novemmaculatus.
pickled in a mixture of soy, vinegar, and sugar.
Havlseinbon* HI!J^^S:^, ^,^, n. [Ichth.]Dio-
HarllilJI. a'!)^^t, 5&?f, «. stretching the arms, Harl9lilsoto, ttii):£.ai^, J^tt^, tSSS, n. Needle-
or the arms stretched, work; sewing.
Harl-l, tt«)V. WB, ?*. One who practices acu- Havisul-lshl, tt'5-^V^V^X. $+1515, "- A magnet.
puncture; a needle-doctor Harisujl, avj^X', ^IK, «. The seam.
Harl-lro, Q'iJv^ii-, ^tX. "• A needle case. Havltsiiko, trvi-7W, 0, n. Funisliing criminal*
Hart-Jta, \£^\c-'tt,%Wi, ^ The board used for by crucifixion and spearinsr.
lEnrlfKiiUn-lia&ihfrn, ttifl -^W-^X 6, ^tt. +^5J?, wo haru, ^^ make an umbrella; Nuno
flfi ju, to
n. A post on which criminals were formerly wo haru, ffi ^ Jifi fl^, wo haru,
to full cloth; Shoji
crucifled; a cross. B! ^? Jte ;^. to paper a screen; Taiko wo haru,
MarJtBuke-Kaiiil. GV^ififl^,'ikV^X&, '^ A :fc Jft ^^ B- . to make a drum Tenjb wo ftaru, 5? ;

paper pnsted over anything. ff ? ^ Tt', to board a celling.

M.irltsiilfuni, a^ -CJ < S , Rfi IS, ut. To paste over Haru, ttx, v.i.To bud.
with paper; to paper. fneedle seller. Syn. KiZASU, Meguhd.
Ilnrlyn, 11 ij)
-^j ^ |E, n. a maker of needles; a Haru, H3,{t, flt. «-t- [coii.] To beat, strike, or slap;

llai'lynlturu, U «)^ J* 2, SBlE, «•* I'o ^^nd or to give a blow. r(or another),

tear by stretching. Atama wo haru, ^ SS ? W" B', to slap the head

Ilarlyuki, ttL^fd^, n. See HarlTna. fbow. Haru, (J2,J8. v.t. To reclaim land. Ttancs.
Ilarlyiiiiil, tt I* », 56 ^, A bent or dravrn
"J) « Harubaru, ttSliS,^^, ado. From a far dis-
Ham, tt 5, ?it, n. The spring; one of the four Barubaru kitaru, ^^'^n-, to come irom
seasons. Much used in compopitlons. Harube, B 3 '^, |^ n. Springtime. Lafar.

Barugi; 3ft 3f, spring wear; Haru-same, ^ M. iTtyx wo harube to sakuya kono liana, ^^^"M
Bpring-rain; Saru wo omo, Ife ^ fli 7, to be h IK V tt ^. t^6 flowers are blossoming, con-
wanton or lustful; Yayoi no ftas-w, JS^ >*, a scious of the advent of the spring time.
poetic name for the third month {o.s.). Marubl, ttSU>*,|g, Kffi. "• A saddle-girth.
Ham, K3, 5S, |fi, r.(. and i. O To stretch, open,
Harubl, ttSCK, S^ H, n. A spring day.
or extend; to increase. ®To be swollen or dis-
Harufukuro, tI2.^< %. 3ft IS. n. Abagorpurso
tended. © To bud. O To be covered (as a pond sewn at the beginning of the year, considered to
with ice> © To be overburdened (with work). be lucky from the pronunciation of the word
Atai ga haru, ffl^i" -^ S-, to augment in price; being identical with haru (to distend).
to be higher in price than one is willing to Harusekl, tt3V>&, ,S.jS. o,- Par; distant; re-
pay for; Chibusa ga haru, ?LK?>'W»'. *'1>^ Harukcki, a3W-&, (mote. ,^ fclothes).

brea<:ts are distended (with milk); Hara ga haru, Hariigl,HSW. S^. 'ftflB. "• A spring wear {of
1S_if ^^ju, to have a swollen belly; to be sated Harugo. H3a.?SS, n. A silk worm that breedi
with food; Jllji wo haru, ff ^ SS «-. to stretch once a year; do. produced in spring.
the elbows; to swagger; Kori ga haru, 5fc^ 36 Harueoi'o, tt3&6, adv. About the spring.

a., to be covered over with

ice; to be frozen Harugoina, QXaS, ftffi, n. -A. horse grazing
o-^er; Shigoto g a haru, tt^^5&^. to be over- in the pasture in early spring. A toy consist- @
burdened with work, ing of a horse's head stuck at one end of a stick-
Haru, H2, 5fi, v.t. QTo stretch, spread, or ex- Haruka, 6JS4>, %., a. andodu. Distant; remote;
tend; to bend (as a bow). © To display or ex- far off; v«ry much.
hibit; to show. © To argue or persist in argu- Haruka nl, BSi>VC, ^, oAv. Same as above.
ment. O To strive to make a good show. ;
Baruka ni hedataru, £ = fS * »-. to be far
Mifcw wo haru. If ^ 5S B', to stretch or hang distant; widely separated; Haruka ni kikoyu,
up a curtain iftse too haru, ; ^ 5ft »'. to ^e^P ^
g; s± fig 3., to be heard from afar; Haruka ni
shop; to exhibit articles for sale; Jfofo ga ham, masaru, ^-ffi^fl-, to be far superior; Baruka
Itif^.r^, to req.u ire a greater capital than one ni miyuru, ^= ^ 3- fl-, to be seen dimly from a
can conveniently afford to invest Nawa wo ha- ;
distance; Ha^-uka ni omo, g; = S.7, to think of
ru, 7^, to stretch a rope; Nuno
W^^ wo haru, a thing vaguely, or as at a distance; Haruka ni
^^5^^,, to stretch a cloth; Jjiwo haru, Sfifa^ otoru, ^ = ^ »-, to be far Inferior; Haruka ni
^ iu, to be obstinate; to persist in; £1 «fo haru, yosM, ^-&2/. to be far better ; Toki haruka ni

S5_f- 5gp,, to exert one's

mind; to strive; Ron tugite. H? ^=i is ^, after the lapse of a considera-
wo haru, ffS^^afl-. to persist in one's argu- ble length of time.
ment; Selcen wo haru, Ife Rfl ? 5S »-. to strive to Harukaie. tt2*>*,«tR, n. Spring wind.
make a good show Ami wo haru, in the world; Hamkesbl,-l,-k], ttXWL. »• Far; distant; re-

\%=f-^^, to stretch a net; Yumi wo haru, ^

? mote; widely separated.
^ n-, to bend a bow Tvmizuru wo haru, W. ^® ; Harumeku, ttX«)<, 9*fi, v.i. To be spring-

»-, to string a bow.

Ham, felx, 5P., 5fi, v.t. Q To spread over; to paste Harumugl, ttStf^, ^^, n. {Bot.l Becktruinnla
over ; to nail over to board.
; @ To full (as cloth). Haru-no-mlya, ttZ®^--^, »^. '*• The Haix
HarM wo Apparent to the Throne, or the Palace of do.
Piida wo haru, Itlf-^Jt-, to label;
Karakasa Syn. ToGU
haru. ^ g ^ IS n-. to weather-board;
HAR rtne HAS
Harurii, 61 5 S, ^,55. "* To clear up; to be Hasanil-sliogl, tl3;^:£.-^5ir, Klt5t)t, n. A
dispelled. game of checkers in which either party strivei
Kvmo ga haruru, § ^ flf n- * , the clouda disap- to capture the opponent's chessmen by entrap-
pear; Omol ga haruru, ^^ff^n-s, cares have ping them between any two of his own.
been dispelled; Sorti ga haruru,, S if l^'t- » the , Hasainl-uchl, H^^5 '^, pHEg, n. An attack
weather hna cleared up; Utagai ga haruru, ^ ft* from both sides at the same time.
S »
'1doubts are dispelled.
Teki wo hasami-uchi ni suru, 85 ^ W S? =^ *-• :=^

Haruru, H3 2, W, «<• To be swollen. an enemy on both sides at the sama

to attack
Hariisalil, KCS5?, " Springtime. moment
Hariisnmp, aS3.i6, ^ M. "• Spring rain. Hasamii, a^?j*, W, ^, r.t O To bold or pici
Hurushagawn. as;£-^iim, &'ffif^, «• A kind of (anything) by placing it between two other
coloured leather formerly brought from Persia things. @ To cut with scissors.
by Dutch merchants. Eda 7V0 hasamit, ^ ? |} a, to cut branches
Hani-tora-no-o, tt 3 If ^ K) 5-, !JS= :ft, n. [Bot.']
of a tree (with scissors); Hashi nite hasamu, ^
Polygonum, tennicaule.
=ix^i., to hold with chop-sticks; Kami wo
Haru-yurl, a S W) >!) , I ^, 7t. [Bot.] Fritilla/ria
liasamu, ^9-§5-^. to cut the hair; Waki ni
verticitlata. fof cicada. tsv£WO hasamu, =3 fet ^W a, to hold a stick
HariiBeml, tt 2 * », jg ®Jf, n. [EntOTn.] A species
under the arm.

Haeat sum, I4'?\/Nf-3, ffi ffi, u.t. and f. To breali
Hasamu, tt ^ tf , if , v.t. To place between; to
In pieces; to crush.
Sana wo sashi-hasamu, TE^^ s/W^> to in-
Hasaina* H'5E, JfifH, Js^Bfl, n. A space between
sert a flower (as in a vase).
Hasaina, tt3"2, two things; a valley; a vale.

Hasan, tt15^, 5fiK, n. Removing all the counter!

More commonly Hazama.
of a soroban (abacus) to calculate anew.
Syn. AlDA, AwAl.
Hasan, ^3^, 5S^, n. Bankruptcy; insolvency.
Hasainarii, a-?as, {itr, v.i. To get between two
suru, v.i. To become bankrupt; to be de-
other things.
Syn. BUNSAN suru. L^fired insolvent
Okiiba ni mono ga hasamatta yont, S K =3 ^ Hasanho, tt5^tti,^l6giJ, n. [Law.] Law of
ff &i^ -y ^^—, to feel as if something has got bankruptcy. fbankruptcy case.
between one's moral teeth; not to be plain Hasanjlkeu, tt5^X.•W^,.f&^g^ ft. w. [Law.] A
with; to be reserved.
IlasankcttelBlio, tt?AW-y-ClrXl. 5S ^fcti S »,
HasninJ, iii-^^, IS. 53 Zl, n. Scissors.
n. [Law.] Settlement of bankruptcy.
Hasanilbnko, SJ 3 ;^ [f t, Wfil. «. A lacquered lIasan-no-son-7u, tt3^®l*^V^5, 5£ ^;t Jg IB.
box fixed to one end of a pole, and carried on
/*. [Law.] Cause of bankruptcy.
the shoulder by a coolie, used by persons of
Hasan-uo-kSryoku, (l^^©^: 5 >!) J; < fiS ^ ;i a
rank in former times on their going out; the .

;fj, n. [Law.] EflTect of bankruptcy.

Hasan-saibausho, tt^^5Vv a;^;£i, JK^^W
^, n. [Law.] A bankruptcy court.
Hasan-seiikoKu, tt^^t^^:<.5SS^W, n.
[Law.] Declaration of bankruptcy. frupt
HasansUa. tt^^;f;^, BE0#, n. [Law.] A banik-
Hase-atsuniaru, a-fr%-^33, E^^, v.i. To as-
semble together by riding; to run up on hors«
back to a rendezvous.
Syn. KAKET3UT0U, Kakbtoru.
HasoclJilgnu, a-^'&JitJ-, SffiiS. v.l. To ride past
each other. r(as of a horse).
HasamlhnUo, tt^j^^lJC, $5ffl. « A box or case Haseliiki, tt-^y-&, I^ft 5J, J*. Going or stoppmg
for scisson fdens pilosa. Hascl, ll^vx, gaigc, n. The aJminlstratioa of the
Hnsanil-giisa, fj:e^<'3. %,&(%, n. [Bot.] Bi- country by the ShOgun or leading daimyo as dis-
HasaniJ-li'u, B?;'>\r-3, ^ A, u.6. To Insert or tinguished from the Osei (^ @[J, the personal rule
put in with fingers or forceps; to interleaf; to ol the Emperor. fto gallop back.
interline; to insert. fscissors. Hasokaoru, a'^i}>^Z,W^, i'-'- To ride back;
Hnflaitilldrii, tt^;^?3, iSi!^, v.t. To cut with Musekaesu, tl*i>-^-^, MiS. ^'-t. and «. [caus. of
llasniniinuslit, \S.'^ Tt^is L, ^1^. t*. [Entom.] Hasekaeru.] Q To cause to ride back. @ Sam«
Earwig, /-'oji/lcufa sp as Sasekaenu
Hasekltarii, tt-^lJfeS, ^^, w.(. To come by part of a letter or any other writing; Kami no
rilling; to coma in haste. hashi, iJS > S. n- piece of paper; the margin of a
Syn. Kakekuru. Syn. Fccni, Haji, Hebi. LPaper.
IIasolciirn.bo, a^< ^'^i ?feB5> " A contest of Haslilbalfo, fct LkJt, ffiffi, n. A box for chop-
Bpesd (as in ruuniug, driving, etc.). sticks.

Hasoinalru. tt At 3 fc 5,^^ v.L [polite.] To IlaBhlbaml, HLfcTS-. M5 ft, 't. A dove-tall joint.

cume by running or driving. llasliibaiiil. bf£,|^/^, ^, n. f^ot.] Hazel, Corylut

ilasomnivaru, C^'aaZ.BSJa. v.i. To run or heterophylla. rFllbert.

drive around. Tabove. Ilashibainl-no-ml, tt;£tf^©». ^ If , n. [Bnt]

Itascineguru, (Ht » < S ,
!?B JB, v.l. Same as Hasblbaehl, 11 :i IJ L, EH, n. Four sides;

Habeinouo, BA!:?)©, 6^^, « Anything inserted extreme parts or borders of a country.

between, or standing in the way; an impedi- HiiBblbiro-samo. iXZV Z tf ^, n. [Ornith.]

ment or obstacle. Slioveller,

Ilasemukau. tl^tf4>i, ?ft |nl, v.i. To urge the Syn. MEGtJBiGAMO.

horse in the direction of; to gallop toward. SIiLsbiboso-garnsu, Et;£ffiJtt)'6-?*, B.'a, "• [Or-

Ilasen* H*^, JfSa, n. A wave line. nlth.'] Carrion crow, Corvus corone.
llaKcn. a^^,i&fSSi, n. A shipwreck. sum, Syn. Satogarasu.
V.!. To be shipwrecked. fdrive. lEaahlbiiDo, eX-l<*l, Sfi^B. »• A small boat.

Hascriw tt^3,!?B, v.i. To walk last; to ride or Syn. Tt:mma.

Hasblbiifeo-sarasii, fil ;£ J* if ft* & -^, f^^f^. '*
JJma wo haseru, ffi^-^B'. to ride fast on
[Omith.] OrlentAl raven, Corvus macrohynchin
horseback; to urge a horse.
Syn. Yamagarasu. IJaponensis
ilusot^uku, tl^-^C.^-ft, "•* To overtake by
running, riding or galloping.
HashiAate, tdX-^ET, ^U^, ". A ladder.

To gather by rid-
llashtBaknrI, BLft'*>9, ^ IH. « A bridge-llk«
Il.tscyoni, kl* i Z, S1S?F, V-*.
corridor with railings, through which n5 actors
ing; to come up in haste (as an army).
enter the stage.
Syn. Kakeyoeu.
Elasliagasii, e;£.-^?]'-3", v.t, [caus. of ffashagiLl
Hasblgalti, ttLft'S, *S*, I?, '*• O A preface. ®
A post-script.
To cause to dry up.
S5'n. Jouus, Kaesugaki, Naonaogaki.
HaBlingl, tt^^lT, *, " Drying; dryness; arl-
Hashf^etn. The cross beams
Haslingu, tt:£-^ <-,K)*. "* To dry up or to tt LW^fe, ffitfj, /*.

of a bridge.
become parched (as the ground).
Syn. HiRU, KAWAKU. Hasbigo^ ttXa,i|B^, 7t- A ladder; stairs.
llaslii, a;fe,:iS,!R, Tk Abridge. HashiQO wo ndboru, ^ ^ ^ g »-, to climb >
Ilashl wo kakeru, fi| ^ iK B-, to build a bridge
to cross a Syn. Dambashigo, Kidahasui.
across; Mashi wo wataru, ffi ? ffit «'.

bridge; Hasfii Wf''/&y-> to throw a

wo watasu, Hnsbiffcnan. a^i.&/S^, ^ 7-|ft, n. A staircase.

bridge across; KaJce hashi, IS^. a suspension Ilasblsogata, tiAGij^fc. ^ Jl^. n. [J/atft.] Trap«-

bridge; Sari hasM, R|f, an arched bridge. lium.

Hashlgo-oo-li5, HSaCt.^ffiiiS. »• The roundi
ilasUi. a U S, n. Chop-Bticka.
or steps of a ladder.
Hashi Oe hasamu, S v^^h., to hold with chop-
Hasblffo-norl, tt;£sO'£l, Ug ^ft, n. A display of
sticks; Sashi no ageoroshi ni kogoto wo iu, 3 >•
agility on ladders by firemen in the first month
^^ai5/=i/hW^^"7. [coll.] [lit'^ to grumble
of the year.
even while handling chop-sticks; to murmur
Hashlfful, aL<*V^,:^;^. ^fli?, «. Wooden pUei
constantly; Sashi wo toru, S^Sirt', to take
supporting a bridge. fa bridge.
the chop-sticks (preparatory to eating).
Hasblita» ia^V^fc,?SW. " The floor or planks of .

HashI, tt^, 1^, n. The bill or beak of a bird.

Hasbljika, ll:£.'^*>, JSSS, ". Near the entranc*
of a house; the lowest seat.
Uasbl. fctX. ffi, n. OThe beginning, cause, or
origin of anything; starting point. ©The ex-
tremity; end; termination. ©The margins or
Hasblha, a£*>, If, n. The beard of wheat
borders (of a matting); edge; brink. ftJPart of
HasbJka, a;£*>, }& ^, n. iMed.] The measles.
a house near the entrance. small piece; a ©A Mashika 7ii kakaru, ^^=* * * »-, to hav*
Syn. MASHiN. Ltbe meoalea.
Hasbiliako. tt;£i'W,ffi^, "• tcoW-J Ooe wh«
Arasoi no hashi, gj 12 > Q, the cause of a dis-
pute; Pumi no htiSM, tC^U. tli« end or latter acts as a go-between; a mediator.
a^., n. {Bot.^ Breaia Mr- Maehlri, UX "O. 5E. " OAct of running, ^a
suta. sliding motion (as of a door). ©A sink In &

Hnsliike-buno, tt^t^Jf*!. SP, n. A cargo- kitchen, for carrying off filthy water. O First
boat; a. small boat. goods, or goods brought to the market for th»
Ilnslilkeru. tt:?. W 3 !^, v. J. , To take out goods first time in the year.
from a ship by boat loads. To no hashlri guwai ga yoi, p > V X-uV ^
Hash]koshi,-1,-ki, H;£ C L, Sfe ^, t*. Quickwit- (^>f the motion of the door is very good, or the

ted; Bagacioua; sharp; smart; shrewd, cunning; door slides very easily.
Syn. Kashikoshi, Subayashi, Lactive. Ilaeblrlagnrii* iiZ^ht^Z, ^±, v.t. To run up
aiasbikwa, n%<tiM^ ^E. "• [-Bo^.] Caragana Hasblrll>J, tt^ytK, ^!K. •<- Sparks. Lto.
Syn. MuRESuzuiiE. icJia/mlagu. Syn, TOBIHI.
Oaelilmorl, ia:£ i ij)
, ^ bE, n. A bridge keeper; a Maahb-ldokoro. ttV)**£.5, SS. " [Bot.]Sco-
guard stationed to defend a bridge. polia japonica.
llasljItiiotG, a24if,0^,w. The foot of abridge. Hnslilrlgabl, tt ;£ fe» &, ft, fi S. ">!) ^ Act or
MaalilnRbii, ^X'^< ,^i^, adti. Rashly; sudden- writing fast; a running hand,
ly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden. Syn. Hayagaki. fder.
Hashin-aicu i^ukiau, $S ^ ^iS 7t to meet with flasblrJgiitno, tt£V| ^ (, n. [Entom.] KinA of spl-
unexpectedly on a road. Hasblrlhodashl, US, ymtT&Z, n. Shackles on
Syn. Hakarazu, Yukueinaku. horses, rfountain.
Hasbliitgl, Biiitll>, JS5^, n. Sewing the ends or Hasblrl-1, H:£V)X>, S ^j " An artesian well; a
borders of a piece of cloth. fteeth. Hashirl-deni, iXX^SZ, ^IB, v.t. To run out.
llnsblo. tt£,t3, «The tartar collecting about the Ilashlri-li-ii, ti*,U)\A3, ^A. '"•t- To run in; to
Ilaslifro, H;£5,ft, n. %% A. pillar; a column; a rush into.
post. @ Numeral for gods. Hnslilrl-Jl, az^'^, ifi.^, n. Bleeding piles.

Hashira wo tatsu, ft ^ it 'S', to erect a pillar; Hasblrlbaei-u, ilXy)t>-^Z, j£ig, v.i. To run
to set up a post; Jifon no hashira, n ^ ft, the back.
pillar of a gate ; Mi-Jiashlra no kami, = fi -^ ^. llasblrikoei'u, tt X 'J t'> 2, v.t. To jump over
the three deities. fvalve shell. (as a fence) in running to run over.

Ilaehlrn, d^ &, SSST, "

The ligaments* of a bi- Hashirikiirabe, az "0 < 6 ^, '^fiS. 3SSS. " a
Syn. Kai-no-hashira. trial of speed a race.

IliLsltld-n-dnl, il:a. &?t'V^. ttfi. "n. The base of a Syn. Kakekurabe.

pillar. fof a mast. Hashlrjbiisa, H* V) < 3, fl-jg^, n. Erisipeias.
Haahira-dnna, L &?&tC, (^^, n. Cross'pieces
11 IInsblrliiia^vai-11, tl X ^O 2 H S, ^J@. v.t. and U
Haslili'adatO', (!;£ & ;t- T, tE ffi, t*. A ceremony To run around.
performed on setting up pUlars or completing Haslilrliiiukaii, JHZ '0tfl>.i-, j^fSj, v.i. To run
the framework of a building. towards; to go towards by galloping or running
Hashlra.dok:el. tt:£ &>5W'U^, ftffifH, n- A clock, Hashlrlsbu, E :£ "(J X Ift, tt i^ ft. «• A class of
[lit.] a timepiece for hanging from a pillar. inferior officials in the service of the Shogunate,
Syn. Kakedokei. who loUowed the ShOgun on foot when he went
IflaBlitrf^kaknehl,Ja£.^i}>< I. &.f^,&.M, «• Syn. KaOHISHTJ. LouL
An ornamental board with pictures or inscrip- IfaBbin-uma. tt* 9 5 5, ^ffi. n. OA swift
tions, hung against the pillars of «, room to horse. @ Horse race.
screen them. HaeblrlyorUf iXS,^ i.Z, M'Sv, ^''- To approach
llasUii-aknsu. (!£ & *>-^, -fr ^, v.t. [coll.] To let or get near by running.
run; to cause to sail. llasblrlzukal, tt£ ii)P*A>V', ^^. n. A servant
IlasblramlKO, SIS S ;5-5', tt^, " The furrows dispatched on pressing messages; a. servant
of a pillar. boy.
Haeblranukl, K X 5 Sa &. ^ ?K. » The upper Haamrlzuml. U £ V)
?;^,^K. " Cracking or
part of a pillar. snapping charcoal.
Ilashirnsii, tXS.^-^, ^'M. '"i- [caus. of Sashiru.] Syn. Hanezumi, Harasumi.
To cause to run, to dispatch (as a messenger). Blasltlrii, ax 2.^, v.i. O To go or ride fast; to
mtowo hashirasu, A^^7., to let a person run. @ To flee ; to escape ; to take to flight. ©
run; Tsukai wo hashirasu, ffi^j^?::^, to dis- To flow; to sail fast. Q To splash; to dash; to

watch a messenger. gush out. @ To move or act freely.

Syn, Hashiraseru. Basha ga hashiru, S^^J^fl', the carriag*
goes fast; Chi ga hashiru, j&tf^rt-, the blood Hasbiilij, tt:£,t^>5, ffiMSS, «• A seed-sower.
gushes out; the blood splashes; Fude ga hashi- Syn. Tanehaki.
ru, SW^fl', the pen moves freely; Bigalia- Hashutsii, TSi^&'7, fK [B, n. Going out on some
Bhlru, 'Xitik^i the fire snaps; Katana gaha- oflflcial duty; sending out officials (usually to
shiTii, J]ifi^iu, the sword drops out of the different places at the same time). suru»
sheath; MsUa ga hashiru, ^^if-^P, the train v.t. To send out (as officials).

runs; Kuchi ga hashiru, ^?/*^J^, to be very Hashutsnjo, H;£W)-7£'3;, U^^, n. Abracch

fluent in speech; to slip or err in speech; Mizu oflice; a station (especially of policemen).
ga hashiru, ^if^)i',t'h6 -water flows swiftly; Hasoku sui'u, n^i-fZ, ffiJE. T-t- To grasp; to
Sai ga hashiru, ^ ^ ^
»-, to be sharp-witted to ; hold.
bo smart. Hnson. H ^ ^, ?Sffl, "• Damage; injury (to s

HasUitn. Site, i^ y, ^, ft. Q A fraction ; a frag- building, furniture, apparatus, etc.).

ment. @
A sum of money less than a dollar. Hason luo shuzen su, i&^^ \^^ >^. to repair
Rashita ga aeru, j^ T ^ tii »', there is a little damages.
over; HasMia ni "j^ = -j- p-, to become
Ttaru, }g snru, ut. and f. To damage or injure; to
insufflcient; Zenino hashita, ^ >J{ST. a fi'^^c- be damaged or spoiled.
tional sum of money, or cash less tlian a dollar. Syn. ITAMU, Yaburu.
Syn. Hampa, Nakazoka. aiassaj, H-y^^^. AgS, ft. Eight years of age.
HnsliJta, nXft, }~fM,M-^, n- A female Hassai, Hy^lr-. 1S^, «. and cs. Development of
Hasttiitame, tt;£fe56, servant. ' Intellect; intelligent; sagaciou3.

Syn. Gejo, Mizttshime. ffassai mono, 0:1*^ >, a sagacious person.

Hasliitnka, ts:^^*^ i
Female of
4@, ti. [Orntf/i.] euru» v.t. To become developed in intel-

Haltalia, ttiU\:fe*>,' common sparrow-hawk. lect.

Hasliltamono, tti^tetO, t- O A cloth want- Hassaku, IS-y^ < , AP, n. The flrst day of the
ing in measure to make up a ta/n or piece; an eighth month (o. s.). When small earthen vesB6l.i

imperfect set of anything. @ An inferior filledwith the young grains of rice were offered
servant. by farmers as presents to their landlords and
Hagliltanaslil.-i.-kl, i£%1z^l., a. Low, mean, friends; later the people came to exchange pre-
or base. Used chiefly speaking of one's m sents of various other kinds.
Syn.Nasakenassi. Lactions. Hasflabu SHV11. a y 5 < -^ 3. 'Sf^, v.l. To rise
Maehitoiul. ttS.^*^. « The lower leaf of a door, up; to be suddenly and violently attacked by a
having two leaves, the upper one of which only disease.

can be opened or closed. Hassan, tty^^, A^, n. [Math.]The multiplica-

HastiiwsLtasbl, H;£45fe;£.Siffi, "• Serving as a '
tion or division in arithmetic, in which multi-
mediator; a go-between. plier or divisor consists of a single figure.

Syn. TORiMOOHi. rgalci. Hassan hen-ichi, Al?^— , arithmetical divi-

HnelilBuUurl, \££.^< ^,i^j^.n. Same 3.B Hashi- sion and multiplication.

Haelilsume. \iXX-^'V>,m^> " The place where a Blasean, K-^5^, ^Sfc, ". and a. [Physics.] Diver-

bridge touches the land; proximity to a bridge. gence; divergent.

VXaslilxuteu, a;6=:^-c, ^W, n. A case for chop- Hassan soTcmen, ^SJCJfeS^. divergent pencil.
sticks. Hassei, H";*\p,Sa n. Uttering the voice, ut-
Hashofa, tt;£-^ 5 ^ 5, 5S^]3l, '"• [Ifcd.] Lock- terance; shout; pronunciation.

jaw tetanus.
llaescl sum, a-^*V^3. SE^. v.i. To grow; to
HaehoFf, a^ilJ.CtJf. "• [co««- *>f ^^^^^^ ^^^ germinate; to increase.
ori.'\ Tucking up the skirts by girding
them Hassei snru, n-v^\dr S, gS, v.t. [Chin.] To
under thjipbelt. make an oath; to swear.
Ilaalioru, T£% i. ZM^.
v.i. To tuck up; to Hassen, n-vtA., A =P, n. Eight thousand.
shorten; to reduce in length; to abbrebiate. Hassen, lay^^, AV^, n. A calendar period of
Ku wo hasharu, ^9i^^J''.to abbreviate a twplve days, suppo.^ed to be unlucky for mar-
phrase; Shiri wo hashoru, ^J-^^n-, to tuck riage matters.
long coat by sticking it under Hassen. n-j'^A,, SES5, '»• The sailing out of a
up the skirt of the
the belt at the back Suso wo hashoru,
; ^^^^ vessel from a port. suru, v.t. To Ieav«
port; to start on a voyage.
»-, to tuck up the skirt.

Syn. Habuku, Mijikakti sdbu.

Haaslia, J£-j%-^, UM. " The departure of. .
railway train or a stage coach. guru, v.i.
Uaelau, H^Wj, S3^.w. [CAin.] Sowing seeds.
To start on a train.
Buru, v.i. To sow.
Hagehl to, H^y £. ic, adv. The sound made by voice; £ofct wo hassw'u, #^? @ ^- ^ , to emit
Btrikiog any hard substances together. an odour; to give out fragrance; Miyako wo
Sasshi to kMtsukeru, >x-y5/ MO -ft ^S-, to give hassu, iB y B ^. to leave the capital; Netsu wo
a quick blow with a sword. hassu, S^ ? S P^, to have fever.

HaeshiB, tty£^, S;^, n. [JHfttl.] Eruption. Syn. HiRAKTJ, Okoru, Okosd.

UasslLln-cliilitisu, Iff y£AtA-J-, Bi^ffl^lt, n. llassun, IX v f' ^, A'^, n. O Eight SM7i{or l^if-l

[Med.] Eruptive typhus. Inches). @ A two legged dining table eight sun
Ha&sliiluso, tS;';£,^^5, Sl^S. "• [-Sftd-] An er- In height. ri^elumbium speciosum.
uption on the skin. Hasu, g-^, g, n. [Bat.] The lotus, more properly
Hf&Bsblu sum, a-y:£, ^-^ S, 0(3, v.i To des- Syn, tlACnisu,
patch a message. RENGE. fmi.
Hnsshu, a-^£-^5, A.'-^, n. The eight departments Haeu, B-?-, (ffi, n. [Tchth.]

of state in the ancient Imperial g'overnment, The bonito.

TiE., Chumiisho C4"J^ifi'), Shiklbiisho Ci^Sfitf), Haau, H it, ^, a. Oh
Jibusho i^^^), Mi-nibusho (ESR^). llyobmho liquely; diagonally.
t-J^anm ffyy^-if^/ioOfiJSRW), Okurasho {^^!^). Basu ni soou, ^ — ty
and Kunaisho (-g ft i^), for each of which see if, to cut or pare off
under its respective head. obliquely; Sasxini yu-
Ilasslioln, K y^ J; 5S^, AW^. rt- A chamber ku, $^ = ff **, to go in
in thd ancient Imperial Court wliere the Em- an oblique direction.
peror attended to public affairs. Syn. Nazoe, Su-
nassliojlii, 1iIvX^3Z'Jo, A3§||, n. The eight JIKAE. m-)
deities, or the point.s of the compass in the direc- IHasn, tI-^$,J^K. n. The number or amount re-
tions oi which these deities were supposed by maining over; odds; balance.
ancient astrologers to exist. Hasug:lrl, UirVy),^^, n. An oblique cut.
Hasslifiiiiame, tty;a-^5Sto, ^ S. " [Bot.] ifu- Hasiilia, (l-^tt.fH^I;, n. [coll.'] Q A noisy person
euna capitata. (especially women). @ Waiti-esses at an inn.
Hasslin. tiy*t.^^, A^, n. The eight denomina- Hasuliasu, iS^a^, /hJS. "• Fragments; frac-
tions of Buddhism originally introduced from tion; odd and even.
China, viz.: Gvsha (ffi^), JTijttsu (J5R "K^, Bitsu Syn. Hanta.
(m, ^ossO i^m, 'Sa?iron (H bH). Tendai (^^), Masul, H-^i5>,lS;i<, n. Water discharged from th»
Kegon (^ ^), and Shinoon (^ q). The Tendai womb before parturition. \'pcUatus.
and the Shinfion were most genernlly adopted, Ilasulchlgo, a-^U^''^&, iSJtJ-?, n. {Botri RuDus
and from these two sects afterwards sprung Hasiilko, H-^V^tt, a ?lb, n. A pond where the
various new sect^? such as the JlJOnshU {f^± ^), hasv is grown. rni'tmuetx
/itrsftw C— ^), NUhirenshu (0 !1^), etc
i^i] Hasu-lnio, tt -^ \A 4 a ?, n. [Bot.] Leucocasia

HsBglaB, t;^^ 5, A'lH, n. The eight provinces Haeiijl, tX^'^.^^.n. JJ/c^i.] Fistula in anus.
east of Hakone, namely, Musfishi (H; (E). Sagaml Syn. Anaji.
(*B®.i, Awa i'^Ws), Knzusa C± gg), 6himoosa (T Hasukake, tt-^i^W, a. Same as ffasu.
Jf), Hitachi C^l^), Kutsuke (± 5!? ), and Shimo- MasukaEura, H:-^A>5 i;, RS B. " [Bat.] Cocculus.
tsuke (T W)- giasunioslil, l!lf-yi*.igHS,i?i.S^fiS. n. Rice wrap-
Hnssliutsu suru, ^
%Vi)r> -^ Z,,%]^. vA.
~j To ped in hasu leaves uml steamed; also rice boiled
Issue from; to emnnaro; to flow out.
with the young leave,^ of ?iasu chopped fine.
HaaaoKii sum, [J'?:< -^3. ) ^M. ^'i- To depart HaBii ni, [j-^l/t, adv. Obliquely; diagonally; in a
Hoesokii Hurii, l^-'^t < "^3, ' from; to start; to slanting position, TAasM.
leave, Haeii-no-iin, tt-^®K,®?^, n. The"leave8 of tho
HaK^ii, Hy-t,
S, u.t. and (. O To Rend out; Hasii-no-lm-knsiira, EJ-^CO ES *»:3* i^, =P^K, n.
Uafiaiirn, [J'y^X. to ipfug; to emit; to burst [Bot.]Stephania hcrwi ndij'olia.
forlh; to utter. © To flash out; to manifest; to
IB,isi)-no-liaua, H-^©Htc, i^ IE, n. The flower
develope. © To raise or utter (as a voice). Q of the NelumhHim specinswn.
To depart fiom; to leave. «
JHrasii-no-j, ^irV)v-. ^ flS. KoivamesM wraperi
Do$€i vjo hass-ii, SS ® ? S5 :^. to rai<5o an angry In a hasu Itaf and offered to the spirit of the
shout; Gimzei wo kassuru, W^^ ^'^' Ji', to dead In tho &on festival. fof fi-aiu.
Bend forth an artny; Ju wo hassii, iBt 9- Q :^, to Hasii-iio-no. tt^(^ft, ^Ij^, 7*. ITiot.] Rhizomft
fire » gun; Eoewo hassu, figf-S^., to utter a Syn. Renkon.


Ba.siirii, tl-^2 ^,v.t. To drire on; to hasten; to Hntngoryo, ttfe&a5, JK fiSilef, n. Same as above.
Ballop. rgallop. Hatngoslifibal, \S.1f&-^ i StfV^, Sfe SB ffi W, n. The
Uma wo Aasuru; S? I?B :^ »-, to make horse occupation of an inn-keeper. fatavej-n.
Hasiiru, 1£-^Z, ^. ?f . v.l. Torunl'ast Hata«roya. Ktfta^, ;!S S5M, n. An Innjahotel;
Hata, 1^-k, ^.Va, n. An upland field. Syn. RYOaHOKU, RyOTEN, Yadota.
Syn. Hatakk. Hniabnta, HfeHfe, ^Sl, w. 'Jchth.] Trichodon
Wata, ttte, SE,-!^, Iff, "• OA flag, ensign, or sUllei-i 1 rieet
standard a banner. ; @ A kite (KyuBha dlaleet). Hataliiro, llfeis^,^^, n. Seven fathom'?=28
Bata wo ageru, K ^ ^'^> to hoist a flag; Hata HataJi'o. KfeV^:6,SJEfi. n. {HW] The colour or
wo hirugaesu, KE ^ K ^. ^o "wave a banner Hata ; conditii.n of a flag ; the appearance or state of ao
wo orosu, S£ ^ ^ 7., to unfurl a flag. array in a battle witli reference to its chance of
Hatn, n fz., f^, vk A loom. victory
Rata wo oru, #^^ ff-, to weave. llatajjne, ttfeX'tt. iJSS, n. The threads left looa*

Hatn, Hte, Jg, 61, n. and adv. The side; vicinity; at the end of woven stuffs.

near by. llatajli-o, ttfc;^^, n. [Ichtli .] Seti-avus moara.

Sata yori mim, glf s v ^ /t, to look at from Hatajlriishl, 1£iz^z l,M^,M S. n. A flag; an
the side; to be a looker on; Ifata ni tatsu, ^^ ensign.

iL y, to stand neflr by; Ida no hata, #^ --'

6?, HatJLharn, ttft*>3, v.i. To be wide open; to
ueai', or the side a well.
of, stand with the legs wide apart,
Syn. Hashi, Heri, Heta, Hotobi, Soba. Ilatahaxarlt l!lte*>5*'!I, 5^316, '*. An ornament
Hata. tt te, tiff, coTij. Moreover; again; besides; attached to a flag.

or; otherwise. Ifatako, HfeW-, S.ga, n. A field; a gnrden.

Syn. liana hatake, ?E@, a flower garden; Vasai
Hata, Qit, ^, n. The fln of a flsh. baiake, 5? 3i g, a vegetable garden.

Hata no samono, S® ^ 8^^, small fishes. Hatako, ttteW", ^, n. A kiinl of skin disease
Syn. Hire. Ilatake-iue, ttfeW*lr*l.KH1S, n. Upland rice,

Hatn, (lift, ©1^, n. [fc/tt/i ] Pish belonsing to Hatahegiisaf tl'feW"<*^, ii^S!. '^- Akiadorskm
the genus Serramis. disease. fPhysalis angvlaia.
Hata-aalil, llfeS L. B^, 0. " The lower end Hatako-Iioxiikl, HfeW- tt ft r^' &. ^^, n. {Bot.]
of ft flag. Jlatakn-inouo, H fe (t ?i ©, ^IH )^^, 't- Crops
Katabari, Kfe [f ifl, ifS, f- The breadth (as ot raised in t-hft upland flelds or vegetable gardciia.
Syn. HABA. Lclotlies). Iffatako-mnshlro, efeWt?;&^, $igli, n. [Bot.]
Hatabivni, ttfetfS. v.l. To be wide orextended Lobelia ra(Hcans.
(as clothes) llatakcna, iafeW"5:,5^, ft. [Bot.] Bransicasp.
Hatabako, H fe tf C, )E, JS, n. A spear with a Hatakc-nczuinl, ti ft W" #1 p* ^, n. [20el.] Mus
Email flag attached; a banner. speclostts.
Hataclit, ttfe*^, = + gS. o- Twenty years old. Hatakerii, KCftW'S. v.t- To stretch apart (as tlto
Hatae, afeS,. ffi^, »• The rough sketch of a legs); to open wide (astberoouth).
picture. Hatako-sasage, HJ ft H" 3 3 V^, ?S St. ". iJ3oM
Hatae, ttfe— — + ffi, o. Twenty fold
, Vigna sinensis.
Hatn^asbJra. ttfti)»X 6, Km. K#. n. The Hatako-tsukiii'l, KtftW-:7< IJ. SB A, -f^U, n. An
most powei-ful or influential among daimy^\ agricultural labourer; a farmer.
the leading power. Hatibko-Bcri, HftWte^.^jf, /*. IBot.] Crvi^to
KyliShu no hatagashtra, %')^ -^M^, the lead- taenia japoriica.
ing power in KyQsha. Hatakl, A paper duster.
ttftS.JSJi, ".
HntaKo, ttfta, ikVi, "• OOriginally, a box for Syn.Ohirihakai, Saihai.
feeding a hgr-se on a journey; hence corrupted Hntakii. nit< •^, W' i- [.coU.}fiTo beat or Ptrike

to mean baggage or a trunk (rare). ©A hotel, to dust. @ To exhaust (as one's property); to
an inn. © Tlie fare charged for lodging. use up.
natagowa nanihodo, ilSS8-""HiS. how much CMH tyo hataTcu, M ? 56 ^. to beat out the
li the fare f Uatago wo harau, ]^ H ^ ^ "7, to dust; to dust; Sfugi wo hataku, 3? ^ K ^. to
pay the fare for lodging. thresh wheat; Shinsho wo hataku, ^ ± ^ 5? ^,
Syn. ToMARi, Yadori. [coll.] to exhaust one's property.

Hataffoaeu, }tfft'&^ K, t^%^, n. The fare Syn. TATAKU, Utsu. Hoom.

charged for lodging. HatakuaabI, }S.fe.<'5Xy,^H, n. A wedge io a
Hatamnta, tlfeltte, SG 5;, conj. Besides; more- Hataru, (tfe2, fl(, 34. V-t. To demand, to dun.
over; again; in addition to this. Shakkin wo hataru, JtJ^^tfi'^. to demano
Syn. Eatsumata. the payment of a debt; Kane wo hataru, ^ ? J
Hataiutio, ^lfe^^^:, n. llchth.'i Pempherls molucca. B', to demand the payment of money.

Hatainekii* liifey>< ii& ©, v.L To Tiaake a loud

, Syn. Saisoku subu, Semeru.
noise; to roar; to thunder. fthunder roars. Hatasakii, iHf^i, IHf^, i*,- Products of uplanj
Kaminari ga hatameJcu, © ;V Pfe fflj ^, the farms.
Syn. Narihibiku, Todoroku. Hatasa^hl, a ft ^ L, Jfi #, ^^, ?* A standard
Hatamochl, fclfeft"^, S6#, n. A standard-bear- bearer; a colour-sergeant; an ensign.
er; an ensign. fWoven stua Hatashl. life L, ZSIS, n. A maker of flags ui

Hatainono, llte%®,ii, n. Q [rare.] a loom. @ ensigns.

Uatamoto, tt fe 4 5£, n. MT,
The immediate Matashial, ttfe;£3r,u>, ^'^,^m, n. A duel.
vassals or the household troops of the Shogun; Hatashlau, afe;£25.i,^^, v.t To kill eaci
a feudatory. other (aa in a duel).
Hatamoto hacMmangt, gETA^^IK, the Sh6- Hatasliijo^ Iffe [,£*-^5, ^K. re. A letter convey-
gun's houihold troops eighty thousand strong. ing a summons to fight a duel; a challenge.

Hatankyd, (lfe^^^5, SSS, n. [Bot.] Prumis Hatashijo wo ohuru, ^ 3:;? ^ JS J^, to send a

Amygdalus. letter of challenge (for fighting a duel).

Hatnuodalkon, afe©;tV^C.^, lUBM, «• [Bot.] Hatasliltn, 11 fe£ fe, StT. ^ T. n. Same ai

The watery radish. Hatamoto.

llata-iio-Gil, aftcou-, ^^,n. A weaver's shuttle. Batashita ni tsuku, ^y ^ ^y ^, to become i

Hntauri, litzis'O, ig^, n. Weaving; a weaver. retainer of the Shogun; to become a subject of.

Hataori, a fe Ss f, "• [Entom.'\ Same as SCttaori- Hatashlte, ttfeS.-C, ^-, adv. Just; precisely;
mushl. really; as I thought; as might have been ex-
Hatnoi'l-ffiinio, Ktfe3;?V) <• ft ,
«. [ffntfuji.] A spe- pected.
cies of Arachnida. HatashUe UsuwaH cte alia, ^^ ^ t- ?* T ^ ';'

Hataori-Klkai, tt^tffVl^**^. IS ^^ feS. «. A It waff a lie just as I thought; Hatashltesom

weaving machine. ton naraba, ^ £/ ? JC iffi 'J
?- 9 >=. 11" it be real-
Hntiiorhiio. Ktfe&'U*, ^(if n. A female weaver, , ly so
Mataorl-iKuahl, K?z3ff <!) tr L, '«. [£^«(owi,] A Uatasu, {XfzittM.v.t. QTocomplete; to succeed;
grRsshoppec, yi'KKaiis sp. to fulfill, realize, or achieve; to gothrougli. @
Mataorl-inii9lii, ttfeto«)trL, ^JS, n. [Entom.] To kill; to murder; to put an end to; to da
A grasshopper, TruirUs sp. away with.
Uatarakaaii, Kte 6*>-?-, -^ fifi, v.t. [caus. of ffato- UcM Jiatasv, i-j-j-^^, to kill or assassinate,
To cause to act; to let work or labour.
rafcu.] Waoa mckutekl wo hatasu, ^7f ^^=^ ^,y-,tt
HaCaralil^ dfe ^ 5, (58, n. O Action; movement; accomplish one's object; Yakusoku wo hata
work; achievem6nt;'doing; operation; function; su, ^
^ ^J- 7', to perform a promise.
deed. ©Activity of intellect; originality; saga- Syn. OWARU, SUMASU, Togeru.
city; resource. ©A labourer; workman. Q aiatatngainl, li£tz1tiii?^,^M. " Violent thundei
[Gram.] Conjugation. Syn. Kanbachi. Lor liglitnins
BakJcun no Jtatarakl, J? ^ -^ 1®. an extraordi- Hatatnifl, afz^^.M'M, n. Clapping the wlnga.
nary achievement; an unusual exploit; ITatara- VEntato, afeif.E, a^^- O Uttering a sound liki
fci ga nal, jSj if i-4, to be deficient in sagacity; that produced by a sud-len concussion. © Also
Hatavaki no ant hito, QS ^ t tt' A, a man of an exclam. of surprise: really entirely there I I I

resource; Kikai no hatavaki, tS W-^flS, tlie work lol

or power of a machine, the motion of a ma- Hatato te wo utsn, U ^ ^ y, clapping the t- -ffl

chine. hands as in a sudden emotion; Hatato towaku

HntnrakJ-bachl, ttfe6 Stft, ffitUS, ". [Entom.] sum, IS b ffi H^ «', to be completely at a losi
A worker-bee. what to do; flalato tuasureta, ^ h g. u ^, ]

Hatnraklkakn, ttfet^A'W-, l^ff-, «. Keglnning have clean fori;olten it; TTalato yiikitxumarH,
to labour; coraiuencemeiit of work. «£ !• fi + *> "7 «-, lo come t<-> a suodon p.uisc- in
HataraUIUoLolia, Kft I^C^tf, ®)^, n. [Gram.] Speech; to be entii-ely st a loss what to say next
Syn, D6sni, YOOEN. LA verb. Syn. lUsSEUTO, Tonto.
Hatnrakii, lij'fe 6 < , U), u.f. and (. To act; to do; Hatatoao. tttel^*,= -|-^, n. Twentyyears; two
to perform; to labour; to exert one's self. decades.


BatntEiiimoi'l, afe-s** V), if^lS, n. [Bot.] Eurya llatomuehi, tt^irL, "• \Entoni,\ BythocapiLS ^^.
japonica; Glelhra barbtnevdsl Syn. EB0sniMD8Hi.
Hatayii, ttfe'^. ^S, w. A weaving room; a sel- Hato-no-kuruina. u if o < X H, iftlg, 7t. A toy
ler or manufacturer of looms. consisting of two wlieels having a wooden
Hataaao, \aifi^'^,tSi^, n. A flag-pole. pigeon or pigeons perched ou Its axle.
Hatasao, tr fe y 5:, 1(? 5P 3!. « [Bot.] Arabls per- Hatau, (I -I?, fi, n. A numeral for counting th#
foliata. discharge of guns. fearly
HntcliEn, i!ty't^, A^, n. L(?A(n.] Eight kinds of Hatsu, lit "5, ^, 71. and a. The first; beginning;
delicacies ; the liver of a dragon (ffj Hf ), the spinal JJguisu no hatsu-ne, M x^^^^, the first notei
marrow of a phoenix (B),f8), the palm of a hear of the nightingale.
(He ^\ etc. fLibellula sp. Hatsii, tt-!?, ^, v.i. Same as Natenu
Hntolio-tombo, Ht % 1 5 >^ ^ K, « [Entmn.l
-y Hatsunn. B55^, @S, /*. A proposition; a pro
Mate, at:, -SIS, interj. Anexclam. of perplexity, Syn. DOGI. LPOBal
wonder, or surprise; dear me woe is mel I HatBubaf, tt-7(fV/^, H?f. w- The selling; sale.

Bate komatta monoda, >\Tg^-=e^^,dear mel Satsubal wo klnzuru, ^'^ f-^y'fl'. to pr»
what a dilemma; how It perplexes me. hibit the sale of.
Hnte, K-Clfi. ^S, n. O The end, extremity, ter- suru, v.t. To sell.

mination. @ The result; conclusion; con- Syn. URIDASHI, URtHIROMB.

sequence; Issue HatsubS, a-:7tf 5- )
{ 3i€i n. A blistering plastsn
JUlchl no ^, the end of a road;
hate, iS -^ llappd. tl-yff?.
Hateganal, '^Mlf^^, there is no limit; it is IFatsubo wo haru, %^9->^1^, to apply a
boundless; to have no ending; Hate wakojiki blister.
sa, ^ -»» E & "y*! tli6 consequence will be a life of Hatsuda, H -9 :fe, ® ft, n. Publishing a book;
Syn. OwARi, SniMAi. Lbegging. publication; issue. guru, v.t. To pub)ish.
Hntolinte wa, ttTiatTK, M^, culv. Finally; in HntsudnUe, ttrPT&ift, 9^ E, ti. [Bot.] A kind of
the end; as the consequence. fTSDHARi. mushroom.
Syn. Hate no hate. Sob no suk, Todo no Mataud5 sum, tt-5»5-fX, SUlb, "•* Tomove.
Haterii, UTS,^, O To end; to terminate;
vd. llatsiiffakubnl, ^•oh''<^\r, A^-if^. n. [Bot.]
to be concluded. @
To die. © Affixed to verbs, variety of plum-tree, having eight fruits in on
It intensifies their meaning. Syn. Yatsubusa no umb. Ldn^ter.
Shlbai go. Haieta, «. the play Is
?S( SJ^tf >* 5= Ilataugatsuo* ^S.-ot'''^ 5r. «• Katsvo appearing
over; mtode nt kakatte hatemashita, » » A^— in the market for the first time in the season.
y ^ ^7 ^^
fi, he died hy the hand of another Ilat^ugeu, a^H^^, %M, n. Speaking; utter-

Kamari hateru, MV ^.'r n-, to be exceedingly Hotsiigon, W;7a^, > ance; opening word, or
troubled; to he in an utter perplexity. speech. suru, u.t. To speak; to utter.
Syn. OwARTJ, ShimAtj. fconclusion. Hatsusl. a-7^. ®HI. " A motion made In a
HatesSil, jj-c L. S. « Limit; end; termination, deliberative assembly; proposal. sum, v.i.

Eateshl ga nal, S^s/if^ ^, there is no limit;

To make a motion; to move; to propose.
no ending; Haieshi ga tsukanu, "9 ^W is 3r, to
Ifatsiisi-sba, n-^-^X^. Sli'^. « The proposer
be interminable; to have no conclusion. of & measure, or opener of a debate. Tmals.
Syn. Kagiri, Saigbn. Hatsugo, n.-o'&t^^, n. The firstlings of ant
Rnto, Kf^, JiR, n. [Ornlth.] A dove; pigeon. Hateiisun. nof:K, ®^, « Sending out troopsi

Hato. ate 5, n'S. « euru, v.t. To march out an army; to de»

[Chin.] Wavea; bil- patch troop?.
lows; surges. Hatsiihniin, K-^a-&, ^ ^, n. The first blossord
Hatobn. n)C^, ^5^, of a young tree; flowers blooming for the fir^
n. A wharf; a pier. time in the season.

Bntftfukl, ll^.i?, n. HatsuliiiDa-BOinc, ^<?^ts.^)b, M'^Wi, " Dy

Imitating the voice ing with the crop of the safflower.

of a pigeon with the Cift) Hatsuharu, H-?tt2,1^^, The beginning " (*

palms of the hands (often made by hunters to spring. ^y'' a 1'"^*

Hatsubatsii nl, tt-7a-7K, adv. Rarely; scare*.
attract deer, stags, etc.).

Hatomush Kt^ti'5', )iA ^. "• [5o(.] Pearl barley, Syn. ISASAKA, MARE.
Ilatsuhatsu, }&<?}£<?, S3i&. at*^'- With a floune-
Job's tears, Coix lacryma.
Chicken-breast Syn. PiCHiPiOHl. Ling motion.
Bntomune, a^trtt, iftlW- '*-
flatsu-hlnode, tt-^u®-?,^ H ffi. "• The sunrise Hatsno, tt <? 15, i^;®, jt. The first ears of anr
on the first morning of the year. Hntmio, a "^ -Sr. 'grain; hence the first Iruits
Hatsnhfichin, fct•:?a5'%^, (9, t*. [Bot} A A^ offered to agod or the Emperor; also tlie first
species of eamellia. cup of boiled rice, tea, etc.
Hat«iiij, {ff-S'V-, @ ;"B!,
n. The original conception Batsuo wo agerit, ^ ^ ^ ± s-. to offer the first
or idea; plan; design; device; Instance; Bugges- fruits. rulattoD.
Syn. Omoidachi, Ltion. Hatsuou, tt'7?^^,^3f=, n. Pronunciation ; artic-
Hateuikn, ]ii<?\/^<, @ |f, n. Gro-wth; develop- Hatsuon ivo tadasu, S'^^IE^^, to correct
ment. siirti, v.t. To grow, develope, or pronunciation*
Syn. Seioiio suru. Lmature, Hatsiiran, H-7 5 ^, JgSL, "• [Ohtn.] Pacifying
HntsniD, tI7V^^, i @ f^, n. Pronunciation; artic- tumult; putting down rebellion; quelling insur-
Hatsiion, a7 5:^, i ulation. rection.
Baisuln ga warui, S^^E -^ , to have a bad Hatsuran hansel, flSgL^IE, putting down re-
bellion and restoring the peace of the country.
HAtsuJin, tt:P:£•^,®|S. n. Setting out on a HatBiiren, tt-7i^^, SS, n. Setting out on a
journiiy (said of high officials). Journey (only of the Emperor).
Htitfiuka, K-^l', =: -f- n. The twentieth day
tiatsuro 8urn» H r? 6 ^ 3, @iS, r.f. and t. To
of the month; twenty daya. be disclosed; to be revealed; to discover; to lay
Hnteiikngiisa. tj r? *> < 3, =+ :^, n. [301.1 open; to make public. fRu.
Peony, the moutan. Syn. ABAWARERIT, ARAWASU, ROKEK SU-
natsr^n-neKuml, a-^*»*l$ft-, gJE. "• [Zool.\ Hntsiii-ii, tt-P3, ^, @ij, v.t. To cut with an axe;
A mouse, Mim speciostis. Ton. to hew; to chip oft
Hatsiiiil, H"^^, n. A. pole used for drying clothes Ki wo hatsuru, ?t^ ^ fij B', to hew timber.
Hntaiiiko, Hr? t, j ^ ?. w- The firstling of an anl- Syn. HEzURtr.
Hatsugo* a-^&i mal.
Hat!iiu*u, arPZ,^, v.i. OTo end, terminate, or
Hatsiiko, K-^t."- Remote posterity; descend-
close. @ To die; to expire (as a term).
Syu. SnraoN, Sue. Lants.
Haru ga hatsuru, ^^ if ^^ji-, spring is over;
Hatstilitsrol, UO < ^V',M13. «• Dressing the
Toshi ga hatsuru, if^if^ju, the year has come to
leathers (said of birds).
an end; Netiki ga liatsurit, ^^jf ^jj^, the term
Hateumcl, e-7i^V>, ^^, n. and a. O invention. has expired; Yvki hatsuru, fi'#i|i;^, to com«
@ Intelligent; clever; ingenious.
to one's destiny; to arrive at; BUo galuitsuru,
Baisumei na klto, ^^-J- A, an intelligent
\ij' ^ lu, a person is dead.
person; Shln-hatsumet, Jjf ^E^, anew Invention. Haterd. Kiwamabd, Owaru.
sum, v.t. To Invent. Hatsueliliuo, a-cS. 4, l^fB'. f-10, n. The first
Kikai wo hatiiUTne} suru, ^bS ^ § §^ =^ n't to ^ frost of the year.
Invent a machine. Hatsusova, tt-:? ^ 6, fJS. n. The sky at th»
Syn. Hajimehtj, Omoitsutstt, reiri, Rik5. beginning of the year.
Hatsmnol-raehl.-l.-kl, fSoityi^ & L, ® S^ fii, a. Hatsutake, li t? fe W, %/]^, n. [Bob.] A kind of
Having an Intellectual look; appearing to be edible mushroom.
wise; clever-looking. rclever-loDking child. Hatsiitorl, n'0'£^, t]S9, n. The crowing of %
J-iatsumei-rasJiilct IcoAomo, S^ fit * /h S. a cock on the fir.st morning of the year.
llatsiiniono, fct-7%©, ^49. w. Anything eaten Matsu-u^ n-o^, ^5P, n. The first hare's day ol
for the first time in the year; the first fruit. the year.
Hatsiimotorid. irW>V,^ 7C ^, •». The cord
tt-^ft Hatsn-uma, tr-^5ia, ?)?^, n. The first horse-
used for tying up the cue at the time of gembu- day in the 2nd month (o. s.) when prayers ar«
ku, which se*. fa tree. offered to the god Inarl for a good crop or
HatsuiinrI, a-^tCiJ.^^ili^, n. The first fruits of protection against confiagrations.
Hateiine, H-9*!, f] ^, n. The first rat day of the Katsu-uma-matsiivl, 11 -^J^ a-PtO, ^^*ff. n-
year. See Nenohl. The festival oihais%i-uma.
Hatsiiiio, Kt"^^, %)^. n. The note of a bird Hatsiiynnia. K r? -^ 5, %D Ui, n. Ascending*
Ringing for the first time In the year. sacred mountain for the first time In the ye^r or
Vijuisu no hatsune wo fcifcw, ^ ^ ^ # ^ M ^, In one's life.

to hear the first notes of a nightingale. Hatsiiyarl, \ii'0^^, ^l^it, it. The first attack
Hnt'-nnetsii. If -^ta-^, S S^- "- Being sick with or the first fight with a spear In a battle.
fever. suru, v.i. To have a fever. Syn. lOHIBANTARI.
Hatsiiyiikl, tt -? ta> §, ^^, n. The first snow in law; Sorewa gohatto da, V i-'>n 2^1 Ji ig ^, that
winter. is under prohibition, or contrary to law.

Hatsuyiimer iffrPWHi!), %d^, n. Originally adream Syn. Okite, Sa])a3ie.

on the flrat night of the year; later corrupted to Hattogaki, }iX"j)£fi^,^!k^, n. Acodeoflawa;
mean that on the second night when people a law bottk.
sleep with a picture of takaraliune (a treasure Hattsiiko. [i7-5H-, 77. S^mo as Ilaritsuhe.
ship) placed under the pillow. Haueliiwa^ K5'tH,?3PfS, n. A feather-fan.
Hntsu-yiirl. tt*:? t* if). Ig n5ll. UJ ^(6. '* \.Bot.'\ Maiilinn, 13 i ai, adv. In a slow and laborious
Crythoronium aenscanls. manner; creeplngly; with a strenuous effort.

Hnttal, Kt ft V^, JtS ^", '«.

>:; Barley roasted and Hauta, K5ft,QPB,5gCH, n. A kind of popular
ground into fine powder. It is eaten mixed with song.
sugar; also its decoction Is used as a beverage Hautsii, Kt5-?, ^5g, v.i. To flap the wings.
much like coffee. Hatva, (li9. n. Mother (now only u-sed in drama-
Hattnl-lslU, il-y1t\j^\f^l,U^, A kind of Iron -^t-
tic compositions).

ore containing much clay and sand. Sawa sama, 1/Xt> f^, ray mother.
Syn. KANATSUBOISHI, KOMOOHITSHI, ISHI- Ha^valbosliJ, KCibV^tS L, IJg, n. One of the 28
NADANGO. constellations of ancient astronomers.

Hattan, \i£-/ftX.,7\.i^, n. Q A kind of striped silk Hnwakc, tt^W, % ^, u. Pushing apart or blow-
ing through the leaves (as winds).
stuff of yellow or brownish colour. @ Eight
tan or pieces of cloth. Hawake no kaze, ^^ ^^, the wind rustling
HattaDsake* tt-yftAft^W, ASS^, ". A piece of through the leaves.
clotii measuring about eight tan or pieces of Hawnsii, tl*?-^, -^iS, v.t. [caus. of ffaiA.] To
cloth. nan. cause to creep; to let crawl. fchild creep.
Hattau-orf, tt•yft^?^I!I, AS5^. n. Same as ffat- Koilomo ivo hawasu, /h S f" il-*^ 7., to make a
Hattnrj, H-yfe V), 71. A plan or artifice for making Hawo, 5,iKl,«-
tti9 The most influential
a suspected person confess the truth. among a number of kings; the most mighty
Syn. £aua. sovereign.
Hattatsii, iX "J ff^, ^. M. "• Development; Ha-tvojti, tt*?5*:W), JH :E fii, w. [Bat.] Cactus.

growth; progress; improvement; becomingskil- Haya, iX^, ¥fe n. The first arrow shot nt a
ful in any art. certain time.

Gakumon oa hattatsu sliita, ^ ?^if^^s^it, Haya, tj-^, t^.?^,. n. [Ichth.] Leuclsctis macropus.
he has made much progress in his study; Nan- Haya, IX-^, ^, odi\ Already.

dc??M) hattatsu sliinai to hito ni naren, fpl r ^ S ffaya deklta, ^- tJJ j|j ^, already done; Haya
ji£ s^-J-'f I-A=s-J-L'>',
nobody will ever become a sunda, ^.y^-i/ ^, it is already finished; Tli mo
man, unless he improves in his art or business, haya kure fcej*i, B =£ -f. S
i^ ^ V . tli© sun ban

Syn. JoDATSTT SURU, JoZU NI NARU. already set.

Hattatsu, liyft-:?, A^. " Leading to all direc- Haya, Hj^. [prejix.'] An adjective prefix to noun^
tions; possessing every facility in matters of meaning fast, quick, swift, or early.
communication and transportation. Hayaashl* IJ-^X L, ^ S- tS i^. " Swift-footed.

Shltsu hattatsu, Eg iS A i^, leading to, or can be Hayabaslili-J. KC-<^tf £ ^.^^.n. Quick running.
approached from, every directions (as a street). Hayabaya to, H^tJ-^1^, adv. Early; quickly;

SEi^. " Going on a journey; de- soon. rpress post.

Hatto, a-y^,
Syn. Tabidachi. Lparture. Haya-l>ikyak«, H^U.'&-^<, ^flSP, n. An ex-

Hatto, H-^^, adv. [colt.] The sound of clapping Saya-Mkyaku wo taterit, .^ ff§ gjj ^ i n- to , dis-

the hands as in a sudden emotion; the state of patch an express post.

being suddenly surprised. Hayaljlto, ]£'^V^'^, ^A, n. Same as flaito.

ffatto o^roku, >\'j M35^, to be startled; to be Hayalmne, (d-^-J--*!, ^^. fiS^. "• A. fast boat;

taken aback. a clipper.

Hatto, Bv^e, interj. An exclam. of surprise; Hayabusa, Kj^.S-'^, :¥, n. [Ornith.'i Perigrint

falcon, Falco pe)-egrinus.

O dear; there; really.
Batto mattari, >^y h^-)'*ty . there! wait. Hayabusa-otosUi, -^ i(z "^ iii ^^ t, ^ W, n
Hatto, K'y>?.iiS. "• Law; ordinance; statute; a Pouncing down upon an enemy.
prohibition. HayachJ, tt ^ ^, ^^. n. [comp. of Raya, fast

Batto ni smnuhu, y£ ® = "B" ^. to transgress a and Chi, an old word for wind.] A hurricane;

law; iTatto wo yaburu, ii fi '^'V:/ B-. to break a

Hayadalbo, II-^?6V't, @S!(, n. Drums beaten Sayamichl ni oshieru, ^.^=.^^ n-,~to teach

in quick succession. In a short way.

Ilayaduyorl, tt-^^-lv?, ^ ^, n. Quick tidings; Syn. Chikamichi.
a prompt way of communication. Hayamurii, tt-«^tf2, ^, «*• To accelerate; lo
Hayafuue, tt-^i*l, ^ IK, «. Same as Sayabune. hasten; to urge or spur on.
HayagakJ, tt-^i)*&, ^ #, 7*. Fast writing. Uma wo hayamuru, fi ? ^ /p, to spur on a

nayagaki ni kakitomu, ^ ^ = ^ ffi.. to write Syn. ISOGASO. Lh^-se.

or put down fast. Hayanuiiil. a-^^*, @ilt, " Raginy waves;
Hayasane, [l-^ii»ti, ^Q, ^S, 7t, A bell rung torrents.
In quick succession; a fire-bell; an alarm bell. Hayauawa^ B-«^'5a, ^ *S. " A cord for bind-
Jiayaoane wo ucM narasu, ^^^fS^A^, to ing criminals with.
ring an alarm bell. Syn. TORINAWA.
Haynga^Tarl, a^h^iX ^, ^Wf '"• OA quick May ao, B-^^, ^ iff. 'i- A rope usedO in scuUi ng

change. ©Changing the dress quickly to ag- a boat. ©

The band of a wheel.
surae another character in a play. Syn. Hataito, Ronawa.
Hayago, ttJ^a, ^ S. i^^S. "• * cartridge. Hayaoi, a-^?ZV, ^ JI. JSffi. " An express iii6«-

Syn. Pator5n. senger; an express.

Hay jsffoto, H -^ a iT, ^ "g, ^ R , rt. Same as Ha- Syn. Hata.
yaJcuchi. fiuatch. Hayaolfe, B-^SrW". ^flS. »• A large ready made
Hayaliluawa, tl-^Vi5tt, gtiA:5I. " a rope tub used as a coffin.

Hnynhitoeusa, U -^ t> >C ^^S, BS ^ ^, n- {Bot.'] Hayaokl, a^>?, #- jg, SS. ". Early rising.
Convolvulus hederacea. Sayaoki wa sarrvmon no toku arl, ^ =. X jfa

Syn. HiRUGAO. '^'^y V [i'i*-] there is three mon of gain in earlj


ilaynlto, K^Vrif, ^B, WM n. The cord or lising.

band of a wheel. rtorrent. Hn^aralca, a^^ 6i>, a. Early; swift; fast; rapid.
IIayaJ*awa, W:^i>tt, ^M. ' A rapid stream; Syn. SUMITAKA.
Mayakeslil^-kj, tl-^W L, Bright; clear; Hnyaraserii, a-^ 6-^2, •^SRfi'. v.t. [caus. o(

cloTjdlesg. Sayaru.] To cause to prevail.

Mayakii, \S -^ < , ^ adv. Early; quickly; Hayarl, B^Vl. St fi, " The prevailing mode of
soon; fast. style; fashion.

nay Oku deJclruka, ^ ^ ^^f'fj, ca-n It be Hayari ga sutareru, W.fi if '^ f", to h« ^^
quickly done ? Hayaku Tcaeru, ^ ^^ to re- n-, out of fashion JIayari no kimono wo kiru, jK fl

turn quickly Hayaku koto

; wo sum, ^. irf^'f 7. -^ 2^ t^ ^ ¥ '»-. to dress to the fashion; Sayari

B-y to do a thing promptly. no shingata, gS ff > tf 515, the latest fashion.

Syn. IsoGiTE, JiKi, Sassoktj, Sugu ni, Su- Syn. Rtuko.
MiTAKA NI. rdisease. Hayarika iil, a-^'i)*>K, o,^v. Rashly; thought-
Hayakiisa, tt-S'< ^. f^^. '^ A kind of skin an impetuous manner.
lessly; in
nayahti suru, H-^<-^3, {SS5, "' '^'> break an Syn. ASERITE, SEIKTU NI.
agreement. ffoot-hill. Hayariganil, a-^ 9 ft*^. Sff ff i^, n. A popular god
Ilayanin^ a-^^. 4S lIJi "- -* little mountain; a attracting a great number of worshippers on
Hayamani, fcl -^ ^ 2, ^, fS S, v.i. To be rash, account of some wonderful power displayed bj
hasty, or precipitate in doing anything. him.
Syn. ASERIT, HATABU. Hayarlme, B-^ip*. ^IfRR, ^SBB. n. Epidemi*
Hayame, a-^*, fSS. " Hastening parturition. ophthalmia. Tnon ga
TTnynme no mamnri, (S ?l -^ *?. « charm for Haynrl-uta, B^iU 5^, i5(E 17 PK, B?K. " Populai
hastening parturition. Hnyarlwo, H^^^.^^.'^Wc, w- An impetuot*
Hayame-giisurl, tt -^ ft <-?•«) , ^ SI, fffi ^ g?, ". person; a heroic man; a daring lad.

A medicine for quickening parturition. Hoyariwo no wakazamurai, ^ i^ ^ S ^, "5

Ilayamoru. liX-^^Z, 'S^ ¥. i"-^- To quicken; to impetuous young samwraf.

hasten; to accelerate; to urge on. Hayarlyamal, B -^ 15 -S* U V^, JfE =R 1^. B5 ^H, '« i

Ashi wo hoyamete yuTcisaru, ^ ^ ji t f(=^ S prevalent disease; an epidemic.

J^, to go away with hasty steps; Fune wo haya- Hnyarsi, B-^3,Stff, v.i. To be prevailing, to bi
mete hashiru, fiS ^ ^ jf x filE »-, to sail with an in Cashion; to be popular; to be in favour wi tit

increased velocity. Ta near road. the public; to be in vogue.

HayiiiEilchi. tr-'%'»--^, ^iS.SS. « A short way; Atio mise wa havaru niise da, tS ffi
•'^ SI f? »- 13
if, that shop Is In general favour; Bosogalia- Hayatatolia. tt -^ fe t: tl, n. [Entom.] Vanessa
yant, ^^ jgtf g(S ff A-, the small pox is preval- C alhum.
ent; Tnfilku ga hayaruy J^HRVgSfJfl', Euro- ilayate, n-^X, ^^, n. A gale; a tempest.
pean style of dress is in fashion. Syn. ARA8HI.
Hayn.ru, tt-^2,^.,fift@;, v.(. To be impetuous, Hayntv, $A, n. Same as .ffixito.

rash, or hasty. IlayatsukesI, «^^W-2r, ^R-t*. "• A friction

Kokoro ga hayaru, ,t<if ^ n^, to be rash; to Syn. SuRiTSDKEGi. [.match,

have an impetuous temper. Hayniii'lil. \S.^^'%,W-fJ, n. A swift messenger;

Syn. ASERU, SEKU. flocity. an express.
Hnynsa, fel-^S,?, n. Quickness; swiftness; ve- Hnyaiu'lii-kata, H-^5 1 A'^fe, S:S? H, « L-^ed.i
Haynsnme, ttJ^?!*, itM. «• Sudden showers of The swelling or hardening of the skin over the
rain. frapids. shoulder?, supposed to bo caused by aogiua
Ilaya'^e. KC-^-^, ©; ffE, n. A swift current; torrents; ' pectoris.
Ilayase wo watam, l®;gIi^i^7^, to cross a Miijauuia. li-^ 5 a. ^-1^. »• A swift horse, or
swirt current of water. one used by hayauchi.
UayaslU, tl-^ L, ^. «. O A forest; wood. @ A Ilayaiiso, d-^' 5 ^. »• A quick falsehood or a
collection of anything. falsehood told without premeditation; a whito
Kotoba no Jiayashl, ^ ^ ^, [Ift.] a forest of lie.

words; a lexicon; a dictionary. Hayaw:»hari» iX-^ihii'^, n. Quick perception;

Haynelil, a-* t, #
?) «• A band of music; an being easily understood.
Nayaslit fcata, !i ?::?, a band of musicians. Hayawaza, tt-^S^S". ^ d?. "• Sleight of baud;

Hayafiilil,--l,-kj, Quick;fast; tricks; legerdemain; dexterity.

H-^ L, ^, ^. Sfi. a.

Bwift; early; soon. Hayawaza wo sum, ^.^J- y^ /u, to perform

Kaei-u ni hayai, I8 b- =i ^ ^r, too early to re- tricks of hand.

turn; M
no hayakl fiito, sg,>ft!i^A, a quick- Hayazu. B-^i&, ^ffi, «- A kind of vinegar made
tempered person; JUimi ga hayashi, %if^*/, with millet or glutinous rice, and used as a

Syn. KONZU. L^iedicine.

quick to hear. fSHl.
Syn. SATOSHI, SUMIYAKA, SURUDOSHI, TO- Hayo, tt-^5, ^„ aav. Early; quickly; soon; fast
naynshitaterii* a J** ;£ fe t ZM'H, '"t. OTo Ohayo, iaif-V, [coiJ-Uiit-] you are early; good
make music keep time with dancing.
in order to morniug.
@ To rouse up; to applaud; to speak highly of; Hayiiinajl, Hl^^tr, P S&. «• A post-road; high-
up for.
to stand way; public road.
Syn. Odateru. Syn. Ekibo, Umayaji.
Hayasii. a-^-^, !$£, v.i. and t. O ^o Piay on a Hayuru, 611*3, ^, v.i. To grow (as plants); ta
musical instrument; to beat time; to applaud; Spring up; to shoot up; to sprout.
to extol; to-laud, @
To tease; to play tricks on; Maga hayuru, Bif ^rt', to cut teeth; Kino-
to banter. ko ga hayuru; ffitf ^7^, the mushroom ha«
Hitc wo hayasu, Af-?i8:^. to banter another; grown; Takenoko ga hayuru, ^tf^B-, the bam-
to applaud another by way of jest. boo sprouts have come out; Url ga haeta, JS^if
Aayasii, To applaud,
tt-^-^.fflffi, v.t. praise, or ^ $c, the melon has sprouted.
extol. Used mostly as an affix. Hayuru, ttW)3, WS. v.i. To shine; to look

li-Jiayasu, "gt: >n>71, to give notoriety to; to to make a fine appearance; to be showy.
HayuBbl.-kl, H:W)L, [ajn».] Rich in a particu-
Bpeak highly of; Mote Jiayasu, * x ^\ V ^, to IIS.

lar quality; full of; dazzling. Only used as an

give currency to; to extol to the skies.
To adjective termination.
Hayasii, ffij^-^,-^^. "O.t. [caiLS. of Haerit.]
Mahayushi, or mabayushl, @ ift s/. overpower-
make to grow long.
Hige wo hnyasu, K^^::^, to let grow the ing the eye with light; dazzling; Shiohayusht.
>•» 3. s/, full of salty taste; briny.
mustaches; Kusa wo hayasu, S^^^, to al- a
low weeds to grow. Hazaknra, H^-C G.^Jf, '«• A cherry tree with
Haynsii, li-^-^, S*!. «•*• To chop or slice (especial- fine, fresh leaves, after the falling of the flowers.

ly articles of food), Hazama, am, JJf^, n. gorge; OA avale; a

wo hayasu, to slice a dale. ©Embrasures; port-holes.

DaLlcon ::*C*S^ S] :^.

radish; Na wo hayasu, US f- *^ ^, to chop greens Shtro no hazania, fiS > S K. embrasures in a

or the leaves of radish, turnips, etc.
Hazuiua. ttra, m^> •»• See ffasawio.
Syn. KizAMU.


Hnsaiiinseto. ttar^^i^, M'm.P,n. a strait; a )
Maxukashlsa, tt:3'i>;£,?, «. ShamefulneBs; d;v
channel. I grace; dishonour. fSth month (o tA
ilji«o. Hit-, SS/,2^, n. [Zc/if/i.] Fish of the eenus Hazukl, ap*&, 5^fl, 71. A poetic name for tha
CoSfi.'S. Hazukitrol, Up* <'&!>, n. Repairing or dressing
Haae. c ^, I^Jf:^
v*. the feathers (said of birds).
Rice soaked in nasuml. ar)*;^, K SK, 1^, n. Q Springing back;
water and burst- bound; rebound; recoil. ©Jerk, impulse, ot
ed by roasting; reaction; in the attempt of; in the effort to.
parched rice. CSS iS J^J Korovda hazuTni ni ashl wo k^ijUta, ?3 v ^ CJ
HaEO-bana, K ¥- li tc . ^ Jg -lEi «• t-So*-] Sptraea = S^tfe«, in falling over, I sprained my foot;
t?iuml)ergti. fsus. Marl no hazumi ga warui, ^^^)f ^A the
Hasekusn, K^ < 5, Jl ^ S, n. [^ot.J Maziis rugo- ball does not bounce well.
Hnze-uu-kJ. tl-e?©^, fC ffifSf, «. rjjof.] jj/tt« skc- MaEiiml-Kiiriimn, tt:?*^<'32, n. [Physics.] Fly
wheel, rrecoil, react, etc
Hateru, H^2, 5^4^, HJ, «» To burst open (as llazumu, tip'Ep, v.i. To rebound, spring, bounce.
parched corn); to pop. Bane ga hazmnu, 33 ^ ^ -•^ :/ A the shuttle- ,

3Iame ga hazeru, a,if *» }£ »-, tlio poas pop (aa cock bounces well ; Iki ga hazumu, J, W >\ y* a,
when roasting). fsylvestTls. to catch the breath.
Hnse-itnibhl, iX^-^ZS., ^B^, [Bot.] Rhus linsiinn, tj:?"^, A rope passed through
J^; Jg, n.
Syn. NURUDE. tlie nose of an ox
a halter. ;

llaEorl. tl5-lO,fi5S. "• Having the rim turned Hasiire, a^H, S, S. «• The extremity; the end
upward (as a bat). of a street; a suburb of a town.
nazr)ri nojingasa, *S g. > IIK52, » kind of hel- Machi hazure ni sumu, BiIiS = fei»i to live Id
met with Its rim recurved. the outskirts of a town.
Hnsu, H^, f^, ^, n. The notch m the arrow in Syn. Hasbi, Owaki, Tscmari.
which the bowstring fits, also the notch in tlie Blazuroru, H^h-Z, v.L O'^'o be out of place; to
bow for the string; hence corrupted to mean: be unfixed, dislocated, or disjoined. ©To fail;
fitness; common course of event; necessity or to miss; to deviate from; not to succeed.

obligation. I>~>rl ni hazureru, jSiS^H^n-, to be con-

Xsnruhazu wanai, 7-7.7i-%-'^^-i, there Is trary to wliat is riglit;Jiarakami ga hazureru,
no necessity of doing thus; he should not act in S? SEf/" ^t u fl-, the paper- Avail has slipped out of
that -way; Dclcinu hazu ga nai, tij JH 5r ^ ?r -^ 'f the groove; Mcdo ni hazureru, ^ ^.^^i^ n-, to
[coll.] no reason why it could not be
there is miss the mark; Hakumotsu ga hazureta, f^^i/
done; Ya hazu, ^5^, tlie notch in an arrow, ^1- L- sc, tlie crop lias f.dled; Senkyo ni hazureta,

Yuku hazu da, ^t #' ^ ^. he should go; T intend ^35 =i ^[. u- ^, has fiiiled in the election; Yavia
Syn. DoRi, Suji. \J.o go. ni hazureru, \\i ~ i^ ;^, not to- succeed
ir\. in a

HnBuliaziu U^tJ?!, /j* ^, «• A small portion; a sijeculation.

fragment; an atom, Ilazuru, tt$3, fl-, v.t. Same as above More

Hnaiiknl, ttr3'*>V^, fi^, n. Flapping the wings. commonly used in written language.
HnBiil[aHli],-J,-kl, tt p* ii* L, Si. SS. a. Feeling HaBurii, 13^3, lit, 13, (^, t^J. "^-t- Same &r HajirtL
shame; ashamed; abashed; niortilied. Maxusnslil, H ^ ^5 L. ®^J, 't. A small knife tor
Hazukastilfci mi no a7-lsaina, ^ s-- # ^ ^ ^X cutting notches on an arrow.

a sliameful state of life; Uazukashlku onto, 54 s Syn. IlANZASni.

£/ ^ E, 7- ^0 f^®l asharaod.
BlnEitsii, a^*-^, H, iS. v.t. To put anything
5lfi. O
Syn. MEMlJOKUN.^sni. out of place; to remove; to unfasten; to unfii.
Hnsiik.islilSarii, a :p' *»:£*]« 3,^. IS. t).(. and L ©To fail to hit; to miss (as the raarlo. ©To
To be ashamed of; to bo bashful, diffident, shy, slip out of the way; to avoid,
or sheepish. Jikoku wo hazusu, Bf fij ^ ^(. 7., to miss th«
Haxuknsliliue. ^o'ij'l.'ih,^, it. Disgrace; dis- hour; out wo hazushlte nogaru, ig^-f'^Ss/?
honour; insult; shame. fsulted. 2E »-, to slip out of the way of the pursuers; So-

Uazukashimt wo ukeru, ^ ^S A-, to be In- no ba wo hazusu. It J^ ^ :^. to avoid that seat; K

Hasiikasliimerii, Gf:?*i> Lft:2,@. v.t. To dis- Yumizuru wo hazusu, ^=?- *>.</ y., to unstriup
grace, insult, or cause sliame. a bow; to unbend a bow; Toinowo hazusu, ? ^
Manza wo hazuka.'ihimeru, fifiS^i?-'' ^^, to fi. 7.. to avoid a friend; To shojl wo hjlztisu, p
(llagrace all those present. RS-^f-^t?^. to take doors and acree-n* out of
their grooves ; Yakusoku wo hazusu, #*) IR ^ i't from each other; the space between two piaees;
y-, to depart from a promise; to break an agree- distance.
ment; ^i tao hazusu, Mf"^^, to Blip out of Hedatani, '-^^.'^^.i^, v.i. Q To be separated,
the place of meeting; to leave one's Beat. to be apart, or distant. @ To be unfriendly oi
Haauyu, U^Vi), Baiib, «• Croton oil. cool toward each other,
He, --N, fla, The prow
It. of a ship; the bow of a Syn. Hanarerd, TOzakaru.
Syn. HESAKT. [.boat. Hodnte, '-^i^T, ^, n. QA partition; a septum.
lie, -^, Hi, n. Breafeing wind; fart. @ Distinction, separation. © Difference ; cool-

Be wo Mru, ^^ t: break wind.

tt-, to ness; reserve; restraint.
Ho, — IS, Ji. A
fold; layer; thickness. The more Kokoro no Jiedate, ,Ci^lHt restraint in the mind;
common form of the word is e, wliich see. reserve ; Wake Iiedate wo swru, ^ -*•
iS ? :^ »-, to
Ho, '^i, P, n. The act of going through or passing make a distinction; to be partial.
from one place to another; passing or spending Hedaterii, -^TUXZ, E8, v.t. Q To separate or part
time. Mostly a prefix to nouns. from; to interpose or place between. @ To
'^'^tflz, K±, v.i.
Heaffa.i'i(, To pass ftom a estrange or alienate.
lower to a higher rank; to be promoted; to Kawa wo kedatetesumu, jST^ FS ^ • tt A>. to
advance. live separated by a river; TTijin no naka wo
Syn. NARIAGABU, Nariizu. hedateru, ^A^t^^^RST*-, to alienate affec-
Hobai-ltauku. ^tfi!)-7<. J(B^, v.i. To stick; to tions between friends.

adhere. BETSU NI BURU, Hanasit, TSzakeru

Syn. KOBIRITSUKU, NEBAHITSUKU. Hodatsui'ii, -^TH'PZ, v.t. Same as ffcdaterw,
Holil, ^xy, jTB, n. [ZO'dl,^ A snake, serpent. Iledc-v^, Itt ^, ?!. Eructation of food; vomiting.
Syn. KUOHINAWA, JA. Bedo wo haku, -^ F ^ '^ ^, [coll.} to eject food
Heblffucbl, -'U>*<"5, *B n, n. A loop ornoose from the stomach.
Hebi-lcliiso, -^u>V^a, M ffi, n. [Bot.] Dv^lies- Hedoinodo, ^^ 6 ^, «. The state of being b»
nea indica. wildered or perplexed; not knowing what t4
HobJ-noboraEii, ^^'©K G ?,A?ffJIE, n [Bot.] do. sum, v.i. To be confused or perplex-
A species of Rubia; Damnacanthus indlcus; Ber- ed to be in a quandary.

berls vulgaris; Syn. Magomago.

Hobl-uo-dalhacbl, -.u:®;&VH'6, SSfet, n. [Bot.] Heg^asu, -» h'-^, -^gil, v.t. [caus. of Pegiu] To
Ariscema serratum. fcharmer. cause to tear or peel off^

Hebitsukal, -^ 0? r? A> v, ffg jg, n. A serpent- Ka/mi wo hegasu, Sffi ^ SW ^i to tear off pasted
Hobo, -*S:. ti. and n. [vuL coll.] Q Unskilful; paper; Yaneita wo hegasu, g^iSfit^M>*. ^-o
bungling; stumbling; left-handed; unqualified; take ofi' the shingles of a roof.
incompetent; inexpert; raw; green. A bung- @ Hogeru, -^V>S, v.i. {pass, and potent, of Segu
ler; a marplot; a bad hand at; » fresh water To be peeled or stripped off; can be torn ofll
sailor. Hegl, -^af, n. A strip of wood split off. Usually
Hebo daigen, -"•dJ^B'. an Inexperienced law- incompounds. fwood or bamboo.
yer; ITebo daiku, ^^XX, a bungling carpenter; HoKl-bon, -Ni^K^, n. A tray made of a strip of

Bei)0 gakusha, -^^' fl| #. a raw scholar ; Hel)o na HcBl-lta, ^^Vfe, W-S. w- Shingles.

ycusu, ^d;-?-^!. aland lubber; a bungler; novice; Heeo, -»a, fits, n- [flo/.J Tree-fern, Cynthea
an awkward squad; Altsu wa fteBo da, f£ tS-*"*-^*? spinvlQsa. Toff.

it, a green horn.

he Is Hegu, ^<', SHJ, v.t. To strip or peel off; to split

Syn. HETA. Kawa wo hegu, &^ Sil^i to peel off the baric;
Hecbaniokure, ^"^j^^ < H, n. [vul. coll.] An to unbark (a tree).
illfavourcd fellow a wretch a marplot- ; ; Syn. Hagu, Muku. Mukuru.
Hecblma, -* % IS.SfilB:. n. [Bot.'] Snake gourd, H.oi,^}/^,interj. An exclam. used in answering;
ndfa Petoia. Hoi, ^Vr-, ^, rt- A wall; a fence. Lyes.

Iledabeda, ^^->7&. Separated from one an-

adj. Bei wo suru, ^ -^^b-, to enclose with a fence;
other; apart from each other; distant; not Neri Bel, iSS. a wall made of brick and mortar.
friendly Hoi, .-V, ^. fl. O Even ; level ;
common ;

Nedaheda ni nam, ^^-'^=i-?-B', to become usual mediocre simple. ©Peaceful; tranquil;

estranged; to look coc^ towai'ds each other. serene. Always used in compounds.

Hodal, --.^V^, n, [IcMh.'] Chrysophrys aries. Hel, ^Xr-, ^, n. QA coin; money ©Same u
UedatarJ, ^'^it^M,^^ t- Being separated Beihaku or Gohei.
Bel. ^\r, ^, n. and a. QSoldier; army; troops. Hel-ekl, '^\r-A,&, ^/^ f5, n. Military service.
©Military or warlike. Mostly in compounds. Hoifu, -^v>i5,^^, n. Corrupt manners; bflij

Bel rtosa7ndo,^^H3l, three kinds of military practices; evil custom. rcu3tom<(.

manoeuvres, viz., setfiei GE^), klhel i^-^), and wo aratamu, ^%=9- ^ h, to reform bad

fvkuhei (.ifi^), (see under respective heads); Heifu, -^irAf5, P.ai. n. Same as Syoftu.
flei 100 agii, ^
? P ^, to raise an army; ffet too Heifuku, ^V-.i.< , ijl flg, yt. Common or every
nerii, ^f-f^n-, to drill troops. day clothesj; civilian's costume.
Syn. TbuwamONO. fcorrupt customs. HnifuKii, -^\;^i<,^fft, n. Prostrating one's self

Hel, ^ V. 9f5.
«. Evils; bad manners or practices; (from courtesy or reverence); obeisance.
Bei wo taniuru, ^ ^ !S fi-, to reform vicious guru, v.i. To prostrate one's self; to bow low.

habits; toremedy evils. Bolfuku siiru, -^V*.£>< -^2,^^, v.i. To recovoi

Syn. ASHIKI NARAWASHI. from illness.

Hel. -* V*, ^, n. One of the ten calendar terms Helsa.1, ^V\f)tV^, ^^, /t. Evil practice; bad hab
its; corrupt manners; nuisances.
ijuk.kan'). See Eto.
Helun, --^V^%^, ^^, n. Peace; tranquillity; Bei^aku, ^V^ft*<,^^, n. Military science.

ftreedom from evils.

Syn. UuNGAKU, fschooL
Syn. Bfji, HEION.
Hpig:ikiir> 6, ^\j^ ±i ^ H 5, ^Jc.^ ^, n. Militiry

Helnnjo, --- \r3&A X- ^5, 4^ ^ffi!. '* The castle of Heisei auru, -- V^ W^ V^ ^ 2, v.t.
ffii? PJi, [Chin.] Ta

Emperor stare or_ glare at.

peace; the city where the resides.
Helba, --.»r(J. ^^, n. [Ut.] Troops and horses; Bcleen, '^V^l:}^^, ^ Jg, n. A plain; monr; praina
[^.]war. Syn. HiEANO, NOHARA.
Heilia nn ken wo nlgiru, ^ lEg -^ ^^S '^. to Holswa suru, ^V'<riJitZ,^Sk, v.t. To lit
hold the military authority, i.e. to grasp the down; to be on a sick bed. fan offerins.
supreme power; Heiha no koto, ^g5 -'31. "let- Helhaku. .^\/%a<,^3, u. Wliite cloth used :«
ters relating to war; military affairs. Belhaku wo sasagu, ^3 ? ^ ^, to make aa
H.eil>i. ^vXh', ^M- '*• Military preparations; offering of white cloth.
defences. fmiUtary preparations. Holho, ^V>;*i:5,4^:5, n. [ifot/i.] Square.
HeLbl wo totonou, ^S^^^S"?, to complete Beiho ni hiraku, ip:Er = BB^, to find th«
Syn. GUMBi. square root of; Sarizun helho, ^•^t^-;^, thre«
Helbon* — V/*|ff^, ^ Hj, « Common; ordinary; inches square.
commonplace; mediocre. Hellio, -^V^tt-t, :^i£, n. Military tactics; strategy.
Syn. Naminami ko. Syn. HY5H5.
Bolbun, --.\/\ Jt^, ^^, n. Equal division. BelhO, ^V^Vt^,^^, n. The point of a speai;
suru, v.t. To divide in equal parte, Only used in such an expression as below.
Belbuu, ^\^J*^. Hlffi. " -A- ceremonious visit Tekt no JLclhd wo kujlku, SJ[ -^ ^^ -?
S ^, lo

paid by one nation to another; paying respects. give a check to the enemy. froDt
euru, vA. To make a formal call; to pay Helhokou, '-vVU 5 1^, ^l^il^n. [Math.] Squ.-ra
respects to. Hei-lf —VA/^ ,ifi $,, a. Easy; simple; not difficult
Belclij, •»>\^'^, 4SJtb, n. Level land; flat ground. Syn. Tayasuki, Tasashiki. Lto do.
Varna wo htichi ni sum, Uj ^ ^i ^= ^ ^, to neUl.'-,\i^\f^,^^,n. Ragged or tattered clothes.
level down a hill, Bel-i» ^V-V^, ^ 62, n. Military dignity or strength;
BelcliJn Buru, -^V^'^A-^S, ^^, v.t. To tran- the influence of an army.
quillize, pacify, or quell. Bet-l wofuru, ^^=?-^~/, to display militarj
BeJclii 8u.ru, -»Vr-'^-S"2, ikWf^ v.i. To gallop to- strength.
gether; to drive side by side. Bel-4, -^iT'V', ^H, u. Level, smooth, simple, oi

BelcliS -^ V''^-^ 5. 131*. n- Closing a kaicho, easy. suru, v.t. Q To make even, leve^
which see. or smooth. @ To quell, pacify, or tranquilUze,
HeJda, -^\r-7li, n- A bamboo withe or strip. to subdue or conquer,
Heldnn, ^\f7!iA.,m^, " [Chin.] Fruit-cake. Hel-JIl,'>.\^ft^,:^^, n. The number of soldier^
BeMon euru, ^\:^)&kirZ,V^^, v.t. To Rwnllow a soldier; strength of an army.
up or bring under one's subjection; to devour; HelJI, --^Vv%-, qi^, n. Governing in peace; trao
to subjugate, to conquer; to encroach upon. quillization; pacification; quelling (aa a riot).
Tmka wo heidon sunt, ^T? Of # t; ju, to Beijl no yo, ^ J§ --' tt, peaceful times.
conquer the world. Track. —— suru, v.t. To pacify (as a. rebellion); to
Helei, ^\fytV^,^^, n. A military camp; bar- tranquillize; to restore order.
Tenkawoheiiiisuru, ^^T^^^^ff-i tores- HelhegaDl.^Vr-H'UfVt, $&Mffi> n. [Zo3l.] Dortppe
tore order in the country; to tranquillize the
world. Helken, •^v^frf^, ^PA, n. Equalization; balane-
Heiji, ^v-ti, 2pand adv. Ordinary times;
fff , 77. ing; equity.
peaceful ages; in times of peac? usually. ; Helkeu. --.V/^W^, J^ffl, n. Military power.
Syn. TsuNE no toki, Heihen wo nigiru, ^^ R| ^S fl-, to grasp or
Heljl, ^\At, hold the military power.
^, n. A -wine bottle; a vase.
Heslil. -->v» t. (S j
aieJIccn, -*V^H-A, ?^1^, «. A kind of sil-fc stuff
Heljl, ^v^c,^ Military affairs; warlike dyed bluish red.
matters. Helkl, -^v-^, ^ g§, n. Military weapons; arma;
Heijl ni ch^jitaru hito, Jr.^j - g a> ^ », A, a an instrument of war.
man versed in matter^ of war. Syn. BDKI, IK-DSADOGU.
HeiJlkivH, ~'\i^:^<t>, :^^lfi. "n. Section of mi- Heihl. -^V^'^, ^ISj. S ^. «• and 71. Q Calm, tran-
litary affairs in a prelectural government. quil, unexcited, undisturbed, impassionate, pla-
Hoijiniou, --' V* *& 6 ^, ^ Fti H> *'- An entrance tonic. ©Equanimity; composure; indifferenc*.
lying between the gate and the main building; BeikiAeirUy ^St'SB-, to be indifferent; to
inner gate. take in good part; Scikina hito, qs !§,? A, an
Heijiu, -;V'X,'^, ^;g:i n. a sword. inexcitable person ; Kyoshin JieiJci, (S 'ij> 4^ Sbi
Syn, Yaiba. fdays; every day. unbiassed and unexcited.
Heljltsii, --»V'X,"^f ^H, w- Ordinary or usual Hclkin* -*Vv^^, ^^, 71. The average or mean,
JETeijitsu nofiiku, ^5 B > B5. every day clothes; siiru, v.t. To reduce to an average; to leveL

Seljitsu no tori, 2|a g ^ }g v. as usual; in the Syn. BYODo, Narasu,

every day manner Beijitsu to wa chigau,
; B ^ HolklD-no-soea. --'i>9^0a3, i^^MZW^it. «•

l--*'^iS'7i different from ordinary days; not as

[Math.'] Mean error.

usu.tL Helkin-no-kljitsii, -^\/v@^®S;&r7, ^M'itU^,

syn. fudan, tsonb no hi, tsunezune. n. [Math.] Equation of payment,

Ileijo, ^\f'£:-^^> ^ '^. tt- and adv. Usual, com- Helkln-rjsltiukaku. -^\aS ^ S. ^i> < ip ^ £!| .& I£1 ,

mon; habitually, ordinarily, customarily. ^, n. [Jlfaift..] Mean anomaly.

Hcljd, ^V^X*-^5,:^ fc«. [C/iin.] Weapons of war; Meikln-tniyojltsu. --V/^&^tev^^5X••7. ^i^:K^
arms. 8 , Tt. [Astron.] Mean solar day.

Heljo, -.\^;£'J^5, 2^^, « Same as Seitei. Helko, ^V^'C, #lff, n. Same as Bufco,

Heljo. ^\r^-^^, Kig, n. Closing an exposition Helko, '-^\r'i}>5, T*ff, n. [^afoi/i.] Parallel. '

or any other place of entertainment. guru, Itelko-cliokiieen, -^v^4>?tl < */,, ip ff ISS^ "•
u.f. To close an exposition, etc. [jl/cti/i.] Parallel straight lioes. fruler.

Heljo-sbllfl, '.V/^&-^5;fe'&, Mm^. ?'. Closing Helkokf, '^v**>5&, 4i=Rit@, «• iifatJU ParaUel
ceremony. fmilitary tactics. Helkoku, --^
V* t < S. w- , ^ My humble state
Heljutsn, -^ V^ & 15) -P, # ^, n. The art of war; (used depreciatorily of one's own country).
Heikn, 'n\/**>, ^T. w. The title used in address- Helkd-rokmneiitnJ, ^\r-ii>^^<^/^k\r;^^:f9
ing or speaking of the Emperor or Empress; ^ f$, n. [ilfaCft.] Parallelopiped.
His or Her Majesty, Helkosen, -^V^*>5tf^, m^iiM "»• t^IftK't.] Paral-

Em- lel lines.

Kogo JieiTca, ^igB'T, Her Ma.i6ffty the

press; renno fteiAv^ bt^^T, His Majesty the Helkoshllien-kel, — v^ *> 5 £'-At?v, ^^ESfl
Emperor. jj^, 71. [Math.} Parallelogram,

Heikiit •^V-*>, ^?K. ^- 0ii6 versed 'n the art of Helkosiilstaa, -^i/v*, 5-^jEj:^.^, ^ti/KS, «•

war; a tactician; a soldier. [Pftj/siC5.] A turbine water-mill.

Heikii, ^^, n. [Chin.] My numble family Helk5 Hurii, ^v>*>5t2, ^ n, v.l. [Ut.] To shut
(a humiliating' term), Tment; armour. the mouth; to be silenced or defeated in argu-
Heiliiibu, ^\AJi>< ,^^,n. [t?/;.«n,l Military equip- ment; to be dumb founderded.
I:"^lKjaku,-.Vp'*>< f^f^.n. [Math.] Right angle. Helko euru, ^\r'i3> Sir Z. g^fi. v.i. To move
UelkR.li. ^V•4>^, il^flE. " -A. warship; raan-of- together; to go side by side; to proceed abreaat;

Syn. GUNKAN, IKUSAEUNE. Lwar. to be parallel.

Helkiva, --»\p<*7, ^'X, "• Conflagration caused
Heike, -nVW", 2^^, n. QThe name of a family
iTaira) much renowned in Japanese history. 9 by warlike operations.
family Syn. HEiSEN. rapple tra*
Contracted form of BeikelMortogatari Ca
HeJkwa, ^V^ < *?, ^B, »• C-BoC-] An ppie t^
history of the Taira).
HEl 322 HEl
llelkwn sum, ^^j^ ( t>irZt ^fil, v.t. To regulate liolsel, — V*\/^, :^iMf " Military system; milit»r
or harmonize; to equalize. ry organization.
Mclkyo sum, -^V^^i-a-X, EHS, v.l. To be con- Hclsel, -^v-frV^, 5PK, «• Corrupt government;
flned to one's house to ; live in retirement, bad administration.
HcEkyo euru, ->\r&l-^5, B^, v.i. To lire in Holsekl, -^Vv-^i&.i^S. "• Military register.
retirement; to lead a secluded life. ftain. SeLseJcl nl iru, ^^=X '". to be entered In s
Holmaii, — V^^, Pt5, n. [Cftin.] A
kind of cur- military register. fby war.
llclniel, '^V^!6V^, ^W, 7*. [Chin.] Early morn- Helsoii, •^V^y:^, :^^, n. Conflagration caused
\np;; day-break; the dawn. Be'sen ni hakaru, ^ ^ = Sj*- . to be burnt by
Syn. YOAKE. a Are caused by war.
Ilciinoii, ^V*J6A, t^JSi. n. [3[aVi.] Plana. Heiseu, ---u^^^, ^ liE, "• Same as Jlrlkan.
Mclmou-knku, ^\/^y)^i><, ^M^. "• [Slath.] Ilei8en,''-*V'^^, 3i^, n. Parallel lines or stripes.
Plane angle. HcJsha, .-^v;£j^, ^ig, 71. War-chariota (in many
Hohncn-kei, --.\^)*^W^^, ^ffiJjK, ". {J/at/t.] i
cases signifying troops under one's command).
Hoimon-EU, ^\^i6^:^, fli ® E3. 'Plane figure. Ileislil, -^\rt,, ^±> "H- A soldier; military men.
llelnicn-kikneraku, -.v^»^ & 4>i)* <, ^MSi^ Syn. GuMPYo. Ikusabito, Tsuwamono.
®, n. [Math.] Plane geometry. lEolelHn, --\r £ ^. !3 E, ". [Chin.] A favonrlte
lleliiiln. ^V^;5•^, ^ ^, n. The common people; courtier,
the populace; tlie pleblan, civilans. HeJslilu. ^ \/^ £ ^, " 2[i
A Calm or peaceful
Helmoii, --sV»'fi^, K PI, n. Imprisonment in one's mind; undisturbed heart.
own house (formerly a mode of punishing a Hclsliln euru, ^V £, A ?" 3, ^3*, v.i. To pros
samurai). trate one's self (as in apology).
nelshinteito, prostrating one's sell
IJeimon wo indshi tsukeru, ^ ?1 '^ ^ i^ to ti- ,

sentence to imprisonment in one's own house. and bowing the head to the ground,
siivii, V.L To close a gate; to be imprisoned Helshlii suru, --^V^^.^-^^,Of ig, v.i. To proceed
lu one's own house. fturation. together; to go side by side.
lloiiiiotsu, ^v-i^-:?, n. Presents ofcongra- HoisUiHliosfi, '--U>X*555,!K'F/h^. » {Boi.\
Heiiiiyaku, ^\^^j^ <, ^^, n. The usual or Ophtoglossum vulgatum.
healthy st^te of the pulse. Syn. Hanayasdhi,
tloijiln, -^U^litAi^A. n. Common people; ordi- Helslil suru, —v^ 2.-^3, S^5E."-*- [Chin.]To perish
nary person; the populace. or die (said of horses or cattle). fence.
Syn. HiRABiTO, Nami no hito. Holslio, ^V'Xi.,^'^, n. Books on military scl-
floioku, ---\r5r<,^S, «- My humble cot (in hu- Helslin, -^V^X^. §?§, n. Evil habits; bad cus-
miliation). toms; corrupt practices.
Holoii,^V^5rA. 4^ ®. n- Peace; tranquillity; being Helsliutsu, -nVt^W)"!?! 4^ m. " Making a new line
free from disturbances. fwar. whenever a word relating to the Emperor or
Ileirno, ^'^ ^^, ;£gl„ jt. Disturbances caused by some other high personage occurs in writing.
llelrci, '-^\/^H'^, flf .^, ti- [Chin.] Presents made on Helso, ---\rt, ^S, n. [Chin.] SsLTaa &s ffeizei.
marriage or other occasions of ceremony. Heisokii, -->V^-t < ,?f5 ^, n. Same as Gohei.
|l'^il•c•^su suru, -.V*i.r?-^3,ife|(], v.i. To be ar- Hetsohu wo iateru, ^ fll ? i »-, to send an
ranged in a row; to stand or be drawn up in offering to a shrine (said ot the Emperor).
ranlfs (as soldiers). fa plain. Syn. GOHEI, MiTEKURA, NUSA.
Ilelriku, ^v^V) <, 4i(S, « [CMn.] A level land; liolaoku suru, --^\r^<-^3, ^%, v.i. and E. To
Uolrltsu Buru, ^v^ ifl
-^ 3 . M iC, To stand
«.(. stop or shut up; to obstruct; to check; to be
Bide by side; to be equal in power; to stand on stopped up or shut.
the same level. Ilelsotsu, ^Vftr?,^^, n. Common soldier.

Ilolryakii, ^\/^V^< ^S, ,

" Military strategy; Helsul, ^V"^^,i^-M, n. Normal quantity at

art of war; generalship. water in a stream ordinary level.


Ilelryohu, --.v-i/1 1 < , # ^, n. Power of arms; Hel suru, -nV-^2,J|, v.i. To invite or engage.
military power. Shi lyo hei surUt W f- 1^ :^ »-, to engage «
HoleAn, --^|J^^^, 4»ffi, n. Natural or ordinary teacher.
parturition. Tas Resara-basara. Hoital, ^Vn^vn,^!^, t*. OCompany of Boldien;
Helani-a-lmsara, -*-f ^^y^'fr?, S?'^, n. Same troops. @ A common soldier.
Helscl, --^\^^V^, J^ ?J, n. The state of an army; Holtakakukel, ^Xfftt^i Vtlr, HftAXS. *k
military power or strength. [Malh.] Closed polygon.
HEI 323 tIEK

Heltnn, -^ V^ ^ ^, ^:g, u. Level, even, plain; Heklgyokti, --& S^i < ^ S, w. [Min.] Jasper.

smooth. lleklgyoku, —giiriC.B^n. A precioui

Heitan nomicM, ^liffl > 3£, an even road. stone. focean.
Ueltsin, --N\^fe^, ^M. «• To-morrow morn; the Ifiekikal, '-»9*>v^, ® fg, n. Azure sea; blu«
following morning. fof war. Ileklkeu, -^ S W^, fi?^, n. Prejudiced or bi-
Heitan, -^V^feA, JS. 1. The cause or beginning goted views; narrow-mindedness; pettiness.
Heitan wo hii-aku, ^^"9- M^, to commence Hoklkn, ^% < 5, ^g, ji. [Cfiin.] The blue sky;
hostilities. fChumil.). the azure heavens.
Heltel, ^ Vn *C V^, IPEB. « My humble house Hokikyo, -^ @ S ^5. WSfiC, '*• A remouj
Heltel 8urH, ^V^-C\r-fZ,^^, v.t. and/. O To locality; a secluded place; an obscure village.
restore order; to tranquillize; to pacify. ©To Hekikyo, -» & 1& 1, ^Mt f^- Living in a retii'sil
become peaceful ; to be quelled (as a mob). spot; an obscure and secluded dwelling.
Ilcki suae ni heltei su, —'^^ = ^ ^ 7., the in- siirn, v.i. To live in a secluded place ; to lead a
surrection has been already put down. retired life.

Helten, '^\^T^, &1 0, n. Shutting a shop; clos- Heklkyo, '^^^-^J, ^gj, n. Places remote from
ing one's business. suru ut. To close a the metropolis; an obscure locality.
shop. Heklragrasu, »-.% ^iflit, i v.i. Icoll.] To show any-
Uelteiikubaru, ^v^r7< tf 2, ^E9Si?, v.l. To pros- Ilokerakasu, --^W-feA*-^, ) thing in order to ex-
trate one's self; to bow low on the ground. cite desire; to tantallize.
Hel^vsi, -^V-i^.^fP, n. Peace; tranquillity; lYee- Heklrekl, &^ &, SS. «• A sudden flash of
dom from disturbance. lightning accompanied with thunder a thunder- ;

Syn. Odataka. clap.

Helivu, •^V't), ^Ji ggi "• Common colloquial ;
popu- Sekirekt issei, ^ g — fi, a >udden flash or
lar language. fcommon people. lightning accompanied with thunder.
ZoTcudan hefwa, i^^^^fS. the tallt of the Syn. iKABUcni, Kamitokk.
Syn. ZoKUDAN, ZOKUGO. rplain. HekJrOD, --^&5^, W3&. n. A prejudiced opinioo;
Helya, --.V"^.4i^, n. A level field; a moor; a an unreasonable argument; bigoted or preju-
Helyu, -^V^V'i.S^a, «• My humble province or diced views. Tperson; a bigot.
territory (a humiliating term formerly used by Heklronka, ^^ g :s ^ *>, W^ S^, n. A dogmatio
a dalmyo speaking of his own ftef j.
in HekiseJ, ^^^-ffv^, ^ fi, n. The constellation oi
HoJyu> -»Vr-l^>^J^i ^- Bestoration to health. two stars, one in Pegasus, and the other in An-
snru* v.i. To recover from illness. dromeda, fhetorodoxy.
Syn. HOMBUKU, Zenkwai. Hektsel, -^3-tt'\/^, JS'S. n. Eccentricity, bigotry,
Helza euru, -sV3^-^2, ^*fe, v.t. To sit down, as Heklsetso* — S-tl/^5 5, ^^Ji^, n. [fiot.]Aplant
on a mat. growing on walls, Sedum.
iXelBol, ^V»^V^, ^
&, "- and adv. Usual time; Syn. ITSUMADEGUBA.
usually; customarily; habitually; every day. HokUfetsu,—<$-^-7, {^^, ». One sided opinions;
Syn FUDAN NO TOKi, Kami no toki, Tsu- bigoted views heterodoxy.

llekl. ^%,^, n. Wall. LNE. Hekletao. @ ;£ 1, |g », n. [ii(.] Writing on a

Ilekl, -^S,^. n. Propensity; habit; eccentricity. wall; a father's written Instruction for his
Il&kino aru hito, (S -^ r fl- A, an eccentric children.
Syn. HENKUTSD, KUBB. Lperflon. Hekisbo, --»!&?, i, i@J|, n. Corruption of 2^ts/u).
Uekl, --«&, ^^. o,. Mean; obscure; remote; retired. Heklakoku, ^& ^ i < ® fi. «• Green colour. .

Always in compounds. Heklson, -^^t^, #fM, n. An obscure village.

Mekicbl, ^ S "5, IS? i4. rt- A remote place; an Heklsu, -s&-^, ^ef, v.i. To have a bias in favour
obscure spot; a retired locality. of; to be unusually fond of; to be partial to.

ireMchi ni asoiiu, ^i^^ jg"/, to visit a remote Sono konomu tokoro ni hekisu, fif A ^ = ft? ^
country; ffekicht ni tosJii wo okuru, ^j^=^^^ 3t, to be partial to what one is naturally lond

of; to be wedded to one's own opinion.

ig n^, to spend years In an obscure locality.
Syn. Katainaka. Syn HiGAMU, Katayoru. fseaa.

Uekl-ekl suru, ^^^'^i'^, ^ B,. v.i. To give Heklsui,— ©-^ Z), ^:^. n- Azure water; blus
way (as in battle); to shrink back; to be fearful Hekltau, --Ste^, Si§, « A blue tarn.
or shudder at. Heklyu, ^^V^i, ^a, «• a retired village; a*

Hekign, ^@<'5, WPS. » An obscure corner (as obscure locality.

Syn. KATA2UJII, StML Lofacity). Syn. Katai»a£a.
Heko ^C,^, It" A waist cloth (eBpecially of llonipl. '-»Af>-, iiSK, n. anda, A remote region;
mules). riimber; flexible. retired, obscure, or rustic.
HekoEicho, -^ t -^ C '*(*'" a-nd a. [coll.] Pliant; Sempt na tokOTO, ^^-^S, a retired place.
MeStolil-inusliJ, ^t&tPL, " [jEntont.] * kind of Syn. Hendo, Katainaka.
Btioking insect. Hempo, ^^^f$,jgffi, ". O Answer; reply. Q
Helioinnsii, '-.t^-^, ^PS, v.%. {caus. of Bek^mu.l Retribution; recompense; reward. © Revenge;
To pit or indent; to let .i^ive in; to discourage. vengeance. siiru. v.t. To answer, reward,
Oshlte hekomasu, f{| ^ t ^ '5' ::^, to indent by- or revenge.
pushing upon. Henipon to, -N^U^^i^, G^EI. ad'o. In a waving
Hekoiiij, — t ;^, E?S. ^
X> n. [coll.] Q A loss in or fluttwing manner.
measure loss waste. @ Indentation or wearing
; ; Kohki hempon to hirugaeru, S SSfl^ t- S '^.

Into. the national flag is fluttering in the wind.

Chi nl taiso hekoml ga aru, i|b = Tn-, A^^^ suru, v.i. To flutter or fly; to wave.
there are many Indentations on the surface of Heuipuicu. '^^J;< lE^SS. »•• [^ooi-] A bat.
the ground; Hekomi pa acta, ^ X^ tli S, there isyn. KOMORi.
has been much loss in weight ; it has fallen short Hen. --^^, J5, w. O F;irt, region, locality; wheru-
Syn. HERi, Meri. Lin measure. abouts. @ [J)ia£ft.]Side. *

EZekoiiiu, --ttP, IS, 'w-f- {coll.} To be indented, O Ano hen, &-^jS, that locality, or thereabout;
pitted, or hollowed; to be depressed. To col- @ Dono hen, K-^iS. what part of the placet or
lapse; to give way; to be disheartened. whereabout? Sono hen, iftiS, that side or In
Syn. IlKOMERU, KUBOMU. that neighbourhood.
^olitn*lti, '^t.fizV^y ^ S ^. f^- A belt, or loin cloth, Syn. Atari, Hotori.
worn by men, made simply of a piece of cotton lion, .^^, ^, 11. A section, volume, or book; a
or silk which is not sewn in the usual manner. set of books under one cover. Affixed to soma
H ekuso-knKiirn, -^<. ti>p'6, U^^lf, w. [Bof.] words it may be pronounced ben or pen.
Facderia tomentosa. Sam ben, =^, third book, or third volume;
ISeinben sum, --* ^ -^ ^ -jl" 5 , JM ?ff > ^-t- To pay She hen, ^ ^, the first set of books; Kd hen, iJ
back; to return, to retaliate. i^, the second or last set of books.
Syn. KaeSP. Hon, ^^,^. 71. An unusuil accident; an extraor-
Ilcnibo, -^A-ti?, j§[j/j, w. Defending the ("rontier. dinary afl"air; a strange event; a wonder. May
Henil>uii, '-.^>^,^^, n. [J/at/i.] Variation. also be used as an adjective prefix.
ftIenl^nlIlll5,--^J-•^[3:i.S!^i±, «. [J/at/t.j Calcu- iTen ga atta, '^if T -j it, there has been *
lus of variation. strange Henna
afi'air; hlto, ^-J-A, a peculiar
UemlttitiSii. '-N ^* "7, {§^, n. An eccentric or person; Hen-na koto wn iv, S? •^ T? ^ -7, to
bigoted person; an obstinate or crotchety tal- speak in a singular way; Hen ni au, ^= 7,
low. to meet an unusunl accident.
Heinegurii, -^W><'2,^}g. u.t. To travel about; Hen, -^^, ig, jg, 7U Numeral for times; number
to go from one place to another. of times. Sometimes in compounds.
G I'jn ihoku ivo hemeguru, ^i-S^^iSn-. to Hen wo kasanti, ag ^ ffv 3?, to do (a thing) »
travel about in foreign countries. number of times; liamben, ^ ig, how many
Uempa, ^^a', -^0, n. Partiality, unfairness, times ?

party spirit; inlustice. Hon, ^^, ^, /*. The left side radical of a Chinesa
Syn. EKoniiKi, Katayori. character, such as gom-hen Cg"), ki-henOi:), tsuchi-
Hoinpnl, — Aff^.igW.SIIS, n. Returning the heji{-^), etc.

wine cup. sum, v.i. To return the wine Hcnn, ^ti., n. Contracted form of ^enatSKCfti.
cup. Hon-nj suru, ^A.hV'^^Z, (S "?. "»'(- I'o favour
H(«npnkii, -N^ff < , I^ f&, n. [Bot.] Juniper. a person more than others; to love with partial
t-'onipfcki Biiru, '^ ^ '^ 5 -^ 2.{i1^. v.i. To be ity.
bigoted or narrow-minded; to have a bias in Heiintsnchf, ^U-y %, t^, n. A kind of claj
favour of; to be wedded to one's opinion. (usually of a grayish colour).
Syn. HiGAMU, Katazumtj. Henclilliu, ^A.%<, ^ Sl=, n. [Sot.] Knot-grasa.
HoinpoiB. --^^'^^, ^^, "rfc. and a. One by one; Syn. NlWAYANAGI.
fluttering down (as the falling leaves or snow). HencliitHu, ^A.%-<p, ^'5^, n. Books.
hempen to, --.^-i^^f , ^ it, adv. In a fluttering Henrliltsu suru, -<^•t^-^^, RJ ^, v.L. \Ctiin.i
Byn, HiKAiHRA to Lmanner; waving. To degrade from oft\cp or rank


Henrtnl, ^^;t-V^, gf g0,
Hondo, -*^^, JS±, n.
n. The title of a book. (of a letter). - — sum, v.t. To reply; to give
A remote region; a se- an answer.
cluded or retired place. Hoiikel, -^^W'V, Sfl$, n. Transformation; meta-
Syn. HEMPi, Katainaka. morphosis. sum, v.i. To be transformed.
Henrto, -^^;'ls5, ISgS, «. O Going; from one Hoiiken, ^^H•^, (^il,, n. Confined views; nsT-
temple to another; making a pilgrimage. @A row or one-sided ideas; foregone conclusion;
Syn. JUNRBi, MKaURi. Lpilgrim. prepossession; iddefixe.
saeiido. -^^>e 5, SflBJj, «. Cliange or aUeration Syn. Jashu. pscale.
(especially of political movements! ; viciRsitudea. Honklho, — ^SlIlJt•, SgsEii, n. [Math.] Varying
Naikafcu no hendo, ft Bfl -^ S S). change of Henklknku, '^^&*><,^^fi, n. [JfatA.] Angli
Ministry. of tloflection.
suru, v.L To change or alter. Henko, — ^^..^iS!C, " Changes; vicissitudes;
Hengae. -*^jit-^, ^ eft, /*. Change or retraction revolutions.
(as of an agreement). Heuko, ^^t., (||@, a. Prejudiced; partial; one-
HtMignlni, ->Juifl< ^ iK, 7t. Same as Gaku CSJ)-
sided; narrow-minded; bigoted; self-opinioned;
Blongo, -^Ali^, ^ ffi, 71. Contracted form of Men- pig-headed.
oemono. Syn. HENKUTSn.
Furuneko no 7ieme, fji^^Wi^, an old cat HenUO suru, -^^t. 5-^3. ® Ei v.t. To change,
transformed into a bumiin form. Syn. Aratamcru. Lalter, or vary.
siiru, v.t. To transform one's self; to Hcuko sum, -^^£.53'^, SIrI. i^-*- To be pre-
Syn. Bakeru. Lmetamorphose. judiced or dogmatic; to have a bias; to look
aSense-inono, 'n A^:^ % ©, ® jtlS, «. A trans- only at one side of the shield.
formed being; an apparition; a phantom; a Henkutsu, ^^
( -3, JgS. « and a. Bipotry;
sprite. heterodoxy ; dogmatic, formal, overcautious
Uengeii, -^ A Wi- A^, ^ra, n. A few words; one stiff or tenacious in manner.
Bided version; an ex parte statement. Henkutsu na hito, {§ ^
-^ A, a bigoted person

ffcTigen tvo motte sadame gatashi, )t= W ^ KI. ^ Benkutsu wo iU, i@^^:E"7, to speak in e.n
S > I® 5^. difficult to decide on the basis of a obstinate manner,
one-sided version. ftion. Henk-tva, •^^ C i(3, ffi, n. ® O
Change; alteration;
Ilengo. ^A.b't^t^Wl, n. [Math.'] Sign of varia- variation; transformation; vicissitude. sa
ISeu-J, ^A,'\f^,W^> "• ^ change; a wonder; an ]Gram.~\ Conjugation or inflection.
unusualincident; phenomenon. Doshi no henfcwa, SJ IS ^ ^ tt, the inflection ol
Hen-1, '^^6,S'(i, n. Displacement. verbs.

Karl no hen-i, 10 > ® ti, virtual displacement. suru, v.t. and t. To change alter, etc.; t«

Heu-I, ^^\/^, ^,^, 7t. Narrow views; one-sided Syn. Kawaru. Leon jugate.
ideas; prejudice. Henkwan suru, ^^ < *)^^^, gtft, v.t. and 1.

An extraordinary incident; To alter, change, or vary.

Henji, --»^ Ci W ©1 ^'
Syn. KAERcr, Kawartt.
an unusual event; a calamity.
HenJJ, ^^
Cig®, i£^, «. Answer or reply. Henkj-aku sum, ^ ^ ^ j%. < -J- 3, Jgip, v.(. To
Buru, v.t. To reply. give, send, orpay back; to return.
nenjlu, •^^;£'^,^UA, n. An eccentric person. Kono sJiQjaTcu wo gohenkyaku itasMmasu, § itfc

Meujo, — ^&^5,^g±, «• Returning or sending S^^iSipSs^'^'^i I Bend you back or returr

suru, v.t. To return this book.
back (to a superior).
Syn. Kaesu. Lor pay back. Syn. Hemben suetj, Kaesf, Modosu.
Benka, «^*>, M f^. " Verses composed in reply HonkyS, -^^&^5, ^^, n. O Remote or seclud-
to those of others. ed part of a country. @ The most distant por-
Syn. Kaeshicta. runiverse. tion of the frontier.

U«nknj, --^*>\/^,®S. n. The whole world, the BenkyT) wo bogyo su. ] T,. to defend

Syn, UOHU. the frontiers,

Henhaku, -.^A><,§?^, n. [Jfotft.] "Variable an- neukyoku-ten, -^^i&J:<^:^, ggilS^;^, n. IMa.th.')

gle, rrule, Point of inflexion.

Henkaku, — ^*>< ,§?*^, n. A modified form or Heukyoku-yen, ^^^l< i6^,^ft[^]. n. ]MatK\
ISenkaku, ^ ^ *> < ,W^, «. Reformation; re- Circle of inflexion.

volution, sum, v.t. To reform. Henkyoku-sessen, ->A& i< t7^^, ^l^^Sfti

iMaiK,'\ Inflexional tangent.
Henkan. -.A,4»^. ig iS S, ". Answer or reply
[Math.] Oblate sphe- Henslilu,— ^X^,i^J^, n. The whole body.
roid. Houshi-nln, — ^;felc:^, ^jg A, n. One who hat
Hennen, ^^*a^, iJS^, "» Chronicles; annals. died an unnatural death.
HennentM, --^^*l^:tev», S^ "- Chronicles; f*^. Hcnsbln suru, ^^:£^^^, Jg jg, v.t. To return
a style of writing hlBtoriea in which facts nre or send back (to a superior).
arranged In chronological order. Syn. Henjo suru.
Henno. -%^15:5. ^ 331, " Refined camphor. IIonsliJtMi. —
^;£,-P,Sg5^ 7». A sudden loss of
Henno-clilnkl, -^^^5'^^^, :fr ffiT iS, w. Tinc- anything. fpetty.
tiire of Henslio. "^ ^ -fr 5, ^ /h. ". Small; insignificant;
Honnd Huru, -^^?J:i-?^, ig ^, v.t. To return or Bensho no kunt, S^/S -^ B, ^ petty kingdom;
Eire back (a polite expresRion). an insignificant country.
Syn, HENJd SFRtr, Kae3u. IBcnsiio. -.^ * i.ig#, [eHf, «. A written an-
Honnyn auru, .-.^^ti^s, i^y^, v.t. To allot, swer or reply.
assign, or appoint; to enter (as in a register). Monsliokn, •^^£ i< ,Sg, n. Changing colour;
Henoko, -^CDC, l^tS. 1^^', " O Originally testi- discoloration. suru, v.t. To change colour;
cles [obs.] @ [vul. coll.] The penis. to be decolorized.
Syn. Chihfo, Inkyu, Mara, Nankon. EIoDsliu, -*^£5,;^fB, 7i. A small JuBk; a singla
Hcnran, -~.^^^,§J^, 71. Civil disorders; re- boat.
volution; insurrection; wars. ffenshu ni satvosashite, Wi1^~t&^S/7, rowing
i.e. on board, a little vessel.
Senran wo kuwadatsu, ^ gL ^ ife "y, to plan a
revolt. HaiisIid, -- ^;£ 5 ti ^, n. Bigotry; heterodoxy;
Menrel snru, -^^HV^f^. jg^, I'.i. O To return obstinncy, a prepossession; prejudgment; nar-
a compliment, or make a present in return. @ rowmindedness.
To make return for; to reciprocate (as favours). Syn. henko, Henkutsu, Kataiji.
Henrekl snm, — ^Jl.^-^^, S ^, v.t. To travel HPDshu, -»^S.5,^^ n. Act of editing; com-
about (either for pleasure or study). pilation. suru, v.t. To compile or edit.
Syn. HEMEGURU, Tukkki suru. Honslifikwa. ^^£5 < j5,^@gE, n. The Sec-
Henruda, ^>'Ji-Vit,^^, n. [Bot.] Tlie common tion of Compilation.
rue, Rvta graveolens. Hcnsim-nin, -^^5i5lc^. ffi^A, » n. An editoi
Syn. UlKTo. Honsliil-slia, ^^;£ 5*.-^, ,^®#, * (as of books
Hensal eurn, -^^^\/^-?2, ig Sf. v.t. To pay back or newspapers); a compiler.
all; to settle or dear an account. Slonsokiu -^A?: <,W Wl "• O A method ofleam-
M«Dsan, -»^^^, ^®, n. Editing; compilation. ing a foreign language which consists In trani-
8urn, v.t. To edit or compile. lating the meaning without regard to the cor-
Heneel, '^^*V^, S§ "S. ^- Makingup; formation; rect pronunciation of the words, and without
construction; compilation. suru, v.t. To paying much attention to the rules of syntax
form (as troops); to compile (as books). ©A special manner of administering aflairi,

Henaen, —^-t^, ^^, n. Alteration; changes; which though not conforming to the established
Ticlssitudes. rules or regulations, Is sometimes adopted f«
To no hensen ni tsurete, ffi:^'^a=t'3'i-'y, the sake of expediency.
following the vicissitudes of life, flODs^. -* ^ -^ $,jMM, n. A remote or obscure
Syn. Utsurikawari. part of a country a retired or secluded region.

