Volume 2 - Page 198-666 PDF

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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards of
BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis &
demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla under
YAP-III (Package-O)




Volume – 2

Employer’s Requirements
(Technical Specification)

Executing Agency: Consultants/PMC:

Executive Engineer (C) DR XI NJS Consultants Co. Ltd.

Delhi Jal Board, In Consortium with
Room No. 308, AECOM-TTI & NJSEI
Varunalaya Phase – I, 316/274, Ground Floor, Saidullajab, Western
Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110 005 Marg, Garden of Five Senses Road, Tehsil
Telephone/Fax.: 011-23554487 Mehrauli, New Delhi 110 030
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Summary of Contents of Bid

Volume 1: Condition of Contract ................................................................................. 1 - 197
Form of Invitation for Bids
Section I : Instructions to Bidders
Section II : Bid Data Sheet
Section III : Qualification Criteria
Section IV : Bidding Forms for Technical Bid
Section V : Eligible Source Countries of Japanese ODA Loans
Section VI : Works Requirements
Section VII : General Conditions (GC)
Section VIII : Particular Conditions (PC)
Section IX : Annex to the Particular Conditions – Contract Forms
Part - B
Section III - A: Qualification Criteria
Section III - B: Bidding Forms for (Initial filter Qualification)
Section III - C: Evaluation Criteria (Technical & Financial)

Volume 2: Technical Specifications ......................................................................... 198 - 666

Section X : Technical Specifications
Part 1 – General Requirements & Scope of Works
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Part 4 – Technical Specification: General & Particular - Mechanical
Part 5 – Electrical System General and Particular Specifications
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Part 7 – Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes

Volume 3: Financial Proposal ................................................................................... 667- 683

Letter of Price Bid

Section XI : Schedules of Payment and Prices
Section XII : Service Level Agreement (O & M)

Volume 4: Drawings
Section XIII : Drawings ............................................................................................... 6 Nos.
Section XIV : Geo-Technical Report ............................................................................... 1-21

Table of Contents Volume – 1 to Volume - 4

Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents

Volume - 2

Volume 2: Employer’s Requirements

Section X : Technical Specifications Page

Part 1 – General Requirements & Scope of Work .............................. 198-244

Part 2 –Plant & Process Requirements ............................................... 245-272
Part 3 – Civil Specifications ............................................................... 273-308
Part 4 – Mechanical Specifications ..................................................... 309-405
Part 5 – Electrical Specifications ........................................................ 406-495
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications .............................................. 496-571
Part 7 – Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning ................. 572-613
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance ..................................................... 614-652
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes ........................................................ 653-666

Table of Contents
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X - Part - 1 : General Requirements & Scope of Works .......................................... 198
1 Project description ......................................................................................................... 198
1.1 Location and Access to the Site .............................................................................................. 198
1.2 Project Background ................................................................................................................ 198
1.3 Project Objective ..................................................................................................................... 199
1.4 Performance Guarantee – a Statutory Requirement ........................................................... 199
1.4.1 Incoming Wastewater Quality & Design Parameter ................................................................................ 199
1.4.2 Treated Effluent &Sludge Guarantees ..................................................................................................... 200
1.5 Brief Scope of Work................................................................................................................ 200
1.5.1 Construction of WWTP ............................................................................................................................ 200
1.5.2 Trial Run of WWTP ................................................................................................................................. 202
1.5.3 Operation and Maintenance of WWTP .................................................................................................... 203
1.5.4 Demolition of existing WWTPs ............................................................................................................... 205
1.6 Submittals during Construction and O&M Period ............................................................. 205
1.6.1 General Obligations ................................................................................................................................. 206
1.6.2 Design, Drawings, Documents and Data (Construction Documents) ...................................................... 206
1.6.3 Manufacturer’s Data ................................................................................................................................. 210
1.6.4 Equipment and Interconnection Diagrams ............................................................................................... 210
1.6.5 Number of Copies of Construction Documents to Submitted .................................................................. 210
1.6.6 As-Built Records ...................................................................................................................................... 210
1.6.7 Operation and Maintenance Manual ........................................................................................................ 211
1.6.8 Amended O & M Manual......................................................................................................................... 212
1.6.9 Monthly Progress Report and Construction Photographs ........................................................................ 212
1.7 Quality Assurance ................................................................................................................... 212
1.7.1 Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 212
1.7.2 Quality Assurance Plan ............................................................................................................................ 213
1.7.3 Schedule of Quality Assurance Operations .............................................................................................. 215
1.7.4 Quality Assurance Reports and Feedback ................................................................................................ 215
1.8 Health, Safety and Environment Standards ......................................................................... 215
1.9 Protection of Existing Installations including Public and Private Services ..................... 216
1.9.1 Existing Installations ................................................................................................................................ 216
1.9.2 Protection of Existing Public and Private Services .................................................................................. 217
1.9.3 Additional Safety Requirements .............................................................................................................. 217
1.10 Work Program ........................................................................................................................ 217
1.11 Notice of Operations ............................................................................................................... 218
1.12 Topographical Survey Data ................................................................................................... 218
1.13 Soil and Geotechnical Data .................................................................................................... 218
1.14 Access for other Contractors ................................................................................................. 218
1.15 Interface with other Contracts............................................................................................... 219
1.16 Material, Construction and Erection of Plant ...................................................................... 219
1.16.1 Material .................................................................................................................................................... 219
1.16.2 Construction and Erection of Plant .......................................................................................................... 219
1.17 Packing and Protection during Transportation ................................................................... 220
1.18 Spare Parts .............................................................................................................................. 220
1.19 Special Tools and Appliances ................................................................................................. 221
1.20 Equipment for Removal of Screening, Grit, Sludge & Solid Waste ................................... 221
1.21 Preliminary Site Works .......................................................................................................... 221
1.21.1 Site Clearance .......................................................................................................................................... 221
1.21.2 Temporary Works .................................................................................................................................... 222
Volume – 2, Section: X - Table of Contents Page i of ii
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.21.3 Temporary Site Office .............................................................................................................................. 224

1.22 Maintenance of Existing Facilities ......................................................................................... 224
1.22.1 Construction Site ...................................................................................................................................... 224
1.22.2 Areas outside the Site ............................................................................................................................... 225
1.22.3 Existing Access Roads ............................................................................................................................. 225
1.22.4 Refuse Disposal ........................................................................................................................................ 225
1.23 Assistance to the Engineer and his Representative .............................................................. 225
1.24 Extra Items of Work ............................................................................................................... 226
1.25 Inspection of Equipment ........................................................................................................ 226
1.26 Statutory Approval ................................................................................................................. 226
1.27 Temporary Store for Dismantled Materials ......................................................................... 227
1.28 Certification on Completion ................................................................................................... 227
1.29 Additional Safety Guidelines as per the Employer (DJB) ................................................... 232
1.30 Additional Safety Guidelines, issued by Employer .............................................................. 233
1.31 NHRC Guidelines.................................................................................................................... 243
1.32 NGT Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 243

Volume – 2, Section: X - Table of Contents Page ii of ii

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X - Part - 1 : General Requirements & Scope of Works

1 Project description

1.1 Location and Access to the Site

The site is located within the existing Okhla Wastewater Treatment Plant premises situated on Delhi
Mathura Road adjoining to CRRI Complex and near Apollo Hospital and easily accessible from
anywhere in Delhi.

The requirements specified in the Section - X Part-I General Requirements & Scope of Work here
under, shall be read in conjunction with addition requirements specified in:-

- Section-X -Part-2 Plant & Process Requirements

- Section-X -Part-3 Civil Specifications
- Section-X -Part-4 Mechanical Specifications
- Section-X -Part-5 Electrical Specifications
- Section-X -Part-6 Instrumentation and Automation Specifications
- Section-X -Part-7 Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
- Section-X -Part-8 Operation & Maintenance
- Section-X -Part-9 List of Approved Makes

1.2 Project Background

Okhla is the largest drainage zone in Delhi extending from Timarpur in the north to Mehrauli-
Badarpur road in the south and from River Yamuna in the east to Ridge road or Gurgoan road on the
west. The drainage zone comprises areas like Civil lines, Sadar Bazar, Old walled city area,
Paharganj, NDMC area including Connaught Place, Green Park, IIT, JNU, Hauz Khas, Andrewsganj,
Lajpat Nagar, Amar Colony, Friends colony, East of Kailash, Chittaranjan Park, New Friends Colony
and Okhla, Sarita Vihar and Tughlukabad.

Major portion of the Okhla drainage zone has sewerage system which carries the sewage to six major
sewage pumping stations, viz., (i) Ring road, (ii) Pragati Vihar, (iii) Kilokri, (iv) Tughlakabad, (v)
Sarita Vihar, and (vi) Andrews Ganj). These sewage pumping stations pump the waste water to Okhla
WWTP works.

The present capacity of the Okhla WWTP works is 774 MLD and is presently the largest Waste Water
Treatment facility in the state of Delhi. The Okhla WWTP Works has been constructed in multiple
phases. The first phase was constructed in the year 1937 and subsequently five other phases were
added. The capacities and the order in which these WWTP’s were constructed are as given below:

(i) 136 MLD : Phase-I

(ii) 55 MLD : Phase-II
(iii) 205 MLD : Phase-III
(iv) 168 MLD : Phase-IV
(v) 73 MLD : Phase-V
(vi) 136 MLD : Phase-VI

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 198

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.3 Project Objective

National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and
Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India (GoI), the borrower, has received a loan from Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), amounting to JPY 32,571 million towards the cost of
Yamuna Action Plan Project (III) (YAP III) for which loan agreement was signed on 17 th February,

The overall objective of this package is to design and build a new WWTP of total capacity i.e., of 564
MLD (Average flow) in place of WWTPs of Phase-I, Phase II, Phase III & Phase IV. First the units of
Phase I WWTP are to be demolished and the new WWTP is to be constructed on this land. Once the
new WWTP is commissioned and put into service, the old plants of Phase II, III & IV will be
demolished and the site / area will be developed.

Construction of this new WWTP of 564 MLD at Okhla under Yamuna Action Plan Project (III) will
form one such package for a DBO contract. The nomenclature of this package is as below:

Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards of BOD – 10
mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on Design, Build and Operate
(one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis & demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III
and IV WWTPs at Okhla under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.4 Performance Guarantee – a Statutory Requirement

The waste water treatment facilities to be designed for the flow mentioned below:


Average Design Flow 564 124
Peak Design Flow 1128 248

1.4.1 Incoming Wastewater Quality & Design Parameter

For design purposes, the characteristics of raw sewage are to be taken as follows, considering the fact
the DJB is implementing various initiatives to channelize the sewage to the treatment plants and the
design parameters adopted are similar to those at other STP’s in Delhi: –

(i) Average Capacity : 564 MLD

(ii) Peak Hour Peaking Factor : 2
(iii) Min Flow Factor : 0.5
(iv) pH : 7.0-8.0
(v) BOD : 250 mg/L
(vi) COD : 450 mg/L
(vii) TSS : 400 mg/L
(viii) VSS : 240 mg/L
(ix) TKN : 50 mg/L
(x) NH4-N : 43 mg/L
(xi) Total Phosphorus : 6 mg/L
(xii) Alkalinity : 400 mg/L as CaCO3
(xiii) Min. Sewage Temperature (Tmin) : 18 C
(xiv) Max. Sewage Temperature (Tmax) : 27 C

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 199

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The above data is based on wastewater quality analyzed by DJB. However, the contractor may
conduct the sampling and tests of raw sewage by himself to ascertain the raw sewage quality for
treatment process. Contractor can also verify the operating data of existing plants at Okhla. For design
purposes values lower than the basic design shall not be permitted.

1.4.2 Treated Effluent &Sludge Guarantees

The contractor shall design the process in such a way that the treated effluent quality (at plant outlet)
meets the following standards or better :

S No Particulars To be Guaranteed by Bidder

1 pH 6.5-9.0
2 TSS ≤ 10 mg/lt
3 Total Nitrogen ≤ 10 mg/l
4 Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N) ≤ 5 mg/lt
5 BOD5 ≤ 10 mg/lt
6 COD ≤ 50 mg/lt
7 PO4-P (TP) ≤ 2 mg/lt
8 Fecal Coliform <230 MPN/100ml

Sampling, analyzing in laboratory and liquidated damages/Penalty for non-conformance etc. have
been mentioned in Volume 3; Section XII- Service Level Agreements.

1.5 Brief Scope of Work

It will be essentially a Design, Build & Operate (DBO) contract. The brief scope of work comprises of
the following major heads:

1) Construction of 564 MLD WWTP alongwith appropriate sludge treatment and its ultimate reuse.
2) Trial Run of the Plant.
3) Operation and Maintenance of Plant during Defect Liability Period of one year.
4) Operation & Maintenance of the plant for a period of 10 years after DLP.
5) Demolition of structures of existing Phase I, II, III & IV WWTPs.

The duration of period shall be as follows:

Construction period : 36 months

Trial run : 6 months
Commissioning of Plant : After completion of successful trial run and all civil works
including appropriate sludge treatment and reuse system
Defect Liability Period (DLP) : 12 months after successful completion of trial run
O&M period : 120 months
Total contract period : 174 months

1.5.1 Construction of WWTP

The scope of work under this heading broadly comprises but not limited to the following:
1. Clearing of shrubs & debris, cutting and filling to formation level, site grading, as required. If
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 200
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

any tree(s) is required to be cut then permission to do so will be obtained by the contractor from
Forest Department. Only after getting written permission the contractor will proceed with cutting
of trees.
2. Carrying out necessary site surveys and soil investigations for the purpose of design of various
units. The worst case criteria for soil bearing capacity and other design criteria shall be used
from the site surveys and soil investigations.
3. Testing of raw wastewater, analytical wastewater characterization process layout and hydraulic
design calculations and hydraulic flow diagram, architectural drawings, general arrangement
drawings, detailed Engineering, structural design calculations and construction drawings etc.
4. Based on detailed process design, development & preparation of all electrical, mechanical and
instrumentation equipment, including flow meters at various installations, on line monitoring
instruments for monitoring process parameters, complete automation using PLC / SCADA,
piping work, lifting, handling and ventilation equipment, electrical equipment, instrumentation,
control, lighting systems, earthing and lightening protection system, materials, articles, fittings
and accessories, ancillaries, taking 2 power feeders of suitable capacity from Electricity
Authority, electrical switchyard, ancillary works, cabling works of all kind and nature required
for installations of the highest possible operative standards and for compliance with the standards
prescribed in the specification and with the particulars and guarantees entered by the Contractor
in the schedules at the time of bidding.
5. Development and preparation of detailed layout working drawings for process layout plan,
General arrangement drawings, civil and structural drawings, electrical, mechanical,
instrumentation system, automation, diagrams and cable schedules and detailed structural steel
fabrication drawings, preparation of design basis report.
6. Procurement, manufacture, testing of electrical, mechanical and instrumentation equipment at
place of manufacture, supply after painting, including packing, transport, delivery, supply and
proper storage and maintaining equipment in safe custody.
7. Civil works construction, erection, setting to work, commissioning of mechanical, electrical,
instrumentation and automation system, allied works, commissioning of treatment plant
including power generation and all associated works, testing, painting, lining and finishing after
erection of all plant required for the Waste Water Treatment Work, including all the necessary
plants, equipment, piping, piping specials, valves, & penstock gates etc., spares, tools, as
required. All Gates and valves except valves in suction of pumps shall be electrically operated
unless specified otherwise
8. Site development, landscaping, arboriculture and horticulture at the plant site by providing earth
filling, greenery, plantation, rain water harvesting system, etc.
9. Liaison with various authorities including Government organization/ statutory bodies including
Pollution Control Board, Electricity Authority, Fire Fighting Authority, Traffic Police, South
Delhi Municipal Corporation, Forest Department, Labour Department for obtaining various
clearances related to implementation of works including decommissioning, diversion of sewage,
de-sludging, obtaining power supply, statutory inspection and approval of electrical inspector,
etc. shall be in the Contractor’s scope.
10. Construction of 1 MLD polishing plant with tertiary treatment system for producing water to
meet cooling water requirements of the plant. Quality of water shall be suitable for cooling
purposes. Minimum cooling water quality standard is BOD<5 mg/l and SS<5 mg/l or as per
equipment manufacturer’s standard, whichever is more stringent.
11. Implementation of appropriate sludge treatment and reuse system so that no sludge is dumped in
an unsafe manner.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 201

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Other contingent works:

1. Connection arrangements including chambers etc with the existing gravity influent channels
to the inlet chamber of new WWTP through RCC NP4 pipeline/channel.
2. Central cooling system along with cooling towers all associated ducts, grilles, etc. for cooling
of major buildings such as Power Generation Building, Air Blower Building and Sub-Station
3. Treated Effluent Tanker Filling Station.
4. Restoration of damaged road portion for laying of gravity pipeline/channel.
5. Construction of treated effluent pipe/channel up to the existing final treated effluent channel.
6. Temporary site office along with necessary facilities for engineer and other staff.
7. Internal Roads, pathways / walkways, RCC platforms and connecting staircases along with
8. All process units from inlet chamber to the end shall be connected by walkways / pathways /
9. Storm water disposal system for disposal of storm water from the WWTP site to the adjacent
treated effluent channel either by gravity or pumping system as per site requirement.
10. Sewerage and drinking water supply facilities in the buildings, for firefighting services and
water supply network for horticulture.
11. Fencing, Boundary wall, Gates & security room.
12. Equipment for removal and transportation of screening, grit, sludge & solid waste.
13. All inter-connecting plant pipelines, channels and cable trenches.
14. Adequate indoor and plant lighting in all units including street lighting.
15. Safety and Firefighting equipment as per the approved specification of Delhi Fire Services.
16. Display boards near all units and buildings.
17. Model of plant
i. Soft Three Dimensional Model: Contractor shall provide three dimensional graphical
working model of the plant with the help of standard software such as Bentley or any
other suitable model. which will be viewable on the screen of not less than of 80 cm
(32inches). The model shall be rendered to allow outlook of the plant from various view
points to show all structures, interconnecting pipe work and equipment. The contractor
shall also provide an HD LED TV of 40" size of reputed make such as Sony, Samsung
etc. as approved by the Engineer

ii. Hard Table Top Model: Contractor shall also provide three dimensional physical
model of the project of scale such that the size is not less than 1.5m x 2.5m. Model shall
be kept over a table and fitted within a wooden box having glass on its top.

1.5.2 Trial Run of WWTP

The trial run and commissioning period shall be of six months from the date of completion of
construction works during which the contractor shall demonstrate satisfactory performance to the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 202

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The cost towards Contractor’s Engineer and other operating personnel during the period of trial
run, along with cost of tools and spare parts, chemicals and other consumables which are
required for operation and maintenance of the Plant and equipment during the commissioning and
trial run period, shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be included in the tendered price.
In the event that the plant or any of the facilities do not satisfactorily achieve the required
performance standards during this period, the trial run period shall be extended until such time as the
Contractor has satisfactorily rectified any deficiencies as may be necessary to satisfy the
performance requirements. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for such

No payment on account of manpower, consumable & preventive maintenance / replacement are

admissible to the contractor during Trial run & commissioning period of the WWTP.

The cost of electricity / Power supplies shall be paid directly by DJB to electricity Supply Company
as per the provision mentioned in Volume-1.

All commissioning tests shall be carried out in the presence of Employer’s representative and
approval for the same shall be obtained in writing before commissioning and installation. All
instruments and accessories required for testing and commissioning of the equipment specified herein
shall be provided by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Employer.

All type (as applicable), routine tests at manufacturer’s works and acceptance tests shall be conducted,
in the presence of Employer’s representative or any agency (third party) agreed by the employer, on
all the equipment as per latest applicable standards without any extra cost. Typical type test reports for
other equipment shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval by Employer.

1.5.3 Operation and Maintenance of WWTP During Defect Liability Period (DLP) of One Year

The Contractor shall be responsible to operate the Plant and all other allied works under this Contract
for the Twelve (12) Calendar months (one year) following successful completion of the Trial Run and
Commissioning Period.

For this period, the scope of work shall include, but not be limited to the operation of the complete
Plant from the common inlet chamber up to the treated effluent channel, solid handling units & power

The Contractor’s Personnel shall be fully experienced in managing and operating all aspects of the
plant and shall be fully responsible to monitor and ensure the successful performance of the Plant
throughout the DLP.

All the routine operating cost for manpower and consumables (like chemicals, laboratory glassware,
oil/lubricants, fuel etc.), transportation, disposal of treated effluent, reuse of treated sludge, disposal of
screenings, grit and sludge, maintenance of Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / Pipeline / Automation, etc
shall be in the scope of the Contractor. The cost of electricity / Power supplies shall be paid directly
by DJB to electricity Supply Company as per the provision mentioned in Volume-1.

If during the Defect Liability Period any defect is found in the design, Engineering, materials and
workmanship of the Site, Plant, Goods or Materials supplied or of the work executed by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall promptly, in consultation and agreement with the Employer rectify,
repair, replace or otherwise make good such defect as well as any damage to the Plant caused by such
defect at its own cost.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 203

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

If the repair, replacement or making good is of such a character that it may affect the efficiency of the
Plant or any part thereof, the Employer may give to the Contractor a notice requiring that tests of the
defective part of the Plant shall be made by the Contractor immediately upon completion of such
remedial work, whereupon the Contractor shall carry out such tests.

If such part fails the tests, the Contractor shall carry out further repair, replacement or making good,
as the case may be, until that part of the Plant passes such tests. The tests shall be agreed upon by the
Employer. If the New Facility or any part thereof cannot be used by reason of such defect or making
good of such defect, the Defect Liability Period of the New Facility or such part, as the case may be,
shall be extended by a period equal to the period during which the New Facility or such part cannot be
used by the Employer because of any of the aforesaid reasons. Operation & Maintenance of the Plant for a Period of 10 Years.

After satisfactory completion of one year defect liability period and issue of necessary certification
from the engineer, the contractor shall carry out Operation and Maintenance of the plant for 10 years.
All the cost for O&M of the WWTP such as manpower, chemicals, consumables, spares, tools,
transportation, disposal of treated effluent, reuse of sludge, disposal of screenings and grit,
maintenance of Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / Pipeline / Automation equipment, etc. and other
works as described above in different sections is in the scope of the contractor.

The cost of electricity / Power supplies shall be paid directly by DJB to electricity Supply Company
as per the provision mentioned in Volume-1.

Other works included in the scope of O&M are as follows:

a) Maintaining a record of all required process parameters with respect to the plant operation
and the regular preventive and breakdown maintenance of all components, recommended
b) Preparation of operation and maintenance manual for plant and equipment.
c) All civil, electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control equipment

The Contractor’s scope of work includes preventive maintenance, repairs and replacements if
necessary and no extra payment other than whatever has been quoted in the financial bid will be
entertained by the Employer.

Within his quoted cost, the contractor is to ensure that the following guarantees are maintained:

(i) Guarantee for quality of treated effluent

(ii) Guarantee for consumption of chemicals
(iii) Guarantee for consumption of net power after considering total power generation
(iv) Guarantee for automation system
(v) Guarantee for reuse of sludge in environmentally safe manner and non-dumping of sludge

The contractor shall maintain all E&M&I equipment in running condition with regular preventive and
recommended maintenance. Apart from maintenance works mentioned above the contractor shall
carryout painting of buildings and steel works at every 2 years interval, cleaning of storm water drains
every year before rainy season, repair of potholes on roads as and when identified, recarpeting of
roads at every three years, cleaning and disinfections of water storage tanks at every 3 months interval
and other day to day repairs. For all other utilities not specifically mentioned here, a maintenance
schedule shall be drawn as per standard practice and got approved by the Engineer. The approved
maintenance schedule shall be followed during the O & M period.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 204

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

In the concluding year of O&M the Contractor shall prepared a detailed report in respect of all the
E&M&I equipments for the repair required and their likely cost to run the plant for a period of
another 5 years beyond stipulated O&M period.

Payment to O&M will be released only when sludge management system would be operational.

1.5.4 Demolition of existing WWTPs

The scope of work includes demolition and dismantling of existing Okhla Phase-I WWTP [136.4
MLD (30 MGD)] before starting construction of new proposed WWTP of 564 MLD and demolition
and dismantling of Phase-II WWTP [54.6 MLD (12 MGD)], Phase-III WWTP [204.6 MLD (45
MGD)], Phase-IV WWTP [168.2 MLD (37 MGD)] after commissioning of new plant.

All such structures shall be demolished up to the foundation level or minimum 1 meter below the
existing ground level in case the foundation level is more than 1 meter from ground level. The space
/area shall be backfilled with suitable approved material including material generated from demolition
of structure, compacted and leveled properly. However the top layer of minimum 500 mm of the
backfill shall be of good soil so that plantation, green grass and other landscaping works can be
carried out over this reclaimed area.

If the area/space of such existing structure is proposed to be utilized for construction of new structure,
then demolition of the same shall be carried out up to the foundation level. Backfilling, in this case,
shall be carried out with material as recommended in the foundation design of the new structure and
approved by the Engineer.

The excess malba / debris / unserviceable material obtained during demolition shall be removed from
the demolition site to a location as required by the local authority.

The old E&M equipment dismantled and removed from the existing structures of all the plants shall
be stacked properly within the plant boundary at a designated place under proper watch and ward as
directed by the engineer. These old E&M equipment shall be the property of DJB.
The material obtained after demolition of sludge drying beds and other structures shall be stacked at
site in heaps / stacks as directed by engineer. The serviceable material shall be issued to the contractor
at rates as specified below; however, no demolished / dismantled material shall be used in the
permanent works:

i. Bricks 1000 Nos. = Rs. 1900.00

ii. Stone soling per cu.m = Rs. 553.00

iii. Reinforcement bars per kg = Rs. 25.00

Specials measures have to be taken during demolition of digesters where the presences of trapped
hazardous, inflammable or poisonous gases are very high. Such structures are to be vented properly
by purging air or water to displace the trapped gases and absence of gas shall be tested before starting
dismantling activity.

1.6 Submittals during Construction and O&M Period

The submittals include, but not limited to this only, general and specified procedures for transmittal of
submissions; submission review and subsequent actions; schedule of submissions; resubmission;
construction schedule; coordination of drawings; submission of drawings; insert and sleeve location
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 205
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

drawings; reproduction of submitted drawings; sample; and construction photographs. Soft copies of
all the documents, drawings, approved drawings, photographs shall be submitted. The contractor shall
be responsible for the costs for transmission of submittals to the engineer and its representative.

1.6.1 General Obligations

The Contractor shall carry out, and be responsible for, the design of the Works. Design shall be
prepared by qualified designers/professionals and the Contractor shall ensure that the designers shall
be available to attend discussions with the Engineer and consultant appointed by the employer, at all
reasonable times during the Contract Period. Contractor shall be responsible for approval of design,
construction documents and drawings from the engineer.

1.6.2 Design, Drawings, Documents and Data (Construction Documents)

The Construction Documents are certified design, drawings and other documents prepared by the
Contractor and submitted to the Engineer during the course of the Contract for approval and based on
which the construction and erection works shall be carried out. The Engineer will not permit
construction and erection activities to start on any part or section of the works unless Construction
Documents for that part or section have been approved.

The contractor shall prepare construction documents in sufficient detail to satisfy all regulatory
approvals, to provide suppliers and construction personnel sufficient instructions to execute the works
as well as operation of the completed works.

The Engineer may require the Contractor to submit for approval, additional information at the
contractors cost, if they are necessary to enable him to satisfy himself that the items are well designed,
that they comply with the Employer’s Requirements and that they are suitable for their intended
purpose. The construction documents shall form the agreed basis for the execution of the Works. If
changes are made in the approved construction documents then the same shall be rectified / revised
and shall be submitted to Engineer for approval and the earlier copy of the drawings held by the
Employer shall be marked ‘superseded’. The revised copies shall be submitted by the contractor at no
cost to the employer. Only the final approved design and drawings by the Employer shall be used for
the purposes of the Contract. Basic Designs and Drawings for Approval

After signing the contract, within 30 days from the date intimated by the DJB to proceed with the
work, the contractor shall supply to the Engineer the basic designs and drawings having sufficient
detailing so that Employer and its representative can clearly understand the Contractor’s proposal for
proceeding with construction of the WWTP. The basic designs and drawings shall inter alia comprise

1) Description of the treatment process, process design and layout of the plant;

2) Process flow diagram, hydraulic calculations and hydraulic flow diagram;

3) Control philosophy;
4) Chemical / biological process and process mass flow calculations including organic / hydraulic

5) Preliminary Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs); the diagrams shall indicate in
symbolic form the process, plant and systems of measurement, control and automation;

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 206

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6) Layout plan and section drawings showing general arrangement of all the treatment units and
buildings along with levels / contours for civil as well as E & M components; Detailed Engineering Designs and Drawings

After approval of the basic designs and drawings the contractor shall submit detailed engineering
designs and drawings and shall inter alia comprise of:

1. Civil Works

a) Civil general arrangement drawings of all structures;

b) Architecture designs and concepts for treatment units, buildings, landscaping, etc;
c) Plan and elevation of all buildings;
d) Structural design calculations for all structures and buildings;
e) Reinforcement drawings and Bar bending schedule;
f) Transformer fencing;
g) Design of roads;
h) Plant storm water Drainage system;
i) Water supply, Sewerage and Plumbing drawings for buildings;
j) Drawing showing buried pipelines and other utilities along with N&E coordinates and offsets
from permanent structures;
k) Cable trenches;
l) General arrangements and main sections of all plant areas;
m) A description of building services provisions proposed for the Works;

2. Mechanical Works

1) Mechanical general arrangement drawings of all structures;

2) Outline Dimensional and sectional Drawings with MOC for all mechanical equipment and not
limited to the followings :
a) Pipeline sizes and materials;
b) Sluice Valve - Motorised and Manually Operated
c) Non-Return Valve
d) Dismantling joint
e) H.O.T Crane & E.O.T Crane
f) Sluice Gates both Motorized & Manually Operated
g) Mechanical Medium and Fine Screens
h) Pumps (Centrifugal ,Progressive cavity, submersible, etc)
i) Grit Removal equipment
j) Clarifier Mechanism GA drawings
k) Diffusers with piping detail and its anchoring
l) Disinfection system with accessories
m) Process Air Blowers
n) Bio gas Compressors
o) Biogas engine with all accessories
p) Chemical Dosing System
q) Bio-gas Power Generation System
r) Treated Effluent pumping Station
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 207
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

s) Mechanical Sludge Dewatering

t) Treatment system for dewatered sludge for reuse
3) All Rotating equipment with adequate details of their performance
a) Performance Curves : for Pump , Blowers , etc Q vs. H, P, Efficiency and NPSH
b) ISO-Efficiency curves of the pump model proposed
c) Catalogues for all equipment’s
d) Details of modular units

3. Electrical Works
1) Drawings:
a) General Arrangement drawings;
b) Composite Single Line Diagram for electrical system for the WWTP;
c) Schematic drawings1 for each HV / LV switchboard;
d) Internal and external2 general arrangement for each switchboard;
e) Bill of quantities of each switch boards;
f) Transformer schematic and general arrangement drawings;
g) Cable block diagrams;
h) Cable connection diagrams (or schedules);
i) Cable routing/installation drawings;
j) Foundation and fixing details drawings;
k) Transformer enclosure drawings;
l) Earthing system general arrangement drawing.
m) Lighting drawings.
2) Schedules:
a) Cable Schedules;
b) Load and Power consumption schedule;
c) Junction Box schedule;
d) Protection relay setting schedule.

3) Calculations for:
a) Transformer sizing
b) Fault level;
c) Cable sizing ;
d) Coordinated protection study;
e) Earthing calculations;
f) Battery sizing.
g) Lighting calculations.

4. Control and Instrumentation

1) Drawings:
Schematic drawings shall include a comprehensive schedule of the components used in each switchboard,
MCC and control panel including details of the type, manufacturer and rating of each component.
The external arrangement of each switchboard, MCC and control panel shall show the arrangement of all
components including details of panel section, switch and instrument labels.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 208
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Power supply distribution single line and schematics diagrams 3 for each control panel;
Internal and external4 general arrangement for each control panel (dimensional);
Control panel wiring diagram, relay logic diagram along with terminal block details;
System configuration and layout diagram along with bill of material, program listings, block
logic diagram and control logic write up for PLC;
e) UPS and battery sizing calculations;
f) Control and instrumentation loop drawings5;
g) Catalogues for all instruments;
h) Control and Instrumentation system configurations diagrams;
i) Instrument installation detail drawing6;
j) Cable block diagrams;
k) Cable routing/installation drawings;
l) Foundation and fixing details and trenches drawings;
m) Mimic general arrangement (full colour copies shall be provided);
n) Loop Diagrams and Interconnection Diagrams.
2) Schedules:
a) Cable schedule;
b) Cable interconnection schedule;
c) Control and instrumentation load schedule for each control panel;
d) I /O schedule;
e) Junction box schedule;
f) Instrument schedule with tag nos;
g) Instrumentation, process control set point schedule;
h) Instrument data sheets;
3) Documentation:
a) Functional design specification (FDS);
b) Factory acceptance test document (FAT);
c) Site Acceptance Test document (SAT).

The contractor shall also submit for all material / product / equipment / system the manufacturer's data
including samples, catalog, brochures, circular, specifications, equipment operations and maintenance
manuals and other printed information in sufficient detail and scope to verify compliance to the
requirements. These shall include certified curves of equipment responses and performance
characteristics as required. All material / product / equipment / system shall be accompanied by
manufacturer’s certificate of compliance stating that the supplied items conform to the specifications.

Schematic drawings shall include a comprehensive schedule of the components used in each switchboard,
MCC and control panel including details of the type, manufacturer and rating of each component.
The external arrangement of each switchboard, MCC and control panel shall show the arrangement of all
components including details of panel section, switch and instrument labels.
Control and instrumentation loop drawings shall show on a single drawing the complete circuit associated with
an instrument or device including details and location of power supplies, cabling and terminations.
Hook up drawings shall detail how an instrument or device is installed.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 209

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.6.3 Manufacturer’s Data

The contractor shall also submit for all material / product / equipment / system the manufacturer's data
including samples, catalog, brochures, circular, specifications, equipment operations and maintenance
manuals and other printed information insufficient detail and scope to verify compliance to the
requirements. These shall include certified curves of equipment responses and performance
characteristics as required. All material / product / equipment / system shall be accompanied by
manufacturer’s certificate of compliance stating that the supplied items conform to the specifications.

1.6.4 Equipment and Interconnection Diagrams

Equipment room layout drawings shall be based on actual requirements of equipment furnished and
be consolidated for all trades, shall be to scale and shall show all pertinent structural and penetration
features and other items, such as electrical cabinets, which affect available space. All mechanical and
electrical equipment including electrical conduits, accessories, ductwork and piping shall be shown to
scale in plan and also in elevation and / or section and resolve any conflicts or clearance problems.
Physical descriptions of the various mechanical and electrical items shown on these drawings shall be
submitted concurrently.

1.6.5 Number of Copies of Construction Documents to Submitted Basic Designs and Drawings

a) Contractor shall submit one (1) copy to the engineer and simultaneously submit three (3)copies
to the consultant.

b) The Engineer will return one (1) approved copy to the Contractor and retain one (1) for the
Engineer’s use. Detailed Engineering Designs and Construction Drawings

The contractor on approval of basic designs and drawings shall submit copies of detailed engineering
designs and construction drawings for approval as mentioned below:

a) Contractor shall submit one (1) copy to the engineer and simultaneously submit three (3)copies
to the consultant.

b) The Engineer will return one (1) approved copy to the Contractor and retain one (1) for the
Engineer’s use. Submission of Sets of Approved Documents and Drawings

Immediately after approval, the contractor shall submit six sets of all approved documents and
drawings to the engineer in hard and two soft copies (CDs).

1.6.6 As-Built Records

The Contractor shall prepare, and keep up-to-date, a complete set of ‘as-built’ records of the execution
of the Works, showing the exact “as-built" locations, sizes and details of the work as executed, with
cross references to relevant specifications and data sheets. As-built records shall include all such
drawings, schedules, documentation and calculations as necessary for the complete understanding of
the designs, sizing and capacities of the structures and equipment and operation and maintenance.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 210

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The ‘As-Built’ records shall consist of the fully up-dated versions of the approved Construction
Documents incorporating any additional information which will assist the Employer in operating,
maintaining and if necessary modifying or extending the works at a later date. These records should
extend and supplement the information given in the Operating and Maintenance Manuals.

The contractor shall submit three hard copies of the Draft ‘As-Built’ records to the Engineer for
approval 30 days prior to the start of trial run of the plant.

On approval from the Engineer the contractor shall submit six sets in Hard and two sets in Soft (CD’s)
of approved ‘As-built’ records to the engineer out of which one copy shall be kept at site always.

1.6.7 Operation and Maintenance Manual

The Contractor shall compile operation, maintenance and overhauling instructions for the whole of
the Plant in the form of single volume document termed as Operation & Maintenance Manual. It
should serve following main functions:

i. As a text to be used for start-up training and plant start-up for the operators;

ii. To provide technical information about the plant and its equipment and controls, and provide
plant staff with guidance regarding the operation of equipment and systems including startup,
shutdown, and normal / alternative operations; and

iii. To provide assistance to the operating staff in continuing standard operating procedures after

iv. Manual shall also cover plant unit operation philosophy, instrumentation philosophy, operation
control logic, abnormal operation conditions, routine checks and operations, recommended
corrective action during process upset, etc.

It shall be aimed at the plant operators and be written in clear unambiguous text complete with
drawings which must be sufficient for clarification of any issue.

The manual shall include design operating parameters such as unit efficiencies, operating criteria,
suggested design or process control test ranges, etc.

The manual shall include the suggested “maintenance program”. By using this program the operating
staff should be able to schedule, conduct and record all maintenance works as supplied by reputed

The manual shall include safety discussion including hazards of sewers, mechanical and electrical
equipment, explosion, bacterial infections, , oxygen deficiencies, laboratory, etc. Safety relating to
specific areas and equipment in the WWTP facility should be specifically covered and highlighted.

The manual shall be enclosed within A4 (Text) and A3 (Drawings) ring binders having tough grease
resistant covers suitable for use on site and designed to permit the easy removal and insertion of the
contents. The front cover and spine of each volume shall show details of the project, Employer,
Engineer and a volume title. A1 drawings shall generally be folded and enclose in A4 box files.
Where A1 drawings accompany text they shall be folded and enclosed in an A4 plastic wallet, one
wallet per drawing.

The contractor shall submit three hard copies of the O & M manual to the Engineer for approval at
least 60 days before the start of trial run of the plant.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 211
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

On approval from the Engineer and after incorporating the modifications suggested the contractor
shall submit six sets in Hard and two sets in Soft (CD’s) of approved O & M manual to the Engineer
out of which one copy shall be kept at site always.

1.6.8 Amended O & M Manual

The amended manual shall be an updated manual that includes revisions based on experience gained
from actual operation of the plant plus other issues brought up by the equipment manufacturers and
Employer. The amended manual shall be prepared by the cooperative effort between the Employer
and contractors operating staff. The amended material is reviewed by the Chief Operator or Plant
Superintendent and that the signature of his is affixed on the first page of the manual.

If any modifications are made during the defect liability period, the contractor, within 30 days of
completion of defect liability period shall submit three hard copies of amended O & M manual for
approval of the Engineer. On approval from Engineer, the contractor shall submit six sets in Hard and
two sets in soft (CDs) of the amended O & M manual to the Engineer out of which one set shall be
kept at site always for reference of O & M staff and other purposes.

1.6.9 Monthly Progress Report and Construction Photographs

Monthly progress report shall include progress photographs for each work of construction taken from
common viewpoints each month. Photographs shall show general extent of the works by both exterior
and interior views. Each viewpoint will be selected and the number of monthly repetitive photographs
taken from exactly the same viewpoint as decided by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide photographs of such portions of the works, in progress and completed, in
three soft copies (CDs). Each photograph shall display date and time on it. Photographs shall be
properly referenced and captioned to the approval of the Engineer. Some selected photographs shall
be uploaded on Project Monitoring System (PMS) on regular basis.

1.7 Quality Assurance

1.7.1 Policy

The Contractor shall apply the formal requirements of Quality Assurance to the design, supply,
construction, testing and maintenance of the Works. This shall be achieved through the
implementation of a Quality System compliant with the requirements of BS 5750 or an equivalent
International Standard.

Positive commitment to Quality Assurance shall be expressed in a formal policy statement given in
the Contractor's Quality Manual.

The Contractor policy and objective will be to establish Quality systems and provide to the Employer
such evidence as is necessary to demonstrate the effective implementation of a Quality system. To
enforce the Quality system the contractor shall afford reasonable availability of staff and
Construction Risk Workshop shall be arranged before commencement of works. It will be ensured
that the Quality Control system of the complete project is made during design and planning stage.

The Contractor shall institute a Quality Assurance system to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of applicable codes and practices. Compliance with the Quality Assurance system shall
not relieve the Contractor of his duties, obligations or responsibilities. The contractor shall prepare
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 212
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA & QC) plan for the works and submit to Engineer for
approval. The QA & QC plan so approved by the Engineer shall be subject to revision at all times
during the contract period.
Details of all procedures and compliance documents shall be submitted to the Engineer for his
information and approval before each design and execution stage is commenced. When any document
is issued to the Engineer, it shall be accompanied by the signed Quality statements for such document.
The Engineer shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the system and require corrective action to be
taken. The Quality Assurance system and the audit of any aspect of system and necessary corrective
action shall be at contractor’s risk and cost.

1.7.2 Quality Assurance Plan

The implementation of the Quality System shall be through the establishment of a comprehensive
Quality Assurance Plan issued to and approved by the Engineer. The instituted Quality Assurance
system should ensure the quality and quantity continuously through properly designed monitoring
systems / proformas for Test on materials, form work checkup, Bar bending schedule, pour card, post
concreting checkups, daily progress report, labor / manpower deployed, quantity executed on periodic
basis, observations thereof etc.

Quality Assurance plan shall include, but shall not be restricted to as noted herein.

a. Management procedures adopted for placing the Quality Control plan in action during design,
manufacturing, testing, procurement & supply, construction, fabrication, erection, trial run,
O&M, etc.

b. Procedures to control transmission of information across all interfaces both internally (that is,
within the Contractor's Quality System) and externally. Those of the latter shall include all
Statutory Bodies, Authorities and the Engineer.

c. All material, plant and equipment intended to be used in the project and workmanship comply
with specifications.
d. Provide samples of materials to be tested in required quantities at locations where testing is to
be performed.

e. When it is discovered on inspection that work is proceeding with incorrect materials or

methods, ensure the corrections are immediately made and that improperly complete work is
replaced on the Contractor’s cost.

f. The Quality Assurance program, as approved by the engineer, shall provide inspection and
testing of products during fabrication and installation as engineer may deem necessary to
ensure that work is performed in compliance with the Contract.

g. The contractor shall engage, at no extra cost to the employer, third party independent
professionals or firms or testing laboratories for inspection if required as per the applicable
codes or specifications. All such engagements shall require prior approval of the engineer.

h. Provision of inspection and testing instruments and devices and facilities required to ensure
proper performance of Quality Assurance at the job site.

i. Certification by producer / manufacturer that specified products meet requirements of reference

standards as specified in applicable codes / specification.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 213

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

j. Calibrate measuring and testing devices periodically against certified standard equipment.
Calibration shall be verified by inspection firm.

k. Maintain continuity of Quality Assurance surveillance throughout fabrication of products and

execution of work.

l. Submit details of Quality Assurance tests and methods inclusive of the specification.

m. Perform inspection on a continuing basis as each part of the works commences and on a regular
basis to ensure constant compliance with the requirements.

n. Provide samples of materials to be tested in required quantities at locations where testing is


o. Contractor's Quality Assurance representative at the site shall be responsible on receipt of items
at the site for noting damage suffered by them during transit and for directing that they be
rectified or replaced.

p. When it is discovered on inspection that work is proceeding with incorrect materials or

methods, ensure that corrections are immediately made and that improperly complete work is

q. The Contractor shall impose Quality Assurance methods at the location of manufacture,
fabrication and assembly of items to be incorporated in the works to ensure that they conform
to requirements of the Contract Documents. This Quality Assurance shall not apply to
proprietary catalog production products except as may be deemed necessary by the Contractor
or as directed by the engineer.

r. Contractor shall provide notice to the engineer in writing at least 4 weeks in advance of packing
of every batch of product components or assemblies so that the Employer or Employer's
Consultants and their designated representatives may have opportunity at his / their choice of
inspecting any such product components or assemblies prior to transportation at the cost of the
bidder. The Contractor's Quality Assurance representative off-site shall be responsible for the
release of items for transit to the job site.

s. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and maintaining items on the site. No
damage to equipment and other materials shall take place during storage, erection, installation
and maintenance.

t. All the field and site laboratory tests shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications.
Minimum 10% of these field tests shall be got done from approved laboratory and all testing
charges shall be borne by the contractor.

u. Each delivery / lot of cement and steel shall be accompanied by manufacturer / producer test
certificate conforming that the supplied cement and steel conforms to relevant specifications.
These certificates shall be endorsed to the Engineer for his record.

v. From each lot of Cement and steel samples shall be taken for carrying out mandatory test in
accordance with latest CPWD specifications. These tests shall be got done from approved
laboratory and all testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

w. Water used in construction shall be tested in Delhi Jal Board laboratory and cost towards
testing shall be borne by the contractor.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 214
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

x. The Contractor shall furnish manufacturer's test certificates and technical literature for any
admixture proposed for use. If directed, the admixture shall be tested at an approved laboratory.

1.7.3 Schedule of Quality Assurance Operations

The contractor shall provide the engineer with three copies of a schedule of Quality Assurance
operations, both on-site and off-site, outlining the following:

i. Quality Assurance organization.

ii. Qualifications of Quality Assurance personnel.

iii. Authority and responsibilities of each Quality Assurance person.

iv. Schedule of inspections and tests with personnel assigned to each task and duration of each

v. Schedule of required services to be provided by inspection and testing firms.

vi. Testing methods.

vii. Methods of performing and documenting Quality Assurance operations.

1.7.4 Quality Assurance Reports and Feedback

All Quality Control tests and inspections carried during the execution of contract shall be documented
and submitted in the form of report in triplicate to the engineer.

The report shall state the purpose of tests performed, description of methods used, test results and
observations made and personnel involved. Similarly, the inspection report shall certify that which
item are defective, nature of defect and what corrective methods have been adopted.

If inspection and testing is carried out by an approved inspection and testing firm, certified copies of
test reports obtained by the firm shall be annexed with the Quality Assurance report.

The system shall include for the reporting back, recording and incorporation into the system of
deficiencies and remedial measures to correct them noted during the control of the project.

1.8 Health, Safety and Environment Standards

The Contractor shall at all times maintain a safe system of working environment and shall comply
with all enactments, regulations and working rules relating to safety, security, health and welfare of
all persons who may be affected by his work. Delhi Jal Board’s safety code shall be followed by the
contractor for maintaining safety and security at plant site.

Nothing which has been written into or omitted shall be taken to relieve the Contractor from his
obligations under this clause. No clause in this Employer’s Requirements shall prevent the Contractor
from drawing the attention of the Employer’s Representative to any feature of the Works which is not
consistent with normal safety practices nor prevent him from putting forward proposals at any time
which would increase the safety of the installations.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 215

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Not later than four weeks before work commences on the Site, the Contractor shall submit to the
Employer’s Representative his comprehensive proposals relating to the safety, health and welfare of
all personnel on the Site.

The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified representative as Safety Officer who shall be
responsible for the implementation of site safety procedures.

The proposals shall be appropriate for all grades of labour and personnel who will work on or visit the
Site on behalf of the Employer, Employer’s Representative or Contractor.

The Employer’s Representative shall have the power to stop any activity or work in any area where
there is a breach of the published site safety rules due to which health or life is put at risk.

The Contractor shall bring any violation of Site safety rules by others to the attention of the
Employer’s Representative in writing.

The Contractor shall provide at the Site such life-saving apparatus as may be appropriate and an
adequate and easily accessible first aid outfit or such outfits as may be required by any government
ordinances, factories acts, etc, published and subsequently amended from time to time.

The Contractor shall possess the valid electrical contractor’s license of appropriate class from the
concerned statutory bodies governing the area of work place. The Contractor shall fully comply with
the relevant statutory rules and regulations and shall ensure safety of personnel and equipment. A
prior approval from the Employer shall be sought before employing the electrical contractor. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the electrical safety of all Plant supplied and installed. Whilst any
equipment is being installed or tested, the Contractor shall ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to safeguard personnel working on site.

The Contractor shall ensure that the operations entailed in the construction of the Works do not cause
annoyance to others working on the Site or to persons living adjacent to the Site.

During construction of the Works, statutory safety signs shall be adequately provided throughout the
Works, both indoors and outdoors. These safety signs shall cover mandatory, prohibition, warning,
emergency, fire-fighting and general notices. All signs shall be positioned around the Works at highly
visible points with fluorescent colors where necessary. Provision of signs and the positions of signs
shall be subject to the Employer’s Representatives approval. Special attention shall be given to areas
designated hazardous. Warning signs shall be written in English, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi.

The Site working hours are detailed in the Appendix to the Technical Proposal Volume 1. The
Contractor shall not increase the working hours without the prior approval of the Employer’s

1.9 Protection of Existing Installations including Public and Private

1.9.1 Existing Installations

The Contractor shall apply to the Engineer in writing at least 28 days before starting any work that
involves interference with existing structures, equipment, utilities, etc. The Contractor shall not
execute such work until he has received permission to proceed, in writing from the Engineer.

The Contractor shall ensure that no earth, debris or rock is deposited on public or private roads or
rights of way as a result of the Works and all vehicles leaving the Site shall be cleaned accordingly.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 216

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.9.2 Protection of Existing Public and Private Services

The Contractor shall notify all public authorities, utility companies and private owners of proposed
works that will affect them not less than two weeks before commencing the works.

The Contractor shall adequately protect, uphold, maintain and prevent damage to all services and shall
not interfere with their operation without the prior consent of the public authorities, utility companies,
private owners, or the Engineer as appropriate.

If any damage to services results from the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall immediately:

 Notify the Engineer and appropriate public authority, utility company or private owner.

 Make arrangements for its restoration without delay to the satisfaction of the authorities/ utility
company /or private owner as appropriate without any extra cost. In case owing authority
demands the restoration charges it shall be borne by the contractor.
The Engineer may issue instructions or make other such arrangements as he deems necessary, to
repair rapidly any essential services damaged during the execution of the Contract. Such
arrangements shall not affect any liability to pay for making good the damage.

1.9.3 Additional Safety Requirements

As the facility is an existing and operational facility the bidder shall specially take care of the

1. Barricade the operational section of the plant from the constructional section of the plant being

2. Headcount safety procedure shall be adopted for the access to the operational area of the plant.

3. In the operational area of the plant only male labour shall be permitted. No female or children
shall be permitted to enter the operational area.

4. All personnel entering the operational area of the plant shall necessary be equipped with
Personal Protection Equipment for safety purpose like hard top shoes, hard hat, and reflective

5. All personnel in the construction area shall similarly follow personnel protection safety
guidelines followed by DJB in similar construction projects.

1.10 Work Program

Within 15 days of award of work, the contractor shall submit a work program pertaining to civil
construction, procurement, supply, erection, installation, testing and commissioning of all equipment
in the form of BAR and CPM / PERT chart in six (6) hard copies and two (2) soft copies (CDs). The
work program shall be reviewed on quarterly basis by the Engineer. Any slippages, if occurred during
the preceding quarter, shall be covered up by reallocating resources, putting depending activities on
fast track, etc and by applying other project management techniques. The contractor after taking into
account these measures shall submit the revised work program to the Engineer for approval.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 217

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.11 Notice of Operations

The Contractor shall give full and complete written notice of all important operations to the Engineer
sufficiently in advance to enable the Engineer to make such arrangements as the Engineer may
consider necessary for inspection and for any other purpose. The Contractor shall not start any
important operation without the written approval of the Engineer.

1.12 Topographical Survey Data

On award of the works and prior to commencement of any site works, the Contractor shall undertake
a detailed topographical survey of the site and provide detailed digital photographs of the Site. The
Contractor shall arrange all survey and measuring instruments of every kind necessary for his own use
in the execution of the Works. Topographical surveys shall be carried out by using Total station
equipment. Bench marks and reference lines shall be established by the contractor with approval of
the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for checking of all levels and providing copies of
the survey data to the Engineer.

On completion of the topographical survey work, a detailed layout plan showing various treatment
units, L-sections of existing channels and structures and other works will be prepared by the
Contractor complete in all respect. The contractor shall also prepare a separate layout plan including
location of site office, batching plant, go-down, steel yard, store, workshop etc., complete.

Layout of the plant shall be suitably arranged so as to allow space for future expansion, if any, and fits
within the space allotted and compatible with the existing infrastructural facilities, inlet and outlet
pipe work/channels and nearby water bodies. Underground services requiring to be relocated in order
to accommodate the proposed site layout shall be identified by the Contractor to alignments and
marked on the survey layout with coordinates and offset distances from permanent structures.

Engineer will approve the layout plans prior to commencement of construction work and up gradation

1.13 Soil and Geotechnical Data

On finalization of the layout plan, the contractor in coordination with engineer will determine the
locations of buildings / sewage retaining structures and conduct additional soil investigation to find
out actual soil characteristics at the site. At least 3 boreholes, each of 20 m depth to be carried out for
each structure having liquid depth of more than 5 m. The contractor shall perform SPT, Plate Load
Test, monitor ground water levels and other tests as directed by engineer. The contractor shall submit
the report to consultant and engineer for approval. In case there is a discrepancy between the two
reports (preliminary investigations provided by employer and those carried out by contractor) lower of
the values of the safe bearing capacity shall be considered for the design. The Preliminary
Geotechnical Report is placed under volume - 4 of the bid document.

1.14 Access for other Contractors

The Contractor shall allow reasonable access to other Contractors engaged on the site or on areas
adjoining the site to carry out their works.

In the event of disputes over access or priority between Contractors, the Employer’s Representative
shall be informed in writing. The Employer’s Representative shall inform all parties concerned in
writing of his decision.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 218

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Where any part of the plant is associated with or is in physical contact with plant supplied under a
separate contract, the Contractor shall be satisfied that the works carried out by the other Contractors
are consistent with the correct operation of the plant. In the event of the Contractor considering any
work being carried out or any work already completed to be detrimental to the ultimate operation of
the plant, he shall report the matter at once to the Employer’s Representative.

1.15 Interface with other Contracts

The Contractors of various works taking place at the proposed site shall co-ordinate with Employer as
applicable and make all efforts to satisfy the requirements of the necessary interface.

1.16 Material, Construction and Erection of Plant

1.16.1 Material

The Engineer shall have the right at all times to inspect the sources of all materials. Such an
inspection shall be arranged and the Engineer’s approval obtained, prior to starting of construction
and erection of the plant. Materials complying with codes/standards shall generally be used. Other
materials may be used after approval of the Engineer and after establishing their performance
suitability based on previous data, experience or tests.

As soon as practicable after receiving the order to commence the Works, the Contractor shall inform
the Engineer of the names of the suppliers from whom he proposes to obtain any materials but he
shall not place any order without the approval of the Engineer which may be withheld until samples
have been submitted and satisfactorily tested. The Contractor shall thereafter keep the Engineer
informed of orders for and delivery dates of all materials.

All materials cement, aggregate, water, admixtures, structural steel and steel for reinforcement shall
be of best quality and subject to mandatory test. These tests shall be got done from Sri Ram Institute
of Industrial Research or any other laboratory as directed by Engineer. All the testing charges
including sampling, conveyance, packaging etc., shall be borne by the contractor himself.

Each delivery / lot of cement and steel shall be accompanied by manufacturer / producer certificate
conforming that the supplied cement and steel conforms to relevant specifications. These certificates
shall be endorsed to the Engineer for his record. From each lot sample shall also be taken and got
tested. Cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor. In case the test results indicate that the
cement and steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to standards specified, the whole lot
shall be rejected and material removed from the site by the Contractor at his cost within a week’s time
after written orders from the Engineer.

All materials which do not conform to the Employer’s Requirements shall be rejected.

1.16.2 Construction and Erection of Plant

Construction and Erection of Plant shall be phased in such a manner as not to obstruct the work being
done by other contractors.

Plant shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations and at the locations
shown on the approved drawings. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
adhere strictly to the aforesaid drawings.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 219

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall be responsible for setting up and erecting the Plant to the line and level required
and shall ensure that all Plant is securely held and remains in correct alignment before, during and
after grouting-in.

Any damage caused by the Contractor during the course of erection to new or existing plant or
building or any part thereto, the Contractor shall at his own cost, make good, repair or replace the
damage, promptly and effectively to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Employer has hired a Project Management Consultants (PMC) for regular Construction
Supervision of the Works under this Contract. The PMC as directed by the Employer shall be
responsible for regular monitoring and inspection of Contractor’s progress of works and Quality
Control on behalf of the Employer.

1.17 Packing and Protection during Transportation

Materials shall be transported, handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration,
damage or contamination failing which such damaged materials will be rejected and shall not be used
on any part of the Works under this contract.

Before any equipment/ material is dispatched from a manufacturer's factory it shall be adequately
protected and packed to ensure that it is delivered to Site safely and without any damage. The
methods employed for protection and packing must be suitable for withstanding the conditions which
may be experienced during shipment, delivery to the Site and prolonged periods of storage in the
open, whether the items are shipped in packing cases, crates or only partially protected according to
their nature.

Bright parts and bearing surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by applying a rust preventive
lacquer, high melting point grease or similar temporary protection. A sufficient quantity of solvent
shall be supplied with the plant to enable this coating to be removed on the Site. All machined flanges
and other mating surfaces shall be protected by means of wood templates. The bolts for securing these
templates shall not be reused in the final installation.

No one crate or package shall contain items of Plant intended for incorporation in more than one part
of the Works.

All items of Plant shall be clearly marked for identification against the packing list, which shall be
placed in a waterproof envelope inside every packing case or crate.

Every packing case and crate shall be indelibly marked to show its weight, serial number, top and
bottom, shipping marks and handling instructions or sling marks.

Electrical Plant shall be enclosed in sealed airtight packages with dehydrating material, before being
placed in packing cases on shock-absorbent material and secured by means of battens.
Also the NGT guidelines are to be followed strictly.

1.18 Spare Parts

The spares shall comprise an adequate stock of the parts likely to be needed as routine replacements
together with any major items or components which it may be desirable to hold in order to facilitate or
expedite timely repair.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 220

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Spare parts shall be new and shall be packed separately in packages or containers designed to preserve
the spares from the effects of long term storage under the ambient conditions specified. Any items that
cannot be packed in this way must be protected from corrosion by applying temporary protective
coatings and shielded from mechanical damage. All spares shall be clearly labeled with brief
descriptions and part numbers.

The Contractor may use spare parts maintained in the stock to replace failed parts during the entire
contract period. However, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing those parts used with
identical parts at no cost to the Employer. Spare parts to be supplied under this contract shall be
interchangeable where possible within the treatment plants under this contract.

1.19 Special Tools and Appliances

The Contractor shall supply two complete sets of the special tools, lifting tackle, access equipment
(ladders, scaffolding etc.) and greasing equipment necessary for the maintenance, repair, testing and
overhaul of the Plant.

The tools and tackle shall not be used for the erection of the Plant except when the Engineer may call
upon the Contractor to demonstrate their use.

The Contractor will be permitted to utilize the overhead gantry cranes supplied under this Contract for
the purposes of installing the equipment in his supply. On completion of the installation the contractor
shall make good of any damage or worn out components, if any, caused to the crane during its use.

All special tools and test equipment necessary for overhauling the Plant and testing its performance
shall be included and mounted in suitably designed cabinets with lockable doors. Racks and clips
shall be provided for individual items with outline markings and labels to show where any equipment
is missing.

1.20 Equipment for Removal of Screening, Grit, Sludge & Solid Waste
The following equipment shall be supplied by contractor for removal and transportation of screening,
girt, sludge and solid waste to collection point.

 8 Nos. Double wheel HDPE Light hand cart with puncture less tyres of 7.5 cu-ft normal capacity
(maximum capacity of 8.75 cu-ft)
 6 Nos. Tractor Trolley
 1 No. Tractor
 2 Nos. 20 ft. height aluminum extension ladder of 225-lb. capacity.

1.21 Preliminary Site Works

1.21.1 Site Clearance

The Contractor shall clear the Site to the extent required by the Employer’s Representative for
checking the setting-out. Clearance of the Site shall also include clearing of plants, bushes, rubbish,
slush, necessaries demolition and removal of all articles, objects and obstructions which are expressly
required to be cleared. The Contractor shall not clear the Site of any existing structure without the
prior written instruction of the Employer’s Representative.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 221

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall ensure that the parts of the Site to be occupied by the proposed Permanent Works
are clear, and shall maintain the remainder of the Site as may be required for access and temporary
works areas required for the project.

The Contractor shall remove the material arising from such clearance and dispose of it in a manner
and at a location, to the approval of the Employer’s Representative.

1.21.2 Temporary Works

Temporary works include site office, labor hutments and sanitary facilities, Go-down for storage of
construction materials, field laboratory for carrying out material and other Quality Control tests,
approach roads and diversions, etc.

Not less than 30 days before commencing any portion of the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for his approval, comprehensive drawings and calculations for all Temporary Works which
the Contractor proposes for the construction of that part of the Works. Notwithstanding the approval
by the Engineer of any design for the Temporary Works, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible
for their safety, efficiency, security and maintenance and for all obligations and risks in regard to such
Temporary Works specified or implied in the Contract. Labor Hutment and Camp

The Contractor shall construct and maintain to the Employer’s Representative’s satisfaction a camp to
provide living accommodation for all his staff and operatives who have no other local
accommodation. The Contractor's camp shall be located within the proposed plant site premises at a
location approved by the Engineer.

Responsibility for providing all services to the living quarters and compliance with all sanitary laws
and other laws and regulations shall be borne by the Contractor. Security and the fencing of these
areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Water Supply during Construction

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for water supply for construction as well as for
drinking purposes during the entire construction period and shall ensure that the quality of water
remains suitable for the purpose for which it is intended. Water shall be tested in the Delhi Jal Board’s
Laboratory. The frequency shall be once every three months. Toilet, Latrines, Washing Facilities and Wastewater Disposal

Throughout the period of construction of the Works the Contractor shall provide, maintain and
cleanse suitable and sufficient latrines and washing facilities for use by his employees. He shall
ensure that his employees do not foul the Site and use the latrines. Where practicable, the latrines shall
be connected to the nearest sewer, or if this is not practicable the Contractor shall provide an
adequately sized septic tank.

After completion of works, the latrines and washing facilities shall be removed and the surface
reinstated to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.

The provision for disposal of waste from the SCADA cum Laboratory Building, Control Building, etc
shall be made by the Contractor. Sewage generated from all buildings shall be collected at common
location and shall be pumped to the inlet chamber of WWTP.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 222

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Electricity for Contractor's Use on Site

The Contractor shall arrange and provide at his own cost electric connection of suitable load from
Electricity Supply Agency. All electricity charges during construction period shall be borne by the
Contractor. The Contractor will also keep ready Generators of adequate capacity as standby
arrangement in case of electric failure during construction for running of pump sets, vibrators, mixer,
needle sets and electric set and other electrically operated construction equipment etc. at his own cost.
However, the Engineer will issue essentially certificate in favor of the Contractor for obtaining a
temporary electric connection from Electricity Supply Agency. The cabling for electric connection
shall be arranged by the Contractor himself at his own cost. The non-availability /sanction of electric
connection shall be no excuse for delay in completion of work.

The installation shall comply with all the relevant regulations, Indian Standards and Codes of
Practice, and Health and Safety requirements, etc. The Contractor must take all precautions to ensure
that his installation is safe and injury to personnel or damage to plant and buildings is avoided. The
Contractor shall be fully responsible for all safety aspects.

The Contractor shall test the temporary site distribution system every 3 months for compliance with
the relevant standards. Site Laboratory

The contractor shall establish and equip the field laboratory with performing the following tests and
any other tests as required to be carried out at site during execution of works:

i. Tests on aggregates - Grain size distribution / Sieve analysis, Silt content, specific gravity,
bulk density, crushing strength and impact value;

ii. Tests on concrete – Slump, consistency and cube strength;

iii. Test on bricks – Dimensions, compressive strength, water absorption and efflorescence. Approach Roads

The contractor shall make temporary approach roads for accessing the different areas of sites for staff
and vehicles. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining temporary road. Godown / Shed for Storing Construction Material and Equipment

An area and/or building on the Site for use by the Contractor for safe and proper storage of equipment
and materials prior to erection and construction will be subject to the approval of the Employer’s
Representative. Preparation of Go-down, stacking and storage of materials shall also comply with
CPWD specifications.

The Go-down shall be of such capacity so that stock of 5000 bags could be maintained at all times.
For extra safety during the monsoon, the stack shall be completely enclosed by water proofing
membrane such as polyethylene which shall close on the top of the stack.

The Contractor shall provide all facilities for the safe and proper storage of Plant, as recommended by
the manufacturers, with particular consideration being given to temperature, rain/floods, and Sunlight,
wind and ground conditions. The Contractor shall remain responsible to the Employer for the care and
insurance of the Plant and the provisions of this Clause shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his
liabilities under the Contract.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 223
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Stored Plant items shall be laid out by the Contractor to facilitate their retrieval for use in the
programmed order. Stacked Plant items shall be protected from damage by spacers on load
distributing supports and shall be safely arranged. No metalwork shall be stored directly on the
ground. Steel reinforcement and structural steel shall be stacked and stored so as to prevent
deterioration and corrosion. Bars of different classification, sizes and lengths shall be stored
separately to facilitate issues in such sizes and lengths.

Small Plant items shall be held in suitable bins, boxes or racks and be clearly labeled.
Items of Plant shall be handled and stored so that they are not subjected to excessive stresses so that
protective coatings are not damaged.

The Contractor shall comply with the manufacturer's package and plant markings concerning the use
and location of lifting slings, chains and hooks.

1.21.3 Temporary Site Office

Within 60 days of start of work the Contractor shall make the site office of minimum 80 sqm area for
the use of Employer. The site office shall have following features:

i. Two rooms, for Engineer, and representatives, one for consultants, one computer room, one
meeting room, one pantry room.

ii. Air conditioners of required capacities for each room;

iii. One attached toilet with each room and Two common toilets ;

iv. The site office shall be equipped with necessary furniture as directed by Engineer;

v. One no. multipurpose printer (Copy, Fax, Laser Printer, Scanner).

vi. Two no. “All in one Desktop Computer” installed with latest configuration and software’s or
as desired by engineer in charge (including UPS and Wi-Fi internet connection minimum 4
Mbps with unlimited data plan).

vii. All required internal water supply, sanitary, electricity fittings, etc;

viii. Drinking water arrangement;

ix. Daily upkeep of the office;

x. One orderly staff;

The location and layout of the site office shall be approved by the Engineer before providing the

1.22 Maintenance of Existing Facilities

1.22.1 Construction Site

The Contractor shall maintain the site, equipment and provide related services until expiry of the
Contract period or until such time as the aforementioned facilities are removed, with the permission of
the Employer’s Representative.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 224

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

During the construction period the contractor shall barricade the construction site and display
necessary warning signs for the movement of vehicles and safety of the operators, labor and staff
deployed at the proposed site.

1.22.2 Areas outside the Site

In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary way leave or accommodation
acquired by him or any tip for the disposal of surplus materials, or any borrow pit or quarry, he shall
obtain the written consent of the owner, occupier or authority having charge of the land in which such
way leave, accommodation or tip is situated and shall make a record agreed by the owner, occupier or
authority as aforesaid of the condition of the surface of that land before entering thereon.

In such case the land in which such way leave or accommodation is situated shall be deemed to be
part of the Site. On completion of the works at site, the Contractor shall reinstate the area to its
original condition to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.

For the purposes of this Clause, `accommodation' shall be deemed to include housing, offices,
workshops, warehouses, Godown and storage areas.

1.22.3 Existing Access Roads

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of the existing site access roads. This
responsibility shall continue until the end of trial run & commissioning Period. Such maintenance
work shall include general upkeep and any necessary repairs to the damaged road surfaces, pavement,
drainage, associated slopes, etc to a standard at least equal to their original condition. While carrying
out such maintenance work, the Contractor shall make arrangements to maintain through passage for
the Employer's and his staff's vehicles and also those of other contractors over these access roads,
which may comprise temporary diversions all to the approval and satisfaction of the Employer’s
Representative. The Contractor shall not run tracked or un-sprung vehicles on surfaced roads without
the written approval of the Employer’s Representative who may require that planking or some other
protective material be used to protect the road surface.

1.22.4 Refuse Disposal

Refuse and rubbish of every kind shall be removed from the Site and disposed off by the Contractor at
his own expense, frequently and regularly so as to keep the Site in an approved wholesome, hygienic
and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.

1.23 Assistance to the Engineer and his Representative

The Engineer shall have the right at all times to inspect all operations including the sources of
materials, procurement, layout and storage of materials, the concrete batching and mixing equipment
and the Quality Control system.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to the Employer’s Representative and his staff in
carrying out their duties of checking, inspecting, measuring the Works and shall also provide
standards, manuals and applicable IS codes. The Contractor shall provide chainmen, staff men, office
attendants and laborers as may be needed from time to time by the Employer’s Representative.

The Contractor shall provide for the Employer’s Representative and his staff, consultants and their
staff and visitors such protective clothing, safety helmets, gas masks and rubber boots of suitable
sizes, hand lamps and the like as may be reasonably required by them.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 225
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall permit the Employer and the Employer’s Representative and any person
authorized by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative including workmen of the Employer,
other contractors or utility undertakings access for the purposes of the Contract to all areas of the Site
and to any additional accommodation or temporary way leave for the duration of the Contract period.

1.24 Extra Items of Work

This being a DBO contract, extra items is not envisaged, however, if due to any reason the Employer
decides to get executed any item not covered in the scope of work, the contractor shall execute the
same after getting approval of the Engineer. For such item(s) of work the contractor shall be paid on
the basis of DSR-2016 rates (without any plus or minus). In case the rates of such items of work are
not available in DSR-2016, the payment shall be made as per the prevailing market rate + 15% (no
further escalation shall be payable on the market rate based item).

1.25 Inspection of Equipment

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements/facilities for inspection of materials/ equipment
at manufacturer’s place within India or outside the country.

For inspections within India, travelling charges, boarding & lodging charges etc. of DJB staff/PMC
shall be borne by DJB.

In case of inspections outside India, contractor shall make arrangement for inspection of equipment by
an independent reputed third party duly approved by DJB and payment to the third party shall be
borne by the contractor and nothing shall be paid by DJB on this account.

The Contractor shall keep a provision in the programme for 4 weeks’ notice for inspection in India
and 12 weeks’ notice for testing/inspection overseas.

During the O&M Period, DJB will examine, inspect, measure and test the quality, and check the
progress of Operation and Maintenance works.

Contractor shall plan the inspection & dispatch of equipment to site whenever civil work is
substantially completed. No equipment shall be dispatched to site without the written permission of
engineering in-charge and unless civil work of respective unit is 70% completed so as to minimize the
idle storage of such equipment at site.

1.26 Statutory Approval

All the statutory approval, permission from forest dept. or any other agency for tree cutting etc., is to
be obtained by the contractor. Contractor will pursue various agencies for this purpose. Delhi Jal
Board will assist them by issuing necessary letters certifying the requirements. No extra claim will be
entertained by DJB on this account.

The Contractor shall also obtain all statutory approvals for /and on behalf of DJB under the following:

i.) Factory Act

ii.) Electricity Act

iii.) Environment Act

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 226
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iv.) Municipal Act

v.) Explosives Act

vi.) Consent to establish and consent to operate from DPCC

vii.) Any other act as may be applicable to wastewater treatment facilities during construction
and operation.

Note: Apart from all the above statutory approvals, required periodical renewals, if any, along
with deposit of fees during the O & M period of 10 years shall also be the responsibility
of the Contractor.

1.27 Temporary Store for Dismantled Materials

The contractor shall construct the temporary water proof shade for dismantled material/equipment and
shall be responsible for the safety, security, watch and ward up to DLP.

Dismantling and removal of all electrical and mechanical equipment for Phase-I presently installed in
various units, transporting and stacking these properly shall be done by the contractor. A list of all the
dismantled electrical and mechanical equipment/material shall be jointly prepared by the contractor &
the engineer-in-charge and such equipment/material shall be stacked and stored safely by the
contractor in a temporary store/shed. The safety and security of such dismantled equipment/material
shall remain the responsibility of the contractor till such equipment/material is auctioned / issued to
some other site of DJB by the department or the same is handed over to the department (DJB) at the
time expiry of the DLP, whichever is earlier.

1.28 Certification on Completion

On completion of the Works, the Contractor shall clear any temporary works areas and temporary
access roads and reinstate the areas to their original condition and to the satisfaction of the
Employer’s Representative.

After completion of installation work, the Contractor shall arrange for inspection and obtain approval
from the concerned statutory bodies. Any fees that are to be paid to such statutory bodies for testing,
inspection or calibration shall be paid by the Contractor. Any modification / revision in the equipment
/ installation of equipment as required by the statutory bodies shall be carried out by the Contractor.

All such costs / fees for revisions / modifications shall be deemed to be included in the prices of
supply, installation, testing and commissioning of equipment as quoted by the Contractor.

Any changes from the approved drawings to suit site conditions, suggested by Employer, shall be
incorporated in the final drawings by the Contractor. All test reports shall be properly maintained by
the Contractor duly approved by the statutory bodies and shall be handed over to the Employer after
completion of the job.

Employer’s (Delhi Jal Board’s)Safety Code

1. Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely be done
from the ground, or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done
safely from ladders. When a ladder is used an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 227
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well suitable footholds and hand-hold
shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than ¼
to 1 (¼ horizontal and 1 vertical.).

2. Scaffolding of staging more than 3.6 m (12 ft.) above the ground or floor, swung or
suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have a guard rail
properly attached or bolted, braced and otherwise secured at least 90 cm. (3 ft.) high above
the floor, or platform of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of
the outside and ends there of with only such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of
materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from
the building or structure.

3. Working platforms, gangways and stairways should be so constructed that they should not sag
unduly or unequally, and if the height of the platform or the gangway or the stairway is more
than 3.6 m (12 ft.) above ground level or floor level, they should be closely boarded; should
have adequate width and should be suitably fastened as described in (2) above.

4. Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided

with suitable means to prevent the fall of person or materials by providing suitable
Fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be 90 cm. (3 ft.).

5. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places.
Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9 m. (30 ft.) in
length while the width between side rails in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 29 cm. (1
11/2”) for ladder up to and including 3 m. (10 ft.) in length. For longer ladders this width
should be increased at least 1/4” for each additional 30 cm. (1 foot) of length. Uniform step
spacing of not more than 30 cm shall be kept. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent
danger from electrical equipment. No materials on any of the sites or work shall be so stacked
or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The contractor shall
provide all necessary fencing and lights to protect the public from accident and shall be bound
to bear the expenses of defense of every suit, action or other proceedings at law that may be
brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to
pay any damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to
any such person or which may, with the consent of the contractor, be paid to compensate any
claim by any such person.

6. Excavation and Trenching - All trenches 1.2 m. (4 ft.) or more in depth, shall at all times be
supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 m. (100 ft.) in length or fraction thereof Ladder
shall extend from bottom of the trench to at least 90 cm. (3 ft.) above the surface of the
ground. The sides of the trenches which are 1.5 m. (5 ft.) or more in depth shall be stepped
back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of
sides collapsing. The excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5 m. (5 ft) of the edges
of the trench or half of the depth of the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from
top to bottom. Under no circumstances undermining or undercutting shall be done.

7. Demolition - Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of the

i) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably

ii) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger ore cable or
apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 228
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iii) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk of fire
or explosion or flooding. No floor, roof or other part of the building shall be so
overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe.

8. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer should be
kept available for the use of the person employed on the site and maintained in a condition
suitable for immediate use, and the contractor should take adequate steps to ensure proper use
of equipment by those concerned: - The following safety equipment shall invariably be

i) Workers employed on mixing asphalt materials, cement and lime mortars shall be
provided with protective footwear and protective goggles.

ii) Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any material
which is injurious to the eyes shall be provided with protective goggles.

iii) Those engaged in welding works shall be-provided with welder’s protective eye Shields.

iv) Stone breaker shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and
seated at sufficiently safe intervals.

v) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in active use, the
contractors shall ensure that the manhole covers are opened and ventilated at least for an
hour before the workers are allowed to get into the manholes, and the manholes so
opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or
boards to prevent accident to the public, in addition, the contractor shall ensure that the
following safety measure are adhered to:

a) Entry for workers into the line shall not be allowed except under supervision of the
JE or any other higher officer.

b) At least 5 to 6 manholes upstream and downstream should be kept open for at least 2
to 3 hours before any man is allowed to enter into the manhole for working inside.

c) Before entry presence of Toxic gases should be tested by inserting wet lead acetate
paper which changes colour in the presence of such gases and gives indication of
their presence.
d) Presence of Oxygen should be verified by lowering a detector lamp into the
manhole. In case, no Oxygen is found inside the sewer line, workers should be sent
only with Oxygen kit.

e) Safety belt with rope should be provided to the workers. While working inside the
manholes such rope should be handled by two men standing outside to enable him to
be pulled out during emergency.

f) The area should be barricaded or cordoned off by suitable means to avoid mishaps
of any kind. Proper warning signs should be displayed for the safety of the public
whenever cleaning works are undertaken during night or day.

g) No smoking or open flames shall be allowed near the blocked manhole being

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 229

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

h) The malba obtained on account of cleaning of blocked manholes and sewer lines
should be immediately removed to avoid accidents on account of slippery nature of
the malba.

i) Workers should not be allowed to work inside the manhole continuously. He should
be given rest intermittently. The Engineer-in-Charge may decide the time up to
which a worker may be allowed to work continuously inside the manhole.

j) Gas masks with Oxygen Cylinder should be kept at site for use in emergency.

k) Air-blowers should be used for flow of fresh air through the manholes. Whenever
called for portable air blowers are recommended for ventilating the manholes. The
Motors for these shall be vapour proof and of totally enclosed type. Non sparking
gas engines also could be used but they should be placed at least 2 meters away
from the opening and on the leeward side protected from wind so that they will not
be a source of friction on any inflammable gas that might be present.

l) The workers engaged for cleaning the manholes/sewers should be properly trained
before allowing working in the manhole.

m) The workers shall be provided with Gumboots or non sparking shoes bump helmets
and gloves non sparking tools safety lights and gas masks and portable air blowers
(when necessary). They must be supplied with barrier cream for anointing the limbs
before working inside the sewer lines.

n) Workmen descending a manhole shall try each ladder stop or rung careful before
putting his full weight on it to guard against insecure fastening due to corrosion of
the rung fixed to manhole well.

o) If a man has received a physical injury, he should be brought out of the sewer
immediately and adequate medical aid should be provided to him.

p) The extents to which these precautions are to be taken depend on individual

situation but the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the steps to be taken
in this regard in an individual case will be final.

vi) The Contractor shall not employ men and women below the age of 18 years on the
work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Wherever men above the
age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following precaution should
be taken:-

a) No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of
paste or readymade paint.

b) Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint is
applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint is dry rubbed and

c) Overalls shall be supplied by the contractors to the workmen and adequate

facilities shall be provided to enable the working painters to wash during and on
the cessation of work.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 230

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

9. Contractor shall not employ women and men below the age of 18 on the work of painting
with product containing lead in any form. Wherever men above the age of 18 are employed
on the work of lead painting, the following: principles must be observed for such use:

i) White lead, sulphate of lead or product containing these pigment, shall not be used in
painting operation except in the form of pastes or paint ready for use.

ii) Measures shall be taken, wherever required in order to prevent danger arising from
the application of paint in the form of spray.

iii) Measures shall be taken, wherever practicable, to prevent danger arising out of from
dust caused by dry rubbing down and scraping.

iv) Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash during and
on cessation of work.

v) Overall shall be worn by working painters during the whole of working period.

vi) Suitable arrangement shall be made to prevent clothing put off during working hours
being spoiled by painting materials.

vii) Cases of lead poisoning and suspected lead poisoning shall be notified and shall be
subsequently verified by medical man appointed by competent authority of DJB.

viii) DJB may require, when necessary medical examination of workers.

ix) Instructions with regard to special hygienic precautions to be taken in the painting.

10. When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary
equipment should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt
rescue of any person In danger and adequate provision, should be made for prompt first aid
treatment of all injuries likely to be obtained during the course of the work.

11. Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall
conform to the following standards or conditions:

i. These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound materials and adequate strength
and free from patent defects and shall be kept repaired and in good working order.

ii. Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be of
durable quality and adequate strength, and free from patent detects.

iii. Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no
person under the age of 21 years should be in charge of any hoisting machine including
any scaffolding winch or give signals to operator.

iv. In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle swivel and
pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension the safe working load shall be
ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all pears referred to above
shall be plainly marked with the safe working load. In case of a hoisting machine having
a variable safe working load each safe working load and the condition under which It Is
applicable shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to
above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 231
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

purpose of testing.

v. In case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified by the
Electrical Engineer-in-charge. As regards contractors machines the contractors shall
notify the safe working load of the machine to the Engineer-in-charge whenever he
brings any machinery to site of work and get it verified by the Electrical Engineer

12. Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting
appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting appliances should be
provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental descent of the
load. Adequate precautions should be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part of a
suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on electrical
installations, which are already energized, Insulating mats, wearing apparel, such as. Gloves,
sleeves and boots as may be necessary should be provided. The worker should not wear any
rings, watches and carry keys or other materials, which are good conductors of electricity.
All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed
while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near places of work.

13. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on
a notice board at a prominent place at work spot. The person responsible for compliance of
the safety code shall be named therein by the contractor.

14. To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions the
arrangements made by the contractor shall be open to inspection by the Labour Officer or
Engineer-in-Charge of the department or their representatives.

15. Notwithstanding the above Clauses from (1) to (15) there is nothing in these to exempt the
contractor from the operations of any other Act or Rule in force In the Republic of India.

1.29 Additional Safety Guidelines as per the Employer (DJB)

Following guideline /instructions should be adhered to in true spirit:-

1. The door may be fixed at the entry of the stair case and the open portion of the stair case of
sump well should be protected by grill up to the height of 7 feet and compartments of the sump
well should be covered with jallis/grating or should be barricaded property. Sewage pumping
station should be secured by providing and fixing barbed wire fencing over the boundary wall.

2. An inspection register should be placed at the sewage pump house in which all the inspecting
officers may record their observations. No unauthorized entry should be allowed.
3. Caution board showing the restricted entry area and name of components and moving
mechanical part should be displayed.

4. The entry to all DJB infrastructures should be restricted to the person /persons authorized by
DJB or having I.D cards issued by the chief security officer.

5. Just after entering the premises do’s and don’ts should be displayed at prominent places in all
four languages.

6. Even authorized visitors should be provided proper uniform /visitor badges helmet and

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 232

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

relevant safety gear and given instruction before showing such infrastructure.

No person below 18 years age should be allowed on the premises where chances of mission of toxic
gases are extensive.

1.30 Additional Safety Guidelines, issued by Employer

In continuation to the instructional order issued from time to time, a comprehensive instructional
order on the subject is hereby circulated with respect to strict implementation of PEMS Act and their
Rehabilitation Rule, 2013.

1. The rule 3 to 8 of the PEMS Act and their Rehabilitation Rule, 2013 should be
strictly followed and the same are reproduced below:-

Rule 3. (1) No person shall be allow to clean sewer manually, with the protective gear and safety
devices under these rules except :-

(a) For the removal of the concrete of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) or
damaged manhole door where mechanical equipments cannot be put into

(b) For inter- linking the newly laid sewer main with the existing sewer main, in
case of sewer of size of more than 300 mm diameter.

(c) For removal of submersible pump sets fixed at the bottom of the suction

(d) For the reconstruction of the manhole or rectification of the sewer main.

(e) Any circumstance, when it is absolutely necessary to have manual sewage

cleaning, after the CEO of the local authority has permitted to do so after
recording in writing the specific valid reasons for allowing such cleaning.

(2) For the purposes of clauses (c) and (d) of sub- rule (1), before allowing entry of a
person in the sewer, sewage shall be totally emptied.

Rule 4. Any person engaged to clean a sewer or a septic tank shall be provided by his
employer, protective gear and safety devices including, but not limited, to the
following :-

(i) Air compressor for blower

(ii) Air line breathing apparatus
(iii) Air line respirator with manually operated air blower
(iv) Air purifier gas mask/ chin cortege
(v) Artificial respiration / Reticulate
(vi) Barrier caution tape
(vii) Barrier cram
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 233
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(viii) Barrier cone

(ix) Blower
(x) Breath mask
(xi) Breathing Apparatus
(xii) Caution board
(xiii) Chlorine mask
(xiv) Emergency medical oxygen resuscitator Kit
(xv) First Aid Box
(xvi) Face Mask
(xvii) Gas Monitor (4 gases)
(xviii) Guide Pipe Set
(xix) Fully body Suit
(xx) Fishing wader suit attached with boosts
(xxi) Hand gloves
(xxii) Head Lamp
(xxiii) Helmet
(xxiv) Helmet demolishing
(xxv) Lead acetate paper
(xxvi) Life guard pad
(xxvii) Modula Airlines Supply Trolley System
(xxviii) Normal face mask
(xxix) Nylon rope ladder 5 metres
(xxx) Nylon safety belt
(xxxi) Pocket book
(xxxii) Port oxy
(xxxiii) Raincoat
(xxxiv) Reflecting Jacket
(xxxv) Safety Belt
(xxxvi) Safety body clothing
(xxxvii) Safety body harness
(xxxviii) Safety goggles
(xxxix) Safety Gumboots
(xl) Safety helmet
(xli) Safety showers
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 234
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(xlii) Safety torch

(xliii) Safety Tripod Set
(xliv) Search light

Rule 5. The local authority shall ensure that the following cleaning devices are used by
persons engaged in cleaning sewer or septic tank including but not limited to the

(i) Sewer Line Cleaning Bucketing Machine

(ii) Jetting Machine
(iii) Suction Machine (Gulley Emptier)
(iv) Combined Machine (Jetting cum Suction)
(v) Manual Hand Operated Grab Bucket
(vi) Hydraulic Operated Trolley Mounted Grab Bucket
(vii) Truck Mounted Mounted Grab Bucket
(viii) Truck Mounted Motor and Winch Operated Grab Bucket Machine
(ix) Fixed Structure Mounted Motor and Winch Operated Grab Bucket Machine
(x) Rickshaw Mounted Winch and Motor Operated De-silting Machine for
wet well
(xi) Rickshaw Mounted Winch and Auxiliary Engine Operated De- silting
Machine for Manhole
(xii) Escort Hydra Crane Mounted Hydraulic Winch Operated Grab Bucket De-
silting Machine
(xiii) Manual rods, shovels, spades, drainage cleaning machines and steel scrapers
with handles
(xiv) Hoses and washing instruments.

Rule 6 (1) All protective gear and safety devices under these rules shall be checked every six
months and necessary repair or replacements shall be made by the employer who
engages a person for cleaning a sewer or a septic tank.

(2) Comfortable bodysuits shall be made available to the worker who has to enter
sewers or septic tanks for their cleaning. The employer shall provide full body
suits to workers entering manholes of depth less than five feet.

(3) The employer shall also ensure the following safety precautions before a
person is engaged in the cleaning of a sewer or a septic tank namely:-

(a) There shall be a minimum of three employees present all the time,
one of whom shall be a supervisor.
(b) The atmosphere within the confined space shall be tested for oxygen
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 235
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

deficiency and toxic and combustible gases including but not limited
to poisonous gases like Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon Monoxide,
Methane, and gasoline vapors, through detection tests including the
following :-

(i) Lowering a detector lamp into the manhole,

(ii) Inserting wet lead acetate paper which changes colour in the
presence of hazardous gases.
(iii) Detection of gases through gas detector masks.

(c) Before starting the cleaning under sub- rule (1) the supervisor referred
to in clause (a) of sub- rule (3) has inspected and determined if the
sewer serves any industries nearby to anticipate any hazardous
atmosphere that may be encountered.
(d) The condition of metal - rung ladders and the side walls of the
manhole shall be checked to see if there is any danger of collapse.
(e) Traffic and pedestrian barricades are provided all the times.
(f) A flag man should be stationed at least 50 feet ahead of a site and
should be visible to incoming traffic for at least 500 feet.
(g) Regular medical checkup of sewage workers which shall include the
examination of respiratory organs, skin injuries and other
occupational diseases and injuries for their treatment to ensure that
sewage workers afflicted with such diseases or injuries do not enter
sewers for cleaning.
(h) Regular vaccination against respiratory and skin diseases and other
occupational diseases to which these workers are prone due to
exposure to harmful substances and gases in sewers.
(i) All employees who are present on- site during cleaning work are
given training and adequately familiarized with the knowledge to
operate all equipments involved in cleaning work, to avoid injuries or
diseases associated with such work and to take necessary steps in case
of emergency arising at the place of work and the training shall be
conducted every two year and the employees shall be familiarized
with any changes in method and technique with respect to the above.
(j) The supervisor possesses and keeps handy the names, addresses and
telephone numbers of the nearest hospitals or clinics.
(k) Cleaning of sewer or a septic tank shall be done :-
i. Only in day light; and
ii. For duration not exceeding 90 minutes, at a stretch. There shall
be a mandatory interval of 30 minutes between two stretches.
(l) Identify and close off or reroute any lines that might carry harmful
substances to, or through, the work area.
(m) Ensure that written operating and rescue procedures are displayed at
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 236
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the entry site.

(n) If the entry is made through a top opening, use a housing devices with
a harness that suspends a person in an upright position and a
mechanical device shall be available to retrieve personnel from
vertical spaces more than five feet deep.
(o) At least one person trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation should be immediately available during any confined
space job.
(p) Oxygen content in the manhole must be at least 19.5% in the confined
space of the manhole measures at all levels (bottom, middle
and top) and no person enters the manhole if oxygen level is below
19.5% and more than 21%.
(q) Ventilate the sewer line by opening at least two or three manholes on
both sides where work is to be carried out.
(r) Manhole shall be opened at least one hour before the start of
(s) The opened manhole shall be properly fenced or barricaded to prevent
any person, especially children, from accidentally failing into the
sewer. Dummy cover with welded fabric or wire- net may be used.
(t) All works use the safety gear and safety devices before entering the
sewer line.
(u) The person entering the manhole or sewer line must be monitored
using signal or camera or CCTV etc, throughout the operation period.
(v) Structural safety f manhole rungs or steps must be tested before
entering the manhole.
(w) Portable aluminum ladder is available during the work period during
the work period where necessary and the portable ladder is properly
seated of fixed during use.
(x) No material or tools are located near the edge which can fall into the
manhole and injure the workman.
(y) Equipments used during sewer cleaning are explosion and fire-proof.
(z) Smoking open flames are prohibited inside the manhole as well as in
the immediate vicinity of open manholes.
(aa) In the event of a sudden or unpredictable atmospheric change and
emergency escape breathing apparatus with at least a 10 minutes air
supply is worn.

Rule 7 The employer shall ensure the following safety precautions at the time when the
person is engaged in the cleaning of a sewer or a septic tank:-

(i) Portable fans and air blowers with batteries in good working condition with
a back up capacity of more than the estimated duration of the entry of the
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 237
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

person in the sewer shall be carried into sewers for ventilation and a
ventilation source shall be installed at the mouth of the manhole.
(ii) Flashlights and communication devices such as two- way radios shall be
carried into sewers.
(iii) Presence of the following rescue equipment at the site :-

(a) A tripod and harness system, or some other method ensuring maneuvering
of an injured worker to the surface.
(b) A basket stretcher or similar device shall be available for moving the
injured worker to emergency transportation.
(c) First aid equipment as given in Annexure- I and trained personnel shall be
immediately available.
(iv) The employer shall ensure availability of ambulance and follow-up in
close proximity.
(v) The employer shall ensure that the assigned person has life insurance
policy of at least ten lakh rupees and the premium for which shall be
paid by the employer.

Rule 8 The employer shall ensure the following post- cleaning safety precautions after
and person engaged in the cleaning of a sewer or a septic tank comes out of the
sewer or septic tank after a session of cleaning:-

(i) Providing facilities for removal of contaminated clothing and for wash - up as
well as cleaning dry clothing.
(ii) Wash up material shall include but not be limited to water, soaps, hand
sanitizers and adequate and medically authenticated skin cream for applying
on the body for post cleaning safety.
(iii) Any cuts / bruises on the skin or problems with a respiratory organ suffered
on account of cleaning of sewer shall be immediately cured.

1. Do’s and Don't’

A comprehensive list of Do's and Don'ts for ensuring safety of the sewer workers while entering the
sewer lines/ manholes has been prepared. It should be ensured by the Engineer in charge that it is
followed invariably by all the sewer workers:-


1. Place easily readable and clear warning signals firmly embedded and supported wall ahead of
work area.
2. Provide Red Lanterns or electric light signals during night.
3. Place barricades or diversion boards indicating signs to channelize the traffic.
4. Barricade the opened manholes as well as trenches.
5. Keep a first aid box properly stocked including washing bottles to wash away skin and eyes.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 238
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6. Ventilate the sewer line by opening 2 or 3 manholes at least one hour before start of operations
on both sides where work is carried out.
7. Test for hazardous gases before entry of a person into the sewer line and also in between if the
operation is carried out for a longer time. Nobody should be allowed to go inside the manhole if
the content of gases is beyond the permissible limits. The silt should be disturbed by suitable
means to remove the entrapped gases. Wear gas masks as a precautionary measure.
8. Use the air blowers for ventilation or gas masks, if required.
9. Test and use the safety harness and life line before entering the sewer line.
10. Use safety helmets while working in the manhole.
11. Use protective body suit or use oil (Coconut or sweet oil) on the body before entering into the
manhole and take bath immediately after completing the work.
12. Use rubber hand gloves and boots before entering into the manhole.
13. Keep finger nails short and well trimmed.
14. Try each ladder step or rung carefully before putting the full weight on it to guard against
insecure fastening due to corrosion of the rung at the manhole.
15. Wash hands with soap and hot water before taking food or smoking and keep finders out of
nose, mouth and eyes.
16. Wash all contaminated parts of the body after the work is completed.
17. Mix the scum well with sewage before entering into the manhole.
18. Leave the manhole at once if there is an unusual or peculiar smell.
19. Check carefully that all men have left the sewer of manhole.


1. Do not keep any material or tools near the edge which can fall into the manhole and injure the
2. Do not enter the manhole without wearing your protective body suit, safety belts, gloves, gum
boots etc.
3. Do not go inside the manhole during afternoon in summers when the temperature is high.
4. Do not work inside the manhole for more than 15 minutes at a stretch.
5. Do not smoke or use safety lamp inside the sewer or manhole.
6. Do not walk along a sewer inside without a lifeline with a person holding your lifeline standing
7. Do not enter the manholes without written permission of ASI/ SI/ JE /ZE concerned.
8. Do not enter if the concentration of the hazardous gases is more than the permissible level.
9. Do not throw lighted match sticks in the manhole.
10. Do not leave any manhole or trench unmanned and /or properly barricaded.

The Don'ts may be read in conjunction with the Do’s while entering the sewer line / manholes.

Protection and Safeguard of its workers working in hazardous conditions like cleaning sewer etc. is
obligatory on the part of DJB. To avoid accidents due to suffocation, drowning, physical injuries and
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 239
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

exposure to toxic materials in the sewerage system, it is essential that the adequate safety measures
are in place & proper precautions are taken. To ensure that all safety measures are taken, several
instructional orders have been issued from time to time.

The following guidelines/ precautions are being reiterated and may be religiously followed to avoid
any accidents: -
1. No man entry should be allowed in the manhole without issue of work permit by the competent
2. All safety equipments like Helmets, Gum Boots, Hand Gloves, Full Body Suit, Hand Blowers,
Gas Detectors, Folding Ladders, Safety Belt, Oxygen Cylinder etc. must be available in adequate
numbers and maintained in working condition by the store in charge.
3. As far as possible, mechanized cleaning operations should be carried out in deep pit work
stations should be procured in adequate numbers by the Executive Engineers as per their
requirement. Work permit system must be followed regularly.
4. Man entry should be allowed only after checking that the level of poisonous gases in the manhole
is within the permissible limits. Proper level of gases must be checked by the Gas Detector. The
permissible limits of various gases are tabulated: -

Maximum limit for 1 hour Maximum limit for 8 hour

S. No. Gas
exposure exposure
1 CO 0.04% by volume in air 0.005% by volume in air
2 H2S 0.02% by volume in air 0.001% by volume in
3 CH4 Probably no limit provided 1 % by volume in air
oxygen percentage is sufficient
4 O2 Oxygen level should be 19.50-21% by volume in air

It would be safer to consider limit of 8 hours exposure.

5. Ventilation of the manhole must be maintained by opening 2-3 manholes upstream &
downstream sides. Blowers, if necessary, must be operated at least 30 minutes before start and
during cleaning operations.
6. The workers should not be allowed to work in sewer for more than 15 minutes in a single stretch.
It should be ensured that all required safety equipments are available and are being used by the
sewer workers.
7. In peak summer season, man entry in sewer manholes may not be allowed between 11 AM to 4
8. The equipments required in case of rescue of the workers should be available outside the
manhole/work area.
9. First Aid Box with all required medicines (within expiry date) must be readily available in case
of emergency.
10. DOS'S and Don’ts for safe working in each unit should be displayed. Printed of written
operating and maintenance schedule should be displayed near to each equipment in the language
understood by all operating staff.
11. Proper ventilation is required to be made in raw sludge pump houses and return sludge pump
houses and other buildings in the plant, Unite should have sufficient number of exhaust fans.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 240

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

12. Smoking or carrying open flames in and around digesters and gas holders should be prohibited.
13. All electrical installations, wiring etc shall be provided and maintained as per Indian
Electricity Rules and standards approved by the department.

Safety of the sewer workers is the collective responsibility of DJB. The safety & Disaster
Management Cell conducts regular awareness programme/training to educate the sewer workers about
the hazards of working in sewers. It is obligatory on the part of every office of DJB involved in the
sewer cleaning/hazardous operations to ensure that the sewer workers are working in safe working
environment. It is instructed that the safety guidelines and instructional orders be followed in true
spirit by all concerned.


i) Precautions before commencing the operation:

1. As far as possible mechanized cleaning should be undertaken at the work place. In case it is not
feasible to do so, no single person should be allowed to undertake the work of cleaning of
sewerage facility.
2. There should be minimum of two employees present all the time and one of them shall be trained
and experienced. The supervisor shall remain present at all time.
3. If the peak summer season entry of the person into the sewer manhole/ septic tank should not be
allowed between 11 AM to 4 PM when concentration of gases is expected to be high.
4. First aid box to meet the emergency should be available at the work place before commencing
the work. Keep the emergency contact numbers of ambulance, Police, fire Brigade handy for use
to provide immediate relief in case of any accident.
5. It is the responsibility of the person who has engaged the labour to clean the septic tank/ sewage
plant to apprise them about the "Do's and Don'ts" in advance to ensure safety.
6. Before undertaking the work, the manholes of the chamber/ septic tank/ sewers should be kept
open for minimum 4 hr. Duration to ensure sufficient cross ventilation.
7. Before under taking the work it will be the duty of the employer to note down name of the
person. his address, family whereabouts and emergency contact numbers of his near dear ones so
that they can be contacted in case of emergency.

ii) Precautions during operations

8. The person engaged for cleaning the septic tanks / sewers is not allowed to consume alcohol or
take any drugs. Also the persons who are not physically fit should not be allowed to undertake
the work.
9. The persons engaged for the job will be essentially required to wear the protective gear as per
requirement of the work place.
10. The protective gear and safety equipment shall comprise of the equipments mentioned in clause
(d) of sub - section (1) of section (2) of MS Act, which is as following (i) Safety body clothing /
safety, body harness / safety belt (ii) Normal face mask (iii) Safety torch (iv) Hand gloves (v)
safety goggles (vi) safety helmet (vii) Emergency medical oxygen resuscitator kit (viii) Gas
Monitor (ix) Head lamp (x) Reflecting jacket (xi) Guide pipe set (xii) Safety tripod set (xiii)
Wadder suit (xiv) Chlorine Mask (xvi) Air compressor for blower (xvii) Modular Airlines Supply
Trolley System (xviii) Full face mask (xix) Safety Gumboots (xx) Raincoat.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 241

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

11. If there is appearance of white foam and no live cockroach then there is strong possibility of
presence of poisonous gases in that chamber. Use litmus paper /gas detector to confirm the
same. Give sufficient time by opening the chamber to open sky and if possible use air blowers to
allow the gases to escape before taking up the work.
12. Do not depend on the presence of the foot rests fixed in the chamber wall since there is a
possibility that with passages of time grip/ hold of the footrest has given way and it may not be
strong enough to take the load. Always us rope ladder after testing its carrying strength.
13. No person should be allowed to continue to work or stay in the chamber for more than 15
minutes at a stretch. The persons outside the chamber should remain in conversation with the
person/ persons inside the chamber to ensure their well being in case of uneasiness to the person
working inside the chamber a signal shall be given by shaking the rope attached his safety
harness so that he can be pulled out of the chamber.
14. Smoking or carrying open fire flame in the near vicinity of the work place should not be allowed.
Any electric installation should also be not switched on or switched off near the place of work. If
electric wires happen to be nearby, they should be properly insulated.
15. No tools or equipment should be placed near the edge of the manhole to avoid any injury to the
worker due to sudden fall of the equipment inside the manhole.

iii) Precautions post operations

16. Do not leave the injured person alone and avoid gathering of mob around him.
17. Occurrence of any accident resulting into injury / death if any at septic tank /sewage plant shall
be informed to labour / police deptt. immediately. Injuries/ death suffered while undertaking
cleaning / maintenance/ repairs of the sewerage systems shall be dealt with either under ESI Act,
1948, if applicable or under “The Employees Compensation Act. 1923" or any other Group
Insurance as the case may be for the purposes of compensation to the injured person / legal heirs
as the case may be.
18. Compensation to be paid to the family members of the victims shall be in accordance with the
Hon'ble Supreme Court verdict dated 27.03.2014 in Writ petition No. 583 of 2003 (Safai
Karamchan Andolan and Others Vs UOI & Ors.).
19. The committee also recommends appointment of inspectors to identify the insanitary latrines as
defined under section 20 of the MS Act.
Compensation Clause

A clause shall be added in the contract conditions of all sewer cleaning works that "The successful
bidder shall ensure that the safety measures mentioned in the contract conditions and PEMS Act and
their rehabilitation rule 2013 are followed strictly. In case of any accident/ death, the contractor shall
be liable to pay minimum compensation Rs. 10 lacs in accordance with the Hon'ble Supreme Court
verdict dated 27.03.2014 in Writ petition No. 583 of 2003 (Safai Karamchari Andolan and Others Vs
UOI & Ors.) and as provided in the PEMS Act 2013. In case of failure. DJB shall have the right to
make the compensation & recover the amount from the contractor. Further DJB reserves the right to
debar the firm from tendering/ black listing if the above condition is not adhered to be the firm/

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 242

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1.31 NHRC Guidelines

NHRC issued guidelines on safety code for operation/maintenance of sewerage system vide letter
No.1069/30/2001-2002/F.C. dated 18.11.02. Same shall form part of agreement and has to be strictly
followed during execution of work. Direction given by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of
National Campaign for Dignity & Right of Sewerage & Allied workers.

1. The medical examination and medical treatment will be given free of charge to sewer workers
and the treatment will continue for all such workers found to be suffering from an occupational
disease, ailment or accident until the workman is cured or until death.

2. The services of the sewer workers are not to be terminated, either by the respondents or the
contractors engaged by them during the period of illness and they shall be treated as if on duty
and will be paid their wages.

3. The respondents shall pay on the death of any worker including any contract worker, an
immediate ex-gratia solatium of ten lakh with liberty to recover the same from contractors, if
permissible in law.

4. The respondents shall pay/insure payment of all statutory dues such as Provident Fund, Gratuity
and Bonus to all the sewer workers including contract workers, as applicable in law.

5. The respondents shall provide as soon as possible modern protective equipment to all the sewer
workers in consultation with the petitioner organization.

6. The respondents shall provide soap and oil to all the workmen according to the present quota but
on monthly basis and not at the end of the year.

7. The respondents shall provide all workmen including contract workmen with an accident-card-
cum-wage-slip as set out in Clause 8 of the CPWD/PWD (DA)/Delhi Jal Board Contractors
Labour Regulations (for short “Labour Regulations”).

8. The respondents shall authenticate by signing the payment of wages register for contract workers
in terms of Clause 5 of the Labour Regulations.

9. The Delhi Jal Board is directed to ensure that the ex-gratia payment in case of deaths of sewer
workers has been paid to the families of deceased workmen and in case such compensation is not
paid, release the same within a period of eight weeks.

1.32 NGT Guidelines

NGT issued guidelines to the various departments for the information of the builders and general

The Hon’ble Green Tribunal has directed as follows:-

1. No government, authority, contractor, builders or any person would be permitted to store/ dump
construction material or debris on the metalled road.

2. Beyond the metalled road the area where such construction material or debris can be stored shall
be physically demarcated by the officers of all the concerned Authorities/Corporation. It shall be
ensured that such storage does not cause any obstruction to the free flow of traffic and/ or
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 243
Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

inconvenience to the pedestrians. It should be ensured that no accidents occur on account of such
permissible storage.

3. Every Builder or owner shall put tarpaulin on scaffolding around the area of construction and the
building. No person including builder, owner can be permitted to store any construction material
particularly sand on any part of the street, roads in any colony.

4. The construction material of any kind that is stored at the site will be fully covered in all respects
so that it does not disperse in the Air in any form.

5. All the construction material and debris shall be carried in the trucks or other vehicles which are
fully covered and protected so as to ensure that the construction debris or the construction
material does not get dispersed into the air or atmosphere, in any form whatsoever.

6. The dust emissions from the construction site should be completely controlled and all
precautions taken in that behalf.

7. Every worker working at the construction site and involved in loading, unloading and carriage of
construction material and construction debris shall be provided with mask to prevent inhalation
of dust particles.

8. Every owner and or builder shall be under obligation to provide all medical help, investigation
and treatment to the workers, involved in the construction of building and carry of construction
material and debris relatable to dust emission.

9. It shall be the responsibility of every builder to transport construction material and debris waste
to construction site, dumping site or any other place in accordance with rules and in terms of this

10. All to take appropriate measures and to ensure that the terms and conditions of the earlier order
and these orders should strictly comply with by fixing sprinklers, creations of green air barriers.

11. Compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.

12. Wind breaking walls around construction in site.

13. In the event of default they shall be liable to pay compensation for such environmental
degradation or for pollution of ambient air quality in NCR, Delhi particularly.

14. If any person, owner and or builders is found to be violating any of the conditions stated in this
order and or for their non-compliance such person, owner, builder shall be liable to pay
compensation of Rs. 50,000/- per default in relation to construction activity at its site and Rs.
5,000/- for each violation during carriage and transportation of construction material, debris
through trucks or other vehicles, in terms of section 15 of the NCT Act on the principle of
polluter Pay. Such action would be in addition not in derogation to the other action that the
Authority made take against such builder, owner, person and transporter under the laws in force.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 244

Part 1 – General Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X- Part- 2 : Plant & Process Requirements ....................................................... 245
2.1 Project Objective ............................................................................................... 245

2.2 Wastewater& Sludge Quality .......................................................................... 245

2.2.1 Incoming Wastewater Flow: ........................................................................................... 245
2.2.2 Incoming Wastewater Quality and Design Parameter: ................................................... 245
2.2.3 Treated Effluent & Sludge Guarantees ........................................................................... 246
2.3 Demolition of Interfaces and Tie-Ins with Existing Facilities ....................... 247

2.4 Sewage Treatment Process ............................................................................... 249

2.5 General Design Requirements ......................................................................... 250

2.6 Plant Layout and Hydraulic Profile ................................................................ 252

2.7 Layout and Facilities Description .................................................................... 254

2.8 Common Diversion Chamber .......................................................................... 254

2.9 Inlet Chamber ................................................................................................... 255

2.10 Medium and Fine Screens Channels ............................................................... 255

2.11 Grit Chambers ................................................................................................... 255

2.12 Flow Measuring Channel (Area Velocity Flow Meter Type) ........................ 256
2.13 Primary Sedimentation Unit ............................................................................ 256

2.14 Aerobic Treatment System ............................................................................... 257

2.14.1 Final Sedimentation tank (if applicable) ......................................................................... 258
2.14.2 Return Sludge Pump House (if applicable)..................................................................... 259
2.15 Tertiary System ................................................................................................. 259

2.16 Disinfection System ........................................................................................... 260

2.17 Treated Effluent Channel ................................................................................. 260

2.18 Treated Effluent Reuse Pump House .............................................................. 260

2.19 Sludge Digestion System ................................................................................... 261
2.19.1 Anaerobic Digesters ........................................................................................................ 261
2.19.2 Digested Sludge sump and Pump House ........................................................................ 262
2.19.3 Digester Control Building ............................................................................................... 262
2.19.4 Dewatering Centrifuges and Control Building ............................................................... 262
2.19.5 Plant Drain Sump & Pump House .................................................................................. 263
2.19.6 Sludge Treatment and Reuse........................................................................................... 263
Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.20 Gas Holders ....................................................................................................... 263

2.21 Gas Scrubber Area ............................................................................................ 263

2.22 Gas Flare ............................................................................................................ 264

2.23 Power Generation and Electric Panel Building ............................................. 264
2.23.1 Power Generation Building............................................................................................. 264
2.24 Electrical Main Sub Station ............................................................................. 264
2.25 Electrical Sub Stations ...................................................................................... 264

2.26 Instrumentation Works .................................................................................... 265

2.27 Utility Buildings................................................................................................. 265
2.27.1 Fire Fighting Pump House .............................................................................................. 265
2.27.2 Workshop and store ........................................................................................................ 265
2.27.3 Administration Building Including SCADA and Laboratory Room .............................. 265
2.28 Architectural Concepts and Designs ............................................................... 267
2.29 Public Addressing System ................................................................................ 267

2.30 Plant Development Infrastructure Works ...................................................... 267

2.30.1 Internal Roads and Drains ............................................................................................... 267
2.30.2 Pathways ......................................................................................................................... 268
2.30.3 Storm Water Drains ........................................................................................................ 268
2.30.4 Pipes and Ducts for Road Crossings ............................................................................... 268
2.30.5 Cable and Pipe Trenches ................................................................................................. 268
2.30.6 Potable Water Supply ..................................................................................................... 269
2.30.7 Staircase, Walkway Platforms, Hand Railings and Ground Pathways ........................... 269
2.30.8 Fencing, Boundary Wall, Gate & Security Room........................................................... 269
2.30.9 CCTV Cameras ............................................................................................................... 270
2.30.10 Land Development, Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscaping................................. 270
2.30.11 Sign and Warning Boards ............................................................................................... 272
2.30.12 Vehicle Parking Shed ...................................................................................................... 272
2.30.13 Rain Water Harvesting System ....................................................................................... 272

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page ii

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X- Part- 2 : Plant & Process Requirements

2.1 Project Objective
The objective of the YAP (III) project is essentially to improve sewage conveyance system and
wastewater treatment plants in the command of Okhla, Kondli and Rithala drainage zone so that the
domestic wastewater can be treated to desired standards before being discharged in the river Yamuna
thereby improving the quality of river water.

For this purpose, National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR),
Government of India (GoI), the borrower, has received a loan from Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA), amounting to JPY 32,571 million towards the cost of Yamuna Action Plan Project
(III) (YAP III) for which loan agreement was signed on 17th February, 2011.

Construction of 564 MLD WWTP at Okhla is one of the packages under Yamuna Action Plan Project
(III). It will be essentially a Design Build and Operate (DBO) contract. This package comprises of
Construction of proposed 564 MLD STP at Okhla with treated effluent standards of BOD – 10 mg/l,
TSS – 10 mg/l, TN-10 mg/L or better and Power Generation & Demolition of Existing Phase-I , II, III
and IV WWTPs .

The Demolition of existing WWTPs at Okhla Phase I, II, III and IV WWTPs comprising of:

- Phase-I-136 MLD,
- Phase-II- 55MLD,
- Phase-III- 204MLD, &
- Phase-IV-168 MLD

The nomenclature of this package is as below:

Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards of BOD – 10 mg/l,
TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on Design, Build and Operate (one year
DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis & demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs
at Okhla under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.2 Wastewater& Sludge Quality

2.2.1 Incoming Wastewater Flow:

The wastewater treatment facilities to be designed for the flow mentioned below:

Average Design Flow Peak Design Flow Minimum Design Flow

564 124 1128 248 282 62

2.2.2 Incoming Wastewater Quality and Design Parameter:

For design purposes, the characteristics of raw wastewater are to be taken as follows, considering the
fact the Employer is implementing various initiatives to channelize the wastewater to the treatment
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 245
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

plants and the design parameters adopted are similar to those at other STP’s in Delhi.

Parameter Influent Quality Unit

pH 7.0-8.0
BOD 250 mg/L
COD 450 mg/L
TSS 400 mg/L
VSS 240 mg/L
TKN 50 mg/L
NH4-N 43 mg/L
Total Phosphorus 6 mg/L
Alkalinity 400 mg/L as CaCO3
Min. Wastewater Temperature (Tmin) 18 C
Max. Wastewater Temperature 27 C

The above data is based on raw wastewater quality observed at the existing plants. However, the
contractor may conduct the sampling and tests of raw wastewater by himself to ascertain the raw
wastewater quality for treatment process. The Employer (Delhi Jal Board) will not be responsible for
the above data and no relaxation will be given to the guarantee conditions of desired treated effluent
quality. Bidder can also verify the operating data of existing plants at Okhla. For design purpose
values lower than the above mentioned values shall not be permitted.

2.2.3 Treated Effluent & Sludge Guarantees

The contractor shall design the process in such a way that the treated effluent quality (at plant outlet)
meets the following standards or better :

S No Particulars To be Guaranteed by Bidder

1 pH 6.5-9.0
2 TSS ≤ 10 mg/lt
3 Total Nitrogen ≤ 10 mg/l
4 Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N) ≤ 5 mg/lt
5 BOD5 ≤ 10 mg/lt
6 COD ≤ 50 mg/lt
7 PO4-P (TP) ≤ 2 mg/lt
8 Fecal Coliform <230 MPN/100ml

Dewatered sludge shall be of suitable quality so that it can be re-used by the contractor for various
purposes except dumping.

The contractor shall maintain above mentioned guaranteed parameters during defect liability period
and O&M period. Demonstration of the treated effluent quality parameters measurement incident,
sampling, analyzing in laboratory and liquidated damages/Penalty for non-conformance etc. have
been mentioned in Volume 3; Section XII- Service Level Agreements.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 246

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.3 Demolition of Interfaces and Tie-Ins with Existing Facilities

All existing facilities that are to be demolished shall be properly decommissioned, removed, and
appropriately deposited or stored by the Contractor at place as proposed by Employer in accordance
with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Items, components, or materials, whether buried,
exposed, submerged, or otherwise, shall not be abandoned or left on site unless such directions are
explicitly provided in the Bid Document or instructed by Employer during execution.

List of Major Existing Units / Structures to be Demolished for Phase I, II, III & IV WWTPs are given
in tables here below. The sizes mentioned are tentative and bidders are required to verify the same
from the site at their own level.

For Phase I WWTP at Okhla (30 MGD)

Unit No. Dimensions (m)

Dia/Length Width Height
Inlet Chamber 1 4.6 0.9 2.0
Screen Chamber 2 4.3 6.7 1.5
Grit Chamber Mechanical - Detroiters 2 18.7 17.3 1.4
PST Type-1 1 109.3 9.7 6
Primary Clarifier-circular 1 50.00 4
Raw Sludge Pump House 1 12.75 3 5.5
Aeration Tank 1 109 83 3.00
Secondary Clarifiers-(Hopper Type) 1 109 37 6
Secondary Clarifiers-(Circular) 1 49 4.9
Return Sludge Pump Station 1 13.7 3 5.5
Sludge Drying Beds 38 30 30 1
Sludge Digesters 6 29 10
Old sludge Digesters(Type-1) 2 36 12
Old sludge Digesters(Type-2) 4 30 10
Gas Holders 3 32 8
Sludge Thickener 2 11 3

For Phase II WWTP at Okhla (12 MGD)

Unit No. Dimensions (m)

Dia/Length Width Height
Inlet Chamber(Common for Phase III 1 4.6 0.9 1.5
and phase II)
Screen Chamber(Common for Phase 2 4.3 6.7 1.5
III and Phase II)
Grit Chamber Mechanical – 2 12.8 16 1.50
Detroiters(Common for Phase III and
Phase II)
Primary Clarifier-circular 1 50 3.
Raw Sludge Pump House 1 7.00 6.00 5
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 247
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Unit No. Dimensions (m)

Dia/Length Width Height
Aeration Tank 2 70.00 24.00 4
Secondary Clarifiers 1 52 4.5
Return Sludge Pump Station 1 10.00 10.00 5.00
Anaerobic Digesters 4 28 10
Sludge Drying Beds(Common for 39 30 30 1
Phase-I and Phase II)

For Phase III WWTP at Okhla (45 MGD) (30MGD+15MGD)

Unit No. Dimensions

Dia/Length Width Height
Inlet Chamber (Before Gates) 1 5.2 3 1.5
Screen Channel 1 20.00 2.50
Grit Chamber Mechanical - Detroiters 2 14.50 12.00 2
Distribution Chamber-2 1 8.6 7.1 2
Primary Clarifiers 3 58 Dia. 3
Raw Sludge Pump Station 1 10.00 7 5.5
Aeration Tank (Common to 30MGD 4 75.00 42.00 4
and 15 MGD units)
Secondary Clarifiers (Common to30 4 55 Dia. 4.4
MGD and 15 MGD units)
Return Sludge PH 1 12 10 5.5
Anaerobic Digesters 6 29.00Dia. 10
Gas Holders(Common for Phase 3 27 Dia. 8.00
II,III&IV) 2 33 Dia. 8.00
Sludge Drying Beds(Common for 39 30.00 30.00
Phase-II,III and IV)
Workshop 1 15.00 35.00 5
Electrical Substation 1 17.00 12.00 5

For Phase IV WWTP at Okhla (37 MGD) (22 MGD +15MGD)

Unit Nos. Dimensions

Dia/Length Width Height
Inlet Chamber) for 22mgd 1 10 5 2
Grit chamber for 22mgd 2 10 13 1.5
Inlet Chamber for 15MGD 1 10 5 2
Grit chamber for 15MGD 2 7.5 8.5 1.5
Primary Clarifiers
Type-I 2 42 3.1
Type-II 1 50 3.1
Raw Sludge Pump Station 1 11.23 4.5 4.5
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 248
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Unit Nos. Dimensions

Dia/Length Width Height
Aeration Tank 3 115 30.00 4
Secondary Clarifiers (Common to 22 4 50Dia. 4.8
MGD and 15 MGD units)
Return Sludge PH 1 11.6 5.95 4.5
Electric panel room near inlet structure
of 22mgd 1 6.5 3.5 4.5

The above indicative list is for general reference and Contractor shall ensure demolishing of any other
structure/unit within the Project Site, if required, at no extra cost to Employer.

2.4 Sewage Treatment Process

Bidder shall construct the proposed WWTP of design average flow of 564MLD i.e. equal to the
combined total capacity of existing Okhla Ph I (136 MLD), Ph II (55 MLD), Ph III (168 MLD) and
Ph IV (205 MLD) WWTPs. Existing Okhla Ph I is currently not in operation while the existing Ph II,
III & IV WWTPs are currently in operation and shall remain in operation till the time new WWTP of
564 MLD capacity is commissioned. Existing Ph I WWTP needs to be demolished and cleared for the
construction of proposed 564 WWTP. Other existing facilities that are not required for the operation
of Ph II, III, and IV WWTPs can also be demolished with permission from Employer, if required for
the construction of proposed 564 MLD WWTP. Once the proposed 564 MLD WWTP is
commissioned, Phase II, III & IV WWTPs shall be demolished and site shall be cleared.

The Bidder can propose any proven aerobic biological treatment process providing all the treatment
units to meet the requirement of treated effluent and sludge dewatering and reuse as specified under
clause no 2.2.3 but not limited to screening and grit removal, Biological system, tertiary system
including disinfection, appropriate sludge treatment & sludge dewatering and reuse, biogas generation
& power generation. However, bidders should not propose any patented technologies for aerobic
biological treatment process. The bidder shall only propose those treatment processes for which all
equipment and spare parts shall be easily available in the Indian market.

Bidder shall need to provide a complete, fully functional facility designed for proper, &easy operation
to meet the stated performance requirements. This shall include any and all additional, ancillary,
supporting, or other processes, components, equipment, or other items necessary to achieve these
objectives, regardless of whether such items are explicitly listed in this Tender Document or not.

The Bidder shall provide the detailed process calculations for arriving the sizes of the liquid and
solids treatment/ handling units in the Technical Bid. Design of various process units shall be based
on design guidelines including but not limited to Hydraulic Retention Time, Solids Retention Time,
Surface Loading Rate, Weir Loading rate, Performance / Removal Rates etc given in CPHEEO
Manual 2013 on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment. In case certain parameters are not available in
CPHEEO manual then bidder shall refer to Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - Metcalf & Eddy latest
edition. The Bidder shall account for flow and associated loads from Return streams including but not
limited to backwash, dewatering centrate, and supernatant etc in the design. The Bidder should
provide complete design details with process flow diagram, mass balance, process calculations,
plant layout, and hydraulic flow calculations and diagram in the Technical Bid.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 249

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.5 General Design Requirements

Contractor’s design shall fully comply with the following requirements, regardless of whether or not
such requirements or any related components are shown in any drawings included in the Tender

 The Contractor shall perform a complete Hazardous Area Classification analysis as per IS
5572, “Classification of Hazardous Areas (other than mines) for all facilities and components
in this contract and shall submit a complete report of such analysis as well as Hazardous Area
Classification Drawings that delineate boundaries of all classified areas and indicate the
classification of each area. All electrical or other powered equipment, instrumentation, or
components shall fully comply with all requirements of IS 5571’Guide for Selection and
Installation of Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Areas (other than mines)’.

 All components (including but not limited to equipment such as pumps, blowers, screens,
diffusers, inline devices; instruments such as flow meters; and distribution and collection
channels or pipes) shall be provided with appropriate isolation devices such as valves, gates,
or other devices in order to allow isolation, drainage, cleaning, calibration, servicing, and
maintenance of such components. Bypasses shall be provided around all electromagnetic flow
meters and other in-line instrumentation such that the instrument can be isolated and removed
for calibration and maintenance without interrupting the flow, regardless of whether or not
such bypasses are shown in any drawings included in the Tender Document.

 Where necessary, equipment shall be provided with acoustic, sound-dampening enclosures to

limit ambient noise during normal operation to the limits detailed in part-4 of volume-2. Such
enclosures shall include ventilation and/or cooling provisions as necessary to prevent
overheating and ensure operation of equipment at optimal temperature.

 All equipment shall be arranged and buildings and structures designed to permit safe and easy
access to and removal of all equipment.

 Fixed runways, lifting eyes, cranes, trolleys, hoists, and/or other appropriate devices and
means shall be provided to permit safe and easy removal of all mechanical, electrical, and
instrumentation equipment and components for maintenance or any other purpose. Overhead
bridge cranes with 3-way electric movement shall be provided for Bioreactor pumps and
blowers, in Digester Control Room for Gas Compressor, and for any other heavy process
equipment. Lifting systems shall be of sufficient capacity to allow lifting of entire assembled
equipment units (e.g. pumps, blowers, or other) one unit at a time.

 All structures, whether liquid-holding or not, shall be designed such that they can be fully and
completely drained and will not float or move when empty, because of groundwater buoyancy
or any other reason. The structures shall be designed to counteract any possible floatation
without the use of any type of groundwater pressure relief valves.

 Non-liquid-holding areas, structures, or buildings where leakage or other wet activities can
occur, whether in normal use or during maintenance, shall be provided with covered drainage
channels which shall direct the spillage and any washings shall be suitably drained to the sump
of Filtrate pump house.

 All channels below ground level carrying process liquid shall be fully covered with solid non-
skid GRP cover plates (not grating)/ RCC slabs designed for human traffic live loads at a
minimum and heavy vehicle live loads wherever the channel crosses traffic paths. For
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 250
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

channels having top of wall (TOW) less than 1.0 m above ground level, suitable hand railing
shall be provided as per the site requirement.

 All interconnecting channels shall be designed for peak flows.

 Inlets into tanks, reactors, or other structures via pipes, channels, valves, or gates shall be
designed such that the incoming flow does not cause any damage or excessive wear
whatsoever to the structure or any equipment in the vicinity under any hydraulic condition,
including but not limited to the condition when the structure is empty.

 All piping shall be fully and adequately supported and braced to comply with all applicable
codes and standards. Pipe supporting hardware shall also be of corrosion-resistant material.
The design of pipe supports and anchors shall fully account for static and dynamic vertical,
lateral, longitudinal, and seismic loads, fluid flow, and thermal expansion. Seismic bracing,
thrust restraints and/or thrust blocks, and appropriate expansion joints or loops shall be
provided as needed. Pipe lengths and joints shall be assembled and arranged for ease of
removal in such a way that individual runs can be changed without dismantling adjacent pipes,
by providing dismantling joints at regular intervals.

 For liquids and sludge, the velocity of full flow in pipes or conduits shall be maintained as
specified under Part-4, Cl. no. Piping Sizing & Material. All mixed liquor and sludge
pipes shall have minimum 200 mm diameter and shall be provided with appropriate cleanouts
and flushing arrangements for safe and easy flushing using high-pressure water.

 For liquids and sludge, the minimum velocity of flow in open channels or partial flow in pipes
or conduits shall not be less than 0.6 m/s and the maximum shall be no more than 1.5m/s.

 All underflow sludge service pipes shall be provided with appropriate means for safe and easy
drainage of the pipes, with flushing system, when not in service.

 All pipes shall be colour banded and suitably labelled with the stream designation and
direction of flow at suitable minimum 5- meter intervals throughout their run, as per site

 All piping shall be arranged without clutter and shall be functional and neat in appearance.
Where piping is installed in ducts, it shall be supported such that the flange rim is not less than
150 mm clear above the floor.

 All piping routed under any type of structure or equipment shall be fully and completely
encased in cement concrete, with the encasement thickness beyond the outer diameter of the
pipe being at least 200 mm on all sides. The encasement shall extend along the pipe length for
a minimum horizontal distance of 1500 mm in each direction beyond the footprint of the
overlying structure or equipment.

 All piping connecting to, entering, or exiting any and all structures shall be provided with
appropriate restrained flexible connections and/or joints at all such interfaces with structures to
allow for differential movement between pipe and structure in all directions without stressing
or breaking the pipes.

 Appropriate restrained flexible connections and/or joints shall be provided for all pipes where
they connect to any and all of the following:
o Equipment such as pumps, blowers, or inline devices
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 251
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

o Valves

 Where piping or other materials susceptible to damage from ultraviolet radiation are employed,
they shall be protected from such radiation through the use of appropriate additives and/or
coatings and shall be physically shielded from direct sunlight at all times in their normal
service locations using enclosures, covers, canopies, roofs, and/or other similar means.

 Platforms, handrails/guardrails, ladders, and stairs shall be provided where necessary for
proper, safe, and easy access to and/or operation of valves, gates, instruments, control panels,
and other devices, equipment, or structures.

 Appropriate sampling ports and/or sampling valves shall be provided to allow easy, safe
sampling of all process streams without spillage or contamination and without the need to
interrupt normal operation.

 The influent flow meter and influent sampling location shall be such that the true influent flow
and characteristics will be measured without inclusion of in-plant recycles or other extraneous
streams. It is suggested that the appropriate location for influent flow measurement and
sampling would be Common Inlet Chamber. Separate flow measurement and sampling shall be
provided for the recycle streams.

 Foam, scum, fats, oil, grease, or any other floating material removed from any location in the
plant shall be completely removed from the process flow path along with waste, digested,
and/or dewatered solids leaving the plant and shall under no circumstances be recycled or
returned to any location in the plant.

2.6 Plant Layout and Hydraulic Profile

An indicative layout and estimated hydraulic profile/hydraulic flow diagram based on modified ASP
technology are included in Volume 4 of the Bid Document for treatment scheme. These drawings
shall be considered representative only. In the event of any conflicts between information in these
drawings and Part 2 – “Plant and process requirements”, the information in Part 2 – “Plant and
process requirements”, shall govern. Contractor shall provide independent, detailed and optimized
plant layout and hydraulic design, which shall fully comply with the requirements and constraints
specified herein. All the required process units including sludge management system shall be adjusted
within the land area boundary marked in layout drawing in Volume 4 of the Bid document and no
additional land will be available.

The Contractor’s layout and hydraulic design shall comply with the following specific constraints and
all other requirements described in the Tender Document.

 The entire Liquid treatment process right from inlet point till final discharge location after
treatment shall be preferably designed with gravity flow.

 For all structures containing water, process liquid, or sludge, the minimum freeboard (distance
by which top of wall is higher than the maximum level of structure contents) shall be 0.5 m
unless specified otherwise. The maximum level of structure contents for this purpose shall be
considered under the following conditions occurring simultaneously:

o Maximum/high flood level in receiving water body/structure

o Operating flow equal to design peak hour flow
o One unit of each unit process out of service
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 252
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 All weirs in the plant, including variable height weirs on weir gates, shall remain un-flooded /
un-submerged, with a minimum 75 mm free fall from the weir invert to the downstream water
surface level under the following conditions occurring simultaneously:

o Maximum/high flood level in receiving water body/structure

o Operating flow equal to design average flow
o One unit of each unit process out of service

 All Parshall flumes/flow measuring Channel shall remain un-flooded/un-submerged up to the

design peak hour flow.

 Bypass facility shall be provided at following locations:

o At Inlet Chamber
o After Pre-treatment

 Available topographical survey information, benchmarks, contour maps, geotechnical/soil

investigations, and effluent receiving water body/structure maximum or high flood level (HFL)
elevations are included with this Tender Document and/or available from Employer on request.
However, Employer makes no guarantees or representations regarding this information
whatsoever. The bidders may use this information at their own risk. They shall independently
obtain any and all site information they deem necessary for proper preparation of the bids and for
the planning, design, testing, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of all components in
the contract.

 All new plant components shall be fully contained within the designated site boundaries and
shall be placed so as to easily and logically accomplish all specified interfaces with existing
components. Contractor’s proposed site layout shall clearly show the space allocated for all plant
components. Setbacks and clearances from the site boundary shall be provided as appropriate
and as required by law. All existing utilities (including but not limited to water, sewer, and
power, whether overhead or underground and whether physically located on the site or not) that
must be relocated to accommodate the Contractor’s proposed and approved site layout shall be
relocated by the Contractor.

The plant layout shall fully comply with the following:

 Minimum clear distance provided to permit safe and convenient access for operation and
maintenance shall be 5 m between adjacent treatment units or fixed structures and 500 mm
between individual equipment units.
 For each set of mechanical equipment (e.g. pumps, blowers, etc.), an appropriately-sized
adjacent open area shall be provided as a maintenance bay down area to allow safe and easy
performance of maintenance tasks, as per manufacture’s requirements.
 All electrical equipment installed open in the sky shall be located above the high flood level
elevation of the site.
 Following units shall be designed for peak flow. :

Sr. No. Process Unit

1 Common Diversion Chamber and Headworks including inlet chamber, screen and grit
chamber and Parshall flume/flow measuring Channel
2 All interconnecting channels/pipes
3 Final Treated Effluent Channel
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 253
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

For all components under this contract, the capacity to be provided shall be designed, constructed, and
operated using multiple identical units or modules to ensure reliability, redundancy, and appropriate
turndown for optimum capacity utilization and process efficiency. The design shall further ensure that
all such units receive equal flow or loading at all times when in operation. The design shall ensure that
multiple modules of various unit processes are fully integrated and can operate as a single plant and a
single process stream – multiple parallel plants will not be allowed. Such integration shall be
accomplished by means of common collection and distribution channels, boxes, or header pipes in
between unit processes that combine the flow from multiple modules of the upstream unit process and
redistribute it to multiple modules of the downstream unit process. Designs where each module
operates independently of other modules will not be permitted.

The minimum number of working and standby units or modules required for each component shall be
as under:

 For Pumps, Blowers and Compressors: If not mentioned specifically otherwise, provide
minimum 50% standby unit for these equipment for each unit. For example if two blowers area
provided for each stream, then number of standby blower units per stream shall be 1 number.
However, if only one blower pump is provided per stream then one identical blower shall be
provided as standby. Standby units shall be permanently installed with piping and valves such
that each standby unit can be put into operation in place of any of its designated duty/working
units by opening and closing appropriate valves, without the need for installation or un-
installation of additional components. Bidders are encouraged to provide energy efficient
equipment with documentary evidence of successful operation of such units.

 For Submersible Mixers: If not mentioned specifically otherwise, provide one spare unit (in
storage) for every set of 3 duty/working units or part thereof.

 For Process Air Diffusers: If not mentioned specifically otherwise, provide spare units(in store)
equal to 5% of the total number of installed units, and spare units shall be full diffuser
assemblies (i.e., base, orifice, membrane, and membrane retaining mechanism).

2.7 Layout and Facilities Description

An indicative plant layout based on Modified ASP technology is provided in Volume 4 of Bid
document for the general guidance of the Bidder. However, Bidder is free to propose any proven
aerobic biological treatment process having all the treatment units to meet the desired treated effluent
and dewatered sludge standards as given in clause no 2.2.3 of this part.

2.8 Common Diversion Chamber

The Common Diversion Chamber shall be constructed to receive the raw wastewater coming from
three numbers existing gravity ducts for combined capacity of proposed 564 MLD WWTP, and
existing Phase V (72.74 MLD) and Phase VI (136 MLD) WWTPs. Wastewater from Common
Diversion Chamber to the Inlet Chamber of proposed 564 MLD WWTP shall flow under gravity
through Pipe/Channel. Wastewater from New Common Diversion Chamber shall gravitate to existing
channels carrying the wastewater to the existing Phase V and Phase VI.

Indicative top water levels of the existing gravity duct no. 1 is RL 213.647m, gravity duct no. 2 is RL
213.953m, and gravity duct no. 3 is RL 214.50m.The Common Diversion Chamber constructed shall
be provided with appropriate flow distribution so that only required flow of wastewater is conveyed to
the respective WWTPs. For WWTP isolation electrically operated (with manually override) sluice
gates shall be provided. The new raw wastewater (transfer pipes/channel) shall be provided to transfer
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 254
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the wastewater from Common Diversion Chamber to the proposed 564 MLD WWTP as shown in the
Plant Layout Drawing. RCC NP4Pipes/Channel shall be designed for peak flow. The Common Inlet
Chamber shall be provided with railing all around.

2.9 Inlet Chamber

Inlet Chamber shall be designed for peak flow. Electrically operated (with manually override) Inlet /
Outlet Isolation Sluice Gates shall be provided for controlling the flow from Inlet Chamber to medium
and Fine Screen Channels. Bypass channel/pipe designed for peak flow from Inlet Chamber to the
final effluent channel shall be provided. Sluice gate shall be provided for controlling the flow from
Inlet Chamber to the By-pass channel/pipe. The Inlet Chamber shall be provided with Staircase and
1.2 m wide walkway with hand railing.

2.10 Medium and Fine Screens Channels

The raw wastewater from the inlet chamber shall flow by gravity to the Screen influent channel and
flow shall be distributed equally to each screen channel. Screening shall be done in two stages and
Contractor shall have to provide automatic mechanical medium screens to remove particles larger
than 20 mm size and in second stage, there shall be fully automatic mechanical fine screens to remove
particles larger than 6mm.

In addition to the mechanical screens, one number manual screen (SS316) for 15% of design peak
flow shall be provided to remove particles larger than 20 mm size.

Medium screens shall be provided with belt conveyer system and fine screens shall be supplied with
shaftless screw conveyor to convey the screenings to the automatic screening press and discharge
system that including washing and then compacts, dewater and discharges the screenings through
chute to the screenings storage system. The screens and shaftless screw conveyor shall be in SS 316
construction. The screen shall be movable bars / perforated band having a design life of 15 – 20 years.
A straight line channel before the screen is mandatory. Minimum length of the channel shall be 5
times the width of the screen chamber. A similar channel after the screen channel shall also be

The mechanical Screens shall be in continuous operation under normal condition & with all working
and minimum one no as standby Screen during peak and minimum flow. The individual Screen
Channel shall be provided with electrically operated (with manual override) Inlet & Outlet isolation
Sluice Gates. Wastewater from each screen shall flow to common channel for further distribution to
grit chambers. Electrically operated (with manual override) Inlet / Outlet isolation Sluice Gates shall
be provided for controlling the flow from common channel to grit chambers. Suitable RCC platform
of minimum 1.2 m width shall be constructed along the screen chamber to reach the screens for closer
inspection of all screens and conveyor system. Access Staircase and railing shall also be provided.

2.11 Grit Chambers

De-gritting is required for removal of all grit and other inorganic solids of specific gravity 2.65 and
above with particle size of 0.15 mm and above from wastewater. De-gritting shall be accompanied
with grit washing to ensure that grit is free from organic matter before disposal. Grit Chamber shall be
designed for design peak flow with 25% standby units.

Grit Separators are to be provided after the screening and shall be with low head loss type. The vortex
type grit chamber consisting of a tank in which the flow shall enter tangentially creating a vortex flow
pattern is required. The constantly rotating stirrer mounted in the tank helps the wastewater circulation
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 255
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

within the grit chamber to maintain a constant velocity of rotation even under low flow conditions.
The solids shall be collected within the hopper located at the centre of grit chamber and shall pass to
the grit collection tank.
The grit evacuation from the grit separation hopper could be either by centrifugal pump or Airlift
Pumps. In case of use of Air Lift Pump to transfer grit from the grit chamber there shall be individual
air blowers per grit chamber.

The centrifugal or airlift pumps shall deliver the collected solids from grit collection tank into grit
classifier or grit washer wherein solids are washed and organic material is returned to the plant, and
the washed solids are collected in grit bins. The Grit Chamber shall have separate classifiers per grit
chamber and grit collection hopper/trolley

The grit classifier or grit washer is to be located in such a way, wherein the solids can be separated
and dewatered and organic particles can be removed. A grit storage hopper with proper slope towards
bottom shall be provided for effective grit storage for the designed flow.

The bidders are to note that the silt & grit removed from grit chamber, does not form part of the TSS
in the wastewater quality indicated in the tender document. Accordingly sludge calculations shall be
done by bidders.

The grit removal device shall be capable of removing the following at the specified hydraulic peak
flow rate, and no decrease in efficiency will be allowed at flows less than this design rate :

a) 95% of the grit greater than 150 microns in size,

b) 85% of the grit greater than 100 but less than 150 microns in size, and
c) The washed grit shall contain less than 3 % organic matter on dry basis
d) No TSS removal shall be considered in grit removal

Documentary evidence in support of the removal efficiency of the offered equipment shall be
furnished by Contractor.

The wastewater from Grit Chamber shall flow to common channel for further distribution to the
Biological treatment units. Electrically operated (with manually override) Inlet/ Outlet Isolation
Sluice Gates shall be provided for controlling the flow from Grit Chambers to the combined channel.

2.12 Flow Measuring Channel (Area Velocity Flow Meter Type)

The wastewater from Grit Chambers shall flow to a common channel having facility for measuring
flow with the Area Velocity Flow Measuring type Ultrasonic Flow Meter. The Area Velocity Flow
meter Channel shall be designed as per the latest CPHEEO manual or as per manufacturer’s
requirement with proper clear straight length on the upstream & downstream for steady state of flow.
Flow meter shall be fitted with an ultra-sonic type measuring device to provide local and remote read
out of the flow into the plant.

The Area Velocity Flow meter Channel shall be connected with the Primary Sedimentation
distribution chamber.

2.13 Primary Sedimentation Unit

Bidder shall provide sufficient number of appropriately sized units operating in parallel. Bidder shall
design the units based on the “Surface Overflow Rate” and solids loading rate as per CPHEEO
manual considering return flows, if any. Each settlement tank shall be fitted with a scum collection &
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 256
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

removal system. The system shall be designed to minimise the volume of liquid discharged with the
scum whilst providing efficient removal of the scum. All scum shall be sent directly to the sludge
sump from where it shall be pumped to the appropriate sludge treatment system for further treatment
and reuse.

2.14 Aerobic Treatment System

Bidder can propose any proven Aerobic biological treatment process. Aerobic biological
treatment shall be designed to achieve the treated effluent parameters as outlined in clause no 2.2.3 of
this document. The biological treatment system shall be designed for design average flow including
recirculation and other flows, if any. Aerobic biological treatment process shall be so selected that, the
treated effluent parameters as outlined in clause no 2.2.3 of this document are achieved along with
meeting requirement of power generation.

However, the treatment processes listed below shall not be accepted:

 Oxidation pond (facultative/anaerobic/aerobic)

 Aerated Lagoons
 Oxidation ditch
 Upward Anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
 Waste stabilization Pond (WSP)
 Natural Treatment System

The proposed technology shall be supported with detailed process and methodology along with
permissible design parameters, components, and technical specifications with other process loading
data confirming to standard operating manuals in consonant with CPHEEO Manual (2013) on
Sewerage with specified size of each units with conceptual layouts. In case certain parameters are not
given in CPHEEO manual, Sewage and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - Metcalf & Eddy latest
edition shall be referred.

The aeration system shall be designed such that the liquor in the aerobic zones is adequately mixed
even during low load / low flow periods to prevent settling of biomass, and to avoid unmixed pockets
within the aerobic zones. Bidder may consider any aerobic process (or its variants) in singly or in
combination with in achieving the desired effluent criteria.

Minimum requirement for some of the aerobic treatment process shall be as follows:

For a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger Process (MLE) process which consists of the modification of a
conventional activated sludge process where an Anoxic zone is created or added upstream of the
Aerobic zone. The process uses Mixed Liquor Recycle flow that carries nitrates created in the
nitrification process in the Aerobic zone along with the mix liquor to be mixed in the influent to the
Anoxic zone. The amount of nitrates potentially removed in the Anoxic zone depends on the recycle
flow and availability of influent BOD.

For SBR treatment process, the SBR sizing and design shall be such that the proposed cycle times,
number of cycles per day, and phase times within each cycle shall all remain fixed up to the specified
design peak day flow. No acceleration or premature advancing of cycles shall be allowed up to the
peak day flow. The Cycles may be advanced as necessary for level control only when the actual
influent flow exceeds the specified design peak day flow. SBR basins may or may not have internal
partitions. Regardless of such internal partitioning, all SBR designs shall strictly comply with the
design criteria and all other requirements specified in the tender documents. SBR designs that permit
any overlap whatsoever between the fill phase and settle phase or the fill phase and decant phase of
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 257
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the SBR cycle shall not be accepted. Process air blowers as well as air piping and valves for SBRs
shall be configured such that one or more blowers are dedicated to each SBR basin that is in the
aeration phase at any given time. The discharge from any given blower shall be routed to no more
than a single SBR basin at any given time. Scum collection and removal system shall be provided
within SBR before discharge of the treated sewage through the decanters.

For MBR process, membrane basins shall be fully covered with solid / chequered non-skid GRP
cover plates. The design shall provide for easy isolation of each MBR basin and shall include all
required facilities for complete and automatic clean-in-place (CIP) functionality. An electric overhead
bridge crane or monorail chain pulley block with travelling trolley shall be provided for easy removal
of the membrane modules. The crane or block shall provide adequate vertical clearance to safely lift
the membrane modules above all piping, equipment, or other items that may be located in the travel
path from the module location in the tank to an adequately-sized adjacent membrane “lay-down” area
designated for membrane maintenance. The crane coverage shall include the entire MBR basin area
plusthe lay-down area, if required.

The scope of supply for the MBR system shall consist of, but not limited to the following:
 A complete microporous membrane system with relevant track record in sewage treatment
application and associated pumps and process equipment as necessary to meet the
performance requirements listed subsequently.
 All equipment associated with the backwash system (if the membrane is back washable)
including pumps, chemical addition systems, air blowers, air compressors, dryers and
receivers as necessary to sustain the permeability of microporous membranes;
 Chemical storage, handling, injection and mixing systems, pumps, tanks, heaters and
instrumentation associated with the microporous membrane Clean-In-Place (CIP) system;
 All interconnecting pipe works, fittings and valves,
 All interconnecting wiring (power and control)
 All required process control and monitoring instrumentation, and
 All on-line analysers for performance monitoring and verification.

All the MBR associated equipment such as Scour Air Blowers, Permeate/ Back pulse Pumps, RAS
Pumps shall be housed inside a building.

For Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR)/ IFAS reactor shall be provided with suitable high density
polyethylene (HDPE) media , media retention screens and fine/coarse bubble aeration system. The
minimum media fill will be 30% of tank volume. The effective specific surface area of media shall be
between 600-800 m2/m3 and density of the media shall be less than 1.0but no less than 0.94.Media
Retention Screen shall be designed based on peak flow. Media Retention Screen shall be made of
Stainless Steel, Type 316 or higher Maximum hydraulic loading rate shall be50 m3/m2-hr.

2.14.1 Final Sedimentation tank (if applicable)

In the Final Sedimentation Tanks, mixed liquor suspended solids will be settled to recycle the
biological sludge back to the biological reactor. Appropriate detention time and surface loading shall
be provided for settling of mixed liquor suspended solids. Bidder shall provide a sufficient number of
appropriately sized units operating in parallel. Bidder shall design the tanks based on the “Surface
Overflow Rate” and solids loading rate as per CPHEEO manual considering RAS flows. Each
settlement tank shall be fitted with a scum collection & removal system. The system shall be designed
to minimise the volume of liquid discharged with the scum whilst providing efficient removal of the
scum. All scum shall be sent directly to the sludge sump from where it shall be pumped to the Sludge
Management system for further treatment and disposal.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 258

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.14.2 Return Sludge Pump House (if applicable)

Return sludge pump house shall be dry well type with easy access for pump installation and
maintenance. Each FST / MBR tank shall have dedicated RAS pump(s) and WAS pump(s), with
minimum 50% stand-by pump(s). A suitably located online flow meter(s) shall be installed with
necessary ancillaries so as to allow measurement of RAS and WAS flow from each FST. The RAS
and WAS pumps shall be installed with variable speed drives.

2.15 Tertiary System

Secondary treated effluent shall flow to tertiary filtration system units by channel under gravity for
tertiary treatment. Contractor shall provide proven mechanical Tertiary Filtration system with low
head loss requirement so as to fit the same in available head of plant and no pumping of effluent is
desired. Tertiary treatment facility shall be provided in building.

The Bidder may propose any proven filtration system that has been implemented, worldwide.
However, Bidder may consider any of the following filtration process:

For travelling bridge type, the filter bed depth shall be minimum 0.30 m. The filtration system
should able to handle the average flow of 564 MLD and peak flow of 1127 MLD. Each filter
component shall be designed to withstand with a prudent safety factor all stresses that may occur
during fabrication, erection, intermittent, or continuous 24 hour per day operation. The equipment and
controls shall be provided as a complete package to ensure coordination and compatibility. Each filter
shall include a travelling bridge assembly, backwash hood, a single submersible pump, nozzles with
integral tailpieces, air distribution header, under drain, Single or dual media i.e. consisting of high
grade silica sand and if dual media anthracite media shall be provided, indexing tabs, power cable,
rail, influent ports, backwash discharge launder, and controls. Access Staircase with hand railing shall
also be provided. The filter backwash shall be recycled to the inlet works.

Cloth Media Disc filtration system should be able to handle the average flow of 564 MLD and peak
flow of 1127MLD. Each filter component shall be designed to withstand with a prudent safety factor
all stresses that may occur during fabrication, erection, intermittent, or continuous 24 hour per day
operation. The effective filtration area will be considered the actual media area which will be
submerged and available for filtration. Maximum effective filter loading rate at average & peak
design flow shall be 8 and 16 m3/m2/hr respectively. The equipment and controls shall be provided as
a complete package to ensure coordination and compatibility. Each filter shall include all the
necessary ancillaries such as pipe work, actuated valves for automatic operation, local control panel
with a controller, communication link to main plant PLC etc. Access Staircase with hand railing shall
also be provided. The filter backwash shall be recycled to the inlet works. Contractor shall submit
calculation and sufficient evidences for verifying the effective filtration surface area. The filtration
system shall be complete with PLC controlled operation and backwash system.

The Membrane filtration system shall be either the submerged or low pressure type and shall be
capable of filtering average flow of 564 MLD and peak flow of 1,128MLD and achieve the
desired treated effluent quality. The contractor shall be responsible for the design of the necessary
pre-treatment system for the selected membrane filtration unit. Concurrently, the supplier of the
membrane filtration unit shall certify that the pre-treatment system designed by the contractor is
sufficient based on the effluent quality information provided. However, the maximum Flux with one
unit out of service shall be 76 LMH for submerged membrane and 110 LMH for low pressure

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 259

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.16 Disinfection System

Contractor shall provide Ultraviolet disinfection system for fecal coliform reduction to achieve the
treated effluent parameters as outlined in clause no 2.2.3 of this document. UV disinfection system
shall be designed for peak flow. The UV disinfection equipment shall be designed with modular
duty/standby facilities such that the failure of a particular UV module does not prevent full flow from
the site. Effluent shall be collected in UV disinfection channel that will house the UV disinfection
lamp racks. Each UV channel shall be designed with a dedicated drain down facility to allow for
maintenance. The hydraulic design of the UV channel should be such that all the lamps are submerged
at low flow conditions, and there shall be no short circuiting of the flow. The UV units shall be
installed in such a way that prevents escape of the UV light to prevent damage to operating personnel.

The Contractor shall provide the detailed design and its justification to achieve the desired treated
effluent. The design of the disinfection facilities provided will be based on manufacturer’s best
practice and shall provide a minimum UV dose of 40 mJ/cm2, having transmittance between 70 to

The calculation shall take into consideration the following

 Lamp failure.
 Fouling.
 Turbidity.
 Water Transmissivity.
 Presence of Organic materials.
 Presence of Inorganic materials.
 Presence of Fats, Oil and Greases (FOG).
 Total Suspended Solids.
 Particle size range.
 Measures to reduce flow surges.
 Flow monitoring.
 Ageing of lamps.
 Module design (particularly regarding required turbulence).

The UV units should be equipped with automatic lamp cleaning systems, which could be mechanical
type, chemical type or both. UV dose should be automatically adjustable, and the lamps / racks
should be automatically controlled to achieve this dose. The effectiveness of disinfection shall be
measured on a 15 day basis with geometric mean calculations while meeting the discharge standard of
230 MPN/100 mL

The bidder shall select a vendor who has done a minimum of 50 MLD STP with UV disinfection and
information of the system and location where the UV disinfection has been implemented.

2.17 Treated Effluent Channel

Proposed Treated Effluent channel shall be provided to carry treated effluent from disinfection unit to
the final disposal point. Channel shall be designed for design peak flow. New treated effluent channel
shall discharge the treated effluent into existing treated effluent channel.

2.18 Treated Effluent Reuse Pump House

Treated Effluent Reuse Pump house having sump, pump house and control panel building shall be
constructed. The treated effluent reuse pumps shall be provided for 100 MGD capacity to meet the
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 260
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

reuse requirement including the requirement of existing 40 MGD of treated effluent to other parts of
Delhi and for various in-plant uses including but not limited to tanker filling stations. Bidder shall
provide the details of the in-plant water requirement.

Sump shall be provided for 100 MGD capacity. However, duty pumps (Hz centrifugal type) of
sufficient capacity (approx. 50 m total head) along with 50% standby pumps for supplying 40
MGD treated effluent to other reuse locations in Delhi and also pumps required for meeting in-plant
requirement shall be provided. Interconnection of the existing Rising Mains from old pump house to
the proposed treated effluent reuse pump house shall be connected by Contractor.

Also, 3 nos. submersible pumps shall be installed in the sump to pump the treated effluent to 3 nos.
Tanker Filling Stations. Pipe network for pumping the treated effluent to the tanker filling stations
shall be provided by the Contractor. The sump shall be fully covered with suitable SS grating. The
sump shall be constructed in RCC as liquid retaining structure. The sump shall have SS hand railing
of minimum 1.0 m height all around. The plinth level of the building shall be minimum 500 mm
above the FGL

2.19 Sludge Digestion System

Bidder are required to provide entire Sludge digestion system including but not limited to thickening,
Anaerobic Digestion, Dewatering and safe reuse of sludge without dumping. Contractor shall be
solely responsible for the digestion of the sludge and handling the same in an environmentally safe
manner. Contractor can adopt any other advanced treatment processes which lead to the reduction in
the overall sludge volume, making its handling safer and easier and can be reused further. Appropriate
sludge thickening and dewatering process shall be provided by the Bidder.

2.19.1 Anaerobic Digesters

Anaerobic digesters shall be provided for the anaerobic digestion of sludge generated within the
treatment process as specified, along with all required ancillary equipment. There shall be no moving
parts or other components requiring routine maintenance or servicing inside the digesters. The design
shall ensure that maintenance of all equipment and components can be safely and easily accomplished
from outside the digester and without draining its contents.

