Can Analysts Detect Earnings Management: Evidence From Firm Valuation
Can Analysts Detect Earnings Management: Evidence From Firm Valuation
Can Analysts Detect Earnings Management: Evidence From Firm Valuation
Lucie Courteaua
Jennifer L. Kaob
Yao Tianc
July 2011
(Preliminary version, please do not quote without the authors’ permission)
a. School of Economics and Management, Free University of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, Tel: +39 0471 013130;
b. Department of AMIS, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tel: (780) 492-7972;
c. Department of AMIS, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tel: (780) 492-8008;
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Gord Richardson, workshop participants at the University of
Bocconi and participants at the Annual Conference of the European Accounting Association, in Rome, for their
helpful comments on an earlier version of the paper. Financial support for this project is provided by the
University of Alberta (SSHRC 4A and Canadian Utilities fellowship) and the Free University of Bolzano.
Can Analysts Detect Earnings Management:
Evidence from Firm Valuation
Abstract: In this paper, we present empirical evidence on whether financial analysts can see
through earnings management and whether their earnings and cash flow forecasts take into
account the effect of accrual manipulations. Prior studies looking into analyst behaviour vis-
à-vis earnings management have typically drawn inferences from the direction or magnitude
of analyst earnings forecast errors. Interpreting low earnings forecast errors as absence of
accrual manipulations is nonetheless problematic. As well, lower earnings forecast errors do
not necessarily imply higher forecast quality.
1. Introduction
Earnings are used extensively to evaluate firm performance and estimate firm value. The
majority of the 400 CFOs surveyed by Graham, Harvey and Rajgopal (2005) believe that
earnings, not cash flows, are the key metric used by outside stakeholders. However, evidence
suggests that earnings are often subject to managerial manipulations. Such manipulations,
driven by the pressure to meet or beat earnings expectations, are believed to have eroded the
quality of earnings and led to highly publicized corporate scandals such as Enron and
WorldCom in the early 2000s. The perceived erosion of financial reporting quality in turn
prompted the US Congress to pass the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) on July 30, 2002 with the
stated objective of restoring investor confidence in financial and public reporting. The role
earnings management plays in the capital market depends on whether at least some of the
market participants can detect such practice. Research has shown that the accrual component
of earnings is not as persistent as the cash flow component of earnings (Sloan 1996) and that
the lack of persistence is driven mainly by the discretionary component of the accruals (Xie
2001). However, investors do not seem to recognize the difference in the persistence of
different income components – they overreact to the accrual component of earnings and
such as financial analysts, can detect accrual manipulations and if so whether they take into
consideration accrual manipulations in their forecasts. Evidence from prior research in this
area is mixed (Givoly, Hayn and Yoder 2008). On one hand, several studies have shown that
firms with unusually large accruals have large negative earnings forecast errors, defined as
the difference between realized earnings and forecasted earnings (Abarbanell and Lehavy
2003; Bradshaw, Richardson and Sloan 2001). Ahmed, Nainar and Zhou (2005) also find that
analysts give discretionary accruals the same weight as non-discretionary accruals when
forecasting future earnings, even though the former is less persistent. Finally, Hribar and
Jenkins (2004) report that analysts do not anticipate the consequence of earnings management
that leads to restatements later on. Collectively, results from these studies suggest that
analysts cannot detect earnings management, or at least do not fully account for its effect on
firm future performance in their forecasts. Other researchers however show that analysts can
detect and account for accrual manipulations. Burgstahler and Eames (2003) for example find
that analysts have some ability to identify firms that may have engaged in earnings
management to avoid small earnings declines. Liu (2004) also reports that analyst forecasts
are on average below (above) the level obtained when strategic incentives are not at play for
firms with negatively (positively) skewed earnings. The observed patterns of analyst forecasts
reported in these two studies support the notion that financial analysts are able to anticipate
the prospect of accrual manipulations and that they take into account that expectation in their
The aforementioned studies draw inferences about how analysts deal with accrual
manipulations from the direction or magnitude of analyst earnings forecast errors. However,
since earnings forecast errors can be artificially reduced if analysts choose to forecast
managed earnings, looking at analyst earnings forecast errors alone cannot tell us whether
analysts can detect accrual manipulations and choose to forecast managed earnings, or they
cannot detect accrual manipulations and simply follow management's earnings guidance to
achieve higher forecast accuracy. Further complications arise from uncertainty about whether
financial analysts forecast managed or unmanaged earnings in practice given their economic
incentives and reputation concerns. Burgstahler and Eames (2003) show that the distribution
of analyst earnings forecasts has a ‘kink’ around zero, much like that for the distribution of
earnings documented in Dechow, Richardson and Tuna (2003), implying that analysts
forecast managed earnings. Evidence from the expectations management literature suggests a
complex interplay between managers and financial analysts. To meet or beat analyst
forecasts, managers have a strong incentive to guide the forecasts downward from the
beginning to the end of the year (Richardson, Teoh and Wysocki 2004; Bartov, Givoly and
Hayn 2002). From analysts’ perspective, it may be rational to issue optimistic earnings
forecasts even if they are aware of the manager’s incentive to manage earnings, as such
forecasts will yield smaller forecast errors (Beyer 2008). Another problem with looking at
analyst forecast errors is that lower earnings forecast errors do not necessarily imply higher
forecast quality. O’Brien (1988) argues that forecast quality should ultimately depend on the
management from analyst earnings forecast errors, we employ a different research design that
focuses on the valuation usefulness of analyst earnings and cash flow forecasts in this study.