Rensha, --N^SJ^, Sg #, n. A compiler; an editor; Henaui, -^A.irV^.W!^, « Dissipation.

an author. Hentetsu, ^A.X'O, n. {coll.} Merit, virtue, abili-
lienshl. --sA;£,^B5, n. A short duration of time; ty, power, or strength; taste. Always usad In
a moment. conjunction with a negative suffix.
Tchl-niehi henshi mo wasvrezu, — ^ pf ^ g.
Nan no hentetsumonai kusuri Aa, ^.^-^y'f'9
UtI, not to forget even for a- moment. ^^'f^^t [coii.] it is a tasteless medicine, or •

flenslsl, ^^:£, S?E. '*• A strange or unnatural medicine without any virtue.
death. sus'ii, v.{. To die an unnatural aicnto, ^Afei, igg:, n. Answer or reply.
Syn. WoSHi. Ldeath. Bento ga nai, '^^^^'i, no answer.
S9ensl}ln, '-^^^^,S,&, n. Change of mind; al- sum, v.t. To answer.
tering one's views or purpose. Takes the usual Syn. ArsATSu stJRU, Kotaeru.
verb forms. llento, -^ ^fe 5, M^t, 't. [BoL] Almond, Amyv-
Syn. KOKOEOGAWAttl. dalus communi$.
nento. '<^tf5,KlH. "• [Bot.] A kind of bean, Genzurd, Habuku, Sukunaku sorti
Lentil. rtonsil gland. Herniii, -^t^,:f JS, u.(. Q Negative form o\
Heutoson» •- A if 5 ^ ^, )^ S?S. "• [Anat.] The Heru. © Ar an adjective, it means not decrea*
Heatotsn, --~^1^5•55l ^tSffiii " [Mea.\ Megriru ing; audacious; inordinate.
UeDtoyn, ^^^f JW-, EfilE Wl. n. Lentil oil. Rerazu-guchi wokiJcu, ^9^U9-^^, [coll.]H
HentsiiKI, — ^"P|&, ^5g, n. A icind of literary talk insolently,
pastime in which part of a certain Chinese cha- Hon, ^i3,JS^, n. Edge; border; rim; binding.
racter in a verse or phrase being given, that JTeri wo tsvkeru, KSi'^ifyit', to make a border,
character is to be completed so as to flt it to the Boshi no heri, ifH ^ -^ jift, the brim of a hat;
general sense. Tatami no heri, 4J ^ the border of a mattina

Hen-im, -»A-5A, )rW, «• A layer of cloud. Herl, -^V,!^, n. Q Diminution; decrease. @

Honyaku, -*A.-^ <>i9g»^, n. Compilation and Loss, waste. © Discount.
translation. Takes the nsual verb forma. Mmotsu =
ni heri ga tatsu, iS tft PS /'' ^ "Si

Hen-yaku, -.^i^ <,9?I!J, «. Breaking a pro- there is a loss in the goods (as t^rom transporta
mise; changing or not keeping- one's plighted tion, handling, etc.).
words; breach of contract. suru, v.i. To Syn. HEKOMi.
break a promise; to retract an agreement. Herldorl, ^^"^V), Ji|^, n. Making a border.nR
Hcny5, -^/l*,?, i9l?, n. The important points on of a garment, mat, etc
the ft-ontler. for retired village. Syn. FUOHITSCKE.
Hen-yu, •^^V^i, ifi g, n. A remote, obscure, Ilorlkuaaru, -^ifl C ftiZ, rt.u.t- and * To humbK
HeuKo, ^/uT5,W^, n. O Alteration or change one's self; to humiliate.
in making anything. @ Counterfeiting; fraud. Hiio ni herlkuaarite mono woiu, A= Si! t" H
Takes the usual verb forms. 9- x: 7, to speak to another in a humble mannet
Kwahet wo Jienzo sum, 'S'^^ Si^ >*. P-, to Syn. HlGB SURU, KBNaON SURU, SiTlTA ^
alter coins. DER0. rsteady; cowardly
H<<<UBU. ^^5', ^S- **• [So(.] Same as Sento. HorolierOi -^JS-^JS, ». Limping; staggering; un-
Henaurii, ^^?r2. ®.i'-*- and f. Tochange, alter, Bernhero zamurai, -^ b -^ n fsp, a weak or
or transform; to metamorphose. cowardly soldier.
GansTioJcu wo henjite tkaru, (S fi ^ S? 3> x ffi Heru, -^Z, i(h;, "v.t. To arrange lengthwise in a
*., to be flushed with anger; Knkorozashi wo loom (as the warp).
henzuru, ^^??7?)*'i to change one's mind; Heru. -»3, ®,J^, v.i. To be reduced In uumbet
to alter one's intention; Setsu wo henzuru, gg ^ or size; to diminish; to decrease; to wear out.

R ^C »', to change one's opinion ; 2fenit( ga lien- Uara gaheru, ^if ^ it', to be hungry; Sli
turu, Vi^ilt^ r^ft-, the weather alters. Tcazugaheru, K^iflSLn-, the number of perso*
Syn. Abatamu, Kau, Kawaru. decreases; Ki gaheru, f^if^n-, to feel sorrow

Beo, -^ =^, 0, n. A cord, attached to the foot of a for the loss of anything prized.


Uepplrlniuslil, -^ -y 0* 9 i? :£, ^ ffiS, ". [^ntom.] NARU.
A kind of stinking Insect.
Horii, — S, Sffi, M, ^'•<- To pass; to go or llvi
Born, ^S.ffi, n. A spatula; a trowel. through; to spend time; to pass by or mov(
Beragriicrl, ^&jjt^«), n. A sprain of the ankle along.
or foot. rthe ankle. hete Yoroppa ye yuku, |E ^ ipj ^ f
Amerlka wo
Heragaeri wo stvru, -^yif-^^}^y^it', to sprain 3^3
? Wc®S-^ff^. to go to Europe DiA America;
BorasJLgf, --6^?^, i4ffi, n. [OrwiWt.] Spoonbill, Nen get'SU wo heru, ^ fi ^ ^ fl-, to spend moutlA
Flatalea. and years.

Bernsliisl* -^ t :£ IT, « {OmWi.] SpoonbUled Syn. FORU, K03D, Sdgiru.

sandpiper. Hesaeru, ^3-«Si v.t. [coU.} To press down; to

Herasu, ^ &-f , I^, v.t. [caus. of Bern.'] To dimin- compress or repress; to oppress or subjugate.
ish, decrease, or lessen; to reduce in number; to Hesakl, -^5 9r, (^55, «. The bow or prow of a
abate. Syn. MIT03HI. Lship or boat,
Hlyo wo herasu, J? ffl ^ Jffi :^, to lessen the ex- HeBarn-baeara, -^3 6 If ^6, n. [Sansfc.] A
penses; Kuchi wo herasu, a ^ JU^, to reduce solid concretion or calculus found in the sto-
the number of inmates of a family; Mnzu wo mach of soma animals bezoar. ;

herasu, AM^ Jfi ^-t to reduce the number of Heshlau, ^X'^.t, M^. «* [coH.]To push 6a<rfi
persons. other asidrO (as among a crowdX
HES 328 HI
Iloslilgiiclil, -^X <r %; M 0> n. Shutting one's Meae no hlto ni hetsurau, B ± > A= p3 "7- to
mouth; keeping silence. pay court to a superior.
Heslilifoiiiu, — 5. C tp, v.t. [coli.] To press or Syn. KOBiRU, TsniaHd suru.
squeeze Into. Hottsiii, ^'j'^V',
Hcslilinl, --*S.^, IgS, «. A mask representing a il . n. A kitchen furnace.
HetsuJ, -.tpy-,
concave human face. fing down. Syn. Kamado.
Ilesliloru, ^ :£. 5: 3 ® fr, v.t. To break by press- Heya, •^^, SRg, « A room, cliamber, or
, illi K,
llcsliltsukurii, --.;£-:?< 3, ^. ^, v.t. [coU.]To apartment.
press down; to compress; to repress.
Aki beya, g SUM. an unoccupied room; A'ehe-
Ho60, ->t, ^^. n. A ball of thread.
1/13, ^31^, a bed chamber.
Iflesu, ^^, ^, n. The nnvel. neya»iiiMl, .^j^^;^, 1^ ft, n. An heir who haa
neso de warav, tiS
=? ^ 7, [Mt.] to langh in the not yet inherited the property, but lives with hia
navel; laugh in the sleeve; to make an
[^p.;| to father.
Syn. HOzo. LApril fool of. fQojRuru* -^-^Z, ) Iff, v.t. O To clip oflFa part; t»
tlesoUiirlirnne, — 1< ^f^iX, lilS $S. "• -A- small Iletsuni, —-9 2, '
scale or dock. @ To take, by
amount of money accumulated by a wife in stealth, a part of anything committed to one's
private; private earnings of women; pin money. care. © To diminish or reduce.
Syn, %'AKUWAEGANE. Sito no mono wo hctsuru, A^^^ -^ ^ ;«', t«
Hc60-no-o, -~*Jt05r, H^iSt, w. The navel string. talce a portion of anything belonging to an-
IIcBo-no-shlta, ^^<D%1z, ftS T. J3" EB. « A slang other; BoJcuwo hezuru, SJ to lessen th«
f- -^^/n-,
word for the vulva. amount of salary.
Hesu, -N-^.Hg, v.t. To press or force down; to re- Hagu, Kezvru, Sogu.
preaa or Bubdue. Mi, v-,^, n. The sun; sunlight.
Kvjclii ivo hesu, a ? iS ^, to force to be silent; Bi de kawakasu, 7' li; :^, to dry anything in
Oshl hesu, to press down; to push
^z-M^-' the Bun; Bi ga noboru, g A" # ft-, the sun rises;
Syn. OSHiTSUKKRU, Osn. Laside. Bi ga ataru, B jf^ fi', the sun shines on; Bi nl
Hetn, -^fe, ^, n. The calyx which reraains attach- sarasu, B =i^p^, to expose to sun light; Bi pa
ed to the fruit (as in persimmons). teru, a if J^ )U, the sun shines; Bi no de wooQa-

Syn. Hozo. fty. mu, H > m ? ^ A, to worship the rising sun; or

Heta, ^fe, iS*,Edge; border; side; extremi-
JK, n. to look at the rising of the sun; Bi no hihari,
Syn. Hata, Heri.
liASHi, B ^if^}, the sunlight; tlie light of the sun;
Hota, ^ft, T^.iHi X. «- and n. Tneicpert; incom- Bi no iri ni kacra, Q > A = 5S J"-, to rei.urn in
petent; left-handed; bungling; awkward; un- the sunset; Bi no me vw mizu, Q ^ -^ ft, 5C,

skilful; clumsy. not seeing even tlie light of the sun Hi no tuTU ;

Heta na dalUu, T^-^i^X. a bungling car- michi, B -'JE'I'jS, the orbit of the sun; th«
penter; Ueta no yolcozuki, y ^ -a.^ i/ ^, to ^ equinoctial.
be excessively fond of anything (as a game) In Syn. NiOHiBiN, TaitS, Tento.
whloh one la unskilful; Tleta wo suru, "^ ^j~ y. HI, V, g, n. Day; daytime.
B-, to make sad work of; to do things in the Hi ga nagakii naUa, P tf ^c ^ -?- ^ ^, the day
Syn. TSL'TANAKI. Lwrong way. has become long; Bi nl hi ni mnnabu, =; B ^

Hotabaru, v-*;teti3, 1ft gf, v.i. To bend down to ^7*, to study day by d;iy; Bi wo heru, 3 f- E*-.
the ground; to bow low. to pass or spend days; ///, wo ka^anete chakusu,
Hetalieta. -~<:fe^te, adu. Fliantly; flexibly. ^ IE Tt' I? 7., to arrive al'ter a number ot

Karada ga hetaheta ni natta, f^ ft" -^ it -n. ^ days; Bi vjo kirv, (^sadameru, or kisu), ^ ^n-,
^•^y H, [coll.~} the body has become limber. (IS > ^, M 7.), to fix the day; Bi wo kurasu,
UctsiiKtibai'M, •^•^<liZ, v.i. [coll.} To bow to iokuru), ^ spend the days; Jfl
9t 7.,(}S ji,), to

another in a mean manner; to play the syco- wo nobasu, U ^ M^-, to put off or postpone a
phant. date; Nochi no hi, ^ ^ B, future days; To nl
Hoisural, —« -^ 6 i>, 53, ?i- Flattery; wheedling; arlsM hi, t& = T V ;>' 0, when he was alive;
adulation; cajolery; sycopliancy; blandishment. during his life time.
mto ni hetsurai wo suru, A= ^^ ^ fl', to Syn. HiRU, Niciir.

curry favour witli another. HJ, V; 'X, 71. OFiro. ©Light (as of a Inmp). ®
Syn. KORi, T3UISH0. Live coals. Q Conflagration. @[Sfetaph.] An-
Hetsnraii, ^ -9 & .i., ?g, v.i. To flatter, cajole, ger, jealousy, love, or any other strong passion.
wheedle, or fawu upon; to curry favour with. Ahuragami ni hi ga tsuku yd ni, ^^—•X^iii'
m 329 mp
-y ^ s, aa quick to catch fire as oilod paper; Syn. ISHiBUMi.
very Irascible; Si nomoto, 'X -^ %, place where Ill, ^^, JS, n. A female servant; amaid.
fire is used, such as brazier, lamp, furnace, Syn. Gejo, Koshimoto, Mizushimk.
*tc. ; the origin of a conflagration; Hi note HI, t>, fit, m [Min.] Arsenic
ga mienu, 'X -^^ff R-^ x, the flames of the HI, U-,Jt, n. O Comparison; ratio. @ Kind; sort;
conflagration are not visible; ITlnoyojin, Xlt an equal or peer.
ffl caution against a fire; Hi wo ifcwrw, XH-M
iCi, Sono yu Tcarera no hi ni arazu, ^^'^ ^^V^^T
en-, to preserve fire (by covering it "with ashes); 93?, his courage Is not comparable with theirs.
m wo olcosu, X^i^y-, to kindle Are; El wo 6uru, u.t. To compare or match.
kesu, ^t t<^ P^t ^"^^ ^ ftTQ] to extinguish
'X^ 'M
Syn. Tagui, Eni, Kuraberu.
light; Si
moyasu, X9M^'> to kindle or
too Htakui'l, V'%J^^,X1li. n. Bixrning at the stake,
make fire; Hi wo taku, ^ 1@B'. same as above; a mode of punishing criminals in ancient times.
ffi wo tobosu, X^ h d? :^i to liglit (as a lamp); Slaburi ni sum, X^^'^l^> to burn at th«
Hi wo tsukeru, X^ i-i fi', to set fire; to light (as stake.
a lamp); Si wo iitsu, X^tS^y, to strike Are ningarasu, v^ijte^, v.t. [ca«s. of iriof/arw.] To
(with a Muneno?ii, ^ X, flit-] the
flint); ^ flre cause to dry up; to desslcate,
burning in the heart; a strong passion. Syn. H03U, Kawakasu.
Syn. KWA. Hlngnru, 0- % Jj^ 3, T-t. w-^- To dry up; to be
HI, y>,'^, tf^, n. A weaver's shuttle. parched; to become arid.
Sola no hi, IS ^ t?, the shuttle of a loom, Syn. Kawaku.
HI, i>, j^, 11. AAvaterpipe; a spout; a faucet. HIal, iM'hV; a m, n. An interval ot several days;
Bi wofuseru, ^f-ik^f^> to lay a waterpipe a number of days.
(under ground). Biai ga tatta, U ^if it v ^. several days hav^
Syn. Toi. fof a sword. elapsed; Jifo hiai ga nai, ^E B M ^^ -? 'f there "fir .

HI, A longitudinal groove on the blade are not niany days left.
lA, jfe tS, n.
Hip U-i' FS. El w. and a. OApartition. @ Chief Hial, U.3&VN, ES. "• [Chin.] Grief; sorrow; lam-
or principal. Always used in compounds, as entation.

Mi-jiji (great-grandfather), hike etc. Hl-anchfnion, t^36^•t'^^, aiSf ^S /g, ih [Mn.]

HI, t>, Chamaecyparis obtusa.

7i- [Bot.] AUemontite.

Syn. HiNOKi. Ml-anyfidokwo, » ^ ;^V^ 5 »5 < to 5 , Bfc $ ,58 a?l EB.

HI, V-, U BJ. "• -A- disease ofthe eye which causes 71. [Min.] Arsenical antimony.

partial loss of sight, such as solcoUi, uwa-hi, HIaabI, o-'hX, B R©. » The feet or velocity o(

HI, i>, Sit, ^, n. Tee. Lwhich see. the sun; the rays ofthe sun.

Simuro, ^ g, an ice house. Siashi ga Jiayai, H P ?/" iS 'f . the sun travel!

Syn. KOri. fast; Mada Jiiashi ga takai, v^ H 8tP W [gj 'f , th«

The spleen. sun is still high up in the sky; not yet declining.
HI, T>, 1$, n.
Syn. ToKOSHi. Hlawal, U?.tli>,^ffil, 't- Narrow spaces between
HI, V-,^% 'fi. O "Wrong; injustice; unreasonable-
" Be careful about
ness; evil. @ Fault; defect; demerit. © Not Hl-ayausbl, V%j%»5;6, interj.

flre " a call of a night-watch in the Imperial

Bo; a prefix used in the sense of not or opposed I

palace. ffootl,
to, in much the same manner as the Eng. non,
HIba, U-tf, K5S. «• Dried radish leaves used for
antl, un, etc.
Hlba, U-tf.fctSi, n. [Bot.] A kind of evergreen,
Si ni ochiru, ^^^^yt-, to fall into wrong i7i ;

Juniperus rigida. fhorse,

wo utsu, $^^^ y, to attack or point out the
defects of another; to criticise; Ri wo hintma- Hlba, v a, SilS. " A worn out or exhausted

geru, M'^ 4^ — ^y^f t° make riglit wrong Siba ni mucMutsu, JSffi— l^'S', to whip -
(either in arguments or sophistry); Sijoyaku exhausted horse.
^a, ^^{!^.^M, anti-treaty party, or a political HIbaba, Vkri(f.#?flf5:i '»• Great-grandmother
faction opposed to concluding foreign treaties. Ilibachi, ni£%,X^,'"'- A pan or box filled with
ASHi, Atamari, Kiz0. ashes in which coals are kindled for warming
the hands or apartments, or for boliiDg water
HI, u^, ffi^, n. Vermilion colour; scarlet tint.
used in making tea.
Hi, V, i(B. "^ Same as Klsaki.
HI, ti-,^^ 't. A monument; a stone tablet. Sibachi no otoshi, X^-^^^' the copper box
or lining of a hibachl. rtemi.
Sibun, ^X. inscriptiuna on n, monument;
IDtbakarl, n. [^ol.] Trc^ldonotus mar-
Hi wo tateru, iS ^ it B-, to erect a monument.
Hlbnho, v-HTL, iA: tff, n. A box fitted in the bot- =i ^^, the report of the gun resounds in the
tom of a furnace or brazier. ear.s, Yama ni hibiku, \U =.fS ^.to reverberate

Hibnko, r>Ut, tS ffl- '*• A commode. among the mountains; Inakano fukeikt ga to-
Hiban, t^^i^, ^^#, n. Being off duty; not on kwai yemo hibiku, 03# >;r^^a^ ffifi" '^=e ff
duty, ^, the dullness of trade In the country is felt

Hlhana, V[Jtf, iK^, "• Sparks of fire. even In the capital.

Bitana ivo cJiirashite tatakau, jA: IE ^ 5k S^ t Hlbl nl, y•t^'Vr, B B. adv. Every day; ilnily.

E"?, 'Ul.] to Cgbt 30 hard as to cause the swords ITihi ni narau, B =^ "7, to study every
to emit sparks. Syn. NlCIIINIcni NI. Ltlay.

Htbavl, V- \i ^^, V) , It. [Ornith.}A sky-lark, Hlblriagii, u> ty 6 <-, v.L Q To shake, tremble,
Alavda japonica. or quiver; to shrink at. © To feel a prickling
Hiltsivigo, U- ti W) V>. ^^^, "
Hair haring a pain; to smart.
mixture of yellow and white (said of the colour Syn. FURATSUrcu, FURUERU. nf»in>
of a bnrse'). Tstint. HIbJrp, UXh'it, n. Crack, or crackle (as on porce-
HihztrlshlgU V-\£^ *'¥. n. [Orjiitft.] Middendorff's Hlblrl, U-tVJ.SSift. 't- Same as .ffi'bf.

Hlliasanij. T>\S'^7^, 'X&i, n. The cock of a gun. Hlbfso, U-tA't. n. An inferior kind of raw aillt

Hllji:;t«lil. I>(J:£, >XM. " A pair of iron rods for made from outside fibers of cocoons.
taking up enabers; tongs. Hibltsu, v-tS-O, 'X^,n. A kind of hibachi, brazier
ISlbaslih-n, u-tj;£&. ^ft, n. A pillar offlre, i.e. HIbJyakl. U-O-'^^.E;^. «. A kind of porcelaio
a column of reddiaU vapour often seen standing baked so as to have a croqucU appearance.
in the airy. Hibiyaki no sara, ^ jig > M, <* plate of cro-
Hlb], VV, Sgl, n. Chaps or cracks produced on queU ware.
the akin by cold. Byn. Rakutaki.
Te ni MM go. kireta, :^ -•^)f ^ i- ^. the
Hlbo. v-B,
hands are chapped. fcrackle. Cord; braid; thong.
lilmo, u-6, J

Hibi, iMX, g5,5SS- "• A. crack (as on porcelain); cords or braids at

Baorl no hibo, 33^-^0,
Chaiuan ni hiU (ja iru, 3? 6S =; IS V X »-> the
tached to a haort for fastening it.
tea cGp is cracked. HibS, ytf5,Sf^. »'- Reprobation; odium; vHu
Ryn. HIBIKI, HlBIKE, HlBlTSU. peration; reviling; contumely; abuse; cnlum
Hlbl, V^XJt, tt- Branches of trees stuck in the shal-
niation. sum, v.L To speak ill of; to slan
low sea for letting aonori grow upon. der; to backbite; to calumniate.
Hlbl. U-tK. W> " S°'"^ °° ^^^^ ^^P- Syn. SoSHiRD. rsoo.
Syn, Hlbd» U-tf5,l^^. " Inordinate ambition; trea-
Hlbl'hibi, U'O'U'tN', Q B, adv. Day after day;
Hiblwo iilaku, l^^^fij'^, to have an inor-
everyday; daily.
dinate ambition Bibo wo kuwadatsit, ^^ g ^ 4

Hlbl-hibi arata ni sum, B B iFf = ^ ^, to re- y, to plot or conspire. rvani-s-

novate (or do afresli) day by day; Hibi-hihl
Hlboku, y-K <,)JSfi5, 71. Female and male ser
manabu, Q study daily.
§!:/, to
HIbon, ^^t3:^,^^K.. a. Extraordinary; remark
able; uncommon; unusual.
Illblltase'rii,tm:i>*3, ^, I'.f. [caus. of HiUku.] Bibon no hataraki, ^^ K* -^ SJ ^. an uncommrn
To sound or ring. deed; Bibon no sht, I^.^j > dr, an extraordinary
Na wo yo ni hibikaseru, ^^lfi:=:^:ft%B-, to or remarkable gentleman.
make the world resound with one's name. Hibosbl.TM^L. T5£.S0^."- Ol^fylnglnthesiin
nibiki. U-tA'?, V' " Sound; report (as of a gun);
@ Starvmg to death. © Fi^li dried.
noise; concussion
Sakana wo ^ TK—

hlbnshl ni surii, ]gl 7- *-.

Bibiki ga yoi, "S-if & -^ . to sound well; Taiho to dry fisli in the sun ; Toriko wo hiboshi ni suru,
(ft ^ SS & = ^> ^. to starve the captives.
nohibiki, :/c5S''^. the report of a cannon.
Hlblkl-lsbi. i>tK?V^:£, ®S, A kind of Omu- " HibvtokJ, i>KE^ &. B. Si. " The ceremony of tak-
seki, which see. ing off the ribbons attached to the garments of
Klbltilwatani, VV^iyftZ^ ^ iS. v.t. To re- a child, when it has attained the seventh year
dound on every side; to reverberate. of age.
Hlbiliu, 0-C^(, ^-o.i. To sound, resound, echo, HIbu, v-S', B i^. '«. Interest by the day.
or reverberate. @ To cause to feel the influence Bibu no kane wo karu, Qi^.^^^^fl', to
of; to extend. borrow money at a certain late of interest p«r
T^jjo no oto ga mivii n4 hibiku. fS -^ ^V5 day.
Hlbu, »>, B fit, n Dally payments or Instal- Hldlal, u fev-, BH;^, »• and n. O Corpulent, fat,

mentn. plump. S Hypertrophy.

mini ae snaf:usen wokaesu, H ©5*158 ^ iS^^. Mldnl, unT>, TAB. " ^* ('li^ saranus raarffl-

nalU) salted and dried in the sun, much used

to pay back a debt by daily Instalments.
Hlbnkiire, V-i>< ti, IKW. n. The blister caused presents on ceremonious occasions.
by a burn. Hldama, » ft. 3, i»C S, n. A ball of Are; wiU-o>-

Hibiin^ T>>A, 1^^, n. anda. Unbecoming one's the-wisp; jack-o'-lantern; ignis fatwus.
station inlife; Inconsiatent; undeserved: impro- Hldarn, v-fa ^, TiE. "
Codfish salted and dried.
per; disproportionate; unjust; unreasonable. Hldnrl. u.;BI!1, S, a. OThe left. B [coll.] Drink-
mbun no slwcJH, If * > a K. unjust way of ing or fond of wine.
managing affairs; Hihun wo HIdarlgamae, «.?S«liJ'a*., £«. "- A left posi-
oifconaM, ^S*^' fi
"y, to behave in an improper manner. tion, or left guard (as in fencing).
Hldarlgana, S««, »• Small signs
Syn. FUTo, Namihazurr. «.?t.»Iii«a,
side of
Hlbim, t^J^^, ®^, 11. Inscriptions, as on monu- or numerical figures at the lett hand
ments or tombstones. Chinese characters to show the order in
Syn. ISHlBUMr. Tor condemnation. the latter are to be read in literal translation.
Hlliiiii, u>^, jH X, n. ICMn.] A written sentence Hldarlgmi, u.?C.«IS-9, )SW. »• ""^ "•
Hlbane, tfin, iAcffi, n. A steamboat. Hldarlgltcho, u.^feilS'^'SJ:, >

Syn. JoKlSEN. rthe ague. Hldarlmae, «• fe ij a -, £ S, " OFfWlne *•»•

Mlburiil, »i-z», B S, " Daily shake or fit of right breast of the coat over the left;
on the left (wrong) side, [coll.] The reverse of
Rlbuee, w J«^, iA: ^, n. Preventing conflagration
(as by supernatural power); protection against fortune; going down in the world.
fire. Hldarlmahl, » ?B « "J S, «. "
£ Turning to-
fflSiae no ofum, <K.Wi -^Mth, a charm for pro- ward the left in winding; curving or turned
tection against fire (usually found pasted over leftwards (as the tail of a dog).
Hldarlinojl. Wft-? «», ff*?. " Writing
the entrance of a house); Sibuseno gokitdwo
turu, X.f^ ''Wlffil^f- 7.t-, to offer prayers in acters from right to left; characters so
order to be relieved from conflagrations. Hldarlnaiva, wft-lOtEtt, Sffl. «• •* "P^ =«*•
Htbutn, U-Jefe, >X g, 71. The cap covering the pan by twisting to the left.
of a matchlock. HIdarl-uchliva. v-fiV i>%n. n. Holding the fan

In the left hand.

Bibitta wo Iciru, J^ S^^ J*-, to raise the

cap of the lock (preparatory to firing). Bioarl-uchlwa de kurasu, fifflfi^STi.
HlbyolD, o.DJ.^5 ^,^, ig^K, n. A hospital lead an easy life.
T" fe»l hunger; to
where persons afflicted with infectious diseases, Hldarugarii, v-fiZifZ, ••'.

such as cholera, typhus, etc., are treated; a have a keen appetite.

pesthouse. Hldaruhu. v-KZ <,K ««"• ">* »• ''"""^
Blcbl-iio-kl, v-%iD'S, 7, [£ot.]llyHHncmrUfo- hunger; hungrily; voraciously.
Wa- for flageolette. Htaaruicu natte avvmm, ^ir-i--)y'9'*^-
Hlchlrikl. v%V 9, SW, " A small musical pipe am so hungry I can't walk.
[coll.] 1
or degree of
HIchielia, t,-'6£^, SiStf, ™. The governed, in Hldamsa. U.?S23, HI, n. The state
opposition to shuchtsha (governing). being hungry; hunger.
Hldarusl.l,-l,-tl, V-KZ%.m. « Hungry;
HIcUa, o-TS.tSB. I- Aflylngbfrd.
ElrJio,W615, Jta. " [PAVsto.] Specific gravi- ing uneasiness from want of food.
Hlda, »te, @S, «. Plaits; folds. Lty. Syn. HIMOJI, Hidatui.
grains with a
nida wo torn, g| ^ ^ ^ /t, to plait Hidasbl, U.?t.*,«W. "• Cleaning
Byn. IIiDAME. mi winnowing.

"•« To winnow, or clean

Uldaclil, vn^%, BBSc, "• OThe daily improve- Hidasu, U-TE^. W. UJ.
basket or
ment of a sick person; daily convalescence. @ throwing up the grains inashaUow
The daily growth of an infant. Byn. AB0EIDA30.
4^15' set better (as
BioacMga yni, MiLifte--1, to get better or Hldats... V-n^. K a, "•«• T"
by day (as a young
improve in health day by day; Kodomo no htaa- a patient); to grow up day
chl, /h S ^ BB ji, the gradual growth in size of child).
an infant Sdngo no hi4aclU ga
; uiarui, S ft >*
^ Konomo go. olot himtm. ,S H « B « B *. th*

grows in size. Tsftt

"il.^ ^ -f , not steadily improving in health after djild gradually
parturition. llldaiii«bi.-l,-w. uaiftL. ". Same as BlOaru-
Hlden, I^^f^, BS^, «. A secret art -which has Syn. KiEKi.
been handed down in afamily; a secret formula. Illcmakl, u-AlSI^, WW> "• 'Wild millet planted
Syn. OkuGi. in a pot in imitation of a rice-field, and used aa
Hlden-ln. UC^^l^, [Hl^, "• An aBylum; a jffi
a plaything by children.
charity-hospital; a poor house. men, WA.A., M®, n. [67i/n.] The caves.

Hldcrl, VS If) , ^, Ti. A long continuance of clear Hleru, V'fLZ, i^, v.i. To grow cold; to cool.
weather; drought. Sya BAMERU.
Syn. Kamfatsu. Hieteu i^uru, i>X^irZ, i£Bg, v.t. To open and
Hl(lerl-:inir-, t> tf W) 36 ». 5^ffi:, tj. Rain falling read (as a letter).
from a clear sky. Hlexako, U-A.S'H", W^, " A kind of safce brewed
Hldorj-guino, i> T! "J C I , ^ S, « Clouds not from hie (a species of millet).
condensing into rain heat clouds. ;
Hifii, u-j., ^^, M. A short coat worn by doctors,
l!lde;-jgd, V"evi5 5. " [Bot.] Portulaca. priests, and ladies; and also by gentlemen who
Syn. MiTSDBABOTAN. have retired from public life or business.
If Idem, t>"C3,%, v.i. Cont. form of nilderu. Hjfu. vi, ^-^ffi, n. [Chin.] Night clothes.
Illdd, V-?!-^,0M., «. anda. Tnjtistice; cruelty; O Syn. FUSCMA, YOGI.
outrageousness. Unjust; barbarous; tyran-@ Hlffi, I>i5, WM< 71. [£ot.] A turnip.
nical; dishonest; inhuman. Bliru, Vi, ^^, 71. The skin.
Jlido ni suru, ^^ ."g = ::^ p. , to treat with Syn. Hada, Habae, Kawa.
cruelty; to tyrannize ; Muri Uidv no hito, ® S# Hiruljyo, U-icr-^5, S Sf 1^, ". Skin diseases.

S A. an unjust and cruel person.

-^ Hlfiihj, j> ^^, iK'S^, n. A vessel for receiving
Illdogn, U-%5 <r,'X^^, n. Tools used in striking ashes from tobacco pipes.
fire C'.c flint, steel, and tinder). Hifulfldakc, i> A 15 7: W", i^tiDctt, '^- A piece of
IlldoSfCl, i>'^WV^, Q flSti', '" A sun-dial. bamboo used for blowing the fire; a blow pipe.
Elldoko, U-^t.^^r. n. A lire place. fglte. Hirukldnvuma, v .i-^ T'^ Z"^, 'X^B^, n. A
Uidokiislm, T»^<^^,UWV>' "• [ITin.] Lollin- small copper image of Daruma made hollow la
illdokwd, y-^5 <i55, afc^aff. n. [MLn.] Domey- the interior, which when partially filled with
kite. rday. water and placed in a hibachi, blows the flre by
Hldori, W^l), H M, n. Selecting or fixing on a a jet of steam forced out of its tnouth.
Bidori wo sum, H !® ^ ^ J^-. to flx on a day; SKifuifu, V-X-i %^M, '" A garment, clothing.

Tabidachi no hioorl, JS it ^ B K. fixing the day IlifiikuryS, t>i<K5, Wi'^Pt, " [ilfi!-] Money
on which one intends to set out on hia journey. given to officers for their uniform.
tlldorlgiimo. «•!««)*"&, n. [Ornith.J Widgeon Hifun, I^i^, S?^> <^. Falling in thick scattered
Uidorm. u-^3, ^S.HS, I'-t- To dry by heating in drops 0" masses (said of rain or snow).
a pan; to parch; to roast. ]5Jfun« i>iA, SI is, 7t. Sorrow and anger; ex-

Syn. ABTJRU, H5JIRTJ. treme indignation.

ilJdosn, l^^5, «. The quality or degree of being Hini-uo-k»Eari-ltlino, Wi CD *>5'iO U >&, 15^3
cruel; severity; atrocity. iS, n. Ornamental ribbons attached to a W/it.
IVidosliE.-l.-kJ, i>iC L, fS, ". OCruel; barbar- IBI^a, V'h'^,^'^, pron. He and I; them and us;
ous; outrageous. ©Severe; violent; intense; self and others; that and this.
excePRiYe. Hioa no hetsu naTcu, tfe ^^ ^ij •? ^, making do
Hidoi tn« ni awa.se.ru, g£ -f ->f =i §^ ft-, to distinction between self and others.
treat with cruelty; Era htdoslU, 3: 7 K K 5^, Hlga, V-f*,^- [P^^^-l Mistaken; wrong; false; in-

most Tiolent; excessive; Te liidoku atsukau, ^ correct; prejudiced; biased.

6£ iJ' ^ "7, to treat with violence or severity. Hlgaerj, U-i^-.'g, B K. "• Going and returning
Syn. MUGOi, Nasakknashi. on the same day.
MIdo siu'u, x^&^-i-^, I^JS), v.i. To grieve, la- Htga&'i ga deklru, Q Uif ^^f'> to go and
ment, or mourn. fonly). return on the same day.
Blldoto. V-'&^i 7*. [coll.] Dried fish {used by women Higalilgashl,-]i,-l<l, i> at J> Jb' L, a. O Me^n;
Hie, wA.,©. n. [Sot.] Panidtfrifrumentaceum, base; perverse; perfidious. @ i;nvious; jealomi
Ellejitsirl, U-A.^te'D, Wr^, "• Cold. green-eyed.
Hlebn, O—^J*?, 7*. [Entoin.] Alyaas si>. Migalslia, TMi* Vf £ i^, ?S W^. »- The injured;
Hl-eBil, V-fL^, W^, "• Advantage; benefit; sufferers. rtributions,
merit; utility. suru, v.t. To benefit; to IBIgaUo, U-ft't?-, ffl-, n. Daily payments or con-
bo advantageous for. Matsuri no nylclii wo higaJu ni sum, S? >X fl


^ }^ =i ::x fl-, to contribute the expenses of a 9^3^^, I have stopped it for the day is not
festival by daily pAymeut^; lucky; Kyo wa yoi higara da, 4. g *\^ -f fl ffl
tti^iiUv', V-ifliftiK^, n. A kind of confectionery #, this is a lucky day,
made by covering beans, peas, etc. with sugar, Hlffnra, vt^f,, fl 5*;, „. Number of daya; dura-
an^'drying over the fire. tion of time.
nigakol, W-fi^tU-, VclSE, n. A screen to protect Higara ga nai, H^tfif'f, we have not
from the heat of a flro place. many days left; J^ada hig^-a ga tatanu, v^ g
Hlgakoto, i> Ji* t. i^. 'Pf Uf, '« A mistake or error ^^ aLH ^, it is not yet long since; is only
(esp. in argument); lallacy; absurdity. recent.
Syn. Ayamabi. llJffara, u.ft«5, n. [Omdft.] Cole Tit.
Hlsraku, vi)*< , Jj IE, 7t. Amount of expenses. Hignrnnie, v fei 6 », flURBR, n. Having eye*
Syn. luijiE. with axes not coincident; squint-eyed.
Hlscaiiilbana, V ij* ^ tf ?£, B w. i- [Bot.] Lyeoris IliKaraslif,.|,-kl, U,j,«6 t,, a. [coll.] Spoiled or
raOAata. ftake in seeing- musty from being kept too long, not fresh.
HlBamo, U-fe'Vj.^g, n. An error of sight; a mia- lllgasa^ thft*:5, fiSS, ". A kind of hat.
Taislid to mi-tatematsuru wahigameka, ^5|§ Hlgasn, u.fi*5, B^.^0. n. A kind of umbrella
h ^^ B""' 'Sf S ^/ is it an error of my sight
made of bamboo handle with rays pasted over
that I see in your honour a generalT with thick paper, not oiled as in a karakasa; a
Hlganil, O'i)*?^,^, /t. Being suspicious or cross- sun shade or parasol.
minded; envy. Hieasaina. wft'sS, adv. and a. In an ill or per-
irigaml ga aru, ^1f t n-, to be envious. verse manner; misrepresenting designedly (an
Btsami, ry fit Ti-, i^, **. Dressing the liair other' s words or conduct) perverted un ; ;

every day, Bllgaslil, Vft*L, M> n. The east. Ltoward.

HlsamliiiJ, 1}-^^^,^%, n. Hearing wrong. Sigashi muki no (c, jg fS -> g?, a house facing
Blsamouo, T>t^1i(D,^^, n. A wicked fellow; the east; Higashi no kata, ^"js, eastern side; %
knave; villain; rascal. easterly direction; Taiyo tva higashi yori nobo-
Syn, NEJIK.EMOKO. »*w. "A fS "» 3K 3 V ^ n-f the sun rises in the east.
Htgamu, v-ffiis, ^, v.l. To be envious, perverse, Hlgashlkase. y-ft* Li3>V:-, MH, n. An easterly
or perfidious; to be prejudiced;" to be cross- Syn. KocHi. Lwind.
minded, rminded. Higo, S, 7t. The beard.

Kokoro ga htgamu, ,t*if^i*, he is cross- Sige no chiri wo harau, fi ^ ? ffi 7, [coU.i S

Syn. Katatoru, Magaeu, Nejikeru. [Jig.] to dust another's beard; to play the syco-
Hlgan, t^^)«^, IKS, n. [Bum.'] O [lit.] The oppo- phant; to wheedle; Sige hayasu, iK ^ wo '^ >
site shore; nirvana or paradise. period @A y., to let the beard grow; Sige wo nadej-u, ^^
of 7 days in the spring and autumnal equinoxes fiy'B-. to stroke the beard; Sd-hige, JJ, th«
appropriated for the worship of Buddha. whiskers; Shita-hige, fi(i the beard on the chiu;
Hignu, V ft* ^l if ffi- '• [Ornith.'] Ruddy Sheld- Vwa-hige, ft, the mustaches.
rake. Hlge, u-jr^, ^ y, n. Behaving in a humble man-
Hlernna-lchinlclij, V-% \X%, B v- i/f^ —B . adv. ner; humiliation; depreciating one's self.
All the day long; the whole day. Hige shite iu, ^f ^ ^^, to speak in a hum-
Syn. HiNEMOSU, Shujitsu. ble manner; to speak depreciatingly
Hl^ranakln, ^^iJ^tc^^. * gf^ rU, 7*. Turkey-red suru, v.t. and i. To humble one's self; to
Hlsnuekln, ^^J)tJl5^, ^ cloth. act humiliatingly. Tone's self.
laiKanashl.-l^-kl, V-f^ti-t, o,. Poor; indigent; Mi wo hige suru, $ff-^y:zjt', to depreciate
needy; penniless; destitute; straightened; po- Syn. KENSON, Herikudartt.
Terty-striekeo. Hlgekago, tM^ *> 35, n. A coarse kind of basket.
Higanai kurashi, t^-^-^f gj/, life of poverty. filigekl, D-'W^S, fffiJK. ?t- A. manifesto despatched
Hlffanoko, U- ft* (?) £., Sf E ^. «• A kind of silk or sent around in post haste.
with white figures on red ground. Hlgeinuku, V^tF<, n. One having a thick
Hlsan-za-kura, u.ftt^3-< 6,^^ffl.«. [Bot] A growth of beard; bearded fellow {used in con
kind of early cherry-tree, Brunus Miqueliana. tempt). Row.
Hieara, T>ft*&, B S, n. The kind of day whether Higemuku oyaji, t y i» ^ S^, bearded old fol-
lucky or unlpfky, as indicated in old styled Hlgen, V^^^, SP^, «• -A- vulgar proverb; a

calendars. common or popular saying. feet a sp.

Higara ga warul kara yoshlta, H JS^ 3K 'f » Hlgouagabaclii, 0- « 'ttft'ti't. 7*. [Entonu]£u-
a long time; long since; for a long time past;
Kon delict. usual; common.
Hl^esu, UtJ^-f, )S^y,'^. v.i. and K. To de- Jwmino joju seri, BlE-'^SBKSlte
ffigoro no
lude sum, iMi>-^Z, predate or humiliate one's
) have accomplished what I have been louj
>J ,

Eoir (as in speaking); to behave in a humble wishing to do; Vukt higwo ni hvaku bai shite,
manner. ft^BtQ^e^S^?, witli a hundred times hii
HigGtonilto, U"l">if/12, n. [Entom.] Ascalaphus usual courage.
Bp. ll^otao, O-afe'-N, 'XiS, " The property of en-
during or resisting the influence of fire; being
Tf;, n. The fire-proof.
cross pieces Bigotat ga suru, 'Xt&if ^ ^, to be fire-prooi;
of timber Higotae ga wanU, iA: Jg^ S -f to be easily coa-

forming fiuraedbyflre; infliimmable. fday; daily.

the sides Every day; day
lllgoto, vaifiWH, atlv. after
a .truss =
Higoto ni kiku, ® B PS ^, to hear dally of;
at the
Uigoto Til iiiiru, ^B =.^B', to see day after
gable ends
Syn. NicniNicni. L^ay.
of a roof iV'i^'^A.W
and projecting upwards, as in old styled houses,
HIgOEuikI, U-&??^^,HEyi2pH, S^S. ''• Dried
stems of taro, lor which the province of Higo
shrines, etc.
is most lamous.
Higf, U-y.lfS, 71. and a. Injustice, wrong; un- Iligucltl, U-<"^, !A: a, 7i. The touch-holo of a gun.
just, improper. fduct. Syn. KWAMON.
UiQl no furumai, improper con-
|^ g -^ Jg 8f, Hlgulua, l^<-l>tc. n. [OrnUft.] Red-bre^ted RalL
Hlgl. I>ir, .ttiK. n. Act of comparing or likening
IBiguiiia. i><'3,«^, 7t. [Zwl.] The brown bear.
one thing with another. suru, v.l. To Illguraalil. u-<- 1; l, H S, S? B adv. The whou .

compare or liken,
Iligiirnelil, U-<'&L,?tSI, n. [Bntom.l Cicada sp.
Ulffi, u-^, 9^^, n. Trifling present (used in con- MIgure, iX"*!., Q Ej^, /i. Sun-set; evening; eve,
descension), ^tum. Syn. Ban, Yu. Lduak.
niglvi, u-ari!) ^^, n. [Sor.] Clci-oaendron squama-
Hlguruitiu, i><*S:a.[ro B ^, " [Bot.] Helianthut
Hlgirj, U-gT'lI, B -93, n. Fixing the day; limitins
the period of time. Iligwau, 0- <* *j ^, fi3 Jt), n. a stray ball.
Higiri wo suru, Q 91 9" ^ n-, to fix the day. Higivashl, T><-t5L,KS5^. "• A kind of confec-
Syn. NrcHiGEN. tionery made mostly of rice or wheaten flour
Hlglsho. V2r£-^5,iA:a^, n. Ordeal by Are, and sugar.
which consisted In making an accused person Uigwashi no tone, |£^^-'@, materiaU for
grasp a red hot Iron bar; his guilt or innocence making Iilgwashi (snid esp. of rice coarsoiy
being decided by whether the hand was or was ground and parched).
not burnt. Hlgyo, t>^-^5, ?RtT, n. Flying away.
Hlffl suru, lMr-^3, Bf ^, V.L To criticise with an Bllliada, u-H;^-, tfl iS, n. Bark of hiTWki much
ill will; toTilily. used for thittchlug the roofs of temples or pa-
Syn. HiBfl suEU, soshiru. laces.
BIffo, v£, (S, n. Long, tilender strips of bamboo Hlhadaltukl, tMi?fe>5. i fS S S, n. A roof
for making baskets or francs of paper lanterns. Illwadn, o-i?^', ' thatched with above.
HlgS, V-^X.^^Wt' « ^^^ 0- [-Bwdd.] Having done lllhagl. ullV. 31 SHJi w- A highwayman; a. rob-
nothing wrong in the preyioua state of ex- ber.
istence; innocent; guiltless. IlIlLakii, U- a < , flSE^, ?i§ ^, w. An old style of
mg'5 no salgo, #-IS ^ifei^, dying through writing Chinese characters.
false cliarges; a violent death. Hihaku, V-a<, 5p ii. a. OThln; small; trifling;
nigo, V&.i^aS.SIK. 71. O Terms or language Insignificant. © Rough, coarse, or homely (aald
used in humiliation. ©Vulgarism; a common of workmanship).
ayinE- Hlhau, naj^, Kk^ij, n. Criticism; faultfinding;
iTASniKIKOTOBA, Satobikotoba.
Syu. censure; passing a verdict upon; speaking til

Hlsol, W'SU', A3' "* [^cft.tft.] Golden carp. of; vituperation. suru, ii.t. To criticia«
Higoro. i>a^ B IS. B 3K. «^"- a^d a- Of late; for to find fault with, etc.

Hihan suru tokoro nasJii, 5t fy 7( »• a ?• £/, it ears of corn; to fructify. @To excel, surpaei,
leaves no room for criticism; it has no portion transcend; to overtop.
to find fault with; Shibun too hiJian suru, I^;^ Gaku ni hiideru, $ = ^r'rt-, to excel in learn

f" fth^J ^ rt'i to criticise poems and prose writ- Ing ; Sliujin ni hiideru, ft A = ^ t* B- . to over-
ings. top all others.
Syn, Syn, Ndkinzuru, SoGUREBn.
Illharn, ftfctfti, n.
u-tt 6, The side of the abdomen. lllldetaru, wv\-Cte3, %, a. Perfect; excelling;
Syn. YOKOBARA. transcendent distinguished eminent; illustri-
; ;

Hlbatmi, xyii'P, MS. ' Hair allowed to grow ous.

and hang loose- sum, v.i. To wear the HliruCto. tfVi-yif, PiSW, adv. Sound produced
hftir long. fff/ii*- by an arrow shot; with a whizzing noise.
Hlhatsu, tm-7, ®^, n. ^Bot.] Ckavtca Roxliur- Hiifutto kitte hatiatsu, RfiiJ&j h «) r te 'S', to
Hlbel suru, V"~-\^itZ, S^^, v.i. To be reduced shoot or let fly an arrow.
In circumstances; to be ruined or Impoverislied; HUbon, t>f *v,5fiiW, n. [Chin.] A kind of short
Syn, Otoeoeru, L^o decline. coat worn by priests, hermits, and at modern
Hlhl, iM>. WW, » [CTUn.] Falling heavily (said of times, by retired ladies and gentlemen.
rain or snow). font exception. HlljijI, Vlf "&"?:, sHIKf W- Gre.it-grandfather.
HlhJ, ihi>, Jt ib, a. All; every one of them; with- Milk], y-lf-g.Sift, n. Favour; favoritism; parti-

mhi mina shilcari, Jii ib ^ ^V , the same Is ality; siding with; patronage.
the case with every one of them. Gohilki ni azukoHmashita, J^iSift^S V ^S'
Hllil, W. J^jffi, n. [2&oi.] A baboon, St,I have been much honoured by your patron-
Hlhlna, uu-tr, ill. n. Same as HiTia. age; Miki ni suru, ^fi = 7> J^, to favour, to
Hl-blto-lil, c^^)fu•, B — Q, It. One entire day; patronize; SUM
no hUddaoshi, )Rft^3lffl|V,
the whole day. to injure or ruin another by showing injudici-
Syn. HiNBMOSD. rformula.
ous favour; Hiiki no yaku^ha, i&ft ^ S#. »»
Hltao, U-tt5, W^, n. A secret art; a private actor to whom one shows special favour; Hiiki
Hlbfi, I>tt5, ?Bffi» n. Dispatch; express message. wo suru, j&:ft 9- ^ fl', to favour one person more
Hlbo, Making up a deficiency or
j> tt, ^- BB. «• than another; to be partial to.
loss repairing Buru, v,t.
; ;
HUmago. VV^i£&,f-|R, n. Great-grandson.
To make good; to mend; to repair; to recruit. Hlln» t^V^^,ffEi^, n. Kindness; favour; grace;
Syn. Oginau, Tasukurou.
help or aid. fby or receive help from.
HiboUoinbiitsii, y•t2W^J''C?, liEfjiBSitt, "• [Xaw.J Biin wo komuru, ffi ^ ^ 3R fl', to be favoured
Insured goods. Syn. Kabai, Mbgumi, Okage. r/oWuwt
Hlbokoiignku, I^(2^^^i)tC. 1&^?&1S., "• [Law.]
Hliragl, -Q-jy^Vy^^, «• [.Bot.\ Osmanthus mui-
Amount insured. Hllre. W\aH, 'XX, 'n.. A fire pan, as attached to a
Hlhokoasha, U>tt W^ ;£ ^. SSffi© #. " {.Law,] Japanese tobacco tray.
The insured. Illlro, U-V/^^, J3fg, n. Scarlet colour.
Hlhon, z^tt^, W^' 'i- -A- book kept secret from Itliru, u-v*Z,g*ft, n. iEntom.] The moth of a silk
the public knowledge. lIUCo, t^
3?R,1-, " {Eng.] Feet. Lworm.
Hih6suru,iM±5-f Z, jSff ^. ^-C- To speak ill of; Hiisuru, V-V-^Z,^, v.i. Same as J7i(derM.
IllbSsuru, I^^f5-^^, ' to viliiy; to calumniate; Illjabu, V ;£• J%» < JS S, n. Lacking power or

to censure ; to libel to abuse to slander.

; ;
strength; exhausted; weak; enfeebled (said of
Syn. SoaHiRU, Wabukuiu. countries or persons).
Illbyo suru. T>V-^3^Z, fiba?. «•*• O To criti- IIIJI, Wtr, Si, B£. ff. "• The arm, elbow.
ci.'ie; to pat* literary or artistic judgment upon, Iliji wo haru, K ^ 31 *-, [lit-] to stretch out the
©[coH.] To speak ill of ; to calumniate; to cen- elbow; [Jig.] to be obstinate; Hiji wo tsuku, Stf"
gcre. y^, to rest the hand upon the elbow.
HII, Vft, Bt3, n. [Ht.]The spleen and the sto- HIji, 1>Z; I^B*. «• [£wW.][Ut.] Untimely; a name
mach ;
[coll.] the stomach. given to supper by priests, for it is considered
mi wo sokonoAi, B?t H "? ^+ "7, to hurt the by the latter to be Improper to take food in the
to break Mud, L^fternoon.
stomach; Hii wo yaburu, 1^ ^ ? ^fn', HlJI, V5-, U, n. earth.

or injure the stomach (as by eating too much). Syn. DOBO.

Hllbaba. U> u^ Ktt, ^ffl». »• Great- grandmoth- HIJJ, Wj&.iKJff, n. A secret; secrecy.
er. Biji wo abaku, UViT'Si^. to reveal or dis-

UUdem, l>V>*tf2. 9S> v.f. 0[Iit.lTo produce the cover a secret.

Hljl, vt.^Bff, «• O
Servile and flattering lan- Illja, V-%'\.^5, ib S, It. [Physics.] Specific gravity.
guage. @
A humiliating term; words used in Hljun, y-X't^A, lit^tS. '"• Ratification. - '-(<uru.
speaking depreciatory of one's self. v.t. To ratify.
Hljidamnkl, VCi^U^.S'l. n. An oniament worn HJJun siiru, t^;E•^fl>^-32;, Jfc ^, v.t. To compare;
on the arm in ancient times. to act in accordance with; to follow a precedent.
Syn. KusniRO, Hijimaki, Tamaki. Syn. Nazoraeru.
Bljlgann, iBt&."- The hook which falls
O-'^- ft*il,
Hijiitsu, l>;£'W)-7,|g'pt5i « A secret art (as in fenc-

into the socket of a fastening (as of doors). ing or fighting).

Hljlgl, J>^^,M'^' " O
A cross piece near the up ffijutsu wo tsitkitsu, Sf1i|5^S-«, to use every

per end of pillars of temples or palaces, brace. secret art one possesses. fya-cht,

@ The handle of a millstone. lllka, »4>, fi$^, 71. An express boat; a fast

HJJIJi, 0'"%'"^, WSa^. ^- Great-grandfather. Syn. Hayapuke. for lamentation,

Hljlkn-ko, V^riiW-.ftf-^. ^- An elbow rest Hlka, v-t>, 5i:, K. A song expressing one's grief
Mljlkake-ieu. 0-"&*>W-\A-^,Cib#t™. n. An arm- Hikae, lM>--, }S, ^, n. Note; entry; memoran
chair. dum; avoucher; aduplicate.
Hljlkako-mado. t>-^*»W5>?, Ut©!S, n- Alow Chomen ni 7tikae 100 shite oku, ij^^^^J- i/ f
window, only about one and a half feet from the E ^, to enter in a book; Hikae via shinat fo
floor. rshower of rain. wasureru, fig ? iS "^ -f h ^ »-. one will forgel
HlJlkaBA-nnio. W^>3 3&».ltS^. '*• A sudden if one takes no note of it.

Hljikl, «•;&&, ¥ffiaS. rt. {Bol.']Gystophyllum fusl- Hfkaebaslilrn, U-*>-<tf :£ e, 3^fi, " A prop.
forme. flow of the arm. Syn. TsuKKAlBo,
Hljlmnkiirn, t>-^'^ ( 6, Ett. '"• Making a pil- Hlkaeelio, Vi*-^*^-^?, }S IH, ". A memorandum
Hljln, l^J.'^, ERA, w. A country person or rustic book; a note-book.
(often used in humiliation). Syn. OBOEcnO.
IHjini, j>X'Vt,&fZ. "• Starving to death. HikaegakJ, U-*»— ft'S, }2?J, n. A memorandum,
Syn. UUJINI. voucher; minute; a duplicate.
Hljtri, v-i^V), g, n. A wise man ; a sage; a saint. Hlkaeme, x>i>-~.16, j^ @ w. Self-restraint;
, mnder
Syn. Sbijin. ation; forbearance; temperance.
tUjIrlmon, l^'?r'!J»^, gt Bi^, ". Scarlet or crim- micaeme ni hanasu, )S g = ^ 7., to be moder
son crape. ate in talking; Sikaeme niinsholcu svru, SS§ =
Hljltsubo, v-'^fy\S:, M9, n- A hook and staple §^-g-:x»-, to drink or eat in moderation; to bp
hinge, or a socket into which falls the hook of a temperate; Hikaement koto wo sunt., }^ g =S^
fastening. rcushion. 7.»-, to exercise moderation in doing anything;
Hljftsukl, U*"fe-r7&,Bt5^, n. An arm-rest; elbow Nanlgoto mo hikaeme ni slii^e iru, fpl ^ =s J^ @ =
H1J5. l>2:-* ? , ^f '^. a,, andw. OUnnsual; uncom- S/ 7' M Jf', he Is (or T am) temperate in all things
mon; exti'aordinary; unnatural. ©Acalamity; Syn. UonrwA, Yenrto.
& catastroplio; contingencies. Mlkaeru. U-4>-^3, ^, *J. ffil, v.t. and*. Q To re-

Eijo ni sonou, |^ '^ = -7, to provide for ^ strain one's self; to refrain. @ To put down (as
emergencies; JBijo no dekigoto, ^^% > tHJtJlp, on a book); to take note of. © To pull or draw
an extraordinary event Hiio wo imashimu, |f ; back; to stop; to check. Q To lie in wait for; to

1^ 9" JR 2iK, to guai-d against untimely events. wait. © To have anything (as a building) ia

H1J5, Wjr^5,^^l55. « Devoid of feeling; inani- front of.

mate; inhuman. CJiobo ni litkaeru, 'f^ "^ — t^ '^ n- , to enter in a

Hljogane. T>'^lijt*a, 011., w. A kind ot buckle. note-book; ^^J^-^ft-. to
ETori loo hikaeru,
Hljdffl, t>S*J5'5 If, :ffi S ?K, w. A graduated post for have a ditch in front of; Sake wo htkaete nmnu,
indicating thfr height of water in u, pond or S? J^-^t' Qt;A, to be moderate in drinking; Slif>-
aqueduct. ku wo hikaeru, -^ f i*^ '^ ft' , to be abstemious In
Hljo-Jokokii, ^^-^S £^? t <, ^^"^i^, It. food; Socle wo hikaete isamv, ^^ffi-^r^A.
[Law.] Extraordinary appeal. to pull the sleeve (of another going) and remoo
HJJdkwdscD, x>Z'^^ < t) 5 *^,^^*^^SS, n. strate with (him); Tcizen ni tsvJdyama wo lit

[Physics.'] Extraordinary ray. kaeru, ^^=t^UJ^}^'^fl',to have an artificial

BlJOHen* v:&J^5«^,^^'^S'i© " An extraordina- hill in the garden; Tsugi no ma ni hikaeru, =*.-'

ry cordon; i.e. making special distribution of ^-^^n-, to wait in tlie next room (as an

pollceraon eitiier to affect an arrest or as a attendant); Uma wohikaeru, E ^ ^ -^ «-, to reio

ixMasuro of precaution. back a horse

Hlkneru. U-j)>-^2, ffS, v.i. To be confined In Hlkarimono. V-1i>^ %(9, ^49lf) n. A kind of comet
one's own house as a disclpUnajy punishment. Hlkaru, V:b>Z,^, v.i. Q To shine, sparkle, glit-
Syn. KoMOEi-ORir. ter, glisten, flash, or gleam. @ To be bright or
Hlkiicsaserii, V*>'-;:5*Z,-^}ffi, v.t. The caus. glossy; to have lustre.
form of Hikaeru (ffi and ffi ^-1- Atari ga htkaru, T^ytf^a-, to glisten on all

HIkaffanil, V-ij^f*:^, M, n. The hollow behind the Si ga hikaru, Q if it n-, the sun shines;
knee joint; popliteal space. fa-bove. Inazuma ga hikarti, W tf ^ fl-, the lightning
HIkkngnml, v^'yb>iii:^, 7U The more coll form of flashes; 3fe ga Mkaru, BS^i^n-, the eyes

Hlka^e, Syn. Kagataku, Tbrd. Lflparkle.

T>:;b>t>)B ^. n. Sunshine; sunlight.
Syn. HlASRI, HINATA. Hlknaarerii, v-ij>'zUZ,^^\, v.i. [jjass ot ^Ika- .

Hlhage, Qa place not exposed su.] To attracted, enticed, or led astray; to be

y-*>V>, H ^, «.
to sunlight; shade. @ A secluded retreat; obs- influenced.

curity. Oyct wa ko nl hikasarcru; IK -** -T = 31 "V* l^ »-.

Hlknffechd, W*>V>'CA, n. [Entom.} Lethe stc&is. parents are misled by their love of children.
HlkAgo-mono, T>Ji>V:>'&0. n. One who lives in Hlkaseru, u-*>-tf3, v.t. Caus. form of iTitu,
privacy on account of some offence which he Hlkata. t>*>'te,T3S. " A dry sandy beach,
has committed. Hlkata, v-1i>ft,n. A south-wext wind.
Hlkago-no-kasuFn, U- *> (* O A> r:' B, S©, n. Hlkata, 0'*>'fe, i^ :;&, ig R&. "• Fireman; Are
[Bot.] Lycopodttmi clavatv/m. brigade. fharden.
HIkablka, j>±>V'ii>, M i^ , a. and adv. Sparkling; Hikatamarii, iM'te3 3. T E. v.i. To dry up and
twinkling, gleaming; brilliantly, glitteringly. Hlkayuru, WiilAZ, ffi. w-t. and i. Same as Sikacru.
Syn. FiKAFiKA. rpoker. Hike, u-W', 51, n. O Withdrawing; leaving oflire.
Hlkaki, U-*> &,Kffi. A51-, n. A fire shovel; a @ Qoing to bed. Qj Defect. Q Reduction of
Syn. JUNO, Okikaki. prices; discount.
Hlkakii. »A><,Jfc|S, n. Act of comparing toge- Hike ga tcAsu, 51 it iL y. to be reduced in
ther; comparison. suru, v.t. To compare. prices; {coll.] OyaJcvsho no hike wa nanji desuka,
Syn. KUBAEBRU, TAKUEABERU. ^iS^^'31-^flr^'?' ^». [<'oW.] at what "o'clock
Hlkaknbyo, th*><-^5, ihlSK. "• A compara- do you leave your officeT Hikeiootoru, 5|-?- Ig »-,
tive table. fmaking comparisons. to be defeated.
Hlkakiiki, v*> < ^, ^P.^, n. An instrument for Hlkel. VW-Xp.lKSI'. "
A secret plan or device.
Hlkakuebl, vi3>< L, i. A sunshade; a screen. Htkemono, 0-H-4O, ©IS, n. Any article forfeit-
Syn. HiTOKE. ed and sold by a pawnbroker.
Hlken, ^>»•^,g'^a, «• My humble opinion.
Hlkan, «'A>A., U Jff, " [-We*?-] Marasmus.
Hlken siiru, I^W^-^^,St ^, B.C. To open and
Hlkaraburn, 0-4>6 Jf^, S2i@, v.t. To dry up or |

KlkaraMru, u-*>&cr3, shriyel by the sun. ' read (as a letter).

Hikkarablru, v ^ *> 6 tN* 2. v.i. The more coll. Klkan hiken itashisoro, ft K i? ^ Be 1^, r.Sp<sS.j

form of above. I have read your honorable letter.

Mlkarakasu, T>*>6*»f. j-^*. v.t. Caus. form Hlkeraknsliltc, !> W 6 *> :£ T, §§ 5t ^, n. One
HJkaraseru, t>*» 6-^3, * of -ETifcaru. who shows anything to another In order to ex-
Ilikareru, vi>>ttZ,W.^U v.t. [pass, ot potent, of cite the latter's envy.

Biku} OTobe drawn, led, taken, subtracted, Htkerakaeii, U'W6i>-^.S#nT. v.t. To display or
etc. ; tC' be treated with partiality; to be favour- show (anything) to another with the object of
ed. @ To
be arrested, seized, or apprebended exciting his envy.
for a crime. ftaken to a police station, Hlkerii, ^rt'3,31, v.i. [pass, orpotent. of Hiku.]
Tonsho ni Jiikareru, lEiff— 31^"^. to be O To withdraw; to leave (as from office). @
Hlkarl, Vi>^,it, n. Q Light; radiance; rays. Can be lowered or cheapened (as price). © To
@ Brilliancy, lustre, gloss, glitter. © Glory; in- be fearful or timid at the thought of losing
fluence; power. anything one values.

micari wo it^Ml*^, to take or admit

ga hikeru yo da, 3g^V5l^'^^aJ*f .[coii.] I feel
as if I should lose; Kokoro ga hikeru, .t'if^A >-Jt-.
light; Kanenohilcari,^ ^ %, power of money;
to be fearful; [coll.] Nanihodo hikeru kn, ^^51
Kuni no hiJcart, ga ^ *, the glory or influence
of a country; MigaJev, to hiJcari ga deru, M ^ >•
*»'*, how much can you discount (the price);
lustre when polished Oya no Yakmho ga Hikeru, S^^5I*^> the office hour
V£ */ tti J*'. It shows ;

has closed; also the office is to be removeJ to

Ukari, ^^%, the Influence of parents,
Syn. HaB, Ikxoi, IeC. another place.
lljkeslil, y-W- L. !K'i^. «• A fireman. Hlklate^ U-^^t, 51 'gj, IS'fS, n. Something given,
Syn. ShObofu. fbrigade. deposited, or pledged, to secure the payment of
nikeslil-siiinl, i> w h < ^. iK'MU. «• -A- Are debt; security; surety; pledge.
HJkcsIiltsiibo, U'H'X'^KiiACvt®. ^- A pot used Jimcn wo hikiate ni shite kane wo kariru, % ffl
for extinguishing live coals in. ^ 51 '^ — S^ ^ ^ ?• ft »-. to borrow money on the
Illbesiisli'ii* T>W-^lf3,5ljM. ^'*- To be retired security of land; Kosaishosho wo hikiate ni ire-

orwithdrawu. nf, S- fil IE #^ 51 ffi =A L^ /I-, to mortgage pub-

HJKetsii, VW--:?,!^^, n. [Med.] Constipation; lic loan bonds,
slow movement of bowels, Syn. Kata, Tbit5.
Hlkctmi, O-W-7, SJ^, n. A secret or anything Hiklnterii, V'^tbtZ, ^\1&, v.t. To give as se-
ker't from general knowledge; mystery. curity; to mortgage.
Hlkcti^ii, U-W-?, 5^, n. Rejecting a motion (as Hlklnii, V 1 5 i, 51 -S-, v.t. and i. O To pnll against
at an assembly); not passing a bill. sum, each other; to draw in opposite directions. @
v.t. To reject (as a parliamentary bill or mo- To bargain, to make a contract of sale, ffl To
tion). be profitable (as a bargain). Q To consult to-
Gen-an wo Jilketsu sum, J^^ ^ Si^ :^ i^', to gether.
reject a bill; Shusei-an wo hiketsusuru, ^flflES? Kono shlna wa uriharo temo hikiau, l^fc|5p»^W ffl

=9-^^7KJi-, to reject proposed amendments. "7?* 51 -0-7, it will be profitable to sell off this
article; Tewo hikiatte yuku, ^^3l'S'^=R^ito
HIkl, iN^,?l, S5I, n. O Act orpulUng, drawing,
attracting, or leaving @ Withdrawing (as
go hand in hand,
roilitai-y forces).
Hlklawnserii, U-&3&tt*3, 3! -S-, v.t. O To draw
HIkl, ^^5, ^ ft, n. Same as HUM. together; to compare. @ To introduce (as stran-
Gravitation. gers); to cause to be acquainted.
lllkl, l^^,!J|, n. [Pft-ysics.]
Nito ni hikiawaseru, A = 51 -n* ^ »'. to intro-
no hiki, ^tS" -^ 51 =^. universal gxavita-
duce to another; Jitsuin to hikiawaseru, If Ep h
Hikl, V^.IS, n. [Sntom.] Bull frog. Ltion.
31'n^'fert', to compare with one's genuine seal;
llikl. l> ^ E,
, JE. «- O A numeral for animals. @ KyuU ni hikiawaseru, ffilB =^ 51 -d- "fe ff-, to com-
A denomination of money equivalent to J of a
pare with old records or chronicles.
sen. © A measure of cloth equal to 2 tan which
Hlklclia, i>'^%-^,W^Hf, " Ground or powdered
Is about 64.62 feet in length.
Syn. MATOHA. Ltea.
Cfiirlmen ni hiki, 1f^m~J£.. two pieces of
Hlklehteaci'ii. y-^-^ft'^Z, 51 >t. v.t. Q To dis-
crape; Inu ni hiki, -Jii=.\!C, two dogs; UsJtl iku
locate (as the joints). @ To come after one who
hiki, 4^BIE5. how many cattle.
has just left.
Hlblasevu* i> S 35 W' 2. 31 -tt v.L Q To draw or
Hikichigae ni irlkitaru, ^\^-^X'^n-, to
pull up. @ To withdraw (as troops). © To come in after a person has just retired Ude wo ;

raise (as prices).

hiklchi fjaeru, ^?5]j3--)^, to dislocate the
SaiheL wc hikiageru, gft^ 01 ± n-, to with-

bones of the arm.
draw a defeated army; Nedanwo hikiageru, IS
Hlkieliljimerii, i>^'^trftS, 51 SS, v.t. To con-
S^ 31 J; ^-, to raise the price.
tract; to shorten.
HIkJal, t>^ 5) x>, 51 ^,n. O A business conference Syn. ClIIJIMERU, MlJIKAKU SURU.
or arrangement. @
Being involved in another's
Hlkmnslil, U-^?:L,31 m.^E. " Adrawer.
difficulty; a witness; reference.
^ lllkld.tsu, v-'^1z^, 31 IB, v.t. To draw out.
Hikiai wo s^tru, 51 -p" -^ >^> to confer about
GinkTi yori kane wo hikidasu, ^ fr 3 V ^ ^ 3/
prices of goods; Mito wo hikiai ni dasu, Af- 3!
in :^, to draw money out of a
^ =; (H >^, to put forward a person as witness or
reference. Hikidemono, U- ^ -J 4 O, 31 tB ^. "• A present

HIklalcliu, l>?3f>V^'^-^5, n. A pass-book. made to an equal or inferior at the close of an

Hlklnliiin, I^&35U^lf^^, 51 -^ A, n. One involved entertainment to express the good will of the
or compromised in an affair. host.

Hlklnko. l^&35^^, 3I?B, ^ P,^. n. Day-break; the Ilikldo, U-^l?-, 51 P, n. A sliding door.

(lawn of the day. Syn. YARIDO.

Syn. Eeimei, Yoake. Hiklfiicia, i>%Xf&,^\t\i, ffi Jlfi, " Hand-bills dis-
HIklnkeru, ih 9 ;& i* 3, 51 and f^^. O To
^'-f- (. tributed by a mercliant, on opening a new shop

draw or pull open. @ To dawn (as the day). or at the beginning of the year; a circular.
Hiklnml, o-©3b».. 3! JH. »• A seine. Jliki/uda wo kuMrti, 51 ^L f- ^ »-, to distribute

Syn, JiAMi. hand-bills.

Illkjruno, 0'&i*a, 51^, n. A tow-boat, a tug. Katoase-tegala to JiiHkae ni kane wo watosu,
Mtklffnei'ii. y-5fit^3,(|t^. "• l^u'oL] Bull-frog, iSift^flS h 5i^ = ^^jS'«. to deliver money
toad, Bufo vulgaris. in exchange for a bill.
Syn. Okamagaerf. fa- gun. Hiklkaerii, v&*>-^2, 5[ #, v.l. To be contrary;
Hlklganc. V^Jj^ta, 31^.tKfi> « The trigger of to be opposed to. Coll. Mikkaem.
lllklgoto, T> @ a ^, §1 s, «. A comparison or Sore ni hikikaete, :^u=.-^ ^yj -^t". on the
reference intended to make one's argument contrary.
clear; an illustration. lllkjkaeshi, u>^*>^ L, 5112. i&, "• ©Act of
TJiklgoto wo shtte tokiaJcasu, SIH^S/t'^W drawing or pulling back; turning back. @ \
^, to explain by means of comparisons or illus- scene which rapidly succeeds another in a play.
trations. Coll. Hikkaeshi.
Hlklgusurl, 51®, 71. A medicine ap-
u-5<'-jt"'0, HIkfkaeeu, V-^i3>^it, 5| Jg, v.t. and (. To pull O
plied externally by a brush; medicinal lotion, or draw back. ©To go back or retrace. ©To
Hlklhada, t>%\S.fi}, 3S ^, ti. A leather scabbord turn over. Coll, Uikkaesu.

or sword case. Syn. Kaesu, Kueikaeso, Modosu.

Hlklhada, V^^tS^, ^tC, n. Wrinkles. Hlklkaosu. O- ?*>--« -^, ^0, v.t. To restore or
Hlklliaoru, w ^ H-^ s, $^, v.i. To spread or recover the former state. Coll. Uikkaesu.
extend (as plants). Syn. MOKIKAESU.
IlJUlliagii, i>%tS^, ?I SiJ, v.t. To pull and strip Hlklkaku, V-'^jj>< , Jft, g| ffi, v.t. To scratch or
of a covering or clothes. scrape. Coll. Mikkaku.
Illklkanaau, u-^K^-^, g|St, "o.t. To pull off or Hlklkazc, V-'^i}*^, 51 R, n. A cold or catarrh.
apart; to separate by pulling. Hjklkatsiigu, !>&*>:?<-, 5| ^, v.t. To throw over
Illkiliaru, V-%!/XZ, 51 5g, v.t. To pull and stretch; the head (as bed clothes). Coll. Bikkaisugtu
to stretch; to make taut Its coli. form is Mip- Hlklkoml, v-'^Z.Tt', 5! jj, n. O Act of pulling or
Syn. HiKiNOBASu, Tamertj. iparu. drawing in. © Enticenaent, seduction, or persua-
Hlkjliasaijiii, T>?a'3tp, ^\^, v.t.To place be- sion to enter; inducement. ©Living confined
tween two things; to grasp up in a forcible to one's house. Coll. ffikkomi.
manner. Coll. ITippasamu. Illkikomoni, u- &t % 3. 51 SI. v.t. To be shut
Hiklhatalceru, v% iiiit frt3, 5! M* ^'-t- To pull up or confined to one's house. OoU. BikKomo-
open; to stretch apart. Coll. Hippatakeru. ru.
Hikihatakii, t>$ttfe<, 51 PP. ""-t" To beat, as in Ilikikoniiu U- tt tr, 51^, v.i. To withdraw
dusting a mat. Coll. MUtataJcu. into; to disappear. Coll.Hikkomu.
Hlklhazusii, y-BH^-it-, 51^1-, v.t. To pull out of Htkfkoshl, U-^ t t, 510, mj^, n- Removing
place (as screens from the grooves); to unfasten; one's dwelling; change of residence. Coll. Uik-
to dislocate. Coll. Hippazusu. Syn. WATAMASni, Yautsuri. \Jcoshi.

Hikllre, V^VrH. 51 A. n. ©Act of pulling in, or Hikikosii, y- S t -^, 51 M> v.t. and /. To remove
leading in. @ Pursuading to enter (an associa- from one house to anotiier; to change dwelling.
tion or company); inducing, enticement. Coll. Ifikkosti.

Hikllrerii, y-^\rh2, 51 A, ^*- OTopuU in; to Syn. ITEN S0RU, Tentaku suru.
Jead in. @ To entice or seduce; to enter; to HIkikiidaUii, x>'§<?!k<, 51^, v.t. To break or
tempt. grind to powder.
mUire 5|A-p-?, a door of lattice
goshi, Hikikukurii, v-^ < < Z, 51 fi5, v.t To bind (aa an
work, which can be opened by pulling it into a offender); to tie up. ColL Sikkukuru.
box fitted in one side. MikJkuniu, u-^C*?, 5IM. v.l. To be clasped to-

Hlkllro, U-&\p^, 51 fi, n. Appearance of retiring gether (as in wrestling). Coll. Hikkumu.
or giving away (as of a hostile array). Syn. KxTMiAtr.
Syn. Makeiro. Hlkikuratferii. v^%<^-^Z, 51 it. iii^, w-(. To
Hlkllru, j> % ^ Z compare; to liken. Coll. Hikktvraheru.
Hlkiyurii* u.&W)2
[^, &P, O To lead.
Hfklkuriimii, y^ @ < 3 tp, 5I?S, SfiS, v.t. QTo
conduct, or command. ©To bring with. collect or bring together. ©To generalize; to
IM wo Jiikiite teki wo osou, :^ ? sf5 x Sft ^ ffl7, summarize; to sum up. Coll. Hikkurmnenu
to lead troops in an attack upon a liostile army. Syn. Matomu. fin the roof.
Ilikikaburii, u>&4>^2, 5|^, v.t. To draw any- Hlkimado, U-S^^, 51 iS. '>^- A sliding window
thing over one's head. Coll. ffikkaburu. Hlkimaku, u- ^ 'a <, 51 S, "• A curtainhung
Ulklkae. v-^i>->, 5I#. ^KS. «• Exchange. before the stage of a theatre.
HIK 3'10 HIK
Hlklmatomerii, iM^Elf A3, ?| S, ?[ ^, I'.t- To Illklnokorl, I>&®C.15, 31^, n. What remains
gather or bring together; to bring one's family after deducting a part; the balance of an ac-
to live in a distant place. count; the remainder.
HllclmawiiBlil, V-^'Siiih, 51 M, n. O Leading a Hlkjniikii, U- ? lii < , 31 K. v.t. OTo pull up by
criminal through the principal streets of a city the root; to eradicate; to extract. ©To pick
before execution. @ A rain coat usually made out or select.

of cotton. © Cont. form of below. Hl-klnzoku, -O"^ K^* < , ^^^g, » [CTiem.] Non-
HiklmawRRlil-uohoKlTl, W S a 4^ LOt^iO, 51
metallic elements.

JgJlSi " A scroll sa-w. Hikioi, t>&'feU', 3!:fe, ISft, « Any debt, obliga-
Illlkima'^vnBu, l> 3 ^ lo -J", || Jl. v.t. O To pull tion, or liability incurred in trade by acting as
round; to turn by pulling. ©To lead about (as an agent for another; defalcation.
criminal) before execution. ©To employ or Hikioi ga tatsu, 31 A ^ it ^, to incur a debt
order about. by acting as an agent.
Illlilniaa-u, 1>&3W), ?|Ji, n. Painted eyebrows. tllklokoslil, V ^ 3i? t S, Ef^S. "• iBot.]Plec-
Hlkiiue, U-1&16, 51 S> "• OAn
arrow with a per- trantlms glaucocalyx.
forated head, ©A kind of conjuration per- Hiklokosii, I>g3ff2.^, 31^, v.t. OTo pull and
formed by shooting an arrow to destroy evil make stand; to raise up. © To cause, create, or
Influences of spirits. bring about.
Hlkiinlru. V-'^^:^, 31 il. '^t- OTo lead in and Hlklorosu, l> ^ J?^-?-, 31^. v.t. To pull or
see (as a guest). @ To try, test, or tempt (as drag down to help down.

another's mind). for lead back. BSlklotosu. V-^fz)^if, 31^, v.t. QTo pull down
Iliklniodosii, v-^^'^if, 31 ^, u.t. To pull, draw, BO as to make fall. © To remove confectionery
Syn. HiKiKAESU. foff.
from the table at the close of a feast or enter-
lEiklmoKU^ U-^ 6 <:, v.t. To twist, pull, or wrench tainment.
Hlblmono, V-%tO, ^\^, n. A pervice of food Ifiklrl-Klne, vl& 9'^*1. ffit^, n. A dry stick of
articles (mostly ornamental) at the close of a
hinokl, formerly used for making Are by fric-
feast or entertainment; a dessert.
KlUlniono, VgfiO, Si's, n. Stringed musical Hlklrl-aeu. U-^iOJ-if-, ^a, n. A small block of
inatruments. hinoTci wood, having a hole in the centre, into
Hilfliiioiio. V^'f^(0, ^tS3, tt~ Wooden or metai- which the hiklri-glne is fitted in making Are.
lic articles made by turning in a lathe.
Bllklryo, V'^V)j^^, §11^, n. A badge or coat of
Hlklinono-slil, u- 5 <& O L, :^E. «. One who arms (of the Ashikaga family) consisting of a
makes tools, utensils, or furniture by turning circle with two parallel stripes inscribed hori-
in a lathe.
zontally, rtear.
HlkJmukeru. u- @ tf W- 3, 5| fqj, v.t. To puU in
Dllklsabaku, t>?5tf<, ^\^], v.t. To pull and
front of; to turn anything toward one's solf.
Hlhisasaru, u^'&^Sti'^, 31 T, v.i. OTo fall (aa
Illkiniushiru, V^t^:^Z, 3[1@. v.t. To pluck off.
in prices). © To be depreciated or abased.
HlklmusuM, l>@tp-^ty, i@i£, n. A bow-knot. BHiklsa^oru. U'&^W-Z, 31^, v.t. To carry any-
Klklmusubu, v^i^^, i'^^, v.t. To draw and thing hanging from the hand; to take along
tie in a knot. fworn by the Emperor. with. Coll. SissagerzL
A garment
Hllfiuiiof-ltl, l>l&'^ia£, SIEjdc, n. Bllklsagcru. vt^JVf'?, fIT. v.t. OTolower(a3
KHiiuaraeu, t>5-^&^, 5S <!&. v.t. To play on a prices). ©To pull down; to humble; to abase.
stringed instrument of music; to twang.
Nedan ivo hlTcisageru, IS S ^ 31 T fl-. to lower
Kl^fiiinrasu, U'^Ttc iif', ^ j^, v.t. To make even,
the price.
to level; to smooth. Eliklsaku, u-S^C, 31^, To pull and
v.t. tear;
EBEklnol»nsu, U-5®(ff, 5I gt. v.t. QTo pull and Syn. TsuNZAKtr. Lto tear off.
stretch ; to extend, @ To put off or postpone. aiikishlbnru. v-'^XfdZ, 31^, v.t. To bind or
Hikinolteru, u-^O-^S, ?|S. v.t. To extend or tie (as a criminal). fa bow).
lengthen by pulling; to stretch ; to pull out.
Hlklstilboru. V-^ZI^Z, to draw
SliR, ".(. (aa
I5iul-no-liltJiJ, U- 9 ©O- feV^, fffl¥>, •/(. [Bot.]Asa- Htkishio, t>?£'/a, 31»',igS5, n. Ebbtide.
rv.vi. Illkishiraii, © ;£ 6 A, :^n. v.i. To delay or
Ififikistokoru, i>&©W2, ?| ig, v.t. OTo pull out procrasti^atb; to be slow to recover; to be lin-
eT the way; to pull to one side. ®To take out Syn. HiMADORU, Temadoru. Lgering.
or select from amongst a number of things; to BaikleWrlzokii. U-&:£i!)5'<, 3| jg, v.i. To with-
f'lbtract. draw, retreat, or retire.
Hlklsooru, u-§t-s3, 31 SS, v.t. To draw near; Hlkltorn, t>% }C Z, 31 15. v.t. Q To withdraw;
to bring close; to hold close to. to retire to one's home. ©To die. ©To take
HIklsiimasu, T^^irti', 3! iff, v.t. To play skill- back or receive (as goods); to bring back to
fully on a stringed Instrument of music. one's house (as a sick servant to his guardian's).
HIkl suru, Vt-it-S, BflS, v.t. OTo speak ill of; To receive (as a criminal on his release or the
to libel or calumniate. @ To run down, decry, corpse of one executed).
vilify, or censure. SikitorL-te smva wo sum, 31^^ it 15^ ^*/^.
Syn. NONOSHIBU, Soshiru. to bring back to one's house ^nd take care of;
Hlklta. v-%1z, 51 IS, n. [cmt. otSiHita.] A small ?
Ikt wo JtiJaitoru, .@. 3[ ^ fl-, to take in breath,
wooden board with pieces of bamboo fastened i.e. to expire.
by strings, and making a rattling sound when Hlkltsuke, U'S-c'W", 3! #. n. QAct of drawing
pulled by a rope attached to it; a kind of scare-
close or bringing near. ©Following an exam-
Syn. Naeuko. Lcrow.
ple; managing aflfairs after a precedent. ©Se-
Hlhltaeaote, ih^feji'^-r, cretaries belonging to the SyujdsTiu or senate
3. o^v. On the
HJklclilgaetep V^t.fti-^-C, 31
in the Kamakura gover't. Q Having a fit or
other hand; on the contrary.
swoon, fainting (esp. of children).
Syn. Kaette.
Hikitaosti, u«@fei-^, ?I
Hikltsukt no sata, 3I f^J-
^ ?J'!!fe, a decision
v.t. To pull down; toffll,
made after a precedent.
make fall by pulling. feboshi, which see.
Hlkltsukiiraii, !>&:?< &i, 31 iS©, v.t. To pull
Hlkltate-eboski, V-^fz-ZX-tSt, n. A kind of
and adjust (as one's clothes); to mend.
IllkJtateru, n'^f^tZ, g| S:, v.t. QTo pull up;
Hlkltsukeru, U-^-^H-^, 3[^, v.t. To draw
to pull and make erect. @To favour or pro-
near one's self; to bring close to.
mote. ©To excite (as one's spirit); to encour-
Syn. Sewaburu, Tashkuru. \a.ge.
HJkttBukeru^ u.gr5W-3, 1
31 #, v.f. To have a
Htkltatsu, Xh^ffO, Illkltsukiiru, U-^'7< 2, ' fit; to be convulsed; to
51 jfi:, v.i. To be excited
or roused; to be encouraged; to improve. swoon ; to faint.

KeiH ga hikitatsu, gt S^ 3! it trade re- 'S',

Mushi tie kodomo ga hikitsukeru, S 5^ /^ H ^
vives; Id ga hikitatsu, %if 5| -^^y, to be roused 31 # B'l tlio child has a fit on account of some
In spirit; to become spirited. rtateru. bowel ailment.
Hikitatsuru, U>&fer?Z, 31 it, v.t. Same as ^ifci- Hlkltsumern, Vi&-7162, 31 Bel. v.t. To draw and
Mwo hikitatsuru, ^^ 31 it/P, to rouse the tighten; to pull to the utmost extent.
spirit; to encourage one's self, Yumi wo hlkitsumeru, ^ f- 31 Wfl-. to draw
Syn. Hagbmasu, Okosu, tatsubu. a bow to its full extent
Hlkitawamcrii, t>5fe!b«>3, 31 IS, v.t. To pull Hikitsareru, l^?-:?i^^, g| Ji, v.t. To take along
and bend down (as the branches of a tree). with; to take in company; to be attended by.
Hlkitaziina» W^fe^'itt, 315-iS. « A rein for Dozel wo Jiikitsurete Mtaru, |^ |& f- 31 iS ? ft
leading a horse. /c, to take a company along with.
Hikito, 1>&T, 3I¥, fcl"^. n. A knob (as of draw- Syn, Meshitscrertj.
ers); a catch in a screen to open or shut with. lllkltsuru, t>9-:7 3,lti] S, v.i. To be cramped, or
HJklte, i> 5 "C, ^ ^, n. One who plays on a contracted (as in cramp).
stringed instrument ot music. Hlkitsusuku, U-&'C'=>* < > 31 £0, v.t. To succeed in
Hlkltodomeru, U-&>?»»S, 3! §, v.t. To>tay a series; to continue; to follow one after an-
by force; to detain; to withhold. other.
H licit ojner 11, T>$lfas,
v.t. Same as above. HlkitsussuUe shuppan suru, 31 SS -f ?* Hi K >* J»-i
31 ffl,
Hlkltomuru, V'^'^i^Z I
to publish in succession.
6-hikitome moshite nan no go-also mo gozarl Hlklukerii, W^SW-S, 31 S, v.t. O To hold one's
masen ae sMta, 3b51 ff * s^t^ W> ffli^^^iWM self responsible for; to take upon one's self. $
i;V % V ^ixit, [coll.] have detainedalthough I To engage in; to undertake. © To take or
you, I am sorry that I have had nothing to receive.
please you (polite form of expression in bidding Bikiukete sliigoto wo sivru, 31 SSTffcgj^T^*-, to
farewell to a guest). do work taking all the responsibility upon one'a
Hlkltorl-nln, i> ^ 1£ V) K ^, «. O One who receives self; Shindai wo hikiukeru, -ft ?• 31 S i«-, to
the goods purchased. @ A person who receives receive or inherit a property. frecqiver.
the remains of one executed or one released Hiklukete, i>&5 WT. S -i^#, n. Aconsignee;a
ftom imprisonment. fmerchant. Hlkl-uma. U-&55,3I ^. «• Horse'- drawn in a
Hikitori-yado. V- '& "£ V ^ )^, t*. A commission procession, merely for show.
HlKl-nsH, w5 5tI-.IKB> ". A mill stone. snare. ©To take by a cunning method thingi
Syn. ISHiTJSTT. belonging to another; to steal.
Hlkl-n'aKo, Separating the two
V-'&ir)l&, ?I ^, «- HikiBuri-mochl, iM^^ig 41;, 5|fflgf, n. A party
parties when the victory is not decided alter a of men who go round the city, carrying with
long fight (as in wrestling); a drawn fight. them all the requisite implements and utensils
HlUlwalceru, U-&49W3, 51 *. i'-*- To pull apart; for making moc7t£ (rice cake) to do their work
to separate or part (as two men fighting). by the job, at the end of the year.
Hlklwari, V @ to V) , ^ *l), ^ fif , n. Coarsely HikiKiii'ii,n^^Z. 51!!?, v.t. To drag along the
ground barley; cracked wheat. ground; to pull along (aa something heavy).
lajklwnrl-meslii, U-^ to V) W) L, J« *!] fiS. n. Crack- Hikizuru ylna nagai soae, 5! }?? /i- fi^ -J- g -f ?ft,
ed barley cooked for food. sleeves so long as to be almost dragged along the
HlKlwaru, tN^toZ.^ll). v.t. To crack by grind- ground in walking.

ing between mill stones. Hlkisiiso, V&$?:, n. The practice among ladie.i
Hikl^vnt.i, V^ to :te, 31S. « Corering cotton of high quality of wenring clothes long so as to
with floss silk as in padding a garment, or the drag the skirt along in walking.
pilk so used. Illkkn, u- -J *>, ^^, n. [C?iin.] A stand for a
Hikln'.-itashi, V& to ^2 L, 31 jgE, n. Passing or Syn. FUDEKAKE. Lwritin g pen a pen rack. ;

handing over; delivery (as of goods); transfer Hlkka^ainl, i>7A>i)*;5^, fflS, «. The hollow behind
(as of property). the knee popliteal space.

JSilcivjatashi ga svmla, 51 jgE'^/" S? ^. delivery Hlkkn,kaeru, t>-y*>ij>-^2, 5[^, v.t. To take or

(as of goods) has been finished. carry under the arm; to embrace in the arm.
Hlklwntnsn. U-S tofe^. 51 iffi.
i'-f- Todeliverup; Kodomc wo hikjcakaete nigeta, ? ^ ^ 3[ fS ^ 3?

to pass or hand over; to transfer. S ^' St, she (or he) escaped, carrying the child
Zatnin wo filkiwatasu, ^Af- 5liSE^. to ^^- under her (or his) arm.
liver up a criminal; Zai&an wo hilciwatasu, Ht Hlkkakaru, 51^, v.i. To be caught,

S? 51 Iffi ^*. to transfer property. hooked, or entangled In anything.

Hlkls-abiirii, V-^J^J^Z,^\i&, v.t. To pull and HIkkakoru, v- -y it^ \if % 5)^, v.t. To hook, , O
tear; to break by tearing, to rend. hitch, or fasten on anything, ©[coll.] To defer
Ifukuwo hlUyaburu, 3!c Bg f- 51 ffin-. to tear off payment intentionally.
Syn. HiKiSAKU. La garment. HlkkaraKern, U- :; 4* 6 «=• S, iJfe^K. v.t. [coll.] To
Illkiyuka, 1>S-^A', «. Low; not tall. bind (as a bundle). \'KatsiM}u.
HikJyarii, V & -^ 3, v.t. To draw to one side; to Hlkkatsneii, t>-j4>-7<*, 5llg, v.t. [coll.] Same as
drag away. rtcfjio, chinensis. Hlkkl, I^•y^, S?B, ". A note or memorandum;
Illkiyoinogl, T>& i ?. If, i^rt, " [Jiot.jSlphonos- a note-book.
Illkiyosei-u, z> &
S, 51 ^. 1: ^ -; '^
> BocfiuhiJcki, ^M^f&y attending and taking
v.t. To pull or draw tow.iid notes (as of parliamentary proceedings), or the
one's self; to lead near \<j notes so taken.
IIlKiyiirii, v^^Z,^. v.t. To siiru* v.t. To take notes of.
lead, conduct, or command; Ilikko, U--y4>5, ^^, n. One who lives by copy-
to march at the head of. ing; a copyist. fabove.
TaiQun wo hikiite semf'T^ita- Hlkkokakl, t>'v4»5*»5, iCgf^, n. Same as
ru. :^a'^i?!fl^TTj[?K n-, to Hlkkomii, T>7£Ltf, v.i. OLco^^jTo draw back,
attack with a large army. or disappear; to be sunk in. To be confined @
HIklzun, I>&?•^, 51^-. i^If. " to one's house.

[Matft.] Subtraction.
Ji ga hikkoncla, i^ iftn ^ it' the ground -j ii ,

Syn. Genzan. has sunk in; Tajna nt hikkomu, \[\~\i -j-^ i».
to retire to (or live confined in) a mountain.
IlJkiyuinl, u-g^-;^, n. A black
mark, made in sealing a letter. Hlkkoslii, y> 7 2- L, WW> ^' Removal of resi-

mkizumi wo sum, u^--7^ = ^ 7;;^, to seal a dence to anotlier place.

letter by a black mark. fdog. Syn. TENTAK.U, WATAMASnr, YAUTSURI.
lllklBuna, U-^^'tC, ^, ". A rope for leading a Illkkosu, V-'j^L-f, 51 $S. i'.^' To remove one's
lllklzui-l, T>'^^^, n. A woman negligent of residence. fC^s a criminal).

her dress or household duties; a slattern. HlkkiikiiiMi, v-j < < 2, 51 SS, I'-I. {coll.'] To bind
HIkiKurl, V-%^^, n. A kind of wooden clogs. Hlkkiirlkaoi-ii. y.^ C V)i"^3, MSi ^'-^- I'o tum-
UlKfKurl-koiini* vS^«iZ:tf, 5ltS)^. v.t. QTo ble down; to be upset or overturned; to turn

draw or drag into. @ To entice, seduce, or iu- Syn. KUTsrGAEUU, Ueagakru. Labour.
; ;


HlkkuriliaeEiii* v-y < ^ii>-^it,M^. v.t. To upset Ish. 09 To favour; to side with; to promote.
orovertiirn; to turn over. The word hiku, prefixed to other words, serves
Son wo ichi mai icJii Tnai hikkuHTcaeshlte to intensify the meaning.

miru,-^^ -tfc-tfe^ ;^^V»'-5^T*n', toread Ami wo JiUte sakana wo agu, JH ^ 51 ^ Si ^±

a book turning over its pages one after another ^, to draw a net and catch fish; Ato wo Mku,
Swmitsufto two hiklcurikatshite Iwn wo yogosliita t^ ^ 51 ^. to run in the family or blood; to

fi®^«llS;/^^-^?55^^j have (or has) soiled be hereditary (said of diseases); Ban wo hiku,
the book by upsetting the inkstand. # ^ iS ^, to leave oiT a watch; Bo wo hiku, W
Syn. KDTaUGAESU, Ubagaesu. ^ 51 ^. to cancel a written characters; to under-
HlkliwsiUu, w«» < *) <, %3S, n. The strokes line ; Ghimba wo hiku, ES '*'. "^ 51 to walk lamely
made in writing Chinese characters. to limp; Fue ni au yo ni samtsen wo hiku, ffi =
HlbU^van, J>y<ijfu,^^, n. The stick or holder -S'"7-ViC =
HBfe$gf-55^, tp play a samisen bo
of a pencil. as to harmonize with the flute; Fune wo hiku,

Syn. FDDE NO JIKU, FUDETSUKA. Jfr ^ 51 ^, to tow a boat; ITaha wa koOomo no te

umkyo, V'y^-^5, fCf'^. a^v. After all; in the

wo hikibe yuhu, B:>^/^ g ^^^ 51 *r ^ff ^. the
mother walks holding thQ hand of her child;
end; finally; merely; only.
Kare ga nanju ni natta mo hikJcy'5 ogorl no Haibyo wa svji wo hiku, flit !^ >^ SS ^ ^ ^. the
tame da, fKWffiSte -^ -y i? ^ 'J^.^^^ > IS^, phthisis runs in the blood; Uaremono ni kusuri
after all, it is his luxury that has brought wo hiku, M '^ — ^ ^ ^ ^1 to apply a medicinal

misery upon him. lotion to an ulcer; Hito no ki wo hiku A --^ ®, ^

Syn. TauiNiWA, TauMARi. 51 it, to draw out another's opinion; to tempt;
lio wo hiku, ? 51 ^. to pull a string; Ji wo
Hlko, V-'C, $• An honorable aflBx to the names .ftf

of men, in ancient times.

hiku, ^ ^ 51 !?. to find out a word in a diction-
ary; Kami ni sliibu wo hiku, M^ffie^^^, to
Hlko, w-t, g-JR. «• Great-grandson.
varnish a paper with shihu; Kaze wo hiku, 31 ^
51 ^, to catch a cold Kimi ni yumiwohlku, §

HlkS. T>)b>5, Eff, "• Bad conduct; misdemeanor;

=^ f" 51 ^. [lit.ltti draw a bow against one's
lord; to rebel against one's master; Koe wo
Hlkd, T>ii>5, ifcIS, '^ Act of comparing; com-
hiku, ffi 1^ 51 4', to utLer a long sound; Koiixro
parison; relative estimate. The more proper
wo hiiie mlru, ,t^ f- 51 t" A *•, to try another's
form is SikaTcu. suru, v.t.To compare,
mind; to tempt; Korei wo hiku, ^WJ '^ 51 ^. to
HIkobno, V-Cti-^, The sprouts which
cite an oM precedent; Koto wo hiku, ^ ^, M^
IS) w-
\o play on a harp; Kushi wo hlku, ffif ? 51 ^. to
shoot up from the stump of a tree off-shoots. ;
make combs by sawing; KivamTue %oo hiku, ^
Hi-kobamtok-ivd, U>tkif5>£< ^5, Sta^tfl-hSJf,
B ^ 51 ^, to try the ability of another; Kwashi
7i. [Min.] Smaltite. wo hiku, H-?^ 51 ^, to pass round a dessert
Hikoboshl, VtK U $:M. " The name of a star (as in a feast or entertainment); Kyuryo wo
near the milky way and worshipped on the 7th sanwari hiku, S&f4 ^ =fl) 51 ^. to cut down
of the 7th mo. (o.s.); the herd boy. wages by thirty per cent; Maku wo hiku, S^'j|
Syn. INUKAIBOSHI, Kengtu. ^, to draw a curtain Mise wo hiku, ^ j^ ^,

Hlkoku, u-t < . M^> «• [-Eaw.] The defendant or to retire from a shop (for the day); to put away
accused. things exhibited for sale; Mujin no kuji wo
Hlkokn-nln, y. t. < t(C^,1S^A. -«- Same as hiku, ffi3S^I8^5l^. to draw a lot in mvjin,
above. which Jvawa wo hiku, S ^ 51 ^, to stretch

HI-k5so-niii, U-*> 5 tK ^, ?S?^IS A, n. [Law.] or lay a rope NeAan wo hiite uru, S g ^ lig t"

The respondent in an appeal. If Ti', to sell by reducing or lowering the price;

Hlku, o-<,ig, 5l,tt.^. K.^.at. S.!^,^. w.(. O Nigurvjma wo hiku, i^ $ ^ ^ ^, to draw a cart;
To withdraw ftom, retire, or retreat @ To Nluma wo hiku, iS ffi^ ^i', to lead a packhorse;
pull; to draw; to move towards one's self. © to Nuno ni TO wo hiku, 3^ — IjR^ 51*'. to wax a
quote to cite. Q To take out to extract, g) To
; ; cloth; Ron awazu 8?iite mi wohlhu, s^-a- y"^ ?y '^

lead (as a horse), ffl To draw (as a cart); to haul; g- ^ jg ^, to retire (as from on account of office)

to tow. O To drag along the ground; to stretch a disagreement of opinions; Sakana wo hiku,
or extend. Q To draw (as a map). Q) To play ^^ 51 ^1 to pass round food (at a feast or enter-
on a musical Instrument. (D) To deduct; to tainment); Sakazuki wo?iiku,^^!i\f. to drain
reduce, to diminish. Q} To coat over; to varn- a wine cup; S/itchi yori san wo hiku to sht

nokoru, -t; a V H. ^ ?I ^ h S fl', three sub- conduct; a slavish act; SikiUsu na yatsu, S^B
from seven leaves foxir; Sen wo Jiiku,
tracted J- id, a mean or servile fellow.
^^31^, to av&w linn; SMogahiJcu, (Cfrjg^, a. Syn. HlEETSU, lYASHI.
the tide Shusen wo hiku, 5|^^^ffi^,
la falling; Hlkusu, T>(^, IRg, n. Refuse; rubbish.
to draw a red line; to underline with red ink; Hikwa, v^<i7, Arsenic bloom.
Sfc¥, n. [ifin.]
Sodewo hiku, ^^5,^, [lit.] to pull another's Hlkwan, V < iy ^, S^% n. Subordinate or in-
sleeve; [J!?.] to make a Bign so as not to be per- ferior officials.
ceived by a third person; Tabyu nite yakusho Illkyaku, T> & ^ < , fj§ |J^, n. A postman; i^

wo liiku, $#5=7'S^f^lE'^. to retire from courier. fship,

one's office ou account of frequent illness; Hlkyakiison, U- & J?" < ^ ^, j^mH'^, « A mail-
Tachi 170 ha wo hlku, iz7) -^^'^31'^, to wear Bfiikynkuya* U'g^<-^, Jf5ft?@, n. A post oflice
ofl' the cutting edge of a sword; Tatoe xvo hiite (in former times).
tokiakasu, # ?• 31 ? gg P^) :X, to explain by citing IllkyO, t>Wi, i^^, a. Coward; sneaking; shy;
an illustration ; to exemplify; Tekijin-ei wo hiki- timid; craven-hearted; dastard; unwarlike.
harau. Si: P$ '^ ^ jg *
enemies have ^ V. the Bikyo na furumai, i?. 1± -^ ^ @, cowardly con-
evacuated their, camp; Tsutonie no miwohikn, Syn. Okubto. Lduct
K>^^)g ^, [coll.] to retire from a harlot's flikyoku, y-^i.<, ^itJ], 71. Asecret art (only of
life; JIsu wo hiku, Q^^ <^, to grind a mill; music).
Wata wo hikv, $!!!? ^ ^, to manufacture floss Bllkyu. i> & 5, fffijTt-, n. [GUn.\ [lit.] Ferocioui
Billi; Ezuwo Mkv, ^^ ^ J2^, to draw a map beasts; [JU}.] formidable troops, powerful army.
or chart; Zashiki wo hiku,
^ift^ !!<?'. to with-
BikyunosM. M'M ^ ±, fierce warriors.
draw from the hall or drawing room.
HIkyn sum. t>??-^S, J^^rft, v.i. To weep bit
HliiiiJdoi'l, i> < V \c vj
, i^ iJ ^, «. [Ormf/i.jThe terly; to mourn; to lament.
coRsowary, Casuartus impicus. fllmn. y>*E, E!S. Pg, Rfl. n. OA space between two
HlUuUu, u- ( < , ifi, i^, adv. Low; lowly; humble; things; interval. ©Time; unoccupied houra;
mean. euru, v.t. To lower or make low; leisure. ©A good time to do anything; oppor-
to humble or humiliate. tunity; occasion. O Dismission; removal from
Hlkiiineku, u-<fc<, v.U To jerk or start as In office or duty. ©Breach of friendship; cause of
Syn. BiKUTSUKU. Lsleep. quarrel; discord.
HIkurashI, x>< c,
I,, n. and adv. Spending the Shojt no hitnayori haimiru, [9 ^ Rg 3 V yj ^
day; the whole day. u ^ n-, to peep through a space between the
Hlkuro, tK Hi, 8^, n. Sunset; evening; eve. screens; Hana^u hima ga nai, ^ y^^ff ^ >{,
HJkurodo, u-< &5i^. ^^sffiA, n. A class of court to have no time of talking; Hima ga torerv, f^jf
officials subordinate to chamberlains. M^ i^f to take time; Hima najlbun nl, lig ^ ffj

Hlkuriiru, t>< 32 , B S, v.i. To set or go down 39* =t, in leisure hours; Bima no Mto, R9 -^ A. a
(said of the sun); to grow dark. man of leisure; Hima wo (huu, Bg ^ ^, to til

Hlkiisa^ If < 3, ^, n. The Ftnto or degree of dismiss (as a servant); Himp. wo fusagii, ^,f-%
being low; lowness; lowliness; humility. y, to occupy or take up time; Himawokaiit
Hlkus]iJ,-l,-kl, V < t, ^, ^. a. OLow; not km'u, PSt ^ XT'JJSfl-, to lose time by coming;
high; short (as in stature). ©Humble, mean, Hima wo kureru, flg; ^ i^ i^ »-, to dismiss (as a
dishonorable. servant); to give leave; Hima, wo morute kaeru,
Atama no A, [lit.] one
hikui hito, -^ ^E -f 0Sf"'S^"77'Ki»-,to return on leave or by resign-
who carries his head low; a person humble in Ingservice; Hima wo nusunde sho wo viiru, ^"^
manners; I/ikuki ie, ^^ T^, alow house; Iltku- livivr *f- ^ P-, to steal time and read books;
ki kowane, ^ ^ ^^, a low tone of voice; Ulkuki Hima ivo oshimu, E^^-ISix to grudge ttmi;
\lori takaki nt noborv, j^ a y ;g ^=^ «-, to Hima wo loru, ^^-Mn-, to ask for dismission;
ascend from the lower to the higher, Migahl- mm<t wo ukagau, Kt^ f^ 7, to watch for an
kushi, ^if S^z/, to be humble in life or social opportunity; Kare towa hima art, ^ b >\|f|tT
station; Take ga hikmhi, :^if^;/, to be short V have cause of quarrel with him; Shirabent
, I

in stature. ni ivahima gairu, i!i '^ ft- == -•% Rg iV -f ;t it taken ,

Illkiito, It- < ~C , ^\ ^'t n. O One who leads another much time to examine it.
by the hand; a guide. ©A seducer; an enticer. Syn. AIDA, ITOMA, ShKI, SUKIUA, TE3UKL
Hlkiitoii, u><-^, i?.@, a. Servile; mean; slavish; Hliiia, u-5, t0.U. n. [£ot.] The Castor-oil plant,
obBequloua. Bicinus communis.
Bikutsu na okonal, J^.IH-J-fi'tt, obsequiouB Syn. Karae, TOgoma.

HIM 34:5 HIM

Mlmiiclil, V^%%, H ^, n. Worshipping the rising Hbnc-^akl, U-!6fi*^, ^:®, n. A low wall around
sun three times in the month. a fort; a parapet; a battlement,

Hlinadoni, »
V ^ 3, EK®. v.i. To take much Hline-saina, U-I6it3:, -ji<.tB.&. n. [Bat.] Typhaaii-
time; to be slow, tardy, or dilatory. gustifoUa.

Sddan ni hi-madoi-u, J| ^. =. E^ ® fl^, to talce Hline-sanil, u-fcft*;^, (g^, n. Goddess.

time in consultation. Hlme-Blinl, l>»W;9-.*E^. »*• O Anlionorary titlt
Syn. HiMAiRU, Temadortj. for the daughter of noblemen. @A princess.

Hlniaeo, T>Sa,§-SR, n. Great-grandchildren. Hlnie-gona, VfeaStr. n. [ConcJi.] Gei-ithiwn.

Syn. HiKO. Hlinegoto, WftSiir, gf®, n. A secret secrecy ;

Hlmalru, V^V- 2 , Rt X, v.i. To be slow or tardy Syn. HiJi, MiTSUJi.

to be delayed. fspendlng time. Hlnie-goze, i> !6 a ^, iEiSlSif, I"- Same as -Hime-

Hiinakuf, y- ^ < T>, n. Requiring much time; g(m(, Pcrake.
jJlmaJcul no shigoto wo IiiTciuketa, Ti-v^i^ti^ft Hlme-gulna, w J6 <" vtc, vt. [Orw^t/i.] Pallas
$ f- 5i S i*. have undertaken in a worlc which Hline-guriiml, IM6 <- 3 ;^. ilfl-ffl^^E. « C-Bot,]

takes up much time. Jtiglans cordiformis. fsiMrica.

Hiniaii, z^l^^, Hfi?^, w. Plump ; fat ; corpulent. Hlme-hagl, u- fe tt ^, i@;S, n. [Bot.] Folyoala
mman na hlto, 5E Si •? A, a corpulent person. Hlme-bammyo, iM6ttA!65, n. [Entom.~\ Cicin-
sum, v.t. To be corpulent; to fatten. dela amwensis.
Hlni:tsbl» VS. L, W-U^, '^- [-Bot-] Castor-bean. Hlme-bana-sesorJ, U-fe tttC-tt-^V), n. [Entom.1
HiinaNlil, U-^ L. Bit, "• Kept too long; not Cyclopides ornatus.
ftesh; stale, Hlme-hlba, l^^6t^(i, ^imJ^tfi. " [Bot.] Selagi-

Kono satana wa MmasJil nl nella caulescens.

natta, ifcfc i^ »^

i§ =i ?- -y jr, this fish is not ftesh. Hime-blodosbl, U-ftV^l* L, n. [Entom.] Va-

Hlinaslil nl, i> ^ L 1/2, ®, adv. Day by day; nessa Uriica. fra hyas.
daily increasing. Hlme-bojabu, X»hVl^'£:^< ,n. [Entom.] Lophu-
Himashi ni danwa wo moyo su, H tt =i @^ ? Hlmei, VfeV*, ^^^, a. Not conforming to the
^ 7., it is getting warmer daily; Simashi ni set- usual course of nature; unnatural; untimely;
cho sum, H tfi =® J^- ^' '>'. to sro'^^ ^P day by accidental.

day, rCastor-oil. SlTuei no shl wo togu, ^^f^ -^ 5E ? iS ^. to die

Hlniaslil-no-abura, TM£ LO^-S'S. ^f^ "f )^> n. an unnatural death.

Himawarl, U-^H'fljiA: JS, n. Going a round of Hlmel, »i6\p, i$^, n. An inscription on a tomb
watch for fire. or monument.
Himawari no yakwnin, *A: J@ > S A, an officer Syn. HiBUN,
who goes round in the night watch against fire. HJnie-lcbJmoJl, i> 16 V^ *& ft "e-, to. [Ento^i.] Ara
Hlniawarl* W-aH'!), 8 ^, «• [Bo(.] Sun-flower. I5l
sehina burejana.
Hiuiaw^arl-no-abura, i>^a ^ (0Tb 2f ^.^^^ Illme-lffal, y-fevr'ft'i>, n. {Conch.'] nodlola sp.

j^, n. Oil expressed from the seeds of sun- Hlme-janome. U-aX:-^®!!?), n. {Entom.} VptJUmt

flower. haldus.

HlmaBeiil, i>ia^K, Every other day.

adu. Hlinejl, U-feS. "• Mullvs Bensasl.

Syn. lOHiNiCHi OKI NI, Kakujitsu mi. Hlmejl-sawa, iM6 % ft* tt, K ¥, n. Leather ®
Hlmba, U-Atf, Jf^fc ii. w. [2b0l.] A mare. manufactured at Himeji, in the province of Ha-
lIlmBio, V-K^Ai^, "" A female andamale (as rima, and used for covering over boxes, trunks,

of horses, cattle, fowls, etc.), etc.

HIme, J»hM%> n. Soft boiled rice. Hlme-kabura. va>i>J* 6, n. [£ot.] A grooved

arrow-head. {rikuchua.
Illme, U-*,^, n, O An honorary title for ladies.
HlnieklseserJ, vfe^^^V), Sesperia
@ Daughter of noblemen. © A prefix meaning n. [EntOTti.]

small or miniature, as in hime-matsu, himeyuri, Hlme-kobusbl, U'atJ<;£,iEi^¥^. «• [^ot.]

Magnolia stellata.

flime-akatateha, v »^ *> te t 11, m. {Entom.'] Hlme-komatsu, U-»t2-7, ig/hK, «. {Bot.) Fi-

Vanessa cardui. mis parviiflora.

Hlme-kuBU» w»<:3'', •", {Bot.] AtyioslavUlosa.
Hline-aixaiiil, V fe % r ;^, ^^. "• l^ot.] Cnicus
nipponiciis. . ffly- Hlme-kwanKd, z>»<fc^r5,^lE, " l-^ot-l

Hlme-bacbl, y-fclf^, n. [Entom.'\ Ichneumon ffemerocallis DuTnortieri.

Hlme-baeho, z>»U*5r.Si: JK, « [BotA Musa coc- Illme-matsu, wa^-^, «• [-Bo£.] A species of pina,

cinea. ot a slender, delicate leaf.



HlmciniUo, v»S>t, JS iW -^t n. A Princess of Illniltsii-kfvai, t^S-•t'< *5\/^, |g S^d". " A secret
the Blood; a Princess Imperial. meeting.
3yn. Naishinno, Ojo. HJmlxu, V-?^^,^^, n. [Zo'el.] Sorex dinczumi.
Hlmemlya, t>'iib^-^, <6 '^, n. Same as above. Syn. JiNEZDMi. fbrewerles.
Hiinemosii, tM64-^, ^ 0, adv. [pbs.] The whole HimlBu-olse, U-^^^^rW-, i^;;^?ifi, n. Vat used in
day; all the day long. Hlmmln, I^^;^^, ® K. n. Poor people; paupers;
Syn. Htnemosu, Shujitsu. the poor or indigent. faid tlie poor.

Hlmemuro, x>ibt?^, n. [Bot.] Juntperus Bp. Simmin wo Tcyujo suru, ^ Si 9- i^ !^ y- Jt' , to

Hlmesa, ^^fc^, JEM. '*• [3fi«.]Dome. Hlminolcu, T^^'& < , i5 g, K. A list of articles.
Hlmenori. i> &® "O , ^ dS, w. A paste made of Hlmo, iM&,M, w. A cord; thong; ribbon; brali.

rice flour; rice starch.

Saori nohimo, ^fi!!>M. ^ P^ii" o^ cords for
Himen eum, I^»^^2, ?I$S. v.t. To turn out fastening haori Bimo wo mvsubu,
; ^ S ^i S ^
from an office; to dismiss. tie a ribbon; Himo ga toJce nai, ^if S >• -J- -f

Hlnieohu, V'ib'it < , v.t. To keep (anything) secret; the thong can not be untied.

to hide or conceal. HlmochJ, V-^%,'X^, ""• Lasting in the fire; not

Missho wo himeokVf BB fi^ KE^ .
^o conceal easily consumed or extinguished.
a confidential letter. Simochl no warul suml da, !Ki^ -^ ^ -^ }^ if,
Hlmerii, i>»S, gf, v.t. To keep private; to hide; [coU. 3 this charcoal burns too quickly; ffimncfti

to conceal no suru yd ni ikei-u, 'X^ --i^n-tS — Ji-^ff-,

Koto wo himeru, ^ n-, to keep a matter ^%M to bury live charcoal in the ashess so as to beep-
Syn. Hi sdru, KAKrau. Lsecret. it alight.
Hlmc-sahaxukl, u-»54.p*3, gStE, »'• [Sot.] Hlinode, U>% 5t?, Q St, 11. Daily visits to a tem-
Marigold. rpracfHpe*. ple for worship.
Hlnie-Bhaga, » » £ -^ Jjt, !S? 5 fiS, [-BoI.]/r(s ''^-
Flifu zure nite himSde suru, ^f^W~ y" H ffli^

Hlme-slilba, T>i6 31 tf, MB, "• [-BoC] J'aniciwn »-, a man and wife together make daily visits to
the temple.
Hlmo-slilon, V» £. 5: ^, ifr^, n. [iJot.] -^5'«'" Syn. HiUAiRi, NiasAN.
fastigiatus. frosticta. Hlmogatana, V- Ht ifl fz ^, /h Ti n. A dngger M ,

Hline-siigpi, i>J6-^V^, E^. n- [Bot.lCarex side- stuck in the ribbon fastening the under gar-
HSme-tora-no-o, Vl6if6®gr. ;^$W. « [-B-:.] ment, so as to conceal it from others' sight; a
Veronica spicata. rjaponicum. stiletto; a dirk. fbungry.
Hli»ic-tsua>alil, 0-!6r?[i5, 7*. [5o(.] iifftwtrMni HlmoJI,-],-kf,-ah), n%S:,Wi, a. Feeling hunger;
Hlme-iiri, t>fe5 iJ),
-a' ^?, '«• [^o(.] ^ct^nostcin.- Kodomo ga Mrew^i gatte naku, /h ^ Vt =e s> ff
ma racemosum. ty'tiL^, the child is crying for hunger; Himojii
HJino-yomoffl, Vi6 J;4 iT.KX *S. "• [Sot-] ^rt€- toki ni mazui-mono nasli I, ^B5 = ^Efe^ -^-J-s^.
[Prov.l in hunger nothing is unpleasant to th»
Hliiic-yoslii, V-ib XZ, M. " {Bot.'] Phragmitis taste. TTARU.
mace?'. Hahaheritaru,
Syn. Hidarusht, Ut§-
Hlmo-3'url, U-AW)^, Uj fl", '*. [£ot.l Lillian con- lliniojlsn, U- 1 ;£• 3, 7*. The state or degree of
color. being hungry, hunger.
Mlino-ziita, V- }6 1:^ ft, n. Hlmokniva, «• ?i*>tt, SS$, n. Leather band or
[£o(.] A kind of vine, Syn. HiBOKAWA. Lribboa
FiCUS. Hljnokawa-unaon, V44>a 5 ^ « ^, i^ ^ i;i 5E,
Hlro1Jll<a, u^Z'i>, ffi. "• It. Undon made in the form of himokawa 01
The shortness of the day small flat ribbons.
time. Hlinokelt5, W-i&WV^^?, ^jgiR. 7*. [J3ot.] Ama-
Hlinlt>4ii. T>:^r?,U ^, "• ranth, Amarantus caudattts.
Anything studiously con- Syn. Sbnninkoku.
cealed or kept from gen- Hlmoinushl, i> 6 tf L, ". IZbi.] \ nemertin*

eral knowledge; a secret; worm.

a mystery. Hlmon, U- '& ^, S^, n. Ka secret sentence or
Himitsu wo arawasu, ^ incantation used by conjurers; a charm.

Bf ^ B ''• T'. t° reveal 9. :\i\m Bimon wo tnnatU amt wo furasu, K X "^ P| *»

secret; Nanigoto mo himitsuni olconau, pj 7"
M ^ IS ^. to bring down rain fall by chanting
B ffi = iff "7, to do every thing in secrecy. IncantationB.
nimono, w-l©, TW. ^^. '*• Dried flah. Shif^i- H, the quality has deteriorated, or do-
Hlmoiiu, y>6®, iiQ^, n. Round boxes or other generated; Blngatsuku, ^Ifjf^, to improve
articles made of thin strips of the hinokt. appearance; Bin no yoishonen, fl
In quality or
Hlmonoalil» U- ft CDS,, t94SB^. " A malcer of -^^ 'I ii^^-, B. fine-looking youth; Bin no warui-
above. rSieboldi, hito, (fp --• gg -f A, a bad-looking or 111 favoured
Hlmo-raii. iM 6 A-, -Wl A16R. "• Lycopodium
[Bot.'] person.
Hlmorosl* t> % % W> i^tSi ^ A hedge around a Syn. Gaba, Kurai, Mie, Shina, 'iachi.
Shinto shrine, made by sticliing or planting the Hlu, I^^, ^, 71. and a. The poor, needy, or indi-
sakalci trees in a row; later corrupted to mean gent; poverty, indigence.
the shrine itself. Btnno nusumi, ® -^iS, a theft instio,ated by
HJmoroi^l, V't^'^, H^, n. Rice, mochl, or other poverty; Bin nl sematte musume wo uni, ^^l&
offerings made to a god. y ttk"^^ J^, to sell one's daughter on account
HImosnsii, u-ts-f, v.t. To tie (as with a thong); of extreme poverty; Bin sureba don surv, :x ^
to «^ord. i- y? ^^ fl-, [coll. Frov.] poverty makes a Tuan
Hlmoto, !>%'£, iACTC, n. The origin of a fire. Syn. Bimbo, Hinktu, Konkyu. Latupld.
Hlmotokl, V % )t 1&, U^, "• The ceremony of flJn, u^, n. The title of female court officials
taking off ribbons attached to the garments of In ancient times.
a young girl when the latter has attained the Hlna, y^ift, Iffi, n. and a. Qa young bird; chick-
seventh year of her age. ens. ® Small images purposely made for the-
HimotoSiu. V'l'Si, M, uf- To unfasten or take occasion, and set out In every liousehold on the
off the cover (of a boolt); hence, to read. 3rd day of the .3rd mo. io.s.), a festival popularly
Koten tvo himotoku, 'fi"#^ iHJ ^. to read clas-
called hina-no-seklcv.
sics. Hlna, T>'^,!5R, n. and a. The country; rural,
Hlmotoin J, V^)t^, J/C tC a. ^ i^ ffi, "• One Syn. Hempi. (.rustic
whose duty it is to examine or inquire into the HIna-aeoM, 13- Wh ^V,^^, n. Anciently a
origin of a fire and report it to tha police diversion of young which consisted In
station. cutting dolls out of paper and playing with
Hlmotoslia, !> % >r « L, MH, SP*S. «• The hole them; later these dolls, together with various
in any utensil for passing a cord through. fimall furnitures and utensils, have come to ha
Hlmotsiike, V^'C>%, M#. »- The part of a made by professional artizans.
garment or utensil where a cord is attached. ninnblrii. u>ti:y>'2,S^, v.i. To be rustic or coun-
Hlmpan, T^^ff^, m K. •"• B«sy bustling; press- ;
trified; to be awkward or clownish.
ing; urgent; occurring in rapid succession. Syn. Inakamekit, Gebiru.
Hlmpln, ^^^tr^,®^, adv. and a. In rapid suc- HJnnblto, The countryfolk; vil-
T>'^trif:,gaiA, n-
cession; one after another; urgently; inces-
lage people; a rustic.
santly; constant; continuous. HInaburJ, TN-^^ii),^^, 71. Country or rustic
Eimpin to shite taezu, ;® i® hi/T* ^ '^z^, to fol- fashion; vulgar manners.
low in rapid succession. Hlnaburu, U-tfi*3,!^ISl, v.t. To be rustic In-

Hlmpii, U•^i^ ®X w. The poor and the manners; to he clownish.

wealthy; rich or indigent. Hlna-byotiu, V-UV^^^lfM^^, «• A small or-
Bimpu nt TcaTcawarazu, S "ST =^ -»^ 9 :^, no namental Bj/o&M Cpa-per screen) used in the hina-
matter whether rich or poor. asobi.
Hlmpyo, 1>KV^5, ppI?. "• A critical examina- HInaeru, lM!c^S,|£|g. v.i. To dry and shrivel;

tion of any article. suru, v.t. To enquire Syn. Sbinabeeu. \to wither.

Into the quality or grade of; to criticise. Hinaga, V-Ut^, jk, ""• Tlie season of long days
HJmpy9-kwal, V ^t^^5 <*)V^. *&!?#. "• An as in summer.
exposition or show of industrial or artistic pro- Hlnagata. U-tEi'^, 8S7K, « t^^om hina (small)
ducts held for the purpose of determining their and /jata (form).] A model; design; plan; a form
respective merits or demerits. of writing.
HImuro, o-tfiS, Sf: S, tj. An ice-house. Fane no hinagata, fi5 ^ gS IK, a plan of a ship;
Hlmushl, W-tf L. " [-EnfoTO.] The flre-fly. Gwansho no htnagata, SH^^Sftje, the draft of
Hln, U^, ^, n. O An article; material. ©Kind; a written petition.
Bort. ©Character, quality, demeanour. Syn. MOKEI.
fine quality; refined; Gc-hin Hlna-seslil, U-tCtl^L, KI^A*:, n. [Bit.l Cora
Jo-hin, J:fi,
poppy, Fapaver Rhotjvi.
Tfi) inferior quality; vulgar; Bin ga ochita.


HliiaUa, i>tE4>, f^.^S. " Broad daylight; ple). © A poor or barren soil; a sterile coun-
the day time ; noon. try.
Syn. HAKUOHU, NiTCHU. Hlndo, y•^;^-5. ^^, pron. I (used by Buddhist
HlnamatsurJ, U-tra-^i!). fiii^, " Sq& Hina-aso- priests in self-depreciation).
U. Hlue, u-il, B!. f^- Old; not fresh; stale.

Hinami, u-^;^, Q 3£, n. and adv. Every day; day Hineblne9b1,-].-kl, t>iltK*l L, a. Cnd; uotfresh
by day; daily. or new; stale; obsolete; out of fashion.
Hhiami ni kane ga niokaru, B a£ = ^WSS* Syn. FURUKi.
»,, -we make money day by day. lllnegome, utiS:!*, P^^. n. Old or stale rice.
Syn. Mainiohi, Niohiniohi. Hinekoblrii, unZ.XKZ, v.i. To be young but
Hlna-miynko, Utc;^-^?!. @*|fi, '*. The couBtry look old; to be prematurely old; to be precoci-
and the city. ous; exceeding what is to be expected of one's
Hlnan, v-tt-K, ir-SK, " Disapprobation; blame; age.
censure; dispraise; upbraiding, contumely; Krino ko wa hinekdbite iru, it^g>'.t^ntf
vituperation. suru. v.t. To blame, cen- 7= # fl-, this child is precocious.
sure, elc. HInekiirl-mawasu, t^ *a < lO U 14 -^, ^^, v.t.

