United States Patent: Hagemeyer Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 31, 2001
United States Patent: Hagemeyer Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 31, 2001
United States Patent: Hagemeyer Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 31, 2001
GC analysis of the reactor Output
T p Vinyl Acetic
Catalyst ( C.) (bar) CO, CH, O, N, HO acetate acid
Example 2 160 9 O.O1 56.8 4.3 19.5 O.O6 O.34 19.0
in 30 ml of glacial acetic acid. 290 mg of gold acetate 4 What is claimed is:
(corresponds to 0.6% by weight of Au), prepared by the 1. A process for producing shell catalysts comprising
method of U.S. Pat. No. 4,933,204, are dissolved in 10 ml noble metals on a porous Support, which comprises:
of glacial acetic acid. The two Solutions are combined and impregnating the Support with Salt Solutions of the noble
filtered through a fluted filter paper. The clear Pd/Au Solu- 50 metals,
tion is added to the Aerosil pellets and the glacial acetic acid exposing the Support to UV radiation So that the noble
metals in the Zone close to the Surface are reduced to
is taken off again over a period of 2 hours on a rotary metals, and
evaporator with continual rotation. Remaining acetic acid is extracting the pellets in a Solvent in order to remove the
Subsequently taken off in an oil pump vacuum at 0.2 noble metal salts in the interior of the pellet which have
mbar/60° C. The final weight of the impregnated pellets is 55 not been irradiated.
25.8 g. 2. The proceSS as claimed in claim 1, wherein the noble
metals are Selected from the group consisting of Pd, Au, Pt,
b) Photoreduction: Ag, Rh, Ru, Os and Ir.
3. The process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the noble
The impregnated tablets were irradiated on both end faces 60 metals are Au and Pd and the salts thereof which are used are
in air by means of a KrF* laser (wavelength 248 nm) using the acetates.
150 laser pulses in each case. The energy density (flux) of 4. The process as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3, wherein
the laser light on the specimen surface was 350 m.J/cm. The the Support material used is SiO, Al-O, TiO, ZrO or a
pulse frequency of the laser was 10 pulses/s. mixture thereof.
65 5. The process as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3, wherein
After cutting a representative number of pellets, the shell the UV photoreduction is carried out by irradiation with light
thickneSS was measured by means of optical microscopy and having a wavelength of from 40 to 400 nm.
US 6,268,522 B1
9 10
6. The process as claimed in claim 5, wherein the UV 14. A shell catalyst obtainable by the process of claim 8,
photoreduction is carried out by irradiation with light having wherein the shell thickness is from 5 to 5000 um.
a wavelength of from 140 to 360 nm. 15. A shell catalyst obtainable by the process of claim 10,
7. The process as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3, wherein wherein the shell thickness is from 5 to 5000 um.
the photoreduction of the Pd and/or Au is carried out by 16. A process for hydrogenation or oxidation reactions in
irradiation with UV light having a power density of from the presence of a catalyst obtainable by a process as claimed
0.01 to 100 W/cm from a lamp or a pulsed laser, where, in one or more of claims 1 to 3.
when a pulsed laser is used, the pulse frequency is from 1 to 17. A process for preparing vinyl acetate in the gas phase
1000 pulses/s and the irradiation time is from 0.01 to 1000 from ethylene, acetic acid and oxygen or oxygen-containing
S, while when a lamp is used the irradiation time is from 0.1 gases in the presence of a catalyst obtainable by a proceSS as
min to 100 min. claimed in one of claims 1 to 3.
8. The process as claimed in claim 7, wherein the UV light 18. A process for preparing vinyl acetate in the gas phase
has a power density of from 0.1 to 20 W/cm. from ethylene, acetic acid and oxygen or oxygen-containing
9. The process as claimed in one or more of claims 1 to gases in the presence of a catalyst obtainable by a proceSS as
3, wherein the impregnated catalyst Support is treated with 15 claimed in claim 11.
UV sensitizers before irradiation. 19. A process for preparing vinyl acetate in the gas phase
10. The process as claimed in one of claims 1 to 3 carried from ethylene, acetic acid and oxygen or oxygen-containing
out without using a chemical reducing agent. gases in the presence of a catalyst obtainable by a proceSS as
11. A Shell catalyst obtainable by the process as claimed claimed in claim 8.
in one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the shell thickness is from 20. A process for preparing Vinyl acetate in the gas phase
5 to 5000 um. from ethylene, acetic acid and oxygen or oxygen-containing
12. A shell catalyst as claimed in claim 11, wherein the gases in the presence of a catalyst obtainable by a proceSS as
noble metals present are Pd and/or Au. claimed in claim 10.
13. A shell catalyst obtainable by the process of claim 9,
wherein the shell thickness is from 5 to 5000 um.
PATENT NO. : 6,268,522 Bl Page 1 of
DATED : July 31, 2001
INVENTOR(S) : Hagemeyer et al.
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:
Column 8,
Line 54, insert -- at elevated temperatures -- after "in a solvent'.
Column 9,
Line 24, "claim 9' should read -- claim 7 --.
Attesting Officer Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office