We define valuation usefulness as the valuation errors between firm value computed from the
residual income (RIM) or discounted cash flows (DCF) model that uses earnings or cash flow
forecasts as inputs and ex-post measure of intrinsic firm value (calculated as the sum of actual
dividends over a three-year (or five-year) horizon and market price at the horizon, discounted
at the industry cost of equity (Subramanyam and Venkatachalam 2007)). Following O’Brien
(1988), we view forecast quality as the ability of analyst forecasts to incorporate information,
Our research design calls for comparing the valuation usefulness of analyst earnings
(or cash flow) forecasts in a setting where there is earnings management versus where there is
not. We consider the following three scenarios: First, analysts can see through earnings
management, but choose to forecast managed earnings in order to minimize earnings forecast
errors. In this case, analysts would apply their knowledge about earnings management to
adjust their cash flow forecasts because they also want to minimize cash flow forecast errors.1
Thus, using earnings forecasts in firm valuation based on RIM will yield relatively larger
valuation errors for accrual manipulators, whereas using cash flow forecasts based on DCF
will result in similar valuation errors with or without the presence of reporting bias. Second,
analysts can see through earnings management and choose to forecast pre-managed earnings
even though doing so will produce larger earnings forecast errors. In this scenario, earnings
management is not expected to affect valuation errors for either RIM or DCF model, as both
earnings and cash flow forecasts are based on the persistent part of reported earnings. Third,
analysts cannot see through earnings management and use reported earnings as a basis for
their earnings and cash flow forecasts. For accrual manipulators, part of the current earnings
that serve as a basis for forecasts is managed and hence is purely transitory. Yet analysts
errors under both RIM and DCF, compared to the case when there is no earnings
To carry out the analysis, we use earnings and cash flow forecasts provided by Value
Line (VL) analysts because VL provides both types of forecasts for all firms that it follows.
Moreover, VL analysts are in-house and, unlike analysts contributing forecasts to IBES, they
are not subject to investment banking relations, thus limiting VL analysts’ incentives to play
the earnings management game in cooperation with management (Brav, Lehavy and
Michaely 2005). Our sample is drawn from an eleven-year (1990–2000) period that pre-dates
major corporate scandals and the ensuing legislative events, allowing us to better isolate the
effect of earnings management on the earnings and cash flow forecasts. In our main analysis,
the final sample consists of 4,586 firm-year observations with complete annual
financial/stock price information and forecast data. We measure the extent of accrual
Call, Chen and Tong (2009) for example show that more accurate cash flow forecasts can yield favourable
career outcomes for analysts and reduce the likelihood of their being fired.
management by the absolute value of the discretionary accruals estimated from a version of
Results indicate that the ability of the RIM model to predict firm value is diminished
by the presence of earnings management, whereas the valuation usefulness of the DCF model
remains unchanged. These results are consistent with the predictions of the first scenario,
referred to above. That is, analysts can see through earnings management, but choose to
forecast managed earnings while at the same time take earnings management into
consideration in their cash flow forecasts. This behaviour suggests that analyst earnings
forecasts are strategic in nature and that large valuation errors associated with using such
forecasts as inputs in the RIM model do not reflect analysts’ inability to detect, and
Our study sheds light on the role played by financial analysts in interpreting and
earnings management and incorporate such information into their forecasts can directly affect
firm valuation when there is reporting bias. We also contribute to the valuation literature,
which has traditionally used analyst forecasts as part of the inputs for firm valuation. While
including analyst forecasts in valuation models has been shown to improve the ability of
these models to predict firm value (Lee, Myers and Swaminathan 1999; Frankel and Lee
1998), we show that the valuation usefulness of analyst earnings forecasts may be greatly
diminished during a time when a non-trivial number of firms are believed to have engaged in
earnings management practice. Finally, our study is of practical relevance. Earnings are used
extensively to evaluate firm performance and estimate firm value in practice (Skinner and
Sloan 2002). However, when earnings are managed, heavy reliance on this number in firm
misallocation of resources. We quantify this effect and raise awareness among investors and
practitioners about the pitfalls of taking managed earnings at face value and using them
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the relevant
literature and develops the hypotheses; Section 3 discusses the research methodology, along
with variable definitions and measurements; Section 4 summarizes our sample selection
procedure; Section 5 presents the main empirical findings; and Section 6 concludes the study.