The Anaerobic digesters shall have facility for gas mixing and contents inside the digester shall be
continuously kept under homogenous mixed condition through these mixing systems. The Anaerobic
Sludge Digesters shall also have sludge heating system. Complete sludge heating system, consisting
of heat exchangers, sludge recycling pumps, motors, switchgears, piping etc. required for efficient
heating of the sludge along with recovery & transferring of heat from the exhaust system of biogas
engine shall be provided.

Contractor shall submit detailed specification and calculation of the heating system proposed and
justify the heat requirement of Digesters during winter season will be met through the heat available
from bio gas engine and additional requirement to be fulfil through boiler, if required. One minimum
1.2m wide staircase with hand railing shall be provided for digester with necessary landing. minimum
1.2 m wide inter connecting RCC platform/walkway shall be provided all-around at Ring beam level
to have access for inspection and to other digesters with hand railing. All digesters shall be connected
with one another by cement concrete walkways. Suitable arrangement shall also be made to go upto
the apex of the digesters, for maintenance purposes. Piping/specials/equipment etc for sludge line
shall be of DI – K9 or equivalent as per ISO 2532/ BS EN 545 with Sulphate Resistant cement mortar
lining. The digester shall be gas tight and defect if any has to be made good by contractor. The
contractor should also supply non spark tools for use. Biogas line in SS 316with a pressure gauge on
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 261
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the top of digester shall be provided with gas tight/gas leak proof valves of standard make. The pipe
lines shall be provided with drip traps and flame arrestors at suitable places. Each digester shall be
provided with inspection manholes suitably located having removable covers and shall be leak proof.
To prevent building up of excessive gas pressure inside the digester, provision is to be kept for
hydrostatic pressure relief and gas ventilating arrangements with flame arrestor. Sludge from digesters
shall be conveyed to a digested sludge sump, wherefrom it shall be pumped to the mechanical sludge

2.19.2 Digested Sludge sump and Pump House

Digested Sludge Sump/Centrifuge Feed Sump & pump house shall be provided to withdraw the
digested sludge from anaerobic digesters and store the same in digested sludge sump/centrifuge feed
sump and then pump the same to sludge dewatering system i.e. centrifuge system. Digested sludge
shall be pumped to mechanical sludge dewatering system consisting of centrifuges. The top level of
the sump shall be minimum 500 mm above the F.G.L with minimum 1.0 m high hand railing all
around it. Digested sludge sump shall be provided with submersible mixers for mixing.

Digested Sludge Pump House shall be provided to accommodate working and 50% stand by digested
sludge pumps and shall include all accessories and associated works including all interconnecting
piping works for the sludge pumps, specials, appurtenances, supporting structures, control panels etc.
Digested Sludge Pump House shall be provided with Mechanical Ventilation system, Fire fighting

2.19.3 Digester Control Building

Proposed digester control building shall be constructed to accommodate Bio Gas Compressor, heat
exchanger, mixing and recirculation pumps, external valves, instrumentations, electrical and control
panels etc. Building shall have RCC framed structure and the brick panel walls 230 mm thick. The
plinth level of the building shall be minimum 500 mm above the FGL. EOT crane of suitable capacity
shall be provided.

2.19.4 Dewatering Centrifuges and Control Building

For dewatering of digested sludge, sufficient no. of centrifuges of adequate capacity shall be provided
as working along with 100% as standby units.

Dewatering Centrifuge building shall be a two storey building with RCC framed structure and brick
panel walls of 230 mm thick. Dewatering Centrifuge and all associated/ancillary equipment required
for proper operation and performance shall be provided at first floor of the building as specified,
including but not limited to a dewatered sludge conveyors, sludge storage/loading bins/hoppers, and
truck access and loading facilities. Design, sizing, construction, and operation of the dewatering units
and related equipment, including but not limited to solids and hydraulic loadings, shall be adequate to
ensure that all specified performance requirements, including but not limited to dewatered sludge
concentration and solids capture, are fully met under the specified dewatering operating schedule.
Centrifuge shall be provided of suitable capacity as per process requirement with 50% standby
capacity. Dewatering centrifuge shall be provided to achieve the desired solids consistency with
polymer dosing system. Dewatering units shall operate for up to 2 shift i.e. 16 operating hours per day
and 7 days/week.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 262

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.19.5 Plant Drain Sump & Pump House

The pump house shall be suitable for installation of submersible pumps. The sump shall be
constructed as liquid retaining structure. The top level of the sump shall be 500 mm above the F.G.L
with 1.0 m high hand railing all around it. There shall be RCC framed structure with outer brick walls
of 230 mm thick over the sump of adequate floor area as required. This structure shall house panels
and other electrical / mechanical fittings. The plant drain sump and pump house shall be provided as
specified to collect the flow from various units such as centrate from pre-dewatering and dewatering
units, backwash from filtration units etc. and shall be pumped back to the inlet chamber. All
components including but not limited to the wet well and the pumps shall be adequately sized to
accommodate all continuous, periodic, and intermittent recycles as well as periodic maintenance-
related draining of various structures within the time intervals specified.

2.19.6 Sludge Treatment and Reuse

The Bidder shall specify the detailed plan and methodology for the treatment (post dewatering) and
selling of treated reusable sludge. It is hereby clarified that all costs and charges relating to handling,
transportation, marketing and sale of the reuse of sludge post dewatering shall be solely borne by
Contractor. Contractor shall also share 10% of the revenue generated by selling of the treated reusable
sludge which will be adjusted in the monthly O&M bills of the Contractor. For this purpose, the
Contractor shall submit detailed accounts/ audit report certified by charted accountant to Employer.
No price preference shall be given on this account during Price Bid Evaluation. The bidder can
choose any option(s) while considering reuse of sludge for beneficial use.

Disposal /dumping of sludge for filling in low lying areas shall not be allowed.

2.20 Gas Holders

Gas Holder shall be provided for the storage of biogas having capacity of 25% of the total daily
biogas production. Gas Holder shall be double membrane type.The double Membrane type Gas
holding systems complete with all safety equipment, ultrasonic level measurement device, flat
characteristic support air blowers, NRV’s, external, hand held gas leakage detection device etc shall
be provided for buffer storage of scrubbed biogas. These buffer storage systems shall be utilized to
store gas to counter balance peak load demands & for maintaining optimum power generation even
when there are fluctuations in the gas generation from digesters. Sensors shall be available for
monitoring of gas leakage detection, inbuilt low and high pressure safety systems, etc.
Entire Gas Holder area shall be protected by providing sheets of suitable material upto the height of
the membrane to give an aesthetic look so as to avoid any damage to membrane.

2.21 Gas Scrubber Area

Gas generated from digesters will contain hydrogen sulphide (H2S). This H2S shall be scrubbed from
Sewage Gas by using biochemical scrubbing before using it in gas engine to reduce corrosion in the
engine parts and to reduce pollution. The system should regenerate at least up to 80% of the solution
used for H2S Scrubbing. The system should give less than 200 ppm of H2S at the outlet of the
scrubbing process in a single stage scrubbing. The system should be capable of producing elemental
sulphur as a by-product of the Scrubbing Process of H2S gas. Necessary stand by equipment shall be
provided for continuous operation.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 263

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.22 Gas Flare

Gas Flare system shall be provided as specified for safe flaring of excess biogas. Flaring system shall
be auto flaring type. Flaring system have three nos. of complete flaring system including main burner
with pilot burner, wind shield, thermocouple, spark igniter, control panel, electrically operated
butterfly valve, solenoid for pilot line, etc as per the local Pollution Controls norms & complying with
CPCB norms.

2.23 Power Generation and Electric Panel Building

2.23.1 Power Generation Building

The power generation building to be two storeys building in RCC framed structure and brick panel
walls of 230 mm thick. The plinth level of the building shall be 500 mm above the FGL. The building
shall have separate spaces/floors for accommodating cooling towers, radiator arrangement, silencer
system, chimney, fresh air system, including ducting etc. and Heat Recovery System etc.

Complete Gas Engine Generator System, consisting minimum 50 % standby gas generators at
alternator terminals and including Clean Gas Holder for emergency operation of Gas Engine, Gas
Scrubber System and Heat Recovery System etc. shall be provided as specified for generation of
power using biogas. The generators shall be connected to the plant’s electrical power system in such a
way that when they are in operation, they shall serve as the primary power source and the generated
power shall be utilized to the fullest possible extent. Power from the outside grid shall be used only
when, and only to the extent that, the plant’s total power demand exceeds the power being generated
by the gas engines.

The Gas Engine should have features of black start with the help of clean gas from clean gas holder.
Gas engine shall be suitable for operation with variable composition of Biogas. The Gas Engine
Generator Sets shall be provided as a package system.

Central cooling system along with cooling towers all associated ducts, grilles, etc. for cooling of
major buildings such as Power Generation Building, Air Blower Building and Sub-Station Building.
The water softening plant of the required capacity for use of treated effluent required for cooling
system shall also be supplied. Water from Employer water supply system or ground water is not to be
utilized for any cooling system purpose.

2.24 Electrical Main Sub Station

1 no. electrical main substation EMS to be provided for accommodating 33 kV metering panel which
will receive electricity from 33kV from electric supply authority. Apart from the metering panel this
building also accommodates 33kV HT switch gear panel battery and battery charger for control
supply to all breakers.

This building should be in RCC framed structure and brick panel walls of 230mm thick. Substations
shall be designed as per tender specification clause no 5.3.15 Vol 2, Section 10, part 5 of Bid

2.25 Electrical Sub Stations

Electrical Sub Substations to be provided such as near Bioreactors, Tertiary system units, Treated
effluent reuse pump house as per specification given in Part 5, Section X, Vol 2.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 264

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.26 Instrumentation Works

The treatment plant conceived is an auto control plant capable of Automatic Operation requiring
minimal operator attention.

Instrumentation system i.e., type & quantity of instruments shall be considered to meet the process
requirement and the control philosophy of the plant. For detailed scope of work and specification of
instrumentation system Section-X Part-6 shall be referred.

2.27 Utility Buildings

2.27.1 Fire Fighting Pump House

The contractor shall design and construct suitable fire fighting system along with pump sets, fire
hydrant shall be provided in the fire fighting pump house. The system shall be complete with motor
and diesel driven fire pump including Jockey pumps and other accessories for meeting the fire
fighting requirement of buildings located in the plant area.

Final treated effluent shall be the source of water supply for fire fighting purposes which shall be
conveyed to the fire fighting pump house in which all pumping machinery shall be installed. Delivery
head for the pump should be sufficient to supply the water to all structures and to meet the fire
fighting requirement. Fire hydrant shall be provided near all the units of buildings/ pump houses/
panel rooms conforming to the directions of Engineer.

All fire fighting network shall be of pressurized HDPE pipes class PN-12 and material classification
PE-100 conforming to IS:4984., a fire fighting water store of adequate capacity using treated
wastewater as water for fire fighting. The pump house shall be suitable for installation of pumps.

This shall be RCC framed structure with outer brick walls of 230 mm thick over the sump. The
minimum plan area shall be 120 sqm. Height of the roof / ceiling up to the soffit of the beam shall be
minimum 4500 mm. This structure shall house panels and other electrical / mechanical fittings.

2.27.2 Workshop and store

Workshop and Store building shall be a single storey building in RCC framed structure with brick
walls as 230 mm thick. The minimum ceiling height up to the soffit of beam shall be 5000 mm.
The flooring shall be of cement concrete with metallic hardener topping.

2.27.3 Administration Building Including SCADA and Laboratory Room

The administration building shall be a two storey building having Conference room, Laboratory and
model room at ground floor and SCADA Control Room, Plant Manager &Staff Room for
Management /Supervisors at first floor. The minimum carpet area of each floor shall be 240 m2 per
floor, with a total area of 480 m2.

Building shall be RCC framed structure with brick panel walls and shall have entrance porticos. All
brick walls shall be 230 mm thick, except for partition walls of toilets which shall be 115 mm thick.

The Conference room shall also have separate pantry room. The ground floor and first floor shall have
2 nos. toilets at each floor, one each for men and women of size, with fittings as specified in part 3 –
civil specifications clause 3.3 particular civil requirements. The taps on wash basin shall be of censor

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 265

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

type. The urinals shall be fitted with automatic censer type flushing system. Two nos. Triple layered
polyethylene water storage tanks of size 1 KL each shall be provided at the top of the building.

SCADA Control rooms shall be provided with adequate ventilation with moisture and temperature
control (Cooling and heating) as per the weather requirement.

The temperature control should be suitable for working corrosive atmosphere containing H2S gases.
Standard temperature control equipment like Direct Compression Air Conditioners are not be suitable,
instead, it is necessary to go for chilled/hot water temperature control system with centralized
heating/cooling facility.

For sizing the central chilled water cooling facility the cooling requirement shall be calculated based
on Heat load of electrical equipment including UPS, heat generation by power panels etc. The heat
load of buildings shall be considered as 1 Tr per 40 m3 building volume.

Laboratory shall be provided with two platforms projecting 750 mm from the wall out of which one
shall be at about 150 mm height from floor Level and the other at sill level. The upper platform shall
be of RCC. Central RCC platform of minimum 1.5 m width & required length shall be provided at
working level height. The platforms shall be covered with Granite stone on top surface. Ceramic tiles
on the walls all along the RCC platforms upto the 750 mm shall be provided. Two laboratory sinks on
the RCC platform and one wash basin along the opposite wall. The sinks and wash basin shall have
direct water supply connection and not from the service tank. The space below the platform shall have
cabinet/ cupboards for keeping laboratory materials.

The first floor shall have two rooms and one meeting room, pantry and toilets one each for men and
women. The size of toilets and facilities shall be similar to that provided at ground floor / laboratory.
One SS sink with two CP drinking water taps shall be provided in the pantry. In addition to above,
one room and meeting room shall also have attached toilets.

The outer face of the building shall be provided with aluminium cladding system comprising of
PVDF/Dura glass 5000 coated 4 mm thick approved aluminium composite panels as per
specifications and as approved by the Engineer.

Before commencing the construction of the office, the Contractor shall submit to the engineer for his
approval a drawing of the proposed building showing all architectural and finishing details. After
approval of these details, contractor shall submit structural designs and drawings.

The Contractor shall furnish the rooms as the engineer directs and the equipment, furniture,
furnishings and fittings to be supplied shall be new items and also of approved make.

All the operating expenses, water, lights and other charges shall be regarded as an inclusive cost of the
Contractor’s operating costs and part of the contract price.

The Conference Room, Control Room, Plant Manager Room and Staff Room for Management
/Supervisors shall have the following facilities (minimum):

a) Furniture including tables, chairs, etc as per the space management and as directed by

b) Copy, Email, Fax, Print, Scan multipurpose machine - 1 No.,

c) Two Desktop of approved configuration installed with required operating software,

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 266

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

d) Two UPS of size as directed by Engineer,

e) Internet connection with telephone connection,

f) Split type air conditioner of capacity 2 Tons – 4 Nos.,

g) Two 1 KL triple layered polyethylene water storage tank at the roof top,

h) Water supply, sanitary, electricity fittings, power back-up, etc.

The contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of building and housekeeping, during the entire
contract period including O & M.

2.28 Architectural Concepts and Designs

An Architectural Design Basis Report will be submitted to the engineer including proposals for the
following scheme components: shape, form, color, and basic materials for interior and exterior
architecture along with an appropriate landscaping scheme. All schemes will be supported by
architectural statement explaining the factors considered in the design.

Architecture work shall include walls, roof, flooring and floor finish, roof water proofing, down water
pipes, windows, ventilators, doors, glazing, equipment access doors, painting and other ornamental
works. The contractor shall get all Architectural, Structural and RCC drawings and design
calculations, etc approved by engineer prior to construction of works at site.

2.29 Public Addressing System

A centralized amplifier based system that’s been designed to provide voice paging and to broadcast
alarm tone during emergencies.
The system can transmit alarm tone and routine voice messages, from a central location, to all or
selected areas of the facility, in a reliable and safe manner, by the use of loud speakers.
The system shall be provided at minimum three locations.

2.30 Plant Development Infrastructure Works

2.30.1 Internal Roads and Drains Existing Roads

All existing roads in the plant are bituminous roads and the contractor shall repair the same and re-
carpet with a final bituminous finish coat as per CPWD specifications. New Roads

All new main internal roads, wherever required shall have minimum 6 m wide bituminous portion and
1 meter wide shoulders on either side. Other connected roads shall have minimum 4 m wide
bituminous portion. Shoulders top shall have factory made interlocking paver blocks 80 mm thick in
M 40 CC laid over 50 mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc all
complete. The RL of internal roads shall be kept in accordance with the approach road to WWTP area
and formation levels in the plant area.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 267

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.30.2 Pathways

All buildings and structures should be interconnected by 1500 mm wide Cement Concrete pathway
with a non skid surface. The pathway shall be at least 150 mm above the area FGL. The pathway shall
be constructed using brickbats and cement concrete of 100 mm thickness.

2.30.3 Storm Water Drains

Storm water side drains shall be designed and constructed only along one side of the internal roads.
These drains shall be covered with factory made perforated concrete covers.

Adequate longitudinal and cross gradients shall be provided in the road for efficient and quick
drainage of storm water. Required longitudinal slope shall be maintained in road side drain also.
The designed storm water drainage system shall be integrated with existing treated effluent channel
either by gravity or by pumping.

2.30.4 Pipes and Ducts for Road Crossings

RCC pipes and ducts carrying utilities like cables, water and sewerage lines, storm water, etc shall
have minimum one meter cover while laid under roads. Access chambers and manholes shall have
size not less than 600 mm x 1000 mm and be provided at intervals as directed by engineer. All such
pipes and ducts shall be designed structurally for calculated imposed loads and the design be got
approved by engineer.

2.30.5 Cable and Pipe Trenches

As far as possible, the alignment of the cable route shall be decided after taking into consideration the
present and likely future requirements of other services like drains, water supply pipelines, etc. This
aspect shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer while planning the works and approval be taken.
Cable trenches should be constructed in such a manner that sharp bends are avoided, however, at the
same time route should be kept shortest. Separate trenches shall be provided for LV/MV and HV
cables, however, if there is restricted space then provision for fixing different level cable trays be
made and LV/MV cables shall be laid above HV cables.

Cable and pipe trenches shall generally be constructed in reinforced concrete, however, 500 mm x 500
mm size or smaller trenches, not on fill may be constructed in 350 mm thick brick masonry in 1:4
cement mortar. The brick trenches will be plastered internally with cement mortar 1:4 and externally
in cement mortar (1:3) as directed by engineer. The cable trench work shall have recess (monolithic
with drain structure) for placing top covers. Necessary fasteners shall be fixed at the time of
construction itself for supporting the cables or cable trays.

Trenches within the buildings or plant areas not exposed to direct rain shall be covered with M.S
chequered plates, suitably painted and those outside the buildings shall be covered with factory made
precast concrete covers as directed by engineer. The trenches shall be suitably sloped to drain rain
water to a designated outlet point connected to the plant sewerage or storm water drain system. In
case the location of trench does not permit direct connection with plant drainage system then a catch
pit should be constructed at the lowest point with necessary dewatering arrangement.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 268

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.30.6 Potable Water Supply

Presently water is being supplied to existing office building complex through a Water tankers of
Employer and the water pipe lines is passing near the road .A connection has to be taken by the
contractor for drawing water supply to existing administrative block and other buildings shall include
connection from Delhi Jal Board pipeline, supplying water to existing buildings. The new connection
shall be through 50 mm HDPE pipeline of required class and length. The contractor shall design and
construct distribution network of suitable size (including water appurtenances like sluice valve, scour
valve, air valve, non return valve etc), connecting all the water storage tanks / structures and
additional connection points for cleaning purpose.

2.30.7 Staircase, Walkway Platforms, Hand Railings and Ground Pathways

RCC staircase shall be provided at all locations for accessing the elevated RCC walkway platforms.
RCC walkway platforms of minimum 1200 mm wide shall be provided.

RCC walkway platforms shall be provided in a continuous manner interconnecting all the digester
units and similarly gas holder units. The aim behind constructing continuous walkway platform is to
allow the person to inspect both these units, without getting down and climbing at intermediate units
again and again.

Handrail shall be provided with stainless steel AISI SS handrail and balustrade system having 38 mm
dia. tube handrail (1.5mm gauge) connected with unified stem keys in bead blasted finish to 12 x 54
mm stain finish flat vertical member erected with chemical grout to be fixed on the top of floors/
staircase at maximum distance of 1500 mm with infill of two horizontal mid-rail of 22 mm dia. and as
approved and directed by engineer.

All ground pathways interconnecting buildings, treatment units, pump houses and other structures
shall be minimum 1500 mm wide.

2.30.8 Fencing, Boundary Wall, Gate & Security Room

Contractor shall provide PVC coated galvanized steel chain link fencing of minimum 2.4 m height
above the FGL around the inner periphery or part of WWTP facilities located within the existing
phase I WWTP as shown in the indicative plant layout given in Volume 4 of Bid document.

Also, Contractor shall also provide boundary wall around outer periphery of WWTP as indicated in
the indicative plant layout given in Volume 4 of Bid document. Boundary wall shall be constructed in
the rubble stone masonry work and height matching to the existing boundary wall.

Contractor shall also provide fencing of minimum 1.8 m height all around the digester area. Entire
Gas Holder area shall be protected by providing sheets of suitable material upto the height of the
membrane to give an aesthetic look so as to avoid any damage to the membrane.

Five numbers SS/ Aluminum heavy duty gate (minimum 5.0 m wide and 2.1 m high) fixed on RCC
pillars and painted as per approval of the Engineer shall be provided.

2 nos. Security rooms with minimum area of 12 sqm to be provided near gates.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 269

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.30.9 CCTV Cameras

Providing, installation and testing of day/night surveillance cameras (all cameras shall be suitable
for hazardous area) near the security guard room, digester and gas holder area. The cameras shall be
placed in such a manner so as to cover the entire area required to be secured. The system will be used
for monitoring at a predetermined place within the plant. The proposed surveillance system shall
consist of camera, HD DVR (High Definition Digital Video Recorder), 21 inch (min.) LED monitor
with power backup up to 1 hour. The DVR unit should direct recording of cameras in real time. The
resolution of the picture should be high and have clarity in pictures. Multiple frame monitors should
be used for effective monitoring. The operator should have the facility to choose any given camera for
viewing on the other monitor. Each image should be recorded with a camera number, title, date, time,
recording speed and also have a recording storage of minimum 15 days.

Camera shall have IP66 protection, minimum illumination 0.5 Lux/F1.2, 3.14 Megapixel – 2048(H) x
1536(V), Lens – IRIS and CS interface more than 2.0 Megapixel, power supply AC/DC = 10 – 24V,
power < 2.5 W, S/N ratio > 60dB, WDR 80 dB, video format – 1080P50/60; 1080P25/30;
1080I50/60; 720P25/30; 720p50/60 and video output 1 channel SDI interface. The contractor shall
provide the data sheet to the engineer for approval. Approved makes are Sony, Panasonic and LG.

2.30.10 Land Development, Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscaping

Contractor shall do the land development of the existing plant area during construction and
rehabilitation based on the topography of the area and shall also provide pipe network made of
polypropylene pipes and fittings conforming to ASTM F2389 with hydrants at 50 meter intervals or as
directed by engineer for horticulture purpose. The source of water supply shall be the final treated
effluent pumped from new sump & pump house. Suitable pumping arrangement and network shall be
designed and constructed for horticulture purposes.

The contractor shall from the date of commencement of contract, furnish all materials, labour, and
related items necessary to complete the work indicated and specified herein. The work shall include
the following but not limited to this:

- Green belt plantation

- Create a buffer of Green and pleasantly fragrant flowers
- Lawns;
- Indoor Plantation Works for Admin Building along with decorative pebbles;
- Static Water fountain with all necessary civil works;
- Pathways with interlocked paver blocks of specified design and shade;
- Sprinkler system for lawns.

The landscape contractor will be generally responsible for the entire site but in particular to works
listed above. Along with site management, the responsibilities will include landscaping works and
arboriculture works and maintaining the same.

Plants and shrubs suitable for similar type of conditions shall be sourced by the contractor from
available nurseries, unless otherwise specified. Seeds shall be acquired from reputed organizations
and hybrid seeds will be used where possible – particularly for flower varieties. The contractor shall
submit the list of type of plants and shrubs proposed to be planted in the area along with layout plan
showing plantation to the engineer for approval. No plant material shall be changed without the
consent of the engineer.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 270

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Those plants that are not up to the standards and not meeting the specifications shall be replaced by
the contractor at no extra cost to the Employer. When the plants are to be replaced either for filling
gaps or poor quality, then the contractor shall replace with plants of equal height , size and age of the
plants in that area.

In addition, the contractor will also be responsible for filling gaps, thinning and transplanting, or
replanting where plants may need to be replaced. Along with other planting, the contractor will also
be responsible for improving soil conditions for planting. This may include import /export of sand/soil
to/from site. The contractor will also clear vacant area from existing grasses, keep the site clean and
maintain the already planted areas free of weeds, pests or insects that cause diseases. All weeds,
unwanted grasses and plant material will be cleared up to 1000 mm from the edge of planting of
newly created and already existing horticultural works (such as boundary trees).

Planting of trees, shrubs and plants shall include digging of pits, mixing the top soil with manure and
filling in the pit before and after planting, backfilling, staking with 1 meter long stake to prevent
excess movement of the plant, adequate watering immediately after planting and during the growing
season, mulching of open soil around the plantation with straw or hay at regular intervals and
necessary protection.

All plants proposed to be planted by edge of building in front façade of building should be planted
with special care so as to ensure the following:

a) The painting/cladding of walls is not soiled and kept clean at all times,

b) Watering is done with care so as to ensure water is not entering windows or muddy water is
not splashed on walls.

c) All plants growing over the height of windows should be trimmed below window height.

d) Lawns: The area for planting the lawn shall be maintained free from weeds, whatever may be
the nature of soil, complete surface shall be trenched over to a depth of 300 – 450 mm.
Grading and final leveling of the lawn shall be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the actual
sowing. The soil itself shall be ensured to the satisfaction of engineer to be a good fibrous
loam, rich in humus. Pest/termite prevention chemicals to be mixed if required. Top soil shall
be mixed with farm yard manure or coco-peat and mixed with river sand in ratio of 15%
manure, 25% river sand, 35% red soil and 25% excavated earth and leveled to maintain
positive drainage or specified slopes.

Carpet lawns will be used and nodes of specified grass shall be dibbled not more than 50 mm
apart on above mentioned soil conditions. The carpets will be laid next to each other in an
even pattern to ensure that all lawn area is covered. After laying of carpet, it should be lightly
pressed into the ground to ensure that it does not shift, and to ascertain that the roots are in
soil. Positive slopes will be maintained to ensure that there will be no low lying areas in
center where water logging or pools are created.

In the absence of rain, lawn shall be watered daily - heavily, soaking the soil thoroughly to a
depth of at least 150 mm. Edges shall be kept neat and must be cut regularly with the edging
shears. Fertilizer / manure shall be fed once a month. The contractor shall carefully remove
unsightly weeds as and when observed.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 271

Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2.30.11 Sign and Warning Boards

All buildings and treatment units shall be provided with sign boards as directed by engineer indicating
the name and function of these.

All the signboards displaying name of the technical units and directions shall be written in English
and Hindi.

At the start of construction work the contractor shall erect signboards one at the entry of the
construction site and another near the temporary site office displaying all the project related
information like name of the work, client, funding agency, value of the works, start and completion
date as per contract, capacity of the plant, number of units and other details as directed by engineer.
The size of the board shall be decided in consultation with the engineer.

Necessary sign and warning boards shall be supplied and erected at the locations to be specified by
engineer. The size of the board shall be 1200 mm x 1200 mm minimum or as directed by engineer.
The signboard shall be partially reflective Flex type on SS Grade 304 minimum 1.2 mm thick
supported with frame of aluminium channels / double back channels minimum 3 mm thick through
aluminium rivets. The signboard shall be subsequently attached to the post(s) through steel bolts. The
posts shall be 75 mm diameter galvanized steel with welded top cap in case the signboard is supported
on one post only, however, if two posts are used to support the signboard the diameter of each shall be
minimum 40 mm and thickness 1.6 mm. The steel posts shall be embedded in RCC footing of size as
approved by the engineer or as per the design. The total height of the post shall be 1800 mm + size /
depth of the signboard. For larger size boards, more than 1200 mm x 1200 mm, the contractor shall
submit the designs and drawings, wind load calculations, etc for approval of engineer prior to its

2.30.12 Vehicle Parking Shed

The contractor shall fabricate and install car shed near SCADA Control Room cum Laboratory
Building for occupants’ vehicles. The car shed shall cover about8-10 car parking spaces and about 10
nos. two wheeler parking spaces.

The shed area shall be paved with interlocking paver blocks 80 mm thick and constructed in CC M
40. Proper approach road leading to the vehicle parking shed shall be provided.

2.30.13 Rain Water Harvesting System

The contractor shall submit the general arrangement drawing for roof top rain water harvesting
proposed to be adopted for buildings. The scope of work shall cover major buildings considered for
collection and conveyance of rain water, trapping arrangements, filters, cleaning chambers, bore wells
etc. The contractor shall submit detail design and drawings to the engineer for approval.
The design shall include the following:

a) PVC downpipes (along with clamping system),

b) PVC gutters / pipes for conveying rain water to filters,
c) First rain separator arrangement,
d) Leaf trap,
e) Filter,
f) Bore well, etc.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 272
Part 2 – Plant & Process Requirements
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1. Table of Contents
Section X – Part 3: Civil Specifications..............................................................................273
3.1 Technical Standards and Regulations ....................................................................273
3.2 Structural requirements ..........................................................................................274
3.2.1 Design Submissions ...................................................................................................274
3.2.2 Design Loadings ........................................................................................................274
3.2.3 Design Conditions for Completely / Partly Underground Liquid
Retaining Structures ...................................................................................................276
3.2.4 Design conditions for foundations .............................................................................277
3.2.5 Design Requirements .................................................................................................277
3.2.6 Minimum Thicknesses of Reinforced Concrete Members ........................................278
3.3 Particular civil requirements ..................................................................................278
3.4 General Civil Specifications ....................................................................................282
3.4.1 Earthwork ...................................................................................................................282
3.4.2 Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete Works .........................................................283 Materials......................................................................................................................... 283 Formwork ....................................................................................................................... 284 Concrete ......................................................................................................................... 285 Construction Joints......................................................................................................... 286 Other type of Joints ........................................................................................................ 286 Preformed Fillers, Joint Sealing Compound and Polyethylene sheet ............................ 286 Hydrostatic Testing of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures ....................................... 286 Screed Concrete ............................................................................................................. 287 Embedment’s / Inserts in Concrete Work ...................................................................... 287 Grouting ......................................................................................................................... 288 Renovation or Repair Work ........................................................................................... 288
3.4.3 Building Works ..........................................................................................................288 Brickwork....................................................................................................................... 288 Damp - Proof Course ..................................................................................................... 289 Doors, Windows and Ventilators ................................................................................... 289 Vertical cat ladder .......................................................................................................... 291 Soling under Floors and Foundations ............................................................................ 291 Base Concrete ................................................................................................................ 292 Flooring .......................................................................................................................... 292

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Cement Plastering Work ................................................................................................ 294 False ceiling ................................................................................................................... 294 Aluminium Cladding Work............................................................................................ 295 Epoxy Lining Work ....................................................................................................... 295
3.4.4 Water-Proofing ..........................................................................................................296
3.4.5 Painting of Concrete and Plastered Surfaces .............................................................296 Surface preparation ........................................................................................................ 296 Painting of plastered surfaces not in direct contact with water ...................................... 296 Painting of exposed RCC surfaces not in direct contact with waste water .................... 296 Painting of exposed RCC surfaces and in direct contact with waste water
or splashes...................................................................................................................... 297 Painting of internal surfaces of the buildings ................................................................. 297
3.4.6 Structural Steel Works ...............................................................................................297 Material .......................................................................................................................... 297 Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................... 298 Welding .......................................................................................................................... 299 Painting .......................................................................................................................... 299 Galvanizing of Structural Steel ...................................................................................... 300
3.4.7 Water Supply and Sanitary Works .............................................................................300 Sanitary Installation ....................................................................................................... 300 Water Closet and Cistern ............................................................................................... 300 Urinals ............................................................................................................................ 301 Wash Basins ................................................................................................................... 301 Sinks ............................................................................................................................... 301 Stop cocks and Bib Cock ............................................................................................... 301 uPVC Pipes for Rain Water Pipes, Soil Waste and Vent Pipes and
Fittings ........................................................................................................................... 301 Poly Propylene Pipes ..................................................................................................... 301 HDPE Pipes for Main Water Lines ................................................................................ 302 DWC pipes for internal sewerage systema .................................................................... 302
3.4.8 Manholes, frames and covers .....................................................................................303 Inspection and Gully Trap Chambers ............................................................................ 303 Valve Chambers ............................................................................................................. 303 Pipelines, pipe work & fittings....................................................................................... 303

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page ii

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3.4.9 Plant Roads, Culvert / Cross Drainage, Roadside Drains and

Ground Pathways .......................................................................................................304 Plant Roads .................................................................................................................... 304 Slab & Box Culvert ........................................................................................................ 305 Path Ways ...................................................................................................................... 306 Road Side Drains ........................................................................................................... 306 Fencing ........................................................................................................................... 307 Construction of Boundary Wall : ................................................................................... 307
3.4.10 Demolition .................................................................................................................307

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page iii

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X – Part 3: Civil Specifications

3.1 Technical Standards and Regulations
Except where otherwise specified, plant, materials and workmanship shall comply with the
requirements of the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) Specifications and relevant Indian
Standards (hereinafter referred to as IS) issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

In the absence of any IS or specifications, equivalent International Standard Specifications such as

those issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or British Standards (BS) or
the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) or American Society for Testing and materials
(ASTM) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) any
other international standard, specifications or Manual may be followed or proposed by the contractor
at the sole discretion of the Engineer or as may have been agreed in the Contract.

All standards and specifications, whether national or international, applied and used shall be with
latest amendments / correction slips as available up to the date of submission of bid.

In the event of conflict between any of these Specifications and the Codes referred, such
specifications shall be defined, prepared by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
The decision of Engineer in such case shall be final and binding on the contractor.

In referring to the Standards, Specifications, Manuals, etc. the following abbreviations are used:

1) IS : Indian Standard
2) BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards
3) ANSI : American National Standards Institute
4) API : American Petroleum Institute
5) ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
6) ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials
7) AWS : American Welding Society
8) AWWA : American Water Works Association
9) ISO : International Organisation for Standardisation
10) JIS : Japanese Industrial Standard
11) DIN : Deutsches Institute fur Normung
12) BS/EN : British Standard / European Standards
13) JWWA : Japanese Water Works Association
14) IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission
15) IEE : Institution of Electrical Engineers
16) IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
17) NEMA : National Electrical Manufacturers Association
18) AGMA : American Gear Manufacturer’s Association
19) IP Ratings/IP code : Ingress Protection Ratings
20) MORTH : Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways

All materials, plant and equipment shall be new and all materials and workmanship not fully specified
herein or covered by an approved standard shall be of such kind as is used in first class work and
suitable to the climate in the project area. All details, materials and equipment supplied and
workmanship performed shall comply with these Standards. If Bidder offers equipment to other
Standards, the equipment/material should be equal or superior to those specified and full details of the
difference shall be supplied.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 273

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3.2 Structural requirements

3.2.1 Design Submissions

The design considerations described hereunder establish the minimum basic requirements of plain and
reinforced concrete structures, masonry structures and structural steel works. However, any particular
structure shall be designed for the satisfactory performance of the functions for which the same is
being constructed.

Complete detailed design calculations of foundations and superstructure together with general
arrangement drawings and explanatory sketches shall be submitted to the Engineer. Separate
calculations for foundations or superstructures submitted independent of each other shall be deemed
to be incomplete and will not be accepted by the Engineer. The contractor shall be responsible for
the safety of structures, structural strength, stability, soundness, water tightness and accuracy,
adequacy of design, workability and performance even after the approval of the same by the Engineer.
During the job execution, if any deficiency or alteration is required, firm shall attend to the same
within the contractual provisions and nothing extra shall be claimed/paid to the firm.

Approval conveyed to the firm will neither relieve the firm of its contractual obligations and its
responsibility for the correctness of the dimensions, material, of the construction, weights, quantities,
design perimeters, dimensions, assembly its, performance, particulars, conformity of the supplies with
Indian statuary laws as may applicable nor will it limit the DJBs rights under the contract.

The contractor may refer to the available soil investigations and topographical survey. The contractor
has to undertake confirmatory soil investigations and other surveys. The required re-routing and re-
location of the services, as required, will be done by the contractor after approval of the proposals for
the same by the Engineer with no extra cost. The Contractor is liable for any damage and disruptions
caused to the works and should repair & make good all such damage and disruptions at his cost to at
least the specifications to which the original works were constructed or as directed by the Engineer.

3.2.2 Design Loadings

All buildings and structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the loads/stresses
during testing and under working conditions and shall be as per IS:875. The loads considered shall
include dead load, live load, wind load, seismic load, stresses due to temperature changes, shrinkage
and creep in materials, dynamic loads and uplift pressure.

i) Dead Load

This shall comprise all permanent construction including foundations, walls, floors, columns, roofs,
partitions, stairways, fixed service equipments and other items of machinery. In estimating the loads
of process equipment all fixtures and attached piping shall be included. The following minimum loads
shall be considered in design of structures:

(i) Weight of water : 10.00 kN/m3

(ii) Weight of saturated soil (irrespective of strata : 20.00 kN/m3
available at site and type of soil used for filling etc).
However, for checking stability, actual weight of soil
as determined by field test shall be considered.
(iii) Weight of plain concrete : 24.00 kN/m3
(iv) Weight of reinforced concrete : 25.00 kN/m3
(v) Weight of brickwork (exclusive of plaster) : 22.00 N/m2 per mm
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 274
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

thickness of brickwork
(vi) Weight of plaster to masonry surface : 18.00 N/m2 per mm
(vii) Weight of granolithic terrazo finish or rendering : 24.00 N/m2 per mm
screed, etc. thickness

(viii) Weight of Sand Filter Media : 26.0 kN/m3

ii) Live Load

The following minimum loads shall be considered in the design of structures:

(i) Live Load on Roofs : 1.50 kN/m2

(ii) Live Load on Dome : 2.50 kN/m2
(iii) Live Load on floors supporting equipment such as : 10.00 kN/m2
pumps, blowers, compressors, valves etc.
(iv) Live load on all other floors walkways, stairways : 5.00 kN/m2
and platforms
(v) Toilet : 2.00 kN/m2

In the absence of any suitable provisions for live loads in I.S. Codes or as given above for any
particular type of floor or structure, assumptions made must receive the approval of the Engineer prior
to starting of the design work. Apart from the specified live loads or any other load due to material
stored, any other equipment load or possible overloading during maintenance or erection/construction
shall be considered and shall be partial or full whichever causes the most critical condition. Any such
loading condition must be incorporated in design calculations with supporting documentation for

iii) Wind Load

Wind loads shall be conforming to I.S. 875.

iv) Earthquake Load

Earthquake loads shall be conforming to I.S. 1893 considering seismic (Zone IV). Importance factor
shall be taken as per Table 6 (Clause 6.4.2) of IS 1893 (Part 1), but not less than 1.5.

v) Dynamic Load

Dynamic loads due to working of plant items such as pumps, blowers, compressors, switch gears,
travelling cranes, etc. shall be considered in the design of structures.

vi) Vehicular Load

IRC Class AA / Class A (wheeled vehicle) loading shall be considered for design of structures under
or by the side of roads.

vii) Temperature Load

All structures will be designed for a temperature variation of minimum plus minus 5 deg. celsius
along with other loads. Parts of structures prone to thermal exposure / cracking, etc. shall be designed
for a temperature variation of minimum plus minus 10 deg. celsius. Digesters should be designed for
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 275
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

a differential temperature of minimum plus minus 15 deg. celsius & preferably be designed using
working stress method as given in IS:3370.

viii) Joints

Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete / partial contraction joints and sliding joints shall
be designed to suit the structure requirements. Position and design of construction joints should be
predetermined keeping in view the convenience in construction. All joints should be tested for water
tightness and must be leak proof. The material used in the joints like joint filers, water bars, sealing
compounds and other such materials should be resistant to chemical and biological action and require
approval of Engineer.

3.2.3 Design Conditions for Completely / Partly Underground Liquid

Retaining Structures
All underground or partly underground liquid retaining structures shall be designed for the following

i. Liquid retaining structures shall be designed as per the relevant codes and best practices. The
limiting crack width will be 0.1mm for all liquid retaining structures. All likely loads and
their combinations shall be considered to determine the direct and flexural stresses and their
combination, shear, etc. As a design consideration to control crack and have sufficient
strength and stability general requirements of IS 3370 and other codes (IS 456, etc.) shall be

ii. Structure filled with liquid: Liquid depth up to full height of wall, irrespective of the actual
height of liquid in the structure: no relief due to soil pressure from outside to be considered;

iii. Structure empty: full earth pressure and surcharge pressure, as applicable, to be considered;

iv. Partition wall between dry sump and wet sump: to be designed for full liquid depth up to full
height of wall including free board;

v. Partition wall between two compartments: to be designed as one compartment empty and
other full;

vi. Structures shall be designed for uplift in empty conditions with the water table indicated by
the Contractor’s own investigation or that approved by Engineer prior to design, with
appropriate consideration of seasonal variation whichever is maximum, but not less than
HFL. No reduction Factor for the uplift forces shall be considered.

vii. The dead weight of the empty structure should provide a safety factor of not less than 1.2
against uplift pressures during construction and in service;

viii. Walls shall be designed under operating conditions to resist earthquake forces from earth
pressure mobilization and dynamic water loads;

ix. Underground or partially underground structures shall also be checked against stresses
developed due to any combination of full and empty compartments with appropriate
ground/uplift pressures from below to base slab.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 276

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3.2.4 Design conditions for foundations

i. The minimum depth of foundations for all structures, equipment, buildings and frame
foundations and load bearing walls shall be conforming to IS 1904. All foundations
shall extend to a depth of at least 1.5 meter below virgin ground level..

ii. The foundations shall be placed on virgin soil and not on backfilled soil.

iii. The earth fill above virgin ground level till formation level shall be taken as a surcharge load
and shall be added in the loads coming on foundations appropriately.

iv. Maximum safe bearing capacity of soil strata shall be taken as indicated in geotechnical
reports and contractor’s independent Soil Investigation Report, whichever is less. For the
foundation depths and types of footings other than those mentioned in the geotechnical
reports, the maximum safe bearing capacity shall be appropriately computed from the
parameters given in the geotechnical reports and got reviewed and approved by the Engineer.

v. Care shall be taken to avoid the foundations of adjacent buildings or structure foundations,
either existing or not within the scope of this Contract. Suitable adjustments in depth, location
and sizes may have to be made depending on site conditions.

vi. Plinth level of all structures shall be at least 500 mm above formation ground level. The top
of walls of liquid tanks/sumps shall be minimum 500mm above FGL. Safety handrails be
provided if the height of barrier is less than 1.0m

vii. If pile foundations are used, the bidder shall conduct the initial routine test as per IS 2911 at
his own cost, to determine the safe load bearing capacity of piles.

viii. Pressure release valves are not permitted.

3.2.5 Design Requirements

The Civil & Structural design shall be carried out in accordance with BIS:456, and BIS:3370 and
other relevant Indian Standard Codes. For the seismic forces, the structure should be designed as per
IS: 1893 and all the factors as applicable for Zone IV

The following are the design requirements for all reinforced or plain concrete structures:

i. All blinding and levelling concrete shall be minimum 100 mm thick in concrete grade M10
for Building & other Structures and concrete grade M15 for water retaining structures, unless
otherwise specified.

ii. All structural reinforced concrete shall be with a maximum 20 mm stone aggregate size.

iii. The minimum grade of concrete shall be M-25 for RCC structures other than liquid retaining
structures, for which minimum grade of concrete shall be M 30.

iv. The minimum reinforcements in walls, floors and roofs of liquid retaining structures in each
of two directions at right angles shall be 0.3% HYSD bars.

v. Any pipelines crossing below roads shall be designed for Class AA of IRC loading or as
classified by the respective authority. NP3 RCC pipe as encasing shall be used below roads
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 277
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

inside the plant.

vi. All pipes and ducts laid below the structural plinth and road works shall be encased with
concrete of grade M-15 of minimum thickness 150 mm.

vii. Minimum reinforcement and cover to the reinforcement shall be provided as per relevant IS

3.2.6 Minimum Thicknesses of Reinforced Concrete Members

The following minimum thicknesses shall be used for different reinforced concrete members,
irrespective of design thicknesses:

Walls for liquid retaining structures (except for Launders, Channels) : 200 mm
Bottom slabs for liquid retaining structures : 200 mm
Wall foundation (at junction of base slab & wall) : 300 mm
Roof slabs for liquid retaining structures : 150 mm
Launders & Channels – Base Slab & Wall : 150 mm
Floor slabs including roof slabs, walkways, canopy slabs : 125 mm
Walls of cables / pipe trenches : 75mm
Precast trench cover : 75 mm

3.3 Particular civil requirements

Unless otherwise specified, all the buildings and structure works shall generally comply with the
following particular specifications:

i. All buildings and treatment units shall be provided with 1000mm wide plinth protection.

ii. Plinth level of the buildings shall be minimum 500 mm above finished ground level around
the buildings.

iii. All utility and control buildings including SCADA cum laboratory building shall be of RCC
framed structure with brick panel walls. All brick walls shall be 230 mm thick, except for
partition walls of toilets which shall be 115 mm thick. All brick walls 230 mm thick shall be
built in 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). Half brick (115 mm) thick walls shall
be in 1:3 cement mortar (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and shall be provided with 2 Nos. 8 mm
dia MS bars at every third course.

iv. The contractor shall provide and erect PVC coated galvanized steel chain link fencing of
height 1.8 m from FGL around transformers, digesters areas and will have stainless steel
swing gates.

v. The Contractor shall provide sheet fencing of suitable material all around the gas holders area
upto the height of membrane of gas holders.

vi. Parapet over roof shall be minimum 500 mm high in brick work for non-accessible roof and
1000 mm high in RCC for accessible roof.

vii. The design of buildings shall be such so as to allow entry of natural light to the maximum
possible extent and wall openings shall be protected by weather canopies.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 278

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

viii. Transoms and mullions of 115 mm x 230 mm size with four numbers 8 mm bars and 8 mm
links at 150 mm c/c shall be provided to form panels not exceeding 3500 mm x 3500 mm in
size in 230 thick brick masonry.

ix. Plastering on brick / RCC work shall be as follows:

a. Exterior surface - 20 mm thick in CM 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)

b. Interior surface - 12 mm thick in CM 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand)for single brick
thick wall
- 12 mm thick in CM 1:3 (1 cement : 4 fine sand)for half brick thick
c. Ceilings - 6 mm thick in CM 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

x. RCC staircases shall be provided to permit access to accessible roof of the building and
platforms of the treatment units.

xi. PVC encapsulated footrests shall be provided for access to the tanks, pits, sump, manholes

xii. All non-accessible roof tops of buildings and pump houses shall be provided with Cat ladder
made of Stainless steel.

xiii. All RCC staircases inside the buildings shall be in Udaipur Green Marble with prefinished
nosing to treads of steps and shall have SS hand-railing.

xiv. Water bars shall be used in all liquid retaining structures.

xv. All elevated RCC platforms, walkways around and across the various WWTP units including
along the channels shall have flooring of chequered tiles of minimum 22 mm thick.

xvi. All uncovered staircases shall be provided with cement concrete flooring with metallic
hardener topping.

xvii. All elevated walkways, staircases, uncovered openings and RCC platforms in treatment units
shall be minimum 1200 mm wide and shall have SS hand-railing.

xviii. All buildings shall have reinforced concrete roofs which shall be made waterproof by laying
integral cement based water proofing treatment with brick bat coba. This type of water
proofing treatment shall also be provided for waterproofing of terraces and any other areas,
locations as directed by the Engineer. The finished roof surface shall have adequate slope to
drain quickly the rain water to down take inlet points. The rain water inlet points near down
take pipes shall have uPVC gratings.

xix. False ceiling shall be provided in Administrative building including SCADA room and
laboratory as per specifications. Contractor shall submit drawings for approval of Engineer
prior to construction.

xx. Top exposed surfaces of chajjas / lintels / canopies shall be given required slope so that no
water is allowed to stand on it.

xxi. All doors, windows, ventilators in all the buildings including toilets shall be of uPVC. All
windows at ground floor level shall be fitted with security grills of SS 304. The contractor
shall submit the shop drawings including details of material, framing members, anchors,
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 279
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

accessories, elevations, color, etc. to the Engineer for approval. The contractor shall fit and
align the grill assembly including hardware; level and plumb, to provide smooth operation of

xxii. All doors, windows, rolling shutters shall have lintels above in order to prevent the rain water
splashing into the building. The minimum width i.e., projection from the building wall of
chajja / lintels for doors, windows and rolling shutters shall be 750 mm, 600 mm & 900 mm

xxiii. For roofing drainage, HDPE / uPVC rainwater down take pipes and as directed by Engineer
shall be provided. For roof areas up to 40 sq.m minimum two nos. 100 mm diameter down
take pipes shall be provided. For every additional area of 40 sq.m or part thereof, at least one
no. 100 mm diameter down take pipe shall be provided. Khurras’s of size 45x45 cm shall be
provided at roof over these locations.

xxiv. Exterior of all the buildings shall be painted with three or more coats of anti carbonation
painting as per specifications.

xxv. Interior of all the buildings shall be painted with two or more coats of Oil Bound Distemper
as per specifications.

xxvi. The inner walls and soffit/underneath of platforms/ walkways inside of all the liquid retaining
structures shall be provided with polyurethane coating system. The coating shall be provided
starting from the top of structure to up to 500 mm below the TWL or minimum 1.0 m height,
whichever is greater.

xxvii. Outer surface of all water retaining RCC structures shall be painted with three or more coats
of water proof cement paint of make as approved by Engineer in charge.

xxviii. Emergency exit doorways shall be provided in all buildings in compliance with local and
international safety regulations. All emergency exit points shall have extended paved path /
areas for smooth escape of the people.

xxix. The minimum area of windows and ventilators shall be 15% of the floor carpet area of the
building unless otherwise specified.

xxx. The fitting and fixtures shall be of heavy duty as approved by the Engineer, durable and of
type matching to the size and weight of the door/window/ventilator shutters. These shall
operate easily without hindrance and jamming, secured properly and shall require nominal

xxxi. RCC staircases shall be minimum 1200 mm wide and maximum number of steps between
two landings shall be 12. The size of tread and rise shall be 250 mm and 175 mm

xxxii. Steps / ramps shall be provided at the entrance of the buildings for Pedestrian/Vehicular,
equipment entry. Minimum 1200 mm wide platform shall be provided in between entrance
door and steps/ramps. Following dimensions of the steps/ramps shall be adhered to the

a. Tread = 250 mm Minimum

b. Riser = 175 mm Maximum
c. Slope of Ramp = Not steeper than 1:10. Ramp shall be finished with metallic hardener
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 280
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

topping with anti-skid grooves at top surfaces.

xxxiii. Two white vitreous china laboratory sink of size 600 x 450 x 200 mm with two CP drinking
water taps 20 mm (mixer type) long body, etc. complete shall be provided in laboratory and
one in workshop building.

xxxiv. The ground floor of all control building such as centrifuge building, digester control building,
process air blower building and other such structures shall generally be made of 150 mm thick
concrete grade slab on 100 mm thick PCC. The grade slab shall be provided with 8 mm
reinforcement bars at 200 mm c/c both ways alternately or as per the approved drawings.

xxxv. Flooring of buildings shall be as follows:

a. Administrative Building/SCADA Building/ Laboratory : Vitrified glazed tiles 600 x

600 mm or any suitable
b. Process Air blower Building/ Pump houses/Mechanical : Cement concrete flooring
Thickening Building/ Digester control building/ with metallic hardener
Centrifuge Building/ Power generation room / Other topping.
operation buildings, etc.
c. Toilet : Matt finish ceramic tiles
d. Corridors and other covered passages : Udaipur Green Marble as
per architectural controls
and requirements.

xxxvi. Dado work in buildings shall be as follows:

pump houses at pump installations / Toilet : 2.1 meter high from floor in Glazed
ceramic tiles of size 300 x 200 mm.
Pump house operational room at ground floor : 0.9 meter high from floor in Glazed
ceramic tiles of size 300 x 200 mm or any
suitable size.

xxxvii. All control rooms and pump houses shall be provided with toilet of minimum size of 2m
X 3m. sewage generated from all buildings shall be collected at a common location and
shall be pumped to the inlet chamber of the 564 MLD WWTP for treatment. Each Toilet
shall have the following features:

a. The finished floor level of toilet shall be 25 mm below general finished floor level
elsewhere in the building.

b. One WC (European / Indian type of approved size and shade as directed by Engineer)
along with fittings, cistern, etc all complete.

c. One white vitreous china wash basin of size 630 mm x 450 mm with one C.P. brass pillar
tap 15 mm and other fittings. One soap dispenser at each washbasin.

d. One No. white vitreous china flat back half stall urinal each of size 580 x 380 x 350 mm.

e. One C.P. brass cock along with drain pipe at a separate location having connection with
potable water supply line.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 281

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

f. One mirror of superior glass of approved quality of rectangular shape of size 453 mm x
357 mm with 6 mm thick hard board backing, wall mounted type fitted over wash basin.

g. Stopcocks, bib taps, valves and pillar cocks shall be heavy duty chromium plated brass in
required numbers and as directed by Engineer.

h. All fittings such as `P’ or `S’ traps, floor traps, vent pipes, downtake pipes etc. shall be as
directed by Engineer.

i. One triple layer polyethylene storage tank of 1000 litre capacity shall be provided at the
roof of the building / toilet along with internal water supply with PP-R piping, fittings and
connections to the toilets and sinks.

j. Connection with water supply line and sewage disposal arrangement.

k. Water proofing of cement concrete toilet floor slab shall be with integral cement, water
proofing compound and water mixed slurry. All joints, corners, junction of pipes and
masonry shall be sealed with this cement based slurry.

3.4 General Civil Specifications

All raw materials including Cement and reinforcement/structural steel wherever to be used by the
contractor shall confirm the latest BIS/CPWD specifications. All mandatory tests as required by
BIS/CPWD specifications shall be carried out and test certificates to be submitted to Engineer – in
charge. However, the contractor shall be fully responsible for required performances of civil/
structural work. Makes of various items shall be as mentioned under relevant items or as approved by
Engineer-in-charge. Costs of such tests are to be borne by the contractor.

For testing of all materials, following shall be strictly adhered to -

a) All the tests shall preferably be done in government laboratories or Shree Ram Testing
Laboratories or any other testing laboratory approved by Engineer. The contractor is required
to take written approval from Engineer-in-charge, in this respect.

b) Cement and Steel shall be of a make approved by the Employer as detailed out in respective
material sections of this document.

3.4.1 Earthwork
Unless otherwise specified all excavation shall be done by mechanical means and includes working in
or under water and /or liquid mud and / or under foul positions.
No blasting is allowed for any type of excavation.

In case of excavations adjacent to existing structures, care should be taken to avoid damage/settlement
to existing structure. Prior information, consultation and approval of Engineer should be taken while
carrying out excavation near existing structures / buildings.

Excavated material shall be dumped in regular heaps, bunds, riprap with regular slopes and leveling
the same so as to provide natural drainage. Excavated material should be stored as directed so as to
provide necessary access for functioning of existing structures conforming to client’s requirements.
Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked separately as approved by the Engineer. Topsoil shall be stock
piled separately for later re-use.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 282
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Timber Shoring “closed” or “open” depending upon the nature of site and site conditions shall be
carried out as directed by the Engineer.

The contractor shall plan necessary drainage system at the site and ensure that the excavated areas
shall not get filled / submerged in rain / surface water.

The earth and sand used for filling shall be free from all roots, grass, shrubs, vegetation, trees, sapling
and rubbish.

No filling shall commence until surface water discharges and streams have been properly intercepted
or otherwise dealt with as per the approval of the Engineer.

In Administrative Building, Anti termite treatment of soil beneath the building and around the
foundation shall be done with suitable insecticide as approved by the Engineer.

3.4.2 Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete Works Materials


i) The Contractor shall procure ISI mark PPC (Pozzolona Portland Cement) confirming to IS 1489
for the civil work only from the manufacturers as approved by Ministry of Industry, Government
of India and holding license to use BIS certification mark for their product, whose name shall be
got approved from Engineer-in-Charge before use. Supply of cement shall be taken either in silos
or in 50 kg bags bearing manufacturer’s name and BIS marking. Samples of cement arranged by
the Contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge and got tested in accordance with
provisions of relevant BIS codes. Cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor. In case test
results indicate that the cement arranged by contractor does not conform to be relevant BIS codes
the same stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the Contractor at his own cost
within one week time of written order from the Engineer-in-charge.

ii) The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 50 tonnes from the
manufacturer direct, or as decided and approved by the Engineer-in-charge, as the case may be.

iii) The cement godown of the sufficient capacity should be constructed by the contractor and at all
time it should have a stock of minimum of 5000 bags. The contractor shall facilitate the
inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-Charge at any time. Storage of cement shall
be as per CPWD specification.

iv) Cement brought at site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

TMT Steel & Structural Steel

i) The contractor shall procure TMT steel reinforcement bars conforming to relevant BIS codes
(Grade Fe 415D or 500D, BIS code 1786) and structural steel from main producers such as SAIL,
TISCO, VIZAG and RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LTD or as approved by Engineer in charge
from the approved list of Ministry of Steel. The steel reinforcement, structural steel shall be
brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or more or as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
For small or occasional quantities of TOR steel reinforcement bars that less than 10 MT, the
Engineer-in-charge may authorize the contractor to purchase the same from authorized dealers of
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 283
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the approved manufacturers. The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the
Engineer-in-Charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work. Samples
shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in this regard in
relevant CPWD/BIS codes. Cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor. In case the test
results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to CPWD/BIS codes,
the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work by the Contractor at his
cost within a week’s time after written orders from the Engineer-in-Charge.

ii) The steel reinforcement, structural steel shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a
way as to prevent distortion and corrosion. Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored

iii) For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, band test, re-band- test etc. specimen of sufficient
length shall be cut from each size of the bar at random at frequency not less than that specified
below or as per the relevant IS/BIS/CPWD specifications.

Size of Bar For consignment below 100 tonnes For consignment over 100 tonnes
Under 10 mm dia One sample for each 25 tonnes or One sample for each 40 tonnes or
part thereof part thereof.
10mm to One sample for each 35 tonnes or One sample for each 45 tonnes or
16 mm dia. part thereof part thereof.
Over 16 mm dia One sample for each 45 tonnes or One sample for each 50 tonnes or
part thereof part thereof.

iv) Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

Quarry Materials

The Contractor shall be wholly responsible to identify the suitable sources for quarry materials
required for the Works, such as earth, sand, stone, murrum, etc., and to make his own arrangements
for collection and transportation of the materials irrespective of the leads and lifts required. The
quarry thus identified by the Contractor should have proper license from the concerned Government.
All materials supplied by the Contractor shall satisfy the requirements set forth in the Specifications
and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall take this into
account while offering his rates, and no claims whatsoever shall be entertained for extra costs on this
account. Formwork

Formwork shall be properly designed for various types of loads anticipated to be imposed during the
construction process. The design should also take into account the effect of vibrations created during
operation of vibrators. The forms shall be capable of producing a consistent quality surface as
required in the contract.

All the staging shall be of Tubular steel structure with adequate bracings or made of built up structural
sections from rolled structural steel sections. Form work shall be steel or wood. Wooden form shall be
made with 12 mm thick water proofing ply of approved quality.

For liquid retaining structures, securing formwork should not impair the water tightness of the
structure. No nut-bolts passing completely through liquid retaining members shall be used for the
purpose of securing and aligning the formwork.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 284

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Tie bolts shall be of the high tensile variety, fixed at right angles to the formwork. Only tie bolts
which avoid embedding any metal parts permanently within 50mm of the concrete surface shall be
permitted. No through bolt is permitted. Voids remaining after the removal of all, or part, of each tie
bolt shall be sealed using a polymer modified cementatious compound or other proprietary product as
approved by the Engineer. Metal based expansive admixtures shall not be used. All such voids shall
be prepared in accordance with the product data sheets, prior to filling to ensure that the bond is

Only one release agent shall be used throughout the entire area. Release agents shall be applied evenly
and contact with reinforcement and other embedded items shall be avoided. Where the concrete
surface is to receive an applied finish, care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility of the release
agent with the finish.

Striking out / removal of formwork shall be done as per relevant BIS/IS code and the approval of
Engineer. The surfaces of the RCC/ concrete work obtained after removal of shuttering shall be
smooth and without honey combing/ pin holes, undulations and shall be such that it does not require
any plastering. If at all any pin hole/ undulations are required to be made good, this shall be done with
cement mortar 1:2 using coarse sand and finished smooth with steel trowel or as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge. All works damaged through careless removal of forms shall be reconstructed within 24
hours. Concrete

Design mix concrete shall be used for concrete of grade M 20 and above.

The contractor shall get the Mix design approved from IIT Delhi/ IIT Roorkee/ DTU or any other
reputed Institution approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not alter the approved mix
proportions or the approved source of supply of any of the ingredients without obtaining the approval
of the Engineer. The cost of the design mix of concrete shall be borne by the contractor.

The mixing of concrete shall be strictly carried out in the BATCHING & MIXING PLANT FOR
CONCRETE. The contractor shall install a concrete batching plant as per site requirement and as
approved by Engineer. For small concreting works up to 6 cum, mechanical concrete mixers may be
used as approved by Engineer-in-charge. Hand mixing of concrete shall not be permitted at all.

The contractor shall submit method statement describing work procedure to be carried before
commencing the concrete work. The method statement shall be approved by the Engineer. Routine
quality control tests such as slump, cube strength, sieve analysis and any other mandatory test as
directed by Engineer shall be done in the presence of Engineer or its representative in the laboratory
established by the contractor at site.

In the event of any work being suspected of faulty material or workmanship requiring its removal or if
the works cubes do not give the stipulated strengths, the Engineer reserves the right to order the
Contractor to take out cores and conduct tests on them or do ultrasonic testing or load testing of
structure, etc. The Engineer also reserves the right to ask the Contractor to dismantle and re-do such
unacceptable work, at no cost to the Employer.

Styrene-Butadiene copolymer latex type admixtures may be used in the design mix concrete for
improving the resistance to water penetration, abrasion resistance and durability. Admixtures based
on sulphonated naphthalene for producing low water cement ratio high strength design mix concrete
mix are permitted with prior approval of Engineer; however, the use of such admixture should not

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 285

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

affect the workability of concrete adversely. Other admixtures, as per the requirement of site, may be
used for designing the concrete mix with prior approval of Engineer and after establishing its use and
advantages. Construction Joints

All construction joints shall be provided as recommended in BIS: 3370 and 6494 and as per minimum
site requirement. However, bidder is allowed to reduce the number of construction joints as per
international practices with sufficient justification. The position of construction joints should be
specified by the structural designer & indicated on the drawings. Other type of Joints

Expansion joints, where required shall be provided as per BIS: 3414 Code of practice for design of
joints and installation in buildings.

Movement joints such as expansion joints, complete contraction joints, partial contraction joints and
sliding joints shall be designed to suit the structure.

Expansion joints of suitable gap at suitable intervals not more than 30m shall be provided in walls,
floors and roof slabs of liquid retaining structures. Preformed Fillers, Joint Sealing Compound and Polyethylene sheet

Preformed filler for expansion/ isolation joints shall be non-extruding and resilient type of bitumen
impregnated fibres conforming to BIS: 1838 Part I or BIS 1838 Part 2.Bitumen coat to concrete/
masonry surfaces for fixing the preformed bitumen filler strip shall conform to BIS: 702. Bitumen
primer shall conform to BIS: 3384.

Sealing compound for filling the joints above the preformed bitumen filler shall conform to Grade ‘A’
as per BIS: 1834.Other organic solvents such as polysulphate based joint sealents to BIS: 1433 Part-I
or BIS 12118 Part-I may be used with the approval of Engineer.

In all liquid retaining structures, a layer of bond breaking material below the grade slab and lean
concrete shall be provided by using polyethylene sheet of having minimum mass of 1 kg/sqm of make
approved by Engineer as per requirement of IS 3370. Hydrostatic Testing of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures

The contractor shall make all arrangements including provision of water for hydro-testing of liquid
structures as per IS:3370, temporary bulk heads, pressure gauges, pumps, pipelines, etc. Hydro-static
test for water tightness shall be done upto top level of structure, as may be directed by the Engineer.
This test shall be carried out preferably in dry season in accordance with the procedure given below:
The water tightness test shall be carried out when the structures are ready for filling. Before the filling
operation is started, the structure shall be jointly inspected by the Engineer and the Contractor’s
representative and the condition of surfaces of wall, contraction and expansion joints shall be noted
and it shall be ensured that jointing material filled in the joints is in position and all openings are
closed. The filling of the structure then shall be carried out gradually at the rate not exceeding 30 mm
rise in water level per hour and shall preferably extend over a period of 72 hours. Records of leakages
starting at different level of water in the structure, if any, shall be kept. The structure once filled shall
be allowed to remain filled for a period of seven days before any readings of drop in water level are

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 286

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

recorded. The level of the water shall be recorded again at subsequent interval of 24 hours over a
period of seven days.

The total drop in surface level of a period of seven days shall be taken as indication of the water
tightness of the structure, which for all practical purpose, shall not exceed 40 mm or as specified in
the relevant IS code. If the structure does not satisfy the conditions of the test and a daily drop in
water level is found, the period of test may be extended for a further period of seven days and if the
specified limit is then reached the structure may be considered as satisfactory. The Engineer shall
decide on the actual permissible nature of the drop in the surface level, taking into account whether
the structures are open or closed and the corresponding effect it has due to evaporation losses.

In case of structures whose external faces are exposed, such as elevated structures, the requirements of
the test shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no sign of leakage or sweating and
remain completely dry during the period of observation of seven days, after allowing a seven day
period for absorption after filling with water.

Each compartment/segment of the structure shall be tested individually and then all together.

Backfilling of earth on the sides for underground or partly underground structures shall be withheld
till the structures are hydro statistically tested and found leak proof to the entire satisfaction of the

Any leakage that may occur during the hydro-test or subsequently during the trial run period shall be
effectively stopped either by cement / epoxy pressure grouting, guniting or such methods as may be
approved by the Engineer. All such rectification shall be done by the contractor to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer at no extra cost to DJB. Screed Concrete

In all treatment units used for clarification or fitted with moving parts like scraper etc., the floor slab
of the unit shall be finished with 50 mm thick M-25 grade screed concrete with neat finish at top
surface. Embedment’s / Inserts in Concrete Work

All the miscellaneous inserts such as bolts, pipes, assemblies, plate embedment’s etc., shall be
accurately installed in the building works at the correct location and levels, as detailed in the approved
construction drawings. The contractor will have to suitably bend, cut or otherwise adjust the
reinforcement in concrete at the location of inserts as directed by the Engineer. If the Engineer, so
directs, the inserts will have to be welded to reinforcement to keep these in place. The contractor shall
be responsible for the accuracy of dimensions, levels, alignments and center lines of the inserts
in accordance with the drawings and for maintenance of the same until the erection of equipment
structure or final acceptance by the Engineer.

The contractor shall ensure proper protection of all bolts, inserts, etc., from weather by
greasing or other approved means such as applying white lead, putty and wrapping them in gunny
bags or canvas by other means as directed by the Engineer to avoid damage due to movement of his
labourers, material, material, equipment etc., The contractor shall be solely responsible for any
damage caused to bolts inserts etc., due to negligence and in case damage does occur it shall be
rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the contractor’s cost.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 287

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Grouting

a. Standard Grout

The proportions of Standard Grout shall be such as to produce a flow able mixture consistent with
minimum water content and shrinkage. Surfaces to be grouted shall be thoroughly roughened and
cleaned. All structural steel elements to be grouted shall be cleaned of oil, grease, dirt etc. The use of
hot, strong caustic solution for cleaning purpose will be permitted. Prior to grouting, the hardened
concrete shall be saturated with water and just before grouting, water in all pockets shall be removed.
Grouting once started shall be done quickly and continuously. Variation in grout mixes and
procedures shall be permitted if approved by the Engineer.

The grout proportions shall be limited as follows:

W/C Ratio
Use Grout Thickness Mix Proportions
a) Fluid mix Under 25mm One part Portland Cement to one 0.44
part sand
b) General mix 25mm and over but less One part Portland Cement to 2 parts 0.53
than 50mm of sand
c) Stiff mix 50mm and over One part Portland Cement to 3 parts 0.53
of sand

b. Non-Shrink Grout

Non-shrink grout where required as instructed by the Engineer, shall be provided in strict accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions / specifications on the drawings. Non shrink grout material
properties shall comply with ASTM C1107 Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-
Cement Grout (Non shrink). Application of non shrink grout shall be as per manufacturer instructions. Renovation or Repair Work

In case of renovation or work, for bonding new concrete with old concrete, suitable bonding
agent (such as epoxy) from reputed manufacturers approved by Engineer’s representatives
shall be used. The composition of bonding agent, method of cleaning of old concrete surface
as well as application method should be conforming to manufacturer’s recommendations.
Manufacturer should have sufficient documentation to prove utility of his bonding agent
conforming to relevant standards. Method of storage, shelf life of bonding agent etc. to be in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and provided with supporting
documentation. All repair (at no extra cost) schemes (materials and methods) shall be
approved prior by the Engineer in charge. It shall be supported by proper site report.

3.4.3 Building Works Brickwork

Unless otherwise specified bricks having a minimum crushing strength of 7.5 N/sqmm shall be used.
Mortar Mix proportion for one or more brick thick work shall be in 1:4 (1 cement: 4 course sand) for
half brick thick work the mortar mix proportion shall be in 1:3 (1 cement: 3 course sand).

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 288

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

For resting RCC slabs, the bearing surface of masonry wall shall be finished on top with 12 mm thick
cement mortar 1:3.

RCC/ steel beams resting on masonry wall shall be provided with M-25reinforced concrete bed blocks
of 50 mm thickness, projecting 50mm on either sides of the beam.

Steel wire fabric of suitable size and thickness shall be provided at the junction of brick masonry and
RCC before taking up plastering work.

The top most course of half or full brick walls abutting against either a de-shuttered slab or beam shall
be built only after any proposed masonry wall above the structural member is executed to cater for the
deflection of the structural element. Bricks for partition walls shall be stacked adjacent to the
structural member on upper floor so as to pre-deflect the structural member (beam) before the brick
wall is taken up for execution at lower floor.

Where the drawings prepared by the Contractor indicate that structural steel sections are to be encased
in brickwork, the brickwork masonry shall be built closely against the steel section, ensuring a
minimum of 20 mm thick cement-sand mortar 1:4 over all the steel surfaces. Steel sections partly
embedded in brickwork shall be provided with bituminous protective coating to the surfaces at the
point of entry into the brick masonry. Damp - Proof Course

All the walls in a building shall be provided with damp-proof course cover at plinth to prevent water
from rising up the wall. The damp-proof course shall run without a break throughout the length of the
wall, even under the door or other openings. Damp-proof course shall consist of 50 mm thick cement
concrete of 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone 20 mm nominal size) nominal mix with
approved water-proofing compound admixture conforming to IS: 2645. The upper and side surface
shall be made rough to afford key to the masonry above and to the plaster. Doors, Windows and Ventilators

a. uPVC extruded sections

All profiles shall be made from uPVC (Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride) Type A material & only
those additives are used that are essential in producing sound extrusions in accordance to BIS
7413:1991. No reworked material shall be used. The profile shall be a hollow 3 chamber (across
depth) profile with a nominal 2.3 mm wall thickness, +/- 0.3mm of tolerance. The profile shall be
uniform and free from foreign bodies, cracks or marks. The profiles shall be multi chambered, with a
min. of three chambers. The central chamber, being for reinforcement, shall be fully sealed when
main profiles are welded at joints. The color of profiles shall be as decided by Engineer.

All reinforcements for profiles shall be Galvanized Mild Steel. The reinforcement is secured to the
profile so that it does not move or rattle and it maintains the structural integrity of the frame and
satisfactory thermal separation. The structural frame assemblies must be capable of withstanding and
accommodating satisfactorily wind loads and pressures in accordance with the requirements of
relevant national / international codes.

The door / window / ventilator units shall be designed with all corner joints, transom joints and
mullion joints being mitred and fusion welded. The joints must be completely moisture resistant and
not permit any penetration into the profiles either externally or internally. All excess material is to be
neatly trimmed and neatly feature grooved to corner, transom and mullion joints. No polishing of any
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 289
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

joints are permitted. There is to be no mechanical jointing of the profile unless the profile section is
less than 350 mm long. The units shall be designed so that the route of drainage is prevented from
passing through the reinforcement chamber. The dimensional tolerances on the finished outer frame
height and width is +/–3mm.

All screws, nuts, bolts, rivets and other fastenings shall be of corrosion resistant or treated material,
like stainless steel or ferretic steel, bi-chromate treated steel and be compatible with other metallic
fixings used in the manufacture of the window, in accordance with relevant national / international
codes. Fastenings be made from stainless steel 304 which has been finished by one of the following

a) Zinc plated and passivated.

b) Hot dip galvanised
c) Sprayed with metal coating.

Hardware and ironmongery fittings and fixings are to penetrate at least two thicknesses of the uPVC
profile and/or penetrate the reinforcement by at least 2mm. The locking mechanism is to be a Shoot
Bolt Locking System operated by a single handle. Gearbox is to be sealed to stop the ingress of swarf
during manufacture and use.

Glazing shall be with clear (obscure in bathrooms/wc) float glass panes. The glass shall be free from
bubbles, scratches and other flaws. The glass shall be retained by suitable UPVC snap-on beads
matching existing frame. All glazing gaskets & weather strips shall be of EPDM rubber.

All windows and ventilators shall have float glass panes of 5.50 mm thickness.

The uPVC door shutters shall be 30 mm thick shall be made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow
section of size 60x30 mm and wall thickness 2 mm (± 0.2 mm), with inbuilt decorative moulding
edging on one side. The styles and rails mitred and joint at the corners by means of M.S. galvanised/
plastic brackets of size 75x220 mm having wall thickness 1.0 mm and stainless steel screws. The
styles of the shutter reinforced by inserting galvanised M.S. tube of size 25x20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1
mm) wall thickness. The lock rail made up of 'H' section, a uPVC hollow section of size 100x30 mm
and 2 mm (± 0.2 mm) wall thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of plastic/ galvanised M.S.
'U' cleats. The shutter frame filled with a uPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less than
620 mm, having over all thickness of 20 mm and 1 mm (± 0.1 mm) wall thickness. The panels filled
vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm galvanised M.S. rod and
fastened with nuts and washers, complete as per manufacturer's specification and direction of

b. uPVC sections of rigid PVC foam sheet

The door frame shall be of size 50x47 mm with a wall thickness of 5 mm, made out of extruded 5mm
rigid PVC foam sheet, mitred at corners and joined with 2 Nos of 150 mm long brackets of 15x15 mm
M.S. square tube, the vertical door frame profiles to be reinforced with 19x19 mm M.S. square tube of
19 gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out the frame. The door frame to
be fixed to the wall using M.S. screws of 65/100 mm size, complete as per manufacturer’s
specification and direction of Engineer.