Hito no okonai wo hinan suru, A> =|f f- ^^ $S ^> [coll.'] To play with, or turn about in the hands
B-, to censure the conduct oi another; Kareno to twist in the fingers.
hun wo hinan suru, fS -^ X ^ If 5S7;;^, T criticise Hlnekiirii, V-n< S. ffi i^. v.t. QSame as above.
his -writing. © To speak like old or learned person; to use
Syn. high-flown words.
HIna-iiiugyo, I^15:V^^^^5, SSAJK, »• Same Hine-nintsu, U-*l^-7, j^fi^ n. f^or.: An old dis-
as @ under Hina. torted pine tree.
Hinanko, I>1tt^t5, ®Sfi#. " -A port or haven Hlnemosu, V-n^-f, |«Q.® B. «(*«. All the day
where vessels find their refuge from dangers of long; the whole day.
war or storms. Hlnen, vilA., a^^, adv. Year after year; several
llina-no-u6ii, U-t®?-^, flj:£$, n. [•Bo*-] Scro- years in succession.
g>hularla alata. fmonth. Hlnerl, U- *1 vj, :tfi, 7t. O Act of twisting, or
Hloashl, l>tc:£, mH^, n. The last day of the rolling in the fingers. @A present of money
Hlnashl, V-1H. Lt Daily instalments, or
H JB. «• wrapped up in a piece of paper.
money borrowed, on condition to pay it back Syn. NEjr, Yojikimawashi,
with interests by daily instalments. Hlnorlbmnl, vftvjj*;^, t^-X,^f^^n. nota OA
Hinashi wo kasu, fl i^ ? :^ 7., to lend money rolled up, and twisted or folded instead of seal-
to be repaid by daily instalments. ing. © Drawing lota in the form of folded
HJnaslilkaBlil, B iSlf. ti- The act of
V-U:£.i}>L, pieces on which a number or character is writ-
lending, or the person -who lends; money to be ten.
repaid by daily instalments. Hinerldome, t> 41 *fc, ttlt, « "J)A kind of
HJnata, V-^fz., B lSl, «. Sunny place; sunshine. buckle fastened by twisting with the fingers.
Jlinata ku^al, B iSj stinking from long
*' "^ 'f. Hlnei-i-ffoma, v-iX^'&t, ^JSS?, w. A top turned
exposure to the sun (often used vulgarly as a by twisting with the fingers.
contemptuous epithet to country girls). Hineri-idasiu V-nv)v^7G-^, 4S(ii, v.t. To call to
Hinata-boko, V-Uftl^'C, (fs.^. n. Basking mind, devise, plan, or invent; to express one's
Hlnata-bokori, i>-^-tel^tiO, } in the sun. thoughts (as in composition).
euru, v.i. To bask in the sun. Hinerii, V-fl^, ffi.l^, ^, ffl. v.t. To twist or Q
Hlnatsuboshl, v-U-olE L, IS S M, n. [Astro.] The roll in the fingers to turn or screw. © To twist

Syn. KwASEi. LPlanet Mars. the body or turn around. ©To speak preco-
HJna-uta, l> tc 5 fe, 51 ffl,
". A country song; ciously.

vulgar airs. Koyori wo hineru. ffi^^^ff', to twistpaper;

Hlna-wa, U- "S tt, 'XM, ". A rope-match for a Karada wo hineru, M^ ? ^g »-, to turn thi
match-lock. flock. body around; Xojo wo hineru, D J: ^ t; ip- b-,
HlnawaEUtsu. y- tC 14 =>'<', 'XU^' "• A match- to speak like a learned person; to use high

MlnaEuru, U>ttr3'2, SftSE, n. [Ornitft.] Young Syn. Nejirf, Yojiru. [.flown words.

crane. HinexumJ, S, n.
U-*!^;^, kind of cloth
i'C QA
HJncliI, ^^^t, a*lb. "• O My poor temple (used woven with the long furs of a "fire rat" sup-
depreciatlvely by priora of the Buddhist tem- posed, by the Chinese, to live la a southern
region. @ A kind of flre-proof cloth woven with Hl-no-fte, y.®-^, m,|fl a, n. Sunrise.
asbestos. Illnoe, WOA., pQ, n. One of the ten calenddi
HliigasiiJ,i>KniU K. a. East. terms JukTcan, which see.
Hln-I, u.^z,, a^i, w. Quality (as of goods); lll-no-hakama, V-(OHii>'^,^^,n. A long Aafca-
Syn. KuBAi, Shina. ir&nk. ma oi bright scarlet colour (anciently worn bj
Alnlclil, VWt, ib g, «. [coil. Day. J female attendants at court, or by the wives of
Hlull£u,tM/zC, ft), M.
life O
Skin and flesh. ©Per- noblemen).
sona closely related by blood. [coll.] Malice. © Hl-uo-ln, w©V^A, A EPi w. A hidden art for with-
Biniku no arasoi, R] -^ ^, a strife or quar-
standing the effect of Are on one's body; a sort
rel between near relatives; Hlnilcu wo iu, ^ of hocuspocus.
^9--xy, [coll.] [Uf.] to speak of the skin and Hl-no-lrl, i>Cf}\j>V] , H Xi w. Sunset, sundown,
flesh; [fig,] to say malicious things. Hl-uo-kaml, l^CD:6>;^, Q ^, n. The sun goddess.
ninlD, iMicA, I^A, «• [»t.]Not a human being lli-iio-kasa, u-©A>^, g ^, n. The solar halo.
or inhuman; hence a criminal. Later the word Hlnokl, uo$, jfj 16, 7i. [£ot.] Ghamaecyparis ob-
has been corrupted to mean beggars. tusa.
HlDjlmo. y^:Sr'5, S|g, n. [Bot.]Lemna tHsulca. HInoko, i>®t, iA:1^, i/ca. "• Sparks of Are.
Hlnjlu, y^;S,•^, fi: A, n. a poor man; indigent Binoko ga tobichtru, iA;^ W Jfi trftfc n-, the
persons; paupers. sparks of fire fly about.
Hlnha, ^^, n. A poor family.
z^^*>, HI-Do-koromo, iXDt.^'h,^'^, n. Scarletrobes
Hlnkalcii, v^*><, |5S^, n. The grade, char- such as are worn by Buddhist priests.
acter, or quality of a person or article. Hlnoknchl, vo^ %, MVi, ft' A gate for closing
BinJcaku ga yoi, fi fe :V iff 'f to have a fine , an aqueduct; a flood gate.
look; to be superior in quality or character. Syn. SuiMON.
Syn. HiN, MlK, Shinagara. Ill-no-kuruma, t>©< za, !^¥, /*. OThecarof
Blnlcaku, i> /uib> <, ^^, n. A guest (as at a fire inwhich the souls of the wicked are sup-
feast). posed to he taken to, or tormented In, the Bud-

Syn. Ktakujin, mab5do. dhist hell. @ Icoll.] The state of being extremely
Hlnkaku, tt ^ 4> < , W fe. "• [Gram.] Objective poor; poverty; privation.
case. Hluoniarii, u-CiS^, ^ ti, n. A round red sign
Hinbel, vAW-v, ftS6. «• A female fowl; hen. representing the sun.
lllnketsu, U'^^?P, ^Jlil, ". [JHed.] Anemia. Hlnoinaru-no-hata, U-032©afe, J&, «. Th»
Hlnko, ^^^4>5, ffl ff , n. Conduct; behaviour; national flag of Japan which has the ?iinomaru
character; deportment. in the centre of a white ground.
BinkohZsei no hito, iS ff >5 JE > A, a person Hlnome, u®», B @, n. The sun light; the son.
of correct behaviour or good conduct. Binome itwmizu nl Tcurasu, H @ ^^ ?C = BE
Syn. Gt5j5, Okonai. :^, to live without even seeing the light of the
Alnkokiu i> /uZ. < , ^S, n. A poor state; an sun; to live in utter conflnement.
impoverished country. Hlnoml, VO;^, 'X^, n. A fire lookout.
Hlnfcon. t^^C^, ® S, n. and a. Embarrassed or Hlnoml-yasiira, V'tD^-^fr^, 'XZ^t&. ^'Xm,
straightened circumstances; privation; poverty; n. A fire tower or lookout.
Indigence; poverty stricken. Hlnomono. W O ft O, i^ i^, JA: ^, n. Cooked
Minku, T>^<, ®S^, n. and a. Poverty and dis- food.
tress; needy and embarrassed. Hinomonoflacli]* t> ID '^ 75%, 'X'i^W, n. Ab
BinTcu ni ocJiiiru, @^ = |@/t,
to be reduced staining from all sorts of cooked food for a
and ruin.
to poverty; to go to rack certain period of time in performing a vow.
HJnkyu, U•^5 5, ®9E, "• and a. Same aa above. Hlnomoto, ^, n. Nippon or Japan.
Hlnnen, V ^ tt. ^, 1®^, a^v. Year after year; Hlnomoto, 'X^lt, ". A fire place or
T^ CD 6 )£,

several years in succession. places where a break out.

fire is likely to

Hinnyo, ^^^Kl, ^ ^, «. A poor woman. BiTiomoto-yojin, 'XlfjtMiiH; keeping watch

Ulnobe, V-ID^, S !S. "• Putting off till another agiainstfire; Binomoto ga abunai, 'X-^Ttifia-^
day; postponement; extension of time, 4 fire places are dangerous.

Binohe wo ne(/au^ B 3^ ^ I® "7, to ask for an HJna-omaelU, u-Ote^ L. £^®, ti- -^n apart-
extension of time; ^fith'arat no hinobe wo sum, ment in the Imperial palace where the Emperor
tt^^HS^^*-. to PTit off or postpone pay- used to sit in the daytime.
ments. HinoBlil, WO L. K ^. w- A smoothing iron, •
BiTioshl wo Icakeru, ^ ^- 9- Jj ^ ii- , to iron (as Hio^l. v-^i-'J, ffi S. "• A court fan made of the
Syn. NOSHI. (.clothes). hinoki wood.
HiDOfililtn, i>Oife, J, n. Under the sun; the HiOffl. 0-35-i.ar, m
whole world; the earth. ^, 71. \.Bot.\

Rinoshita Icaisan, T 133 UJ. universal cham- Par da ,i thus

pion (in any kind of athletic game). chinensis.
HlnosoEOhu, y- ©35 ?* < , 2 !fe m, n. \lit.\ Day H16I, v-isiAv-, B
costume; an ancient court dress worn by no- 31, n. A sun 'iL.y
bles. screen or aM'n-
Hlnotaina, v © fea, n. Hit.'] Ball of flre; Ignis- ing. mm
fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp. ftion. Syn. Hi YOKE.
Hluote. o.©T, iA:^, n. The flamesof a conflagra- HlokorJ. i>3*J:w). B f. [. A quotidian ague,
Blnote ga agaru, 'X^ifWiJi-, the flames of lllomiiBlii, l^ ^tr L. iEntom.'] JIay-fly, Ephe-
the conflagration are rising up; HUiote ga tsu- mera.
yol, 'X^ifii-l, the flames (of the conflagra- Illppaku. v^y&i, 3S^, n. Straightened circum-
tion) are raging, stances; want; destitution; scarcity. suru,
HlDoto, 1><0'£,T. ". One of the ten calendar vJ. To be destitute.
terms or Jwfcfcan, which see. Syn. Kyuhaku, Sashisemaru.
HInoyorol, U-Oi^SU-, n. S&me as Hinosozoku. Hipi»»ri, i>.vff"5, 51 5^, ft. [coii.l Act of pulling or
Ill-no-zo. U-©r5, IPtHl, n. The spleen. stretching.
Hlnru, U^^,S:S. «• Sa.me G.S Illnkyu. Hippfirl, v-y&X>, ?5I? *, n- -A. street-walker; a
Hluriil, ^>^^i>,SDm, n. Kind of articles; class. woman of the town.
Him-ui wo wakatsu, R^^ ^y, to divide into Hippai-ii. V-/&Z, "v.t. See Bikiluiru.
classes, to classify. lllppns.imii. y--?l4'3tr, ^\&i, v.t. [coli.] To hold
HlnseJ* U•^ -^ ^/^, ® ^, n. A poor student; an in- between two things; to take up with chop
digent person (in self depreciation). sticks.
Hlnaelci siiru, l^^*l&-^Z, ffl /f, r.r. QTo expel, Hlppatn-kii, V-M'fti, 51 J3, v.t. [coll.] To strike;

to reject; to turn out from society. © To to beat; to dust.

tlight, neglect, or disregard, Hippasusii. i>y\£r:>'ir, 5| *'!, v.t. [coli.] To pull or
Syn. OiYARF, Shirizokkru. take out of place; to remove from the grooves
Hlnsen, y•^^^, yt. and a. Poor and hum- (as screen or doors).
ble; one who is indigent and mean. Hfppd, 1» ff A, S S. **
y- The rules ot penman
Uiiisltn, U-A-S.-^, S^, n. A poor person; the ship; mode or style of writing characters.
needy. Kimi no hlpiw wayol, # -> S S -"• 5? 'f [coll.'] -

Hluehu, l^^*W^, g"±, 71. Guestand host. your style of handwriting is excellent; Hippo
Hinshu aitaishite jijt wo danzu, ^ifflS^' wo manabu, ffi ii ^ ® t*. to study the rules of
7" ^
the visitor and the host sat to- penmanship.
ti5 3» i!!? ^'i
gether and talked about current topics. Hlppu, u-yj;, [ZCt^, n. A man of humble social

IIIuso. y>A3 5.3^:^0, a. Poor in appearance. position; common people.

Binso na hito, Jt ^ -^ A, a person poor in Sippu 7W yu, E^^S. brute courage, in

appearance. distinction from true courage or yu.

fll-ny»ku, u-vc-^
a. Wanting In physical
<,W-^, Hlppu. Ti-y^i, ESf, ft. Feminine of hlppu (JJL^),

strengtli; feeble;weak; effeminate. a common woman,

Syn. JUJAKU. Hlra^ l> &, ^. [prefix] Q Common; ordinary;
IIlo, Vjp, 5fc)a. «• Frozen fish. plain. ©Level, even, flat. © The palm of the
HI6, u-^ 5.^1^31, n. [Bot.] Red blossomed cherry. hand. QA flat and shallow wooden cup or

Illoba, U-fe^tf, ^^J3:, n. Grand aunt or grand- bowl. @ The leaf of a book.
father's sister. Hira iciiimen ni hana, ^ — =i TC, the entire iffi

Syn. HiBABA, HlIBABA surface is strewn with blossoms; Te no hirOt

BM>MM, ». Having plates

Hlodoblil, u-5:iCL, ^ -^ ^Ja, the palm of the hand.
bound together with red threads (said of ar- Syn. Taiea.
mour). Hlra, u- 6, Jr, ft, 51. " A piece of any thing flat;

HlodoBliI* u-^%;&, ) n. [^ntom.] A species a sheet (as of paper); a leaf; a flower.

HlodoslilchS, U-Srsati, J of butterfly, Vanessa Sana no hito hlra, TE -^ — fr> a sijigle flower;
manthomcloi. Kami hito hira han kaki owareri, SE — S^#
Hm 351 HIE,

* I? ^ V , has (or hare) finished writing a sheet Hlralsbln, V6\rX^, ©SM. »*• Same as fffral*
and a half of paper. chin. Vgana.
Mlra, V 6, n. A lacquered bowl with a cover. Hlralcana, w & *>itt, Zp H^, n. Same as Hira-
Syn. HiRAWAN. Hlrake, VfeW", 0@, «. O The state of being open.
Hlra-ajl, V'^'S,^^, n. [Ichth.] Caranx equula. @ Civilization, enlightenment
Hlraba, 0> & tf , ^ M, n- A level place; flat Kuni no Mrake ga hayai, H -^ 3fl Jf JS -f , the
ground plain. ; civilization of the country is rapid.
Siraba no tatakat, ^ttS-^SR> fighting on a Hlrakorii, & tj- 2, BH, v.i. To be open; to be
level piece of land ; a pitched battle. emerge from barbarism.
civilized, to
Syn. HEiaei, Hiraohi Kuni wa masu-masu hirakerv, g *\^ Ar B3 *-Ji-i
Hlrabakania, t>6lfi>a, 2^^, n. A klndoffta- the country becomes more and more civilized.
Jcama, the fore and back part of which are sewn Mlrakenu T> 6 »• S, ^ B|, v.i. The pass, and po
together at the sides only up to a short distance tent, form of the verb Hiraku.
from the skirt. Hlrahl, thS^, 09, n. Q A door (esp. that which
Htrabavl, u-6(ii(», ipg}-, jt, A lancet. opens on hinges). ® The blooming of flowers.
Hlrablto, V-hVS, ¥ A, '". Common people; an ffl The opening or
commencement of anything.
ordinary person. Q [coll.] Close or end (as of a feast or entertain-
HIraclii, V & "^i ^ iNfe, " Level ground; flat piece Hirakt wo tozuru, flg ? IH ^, to shut the door;
of land. Mraki wo akete omote wo miru, B0 ^ B@ ^ l« ^ ^
Hirado-uclil, v-^-S^%, fljfW. '"" Striking with A-, to open a door and look out; Nana no hiraki

the palm of the hand. ga osot, TC-^BI ^S -f , the blooming of the flowers
Hlragama, V 6 Jj' ^S, ^ 3£, /». A kind of flat pot is late; Hiraki ni sum, Bi = :x fl', to close an
used for cooking. entertainment.
Hirnffana, v 6 fit it, qi iS 2, n. The cursive Hlraklda, i>&$?5, 5S EBi » A newly broken up
Japanese characters invented by KSkai to re- rice field. Tby hinges.
present the 47 syllabic sounds iroha. Hlrakldo. W 6 ? >«, B@ ^, ". A door that openp
Illragawara, u-efitttfi, ^, n A flat tile. HlvaUimlchl* U- ^ & ;^ •^, iS. " A road newly ^
Syn. Megawaba. opened, or cut through a wilderness.
Htragl. U- 6 »r, *?, 7L [Bot.] Osmanthus Aquifolium Hlrakii, V 6 < SB. Efl< 9. v.<. Q To open (ar a dooi

Hlragl-Biaslilra, U^ 6 a?"
i± by itself); to be unlocked. @ To open or bloom
^6,Mi8. «• Large posts (as flowers). © To be c' eared off, or dispelled

with ornamental tops (as cares). O To leave off, or disperse (as from a

used at the ends of the place of meeting or entertainment). over- @To

railings of a bridge. flow (as a pond). (B To rise in price (a technical

Hlragl-mokiisel, t>&ir% term used by merchants).

<^\r, 71. [Bot.} Oleafra- To no hiraita tokoro yori kaze ga fukitru, p
grans var. aquifolium. >BS^^f 3 V Pt^B'tXn-. the wind blows In
ffflragJnanteu* j}- & W^A, through the open door; Hana ga hiraku, TE^ H
^:^, ^^n. [Bot.] Ber ^, the flower opens; Mune ga hiraku, Hft^ IB ^,
berts japonica var. the heart is freed of anxieties Ki ga hiraku, ; %
Hiraglso, l> & i^^ 5. »• if ^ ^, the mind is cleared of cares to become ;

[BoLl Ajnga japontca. cheerful; Seki wo hiraku, ffi ^ 3B^, to terminate

Hlraguino, U- 6 <- "&, Igg. n. . [Entom.] Kind of an entertainment Nagashike ; nite kawa ga hira-

spider. ku, SM = 7'i?I'^M^. the river has overflowed

Hirablra to, I^ & u> & 1?, >^^, adv. In 1 on account of continued rains; Nedan qa hiraku^
wavy or undulating manner. EE SW" IB ^, the price rises.
S'ana ga hirahira to chiru, ^if ^)r h tft s-. Syn. Akd.
the flowers fall down in slow and wavy naan- Hlrakii, U- 6 C . M. H. K. H. '^^- O To open; to
ner ; Bata ga hirahira to kaze ni nabtku, tH W commence; to establish or set up; to call into

KM ^ R — EI i!'. the flag is waving in the wind. existence. @ To clear and lay out (as land). ®
Syn. PiRAPiRA. To unseal, or uncover (as a letter). Q To clear
Hlraloliin, i> & Vr "^A. @SiiS> n. A lightning or dispel (as doubts).
rod. Arata ni shushi ivo hiraku, Iff =^S ^Bi^. to
Hiralcbn, v^&\/*%3, @9tt. n. Same as ah ova. establish a new religion; Denji wo hiraku, ffl Ml
HIR 352 HIE,

^ SS ^. to clear and lay out a farm; Mado wo Hlraoshl nl, O- 6ft Lie, ^ IT, adv. Violently,
Mraitenagamu, ^^M^^i*, to open a -window forcibly, pressingly.

and look at; Mic?ii wo hlrakv, B§ f- EH ^, to open Siraoshi ni oshlsitsumu, ^^H^ — 5T s^jg i», to
a road Mise wo hiraite shobai sum, a tH: ^ BB ?
; advance headstrongly.
^ ^ 7; ;t., to Bet up a shop and engage in trade; HJi-arl to, ni^V))^,^, adv. With a quick motion
Tegami wo hiraite yomu, ^l®f-^r!SA, to (as in jumping); nimbly; by a sudden start; like
unseal a letter and read; Utagai wo hiraku, g| a flash.

^ If] ^, to dispel doubts; Tama wo hiraku, ilj^ Jffei wo hirari to tohikosu, h MM^, to P^^
gg ^, to found a Buddhist temple; to break up jump over a fence with a quick motion; Hirari
a hill Ctor cultivation). to mi wo kawasu, ^ h ^ ^ ?7 *• to turn one's ::^,

Hlrakuclil. T}-c,^%, n. {^ol.} Viper. self quickly to one side; to dodge by a sudden
Syn. Mamushi. start.

UlrakiiffC, V 6 < tji, The ordinary

qiji.®, n. Hiraslia, v-^%^, SEBifS. ''*• Woolen cloth of

fcwoe; i.e. those lower in rank than selgwa. scarlet or crimson colour.
Hlrnmalmal, ^^&^t^5w, n. {Conch. \lfelix^^. Hiratabuiif, T>i^ft}f^,^^^,%, n. A flat bot-
Hlrainauie. UfiSfe.^S. «• [Bot.] Leguminosae. tomed boat without keel; a flat.
Hlrame, t> ^ 16, ^ S ^1 n. [lGhth,\ A flat- fish, Hip- Hiratako, U-6feW", n. [Bot.] Fungi fsp.
poglossus olivaceus. Hlra ta- gum o, V6fe<'!6,7i. [Entom.] Arachntda
Hiramekasu* T>f,)b i->ir, p^, v.t. O To flash; to H]ratashl,-J,-ki, V 6 fe t. ^, ¥)^. £^- OFlat,
glisten. @ To brandish, or flourish, (as a level.@ Plain; unadorned; simple.
sword); to wave (as flags). chlmen, ^ ^ ^ i^^, a level piece of
Hata wo hiramekasu, SS ^ P-^ ^ :^, to wave a ground; Miratai kao, ^ & ^, a flat face. -i

flag; Katana too hiramekasu, TJ^P'il:^^., to Hlrataku, CK & 'fe < , ^, adv. Flat; plainly; sim-
brandish a sword. ply.
Hlrainekii, U- &16< , p^, v.i. O To wave or un- Hirataku lianasu, ^^ f^ yi, to speak plainly.
dulate (as flags). @ To glitter or glisten. lllrato, u- 6t, ip- ^, n. The hand spread out.
Dent^ gaiku ni hiravieku, 15!^?^^ = P9 (?, Hirate de uchitaosu, ^W-^tJM^, to strike
the electric lights gleam over the streets; Ina- down with the palm of the hand.
Kvjma hirameku, H it?^^, the lightning flashes. Iliratasa, T>&?2'3, «. The state or degree of be-
/IJraincru, z> & ft ^, M, [£a> v.t. To flatten, or ing flat or level, flatness.
make level. Hlrattaslii.-i,-lfl, y- &yfe L, ^, a. [coll.] Same a«

HJrainl ^^6«^, n. The state or degree of being Hiratashi.

flat. rievel. Mlraiiclii-no-liliuo, t> 6 5 *& ©V I, ^iTS. «.

Hirami wo tsukeru, ti 7 = -^-ftfl-, to fiatten; to Flat braid.

Hlrnmotoyul, W & 4 5f Ift" t>. ^ 7C ^i ". A long mraya, ih&-^, ^g, n. A one-storied house.
piece of white paper folded in the shape of a Hlrayauaeul, U'&j%>ii<*i>, ^iSS^, n. A quiver
PiUbon and used by women as a motoyui. in which arrows can be stuck in a flat fan shaped
Hlramu, t^6tf, zp, v.i. To be flattened; to pros- row.
Syn. HiBEFUsn. Ltrate one's sell'. Hirayano, Z>6-^*1,^M^, n. A flat roof.
Hlranalie, V6t^, ^29, k. A flat and shallow Hllrazamiiral, V- f, T -f! p, \j^, ^ ^, n. Common
pan used for cooking. samurai, or a samurai having no ofiicial rank.
Hlra ni, U-6VC, ^, adv. Earnestly; humbly; ur- tBii-nzn>ii, t>63'-S', ^¥^, n. A short sword with
gently; pressingly. aflattened scabbard, worn on making a journej
Mira ni goyosha, ^ = i3P SJ j^, I earnestly beg in former times. fduty.
your pardon; Hlranl Jcongwan suru, ^ — SI Si6 VBiraKiinie, U- 5 :3' i6, ^ ^, n. Being always on
7. fl', to petition urgently; Sira ni s?iomd suru, HlraKutsiimJ, U-6:::^-7&, 4i?I, SW, n. Same as
4i =L ^;f 3^ :^ p', to ask importunately. I^ikusa.
IIIr»ino, V-i<D, ^ff, n. A level field ; a plain. Hire, u-K, i@, n, O The flns of a fish. @ "coll.]
Hlrano-nlnJIn, w (i ©Iff ^2,•^, E5^ n. [Bot.] The uie;isur6 around the body, girfth.
Peucedanum japonicum. Hire fja aru, t: i^ff y fl-, to be big in the
Hlran sum, t> & A tT 2, K ^, v.t. To open and girth; Sehlre, ^^, dorsal fin.

read (as a letter). Hlrorurii, lyinX'^, v.t. To wave the wide sleeves
Hlrao, t>6 5r, ^Sf. " -A-" ornamental piece of (as a woman in her act of beckoning).
cloth hanging down from the waist of a noble- Hircfu8ii, u-Ji^-^, 4a f^, v.i. To bow downlow;
man's robe worn in former times* to prostrate one's self (as before a superior).
Kimt 7to mae ni hirefusu, ^>U= q;* {^ ^, to Mihirohan, =i^$, three and a half fathoms,
bow down before one's lord. Rlroba, T}-h\S, f^^. «• A wide or spacious

Syn. Heipuku suru. Hiroppn, y-:^-^!*, pUice; a square.


Hlrel* VHV^, |^s9, n. and a. Discourtesy, Im- Hlroblro to, jy^v^^, IS adv. In a spacious Iffi,

politeneas; impropriety; contrary to etiquette; manner; wide; extensive; roomy.

rude, informal, or indecent. Hirohlro to shita yashiki gamae, 0|IS b s/ US
Kami wa hirei iwo vTcezu, f$
*'> 4^9&9- 9:X, ft g|, a mansion occupying a wide area.
god will not accept improprieties. nirobuta, j>Z^1t, fSiS. " A flat broad vessel
Syn. BUEEl, SHIXSUKEI. made after the model of a clothes-chest cover;
Hlreip VHv\, ib^lj, n. [iifa£/i.] Proportion. tray, waiter, salver.
Gorilsu hirei ^^)^'S^, multiple proportion;
Hlroen, V^hXK, ^Wi, n. A wide veranda.
Selhireit jEifi^,common or direct proportion; Hlrogarii, V-^jh'^z, M, v.i. To spread or extend
Temi-pirel, K? ib fiit). inverse or reciprocal propor over; to be diffused or propagated.
tion. Meisei yo ni hirooaru, « g?ifc =|S ^ n-, his re-
HlrelrhnkS, iMxvr 5 *» 5. iii M 31, »• "^ lA ft" putation spreads over the world; Kokkyokitani
Mean proportional.
[Jfat/i.] fportionals. hirogaru, m^Ht~^-)f n-, the boundary of tha
Htrelryo. Wh-V^ '0^5, Jls^S, n. [Jtfotfe.] Pro- country extends to the north.
lllrenlslil, u-JiVcti «• [ConcJi.] Mvrex falcatus. Hlrofforu. W^St^S, gj, ^, v.t. To spread out, ex-
Hlreujnku, u- H ^ J.* ^ < SE ^, + z^ ST. '*• , ^ tend, or unfold; to widen; to enlarge.
[Ornitft.]Japanese waxing, Ampelis japonictis. Mise wo htroge)'u, ^ 05 4^ J^, to widen or
Hiretsii, y-jH"?, ^
'4], 'i- and a. O Baseness; mean- enlarge a shop; ffon wo hirogete yomu, :$: ? i® ?
ness. ©Low; vulgar; unfair; un gentlemanlike.
SB open a book and rpud.
i*, to
Stretsu na otoko, -E^^-?-^, a mean
person; Hirognru, w^SC^, St. 2Se, v.t. To diffuse or pro-
alow-minded fellow; Jfflretsu no fui-umai, ^sjj pagate; to make known; to publish.
> tg S¥, base conduct; an unfair act. Waga setsu-wo Mrogeru, to ^^^M^»-.
Syn. iTASHIKi. '
propagate one's opinion; to publish one's views.
HlrJ, tS V), EK 11, n. anda. Vulgarity; lowliness; Hlrof, w5 !>, a. On foot, walking. Mostly with
countrified, rustic, vulgar. the bono, prefix o for polite expressions.
Hlrl, u-vj, 4^.M, "- and a. Beiug devoid of princi- 0-hiroi de okaeri nl narimashita, jpt p t ^
ple; without reason; unjust; unreasonable; un- K — + V "^ 5/ ^, his honour has come back

fair. on foot.
HirJblrl, iM!?i>i!I, adv. With a smarting pain; in Hlrol-Kserii, i>;si>:^W'3, fg- J:, v.t. To pick up;
a tingling or thrilling manner. to deliver (as a foundling).
Kizu ga hirihiri itatmi, SE?>' t v t v ffi i»,
HlrGt-atsiimerii, U-^V^^-^feSiftJU, ''^t- To pick
the wound gives a, thrilling pain; Hirihiri ka- up and put together.
rat, t V ts y T^ >f , to be tingingly pungent. Hiroi-mono, y^SU-'&O, to ^, '* Anything pick-
Hirlkl, V'^^,^^^, a. Without power, strength, ed up or found on the road.
or influence; feeble; weak; inflrm. Hiroi-mono wo sum, #& i^ ^ pt a-, to pick up
HlrlUf V- yj A,, Jii B?, « Neighbourhood; neigh- anything dropped by another; ITiroi-mono wo
boura. tainvro e todokeru, t^^^^P^-^^^it^, to
Tengai Mrin no gotosht, 3^ S Jt BS .^ fin 2^, [lit.] report to the police station anything found on
the ends of the heavens Cor of the world) are like the road.
neighbours. Hlrotyonil, v^StM:;^, *§ S, n. Picking up tha
Hlrln, l^I9^, S^@. a. Parsimonious; miserly; chief points in a writing (being unable or hav-
niggardly. fquantity, ing no time, to read more minutely).
Illrir>d. zM!)B)j^5, ^^SS, n. [i!fa(A.] Irrational HlrokSjl, T}-y>X.^%', !S /^ ^, IS PS, n. Wide
Hlrltsukeru. vijI-^WZ, St #, vA. [coIL] To lay street; main road.

on eggs (as insects). Hlrolcu. T>^ < M> ^<J'^- O"^ a large scale; widely;

HIritsukii, z>9r7<, ^^, i\i. To feel a pungent extensively.

local pain; to smart; to burn. Gakumon ga htroku naru, ^^^I^^-rff-, to

Hlrltsukii. T^uJ•7<, ^^, v.L To become cramp- extend one's learning; becoming more erudite;
ed (as muscles). Hiroku sho wo'miru, fS ^ ^ ?" "'. ^o read a -JS-

Hlro, u^, $, n. A measure equal to the distance great number of hooks; Kuni wo hirokusuru,
between the hands when the arms are stretch- B 7 ff ^ ^ '^1 ^'^ extend the territory of the
ed; a fathom (-^about 5 feet Eng.). country.
Hlromn, V 6 2 RB, rt. A large room in a no-
, fflf
Puiono auRU, Shiraseru.
bleman's manaion; a hall; a parlour. Hiro eurii,
y- &5il-S, iS^, v.i. To be fatigued
Hlroiiine, u- ^ ^ ^, K r9". w. Before or in the or exhausted by sickness; to emaciate.
presence of the Kami. Hlroii, U-^i. J&^, u-f. To walk; to go on foot.
Hlroinarii, V-^tZ, 5i. vA. To be propagated or Hiroii. u-^i,fj, v.t. To pick up something that
diffuBecl; tobe published or made known. has been dropped; to find on the road.
Nakaigwai ni hiromaru, ^ ^^f- = Si, v ft-, Taikin wo hlrou, i\^f-i^~7. to pick up or find
his name has become known abroad; TasoJcyo a large sum of money.
kokunai ni hiromaru, IK K ?4 18 ft =.gi-rfl-, Chris- HlroiTareru, vT^atiZ, v.t. Pass, ani potent.
tianity l3 Spreading throughout the country. form of above.
HIronip, V-^lh, g ifli, n. [Bot.] Lamlnaria japo- Hlrownseni, v-^IH^Z, v.t. Cans, form of Hlrou.
nlca. Blyoko nl e wo hlrowaseru, ®=|?^titt^*
Hlroiiic. U-^», 5i, n. Introduction; publishing; JL-, to let chickens pick up its food
announcement; advertisement. Hlru, V-Z,-^^, It. [£rntom.] A leech.
Baiyaku no hirome wo sum, ?f gs -^ §i ^ ::^ ft-, HIrii, u>2, iglt, 71. [Bot.] Garlic.
to advertise a nostrum; Kon-in no hirome wo Syn. NiNNiKU.
sum, 4SiS --'3if" :^»-, to make announcement of Hiru, Z, 2, n.
U- QNoon; daytime. [colLl @
a marriage; to introduce a bride or bridegroom Dinner, or the meal eaten about the midday;
to the neighbours; Na no hirome wo suru, ^^ noon meal.
5i ? 7. ft-, to advertise one's name, Hlru-aoki, SB?, noon; Biru ga sugita, 2:iiS^
Illroiiif^rii,u-;^>6S, St, v.t. To spread abroad, ^, it is past noon; Ulru wo tsukau, ^'•ytjV, {
to publish; to promulgate; to propagate; to to take dinner; YoruMru, K2, night and day.
advertise, Tpaga-te a religion. Hlrii, t>2, Sft.f.f- [cof;.] To eject (as from the anus).
Shusfd luo ?Uromeru, ^W^3i>ft-, to pro- He wo hiru, Sf-K(fl', to break wind; Kuso
Hlronil, t>%;^, w. A spacious place. wo hiru, ^ ? St ft-, to discharge the feces.
Iflroulivn, U-^l(itt. IS0. " A spacious yard. Hiru, l^2,=F. K. J@. "-^ OTo dry up; to be freed
Illrono, i>%0, lEJ?, n. A -wide field an extensive ; from moisture. @ To ebb (as tide). © to be ex-
plain ; a prairie. hausted to end.

Hironowo sokury'd suru, IS 55-^ iHDS ^ P-. to Gironga hiru, f^^fftz ft-, the discussion is
survey a prairie; Ilirono wo kaihon surv, % fgf ended; Kuchi ga hiru, P ^f K '*-. '"fft-l the
? BS !g >^ '^1 to reclaim a prairie. mouth dries up; [Jig.] is deprived of food;
Iltrosa, V^2, SS, RS IE. " Width; extent; area. Shto ga hiru, ^ jf ^ ft-, the tide has ebbed.

Kvni no Jiirosa vjn Jiakctru, -^ IS 31 ^ iW B',

Syn. iiEsnAGn, Kawaku, Tsukir(t.

to survey the area of a country; to measure the Hlrii, S. T.'- To winnow or clean grains by
dimensions of a state. repeatedly throwing it up and catching in a mi
Hlroslii,-i,-Ki, l, ISf, W!, M- St.
i> :^ "- Wide; or shallow basket.

broad; extensive; spacious; roomy. Midekomewo hiru, rtx^^StS', to winnow

Gakumon ga hirot, ^^^^^^, to have ex- rice witli a. mi.

tensive knowledge; to be erudite; ffiroki kokoro Hlrudokl, V'Z'^^,i£.^, n. Noon; midday.

nohito, PS # .Ci -^ A, a. magnanimous person; Hlruffnerii, v-Z'b'^-^Z, ^. f'-*'- O To turn over;
Sfajnoari hiroshi, ?? V US £', to have a wide to be inside out. @ To wave (as a flag). ©To

circle ofacquaintance; Munegahiroi, j||J]ft'IS'f. change, turn, or betray.

to be liighminded or generous. Kokki kaze ni hlrugaeru, B JR ^ = BB '^. the
Illroslillil. V-^S,^,1^&, n. Female apartments national flag is waving in the wind; Z&nninni

In a nobleman's mansion. hlrugaeru, ft A = TO '^. to turn to be a good

HlroHiii-ii. U'?>5-^2.4£S. ^'-I- To open and show man.
(as a letter); hence coiTupted to mean: to an- Syn. HiRARITOKAERU, URAGAERP.

nounce, publish, or make known; to advertise, Hirus.icsu, V-Zffl'^-yt, ^.^, v.t. To turn or
Introduce, usher, etc. change (as one's mind).
Go?Uro wo n£gai masu, ffli iS ^ ^ ^ "^ ^•, [coll.] Kokorozashl wo hirugaesv, :Ss^^^, to change

please toll it toothers; T wish you to report one's purpose or will (in good sense).

to the lord; Kalten too hirT> sum, BS ^ ffi S9 Syn. Uragaesc. r^eracea.

7t ft., to announce the opening of a new shop; Hlriiffao. u- 3 i'le, SI ^, ri. [Bot.] Calystegla he-

wo hiro suru, ^ a ^ Si
Sliligen H^ 'i'. to make llirugc, V'ZVf^, S?ft. ^- Dinner; tlie noon meaL
announcement of a marriage. Syn. Chujiki, Hirtjmesfi.
Yllful, o-SKi.jtilS, """ Anything to compare with, Kaban wo Jiisagete yulcu, ?/ ;R V? ffi ? fl J',
match, or equal. to go carrying one's trunk along. ColL Ms-
Yo ni hirui nasM, Ht = Jii 5® ^ &', to have no sageru.
equal in the world. niaaeU w-^ir, W:, « [Bot.] Catalpa Kaempfet-L
Syn. TagUI. Hlsago, y-5G, «, 7t. [Sot.] A calabash, gourd.
HIritll, vSv^V, ffllR, n. Same as fl?rti0«. Syn. FUKUBE, Hyotan.
Illfiilslii, ly-ZV-l., Etc n. [iftw.] "Vermiculite. Hisagrobasura, i>3 ai>r:? &, ^^3, w. [Bot.l
ISiruliMkl, v2*>&, EE$>). " Catching leechea Cissus jtx^onica.
(for medicinal purposes), or a person employed HlsaKo-url, V3a5i!?,SE, n. [Bot.] Tricosan-

In do. thes cucvmeroides.

lliniKo, l^St., Jl-?, ti. The first son of Izanagi- Syn. Karasu-uri. rto peddle.
no-mikoto, popularly called Ehisu and worship- Jllsagii, U'^<', E, S. I'-f. To sell; to hawk goods;
ped as god of trade. Syn. Sabaku, Uru.
U-3S, SPiB, w. and atJu The day-time.
]!ii-iiinft, msaguru, l>5<'3,Si. ^-f- To hold hanging fronf
HJi>uniac, U-5ia-^, S^. ^fiil", a^v. Forenoon. the hand; to carry along with one's self.
VinunaKI, l> S ij @, i1 iffi. " The iron ring Syn. HISSAGU.
around the end of a spear. Hli^al, W^V-, 5P^, n. [(7ft(n.]DuU intellect; im-
H 1 1* nines
111, U-^&L, S®. "• Dinner, the noon becility; stupidity; incapacity. Used chiefly in

meal. fdinner. speaking depreciatingly of one's self.

Hirutneshi too sumasu, S iS ^ ^ v >^, to finish Hlsal, W^Vr,^^, n. [Bot.l Sedum icamtscha-

Hlriiinu, y>s ft, gg^lR, n. [Bot.] Patamogetom tlcum.

natans. Hlsakakl, u-:54>l&, p^, n. [Bot.] Evrya japonlca.

HIriimu, V2tr, j« jg, ^jjg, u(. To shrink back Hisaliata no, l> ^ *> te ®, A >?, A S. (f- An ad-
in fear; to flinch; to be discouraged. jective probably composed from the thres
TeH no iJctoi uio mite hirumu, Sfi --^ ^^ ^ ^ t" words hi (sun), sasu (shine), and kata (side), or
^ A, to flinch at the powerfial appearance of the direction from which the sun shines; used
the enemy. rmrtiinn. as a pillow word for the heavens or heavenly
HiriiiniiNtilro, U- 2 tp ^ 5, Jt- [BoL] Same as objects. rpola.
HiruuiLlia, V-Zti.i}>, ^ ^, adv. Midday; noon. Hlsakn^atn, I^ ^ < fi<te, ;4<ISI. n. A kind of cu-
Hiniue, i> 3 W., fiffi, ^IS, n. Sleeping in the llleau, u5^, BtSS, n. [Chem.] Arsenical a/ild.

day-time; siesta. HIsa m, y-^vc, adv. For a long time; after a

Nusubito no hirune, |SA-^£!flS, [Prov. Itt.] lapse of time.

the sleep of a thief in the day-time. HisansJ, ^^5^W. I^S^iS. " One who formerly
Ktriisiierarl, v-Z^t^V), ST, ftS^. cti^u. Past noon. held the oflBce of Sawffi or tiouncillor of state;
UirttsueU V-Zif^, aig, ^SJ, adv. Past 12 o' also persons of the thu'd or fourth rank of
clock, past noon; afternoon. honour who were eligible to the post of Sangt.
Ilii->d, i>H5, M^\> w. Manure ; fertilizer. Illsao, V55r, ffiS^. « Ramrod.
Jinzo hlryo, AihBG*^. artificial fertilizer IllsnshI, V? L.K, «. A small roof projecting
Syn. over a door or window eaves. ;

Kir:) unikkei-iido, IMO 5 Vz-i-WS^?, UWIR^^ fEisneh1,-l,-kl. l^5L, A. » Long continued;

ft-^, 11. [lfi«.l Gersdorffite. ancient; old.
Htr^uzii, tij?'>;'*, f}§fl|Bif, rt. [Said to be derived Hlsashli wazurai d^i uchifusu, ^i/A 5^ S'fT g^
from a Portuguese word.] Food prepared by A, to be prostrated by a long continued sick-
kneeding together equal parts of ordinary and ness.

glutinous rice flours and frying the mass Iliaaslilbiirl, ^^ ^ S. * W), A^, i\. Long tima
Syn. Gammodoki. since ; after the lapse of a Ion;, tlm '.

Illsabisa, t^ 3 lA-'^i A A. adv. For a long time Hisashtbwi nite ome ni kaharimashica, ^gj
past; long time since ^7 '^U = # V "7 s^ ^1 it is a long time since

nisablsa nite aimashita, AA= ^'.'ig t v &/ I met you.

ic, [coll.} met him after along interval of time. Htsaslilku, »:5:£<,
\, adv. For a long time.
nisitgc, T> ^ W^, fl -T. «• -A. vessel for holding or Hisasku, U'5X,5,
carrying sake. Syn. Nag A KIT.
Syn. CHosni. HIaaslilsa, ^^3:£3, n. The length of time slno*.
nisnscri], U-'S W* 3, ^, w.t. To hold (anything) Hl^atau, y-s-^, fSfL. n. [Epist.] A letter s^nt br
banging from the hand; to carry along with. ft quick desp "t; [lit.] flying nobs.
HIS 3b6

Wsatsu wo motte Tnoshiage soro, TR fb ^ EL t" to bruise; to crush; to flatten. @ The sound of
* ± SI. I inform you by express letter. whipping, smashing, etc.
HlseSil. t>^rg,BG:Sy, a. and n. Fat or lean, plump Iktni wo hishigu, ^f- ^^, to crush the power
or emaciated, fertility and barrenness. <'i, to humble.
Hln^elii, 0-t&,BfcH. "- [3i"i7J.] Native arseoic. Ryn. KujiKU. fseverely.
liitieii, U-fr^, B6^, n. Irrigation water. Mishiiilslii to, z>£,U-^if, adv. Firmly; tightly;
Hlyoii, o--a:/„ ?lfig2. '-. A last ship; an express Ilishihishi toshiharu, t ^t 3/ h ^ ;t, to bind
boat. fsocml station). tightly (as a criminal); lilshihi.sJii to muchi-
Hiseu, ^^-y:^,^.^, Humble, low, ormean(in
utm, t £/ t s/ I- K y, to whip severely.
^^-tt'^, 0iaE, a. Condemning wars; advo- HisliiSiaktishi, T>Xi3>< L, Sfl^, ". [coJi.] Hiding
cating peace. Used mostly in composition.
or concealing; keeping anything secret.
IJistTisetsu wo shucK^su, ^^Sffi 36 f- i. ?S :7,, to Histiilcaliiisii, V'£,i>< To concealer
'^,UM> '"i-
advocate peace; to maintain anti-war views; Sen hide; to make a secret of.
to hlsen to tmada kessezu, S? h#SBf-^*'ift:^ Hlslilkl, vZ^, iKWCr " A square piece of mica
y^, not decided between war and peace; HlsentTi, or other material for covering the fire in an in-
^^ W. %.< anti-war party. Syn. KusiiiKT. Lcense pot.
Hiaen-Uen, CA -^ ^W ^, W^ fffl. "• The right of Hlsliiko, t>*(l, l!S. "- [ichVi.] Enoraulls up.
being elected. HishiliTul. V-X< i>, fflj, n. iOrnilh.] Bean Goose,
Hiseii-tiJii, I^•-^^^/^^, ?S^A, n. One having Ansel' scgetum serrirostris.
the right to be elected. Hislilincki:, V- S. 16 < , tft, v.i. To make a loud
HJsetsii, v-'t-o, ?i5'#, n. [CTiIn.j Falling snow. noise, clamour, or uproar.
Hiitet.^n fiimpuji, U!l^^^, Pnow falling in Syn. Sawagitatsu, Sogdo sitru.
dense masses. Hisliinioolii, u- S. % ^,
g®f, ic Mochi or rice-
nishn, nX-^, ^M, The name '>-• of a chessman cake made in the form of a diamond, to be of-
In the game of shogi; rook. lereil to the Jiinai^).
Hlshnliia, u-£-^(, #5 tv. " A ladle; a dipper. Hisliinii. v-:^ih. ^Vt, v.l. To starve to death.
Pyn. ShakTj. Syn. GA3HI SDRU, UEJINU.
Hlshakii, V-X-^<, fR^> '!• Going about shaking Hislijiiiil, u-X&LU-, SM". fi- A kind of embroi-
the shakujTi, or the wandering of a Buddhist dery (tessellated pattern). fvegetables.
priest to perform religious devotions. su- Hisliio, U'iSti, ^. 'n. A kind of pickle used for
nt, r.!. To go about tor religious devotion, or Hisltlo. x>£,<d, "f-W, n. The ebb tide.
to make pilgrimage. Hislii to, ii£.)£.,%-. adv. S&Toe a,s Sishihtsht.
Syn. ANC.YA SURU, UNSUI. Ulslii to omoi-akiraniu, ^ \' ^'^ T ^^ 7 A, to
Hlnlil, i> L. ^^,pr07t. That and this; they and we dismiss entirely from the mind; Kokovo ni hisht
ffishi mina shikari, fgf ^ -g ?- ^ V . the same to kakele, -C-^ ^ h :» ^ 7=, to fix firmly in tha
with every one. mind; UOf wo hisfii to toraete hanasazu, E5 ^^
Syn. AcHiKOCHi, Karekore. I- Jfi
'^ 7= )5ft i*- >C, to hold another's arm tightly
Hlslii. T> L, Xi^. '" A kind of harpoon for catch- and not let it go.

ing fish. fed spear. HImIiU^ii. ^£-7, $!-M, o,- Low and moist.
IBislil, v-X, ^^Si, n. A trident or double head- f/tshitsu no chi, ^fS^^, a low and wet
Hlslil, t^ U fl?^, 1- A flying or stray arrow. land. fgrass.
Syn. Nagareya, Sokkva. fflialiiwa, !>;£[*, n. [-B"'.] Panicum, or panic
Hishl, u- L, S!. SI. '*- [^"'-J The water caltrops, HisIiiziiiiio-uiatsiirJ, u- i :p" fc ^-7 ?^.!K^, n.
>(t ,

Trapa Mspinosa; Trapa incisa. A ceremony performed at the Imperial court in

Illsliihai, I>^tfu^, gi?:, ". The ashes obtained the latter part of summer and winter for ward-
by burning the seeds of tlio above, for flUing ing off conflagrations.
an nicen.-i: pot. llisho, v-X X, U i&. '*' O Books kept secret, or
HlshJsniit, v-j.ii'\iz, n. [Zoim Parthenope ap. IHiose treating of secret subjects. @
Hlslif^nta, V:£ft'fe. ^1^, n. [JtfatA.] Rhombus. secretary. fmer.
Hlshlgebana, V£V?li'5, BA, " A nose sunk- Hisho. v-£i, ig 3^, n. Avoiding the heat of sum-
en naturally or by disease'; a flat nose. Htsho gatera ojisen ni yukei-i, '^%-1f 7 9 iS ^
HlHliigerii, l^;£^?^, v.i. To be flattened ; to be =tf *- V he went to the hot spring, partly to

crushed or maslied. fday. avoid the heat of the summer; Hi^ho ni yuku,
Hlshlsotn, U-;£a>^, H tt0. ". Work done by the i^^=i^i'^. to go on a trip to avoid the heat
laisliieii. n£.<'. tS. v.t. OTr break into pieces; of summer
suru, v.l. To avoid the heat of summer. Illsuiiicrti, U-tftX.S?, 'O.t. To contractor wrin-
Syn. HEKiSHO. kle the eve-brow.
BlsbS, U'S.-^S, W^, n. A military
or naval of- ifayu wo htsomeru, )Q j- ^jt )U, to contract th«
ficer second in rank to a general or admiral. eye brows (as in anger, pain, or anxiety); to
Hlsho, v-;^^5, -3^ift, a. [Mn.] Amorphus. frown.
Hlslioku» V-^i.i, #©(, ". A temporary retire- MlsomSgokoro, U-ti^StS, 7t. Shyness; timidi-
ment with no pay for the maximum period of ty; baahfulness; modesty.
three years, at the end of which the individual Hisomii, v-^ip, ii, v.i. To lie concealed; to lurk.
loses his official status if he is not recalled to his
Uwo fuchi = IS A, the fish lis
ni hlsomu, ^ {RS
post. rcolour.
hidden in the depth of the river or pond; OcMu-
Klslioku, y- ;£ 1 <', Sfl-fi, "• Scarlet or crimson
do mica ni hisomu, JS Ai@^^ == ?3 A, the fugi-
Hlsliokwan, l>£,i:<45^, (SJ^IT. " A pri- tive lurks in a farmer's house.
Hlssholovau, U•y;£i<45^, vate secretary to a '
Minister of State or the President of the Privy
Hlsomu, j>^-i?,-^.,M, V.L To fall, -.n (said of the
mouths of old men).
HIslio sum, ^^^^5^^^, M'^i "* Toflyorsoar
Hleosekl, ihsi-fr^, SkHTEi «• 'ifl'i.l Native ar-
(said of birds).
Maikakeru, TobikAkeku.
Iliso suru, ^^55^^^,?K^, »i- To run fast; to
Hiabd siiru, y-^5-^2, ib^. v.t. To compare; to
hurry in walking.
Hisoyaka nl, U- 1 -^i* K, fStS, adv. Secretly,
lllsbo siini, -oZ ^ 5-^ 3. 2£ ffi. 'o.t. To grieve,
softly, stealthily.
lament, or mourn for.
Syn. HisoKA yi, Shinobitaka ni.
Hlsliu, a-jEW", ^%\ n. rCiiw.] A dirk or dagger.
Ilissabaku, v-y:^^<, v.t. [coll.] Same as Hlkt
Hlso, T>^, Wa^, n. [C^/imn.] Arsenic.
Hiso, y- 5 5, ISS. rt- [Clltn.] The blue *ky,
Hlssagevu, U- v 5 tt- 2, ?| Jl, v.t. {coU.\ To carry
azure heavens.
anything hanging from the hand; to carry
Hlsd, U- 1
5, ffGf®, n. and a. Fat or thin (as per-
along with
sons); prosperity and decay (as of countries).
Katano. wo hlssagete iaemuJcau, 7J ^ 51 ffi ^HJ
Hiso* U>'S5, ^10, n. and a. Outward look, mere
JS"7. togo out to meet, carrying one's sword
appearance; shallow or superficial.
in the band.
Siso no ken, £S JB -^ ^, superficial view, shal- %n. Hisagu.
low opinions. Hlssau, I^-^5^, ^ ^, n. Calculation with figures,
Hlsd* J>'^5, SgJi±, a. Exciting melancholy; spirit- r^otwith soroban (abacus).
stirring; touching. Hissan ni taJcetaru hito, S SC = g ^ ^ fl-A, a
Hlsolilso, v-^i>^, ® ??. O^u- Secretly; private-
person skilled in calculating with figures.
ly; silently; softly. Alssaraeru, U- 7 3 ^ -~« Z. v.t. [coll.] To take all
Hisohiso hanasu, Sf STiS ^, Co talk secretly. away; to make a clear sweep.
Syn. KoasoEi TO, Naishode. 2bfcM ga kane wo hissaratta Mif^^^^y^^y
Hlsoka V'^i>'^^,^, a. O Secret, pn-
Diiru, it, the thief has carried away all the money.

vate; @ Quiet; retired; obscure. Hissel. i>v^\f^,^^,n. A secretary, writer, or

Msoka nam basho, ® B' ^ ^, a retired -J- copyist employed in a public office; scribe.
Syn. SHI2DKA KARU. Lplace. Syn. Kakitaku, Shajisei, Shoki.
Hlsokn. Hi, V-^i^V^, %, SE> ®. oAv. Same as Hiso HisBOJ, U-y^V-, ^S&, w. Force, manner, or free-
Jiiso. dom, of handwriting.
Ujisomftru, V^i£2,S, v.i. OTo lie concealed; Bissei ryo no gotoshi, S© frti ffS. his manner of
to retire. @ To be quiet or undisturbed; to be writing is as free as the movement of a dragon.
pacified. ©
To fall asleep. Syn. HITSLRYOKU.
HlsomcEiu. V-^)i><,^^.v.i. To speak secretly; Hissel, x>v^\r-,^ ^>o.dv. The whole life; as long
to talk In a low voice to whisper. ;
as one's life endures.
Syn. Sasataku. Syn. Issu5, ShOgai.
HJsomeru, V^ftZ.ia, v.t. O To hide or conceal. HJsseki, V-j'^^,M^, « Handwriting; penman-
® To lower (as the voice). ship.
Koe wo hisomete mit.siidan. suru, gg f- ?a ? ® |5 Syn. FCDE XO ATO.
>( ft., to talk together in a low tone of voice; Mi Hissou, y•y-^^^, SSS. « [I«.J Figliting with
wo hisomeru, # f- ^ > *-, to conceal one's self. pens; [jlff.]controversiea conducted in writings.
Buch aa In papers, mngaziues, etc. Takes the
usual verb forms.
Bitai ni shiwaga yoru. ?E - ©V an-, to have
wrinkles on the forehead.
HIssen, V"j ^ /u, ^^, n. A small metallic or
Hitalgami, o-fty-fjT^, ^^, n. The forelock.
porcelain basin lor washing writing brushes in.
Syn. Maegami, Nukagami.
Hitaignne. o- ft y ti'*a,![ffi&, «. A thinraetalUo
Hlssha, j}.y^Jir.^
K^, 7t. A secretary or writer; plate attached to that part of a liachimaki or
ascribe; a copyist, turban which comes over tlie forehead.
RisshI, y-y L, ^.^, ''- Pen and paper; writing. Hitaljiro, y- ft i> Z* ^, W.^. " A white spot on
rrisshi n'l tsukushi gatashi, SSS — S •>"
1^ s^. the forehead of a horse.
hard to express I'uUy in writing; indescribable Hitar-KutsiimJ, U>fty-:3'r7?>, fg, n. A veil.
with a pen. fdesperation. Hitahl, fe5, i/c!^, n. Anciently, fires burnt In
nisshl, lA'yS. ii>%, I'. Must die, i.e. certain death; or out of doors for the purpose of illumination,
no hatarahl, if5E-^i3B*, a desperate
or bon-firea; later, a brazier.
no Tcahugo,
effort; Sisslii ?E -^ IS, making up i)Gf. ^ Hitakibo, T}--tt%\^^.n'Km, II- Tongs.
one's mind, or being prepared, to die Sisshl no ;
IlltaUI-dolforo, 'O-ft ^^t^, ^S5. 7l. A brazier;
kUTUshimi, !Cf.?E-^^=i a death struggle; His-
a lurnace.
s?ii wo kLwaviu, .fif. 5E ^ ^ -i* . to be prepared to Hltahiya, U-ft&-S», i^ i^M, ri. A small building
or shed in the Palace where the night watch
Ilisslio, t>-jX^^, ijif-Sf, « Certain victory. built fires to warm themselves.
Hissho wo kisu, .a, ^ ^ M ^. to count on Ifltakuni, i>ft< z, W. H ©, v.i. To approach the
evening; to be late; to grow late.
Illsslni. V-y£,V}3, ijif.J@, a. Necessary; indispen-
Illtanilclil Hi, Vfz.?f-%\/!, arlv. Earnestly; with
sable; essential; requisite.
the whole heart; intently; wholly.
Hlesoku. lhy^( JE^, n. Imprisomnent in one's
Syn. HiTOaUJI ni,
own house (a way of punishing samurai in llitaniono, yft 6 O, "E, — fS], adu- Same as above.
former times). sum, v.i. To be confined Illtau, I^ft^,||jft. '"- Qrief; sorrow; lamenta-
to one's o\7n house for some offence.
RIsBOVI, U-rfO.tS^. ^f'u- Quieh, retired, seclud-
mtan ni t^uritrv, Sg Et =. S ft-, to be absorbed
ed; silently, softly, still.
ingriel"; Hitan no namida, Jg KX --' S, tears of
iTissoH sJiita tokoro, f^S^s/ H Bi, a. lonely sorrow.
place. eurii, v.t. and i. To grieve; to mourn.
Syn. KOSSORI, SlTTZUKA. Ilitaru, U-fe3.g, v.i. To be immersed in water;
lllsso to, y-v't^, a&v. Same as above. to be steeped; to be soaked.
Itisiil, x>it\r, Hia, n. [Ornitfi.1 A king-flsher. Mzu ni hitaru, ^iz^.'^iu, to be steeped In
ISl Slim, v-^'3, g;., v.t. To keep secret; to hide water.
or conceal. Syn. TSUKARU.
I£l 8I1I-U, vii'Z, it, v.t To compare or match. Illtaslil-mouo, t> ft t % K>, g ^, 5pf, 7t. Greens
Syn. KURABERU, NAZORAU. boiled and steeped in soy.
Ilita, y-fe, 51 IS, n. [camp, of Iliki and /(a.] Same Syn. Yddemono.
as Nai'uko. EBlCaslilro, X}-1z.Z^, Ut^. " Pure white (said of
Illta, i>fe, 71. Same as M(7a (® ^). flags).
HIta, y-te, E, "EH, adv. An adjective prefix raenn- Ilitasu, ntit,^.fS, f'-t- To immer.se, steep, soak,
Ing pure, unmixed, unstained, undeflled, enrn- or macerate.
68t,etc Sfioyu ni Jiita.tu. =
ElUl iS ^, to steep in soy.
mta kurenai, j5. ^ t-- 9- ?f, puio red. Syn. TsuKERU.
Syn. Ilitasu, U-ft-^, ig. v.t. To bring up; ^o rear; to
Illtafiiru nl, v fe i Z K, SJ, — acJv. Same as [ii],
ffiiasura vL Ilirasiira, u-ft^6, adv.
i^iff, Erirnestly, humb-
llUaliitn. th ft U- ft, adv. Producing sound like ly; Rtrenuou.sly; intently; with the whole heart.
that made wiien water splashes.
IlUasura ikeii wo kmvau, R 'g' -?
^i ft Jjp -7, to
SUahlta ttchinoru, t ^t ftifT^*'. to ride advise or caution earnestly; Hitaaura ni ottwu,
splashing through the water. R ff = .B 7, to think of with zeal, to \ove with
Hltal, t>ftl>, BJ. ""• OThe forehead. ®A lady's one's whole heart; Bitasurani tanomv..
head drops worn in ancient times. The part © @ A, to beg humbly or ask importunately.
of a kamnvuri or a>osht touching the forehead. Syn. ICHizu ni. Moppara. Shikiri »i
Hitatarer ihfefth., MB. rt. Anciently, clothes Ilitoliaral, iM£tf 6U>, A Jilt, '*. Clearing a rooia
worn by common people; later, a kind of robe ofperp'^ns (as for secret conference).
worn by nobles only. Hltobasliira, i>>^li^b.Att. «• [Mt,] Man-
pillar; an ancient custom of burying a person
Hlta to, U-fe)?, la. «'*i'- "ffi. O The sound of strik-
ing one hard thing against another. ©Tightly; alive on laying the foiiDdation ot a bridge, sup-

closely. ©
Directly, without the interventioD posed to be efficacious against the evil influence
of another. of the god of river.
mta to tsukv, IS b '5' ^, to stick or adhere Ilitoblto, y-^u.'!^, A A, n. Iptur. of Hlto.'i Men;
closely; Mia to utsu, IS h fl '>'. to strike with persons; people; everybody.
a sharp sound; Ilita to yorisou, S h ^^ 7, to HJ-tob08lii-govo, v-'Sia: tZ.^, S^i^CfS. ffff, n.
draw close to. The time of lighting lamps; the evening dark.
Hltaya-Komorl, w-te-^(£4»!). '^^B. Keep- '»• Ilitodakarl, V- ^ T!iij> Mi \^, n. Crowding of

ing one's sell confined in the house; seldom people.

going out; a home-body. Hitodakari ga sum, K^if ^ Jt, to be crowd-
Hlten euru, vtA.-^Z, JttS5, v.t. To criticise and ed with people.
mark any literary work. Illtodama, iM^^-a,ABS, 7t. A phosphorescent
Hlto, u-^. A, " 0-A.man; a human being; man- light rising from a grave yard, ignorantly sup-

kind; person. ©Another person; others. © posed to be the spirit of the dead.
Quality of mind; personal character. Hitodanoiiil, iMf 7tkQ>7*, A®, n. Depending or
relying upon otliera; confiding in others.
Hito ni stiru, A = ^ n't to bring up to be a
man; Mlto to nam, A I- -^ «', to grow up a Hitodanoml dewa rachl ga akan, A^t' *\

man; to reach manliood; ITUo wo hito Umw sezu, ^ if Ti} V, you (or I) rely upon others,
[coii.l if

\=f- \
h -=6 ^ >C, nat to regard another as a it done promptly.
will never be

man; to alight others; ffito ni iraisivru. As* Syn, HiTOMAKASE.

ftJS^ "'. to depend or rely upon others; ITito HUodane, U-iC?e4a, Affl, n. Number of men,
no fco wo yasMnau, A
^ ^ ^ ^ V, to bring up population; race of men.

or educate another's child; ITito no kuni wo Hitodane ga tsukiru, Affl^ffi#»', the hu-
tiftow, A ^
^ r ^ "7, to seize another country; man race becomes extinct.
Hito no te ni hakaru, A-^^— 3? » /^l to die Hitode, iM£-ff, is ffi ¥, «. [Zoel.] A species of star-

in the hand of another ; Jllto ni koyu, A = M^. fish

to surpass others; Hlto ga warui, Aif V ft' '1, llUode, V IfT!, A?-, n. O The hand of another.
his character is bad, he is evil-minded. © The assistance or help of another person.
— "• Ooe. ©Once, one time. Hitode ni kakaru, A^^^Wtn-, to die by the
Hlto, w^, ,
Mtto ame, —J^, & down pour of rain; Sito hand of another; Hitode wo karnt, A^?- fS*-,
[coll.] to borrow another's hand, or to be assisted
furl, —
B?, one sword, spear, or halberd; Mito

ftisa, — ?S, (^ a bunch

flower, a cluster of flowers ;
by another in doing a work.
<aH of grapes);Bitohaba, 1)@, one breadth (of
— HItodorl, U-i^^ttlJ, AJM. 7t. The passing of per-
clothes); Ifito hari no maku, i|!l>K. one — sons through a road.
tent; a curtain; Bito hi, — H, one day; Sito Hitodori gaoi, AISi*"$ -f, a large number
kakae no taklgi, — JS -^ flff. ^° armful of fire of people pass to and fro; is much crowded;
wood; MUo kire no gyuniku, — S^>4^RI, a Hitodori no sukunai machi, AJffi^ii^^i^Wi a

slice of meat; Hito luiaari, —^, a single line street not much traversed by people.

(as of characters); Hito mure no hitsuji, — HJv Syn. Orai, Yukiki.

^, a flock of sheep; Hito nigirt, — S, a hand- Hltoe, — S, 71. and a. Q A single layer;
IK i? -',

ful; Hito tabt, — S., oiie time, once. single not double.
; ©
Cont. of Hitoeglnu. A ©
Hits, V-'fz.5, yi fti "• [Sot.'] Bed blossomed peach- flower with a single raw of petals.
tree. Syn. HiTOHIBA.

Hltoal, U'^3&V,A-d'i "• Intercouse; associating Hltoeslnu, V ^ '^ irib. -SaSc. n. A garment not
or mingling with others sociability. ; lined, or of one thickness.

Hitoai ga yoi, A^W (ff 'f , he is very sociable. HItoe-mono, t^ if -^ ft 0, .S i^. ffl ^, « CoUo-
quial form of above.
Hltoaslil, tM£;3& L. ^JS. n- Footsteps.
Hito-astii sMaeshi, AJESs/, to be crowded; Hltoe nl, T>i?— K, ^. ci^v. O Entirely, wholly,

exclusively. @
Earnestly, humbly.

Hltobanare, » ^ tf tc H, A IB, n. Avoidins the Hitoe ni tanomu, (B=i ^ i., to beseech eameat-

fiociety of others; seeking solitude. Syn. HlTASDRA, HITOSUJI NI. Lly.

HHoriide, V-yrXl!, —m-, n. [lit.^X stroke of tH8 TTit^goto nt tou, ®A= Rfl "7, tn rinestion each
pen a few lines (as in a note or letter). Formerly
; person; every body asks. Tbody.
much used in beginning letters; the custom u Hitohnda, tȣiaf2, A}^, ft. Temperature of the
still followed by ladies. HJtoliann. u-^tJtE, — TE, « OA single blossom,
RltofuSe shimeshi inairase soro, — S tS ^ 9 le one flower. © Flourishing but for a time.
^, I write you a few lines. Hitohadanaranii, v- '£ iX Ta^ ^ Hi, TiC. "• Pal-
Hlto^ali), U-irti'?, AS, 71. Clay images set sied; paralyzed; insensible.
aroxind the Imperial sepulchre as guards (in NItojIolii, V££;%, Agf. « Aho.stage,
ancient times); [?((.] man hedge. Hitojichi wo okuru, A ^ ^ iS to give a

TIItos»innsIil,-l,-1il» U-if ft'3: L, « Becoming n hostage; nUojiciiL to naru, A @' h ?• s-, to be-
man; manly; genteel; refined. come a hostage.
Hitognrn, U- i£ fjJ t, A JS. ". Quality ofm.in; HltojlDl, u- i? ;£• i/t, A 5E, ". The death of some
personal character or appearance. one, or some body killed.
Hitnnaraga warui, Affi?>' ^'f , a vulgar-look- Bitojlni ga lit'litn, AVZi^ Ui^ ^, there wag
ing prrson; he is ill-natured; Yoi Jiitogara desu, a person killed: Tiitojinl aa sukunai, AVtif 'J^
Iff 'f A ^5' 7-, \coU.} he is fine-looking; he is ^ >) , there are very few deaths. fnian.
goodtempered. Hftoknge, V-':f.i}>)if; Aft;. «- The shadow of a
HltoB'^tn. ViTfttfe, AJK,ffl!, n. Q An image of mtokage ga chi ni vtsvrii, A fl£ /^ = Bt J»-. iiJs

a man , statue. @ Same as Kalashiro. ©A the shadow of a man is seen on the ground; JJi-
person substituted for tlie dead in celebrating toka^e mo mfriv, A S£=e ^ ^ ^, not even the
the latter'8 anniversary. shadow of a person is seen.
Hltogoiiashi,-I,-J«!, U- i^ V> "^ L. ?ffi A ^, a. Un- HUohai, t^i?4>l^, AW, l?/ffi#. « [coil.] A kid-
becoming a man; inhuman; base; despicable. Syn. Kadowakasei. Lnapper.
HitosiE«I, t^iCr&, AH. n. The hearing of Hltcikata-unrazii, t>^*>tetC6?, 7f. — :S, a. and
others. adv. UnsujiUy; uncommonly; greatly in a high ;

no wainti koto wo iu, A 1^ ^ S! 'f ^

Jlitogiki ? degree; immensely.
x; 7, to speak anything which one is fi^'ian.pj Bitokaia-narozu gokH wo komuri mashita,
to have heard by others; JTilooifci vo fiabakaru,
7;-:^05E:E'. ^S? V vs/S. [coil.] I am very
A M ^ 1^ ^. *o fs^'^ ^^^^ others should hear, grehtly indebted to you for your kindness.
HItogiro, U-i??^h., ABf, «. The stoppage or cessa- Syn. Sajiazaua. Tplo, population.
tion of the passing of people. Hltokneii. u.>fA>$, A K. '" The numberofpeor
Hitogokochl, i> if a C*5, A<C.Sfe, «- Feelings; Syn. Ni.xTo. Niszu.
sensations, Hlt«>kire, uif^H, Ai^, n. [coii.] 7^f.] A piece of
mtogokochi mo sezu, A^iift^^ :A, to loose a man; a single persoii
sense ; to become faint; was insensible. Hitnkire mnmienv, A^^B "- 3f . not even a
HItogoUoro, ^^ >^ a Ji !S, AA n. O Human single person is seen.
mind; the heart of the people. @ The feelings, Hitoktrl, u-lf &V), A^.sH^, n. An excutioner.
sensations. Syn. KuBiKlKi
Kawari yasvi hitnrfokoro, S? V ^ 'f A»&, the Hltokliva, tM^gia. — [^, a(?r. In a higher degree;
fickleness of the human heart; Hitogokaio ga preeminently; conspicuously; particularly.
tsukv, A<Ci^ '>'^. to become sensible (as after a HiloMwa jozuaa, — |^ Jt^^, he (or she) is
swoon). more skilful; Hitokiwa medatsv, — ^ B 5 '9', to
Hltogoml U-lfS;^, ASi,?Sff, "• Crowd of peo- be conspicuous; Botokiwa sngurete miywru, —
ple; a crowded place. Ta murderer, PBffi '-' t' ^ 3- »-, to appear to be superior; to
HItogoi-oslil, I^)f &^ L, A?<i, 5B-fE. " Murder; look preeminent among.
Hltogoto, T>^S:ifr, AHI. "" Things relating to Hltokuclil, V)t <%, ~ U, n. A mouthful.
others (usually in a bad sense). Bitokticht-mono de ho wo yaku, — U ^ t'ISI^
Ilitogoto, iM^a^, Ag", "• O Talking about ^. [coll. Frov.] [lit] to scorch the cheek by

others. ©Others' words; rumour; report, eating something at a single mouthful; a little
mtogoto vm shiivH fiataslil, AW-^ fSS>fli s/, indulgence is often the cau=e of a great calamity;
popular rumour can not be trusted; Ilitogoto to burn oneself by greed.
wo fit bekarazu, A^9^^'7'<:fj9:^, don't Hltokuelii ui, v^Ci^VC, adv. Q With one
talk about others. motion of the mouth; with one bite. ® In »
Hltogoto nl, u-ifaifVc, ®A, adv. Each perBon; word; in a perfunctory manner; speaking In »
every one; every body. rash war.


SitoJcitcM ni hydsu, — p = ^ ;:«, to criticise Hitonioll, tt'Z^Z'. "B, n. [Sot.] An onion,
tn a summary manner HitokttcM ni Tcuitsxikusu,; Syn. NEGi. fBp.
— P = @- 1 ai ?t, to eat up in a mouthful. HJtonioto-siisitki, u-if i&i?-?'-it-?f,7t. [Bot.\Eulalia
nitoinn, u- if a, AM, »• The absence of the oc- HltomitknsBil. T>i^tf4>L, — =ff, n. Olden time;
cupant (as of a house); no body being near. a decade of years.
Eitoma wo uJcaoau, A ^ 9! "7, to look out fffi
llftoiniikt 111, t>^tr& VC, —}^, adv. With one
whether any body is near. turn; earnestly; devotedly; with the greatest
Hltoinne, u-lf)a— A It, S ,n. The presence of fill",
care or zeal.
others; public gaze. Tiiiomuki ni hataraku, — fS] = fiS ^, to work
Bitnmae ga warui, AftJ^U /, indecent; Si- diligently; to make a strenuous effort.
tomae wo tsuTcurau, A ? ^ f "7, to make a
(]} "S*
show. rtating others. Hitoiinilam, V^'^n.T^K, A^^ n. a crowd of
Hltoiiiaiic, j^C^tx, AJlffl, n. Mimicking; imi- people falling together to one side.
nwmanekomane, AEi^=f^^, [coii.laping; Hltouaka. z> if ?;:*>, AtJ^.^K^t', n. Among %
mtcmiaiir. wo sum, A E 'J^^ 7.ft., to mimic others. crowd of people; before the public.
Hitoini]^!!, v-'^'^ir, Af^, n. A square space be- Hitonnitil, x>)£.'^7t; A3£, «. The generality of
tTveeu the outer and inner gates of a castle, mankind; the common run of men,
used for numbering troops. ffor the present. Hitonami ni shigoto ga iJriiru, Ajlfe — ffclffV
Hltoninzu, i>ifS^, — ^, adv. Now; for a time; lb !K It', can work like other men; Bitonami yori

Hitomazu chushi to sMmasu, — 3E f|j it h s^ v masaru, A'^^ W^fi-, to excel the generality

:^,icoll.] Twill stop for a short time; Mtffmazu of people.

yuite mlmash^, — ^ff y ^ vg/a t?, Icoll.} let HlCouniiil III, v-)£l^^vc, adv. Like other people;
U3 go Just for a time. piitogiisa. like the common run of men.
Hltokiisn, U- ^ < ^, A]^, » 4, Same as Ao- To become
7b. Hltoune-pi-ii, v'£'^ ti/B, AM. "•*•
Hltoino, V)£ib, AS, n. The eyes of others; familiar with others.
public sight; the world. H]toulku8lil.-l,-ki, i>>fvr< t, AS, a- Offen-
mtomo ni A @ = iJS Jt-, to be seen by
kakaru, sive in the sight of others; disagreeable; hat«-
others; Bitome wo habakaru, A S ^ ^» ;t, to lul; ugly. fAscartsliimbi-icniilea.
fear that people should see; Bitome wo hazuru, Illtniiobai'aniusbl, tMr©tt'^?P L.ttiil, '". [Zool.]

AB^ lit »-, to be ashamed to be seen by others MItou mirti, I^^^^S,i^^, v.t. andi. [CMn.]To
Bitome wo kanuru, A
@ ^ ;t-, to be concern- ^ escape from ; to keep away irom; to avoid.
ed about the seeing of others; Bitmie wo sMno- Syn. NlGEKAKI'ItLT, NlGKNOGARU.
6w, A B ^ S. -f, to avoid the notice of others; Hltoonio SHi-ii, tMf5fffc-^2, A IS M, u.<. To feel
Bitome wo tsutsumu, Ag^ ^ » i*, to conceal abashed (in the presence of strangers); to b9
from the public sight. timid or shy. fblow
Hltome, i>i£!6, — S, n. A glance of the eye; a Slltooinol III, i> ^C^ % V- Vt, cidv. With a single
quick look; a swift survey. Bitoomoi ni sashikorosu, ,S=i^Sfi^, To —
Bitome miru, — g ^ »-, to get a glimpse of; to kill at a single thrust of a sword.
cast a glance Bitome ni weLkaru,
; — @ = ^ ^ ^, If itooto, V- '£ifz)C, AS, n. The noise of a man
to perceive at a glance; to be plain at once. walking or moving; footsteps.
Hltoineknslij.-l.-kl. TMrftA>L, «.- Looking Hltornslil^-l.-kl, V >f i; L, a- Looking like ft
manly; becoming a man; genteel. man; mnnly or womanly. fconduct.
Hltoineknsu, V' '£'iibi>ir, v.i. To appear like a Bitorashii okonai, t b^s/'f^t, manly
man; to look manly; to be genteel in appear- Hitui'i. i>^ U), —A, w. One person.
Hltomckii, v-)t1^<, v.i. Same as above. Lance. HItorl, V-^Vf, 3S, adv. By one's self; singly;
HltoiiBl, V-)^^, ^, ?^, Ei. n. The pupil of the eye. alone; only.
Syn. KUEOME. Bitori de kangau, to be thinking of
^y-'M y,
HUoinl-soku. V-'iC^^ < 3, A^$fim. n. Q alone; IJitoii de kiiraf^n, !!E r IS :^. to live .^lonB;
Human sacrifice offered to a god. @ [coll.] Serv- to lead a single life ; T/itort d-e Tnanabu, (USt-* 5:/,
''inganother for no good to one's self, or at the to study by one's self; Bitori de yuku, ig t* ^^,
expense of one's own fame. to go alone.
Hltomlsliirl, v'£7f£.y). A il *P, S S£, " Being HItorl, U-^'il, A kind of an incense pot,
^fil, n.
fearful at the siglit of a stranger (said of babies). consisting of a wooden box lined with metal,
Syn. OMOTEGIRAI. and a cover of copper mesh work.
HltomoJI, iMfSC 7*. Same as fff(o/ude. I Hltorl-ainma. V^)£^'hA,'^, MB!^. "• O Sham-
pooiDE with one's own hand. @ An Instrument Syn. DOtO NT.

with which one shampoos oneself. HJtOHhIo, u>ifS.W:, — A, — ^, aclv. Much more;
Hltori-l?ltorJ, u-^ijJU-'l^ <!),— A, aav. One A— still more; in a greater degree.
person after another; one by one; severally. Hitoshio hone wo oru, — A ^ ^^ /^, to work
Bitorl l>UoH ni naru, — A — A = ?• fl', to be- harder still ; Hitoshio nen wo ireru, —A ^A ;§;

come separated; Hitori-bltort sJiiraberu, —A— L- &, to do more carefully.

AS^'<J^, to examine one man after another; Syn. HITOKIWA, ICHIDAN.

Eitori-bitorl ni yob^.'iasu, — A— Al^fcflU^. to Hitoshio, U-it^a, — H, «. Fish or vegetables
call out one by one. salted but slightly.
Hitoridjiclii, u.if u);:-"^, JSi;, Mi, n.anda. O Hitosuji nl, y. i^ ^ %- v;, — US, adv. Earnestly;
Standing alone (saitl of a child just learning to zealously; with soul and mind.
walk). ©Being free of others, independent, Mtosuji ni omou, — ®5 = ,S. "?, to be absorbed
Bolitary. in; to love with all one's heart. fonce.
Hitoridachi ni natte kasegu, JS it — -y ^ ? ffi HUotabI, y- i£ fe C^*, — S, — E, adv. One time,
^, to labour independently; to work alone. Hitote, V if T, — ^, n. Only by one person; to
Syn. KORiTSU, DoKURiTSU. rcryetal. the exclusion of all others.
Hitoi'Jilnmn, iM^iQ/C-S, 'XM^ ^- A kind of ffitote ni Tcaikomu, —^= M ^ ^ -i*- to buy all

illtorif^o. v-l^yirt, JSS. n. Only child. by one's self; Mitoteni matomu, — ^= v h i*.
Hlturfgoto, V^yi^z, JS^, n. Talking to one's to gather all to one place; Hitote ni ukemotsu,
self; fioliloquy. — ^=5£^J^5', to take all the responsibilities
mtorifjoto wo ill, JSS ^ X 7, to Boliloquize; upon one's self; Hitote ni urihiromv, — :^ = ^
to talk to one's self. 3i i», to sell only by one prTrson; to monopolize.
Hltoi-lsuriiiain, 0-iC'!)<'5a. n. A velocipede. Hatotonarl. V-)£)£ftyi , E A, «. The character,
Syn. JlZAlSuA. disposition, or nature of a person.
IllCorimi, V- )£ ^ ?); iS^.^T, n. Being alone; Sono hitotonari gi wo oTnonzu, 4t A h ? V 14
IS y*t h® is a man who sets high value upon
single life; bachelorship. ^
HItoi-lniono, l^i^ V) 4^), JSIflf. n. O One having faith.
no relations or kindred. © A bachelor; a Syn. MOCHIMAB, SEISHlTStJ, UMARKXaUKI.
widow or widower. Hitotorl, WififU'U, — iE. — f®. <J^^- 1° =^ gene-
Hltoriinuslil, v^v)trL, 'XM&.n. Insects which ral way; in the main.
collect around a light in summer nights; moth. BitotTH nketainawarimashita, — IJ|i9t V v 3/
Hltorlf^liiznUn. i> ^ VI 5.:p'4>, ^i^^. "• IBot.] f[, I have heard the main points of the flubjectv

ChloranthiiS jcuponicus. nttotori wa yomi kaki ga dekiru, — !ffi^'*I3 # IflU

HituHsuninl. V-t^^'^V-, ,^ E, n. Living ^ B-, he can read in a fair way.
HUurizuini. v-^^^Ti', alone. ^ Syn. HiTOTABI, Hitowatari.
HltosnKnrl. V-^'^^*'^ ~ ^, adv. ,
O ^'lourishing Hitotorl no, U- ^ if ^ "0 ®. — iffi. tu Common;,
for a time. @ For a little while. usual; ordiniiry; commonplace.
Syn. HlTOSiiiKiUf. ftle. Hitotorl no nin^en, y ARfl, an ordinary —^
HKosaelii-siisn. ^^)f ?:£.<-3, ^U, n. [5ot.]Net- TSONENAMI, ToNOTSi'NE.
Syn. (_person.
HUos3islii-ynl>i, i> ic 5 :£ W> tK,A ^}g, @ t§. " Hltotsu, TM^-?, — n. and a. O One, single. @-

The index-fiDger. Same, able, similar.

Kitoslii,-i.-ki. x>'£X, W,^,^, ». Equal; simi- Hitotsu ni miyuru, — =1 ^ :=. n- looks to be '5' ,

lar; same; alike; equivalent. one, appears the same; Hltotsu ni naru, — ^y =
Syn. DozKN, Onaji. ?- »-, to be united into one, to agree with or

Hitoshekii'i, U- ^ ;£ ? U), — iS, adv. and n. O At conspire; Naiii hitotsu mo dekinai, Rf — '5' "E W
onetime; for a moment. @ One violent effort ^ -J- 'f , can do nothing.
or partwysm. Hitotsii-aiin. 0- if -^ ^ ^, — /t, n. One or the
Hitoshiklrl wamtuukashik^atta, — |S >s i.7::ft same hole.
^7} 'J 9, [coll.] for a moment, he (or I) was in Hitotsu-ana nornujina, — ^ > ^, [ltt.]mujina-
difficulty; Miioshlkiri wa Jianjo shita, — j^ jn 5S' (which see) living in the same hole; [Jig.] ac-

^ 3/ ir, at one tirae it flourished. complicea in the same plot.

Syn. HiToaAKARi. nike manner. Hltotsii-nslU, i>if9 3& t, ®fl^S.'^ C^ooX] A kind
Hltoshlkn, U- )f i < , adv. Equally, similarly, in of elf.

IXUoslilnanii ui, i>)fX^;^VZ, $^. adv. In the Hitotsiiba, i> if -9 fcr , S S. w. [Bot.] Polypodium
same way: m a siiaiiar maimer; equally. lingua.


Hltotaubannshl, x> )£ ry \i ti. h, i*- A common Hltoyozaina, i> ^1 :?' 2, — ^^, n. aa.] One
talk, oft told story. night wife, i.e. harlot.
HUotsubashi. y- IC ^ [J L, ffi, 81:^:^, «.
A — HitoKukl. TMC$&, A iff, 71. Sociability, amiabili-
bridge constructed of a single plank or a trunk ty, affability. faA'able wife.
Syn. Marukibasiii. Lof tree. Hitozukl no yoi salkun, Aiff ^a -f ??#. ^Q
Hltotsiilil, y-^-^tK, -^ ir 'Xy ">• Lighting fire on Hitoxiito, t> if ts* "C, A f$, n. Doing, hearing,
a single piece of wood (supposed to be a bad or communicating through the medium of an-
omen). other person; a go-between.
Hltotsiibo, T»^o\% n. A hinge consisting of a Hitozute. ni Iciku, A f^ = M ^. to hear through
staple and hook. Syn. KOTOZUTE. Lanother.
Hltotsiibiite, i>^'7jsT, AE?. n. Throwing men Illtsa, u>-7, fg, 7t. OA large wooden box with a
as if t^iey were little pebbles. cover; a
Hitoteiigalil, U-ifr?Ji*^, — IF, tt- Statements clothes
divided into articles, each having the sign (— cheat; a '.

?iitotsu at the beginning. trunk. @ j

Hltotsuinatsu, iM^-^E-^. — ;ISi "• A single or A kind of

solitary pine. tub for
Httutsityn, i> ^ -7 -^i —^, il&#. «. A solitary kee ping
hou.se ; a lone dwelling. boiled rice
Hltouke, 1>1?5W', A^, w. The quality of being in. m)
esteemed or favoured by the people at large; Kara-MUu, ^ O. a four legged chest to be
popularity. borne by two men on a pole; Mi'shihitsu, fiS ffll

Hitowarne, iMf 49 &— A^,, n. Being laughed a rice tub.

at by others; ridicule; object of ridicule; a Hitsii, r>o, ^, «. A writing brush or pen. Used
laughing stock. mostly in compounds. ,

Hlto^varo6lil,-j,-kl, v- )£ i7 ^ L. a. Bad to be Uitsii, T>-0, Jfi, n. O Help; assistance; giving

seen or heard by others; indecent; cross minded; counsel to a monarch. @ Tlie second official in

mischievous. ancient j udicial department {Danjotai).

Hltowatari, v- )£ t) It ^ , — (gfi,
— 0, adv. One Jlitsii» V- <?, ^, n. Being completed, finished,

time; once; for a time. final. Only in compound.

Syn. HiTOTABI, lOHIDO. Hitsu set, or hisset, fll- ^, all one's life.

Hitoya, t>1£J^, W, ES JS!. «• A jail; a prison house. Hitsiiliokii, i>':>^< , ^31, n. Fen and ink.
Syn. GoKUYA, Rota. Hitsuboku-ryo, ^S Pi', stationery allowance
HItoya, iMf J5», A^, n. A human habitation. given to subordinate officials.

Illtoyado. V-'£-^'&, A JS. " An intelligence office f Bltsudan, v? ?& A, ^a^, n. Conversation by
or agency for hiring servants. writing, or by means of letters. suru, t>.(.

Hitoyatlori, u-if^^iO. Jfijg, n. An inn; ahotel. To converse by writing.

Hltoya-inorlr z> ^-^ "&"/), Js^"?, n. One who keeps Iljtsiitld, u-rp;^5, ® S. «• The art of handwrit-
watch of a prison; a jailer. fother. ing; penmanship.
Illtoyari. zMC-^9, n. Done or occasioned byan- Syn. FODE NO MiOHi. rthe Thone.
Bltoyari naranu, A -V V •? 7 JT, not occasion- HltsiiiT). U'-^^f. B S?, « The Imperial succession,
ed by another; oneself being the cause of. Hltsug], n^W. A coffin.

Hltoya-xuhnsa. t>>£-^3^*»^, ElS^a^, «. An BIjtosi. thif ^, '

office which formerly had the charge of prison Syn. KWAN.

affairs. Httsiiffl-SiirgiHia, V--7W<rZ'^, ©5, A hearse.
UJtoy ogin, V'>C ii'^y, —^'sD.rnM' n. A kind tljtaiigl-kalil. y-7^*>5, fSst, n. A bearer of a
of musical pipe or fiute (so called from its being coffin; a pole bearer,

made with one internode of bamboo). HitSiisi-uo-kinil, V^ -O -^ O ^ ^, The

Hltoyoso, t^ifi-^, A^, w- C'oni. form of below. Heir-apparent to the Imperial Throne.
Hltoyose-selcl, i>if i-fr-frS. A ?f Ifg, «. A hall HitsuBl-no-Biiko, W r? If ® ^ t, 31 ^. 13 S ^.
where story telling, singing, dancing or other n. Same as above.
Buch public entertainments are given. Ilitsugn, u-7<'5, E-iS. « A concert match.

Syn. TosE, YosE seki. Syn. TSDHEAI.

Hlte^OEake, iMCiiyrt-, — ffiJS, ra. [Ht.] Sake Httsul, T>-5\/^, S SI. w- Style of writing, penmaa-
brewed in one nisht; same as ATnazalce. Syn. FUDEZUKA.L UMp.
Hltsiijl, v-r? C, ^, 7t. \Zool.] Sheep, Ovis aries. Hlttatsa, v-jlt^, \ 51 i, vX To improve Id
Bitsvji no ayumi, ^^tP =, walking Blowly Hlk Jtatsiif V'^it-o, > appearance; to becomo
und pensively Cas a sheep heing led to a elaugh- more attractive.
ter house). Hlttoki, t>-yt&,ECiK[. w- A rival, a match.
HitsujI, U-CJC^v. w, OOneof the 12 horary signs Biirii, u.i. To match or rival with ; to be equal
{junishi, which see). @ The name of the direc- in power or quality
tion or point of the compass 30° from due west. llittS, U'"^if5,S5li n. O
The head or point of a
IlitsuJI^ u-5t, ^, n. Rice straw (esp. the inter- pen. @
One whose name stands first in a rolL
Hltsujl-guea, v^ C <-
2, gjf, vt. [Bot.lNym- HltCo, t>-^^5,S1^, It. An open box for holding
phcea alba. fcrop of rice. wntmg brushes.
Hlteuji-lne, v-^ tv^^a, ^ ^, n. [Bot.] The second Syn. FUDETATE.
HJtsuJl-snru. l> "7 ;£• 2 j, ^ $, i$, n. The name Hlttoraoni, iA.y^ 6^S,g;^, v.t. fcoa.lTo catch;
of the direction lying between 30° and 60° from- to arrest; to seize. fa robber.
due south. Goto wo hittnraeni, 3S IS ^ ^ fflj
-^ fr, to catch
HltBiiJo, u-!7trJ^5, iCfiS, adv. Surely; certainly; Syn. TORAERU, Tsukamaeru.
decidedly; without fail. mttsukamacru. ^^^t -7 *> a --» 3 , || Jft, v.t. [colL]
Syn. Kanarazf, Kitto, Tasiiika ni. To capturp, seize, or arrest.
nitsiike, y-rPW", it#. &i^. w- Setting houses on Suri too iiittsukamaeru, ffi ^- f- 51 Jl -- «-, t«
Qre; an incendiary. catch a pickpocket.
lIltsiiKii, v-ct <, fe£f^, v.i. To dry up and stick Hjttsiilcamarir, u- -y -7 *> 3: Z, 51 S5, v.t. [colQ
to anything (as a paste). Passive form of above.
Syn. HlKAEABU. Hltt!:uKainu, U-y7i>tP, v.t. To grasp; to snatch;
Hltsiiinotsu, !>:?»:?, .]^.M, " [Swdd.] Must surely to take hold of.
die. WasJtl ga neko luo fiiltsukarnu, E ^ JS ? ts »
Sliosha tiitsumetau esha jori, ^^-SS-W.^^ "ytih,, an eagle seizes a cat.

^ (SS, [Bvdd.] the living must die, and those who Hluehl, V 5 S, ®, ^ JS. «• Striking fire, or In-
meet must part again. struments for doing so
tlUaiird. v-'y &5 , ^ ^, n. Troubling the pen ob- ; Hiucltibn^ T> 5 "^ If n. The longest feather in »

liging another for writing. bird's wing.

Oo hitsuro na/jara, '0^^-i-if ^, though it lliuchi-bako, V'^%\iS'Cy ^fT^.lSIS, 7*. A box
may give trouble to your pen lor holding the instruments used in striking
Hltsuryoku, V-7 i <, ;^, n. Degree of skill
^ fire.

or force displayed in writing or painting. HJuchl-bukiiro, 7>5'^jt<;5,^$*, ^J?, « A bag

Syn. HiSSEl. for carrying instruments lor striking fire.

Blteiiyo. U-P15, ijjf. ffl, a. and n. Necessary; in- HHichJ-rtosu,i>5'^7::5<', J'ciT^^a.lSfl, ". In-
dispensable; essential; requisite; necessity. struments for striking fire
Bitsvyo no shina, .jjf, ffl > iSS, indispensable lIliiehl-ffaina,iN5'^S'3. 'XnTi, Jt.£$. n. Asteel
articles, necessaries. for striliing fire. fabova
Eltsiizcn, l^•c'^^,,Jif^, a. and. aav. QCertain; Illiichi-snne, 5 -^ftm. ^fl^. n.
u- Same as
sure. © Necessarily; absolutely. ElliichJ-islii, V'5%\f-U ^fTE.^H. n. Q A flint
mtsuzen no ri, -j^.^^g, necessary conse- lor striking fire. ©An inferior kind of quart!
quence. (generally of a greenish colour).
Hlttakiini, u--yfe< 3,^^,^, v.t [coll.] To take Miiiclii-Knilo, n5%i}>^, i^CfJ^, n. A flint
by force; to seize violently; to snatch. Hl-iiu, U•5^, H5S, 7t. Flying clouds; scud.
Syn. Ubaitoru. Hl-iiwo, U-55:, TS, f- Dried fish.

HIttnn. ^^yfe^,S*B, The point of the pencil

»*- lUwn, vi7, 51, n. rornftA.] Siskin. rtre«.
or pen; the beginning of a letter or any other Hlwada, t> ^^ 7i. :f0 $, n- Bark of the hitvAi
kind of composition, MtwnclaliuUI. iMJf:,5--^, Ifi S 3E, '"• Roof thatch-
Hlttarl to» u. ^ fe v; ir, adv. Closely, tightly, in- ed with the bark of the Jiinokl.
timately. Hiwaroru, y-*7H2, T§l. «•* To dry up and crack,
mttari to tsuku, t:-;3r V h #^, to stick close- Hlwarl, w-i^o), B fl], n. Daily rate, or daily pay-
ly; mttari to yorisou, "tiyit^) h?fS"7, to draw ment; interest by the day.
near to. Hiwari de kanjo suru, S fj fffijIS »-, to :?(

Hittateru^ v-^lt'tZ.v.t Same as Hikitatenu \ pay at the rate of so much per day; Kyukin wo
HIW 365 my
Mwaridesashihiktt,^^'^- Q *lJ5-*S51^. to de- Hlyaku. v-^t, ^[3 S. a. Not in official employ-
duct wages according to the number of days a ment; out of office.
labourer has been unemployed, Hlyakiiru, ^-.j^i^s,
{Vfr, v.i. To be cooled.
Hlw^arigo, V45I/J&, ffllg-^, n. A tyarfffo made of Hlyakeru, W-^W"?,
the hiTioki wood. Hiyaincshl, i>.^» L, '^U, n. Cold boiled rice.

Hliva.ru, v*?Z, ^ffl, v.i. To dry up and crack. iHyameslii kui, ?J^gg^, one fond of cold
Hlwatnrl, "• Stepping over fire
boiled rice; younger brothers.
u-fcfei!), >X'iSt>
lltyaniixu, v-^^-=>\ ;ifr-^, n. Cold water.
(as done by a conjurer).
Hlwatxublto, i>*):3'tA'if , iK.A,n. A feeble-mind- Illyainiigl. V J^tp S*. iffrl?, n. Boiled macaront
ed person; an idiot; an imbecile. immersed in cold water (a favorite food in sum-

Hlya, A flre-arrow. or rocket.

Sjn. KiRiMUGi. Lmer).
u-^, it flS. "•
Hlyarl to, «. J^ V) )^, adv. Fteling cold to the

touch exciting fear.

Hlyasig, n^-f, ?&. v.t. To cool.

JCc-ri de atama wo hiyasu, ^ ^ p5 ^ ^ 3«, to
cool the head with ice.
Syn. Samasu, tsuiietaku puru.
Illyayaka. v^^i3>, ?f?. Cool. ft.

myayaka na kiko, ^'^-^M^^, cool climate.

Hlya, v-^, ;^, a. andn. QCold, cool. ©"With Hiyayakko, v-^j^-jZ, n. J^/ii served cold.
the bono, prefix 0, is a polite term for cold HJynzake, w^rw-, H^?S, Cold safce. fment
water. Hiy6, t>i5. !&ffl, "• Expense; outlay; disburse-
Siya cle nomu, ¥fr t' (t^ A, to drink cold Ohiya ;
myo ga kasamu, ^ f^ff^ 2*, the expense is
wo ippai cJiodai, te'-trfAi ?— fS H SS, [coll.] favour great; Siyo wo habukit, 55 ^ ^. to reduce ffl ifi'

me with a glass of cold water. the expenses.

Syn. TStTMETAKI, Syn. IRIME, Nyuhi, Tsuie.
Hlya, u>j^, i/CM.ftiffi< "• A building in which the Iliyo, zM.5, Big, ": Day labour.
dead are burnt; a cremation house. Syn. HiTATOi,
Syn. Dabisho, Ktfasoba, Yakiba. Hiyo, u-i, n. The cry or peeping of a

Hlya-ase, V-^'S,^, Ift'fp.S^ff, 11. Cold sweat. Hiyo-hiyo, V'i.l>i., 'chicken.

Siya-ase wo Jcaku, Vft^fF ^ J; ^, to be horror- Hlyocliln. I^15'^^, SEK, «• Wages paid for
struck. day labour.
OUyakaslil* t>-^*>2.. 1^. »i- O The act of banter- Hjyodorl, U- i. >? ifj,
^ p| j^, w. [Ornith.] The
ing, rallying, or befooling a person. @ Diverting brown-eared bulbnt, JTypsipetes aifiaurotis.
one's self by taking a walk crowded in a place, Hjyodori-bann, iM^iflkf^, Uj ^, n. [Sot.] Eu-
or by looking at anything without buying it. patriumjaponicum. fSolanum lyratwm.
Eiyakashi ni delcakeru, t -v^i s'^ til JS ;i-, to go Hiyodori-JDSO, ^ i»'0:&-^5 &, S ¥^, ?i. [Bat.]
out to divert one's self (as in a crowded street). IBiyoke, U-IW*. B ^, ?if[g, n. Anything usedfor
Blyakasu, j>^ii>-^, W^iP, IJ.I. O To banter or protection against the rays of the sun; a sun-

befool. @
To amuse one's self by simply look- Syn. HiOT. Lscreen; an awning,

ing at (as goods in a shop). Hiyoke, V'XI^, *Xf^, n. Protection against fire;

Site wo Myahasu, A^ t -v ^ 7:, to banter guarding against conflagration.

another; Kotio wo hiyaJcasu, ^ffi^t-V??::^, to Mlyoke no mamorl, i^ ^ ^ *?, a charm for
divert one's self by looking at curios without guarding ofl' conflagrations; Myoke nouekomi^
purchasing any. i/C ^ ^ 4S ii. a thicket of trees planted to protect

Syn. AZAKERTJ, HITASF, NABPRtT, REIKTA- houses against fixe.

HlyaEicrii, y-^W-Z, '(^, v.i. To be cooled, fcool. Hfyokochi, Jt-Xbf^, iKf^.i^, n. A piece of land
Hiyakkoshi.-l-lfJ, V-^v'L L, V^, a. [coll.} Cold; (incrowded quarters of a town) appropriated for
Riyakkoi mizu, Vft 'f :<<. very cold water. people who have escaped from conflagration.
Syn. T8UMBTAI. fnostrum. Hiyoko, W-i.C, SS. « A chicken. ftive.
Hlyahii, ^^ -^ < , gf ^, -«. A secret medicine; a Illyoku, tfJiC, SEJ5f. ^- Fertile, rich, or prod uo-
Hlyaku, jy^< , ifS S, "• Permanent retirement Siyoku no cAi, ^8C >ltb> a fertile region; a
with an annuity. rich ioiL


Hlyoku-no-torl, V- X i <D)C V. ibU^. n. QA Hlzakake, v-yi>i^, ^,^, n. O An apron. @
fabulous bird of the Chinese; each sex is sup- A piece of cloth used for covering the kneea
posed to have a single eye and a single wing, while in a carriage or coach.
and in flying, those of the different sexes join Syn. Maedare, Maekake. fthe day.
together. @ A happy couple. HIzakarl, «?**> 10, S, n. The hottest part of
Hlyoiiieki» U* 1 1* &, SBH, n. The fontanelle in IBIeake, U'^rv}-, 'X^, n. Alcohol.
an infant' 3 head. Klzaklru, l^3:•& 3, K. v.t. To cut the knee (a
HifOml, Vi-^f-, =[-^,^^-, n. The name of stars way of punisliing criminals in China).
in the constellation of the Great Bear. Mlzakiira, v-^< i;, ^ ^, n. [Bot.] A scarlet blos-
lEiyoinl, j> i,?}-, H 13, n. Same SiSKoyoml. somed cherry tree.
lEtyorl, V- i.^, n.y, The thin raembranous B^Elzitinakiira, V-^^< S, ffitt, n. Making a
tissue lining the stem of the asM (E). pillow of another's knee.
IBIyorl, B^i"- The weather; fine weather.
u-iilj), IIIzaniaEuUii, y-^'Ei^V, B5, v.i. To kneel.
ga ynku nai, B fa if IS' ir-^-A [coll.] the
iliyoTt , HJzanioto, V 3" 6 if , K 7C. '" By or near the
weather is not good; Biyorimn mite sfiuppan knees; the side,
sum, fl^ f-^^r tf, iM^'^i to observe the weather no hizamoto wo hanarezu,
ffct/ia .^ ffi tc ^ tt ®
Syji. nrrtsi, YOki. Land set sail. u ?;, would not, even for a moment, leav»
Hlyorlml^ t^ X 9 i^> ES^#. ^- One who sides mother's side.
with th« party that appears to be stronger than Hlzao, j>^^, fJflM, 7(. Ramrad.
the other; a trimmer; a temporizer. Syn. Karuka, Komiya.
Hiyorlml, v-i.v)^, HifH^, n. A weather cock. Hlzara, l^3'&, i^ M. it. Q Tlie pan of a gun lock.
Byn. Kazami. @ The bowl of a tobacco pipe.
Hiydshlgoto, t> i 5 ;£&i?, B 1^1, «- Working Hlzaaaragal, u-^-s tib«v, m^^, ». [Conch.] A
by the day. ipeclea of molluaca, Chiton.
Hlyosu, t: 3 7-., ^UW, "• [Bo(.] Hyoscyamlne, Hlcnslii. VS':£, B *i^, «. The rays of the bud
Byoscyamus niger. shining into a window; sunlight. fcarriage.
Illyosuyu, i> 1^0), ^'1^^-^, " [M"d.) nyoB- HlzatsiikJ^ t}- '$' -y ^ \^, n. A stretcher before n

cyamine oil, Hyoschami oleosum. Hlzatsiikl, V-'^-o'%, W.'^^ "• A small matting or
Hlyo suru, U-j^5 -^3, MWf, ^-i- To fly up; to seat used in ancient times. fknee.
Syn. TOBiAGAKU. [.soar. HIzayorol, U-3'i^T>, ^^, n. Armour for the
Hlyotori, Vi51£Vi, BE®. "• A day labourer. HlKazara, t>3'S'&, IRM, SS?^. »*• The knee pan.
Iliyowa, v- Xi>, "• and a. One who is weak, HiEPme, u-^-*, 'X'^' f^- Attacking the enemy by
feeble, tender, or delicate (physically); sickly; setting his castle on fire.

infirm. Tekiwo hizeme nt suru, ^f- X"^- ^' ''-^ to

BEiyownslil,-1,-kl, V J: to L, ffg S. « Weak, attack the enemy by setting his castle on fire.

feeble; delicate; sickly; deficient in physical Syn. Yakiuohi.

Btrength; debilitated. IllEome, v^fc, X9, "• Torturing by fire.

Syn. Kayowashi, Yowayowashi. Illzen, ue^, ^S, n. [J/ed.] A cutaneous disease;

Illyii. »© It, n. [Ii^L^ Ainarantus mangosta- the itch.

nm. Hlzou-garasii. U•^^fi*55l, g, ii- [Orftit/i.]MaB

llJyu. iMfl), itf^, w. Comparison; allegory; par- Syn. KASASAGi. Lpio-

Syn. TatoE. Lable. lllzo. vy5, f^S,Anything kept secret or


Mij-u, lh\/^5, ^ e. "• A secluded or obscure vil- with great care; a valued possession. suru,
lage; country (as opposed to town;. v.t. To keep with a great care.
Illyuni, y-W)S, "-' To become cold; to cool.
Illsoku, v-^(, J^tg, n. Inferiors Bubordinatei. ;

Hlzn, u-?*, The knee.

SS. "- BBlzoku-bongo, V-^ <iai:A.i>. ^^ Kf. '• Mean
Htza wo kumu, K ? E -^ to sit tailor-fashion . and vulgar; vulgarity.
mza ivo oru, SP. ^ ff '^. to bend the knee. Hlzomo. y-5**, yiWi, n. Dyeing red; turkey red
Syn. HrzAKABU. dyeing. Tpowder.
lIlKnhoDc, vriJ*!. ro ^, B, «• The knee-pan. HiBomcko, U-5'M>t. Vt^t^, n. Red dyes in
Mlzabuton, I^3'J<1C^, K¥^, « A knee cushion. HlKUke, U'tsV, B r#, n. The date (as of a letter,
Hizngasblra, I^3rfi';fe5, sseg, « The knee. written petition, etc.).
Ilizagaivara. u-^fae, ^®, /* Same as J/tza- Illziiino. y-r3'fe, ^, n. The hoof (of an animal).
bone. Elfziiinerii. u>p'i6S, v.t. To tighten, straighten,
HlzaUabii, y-3ri>j«, n. Same a.i ZZiza or contract.


Hicniitl, X>^7^, iE, n. The state of being bent or H5D0, H5RIT8U, Nori, Okite, Si.DA-
crooked; being irregular in form or outline. ME, TEDATE.
Syn. Tbitso. H6, VtX,^, n. [MaUi.\ Multiplier; divisor.
Illk.^inii, i>^tf, ^, v.t. OTobebent or twisteii Syn. MEYASU. Tin compound.
from a true shape; to become crooked, askant, Ho, 115,^, Square (in shape or area). Mostly

or inclined. © To turn vicious or depraved. So Shi sun, >f Eg s^, four inches square.
Syn. KATATORU, MAGARU, YUGAMU. Ho, tt5,^, «. ODirectk>n; side; place region. ;

Ho, \t., ^, 74. O The ear of a grain. @ The head @ Way, manner, means. ©A recipfj; b pre-
ot a spear. © The betrayal or disclosure of scription.
one's thought which prudence would conceal. Ano T ^-^, that side; that aireotloaa;

Jne no Jio, ?@ -> H. the ear of rice ; Yari no Jio, hitlier;Sigasht no ho, M-^l^, easterly direc-
It ^ ;Jt, a spear head. tion; Ghozai hd, fM^]-;^,a method of prescrib-
Ho. 14, tim, ?6. SailCof a vessel). ing medicines; a recipe; Kotio hd e Jcltaru, =»
IIo nite hashiru,iEf[ = t It fl-j to sail; So wo ^>5'^3i5B'. to come to this side; to coma
aga-u, ^f-ISi^'n-, to hoist a sail; Mo wo orosu, thither; Okii ho ga yoi, :K'^ :^if^ -i, I like
dt ? i3J ^) to lower or furl a sail. the large one; the larger one la better; Shlroi
Ho, 14, >X, n. Pire (mostly used in compound). '*o, '^'^, the white one; Sono ho, :^';$, that
HoJcage, >X K. the light of a fire or lamp. side; that thing; you (used contemptuously).
Syn. Hi. Syn. Kata, Muki, Shikata, Tedate.
Ho, yt,^, n. O
Stepping; a step. A measure @ Ho, t±5, IS. 't- A coat, formerly worn by the Em-
of length equal to gfe part of a ri CM). 63 An peror or nobles with slight dilference in colour,
area of land of 6 shak,u square. Ho, The cheek. Lpattern, etc
iJia, ^, n.
G(4lppo hyappo, ]£ S a^, every way the +^ So wo fukurasu, ^^ 16 9 ::^, to swell the
same, making no material difference; So xoo cheek, i.e. to be angry.
sus-wmu, ? jg i», to step torward; to make
# Ho, tt54'N '»• [Bat.] Same ?b Sd-no-Jci.
progress. Ho, tJ5, ^, n. O Report; Intelligence; informa-
Syn. ATUMI, Bu, TaUBO. tion. ©Answer; reply; response. ©Reward;
Ho, ta.iX. «• O A ridge between furrows. @A recompense; retribution.
Chinese land measure. Ho, ax, iS, v.i. To creep along; to crawl.
Syn. Une. Syn. Ayumtt, Harabau, Habikoru.
Ho, t4t ^1 f(- O Assistant or candidate (used as a >*o, Kt5 , IS ^. n. [Entom.] Aropm sp.
prefix to official titles). @ Act of appointing to lloaii, tt5?)^, :^"^, n. A design; device; plan;
a vacant post. suru, vX. To appoint. arrangement; system.
H5, tiS.Kl, n. The male of a fabulous bird popu- Ho.-Lu. t3:$^, ^^, -«. Preserving the peace
larly called Smoo, siiru, v.i. To preserve peace.
Ho, (45,^. «* Salary; wages; pension. Honiijorel. tt 3^ ^^ $HV^, tii^f^W, ". [Law.]
So wo Tcyusu, ffi ^ S& ?t, to give salary; So ni Tlie Peace Preservation Regulations.
Jianaru, ^— to be stripped of salary;
(te»'> Ho:is1ii, (4^ L, (WriW. « The lower part of a saiL
Nempo, ^fiS, an annual salary, Honte, ati^T, ^ ^. n. The visor of a helmet.
Syn. FDCHIMAI, Hammairto, Kyuky5. lEoR>.-iJf (45tdf\/^, 39 ii-> '*• A friend; companion;
Ho, Hi, 14^,(4 5. fe, "• O Usage; practice; mate; comrade. Sometimes in compound.
precedent. @ Law; rule; enactment; ordi- Deshihohai, 5&^fl9!j£. fellow pupils; school-
nance; statue, ffl Manner; way; means. Syn. HoYU, Tomodaciti. L^a-te.
So ni ati, ^ = •& "7, to accord with the law Hobaku, I4tf <. fifitS. " Catching and binding
So ni tagau, ii = iS "7, to disobey the laws; to (as an offender) ; arresting; apprehending.
transgress; 55 <idri ni okonau, ^iJ^^<ffy, to Btiru, v.t. To arrest,; to apprehend.
punish according to the laws; to manage ac- Zainin wo hotaku suru, I^A^'Jf)^:^^, to
cording to usage; So wo aratamv, |i ^ BS i», to arrest a criminal. fbelly.

revise or alter laws; So wo mamoru, ^f^F Ji-, Hodnra, tttiS. W, " The front part of a fish's

to observe the law; So wo tatsuru, S?' Ji/^, Hobar], tt 5 HT 9 , ::5 $t. " L^^t-] A needle which
to make a law; to establish regulations; So wo points out directions, or a compass needle; f^.]
yahuru, ii ^ ISfl-. to break the law ; Ho gaku, ii course, plan, aim, or object In view.
^, science of law; Kin^ ho, BS^ii, indue**** Hot>aru, ttiaif S, ^ 3E. Bffi, v.i. To fill, or cram
method of reasoning. lnto^ Uie mouth
Botamochiwo hlDarii, ttftff ^ !S ?S fl'. to fill arresting a runaway thief; arresting or appre-
the mouth with a dumpliDg. hending criminals.
Hotjashli-n, I3:ti£ &, CI -ii. ^, "• A mast. Syn. MESHITORI.
BSbcu, B:5^^. "J: ^, it. Originally, a Buddhist Hobo, l£5Bf5, ^fi?. '*• The point of a spear or
term meaning a device or expedient resorted to Sword.
in converting people to Buddhism; later, the Hobo, ia5a5, ^m, n. Beehive.
word came to bo used in its -wider signification, H6bol*ii. tt5l9:< i^S, n. [iit-] Fragrant Ink or

e.g. an expedient, means, device, etc. writing; your honorable letter (a term of formal
Sohen wo mottc shiijin too azamttTcu, :;^ 131 f- J3. politeness used in letters).
9 S^ A f-
^, to deceive people by using cun-
tl^ Hobonc. Htmti^, « ^. ®. "• The cheek bones.
ning expedients. lioboslin, (2 5 a 5 :£-^. St JPP#. «- -^ witty or

Hakaeigoto, Jutsu, Tedatb.

Syn. humorous person; a buffoon; a clown.
H5bent, (^t^'^l/c, ^.iE. " -A- red pigment used Hobiin. a5^'^, ©S:. « Government edicts
by women for colouring tlieir cheeks; rouge. written on a board and hung up in an office.
Hobctn, liii^^ft
[coll.] The cheeks. Hobimo, l3-S-'ti, t?lK, n- A sailing vessel.
H5ppt:9. itm-^fz Hobiitsii, H5i"7, :;5"4S, ". Peculiar products of

Hobl, lil^v-', ^5^. » A reward; prize. a locality; staples.

Yutosha ni liTiA wo ataerv, @^'U" — ^3^^ IlSclsalfci, tS 5 %^ < , ^ a. " * l*'"ge ornamental
^ -^ ;^, to give prizes to those of the highestex- bell hung i'rom the eav«i of a Buddhist
cellence. pngodfi.
Syn. Snijro. Bfiocbiihiiso, HX 5%^< 3 5. H^H". ''<" [-Sot-]

HSbl, Yi^V-'. ES. n. |£o(.] A kind of a fern, .-1.?-

Disporum sessile.
plenium. Mociii, 1^5'^, S 0, n. Information; intelligence^
Syn. TORA NO 0. tidings; report; news. euru, v.t. To report;

HSMrnu. (l5t^•&^, GS S S. '" [-Hot.] A fcind of to intomi.

orchid or orchis. fvolvta. Syn. shiease, Shiraseru.
Ildbjsli(>, B,^M,
li^Cf-^fS. n. [Bot.'\ Cycas re- HocEiikn, Ii5'5<, St JE. "- Driving out; expell-
HSblso, a^U-'^S, il^^. « [Bot.'i A species of ing; di;;missing; banishing; ostracizing.

fern, Gieichenia glauca. sum, v.t To drive out, expel, dismiss, etc.

HobOr (Sty, ^, Si ^f'l'- For tlie most part; gene- Hocbin. H5*t^, :;& SI, n. A local garrison.
rally; almost; nearly; somewhat; partly. Hoehi siiTii, t/2^%^Z, ^^, [Chln.]OTo

Hobo nita hanashi, g. W ^ aS, a somewhat leave untouched. @ To take into custody; to
Bimilar story; Soho acklagatta, Stii?K±^, has detain.
been rnlmost finished; Koretowaliohoonajl, ^v BBooBiltsii, ld-5%-^, ^^, w. [C7iin.']Th6 assessed
S. fp) 5^, is nearly identical with this. revenue of a feudal lord (usually in rice).
Syn. Araara, Aramashi, Okata, Omune, llnclio, a 5 "^ -^ 5. fST, « A table or kitchen
TAIGA I. knife.
Hdbo, tt5iJ5. '^'fj, f"'!'- Every direction; seve- IIoclio, tt5-C5, iJ5^E, n. [Chin.] The flrstbegin-
ral places; on all sides; here and there; hither ning of anything; the first sign or indication.
and thither Nairon no hocho^ ft SL .-^ IK ^t, the first Indi-

^(160 yori haseatsumami, "^ '^ ^ '<]

^M lu, cation of a civil disturbance.
to run together from every direction; Yuhin wo Syn. KizASEi, Megumi.
liobo e olnvru, Sflffi^ ::&::5 -^ JS /^ to send posts llochoKii, it5%i.<, ^W). n- Obeying the Im-
to several places. perial comnTind.
Syn. Katagata, Snoiio, Shosho. lldcBBosEii, iX5%^5 L. IST ^, » Otie who dresses
H5bo, ^5^f5. fTtti. w. A Buddhist temple. food; a cooK.
H5bo, f3:51rS5, ¥0@J5;i. " [/c/it/t.] Gurnard, Tri- Hdcbdto^l, a 5 ^-^5^ ST. JST^. w. A stone or
gla Knmv. an inptrument tor whetting a kitchen knife.
HSbo, tt5ti Mucbu, n^%i>, fSB, «• [C'fttw.] A kitchen.
Hdbo, a^lj Syn. KURiYA.
Hocti^nlii, K5't5W^. S S A, n. A cook.
Hotia, l/tta, n.A rice-field where the rice is in th«
n.Method, ear.
manner, way, or system. Hodncbl, l/^.T&%, n. The ears- of rice.
HobS, W: kf 5, ftG C 'I- Catching the escaping; Hodal, aS^V^.BCiS. " According to one's will;
as one pleases; at one's will. Used only as a Syn. KAKiMAZERn, Odatkru.
prefix. HSden. tl5^!^, 5Et^. » A worship hail in n
Dehodai wo tu, [ij Jft iS ^ ^ "?. to speak at Shinto temple.
random; talking off- hand; Kaki hMal fcafcu, # Hodorl, iaT!iO,t)SS,#M, «• O
The redness of
]K ® S^, to write as much as one pleases; 7Wt- the sky. @ Blushing or redness of the face in
TiSdai ttrru, M^MMf^, to take as much aa one anger.
likes. Iftodo, (i*, ^, 74. A hard mass found among the
Hfidal, tt5^\^,MSE, n. A fort; battery. ashes in a furnace.
Sodai wo Mzuku, ^ S ^ % ^> to construct a Hodo, H:^, ^ 1^, n. The private parts of a woman.
battery. Hodo, im.^,^;g, n. Law; statute; edict; ordi-
Syn. Daiba. nance.
H6dal, tft5:^.V, ^^ ^, n. Within the territory Kuni no hcdo wo mtdaru, S > ii K ^ Si ^i to
H6nal,ja5tf\A, Uofafeudal lord). J^do w» tatsuru,
break the laws of a country ;

Syn. Ky5bun.
J4 S ^ i /^, to enact laws.
HOdnl, II5^V*, fffffl.ti^ Using a word or clause Syn. Hatto, Nori, 5kite.
not coincident, with the subject in composing a Kodo, (4*, g, n. and a^x. O A quantity, Space,
waka. or time. @
One's station In © Carriage, life.

Hodake, Ifi'^lr); ^^, « A bamboo mast. deportment, or manners of a person. Q A non-

HSdnn, ai?iS^, iia?&, " Preaching; a sermon; a significant term v^ry often used m polite
religious discourse. epistolary writings, before such predicate verbs
JSodan wo chnrrion sum, ^ SIS ^ !^ M ^ *-i to as to wish, beg, accept, admire, hear, etc.
listen to a sermon. Anata hodo no hito wa yo ni sukunai, # g"S
suru. v.i. To preach a sermon. ^A>\ # = ii^-i- -f few persons like you
, thfere are
Syn. Dangi. Rkpp5 surf. In the world; Gozenkwai no hodo inorl tatema-
Hodnna, K ?& tc, lUi tE§, «. The place for a sail tsuri soro, ffll ^
^^-^M St ®. [Eplst.] hoping that
when furled. you will completely recover from your illness;
Hodasnreru. S4;'E5feX, MJ?. "^-t. form of
[pcLSS. ETodo no yoi hito, "^ > (ff ^ ^. a person of good
HodasvA To be fettered, shackled, or encum- address; Jffodo wo h»datsu, ^^IS'3', to put an in-
bercid ; to be hampered. terval (of time or space) between; Hodo wo ftele
Ko no ai ni fiodasareru, S ^ =i If i^ »-, to S titaru, e ^ BS y iiK ^-. tocome after a lapse of
be hampered by the love of a child; On-ai ni time; Imorhodo mairimashUa, -^gS: V "^ ^ it,
tiodasareru, B'S==-^^ J^> to t)^ bonnd by bas (or have) 6ome just now; Itsu no hodo niicii
kindness and love. talcura toa chlreri, 'f?JB*--'S— :&0-*"'!ttt'V.
aofitLabl, 1i%T&L,i¥, «. O A shackle for fettering the cherries have fallen unawares; PshliTcan
a horse a fetter a gyve.
; ; @ Act of shackling or kodotojiniyuUmashita, —i^K ig-^?§^1f=*v5^
fettering. © Hinderance; encumbrance; em- «, [colQ is gone to a hot spring for about a week;
barrassment, S'arada no tsvzuhu hodo hataraku, W- -^^^M
Inu no JiodasH, :^ ^ ??, a shackle for a dog; ffl ir, to labour as
much as the body will endure;
Saishi no hodashi, ^^ ^^
wife and children Kono hodo made kaigwat ni ryugakuserf, ft
becoming an encumbrance. gl£^ *( = S? ^ t V he y^^^ studying abroad .

Syn. TBASHIMATOL uutil recently; Miohi no hodo ga toi, gg ^ S ^JS

Hodasu, ja?&^,^, To prevent free motion
v.t. vf , it is far distant; Mi no h/>do fijo shiranu, 0>
of; to shackle, or fetter; to bind; to encumber. g ^ *P 9 5f , does not know his (or her) sta:tion

Byn. T8UNAGU. In life; Mlru hodo no koto wa n^i, ^ ^ © >\ gV

-^ >f it isnot worth looking at; there is noneed
IlSdat^e, K^lfe-r, it, n. S
Establishing regula- ,

tions; planning the way or system in doing to look at; Nochl-hodo ome ni kakarimasu, ^@
anything; management. ^U ~^ ''}^^' ^^11 3®^ y°"- presently; Omoeba
omou hodo mayol ga okoru, -^ >^ S "7 ^ S£ ^
le no Jtddate wo suru. SSv'SjIe^ :^*-, to fix ffl.

is the
household regulations. ]g B^, the more I think of it, the greater

HddnCe. tt 5 T&t, "^ iL, n. The side port of a gate. perplexity; OyuruTwdo sakanninaru, ^)^^

liodateru, a?l2TZ,gg, v.i. To stir up or agitate fli

= -J- fl., "the older he grows, the more active
(as ft liquid); to disturb. he becomes; Sake no hodo wo sadam&-u, ^ -> ^
9- ^P, to fix the quantity of sake one shouW
E^hi wo hodatete nomu, SSjit^^K^ '•fifci*.
to stir up the cofiee before drinking; Yodomi take (at a time) ;Sen yen hodo shakuyo s'erl, =f H
wo fiodatei w. it iS ^ ^ 6E *-. to stir up sediment ©fffffl-fe^. has (or. have) borrowed about a
HOD 370 HOT)

thousand j/en; Sore hodo mane ni shite yamcru hoAokcru,K @ ^/ fP ^ *> the knot ii untied; Obi
towa, 3t ^^"^ s^ 7" A- ^= ± i->^, tltat he should gahoaokerv, ^ifM-^i^> the belt is] isened.
Btop It after ViaviDg done so much; Uma de gori Syn. TOKEEU.
hod/) hashlrii, f^y^'S.^ ^Mb-, to ride about five Ilodohf-inonion. t4^'?%W)A. ilSJKS*!, " -Lint.

ri (12 miles) on horseback; Yohodo Oekiagatta, Moitokoslit, t^^ti, ftt6,#i^, 11- Giving alms;
^ S- Ui J{5 ±'y ^, a good deal has been finished; bestowing charitable gifts, alms.
I'oi no lio(Jo ame gafurisliikireri, ^ ^ S-M^IS£ Hodokosii, ffi'jec.-^, ii^, v.t. OTo carry out; ta
Ig5 u V , ;ibciut evening was raining heavily.
it put into operation; to use; to administer. Q
8yn. Kakari, Dake, Hodoai, Hodoeai, To give alms; to endow; to bestow; to confer.
iTOIYii, Kl'ItAI, MASITMASU. Uakarlgoto wo hodokosu, \^^ ^7,,to carry out
IIo<1i», a$*, ^±, n. The paradise of the Biid- a stratagem; JlTi'Sei wo tami ni hodokosu, CEt?"
dhL^ts. S: — iiii^, to govern the people with benevo-
fo<lo, (4 5 >«•, St ±, " The territory of afendal lence; Kyiimin nl brA-senwo hodi'kosu, 5EK JK —
lord ; a flef. i3 ? ftfS
^•. to give rice and money to the poor in
Ilucio, tS$^, fRJ:, n. A country, kingdom, state. charity; .^femtnoku wo hodokosu, S ^ fiS '''• *** M
EEoflo, ft 7g 5, 4t?iS, n. A foot path; a narrow be praised (in the presence of others); Tolku-in
P^ -^ i? ^ fiS ^. ^o
lane. e kane wo hodokosu, W ^°^-
llOdo, iX^Ti^, ffiS, n. Report; communication; tribute money
to an orphan aayluna.
intelligence; information. sum, v.t. To UlKISHIKU, SEGYO SDRTJ.
report; to make communication. Blodokii. ii'& <, M, v.t. and i. O To untie, un-
.-^yn. HdOUI SUEU, SHIRAEURU. fasten; to undo; to loosen. @ To perform (as »
llGdo, a^.±tSg, 7i. [Bot.] Apins Forlmicl. vow). As an intransitive verb, it is more clas-

ISoduiii. [^jif'SjV', ^Rfl, n. Interval of time or sical than IJodokeru.

Syn. IvOROai. Lspaee. Gwan wo hodoku, ^ g? ^, to perform a vow;?5

IEo(loE-:^(4liii-»mi. 6 -?-, ^ jffi, v.t. [caus.

rt: * li :£ HaoH no himo wo hodoku, ^Sl^ffl?-^^. to
form of f/odobaslUruA To cause to splash about. untie the cords of, or unbutton, the overcoat;
Ilodoliitnliirii, ia>ctfS,S, ^. v.L To splash Motsure wo hodoku, Sl.ftlf ^ S3 '*'. ^.o loosen
about. what is tangled ; Nuime wo hodoku, Si H ^ 91 ^.

ga ?bOdo1>asJbiru, Hiifi&li-, the water

Jifizu to unseam.

Bpla'^bes about; Namachi ga hoAnhashiru, ^ jfii HortoUu SHi'ii, iS.fi'^iirZ, ^a. u.t. To hold up

if jS ^^, to bleed violently. respectfully and read (as the Emperor's written
Syn. Haneru, Tokashiru. order).
noducliiKakii, d^'^4'^. ^15. O-'^'"- The adv. Hodoinura, (4*tf&, ^ ^H", " A kind of thick
form ol below. paper manufactured at Hodomura in the pro-
IBocKrriimaslil.-l.-kl, (2*'^*> t, ^ ifi, « Not Tince of Hitachi.
di-i:int from; not far from; near; close. llodonakii* ti^ti:< , MSi o^v. In no time; soon
P.yn. Tr*KAnANO. after; immediately.

liodojs;!, t5>??r. S, ffi", » A kind of earthen pot Homnakuuridashimasu,^ ^^W IH^>^, [coH.]
bulging out at the middle and with h. pmall in no time we will commence to sell; SodonOr
mnuth at the top, eometimes used as a musical ku kaert I Itarcri, g ^^ tli V ifc
i^ V . 'le returned
inrJtrunient in ancient times. after a little while.

«IO(loItcrti,(i):>ft-^ 3,^SE v.i. To elapse (of a Syn. JiKi NI. Mamonaku, Tokaraztt.
i!ngtb of time); to interpose an interval. Hodoral, (J>fc&\/N, S^/h. 'i- The proper size,

l:v<loJ'flc I'itnru beahi, ^}2 7 ^ fi- ^ t/, will quantity, or quality of anything.
come afler an interval of time; I shall go after Bbdorai no shina, * F 7 -f ^ iSi a-n article fit

a ivliile. Syn. TEGOEO. Lfor one's use.

Hodohodo. [t'^'ld'^, ^^, n. [plural of Ilodo.] Hodoro, li>^^, ^, a. Same as ^odo.