2. Literature Review
Earnings Management
Healy and Wahlen (1999) remark that “... earnings management occurs when managers use
judgment in financial reporting and structuring transactions to alter financial reports to either
mislead some stakeholders about the underlying economic performance of the company or to
influence contractual outcomes that depend on reported accounting numbers.” Studies have
shown that firms often manage their earnings in advance of IPOs and seasoned equity
offerings (Erickson and Wang 1999; Teoh, Welch and Wong 1998a; Teoh, Welch and Wong
1998b; Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney 1996) and that firms involved in earnings manipulations
or singled out by the SEC for accounting enforcement actions generally have weak internal
governance (Farber 2005; Bédard, Marrakchi-Chtourou and Courteau 2004; Klein 2002;
Several factors have been cited as contributing to a firm’s motivation to meet or beat
earnings targets by managing reported earnings. First, the stock market tends to punish firms
for falling short of earnings expectations (Skinner and Sloan 2002). In particular, firms
maintaining strings of steadily increasing earnings are rewarded with market premiums and
are severely punished as soon as the strings are broken (Myers, Myers and Skinner 2006;
Barth, Elliott and Finn 1999). Second, meeting or beating earnings targets allows executives
to enhance their reputation with stakeholders, enjoy better terms of trade and achieve higher
bonus compensations (DeGeorge, Patel and Zeckhauser 1999; Burgstahler and Dichev 1997;
Bowen, DuCharme and Shores 1995; Healy 1985). Failing to meet earnings expectations
could result in reputation loss and pay cuts for CEOs (Matsunaga and Park 2001).
Countering these incentives to meet or beat earnings targets are the capital market
consequences that firms face when their alleged earnings manipulations become public
(Dechow et al. 1996). If the market is efficient, then its participants should be able to spot
earnings management practices and undo manipulations to reflect real economic earnings for
use in firm valuation. However, corporate disclosures often do not contain sufficient
information for the investors to infer accounting accruals, limiting their ability to account for
earnings management (Gleason and Mills 2008; Baber, Chen and Kang 2006; Balsam, Bartov
financial analysts, can see through earnings management and include its future effects in their
forecasts is mixed. Bradshaw, Richardson and Sloan (2001) for example find large negative
earnings forecast errors (optimism) for firms with unusually large accruals. Abarbanell and
Lehavy (2003) report a similar association between analyst optimism and three types of
accruals: large income-decreasing accruals used in a loss year to accumulate reserves for
future years; small income-decreasing accruals to bring the earnings down to the target level
in profitable years and replenish accrual reserves; income-increasing accruals to meet or just
beat earnings targets. Regressing earnings and earnings forecasts on previous year’s earnings
components, Ahmed, Nainar and Zhou (2005) show that discretionary accruals are given the
same weight as non-discretionary accruals by analysts in forecasting future earnings even
though they are less persistent. Finally, for 259 of their 292 restatement observations Hribar
and Jenkins (2004) find that at least one analyst revised his earnings forecasts downwards
following restatements and that the average revisions were -14.7% for the one-year ahead
forecasts and -7.8% for two years ahead. Taken together, the results of these studies are
consistent with the notion that analysts cannot detect earnings management or fully reflect its
However, it is possible that analysts can see through earnings management, but for
strategic reasons choose to forecast managed rather than pre-managed earnings. The strategic
incentives arise because most analysts are rewarded, financially or reputationally, for their
ability to issue accurate earnings forecasts (Hong and Kubik 2003; Mikhail, Walther and
Willis 1997). Thus, analysts may be motivated to minimize forecast errors by strategically
adjusting their earnings forecasts upwards or downwards to fit the managed, rather than the
pre-managed, earnings. Evidence from the expectations management literature supports this
view. According to Richardson et al. (2004) and Bartov et al. (2002), analysts cooperate with
management in the earnings game by issuing optimistic forecasts at the beginning of the year
to demonstrate their confidence in the firm. This is then followed by downward forecast
revisions during the year at the management’s guidance, allowing the firm to meet or beat
earnings expectation and the analysts to lower their forecast errors at the end of the year - a
3. Research Methodology
Accrual Management
We measure the extent of accrual management by the absolute value of the discretionary
accruals, estimated by year for each two-digit SIC code based on the following modified
where total accruals (TA) are defined as the difference between net income before
extraordinary items (COMPUSTAT variable IB) and cash flows from operations
regression of change in sales on change in receivables, and captures the expected change in
receivables for a given change in sales; Salesi ,t and ARi ,t represent the annual change in
revenue and in accounts receivables, respectively; PPEi ,t is current year gross property, plant
and equipment; TAi ,t 1 is lagged total accruals.3 We include lagged total accruals in the
model to capture the portion of accruals that are predictable based on the prior year’s level of
accruals, including the extent to which accruals are reversible. All terms are scaled by lagged
total assets ( Ai ,t 1 ). i,t is a zero-mean random error and forms our estimate of the
Valuation Usefulness
We use RIM (DCF) as the representative earnings- (non-earnings-) based valuation model
and estimate intrinsic values (IV) for each firm-year observation on the valuation date t as
indicated below:
Dechow et al. (2003) show empirically that this model performs better than other versions of the Jones (1991)
model in terms of explanatory power.
