The Genetics of Immunity
The Genetics of Immunity
The Genetics of Immunity
In this commentary, Brian P. Lazzaro and David S. Schneider inflammation-like phenotypes of increased lamellocyte (im-
examine the topic of the Genetics of Immunity as explored in mune cell) proliferation, appearance of melanotic masses,
this month’s issues of GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes| and induction of antimicrobial peptides. They found that
Genetics. These inaugural articles are part of a joint Genetics Toll activity in Drosophila larvae is negatively regulated by
of Immunity collection (ongoing) in the GSA journals. sumoylation controlled by the b-arrestin gene Kurtz. Loss of
Kurtz or the SUMO protease Ulp1 results in ectopic immune
D EFENSE against infection is increasingly recognized
to have a complex determination, shaped by the con-
tributions of multiple genes and a multitude of environ-
activity and inappropriate inflammation-like responses. No-
tably, however, the distinct immune reactions vary in their
relative magnitudes in the mutants, indicating that sumoy-
mental factors. While we may conventionally imagine
lation probably interacts with other elements of the cellular
defense against infection to be determined primarily by
machinery to balance the multiple activities of the highly
the activity of the host immune system, recent studies have
pleiotropic Toll pathway. Additionally, because Kurtz and
established diverse biological mechanisms for regulating
Ulp1 mutants result in global disruption of SUMO activity,
defense. The genetics of immunity is being studied using
there is probably dysregulation of other pathways that con-
a wide variety of approaches and organisms from agricul-
tribute to control of inflammation and immunity.
turally relevant plants to genetic models such as Drosoph-
De Arras et al. (2014) employed a clever cross-species
ila to humans. In this spirit of greater discourse among
mutant screen to identify a regulator that controls splicing
researchers across disciplines, the journals of the Genetics
of messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding the Toll pathway
Society of America—GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|
adapter MyD88, and hence immune activity. They took ad-
Genetics—invite submissions that address the broad reach
vantage of high-throughput RNA interference (RNAi) screen-
and complexity of the genetics of immunity. Several such ar-
ing in Caenorhabditis elegans to scan the entire genome for
ticles are presented in the June issues of both journals. The
genes whose inhibition blocks immune induction. They found
call for papers is ongoing, and future articles will be high-
32 well-supported candidates, 20 of which have clear orthologs
lighted in the Genetics of Immunity collection.
in the mouse. Disruption of 8 of these genes in mice also yields
clear immune deficiency, and one of them, Eftud2, gives the
Complex Regulation of Immunity reciprocal phenotype of enhanced IL-6 expression in response
Several of the highlighted articles report studies of immune to lipopolysaccharide when overexpressed. Further investiga-
regulation in novel contexts. Anjum et al. (2013) examined tion revealed that Eftud2 protein mediates the relative balance
modulation of the Toll pathway, best known in Drosophila between a long (activating) and a short (inhibiting) spliced
for its role in activating synthesis of antimicrobial peptides form of MyD88. Loss of Eftud2 function results in a proportion-
in response to bacterial infection and in vertebrates for in- ally much larger decrease in the short form relative to the long
ducing inflammatory responses to microbial and viral elici- form, thus blocking Toll-pathway activity and immune defense.
tors. Anjum et al. (2013) focused on Toll pathway activity in This article nicely illustrates the power of comparative genomics
larval Drosophila and conclude that misactivation results in and immunology to uncover conserved biological functions.
In another dissection of pathway regulation, Stronach
et al. (2014) tackled the role of mitogen-activated protein
Copyright © 2014 by the Genetics Society of America kinases (MAPKs) in developmental vs. immunological cel-
doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.165449
Corresponding author: Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
lular contexts. MAPKs activate the Jun Kinase (JNK) path-
14853. E-mail: way in response to infection and stress and are themselves
Commentary 469
Defense responses stimulated by host tissue damage Felix, T. M., K. A. Hughes, E. A. Stone, J. M. Drnevich, and J. Leips,
Neuroimmunology and behavioral immunity 2012 Age-specific variation in immune response in Drosophila
melanogaster has a genetic basis. Genetics 191: 989–1002.
Mechanisms for specific recognition or memory in Johnston, P. R., O. Makarova, and J. Rolff, 2014 Inducible de-
invertebrates fenses stay up late: temporal patterns of immune gene expres-
sion in Tenebrio molitor. G3 4: pii: g3.113.008516v1.
The genetics of immunity is an area of considerable
Jones, G. M., and T. L. Bailey, Jr., 2009 Understanding the basics
research opportunity, particularly where conventional im- of mastitis. Virginia Coop. Ext. Available at: http://pubs.ext.vt.
mune pathways intersect with other aspects of host physi- edu/404/404-233/404-233.html.
ology and function. We look forward to reading about the Lawless, N., T. A. Reinhardt, K. Bryan, M. Baker, B. Pesch et al.,
next set of advances in the field. 2014 MicroRNA regulation of bovine monocyte inflammatory
and metabolic networks in an in vivo infection model. G3 4: pii:
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