The door shall be made of 30 mm thick pre laminated PVC door shutters consisting of frame made
out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19 mm x 19 mm for styles and 15x15 mm for top
& bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of steel primers of approved make and manufacture.
M.S. frame covered with 5 mm thick heat moulded PVC 'C' channel of size 30 mm thickness, 70 mm
width out of which 50 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered in 45 degree angle on both side
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 290
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

forming styles and 5 mm thick, 95 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm
shall be tapered in 45 degree on the inner side to form top and bottom rail and 115 mm wide PVC
sheet out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered on both sides to form lock rail.
Top, bottom and lock rails shall be provided both side of the panel. 10 mm (5 mm x 2 ) thick, 20 mm
wide cross PVC sheet be provided as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail, paneling of 5 mm thick
both side PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded/ sealed to the styles & rails with 7 mm (5
mm+2 mm) thick x 15 mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner side, and joined together with solvent
cement adhesive. An additional 5 mm thick PVC strip of 20 mm width is to be stuck on the interior
side of the 'C' Channel using PVC solvent adhesive etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge, manufacturer's specification & drawing.

c. Galvanized Steel Rolling Shutters

Rolling shutter shall be provided in workshop, gas generation room and other such buildings as
directed by Engineer. GI Sheets and Plates used for manufacturing the guide channels, brackets and
lock plate should be of hot rolled steel of thickness not less than 18 gauge conforming to IS5986. All
components of rolling shutter to be hot dip galvanized with a zinc coating containing not less than
97.5% pure zinc. The galvanization of members shall conform to the requirements of IS 4759, IS 209,
IS 2629, IS 2633 and IS 6745.
Rolling shutters shall conform to IS: 6248 and shall be suitable for fixing in position as specified i.e.
outside or inside on or below lintel or between jambs of the opening. Shutters up to 10 sqm shall be
on push and pull type and shutters with an area of over 10sqm shall generally be provided with
reduction gear operated by mechanical device with chain or handle. The crank handle shall be
Alternatively these can be power operated with the help of a push button station conveniently located
besides the shutter or as shown on drawings. One emergency hand chain/ crank operation shall also be
provided for use in case of failure of the electric system. Vertical cat ladder

The nominal size of the steel ladder is the distance between the stringers of the ladders. It shall be
400mm. Ladders shall be made of stainless steel SS 304 free from defects likely to cause injury to
persons using the ladders. Stringers shall not have sharp edges. Welding shall be in accordance with
IS: 816-1969. The material used for the various parts of the ladder shall be as specified in IS: 226-
1975 or IS: 3039-1965.The thickness of the stringer shall be 10mm.The vertical distance between any
two steps shall not vary by more than ±5mm.the vertical steel ladder of nominal size 400 shall be as
per IS: 8172-1976. Soling under Floors and Foundations

The work covered under this specification includes all type of soling works by rubble stones under
floors / foundations, hand packed, complete as mentioned below and approved drawings.

The rubble stone shall be of best quality of black trap / granite / basalt or other approved variety of
stone available locally. Stones shall generally conform to the requirements stipulated in IS: 1597 (Part
I) and shall be approved by Engineer.

Stones shall be of height equal to the thickness of the packing proposed with a tolerance of ± 10 mm.
Stones shall not have a base area less than 250 sq.cm nor more than 500 sq.cm, and the smallest
dimension of any stone shall not be less than half the largest dimension. Generally, PCC shall be
preferred in lieu.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 291

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Base Concrete

Base concrete shall be provided as per the approved drawings. The surface of the base shall be
roughened with steel wire brushes without disturbing the base concrete. The base concrete shall be in
M-15 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm size) and of minimum 40 mm
thickness or as directed by Engineer. Flooring

a. Cement Concrete Flooring with metallic hardener topping

Wherever floors are required to withstand heavy wear and tear such as in pump house floors,
workshops, uncovered staircases etc. the metallic hardener topping flooring shall be used. The
metallic hardener topping flooring shall be 52 mm thick with under layer 40 mm thick cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2 coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)and top layer
12 mm thick metallic hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1metallic hardener mix:2 graded stone
aggregate 6 mm nominal size ) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 Kg of cement
or as per the manufacturer’s specifications including making chequers of patterns approved by the
Engineer on steps, landings etc.

Metallic Hardening Compound shall be of approved quality and screedable, iron aggregate
cementatious system designed to provide a thin, high strength topping for applying over the concrete
floors. The iron aggregates shall be free from non-ferrous metal particles, oil, grease sand, soluble
alkaline compounds. Sample of the compound shall be got approved from the Engineer before use.
The flooring shall be laid in panels of uniform size and no dimension of panel shall exceed 2 m and
the area of a panel shall not be more than 2 sqm. The border panels shall not exceed 450 mm in width
and the joints in the border shall be in line with panel joints. Aluminum strips of 2 mm thick shall be
provided at the junction of two panels.

b. Chequered Tiles Flooring

Mainly these shall be used in walkways, landscaping, and parking space or as specified. The size and
thickness of tiles to be used shall be as shown in drawings. The thickness of tiles shall not be less than
22 mm. The chequered tiles shall conform to IS: 13801. Color/ shade of the tile shall be as approved
by the Engineer or indicated in approved drawings.


c. Ceramic Tile Flooring


The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS:15622. They shall be flat and
true to shape and free from blisters, crazing, chips, welts, crawling or other imperfections detracting
from their appearance. The tiles shall be tested in accordance with IS:13630.

The tiles shall be square or rectangular of nominal size such as 150 x 150 mm, 200 x 200 mm, 300 x
300 mm or any other size as per the approved by engineer in charge. The thickness of the tiles shall be
as specified by the manufacturer. The top surface of the tiles shall be glazed and the glaze shall be
either gloss yormatt finished or as directed by Engineer.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 292

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Samples of tiles shall be got approved from the Engineer before bulk procurement for incorporation in
the work.

Skirting and Dado

The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS :15622 for dimensional
tolerance, physical & chemical properties. The tiles shall be pressed ceramic covered by aglaze
thoroughly matured and fitted to the body. The tiles shall be sound, true to shape, flat and free from
flaws and other manufacturing defects affecting the irutility. The thickness of the tiles shall be as
specified by the manufacturer. Half tiles for use as full tiles shall have dimensions which shall be
such as to make the half tiles when joined together (with 1 mm joint) match with dimensions of full

Makes to be used: KAJARIA / SOMANY / NITCO / JOHNSON

a. Vitrified Tile Work – Flooring / Dado / Skirting


The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS: 15622. They shall be flat and
true to shape, free from cracks, crazing spots, chip pededges and corners. Unless otherwise specified,
the nominal sizes of tiles shall be as under:

The tiles shall be square or rectangular of nominal sizes such as : 500 x 500 mm, 600 x 600 mm or
any other size as approved by the engineer in charge.

Thickness shall be as per recommendations of the approved manufacturers. Technical specifications

of the tiles shall be generally conforming to the following standards:

1. Deviation in length (+/-) 0.6%

2. Straightness of sides (+/-) 0.5%
3. Rectangularity (+/-) 0.6%
4. Surface flatness (+/-) 0.5%
5. Water absorption < 0.50%
6. Mohs. Hardness >6
7. Flexural strength > 27 N / mm2
8. Abrasion resistance < 204 mm2
9. Skid resistance (friction coefficient) > 0.4
10. Glossiness Min. 85% reflection

Samples of tiles shall be got approved from the Engineer before bulk procurement for incorporation
in the work.

Makes to be used: KAJARIA / SOMANY / NITCO / JOHNSON.

b. Udaipur Green Marble Flooring

The marble slabs shall be of selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogenous in texture, free
from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws. Before starting the work the contractor shall get the
samples approved by the engineer. This shall be repeated for all the lots supplied at site. Samples shall
be tested in accordance with IS: 1124.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 293

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The marble slabs shall be hand or machine cut to the required thickness and shape and fine chisel
dressed on the sides to the full depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be in
full contact it. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true, square and free from any chippings thus
giving a plane surface. Slabs shall have the top exposed surface machine polished (first grinding with
carborundum stone) before being brought to site, unless otherwise specified. The edges shall be table
rubbed with coarse sand or machine rubbed before placing.

The thickness of the stone slab after it is dressed shall be 18 mm. Tolerance in thickness shall be
±2mm. In respect of length and breadth of slabs, tolerance of ±5mm for hand cut slabs and ±2mm for
machine cut slabs shall be allowed.

The marble stones shall be laid over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4
coarse sand) laid and jointed with grey cement slurry, including rubbing and polishing complete.

c. Udaipur Green Marble in risers and treads of steps, skirting and Dado

Udaipur Green Marble slabs and dressing shall be as specified above under section “Udaipur Green
Marble Flooring”. Cement Plastering Work

The mixing of the cement mortar for plastering shall be done thoroughly in a mechanical mixer unless
hand mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer. If so desired by the Engineer, sand shall be
screened and washed to meet the Employer’s requirements. The mortar thus mixed shall be used as
soon as possible preferably within 30 minutes from the time water is added to cement. In case the
mortar has stiffened due to evaporation of water this may be re- tempered by adding water as required
to restore consistency but this will be permitted only up to 30 minutes from the time of initial mixing
of water to cement. Any mortar which is partially set shall be rejected and removed forthwith from the
site. Droppings of plaster shall not be re-used under any circumstances.

Interior plain faced plaster - This plaster shall be laid in a single coat of 12 mm thickness in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand).

Plain Faced Ceiling plaster - This plaster shall be applied in a single coat of 6 mm thickness in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand).

Exterior plain faced plaster - This plaster shall be 20mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4
coarse sand). False ceiling

False ceiling shall be 15 mm thick densified regular edged eco friendly light weight calcium silicate
false ceiling tiles of approved texture of size 595 x 595 mm in true horizontal level, suspended on
inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanised steel sections (galvanising @ 120 grams per sqm
including both side) consisting of main 'T' runner suitably spaced at joints to get required length and
of size 24x38 mm made from 0.33 mm thick (minimum) sheet, spaced 1200 mm centre to centre, and
cross "T" of size 24x28 mm made out of 0.33 mm (Minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between
main 'T' at 600 mm centre to centre to form a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross 'T' of length
600 mm and size 24 x28 mm made of 0.33 mm thick (Minimum) sheet to be inter locked at middle of
the 1200x 600 mm panel to from grid of size 600x600 mm, resting on periphery walls /partitions on a
Perimeter wall angle pre-coated steel of size(24x24X3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick (minimum)
sheet with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre to centre with 25 mm long dry wall screws @ 230
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 294
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

mm interval and laying 15 mm thick densified edges calcium silicate ceiling tiles of approved texture
(Spintone / Cosmos/hexa) in the grid, including, cutting/ making opening for services like diffusers,
grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke detectors etc., wherever required. Main 'T' runners to be
suspended from ceiling using G.I. slotted cleats of size 25x35x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm
dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4 mm G.I. adjustable rods with galvanised steel level clips of size
85 x 30 x 0.8 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main 'T', bottom exposed with 24 mm of
all T-sections shall be pre-painted with polyster baked paint, for all heights, as per specifications,
drawings and as directed by Engineer. The calcium silicate ceiling tile shall have NRC value of 0.50
(Minimum), light reflection > 85%,non - combustible as per B.S. 476 part IV, 100% humidity
resistance and also having thermal conductivity <0.043 w/m 0 KC. Aluminium Cladding Work

The outer face of the building shall be provided with aluminium cladding system in straight curved
and profile section comprising of PVDF/Dura glass 5000 coated 4 mm thick approved aluminium
composite panels in approved colors, including approved cromatised aluminium sub structures frame
work. Aluminium, brackets, gaskets, approved fixing arrangement to main structures etc. Complete at
all height, levels and locations as directed by the Engineer. This includes bird/vermin proof closures at
bottom and PVDE coated aluminium flushing bent to profile, made of single piece and fixed in slope
the corner pieces of the cladding system shall be as per approved shop drawings and specifications.

Makes to be used: ALU-DECOR, ALSTONE, PRIME BOND or equivalent. Epoxy Lining Work

The epoxy resin and hardener formulation for laying of joint-less lining work in floors and walls of
concrete structures etc. shall be conforming to the requirements of IS: 9197 (Specification for epoxy
resin, hardeners and epoxy resin composition for floor topping).

The hardener shall be of the liquid type such as Aliphatic Amine or an Aliphatic/Aromatic Amine
Adduct for the epoxy resin. The hardener shall react with epoxy resin at normal ambient temperature.
Contractor shall furnish test certificates for satisfying the requirements of the epoxy formulation
approval of the Engineer.

The concrete surfaces over which epoxy lining is to be provided shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil or
grease by suitable solvents, wire brushed to remove any dirt/dust and laitance. The surfaces shall then
be washed with dilute hydrochloric acid and rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water or dilute ammonia
solution. The surfaces shall then be allowed to dry. It is essential to ensure that the surfaces are
perfectly dry before the commencement of epoxy application.

Just adequate quantity of epoxy resin which can be applied within the pot life as specified by the
manufacturer shall be prepared at one time for laying and jointing.

The minimum thickness of epoxy lining shall be 3 mm. It is essential that the concrete elements are
adequately designed to ensure that water is excluded to permeate to the surface, over which the epoxy
lining is proposed.

Lining shall be allowed to set without disturbance for a minimum period of 24 hours. The facility
shall be put to use only after a minimum period of 7 days of laying of the lining.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 295

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3.4.4 Water-Proofing
Integral cement based water proofing treatment with Brick Bat Coba shall be provided for
waterproofing of building roofs, terraces, any other areas or locations etc. as directed by the Engineer.
All water proofing admixtures used shall be conforming to IS: 2645 and of approved manufacturer.
The admixture shall not contain calcium chloride. The quantity of the admixture to be used for the
works and method of mixing etc. shall be conforming to manufacturer's instructions and as directed
by the Engineer.

3.4.5 Painting of Concrete and Plastered Surfaces Surface preparation

All RCC and plastered surfaces to be painted shall be made dust free, remove any type of loose
material, oil, grease with chiseling (if required) or by grinding.

Pot holes, crevices, honey combing, etc. on RCC surfaces shall be grouted / treated with Two
component epoxy modified mortar (Solvent Free epoxy Mortar for high early strength) with
compressive strength (As per ASTM C881) of 50 N/mm2 in 7 days, bond strength (as per ASTM
C881) of more than 1.5 N/ mm2 and mixing ratio 2 : 1 (Resin : Hardener). The finished surface shall
be cured for 4 to 6 hours as per manufacturer recommendations.

Pot holes in cement plastered surfaces shall be cured with rich cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) and providing a proper curing of minimum 3 days.

Makes to be used: HUNTSMAN - M/s Stirling Lloyd Polychem Ltd. UK/ BASF/ FAIRMATE/
SIKA/MC-Bauchemie (India) Pvt Ltd. Painting of plastered surfaces not in direct contact with water

Apply one coat of single component Acrylic based anti-carbonation primer on the surface which fills
the capillaries in the concrete and creates a saturated surface for the Anti- carbonation paint. The
curing time of primer will be minimum 4 hours. Consumption can vary from 200 – 300 gms / sq.m
depending upon the product manufacturer.

Apply Anti-carbonation paint on the surface of desired color based on Single Component Acrylic co-
polymer technology. The paint should be Anti-fungal, should have crack bridging capacity of
minimum 1 mm with elongation above 300%,Solid Contents 55% and DFT of 200 micron after two
Makes to be used: NINA / BASF / FAIRMATE / SIKA / MC-Bauchemie (India) Pvt Ltd. Painting of exposed RCC surfaces not in direct contact with waste water

Exposed RCC surfaces of all the units and buildings shall be applied with two or more coats of water
proofing cement paint. The cement paint shall conform to IS 5410. The primer shall be a thinned coat
of cement paint. The cement paint shall be the best quality from an approved manufacturer.
Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer for the brand of manufacture and the
colour/shade. All materials shall be brought to the site of works in sealed containers.

Makes to be used: SNOWCEM INDIA / ASIAN / BERGER / ICI

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 296

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Painting of exposed RCC surfaces and in direct contact with waste water or

Protective coating shall be provided for the splash zone of the liquid retaining concrete structures.
Coating shall be appropriate to the exposure to sewage. It shall be provided on a properly/
recommended prepared surface so that the roughness, water content/ saturation is within the required
limit to give un-flawed coating. The coating shall be suitable for withstand alternating drying and
wetting, structural expansion / contraction and biological & chemical exposure of the sewage. The
chemical base of the product shall be Polyurethane Resin(s). It shall have a specified mixed density of
~1.35 kg/l at 27°C, solid content of ~84% by weight and/or ~77% by volume and bond strength on
concrete shall be >1.5 N/mm2. As per surface condition, appropriate recommended primer may be
used. The usage/ coverage should be ~0.15 kg per m2 per coat depending on porosity of substrate.
The method of application shall be as recommended by the manufacturer to give the best results. The
stable color(s) used shall be such as to distinctly distinguish it from sewage/ liquid. Test certificates of
the product shall accompany each batch of the product and further tests shall be conducted by an
independent approved agency. The supplied material shall be stored and used in the recommended
conditions and manners only. In general products older than 6 months from date of production shall
not be used in the works.

Technical and Physical Properties of PU resin based coating

1 Chemical base : Polyurethane Resin

2 Mixed density : ~1.35 kg/l at 27°C
3 Solid Content : ~84% by weight, ~77% by volume
4 Bond strength on concrete : >1.5 N/mm2
5 Substrate Preparation : +10C min. / +40C max.

Makes to be used: CIPY / BASF / FAIRMATE / SIKA / MC-Bauchemie (India) Pvt Ltd./Fosroc Painting of internal surfaces of the buildings

All internal surfaces of the buildings shall be treated with white cement based wall care putty of make
BIRLA / JK / FAIRMATE / BASF. Application shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions and as
directed by Engineer.

Internal surfaces of all buildings shall be painted with three or more coats of Oil bound distemper of
approved shade and as directed by Engineer. Oil bound washable distemper (internal application)
shall be of approved make and conform to IS: 428.

Makes to be used: ASIAN / BERGER / NEROLAC / ICI

3.4.6 Structural Steel Works Material

All materials used shall be new, unused and free from defects. Structural steel and other related
materials for construction shall conform to IS 2062 and shall be procured from reputed manufacturers
approved by the Engineer. Where steel castings are to be used the same shall conform to IS: 1030.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 297

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures shall conform to IS 7215. Tolerances for erection of steel
structures shall conform to IS 12843.

Where steel work is directly exposed to weather and is fully accessible for cleaning and repairing the
thickness shall not be less than 6mm. Where steel is exposed to weather but not accessible for
cleaning and painting, the thickness of steel member shall not be less than 8 mm. A corrosion
allowance of 2mm shall be considered over design thickness.

Where steel work is not directly exposed to the weather the thickness of steel member shall not be less
than 6 mm.

Test certificate from the manufacturer for the material shall be made available along with each lot
supplied at site. Scratched or abraded steel shall be given a coat of primer (Make: ASIAN /
BERGER / ICI / NEROLAC) for protection after unloading and handling prior to erection and
milling. Inspection and Testing

The Engineer shall have free access to all parts of the job during erection and all erection
shall be subject to his approval. In case of faulty erection, all dismantling and reworking required will
be at the Contractor’s cost. No paint shall be applied to rivet heads or field welds or bolts until these
have been approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer in advance of the works being made ready for
inspection. All rejected material shall be promptly removed from the shop and replaced with new
material for the Engineer’s inspection. The fact that certain material has been accepted at the
Contractor’s shop shall not invalidate final rejection at site by the Engineer if it fails to
conform to the requirements of these specifications, fails to be in proper condition or has
fabrication inaccuracies which prevent proper assembly nor shall it invalidate any claim which the
Employer may make because of defective or unsatisfactory materials and/or workmanship.

No materials shall be painted or dispatched to site without inspection and approval by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide all the testing and inspection services and facilities for shop work except
where otherwise specified.

For fabrication work carried out in the field the same standard of supervision and quality control shall
be maintained as in shop fabricated work. Inspection and testing shall be conducted in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer.

Members shall be inspected at all stages of fabrication and assembly to verify that
dimensions, tolerances, alignment, surface finish and painting are in accordance with the
requirements shown in the Contractor’s approved fabrication drawings.

In the event of failure of any member to satisfy inspection or test requirement, the Contractor
shall notify the Engineer. The Contractor must obtain permission from the Engineer before any
repair is undertaken.

The Engineer has the right to specify additional testing as he deems necessary, and the additional cost
of such testing shall be borne by the Employer, only in case of successful testing.

The Contractor shall maintain records of all inspection and testing which shall be made available to
the Engineer.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 298

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Welding

The sequence of welding shall be as per IS 9595. Welding shall be done by electric arc process as per
IS 816 and IS 823. The work shall be done as shown in the shop drawings which should clearly
indicate various details of the joint to be welded, type of welds, shop and site welds as well as the
types of electrodes to be used. Symbol for welding on plans and shops drawings shall be according to
IS 813. The maximum dia of electrodes for welding work shall be as per IS 814. Joint surfaces which
are to be welded together shall be free from loose mill scale, rust, paint, grease or other foreign
matter. All operation connected with welding and cutting equipment shall conform to the safety
requirements given in IS 818 for safety requirements and Health provision in Electric and gas
welding and cutting operations.

Inspection and testing of welds shall be as per IS 822 and IS 1182. Painting

Primer and finish paints shall be compatible with each other to avoid cracking and wrinkling and shall
be from the same manufacturer for each painting system.

a. Surface preparation

All non-galvanized steel surface shall be cleaned by grit or shot blasting in accordance with BS
7079 - General introduction to standards for preparation of steel substrates before application of
paints and related products. The cleaned surface shall have maximum amplitude not exceeding
0.1 mm. The grit or shot blasted surfaces shall be primed within four hours of blasting.

b. Primer

Two coats of primer shall be applied on the steel structures. First coat of lead-free, oil-based,
high-quality, corrosive resistant steel primers such as Red Oxide Zinc Chromate as specified
shall be applied before any member of steel structure are placed in position or taken out of
workshop. Second coat of primer shall be applied after the erection is completed and before
painting commences.

c. Paint

Two coat of Epoxy paint of approved make shall be applied on all structural steel members. Paint
delivered to the fabrication shop/site shall be ready mixed, in original sealed containers, as
packed by the manufacturer. Thinner shall not be permitted for usage unless specifically
approved by the Engineer. The application of paint shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions.
The coating thickness shall consist of the following minimum dry film thickness, or as
recommended by the manufacturer, if thicker:

First coating : 100 µm

Second coating : 100 µm

The contractor shall submit test certificates from the manufacturer for every batch of paint
supplied. The contractor shall arrange for testing of paint (samples taken from every batch
supplied) from approved laboratory if the Engineer directs to do so. Test results shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.

Makes to be used: NINA / BASF / FAIRMATE / SIKA / MC-Bauchemie (India) Pvt Ltd.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 299

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Galvanizing of Structural Steel

Galvanising of structural member shall conform to IS 4759, 209, 2629, 2633 and 6745.Galvanizing of
each member shall be carried out in one complete immersion. Double dipping shall not be permitted,
however, in case of members over 7.5 m long, the Contractor shall take prior approval of
Employer’s Representative for double dipping.

Wherever galvanized bolts, nuts locknuts, washers, accessories etc. are specified, they shall be hot-dip
galvanized. Spring washers shall be electro-galvanized. Re-chasing of bolt threads after galvanizing
shall not be permitted. Nuts, however, may be tapped, but not to cause appreciable rocking of the nuts
on the bolts. Readily available GI nuts, bolts and washers conforming to galvanizing requirements
may also be used after obtaining approval of Engineer.

All galvanized members shall be treated with Sodium dichromate solution or an approved equivalent
after Galvanizing, so as to prevent white storage stains.

Contractor shall ensure that galvanizing is not damaged in transit. In the event of occurrence of any
damages Contractor shall at his own cost adopt scraping and re-galvanising the member to
satisfy the specific requirements.

3.4.7 Water Supply and Sanitary Works Sanitary Installation

The work covered under this section includes approved quality sanitary ware, accessories and their
installation. The work shall be carried out complying in all respects with any specific requirements of
the local body in whose jurisdiction the work site is located and as approved by the Engineer.

Any damage caused to the building, or to installations therein, either due to negligence on the part of
the Contractor, or due to actual requirements of the work, shall be made good and the building or the
installation shall be restored to its original condition by the Contractor.

All sanitary ware shall be glazed earthware of fireclay as per the approved drawings and shall be the
best quality manufactured by approved manufacturer and shall be finally approved by the Engineer
prior to installation. All white glazed porcelain fixtures, such as wash basin, sink drain board, water
closet pan, urinal, `P' trap etc. shall have hard durable white glazed finish. The material shall be free
from any wrap, cracks, blemishes, blisters, uneven glazing and shall be smooth and free from crazing
and deformations. Joints between earthenware and pipes shall be made perfectly air and water tight by
caulking with neat cement mortar. Water Closet and Cistern

Indian Type Water Closet

This shall be Orissa pattern of size 580 x 440 mm with integrated type footrest made of white vitreous
china conforming to IS 2556 part-III. High level flushing cistern of 10 litres capacity of approved
make shall be Vitreous china (IS: 774) or Plastic cisterns (IS: 7231).
European Type Water Closet

This shall be "Siphonic Wash down type" of white vitreous china conforming to IS: 2556 (Part VIII)
fitted with toilet seat water Jet. Standard toilet paper roll holder of approved type shall be provided,
and this shall be surface mounted type fixed with CP counter sunk brass screws. Low level flushing

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 300

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

cistern of 10 litres capacity of approved make shall be Vitreous china (IS: 774) or Plastic cisterns (IS:
7231) with all fittings and accessories. Urinals

The urinal shall be half stall urinals of size 580 x 380 x 350 mm of white glazed vitreous china
conforming to IS 2556 (Part VI).Granite stone partition slabs shall be provided as per the approved
drawings between two urinals. Automatic flushing cistern (5 / 10 litres as required) for urinals
conforming to IS.2326 shall be provided. Wash Basins

Wash basin shall be of white glazed vitreous china of size 630 x 450 mm with a pair of 20 mm CP
brass pillar taps, bottle trap and other fittings. All the waste fittings and installation shall be as per
approved drawings and as directed by Engineer. Sinks

The laboratory sink shall be white vitreous china conforming to IS 771 (Part-III) & IS 2556 (Part-V).

The Stainless steel kitchen sink shall conform to IS 13983 and as approved by Engineer.

The waste fittings and plug fittings shall be Brass chromium plated. The chromium plating shall be of
service grade No.2 conforming to IS1068. Stop cocks and Bib Cock

Stopcocks and Bib Tap shall be of brass heavy class, chromium plated and of approved manufacture
and pattern complying with IS: 781. They shall be of specified size and of the screw down type. The
bib cocks shall open in anticlockwise direction. Chromium plating shall be done in accordance with
IS: 1068. uPVC Pipes for Rain Water Pipes, Soil Waste and Vent Pipes and Fittings

The specification covers requirements for plain and socket end unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
(UPVC) pipes for use for soil and waste discharge system inside buildings ventilating and rain water
applications. All UPVC pipes and fittings shall conform to IS: 13592 (Type-A for rain water pipes &
Type-B for soil pipes). Pipes shall be fixed to the wall by W.I. or M.S. holder bat clamps, unless
projecting ears with fixing holes are provided at socket end of pipe. The clamps shall be fixed to
the walls by embedding their hooks in cement concrete blocks (1:2:4) 10 cm x 10 cm making
necessary holes in the walls at proper places. All holes and breakages shall be made good. The clamps
shall be kept 25 mm clear of the finished face of the walls to facilitate cleaning and painting of pipes. Poly Propylene Pipes

Three layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes PN-16, UV stabilized & anti - microbial
fusion welded manufactured as per relevant IS code, having thermal stability for hot & cold water
supply shall be used. The fittings shall include all PP – R plain & brass threaded polypropylene
random fittings.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 301

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) HDPE Pipes for Main Water Lines

HDPE Pipes of class PE – 80, PN – 4 shall be used. All pipes shall be ISI marked, manufactured as
per IS 4984 – 2002 (Amended up to date). The pipes shall be procured only after approval of the
manufacturer by the Engineer.

The contractor / firm shall submit the name of manufacturers of HDPE pipes from whom he is going
to procure the pipes for verification of his ISI mark and previous experience in the field of
manufacturing of pipes.

The HDPE Pipe manufacturer shall submit test certificates for raw material used for each lot of HDPE
Pipes duly supported by purchaser invoices at the time of supply/inspection.

Employer reserves the right to inspect the Pipe Manufacturing unit if required to evaluate the
capability and quality assurance before approving the make of pipes.

i. The Color of the HDPE pipe shall be black.

ii. No reworked material to be used.
iii. The pipes shall be supplied in straight lengths of minimum 6m.
iv. The internal diameter, wall thickness, length and other dimensions of pipes shall be as per IS:

The manufacturer should provide the test certificates for the tests conducted for each lot of pipes
dispatched. The acceptance tests can be performed in the in-house laboratory of the pipe
manufacturer. The Employer will depute his representative who will check and approve each lot of
the pipes manufactured before they leave the factory after ensuring that they are meeting the required

Jointing of HDPE Pipes

Jointing between HDPE pipes and specials shall be done as per IS: 7634 part II. Method of jointing
between the pipes to pipes and pipes to specials shall be with butt fusion welding using semi
automatic, hydraulically operated, superior quality butt fusion machines which will ensure good
quality butt fusion welding of HDPE pipes.

Installation and testing

The HDPE Pipes shall be laid in accordance with the latest IS 7634 Part-2.The pipe shall be laid over
150 mm thick sand bedding. After installation, the pipe shall be provided all around with 150 mm
sand cover and then backfilled with the excavated material up to the formation level. The backfilling
shall be done only after inspection of joints by the Engineer is completed and approval given. DWC pipes for internal sewerage systema

All pipes shall be ISI marked, manufactured as per IS 14333 – 1996 (Amended upto date). The pipes
shall be procured only after approval of the manufacturer by the Engineer.

All other details shall be as per clause above.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 302

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3.4.8 Manholes, frames and covers

Circular manholes of varying sizes depending on the depth of sewer line shall be constructed with
sewer bricks at an interval of 15 m centre to centre, at every turning and change in size of sewer line
as per the approved drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The interior of manholes shall be
cleared of all debris after construction and before testing the same for water tightness. The manholes
shall be provided with ISI marked plastic encapsulated safety footrest conforming to IS 10910.

ISI marked Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) cover and frame Extra Heavy Duty (EHD – 35
glade designation) of suitable size conforming to IS 12592 shall be provided and fixed as per the
approved drawings. Inspection and Gully Trap Chambers

Inspection and gully trap chambers shall be provided as per standard CPWD specifications. ISI
marked Plastic encapsulated safety footrest conforming to IS 10910 shall be provided in case the
chambers are more than 90 cm deep. Valve Chambers

Valve chambers of adequate of adequate size to accommodate valves shall be constructed as per the
site condition. The construction shall be similar to that for Inspection Chambers except for benching
for the drain pipes. Suitable hand railing on wall of the wall chamber shall be provided. Pipelines, pipe work & fittings

(a) Ductile Iron Pipes and Fittings

All Ductile iron pipes shall be class K-9 ISI marked conforming to IS: 8329 or equivalent as per ISO
2532/ BS EN 545 with Sulphate Resistant cement mortar lining. All Ductile iron fittings shall
conform to IS: 9523.

Socket and Spigot type shall consist of elastomeric rubber ring gasket for forming an integral joint
between pipes or pipe and fitting shall be ISI marked to IS: 12820. Flanged Joints, wherever specified
in the drawings, shall be ISI marked conform to IS: 8329.

All pipes and fittings shall be internally lined with sulphate resistant cement mortar in accordance
with ISO 4179/IS: 11906. Sulphate resistant Cement mortar lining shall be applied at the factory in
accordance with the above mentioned standards. Pipe linings shall be inspected and any damage or
defective areas shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

On completion of the work, the contractor shall remove any oil stains or paint spots, leaving the pipes
and fittings in a clean and acceptable condition.

(b) Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes

RCC pipes shall be in accordance with the relevant clauses of IS: 458. The pipes shall be with Socket
and Spigot ends. The pipes shall be lined with 3mm thick PE lining.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 303

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(c) Built-in Pipe-work and other Plant

The pipes and other Plant in water retaining structures shall, wherever possible, be built in as the work
on the structure proceeds. The Contractor shall ensure that delivery of the requisite pipe work and
other Plant is in accordance with the requirements of the construction program.

Where a pipe subject to thrust passes through a concrete structure or where an external seal is
required, a puddle flange shall be used. The puddle flange dimensions shall conform to BS: 4504. The
puddle flange shall be fixed to the collor pipe through welding only and shall not be drilled. The
puddle flange and collor arrangement shall be fixed at right angle to the RCC wall during casting of
the wall. The exterior of the pipe shall be cement washed symmetrically about the puddle flange by
the manufacturer for a length at least equivalent to the thickness of the wall through which it passes.

The Contractor shall be responsible through every stage of the Works for checking the correctness of
the setting of built-in Plant and shall satisfy himself they are positioned in accordance with his
approved drawings.

(d) Thrust Blocks

Thrust blocks shall be designed and installed wherever there is a change in the direction/size of the
pipe line or the pressure line diagram, or when the pipe line ends at a dead end. If required, thrust
blocks shall be constructed at valve location also.

The contractor shall prepare design and drawings of the thrust block and get it approved by Engineer.
The minimum grade of concrete for construction of thrust block shall be M-25.

For slopes up to 30 degree good well drained soil carefully tamped in layers of 100 mm under and
over the pipe, right up to the top of trench will not require anchoring.

For steeper slopes, one out of every three pipes shall be held by straps fastened to vertical supports
anchored in concrete.

3.4.9 Plant Roads, Culvert / Cross Drainage, Roadside Drains and Ground
Pathways Plant Roads

The roads shall consist of the following crust or layers. These are the minimum specified; however,
the thickness and number of layers may change as per the design requirements:

1. Soil subgrade shall be well compacted and tested at OMC to 97% Proctor density. The soaked
CBR value of remoulded subgrade soil samples at the specified dry density and moisture
content shall not be less than7% (average of at least 3 specimens), unless specified otherwise.

2. The Water Bound Macadam – shall consist of minimum following layers:

a. Grading-1 - one layer of 100 mm compacted thickness of aggregate size ranging from 90
mm to 45 mm graded.

b. Grading-2 - One layer of 75 mm compacted thickness of aggregate size ranging from 63 –

45 mm graded.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 304

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

c. Grading-3 - One layer of 75 mm compacted thickness of aggregate size ranging from 53 –

22.4 mm graded.

3. Screening to fill the voids in the coarse aggregate shall be clean, dry stone dust / moorum other
non-plastic material having liquid limit and plasticity index below 20 and 6 respectively
provided fraction passing 75 micron sieve does not exceed 10%.

Binding material to prevent revelling of WBM shall consist of fine grained material possessing
P.I. Value up to 6. Application of binding material shall not be necessary where murrum or
gravel is used as screenings.

4. Construction of earthen shoulders of approved design shall progress side by side with WBM
construction. These shall be raised as the constructed height of road progresses. The top surface
of the shoulder shall consist of 80 mm thick Paver blocks manufactured in minimum M 40
grade concrete (approved make – NIMCO/HINDUSTAN TILES/ PAVERS INDIA LTD /
ACME CC PRODUCT/ etc. / equivalent as approved by the Engineer) laid over cement-sand
(1:10)of 25 to 50 mm compacted thickness. The top surface of interlocking Paver Blocks shall
be flushed with Bituminous road surface on one side and top of drain on the other side.

5. Tack coat consisting of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material to the WBM
granular surface. The correct quantity of bituminous material shall be decided by the Engineer
and shall be such that the maximum amount that can be absorbed by the surface without causing
run-off of excessive primer and to achieve desired penetration of 10 mm. Hand spraying shall
not be allowed except in small areas, inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow strips where
primer shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the Engineer.

6. Top layer shall be 50 mm thick dense graded bituminous macadam of prepared in hot mix plant.
The Marshall method shall be used for determining the optimum binder content.

7. The bituminous macadam shall be covered with 2 (Two) cm premix carpet surfacing comprising
of stone chippings and bitumen emulsion including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 9 tonne

The initial or breakdown rolling shall be done with 8–10 tonne dead weight smooth wheeled rollers.
The intermediate rolling shall be done with 8–10 tonne dead weight or vibratory roller or with a
pneumatic tire droller of 12 to 15 tonne weight having nine wheels, with a tyre pressure of at least
5.6kg/sq.cm. The finish rolling shall be done with 6 to 8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem rollers. The
schedule of rolling shall be as directed by Engineer.

In case of difference in specifications of new roads and repaired sections (including

shoulders), the directions/ decision of the Engineer shall be final.\ Slab & Box Culvert

1) The contractor shall study the soil investigation report and based on the recommendations shall
carryout structural designing of the culvert.

2) In general, RCC Box (single / multiple cell) with curtain wall of sufficient depth shall be
adopted for new/extension of culverts. Box shall be placed over Bed level.

3) The work pertaining to sub structures and superstructures shall conform to guideline given
under Clauses 2200 and 2300 respectively of MORTH Specification. Requirement of structural
concrete shall conform to Clause 1700. Only TMT steel reinforcement (un-tensioned)
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 305
Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

conforming to clause 1600 of MORTH specification from original billet manufactures shall be
used for all the component of culverts. Materials for structures shall conform to Clause1000 of
MORTH Specifications.

4) Graded Gravel Free Draining Backfill On each side of the culvert abutments supporting
the RCC slab a free draining backfill of thickness 200 mm shall be provided. The
material for this backfill shall be granular consisting of sound, tough, durable particles
of crushed or uncrushed gravel, crushed stone or brickbats which will not become
powdery under loads and in contact with water. The material shall be free from soft,
thin, elongated or laminated pieces and vegetable or other deleterious substances. It
shall be graded and shall meet the grading requirements given in Table hereunder.

Sieve Designation Percent Passing by Weight

10 mm 100
4.75 mm 30-65
425 microns 5-30
150 microns 0-10

5) Weep Holes

Weep holes as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer shall be provided in the
RCC walls of the culvert to drain water from the backfilling. Weep holes shall be of
PVC/HDPE pipes with necessary M10 concrete cushioning 75 mm thick. They shall extend
through the full width of the RC wall at spacing of 1.5 m c/c and with slope of about 1 vertical
to 20 horizontal (or as shown on the drawings) towards the draining face. Path Ways

Necessary pathways of 2000 mm width shall be provided connecting various roads to the units. The
pathways shall have factory made precast paver blocks 60 mm thick of M30 grade laid over cement-
sand (1:10) of 25 to 50 mm compacted thickness. The sides of the pathways shall be protected by kerb
stones manufactured in the factory. Make to be used: NIMCO/HINDUSTAN TILES/PAVERS
INDIA LTD/ACME CC PRODUCT. The area where pathways are to be built shall be pre-rolled with
a heavy roller after watering the soil. Road Side Drains

Road side drains shall be designed for an intensity of 40mm/hr for 100% run off. The scope of work
covered under this specification in general shall comprise of construction of rectangular surface
drains. Surface drains shall be provided along the sides of the roads or pavements to collect surface
water. Minimum size of drain shall be 300 mm wide & 300 mm deep. The surface drain should have
sufficient capacity and longitudinal slope to carry away all surface water collected. The side drains
shall be provided at the edges of right of way. The outfall shall be towards the existing nallah /
effluent plant drain or any natural surface drain. The longitudinal bed slope not milder than 1 in 1000
shall be provided for the side drains.

All buildings and paved areas in the plant area shall be provided with catch drains for collecting the
roof top and surface water. All the drains and catch pits shall be covered with factory made precast
perforated RCC slabs. Wherever the drains have to cross the road way, cross drainage such as slab or
pipe culverts should be provided. All drains having depth less than 0.75 m may be in brick work and

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 306

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

greater than 0.75m shall be constructed in RCC. The contractor shall carryout structural designing of
the drains and shall submit design and drawings to the Engineer for approval.

In addition to above, provision shall be made for collection of roof top rain water from all the
buildings in the Rain Water harvesting Chambers and transferred into the ground through Rain Water
harvesting system.

In case of RCC drains, the bottom slab and side walls shall be of 100 mm thick (minimum) or as per
designs and drawings approved by the Engineer in RCC of grade M-25.

In case of drains constructed in brick work (minimum 230 mm thick) the internal surfaces shall be
plastered (1:3, 20 mm) and finished with a floating coat of neat cement.

The combined design of entire drainage system is to be undertaken by the contractor. Consideration to
be given for connecting catch drains. Other alternatives such as providing piped drainage system with
catch chambers arrangement and manholes may be considered, as approved by the Engineer. Fencing

PVC coated or galvanized steel chain link fencing having maximum mesh size of 50 x 50 mm along
with stainless steel posts and other members for supporting the fence, etc. all works as per ASTM B6,
F567, F668 and AASHTO M-181 or equivalent standards or as approved by Engineer. The minimum
thickness of wire and PVC coating over it shall be 3 mm and 1.5 mm respectively thus making
finished thickness of fencing wire as 6 mm ±1.5mm. Colour of fencing material as per the approval of
Engineer. The PVC coatings and galvanizing shall be as per codes and of assured maintenance free
long life.

In case of transformer fencing all metal posts, palings and chain link fencing or other forms of
metalwork construction shall be bonded together and then to the substation main earth using 50 x 6 GI
earthing flats. Gates shall be bonded to the enclosure earthing system. Construction of Boundary Wall :

Boundary Wall shall be of Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and boundary wall
heights as per CPWD specifications including leveling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement: 6
coarse sand: 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). Concertina barbed wires on top of entire
boundary wall as per standard design shall be provided.

3.4.10 Demolition
Demolition procedure/methodology, including list of equipment/ machinery shall be
submitted for approval along with details of personnel that will be working to undertake
demolition of various structures. Details of safety gear being mobilized should also be

Demolition and other works shall be carried out under proper supervision by qualified/
certified personnel only. All personnel should be adept at using the safety gear provided to
them by the contractor.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 307

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD –10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Necessary precautions will be taken to keep noise and dust nuisance to the minimum and as
per NGT guidelines as also given in Part1 of Volume 2, Section XI. This shall in general be
applicable to other activities of the works.

All glass, fragile and combustible material shall be removed from the structure before
demolition begins.

Special measures have to be taken for enclosed areas such as digesters which have to be
vented properly including neutralizing active chemical/biological contents. Wherever there
are hazardous, inflammable or poisonous gases or other materials present, the same have to
be removed/ dismantled with all the necessary safety and precautions.

In addition necessary masks, monitoring meters and neutralizing/ fire fighting equipment has
to be kept ready of any emergencies along with first aid equipment.

Before commencing demolition, the nature and condition of the concrete, the condition and
position of reinforcement, and the possibility of lack of continuity of reinforcement shall be
Attention shall be paid to the principles of the structural design to determine which parts of
the structure depend on each other to maintain overall stability.

Safe and proper disposal of demolished and or emptied materials shall be the responsibility of
the contractor and it shall be done in an environment friendly manner. In this the norm/
practice of the plant may be followed, as directed/approved by the Engineer.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 308

Part 3 – Civil Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X: Part - 4 Technical Specifications: General & Particular – Mechanical .................. 309
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 309
4.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 309
4.1.2 Applicability ..................................................................................................................... 309
4.1.3 List of Standards ............................................................................................................... 309
4.1.4 Materials ........................................................................................................................... 311
4.2 Equipment: General Specifications, Design and Material of Specifications .................... 311
4.2.1 Mechanically Raked Coarse (Medium) Bar Screen .......................................................... 311 Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................ 311 Downstream Water Level ................................................................................................. 311 Guaranteed Flow Rate and Head Loss .............................................................................. 311 General .............................................................................................................................. 311 Frame Work ...................................................................................................................... 312 Bar Screens Assembly ...................................................................................................... 312 Rake Carriage ................................................................................................................... 313 Rake Lifting Mechanism .................................................................................................. 313 Inspection Platforms ......................................................................................................... 313 Dead Plate ......................................................................................................................... 313 Driving Mechanism .......................................................................................................... 313 Gear Reducer .................................................................................................................... 314 Control System ................................................................................................................. 314 Screenings Conveyance, Compaction and Dewatering .................................................... 315 Portable Screenings Container ......................................................................................... 315 Motors ............................................................................................................................... 315
4.2.2 Fine Screens ...................................................................................................................... 315 Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................ 315 Downstream Water Level ................................................................................................. 315 Guaranteed Flow Rate and Head Loss .............................................................................. 315 Screening Arrangements ................................................................................................... 316 Automatic Screen Clearing and Screenings Removal ...................................................... 316 Screenings Conveyance, Compaction and Dewatering .................................................... 316 Screen Washing System .................................................................................................... 316 Dewatered Screenings Discharge Chute ........................................................................... 316 Screen Covers ................................................................................................................... 316 Portable Screenings Container .......................................................................................... 317 Electrical Motor ................................................................................................................ 317

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Screens Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 317 Access ............................................................................................................................... 317 Corrosion Resistance ........................................................................................................ 317 Design Life........................................................................................................................ 317 Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training .......................................................... 317
4.2.3 Grit Removal System (Cyclonic / Vortex type) ................................................................ 318 Type of Grit Chamber ....................................................................................................... 318 System Description ........................................................................................................... 318 Equipment Description ..................................................................................................... 320 Grit Classifier Mechanism................................................................................................ 321 Pipe Work ......................................................................................................................... 321 Painting ............................................................................................................................. 321 Electrical Installation & Controls: .................................................................................... 322
4.2.4 Primary and Secondary Clarifers ...................................................................................... 322
4.2.5 Submersible Mixers .......................................................................................................... 324
4.2.6 Air Blowers ....................................................................................................................... 325 General Requirements for All Types of Blowers .............................................................. 325 Turbo Blower: ................................................................................................................... 325 General Specifications ...................................................................................................... 325 High Speed Turbo Motor .................................................................................................. 327 Material Of Construction .................................................................................................. 327 Single Stage Centrifugal Blower/Compressors:................................................................ 328 General .............................................................................................................................. 328 Impeller Type .................................................................................................................... 328 Shaft Seals......................................................................................................................... 329 Gear Box ........................................................................................................................... 329 Oil Lubrication System ..................................................................................................... 329 Local Control Panel .......................................................................................................... 330 Inlet filter / Silencer .......................................................................................................... 330 Bearings ............................................................................................................................ 330 Material of Construction ................................................................................................... 331 Performance Test Run............................................................................................... 332
4.2.7 Diffuser ............................................................................................................................. 332 Fine Bubble Diffusers Assembly ..................................................................................... 333
4.2.8 Decanting Device .............................................................................................................. 339
4.2.9 Tertiary Filtration System ................................................................................................. 339 Travelling Bridge Filters ................................................................................................... 339 Cloth Media Filters ........................................................................................................... 340
Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page ii
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Membrane Filtration System ............................................................................................. 340

4.2.10 UV Disinfection ................................................................................................................ 341 Ancillary Equi,pment ........................................................................................................ 341 Instrumentation and Control ............................................................................................. 341 11.1.4 UV System Testing ................................................................................................ 341 11.1.5 Health and Safety................................................................................................... 342 11.1.6 Critical Spare Parts ................................................................................................ 342 11.1.7 Data Recording and Storage .................................................................................. 342
4.2.11 Sludge Thickener .............................................................................................................. 342 Gravity Sludge Thickener ................................................................................................. 342 DAF Thickener ................................................................................................................. 344
4.2.12 Sludge Dewatering Units .................................................................................................. 344 Centrifuge Units ................................................................................................................ 345 Polyelectrolyte Solution Preparation and Dosing System ............................................... 347 Interconnecting Pipe Work ............................................................................................... 348 Hoist .................................................................................................................................. 348 Interlocking ....................................................................................................................... 349
4.2.13 Pre-Dewatering ................................................................................................................. 349
4.2.14 Gas Mixing System for Digesters ..................................................................................... 349 Gas compressors ............................................................................................................... 349
4.2.15 Bio Gas Holder ................................................................................................................. 351 Membranes ................................................................................................................ 352
4.2.16 Bio Gas Scrubbers (For H2S Gas Removal) ..................................................................... 353
4.2.17 Clean Gas Holder .............................................................................................................. 353
4.2.18 Power Generation System and Heat Recovery System..................................................... 353 Bio-Gas Engines ............................................................................................................... 354
4.2.19 Pumps ................................................................................................................................ 366 Sump Dewatering Pump ................................................................................................... 366 Submersible Pumps ........................................................................................................... 366 Scum Pumps...................................................................................................................... 371 Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps .......................................................................................... 371 Dewatering Pump.............................................................................................................. 372 Screw and Progressive Cavity Pumps ............................................................................... 373 Polyelectrolyte Dosing System ......................................................................................... 375 Dosing Pumps ................................................................................................................... 375 MLR Pump........................................................................................................................ 376
4.2.20 Pipework ........................................................................................................................... 379 General .............................................................................................................................. 379
Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page iii
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Material of Pipes, Sizing & Design Basis ......................................................................... 379 Piping Sizing & Material .................................................................................................. 379 Cast Iron Pipes .................................................................................................................. 380 Ductile Iron Pipes ............................................................................................................. 381 DI Specials/Fittings ........................................................................................................... 381 Stainless Steel Pipes .......................................................................................................... 381 Steel Pipes ......................................................................................................................... 381 Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) Pipes ............................................................. 381 Dismantling Joints ............................................................................................................ 381
4.2.21 Valves and Appurtenances ................................................................................................ 382 Sluice Valves .................................................................................................................... 382 Check Valve ...................................................................................................................... 384 Kinetic Air Valve .............................................................................................................. 385 Butterfly Valves ................................................................................................................ 386 Pressure-Relief Valves (PRV) .......................................................................................... 386 Ball Valves ........................................................................................................................ 387 Knife Gate Valves ............................................................................................................. 387 Cast Iron Flap Valves (Circular Flap Valves) ................................................................... 388
4.2.22 Sluice Gates ...................................................................................................................... 388
4.2.23 Lifting Arrangement : ....................................................................................................... 390 Electrically Operated Hoist with Travelling Trolley ........................................................ 390 Electrically Operated Overhead Travelling Crane ............................................................ 391 Hand-Operated Overhead Cranes ..................................................................................... 393
4.2.24 Emergency Equipment (General)...................................................................................... 394 Fire Extinguishers ............................................................................................................. 394
4.3 Spillage and Leakage.............................................................................................................. 394
4.4 Installation Work ................................................................................................................... 394
4.4.1 Levelling and Grouting of Machinery .............................................................................. 395
4.5 Tests on Completion ................................................................................................................ 395
4.6 Relevant Standards ................................................................................................................. 396
4.7 Working Stress and Design .................................................................................................... 396
4.8 Name Plates.............................................................................................................................. 397
4.9 General Painting and Protection Requirements................................................................... 397
4.9.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 397
4.9.2 Painting System Failure .................................................................................................... 398
4.9.3 Colour Coding and Labelling of Pipes and Equipment .................................................... 398
4.9.4 Cleaning and Preparing at Place of Manufacture .............................................................. 398 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................ 398
Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page iv
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Preparation ........................................................................................................................ 398 Painting and Finishing at Place of Manufacture ............................................................... 399
4.9.5 Protective Coatings ........................................................................................................... 400
4.9.6 Painting at Site .................................................................................................................. 402 Painting System Requirements ......................................................................................... 402 Painting System ................................................................................................................ 403
4.9.7 Fusion-bonded Epoxy Powder Coatings ........................................................................... 404
4.10 Waterworks Finish ................................................................................................................ 404

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page v

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X: Part - 4 Technical Specifications: General & Particular – Mechanical

4.1 Introduction

This part of the Employer’s Requirements sets out the general standards for mechanical plant used by
the Contractor for the Works. Reference to any specific item does not necessarily imply that such
plant is to be included in the Works but all the Plants to be used for the Works shall, unless otherwise
specified, comply with the provisions of this chapter.

4.1.1 General

The noise level produced by any equipment like pump sets, compressor sets and blower sets etc. shall
not exceed 85 dBA measured at a distance of 1.86 m from the outer surface of the equipment. At the
time of operation, the mechanical vibration shall not exceed the limits given below, at recommended
points of measurement as per ISO 10816:1995.

Areas of high noise producing unit shall be provided with noise measuring instruments for monitoring
of noise level.

Equipment Velocity of Vibration

All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts with motor 1.12
KW less than or equal to 15 KW
All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts with motor 1.8
KW more than 15 KW and less than or equal to 75 KW
All rotating equipment not having reciprocating parts with motor 2.8
KW greater than 75 KW

4.1.2 Applicability

The following clauses specify general mechanical requirements and standards of workmanship for
equipment and installation and must be read in conjunction with the particular requirements for
Contract. These general specification clauses shall apply where appropriate except where redefined in
the particular required sections of the specification which shall be applicable.

4.1.3 List of Standards

BS 5135 Specification for arc welding of carbon manganese steels

BS 5316 Part-2 Specification for acceptance test for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial
pumps – Test for performance and efficiency
BS 6072 Method for magnetic particle flow detection
BS 6405 Specification for non-calibrated short link steel chain (Grade 30) for general
engineering purposes : Class 1 & 2
BS 6443 Method for penetrate flow detection
ASTM A-36 Specification for Structural Steel
ASTM A-216 Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon suitable for fusion welding for high
temperature service
ASTM A-276 Specification or stainless steel and heat resisting steel bars and shapes
ASTM A-351 Specification for castings, Austenitic – Ferric (Duplex), for Pressure
containing parts
ASTM A-743 Specification for castings, Iron – Chromium, Iron – Chromium – Nickel and
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 309
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Nickel Base Corrosion Resistant for general Application

ASTM A-744 Specification for castings, Iron Chromium – Nickel, Corrosion – Resistant
IEC – 189 Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC Sheath
Part 1 & 2
AWWA C 501 Cast Iron Sluice Gates
IS 5 Colours for ready mixed paints and enamels
IS 210 Grey Iron Castings
IS 318 Leaded Tin Bronze Ingots and Castings
IS 325 Three Phase Induction Motors
IS 807 Code of Practice for Design, manufacture, erection and testing (Structural
Portion) of cranes and hoists
IS 1239 Mild Steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings
IS 1536 Centrifugally Cast (Spun) iron pressure pipe for water gas and sewage
IS 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
IS 1538 Specification for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and
IS 1554 PVC insulated (Heavy duty) electric cables
IS 2062 Steel for general structural purposes
IS 2147 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switch gear
and control gear
IS 3177 Code of practice of electric overhead traveling cranes and gantry cranes
other than steel work cranes
IS 3624 Vacuum and Pressure gauges
IS 3815 Point hooks with shank for general engineering purposes
BS 2910 Methods for radiographic examination of fusion welded circumferential butt
joints in steel pipes
BS 3017 Specification for mild steel forged ram shorn hooks
BS 3100 Specification for steel castings for general engineering purposes
BS 3923 Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds
BS 4360 Specification for weldable structural steels
BS 4772 Specification for ductile iron pipes and fittings
BS 4870 Specification for approval testing of welding procedures
BS 4871 Specification for approval the sting of welders working to approved welding
BS 4942 Short chain link for lifting purposes
IS 5120 Technical requirements of roto dynamic special purpose pumps
IS 5600 Horizontal / vertical non clog type centrifugal pump for sludge handling
IS 7090 Guide lines for rapid mixing devices
IS 7208 Guide lines for flocculator devices
IS 10261 Requirements for clarifier equipment for waste water treatment
IS 8413 Requirements for biological treatment and equipment
Part-II Activated sludge process and its modifications
IS 10037 Requirements for sludge dewatering equipmenT
IS 6280 Specification for Sewage Screens
IS 3938 Electric Wire rope hoists
Note: The Standards to be referred shall be to the latest revision of that standard.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 310

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

4.1.4 Materials

All materials incorporated in the works shall be the most suitable for the duty concerned and shall be
new and of first class commercial quality, free from imperfection and selected for long life and
minimum maintenance.

4.2 Equipment: General Specifications, Design and Material of Specifications

4.2.1 Mechanically Raked Coarse (Medium) Bar Screen Scope of Supply

The scope of supply shall provide complete automatic mechanical screen systems with all accessories
and appurtenances, including, but not limited to:

- Mechanically operated screen;

- Screenings collection, (dewatering) sweeping, washing and disposal system;
- Automatic screen control system;
- Electrical & Instrumentation for compliance of Automatic System (Electrical wiring between all
screen components, instruments, control devices and the local control panels and the screen
controls) Downstream Water Level

Bidders should state the maximum and/or minimum allowable water levels downstream of the screen
in order to pass the required flow. To reduce the height of the screen above ground level, the screen
might be located at a level such that there is a constant static water level in the screen chamber due to
downstream tank water levels. Guaranteed Flow Rate and Head Loss

The screen shall effectively screen all flows up to the design flow. The Contractor shall guarantee the
following screen performance parameters:

- Clean water flow rate capacity (l/s) at the maximum allowable water depth downstream of the
- Clean water head loss at the max flow rate and maximum allowable water depth downstream of
the screen
- Maximum sewage flow rate capacity (l/s) at the maximum allowable water depth downstream of
the screen based on their expected screen blinding in sewage General

(i) The screen shall be of the front raking type.

(ii) The aperture size of the screen shall be 20 mm.

(iii) The screen shall be capable of performing the duties set out in this Specification. All the
materials and sub-assemblies used shall be suitable for outdoor application. They shall be
constructed so that maintenance is kept to a minimum.

(iv) The mechanically cleaned screens shall be constructed from stainless steel (AISI 316) i.e.
screen bars, screen body, carriage, rake and all other parts except for drive motor, gear
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 311
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

reducer and non wastewater contact parts such cog wheels, chains etc. The screen with all its
functions and accessories shall be completely lubrication free and fully automatic operated
for minimum operational costs.

(v) There shall not be any moving part, sprocket, bearings, etc. continuously immersed in

All lubricating points shall be conveniently accessible from the deck level.

(vi) The screen shall be suitable for discharging 75% of the screened material lifted from the
screen into the chute.

(vii) The screen shall be designed such that in case of heavy accumulation of solids the same is to
be removed gradually without overloading or damaging the screen bars or mechanism.

(viii) The complete screen above slab level (except for drives & gear reducer) shall be enclosed in
a stainless sheet metal of enclosure using SS-316 sheets of thickness not less than 2 mm and
be suitably braced with stainless steel angle frame. The enclosure shall be such that the
covers can be easily removed for inspection & maintenance.

(ix) The screen will be factory assembled and tested unit and has to be installed at the site in
factory assembled condition to avoid chances of misalignments.

(x) Torque switch shall be provided to protect the screen from damages resulting from
excessive torque.

(xi) The operating locus of the rake shall be designed in a way that before engaging the bars the
rake performs digging action. This action will allow rake to penetrate, collect & remove
the waste settled at the bottom most section of the screen.

(xii) The bars of the screen shall preferably be curved at the bottom to match the locus of the rake
operation with a view to enable the rake to obtain support / guide from the moment it
start its upward raking operation.

(xiii) The rake shall be fitted with heavy-duty helical coil spring, which creates pressure on
rake, so that the rake will always run in proximity to the bars & dead plate. This will avoid
fall back of material during upward travel of rake.

(xiv) These screens shall be provided with integrated scrape & wiper mechanism for
discharging the screenings to discharge chute. The wiper mechanism shall be spring loaded.

(xv) The profile should have non clogging feature and should offer lesser head loss than a
rectangular profile bars. Frame Work

The frame work of the screen shall be of robust construction with intermediate cross bracing. The
lower ends and sides of the frame shall be grouted in concrete. Each screen shall have an
independent canopy at the top for weather protection. Bar Screens Assembly

Screen bar assembly shall be fitted across the screen chamber. Screen shall have a series of
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 312
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

vertically oriented bars spanning the inlet channel and spaced as specified. Bars shall be
sufficiently rigid to prevent vibrations in stream wise and lateral modes and to withstand the
maximum differential head that will occur with the screen totally blinded. Bars shall have tapered
cross section to prevent jamming of screenings between bars. Bars shall have supports only at
both ends. The bar rake shall be made of stainless steel half rounded flats of SS-316, 10 mm
thick and 50 mm wide in section. The profile should have non clogging feature and should offer
lesser head loss than a rectangular profile bars. Rake Carriage

The rake carriage shall comprise a stiffened frame work to which is attached replaceable rake
tines. The rake tines shall be suitable to accommodate bulky screenings. Rake carriage shall
incorporate suitable devices to enable the rake to ride over any small obstacles wedged in the
screen and automatically stop the drive motor in the event of the rake jamming against a large
obstruction. There shall not be any mechanical damage resulting from obstruction wedged in the
screen bars. The rake carriage shall always come to rest in a parked position with the rake above
the sewage level.

The screen shall be cleaned automatically through an adjustable timer. The rake lowered will clear
screen bars at the beginning of a cycle and accurately engage with the screen bars at the bottom
of the channel. The tine profile and rake motion shall be designed to elevate screenings to the
discharge chute at deck level without debris falling back or being forced through the screen. The
rake shall be suitable for elevating debris encountered at any level. Rake tines shall be replaceable.

The screenings shall be discharged from the unit by a wiper mechanism down to a discharge
chute leading to a shaft less screw conveyor. Arrangement shall be such as to ensure that screenings
are discharged to the discharge chute leading to the conveyor. The rake tines shall then be
retracted and the unit ready for the next cycle. Rake Lifting Mechanism

Lifting mechanism shall consist of a steel wire rope or chain and sprocket. Inspection Platforms

An inspection platform shall be provided for periodic checking and maintenance of the drive and
other critical parts. A ladder with handrails for access to this platform shall be fixed. Suitable
hand rails shall be provided for safety on the inspection platform and also at deck level. Dead Plate

Dead plate extending from the top of the bars to the deck level shall be provided to ensure that
screenings do not fall back. Dead plate shall be made of minimum 5 mm thick plate. The
clearance between the tines and the dead plate shall not exceed 5 mm. Driving Mechanism

The driving mechanism shall consist of a sturdy reduction gear unit driven through multiple 'V'
belts or directly by an electric motor. Motor shall be mounted in such a way that the tension of the
'V' belts can be adjusted. A manually reset torque limiter shall be provided between the motor
and gear unit, incorporating a limit switch to cut off the supply to motors in the event of an

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 313

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Gear Reducer

(i) The reducer shall be sized and selected with a minimum service factor of 2.0 times the
motor nameplate horse power rating in accordance with applicable American Gear
Manufacturer's Association Standards. The reducer shall have a life of 40,000 hours based
on the motor name plate horse-power. The reducer shall have an efficiency of not less
than 90% based on reducer input.

(ii) All gear meshes shall be oil lubricated. All gears shall be provided with an oil
reservoir for instant lubrication on starting. The gear reducer housing shall be provided
with an oil level indicator and oil drain with necessary fittings.

(iii) The gear reducer shall be of cast iron construction. The reducer housing shall also
include suitable lifting lugs and external gear train inspection covers for each gear train.
The gears shall be matched for maximum tolerance variation. The gear reducer shall be
suitable to reduce the motor asynchronous speed to achieve the required speed of raking. Control System

(i) The screening operation shall be carried out through adjustable timers which are
adjustable at site for 0-60 minutes for interval between two operations.

(ii) Control system for the conveyor shall be designed to achieve the following:

 Conveyor shall be started when any of the rakes starts it’s upwards travel.
 Conveyor shall be stopped with a time delay (by adjustable timer) after rake is

(iii) Weatherproof, lockable, emergency mushroom headed stop push buttons shall be
provided near each motor for screen and conveyor operation of stop push button shall be
included in the control scheme.

(iv) Differential pressure switches shall be provided to annunciate screen jamming.

Note: The screen shall also be designed to operate automatically when level differences
between upstream and downstream reaches a preset value & stop at preset
differential level. The level controller shall be Ultrasonic type level controller. The
screen will start from bottom of screening chamber at peak water level as well as near
zero water levels.

(v) The control panel shall have IP 65 protection, painted with epoxy paint and shall be
comprising of:

 MCBs
 Mushroom head emergency stop.
 Overload relays for motor protection.
 Electronic Equipment (Circuitry) to operate the screen with ultrasonic type level
 Selectors switch to operate the screen in Auto, off and JOG mode.
 Provision to run the screen on timer in case of failure of level sensor.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 314

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Screenings Conveyance, Compaction and Dewatering

The screening system shall be supplied with a duty and standby belt conveyor that will be used to
convey the screenings to the automatic screenings press and discharge system that compacts, dewaters
and discharges the screenings through a chute to the screenings storage system.

The screenings dewatering and compaction system shall compress and dewater the screenings such
that the screenings from a consolidated mass with no free water entering the screenings bag. Portable Screenings Container

These shall confirm to the specifications mentioned under Fine Screens. Motors

An Electro brake motor shall be provided to operate the rake mechanism. Motors shall be
squirrel cage type conforming to IS 325. The power rating of motor shall be at least 125% of
maximum power requirement. The other features of motors shall be as follows:

i) Type of duty : Intermittent (S4)

ii) Method of Starting : DOL
iii) Class of insulation : F (Temperature rise limited to class B)
iv) Type of enclosure : TEFC
v) Degree of protection : IP 55

4.2.2 Fine Screens Scope of Supply

The scope of supply shall provide complete automatic mechanical screen systems with all accessories
and appurtenances, including, but not limited to:

- Mechanically operated screen;

- Screenings collection, (dewatering) sweeping, washing and disposal system;
- Automatic screen control system;
- Electrical & Instrumentation for compliance of Automatic System (Electrical wiring between all
screen components, instruments, control devices and the local control panels and the screen
controls) Downstream Water Level

Bidders should state the maximum and/or minimum allowable water levels downstream of the screen
in order to pass the required flow. To reduce the height of the screen above ground level, the screen
might be located at a level such that there is a constant static water level in the screen chamber due to
downstream tank water levels. Guaranteed Flow Rate and Head Loss

The screen shall effectively screen all flows up to the design flow. The Contractor shall guarantee the
following screen performance parameters:

- Clean water flow rate capacity (l/s) at the maximum allowable water depth downstream of the
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 315
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

- Clean water head loss at the max flow rate and maximum allowable water depth downstream of
the screen
- Maximum sewage flow rate capacity (l/s) at the maximum allowable water depth downstream of
the screen based on their expected screen blinding in sewage Screening Arrangements

Screening shall be done in single stage and contractor shall have to provide automatic mechanical fine
bar screens to remove particles larger than 6mm size.

It is proposed to install automatically operated mechanical fine screens (stainless steel grade –SS316)
of opening size 6mm for Screening out floating materials such as plastic pouches, bags, rags, floating
debris, weeds, paper wastes and other floating materials from the raw sewage coming from the
pumping station. Capacity of each channel shall be equal to peak flow. Fully automatic mechanical
screen along with the level sensing instrument for automatic operation of screen mechanical and allied
accessories, (local control panel near screen,) shaft less screw conveyor with/cum compactor are to be

The fixed as well as movable bars/ perforated band, mechanism, support frame, fixings discharge
chute shall be manufactured from stainless steel grade 316 for long life in the aggressive sewage
environment. Automatic Screen Clearing and Screenings Removal

The screen shall be provided with the necessary controls and sensors to anticipate blockage of the
screen, and automatically clear the screen and remove the accumulated screenings from the screen
surface. The screen shall operate automatically when the upstream water level increases beyond a pre-
set limit and it shall stop when the upstream level decreases to pre-set low level. Screenings Conveyance, Compaction and Dewatering

The screening system shall be supplied with a duty and standby shaft less screw conveyor that will be
used to convey the screenings to the automatic screenings press and discharge system that compacts,
dewaters and discharges the screenings through a chute to the screenings storage system.

The screenings dewatering and compaction system shall compress and dewater the screenings such
that the screenings from a consolidated mass with no free water entering the screenings bag. Screen Washing System

The Contractor shall supply and install spray washing system that effectively cleans the screen area
and screening press. The Contractor shall provide a high-pressure clean water supply for the washing
system. Dewatered Screenings Discharge Chute

The screenings discharge chute shall terminate 1.5 meters above ground level. A plastic screenings
bag shall be secured around the chute, thereby creating a totally enclosed screenings collection
system. Screen Covers

All screenings equipment shall be supplied with integral stainless steel covers that prevent access to
moving and wash water sprays. The covers need to be airtight to ensure that no odours emanate from
the screen.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 316
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Portable Screenings Container

Portable screenings containers made of galvanised steel duly epoxy painted shall be provided to store
the screenings until time of pick up. The container shall have capacity of approximate 5 m and shall
be of a convenient height to permit the discharge of screenings directly into the container without
having to transfer the screenings manually. The containers shall have hinged covers and their design
shall permit them being lifted by an overhead hoist or packer truck. The container will have four
wheels each of about 20 cm diameter and two of which shall be swivel castors. The maximum height
of container including wheels shall be 0.6m. The sides shall be constructed of minimum 12 gauge
steel. The bottom of container shall be made minimum of 6mm plate steel. The containers shall be
reinforced with 50mm x 50mm x 5mm angle iron. Electrical Motor

The motor shall be TEFC type with IP 55 protection & Class F insulation and shall be suitable for
operation on 3 phase, 415V + 10% and frequency of 50Hz + 5%. Motors shall be squirrel cage type
conforming to IS 325. The power rating of motor shall be at least 125% of maximum power
requirement. Screens Control Panel

The Control Panel shall have IP 65 protection, painted with Epoxy paint and shall be comprise:

- Mushroom Head Emergency stop.

- Overload relays for motor protection.
- MCB’s, HRC Fuses and Glass Fuses.
- Circuitry to operate the screen with level sensors.
- Selector Switch to operate the screen on JOG mode. Access

Safe access shall be provided to all screen equipment and instruments to allow for cleaning,
inspection and maintenance activities. Corrosion Resistance

All metal parts of the screen equipment that are in contact with the sewage shall be constructed of a
suitable grade of corrosion resistant stainless steel, aluminium or plastic. Design Life

The design life of major components shall be 15-20 years. Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Training

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to install the screen system correctly and achieve the required
operation. The Contractor shall provide a representative who has knowledge and experience in the
proper installation, start-up and operation of the screen equipment to inspect the final installation and
supervise the commissioning tests.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 317

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

4.2.3 Grit Removal System (Cyclonic / Vortex type)

After screening the sewage will flow to grit chambers. Grit chambers are designed to remove grit,
consisting of sand, gravel, cinders, or other heavy solid materials that have a settling velocity
substantially greater than those of the organic putrescible solids in sewage. Grit chambers shall be of
vortex type with centre drive and independent washer and /or classifier as specified in Part 2, vol-2. Type of Grit Chamber

The type of Grit chambers shall be of vortex type with centre drive and independent washer &
classifier. Grit Basin equipment, complete with all accessories including, but not necessarily limited
to, gear motor, turntable, propeller drive tube, axial flow propeller shall be provided.

The Vortex Grit Basin equipment shall be installed in concrete basins. The equipment to be supplied
shall be suitable for installation in these basins. The grit chamber shall be designed to operate on the
vortex principle.

To maximize grit removal efficiency, Grit chamber hydraulics shall incorporate a toroidal flow path
enhanced by a slow vortex. System Description

 Vortex Type Grit removal chamber with low head loss systems shall be proposed for this
project. Each grit chamber shall be complete with all the required equipment and not limited
to gear motor, gear head, axial flow propeller and scrapper with drive, grit removal pump and
auxiliary equipment, washer and classifier system complete in all respects required for proper

 The grit removal unit shall have low head loss and shall be capable of removing grit from raw
waste or process water and depositing the grit in a storage hopper.

 An integral grit transporting system shall be provided to transport the grit from the storage
hopper to the grit classifer and for grit washing and the dewatered grit shall be temporally
stored in tilt able trolley.

 To minimize the possibility of clogging, all internal openings in the piping to the grit
pumping device as well as the grit pumping device shall be large enough to pass a 100 mm

 No bends or elbows shall be allowed in the piping on the suction side of the grit pump.

 All drives, bearings and lubrication shall be readily accessible from walkways above the
operating water level.

 To minimize the possibility of organic capture, the floor of the grit separation chamber shall
be flat/sloping as per manufacturers design and there shall be no greater than a 80 mm
opening for grit to pass through to the storage hopper.

 To ensure the efficient transport of the grit and simultaneous lifting and discharge of the
organic material, the bottom of the upper chamber covering the storage hopper shall be
constructed suitable corrosion proof / or thick steel plate , free from rotation, and shall be flat.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 318

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 The grit moving across the bottom of the chamber shall be hydraulically scoured by an air lift
pump or a propeller pump.

 The grit shall pass from the removal chamber through an opening in the transition plate and
drop into a grit storage hopper. The flow in the removal chamber shall travel between the inlet
and the outlet a minimum (270°), providing maximum travel of the liquid for effective grit

 The Grit Chamber shall handle all flows equal to or less than a hydraulic peak flow.

 The influent flume, transporting the liquid waste to the grit chamber, shall be of the size and
shape to assure that grit does not settle in the inlet flume and to provide for proper operation
of the grit chamber.

 Grit pump will be either an air lift educator pump or a turbo grit pump close-coupled, vacuum
primed type with curved multi vane impeller.

 A regenerative (side channel) type blower shall have the capacity to provide sufficient
quantities of air at the required pressure to ensure efficient operation of the air wash/airlift

Alternatively hardened stainless steel grit pumps can be used

 Grit Classifier / Washer shall be Shaft less screw type.

 All the equipment below top slab shall be removable through access hatch provided in basin

 Material of Construction:

a. All wetted parts shall be in SS 316.

b. Air Lift pump (if used ) SS 316
c. Turbo Grit Pump (if used ) : Hardened SS316 impellers, Ni hard volute, Stainless Steel
shaft, heavy-duty bearings and mechanical seal
d. All parts above water, ie components like mechanism support etc shall be in Hot Dip
galvanised structure
e. Hand Railing in SS316 Drive Mechanism of Grit Scrapper
f. Classifer : SS 316 with hardened scraper / tips
g. Portable grit container shall be Hot dip galvanised structure.

 Performance Requirements:
The grit removal device shall be capable of removing the following at the specified hydraulic
peak flow rate, and no decrease in efficiency will be allowed at flows less than this design

- 90-95% of the grit greater than 150 microns in size,

- 75-85% of the grit greater than 100 but less than 150 microns in size,

Documentary evidence in support of the removal efficiency of the offered equipment shall be
furnished by Contractor.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 319
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Equipment Description

The grit chambers shall generally conform to the following construction, operation guidelines and
have the accessories as indicated below:

1. Grit Collection Mechanism:

 It shall be consisting of vortex type, non aerated, grit removal mechanism, each complete with
drive unit, mechanical gear head, paddle drive tube and all the items necessary for complete
grit removal

 It shall be capable of removing grit from raw waste water and suitable for installation in a
circular concrete basin.

 Mechanism shall have no moving parts below the water surface which require lubrication or
which will be subject to wear or blockage.

 Drives, bearings, and support equipment for grit mechanism shall be supported by and readily
accessible from a concrete walkway above the water surface.

2. Grit Paddle Mechanism:

 It shall be designed to promote removal of grit and assist in sweeping grit to a circular grit
wetwell located within the centre of the basin.

 Grit moving across the bottom of the grit chamber shall be hydraulically ccoured as the
propeller blades pass over the moving grit and cause hydraulic currents to maintain the
organics in suspension.

3. Grit Removal Mechanism:

It will generally consist of:

 Axial flow pitch propeller driven by drive tube powerd through a helical gear motor.

 Alternately, air lift pump, driven by an external blower and complete with all required

 Helical gear motor shall be oil lubricated

 Spur-Tooth Bull Gear:

- It shall be enclosed in grease packed heavy cast irin gear case.

- It shall be of forged steel with minimum Brinell hardness of 200.
- Pinion shall be cut from high strength normalised steel
- It shall be mounted on turn table bearing.
 Bearing:

- All bearings of Drive Unit shall be having bearing life of 50000 hours
- Turntable Bearing Supporting Propeller Assembly shall be having bearing life of20

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 320

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Pinion & Bull Gear Service Factor: Five or greater.

 Gear Box shall be sealed type and furnished with air bell around bottom opening of drive tube
to prevent water from entering gear box.

4. Other Accessories:

 Lifting Lugs

 Anchor Bolts Grit Classifier Mechanism

 Grit classifier shall consist of shaft less spiral screw conveyor and hopper. Grit from vortex
grit tank shall be delivered to Grit classifier at determined time intervals. Screw conveyor
shall convey and dewater the grit prior to being disposed into container. The screw conveyor
shall also be fitted with washers to remove organic matters from the grit.

 The grit classifier must be capable of separating small, fast settling materials. Provision shall
be made to receive grit from the grit pumps in a storage reservoir allowing sufficient
retention time allowing the grit to separate from the raw sewage.

 The grit must then be removed from the storage reservoir using a shaft-less screw

 Sufficient clearance must be provided between the shaftless screw conveyor and the
trough to allow liquid above the storage reservoir level to flow back to the reservoir. A 30%
dry solid product must be discharged from the end of the screw conveyor into a container to
be supplied under this contract. The clarified liquid must pass over a weir and be
discharged into the inlet channel upstream of the grit removal equipment. The equipment
shall be complete with electric motor and gearbox, screw conveyor trough and storage
reservoir with supports and pipe work, etc.

 Discharge pipe work from the pumps in separate rising mains must be provided and
connected to the storage reservoir, complete with support brackets from the vortex degritter
to the grit classifier equipment. Pipe Work

 The Contractor shall include for the supply and delivery to site and for the erection and
testing of all pipe work and fitting between the degritter and screw.

 All pipe work shall be stainless steel. Flanges shall comply with BS: 4505. Bends shall
provide non- turbulent flow conditions and the layout of pipe work shall be such to facilitate
dismantling and inspection. The pipes shall be properly supported and so arranged that all
stress created in the pipeline by static and dynamic forces, including recoil shock will be
taken up by suitable anchors. Painting

Painting of different units shall be done as per details mentioned below:

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 321

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(i) Painting of Wetted Parts: Surface preparation- blast cleaning, one coat of Epilux 610 or
equivalent primer, Dry Film Thickness (DFT)/coat of 35 microns and three coats of
Epilux 5 coal tar epoxy or equivalent, DFT /coat of 100 - 125 microns. Total DFT shall
not be less than 300 microns

(ii) Painting of Non Wetted Parts: Surface preparation: blast cleaning, coats of anti corrosive
red oxide primer, each of 30 microns & 2 coats of anti corrosive synthetic enamel paint
(DFT per coat of 30 microns). Total DFT shall not be less than 120 microns.