We do not include the final term of the FLJM, i.e., expected sales growth, typically calculated as the difference
between current and next period sales scaled by current sales because we do not want to use forward-looking
information that is not available to the analyst at the time of estimating the model.
IVtRIM Bt R Et X ta R T ( R 1 g ) 1 Et X taT 1 ; (2)
IVtDCF FAt R Et Ct I t it R 1 FAt 1
1 (3)
R ( R 1 g ) Et C tT 1 I tT 1 itT 1 R 1 FAt T .
T 1
The valuation date t is defined as the first VL forecast date made after Year t’s earnings
announcement, but not more than 30 days after the first quarterly earnings announcement for
Year t+1. The variable R is one plus the cost of equity capital. In Equation 2, Bt denotes
current book value4 and X ta the residual income for forecast year t+τ. In Equation 3, FAt
denotes current net financial assets, Ct+τ the expected cash flows, It+τ the expected
investments, it+τ the expected return on the previous year’s financial assets and
Ct I t it R 1 FAt 1 the residual free cash flows to common for forecast year t+τ.5
X taT 1 1 g X t T R 1 Bt T and
respectively, where the constant growth rate is set at 2%, which approximates the rate of
defined as the difference between estimated intrinsic value for each firm-year observation
calculated according to Equation 2 (Equation 3) for the RIM (DCF) model and a valuation
We use the first year’s earnings and dividend forecasts to update book value Bt to the forecast date.
This version of the DCF model, proposed by Penman (1997), avoids measurement problems associated with
estimating the weighted average cost of capital under an equivalent version of DCF model discussed in many
valuation textbooks.
benchmark, scaled by the latter. Larger absolute percentage valuation errors imply that a
model is less useful for valuation purposes. We use ex post intrinsic value (IV) as the
valuation benchmark, calculated as the sum of actual dividends over a three-year (or five-
year) horizon and market price at the horizon, discounted at the industry cost of equity
Research Model
where the dependent variable AE_RIM (AE_DCF) denotes the absolute percentage valuation
errors for each firm-year observation under RIM (DCF); DACC is the test variable given by
the absolute value of the residuals from Equation 1. Equations 4 and 5 also include three
control variables found to affect the predictability of earnings in prior literature:7 (1) Book-to-
Market ratio (BM), defined as book value per share over stock price, measured at the end of
Year t; (2) Earnings shock (ES), defined as the absolute value of the change in net income
from Year t–1 to Year t, scaled by opening total assets; (3) Standard deviation of return on
equity (Std_ROE) over a 5-year period immediately preceding the end of Year t.
The estimated coefficient a1 (b1) captures the impact of accrual manipulations on the
valuation usefulness of analyst earnings (cash flow) forecasts in firm valuation based on the
RIM (DCF) model. A positive and significant a1 (b1) implies that the RIM (DCF) model is
less useful for firm valuation in the presence of reporting bias. On the other hand, if the
The ex-post intrinsic value is based on stock prices at the end of three-year horizon, as studies have found that
the anomalous pricing of accruals and cash flows does not persist beyond two years (Xie 2001; Sloan 1996).
See Lang and Lundholm (1996), Kross, Ro and Schroeder (1990) and Brown, Richardson and Schwager
coefficient estimate on the test variable DACC (i.e., a1 or b1) is insignificantly different from
zero, then the valuation usefulness is said to be unaffected by accrual manipulations for the
model in question.
Our interest in this study is to investigate the ability of financial analysts to detect accrual
manipulations and whether they incorporate such information into their earnings and cash
flow forecasts. To address these two research questions, we consider the following three
scenarios: (1). Analysts can see through earnings management, but choose to forecast
managed earnings in order to minimize earnings forecast errors. (2). Analysts can see through
earnings management and choose to forecast pre-managed earnings. (3). Analysts cannot see
through earnings management and use managed earnings to construct their earnings and cash
flow forecasts.