Each accuvding to his proper position, rank, etc. Sioditru. (2i?5, n. A lern fully grown.
BlodolioiEo. ('i^li',?. adr. Same a^ Jffoto/iOto. Hodo>'oKii, l/t'S i. <, ^^, adv. In a fitting or
Uoitoiiei'ii. {f^irYZ, M, «-' [pass, andpotewt. of agreeable manner; i^roperly; ao as to suit an
Hoilokii,] To be untied, unfastened, or un-
O occasion; in good time.
done ; to be loosened. @ To be cleared (of anxie- Hodoyoku aimashita, 11 ^ ^ iffl t: v £,- ^, [coll.']
ties); to be dispelled. have met in good time; Sernpo e hodoyoku moshi-
Ki no motsure ga hoclokeru, g,> ^ if f^*- n-, the masu, it:;{?-^S#^*£^7:^, [coll.] will tell

eares (of the mind) are dispelled; ifusublme ga him (or her) in a satisfactory manner.
Syn. OEITOKU. ± f" ^"7, to kill an ox and entertain soldiers (!
Hodoyoslil.-l.-kl. tt»iL, ffefif. a. Agreeable, consideration of their services).
pleasant; proper; befitting; suitable; satisfac- Sya KOBosu.
tory. Hofutsu, ttSA-^. t5P. #iS, ". [Cft.in.J Resembl-
Syn. TSUG5T0BHI. ing closely; very similar; precisely alike; almost
llodoEura, identical. The adj. form of the word has alwayi
It^-?'^, SlgSRi n. [SoC] Stemone.
HOe, tt5A.»SS^. the termination tari or taru.
n- The placenta.
Syn. Kna. Honitsu. ^X-O, M^, « A kind of brocade.
Hfie, (2 ? ^, ^>Cc> n. The Buddhist sacerdotal llofutsu-sekl, {45 i-3^&, ;?iifBS. « [Mn.]
garment; ecclesiastical robes. Analcite. ffoam, or froth.
Hoel, »3:5A.U^,SBg. "• [Budd.] [lit.] The shadow Hofut»<ii siiru, HSi':?^^, i^SE, u.E. To bubble,
of bubbles, expressive of the fleeting state of Syn. AWATATSU.
human Hoga, [lift*, ^'^, Court of law.
m life. -ft.

HdeK U ff^.^ifi, n. A Ivind of a robe with Iloga, a5ii'. p3f-, ft. A sprout; a young shoot
large sleeves. suru, v.i. To sprout; to germinate.
Koeki, Syn. MEBAB, MEZASU.
ft (7 &,51!S. n. O Making good a defici-
ency supplying what is lacking, @ Increasing
Ilogu, ft 5 i', SgfllJ, 71. Contributing money for
vigour or strength; being conducive to health. some religious purposes.
sui'u, ut. To make good a defect; to pro- Syn. KWANKE, Kiru, Kishin.
mote liealtli. Hosaclid, ft 5 6**^-^5, ^iii'Si, n. a book" in
Syn. Oginau. which contributions for piuus purposes ax»
Hoen,ftA.^, n. A long corridor. entered; a subscription Hat.
Hoeukwd, tt5*./,<43 5, :&©«, n. [mn.] Hogai, a5ij<\^, IT a, a. A canopy, a dome.
Galena. Hogukl, |(15J)*&, ;;& iff, n. A recipe, receipt, pre-
Hoeru, lit^^.Ufi, v.t. and (. To bark (as a dog); scription; a formula.
to howl, bay, bellow, or roar. Hogakln, ft5fi<5^, JJU ^, n. ^
Money subscrib-
Inu ga mtsuhito wo mite hoeru, itif ^ Af- S. ed for some religious purposes.
y E^ )i-, the dog barks at sight of a thief; Okami Hogakko. a-i-jj*'y*>5, ii^'S, 7*. Alaw school.

ga hoeru, i^if^iu, the wolf is howling. Hiigakii, ttii)'<, ii®, 7*. Science of law; juris-
Iloezui'ii, W:a.:p*6, 9?M, « [vul. cull.] A crying prudence.
fHce. Hognku, tt5j)'<, ::&ft, « Direction;a point of
tluTu. (55^, SIS. w- Rich; wealthy; opulent; the compass; quarter.
prosperous. Hugalcu too miru, ::;5 ^? ^ B-, to find out tiie

HofuUu, 1^ ^ < , fs%, tt. Creeping. sum, direction of.

v.i. To creep. flldgakii-bnkase, B.tft*< tti'-\t, ii*(i5±. 'i- A

UoAtkit, ll5i<. The Buddhist sacer- title bestowed on those versed in jurisprudence.
fcfeM, «.
dotal dress; ecclesiastical garments. Ilogakuelii, ttii'J< * JiiJSi, n. Th^ title given

Horulfii, ft5i<,
^flg.JSffi. ». Holding both to the graduates of the College of Jurisprudence
one's sides (as in laughing); convulsing with in the Imperial University; bachelor of law.

laughter. HogsLkuwarl, i£3 ii'^ < tt^O , 'M ^ M, n. Points ol

SofuJcuzetto, i$BgffigiJ, bursting into a fit of the compass.
laughter; Bofuku no itarl, MM-^^, making Hogaiiil, ftiiV>, /hflS, ft. Pit of the stomach.
one split his sides, extremely ridiculous. Syn. MUNASAKi.
llofulciirasii,il(e.^< &-^, StfiMI. "./. Ui(.]Toiafiate Hoguu suru, (!l5i)*A']l"2, Q,'^, v.L To include,
the cheeks; to put on an angry or surly look' comprise, or contain.
to iVown. llogaraka, ftii'&i>, SS.
S^i. G « Bright or clear
Kogoto wo yuwarete hofukurasu, /h W f- k >» (as the moon), @ Plain, clear, or distinct (aa
^ 5= iia Sg 7 :^ , to put on a surly look, being the voice). © Frank; cheerful; unreserved.
scolded by another. Tsukl hogaraka nari, hM-^ *J . the moon ia

lIofiiinan-chlntsaeKi, *7VV5^-75S:&, SJ^ bright.

S!M^?g, «. [Jfed.] Hoffman's anodyne liquor, Hogaraka ul, fti)'64>K, s^, adv. T)ia lulvorbial
Spiritus aethcris compositive. form ot above.
Ilorui-ii. ttis, 0, v.t. To slaughter or butcher; JTogaraka nl ginzw'u, ;gll z= [t^ ;?; /i- , to smg
to slay (as in a battle); to massacre. with a clear voice; Iwoaraka nl ucfUwarau,
UshL wo hufuttc ktLshi. wo negirau, 4^ f- g r^ f ^ K— tT5? 7. to laugh vexy choerfuUv.
Hogo, (Jrji, iJ^M. "- O Heat. @ Flame. Hfiffu. «<-, \

Sy-D. Atsuba, Hono-o, Kwahn. Hogu, ii^K', l^tSCf 71. Waste paper; paper-
Hfigel, 12 5 W"Vp , ?S jffi,
«. Welcoming the Emperor, Hogo, a 5 a, ( scraps.
or ^oing out to receive a member of the Imperi- Hoiigo, tt^^:J
al family. suru, v.i. To welcome the Em- Hogureru. f/t<rivZ, SIfiit, v.i. [pass, orpotent. ot
peror, etc. Sbgusu.] To be frayed, unraveled, or untavisted.
HSffcki. 5 Vt'&.5§^. w. Firing guns at; bom-
tl Ho^nse. (5<**, "• A bamboo implement for dig-
barding. Slim, v.t. To Are guns at. ging earth.
IlSgoti, (3.t'/t-^, a 0S, 'i. The title of an order Hogiislil, (J<* L, !K S. n. O The stick to which a
among tbe Buddhists ranking next to Hotn. pine torch Is attached. © The tube of a rocket.
HSgen. tt5V:^A, >?W. " Peculiarity of language Hogusu, ft<*-^, M, v.t. To unravel; to fray; to
characteristic of a province or locality; pro- Syn. Hogosu, TOKU. Li^^tie or untwist.
vincialism; dialect. Hog'wal, t2i.<-*pv> ^H, CL- Contrary to usage;
Syn. KUNIKOTOBA, NAMARI. extraordinary; exorbitant; enormous.
IlSffpn, tl 5 V:Ji ^ , fift
1", n. Boasting; vaunting; JTociwat no. koto wo iu, Si"!- -r^ ^ 5: "7, to
braggint;; boraHSst suru, v.i. To brag, Bpeak what is contrary to reason or uRnce; to
boast, or swagger. vaunt; Bogtvai ni takai, Ji^(. = ^/f, to be very
Syn. Taigen hakct. dear or exorbitant (as price); extraordinarily
Iiegesliakii. a5W^A-^<,:5I^. ". [Mn.] Calcite. tall (as one's stature).
Same as UTikaiseki. HogATnn, a 5 ^ *> A, ^'^, n. Ancient govern-
Iloffotn, W:itfe. 1015?, n. The yard or spar to ment secretaries ranking next to a vice minister
which a Rail is attached. of state, esp. of Kebtishi.
HSfflso, a55^55,5fg:^, n. f-Boe.] ZesjierfMa. Hogivnn, Kt5<'*5^. Mti, " A cannon ball.
Hfigo, liJ-a, iihS, 71. Law terms. ffogvjan ame no gotoshi, ^fb^J^, cannon
H5gu, tt-ifjJ$,iiK?, n. A posthumous name given balls were falling like showers of rain.
by Buddhist priests.
Ilogyo. Yi^'^X, fij^ffll, 7»- The death of an Em
Syn. HoMTo, KaimyS. peror.
ll6go,,l25&, ^^, ". The act of protecting,
Hogyo, tt5?r-^?, -iS^^, ^m, n. Roofs covering
Hogo, Ua, 1 guarding, or defending; protection.
the gable ends of a building. fTnyo.
Booo Voekt, S IS K ^, protective trade (as op- Moliakii. a5El<, f$i&, n. A feudal lord; adai
posed to free trade).
sum, v.t. To protect, to guard; to pre-
lloliatsii, tt5l£l-7, ^9, n. Firing a cannon; dis-
charge of guns; shots. suru, v.i. To fire
serve; to take care of.
a cannon.
Jimmin wo hogo sum, AS: '^ ^^^^ rt-, to
Syn. Happ(5 suru, UoHroAsu.
protect the- people.
Holiel, 14 5 -^V*, 3g(^, «. Offering nusa to the
Mamoru, Shugo sdru, Tasdkdrd.
HSgo, (136*-i-, }Q-g-, n. Combining different in- Hohoi. 615-^V^, :S^, «• Square and plane.
gredients together; combination. suru, Hoiiel, 14 -^V^. t&#, 71. A foot soldier; infantry.
v.t.and i. To combine together. llohel, 145— v^, 5'd#. "• Artillery.
Kusuri wo fiogo suru, Mf't^'Q-y-ti', to com- Holiel-koslio, H5-^V^ t ^^^5, '^^Hm, /*.
bine medicines; Sanso wa tanso to hogo su, A Military ArsenaL
K j^-*^!?? ^ 1- JS-S^::^. oxygen combines with IBolieik-tva, a5-.\r<t), 5^:^^. « Artillery.
Syn. CnoGo suru. Lcarbon, Hohelkwa, ]^-^\r-<ir), ^ ^^, n. Infantry.
Hdgo-l>titsii, tt5 }0-^^, n. [Cltem.'i
ft'-t J*-:?, Hohclkwalgl, 115— V^< J^VrlT, ffi# ^ 3, "• An.
Substances or elements combined together; a Artillery Conference.
compound. Hohelmen. Hi— \^»^, S^Jiffl, n. [ifa(/i.] Nor-
KwarjakuteKi hogd-butsu, Hi SSi f& t^ -^ ^, a mal plane.
chemical compound. Holiefshatekl-gakkO, 6J 5 — \/^J,j^-C ?fe'-y*>5.
Hogosu, tia^, M. '^•*' To untie, fray, or unwrap. M^^i^^^. »*• A Gunnery School for Ar-
Tsutsumi wo hogosu, S ^ P ^» *•> open or tillery.
unwrap a package. Hoholsli i. a 5 — V' L, ^ ^ ti. n. A government
BogoKOi, Ka^ftV', ^SiS, 7*. Protective duties; official sent by the Emperor to offer nusa to a
protective tariff. Shinto shrine.
JTogozei wo shoMn nt kwa suru, -£S SI ^ ? ffi fi Hoholtal, tl-'VvfeV*, ^:Sr4l. ". A company of
» S 7. B'. to impose protective duties on goods. foot soldiers; Infantry.


HdbeUal, KS^V^feV^, ^^Wi, '*• A body of honour among Buddhist priests @ [coH.l Sam»
artillery. as YamabusJit.
Hohen, tt5•^^, ^, S «. Praise or censure; ap- Hol-unkl. av^'Q;?, IS^S!. a- Against one's de-
proval and blame. rishment. sire; unwilling; reluctant; regretful.
. lldJien chitefioTcu, ®^ 131 1^, reward and pun- Wakare ga Iwlna-kaUa, flfflgij tf3P;S"?"Sf'? ^,
Bum, i\t. To praise or censure. It was against my will to part with him; I wa<
HSIil, tI5«', KcK, n. Breaking wind; fart. reluctant to part.
Kohlge, itltfon-, «f 1^. n. The whiskers. Hol-naliu, [Jvp--^ < , M^ IS!, ct^^"- The adv. form of
Iffohltsu, aw-'7,1^5S. 1115^. «. O Oiving advice above. ffor firing tea-loaves.
to the Emperor. @
The Prime fillnister; the Hoiro, * 'f t« , ti Sfl. " A utenfiil made of pape-
Emperor's adviser. suru, v.t. To advise lloitsu. ttSXr-"?, iHi|g, n. The clam and the[C/ifw.]
the Emperor. heron. Used metaphorically in an expression
flobo, V± (i, «, n. The cheeks. like below,
llobo, JitUt, inters. An exclamation of laughter Jloitsuno tatakai, #Si>^, [lit. Prov.) the
(esp. of women). fight between the 'clam and the heron (in which
Hdlio, aiai, 5g iE, aav. in a creeping or skulk- the fisherman alone is the gainer).
ing way; as if unable to walk. Holtsii, ttJV^-^.Jftig, n. and a. Profligacy, dis-
Hoho ni natte ntgeru, iS Jg —?"?? SI B-* to soluteness, debauchery; sensual; dissolute;
escape in a hurry, or slink away; Hohd notel Syn. HOSHiiMAMA, HoTo. Llicentious.
nite, tS iS -^ f'i: = t", in a precipitate manner. HoUtaiiriibo, l45V^»;r3512 5, ;SiS(?&, ti. A
Hdlio, tt5a.i-, >?i£, n. Method, way. or manner Syn. RyudanhO. Lhowitzer.
of doing any thing; scheme; plan. HolalciicbS, l't5:^^<TX, n. [Entom.] Macro-
HoUoemii, ^Kt^tr, gJC^.^.gg, v.*. To smile; to glossa pyrthosttcta.
laugh gently. Hojl, H5 c, ¥f^, w. The Imperial seal.

Hoi, 1lS.\r,^^, n. O A robe formerly worn by Hojl, t9;j.C, S0, ". O Religious ceremonies of
inferior court offi- the Buddhist creed. A religious service per @
cers. @ A court robe formed on the anniversary of a dead relative.
anciently worn by Syn. TsuizEN. fthe Emperor.
common people. Sloji, E15 t, HM, n. A memorial presented to
IIoI, Mt V, /Pig, n. One' Hojl, H5 t, ^iS. "• Cont. form of below.
original intention; Hojlgul, tt5:£.-<'V^. t^fr.itn.. " A post set up *
will; desire; wish. mark the boundaries of a country or provincr
Synonymous with Syn. Sakaigui.
Bon-i but used Mojllcurii, \itX'< Z. ^, v.t. OTo dig up. ©To
mostly with nega- try to discover another's fault,
tive verbs. See HoinaM. Off Jifl HoflD, ^5X'^. flJA, n. Countrymen; persons of
Hoi, KtSS,:;?^, n. O Direction or point of the the same nationality; compatriots.
compass which is lucky or unlucky as determin- Syn. KuNiBiTO.
ed by astrologerf. @ {Physics.l Azimuth. Hojiii, K5^'A, *JSL, n. The point of a sword.
Syn. HoGAKU, MUKI. Syn. KisSAKi.
H6I, tt-tV-i ^ 3t. '« Garments worn by Buddhist Ho.)ii!, IS^Z'A., iSA, n. [CMn.] A coolt
priests; ecclesiastical robes. Hojiro, tai'i^'^, ^ffi^. «. [Ornifft.] Bonaparte*!
H6I, a5«b,?Ptt, n. The Imperial Throne. Japane.se Bunting, EnibeHza ciopsis.
H8I, e5\/*,*r6E. «• {BOL^ C0CCUlu$ T^iunber^x- HoJli*o-s:uiio. i3:X'^J)t'&, n. [Orreitft.] Golden ey -^

Hoi, iaX),5S®. " A supplement. Hojlrii, a 5 ;£• :5, :IS, u.e. To roast or fire (as t_i»
Hoibon, ^a\/^^^:^. S* ^S. «• a klml of bowl used leaves).
by Buddhist priests. Cha wo hnjlru, i^ ^ tS S> n-, to fire tea.
Holkakii, tt5&4><,;&ti[^, n. [ITatft. J Azimuth. HSjirn, 12 5 £• 3, i|, v.t. To grant the rights'
Holkel, tt5SW'V^.:&4ili". "• [PAysics.] Declino- ruling over; to make one a daimyn.
meter. Hojlru, W:&2, ip, 3!, t'.l. To dig out; to pick out
llolkl, tt5&5,^^. «. The limits or boundaries (as wax from the ear); to root up.
of a feudal fief ; the territory of a daimyo. Suta ga gomttame wo hojiru, P ?/" 5F H3 ^ tH s-i
Uolkin, ^i\/^.&^, 1$^ rjl. « A piece of cloth for the pigs root up the dirt heap; Mimi wo hnjiru,
covering the bowl used by Buddhist priests. 5f f" {35 »-, to pick or remove wax from the ear.
Hain. aA\^-^, ^PP. "• O The highest title of Syn KOJiRU.
noj 37i HOK
IDojiwlii, tSS: L, M, «- 'comp. oi JlosJii (dried), and SfioSu siirn. l^ X- W- 5 -^ 2 . 5B ?c. iJ-t- To supply a
Shishi (Uesh).] Dried flesh of animals. deficiency; to provide for.
IHir.jisuru, M 5 .^-^ 3, )SI^. T.t. To cherish (^s ISoJiitsii, a5£'W>-:7,5S}:f5, '' Gunnery.
hope); to hiirbour or entertain (as an opinion). Bojvisu ni tassuru, SSi^ — i^ 7. n-, to ba
Hoji sum, l/S-^&ifZ. ^3. v.t. To serve a mo versed in gunnery.
narcli <! governrneat, Oflojiiteu, tt.i-X'W)-^, iiiiS. "• Magical arts; witch-
Eekicho III. hoji svru, MVf\ — ^f^ ^^* to serve craft; art of incantation.
sufcesHive Emperors. BBdjutsii-kyoktvan, H ^Xrl^) OVf 5 < *5^. f&'l^^
Hoji sm-n, (i5^-^S, ^\% v.L To wait upon or I*, 7t, Instructor in Gunnery.
attend (as a retainer his lord). Hojiitsii-rouahaknn, a5X•W^^*t^:£5*>^. ffi iH
UoMtsu, m.i-<?, tiK. «• [Jiat/i.l Divisor and ^^(E. n- A gunnery training vessel.
dividend. lojutsu-slil, a-i-2:W'-7L,^iif5EiIi. ^ Amagician;
H»ijo, li^-i, ^flU, w- Aid; help; assistance. a sorceror.
J-Joju shihcl, WB)]'-^%', auxiliary coins. Hoka, t3:4>, ^f-, tt. ct. 3.nAaav. O Exterior; outside;
siirii, V t. Til aid, help, etc. other place; the rest. ©Different; other; ex-
Syii. Ogixau, Tasukeru. ternal; outside; foreign. © Out of; besides;

ISoJo, fcl5%--^^5, :5 7t. n. (I A building in a Bud- except; in addition.

dhi.st temple where the pvior dwells; a monas- Hoka kara Utarerl, n» ^ jjj u- V .
came from
tery g The head priest in a Buddhist temple; another place; Holca no hito wa Shiran, $[ ^ A
a prior; a bishop. »^^5v. [coEI.] others do not know; the rest
lE'uo. a5S;^-5. ^"'l;?. " r^u'St.j Fragrant feel-
are not aware; I don't know the others; ffoka
ing, i.e. your kind reeling. no koto rwa yuwan, ^t ^ 0f ••» 5: v, [coll.] do -»'*

Kr.jo. m:-3X-^5, K(^, n- i^lberatlng living not (or does not) talk about other matters Kono ;

things Irom confinement lor pious purposes. hoka mada takiisan aru, v ^if i5a tU T /i-. ifcfc i"!-

Ildjo. H 5 .£'^ 5, %U. n. A certificate of merit; icolL] there are a great many beside these.
a written testimony of some meritorious deed Syn. BETSU, Omotb, Soto, Yoso. riamp^
or good behaviour, Hokage, B:*>W^. 'X gS, " The light of a flre or
j/7jo wo tamait, Fi 3^ ^ H8 -7, to give a certifi-
H okage. W:**t^, iW g£, « The sight of a sail.
cate of merit (said ol" the government, the Em- Mokahok.i, W;4>tt*>, tmiS, «- and adv. Warm;
peror, or one's lord). comfortably.
llojo, K-i-i;5, ii'M, n- A lithographed handwrit- Hokal, «*>&. HB. "• Dwelling in another
ing (olded m the form of a book. place, or outside of one's homestead.
Hojo, i^ 5 Z--^ 5, 5£^. <^' Luxuriant; fruitful, Uokal, tti»£, ffS, 'i. An erect cylindrical box
fertile; productive; prolific. with legs and a cover (used
JIojo no Chi. :g:®S ^ Jlfi. alertile region.
for holding or carrying food
Iirtjoe, H 5 3:- ^- 5 ?.. )& i ^. " ^ religious in ancient times),
ceremony formerly performed at court on the H5kalsekU a5 4'V^^5. tM
15tli ol the 8th mo. {p.s.) which consisted in 5, n. [JUln.] Oalcite.
saying masses and liberating living things from Mokahe, fti'W, 5«!S, n. Hang-
confinenifant. ing up the ears of rice either
Hojokukii. \t-X: i *» <, ?iC0Jfi. " [Math.] Sub- for drying or aa offerings,
sidiaii ;uiti)o. Hokakebiiuo, iliiybfMl, [fiUBt

lIoJoKiii. ;^i'l?^,fi!iafI^. « subsidy; grant In

jil, 71. A sailing ship; a sail-

aid of a certain undertaking, boat.

l2o.i« siirii, laX- i-^3, !itiyi. 1^-t- To render assmt- Syn. HOllAKSEx. fsail; to sail,

rnce; to help; to aid. Hokakovu, (i4>W2, BVt?!. ''' and i. To set

Ilu.loyoii, ta2:•i^^,?iIifl/)IS), n. iMaUi.] Auxiliary Hokaku, n-b'i Uii ,
I3£ath.] Supplementary
circle. angle, supplement.
flojo, tI$*'5,tSK. "- iChin.l Saturation. ISokainuvi, H i^ *> $f ip
, m^, n. Covering the
siii'u, iJ.t. and I. To saturate; to be saturated. cheeks (or the head) with a liandkerchief,
Iloja, K 5 ^'W)5, 1^, n. Cannon, musket;
^Te! Ilokan, a 5 *> ^, :5 ffi, '^- A pharmacopoea; a
musketry, ^Gitibshu. medical receipt book or formulary.
ndJiii?aNliirn, (S5;&W)i3»^ G, ff B^ pS. n. Same as Ilokaii, «51>^, W S;. " Ahandbook; amanual.
H^JiiKii, ti 5 ;£• l* < . Ssl^. 71. Abundance of har- Usually affixed to tlie unme of a book, as yaklt-
vest; Iruitfulne.ss; plenty. mei-hokan, a "Manual of Materia Medica."
HOkiin, ^I5*.^, 55= ^, n. [Eptst.] [KC] Fragrant
letter; your letter (respectfully). Insurance company; assurance company.
Hokan haidoku tsulcaTnatsuri soro, ^tt^ffl Hoken-kols'iiku. t2tj^»V^^ <. I^mmi^i, n.

tt ®,have the honour of reading your letter.

I Insurance policy.
Hfiknii, (i5*>^, ^m, «. A buffoon; aharlequin; Hoken-ryo, ^aH^<l5, iRRftjEt, n. Premium
a clown. of insurance. Tfeudal pystem,
Syn. Otokogeisha, Taikomochi. Hoken-sefdo, tt 5t^ A-*l/^«, ififi $y [g, «. Tha
Hokanho, tt i> ^ 11 i, M ^. " [Math.'] Inter- Hokoru, ttJWZ,
To be childish from old
polation. Hokeru, \&WZ,
Hokaso, tt*>t5, fifcTll^. " A kind of ancient age, to be in one's dotage; to become stupid.
musical pertormiinces played by bonzes. Syn. OiBOREUU. fdence.
Hokaifiu, Hi i}- -^,To throw i &T.St ffi.
"•*• H6ket!>iii, tt 5 W'-?, SEL H. ». The Imperial resl-
Hdkn Bm'u,ti5i>-f3, ) away; to cast away; to Hoketeii. 115 W-9, ^Sli, 7i. QA sprout; a young
Hyn. H0RIDA3U, HoRU, Nageru, Li^jec*- shoot. ©The first beginning of an event or
Hokobokesltii,~l,-kl. (4WffiW"U a. SUly; duU- Syn. HiKOBAE, Mbbae. Ldanger.
brained; childish; infantile; puerile. Iloketsii, Vi.\rr-o, ?filS, MX. w- Making good
Syn. BOKETARU, OROKANARU. a deficiency; supplying a vacant post. s»-
HSkodatsu, tt^W-Tls-^p ate. v.i. To be frayed ni, v.t. To make good a deficiency.
or abraded (as clothX Hokctsu. tt^W"^. fiSc ail, w. Letting blood.
Syn. Hoke-tsuclii, ^1/^-0%, JS±, n. A kind ofblnck
Hokohoke. Htl^^ttii-, •'^% v.. Appearing to be Syn. KuiiOTSt'Oiii. l_earth; peat.
silly, childish, or puerile, Hokctsii-sil". laH•7§r£^. fiKI^a. " Mem-
Hokei, a^lif\r, >5jK, n. and a. A square figure; ber of an assembly (esp. of the Imperial Diet)
Cho-Iiokei, g:5jg, i-ectaugle. Lsquare.
elected to fill a vacant seat.
HSkoJ, a5W-V/>, :5||-, n. Same as -ffosafcw. HSkotsuki, H50-pg, & jiiSS, n. [Surp.] A scari-
Hokoi. aiWV^. ^52. "• ,iit.] A spiritual elder
ficator, or an instrument for letting bloods
brother; a term used by Buddhist priests in ad- Syn. Suipukdbb.
dressing their seniors. HoketBu-sonkyo, [ew^-e^ g i, SfiXiJEK. «-
Hokolkuku, Kti&\r-i)><, ^MS. n. [ifa(A.] Para-
Election to supply a vacant seat; a by-election.
metral angle. finterceflsor.
HSkeKuku, To be cadaverous; to
(tSW-rsX, v.i.
HSkclslil, a5t^lr£, ^.^Gip, n. AnadTOcate; an be childish or silly.
HSkeJso, (i5W-\/^55, JBilS^. "• [£ot.] A species H6kl, e5&,#, n. A broom.
Syn. KuMATSuztJRA. Lof verbena. H5kl, tti^.^fg, n. Laws and regulftions,
Hokokyo, ttWgJ^5, ii¥5i. " The sacred Syn. H5S0KU, NoRi, Okite, Sadame.
books of the Buddhists consisting of 28 volumes. Hokl,
Hoken, ^a5W^. K
»*• Feudalism.
LSee Bolckeshu.
It $ l^,tt^> f^- Flocking about of bees;
rising in great numbers (said of mobs).
SDru, v.(. To rise in insurrection.


Heken, it 5 A, ^ fri"
UK. "• Making offerings; DokZ ft-Sfci su, ± S !^ @ ^, people swarmed in
things dedicated. Insurrection.
H5kon, a 5 ^ ^, IT SB) 7i. A precious sword; a Hokl, 115 5, W§S."- [GhinJ] Precious utensils;
sacred aword. rno-JinJci. things much prized treasures. ;

Kusanagi no h~>kp.n, "^^ ^ ff fiJI- See Sanshu- Syn. Takaramono. fsacrifices in.
lldkeu, tt5W^, fU?!. « The laws of a country. Koki, ft ?, Sg g, /(.. [Ghin.^ A vessel for offering

Hokojif W;W'^, fi^^, " Insurance assurance. ; Hokl, ftg, "l^ g, n. [BoC] Livistonlix rMneustx.
Kaijb hoken, ^h ^?%. marine insurance; Byn. Biro.
Kwas'ii hoken, 'K})i^Wi' Are insurance ; Seimei Hnkli.oslil, ff5^lK:l, PI,". A comet.
hoken, ^jf^^fift, life assurance Bokentsuki no ; Syn. Keisei.
nimotsu, ^M^ ^ fSi ^, insured goods or car- HoUldasii, ja^i^-J-. v.t. To spit out ; to eject ; to
sin-ii^ t .i. To insure. Lgoep. Syn. llAKiDAsr. t^omlt,
Hoken-oip.vo, ^5W^s.V^W^i, ffi^1^«, n. The Holilglkii, H5&r<, tgWSS " [Bon WfrifiUa

busine."iR of insurance. ca?en(iMlacea.

Hokon-ciso-ali», (4 W" /> ^ U>|* 5 X ^. «!!&» Hokiii, tt5&^. fB!!?. "• The laws Ufa country;
Ii5?f , 77. An insurer or a person who makes in- prohibition of astnte.
surance his business; an insurance broker or Boki u luo okasu, ffiSf^JB:^. to ii. fringe th»

agent. laws of a country



Hfiklslin, [15^ :fe^,JttS%, n. One who rejectfl, Hoko, rtt, K.^.A. "• -*- kind of asnear: a.hA
discards, or abandooR; a rejecter. herd- ffendal lord or daimyo.
H5bl snru, \i£^% -^%,M^, v.t. To reject, give Hokd, tt 5 t 5, ti^.n. [Chin.] A
up, abandon, or discard; to put aside (as work); 115kd. a5ii»5, "^ \ni, n. O Direction
to renounce or disclaim. or course. ©One's object or aim

Kenri wo hoki sum, J3 ?ij ? {W ^ ^ » to re- in life.

nounce one'sright. Higashi no hoko nt suswnu, % ^

Syn. Nageutsu, Suteru, -^ iSj =5^2*, to proceed in an easter-

Hol<l to, tl^lf, adv. The sound of anything ly direction; Bukn wo sadameru, ~B

Pokl to, U&if, ^breaking. rS) ^^ rt'. to fix the direction to-

ffnki In nrzi, rk ^ b ttf »-. t;o break (as a stick) wards which one should move; Mi
wilii a siiappint? sound. no hfiko wo ayamaru, ^ ^':^Jai f- ^
Hokkai, " North sea, B-, to miss one's vocation.
(3l'»*>V>, ^t i0.

Hokke. iit'jb^, n. \Ichth.'] Ldbraxa-p. Hoko, ti 5 t 5. ^^, " Service or

Hokko, ti-^W-, ii W-, Cont. form o^ ffokkeshU.

servant; the duty of a servant to
Hokkcdo, (47H-;t5,i£iSS, n. A temple belong- his master.

ing to the Jlokke denomination of Buddhism, ffoko wo tsutomuru, ^ S ^ 3^ i*

where the burnt ashes of high personages are V, to perform one's duties as a ser-
preserved. vant; Huko zvml ni naru, ^^^
Hokko-hakkoe, a.yrt-tr.y*>5J&, ^m/\9tt<n. — '? 1^, to ftDter the service of an- ij

A meeting of BuddhLst priests in which the sum, v.L To serve. Lother. CfJ]

eight volumes ofthe Rokkekyo are read and their Hoko, t3:*>5, Going on foot; walking.
ijyff, n.

meanings expounded. siini, v.i. To walk on foot; to walk.

HokkekyO, javWS-^5. ii^M. ^- A- secret Syn. ARUKU, Atttmu.
script ure nf Buddhism read especially by the Hok6, tt5*»5.^#. 74- Sweetodour; fragrance.
Buddhist." ofthe ffotefce denomination. Hoko. (4 52:, £tp. n. The territory of a feudal
Syn. MrOHOKENGEKTO. lord ; a flef.

Hokkcn, *-y*-v, ?jf ]j!3, n. A yellow kind of silk Hoko, ttic, ^ ^. ft. A child which creeps (aa

stuff imported Irom China. Ifauko, tt^t. before it is able to walk).


Ifokkeekii, Hi 5.
-^ i/f Z I* SS^. '». A sect of Hoko-doskiisei, a54>57t-5£-^*V>, ^#]«P>Si
Buddhists. See Nlchirenshu. fpalace. n. [Med.] Aromatic spirit of ammonia, SpiritiA
lEokkctsn, t^-^W-^, iit H, '<- [Chin.'\ The Imperial aminoniaci aromaticus. riion,

MoUKIgal, (2 •» & t« I*- *. iConch.'] Trigonella Uokoel, tttS^V-, tTSi^S£. «• fSot.] The dande-
SachalinenstSi Syn. Tampopo, Tsrzi'stiGUSA.
llokkl-nln, Wl:-,'&^rc^ S® A, «. One who plans, Hokoel-eklmi, (4t5;tV^A^iI-, '^^S-?^® igiSlf. «
or organizes; an originator; a projector; a pro- Extract of dandelion, Extractum taraxaci.

moter. HokOKir H t ^t n. A spear-shaped pole (of a

Hokkl Burii, {l^l^-il-S, ^g, Ti.C. To plan, organ- fence). ffortably.

ize, or origioate, Hokohoko, tat. lie 6? fi?. adv. Warmly, com-

Syn. Hajimdru, Kuwadateru. Syu. ATATAKA, HOKAHOKA.
Hokkoku, ^tt'j'Ci 4fc 8,
'". , Northern countries; Hokoku, il5£.<,ffi8. n. A country, nation,
the northern provinces. Syn. KuNi. Lstate.

Ilokkorl, (iyCO, adv. Tired; fatigued; tedious. Hokoku, tt5t<, ffiS, " Patriotism.
Hokku, }(t'j < ,%.^,n. \llt.'] First verses; another Jinchu hokoku, ^,ffi.^ 13, loyalty and patriot
name for halkai, derived from
being com- its ism; Hokoku no kokorozashl art, $B S --• ;S T 7
posed of the first three verses of an ordinary to have a patriotic heart; to be patriotic.
Japanese poem iTenga). HoUokii, usee, ^-§, ft. A report; communi-
Hokkyo, Hi "jl^ 3,^^, n. A title of honour cation; message. siiru, v.t. To report; to
among BuUdliist priests ranking next to Hogen. communicate.
Hokkyokii, l^y§i,<, ffi, n. The north pole.:|fc H&koku-slio, a5t<;&t.K^», n. A written
Hokkyoku-sei. it % i. < ^^/^, 4t S ^. n. The
-j report. fdays; now.
north polar star. Hokon, H 5 t ^, >? -^, tt. Present time; now-a-
Hokkyokii-sliiiti-hl, Kl-y? i < :g.l5'-y*^, 4fc S tli ^. Syn. Genzai, Toji.
n. [Astron.] The elevation ot a star above the Hakonln, U 5 C5 l(Z ^, ^ & A. t». One who
horizon; altitude. servaa iiis master; a servant.
B^teSnin Jconjo, SS-A:ffi^, a mercenary Aromatlc wine of iron, Vinum ferrtcum aroTna-
spirit. ticus. rtion).

HOkonln-uhoTnclo, (iS J.5 l(C^5 W"^ ».^& A Hokii, }3:<, ft, a. North (used only in composl-
^^, n. An office where servAnts are obtained, Hoku, W:5 < , v.t. To become silly; to be childish
and wliicli also aots as a surety for the latter from age; to be in one's dotage.
Syn. Yatoinin-ukhjiku. Lwhen hired. Yami hdku, ^ = *f ^, to become childish
Hokora, ti t. b fl-om sickness.
5 j^, 71. A small SHnt* shrine.
llolciira. Vi < fy Hokiiclil. V3.<%, i^ p, 51 i^ W, n- Tinder.
Syn. Hokuclil-bako, l/i.<%]i£-L, iKW.^> " A tinder-
HolfOi'ashl,-1,-kl, at.&U « Reasonable to be box,
proud or to boast of. Hokuclio, North dynasty or •
llt<-r:^, ftfll, n.
Hohorl, at »), ^5S, n. A small fraction. line of theEmperors who reigned in KyOto for
flokoH oa cteta, 5 8* ^ Ui *. t^ere is a small a period of 57 years after the Emperor Godaigo
fraction. had established his court at Toshlno, which in
Hokoi'l, tatV),*?, "• Fineduat. distinction is called NanchZ. See Nanctid.
HokoH ga tatsu, ^if ^"9, the dust rlsea;
Blokiiilo, Yt< 1b^, " An honorific title for
ffokori wo Jiarau, ^^ fifi
"7, to dust. another's mother; your honorable mother.
Syn. CniBi, GoMi. Syn. BODo, Hahagimi, Hahago.
Hokorl-dake, tt t «!) ?£ W, S iS, "• i^ot.] Puff- Hokiifu. ttf .i.5, ft^, -». North wind.
ball, Lycoperdon iovista. Hokiiga, tt5<'5, ftPffi. n- North corner. B Q
Hokorl-lmval, W: £. w) 116 », j^i*. W®'^. " ^ Northern boundaries of a country northern ;

Syn. Chirihaeai, Hataki. Ldustei. frontier. ftic Ocean.

Hokorobl, ttt^tA'.IS. 'i- Opening of a seam; a Hokuhyoyo, &a<U-^5-^5. ^ikW> " The Are-
rent; a tear. Hokiil, la < &, 4fc (#, n. North latitude.
Hokarobi wo nU, gj ^ £8 "7, to sew up a rent. Hofcukwo. ie< <*)5, j

4fc %, «. iPliysics.'i Au-

Hokorobu, ltt.'5 >, H, iJ.t. O To burst open (as a Hokkwo, tlr; < t? ?J
bud) to bloom.
; @
To be ripped open (as a seam). rora borealia.
Baikwa sudeni fiokorobu, the ^^^-^T> Hokumeo. ^i<»^, ftM. " O Facing the north.
plums are already in blossom; Koromo-no-sode @A class of court officials in the service of a

ga hokorobu, -^^^if^-f, the sleeve of the retired Emperor, the word hokumen originating
clothes is ripped; Nuimega hokoi-o'bu,I^W}fKZy, from the position of ministers or other officials
the seam is ripped. before the Emperor who always sits fELCing the
Syn. HODOKBRU, TOKERU. south when on the throne.
Hokorii, (4t3,S?, ft. tt. v-^.nndt. ©To be vain, Hokvmen no husM, VcM-^W:,±y the Empe-
oi- proud of; to be conceited; to exult in; to ror's body guard.
be puffed up or high-flown. To boast of; to @ Hokurl, tt < "ii, 4fcS, « The north village or
Taunt; to brag. prostitute quarters (a term applied to Yoshiwa-
ra in Tokyo). rprickle.
Ikenni hokoru, .Si 13- SSf»', to be vain of one's
authority; to plume one's self; Waga gti nl Ilokuro, e < ^, fS.in^.S^. ". A mole, or

hokoru, 5gg:iS|n', to pride one's self on Hadakuso, IIokuso.


one's accomplishments; Wanryoku ni hokoru, Hokuro, \(t<h,m'^. n. [Bot.] Cymbidium virens.

t^ij zz^K', to boast of one's physical strengtli. Hokurokudo, 13:< ^<?i25. jft [^ iS. " One of
Syn. Hokurlkiiflu, ftC 1J < ?&5, ' the eiglit do or sec-
Hdko-rynsan. a 5 *> 5 ^O 5 5 A. =S=#KS. "• tions ol Japan, comprising the provinces of Wa-
[JI/eA] Aromatic sulphuric acid. kasa, Echizen, Kaga, Noto, Etchu, Echigo, and
Hokoaakl, U t. 5 &, ^ ^> « O The point of a the island of Sado.
spear or sword. @ The force (as of an ar- Hokushln, ia:<;£^, ftM. » Thenorthstar.
gument); assault. Hokiiso, U< ?:, M. fi- Same as Hokuchi.
Giron no hokosaki, ^^%, the sharp- ^^ Hokuso. W: < ^. iS. "• Same as Hokuro.
ness or force of an argument; Teki no hokosaki Hokusoeinii, (4< ?:i&tf. K ^, v.i. To smile; to

wo saJceru, IK ^^^^ iS »-. to avoid the attack Syn. HOHOBMU. LBueer.

of the enemy. Hokusogao, (i < Jti'tt, 4fcgfS. « A smiling
HSkosel. tt5i'5^V»,^§!f3. « [^ed.] Spirit of Waraigao.
Syn. Lface.

horse-radish, Spirltus aromallcus. Hokiisowaral, }^i^^^V-, ftg^, n. A sup-

Hflko-teBBhu, tt5*>5T-^2.B), ?J=^$3i!i. "• \Med.\ \
dressed lau^h; sardonic laugh; smile.
HOK 378 HOll

HokaisosuKlii, n< t =-' ? ^, St ffiyg lU. '«• ^ Slokyd. il$&-^5,^K, 7!. The limits or bound-
covering for the head and face. Tans. ariei5 of ndaimyo^s territory.
Hokittckl, tt-;T&, :|tJ6'f, ". Northern barbari- Syn EuNiZAKAi.
I^'amhan JiokuteJci, ^S:|tS^', all the barbari- HoUyo, a5&-^5,'a^, 7t. Phymosls.
ans of the world; barbarous nations. Syn.KAwAKABURI.
HoKtito, H^)f, 4t2K «. The north constellation Hok.Tfi, Kt 5 & 5 t^s fiS. «- Salnry.

or a group of seven stars; Great Bear, Ursa Syn. Kyuryo.

Maior, Ursa Minor. ISomachi, f^a"^,^?^, n. Knioluments; per-
HAk-tvn. tt5<ih. fiSti^, "• Settintrflre; iocendiar- Syn. MOKK, Yakutoki" LQuisites.

isTTi. siii'ii, V.J. and i. To set fire. BEoinaisoii. (2?,V^*^, iiW fill K, « A sailing ship.

,ir nka ni Iwkica suru, g^= tft iA: 7. ^•, to set Bfioniun HtiiMi, tt 5 a ^^ 2, <QSJ, ^'*- To eat
the houses of peopie on fire. enough ; to be sated with food. fpraise,

Syn. TsrKr:Ri, HiTsnKE sURU. Trocket. Homaro, l^'^H. ^, n. Fame; renown; celebrity;
H&kiva, K;5<!j9, '^'K, « A signal five; beacon; Homavp. nruhito, ^^T n- K. a renowned per-
rrr,kwa wo agcrii, t-f ^ ^ Si n-. to liimllB signal son; a cfilebrated personage; Bomare wo uru,
Syn. NoROsni, Tobuhi. [Qre. S'^ S>^. to get fame.

Holtn-a-(Inis:iliii. tti < J?;i5\rS»< ^fA:KS^, n. ,

Syn. Meiyo, Eito. rfroth.

The College of Jiu imprudence in the Imperial Ilonint*^!!. a 5 'a o, il^fR. Foam; bubbles;

University. Hnmatsu ni kisu, f^^.-%7., it came to or

HSUwiii sm-n. ia5<*9V^-^S, W iB. vJ. To fall resulted in nothing; has been of no avail.
or slide down (as the side of
a mountain); to laoinba, tt^iJ, 3K:ffl, n. The original place; ths
Syn. Kuzureiu". Lcrumble down. centre
HoKwj&kii suvu, \,i<t><i-Z,tiSM- «-* To catch; Omori wa Jioshinori no fiomba nari , ^KM'*^^
to capture; to seize. iS^ ^ ^ 1^ -^ ^, Omori is the centre of the ma-

Syn. JlESniTORU, Toraeru. nufacture of hoshinori ; nomha vo shiromono, ^

yj '^ goods coming from the original place
H5kwnii, (15 < *>^^ ft'^, "• Taking charge of;
suvu, of manufacture or production; genuine article,
exercising control over; supervision.
To tate charge of; to excercise control
Hombako, ^3:^^i^l, 2p:|@.ff i^. n. a book-case.
V '

over. fa .judge. Homboiil-iiisliiklorl, rt:^'<KV^ L^JffW) 2fC ST , a

HOkwan, aX- < J^A-.^U*. «. Judicial officers; i^, n. A brocade woven with threads dyed with
genuine safflower.
H5k-tvan, tt 5 < *5 /U ffi M. " IChin.] Keeping
watch of a gate; a gate-keeper; porter.
Iloiiibd, a^ tf 5, ipfc^, « A separate building
Buddhist temple, where the prior is living.
in a
Hokioan gefcilaku, ffiSai?^- See under ^ypfci-

Syn. MOMBAN. liaku.

Hombu, tt^i^ ^Sn. "• The principal office.
Any Sambo Jiombu, ^D£ipSn. the Central Staff
Hok-tvnn-butsu, H<*?^J«-P, ^"^IS, ".
thing under one's custody.
H5k-wn-nln, K ^, One who
Ifombiikii, ^4^-E<C. 'A^'iU' " Recovery from ill-
61 5 < *9 fiSt iA: A, n.
ness; re=;toration to health. sum, v.i. To
sets a house on fire; incendiary.
recover (as from sickness),
Hfikwan-kin, tt5 C ^)^&^. ?^iS&, " Mnner
Vamai gahomhvku sill 1-1. i^ff^i^^ti, have-
paid back to the Government.
(or has) recovered from jllness,
nSkwan surii. (55 < *^^^•^, ^ig. t'-'- To give
Syn. Heitu, Kwaiki, Z]:.vk\vai, Naoru.
or pay back .inythingto the Government; to
restore to (respeftfully). Ilonibun, (2 ^> ^, /?:-?>, n. Natural obliga-
Karoku wo Jiokwan swu, ^ iifi ^^ liJ 7. ;i-, to tion; proper duty. @ One's station in life.
restore one's pension to the Government. Onore no hombttn lOO mamoru, Q :^ S; ^ "y ,^

n-, to conform one's self to one's stntion in life;

H«Kwatsu siirii, Kt To
5 « So -7 -^ 5, ^ fS, t.E.

comprise, Include, or contain; to comprehend. Hombun wo /swfcw.w, ^ ^9- ^^, to perform'

Hok^vo, i/t< r> 5,)ffi3J, n. O UJ'if." The cattail one's proper duty,

rn^'i @ The pollen of the same plant used as a Hoinhurl. tt A> U), 7h Trao raining or steady
rain (a^ distinguished ifom showers).
dru g.
HSUwosuni, tt5< sb
5 ?• 5 . <* tS, v.i. To wnnder HoTiicliayaaii, (lyiH--;-^-: i^ ^, v.t. To applaud,
to and fro; to roaro, stroll, ramble, or rango. cheer, extol, or panegyi'ize.
Syn. UROURO SURTJ, TDKISAMAV^i. Syn. Kassai suru.
H8k:t o, rt: ? ? J; 5. S ta. T*. Plenty or scarcity; Honicl-seclilo, l^^ibV-^%^, ^^VS^.n. Se«-

fruitful or unfruitful. Toyonoakari.



Hfimel, ttSfeV-, ^^. n. [lit-'] Fragrant name; Hommo, W:^25.:^^,7^. One's principal desire;
a good name; fame. the greatest object.
Sfomei wo ban-set ni nokosu, 5^ iS ^ ffi ffi: = JS HQimriQ wo togeru, /R^^igyfl', to accom-
p(, to leave a good name forever; to immorta- plish one's object.
lize one's good name, Hoininon, ^a^'&^, 2|C3C, n. The text (In distinc-
Uemelstiii. tl 5 ft V^ ;£ W). ^ ^ M, « [Wt-] Life tion from notes or commentaries); the text in
preserving sake, the name of a medicinal liquor question.
brewed at Tomotsu in the province of Bingo. Tegami no homvion, ^iiK^'^^, the main
flomekotoba. aftC^ftf, S ^. n. QWords of contents of a letter (as distingulslied from the
praise; applause; commendation. @ Formal address or post script).
praise (either written or Bpolten); eulogy; pane- Hojniiiyd, ^5^;V^5,3p^, w. True name.
gyric. IlntnmyT) xoo akasu, 7^^9- tjUl yi, to tell one'.:

•fomelcii* 1lS.)b<, @^, ^, v.i. [comp. offfo, fire, real name.

and Meku, like.] To be like lire; to feel warm. Syn. JiTSUMTo

Syn. Atsui. Homo. (2i25, iiJH, n. The net of the law.

Hdmen. S »
^, :5M, "• Divisions cJ a couD-
5 IfSmo ni kakaru, ^!^~''^ fi-, to be caught in
try, province, or any small portion of a district the net of tlie law Homo wo nogaru, ii
; ^^ ^
ji-, to escape from do.
for purposes of jurisdiction, defence, etc.; direc-
tion, quarters. Bfomomeii, W: 6 ft ^, tpl ^^ ifft, n- Canvas.
Uunieu, tt5l6^, fi>[ 5§, n. Release; acquittal. Uomon, tt 5 a ^, J6 n, n. A port-hole; an em
Muzai Jiomen., Mf)^Kt56, [Xau<.] acquittal. brasure. ral writings,
Burii, v.t. To release; to acquit. Hoinun, ^a-t6^,}i^, -a. The Buddhist canonic
Syn. Hanachi, Yubusu. Hoinon, ^5'fi^, ISfia, n. A friendly call; a visit.

HSmen-lcantoliu, ^5l6^:^^'^^<, :^MK'@, «•

.suru, v.t To call upon; to visit.
An overseer of one of tlie military districts into
which the country is divided.
Moinoiio, ii A ft ©, jSIS, n- Creeping things;
insects and reptiles.
Homcrarcrii, yS.'bh 6 K 3, ?Bi#. ''•*• I'^'SS. and
Iloinotsii, la 5 6 -7.^?^, n. Anytiiing offered to
potent, form of Someru. fextol.
To praise, applaud, or the Kami or Buddha; offerings.
Ilomcrii, lai?) Z, ^, "o.t.

Ilomesoynsu, Ht^^^-i", P^. iJ-f- [coll.] To Hoiiiotsii. tt 5 4-5, ff^, 71. Things much prized;
speak highly of; to sing the praises of; to extol treasure. Tlie term is applied mostly to sacred
HOMETATSURU. Lto the skies. or rare articles pre'iorved in shrines or temples.
Hoiiipcii, W:^-;^, :^.^, n. This volume, the
Homina, l^AB, ^%, Legal hor.se-load, or a
book in question. fempire.
post-horse loaded with the weight of 36 kivam-
me, which was a standard horse-load in former
IBompo, ta ^y 5, ipflj, n. This country; our

times. fnuine truth. ;

Hoiiipulcu, li^^C,$^, 'rt. Same as Hombuku.
Homiiia, l3:^5, ;^E. o,- and n. [cotI.]True, ge- Homiira, (2*^f &,ltg, «. The flame of fire.
Sore wa Iiomma no koto desu ka, V i" >\ :^ jj -.'
Mune no homura, J\^ ^ '^, fire burning within
the heart; a strong or inextinguishable passion.
® T 7. jj , [coll.] is that a true fact ?

Syn. HONTO, Makoto, Shinjitsu. Sy n. HONOO. rhumation.

HoiHiii'i, H5fj^'(l,0, n. Burial; interment; iu-
Homniaru, (4^iS^, 7^ili,^i&. n. The inner
citadel of a castle. HdiHiii-M, a5tp2, ^, ty.i. To bury (the dead); to

flominatsii, iiA)£'7,^S, n. O Beginning and Syn. UzUMERU. Linter.

end; first and last; cause and effect © Par- Hoiiiurti, K:$r3,?^. @. v.t. Same as Bmtwru.
ticulars; the whole history (of a question). Ifiojiiyaku, 13; -t ;^ ^^ C , ii K(. "• The teachings of
Mononi wakanarazu hommatsu art, ^ =zj\,ss>:X Buddha; Buddhist doctrines.
SP^T Vf there are beginning and end (i.e. order) Hoinyo, K-t«^-^5.ii ^. "• O Posthumous names
Syn. Lia every thing. given by the Buddhist priests a Buddhist name ;

Hommol, l5^16V^,:^^, ri. The name of the year, (of the deceased), @
Buddhist phraseology
or the eto, in whicli one was born. (rare).

Hommoi, Vi.A.'ibV',^ ^, ?»• [CWn.] Busying one's B^mvtio wo t-/:iapru, Ji ^

^ P| -^ /i-, to chant
self to execute the instructions of a superior. the Buddhist name of the dead fa? 'H -^Ayer

JTommef. nl tsukarashimu, ?? == JS 7 5/ A ^ Syn. HoGo, KaimyO.

to tire (one's subjects or servants) by constantly Hon, a^, ilC, n. A book.
burdenin? «iam with some wearisome works. Son wo araivasu, zjc ^ ^ ^, lu f^Qbliall aijook


Bon wo Uakv, 1^=)-%ify to write a book; Bon ©The internal treatment of diseases in opposi-
wo tsukuru, zfC ^ t^ B', ditto; Bon wo utsmu, -^ tion to gekiva, surgery. fJapan.
? 15 ^. to copy a book; Bon vjo yomu, l^j-Wi Hondd, tt^7£5, 2p:iS. "• The main island of
A, to read a book. Hondo, ^S^^-, 1^±. n. [C-iiji.] This land; thii
Syn. SHOMOTStT, Shojaku, Tenseki. region; our country.
Hon, (4 A, :?C, i^ O This, present. @ Pronoun Ilono, t^n, ^, 11. A bono.
I or me. Bone ni kotau, i^ =i ®
v, [lit.} to be felt in th»
Eon-jitsu, 5p H, this day, to-day; Bon-nen, ^ bones; to be deeply impressed; Bone ni shimu,
S^, this year; Son-in, T, the present mem-
^Mi ^ = |JiA, [lit.] to penetrate to the bones; t-o
ber; Bon-Tcivat, :^#, we; our society, or all be fixed or Impressed upon the mind Bone w» ;

the members of tlil3 society. cldgaerti, ^ ^ jf -^/i-, to dislocate a bone; Bom

Syn. HOMMONO, H0NT5NO, MOTONO. too kujtku, ^ J- ^i^, to sprain a bone; Bone wo
IIOD, ia^, Sh, n. One of the four ranks of honour orii <§ f- tJfJi-, llit.]to break the bones; to striv»
to which the Princes of the Blood alone are hard; to make a strenuous effort; Bone wo hshi-
entitled. mu, -g- ^ fa A, [Z(E.]to spare bones; to be unwill-
Ni-fion Sliinno, "bd^Si the Princes of the ing to work; Bone wo taieru, '^'^iCrU', to get a.

Blood of the jecond rank of honour; Shi-hon ni bone (stuck m the throat); Bom wotsugu, ^9'
joseraru, M^o^^M
y f^, was appointed to the Jg ^, to set a dislocated bone; Kasa no hone, ft
fourth rank of honour (as a Prince ol the Blood). ^ ^, tlie stays of an umbrella; Ogi no hone, m
Hon, (4 ^, /p, A
numeral for counting long
n, .-/ ^, the sticks of a fan; ShTiji no hone, ^^^
objects Buch as a pen, staff, spear, etc. After a ^, the frame of a screen Tako no hone, B. .S >* ;

word whose final syllable is omitted and an em- §, tlie frame of a kite.
phaslR given instead, the form changes to pon BKtncclilgnl, t^ n
"^ i* U-. ^ia-flftS, Disloca- «
iip-i)07i, rop-pon, jip-pon, etc.); while after n it tion of a bone.
changes to 6on (.san-'bon, nan-ban). Iloncffai, anf]*y', 7*. [Conch. ] Murex.9,v*
Fudetppon, % —
2j;, one pen; Bashtra nihon. lloucearanil, n. H t^ ^ 7y, ^ '^. 1& !», n. Rhea-
Sn jJC, two pillars; Kasa samton, = ^, three ^ matic pains in tlie bones.
umbrellas; Barijippon, ^f&7(C, ten needles. Kasana Iwneoarami, .y '§^, rheumatic ^^
IlouaiiiJ, H'^^, ^ilfe, n. The even rows ot the pains in the bones caused by syphilis.
ears of grain. Hoiicgumi. nni'^i'.'mU, ^ ^. ['"•] The "
llon-an, l*^^9 ^, S6^, n. O Hearing a case again. adjusting or knitting together of tlie bones;
©Trying over again reexamination. ; the constitution; the bodily structure; the
Honclil. ^i^*t, ^M, « This land; this region; framework.
one's native place. Boneguml no void hito, -^ (;& ^ t? =^ A, a per-
Ilonclio, (4^ T 5, :^in. " This country; our son of good constitution.
Syn. Wagakuni. LEnipire. E)Bon-ci. ltk^ri\r,'^'^, n. Tlie head quarters of an
lloncIiosEiI, {^^^:5 L. "4:^^. "• O True key Syn. UONJiN. Lencampment
note. @ [coll.] Regular or sober manner of HonekoKosi. {ti^'C^^,^\^7]> n. A knife used
doing anytliing, not in a joke. in whittling booea.
IIoDtlai, W:^;t-'J*. ipiE, '[- A book rest or stand. Honon, ti5SlA,S:^. **• A year of abundance; »
Syn, KENDAI. fruitful yea .

Konclal, (J ^7£\^, '^^, n. The present or this Ilonon, tt 5«. ^, JSc^, '« \Epist.] Freeing one'
topic; the subject in question; the subject self from cares; being at ease.
which now engages our attention, Go-ho nen kiidasam belcu soro, tJP SS ;§; rT ^ T ©•
Bondai wo hanaru, ^S^|ffi;^, to depart please bo at easy about me.
from the subject in question. siiru, v.i. To be at ease.
/Jonaana, ^Hkf-U, i^t^tSfl, S^, ^t- A book-shelf. Mouennslil, iftXtt-UMft. "• [coll.] Without
llondaDiK. {l^?feti:. ^ffi. Ti. The head office, or bones, i.e. softening of the bones.
Syn. HONTBN. Lshop. Bloneorl, HtH^^, ^ifr.'^t, n. [!((.] Breaking
Ilondansu, (4^7c-^i^". 1^U% « A book chest. the bones; effort; exertion; toil; labour; in-
Hondawara, t3:^;£a&, l§ g^. "• [Bot.^Balo- dustry.
chtaua macrant/ia. Boneori zon no kiitahire mSfcc. # 3S -^ 5 E^ W
[lontto. l4^?G5, ^'^, "• The mam part of a BS ^, [P)-ov.] [lit.] spending one's labour and
tcinpie where the idols are set up. earning fatigue; mucli ado about nathjin;

noudu, ii^?^i5,"4:iE, n. Q Regular way or roftd. .TJoworL skiooto, -^J^fitO. '^t^ labour.


Boneorii, ttnigrS, ft W. tti3, v.t. and (. To toll; HSnlu, ^^VCAj, S^if., It. Committing HUtirely to
to put forth exertion; to labour hard; to be the disposal of another; non-intervention;
Industrious. laissex faire. ''falre.
Iloneoalilml. )^f:L %- L;^, ft W, n. [Wt.] Sparing Sonin shugi, fit ffi i |&, the principle of laisseM
the bones; unwilling to work hard. suru, v.t. To leave entirely to the disposal
Iloueppol, (in.;, t£^/^, ». {coll.] OFull of bones, of another; not to Interfere.
bony (as a fish); thin or emaciated (as persons). Honjl. ll3.A,t:,^^,n. CI Same as Ronzan. Q
® [tolU] Obstinate, disputacious; not yielding This or our temple.
to the opinion of others. HonJI, n. Native country, nativity,
^3:^fr, ^H^,
lIonotsuKl. mX'O'^, gfft, n. Act of setting dis-
Honjln, {9:^'&^, 4C$, n. O The headquarters ut
located "bones; a bonesetter,
a general. Q A hotel whore a Aaimyo used '.o
Honetsiigi wo suru, !£ ft ^^ ;i-, to not a bone. stop on his journey.
Monetstiffl-lsha, « n-3 grv^ ;£-^. j^ftJSt. » Honjltsu, ^:^X•o, ^B, n. See under ffon C:9C)^
Ilonotsiigl-sbl, ^^-^i^U 'A bonesetter, Honba, H:^:6>, t^^, n. True Japanese poetry, or
or a surgeon who makes it his speciality to set waka. In distinction iVom haikai, a kind ot
dislocated bones. fmoney. comic poetry.
Houffiiku, l|t^1ii<,^^, n. Original sum ot Honkase, W:^*>^>, -^^^.n. [Physics.] Umbri.
Ilougeu, tJ ^^:^^,^iS. n. origin; source; be- Honke, W:^H, $: ^, n. The principal family i.aa
ginning; original cause. distinguished from bunke, or an off-ahoot.
Syn. MiKAMOTO, JMOTO. Ifonkegaerl, la^W*^-^9, JfCiMa.ia®, n. At-
lIoRsI, (2 /u'^,7^^, n. True definition or real taining the 61st year of age, or returning of the
meaning. fnativity. same eto (which see) on which one was born.
H«ngoku, a^a<,^B, n. Native country;
HoDkt, Ja^&, ^%, V. True mind or Intention
llougo, litA. <r 3,'^'^, n. The principal building (not a joke); soberness; earnestness.
in a Shinto shrine. Honki no sata de nai, 7^^ ^fp'^ t*-^ 4 ,
[coll. ]

Honsynkii, la^^^< , K >te. "• Robellion; reTolt; not an act af sobriety; Honki wo uslHnau, $ %
mutiny; sedition; treason. frebellion.
?"5^"7, to loose one's reason; to get crazy; Honkt
Bongyaku wo hakaru, 3S »& 9" SK fl-. to plan a ni naite hataraku, ^ S§. = ?" v ^ fit ^, to work
Hongyo, (4 ^ (^ .i., 2f:3g. «• One's principal busi- in earnest.
ness, trade, or occupation. Honktn, K^?^, ip^, n. True or pure gold.
HoD-l, Hi ^v>,/Kl!, n.One's originfil Idea, in- HoDkln-ntsultaorl, t$^5 ^;&7^^tefel!) , $^W
tention, will, inclina.tion, or purpose. ®gi!, n. A thick stuff woven with true guld
Hon-l ni kanau, 2IS S — ^ 7, to accord with threads.
one's will; Mon-i ni somuku, 2|C ,'S = ^ ^. to be Honkln-orl, ra^9^?^l9, 2l!:^Sl. " A stuff
contrary to one's Inclination; Hon-i wo togu, ;J£ woven with true gold threads.
S ^ is ^, to accomplish one's object; to obtain Honkoku. (1^C.<. SSiJ. " A reprint. su-
one's cherished desire. ru, v.t. To reprint.
Byn. Hoi, Honkwaj. Monkokii, (i,A>t<, 2p:^,4;S, " [!«.] Rice from
Hon-I, liASb, 4C^, n. O standard of money (aa the fiomba or central place of production (a
established by law). @ Standard, or proportion technical term of Toky5 rice merchants applied
of fine metals and alloy In coinage as Qxed by to rice produced in Sendai).
authority. Honkoku, il^C<, n. [coll.] Genuine Kokuraori,
Kinkwahon-i, -^^-i^^, gold standard. a thick cotton Ptiiff woven at Kokura, in Buzen.
Hon-ln, |$^4b^, $^, n. Q
The principal one of Bonkoku no obi, *y3 ^ -^ S', a sash made
the retired Emperors when there are several, of Kokura.
@Tbln or our temple (used by priests); this as- Houhiival, ^1^<*JV^, 2|C1S, n. One's original in-
sociation (when the name of the latter termi- tention; cherished desire; true object or pur-
nates with in (^) as Is often the case). pose.
Dou-lu, W; ^& ^, $CM. «• or prow. The present Sonlcivai wo toguru, :^1S^^i';p, to obtain
member or I (used by members of an assembly one's cherished de.sire.
oT associatioa when met). Honkwan. Vt A. < t> A., 7^% n. Q Beal omclal
Honln, KtV-Ai, ^ ff, « Appointment to a Govern- post (as dlstinguishe(f from those which are
ment olHce. Burn, v.t. To appoint to an tenvporary or accompanied by no title. Q
office or to assign a duty. (used by Government officials while on duty).
ByO. KlHKWAK BUBO. Bonkwan ni ninzu, $
IT = ffi ^, to appoint to
a real office; Bonkwan no onidtoTcoro nite wa, $: Honoincknsn, a<0)bii>-^,^7f^, v.t. To allude to;
IT > ,S,
"7 ^ =t 7" -*>, according to my view (used to touch slightly upon; to hint at.
by officials only). Vseki. Syn. NlOWA.«;u.
HonUtvnn, (5 A < *J A., J^'S", " Same as Hon- lEonotiiekii, ['i © ;/) <,5?5S, v.t. To be seen or
Hoakwaso, l/i^^< fJ'^i', ^^^, ?* A disease of heard indistinctly; to shine dimly.
tlie female organs. flono 111, (4 ® VJ, adv. Dimly; obscurely; india-

Houkyo, (i ^& i 5, ^M, "• One's native pro- VSono-o, it<D'd, jfiiS, n. A flame. Ltioctly.

vince; birth place. Syn. HiSAKi, KwAEN.

HoDnaoslt j, U ^tI:^4 L, ^ IS, w. A kind of spiritu- lEonr.-ii, ^5^&^;^,^5J;, adv. Originally; from the
ous liquor laken mostly as a summer driui. beginning; from the first; heretofore.
Honiiedjin. ta /.tt it- A, TiCilS. ''(. Real price; Syn.GWANBAI, MOTOYORI.
true cust. lloiiron, W:^;s^, ;^^, n. Tills argument or dis-

HoDiieii. IHA.nK.'^if-, n. Tbis year. cussion; the views in question.

Hon III, ^i^l/^, aav. In fact; trnely; really; in- Honryo, li^'£l^5.:$:S!. n. jg Original territory
deed, fit is indeed. o(B.daimyo. @ My territory or the estate in
Eon ni so desu ne, rt-. z/ ^ ^"^y-' 7.
^, [coll.] so which I am living (used by a daimyo).
Honnln, 15 A ^, ^ A, !/c n. Tbe principal, the Honryo ando, ^Ci^JS. establishing one's
ma»; in question; tbe principal party. self in one's territory unmolested (as alter a
Syn. T5NIN, HottOnin. war or revolution).
Koniin, ^'a^CD5>^tI[i1 " Natural ability; instinct. IBonsal, |2^ 5\/^, ^^, n. Real or legal wife (as
Hoiiii«ii-i, tiACOV), .adv. With a slight tinge opposed to concubine).
Houucrl io. ti^0^)^f, ) of redness, tis the sky at Syn. MUKAiME, Seisai, TEKT3A1. fname.
the dawn, giving a faint light. Hoiisel, tt ^ -ft-lj^, $:4t, 7t. One's real or original
f/)-/(:siil ga ?tonno)-t to s/iiramu, 3t VAv^ V ^ HoiLsrvhi, Ki:^*&, ip^ff, n. The place of perma-
^ i,, the easturn horizon is giving a faint light nent registration; original domicile.
(as at dT\vn); Kao ga honnon to aJcaramu, ^)f Iloueoklch], ft ^*? "t, ^ ^S tt, w. Same a3
*^-^ h^T'^A, his (or her} race is slightly
y above.
blushing (eitlier from bashTulnessor as the effect Iloitsha, (4^L^, !|s:fiit, n. Q The principal build-
ol a spirituous liquor). ing in a Shinto shrine. ©This company; our
Syn. HONOKA XI, Kasl'ka N). firm,
lEonn. (55'^.i, ?5 ffj, " Dedicating or presenting HoiisEil, (3^L, ^^, n. [!(£.] Trunk and branch;
to the Kami, or things dedicated or presented. the main and side issues (as of a question); thg
siirii,D.t. To dedicate (to a deity) or present hand and brancli oflices (of a Government
to the Kami). bureau or commercial establishment); the prin-
Sumo wo hdnd sum, ffl 1!^ ^ ^ 1?j :^ fl-, to per- cipal and lateral branches of a family.
form wrestling matches at a shrine as off'eriQgs Ilonslilkt, t5^:£.&, ^j^. ?l. A formal or regular
to the Kami. way of doing anything.
Ilouolioiio. l4CDtj£^, (SSffl.sSSI), adv. Dim- Honsliiii. t3:^:£.^. .C>, ^ " True mind or dispo-
llouoliouo to, il©l9:®ir, ' ly; duskily; faintly; sition, i.e. the mind in its and undeflled
obscurely. state; conscience; real moti\e; original pur-
Vo ga honohono to aTceivataru, ^•}f Wi"^ ! ^ poses.
^B. fl-, the day is gradiially dawning. Ifonshin ni sornulu, ^,C> = 'H° ^. to act con-
Ijya. USrAKARAMf. trary to one's conscience; Honshin ni tagav, ^
•loi»ogiu-j(Slii,-i,-kl. llO<' 6 L,SI;?5, «• Giving '6 =^tM.7, same Honshin ni tachikaeTV.
as ditto;
faint light; dim; obscure; dusky. 'P'Ci— jljg 'I', to return to one's right mind;
Houogitre, Ifii^J <: H,'M^, " The evening twi- Honshin wo arawasu, ^ ^ M >» :^, to dis- ,(:.

Syn. VUGURE. Lliglit. cover one's motive; to show one's true char-
HonoUa iil, HKDi^lz, m, M, t^ Wi, adv. O Dimly; acter; Honshin wo ushinau, ,t< -> y, to lose ^ ^
faintly; obscurely. @ Indistinctly, inaudibly. one's mind; to turn mad.
ITonoka ni Tcikoyvru, H = M ^ /^, to be heard Syn. IIuNKr, ShDki. fthe police).
indistinctly; Honoka ni miyuru, Jj^ = ^^fl-, to ilonslio, ^i^S.i:, /pg, n. Oentr:il ollice (as of
be faintly discernible. Hon.sho, Ki:^X.^5. :^ 1$. n. One's original dii
Syn. Chir.^ri to, Kasuka ni, Usddsu. position; true character.
H5-no-kl, t2 5 © 5,l^tK »- [Sot.] Magnolia hy- Nama-yoi hnnsho tarjatvazu. ^W^'ftiS-^^i
t}ieuca. [coll. Prov.] a diutiken man acta true to hi*
original disposition {in vino Veritas); Sons?id wo HonEon, (4^^&^, ^BK, n. The principal table at
arawasu, ztt'13;^ ^-»n ;^, to discover one'strue an entertainment, which essentially consists of
character. rice, soup, nnd cooked flsh or vegetables.
Syn. HONSHIN, SHflKT, UMARETSUKI. HouEo. *a ^ 3^ 5 , "4C "K, n. O Bool^s on medicil
Honslioku, li^Li<, ZfCei n. Principal busi- botany. @ Cont. of Homooakit,
ness or occupation. Housoeakii. ta^?*5t'<. ip^^, " Science of
Hoii8l(o5tii, la^:£i<, JlJg, n. Real character; Syn. Shokubotsugaku. Lbotany.
natural Oisposition; characteristic. lIuiiKOffiLkiishn, ViA.r-^ii'<£,^, Tt^-^m^, i

Syn. MocniMAE. HoHBo-ka, ia^r?*>. ^'©ig?, * **

HoueS euvu, W:^/c:5^^, 9f ^. v.l. To go about Botanist, naturalist.

in haste; to liurry round; to be busily engaged. Ilotijoii, H:^?•^, ^S. n. QThe principal idol
Ishoku ni honso sunt, ^Sc -^ —^^ ^.jp, to busy in a Ruddlilst teiuiUe © One's chief object of
one's self to get a living. ft'orm. respect. Tbotany.
flontiil, Vi.^fz\I^, zlcf^, n. Real substance; true Housdslio, it ^ 3*5 £ i ^ ^, n. Books on , ?fi:

Hontakn. ISo-o. a A*3 5, ^Sl, ft. An Emperor who haa

liiA.f2.< , ip^g, n. One's principal re-
Ridence; the homestead. retired from the throne and assumed a religious

Honto, name.
I'iA.X, ^^, n. O True hand or grisp (as
in -wrestling). ©One's characteristic way of
H6-6, Sa.i-*) 5, ii2E, n. Q Tlie title of honour
doing things. specially given to a Buddhiat priest named DO-
kyO in the reign of the Empress KOken. © Ths
Honte wo dosk, ip ^^ m >?, to display or use
one's natural head of the Roman Catliolic church; pope.
skill. fof a nobleman.
HoDtcl, 1itJ^t\r, 2ICSI, li. The principal mansion Ilo-o, 125455, flfcai, n. The name of a fabulous
Hoiiton, (3^"C^, bird; the phoenix, said not to eat live insects,
:^;£, n. same as jSomm^se.
Hoiito. W:^fe5, ^f;^, n. [coH.] True, real. or to tread on green grass.

Sore wa honto no koto desu, "9 i-'>n:^'S:^57* Ho-octiikii, (a5fc5't<, Eait. n. [Bwt.JAspe-
5t, [coll.] that is a true fact. cies of bamboo. fChlnese music.
Syn. JiTSU, Makoto. Ho-on, tt5'to^, laa', n. One of the key notes of
HontS1ltSllnll,(^^'?'7^, #1$, ttS> "' Abagfor Ilo-on, Requitting favouri
W: 5 3S'^. $B,B.. '»•
carrying books, used by school boys; a satchel. received; returning kindness. fdirection.
Houul, Uitm-, 7t. A sail-.sewer, or one who makes Hoppo, t^rW?, 71- North side; northern
sails. Tsewing sails. AHora. A cavern; a cave; a den.
[-J^, M, n.
Moniilbarl, ta^O'lf'!), iWiSSSt. '*- A needle for IBura, (iii, ) i-^ SB, n. 0[Conch,] see Sara-
BSoiiiii.o, (2ai(7>, %M, '" Canvaa; sailcloth. fSftrnffal, liSfi'O', '
ucii. © A conch shell used
Syn. HOMOUKN. for blowing in the man-
Honya, Kt^^, #0,71. A book-seller. ner of a trumpet.
Syn. Shorin, Shosui, Siioten. Mora wofuku, ii SS ^tUt^',
Hon-yiikii, l^^-^< , ^jSS, /c. Translation, or ren- [[((.] to blow a conch; I^fif.]

dering into another language. sum, v.t. to exaggerate; to brag; to

To translate; to interpret. fTrnnslator. trumpet; ITcyra ivoiu, ^%
flon-yakii-lovaii. ^3:^^ < < e ^, gS3f? '^. n. A 9" b" "7, to brag; to take
llon-yakii-k^-okii, m ^.^ < "& ii < . 0^^, «. merit to one'sglf.
A Bureau of Translntion. llorafukl, a & i &, ii Sm 8k,
Uou-yakitsliii, {'±A.^< L^, ^^^, n. A trans- 7(. Q One who blows a
lator; an interpreter. flfictation. conch; a trumpeter. @
Ho-Jiyu, (5 VZ 5, Pifi?L. " «-nd a. Giving suck, [coll.'] Boaster; braggart.
Hoii> u-dobaitsii, t^ K 5 1£ 5 i-- •^, PS?l ShfS. ti. SBorasal. «66<t>,^gSa, [Conch.] Varigated
[Zo'dl.] A mamm;il. trilon.
Honxnii. i$^?•^, sptlj, «. The original or head BBoi-ai, «5 G V^,;^^, n. O A reEton of eternal
temple of any denomination of Buddhism. youth and I'elieity, supposed to exist amzd th*
Housaral, la^3'&I^, ^^fSJS, An ". exhibition ocean; Elysium. © A miniature representa-
or rehearsal of dancing and music performed by tion of the HTirai set up in the hall wliera a
young girls. nuptial entertainment is given, as the ernljlem
HouKen, (i ^^ ^, ^^, a. Natural; inborn; of the perpetual happiness of the newly mar-
native; not acquired. ried couple. © Cont. form of ETdraikazari.
ffonzen no ri, 7^0 >M, natural principle. Syn. Shimadai.
HSralJl-yurl, ta 3 ^V^£'W>'8, n. [Bot.] Lilium Morol, Sl-i-ixV^, ii^, n. Law and custom.
auratum. Horel, aijh,V>, ii^, n. Law and ordinance; an
HSral-knxar], (25 &V^*^y5, ga?afB, " A kind edict; a decree; regulations.
of ornamental stand on -wMch mocht, nuts, Syn. Okite.
oranges, seaweeds, and other articles considered HoreliTata* tt.i.n\r»5fe, i*-^|ffl, n. [TQky6dia-
ES lucky signs are piled up, and served to the lect.'\ A name given to whipped cetton which

viaitors on the New year's day to wish them was first imported to the capital from a place
happiness and lon'gevity. called Horei, Yamfito.
HSral-mame, (4 5 &V^^i6,^i^S, " Beans Morckomii, ISlH^tp, v.!. To be deeply in love
covered witb suger; a kind of bonbon. f-Horai. with; to be captivated.
HSralsan. ft 5 & V^ ^ A. gi3K llj, n. See under ll-oren, ft 5 *x ^, KS, n. A kind of car formerly
H5raku, (4 i t < , ^ S?, n. A kind of operatic used by
entertainment perforniftd before the idols in a the Emper-
Buddhist temple. The word has been gradually or; Impe-
corrupted to mean any public entertainment, to rial palan-
which people are admitted free of charge. quin.
Horaku no mat, ti |^ ^ Sf. dancing performed Horenso, it
before the idols; Miru wa horaku, a»->NiiS?, ? *^^35,
seeing requires no charge.
HSrakii, a 3 6 < , ^^, n. Wrapping up and [Boi.l Spin-

roasting; a mode of punishing criminals in ach; Spi-

China. fhoraku. nacia ole-

Horaku no kei, ^)&>fflj, the punishment of racea.

HAraku-lchlgo, id 5 <; < V^'tG. ^UiM- " i^iot.] Hoverii, i^tiZ, mB. '}.t. ipass. or potent.

Rubm parvtfolius. form of fforw.] To be carved or engraved; can

Horai-cm, [pass, and potent. dig out or excavate.
(4fe*x3, ISig, v.t.

ot'JIoru.] To be excavated; can dig. Hororu, (Six 3, ^, v.t. Same as Boreru,

Hornseru, fl^-frs, -^ [caws, form ofRo- llororii, VttiZ, 'fft^, v.t. To fall in love; to bo
ii, v.t.

ru.] To cause to dig. fascinated by.

Ido wo Jioraserii, # p ^ HE -b »-, to caxitje an- ffito no musume nt lioreru, A > ftS = ffi *-,
other to dig a well. to be in love with another's daughter; Ko7io
bonsai no kiburi ni horete kaijnashlta, ffiS! -*
Horaseru, (4 ^^2, ^ HJ, "^-t- [caiis. form of ITo- itt

ru.JTo let, or cause to, engrave, or sculpture. ^^ ^^^ W*^ ^ y have purchased this St, I

Ingyo wo lioraseru, fp RJ ^ H3 7^^ /t-, to have pot-plant ha'fing been attracted by its artistia
a seal engraved.
and Looaeneas of Syn. KOISHITAU, Okkoohirut, Rembosuru,
HSratsii, tt5 6-7, Sc:^,, n. a.

morals; profligacy, debauchery, dissipation; Horl. B, f«, ". A canal; aditeh; amoat,

licentious, dissolute, sensual.

Hori^vohoru, 3^^i@>i', to excavate a canal;
Shushoku no tame ml wo hdratsu nl suru. M Hori too sarau, iS ^ 7i to clean out a ditch^
by scooping; to dredge a canal.
fe -^ S # ^ Sc i^ — ^> />. to give the reins to sen-
suality; to plunge into dissipation.
Horl, 1iZ5V. "^ B., n. Square mile.
Syn, BiTRAl, DoRAKU, HOto. Hon, tft li), Jffi g, iL. An ofiicer wlio arrests offend-

HfiratRiimoiiu, t£^^-^lO, Jfti^W. '*• A disso- Syn. ToRiTB. Lers; a handle

lute fellow a debauchee a man of pleasure.
; ; H5ri, ^515, IS^y, #u [i3o(.] Pine apple; Ananas.
Horebore, 1$ H K H, *g? j®, a. and adv. Lovely, Horlago, ^yi'h^, SiJ±.HiS. n. Being carved ik,
dear, sweet, charming, f\aptivating>.fascinating; relief; an embossed work.
charmingly; enchantingly; naaresb to one's Boriage.no ban, ^ ;^ ^ S. a-n embossed tray;
heart. Hori age-no -in, ^^ fp, a stamp carved in relief.

Mffrebore shtta minari no onna, fK ^ S^ ^ S" JK Hoi-jn^oru, \^V)-S,tf)^2, v.t. To finish carving or

^ ^, a woman of a very lovely or bewitching engraving; to complete digging.

carriage or manner. Horlasoru, tji ig
:^t>;5, ^ ±, v.t. To throw up-
Horefuda, Vlti^Ta, ig^^, n. A charm used for wards, fa. ball-

exciting the passion of love; a philter. 3fari wo hori aoeru, JS ^ tft ± «-, to throw op
HoreBiisunI, (iiK'-^iJ), iS^ Aphrodlsiafitic " Horllioiij ft'iliS^. Si^, n. A carved tray.
medicine. Horldafalil-in&uo, t2 « ^ L % O. tS tti ^. f*- An;
rare or costly article or curio purchased at a Syn. TfiUKDROU.
small cost. HOrlaokl. (t^ ip
^^,:^S.fS, n. Area In squart
Tonda i/oi honOaslii'mono wo shit/a, > v^iff miles.
'f iff. Hi U? £/ i(, [coll.] I have bought a rare Horltoru, e 15 >f X.KM, v.t. To dig out; to
article at a cheap price. quarry; to mine. rcoals,
Horlilasii. \t^^ir,M\^. ""'f" To dig out. Sekitan wo horitoru, S fii ^ ig )S 7^, to dig out
Furuzuka wo Itoridasu, fi fll ^ JS Hi :^, to dig HSrltsu, ttJ-'!J-5,14ff, n. Law; statute.
up an old tomb KlnliwZ wo lioriAasu, & ;
SE f- IS Syn. Okitk, Sadame. flaw
m z^, to dig out gold ore. llSritauan, tti.? r5 35 ^. t±?^g?. « A project ot
Handasu, (1 J- 13 ;t*^,tftia. v.t. Tothrowout; HOrltau-sakko, tti'!I"9ftt7l>5, Ki ^t^lR, ". A
to cast out, or fling out, law school.
Syn. Nagbdasu. HOrltBii-ffaku, (i A ^ -^ &> < , ^^ ^, «. The
Ilorjdoine, iSti} ^ 16, ^.ffi, n. The place where a science of law; jurisprudence.
ditch or canal terminates. Hdritsu-gakushl, H -1- 9 -^ ft* < L, fi ^l Sg ±. n.
Iforlsata, i^T^jj-fft, n. A stencil. fset. Bachelor of law,
Ilorlliamoru, tj W) aft Z.JBiSJ, v.t. To inlay or Horltau-liakase. n^ V O <iii}>-^,^WW±. "•
Horltilvaku, 'A^ i> & <,^SS> v.e. Todigopen; Doctor of law; one versed in the science of law.
to dig out. HorJtsuka, tt-f? -^^^ ^#^, n. A lawyer; a
Hori-ldo. il £> ^, ^ ^, n. An artesian well;
11) ]<7, jurist.

an excavated or true well (not a suid^ or a well Horltsiisho, ttiljI-^JJii.^^ft, n. Law-book.

taking its water from an aqueduct). Horlwarl, Ki(3*7«), JS 10-^. " A canal.
Horl-irJna, (4 Ir- "&, ^ 3!. «- [Bot.] Sinapis
«) "i)
Hopo, tt^.^S.SlS. 1- OAkindof hood consist-
inttg'rlfolia. ing of a bamboo-frame covered with white cloth
Syn. Kabashina, Takana. (formerly worn by a cavalrly to protect the back
HortLcaesii, (4^4*'^-^, S, v.t. To dig open; to ^ against arrows). @ An awning.
dig up anything buried. Basha no lu/ro, 15 5 ^ a carriage top.
-^ ?!£,

Horlkaffl, *i'(I4»^, ffl!?^. ". Digging-hook. Horolia, il^fcf n. Tlie feathers under the wing^

Horlkakoru, ^ijIA>H'S, ©,.St. i"-*- O To cover up and on the sides of a bird.

by digging. @ To commence to dig. fcafltle. HoroboBu, U^lff-^, Ci iSS. f.e. O To ruin to over- ;

Horlkl, tt 9 S,3!, 71. A ditch or moat around a throw; to destroy. @ To blot out (as one's
Horlkomu, 149 XM, 9 S. ^-E. To dig into, sins).

Horikiijlrii, tt <0 < X* 5,Si|^, «.«• To gouffe or TekkoKu wo horobosu, fiSi ffl ^ iS ^1 to ruin a
scoop out (as with a chisel). hostile country.
Horlkususu, t^v) < ^-^i jS^, v.t. To dig down Syn. TauBusu.
(as a hill or mound). fa carving. Horoburn. ^ J« 3, CMi v.i. To be destroyed,
Horlmono, ti v) % (?, ^ ^. j^ ^. vi* An engraving; ruined, or annihilated; to be overthrown.
lloriinono, i2*!) 0?IJ> n- ^d Figures punctured Horoburu kunl wo okosu, M)t-S 9- ^^, to
on tlie skin; tattooing. restore a country once ruined; Shinsho ga horo-
Karada ni horimono wo sunt, f^c = ff fO ^ ^ buru, ^ ±if^ It', to be ruined in fortune.
It', to tattoo the body. Syn. MetsubO suru, Tsubureru.
Horlmonojiitsu, tt 19 6 © ;& Wi r?, ;» ^ '#, mStJ'fil^, Horoffaya, W: ^5 J}*-^,#3!cKcM. A small mos- "
n. O Art of tattooing. @ Art of engraving. quito net for children, which, being set on a
Iloi'lmonoshl, \±y) "^ <D Lt ^ ^\ n. An engrav-
$f^, frame, can bo folded wlien not in use.
er; a sculptor; a carver. Honroha, (4%IS, 7£. The feathers on the sides and
Syn. CH5K0K0SHI. pA radish. under the wings of a bird.
Horinedalkon, iev)n%\/^C.^, ;!f<S3I. ?•• [-BoM Iloi'otiovo to, tJ^li^^, adv. Falling In drops
Horlnukl-ldo. |£ tb @ i& ^. JS ^ # ^> "• An t} (as rain or tfears).

artesian well, ftunnel. Eorohoro to namida wo otosu, ih b ;k b yM

Horlnukl-mfchl, Vi V) ^ii'^ 7*-%,^^,^^ n. A ^ tf ^tto shed tears in drops.
Ilorlniiku, W;«lifciC IB ^, v.t. , To dig (as a well); Hdroka. V3. 3 ^ <,^U> " The salary Cof a Gov-
to cut through (as a wall). ernment otbcial).

Horlkl, JSi. V) ^,^i}, n. Power of Buddhist HSroku. e 5 ^ < . iS 1&, ?> as. n- A shallow earthen
faith; influence of Buddha. pan used in baking or parching.
Hon suru, tl9-^2,^@, v.t. {Chin.] To mend or Hfirokubiya, tt 5 J^ < 0-'-^, itSf& iA;5c. "• A pro-
repair (as bridges). jectile weapon consisting essentially of a copper
JIOK 386 iiOd

shell fill p (J with explosives, anil thro-wn among HSryo, tt?i!?-^5, :;&in. " OCollars of ancient
the enemy, a kind ofbombsliell. robes. @ Allowance
given to a nobleman's soq
Horokii-cliuron. tI5^ < t 5 H^, ^f&c'SfiP. /*• A who served at the court before he inherited his
sham battle in which each soldier wears a small estate. ftive.
earthen dish on the forehead; and he is defeated Horyo, l/tvi i., ffiff, n. A prisoner of war; a cap-
who has his dish broken. HBryfl, Id ^ 'O ^, ^M> n. A sect or denomina-
Horoniokii, ft ^5 ft < , v.i. To be dry and not tion of Buddhists.
sticlcy; to be loose in texture. Horyu, H 5 15 , M tSP. " [Bot.] Berchemia rac&nosa.
Horoniiso, 12^ ;^ i, ii^^ '&, n. A kind of miao, Syn. KUMATANAGI.
first manufactured by a Buddhist priest. Hosa. (45, ?iife Sfflte Giving counsel and " O
fiaJSroii, ^3:x^^, ^^, n. a religious argument; advice to a monarch; guardianship; couns^L
a discussion or debate on pious subjects. @The chief minister of state; the guardian of
Moron to, m^V))!:, adv. Shedding a tear. a daimyd during his minority.
Na-fYiidaxoo htrrori to otosu, ig ^*B V h^^, Hosa no shin, lifl & v E, a minister of state a ;

to fhed a tear. Tsant. chief vassal.

Koroi'o to, ii ^ ^ ^> adv. The crying of a phea- suru,To assist; to give counsel.

lioroi'ogerii, l/i^ ^ W-5, v.t. To scatter; to take Syn. HovoKU.

to pieces; to loosen the texture of. Hosa. (453. ^^, n. Blockade.
Hornslif, d^S L,5SSS, n. The metal pivot on Hosai, H 5 3 Vv, ^Jg, n. Entrenchments; an
which tlie upper millstone rotates. eartliwork; a barricade,
Hoi'o«>lit, [9;^ L. ^ ^. «- Small eruptions on the Syn. Daiba, Toride.
skin produced by the itch. rmara. Hosal euru, t4 5 3 -jh 2 fg ®, v.t.
\;^ To ,

Iloroslii, 14^ t-. [§I 3^. " [Bot.] Solamiin Dulca- thanks to a Kami lor an answer to prayer.
HoroteiiKo, (S 6 rP W, ^tiWi, w. The place in KoHalii, (4 ^ &, Mit, "• The ear or head of
armour where horo is to be attaclied. grain.
lloroyol, tt^iy, ) KB*, SHS8. f^- Being a little Ine no hosaki, ^ -^ M 3t, the ear of rice.
lloi'ool, ii^^y-, ' drunk, or half-intoxicated. Iloeakl, Wl'S^, ^uB, fi" The head (as of a spear).
Jloroyoi kigen, iptSi^jitt, made cheerful by a Tari no hosaki, ^ ^^, a spear head. 1iji

few cups of wine. DIosnItii, a55<, "^^ 3i, 'i- Policy; plan; device;
Hovu, {4s, jg, £ij, H5, v.t. QTo dig or excavate. design; means.
@ To quarry (as mines). © To carve ; to engrave. Syn. Hakarigoto, Horyaku.
O To sculpture. @ To tattoo. lloaaUii, (4 5 3> <, Sf^, n. Abundant crops; a
Ana ivo horu, "^9- ^n-, to dig a hole; Jllmel. good harvest; plenty.
wo horu, BS Jg ^ Hi *, to carve an Inscription; lionau, (455^, Effl®, n. [(7/iem.]Eoracicacid.
Inwofioru, fp ^ tiJ ^. to engrave a seal; Moku- Hosan, Kt 5 5 ^, K ^, SSf, /*• The age of the
zo wo horlt, * flR ^ IK n-, to sculpture a wooden Emperor.
image. Hosan hyakunen, ^$f.^i^, the Emperor Is
Syn. KlZAMU, Ugatsu, Eru. a hundred years of ago.
Horn, laJ^Z, ft, v.t. To throw, cast, or project. Hoaareru, i4^I^S,
[pass, ot Hosuru.}
TsM wo hT>ru, S ^ ft 7^, to throw stones. Hosernrii, (4-ti:i^5, ffl,

Syn. HOKAS0, Nageru. To be appointed to an oflice.

Iloriit, m^Z^. aJS. «• [Bot.] Stratagem j;u&t« ;
Buerger I. IBosatSH, (45^r?, n. Appointing to a
Syn, KUSAIOUIGO, TSURUIOHIGO. Hoaaku, (455 <, J daimiate.

Iloriirii, 142 3, IS. ^'- Same as -ffo?*eru. Hosat!3ii, tt55':?, ^*lj, «. [£5>m.] Same as HZ-
IlDvittog:n-ii. 7^tJ^ h^/fl-, fiRtiS?!!]. "• [from Portu- loku (5f S).
gal.] Olive oil, named after the Portuguese who Sosaisuhaiken tsukamatsuri soro, 5f|[j^fl,tt
first brought it to this country. fabove. i^, \_Ep^st.^ your fragrant (honorable) note
Iloi'iito-no-abuvn, tt2;>?©:S-S'6, ti. Same as been received.
lIoruto-uo-]fl, W:2i?0?, jfiS^^, w. IBot.jElae- A
Ilosel, I4*\j^, ^M, n. satellite.
lloriitosd, (4S>E5 5, ^' ^ carpus or Evpliorhia Hoael, tt5-*V^, -)51E, u. Correct, right, or jual
Lathyrts. (as one's conduct).
lldr>aKii, lil5'!)-^<, "^ ^, n. A 'policy; scheme; llosei, ^4*U^, M'S.. n. Correction. suru, v.f.
design; plan; stratagem. To correct; to mend; to make good adeflclency,
Syn. Hakarigoto, Tedatk. llOsel. tt5*^/^. flISt, n. Sam* aa Kokusei.
HOS 387 flOS

lldsel. Hi -tt"V^, feitl], n. Statute; laws; enact- SosM wo fcafcu, HS 9- # ^, to mark a point; to
ment; legislation. fsator. dot; Hoshi wo sasu, S^ f- ^ ^, to guess aright;
Uoselkl, (4*1/^^, ^ISSg. n. [Physics.] Compen- Hoshi woutsu, K^ ¥» y, to hit the mark; to
Hdsei-liyuku, tt i*V/^ 8 i <, S fj JS. »* The dot; Omo hoshi nl ataru, S 7 iS = 7 ^ fl-i to
Bureau of Legislation. attain the desired object
Iloselkyoku-cliokwan, tti.-^\r''&i, C %->^i <t> Syn. MEBOSHI, TEN, ZUBOSHI
^. ^ *ij
S S '&. n. The head of above, fjewel. M5ahl, ai L. ii B$, n. A Buddhist priest; a bonze.
Hoseki, ttJ-frS, E'S, f*- A precious stone; gem; HSshl, H5 L, 53=S. »»• [Epist.] Your agreeable
ndseki wo chiribameru, if S ^ fltJ* J*-, to your kind intention or regard.
adorn or inlay with precious stones. Go hoshi no dan shashi tatematsurt soro, Sf IS
HSsekl, {25-^5, SG iRi *». A cannon. ^ ^S. ^ a9f fil, I thank you respectfully for your
Syu. ISHiBiYA. rv.t. To spin. kind consideration.
Hosekl, Kt5^&, PjfSi, n. Spinning. suru, HSsbl, tX5 t, aitgS. «• [Chin.] Being self-willed;
HoseklbM, llS^&tf, fc^ffiJS. n. A spinning fac-
wantonness; unruliness; lasciviousness. fcerer,
Busekiba. KS'S-Sff, tory. ' Hofihf. E15 L, ^±, n. [CA(n.] A magician; a sor-
Ilosekl-klkal, a5*5&*>V>, ig9etffi(*fl. »• A Syn. MahOtsukai. fmendation,
BSsekl-klkai, lS5*^5*>ir, 'spinning ma- Ilosbl, H5Lj SS ^. ". Words of praise recom- ;

chine. HosliB, tt5£,g&i, n. Giving rewards (said of the

Iiosen, tt5-tfA, ^K- '* Offering food to a SMti- Emperor). suru, v.t. To reward.
to deity. fspear. HflshJ* Wt^X.'Pft. n- Serving the Emperor.
Hosen, l^:5^f^, iSi^, n. Tlio point of a sword or Hoshlal, U 3& U*. S •6', «• The meeting of the
Moseu. 11 5
^, 5S !HE.
-ft- " Figliting in which weaver and the herd boy) near the
stars (the
guns are used an artillery ; engagement. Takes milky way on the night of the 7th of the 7th mo,
verbal-forms. Syn. Tanabata. LCo.*.>

Iiasenkwa, ^a5*^<*^, ElllJtE, f^- [£ot.] Balsam, Hosbl-awnbl, ttX^HlP, T)62, «• Dried sea-ear.
or lady'B slipper, Inwaticus halsamina. HosblbudS, ttti»/:-5,fg^©, rt. Raisins;dried
Hosetsu suru, (4-^r?f'5, WWi> ^-E- To make up grapes. fradish.
adeflciency; to mend or repair; to make good. Hoshldnlkon, Vl :Z TUX:^ t. J^., KIBffl, 7*. Dried
Syn. NUITSUKURU, Tojitbdkdrau. Hosbifti. (eXi-.K®)!*, «. Dried/M.
Ilosha. tt5:£-^, 5fflE>, n. [Jfm.] Borax. Hosblgal, (4:£ii»U,-^JKS» «• [Conch.] Sea-star;
iEoska, t!l3X^, ffi^i n. QKecompense; reward; star-fish.

thanks. ©Aims, charity. siiru, v.i. To Mosblffarasn, JHZifl 6"il'. " LOJ'W'i*'*.] Nutcracker.
express thanks. Syn. Dakegakasu. fcommunis.
ISoslia, 615 S.-^, Jft^. »• [Pft!/s^cs.J Emission. Hoshlgarel* M::£ft»hy-, Tu [IcJith.] Plaice, Platessi
Boslia 710, Sc M 3ui emissive power. f'vrteel. Hosblffaru, }(i.Zifl2,'^,v.t. To desire; to long
Hfislia, tt5;£-^, 155, n, [C%Jn.] A spinning after; to crave for; to covet.
Syn. ItogurUma, ItotoRigubuma. Hoebigol, ft;ias, jSB. «• [Ornit/i.] Night heron
Bdslia, KTJX-^, fiB5, n. [CAin.] A car- or carri- Hosblgusa, tt2,<'3.!|gltS^,n. [Bot.] Erlocanlon
age on which dancing is performed on festive sexangulare.
occasions. phone, Hostalgusa^ }liZ<r-5,^^, n. Hay; provender.
Hosba, The cheek honea; the jaw Syn. Kaiba, Karegusa, Magusa.
liiZ^, M$, n.
ISostaa, yiXj^, ^fii, n. Shooting on foot. HosbJbaJlro, HH^ISZ'^, '* [Orntth.] Pochard
Syn. Kaohiyumi. Hosblhaininyo, i^::e,K^165, ". [Entom.] Cicin-
Ilosbaku, i2;;&^<, %U, n. [£aw.] Bail on se- dela japanensis.
curity. suru. v.t. To bail. Hosbll, i2 S. U-i ^, /*• Kice boiled and afterward
Moshaku-kiu, ^^.^ < ^ A.,^^^, n. [Law.} dried in the sun. fa meteor.
Bail money. Hosbl-iebl, l3;;£\/% L, MHi «• A meteoric stone;
Ilosbaku-nln. S :£ -^ < K ^. « ^ A. n. [Law.] Hosbllmama nJ, ie:£V*iaatc, ^, ffi, ^, adv. As
The bail; the person who stands security. one pleases; arbitrarily; despotically,
Ilosbl, (£ L, M. n. A star. Soshiimama ni oLonau, ^-7, to behavj ^—
HosbJ, (2 Li £ S, 7i- A white speck on the cornea or act as one pleases; ffoshUmama ni kurau, ^
(produced by a diseaae). =#7 f to eat as much as one likes.
Syn. KuMORi, Meboshi, Syn. OmOmama ni, Wagamajba si,
ItoBbi, }iih,fl&,n, OThe center of a target; a Hosbika, (a;£V, TS. "• Dried sardinefi Cuaea M
mark. @
A dot Cmade with a pen). manure); flsD guano.
laoslilliRlbuto, E^Xi'-S-'^, M9E- n. A helmet Hoslii-unio, (2 X 5 fe, T-ii5. »• Hums salted and
which has rows of metallic protuberances ra- dried. r(as of stars).
diating from the top down to the lower part. Hosliiyndori, yiX^'^V} , M ^. «. A constellation
Iloshiknsp, (2Xi>W^, S ^ ^, «. The colour of a
horse liaving white spots on a fawn ground.
Hosliliiikiyo, a:£r>'&J;, ^n ^, n. Q A bright
starlight- night. @ A pillow word for Kama-
IZosSiJI^i. l^i^5, iix^, n. Established form, or kura (the latter being a comp. of kama, a scythe
usage; a common custom or practice. and Jcura, a store or dark place).
Syn. NABAwAsni, Saho, Shikitari.
IEosIiIkl,-l,-g!si, W:* ?, Pi, a. Desirous; desirable.
Mo9lio, m^Xi., ^#, n. A letter of instruc- O
tion issued through the secretary of the Kama-
Hanashi alte ga hoshiku nam, &l'i7 U^^if knra Shogunate by order of the latter. @A
•^ ji', \coll.] to be desirous of liaving Somebody kind offine paper, so called from its having
Syn. Etaki, Nozomasitiki. Lto talk to. been used in writing the hhsho Q.
iEo*Cti.lii!.a|, tt5£&*'V^,|)5iSaM, Spinning
Hostao, tt5i.-^5. S !S", w- Praise; reward; prize.
Syn. HoBl.
IBosiilko, 12S. T-i^B., w. Dried sea-cucnmbers.
Hosho. 115;£J;, ^;@!, n. Same as Jfoso.
IIo£i!Uhu»o. iiZ < 'c, S t^. It.. A meteoric stone. Hdslio, H5X-^5, Slfft, w. Repayment; compensa^
UoslilUiiKiire, ^x ( p'Jl. n. Ulcer of the cornea. tion; retribution, requital. sum, v.£. To
lEosliimndai-a, « :£ 3 7:- e.g^. a. Spotted or repay.
Hoslid, (^£,-^5, ^^, n. Making good a loss;
\3oslihnatsnrl, «
£ ^ -^ y ^ig, w. A star , O compensation. siivii, v.t. To make good a
festival,or a fete prepared on the return of
cne'R ruling star, to counteract its evil influ-
Hoslio, tl5X.^5, M^' n. [Chin.] A fort;
e[KT"5 for the year. © See Tanabata.
stronghold; citadel; stockade.
Iloslifmnyoi, Ci X E i. U-, n. A disturbance pro-
duced among Ihe star? (in ancient astrology).
Hoslio. Kt5Xi5,)^SE, n. Security, guaranty;
Iloshfniograne, {ti:£ fe i)'*a,M QS«S,Mae8, n. A
Iloslio. l/tS, iL5, warranty; assurance; testimo-

kind of telescope used in astronomy.

ny. sum, v.t. To certify; to guarantee;
IBosliiniisf'. l,tS.?f-^,=i^n,1^.m^m, n. Open air Syn Ukeau. Lto go security
shop, or goods spread for sale in the street.
Bldslio. (i 5 £ i, 53"®. "• [SjJist.] Your fragrant
Ilosliiniiono. a% '^ 0,=^^, n. Things dried or
(i.e. delightful) letter.
for drying {esp. clothes).
BlosSiiii, a
Hoslio, a5ii. :$St. n. Crystal; quartz.
5 ;£ ^, St ,C,, 7*. Tnsanjty; lunacy;
madness; phonomania. fBuddha.
Hoshogninl, i^^Zlh^^, ^»ii(5, n. See ffosfto.
Kd.siiiii. t^i:£A.,i£^, n. The spiritual body of
Hosliokin. ^4:£^5^^, flcSE^. n. Security
lloslBiii, yx^Xk,'^^, n. Direction; aim; object
in view; policy. Syn. MiMOTOKlN. LTUoney.
Hdslioku, (4 5 X i < ^ ^, n. Serving in the
Hushtn wo ayamaru, -^ ^ ^^fl-, to miss one's Government; being in office. sum,

lloaliJiin, Kt:£J5:,5£^, n. v.t.

Greens dried for food.
Syn. IIiBA.
To serve tlie Government; to hold an office.
HosliJiilKii, ;e.*K<,^R|. n. Dried flesh.
Hosliokii, H?:fei<, n^, 71. [C/iiTi.] Being
Syn. Hojigni. sated with food.
Hosliiiiuo, CiiX ^i7 5,^J|^, n. The title
Soshoku dan-l, ^^^^, eating and apparel
formerly fipplied to a prince of the to satisfaction.
blood who
joined a Buddhist order. Tfood.
HosliODJii, W: X 5 K ^, ^ gE A, n. a witness;

Hoshluorl, \t£.<7>T0,^-B^, n. ^onoH dried for security; surety; one who guarantees; a bond-
HosSil-no-yJiUori. ^:^,SX©^^The WJ, „. man; a warden.
passage of a constellation of stars through a IToshTmin ni narv, ^|E A =?»-, to become
particular point in the heavens. a witness for another; Boshonin ni tatsu. ^lE
Ilosiliin-tni, l!l 5 i
A fe \iv, ,C. f*. n. ^ [Physics.] A = iE y, to stand surety.
Centrobaric body. Syn. Ukenin.
Ho^hlsal, a ? ;£ 3 Vv. iffi ^JR. 7^ [Bot.] Galium Iloslioru, Vtzi.^, v.t. To break (as a stick).
verum. Hoshoryu, IS^X^5^5. W^gfE. n, A school of
Hoshltsiikigc-nu-iiinn, (S^-:? &Wi©5 2, S^^ nd actors. See JVo.
S^, n. A horse having a -white spot on fore- Hoskotsiiiuugi. (iJXi-^tPir.
j^«M. 7t. A
lloshotsuiniigl, tt 5^ i 5-:>£['r, * superior kind
HofcSil-%((Ion. (:l*5^A.^iaE.L » Dried udon. of pongee woven at Pukui. Echizen,
llSsUa, I15;£5, ^SR, n. Itewavd; compensation; Ilosool, W; t A. V-. Ja 0, ». An appendage (ef) on
retribution; requital. suru^v.t. To requite, the back of a kammuri, formerly worn by court
repay, compensate, or retaliate. olBcials below the 6th rank of honour.
Ilosliu, a5£.Wi, WJ^. "• A precious gem. ISosoke* ti ^ t^i n. Setting Are to grass and
H5sliu. tt5^5) ^M> '!• Taking vengeance; clearing a space so as to check the progress of
reveuge. suru, v.t. To r<^venge. ti, conflagration on the prairie ; a counter-fire.
Syn. ATAGAESni, FUKUSUU, ISUl'GAESHI. Syn. MUKAiBi. r^ososJii).
HSsliii, \itJi.%Vi), ae±, n. The bead of a Buddhist Hosokltol, iSt-y tV^, n. [coll.] Same as Bosoi (ii(dtf

eect, arclibisliop.
HSsokii. BI it < , ii H'J. w- A rule; laws; regula-
H5sliii, a$;£ift, ^^, n. and a. The disposition Syn. H6RITSU, EiaOKU. Ltiona.
to preserve what established; opposition to
Hosoku, I4t < , ^
S"J, n.
Supplementary rules.
change or progress; conservatism. Hesokudo, a A^ < >5, iiSSffi. n. {Physics.^
Uoshu shugi, 'S^iS. conservative princi-
Normal velocity.
ple; conservatism. fchange or progress. Mosoku suru, ti5:< j^^,55jE, v.t. To make good
sum, v.t. To be conservative; to oppose to a deficiency; to supply what is wanting.
K5sliuU», t!l5:£.W)4>, ^'tiF^, 11. A Conservative. Hosoinayu, H Jfc i Ift. flB JS, "- Fine or delicato
Hostiii-no-tanin. tt5:£Wi©?:23, n. [coa.jSameas eyebrows. fsea-weed.
Hoshu, Ilosome, (l^J*, Jg?(?, n. [Bot.] A kind oi'alfeaeor
Bloslin siiru, Vtt.^'i'Z, ^{[^. v.t. To mend or lloaome, tttfc.JSS, n. O Narrow eyes, i.e.
repair; to put in order; to set right. eyes partially closed. @ A narrow crack (as of
Syn. TSUKL'RAL'. fparty. a door). royes slightly opened.
Ilusliiito, KC5;£.[a)fe5, 0^*3^ SC, n. A conservative Sosome nt mij-u, IH E! = Jl P'. to look with
lEoso, ^^"^5, S^. « Luxuriant grass. Hosoineni, (2:tfe2,Jffi, v.i. To make narrower;
ISoso, (25:55. (a^. n. [C/iin.] The death (of an to cause to be fine, slender, or delicate.

Empress). Hosomlclii, (it/^S.SaS, ®. "• A narrow lane;

Iloso, t4t, Fine, slender, narrow, thin, or Syn. KOMiCHi. La foot-path.
Jg, a.
Used IKoson, ^il5?:^, ??, "• Preservation from in-
delicate. chiefly in compounds. j

IBusu, i^^, ^, 71. The calyx of the flower -which aaozoii. ^i5*^, S jury, decay, or destruction.
Hiiru, v.r. To preserve. fbelow.
remains attacned to the Jruit; the receptacle.
Syn. Heta. freign of the Emperor. Ho»on:i@:»kii, I^^V-f^i, adv. The adv. form of
iSSso. Imperial throne; the IIosouaK"Slil,-l,-kl. (4tti:i)<[,.fil!5, O- Slender
tl 5 ^, Bfjt^. fi- Th.e
and long; narrow; attenuated.
U7,so bambanzai, S'lS^Si^S) "Long live the
Emperor," or an expression wishing tke eter- Hosone, Vt^fl, M^j '"• A fine or shrill sound; a
faint, pensive voice.
nity of the reign of an Emperor.
ladso, Hosoue, (i^iH, ^ifS, n. Long and slender roots.
tt 5 %,
S E, n- [C/itw.] A present of Hosone daikon, JptSA^S. a radish with long
iiosiio. a5;£i {

and slender roots (much admired in a dried

food ai-ricies packed in bales; a bribe. Now
employed exclusively in the latter sense.
Huso-no-ato» PI 5 S 5 ® 5 ^, €ISiK. ft- Fock-
Syn. ABATA, IMO, JANKO. L^Jiarks.
Iloso. 0:55 5, fSif. "• The small-pox.
Hoso ga ryuho sum, %^if'^^y- lu, the Hoso-no-o, 62 t©5r, ) ^ SS, n. The navel string;
is prevalent; Hoso two suru, ;^ fg f- 7.
email-pox HoEO-iEu-o, il5*CD?r, > the umbilical cord.

n^, to hiive the small-pox; Ue-boso, Ml^Wi, vac- Hosoiiuno, fieiliO,Sa;ffi, « Fine muslin; grass

cination or inoculation. cloth.

Hoso-obi, 12 % Jff D*'. SB ?^. A ribbon or band "
i Sf. "- J he navel. used as an under belt by women.
HOKO. [ay, >

TIoso wo kamu, |^^ HSi*. l^t.] to bite the Hosoru. [2^:S. O To become thin, slender,
fig, "v.t.

navel; to feel remorse; to repent deeply. or delicate. Q To lose fiesh; to emaciate.

Syn. Heso. inshoku Jii ni hosoru, fiJ; ft H = SB J!-, to lose
Elosobn-shJkluij, tt^K^^^. lfflll?fW, n. appetite day after day; Karacla ga Twsoru, ff: ^
[Bot.] A kind of aniseed tree. fof hemp. W fie ff-, the body is getting thin or emaciated.
Ilosobikj. }lt^V<'%, Jffi5l. "• A cord or rope made Hoso95i1,-i.-ki, (2tL, 0, a- O Fi°e, thin, or

liosodonOr (i t >5 ©, fiB^, « A covered way slender. © Narrow (as roads), ©

Fine or low
round a palace; a corridor; a gallery, (as the tone of voice), a Deficient; poor; of

eyn. K5KA. email quantity.



Chichi ga hosoi, fl ?/* |H ^, to have a small teat Ike no mizu wo hosu, ?tfe
:^ f- K 5^, to draw
(i.e. not yielding a sufficient quantity of milk); off the water of a pond Hiiiata ni hosu,
IS =»
Sosot koe aeino yoku hiUku, fflSgx^^^gg^, SI de hosu,
=f-:^, to dry in the sun; >X^^^,
the voice though low sonorous; 57ti7idai ga
is to dry at the fire.
hosoi, ^ ft-?r |a>f , his (or my) property is small. Syn. Kawakasu. fber.
Doso siiru, tt5^5-^3,©g, v.t. [Cfttn.] To pack Hosu, t2#-^5, SK. ". [Jfafft.] Abundant num-
or wrap up (as for transportation). Hosuhoru, APiAfl., f^, n. [^TZff.] Phosphorus.
Syn. TSUTSUMU. Hosui. EIA^S, '^^, n. [.ftfaW.] Normal cone.
HoBOtnnlkAiva, l^^fe lri>tt,S!iS, n. A small Hoaiil, tt5-^a, J^^, n. The aplndle (of a spin-
mountain stream. Syn. TSCMU. Lning-wheel).
XSosotsii, X^-O,^^, Foot soldiers; infantry.
n. Hosuf. [15-^ Z), "^W, n. A drill with four sides;
Syn. rtines. a square drill.

Hoso-ivata, \t ^ f? tt, /h ^. n. The small intes- Syn. YOTSDMEGiRl.

BIosGynsu, (ltJ^<', vA. To become thin, slender, Hosulko, I15-^£i>i, &;j<rH, n. A flood-gate.
or emaciatecl. Syn. Sbki. rcanal.
IIoeoyiLka. ftt^S'**. a. Thin; slender; fine; Hosulko, 111 5 -^at.5, ®::*:SSI, Ji. An irrigation
delicate narrow small.
; ; fabove. Syn. MrzUHAKI.
Hosoyaka ni. t2t-^*>K, adv. The adv. form of HSfiiike, ;'j:i2f"W', i^, n. See Olhake.
Hosaa, tt-ys. §6 1^, n. [J/ed.] Paroxysm of disease Hosiin, \t ^ -^ K, '^^, n. O An inch square;
fit. very small compass. @ The heart, mind.
HossadoUf, Ky^ie^, Ilffefl?. '«. [Aftd.] Crisis. JTakarigoto wa hosun no uchi ni art, ^ -»^ ;;? -^
Ilosse, a-/*. iiiSS. «- Presents made to a Bud- ^ t^i = T V the plan is in my mind ndsun no
, ;

dhist priest. Same as Fuse, ayamari, 'Jj -^ ^s^, a small error.

IIossIbI, ©ny l, ^BI, n. Same as iTosTtf. Hota, (4fe, ijtftfi, n. The stocks; fetters.
Jlossliln, \Q.-j%K, S'C'. w. Tlie awakening of reli- Gyn. Ka3E.
gious consciousness; turning from a vicious to Hota, W: fe, ^flf), 71. A block of wood; a tree
a moral life; conversion. siirii, v.i. To be- Syn. HoTAGUi. Lstump.
come pious; to be converted. Hotalil, (ifty, tL. Fire buried in ashes to keep it
Ifossoku, ^'j^< , S®. " Setting out on a jour- from going out. Twound).
ney; starting; departure. notai, t3 5 fe V>, ^, n. A bandage (as for a

Bossoku wo nobasu, ^^^M^, to put off irotai wo maku, ia?ff ^ !g ^, to bind or dress
one's departure. with a bandage; to bandage.
siirii, v.i. To start; to set out. Syn. MakimoMEN.
Syn. Kadode, Shuttats u suru. Tabi- HoCal, ^3:5teV^. 5a S. " a battery a fort.;


Ilosptoslia, ii-^:55:£l*5, itffi^, n. One of the Hotal, «. That which is behind
WifeiA, jg fiir, la
eight Beets of Buddhism (now extinct). payment; whatever remains unpaid; arrears.
Bffossii, Tky 7., ^^-, n. A brush of long white Syn. TODOKr-Ri,
hair carried by higher ranks of HotalkoCnii, yi^v-'C-y, n. lAnat.] The fibula.
Buddhist priests (to clear away IBotal suru, ^^ItV^irZ, tHigS, v.i. To fall or
the dust of this world). crumble down (as a hill).
Syn. HAEnAEAi, Shubi. H6tal-dai akii, gftPSUJ, crumbling and fall-
HossiiRa!. H^vi-tHV, J?S^^, n.
ing down going to pieces; utter destruction.

[Conch.] JJyalonema.
Hotal Biirii, yt*>tt\j^ir Z, ^Bt, v.t. To receive
Ilosfliiru, li"/-?"2, jK. "< and t. from the En^peror (a respectful term).
Iloami. i^-y-^, )To wish, de-
motajlma. (ite&^, ff; $ iS, n. A kind of striped
sire; to crave for; to covet;
cotton stuff wo pen at Nakamura in the province
to intend.
of Sanuki. More commonly called Botaori.
Iwan to hossv^ "g » s^ f ik.^, HotakI, Kltt^, 'XiS^. n. A ceremony ofburning
to wish to apeak; Yulte min fire before a shrine during the 11th mo. (o.s.) in
to iwssu, fl y Jl V h 6^ 7., to
order to hasten the early return of tlie warm
intend to go and see. {i% ^) season. fwealthy.
Syn. MOTOMU, Nkgau, Nozomu. H5t»ku, (I5fe<, SS, a. Rich, abundant,
Hobo, ft-^, ^, fg, v.t. OTodry; to desiccate. llotan. a5fe^, ^j^, n. The name of a cordial
To draw off the water (of a pond or atream). medicine composed of camphor, peppermint.


and one or the most popular
etc., among thou- HStekl. tl 5 T &. Kclff, n. The act of throwing
Bands of nostrums. fclothes. away; abandoning, rejecting, or discarding.
Ilotnre, HfeH, WtVit n. Torn ofE or ragged —Slim, v.t. To throw away; to abandon, re-
Ilotnru, ttfe z ^. " [Entom.'] A. fire fly Luclola.
> ; ject, or discard.

notttruhUl^ft^Vf.'^'Xj-'h The light of the flie- Hoteppara, AXvWB, "• [*u«I. coH.] The belly.

fly. Bloterl, Vi.-C^,i^, vt. QHeat; hotness. @A

Hotanibukuro, tt te 5 * < 5. Ol /h3!, n. lBot.1 burning or smarting sensation.
Campanula purictata. Nitchu no hoteri, Q t^ ^ * ^V . tl^e heat of
Hotaruclio, ta fe 2 "C ^. the day. fhot,
n. [Entom.] Plclorus at- Hotoru, Ht-ci, ^,v.i. To be hot; to be unbearably
trattis ; Ptd07'iis remota. Karada ga hoteru, Sfltf Sft^-. the body feela
BotArii-B:ni*l, Htfz^iify) Syn. NE8SUBU. very hot. L.

JKKF, n. Hunting llvo- ISSto, tt5'fe5, St S(i " Wantonness; dissipation;

flles in a field (a favour- dissoluteness; profligacy; licentiousness.
ite pastime in summer Hold burai, fi!c iS^tS. dissolute and unruly.
nights). DOKAKU, HiiBATSa.
Hotnrulslil. (4 fe Z V/^ L, lists. 145^5, 3piB, n. Light offered to the .EiXTTt*

SJS, n. Fluorspar. or Idols.

Hota.rn-IfaffO, i± ItZ i* H5t9, Kt5)£.3,^^, n. Answering or responding
&. 'Skft.f^- A Icind of Cai/h3R3 to a superior. sum, v.t. To answer res-
cage for confining flre-flies. pectfully.
Hotaru-inodokl. W:te3 6^5, " [Ent<ym.] Cvpes H5to, a 5 fe ?, $B^t "• Answer, reply, or re-

clatliratus. - rLuctola, sponse (written or oral).

Hotaru-iiiiishI, tafeZtrL, n. [Smom.] Larva of Syn. Henji, Kotab. rclitlUB.

Hotaru-aalgo, llfe35\^a, n, [£ot.] BwpIewrMm Ildto^ t3l5te5»5SIC. " A party; association;

sachaUneme. rblTnaculata. Syn. TOTo.
Hotariisd, tifeS^S, l^a'IR,". [Bot.] -Swe7tia Hoto, l^JfeA, IBT^, 71. A Buddhist pagoda.
Hotaru-tacle. ft te 3 te Tf, Si^. w. [Bo(.] Polvffo- Hoto, a)f5.J^t/fe, n. [Boc] Eugenia Jambos.
n«7n orientate. Hotobashlrii. tt)ftiL3, sS, v.t. To splnsh )

Hotntceal, tafe-Cfttu., i ©l A H, jffiffi, «. [Conc/i.] Hoaobasblrii. ta>«tfL3,' about.

Hodatesal, Kt?£-ri]»t>, > Scallop, Pecten. Hotobasu, Vi.)Ci£-i',M> ^'*- Caus. form of below
Hole, iJT, il^, w. The clew lines of a sail. Uotoblrii, i5.)Z V^' Z, v.i. To soften by being
Hote, ttT, fk#, «. An expert wrestler; same steeped in water.
as Sekitori. Hotobori, llf^l^y,^, « The heat (of a Are);

Hotebarn, ft-rti^, BG3t. » [coll.] Same as ffo- hotness; a burning sensation.

Syn. PuKUREBARA. itethara. Hotoboru. W: 5^ K 3, JKi, v.i. O To feel hot; fco

Hotel, liTV-, ffi^, n. Cont. form offfotei-osho. have a burning sensation. @ To blush (as in
HOtei, (i5-tV^, ^^, n. Presenting with respect anger). fa door,

(as a memorial to the Emperor); offering or Hotohoto, (SiCiaif, odu. The sound of knocking
handing up. suru, v.t. To ofi^er up; to Toivo hotoJioto to tataku, p^* h*!- pp^, to
present with respect. riaw-court;the bar. knock a door.
nStol, tt-t"Clp, ^M, Court of justice; the
«• Hotohoto, l(i.)£Vi.)£,^,B, n. O Nearly; almost;
Syn. SAiBANsno, Shieasu. closely; intimately. @ Very; extremely; un-
Botelbara, Kix\ri2^, ffi^Sff. »• A belly resem- usually.

bling that of -ffotef ; a big belly. Hotoke, tt^W-, #, n. Q Buddha. @A Buddhist

Syn. FUKUREBABA. deity. © [coll. ] The spirit of a dead believer in
Ilotelosho, H:-C\/^5r:£^5, tff^fPfSf, n. A Bud- Buddhism.
dhist priest of ancient China commonly repre- IIotokenofumi.^^M, Buddliist sacred writ-

sented in a picture with a big belly and carrying ings; no nori, W -^ ii. the laws or pre-

a large bag on the shoulder around which 16 cepts of Buddha; Tlotoke no osJiie, ^ ^ Jft, the

boys are sporting; one of the Seven Gods (i.e. teachings oJ' Buddha; Buddhist religion; Motoiie
the Deity of Plenty). TEquation. wo okuru, ^ ^ is /^, to attend the burial of th*
HStelsblkl, tt$T:\i^^?, :^igiC, Ti. r-Watft.] Syn. BuTSU, Fdto. Ldoad.

HStofBhlkihou, 11 5 TV Jl & t ^, :S g iC tH, n. Hotokodo, ii£tt)$$, ^M, »• The name ol »

[Hath.} Boot of an equation. peculiar kind of armour.


llotoko-no-tsuine, 15if W-0-7i6, i ^ :e. « [Bot.i Hotsugon* *a-5&A, %E Beginning to talk;
Sedum Untare, Uttering. sum, To commence to
Hotoke-uo-za, ft^iWOS', X ^^. n. [Bot.lLami- speak; to utter.
um amplextcaulc. fmaker of idols. HotsiiffiTaii, (a:7<**?^, S^, «. Oflering up pray-
BSotokc-tsukiii-l, t^if^?-^ C t-9,WX, ffifS. «. A ers to the Kami, or Buddha. rinvention.
lIotokczuBfiSR'l, [1>^ Id-p* < y.fj^-f^, ji. Looking Hotsuj, W: -P Vr, la, ". @
One's original design;
like a dead person having a cadavftrous look.
; Hotsuklaruku. Kt'7 ^ 3^ 2 < , v.i. [colL] To go
Syn. SHiNiGAO. about idly; to loiter about; to ramble.
KStokii, [15^ <. ^Sli 'I- Blasphemy; profanity; Nan no atemo naku hotsuklaruku, ^^ > ?^ S
sacreligiousnesR. siiru,
v.t. To abuse (as J- ^ rf: y # T n- ^1 to loiter about without any
the name of a deity). special object in view. font.

Hotoudo, i^ ^^ ;5-, 5&, adv. Q Nearly; almost; Ilotsuku. S*-:?^. Wl, '^t. To fray, ravel; to rub
about. @ Very; very much; extremely. Slotsunetsu, ^-vix-o, ^^, n. The springing up
Sotondo Joju sum, ^1/ V }}', to be MM^ of fever. suru, «.*. To have fever.
nearly complete; to almost succeed; Motondo Hotsnreru, tlr?K2, g?, v.t. \caus. of Hotsuru^

Tcomami, ^v S 1'" Ji-, to be very much troubled; Hotsururu, (1-72 5, To be frayed, rubbed, or

I am (or he is) extremely puzzled. worn. rGUEBRtJ.

Hotorl, tt if 10 , jfi, adv. Near ; in the vicinity Hotsustalmomen. (^ r? £ ( 16 ^. U\'^U, '"••

Hotorinl, tasiflic. * of. Syn. MEKEAN8HI. LA bandage.

Kawa no hotorl nl tsuri suru, 'fij ^ iS — SH^ Hotsu eu, ^oir, f^. v.t. Same as Sbposw.

0', to angle at the bank of a stream. Ilotsuo, K:"?1r. ^M. "• The long feathers in the
Syn, ATAHi, KriMPEN, KiWA, SOBA, tail of a pheasant.
IBotorl, iS^iO.Sft, n. Hotness; heat; fever. IBottal, i4 7 fe V^, iifiS, «- Being dressed like a
Hotorl wo sainasu, jc^ -^ i^ ^t, to cool the fever. Buddhist; a priest; a monk. euru, n.i. To
Syn. ATSUSA, HOTKRI, NrTSu. become a priest.

Hotoru, Hi^X, Sft, v.i. To be heated; to be hot; to Ilottan, ta•yfe^. ®JSS> Ft. O The beginning; com-
be feverish. mencement; origin. @ The introduction (of a
AsJii ga hotoru, ^if^»', the leet are feverish. Syn. Hajimari, Okori. Lttook.

Syn. Atsukunaru, Hoteru, Hotoboru. [ Arch.'] Erecting pil-

Ilotoslilsl, ttl? L'T.ffiSSffi. n. [Ornith.] Wood- lara without any foundation.

cock, Scolopax riisticola. lluttel. l^-yTVr-, 1 Q'g, ?t. Commencing a journey,
Hoto sum, jafe 5 -^ S.jS^. v-i- To escape, run Hattoi, tt^TV, ' starting on travels.
away, or desert. Syn. HossoKU, Kadode, Tabidaohi.
Hototofflsu, (5:^ if r^. fctlS. '* [OrnUh.]The Hotto» (S-y^, IS^, 'i. Same as above.
cuckoo, Cuculus poUocephalus. Hotto, tlylT- PJS ^, adv. The sound of sighing or
Kototogieiiso, 63: ^ 1£ ?r -^ S 5, l^f^'^, n. {Boi.] drawing a long suppressed sigh.
Trlcvriis hlrta- Botto hito iki sitsu, jk-y — ^. Tt, to draw a f* ::s

ISotsii, Ht-^, !Kri^, n. long sigh (as alter heavy labour).