(iii) All fixtures and bolting shall be of SS 304 Electrical Installation & Controls:

 Provision must be made for supply and installation of the control panel as well as all
electrical equipments from this control panel. A red mushroom head push lock emergency
stop switch with key operated lock-out facilities must be provided in close proximity of the
driven equipment.

 The entire process shall be controlled by a dedicated control system to provide automatic
(timed) and manual grit removal operation; opening and closing of control valves; air/water
scour operation; grit pump and classifier duty cycles along with Grit system remote control
and alarm monitoring.

4.2.4 Primary and Secondary Clarifers

The mechanism shall comprise but not limited to the following main components:

- Bridge Superstructure spanning half the tank diameter with central maintenance platform
- Drive assembly complete with drive head, chain & sprocket, geared motor etc.
- Feed Well
- Center cage with Cone scraper
- Rake arms with Tie rods
- Scraperblades & squeegees
- Scum Blade & Skimmer assembly
- A-frame supports for the skimmer assembly
- Scum trough and ramp with support angle
- Scum baffle with supports
- Weir plate

The Clarifier Mechanism shall be suitable for installation in RCC tank and circular radial flow fixed
bridge with scum collector, central turn table type clarifiers shall be provided.and should conform to
the following guidelines. The guidelines are essentially specified for the object, duty conditions, type
of mechanism and accessories required as well as the material of construction. Corrosion allowance of
2 mm shall be taken in the structural sections of scraper arm, bridge etc. The equipment shall be
fabricated out of mild steel plates of at least 6 mm thickness. Structural design calculations shall be
submitted for all structures including scraper arm, bridge etc.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 322

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1 Objective To remove Suspended Solids / Biomass from mixed

liquor / effluent coming
2 Type Center Feed Peripheral Overflow
3 Skimmer
Required with 1/ 2 diameter with Scum Box and
taken by gravity to Scum sump for disposal along
with sludge
4 Sludge Collection to center by scrapper & Hydraulically
evacuated by pump for recirculation
5 Bridge Type Fixed Bridge
6 Duty Specification Continuous
7 Rake Tip Speed between 3 to 4 cm / sec
8 Scraper sludge loading 25kN/m
9 Clarifer Rake Driver Electrical TEFC Motor with Insulation of Class F and
Protection IP 55
10 Continuous Design Operating
based on the following formula

The clarifier structural and center drive mechanism including center mechanism shall be designed for
a peak instantaneous torque which shall be 2.5 times the continuous design torque calculated using
following formuala:
T (in kg-m) = LF x (Diameter)^2
where Diameter is in meters and load factor (LF) is as given below.
Type of Clarifer Load Factor
Primary Clarifer 8
Secondary Clarifer 6

1. Material of Construction

Feed Well SS 304, minimum 3 mm thick

Bridge MS with Hot dip Galvanized (galvanizing minimum thickness
shall be 80 micron) (welded/nut bolted/riveted truss in a
consolidated single component and no site welding shall be
Rake Arm MS with Hot dip Galvanized (galvanizing minimum thickness
shall be 80 micron)
Center Cage MS with Hot dip Galvanized (galvanizing minimum thickness
shall be 80 micron)
Rake Blades Stainless Steel Grade 316L; minimum 5 mm thick
V-notch weir SS 304, minimum 6 mm thick and 300 mm wide
Squeegees Neoprene rubber, 10 mm thick, adjustable type
Walkway MS grating minimum 6mm thk with Hot dip Galvanized
(galvanizing minimum thickness shall be 80 micron)
Handrail 32 NB SS Pipe, 32 mm dia vertical and top rail with 25 mm dia
(both ways in two layers middle level .The hand railing on clarifier shall have a 6 mm
minimum 1 m high) toegusard made of hot dipgalvanised and be 100 mm wide x 5
mm thick.
Scum skimmer assembly SS 304, minimum 5 mm thick and 300 mm wide

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 323

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Scum Box SS 304, minimum 3 mm thick

Scum Baffle SS 304, minimum 3 mm thick and 400 mm wide
Fasteners – Under Water SS-316
Fasteners – Above Water Galvanised

Note :
1) The stainless steel and mild steel including hot dipped galvanised components where
both are connected to the water / wastewater should be electrically isolated to prevent
galvanic corrosion to the stainless steel surfacres

2) The sludge drawl pipe shall be provided with telescopic pipe with valve of suitable size.
Replace the existing sludge drawl valve with timer controlled motorised valve of same

4.2.5 Submersible Mixers

Submersible mixers could be used in the bio reactor for the following purposes

1) In Anoxic/ Deaeration Zone to keep the Solids in suspension

2) In Aeration Zone to keep solids in suspension and to improve the aeration capacity .

3) In Sludge Storage sump/Tank

The mixer design guidelines are as follows :

Mixer Duty Application Minimum Pumping Rate Mixer

Anoxic/ Dearation Zone 1.5 times tank Volume Tip Velocity not more
than 16 m / sec
Aeration Zone 0.5 to 0.75 times tank Tip Velocity not more
Volume than 3 m / sec
All Sludge Sump More than 5 times tank Tip Velocity not more
( thickened / digested) Volume than 16 m / sec

Not less than 2 mixers hall be provided per tank.

The mixers shall be of robust construction, designed for continuous operation under the most difficult
operating conditions installed in aeration basins.

The mixers shall be energy efficient with submersible type mixer with motor housing in CI IS 210 Gr
FG 260 and 2 or 3 blades propeller in SS 316 construction with suitable IE3 premium efficiency
motor at 415 ± 10% V, 50 C/S.

The submersible mixer shall be complete with lifting device comprising of SS-316 of 60 mm tube,
MS winch and stainless steel rope and handle with all accessories.

Material of Construction: -

- Propeller: - Stainless Steel 316 (1.4571) or Duplex Stainless Steel 1.4460 (AISI 329)
- Shaft - Stainless Steel 316 1.4401 (AISI 316)
- Lifting Chain / Rope – Stainless Steel
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 324
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

- Guide Tube – Stainless Steel

4.2.6 Air Blowers General Requirements for All Types of Blowers

All type of Blowers should have

- suction air filter and silencer,

- outlet silencer,
- pressure safety valve,
- delivery pressure gauge and
- delivery isolating and no-return valve and
- acoustic enclosure of proper design shall be provided, so that decibel level shall be maintained as
specified elsewhere.

A metallic bellow joint is provided on the delivery side of each blower. Vibration pads shall be
provided at foundation level to keep vibration of the equipment within limits as specified elsewhere in
the specification.

Casing of the blower shall be robust construction and shall be machined to proper tolerance. Rotor
along with other un-machined rotating part shall be properly balanced so as not to cause any vibration
during operation. Rotor shall be made in one piece and securely keyed to the shaft. Means shall be
provided to prevent loosening during operation including rotation in reverse direction

The bidders should propose energy efficient air blowers/compressors of proven design working
satisfactorily with documentary evidence. For large aeration capacities considering high efficiency,
low maintenance cost, minimal foot print, minimize breakdown time and over all low life cycle cost
energy air efficient compressors shall be preferred as per the duty application . The minimum number
of standby blowers should be 50 % if numbers of installed blowers are 2 or more otherwise 100 %
stand by.

The manufacture must be ISO9001:2000 certified to assure the conformance to the highest quality
standards of the industry Each blower shall be designed according to the climatic conditions at site
listed below.

Elevation above sea level at blower installation location 200 meters

Differential pressure required As per duty Condition
Maximum air inlet temperature 45˚C
Average air temperature 20˚C
Lowest air temperature 10 ˚C
Maximum temperature in the blower room 40 ˚C
Maximum humidity with maximum air inlet temperature 80 ˚C
Average humidity 80 % RH Turbo Blower: General Specifications

i) The high speed turbo blower should be gearless & direct driven with high frequency
permanent magnet motor. The motor should be high efficiency type with H class insulation.
Motor & the blower should have lubrication-free air-foil bearing or Magnetic bearings. Shaft

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 325

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

material of construction of the shaft will be either Stainless steel Super alloy or Aluminium
alloy or Titanium or any other rigid material suitable for the duty application preferred.

ii) The material of construction of the blower’s impeller should be of stainless steel or
aluminium alloy and preference will be for a corrosion resistant material and be rigidly fixed
to the shaft and the shaft and impeller be dynamically balanced at the operating speed.

iii) The motor should have perfectly matching integrated invertor (VFD) which should be used
for smooth start-up as well as capacity control from minimum of 45% to maximum of 120%
output, it should be possible at all temperature. VFD control shall be based upon constant
motor current, not constant rpm.

iv) The starting current should be less than 1.5 times of full load current of the motor / blower.
v) Both, the motor & Invertor (VFD) should be air-cooled/ fluid cooled type. All cooling shall
be accomplished with ambient or cooled dry air. Heated air from the motor & inverter shall
not be mixed with intake fresh air or water / fluid cooled.

vi) The blower package should be microprocessor controlled with graphical touch screen display
HMI. It should be able to control following parameters – constant pressure, constant flow, and
constant power & dissolved oxygen control with direct connectivity to D.O. sensor.

vii) The blower should be equipped with pressure, differential pressure, On-line flow meter
vibration, speed, & temperature monitoring devices.

viii) The flow measuring device can be an orifice or a bell mouth design with the flow being
measured based on differential pressure. Actual ambient & discharge temperatures should be
measured using temperature instrumentation. No assumptions or calculations regarding flow,
pressure, temperatures or relative humidity shall be made. All process & performance
conditions shall be measured, not calculated.

ix) The HMI should display set value, actual instantaneous value & on-line trend of discharge
pressure, flow, input power, rpm, suction temperature, performance curve / map with actual
instantaneous operating point. It should also have provision to send this data for logging

x) Static pressure measurement should be carried out at exit of diffuser of the blower to ensure
that it is equivalent to the total discharge pressure.

xi) The microprocessor controller should be able to accept external analogue input for remote
setting of the parameter to be controlled.

xii) The supplier should guarantee the total input power to the blower as per specified discharge
flow & pressure.

xiii) Blower shall have built in automatic surge protection. Blower with high ‘rise to surge’ will be

xiv) Blower package shall be supplied with acoustic enclosure covering the entire blower package
to restrict the noise level up to 80 dBA at 1 mt distance. Vibration measurement of the
compressor shall be less than 1mm/s (RMS). Each blower shall be factory tested by the
standard methods based upon ASME PTC-10:1997 measuring kW input for Wire to Air
power at the inlet of the package and/or applicable test codes such as ISO 5389:2005, JIS B
8340. Acceptance criteria is 2% tolerance on power and flow. No negative tolerance on flow
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 326
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

and pressure is allowed. All Blowers should be cooled by either Air or water cooling as per
the area duty operating conditions to cool the VFD or the motor.

xv) Suitable Air cooling system shall be provided to reduce the temperature of compressed air
from discharge of air blower before entering in to the Aeration zone. Delivery header line
from Air blower up to Aeration zone SS-316 shall be provided with suitable type of insulation
to avoid any accident during O&M due to expected high temperature on pipe surface.

xvi) Blower virtually should not have any maintenance costs except to change the cooling and
process air filter elements when required. On average this should be once a year and should
not take more than one hour. Other than that, over the expected 20 years operational lifetime
of the blower, it is expected to replace the back-up battery once every 3 to 5 years and cooling
fans in the VFD and MBC after every 50,000 hours operation (5 to 7 years ) High Speed Turbo Motor

The high efficiency motor will make it possible to have very high efficiency (96-97%) over an entire
operating range. The heat generation from the motor should be limited to a temperature rise of 20 deg
C over operating ambient temperature. The motors will have low starting current to a maximum of 4
to 10 % of the Full Load Current.

Motor to be suitable for

i) Input Power: 3Ø, 415Vac, 50 Hz (± 5%)

ii) Motor Power Range: including 15 % overload of duty point FLC

iii) Harmonics Frequency filters to be an integral part of the motors to prevent Total Harmonic
Dissertation to the electrical system. The THD shall be limited to +/- 5 % of the operating

iv) Blowers should have optimized VFD needs and small starting current (< 5% Full load
current) and providing high efficiency (more than 95 %) Machine shall be designed for
surrounding temperature of 45’C.

v) Motor shall be IP55 grade Material Of Construction

i) Impeller :
Stainless Steel or High Strength Aluminium Alloy.

ii) Shaft :
Alloyed Stainless Steel, Titanium or 6Cr16 steel.

iii) Bearing
Oil free Teflon-S Air foil or Permanent Magnet bearings made from corrosion free material
like nickel, titanium alloy steel.

iv) Acoustic enclosure

Al-Zn coated steel, isolated with glass wool, IP55 enclosure

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 327

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Single Stage Centrifugal Blower/Compressors: General

The compressors shall be motor driven, single - stage centrifugal, integrally geared,
Horizontal/Vertical split type. Each compressor shall be provided with end-suction and side
discharge, with discharge adjustable radially increments every 15 degree angle. Each compressor shall
be equipped with an integral intake filter/silencer, modulating inlet guide vanes and discharge variable
vane diffusers, integral speed-increasing gear, discharge cone - silencer, direct coupled motor,
coupling and guard, inlet and discharge flexible connectors; discharge check valve, backflow barrier,
isolation valve, motorized blow-off valve with silencer, lube oil system, instrumentation and control

The compressor equipment shall include all the ancillaries with local control panels for each
compressor and the master sequence controller integrated in the local control panels or can be external

The compressor equipment specified herein is intended to pressurize ambient air for the supply of
oxygen to waste water treatment aeration zone.

The compressors will receive filtered air and will discharge to the main header. The capacity of each
compressor shall be automatically controlled to provide the airflow rate through the compressor as
required by the process. The blow-off valve shall be open during start-up and shutdown to allow
unloaded start and stop, and to avoid surge conditions All the piping system from the blowers shall be
interconnected to feed to all the basins.

Regulation shall be possible in the range of 120-45% (or less) of the projects design flow at all project
design temperatures and at design pressure. The regulation should be achieved with the help of dual
vane control i.e. Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs) and Variable Vane Diffusers (VVDs) so as to ensure
maximum energy saving during complete range. The blower shall be constructed with two
independent regulation possibilities to optimize the efficiency when regulating in the

i) Isentropic Head (compression and temperature) regulation and

ii) When regulating the flow.

The regulation should be fully automated and contain a program for continuous optimization of
compressor efficiency with respect to changes in inlet temperature, differential pressure and the
required flow. The Isentropic efficiency should not drop more that 5% when regulating the flow from
120% to 45%, at max project design temperature and pressure.

Blower package shall be supplied with acoustic enclosure covering the entire blower package to
restrict the noise level up to 80 dBA at 1 mt distance. Vibration measurement of the compressor shall
be less than 1mm/s (RMS).

Suitable Air cooling system shall be provided to reduce the temperature of compressed air from
discharge of air blower before entering in to the Aeration zone. Impeller Type

The impeller shall be of the semi open radial flow type, induced S-shaped with strong backward
leaning blades, machined as one, not welded, casted or riveted.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 328

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The Supplier must demonstrate that the
impeller/shaft design is designed for operating at peripheral speeds up to 115% of the rated operating
speed. The axial gap between the impeller and compressor casing must be adjustable by means of
machined spacers in order to assure the prescribed gap. Shaft Seals

The shaft seals shall be of double mechanical seal non-contact, multi-point, labyrinth type with small
clearances and sufficient touch points to minimize air leakage out of or into the casing while the
compressor is running in the specified operating range or during start and shutdown and to ensure a
100% oil free air supply. Gear Box

a) The gearbox shall be of ample size and rated to transmit the maximum torque and power
input requirements to the compressor under all operating conditions and continuous duty. The
service factor shall be minimum 1.4. All exposed machined surfaces shall be coated with a
corrosion-resistant compound prior to shipment.

b) The gear drive housing shall be of close graned cast iron GG20 or lightweight aluminium
dicasted suitable for high temperature and sufficiently rigid to maintain the shaft positions
under maximum loads. The gear housing shall be horizontally or vertically split in order to
allow easy inspection and maintenance. The gear housing assemblies shall be machined to
close tolerances for bearing fit, gear alignment and oil tightness. Oil Lubrication System

a) A complete lube oil system shall be provided with each compressor. The system shall be
capable of supplying clean lube oil at suitable pressure and temperature to lubricate the speed
increasing gears and bearings. All components of the lubricating system shall be installed
integral with the compressor base plate and arranged to permit ease of accessibility for
operation, maintenance, inspection and cleaning.

b) The package shall include one gearbox drive shaft driven primary oil pump and one electric
motor driven pre-lubrication oil pump, each of adequate capacity to supply lubrication for the
air compressor/gearbox when operating under normal duty, during normal start/stop and
during run down in case of power loss. The electric motor driven oil pump will operate at
start/stop of compressor and at low oil pressure, activated by the control system located in the
local control panel.

c) The lube oil filter shall be duplex cartridge type suited for the oil pump capacity, with
replaceable cartridges which can be replaced without stopping the compressor. The filter
grade shall be capable of removing particles over 10 microns with a clean oil filter and a
pressure drop not exceeding 350 mbar at design temperature and flow. Filter cases shall be
suitable for operation at a pressure not less than the relief valve setting. A visual gauge or an
electric pressure switch shall indicate when the filters are contaminated and requires

d) Strainers shall be manually cleaned and equipped with a magnetic trap Design and installation
shall permit ready access for cleaning.

e) An oil cooler for each compressor shall be furnished and shall be of the air-to-oil type. The
cooler shall be capable of maintaining required cooling rate at all specified ambient
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 329
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

temperatures. Each cooler shall be rated to dissipate the total emitted heat from the
compressor gearbox. Air-to-oil cooler shall be furnished with an electric motor-driven air
blast fan. Local Control Panel

a) Each compressor shall be furnished with an integrated and dedicated rack based PLC, All
controls shall go into a safe condition by failure and not allow the machine to be operated
with any defective control.

b) The Local Control Panel set-up shall include the Load Sharing functionality with Master
Control Panel of adequate features.

c) The local control panel shall consist of the following:

d) Low voltage system with main switch and motor overload relays for auxiliary equipment such
as blow-off valve, variable diffuser, and inlet guide vanes. Further, monitoring of the drive
motor's temperature sensors, and relay for control of drive motor's main switch, with wiring

e) Control system - with automatic PLC(Not applicable to integrally geared units), and all
necessary control circuits for oil pressure, oil temperature, surge limit, and recirculation.

f) The front panel shall be equipped with Human Machine Interface with a screen of minimum
6" colour touch panel with indication of process values Low voltage and control systems
mounted in a steel panel, IP55, and internally wired.

g) Terminal strip for external wiring. Inlet filter / Silencer

a) Each compressor shall be provided with an inlet filter / silencer designed for maximum air
flow at absolute minimum pressure drop and connected directly to the inlet of the compressor
via a flexible connection.

b) Filters shall be removable through easily accessible doors and have a removal efficiency of
99% on 10 micron. The filter has to have a minimum standard of EU3 in accordance to DIN
24185. Bearings

The bearings could be

i.) Hydrodynamic type sleeve type bearings

ii.) Magnetic Bearings

iii.) Hydrofoil Bearings

All bearings shall be rated for a bearing life of minimum 100000 hours.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 330

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Vibration levels (P≤ 300 kW) ≤ : In accordance to ISO 10816-1

Vibration levels (P>300 kW) ≤ : In accordance to ISO 10816-1

Noise level ≤ : In accordance to 80 dB at 1 m

Following has to be provided for each compressor by the supplier:

- Outlet pressure transmitters, inlet temperature transmitter and a thermal mass flow meter. The
unit should allow for profibus communication to main SCADA control system.
- Inlet Air Filter Differential Pressure Switch
- Oil Temperature Transmitter
- Oil Pressure Transmitter
- Oil Filter Differential Pressure Switch
- Variable Vane Diffuser Position Transmitter
- Inlet Guide Vane position transmitter
- Gear vibration accelerometer transmitter
- Blower reverse rotation detector Material of Construction

Casing : Inner Volute Aluminium , Cast Iron GGG40

Outer volute Aluminium Al Cu Alloy / cast iron GGG40
Impeller : Aluminium AlCu2MgNi, open radial flow type with
backward leaning blades
Gearwheels : High tensile SS316 / High Tensile 15CrNi6
Shaft fast : High tensile SS316 /High Tensile 15CrNi6
Shaft slow : High tensile SS316 / High Tensile 34CrNiMo6
Coupling : Geared High Torque Steel Coupling with spacer
Filter material : As required
Machine mounts : St. SIS 1312, for damping natural rubber hardness 60
Oil Cooling : Air cooled
Acoustic enclosure : Al-Zn coated steel, isolated with glass wool, IP55 enclosure
Motor : IE3 Premium efficiency motor, IP55, insulation class F with
temperature rise F limited to B and temperature measurement
in the winding as well as of anti-condensation heater.
Cone diffuser : Stainless Steel 316
Compensator : Stainless Steel 316

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 331

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Performance Test Run

One compressor in each type/model shall be fully inspected and functionally tested at the factory for
performance and proper operation. Performance test and acceptance according to ISO 5389 should be
performed on manufacturer test stand and attested. The design values of the performance table
according the contract must be within a manufacturing tolerance of ± 2% and a measuring tolerance
of ± 2%.

4.2.7 Diffuser

The aeration system shall be provided to meet the aeration requirement as per the process design
requirement. Sufficient design calculations are to be provided along with manufacturer standard one
having supplied diffuser during last five years to various waste water treatment plant.

The Type and number of diffuers are left to the bidders design subject to the following condition
(a) Aeration System Fine Bubble Diffused Aeration membrane diffusers with fixed type
diffuser system
(b) Type Tube type or disc as per the bidders design conforming to the following
design conditions.
(c) Maximum O2 transfer of aerators at Std conditions

i.) for Disk Diffusers 18 gm O2/m3 air per m water depth at SOTE
ii.) For Tubular Diffusers 16 gm O2/m3 air per m water depth at SOTE
(d) Maximum Air to diffuser not to exceed

i.) Disc Type 60 m3/m2 membrane area

ii.) Tubular Type 45 m3/m2 membrane area
(e) For Considering the AOR the following field correction factors shall be considered

i) Alfa Factor 0.60

ii) Fouling Factor

For fixed ( i.e. non retrievable diffusers ) which cannot be cleaned or 0.70
serviced without emptying of tank

(f) Material of Construction for Diffusers & Air Piping

i.) Diffusers Membranes : Silicone with laser drilled holes
ii.) Diffuser Support : Non Corrosive material cPVC or equivalent
iii.) Under Water Air Piping to : SS 316
diffusers including downers
and aeration grid

iv.) Air from Blower to SS pipe : SS 316

downer (Header Pipe)

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 332

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Fine Bubble Diffusers Assembly

1) General

(i) The subsurface aeration system is to be provided and air is to be introduced by

diffusers submerged in waste water.

(ii) A fixed header arrangement using a complete mixing pattern shall be provided.

(iii) All components necessary to provide a complete mixing system within each
Aeration zone shall be provided. Work shall include, but not necessarily be
limited to, the following:

 Flanged connections (SS 316) at the upstream side of each drop leg for
connection to an isolation butterfly valve.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Drop legs.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Slip joint connections to the air distribution header.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Air distribution headers.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Diffuser connectors.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Anchored Supports
 Gaskets.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Header joints.
 Stainless steel (SS 316) Bolts, nuts and washers.

(iv) Two diffusers are to be provided at each header connection. These are to be
mounted to a reinforced tee located on the bottom centerline of the header. The
reinforced Tee shall be adjustable to allow accurate alignment of the diffuser.

(v) The tube type diffuser shall be consisting of a single piece injection moulded
polypropylene / ABS tube surrounded by a membrane sleeve which should be
kept in position by 2 stainless steel grade 316 ear clips.

(vi) The (OD) external diameter of pipe aerator should not be less than 65-68 mm and
the effective length should not be less than 1000 mm.

(vii) The membrane tube diffuser shall have complete system i.e. air header, support
pipes, locking bolts etc.

(viii) The design of membrane sleeve should prohibit clogging of the pores which are
self closing when air flow/pressure is interrupted. The membrane should have
anti adhesive surface which is resistive to grease, oil, hydrocarbons &
precipitating chemicals.

(ix) The free end of Aerator / polypropylene support pipe should be open to ensure low
buoyancy force. The leak preventing washer should be made up of stainless steel
grade 316 and rubber seal should be of EPDM rubber.

(x) The pipe aerator shall be designed for fine-bubble aeration and must be suitable
for intermittent operations. Rubber membrane should have two grooves on
opposite sides of the membrane circumference for defined fold line when air
supply is switched off.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 333

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(xi) The air distribution channel should extend over the entire effective length for
an even distribution of air for bubble formation.

(xii) These membranes shall be provided preferably with lower perforation sizes with
suitable perforation pattern which when applied with a lower diffuser throughput
rate and correct distribution of the diffusers on the aeration zone floor will result
in very high oxygen transfer efficiency (OTE).

(xiii) The diffuser shall be with a perforation of not less than of 0.5mm with a
special perforation pattern with staggered pattern. Surface area shall be higher
at the offered Diffuser throughput rate so as a bubble size of less than 0.65mm is

(xiv) The rising velocity of bubble should be lower.

(xv) The bubble should retain a solid spherical shape.

(xvi) Bubble should move in a helical fashion for lower bubble diameter so that it
travels a longer path.

(xvii) The distribution of these bubbles should be uniform resulting in more energy
transmitted to the waste water leading to better mixing

(xviii) Bottom deflector to prevent debris from entering diffuser assembly.

(xix) Orifice flow control is to be provided to ensure orifice head loss is at least 2.5
times the head loss in the air header at all air flow rates in the diffuser’s design
operating range.

(xx) Diffusers are to be spaced along air header to provide uniform mixing of the
pre-aeration zone contents.

(xxi) The Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate (SOTR) operating shall be achieved with all
aeration zones operating at varying air supply rates. Contractors shall provide their
recommended minimum airflow rate for each zone in order for their diffuser
to maintain the activated sludge mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in
suspension and avoid deposition of sludge in the bioreactor.

(xxii) Fine bubble membrane type diffusers shall be provided of a type that will prevent
backflow. The Aeration system shall be suitable for prolonged isolation of the air
supply. The membrane shall be provided fixed to the membrane holder in a
manner which does not introduce unbalanced stresses and increases sealing
pressure as the air flow rate to the diffuser risers. Provide a back flow prevention
device built integrally with the diffuser that prevents backflow into the diffuser
and air piping.

(xxiii) A maximum diffuser flux rate shall be provided such that the stress in the
diffuser material is within elastic loading limits with a safety factor of at least
10. The contractor shall submit test result, calculations and any other
documentation to exhibit that the membrane material will be able to withstand
operating loads without undue stress or strain leading to failure in compression or
shear or creating significant mechanical creep of the material which would
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 334
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

impair functioning or would cause enlargement of the membrane perforations or


(xxiv) The tolerances of the diffusers mounted bases shall be provided such that the stress
in the diffuser material is within elastic loading limits with such that any diffuser
and any gasket may be assembled onto any mounting base and provide a seal
capable of withstanding the applied hydrostatic and/or pneumatic head.

(xxv) The contractor shall provide diffuser mounted by the action of a threaded
component that shall require measurement of the applied torque to the threaded
component during tightening. The torque measurement shall lie within the range
of torques specified by the diffuser equipment supplier.

(xxvi) All rubber components shall be manufactured from synthetic proven to be

resistant to corrosion, degeneration or abrasion in the environments proposed.
Provide diffuser material resistant to chemical attack, UV light, weathering and
aging. Submit test results, certifying the integrity of the membrane. Provide data
indicating the susceptibility of the membrane material to attack by various

(xxvii) The diffusers shall be capable of withstanding a maximum differential pressure of

30 kPa and a maximum air temperature of 800 C.

(xxviii) Protective storage of rubber and plastic components of diffusers shall be provided
prior to installation. Effective cover shall be provided to the diffuser after
installation to protect them against physical damage and the ingress of dust and
dirt before filling the new water. Documentary evidence of satisfactory service
operation shall be provided.

2) Aeration Pipework

All pipe work, header and drop legs support bracket and fasteners shall be constructed of
grade 316 stainless steel. All necessary pipe work shall be provided including but not limited
to all gaskets, fasteners, flanges, isolating valves, header pipe work, down comers,
distribution pipe work and purge or drainage lines of each aeration zone located on the air
header pipe work.

Manually operated isolation valves to each of the banks of diffusers shall be provided. A purge
system shall be provided to permit the bleed off any accumulated water in the diffuser lateral
pipe work. The details of the purge system shall be provided by the Contractor at the time of
detailed engineering. All material shall withstand all operating temperature at the top of the
drop leg will be in the range of 200 C to 800 C.

Prior to shipment all stainless steel piping shall be treated to the pickling process to provide a
de scaled surface finish.

Prior to commissioning all pipe work is to be cleaned internally to remove all dust,
construction material or any other foreign matter, which could damage and reduce the design
life of the diffusers.

a) Air Header and Drop-legs

(i) Air distribution header shall be fabricated in sections up to a maximum of 12 meters

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 335
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

in length.
(ii) Bottom elevation of the air distribution header shall be same throughout the tank.

(iii) Removable end cap at header ends shall be provided.

(iv) Connections between sections of the air distribution header shall be designed to
allow individual header sections to rotate independently of adjacent header sections.

(v) Header dimensions shall conform to dimensional tolerances specified in ASTM

A554-89 and ASTM A530-87.

(vi) A drop leg shall be furnished from the air main connection at the top of the tank.

(vii) A slip joint connection shall be provided between the drop leg and distribution

(viii) The drop leg shall be supported from the connection at the air header.

(ix) Only factory welding shall be used. No field welding shall be allowed. Outside of
each weld area are to be wire brushed. All discoloration and deposits left by
welding by pickling are to be removed. All diffuser connections are to be welded at
Factory. Both the diffuser connectors and the headers are to be stiffened to withstand
a moment of 56.5 Newton.M at the connector without permanent deformation.

(x) All SS 316 assemblies and parts after fabrication are to be passivated by immersion in
a pickling solution of 6 percent nitric acid and 3 percent hydrofluoric acid at 60
for a minimum of 15 minutes. These shall be neutralized by immersion in a tri-
sodium phosphate rinse. Certificate shall have to be submitted in conformation of
the above activity.

b) Supports and Anchors

(i) Necessary wall and floor mounting supports shall be provided for all drop legs and
air headers to anchor firmly on the wall and to the bottom of the tank and as specified

(ii) Anchor supports to concrete walls and floors using stainless steel expansion bolts
sized and spaced as required for the loads encountered.

(iii) Supports shall be designed to allow leveling the air header and diffuser assemblies
to within specified tolerances.

(iv) Necessary expansion couplings shall be proved in the drop legs and air headers as to
accommodate anticipated thermal expansion and contraction. Designs of expansion
coupling as well as computations for sizing are to be submitted.

c) On-line Diffuser Cleaning

An on-line cleaning system shall be provided as an option to allow for cleaning of diffusers
without taking aeration system off-line. The cleaning system may entail addition of formic acid
(or other chemicals which are not detrimental to the biological process) through a tapping point
in the down comers. All necessary tapping points, access and portable chemical mixing and
injection equipment shall be provided. The recommended chemicals shall be able to permeate
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 336
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the pores of the diffusers where it shall dissolve the minerals and eliminates micro-organisms
present in the deposited material. This combined action shall be sufficient for full restoration of
the original quality of the diffuser. The cleaning shall be able to be carried out without
interruption to the treatment process. The material of construction of pipework, fittings, valves
and diffusers shall be chosen to withstand the exposure of applied chemicals.

Bidders shall state in their tender the proposed method of cleaning the diffusers and distribution

3) Spare Parts

The Contractor shall include in his offer a priced schedule of recommended spares.

4) Special Tools

The Contractor shall include in his offer any special tools for the equipment to be supplied.

5) Installation

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to install the diffuser system correctly. The Contractor shall
provide a manufacturer representative who has knowledge and experience in the proper
installation, start-up and operation of the diffuser equipment to inspect the final installation and
supervise the commissioning tests.

Installation of all components shall be ensured in accordance with the manufacturer’s

instructions and recommendations.

6) Field Testing

The Contractor’s manufacturer representative shall subject each bank of the diffuser system to
the following tests. The tests shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) Checking alignment of all components and adjust if necessary;

(ii) Checking that each bank can be removed without interference;

(iii) Checking that all equipments, safety devices and equipment protection devices
function properly;

(iv) Examining protective coating and repair as necessary;

(v) Running equipment for an appropriate time at the full range of design conditions and
combination of operation duties and check for correct operation;

(vi) Checking the operation of all equipments under field control.

(vii) All Fine bubble diffused aeration systems will be field tested.

(viii) Testing will verify the installation as well as the diffuser’s ability to deliver the
specified air flow rates at the manufacturer’s stated pressure loss. Testing will also
verify the uniformity of mixing provided.

(ix) Leveling tests:

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Clear water shall be introduced into each tank to the top of the diffuser
 The level of the diffusers is to be checked that all element horizontal surfaces
are within 10 mm of a common horizontal place and at the specified elevation
7) Leakage and Distribution of Flow Tests

The contractor shall demonstrate that the diffuser pipe work does not have air leaks under
maximum and minimum flow condition by operating the diffusers under shallow
submergence. In this regard, following activities shall be ensured:

(i) After successful completion of the leveling tests, raise the water level to 50mm above
the manifold.

(ii) Visually inspect the water surface to ensure that the airflow is uniformly distributed
across the tank.

(iii) Pressure test:

 All of air supply pipe line shall be tested by pressure. Test pressure shall be at
least 2 times higher than normal operation pressure.
 If Engineer is unsatisfied with any test results, repeat the test until the installation is
essentially void of air leaks.
 Repair any leaks in the elements holders, elements, pipes or the like.

8) Diffuser Pattern Testing

Ensure that the diffused Aeration system is adequately protected to prevent any damage or
blockage for the duration of the contract. Demonstrate uniform air distribution through under
minimum and maximum aeration flow rates. Demonstrate no significant “wave like” action of
the liquid. Demonstrate that all diffusers are operating simultaneously.

9) Diffuser Clean Water Performance (SOTR) Testing

The Engineer shall have the right to require the Contractor to carry out Standard Oxygen
Transfer Rate testing of all the aeration zones. The water depth in the tank for the tests
shall be 6 meters. During the test the contractor shall demonstrate the guaranteed maximum
and minimum oxygen transfer rates (SOTR) at the guaranteed airflows and pressures. The
contractor shall carry out tests generally as set out in the American Society for Civil
Engineers “Standard Measurement for Oxygen Transfer to clean water” Latest Edition.

The following shall b e provided b y t h e c o n t r a c t or during the testing:

(i) At least three correctly calibrated portable dissolved oxygen probes in lieu of the
Winkler test. Demonstrate calibration of the dissolved oxygen probes;

(ii) All chemicals, chemical mixing, instruments (including air flow measuring devices),
equipment, monitoring devices, recording systems or data acquisition and labor to
carry out the clean chemical dispersion water oxygen transfer test;

(iii) A written summary of the test procedure, including a schedule, calibration

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 338

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

certificates of all equipment and monitoring devices, any special precautions required
for the handling of chemicals and special disposal requirements;

(iv) Monitoring of the airflow to the diffused air system for clean water oxygen
transfer tests.

(v) Supply complete detailed and summary test reports to the Contractor within 14
days of the completion of each test.

All necessary corrections and adjustments made shall be recorded. A written statement shall be
provided by the Contractor’s manufacturer representative at the completion of the tests,
certifying that the equipment has been properly installed and operates satisfactorily – all test
records are to be appended.

10) Reliability Tests

Reliability testing shall not be commenced until the tests described above including the SOTR
test if required, have been completed and approved by the Engineer.

The diffusers shall be required to operate under the normal operating conditions within the limits
of performance offered by the Contractor, and their continuous or intermittent performance as
may be more convenient for the operation of the works. The diffusers shall operate without
failure of any kind for a period of one calendar month. Should any failure (other than that of an
entirely minor nature) occurs in any portion of the diffusers, due to or arising from faulty design,
materials or workmanship or staff training (but not otherwise) sufficient to prevent commercial
use of the plant, the test shall be deemed to have failed. The test period of one month will
recommence after the Contractor has remedied the cause of the failure. The onus of proving that
any failure is not due to faulty design, materials, workmanship or training will lie with the

In cases where the responsibility for failure cannot be determined initially, the Contractor is to
attend to such failure as though they were his responsibility. The taking-over certificate will not
be issued until the Reliability Test has been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer along
with his written approval. When the Reliability test has been completed to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, the Defects Notification Period shall commence.

4.2.8 Decanting Device

Type of Decanting device shall be as per Bidder’s technology requirement and design. Minimum
two numbers of Decanting devices shall be provided per basin. Decanting device shall be in SS 304.
Depth of Decanting device shall be 1/3 of the tank liquid depth.

4.2.9 Tertiary Filtration System

Secondary treated effluent from secondary clarifiers shall flow to effluent filters by gravity for
tertiary treatment. Travelling Bridge Filters

1. General

The Travelling Bridge Filters shall be capable of filtering effluent from secondary clarifiers with daily
average flow of 564 MLD (124 MGD) and daily peak flow of 1128 MLD and achieve the desired
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 339
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

treated effluent quality. The Traveling Bridge and Traveling Hood Filters should be capable of
providing continuous water and wastewater filtration with automatic, on-line backwashing,
specifically designed for low head filtration with shallow beds. The filters may be single media or
dual media. The traveling hood shall be equipped with a single, centre-mounted traction unit, a
pneumatic travel lift, and spring-loaded outboard stabilizers. Control is provided by a programmable
controller through an interface of electrically actuated pneumatic valves.

2. Description

a) Minimum 10 filters in the concrete basin of traveling bridge type for end discharge of filter
effluent shall be provided. The filter bed depth shall be minimum 0.30m.

b) The total backwash water volume required shall not exceed 5% of the design influent flow. The
backwash water shall be taken to the sump of Drain water pumping station.

c) Each filter component shall be designed to withstand with a prudent safety factor all stresses that
may occur during fabrication, erection, intermittent, or continuous 24 hour per day operation.The
equipment and controls shall be provided as a complete package to ensure coordination and

d) Each filter shall include a traveling bridge assembly, backwash hood, a single submersible pump,
nozzles with integral tailpieces, air distribution header, under drain, Single or dual media i.e.
consisting of high grade silica sand and if dual media anthracite media shall be provided,
indexing tabs, power cable, rail, influent ports, backwash discharge launder, and controls. Cloth Media Filters

The cloth Filters/Disc Filters shall be capable of filtering effluent from secondary clarifiers with daily
average flow of 564 MLD (124 MGD) and daily peak flow of 1128 MLD and achieve the desired
treated effluent quality. Each filter shall be installed in a concrete basin and each filter basin shall be
provided with a butterfly drain valve.Each filter basin shall be fitted with 304 stainless steel mounting
brackets to accommodate attachment of the filter components to inside of the basin.All mounting
brackets shall be attached to the inside of basin wall with 304 stainless steel wedge anchors and
hardware.All piping including external & puddle piping shall be provided by the
Contractor.Cloth/frame assemblies shall be constructed such that each segment is easily removable
from the centre tube, without special tools, to allow for removal and replacement of the cloth at the
point of installation.Cloths shall have a nominal filtration rating of 10 microns.Each filter shall be
providing with isolation valve at upstream. The cloth depth shall provide storage of captured solids,
reducing backwash volumes while maintaining an operational headloss.The filter system shall provide
for the collection of filtered solids on the outside of the cloth media surface to allow for the direct
contact of cleaning systems.Filtered effluent shall be used for backwashing. The effective filtration
area will be considered the actual media area which will be submerged and available for filtration
100% of the time. Hence framework and glued surfaces of filter will be considered while calculating
the effective filtration area. Contractor shall submit calculation and sufficient evidences for verifying
the effective filtration surface area. The filtration system shall be complete with PLC controlled
operation and backwash system as per the recommendation of technology vendor. Access walkways,
handrails and stair case etc shall be provided as per the tender specifications. Membrane Filtration System

The membrane filtration system shall be either the submerged or low pressure type and shall be
capable of filtering effluent from secondary clarifiers with daily average flow of 564 MLD (124
MGD) and daily peak flow of 1128 MLD and achieve the desired treated effluent quality. The
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

contractor shall be responsible for the design of the necessary pre-treatment system for the selected
membrane filtration unit. Concurrently, the supplier of the membrane filtration unit shall certify that
the pre-treatment system designed by the contractor is sufficient based on the water quality
information provided.

4.2.10 UV Disinfection

UV lamps shall have a guaranteed minimum lifetime of 12000 hrs based on maximum power
output. The intensity of the UV light and the transmissivity of the wastewater stream shall be
monitored continuously. Adjustments to the system to improve the effectiveness of the disinfection
achieved shall be made with respect to this on-line monitoring. The intensity detector shall measure
the magnitude and wavelength of the actual UV dose emitted. The wavelength should be in the
range of 250 – 265nm. A local readout of dose received should be provided. A failure of the UV
system to provide the minimum radiation dose shall cause an alarm to be raised.

Each UV system shall have associated with it an in-line turbidity meter.

Each UV channel shall be designed with a dedicated draindown facility to allow for
maintenance. Ancillary Equi,pment

The design shall provide the lifting and analysis equipment required to maintain the UV
system. Instrumentation and Control

UV disinfection equipment shall be provided with a number of signals to external devices. These
shall include but not be limited to the following

i. PLC/logic common failure.

ii. Power failure.
iii. Healthy and Not Healthy alarms.
iv. Dose Provided.
v. System failed to start on plant start.

The UV system shall have the following controls as minimum

i. UV dose provided (per module/unit).

ii. Electrical power demand.
iii. UV module status (On/Off/Failed).
iv. Cleaning system status (On/Off/Failed).
v. Alarm History (where PLC controlled).
vi. Hours run counter per module.

The design shall allow for manual control of the following:

i. Each module.
ii. Each wiping system 11.1.4 UV System Testing

The UV system shall be supplied with a separate Certificate of Conformity for each new UV
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

lamp provided. Each certificate shall indicate the maximum rated output of the lamp and the
rated UVC output.

At the time of commissioning a number of tests will be completed to confirm the following

i. No Nitrate/Nitrite problems exist as a result of the UV operation.

ii. Bacteriological kill-rate is being monitored.
iii. The specified UV intensity and doses is being achieved. 11.1.5 Health and Safety

Where the design allows for maintenance and lamp r`eplacement to be carried out on operational units
measures shall be in place to prevent operator exposure to UV light and electrical hazards. 11.1.6 Critical Spare Parts

The design shall allow for the supply of spare lamps and associated support fittings. 11.1.7 Data Recording and Storage

The design shall allow for the following to be recorded and stored:

i. Transmissivity.
ii. Intensity.
iii. UV Dose.
iv. Turbidity.

Readings shall be taken every 15 minutes. The data storage facility shall have sufficient
memory to store a minimum of 2 months data.

4.2.11 Sludge Thickener Gravity Sludge Thickener

Gravity Sludge thickener shall be Circular (radial), fixed bridge, central turn table type or central
drive. The circular reinforced concrete thickeners tapering at bottom shall be provided for thickening
process. Design shall be such that the sludge after thickening can be extracted from the bottom of
the hopper portion. Interstitial liquid flows through peripheral weir at top. Tanks shall be deep
enough to allow the sludge to settle by gravity. At least 50 cm freeboard shall be provided. Provision
shall be made for collection of thickened sludge and pumping it to the digester units/dewatering
units. Central drive arrangement shall be provided to rotate trussed rake arms having blades to
sweep the sludge into sludge hopper. Full diameter bridge with central drive shall be provided with
central platform for the installation of the scrapers and their drives and for the local control panel a
radial scraper system with bottom scraper blades, suspended on the bridge.

The thickener shall have walkway for personnel access to the center, access stairs to ground level and
SS hand railing, a motor driven sludge scraper complete with all necessary controls, delivery pipe
work, a stilling well and overflow steel weir plates. The scraping gear shall be supported from the
tank base and from a fixed bridge carrying the central electrical drive for the rotating gear. The
equipment including driving motor, gears, shafting and scrapers shall be designed for continuous
operation and sized for the most arduous operating condition including starting from rest with an
accumulation of sludge in the thickeners. The electric motor, gearbox etc., shall be provided with a
sunshade. The main gear drive shall be cast Iron construction and shall be enclosed in a dustproof
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

enclosure with oil bath lubrication. Suitable overload protection for the drive shall be provided to
ensure that the sludge shall not overload the equipment and emergency stop pushbutton shall be
provided. The scrapers shall be fitted with rotation monitors and over torque protection to alarm in the
event of a failure.

The underwater parts shall have minimum 2 mm allowance for corrosion and structural design
calculations shall be submitted for all structures including scraper arm, bridge etc. and also the
calculation for drive head selection including the Torque Rating. V-notch weir shall be provided along
the launders for uniform draw-off of the overflow. The weir plate shall be fixed to the launder by
means SS304 grade clamping plates and fasteners. The hydraulic equipment will consists of the inlet
pipe (runs along the bridge) to the central feed well of the thickener; sludge draw-off pipe with an
manual & Motorized Knife Gate valve for intermittent operation according to an adjustable timer; a
drain pipe with manually operated gate valve for the complete emptying of the unit; a discharge
pipe/channel from the peripheral collecting channel to the main channel leading to the Supernatant
sump. The sludge thickener mechanism shall be suitable for installation in a circular tank and shall
include the following:

(i) Mechanism support beam spanning the diameter of the tank.

(ii) Walkway and hand rails from the edge up to 1 meter beyond the center of the
(iii) Drive mechanism with internal gear type
(iv) Reduction gear box.
(v) Chain & sprocket with guard.
(vi) Central shaft with scrapper arm and picket fence.
(vii) Inlet well of MS outside the central weir.
(viii) Overflow weir.
(ix) Vertical pickets.
(x) Torque Indicating Device.
(xi) Overload Alarm protection.
(xii) Auto lifting device.
The main structural and center drive mechanism including center mechanism shall be designed for a
peak instantaneous torque which shall be 2.5 times the continuous design torque calculated using
following formuala
T in kg-m = LF x (Diameter)^2
where Diameter is in meters and load factor (LF) is as given below.

Type Load Factor

Radial Centre Peir Thickner 12
Material of Construction

Bridge : MS with Hot dip Galvanized (galvanizing minimum

thickness shall be 80 micron)

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Walkway : MS grating minimum 6 mm thk with Hot dip

Galvanized (minimum thickness of Galvanizing shall
be 80 micron).
Rake Arm : MS with Hot dip Galvanized (galvanizing minimum
thickness shall be 80 micron)
Feed Well : SS 316
V-notch weir : SS 316
Squeegees : Neoprene
Handrail : SS 304
(radial upto center)
Anchor Bolt & fasteners: SS 316

Note :
1) The stainless steel and mild steel including hot dipped galvanised components where
both are connected to the water / wastewater should be electrically isolated to prevent
galvanic corrosion to the stainless steel surfacres

2) The sludge drawl pipe shall be provided with telescopic pipe with valve of suitable
size. Replace the existing sludge drawl valve with timer controlled motorised valve of
same size. DAF Thickener

The Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) thickener shall be designed to thicken the waste excess sludge
from Secondary Clarifier. Thickened sludge from the DAF Thickener shall be pumped to Anaerobic
Sludge Digester through Thickened Sludge Pumps continuously / intermittently as required for
anaerobic degradation. The supernatant from DAF Thickener shall be recycled back to the inlet of
Primary Clarifier Distribution Chamber by gravity if possible or otherwise by pumping through
filtrate / supernatant sump. The size of DAF Thickener shall be provided as per the design parameter
given in Section XI Part 2.

The material of construction of the parts of DAF system which are submersed in waste water shall be
Stainless Steel 316 or non-corrosive material. The other parts which are not in contact with waste
water shall be Mild Steel with hot dip galvanised (80 micron) or other non-corrosive material.
Stainless Steel handrail of approved grade shall be provided on walkways, platform and staircases.

4.2.12 Sludge Dewatering Units

Sludge dewatering shall be done by mechanical sludge dewatering unit such as Solid Bowl Centrifuge
for 100% of the digested sludge. The dewatering units shall include but not limited to the following

 Powder or liquid Polymer storage tanks/ Bach tanks with mixers

 Polymer mertering pumps
 Mixers and solution tanks
 Polymer service tanks
 Supply line & flush line
 Plant Water supply pumps
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Sludge feeding pumps

 Dewatering unit
 Cake hopper
 Flow meters for feeding Sludge, and for feeding chemical solution
 Control valves on sludge feeding line, and on Chemical feeding line
 Drain system

The dewatering system should be so located that the dewatered sludge can be loaded into trolleys/
drums/ bins directly – preferably the dewatering unit shall be so located that the dewatered sludge
falls into the containers/ bins without requirement of another material handling unit.

The dewatered sludge should be truck-able & be suitable for disposal by open body truck and should
have a minimum solid concentration of 25% (+/-) 2% w/w (measured as dry solids w/w basis).

The dewatering unit should have a 95% solid recovery.

The centrifuge centrate should not contain more than 1000 mg/l solids.
The centrifuge should be capable of being operated at lower solid feed concentration in case of

Dewatering units shall be provided in a separate Sludge Dewatering Building. Feed pump station shall
be provided at lower level/floor and dewatering units shall be provided at upper level/ floor.

The centrifuge station system shall work in damp and dust laden atmosphere hence contractor is
required to maintain a proper working atmosphere inside the room by providing proper ventilation etc.
The specifications of the different components are given below: Centrifuge Units

Centrifuge shall conform to IS: 10037 (Part 3) or any other international specifications superior to
these specifications. It shall be capable of handling thickened/ digested sludge. The dewatered cake
shall have a minimum dryness of 25% (+/-) 2% w/w or as specified in Section XI: Part 1/Part 2. The
centrifuge shall be solid bowl centrifuge of co-current/counter-concurrent design. The centrifuge shall
have sufficient clarifying length and differential RPM, so that separation of solids is effective. The
centrifuge shall have adjustable weir plate, so that its pond depth can be raised. The centrifuge bowl,
scroll support frame and its accessories shall be mounted on a common fabricated steel base frame so
that entire assembly can be installed on an elevated structure. The base frame shall be in CS
construction and provided with anti-vibration pads.

Under this contract required number of centrifuge with 100% standby shall be provided to meet

The centrifuge shall comprise the following components:

· Sludge feed system;

· Collecting vessel and support frame;
· Variable speed drive;
· Differential Scroll drive;
· Centrifuge washing;
· Concentrate collection; and
· Control system.

The centrifuge shall comprise a conical cylindrical bowl and scroll feed horizontally mounted in
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

bearings on a frame.

The rotor shall consist of a solid bowl which rotates about a central shaft. An inner scroll shall be
provided to convey separated sludge from the periphery of the cylindrical bowl to the beach at the
conical end of the rotor.

The bowl and scroll and other wetted parts shall be made from stainless steel 316. The tungsten
Carbide hard surfacing on conveyor scroll surface, feed chamber and solid discharge outlet shall be
provided. The bowl shall be protected with solid strip liners.

Suitable drive with V-belt arrangement and turbo coupling shall be provided along with overload
protection device. Differential speed and bowl speed can be adjusted by changing the pulleys.

The feed inlet cake discharge and centrate outlet shall be provided with flexible connections so that
vibrations are not transmitted to other equipment.

The drive motor shall be of 1450 rpm, 3 phase, 415 V +/- 5 %, 50 Hz. It shall have class of insulation:
B, Type of protection: IP 55, Ambient temperature: 400 C, squirrel cage, foot mounted.

The operation of each centrifuge and its associated dedicated sludge feed pumps, polyelectrolyte
dosing system, flushing system and other plant shall be automatic once the startup procedure has been
initiated by the operator.
A typical start-up sequence shall proceed as follows:
· Start lubricating oil pumps
· Start bearing seal water pumps
· Start cake conveyors
· Start centrifuge
· Start polyelectrolyte pump
· Start sludge feed pump
The polyelectrolyte and sludge feed pumps shall not start until centrifuge has reached its full speed.

The shutdown sequence shall be a reversal of the aforementioned procedure. After stopping the sludge
and polyelectrolyte pumps, the centrifuge shall be flushed out with clean water. This shall be carried
out while the centrifuge is still running. Means shall be provided to divert the flushing water to the
centrate drain.

The operation of low level sensor in the thickened storage tank shall automatically start the flow of
sludge to the centrifuge.

Polyelectrolyte shall be dosed to the sludge flow via an in-line injection system and to be designed to
achieve rapid and even distribution throughout the sludge.

The whole rotating assembly shall be enclosed by a Stainless steel (AISI316) fabricated casing
incorporating a Centrate discharge hopper and outlet pipe, and a rectangular solids hopper which shall
discharge the dewatered sludge into the disposal system.

The main scroll bearings shall be arranged for lubrication by an external central oil lubrication
system. The complete rotating assembly shall be dynamically balanced and test certificates are also to
be provided before final inspection & testing at works..
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sludge shall be fed into one end of the rotor through a centrally positioned feed tube and dispersed to
the bowl through an inlet chamber.

The bowl shall be provided with an adjustable 360° peripheral weir at its cylindrical end to control the
depth of the centrate in the rotor.

The fixed outlet castings of the rotor shall be designed to collect the centrate and dewatered sludge
from the rotor. Baffles within the casing shall direct the separate phases to the relevant discharge
points and prevent cross-contamination.

The centrifuge shall be mounted on heavy-duty vibration isolators, located between the machine and
the supporting steelwork or foundations, to damp vibrations and prevent vibration transmission. Two
axis vibration monitors shall be provided to stop the centrifuge automatically when excessive
vibration is detected.

Flexible connections shall be provided on the sludge fed system and the centrate system at the
entrifuge. The dewatered sludge discharge system shall incorporate flexible chutes.

(i) Variable Speed Drive

A variable speed drive shall be provided to accelerate the rotor to operational speed and maintain that
speed during the centrifuge’s duty period. The bowl drive shall be electric and shall be coupled to the
drive shaft by a multiple ‘V’ notch belt drive.

(ii) Differential Scroll Drive

The scroll drive shall be provided with a separate drive mechanism to control its rotation in the same
direction but at a different speed to the outer bowl. The differential speed shall be adjustable.

The drive shall be linked to the main bowl drive by an epicyclic gearbox. The differential speed of the
scroll shall be automatically and manually adjustable so that the moisture content of the dewatered
sludge can be controlled as required.

For safe operation, contractor shall provide control panel showing proper Sequence of operation with

Chutes and interconnecting piping shall be provided with flexible joint (minimum 10 mm flexible in
all direction) to avoid vibration.

Material of Construction

Bowel assembly, Conveyor SS 316

assembly, Casing assembly
Protection Tungsten carbide hard lining on the conveyor flights.
Feed nozzle.
Solids discharge ports with tungsten carbide lining. Polyelectrolyte Solution Preparation and Dosing System

Polyelectrolyte solution is required to be prepared and dosed for aiding sludge thickening and
dewatering. Polymer Dosing system complete with Tanks with Agitator and Dosing pumps shall be
supplied. The tanks shall be cylindrical, vertical with closed lids hinged and nozzles for changing
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 347
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

polymer, inlet, Agitator, Level Gauge, Level Switch, Overflow, Drain and Solution Outlet. The tank
shall be provided with a propeller type agitator and drive unit.

The Dosing Pumps shall be positive displacement type. The dosing pump shall have PLC controlled
adjustable capacity controller.

The material of construction of tank shall be FRVE as Liner + FRP (with is phthalic resin). Agitator
and wetted parts of Pump shall be SS-316.

The bidder shall indicate quantity of chemicals required per ton (dry solid weight) of sludge
dewatered by the dewatering machines.

The polymer solution shall be prepared on a daily basis and the unit shall be suitably sized for one
shift sludge dewatering operation.

The polymer solution strength shall not exceed 0.2 %. here shall be two working solution preparation
tanks plus 1 stanby tank for the daily poly requirement with the tank agitator having a speed not more
than 100 RPM.

There shall be 100 % stand by poly dosing pumps with one dosing pump per poly solution use point.
The dosing pump shall be sized for the feed solution concentration complete with pulsation damper,
suction valves, NRV Pressure Safety Valves & isolation valves. Interconnecting Pipe Work

The complete pipe work, not limited to the following, shall be provided:

(i) Sludge Balancing Tank to Centrifuge feed pump

(ii) Centrifuge feed pump to centrifuge

(iii) Centrate pipe work from centrifuge to supernatant and centrate pump house.

(iv) Water pipe work to Polymer Dosing Tank and Centrifuges (for flushing)

(v) Polymer Dosing pipe work from Dosing Tanks to Centrifuge inlet.

(vi) Sludge balancing tank to supernatant & centrate pump house.

The pipe work shall include all fittings, specials, valves, supports etc. and shall be completed in

The sludge, centrate and water pipe work shall consist of pipes of DI-K7 and CI Gate Valves / GM
Globe Valves. The pipe works shall be of Polypropylene and valves shall be PP ball valves. Suitable
flexible connections shall be provided in the pipe work connecting centrifuge to prevent transmission
of vibration Hoist

One No. EOT crane of suitable capacity is to be provided above Centrifuge and below centrifuge
platform for maintenance purposes. The Hoist shall be such that it will be possible to lift equipment
from ground level.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 348

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Interlocking

Interlocking is to be provided in M.C.C as per sequence operation of Centrifuge for safe operation.

4.2.13 Pre-Dewatering

Pre-dewatering machines (centrifuge / screw press) or Dissolved air floation or conventional

thickner shall be provided that will receive the sludge from Biological treatment units. Each system
shall have its dedicated feed pumps (sludge pump) and dedicated polymer dosing pump. Each
system and its dedicated ancillary equipment shall be controlled through its own process controller.
There shall be at least two standby machines or 1/3rd standby machines, whichever is greater. The
pre-dewatered sludge shall be conveyed to anaerobic sludge digesters.

4.2.14 Gas Mixing System for Digesters

The gas mixing system shall be independent, efficient in operation, simple in maintenance and
suitable for tropical climate of Delhi. Mixing of the Digester contents shall be achieved by recycling
of the biogas through bio gas compressors at adequate pressure. The minimum design pressure of the
gas compressor shall be sufficient even for de-clogging of the gas lancers after shut off period of
digesters. The sludge within the digester shall be mixed by continuous gas recirculation. Gas extracted
from the roof space at low pressure shall be compressed and fed back, via a roof mounted splitter
manifold, into the bottom of the digester through diffusers on individual lines.

Gas mixing system shall be complete along with necessary accessories such as gas meter for each
digester at outfall of each digester, drip traps at suction and discharge pipes, electric controls, and
spare parts.

All gas mixing pipe work shall be designed and installed in accordance with best practices with
velocities as specified under pipework. The Gas Main pipe work shall be sized to enable the fast and
smooth transfer of gas from the gas holder to the digester to make up the volume metric capacity left
by grit and sludge evacuation .All internal of gas mixing system including lances etc and gas pipe
work shall be of SS 316. Gas compressors

The Gas Compressors shall be provided with adequate capacity and rating as required. One duty and
one stand by gas compressor shall be provided per digester. Each gas compressor shall be a gas tight,
single stage, sliding vane machine, displaying positive displacement characteristics and specifically
designed for use on digester gas. The complete gas compressor unit shall be rated for continuous duty.
Automatic change over from one unit to the other unit at an interval of 12 hrs. shall be provided.

1. Design Requirement

a) Compressor shall be of positive rotary, sliding vane type, air cooled and oil lubricated,
robust in construction, reliable, cost effective with low power consumption and easy to
maintain. The gas compressors shall be designed and works tested complete with
compressor unit, motor, base plate, water cooling system, gas and water pipework,
valves, water separators, and all regulating and control equipment as required to provide
an adequate and efficient compressed high pressure gas supply.

b) The compressors shall be designed to compress wet bio gas comprising about 60-65%
methane and 35-40% CO, with trace elements including H, N & H2S. The gas shall be
assumed to be water saturated.
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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

c) Due to the H2S presence, no brass or copper based materials shall be used in the gas
compressor or come in contact with the gas.

d) Gas compressor gearbox shall be suitable for continuous running and intermittent
starting under maximum load with the resultant high torque and shock loads. The
gearbox shall have a service factor of 2 (Minimum).

e) A pressure relief system shall be included to operate on shut off pressure of compressors.
This shall consist of actuated bypass and main gas valves which shall operate to
dissipate the high pressure in the delivery main to the low pressure digestion tank.

f) A temperature sensor shall be installed to give a warning alarm and shut down facility in
the event of the pressure relief valve operating.

Each duty standby package shall be supplied with:

 Gas compressors - sliding vane, air cooled, oil lubricated.

 Drive Motors – Flameproof, Zone 1, thermistors. Max speed 1440rpm.
 Stainless steel oil tanks with sight level indicator & low oil level switch.
 Flexible connectors – 316L Stainless steel, flanged and braided either side of the gas
 Isolation valves – Butterfly inlet.
 Inlet pipe line filters
 Discharge gas non return valves – wafer pattern, stainless steel with viton liner
(horizontal mounting).
 Discharge oil separators with manual/auto drain valve assembly
 Common inlet condensate trap with syphonic drain assembly
 Common discharge condensate trap with manual/auto drain assembly
 Inlet and discharge gas pressure gauges with isolation valves.
 Inlet gas pressure cut out switches
 Discharge gas pressure cut out switches
 Discharge high temperature cut out switches.
 Low oil level cut out switches.

All the above is to be mounted on mild steel galvanised skid, pre-piped in thin wall 316L stainless
steel tube, with SS 304L non gas contacting spinning flanges, to form a duty/standby package.

2. Mode of Operation

a) The compressor shall operate on a duty / duty assist basis

b) Manual control via start / stop pushbuttons at the control panel with auto switch off in
case of temperature bypass or over pressure switch operating.

c) The compressors are to run on either a timed or continuous control selected by a two
position selector switch mounted on the control panel.

d) When ‘continuous’ is selected, the compressor is to run continuously. Where ‘timed’ is

selected the compressor is to run for fixed duration and to be off for fixed duration. The
timed cycle shall be controlled by two adjustable timers (0-60 min) provided for each

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 350

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

e) Compressor is to trip and lock out due to the following but the work shall include but not
necessarily be limited : (reset shall be manual)

 Electrical overload
 Earth fault
 Motor over-temperature, monitored by thermistors in each phase
 Over-temperature in the compressor gas delivery pipeline
 Cooling water over-temperature
 Rise in discharge pressure
 Vacuum in suction line

3. Electric Control System

Electrical controls shall be designed to suit the operational philosophy. All electrical motors, local
control units and instrumentation, etc. mounted in the digester area shall be certified for use in a zone
1 hazardous area and have an IP 55 enclosure.

4. Electric Motor

Motors shall be flame proof squirrel cage type conforming to IS 325. The power rating shall be at
least 125% of maximum power requirement. The other features of motors shall be as follows:

Type of duty : Continuous (S1)

Method of starting : Start-Delta
Class of insulation : F (Temperature rise limited to Class B)
Type of enclosure : TEFC & Flame proof
Degree of protection : IP 55

4.2.15 Bio Gas Holder

The gas holders shall be dual membrane type. The membrane cover(s) shall be stable under all design
load conditions, including localized static and dynamic loads. The external membrane shall be
designed to maintain a spherical shape that allows the cover(s) to support the maximum possible
applied loading taking into consideration dead load, Vacuum load, Wind load and other static load.

Membrane gasholder shall consist of two membranes. The internal membrane shall store and should
be impermeable to digester gas, and inflate and deflate as the gas supply and usage change the stored
volume. The external membrane shall be constantly inflated by pressurized air supplied by a blower
or by the plant’s Air Low Pressure (ALP) system and at least two normally open air flow valves
mounted on the side of the external membrane shall regulate and maintain the external membrane at
constant pressure. The internal membrane is protected by a weighted relief valve that allows the
evacuation of the biogas in case of over pressurization.

Anchoring of both the external and internal membranes shall be by a pair of flanges and seals bolted
to the top of the tank periphery. The lower flange shall be sealed to the top of the tank wall using
gasket material. The upper flange and a gasket shall seal the membrane material between the two
flanges. The flange sections shall form a continuous ring to seal the membrane to the top of the tank
wall. The restraining flanges and anchors shall be fabricated of 304 stainless steel.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All structural steel for fixing the membrane to the tank shall be Type 304 stainless steel. Steel
fabrication and welding shall be in accordance with latest edition of Structural Welding Code. Sharp
projections of cut or sheared edges of metals shall be ground and smooth to avoid damaging
membranes and to ensure satisfactory coating adherence.
All steel design shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the ISA Manual of Steel
Construction and Uniform Building Code (UBC).

Membrane shall be fabricated using High frequency welding with a 37mm minimum width. The
manufacturing process will include a peeling test on a specimen which enables the validation of the
welding parameters. All welds will be visually inspected. Additionally, all welds and seams shall be
tested mechanically through the use of pressure and tension to ensure each weld is complete and has
developed full strength. Membranes

Internal Membrane:

The internal or gas membrane shall be fabricated of a polyester fabric coated with polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) and sized to accommodate the specified volume of biogas and shall be resistant and
impermeable to digester gas. The internal membrane fabric shall be designed and fabricated to resist
all design loadings without use of support cables superstructures or other restraining devices and shall
meet the prescribed standards.

The internal membrane shall be welded in such manner as to prevent the diffusion of biogas through
the yarn forming the internal structure of the membrane. The lack of this feature will not be accepted
for the membrane continuously exposed to biogas.

External Membrane:

External membrane shall be made of double sided PVC lined polyester material, UV and microbial
resistant, abrasion resistant, made from welded fabric cuts, short-term tensile strength approx. 5500
N/5 cm, total weight approx. 1,150 g / m2, colour grey. The external membrane shall have an integral,
continuous & uniform air distribution channel to supply continuous air into the annular chamber
between the outer & inner membranes.

Membrane cover(s) accessories and appurtenances

The membrane cover(s) shall include the following appurtenances:

One working and one standby blower shall be provided with adequate power and capacity with
explosion proof motor for each gas holder. The blower shall be complete with flexible collectors, air
piping, check valve, inflation fan, electro mechanical level sensor, air relief walls, air pressure
transmitter, gas pressure transmitter and gas detector.

Occupational Health and safety Management

In order to prevent the industrial accident, for example a fall accident, physical damage, drowning,
toxic chemicals and Gas, dropping, flammable oil and Bio-Gas, which may be occurred during O/M
and Construction stage, the contractor shall provide a suitable for safety measures need to be

Especially the sludge digestive facilities need to be enhancement in the incidental facilities, and
monitoring apparatus for carrying out stable generating of the digestive Bio-gas.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 352
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Since digestive gas has a highly inflammable, the constructor shall provide a suitable safeguard and
its monitoring devices for preventing an outbreak of an explosion accident and a fire. Moreover,
preparation of early firefighting devices is required for emergency action. In the sludge treatment
machine building shall be provided a ventilation system and a gas disclosure detector in order to
secure a worker's labor and safety. The inside of the sludge digestive facilities shall be installed a sign
of prohibition of smoking and fire and safety education to the personnel periodically.

4.2.16 Bio Gas Scrubbers (For H2S Gas Removal)

Hydrogen sulphide is a highly toxic and corrosive gas and is a major pollutant. At high concentrations
it will lead to almost instantaneous poisoning and death. The biogas scrubber should be on
biochemical scrubbing principal and improve quality of biogas to reduce corrosion in the engine parts
and to reduce pollution.

The system should be with zero liquid discharge and no gases/ effluent emission in the process of
scrubbing. The biogas contain mainly methane, H2S and CO2 shall be scrubbed for removal of H2S up
to required level before it is utilized for power generation in the biogas generator. The proposed
scrubber system shall be complete in all respects and shall generally include but not limited to the

i. Pre scrubbing or washing tower

ii. H2S scrubbing tower
iii. Tank for pre scrubber
iv. Tank for scrubbing tower
v. Pumps each for wash tower & scrubbing tower
vi. Piping and valves arrangement
vii. Control panel
viii. Dehydration system.

The biogas shall be washed first with lean NaOH solution to remove any suspended material in the
gas. The washed biogas then shall be passed through scrubbing packed tower for removal of H2S to
the required accepted level. The scrubbing solution is to be pumped from the solution tank and
sprayed on the packing of the scrubbing tower through which the sour gas is passing.

4.2.17 Clean Gas Holder

Clean Gas Holder for emergency operation of Biogas Engine in absence of power in the treatment
plant shall be supplied. Pressurised scrubbed biogas of adequate capacity shall be stored in clean gas
holder for emergency operation of biogas engine. Capacity of clean gas holder shall be supplied as per
the recommendation of engine manufacture and shall have adequate capacity to run biogas engine for
15 minutes. All component of clean gas holder shall be SS-316 construction.

4.2.18 Power Generation System and Heat Recovery System

Cleaned Bio gas shall be supplied to Bio gas engine to produce electric power and take advantage of
energy during running engine by heat recovery system so called “co-generation unit”.

The work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

i. Gas Engines along with alternators and all other accessories

ii. Gas supply line and valves.
iii. Pressure relief valves with flame arrestors.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 353
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iv. Flame arrester and trapping assembly.

v. Gas filter.
vi. Water trap.
vii. Gas flow meter
viii. Gas line distributor valves.
ix. Pressure meter.
x. Pressure switch for gas – low/high pressure indication
xi. Solenoid valve
xii. zero pressure regulator
xiii. Drain.
xiv. Switchgear system and synchronizing panel
xv. Scrubber System
xvi. Heat Recovery System

Biogas shall be utilized to run Gas engine and produce electric power by generator. Produced electric
power shall be supplied to main power line to run the Plant. Bio-Gas Engines

1 General requirements

It is proposed to generate maximum possible power out of the available sewage gas by using highly
efficient gas generators. The power generated from Power Plant will be used for In-house
consumption of the Sewage treatment plant equipment. The Generators have to be designed to operate
at maximum gas generation to give the optimum power output from in house captive consumption.

The CH4 (Methane) content in bio gas shall be in the range of 60% to 65%. Bio gas will also have
concentration of H2S @ 1.0% to 3.0% and H2S which is highly corrosive in nature has to be
removed from the sewage gas before feeding the gas to the gas gen-sets. This H2S has to be removed
from this sewage gas by using bio chemical gas cleaning scrubbers.

The gensets have to be designed to run on base load operation continuously during the peak gas
generation; The H2S content in the sewage gas generated shall be removed by a H2S scrubbing
system. The scrubber shall be capable to reduce the concentration upto 200 ppm level or below as
desired level by biogas genset manufacturer. Engine should have operating hours minimum 60000 hrs
with the above H2S level before any major overhaul.

Gas Engines shall be designed for running on 100% biogas with a high level of fuel efficiency with
lean burn combustion technology. The electrical efficiency of the gensets at the alternator terminal
under site conditions and 100 % load shall be highest but not less than 38% (without any negative
tolerace). Minimum capacity of each gas genset at alternator terminals shall be 1200 KW x 6 nos. (4
working + 2 Standby) at 415V, 3 ph., 50 c/s and unity power factor & 100% load at site condition.
Capacity of all gas engines shall be same & the gas gensets shall not be overloaded more than 100%
since gas gensets are meant for base load operation and cannot be overloaded.

Gas engine shall be hooked to the main LT panel. Gas engines shall be running on continuous
operation. The gensets shall be designed for running on 100% bio gas with a high level of fuel
efficiency / electrical efficiency. The engine shall be 4 stroke Otto gas V engine type.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2 Genset Components

Base Frame, Coupling, Pre – Lube Pump, Air Filter, Zero Pressure Gas Control Line with Connection
Accessories, Crankcase, Driving gear, Cylinder head, Valve drive, Ignition, Carburetion, Mixture
charging, Starter, Lube oil system, Engine cooling system, Sensor technology/actuator technology and
cabling etc.

3 Rotary Current Internal Pole Synchronous Generator

Three-phase synchronous generator, brushless, self-induced, self-adjusting, with dampening cage for
30% inclined load and parallel operation, artificial star point, protection type IP 23, with tropical
atmosphere and humidity protection insulation, degree of radio shielding "N", voltage target value
setting ± 5%, Insulation Class H.
4 Main Components
The engine shall have minimum following sensors:

 Jacket water temperature sensor

 Jacket water pressure sensor
 Lube oil temperature sensor
 Lube oil pressure sensor
 Charge pressure sensor
 Minimum and maximum lube oil level switch
 Exhaust gas thermocouple for each cylinder
 Knock sensors
 Carburetor position control

The main components of the gas engine but not limited to shall be as described below :

Coupling :
High-stretch, axial plug-in flange /flexible coupling for torsional elastic connection of engine and
generator. The disc-shaped rubber body cushions torsional oscillations to a large extent. The rubber
element is radially interchangeable.

Lube Pump :
Pre-lubrication though an electric pump on the genset; emptying also possible with the same pump
after changing the position of a built-in three-way tap. It should be equipped with auto lube oil
replenishment system.

Crankcase :
One-piece sphero cast casing, maintains its rigid shape due to steep side walls and diagonally screwed
bearing blocks; suspended crankshaft; lateral drive chamber apertures; wet cylinder bushings made of
highly wear-resistant special centrifugal casting; crank chamber ventilation via oil trap into the
mixture line upstream of the turbocharger compressor

Base Frame :
Steel bend and torsion-resistant construction to take the engine and the generator. Elastic bearings are
mounted under the base frame.

Cylinder head :
Single cylinder heads made of special cast iron with valves and seat rings optimally arranged for fuel
mixture generation with optimised angular momentum; mixture supply from the intake pipe from the
inside of the combustion chamber; exhaust gas discharge outward into the exhaust manifolds that are
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 355
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

arranged laterally at the respective cylinder rows; sparkplugs centrally in the combustion chambers
with intensive plug seat cooling.

Valve drive :
One toothed wheel driven camshaft for each cylinder bank in the combustion chamber; valve
operation for respectively 2 inlet and outlet valves by flat or roller tappet, push rod; rocker lever and
valve bridge; O ring oil gaskets at the valve stems.

Ignition :
Microprocessor-controlled high-voltage ignition system with low-voltage distribution; respectively
one ignition coil per cylinder; without moving parts; wear-free; triggered via tooth rim of the flywheel
and a pick-up sensor at the camshaft; variable ignition times; ignition energy and distribution via
calculator at primary side of the ignition coils; high-performance industrial engine or special
sparkplugs; long-life Teflon sparkplug connector; buffered voltage supply by 24 V battery.

Mixture charging :
The exhaust gas turbocharger takes air and gas out of the gas mixer at atmospheric pressure;
subsequent compression of the gas mixture; re-cooling in one-stage mixture cooler (low-temperature
cooling circuit); two throttle valves downstream of mixture cooler for power control.

Starter :
1 high-performance 24V electric starter; flanged to the engine casing

Lube oil system :

Forced-feed circulatory lubrication by toothed wheel pump, lubricating oil heat exchanger integrated
in the engine cooling circuit; oil filter in the main stream; automatic lubricating oil refilling into the
oil pan through controlled inflow; automatic pre-lubrication by electric pump; oil discharge by the
same pump at the unit.

5 Alternator

Three-phase synchronous generator, brushless, self-excited, self-regulated, with dampening cage for
30% inclined load and parallel operation, artificial star point, minimum protection type IP 23, with
tropical atmosphere and humidity protection insulation & with anti condensation heater, degree of
radio shielding "N", voltage target value setting ± 5%, electronic type voltage regulator and power
factor regulator, and three thermistors for winding temperature monitoring. Alternator shall be
connected with flexible power cable for power evacuation.

Brushless, Self-Excited, Self-Regulated, Double Bearing, Synchronous Alternator with electronic

AVR, 415 V, 1 Power Factor, 50 Hz, complete with standard accessories.

Produced electric power shall be supplied to main power line to run the Plant.
Assembled engine and generator shall be operated under the following condition;

(1) The system should be suitable for continuous/ base load operation.
(2) Momentary speed variation shall not exceed at 10 % in no time.
(3) Normal speed variation shall be not exceeded at 5 %.
(4) Recovery time shall be within ten seconds.
(5) Location to be operated shall be in delhi in India.

The Assembled Engine shall be manufactured with necessary in-built safety features in comply with
relevant applicable Indian/international standard.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Each Engine shall be provided with following components but not limited to the following:

 Engine body with spark ignition system

 Starting system (Batteries)
 Fuel supply system
 Carburetor
 Distributor
 Speed adjusting device(electronic speed Governor), throttle valve
 Ignition system
 Silencer (pollution control device)
 Cooling system
 Lubricating oil system
 Pressure relief and safety valves.
 Pressure gauges, Level gauges
 Rotating meters, Thermometers and Flow meters.
 Air and oil filters and strainers
 Noise protection, and
 Expansion joints, valves. pipe line for gas and water.
 Tools (Special and maintenance with a tool box), firefighting equipment and safety
gears(helmets, ear muffs, earplug, safety goggles etc)
 Portablerotating meter, Potable noise meter, Potable vibration gauge, Potable thermometer
 Integral robust fabricated steel base frame with anti-vibration mounting pads.
 Anchor bolts
 Back-up cooling system
- Dry cooler – For emergency cooling
- Three way valve – To control engine water temperature

6 Engine Body

(1) Fine finished Liner of cylinders shall be manufactured with abrasion resistance made
by special metal.