Under Scenario 1, we expect the valuation usefulness of the RIM model to be lower
for accrual manipulators, i.e., firms with higher discretionary accruals. Since the incentive to
minimize forecast errors likely extends to cash flow forecasts, analysts will try to correct such
in the valuation usefulness of the DCF model for accrual manipulators and non-manipulators.
different from zero in Equation 5, is consistent with Scenario 1. In Scenario 2, we expect both
RIM and DCF models to have similar valuation usefulness for firms with high vs. those with
low discretionary accruals, as analysts consistently base their forecasts on the persistent part
of reported earnings. Thus, both a1 and b1 are predicted to be insignificantly different from
zero. Finally, under Scenario 3 the valuation usefulness of both RIM and DCF models is
expected to be lower for firms with high discretionary accruals than for firms with low
discretionary accruals. This is because analyst earnings and cash flows forecasts are both
based on managed earnings which are partly transitory in nature. In this case, both a1 and b1
notion that analysts can (cannot) see through accrual manipulations is consistent with a
significant) coefficient estimate on b1. To address the question of whether financial analysts
contrasting predictions on a1 under Scenarios 1 and 2. The notion that analysts remove (do
not remove) the effects of accrual manipulations from their forecasts is consistent with an
We do not offer directional predictions for any of the control variables. While
unpredictable earnings due to high growth, large earnings shocks and highly volatile past
returns can reduce RIM’s ability to estimate a firm’s intrinsic value, analyst forecasts of
4. Sample Selection
Our initial sample consists of 39,826 annual earnings announcements made between January
1, 1990 and December 31, 2000 by publicly traded US firms with complete financial and
stock price information on COMPUSTAT and CRSP, respectively, during the announcement
year. Following the convention of prior literature, we exclude observations in the Financial
(SIC codes 6022–6200) and Insurance (SIC codes 6312–6400) industries because they use
special accounting rules, making them unsuitable for comparison with firms in other
We then apply the following four filters to the initial sample: (1) Forecasted valuation
attributes are available from the Datafile and Historical Reports published by Value Line
Investor Services.8 (2) Financial data and stock price information required to compute the ex
post intrinsic value over a three-year (or five-year) period following the fiscal year-end, are
available from COMPUSTAT and CRSP, respectively. (3) Data required to construct all
regression variables are available. (4) Observations in the top and bottom 1% of the
distribution for each input into the valuation models and each independent variable in
Equations 4-5 are considered extreme and hence are deleted from the analysis.9 The above
filters reduce the initial sample by 33,233, 1,409, 68 and 530 firm-year observations,
A of Table 1.
Panel B of Table 1 presents the distribution of our sample by year. With the exception
of 1990, the observations are fairly evenly distributed over the eleven-year (1990-2000)
sample period, ranging from a low 7.52% in 2000 to a high of 10.68% in 1994. As is evident
in Panel C of Table 1, the industry distribution shows quite an even representation across
most sectors, as defined in Fama and French (1993), except for the Utilities industry which
accounts for 12.54% of the firms included in the sample. This is a reflection of the
We choose not to use IBES forecast data in this study because, compared to VL, IBES provides a more limited
range of forecasted valuation attributes that excludes cash flow forecasts for a large proportion of the firms
covered (Givoly, Hayn and Lehavy 2009). Moreover, unlike VL whose forecasts are provided by a single in-
house analyst, analysts contributing to IBES generally have investment banking relationships with the firms they
follow, potentially affecting their incentives to issue unbiased forecasts. Finally, recent studies find that analyst
earnings forecasts are more accurate when accompanied by cash flow forecasts (Call et al. 2009) and target
price forecasts (Gell, Homburg and Klettke 2010). VL analysts provide all three for all the firms that they
All the regression results without trimming (not reported) are qualitatively similar.
[Insert Table 1 about Here]
5. Empirical Results
5.1 Descriptive Statistics
Panel A of Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics on all the model variables in Equations 4
and 5. The mean (median) market value of our sample firms is $3.13 billion ($1.13 billion).
While firms followed by Value Line are in general large, some smaller firms are also
included in the coverage, as evidenced in large standard deviation of market value (i.e., $8.73
billion). The mean absolute discretionary accruals represent 4% of total assets (DACC). The
overall mean (median) absolute percentage valuation errors are 0.412 (0.386) for the
earnings-based RIM model and 0.484 (0.427) for the non earnings-based DCF model. These
figures are also in line with those documented in the valuation literature. 10
model variables in Equations 4 and 5, appearing above (below) the diagonal. The Pearson
correlation between the level of discretionary accruals (DACC) and AE_RIM is significantly
positive at the 1% level (0.070), whereas that between DACC and AE_DCF is insignificantly
different from zero. These pair-wise correlations offer preliminary evidence at the univariate
level that discretionary accruals adversely affect valuation usefulness of RIM, but not DCF
model (Scenario 1). Two of the control variables, ES and Std_ROE, have positive Pearson
correlations with AE_RIM (AE_DCF), i.e., 0.111 and 0.111 (0.029 and 0.092), significant at
the 5% level or better. The correlation between AE_DCF and the remaining control variable
0.065). The Spearman correlations show a similar pattern, except that the positive correlation
between AE_DCF and BM becomes negative but insignificant. These descriptive statistics
Courteau, Kao and Richardson (2001) for example report that over a five-year sample period (1992-1996) the
mean absolute percentage pricing errors for their DCF and RIM models are 0.397 and 0.372, respectively.
point to the need to control for all three variables in the analysis of valuation accuracy of
groups of firms based on their level of absolute discretionary accruals. Three-year (five-year)
absolute percentage valuation errors are based on ex-post intrinsic values computed from
dividends and stock prices over a period of three (five) years after the current fiscal year-end.