[Entom.] The rice wee- Syn. KlZBN.
vil. Slotto, ta-yif?, i±:®, n. [£tw?(3.1 The light of reli-
llotaugrn, liX-PUt, @|g, n. gion; a name given to one versed in Buddhist
Going out (a respectful learning.
term). sum v. I. To llottonln. t3:7^5K^, A, n. A ringleader;9^
go out; to start. an originator; projector.
notBugo. K-^a, 9^, n. Syn. Chobonnin, Hokkinin.
O An adverb used at llotvata, l/t!hfz, mif%, n. The fibers of the head
the beginning of a or catkins of reeds, used for stuffing quilts.
speech or composition, Hoy a, ii-^, ^^, 7*. [£ofc.]A uarasite mistletoe,
very often without any Viscun album.
Epecial meaning, such Hoyn, d-^, ^g, n. A hut thatched with reeds to
as sore, somosoono, etc. [^ ^ ^'] whicli the heads remain attached.
@A non-Significant wora or syllable prefixed Hoya, }^JJ?, 'XM, 'i- O A wire-work metal cover
merely for the sake of euphony as in o-yamada, for an incense pot or brazier. @ A glass lamp-
(for Yamada) sa-yo, (for gO etc. chimney.
»Ioy:i, W;j^, E Si *. " [Zool.] A Tunicate, C^-tithla. HOEHo, 1^3*%:, im ^, n. A mast.
Hoyakoro, W:^i>5^. if S#Sfi. " An incense HOBASHIRA.
pot with a metal cover. fstoratlve. Hoxol, i'ievv,^^, n. Arrears of taxes,
Iloyaiku, ft-^C ?S®|, '*• Tonic medicines; a re-
BIozcu, tt5^^,Wn!J^ w. Before a shrine.
lloye, tii &, ii^, 71. O A Buddhist coromony llozcn suru, ^5ft^i^* Z.-^^f v.t. To preserve
or festival. @An assembly of Buddhists for or maintain (as one's right or position),
the performance of religious ceremonies. Hozoru, tl*S. u.t. To dig or scratch the eartb
HSyen, a5i&^. :^IH, n. Square and round. (as children in play).
Mizu loa hoyen no utsuwa nt shitagau, -^i >^ "^ MoEO, 145', ^, 71. Same as Meta.
El ^ ^ =; iH^ 7, IPorv.] water accomodates itself lloao, li5-, ffi, n. A wedge or pin for fastening;
to the shape ol the vessel. a tenon.
Iloye-no-slilclilso, (iiiS.WS.%^5, i*^ -fc^t. " Sozo wo sasu, 1(f]=f- * :^, to drive in a wedge.
Seven priests required in a Buddhist service. Syn. Kdsabi.
H6yo, ti 5 i, I3).9I, w. The Imperial car or sedan. IBoKo, Kl^',^, 71. Same as Seso.

Hflyo, »3;Ai5,iiffl. «• Any business connected Hozo, 11 5 3* 5, ^ (K. '1' A storehouse in which
will Buddhist worship. precious or valuable things are kept.

HoyOp U-^S.'fiiSI. »
Preservation of health; HoKoku suru, tt55'<-3"5.fiii!a. «*f' Toholdln
diversion; recreation; restoration of health. hereditary succession (as property); to hand

Soyo wo suru, fii|jf-:SB', to take care of down.

one's health; to recreate one's self; ffoyZ ni de- HoEon, ta5•^, :^#, «• Same as Monzon.

kakeru, iSi^^^\i!i^ ^ fl-. to go out to recruit Hoion, 11 3 5-^ . ffi 1?, n. Preserving from injury,
Syn. YoJo. Lone's health. decay, or desrtuction; keeping safe; preserva-

Hoyo, a 5 -^ 5.^^. '^- Supporting or taking tion. suru, v.t. To preserve.

care of one's parents (respectful term). MoBooelil. W; ?• 3s t, SL #». O Same as Seta {^y
Hoyo, CJ5A.5.*^M, " A poem deficient in force or @ A ripe fruit.
faulty in vorsiflcation (otten used in condescen- IIOBu, i45-3', n. [coU.J End, limit; discretion.
IIozu ga nai. yhXrifffM-i. there Is no end.
Syn. KOSHIOKE. Laion).

Hdydbii, tt 5 -^ 5 a,Sc® as. " A place where Hoxue, it 5 js, ISitc, n. The erd of an ear of
falcons are let loose. grain.

Hoyoku sum, lltiLi-^Z,WU, v.t. To assist, help HoBuc, Kti^'fi, «fet, ^K. 71. Resthig the cheek

or give counsel. See also Bosa suru. on the hand or arm.

Syn. TASUKtIRD. jBdzue wo tsuku, fS.^f-'-ya, to rest one'*

tloyn, Vt5\f 5.Hfl'^. " A ftiend; companion; cheek on one's arm.

mate. Syn. TSOBAZOK,
Hoyu shin aH, J5§ ^ =& iS, friends should be HoKuki, ta a
::> t, KE sSt. n- l^ot.] Ground- cherry,
faitliful to each other. Physalis Alkekengi.
Syn. IIObai, TOmODaCHI. Mosukl-joehlQ, ttii:^fS-e5•^^, j m^ KS.
Hoyurii, aWiZ.B^, ffli,
u.i. Same as HoeTTt. Hozuki-clioeliJii, V3.Vi.-:^%%^^'^A^, * 7i. A small,
Moyilshii, a5\r5;£-'^, 1*^#. "• One who keeps round paper lantern coloured red (used as a
or retains; possessor; owner. plaything by children).
ffoyu suru, t25W^5-^3. fi^^. «*• To keep pos- HoKuna, Wlr^^.iWiH. n A halyard.
sess, own, or retain. HuKuru, Vi.-^^Z,^, T-t. O To follow or obey (as
Boyo suru, ^\/\ 5 -f 3,S{fi, v.t. Same as Bosa the order of the ICmperor). @ To offer up or
suru. present (as to onu's lord).
H6aai, i253r\/.,:;5 gi|, 71. A recipe, receipt, prescrip- Ghokumel wo hozuru, ^^9^:A}i; to obey
Syn. AwASEGceuKi. Ltion. the Imperial order; Shukun ni hozuru, i,&a
Ilosni. (231/^, ?SS'I, 71- A tonic restorative. ^y^fl'tto present to one's lord.
Syn. Oginaigusuri. Syn. OSHIITADAKU, Tatematsurtj, Uketa-
TlOxal. tj 5 3^V^,JSI3j ti. A medicinal infusion MAWARU.
made in hot water; a mixture of drugs packed Hozuru, 615^3,^. i'-*- O To revenge, avenge;
in a hempen bag. to wieak vengeance for. S To repay (as kind-
Syn. FURIDASHiaUSDRI. ness); to return, requite. © To answer, reply.
Bosaku, ^T < ,M. v.i.and Q To pray to a
t. O To tell, inform, communicate, or report.
deity (obsolete). @ [vul. coll.] To chat; to prate; Aaa wo hozuru, ^ ^
^ t^ fl-, to take venge-
to babble (used in contempt to inferiors). ance in an enemy; to revenge; On ni liozuru, fi
— |8;i;n,, to repay kindness; IIl}d wo Koziiru, charges of a musket; one hundred shots of ar-
If '^ f- ffi 5^ '^. to Si'^e the alarm. rows.
Syn. Kaesu, Mukutuku, Shiraseed. Byaku-hatsu hyaku-chu, g@SF|^, [lit.] a
HSxiiru, a? i? 5, W, u-i. To die (said only of an hundred shots and a hundred hits, never miss
Emperor). ing the target; never failing; always successful
Syn. Kamusaru. Hyakuhlro, n ^ < v- ^, S^, fig, n. The intes-
Hoxnrii, 145^2, *h v.t. To appoint (as to feudal Syn. HarAWATA. Ltines.

lordsliip); to set up (as a daim-yd), MyakiiJI, UJ^iSi, "S^, " All matters; afiaira
Kb ni hozuru, ^ — ^z^n^, to 'et up as a dai- of every sort.
ttil/o; to grant tlie title of a feudal lord. Ifyakvji t no gotoku narazu, ^^^iSi^., every
HosuBU, tip'-^, v.t. Same aa Hodoku. fsail. thing going against one's wi-sh.

HoKutsu, 'tt-::^-:?, n. The pulley used in hoisting a Ilynkiijlkko, V-^ < Z' y Z. 5, 'S B U, '*• IBot.)
llyakkn-nJchl, U>j^-?*'K*^, B®0. " The Lagerstraniia indica.
hundredth day after the deatli ol a person, on Hyakiininmhcn, 0>^< a^'^^. 5]% S, w- [Ut.]
which requiem miiRses are said. One million timen; a ceremony originally per-
Hyakkel, ry^y tj- \;^, S Ij-, 7*. Every plan; every formed at a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, which
device; all means. consisted of telling a big beaded rosary and
Hyakkei kotogotoku sooo sm, B g|' © Z' BB !S:^ chanting prayers, to ward ofT diseases or evil
every plan haa failed Uyakkti wo megurasu, S
Influences of Bpirita. The custom afterwards
11" '^^ '^^, to resort to every device. became universal among Buddhist believers.
Hyakkl-yniryo, ^^-^:/ ^-^^r*-*?. S^Sff,"- The Hyakuinan. o-j^ < ^ ^, 5SS, n. A million.
wandering about at night ot a hundred Llemoos, Hyakiinio, U-^<fc, 5B,n. A hundred mommc.
supposed to vanish on the first dawning of the Ilyakiiml, v-^C^, SS. " One hundred differ-
day. fcereals. ent kinds of dainties.
Hynkkolcii, v-^-^7.<, SEf. " All kinds ol Hyakumi no onjiki, 5 Sff ^ filt ©, various kinda
Hyaku. v--^ <, "S, " and a. O -^ hundred. @ of food ; dainties of every description.
All; every. The word takes two other forma, Hyakiimi-daneii. U^<;^;r-^^, S^aS^.SBB
Ityaku aa in samhyaku (three hundred), pyaku as H, n. A kind of cheat used by physicians, which
In roppyaku (six hundred) etc. has a large number of drawers for medicines.
Hyaku nen, "S if-, one hundred years; a cen- Ilynkii-nionoffatarl, v-^< 'iCDi'fe'O, S 1^ 53. n.
tury; .j?£fatu i/atw, §^, all kinds of medicines. A party of several persons every one of whom
Syn. Aratcro, Momo. {Ufolla. contributes some ghost stories for the enter-
Hynkiibii, »j^<>, ©Sfi, n. [BotA Stemone sessi- tainment of the company.
U folia. Hyakimfciii-kaze, y- j^ < i/z %i>V:', 5 W, 7*.

Iflyakiibntsii, v-^( Jf^, 5 ?5, Children's ailment; a kind of catarrh said to

n. A Imndred things; every last for a hundred days.
thins; all o"b,iocls. llyakiiulckl-eoki, V-^CK*^^]?, S B I®, n.
Hyakuao, ^
», 5 S. 7t.
i> < Same as above.
One buniired times, a great Ilyakurokiiji, x>J^<^<Z', 5S8S. "• The first

many times. eating of an Infant.

Syn Hyakuryu, I>J*»<H5, B ^.
given to n. A name
Hynkiido-innlri. j>^i^^3i, the government authorities collectively; all tha
V, 5 t£ S. « Walking ofiicera.

around a shrine or temple Ilyakusol, v-^<^\f>, Silt, n. One hundred ge-

a hundred times nnd at each nerations; all the coming generations; eternity;
turn worsliipping before the forever.
Kavil or idol. Uyakusei no nochi, B ^ .^ ^, after many ageg,
Hynkuc. i>^<-6., S d^. 7*. The crown of the or when your life comes to an end.
head. Ilyakuson, o-^<-ft'A, S^, n. A hundred batr
Syn. N5TE.V. ties; a countless number of battles.

Ilyakiieokwa, W-*?; i'J-f J7, S ^ Tt3. '» [Bot.} Byakusen hyakusjtd, B SS S S. never defeated,
A lily. always victorious.
IIyakul1.1l. V-^< il\f, S tS. " Being defeated Myakusli5, V-^<X^3,'S^, ri. A hundred
In every battle. victories.
Hjakii-lial(i-ii. v-^< a-J, S B, n. A iiuDdreddi5 iSyakuBko, v- J^ ( Ji^ 5. 'S &. n. O A farmer;
husbandmen. @ A countryman, rustics (In suru» uE. To represent; to make known.
derision). fall klndsof plants. HyO, Vj^5,q?, n. O Opinion; rumour; report
Hynkuso, U'-^<3 5, B ^, n. Numerous plants; @ Reputation; fame; popularity, ffl A critioal
Hynliiisosd, V-^<'55'S3, BJflH. A kind of "">• examination of a literary work; criticism.
medicine made of a hundred different kinds of suru, v.t. To criticise; to form an opinion.
plants burnt to charcoal. Syn. SHINABADAME SURU.
Ilyahiitnl, v-^<1t\r; Bf^, a- O Ail the mera- Hyo, Wi.5,)!il(, n. Ice (used only In composition).
bex-softhe body; the wlioio body, @ All the Hyoban, U-J^Jtf ^,|??l]. w. QKeputation; fame;
forms of writing. © All essentials. repute; popularity; opinion. © Report; ru-
Hynkutaii, T^^<te^,S*S, n. Q Various kinds mour.
of things. @ One hundred tan of cloth, Ryoban ga nakatta, ^^ffMv there was *
Hyalcuynlcii, y- .^ < -^ < S ^, " A hundred ,
no rumour; he (or she) was not popular; Ilyoban
different kinds of medicines. wo suru, P^^}^ :^ n't to rumour.
SaJce wa hyakuyaku no cho narl, ?@-*^S^--' suru, v.t. To rumour; to form opinion
g -J- V . saJce is the king of medicines. Syn. UWASA. LS't'out; to talk about.
Hy alclc-tva, t>^v < *3, S ^, n. All kinds of goods. Hyotioku, A sign-post.
-*5K<,ffi?t:i "•
Uyakkiva fuJcuso su, Bg'^S^. abounds ffyobuslio, V-^^JfZ^^,^M^>n. The war de-
with all kinds of merchandise {as a mart of partment In the ancient Imperial Government.
trade). fof the government. The name was revived for a time at the begin-
Hynhkwan, V'^y < 4? A, S '^. n. All the officials ning of the Meiji era.
Hyappan. j>^-M/u, S 8$, a. Erery; all; several; Hyoclaaku snru, -^ 5 %^
< :? 2.SSIF. v.f. To
multifarious. reach or arrive at the coast after being drifted
Hyappo, i>^'jW3, «du. and n. O Ii about in a sea.
various ways In ; all the different ways one could Katgan ni hyochaku suru, ?fi M* = S? IF 7- ^i
think of. @ Every direction; all sides. to arrive at a coast after having drifted about In

Syaj^o te wo tsuktisu, 'S'^^^f-^^, tore- the sea.

sort to every conceivable device. Hyochu, -.5*^1*5, (S§£, n. The notes written
Syn. IROIBO. on the top of a page (in the manner of Eng. foot
" Syn. Kashibagaki. Litotes.)
HyappoiiauKo, ^^ -^ -y [S A ^s' W"i 5 ^ fiS, Oiie
hundred radishes dried and seasoned in a mix- Ifyocliu, -^5%^, IStt, n. Posts set up to mark
ture of bran, yeast, and salt, in a large barrel. the boundary of a country or locality; a slgn-
Hyo, ^^5,)?], n. [ZooLI A leopard. Syn. BoJiGtTi. Lpost.

Hyo, ^5,!E, n. Hail. Hyocliu, v-1.5%^. ?ktt. n. An Icicle

ITyo ga furu, igtf I^B', it hails. Syn. TSURARA.
Hyo, -^5, ^. w. A straw bag for holding grains, Ilydda, — 5/t-, ^^, n. [^oo7.] Giraffe.
charcoal, common salt, etc. Hyoclal, -^^^V^, ^@, n. Tlie title of a book.
Katazwmi san byo, S 51 0, three bags of S Hyodatsu suru, ^^Tt^'y-i'Z, fl^. v.t. To seize
hard charcoal; Kome nl 7iyT>, ife two bags —^ by force; to plunder; to pillage; to despoil.
of rice; Shitohyo, E3H|-fi|, a straw bag for con- Hyoc-fii, v-^Si^-i.^Wlff. tt- SeeStkuet.
taining four to C5|-) of rice. Hy offcru, -5 1^3 E? i.. iS ®. v.i. [coll.^ To sport.

Syn. Tawara. jest, or play a trick; to play the fool.

Hy6. ^5,grt, '*. [Bot.} Same as Ifyotan. ITydgeta htto, IS® ^ A, a witty or humorous

Hy5, T>-^5,^, tt. O Flat, level, even. @ Peace- person. r WA MUREBTJ.

ful, tranquil, quiet. © Common, usual, or- Syn, DOKEKU, Pozakeru, Odokeuu, Ta-
dinary. Q One of tlie four principal sounds in liyogi, i>J^5 i^, i^Wit " A conference; discus-
Chinese prosody. The word is used always in sion; consultation. suru, v.t. To confer,
composition. discuss, etc.

andn. O Military, warlike. @ Syn. HTO.T5 SURU, SoDAN SURU fMage.

Hyd, V-^S.J^, a.
See under
A soldier. © The name of chessmen in the Ilyogowage, v^5'G:ir>)ff', f^W-%'. '"•
game atsliogi. Only used in composition except Hyogii, U--^5<', ^ -H. "• Military weapons.

in the last sense. HyoB", — 5<'. 1^4. " The mountings of pic-

Hyo, — 5,^, n. O Outside; exterior; surface. tures or of autographs of noted persons. ^—

® A table ; a schedule. © A memorial presented sum. v.t. To mount a picture, etc,

to the Emperor. Syn. HYOS5 SURU.

TokeihyZ, aSSlS. a statistical tabl*. Ilyoffnvu, Tj-X^Z.v.t. [coU.] To squirt (as water).
Jiflzu wo hyoguru, ;;j< f- t a^ »-, to squirt Byojoenkusnn, y-15^'-^5^ < 5A, ?kK^SE. t*.

water. [Chem.] Glacial acotic acid, Acf(lumo-:eticum

nyCguyn, --*5<'j?>, ^|I.g, n. A paper hanger, fjlaciale,

or one whose business it is to mount pictures, Slyojosho, t>J^5"^^ 5 £ i, 3SJ5'i. ^ Supreme

Syn. EtOjita ^writings, etc. court in former times.
HySba, l^J^5 tt, ^ES. « A^'-rsva made with aSyCjosha, U'^5"?'-^5:£W)5. ^%^i, " O Mem-
eagle's feathers. bers of tlae supreme court in former times. 9
ISyolinku suvu, -' 5 K < ?" 2, ^iS, u.(. To be A council of war in the Kamakura Shogunate.
drifted about; to wander from place to place; ISyojuii, ->.?;£'t5)A, f^iS, n. Criterion; precedent;
to roam. example; standard. fson.
Syn, RuBo suBu, Tadayou. Sliojun hikaku, 1^ 3^ ifc I?, standard comparl-
l2yoliaKu siirii, ^5U<^Z. 3t S. v.t. To dis- Syn. Meate, Mejirushi.
close (aa one's views); to discover; to manifest BlySba, u>J^5 i)*, g? ®, n. Valuation of goods by
Ilyohj, —5 0',
l?S. n. [Bo(.] Epidermis. an appraiser; appraisement. suru, v.t. To
Hydlio. U--^5ai. ^ii, n. Military ta«tics; stra- appraise.
tegy- Syn. Neuumi sueu, Nezpmoei stjrtt.
llyolio, ^5(15, 19 K!?, n. Same as Hydboku. Hyohagrnkii. U-^ 5 *> t)^ < s? S? ?S, «• The value .

fixed by apprr.ifiement.
japonicum. HySkal, lM,5*'\r, jU^iS, tt. A frozen sea.
Blyoltynku, V- ^3 X> ^ < , «• [coJt.] Humorous HyAkal sum, V 1 5 Z, T^g?, u.i-
i' QTo
talk; joke; pun; quibble; pleasantry. melt away; to dissolve like ice; to disappear. @
Syn. HYoKlN. To understand clearly.
I!> utiyo, -^ 5 --» 5, K V, ixrt'U- Moving in a alow Gidan hydkai suru, ^^^^^'n^, thedoubti
and undulating manner (as falling leaveB> are cleared away.
Syn. HiRAHIRA. HyoKaJiii, t>J^5*'X*A, ^M A, ?*. An appraiser.
Hy«-I, ---5V^, ^'$i, K- An outer garment. Hyokakii. --5**<-tS^, n. A mdn of pleasure;
H36I suru, o-j^5\r-^3, jgj v.i. [CAin.] To place fi!t,
a free-liver; a carpet knight.
confidence on; to rely or depend upon; to refer IlyoKan. [Cftm.]Bold; daring;
-- 5 *> A. !S?I1^. «•
Syn. TANOM0, TATOR0. TORU. L^O. fearless; fierce; fiery; high-spirited.
Uyol to, u- i v^ i^i culv. [coll.] Of a sudden; in Hydketsu, i> 1 5 I* "^i tI: ^. 71. Act of freezing;
an unexpected manner; casually; accidentally; congelation. suri!, v.U To freeze orcon-
by chance. Syn. KoRU. LgeaL
Jlyol to aehiia, t; a ^ h ttJ S5 ^. it has acci- Hyoketsii, U-^5W-7.^Si. « Resolution; deci-
dentally happend; has been done by chance; sion. sum, ut. To deliberate and decide
Byoi to omoi tsuUa, t 3 -f h ,®. t: # *(, it has upon; to resolve,
crossed the mind; it suddenly occurred to my Hyoklu,— 5&A.,^|iS. -^S. a- Witty; humorous;
Syn. FuTO, Omowazu ni. Lnil^iid- facetious; merry; cheertul; nimble- witted.
llyoJU -*5^%^^. '"• Anything indicative of Hyhkln mono, lJ®|f, a witty fellow, a wit-
either good or til luck; a sign; an omen. ling; a humorist.
Syn. sniRrsHi. Syn. DoKE, Odoke.
Hytijin, V-i:5Z'A.,^A, '* A middle man (as In Hyoklii, U-i5&A. JfC S55. " An icicle.

niairiage); a mediator; a go-between. Hyokkurf, to, y-i-^<vur, ^J?ft, adu. [coli.] Sud-
Ily5.(lu. c^ -^ 5 Xr A., :S S. « Weapons of war; denly; casually; unexpectedly; ofasudden.
arras. llyoko, t>j^5*>5, FF-'ig, n. A steelyard.
llySJfi. y--^5 X-^ 5. ^ ffi. "• The even sound, or Syn.Uakari,
one of the four tones in Chinese prosody. Ilyoko-hyolfo, u- i. C: u- 1, t. cl^v. [0011.1 In the
Hyojo, U-^5'^J^5,:^tifc. n. Military weapons. manner of a leaping frog; leaping, hopping.

Hyojo, i>-^5-ff5, ^iflSi 'I- One of the 12 notes of ilyoko-hyoko lianeru, tHatjaagS^, to

Chinese music, hop or j ump in the manner of a frog.

Hy6jo. i>::5-ff5,lS^fS, n. Anlcicle. Hyokwa, ni,^<ij, S^, « Hailstone.
Hyojo, U- -^ 5 'fr^ 5, a^ S, n. Consultation; Hyokwai, i>J;5<*^V^, n. Mass of ^% ice; an
deliberation; discussion; conference. sum, icebei'g, an ice-floe.

w.t. To deliberate' upoifc; to discuss, etc, Ilyokyo, I>-^5?1, S f'JI,

«. Something to bft

Syn. HtOgi scru. rclllors. referred to, or depeuded upon; ground; bases;
HyAjSli^vaii. :>-^5^j&? < *)A, 'Pf'&'S. n. Coun- proof; testiiQony.
Hy5iiindnra, U-JiSU^irS, n. [Entom.l Butter- Hyorotaiilcii, v-i.^'^<, v.i. To stagger.
belonging to the gerfus Argynnls.
flies totter, or reel.
ns-Oiiieo, —
516 ^, Sffii Outer surface; aur- " JJyorotsuku ashl wo fiimitoctome, |

face; the exterior. ig = it -f . halting one's limping feet.

Hyomenltyo, z^^5a^'&J%'5, JfcMS!, " A kind Syn. YOROMEKU, YOROTORO S0KU.
of mirror. HySrSzeme. V--^3 65l?»,^a^, Sfi^ifi, n.
Syn. HIMOKAGAMI. fbook). Reducing the enemy by cutting off his supply
Hyftmolcii, ^5 % < . S g. n. ContentB (as of a of food.
Hydinon, -^ 5 &
^, jB*] ilR. ?*. Spots or speckled Hyoryaku, l^.^5'5^< JIS. , Military strata-
marks (fis on the fur of a leopard). gy; stratagem.
HyfimoticliS. -^S'&ATTA, n. [Entom.l A Bpecies Hyoryaku. -^ ^ fQ
^< ,^\m, n. Taking by tIo-
of Argynnis, lence; plunder; pillage; forage, surn* v.t.
Hyonna, T> 3; ^ tc, a. \colL'\ Strange; peculiar; To plunder, pillage or despoil.
queer; unusual; out of the way. Syn. KASUMETORrr.
Eyonna koto wo iu, is a y -J- gi ^ z: 7, to Hyfiryo Biiru, U- ^ 5 IJ ^ 5 -^ Z, ^g, u.C To
Bpeak strangely; to say mysterious things. administer or manage according to one's judg-
KOTONARU, Kawatta.
Syn. ment.
Hyon-no-kl, z^J:^0^, tefit^. n. {Bot.] DlstyU- Syn. Hakaru, Mitsumorti.
um racemoss^tm. HySryu, ^ ^ «I 5, ^ i^, « Floating or drifting
Hyfi-olcoshl. T> J^ 3 is Z. £., ^ M, n. A mode of about (as of ships); wandering about. su-
Chinese versification in which the second ru, v.i. To be drifted about.
character of the first line is an even toned word Syn. Nagaberd, Ta.dat5.
or hydji (^ *?:). Hy5sa£jcii. V -^ 3 ? < ,
jc^, ,t. Same as By^-
Hs'drnn, W -^ 5 & A, J^ SI, ". A disturbance ;
war. Hyosatsii. ^53-:7, S:f[i. pg ^, n. A tablet hung
HySrI, ^5 V], ^5J, n. and a. OC'^*-] Outside and at the door, giving the name, address, and
inside, external or internal. @ Double dealing; soraetiraes the occupation, of the person resid-
hypothetical; falsehearted. ing; a door-plate.
Hyori-moiio, — 5W)^©, S S #, n. A man of Hyosel siiru, -* 5 ^\rir S, ^^, v,t. To pub-
double dealing; a hypocrit. lish or make known (as some meritorious
Hyord, V-^ 5 & 5, ^fij, n. Food for soldiers; Hy 5sen, U'^5t^. ^ ilS. "• War vessels ; a man-
military provisions. of-war.
Syord wo takuau, ^ ffi ^ 0? 7, to provido Syn. QoNKA.v, Tkusabone.
food for soldiers. Hydsetsii, -^ 5 -ft -P, f IS, Ti. Plagiarism.

Hydrd-sAkarl, W-^5 & 5fti]()>l5, :ft ©B*. i «. An suru. v.t. To plagiarize.

IIydi-d-l<ata, V-^5 6 5*>?2, oflficor ^S^» * Mtto no slbibun wo hyosetsu suru, A. > ^ Sl^
whose business it is lo supply soldiers with SlIS^"-! to plagiarize or purloin from the
food; comraiasary ol subsistence; the commis- literary productions of another.
sariat. Syn. NuSDMCr.
Ilyovoliyoro, iM;5i>J:?i, jM^. ®JK. adu. Hyoslii. 'N 5 ;£, ^ SEE, n. The cover of »
Hyoroliyoro to, V-X-^V-i.^)^, ' O In a limping, book.
reeling, or staggering manner. @ Coiling or Kawaiydshi, ISgifK. leather cover; Kinuna
curling upwards (as a solitary pine). ^ ^, silk cover.
hyosltt, SB -^

Ashi oa hyorohyoro suru, jE W

SSSB :^ ff-, his Hyoslil. V ^ 5 ;&. IS ?. n. Beating time to O
(or my feet) are reeling; Byoroliyoro to ayumu, music; drumming (as with tlie feet). @ Op-
S^!S l-4fi». to stagger along; Ifiwa no matsu portunity; occasion; luck. nl, adv. In
pa hyorohyoro to takaku natta, ^H&if^^ h ^ the act of; by the impulse of.
^^ -)-
V i^t the pine in the yard has twisted Ashi bydshi, ;E tfi ^. drumming with the feet;
Itself high. Syoshi ga warui, ^ ^^
U-f unlucky; missing ,

Ilyoroii* V-^5JS^,'^I^, '"- Cjltlciam, dlscus- time; Bydshi ga yoi, i&^if ^ 4, hitting op-
flion; review. sum, v.t. To criticise, etc. portunity; lucky; Byoshi nuke ga sliita, }a^^
Uyoropan, v-^^ &5^y^, :^SISS. "• A kind Wj/^, have lost opportunity; Byoshi wo toru,
of bread especially made for military proW- jfi^ ^ h ;^, to beat time ; Nigeru hyoshi ni koron-
SiODS da, 2Ejtifl^='(a>'#. fell down ia the act of
flying away; Us bydslii, ^Ifi-^, beating time Hyotckl, -s5-r&, gfi3, n. Object in view; de-
with the hand; Yoi hyoshi ni kiawasemashita, sign; aim; purpose.
(ff-f ^^ — ^^^'^i^it, have come at a good IByoteki, '-^^'C^, ^{f}, n. Object, aim, view,
opportunity or in good time. IByoteiB, u-i, 5 -r ^, ^^, n. The freezing point
Syn. HODO, YOBOKOBI. (of a thermometer).
Hyosbl, ^5;fe,j®.®, 71. The cover (of a book). BDyoten, -^5-c^- IS n. Marks of any kind in

flydslil, ^5;R,i£nt, /*. Waking known, publica a book or manuscript for convenience of read-
tion; notice. suph, v.t. To make known; ing; punctuation.
to notify (as on a bulletin board). BHyd to, i>J^3iJ, ^, adv. The sound of an arrow
Hyoshlffl, U-^ ? £ Sr, M^*,ff. " A pair ol moving through the air; whizzing.
wooden blocks which are struck together as a Hyoto, -^JteJ, jRS, ». Seizure of property by
signaL violence; pillage; plunder; robbery. euro,
HySso, --- 5 5
5, Sig. n. The mounting of a v.t. To seize by force; to plunder; etc.
picture or autographs of noted men. 8uru» Ilydto, -^5 ir?, Bgf, «. A signal light; a beacon;
v.t. To mount a picture, etc. a coast light
Kakernono no hyoso wo sum, ^ IS ^ ^ IS ^ :x Hyoto suru, ^5>c5f'S. 13 IS. "•* To be drift-
n-, to mount a hanging picture. ed about; to float; to be tossed about(as a ship).
Hyoeo, ^^5^.^;^;, w. Awhitlow. Hyoto auru, U-i:5lf5-^5, Sfciffi, v.i. Tobefro-
Ilyoso, -. 5
5, S/f-, n.
5: Outer layer; surface zen to freeze.

layer (aa of the earth). Hyotto, l^i-/if K. o,dv. By chance; by accident;


Hyosohii, V-^5^< ?^iSi, , JSJg, n. A candle-stick. peradventure; perchance; mayhap; supposing

Hyosoku, T>-^5^<, that
^ PC, n. The even Fumi wo hyotto mirare-taraba, -SC ^ BS HAT
and oblique sounds t^ it ^ :i\. what if the letter (billet-doux) should
into which the happen to be discovered; Eyotto au, K? h^^,
idiographs are clas- to meet by chance; Jlyotto deru, @J h yj »-, to
sified Chinese
in go out accidentally; Hyotto funjltsu shita told
prosody, nearly «"i. SS I'aS^S^^ h^-^, supposing that it
corresponding to should be lost; Hyotto shita koto kara, S b 5^S
the long and Bbort IJI » 9, from a casual circumstance; HyotAa
sounds of English shire taraba, fg !• *p t- ^? :^, if it should hap-
versification. pen to be discovered; Hyotto s?iUara, H h s^ii
H^'OSuJIina, V--^^-? 9, as it may happen; peradventure.
Syn. Manichi. Moshi.
A striped cotton (^ JS) Hyo-u, U-155, )5i<tlf. S. " Hail.
stuff woven at NangO, 6ml, the name being Syn. Hi SAME.
probably derived from the originator of the Hyoyu sum, ^^J^^itZ, ^M, v.i. To fly high
pattern. up in the air; to soar (as a bird).
Ilydtnu, .-^5te^. M^. f*. [-Bol.] Gourd, Cala- Syn. HiRUGAERU.
bash. Hyoyo sum, —515^3. SSffi. f-*- To be tossed
HyStau, U- i 5 fe ^, )!ftffe, n. [lit.] Ice and char- about (as a ship); to be drifted about
coal, used onlysuch expressions as under.
in HydsHD, u•i.5S'^. ^\U, n. An ice-berg.
Hyotan ai trezu, jjf; 1^ ffl A, ice and charcoal ^ Hydsco, ^5*A, ESt^, adv. With abroad wavj
do not mix together (In allusion to the nature motion; in a soaring manner; of a sudden; ab
of two things or persons being entirely antago- ruptly,
nistic to each other); Myotankokubyakunogoto- Hydzen to shite tacliisaru, £S^ ^s/5^i!:3^/^l
sM, )!J<,^S'v6 > iDs^. y^^^ ice and charcoal or to go off abruptly.
black and white (so opposed to each other). HySzu, -^5=>*, gy, 71. fifat/u] Diagram.
Hyetan-no-bl, --5fe^®&, t^ ^(S. «• \Bot.]

Hyotel, i>^ ^ t\r, 1?^. n. Deliberating and
deciding upon; resolution; decision; assess- -<^-^->«
ment. suru, v.t. To resolve; to decide.
llyotel, *%5'CV', jp] BS. n- A leopard's paw (one
of the eight dedlcucies of the Chinese).
399 IAN
I am hito, tt 7 »- A, a man of dignified bear-
ing; I pa isuftu, &tf #^, to become dignified
in appearance; / wo otosu, S?-^3(, to loao
I. Syn. KuRAi, Lono's prestige.
1, £, #, w. A well.

I» V*. K« [Pr^z.} A Chinese word meaning with, Xnomizu wo Jcumu, Jf-'j^^Sii*, to draw
by, thus, in consequence of, by means of, etc.
water ft-om a well; Iiuolmru, ^f-^gB', to dig
Prefixed to other words, it signifies towards or
a well ; I no vchi no Jcawazu, ^^ ?i > ®, like a

outwards in place or time. frog in a well (so entirely ignorant of the outside
i, \f. The first letter of the Japanese alphabet Syn. IDO. Lworld).
(iroTia), or the second ot the five vowels. 5' Z>i ffi. '*• [Sot.] Kush, Juncus communis.
• V^, X " O The mind; thought; idea; will; K. it, IS. n. {Zool.] A wild boar.
feeling; intention. @ Meaning; sense; signi-
fication; purport. I» ^,%, n. One of the twelve calendar signs (see
Junishi) a wild hog.
Bun noi ga wakaranu, ^ -^ S^ ^ 9 5t, the ;

meaning of the sentence is unintelligible; I ni

I no kata, ^ ^ ;5, the hog direction or N. N.

Tcanau, ^ — j^ "7, to agree with one's idea; I ni W.; I no koku, % ^ gij, the hog hour or 10

somuJcu, ^ — ^^, to be contrary to one's will; o'clock at night ; / no toshi no umare, % -^ ^ ^

I no gotoku narazit, S -^ fin <*' ^ 7 tJ, not to ^ t-, born in the hog year.
one's mind; / to nasu nakare, ^ h S ^ ^ i-'i I» 6, H . n. [AticU.I O The stomach. © The diges-
don't talce it to heart; never mind; Sono i wo tion.

fi2^. ^- IS f" ^ 5^. can not understand it Gyo-i de ;

I ga isxiyol, ^if^ 4, to have a strong or
healthy stomach; Igawarui, '^if S-f, to have a
gozariviasu, 2P ;6 x ^ 1^ V "^ :^, [coll.] you are
right (a very polite form of assent). bad stomach; to have a weak digestive power;
Syn. IMI. KOKORO, KOKOROBASE. Inofu, H-^ W. the stomach.
I* \p-. S, It- O A doctor
a physician. Medicine,; ©
medical art or science. Very often used in com- I» S, g)[, n. Dignity; authority; power; influence;
pounds. majesty.
I wo gyo to su, ^ J- laruhito, SJt »-A. a dignified person; one
\- :x, to make medicine ^
one's profession; to follow th^ business of a having authority; Iwofuru, gS! ^ 7, to ex- ^
physician; / wo manabu, S ^ S 7*, to study ercise authority; to show one's power; Tora

medicine; / wo muko^ Bf ^iSj"?, to send for a no I too karu kitsune, £E ^ EK ^ ifS »' 5H, [ Prov.]
[lit.] a fox that mimics the tiger's power. \Jtg.]
doctor; Jfti-i, ^S, an eminent physician; Ya-
bui, ^^, a.quack doctor. Borrowed plumes.
sum, v.t. To restore to health; to cure; to Syn. iKioi, iKwo, ISBI.
remedy; to heal. I, a t^, n. {Zo'6l.\ A hedgehog.
Syn. ISHi, KuausHi, Iyasct, Naosu, Syn. Harinbzumi.
^» V*. S. **• aii'l **• Strange, unusual, uncommon, I, £ , SB) 7t, [Ichth.} Thynnus stht.

extraordinary, different; strangeness; singu- Syn. Shibl

larity ; difference ; eccentricity. If 6, Si^. « iConch.] Synapta.
I na hlto, ^ ?- A, an eccentric person; Z na Inl, ZjlfeV-, jfi#, a. and 71. Left by one who hafl

kotowoiu, :^ ?- ^ ^ K "7, to talk in a strange prized it; a relic of a dead person; a legacy,
manner; Mlna kore wo i to sezu, ^i.'^- ^ h ^>C, a bequest.
they all did not consider it strange. laJ, Z»3&V, }^-^, n. The art or the act of drawing
Syn. PuSHiGi. a long sword at a short distance from an enemy.
. Uv, 'S., a. Five (now used only in compositions of lai wo suru, fB ^'^ ^'t-. to perform the above
a classical style). feat.

/ so, % -f-, fifty. lalnulcl, £ 5 t>Sl5, )g-S-K, ". One skilled in

Syn. Go, ITSU, iTSUTStJ. drawing a long sword; a person who sells tooth
I» V^. tS^f «• Spider's thread; cobweb. powderji medical plaster, or some other kinds of
I. £, SB. "- [A.nat.] Bile ;
gall. nostrums by attracting customers in the street
Kuma no i, 3,? ^ Jg, bear's galL with the feat of iai.
Syn. Tan, Nigadama. laku, ft% <; (iSW, w. A curtain; a tent.

I. i6, &. w. O Bignity ;

prestige. @ In compounds, Ian, V' % A> Ef ^1 n< A medical prescription; »
it means ofilcial or social rank. recipe.
Tan wo shitatameru, ^^ ^ ^ -V a-, to write Ihari arvku, 6E V ^ ^
^. to strut about; to
a recipe; to prescribe a medicine. flwagger; JbaH chirasu, fii 5& V f- 9 ^. to swag-
lao, X^3D^, JK$. The act of pocifying, appeas-
n. ger about; to act In a consequential manner.
ing, tranquillizing, or consoling. suru, v.t. •
Syn. Ebaru, Hokoru, Rikimu.
To pacify; to calm; to console, eta Ibl, a 0.', ^U' n. Drooping or withering (as

plants); the state of being bafSed or frustrated;

Intsurii, if.a&-73, ^\^, v.t. To hit by shooting.
non-success; no improvement; in- inertness;
Ta wo hanatte washt ni iatsuru, 55 ^ )te -^x K activity. suru, v.i. To wither; to b&
= jK ft" 5* n-, to shoot an arrow and hit an eagle.
baffled; to decline; to be inert.
lau, V^^i., IH-S", v.t. To shoot each other.
Syn. Naeshioru, Yowariohijimu.
lavvasii, ^/»3&^I^^, g §, v.t. To happen to be
Ibikj, ibtr^.Sf, 71. Snoring.
present. TakaiUki
muwokalcv, )R^»^, to snore;
Chddo ga iawaseta, TKfSVS-S-^Jr,

he happened to be present at the time.

wo shite nete iru, ^^ =^ 5/ 7 fS ^ ]^ n-,he Li
asleep snoring loudly.
Iba, V^fcf, ^ji, A strong will, i.e. a wOl or
Iblru, Vr'CN'2,=^Bf, v.t. To maltreat, oppress, oi
temperament which is as ungovernable as a
weigh down; to torture; to annoy or tease.
wild colt
Tbiri korosu, >r t; v IS ^. to torment to death.
/6a shtn-en, ^ffiiCS, an unruly will and an
Syn. Sainamu, Shietagd.
inextinguishable passion; human weakness.
Ibjru, v^ y.' S, ^, v.t. To parboil or scald; to
Iba, v^tf, 9j-^, It. A place for practising archery;
Corrup. form of below.
Ibltare, V^CN'feH, n.
a shooting ground.
Ibadono, V^tf^O, 3d *£ES. n. A building for pmc-
Ibltarl, v^xh'ityi, @ ^, n. Urinating while asleep;
wetting the bed.
tising archery In the ancient Imperial palace.
Syn. Neshobbn, Totsubari.
IbaliaJIme, \^^a£:^, ^i&^, n. The ceremony Ibitsu, from libttsu, a
V^t^•^,^,fl9IHl, o. [derived
of commencing to practise archery in a newly
beginning of the
rice tub.] O Oval. ©Crooked; Irregular in
built ibadono, or at the
Ibaku, Sti^. ^iU, n. Same as ZafcM. Lyear.
Syn. YuGAMi.
Ibamloru, &IJ;^^S, ifi, IK S. v-*- To live crowd- IbltsunaH. \;n tvr? tc "0. fi5Hfl$. « Having the
ed in a place; to fill up (as a chamber). form of a rice tub; oval, crooked.
Ibara, V^IJG, '^,M^' '^^ ^ general name for IliUsu-lbara, V^O^'-^^rtf 6, S^, « [Sot.] Smilaai
prickly or thorny trees. china.
Ibarn, \/^U&, ffi^. ». [Sot.] The rose,
Ibo, &lf 5,SE^, "- Influence and popularity;
Ibara-Kukl, v-tJ ^tfl'&.MHM, " A hedge ol authority and virtue.
thorn?!. Ibo aru liiio, g^^Tfl-A, an influential and
Ibara-ganl. V» tJ S fi* K, n. [Zodl.] tithodes popular person.
Bp. Ibo, v^, S- &> ^' f^nd a. A different mother; born
Ibai-nsliobI, u^tf of a different mother.
C 2. ^3 IN-, IS Ibo IJ&JdSfi, brothers of the same

ig, n. iBot.\ father but different mothers; Ibo shlmai, ^^

The wild rose. ajig^, sisters born of different mothers.
Ibarl. XAkf!), e, Ibo, irKl*, K. w- -A- small protuberance on the skiD
n. Urine. produced by a disease; a wart.
Ibari wo svr Ibo ga dekita, flt tf Ui aK ^. liave (or haa) a
rw, R^-t;^-, to [V^ tl 6 i' K3 wart.
urinate Ibodn], vK^zA, "- [ichth.] Trachinotus ano
Syn. SH6BEN, ShOtiI. Tnalits.
Ibarl-biikuro. \c^^J^< S.J^S'C, n. The bladder. Ibogaoru, \r IXS' — Z. 8S tt. " [ZoSl.] The Com
Ibarl-aamc, \^fcf *):?&!*, ^M. n. A vessel or tub mon toad, Bufo vulgarii.
Imbedded in the earth for receiving urine; Syn. IlTKIGAERD.
a water-closet. IbogaKJ, vK*^?. ". iZoel.} Balanus sp.
Syn. SH5BENT3UBO. IboJ. \rl^t>, n. The pus of amoxa.
tbaru, itliX.SiSB, v.i. To be proud, haughty, or Syn. IBORI.
arrogant; to be presumptuous; to give one's Ibolbo, \/v[5:V>iy,j|E^, n. O Same as /&o. © SmaV
BeU airs; to carry with a high hand. round protuberances; a knob

IBO 401 tBU

Iltojl, V^IX'^. ^}¥> n. External heraorrhoidB; blind Ibukl-tora-no-o. V/>i-'''^ £ &(^ Sr. £ ft. n^ [BtM
piles. Snake-root, Bistort.
IboJlrMnuslil. VE:£'i5tf L, iSSlBI, « [Entom.] Xbukl-yomoBl. \r>$J:
|boniiialilrl» V/vl^-t^as.'!), ^ The mantis.
Syn. Kamakiri, T6r5. ftree. [Bot.] Artemisia vul-
Ibohu, \p U < ^-^t n. ,A Ptrange or unknown ffa»-f5, var. vulgatis-
Chinkin tboku, S^^p)=, curioua birds and sima.
strange trees.
Ibukuro. ax », R tt.
i.tff^. SJE. I- Acting contrary to, or dlso- n, The stomach.
bejing laws; transgression; infringement; Syn. I-HO-FO.
violation, Ibun, V^>^, M, rt. SA
fborl, V^iar'?, " [cornif). of/6oi.] See/tot. strange report; Infor-
Tboru, VrHS. v.i. To suppurate (as the moxa). mation 0* something
Ib5 sum, SaS-^XiiaS, v.t. To let go from the that has newly hap-
memory; to forget. pened or that has before been unknown; fresb
Syn. MONOWASURB 80R0. tidings.
Ibota, v/^ttfe, i:*<lflga. n. [Bot.] A OJiitisetsu ibun, ^gfS-M. curious Informa-
Ibota-no-kl, \j^18i'k,(0'^,
Wax-tree, Ligustrum tion and strange news.
Jbota Syn. Shimbun.
IbotarS, V^KfeSi, Sl^fiS. '*• Wax produced by Ibun, Z)i»A.jB"S:,
74. Any writing left by a de-
the insect liTlng upon a wax tree. ceased person; a written will; a posthumous
Iboru, ViSS.^ffl, U-* To suppurate (said of the writing.
moxa). fsuppurated. Ibun, Vv >^, 1^-$:, n. A circular letter.
Kyu ga ibotta. ^it -i iS •? H, the mo3t» has Syn. KWATBUW, KWAUS.
IboivaBii, \A K tt f*i v.t [caws, of I&ou.] To cause Ibun sum, VvJt^^^, KIH. 'V-t. To report to th»
to suppurate. Emperor. funmerclfuL
Iboyul, v^tKW)^, ffiS, n. A peculiar kind of Icnot Iburl, v^Jeip, 3f f&i ^- Cruel; inhuman; unfeeling;
(ol a rope, cord, etc.). Iburi na otoko, ^W^-^^t a cruel man; an
Ibn, ib J*, SK^, n. Power; Influence; majesty; unmerciful fellow.
authority; ascendancy; prestige; martial digni- Syn. MiTGOKT, NAaAKENASHI.
Syn. iKioi Lty. Iburl, i/v^BJ, n. Smoking.
Ibakaru, V^.£':b>2i R. v.t. To doubt; to suspect; Iburu, V^J<2, ft, v.i. To smoke.
to refuse to admit; to disbelieve; to wonder at. Kamado no hi ga ibwru, B -^ i^ ^ ffi ^-t 'he
Ano Jiito 710 Jianasht wo ibukani, fit A-*KE^ flre in the furnace smoking.

U 3-, I suspect what he says; Hito no minari wo Syn. PUSUBORO, KiTYORU

ibuKaru, A
> If ?K ^ US', to feel dubious at an- Ibuaareru. v^Jt-jKS, v,t. and i. [pass, or potent.
other's style of dreSK. of 7ftwsw.]To be smoked; to be annoyed or mo
Ibukasbl,-l,-hl» V^ J( :&> t, ^. u. Doubtful; Ibnse6hl,-i,-kl, \rJf^ L, W9i, a. Gloomy; dis-
suspicious; sceptical; incredulous; hard to be mal; sad; melancholy; cheerless; dejected; sick
believed; uncertain. fSHi. at heart.
ATAaHiKi, Poshiginari, Utagawa-
Syn. Syn. Uttoshi, Wabishiki.
Iboliashikii, \/^ j'*> L. <, adu. Doubtfully; in- Ibuseku, v»J'-^<, adv. Gloomily, dismally, etc,
credibly; causing doubt or suspicion. Syn. Ueusaku, Uttoshiku.
Ibnkashlsa, \i^ Jfi)>X'5, n. The state or degree Ibiislil, v/^ > L. S. w- O Smoking; fumigation. 9
of being doubtful or uncertain doubt; disbciief ; The act of imparting a blackish hue to a
incredulity; uncertainty metallic surface by fumigating with sulphur. ©
Ibuki, \^^@, n g ^,/», [BoW] Chinese Jumper. A smoke made to kee.p off mosquitoes.
Syn. Gin giseru nt ibitsM wo tsuhet-u, fg ig iff =2 S ^
fj- ^ it,
Ibukl, \f3f'&,^^, Blowing with the mouth;
-iv. to fumigate a silver smoking pipe so at
breathing breath.
; to give it a blackish hue.
Ibuki-bora, Vvjt^yf5i5,3jl5f, .,4. {BotA Seseli Ibiishl-ffusurl. V/^J*;£<-ih'!I, SSI; n. A f amigat*
Mbanostis. ing compound.
Ibnkl-byakustaln, Vr*30^J^< X^. n. [Bot.^ Ibusu, v.S*-^. SS, v.t. OTo smoke; to fumigate.
Red cedar, Juniperui Ja^ontca. ©[Jiff.] To annoy, harass, or vex; to torment.
mv 402 IGH
nimono ivo ibusu, K ^ ffl :^, to cure dried ]S. most quickly or early; Ichi motsw, [g^, an ex-
by smoking; Ka wo ilusu. Si ? ^ ?t, to
fish cellent or peerle.ss article; anytliing without an
smoke out mosquitoea. equal.
S^B FUSUBBRU, KCTURAaU. Ichi, i> "S, -fet S, n. The order in -vhlch things are
Pbusu, tr-J*-^, ,1^ yg, n. [Bot.] Aconite, wolPa- arranged; position; site; situation.
Syn. TORipABDTO. Lbane. Ic7ii oa wand, {iS^S-^. (a) to have a bad
Ibiitsn, fcj«r7, a 15^, /(. Things or property left position; to be badly situated; (6) to be low in
by a dceeased person; bequest legacy. ; official rank; Ichi wo kaeru, (iS^E'^*. to
Chichi no ibutsu wo uku, ^ ^ JH ^ ^ S ^, to change positions; Ichl wo sadameru, ^i S ^ £j*
ioiierit tlie property left by a dead father; to jt, to fix the position in which anything should

receive a lather's bequest. be set or placed; Tot lc?U, (ff-f^S, a good

Syn. Katami Syn. IBASHO, KoRAr. (_situation.
tbutsii, v/nJ«-7, ^^, n. A different thing; a lor- Ichlakii, v'^3&<, — S, rt, [Chtn.'i [lit.] An eyil;
eign substance; a strange object. a mir^rortnae; a calamity.
Ddmet ibutsv, f^^^.^. things differpnt but Ichiashj, V^-^3r,L, iSjE. n. The fastest step.
bearing the same name; Ibutsic ivo fukumeri, Ichiashi dasfiite nigesaru, igBfiJ i/5*gKSji-,
?^fl&^ -k ^ V> it contains foreign matter. to escape as fast as the legs can carry
Ibutisgn-oii, iL .i* -9 ^5 ^, Ji^^^, n. Th^ doctrine Ichlbn, V^ ^fclf, rfj^, n. A marketing place; a
of materialism. market.
Vbutsu-ronslin, ^>i-5J5^£^. i^fS^W. "• A Uwoichiba, iS. TfiHi, a flsh market.
materialist. Ichlbal, V "t tiW^, -— S, a. and adv. Twice aa
Il>yo, ZaU-'.^5, ^ f^, n. Any ailment in the sto- much.
mach; indigestion dyspepsia. ; Hito ichSbai hataraku, A — ^SJ'i', to work
Et)yd, v>l>'-^3, l^fil, n. A singular disease. twice as much as an ordinary person; Ichibai
Iclintsukii, \f^%Ji^-o<, jppm, v.l. [coiL] To sport masu, — ESt^, to be doubled; Kore yori ichibai-
with a lover; to play at courtship; to flirt; to vol, ^aV — -KiffW, is better than this by
bill and c"oo, twice as much ; far superior to tliis one.
Syn. Jarajara suru, Jaratsuku. Iclilbnn, V•^tt^, — 5. n. Number one; the
Irhi, v^ *t. S'?*, n. Medical treatment first; the best.
Byn. ChirtO, RyOji. Dai ichl ban, ^— S, number one; the best;
Iphi, \j\%. Us. n. OA
market; a fair @ A city Ichibanme, — ^g, the first one; Ichi ban sho-
or town (aa distinguished from the country). 6w. — S^:^. deciding victory by one contest
Asaichl, ^ ifr, morning market; Aomono ichl only; Ichlhan takaku noboru, — ^ ^ g »•, ffi
pa hajimatta, ^^i^if^^^^^, the vegetable to go up to
[coil.] tlie highest point; Ichiban
fair la open; Ichi luo nasu, -^9^7., to be yoku dekita, — ^ (if ^ ^i ?fl ^. [coll.] he has (or I
crowded with people; Toshi no ichi, rfp. > Tfr, the have) done best.
fair kept at the close of the year. IchJbnnrtoi-l, V^e.tf^>e^!J,-SS, »*• The first
Ichi, \/^%, n. The part of the mage projecting crowing of a cock early dawn, ;

backward (esp. in those of men). —^

Iclilbandori ni okiru, ?gi = :^ B-, to rise at
lolil, \p -t, — , ^, n. and a. Q One. ©Whole, the early dawn.
entire. © The first or the best. Q The upper- Ichlbau-uorl. V^•^tt^O^!) ,
-^ ?fi, JEg. n. The
most and largest of the three strings attached first scaling of the wall of a besieged castle.
to a samisen, Ichlban-yarl, v. %
-#:£». n. The ^'^^'!J , first
Dat tchi, ffi— , the first; the beat; Ichl men, thrust of a spear, or more conlmonly the first
— iS, the whole surface; Ichi nen, — ^, one attack made by onfe of the allied troops.
year; Ichi nfc/ii, — H one day; lc?U wo fciiteju , Ichlbayn^il, v^-^ifj^ L, )ItjS. a- Quick,
_^ _^^.
wo shim, —.^ M ? -f- ^ ^ fl-, to hear one and

Ichibnyashl, )
' '
Va"^11-^L.' sharp, smart;
know ten; to be extremely sagacious or intelli- keen-witted.
geut'fKorewo icM tosu, nu-^— h :?., we regard Habhikoshi, Hagsshi, Subatashi.
Uiis as the Ue^t; this is the first. Icblbayakii. V*"^tf -^ ( adv. The adv. form of , i

Syn. HiTO'rsu, iTsa. Il^hlhayiihu, \f%QJ¥<, J above.

icbl, ^/^'5, [g, A superlative prefix meaning: fast- Ic'bjbotsu, vn -^ ^ ^, _ 7,. A parting, ortha flij,

estj qulckct, or most violent. last time wo parted.

Ichl hayaWru, i&ij^-f Ji', to be most excited,; Ichibetsu irai, — JiJ Jjl 3fS, since our last meet-
to be quickest or sharpest; Iclit hayaku, {g ¥.^. ing; smce we parted.

ICH 40;) ICH

\£ot.^ Indian mallov, Icbldosawasbl nl, v^t^jj'fciK, — fiE#, adv.
Ahutiton avtC€nnae. By one turn; alternately. fonce.
IcbiibUo, V> %Vf )£, Ichldokl nl, Vr- "i^ >5 1& K, adv. All at once; at
Tfi A, n. Market Ichtdokl oU deklagaru, -f ?'l*+ = tbJK-tS'.
people; townsfolk. to be completed all at once.
Syn. Ichido ni, Ichiji ni.
n. OA silver coin Icbldoltu, \£-%''& < ~^, It. , Reading once
4 of a ryo (^) in through; a cursory perusal. —~suru, v.t. To
value. @The tenth read once.
part of a sun. See IchlKal Qln
nl. V^*^ftswr, — ffif, adv. general;
Bu. in a careless or perfunctory manner. @ Wholly;
Icblbii, V^'SJt, -gR mm) altogether ; at once.
n. One part; a copy. Ichigat ni ronzuru, IS = —
3? »•, to make a ^
Icbjbu-slifja, \n%^£,X'^, -SBKS?, -S-ff, general statement; to argue in a rash manner;
n. The whole train of circumstances from the Ichigai ni omoikomu, — ffi = iS Ti ji i», to be
beginning to the end; minute particulars. possessed of one idea; Ichigai ni warukti wa
ichibu-sJuju no monogatari, — SR^Jf? --' 1SB. ienu,— fSE=S^-»'»:s'^5r, cannot be said to be
a very minute accoujit of an allair; Ichtbu-shiju wholly bad. TOshinabete.
wo ViiUa, — E, — -ff ^58W it, have h,eard the Syn. HiKiKuauMETE, Ichido ni, Ichiji ni,
whole particulars. Icblsau, v'^ft'^, — dH.ffiBg, n. One eye, single-
^blda, \r%^,~^, ti'. One horse-load (which is eyed; monocular.
about ^321: lbs. avoir. Eng.). Syn. Katame.
IchlAa no nimotsu, — gt > ^ ^, a. horse-load Icblga-no-uagare, v^ -^ ftTca j)t K, — jggJE, 71.

of goods. Tevent. [Budd.] {lit.] One stream; the same river,

IcbldaJJl, V'^fdV- C. — A^i W- A uniquely great Ichigo, V-'t,\^, — g, n. [Burtd.JThe custom among
Xchiaatjl qa okotta, — A®^&:'it. a great Buddhist priests of shotting themselves up in
event has happeaed. their temples for ten consecutive days any time
Ichldalldr \/^ 'S/SVT' 5, — ftpBi n. Life history; between the 15th of the 4th mo. and the 15th of
biography. the 7tb mo. (as,).
Icbidau, \^%'^^^, — Sit ^(^u. [lit,] One degree or Icbl^enkliir \^'S^^^^^, — ES, n. One string-
step; Btill more; eminently; especially; particu- ed musical instrument.
larly. Icblgeso, V-tW^^S, — ^E^, n [Bot.] Anemone
Ichidan Jcoe wo harlagete, — SSg^ Sfti^'T', nikoensis.
lifting the voice still higher ; Ichidan yorosM, — Ichigetsu, V*'^tfir7, — M> «- O One month. @
gS*/, stiH better. The first montti of the year; January.
Hjtokiwa, issO.
Icbldall-no-bata^3lbl,v«-&;%^0 tS% 6 &, — Icbigetsujl, \/^%.\^-7 c, — ^^, n. A Buddhist
iS ffi. " \Gram.'\ The first of the four conjuga- temple where persona guilty of some kind of
tions of verbs. See under the Verb in the crime sought refuge in former times an asylum. ;

Introduction. Icbigl, V^tF", — S?. «- One reason; a grounder

Icbldesbl, \r'%.-^ L, iS sft, «. The first of disciples. base (of an argument).
Ecbido, V^"^^, — ffi, adv. Once; onetime. Ichigi naki ni arazu, — IS-J-^ = t9 7;, not
Ichido de svmu, — (gT'iSFi. to be finished by entirely without reason.
one effort; once will do; Ichido mo Jconu, — S Icblgl, V- 1 i^, — IS, '*• A single conference or
^1351, he has Dever come, or has not come even consultation.
once; Ichido mo mimasen, — ffi -^ ^ vtv, [coZL] Ichigi ni mo oyohazn, — I® = =£ ^ Jfc z^?. with-
have never seen. out any consultation.
Syn. HiTOTABi. Icblg], V^ t i^, — ffi, «. An affair; the matter
Icbldo, 5,—
H, n. and odu. All the persons
(/^"^tf which happens at any given time to engage
concerned; every one; all ccfnjolntly. one's attention; Ijhiit business.
Ichid^ no mtJtomf wo JctJcu, — l^^jlji^K^. Ano icJiigt wa ikaga ni n^riTnashita, fS: v —
to listen to the views of all the persons concern- ^>^ Jp f^=s ^ V "^ ^^ ^. what has become of
ed; Ichido sorotte kitarert, — !^ M y 7= iK i^ V .
Syn. HiTOTSU-NO-KOTO. Lthat affaii* ?

[coll.] all came together. Eclifgo, V* *t 2^. " [Bot.l A strawberry; a

Syn, MiHA, S5TAI, SLBETB. ra.«p berry.
lOH 404 ICH
Icblffo, V^'^a. —
^, n. Whole period of one's life; Ichlhatsii, \f^%^-0, — A,
life time; the limit of one's lite. Icliililme, \^%V»,lf] JE,
Gojissaiwo ichigo to shite shtsu, S + ?£? — n. The guardian god-

JW h 5^ ? 5E^'. lie died, making his 50th year the dess of a town.
limit of his life; Ichigo no haji, — J^ ^Iih, dis- Ichl-I.v^t^a,— 'li, n. The
grace of one's whole life; Ichigo no omoide ni, first rank of honour.

— M^^^~, for one's satisfaction on parting Ichl-l, •& a, :5 fIJ,

\/^ 71.

with this world. [Bot,) Querens gilva.

Syn. ISSH5, IsseiiGAi. Icbl-i, \r%\r .
— !S, "
Iclilffd, \f%1i^^, — 0. n. O-A- single hair; a adv. OO'ie'^'ill; o°6

very small particle; an atom. @A tenth part intention. @ With the

of an'?i(g). whole heart, zealously,

Ichigo ivo ri sum nashi, —^^ fij 7,it- ^ 3/, persistently.

not profltins oneself even in the slightest IchJIchU V^tv**^, , adv. One by one; tbrouffh-

degree. out.
Ictalgo-maeii* Vr'^fi'5IC'^. — -S"??", '«• A wooden Ichiichi shiraberu, g^B-, to examine ons
box used as a measure of capacity equal to the by one; Ichiichi yomikikasu, hK*^-. ti> ——S
tenth part of a sho (^). read every particular to to read to every one.;

Iclilgo-niodokj, V^'&at*?,^^, n. Food pre- Syn. HlTOTSDBITOTSU.

pared by seasoning with vinegar a mixture of Iclilin, V^ % ^ A,, —
^, n. One person; a single
grated radish and peeled oranges (so called from member.
its resemblance in appearance to raspberries). IchlJ-iio-ki, \r%T>cr)^, ij^, 71,. [Bot.] Yew.
Ichlgon, v^ *t a A, — ^, 71. One word; a brief IclilJI. \r%2:, — U?, adv. and a. Q For a time; for

the time being. @ Lasting for a time only;
Ichignn mo nashi, —B"^ ?"&'. without a momentary; temporary; transient. © One
word; Ichignn no Tnoshiwake nashi, — "b v*^ H hour; one o'clock.
^5/, not to have a word of excuse; Ichigon shite Tchijino koto, — B?-^©, a temporary affair;
Ichiji no omoitsuki, — B? -- ,gi jif-, anything sud-
Oku, — s 3/ t' * *'. to say one word by way of
caution; Ichigon wo moiie koto wo kessu, —W denly occurring to one's mind; a rash plan;
Ichtjl no shobun, — B5 -^ 3 ^. temporary mea-
^Kl^S^^^i to settle a matter with one
— B5>'»g5'^
word sures; Ichiji wa sakaeri, V. flour
Syn. HiTOTOKi. Lished for a while.
Ichlgoii-Imnhii. \^'^a^a^<. - iP -6;, >r g f? W IchUlkti, Vti"^C, flSIE®. "• fBot.: Flgjree.

t;, n. [lit.] One word and half a phrase; used F'tcus carfca.

in negative expressions like the following. IcliljlD,V -^X-A, ^. —

Ichigon hanku mo iHezu,
— g*f:'fe;^tti7'^. — ^,71. A fathom;
the distance between I
not able even to say half a word; to hold one's
peace; Ichigon Iianku mo iU bekarazu, '^^-^ — the handa when the I

arms are spread out; a

=E "b "7 ^* ^ ^. don't tell another even a word

length of about 5 feet.

about it; say nothing about it.
Syn. HiTOniBO.
IchJgii. V-'S<', — ^, w. One set or suit.
IchlJIn. \/^*?tr^, ^, —
XdilffQ. \/^%<r^,-~V^, n. One corner one side.
n. A sudden and brief

Xctilffun, U»'t<*A, — S, ". The whole army; one blow of wind; a gust.
army. icMjln no kaze, —©
IclJisnn, VN-feC-A,, — 0, 71. One district; the whole ^JS,, a gust of wind
county. Syn. HITOFUKI, 1.31? TC^"j
icnirjun kozotte kore wo nikumu, — BJSi 7' ;£? HiTOSHiKiKi. fonce; of a sudden,
S A, the whole district hated him. Ichiji III, l/^'foJ.'K. — B?, adv. At a time; all at
Icblgan, v^"^ <'^, — gf , n. One group (as of per- Ichiji ni laoto ga okotta, — BS = 31 tf j^^^j n, th3
sons); a flocli; a herd. matter has suddenly happened Ichiji ni koto wn ;

Xchlgura, \r-% C t, /*• A store; ware houses. kuwadatcru, —

BJ=i®^ifer/t, to devise a
Ichlgyo* V^'^¥^5. — ff. «. One line. plan all at a time.
Ichigyo old ni fcafcw, — ff ^ =*=#<!'. to write Iehijlru9ltl,-l.-kl, v^%£>2 U iff, a. QClear;
on every other line. distinct; plain; conspicuous. ©Efficacious; of-
flcient, effectual, or manifest. ® Distinguiahed; Ichlkotsu, V* *t t r?, g^ ^, n. [MnstclOna of the
illustrious; eminent; notorious; celebrated. 12 key notes of Chinese music.
IcJhljirushiki hito, ^ s/ ^ A, an Illustrious Ichlknra-xiiinl, v^ *& < 6 ^ ;^, — St 6$, /». <?liar-
man; a distinguished personage; Icfiljiriishiki coal made from a species of oak (named after
jtgyH too nashita, ^5^*JBSI?" + i^*t, has Ichlkura in Settsu, the place of its production).
achieved a brilliant deed. fMEN. IcIilniRclil* \r%t%,ti^, n. Markettown.
Syn. AKIRAKA, BummyS, Meiiiaku, TEKl- Iclilmale, \f^%'S,\.'^ B., —i&'^, n. A picture (ge-

Icliljiviislilkii. \{-%i:ZX<, % a^v. Distinctly; nerally said of a chromoxylograph, or nlshihie)

conspicuously; notably. not one of a set or series.

Icliljl-seukln, \/^'t:&*^^^, "?=f&, n. Each Ichlmal-kambau, \r%'^\r-i»A.\SJy, — ii&^ffl, "•
character worth a thousand dollars (a phrase O A separate sign board (especially the custom
indicating the great value of idiographs). of inscribing the name of a principal play actor

^liljltsu, V/vtX"^. — Ht « and adv. Q One day. on a separate sign-board, while those of inferior
@ On a certain day. actors stand in a row on one and the same

Ichijitsu sanshit no gotosJii, — H Hfi*: > JO s/. board). @ The principal person ; the head,

one day is like three autumns (expressive

[lit.] IcIiimatHu, \/^%t.'7,^^,n. &nda. Being mark-
of the degree of impatience felt in waiting for ed with alternate squares of different colours;
one's lover), checkered, plaid. fCheckered patterns.
Inhljd. v%T?5. — f^, n. Q An article or item (as Ichlmatsii-inoyS, V^i^^-^'5j^5,*ffiKG!, n,

in a document). @ The matter, affair, or subject Syn. ISHIDATAMI.

in question, Ichlmc, V^S» Tfr ^, « A female trader; a woman
Ano ichij^ wa sumiTnasJiita ka, ffi ^ — f^ » iS living in a town.

= V s/ i( », icoll.} has that affair been settled; Icnime-gasa, V^ "^ » 6»:3, tfr^S. "• A kind of
Kanete tw ichljZ, 3t^>— fS, the affair which large hat projecting upward at the centrB and
has been engaging our attention. deep enough to cover part of the face, anciently

Icliljd. \r t ;t'-^ 5, — i. n. and a. Ten shaTcu, worn by women. f® A second name.

which is equal to a little less than 10 English IclilnieJ, Vv'^ftir, — ^, n. O One man; a person.
feet Icliimel, V%16U^, — 1?^. « The life.
IcliljO, V**^"^-^?, — ^, a. and adv. O Fixed; sta- Tehimei nt tcakaru ichi tXaijt, — ^=s ^b- -«

ble; constant, ©Surely; certainly; infallibly; :K^, an Important matter which may endanger
assuredly; without fail. one's life, or in which one's life is at stake;
Ichijo no kcusu, —%^^, ^ fixed number; Ichimei wo moshiulcu, — ^ ? $ ^ ^, to beg for
Tchijo no oJcUe,— S > 8?. an established rule; life; /c/iimei wo sute.te, ~^i- J^t- ^, risking

Ichijo sore naran, — S # ^ ? v, surely It must one's rchimelwo itshinau, — ^^^v, to


be that. lose life; Kokkano tame nl ichimei wo nage-

HitsujO, Kitto, Sadamaritaru, Ta-

Syn. utsu, B ^ ^ ^ = — ^ ^ W4 *>'. to throw away or

ToftendayE. risk one's life for the sake of one's country.

BHiKANARU, Tasiiika NT.

Ichijuii, V^S£'W)^. "lU. '*-

One decade; a period Ichlnienul, \^''&l6^VC, — M, a^v. All over; th»

Ichiju-no-kngc, V^'^2,'W)®*>W^, — fiSSS. n.

[BuM.] whole surface.
The shade of the same tree. Only used in such Ichimen ni mizu ga deta, —M
= Tfc A* Hi *, the
an expression as the following. water flowed over the entire surface; Sekai

Ichiju no kaoe nl yaOari iehiga no nagare wo ichimen, ^^ — M.

^H °^^^ the world. Ttb.

Tcumu mo mina, Jcore tasho no en naru beshi, — f^ AMANEKU, HiTOTSDRA NI, OSHINABB-
IchimeuBlilkl, \/^%l6^S. 3.-ffi^, «• [Chin.]
^^, we may rest under the shade of the same Having met or seen only once; a very slight ac-
tree and draw water from the same stream/.but quaintance.
it is the result of some affinity in a previous Ichlmenshiki mo nai hito, — M^^
^ -f A,
state of existence. a person with whom one has never met; a com-
Ichlbata, \/^%ii>fz,Wi^, "• The town (as dis- plete stranger.

tinguished from the country); townafolks. Icblml, V^ rf^.

-- He. "• O One ingredient (as of

Icbiko, v^'^tifS^, " A woman who gets money medicine). @

The same party.
by pretending to possess the occult power of Daid ichimi no gwanyaku, ^?J— ER>:fti^. a
communication with the spirits ot the dead; a pill made of rhubarb only; Ichimi doshin no

necromancer; a fortune-teller; a witch; a cou- me^nmen, ~^^ it< -^W ^, all the participators

Syn. KUOBITOSB. Ljurer. in a conspiracy; Ichimi ni naru, — Bfess-J-*-*

lOH 106 ICH
to bocome one of the party; Ichimi toto no close); tohave a secret intention; Tenltchimo-
mono, — &^ ^ 3C > #. fello-w conspirators. tsumo nashi, —
^ = 1S*-?*s^i no property in
sum, v.l. To form a party; to coDflpire. one's family; poor as a rat. rsynonym.
GcBilniu, \rtU5,"^, "• Same as ic^ifgij (— )J). Ichimyo, \j^%7t-^^, — ^, n. Another name; a
Ichimo mo ienka wo rl sum atawazu, — ^ =e55 Ichlnnu, V^%.tI:^, — |3, Ti. Q The eldest son. @
T ? ^ 3E >» tT. notable to benefit the world
^IJ Ji' Syn. ChoNAN. LOne son,
(or the country) even to the degree of a hair's Icliineii. V-%tiA., — ^, n. One mind; the whole
Tveight; Kyugyuno ichimo mo hdzuru atawazu, heart; zeal; ardour; ardent wish.
% 4^ ^— ^ =B fB^Crt' >^pC, unable to repay even
^ ichinen ga todotta, —
^i:^ h S •», [coll.] the
a trifling portion of the kindness or favours re- wish has been obtained; his zeal has been re-
ceived (lit. even one hair of nine oxen). warded; Wagaichlnenwotogeru, ^^—^,^'^y
Icliliiitijlclirt, \r%^'^-CX, n- iEntom.} a Syn. ISSHIN. L"'. to obtain one's wish.
butterfly, Limenitis sibvllia. lohiiienju. V'%KL^'%'\fb^, — ^'^'.BSS- (^dv. Dur-
fcliimoku, \/^ "t ft < S, n. ,
— O One eye- ® A- ing the whole year; throughout the year.
glance; one cursory look. ©A stone In the Ichiuouso, ^/»'t(a^^5, ~~^^, n. [Bot.lAn an
game of go. nual plant. fall the day.
Ichimoku ni wakar^, ~^ ~V fj n^, to be un- IcIilnJelil, \^%vcii, — B, 7t. and adv. One day;
derstood at a glance; Ichimoku ryozen, — g^ asoM kvrasu, — H
Ichinichi iS tf S ^t to
^, to be plain at a glance. spend the whole dny in idleness.
Siirii» v.t. To glance at. Syn. HiNEMoau, Hitohi.
Icliiinolciisnii nJ, Vr^'^t < ^.Al/T, @S, adv. — lohlniclij-lienslil ino» v^"^ V^'^•^^£ *, — fl ^If,
[colt.] At the top of one's.speed; as last as the adv. Not even for a day or a moment.
lega will carry; making the best of one's way. IchinicJii'henshi mo wosure gatashl, — g ^ i^
Ichimokv^an ni nigedasu, —H Sft — S^ tti^. to "t S '-'
K S^. hard to forget even for a moment.
escape at full speed. Syn. Hitohi, Katatoki.
Ichlmon, V*'tl^, — S^, w. OA small iron coin. Ichinlii, V^^l/^^, —A. 'n. flOne person, alone
©A very trifling sum of money. @ One man's labour, load, or wages.
Ichimon oshlmi no hyaJcu sJitrazu, — ^ ^ = ^ Ichinin nori no ba^ha, — A SI ^ .^ ?, a light

5 in9 tC, penny wise and pound foolish. carriage for one person's riding; a gig; Hftnsoku
Iclilmou, V^'^ftA, — Pl.TT S?. w- O Same family, ic?iin(n, A ^g — A, a coolie.

or several families connected by blood and Iclilnlinnae, V^'^^/^^l£— — AM'-'i- Anything ,

having the same family name (used only of fit for one persorr; one man's share.

nobles). @
A branch family; an ofTspring. Gozen icJiinlnTnae, fflll^— AM. rice (or din-
lelilinon-rutsn, V^'S^ '&^ J-*5 5. ~^T-i^, %^ ner) for one person; TchininTiiae no hataraki,

T ^, a. [tU.] NotJcnowing even a single char- — A ^ ® ^. the work of one man.


acter; illiterate; unlettered. leliinin-toson, V*^V^^fe5*^. — A"^ =?, n. and

IcblmonJI, V^*66AX', —^^, n. O The charac- u.. A man capable of holding at bay a thous-
ter — (Ichi). @ In the manner of the character and; extremely courageous.
— ; In straight line. © An ornamental piece of
cloth pasted crosswise on the top and bottnm of lolii-no-linxamn., V^*^ C?) H 3^E, — fS?^, /*. The
a picture in a kakemono, to form the borders. exterior wall of a castle rampart. ;

Ichimonji ni kiri-irv, — SC^^-SUVX*-. to IcliJnohlto, V^'tOU-lf, n. [Ut.^ The first or prin-

cut one's way into the enemies' ranks in a cipal man; the title «iven to a prime minister in
straight line. rsibyllia. lormer times; a premier.
Icliiinuuji. \^%^^Z\ n. [Entom.] Limeniti* Iclilnoknml* v^*^04>;^, i^ T^IE, rs. Anciently the
Icliimonscn, v•'&6^^^, — ^gi, n. An iron coin magistrates of Ky(">to of whom there
were two.
now worth a tenth of a sen (^). See 3Ton and Sen. but afterwards the title was given to some
leliiniotsii, \r-%'% ^, '^11i. n. Anything which court ofl'icials merely as nominal rank without
surpasses the rest of Its kind; an excellent real functions.
animal; an extraordinary person; the peerless. Iclii-no-iniho, \p,%<o:^Z., ~W =^, ^^^. "• The
Ichlmotsu. v^% li'y,-'^, n. Q One thing; some- first or eldest child of the Emperor.
thing. © A secret Idea or plen; an evil inten- Iclii-no-nilya, © ^^, —
V^ "^ n. Q Same as

tion. IcJii nn-miko. @ The principal ShinGi shrine to

ITara ni ichimotsu ari, ^-—^7
V he has . each province.
something in his mind (which he does not dis- Jcbio. V>"^is5. — a. n. Once, one tlmft.
^ .

lOH 407 lOH

Ichio go sodan mosji^ — 18 ffllffig? *>^, I begto his age or experience, occupies a senior posi-
consult with you ouce. tion; an elder of a Buddhist temple.
Ichiraku, V»t & < , n. Same aa Icldralcitori. Ichlrobckovoshl, V^ -^ :s '« t. J& L, ^fi/Pffe ny. iK
[,Bot.'\ Coriaria japonica.
Iclilraltuorl, v^6<fe«),— S«Jgi. "• O A kind of — ^,
Tclilroku. \^% ^ <, n. flOne and six; a
fine rattan work named after its originator. @ game played with dice; a kind of backgammon.
A kind of superior sHk stuff, probably named
on account of a certain fanciful resemblance Its
@ Every day In which a six or a one occurs dur-
ing the month counting from the first inolusivei
bears to rattan work.
Irblrokii-shoSiii, vn-^;s<£ 1 ^ ^i', ~i^B9(, n,
Iclilran, V^ "^ G ^, B, n. —
One look; reading Q O A gambling game in which victory or loss ia
once through; a perusal; taking a cursory
at once decided by getting 1 or 6. ©[coll.] A
glance at. @ A word often used in the titles of dangerous enterprise; a risky attempt.
books, meaning: a review; an epitome; ahrief Tc|^lrul» V/v t S 6, — 5S. n. The "whole family, or
summary. those belonging to the same family stock.
Go ichiran kudasaru beku soro, SP — B ^ IS T fchlryo, Vr>t9 i.. — iSS, n. A company of SOOaoV
61, [JBpfsJ.] I wish you would take a look at; 0- diers.
dai ichiran, SEit — B. "An Epitome of the Icblrya, v -^ 5 5 _ , a particular style,
jjflt^ tj.

Successive Reigns of the Emperors" (the title method, or m snner of writing, fencing, singing,
of a historical work).
sum, v.t. To take a look at; toread one*
Zchirvli, 100 amidasu, — SS^T 3^^, to Invent
a particular style or method in any art.
through. rturbed.
— SL, Ichlryn-uiainbal. V/^*e^!] ia^idV, -i^i^^, r^-
Ichlrnn, V^'tS A-, rt. Being at one time dis-
— fe — Sit Ten thousand fold for a grain of rice; Iflg.] a
Itchi icJitran, f^t "°6 time peaceful
very muniflcient retribution for a little act of
and at another disturbed the unsettled state of

a country.
Ichlsbl. \/y%t, ¥1®, « [Bot.]Rim&cjaponicu$.
l-cbirasu, \r-% 6-^, fttSiE. v.t. To drive or scatter Ichl-u, v^-t?, — ?|, n. A feather.
by shooting arrows. fstance. Ichi-u yorl karoshi, — 33 a V lighter
(S a',
Iclilrel, \r t tUV^i — M. " Oiie example; an in- than a feather; not wortli a straw.
Ichiret wo TcaJcagu, — {fl f- J| i', to give an ex- Icbl-u, \j>%.5, — ^, adv. All; entirely; wholly;
ample to ; cite an instance. without exception.
Iclilrel, V^HV*, — 5i, n. A salute; a salutation. Syn. KOTOOOTOKcr, Nokorazu.
Ichirti shite saru, — JS ^ ? ^ fl-, to make a Ichliichi, v^'65'^, n. The character one —(icft-i)
bow and leave. fbonitoeB). used to mark the different items of an account
IchJron, V^ "& *L ^, ". —^ A string (as of dried or the difForent articles in a document.
EiUsw)hvshi ichiren, K &TJ
— 51. a string of Ichlwarl, \/^%iyV}, — fi], 7*. Ten per-cent,
dried bonitoes. ichiwari gohu no ri, — *il 3l5<. -> ^J, Interest
IcliJreii-taltualio, v'5H^te<iJ^5,— ^H(^, n. at 15 per-cent.

[£it(2d.] A man and a woman vowing to each

Ichl-ya, V'S-^, — ^S, n. One evening; a night.
other to occupy the same lotus flower in the IChiya akureba, — ^ ^ ^ i^:^, when one night
is passed; Ichi-ya no vjcM ni^ — S>it'=s, in
paradise. fd estiny
one night.
Icblretsiir \t^%ki o, — JU, n. One row; the same
Syn. HiTOYO, Yonoma fever.
Ichirttsu itMi, — — 5ll ffc, all meeting the same Icbly.neusn, \/^'^^C3, ^Ji, n. t^of.] Llve-for-
fate; a common destiny. fa cause. Icblyaliiiso, V^V^< 3 5i
Ichlrl, v^^1i),—'3, n. One reason; a ground; m^^. 't. [Sot.] Win-
Kare ni ichirt ari, n — -g 7» ij he has one
^ ,
tergreen ; shin-leaf;
reason; ha is right in one point (of an argu- Pyrola rotundijlora.
ment). Ictalyasake, \/^%j^ ^ »•,
Icblrlndntc-hannlke, V/^'&<j)^:%'7atEVA^^. — — ^f@i W- A sweet
jitESS. "• A small flower vase, i.e. for holding kind of sake brewed in
one spray of blossom. Tabove. one night.
Ichlrlnxaslil, VS
VI K'^h, — 16 II. " Same as Icfilya-Kiikc» V^J^^'fr^,
IcblrlBuIcn. v*^\}::?*i>, — SS. Ml^, n. A mound ^ fS, n. Any vegeta-
of earth with a tree o;r afake planted upon it to ble pickled in a single
mark the distance on a road a mile-stone. ; night.
IcbIrA, yr-%^Xt — Q. n. One who, on account of Icbiya-ziikurl, \r-%^-:f


< ^, — '^^,n. and a. Made or brewed Id one Syn. HiTOMICHI NI, HlTOStJJI NI, MOPPARA.
night only. Icbd, \r T i, S
^ IS. «. lSot.\ Gingko, or Salis-

Ichtya-zukuri no shina, — ^f^-^iS, an article buria; Gingko ^i'f.V^^.j^'*^

made In a single night; a hastily made article; blloba.
IcHya zuTcuri no amazake, — St f^ ^ "H" iSi -^ Icbo, Xrtl^.Um,

sweet sake brewed in a single night. n. A different

Ichlyeii. v> % £.^, — Bi, a and adu O Totally; dynasty; a lor-

entirely. ©AH over; everywhere; the entire oign country.
Burface. Icboasbl, V^-t -i- 5
Ichiyen no shoryo, —
M-^&rffi. all the terri- L,n. The legs of
torie?;, the whole dominions; Ichiyen shirazii, dining tables, in
Bltli^ tJ, totally ignorant of; Ichiyen gaten the form of the
ga yukanu, — E|-g-?j^tfff»3t. I do not perceive leaf of the icho.
the truth at all. Ichoba, VrT 5 li. n.

Syn. MiNA, N0K0R42!7, SARASAKA, S5TA1. O The leaf of a

Icblyd, V^%-=^5,— tS, <i. Similar; alike; same. plant {salishuria C^U 8J]

Ichiyo no shinamono, — fS>i5^. & similar adiatiforia). © The beautiful feathers project-

article. ing on the back of the mandarinduck. @ Pieces

— of wood under the clogs, shaped somewhat like
IchfyO n . i/^tJ%>5ir, 1=S. adv. Similarly; equally
alike. the leaves of the Icho.
Icboku, 7i%i.<, ii^. Disobeying the order
Ich:y5rairuku, v^ -^^^S 6 V/^ -t < ,
— ISSS'dt. «

of the Emperor; transgressing the Imperial

The returning of warmth term used to ex Ca
ordinance; eurii, v.i. To infringe an
press the return of warmth in the 11th mo. o.s.).
Imperial order,
Icblro-ran, \i^% A. -s- 6 ^, — ?gS5. »• [Sot.] Aspi-
Icbo suru, \/^r5-^3, (^5. "* O To be piled up
one on the top of another, i To occur in suc-
Syn, Haran.
cession; to be repeated.
Ichiza, ^i^ '^3^-, — ^, 7*. QThe whole assembly;
all the members present. @ The first or high- Ichoku, Vrti.<, Sffi, ft- The will, instruction,
est seat. or command left by an Emperor on his death
— ^ > A, the persons pre- bed. rthe stomach.
Ichiza no hito, all
Icbn, and adv. The stomach; In
sent; IcMza no naka ni, ~M^ r^ =±, in the Vv'^lftS, ^ ^, n.

whole assembly; IcJiiza yori Jun ni, — ffia V

Icbn, v^ "5 I* 5, ^45. n. What is in one's mind;
=;, In regular order ftom the highest seat mind; idea; intention.
downward. Ichu wo akasu, ^.f¥ 9- ^W ^, to lay bare one's

siiru, v.t. To sit with; to attend as a mem- mind; to unbosom one's self; not to mince the

ber. matter,
IchiKen-ineslil, \^%^ A^lb L,~ BM, n. [lit.] Syn. Kangae, Koeoro no uchi.
One cup of rice; reffoshment served in a low Idal, Z»?tV', SA, a. [Chin.] Great; glorious;
class restaurant for coolies at so much per cup. heroic; brilliant; far-famed,
IcblKOku* V^*^5'< ,
— SSj, w. The same family; the Iclalnogyo, gt :^ -^ jgE, a great deed; a brilli-

whole family. ant exploit.

Syn. DoZOKU. Idakasblmuru, v?&4>:fetfS. ^M, "•« [caus. of
Icbixon, V^^^^, — ^, ". One's own view. Idakiu] To cause to carry in the arms; to make
Ichizon ni kesshi gatashi, — ?? =. ^ 5^(S s^. sit on eggs (as a hen); to cause to harbour (as
cannot decide according to my own Idea; Waga doubt).
ichizon ni suglzu, ^ if ~ W- ~ M :^> it is Mcndorini tamago wo it:KiJcashtmuru, !H;ffl="
nothing more than ray own opinion. 5P ^ IS :*! i/ i* '1-. sit on eggs.
to cause a hen to
IcbJcii, V "t ^*. —1^. o.- With one's whole heart; Idakitsubii. £;'Gg-7<, JQitfi, v.i. Toembraceor
from the bottom of the heart; heart and soul; throw the arms around; to clasp to the bosom;
persistently; ardenLly. to hug.
Ichizu nt omoi komu, —^= SI '^ Ji .^. to be Idaku, &;^<,)S, 3!, IS^i'-t- O To embrace or hold
possessed with the belief; to be full of an idea; within the arms (aa a child). To inclose or @
Shojikt ichizu no hito, a person lElS— tfe-^Ai shut in. @
To harbour in the mind; to enter-
thoroughly honest; a truely righteous man. tainCas an Idea); to cherish.


Kndomo wo UlaJcu, rhfl^"^^, to carry a conferred upon nobles, the extent of which
child in the arms; Sanka wo idakv, \\iil^9M varied according to the rank of the recipient.
p, to inclose mountains and rlTers (as natural Idea, ii^^,iJJfl|, n. Hereditary transmission (aa
scenery); Taiirib wo iOaScM, ^^^'tS^, to cher- of dipoases); heredity. aurn, v.i. To bo
ish a great desire; I7rami wo idafcu, 'tfl f- "GE ^, hereditary (as a disease).
to harbour a feeling of resentment. Idorii," v-'^Z, lij, v.i. O To go out; to como forth;
Syn. Baku, Kakaeru. to proceed from. @ To be produced or occur
IdAsn, V/Ni^if-, m, uf. OTo send forth; to emit; (as minerals).
to discharge; to expel or turn out ©Affixed Kuni wo idem, S ^ out of one'B HJ n-, to go
to other verbs, it means to discover or reveal; country; Yama to go
yori idem,
ttj *-. dj 3 V
to begin. Often used in composition. forth from a mountain; to be produced in s
Inu ga kttsune wo kagi iOasu, :ft ^ JR ^ B| ttJ ^. Syn, Deru. Lmountain.
the dog scents out the fox; Kuni yori oi-idasu, Idoslilo, \;^^;£S2, tU '&, n. The flow of the tide at
S H y Jl m ^ to drive out of the country Si ga
, ;
the moment of moon rise.
moe-idasu, iK^'^\^ ^, the fire begins to burn; Tsukt no ideshio, H -^^fSf, the moon rising
Usem^no wo ml-iao^u, ^
it& f- HUJ 7., to And out
Syn. DESnio. Lwith the tide.
anything lost.
Idcsoyo, V^ -C t i. Sffi, adv. Q Why; how;
Syn. Dasd.
wherefore. © Now, at this moment. Now used
laatcn, ^^yy, ftlk??. [Budd.] Guardian god " only In poetry.
of Buddhism, represented in armour and hold- Syn. Ikade, Iza.
ing a sword, popularly believed to be a swift
Idetaehl, vefe'^, tU ic, n. O The style or man-
ner of dressing one's self on going out; equip-
Idaten basfitri nl hashiri yuku, SK5^^V = ment; costume. @
Setting out on a Journey;
^y It ^1 to run at the top of one's speed; to departure.
run as fast as a Idaten.
Idatsii, &?&-7, ^M. "rt. Neglect or failure to do
Sono hi no idetaehl wa, #g > ffl i •'^i hlfl

accoutrements on that day.

something; omission. Syn. Hakko, Shitakit, Tosooi.
Id©, Zi-ff, #^, iE, 7*. A channel between rice- Idetatsii. Q To set out on
Va -^ fe -?, tH it, v.l. a
patches for purposes of irrigation. journey; to start. @
To be dressed or equipped.
Ide> v^Tj, tnterj. An exclam. used to exite atten- Syn. Shuttatsu, ToaoS.
tion, to invito for joint action, or to banter.
Idoya, v^if.^, ^, interj. QAn exclam. used to
Now used only in classical compositions. See excite attention, to invite joint action, or to
also under Ideycu banter; come on I come I now then I @ An ex-
Ide kaeran, 4 5»B 9 v, now, I will return;
clam. denotin g emphasis : in fact verily truely ; ;

Ide kikase tamae, -f ? P2 ^ ^Sf?^, now, please indeed. The word Is used only in classical com-
tell; speak ye; Ide yuite min, 4 t'^t'^v, positions.
well, let me go and see.
Ide nagorl no hito tachi wo, — :fe7J
Syn. IDEYA, IzA, Sa, Sore. come
=f, let us fight for the last time; Ideikade
Ideau, V^TfSi, ^, ®, To go and meet; to
tlj v.t.
saru koto no soro beJci, >f 7' ^ 5* if- ^ ^ ^^ '<*,
see each other; to suffer or undergo. See DeaiL why, how could such a thing be I

Idel, \/^-C&, \^]^, n. A building set apart in a Ideyii, \^T?t^, tb i&.iS Si " A hot spring.
nobleman's mansion for the reception of visi-
Syn. Onsen.
tors; a conference chamber.
Ido, Z> »,# p, n. A well.
Idelrl, U*-ff\pV), lU X, n. O Going out and coming
in. @ Outlay and income expenses and re-
Ido zoo kaeru, # p^:^ -^it-, to clean a well; Ida

Syn. Deibi.
wo sarau, #^ -^ jijfe 7, to scoop out or deepen a
well; Ido wo umeru, #F^ffi^, to fill up a
Idehuru, \c--e< S, til S£. «-*• OTo come forth; to I<lo, £>?, iSfi, n. Latitude. LwelL
appear. ® To be done or completed; can be Ido, V^:^5,gflS, H. The science of medicine.
performed. Ido ni tCLSSu, BS=^^, to be versed In
Syn. Dekiru, Naeu. Syn, TJUTS0. L™edicin.e.
Idemaslii, V^ -C a L, tU ffi, n. Going out of the Ido, V^^5,^P], n. Difference and similarity.
Syn. MiYUKi. LEmperor. Idu ari, ^ [qj T V . there are points cf differ-
Edomasu, ir "C 5 -^t v.t. To go out (said only of ence and similarity, not exactly alike through-
the Emperor). out, rof a well,
Idea. Z» -a ^, ti 01. "^ Tracts of land fonnerly Idobata. 2i)&iJ1t. #{?. n. The side or Ticinttr

IDO 410 lEJ

Idobatakwaigi,^ ^^^, [lU.Ja. well side akeru, g^'?- ^ ^fl', to absent one'sself from hia
asserably, applied in derision to thecrowding house; to vacate a house; lewoftishin suru, ^
together of house-wives near the well and J-^'^y- ri', wo kariru, ^
to build a house; Ie
chattering about the daily occurrences In their ^ i§ n-, to hire or rent a house Ie wo kasu, g?^ ;

neighbourhood, a custom very common among fif^^, to let a house; Ie woosamu, ^ ^ ^i», to
the lower classes. govern a family; Ie wo tateru, ^^5£/^. to
Idochl, V^"^, -II- [Bot.\ Meliosinamyriantha. erect, restore, or raise a house to build a house

laoenc, fti^ft''-, #F#. f^- Cleaning a well. lewototonou, ^ ^ ® 7, to regulate or harmo-

Jdogae wo svrti, ^f p" #? 7- J^l to clean a welL nize one's family; Ie wo tsubusu, ^f-^ :^, to

Syn. Idosawak. break down a house; to ruin a family; Ie wo-

IdoK.twa, ^^tnt, ^f-p(B!i, n. A well-crib. wasureru,, g??S/^, to forget one's family;
Syn. IZDT3U. Sutaretai-u ie wo oJcosu, JS^ f( ^^^ ^^> *-»
Idoffuriima. ^•&(rZ'Z,^-PW.,n. A pulley for restore a family once ruined; lenitsugu, -f -«•

drawing water from a well. =1 ^ ^, to tell one's wife; 0-ie sama, Jsg^ ^v,
my madam. tVagara.
ldohoi-1, Si^ttifl, #^*a.?H. " A well-digger. {colL} mistress,

Idokoro, Z,*t^. fi^. ^ dwelling place;


residence; habitation; abode; address. leake, V-^SW. ^ IK> ". Vacating a house.
Idokoro wo tazunuru, f^ffj^^^fi-, to seek leato, V^--:5>?,g^fih. n. O The spot where a house
after another's residence; Kare no iOA>koro ga formerly stood. @ The relics of a family; des-
cent or posterity. fbees.
wakaran, fS ^ /£ ,9J ^P* ^v, [coU.] hi« address
Syn. JukyO, Sumai. \j^ unknown. lebnclil, y^^}^%, S^i^, «
Domestic bees; honey-
Idobii, a* < , iS^. " O Any evil left by the lebae ni, \/^--fcr^l^, '^^W. o.^"^- Unable to say;
preceding generation. ©An inherited dis- Inexpressible; unspeakable. Now only used ia

ease. poetry
Idoinarorn, V>^'aHS, v.t. [pass, or potent, ol lobato, \r^tE^, ^. w- [Omitft.] A house dove,
IdomU.} OTo
be challenged or defied. To be @ lede, Vv.^-2, S^Ul, »• ORu°i^i°S away from
enticed or seduced (said of women). home; leaving one's house. ©Becoming a
IdoinJau, \f)&^'S,^, ^^, vA. To challenge or priest; entering a monastery.
defy each other Musuko ga iede wo shite kaeranu, ^ .i, V 3^ W
Syn. ARASOU, Tasakad, r 6S 7 jf, the son run away from his home
f- a/

Idoiniar:i8oii, V>ift;i^:%«it.i-, i^^, vA, To con- and does not return.

tend or fight together; to wrestle together. ledokoro, V* -* ^ e: J^, ^^, '*• One's dweUing;
Syn. Aiakasou. abode, or address. fbut; yet.

IdoniitataKun, V^^;^fefc4».i., ^Sffi, vA. To bat- Bodouio, i^'^ie Although; though;

4, 52. conj.
tle or contend together. Shikari to iedomo, 0^} Mim. although it is
Idoniii, li^^??, ^i, v.t. O '-To challenge or defy; to so; however, in spite of that.
provoke to a contest. ©To entice; to tempt, Syn. Keredomo, Naredomo, Saredomo.
to seduce loeaniao, \/^-^i(a— , ^ ff(. n. The structure or

Musniac wo idomu, ^J-Wil*, to entice a girl; appearance of a house.

Tatakai wo Uioinu, tflS'^^fiZ*. to challenge a Bippana iegamae, it iE ^ g? ffl, the fine or
fight. splendid appearfl,nce of a house.
kdouaiya, Ji'^-^a, ^PM,> '*• A well rope. Begarn. \^-,Jit&. g;!^, P'JRSI. ". O The quality of
Syn. Tsurubenawa rmogae. a family whether noble or mean; lineage; des-
Idosame^ i» ^ "5 & --', fl-PiS. #5^, "• Same as cent. @
A noble family; an illustrious lineage.
Idoya, ^)£-^, # P@, n. A well-digger. legaragayoi, ^^)f a -^ , of illustrious line-
le, v*^, St. 'i- OA house; a building.
©One's age; of good family; legara ga yoi hlto, ^^^}f
own dwelling; home; homestead. ©Family; {if 'f A, a person of noble descent.
household ; course of descent; genealogy Q leeoto, \p^£^, ® g?, n. and adv. Every house;
Wife; mistress. each family; house by house.
Chichi no ie vio tsvgv, ^ > S? ? ^ ^, to suc- legoto ni kifuHn wo idasu, g?S=±?fPft^^ tH
ceed one's father; /e ni kaeru, g^ = @ n.-, to re- ^ , each family subscribed a sum of money.
turn home; Ie no atn, iK -^ fit. the family line or le-l, V/»^£, S^S', f^- A. house; dwelling; habitat

posterity; Ie no midare to nam, ^ ^^ h ?• ;^, Syn. SuMAi. LtioQ.

to cauHe disturbance in a family; leitonan, ^ oji, V;\— ^, S^B§. '* Way home; a road or lan»
^ IS, difficulties or troubles in a family: Ie wo leading to nne's dwelling.

lEK 411 IFU

lelcnncrii, V^-^i>*a2, ;©^, v.i. Hard to be Syn. Atotoei, Katokuxin.
cured; difficult to heal. letsulcl. V-->'7&, S^fflt. '*. Any person or proper-
lelcarl, \a-»4> 0), -©#, ». Living in another's .
ty originally belonging to a house or ramily.
house; tenancy; hiring a house. TetsuH no aenji, g? Rt ^ ffi ^, an estate belong-
Syn. Shakdtaztjmai. ing to or handed down in a family; letsvkino
lelrajEo, \r-^ij*^', ^p^, The wind blowing
musume, S^Rt-^^, a daughter.
from the direction in -which one's house lies. letsuzuhl, 1/^-^*7::^$. S^^< n. Q A continuous
toUU a^^, S ia, n. The gastric Juice. line of houses. @ Blood relations, being con-
Kemoehl* ^ i;, g?}^,
V^ -» t*. One who owns a nected with a family by blood.
house; a house-owner. leziibaea, V^'>:3'*>:3>, w- Manager or superintend-
lonaml, Vs^-^:;^, ^m, ibM, and adu O Ar- -ri- ent of a family; a steward.
rangement of houses in a street; a row of lo-Kukuri, \f^-^rf< flJ.gx'f^, n. Styjfi of a building.
houses. ©House by house. le-zuJcuriga fuga de yol, ^i^if ^S&t'^ 't,
lenami ni zei wo torn, ^ 3fe — ^ ^ 5i ^t to col- the style of the house is good, as it is artistic.
lect taxes house by house lenatni no yoi sfiuku- ;
Syn. Iegamae, KasakUj Yazukttri.
bfi. ^itfc^^ff -f ?S^, a post-station with a fine lesiito. ^ E, n. Presents to one's family
row of houses. on returning from a Journey.
toiiarabl, U^>^^&Or, «. Arrangement of houses Ifa, aA, W Wf " The stomach.
in a row. DWa. Ifn, <&i5,S)i3^, n. Majestic air; Imposing man-
Ipnlrp, Vx-siffH, %.^,n. [Snt.]Eranthispfnnatl- ners; dignity; influence.
Syn. SembutsusO. Ifu rlnrin tart, BJPlStSR ^ V. bis dignified
lo-no-ko, V/^^c^t, S;-?, n. OOne born in the manners swayed all around.
house, or young gentlemen of the same fami- Ifti, v^ J., U SCi w. A different father.
ly. @ A servant. Ifu keitet, S K 5B sp,» brothers born of the same
le-no-inOD, \^^©l(,^, ^Sc, V*. A family badge, mother but different fathers.
crest, or coat-of-arms. Syn. Tanegawari.
lo-iio-osn, v^^©5r^, 3^5. w- The head or chief IfD, iEii5,3W.. '*• Inherited qualities; customs
of a family. Handlord. left by preceding generations.
Iciiuslal, vr— itiL, ^i, "• Owner of a house; a Boken no ifu, if JS > ig Jl, relics of the feudal
Syn. 6ya, Yakcshi. system; a practice or custom left by the feudal
leraUu, V" -^ 6 <, W. v.t. To say; t<* state; to system.
remark. fcover. irQ, v^i5,||^, n. Strange customs; peculiar
leru, VA.S.;SJ. v.l. To be cured; to heal; to re- habits; eccentricity.
SyoM ga ieru, i^®,^;©B', the disease is Syn. Kawattanari.
cured; Kizugaieta, %ifM^, tlie wound has iruku, yj^ i. <,3KflS, ". Clotliing; clothes; gar-
lesu, 'f3i7,,Bp J|, n. Jesus. Lhealed. ment; wearing apparel.
IcsuJI, v^-^-^"^, S? Bis, ^ 3g, n. Family line lineage ; 'feyn. Tsno, Kimono, Kohomo.
pedigree. Ifukii, i&i<,Si^. w- Might; power; influence;
lesuji ga taeru, ^^^ifM'^t^, the family has Syn. IKEN, IKIOT, ISEi. Lfiuthority.
become extinct; lesuji wo hlku, ^{35^ t: ^, to Ifukii. ^X-< ,J3^g, n. Being born after the death
be related by blood. of tlie father.
Syn. CnisujT. Ifuku no ko, iS BS -^ ^, a child born after the
losiiky o, l/^ A. -^ W- ^, 5B iS ^. « I'he religion of death of its father.
Jesus; Cliriatianity. fhouse. Syn. Wasuregatami. fniother.
letojl, V-* If C.fx JI S. n. The mistress of a Ifukii* Vvi< , Hfl^. n. Different womb; a different-
letsu, Vf /t-7, "f^ 'i5i, n. Joy; gladness; giee; grati- Ifuku no shimai, S- fiS ^ iifp tt. sisters of the
fication; delight; pleasure. fyond measure. same father but different mothers.
letsu ni taezu, ^ ^BJ c: ;p tg, to be delighted be- Syn. Haragawari, Kotohara.
surii» v.t. and i. To rejoice at; to be Kfuku sum, £i<-^3, JS flS, "^-t To subjugnte
gratified with; to be pleased. by authority or fear.

Syn. YOROKOBTJ. fsuccessor. Ifuku sum, Xf J- i -^ Z, ©BE. v.i. To submit

tetsnsl, V*— r?af, g?1^, n. An heir; an Inheritor; through fear.

letsugi miisuko, ^^^.S,, the sou who is to Bamminol nl ifuku su, ffiSA=Sfl&:x, th»
Inherit his father's proixirtr: an faelr-apparent. ,
barbaria^t yielded through fear.
iru 412 IGO
Ifu sum, si-3"S, ®fiU. "o-t. To make afraid; to lKarapposlil,-1,-kt, i/^ft* t-/ IS L. « [corrupt of
terrify by intimidation or menace. EgarapposhU Same as Egushi.
Syn. Odosu. Igasa, Vni'S, ffl &
"• A rush hat.
Jfu Buru» \i^i--^Z, ^PIJ. v.i. O To depend upon; Igrnta, y^ii^fty S, n. A mould for casting; matrice.
to trust to. @ To cleave or adliere. Igatakuchl, V^ft^fe < t-, D, «• The mouth ^0
Syn. ToRiTSUKTJ. of a matrix. price.

Ija* V*ij». S ft, n. A prickly shell or burr. Iff«r V^V:^. flS ^, ^. n. The steam rising ftom boiled
Kurinoiga, "^^^t a chestnut burr. iRCf \rH^. UT. <^^"- Below, or inferior to, what
Igabakama, V fi'ff *>2, ^^W, n. A hakama is mentioned ; after this.
the skirts of which are worn by tucking up to Syn. IKA.
the knee joints. Ige, V'^. M^, "- [jBot.] A thorn; bramble.
Syn. Tachitsuke. Igeo, ^>i(>^, ®(K, 71. Majesty; dignity; authori-
iRagiirl, Vft^^'i/J, ^iSI, rt. A chestnut fruit with ty; solemnity; nobleness.
prickly shell on. Igenwo haru, ^Sf'Sfiff', to be dignified; to
Igagurl atama, ^M^, [coll.] head with stiff take precedence; Igen wo icshinau, ?" 5^ "7,
hairs cut short, like a chestnut burr. to lose dignity.
Igal, iti)^, S The remains of adead person.
'3S. w. Syn. IK<>, RIRI3H1KI.
Pyn. Nakikaea, Sbinigaea. Igen, &^?^, SWi «• An erroneous statement;O
Igai, v^ij^V. y^lE, n. [Conch.] Mussel, ^tlytilus sp. an incorrect remark; misrepresentation. ©Say-
Syn. INOBLAI. ing what is at variance with one's action; false-
Igakl, \ri»&, JS Bl, n. A picket fence. hood; lie. suru, v.t. and I. To misstate; to
Syn. MIZUGAKI, Tamagaki. lie, etc
Cgaliko, u^ii*"^i>5, ^^^. n. Medical school. Igen, £l:Jl^, iSW. ""• One's last words; instruo
Egakii , \/^fi* < ,^^,n. Medical science medicine. ; tionsleftby a dying person; verbal wilL ^—
Isakii-liakase, V-tf< &J 4> ¥, S*W9d:, n. A suru, v.t. and L To make last directions ; to
learned degree conferred for proficiency in me- leave one's will.
dicine. Igeta, aw^ft. ^tS, #|H, -«. A well-crib.
Iffakiiski, V* ii? < L, ±> One who has
^¥ " syn. IDOGAWA.
taken the first degree at the College of Medicine Ig*» SIT. E5fi^, 'I. Imposing air; majestic appear
In the Imperial University. ance; princely carriage or manners; dignity;
Igamaseru, V^ftt^^S, -^i^, v.t. [cam. oflga-
mu.] To make crooked; to bend; to crook. Igi tXodo tart, ^^^^H y, to have a grand
Syn. Mageru. and majestic appearance; Igi wo tadasu, ^£3
Isaml, Xf^tif:^, S, 71. Being twisted from a regular ^ IE ^, to adjust or put one's self in a dignified
shape; deviation; crookedness; deformity. posture.
Syn. Yoga MI, Syn. IGEN, REIGI, SAH5.
Igamlal. V^iJ;^5y>. 51^- " O Snarling or Egl, V^Sf, ^. K, n. Anything difi'erent from what
growling at each otlier (as animals). @ Brawl- is commom; an unusual matter; a change.
ing; wrangling; dispute; quarrel. Igi nashi, §. ^? i/, there is nothing unusuaL
Syn. I3AKAI, Iffl. V^?r', M- ^, n. Objection; dissent.
Igamiaii, VSt;^^i, W'^, ".*. To snarl or growl Igi nashi, ^. ^ -^
no objection; Igi wo Ttid-

at each other; to quarrel; to wrangle at each shltatsu, ^. SS '>'. to state an objection;

'> * s^ jt
Syn, ISAKAU. Lother. to dissent (as at a public assembly or at the bar).
leainocltl, \rffl ^ %, ^^, n. A kind of confec- Bgl» V^l^. ,^IS. "" Meaning; sense; si gnifl cation;
tionery made by steaming a ball of rice dough purport. fstand the meaning
filled with an (fS) and covered with grains ol Igi two kalsezu, ^, ^ =f-^ ^ :;C, can not undep
glutinous rice on the exterior. Syn. IMI, liOKORO, KOTOWAKE.
Isainu, U^i-Jj*. [t&, S, vA. To be bent, crooked, O Igi. &ir,g*.3gS, n. The back part of a saddle.
or twisted from a true shape. @ To be perverse, Iglrlsu. i^'')y-, n. [Eng.] England, or English.
cross, or depraved. Igttnnaslil,-l,-lil. VWfetcU " Sleepy, drowsy.
Syn. MAGARU, Nejikerd. Syn. Nemotashi.
Icainii, V^ifli?,"^, v.i. To growl or snarl (as a Igo. S) ft'* 5 -li SK, rt. The name of any grade ol

dog); to brawl; to wrangle; to dispute. official rank.

Syn. IIAMUKD, TSAKAU, UNARU. Igo, V'&.UIS. 0.(^1^- After the time nioutiooed;
Ic^^'i- ^t.iJ*^. H -B. " [iied.] Cancer of thefitomnch. after this; henceforth; hereafter; in the futura-
Igo fct wo tsukeyo, ^X^%^ #-^ 3. take care In Kummet ni ihai sunt, g" ^= S 'H' >^ 't-. to
the future ; Sore yort igo, i^^ 3 v m ^. since tbet disobey the order of the sovereign.
time, thenceforward. Syn. MOTORU, SOMUKU.
Syn. KONOKATA, KONONOOHI. SONONOCHI. Ihnlild. ^\iXV^7&5. 'feft^, «. An ancestral hall.
I»o, aa.Si^, n. The sf^me of checkers, or tho Ilmlc.tso, VNlli>-yr, Klf ±, «. One who is vei-sed
act of playing do. See go (S). in the science of medicine; a learned doctor; a
Igo semhU, ^^{lli®, a place where persons skilful physician.
gather together to try their skill in the game of Iliaku, v^liX< ^f6, n. , Same as above.
go. Ihakiisokl, V^KC< -yr^. ^ HS. »*• [Slin.] Diallage,
Syn. Go. Itaahu sum, £ a < -^ S, S2 jfi, v.i. To menace,
Iffokl, \ra^, Ki, n. Corrupt, form of UgoH. threaten, or intimidate.
Ifobu, 1^ & < , E(j, B.(. [corrupt, of ET'potit.] To Syn. ODoaHiSKMARU. ffender.
Syn. UGOKif. Lmove. Ihansha, £ Kt ^X ^, S JE^, »• [Law.] An of-
Isnclii, ij^C""^, fefe Jff, '^- Hare-lip. Ilian suru, 6 H^ -J- Z, jS?H. "w.*- To infringe 01
Syn. MlTSCKUOHI. violate laws; to ofEend.
Isul* i&<'t>iiEEW, n. Stakes driven Into rivers to Syn. Okasu, Tabpru.
prevent the falling of izeki, which eee. llian suru, a tt A,-J-2, jg r, v.(. To turn away
tgoif 3b <' V, ®^, n. Consuming food -without from; to act contrary to; to contravene; to dis-
doing any thing; whiling away time without Syn. MOTORU, SOMUKU. Lobey
occupation. siiru, v.i. To live without Iliarau, v U & _t., |^^, v.t. To drive away by
Income or occupation. shooting arrows.
Tffulino, V^ ^v. ?i , ^ 3js, n. [Bot.] A kind of yam, Shuteki wo ihao-au, ??t ?" 9it SB "7. to drive ffift

Iguruml, \/^<*3;^, -i;, n. Shooting birds with an away all the enemies by shooting.
arrow having a cord attached. IhnEUSu, v^H:?*-?-. i^ ^[., v.t. To fail to hit; to
Igiisn, iE)^e. a," [Bot.] Juncus communis. miss (as a mark).
Iguebl, \/^<':£,E.+ ¥. w. A branch of a tree or IheD, a^^, igS?, n. Failure to tulfll a promise,
bamboo with ntisa attached and offered before breach of contract; default. siiru, v.t. To
a god. ,
break a promise to eat word^. ;

IfTvai, V <r t)\riMHi («• a-iid aao. Unexpected; Takusoku wo then sum, $!) iR ^SS^^ »-. to
unlooked for; beyond one's expectation. break a promise.
Igwai 710 jdaeki, ^i'|.>±mSJi an unlooked Syn. SOMUKU, Tagau.
for success; a result bo good as to be beyond Ihen, Vv— ^, -SS, n. Anything unusual or un-
what was expected. expected an incident; changes; emergency.

Syn. Omoi no hoka. Ihen naku tochaku svru, ^S-J-^SJS^b-.

tg-wiki, Vv<'45\/v, J^t ^{., aav. Beyond; on the outside to arrive in safety.
of; besides; other than. Syn. Kawari.
Kore yori Igwai wa taJcoku no ryobun, ^n ">) Ihl suru, ZjV-^3, SgK, v.i. OTo wither, or
'^ fib. > ffi 5*» beyond this is the dominion fade (as plants). To decline; to wane; to @
of another state. degenerate.
I8T*>» V'lf^-tiBS?. **• The business of a physician; Syn. Naerp, Otoroeru, Shibomu.
medical profession. Ihd, ^^ EI 5, S:^- "n 4. medical prescription; a
leyo* SW^i. ^Mi "• A great achievement; an recipe ; a receipt fcountry.
extraordinary deed. IIi5, Vr(l5, ^^,71.
A different nation; a foreign
Iffyo, \r ITJ^Si^JK. "• A strange figure; any- Hid ni utsuru, HfB^^/^, to emigrate to a
thing monstrous or unnatural in shape; a foreign country; Ihojin, S^fll A, a foreigner; a
iponster. stranger; a gentile.
leyo, li* 2f l.aJcS, n. [Entom.} An insect that Syn. GWAIKOKU, Takoku.
infests books, manuscripts etc. IbO, X>ttJ>, iSi£, n. Infringement of laws; ille-

IbaJ, smp.ttfi?-, SS?, "• A wooden tablet with gality; breach of law.
a Buddhist fiosthumous name inscribed, wor- Uib shobun, jg ^ ^ ^, [Law.] illegal measures,
shipped as reprepenting the spirit of the dead. Ili5. iE)i!l5, ft®. " A literary review a summa- ;

Ibal, StiUp.jS'H'. Acting contrary to an order

"• ry of reports. suru, v.t. To report about
or instruction; breaking a promise; a breach of miscellaneous affairs or events.
contract. sum, v.i. To act contrary to; to Ibor], v^tllfl n. Same as lori (^).

break (as a promise), etc Ibyo, 1^-. 5, ES, Tt. and a. Anything beyond
II 414 UF
one's expectation; sudden; unexpected; sur- Ilawnse, V^W'SEI^.'b '^.ift''S'. "•*• To talk oyer
prising. and agree with.
IhyZ nl izuru, ;g^=s Hi S^'A-. to surprise an- Ryonin iiawaseta koto da na, M A "E -r" ^ 3
other by an unexpected proposal or a sudden 51 ^ -J-i [coll.] they have both agreed upon this,

moTement. I suppose.
ll» A At — [modern C/ttn.] One, often used
, n. Ilawneerii. VU- 35 tt *2,"E-S-,*tJ&. ^-t- To talk
in the game of fcen. Probably a corruption of over and agree upon. Sometimes used in a bad
Syn, HiTOTsu, ICHI. \_ichHone). sense.

Il» V'V-, IS, n. Boiled rice. Tujin to iiawasete tdji ni yuku, S! h "b 'S' ^ A
11. V^t>.I3. n. Saying; meaning, signiflcation, or ^ 'S^ta— ^f ^ t'O arrange with a friend to go^to

purport of what has been assertetl. a hot spring.

Sore kore no ii nari, :Knltu-^!l-?- IJ. this llawasuru. v»t>5 EI-^3,s-&-, 3W@-, v.t. and L
is just what Is meant (by thfit maxim)—a clausa Same as above.
often used in a. classical composition, after a llayamaru, VV^^'S 3,1"^. "-f- and i. To
phrase or sentence quoted in order to illustrate make an error in speaking; to misstate.
the truth of an assertion. Syn. IlSOKONAD
II. \r \r, IS tS- "" [Chin.] Joyous; pleasant; BfazaniiiBiU, V/M>5,3'tP< v.t. , To cheat by words;
cheerful; happy; contented. to deceive; to hoodwinlt.
II. VrV, S^'r, a. and adv. [Chin.] O Bright, shining, Ilbitsu. v^tMA'-:?, figffi, " A rice tub, or a wooden
or clear (as water). @ Dimpling (as the surface box for putting boUded rice in.

of the water); rippling. Syn. MESHIBITSU, OHACHI.

Syn. KlEAKIBA, SAZAMSK0. Ilbo, VT'tMiS, M^, "• A grain of boiled rice.

II, V/^V^.iff, ct- [coll.} Good; excellent; well; nice; Syn. MESniTSOBU.
fine; all right. libuii. ^;^y•i'^,W^. SPfi5. «• Something to say
Itambaida, iff 'f^S^, I feel comfortable; about anything; pretext; pretence.
I am much pleased; how lucky Ii hanada, ftf 1 libunganai, M^if^A, to have nothing to

AVc.^> what a fine flower; Ii. ja naika, tff -f S>-y say about it; no fault to find with it.

ffi -f :» is it not good? It keshiki da,^A^ fe^.

, Syn. IiGuSA, MOsniBUN.
it is a fine view U kimi da. ((f -f ^ it, [coll.] I
; ® lichigai, \;^t^*y]*^^,5 jS, n. A misstatement.
feel contented; it eerves him right; Ii tenki da. Syn. IisOKONAi.
Iff -f ?5S^, it is a fl°e weather; Kaette mo ii, Ilchlffau, i^t>iiiJi, "e^ "o-^- To mistake tn say-
gj ^ ^ (if >f you may go home; I can return;
ing; to misrepresent; to mistake.
KoredeiiQa, it^v'^if, this will do, but licblgJrii, v<y-'^^5, Wis. "•*• To agree or pro
Nandemoii, fpJ5'^iff 'f, anything will do mjse with each other.
Syn. Yoi, YoROSni. Eicbirakasti. vt>'^&4>-^, )WR!E.v.t. QTo spread
II. V-^^.W^i "• [£o£.] Job's tears. Bicliiragu. \/vy-"t 6^, J a report; to publish.
II, v^\^, 0^ n. [Zo'dl.] The Sow-bug, @ To talk with abusive language.
II. it>«t,>1EP^, adv. Yes, yes; aye aye; an expres
aion of ready obedience or co.npliance. lidaUo. vru-fet, E i'S ^, w. [Entom.]K kind ol

lidakudaku, njkPfliE^, » ready compliance, small octopus, OctQijUs ocellatus.

not asking why or wlierefore. EfdaRlit. V'U-;t;£., K tb. f^- Beginning to speak;
lial, XrV-'ft'O-, H^. ^oiSi " Arguing with each utterance.
other; dispul.e; quarrel. lidasht kaneru, B'Hi^'jffiK'. "^o hesitate to
Syn. TSAKAl, KDCUIARASOI. utter; can not begin to speak, lidashi nikul,
Ilahasu, v. t> ?) 4>f-, W^. 't''- To lay bare one's B" lli i^ S 'f hard to speak out.

mind; to disburden one's conscience; to dis lldaHU, M^v-^ir, W tH. V't. To begin to speak; to

close; to coiilos.'i. commence to* tell; to utter.

IlnrI, v^v^lcfV), n. [Entom.] A small red ant. mo hikanu, "s tU ?• i^ "- * 31

Ildasu to ato e 1-

Ua.teru,\x^V7btZ,'Mt¥,'M'^,v.t, To hit; to guess :tj 3t. having once spoken, he will never retract,
right. Bl»r, \^x>^, S, ^dv. \coll.] No; nay;uotatalL
Naso wo itateru, ^^Wf^^'n-, to guess or lie chigaimasu, 5 iS ^ v >^, no, it Is not so;
BOlve the riddle. nay, you are mistaken. Lit.

Ilau, v^W%.i-, W-S^. v.t. OTo dispute with each Syn. INA, ITA.
other; to talk to each otlier (rare); to confute. Ilfiiliiinio. v^ t> .i < i6.
^, SIS, s n. Giving
@ Same as below j
minute instructions; giving a secret counseL
IIF 415 UK
linikiimeru, v^WA<«)2, 1^^, v.t. To tell an- lihiraU ga tatan, B? W it it v, the vindka-
other what to say to give a counsel beforehand.
; tion is in vain; liMrakt vjosuru, KBU ? ^ »'« ^^
Ilfukumuru, \rU-i<trS,m^. SSI, v.t. The clear away charges.
more claaatieal form of above. Syn. BKKKAI, IlWAKB.
lirurnHu, V^»j.6t, B )K. ?i(EW, ".e. To give cur- Ilhiraku, v^ v ^^ 6 < B" B0. W^, ».«. To clear ,

rency to to tell and circulate to drag before

; ; away charges; to vindicate; to exculpate.
the public; to publish,; to blaze abroad; to litaodohii, V*Vit^< B ff?. ^-S- To make clear or

rumour. expound; to elucidate; to dispiove a charge.

Syn. IlOHIKASU, UWASASU. Benkai suru, I:toku.
liriiroru, vo-ih-i, v.t. Same as above. Iiir«-rrii, v^o•\/^H5, ="X. v.t. Same as likomu.
Ilfurusu. vv U-iSi", v.t.
Wffi.Bfisg, Ta make likabusorii, '<^T>i}>j^^Z, v.t. To lay blame on
(anything) hackneyed, common, or time-worn another; to prefer a false charge; to imfiute.
by continuous repetition. likaorii, V^U-4>^ 3, ="#, Bft'g", v.t. To change
liruBcru, v^t^•A^^. gf^,-^f^, v.t. To deleat in words or deny what one has said before to re

a disputation; to refute, tract; to disavow.

iJfuseffu, \/sV-X.^<r, WR5. v.i. To defend in Syn. IiNAOsu.
words; to contradict; to contravene; to dis liUacsii, V'Wio'-^, B* S. **•*• To say back; to
own. answer back; to gainsay.
l;giLinasEil,-l,-l<l, \/^Uft!v^15: L, 4[f :£ ip
Jg, a. Not likako, V- U-VW-, "g ffl'. " O The act of imputing
worth speaking of; cowardly; sneaking; unwiir- or charging; sittrlbution of evil; censure; a
like; poor-spirited. hard theme. ©Beginning to say; anything
Syn. FUGAINA3HI, Tanomoshikaranti. partly said and left unfinished.
IlKaknri. \/^i}-iitii^V) , Wffi', n. Imputation; cen Syn. IlGAKARI, NANDAI.
sure; IMae charge. likakcrii, V- j}- ij* W Z , "^ ^, v.t. O To impute,
ligakari wo iu, K i& ^ :s "yt, to charge falsely. charge, or propound (as a hard theme). @ To
|jsatnsbi,-l.-]cf, V^ U- ft* fe L, e ?i. ». Hard to commence to say.
say; impossible to tell. Ilkakiirii. v»u-)6>< 3, Wl&i V-*- Same as above.
Ilglrl. \f>\f^^^, la, n. [Bot.]Ideslapolycarpa. IlkakiiBii, V^i>A><-^, "bIIS, v.t. To cover up by
Hsoto, v^ u- & >f, B'^, n. A -subject of dispute; talking; to palliate; to varnish over by words.
reason assigned; ground; excuse. Syn. IlTSUTSUMU.
Syn. IiGUSA. rabove.
Ilkauoru, VAU'i>*13, "s^S, u.t. and *. To hesitate
llgiisa, V^ to say; to be unable to speak.
3, Wifi,Iff#5, n.
u- <- [coiI.]Bam6 as
ligtisa ga warui, ^^ffU'l, what he said Syn. IiEKU.
was bad; the reason is not sound; ligusa ni ItkaBumeni, V^ z> *>^ » 3, "gig, v.t. To make
suru, g ^= make It
:;^ ;i., to a pretext ; ligusa anything obscure by skilful talking; to hood-
wotsuTceru, l"®'^ *#»-, to assign a reason, Syn. IiAZAMUKU. L'wink
to find an excuse. llkata, V^y-A>fe, s" :§. ISii, n. Way of speaking;
Ilaagurabasu, V^ i> tt <' 6 *> -r, M^.Mm, v.t. pliraseology.
[coll.] To wander away from the subject pur- likata ga arisona mono, g'v&^^V y tf -f-

posely; to turn the conversation to something ^ >, there ought to be some way of siiying it;

Syn. GOMAKASU, IiMAGiEASU. Lelso. lilcataga mazui, '%'^lf ^ :A ^, manner of ex-

Illianiasu, V^ U- BtE-?, a Iff W. i"-*' fife. arid *• To pressionawkward; the phraseology is bad;

say positively; to state explicitly; to make a Illcata IS ii ^Z* f? 7 V, the phrase-

ga waTcaran,
definite assertion. fas above. ology is ambiguous or unintelligible.
Illiaiiatsii, V^i>lf^r3, = Jfe, Igf
=*, v.t. and f. Same Syn. KOTORAZUKAl.
^lltaru, U^tMas.gSg, Jim, u.e. To persist in say- likataiuerti, VI^4>tefc3,BS. u-*- To confirm,
ing; to hold out (as one's opinion); to be unyield- settle, or ratify. fment.
ing (in argument). llkatsii, v>U'**-P, s"^' 'W't- To defeat by an argu-
Illiaynsu, W^ v tt-^^, =31, H^ v.t. To give lEknwasii, id^ t> ii» tt -^, "g ?8. '"'! To exchange
publicity to ; to raise a hue and cry. vows; to make a verbal agreement,
Syn, IisOTASU rmiss to speak. like, V^T>W", flS IS. " -A- vessel for holding boiled
Dhaziieu, V'U-ttts'-^, 1'^l-> «* To fail to tell; to rice. rSaid that.
llhirakl, VM>U-6'&, ^Bg, !»g?, n. Cleari'Df one's Ilkoraku, v^ v frj- 6 < , v.t. and t. [iwet. of Iifc]
self from a charge or crime; vindication Ilkosii, \f' ui/t^, "g"^, v.t. OTo contradict; to
IIK iie UN
deny; to gainsay. ®To cancel or deny what Ilinfdaau, V^I^;^?&i^. f-t- To interrupt or coniuse
one said before. a person speaking,
fftto no hanashi wo iikesu, A S^ >» g vt^-. to Umorasu. \r.«-ft ft-^, ggg, v.t To omit to say;
contradict another's talk. to fail to tell.

Ilhl, Vj^itS. §-^, n. A foreign country. Ijmukau. U^ z>tp*>-t, v.t. To speak against; to
liViUasiirii, vstN&i>-jf-2. "a PB. ^•'* To say and let oppose; to conI\ite.
liear; to instruct or advise. Iln, v^a^, ^g, «. Medical st-afl:

Syn. ICKISHIMRSCr. Iln. ^»«!l^, ^ M. '"" A committee, or a member of

Ilklni. V* U- ?r
3, a" -Wi "•*• To say positively; to Syn. SoDAi. La committee.
assert or conflrm, llnk-ival, Z>aA<*?\r., CH &. "• A meeting held
llklwnnieru, V y- & 11 ft 3, "s^. ^-t* To argue by a committee. fcommittee.
down to a final point; to say all that can be llnclid, ^)Z,^•5*5, ffgg. n. Chairman of a
said; to exhaust a subject. Z^nlvriincho, ife(^# ^ g, chairman of a com
0homeru» Vri>tl65, ^{^, «•(• To over-
"giS. mittee of the whole House.
whelm another in argument; to refute conclu- Unadameru. V^ylttl^ftS, W ^. ^'-t- To soothe or
sively; tio silence. pacify by words; to console.
Ilkomu, Vn>t.?r, K ?5. ^•*' To apply for; to make Ikarl wo Unadameru, JE f" gW '*- - to smoothe
an npplication to; to solicit; to make an offer another's anger by soft speech.
or overture. liuagarn, v^o-^Jj'&, adv. While saying; though
fiKorasu* v^iACS-^, ffilffi, EJiff, v.t. To chastise we say.
or reprove personally; to remonstrate with. Ilnasaau, v-thtcft*-^. v.t. To publish; to give cur-
Ukoshlraeru, VU-tS. 5-^3, u.t. To make up or rency to; to herald.
Invent a atory so as to cover up a fault or clear Ilnarau. vvu-tt ^ i, b IR, v.t. To be accustomed
one's self. to say ; to be in the habit of saying.
Ilkukuinu, v«y'< <tp. i^-E- SamBO-sItfukmneru. linarawaslii. V^U-ttSBX, g S, « Oral instruc-
Ukurasu. v^ W < & ?. sS. v.t. To spend the tions; a practice handed down from preceeding
whole day or years in talking about; to be cou- generations; a proverbial expression; tradition.
stantljr saying. Ilnarawasu. V^y-tc6ttf-,'g^, v.t. To be accus-
Nakl tomo wo iikurasu, C^S?" WS^*. to tomed to say; to be proverbial or traditional.
be constantly talking about a dead friend, Ilnarevu, v^O-Tth-S. v,t. and i. To be accustomed
Ilkuroincrii, V/vU-f ^y>S, "g ^. v.t. To blacken to say.
or obscure by talking; to varnish by words. linasu, \r-T> "^ "^i s'fiS. v.t. To make to appear tp
Sagiioo karasu to ilkuromerti, b K^S WS be the truth by talking.
jt n., to turn a white heron into a black cro,w Aru koto wo nai to iinasu, -^t^^ VWK^-. %
by sophistical reasoning. to represent to be false that which is a fact; Uso
Ilkiisnsti, V U- < "5 ^. v.t. To clamour against; wo maknto niiinasu, fi ^ (S ^. to
¥f =. g make
to speak disparagingly to; to decry. a He appear to be truth by talking.
Syn. IlKUDAKU, IlOTOSU. Ilnasuke. \/^v-tt-:^iit,B^U,^U, "• BetrothaJ;
Ilkuta.su, VU-^fe^, v.t. See above. espousal; affiance.
Ijmadou, v^ihlJSi, g^, v.t. To be confused or linazuke wo sum, "b ;8 # ^ ^B', to betroth a

bewildered in talking. fexcuse. son or daughter when young.