(2) Common bed shall provide with shock prevention device and its stoppers.

(3) Total vibration value at common base on duty shall not be exceeded at 0.3mm
measured by axial and horizontal direction respectively.

(4) Crankshaft and propeller shaft shall be made by grade AA forged steel.

(5) Combustion system shall provide air filter, gas carburetor and spark plugs, air

(6) Speed adjusting device shall provide with perceptive action.

7 Lubrication

The engine shall have a forced lubricating system throughout using an integral gear-driven pump with
required strainer on the suction side. The lubrication oil gear pump will supply oil at a requisite
pressure before engine is actually started. A full-flow filter having a pressure-operated by-pass valve
shall be provided on the delivery side.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The engine lubricating oil dipstick shall be easily accessible and minimum and maximum levels shall
be clearly marked. The engine sump shall have an easily-accessible drain point or drain pipe, fitted
with a BSP plug. The engine shall be suitable for uninterrupted running over prolonged period and the
lubrication system shall be controlled by the Engine Management System.

8 Cooling

The engine shall have a high temperature cooling circuit for jacket cooling water and for this
complete required arrangement i.e. flame proof electric motor driven water pumps for HT and LT
circuits, pipe work, valves and fittings etc. are to be provided .

In case the temperature exceeds the pre-set maximum temperature, the engine shall be protected by
Engine Management System.

9 Drive Belts

Drive belts shall be of the multiple endless V-type which shall be resistant to fuel and lubricating oils.
The number of belts fitted to each drive shall be one more than is necessary to transmit the maximum
power requirement. An accessible belt-tensioning device shall be fitted to each drive and it shall be
possible to change the belt(s) without major dismantling and re-assembly.

10 Safety Guards

All exposed hot or moving parts and in particular, fans, belt drives, couplings and flywheels, shall be
guarded in accordance with PD 5304:2000 and to ensure safe operation. To permit the adjustment and
inspection of drives, apertures with secured cover plates shall be provided in the guards at appropriate


Bio gas engine shall be linked to power generator by flexible joint or hydraulic coupling.

11 Turbocharging

A high performance exhaust turbocharger system, driven with exhaust gas from the manifold of each
cylinder bank, shall be provided. Exhaust turbocharger shall draw in mixture from venturi gas-air
mixer after being regulated through throttle system.

Two stage cooling of the compressed mixture shall be done in the two stage mixture cooler. The first
stage of the mixture cooler shall be integrated in the jacket water circuit and the energy of the second
stage shall be dissipated through separate circuit

12 Wiring

Engine-mounted wiring shall be insulated with heat resistant insulation to CENELEC Harmonisation
Documents HD 21.1 S4:2002 and HD 22.1 S4:2002 and associated parts thereof for use at
temperatures of up to 85°C. Conductors shall be multi-stranded copper of minimum cross-sectional
area 1.5mm² excepting special types such as screened cables. All wiring, excluding starter cables,
shall be connected to an enclosed metal clad terminal box or terminal boxes mounted on the base
frame. Starter cables may be directly connected.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

13 Pipe work

Fuel pipe work shall be produced from seamless steel tubing with welded or compression-type steel
fittings. All other pipe work shall be either seamless copper tubing with brazed or compression-type
gunmetal fittings, or seamless steel tubing with welded or compression-type steel fittings. Flexible
sections of pipe work shall be synthetic rubber with stainless steel braided sheaths. Flexible fuel and
lubricating oil connections shall additionally have flame resistant sleeves. All pipe flanges shall
comply with BS 4504-3.3:1989 and screwed connections with BS 21:1985.

14 Exhaust System

Engine shall be provided with a complete exhaust system comprising structurally supported chimney,
rigid and flexible duct / pipe work, stainless steel bellows, silencer(s) and all necessary brackets,
hangers, wall sleeves and plates and sundries for a complete installation. Duct / Pipe wall thickness
shall not be less than 3mm.

Unless otherwise specified, silencers shall be of the residential type. The first section of exhaust from
the engine manifold shall include a flexible bellows unit. The next section of pipe shall be supported
to allow movement without imposing forces on the manifold. Exhaust support brackets shall be
designed to allow for duct / pipe expansion and contraction movement. Bends in the exhaust pipe
work shall be kept to a minimum and shall be of the long radius type.

Where the exhaust pipe passes through a wall, a wall sleeve and plates shall be fitted. The annular
space between the pipe and sleeve shall not be less than 25mm. The space between the pipe and
sleeve shall be filled with heat-resistant material. Exhaust terminations shall not be located in close
proximity to air inlet grills or opening windows were exhaust gas can re-circulate into the building.
The exhaust outlet shall be arranged to prevent the ingress of water.

For long exhaust runs, a water drain point or condensation trap shall be fitted near to the engine.
Exhaust silencers and pipes, flanges, clips and fixings shall be sprayed with metallic aluminium paint
in accordance with BS 2569-2:1965 Process ‘D’. Exhaust Piping along with Insulation and Cladding
from the engine manifold to the Stack. Internal sections of the exhaust system shall be effectively
lagged. The lagging shall be clad with aluminium sheet secured by stainless steel band clips. Where it
is not practical to lag any part of the internal section of the exhaust system with which personnel can
come into contact, guards shall be fitted. Complete support structure for the exhaust piping shall be

The exhaust system of the engine should also have necessary arrangement to produce enough hot
water for heating the sludge from the digesters.

15 Starting Systems

Engine starting shall be electric system as specified and shall comply with the following:—

The starting battery shall be of the nickel-cadmium or lead-acid type and unless otherwise specified,
installed on an engine bed plate mounted non-corrodible tray or rack and shall have a cover of
insulating material. The battery shall have sufficient capacity for three consecutive start attempts each
of 10 seconds duration. In addition, the battery shall have sufficient capacity after the three start
attempts to supply the maximum demand of the control panel for a minimum period of 24 hours.

The battery charger shall be of the solid-state design and shall incorporate ‘float’ and ‘boost’ charging
facilities. In the ‘float’ charge mode, the charger shall automatically maintain the battery in a fully-
charged condition whilst supplying standing loads. In the ‘boost’ charge mode, the charger shall be
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 359
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

capable of fully charging the battery from a fully-discharged condition in a period not exceeding 7

16 Fuel System

It shall consist of basically fuel gas pipe work along with necessary supports, from the main gas
valves within the Power house building, Gas pressure control unit and Pre-pressure regulator unit
flexible gas pipe.

Bio Gas Genset operating cum monitoring panel shall have colour screen with graphic display. The
operating cum monitoring panel shall be placed in a cubicle within engine room.

The PLC based control panel shall have:

 24VDC Battery type

 External supply of control power from starter and control batteries.
 The control panel shall have TFT colour graphic display with function and numeric keys.
 Control panel shall have Protection IP 65 front.
 Display shall show as a minimum - excitation voltage, oil pressure, oil temperature, cooling
water pressure and temperature, exhaust gas temperature, controller positions, number of
starts, active power demand, reactive power demand, operating hours, service hours, and
operational log book, diagnostic data.
 Should have alarm and diagnostic instrumentation with all active fault messages together
with time records.
 Engine control shall have speed control in no-load and island operation.
 Control system shall be capable of efficient knocking control.
 Control system shall have alternator parameters measurement facility for – power factor,
frequency, active power, reactive power, voltage phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral,
neutral conductor current, phase current.
 Control panel shall show below shut-down functions with display, but not limited to the
Low lube oil pressure
Low lube oil level
High lube oil level
High lube oil temperature
Low jacket water pressure
 High jacket water pressure
 High jacket water temperature
 Over speed
 Emergency stop/safety loop
 Gas train failure
 Start failure
 Shutdown failure
 Engine start/ operation blocked
 Misfiring
 High mixture temperature
 Measuring signal failure
 Overload/output signal failure
 Generator overload/short circuit
 Generator over/under voltage
 Generator over/under frequency

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 360

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Generator asymmetric voltage

 Generator unbalanced load
 Generator reverse power
 High generator winding temperature
 Synchronizing failure
 Knocking failure

The air intake and outlet system shall have weather protection, bird screen.

17 Engine Management System

The engine shall be provided with an Engine Management System, in one electronic unit, to control
and supervise all relevant functions of the gas engine, engine auxiliary drives and alternator winding
temperature supervision. Operating conditions of the engine shall be picked up as prevailing analogue
signals and be checked against programmed limits. The intelligent handling of these functions by
Engine Management System shall enable safe running of the set at all operating conditions,
incorporating operator computer for each set with full graphic LCD colour display.

The control cabinet module is to be placed at a suitable place near the generating set. The cabinet of
Engine Management System shall be specially designed for optimized wiring to the central plant

The Engine Management System shall generally include display and processing of the following
analogue values of the generating set:

- Inlet water inlet

- Outlet water outlet
- throttle position
- Combustion chamber temperature for each cylinder
- Water temperature after mixture cooler
- final power demand (with 4-20 mA signal)
- Generator windings temperatures
- Generator set output display (external signal 4-20 mA)
- Engine speed
- Gas mixer control position
- Oil pressure after filter
- Lube oil level
- Crankcase pressure
- Exhaust temperature after engine
- History display (long and short history) as curves

Following messages shall also be shown:

- Operation hours
- Start number
All shut downs resulting from the analogue values shall be shown in the display and transmitted via
serial interface. The data of the Engine Management System shall be transmitted through the interface
to other control systems or computers. The Engine Management System standard interfaces to plant
control system are:
Serial interface
4-20 mA signals for power demand
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 361
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Receipt of start, power and stop commands (potential free contact)

18 Electrical Requirements for Gas Engine Generators.

It is proposed to operate all the 3 nos. generators in parallel. The supplier of the equipment, therefore,
shall consider following aspects in the power generation and distribution system:

19 Design of Power Generation and Distribution System

The generators shall be suitable for parallel operation. Problems associated with parallel operation
such as circulating 3rd harmonic current shall be taken care of in design of generators.
Fault level and Sub-Transient Reactance (Xd”):- The supplier shall carry out short circuit study with
the design value of Xd” and establish and confirm that with 2 nos. generators operating in parallel, the
415 V system fault level does not exceed 50 kA (r.m.s.).

Nature of loads:- Substantial load will be non-linear type mostly Variable Frequency Drives(VFDs).
The VFDs are known to generate 5th & 7th harmonics prominently and are likely to affect
performance of the generators. The supplier of the generators shall highlight in his offer the measures
taken by him to filter out these harmonics.

Control of the Generation:- Load on the gas generators is likely to vary considerably, depending upon
the factors such as:

- Availability of electrical loads in STP project.

- Availability of facility for evacuation of excess power to existing STP and their load demand.
- Availability of grid supply.
- Availability of gases required for generation also is not guaranteed and constant.
- Generation by the gensets and power evacuation has to be balanced continuously to avoid
over-speeding/under-speeding of the generators.

Load sharing:- Generator operating in isolation shall operate in “Automatic Frequency Control “
mode. Generators operating in parallel shall operate in “Automatic Power Control” mode. The
running generators shall share kW and kVAr equally. The controls shall also provide for automatic &
manual control of switching On & Off of the generators where the generation-load balance requires
so, to avoid running of engines & generators at very low loads/ overloads.

Synchronization – Both “Automatic” and “Manual” synchronization facilities shall be provided. The
governor and AVR shall be hooked up for this purpose. Irrespective of mode of synchronization, the
actual paralleling shall be supervised by a separate check-synchronizing relay to prevent incorrect
paralleling. Necessary PTs shall be provided at various locations to assist synchronization operation.

Protections – A minimum of following electrical protections shall be provided to the engine-generator


- Phase overcurrent (voltage controlled) and earth fault protection

- Ground (Neutral) overcurrent protection as a standby earth fault protection.
- Overvoltage and Under voltage protection.
- Over frequency (over speeding) and Under frequency protection with df/dt measurement.
- Anti-motoring/ Loss of prime mover protection by way of Reverse Power protection.
- Loss of Field protection.
- Negative Phase Sequence Overcurrent protection.
- Bearing & winding temperature – Alarm & Trip.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 362

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All the above mentioned protections can be with discrete static/ numerical relays or can be built into
engine-generator protection software. In case of discrete relays, one complete set of protective relays
shall be provided as spare. For software based protections, software and programming devices for the
system shall be provided free-of-cost to the Purchaser.

20 Room for Engine/ Generator

(a) Engine and generator shall be coupled and mounted on steel base frame with inserted ant-
vibration elements. Transmission of the vibration shall be minimal. There shall not be any
anti-vibration concrete blocks and foundation shall be sufficiently strong to take care of static

(b) Gas leakage detectors shall provide in the Engine room along with alarm annunciation.

(c) Requirement for engine room floor:

Dust free concrete or pavement

(d) Ventilation of engine room:

Engine room should be well ventilated by forced ventilators with minimum three times
perhour air change rate.

(e) Minimal air change quantity technically required corresponds to theheat lost from
cogeneration unit and inlet air to be burned by engine.

(f) Other safety requirements for air change shall be solved according to locally valid safety rules
and standards to the satisfaction of Engineer.

(g) Oil tank shall be located on the cantilever on the wall in the engine room.

(h) The electrical switchboard with base frame shall be located in individual room adjacent to Co
Generation unit.

(i) Venting (degassing)

Piping above the roof with min. distance 3 m from possible source of the fire

(j) Exhaust piping

(i) Independent exhaust piping of appropriate sizing leaded over engine room.
(ii) Piping shall be made of stainless steel SS 304.
(iii) Leaded into chimney – overpressure system required.

(k) EOT of suitable capacity shall be provided in the Engine Room to facilitate Installation and
maintenance of the Engine.

(l) Installation space

(i) Minimal free space from unit base frame on side of the unit 2000 mm (for both side).

(ii) Minimal free space in front of electrical switchboard 1500 mm.

(iii) Minimal free space from side where piping connection 1500 mm.

21 Digesters Sludge Heating System

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 363

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

For sludge heating, sludge will be withdrawn from digesters and will be pumped through concentric
tube type heat exchangers, where heating will be done by flue gas generated from biogas engine.

Complete sludge heating system, consisting of heat exchangers, sludge recycling pumps, motors,
switchgears, piping etc. required for efficient heating of the sludge along with recovery & transferring
of heat from the exhaust system of biogas engine shall be provided.

22 Heat Recovery System

Heat recovery system to utilize waste heat from running engine shall be provided to heat up 100% of
inlet thickened sludge in primary sludge digest at 35 to 39 degree Celsius. Generated gas shall also
supply to heat exhaust exchange and gas boiler unit so called “waste heat recovery boiler” as backup
system to keep sending hot water to sludge heat exchanger to warm up digestion tank as required in
case engine is not service.

Hot water control valves and water temperature meter shall be provided to control hot water flow in
case of not to use heat exhaust heat exchange or heat from gas boiler is required.

It is absolutely necessary to keep monitoring water flow through Digester heating circuit when Engine
is in operation since there is danger of exhaust Heat Exchanger severe damage.
The work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following;

i. Jacketheat exchanger.
ii. Exhaust heat exchange and gas boiler unit.
iii. Cooling water pumps
iv. Cooling towers
v. Heating water pumps
vi. Hot water control valves
vii. Hot/Low water tank
viii. Safety valve – heating water circuit
ix. Safety valve – cooling water circuit
x. Jacket water supply unit

23 Digestion Sludge Heat Exchange

Concentrated sludge from thickener to digestion tank shall be warmed up by hot water supplied from
the Heat recovery equipment. At the same time, the sludge in the digestion tank shall be fed to the
heat exchanger by the sludge circulation pumps.

The work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following;
i. Hot water-sludge heat exchanger.
ii. Sludge circulation pumps
iii. Sludge temperature
iv. Safety valve

24 Drip Traps

 The drip traps shall be leak proof to the required pressure.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 364

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 The drip trap shall be of suitable size to fit in gas pipe lines.
 All the flanges should be properly machined and should have finished smooth surface so that
leakage is avoided.
 Double layer of welding is to be done after cleaning the surface.
 Drip traps are to be painted with two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of epoxy paint from
inside. The outer body is to be painted with two coats of synthetic paint.
 After painting, the top flange is to be fitted by suitable nuts & bolts and gasket -after applying
hold-title-compound. The sealed unit shall be again tested for leakages.
 Gasket should be steam gasket of best quality and required thickness.
 Each drip trap shall have two baffle sheets. The holes in the baffle sheets shall be staggered
i.e. the holes in one baffle sheet shall not be in line with the holes in the other baffle sheet.
Baffle sheet shall be made out of mild steel sheet of required thickness.
 Drip traps shall be provided at a suitable height above ground level to facilitate easy draining.

25 Flare System

The flare unit shall be designed for biogas flow generated during average flow conditions. It shall be
fabricated of suitable materials (carbon steel with epoxy coating except for top portion which shall be
in SS316 including the wind shield). The design of flare unit will be such that it shall be conveniently
mounted on the steel supporting structure.

The Modular Flare structure consisting of 10 meters (minimum) Height with MS epoxy coated
structural members, ladder with safeguard, Platform with railing, mounting arrangement for burner
piping, and control panel and riser pipe with necessary isolation valves and check valve.

The velocity of biogas through the flare unit should be minimal keeping in mind 100-150 mm Water
column pressure of biogas at flare inlet. The design of flare unit should allow maximum possible
turndown ratio.

The flare work shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following;

i. Electric ignition(Automatic) and flame control equipment

ii. Gas burners
iii. Flame arrester and trapping.
iv. Water Trap.
v. Gas Flow meter.
vi. Gas compressor
vii. Lightning protection.

A suitable spark ignition system aforesaid should be provided at a convenient location. Biogas shall
be used as a pilot fuel. The pilot flame generated with the help of spark ignition systems shall
propagated through the flare unit to ignite main biogas. The control system involving control panel,
ignition transformer, etc. shall be provided for the said purpose. Control panel shall have audio-visual
alarms for flow monitoring and push button ignition system.

H.T. cable shall be provided from the secondary terminal of ignition transformer up to spark ignition
system. Necessary ignition electrode shall also be provided.

Adequate number of gas burners (minimum 2 Nos.) shall be provided to burn the biogas with 100%
standby. Fencing shall be provided for gas burner area.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 365

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Gas pipe connecting the Flare to the Gas plant must contain the following devices: an isolation
device operated manually, an emergency shutdown device which interrupts the biogas feed
automatically, a flame trap as a safety device.

26 Moisture Traps
The moisture trap shall be designed to effectively separate out moisture in the biogas such that
moisture free biogas is made available at the outlet of a trap. It shall be of suitable materials of
construction and be provided with suitable drain connection.
27 Flame Traps
The flame trap shall be of suitable size for biogas application. It shall be used primarily in pipe lines
to prevent flash back during explosions. This device shall be installed in horizontal or vertical pipe
line and hence it should be bi-directional. It shall be of suitable materials of construction.
The flame arresting element shall be designed such that it results in minimal pressure loss under
normal operating condition but to ensure maximum security in the event of explosion, the end
connection shall be flanged. It should be designed as per British Standard 7244:1990

4.2.19 Pumps Sump Dewatering Pump

Sump pumps shall be of the open-impeller type, vertically-mounted and close coupled to their fully
submersible electric motors. Sump pumps of 1.5 KW and under shall incorporate an integral level
detector, control and motor starter and shall be powered only with a suitably-fused three phase or
single- phase low-voltage supply and with supply isolated at the supply point. Sump pump over 1.5
KW shall be controlled and started from the supply point. Control shall be by means of adjustable
float level switches mounted near the pump.

Pumps shall be supplied with all necessary pipe work to discharge to surface drainage. Each pump
shall be provided with delivery reflux and isolating valves, and suitable lifting gear for lowering and
lifting the pump from the sump.
Pumps weighing 40 KG or more shall be lowered in to the sump on guide rails and be located to their
respective discharge pipe work with an angle flange connection and self-locating clamps.

Pump impellers shall be designed to pass solids of the sizes which pass through the inlet ports of the
pump and shall be capable of pumping solids of up to 50 mm diameter.

Material of Construction

Impeller SS CF 8M
Shaft SS BS: 970, Gr 431 S29 Submersible Pumps

A) General

It shall be of single stage mono-block type with non-clog design. It shall be suitable for pumping all
kinds of sewage containing long fiber, plastics, solid admixes, sludge etc.
Impellers for sewage pump shall be single vane/double vane type without the front shroud and wearing
ring to avoid jamming and consequent over-loading of the pump due to build-up of plastic materials
between impeller and wearing ring.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 366
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The pump shall be able to pass through soft solids up to 80 mm. and hard solids up to 60
mm and capable of dealing with the sewage with specified specific gravity. The pump shall be
fitted with special tearing system on the suction side for tearing solid material, viz, long fiber
textile, cotton and plastics, which would otherwise cause clogging of the pump.

Maintenance free antifriction deep grease ball bearing with permanent grease packed shall take
care of all the axial and radial forces at any point of operation. Profile gasket shall be provided in
pump casing so as to avoid metal contact between pump and specially designed duck foot bend
to ensure leak-proof joint with guide wire/pipe.

The motor shall be squirrel cage type, three phase submersible motor for continuous duty with
class ‘F’ insulation. Winding of the motor shall be impregnated by resin in order to achieve required
thermal withstanding capacity. Motor shall have integral cable port and cable entry shall be
sealed. There shall be thermal protection against overheating of motor –winding. The motor
shall be designed for non-over loading characteristics. Motor shall be sealed against entry of
pump liquid in the motor by using mechanical seal. Moisture sensor tripping unit shall be located
inside in the motor chamber.

The pump set shall be supplied along with the special duck foot bend flanged elbow, lifting
chain with shackles, enough guide wire/pipe, sufficient tough rubber sheathed leather proof
foundation bolts and nuts complete. All these items i.e. lifting chain with shackles, guide
wire/pipe, bolts and nuts etc. shall be of stainless steel.

The cable should be designed and certified for permanent use in sewage water and suitable for a
conductor temperature of 80 °C. It should be leak tight in respect of liquids and firmly attached to
the terminal box.

The weight of revolving parts of the pumps including un-balanced h ydraulic thrust of the
impellers shall be carried out by thrust bearing provided in each pump assembly.

Valve chamber / valve pit shall be provided for housing valves and instruments of submersible
pumps. The open valve pit shall be provided with a 1 m wide staircase with hand railings. A
small pump pit of 400 mm x 400 mm x 300 mm deep (minimum) shall be provided at a suitable
corner of the chamber to pump out water. Suitable rain hood shall be provided at minimum 2.20m
height to prevent ingress of rain water.

A suitable drain pump set with accessories shall also be provided in the valve chamber.

B) Design Requirement
i. Pump Casing:

It shall be conforming to relevant I.S and the internal surfaces shall be free from rough spots and
must have central line discharge.

ii. Intermediate Oil Chamber and Mechanical Seal:

Intermediate oil chamber shall separate the motor pump unit from pump unit and shall be
filled with non-condensed oil. A mechanical seal shall be provided between oil chamber and motor.
The purpose of the lower seal shall be to prevent the entry of the pumped liquid in to the oil
chamber and function of the upper seal to prevent the entry of oil from the chamber to the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 367

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iii. Hydraulic Unit and Moisture Sensor:

The necessary built-in safety device shall be incorporated within the pump itself which shall give
timely warning of the impending failure of the mechanical seals; therefore seal monitor system shall
be installed in the pump. Moisture sensor shall be provided in the oil chamber to detect failure of
the mechanical seal and water leakage. The sensor will be for tripping the pump and also for

iv. Impeller:

The impeller shall be properly balanced dynamically as well as statically. The impeller shall be
properly machined for liquid passage. Enclosed impellers shall be adjustable. In such a case, the
pump shall be designed to take care of the additional thrust produced. Impellers shall be surely
fastened directly to the extended shaft of motor with keys, taper housings of lock nuts.

v. Impeller Shaft/Extended Motor Shaft:

The impeller shaft shall be made of stainless and i t shall have a surface finish between
0.75microns or less. The shaft shall be straight within 0.125 mm for 3 meter length total dial
indicator reading.

vi. Bearings:

Bearing shall be of antifriction type. The bearing shall be able to take normal axial thrust loads due
to unbalanced hydraulic loads on the impellers plus weight of rotating parts of pumps. Bearings
shall be designed with a minimum 40, 000 hours run. The bearing shall be grease lubricated
for life and shall be maintenance free.

vii. Guide Rail Assembly:

It will have pedestal, bracket, delivery duck foot bend, guide rail pipe, upper guide rail holder
complete. The pedestal and bracket shall provide automatic coupling between pump delivery and
discharge bend.

viii. Mechanical Seals:

Double mechanical seals of approved type shall be provided to prevent pumped liquid entering
into the motor winding. The seals shall be running in an oil bath.

ix. Lifting Chain:

Pumps shall be provided with SS steel lifting chains of suitable capacity. One end of the chain shall
be adhered to the pump and the other end fixed near the upper bracket for guide rail/wire rope
assembly by the mean of D-shackle. The chain shall give rings fixed at an interval about 1 mt
for engaging the hook of chain pulley.

x. Column Pipe:

The standard lengths of column pipe shall be 1.00 m, 1.5 m, 2.5 m, or 3 m. The column pipes shall
confirm to the heavy class of the relevant standard

1) Design Requirements
a) Submersible pumps shall be completely submersible, with control panel and level switches
suitable for solid passage of 100mm diameter and above.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 368
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b) The pump shall be designed to operate satisfactorily without detrimental surges, vibration,
noise or dynamic imbalance over the required head range. The head-capacity curve of the
pump shall have a continually rising head characteristic with decreasing capacity over the
whole range of total head. The shut off head of the pump shall be at least 120% of the total
c) Each pump must be capable of running satisfactorily in parallel with other sets in the system
without throttling and by itself, without cavitation or overload under all operating conditions
within the system resistance indicated
d) The efficiency / pump shall be high at duty point and remain reasonably high during the full
duty range at the pumping system.
e) The pump shall be compatible with VFD and selected automation system.
f) The pump should be capable of developing the required total head at rated capacity. Pumps
should be suitable for single as well as parallel operation at any point.
g) The pump should deliver at least 125% of its rated capacity at 75% of the specified total head.
The H and Q curve should be continuously rising towards shut off head.
h) Operating range – system curve
i) The velocity of vibration should be less than 4.5mm/ sec. with noise level 85 dBA at
resistance of 1.85 meter.
j) The power rating of the pump motor should be the larger of the following:
i. 110% of the maximum power required by the pump from zero discharge to run off
point total head.
ii. 115% of the power required (BKW) at the duty point.
k) The combined efficiency of the pump shall not be less than 70%. The motor shall be premium
efficiency motors in accordance with IE3 as defined in IEC60034-30. The highest efficient
pump set shall be considered for selection.
l) For pumps that are run with variable frequency derive then System Curve shall be submitted
along with Motor Curve for the entire operative range of RPM for approval. Submission of
pump data sheet shall be tagged as Variable Frequency Drive /Normal Operation.
m) Pump operating speed shall be less than 1200 rpm
n) The pump set should be suitable for starting with discharge valve open, as well as closed.

2) Material of Construction

a. Pumps
Pump casing : Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260
Impeller : Stainless Steel 316/Duplex Stainless Steel
Shaft : Stainless Steel 316/Duplex Stainless Steel
Shaft sleeve : Stainless Steel AISI – 410 with 350 BHN
Impeller key & bolt : Stainless Steel 316
Chain : Stainless Steel 316
Guide Rail : Stainless Steel 316
Eye Bolt : Stainless Steel 316
Bearing Bracket : CI IS : 210 FG 260
Motor casing : CI IS : 210 FG 260
Bolts, nuts : Stainless Steel SS316

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 369

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Casing wear ring : CI IS : 210 FG 260

O-ring : Nitrile rubber (NBR)
b. Shaft seal
Type of seal : Double mechanical seal
Arrangement : Tandem
Seal on medium side : With elastomer bellows
Mechanical seal, pump side : Silicon carbide/NBR
Mechanical seal, bearing side : Silicon carbide/NBR
c. Monitoring
Thermal winding protection : Bi metallic sensors in all three phase
Motor housing monitoring : DI moisture sensor
Mechanical seal leakage
Detection : DI moisture sensor
Bearing temp monitoring : Bi Metallic sensor
d. Installation
Type of installation : Wet well installation design for automatic
connection to a permanently installed
discharge elbow will neoprene seal to avoid
metal to metal contact
Flange dimension to : EN 1092-2, PN 10
Claw : Bolted to the pump
Installation depth : As per data provided
Guide system : Stainless Steel
Lifting device : Stainless steel lifting chain
Length of lifting device : Suitable
Lifting loops : suitable
Installation accessories : Discharge elbow, fasteners, claw, bracket,
lifting chain, guide bars etc. complete.
e. Motor
Type : Squirrel cage induction motor
Motor efficiency : Premium efficiency motors according
to IE3 as defined in IEC60034-30
Degree of protection : IP 68
Insulation class : H, Thermal Sensors set for 140 deg C
Coolant temp : </= 40 C
Temp rise limit : NEMA Class A
Starting mode : Direct
Rated voltage : 3ph, 415 V
Rated frequency : 50 Hz
Nominal speed : Less than 1000- rpm (Synchronise)
Motor casing : CI IS 210 IS FG 260
Main cab : Complete with cable length as per

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 370

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Scum Pumps

Scum generated in primary clarifier shall be collected in scum pit wherein submersible chopper
pumps shall be installed to handle all the latex, plastic material and hair from the top of clarifier. The
operation of scum pumps shall avoid downstream clogging of the equipment. Scum line of 100 mm
dia from each clarifier is also to be laid. Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps

1) Design Requirements:

a. The pump shall be designed to operate satisfactorily without detrimental surges,

vibration, noise or dynamic imbalance over the required head range. The head-capacity
curve of the pump shall have a continually rising head characteristic with decreasing
capacity over the whole range of total head. The shut off head of the pump shall be at
least 120% of the total head.
b. The pump should be capable of developing the required total head at rated capacity.
Pumps should be suitable for single as well as parallel efficient operation at any point in
between the minimum and maximum system resistance indicated in the system
resistance curves.
c. The total head capacity curve should be continuously rising towards the shut off. The
pump should deliver at least 125% of its rated capacity at 75% of the specified total
d. The required NPSH at duty point should be at least 1.0 M less than the available NPSH.
e. Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. The velocity of vibration
should be within 4.5 mm/sec. The noise level should be limited to 85 dBA at a distance
of 1.85 M.
f. Operating range - -system curve shall be submitted along with that of motor if the
pump/s are subjected to VFD application with the data sheet tagged as VFD
g. The power rating of the pump motor should be the larger of the following:
i) 110% of the maximum power required by the pump from zero discharge to run
off head.
ii) 115% of the power required at the duty point. Considering the combined
efficiency of pump and motor with zero negative tolerance.
h. The pump set should be suitable for starting with discharge valve open, as well as

2) Features of Construction

a. Pump should be suitable for applications in municipal sewage handling or sludge

handling as per process requirement, with back pull out design. It shall have end suction
and side discharge. It should be of self-venting type.
b. Pumps should be identical for particular application and suitable for parallel operation
with equal load division. Components of identical pumps should be interchangeable.
c. Pump casing should be of robust construction Liquid passages should be finished
smooth and designed so as to allow free passage of solids. The volute tongue should be
straight across and filed to a smooth rounded edge. Casing should be provided with
hardened renewable wearing ring.
d. Impeller should be suitable for application, enclosed type with smooth blunt edges and
large water ways so as to allow free passage of large size solids. It should be free from
sharp corners and projections likely to catch and hold rags and stringy materials.
Impellers should be provided with hardened wearing ring. Hardness of the Impeller ring
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 371
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

should be at least 50 BHN more than that of casing ring.

e. The first critical speed of the rotor should be 30% above the operating speed. Complete
rotor should be statically and dynamically balanced.
f. Replaceable shaft sleeves should be provided to protect the shaft where it passes
through stuffing boxes. Surface hardness of shaft sleeve should be minimum 350 BHN.
g. Pumps should be provided with anti-friction bearings. Bearings should be easily
accessible for inspection and maintenance. Bearings should be grease lubricated.
h. Stuffing box should be of such design that they can be repacked without removing any
part other than gland and lantern ring. Stuffing box drain with pipe connection should
be provided at the lowest point so that no leakage accumulates in it.
i. Lantern ring should be of axially split type. Grease should be used for stuffing box
sealing. Water will not be available for this purpose. Gland should be of split type.
j. Pump should be furnished complete with flexible coupling.
k. Coupling guard bolted to the base plate should be furnished.
l. Base plate for pump and motor should be common. Suitable holes should be provided
for grouting. Foundation bolts should be complete with nuts and washers.
m. Tapping should be provided at suction and discharge nozzles for pressure gauge
n. Hand holes should be provided in the casing to allow easy access to the impeller as well
as to the casing throat. Casing drain connection with stainless steel collared plug should
be provided.

3) Material of Construction

a. Casing : CI to IS:210 GR FG 260 with 1.5 to 2% Nickel.

b. Impeller : Stainless Steel: ASTM A 743 CF8M
c. Wearing rings : St. Steel ASTM A743 CA-15
d. Casing rings : St. Steel ASTM A743 CA-15
e. Shaft : Stainless Steel BS: 970, Gr 431 S29
f. Shaft sleeves : St. Steel ASTM A743 CA-15-(Minimum hardness-400 BHN
g. Shaft Seal : Mechanical
h. Base plate : CI/MS fabricated IS 2062 epoxy painted.
i. Coupling : CI Dewatering Pump

a. Pump should be suitable for handling settled sewage containing grit and suspended
b. The pump motor should be suitable for working with or without submergence in
sewage. The motor rating should be more than the maximum power required by the
c. The pump set should be portable with necessary hooks.
d. The pump should be suitable for dewatering from a pit 900mm x 900mm x 100mm
e. The pump should be vertical, centrifugal, non-clog type.
f. The pump impeller should be mounted on the extended shaft of the motor.
g. The pump should be provided with mechanical seal.
h. The pump should be supplied with flexible hose pipe of 50mm, 50M length.
i. Suitable cable of 50 M length should be supplied with the pump.

Materials of Construction:

a) Impeller : Stainless steel ASTMA 743CF 8M

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 372
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b) Casing : Cast Iron

c) Shaft : EN8 (as per IS: 970) Screw and Progressive Cavity Pumps

The progressive cavity pumps shall be self-priming and designed to handle abrasive, shear sensitive
and viscous materials, solids in suspension and liquid/solids mixtures.

Automatic Variable stroke frequency / stroke length arrangement shall be incorporated wherever
remote application with PLC/SCADA is envisaged and process demands these changes through
remote, Local Control Panel shall also be envisaged with each pump with auto/manual selector switch
and knob for these variations done manually.

1. General Design Requirement

Progressive Cavity Pumps comprising a stator manufactured from a resilient material and a helically ground
rotor shall be considered for pumping industrial sewage, sludge or highly abrasive and corrosive products
without rags and grit.

2. Features of Construction
Pumps shall be manufactured with a short compact block design with close coupled drive or alternatively foot
mounted drive via flexible coupling connection.

The pump shall be restricted to cavitations free operation throughout its rated band of speeds at its
duty points. Pump shall be screw type, slow speed maximum 200 rpm having following construction

Pumps shall be of the type, in which a pumping action is generated by a helical rotating
eccentrically within a resilient stator in the form of a double internal helix. The eccentric motion of the
rotor shall maintain a constant seal across the stator as it travels through the pump to give a uniform
positive displacement. The pumps shall consist of externally mounted stuffing box for easier maintenance
of seals.

Pumps shall be arranged generally with a single shaft seal at the suction end. Mechanical seals shall be
used. If a flexible shaft is used to accommodate the eccentric motion, a corrosion resistant shroud shall be
fitted to prevent fiber build up on the shaft. Enlarged inspection access holes shall be fitted to the suction
chambers of all pumps for periodic removal of accumulated debris.

The shaft bearings shall be positively isolated from the fluid being pumped. The bearing shall of taper
roller bearings to ensure rigidity and concentricity of shaft.

The rotor material shall be selected for corrosion and abrasion resistance for the fluid being pumped and
for prolonged service life. Hard chrome or other approved coatings shall be not less than 250 micron
thickness and shall be diffused in to the base material. The rotor shall generally be single-stage and shall
incorporate not less than 360 o of twist, but for high-head applications, it may be necessary to use more
than a single – stage.

The stator shall be of a resilient material selected for chemical and abrasion resistance for the fluid being

Pump speed shall suit the application, where variable delivery output is needed, the pump shall be
provided with a variable speed drive. The size and speed range of the pump shall ensure that the highest
expected duty point shall lie within the available speed range.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The pumps shall be provided with a universal joint employing two sets of pins perpendicular to each other,
each providing freedom of angular movement for facilitating smoother transmission of angular load and to
withstand the axial forces.

Pumps shall be driven by a fixed – speed electric motor through reduction gearing and the combined drive
shall be continuously rated. Pump and motor shall preferably be mounted in-line on a common base plate.

Coupling guards shall be provided, which shall be rigid, securely fixed, and designed so that removal
is not necessary during normal operation, routine maintenance and routine inspections.

All motor enclosures shall be provided with ingress protection to IP 55. Motor anti-condensation heaters
shall be provided and shall be suitable for use on a 220 V single-phase, 50 Hz supply.

All bearings shall have a design life of not less than 40,000 running hours and shall be designed for
loading 20% in excess of calculated maximum loading.

Pumps shall be fitted with individual dry-running protection to initiate pump trip. Dry running protection
by ‘under –current’ monitoring or ‘pipeline-intrusive’ device shall not be used.

The pump must be protected from operating at pressures higher than recommended. A glycerin filled
diaphragm pressure gauge with integrated magnet switch shall be installed in the discharge pipe work
directly after the pump. When the pressure reaches the maximum set point a signal from the pressure
switch must stop the pump drive.

Pumps shall be arranged generally with a single shaft seal at the suction end. Mechanical seals shall be
used. Each pumps shall be provided with safety relief valve. having following construction features:

Casing : CI IS 210-FG 260

Rotor : SS316 Hard Chromed plated
Base Frame : ISMC Fabricated Epoxy coated
Bearing Housing : CI IS 210-FG 260
Shaft : Stainless Steel BS: 970, Gr 431 S29
Foundation bolt : HTS GALVANIZED STEEL
Stator : Hypalon/Equivalent linning
Coupling : Flexible pin bush type
Coupling guard : MS Fabricated

i. Stator:

Vulcanised synthetic rubber stators shall be manufactured with extended ends to form a collar to prevent
twisting of the stator within the pump casing.

Optionally, slotted stators are required for retrofitting with a stator tensioning device to provide even
clamping of the stator to rotor to prolong service life.

Suction casings shall be provided with clean-out/inspection ports.

ii. Rotor:

Rotor design shall incorporate low wear geometry by providing an elongated pitch, wider sealing line and
reduced peripheral velocity of the rotor within the stator thus reducing rotor slip back. Rotor surfaces
shall be ground finish or coated with a minimum 250 micron thickness non porous hard chroming compound
diffused into the base material.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 374

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iii. Rotating Drives:

Drive torque shall be transmitted through two universal joints or flexible shafts. They shall be designed for
continuous transmission of the maximum torque at the maximum speed and pressure. Joints shall be designed
to enable replacement pins and bushes to be fitted, manufactured from wear resistant steel.

Universal joints shall be protected from damage by the fitting of sleeves with 304 stainless steel guards to
prevent ingress of pumped media. Sleeves shall be secured by two holding bands. Joints shall be lubricated
with grease to provide a 10,000 hour life guarantee.

Drive shafts shall incorporate a ‘plug-in’ type design to allow dismantling of drive shaft and seal without
dismantling the bearing housing

iv. Overpressure Protection:

A device to protect against overpressure shall be fitted and in addition to a pressure relief circuit fitted
with an adjustable valve to return flows to the suction of the pump a pressure switch shall also be
installed in the delivery port to stop the pump.

v. Suction/Flow Failure Protection:

Suction protection shall take the form of a flow sensing device or, when installed, a low flow inhibit signal
from a flow meter. The systems shall be complete with all necessary instrumentation for free issue to the
control panel manufacture.

The pumps must be sourced from a supplier that is ISO 9001:2000 certified to ensure that the pump is
manufactured to certified standards. Polyelectrolyte Dosing System

Polyelectrolyte solution is needed to be prepared and dosed for aiding sludge thickening and pre-
dewatering and dewatering. The polyelectrolyte will be dosed online at the centrifuge inlet. Minimum
dosage of polyelectrolyte shall be worked out by the bidder. There shall be two poly-dosing tanks
each suitable for minimum 8 hrs. of operation. Each-tank shall be equipped with slow speed mixer
(100 RPM) to prepare polyelectrolyte solution. The solution will be fed using positive displacement
metering type dosing pumps. There shall be dedicated dosing pumps to each centrifuge with 100%
standby. The pumps shall be interlocked with centrifuge so that it can only be running in auto when
centrifuge is on and should shut down when centrifuge stops. The dosing system shall be housed in
centrifuge house itself. Dosing Pumps

The dosing pumps shall be selected to achieve optimum dosing technology and control safety with
safety relieve valve. The pump shall have a resistant plastic enclosure that can safely be used for the
selected application and shall provide soft and low-pulsation dosing.

The pump design shall incorporate positive stroke return. The maximum stroking speed shall not
exceed 100 strokes per minute (spm). Pump, motor and driving arrangement shall be mounted on a
robust combined baseplate. The pump shall incorporate sensitive sensors that monitor the dosing flow
and the diaphragm and provide process stability. The pumps shall be designed to have separation of
hydraulics and electronics, to protected process from equipment failure, complete with motor, base
plate, coupling bars, foundation bolts and pump flanges. Pump liquid ends shall be selected for
compatibility with the pumped liquid. Suction and discharge valves shall be the single ball type
allowing a free flow self-cleaning action. Ball and seat materials shall be resistant to abrasion.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 375
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Pumps shall incorporate a variable stroke mechanism to allow the output to be varied while the pump
is running. Stroke adjustment shall be manual or where specified by electrical or pneumatically
controlled stroke positioner. A stroke length indicator and digital stroke counter shall be fitted. Pumps
shall be driven by a flange mounted IP 55 motor, via an oil bath reduction gearbox and variable stroke
mechanism giving step less adjustment between zero and maximum stroke length. Where flow
proportional dosing is required the variation of output shall be achieved by varying the speed of the
pump motor and not the pump stroke length.

Each pump shall be provided with inlet and outlet isolating valves and where necessary, with pressure
relief and non-return valves. Dosing pumps shall be provided with back pressure loading valves and
pulsation dampeners.

Diaphram Valve, Gasket : PTFE, or Hypalon

Liquid End : Stainless Steel 316
Foundation Bolt : Mild Sleet Epoxy Paint
Wetted Part : SS 316
Base Frame : Carbon Steel, epoxy Painted.
Flanges : Carbonsteel
Plunger : Carbon Steel
Accuracy : ±3%
Voltage : 415 ±10%
RPM : 1440
Check Valves : SS-316 MLR Pump

1. General Requirement

The MLR pump shall be Submersible Propeller type, single stage pump suitable for pumping screened
waste water with fibrous solids /MLSS from aeration zone where larger volumes must be pumped at
relatively low heads. Pump should be single-stage close-coupled submersible pump unit with axial
propeller for wet-well installation in vertical column.

Its Self-sealing and self-centering design shall enable the installation and removal even when the
column pipe is submerged. The propeller blades shall be self-cleaning by passing across a sharp
relief groove in the wear ring the blades are cleared from debris upon each rotation. Motor and pump
shall be directly coupled and be manufaxtured by the same manufacturer.

The pump set shall be mono-block type driven by squirrel cage induction motor. The motor shall be
an integral part of the pump set. It shall be a totally sealed unit suitable for completely as well as
partially submerged condition.

Each pump shall be provided with a positively driven dual, tandem mechanical shaft seal system
consisting of two seals, each having an independent spring system. The seal material shall consist of
Silicon carbide / Corrosion resistant tungsten carbide. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor
adjustment and shall be capable of operating in either clockwise or counter clockwise direction of
rotation without damage or loss of seal function

The motor shall be induction type with a squirrel cage rotor, housed in an air filled watertight
chamber. Motor shall be, 3 phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, 415V +10%, 50 Hz, with IP-68
Enclosure with Class H Insulation, Temperature rise: According to class A, IE3 Premium Efficiency
Motor. The stator shall be heat-shrink fitted into the stator housing. Propeller pump, pumps the liquid
upwards in the steel pipe which will flow around the motor with this action motor cooling happens
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 376
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Water pressure sealed connection chamber, with two stage cable entry, protected against excessive
cable tension and bending. The cable shall be EPR insulated Double sheathed designed and certified
for permanent use in sewage water and suitable for a conductor temperature of 80 °C. The motor and
cable shall be capable of continuous submergence without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of at
least 20m.

Bi-Metallic Thermal sensors should be provided in the each phase of motor winding & both (Upper &
Lower) bearings to monitor temperature rise in motor windings and bearings. The sensors shall be
connected in series and shall be coupled to the motor contactor coil such that any one-switch opening
will shut down the motor. The temperature setting shall be 140°C +/-5°C and shall automatically reset
once the stator temperature returns to normal.

DI Moisture sensors shall be provided in motor housing, mechanical seal oil bath and connection
chamber of the motor for the purpose mentioned here below:

a. For Oil chamber - To detect the Mechanical Seal Failures.

b. For Motor housing - To monitor leaks in Motor housing.
c. For Connection Chamber - To detect failure through Cable entry.

Mating surfaces shall be watertight and fitted with nitrile O-rings

2. Design Requirement
a) Pump shall be vertical Shaft, wear resisting, single stage, submersible Propeller type.
b) The pump shall be designed to operate satisfactorily without detrimental surges, vibration,
noise or dynamic imbalance over the required head range. The head-capacity curve of the
pump shall have a continually rising head characteristic with decreasing capacity over the
whole range of total head. The pump shall be capable to deliver (+/-) 20% of the desired
duty head.
c) Each pump must be capable of running satisfactorily in parallel with other sets in the
system without throttling and by itself, without cavitations or overload under all operating
conditions within the system resistance; Components of identical pumps should be
d) The efficiency / pump shall be high at duty point and remain reasonably high during the
full duty range at the pumping system.
e) The pump shall be compatible with VFD and selected automation system.
f) The pump should be capable of developing the required total head at rated capacity.
g) The velocity of vibration should be less than 4.5mm/ sec. with noise level 85 dBA at
resistance of 1.85 meter.
h) The power rating of the pump motor should be the larger of the following:
i) 110% of the maximum power required by the pump from zero discharge to run off
point total head.
ii) 115% of the power required (BKW) at the duty point.
i) Minimum hydraulic efficiency of pump at duty point shall be 75% & the motor shall be
premium efficiency motors in accordance with IE3 as defined in IEC60034-30. The highest
efficient pump set shall be considered for selection.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 377

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

j) For pumps that are run with variable frequency derive then System Curve shall be
submitted along with Motor Curve for the entire operative range of RPM for approval.
Submission of pump data sheet shall be tagged as Variable Frequency Drive /Normal
k) Pump operating speed shall be less than 1000 rpm
l) Pumps should be provided with anti-friction ball or roller type bearings, lubricated-for-life,
maintenance-free designed for a L10 bearing life of 100,000 hours at BEP and shall be of
sufficient size to transfer all radial and axial loads to the pump housing and minimize shaft
m) Pump should be equipped with double mechanical seals by means of a SIC/SIC or Corrosion
resistant tungsten carbide, independent of the direction of rotation.
3. Material of Construction
a. Pumps
Pump casing : EN GJL-250 or IS 210 to FG 260
Connection chamber : EN GJL-250 or IS 210 to FG 260
Diffuser / Inlet Diffuser : EN GJL-250 or IS 210 to FG 260
Propeller hub : Cast Iron EN-GJS-400-18
Propeller Blades : CF 8M ASTM A 743 / Stainless Steel
Shaft : AISI 431 / AISI 420
Impeller key & bolt : AISI – 316
Wearing ring : AISI 316 or EN 1.4408
Chain : Stainless Steel 316 as per DIN5688 Gr.5
Lifting Hoop : AISI 316 / EN-GJS-400-18
Bearing Bracket : EN GJL-250 or FG 260 as per IS 210
Motor casing : EN GJL-250 or FG 260 as per IS 210
Bolts, nuts : Stainless Steel 316 / 1.4401
O-ring : Nitrile rubber (NBR)
Coupling ring : AISI-316 / Cast Steel 1.0446

b. Shaft seal
Type of seal : Double mechanical seal
Mechanical seal, pump side : Silicon carbide/NBR or Corrosion resistant
Tungsten carbide WCCR
Mechanical seal, bearing side : Silicon carbide/NBR or Corrosion resistant
Tungsten carbide WCCR
c. Monitoring
Thermal winding protection : Bi metallic sensors in all three phase
Motor housing monitoring : DI Moisture sensor
Mechanical seal leakage detection : DI Moisture sensor
Bearing temp monitoring : Bi Metallic sensor
d. Motor
Type : Squirrel cage induction motor
Motor efficiency : Premium efficiency motors according
to IE3 as defined in IEC60034-30
Degree of protection : IP 68
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 378
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Insulation class : H, Thermal Sensors set for 140 deg C

Coolant temp : </= 40 C
Temp rise limit : NEMA Class A
Starting mode : Direct
Rated voltage : 3ph, 415 V
Rated frequency : 50 Hz
Nominal speed : Less than 1000- rpm (Synchronise)
Motor casing : EN GJL-250 or FG 260 as per IS 210
Main cable : Complete with cable length as per
requirement & shall be suitable for VFD

4.2.20 Pipework General

The term pipe work shall include all necessary supports, saddles, slings, fixing bolts and foundation
bolts required to support the pipes and associated equipment. The pipe work shall be laid out and
designed to facilitate the erection, painting in situ and dismantling of any section for maintenance and
to give a constant and uniform flow of working fluid with a minimum of head loss. Where steel pipe
work is used, the number of flanges shall be kept to a minimum and the size of each length of pipe
work shall be determined by the ease of handling, installation and general appearance of the
completed pipe system. Positions of flanges shall take account of any concrete pipe supports or thrust
blocks needed. Flexible joints shall be provided where needed to facilitate removal of equipment or to
allow for differential settlement of the building. Wherever practical, flexible joints shall be provided
with tie-bolts or other approved means to transfer thrust or tension axially along the pipe work.

Where steel and cast flanges are to be bolted together, the steel flange shall be machined over its full
face after welding to its pipe is completed. Flanges shall be finished truly square with the pipe axis.
Wherever possible, standard fittings shall be used in preference to special fittings. Pipe work layout
within pumping stations shall be prepared to meet the requirement of the pump manufacturer. Valves,
strainers and other devices mounted in the pipe work shall be supported independently of the pipes to
which they connect. Flanges shall be drilled in accordance with the appropriate pressure rating. Where
a pipe passes through a wall, a retaining wall, or is subject to end thrust, it shall incorporate a puddle
flange. Puddle flanges shall be undrilled. Material of Pipes, Sizing & Design Basis
Unless otherwise specified, the water velocity in the suction branches of a pump shall not exceed
1.5m/s and in the discharge branch shall not exceed 2.1 m/s when the pump is operating within its
specified working range. There shall be no discernible noise due to hydraulic turbulence or cavitations
within the pump or its associated pipe work and valves. Piping Sizing & Material

The piping and valves will be sized on the following basis for sizing

Service / Flow Basis MOC

Gravity Lines for Sewage, Velocity between 0.6 to 1.2 m/s DI Class K 9 or equivalent as
Water & Waste Water & designed as pipe line flowing per ISO 2532/ BS EN 545 with
full Sulphate Resistant Cement
Mortar Lining
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 379
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Service / Flow Basis MOC

Pressure/pumping line for Velocity between 1.2 to 2 DI Class K 9 or equivalent as
Sewage, Water & Waste Water m/sec per ISO 2532/ BS EN 545 with
Sulphate Resistant Cement
Mortar Lining / MS Cement
Mortar lined for sizes above
Sludge line Gravity: Velocity 1 m/sec DI Class K 9 or equivalent as
(maximum) per ISO 2532/ BS EN 545 with
Pumping: Velocity 1.5 m/sec Sulphate Resistant Cement
(maximum) but minimum size Mortar Lining
of pipe 200 mm
Air (Pressurized Lines) for At velocities between 8 – 10 SS – 316 conforming to
Aeration zone, Grit Chamber, m/sec (desirable) with a schedule 10 S confirming to
Gas Mixing System etc. except maximum of 15 m/sec in small ASTM A312)
common header pipe line from sections
Air Blower to Aeration zone.
Air (Pressurized Lines) At velocities between 8 – 10 SS – 316 conforming to
Common header pipe line from m/sec (desirable) with a schedule 10 S confirming to
Air Blower to Aeration zone maximum of 15 m/sec. ASTM A312)with suitable type
of Insulation.
Gas Mixing System complete At velocities between 3.5 to 4.5 SS – 316 conforming to
m/sec schedule 10 S confirming to
ASTM A312)
Bio Gas Piping At velocities between 3.5 to 4.5 SS – 316 conforming to
m/sec schedule 10 S confirming to
ASTM A312)
Service Water Velocity between 1.4 to 2.0 GI Class B
Chemical Feed Lines Velocity between 0.6 to 1.5 Polypropylene
m/sec Cast Iron Pipes

 The cast iron pipes shall generally conform to IS:1537/IS:1536 and pipe fittings shall conform
to IS: 1538. All pipes and fittings above the ground level and inside pumping station shall be
 The material for cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of grey cast iron conforming to IS: 210,
Gr FG 200.
 The pipes shall be of uniform bore and straight in axis. Length of the straight double flanged
pipes shall be within a tolerance of + 3 mm.
 The flanges of the straight pipes shall be square to the axis of the pipe. The face of the flanges
shall be parallel. The bolt hole circle shall be concentric with the bore and bolt holes equally
spaced. In straight pipes the bolt holes in one flange shall be located in line with those in the
other flange.
 The faces of the flanges of the fittings shall be square to the directional axes. The holes shall
be located symmetrically off the center line. The intersecting axes of the tees shall be
perpendicular to each other.
 The bolt holes on flanged pipes and fittings shall be drilled with the help of drilling jig. The
blank flanges are to be machined and drilled.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 380

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Ductile Iron Pipes

The DI Pipes conform to IS 8329 /ISO 2531/BS EN 545 & Fitting conform to IS 9523/BS EN:545.
These pipes can also be offered with standard thickness for smooth flow and corrosion resistance.

All the pipes, valves, specials and other pipe appurtenances shall be designed to withstand the
maximum pressures to which it may be subjected to during the operation.

The pipes shall be such that they could be cut, drilled or machined.

In case of flanged pipes, the flanges shall be at right angles to the axis of the pipe and machined on
face. The bolt holes shall be drilled as per stipulations given in the relevant BIS. DI Specials/Fittings

DI specials shall be manufactured as per IS: 9523 and shall be ISI marked.

In case of flanged joints, the flanges shall be at right angles to the axis of the pipe machined on the

The bolt hole circle shall be concentric with the bore and bolt holes shall be located off the centre
lines as per IS: 9523. Fittings shall be tested as per IS: 9523 Stainless Steel Pipes

All gas pipes, fittings and other related components inside the digester shall be of stainless steel SS-
316. Steel Pipes

All steel pipes shall conform to IS:3589.ERW steel pipes (200mm to 2000mm) for gas, water and
sewage and laying should conform to IS:5822. Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) Pipes

The materials used in the manufacture of uPVC pipes and fittings shall comply with the physical
properties indicated in relevant specification. They shall not contain any matter which could impart
taste, odour, toxicity or be harmful to health or adversely affect the water conveyed.

Unless specified otherwise joints shall be of the complying with BS 4346/IS4985 having an
elastometric sealing ring. Joints shall be made in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions.

Fittings shall be injection-moulded in uPVC to the requirements of BS 4346/IS4985. Fabricated

uPVC fittings or fittings manufactured in other materials will only be permitted when the material and
method of manufacture are approved by the Engineer- in-Charge. Dismantling Joints

Where dismantling joints, flexible couplings or flange adaptors are used these shall be of the Viking-
Johnson type except where otherwise specified or approved. Pressure ratings shall match the pressure
rating of the pipework in which they are installed, and materials used and methods of protection shall
not be inferior to those used for the pipework. Where needed, joints and couplings shall be provided

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 381

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

with tie bolts to restrain the maximum axial thrust arising when in service.

The dismantling joints for ductile iron pipes shall be of ductle iron with EPDM seal ring.

4.2.21 Valves and Appurtenances

All sluice gates, isolation valves, air release valves, check valves shall be designed for the medium
carried in the respective pipeline, according to the diameter and the design working pressure of the
pipeline. Manual operation shall always be provided. Electrical drives shall be provided as per
requirement unless otherwise specified.

The valves shall be installed between flanges. The dismantling shall be possible by the use of rigid or
flexible dismantling pieces or flange adapters at one side. For this purpose, suitable flange adapters
may be provided. All valves shall be installed in the pipe work in such a manner that they can easily
be removed from the line for dismantling and maintenance.
The non-return valves on the pump delivery branches shall be spring loaded and have high speed non
slam closing characteristics.

Valves used in lines conveying chemical solutions and gases shall be manufactured of material
suitable for the purpose and to withstand the corrosive and aggressive action of the medium. However
for sludge pumps Knife gate valve can be accepted.

Valves used on sludge conveyance piping etc. shall be of straight through type and non-logging.
Butterfly/knife edge gate valves may also be used on sludge line.

The pressure rating of valves must at least be equal to the maximum expected pressure at the point of

The size of valves must not be less than the size of the respective main (suction, delivery) pipes.
The material of construction of valve shall be as follows: Sluice Valves

Sluice valves shall be generally conforming to IS: 14846:2000. Additionally they should meet the
specific requirement given below. The valves shall be double flanged machined and drilled to IS-1538
Part IV & VI. The backside of the drill holes to be spot faced for proper seating of bolts & nuts.
Reasonable clearance behind the rear face of the flange on body and bonnet to be kept to provide free
access to use spanners for assembling and dismantling. No tap hole is acceptable. The pressure rating
of the Valves on the Suction side / discharge side of the pump shall be as per design requirement.
They should close with clockwise rotation of hand wheel. The direction of closing shall cast on hand
wheel. Nominal size, PN Rating and Brand name should cast on the body. The valves shall be of Non
Rising Spindle type. They shall be with Back seat Bushing arrangement for replacement of packing
without leakage. The Valve of size 350 and above should be supplied with 2 nos. Single trust deep
groove Ball bearing on both end of spindle collar to reduce operating torque and vertical thrust on
spindle. The valves of sizes 450mm and above should be supplied with enclosed grease packed
bevel/worm gear box of suitable rating to ensure that the valve shall be operated with effort not more
than 7 KgM at the pinion shaft for manual valve only. The valves shall be provided with position
indicator for indication from full open to full close. They shall be provided with cast iron cleaning
door at the bottom of sluice valve body. The clearance between the wedge nut housing lugs on the
wedge and the inside surface of the valve body shall be adequate to insert the wedge nut into the
wedge lug recess either in the direction of water flow or in perpendicular direction when the wedge is
in closed position. The Valves shall be provided with Air Release plug arrangement on the top of the
bonnet. Sluice valves shall be electrically operated with manual override facility in all pump houses
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 382
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

on delivery side including header whereas on suction pipe all sluice valves shall be manually
operated. The valves which are operated rarely i.e. not regularly shall be manually operated.

Sewage Water Application

a. General

1. Sluice valve shall be conforming to IS: 14846: 2000 and with ISI marking. Additionally they
should meet the specific requirement given here under.
2. Sluice valve must be from ISO-9001 certified company towards Quality Management
3. The valves shall be double flanged machined and drilled to IS- 1538 Part 4 & 6. The back
side of the drill holes to be spot faced for proper seating of bolts & nuts. Reasonable clearance
behind the rear face of the flange on body and bonnet to be kept to provide free access to use
spanners for assembling & dismantling. No tap hole is acceptable.
4. The valves should close with clockwise rotation of hand wheel. The direction of closing shall
be cast on hand wheel.
5. Nominal size, PN rating & Brand name should cast on the body.

b. Design Requirement

1. The valve should be of PN 1.0 rating / based on working pressure in the pipeline.
2. The valves shall be of Non-rising Spindle type.
3. The valves shall be with back seat bushing arrangement for replacement of packing without
4. The valve size 350 mm & above shall be provided with renewable Shoe & Channel
arrangement to reduce the clearance between body and wedge lugs.
5. The valve size 350 mm & above should be supplied with 2 nos. Single trust deep groove Ball
bearing on both end of spindle collar to reduce operating torque and vertical trust on spindle.
6. The valve size 450 mm & above should be supplied with enclosed grease packed bevel/worm
gear box of suitable rating to ensure that the valve shall be operated with effort not more than
7 KgM at the pinion shaft.
7. The valves shall be provided with position indicator for indication from full open to full close.
8. The valves shall be provided with cast iron cleaning door at the bottom of Sluice valve body.
9. The clearance between wedge nut housing lugs on the wedge and the inside surface of the
valve body shall be adequate to insert the wedge nut into the wedge lug recess either in the
direction of water flow or in perpendicular direction when the wedge is in closed position.
10. The valve shall be provided with air release plug arrangement on the top of the bonnet.
11. The valves should also be compatible with Actuator system.

c. Material of Construction

1. Body : Cast Iron to IS: 210 Gr. FG200

2. Wedge : Cast Iron to IS: 210 Gr. FG200
3. Spindle : SS to BS 970 Gr 316 S16
4. Seat Rings : SS to BS 970 Gr 304 S16
5. Spindle Nut : High Tensile Brass to IS – 320 HT2
6. Back Seat Bush : SS to CF8
7. Shoe & Channel Lining : SS to BS 970 Gr 304 S16

d. Shop Testing Witnessing

1. Seat Leakage Test (2 Minutes) : 10Kg/cm2

2. Body Leakage Test (5 Minutes) : 15Kg/cm2
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 383
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3. Back Seat Leakage Test (2 Minutes) : 10Kg/cm2 Check Valve

Checking valve shall be conforming to IS: 5312. Additionally they should meet the specific
requirement given below:.

1. The valves shall be double flanged machined and drilled to IS- 1538 Part 4 & 6. The backside
of the drill holes to be spot faced for proper seating of bolts & nuts. Reasonable clearance
behind the rear face of the flange on body to be kept to provide free access to use spanners for
assembling & dismantling. No tap hole is acceptable.
2. The valve should be of PN 1.0 rating based on working pressure in the pipeline.
3. Nominal size, PN rating, Brand name & Direction of Flow should cast on the body.
4. The Valves shall be of Swing Check type.
5. The Valve sizes 50 to 600 mm should be of Single door design & above 600 mm should be
Multi door design.
6. The Check Valves shall be with Non Slam Characteristics. Non Slam Characteristics to be
achieved by combination of hydraulic passage and additional disposition of weight on doors
without any external clamping arrangements or passages. The angle of sealing and door weight
shall be designed to provide the most efficient working with least restriction to flow.
7. Valve of diameter greater than 450 mm shall be provided, in addition to others, supporting
feet and jacking screws. Hinge pins / shaft shall preferably be square in section to ensure positive
location of flaps and provide for secure fixing.
8. If self closing without slamming cannot be achieved, external mechanisms may be used to
control the closure rate. Details of mechanisms will be subjected to approval. Valves shall
preferably be fitted with resilient faces or seats.
9. Non return valve used in raw water or sludge systems shall not be installed vertically or
positioned so that water-borne solids can settle against the valve flap when the flap is closed.
Direction of the flow shall be clearly embossed on the valve body. Valve of size 450mm and
above shall be provided with supporting foot.
10. The valves shall be suitable for mounting on a horizontal pipeline and flow direction shall be
clearly embossed on the valve body.

Material of Construction
a. Body & Cover : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 260
b. Door : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 200
c. Hinge Pin : Stainless steel, IS 6603:1972, 04Cr 17Ni 12MO2
d. Seat Rings : Stainless steel, IS 6603:1972, 04Cr 17Ni 12MO2
e. Bearing Bush : Teflon
f. Fastener : carbon steel

Shop Testing Witnessing

1. Seat Leakage Test (2 Minutes) : 10Kg/cm2
2. Body Leakage Test (5 Minutes) : 15Kg/cm2

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 384

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Kinetic Air Valve

a. General

1. Kinetic Air valves shall be conforming to IS: 14845: 2000. Additionally they should meet the
specific requirement given here under.
2. Kinetic Air valves should be from ISO – 9001 certified company towards Quality Management
3. The Valves shall be flanged end machined and drilled to IS – 1538 Part 4 & 6
4. The valves should have an isolating Sluice Valve attached to it.
5. Nominal size, PN rating, Brand name should cast on the body.

b. Design Requirement

1. The valve should be of PN 1.0 rating /based on working pressure in the pipeline.
2. The Valves should double ball air valve consisting of large orifice (LP) & small orifice.
3. The large orifice chamber should have built-in Kinetic features to avoid blocking of the large
orifice during filling & emptying of pipeline. It should have a large timber ball covered with rubber
to be seated on a large orifice rubber ring.
4. The small orifice chamber should have a small timber ball covered with rubber to be seated on
gunmetal orifice plug.

c. Material of Construction

Body, Cover, Cowl : Grey Cast Iron. IS: 210 – 1993 Gr. – 200
Stem : Stainless steel, IS 6603, 04Cr18Ni10
High Pressure Orifice : Stainless steel, IS 6603, 04Cr18Ni10
Low Pressure seal ring and
face ring : EPDM
Body Seal Ring : Stainless Steel IS:3444 Gr 1
Float (Low Pressure Orifice) : Seasoned timber ball covered with soft Vulcanite
Float (High Pressure Orifice) : Stainless Steel IS:3444
Seat of large orifice : Neoprene Rubber
Isolating Gate valve : IS : 14846 (GM internals & AISI: 410 Spindle)
Bolt & Nut : Carbon Steel

d. Shop Testing Witnessing

Seat & Body Leakage Test (2 Minutes) : 10Kg/cm2

e. Painting & Coating

Pre – inspection
1 Step: Surface Preparation
Blast cleaning to near white – SA 2 ½ Gr.

2nd step: Application of Primer Coating after blast cleaning

One coat of two component epoxy based primer

Post – inspection, if applicable

3 Step: Application of Finish Coat
One coat of two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating (Shade)

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 385

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Butterfly Valves

Unless otherwise specified, valve body and disc shall be of close-grained gray cast iron. Valves shall
be mounted with shafts horizontal. Valves shall be fitted with indicators to show the position of the
disc, clearly marked with ‘open’ and ‘closed’ positions. Valves shall not contain any brasses
containing more than 5% zinc. Gunmetal conforming to BS 1400 Grade LG2, aluminum bronze, or
nickel components may be used for internal components. Resilient-seated valves shall have nitrile
rubber seals.

Valve of diameter 450 mm and above shall be provided with enclosed gear arrangement for ease of
operation. The operation gear shall be such that they can be opened and closed by one man against an
unbalanced head 15% in excess of the maximum specified rating. Valve and any gearing shall be such
as to permit manual operation in a reasonable time and not exceed a required rim pull of 400 N.

The actuator arrangement for Butterfly valves shall be provided as per the Automation requirement,
however valves of diameter 600 mm and above shall be provided with electric actuator only.

All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the valve, the direction of
rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the hand wheels.

Valves shall be mounted with shafts horizontal. Valves shall be fitted with indicator to show the
position of the disc, clearly marked with ‘open’ and ‘closed’ positions

For valves of 900mm and above, retaining rings shall be provided to enable the sealing ring to be
replaced without the need to remove the valve body from the pipe work. Metalseated valves of
900mm and above, shall have seat clearances adjustable to obtain as near a watertight condition as
possible, without the need to remove the valve body from the pipe work.

Percentage Opening - Flow Curve shall be submitted along with data sheet mentioning area where
such valves are subjected for any controlling of the fluid flow.
Component Material
1. Body : Cast Iron, IS:210 Gr FG260
2. Inner lining : Stainless steel, BS:970 Gr 304
3. Plate /Disc : Stainless steel, IS 3444 1987 Gr 7
4. Stem : Stainless steel, IS 6603:1972, 04Cr 17Ni 12MO 2
5. Seat ring / Boss : Stainless steel, IS 6603:1972, 04Cr 17Ni 12MO 2
6. Gland housing : Cast Iron, IS:210 Gr FG260
7. Gland packing : Teflon Impregnated with asbestos+Rubber Pressure-Relief Valves (PRV)

Pressure-relief valves shall be designed to prevent the pressure in the pipeline upstream of the valve
rising above a preset level. The valve shall remain closed at lower pressures. The pressure at which
the valve opens shall be adjustable. A pressure gauge shall be provided to indicate upstream pressure
over the operating range of the valve. Safety valves shall comply with BS 6759: Part 1.

They shall be designed to open at the specified pressure and re-close and prevent further release of
fluid after normal pressure has been restored. The pressure / temperature rating shall be in accordance
with relevant standards. Flanged ends shall be Class 900, raised-face type complying with ANSI
B16.25 or relevant standards.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 386

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Component Material
1 Body Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
2 Inner lining Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
3 Knife gate/ plate Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
4 Stem Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
5 Seat ring / Boss Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
6 Gland housing Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
7 Gland packing Teflon Impregnated with asbestos+Rubber Ball Valves

Ball valves shall conform where applicable to relevant standards. Multi-piece bodies shall be used
where work on the ball and seats when installed may be needed. If valves need removal for servicing,
one-piece bodies may be used. Seat materials shall be chosen for long life, with erosion and corrosion
resistance. Ball supports shall be of the floating ball or trunnion type. If line pressure is too low to
ensure a positive leak-free seal, built-in seat loading devices, or specially shaped seatings shall be
used to ensure sealing.
Component Material
1 Body Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
2 Inner lining Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
3 Plate Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
4 Stem Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
5 Seat ring / Boss Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
6 Gland housing Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
7 Gland packing Teflon Impregnated with asbestos+Rubber Knife Gate Valves

The valve shall meet standards C105/A21.5-10, C520-10, C706-10, C707-10, C713-10 and D106-10
and testing requirements of MSS SP 81.

Outer body may preferably be provided with inner liner in corrosion resistant stainless steel which
shall extend into the gland. The body shall be devoid of any wedge/ dead pockets to avoid setting of
suspended particles and solids in the service fluid.

The gate / plate shall be precision buffed and the edge contoured to a knife edge. The gate shall move
along / be guided by the seat ring to ensure that it scraps any deposit / scale enabling smooth
uninterrupted movement.
Seat shall be so designed that there is no recess / relieve groove to harbour deposition that could
build-up and swamp the valve. The design should also incorporate bosses that guide the gate and
avoid deflection ensuring positive shut-off. The stem shall have double start threads cut in order to
ensure smooth and speedy operation.

Gland packing shall offer minimal frictional resistance and precludes external lubrication. As positive
sealing elements, the packing shall also include a resilient rubber ring. The knife edge and seat face in
flow path shall be hard faced to a hardness of 400 to 450 BHN to counter erosion. In such cases,
provision shall also be made to ensure the fluid contact with the seat ring is minimal.
Component Material
1 Body – Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
2 Knife gate/ plate – Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 387

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3 Stem – Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304

4 Seat ring / Boss – Stainless steel : BS:970 Gr 304
5 Gland housing – Cast Iron : IS:210 Gr FG260
6 Gland packing – Teflon Impregnated with asbestos + Rubber Cast Iron Flap Valves (Circular Flap Valves)

The Flap Valves with circular aperture, single door and double flanges, shall be provided. The flap
valves upto 600mm dia shall have sealing faces in angular section and secured to the frame and door
by a force fit.For sizes above 700 to 2000mm dia the sealing faces are of rectangular section and are
secured to the frame and door using countersunk taper headed screws in the same material as the
sealing face. The flap valve shall be suitable for mounting on a vertical wall or flange for static
seating heads up to 6 meters.

Material of Specification


Constructed in BS EN 1561 min. 250 cast iron designed for wall, thimble or pipe mounting


Constructed in BS EN 1561 min. 250 cast iron designed to withstand static seating heads up to 6

Sealing Faces

Copper alloy sealing faces to BS EN 1982 : 1999 are supplied as the standard material for ranges up
to 600mm dia and for the ranges 700 to 2000mm dia phosphor bronze to BS EN 12167 : 1998.
Sealing faces are set to 0.1mm feeler gauge non-acceptance to provide an effective seal.

Hinge Links

Manufactured in Spheroidal Graphite cast iron


Standard fasteners are supplied in stainless steel to BS EN 10088 : 1995 grade 1.4401 (316).

Hinge Pins

Manufactured from stainless steel to BS EN 10088 : 1995 grade 1.4401 (316).

4.2.22 Sluice Gates

Sluice gate shall be wall thimble mounted type. The construction of Sluice Gates shall be in
accordance specification and generally to IS:13349. The Sluice Gate shall be designed for Seating &
Unseating Head without sacrificing reasonable degree of leak tightness. The frame of Sluice gate shall
be flanged back type and shall be machined on the rear face to bolt directly to the machined face of
the wall thimble. The seating faces shall be made of solid section strip of Stainless steel. They shall be
secure firmly by means of counter sunk fixing in finished grooves in the frame and slide face in such a
way as to ensure that they will remain permanently in place, free from distortion and loosening during
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 388
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the life of the Sluice Gate. Sluice Gates shall be equipped with adjustable Side & Top wedging
devices as required to provide contact between the slide and frame facing when the gate is in closed
position. The gates shall be of Rising Spindle Type. They shall be operated through a suitable
operating mechanism. The Lifting mechanism shall incorporate gearing arrangement, if required to
keep the torque requirement within 7 KgM except electrically actuated gate. In case of gearing, those
to be enclosed grease packed Bevel or Worm Gear box type. Lifting mechanism shall be provided
with suitable position indicator to show the position of the gate from full open to full close. The
indicator to be provided in the head stock only. Stem Cover to be provided on the top of head stock
for the rising spindle. The cross section of the wall thimble shall have the shape of the English letter
‘F’. The Sluice gate shall be provided with Flush bottom seal. This is a solid square cornered resilent
rubber seal provided on the bottom facing of the slide. The seal may be secured fastened to the bottom
of the face of the slide by a retainer bar and fasteners. The top surface of the bottom facing of frame
shall be flush with invert of the gate opening. Bottom facing of the slide shall be accurately machined
to make contact with the seal when the slid is closed. Gates shall be fixed for positive seating. Sluice
gates shall be electrically operated with manual override facility. The Sluice Gates shall be of Class –
2 i.e., suitable for maximum unbalanced head needs asper calculation / design.the bypass gate shall
automatically open if the flow exceeds the set flow.

Material of Construction

The materials of construction of important components of gates will be as under:

a. Frame & Shutter : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 200
b. Wall Thimble : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 200
c. Seating Faces & Counter Sunk Fixing : Stainless Steel ASTM A276 type 316
d. Wedging Device : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 200
e. Wedge Linings : Stainless Steel ASTM A276 type 316
f. Stem & Stem Coupling : Stainless Steel ASTM A276 type 316
g. Stem Nut : Stainless Steel ASTM A743 CF8M
h. Flush Bottom Rubber Seal : EPDM ASTM D200
i. Seal retainer bar : Stainless Steel ASTM A276 type 316
j. Fasteners, Studs Anchor Bolt & Nuts : Stainless Steel ASTM A276 type 316
k. Lift Nut : Bronze IS: 318 Type LTB-2
l. Headstock, Stem Guide : Cast Iron IS: 210 Gr. FG 200
m. Hand wheel : Mild Steel IS: 2062
n. Painting : Ordinary Black Bituminous Paint

Standard Painting

Unless otherwise specified elsewhere provide following standard painting.

- Surface preparation: Blast clean or Ground to near white metal finish
- Priming: 1 coat of red oxide primer before and after shop testing. Total priming thickness 75
- Finish painting for gate assembly: 2 coats of black bitumen paint for gate assembly. Total paint
thickness inclusive of priming 200 microns.
- Finish painting for headstock: Grey enamel paint. Total paint thickness inclusive of priming 150

Shop Testing Parameters

- Leakage test at operating pressure for gate leakage performance.