The three-year RIM valuation errors show a progressive increase between the low-DACC and
the high-DACC groups of firms, from 0.397 to 0.408 to 0.430, suggesting that the errors
increase with the level of earnings management. The difference in mean valuation errors
between the High and the Low DACC groups is significantly positive, at the 1% level (0.033,
t=3.26). The DCF valuation errors don’t seem to follow the same pattern, however. The mean
errors are 0.489, 0.475 and 0.488 for the Low, Medium and High groups, respectively.
Moreover, the small difference between the valuation errors of the High and the Low groups
is not statistically significant (-0.001, t=-0.11). Hence, the performance of the earnings-based
valuation model seems to be adversely affected by the level of earnings management, while
the cash flow-based model seems unaffected. Together, these results are consistent with
Scenario 1 described in Section 3: the VL analysts can see through earnings management and
use this knowledge to prepare their cash flow forecasts, but choose to forecast managed
The second part of Panel A shows the results of the same tests using ex-post dividends
and stock prices over a five-year horizon as a benchmark for measuring valuation errors.12
The variance inflation factors of the regressions are all close to 1, indicating no serious problems of
collinearity among the control variables.
While the RIM errors do not show the same progressive increase as for the three-year
benchmark, they are still significantly higher for the High-DACC than for the Low-DACC
firms (0.445 vs. 0.477, t=2.56). The difference in mean DCF errors is again non significant.
Hence, the five-year ex-post values yield results that are consistent with Scenario 1, although
the support is somewhat weaker than with the three-year horizon benchmark.
Panel B of Table 3 presents the comparison of median absolute valuation errors across
the three groups of firms. The non-parametric tests are used as a robustness check because of
the deviation of our sample’s distribution from normality. The results are as in Panel A: RIM
median absolute errors are significantly higher for firms with high DACC than for those of
the Low-DACC group, whereas the difference is not significant for the errors of the DCF
Taken together, the results of the univariate analysis of absolute valuation errors are
consistent with the scenario where analysts can detect earnings management in the current
year and are aware of the fact that the bias in current earnings can affect the future
performance of the firm, but choose to forecast managed earnings, to maintain their record of
forecast accuracy.
management. In Table 4, we present the results of regression analyses that control for factors
which are likely to affect the association between valuation errors and earnings management.
As in the univariate analysis, we consider ex-post intrinsic values from both a three-year and
The sample size is reduced from 4,585 to 4,096 firm-year observations because of the attrition that occurs
when requiring five years of dividends and prices, instead of three, to compute ex-post intrinsic values
a five-year horizon as benchmarks for computing valuation errors. The results are presented
The results in Panel A show that even when controlling for factors that may affect
earnings and cash flow predictability, the relationship between RIM valuation errors and
DACC is positive and significant at the 5% level (a1=0.263, t=2.35). When we move to the
AE_DCF regression, on the other hand, the coefficient on DACC is not significantly different
from zero (a1=0.075, t=0.51). These results are again consistent with Scenario 1. The control
variables are all significant in the RIM regression: The fact that the firm has an earnings
shock in the current year (ES), highly volatile performance (Std_ROE) or negative earnings
(Loss) all make it more difficult to predict its future performance, increasing the valuation
error. The variable BM, which is an inverse measure of firm growth, has a significantly
negative coefficient in the RIM regression, indicating that valuation errors are higher for
high-growth firms. In the DCF regression, the presence of an earnings shock in the current
period (ES) does not seem to affect the valuation error, while the coefficient on growth is
significantly positive. The adjusted R2 of the two regressions are quite low (0.025 and 0.014
dependent variables of the two regressions. In both models, the coefficient on DACC is
positive but not significantly different from zero (a1=0.202, t=1.47 for RIM and a1=0.039,
t=0.22 for DCF). Here, earnings management seems to affect neither the RIM nor the DCF
valuation errors. This is consistent with Scenario 2: the analysts see through earnings
management, but they choose to forecast pre-managed earning, using all the information
available to them to improve the quality of both their earnings and cash flow forecasts.
