Incidence of Poverty: Pakistan Economy
Incidence of Poverty: Pakistan Economy
Incidence of Poverty: Pakistan Economy
Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 1
Introduction................................................................................................................ 2
Rural-Urban Poverty................................................................................................... 3
Poverty is the lack of basic human needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health care,
education, clothing and shelter, because of the inability to afford them. The issue of poverty has
been in the agenda for the developing countries since its origin into the millennium development
goals (MDGs). In September 2000, all the 189 member countries of the United Nations signed
the MDGs and aimed at meeting these goals by 2015.
POVERTY IN PAKISTAN is a major economic issue. Nearly one-quarter of the
population is classified poor as of October 2006. The declining trend on poverty in the country
seen during the 1970s and 1980s was reversed in the 1990s by poor Federal policies and rampant
Incidences of poverty in Pakistan rose from 22–26% in the Fiscal Year 1991 to 32–35%
in the Fiscal Year 1999. They have subsequently fallen to 25-28% according to the reports of the
World Bank and UN Development Program reports. These reports contradict the claims made by
the Government of Pakistan that the poverty rates are only 23.1%. The CIA fact book places the
2006 poverty rate at 24 percent.
For many people in developing countries, poverty means difficulty in living, as well as
lack of basic services in health and education. In Pakistan lack of access to credit, training to
income generating activities, basic social services and infrastructure are the critical factors
behind the persistence of substation poverty.
Poverty is widely spread in Pakistan and is pre dominating the rural phenomenon. Nearly
about two third of the population of Pakistan live in rural areas, in 1970’s to 1980’s the poverty
rate of Pakistan fell down but again in 1990’s it rose up
The incidence of poverty varies between rural to urban areas, and from one province to
the next. In many other mountainous parts of the country where communities are small, isolated
and where there are few major urban centers, poverty is widely and evenly disturbed.
Income poverty is defined as the lack of necessities for minimum material wellbeing
determined by the national poverty line. Human poverty means the denial of choices and
opportunities for a tolerable life in all economic and social aspects.
Rural-Urban Poverty
The percentage of population living below the poverty line in rural areas has declined
from 39.26 percent to 28.10 percent while those in urban areas, has declined from 22.69 percent
14.9 percent. In other words, rural poverty has declined by 11.16 percentage points and urban
poverty is reduced by 7.79 percentage points.
Although poverty in urban areas is substantial and increasing, global poverty is still
predominantly a rural phenomenon. Some 75 percent of the poor live in rural areas despite the
global trend toward urbanization. Even in 20 years, 60 percent of the poor are expected to live
outside of cities (IFAD 2001:15). Providing a route out of poverty for these rural residents will
remain a priority for national governments and the international community for decades to come
(Reed 2001:13; World Bank 2003:1).
Much urban poverty, for example, begins as rural poverty, exported from the countryside
through rural-to-urban migration. Working for a healthier rural economy thus helps address
urban poverty too, by lessening this migration. At the same time, the rural and urban economies
are deeply intertwined, particularly through the flow of remittances from the city back to family
members in the country.
Trends of Poverty in accordance with Provincial, Rural & Urban Areas of Pakistan:
covering almost 40% of the population below the poverty line allocation for the CFY is 3.50
The enrolled families are paid cash assistance of Rs.1000 per month at their doorsteps.
A monthly payment of Rs.1000/ per family would enhance the income of a family earning
Rs.5000 by 20%.
BISP is being implemented in all four provinces (Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber-
Pakhtoonkhwa) including Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Azad Jammu and
Kashmir (AJK) and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).