" Ijnnsukorii, V^V^S'^'H'S.Sftt, v.t. To betroth.
ftimae, V'O-a— , WW. b ff. Pretext; pretence;
llmageru, v^Uia^:^3, "bSI. ^'•** To speak so as to Ilnlkuahl.-tp-kl, VMMiC < L, bH, tt- Hard to
make right wrong. say; difficult to speak; not easy to utter.
Ilinagirasu, \f^T>'^'^ ^-fr , b SS. v.t. To speak con- Ilnlkuinu. V t>- VC < tP. v.t. To speak ill of; to
fusedly so as to cover up one's fault; to blind calumniate; to backbite. Tputoff.
Syn. GoMAKASC. Lby talking. Ilnoberu, V* V ©-^ Z.ziii, «.(. To postpone or
Ilmnkerii, \M>iart-S, Wfi. v.t. To be defeated Myogonichi made to iinoberu, ^ ^ "7 y* h5

in argument. E B-, to pat off until the day after tomorrow.

Ilniawaski. V^U-^StlX, glS. "- A method of Iluoberu, V^ U- © -^ 3, d it3, v.t. To state, repre-
speaking so as to be circumlocutory, or to sent, or mention.
avoid hurting another's feeling; a circumlocu- Ilnogareru, V^y-CDft<h,3, g'Jg, v.i. Q To escape
tion, or paraphrase. or evade by saying. @ To avoid speaking of.

IlInuwaBl^, V/^ l^^ li-?", WM. v.t. To talk with Ilnokosu, v^ x>OiLir,M^, v.t. To leave untold;
tact; to handle a matter skilfully (as in debate). to omit in saying.
UN 417 IIT

lin-sadal. Sit.^^5;'£^^,*gSlfi^t, /*. Adelegate IlBusurii, V/^T^'^^Z, 'g'ig, v.t. and {. To speak Q
appointed by a committee. too much; to say more than Is proper; to be
Ilnuke. V^Vfo^, W^<£^> 7^- -^^ excuse; a lame loquacious. @
To speak rudely or ijnmoderaLte-
excuse; hole to creep ont of. ly. rsilenco.
llnuheru, VnO-UjWX, 'effi'SS?. "-f To excuse Ilaukumeru, ^/^^^-^<l?>^, v.t. To convince; to
one's self; to shelter one's self under the plea II aurii, \/^\r--^Z, ^#. v.i. To rely or depend
of; to gild the pill. upon; to trust.
Zalkwa wo iinuTceru, f^^f- WK/^. to slip out Syn. TATORF, YORITATORU.
of a charge by skilful talking. II eurii, \^ai^^, fftjS, v.i. [Chin.]To he unable
Syn. IlHOGARERU. to decide; to hesitate; to waver.
Iloku» \AiM&<,s'S. tJ-t- To leave word or direc- II Ruru. Z)&-^2;, ^^, V.I. O To droop or wither
tions (on going or when dying). (as plants). @ To lose strength; to be weaic or
lioitelcaeTU, B'S^ESi'i't to leave word and infirm (as from age); to be impotent or paralyzed
return; Goji wo Unite shisu, ^^ ^MS."^ 5E^. Syn. Naeru. L(from disease).
to leave verbal directions when dying, II anni, av^^^, ig;®!, v.t. [Chin.] Toleaveawill
Syn. IiNOKOsn. or order on aying or going away.
IlSserii, V^U-Jffia^S, i
"s ft» '^•^- To Impute or IlBiiteru, v^i>-i!-t:3, j WS^. v.t. To say and leave;
lio^vaserii, Vvu-jytt-^tx, lay the ' blame upon ' not to wait for an answer.
Ilaiitaiirii, \r>x>ir<?Z,
another; to charge; to nscribe. IiuANATSU.
Syn. Tment.
H6soru, \/^U.IsU*S. ) W^. «•*' To succeed in Iltaosu, v^ufe.i-il, "^ ffll, v.t. To defeat in argu-
II08U, \rV-^it-f, 'saying. IItnshl,-1,-kl, \/xy-feU o. Wishing to speak; da
Syn. IiTOGERU. rdisparage, sirous to tell.

Ilotosii, VrU-Jpi?-^, v.t. To rundown or decry; to litai koto wa yamay0,ma a?'«, -f is ^ ^ :^ >\ ilj

lippannshl, V* t> 9 tf tj::£, n. [coll.] Saying any- \li T Ji-, there are yetmany things of which I

thing and going away without waiting for a should like to tell you.
reply. fclear by speaking. Iltntoru, v^O-fttZ, j g Si. ^W., v.t. QTomake
IlsabaGfii. \rV''5\£< , "^M, v.t. To make anything litatsiirn. V^W'^z'^S, * an assertion or statement,
Ilsamasii, VT>^^Tf-, m'-(v> u-^- To cool or abate @To persist in saying. ©To represent or re-
the interest or desire by talking. port to.

llsainntngeru. \n V- :$ '^ It Vl^ Z , KJ?. ".(. To Akuji 100 iitateru, S^ ? §J^1'^. to report
hinder by speaking; to interrupt (as another's anotlier's crime.
speech). I It ogu 111 01- II, V'V''£t^ibZ, v.t. To find fault with;
Ilaaaii, V^U-^-?", W^. ^-f- To say and stop short to blame, censure, or reprimand.
Syn. IiKAKERU. for brawl. Iito|rei-ii. \n V' )C & Z ,
"M W.' v.t. To maintain or
Ilshlraii, V^W'Se.i-i v.i. To dispute; to wrangle defend with success; to succeed in proving.
IJabixumorii, V^ U- X ::?' » 3 l"^, v-t- To hush, Tsumi no nai koto two-fffcoeru, p -^ ^Sf a h TM
calm, or pacify by speaking. ig n't to succeed in proving one's innocence.
llsobirerii, y/^v-^VOrZ, KS. ^'- To fail to tell; Syn. IioSERU.
to make an error in saying. IltooBii. vi>3i:il-^. Kifi. i^. v.t. To persist in

IlaokonnI, V^U'^ifttW-, effi. ^i- A mistake made saying; to say constantly; to opinionate.
Syn. IiOHmAi. Lin speaking. Syn. TinARx% IiTSunANPKn.
Ilaokonaii, V^ t>t CtT-t, W ffl. v-^* To commit an Iltorii. UN i> ^ 3, G.W., P ^. v.t. To express 10

error in saying; to misstate. words; to explain.

Ilsomerii, v^T>ti65. sIlJ. v.t. To commence to litoijo, ViMfl, flS^- fi- fOrnii/i.] ThescoDSowl.
speak; to utter. Iltsugii, V^V'-Pir, erk, filS. w-t- To transmit
Syn. IiHAjmuEU. fnaiu words from one to anwtlier; to hand down by
Uaonjli'u, \^'U•t^:£.^, s^, v.t. Same as Hsoko- tradition.

liaoaokiiroru, V^i>^^c< fiZ, v.t. To lose tlie Syn. KOTOZUKERU, ToRiTsrcu.

opportunity of saying; not able to utter. Iltsiikawasii, v^ « r?** K -^, g iS- v.t. To send
Ilsoynsii, V^U-^-^-?", v.t. Same as /(ftai/osu. word; to inform by messenger; to communi-
Ilsuffirii, v^U-^V3,Bji^. v.t. [coU.jOTotalk too cate. Only used in reference to one's inferior.

much; more than is proper. @ To speak

to say Syn. IiOKURU.
too severely; to use abusive language. Iltsuke, V^U-^W", MH.n. Instruction or command
Ilaugosu, v^v-it^-f siSi v.t. The more clafiBical (as of a superior).

form of above. Oya no litsufce ni somuku nakare, ffi -^ s# =3


W^^ '-'. never disobey the instructions of Ilyoi-ii, \.«t>i3,=-^, BSS, v.i. To make an ap-
your parents. proach (as in courtship).

litsukcrii, V 0- -» frj- Z, J g #, v.t. To tell (as of Ilxaina, V'U-3'2, "ItS. n. Same as liyd, but, used
llttsiiKeru, V^U-^-^t^a, S another's fault); to in- colloquially, less polite.
form; to order or command to bid. ; Syn. IlKATA, IfYO.
litsuku, V\ !>:?< v.t. Same as above.
, Ilsuelil, \rV-i^Z,M.Sr. n. [coll.] See Svshi.

lltsukurau, V^ U- r? < 6 ^, "s fi|, v.t. To mend or Ijakii, i,Z-^< W SS, n. Weak or unhealthy stats

adjust by words. of the stom^ich; indigestion; dyspepsia,

litsuhusii, V" y- "7 < •?", KS. ^^- To say all that IJI» V^:fe', l?-S. n. Anything unusual; an accident; a
can be said about; to exnaust a subject. change.
lltsunioni, v^ U>-7i6 Z, WKS. ^•^- 'J^'o drive (an- Iji naku, S.gi^;£, there has been

other) into an awkward position by argument; nothing unusunl; there was no change.
to make another yield by reasoning; to cocfate; Syn. Ka WA RIGOTO.
to silence. IJ*. \rZ;%ff^, o-<^v. Some other day; on a certain
Iltsiiuoru, V^U-7®3, Wit, flSoS, v.t. To become occasion; another time.
more and more excited in argumentation; to Syn. TAJlTSa.
grow warm in reasoning. Ijl. &X'. Sfp. n. Any work or undertaking left
IltButae, Vr y- "^ fc -', H WS.
^> '"• The act of unfinished by a dying person.
transmitting orally from one generation to Chichi nn iji wo tstigu, SC ^ iS 5J ^ S ^i''. to
anotlier; tradition, carry on the work, which a decoa5e,d father has
InishteyoH no iitsutae, fi a y ^ U^< a tra- lelt unfinished.

dition from ancient times. fby tradition. Jl» V''^, ;EiSfei "• O Temper; disposition; spirit
litsiitnorii, \/^l^-7fe'--^, P (i, v.t. To hand down or niiture of a person. @ Pertinaciousness;
obstinacy; stubbornncsR.
litsiixiiKorii, V>U--7'p'W2. ^''- O^o continue
saying; to say constantly. ©To take up and Iji gawarui, S:ilk?J*S-f. to be ill-natured;

continue Avhat another has not finished talking Iji ni nam, KSM~ ^ n-, to become obstinate,
about. fapology; an extenuation. Ijl wo Imru, Slilfe ^ 56 fl- . to be crusty or crosa-

llTvalie, -^^ excuse; an Syn. KOKORONE, Lgrained.

V^ u> Srj tt, "e ^. S^^. '''

liwake ga tatanu, W^^i^^. the excuse IJI. i>Z;^^, «- A loniKlllng.

is in vain; liivake luo suru, "=
^^ 7;;i-, to make IJI. V^Xs SSSS ". rO'*nt('t-J A swallow.
an excuse; to oiler an apology; Jitsuni liwake Syn. TsunASlE.
ga nal, !0f = H iSS ^ -^ 'f indeed, T have no
, B.libaru, v^'tj-tf 3, .
S ilfe $g, v.t. To be obstinate,
excuse. Ijiliarii, V/^e'tI^, '
stubborn, or peitinacious,
Ilwakeni, ^/^t^^H'^, . "g^ij, ^^, v.t. To ex- to be headsti'ong.
IliTakiirii, \/>i>i9 < 5, i plain; to make clear; to IJIgltnunslil,-l,-kl, V^-^arfetC L, a. Gluttonous;
expound; to interpret. greedy; voracious.
Ilwataslil, v^ t>i3fe *. -giS, IS-fr, tt. OGlviDg IJIiJl-nurl, V^ -^ \/^ -^ & V) , 71. A kind of lacquer
instructions, orders @ A judicial sentence. having minute wrinkles on the surface.
Syn. OSE. IJiIJi suru, v> "^ \/^ ^ -i" 3 , v.L To fret; to be irri-

Ilwatasii, ^/^ ^^ ^^fe -?•, g;s, ^ §, fiS -fr. v.t. Q To tated; to be ditficult to please.
give orders. @ To pronounce sentence; to sen- KodOTno ga ijiiji sm-u, /h^i)" ^ -^ -i ^ ::^ n-,

tence, rsentence. the child frets.

Tsumi wo ilwatasu, ?| ^ s igt >^, to pronounce Ijikarl-inata. \/^Z'ii>'0 2 fe, n. Legs widely se-
Syn. TiKIKASERU. parated from each otlier in walking; suraddling
IIya» V-Vp-*?. S. [coU.'i(idu. No, nay. way of walking.
Ilyabiiru. V^U--^.S'2, WCKf. ISElE. v-i- To defeat by IJlkeni, v^^WZ, v.i. To contract into a small- O
arguiinsTit; to confute; to silence. er size through fear; to shrink or shudder, g
Syn. IlFUSEKU, TOKIFUSBRU. To 8hrivel(as a plant from cold); to be stunted
Ilyarii. V^U-^3, WjS. v.t. and i. To send word; in growtl) •

to inform by a message or letter. Tutterance. /to ni Utket-u, W.fc- ^ '^ ^ fi^. to shrink
tJy<>» V^U'-^5, "e f2. ^- Way of apesiking; mode of before the power or authority of another; to be
li^H ga waxut, gfig^/S'f, his way of speak- overawed with fear; KonojiwaijiketeiriL, ftv
Ing is bad liyT) ttw gozarlmasen,
; W £^ ^ i3i Si ^J ^ -'N 'f '^f
ji. >^
this character is small and
-f ,

v^^', I arc at a loss what to say. destimte of force; Samusa ni ijikeru, |g =i ^ ^•

Syn. IiKATA. >- n-. to shrug up with cold-

IJl 419 XKA

IJlkltanashl,-l-,hi, \r- "^g fe ^ L, i Jt #. a. when, at the time, since. A term formerlT ©
«JlBltaiiaslil,-l,-ki, V/> tr^^tc L, ' Gluttonous, much used at the end of a letter or document
greedy, gormandizing; omnivorous meaning: the end or conclusion.
this is

Syn. KuiTAGARU. rto mwldle. Chtgatta ijo wa, Jg-;* St JJIJ; >\, when once hayinc
].|ikuru, \r-'^< To handle or play with;
2, ??, v.t. erred; having once failed; yen ijo no zai- Man
IJlmort:, v'&fe 3, A, u-t. To tease; to vex; to san, ^ OS Kl ± worth above ten
>* Bt iS. property
oppress; to persecute. thousand dollars; Sen yen ijo no cMso, ^f-HIS
KodortLo ga inu wo ijlmsru, /J\ ^ ^Z* :^ ^*> Ji- ±-^*feia. land tax amounting to upwards of a
the child teases the dog; Mamako luo ijimeru, ^ thousand dollars.
^^ EB Jf ?^, to oppress a step-child. Ijohii. li&i. <,B0, rt. Sedentary occupatio«s;
IJImete, Sl)t#. «• One who persecutes
V/^"&i6T, such as tailoring, sewing, knitting, joinery, etc.
or teases another; an oppressor IJO auru, ft ^ 5 ^ 2 S ^, v.t. To surround to,

IJIn, V^;&^, A, ^ "

A barbarian; a foreign bar- inclose; to encompass; to environ; to encircle.
barian; a foreigner. IJfi. ttrBi?, Bii, w. [coll.] Dwelling; residing;

Syn. Ebisu Inhabiting ;living. sui'ii, v.i. To dwell, etc.

IJIn, l/v £ ^, S- A' " O An extraordinary or Syn. JUKYO SURU, Sdmau.

eccentric person. @ Old men posseasing some Ijti,\r'trtt)5,i^ii, n. Changing one's abode; going

Bupernatural powers and living in mountains; to live in another country or province; emigra-

a hermit; a oage. foreigner; an alien; ©A tion. sui'ii, v.i To remove one's dwelling;
a stranger. to emigrate.
Ijlrasm,-l,-kl, V^"?r& L, «
Exciting love or pity; GwaikoJcu e ijft suru, ^J. ffi -^ tt ^ »-, to emi-

lovely; darling; pitiful; eliciting compassion. grate to a foreign country.

Syn. ItawaSHI. Syn. SUMAIGAE 8URU, Utsukisumu.
IJIrJdasu, l^'Vi!)?iS^, 11*111. «* O To oppress and IJachi, V>"^1*5"^, ^(tl(b. ". Tlie place to

drive away; to cause to go -out by vexing, teas- one intends to emigrate.

ing, or oppressing. @ To commence to tease. IJniulB, V/^'&W^5»•^, i^ttS.
An emigrant.
Syn. IJIMEDASU. IJaulu. Vf-'S'l^SVCA, ii^teA,

ajlru,Vv-&3, ^., v.t. O'fo handle; to meddle with. Tjutsii, \/vX'W)r?, S^ n. Tlie art of medicine;

@ To tease or vex; to perseute ; to oppresn. medical practice.

Syn. Sainamu. Ika, l/N*>, UlT. ^^"- Below this; from this bd;
after this; the rest; less than.
IJl sum, ^^-^ Z, SKJt, T-t. OTo maintain; to
hold on to continue or carry on.
To support @ Chuto ika mo hUo, f{i ^ ly, T -^ A, persons below

or preserve. the uiiddle class; Ilyakuyen ika nl suru. SB

Syn. jjLf - >i ji,, to cut down to less tliana hundred

IJltsii. \/^^"C, ^. 0, ft. Another day; some otlier yen\ Ikakorenionajl, 13.T MZ. the rest ar«

Syn. Tajitbu Lnecasion. similar to this; and so on.

Syn. IGE.
Ijiwarii, M^-tft) Z. SlJlfeS. n. and a. Being ill-
natured, cross, or snappish; bad-tempered; IKa. lAA>t^B£lli, *• [jS<9o7.]Cuttle-flBh, squid.

peevish; testy; perverse.

IKa, vn *>, 3)c 5i?, n. A rack or
staud for hanging garments
Jjiivaru na yatsu. ^ :Hfe S ?- tK, an ill-natured
iel\ovf;Tjlwaruwo sum, Igite iS ? ^'''. to act on.

manner. Syn. Iko, Mizokakb.

in a peevish
" Being roused to Ilinbiihnri, Vp A> (f *»V) ilDlST il.
rjlEiikii, \/^%-^'<, ^Jt&S, ,

obstinacy (without sufficient ground). adv. IIow much; how much

become more; how great.
Ijizuku ni nai-u, E ffi — "'. t*>

unyielding in argument. [kabakari ka kore ni shikan,

Syn. HARIAI, iKinABI. in -fRl SI' ^ 5: - in =^. how in-

Anytliing unuaual; ferior would it be to tJiis;

IJB, V*X'-^5. ^"^1 »i- a°^ ^-
an uncommon occurrence; a change.
Ikahakari ka yorokoban, fp ^
Syn. Tsunknaranu. Br » S^ >5 5^. how great will be

IjB. it. £-^5, iSaJt. » A written will or Instruc- hie joy.

tion left by a dying person.

O Above; beyond; before; Ilfnda, vv i> ;^j g, n. A raft of

•j3* V^Z'^:5. U-t. 'i'^'-'-

Ihus far. @ With the affix toa, it may mean timber. C^ fflj n^

lAK 420 IKA

Iknda-norl, \/^*»;'&©i!), S ?R. n. A raftsman; the Ikai, ai'V.tiP^, n. Grade of rank conferred by
business of managing rafts. the Emperor.
Ibadnslii, lr*>/t'i.SH. " ©Same as above. Ikai no takaki hito, tt f^ --'
iS * A, a person
® One who makes rafta. highinrank; Ikai wo henjo sum, {i^^jgJ:
Ibadnukc. Vr4>;t-5W',??S ^. " A raft; rafting. 7. ji., to resign one's rank of honour; Ikat im

Syn. Uki-ikada. rtlie other. sadamcru, ^±f^9 "Z J* to fix the number n nd >'-',

Ikndc, V^A>Tf, adv. Why? how? in some way or order of rank; Ikai wo suswmu, ti: |!g ? ;^ A, to
Ikade awanan, 'f :ft f* iS -"^ -^ v, anyhow 1 promote in rank.
like to meet; Ikade kaku ariihekl, -^ •n^'t} i' T Syn. K0RAI.
»"<^. hnw could itbe so? Ikade kikic beki, 4 'ij Iknt. Vvi>\r, ^Jffi, n. Medical etiquette.
tUS ^ '^ =¥, how can I barken to it; haw could Ibni, ai'-lr, iSMi. ^- InBtructions or precepts lert

he hear it; Ikade oyot}a7i, -f :ft t* R >n v, bow by a dyins: person.

can it equal this; how can T aurpasH? Ikade sfiiru Iknl, V^ *> U-. KIR. «• [Conch.] The sea-mus^spl,

ieki, -f ft ? ^I Ji- ^ *, how could it be known? 3IytUvs.

Syn. DOsiiiTE, Dozosiiite, Ikadeka. Ikn!-knto, \r*>\r Z ^. ^f^w- (coll.] Very many;
ncadeka, v.i>-ffi., '^, adv. Sam" as above. very much; a great deal.
Xkadeka kore ni masaru Vek), ^ f' ft ;& =. ff' ^ Syn. Takfsan.
^#, hnw could it surpass this? ILadeka saru- Ikai Slim. \a*>\a^2, ^(W. ^'-i- 'Ohin.'] [lit] The
koto nn am heki, flfft tf'B-T --•tji-'^^. how jaw is dislocated; to be extremely ridicuLoua;
could such a thing be ? to laugh heartily.
Syn. Ikako, V^±>W-,S^li',f0, n. The act or work of a

Kkaosii, V^i>— -^i SJ %, v.t. To shoot back, or shoot tinker; tinkering.

in return. Tback. Ikake, v^'i>W, 'i^ UK, n. Cont. form of below.
Ya wo i-kaesu, ^ ^ Q^ig 7-. to shoot an arrow IkakcjB, VJiW"^, i5? .!H " A kind of Iscqusr- ilfe.

fkngn, XriJ^h*-, ftPH. o-^v. How; wliat, why. May work coated with a thin layer of gold dust.
sometimes express doubt or hesitation, Syn. TKAKE.
Byonin no ijnsu wa ikaoa, ^ A ^ t^ ^ -•* iiP (fT. Ikakern , ir.i>H- 3 . fS ffl-,
v. t. To mend pot-^, V ettles,

how is the condition of the patient; Ikagaaran, or any other kind ot castings.

7" f V, how will it be? Ikaoa de gozari Ikakealii. V'*>l+ L-fSitfiip, SfitiS- n. Arepairerof
masuha, Ju j?! r^ tTl |^ V ^ ^. '^coll.] wh';t can :^' cast iron utensils, a tinker.

you say about it? Ikaga nasare masu, ^ ?- (fl]

Ikakeya. VA>W'-^>fpM, «• Same as above.

V-u-^t;, ''coll.} what are you gomg to dn? how do EUakl. \ri>5, M< n. a basket for kitchen use.
you do? To nomo ikaga desu kara, ^ 7 -^^ io f^ Ikakn, \i^ i> <, :k, adv. \cotl.] GreLitly; a great

y :^ft 9, [coll.] since I hesitate to ask jibout it. deal; very much.
Syn. DoNOTo ni, Ika ni, Nani, Nanto. IKakiivn. \Ai> < Z. 9^ffi-,®tW. v.(. O To com
(knga-tvnslii,-i,-kl. V^4>fi*H L, REi. !Sti " Doubt- raence to slioot (as an arrow). @ To shoot
ful; hesitating; uncertain; dubious. against.
Syn. Obotsdkanashi, Utagawashi. Teki yori ame no ootoku ikakuru, S5 ^ ^J M ^
Ikahodo. \r-i>*^'^,^M, adv. How Biuch; how isi ir i\i ^ ]i' , the enemies sent forth a rain ot

many. arrows.
Ikahodo ka vresJii karan, iiiJ R^ ft iiS S'ft yv, Iknincslilt-i.-kl, v-;b»l6 L, §§., a. Havinganix-
how pleasing it will be; Ikahodo no koto ka aru jestic, stern, or fleice appearance; grave; steio;

hekl, iip fpj^ -'QT ft T }L-^^. what can it matter; pompous; magnificent.
Shimete ikahodo ni nam, x 7 isi ipj ^ ~ -} n- Ikameshiki idetachi vite sh-utsvjin sum, g s/

how much does it amount to; wliat Is the total ^ H5 aE— 7^ m^ '^it-, to go tn war in a magnifi-
gum. riKUBAKU. cent uniform or pompously dressed.
Jkaf, \r-i!>\r-,'A, adv. [coH.] Great; hi?, enormou.s; Ikamono, V' *> 4 ©, ^1^, ". Any article the
eerlouR. quality of which i3 dubious; things not genu-

Ikai osewa ni narimashita, A Itt eS = •?- •^'

ffll ine; a counterfeit.
1) -7 5^^, lam Eteatly indebted to you; Ikai Syn. MAGAIMONO, NlSEMONO.
mTike oa aru, ^^ ^if t n^. there is a big gain; lUamonogitl. U^ 4> 4 <Z><rx>, '"- One who S^^.
Ikai sawagi pa okotta, j:*^ 'f S E)^/ ^ ^, a great eats anything; eating every thing without re
diBturbaiice has arisen. gard to quality or taste.

Syn. Okii, TAKUSiN. Syn. AKUJiKi.



Ikaniono-Eiikl, \r*»'&©?'&, uSS^, w- One who you say Ikanimo
; taigi no yosu, (U -fi!! = * ^ 81
is fond of anything peculiar or unusual. > RS ?. he seems to be quite weary.
Syn. Kawari-mono-zltki. Iknnoborl, v^4>CD^K). H^.^M, "• A kite.

Ibnmono-Kiikiii'l, V::b> Vi C?:?* < 19 S^^i^.n. , O Syn. Tako.

Being mad© or dressed so as to appear dreadttil Ika-no-ko, ^/^i.®*>J., J^M^, n. Cuttle bone.

(esp. swords). @ A maker of spurious articles. Ikantonarelia. V^ *> ^ it 1^ Jt fcf , conj. For tli«

Ikamono-zukw-i no tachi, S^\\^ i^

^ -k Ji , a reason that; because; since; in as ranch as.

dreadful looking sword. lkanu« lrj)>l£i,

;);f?, v,i. [neg. of Tku.] [coll.]
Ilfnii, U^4>^, in {ff, ado. In what manner; how Ikauaf^ \/^4>^\/^
Will or shall not go; won't do.
Ikan siireba yol ka, ftp W ^ ^5^ ^^13, what IkaKU, \fi3>$,

shall I do? Ikan tomo nashi gatashi, ip b *S -(pI

Ikaiiizo. \/^ 4> ^ 5*. to-fST. a**u- For what reason f

3^!K S/, in auy way do this; it cannot be

cannot why ? how ?
helped; Ikan zo ware ni oyuban, jip jFJ y |g = B: Syn. Nantoshite.
y^v, how could he surpass ua; S/iokun niotte Ikarakasii, \j^i)>e,ij>'^, v.t. [corrupt, of Tkarasu,]
ikan to nasu, tiMUX^ isiiH H ^-:^. ^vhat do you To make angry; to enrage; to provoke.
gentlemen think of it ? Ikaraseru. \;v4>&*S, ^U,v.t. [ca-us. of Tkaru.]
Syn. DoMO, DOshite, Ikani. To make angry; to enrage; to irritate or pro-
Ikaii, ^.A»^, W0. n. [Med.] Same as /pan. voke; to work up into a passion.
Ikun, s^4>^. Regret; sorrow; remorse.
S®. n- Ikarasii. V^*>&-?-, ffi, v.t. O Same as above.
Ikan ni taezu, 'M.U~t&'^ :^, to t)© extremely ToRhnigCas the shoulders); to stretch up or
sorry. erect.

Ikiiuago-slioyii, v^A>^&;£ -^ 5 W>, n. Soy pre- I/ana wo ikarasu, Af- S ^ ^'. to shrug or
pared in Sanuki, from a kind of fish called Ika- move the nose (as when angry); Hito wo ikarOr

nago. su, A ^ SS 7 ^'. *° enrage another; Kata wo

Iktiua-iknna» \r4'ti:\p4>^, atiu. Why; how; for ikarashit.e aruku, M "^ W: ^7 s/ 'f ^^ >
to strut

wliat reason (an expression ol denial more em- about with the shoulders perked up; Me w«
phatic than Tkade or Ikadeka). ikarasu. HB^ffi'. ^^t, to look fiercely at; to
Ikanakoto, V'i'^Cif, adv. A more colloquial
form of above. Ikaroru, vvi>ns, ff, v.i- Q [potent, of Iku.]

Ikaiiarelia, V 4* tc JL^, COT^^. For the reason Can go, go on, proceed, or continue. S
[polite, coll.] To go (mostly in the third
that; because; since; in as much as. More
commonly form is Ikantonareba.
Kiirashite ikareru Jiazu wa nai. S 5^ t" fl i^^
Iknnarii, \/^*>'Q;3, jip fpf, a. What. why he can com-
>. *y >\ ?- 'f , there is no reason
Ikanaru hito, iD PI -^ »- A, what person? Ika- tinue to subsist; Rai-u demo ikareru, SS ^*
naru riyu zo, isi i^l ^ ii- M i33 f, what is the rea- lij u )i', can go in spite of thunder and rain;
son? Kore iva ikanaru saiwai kana, ;£ '^ im -JSJ -J- Amer'ka e ikareru soma, 5S ^ ^J /IP '* ^ ^ ^^ *
^#^ ?-, what a good lortune 1 Kyo wa ikana- 9-J-, going to Amei'ica.
they say he is

ru kichinichi zoya, -^ fl ^^ in jij ^ /^ p" B / Y. Ikaroi*ii,Vv4»K 3,]ffi, «. Enraged; angry; ex-

what a lucky day is this asperated; excited.
Syn. Donna, DonoyOna, Dorehodo. Ikareru ganshoku, SS i^ ft- fi. an angry
tkaiil, v^4>vz, fei'f^. <^- In what manner; liow. countenance.
Ikani hin sureba tote, ini^'^S:::^ l-jS I- 'r, lkai-1, Vv4>ifl, -^i, §a, n. An anchor
however poor he may be ; Ikani kotaen, isi'^ — Ikarl wo ageru, ^^ Ji J^, to heave th«

^^i^, how shall I reply? Ikani ureshikarubekl, anchor; Ikarl wo orosu, ^ 9- i^ :^ to cast

<<Jf, how happy would it be anchor.

jji foj (^ 2/ ?7 It. I

DDSHiTE. Ikavl, v^ 4> 13, JS, n. Anger; wrath; indigna-

jl* an ill! o, \fi3>VC ft , fe] tRi.
odv.O Any how ;
any tion.

way, however much I think ol'it. @ [coll.] Cer- Ikarl wofukumu, gtf-^A, to feel angry; to
tainly; truly; verily; indeed. lo-,6 one's temper; Ikariwo nadameru, ffl^ •
IkaniTTio nozomi wo logetashi, to ^=i^ ^ 9'^.^ > lU, to soothe anger.
Syn. Haratachi, IkidOri, Rippukit.
fit/, T desire to accomplish my somehow
or other ; Ikanlmo shuchi shlmas/Uta, fe fpf —^ Ikarina-iva, \r*>V)ti:a,l^^, ) " An anchor, o*-

consent to what IkarlEiina. i/^±> « rs'tc. £g M. ^le. or rope.

2/ ff, Lcoii.j certainly, T
i^itV 5/v
[Bot.] Barren- keep a goldfish alive; Kane wo ikashitf tsukau,
wort, Epimeclitimmacr- ft ^ iS i' spend money usefully; Shl-
iS 7, to
anthurn. shi taru hito wo ikasu, ^s^ ft it- A j- ^7., t»
Syii. Yamadori- restore a dead person to life.
GUS.\. Ikata, \^i>fz, ftfii. w- Manner of shooting ar
Iknrl-iio. V^ 4> W) ? 2:. t± rows; a style of archery.
iC ft. '* [IdiUi.] A Ikata. \/^i>t£., gJS, n. Same aa Igata.
species of Cottus. Ikntaya, ^ X,
V'ii>te-=^. w. O A caster ol metal-
Syn. Kajika, Ka- lic utensils; a moulder. ©One who makes a
KUBUTSU, USIIINCSU- mould or matrix for casting.
Iknru, ^/^*»^,S. v.i. and Ikntel 111. V'4>tvvvz, iu^pjf^, adu. In what man-
t. O To be angry; to ner soever; in any way
be infuriated; to be enra ; to take ill; to Syn. IKAYO NI.
bristle up at. @ To shrug up (as the shoulders). IkatsugaiiiitsEcJ.-J.-ki, V- 4> -7 ftf ^ [,. a. [coll.]
A710 hUo no kata wa ikai-u, ^ -^ A ^ M -*''SS '^. Rough in manner; rude; har.sh; churlish; im-
his shoulders are shrugged up; KLmt toj-e wo petuous; ungentle.
ikaru nakare, M Z^^.f^^ ^^ 7°" should not IkatBiiBhi.-l.-kl. V'i)>-y L.i^'^, "- Fierce; auda-
take it ill; Kaj-e ol ni ikarerL, W.:K~ %^ V . he cious; gallant; manly; high-raettled; indoml
was greatly enraged. table; wiirlike.
Syn. Haratatsu, Okoru. Ihatsui fa wu shite aruku, ^'Jj'-y-i]^9-^^9
Ibnru, V\i>2, ?S^, v.i. To be put in the water ^, to strut about dressed in a warlike costume;
and kept alive (as a plant in a vase). Ikatsui hito,isl S^ W' A, a fierce looking person;
Bin ni shobu ga ikatla, M=-M^^if -^ fJ 'y ^, Ikaisui mono no iiyo, tiS -^ -^K t: -y T?- ^
the sweet flag is put alive in the vase. a rough way ol' speaking.
lUnru. ^/^i•^, jJR^S". "• [Orni£/i.] The Japan- Syn. Arai, HAGEsnii.
Ibnrusn, \r4>3i]i, ' ese hawfinch, grossbeak. Ekayo, V^4>.^5, iniVfS. <^(iv. In what way; in
Syn. Ma'mema washi. what manner soever; how.
Iknriicliitlorl. v^;b> Z%'S B],7.. [Ornft/i.] Hodg- Tkayo vi mnsfiite mo, JKHi^f^^^ ^ t^ ^ ^, how-
son's rinp;eO plover. soever T may urge; Ikayo nite mo yoroshiku,
Iknsnmn, v^4>5 5. ^ '^, firtu. [coll.] Verily;
fe]tpJj^=i7'=E!i£s^^, in whatsoever way you
truly; indeed; just as you say. Syn. Do.voYo. Lthink fit.

fkasama gomottomo, foJt^^^ft. Indeed, you IkaBiiolii, Thunder.

S.\j^i}>-c>'%, n.
are right; Ikasama sayo, fpIi^'Si^S, yea! so itis. Syn. Rai, KaminaRI, Narukami.
Syn. GB NI, Nanisaua, NAROnODO. IkaEiiiio, v^*o'0, ^j ftSfi, 7t The horny jaws ol
Ikasama. V'*>:5a, 1ft ^. a. and adv. [Tokyo coll._ a cuttle fish.
Like in appearance only; not genuine. Ike. '/^if^. A word used as an adjective affix to
Tkasavia na shina, 'f ft -y- v -J- fl, things not intensity the meaning.
genuine; a counterfeit article. Ike, VW", M. """ A pond; an artificial In ke.
IknNama u I, V» i* 3U tfC, ftp fpf !^. ^ftw- I" what Ikoarai. Vv^-a^^iN, JgiJt, 71. A method of wash-
manner; how. ing clothes without impairing the colour.
Ikasama ni omou, ip i^RI = S»"7, to be dubious Ikoaxukari, Akeeperofa
tr-H-ftt>'A»V) , %JA. n.
Syn DONOYo Ni. L^bout. pond.
Ikasei-ii, It** -^5, -^ ^f v.t. , [caus, of Ikiu] To Ikebaiia. 1;^WIJ^. 4tt,if :)E, n. The art of floral
cause to go; to let go on. arrangement (one of the polite nccomplishmenta
Ikaslii.-l,-ki, \r'ii> i., ^, :K, o.. OPoTupous; mag in Japan); also flowers so arranged.
niflcent. @ Fierce; wild; fearful. ©Excessive; Ikebl, VnWl''', n. Coals of Are kept alive by bury-
intense; stern; severe; serious; grave. ing in the ashes.
Syn. Arashi, Ikamesri, Ogosokanari, 6- Syn. UzUMEBi. rfish alive.
BHi, Taisonari, Takeshi. Ikeliune, \niri-Ml, ^1^, n. A boat for keeping
Ikaau, \ri»-i-, S5, *. v.t. OTo restore to life; to Ikcclaxuini, v^w-ft.^;^, ?tfeEB,g5, The best kind "
revive. ©To keep alive; to let live. ©To of charcoal burnt at Ichikura in Settsu, and
use or spend so as to get the greatest benefit exported from Ikeda in the same province.
from. Syn. lOHIKl'RAZUUI.
Kingyo wo ihasliite oku, Ajft-?-4£'r*^,to Ikedoi-i, u^W-iey, ^^, ,.. Catching peraoni Q


or Auimais alive; taking^ prisoner @A prison- made a great blunder; Kaze gafuku karaike
er; a captive. wai, W,tf 8(I^» ^ ^f -J- -f, asthewindblowa, T
Syn. TORiKo cannot go; it won't do on account of the wind.
Ibedorii, i/v t^ « z, &ffi, v.t. To catch alive; to Ikendnte ^/^ » ^ ;& "r, 5J ^ S, n. Giving advice
take prisoner. (much against the inclination of the receiver).
InoshiBhiwo ikedor-u, S^jfif ^ ^ffl"-. to catch Kosliaku na ikendate wo suru, 35/ "V ^ •?• ^ Jt
a wild hog alive; Teki notaisho wo ilcedoru, ^^ ii^ '^ Ji', to lecture i.nd preach; to reprove not
f\%^ '^^f^, to take the enemy's general pri- minding about one's own want of experience
Koner. or state in life.

Ilcoriifiiikcrii. V-Vrx.'^^^Z, v-<- [coH.] To play or Ihoiiffaiii.iNlii,-i,-kl, vvWAfit^ L, ^AiaRflK.

sport rudely; to romp. a. Fond of giving ndvice or admonition.
Ikegnk], ir-W-fl*^, ^fi. S. "• A hedge. Ikengamashii koto wo iu, ^ ^^ ^ Sfc -f ©^ 'E
IkcJ. XiWlr, 9 (^. " [Jftrt.] Gastrodynia. "7, to speak like one fond of giving advice.

Ikogo. i&W-VJi, KB ^, n. Rush sjindals. Ikonio, V- 1? l/r — gife, n. Living sacrlflcea; sacri-

Ikeliugl, V^ H- fcl 1^, ^ ^ij, n Skinning animals fices of things that have life; animal sacrifice.
alive. fence. Kami ni tkenle wo sonaeru, Si = 9yi ^ ^J5
-^- fl-,

Iltoi Buru, aW-V^-^^.^glSfe, v.t. To lear and rever- to otTer sacrifices to a deity; Kuni no tame ni
Ikoixnl, aw-u^yv/^, j^^P, « [iaw.] An offence mi wo ikenie ni suru, g ^^ =1 ^ ^^ ^^^ :^ fu, to
against police regnlations; contraventions. sacrlflce one's self for the sake of one's country.
Ikel-ai-snlbaiislio, fc W V* 3*V5Vtt^:£X. JBff Ikorii, V^H-Z.JS.^, u. Living; live.

^W,^\m, II'. rxaty.] Police court. Ikerii, VV^Si )S. ^^* To keep alive; to put
Ikelsnl-sokketstirel. £tJ"\r-3*V^?:-,'W"7HV. SS (plnnt) in a vase so as to keep it alive.

9|fiPi^'M, ft. [Xaw.J Cases of summary trial or Wana wo ikej-u, IE ? ^^ »-, to put a flower-
contravention q. XHatwrn.. ing plant in a vase so as to keep it alive.
Iheina, V^fr^ia, ^Stiff. « IBot^^Cvdy^chwrn. caw Ikeru, Vv W- s, ^, v.t. To bury; to cover up with
Ikoiiioi'i, V/^i-J-^i/), SS, n. A kind of food made earth; to inter.
of raw flesh of flah or fowls. Gomi wo ikeru, S7^^S/^. to bury litter In

Ikon, 'H^ k, SJfU. « Authority; power; influ- thegrou-nd; Uihachi no hi wo Ikei-u, 'K^ ^ *X
ence, rty. ^ ffl 71', to cover the Are in a brazier with ashes;
Iktn wo furu, EJS fS ^ ^ 7i to exercise authori- Sekihi xoo ikeru, H fiS ^ ffi J^. to set up a monu-
Syn. IsEi, IvKN-r. Syn, UzuMERO, Lment.
Ikon, \i^ifA., H- a, n. O Counsel; advice; admo- Ikoni, \rH-3, ^tfi v.i. [potent, oilku.] Can go.

nition; reproof. @ A diflerent view or opinion Ikoni-inono. V»H"3 4©, ^^, "• Living things;
objection. things that have life.

Mto ni iken wo sum, A=U^^ ^ B-. to re- Ikesu, \r W--^, ^K,^, n. An enclosed spot in

ITove another Tken kore naku soro, ;

^^^^^, water in are kept alive a basket sunk
which fish ;

I have no objection; Iken wo kuwaeru, ^ ^ ? Jp in the sea for holding fish a fish pond. ;

-^ H', to give one's opinion or advice; Iken wo Ikesu wo tsukuru, ^^^f^n-, to construct »
idaku, li A ^ BE ^, to have a difl'erent view. flsh-pond, or flsh-preserve.
Iken. V^ W- ^,Ea, ". One's idea, opinion, view, IketHU-koroskftsii. V^ W- -? £. ^ L ?, ?S *fi- "•'
or judgment. [tCt.] Reviving and killing; praL^ing and censur-

Iken ga aru, '^.^if T fl^, to have an opinion; ing alternately. fcooking.

Iken ivo notieru, SH, Gifts', to state one's Ike-uo. It W 5 5:. Sfil. "- ^^^^ ^^'^^ "•''*'o for

views; Iken wo shucho sum, ;S B. ?i Sfi^-W', to Ikexukiirl. v W j/ < «) , 4 ft, '* a fisli dressed
maintain one's opinion. while still a:live.

Syn. MiKOiri, Zonjitori. falive. Ikeztunl, \f^ \if ^ Tt-, fflS.'^S?. "• Live charcoal
Ibenaernra, VW ^ ft' 6, adv. While still living; covered up with aahea so as to keep it long.
Koi wo ikenagara ryori suru, JS Si ^ ^ ^^if Ikl, V^'&, ,©., S..i.. '^' The breath.
9 IPI- S
>^ fl-, to dress carp while still alive. Iki ga hazumu, S^-''^'/^*. to catch the
Ikeual, Vvi^ti:\/N, ;f^ ^, a. and v.i. \coll.'\ %^'J.it.'] breath, Iki ga kireru, Mif ^ ^ n-, to be out of
Can not go. @ Corrupted to mean can't do; breath; to die; Iki ga taei-u, ,@. ?/ffi--fl', stop-

won't do; of no use; bad. ped breathing; to die; to expire; Iki wo fuki
Ikenai kara yamieOa, '^^?-'^»'9jt-^^. kaesu, S ^ B*: * iS ^' to begin to breathe again;
icoil.] will stop it, for it is of no use; Ikenai koto to be restored to life; Ikiwofukv,.^.^ ^ if, to
l/iow out the breath; to breathe; Iki wotiiki to-
v/oshita, ^•J-'fT^s/it, [coll.] have (or has)

rv^Jt f 31 Kfl-, to draw in the breath or die; /*:( where a person or anything has gone, or a plac«
UH) kitte hashiru, .^ J- ^i 7 ^ji-, to run out of where one is going.
breath; Iki wo nomikomv, .@. ? fifcS &l>, to hold Syn. TUKIDOKORO.
the breath; Iki too swu, .@. ^ 7t »', to breathe; Ikldoinn.1'1, Xj^^^&'^y) tlitt w. The end of a road.

Iki too tsuQu, ,g, ^ SB ^. to rest (from hard Iklildi'n8kf,-l,-kl, \r&5«ta:&L, «• Appearing to
labour); Iki tomeru, J, ? it > «-> to stop the
wo be angry; looking exasperated.
breatli or cut ofT the head Ihi wo tsuku, ,§, -? ^ ; Ikiddrl, V'&^ti'U, M. ^- Anger; wrath; resent-
&, to take breath; to aigh; Alada iki ga ai-u, ment; indignation; exasperation.
V ^ ,§, J/ r ft-, is still alive; not yet dead. IkidoH wo fiiktrnm, ^9^ ^2*, to feel angry;
Iklf v^g, ^, n. Life (mostly in compounds). to be infuriated.
Jki shini, ^5^, lire and deatb; Naga iki wo Syn. iKARr, RippUKU.
surv, jidfe "? ^ /^l to live long. Kktdoi'ii, u^ & ^I'i S, tS- ^^- ^"^ *- "^o ^® angry
lUI, \{^%, ^7, n. Going (always in compounds). at; to be exasperated; to be enraged or provok-
Iki-nikui, if S -f . hard to go. ed.
lui, \i^^, ;S^, «
and temper; mind.
Spirit Syn, Haratatsu, Ikaru, Bippqku' surd.
Iki ai tozu, ^^ttlStT^. to be lilie-minded; Ikidoshl,-],-ki, \/*^)&}iit, <*• Same as Ikidavja
Iki yoyo to shite, ^^
^ ^ S' ?, being in good i- S7U. rkind of shell-fiah.

spirits; in a light-hearted or contented way. Ikiriikf^al, l;^ & i $ii'l>, ^gf, n. [Cone A.] A
Syn. KOKOROBASE, KOKOKODATE, KlSHO. Iklfukii, v^gi< ^, v.i. To breathe out.

lUI, V«&, ^, n. A boundary; limit; a region. Syn. iKiHAKn, Usobuku.

I-iki, ^feg, a strange land ; a foreign region. Iklgako* V^^ft'W, fi^#, n. [coll.] While going to;
Syn. Sakai. fofrank. while on the way.
\^i, it %, ttJE. -A- "
patent ol rank; diploma Ikigdke )d tachlyoru, fri^ — 'imfi^, to call at
Iki henjo, (iff&jgi, to resign one's rank; Iki on the way; Ikigake no dachin, ^i^> £k fi, [H(.j
wo hakudatsu svru, te BE ^ S'J ^ 7. J^, to strip of a fare or reward bel'ore going; [coll.] anything
ranlv or honour. stolen by a runawfty.
Ilif, U>5, S'iS. f" Ii7'ifw.] Apprehension; concern; Ikigfiiio. V&^?),^IIf. n- The liver taken from a
anNiety; being afraid lest some thing should living person or animal.
occur. 9111-11, v.t. To be anxious about; to Iklgirc, \/^^ari^, .6. ^.PlS, n. Being out of breath;
be afraid of. hard breathing
v^3&z> ^j^J^C-Vr-- " Brothers or
IIfl:tl-l*jo<l:ii, Ikigire ga mru, ,g. '^ }f 7. }i-, to dwathe with
born of different mothers.
pjstera dilliculty; to be short-wmded.
Iklaii. v^&%.i-, lf-&, v.i. To meet together; to Iklgomi, v^ & a ;i^, ,@. ii, 1^^, n. Being in high
come in contact witli. spirit, alacrity; vivacity; intentnoss.
Iklbaru, V^f IJ2, ,@. ^, v.i. To inhale air bo as Iklgoinoi'ii, \/^.^a'i 3, g,^, v.i. To be close and
to distend the beiiy. sufTocacing,
Iklbotuko, \/v^i"t:>^t;j-, (gtJf, n. A live /loloke or IklsoKiii, \/^ & 2r£p. .@,ji, ISE, li.i. To De high
Buddha, a name applied to a virtuous pnest. spirited; to contend eraulo.usly; to compete.
Iklliurc» v-^J-'H, ii. Beingdeflled by coming in Syn. IKISEIHARU, KlSOU.
contact M'ith something unclean. IkigiicliJ8lii,-l,-kl, vvg <- 1^ Suffocating;
L, t^,.

Iklcki, \A?*^,^]fll, The blood of a living per-

-ii. choking; close.
son or animal. Ikigiicliisa, v^^<"t3, n. The degree or state ol
Ilito no iklchi wo s«, A -^ 4 9" fS 7, to drink ]fil being close or suffocating.
blood taken from a living person, Iklchi wo Iklsucliittashi..-j,-kl. v^^ <'%yfz L, a. Suffocat
torn, i jlit ^ IP )^, to take out blood from a ing; oppressive (as the air).
living person. lkiguriiRlii,-l,-ki. \/^% i' z t,^^, a. Hard t©
Iklclilgiii, \r ^ "^ ft« y-, fi a, It. Difference or O breathe; distressing; oppressive; painl'ul.
dispiate resulting from mutual misunderstand- Ikiliakii, v^@a<. flS, v.i. To make breathing;
ing; variance. @ Passing each other in the vfay. Syn. IKIFUKU. Lto breathe.
Iklchisau. v- ^ %tf ^, ffiE. f.t. To pasB each Iklkni-I. V- & tt V) ,^. ^
?g, 71. Displaying an unyield-

Other in the way. ing spirit or temper; obstinacy; atubbornneaa;

Ikldaw»siil>-I.~kl, V^^/c-HL, IS, « Breathing competition; rivalry.
quickly In a laborious manner; diflicalt to Iki harlzuku, ^
g, 5fi 5** ^, [coll.] on account
breathe; panting; wheezing. of rivalry (not from any deep antipathy).
Ikldokoro, \t^'^-&'L^,^&, 7t. [coll.] The place Ikilki to, \/^ S \/^ 3 if, ^^. jgg, adv. Vividly;

lively; showing the look of life and freshneRfl. IklnnrI, Vr^'&'O, fxW.,^^, ctdu. Abruptly;8U(l-
Ikiiict to shita ^akana, 4^ h s^ t ft, a Uvely denly; all at once; at sliort notice; on the spur
fish. of the momenL Clkenle.

IkllKuru, \r@\ro^3, Sf, v.t. To return to life; to Iklnlo, v

@ l/2--^i ^^, n. [corrupt, of Ik€nte.]Se*
revive; to come back to senses. Iklnlugyo, v^'&V^^^.^5, ^ A^K. "- Dolls copied
Syn. IKIGAERU, VoMIGABRU. to the life; a public show in which certain
Iidji, V.S"5r, E^ilfe. "• Unyielding spirit; com- scenes Itom dramatic pieces ore represented by
peting mind; antagonism; collision; rivalry. dolls and artiflcial landsc-npes.
IJrit-it ni nam, ;l ^^ = •}- »'. to make a stand Ikl-no-nc, v^& Ott, ,g.*H. n. [lit] The root of
against; to become obstinate; Ikljiwo haru, ^ breath; vitality.
Si, ^^ 56 fl'. to set one's self against; to show Iki-no-ve wo todomeru, .i,tS f- it >«'. to stop
an unyielding temper. vital activity; to put an end to life.

Ikikaio. Vv&*>'^, i§a, n. [coll.] Coming and Ikl-Eio-o, \n&®$r, ,Q. St. « llit.]T:he cord of
going; calling upon or visiting each other. breath; tiie breath of life; lite-blood; vitality.
suru, v.i To CL,ll npon each other; to come Syn. iNOCni, Tama-no o.
and go. Iki-no-shlta ul, V^ ? © * 'te K, .@, T. «**" [i*^.]
Iklknerii, \/v^j,>^S, ^jg, jll^, V.L To return Under the breath; wlien breathing one's lant;
or come back to life to rise from the dead to
at the lust gasp; on the point of death.
Syn. iKizuTCU, Yomigaerd. Lrevive. Iklof, Vr^i^y-,^, n. ©Force; power; strength;
Iklkiiea, Vv@ < 3, ^^ 5^$, n. [Bot.] Live-for-ever, spirit. ©Influence; might; authority. ©The
Sedum erythrcstictum. state or condition (as of trade); the spirit (of tha
Syn. BENKEISo, Ohidoriso. times).
Iklkusare, \/^&<^i^, @.S, n. Having a foul or Binoikioi, iA: > ^, the power of Are; Ikt<H
offensive breath. fcolL] Go away; begone. ga (leni, ^if Hi, n^, to be braced up; to be en-
IkJkiisare, V/^ ^ < ^ Ji, v.i. [imp. oiJku.] [vul. couraged; I&foi ga kvjikcCa, ^^if^^9, the
Iklkusnshl.-l.-kl, V^&O L. ^^, a. Having a power is broken; to be dispirited; Ikioi gatsvr
Stinking or offensivo breath. yokunaru, ^1f 'M'i^i'H', the power augments;
Ikikusaki otoko, M %^, a. man having an of-
Jlmmin no ikioi, A H > ^, the power or
Syn. KuciiiKTSASHi. Lfensive breath. influence of the people; ICuni no ifcioi, g^f^,
Ikimakii, V»@a < , ,@, ^, v.i. Q To breathe with the power or might of the country ;the glory of
difficulty; to pant. ©To be greatly enraged; a nation; Utaoi to svru ikioi, ^ St ^ ) ^ W' 3^.

to fume; to infuriate. the condition or posture about to strike.

Iklmi, Vvg;^, ^ft. n. O Straining one's self (as Syn. ARiaAMA, Isbi, Keisei, Kes-i, Kbn-
at stool), @ Bearing up or enduring with pa- SHiKi. fwarmth,
tience (as pains). Ikire, V- & H, ifg, n. The heat (aa of summer);
Iklinltaiiia. V^^;^tea, ^'^m, n. The spirit or Syn. Atsusa. fsmell; to be rancid
ghost of living persons (esp. of one's parents). Iklrekiieal, \^ & *^ C 5 «, v.i. Having a musty
Sklmono, V^&40, ^^.^JK, w. Living thing; Ikli'orii, \A@K3, ^^, v.i. To be hot and close;
animate objects. to become musty or rancid.
Ikhnii, V/v^tP, ^it. O To strain one's self;
to press. @ To bear up or endure with patience kirii, 1/^^3,4, v.i. To live; to survive; to come
(as pains). Tfashionable; tasty. to life again. Ting.
IKI na, VvgtE, ^M. SSM, a. Gay; stylish; lively; Iklni, \im^3, t^^t To cut anything by shoot-

Ihi na fu luo shite iru, ggSi-?-R^^'5=#;u, Syn. ITEKIRU. Ta living persoa

to be dressed fashionably; Ikina nmsurne,
g, ^ Iklryo,, V^&«I-^5, dfeS, «• The spirit or ghost of
•J- ig, a fashionable girl a stylish daughter; Iki; Ikiryo ni toritsukareta, SI — i\ ^i ^ 9. to ^ E
na uta, ;g M; ?- P^. a lively song. be smitten by the spirit of some one living.
Iktnnsadorl, yj^^trifl'&y). n. [Orn«A.] The long- Ikjsenini-ii, V- S *V^ tt 3, ^S. v.i. To ^M^,
diver, a name applied to the widgeon. put forth onefs strength to Ms full extent; to
Ikinaffaraeru, v^g?cft»6^2, ^^,^^, v.i. To exert one'R energies; to stri.'e hard,
continue to live; to survive; to exist. gyn. IKIGOMU.
Simo yo ni ikinagaraeru, itfctt=:^^5 -^n-, IkJsek J, IP !&-«:&, t M,W:, «SE. a^v. With
to continue to exist in this world. Iklseklto, V^5*91£. J hurried breathing; pant-
Syn. ZouuKi saRU. ing.
IKI 42fi IKK
Ikl-sliliil, \r@£.^> 4,5E,n. I.ire and death; living lUiyaUn, \^&-^4», a- Fre-^h; vivid; lively; ani-
and dying. mated, rrespiration,
Iki-shiiU no arasoi, i ?£ >* ^, a matter of liie Iklxashf, v^&y.S, ® ^, ^s^, n. The breathing;.
and death; Btrugglinp; for life. Ikizashi ga hagesfiii, ^^ii" *^^ii's/4, to have
Ikl9u, \{^%ir, i$% rt. [£nt.]The name of a sea- quick breathing,
weed. Syn. Ikigomj, Ikizukai.
Iklsudama. \rl&-^7c-2, ^ S, n. Snme a.3 Ikiryo. IkiKctvaelil.-f.-kj, v^'^v-iXL, a- Having quick
Ikl9iigl, \p. 5 -^ »*, ^fjiS, w. O [lit.j Going past; breathing; panting.
advnnciug farther than intended. © Pretend- Iklziip, ij^^ip'js, ,@.tt. 71. A staff carried by chair-
ing to know more than one is really acqunintod bearers or cooties to support the chair or bur-
with heing affected or conceited.
A pre- © den when resting.
tender; a braggart; a conceited fellow. IklBiiknl, Vr&':3*4»i>, .9. SB. «. Manner of breath-
Syn. Desugi, Kiitafu, Namaiki. ing; respiration.
n<l suru, £.&-^3,iSlU, v.t. l(7/i/K.] To forget; to Ikizukd gasewnshii, i. 3? jy 1c '^5/ -f to have- ,

miss. quick breathing; to be panting; Ikizukai ga^

Syn. BOkyaku suru, Wasuberu. warui y'su, .©.ig^l* IS -f f;3 ^, seems to have dif-
Ikl Burn, ft & -^ 3, ^K. t'-C. [Chin.] To throw ficulty in breathing.

away; to reject; to abandon. Ikjsiikashl,-l.-kl. V^&c>*4> t, a. Breathing with

Ikl siiiMi, V-^ ^ Z,i(i^, v.l. [Chin.] To depend difficulty; panting; blowing; wheezing.

upon; to rely on; to commit one's self to the Syn. IKITAWASHI.

disposal of another. Ikixiiniu. vv 5t3'tr, ff S3, v.i. To stop short In-

Ikltaoi-ii, V&'te— 3, .^.a.JS^u-*- To expire; to speaking; to stammer.

give up the ghost. Syn. YUKITSDMARU.
Syn. KoTOKiRicRU. rsucceed. Bkixiiinn, Vr?:3'tr, I'-t. To breathe hard; to pant.
Ikltatsii. \f^ &te-^,1f jii. v.i. To go on well; to Ikkii, V'"jii>, JS H ". and adv. How many days^

Syn. Ydkitatso. what day of the month.

Ikita-\vaslit.-*,-k1,\A5:teliL, ^jfi, «• Breathing Ikka made machimasu ka, j^H Vt'^t':^^,
quickly; panting; wheezing. [coK.l until what day of tlie month shall w&

Ikltoslii-iltcru-inoiio, V> ^ if ^ V> W" S I C «• wait; Ikkaidshiageruka, B.B —ii:±. yn^fj, on

Every thing which has life; all living creatures. what day of the month can you finish it f Ikka
IkUuiisi, V»?-7?!', .§. S2. n. Resting so as to main- ni s!m])pan svtu, B.B =.^1^1::^^', what day d»
tain breathing; breathing time; recess. you set sail?
IkltsiikU V^^-^?. Taking breath; rest-
f^,&. '" Ikka, \ryi>, ~^i. ". One load (for a man).
ing from work; recess, retsTSShment. Ikka no mizu, —j^ ^ yi<, one load of water;
Ikitsukl niippai, i(;i3. = — #. a cup of winr Tk\a no nimotsu, — i^ -^ i^ ^, one load of goods.
in the interval of rest; IJcitsuki iio tabako, (^.0. Ikka, \^ -.J *>, 1 — iS, n. A singular numeral for
'^^'^t smoking to refresh one's self. Ikko, V^ 'J Z., ' various things.
Ikltsiiku, v^-^^, ^T^, v.L [coll.- dTo over- Ikka. \/^y*^ — ^, 7t. One house or family; the
take; to come up with; to arrive at. @ To be whole family.
ruined in fortune. © To expire. Ikka wo nasv, — S? ^ fiS :^, to form a family;
Shukuba e ikiisuku, JgJ^-^ffl^ ^, to arrive Ikka wo osamerif, — S?^ i^> *, to govern a
at the post-station; Karada ga ikitsuku yoda, faiuily.

f^^ =fT ?r ^ R^ ^. *o
1'^®^ ^^ i' about to expire; to Bkka, V^-y*>, — 5i?. »!. A single shelf.
feel entirely exliausted. Ikkado. V- / *»5?, — 5i?, atlv. Special; particular;
Ikliiino, \r&5fe, ^®,
Buryin- alive.
n. remarkable; of no little value or ability.
IklutRiislil. V^^5-^A. 413. " Copying to the Ikkadn honeoru, — St ^ tJf '^ to take particular -

life; an exact portrait; a fac-simile. pains; Ikkadn no iiataraki, — S^-^ffi|#, a deed

Ikl-ivakarc, V/Ng*)4>H, ^U, n. Parting never of no little value or merit; Ikkado nn jimbutsu,
to meet again. — K A its, a remarkable man Ikkawj no shim-
'-' ;

Iklwaknrorii. \r- '^ in i- h. Z 4 «ij, v.i. To part ,

po ga mieru, — ^
> ;1^ i^ ?;" ^ ^ a-, to nhow pro-
forever. gress of no small degree.
Iklwakarii, V^l&*ii'S, 4BiJ, v.i. Same a^ above. Syn. BETSt'DAN NI, HITOKTWA.
Iklwntani, \/^%ijfzZ. v.i. O To extend to; to Ikkal, V'V*>V^, — ^, '". A singular numeral tor
pervade. @ To be able, competent, or circum- persons. r(as of Iiouses).
spect Ikkal, \r-;4>\r, — ES n. A Bincle stair ; one story
Ikkat. V"y*>V*, — ?F, n. A small particle; an atom. Ikkl» Vs-;@, — Sfl, /t. A particular length oftime;
Ikknjo, \PT»i>T!5, — ®fiS. " ^ single article (as one term.
of a document); one Item. Ikkl, \/^-^^, — ?5, Tt. A single horseman.
IkknkeJI, Vv *>W"&, JTClHJlh, ji. [coll.] Same as Ikkl nl, V^l»&^(^ S. — atju. At one breath; at a

tkalcejU rthus op. time; all at once.

Ikknkiihnsl, \a-7j)>< H ST. t». [/c/'£/t.] Monacari- Ikkl nl, V^"^&K, ailv. At once; nil at a time; di-

Syn. TENOUHAGI. rectly; presently; immediately.

Ikkakii 8»iru,v*-^:i><-^S, — ®,i;.i. Tofrighten; Syn. iMANoaiA Nr, Jtki ki, Tabachi ni.

to menace; to astonJRh; to terrify. Ikkl-to-scn, V^-? gfe 5 tt^, — K',^T^, « Able

Ikkambnrl, \^y*>^^i^O, — ra3R, n. Thick paste- alone to face a thousand horsemen (in fighting);

board painted with figures and lacquered very courageous. fbat.

(named after its inventor Saaaya Ikkan). Ikkl-iichl, \f^'j^^%, ~??/^, n. A single com-
Ikk»n, v^y*>^, — (^, n. One letter or epistle. Ikko, V'-'t, —6. "n. One person, a single indivi-
IkknnnJ, \r-/ii*V^, — ^ft, "• One family the dual; one's self,

whole family. Ikko no shozon, —3 -^Bi^-, one's own opinion.

Syn. XCIIIZOKTT, KAJIAUU. Ikko, v^vA'5i —
f^. ^i'- Wholly; entirely; alto-
[kkaslio, \r^-yi3>Zi., — ®^(, "• One place. gether. Mostly an an affix to verbs to intensify
Ikke. \fv\ff, — ^, n. One house or family. their meaning.
TJcke wago, ~^fa^, the whole family being /tfco frifc^masen, — i^ pg 4-7 ir >', have never
Syn. DozoKU. Lin harmony. heard of it Ikko mimuki wo sezu, — fSi ^ |n] ^ -t

(kkel, \j^'ji^\r, — 5S. w- One family line. ^, not even turning round to look at; Ilko
Bansei tkket, ® Ht — 5^, a line or dynasty
shirl maseti, —
[5] 'iSiV "''fev. I am (or be is) not

at all acquainted with; don't know anything

lasting for ten thousand ages; the Imperial line
about It,
unbroken for thousands of ages.
Ikken, V/^yW^, — ^. n. One look; a glance.
TAKtT, SAPFARr. Tvellei's).
Iklcen shit-, shirt w&es/ii, — as/rftH^'^s',
can be known hy a glance; rkken none, ~- ^ ^ Ikko, V'-^*>5, — iff. " One company (as of tra-
Syn. KuMi, Nakama.
±, after one casual glance after reading once ;

Ikko, Vv"yt, — @l, — IH, 7*. A singular numeral
for things or persons.
fkken, V* -y W" ^, —ft, w- An affair; acase; the
matter which is engaging attention.
Ikkojln, — IH A, Jm individual; Tsutsuml ikko.

Kanotkken loa ikaga nariTnashito., ffil-^— ft t2 — tS> o"^ package.

Ikkoko, \/v'yt.5*>5. — n ^. " The name of con-
» to ^ "? V '^ ^ if, [coll.] what has become of

that matter? fectionery made by baking dough stuffed with

Ikkenyn. V^";WA/*f, —ITS, BS^, "• A solitary brown sugar.
house; a lone cottage, Ikkokii, ^'j'Li, —Si], n. O One hour of the old
Syn. Hanareya, Hitotsuta. style, which corresponds to two hours of the

Ikkctsii siini, V/^vW•r? -jf-S, — 9t, v.t. and I. To present day. @A short time; an instant.

come to a decision; to make a resolution; to IKkoku atal sen kin, — fi] ifi =f-^, one hour ia
resolve; to decide upon. worth a thousand pieces of gold Ikkoku sen shit ;

Shvgt ikketsu svrv, SJ BS — ^t; a-, they arrived noomolaj-i,~~^\=f-^>'E7 V, to feel as though
at a decision. one hour was a tliousand autumns (so slow is the
Ikketsu siirii, V^-yH-7-^3, — ^, v.L To come to time for those who wait under certain circum-
a conclusion; to be finished or concluded. stances); Ikkoku mo sumtyaka nl, — gij^ jg =;, as

Ikkl, Vfv^i— S£. " A revolt; insurrection; mob. quickly as possible; not delaying even an hour;
Ikki wo — J5 ^ p ^, to raise a riot; Ik-
okosu, Ikkoku wo arasou, — ^^ to race against |ij "7,

Id wo shfzumu, — ^ ^ iS to pacify an insur- time.

fwhole state.

rection; Hyakushn Ikkl, Sii — S5, a rising of Ikkoku, 9 C < — S, n. One country; the \i^ ,

farmers agrarian riot.

Ikkoku wo ryosu, — ^^7., to govern a 19

Syn. TOTo. province; to have dominion over the whole

Ikkl, V^ -v ?, —
W, '"- A singularity; a strange country.
matter; anything singular. Ikkoku-inouo, l/^ -y C < 6 ®, ". One who li

Ikki to iU beshl, —^
h ^'^•y, must be regard- Btiff-necked, headstrong, or inexorable; a stick-

Tdecade. ler; an opionist; alanatic. ftainment.

ed as strange.
Ikkl, W* » S, —1^, 11" A period of ten years; Ikkon, ^^yC^, — i^. "- A cup of wine; an enter

IKK -128 IKO

l.tkdsliu, V"y*>5^W)5. |a]^. J^- A sub-sect of — Intend to"'go ; also I think it will get along or
the JOdo Uenornination of Buddhlam, originated succeed.
by a priest named Shinran, Ilio, \^*'5,SS, n. An uncommon scent; a re-
Syn. Shinsuu, Montoshu. markable frngrance.
Ikki), \f>-j < — ®, w- One's own body; one's
self; Tko fvkutku tari, SJ^gSWa^ V. emitting an
one person. extraordinary fragrance.
lifliii, \/^-»<, — -fej, n. A phrase; a word. Iko, V'tJ, ^, v.l. To rest; to take breath.
Ikku no ne mo idczu, — -^ > 1= -^ HJ 7*, nnable Iko, \/^*>5, ado. [Provinc] Greatly; very; exceed-
to utter even a word. ingly.
lUKwn, \j^"j < t), n. and adv. A short time; a mo- Iko osewa ni narimashlta, -i fj i?fflHft|ffi=t-J-
ment; a While; for the time being; temporarily. V ^ s^ ^. [ooll.]a.m greatly indebted to you
Ikkwa ft^ shinogl, ^ -y ^ V -^ ^¥, temporary IkTi yol shina dewa nal, -^ -Ji V ^A fiT-'-"*-?- •*.
endurance; getting aloug for the time being. icoU.} not a very good article.
Ikhwn, \/' -y < ij, — ^, r). Harmony; concord; Syn. Hanahada, Hidoku, Kitsuku.
accord; agreement. suru, v.l. To be Iko, ib4>5, '^%, n. A writing or manuscript left
harraonloua; to agreo by a deceafed person.
Ikkwa, v--^ <!b. —fR. '' An auxiliary numeral IU6, V^4>5, VX\^> ^f^"^- Since that time forward;
for seals, stamps, or precious stones, etc. henceforth; since.
Ikk^vai, \ny<t)\r; — 13. adv. and a. One time; Iko, \r*>$.^^. « A sUnd for hanging garment!
once. on a clothes rack.

Syn. HiTOTABi. riump. Syn. Tka, Mizokake.

Ikkwai, M^-i) < tjV", —i^. n. A single mass or Iko, ib *> ? fit 5!li 7^- A remarkable deed a glori-
, ;

IkUwalki, Vj'<!bV>&, " ,S. " The Orst an- ous achievement great exploits. ;

niversary ot the death of a person. Tko wo &OSU, S SI ^ ^ 7., to perform a meri-

Syn. ISSHUKI. rsingle Are. torious deed.
Ikkyo, v^ ? 1, —jig, n. One conflagration; a
-^ Ikojf. V-f^, " [coll.] Obstinacy; stubbornnegs

lUUyo, V\-^&i.5,— ^. " An amusement; diver- headstrongness tenaciousness. ;

eion; recreation; jollification; a frolic; a plea-s-

Ikoji na oloko, 'f =» ^ -? S, an obstinate man;
Always in singular. Ikojt wo iu, -f 3^" ^ ^r "7,to speak in an obsti-
aot time.
Ikkyo 100 TTwyo sv, — p-^fffiTJ.to serve as an nate way.
amusement; 5ore mo mala iteAy(5, y u-^3);— P, Ikokii, V»C.<, 5J^. " Barbarous countries.
[coll.] that will also be a .source of pleasure. Ikokii. \r t C, -1^ 19, ft. A strange country; &

Toza no tkkyo, ^' ^-^ — P, a frolic or diversion foreign state,

for the time being.

Syn. GwAiKOKU.'
Ikkyo, V-'v^ 1, — i^, " One effort; a single blow; IkokiibarJ, Vd^tf'C, -^ S ?5. " Theactorart
one charge. of washing and fulling old garments so as to ap-

Tkkyo ryozen no snkn, —S^M^-^'^' apian pear like new ones.

or policy to accomplish two ends with a single Ikokujiu, Vn i. < ^' ^, S A, ^ /t. A foreigner;

effort ; killing two birds with one stone Tkkyo ;

people of a different country.
shite shiro wo nvky, ~3^~/ 7 W.^ Wi ^, to take
Ikokiisen. \r'L<^A'f S S iS. »*• A foreign ship.
a castle by one effort ; Tkkyo shite taigun wo ya- Iltoinu, VttPi S+ji. "o.t. To shoot into.
burn, ~!^^7 :KM'y-^ )i', to defeut a great Ikoinii, vttc fiS^, I'.t. To cast in amould.
army with only one charge Tkkyoshu ittosokv, ; Ikon, a C. ^, Stfi, ti. Resentment; animosity;
— ^^ — ^St, a single movement of the hund enmity; hatred malice ill-will. ; ;

or foot only one effort Kuni no anki wa kono

; ; Ikon ni omov, iS -(a — 7, to bear malice. S
ikkyo ni ari, m -^^^ --itt —^ =r V , the safety Ikoroaii, \j^'L^if, 9^^, v.t. To kill by shooting
or danger of the country depends upon this with a bow.
single issue. Ekotsii, &C-9, ilt ^, fi. The bones of a deceased
Ikkyo sum, vs-»? it2. IS ffi. ^'-t-
[Ghtn.]To live person; the remains of the dead.
in retirement ; to lead a secluded life. Tkotsu wo homuru, iJt ^ ^ JE a n-, to bury the
Ikkyo* v\ -y § l* 5, — i^. 'i- First class(a3 In remains.
schools) ; first grade. © One grade (as of rank). Ikoii, \/>4.^, ,@,, i^, v.i. To rest.
lltS. V^i>5, vA. [/ufure tense of litu.] Will or shall Ri no tr.oto ni ikou, 7^^T~$l,y. to real
go will get on or succeed.
under a tree.
IkoCoomou, fiV h S 7, I think of soing ; I Syn. Kydsoku st'Rn, Yasdmd.
^ ;


Iko-^vnslilmii, \/»ta^tr, ^^, v.t. [cmis. of imiJliiaslil,-J,-kl, \r C tr-& L, a. [coll.] Devoid of
/fcou-l To cause to rest. courage ; spiritless cowardly; weak-hearted

Ilcu, v» < , ffi To so; to proceed to-

i"-*- [coll.] O milk-livered ; smock-faced; good for nothing.
ward. @ To wn,lk. ffl To be married to. O To Ikiijliiaslil, V^ < •^ tn U n. A coward ; dastard ;

dte; to perish. © To pass years; to giow up. (0 wliite liver; an alarmist; a good-for-nothing
To be done or perl'ormed. Syn. yowAMUSHi. Lperfion
Syn. Maieu, Yuku. fber of times. Ikiik»» V^ < *'. ) iS H , adv. How many days ? sov-
tku, V^< iM, a. How many; many; a certain num-
Ikkn, J eral days.
ITcutosc mo svQite, H "e ^^ t-, after several Thvka mo tachite, fit ^ *^t, afler several
years have passed; Tkiitsxi, SSIH. how many? days have passed.
Ilcutsumo aru, 0flfl ^ t ii-, there aro several; 1 llciikiisiivl, v^< <-i|-l!), n. Life prolonging modi-
have many; Tkutari, MA, bow many persons? ciue elixir of life.

Syn. Nam. Ikiiii, Z. C A, il: &ll|, n. Instructions or will left by

Kkiiba, V* < tf . " -A- ninrk for shooting at with a
a dying person.
Syn. Mato. Lbow; a target. Ikuu, £ Great merit; a brilliant
< ^, t^glj, n.
IkuUal siipii, \r^<}i£V^irZ, !SW, v.t. To sell. exploit ; a glorious achievement.
Ikubnliii, V^< \£ <, t^^^- How many? how
jttlt-, TKun wo sosii, ^W)^ ^^' to achieve a great
longV With a neg. aflix it means; not long; in
Syn. lAiKa, Ldeed
a sbo'i-t time.
Ikiira, V/^ < 6, iS tf, adv. How much; however
Tkubaku mo naTcu, jS! s? ^? ^. «fter no great
much. With the aiHx mo it may mean a great
time; in a little while.
Syn. DOREHODO, IKUBA, Nanihodo. Ikura yatte mite mo, IS.^"^ v ^ M.7- ^, [coll.]
Iktibi, fi < CA', ffi^i n. Being short Dftcked, or a however much I may try it Kono ncdan toa ;

neck which cannot be easily turned round, as ikura desu ka, ^M^-'^B.^ ^ y- fJ. [coll.] what
that of a pig. froom. is the price of this? Sonna mono lua ikurnmo
Tkucbi, \r < %, ^^, n. [Bot.] A kind of rau.sh- aru, y ^/^^ ^ :f^J^^=€!T n-, there ;ire a great
Ikudo, Vp <», ® S, adr. How many times? a cer- many of such things.
tain number of times. rtimes. Syn. Nanihodo, Ikubaku.
Ikudo mo mita, S! fg ^ ^ ^, have seen it many Ikiirl, \/^< ^, M^, n. [Bot.] Prunvs jaiwnica.
Ihu-cloou, \^<^$3ff^, j5? R \pi^, n. [ii(.lDif- Syn. NIWAM03IO.
Ik^-doou, \^t.5^5J?^^ ferent moutlis, pame J IKurii, \;^< 3, ^, v.i. Same as /fcjru.

voice; uttering the same idea with different Ikiirii, \r< S, f^.S.fiH, ^'t- OTo put a plf.nt in
voices; unanimit3^ a flower vase (ro a s to keep it alive). @ To bury
Iku-doonni sansei su, I?. I^^ =s 5? fiS ^. t" or cover up. To plant (as a tree). ©
second or applaud unanimously; Jku-cloonni //ana wo ikxiQ-u, ^Z^ i^ 'i*. to insert a plant in
utau, ^n s-
V, to sing in chorus.
Ri 3*; a flower vaseCaPaccording to the rules of the art
Ikiienlino, U^<^l/zl5, iS ffi. Oflu. I" manifold; of ikebana) ; GomikiUa wo iknrv, Eg 5r ^ S fl', to
over and over; very earnestly. bury litter ; Jvhokxi. wo ikuru, ^ if:.
^ n^ , to
Ikve nivw gokamben wo negai masxi, ® ffi =^ plant trees.
ffll fi)]ISl| ? Ei "7 7., \coU.] I earnestly beg your Ikiisa, \/^<5, El Bip> «. War; an army.
Syn. IJiTASURA. Lpni'don. Ilcusa 100 idaau, gi5 f- {li :^, to fit out an army ;

IkuKiiimif V^ < <rtf, v.i. To be indignant at; to be Iku&a wo kaesii, B$ ^ 5fl t;, to witlidraw troop.s
angry; to be exasperated. Ikusa wo hikiyurv, Bi5^^=^fl'. to lead an
Syn. Fdkumu fseveral days. army ; Tkusa wo mesv, ^ S ?., to muster a n ^
Ikniil, W^ < W, iS Bi "• How many days? many or army ;
summon troops Tkusa wo okosv, g!p ?
to ;

Ikuhjsnahlkii. v^ < V''^ L< , JKAfiiC, arfu- For a jEh 7., to cause a war Ikusa wo yameni, 5g ^ ih ;

long time to come; through endless ages; fl-, to suspend arms to withdraw troops Thusa ; ;

eternally; forever. no legara, %

^ jJi, military merit or service;
Ikuhisasliiku gnhiiki wo onegai mosu, jRAs^ exploits. rTsnwAiioNO.
I beg for your ever- Syn. GUNZEI, Kasskn, Sknso, TATAKA[,
^iWjf&^?'ffll^43 7-, [coll.}

lasting favour. Ikiisabn, W^C^tf, W^, n. The field of battle;

Kkiijl, \r<'?r, 4Jlb,
^iJ, n. Spirit; courage; in- Syn. Senjo, Lfighting ground.
domitable temper or will. Ikiisabnta, V\ < 5 tf ft, ^0E. "• A military or
Ikujlin, V^<£•«b^, W S ^. n- An institution foi naval flag ; a banner ; an ensign ; the colours.
rearing up poor orphans; an orphan asylum. Syn. GUNKL
Ikusaltlto, V < 5 C^ i?, S A, 71- A warrior; sol- Ikwan, h<t)A., SIS. ". [Anat.] The stomach.
Syn, iKL^SANiN, TsDWAMONO. Ldiers. Syn. InfKi-RO.
Ikusaboshl. i/v < ^IJ;£, ^g_, n. The "Great- Ik^vaii, V^ < i5 ^, ^S, 7t. Robes and coionets;
Bear" worshipped as the god of war. full dress ; court dresa. fdresa.

Ikusabiijic, \r- < -^ J«*a, S®,:^®, )•. Man-of- Tkwanwo tada su, jCcS^jE^. 1^^ ^^ in full

war a war
; vessel. Ik^vau, Z> < JoA,, a.'Sf n. Rank and olfice.
IKusadaclil, v^ < •3'T&%, ^iE, tf, G*. « Going out Ikwan, Since then; ever
v^ < *5^,Jy.S. adu.
CD a wai'like expedition, since ; from that time forward.
IKusagniiil. Xf < -^t^Tf; ^$ii, '<• God of war. See Syn. IRAI, KONOEATA.
Syn. GUKJiN. ilhusabosht Ikwo, a n. Majesty; influence;
< i^ 5, Si "it,

Ikusagiiriiina. Vr ^ 3 <' 3 3, ^-M, «• A war pomp; power; glory; dignity,

chariot. Ikwo mu hito, ^itTn^ A.a person of dignity;
Ikiisuiiaraslil. v^ < ^ ^ t L, 5g©l, ^i. Military IJcwo wo shimesu, Sl^-^'?' S :^. to display influ-
drill review of troops parade.
; Syn. JsKi. Lence or dignity.
Syn. ClIoREN, SOKEN. Ikyakii Vv'^^ < ^3,
eiirii, S[l, v.i. To be terri- ©
Ikusaulii, \fi ^.t/iA, ^A, «, Saraa aa Ikusabito. fied or alarmed to be afraid to stand in awe.
; ;

Ikusa-tiiiiziiiiil, V^ < a.-?pV>, S§?. »' Drums lUyakii &'&>?< ^Z, ia^P. I'-t- To lorget;
used in war, to lose Right of; to discharge from memory.
Ikusa-iita, V/N< 2-5'te, ^ gj;, n. Martial air. Ikj o, \f i/f Ji-,^^, "- A different or foreign re-
Syn. GuNKA. ligion; heterodoxy; heresy.
Ik use, V* < -1*:, JS! iSB, ". and a. Many cliannels; cor- Syn. Itan, Jashu.
rupted to mean many, liow many, or several. Ikj 6, \/^ g-^5 , !S fS). w- Inclination ; temperament;
IkuBhi. \r- < L,M=F,ri. [Bot.] Stawitonia hrxa- disposition; will.
l!!iiso. V* < ti "" Several tens ; very many many ; ky«, V\&-^5, ^.tS, n Same as l-ikl.
decades; how many. Ikyo, V^?-^5, -^-M. " -A- str.mge place; a fureigo
IKV.SO no hlto, A ^ V ^ K, many persons ; regiou,
tens of pei'Rons; J}:,\iSQ no haru, -f iJ' >* -'
^, Ik^tt. V'&i.,?:?/^, n. Removal of one's residence
many springs, siii'ii, V.I. To remove.
Iknsobakii. Vv< ;£:(J C, «.. Same as /fc((/^art-((. Syn, YadogaE suuo. Tsong
IKutiiri, V Cfe V), i$ A, adc. Huw many persons? Kkyokti, v- & J: < E^ ltd. 'I- A ,
foreign music or
several persons. flkyoliii. <b?i.<, ^ ill], n. and adv. I'arLicularfl,
Jkutarl 7)10 kita, B.A^^ii, there came sev- details, mmutely, in detail.
eral persons; Jflina deiktitari Oesuha, [coll.] ^ Ikyoku nvsUiafjcrii, ^[^ilii/J-, {polity.} to
T Ar :^ ^. how many persons in all ';
make representations in detail.
Ikiitoac, V* < £ ^, ^^-, n. and a. Many years ;
Syn, KiTwAauiKU, tsijbusa ni.
how many years. Inia, V^B,'^, adv. and a. Q Now, at present. S
Syn. IKUSEN. rdividuais. Present, modern. Soon; presently, immedi- ©
IkutHii. \r^ < -7, SilH., a. How many? many in- ately, gj Once more, a little more.
Syn. IKUKA, Nambo. Iwa ynrt, ^a V , from tliis time, lienceforth;
Ikiijo, U^< 1, BSIH:, 74. and a. tlow many agca f alter tliis; ttian at present, Tma jibiiii, ^DJiB',
many generations. now, nbuut tins hour, Ima mu miikaslU nio, ^-^
Jkuvo ikutose, Pi^^ip-, a. great many ages, If £/-t, at present as well as in ancient times;
how many generations? Imanoyo, -^^itt, tl>e pre-»ent age or genera-
4kioo, V- < J;> ^TK. n. and adv. Many nights; tion, Ima dekiru, -^HiJtJji-, will be presently
how many nights ? Has above. made, will be soon finished; Ima hitotsu, ^ y, —
|ku)OsarJ, \j^< i.'^V, i(K ^ S- n. and adv. Sane one more; Ivia ichi itichi, g a day longer; ^— ,

JUwa, V^<*7, I^^E, n. [Hot.] MagnoUa kobiis. Ivia ichido mitai, ^ — ig.H,^W, wisli to se«
lUwii-dnlgaliu, VN<i9?C'\rft*<, ^^f;^^, n. The once more ,
Ima kaerii, •#'Ei*-i will soon return;
College of MediciDG In tlie Imperial University. Iinasukf'S/ii, ^'J^i/. a little more.
ikwai, V^<i5\^, ^^, n. Medic.il society. Syn. Ottsike. Ma, M6, Sara ni.
Ibwajt, V^<Ih^, S'b', n. Doctors 01- physicians Iiini, &5, /2fUI, '*. A sitting room.
in tlie Government service. liii:i.Liltu, Xr^tSl^, 71. A new a^quamcance.
Iktvaii, & < *3 ^, ^ ff, n. [^?iae.J Alimentary Smarlil-iio-tsiiki. SiS "^ © :? ^, g ^ ^, „, Tl
cau.il, oesophagus, 'vjjuu as seen on tlie 17th ol tlie mouth (o.f.).
biiailn. Vv^^fe.^, adv. Yet; IinainokaBhl,-],-k],
still; as yet. \o 2 »*> U 4-81. »• Mod-
ImaAa ileJctnu, ^ ^ m JR 3? , not yet finished or ern In stylo; of present fashion.
completed iviada katsute arazu,
S" ? ^^ ^ pC, Syn. IMATO, T5SBIFF.
there has never been yet; Imada kltarazu, ^ if Imamokaaii, \;^Ui6-b>^, v.t. Caus. form of below.
iSS 5 ^, does not come yet. Imameku, v^fc < v.i. , To look lashionable; to
Imada ni, va?&Vr, jfc, JJ^, adv. The colloquial be modern in style.
form ol' above. Iraauilclif, \i--%^%, ^^, n. The pre pent michi
Imada tii shlrmu, ^it ^.^u^, still un- or mile of 36 cho in length (in distinction to the
kuuwu, not yet found out. old mile consisting of 6 cTio). See Ri.
Syn. Imada, Mada. Ima nl, Vn^Vz, ^, adv. Q Now; still; as yet. S
Imadn&lil, V^S^^L, ^, adv. Notyet. fmake. Presently; immediately; in a sliort time.
Iinadokl, v^ E "S &, Sr $^, « Things of modern iTJtani fcima5«nw, -^ =
v^jf, [cjli.] does not5jj
litiaduKI, \/\ia^&, ^Sf, QiXv. Present time; the come yet; Imantzenkwai shimasu daro, A-= ^
present age. K ^' "7 ^ # 7 tf, [coll.] will recover presently.
Iinadoki sonna koto gaTtiono fca, ^ ffj y v aru luia-no-ina nl, V* 3 CO 3 K, -^Bg, adv. During
^ T fi**^n7* J^ such a thing can never
[coll.] this time; at this instant; just now.
be found in the present age Ima^ki no hito ni ; l7na-no ma ni doko e ka mienaku natta, -^^ ffl
niauianu koto wo iu, ^-Hf-^A^ift'^srSJ^s = 'ftrS'^*.R.-^9-^-?'v*t, Juat now it has dis-
"7, to say things that are unbecoming the peo- appeared somewhere.
ple of the present age. Imal•lt9uchi,\/^)i«)•5*t,^!egM±, n. O Potter's
Syn. ToSEi. earth; China clay; kaolin. Lime. @
linadoyaEti, V-Sl^-S'l^, 4-pJ3. n. An earthen- Imarlyakl, v^^ u) .^1&, ^^!&^,n. A kind of
ware made at Imado, T5ky5. enamelled porcelain manufactured in the prov-
Iiiiae, \r 2 ^, Sitrnf. "* The posture in shooting ince of ITizen and exported largely from Imarl
with a bow. in the same province.
Iiuagnta, v^ a ?j*fei 4"^. o-du. [coll.] Just now; Iinnsakaiiioclil, V^ 1£ ^5 *> 16 "t, 4- :W Sf, «- Rice
a moment ago only ;
a short time before. cake made in oval form and with an (fQ). filled

Siniigaivayahl, \/^afi*ia^&, -^JIIIIS, «• A kind Iiaasiira, v^2 3 &, -^li, adv. After so long a O
of cake made by baking, on a heated copper delay; now for the second time. With a neg. @
pan, wlieat dough stuffed with an (fS), the name it meaaa no longer or no more.

being derived fiom Imagawabashi, TDkyo, Imasara kokvjal shite oru, -^ E ^ ^ ^ t" S' »»
where it was oriijinaUy made. Ptime. [coll.] now he is sorry, or repents, (after so
iiaueoi'o> V-Ea^. -^t^, CLdv. About this iiour or longatime); Iinasara zhikataganal, <?'lltt>5
Asunoimagoro, ^ B ^-^Ig, about this time W"+ -f [call.] there is no longer any help; Tma-

to-morrow; KinZ no imagcvt^o, ]i^ Q ^ 4* tg, sara sonna koto wa ienal, -^E V "^^ -y T'*'*a''^
about this hour yesterday. ^4, 'coU.\ it is now too late to say such a
Syn. IMAJIBUN. Tinaslij, \r^'% L, Sir, pron. You, ye. Lthing.
Imaliiia, VliV^E, adv. [colL] Just now; only O IinasliJf v^ia L, '^. adv. Now; just now.
a moment ago. @ At once; presently; immedi- Iiiiasliieata, V* 2 ;£ ft' ft, ^"S, adv. A moment
ately; soon. ago; just now.
Imaima kita hakari, -^ <? JK ^ 31 V . have come Imashigata kaetta, 4^i/ff^^y9, came back
just now; Tmaivia. to nam. 4. *r b + ;i', to be a moment ago.
Syn. JiKi NI. Lat the point of death. Syn. Senroku, Tadaima.
Iiaa-lmaBlil,-l,-l<J, V^ 5 V^ E L, S -S. it. ©Un- ImaNhliue. v^a:£l6, Jffi, S, «• O Caution; warn-
lucky; unpleasant; disagreeable; disgusting. @ ing; counsel; instruction. @ Admonition re- ;

Hateful ; abominable ; detestable ; shocking ;

proof; correction; punishment. ©Confinement;
confounded. bonds.
wo shita, S-Ss^-^S ^S'^,
rina-iinasliti koiu K5go no imashime, IS] 1^ .^ Jffi, warning toe the
have done a disagreeable thing; Ima-iTnashii future; Imashime no nawa wo tokv, Jffi ^ ^ ^ g|
me ni atta, g ,g 5/ 'f > — iS -y *t, have met with ir, to untie the cord with which a criminal is

shoelcing treatment; Ima-imashii yntsuda, ,g; bound.

Ss^-^ IR^i [coll.] an abominable fellow. Iiiiasliiuieru. VTa:£,ft3. JK, "-*• O To caution,
Syn. FUKITSUNA, Haratatashi, Itana. warn, or counsel. @
To punish, correct, chaa-
ImamalrJ, \r>'%'^^^,^^, fi. A new comer tise,or reprove; to prohibit; to forbid. ©To
Syn. Shinzan. U^aid of a servant). bind with a cord Cas a crimlnalX


Kodomo wo imashimeru, ^^^jEj'M'. to in- Iinbnko. VA tt t, ?, 51. A case or box for
struct a child BO as to lead it to the way of seals.
virtue; Hij'j wo imashimu , 1^'^?^ ^ i», to Tvarn Imbau. ^/^^tdf^, EP^J, u. A seal; a stamp.
against accidents, Syn. liANKfi, INGYO.
ImaslilmiiB^ V^^tl-^, ^^, n. , Boiled barley. IintinnsliE, \p^fcJr^ L, EP^Jgif, n. Maker of seals;
Iiuaslilmiirii, Xf'S.i.is^Z,^, v.t. The more classi- block- cutter.
cal form of ImashimeriL Tinbanya, \/^ A (j ^J^, fp fij g, fp e, n. O Same
Sono Jcotoni Imashlmu bcki wa iro ni ari, ^. 5* as above. © Seller of ready made seals.
= Jffii''^=V-*^fe — S y. what one has to be Iiubcyakl, lAtr-^-^-^, n. A kind of dark brown
specially on one's guard against is the indulg- earthen ware (more commonly called Bizenyaki)
ence of carnal lust. Tat present. firstmanufactured at Imbe in the province of
Imasbiwa, V^'S.ZiX, •%-, acti'. Now; at this time; Bizen; thisname lias recently been applied to
Imasokari, v^^^i.ii), v.i. [hono. cxiiression.^To glazed ware of tea brown colour spotted with
be; to be present (said of high personages). yellow.
Imasii, V-S"^. tE, v.i. Same as above. Inibi, ^/^^u:, Sfg(, a. and n. Secret; hidden ; ab-
Imaeii, ibU-^. S, v.i. [polite, coll.] To be; to live. struse; obscure; difficult of comprehension;
le ni ^ ~ J^ '^ 7', am, is, or are
imasu, at secrecy ; obscurity. fcret.
home; Ano Tcata wa iHtagatte imasu, t -^ :;? >^ Imhi wo ahalcv, rSS('?'3f ^, to disclose a se-
^ ^^ ^ 7= ^ V 7., he is desirous to go.
-; Imbo, VM3:i>,i§^, n. A secret plot or intrigue;
Syn. Oru. conspiracy; machination: cabal.
Ima-siilcoslil* Vf^ 'i -jl' C L, ^ii'"', ct^u- A little Imbo 7-oken sii, l^sK-SS^iz, the secret plan
more; a little longer. nas been discovered ImbTi wo kuwadateru, |g gj,

Ima-suicoslii ^iji-sz&iz/ ^,
hoshtl, [coll.] I ^ 4fe 7 )^, to plot or conspire secretly.
want a little more; Ima-suTiOShl ma.tr , ^'pp'^ Iinbon. v- ^l^:^, J^JG, n. Adultery. sum,
5", wait a little longer. I v.i. To commit adultery.
Syn. JIosoTTO, M5suK0Sin, Mutto. Imbotsu V ^l3:
siivii, ? -^ 2, 31rS, v.i. To be
Imaiva, V> U H. 4" iSt ''• Just at the instant; a buried and disappear (as ruins) to fall into

critical moment. ruins; crumble to pieces; to sink into

Imawanokiwani, -fv^\ ^ |^ -, at the point oblivion. rbody; the secrets.
Imawa no toki, ^^ .^S^, the time
of (his) death ; Imbu. V^ ^ J*, f^SH. w- The private part of the
of death; Imawa to naru made, 4-ig b Uf^ i&, Imbii-lcciieadai, V^^i<W'^^;t-V^, 1^ SH i§ S SE, ti.
until the last hour arrives. [died.] A stand for examining tlie private parts
Syn. RiKJU. on. ruamo; prestige.
IinH'«vaglii,-l,-l£l, v^2:H L, SS©. a. Disagree- Iiiiei, ft,S6V^, SK^i " Fame; renown; a glorioun
able ;
disgusting; unlucky; provoking, abomin- Imi-l xvo kaigwal ni kagayakasv, gg^f-^Ci
able ; detestable. ^l^tj -7., to make one's glorious name shine
Iniayo, v^^j^S, 4*!^. «. O The present fashion ;
modern style. © Cont. lorm of Imayo-uta. Iniet, £,i6v^, iS^, n. The will or command left

Imayo no hito, -^^ xA, a (ashionable person; by a dying person. sum, v.i. To leave
Imayono sugaia, '^^ .^ ^, the prevailing style orders; to give instructions or commands on
of dress; fashionable costume. dying.
Inmyorl, \f^^ l.^, ^ ^, cidv. From this time, Iinci suru, £i6V/N-^2, ifi^.nt. To disobey orders,
hereafter; henceforth. ffor the future. to act contrary to instructions.
Imayoriioo, ^-t'I^H^, from this time forward Iiiiftl sum, £i6V^-^S, ^^, r.i. and ;. To gi\e
Imayo-iita. ^
V ^ 5 5 ft:, 4-R; !it "- A song order.s; to entrust, to command or instruct.
prevailing at a certain epoch. Iml, V^;^, SG^i 71. Meaning; sense; signification;
Imba, V/^^^J. ISffi. n. \Zoo[.\ An iron-gray horse. purport.
Syn. Kasugecma. Imi oa wakarann, '^.!^ifM^y, the moan-
Imtoal, v^^JV^, 1^ ?f, n. niicit trade; clandestine mg is unintelligible; tlie S6n=;e is not clear; Tnii
aale; smuggling. shlncho, |!;Efc^g, the meaning is deep and pro-
Int'bal, V^ W. ^- Secret prostitution
tf \r, j^ ,
unlicenced harlots; a strumpet Syn. KOKORO, KOKOROMOCHI, WaKEGARA.
Imbaljo, V^ AU V/^ %- i, SS*, " A harlot; uil, \f.7)., 0, u. Abstinence irom certain articles
prostitute, street walker; an unfortunate fe- of food and uncleanliness during a fixed period;
male. religious purification.

Iml, \f^ A. i^ /£• O Aversion, difllike. @ Tbe colonists. sum, v.t. To emigrate; to co-
mourning on the death of a relative. lonize.

Imi ga aJcu, l^iff^ 9, the period of mourning Imlna, \r7f-fi, IS, S. n. Q The name which a man
expires; Imi ga Jcakaru, jB:J/^»j»-, to be in receives at tbe age ol fifteen; one's roal name.
mourning; Imi no tLChi nl, ,S x H' =» wliUe in ® A posthumous name.
mourning. Syn. Nanori, OKnRiNA.
Imlal, V^;^ioVi TS.^^i '*• ^^B meaning; sense; Imlnclil, V' A- ^ "^f i^ E ^, n. Tlie place whithw
signification. people are allowed tn emigrate; a colony.
Imiat ga waTcaranu, ffiHe-^V^^x, the Imirigusa, V^ IJ) <• 5, gf fp J^, «. [^ot.] Stone-
meaning is not understood. crop.
Syn. Wake A I. Iinltake, V^;^'feW', Sfr. n. A bamboo erected on
Imlako* V^/>-3&W*, ;S ^, n. The end of a mourning. a fete day.
Syn. EiMEi. Imlya, v^S^, Sfg. ?i. A building where a per-
Imllil, \r^Vf, 0i^, ". Sacred fire, or fire special- son purifies himself before perfoiTiiingrellginus
ly kindled for some sacred use. services. , fprosent.
Imlbl, V/^;^Of, SB I
"• Days of mourning. Imnin, v^^^, ^, adv. tcoZ;.]Now; jusL now; at
Imlbiakii, v;^X , SHE, " The period of mourn- Imtna kaetta, -^ V7 B? -y iK, have .just re-

ing. Originally the two characters imi and turned; Immanom^e; -^^wU a- moment ago;
Jniku had meanings, the former signi-
different just now.
mourning and the
fying the principal period of Iinmel sum, v^Aftv^-J-^, ^ ^, v.i. To lose one's

latter the whole time during which one puts life; to perish; to die; to fall.

on mourning, which was of longer duration Ininiltsii, V^-fTi-'^, ^^. u- Hidden; concealed;
Syn. KiBUKu, MoFUKU. Lthan imi. secret; obscure; not easily apprehended; clan-

Imirliignl, V^^%iiit>, :S!^jS. " Being different destine.

in meaning; misconstruction. Iinmou, V ^ <& ^, ^RB. « Friendly correspon-

Imlgakiirl, \^^b^i> V), BS^. S^. Being so " dence. siiru, v.i. To make a friendly call

related with the dead as to make one put on

upon; to write a friendly letter.
Syn. OtozuRE.
mourning; a blood relation,
ImJcataki, l/^^^ft^te'S, JSSt. SSiSJE. " An abomi- Imnion, \^^?l^, PSPI, n. [Jtffeti.] The vulva.
nable foe; a hateful enemy.
Syn. Gyokumon.
ImlffOinen» \^;^afc^, Si^fg, n. Beinp excused linuiotsn, V•^ ft-^, WiTS. K^^, n. A present; gift.

from mourning in order to attend to official Tvvmoisu vjo dkuru, # i^ ^ tl@ ;^, to send or
give presents.
iinS, Z>a5, ^^. n. The spines of a hedgehog.
Imlhnbaharu* Vv;^EIlf*>3. ]S.W,v.t. To be dif-

fident at; to keep one's distance; to give way itohatsu iirib po gotoslii, ^ ig JS ^ -^ ip s/, tha
hair standing like the spines of a hedgehog (as
there when greatly enraged).
ImihaiaJcaru koto nashi, JB 1? M' i -J- s',

is nothing to be diffident at
Imo, Vr 6 ?, T?. «. [Bot.] O Tare
plant. @ Potato.
bn]jlJ,-kl,-Blil, v^;^C\r. a. Excellent; extraor- Inio, v^6, SiH. '"' Pock marks.
dinary; uncommon; serious; very; exceedingly;
formidable. Imo-an, v^4 %^, ^g[3, ii. ^w (gg) made of crushed
potatoes mixed with sugar.
Imfjiki goto, 4 = SS- ^ 3S IS, a most formidable
robber; Imljtki okurim^no, -f = SS-^Bi^, an IinobataKe, v^ 15 {# fe W, S®, ^O, ". Potato-
fields; a taro patch.
excellent present.
Syn. Hanahadashi, Sdguretaru. Iinodako, ir'i^ZL, ?S3, n. Food prepared b^
Jmlklrau, V^S-tfe-t. I'-t* To regard with cooking slices of cuttle-fish mixed with taro
aversion; to abhor; to shun.
Imlkotoba, V^;^t)f Idf, B^> '"' A word or phrase
Iniodengalcu, v^'&•^^ft''<, B?S, " Taro root* ^
that is not to be uttered before the Kami or on stuck on a small bamboostick, covered with
mizo, and baked over the fire.
certain ceremonial occasions as being unclean
or unlucky.
Imognl, \/vi6Jj*i>, ¥
M, «. [Conch.} Cu»w« sp.
Imlmono, V^».6©, Efl^, « Anything abstained ImoUalio-rtofu, v^ft4>H•^5-i•. M^a.M, "• A
from. kind of soup containing tofu (,?iachiliatdQ/u) and
Syn. KiMMOTSU, Tachimono. cpvered with grated pulp o£ yamaimo.
Imln, &^, '*• Emigration; an emigrant; Syn. YamakakrdOfu.
Iiiiogno, XpKiij'ia,J^SflS, '(• Pock marked face. Iiuoto, V- 4 If , 1

, n. Younger sister.
Syn. Abatazura. Jakkozura. Iiiidto, V/^ ft 5 5f ,

In»offara, \a ftft*&, ^jE

$^, n. The stems of the taro Iniotobun, v-45^>A, ^^. n. A step sister.
or potato plant. Iinotomiiko, V 4 ^ %st ^ (S. "• Husband of a ,

Syn. Zl'iki. younger sister.

Imogarl, V % ft' V) , ftt S. '' The place where a Iinoxake, V^ 3" tt, W?§, n. Sake mixed with

beloved woman residea; ttie i-esidenoe oi a mis- grated yamalTno.

treea. Iini>ol 8urii, V^A'-CV^-^Z, l^iffi, v.t. To cover up
Tmogari yuku, (^|^ 3. ^, to call upon a belov- (as a fault); to conceal; to hide.
ed woman. Iiiipi, l/'^r^", [^ gS, n. Speaking ill of an absen)
Iniosasn, V^^ftf^., gfg, n. Small pox. friend; evil talk; calumny ; slander; detraction.
Syn. Hoso, Mamegasa, MogaSA. Syn, KAGEsosniRi.
linogUBlilrn, Vpftij^L?., ?^, " The mam root Impd, ^/^^B'$, i^ J([. w. Lewdness; lasciviousness;
of the taro plant. profligacy; debauchery.

ImoKayn. vftft't*, -^^mjR, " Rice gruel con- Syn. HOSHIIMAMA, MiDARINARU.
taining slices of Rweet potatoes. Impon, V^ ^ iif ^, EO^P. 't- -* printed book (in
Imoji. V^fi t, n. Same as Imonoshi. r^i- distinction to shahon, a manuscript).
linojl, V^ 4 tr, ^, " The more polite form of Ima- Syn, Hampon.
Iiiiojiru. \r 4 ;£,-3, SjEft, «. A soup conlaioinG; liiipon, v^^[^^, i$33f, n. and a. Licentiousness;
taro roots. lewd ; lascivious; immoral; loose.
Imojlrii. V«6£3, BH-. w. See Tornrojiru. Impon, ^)^ff^, l^:^, n. A dramatic sketch for
IinomuRBii, \/^ 4 ip L. ^S- " [Enbmi.\A Urge the use of play actors.
green caterpillar. Iinpii, fS^, Ti. An adulterous woman; a
\f^ A. ^:,

Imon, V^ft^l ^Si, 'I- More properly pronounced INRANONNA.

Syn. Ltewd woman.
emoir, which see. Impii, v^J;, .gj*^, n. and a. Wealth; riches;
Inioii. fi 4 ^. S ItH. ''^ A friendly enquiry after Infti, v^^3•, 'wealthy; opulent,
another'H health. aum, v.t. To enquire Ii?ipii, v^A^, 1
Ep 1^, n. A book containing fac-
alter the health of; Lo condole with. Infii. v^^-l-, ' similes of the seals of artists, au-
Syn. Naovsamu, tomorau. thors, and other famous personages.
Imono. \/^ft®, SS^. »• Articles made by casting liiipn, v^.i! 5, i^ ^. 't- Lewd manners; immorai
in moulds; a casting. customs or practices.
Inio-iio-l<o, \/^'6®^., ^^, K- The rootstocksol fiifpii wo kyosei sunt, j^ ^ ^ S IE 71 ji-, to cor-
sato-imo. rect immoral customs.
Iiuo-uo-KiiKl, i/^?.0<5, ^"^, "- The stems o( Iiiipuliii Biirii, V^-l^<-^^3, ^ik, I'-f- To lie con-
sato-imo. cealed; to lie hid.
linoDoslil. \j^1i(Dl, SS !f^ EiS> fS X. '" A caster oi mil. Vfv tr, S, S. f'-i- C5 To have an aversion for;
metal wares; a founder. to dislike. (Q To shun to avoid. © To abstain
; '

liiioppori, \r6-v[^i!). n. \vul. coll.] One who digs Irom; to be superstitious about.
potatoes; clodhopper, grounding, bumpkin, or Fiikltsu wo ill koto ivo imn, ^"f ^ b75^JB
bog-trotter, (in derision). A. lo dislike or avoid talking about unlucky
Imo}ynori yaro, -f ^ 'v ^ V g?SI3, [vid.] llit.] a things; Kegare wo imu, (S^Si*. to Fhun
potato digger ; a man ol straw a nobody.
; unclean things (us during religious purification).
Imorl, 5b4VJ, KS tt?. »• [ZouL] A kind of sala- Nawoinui, ^^^A, to avoid adopting part of
mander another'sname for one's own (eap. of high
newt. ^^^ personages).
Imosc* \A Syn. Uabakaru, Kirau, Sasaru,
ft*. ^ Iiiiiilie-uo-80tlo, vtrW-©^-?, S^fSj Ii6, n. A name
LR» BE) given to the left sleeve of armour.
Husbaqd and vJfe, Iiiiiihyoku. \/^tf&J:<,ffS5S. "• The Medical
Imose no chiglri, ^"^ ^^, the relation ot Bureau.
husband and wife. Iinni-a, itj-ti, g :^, n. The principal village (in
Inioshi, v^4 L, n. Same as /jHO^ara. distinction to ^emura, or land belonging to a
tmushiiijo, V^4i^*i., JS tgJH. "n- Tarorootsor village but lying attached to another villaae
the roots oi yamalmo, grated, beaten with tbfu, of a different name).
aod steamed. '

EiniiHlilro, fc?r£;s, gfl ffi, n. A rush matting.



I1119-O, v;^-^5, ^^,iS^, n. a different or an- Kajin wa Inagara Ttielsho wo sMru, [ft A -^ *
other name; a nickname. 9^ ^^ JlJ It', [Pr&o.] poets are acquainted wlLh
Syn. Adana. (jelebrated places without travelling.
In, v^^. i^. "
The passive or female principle of Iiine:!, Vf tc ST. ©S. "• Chief controller of rlco
natUTO according to Chinese philosopliers (in i^auaries.
opposition to yo, the active or male principle). Inago, vx tt a, (IS, rt. [Entom. A kind of Insect
Bee In-yc. that - infests
In. ^J^, SI, n. O A rhyming word or syllable. @ ricefields, Lo-

One of the two hundred and seven (later one cnsta sp.
hundred and six) divisions into which all the Iiiasnltl. \/^ ^ <•

Chinese characters are classified according to @, n. Rice

similarities of sounds, tor the purpose of ver- stubble.
sifl cation. luagura, v^tt^
In wofumu, g§ ^ A, to rhyme. ^ 6. 7k m, n.

In, U^^, E|I, n. A stamp; a seal. Stacks of rice straw.

In wo kizamu, EP ^ ^ij A, to engrave a seal ;
wo osu, i\iJ-^7., to fix a seal. Inagusa, vtC<' ^, Rice plant, or the rice with
In, V^A, EP, n. A mode of incantation perl'orraed the straw attached.

by folding the hands in different ways, chiefly, lual, V*^\a, \>X fti ct(?u Toward the inside; inside

used by the priests of the Shingon denomina- of; within notmore or farther than.

Buddhism or by ymtiabushi.
tion of Sanri inai, SfflElft. within, or not more
In, T, ii. O The chief of the ancienb
judicial than, three miles; ToJca inai, + J5L ft, within
department (Xianjotai). ©The chief magistrate. ten days.
Keicho no in, ^ ^fe -^ ^, [Chln.l the chief Itt-ai, V\^^5Vv, I^ gj, a. [Chin.] Dim; dark; cloudy;
magistrate of a town. ["Pronunciation. obscure; gloomy (said of weather).

iu, ^^^, W. f^- Sound, noise; tone; note. @

O EnaJJmu, i&ttJ&tp, ^^M, '"•i- To be accustomed
In, Z)^, n.
E^, &A
palace; residence (esp. of a to a place; to be used to live in
monas- Syn. INABERU.
retired Emperor); a Buddbist temple or
tery. @ An affix to the title of an Emperor who Knaka, Z)tc4>, ffl ^, n. Rural region (in distinc
tion to city or town); country.
has abdicated his throne; lieuce a retired Em-
peror, ©
A term meaning house and affixed to Inaka sodachl, ffl # W. brought up in the

the names of several public institutions or of-

country; Inaka zmnai, H'^'SJS. living in the
fices, such as Taishin-in K-wai-keiJcensa'in ;
country; country residence; Inaka jimita otoko,

DaigaTcu-in mvyo-in; etc

An aflix to the Q IB "S SS = !?( ^, a- rustic or boorish man.

Buddhist or posthumous name of persons of

Syn. Densha. Twoman.
the higher classes.
Inalca-baba, atc4>UtJ, # (JF, n. A rustic old
Inalcablrii, ^-Jtij^V^Z, v.i. Corrupt, form of
Jn, V^^, S. »' Shadow; stiade; shelter.
Inakaiburu, which see.
Syn, KagH.
In, " O The preface to a book,© Draw- Inakabu, \^f2.i>^, ^i^, n. Rice stubble.
Vf ^, §lt
ing, attraction, leading, or guidance (always in Inakabiirii, V'^4>>5. £9^31, v.i. To be rustic

composition). in style to be countrified to be rude, unrefined,

; ;

ma, v^^, ISi)i4. 'i- [/c/iCA.lThe grey mullet,

Mugil or homely in appearance.
Syn. Navoshi. le^halottis. Inakafn, Zjtr4>i5, EB-^M. "• Country style;

Iiiu, V'U, ^, oAv. Nay, no. rustic manners. frustic; clown.

Byn. IlE, ItA. luakajJJl, a^*>"%-"^, MS. '>^- Rustic old man
Inn, V^tf, ^, Rice (always in composition).
w. Inakajlruko. \A'i2:*>^'3 1, ffl^it^, ** A kind
Inaba, vtctf, fSH, n. Leaves of rice plants. of food made of red beans and sugar boiled with

Inabikari, \r-?jiUf4>i9, ®^, n. Sheet lightning. hot water and containing small pieces of rics
INAZUMA. fplants. cake. The beans are not crushed as in ordinary
The heads or ears of rice sJiiruJm.
luabo, V^ &. I^, fS ^. w-

Iiiabiine, V^ ^O^il, fB^fr, " A ship loaded with Inakajiisbn, 2.^*>^'W)X ^, *t^^. " ^ coun-

tribute rice a rice boat,

try school master; a mediocre pedagogue.
Inndn, v^ i!t ft-, Sg O 1, n. \_Ichth.^ Sertola quin- Inakakotoba, j&'5*>t^K, ffl-^f3, JSaSt "•

queradiata. Tdown. Rustic dialecli; vulgar expression; vulgarism;

Inaffarn, v^^fj* 6, ^, B S^, «(*"• Wliile sitting Syn. HiifAKOTOBA. LprovjncI-iUsiD.


Inakamn, Zi^i>*E, ffi^RB, n. A linear measure Inarlmarhl, V* ij B 2 S, |0 J5 ^, /*. Same zs
of 6 shaku in length (io distinction to kyoma below.
which consists of 63 or 65 shaku). InarfmatHiirl, V^ ^ ») ^ -^ '5, ffi ^ ^, 7t. The
Innknmanjn, Z> ^ *> 3 A X- 5, ffl#KP§. ^ " festivnl of Inari, celebrated on the horse-day
kind of round cake made of buckwheat flour of the 2d mo. (.o.s.).

mixed with the grated root of vamaiiriQ, and Innrjiiioile, \;^t^^!) 2 5t;, f@i^ IS, « Visiting the
steamed. shrine of Inari.
Inakamekii, 2>15:*>>6 <, v.i. To be rustic in InarlziiHlii. \^ ti. v)
^ I, IgJ^RI, n. Fried tofu
appearance; to be countrified. stuffed with boiled rice (so called because ftied
Syn. INAKABURU. tofu is a favorite food of the fox wliich is popu-
Innkainono, ft-^*>4©, ffl^^, EQ'^fi?. ^'i^> '^ larly believed to be the servant of Inari).
A countryman; a rustic. Inasn, VtE?, ;3ii^Pl, n. A south eas*, wind.
Ininka-no-tsiikl, £ Q:4> 0-7 ?, ^ 4' :fl. '«• The Inase, v>-^^, n. iTokyo coll.] Gallantry, bravery;
moon as seen on the night of the 20th of the manliness; generosity.
lunar month. Tnase na narl, A ^ t ^ ^, manly costume. ffl,

Innkabito, £,"S4>EKi?, H ^ A, «. A countryman; Inase, v^^-^, ^ %., adv. Yes or no. rtume.
a rural person a rustic.;
InnsofQ, \Atf-ti5> ?J- Manly air; gallant cos-
Inaknsnke, ibtj:4>?*W', #|S. n. An inferior kind lu-astia, V/^^%:£^, ^'^^^n. One who is deaf
ot sake with grounds not sepaoated. and dumb ; a mute.
fnakoki, V/\tEC:l&, J@^. n. Ahatchel for separat- Syn. OSHi, OSHI.
ing the grains from the stock. InnRii, V-"^^, S. »'*• [cans, of Inn.'] To cause to
In-akii, ^/^^ af, (, ^3S, 71. Evil done in secret; go away; to permit to leave; to dismiss.
secret mischief. Syn. iNASniMU, Ou. Price.
Inamlboshi. X/^nT^U^ L, ^*S. « The constel-
Inatabn, vtffza. ^
m. «• A bundle or sheaf of
lation Aq.uiHa; the herd boy. Inatsubu. vv^-7i-, ^gifel, '" Rice grain.
Inamu, V-tc^, B?, v.t. To deny, refuse, or decline. Inatsiiltn, i^-^-:?4», ^%, n. A sheaf of rice.

Kataku i'namv, g ^ ^ i. , to deny firmly. Syn. INATAEA.

Syn. Jl srRF, .IlTAI StJRU, KOTOWABU. Inatsiirii1>i. \y^^•7^t,^^ f@ S. '" Lightning.
Inamura, V^tftP&, ?S^. " Stacks of rice straw. Syn. INAZUMA.
Inaiuiialii. V^'tttP L. fSSl. '' [-^"(om.] A locust. laayn, V"^-^, '^> ct^"- O No sooner than; a.s soon

iDannkii, V>tf^-< , 5ffii,

v.l. To neigh. as. © Wliether or not.
Syn. IBOTU. Kare kore wo kiku ya inaya, 5: ^ M -V S t, iffi

Inanomo, V/>tE®!6, ;S 15. '*• Dawn ;

daybreak. no sooner than he heard of it; whether or not
Syn. AKATSUKI, SHINONOWE. he will barken to it; Vaku ya inaya, ff -y S +,
Inao. A -^y i[,n. \Almi,] Alpilemade of shavings as soon as he (or I) went. fH.

of wood. Inazimin, \pti::>"3:, 19^, ^. " Ssune ks Inatsvru-

Inaoru, 2.^12 3,^13. To change one's
v.i. lunziiinngata, V\tj:p*a*>ft,^J te/ilK, r.. The shape
posture in sitting; to suddenly sit upright. of a thunderbolt.
Syn. SUWARINAORU. InaKumi, v^tCP*;^, ^ iH, n. Same as /natswfca
liiaosedorJ, v^ tc Sff ** <{) , S ft ^. n. [Ornith.'] Iiiclil, \rA.%, Silk, " \Su(l(l.]TUe state of Bud
Syn. Sekirei. L^he wagtail. dhist deities before their deification.
Innrnliii, Vtce.^', i^^J, ^'*- To sit in a row. IncliU -fvf-, n. [Eng.jlmh.
litareru, S,-PrH3, ffigil- ^'-f- To be accustomed to Inclil, V^^^^, EP?&, ". A case in which stamping

a place; to be used to live in. ink is kept.

Syn. TNAJIMD, SDMINARERC. Inchl. h A.%. gSSfc, " Elegance tastefulness ;

Inarerii, v^ tc *t 3 5!^. v.i. [polite, coll.] To go

symmetry of form; gracefulness.
away; to leave off. Always in the third person. Kono shnftt, iva incJii ga am, ilt*,^-^^St^
Syn i^NARBRD, SARIYUKU, SAB0, Yuki- T ft-, this style of penmanship is graceful.
SARU. Inclkiketati, \p ^ -^ W-7, l^illjK, n. lSot.]Botrv
Inareru, v^tcH^, sSi*- v.i. To be lelt behind. chlum.
Inarl. V^^"?, fSiS. " God of nee. worshipped on Syn, Hanawarabi, Inuwasabi.
the horse-day of the and mo. io.s.). Inchin, \y^^'^^, S^. n. {Bot.^ Artemisia.
lani-ikakai'ii, \/^ ^ »)*>*• i, ^ !i!J, v.t. To be Incliinko, v^t
A*>5,S^ ffl, n. [BoL] Arte-

enraged or exasperated; to grumble at. misia caiMlaris.

Syn. lEARIKAKABU. Syn. Tnuyomooi.
, ' —


fDchl sum, \r A.%ir Z, ^]W, u-t. To arrest; to
apprehend ; to take into custody. Impii, V^A,Jj,
^ Kf, n. Hades; purgatory ; heU.