- Movement test for checking interference free movement of complete assembly.
- Seat clearance check for checking clearance between mating sealing faces.
- Positive Material Identification test for all material other than cast iron.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 389
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

4.2.23 Lifting Arrangement :

The lifting arrangement shall be of type as mentioned below:

Type : If not specifically mentioned against any unit, type for less than 1 Ton
capacity –HOT (Double Rail) and for more than 1 Ton - EOT (Double Rail)
shall be provided.
Capacity (a) Pumping Stations –
1.5 x (Total weight of each set of Pump and motor or single any heaviest
equipment to be lifted) whichever is higher.
(b) Air/Gas Blower/compressor Building – 1.5 x (Total weight of each set of
blower and motor or single any heaviest equipment to be lifted) whichever is
(c) Sludge Dewatering System building – 1.5 x (Total weight of each set of
Dewatering machine or any single heaviest equipment to be lifted) whichever is
(d) Digester control building - 1.5 x (Total weight of each set of any single
heaviest equipment to be lifted) whichever is higher.
(e) Power Generation Set Building – 1.5 x (Total weight of each set of Power
Generation set or any single heaviest equipment to be lifted) whichever is higher.
(f) Filtration Building – 1.5 x (Total weight of each set of any single heaviest
equipment to be lifted) whichever is higher Electrically Operated Hoist with Travelling Trolley

The monorail beam, hoist and trolley shall conform to BIS 3177 (Code of Practice for Electric
Overhead Travelling Cranes and Gantry Cranes other than Steel Work Cranes), where applicable.

The trolley shall be of the underhung type supported by the monorail beam. The system’s load
capacity shall be 3,000 kg, with a lifting height of at least 5.0 m. The monorail beam shall be
supported from the roof slab. The equipment manufacturer shall determine the spacing requirements
for the support brackets and/or hangers.

The hoist and trolley shall be a single unit with a single motor. The maximum allowable distance
from the bottom flange of the monorail beam to the hook (headroom) shall be limited to no more
than 500 mm. The main hoisting speed shall be in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 m/min.

The hoist and trolley shall be equipped with the following:

(i) Motor: Of the conical rotor type, no larger than 3 kW at 440v/3ph/50 hz, with Class F
insulation and a TEFC enclosure. Stalling torque shall be at least 290% of the full load
torque requirement.
(ii) Gearbox: Cast iron with alloy steel spur gears and ball bearings. The gearbox shall
be oil lubricated.
(iii) Rope Drum: Welded steel with roller bearings at each end. A rope guide shall be attached
to the drum and be equipped with a rope tightener.
(iv) Rope: Steel core 8 x 50 with an ungalvanized steel outer wrapping.
(v) Brake: Cast iron disk type which can be maintained without removing any part except
the end cover. The braking torque shall be 100% higher than the motor torque at the rated
(vi) Microspeed Attachment: Shall reduce the hoisting speed to 10% of the main hoisting
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 390
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

This unit shall have a separate control from the main hoist.
(vii) Control: A pendant pushbutton station shall be furnished. The electrical supply shall be
(viii) Limit Switches: The hoist shall be furnished with built-in limit switches to control the
top and bottom positions of the hook. Tappets shall be provided to adjust limit switches
to intermediate positions.

A drum-lifting beam shall be furnished with the hoist unit.

The hoist and trolley manufacturer shall be responsible for designing and furnishing the entire
system including the monorail beam and its supports. Electrically Operated Overhead Travelling Crane

The crane shall be electrically operated, bridge type complete with all accessories including down
shop conductor, crane rails and fixtures, and shall conform to BS 2573, IS:3177 or relevant
internationally approved standards.

The crane bridge shall consist of bridge girders on which a wheeled trolley is to run. The bridge trucks
and trolley frames shall be fabricated from structural steel. Access walkway with safe hand railing as
is required along the full span length of the bridge girder. Steel shall be tested quality conforming to
ASTM A36 except that, plates more than 20 mm thick shall conform to IS: 2062, BS: 4360 or
relevant internationally approved standards. The bridge shall be designed to carry safely the loads
specified in IS: 807, BS: 2573 or relevant internationally approved standards. All anti-friction
bearings for bridge and trolley track wheels, gear boxes and bottom sheaves on hook shall be
lubricated manually by hand operated grease pump through respective grease nipples.

Wheel base and structural frame of the wheel mounting of the end carriages shall be designed so as to
ensure that the crane remains square and prevent skewness. Bridge and trolley track wheels shall be of
forged steel and shall be double flanged type. The wheel diameter and rail sizes shall be suitable for
the wheel loads. The crane rails shall be manufactured from wear resistant austenitic manganese steel.
Mountings of the wheels shall be designed to facilitate easy removal for maintenance. Walkways shall
be at least 500 mm clear inside width with a 6 mm thick non-skid steel plate surface. Steel rail stops to
prevent rails from creeping and trolley from running off the bridge shall be abutted against ends of
rails and welded to the girders. Bridge and trolley stops to match the wheel radius shall be provided
before the buffer stops.

All exposed couplings, shafts, gear, wheels, pinions and chain drives etc. shall be safely encased and
guarded completely to prevent any hazard to persons working around. All bearings and gears shall
have a design life of 100000 hours. Electro-magnetic and hydraulic thrust or brake shall be provided
for the main hoist. One electro-magnetic brake shall be provided for each of the cross travel and long
travel motions.

Hook shall be solid forged, heat treated alloy or carbon steel suitable for the duty service. They shall
have swivels and operate on ball thrust bearings with hardened races. The lifting hooks shall comply
with the requirements of IS 8610 or BS: 2903 / BS: 3017 or relevant internationally approved
standards and shall have a safety latch to prevent rope coming off the hook.

Hoist rope shall be extra flexible, improved plough galvanized steel rope with well lubricated hemp
core and having six strands of 37 wires per stand with minimum ultimate tensile strength of 1.6 X 106
kN/m2 of Right Hand Ordinary (RHO) lay construction. The ropes shall have a 6:1 safety factor on
the specified safe working load, and shall conform to IS: 2266. Rope drums shall be grooved and shall
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 391
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

be either cast iron or cast steel of or welded steel conforming to IS: 3177, BS: 466 or relevant
internationally approved standards.

Gears shall be cut from solid cast or forged steel blanks or shall be stress relieved welded steel
construction. Pinions shall be of forged carbon or heat treated alloy steel. Strength, quality of steel,
heat treatment, face, pitch of teeth and design shall conform to BS: 436, IS: 4460 and BS: 721 or
relevant internationally approved standards.

Name Plate showing the capacity, year of manufacture and rated capacity of hoist, in figures not less
than 150 mm height, shall be placed on each side of the crane girder.

The maximum deflection under full load shall not exceed 1/900 of the span (as per IS: 3177).
All accessory and auxiliary electrical equipment including drive motors, electrically operated brakes,
controllers, resistors, conductors, insulators, current collectors, pendant push button station, protective
devices, operating devices, cables, conduits, etc. necessary for the safe and satisfactory operation of
the crane shall be provided.

Power to the crane shall be provided by down shop conductors manufactured from high conductivity
hard drawn copper. Conductors shall be completely shrouded such that they have no exposed current
carrying surfaces. Pendant type push button station shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall comprise
the following push buttons and indicating lamps:

a) `Start’ and `Stop’.

b) Long travel - `Right’ and `Left’.
c) Cross travel - `To’ and `Fro’.
d) Hook - `Hoist’ and `Lower’.
e) Red indicating lamp for supply `ON’ indication.

Pendant type push button shall be supported independently of the electrical cable and shall be earthed
separately, independent of the suspension. Automatic reset type of limit switches shall be provided to
prevent overtravel for each of the following:

a) For `UP’ and `Down’ motions of the hook.

b) Long travel motion
c) Cross travel motion

Crane structures, motor frames and metal cases of all electrical equipment including metal conduit
and cable guards shall be earthed. All motors, brakes, limit switches, panels, drum controllers, resistor
unit sets shall be provided with two studs for earthing.

All motors shall be of the quick reversing type with electric mechanical brakes suitable for the duties
specified. All movements shall be electrically powered suitable for operating with the hook loaded.
Facilities shall be provided for the accurate location of the hook by means of `inching' the cross travel
and down shop travel motions.

Sufficient slings, ropes, shackles, lifting beams, etc shall be supplied to handle all items of plant
covered by the crane. They shall be labelled or marked with the Safe Working Load (SWL) and the
purpose for which they are intended.

The crane, and all slings, ropes, shackles and other lifting equipment supplied shall be tested by the
manufacturer at his works. The tests shall be carried out at 125% of Safe Working Load, and Test
Certificates shall be supplied.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall include with the cranes all necessary contactors, control cubicles and protection
equipment necessary to operate the crane and provide adequate electrical protection against overload,
phase and earth fault and fail-safe protection in the event of an interruption in the power supplies. All
access ladders and platforms necessary to carry out maintenance and repairs shall be provided and
installed by the Contractor.

All electrical equipment shall be fully tropicalised.

Site tests shall be carried out by the Contractor who shall supply the necessary materials for the test
load. The test load shall be removed from site by the Contractor after successful tests have been
carried out. Hand-Operated Overhead Cranes

Cranes shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with BS: 2573 and shall comply with
the requirement of BS: 466 class 2 medium duty. The crane details and ancillary equipment provided
shall conform to applicable parts of the general requirements specified for electrically-operated
overhead cranes, except that the crane shall be manually operated in all motions by conveniently
mounted endless chains, arranged for operation by one man. The main features shall conform to the
General Requirement
The crane bridge shall consist of a single bridge girder carting two wheels at each end of the span.
Steel used shall be of tested quality steel conforming to IS: 2062. The girder shall have enough
strength to carry the test load without causing undue stress or deflection.

The long travel bridge wheels shall be rim toughened; treated carbon steel or low alloy steel or
CI tray shall be double flanged type. The wheels shall be machined on their treads to match the
runaway rail section. The bridge shall have a geared shaft and pulley connecting to opposite
wheels of the span, to achieve the long travel motion of the bridge, by means of a chain. The
runway rails of adequate strength and rigidity, rail clamps and other accessories for mounting the
rails and suitable end stops for the bridge shall be supplied by the Contractor.
Trolley and Chain Pulley Block
The chain pulley block shall be operated on the lower flange of the bridge girder.

The load chain shall be made of alloy steel as per IS: 3109. It shall be heat treated to give ductility
and toughness so that it will stretch before breaking. It shall be of welded construction with a
factor of safety not less than 5.

The hand chains for the hoisting and traverse mechanism shall hang well clear of the hook and both
the chains shall be on the same side. The hand chain wheel shall be made from pressed sheet steel
and shall be provided with roller type guard to prevent snagging and fouling of the chain.

All the gearing shall be totally encased. Proper lubricating arrangements shall be provided for
bearings and pinions. Gears shall be cut from forged steel blanks. Pinions shall be of heat treated
alloy steel. Gears shall as per BS: 436/IS: 4460.

The trolley track shall be rim toughened, heat treated carbon steel or low alloy steel or CI and
shall be single flanged and shall have antifriction ball bearings. The wheels shall be machined on
their treads to match the flanges of the track joints.

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The travelling trolley frame shall be made of rolled steel conforming to IS: 2062. The side
plates of trolley frame shall extend beyond wheel flanges, thus providing bumper protection for
the wheels. The two side plates shall be connected by means of an equalizing pin. Axles and
shafts shall be made of carbon steel and shall be accurately machined and properly supported.

The lifting hooks shall be forged, heat treated alloy or carbon steel of rigged construction. They
shall be of single hook type provided with a standard depressed type safety latch. They shall swivel
and operate on antifriction bearings with hardened races. Locks to prevent hooks from swivelling
shall be provided. Hook shall be as per BS: 2903/IS: 3815.

The brake for the lifting gear shall be automatic and always in action. Is shall be of screw and friction
disc type self-actuating load pressure brake. Brakes shall offer no resistance during hoisting.

4.2.24 Emergency Equipment (General) Fire Extinguishers

The contractor shall provide fire fighting equipments including pumps and grid with fire hydrant in
the STP complex in the fire fighting pump house. The system shall be complete with motor and diesel
driven fire pump including Jockey Pumps.
The Bidder shall also provide required no. of dry powder type CO2 fire extinguishers (10 kg) for the
pumping station and switchyards at the following locations after consultation with the Engineer in

 Outdoor switchyard
 Indoor electrical room
 Pump rooms (maintenance bay)
 Control room
 GAS handling area

Besides above, Ionisation smoke, optical smoke & heat detectors shall be provided in control room
with fire alarm panel having appropriate battery back-up. Fire alarm detectors shall be provided both
below & above false ceiling, if any Fire alarm system and public address system shall be provided at
the Plant.

All the smoke and heat sensors shall be wired up to nearest JB and interfaced to respective PLC/DDC
for alarm annunciations.

4.3 Spillage and Leakage

Chemical preparing, dosing and transfer equipment shall be designed and arranged so that any leakage
and spilling can be controlled and cannot enter ducts, channels, etc. and have a corrosive impact on
pipes, cables or other equipment of the plant.

At all lubrication or greasing points grease trays or pans shall be provided to collect excessive
lubricant or spillage onto the equipment or into sewage.

4.4 Installation Work

Equipment shall be installed in a neat, workman like manner so that it is level, plumb, square and
properly aligned and oriented. Tolerance shall be as established in the manufactures drawing or as
stipulated by DJB . No equipment shall be permanently bolted down to foundation of structure until
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 394
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the alignment has been checked and found acceptable by DJB.

Manufacturer’s drawings, instructions and recommendation shall be correctly followed in handling,

setting, testing and commissioning of equipment.

4.4.1 Levelling and Grouting of Machinery

The pumps, motors and other equipment shall be properly and accurately levelled and aligned on the
concrete plinth by means of tapered metal wedges and metal packing pieces before any grout is
poured. After correct alignment and levelling the foundation bolts shall be nipped up to hold the
machine firmly in position and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to check that the position is
maintained after the grout has been poured but before it sets. The grout, which will contain an
approved expanding agent, will be mixed and poured by the Contractor. Grouting material used for
grouting should be as approved by Engineer in Charge.

The horizontality of base plate top shall be within 0.05 mm/metre. The base plate top surface and
pump motor box are to be blue matched to get a contact area of at least 80%.

After the grouting mixture has set hard the foundation bolts shall be pulled up hard and the alignment
and level rechecked. The Engineer shall be informed at all times of the progress of this work and
when any checks on alignment and level are to be carried out so that he may witness the checks if he
so requires. The approval of the Engineer or his intimation that the alignment or level of the machines
is to his satisfaction shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his obligation under contract to properly
install and align the machines and pipe-work and shall in no way prejudice the Engineer in Charge's
rights to order rectification of any installation work later found to be improperly carried out.

4.5 Tests on Completion


When the Contract Plant has been installed on site and is ready for energising, the Contractor shall
notify the Engineer in writing that Tests on Completion are about to commence. At least three days
notice shall be given. The Engineer and/ or his Representative may attend the tests at his discretion.

Commissioning Tests

The Contractor’s representative shall subject the screen to the following tests. The tests shall include,
but not be limited to:

 Checking alignment of all components and adjust if necessary;

 Checking that all equipment, safety devices and equipment protection devices function
 Examining protective coatings and repair as necessary;
 Running equipment for an appropriate time and check for correct operation;
 Checking the operation of all equipment under field control;
 Demonstrating access cover removal.
 All necessary corrections and adjustments made shall be recorded. A written report shall be
provided by the Contractor’s representative at the completion of the tests, certifying that the
equipment has been properly installed and operates satisfactorily all test records are to be

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 395

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Reliability Tests

Reliability testing will not be commenced until the Tests on Completion have been completed and
approved by the Engineer- in-Charge.

The Plant shall be required to operate under the normal operating conditions within the limits of
performance offered by the Contractor, and their continuous or intermittent performance as may be
more convenient for the operation of the works. The Plant shall operate without failure of any kind for
period of one calendar month.

Should any failure (other than that of an entirely minor nature) occur in any portion of the Plant, due
to or arising from faulty design, materials or workmanship or staff training (but not otherwise)
sufficient to prevent commercial use of the plant, the test shall be deemed to have failed. The test
period of one month will recommence after the Contractor has remedied the cause of the failure. The
onus of proving that any failure is not due to faulty design, materials, workmanship or training will lie
with the Contractor.

In cases where the responsibility for failure cannot be determined initially, the Contractor is to attend
to such failures as though they were his responsibility. When the Reliability Test has been completed
to the Engineer’s-in-Charge written approval, the Defects Liability Period shall commence.

4.6 Relevant Standards

The design, manufacture, supply, storage of all equipments shall comply with all Indian Standards, (or
in the absence of Indian Standards, the appropriate International Standards) Acts and Regulations in
their latest amendment, including local statutes covering:

 Health and Safety

 Dangerous Goods
 Factories and Commercial Premises
 Buildings
 Electricity Regulations and Codes of Practice

The Standards referred shall form part of this Contract. Other Standards, Codes of Practice and
Regulations not referred to, but which would be applicable to the design, manufacture, installation,
testing or commissioning of the equipment under this contract shall be deemed part of the Contract.

4.7 Working Stress and Design

The design of all parts shall ensure that under the most onerous of conditions they will not be
damaged or corroded.
Any joint that will need to be dismantled during maintenance shall be made by anti-corrosion type

All spare parts shall be fully interchangeable with the original part. If the spare part is unavailable due
to cease of production, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer in writing, detailing the
options available to the Contractor.

All parts shall be designed to minimise the risk of fire and consequential damage. All parts shall be
designed to prevent the ingress of vermin, dust and dirt. All electrically live or moving parts shall be
adequately guarded to prevent accidental contact.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 396

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

4.8 Name Plates

Each main and auxiliary item to the pumping station shall have permanently attached to it, in a
conspicuous position, a name plate and rating plate, each of weather-resistance and fire-resistance
material. Upon these shall be engraved or stamped the manufacturer's name, type and serial number of
equipment, details of the loading and duty at which designed to operate.

Details of proposed inscriptions shall be submitted to the Engineer in Charge for approval before any
labels are manufactured.

4.9 General Painting and Protection Requirements

4.9.1 General

The preparation, application and conditions for work shall comply with the recommendations of BS
5493 and BS 6150 or if the protection is of a special nature, in accordance with the manufacturer's

Paints, primers and undercoats shall be obtained from the same manufacturer and except where a
definite time is specified between mixing and application, shall be ready mixed for use. They shall be
compatible with one another.

Paints shall be delivered in sealed containers bearing the manufacturer's name, batch number, etc. and
shall carry a label giving details of quality and instructions for use.

No site painting shall be carried out unless the surface to be painted is dry, the air temperature above
4oC and the relative humidity less than 85% or as otherwise specified by the paint manufacturer,
whichever is minimum. The Employer’s Representative shall approve the methods for removing all
dirt, oil, grease, etc, before Site painting commences.

Test plates carrying finishes from the actual coating used may be required by the Employer’s
Representative for inspection and test purposes.

To facilitate inspection, no consecutive coats of paint shall be of the same shade except in the case of
white. Priming to two mating surfaces shall be applied prior to assembly.

All items of Plant shall be delivered to Site with the shop paint finish applied unless specified
otherwise. A further coat of final finish paint shall be applied at Site, of sufficient thickness to
produce a uniform colour and appearance. Such painting shall be carried out within one month of
successful acceptance trials for the Plant.

All paint thicknesses shall be checked using an Elkometer or equivalent instrument, supplied by the
Contractor, for each layer of paint, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.
All coatings applied to any part of the plant in contact with water to be used for drinking, washing or
cooking shall be non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, shall not impart taste, odour, colour or turbidity to the
water or foster microbial growth. No manufacturer’s name-plate identification, vented filler plugs in
gearboxes or grease nipples shall be painted over. Lead based paints shall not be used.

The Contractor shall liaise closely with the paint manufacturer who shall provide full facilities for
him to inspect and check the preparation and painting during all stages. The Contractor shall report on
his inspections to the Engineer.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 397

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall ensure that all coatings are free from defects and adequate in all respects for the
purpose intended.

4.9.2 Painting System Failure

The painting system shall be deemed to have failed if:-

 After painting, damage has been caused by handling, impact, abrasion or welding;
 Any portion of the paint film separates from any other or the parent metal;
 After painting the total dry-film thickness is less than that specified.
Failure shall not include:-
 Loss of gloss;
 Variation of shade, not affecting the anti-corrosive properties of the system.

4.9.3 Colour Coding and Labelling of Pipes and Equipment

All pipes and equipment shall be colour coded to a schedule to be agreed with the Employer’s
Representative before any site painting starts, or earlier if necessary to suit manufacturing procedures.
Valves and fittings shall be painted in the same colour as of the pipe of which they form a part. Where
a pipe enters or leaves a piece of equipment the pipe colour shall extend up to but not including the
flange attached to the equipment.

All pipelines shall be identified by stick-on 90 micron thick vinyl film labels showing the name of the
material to be carried by the pipeline and an arrow indicating the direction of flow. Letters of titles
shall be pre-spaced on carrier tape and the complete title protected by one piece removable liners.
Titles shall be at intervals not less than 8 m, but shall in any case be provided in every space through
which the pipe passes. Locations of labels shall be subject to prior approval by the Employer’s
Representative. Lettering sizes shall be between 16 mm and 75 mm in height depending on the size of
the pipe.

Pipes smaller than 22 mm outside diameter shall be labelled by the use of tags instead of labels. Tags
shall be made of brass no smaller than 65 mm x 16 mm by 1.5 mm thick, with lettering etched and
filled with black enamel.

Titles shall also be provided on all equipment in locations and in sizes to be approved by the
Employer’s Representative.

4.9.4 Cleaning and Preparing at Place of Manufacture

The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning and preparation for painting, priming or
otherwise protecting as specified of all parts of the Plant at the place of manufacture prior to packing. Cleaning

Parts shall be cleaned prior to testing at the manufacturer's works. Parts subject to hydraulic test shall
be tested before any surface treatment. After test all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried out
if necessary by washing with an approved dewatering fluid prior to surface treatment. Preparation

Bright Parts: Bright parts and bearing surfaces shall be thoroughly polished and protected from
corrosion by the application of rust preventive lacquer or high melting-point grease, as approved by
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 398
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

the Employer’s Representative, before the parts are packed. A sufficient quantity of the correct
solvent for removal of the protective compounds shall be supplied and packed with each particular

Embedded Parts: Embedded parts or those parts of an assembly which will be embedded in concrete
shall be thoroughly de-scaled and cleaned to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative and
before being packed shall be protected by a cement wash or other approved method. No cast iron or
steel work shall be bitumen or tar coated where it is to be cast into the concrete and provision shall be
made for cleaning off any portions so coated.

Grit or Shot Blasted Parts: Grit or shot blasting shall be carried out in accordance with B.S. 7079 to a
standard between `First Quality' and `Second Quality' given in Table 1 after which the maximum
amplitude of the surface shall not exceed 0.1 mm.

Cast Iron and Steel Pipework: All ungalvanised steel pipework including pump suspension mains,
bearing spiders and tunnel tubes shall be prepared internally and externally by grit or shot blasting as
specified above and the surfaces primed as specified within four hours of blasting. Painting and Finishing at Place of Manufacture

This Clause governs the methods for the protective coatings to be applied to structural steel,
metalwork and ironwork as corrosion protection systems. The systems designed as specified here
shall be applied as specified under Protective Coatings. Protective coating specified elsewhere for
particular works such as pipes and cladding shall firstly be designed in accordance with particular
requirements specified elsewhere and secondly in accordance with any requirements herein which are
not overridden elsewhere. This specification makes reference to the following standard:

B.S.5493 "code of practice for the protective coating of iron and steel against corrosion"

The Contractor shall design each protective coating system and shall submit details of each system to
the Employer’s Representative for approval. Submissions shall where possible be in the format of
which examples are given at the end of this section with such additional information and samples as
the Contractor may provide or the Employer’s Representative may require to enable the system to be

Protective coating shall be designed in accordance with B.S. 5493 to have a long life, generally of at
least 10 years to first maintenance. Protection systems shall be chosen to be easily maintained in the
future and to allow non-specialist on-site re-coating where necessary using single part paints.

For the purposes of system design the general environment shall be as specified in B.S. 5493 Table 3
Part 2 `Exterior exposed polluted inland'. Bulkhead gates and stoplogs shall be assumed to be exposed
to a Table 3 Part 8 `Non-saline water' environment unless otherwise approved by the Employer’s

Interior spaces shall be considered to be dry in administration areas open to continuous access and
damp or immersed in other spaces. The protective coating of components or structures which are
continuously or infrequently immersed shall be designed for the more onerous of these two conditions
relevant to the protection system used.

All exterior exposed items to be coated shall have a final coat of good appearance of a colour and type
as approved by the Employer’s Representative.
Protective coating systems shall generally fall into one of the following basic systems;

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Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

4.9.5 Protective Coatings

 Galvanising;
 Galvanising plus painting;
 Multi-coat painting; Bitumen enamel;
 Others as proposed by the contractor and approved by the employer’s representative.

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative details of his proposals for the
corrosion protection of each of the items requiring such protection, which will generally fall into the
above categories, as follows:

 Trash screens, flooring, ladders, access covers and frames, step irons and other components
which are inaccessible but subject to abrasion/damage;
 Structural steelwork (including crane beams, monorails, crane structures and chassis),
bulkhead gates, stoplogs, grappling beams, steel tanks and other large items readily accessible
for maintenance;
 Valves and other corrosion-susceptible items which may be buried and are not covered by the
provisions of other specifications :
 Other components not covered by the above for which the contractor may propose a system
which he considers to be more suitable for the duty;
 Electrical switchgear, transformers, control panels etc.
 All painting material shall be applied in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer's

Plant supplied to site with final coating applied:

Cubicles, cabinets etc. other than those specified in elsewhere in bid document.
Before any steel work is painted, the steel must be thoroughly cleaned and an approved anti-rusting
priming coat applied so that the possibility of rusting or corrosion taking place is negligible. All
surfaces should have not less than two stoved undercoats and two top coats or air drying paint. The
undercoats shall be easily distinguishable in shade or colour from the priming and finishing coats. The
two final coats shall be in a colour and finish to be advised by the Employer’s Representative. The
inside surfaces of any cubicles, cabinets etc. where condensation is liable to occur, shall be coated
with an approved anti-condensation composition. The Contractor shall ensure that all component
sections of a switch board wherever manufactured shall have a finish of uniform texture and an exact
colour match.

Chromium Plated Parts: Where chromium plating is specified or offered by the manufacturer it
shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1224 including the following provisions. No blistering of
any surfaces will be tolerated. The finished appearance shall be bright. Where the base metal is steel,
plating shall be applied in accordance with Table 2. Other base metals shall be plated in accordance
with Tables 3, 4, 5 as appropriate. For all base metals the service condition number 2 shall be used.

Small bore pipes, valves and fittings etc., which are sited in architecturally finished areas of the
station and selected by the Employer’s Representative shall be chromium plated. Damage to
chromium plating shall be made good before Taking Over.

Galvanized Parts: All materials to be galvanized shall be shown on the approved drawings or
specified. All punching, cutting, drilling, screw tapping and the removal of burrs shall be completed
before the galvanizing process begins. Parts to be galvanized shall be shot blasted as specified above.
Such parts shall be galvanized not more than four hours after commencement of shot blasting.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 400

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All galvanizing shall be done by the hot dip-process. No alternative process may be used without the
approval of the Employer’s Representative. No components shall be galvanized which are likely to
come into subsequent contact with oil.

The zinc coating shall be uniform, clean smooth and as free from spangle as possible. In the case of
component parts the zinc coating shall weigh not less than 610 g/sq.m of area covered and shall not be
less than 0.090 mm in thickness.

Where hot-dip galvanizing is not practicable bolts and nuts shall be sherardised, which shall conform
to BS: 4921. The Employer’s Representative may select for test as many components to be weighed
after pickling, and before and after galvanizing as he may think fit.

All galvanized parts shall be protected from injury to the zinc coating due to differential serration and
abrasion during the periods of transit, storage and erection. Damaged areas of the coating shall be
touched up with an approved zinc-dust paint or other approved flake metallic compound.

Cast Iron and Steel Pipework: (Internal surfaces)

The internal surfaces shall have an approved coating. Where a bitumen based coating is used, it shall
be in accordance with Type 2 of B.S. 4147. Prior to lining, the pipe shall be grit blasted and primed
with an approved primer. The lining shall be in accordance with B.S. 534. After installation, the
internal lining shall be made good and satisfactorily tested with required detector.

The coating shall be suitable for use in contact with drinking water. The type of coating shall be
entered in Schedule L provided and the Employer’s Representative reserves the right to call for test
plates of the paint. The manufacturer shall at the time of ordering carry out the `Taste and smell test'
(Appendix E of B.S.4147) and `Effects on water test' (Appendix C of B.S. 3416) and forward 3 copies
of the test results to the Employer’s Representative for approval.

Where pipes are to be welded after the protective coatings have been applied, the pipe surfaces shall
be primed and all other coating stopped of the weld preparation. Collars and fillings shall be primed
but no other coating applied.

The manufacturer shall supply a sufficient quantity of suitable materials to repair damage occurring
during delivery to site and to provide a flush finished internal lining at welded joints. He shall supply
sufficient coating to fill in the recesses at internal welds over the previously primed areas. The costs
of these materials shall be included in the unit rates for the supply of the pipes and specials.

The coating shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with Appendices J
and K of B.S. 3416.

Machinery- (Internal surfaces) e.g. pumps, valves, strainers, rising and suspension mains of wet well

As for cast iron and steel pipework (Internal surfaces).

Cast iron and steel parts (External surfaces) immersed in Water:

All ungalvanised metal parts which will be immersed in water shall be cleaned by grit blasting and
within four hours of blasting given a coating similar to that specified for internal surfaces.
Cast iron and steel (External surfaces) in manholes and areas of high humidity:

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 401

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Ungalvanised metal parts exposed in manholes or areas of high humidity shall be cleaned by grit
blasting and given two coats of a black bituminous solution.

Plant forwarded to site for final finishing.

Cast Iron and Steel Parts (External surfaces) outside buildings:

All ungalvanised metal parts which will be exposed to the outside atmosphere shall be cleaned by grit
blasting and provided with two coats of an approved primer.

Cast Iron and Steel Parts inside buildings:

All exposed metal surfaces which will not be immersed in water or exposed in areas described above
shall be rubbed down, cleaned by grit blasting and within four hours of blasting given one coat of an
approved primer before packing.

4.9.6 Painting at Site

Immediately on arrival at the site, all items of plant shall be examined for damage to the paint coat
applied at the manufacturer’s works, and any damaged portions shall be cleaned down to the bare
metal, all rust removed, and the paint coat made good with similar paint.

Steel and cast iron parts received at site shall be provided with adequate number of further coats of
coal tar epoxy polyamine coating to a total dry film thickness of 275 microns including the primer
coats. All sharp edges, nuts, bolts and other items difficult to be painted shall receive a brush coat of
specified paint before application of each coat of epoxy based coal tar paint giving a total dry film
thickness of at least 275 microns. In the case of fabricated steelwork this work shall be done after

Before painting is commenced the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Employer’s
Representative, full details of the paints he proposes to use together with colour charts for the gloss
After erection, such items which are not finish painted shall be finish painted, items finish painted at
the Manufacturer’s works shall be touched up for any damaged paint work. Painting System Requirements

The painting work shall conform to the following requirements:

 The surface preparation shall be carried out generally in accordance with IS: 1477 Part I and
IS: 6005.
 After surface preparation, two coats of primer-red oxide zinc chromate with modified
phenolic alkyd base conforming to IS: 2074 shall be applied. Dry film thickness of each coat
shall be 25 microns.
 For finish painting, after application of primer as in (b) above, two coats of synthetic enamel
conforming to IS: 2932 shall be applied. Dry film thickness of each coat shall be 25 microns.
 Colours shall be selected as per IS: 5

No painting shall be carried out unless the item has been inspected and accepted by Employer’s
representatives at the Manufacturer’s works.

The dry paint film thickness shall be measured by Elcometer or other instruments approved by the
Employer. In order to obtain the dry film thickness (DFT) specified, the Contractor shall ensure that
the coverage rate given by the paint manufacturer will enable this thickness to be obtained. Strength

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 402

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

of adhesion shall be measured with an adhesion tester and this value shall not be less than 10 kg/cm2.
Painted fabricated steel Work which is to be stored prior to erection shall be kept clear of the ground
and shall be laid out or stacked in an orderly manner that will ensure that no. poles of water or dirt can
accumulate on the surface. Suitable packings shall be laid between the stacked Materials. Where
cover is provided, it shall be ventilated. Painting System

The painting procedure shall be submitted in the following format:

 Surface Preparation
 Reference Standard
 Conditions of Work
 Type of Materials
 Tests and inspection methods and sequence, thickness (DFT)
 Colour in final coat
 Total thickness of coats (DFT)
 Other necessary data and information

The following items in the plant are required to be painted;

 Outer surfaces of pumps, valves, pipes, fittings, motors etc., not exposed to treated water
 Steelwork exposed to weather, such as outer surface of surge vessel, valves, pipes etc.
 Internal Plant and pipework, cranes, exhaust fans, fire extinguishers and miscellaneous
steelwork not exposed to weather
 Steelwork exposed to weather, such as platforms, ladders, hand railing, etc.
 Steelwork exposed to humid weather and requiring hard maintenance and repairs
 Buried steelwork
 Buried pipes and fittings prior to application of wrapping
 Other equipment, as per requirement of employer.

All buried steel pipes and fittings shall be coated and unwrapped with hot or cold applied, self-
adhesive, polyethylene in accordance with AWWA C214 or equivalent Standard.
Cast iron or mild steel parts to be built into concrete shall remain unpainted. Immediately before it is
cast in-situ, it shall be made perfectly free from dirt, scale, loose rust, paint, oil lime wash or any other
No blast cleaning or painting shall be applied to corrosion resistant Materials such as stainless steels.
Ni-resist cast iron, bronze and other metals used for seals, bearings, lighting fitting etc.
Machined surfaces such as gear teeth shall be coated with a thick layer of grease. Other mechanical
surfaces such as shaft ends or other bright parts shall be coated with two coats of an anti-rust solution
which can be removed easily when required. Permanently bolted mechanical interfaces such as
flanges shall be coated with a thin coat of anti-rust compound before assembly.
All primers, under coats and finishes shall be applied by brush or airless spray, except where
otherwise specified.
Consecutive coats shall be in distinct but appropriate shades. All paints shall be supplied from the
store to the painters, ready for application, and addition of thinners or any other Material shall be
prohibited. Any instruction given by the paint manufacturer shall be strictly followed.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 403

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All painting shall be carried out by the qualified, experienced & competent painters under
supervision. Paint shall be applied to the dry surface which has been prepared in compliance with the
approved procedure.
The Plant and equipment shall be inspected and reviewed at the various stages of the coating
application both at the manufacturer’s Works and at the Site of the Works. Samples may be taken
from the paints as delivered and submitted to such tests as are deemed necessary. The completed paint
systems shall be tested by instruments to ensure that the protection is of adequate thickness and is free
from pinholes and the direct measurement of adhesion shall be checked by the removal of a small
section of the coating. The Contractor shall supply all instruments and apparatus required for carrying
out such tests required by the Employer.

4.9.7 Fusion-bonded Epoxy Powder Coatings

All fabricated steel pipework and other Plant where specified, shall have a lining and coating, not less
than 250 microns thick, of 100% solids, thermosetting fusion-bonded, dry power epoxy coating. All
grit and dust shall be removed and coating shall be started before formation of visible oxidation of the
surface. The metal shall be pre-heated to a temperature recommended by the manufacturer and the
epoxy powder applied by immersion in a fluidized bed, after which excess powder shall be removed.
The powder shall be allowed to flow out completely before curing. The thickness of the coating,
including any repaired areas, shall be checked with a calibrated tester. Spark testing, for pinholes,
voids, contamination, cracks and damaged areas, shall use a high-voltage spark generator. Repairs due
to coating imperfections or damage shall be done using a brush-applied compatible two-pack liquid
epoxy compound. The area to be repaired shall be cleaned to remove dirt, grease, scale and damaged
coating, which shall be feathered. Pinhole surface preparation is not required other than removal of
detrimental contaminants which could impair the adhesion of the repair material. The surface coating
shall be applied by an approved applicator. GRP covers and guards shall be pigmented to give the
finished colour without painting.

4.10 Waterworks Finish

A high standard of finish, defined as "Waterworks finish" is required for all Plant as detailed below.

Welding and flame cutting

A smooth neat finish, by careful grinding if necessary is required on all exterior welding and flame
cutting. All plates and bars used in fabrication shall have smooth surfaces with no pitting or deep slag
Casting surfaces shall be smooth and free from surface blowholes. Stock castings shall be specially
selected with this in mind. All castings shall be shot blasted before machining.

All covers shall be firmly fixed. Weld mesh shall sit square in its frame. Where panels are placed next
to each other the patterns shall line up.

Flanges and beadings

All bolt holes shall be spot faced parallel with the mating face for good seating of nuts and bolt heads.
Surplus jointing shall be removed from mating faces and peripheries.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 404
Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Items to be chromium plated

Name plates, instruction plates, rotation arrows, indicators and pointers, small bore pipework, oil level
gauges and fittings, small valves (including air valves), plugs and grease nipples, which are sited in
architecturally finished areas of the station and as selected by the Employer’s Representative, shall be
chromium plated. Damage to chromium plating shall be made good. All pipes and fittings etc. shall be
fitted in a straight, neat symmetrical manner so as to present a pleasing appearance.

External screws, Bolt Heads, nuts and washers

These shall be chromium plated, sherardised or made in stainless steel.


All indicating gauges fitted to any machine assembly shall be of similar appearance and grouped
together to present a pleasing aspect. They shall all have chromium plated cases, bezels, cocks and

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 405

Part 4- Technical Specifications : General & Particular - Mechanical
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents


5.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 406

5.1.1 POWER SUPPLY INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 407
5.1.2 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT/ SYSTEM ........................................... 408
5.1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE ....................................................................................... 411

5.2 SCOPE OF WORK FOR NEW OKHLA STP .................................................................................. 412

5.2.1 11 KV ALL XLPE CABLES .......................................................................................................... 412
5.2.2 33KV SWITCHBOARDS : ............................................................................................................ 413
5.2.3 11/0.433 KV, TRANSFORMERS .................................................................................................. 414
5.2.4 415 V, TPN, ALUMINUM BUS DUCTS ...................................................................................... 414
5.2.5 LV SWITCHBOARS ..................................................................................................................... 414
5.2.6 STARTERS .................................................................................................................................... 415
5.2.7 415V AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION EQUIPMENT ..................................... 415
5.2.8 ELECTRICAL MOTORS .............................................................................................................. 416
5.2.9 LIGHTING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................... 416
5.2.10 CABLE TRAYS ............................................................................................................................. 417
5.2.11 LT CABLES ................................................................................................................................... 417
5.2.12 BATTERY, BATTERY CHARGER AND DC DISTRIBUTION BOARD .................................. 418
5.2.13 EARTHING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 418
5.2.14 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ....................................................................................................... 418
5.2.15 REFERENCE STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 418
5.2.17 CONSTRUCTION POWER SUPPLY ........................................................................................... 419

5.3 SPECIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS ................................................................... 419

5.3.1 POWER TRANSFORMERS .......................................................................................................... 419
5.3.2 33KV SWITCHBOARD ................................................................................................................ 428
5.3.3 SOFT STARTERS FOR LV MOTORS ......................................................................................... 448
5.3.4 CAPACITORS AND APFC PANEL ............................................................................................. 449
5.3.5 HV AND LV CABLES .................................................................................................................. 452
5.3.6 LV INDOOR SWITCHBOARD .................................................................................................... 455
5.3.7 DC EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................... 459
5.3.8 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES (VFD) ................................................................................ 463
5.3.9 LIGHTING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 465
5.3.10 CABLING SYSTEM INSTALLATION ........................................................................................ 472
5.3.11 EARTHING AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM ......................................................... 478
5.3.12 NONSEGREGATED PHASE BUS DUCT ................................................................................... 483
5.3.13 FIELD PUSH BUTTON STATIONS ............................................................................................ 485
5.3.14 SILENT TYPE DG SET WITH AMF PANEL. ............................................................................. 487
5.3.15 SUBSTATION DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 490
5.3.16 PRELIMINARY DETAILS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BID:- .................................................. 492

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


5.3.18 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 492
5.3.19 TRANSFORMER ........................................................................................................................... 493
5.3.20 MOTOR .......................................................................................................................................... 493
5.3.21 CAPACITORS ............................................................................................................................... 494
5.3.22 LIGHTING ..................................................................................................................................... 494
5.3.23 EARTHING .................................................................................................................................... 494
5.3.24 CABLE TRAY ............................................................................................................................... 494
5.3.25 CABLE LAYING ........................................................................................................................... 494
5.3.26 POWER DISTRIBUTION SCHEME ............................................................................................ 495
5.3.27 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 495
5.3.28 PUBLIC ADDRESSING SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 495

5.4 POWER FACTOR PENALTY:- ......................................................................................................... 495

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page ii

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

5. Electrical System General and Particular Specifications

5.1 General
The scope of work includes design, equipment selection, manufacture, inspection at Bidder's or his
Sub-Bidder's works, supply, installation (including storing, unloading and transferring the material /
equipment to Bidder’s storage area, maintaining equipment / material in safe custody and assembling
the elements of the equipment and installing at the place of work), testing and commissioning of the
plant equipment/ electrical system on ‘turnkey’ basis. After successful commissioning and trial run of
the plant, it should be handed over to the DJB or their representative. The Bidder shall submit their
design calculations/ drawings based on ‘Design criteria for electrical equipment/ system’ for DJB or
their representative’s review and approval. These specification covers, 33kV switchboard, 3.3 kV MV
Switch Boards, LV switchboards, LV energy efficient motors, MV/ LV soft starters, LV capacitors,
HV,MV, and LV power cables and control cables, DC supply system and other allied equipment, etc.
along with the specifications for workmanship, laying cables, lighting system, earthing systems,
lightning protection etc. for New Okhla STP at Okhla under YAP-III project. It shall be the
responsibility of the Bidder to design the electrical system based on the selection of the mechanical

The Bidder shall make his own estimate of sizes, ratings and quantities for 33kV/ 0.415kV system,
equipment, all plant items and miscellaneous systems such as earthing, lightning protection, lighting, ,
etc. for New Okhla. It should be clearly understood that the Contract will be on ‘turnkey’ basis and no
variation will be allowed for items of works not foreseen or omitted by the Bidder at the bidding
stage, except where specifically indicated in the bid documents.

All equipment offered shall comply with the requirements specified in the latest editions of applicable
Indian/ International Standards and shall also comply with the good engineering practices.
The drawings enclosed with the specifications are for general guidance of the Bidder only. Bidder
shall design the electrical system on the basis of ‘Design Criteria’ and to be submitted for DJB or their
representative’s approval. Bidder shall incorporate any changes/ suggestions in the drawings to suit
site conditions and design criteria and standard engineering practice and resubmit for approval to DJB
or their representative.

The contractor or hired subcontractor shall possess/arrange the valid electrical contractor’s license of
appropriate class from the concerned statutory bodies governing the area of work place which they
have to submit before starting the electrical work at project site. The contractor shall fully comply
with the relevant statutory rules and regulations.

All type (as applicable), routine and acceptance tests shall be conducted in the presence of DJB or
their representative / Third Party Inspector on all the equipment as per latest applicable IS/IEC at no
extra cost. Typical type test reports for other equipment shall be submitted by the Bidder for approval
by DJB or their representative.

All commissioning tests shall be carried out in the presence of DJB or their representative and
approval for the same shall be obtained before commissioning and installation. All test reports shall
be properly maintained by the Bidder duly approved by the statutory bodies and shall be handed over

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 406

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

to the DJB or their representative after completion of the job. All instrument and accessories required
for testing and commissioning of the equipment specified herein shall be provided by the Bidder at no
extra cost to the DJB or their representative.

Liaison with NDPL and other Government organization/ statutory bodies for obtaining Power supply/
other clearance shall be Bidder’s scope. After completion of installation work, the Bidder shall
arrange for inspection and obtain approval from the concerned statutory bodies. Any fees that are to
be paid to such statutory bodies for testing, inspection or calibration shall be paid by the Bidder. Any
modification / revision in the equipment / installation of equipment as required by the statutory bodies
shall be carried out by the Bidder. All such costs / fees for revisions / modifications shall be deemed
to be included in the prices of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of equipment as quoted
by the Bidder.

5.1.1 Power Supply Information

Available and proposed power supplies are as follows:


This chapter details the specific requirements of electrical works provided for the plant.

Operating Voltages and Frequencies

HV System
Voltage : 33kV nominal, 36kV/ highest
Frequency : 50 Hz
Connection : 3 phase, 3 wire
33 kV/11 kV system maximum fault Level (25 kA/26.2 kA at 33 kV/11 kV)

MV System
Voltage : 3.3 kV nominal, 3.6kV highest
Frequency : 50 Hz
Connection : 3 phase, 3 wire
3.3 kV system maximum fault Level :150 MVA (16 kA)
System Earthing : Neutral Grounding Resistance (NGR)

LV System

Voltage : 415 V nominal

Frequency : 50 Hz
Connection : 4 wire
System Earthing : Solidly earthed
415 V Maximum fault level : 50 kA r.m.s maximum

Control voltage – Instrumentation Power Supply, AC control, Lighting & space heating

Voltage 110 V 240 V

Phases 1 1

Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 407

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

DC control voltage (for 33 kV switchgear and LV ACBs in Main LT Panel)

• Voltage 110 V DC
• Wires/ Earthing 2 wire / unearthed

All equipment shall have rated withstand capacity based on above criteria.


The Design Criteria described below covers the electrical equipment/system for the proposed for New
Okhla under YAP-III Project.

General Power Distribution Scheme

Estimation of Load

The following assumptions have been be made to arrive at the estimated load of the different sites.

a) Load Factor
i) Motor : 0.9 (or actual)
ii) Auxiliary load, valve motors, etc. : 0.9
iii) Lighting load : 1.0
b) Diversity Factor
i) Motor : 1.0
ii) Auxiliary load, valve motors, etc. : 1.5
iii) Lighting load : 1.2
c) Power factor of Motors : As per Manufacturer’s Catalogue
d) Efficiency of Motors : As per Manufacturer’s Catalogue
(Energy efficient eff3)

(Energy efficient, high performance motors (eff3 category) shall be provided for optimum
utilization of energy).

e) Protections

The following protections are proposed for various switchboards, transformers, motors and
other plant feeders.

1) 33kVSwitchboard

i) IDMT over current and earth fault protection for incomers

ii) IDMT and instantaneous over current and earth fault protection for outgoing
transformer feeders

2) LV switchboard

i) Over current, short circuit and earth fault protection on ACBs/ MCCBs

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 408

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3) Motors

i) Overload protection by thermal (bimetal) relays in all the three phases to trip
with single phase preventer (SPP) and short circuit protection in all the three
phases through motor protection circuit breakers/ MCCBs Alternatively,
microprocessor based motor protection relay shall also be used.

ii) Thermal, locked rotor, short circuit, negative sequence, under voltage, over
voltage and earth fault for each motor feeder of rating 90kW and above.

f) Metering

The following metering shall be provided.

1) 33kV Switchboard
Multifunction meter (for incomer) containing -
i) Ammeter
ii) Voltmeter
iii) kW meter
iv) Frequency meter
v) Power factor meter
vi) Kilowatthour meter
vii) kVAr meter
viii) kVA meter

For outgoing feeder

Ammeter with selector switch

2) LV Incomers
i) Ammeters with selector switch
ii) Voltmeter with selector switch
iii) kW meter
iv) Power factor meter
vi) Kilowatt-hour meter
vii) Frequency meter

3) LV Outgoing Feeders
i) Ammeter with ammeter selector switch

Multifunction meter shall be equipped with interfacing capability for RS-485 port.

g) Indicating Lamps

The following indication shall be provided:

1) 33 kV Incomer, Bus Coupler and Outgoing feeders

i) Circuit breaker ON, OFF and TRIP, spring charged, control supply healthy
and trip circuit healthy (Mains ON (R,Y,B) indication for incomer only)
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 409
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2) LV Incomers

i) Mains ON (red, yellow and blue)

3) Motor Feeders

i) Motor ON, OFF and Trip indication (Red, green and Amber)
ii) Motor ON, OFF and Trip indication (Red, green and Amber), control supply
healthy and trip circuit healthy for breaker feeder.

All electrical equipment will be rated for 500 C design ambient temperatures.

All power cables shall be sized based on continuous current capacity, permissible voltage drop and
short circuit current rating. The voltage drop shall be limited to 3 % at rated equipment current rating.

The other rating factors for variation in ground temperature, variation in ambient air temperature,
grouping of cables, depth of laying, etc. shall also be considered for cable sizing.

The illumination levels proposed for various areas are as follows:

Area Illumination level (Lux)

Pump House 250
Office/Conference Room 400
Switchboard Room 250
All other indoor areas 150
Outdoor plant area and Road 10 – 20

LED type luminaries shall be used for office/ all indoor areas. Decorative fixtures/ receptacles shall be
used for office areas and industrial type fixtures/ receptacles shall be used for remaining areas.

Street/ area lighting shall be controlled by time switch/ photocell for automatic switching of
luminaries. Emergency light shall be provided for safe evacuation of the people in case of fire or panic
(blackout, total power failure, etc.) Emergency lighting shall be automatically switched ON when
mains power supply fails.

The values of fault level for designing the electrical system shall be based on transformer capacity, its
impedance and system fault level. Fault clearing time for sizing of earth conductor will be taken as
one second.

The material of earthing conductor shall be hot dip Galvanized Steel. All connections between the
earth conductors buried in earth/concrete and between earth conductor and earth leads shall be of
welded type. While sizing the buried earth conductor, a corrosion allowance of at least 20% shall be
taken. Plant earthing system shall be designed such that the overall earthing grid resistance is
maximum one ohm.
Main earthing conductors outside and inside the building shall be planned in such a manner that
various equipment is connected to earthing system by two connections in a reliable manner.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 410

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

5.1.3 System Description and scope

It is not the intent to specify herein all the details pertaining to the design, selection of material/
equipment, procurement, manufacture installation, testing and commissioning, however, the same
shall be of high standards of engineering and shall comply to all currently applicable standards,
regulations and safety codes.

The scope of electrical works covers design, engineering, supply, erection, testing and commissioning
of 124 MGD STP at Okhla. All the electrical equipment of existing Okhla STP at phase-I,II,III & IV
shall be replaced by suitable capacity of new items. Sufficient details by way of clause no. 5.2 for
dismantling & installation items such as HT/LT Switchgears ,cables, lighting fixtures, lighting DBs,
cable trays etc. have been furnished. It is the intent of this specification to make the electrical systems
for the plant suitable for receiving and utilizing in-house gas generated power in the plant.

All the electrical installation pertaining to this plant, therefore, is included in the scope of the present
contract. Single Line Diagram related to HT distribution systems of the plant and concept Single Line
Diagram for 415 V Switchgear are enclosed with this specification. The Bidder shall develop his own
SLD based on his load list and submit the same along with his offer. 100% stand by Transformers
shall be considered for the power distribution system.

The scope also includes cabling, lighting, earthing and lightning protection installation for all the
three phases of the plant. A complete electrical Load List comprising process loads and other loads
shall be furnished by the Bidder along with his Bid. The contractor shall work out the details based on
his equipment's power consumption. The execution should take care of I.E. rules, Electricity Board’s
requirement and other local authorities and site condition.

It shall be the contractual responsibility of the contractor to obtain approval of drawings, design
electrical installation and test certificates from Chief Electrical inspector to Government (CEIG) and
any other statutory bodies. Necessary official procedural support as well as technical required in
obtaining the approval shall be provided by the purchaser/engineer.

Design Criteria for STP

All electrical equipment shall be rated for 50C design ambient temperatures. The installation shall
generally conform to Indian Standards / IEC.

The following factors shall be considered for proper selection of electrical apparatus or equipment for
areas where flammable gas or vapors may rise.

a) Area classification
The classification of area shall be as per IS 5571 & IS 5572, based on the degree of
probability with which explosive concentrations of combustible gas or vapour may arise in
installations in terms of both the frequency of occurrence and probable duration of existence
on each occasion.

(i) Zone 0 – In which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously present or present for long
(ii) Zone 1 – In which an explosive gas/air mixture is likely to occur in normal operation.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 411

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(iii) Zone 2 – In which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation
and if it occurs, it will exist only for short periods.

b) Gas Group Classification

The characteristics of the gas or vapour involved in relation to Igniting current or minimum
ignition energy in case of installations of intrinsically safe apparatus or maximum
experimental safe gap data in case of installations for flame proof enclosures as per IS 2148.

c) Temperature Classification
The Ignition temperature of the gas or vapour involved, or the lowest value of ignition
temperature if more than one combustible material is present.

The maximum temperature of any unprotected surface of electrical equipment shall not
exceed the Ignition temperature of gas or vapour. For electrical apparatus, no margin of
safety need be applied between maximum surface temperature and ignition temperature. The
Ignition temperature of combustible gases and vapours are measured in accordance with the
test method prescribed in IS 7820.

d) Environmental conditions in which the apparatus is installed. Apparatus and its component
parts shall be constructed so as to guard against electrical and mechanical failures in the
intended conditions of use.

The selection of type of protection of electrical equipment for the different zones of

Hazardous areas shall be made in accordance to Clause 6, Table -1 of IS 5571.

All electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas shall confirm to selection of equipment and
installation guidelines of IS 5571.

The major items of work for the electrical works will be as tender:

Dismantled Equipment/installation

All the dismantled equipment shall be properly packed suitable for transport and storage
for a long time, transported to and stored at DJB’s designated store.



Dismantling of existing 11kV PILCA cables between

i. Cables from 11 KV, 12 Panel main Switchboard to existing Transformers for each STP
except phase-V.

All the dismantled cables shall be recovered after excavation, wound on supplied wooden
drums, transported to and stored at DJB’s designated store.

The new 33 kV earthed aluminium conductor; XLPE, armoured power cable of size (minimum)
3Core x 300 sq.mm shall be used between 33 kV KV metering panels, VCB panels and the HT
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 412
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

side of the power transformers. The cable size shall be calculated based on the fault level of the
system, minimum size, of the cable shall be 300 mm2.

Approximate length of the cable will be excavated and recovered - 2000m.

Scope of work:-

i) Supply, laying, testing and commission of 33 kV (E) of adequate size and length of cables,
Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, GI strip armoured cables replacing the cables
mentioned above by new cables according to 33 kV systems as per the bidder’s design in line
with the specifications.

ii) Supply and installation of 33 kV cable termination kits, heat shrinkable type, for the cables to
be laid new as mentioned above.


I) Dismantle and shifting of 1 no. 11kV Switchboard located at 45+37 MGD (Phase-III &
Phase-IV) substation consisting of 5 Panels Board, feeding power supply to 2 no. of 2.5
MVA Transformers.

ii) Dismantle and of shifting 1 no. 11kV Switchboard located at 30 MGD (Phase-1) substation
consisting of 5 Panels Board feeding power supply to 2 no. of 2.5 MVA Transformers.

iii) Dismantle and of shifting 1 no. 11kV Switchboard located at 40 MGD Effluent Pumping
Station consisting of 5 Panels Board feeding power supply to 2 no. of 2.5 MVA

iv) Dismantle and of shifting 1 no. 3.3kV Switchboard located at 40 MGD Effluent Pumping
Station consisting of 11 Panels Board feeding power supply to 6 nos. 500 HP Pumps.

v) Dismantle and of shifting 6 nos. 3.3kV Squirrel cage Induction Motors and Soft Starters
located at 40 MGD Effluent Pumping Station .


Dismantling of Electrical & Mechanical equipment of Effluent Pumping Station will be

started only after construction and ready for operation of new effluent pumping station.

Existing 12 Panel Board 11 kV main HT panel will continue to feed the power to Phase-V.

Scope of Work:-

1. One no 33 KV switchboard consists of 2 nos. of Incomers and 1 no bus coupler along with 16
nos. of outgoing feeders single row type with breaking capacity of 25 kA, 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3
phase A.C supply in cubical pattern floor mounting type complete with air insulated bus bars
of suitable rating shall be supplied and installed at main receiving station (MRS) The degree
of protection shall be IP5X.This board shall have the MFM with suitable communication port
for third party integration. Numerical Relays shall also be provided for Earth Fault and Over
Current Protection.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 413

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2. No HT Panel will be installed at S/S-1. Since, it is adjacent to MRS; power at 33 kV from 19

panel board main HT panel at MRS shall be fed to Transformers at S/S-1 which will feed the
power to Primary Treatment, Sludge Handling and gas Handling System.

3. One no 33 KV switchboard consists of 2 nos. of Incomers and 1 no bus coupler along with 4
nos. of outgoing feeders single row type with breaking capacity of 25 kA 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3
phase A.C supply in cubical pattern floor mounting type complete with air insulated bus bars
of suitable rating shall be supplied and installed at S/S-2 for Aeration system. The degree of
protection shall be IP5X.This board shall have the MFM with suitable communication port
for third party integration. Numerical Relays shall also be provided for Earth Fault and Over
Current Protection.

4. One no 33 KV switchboard consists of 2 nos. of Incomers and 1 no bus coupler along with 4
nos. of outgoing feeders single row type with breaking capacity of 25 kA, 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3
phase A.C supply in cubical pattern floor mounting type complete with air insulated bus bars
of suitable rating shall be supplied and installed at S/S-3for Secondary Treatment system. The
degree of protection shall be IP5X.This board shall have the MFM with suitable
communication port for third party integration. Numerical Relays shall also be provided for
Earth Fault and Over Current Protection.

5. One no 33 KV switchboard consists of 2 nos. of Incomers and 1 no bus coupler along with 4
nos. of outgoing feeders single row type with breaking capacity of 25 kA, 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3
phase A.C supply in cubical pattern floor mounting type complete with air insulated bus bars
of suitable rating shall be supplied and installed at S/S-4 for Effluent Pumping Station.. The
degree of protection shall be IP5X.This board shall have the MFM with suitable
communication port for third party integration. Numerical Relays shall also be provided for
Earth Fault and Over Current Protection.

5.2.3 11/0.433 KV, TRANSFORMERS

The rating of transformer shall be decided by Contractor as per their own design. However,
minimum rating shall not be less than 1500kVA.

Existing 11 KV/0.433KV, ONAN Transformers for existing WWTPs at Phase I, II, III &IV needs
to be replaced including dismantling, storing, transportation to the DJB’s designated store.


Dismantle 4 sets of bus ducts used for existing 4 nos. of transformers and transported to DJB
designated store.

Scope of work:-

i) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V,TPN Aluminium conductor Bus
duct of adequate rating, nos., and length comprising with bends, flexible and steels for
support of bus duct .


i) Dismantle Existing 415 V Main LT Panel of Phase I

ii) Dismantle Existing 415 V Sub LT Panels of Phase I
iii) Dismantle Existing 415 V LT Panels for Phase II
iv) Dismantle Existing 415 V Main LT Panel common for Phase III & Phase IV
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 414
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

v) Dismantle Existing 415 V Sub LT Panels for Phase III

vi) Dismantle Existing 415 V Sub LT Panels for Phase IV.

All above LV Switchboards shall be transported at DJB’s designated store.

Scope of work:-

1. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V Power Control Center (PCC-1) Panel to
be housed in S/S-1. This will feed the power to Primary Treatment MCC-1A&B, Sludge
handling MCC-3 & miscellaneous loads.

2. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V LT Switch Board (MCC-5) to be used
for Gas Handling System. It will be housed in S/S-1.

3. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V LT Switch Board (PCC-2) at S/S-2 to
be used for Aeration system1.

4. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V Secondary Treatment Motor Control
Center MCC-2A to be housed in S/S-3.

5. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V Power Control Center (PCC-3) to be
housed in S/S-3 for Secondary Treatment MCC-2B &Tertiary Treatment MCC-4.

6. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V Power Control Center (PCC-4) to be
housed in S/S-4 for Effluent Transfer Pumps.


1. Dismantle all the starters mounted near the motors and transported to DJB designated store.

QTY: Approximately 140 nos.

Scope of work:-

1. Installation, Testing and commissioning of Local Push Button Stations mounted near to all
the proposed motors. The starters for all the motors shall be housed inside the MV/LV
switchboards installed at various locations.


1 Dismantle existing 415V APFC panels at substation Phase-I

2 Dismantle existing 415V APFC panels at substation Phase-II
3 Dismantle existing 415V APFC panels at substation Phase-III
4 Dismantle existing 415V APFC panels at substation Phase-IV

The dismantled APFC Panels shall be transported to and stored at DJB's designated store.

Scope of work:-

1. Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V APFC Panels as per the required
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 415
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

KVAR for the load proposed by bidder for common loads of Primary Treatment, & Sludge
Dewatering There will be two capacitor banks of equal rating each to be connected either side
of the bus coupler of the PCC-1.

2. Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V APFC Panel as per the required
KVAR for the load proposed by bidder for Gas Handling System. There will be two capacitor
banks of (equal rating) for MCC-5 each to be connected either side of the bus coupler of

3. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415V, APFC Panel as per the required KVAR
for the load proposed by bidder at PCC-2 feeding the power to Aeration Blowers. There will
be two capacitor banks of equal rating each to be connected either side of the bus coupler of
the PCC-2.

4. Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V APFC Panel as per the required
KVAR for aeration system as per the load proposed by bidder for Secondary Treatment
MCC-2A. There will be two capacitor banks for MCC-2A each to be connected either side of
the bus coupler of the MCC-2A.

5. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415 V APFC Panel as per the required KVAR
for the load proposed by bidder at PCC-3 feeding the power to MCC-2B& MCC-4. There will
be two capacitor banks of equal rating each to be connected either side of the bus coupler of
the PCC-3.

6. Supply, Installation, testing and commission of 415V, APFC Panel as per the required KVAR
for the load proposed by bidder at PCC-4 feeding the power to Effluent Transfer Pumps for
Ist. stage.. There will be two capacitor banks of equal rating each to be connected either side
of the bus coupler of the PCC-4.


All the existing motors have to be dismantled, transported and stored in DJB designated store.

Scope of Work

Electric motors to be used in the STP shall be of Eff3 class provided with Class F
Insulation with temperature rise limited to that of Class B insulation.


1. Dismantle existing Lighting Panels and lighting DBs at all existing Pump Houses and all other
Qty: Approximately 50 nos
2. Dismantle twin tube, industrial reflector type, lighting fixtures.
Qty: Approximately 250 nos.
3. Dismantle streetlight type lighting fixtures at Sewage Treatment Plants.
Qty: approximately 160 nos.
All the dismantled equipment shall be transported to and stored at DJB's designated store.
Scope of work:-

1. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of lighting Panels/DBs at the various

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 416
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

locations of sewage treatment plant. The Lighting Panel/ DBs shall have suitable nos. and
ratings of incoming and outgoing MCBs as per the required ratings.
2. Supply and installation & testing /commissioning of suitable type of LED lighting fixtures for
offices/all indoor illumination as per the required lux level calculations in line with
3. Supply, installation & testing /commissioning of LED light fixtures for Pump Houses as per
the required calculations in line with specifications.
4. Supply, installation & testing /commissioning of 90W/120W LED Street light fixtures for
road lighting as per the required calculations in line with specifications.
5. Supply, installation & testing /commissioning of Flood light fixtures with suitable
120W/160W LED light fixtures for area lighting as per the required calculations in line with

6. Supply, installation & testing /commissioning of High Mast Lighting system with suitable
LED light fixtures as per the required quantity and calculations in line with specifications
7. Supply, installation & testing /commissioning of 30W/60W, flameproof type well glass
lighting fixtures for hazardous area with LED lighting fixtures as per the required calculations
in line with specifications.
8. Supply, installation complete with foundation & testing /commissioning of solar
lighting fixtures with LED lamps for external/road lighting.
All the lighting works and fixtures shall be in line with the specifications.


Dismantle all the rusted, outdoor & Indoor cable trays at all the various units of the plant.

All the dismantled materials shall be transported to and stored at DJB's designated store.

Scope of work:-

Supply and installation of 600,450,300,150 Wide FRP cable trays shall be supplied as per the
requirements in line with the specifications. All the cables shall be dressed properly with nylon cord
to the satisfaction of Engineer- in-Charge.

5.2.11 LT CABLES

All the existing LT cables are in physically bad conditions and most of the cables are required to be
replaced and all the dismantled cables shall be recovered after excavation, wound on Bidder supplied
wooden drums, transported to and stored at DJB's designated store.

Scope of work:-

Supply, laying , testing and commission of LT Power and Control cables of 1100 V of adequate size
and length required for the proposed driven equipment, Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated,
armoured and also replacing some of the existing cables mentioned above by new cables according to
the bidder’s design in line with the specifications.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 417

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Dismantle all the existing 30V DC battery and battery charger located at various locations and shall be
transported to DJB designated store.

Scope of work:-

1. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 110 V DC Ni-Cad battery and Battery
charger at S/S-1 along with distribution board required to control of all 33kV and 415V circuit
breakers. This battery set is common for MRS, S/S-1. AH capacity of the battery shall be as per
the specifications.

2. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 110 V DC Ni-Cad battery and Battery
charger at S/S-2 along with distribution board required to control of all 33kV and 415 Vcircuit
breakers. AH capacity of the battery shall be as per the specifications

3. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 110 V DC Ni-Cad battery and Battery
charger at S/S-3 along with distribution board required to control of all 33kV and 415V circuit
breakers. AH capacity of the battery shall be as per the specifications.

4. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 110 V DC Ni-Cad battery and Battery
charger at S/S-4 along with distribution board required to control of all 33kV and 415 Vcircuit
breakers. AH capacity of the battery shall be as per the specifications


Dismantle all the old rusted earthing materials like GI Wires/GI Flats and pipe electrodes etc. and
transported to DJB designated store.

Scope of work:-

Earthing materials viz. earthing conductor’s earth pits etc. as required for newly supplied Switchgear,
motors and other electrical equipment shall be supplied by the Bidder. Guidelines for selection of
sizes are furnished in the specification.


Metric units of measurement (System International) shall be used in all Contract documentation.
Angular measurement shall be in degrees with 90 degrees comprising one right angle.


All equipment / systems supplied under this Contract shall conform to the latest editions of the
International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) Standards or equivalent Indian Standards or other
International Standards, provided they promise to confirm equal or superior performance. If standards
other than IEC are referred, then the Bidder shall enclose English Version of the standard with the bid.



The Bidder will follow the approved QA/QC Plan for the Inspection and Testing of Equipment at
Manufacturer’s Works and Dispatch.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 418
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Contractor has to make his own arrangements for construction power supply from NDPL authorities.
However, upon request of the Bidder, if DJB or their representative agrees to provide the construction
power supply then it is the responsibility of the Bidder to connect his equipment at the point of supply
and pay the requisite charges / fees to the DJB or their representative as per the prevalent rates of
All power and lighting circuits shall be constructed with due regard for personnel safety and shall
comply with recognized codes of practice and local regulations. All circuits shall be fitted with earth
leakage systems.


Transformers and its accessories shall comply with the following International Standards, including
those referred to therein.

IEC 60076, 60214, 60296 / IS 2026, IS 335 / BS 148, 171

The technical parameters of transformers shall be as below:

Description Unit Particulars

Quantity required As per requirement
Installation (Indoor / Outdoor) Indoor
Rated power
(*) Contractor shall submit their kVA *
design calculation for rating of
each equipment for DJB or their
representative for approval.
No load voltage Primary kV 33
Secondary kV 0.433
Number of phases 3
Rated frequency Hz 50
Impedance voltage % As per IEC/BIS
Vector group Dyn11
Winding material Electric Grade Copper
Type of cooling ONAN
System Voltage
Nominal system voltage Primary kV 33

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 419

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

Secondary kV 0.415
Highest system voltage - Primary kV 36
- Secondary kV 1.2
Transformer Secondary Neutral Effectively earthed
Insulation Withstand
Rated lightning impulse withstand kV (peak) 170
- Secondary kV (rms)
Temperature Rise
Reference design ambient C 50
Temperature rise over design
ambient temperature of 50 0C
- Average winding temperature C 55
rise (by resistance measurement)
- Top oil temperature rise (by C 50
Tap Changing Gear
Type of tap changer ON LOAD TAP CHANGER (OLTC)
Tapping range %  10%
Tapping steps % 1.25
Rated voltage – Primary kV 36
– Secondary kV 1.1
One minute power frequency kV (rms) 70
withstand voltage (dry and wet) –
- Secondary (Line and Neutral) kV (rms) 3.5
Rated lightning impulse withstand kV (peak) 170
Nominal creepage distance mm/kV 31
Terminal Connections
Primary line end Cable box
Secondary line end Cable box/Bus Duct
Secondary neutral end One bushing each inside and outside cable box
Type of wheels Plain – Bi-directional
Cable Sizes:-
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 420
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

Primary 36 kV (*) sq.mm. Aluminium, XLPE, armoured
Secondary 1.1 kV (*) 3.5 sq.mm Aluminium , XLPE, armoured
cables/ Bus Ducts.
Accessories OTI, WTI, MOG, Buchholz relay, Pressure relief
valve, conservator.

(*) Values to be ascertained by the Contractor after Submitting design calculations subject to
approval. Design Features

a) Transformers shall be suitable for indoor duty and shall be installed inside closed room. It shall be
rated for satisfactory operation at 500C design ambient temperature. Transformer shall be
designed for over- fluxing withstands capability of 110% continuous, 125% for at least 1 minute
and 140% for 5 seconds.

b) If the measured loss (load / no load or both) of the transformers is found to exceed the guaranteed
loss figure, (with due consideration for tolerance, if any, indicated in the bid), the contractor shall
be penalized on the basis of following for each kilowatt or part there of that exceeds the
guaranteed loss. The bidder shall propose very low loss transformer with high efficiency.

c) Penalty in Rupees Per Kilowatt of Excess no Load Loss:

= (T.E + A) (1 + r) n - 1


d) d) Penalty in Rupees Per Kilowatt of Excess Load Loss:

(T.E.LLF + A) (1 + r) n - 1
T - Number of hours for which transformer will be in service per year – 8400
E - Energy charge / kwh as per current power distribution agency tariff .
n - Life of the transformer to be taken as per CPHEEO manual.
A - Maximum demand charge / KW / Annum as per current power distribution
agency tariff.
r - Rate of interest – 10%.
LF - Load factor = Annual energy KW
Maximum demand in KW * 8760
LLF - Load loss factor = 0.2 LF + 0.8 LF 2

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 421

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

TF - Transformer Factor = (Maximum demand in KVA) 2

(Rated KVA of transformer) 2

e) The individual Transformer KVA rating shall be designed considering maximum

80% loading on the transformer at full load with a power factor of 0.8. Both the
transformers should be suitable for parallel operation.
f) Voltage regulation of Transformer should be ≤ 5% at starting of largest motor at 0.8

power factor . Accessories and Fittings

Each main power transformer shall have the following fittings and accessories including but not
limited to:
a) A conservator of sufficient volume with
i. oil level gauge with potential free contacts for initiating alarm for low oil level
ii. weather-proof dehydrating breathers for both compartments with activated alumina or
silica gel as the dehydrating breather
iii. Shut off valves
iv. Filling plug and drain valves
The conservator shall be designed to maintain an oil seal up to a temperature of 1000 C.

b) Gas and oil actuated Buchholz relay with

i. necessary shut off valves

ii. Test cock with pipe connections for sampling
iii. Potential free contacts for initiation of alarm in case of slow gas formation and trip in
case of fast oil and gas surges
c) Dial type thermometer with

i. maximum temperature indicator and its resetting device

ii. Potential free contacts for initiating alarm on high temperature and trip on very high
d) Winding temperature indicator with

i. necessary sensing, compensating and calibrating devices

ii. Potential free contacts for initiating alarm on high temperature and trip on very high
iii. WTI transmitter for remote indication on remote tap changing panel if required
f) Detachable type of radiators including but not limited to:

i. Shut-off valves and blanking plates on transformer tank at each point of connection of
inlet and outlet header
ii. Top and bottom shut-off valves and blanking plate on each radiator
iii. Lifting lugs
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 422
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

iv. Top oil filling plug, 19 mm size

v. Air release plug at top
vi. Oil drain plug at bottom, 19 mm size
vii. Earthing terminals
g) Pressure relief device for transformer tank

h) Weather - proof marshaling box mounted on transformer tank

i) Name plate, rating plate and Diagram plate

j) Valves and plugs as below:

i. Drain valve
ii. Filter valve
iii. Oil sampling valves at top and bottom
iv. Valves between radiators and tank (in case of detachable radiators)
v. Air release plug
vi. Twin outlets (with plug) for applying vacuum with attachments.
k) Earthing pads of copper or non-corrodible material for transformer tank (2 places) and
radiator banks

l) Inspection manholes as required

m) Lifting arrangement for

i. fully assembled transformer

ii. Core and coil
iii. Tank
n) Hauling eyes on each face of the transformer

o) Bi-directional flanged wheels

p) Anti-earthquake clamping devices

q) Jacking pads

Each auxiliary transformer shall have the following fittings and accessories including, but not limited

a) Conservator with oil level gauge

b) Dehydrating silica gel breather

c) Oil temperature indicator

d) Thermometer pocket

e) Explosion vent diaphragm / pressure relief valve

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 423

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

f) Sampling and drainage valves

g) A plug or blank flange at the top for connecting valve for filtration

h) Two earthing terminals

i) Rating plate (Name plate and diagram plate)

j) Lifting lugs

k) Removable plain rollers

l) Adequate number of air vents for relieving trapped air during oil filling and during

m) Accessories for clamping the wheel to the foundation channel in order to withstand
earthquake forces. Windings
The windings shall be of electrical grade copper.

Materials used in insulation and assembly shall be insoluble, non-catalytic and chemically inactive in
the hot transformer oil and shall not soften or otherwise be affected under operating conditions.
Windings and insulation shall be so arranged that free circulation of oil is possible between coils,
between windings, and between winding and core.

Leads from winding to the terminal board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury
from vibration. Guide tubes shall be used where practicable.

Windings shall be subjected to shrinking and seasoning processes so that no further shrinkage occurs
during service. Adjustable devices shall be provided to take up possible shrinkage in service. High
voltage end - windings shall be suitably braced to withstand short circuit stresses. Core
The magnetic circuit shall be constructed from high grade, cold rolled, non-ageing, grain oriented
silicon steel laminations. Each sheet shall have an insulating coating resistant to the action of hot oil.
Each lamination shall be coated with insulation which is unaffected by the temperature attained by the
transformer during service.

The insulation structure for the core to bolts and core to clamp plates shall be such as to withstand
appropriate dielectric test. All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly shot or
sand blasted after cutting, drilling and welding. Core laminations shall be annealed and burrs removed
after cutting. Cut edges shall be insulated. The framework and clamping arrangements of core and coil
shall be securely earthed inside the tank by a copper strap connected to the tank. The core clamping
structure shall be designed to minimize eddy current loss. The core shall be provided with lugs
suitable for lifting the complete core and coil assembly. The framework and clamping arrangements
shall be securely earthed.

The core and coil assembly shall be dried out and impregnated under vacuum.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 424
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Tank
The transformer tank shall be made from high-grade sheet steel, suitably reinforced by stiffeners made
of structural steel sections. All seams, flanges, lifting lugs, braces, and other parts attached to the tank
shall be welded. The interior of the tank shall be cleaned by shot blasting and painted with two coats
of heat resistant, oil insoluble paint. Adequately sized manholes shall be provided for ease of
inspection and maintenance. Steel bolts and nuts exposed to atmosphere, shall be galvanized.

Tank together with radiators, conservator, bushings and other fittings shall be designed to withstand
without permanent distortion the following conditions:

a) Full vacuum of 760 mm of Hg for filling with oil under vacuum

b) Internal gas pressure of 0.35 kg/cm² with oil at operating level

Tank shall be provided with a pressure release device, which shall operate at a pressure below the test
pressure for the tank and radiators. The device shall be provided with a device visible from ground to
indicate operation. An equalizer pipe connecting the pressure relief device to the conservator shall be
supplied. The device shall be provided with potential free contacts for alarm and tripping.
Alternatively, a separate pressure relay shall be provided for this purpose.

The tank cover shall be bolted type and not welded, sealed type. The tank cover shall be removable
and shall be suitably sloped so that it does not retain rainwater. Radiators
Radiators shall be designed to withstand the vacuum pressure conditions specified for the tank. They
shall be so designed as to completely drain oil into the soak pit and to prevent formation of gas
pockets when the tank is being filled.

Transformers of rating above 1500 kVA shall be equipped with detachable or separately mounted
radiator banks. Radiators for the main transformers shall be with bolted and gasket flange
connections. Transformers of rating 1500 kVA and below shall be provided with fixed type radiators.
Fins of the radiators shall not have sharp edges and shall be rounded in shape.