This result is surprising and raises the question as to why an analyst would choose to
act non-strategically and make earnings forecasts that he knows will not be accurate because
of the probable bias that managers will introduce in future earnings. This may be explained
by the fact that Value Line analysts may not be as sensitive to incentives related to forecast
accuracy as other analysts. In fact, Value Line does not provide any data on the ex-post
to use ex-post intrinsic values as valuation benchmarks. The alternative, which has been used
extensively in the studies comparing the performance of valuation models, is to use the stock
price of the firm at the valuation date as a benchmark. This proxy is based on the assumption
that, at least on average, the market is efficient and that the market value of a firm is the best
Table 5 presents the results of the univariate (Panel A) and multivariate analyses
(Panel B) using current price as valuation benchmark. In Panel A, both mean and median
absolute errors show a progressive increase between the Low-DACC and the High-DACC
groups for RIM with a significant difference between the two extreme groups. The mean
absolute pricing errors are 0.296, 0.312 and 0.330 for the Low, Medium and High groups,
respectively, and the difference of 0.034 between High and Low is significantly different
from zero at the 1% level. The median errors show a similar pattern and a significant
difference in valuation performance between the groups of firms with the highest and the
Panel B of Table 5 shows the results of the regression estimation of Equations (4) and
(5). The results are similar to those obtained with the three-year ex-post value benchmarks.
The coefficient on DACC is significantly positive for the RIM regression but not
significantly different from zero for the DCF regression. Hence, the results of Table 5 are
Overall, the results of our analyses are consistent with either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2,
although there is more support for the former. In both scenarios, the analysts are assumed to
see through the bias introduced by managers into reported earnings and take this into account
in formulating their cash flow forecasts. The difference between the two scenarios is whether
the analysts act strategically and forecast managed earnings to minimise their short-term
forecast errors and maintain their reputation of accuracy or focus more on the long-term
6. Conclusion
participants, such as the financial analysts, can see through accrual manipulations and if their
forecasts remove the effects of accrual manipulations. Earnings are increasingly subject to
managerial manipulations at a time when management faces intense pressure to meet or beat
earnings expectations. The impact earnings management has on the market depends on
whether at least some of the market participants can detect such practice. Prior studies in this
area have typically drawn inferences about this issue from the direction or magnitude of
analyst earnings forecast errors. Evidence to date is mixed, due in large part to difficulties in
relating low earnings forecast errors with the absence of accrual manipulations. Low earnings
forecast errors may imply that either analysts can detect accrual manipulations but choose to
forecast managed earnings or they cannot detect accrual manipulations and simply follow
(1988), low earnings forecast errors also do not necessarily suggest high forecast quality.
design that focuses on the valuation usefulness of analyst earnings and cash flow forecasts,
measured by the absolute percentage valuation errors (AE_RIM or AE_DCF). Larger absolute
percentage valuation errors imply that a model is less useful for valuation purposes. Our
research design calls for comparing the valuation usefulness of analyst earnings (or cash
flow) forecasts used in the RIM (DCF) model in a setting where there is earnings
management versus where there is not. Specifically, we regress AE_RIM (AE_DCF) on the
extent of accrual manipulations, DACC, and several covariates for the RIM (DCF) model.
Contrasting signs on DACC in these two regressions allows us to distinguish among the
following three scenarios: First, analysts can see through earnings management, but choose to
forecast managed earnings in order to minimize earnings forecast errors. Since analysts also
have an incentive to minimize cash flow forecast errors, they would apply that knowledge to
adjust their cash flow forecasts. Second, analysts can see through earnings management and
choose to forecast pre-managed earnings. Under this scenario, both earnings and cash flow
forecasts are based on the persistent part of reported earnings. Third, analysts cannot see
through earnings management and hence base their earnings and cash flow forecasts on
reported earnings.
Using three-year ex post intrinsic value as the valuation benchmark, we find that the
coefficient estimate on DACC is positive and significant in the RIM regression, but
insignificantly different from zero in the DCF regression. These results continue to hold when
we re-define the valuation benchmark as five-year ex post intrinsic value or the stock price at
the forecast date. They are also consistent with univariate comparisons of AE_RIM or
Regardless of the choice of valuation benchmarks, we find that the RIM model has the largest
mean AE_RIM, and hence is least useful in firm valuation, among firms with the highest
levels of discretionary accruals, whereas it is most useful with the smallest mean AE_RIM for
firms with the lowest levels of discretionary accruals. In contrast, the DCF model has similar
valuation usefulness, as measured by mean AE__DCF, across the two extreme terciles. Taken
together, our results are consistent with the predictions of Scenario 1, i.e., analysts can see
through earnings management, but choose to forecast managed earnings while removing the
forecast behaviour vis-à-vis earnings management. We conclude that large valuation errors
associated with the RIM model do not reflect analysts’ inability to detect and incorporate the
consequences of earnings management in their earnings forecasts. Rather, they suggest that
analysts issue earnings forecasts strategically. A major insight from our study is that
sophisticated investors are capable of detecting accrual manipulations. However, even Value
Line analysts, who do not have strong incentives to cooperate with management, tend to
forecast managed earnings. These findings provide justification for the continued popularity
There are several limitations associated with our study: (1). Our sample period ends in
2000 and hence the results may not be generalizable to more recent years. (2). While we have
used Dechow et al.’s (2003) forward-looking modified Jones model (FLMJ) to measure
discretionary accruals, the association between AE_RIM (or AE_DCF) and DACC identified
in the study may still reflect measurement errors. As a direction for future research, it will be
interesting to see if analysts’ strategic incentives to forecast managed earnings have been
curtailed by the SOX regulations. It will also be interesting to see if the Regulation Fair
adversely affected analysts’ ability to detect accrual manipulations. Both extensions will
require comparing the valuation usefulness of the RIM (or DCF) model across two sample
periods (i.e., pre- vs. post-SOX period or pre- vs. post-Reg FD).