Kelsatsusho e inchi sum, ^^ S '^ 51 Si ^ 'I'l Infii, V^Ai, flft'Sf, n. and a. Sameasimpu.
to take to a police office. InfU, V-A-t, EP^, n. Same as 7mp«.
Syn.KoiN SURU, Tsuretuktt. Ingaku. aA,fj*< ,^^,'"- The science of rhyming;
iDchii, ^l^'tW)5, Rg^j, /t. Within the palace (of versification.
a retired Emperor). InKemmnmc, \/^^ll:^^a», ^% n. [Bot.] Com-
Incliu, V^^ii5, fplfl, n. The handle of a ^eal. mon kidney-beans, Phaseoltis vulgaris.
Indal, \rLfi'\r', fPU-, n. A stand for a seal. Ingeii, V'/JfPA,. ^S, K. Cont form o: the above.
Indarl, v»^?&'-!), 5| jg, n. Swapping; barter ; ex- lugcii, V>AW^/., I^s", n. Secret criticism or cen-
change. Rure; calumny; slander; libel.
laden, ^ ^/s'v, 0^, it. [corrupt, of iniltaJ] A Ingoiilia, Vv ^W^^11, HtciK. a- A fiubsect of
kind of soft leat]ier imported from India from Buddhism by a priest of the name
originated of
which the name is derived. Ingen OshS.
Indougiitva, \/v^"C^fl'*Kt, n. Same as ahove. Iiigen-na, ZJ^W!^tE, "H"^. "• [Bnt.] Cabbage.
Rndo, ^p^:^5, gms, n. [^wrfd.! lif.] Guidance a ; Inglu, V^ ^ 1^ ^, ^iS, a. O Polite ; courteous;
funeral ceremony performed by a priest to guide civil; humble. ©Earnest; kind. fonO.
the Soul of the dead to the other world. Syn. Nengoro, nemogoro, teinei, Tbi-
Ina'6 wo loatasu, 5!^^iffi:x, to perfom the Ingln Hi, \A^1^^V^, MM^ adv. Politely; courte-
Ine. \rW, ^. «. Rice plant. L^bove ceremony. ously; earnestly, etc.
Ine wo koku, ?9 ? -JS ^. to thrash rice (as by ingin ni atsatsu suru, ^^o x.^^ :^ n^, to
drawing it through iron teeth). bow down politely; to welcome or salute court-
fnobjitniie, S/^tl'dft^, ?Sll£. " Rice field. eously; Kyaku wo ingin ni motenasit, ^^-^'^
In-el, V/^^A,\^, l^se, n. Shade; shadow. = ^iS ^. to entertain a guest courteously.
Inekake, vilA'tt, ?SSt'. 't- A rice rack. Syn. Nencoro ni, Nrmogoro ni, TSinbi
InoKnnevu, V^iii-fi.5, SS IS, tJ.(. To find it hard NT, TEICHO NI.
to sleep lagit, A
a, H35, 1.
\/^ Disguised or secret O
laeUitneto. V^n*>*l"t, SE !iS. o^i"- Being unable language; a cant term; a slang expression. @
to sleep ;
hard to sleep, A puzzle; a riddle; an enigma. ©A private
iDekarl, \p *! 4> "0, fgXtl, * S, ". Cutting or mark used by merchants; trade-slans-
harvesting rice, Tngo nlte shiraseru, ^g — 5r iu 7 -fe n-, to in-
Inekokt, \/via£.&, Wi^> "• Same a.R Inakoki. dicate by a private mark; to let known by a
Ineiniivl, sntP Id,SRR, ^M. " Sleep while Syn. Ang5. Ljargon.
sitting; dozing; drowsy. Ingo, V^Aai, E ^, a. Olnli^i^a-n; unmerciful;
Inemurt wo suru, S
fK ^ 7« »', to sit dozing. cruel; hnrd-hearted. @ Same as In-en. See
Ill-en, v^A,^^, iE3^S.a. 0[fiwM.] Aniillinity or also In (Ca) and go (^).
iuucia, V/^^i^^, relation, hetween men or be-
) Ingd na koto wo iu, E |i^ ? 31 ^ £ 7, to talk
tween men and lower animals in a previouR unmercifully; Ingo na oyaji, K Sl ?- g^, a hard-
Btate of existence. @ Cause; origin; secret liearted old man.
connection; lot Ingu, V^^<', ^V R.. ". Drinking utensils, such as
Nani tant innen claro, i^J it ji' ^ !f^ if y V glasses, cups, wine-pots, etc.
[coll.] wliat can be the cause of all this? I7i- Ingiva, Vv^<'i9, 0^-, n. [BuM.] Comp. of in, the
nen gafitkai, ^ l^if ^ -i , to have a deep rela- cause, and kwa, the fruit or effect. Used in
tion in a previous state of existence. such expressions as the following:
Ineu, ^E.*a^, it;s;, n. A legacy; bequest Ingwad?iT}, E^I-lS^. an action in the previ-
lueru, V*fi3, U, v.i. To sleep. ous existence and its retribution in the present
Syn. INURU, NbEU. life;Nan no ingwa &t konna ni kuro suru daro,
lae-iiekiba, V-JlS'^tf, fTTJ^ttl. «• Tlie place ^ -31 ? 3 v-?- = S ^ 7- '^^ 7 9, [call.] what

or yard where rice is thrashed; a thrashing have I done in my previous existence to lead
Eround. TBeetle oftlie family ^iaieririae, such a wretched life t
Inetsiikjiniislil,x^itX'P %it t, f^^, n. [Entom.] lugwaj, Z>^^i^\^, ^H, n. Extra member, or a
Sy n. KoMKTSCKiMuani. person who is not counted as a member of, bnt
Enfu* v^^J-, 1^^, «. A kind of written charm
1 wh» has the privilege of attending a meeting,
Impii, v^^'I:• often pasted at tlie entrance of
' assembly, or institution. fstudent,
houses to ward off thieves, insects, etc. Ingwai-sei, ^ ^f ^. a special or preparatory
Inryd. V^^^^5, EPJ^, ti. A seal; a stamp. Injun kosoku, 554t.&. slow and diUtory;
Syn. Han, Imban, Jitsuin. unprogressire and temporizing.
*n»yo, V^^»ri, fP^,. vt- r/c/i(/i.] The suckiDg- - — suru.
v.t. To procrastinate; to delay.
fish, ft species of EclUneis. NOMBEN-KURARI.
Syn. KOBAN-ITADAKI. Inka. \aAA>, ep ^, :t ""T, ". Fixing one's seal in
In-J, \^^^>, Hii. "- [Bitdrt-lRameaa/ncW. evidence of approval; sanction; approval.
la-J, V^Aib, PS iS, «. Impotence. eiiru, vU. To approve and seal; to consent to ;

l-nlD, iJ» l/c ^, ^ff, ". Trust; charge; custody. Syn. Menkyo suru. L^o grant.
sum, r.t. To entrust; to give in charge, lulinlrti, V'Ai><, S);5?, n. One fond of wine; a
to Commit to the care of, wine-bibber; a drunlcard.
tnlnjS. ^lV^^X'-^5, ^ ffi K, " A letter of Inlinn, v^A*>A, EJ]^, n. Q A standard impression
authorization. of a legal seal kept for the purpose of reference

InlslaJ, I/nvi^, ^, a. Past; gone; preceding. and identification, @ A stamped ticket used as
a passport.
Inishi viukasht, ^ S^, past ages.
Inlefaio, v^|fc£—. :fe, « Past ages; ancient times; Inlianclio, \p A*> A*^ j?» 5. EJ] @ ifl. n. A book
antiquity. containing specimens of legal seals, kept for
purposes of reference and identification.
Inishie yori ima nl itaru viaOe, ti ^ V ^ ~^,
jt V T, from antiquity up to the pr-esent time, luhcn , \^ A.I& A,, [^Ba. ci- Subtle; crafty; cunning,
Inishie tuo kangau, ti'^^'7, to reflect upon Inken.na hiin, ^Rft+A. a subtle person.
the past ages; Inishie no hlto, fi" > A, ancients, Syn. WARrGASHlKOKI.
Syn. MuKASHi. Inkon siti'ii,\p^V^^-^^, 51 S., v.t. To introduce
In-Jtau, V'^\/^-7, ^.i^, n. Retirement; seclusion, or lead in and see (as a visitor).
estrangement from the world, Inlii, -i-y^. ^'ft, n. [Eng.] Ink.
In-Usii. \/^^V'-P, i^^. Debauchery; sensuali-
Inlil, \/^ A &, i^ Sl, «. O Dark; murky; cloudy;
ty; profligacy; licentiousness; dissipation. obscure; gloomy, © Sombre; dismal; melan-
Injn, ^A^X,•-^, !^#, n. A person who has retired choly; dolelul; forlorn; hypochondriacal.
from society and lives in solitude; a hermit; a lyikl na hasho, ^%,-i-^ff\, a dismal place;

recluse; an anchoret. Inklnahito, |^|l.-?-A, a gloomy person; Inki

iBjl, ^;^^Er, Sip, 11. A liidden affair; a secret, na tenki, ^ ,^ -J- 3^ Is,. ^ cloudy or gloomy
Injt wo abakv, ^'^i-%^, to disclose a se weather; Inki ni natit, 1^ ^ = -J- ji-, tb becom'
Syn. HiMiTSir, Naisuogoto. Lcret. gloomy or melancholy.
Injl, V^^:£', H3 w, n, A seal (especially ol the Em- Inkin, v^A9;A, ^, n. A kind EJJ of gold brocade.
peror). InhlnrtnmushI, VNA^A^tr L, ) n. [Med.] An in-
InjS, ^^^:&, Sl=?. « Khymiog words or sylUbles Snhlutniniislii. \/^^^^fetpL^' fectlous disease
in Chinese poetry of the testicles.
InjI, V^A-A*. i^ffif. " Obscene words or tnlk. Inko, ^/^^i>5, cQgT;, n. The windpipe.
IdJI. VA&. »! \conL a^ Inishi.] Fast; preceding; Syn. NODOBUE
gone. Inhe, i/'Aj&>5, f^''-^. ''^- Sobbing; coughing caused
Inji, V^Atr, Ep Jft, n- [con(. of /s/(i and Fc/ti. ] Cont. by something getting into the throat.
form of Injluchl. suru, r.i. To sob, or to cough inconsequence
InJItOHlil, V^^^;lf L, a^, n. and adv. Past years; of something getting into the throat.
preceding ages. Syn. MUSEKAERU.
Iiijl-uclii, \/^A,%-^%, EPiibfl. n. Fighting by Inko. V* ^ *> 5, vS ff, n. Lewd or lascivious con-
throwing stone.^ at each other. duct; immoral behaviour.
Iiij6,'\/sA;£'i5, Eift, n. [ilfat/i.] Multiplying; mul- Inko. \J^^^L, SpUT, ". [Oi-nith.] A parrot.
tiplication. Syn. Omit.
iDju. ii^Z'Vi, ^jai', " The head or superior of Inko, v-A:6>5, ^^^, n. [£nlom.] A eentipede.
a monastery; prior; abbot. Syn. GEJUr.
Inju, v^ A :& W), Ep £!, n. [C/an.] An official seal luko, \/^^4.$, flSfe, n. The throat.
(esp. of ministers of state and other higher of- Inkonochi, fQpjf ^:%, a plfice occupying an
ficials). Important geographical situation for military
Injun. \/^A.i.'VbAj, E9 53. W' J^d a. Slowne.'^fl; t-ardi- purposes.
ness; dilatorineas; procrastination; slow; tardy; Inko-kntaru. V^ A *» 5 *> fe S, fepRiJl] S^ g, /•
dilatory; dulL [jMcd.] Catarrh of tlie tliroat.
IKK 439 I^0
Inkokii. \i^/^Z.<, SIS'). "" The art of engraving. light before the wind; death staring him in th»

sum, v.t. To engrave; to carve. face; Nagai tsukihi nt mijikai inochi, :g ^ B -I

Syn. Chokoku sdru. = te >f ^, time long but life is short; man is

Inkokueha. V'AZlC^.-^, EP Si] #. ) "• O An en- but short-lived Inochi atte no monodane,
; r ^
Inkokuali), ^/^^C:< U EPJiJBiP. > graver; a carv- -y? -^ % ffi, only in li£o can we find the source of
er; a block-cutter. @ A maker of seals or pleasure; Inochi no sentaku,^^^'^, [Ut.]w&Bh-
stamps. ring seals. Ing one's enlivening one's spirit; recrea-

fnku, V^A<, EPS- '»• A. kind of ruler used in fi^i tion ; relYeshment Inochi nt kakete trw, ; — tSt ^
luk\v:v, ^i^^<*J, [^ 'A. ft. PhosphOTesceat Ugh^' ^ ? ^, even at the risk of one's life ; Inochi no
Friar'Blnntern; ipnis/oiMiw. --
. _
' toriyarf. wo sum, ^ ,-• Ig jff f- :t ft- exchanging ,

JaUwn, V^ Aj < iy, fO^, n. A seal or stamp (not each other's lives; to fight; Inochi no oya to
applied to the ImpreRsion made by do.). omon, ^ -^ SI I- ,S 7, to reg.ird as tlie parent,
the preserver, of one's Inochi to ianomu,
Inky 5, aA&^5tSilS. " OA vocabulary of (.e. life ;

rhyming syllables. @ A science which treats oJ ^ h tJ i*, to regard any thing as the source of
one's life; Inochi wo hirov. ^"^iky, to pick
the rulea of metrical composition; prosody.
up one's lifo, f.c. to escape from an imminent
lakyo, \r- ^ & -^ 5, |I^^, n. The private part of
man; raembrum virile. danger; Inochi wo oshimu, ^^^A, to love

one's life to be afraiJ of losing one's life Ino-

Syn, Chimbo, Henoko, Mara. ; ;

chi wo suteru, f^9-^}i-, to throw away one's

Inkyo. V.^ S i, IS E". ^- O The act of resigning
one's position as head of a family; living in life ; Attara inochi wo ushinatta, r ^y it ^ ^ ^
seclusion, @ One who has renounced his right ^ 9 i(, has lost his precious life Kuroshite ino- ;

as head of a family.
chi wo chijimeru, =£ ^ ^- ? ^ ® -:^ >»', to short'
en one's life by anxiety; Raku wo Shite inochi
Inkyo tvo sus-u, H ^- ^ i^^ fl-. to retire from the
direction of family affairs.
wo nobasu, ^^^, to prolong z/ T ^=9-U ^
One who has one's life by ease Senjd nite inochi wo otosu, B3
Aikyoska. \/>^&l^^, E/SW. w ;

yi=^ "r ^9-t$^, to lose one's life on a

retired from the direction of household affairs
in favour of his successor.
To approve, Syn. iKi-NO-o, J(^mt5, Tatori, Tanomi.
rnky o aiiru, V^ ^ ? i -^ 3 , ^ g^. y.C
sanction, or grant, luocl\itliti,\/^(D%7&\J^, ^ft.KfirlR, n. Money
binen, vv^fl^, :^. 7i. [coll.] O Affinity or con- paid for the redemption of a person's life; ran-

nection in a previous state of existence, which som.

is supposed to determine one's lot in the prereut Inuchl^ake. v^C-^ii'W, #^,®^, n. and a.
world. @ Origin ;cause secret relation
; ; lot. Eisking one's lile ; dangerous; perilous; life
S naHyuku no iva dJyu Innen <iard, 7 — W. at stake.

f?^ >'>s H' X'i 7 0^1^ ^ 1?. [coU. J what is the I)iochigake ni natte hataraku, ^ St' — -J" t ^
reason of his meetmg such a fate? fl)^, to work at the rink of one's life; Inodii

Syn, INGWA- gake no shobu, ^g|->Bf$*, a perilous contest.

[nnlku, v^^(^ C £P 1^. "• Mngusa, hair, or cotton
Inocliigot, V-O-^EO-, ^£, n. Asking or pray-
mixed with printing ink and used for pealing or ing for life. rother'B life.

Syn. NlKU. Lstamping. wo swu, ^^ ? 7; »-. to ask for an-


Inuiku-iro, I/n AW C V^ h-, EP ftb, ?fe S. « *- c^^^e Inochlblrol. \r^O%V!^J>, f^tk, n. Picking up
for above. one'slife; escapingfrom inevitable death.
NiKroin, Nikutsubo.
Syn. Ayaui inochibiroi wo shita, ^ -f ^fj =9- s/ $i,
Inno, \^^&5, ^S. ra. The scrotum; the testi- have escaped from inevitable death.
cles. Inochikn^lrl, \/^(D%i}*W^, ^ ^. a^u. As long
Jnno suishu, [g Si 4< ff^. M^«(*-] hydrocele. or as hard as lilo endures.
Syn. FUGURI, KiNTAMA Inochikagiri konkagiti benkyo surv, PS ^^^
^ 55 7. fl,, \cQll.] to study aa hard as one's health
In-nu-ffOsHo, &^©&:£J:, f^WBi, n- The palace
of an Emperor who has retired from the throne. or energy can endure.
Inochluftg.-iskff-i.-kl, v>0*^tcij'L. g^, K, »
In-no-ko, V^^O^l iz^, "• Same as MM-no-fco.
Innoko-innoko. Vv^®tV^^®^l, " A term Longlived. —
Jinsha wcb inochinagashi, C#-"*Ss^. bene-
used in rocking or putting children to sleep.
i^ociil, \j^<D%, ^, n. Life. volent persons are longlived

Inochiwafvzen no tomoshibi riogotoshi, ^'»> Inochlshlrasii* V^©'^£6?. ^7^*11, K 5E. »• O

> US iJt -^ ins/, [Prov.] his life is like a candle Not caring for one's life; fond of dangerous
W, hJ
enterprises. © [coll.] Very strong or durable Inoshltn, fc©£ft, ^^^\UB^,n. [Bot.] Dog's-
(as clothes). tooth violet. fhog.
Inochisfiirazu no tawakt mono, ^^ ^ pC ^^ Inotsiime, &©r7i6. ^A, n. The claws of a wild
>^ ^%, a fool who does not care for his life; Inrakii. V^ A t < , j^ S?, '»• Carnal pleasures;
Kono kire wa inochi shirazu desu, iltW-'^^*P venery; laFcivious enjoyment.
9 :^ 7-" ::^, {coll.] this cloth is very strong. Inraku ni fukeru, -S^^^Stw-i to be addicted
liioUe, &(D-ff, ^ i^. n. [BoL] Aipidlum acvUatum. to carnal pleasures.
I-no-fii, iiOi, ?/ «. The stomach,
lornku sum, V^ ^ t < ?- S, ESiS, '^•f'- To fall

InoKiil, V* © i> l>, ia sR, 7*. [Co»c/i.] The muRsel, down; to fall ioto; to drop.
Mytilus. Syn. Daraku.
IiiokJ, ib© An aoiraal re- Iiiran, v^^t^, S,, n. and a. Ssnsunlity; car-
&, Wa",®, 14. [ZooL] j-^

pembling the polecat nality; concupiscent; lecherous; salacious.

luolfo, XiOCi. * ^, '«- [2l)o;.J A small pig. Inran -^la hito, v^ JL "?"
A, a salacious person;
Syn. Bdta. a man of easy virtue; a lecher; a debauchee.
Inolio, a ©t, ^^1, n. The first hogday in the Syn. iROGURUi.
Syn. GENJO. Ltenth month (o.s.) Inrokl, Ir-AH^, jJ^^, a. The lunar or old calen-
dar; the old style of dividing time into years,
Iiioliorii, £©c.2, S 53, u.(. To remain behind;
to stay (iis in office) longer than others. mouths, etc.

nokosur!:!, Inrehi no shogwatsu, ^l^--'iE^, the first

tO^-:^'^, ^raS"^, "•
\/^ [BoUi Achy-
ranthes aspera. month of the old calendar.

Iiioinotoso, a©tlf5 5, #P ii^, n. IBot.]

Inrltsii, V^^l.5-7, ^^, n. O Musical tones, key-
Pterls serrulata. notes. ©Musical science.
Inondo, V'©^*, 0iS, ti. [BoE.] Dill. inHtsu wo shiraJjuvu, ^ 3^ ^ 33 :/ "'. to study
Iiiori, v<.©>5. iiirr, « Prayer; surplication. musical science.
Iiiori wo agtru, or I'norl wo sum, g? ^± »-, Ifi
luro, V- A ^ 5, EPH, n. A set of small orna-
^ 7. ft-, to olfer prayers; to pray; to supplicate. mental cases suspended from
luoi-i-borosu, v^© \) t BriS. W Si, u.!. To ^ ^. the belt for carrying seals or
invoke death upon; to by praying. kill medicines.
luoi'ii, V © 2, l/f. I'-f- (^Dd t. O To pray; to sup- Inrobutn. V^ ^ ;5 $ i- ft, EP O
plicate; to hope. © To invoke evils upon to ;
fil, 71. A box having its

curse. cover fitted into tliebodyin

Hito wo inoru, A^ ffJi *•, to invoke evils upon the manner of an i^iro.

another; Hito wo inaraba ana futatsu, A^ fiff

luvoxiiUe, l/N ^ ;S 5 :^* H-, EC il

9 [i^ov.] praying for another's death »t. Pickled cucumbers RJ

/t— ''y, RS, fgj

makes two graves, i.e. if you pray for an- tlie cores of which liave be^n taken out andth«
you must also be prepared for a
other's death, cavitic=i stuffed wttli cayenne pepper or the
similar fate; Kami ni inoru, ^^ |i^ p-, to pray leaved ot sweet basil.
to a deity. Iwryo, V^^K5, gt *^, « Anything specially pre-
Syn. pared or adapted to internal use; drinks; (drink-

InoNhirigiisa, £ © 2i "O <' 3, ables.

3^ « fS. "• [BoL]
Carpeslum obrotanotdes. luryofiiu, \r^^\}i.(, 31^,". 0[-P/if5ic5.] Attrac-
tion. @[cnu.] Influence.
laosliJshl, ib©?. L, HS, T». |Zoer.]Awild bonr,
SuS Ifiucnmyitax. lueakl, u^ ^;^ & , a W, n. Past ages former times.;

Syn. Mdkashi.
Insateii, \/^^5•7, fpg^, n. Printing. sum,
v.t. To print.
Insntsii-butsii, V^^^7i"S', Ep fpQ ^, n. Anytbin?
printed ; a print.
lusatsu-Ulltal, vn ^^ -5 g 4.\j*, EP ffj {« «, n. ^
printing machine.
lusnteuUyolcii, V^ ^3 -5 9 i < EP g, n. The
m m , RTiJ

Printing Bureau. foffice.

Inoslilshl-iniislin, Sb©X£*r^-^, }J ift#, Sf K. 'i Insntsujo, Vn ^* ? -7 :£- i:, WfSiBi, n. A printing
A soldier who flghta to the Jeath and never * V^
InBoiJii. Vr /- 2,' l», -3^
W Si. 7*. [Bot.] Sopfiora
reti-eats; a dauntless soldier; a fierce warrior. Syn. E.NJU. ijaponica.


I-nciekl, \^^*^, tBSI, « A flistant relative. suru, v.i. To follow a custom or practlct
Syn. Shinseei. r^tone. handed down from past generations.
Inselcl, \^^*^, WS. w- An aerolite; a meteoric Insotsu suru, Vr^Ai-^-ji-s, 1 51 ^, u.t, Tolead(ai
loBliI, v^^;£, EpiiS. w. Stamped paper. Insotsu Slim. V^^5••7-^^, soldiers); to com- )

wo choyo suru, EfliiSf-fliffl:^^', to use

InsJii mand, «r march at the head of.
a stamped paper. Insn, \^'^-^5, i©it, it. Even numbers.
InshI, \/^/^x, M±, "• A scholar who has retired Syn. ChS.
from public life; a retii-ed gentl''man a hermit; ;
Insn, JE^^^5, ^ ®. «. Sams as Inzit.
an anchoret; a recluse. Insu. \r- k^, EP ^, 3ff 3", n. An inferior kind of
Iiislil. \^^:^, lij[j^, n. Anheir an heir-npparent; ;
gold ore usually resembling icicles in form.
a successor. rRegulationa. lusui. Vv^ll-£, i*;;^, n. Drinking water.
InshljoreJ, \p ^ ;& -£ 5 itV^, EP igSf* «y. «• Stamp Syn. NOMIMIZU.
lushiu. v» ^ s. A. W
<a. "
Communication ; tid- lusul, V/^^^&, '^^, n. Tiie semen.
ings ; news ; a letter; message. Syn. Seieki.
InsMn ^^ST^gg, no communication
futsu, Intnl suru, \^'^feV^^^, 51 jg, v.t. To witlidraw;
(as between friends); StsasJiiku inahin ganai, to retire ; to retreat.
Aj' ^^ia if-^ A there have been no tidings for
iDtaku, \r-K^<, ^Eg, n. Tlie house where one
aloug time. lives In retirement.

Insliln, V^A^^, EP Ig, n. [CWti.] A seal; signature. Into suru, V^ A fe 5 ?- S, 36 ff, v.i. To hit th»
Inahitsu, Vv^;£•5, ^^, n. [CA/n.] Hidden virtue; point; to agree.

. charity done in secret private acts of kindness.

Intoku, V ^i£: < , fiS ffl, M. Charity done in secret;
Syn. Intoku. private acts of kindness.
Inshltsii. v- kX-o, Ift^, n. Any disease which Intoku yoho, ^tSRIfP, private acts of kin*
cannot he known by outward symptoms. ness often result in public rewards; Intoku wt
Inshlzej, \AALtf-\i^, EPiffltgt. "• Stamp duty. hodokosu, RlS^ifi ;:^, to do meritorious deedi
Insho, \p K%^ 5, l^fe «. [J/ed.]0 Same as /n- Syn. Zenkon. Lin secret
sAitsii. @ Internal congestion. ffever. Intoku surn, ^;^^lf C -J-X, v.t. To conceal SE.
Inslib no sholcan, ^SS^^jej, [J^ed.] internal or hide (usually in bad sense); to shelter (as a
Insho, V-Aa;-^?, EPS, n. A seal; stamp; signa- criminal).
Syn. lNGYi>, Han, Lture. lutoiijii, V^ ^ if ^ t.*^, ga#. n. One who hai
IiBslio, v^^:£J:, 31 S=. ». Works consulted; refer- retired Jrom the worla; a riiralist; a hermit; a
ence books. suru, v.t. To make quotations Syn. YoauTEBiTO. Lreciusa
or extracts from a book. Intonsurn, \/^^if^-^^,^Jf, v.i. Ti retire froa
Insho, V' ^;£ 1 5, 31 S, w. Quotations ; refer the world; to lend a hermit's ufo; to become a
ences; illustrations. To adduee suru, v.t. Syn. Yo wo suTERU. Lrecluse.
an illustration to quote. ; In-u, V/^A5, |i|S- »* A long continued rain.
lusltoku, ^ :£ V^ i < fi*: 1J, «. Drink and food
, ;
Inu, £ ib, Z^JS, v.i. [neg. of Iru.] Not to be; txcl
eating and drinking. to dwell or reside.
Inshdku wo sessuru, n^, to be tem-^^^M^ le ni inu, ^ = ^-51, not at home.
perate in drinking and eating; imhoku wo usu In-u, \r ^ 5, ^M. "• Long continued rain (in-

su, fiJ;fi-^iS7., to be frugal in eating and drink- jurious to crops).

suru, v.t. To drink and eat. Lii^S- Syn. Nagaame, Rin-it.
Inshohu, \^•^:£l<, i^fi, n. Giving one's self In-u, v•^5l @?. n. [Sol.] Shimmta japonica.
up to renory; lewdness; lechery. luu, v^ aa, a, J^, n. iZobl.1 A dog, Canis famimh
Insholcuteu, V^*l<r^, &:^!B,n. An eating rls.
house; a restaurant. Inu mo arukeba 65 ni atom, ^ T5 T »- > ^
Syn. Meshita, EyGriya. ^ = '^'^> {coll. even a dog, if it
JVou.] [lit.\

Inshu. \r X S t^. fifci?!. «• Drinking sate or other roams comes in contact with a stick; i.e. evei^
ardent spirits. 9. trifling profit cannot be realized by sitting idly

IIlaha,\p^:£.5,@g, m [Cft.fn.] Following customs at home; Inu tva mon wo mamoru, it^^f^f-'^
or practices handed down from previous ages ji-, the dog watches the gate; Inu wo kesfiikake-

conforming to established usage. ru, X^ ESs >;t. to set a dog on; Katinu nitewo
InskU no hisasklki aratamuru (aiwazu, |B ia-nw.ru.^ii. =i^?^ v^-, [i/i.; to have the hand
-^ A S^ =^ 9fe A 11^
>» ;:^, a custom that has long
ft- bitten by one's own dog; [^p.ltobe betrayed by
been In vague cannot be altered. one's own dependent.
INU 442 I.ND

lou, Vr&. ^. n. O The dog, one of tlie 12 calendar Inuhngj, v^toa?!', n. [Bot.] Lespedczatomentosa.
Bigns. @ The name ol the direction of W. N. W. InuhnJlKaml, v^ & SIX'A' ^, UlU, " [Bot.] -4

8ee Eto and Junishi. variety of ginger.

Inu no kokv, eJJ ^ fij, dog hour, or five o'clock laiiliariko, V^&Hifl t, it?^^,n. A papier machi
at niglit; Inu no toshi no umare, sE -^ ^^ > ^ i^. dog placed near a new born child, supposed ta
bom in the dog-year; Inu no Jcata, }^^~^, the keep off evil influence's. Anciently it was mad*
W. N. W. direction. in the form of a dog with humrtn head.

|nu, Vv&, a, t).*. To go away; to go back; to

I Imilioziikl. v^-iimto'^, Sgg, /*. \Bot.]Solanu'm
Inurii, V'SlS, ' return. nigrum. fnicum,
Kuni e inin-u, @ -- :ffin-, to go back to one's InnI, v^iilSi, n. 'Bol.] A kind of rush, Juncusjapo-
country or province; luul, irtofc, ^^, fe', n. The north-west.
Syn. Sarf, SiGU, TUKU. Inui no hogaku, KE^ ^ :;?^], the north-west-
Inuhne, VftltJ'-., 3^1^, n. [Entom.] A dos-f^y. ern direction. fgonum cuspidatwnu
taiittnslilrl, r^^^iX^ , :^ ;fe.
«- A narrow space InnJtadorl. \f^tii>1z.^'0, ?E®^', n. [Bot.] Po>
or path between the wall of a shtro (which see) Vudjfni. v^itiJ.-i/j, :^?E. ?E5E. w- ^Ht.j Dog's dea(,h;

and the moat fgalll. a useless death ; dying for no purpose.

Iniiltio, \r^ibt^A. ^EJ^. »i. [Bot.] Panicnmcrus- IiiiiJInIn, \r }hZ' ^/^^, fii^ A, n. A class of infe-
Inubitva, VvtoU-'U, n. [Bot.] A kind of small fig, rior servants in the shrine of Gion in Kyoto.
t^cus erecla. Iniijirninl, \/^}inZ' ^ ?*-, n. [Entom.\ A dog-louse.
Inublyii, XrtiXyi^, (Bf)£.1 Arnarantus viridis. IiiiiknI. v^alt>^^, a gsi, n. One who f«ed3 or keeps
Inii-budo, v^ itii< a dog.
75 5, mm. n. Iniikaiboshi, v^!itii>y-I^L, ^ fi^ Jl, n. [Astron.]
[Botri Vitis One of the 28 constellations, Aquila.
Thunbergil. Syn. HiKOfiOSFii.
Inultiiiin. \/^ lfi> iDUlUnrnshl, v^&LA'e, L, ih^fiS, n. [BoL] NaJtvr-
[BoH Fagiis Tniikilia<in. ^/^JltL»la:;t-, Uj SS, 7t. [Bot.] Barberry.
SieboUU. InKi£i)ju. \rai*'5i-i1), SfH:, n. [Bot.] Sfosla punc-
Inii-obl, Vr£iA:C>', tata.
HnuKoro, v^ait^, :^ S. " [Zool.] A pup.'

Same as Inu Iiiul<l(or«», V^fovC^. little dog. '

hu(lo. Inukii, \pfo<:, fii-p[, v.t. To pierce by shooting.

iDueitJii, V^ l&A. IV-^V^m Kabutn no tojXanaka wo tnuku, 9G ^ IE ^W ^t"

A-Z'i^. t^^. 'i- t^f*-] Cladrmtis amurensts. tt^, to shoot an arrow through the centre of

IniifiiscKl. V^fo-t-*^, :ftR(i", ?* a lattice-work ^ helmet.

placed in front of a Buddhist temple to prevent Iiiiikiignri, \ffy( <-VJ, ;^Ig, /(. A holeinawall
dogs irom enterinc it. or fence for dogs to go in and out.
Inugaiiil, \/v&ift';^, HifS^, IfpliS. n. [Kyusliuum)- IniiKui. \ritif 0-, «. Setting dog.s to flght; a dog-
S}ilkoku dialect.] A kind of sorcery in which a fight rcfiineiisis.

person pretends to foretell through the spirit of Iniiniakl. V-^"^-^, Jg^, n. [Bot.] Fodocaivvs
a dog. luitunirasnkl. v^&Ltp^^^, n. [Bot,] Litho-
Iniignn, V'^tli)t^, n. [Orn/(/i.] A kind of Goo-ie. fipermam arvense.
lonsnmslil. \pfoft' G t, 34 3S. " [Bot.] I^astur- Iiiiiiiaziiiia, \pfo-^:3'^, n. [Bot.]I>rapa nemoralls,
tium montanvni. Inuiiolianakige, \ri£i®ttt[:u-V>, n. [Bot.] Sliyn-
Inugashl, \/^itLJl*X. n. {Bot.'\Lit.':rn aclculata. clwspai-afusca, Tflea.
luiisnyn' l/^ititi'-^. &(E, '*- [Bot.] Cephalotacevs Inn-no-uonil, \rih<D<D7i; jy J:, n. lEntrnn. ] Do'z-
Vtwrru luiiuinodaka.
aritpacea, \rti.^<i^i>', f^MM n. ( Bot.] The
Iniiglliu, v^i£l^^, n. [Bo(.j Tanacetwm maj'fftwa- water plantain.
Inu-ffii'l. Xs^Sa.'^V), i^Jffi, " [.Bot.] ^caritTioj^anaa; Innoinoiio. v^&Lfc-t.6(?), :^ii'tS, n. A sport which
rfcinf/oHMTn. consists in letting loose a number of dogs in an
tniigo, Vn&S, eS*?ffii. m. '« A swelling of the enclosure, and chasing and shooting them with
.lymphatic gland in the arm pit.
bow and arrow on horse back.
Syn. rVine. luiirii, \j^ib5, ^, v.i. To sleep.

Inii-siiko, vaJ<-£., ISlSl. n. [BoC] Matrimony Imirii, \ritiS, v.i. Same as rnu{^).
^uguaii, Xr^i'i: n. IBot.] Machilus T)iunbergU. ^uru, v^JiiS, u. Past; gone; preceding.

Inuru toshl, ^if^, the preceding year. _ Iiizen, ^l^^^, |5S5e^, n. Cammand or inatractioB
Syn. SCGiNisni, Sannubu. of an Emperor's father, or of an Emperor wh*
iBusalkl, v^ & ^ \p &, ibl.^. 'I- [Bot.] Angelica has retired from the throne.
kivsiana. Inzen wo Jcudasu, l^^f- T ^. to give a com-
IniiannsliA, V»&:3 L^^y, fi^iUM' "• [Hot.] Zan- mand (said of a retired Emperor).
thoxylvm. schinnifolivm. , rpaeus. tnzoku, V^^5•<, t0)g^ rt, A distant relative.
Inushlroiie, V/x & J. ?; *1, n. [Bot.] Lycopus euro- inra, Z)^^5,
Inii-tabo, V/^ibftiffi, jK S|. " [Bot.]Ficus nipponlca. Iiizii. Z)^^,
^ K.
«• Number.

TDiishoniii, v^lti-^5^, ffU, « [Bot.]Cimictfiiga 16. V^*5 5, 61 iff, "

OSwlphur. ©Sulphur matches.
btiernaia. fK/'Ctp/i major. Syn. TsL'KEGi, Yno.
Iniishiiroeliihii, v^ i!i:£ 11) ?i i; < , f^Yf, """ [Bot.] o. V^ ih 5, 11(4, adr. From that time forward;
Iniitiiilo, ifto^-C, n. Polygonum nodosum.
[Bot.] since; hencel'orward; henceforth; for the future.
loiitolciisa, ^/^fil>^< 3, (S^i n. [Bnt.] Equisetum ImayoriLn, -t-hi V JJL^, from this time forward.
ramosUsbnum. Syn. IGO, KdGo, Shohat.
Iiiutauero. Xrih-^^-.^:^, n. TBot.] Ilexcrenata. I«. V^*5 5, m,
n. Sam© as YakusU.
In-iitsn, V^^$•7, ^yrf, a. Gloomy; meliincholy ; 'o, v^^, ^, n. Fish.
dark; obacitre; overcast. Syn. Uo.
Intitvamlii. \r Iti fc ^ tK, ffij S iff, n. [Bot.] vlsp^e- lobana, \/^49 5^J5:, KE ^7E, « Flower of ."iulphur.
niwni nipponlcnm. Syn. YvnAXA,
Inimriislil, \/\lii3LJ3 L, '*• [Orn/tft..] Golden engle. lo^uslil, \/v?Sr<'£, ) lC5l ^. w- A skewer on which
luu-yoniogi, V> Ifct i. 6 1^, ® 14g ffi, " [Bot.] Arte- Uoert)9]il, 55r<':£, ' fish are strung for roasting.
misia capiUaris. lo-no-ainl, \r^cr)^?t; t£§S, n. Aflshlngnet.
In-y^. V' ^ ^ ?. ^Rbi " The active and passive lo-no-ine. ^y^5:©i6, ^Q, n. O The eye of a fish.
principles of nature according to Chinese @ A corn on the foot.
philosophers; positive and negative elements; lo-iio-^vata, V'^Oiifz, fij, Bf, n- Fish guts.
the universe; shade and sunshine; male and loso, vx*5$^5, n. fBoc] Lysimactiia dalivrica.
female. lotosu, \/^fciC-^, g^^, T.^ To let fall by shooting,
In-yS sum, V'^i.5^2, 3i ffl,
v.t. Toconsult(a3 Kucfiu 7)0 wo lotosu, S
toi-i ft" -^ -S ^ ShfiS ^v
books of reference); to quote; to make extracts to phoot and bring down a bird in the .lir.

Syn, IIiKiGOTO. LfroiTi. lotsiikl, v^5:-9&, ^[^ n. [Bot.] Poke, Pokeweed

InyS. &*15.iE^( '*• Wetting the bed; urinating Syn. yAUAGOBo.
Syn. NKSnoBEN. f^hile asleep. lotsurl, \p5:-71/), $ij&C, w. An angler.
Inyo, v^^i:?, fiJtffl, «. and a. Fit for drinking lourJ, V^5r5'C. ^Jffi.#. 'i- A fish monger.
(as water); for internal use (as medicine). Syn. Sakana-itri, Sakanata.
Syn. Tnrt5. loyaina, \pi95-^3, ®|ijL, " Sulphur mines.
loyochl, vvft?'^, ^UStt. '• Surrounding land ; Ippn, \ry&, — n. Onepect; a distinct school

environment. (as of philosophers); a section; a faction.

lu-yokaku, V/^^^54><, ji^ffi. n. [Bot.]Eplme- Ippa), V*-^W:v/^, — fS, SSS^, n. A glassful; aciipfuL
Syn. Tkahlsj, i^him macranthvm. /jjprti higen, — fli^iit, made cheerful by a cup
In-yoitu, V^ i. < , SSit. M. Laacivlous desires; of vf\ne; inter pocula; Sake wo ippai tsiuju, ^=^
venery; carnal passion. — 'ff?£:i^. to pour a cupful of safce; Ippai tom^
In-yo8lio, \i^Ai.^$,i:, 31 ffl ^, J*. A book from ka, — fl; r^;
"7 i> », [coii.] shall I take a cup of

whieli quotations are made; T\'orlfs of reference, wine7 let us drink. ftlie limit.
In-yosiil, ^/^^i.5-^^,, &:^yH.n. Drinking water. Ippai, \07(3rv, n. Fullness, the utmost; within
In-yo sum, v^^J: 5 -^ s, 5fc ^, v.t. [CJiin.] To Chikara ippai, i] -^ %, to the fullness of
approve; to allow; to permit; to consent or one's strength with the whole strength; iVen

hearken to. fto encircle or environ. ippai ni dekiru, ^ — fl; = UJ ;J5 fl-, to be com-
lay 9 sum, S W, 5 Z, ESS. ^-f- To enclose;
pleted within the year.
Syn. KAKOMU. Ippai, v-'-ji^x^, ~-t&., w- A single defeat.
In-yn. ^^^\/^5. Kffl. '"• [Chin.] Origin; course;
Ippai Chi ni mamiru, — ftft ilh ^ ^ 7^, once
lii-yu, v^^t^, 'source. fseals. defeated and slain; /jyjcti issho wa hetka no
Inanl, \/^^^^r, EPM. n- Materials used for making tsune, ~'Wi-'B^^^%^'^' defeat and vlctx>ry
Insan siiru, v^ A.^ ^-$ Z, ^M. v.i. [Chin.] To are but common incidents in a soldier's career.
conceal one's self ; to hide. Syn. HlTOYABURK.
Inael, \rA,^\^, EPSt. "• Stamp duty Inpaku, v^-ytf <. — ifi. "• Lodging fo'r one night

(as at an inn). Buru, v.t. To lodge (tor a —S fl "^ ^i to return once (so as to come
night). again). fternately.
IppnD, V'y&A,, —fSt, S8II, o,- and adv. General; Ippengoslil nl, V^ }r'^^a: L K, — ifl®- adv. Ai-

universal; in general. Ippi, V^"jV, — W> " One elbow or arm; one effort.
Seken ippan, ifi: ^— j55, the ivorkl at large. Ippl no chikara wo soeru, — > ^J ?" ffi -^ »•. ^
Syn. SUBETE, Zrntai, Kotogotoku. to make an effort in behalf of another.

Ippan, V^-^a'^, — i^, n. One half". Ippllfj. v^ -^ z>"&, — EE. ^- O -A. measure of cloth
Ippmi, \r--jiX/u, — fiS, n. A single meal. equal to two tan,; a piece of cloth. ©Singular
Ippan no toku mo kanarazu mukttyu, — fiS ^S numeral for animal."? ; a head.
=6 >^ffi^, not even the favour of a single
NuTW ijJptkt, ;ffi — E, a piece ot cloth; Uma
meal must be left unreturned. fpplki, ffi— EC, a head of liorse; one horse
Ippan, V7W^, — Eff, n. One out of a large num- Ipplu, v^ .y OS A, — fi, rt. One article ; a peerlesi
ber of things; one instance (out of many); a treasure.

part ; a view. To ni mare naru ippin no takara, ift = 5g -J- »-

Ippan wo aguru, — gS ^ ^ ^ '^. to cite one In- —S --'

fr, « treasure having no equal in the

stance Ippan wo mite zempyo wo shiru, — S4?- M.

Ippltsu, v^tN"?. — 3E. 71- Ollit,.] One pen; a short
7 ^^^
Jtl])^, to look at a part and judge of the

whole; Rinafcuno ippan wo ukagau, M¥^ — letter (a hackneyed term used at the beginning
of a letter). The same pen. ©
SS ^ SJ "7. to take a view of science or philoso-
Ippitsu keijo tsukamatsuri soro,— S S" -h tfc R.
— 5S, [Eplst.l I hereby write you a line; Nifuku Umto
Ippnn, \ry&/u, n. One row ; one class.

Ippan ni ressurv, —^= $)J ::^ ;i', to range in a

ip2Hts:v. no e de aru, —^ )-^— ^ SBfTB'. both S
pictures are from the same pen; Ippitsu ni
— kaku, — ^ :i ^ ^, to write with the same per
Ippjiu nl. V^ -!» ff A K, j55. ctrtu. Generally;
or at one sweep of the pen.
universally; at large; in general.
Tenka tiipan nl kore wo nozomv, ^ T — fl5 —^ Ippo, V^"jIS3, — $G. n. One report; a single pieca
of information.
^ ^ i, the world at large is wishing lor it.
Ippittsii, v^-yff-7, — ®, n. One discharge (as of a
Negawakuwa ippu wo loazxiraivasan, gg ^ >\ —
gun): a single siiot. fij ^ K -"''•'' ^'i I t)eg you to take the trouble of
writing me a line about it.
Toda ippatsu nUe Shi ni itasu, pE— @ =i t' ?E — y^i
- Ippo, \r'yt^, n. One step; a single pace.
g[ 7., to kill by a single shot.
Ippntsii, \/^7ff7, — ^, n. A single hair.
Hito nl ippo wo yvzuru, A=— J&^S*-, to

^=p&-^ ffl»-, [llt.\ — yield a step to another; l2]po wo susuviu, — 4&^

Jppatsu senJdn wo tsurv,
ji A, to proceed a step farther,
supporting the weight of a thousand pounds by
Ippo, \r-yki'5, ~'^, n. One side.
a single liair; excessively dangerous.
— ig, and Once; one time.
Gakumon ippo ni kokorozasu, ^ Rfl
— !^ — ^^.
Ippeu, V-^'^^, adv. a.
to devote oneself to study.
Tori ippen -no kyaku, V — !S -^ SP. ^ passing

Ippoinbnslil, V-jlSkH L, — 71^: IS, S3 * ffi. "- A
gue.st or traveller.
bridge made with a single log.
Ippeu, — >r. w- One half or a portion
V/^•y'^^, of
Ippon, V^y]SA., ~ So, n. The highest rank of hon-
Ippen no tsiiki, — ^ ^ M, a single moon.
HiTOHiRA. our conferred on an Imperial Prince.
Ippon shlnno, — i5S^^, the Prince of the
Ippoii. V^-j^A., —Si " One alter.itlon; a com-
Buru, v.t. and t. To change; Blood of the first rank of honour; Ippon jw
plete change.
to alter.
kurai ni joseraru, —Sv^^-^^yl-, to be
Shakwal no keisei ippen seri, ftt ^ -^ JfS ^—^ appointed to the first rank of honour (said of ao
the state of the society has entirely chang- Imperial Prince).
.fe V ,

ed. Ippon, v^-y |:^^, — 2p, n. a slngulamumeral for

tppcu, v^7'^^, — tB. n. Being prejudiced or books, sticks, pens, umbrellas, spears, etc Sea
biased ; one aide. Hon.
Fune ga ippen ni katamuku, f&if ~^- ^^, Fudeippon, l^ — H^, a pen; Kasaippon, ft— ^C,
the ship inclines to one side Kare wa ippen nl ; one umbrella; Kono slio wa ippon de yomiMri
katamuku, ffi -^ — iB =i ffl *'. he ia prejudiced; desv, itt^-'> — ^-r^^ Vt'^-, [cofi-l this book to

she is partial. complete in one volume.

Ippen, v^->•^^, — S, aAv. Onetime; once. Ippondaclii, v-/l^^7&^, —spit, a Independent;
Ippen glri, — B 4? 9 , only once ; Jppen kaeru, not backed by another; self-supporting.
Jpponaachi ni naru, — 4C it = ?• Jt-, to become Ki ga iradatsu, ^fr'^i'5', to be out oX all
Independent, patience; to run mad.
Ipponsurl, \r-» IS ^ :3' 1?. —^ ft. 'h Unlfllar Iradogkl,-J,-kl, v« & ^;&, "^i u. Cruel; pitiless;
suspension. merciless; unrelenting.
Ippu, V^yJi, — 3t, n. One husband one man. ; Syn.MUGOSHI.
Ippu, v^5.J:, — |g, n. A single woman one wife. ; Irae, Jg, «.
v-fe.-^, Answer; reply; response.
Ippn, V/^v-teS, — ^, ". A singular numeral ap- Ii-aewosuru, |S ^ 7. »-, to make an answer;
plied to letters or enclosures; a letter. Syn. KOTAE. Lto reply.
Jppu no sho wo tatematsuru, — ^ -^ ?f ^ B-, ^ Iraerii, t'^J, Iffi, v.t.
\r- To answer; to reply.
to present a letter (to a superior). Syn. KOTAERU. fs*-

Ippuhu, \^ » J: < — flS, rt. One

, dose (as of me- lrag:iig», V^&<''3. iS55, "• [iJot.l Same as Iraku-

dicine); one pipe or a puff of tobacco. Ira]Lldo9lii,-),-ki, \r fe !> '55 L, ^, a. Cruel; un-
Dokuyaku ippuku wo moru, #S| — flSf'^B'. merciful; malevolent; vehement; Impetuous.

to administer a dose of poison; Tatako ippuJcu /rahidoki me nt au, '^ ^ j4 ^M^t to ^^^^
® ^ — BE, a pipe of tobacco. with cruel treatment
Ippuku, V^ -y J! < , — it@, rt. A singular numeral IraJ, V^ 6 v^, J^5)5, adv. After the time ; slnee;

for hanging pictures {.kakemono); a roll. hencefortli; In future.

Sansui nojikumono ippuku, [Ij >JO li ^ — (tS.

Iral tsutsusJilmu beshi, JJl?j5 ^ i* -^ 3/, hence-

a picture of natural scenery. forth you should take heed; Ishtn irai, Ji^Bl
Ippuku, l/v .y J- <, —^ 71. Born of the same JK, since the Restoration.

mother. Syn. KONOKATA.

Ano kyodat wa ippuku
7* y., [coll-]
those brothers (or sisters) are of the
r^ 51 sfi
*• Irai, VS\/^,
^^< ft.

OR^Iiiest; solicitation; ap-
reliance; trust. —
suru, v.t. To apply for; to solicit; to depend
same mother.
Ippuryu, Vv.;,j:5B)5, — IHKE. «• One peculiarity;
Hito ni irai suru, A = fleJS ^ ff'. to rely upon
one characteristic; an eccentricity.
another; to request another.
Ano hito wa i^puryu aru, T ^ A^'^ — ^'MT' Syn. Tanomu.
%., [coli.] he has one peculiarity^ he is
Iralnin, ^y^ev^K^, fiJf^HA, n. One who requests
in one point. or relies upon another; an applicant; a peti-
Ippu-tasal, v^ -y J; fe 3 V^, - ^ * ^. «• O^^e
husband marrying several wives ;polygamy. Irnlsha, \/^6V^X-^, 1ftiS^, n. Same as above.
Ippyo, V^9-^5. — ^. w. One bale. Ira-ira, \/\&Vv 6, ^J ItJ, a. and n. Pricking; irritat-
Gemmai ippy% :£^— @, abale of uncleaned ing; a sharp stinging pain. suru, v.i. To
rice, feel a sharp pain (ashy puncture); to prick;
Ippyo. V-y-^^, —St. "• One gourd. to smart. rihroat pricks.
Ippyo no in, — 91 -^ fi*;. a gourdlul of wine. Nodo ga ira-ira suru, pg pje V ^J $ij t; *-, the
Ira, V6, )$>], n. OA prickle; a thorn. @ The Irn-jrn, v &V 6, ^^. adv. and n. Being peevish;
Era, X. &, ' nettle. © The spines of a ilsh. irritable, impatient, or vehement. suru,
Syn. HARI, TOGE. v.i. To bo peevish, irritable, etc.

lrat>o, V^ 6 If, a fit. »• A kind of porcelain

^ Ira-lra8UI,-l,-ki, v&\r&;6,, ^"^t a. Irritable;
anciently imported from Korea, and much ad- peevish; vehement; passionate; intolerant.
mired by tea-makers. Iraljd, V*&V*;£'^5,1S^3^. w- A written appU- )

Iradaka, \r6:'S*^ "¥(%, "• Coiit- form of Iraaa- Iralsho. Vx6V^;£i., Stt^. ^ cation, petition, or
kaziizu. request. proof.

Iradakaju^", V^ 6 ?&*»?'?. ) Vi'^Wcm'^ n. A Iraka, V^ 6 *>, ^. "• OA roof tile. ©A tUed

IratakaJuBii, v6 fe*>^?. * flat-shaped rosary. Irakuaa. v^6<:5, S K, "• [-Bot.] Nettle, Urtici

Iradatei'u. \/^^?&XZ. ^fi.^,**. «•« Toexcite; Thunbergtana.

to irritate or rouse up. Irakusao, y/^^i ^5:. MBB, « Nettle fibers.

Kokoro wo iraclateru, ,C, ^ ^ St' »-, to excite Irakusa-or}, V'6<5fe'!t.SttS(, " "^loth woven
the mind; to be impatiop*- with nettle fibers.

Syn. TsoGU. Irnnioml. V/>& tA-, « [Bot.'] Abies poiita,

IradaCsn, \^ t ^5 ^, 'ST it. flRS. «•< and (. O To Irainiialil, V StfL, fc?I^. "• [Entom-I Larva of ft

flare up; to be impatient; to be restless; to be moth, Monema jlaxeacena (whose pupa-case li

over-zealoua. @
Same as Iradateru called the " sparrow's Jar ">
IKA 44ts IRE
Irnn, V* 6 ^, v.l. /?*«.] [coll.] Need not,
[neg. of Irechlgac, V^Htii'-». ASi w- Putting things in
. don't want. As an adjective It means useless, a wrong way.
nnnecessary, needleBS. Jrechtgaewo svru, Xit^ ::^ «-, to mistake in
Iran sewa wo yaku, -f^vlB:^^^^, to putting in ; to misplace.
render unnessary assistance; Sonna mono wa Irofiula, vr h- -t ;>£, Xtii, «. A written bid (as at
iran, yv-^^ >>\'f 9v, don't want such an auction); a ballot; a vote; a tender.
a thing. rabove. Syn. Nyusatsu.
Iraiinl, Vr and a,
^^Vv, v.i. [Tolcyo coll.] Same as IroKaini, V^ h. ft* ;^, A ^. IS ®. « A tuft of haii
Sore wa iranal, y u >\ -f 5 •? -f , that is not used by woman to make up n deficiency of
needed don't want that.
; natural hair; false Iiair.

Iraiicbn, v> &tlfcf, ".<• [«cff. swy. of /ru.] Q If it Syn. Soegami.

does not go in. @ Since it is not needed ; if you li'ogre, VrKVt-, A ^, n. Same as above.
do not \vaot it, li'egl, v- *L :1c, ^•, A « Correcting errors m
Irarngu, v^ t & <', v.i. To turn up (as the nose), engraved block by inserting pieces of wood.
to shrug tas the shoulders when angry), IrcBoml, VH&;^, AS, »• Jumbling together of
Syn. TORAHADA KI NARtr. various things; mixture.
Irnrnstisn, V' t 6 <* 5 ^ ?. " [Bat.} Eritrichium
, filt
Irol, jb KV, j'2M, w* Being different from th«
pedunculare. usual state or condition; illness; bad health.
IrnraUiisii, ^r- f. &*>-^, JS 3R. v.t. To shrug (as the Irol, ibKV, iKS, n. Majesty; power; authority;
shoulders when enraged); to let stand on end (as Syn. iKioi. Linfluence.
the hair). Irojl, vk:£*, A^. 71. O Supplying omitted charac-
Bimpatsu wo irarakasu, ffi ^ ^ •< ^ ^ ?j ^, ters. ©A parenthesis.
to let the hair stand on end (as when angry). Ircjie, yrtWi^, A^:S. «• [coll.} Second hand
Uarerii, V* c, H 2, ?SE. ''* [pass, or potent, of wisiJbm; borrowed wisdom. fsubstitB jb.

Iru.] O
can lie or Vive at.
I © [polite, coll.] Ii'okaovii. v^ Hi'" 3, A i^. ^'-^ To replace; t»
To be (always in the third person), Ireko. It ii C, A SS. n. A nest or set of boxes,
Koko nl irareru, S-^
y i^ n-, can Rtny here; which one fits into another
trays, dishes, etc. of
Goshvjin iva ouclii nl iraremasuka, fflil-_A-*> when empty.
^f^=^-'?L--7:z7j, is your master at home ? Ireko, \p(tt. n. The eggs of fish.
Irusoi'u, V>^1t3. Bit, v.t, [caus. of 7rw.] To cause IfOhoincru, ^/^*^^:i6^, AS, v.t. To put into; to
to roast or parch. invest; to contribute (as capital in trade).
Irassliaru, v^ (i y* j^3, ?fESA., ".(. [polite, coll.] Irckoiiiii, v^nC-tf,Aiffi, v.t. Same as above.
To be. @ To come, iPOUotoba, V-REiXe, irpf^, «. A word or phrase
Konniclu gakko e irassliaru ka, -^ Q ^igj-v Inserted by way of comment or explanation; a
?^ y -J s/ -^ H' fj, are you going to sctioul to-day? pare ntlie sis.
Uchi nl irassharu ka, ft — 7.vys/V;^:?7, are li-okosara, \rK£.r&. W.^. n. A set or ne.st of
Syn. OiDE. Lyou (or is he) at liome? dishes, of wliich one is fitted into another Id
Imtalisi, V &?£*>, ^ig, n. Cont. of Iratakaziizu. Syn. KUMiKOZARA. Lputting away.
IratrtUa-jBMBii, v^^fe*.^^, ^JSSSi*, " A kind
IrcmaKoni. ^
v^ *x a 3, A fffi, v.t. To put luto
01 flat-shaped rosary.
and mix; to mix up ; to jumble together.
flratsii, \/^&•7, ^, v.t. Same as /j-a(?^tSM. Iremr, VKi6, AB.ISIIR, n. Artificial eye.
li"itsiiliii, V" & -^ <, ^U, v.i. To be excited, IroiiKtJI, UnK*;*-, AX^, SameasJrejt. /*.
peevish, or impatient. Ireiiiono. VH4©. A 4S. «. A vessel for holding
Irau, \/> & A, S, v.i. and (. To answer, reply, or anything.
Syn. KOTAEKD. [.response. Ircokii, vnfe< ,AiS. v.t. To put into ; to stor*
Ircba, vKtf, Xffl, SS®, ISa, n. Artificial teeth. in ; to put in and leave.
Jreba wo sum, A ^ t^ :^ fl', to put in an arti- VH2,
Ireru, A. ^, v.t. Q To put into to plac« ;

ficial tooth. in; to insert. @ To consent to to grant; to ;

Irobnslil, V-HIJL, A©I5B, n. A dentist. comply witli. © To use or employ (as capital);
IreboKuro, \/^*^tX<^, XSi^. n. Small spots or to spend.
characters tattooed on the skin (as is often done Fakiiro e ireru, ^ A i- ^,
}? to put into s
by lovers in token of their vow). bag; Bako e ireru, IE ^A L' fl- , to put m a
IrobutsiiJI, VNh,i!-7tr, X^^t. «• Spending
[Hi-] box Kanrjen wo ireru,
^g ^A t- fl-, to follow
for religious servlcea; IcoU.] spending money .idrice; to acqulesKe; Nen wo
for no purpose.
ireru, ;S:
A^ *•
to pay Att^^tUnx

Ireru, VH2, Ift, vA. [pass, of /rii.] QTo be down until it becomes dry, and mixed with
roasted or parched. @ To be fretful ; to be im- sugar.
patient; to smart. Irlgaivara, VHft'Si^, VPi^, '* Shallow earthen
^Ki ga irtru, g,:^ -f u n-, to be impatient; Kl- v«Bsel used for parching things.
mo ga ireru, Bf //• ^f i- »-, to be flretful^ Mame Syn. IRINABE, Hc^KOKU.
gaireta, a_ifM i^ a, the beanaare parched. Irlgoiiie, v^ij&li, ^^, n. Parched rice.

tretasu, v^Hte-^, A.JE. v.i. To put into so as to Srigoiiii, \/^ti]&;^, n. Entering together.
make up a deficiency. IrlLl, V «) ih, AH. IS 0, ^ire. ^IS, ". Setting
retsii, £H<3, ^!5|, n. and Being majestic, or a. sun, or sun-set.
influential; glory; powerful; mighty potent. ;
Ii'llioga, Vn ij)
tt ii*, n. and a. Being untrue; ab-

C?etsii, 6 *t r?, ® Si. and a. Being mighty; " surdity; improper; inappropriate; unreal.
might power. ;
fprecedence. IrijlC-Vo^X'K, '^SE, n. Baked common salt
Iretau, ibft"^, <i 9J, n. Sitting according to ranlt; IrfKa, v- v) *>, A JS. " Expenditures; expense;
lE-etsu, SK-C', ®j?;i, n. Hereditary majesty or outlay.

glory (as of the Emperor). Irika ga kasamu, A^^i'S'i, the amount oi

Irezuinl. \/^Ji^;^, AS. K. n- Marks tattooed on expense increases.
the skin; tattooing, IrlhaUe, Vv V) *> 0-, n. fcoll.] Omitting a part Q
siiriif ii.t. and f. To tattoo. of the programme at wrestling niacches for

Irl, \r flj
, X, 't. O Coming in ; entering. @ Income some unexpected cause. ©The act of begin-

receipts. ©Going down or setting (of the sun ning to enter.

or moon). Q Money expended; expenditures Irikasa. v<i/)A>5, A ift. " The amount received
outlHy. @ Day's work. (as of money); total income or receipts.
De-iri, tH A. going out and coming in ex- ;
pense and incom£ Hi no iri, > A. tlie set- ; Irlkaivavl, v. ifl 4^ Kt ifl, A#, 52 #. ''- Entering
ting of the sun; Kaneno iri pa of, A^ ^•^^ ^> in the place of one going out,
to requii'e a large outlay; also to have a large Irlkawaru, \^v)ii>az, A^. ^^. v.i. To enter
amount of money comiijgin;to have a large in the place of another who has left; to take
income; Kembutsuninno iri ga sulcunai, Mj^ turns in doing.
A -^ 'J^ ^ X^
to have a small audience (as in a
, Irlkiii, \/v VJ ? A. A
^. w. Receipts in money;
theatre or other public places of entertainment). bargain money; income.
Iri, VfiiiJ, i\, n. Sajue aa ninoJcvA:hL IrJIio, v-^'c, Btti^S. "• Bried sea-slug, or beche
i-lr 61), ^5E. ". Whin.] A government official Aemer; tiepang.
in charge of a storehouse or granary. Icibo, "^'^'C, #*&, "" Coarse rice flour parched;
liial, VU):&\r, A^, K. "• Sunset; evening. calcined farina.
lylal no kane, H ^3 -^ i3. the evening bell. Ii'ikouiii, V^igtif. A*2s. ^-i- To enter in.
Syn. P.IKUBE, KUEEGATA. Ii'lbuclij, Vr-iO < "S. A P.'i. Entrance (as of a build
Ii-icSiie^iU. vw)*^ft'i>. AS, ft' Passing each other ing); a door. Thouse.

in entering. U no irikuchi, ^>A P. the entrance of a

Iriclilsau, \ryi%t^Jt., A?B. ^-i- To pass each Syn. Uairiki'chi.

other in entering; to be athwart. Irllmmii, i^ y < tf , A Si, w-^- To be confused, com
Irldstl, v*i07Gt>, St8S. n. Tai roasted and fried. plicated, or involved; to be jumbled togetlier.

Iridaha, \r-i!)?lri>. Ai^. "• Amount of income. Hanashi ga irikwicle yoku wakaranal., 15 WA
Ii-ldofti, \/v^>«5A, Ma.^' «• ro/w boiled down ;^^y^3^ P 7-9- -f, tlie story is so complicated

completely absorbed. that I cannot well understand it; Irlkunda

until the sauce is
shigoto, Aiifiv^ti:^. a complicated work.
Irle, V^ A. A aC. "• Bay; gulf; an arm of the

soa ;
an indentation. fport. Ii'liiia.nni. \r y '^X'Z , A ^, v. i. To mix together;
Irifliuo, \^i!).l-41, Affi, «. Ship coming into a to be blended or intermingled.

Takara 710 irifune, ^ ^ Xf^, a ship entering Irlmaiiie, V^ ifl )£ », ifeJ'a. ""•• Parched peas or

a harbour, laden with precious things.

irlgaUu, \i^'(l^)'<, AS» «• [Jotw.] Edges. See Irl- Irlmame ni hana ga saku, ^'M.— '^^^^*
zwml. [lit.] blossoms
[coll. Prov.'\ on iiarched peas;
IrJsane. \;^ V) #* Ja. A^. «• O Money expended; something reg.irded as impossible; unexpected
expenditures. @ Income. resuscitation.
Expense; outlay;
^, « Irinio, V^ "O 1*. AS."' [coU.1
IriBarn, V ip j)* &. iKt O Whale's flesh de-
prived of Its fat by roasting. @ Tdfu boiled disbursement.
mi 448 lEO
Irime ga fcasawiu, X § ft* ?k A, the expenaes it in the best manner regardless of expense;
have Increased. Sorewairiyd desu, yt-->>Xffl^^, [coi?.]that is

Syn. lIiTo, Nyuhi, Nyut3. Syn. IRIMB, NTUTt"). Lof use; it is needed.
Irtnildareni, V^ W) ?»- 7G *x S A 5t> v.i. To be con- , Irlyu, V^'5W>, JSfc-^, n. Hot water flavoured with
fused or .jumbled together, parched rice.
IrJnioiio,VO to, W>^, n. Anything parched and Irinahaiia. Vr- ID ?" i> tr, H#. "• Eish iried or
coyered with sugar or relished with Boy. roasted until it dries up in the pan.
Irlmii^l, ^;^'i)*J•?^. ^'^, ^. Parched barley Irisalfc. \ri5?'W", ffi?S, n. iSake mixed with soy,
Syn. ML'gikogashi. chips of dried bonito, and common salt, and
IrlmiiKo, \f 10 irZ., X ¥- S S. 't- A man marrying boiled down to be used as sauce.
a widow and adopting her (i.e. her former Irlziiiiii,V/^ 10 ^ ^, -I^Ki, '^^ Dried charcoal, or
husband's) name. charcoal thoroughly dried so as to make it be
Irin. V^ ^,
^ifsl, n.
fl) [Chin.] The five human easily kindled.
relations, between master and servant, parent Irlzdiiii, \/^y)$7f; Xft, n. [Join.] Edges of boxes,
and cliild, brethren, husband and wife, and smoothed by planing.
friends. Iro, \p5, fi, n. Colour; tint; hue.
Irinabe. \/^^ 11.^, tJS'JiB, n. An earthen pan for Iro ga kieta ^if 'M ^ ^. the colour has
parching pea, rice, goma, etc. faded; fro ga aeta, -fetf th ^. the colour has
Syn. HoROKO, ibigawara. been heightened; Iro ga kawaru. fi V §( »-, the
Irlnabe. V^ 9 tf '^i iKt iffl, ^, «. A pan used for colour changes; Iro ga sameta, fi^j^ ^, the
roasting. Tjob. colour has faded; Iro ga usui, ^ffffr-i, the
Irlsliiffoto, V> V) ;£ aif, AftST, n. Day's work; colour Is light; to be light-coloured; Irojiitm
Irlshigoto ivo hihhikeru, Att!B9-5l^*'»', dasanu, fe = -=6 tti "^ 5r, not even showing or
to engage in dfiy's work. mar.ifesting (in the face); Iro ni nana iro arl, £
Irlehio, \f^^ZVt, X^, n. The ebb tide. = 'fcSB'T' V. there are seven kinds of colours;

Irltamnso, V^ te 12 G, HI^, n. Eggs beaten

Iro wo agei-u, fe ^ ±
«-, to deepen or heighten

up with sugar and soy and roasted. the colour (as of cloths); Iro wo nuku, ^"^ iS. ^,
extract the
Irltatsu, V fe "7, X it, vA.
i/J O To enter. © To to colour; to decolourize; Iro

make friendly visits among each other; to be too otosii, fi ^S 7., i.q.; iro wo tsukeru, g?#
intimate. }i, to col»ur; Iro too ushinau, fe ^ ^ "7, to
Irikomu, Taohiiru.
Syn. lose colour, i.e. to turn pale; Iro wo yawa-
IiitorJ, v
'S V), ^,^, n.
V) Fowls boiled with a ragv, © ^ fH ;/, to appease one's anger; to sober

mixture of sugar, soy, and mirin until the down; no ne-iro, ® x # fi, the tone of a

sauce is fully absorbed. flute; Kao no iro, -' £, the complexion of the

face; Omot iicht nt areba iro hoka ni arawaru,

Irltsiiko, V>i!)-9W-, ]R#, n. Any fish roasted or
boiled in a pan until the sauce or soy is fully ab- .§-•< ft = TL>>NfiJ'|.=i^-^fl', man's thought is

sorbed. expressed in his countenance.

Irltsukeru, V^ "O -3 S, f?K<J-, u-f. To boil or » Iro, \r^, g, n. O
Love; lewdness; venery. ©'collA
roast anything in a pan so as to make It dry up A lover; paramour; mistress; sweetheart.
and almost stick to the pan. Iro ni fiiTceru, 1^ — Bt fl', to be given up to
Syn. NiTSUKEBtr. lust; Ironi mayou, fi ^ ^ "7, to he infatuated

Irltsulfu. V "il
'^ ^ , ?ffi #, v.i. To be boiled and with love for another; Iro ni motsu, g ^^e'-;', to

made almost to stick to the pan. keep as a mistress or concubine; Ironinaru, g

Syn, NiTSCMARU. =?-»', to become a lover; Irani obmi(, g=: jg *,

Irludo, Vr9 5^i '^' A man who becomes the hus- to be drowned or addicted in last; Iro wo aisu, fi
band of a widow and takes her family name. ^ ^ ^. to be fond of venery; Iro wo torimotsu,
Irluiiil, V^ "O 5 ;^i Xi&, «- A bay; inlet; an arm fe^ 'Hii^t^, to recommend a mistress to another;
of the sea. Eiyu iro too konomu, ^ i^ fi ^ (ff 2*. great
Irlwatarii, \/^ ^ ii tz 'Z> X^, v.l. To spread or captains are fond of venery; Iioyot henji, £ 3
extend through ; to pervade. ^ l^gj, [coii.] afavoutable answer, (to a billet

Irlyo, \/^ V) i 5, Xffl. Ti- O Being of use; use; doux).

utility ^ need. 6 Expense; expenditures; out- Ii*o, 2, ^, v.l, [vul. Imp. mood. oC Iru.] Be or stay
lay. there (only to inferiors).
JrlyTi ni Jcamawazu yoku kosJUraete Icudasal, Matte iro. ^ 5^ # p, wait, or be waiting; Soko
Xffl affl'^^Cfff^'^^T' rf'^ i^-f. [coii.imake nl iro, 4tA= * n, be in that place; stay thera

mo M9 mo
Iro, It 5. fSffi. "• iCJtln.'] A buUdlng where per- Iroha, \£^f,a, jy, S ftp. "• O The first three of the
Bons live during the period of their mourning. 47 syUabic sounds, which form the elements
Syn. MOTA. fwith. of the Japanese language; the alphabet. @
Ir5, v> & ^, ^, To handle to touch to meddle
u.(. ; ; Cont.formof Jrofta-Mfa. ©The simplest rudi-
Ira, V* & 5, !K ?^. " Ackno-wledgment of serviceB ments of any science or art.
rendered by inferiors. Buru» v.t. To Iroha-karuta, V'%Ii£:b>2'^, ; PJl B ^ ». « * fii;

acknowledge services rendered. Irolia-saruta, V;^?.U:fi<5ft, * kind of card game.

IrS, Z>^5, jflSfi. " Omission. Iroba-datoo, \/^ 7^ H t& "£ ^, n. The forty-seven
Iro naku sMraberu, JEiSS ? ^ SH'* *-. **> ®^" popular sayings each of which commences with
amine without omission; Iro wo ogiitcm, J3 iS ?" a different syllabic sound of the Japanese al-
^ -7, to supply omissions. phabet, ras above.

Iroaffe, V^ i& :% *>. fi ±, »* Restoring a colour to Iroba-tanba, \/n 5 Hfe ^*^ KL B fe" )® ift, «• Sam«
its original shade. Iroha-uta,u*:SB5fe, JslBSfeSfi: n. The name of a
Iroage 100 suru, £ Jt ^ ^ B-. to heighten the poem composed of the 47 syllables of the Japa-
colour once faded; to restore the lustre of dyed nese alphabet.
Syn. JuNsnOKTj. Lsoods. Irolro, \iy^\r ^, fi fi, » and adv. Various, di-
Iroal, v^i&4i>, fi^S, n. O
Appearance or quality verse, manifold ; in various or different ways.

of f oloura; colouring. @ Shade. Jroiro no hana, £ fe^ 7£. various flowers;

Irobicunstil, v^:6tf^U feSS. 1SSS. « Love talk; Iroiro no koto, fe fi ^ ^, divers matters;
love affair; an obscene story. manifold affairs. TSnuJO.
Irobanashi wo suru, fe gS ^ ^ *. to talk about Syn. KUSAGUSA, SAMAZAMA, SHINAJINAj
love; to tell an obscene story. Irojlro, V^ i5 C JB, g^, © W, a. White in com-
Irobuml, \A 5 * &. ft J:. ffi *. A love letter; « plexion ; of white colour; fair.
billet,-doux. Tplctures) ;
painting. Iroica, V % *», fi #. n. O Colour and fragrance.
Irodorl, Vr^tfig, 6^. S&fi. »• Colouring (as of ©Beauty and loveliness of women; femala
ZrodoH wo surtt, fe^^TtJi', to colour; to beauty.
Syn. Edoei, Saishiki. LP^int. Iroka ni mayou, ft @ = JS "^i to be faseloated
Irodoru, V^ % « 3, fe^, u-C. To ornament with by a beauty; Hana no iroka, ^ ^ fi §=, colour
different colours; to colour; to paint. and fragrance of flowers.
Syn. EDORU, Saishiki suru. Irokawaru, \/^ % 4» 6J 3, feS, v.i. To change
Irogal, V* J6 ii»V, fig. w. A general name for colours; to fade.
Bhell-fishes. Iroke. \/vJ5W. fe S. »- O Quality of colours. S
Iroffaml, V^ft'S-, fiiiK. »- Coloured paper. Icoll.] Love for the opposite sex.

Syn. SouEQAMi. Iroke ga kawaru, fe^W^ft-, to fade In col-

Irosawa, V^%Ji*tJ, ft IS. 'i- Coloured leather. our; Iroke no nal hanashi, fi^^-J-^IS, a
Irogawarl, V^:&iI^tt'!).6S. w. O Changing of plain or dry talk; Iroke ga tsuita, fe g,tf ^, -fij-

colours; lading. @ Being of a different colour. has arrived at the age of puberty.
HBN3HOK0. Syn. iROAi, ShikijD. rtlsm.
IroBlnu. V»^^ai, fi;^. "• Coloured silk stuffs. Iroke^hJ, \pJ5W£., fe vW. " IPhysics.l Achronia-

Irotful, V^J5av^, iJSft. w- Love (as between sexes); IrokoEiikii, \r^W^<. fi^-Wt, '"*- Toarrive at
Irokol, V^^t.\/^, 'love affairs; love intrigue. the age of puberty ; to commence to have carnal

iroBonoinl, U^;5a©»-. fi (ff. " O Being fond of desire.

venery; salacity; lewdness ; lasciviousness; con- Iroklcbisal, v^:s'§%iflV', fi G, ^^l^.n. [Ji'<"l.}

cupiscence. @
Being particular about colours Insanity resulting from lasciviousness nymiiiio- ;

selection of colours. mania

Ii-ogonomi wo suru, feiff ^:x»-, to be particular Irokin, vr & A '& A. fet^^. " Money conferred
about colours (as of cloths). in consideration of public services.

Iroeoto, \/^:5ai^. fe^. "• A love intrigue; love IrnUn wo tamaioaru, £t ^ ^ t Sg "» B-, to con-

affair; sexual connection. fermoney as a reward for public services.

IroKOtoehJ, V5SX U^^M> rt. [coll-l A man of Iroku, V^^SC:, ^Hb. «• Dandruff.
Syn. Puke. faflsli.
pleasure; seducer; adulterer; a whoremonger;
a person of easy* virtue. Kroko. V^JBt, n. [corrupt, of Profco.] The scales of
Irogitrul, \/^;5<"St^, fia. n. Glrenupto venery; irokokl, V-:^?l&, fi ^S, a- Deep-coloured.
Irokurokl, V/n 7^ < iS S ft S, »- Black or dark .
lewdness ; lechery.


Irokiizii, \p%<?,SS, n. QThe scales of aflah. @ IroBou, V*)S^J-, fi is, v.i. To be accompanied
Pish (i.e. scaled things). by various things to have various articles ;

SyD. Urokuzti, Uoeui, Uboko. added.

Iromarlil, v^)!"^, fe KI, n. Prostitute quarters. Irotsuya, \r ^ "P ^, ^S. felfi-"- "^^ gloss,

Syn. IROZATO. lustre, or brightness of anything; the complex

Irome* V>^i6, fi g, w. The colour of garment. iOD.

Iroiiio, \p61i6, fi@,l^&, n. Amorous looks. Kao no irotsuya ga yol, ffi > fiffiWiff 'f the ,

irome wo tsukau, &c2J;^iS7. to glance askant complexion of tlie face is bright.

(as at a lover). Irou, V^;si, ©!, #, v.t. O To manage; to admin-
Iroiiioknslil,-l,-kl, \r^fc*>I,, ^-fi, u. Having ister to to interfere with. @ To meddle
; to ;

a lascivious appearance. handle to feel witli the hand to touch.

; ;

IrunioKu, Xr^^lbi ,v.l. Q To put on a fresh green Iron, v^ ;s i, ^, v,i. and t. QTo improve in
colour (as plants). @ To have the appearance colour; to become more beautiful. @ Same as
of gi\'ing way. © To have a lascivious appear- Meutsurt suru. To make more beautitul by ©
ance. colouring; to brighten, fpale.
SomokuQairomeku, ^ip.1f ^ji &, the plants Iro-uBiiBlil. \/^^3'f t,^^, "• Of a- light colour
have put on colours ga iromeku, SS ^^
; Tehizei Irowake, \r ^ ^, " Distinguishing by
t) l&, fi
'i a ji ir the enemy has shown the appearance
, colours (as boundaries on a map) the colouring ;

of giving way. frlce bread. of a map or atlas.

Iroinocli), V^ :5 !& "t, fe ®f, n. Coloured mochi qt Iroe, V^^S, fist. ^ Coloured pictures.
Irou, V^^^, ^^, n. A different opinion or argu- Irosaiiiiiru, V-^ytrS, fi S, v.i. QTo fade (aa i

ment; objection. Irosamerii, v;^^^)^, colours). @ To turn pale J

Iron nashi, H ^ ^ i', no objection ; Iron wo (as the face). © To become sober.
lonaeru, ^^^P^^»-, to object; to differ in Irosashl, \r-^^t, fe ^, ?f fi, "• O The colour
opinion. (as of the face); the complexion. ©Applying
i.uiini. V^ ^V^, ^ fi, «. Cold; indifferent; not colours; colouring or painting.
cordial; not courteous ; rough in manner. Irosato, V- =S y^f, feM, ^ESP^ n. Prostitute
iroiinoshl. v^:^trH: L. ^IB. 't- Changing white Syn. Kdruwa. Lquartera.
robes for coloured garments; a ceremony per- Irosukoru, \r- 5 2, gff, v.t.
r>* W' [caus. of Iro-

lornied for a bride on the third day of her mar- zuJcu.] O To cause to ripen (as fruits). To @
riage or the hundredth day after parturition. colour or paint.
Ironanski no sakasuki, fe M > W. the enter- IroEuku, V\^:D'<, fi #, v.i. To put on acolour;
tainment on the third day of a wedding. to ripen or mature.
ironc, V' ^ *1, fe §, n. The quality of sound; Kusa gn irozuku, ft V fi # ^, the grass has
the tone. put on Momiji ga sukoshi zuisu iro-
its colour ;

Fue no irone ga voi, S -^ fi ^ Wfef ^, the tone euite kita, 1glff>J^i/-y * 6 # 7= SS it, the maple
of the flute is good. has begun to turn a little red.
Ironkn, V/^:^^4>, ^mS^. " One who habitually Iru» vv :s, X, v.i. O To go in; to enter. ©To go
objects to other's opinions; a detractor; a down or set (aa tlie sun). ©
To want, require,
Zoilus. or need. Q SuflSxed to other verbs, it serves to
Ii-Dujia. \r- ^ ^&, <*. [coll.] Various; varied; di- intensify their meanings.
vers; all manner of. Fiide ga iru,S *^ A fl'i a pen Is needed ; Bi ga,
trounnn, \^;s5r^tP, fe ^, « A lover ; mistress ; ii'U, UJfXii', the sun sets; le ni ii-u, ^=^X
swectlieart, »., to enter a house
Itami-iru, JS S »-, to feel ; X
li-ootoko, U^ ^ 2r If fi ^. Tfc C
A paramour; a pained with a sense of obligation; to be very
handsome man; a lover wooer; a gallant. ; much obliged Kane ga iru, ^ ^ X *-, I want

Ii-ori, Vr^jijI, ^iSSE, ii&fiS, 71. A fire place sunk in money to retiuire an outlay of money Kie-iru,
; ;

the floor; a hearth. v# A. B-, to be very much ashamed Mi ga iru, K ;

Syn. Ro, YuitURl. ^X/^, (a) to fruit (as flowers); to fructify;

IryrI, V- ^ ^, ft ipj, n. A sauce or flavouring used (b) to be earnest (as in speaking) ; Osore irimasu,
in coolfing food. -S ^ A V "^ ^, [coll.] I am very much obligied;
IroslilurL, V^'SX'^i fi i5. '*• Various articles. I am filled with fear, or with a sense of obliga-
lroslilro6lil,-l,-kl, V'^t.^SL, )fiS. a- Having tion; Tanomi-iru, $g = A A-, to beg earnestly.
Irojlroslil, \r^;£-5S* 'a fatr complex- Iru, V/^3, H, v.t. To parch or roast.
ion; white. Kimo wo iru, 8T ^ jJl »-. [iit.j To roast or boll

^51 ISA
down the liver to be extremely anxious about
; to ; to be overcautious ; Eisoku wo iruru, ipj
anything; Tdfuwo int, aST ^ iflit^. to cook(o/u X* ^ , to pay interest.
until it dries up. IiMiea, Uv3 5, n. The side or direction toward
1jc«» V/^Z, !!3", tJ.t. To parch or roast ; to fire. which anything is entering. Now used only In
CTiawo tru, ^ f- ^ «-, to fire tea ifame wo ; classical compositions.
iru, 3.^ ^tt'.to parch peaa. YukuUvM no trusa nu yaitia, fl ^ > X :5 Uj, --'

Iru, v2, U^, D.t. To shoot (aa an arrow). the mountain towards which the moon is set-
Vvnni wo iru, "^ 9- ^H'^ to shoot with a bow. ting.
tni, V/^2, (S. ^•*- To cast (us metal) ; to found. Iryo, Vvih.5, HS. «• Medicul treatment.
Tsurl^ane wo iru, ffi ® ^ S n-, to cast a Iry'Q wo kuwaeru, B^^ dji-^B', to undergo
church belL medical treatment.
Iru, Z> 2 S. «•*'
To be to sit to dwell or reside. ; ; Syn. ChiryO, RtQji.
Asonde iru, j^Vt'^P', to be playing; Kimi Iryoku, s 1 < ^i], n. Influence; power;

wa iina doko ni iru ka, 'S-'^^ifJ^ — ^H-'Ji. might authority ascendency.

; ^chinensis. ;

[coll.] where do you live at present? Uchi ni Ivyosnl, JtyiSsv^,, ^^^, n. [Bot.] Potentilla
iru, S5 =i S ^. to be at home. fquire. Irynbutsu, £V) 5 j«^, jg^it^, n. [iiaw.] Residue.
iru, \rZ, "K, f^^, i?, v,i. To want, need, or re- Isnbn, v^^tf, 3Li-®,B?^at, n. A fish market
Shohn niwa motode ga tint, ffiii^-^Tc^^^'A iHagiyoBhl.-l.-hl, v^^ari L, ffl?. a- O Clear (aa
jt-, business requires capital Hima ga irn, 0@ ; wiiter) pure undefiled holy.
; ; ; @ Manful vali- ;

if Xn-, to require too much time to be slow or ;

ant; brave ; not cowardly.
tardy. Ping; clothes.
BS * -& > A, pure-
Tsagiyoki Tcokoro no hito,
Irul, v^aZi, 31c5®. »» Any wearing apparel; cloth- hearted person; Tsagiyoki uchijlni. S?=*Bt?E.
Irui chodo, :^M Ml^> clothing and other necea- dying bravely in battle.
Syn. IPDKU, Kimono, Koromo. Lsarles Syn. KEPPAKU, KITORAKA, TSAMAaHIKI.
IruJ, V2S, ^^^, "• Different kinds or species. Isngrl, Vr'SIT, n. [ichth.] Fj-istipomajaponicum.
Iriil, Z).®i®. ".
Zi Z> That which remains after lango, V^^a, Vjf, n. Sand.
the main part is destroyed; the remnant (as ffama no isago, ^^ pj*, sand on the seashore
of enemies). (often used metaphorically to express the Im-
KotogotnJcu trui nakarasJUmu, ffi ^ 19 !S -J- * mensity of numbers),
9 ^ A, to allow no remnant to survive; to ex Syn. SuNA, RtTKAGO,
terminate, riongirostrls. Isn-faa. 1/^5 tt, n. Vnriegated leaves (of plants).
Iru Uti, V-2A>, i$ K. w- [Ichth.] Dolphin, De^MnuS Isal, S^V^, 3^ flP, ''. Particulars; details; a
KriilfHse 111, \;^ 3 *> ^ 1/r. ;gt, adv. Carelessly; minute account minutlse. ;

lieedlessly; in a perfunctory manner. euvii, Isat wo Jianasu, ^ SB ^ fS to tell ::^, particu-

v.i. To neglect to disregard ; ; to alight lars ; Isai wo tazunuTU, ^ ^ 3^ 5T Jffl ff-, to in-
Syn. YUBUKASB NI. quire into minutiae,
Irumaj1»-l.-ki, V^S^CXMK.a- ONotrequir- Isalkn, \/^sv*>, a. and adu. Little ; trifling ; few
ing; unnecessary. ©Not permitted to enter; a little. Now rarely used.
not intending to go in. Isai «1, & 5 V^ l/c, 3^ SB, adv. Minutely; circum'
Irurii, \rSZ, X, S^, v.t. [cans, of Int.] QToput stantially; in detail particularly. ;

or place in ; to take in ; to insert. @ To pay (as Isai ni tadasu, 3^3W = JL^, to examine mi-
taxes), ©To apply (as force); to use; to oki- nutely ; Isai nitd, S = BB "7, to inquire par-
ploy (as time or capital). QTo comply with; ticularly. ' TKA NI, TSUBUSA NT.
to approve to consent to.
CJdkara wo iruru, ij ^ \it' \, to apply force Isahal, V3i->t>, I^. n. Dispute; quarrel ; conten-
to exert one's self; BalM ni kane wo iruru, E tion; altercation; wrangling,
= ^^ X. »- * . to put money into a box Bima ; Syn. ARASOI, IlAl, Kknkwa,
wo iruru, R3 ^ Jt- * , X
to give time to to be ;
Isakau, V^SA»A, @, v.i. To quarrel; to dispute;
slow in doing anything; Isame wo irurr^ ^? to wrangle.

X Jt »» to admonish; also to follow advice; Syn. ARASon, Iiatj. KOron surtt.

Kokoro wo iruru, *& ? X J*- * , to pay attention ;
Isak], \r-'^^, tt. [/c7i(/i.] Same as Isagi,
Bura ni kome wo iruru,
^^^i^"^ XJt' », to put Isakiisa, U^ 3. < 5, ^SS, n. and adv. [coll.} Q
or store rice in a granary Nengu wo iruru, ^; Verbal dispute contention wrnngling brawl. ; ; ;

E"^ X n- » to , pay taxes Ifen nl nen wo Ij-uru,

; @ In a murmuring, querulous, or loguacloui
& — ^^-X*- ^, to pay the greatest attention manner.
;; ; ;

ISA ^52 KE
Isakiisa iwazu ni, -^ -V- ^ *• i -*'*
tC^, not Syn. Kb, Kusivi^, TBGARA.
brawling with each other IsaJcitsa naku koto wo ; Isara. v\ 3 c,, a. Small ; little ; minute. Used
osameru, -f 9•i'U^iS'$^?§y)^, to settle a always in compounds.
matter without; quarrelling. Isara-mizu, -f-^^;^, a puddle of water.
I8ainaslil,-i,-ki, U^ 3 5 L, ^. a. O Brave; va- Syn. CnilSAT, ISASAKA.
liant ; courageous gallant ; ; manlul. @ Lively Isarai, VS&V', ^8?, «. The buttocks.
brisk; bold intrepid. ; Syn. isniKi, Shirt.
Syn. OosHi, Takeshi, YUTasniKi. I9arj, v^'!?, i,6&, <* Pishing.
Isaniaslilsa, Vr ? E L :?, S, ra. O Courageoua- Syn. SUNADORi. fat night
ness bravery valiantnese.
; ; @ Liveliness brisk- ; IsarlliJ, v^'a. W) tv, jl VC. "• A torch used in Ashing
ness; cheerl'ulnesfl.
Isarlbune, v^:5.«)Ji*a, ^^, n. A fishing boat.
Isanto, V^ 2 i6, ^, n. Advice; admonition; re- Syn. Rt5sen.
monstrance repoof warning. Isaru, v^^Z, i^, v.t.
; ;
To fish.
Isame wo irenu, ^"^ ^.to reject admoni- X^ Syn. ASARTJ, Ryo suru, Sctnadoru.
tion Isame wo Mfcw, gR ^ M ^. to hearken to an
; Isa.snlfa, ^ and adv. Small
v^ ^3 *>, &:'p, jfl, a.
admonition; to follow an advice. little ; trifling.
Syn. IKEN, Kangen, Isasaka s7iimpai suru, ^ iJ^ ,C. SS ^ *•> to be
Isnmcrii, V^ 5 fe 3, ^, v.t. To Inspire with cou- troubled a little Isasaka no koto kara, m-^fSttj

rage to encourage to embolden to animate.

; ; ;
5, Crom a trifling cause.
Isanioru, ^ » 3. Ip IS, v.t. Q To admonish; to Syn. Chotto, Karisome ni, Sukoshi, Su-
advise; to reprove; to expostulate with. @ To KOSHinAKARi. Ting matter.
caution to warn. ; laasalic-tvaKa. V'S^W'*^*', n. A small or trifl-
Syn. iKEN SURF, KANGEN SDRU. leasainc nl, V^^-jfeK. i@10, adv. For a short
Isameru, Vr^feZ, St. v.t. O To soothe; to appease; time ; for a while ; temporarily.
to console. @ To please or delight tas deities). Syn. KARISOME.
Syn. Nagusameru. laasa-ogawa, V^3'55r**tt, n. A gently flowing
Isaiuf^ VrSi^, ^. iK^, T^S, ". Courageousness rivulet ; a streamlet. Now used only In poetical
boldness; liveliness, gallantry. A gallant @ compositions.
person a bold and chivalrous person.
; Isatoyo, V*:s.i?t,, adv. Nay; not only so.
Syn. Otokodatb. Isayol, \r^i.V; n. Hesitation; doubt; scepti
IsamJ-liadsL, V^ -s- ^^Ta, n. [coll.] Gallant or ciam.
chivalrous manner. Isayol. \/n31V, . +#c^. «. oQt. form of the
Isamltahonu V^3;^'teW3, ?§ ^, v.i. Te be fear- liayoJ, V^?'il^, S following.
less and bold to be spirited. ;
Isayol-uo-tsiilcl. iO-c^^l^,
Isnmio. v^-jtf, Ji, v.i. Q To be courageous, bold, Izayol-no-tsitkl, V^3riT>©'5&, ;i, n. The '

or intrepid. @ To be lively, cheerful, or brisk. moon as seen on the 16th of the month (o.s.).
© To he animated, or spirited. Isebofu. v^^U5i5. Sfi ^, «. [Bot.] Phellopterm
Isaniii. \^^fj, ^, v.t. Same as Isameru. llttoralts.
Isnn, 7:i'B^, j3 ^. '"• Miscalculation; an error in Ise-obl. v^* A.Uf, [Zool.] Spiny-lobster,
computation. siiini, v.t. To make an error Fanuli-
in counting; to miscalculate. rus ja-
Isnn, £5^, i3M. n. An Inheritance; heritage. ponicus.
Tsaua, \o'^U, @S, n. [lehtli.] A wtiale.
Syn. Kfjira
Isansozokii. S'5As5?'<, ia^tiS!, n. [Law.] n. Pow-
Succession to property. er; in-
Ksan-eoKOliuhf^ii, i^^555'<W^, iy^lB^ig, fluence ;

/(. [Law.] The rigiit of succession to property. m

fsan-sozolir.iiin, ib-?A5 5 ?' < KA, iS.W.tUBA,
i g li t
Lnw-] A successor to property.
n. '

leno, V^^-^, " Merit; exploit; glorlons

Isel aru hito, ^^t n- K, powerful person.
\V}, an influential personage; vjofuru, to exer-

Isnoelit. VS'i^ L, ' or distinguished deeds. Syn, iKioi, iKo. [^cise authority
T?<iifidwo arawasu, jft^jSB:^, to display or
ftchieve a meritorious deed 6i nam isaoshi, ^
Isel, &-»-Vv,
iSt;^, n. Nocturnal emissions. —
v.t. To have nocturnal emissions.
^ »- j6, a great or glorious deed. Syn, iSlL>z5 3URU.
Isel, v^-fv^, ^ ^, n. A medical student. Islil* £ L, i3^. «• Desire or intention of a person
Isol, a-^V^, ia$iJ. "• Instructions or orders left who has died.
by a dying Empeiior. Oya no ishi wo tsugu, SS ^ iS )£ ^ ^ ^t to ad-
here to the intention of a dead father.
Isel. Vv^V-, ^ £t. 'i' -A- different family, or families
bearing differeut cames. Ishibal, \f. t, tf t>. S iJ'c, n. Lime made of lime
stone or of oyster shells.
Isckl, V^ -^ 1&, KSi "• The register or status of
licensed physicians.
Ishibai wo vaku, S E^ ?" 1^ ^. to burn lime.
Isokl, \/N-^l^, Jg, 71. A long bamboo basket filled
Ishibal-lsht. v% ti£ D-V^ L, S J!? 5. «• Limestone.

with stones, and used to protect the banks of a Islilbnl-Kama, v^ LtJV^ij'^, S M SI- "• Lime kilo.
Syn. JAKAGO. Lrivfir.
Ishibal-no-daii, ^/^ X, tf 0- K) 7g ^, S Mffl. «• A
platform made of mortar in the Imperial palace
Iseki, Z)-ti:&, S ^, n- A great or glorious deed.
at Ky5to. rburnslime
See also IfcS ({g SJ)* fvestige.
IsbibaJ-yakl. v^tf\/^-^&, lIS K#. "• One who
iHeki. iE> * &, itSJ:, «. Relics, remains; ruins; a
iBbibarl, V^XtfVl, S^^. «• A stone lancet or
Isen, ZJ^^, iS^. n. Parallels of li^titude.
Iseniil, V^-y:iitii>, n. Away of sewing cloth. Isblbaebt, \/^t,i£t, ^W,> '*• A stone bridge.
Iseoudo, ip. * !fc•^ >*,§> S^'l' eS. "" Tlie name of a lehibtya, "U^Xxy-^. 'G !Kifz> '* A cannon.
famous dance originated at Furuichi in the Isblbotoke,
province of Ise.

Iseosltivol, V -^ to X is V^, IB^. »i- A cosmetic iB^,n. A

powder manufactured at Isawa in the province stone Bud-
of Ise. dhist idol
Isorii, Vi^ -ft 3, S, v.t. To sew a piece of cloth by l.«4hibiiuii. \/> £ .$« &, CS IK 90
bringing the edges close. i5jl, n. A stone monument bearing an inscription.

Isetsii* V^-yr*^, |?.ig. ri, A different or heterodox Syn. Hi, Sekthi. fstones.

opinion; controversy; heresy. Isblbuno* \/^ L .Ss tl, »! A boat for transporting
Jsetsu wo tonatt, S^^Pi"7. to advocate Isbiburul, \/^;£i--5V, i S i^. 'i- A coarse sieve

a different or heterodox view ; Isetsu wo tatsu, Ishifiirul* V';£i3 V; used for shifting gravels. '

Ishldfti, v:£?t-V».n ilchtJi.l FTopIeffvatJiusfa-^clatvs.

S. ^^ at ''^. *^o torm a different opinion; to
controvert. Ishidan, V*^?&^, ^HS-SFS. «• Stone steps;

iBesaraHlii, Un *y 6 L. ^S®, " A kind of stepping stone ; stone plattorm.

hempen cloth. Ishidanso, \/^ :£ ^6 ^ &, © 9g5, " A nodule of
Syn. ISHiMANJU. Lstono.
Islia. V^ifeJ^, K#. 1- Physician; doctor; medicist.
noshinsatsuwo kou, K^-^
IsJia ?, to ^^^£ IshldataiuJ. \^:£7c-fe^. S *. «• O Stone flooring.
ask a physician to examine one's body; Isha wo @ A kind of knot having the appearance of four
mulcau, S# ^ jffi
"7. to send for a doctor. squares.
Syn. ISHi, Kdsushi. Ishldataml, \/^:£?feteft, n. [Conch.] Monodonta
Islin, ^:£.^, S^, -ii- Omissions made in copying. Isbldoro, V*i*5^?. 5^3. A stone lamp

Ishl, V/\ L, S |i?, ^- Same as Isha (S^)- post.

lalil, V^ L, Si ''^- -A- stone. Isbl^aesbl, \r£,ft*-<L, n,

Uzamu, H = fiJ i*. to engrave on a

Ishi ni [coi-rupt. of IshugaesJii.]

stone; Ishi wo dakaseru, 5 ^ }S*i^ »-, to put Taking vengeance; revenge.

heavy stones on the knee of a criminal (in order lebisake, \rXtii&, S M. n.

to make him confess); Ishi zoo horldosu, S ^ iS A wall built by piling up

to dig out a stone; to quarry stones; Ishi stones.
m 5t,

wo Hridasu, :5 ^ iBW ^t, to cut out or quarry IsbigakesbJborJ. \r*£,ti*I^L

stones; Ishi wo migalcu, S'^fg^. to polish a K "0 , 5 E JSE. n. Cloth

stone; Islii wo nageru, C^tS'*-. to throw dyed with small hexagonal

Syn. Skki. Lstones. figures, resembling those of
labl, \/\ Li ^Si " Idea; will; sentiment; thought. stones in an ishigake.
Syn. KoKOEO, Omoi. fsentiments. Isblsakl, Vv :fe fi» &, SS, n.

Stone wall.
Ishi, \r-V, S -S. """ Traitorous intention ; disloyal

Isbl, \r.L, SB. I- Meaning; sense; signification; Isblffakl, XV^ft*?. fiSS, 71.

purport; object. Stone steps.

Ishi, 6 ;£, S&, T*. Acting contrary to orders; Isblsame, v^ L 6' *, * ffl. n ^j^iil)
disobedience to the spirit of Instructions. Clemmys japonica.


iBlilgani. v>£j,*vr, SH, n. [ZoQl.] A kind of Islilnie, V* X 16, H S, I*- The grain or veins oi
mount-ain crab that lives under stones. stone.
Isliigroppa. v^^aa-ya", n. Stone chips. Ishlnil, \r^%^, J53, n. Same as Igaml. [sina.
IsUigiira, v^:£<.e.5^,„. A storehouse built IshlinochJ, \/v;e.ii-^. IBUM.' « [Ichth.] Sciaena
ol" Rtotioa a stones go-down.
; Ishfinucblso, V^ £ % "t 5 5, 3i5 S SJ, n. [Jiot.\

IsJiJguniina, V/vLexa.sm. n. A four-wheeled Drosera lunata.

cart for conveying stones. Ishlniu, \rXif, fiot, v.i. To be irregular in outline,
Islisitioihaini, V'S.a;&i>;^, ^ KS5S, n. [Sot.]Po- to be contorted or twisted in shape.
I'i/podium. Ishlmusiinio. V^:£.tf-^i6, n. A barren or child-
Ishilmjiici, ^^* tt C &. n. A weapon for throw- Syn. Umazume. Lless woman.
ing atones in war; a ballista, Ishin, V/^ ;£, ^, ^c> " Rebellious intention or
rsbihannsotetaii, M^XiXtt^Xr?, n. [Bot.] Nar- thought; treachery; disloyalty.
row-leaved cycas, Cycasrewluta var. Ishin wo idaku, ^.t<^^^, to harbour re-
Ishll, V;£Zi, S#. ) n. A fountain issuing bellious thought.
I^hiido, V^S.ib^, S fr P", * from rocks. Syn. FUTAGOKORO, YA.SHIN.
Istillshl. \A LV^ L, n. [polite coll.] A dango or Isliln, \rXA„B1Si, n. Restoration (esp. of the year
dumpling (women's term). 1868); a revolution; renovation.
Ishllta, \rX\rfi, ^U. '». A stone plate slate ;
Ishlna-dnnso, \r :£. ^ ?t- A a, Eia^H ^, "- A
stone blocks. fly soil.
nodule of stone. fnofio
Isliiji, 1^:^^, ^^, n. A stony ground ; a gravel Ishluadoi'l, \/^:£^i«^{!, S&S. Same as Ish,-

Ishlkawa, \r:£i»il, S Jll, ft. A river with a stony Ishinago, \/^Zti.^. 1ft E. "• O Throwing stone-t.
bed. fed with the hands. @ Gont of below.
Ishikcu, v^ LW^. S ^, «• A kind of game play- Isliinageki, v^XtCl>&,HS^, n. An instrument
Syn. Janken. for throwing stones a sling. ;

Ishlkj, fc£&, iSSC, n. [iaw.] Informal; contrary Isliiuago, V^;£^&, ^t^^.n. A game played by
to form. girls with marbles.
Ishik«, a;fet, mM, n. O The buttocks. ©A Syn. TSHINADORI.
seat; place to sit. Islifnara, V^i^ttft, n. [Bot.] Quercussp.
Syn. I3ARAI, Seki, Shiri. leliin-douahin, \/v:£ ^•^^:£^, m'Cfffi.C;., n. ti
lehlkibasii. V/n ^& tf ^, S!(Si, /*. A boil on the Communicating from mind to mind. @ aiutu.tl
Syn. Shiribasu. L^ip.
conception or understanding.
Ishlkiri, v^S^t!), 5^, S x, n. A stone-cutter; Isliiaoch], V^:£©'t, SS?L. >i' A stalactite.
a Rtonemason. Syn. Tsuraraishi, Shoxyuseki.
Isbikirl-iioiiij, V^X^'fl©;^, 5«l^, ". AchLsel Ishlnoclilchi. inXiT^^^, «. Same as above.
used by stone-cutters. fol" stones. Islilnoliana, \r;t ©^"5:, n. A kind ot stalactite.
Ishiko, "B^,
V-i.'C, « Stone chips; fragments Islil-uoiiil, V^;^.®^, S^, n. A chisel for cutting
Isliikoro, v^££.%, 01, n. Pebbles; gravel. stones.
Syn. Thhikure, KOJSni. IslU-no-obI, \^ * © *J W, E ^, n- A kind of belt
Ishikoroziiino, V-'£>'(L^^'% 5 ^t_ " Burying ,
decorated with jewels, and formerly worn by
a person under a pile of stones to kill him. nobles at court.
IsBilkii, \j^ L < , El, n. Same as Ishikiri. I-8hiriiiiiasii, v^;£, ^^-^, ftf Q, v.U To overwhelm
Syn. SEKIK5. (enemies) with heavy showers of arrows.
Ishlltii. \c^%i,%,aav. O Beautifully; splendidly; Ishltatakl, V/N;£fefe]&, Si4§. « [Ornir/i.] Th«
finely; gorgeously. @ Skilfully; nicely; in a wagtail.
mjvsterly fashion. Syn. MUGIMAKIDORI, NlWATATAKf.
Syn. Umaku, Yoku, Yosni. Isliitsu, \r 2. "?, ^'^, /*• An unusual disease; a
Ishlkii, fcX<. )^^,n. O Contracting ishrivel- strange disease.
letliiikii. &:£«)<, i ling. @ [Med.] Atrophy. laliltaiu, S>£-7, iS^, ^- Losing (as by dropping).
Hiirii, v.i. To Contract or shrivel. sum, v.t. To lose.
Syn. CrnjiMU, Shijimaru. Syn. TORIOTOSU, UoniWASDBU.
islilkiiino, V^£. < %, adv. Well. IshiCsubiitsii, Si-7Jt-7, Anything
it ^43, n.
Ishikuvio notamaishi jnono kana, A ^ ^ ^'^ lost or dropped.
b £y ^ --• ?j -J-, well said, my lord. I
Ishluciii,v^Z^%, EJT. n. Cont. form of below.
iMhikiire, l/^;£, < H, S S&. « A fragment of rock; i
ishluchi-uo-liaiie. V^ £, i % (0 Q il, ^¥J^, n.
a pebble. [lit.] Stone striking feather; tail feathers ot


an eagle. Bald to have been much prized in Syn. IFUKU, Kimono, Mkshimono.
making arrows. Ishd, iE)-^?, iSI3, 71. Will or command left by a
iRlifiiclil-uo-soyn, \r % 5 %<0^^, 5iTfiE$5, "• dying Emperor.
Arrow made with eagles' feathers, 3,nd used by lahd, \/^:fe-^5, ^JR, "• Strange or unusual figure;
generals only. extraordinary phenomenon.
Isliiiiclil-no-ynnnKiil, V>S^%CO^-'!t^'t>, Sft"i59 Iah6. \^;fe-^5, ;B E, 7». Design; an Inventive or
®, n. A quiver for holding above. decorative design. rtlve designs.
labluBii, VrX5-^. € S. JiS> "• OA stone mill. © Isho ni tomu, ;g 12 = IS i , to be rich in inven-
A atone mortar. Ish5. \/vS.15. ^M' " A different name, deaign^
Islilwara. V* 2. H _ ation, or title.
e, :Gm, n. A Isho. S #, n. A written will; a writing
ib ;£ J: ,

stony plain; leftby a dying person; a posthumous work.

gravelly field. Syn. Kakioki, IkS.
Ishlwnrl-setta, Isho, \t*Xi., E*. '* Different book; strange or
foreign books.
tllSBg. n. A IshSjorel, v :£ -^ J-ffStlV^. S E M5 WJr '* C-'^w^
kind of sandals. The Designs Regulations.
Iblil^vnta, \/N £. 45
'--^ ' •"
^J — -^
Ishokii, V^^K, 33c #. w. Clothes and food.
TsJwkiiju, iCc © tt, food, raiment, and habita
Asbestus. C?i 05 tlon; mode of life.
istilyn, V'X-^, HS. I- O Stone-mason; stone- iBhoku, V'X i < ffi fi. , n. [Cftin.] pi/^aj^og couaf-
cutter. @ Seller of stones. tenance; .joyful face. Tplant
iBlilyaKI, l^S.-^l&. EJS. "" A kind of porcelain. lahoku aurii, v-S, J: < -^ S , i^ flg, w4. To trana-
ishiyaki-dofii, \/v£;>^^«5^ :5!l^alSF. "• O Syn. UEKAERTJ.
A kind ol tnfu fried in a pan. @A soup con- IshS sum, \r ;£ 1 5 -5^ 2, S^, v.i. To liear or
taining roasted tofu. consent with respect
Isliis'aina, V^;£.-=t^, S (Ij. **. O Stony or rocky Ishu, v^ :£ W>, ;E)®. " ©Hatred; enmity; antipa-
mountains. @ Quarry; a stone pit. thy; malice. @ Mind; intention; object.
lalilyumi, V^Xlft^ 5 ^. S5, «• A bow for throw- Tshu wo harasu, ;g gi^ f^ 9 >t, to satisfy one's
ing stones; catapult; erosB-bow. malice by revenging one' fl self; Ishu wo kaesu ,

Ishlzaka, V^£.^j)>, S :^, S, n. A hill or ascent S iffi ^ »S ^. to take vengeance.

with stone steps (as before a shrine), Syn. Ikon, Omomuki, Shui, Urami.
Syn. IsninAN. IsbugaesbJ, \A;fcW)ii'-';£, flitlig, ". Revenging
IsUlziie. \/*&-::>'Si, 1$, ^B> n. A stone pedestal; one's self; taking vengeance.
foundation; base work. Ishugaeshl wo suru, ^. iS f* 7. »-, to take
Kokka no is/iizue, g ^ > ^, the foundation vengeance. rconatellations.
Syn. DoDAiiSHi. Lof the state. Isliuku. ibXI.*<. WS. " [^stron.] One nf the 28
sbfzdkJ^ !/'£,=:''&, ^^, &. '!'• The butt end of a Ishuku sum, \/^;£.l5)< -^2, SJ^, u.(. To fear and
Spear or halberd ; a ferrule. Shrivel; to shudder.
IshlEiilil.\t't^-:f'^, 'k^, n. Bamboo roots which Ishu snrii, fc2,-t-3"3. ffl ft. v.i. [ChinJ] To
have become decayed under ground and used assemble in large numbers; to crowd together
as a medicine. Syn. ToRiATSUMARU. Llike antt.
Islilaiikiirl, V^:£:3'< 9, 5^, Sa^. n. Being Iso, V^55, %.i^, n. A strange physiognomy.
made of stones; stone work. Iso, v^i SS. n. Sea-coast; sea-shore; sea-beach.
IslilzukuTi no U, S f^ -^ 3^. a- stone house. Syn. Umibata, Umibb.
IsblBuinl, \r-1k^7*-> ^^> 7^- <^o^* ISO. V/^t, 3E+, a. Fifty
Syn. SEKITAN. riitliography. Syn. GOJU.
IshiEurl, v^^^ifl, S!S. n- Print from a stone; Is5, iti55, S'ffl. *2- Appearing to be.
IbIio, Z) ;E 1, ft if T w- Subscribing the name o( /< nl iso na mono da, S? = /£-iS -J- * -^if, [coll-l
one's rank in otticial papers, he must be at home; Isdino nai, S^'*-^ -f,
IsIiOf V^;£l. fiflS- "• Treatise on medicine; me- [cotl.] he is not likely to be (there).
dical books, fments; clothes. Is6, as?, ftffl. "- [Physics.] FhasQ.

I0b9, \i^%^^, ti^, w- "Wearing apparel; gar- IBO, iS)35, JS BS. «• O A. souvenir; a raemon*;*.
Ishn wo kazarv, 31c^^»iBi-> to wear fine ® A present; a gift.
clothes; Jsfid wo tsukeru, jDc !£' 7 If ^/i*. to dress. Is5, V^3 5, itt:e. ^a. "- [Sot.] China-graBfl.

Iso-amame,\A?:3bV^ti:ii),n, [IchUi.l Lntellaphyci*. laojl, V^^'^r, jas&, n. Road on the sea-shore.

Isobata, V/^ ?: fcT te, MiS. » The sea-coast; the IsoUii, \/^?;< , ^ H'J. « O One of the 12 key notes
beach. of Chinese music. @A poetic name for the
Isolie. V^^'^, iSIS. « On ttie sea-shore; near the seventh mo. (o.s.),

sea-coast; the beach. rroclis; breakers. Isouia, v-t^, ^^, n. On the sea-beach-
Isobiirl, V-^Ji'D, 71. Waves surgiog against Syn. UiiiuE.
leiogaue, V'^ifltX, n- A fishing tool. Isomakura, l/^ta < t. ^ftft. ". Sleeping on the
beach with a stone for pillow.
lNOsaslil,-l.-K1, V
^, ^^gS). ".. Actively
;tfi* L,
engaged, busy; bustling; urgent; pressing. Isoinaine. vv^l£y>, n. Bat.] CanavaUa ' obttisifolia.

Isoga^^hiisfl4g'>togac^ekita,^$\]l/'^ ft**'* tK'^ Isomatsd. \A^a-^, SS15, n. [Bot.] Sea-lavender,

$1, a pressing business has turned up; Isogashil Stattce japo7itca.

hito, Sg^il-y^f A. a person who is always in a

EsoniAi-u, a^s6S, M'W, f-^- To begin to dwell.
hurry; one busily engaged; Nanto naku isoga- Isonaml, v- 1 "5: *^, fiS i!t'.
**- Waves beating on
shtshi, fRj vh-J-^ SS®! >'5^. to be busy without the shore; breakers; rollers,
any particular reason. Isonareru, V^t^)h,3, v.i. To be accustomed to
Syn. Hanta, Sewashi. the sea water, as one living near the shore.

Isoffashl^ena, v^^fi^jfeW^"^, a. Appearing to be Isoue. \rt*l, fi8tS. n. Same aa Jso&e.

busy; looking to be in a hurry. Isouokarlsane, v> ^ Oi}*^ii^il, n. [Bot.] Osteo-

Isogasblsa, Xr^ijiX'^, ft, n. The state or degree meles antliyllidLfoUa.

of being busy; pressure of business. Bsonxnrii, V^t^^^, Q^ tS. v.t. To fall to shoot;
To press; to urge to miss the mark.
Isogasii, v^ t fi' -?"> let. -IE., v.t.

on; to hurry on. Isoro, £-5i6i., EMbI.^©S. ^3P. '*• Onewho

Kuruma wo isogasu, ^^ %ff7^,to hurry on a depends on another for support; a hanger-on;
carriage; Shigoto wo isogasu, tfcS'^tll^, fo a parasite, a toady,

press -work. risogashi. Syn, Kakartudo, Shokkaku.

Jaot6a.wiimlii,-i,-in, i;\ % ftta ;£, fc, ".- Same as Isosblkii, V*^:£<, adv. Diligently; with alacri-
Same ty; with life and spirit.
iBogawashisena, \r ^ ti* H X VP t^-, a- as
Isushlmu, \r^*tp, v.i. To be diligent or assidu-
ous; to labour faithtuUy; to exert one's self.
Isogi, V^t&*, ©:. n. Haste; hurry.
Isogt no sliigoto, ©r^ft^- a pressing work; a Isoyakl* v^t-^^, iS^. " Dough beaten with a
work to be done quickly; an urgent business. small quantity of soy, stuffed with an (||), and

IsoslasEil, V^^afJolfe, itM. '* Hasty stepa. baked upon a copper plate in the form ol a
Syn. Haya-ashi. dumpling.
Isoelnchaku, V^'c%'^%^<. iSf^fS, « IZool.] lasal. v^-ji^sv*, — adv. and a. All; altogether;

Isolciiicbaku, V-^^A.%^< Sea-.iuemone. , ' without exception. Tbktb.

Isosiif Xr'^tr, ^, V and L Q To hasten; to hurry

or urge un. @ To be in a hurry; to be urgent Issalkyo, V^ y 3 V^ & -^ 5. ~^^M, n. [Budd.] A

or pressing. collection of all the sacred writings of Bud-

ChUTTbon wo isogv, ji ^^ Igt i'. to hurry on the dhism.
execution of an order (commercial); Tsoide iBsalslLuJo, \r?3l/^;&W);£:-S'5,— -HJifedfe, «• [Budd.]
kaeru, igt'f 5*^)1-, to come backin hasto, McM All living creatures.

wo isogu, ^ 9' iit ^. to liurry on a road. Issaltafu, V-9'3'VAfe-i-. " ^ ^ ^. '^^ A wife mar-
Syn. Sekti, Unagastj. ried to many husbands; polyandrism; polyan-
Iiiuliiy«>tlurl, \j^ ^ui.'&y, n. [OrnU/i.] Eastern dry.
Blue ruck-thrush. Issakii, \fy-^< , — B^, adv. Cont. form at IssakUr
Isoliot-lio, lr-tH5^-^5- i^TI. 7t. A large knife jUsiL ring belore last
used by lishermen. lasakucho, v^-y^ < 1 5, — B^s ^, adv. The morn-
Isoii'i, \rt\/^i!), ^H, n. A soup prepared with tai IssakiijltHu, V^ -y ^ < ;£• -?, — B^ fl , adv. Tlie day
and a kind of pj^rsley {seri). before yesterday.
l8u-iso to, \j^ i\i- ^)£, adv. In a hurried and Syn. Ototoi. rbefore last.

cheerful manne* ic high spirits; blithesomely;

; I8sakiincn» V\-y^ <1^a^, — B1: ^, adv. The year
gayly; ligbt-heart^if,:; Syn. Ototoshi. rbefore last
Ifiojl, V- ^ X', Si", C" B'i'ty (now used only in Issakiiya, Xcy "S- < ^, — Hl^ ^, adv. Tlie night
classical compositions). iBsaniiuai, v^ -y ^ ^ 'S V, — =^, adv. fcoll.] AU;
Syn. Goju. altogether; without exception.

iBsamni^l nl, \rv^ ^ E V^ Vc. adv. With one's Setting a criminal free after lashing him a
whole heart; with life and bouI. thousand times.
Isaan. \ry'^ A,, — ^, n. A cupful. fofwine. Issen siirii, Vy*^-i^a, ~M, 'o.t. To wash away
Issan v)o TcatamuJcu, — ^^ ^^, to take a glass completely; to clear away; to efface.
iBBnu. V^•;'^^, — Uj, n. mountain, @Th6 QA Akuhel wo issen suru, S ^^— i?E >* »-. t"
whole temple; all the prlesta living In, or con- completely clear away evilii; to cleanse the
nected with, a Buddhist temple. Augean stable.
Issan no sMito, — Ul > nt ^, h^H tha believers lasetsii, v-y-^r?, —-SB, adv. Entirely; wholely;
beloDt^ingto a Buddhist temple completely; at all.

iBsan 111, v> 'v 3 ^ V7, IS Sit, adv. At the top of Issetju zonjj mosanu, — Slffg!-* V-st, do not
one's itpeed; a shot; in double quick
ofif like know anything at all (about it).

time. futmost speed. Syn. IggAi.

Issan ni hashiru, IS Si ^ B-. to ^iin with the ^ Isaotsu, — ^,
\rv-1t'^, «. One opinion; another
Issntsii, v^y^•cJ, — ffi, n. One volume; a copy. view some theory.

Igsntsiir — JL, «- OOne letter;

ir-y^S*:?, a single Mata issetsu ntwa, 3t — IS— '''^» according to
note. @ A bond; voucher; certificate. another opinion.
Issatsu vjo kaku, — ^ S ^, to write a :f[j
Issotau-taaho, V^-y^-^fe^^?, — Se5 4, n.

voucher; Issatsu wo sashiireru, -^^L'^^A^ \BvAd.] Killing one and delivering many.
It-, to hand in a certlflcate or bond. laslialcu, V^y;£-^<, —Wl^i^ Drinking 5aA:e in an
Syn. ITTSU. informal compaoy of a few persona.
Isse, \f"j^, —it, n. Same OB Issei, Isshaku wo moyosu, —Wi^f^^, to drink
Isael, V'y-^V^, — tit, n. One age or generation. together; Isshaku yarimasho ka, — i^ -y V "^ &*

Issei no eiyu, — It > 5£ i^, the greatest hero of a ^ ii, Xcoll.l shall we have a drink?
the age ; Na wo issel ni todoroJcasu, iB ?— flt =a Isalil, \r--j%.t — ^, " A sheet ol paper; the sama
B* :^, to miiJce the whole world resound with paper.
one's name. Isshi ni shltatamete kudasai, — iiiK = ^> ? T
Issel* Vv-ytt'\r-, — ffi, w. One voice; a single note. 1f--f, [coll.] please put it down on a sheet ol

Syn. HiTOKOB. paper, or on the same sheet of paper.

laael, v>-y-^Vv, i— ^, n. The whole life; life Isshi, V-, L, — g, n. A single branch.
leshS, \rv;£-=^5, ' time. Isshi no hana, —
ti£ -^ IB, a branch of flowers.

Isael-lcliidal, V*y*\r-\/^'t?&V^, i— It — flJ.w. The
laae-lclildal, V^-y^V^ST&V^, > whole life; life
laslil. V/^51 L, —
^, «• One or only child.

Isse ichidal no homare, — it — ft ^ ff . the Esalil. v^v L. IS Sti w- O

lo general, a history or
highest lionour ot one's life time. chronicle compiled by a private scholar, In @
particular,a history of leyasu by the celebrated
l8st>lki. v-y-itv^^, — itiffi, n. One century.
v^'y-^v^Vt, — 5¥.
Issel ul, adv. Altogether; at one scholar Nakai Sekizen.

time. Ssshl-dojiu, \^'j L)&5Z'A., nifllpIC «• Regard- —

Issei ni happo suru, — ?F = SS9 >* ^. to flre ing all as equal and loving them with the same
gunsall at one time; to discharge in a volley. degree of affection; universal brotherhood.
Syn. loniDO KI. Ifislilkl, vn 9 L S. ?C. '» —
-A- complete set ot

Isaebl, V^'y-(ir&, — ^, n. and adv. One evening; a furniture, utensils, etc,

certain eve. Kaguissiki, S^^ — i^, a complete set of f ur-
l68nkl» V-y^g, — St " One play, or single fight Syn. IS3AI, NOKORAZD. (.nitur*.

(said of checkers). Issliln. V-'-jZA., — iC'. ?* One's whole mind.

Iss&cl ucM-mash'Q Tea, — :0B'f-vs/aBf^, Isshin wo komeru, — ^C? ^ Ji jf n^, to devote

[coll. ] let ua have a game of po, the whole attention; to eng.ige with heart and
Issen, v^yy:^, — KB. «• A single battle. soul; Isslvln-furan ni henkyo sum, ~,t-*%Mt=^
Issen shite shohai wo kessu, — gS S' y^ BJi^ Si:^, %^y- »', to engage in study with one's life

to decide the issue by a single fighting Issen no ; and soul,

moto ni yaburaru, — iE ^ T =2 9 »-, to be de- fijE

IsshSii, \^y:£^, —if, n. Regeneration; renova
feated in a single battle. tion; restoration; (specially applied to the Revo
siiru, v.i. To flght. lution of 1867).

Issen. V•v^^, — SS. " One line. Osel go- isshin, EiSffli — Sf, the restoratlono

Issendobaral, V^v*^»tf6^^, — =fffiffi. " monarchical Qovernment.

, —

ISS 458 rss

iBBbln. \^-^;£^,— Q", n. One's self; one's person, ISBbo-sautan, i/^i* X,-^ 5 5^te^. — tlSfSJ, n.
Isshin no bvji wo hakaru, — fl* > 9t ^ f B' i([| I* [lit.] One reading and three sighs; being deeply

to care for the salety of one's sell; Klminotame Impressed with the contents of a letter or other
wo nageulsu, g-^iS = — S"^^^. to
ni isslUn writing.
throw away one's selt for the sake of one's Isehu, v^-^;£W), — ^, n. A special kind.
lord, Tsshu tokubetsu no shlna, — §£ !f0 SO ^ fi. special
iBBbl-Hodeu, l^-? L^5C^. — ?*ifS. n. Hand- article.
ing down from father to son being hereditary. ; lesliii, \r«-jXVi>, —ik, "• Same as Isshukin.
lashltsn, Vr-y^-:?, — ^, n. One room. Issba, \r-yt.3, — ffl, '*.
O One turn; one revolu
Zssltsu ni toji komoru, — g =± S? Sj-* ff-, to be tion. © One week. ©Circumnavigation.
confined in one room. suru» v.i. and t. To make one revolution; to
Syn. HiTOMA. circumnavigate.
iBfibo, Xr-v "i.^ 3, —4. rt. and aAv. One's whole Chikyu wo isshU suru, ftfe^^— ^>i»', to
during one's lifetime.
life; for life; circumnavigate the globe.
Ningen issho yume no gotoshl, A M — & |^ > iD Syn. HiTOMEGDRI, MARUIOHINEN.
i/, man' s whole life is like a dream Isslio elgwa ; IsshB, V^v;fel*5,— ^, «. One religion; a single
ni kurasu, — ^§glS = S?t, to live a life of denomination of Buddhists; a distinct sect; tlie
luxury. fbook. whole sect
Isslio, V :) :6 t, —ft, It. One letter; a certain Isshu no kaiso, — ^> BBHi, the founder oi" a
Issho ni 7WSU, — S=i62^. to be written in a religious sect; Betsunttshuwo hlraku, gij =
certain book. ^^ B8 ^, to originate or establish a separate
labo, V* ;£ i, —Bli " One or the same place;
-.^ sect.

being in company with. Isshu, \r-/X^, —It. ". One poem; a verse.
Issbo, \/^-jXi.^, — B$, «. One victory. Isshu, Vv^<fl>, — ^. n. One stock or tree.
lasbu, V*-y;£i., iS '^, n. Works of private authors; Syn. HiTOKABU.
a book not written by order of the government. Issbugln. vn 9 £ W) «r ^. 3^ ^. n. — An old bUvpi
laabo, \f-j^3, 3?, n. —
A piece of fun; an amuse- coin of a quarter of a bu in value.
ment; a pastime; a diversion. Issbvkan, V^-^:£5*>^, — 1@ RB, n. and odr. One
Issho ni fusu, ~~^~j^-^, to make a subject whole week; during a week.
of laughter. Isshitkan nldono kwagyd, — ISHB — ffi-^SS,
sum, v.t. To laugh. flife- two lessons a week.
lasbocral, V- 7;£-^5ftyv^, — ^ S. " One's whole Isshukl, \r7:£5&, -M!^, fh^i^, n. The first
Jsshogai yamoTne de mtsao wo tateru, —^gS anniversary of the death of a person.
tt t'SR-?- itT'fl', to remain a widow one's whole Isshukln, V/^ £ W) & ^, S^.
-,- — « An old gold
life in devotion to a lost husband. coin of the same value as Isshugin.
liBboltomineJ, v\y *,i.5W^l6V^, — ^ !S )i^. "• and Isshuku, V'^X.i*^, — ig, 71. Lodging for a single
adv. Risking one's life ; ?'ith life at the stake. night. sum, v.i. To lodge for a night.
IsshdJremmei ni natte tatakau, —4 iB! ^= ^ Isshun, V^-^£,W^^, — B3. "• One wink of the eye;
r t" ^
"7, to fight in desperation; Isshokemmei one moment; an instant.
ni hataraku, ilS —^ ^
- QiJ ^, to labour with Isshun no alda, —^> Rfl, during one wink of
might and main. the eye; a single moment.
Issbobommol. 5 ^J•^»U», — ^ flS ^, " and
V/^-^£.ii l8So, Vr -y t, ^, adv. Rather; moro willingly;
box used as a measure of capacity either liquid preferably.
or dry, and containing about Iqt. Ipt, Soz. Idr. Isso soshiia ga yokaro, ^ y y V^^ "^if ^

of imperial measure. ft 9 !>, would rather have it so; Isso no

[coll.] I

iMbo nl, \r-vXi.^, — Sf. adw. In one group; in koto omoikitie shlTtuxe, -f-^y^a h S-9J t's^ "V-^.
the same place. better give it up altogether.
Issho ni shimal oku, — = ftS^^, to put ^ Byn. MUSHIEO
away in the same place. Iseo, V^ -y t 5. — /& w. and ado. [lit.] One layer;
lastao nl, v^ 7 i. i vz, — ^, adv. O In the same much more ; twice as much ; doubly.
place. @ Together with; at the same time; in no omoshiromi wo soeru, — /J ^ 35 ^ gfi ^
company with. S-^fl-, to produce or to be accompanied by a
Qo-issho ni yuklmashd, ffli
— ;5ff
= t? + vs/Bi greater degree of interest; Isso binkyZ suru, —
V, [coll.] let us go tofiether; I will accompaDy Wl3i ^ S-. to study more diligently.
ou. Syn. HlTOKAaiNE, HiTOKIWA.


Ihso. Vry3 5, — ff, n. A pair ; a couple. Isukiiniiirii, v^-j}- < tp2, flj^jS. v.t. Same as h
Bt/?Bu iss5, fff a— ffl, a pair of screens. shiramasurtu
Syn. iTTStJi. iBumnii, g.-^'Si, g-#, v.i. To dwell or reside.
iBsll, v^-»3 5, — n. A single ship or boat.
JIS, lanmo, ft-^^A, JS^:t}, n. Wrestling together
iBsoku, V» -y t f — n. One breath; resting
, li,, in sitting postures.
Syn. HiTOiKi. Lonce. Syn. SuwABizuM/5. Tblackmall.
Issohii, V> v t <( — II], n. OMe rule; a Bingle re- IsnrI, v^-^9, n. Unreasonable demand of money;
gulation, frule or regulation. Isvrt wo iu, -{ :^ V ^X "7. to demand money
Tssoku wo moku, — ^ K 4f, to establish a
|ij importunately. fShake.
IfiBOku, \r v t <, — E, n. O One leg; one leap. iBuru, v^3, ^g, V.U [corrupt, of Tuswru.'] To
@ A pair of shoes, clogs, stoclcinga, etc. Syn. PURU, UGOKASU, YnSUBURU.
Issoku-tobL nl nariagaru, ~ ^M~ ^ ^^i [Mii-\v»rl, £-^*5'!), ;g^, /*. O Sitting down in a
{coll.] to rise in rank or fortune at a leap; Geta place. @ Being stationary, or continuing Id
issoku, T Si — JS. ^ P^ir of wooden clogs. the same state; no change.
IsBon, Vv.y:t^, — fl9, n. A barrel (as of wine). £-^393, 1^^., v.i. To settle down; to
Enson, V» 9 t ^, — ifsf, n. One village; the whole remain in the same condition ; to be stationary.
Tillage. To run aground (as a
leuwarii. z>irt>^, 0. v.t.
IsBon, V^-yt^, — Pffj n- One barrel.
Safcfl f sson, JS — a barrel of safc«.
Fune ga isimaru, ^jf&iu, the ship has run
Insul, V*"?"?"Z>i — w. A single drop (of water).
>(<. Syn. ITSUKU, Laground.
/s5«fno mizu mo nashi, "Tic ^ jH^g -J-S^, there Ita, V^te. IS. w. Aboard.
Is not even a drop of water; Sake wa issui mo Ita wo haru, tS ^ ^ n-, to lay boards; Ita wa
nomemasen, fg-*'^ — :^*gJ:-rfv^>', [coU. 1 can 1 hlku, :K^K^. to saw boards; Ita wo kezuru,
not drink even a drop of sake. risshukt. S^^JJ^. to plane boards; Kin no nobe-tta, ft
laaulkl, V^^-^-Sl^, — jgS. '"• Corrupt, form of -' ii ®. Et gold plate ; Ita-basaml ni sareru, iffi

JlE =s -^^ U ^-, [coll.} [lit.] to be placed between

Ifisumltosbl, V^':t'jl'^l£Lt )[{U,]An inch priest; boards and pressed ; [^i;.] to be placed in »
a dwarf; a pigmy a Tom Thumb. ; dilemma,
Iflsun. V^'?^^, nT, n. —
One sun an inch a very ; ; Itabasbl, v^fett L, UU, "• A bridge made of
small portion of time; a minute size. planks only; a board bridge.
Issun no koin karonzu bekarazu, — >t it^^f- Itabel, V^fe'^W^, ^#, n. Board wall; fence mada
lir$Ei even a moment of time must not be of boards.
iMu, -f3i, fSi^, n. A chair ; bench. Lslighted. Itabl. V-fetV, "• [Bot.] Flcus pumila.
Syn. KoaaiKAKE. Syn. MoKUBEN.
lau, v^-jf", Jft^ltt. '*• [Bot.'] Distylimi raceTTiosu/m. Itablsasbl, \r:teUf5 L. ISK, w- A small roof of
l«uburu. Xr'i'-i'i, v.t. fl I'o shake. @ To wring plank projecting over a door or window.
out or extort. Itabuki, \^te.l«&, ^K, n. anda. Aboard or
Syn. YusuBURU, fa chair, shingle roof; thatched with shingles.
laubiiton, u^il-J«^^^, n^WM> n. a cushion for ItatuU yane, :S 3E g *S, a shingle roof.
lausii, \/^ir<r, iSEi v.t. To wash; to cleanse in Itabiiru, \rfej?2, u.E. [coll.] To take by menace
Syn. Aeau, Tusugu. Lwater. to shake to wring out; to extort.

Iauk», \/^ir1>>, ^@ES, '»• [Oriiilh.] Swinhoe's Hito wo itabiirite kane wo toru, Af- -^ W'f '9
crossbill, Loxla alH- t" ^ K
^ "'• to wring out money from a person.
ventris. Syn. TsuBUBU. Ras of books).
Orrinkoto isuka no Itabyosbi, vvfe^j l, ®^.^ "• Board covers
hashi to kuichigau, S Itaebl, ^ft%7 gS> w- Rising and sitting.

Mada t>yok! ga zenkwai sen no Ac itachi ni fuji-

y, [coll. Prov.\ one's yudesu, v^^^*'Sr1^^a'^7'S^«:?;§ ffl

hopes crossed like the f' 31, as I am not completely recovered from
bill of the crossbill, disease, 1 feel difficulty in rising and sitting;
i.e. to be entirely TosM wo torn to itachi ni taigi desu, if. K
^ J*' H
disappointed in hope. g jg 3 A ^f^f as one gets old, one is reluctant
laukuinnru, ib -^ < 3 St to move about.
Syn. TACHii. ritatsi.
gSA, v.t. To shrink
or shudder at Itacbl, V>fet, BB a. " i^ol.) A weasel. PiUortut


Itaclii-Kusn, \rfe%<'5, ?S^, 7t. [Eot.] ForsytJiia Itngnati, \rfeii»-^-, WtS. n. 5afce grounds made 1»

suspeiisa. the form of board.-^.

Itaclillinjlkanil, \r^1t%<iXZ'i}>^, 5^1. «• [-Bo^-] Itago, V^ fe &, tS ^, n. The deck of a ship, or

Same as Inuzanslio. plank*! lorraing the same.

Itaclillcoliko, Vrfe'tC.i'C, n. children'! OA Itago wo Tcakatte oyogu, ffi^^tQ-^T'iJit^, to

sport which consists in pinching each other's swim with a plank taken from the deck.
hands alternately. @ Metaphorically, repetition Itagoslil, V^ *c a L, Si ^. « A kind of car or
of the same thing. is overhung
palanquin, the front part of which
Syn. with an ornnmental bamboo curtain, while th«
Itachi-no-ketasiLOshI, ^j^fz^fOI/flttS*-^ U MM, other three sides are of boards. It was formerly
n. [Bot.] Arrow-wood. used by nobles on ceremonious occasions.
Itacbl-sasflffe. Vrfe"';^5W^. ffifflyt^- «• [Bot.] Syn. KiGOSHT, MUKEDATB, SHin^GOSHI.
Lathyrus Davtdil. Itaffura, V^fe<'&, K:fr, n. A store house or shed
Itaclil-iio, v:te"^55r. fttl^S. «• llchth.} Brotura buUt of boards.
Syn. NoDOGnRO. \_multibarbata. Itakikl. \/^feU•5, SK, It- A sawer of boards.
Itadakl, \rte?fe?, IH, n. Q The
top of a mountain Ital, \/^ fe \r, 3?? ffl, w. O [Chin.] Clothes and
peak. @
The crown of the head. Receiving © girdle, garments. @ Robes or uniform.
anything from a superior. ftain. Ttat wo totonoeru, ?§ ^ S to be clothed
3!? -^ff-.

Tama no itatiaki. tU ^ II, the top of a moun- in robes.

Syn. Atama.Chojo, Zetoh5. Ital, v^-feV^, :g-§S, n. Different body; strange or
Itndnkl-inoclil. \r-1t7z^ %%, Effif. "• A kind of unnatural form; a monster.
rice cake flattened and with a hollow in the Ttal ddshu, ^§SP!gi, differing In form bnt
centre which is filled with an (ly). similar in kind.
Undaklmochli, \rfz7&^^%V; ESf. n- The ItaJ, \rfe£, ^ffl. n. [Bnt.] Magnolia obovata.
custom of placing a rice cake upon the head of Italke. \/^ fe V- W, a. Young; juvenile; pretty;

a child on the first of January to wish its future darling; lovely rdarling youth.
prosperity. Itaike zakai-l , -f ir'f^ff:^ V, a lovely child; a
Itadaku, X^HtJi <. RB, O
v.t. To put on the Syn. Kawairashi, Wakaki.
head; to respect. @ To receive (anything) with Italtagiisa, \j^-ftV-1t<r-5, ^SS, " [Bot.] Nettle.

respect. Syn. IRAKUSA.

Kavimurl wo itadaku, ^9-M^, to Put a Italtaslii,-i,-Ul, Vft\rfe L, %, a. ® Very plUful;
cruwn on the head; Ktmi to shite itadaku, ^ h extremely pitious; touching.
i/ 7 sHir, to respect as a monarch; Taiso ita- Itajlkl, irtei'^, StSt. n. Board floor.

daUmashita, :AI^^^^ s/ St, [coll.] I have Itajime, C 16, Mtif. "- A mode or style of
\^ :te

eaten or drunk heartily. dyeing which consists in applying blocks so a«

Syn. CnoDAisuRLT, Nosebu. ffioor. to reserve the patterns which are to remain
Itadataini, Vrfe^fe;^, Sfi. "- A board mat or white.
Itadc, v-fe-ff, ?S^, mS. «• A serious wound. Itajltomi, V^ te Cr >f ^, :1S SR, n. A kind of door
Itade wo ou, IE ^ ^ fl. ?, to receive a severe made of boards which can be shut or opened by
Syn. Fdkadk. Lwound. being raised or lowered.
Itado, V/^te*, W.P, f^- A door made of boards. Itakednka, a;t-l^'fe*>. Si^g, ". [coi3.]DrawiTiR
Itadorl, v^fe^'J). Eg fet, n. [Bot.] Folygonum cus- one's self up (as in anger).
ptdatum. rflooring. Jtakedaka ni natte giron sum, ^ ^"^ — -J-y^
Itacii, V^ te *. ^,S fl, " A veranda with board I^^ ^ to draw one's self uip to one's full J*',

Itafiida, i/^tei-^-, ^th, « O A wooden ticket or height and wrangle.

label. @ A bulletin board a poster, ; Itakcdaka nl, afet^itiil/C, Sit^, ctdv. Draw-
Ita^akl, l/Nfe?)*?, ffia, n. Board fence. ing one's self up to one's full height; slirugging
Itae^akol, i^'fetj'Jiu-, S@< »' A board enclosure. "one's shoulders (as in anger).
ItRffaml, V-fefi*;^, ffigffi, n. Pasteboard card- ;
Ifakedakani natte koron sutii, ^iS^"?"'
board. Tplate. yn Sni ^> S-. TO .stniighten one's back and brawl
Itagaue, V^fefi'n, 1S^- ffl?. '^- Sheet metal ;metai Itakire, V-fz^h, i)l9i, n. Bonrd scraps.
Itaffane-ktiridashl-kikal, v^fejj»tl< '5;^-L&i> Itakougo, V^:te t ^ fe« 5, 155 ^Rl|, vt. [lit.] Board
It. SSi^lStHS^. "• [^ech.] A machine for diamond; a kind of sandals' lined with thick

rolling sheet-iron. fpaln. board on the lower surface.

Itasani, v^ fe ft* S, ^, «.I. To feel pain; to be In Syn. Itatsuke-zOrl
Itabn, Zife< t S^> n> One's residence; a dwelling Itami, Ipfe;^, J^, n. Pain; hurt; injury; damage.
Syn. SuMAi. Lhouse. Syn. KowARE, Yabure.
taku, i/Nfe <, K. o^v- Very; exceedingly; ex- Itaml, v^it^, ^- Grief; distress; bitterness;

tremely; severely. heartache; the canker worm of care.

Itaku n-onoshiru, %^ ^n-, to scold severely; Itaml, vxfe;^, y^j^, n. iBot.]FUus nipponiea.
ItaJcii v~> tf^ri. S ^ IS "7 5t ^) , ftm very drunk. Itninf-lro, v^fe^v^ 5, |t X, v.i. To be pained
Syn. HANAHADASniKF. Jri^, Kitsu. with a sense of obligation.
Itnbii, V^fef , ?|5, adv. Causing or feeling pain; Go-shinsetsu no dan Ltami-lrt Tnasu, ffli ffl 91 >
painfully; severely. -© SB A V V :«, I feel extremely obliged for your
Ttaku mo kayuku mo nai, ?S^*iS^*-?--1^. kind regard.
neither painful nor itcliing; UaJcu vtsu, M ^t7 Syn. Oboreiru, Kinodokugaru.
y, to strike or thrash severely. Itaml-no-Bhl, \pfe;^0£, iS It. v». A Chinese
Italcu, itfe < 3^ ffi, 71. Giving in charge; commit-
poem of lamentation; an elegy.
ting to the care of; entrusting, eiiru.u.f. Itaiiil-no-iita, \a fe S- 5fe, IS Hfc. A mourn- "
To give in charge; to entrust. ful poem; a song of lamentation; an elegy.
ITam^ai wo itaku suru, BE ff ^ ^ ft :^ ff-, to Itainl-zakc, V^ fe ;^S"fr^, ^ J^fg, n. A superior
entrust with the sale of (goods). kind of sake brewed at Itami in the province
ItaUu-liln. a !te < W- ^. ^ffi^, t*. Any article ItnnioDO. V/Nfei&O, :^!^. n. Woven stuff wrap-
given or received in trust; a consignment. ped round a piece of board instead of being
Itnmn, QA. room floored with
\^te2, ?S ffl, 'i- rolled on around stick.
board. @
Cracks on wooden walls. Itamii, \f^1iir, SS, §8fiS, "./. and t. QTo pain or
Itainashl,-l,-lil, Vte^L. ®,^, a. O Painful; hurt; to ache or ail; to be injured or damaged,
sad; mournful; distressing. @ Piteous; pitiful. @ To cause pain ; to injure, damage, or spoil.
Itamaslhii koto wo shita, ^ -7^ ^ ^ S^ it "I it. ffaga itavm, ^if^h, the tooth aches; lega
has been a piLeous affair; Itamashiki saigo, ^ ltam,u, ^if i ft J*, the house is damaged.
V £/ 4 j^ yj, a pitiful death. Syn, KizuTsuKu, KowARU, Natamu, Son-
Itainnsliinieru, Vfe5 L.W)3, ^, v.i. [cans, of Itamu. v/^fet^, ®, v.t. To mourn for; to lament.
ItaTnasu.] To cause to grieve; to afflict; to Mto no shl wo itam%(, A > 5E ^ ffl i», to la
trouble. ment the deith of another.
Itaniasii. \pteU-^. ^, f-t- [caws, of Kawiu.] Same Btamiiru, \rfetr3,g|, v.t. To harden (as leather),
as above. by steeping in glue water, hammering, and
Eokoro wo itamasu, *&?-Q&v:^, to worry Syn. NERU. Ldrying.
the mind; to aggrieve. Itnn, V^te^, |?.J|rat n. Strange doctrine or opinion;
Syn Natamasu. fwood. heresy; heterodoxy.
Itame, Xrltib, ^ @, n. The grain, or veins of Itanjasetsu, -^*S^sS, heresy and heterodoxy.
Syn. MOKFME. fboard. Itanoina, \/\'fe0sE, KEfl. n. Board flooring, or an
Itamcgnml. Vxfe!6ftt»., ® B ^E, -S*®. n. Paste- apartment floored with hoards.
ItaiiiesanrH, V^fefci^tt, MM, «• Leather. Itanoma wo ftatorafcM, ^Rfl f- ®*r, [coll.] to
Syn. NERIKAWA. practice theft at a public bath.
Itamevii, vfefej, Jffi,
v.t. Q To afflict; to trouble Syn. ITAMA,
grievously; to torment. @To injure, hurt, or Itaosti, MfS. ^•'- To shoot down.

damage; to wound. Itarasai, \pfe6W;^, J^ffi, n. {Conch.'] A kind of

Ashi wo itam£rit, JE ^ ^ j* /i- , to injure the scallop, Pecten laeins,
foot Kokoro wo itameru,
; ttt 9- ^ jt ju \ to trouble Itaraslili»ei*ii, V>fe5;£.i63, -^ S, v.t. [cans, of
one's mind; to worry one's self; Mune wo ita- Itaru.] To cause to reach; to let another go; to
meru, Ifg^ ?S y »', to grieve ; to take to heart ; to send.
labour under affliction. Itarf, V/^feii),^, 7i, O The utmost limit or extent;
Syn. Itamasu, Natamasu. acme; climax. @ Wisdom; experience.
Itameru, V/^teto S, (^, v.t. To cook thoroughly Burei noitari, ^i^^^, exceedingly impolite;
with oil; to fry. froota of the burdock. Rari fukashi, ^ V ^M ^> to be fully experienced;
Gobo wo itameru, 'M^ ^ fig -^ /J- , to fry the rtari kasliikoshi, ^ V % S', to be extremely

Ktaniftsiikeru. v-fefc-PW-S, v.t. To scolder wisp, or sagacious; Kyoshukuno itarl, SS -^

admonish severely; to reprimand. ^^J ,

extremely .torry (an apolojtetie expression);

Forokobl no itaTi, Str^^g, the utmost Joy; 3/,exceedingly sweet; Itattt yoshi, St^^s^
being exceecliDgly delighted. extremely good, superfi. e.
Syn. IftWAMARi, Syn. MoTTOMO, Shigoku.
Itarlte, irfeiOT, ,^, adv. Very; extremely; ex- Itaw:&i-1, \r^t> y, ^%, lU Thick board; plank
Itatte, v^lt-yt, ' ceedingly; in a great degree. Itawarl, V^ fe tt «) M'Efi. ^.
. O Feeling pity; ''*•

Syn. Hanahada, Shigoku. compassion; commiseration; fellow-feeling. @

Taking pains; trouble; care; attention.
M. Stii v.i. O To reach; to arrive at, g)
itarii. \rfzZ,
@ To attain; to extend to. © To result in; to Tllness; disease.
lead to.

Ichigwatsu yori rokugwatsu ni itaru, ^3 — Itnwai-u, S, [£, ^, *?9, f.t.

\r te II To pity, O
commiserate, sympathize, or show mercy. @ To
V^ ^ — S'^. extending from January to June;
ITajime yoH oxvarl ni itaru maae, a V S? =BI9- ^ take pains for; to care for. To be diligent at ©
Tr , I rom beginning to end; Ky'itoni itaru. S YamO.

g*, - gjto arrive at KyOto; Shi ni itaru, "^t—

Itaivashl.-i,-M. V^fett L, hT 05, KS. ^' Pitiful;

end in death; Itareri tsukmerl, S l-- piteous; compassionate; touching.

g ii., to >J

nothing more to be desired. Syn. FUBISNARU, ITOOSHI, Itsukushi, Ka-

3£ -fe V .


Itnua, \^ffi, 0, n. Pain. LTSUKU. Itaya, v^fej^.Sa."- A house with a shingle roof;
a shingle roof, fscallop, Fecten laqueatus.
Itasa wo shinobu, ?S ^ E y. to endure pain.
ItuHbi,-l,'kl, V'-fzL, a- Tainful; sore. irayagat. Vfe-^fi'U-,^ IS. " [Conch.] a kind 0*

Syn. iTAWAsm, Yamashi. ItayagtishI, V-lt^^Z, ?* A stray arrow.

Itaslil.-l.-hl, V^teL. Severe, serious; in a ItayamoinfJI, \f^1t^^^'^,n. [Bat.] Japanesa
Si. "-
liigh degree.
maple, Acer japonicum.

Syn. Hanahadashi, KiTauSHi. Itayane, X/^it-^il. ^M :fS, n. A shingle roof.

ItifcSlil-knyuslii, VvfeL*>W>U JS !S. " O [coll.] ltaziigawasUl,-l»-bl, \rft^ii'lil:fe. ^. «• Trou

[lit.] Painful or itching, i.e. painful when blesome; laborious; onerous hard ; ; embarrass-

scratched, but itching it not scratched. @ [Jiff-] ing. fWASHl.

Making one to float in a sea of doubts; not Syn. HONEORINARU, KtJRSNARtI, WaZURA'
knowing what to make of. Itasukl, V-fep'S, ^, 0i, n. OHliiess; sickness
Itasu, vfe-^, i!c, ^, v.t. O To cause to reach; to ailment; complaint. @
Taking pains. [06s.]

carry to the utmost. @ To do, perform, per- HONEORI, Wazurai, Yamai.

fect, or execute. Itaxukn* Vsfe;?' < ifl, aj, v.t. and i. O To pity; to

Shochiitashi soro, i^^^gis/^. [Eplst.]l con- compassionate; to feel for ; to show mercy. @
sent to you; also, he (or she) has agreed; Aya- To trouble one's self for; to labour diligently
malte hito wo shi ni itasu, g^ityA^-JE^^^. Syn. ITAWARU. Lat-

to kill another by mistake. ItOKura, v^fep'G, :g, «.. and n. Q Vain useless; ;

Syn. NAsa, Okonau, Otobosu, Todokasu. of no avail. @ Wild rude unruly mischievous.
; ; ;

Itateru, v*fe-C5. Mi. ««• To shoot arrows In © Immodest; indecent; profligate. Q Illicii
rapid succession. communication (as between sexes); love Id
Itatsukawaslil,-l,-hi, \j^ fe r? 4> (l L. ^.®. « trigue.

Annoying; vexatious; troublesome. Itazura goto, A 9-fyd: h, a useless matter; an

Syn. WAZURAWAsni. unnesessary talk; Itazura, musum4, ^ ii $^ ? 63,
Itatsiiko, ^/^te^^}•, S#. " Small nails used for a mischievous or immoral girl; Itazura too
fastening boards. sum, 'f^y^f'?^'^, to do mischler
nntsiilie-xorl, v^ft-^wy? >!), ffi#S-a, « a Syn. MuDA, AlUNAanii,

kind of sandals with boards fixed on the lower Itazuraliusbt, V^ te P* & > £ . ^ tW. "• Sleeping

surface (used in rainy weather or on muddy alone.

Syn. ZORiGETA, Lroads). Itasurn-lue. Vfe'^^&V^*!, n. A second crop of

ItatsuUl, \(^ te r? & #. ^ ^. "» , M iffi A kind of rice springing up from the stubble *)f the first.

arrow used in practising archery. ItaEiira-inono. V/^fe^' & 6 ©, ^ W. ^ Jfi ^. S © #.

ItntsuKi, v^ fe -^ &, ^#a. n- Same as Itazukt. n. O A useless thing, a good-for-thing person.
Itatte, v^fe-yT, ^,adv. Extremely; exceedingly; @ A mischievous fellow. © One who is lewd or
in the highest degree. lickerish; an erratic follow; a debauchee. O
Itatte shoJiJcl wi hito, 3grIEia-?-A, an ex- IcolL] A nickname for rats. r-ilon*

eeedingly honest person; Xtaite umashi, S yH" ItaKuraue, V^?l£:?*&ii, (,E », Ti. [rare.] SleepUi*

ITA ±tj3 ITO

Itaaiira nl, V^ft:::? ^ \iz, ^, adv. Uselessly; vainly; to another place removal, ©[rare.] Change or

unprofltably; in vain; for no purpose. alteration (as of manners orcustonm); vicissi-

Ilazura to naru. :^ b ?• A-, to be of no avail; tudes. suru, v.t. and i. To remove.
Stazuranl nasu, ^=^ :x, to make useleas. Syn. TKNTAKU SUKU, WATAMASni 8URU.
Syn. MUDA NI, MUNASHIKU, MUTAKU NI. Iteru, V^tS, IS, v.i. To freeze or congeal.
Itehaku. v^')i'6-^<, — J|f, n. [Chin.] Commencing Shlmo ni iteru, IH ^S Ji-, to be frozen by
any operation; the first beginning; the first part frost.

of any work. Itetsu, v>~C^, SSSS, n. Cast iron; unwrought or

K&regadal Uchdku de arlmasho, &if^~^^ pig-iron. fyarn.
rfyy vtt?, [colt.] this will be the tlrst work. Ito, vir, ^, Ti. Thread; string; raw silk; fibre;

Ttclil, \t^'v%, —lit, n. Union; harmony; accord; Ito wo hiJcu, j^f-51^, to twist thread; to
agreement. suru, v.i. To unite together spin; Ito wo toru, Sf^ i- />, to spin thread;
to agree. fmeaning most. Shamisen no ito, H S ^ K. strings of a iftami-
Itclij* v>'y't, fi, a. [coll.] A superlative adjective sen or guitar; Toko no ito, ^ > ,^,,|E the string
itcJU hayai, ®c ¥ 'f . ir^ost early, or the quick- of a kite.
est; Itchi yoi, St iff -^ , most excellent, or the Ito, \f)£., fit, adv. Very; exceedingly; extremely;
best. In the highest degree.
Syn. GOKU, lOHIBAN, ITATTB, SAIJS. Itohisashi, feAs^i very long; Ito yasuikoto

Itcbo. \/^ -y "C 5, — ^. '"• and adv. [Cftin.]O One desu, iit ^ W ^X a very easy matter Ito
^1 ift ;

moruing; a single morn or day. ©Once; one yorokobashi, ^^:^^,

very pleasing or joyful.
time; suddenly. Syn. HANAHADASniKU, ITAKU, MOTTOMO.
ItcJi^ koto okoraba, — ^ 5 fi ^ >^. should a Ito, V^ if , P5JS8, n. The title used in addressing or
disturbance once arise. speaking of another's daughter (esp. of higher

Itclio. v-ytS, — Jg, n. A singular numeral for rank). rhlglily-

knives, scissors, oars, etc. Ito, V^ft5, S. adv. [coll.] Very much; extremely;
Itclio, v/^-/T5, — 5fi, n. One pack (of medicine). ltd eimashita, S S& t v 3/ *, {coll.'\ I am very
Itclio, v^-yt:?, Zi 1^, " [Ornith.] The swallow. drunk.
Itclio-issokl* Vf*9"C5V/^-/*&. ~W\ ^, "• and a. — Ito, V^te?. Iffi,
adi). Givingpains; painfully, griev
One morning and evening; a single day; a brief ously. r«p.
period of time; momentary. Ito, v^i?5, n. [/cft(ft,]A kind of salmon, SdLvio
ItcJid issefct no yite ni arazu, — ^ — ^ -^ SC = Itobln, Vfl£l:^•^, SSffi, ?t. A mode of dressing the
4^ yi, not resulting from any momentary or hair of young boys among low classes which
slight circumstance; Is deep rooted; Itcho-isseH consists in forming a small mage on both tem-
niwa oIconawai-e gatashi, — '^ ~ ^ =± -'•>
'if *\ i^
ples by means of a little tuft of hair left un-
^ 3/, cannot be excuted or done in a single day, shaved.
Ktcboliu-seii, V*y "5 1 < *^, ~m.B> n. One Itobin yaTcTco, .^SW. a servant boy with the
straight line or direction. itohin.
ItohoJcu-sen ni tobu, — IS SS = fffi :/i to fly off In Itoflate, V^lfiteT, .fetfi, -". A bag made of thick
a straight line; to fly in a bee line. paper, for keeping threads in. '

Ucliorni, \r-9'^^^^V', n. The only gar- [coH.] Itodate, \r-'€.7(i~C, MM> i^- ^ straw matting the
ment or the best clothes which one possesses; warp of which is of hemp.
holidy clothes. Itodo, V^>t^, odu. More and more still more.
?ffl, ;

Itclmbuslii, \i^'j%&5^l., — Ff Hf, «. A kind of Syn. iTOiTO, Masumasu.

musical drama originated by Miyako Itchft, a Itodo, V-'£'S;^^, n. [finitmi.] A singing cricket.
Buddhist priest in Ky5to. Syn. KoROGl.
Ite, \i^~C, S^^, i^- One who shoots; an archer. ItodGe1il,-i,-ki, V^'t.^L, 5fflK. a. In an Increas-
Btelt V^ "C V^, ^t^, n. Strange in form orappear- ing degree; more serious; exceeding; very
Syn. IPO'. Lance. Syn. Hanahadashi.
Itokl, V-r&, 3IR n. [£7Mtt.] Foreign barbarians; Ito^eru, Z>ifW^3, gjg, v.i. To complete one's
barbarous people. whole term of service; to live through and
Syn. EBiSD", Emiji. finish one's time in a particular place.

Iten, a-CA, ^M, " [<?Wn.] Works left by an- Itoffonuyaku, i/Nif ^^v:^< M®©. » ,

cient authors; classics. fcM made in the form of threads.

Iteii. V^"CA, ^^, n. O t^hanging one's residence Syn. SniHATAKi.



Itogiichi, \r'£<:%, i n. The end of a thread;
Jfi. Itokoul. VlfCtiC, SiftH. w. [lit.] Cousin soup; a
Itohuflii, vi^ < %, ' hence the beginaing or cause medly soup cousisting of miso, roasted tofu, red
ofanything. ffine- beans, carrots, taros, etc., of which the first
Itogurj^ V^ <' 'O, .St! M' "• Walnut seeds chopped three are all made of beans and related to on«
Itogiira, \/^)£<:e,, ^.^, n. The upper part of a another as cousins are, hence the name,
sJiamisen wliere the strings are wound up. Itokii, \n "£ < , Ei®, n. [Chin.] Great virtue;
ItOffuru, &>f<'S, Sis. '"i- Same as /(operw. glorious virtue.
Syn. Itsukeeu. Itoku, £ >r <, Kfil, w. Benevolent virtue or in.
ItOKuriiiiia, V^ >^ < 2 "a. UW-, A Bpinning fluence; majesty, dignity, or authority (as of
wheel. monarchs).
Itoguteii, V^)£^ Itokiiciii. v^;f<t, ^, n. Same as ItogucJH.
^, .*S S. " Itokiiri, V^^< V), U^, "• A reel.
Shoes madeol Syn. Ttowaku.
threads. Itokuri-fiimlklknl. \r)^ < t(fi;^5*>V^, ftSSBia
Itobagl* V-)£ n 7(.
itjg A reeling lathe.
Itoknri-Ruviima, \r It < V} (r 3E, UWiW-, n- A
[5ot.] A varle- ^^^^^ reeling wheel. freeling machin*^
ty of lespede- Itokiivi-klkal, \r ^ < ^ 5 *>V^, M^SIfeS. n. A
TtokuKii, V- )£ < '::f, U.^, n. Waste pieces of
Itohlkl-iiatto, \rlJO>5tCyif 5, «. SameasiVat- thread; waste sillv.

Itoi, V^ if t>. ^, 71. O Being tired or weary of; Itoma, l-^^^, DS. n, O Freedom ftom occupation
dislike; reluctance; abhorrence; spite. ©Re- or business; leisure; vacation; time. @ Dis-
gard ;
care; anxiety. missal, R3 Parting or leaving.
Ame no itoi mo naku,
Tcaze M K; > ^ ^ ^ ^ Rnma nt nam, fig = -J- »., to be dismissed (ai
without caring for rain or wind ; in spite of the a servant); Itoma too idasu, Hg^ Hi^. , to dismiss
Btorin. from Itoma wo kou, ^^%~T, to ask
ItolrcbaUo, V )C \p H [f t. JS X E, 'f. A box for for dismissal from service; to take leave; Oltnma
keeping threads in. wo moshimasu, ffllPg^ # ^v :^, [coll.] I will

Itolrl, \plf\r''!), M-X, n. A cotton fabric having take my leave;

Itoma wo yarn, BS"?- iS'^. to grant
some silk interwoven. a dismissal; Sukoshi mo itoma ganat, 'i^'s/^ilS
ItoIH-y«l<i-uiOineM. V^^ly^ljJ W)i& ^»^, ^A^ tf ^ 'f to have litte time; to have no leisure.

Sfi't^?^. '"' ^ y^i'TifX of cotton stuff interwoven Syn. Hima, Ma, Tesuki.
with silk. Itoiiiaaki, V/^ifETo^. BS^. "- Having unoccupied
Itokaif o^al, vlf i'W-fi'y', ". [Conch.] Scalana sp. time; being nt leisure.
Itokn^Tiigiinio, V" if *» (2 <• %, n. [EuComI A Svn. Htma.
heniipteroua insecr, Limnabates. Itoina-iirnzii, y/^ic 5 T5 t ^, T^iS. v.(. [comp. of
ltokenaslil*-1,-klt V-^WtcL. X(I, «-• Young; ju- Roma, and Arazu.] No time or leisure.
venile; puerile; not old. Knz~ •uiii itoma arazu, M'y H- =^')My 9::^, to
Syn. iTOKiNAsni, Itokeshi, Osanabhi. have no time to count; is countless or in-

ItoktrJ, l/v^i^ij), ^^, n. The raised edge on the numerable.

bottom of an earthen vessel; the spiral marking Itoinagui, V\^^&i>, PgE, n. Leave taking.
on the bottoms of pottery vessels, produced by Etoniaki, l/viflj^, ftfi!^, n. A spool for winding
the thread with wliicb the vessel, when on the thread on a bobbin.; fstictoTiotus.

wheel, is cut away from the vase of clay. Itomaklfiigiii. \/N^3 5i<', 74. [ichth. Ostraclon
Syn. HiNKRiDOME, Itozoko, Kodai. Itoniakl-kikai, V^ i? U ^ ^ *> V^. fi^*^ glfil, n.

Itokinnn, \f'£^y)iS, ^^0, n. Theeyetooth. Rolling machine; a rolling frame.

ItoKlrl-rtango, \/^ ^ ^ V) 7& ^^, ^.^M^, n. A Itonilclii, V^-£?h%, fi^iS, n. The way of sowing.
kind of dumpling. Kovo ko vja mada Itomithi ga ni-anal, ittjf!-^
ttoko. V/^>f £., te M sft.
n. A cousin. ^ if B'^1f m "y -i , this girl is yet unskilfulln
Itokoawase, ir^t^K-t!". « Marriage between sewing. rcalling.
cousins. fcousin. Itonaml. vpif"^;^, igp, n. Business; occupation;
UoKochigal, v^lf C.'^ft't>, g^ -Jft ^, n. A father's Syn. Nariwai.
Itokodowhi. V )f L ^ * . :iS 5il ^ 1^ ;£, n. Being Itonaiiiii, V^^f^tl*. ^, v.L QTo do, make, or per-
roiT^ni^ to each other. ffemale cousin. form. @
To work or labour at. gj To build or
Uokoiiio. irif C*. n. O A father'^ niece. ©A Syn. SuRU, T8UK.DE0. Lconstract
ITO 465 ITS.

Itoorl, v^)t^tj}, .^igj, n. AflneBllkBtufif^roren Syn. Itoguruma.

with twisted threads. Itoyorlino, viti. '0?'5r. £5?S¥^'"- -^ spinning
Itoo8lil,-l.-l<ltVr>fti Lt a. Very dear; beloved; O pole. fwebs.
darling; exciting luye or affection. Pitiful; @ Itoyn, Vi^ IT B) 5, ifffiiS, /*. Gossamer; goasnmer-
compassion ue. Syn. KAGER5. fatring attached.
Syn. ITOSHI, Kawatushi. Itoyuml, V*5f W);^, flJiM, n. An arrow with a
Itooshlmu. v^ if tt tir, ftffl, v.t. To pity; to Itosalnira, v^5f3*< &, n. [Bot.^Prunus pendula.
synipathize with to fondle. ; Itosoko, Vif 5'C.i JS. I*- The raised edge on the

Byn. Itoshigaru, rSieltoiai. bottom of an earthen vessel.

Itoran. V* IS 6 ^, {|IlA#. "• Lycopodiwn
[Bot.] ItBU, Vv>^, 3E, a. Five.
Itoru, V/^isS, 9J®. v.U O To take or capture by lisu taU, %^, five times; Itsu tsuki, "R fl,

shooting (as animals). @ To take or carry off Syn. Itsu, go. L^ve months.
pnsea (as in archery practice). Itsu, vt'"?, MffJ, a. What time? when?
ItOBlil,-i,-lcl, v^ic t. "^ ^. a- Exciting love, pity, /(SM aelclru Tea, M W ?K »- * [coll.] when wilj

or compassion very dear; darling.

; itbe done? Itsu sonna koto ga arimasliitn, fplflj
Syn. AlRASHI, AWAREMI, ITOOSHI. y i^ -^ ~lif T V "7 s/ it, {coll.] when did such a ,

Itoslilgo, V££.&, #7, n. A beloved child. thing happen?

Syn. AI8HI. fsima. Itsu, v»r3, —
tt. One.

Itoaii^e, V' IT -? |f>, g ^, n. [Bot.'iCarcx tenuis- Syn. TcHi, HiTOTSU.

Itosugl. \r)£-^'^, n. [Bot,] Gryptomeria up. ItsQ, Sir? 5, ^ JS, /«~ [^ed.] Pain in the stomach;
ItoauJI, \/^)£ i-"^, (SSS. "• The line of threads; colic; gastralgia, fhorse.
thread. Vnum. Itsuba, vrr?(f fg J^, n.
[CWti.] A swift horse ; fine
Itctate, \s^'£tt't, n. [Bot.] A apecien of Polygo- Itsubl, ^§?. «. [C^/iin.] CommenUiuff any-
Itotake, v-if ftiW, .ftSlt. "• [Wf.] String and bam- thing beyond its true merits; over -landing; ex-
boo; guitar and flute; hence a general term for cessive praise.
stringed and wind instruments of music. ItBubuBu. \p.-3J«^, fSjffl, ut. To crush or change
Itotake no tanoshimi, ijft It >* ^. pleasures forms by casting; to recist.
derived from music; Itotake no mtcM, :Jtt1t^ S. Itsu demo, \[^ rp s % ifi WS, adv. At any time;

the art of muilc. rquadrlgerum. whenever; always.

Itotoinbo. \n'£)£ A.}3:, SSS. «• [Entom.] Agrlon Itsu demo aru, fpj B? x ^ T' »-, to be or to have
Syn. T53UMITOMB0, Wakashutombo. always; Itsu demo dekiru, fif H? f ^ lH 5K J*', can
Itotorl-nabe, V^ It if S) "S: -«, IffiSfiS, «. An iron be done at any time Itsu demo oide nasal, ^ S9

pan used in spinning silk. 7* ^ 3& m ?• fr -f [coll.] come

whenever you
Itou, V^lti. ^, O To be tired or weary of; to

dielike- @ To mind or care. for health. ItBue, V^r?*., Effi, t*- Fivefold. fa trifle.

Mi v)0 itou, ^ ? K to care for one's person

"7, ItsugS, V^-oa*^, n. A hair; a very small portion;
Syn. ITAWARU, ITAGAB^J KaBAU. Itsugoro, 1/^-7 S^, ^t@, odu. About what time!
Ito-iirl, \r>r 5 «J. UJS.. n. [Bot.] Lvffa cylindri- at what time? when?

Itownhu, \rif*)<, iSS, n. A reel, '

icum. Itsugoro kaeru ka, firtSBn-*. [coll.] about
Syn. ITOKURI. what time will you (or he) return? Mata itsuoofd
Itownslil,-l,-kl, V» X tt U ffi. «. Abominable; ktmasu ka, ffl ii {pJ l^ ;« "^ :^ », [coll.] when wiU
loathsome; odious; obnoxious; shocking; re- you come again?
volting; heart-sickening. Itsiigun, V/^7<'^, i^Sf, «• [CWn.] Surpassing all

Syn. IMUBEKI, KiBAWASHl. others; preeminent; excellent.

Itoynnagl. v-'^^fl^, feflP.n. [Sot.] A variety of Syn. BAKKUN.
weeping willow. Itsugwaii, V/x r? <- *3 ^, Igft, n. [Chin.] A straj
Itoyorl, irirt'!). i&Sftfil. «• [Ichth.] ball; a random bullet.

Itoyori-dal. \r>it3;9feth, Ventex setigerus. J Itsuiro, v*"^!/^^. Sfi, w. O Same as ffosftffct. @

Itoyori- FHve varieties or kinds.
furu' ItBUjI, V^-7;£*, J^ ^, ?t. [C/iM.] Same as Ditsuji.
ma, Itsujibun. V^ r? Z- * ^, M BS 5*. Cldv. About what
time? what time 7 when?
5 ex Itsvjihun agarimasho ka, {^ Bf ^ ± V ^ s^ a
ViJ- [coll.] About what time shall I call upon
B!Q[, n. A spinning wheeL jrou?
^ .


ItBuJIn. Vr'-7;E:A, igA) "• One who has retired regard or treat with tenderness, pity, or com-
from public life; a retired scholar. paaaion.
Itsujiiii, vc>;£.•W)^, — ttJ, " A period of ten days; Syn. Ai auKtJ, Awaremu, Itooshimu, Ka-
sometimeB a decade. WATUGABU, MEGDMU, MEZORU. riODg^?
Iteakn, \^ -^ ij', S H , n. ]>iv& days, or the fifth Itsu nitide. Vvp*E"ff, MH^iS. a<*u- Till when? how
day of the month. Jtsu made kakatu mo yoi, ^B5iEM-y r-^a
ftsukn, \r'7*>, adv. Some time; Bome other day. -f, no matter how long it will take; Itsuviade

Itsuka mata au dard, >f \?»fgirj^7^5 ti, maltara yokaro, JFjaj^^-z^^ai/j y V, [coll.]
[coll. I
I think we
meet again some other
will how long should I wait?
day; Itsuka mita y^na hito da, A iJ % S^ ^ f' '"^ Itsiimade-flTusa, Uv < U Tf <'3, ffi ¥ :^, « [Bot.]

Aif, A person whom one supposes that one has Stone crop.
seen once before. Itsiiinade-susa, V^ -^Ti "C ^ S. l^S S. "• [Bot.]


It8na>.nra, v -7 *> &, St f^ B?, adv. From what Itsumln, i^r?^^, ISS. " [Chln.\ Same as /(sw-

time? how long Hince? when? Itauino, \r'5^, WIB?, adv. At any time; always;
kara koho ni jukyo nasaru ka,
Ttsji ff* * ? lit M usually; customarily.

S = ttffi -^ "S" '•' *. ^o'w long have you been Itsti mo katuaranu, W' 'S' ^f? 9 sr, is alwayi
living here? Itsukara gakko ga hajimaru ka, unchanged; Itsu mo no gotoku hayaku aide no-
{f^myj 7^tSA'J§Jt-». when will the school sai, -f 'J'*--'to)S'^^tom-^'*''f, [coll., come

begin? early as usual ; Icsu mo no tori, -i y =£ -^ IS V

Itsiihl, V\-7g, ^gffi, n. [Bot.] Cornus Kottsa. as usual; in the customary way; Itsu mo no
Itsiikl-Jluo'^iil. i>o%%-^ L. gHtSSi. n. One tokoro de, -f '5' ^ > fi t', at the usual place.
who lives on his own land or estate. Syn. iTauHiTBMO, Tsune ni.

Itsuklhashlgu, \iv'^gi» LC, !S@, vi. To attend Itsunio-guea* v^-7%<rs,

(S3i. n. \Bot.\ Beet.
to; to serve. ItsHino-na, v^r7%i!r,
Itsukl-inusiiiiie, \r -3 S tr -^ 16, -«. A beloved Itenmo nagara, U^ ^ ^ fS., cidv.
^ "ft fi ^, '^

dau^liter. Every time; always.

Itfiuki iio-iiilya» V "5 ?O ^ -^i BT^. «• O An ItsiMmo nagara osTiso de shita, '^ © /S ?* ^ *
appeliation of the Imperial shrine at Watarae, 5/^, [coll.] I have been so inhospitable every
Ise. @ A virgin princess of the Blood who was time you came.
sent to the Imperial shrine at Ise at the corona- Itsu 111, Xr-'yv., oLdn. All; without exception.
tion of an Emperor, to stay there until the Syn. MiNA, KOTOGOTOKU, HiTOE NI.
death or abdication of the latter; a vestal Iteiirakii \r--0 6 < Ig SI, n. [ChinJ] Having a good
, ,

virgin, © Residence of do. at Watarae in Ise. time; living in ease and comfort; pleasures;
itsiikii, Z>-P< , /giif, v.t. To settle in a place; to enjoyment.
become a permament resident, Syn. TANoaHiMi. Tbow.
Syn. ISADAMAR0. Itauret, V^-5KV, ^iS. «- Salutation; a courteous
Itsiikii, v^-7<, 15. w-f- To take great care of; to Syn. AlSATSU.
exercise vigilvuit care for. ItsDShlka, V^'5A*>, ffi^, adv. At a time of which
Itsukuchl, >fy^^, — ffi iH, a. {corrupt- of a one in not positive; at a certain time; Imper-'
SanskHt word.] One koti (which equals ten ceptibly; gradually unawares. ;

billions). Twith a bow. Itsu'Shika tsukihi wa tachi ni keri, fil B? 2/ n

Itsuktirii, V\-9 C Z, ^iii, V.U To hit by shooting fl B>''*^ = *"Vi the time rolled on unawares.
lt9uku8lil,-I,-kl,-shU\r-7< L. ^^. a. O Fine, Itsntake, V^-^fett, « {.Bot.] Fungi.
splendid, pompous, gorgeous, magnificent. @ Itsu-to-naku, ir^Sftt^.^^f^, adu Same as
Grave, austere, majestic; dignified. Itsushika.
Syn. AlRASHI, IKAMESHI, KAWATURASHI, ItBu-toeOe v^-^JC*, SjS, S^, n. Five years.
OGoaOKA, Ubdwashi. radmirable. 7tsw lose amari tai-kyo shimashita, 3 Sp. B 9
It9iikiiskl, \^'9< Dear; lovely; darling;
(,. ft. CL.
ffi S^ i^ ^. have been in the capital for over
XtsiikuNhliiil, Vn r? < I, ^, iS S, «• Love; pity; five years. Vltsumo-nagara.
tenderness; compassion, ItBiitotoniO; l^*7)£t %, SSI^D}, oAv, Same ai
Oya nn itsukushimi wo wasuretewa naranu, Itsutsu* \p-5-7. S, n. Five.
K-^K^-T'S'^t'-''*'?"^'?, one should never Syn. Go.
forget tlie tender love of his parents. ItButsii-no-moJl, v -5 -c? O I C, 3l?C^, n. The
Itsukualif 111 II i^-?<£tr, %^, v.%. To love; to five characters representing the five virtues
ITS •*67 ITT
essential to married women; viz., sel (if) purity, Sttolp \i^f'^\r, — S.Being fixed or
** settled; da-
teii^) chastity, 6£ (9I) beauty, /« (|5) good line- terminiition; resolution. ^suru, — v,t, Tofli,
age, and tai (gg) conception. settle, or determine; to agree
Itsu^vitrl. Vv r? If ij)
, {I, n. O Falsehood; lie; EttoUl, V^-jtp, — iffl, n. A 'single drop.
lying. @A perjury; deception; fraud. Sokai no tttekl, 51t^>— JiSi ^ drop from th«
Syn. Dahashi, Uso. broad ocean; a very small portion; ar insigni-
Itsuwairj-goto, VA-^tJipait, ffiW, n. A false ficant part.
speech; lie; lalsehood. Syn. HiTOSHizuKU, Hitotahashi.
Itsuwari-taware, V^r7ttV)tettH, ^S, «. Pre- Ittonibnnja, V^•y^:^tt^3^i?, - ^Hffi. n. [lit.]
tended madness false insanity. ; One heaven and ten thousand chariots, a meta-
Syn, SORAKIOHIGAI. phor for Japan.
IteuTtraru, V^ "^ t£ S, 'flS.
v.t. and i. To deceive, Ittembanfd no kimi, — H 3R > S. ruler ^ ol

lie, or beguile; to feign; to pretend to be. the whole country; the Emperor.
Syn. AZAHUKU, Damasu. Ittoinbarl, v^-yTAtf 9, — ^ gS, a- [CWn.] Caring
Itauyo, \r- -^ X, \S:M> [Chin.] Pleasures; quiet
for one thing alone and not minding any other;

enjoyment; comfort; ease. single minded; stiff-necked; unyielding.

Syn. TANOSHIMI. IttoHp V•'yt^, —5?, n. The whole heavens; all

Itsayoliu, V\-:?l.< — 3, n. [Cft(n.] [lit.] One

, 1 over the sky; the universe.
Icblyoku, V*tl,\/^, J wing; chief aid or help; Tttenntwakani kakikumoru, — 5?fR = » ^sB
mainstay. fi', the whole sky became suddenly overspread

Itsuitoya, vni?^'^, p ^{., adv. Some time ago. with black clouds.
Itsuzoya oyaJcusoku wo shLmashlta koto wa Stteii, V^^T^, — iB!, « A point; a speck; a dot.
ikaga aesu, H ^'t&lStSS^s^^s^ it^^^iDf^T' Itten no Hmu nashi, — 13 -^ ^ -J- ^'t without &
^, what has become of the matter upon which single blot; Sora ni itten no kumo nasht, ^a—
we agreed some time ago? !K ^ S ? 5^1
no cloud to be seen iu the sky.
Syn, Sakitsugoro. IttOQ-no-Bcinil, V» y "C ^ & ;^, — ^ g^, n. Mo-
ItSDBuke, \f'yi:>'\if,S®, SS^. « Spending seve- narch of the whole country; the Emperor.
ral days in a particular place (esp. with harlots). Ittoneliikai, v^ -/ t: ^ X *» \r, — 5^ Eg iS. " [Ut.]
Ittal, irvtev-, — (*, ctdu. ©Properly speaking; One heaven and four seas; the whole Empire.
speaking In general way; in short; on the Syn. Ame-no-shita, Sekai.
whole. @ Usually; commonly; really. Ittctsu, XpyX'y, — tSt, n. and a. [I<«-I One track O
Ittai sons koto no okori loa dd iu wake desu, — of a wheel; the same rut; the same foot-steps.

ft:y^gr>]affi-*''l?«''f7SSlx^, [coU.] what ©Headstrong; obstinate; not yielding.

ia the real cause of that affair; Seken ittai tw Kokon dii-ittetsu, -fi -^ IS — ^, [Chin.] the same
slmkwan nari, — He ^ S tg -?- it is the now as in olden times; Jttetsu tanryo na hitOy —
IB: Rfl V ,

practice followed by the world at large. te ffi ffi ^ A, a stubborn and irritable person.

Syn. MOTOMOTO, Oshinabbte, Zentai. Ittotsu-moiio. \r -y -r r? 6 ©, — ia#. « A stiff-

Kttal, \i^yii\:^, —M^ " O^© company (as of sol- necked person; dogmatist; an opinionist; a
diers), rdual. zealot.

Ittai, \p. -» fe \r, — Ht, 7*. One body or one indivi- Itto, V*-?>r5, — i^i « and adv. Q Bringing under
IttaJ-bunehlin, V^ -yfe V^ > ^3L ^, — f^*^, «• one rule or yoke. ©General; universal. Se«
[S«dd.] One body and various personifications also Ittai. © All the members of a family; every
(said In allusion to the incarnations of Buddha). one of a particular circle.

Ittan, \p.yte^, — fi, adv. Once; onetime, /ttS buji nari, — JEE Iffi S *?• V , all the memberi
ntan omoitoAihitaTU koto, — Ji.@.t:i^ ^W- are safe; Tenha wo (M5 suru. 5?T^— 1^''*',
a matter once resolved upon. to bring all countries of the world under one
rule. ffirst class the best
Syn. lOHIDO, lOHIJI, Katsute. ;

Ittan. \r y ft ^. - *S, n- [Chin.] A single case or Itt8, vr* ? ^ 5, — ^. " The first official grade;

instance. Kore wa itto no shina desu, n u >n — ®' ^ fi ^

Kono ittan ni todomarazu, jlt — 4S = ltv^3C, 5t, [coll.] this ia a first class article; Sonin itt3,

not only la this the case; does not stop here. ^^_-gc^ the first class of sUnin rank. (See

HiTOHASHI, Katahashi.
Syn. Sdnin).
Itte* l/^^t. — ^, "• and a. By oneself alone. Itto, V'yft5, —33, n. O One sword. @ A cut.
Itte hambal, — ^HS^, selling by oneself Itto no moto ni Tcirifuseru, — 7J ^ 9i tt**-, T—
alone; monopoly; a sole agent to cut down or kill with one blow of (a sword);
ItioryTidan no saku, — 71 jQIK ^ tfi, [Chin.] a S01W toki Jcare iuyo, ^V^W.e&i, then he said
prompt and decisive measure; Ittu sanrei, — J} thus.
HIS, [llt._ one cut three bows, i.e. bowing three I^va, \oBI. Si n. Any large stone; arocK; a reef.

times for each strote of the chiRel in carving a Syn. IwAO.

Buddhist idol; Itto wo tahasamu, 7J ^ ^ y? — I^va, V/^tr, M, n. Leaden or earthen weights at-

If- in, to girdle a sword in the belt. tached to a flsh net or seine for sinking it.

Syn. HiTOKATANA, HiTOKIRI, HiTOTAOHI. Syn. Omori, SnizuMi. fflag.

ICCokl, V^vlf &, — S¥, n. and adv. One hour; fora Iwa-ayamp, \j^a'S,-^if), 5 S, n. [BoJ.] A kind of
while; during a short interval of time. Iwaba, v^H^, I'HiJ, [sub. mood of Iu.] [coll.] If I
Xttokii, (r -y it < — ffi, 71.,One virtue or merit; were to say; so to speak; in short; for instance.
one advantage. Iwaba sonna ttumo desu, -f >•>>">* s^-J-^e^-?*
Ittoku-lssliltsii, \r v 1? < \r -v £, 'P, n. —^ — ^ pi, [oil.] in short such is the casu.
[iU.]One advantage, one loss; " no rose without Syn, Tatoeba.
a thorn." I-tvabiicliI, \r*i/£^%,
71. A deep place in the rock^
Ittomasii, V* y 1? "a -^t — ^H. « A box, the head of a stream; a rocky pooL
capacity of which is 1 to, used as a measure. ItvaoSiIdori. Vr tl% i5 n. [Bot ] Gymnndenia

Syn. TOMASU. Oracm-i

Ittoryn, V^7:fe5 V) 5, — ZI j!tE, w. A style ol'tencmg Itvadana, \ftxtztl.,n. A
originated by a man named Ittosai. narrow space between
Ittso, \/^ -y 1? 3, —SB, n. One copy of any docu- rocks; a ravine; a gorje.
ment or letter. fof two things. IwailaoDi, x^mazV^', i^lB
Ittsul. V^-y-^V^, —1^1 n. A pair; a set consisting Iwataohi, v^afc&:^^ >!!?,
Kwabin ittsul, tE)f£ — S. a pair of flower 11. A bandage worn by
Syn. HiTOKUMl. Lvases. a woman after the 5th

1«. U^ 5, [adjective suffix.] [coll.] Used as a EuffiK month of her pregnancy.

meaning way or manner; as in dlu, (Ki£w, soiu, Syn. Haraobi.
IwadntainJ, Vr a ft ft ft>, "
*u. V/\5, B, £ "^-i- and t. Q To say, spea_, or tell.
Apaveraeut of rocks; alarge

@ To call, name, or designate. flat

livade, %s. <wJu. [neg. parti. of7«.]
Mono wo iu, I^^'bV, to Ray something; to \All-ff,

saying, without speaking.

speak; JVaniwo iU lea, ipf^B'^ft, what does
Iwade yamu beM zo, ;;fW f A -^ * /, how
he say T what are you saying t Kami wo ten to it

I remain silent,
a shimo vjo chi toili, ± ^ h i: t T ^ :to ^ :£ ^ could
-7, that which is above is heaven and that wliich Iwaclogusa, \r H^e 5, E ffi. »- [Sot.] Dendro-

is below earth. biumvionnif07~me.

" I^vadoko, \A ttie t, S fK. "• OA flat rock. S

lubakarinaslil, v^A^J*>V) ^ l, ffiWI?. I"-
expres-^ible; unutterable; uudescribable.
A spot where a person is buried; a
lu-tti. \r-X\r^i; s^ Wi '^'i'- [coll.] While saying. ground; a grave.
Yosu to iu-iu mru, "SL y, Y-'WU^tu, to con-
Iwafiiji. \pHi-?r, fig a, " [Bot.] Indigofera deco-

tinue to do while declaring to the contrary. Iwafiiiie. Vrld-tft,boat hewn out of a

«. OA
Syn. IlNAGARA. rock. @
The name of a boat-shaped rock found
Ifijo, V^5X.''^5. jft^. '' [Chin.] Salutation; in Yamato, supposed to be a mythological relic

Itmijo, Vn"7;£'-^5. 'courteous bow. IwasaKf. \rttJj^^i ". A rocky wall.

luKamashi.-i.-Ki, v^ .i if> V* tt L, «• No use iu l^vngaUure, V tj ij*
-^ *t, n. and adv. Concealed
speaking of; not worth talking about; un- or hidden by a rock (as a house or stream).
worthy; unreliable. Iwaganc, VKft^*!, ^ *S, ^ Q Base, or burieo

Syn. FuGAiNASiu. part, of a rock. @ A rock.

lunaraku, \/^i^|^<, gfi®, v.i. and i.. To say; Syu. IWANE.
Used only euphonic Iwagaiioso, \rHi)*n?5. tSBSS. n. [Bot.\Gym-
to rumour. in written,

expressions. nogramme japonica. rhydraiigiodO,

lunardku batkwa ososhi to, ISS^?BH-^£^ b, Iwagarainl, V^Hft's;^, n. [Bot ]Sijit.s^-p>u wjinc

they say that the blooming of the plums is late Iwagashiwa. V^ tl fj-*
* 6J, B S- »• [BOL]PolTf-

(this year). podiUDi liugiia.

luivaro, v^J-lJii, p3, 't- Same as 7tya7'fi. rihit. iwjtguuc, Sft.
v^mzzi'f, " [Bot.] aaz ,.a^
luy d, \^^^5. Sl> subj. Saying that; and iH said Syn. IWASniDA.
Iwaliajlkninl, \/^a\iXS:i»:^, ^mW, « l-Bot.J A thore is some reason for that; Iwaku-mono n«
species ot Tern, FolypoiUum. ynsuuri, ^ >> ^ ^g ^ ^|f^ flawy articles sold
Iwiihnslii* \A an L, !H tSS. '» [lit.] A bridge of Syn. IwAKE, SniSAi. Lcheap.
roeks; stone steps placed io a shallow stream flwakiiuj^ l/v a < vz, Sfi, n. [Bot.] Polvvoaium
("01 the sake of convenience in crossing over. lingva.
Syn. TSHIBASHI, ISHIDAN. TwakunJ-banslil, V^ K < Bt (f ^ L, g S^ iSE. ?»•

Iwnliiba. \/^ a u- tf , SK^. " [Bot] Selaolnella Ordinary folded paper manufactured at Iwa-
involvens. flark. kuni, in the province of Suwo.
Iwalijltai-1, VKtt^^i'!l, '* [OrnUA.] Intermediate Iwakiinl-cliljlml, \ra<lrc%-^;^. :g a JSi, «. A
Iwahlge, \rHibW*, J^3E. n. \Bot.] A rock mo sh. kind of corrugated cotton stuff manufactured in
Iwalilmo. \^uy-4, A S?^. fill '^- [Bot.] Lycopodiuon the town of Iwakuni, Suw5, and much admired
Siebolttfi. for summer werir.
Iwal, \^1S:S>, S#. n. A well dug in a rock; spring Iwakiira, V/*a< t, /i. A grotto; a cave.
ofwHter issuing from among rocks. Iwakiianliune, v^a<i^*tl. n. Aboatmade ol

Iwai. VHW', W, w. O Congratulation; felicita- camphor wood. fof orchid.

tion; celebration. ©Festive occasion; feast; Iwakumirl, Vra<-^10, E I^. "• [Bot.] A variety
fete. Iwama, v*tt^. S^K, «• A space between rocks;
Iwai no sakazukl, rpS -^ 35, drinking to con- a vale; ravine; gorge.
gratulate; Iwai wo svru, ^ ^ ::^ »', to celebrate Iwamakltsubamo, v< if^^-iPi^yb, n. [Ornith ]

(as a festive occasion); Gwanjitsu no iwai, % Black-ciilnned miirtin.

> IR, new year's congratulation. I^vainlgliiBiin, \/^^;^^'^3r^, ^n. A rat's poison
I^vaibe* v^llu-^, !Sf ^, n. An earthen vessel used EivnmJUIuzan, \^aii^^^?*^, prepared from ' a
in offering sake to the Kami; a sacrificial jug. mineral found in the silver mine in Twami;
ItvalM. \/^^\/^U.^ SH 0. '*• A holiday; af^teday; ratsbane.
festive occawon. fcrlsta galU. Iivaiiioino, v^a% 4. n. [Bat,] Cowberry, Vacci-
niuvi vitis
Iwn-lcho, V
HV/^t: A, SIR, n. [Bot] Villarsia Iclcea.

Iwalriono. \p tt t^ ^ O, w. A building near a I^vainura, V^ ttip 6, n. Collection of rocks or

boulders. font of a rock.
SJiinto temple where a person undergoes the
ceremony of purification.
Iwainuro, V* tt tp -S, 7*. A chamber or cell hewn
Iwnigoto, a t> & " Congratulation; ¥>vau, v^H^, [fut. tense of lu.] Will say ; shall tell
\/^ ^, SRfiS.
celebration; festival. or speak.

Ryn. SlIUGIGOTO. Kare hanarazu iwan, ffe .jif. 3? W •*^ v, be will

cartainly say; Warn mo mala iwan to hossu, g
Iwaikacsii, V^avA>-^^, ^ E, v.t. To con-
gratulate, or bless in return. =e^^~M *^y > $k^, I also want to speak; Iiuan
Jcatanaslii, "^ *\zy-^ } ^, to have no way to
I'waizakc, \/^ a Z> 3* W", iiiS& "• Drinking for
congratulation or celebration; a fcasl of joy. express; inexpressible; indescribable.

Syn. SHUKUSHU. I^vaiia, v>a^, Sftn- [Ichtfi.] A kind of salmon,

I-vrajIsha, V^a'S-:fej%>, =g= @ =g=, n. [5oe.] Conandron SalTtio pluvlits.

ramondioides. ritokenashi. a tc ;^, S 3fe. rt- Rocks jutting up

lYvaiiaiiil, V^
Iwalicnasbl.-l.-kl. vaW-tfL,, i*. « Same as from the bed of a stream and forming stepping
Iwaki, va&. S^t "• Stone and wood. Stones.

ITitn no TcnTcoro wa iwaki ni arozu, A > .Z<

S I^vnnashl, V/^a^L, n. [Bot.] Cranberry.

= -p 7 :?;,man's heart is neither stone nor Bwane, V/^ a *!, i& *S, ". O A hard rock; a rock.
wood, i e. man is not without feeling or passion @ The buried part of a rock.
IwaKi, v^a^, SiSS^. n. [Bot.] Wydrocotyle. Syn. IWA, IWA-NO-NE, IWAO.
Iwaklgaiitl. V^tt&ft*;^. ^ftSM. "• Paper manu- l^vanisiil, vai/zt, n. [Conch.] Purpitra ai^.
factured in the county of Iwaki, in the province awauu. v^a&i, v.i. [neg. of/«.]Not to aay; doei
of the same name. or do not speak.
Iwaiionjo. \/^a^.^Xi5, ^Stlf, w- tapislazuU. Iwan>-a» V/^a/^-^, ^, ^1, adv. Much more; how
Iwakii, va^ H, «.i- To say. Used only in writ-
much more still more.;

Syn. lUNiwA. Lten language. lAvao, VNati, @. n. Rock; cliffs; a reef.

Iwakii, Va <, [coll. corrupt, of above.] Reason; Iwaokoslil, vajfft L, ^H, w- A kind of cak«
ground; cause; hence also defect, flaw, or ble- made by hardening parched rice with ame.
mish (as of things sold cheap). Iivaomodaka. V^ a J? <& ;%:&>, ». [Bot,] PolypotUvm
Sore nt wa iwaku ga aru, y u-=i>\'f >N^tf T*-. tricupse.
n\^A 470 ITA
iTvare, VrCH, ^, n. Reason asBigned; ground; Iwatsukl-moiiien, \rtt-^& 4»^, ;g ^;f:$S, n.
cause; history (of an affair) ; explanation. A cotton stuff woven at Iwatsuki, Musashi.
Sonna tware xva nai hazu aa, y v -J- ^ u- >n 9- In^atsiivara, VIiI-7 6 6, n. [J/fn.] Stalactite.
< ^, [coll.] there should be no such reason.
OF Iwatsutsiijl, v^ta-:''^:^:, ^^aS, n. {Bot.'] Azalea.
IwnB>ennslil,-l.-kJ. v^nn-ftL, Ul^. ti- Having Iwaii, v^ai, I'-t. To celebrate, congratulate,

no cause or reason assignable; unreosonable; or felicitate ; to bleed.

groundlesa. KaAocle wo Iwau, T^ tB ? ^ "7. to celebrate the
Syn. Wakenashi. fcrop. on a journey.
setting out
I-ivarense* Ip H H ^ it, ^ fp :§:, 7t. [Bo/;.] Stone Syn. HOGtr, KOtohoGU.
Syn. Itsumadegu- I^vanrada, \r a jh 7c-, « Rocks of tortuous or
SA. HOTOKE NO TSFUE. irregular shape.
iTpnrerii, \rll2St5. [pass, livaya, V-B-^, i^ W, ti. A grotto; cavern; cave.
and potent, of lU.] To O Iwayanag], \r'A->^W^, S H, n. [Bot.] Adianthvm
be flpoken of. © Can monochlamys.
be told; can say. © Syn. Hakonegusa.
Ipolite coll.] To Bay I^vayuru, 2, ^r Ifr, adv.
v^ tt W) As above men-
(only in the second or tioned; afores;iid; the so called.
third person). A dumb
Iivazu. V^^^, ^W. '* person; a mute.
Sito ni yoku ivjareru, Syn. Osiil.
A = $T 1? -f 'M^^-, to bo IwaKiiba, v^tt ^ tf. [neg. svj)junc. of Tu.} If he (or
well fipokon of by another; Anohito ga iivarern she) does not say; if I do not .speak.
t"", fK A ^Z s -"» "^ B' iS V ,
[coll.] as he says. I»v6. ^/^ a 5. [coll. fut. of /w.] Would say; shall
Iwarokiislio. v^ ix r> < £j^?, ^MW, n. [Mn.] speak.
Native carbonate of copper, lapis lazuli. Ima two to omotta, '^ ^ ^\x/ h ,g. -^ s, [coll,] 1
CwasliJ, x/^ t) L, ®, ^ S. n. [IclUh.] The sardine, was just thinking of saying so.
the Pilchard. flng sardines. Sya. V^-^, interj. [coll.] An exclnm. of regret, sur-
Kivnslilainl, U^ *d L^^ A, £a 13. « A netfor oatch- prise, or anxiety oh o dear dear
; 1 I me I

l^vnslilko, VpibLJ:, Sft^, n. Young sardines. lya haya Tcoinatta mono da, -f > '' -V H 7 iH
(wnslillcujira. lrt3l-<5,*6, n. [Zool.jBal(Biioiy / ^, olil how it perplexes me; lya Tcore wa
tera arctica. >u
taihen da, 'f t' '•»
A S:*^. oh! that is extra-
Iwashlmeru, V'tt2,*Z. ^W> '"t. [caus. of lu.] ordinary.
To let say; to cause to speak.
@ Mors
Syci, v^-^, 50, actv. O Moreover; besides.
IwnslilnilBu. \f^aA?f-^', ^ ^, n. A fountain and more; increasingly.
issuing from the rocks. lya -masn, more and more;
?H t& >i, to increase
Iwnshl-no-abura, v^ *? LOJ^l^S, ffi'fth, n. Oil Jya toshi, 5g jg s/. to be still more distant; to be
expressed from sardine. fhalite. farther off.
Iwnsliio, v^ tt ;£ W:, @ g|, n. [ifin.] Rock salt, Syn. ITOITO, MOTTOMO.
Iwaslil-shlinekasi), i/^ *? L X »*>?", ^t^'^, n. lya, v-^, S> t*- a.nd n. [coli.l Unwilling or averse
Sardines from which oil has been extracted; to; reluctant; disinclined; repugnant; loth.
sardine guano. lya ni natta, S= -J- -y ir, have (or has) become
flivnsiiKiiine, v^^ -^^ A, n. [Or'(Un.] Japanese averse to; lya ni omou, 3f = .S "7, to feel re-
al|)ine accentor. pugnant; lyanakoto, -f V-?- =3 h, that is dis-

Bw.-Uiike, vEtteW-, :EiI:. '* [But.] Raeonyces digl- gusting, or shocking; Sonna koto iva iya da, V
tatus. V? ~i
S #. I have an aversion for such a
IwatnobI, V'tt'ftfttr, ^ffl, 7*. Same as Jtoodoo&f. thing; I don't like that
fi^vato. V^ttiC, P, u. The rocky cavo in which
:g Byarhllfo 111, V^ ,^ "^ ^ l/C, ijij^, adv. Clearly;
the sun-goddess, according to tradition, hid brightly; manifestly; effectually.
heraeK making the world entirely dark. Syn. Akiraka ni, Tohijirushiku.
Iwatogaslilwa, \/NH£i]f^a, n. O A large rock lyagraru, v-S>t)'5, v.t. [coll.] To have an aversion
in a stream, @ An everlasting rock. for; to be reluctant to; to be unwilling to; to
Iwataabamc, vvtt-:7[j!6. 5^,n. [Ornifft ] Black- dislike.
cliiuiied martin. Sonna niiyagaru koto wa nai, y v) =S=^
I\vat8iil>o, V^ tt •? ff, e 3B, « [i/in.] A kind of ji- 1 >^ -?• -f you should not be so reluctant t3

aragonite. frocks, Syn. ITOU, KiRAU.

IivatHiiiia, V^ tt -S tr, n. ^vY ffi-owing on the lyagaru, V^-^-Z&a'-S, v.t. [vul. colU] An affix to »
! ;


Terb when speaking contemptuously to or of lyame. \rJ^V), n. Tearful eyes.
another. lynml, v>.j^ft., ^M, n. [coH.J Disagreeable hints;
Dcmatte iyagare, K 5> g -y tf u, hold your saravsm; irony; a cutting jest; a taunt.
tongue, you rascal; NalU Iv&garu, iB? g-V lyamiwo i^, Hii'J ^ ^7, to make disagree-

ft**., he is weeping (in couterapt). able hints.

Irasa-iie nl. V^^WS'-Vr. M-ti oOK' One on the lynmltaritshl.-l.-kl, V/^^^^feS L. »• Ironical
top of another; increfislngly. and offensive to one's ear; invidious; spiteful;
lyaga-ue ni oishigeru, H tf ± =s ^ K »', to sarcastic
grow up more and more (as plants); lyaga-iie Jyamltarashii anna, •f-VS^^S'-f^. an
nf mo
tsiimikasaneru, 5H J: = ^ S E ^^t to P^l^ invidious woman; lyamitaroshii koto moiu. -^
one upon another. •y = ^9£/>f-|^^7, to say something sar-
Syn. lYOiYO, SONOUK ni. castic and offenBive.
lyagnki, u^j^fj*?, ^#, n. A postscript; a sup- lyann. Vr-^^, S. ou and n. Disagreeable;
Syn. Matagaki. Lplement. disgusting; oflfenslve; obnoxious; abominable;
lyaliaslil* V/^ -^ bX L. fi \. Extremity; the revolting; heart-sickening.
Syn. KiRAWAsni. fiya-nagara.
beginning or end.
Syn. ITOGUCHI. lyaoasarn, \/^J%S:i)* 6 ,
'^S, adu. Same as lya-

lyahnte. The last; latest; the lyao, \r-^&5, Disliking or liking; refusal
S= IS, n.
V/^^ttX. ftm, n.
end. rsecond cousin. or compliance; being willing or otherwise ;

lyaltoko, V* ^ Vr If t, or no.
Syn. FUTAITOKO, MATAITOKO. lyao nasht ni shochl suru, Sfi'?"5^=**®-'
lyad too
lyalya, v^j^V* j^, Sffii o^u. With reluctance; ^, to consent whether willing or not;
unwillingly. iwasmu, ?? fS ^ £
-•Ms ^, not to permit to re-
lyaiya shdchi suru, SS* iSl :^ A-, to consent fuse or decline.
lyaol. Vn J^ 3ff 0-, !S ^. "• O Thick growth (as of
with reluctance.
lyakf. V^ J^ 1&, S= a. "• -A- feeling ol disliice; re- plants); luxuriant growth. ©A poetic name
pugnance; unwillingness. for the third month (o.S.).

lyaki ni natta, 5^=-J--y^. [coll.] have Syn. YATOi.

lyaonaBhI.-lp-bJ, ir-^fc5?fL, a. Whether wil-
become averse to.

Iy»ku. V-J^<, SM' " [(?Mw.] Medicines; drugs. ing or not; not allowing to say yes or no; forci-
lyaJcu no Jed naJcu tsui ni sMseri, B ^ -^ ftfi
"^ bly or against one's will.
^jg— 5Et Vi tlie medicine had no efTect and IyaraBlil,-l,-kl, V^ j^ % L. a. Disagreeable O
Sya KusuKi. Lhe died. unpleasant; offensive; disgusting; repulsive. @
tyakii, Z>-^<, xSiSl, n. Failing to perform an Having a lascivious appearance; coquettish.
agreement; breach of contract. lyarashii hlto, -f + 9 &"f A, a coquettish
person; lyarashii koto wo t«, 9 2/ Bf ?"
Kesshite iyalr.v wa itashtmasen, Sts^T^JJ-Ki >f -V 'f

to speak something which repulsive,

« -f it s^ "^ V. [coU.\
-fe I shall never lail to per- K "7, is

form my promise. Syn. iROMEKAaHI, Kirawashi.

sum, To break an agreement; to act
v.t. fyasa, \r-^^, "• The Ptate or degree of being dis-

contrnry to what has been promised. agreeable or unpleasant; dislike; disgust.

Tis not
lyaKu, \t^^<, SSS. "• Translating the meaning lyaea. Xj^^S, inter}. Oh no so.

of a phrase, passage, or book; free translation lyasa soae nai, 4 > * £ 131 5* ?- ^ oli "o^ 't .

or rendering (as opposed to literal translation). lyasakl. V/v^3 5. fe^. at^«- The first; foremost;
suru, v.t. To translate the meaning of a the very beginning.
phrase, etc. Iyashl.-l.-hl, \r^ I, m,^. o. O Low in ranb;

lyakukln, ^^< 5A, IS $9 &- " A payment of lowly; mean; vulgar. ©Base; ignoble;
money or fine imposed upon a party who has S [coll.] Greedy; voracious;

i/^ ti, low or bumble

failed to perform an agreement. lyashli kurai, ^
Syamnaiii-u, Vn-^U3 3, MB, v.i. To be very su lyashii kokom, gj 5^^ ,6, ignoble or base
lyashlkl fuzoku, S £^ =* H, fS, base manners lya
perior; to increase is violence, severity, or in-

tensity. shiH hito, K s^ ^ A. a person low in rank;

lyamaahl ni. l/v ^% L u(-, 9 fS, o^v. More and lowly people.
more; Increasingly. Syn. tJKSKN, HiKUi.

lytiiiiasu, V-^a-d", Htfi" "-t- To increase more lynsliU^iiiuu, V^^E. < ft, ^. conj. and adu. liver

In a slight degree; if- pD«»3lng th;it.

&nd more.

rjA 472 IZA

lyashtkumo hokka nt eki araba kore wo okorw paper manufactured In the eastern counties of
beshi, ^^m^^Wr 7 T^z^^f7-^^, if it the province of lyo.
be, in any way, advantageous to the country. ly ome, \r i fe, ES ra. w. [Omith.] The little grebe.
Syn. Karisowe ni. L*io it. lyosu, \r^i.-$-, n. Same aa below.
Irashlinbo, V^^X^^K, n, ''coU.'l A mean person Syn. Nio.
who will eat anything; a glutton; a gourmand. lyosiidare, \/^ lir 7& h, ^J^M, n. A screen
lyaslilinerii, Vr -"^ S. !6 2, ^. v.t. To scorn to ; woven with a small bind of bamboo produced at
undervalue; to slight; to make light of; to Chichi-no-kawa in the province of lyo.
Syn. ANADORU, KARON20RU. L^hlstle at. lyoKOiiio, V- X ^' }i>, ^T9-'0. n, A style of dyeing
lynslilml, \n ^
X ?)-. ^. n. Contempt; disdain; in whicU the appearance of iyoxnilare doubled
scorn; contumely; a by-word. and held against the sun-light is imitated In the
Hito no iyashiml wo Vcii, A -^ 95 ^ -S ^. to be pattern; also the cloth so dyed.
despised by another. S, u.f. To heal or recover.
lyiirii, \rVi>'z,
Syn. Sagesumi, Sagkriiimi. Klzu gaiyurti, ffi^^^A-, the wound heals
lynslilinii, V-j^;f?i', K, v.t. Same as /vasftiwwnt. Syn. Naoru, Zenkwai schd. Lover.
lyaslilnsiiru, V^^£^^^, B5. vA. To de^ipise ; to fyu sm-ii. Vf^ili-^^, fet IS, v.t. To condole with; t«
dlsdnin; to undervalue; to look down upon; to soothe or pacify by dint of exhortation.
hold in contempt. Ijsa, v^^, ^jjt, intoi. Same as Jde.
Iynsu» V- -^ -^i ^, u.t. [caus. ol' /i/«?-u.] To cause Tza kaera nan, at ^S 7 ^ V, nov: 1 shall re-
to heal; to cure. turn; Tza kitare shobu fen, -f 9' ^ t-'^S ^ ^.
Yarnai wo iyasu, il^ ^^ :^, to cure a disea=e. come now, and let us fight; Tza mairan, A tf

Syn. Chi sdru, Naoso. & 9 2^, now then, I shall go.
lyo, v-l. ?a, adv. Sf\me as Tyoiyo. Syn. DORTA, IDE, Sa.
lyOp Vi, interj. [coll.] An exclnm. ofndmiration Iza, Va?*, inters. An exclam. of denial; no, not so.

or a pplause. rhrnvo Sy n. Ita.

lyojimai, 'fa i&V'f, how skllinl welldone I I
laaJsoku, a J'V^ % < , ^fm^, n. Staying, and
Iff5. &-^5, v.i. [/m(. (enseoffrw.j Willorshallbe; pressing the performance of anything ; sitting
was or were. and dunning (as for the payment of money).
Kiml oa koko nt iyo to wa omownnakatta, l^lf Kaslii kin 710 izaisoku wo sum, EfiSffl ^^>
3 s =t ^ B- h --N ,gl -'^ f- ft y ^, {cnlL] I did not ^ 7^ )i; to Stay and dun for a debt.
expect that you were, or would be, here. suru, v.t. To sit down and dun; to wait
It«. Zj-^5, g*^, '" Manner or sitting. and press to perform anything.
Syn. BUWARiZAMA. rstoraach. Izalza. \/^3'v^3-, S SR * Sfc, adv. Same as 7za, but

|y5» a i n. [Med.] Ulcpration of the more erapliatlc.

5, Wis.
lyfl, V^ -^ 5. ^-IC?. 7*- [C/ifra.] A strange form or IzaUiiyn, i&3"*>^, S?SS. f^ A shop where softs
is sold and drunk; a grogshop; a dramshop.
shape; a Bingnlar costume.
lyodntsii, \r i^t"^, JB it. w.t. To stand on end (as Izahoza, V/^yt-S*. cidv [coEE.] Saying this or that;
the hair in anger). murmuring, grumbling, brawling. fting.

lyolyo, V-iV^i,, $I3> ;©, ^''t. Iiuiiii:t, a^iS, /S ISi "• Manner or posture in Bit-
O •'^till more; more
and more; all the more; increasingly; more Syn. IzuiiAi, rand Tzumal.
than ever. © Positively; certainly; really; lEniBinial, £y^U V^. -n. [coll.] Cont. of Iznina
truly. ©Constantlv; everlastingly; always. Izanaii. iry^.i-, gf, v.t. O To invite, induce, or
Tyoiyo go kigen yokv, ;6l iS Hf ^, [Eptst.] that ffil call for joint action. ©To conduct or lead; to
you are in better health tlinn ever; Tyoiyo sayo go along with. g^To entice, allure, or seduce.
ta, S3£Rll*. [coH,' ifl it really so ? are you sure TOmo wo izanote shiten wo hiraku, ^^M "7 ^
of It? Tyoiyo takasJit, !a fSi £/, still higher. ^S ^ M ^ to invite friends and feast.

Syn. Ttamashi ni, Kttto, Masumasu, Nao. Syn.HiKU, MiCHIBIKU, Sasou, Susumertj,
Iyojlin:». \r i. Z' "3.. 9Wm^ n. A striped cotton YUIN S0RU.
Btuff woven in lyo. Izauatvarcrii, Vr3"^tth2, ?Sg, v.i. The pai-
lyojlroine, \/^ 1 X- 5 ft. ^Jf JS. " Sulphite of sive and potent. Form of above.
antimony, so called from the province of lyo IlanaTnt ni izanawar&ru, H, = S? ^ >^ i^ ft , to
where It occurs in n.ature, be invited to go a flower viewing.
lyoKfLKiirn. V^ i, 4> :5' &, Q g?. " [Bot.]rtnceto- Izai-I, j^rf). ffiPj?, n. O Moving forward without
xicumjlorlbundum. the use of the leet. @ A cripple.
lyuinaHH, Weil's:?. J* iE, «- A Kind of printing Syn. AsniNAE.

rzA 473 IZU

lanrl-iiwu. V^ 3" 11) 5 5:, ti. [/c/if/i.] 4nr.e/(7iav{t» I«u, \r^-:f, fij, v.t. Same fs Iderv.
(rf (!<?[». Takigi wa yama yorl izv, iS -'^ (1| a 'J ffl tf,

Ixarii, fiys, Ktf, v.(. To crawl along; to push flre-wood comes from mountains.
one'R pelf nlong; to shovel; to shuffle. Ini, v^t3*. i^SK. n. Majesty, glory, or power (ot

Isasii, v^3r-5, n. [7c7f (ft.] Young of Gobius ap. the Emperor or the Kami).
laA sarnha, v^sr^ (;tf, fntej^j". An exclatn. used lEiiclil, 1^-:^%, ^M, ctti''- What place; where,
to excite attention, or to invite another to joint everywhere any place. ;

action; come on; now then. IzucM tomn nah'n, (ST Jife J> =e -J-^, to some place
laayol, V 3*
W, -1- ^, n.
J: ^
A poetic name for or other ; Izuchi ynri ki 7ii ken, (pj ilfe a V ^=+
the night of the 16th of the lunar month; also z/, where diil it come from?
the moon as seen on that nlg)it. Syn. IzFKO.
Jzayol 110 tsuki, -t-:^,^ ^ fl, the moon aa seen IeuI. S^CVv, lli^, n. [Bot.] Solomon's seal.

on the night of the 16th (of the lunar month). Syn. AMADOKono.
Ixnyon, To hesitate; to waver; Tsiilslil, V^ v^ Li ^sE, W-
-p* General name for
v^5"J.i, IgJS, v.t.

to be in suspense. stones occurring in the province ot Izu.

Syn. Tamerou. fously. Iziilcata, \/^r3'i>fe, ^ '^. adv. What side ordirec
Ixen, \r^/u, liSJ, aclv. Before; formerly; previ- tion? what region? who I
Izen _no tori, as before; in the Izukata yorl korarcta ka, ^; ^ 7 u ^ a
KLfit'-'JffiVi I^T ;:&

previous manner; Jzen no yonl, ^ftO" -^ tS — . «s Jj, where did you come fromT Izukata evm
it was bel'ore; Kore yorl izen, ^^^KISJ, previ- yornshiku, fPT '^ -^ ^ jIC S^ 1?*, [coll.] commend me
ous to this; before this time. to every one of them,
Syn. MAKKATA, Saki NI. Izuko. \rp*2.. 1 fpT^. <^^^- What place? where?
beD„ Xr^A., 1K^, «'^w- As it was. Iziikii, Vn:::^< , ) every place; anywhere.
Izen to shite kawarazu, •fift^ h ^ 7"^'^ :X. to Iziiko mo onaji, {?riS*[^S5-, the same every
remain unchanged; to be just as it was; Tzento where; Izuku made mo, -fijftvx^i to an^
shite susuniasu, jfif^ h 2/ ? Si v :<, to be in the place; to what plnce soever.
same place and malte no progress; Tzento shite Pyn. DOKO, Izccar.
ugoJcazu, ^^ h s/ 7" W}:fJ :^, romainajust In the laukujiiarii, ft ^ < B 3, *l^l^, v.i. To sit and
same condition as before; hold their ground shrink; to sit cramped; to ait down with the
Syn. MOTO NO MAMA. Lfli'inly-
body contracted.
Ixonscii, \/^^^W^^, B^e. n. [Gram.] Subjunc- iBukunka, v^< ^ir>, ^, adv. [cont. o{ Izuku n
tive verbs. ka.\ In what place? where? Used mostly il
Ixokti* ib 5' f , SflB, n- An instruction given, written language.
or a request made, by a dying person. eiirii, Izukunka aran, ^^» ffi 7 v, where .should
v.t. To leave inatJuctlons ; to malie a last re- (sucli a thing) exist ?

quest. Isukunzo, V/^r?"<A5-, M, Cl^v- [cont. of Izuku ni

IsoUu, ft 5* < The family of a deceased
, jt®i, n. zo.] Why? how? Used only in classical com
person; the remnants of a family; bereaved positions.
relatives. Izukunzo shikaran, ^ f f& f ^y, how could it

laokii-nijoryo. Z.5'<i^lH5. it ®e ^* Bll r+, n. Syn. Ikadeka. Lbe so .

Allowance for the support of the family of a Ixuninl, ft ^U i>, Stt. n. Manner of sitting,
deceased official. posture in sitting.
boku-JiisoHlin. ft:?<X'W)^5X-^, jtSsSB@#. "• Izumai ga warui, Stfe:VSW, to sit In >%

One who has the right to receive aid, in money Syn. IZAMA. L^lovenly way
or articles, rendered to tlie fHmily of a deceased Iziimi, V* t:^ J^i ^. "• An issue of water from the
person. earth; a spring; a natural fountain.
iBon, V^?'^. ^W-> "" Different opinion, view, or Ixumi, \e^-^7f., ^, n. A bamboo cradle.
Bentiment; objection. iKumo, ft-^^5, ^-^ iJt ii. Wrestling in sitting
Izon nashi, S^ -?- ;/, no ohjection ; Izon wo postures.
tonaeru, S)?-^ Oi --v /^, to state objections; to Jswmo M3Q torn, M^ i3 ^W.O', to wre&Clo
differ in opinion. while sitting.

i*a, \r-t>', (pf. iprfjlx.] A word prefixed to nouns or Syn. SdwarizumO.

adverbs meaning, what, which, any, etc. Iziinn, V*^tt, flSIS, n. Cont. form of below.
Izuehi, fg' iib, what place, Izukata, jlf :ff , any IBU-Bntsukai, irt^'^-^Jr'U, ^1^^, n. QA kind
place or every person. of incantation or sorcery in which foxes -are

used. @ One who practises do.; a sorcerer, a Jabai-nnul, ;&^Hr & (fa W-, KflSSi. n. A style of
magiciaD. embroidery which consists arranging twisted in
Isiire, V/^i>'ti-, (fj, adv. Whatf whichT where? who? threads in close parallels (so named from the
any how other way; any one; everywhere.
resemblance of the parallel threads to the con-
Izure de ka mita yoda, i^u^ Hit^it, [coll.'] -jj secutive platesin the ventral surface of a BnaSe).
I think I have seen It somewhere; Izure mata Jat>lsen, :£--^tN'*A. i R £S ^. " A kind of stringed
mairu 6esft', ^ i-' ^ /i' ^ ^ one way or other
'(Si , Jiiiiilsen, X'^^-^^l ' musical instrument made of
I will come again ; Izure vw gata, Wu* :5. ii. skin of a snake, used by the Inhabitants of
every one of you; Izure mo sama, all of you Okinawa.
ladies and gentlemen (in address); sirs; Izure .InDon. X'S»K^, >
gtSa, n. [£ot.] Shaddock.
ni mo aru, -fpj
u == ^ t jp, is found everywhere; Kabon, ^*K^, '

Izure saikiual notokt, fiH i-- ?F S" -^ 1-4, anyhow Jaclil, :£rj^'^, ?il^, n. Perverted talent; ability
at our next meeting Izure demo yoslil, jBJ l-- 7* ^ ,
used for vicious purposes; subtility; cunning;
ff^, either will dt-; any one suits me; Izure e craft.
ka, ^\^ ^J], to some place or other. JacJU bvkat hlto, JP^^, 'f A, a man of deep
Syn. DORE, DOCHIRA. cunning; asubtile person, Neikanjachi, ^JfS5
laiireka, v^:?'ih.A>, 3ft, pron. Whichever; where- §, knavish and perverted.
ever; where; any. Syn. Wabujib. Ttrines.
Izureka kl ni iritaru kata, l/t»^=A^J f^^ JnAo, ;£,'^?is5, 3PiSi "• Evil way; heretical doc-
"jS, whichever side you like beat; any one which Jadobu, ;&J^ 1£ C , PB ^. n. The poison of ser-
Syn. DoCHiRAKA. Lsults me. pents snake poison.
; rJixpafara-iTit
iKiiru. V^ p* 5. m, v.i. To issue forth (aa a O Jiigaimo, X''^t^V- It, M^W. n. [5o(.] Sams ai
spring) to spring up (ns plants).
; To occur in @ Jaffan, X'-^i'A. K &. " [Bat. j Potent ilia.
nature; to be produced (as minerals). ©To go Syn. OHEBMOUIGO. Trauth.
out (as from the house); to proceed from. Jagan-sckl, ;£:^J)*^e^, (^ ^S. " [-Sfin.JBia-
Syn. Dbru, Okoru, ShSzuru.
J.iKauso, X*^i'^3 5.teBB^|i:, ". [Sot.] The name
Isutsii, &p*-7, # Jgf, «. OA well-crib. @ A figure of a fern, Gymnogramme japonica.
conaisting of two parallel lines crossing two
other parallels of equal length at right angles.
Jagatara-lino. Z'^ii^fz. 5 V> 76. IBot.] Tlie com- "& ,

mon potato, Solanum ttiberosum.

Jnsatara-nilkan, Z'^ti^ P.7j-ii>k, 3^ ®, n. [BoL]
-P^^^^r^ Syn. Jabon, Zabon. r^uschatvs.
Jagyu, Z'^ ^5, R ^, n. iZiiol.'] Musk ox, Ovibos
Jaheki. X'^'-^^, ?PiS. a. and n. Q [Chin.] Vici-
ous; perverse corrupt heretical.
; ; ©A vicioua
Syn. HiGAMi, YoKOsniMA. Lhabit
Jahi, Z-^V-, J

JB ft, n. Serpent's skin.

Jatil» X^!>.*, i

Jaho, Xr-^tti, 3Pii, n. O Supernatural or black

Jj^i i'-^- JJ. n. [2'ooE.] A muak doer, arts; witchcraft; sorcery. ©Perverted or he-
Jj*. X'-^. tB> ^ [^oi.] A serpent; a snake. retical doctrines ; heterodoxy.
Syn. HEBi, Oroohi, Uwabami. JaliySso, :£'j^^525, ftEK^, «• [Sot.] A kind
Jst. X'^, ^, o.. and n. ©Evil; wicked; perver.se; of strawberry.
vile ;corrupt; heretical. Viciousness wicked- @ ; Syn. Hebiiceigo.
nefis;a wicked person; perverse views. Jal» Z^^, Jfilia. n. [CTiitt.] Perverse mind; vici-

Ja demo hi demo, 3Px^^^^^, whether ous heart ; malice malicious intention.


wicked or wrong; Ja wa set ni katazu, 3P-*> JE Jain, X,^v^^. 3pjg, n. [C7Wn.] Adultery. su-
= IS ^ tC, wickedness can not conquer good- rii, v.i. and (. To commit adultery.
ness. JaiiisO, X*^v^^5?, ftBSS, n. [Bat.] Polygonum
Syu. Syn. iNuiTADOBi. isachalinense.
#nl>arn, jfr^^tf 6, (B 9B» "• O U«.] The abdomen Jaja-uma, S,-^X'^5E, BtSfiS, n- A vicious or
or ventral surface of a serpent. @ Anything unruly horse. rjaponicwm.
arranged In the manner of the ventral Bcales ol JajSsbl, at ^ ;fr ^ 5 X, a&m^. n. [Bot.] Selinum
a serpent. S Oont. form of below. Syn. Hamazeri.

JAtJ 475 JAM

Jajfi, Z'^t'Vb^, RSK, n. [ZoBl.] The musk-deer, Jakiihal, :$:^< Bu^, ^S£, n. and a. The young;
Moschus moschifertis, Juvenility; puerile; green,
JaUngo, 2.'J^*»&, teSl, n. A long cylindrical Jakniiau. £•->%>< (^^, ^HS, n. Acne.
bamboo basket flUed with Btones and uBed for Jakiijaku, :£,-^ < :£,*-^ < 3S35. . 0- [Budd.] Quiet;
damming up writer. peaceful; tranquil; silent; still.
Jakel. 2:-^rt'V^, ^%\; v*. [Chin.] A vicious plan; KUtkujakxiSaku, S ^ K SS, icotl.] empty-headed
an evil scheme. abstracted; unoccupied; absent-minded.
Jaken, X•^H^, 3P(i§t, a. Ill-natured ; crosa mind- Syn. SASiisnii, Shizdka.
ed; evil-minded; malicious; unbenign; cruel; JaUukankokii. Z^ < i3>A.i. < S §P S. " , iBot.]
stonyhearted. The name of an orchidaceous plant.
Jaken na onna, ^^i- -ft, an ill-natured wo- Jakumakii, Z'^ < % < . i ^ ^t a. Same as Jaku-
man ifamako wo jaken ni suru, S ^ ?" IP B^ =
; Sekibaku, .^ @ [f < , ) jaku.
:x, ft', to maltreat a step child. Jakumctsii, Coming
X:-^<16'^. ^ilS. n. [Budd.]
Jnketsii, SS-V>y, 71. l^nfiT.;; Jaclcet. to the end; entering Nirvana; death, eiiru.
Jaketaii-lbnrn, S: ^ W- <? \p If <; , S W, n. [Botl t).t. To enter Nirvana; to die.
Gaesalplnia aepiaria. Jakumetsu iraku, ^ IS IS SI, glad to entei
J:-.|{1, t:^^, 3I1S,, n. Pestilential vapours; un- Nirvana; to long to be at rest.
healthy atmosphere; mephitic or poisonous air; Jnkunon, Z:^<i(XK, S^. w. and a. Young age,
malaria. youth; minority; young, juvenile.
Jdfci ni oJcasareru, Jfp^ =^ -9-
1-- ff', to take Syn. TOSHIWAKA.
cold ; Jaki wo hai-o, ^f^^ pf,y, to clear away JakuOJl, X'^ < 43 5 X', 5 SE^. n. A kind of ink
or keep off pestilential vapours.
stone oGcuring on the mountain of the same
Syn. Akki, Fuja, Kazehiki. name, tn the province of Tamba.
•fnkl<au, t:^vii>A., STi c^^"- How much; how Jakiiro. Z^ < J5. CtS. 3fS^. n. [Bot.] Pome-
many; so much; mfiny; a great deal. granate.
Syn. iKUBAKr, Sokobaku, Sokubaku. Jakiirosiiclil, Z' ^
< -^ <: "*>, S^ffl P. " The
Jnkliodo. X- J?"y < 43 5 «. SS 3t Ji, « [Budd.] entrance to a bath in a public bath house.
Paradise. fj uvenile ; puerile. Jakuslilteu, :£:^ < Z-o, ^^, n. and a. [Chin.]
Jakk-tvnn. ;£^-^C*5^, S3g, «. [CMn.] Young; Weak constitution of the body; of effeminate
Jako, :£'j^i>5, R^, n. Musk. fwicked deeds. nature.
JakO. i'^t»5, ijpffi n. [Chin,] Vicious conduct; Jakiislio, Z^<Z^5, ® !l$. n. [Chin.] a weak
Jako, &-^*>5, JpjS, n. [Bot.'] Sesell Libanostis. general; incapable or faint-hearted captain.
Syn. IbukibOpu. rmosr.hiferus. Jaknsotsii, Z^
< t"^. M^t """ [Chin.] A weak
Jakojlka, Z'^i>5Z'i3*, I? HE. n. [ZtoL] Moschus foot soldier; craven troops.
JakoIiRino, :£'.<^i>;S:;b>%, n, [Orwitft.] The musk- Mnsho no moto nijakusotsu nasht, ffi Uf -^ T^
duck, Cairina moschata. fclvet. H 2$i-j- 5/, there is no cowardly soldier under a
Jakoiieko, £-^*>5iat, n. [Zo'dl.] The musk cat; bruve general.
Jako-nozuiiil, Z:^ii>5i^^ Jaku suru, Z--^<irZ, ^1 v.i. [Budd.] To die; to
Tt-, § M., n. [Zuiil.] A kind Syn. Shinuru. Letter Nirvana.
of shrew-mouse, Croc- Jaku Htiru, Z^<if'Z, ^. v.t. To be carried away
cidiira ccerulescens. with; to be fascinated, charmed, or captivated
Jakoso, Z'^i»^ 3 5, S&'F Syn. Matott, Tsuku.
#, n. [Bot.] Clielonopsis Jakuyaku, ;S:-^<-^<, ^gf, n. {Chin.] Jumping
moschata. up and down with joy.
Jakotsu, X* ^ C. •7, iffi ^, n. JakuEOtsuBO, Z'^ < ^-5 5 3, '4S.^^, '* [Sot^
©Serpent's bones. @A Arenaria serpyllifulta.
kind of white fossil wood. Syn. NOMINOTSUZURI.
Jftkoyu,X'-^*>5 W). Ktl^jfll. CX-^*>5tl^:3 Jakyo, ;£'-^W"i, fJfe, n. Heretical or perversa
It. Musk oil. doctrine.s ; heteroJoxy an evil religion. ;

JnUu, Z'^ <, S. "• O Weak; feeble; infirm. @ Syn. Ged5, Itan.
Voung; puerile; inexperienced; green. Used Jakyoku, Z'^^y.<> JPffl. "• Vicioneness ;
mostly in compounds. veraeness; knavery ; wickedness.
Jakiiitnkii, Z''^<\£<, '^ff, n. [Bot.] Brome. Syn. Warudakumi.
Jaxixtisyo, Z'^<^'i>. £ lit!, n. [Bot.] Folygoniim Jamil. :£:-^1£, J^ft, n. Obstruction; impediment;
Syn. Ukagitsuri, [jtrigonum. hindriinct*' trouble; Intention.
JAM 476 JI

Hito no jama wo sum, A > J^^E ^ ^ fl-. to be Jashln. iJ^£^, ^W, n. Anevil god; demooa.
in one'R way; to obstruct another; Jamanl Jaslio, X'-^t,^^, ?PIE, n. [Chin.] Evil and good;
naru, ^^ri -J- J^, to be In the way; Jama wo wicked or virtuous; wrong or right.
harau, ?t> ^ ? }S "7,
away obstructions to clear ; Jashn wo wakatsii, 3piE ? B'J y, to distiuguish
Ojama nagara, Wi\^i^-^ff f, though it may right from wrong.
be a trouble to you Jasliil, X'^ £ 5. ?P#i. "• [CViiJi.] Prejudice; pre-
SyD. SAMATAGE, SASAWABI, SASniTSUKAB. judgment, bias; prepossession.
Jamo. I&J^?,, K^. "• \Bot.] A kind of raar^'erry, Jashn. £'-^-£W)5, 5P^, « A corrupt sect or hea-

which not eatable, Fraoaria imlica.

is thenism (a term formerly applied to Chris-
tianity), rabove
Syn. KuclTiNAWA-iciiiGO. fpentine.
JnmoiiscUl, X•^|&^^g, tEiSS- ". [Mln.]Ser- Jashninoii, S:^£l^5 % ^, 3P^ P5, "- as Same
Jjiiipn, X'-^^A^, 51> ;i:, « Vicious mind; wicked JasoKii, X-^t<, jSBH. n.
thoughts; evil intentions. Daaoliii, ;^t<, Serpent's feet; a superfluous

JiLiiJiijin. X•^l/^^£'^. n. [BotA Carciamine im- word or phrase in a sentence; redundancy.

}mtiens. JasiU, X'^'f ib, ?nft. ft- Suspicion; doubt; pre-
Jniijiiii-mokii, supposition or conjecture.
S,'^^X^^ "&

Jasul bukai liito, jpjtzfft-f A, a jealous

<. M'&, n. [5of.. J Frogbit.
JnnUeii, X'.^ kVf K, n. A person; Jasid wo mawasu. ^ft^JS^. *"
game played with the fist. throw out a conjecture; Jasui ivo suru, Ifpffi^
:^ n^, to suspect; to presuppose.
Jatul, 2-^te V, w- The body of a sirpent;
J.'iiiko, X*-^ ^ t. laift. ». (re (4=,

a snake-like body. fa large =nake,

JatoKotsii, £-^^5 t-^. te UH f-. «• The skull of
Jay Oku, X-^i 315^, n. [Chin.] Evil pr.'^sion or
JanUoziirn. :£^^^.:^•&, Eim.
< ,

desire sinlul lust. fChinese chariictet.

n. Pock-marked lace. ;

Jaiiohlge, *' -^ © U- Vt'. /j- s^ [^.'^-K^2,'^] J'. &, ¥. ^- O -A- character, letter, or word. @
P^ ^, /t. [Hot. J OphiopoQon japonicus. Ji 100 kaku, ^ ^ ® to write a character; Ji

Janome. Serpent's eye; a

wo naosu, ^ ? tS^i, to correct a written charac-
'£:^(7)>b, St H. 'i-
ter; Jt wo shiraTjcru, ^^-iig^^n-, to
figure consisting of concentric rings.
Chinese characters; Ji wo hlku, ^^5i^, t,

Janomc no karakasa, tE '^ B > ^. « superior

look for a word (in a dictionary); JI wo vomu,
kind of ambrella with SL'VM'al blnck rings
^ S3 -^1 *^° read characters.
around the centre; I'akko ja)iome, ifXiB &< ^^
Syn. ^fOJI, MOXJi.
umbrella with a black ring around tlie centre
Ji. Z'f Ht, « Time; season; hour.
and at the edge, used by an inferior class of
Gozen hachiji ni hajlmari- gogo yoji ni oiuaru,
persoDP. fdryas.
^fiff Afl5^$S V ^^rae^^S?'!'. begins at 8
Jnnomoclio, Z'^<^^ti; n- [fJntnm.] Satyrus
P.M.; Ikuji desu
o'clock A.M. and closes at 4
Jara|a.ra, :^^ ^ Z-^ ^. ftf^u- Coquettish; lewd;
ka, S& ifif r* ^ ». [coli-] wti-^t o'clock ? Nanjl ni
.lesting; playful frolicsome.
». at what o'clock will you

kuru ta, -fpl Bf -. *^

JnriJ-liura, X.'-^& < ^. ft. [coi;.]STme as above. L(or he) come T
Syn. TOKI.
tlm-Hs:!, X'-^^-^. To play, sport, or romp.
^' t-
ji^ ^._^^ X Buddhist temple or monastery.

Neko wojarasu, Jg -^ £9- > 7 7., to play with a

Also used as a termination of the names of tem-
cat. ples.
Jni-irtsuliii. X-^^'^i , v.i. (JTo be playful, spor- nonji,-^"^, the principal temple; Matsuji. *
tive, or frolicsome. ©To have a cotinettiRh or ^, a subordinate temple; Hongwan ji, 4^55^.
lewd appearance ; to act coqueirishly ; to flirt. the name of one of the principal Buddhist
Onna ni Jaratsuku, ^ = a> -V ^ *y -7, to flirt Ryn. TERA. Ltemples in KyOto.
with a woman,
Jareni, ^'-^HS, v.l. To sport, romp. ^fj will not
frolic, or Araji, ^ 9 S>, is not; Kikaji, S>,

Syn. TAWAHirRRRU. hear; Walro wa ukemajt, 5^|§ >^ ^^ ^. -"i"

Jarl, Xr^'O, F>f]. " Small stones; graveL not take bribes. Ta suffix-
Syn. Zahi, Sari. JI. "^, 5&. «- A pa8s;road;.iourney. Often
used aa

Jaron, X•^5^, ^^, n. [CHn.] Perverse opin- Funajl, 6S g&, the rout of a ship ; voyage 7tSM- ;

K> a journey of five days; TaU

heterodoxy. ji,
ions ; corrupt views ; kaji, ffi

Jnslilu, X'-^^K, JP'C'i "• An evil mind; wicked Bg, theroadby which one travels; a journey.
heart; malicious Intentions. Syu. M'Cni.

(fl JIB

'<> "fr. i^, n> O Land i

the earth. @ Soil ; earth Jiblkl, ifcuf?, i?g|, 71. A dictionary; lexicon;
ground. ©The place where one is living; re- thesaurus; work- book.
gie n. Q Texture (as of cloths) ; fabric material
; Syn. Jii, JiSHO, JiTEN.
the ground colour. @ One's natural character, Jlblhl, •fri^*&, ilh 31, n. Pishing with the seine.
disposition, or habit. May also be used in com- Jlblkl-anil, •& u: & 15 », Jtfc 5| JH, 7*. Same as JI-
position. ami.
Ahajt, ^.^, a rod ground (as of cloths); Ji- Jllilii, ;£•t^*^, SIR, n. Dressing one's own hair.
voe, Jtl gg, one's natural voice (as in singing) ; Jt Jlbl Buvu, Z'V^'ii'Z, US. v.(. LCMre.] To copulate
ni ochiru, Jft = fj -7- fi-, to fall on the earth Ji wo ; (as animal?). r*inimals copulate.
narasv, ^? -J- 7 p^, to level, the ground ; Ji ni Choju wa Jibl su. E El? g 7., birds and
>n *?
an, Jitiri^v, to be adapted to the soil (as plants) Jlblta, '^xyfL, ) «. fcoi^. The surface of the earth;
Jltori, illiSfi, domestic fowl (in distinction from Jlbota, "^-^"tz, the ground. '

those introduced trom other place:i); Hakama JH*o, XrH. iSiit. «. A benevolent- or indulgent
ii, ?^i(b, material for making hakama; KLnujl, mother. fw. «. und
IS tt, silk cloth (for painting or writing on); Ji- JIbo, 2- U, i^^J:, n. The five vowel sounds; a, f

iro,'i^^, the ground colour (as of calico on Jl»»o, S:S:, ^i^, n. Printing types,
which figures are to be printed); Jlnohazeoki Jibo wo tsukuru, ^ i^ ^ ^ ji-, to make printing
no kaze, ftk > R i*P > W, land and sea breezes. Syn. IGAT\. Ltypes
Syn. Chi, Chimen, Jimen, Kuga, Hondo, Jtbfi, Abandoning oneself de
Xr fcf 5, g ®. n. ;

RiKtr, TOOHI, TSUCHl, Umaretsdki, Moohimae.

.Section; dei^pair
^U *&) ^> }( A general term for the diseases of Jibo. ;£'li5, g C n. Self-destruction; self-ruin.
the anus. more ejnphatic form
Jibo jimetsu, g C ll ilfi. f^

JH. *&. tt, n. The bridge over which the stringu of of JibS (@ Cl-
a. musical instrument pass. siirii, U.I. To ruin one's self.
Koto-ji, ^ 1i, the bridge of a harp.
Jlbojjki, Z'\S5Z'%. @ 1^ S ?K. " [comp. ofJlbTi.
Syn. KOMA. and Jlhl.] Throwing or rejecting oneself, said o(
'!« £.*>$> 71- Analfair; act; matter; transaction. persons who rel use to correct their own conduct
Used only in compounds. but behave in an extravagant manner simply
Daijl no mae no shojl, ^ V > S5^ -^ /]* BI. a tri- fwoven stuffs).
from desperation.
fling matter^which precedes a serious one.
^Iboso, trlSt, ^ n, and a. Fine texture (as of

Syn. Koto. faffection.

Kono sJiimaji wa taisd jiboso da, itt^^-"* ^-f
Jlal, ;£'3dV^, ,^@, n. [(7Atn.] Benevolence mercy; ;
«• tf y, [coll.] this striped stuff is very fine
jft Jffl

Syn. iTSDKuaniMi, megomi, in texture.

Sltti. X'3|)V^, SS. "• [67iin.l Self love; caring for Jlbii, -^jf, te g(i, 71. O Cont. form of Jibxtslw. @
one's own health or happiness. A nominal title of honour formerly given to
Nanji no mi wo jiai scyo, ^ ^ ^ "^ S^-fea, civil officers. fmyself,
be careful about your own person or health. Jibiin, :£•Jf^, g S*. Pron, O Oneself ; self. @ I,

siirii, v,t. To care for oneselt. JLbun no koto wo iu, g ^ > 31 ^ ^ "7. to speak

Jlal, 'Sr3b^^, %&, n. Texture or material. about oneself.

Orivwno no Jiat, ^%^ flfe'S'i the texture oi Syn. JiSHiN, Onore, Wake.
cloth. Jlbun, £•J*^, 0f^, «. The time; about the time;
Jlamarl, ;£• 5^ IJ), n. Using a supernumerary proper time or occasion.
syllable or syllables at the end of a verse in Jlb'ungayoi,^ ^if ^ ^, the time is good;
Japanese poetry. Jibun ukagau, Hi?^^ fH -7, to watch for a
Jlami, trTo^, ilfefig, n. A kind of seine. proper time; Hodt^oki jibun, Stff + flS^, the
Syn. HiKiAMi. proper nr right time; Ima jibun, -^BS^^ about
Jlbacbl, '*f]£%, i^Wk, n. \Entom.J A V^p. now; Itsu jibun, 4 y BS ^, at what time; Meshi
#lftan, X'ttA, ffi^. n. A shirt. jibun, figB?^, dinner time; Jibun wo hakatte
Syn. JiJBAN. yuku ga yoi, W^"^ ^\ y =f if ^jf 3. -^ ,

Jlben, ;£• '^ ^, @ I?, n. Defraying v^e's own you had better watch for the right time In
expenses; at one's own expense. suru, v.t. going. fTOKi.
To pay' one's own expense. Syn. Jtkoku, Jisetsu, Kokdgen, Kordai,
flbetsu suru, &'«-7-^3. gpM. v.i. [CMn/ To Jlbuns'ti"). Sr>^fift. Of *#5. a^"- According
take leave of to bid farewell ; to part.
; to the time or season.
Syn. Wakarebu. Syn. JlSETHUGARA.


JfbuiiKntte, X' > ^ ft* T T, e «. 19 ^, a. find n. a Bndd. temple, Priests or © officials belong-
Consulting one's own convenience; self-inter- ing to a particular temple,
eat; " thft charity that begins at home." Syn. Ji.TAi, Tattchu. f the ear.

Jibungalte na koto wo iu, 9 * ? ? tp ^ £

JIda, :&^, ?a, n. [CAi?s.]Tho lobe ol the ear;
7, to Bay things which pertain to one's own Jida ni fururu, 3 S = SI n- » , to come to
wishes; to take care of number one; Jlbunffatte one'n ears; to be heard.
na yatsu. g ^ ^ tR, ^ a selfiah fellow. 3yn. MiBi, Mixitahu. fepoch.
Jlbustid, ^i--*J^5, ^IT)'-i. «• One of the eiebt Jtdni, :&;^v^, Wf!, n. Period of time; age,
gOTernmwnt depnrtments in former times which Ashikasajimt, ^^mK iu the time or Ashl-
managed all the affairs relating to rites, cere- kaffa; Tl^ken jiOai, i^ ^»i fi, feudal age; ^ow»
monies, music, priests and nuns, sacerdotal chaici iva vohoOoj-ldai ga aru, ttSSS-^iStg&ftt
affairs, foreigners, and the Imperial sepulchres. if T >, this tea utensil is very antique.
JIhuto, "S->^, ti. and a. Coarse texture; Syn. NariDAi, Tokito.

coarse in texture. JCdnl, -^i^v, iffift, " Land rent.

Kono mamen wa yohodo jibuto da, itfcJfiffi»5S Jidat wo harau, Jftft^fifi'?, to v-ay ground rent;
ffiift*^. [coil.] this cotton cloth is very coarse JlOaiwo torltaterv, jft-ft ^iS iin-, to collect land
In texture. Syn. JiaHiBO, SHAKUCfiiKYiS. Lrent
Jlbutsi). "^r Je -7 Jt W. w-,
The idol to which one Jldnf, ;&?jv, ^:^, n. Servina, or paying respecti
pays special homage or reverence. to, a leading power; being in submission to a
Jibutsu. X.'>r7, ©It. n. Things (abati-act or con- suzerain (said of a dependency).
crete); things or actions. Jldnfl-inoiBOp 2:?&V^ 4 0, B? fl; ia, n. O An antique
Jibutsu ni aJciraka nart, !tS =» W* ?" V . to article, (gllistrical drama or tragedy (as dis-
bo versed In the nature or principles of all tinguished from comedy).
things both material and immaterial; Jibutsu Syn. KOBlTTSP.
nn ri wo kiwamu, ® ft)^ a ^ 2?-i». to investigate
Jidnt-tOp Jt ?5 1^ * 5, $ A ^. " A party which
the principles or laws which govern things and advocates submitssion to a strong power (esp. t
actions. party in Korea leaning on the support of China).
Syn. MONOGOTO. Jldnii, :J:^^, =ji ^, n. Private settlement of a
Jlbutsudo, '^JSif77&5, Jt#^. " An ancestral
dispute; private conlerence or discussion; mu-
constitutional or
Jibyd. %- EV-=^ 5. 1^^. "• -A^

Jidan wo togeru, ni SK ^ iS i-'*, to settle a mat-

chronic disease; a disease with which one is fre-
ter in private; Altai jidan, fijgjjt^ mutual
quently troubled.
Jictil, X'%, 3 Self-government; autonomy. accommodation of a case.
fS. »*
ssirtn, v.t To settle in private (without
Jlchl-B«id«, aj'^-tt-V'^, S^Mfi. »• A system
appealing to the authorities).
01 self-gOTernment
JIdniudn. '^T&A.Tft, <&^. n. [coll.] Stamping with
Jlcl35„ ;&'"^i.5, g £, 71. Self-esteem ;self-refipect;
self-importance taking care of one's person or
the feet (as a cliild when angry).
Syn. AseiKURi. fwith the feet
JldnndnftimnD. '&7&^?t--ttf. ESifeSB. v.i. To stamp
Jlctao, '^%X 5. S iK. "• [Chin.] Acting with care
exercising caution; prudence,
Jidatida.funde kuyashigaru, EHS^v-t'^ >
s/if », to stamp with chagrin.
Rv'HQun ai jicho shite tatakawazu, 35 IE fH J9 ffl
s' f ^
•'^ 7t, the two armies prudently oppose JldaraEctip 2,' ?& ^ ( ggg^, u. , [coll] Slovenly;

each other without fighting. untidy; careless; negligent.

J]ch®„ X'%^5, ^M* n. An Assistant Chief or Jldaraku na htto, U^1%^A, a slovenly
Director (as of a Bureau). person ; a sloven ; Jldaraku ni shite tru, g S3
Jlcbo, £-'S-^$. ^^, n. The head of a monaa » S^ y S *•. to be slovenly ; to be wallowing in
tery; an abbot; a prior. the mire Kodomo wo jldaraku ni sodatetu, /^ ft

JlcBBQi„ :&T5, H-ft. "• [OmUft.1 A crow. ? @ ffiS= ff 5^ ^, to bring up a child in an in-
Syn. Karasu, different manner to leave a baby unclean,

JichSp &Xi, BJJft, n. [Ornffft.] The cuckoo. Syn. FuaniDARA.

Syn. HOTOTOGiSU. Jtden. ;£*T!A, g (f, n. Autobiography.
Jlcbu. &'tl»5, ^fiJ, n. [Chin.] The immediate Jlden wo kaku, || fi? ?' )& <? , to write one'i
atteudauts on n sovereign in the Chinese Court. Jldo, X''^5, S E. « A child. Lown Uf*
Syn. OSOBAYAKD. Syn, Ciiioo,KODOMO, Warabe.
Jl4>liu, 2:%l'i>5, ^r'e. «. O Within the precincts of jIfiS. *-'*3, f|g. n. Aaervant boy; apage.
IM9, ;fr « 9. 3 Kb. "'• and a> Self motion; auto- Jllae, "frW*, ^ T, n. Persons below the fifth rank
matlo; self-acting:. of honour, who were not formerly privileged to
Jid^kfkai, 3 PJIGIQ, an automatic machine; ascend the steps of the Imperial palace.
self-acting machine; JidH nlngyZ, g ft AlK. doU JJdo, 3tW^, -^iR, n. A temple ofBcial; a priest.
made to move by itself by a cunning contrir- Jiloo, "^^^j ^T. ". People or district under th«
anco. jurisdiction (of a particular office or authoritlve
JldokQ, :frs < , ^^, n. A tutor to the Emperor. power).
Jldorl, tr$V, ttlQi ^- Practising wrestling. JlQeBtp :fcll3^^, ^% rt. Words or language.
Jidori wo suru, Jfi Si ? ::^ Ti-, to wrestle in Syn. KOTOBA,
Syn. Shitadori. Ltrainlng. Jl0«u> :&l:^^, if ®, «. The origin or derivation
JIdorl, ^$ V. ifeV, 71. Lnying out a piece of of a word.
ground (as for a house or garden). Jlgen, 4Hl^, jS S. « Divine manifestation; re-
Syn. JinABASHi. velation. surut v.t. To reveal (said of a
Jlddshl, :&»? L. S BKlBfl, ". [Oram.'] IntransitiT* divine being). fterm; date.
verb. fclisease. Jl0om. :ft:W^^, BJIS, n. A Umlt or period of time;
Jt»bl. :a it 3, BS'fi. n. An epidemic; pestilential JtQe-nlB, :£•^>K^, ^TA, «. see J(£7C(^T)-
Syn. Hatabitamai, Tokimokb. Jlffi« *y, SfS.^SIS. n. Declining (from humilia-
Jlfu, 2?i, igiiC. "• A beuerolent or indulgent tion); excusing one's self.

father. Jigi saho, ig^Sf^yc, form of etiquette; Jigl

Jiru, a&J., ^ f§, 7t. [CMn.] Elder brother's wife. ni oi/o&w, gf H =i ^, to make polite excuse.
JiTa, atA, 3 S. "
[GMn.] Self-ndmiratlon; self- Jlfft, ^"M, n.
X'lif, The time; circumstance; case
approbation; arrogance; vainglory. suru* kanau, HSS = -^ "7, to suit the times;
Jigi ni

and i. To speak highly of one's

v.t, self; to Jlgl nt shitCLgau, H?S^fiB"7, to comply with
swagger; to be vainglorious. the times; Jigi ni yotte, Wf^ — ^9, according
Syn. to circumstances, as the case maybe; Jigi wo
Jirtikn, a?^ <, ^BB. "• Clothes suitable for the mihakarau, flfS^ ^^fy, to look for a proper
season; seasonable wear. time.
Jifuku httokasane wo halryZ sum, ff? BB — ffi^ J'8*» S:^. W}Mt w. Bowing politely; salutation;

^S ::^»-, to receive (as from one's lord) agiftof salute, Lby bowing.
a suit of the wear for season, fgates). Jigt wo sum, Pp gi ? :^ »-, to bow; to salute
Jimicu, -^i <, Jfe©, n. A threshhold (esp. of Syn. ESFTAKU.
Jirun, *
J- A, S W. «
[CMn.l Killing one's self; Jifll. Z'^. SS. "• [Chin.'] Children's sport or
suicide. sum, v.i. To kill one's self; to amusement.
Syn. JiQAi. l.commit suicide. Jigl ni JiitosMkl shogyo wo suru, g ia — ^ 3/
JIfiiterlA. ^-?7=yT. ITiffifiOM, n. [Eng.'] [3fcd.] =* ^ fl f' ^ »-, to behave in a childish manner;
Diphtheria. Tof wasp. to do a childish act.

JlKabnchI, X* ft« HT "t, tE* K *$. » [-Entom.] A kind Jifflrl-talbnlio, -er^ytetyt, Jfe^iS^. w- Tobac-
Jlgal, ^ j^iV^, i ^, n- Killing one's self; suicide. co cut or manutietured in the locality (in dis-
snrei, v.i. To commit suicide. tinction to those imported fi'om distant plates).
Jlfcaku. %t$, n. Learning by hearsay.
;S:ij*C, Jlsl 8UPU, ^^-fZ, S5^ v.i. and t. [Chin.] To
Syn. MiMIOAKUMON. doubt, suspect; to entertain doubt; to hesitate.
Jlsamt, "^iflT^, itfeSE, n. Paper for making fans; Jigo, !£:'&, @ ^, "• Self speech; soliloquy; one's
fan paper. own words.
JIgane, "^ ii'*l, ^ii, n. Q The metal upon which Jtgo sHi, @Kfgig, acting contrary to what
gilt or plating is spread; bullion; base or one has said himself; self-contradiction.
ground metaL @ [coll.] One's true character or JflffO. -B-a, n. ^ drawn game (as of po).
J$*, J^J^,
disposition. Whispering; speaking at a
Jfffo, ;& a, "W^fS, «.
Jigane wo dasu, ^ ^^ ffl :«, [Mt.] to expose the person's ear. suru, v.t. and (. To whispei.
ground metal ;f^.] [coll.] to reveal one's true Syn. MiMiKOSUBi, MiMincHi, Sasataki.
character; Jlgane wo haJeu, ft&^^||± ^, [coll.} to Jiso, £'&, HT%iM^> ^v. Since then; from that
disclose one's debased character or disposition time; henceforward.
before concealed. Jlgo hisashiku gobutn ni uc7ii sugi soro, mi
Jiffatame, "tfi^fefe.^H, n. Laying out a piece A ft iff Iff ^ - iTiS ^0t. [£!p^sC.] I have not written

of land for building or other porposes. you for along time since; Jikon jtgo, H^]H
Syn. .iTGYfl. g, from this time forward; for the future.

J*»o. ;£-*>' 5. ^!S. ^- The name of a Buddhist Jlliel. 3&-\r, ||?|f5. 7*. [Chin.] A subject for talk;
temple. a topic for conversation. ® Apretext; pretence;
Syn. TBRA NO NA. Syn. IiGUSA. (.excuse.
J<b5, i:ii*5, ^i*;!^, The next or subsequent
ti. JIhol. ;&-*Vv, «9^, rt. [Chin.1 Evils of the times;
number (as of a newspaper or magazine). existing evils.
Ikajlgo, UlT^SK. [?if.] the rest, in the next Jihei too tameru, ffij ^ ^ ^jt ru, to correct the
number; to be continued (often written at the evils of the times. pclose by.
end of an essay in a newspaper); Jigo nl shosetsu- Jllien, X^^, ^ jfi. 1^- Near, or close to, the ear;
s-u besld, 5*; S5? = b¥ 36 ? '^ i'. to be described at Jihen ni tassii, ^ ifl = j^ 7., to reach the ears;
length in the next number. to be heard close by.
J*ffft. ;£'a-i-, g ^, n. [B-udfl.] One's own doing. Jfhen, £: ^ A, S S. 'i- An emergency; sudden
Jigo jitohu, § SI S S, [Budd.] man's actions occurrence a change.; fgency.
bring their own reward (said esp. of evil ac- Kokka no jihen, |^ ^ Sf ^, a national emer-
tions). Jllil, :&U-, Si^, 71. Mercy; benevolence; pity;
Jlgoe, '&aj&, ^®, 71. One's natural voice. compassion; parental love.
Jlgoku, •%& <, Jibft, n. [Ii(.] Earthly prison; Jihi bukal hito iS|£'^ -^ A. a man of great
mercies; a merciful person; Jihi ganal, SiSS"
Buddhist hell or hades. See Hachi-iJaijigoku.
Jigoku &e hotoJce ni ota yo da, ^ = Ig 7 -J-W, destitute of mercy, merciless; unsparing;
Sfe 1^ t-'

cruel; Jihi wo mune to su, M.^^f''S h ^, to

^13^. [coll.]meeting witha deaJ relative
in hell (expressive of the joy felt when one make mercy one's principal object.
receives unexpected aid in time of great trouble Syn, AWABEMI, TTaUKTJSHIMI.

or distress); Jigoku ni daraku sum, Sfe^ = JIhl, X'i>, g ff, 71. Defraying one's own expense
Jihi de yoko sum, g ^ ^p^ ti :^ />. to go to a
i5 ::x JI-, to fall into hell; Jigoku no sata mo

foreign country at one's own expense.

kaneshidai, Sfe ^ -^ ?>' ifc =£ ^ =^ ffi. "icoll. Prov.]
even judgement paised by the king of hades may Jllil, X'V', f$^. n. A handmaid maid. ;

be influenced by money. Syn. KOSHIMOTO. fwriting.

JIffokii. -& a <, ?giR^, liffl^. '^- A harlot; Jlhltsii, Z' V' -r?, g g, u. Autograph, one's own
whore; strumpet; street walker; woman of the Jlhs'O, X"^5, ^S, 7z, A letter of resignation.

town. Jlhyo wo telzu, g? ? :?C, to present or send

^ S
in a letter of resignation,
JlBiichl, &<'t, ^
n. 'i- -A. humorous sentence; a
comic verse; playing upon words; a pun. Jli, -^1^, 5S^, 71. Grandfather, O©[coll.] With

Jlgvchi wo ill, ilk ^ 7, to make a pun. £ a hon. suffix sa7i, is used in addressing an old
JIgumI, ^•<-;^, «. [BoL] Crowberry, Empetriim man (of an inferior gi;ade).

nigrum. JI-1. Z' Xi, ? S. 7t. A dictionary; lexicon;

" A four wheeled thesaurus TEmperor.

Jlguriiiiia. ^<'3E, tt^>
wagon for conveying heavy loads, such as J". Z'\f^, fTrSff. " A Physician attached to the

stones, gravel, timbers, etc. Jll-kyoKii, Z'V^'^i.<y f^SiS. «• The Bureau of

Jlgwa, Z'<rt>, S iS. " [CfiLn.] A picture drawn Pliysicians attached to the Emperor,

by one's self. Jlln, ;£.•^,^, -^i^, n. A Buddhist temple or mo-

*lgy5. :£•/?= i. © ^, Ji- Work; deed; action; nastery; an abbey,
achievement; enterprise; undertaking. Syn. TEBA.
Dai jigyo wo okosu, ;^SSE'?'P^. to com- Jiln, ;^s>^, c^Sg, 7t. Composing a Chinese poem
mence a great work, by using the last or rhyming syllables of an-
Syn. SniwAZA, Waza. other' s verse.

JIgyS, "?r i^^ 5, iftfK, n. A plot of ground on JlJu, ;£.'\^^, § S, 71. Self-pollution; masturbation.
which a house is, or is to be, built. JljaKu, :£,'£'-^< . S S'. a- [CMti.] Calm; composed;
Jigyo wo katamu, ^JK ^ © i*, to harden the collected; self-possessed.

ground before erecting n house; Jigyd wo Ganshoku jljaku fe g if ? , to be tari, ^ ^

narasu, :te JtJ ^ ^ 9 ^ to level the ground for a
collected in the countenance; Jijaku to shite

house to be built. henzezu, g g^ h >' ^ §? t pC, to be composed and

Syn. JiGATAllE. unchanged (as the face in danger); Jijaku to
Jlhnku siiru, :£ H < -^ S, § Q, v.l. and ( To shite ugokazu, S ^ h 5/ ? !Bj:»pC, to be calm
confess (a crime or fault). Syn. OcHiTauKi. L^iiti unmoved.
Syn. JI8HU 8URU. rspontaneity. JUL Z'Z%m^, n. [CA£n.]Theaffairsofthe times:
41liAtsii, Z'^^y. U 9 "• Spontaneous generation; current events; dallr politics.

Jtjl wo ronzurv, Bf 51 ? ^pCa-, to diacuaR Owailcokunojijd, ^HH^-fffflf. state of foreign

current affairs; to talk about daily politics. co>untrie3 Kore ni wa iroirojljo pa aru, ft =i ^

JIJ'. tiZ', W9J. cidv. From time to time; frequent- M <r !B 1^ :W r fl-, there are various cireunj-

ly, fqu^nt intervals. stances concerning it.

Jiji arawarv, B?ffS5I-'\A', to be seen at fre- Byn. Kotogara, Kotowake.

Syn. Obiori, SniBAsniBA, Tokidoki JIJo. ZZ'^ ?, B?^. "• [Chin.] Declining or ex-

J'J'. t:t:, Tllff, n. Every affair ; every matter. cusing one's self through humility or polite-
Jiji bulsubutsu, in ^^ its, all sorts of affairs; ness; self-depreciation; hnmiliation.
all kinds of tbingn. Jljo no koJcoro wa ret no hcf^hi ivxrl, B? SI >*
JiiK tr-^, iia*^. «• Grandfather 'C'
?i --'
?• V . self-depreciation is the begin-
Syn. Oji. ning of etiquette.
JIJ'. '^^, 1^S> »i' Anoldman. Syn. Jiar, Jitai.

Syn. Okina, Toshitori. JIJ«. ;& :& 1 5, fl «, n. [Math.] Multiplying by

^'Jl. X'Z; f#S. " -A- youth attending a person of itself; the square (of the number). siiru*
high rank; a pUge. v.t. To square or multiply a number by Itself.
Jlj*. Z-Z; W9?t «<*" [CTifn.] At that time; then. J'Jo, ZZ
i. ^f?. « The order or arrange-
JIJII>n.l»n, '^trtiff, ^JtS, Grandfather and 7'-
ment; sequence; history or course of an affair.
grandmother; grand parents; an old man and a Jijo wo ayamarii, ^ I? ^ ^ »-, to miss an

dam. oTdQT; Jijo tvotadashusu, ^J^^lEs/'y^, to

JljliuiisnBlilk-l,-kJ» -^trff^ L, T^IC, a. [coll.] correct an order; to inquire into the history of
Dirty; filthy; foul; not clean. an affair.

Syn. Fcsno. fclemency. Jljdlio, ZZ3i5il^i S5lii, n. t-^/aEA.] Involution.

•".('"» X';fr^. StCi " Mercy; benevolence;

[C/tin.] J'jfi. ;£.' & W> 5, 15?^. Chamberlains at the

Syn. AWAREMI, ITSUKUSITIMI, MEGUMI. Syn. OsoBA, Otomobito. LCourt.

•IIJlii, ;£*;£'A, tPAi n. LC^/ii'i-] An eunuch; a Cham

Jljnclid, ZZVi}^%->^^, i^'^R, n. The Grand
berlain. Chamberlain. fage.

JlJIn. :£.•^.'^. g ;J, a E. n. Seir destruction; sui- Jijuii, Z Z W) ^. ^ W. " [Cliin.] Sixty years of

cide. stiru» v.t. To commit suicide. Jijun nl nannan to su, 3^ KH — S 5^ ^ ^. to be

JlJIrl, '%rZ'y>, ^K, «. The back part of a plot of near sixty years of age.
land. Jljiiu sHi-ii, ZZ'Vi> /^-i" Z, fij JH, v.t. [Chin.] To
JIJI sum, ;&;£-f-3, UB, v.t. To be diligent or in- become moist (as by rain); to be fertilized (aA

dustrious; to be hard at work. frnatter. the earth by rain).

Jljltsii, Z:Z":?, ffiW, "• Fact; the truth of a Jiin-BUllio,ZZ'\^^ ZVl>n'iS&Um.n. AProba^
Jijltsu tvo taaasu, BI TSf ^ IE :^, to examine, or tionary Chamberlain.
inquix'e into, the facta of a case. Jllcn, Zi>>, B5®, n. Current prices; market ratea.

Syn. KOTOWAKB. Syn. Shika, SDba.

JijitBu, X':&-5, !^ Hi n. [lit.] Hour and day; time; Jlka, Z ii>, fl*T. <^^v. Now; at present. Used
ft period (of time); date. mostly in epistolary writings.

Jijitsu tvo tagcLem, B? H ^ iS-^ tI, not missing Jlkn, ;£'*., HC®,«. [Cftin.][I«.]Twopricea;a8klng
the time ;
ptinctually ; Jijitsu wo utsusazu, j? H more than the proper price.
Syn. HiMA.L^''^ * 7^1 without delay. Jlka, Zii>, gS?, ". [Chin.] One's self.
Jl.lo. ^-^J?*^, The act of fixing; the state
^S, n. Jika dncltaku, g^flS^, self-cohtradiction.
df being settled; decision; determination. •^— Syn. Onore. rJiJcidan.

sum, v.t. and i. To fix, or settle upon; to be JiUiiflan, %-i3>7(i Aj, n. The corrupt, form of
decided; to be determined. Jlknl, tf*>V', Jt JE, «• [Budil.] Observing religious
Syn. KEsacBU, Sadamaru, Sadameru. discipline; obeying the commandments of

i^'Jo. X* Z: i., I] Ut. " A preface written by the Buddha.

author himself. Jlknkl, ;£•*>!&, ?^, ?) One who writes; ascribe;
•SJJo, ;£'"^i, S^. "• A female child; a girl. a copyist. fhour.
Jijo, Z'^^i-, ^-k, n. The second daughter. Jlknn, ;£•i>^, B?3fl, n. Interval of time; time;

•f'J«. Z''^3^, ff ^1 n- A female attendant; amaid- Jikan ga olcureta, ff? Rf] ^Z lU i-- ^, to be beliind
Syn. KosiUMOTO. Lservant; maid. time ; the time has passed; Jikan too nobasu, BJ-

"Iljo. Z'Z;i., ^ SiJ. n. Solfhelp; self reliance. Rfl ^ k£-»^:>t. to put off time; Mo snru jikan ganali'
JiJ'>. X"X'-^5) 3fft!f, «. St^te; condition; circum- V i>S/^BifRfl^-^ -fi tliere is no more time to
Btancea; reasons; afiiairg. Syn. TOKI, TOKI NO MA. Ld» it

JIK 482

Jlkn nl, 'fyi>vr, 0, adr. Directly personally; ;

Jtkt dekirti, ElK }|5 »-, will be quickly donej
without tbe intervention of a third party. JLkt kaei-iviasu, 12 21 'J
"? 7-, will Boon return;
Jlka ni danjitsukeru, E ^ ^ S> \^^^, l-u nego- Jiki soba no ie, ]g£5 ^t the house in the --'

tiate or argueJika ni sodan sum, IS

in person ;

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