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Table 1. Sample Selection and Distributions by Year and Industry
Sub-total 5,184
4,586 100.00
Table 1. (continued)
Table 2. Summary Statistics
Table 2. (continued)
Market value is the market capitalization at the forecast date.; DACC (discretionary accruals) is defined as the
absolute value of the residual from the modified Forward-looking Modified Jones Model (FLMJ), estimated
every year for each 2-digit SIC code industry; BM (book-to-market ratio) is defined as book value per share over
stock price per share, measured at fiscal year-end; ES (earnings shock) is defined as the absolute value of
changes in net income from Year t–1 to Year t, scaled by opening total assets; Std_ROE (standard deviation of
return on equity) is measured over a 5-year period immediately preceding the annual report date.
AE_RIM (AE_DCF) is defined as the absolute value of the difference between estimated intrinsic value
calculated under RIM (or DCF) according to Equation 1 (or Equation 2) and the 3-year ex-post intrinsic value,
scaled by the latter.
Table 3. Absolute Percentage Valuation Errors by Levels of Discretionary Accruals
Table 3. (continued)
Ex post intrinsic value = the sum of future dividends over a three (five)-year horizon and market price at the end
of the horizon, discounted at the industry cost of equity.
Absolute percentage valuation errors for each firm-year observation under RIM (or DCF) = the absolute value
of the difference between estimated intrinsic value calculated according to Equation (1) (or Equation (2)) and
the ex post intrinsic value, scaled by the latter.
Low, Medium and High levels of discretionary accruals (DACC) are defined as the terciles of the distribution of
DACC computed as the absolute value of the residuals from Dechow et al.’s (2003) forward-looking modified
Jones model (FLMJ), estimated every year for each 2-digit SIC code industry.
t-statistic (Wilcoxon score) for the difference in means (medians) between high and low discretionary accruals.
***, **,* significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).
Table 4. Regression Analysis – Absolute Valuation Errors
Valuation Model
N 4,585 4,585
Table 4. (continued)
Valuation Model
N 4,068 4,068
Ex post intrinsic value = the sum of future dividends over a three (five)-year horizon and market price at the end
of the horizon, discounted at the industry cost of equity.
AE_RIM (AE_DCF) is defined as the absolute value of the difference between estimated intrinsic value
calculated under RIM (or DCF) according to Equation (1) (or Equation (2)) and the ex post intrinsic value,
scaled by the latter.
DACC computed as the absolute value of the residuals from Dechow et al.’s (2003) forward-looking modified
Jones model (FLMJ), estimated every year for each 2-digit SIC code industry; BM (book-to-market ratio) is
defined as book value per share over stock price per share, measured at fiscal yearend; ES (earnings shock) is
defined as the absolute value of changes in net income from Year t-1 to Year t, scaled by opening total assets;
Std_ROE (standard deviation of return on equity) is measured over a 5-year period immediately preceding the
annual report date; Loss is equal to one if the net income in Year t is negative.
***, **,* significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).
Table 5. Further Analysis based on Absolute Percentage Pricing Errors
Table 5. (continued)
Valuation Model
Variables Coefficient Est. t-stat. Coefficient Est. t-stat.
Intercept 0.401 57.39*** 0.386 39.74***
N 4,573 4,573
AE_RIM (AE_DCF) is defined as the absolute value of the difference between estimated intrinsic value
calculated under RIM (or DCF) according to Equation 2 (or Equation 3) and the stock price at the forecast date,
scaled by the latter.
DACC computed as the absolute value of the residuals from Dechow et al.’s (2003) forward-looking modified
Jones model (FLMJ), estimated every year for each 2-digit SIC code industry; BM (book-to-market ratio) is
defined as book value per share over stock price per share, measured at fiscal yearend; ES (earnings shock) is
defined as the absolute value of changes in net income from Year t-1 to Year t, scaled by opening total assets;
Std_ROE (standard deviation of return on equity) is measured over a 5-year period immediately preceding the
annual report date; Loss is equal to one if the net income in Year t is negative.
***, **,* significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively (two-sided).