When transformers are provided with separately mounted radiators, flexible joints shall be provided
on the main oil pipes connecting the transformer tank to the radiator banks, to reduce vibration and
facilitate erection and dismantling. The interconnecting pipes shall be provided with drain plug and air
release vents. Off-circuit tap changer for Auxiliary Transformer-- if applicable

Off circuit tap changer shall be provided for auxiliary transformers. It shall comprise

a) Operating handle or wheel accessible from ground level

b) Tap position indicator

c) Padlocking arrangement with padlock.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 425

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Marshalling Box

The marshalling box shall be tank mounted, weather proof, vermin proof, dust proof, sheet steel (2
mm thick), enclosed and with hinged door having padlock. Door and gland plate shall be fitted with
neoprene gaskets. Bottom shall be at least 600 mm from grade level. Top surface shall be sloped. The
degree of protection shall be IP65.

Contacts / terminals of electrical devices / relays, etc. mounted on the transformer shall be wired to
the marshalling box. Interconnecting wires between the marshalling box and the accessories / devices
shall be either PVC insulated wires in GI conduits or PVC insulated, armoured cables together with
provision of double compression type, brass cable glands at the marshalling box. The above
mentioned cables as well as terminating the cables shall be the Contractor's responsibility.

All contacts for alarm, trip and indication circuits shall each be electrically free, designed for the
auxiliary DC supply of 110 V and brought out to separate terminals in the marshalling box. Terminals
shall be rated for 10 A. Disconnecting / shorting type terminal block shall be used for CT circuits.

In case of main transformers, provision for remote annunciation shall be provided with two
changeover contacts for alarm condition and two changeover contacts for trip condition for each of
the following conditions including but not limited to:

a) Buchholz alarm

b) Buchholz Trip

c) Oil Temperature high

d) Oil Temperature very high

e) Oil level low

f) Pressure relief device operated

g) Winding temperature high

h) Winding temperature very high

i) Conservator oil level low Cable Terminations

Cable boxes shall have sufficient space for segregating the cable cores and for adequate clearance in
air between bare conductors at the terminals. Cable boxes shall be complete with necessary glands,
lugs and armour grips.

Air filled cable boxes shall be of adequate dimensions and designed in such a manner that they can be
opened for inspection without disturbing the gland plate or incoming cable. Disconnecting chamber
shall be provided for disconnecting and moving away the main transformer, without removing the
cables or the cable box. Provision shall be made for earthing the body of each cable box.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 426

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Tests
All tests required by the specification including repeated tests and inspection that may be necessary
owing to the failure to meet any tests specified, shall be carried out at the Contractor's expense.

The following tests shall be carried out on the assembled transformer during inspection at the
manufacturer’s works.

a) Temperature rise test on one transformer

b) Measurement of resistance of windings at principal and extreme taps

c) Ratio at each tap, polarity and phase relationships

d) Measurement of impedance voltage at principal and extreme taps

e) Measurement of no load current and no load losses at rated frequency and at both the rated
voltage and 110 % rated voltage

f) Measurement of efficiency and regulation at ½, ¾ and full load

g) Measurement of insulation resistance

h) Induced over voltage withstand test

i) Separate source voltage withstand test

j) Magnetic balance test

k) Test on OLTC

Type test certificates shall be provided for verification. Whenever two nos. or more identical
transformers are being offered, type tests on one of them shall be carried out, including heat run test.

All auxiliaries and accessories such as temperature indicators, Buchholz and pressure relays shall be
tested as per the applicable standards and test certificates shall be furnished to the Employer’s
Representative for approval. Rejection
The Employer may reject the transformer if anyone of the following conditions arises during testing:

a) Any of the quantities / parameters of transformers subject to tolerances are outside the
tolerances given in the applicable standards or such tolerance as guaranteed in the
Contractor's bid.

b) Voltage ratio at no load not within the limits of tolerance over the guaranteed value.

c) No Load and Load losses exceeding the guaranteed loss value by more than 15%

d) Impedance voltage at principal tapping not within the limits of tolerance over the guaranteed
e) Winding and / or top oil temperature rise exceeds the specified / guaranteed value; and
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 427
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

f) Transformer fails to withstand any of the dielectric tests.

Additional tests shall be conducted to locate the failure and after rectification, all tests shall be
repeated to prove that the rebuilt transformer meets the specification in all respects, all at the
Contractor’s expense.

DJB reserves the right to have the transformer replaced or repaired by the Contractor within
reasonable period to Employer's satisfaction at no extra cost to the Employer. The Contractor shall
also bear the costs, including but not limited to, incurred by the Employer in re-inspection / re-testing
such as travel and incidental expense, etc. The Contractor shall note that any delay in completion time
due to such repair / replacement shall be subject to liquidated damages as specified in the Conditions
of Contract.


MV indoor VCB switchboard shall comply with the following Standards, including those referred to

IEC 60044, 60186, 60255, 60265, 60282, 60298, 60466, 60529, 60694, 60787, 62271 IEC/TR2 61211
and IS 9046, 9920, 9921, 13118, 3427, 4237, 2156, 2705, 3156, 10118, 722, 13118.

The technical parameters of HV switchboards shall be as below:

HV/MV Switchboard

Description Unit Particulars

Type Metal enclosed, compartmentalized, draw-
out type
Rated voltage, no. of phases and rated kV / - / Hz 36kVkV 3 Phase, 50Hz
System neutral earthing Effectively Earthed
Rated Insulation Levels
- Rated short duration power frequency kV (rms) 70
withstand voltage
- Rated lightning impulse withstand kV (peak) 170
Rated normal current of bus bars under A/- (*),Aluminium - suitable for 100% load
design ambient temperature of 500C and including future loads
material of busbar
Rated short-time withstand current and kA (rms) / 25 kA for 1 sec
time sec
Dynamic rating kA (peak) 40/65
Constructional Requirements
Minimum thickness of sheet steel in mm Frame – 2.0
mm Cold rolled Doors/Covers – 2.0
Degree of protection of enclosure IP-4X
Color finish shade
- Interior Glossy White

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 428

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

- Exterior Light Grey Semi Glossy
Cable connection Bottom entry and exit

Circuit Breakers
Type Vacuum
Rated current inside the cubicle under A (*) – (Breakers shall be rated for final
design ambient temperature at 50C ratings of motors in STP)
Rated operating sequence O–3 Min–CO-3 Min-CO
Rated short time breaking current kA (rms) 25
Rated short time making current kA (peak) 40/65
Rated short-time withstand current and kA (rms) / 25 kA for 1 sec
time sec
Rated peak withstand current kA (peak) 40/65
Min. no. of auxiliary contacts 6 NO + 6 NC after internal use by
Type of operating mechanism
- Normal Spring charging for closing and tripping
- Emergency Manual and Spring charged for closing and
Auxiliary control voltage
- Closing coil / Tripping coil V 110V DC
- Spring charging motor V 110V DC
- Space heater and lighting V 230V AC
Earthing switch Required

Current and Voltage Transformers

Details of ratio, taps, burden, accuracy As per Single Line Diagram (*)
Protective Relays
Type Numerical (Microprocessor based)
Auxiliary supply V 110V DC
Details of protective relays As per Single Line Diagram
Rated current under design ambient A (*)
temperature of 50C
Rated making current kA (peak) 40/65
Rated peak withstand capacity kA (peak) 40/65
Rated short-time withstand current and kA (rms) / 25 kA for 1 sec
time sec
Insulation levels
Rated lightning impulse withstand
- Across the isolating distance kV (peak) 70
- Phase to phase, between phases and kV (peak) 60
across open switching devices
Rated short duration power frequency
withstand voltage
- Across the isolating distance kV(rms) 23
- Phase to phase, between phases and kV(rms) 20
across open switching devices
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 429
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

Operating mechanism
- Closing and opening Spring charged
- Control voltage V 110V DC
Earthing switch Required
HV Fuses
Application Indoor
Type HRC
Rated current A (*)
Rated voltage kV 36
Rated breaking capacity kA (rms) 25

(*) Value to be ascertained by the Bidder after submitting design calculations subject to approval. Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers shall vacuum type. Circuit breaker along with its operating mechanism shall be
mounted on a wheeled carriage moving on guides, designed to align correctly and allow easy
movement. Plugs and sockets for power circuits shall be silver faced and shall be insulated with
suitable insulating material shrouds. All corresponding components of circuit breaker cubicles of
same rating shall be interchangeable with one another.

There shall be ‘Service’, ‘Test’ ‘Fully withdrawn’ positions for the breakers. In the ‘Test’ position the
circuit breaker shall be capable of being tested for operation without energizing the power circuits, i.e.
the control circuits shall remain undisturbed while the power contacts shall remain disconnected.
Separate limit switches, each having a minimum of 2 ‘NO’ + 2 ‘NC’ contacts, shall be provided for
both ‘Service’ and ‘Test’ positions of the circuit breakers for future SCADA.
Electrical tripping shall be performed by shunt trip coils. “Local / Remote” selector switch lockable in
“Local” position shall be provided on the cubicle door. `Red’ and `Green’ indicating lamps shall be
provided on cubicle door to indicate breaker close and open positions. Breaker “Service” and “Test”
positions shall be indicated by separate indicating lamps on the cubicle door, in case mechanical
indication of “Service” and “Test” positions are not available on the cubicle door.

Connection of the control / interlocking circuits between the fixed portion of the cubicle and the
breaker carriage shall be preferably by means of plug socket arrangement. Operating Mechanism Control

a) Circuit breakers shall be operated by a motor spring charging type of mechanism. The
mechanism shall be complete with motor, opening spring, closing spring and all accessories
to make the mechanism a complete operating unit
b) Operating mechanism shall normally be operated from the breaker cubicle itself.
c) The tripping spring shall be charged by the closing action, to enable quick tripping. Closing of
the circuit breaker shall automatically initiate recharging of the springs to enable the
mechanism to be ready for the next closing stroke. Charging time for the springs shall not
exceed 30 seconds. It shall be possible to manually charge the springs in an emergency.
Transfer from motor to manual charging shall automatically disconnect the charging motor.
All operating mechanisms shall be provided with "ON" - "OFF" mechanical indication. The

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 430

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

charging mechanism shall be provided with mechanical indicators to show "charged" and
"discharged" conditions of the spring. Failure of any spring, vibration or mechanical shock
shall not cause tripping or closing of the circuit breaker.
d) Only one closing operation of the circuit breaker shall result from each closing impulse
(manual or electrical), even if the breaker trips while the control device (manual or electrical)
is being held in the "close" position.
e) The circuit breaker mechanism shall make one complete closing operation, once the push
button (PB) or control switch has been operated and the first device in the control scheme has
responded, even though the PB or control switch is released before the closing operation is
complete, subject to the condition that there is no counter- impulse for tripping.
f) Means shall be provided to manually open and close the breakers slowly, when the operating
power is not available, for maintenance and adjustments. A local manual trip device shall also
be provided on the operating mechanism.
g) Circuit breaker control shall be on 110 V DC. Closing coils and other auxiliary devices shall
operate satisfactorily at all voltages between 85-110 % of the control voltage. Trip coils shall
operate satisfactorily between 70 -110 % the rated control voltage.
h) Provision for remote control shall be provided . Safety Interlocks and Features

a) Withdrawal or engagement of a circuit breaker / switch disconnector shall not be possible
unless it is in the open position.
b) Operation of a circuit breaker / switch disconnector shall not be possible unless it is in service
position, withdrawn to test position or fully drawn out. It shall not be possible to close the
circuit breaker electrically in the service position, without completing the auxiliary circuit
between the fixed and moving portions.
c) Circuit breaker / switch disconnector cubicles shall be provided with safety shutters operated
automatically by the movement of the circuit breaker / switch disconnector carriage to cover
the stationary isolated contacts when the breaker / switch disconnector is withdrawn.
Padlocking facilities shall be provided for locking the shutters positively in the closed
position. It shall, however, be possible to open the shutters intentionally against spring
pressure for testing purposes.
d) The circuit breaker / switch disconnector carriage shall be earthed before the circuit breaker /
switch disconnector reaches the test position from fully withdrawn position. In case of
breakers / switch disconnector with automatic disconnecting type of auxiliary disconnects, the
carriage shall be earthed before the auxiliary disconnects are made and the carriage earthing
shall break only after the auxiliary disconnects break.
e) Caution nameplate, “Caution Live Terminals” shall be provided at all points where the
terminals are likely to remain live and isolation is possible only at remote end, i.e. incomer to
the switchboard. Suitable interlock shall be wired for the purpose. Current and Voltage Transformers

CTs and VTs shall have polarity marks indelibly marked on each transformer and at the associated
terminal block. Facility shall be provided for short-circuiting and earthing the CT secondary at the
terminal blocks.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 431

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

CT shall be able to withstand the thermal and mechanical stresses resulting from the maximum short
circuit current. Core laminations shall be of high grade silicon steel.
VTs shall be of the single phase type and mounted on a draw out trolley. VTs shall be protected on
their primary and secondary sides by current limiting fuses with interrupting ratings corresponding to
breaker rating. It shall be possible to replace the secondary fuses safely when the switchboard is
energized. Alternatively, MCB having auxiliary contact shall be provided. Primary side fuses shall be
replaceable only in the de-energized position.

Secondary winding of voltage transformer (VT) shall be rated for a three phase line to line voltage of
110 V.
Identification labels giving type, ratio, output and serial numbers shall be provided for CTs and VTs. Relays
Protection relays shall be Numerical (microprocessor based) type. Relays shall have interfacing
facilities to communicate data to SCADA system.

All relays shall be enclosed in rectangular shaped, dustproof cases and shall be suitable for flush

All relays shall be accessible from the front for setting and resetting. Access to setting devices shall be
possible only after the front covers of the relays are removed.
All protective relays shall be of the draw-out type and shall be provided with operation indicators
visible from the front. Over Current / Earth Fault Protection

a) This relay shall be of the multi-characteristics type which has a flexible mode selection facility so
that it is possible to select one mode for the over current elements and another for the earth fault
b) Phase current range shall cover at least 50-300% of ‘In’ in steps of not more than 10% while the
earth current range shall cover at least 5-100% of ‘In’ in steps of not more than 5%.

c) The time setting range of the definite time mode shall not be less than 5 seconds in steps of 0.1
second each.

d) The time multiplier setting for the inverse time-current characteristic modes shall have a range not
less than 0.05- 1.6 in steps of 0.05.

e) Over current and earth fault relays shall have separate timers and operation indicators.

f) The high set element shall have a range of 2 - 15 times the nominal current in steps of ‘In’ and
shall be of low transient overreach, with a tripping time of less than 25 ms and possible to be
selected on "blocked" position. Reset time shall be not more than 50 ms for both elements.

g) The relays that are installed on the transformer neutral side shall be of single phase version, but
they shall have the same characteristics as the phase side relays.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 432

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Restricted Earth Fault Protection

a) The restricted earth fault relay shall be operated from a completely separate core of line and
neutral current transformers. The dedicated CTs shall be of class PS and have the same
magnetization characteristics with a knee ‘emf’ value higher than the highest possible setting of
the relay. Intermediate CTs for ratio correction are not acceptable. CT sizing shall be matched
with the requirements of the relay.

b) For this protection, 1-phase high impedance relay shall be provided and all the aspects regarding
stability of the protection, dimensioning of current transformer, considering the peak short circuit
current, etc. and all the auxiliary equipment such as non-linear VDR resistor for voltage limiting,
filter for harmonics and DC component suppression and variable shunt resistor for sensitivity
adjustment, if required, shall be provided. The total fault clearing time shall not exceed 20 m sec.
at 3 x In.

c) The stability of this protection against out-zone faults shall be confirmed. A calculation to show
the proper selection of the relay up to the maximum short circuit of the switchboard shall be
submitted. Under Voltage Relays

a) Suitable voltage operated relays for sensing loss of voltage shall be provided. The relay shall have
a drop off to pick up ratio of the order 90%. The relays shall be fast operating type and shall be
fitted with operation indication. The indication shall come on drop off or loss of voltage.

b) Additional potential free contacts for all the relay outputs i.e. trip as well as alarm signals shall be
provided for connection to future SCADA. Motor Protection Relay
a) It shall be designed to protect the motor against thermal overload, locked rotor, over current and
earth fault protection, under voltage, over voltage, phase reversal and negative sequence.

b) Thermal setting range shall cover at least 50% to 200% of ‘In’ in steps of not more than 5 % of

c) Phase current range shall cover at least 5-200% of ‘In’ in steps of not more than 1% while the
earth current range shall cover at least 1-100% of ‘In’ in steps of not more than 5%. Auxiliary Relays and Timers
a) Following auxiliary relays shall be provided on each breaker cubicle:

i. Trip circuit supervision relay

ii. Anti- pumping relay

b) Hand reset type lockout (tripping) relays and timers shall be provided as required in addition to
the protection relays given in the single line diagram.

c) Auxiliary relays and timers shall be rated to operate satisfactorily between 70 % and 110 % of the
rated voltage.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 433

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

d) Voltage operated relays with sufficient contacts to initiate tripping, alarm, annunciation for
various trip functions like Buchholz relay operation. Each relay shall have four (4) pairs of self-
reset contacts except for Buchholz and "PRD" trip which shall have hand-reset contact. The relays
shall have hand-reset operation indicators.

e) Voltage operated relays with sufficient contacts to initiate alarm and data logging for various
alarm functions for transformers, etc. shall be provided. Each relay shall have four (4) normally
open self-reset contacts. The auxiliary relay for Buchholz alarm shall be slugged to have delay on
drop off at 100 ms. The relays shall have hand reset operation indicator. Switch Disconnectors and Fuses
Switch disconnectors when switched, shall be of the load break, fault make, grouping operated type.
For use on 3-phase systems, the switches shall be of the triple pole type with a link for neutral

Switch disconnectors shall be of the heavy duty, quick make and quick break type. It shall be
electrically and manually operated. Their contacts shall be silver plated, and contact springs shall be
of stainless steel. Their handles shall have provision for locking in both fully open and fully closed
positions. Mechanical ‘ON-OFF’ indication shall be provided.

For combination units of switch disconnector and fuses, the following interlocks shall be

a) The fuses should not be accessible unless the switch disconnector is in fully open condition.

b) It should not be possible to close the switch disconnector when the fuse cover is open, but an
authorized person may override the interlock and operate the switch disconnector. After such
an operation, the cover shall be prevented from closing if the switch disconnector is left in the
"ON" position.

All fuses shall be of the HRC cartridge type in accordance with IEC 60269 mounted on plug-in type
of fuse bases. Fuses shall be provided with visible indicators to show that they have operated. Current
vs. time characteristics of all types of fuses shall be furnished to the DJB or their representative.

Fuses and links functionally associated with the same circuit shall be mounted side by side.
An adequate number of spare fuse cartridges of each rating shall be supplied and fitted in clips inside
the panel. Constructional Features of Switchboard

Switchboard design shall comprise metal enclosed, fully compartmental and draw out execution
having separate sections for each circuit. Compartments with doors for access to operating mechanism
shall be so arranged as not to expose high Voltage circuits. Switchboard cubicle shall be provided
with hinged door on the front with facility for locking door handle.

Switchboard shall be dust and vermin-proof and shall have a degree of protection of enclosure of IP

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 434

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All removable covers shall be gasketed all around with neoprene or superior gaskets.

Instruments, relays and control devices shall be flush-mounted on hinged door of the metering
compartment located in the front portion of cubicle. The metering compartment shall be properly
shielded to prevent mal-operation of electronic equipment such as numerical / static relays due to
electro-magnetic fields. Separate signal earth shall be provided for such devices, if necessary.

Each switchboard cubicle shall be fitted with a label on the front and rear of the cubicle. Each
switchboard shall also be fitted with label indicating the switchboard designation, rating and duty.
Each relay, instrument, switch, fuse and other devices shall be provided with separate label.

Sheet steel used for fabrication of switchboards, control cabinets, marshalling boxes, etc shall be cold

All panels, cabinets, kiosks and boards shall comprise rigid welded structural frames made of
structural steel sections or of pressed and formed cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2
mm. The frames shall be enclosed by sheet steel of at least 2 mm thickness. Stiffeners shall be
provided wherever necessary.

All doors, removable covers, gland plates, etc. shall be of at least 2 mm thickness and shall be
gasketed all-round the perimeter.

All doors shall be supported by strong hinges of the disappearing or internal type and braced in such a
manner as to ensure freedom from sagging, bending and general distortion of panel or hinged parts.

All floor mounted panels / boards shall be provided with a channel base frame.

It shall be possible to extend the switchboard on both sides.

The fully draw-out modules shall have all the circuit components mounted on withdrawable type steel
chassis. All power and control connections shall be of the draw out type. It shall be possible to
withdraw the chassis mounted circuit components without disconnecting any connections. All draw-
out contacts shall be of silver plated copper.

In case of circuit breaker compartments, suitable barriers shall be provided between breaker and all
control, protective and indication circuit equipment including instrument transformers such that no
live parts are accessible. External cable connections shall be through separate cable compartments for
power and control cables.

One metal sheet shall be provided between two adjacent vertical sections running to the full height of
the switchboard except for the horizontal busbar compartment. However, each shipping section shall
have metal sheets at both ends.

After isolation of the power and control connections of a circuit, it shall be possible to carry out
maintenance in a compartment safely, with the bus bars and adjacent circuits alive.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 435

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Earthing
A copper earthing bus shall be provided and extended throughout the length of the switchboard. It
shall be bolted to the framework of each unit and brazed to each breaker earthing contact bar. It shall
be located at the bottom of the board.
The earth bus shall have sufficient cross section to carry the momentary short circuit and short time
fault current for at least 1 second or higher as specified, without exceeding maximum allowable
temperature rise. The earth bus shall be properly supported to withstand stresses induced by the
momentary short circuit current.

Suitable clamp type terminals at each end of the earth bus shall be provided to suit the size of the
earthing conductors.

Bolted joints, slices, tap, etc. to the earth bus shall be made with at least two bolts.

Positive earthing of circuit breaker frame shall be maintained when it is in the connected position and
in all other positions whilst the auxiliary circuits are not totally disconnected.

Hinged doors shall be earthed through flexible earthing braid of adequate cross section.

All non-current carrying metal work of the switchboard shall be effectively bonded to the earth bus.

Positive connection of the frames of all the equipment mounted in the switchboard to the earth busbar
shall be maintained through insulated conductors of size equal to the earth busbar or the load current
carrying conductor, whichever is smaller.

All instrument and relay cases shall be connected to earth busbar by means of 1100V grade, green
colored, PVC insulated, stranded, tinned copper, 2.5 sq. mm conductor looped through each of the
earth terminals. Circuit / Busbar Earthing Facility
It shall be possible to connect each circuit or set of 3 phase bus bars of the switchboard to earth
through earthing switches.

Earthing switches / earthing devices shall be mechanically interlocked with the associated breakers /
switch disconnector to prevent accidental earthing of live circuit or bus bars.

In case the earthing facility comprises earthing trucks to be inserted in place of circuit breakers,
separate earthing trucks shall be supplied for each type / size of breaker.

The earthing facilities proposed to be provided by the Bidder shall be clearly detailed in the Bid and
shall be subject to DJB or their representative’s approval.

Auxiliary contacts (min. 2 NO + 2 NC) shall be provided on each earth switch / earthing device and
shall be wired to the terminal block for interlocking purpose.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 436

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Annunciators
Annunciators shall be of facia type with translucent plastic window for each alarm point. Annunciator
facia plates shall be engraved in block lettering with respective alarm inscriptions. The inscriptions
shall be clearly readable and visible when the respective facia light is lighted.

Each annunciation window shall be provided with two lamps to provide redundancy against lamp
failure. Lamps shall be replaceable from the front. Lamps shall be of clustered LED type.
All facia annunciator points shall be suitable to accept external contacts of either ‘NO’ or ‘NC’ self or
hand reset type for initiating the annunciation sequence. Annunciators shall be suitable for accepting
fleeting faults of duration as less as 15 millisecond.

For static annunciator schemes, special precaution shall be taken by the Bidder to ensure that spurious
alarm conditions do not appear due to influence of external magnetic fields on the annunciator wiring
and switching disturbances from the neighboring circuits within the panels / desks.

A “Lamp Test” push button shall be provided for each individual panel’s group of annunciators to
limit the sudden drain on the battery.

Provision of testing facilities for flasher and audible alarm circuits of annunciators is desirable. The
Bidder shall give the details of the offered scheme.

Annunciators shall have following features:

a) Suitable for annunciating subsequent faults immediately after the sound cancel of the previous

b) During lamp test, if a fault occurs, the corresponding lamp circuit shall be automatically
disconnected from the “lamp test” circuit and shall start flashing.

c) Designed to prevent mal-operation of the scheme or sequence when the push buttons are pressed
incorrectly or in the wrong order.

d) "Alarm Supply Failure” Alarm scheme similar to the normal annunciation sequence, but shall
operate on a different DC supply or on AC auxiliary supply. Instruments
All electrical instruments and meters shall comply with IEC 60051, 61010 and IS 722, 1248.

All indicating and recording instruments shall be flush mounted in dust proof cases complying with
IEC 60068 and dimensions to IEC 61554. All digital instruments shall have interface facilities to
communicate data to SCADA system. Indicating Instruments

a) Electrical indicating instruments shall be 96 or 110 mm square with 2400 scale. Taut band type of
instruments is preferred. Taut band moving coil instruments for use on AC systems shall
incorporate built-in transducers.

b) Instrument dials shall be white with black numbers and lettering. A red line shall be drawn on
each scale to represent rated conditions.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 437
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

c) Normal maximum meter reading shall be of the order of 60 % normal full scale deflection.
Ammeters for motor feeders shall have suppressed scale to show current from full load up to six
times the full load current.

d) Instruments shall have accuracy class of 1.0 or better. The design of the scales shall be such that it
can read to a resolution corresponding to 50% of the accuracy class index.

e) Ammeters and current coils of Watt meters and Voltmeters shall continuously withstand 120% of
rated current and 10 times the rated current for 0.5 sec., without loss of accuracy. Voltmeters and
potential coils of Watt meters and Varmeters shall withstand 120% of rated voltage continuously
and twice the rated voltage for 0.5 sec. without loss of accuracy.

f) Alternatively, instruments can be electronic / digital type with LCD display. These instruments
should have high performance ratio and can be equipped with digital output (for alarms) or with
interfacing facilities for communication and remote reading of parameters. Metering instruments
a) Watt-hour meters shall be of the induction type and shall be provided with reverse running stops.

b) Watt-hour and Varhour meters shall be of the three phase two element type of accuracy class 1.0,
suitable for measurement of unbalanced loads in three phase three wire circuits.

c) Watt-hour and Varhour meters shall be suitable for operation from the secondary of CTs and VTs.
They shall be provided with a separate 3 phase 4 wire type test blocks for the testing of the
meters without disturbing the CT and VT secondary connections.

d) Meters shall have digital or cyclometer type of registers. They shall read kWh, kVARh or MWh,
MVARh as the case may be without the use of additional multiplying factors. Multiplying factors
if unavoidable shall be multiples of 10 (ten). Number of digits provided shall be adequate to cover
at least 1000 hrs. of operation.

e) Alternatively, instruments can be electronic / digital type with LCD display. These instruments
should have high performance ratio and can be equipped with digital output (for alarms) or with
interfacing facilities for communication and remote reading of parameters. Control and Selector Switches
Control and instrument switches shall be rotary type, provided with escutcheon plates clearly marked
to show operating position and suitable for semi-flush mounting with only the switch front plate and
operating handle projecting out. The connections shall be from the back. The contact assembly at the
back of the switch shall be enclosed in dust tight removable covers.

The control switches shall be 3 position, spring return to neutral type. They shall be provided with
contacts to close in ‘normal after close’ and ‘normal after trip’ position. Each switch shall have
external red and green indicating lamps, (except when discrepancy type switches are called for). In
addition, a semaphore indicator shall be provided for earthing switch.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 438

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Contacts of the switches shall be spring assisted and contact faces shall be of silver / silver alloy.
Springs shall not be used as current carrying parts. Contact rating and configurations of the switches
shall be adequate for the functions desired.

Instrument selector switches shall be of the maintained (stay-put) type. Ammeter selector switches
shall have make-before-break type contacts so as to prevent open circuiting of CT secondary when
changing the position of the switch.

Lockable type switches, which can be locked in a particular position, shall be provided, if required.
Emergency stop buttons, if any, shall incorporate ‘stay-put’ features with independent reset facilities. Indicating Lamps / Pilot Lights

Indicating lamp shall be of the double contact, bayonet cap type rated for operation at either 230 V
AC or at the specified DC system voltage as applicable. Lamps shall be provided with translucent
lamp covers.

Clustered LED type lamps shall be provided Lenses shall be glass or plastic in standard colors, red,
green, blue, white and amber, in accordance with IEC 60073.

Bulbs and lenses shall be interchangeable and easily replaceable from the front of the panel. Tools, if
any, which are required for replacing the bulbs and lenses, shall also be included in the scope of

Miniature pilot lamps may be provided with plastic marking plate contained inside square (or
rectangular) front lens to provide indication of legend or symbols engraved on the marking plate.

The basis of colors shall be as follows:

Red : Flow of energy.

Green : No flow of energy.
White : Supervision of power available, relay coil healthy, etc.
Amber : Disagreement with original condition, ‘abnormal’ condition or
‘sequence–on’ condition. Push Buttons

Push buttons shall be of momentary contact type with rear terminal connections. The color of the push
button actuator shall be red for ‘OPEN / STOP’ and green for ‘CLOSE / START’ and for other
applications shall be as per specified requirements. The push button knob shall be suitably shrouded
to prevent inadvertent operation. The push buttons shall be provided with integral inscription plates
engraved with their designation.

All push buttons shall have independent, potential free, 2NO + 2NC contacts. The contact faces shall
be of silver / silver alloy. The contacts shall be rated 10A and capable of breaking inductive load of
1A at 110V DC and 5A at 110V AC.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 439

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Space Heaters

Adequately rated anti-condensation space heaters shall be provided for each switchboard / cubicle.
Space heater shall be of the industrial strip continuous duty type, rated for operation on a 230 V, 1
phase, 50 Hz, AC system.

Space heater shall be provided with a single pole MCB with overload and short circuit release, a
neutral link and a thermostat to cut off the heaters at 350 C. Cubicle Lighting / Receptacle

Each cubicle shall be provided with interior lighting by means of 18 W fluorescent tube lighting
fixture. An MCB shall be provided for the lighting circuit. The lighting fixture shall be suitable for
operation from a 230 V, 1 ph, 50 Hz, AC supply.

A 230 V, 1 phase, AC receptacle (socket) plug point shall be provided in the interior of each panel
with an MCB. Power and Control Cable Terminations

Terminals for power connections shall be complete with adequate phase segregating insulating
barriers, shrouds and suitable crimping type of lugs for terminating the cables.

Double compression type glands with armour and bonding clamps for the termination of all solid
dielectric multicore cables shall be provided. They shall be designed to secure the armour wires to
provide electrical continuity between the armour and the threaded fixing component of the gland and
to provide watertight seals between the cable outer sheath and gland and between the inner sheath and
threaded fixing component. The gland shall preferably project above the gland plate to avoid entry of

Earthing connectors between cable armour and earth shall be routed outside the cable gland in an
approved manner. Gland insulation shall be capable of withstanding test for appropriate higM Voltage
for one minute.

Cable terminations for HV / MV cables shall be heat / cold shrinkable type. Adequately sized shrouds/
bolts shall be provided at connections to completely cover the terminations.

Where core-balance type current transformers are provided on the feeder cables for earth fault
protection, glands for cables shall be insulated from earth in an approved manner. Wiring for Control and Protective Circuits

All low voltage wiring for control, protection and indication circuits shall be carried out with 1100 V
grade, PVC insulated cable with stranded, tinned copper conductor of minimum 1.5 sq. mm size. The
size of conductor for CT circuits shall be minimum 2.5 sq. mm.

All wiring shall be run on the sides of panels and shall be neatly bunched and cleated without
affecting access to equipment mounted in the panel.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 440

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The wiring shall be bound and supported by clamping, roughing or lacing. Spiral wrapping will not be
accepted. Wire ways shall not be more than 50% full. Adequate slack wire shall be provided to allow
for one re stripping and reconnection at the end of each wire. When screened cables or wires are
necessary, an insulating sheath shall be included.

Wiring and supports shall be of fire resistant material.

Wiring shall only be jointed or teed at terminals. Terminals of the clamp type shall not have more than
two wires connected. Terminations and Ferrules

Engraved core identification ferrules, marked to correspond with the wiring diagram, shall be fitted to
each wire and each core of multicore cables terminated on the panels.

Moisture and oil resisting insulating material shall be used. The ferrules shall be of the interlocking
type and shall grip the insulation firmly without falling off when the wire is removed.

All wires forming part of a tripping circuit shall be distinctively marked.

Spare auxiliary contacts of electrical equipment shall be wired to terminal blocks. Control Wiring Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be of 1000 V grade and stud type. Brass stud of at least 6 mm dia. with fine
threads shall be used and securely locked within the mounting base to prevent turning. Each terminal
shall comprise two threaded studs, with a link between them, washers, and matching nuts and
locknuts for each stud. Connections to the terminals shall be at the front.

Terminals shall be numbered for identification, grouped according to function. Engraved ‘black on-
white’ labels shall be provided on the terminal blocks describing the function of the circuit.

Terminals for circuits with Voltage exceeding 110 V shall be shrouded. Terminal blocks at different
voltages shall be segregated into groups and distinctively labeled.

Terminals used for connecting current transformer secondary leads shall be ‘disconnecting and
shorting’ type with a facility for earthing the secondary.

Terminal blocks shall be arranged with 100 mm clearance, between any two sets.
Separate terminal stems shall be provided for internal and external wiring respectively.
All wiring shall be terminated on terminal blocks, using crimping type lugs or claw type of
terminations. Electronic Equipment

Electronic equipment shall be capable of withstanding randomly phased transient over voltages of
either polarity on the power supply or interruptions of the power supply without damage or
impairment to the equipment's subsequent performance. In the case of controls, no mal-operation shall

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 441

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Where manufacturers require that electronic equipment supplied under this Contract should not be
subjected to insulation resistance tests ('Meggering'), suitable warning notices shall be provided and
installed in appropriate locations. When specified by manufacturers, separate shield / signal earthing
shall be provided.

It shall be possible to remove / replace cards from / to electronic equipment without damage and
without interfering with the operation of the rest of the equipment or system. If necessary,
consideration should be given to switching off the supplies locally to a card to prevent inadvertent
interference to the equipment or system during removing / replacing a card.
Electronic equipment shall not use local internal batteries unless the approval of the DJB or their
representative’s Representative has been obtained. Where approval is given, batteries used inside
equipment shall be of the totally sealed, leak proof type. Interference
a) Self-Generated Interference
Equipment shall not generate any type of interference at a level, which could be detrimental to
the performance of any other equipment / component or which could cause annoyance or
discomfort to personnel.
The earthing and cabling arrangements shall be such that detrimental interference is not

b) External Interference
In the presence of interference expected in substation environments, the design of the
equipment shall be such that no damage occurs and performance is maintained to the
requirements of the individual specifications.

c) Spark Quenching
Spark quenching devices shall be fitted wherever necessary to ensure continued satisfactory
operation of contacts and prevent mal-operation of electronic devices.

d) Noise and Vibration

The acoustical noise levels and / or vibration produced by the equipment in operation shall be
as low as is reasonably practicable for the type of equipment concerned and shall be agreed
with the DJB or their representative ’s Representative. Setting-Up and Maintenance Facilities

All equipment shall be provided with sufficient easily accessible test points to facilitate setting-up and
fault location together with maintenance aids such as extension boards, jumper leads and special
maintenance tools.

Pin or terminal numbering of all cards in all crates shall be consistently uniform throughout. Power
supplies shall use the same pin positions on all cards in an equipment or system.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 442

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Loose Equipment

Special connecting leads, extension boards and any special item required for calibration or
maintenance purposes, together with the mating half of all necessary connectors shall be supplied. Printed Circuit Boards

Printed circuit boards shall be epoxy glass fabric boards to comply with IEC - 60321 suitable for use
in hot humid climates. Printed circuit boards may be single-sided, double-sided or multi-layer.

Printed boards shall, in general, comply with IEC 60326. They shall not bow perceptibly when they
are mounted in their shelves or racks. Means shall be provided to prevent boards being plugged into
the wrong sockets and the plugging in / out action shall be arranged in a positive manner.

An approved protective coat shall be applied to the printed circuit side of the board to protect against
tracking, tarnishing and general deterioration due to moisture and deposition of dust. The coating shall
not have any adverse reaction with any other material or components used and shall be suitable for
use under tropical conditions. When boards are repaired in the field it shall be possible to apply (or
'touch up') such a finish by simple convenient means. Component Identification

a) A component reference number shall be marked adjacent to each component. Where this is
impossible, components shall be identifiable from the layout drawings provided.
b) The following shall be marked in all instances:

i. Fuses
The rating and the circuit identification of each fuse shall be marked adjacent to the
fuse base.
ii. Control, Protection and Indication Devices
The function of each control, protection and indication device shall be marked. The
caption and its arrangement shall be subject to the approval of the DJB or their
representative’s Representative.
iii. Preset Controls
The circuit reference and if possible, the function shall be marked adjacent to each
preset control in a position where it will be clearly visible while the adjustment is
being made.
iv. Connectors
The diagram reference number shall be marked on or adjacent to each connector.

c) Test points shall be individually marked with the diagram reference number.
d) The polarity of any polarized devices (e.g. diodes) shall be marked. Test Terminal Blocks

Test terminal blocks, if any, shall be provided for secondary injection and testing of relays. A suitable
metering block shall be provided where specified for the connection of a portable precision instrument
to be operated when required for specific plant testing purposes.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 443

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Tests
The following routine tests shall be carried out on the assembled switchboard / panel during
inspection at the manufacturer’s works in addition to other tests as per applicable standards.
(i) Primary injection tests to ensure correct ratios and polarity of current and voltage
transformers and of the current operated protection relays and direct acting coils, over their
full range of settings.
(ii) Balance earth fault stability test by primary current injection. Care must be taken to reproduce
accurately the burdens of interconnecting cables. A further test to ensure correct polarity must
be made after assembly.
(iii) Tests on auxiliary relays at normal operating voltages by operation of associated remote
(iv) Correct operation of sequencing and control circuits at normal operating voltages by operation
of local control switches, and simulation of operation from remote control positions.
(v) Carry out functionality tests, check interfacing status contacts and instrumentation.
(vi) Checking of Differential protection relay.
(vii) One minute power-frequency voltage dry withstand tests on the main circuits
(viii) One minute power-frequency voltage dry withstand tests on auxiliary circuits
(ix) Insulation resistance tests
All circuit breakers shall be subject to the following tests:
(i) Routine tests including HV pressure test, millivolt drop tests and mechanical tests.
(ii) To ensure the operation of the dc closing coil and satisfactory closing of the circuit
breaker with the voltage of the coil down to 80% of its rated voltage, and that mal-
operation does not occur with a voltage on the coil of 120% of its rated voltage.
(iii) Interchangeability of withdraw able identically equipped circuit breakers, and
checking of all mechanical and electrical interlocks.
Type test figures for heat test runs performed on identical panel types shall be made available. MOTORS
All motors shall be of premium efficiency as per IS 12615:2011motors and also comply with IEC
60034, 60072/ IS 325, 4691, 6362,4029,12065, 12075, including standards referred to therein.

The technical parameters of main

The technical parameters of motors shall be as below :

Description Unit Particulars

Type Squirrel cage Induction motor (TEFC)
Rating kW (*)
Rated voltage kV 0.415
Type of mounting Vertical / Horizontal (As required)
Duty type Continuous (S1)
Efficiency Class Eff3

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 444

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

Method of starting By variable speed drive (For Blower/compressor
motors and other drives required by process)
Direct online-for motors up to 5.5kW
Star-Delta (Close transition type)–For motors
7.5 kW and up to 37 kW
Soft Starter – For motors 45 kW and above.
Type of system earthing Effectively earthed
Class of insulation F
Design ambient temperature C 50
Limits of temperature rise of
- Determination by resistance C 70
- Determination by ETD C 80
Location Indoor/Outdoor
Degree of Protection IP55
Cooling designation IC411
External cable details 0.4 / 1 kV, 3C(#) x (*) Aluminum, XLPE, armoured
Space heater for motor Required for rating 30kW and above

(*) Value to be ascertained by the Bidder after submitting design calculations subject to approval.
(#) 4C cable of appropriate size shall be used for VFD operated motors.

The LV motors shall be of the totally enclosed fan cooled type, with degree of protection for
enclosure of IP 55 and shall be suitable for continuous operation and direct-on-line starting, unless
otherwise specified.

They shall be suitable in all respects for service in extreme climatic conditions. Main conductor and
slot insulation shall be non-hygroscopic and in accordance with Class F of IEC 60085.

Motors shall be capable of operating continuously at rated output at any frequency between 49 and 51
Hz and at any voltage within + 10% of the nominal value. Motors shall be designed to be operated for
a period of not less than five minutes at a voltage of 20% below the nominal value and at normal
frequency without injurious overheating.

The starting current at rated voltage when started direct-on-line shall not exceed 6 times the rated full
load current. When started with soft starter it should be 2.5 to 3 times the rated full load current. The
motor characteristics shall be coordinated with soft starter manufacturer.

All bearings shall be fitted with oil or grease lubricators. Vertical shaft motors shall have thrust

All terminals shall be of the stud type of adequate size for the particular duty, marked in accordance
with an approved standard and enclosed in a weatherproof box.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 445

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All terminal boxes shall be fitted with an approved sealing chamber, conduit entry or adapter plate, as
required, together with the necessary fittings to suit the type of cable specified.

The power rating of the motors shall be larger of the following:

a) 115% of the power input to the pump at duty point at a speed corresponding to a frequency of
50 Hz.

b) 110% of the maximum power absorbed by pump during entire range of operation/.

Motors shall be capable of starting and accelerating the load with the applicable method of starting,
without exceeding permissible winding temperatures, when the supply voltage is 80% of the rated

Motors shall be capable of satisfactory operation at a supply voltage of 80% of the rated voltage for 5
minutes, commencing from hot condition.

The locked rotor withstand time under hot conditions at 110% rated voltage shall be more than the
starting time at minimum permissible voltage by at least two seconds or 15% of the accelerating time,
whichever is greater. The locked rotor current of motors shall not exceed 600% of full load current of
motor, which is inclusive of 20% tolerance.
Motors when started with the drive imposing its full starting torque under the specified supply voltage
variations shall be capable of withstanding at least two successive starts from cold conditions and one
start from hot condition without injurious heating of windings. The motors shall also be suitable for
three equally spread starts per hour under the above referred supply conditions.

In case of motors started by soft starters, the three phases shall be segregated by metal barriers within
both line and neutral side terminal boxes. The two terminal boxes shall be on opposite sides.

The earthing pad shall be of non-corrodible metal, welded / brazed at two locations on opposite sides.
The pad size shall be 75x65x25 mm with two holes drilled at 40 mm centers, tapped and provided
with suitable bolts and washers for connecting the earthing strip.

Motors rated 30 kW and above shall have space heaters suitable for 230 V, single phase 50 Hz AC
supply. These shall be placed in easily accessible positions in the lower part of motor frame. Provision
shall be made to measure temperature of bearing by inserting hand held temperature measuring
device. Thermistors shall be provided for Flame proof motor.

Motors shall have drain plugs so located that they will drain water, resulting from condensation or
other causes from all pockets in the motor casing.

Pockets shall be provided in the motor bearing housings for insertion of portable instrument probes
for measuring bearing temperature. One portable hand held instrument per pumping station shall be
provided for measuring motor bearing temperature. The same instrument shall also be used to
measure the pump bearing temperature.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 446

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Insulation
Any joints in the motor insulation such as at coil connections or between slot and winding sections,
shall have strength equivalent to that of slot sections of the coil. The insulation shall be given tropical
and fungicidal treatment for successful operation of the motor in extreme climate. The motors shall be
provided with class F insulation with temperature rise limited to that of class B insulation. Constructional Features

The motor construction shall be suitable for easy disassembly and re-assembly. The enclosure shall be
sturdy and shall permit easy removal of any part of the motor for inspection and repair.

Motors weighing more than 25 kg shall be provided with eyebolts, lugs or other means to facilitate
safe lifting.

The rotor bars shall not be insulated in the slot portion between the inner core laminations for squirrel
cage motors. Terminal Box

Terminal boxes shall be of weather proof construction designed for outdoor service. To eliminate
entry of dust and water, gaskets of neoprene or equivalent approved shall be provided at cover joints
and between box and motor frame. It shall be suitable for bottom entry of cables. It shall be suitable of
being turned through 3600 in steps of 900.
The terminals shall be of stud type with necessary plain washers, spring washers and check nuts. They
shall be designed for rated current carrying capacity and shall ensure ample phase to phase and phase
to earth clearances. Suitable cable glands and lugs shall be supplied to match specified cables. Accessories
Two independent earthing points shall be provided on opposite sides of the motor for bolted
connections. These earthing points shall be in addition to earthing stud provided in the terminal box. Tests
Motors shall be subject to routine tests which shall also include the following:
- insulation resistance
- Measurement of winding resistance
- high voltage test
- no load / full load tests to determine efficiency, power-factor and slip
- momentary overload test
- test for noise levels of motor
- test for vibration severity of motor
- over speed test
- locked rotor reading of voltage, current and power input at a reduced voltage.

Type test certificates for test runs performed on identical motors (below 11 kW rating) shall be made
available. Whenever two nos. or more identical motors (above 11 kW rating) are being offered, type
tests on one of them shall be carried out, including heat run test.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 447

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


The soft starters shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60034, 60947 and IS 325 including those
standards referred to therein. Constructional and Performance Features

Motor soft starters shall be switched or electronic type.

Soft starter panel shall be indoor, metal clad with separate metal enclosed compartments for
a) Control, metering and current transformers for differential protection, if specified
b) DOL bypass arrangement
c) Bus bars
d) Power cable terminations
e) Push buttons with indicating lamps.

Soft starter shall achieve smooth starting by torque control for gradual acceleration of the drive thus
preventing jerks and extending the life of equipment.

Starting current shall be limited to 2.5 to 3 times the rated current of the motor. The soft starter
manufacturer shall co-ordinate with motor manufacturer for this purpose.

Separate removable gland plates shall be provided for power and control cables.
Each cubicle shall be fitted with a label in the front and rear of the cubicle, indicating the panel
designation, rating and duty. Each relay, instrument, switch, fuse and other devices shall be provided
with separate labels.

Necessary wiring diagram shall be provided considering starting interlock, trip circuit, starting and
running mode signal.

It shall be possible to manually start the motor locally from the starter panel or in Auto mode through
PLC. Main Bus Bars

Bus bars shall be fully insulated by encapsulation in epoxy resin /shrinkable PVC Sleeve, with
moulded caps protecting all joints. Bus bars shall be supported on insulators capable of withstanding
dynamic stresses due to short circuit. Bus bars shall be of Aluminium conductor (Copper is not
recommended in sewage corrosive atmosphere as it oxidized.) Earthing
A copper earthing bus shall be provided at the bottom and extended throughout the length of the
panel. It shall be bolted / welded to the framework. All non-current carrying metal work of the panel
shall be effectively bonded to the earth bus. Hinged doors shall be earthed through flexible earthing

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 448

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Panel Accessories and Wiring

Panel shall be supplied completely wired internally up to equipment and terminal blocks and ready for
the external cable connections at the terminal blocks. Inter panel wiring between compartment of the
same panel shall be provided.

All auxiliary wiring shall be carried out with 1100 volts grade, single core, stranded copper conductor
with PVC insulation. The sizes of wire shall be not less than 1.5 sq. mm.

Terminal blocks shall be of stud type, 10 A rated, complete with insulated barriers. Terminal blocks
for CTs shall be provided with test links and isolating facilities.

All spare contacts and terminals of cubicle mounted equipment and devices shall be wired to terminal
Accuracy class for indicating instruments shall be 1.0 or better. Instruments shall be 110 mm square,
240° scale for flush mounting with only flanges projecting.

Push buttons shall be provided with inscription plates engraved with their functions.
Indicating lamps shall be of clustered LED type.

Space heaters of adequate capacity shall be provided inside each panel. They shall be suitable for 230
V, 1 ph, 50 Hz supply. They shall be complete with MCB and thermostat.

Each panel shall be provided with 230 Volts, 1 phase, 50 Hz, 5 A, 3 pin receptacle with MCB located
in a convenient position. An interior illuminating lamp together with the operating door switch and
protective MCBs shall be provided.

The DC and AC auxiliary supply shall be distributed inside the panel with necessary isolating
arrangements at the point of entry and with sub-circuit MCBs as required. Tests
Each unit of soft starter shall be tested at the manufacturer’s work. Test result must satisfy all the
characteristics during starting and acceleration against their quoted values during bidding.


Capacitors shall comply with IEC 60871 and IS 5553, 13925 including those standards referred to

The technical parameters of capacitors shall be as given below:

LV Capacitors and Control Panel

Description Unit Particulars

Capacitor Bank
Application Power factor improvement
Arrangement Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC)

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 449

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

Type of insulation Polypropylene (APP) / Mixed Dielectric
Rated output kVAR (*)
Rated voltage V 415
Rated frequency and no. of phases Hz / - 50, 3 Phase
Capacitor bank connection Delta
Type of mounting and location Floor mounted and Indoor
Design ambient temperature C 50
Type of switching Automatic
Control supply 110V DC/AC
No. of steps for control Nos. Minimum 8
Degree of protection of enclosure IP4X
Color finish shade Light Grey Semi Glossy
Type of APFC relay Microprocessor based automatic power-
factor correction relay (maximum setting
0.99 lag)

(*) Value to be ascertained by the Bidder after submitting design calculations subject to approval.

MV capacitors shall be provided for connection across MV motor terminals while LV capacitors with
APFC relay and a panel shall be provided for connection to LV switchboard bus, where specified. Design Criteria

 MV capacitors – Capacitor rating shall be such that capacitor current is less than 90%
of the magnetizing current of the motor or for improvement of rated motor power
factor to 0.98, whichever is lesser.
 LV capacitors – Rated for improvement of power factor on LV side to 0.98 General
The capacitor bank shall be complete with all parts that are necessary or essential for efficient
operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within the scope of supply whether specifically mentioned
or not. It shall be complete with the required capacitors along with the supporting post insulators, steel
rack assembly, aluminium bus bars, connecting strips, foundation channels, fuses, fuse clips, etc. The
steel rack assembly shall be hot dip galvanized.

The capacitor bank shall comprise of suitable number of single phase units in series parallel
combination. However, the number of parallel units in each of the series racks shall be such that
failure of one unit shall not create an over voltage on the units in parallel with it, which will result in
the failure of the parallel units. The assembly of the banks shall be such that it provides sufficient
ventilation for each unit.

Each capacitor case and the cubicle shall be earthed to a separate earth bus.
Capacitors shall be of polypropylene type. Each unit shall satisfactorily operate at 135% of rated
kVAR including factors of over voltage, harmonic currents and manufacturing tolerance. The units
shall be capable of continuously withstanding satisfactorily any over voltage up to a maximum of 10
% above the rated voltage, excluding transients.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 450
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Each capacitor unit / bank shall be fitted with a directly connected, continuously rated, low loss
discharge device, if required, to discharge the capacitors to reduce the voltage to 50 volts within one
minute upon disconnection. Unit Protection

Each capacitor unit shall be individually protected by a HRC fuse suitably rated for load current and
interrupting capacity, so that only the faulty capacitor unit will be disconnected without causing the
bank to be disconnected. An operated fuse shall give visual indication so that it may be detected
during periodic inspection. The fuse breaking time shall co-ordinate with the pressure built up within
the unit to avoid explosion. Mounting of the individual fuse should be internal to the capacitor case. Capacitor (APFC) Control Panel for LV Application

APFC microprocessor based relay shall automatically switch ON / OFF the capacitor banks to attain
the value of ‘pf’ close to the set value. Switching shall follow first in first out (FIFO) method to
ensure uniform use of all capacitor banks. At least eight steps shall be provided for switching.
Harmonic filter (inbuilt with APFC panel) shall be provided to restrict Total Harmonic Distortion
(THD) to 3% or less.

Capacitor and capacitor control shall be housed in a metal enclosed cubicle. Capacitor shall be housed
in the lower compartment and capacitor control unit at the top compartment, the two compartments
being segregated.

The cubicle shall be fabricated out of 2 mm thick cold rolled sheet steel and shall of a degree of
protection of IP 4X (for Capacitor Panel IP 4X is applicable as cut out for fan for heat dissipation).
The panel shall be of indoor type and shall consist of:

a) Isolating MCCB
b) Contactors with overload element
c) Relays responsive to current / voltage / kVAR / pf for automatic switching
d) Sequencing devices, timers and auxiliary relays for automatic sequential switching of
capacitor units in and out of circuit
e) Auto-manual selector switch
f) Microprocessor based Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Relay
g) Push button for opening and closing the power circuit
h) Red and Green lamps for capacitors ON / OFF indication
i) Protective relays to protect the healthy capacitor units when one unit fails in a series
j) Space heater and cubicle lighting Tests and Test Reports

Capacitors shall be subjected to routine tests as per IS: 13925. Test for capacitor losses shall also be
carried out on one capacitor bank of each type ordered.

In addition to the above, the capacitor units shall be subjected to the following tests:

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 451

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

1. Load test at 110% rated voltage at an ambient of 45 to 50 C for a period of 8 hours or more.
2. Leak proofness test-initially after impregnation and total sealing, each capacitor shall be
heated up to 80o C to 110 o C for a few minutes. After the load test each capacitor unit shall be
carefully inspected for leakage.

Type tests shall be carried out as per IS: 13925 on capacitors above 1000V rating of identical design.
Certificates of type tests carried out in the last three years for similar capacitor units shall be


HV / LV Cables shall comply with the following International Standards, including those referred to

IEC 60183, 60227, 60502, 60885 and IS 7098, 5831, 8130, 1554, 10810.

The technical parameters of cables shall be as given below:

Description Unit Particulars

MV XLPE Power Cables
Rated voltage U / Uo (Um) kV 18 / 30 (36) and 3.6 / 6 / (7.2)
Material of conductor Aluminum (stranded)
Cross-sectional area (*)
Type of insulation XLPE
Inner sheath Extruded
Outer sheath Extruded
Conductor and insulation screening Required
Material of armour Galvanized Steel (Aluminum for single core
LV Power, Control and Lighting
Rated voltage U / Uo (Um) kV 0.6 / 1 (1.2)
Material of conductor Aluminum for Power and Tinned Copper for
Control cable (stranded)
Cross-sectional area (*)
Type of insulation XLPE for power and PVC for control cables
Inner sheath Extruded
Outer sheath Extruded
Material of armour Galvanized Steel (Aluminum for single core
Cable Protection Compound of outer sheath of all HV/LV
cables shall contain suitable chemicals for
preventing attack by rodents.

(*) Value to be ascertained by the Bidder after submitting design calculations subject to approval.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 452

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Voltage Drops The maximum voltage drops in various sections of the electrical system under steady state
conditions at full load shall be within the limits stated in the following table:

a) Bus duct or cable between transformer secondary and MV 0.5%
Switchboard or PCC/PMCC
b) Cable between PCC/PMCC and MCC or auxiliary switchboard
i) MCC/Auxiliary Switchboard near PCC/PMCC
ii) MCC/Auxiliary Switchboard situated remote from
PCC/PMCC 1 to 1.5%

c) Cables between MV Switchboard and MV Motor 2%

d) Cable between PCC/PMCC and motor (Running) 2.5%
e) Cable between MCC (situated near PCC/PMCC) and motors 2.5%
f) Cable between MCC (situated remote from PCC/PMCC) and 3%
g) Cable between Auxiliary Switchboard & Lighting Panel 1 to 1.5%
h) Circuit between lighting panels and lighting points 4%
i) DC Supply Circuit (Electrical Controls) 5%
j) DCDB to Control Room 2%
k) UPS outgoing circuit 5% The maximum voltage drop at various buses during start-up of large motor and / or motor
reacceleration conditions shall be within the limits stated below:

a) At the bus bars of Start-up of the large HV/MV motor 15%
the worst affected with other loads on the bus or
Switchboard reacceleration of a group of HV motors
(simultaneous start-up or group
reacceleration of MV motors is not
b) At the bus bars of Startup of large LV motor with other 10%
the worst affected loads on the bus, or reacceleration of a
LV Switchboard group of LV motors.
c) Cables between Motor start-up or reacceleration 5%
Switchboard &
d) Cables between LV Motor start-up or reacceleration 15%
& motor
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 453
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


a) The voltage available at the motor terminals during start-up must be sufficient to
ensure positive starting or reacceleration of the motor (even with the motor fully
loaded, if required), without causing any damage to the motor.

b) For medium voltage motors, the voltage available at the motor terminals must not be
less than 75% of the rated value during start-up or reacceleration.

For high voltage motors, the voltage available at the motor terminals must not be less than 80% of the
rated value during start-up or reacceleration. Installation
a) In air or buried in ground
b) Depth of laying in ground 1000 mm for directly buried HV / MV cables and 750 mm for LV
c) In conduit: space factor not more than 40 % (ratio of total cable area to internal conduit area)
d) In trays: single layer with spacing of one diameter for HV / MV and main LV cables and
touching for small LV cables

Control cables shall be 2C, 4C, 7C, 12C and 19C type. Minimum size of conductor for control cables
shall be 2.5 sq.mm. copper.

All power cables shall be sized based on continuous current capacity, maximum permissible voltage
drop of 2.5% and rated short circuit current withstand. In addition, rating factors for variation in
ground/air temperature, grouping of cables, depth of laying, number of racks, etc. shall be considered
for cable sizing. Tests
All HV, and LV cables shall be subject to routine tests in accordance with the relevant Indian
Standard Specifications.

Test certificates shall be provided against each drum and/or cable length.

The tests carried out on every cable length and / or drum at manufacturer's premises shall include
following tests as applicable but not limited to:
- High Voltage dc insulation pressure test, between cores, each core to earth, metallic sheath or
armour as applicable;
- Insulation resistance test;
- Core continuity and identification;
- Conductor resistance test
- Elongation test
- Smoke density test
- HCl gas generation test
- Anti rodent test (Presence of lead)

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 454

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


LV indoor switchboard and its components shall comply with the following International Standards,
including those referred to therein.

IEC 60269, 60947, 61459, 60529 and IS 4237, 8623, 1248, 722, 2705, 3156, 10118, 11353, 13947

The technical parameters of LV switchboard shall be as given below:

Description Unit Particulars

Rated voltage, no. of phases and rated V / - / Hz 415V, 3, 50Hz
System neutral earthing Effectively Earthed
Rated short duration power frequency
withstand voltage
- Power circuit kV (rms) 3.5
- Control circuit kV (rms) 1.5
Rated normal current of bus bars under design A/- (*), Aluminum
ambient temperature of 50C and material of
Rated short-time withstand current and time kA (rms) / 45* kA for 1 sec (Min)
Constructional Requirements
Thickness of sheet steel in mm Cold rolled mm Frame – 2.0
(Frame/Enclosure/Covers) Doors/Covers – 2.0
Degree of protection of enclosure IP-5X, Form-4 enclosure
Color finish shade
- Interior Glossy White
- Exterior Light Grey
Cable connection Bottom entry and exit
Circuit Breakers
Type Air
Rated current inside the cubicle under design A (*)
ambient temperature at 50C
Rated operating sequence O–3 Min–CO-3 Min-CO
Rated short-time withstand current and time kA (rms)/ sec 45(*) /1 sec
Min. no. of auxiliary contacts 6 NO + 6 NC after internal use by
Type of operating mechanism
- Normal Spring charging for closing and
- Emergency Manual and Spring charged for
closing and tripping
Auxiliary control voltage
- Closing coil / Tripping coil V 110V DC
- Spring charging motor V 110V DC

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 455

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Description Unit Particulars

- Space heater and lighting V 230V AC
Earthing switch Required
Current and Voltage Transformers
Details of ratio, taps, burden, accuracy As per Single Line Diagram (*)
Protective Relays
Type Numerical (Microprocessor based)
Auxiliary supply V 110V DC
Details of protective relays As per Single Line Diagram
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Type Moulded Case (microprocessor
Rated current when installed within cubicle A As required (*)
under design ambient temperature of 500C
Rated short-time withstand current kA (rms) 45* kA
Miniature Circuit Breakers
Type Miniature
Rated current when installed within cubicle A (*)
under design ambient temperature of 500C
Rated short-time withstand current kA (rms) 10
Motor Starters and Contactors
Type Soft Starter/Variable Frequency
Drive/ Star-Delta / Direct-on line
Rated current A (*)
Rated voltage of coil V 230V AC / 110V DC
Utilization category AC-3

(*) Value to be ascertained by the Bidder after submitting design calculations subject to approval.

These cover the main switchboard and distribution boards. The distribution board shall be of floor /
wall mounting type. Entry for incoming and outgoing cables shall be from bottom. Bus bars shall be
of aluminium . Degree of protection of the panel shall be IP 5X.

The board shall be provided with circuits as required, ammeter with ammeter selector switch and
voltmeter with Voltmeter selector switch. Bidder shall furnish proposed single line diagram of the
board along with the Bid.

Incoming and outgoing circuit shall be protected by suitably rated ACBs/MCCBs.

The switchboard and its components shall be subjected to tests as per the applicable standards.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 456

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The current rating of outgoing feeders of any switchboard shall not be less than 10% of that of the
incoming feeder. Deviation from this requirement shall be subject to the approval of the DJB or their
representative’s Representative. Bus Bars

The phase and neutral bus bars shall be of rating indicated in the corresponding single line diagram.
Bus bars shall be of aluminium and shall be provided with minimum clearances as per standards.

All bus bars and bus taps shall be insulated with close fitting sleeve of hard, smooth, dust and dirt
free, heat shrunk PVC insulation of high dielectric strength, to provide a permanent non-ageing and
non-tracking protection, impervious to water, tropical conditions and fungi. The insulation shall be
non-inflammable and self-extinguishing type and in fast colors to indicate phases. The dielectric
strength and properties shall hold good for the temperature range of 0 to 95 degree centigrade. If the
insulating sleeve is not colored, bus bars shall be color coded with colored PVC tape at suitable

Bus bar joints, if any, shall be of the bolted type with minimum 4 bolts. Spring washers shall be
provided to ensure good contact at the joints. Bus bars shall be thoroughly cleaned at the joints and
suitable contact grease shall be applied just before making a joint.

Direct access to, or accidental contact with bus bars and primary connections shall not be possible. All
apertures and slots shall be protected by baffles to prevent accidental shorting of bus bars due to
insertion of maintenance tools.

Sequence of red, yellow and blue phases and neutral for four-pole equipment shall be left to right and
top to bottom, for horizontal and vertical layouts respectively. Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

MCCBs shall be of the air break, quick make, quick break and trip free type and shall be totally
enclosed in a heat resistant, moulded, insulating material housing.

MCCBs shall have an ultimate short circuit capacity not less than the prospective short circuit current
at the point of installation.

MCCBs shall have a service short circuit breaking capacity equal to the ultimate short-circuits

Each pole of MCCB shall be fitted with microprocessor based protection for over current, earth fault
and short circuit (L-S-I-G). Such protection system shall be fully self-contained, needing no separate
power supply. The elements shall be adjustable. Adjustments shall be made simultaneously on all
poles from a common facility.

Motor protection circuit breaker (MPCB) shall be used for motor feeder instead of MCCBs.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 457

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

Miniature circuit breakers shall be of the thermal and magnetic tripping type, and comply with IEC
60898 and IEC 60947-2.

MCB shall be hand operated, air break, quick make, quick break type.

Operating mechanisms shall be mechanically trip-free from the operating knob to prevent the contacts
being held closed under overload or short-circuit conditions.

Each pole shall be fitted with a bi-metallic element for overload protection and a magnetic element for
short-circuit protection. Multiple pole MCBs shall be mechanically linked such that tripping of one
pole simultaneously trips all the other poles. For motor feeders, MCB shall have type C

The short circuit rating shall be not less than that of the system to which they are connected with a

The power contactors used in the switchboard shall be of air break, single throw, triple pole, and
electromagnetic type. Contactors shall be suitable for uninterrupted duty and rated for Class AC3 duty
in accordance with IEC 60947-4.

Operating coils of all contactors shall be suitable for operation on 230 V, single phase, 50 Hz supply.
Contactors shall be provided with at least two pairs of NO and NC auxiliary contacts.

Contactors shall not drop out at voltages down to 70 % of coil rated voltage. All motor contactors and
their associated apparatus must be designed to operate for a period of not less than 5 minutes at a
voltage of 20% below the nominal value and at normal frequency without injurious overheating.

Contactors shall be provided with a three element, positive acting, ambient temperature compensated,
time lagged, hand reset type thermal overload relay with adjustable settings. The hand reset button
shall be flush with the front door of the control module, and shall be suitable for resetting the overload
relay with the module door closed. Relays shall be either direct connected or CT operated. Overload
relay and reset button shall be independent of the "Start" and "Stop" push buttons. All contactors shall
all be provided with single phasing preventer (SPP).

Motor starters shall be complete with auxiliary relays, timers and necessary indications.

Starters shall be of the electrically held-in type with integral “start” and “stop” push buttons mounted
externally on the door, with integral interlocked isolators. Where required, auxiliary switches shall be
included for the operation of “red” and “green” indicating lights in remote instrument panels.

For details of other equipment/ accessories of LV switchboard (e.g. circuit breaker, current and
voltage transformer, relay, constructional features of switchboard, earthing, annunciator, indicating
and measuring instrument, control and selector switch, indicating lamp, push button, space heater,
cubicle lighting/ receptacles, power and control cable termination, wiring, terminal blocks, etc), refer
specification of HV switchboard.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 458
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) TESTS
The following routine tests shall be carried out on the assembled switchboard / panel during
inspection at the manufacturer’s works in addition to other tests as per applicable standards.

(i) Primary injection tests to ensure correct ratios and polarity of current and voltage
transformers and of the current operated protection relays and direct acting coils, over their
full range of settings.
(ii) Balance earth fault stability test by primary current injection. Care must be taken to reproduce
accurately the burdens of interconnecting cables. A further test to ensure correct polarity must
be made after assembly.
(iii) Tests on auxiliary relays at normal operating voltages by operation of associated remote
(iv) Correct operation of sequencing and control circuits at normal operating voltages by operation
of local control switches, and simulation of operation from remote control positions.
(v) Carry out functionality tests, check interfacing status contacts and instrumentation.
(vi) Checking of Differential protection relay.
(vii) One minute power-frequency voltage dry withstand tests on the main circuits
(viii) One minute power-frequency voltage dry withstand tests on auxiliary circuits
(ix) Insulation resistance tests

All circuit breakers shall be subject to the following tests:

(i) Routine tests including HV pressure test, millivolt drop tests and mechanical tests.
(ii) To ensure the operation of the dc closing coil and satisfactory closing of the circuit breaker
with the voltage of the coil down to 80% of its rated voltage, and that mal-operation does not
occur with a voltage on the coil of 120% of its rated voltage.
(iii) Interchangeability of withdrawable identically equipped circuit breakers, and checking of all
mechanical and electrical interlocks.

Type test figures for heat test runs performed on identical panel types shall be made available.


DC equipment shall comply with IEC 60896 including those standards referred to therein. Requirements
Following items shall be covered in the Contract:
a) One no. 110 V Nickel Cadmium type Battery (Minimum capacity of Battery – 300AH)
b) Two nos. Float-cum-boost chargers for 110 V batteries
c) DC distribution board.
All connections between battery, battery chargers and DC distribution board shall be designed for
effective segregation between positive and negative leads. 110 V Battery

Battery offered shall be Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) type. Nickel hydroxide and Cadmium hydroxide
shall be used for positive and negative electrode respectively. Aqueous solution of Potassium
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 459
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

hydroxide with small quantities of lithium hydroxide shall be used as electrolyte. It shall be used only
for ion transfer and shall not chemically change during charging/ discharging.

The containers shall be transparent and preferably be made of toughened glass or plastic and provided
with acid level indicator.

The battery shall be rated on 5-hour basis and for the specified ambient temperature. The battery shall
have maximum recharge time of 8 hours. The batteries shall be sized for a backup of 2 hours, in case
of power failure. The ampere-hour capacity shall be selected to cater to all the emergency loads,
operation of control gear, indication lamps, annunciation panels, emergency lighting, incoming
breaker(s) spring charging currents, short time loads etc. A margin of about 25% shall be taken to
cater to the contingencies.

Terminal posts shall be designed to accommodate external bolted connection conveniently and
positively. Each terminal post shall have two bolt holes of the same diameter, preferably at right
angles to each other. The bottom hole shall be used to terminate the inter-cell connection. The top
hole shall be left for external terminal connections. Bolts, heads and nuts, except seal nuts, shall be
hexagonal and shall be lead covered. The junction between terminal posts and cover, and between
cover and container shall be so sealed as to prevent any seepage of electrolyte.

Required quantity of electrolyte for first filling with 10% extra shall be supplied in non-returnable

Each battery shall be complete with following accessories, as applicable, that include, but are not
limited to:

a) Battery racks
b) Porcelain insulators, rubber pads, etc.
c) Set of inter-cell, inter-tier and inter-bank connectors as required for the complete installation.
d) Electrolyte for first filling + 10% extra.
Accessories for testing and maintenance

i. One - -3, 0, +3 volts DC voltmeter with built-in discharging resistor

and suitable leads for measuring cell voltage.
ii. One - Filler hole thermometer fitted with plug and cap and having
specific gravity correction scale.
iii. Three - Pocket thermometers
iv Two - Cell lifting straps
v One set - Terminals and cable boxes with glands for connecting cable as
Each of required.
Spare connectors
Spare vent plugs
Spare nuts and bolts
Suitable set of spanners

Each battery shall be mounted in a manner that permits easy accessibility to any cell. The racks shall
be suitable for fixing on flat concrete floor. The complete racks shall be suitable for bolting end to
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 460
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to provide batteries of adequate capacities to meet specified
requirements pertaining to control, indication, annunciation, etc. and emergency lighting. For
computing battery capacity, it shall be assumed that the battery is fully charged at the beginning of
loading cycle and is discharged to a voltage of 1.2 volts per cell at the end of the loading cycle.

Emergency lighting load shall be considered as 10 % of total lighting load of the plant including
internal & external lighting. Emergency lighting shall be applicable for all vital locations like
substation, Administrative building, Control room, Pump Houses, Laboratory, Gas engine room etc.
For external lighting/Road lighting /Area lighting emergency lighting fixtures shall also be considered
to overcome the interruption in movement of persons and vehicles.

The battery shall have minimal difference (approx. 0.3 V per cell) between float and boost charging
voltages. Battery Charger (110 V)

The float-cum-boost type battery charger shall comprise silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) connected
in a full wave bridge circuit.

Each battery charger shall be suitable for float charging the battery under normal conditions and boost
charging the battery when it has discharged during service conditions. The changeover from float to
boost mode and vice versa shall be automatic.
The rectifier transformer shall be dry type and double wound with required number of taps.

The DC output voltage during float charging shall be stabilized within + 1% of the set DC bus voltage
for AC input voltage variation of +10%, frequency variation of + 5% and DC load variation from 0 -
100%. The voltage regulation shall be achieved by a constant voltage regulator having fast response
SCR control. The ripple content shall be within 1% of DC output nominal voltage with battery
disconnected and shall be designed to have voltage regulation of 1%. Also in any mode of operation,
the maximum harmonics in the charger output shall not exceed 5%.The setting of the output DC bus
voltage shall be adjustable between + 10% of nominal rated voltage. There shall be provision for
manual control if auto mode fails. Line surge suppressers shall be provided.

For boost charging the discharged battery after a mains failure, the rectifier shall charge the battery at
high rate limited to the maximum boost charging voltage. The boost charging shall come on only
when selected for boost mode manually. In auto control, the DC output current shall be stabilized
within +2% for AC input voltage and frequency variation of + 10% and + 5% respectively. There
shall be provision for manual control if auto-mode fails. Boost charging time for charging the battery
to full capacity from fully discharged condition shall not exceed 8 hours.

In the float charging mode, the charger shall be designed for supplying:

a) The DC loads of control, indication and annunciation circuits that remain energized during
normal operation and the momentary closing and trip coil loads of circuit breakers, vacuum
contactors; and
b) The float charging current of the battery.
c) 25% margin over the above load
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 461
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Battery charging equipment complete with all accessories shall be housed in a free standing sheet
steel cubicle having degree of protection of IP 4X. Sheet steel used for construction shall be 1.6 or 2
mm thick. The units shall be wired using 1100 V grade, PVC insulated, stranded copper conductor

Each battery charger shall be provided with accessories that include, but not limited to the following:

a) Silicon controlled rectifiers connected in full wave bridge circuit with ripple control devices
and transient suppression network.
b) Double wound dry type transformer with taps
c) Automatic voltage regulator unit with manual / auto control switch
d) Coarse and fine control potentiometers for manual control
e) Selector switch for mode of charging i.e. float charging / boost charging
f) Off-load tap changing switch for changing the taps of the transformer
g) DC voltmeter with fuses and a three position selector switch
h) DC ammeter with shunt
i) AC ammeter with selector switch for incoming AC power
j) AC voltmeter with selector switch for incoming AC power
k) MCB for incoming AC supply along with surge suppressers
l) Switch-fuse / MCB on DC output side with kick fuses and alarm contacts
m) Voltage dropping diodes in load circuit during boost charging mode
n) DC under voltage relay and earth fault relay
o) AC / DC switching relays for alarm and indication circuits including buzzer
p) Cubicle space heater suitable for 230 V AC, 1 ph, 50 Hz supply, with MCB and thermostat
q) 230 V AC compact fluorescent lamp fixture for internal lighting with MCB

Each battery charger shall be provided with the following alarms / indications:

a) AC and DC supply 'ON'

b) AC and DC supply fail
c) Modes of charging
d) Over voltage
e) Under voltage on DC side
f) Earth fault on DC side
g) AC / DC MCB trip

The Bidder shall include in the bid, detailed AC and DC scheme for battery charger offered. 110 V DC Distribution Board (DB)

The distribution board shall be of floor mounting design. Entry for incoming and outgoing cables
shall be from the bottom. Bus bars shall be of aluminum or copper.

Incomers, bus coupler and outgoing circuits shall be controlled by suitably rated double pole MCBs
type suitable for DC application. Bidder shall furnish proposed single line diagram of the board along
with the Bid.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 462

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Constructional features, pre-treatment, painting and other aspects shall comply with the specifications
for LV switchboard. DCDB shall have 10% spare feeder for owner use in future.

Aluminium earth busbar of suitable size shall be provided along the length of the DB at the bottom.
Two nos. earthing terminals shall be provided on the external face of the board for connection to the
earthing grid. Tests
The batteries, chargers and distribution boards and their components shall be subjected to routine/
acceptance tests as per the applicable standards. For battery, following tests are also to be carried out:

- Capacity test
- Test for voltage charging and discharging
- Ampere-hour and watt-hour efficiency test

Certificates of type tests carried out on similar equipment shall be furnished.


AC induction motor shall be coupled with a Frequency drive of rating commensurate with the rated
motor. The Frequency drives shall be of Current Source Inverter Pulse Width Modulated (CSIPWM)
with latest version, which performs precise speed and torque control of standard squirrel cage motors
with optimum efficiency. Each drive must have a soft starting feature and a bypass arrangement for
DOL starting of motors. All frequency dives shall be suitable for data connectivity with PLC/SCADA
system and shall have suitable for data connectivity with PLC/SCADA system and shall have
communication port and protocol compatible to PLC. The drives must be easily programmable. The
drives shall be provided with surge protection, programmable lockable code. The Frequency drive
shall have following characteristics:

 Accurate open loop torque control

 Torque step rise time typically less than 5 ms
 Speed control inaccuracy typically 0.1% to 0.5% of nominal speed
 150% overload capacity for 60 second

Total Harmonic distortion shall comply with the provisions of IEEE 519. Necessary metering, self-
diagnostic arrangement (including display and alarm facilities) shall be provided for local/ remote
monitoring. Technical Parameters

Main connection
Voltage : 3 phase, 415 +/- 10 % permitted tolerance
Frequency : 45 to 65 Hz, maximum rate of change 17%/s
Imbalance : Max. +/- 3% of nominal phase to phase input voltage
Fundamental Power factor : 0.97 (at nominal load)

Motor connection
Voltage : 3 phase, from 0 to applied incoming supply voltage, 3-phase
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 463
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Output Frequency : 0 to 250 Hz
Frequency Resolution : 0.01 Hz
Continuous Current : 1.0 * I2N(normal use)
Short Term Overload : I2max = 1.1 * I2N
Capacity (1min./10min)
Field Weakening point : 8 to 300 Hz
Acceleration Time : 0 to 1800 sec
Deceleration Time : 0 to 1800 sec
Efficiency : Min. 97% at nominal power level

Environment limits
Ambient temperature : 0 to 45 deg. Cent.

General Standard Control Connections or as per Process Requirement

 3 programmable differential analogue inputs (1 voltage signal, 2 current signals)
 7 programmable digital inputs
 2 programmables analogues outputs (current signal)
 3 programmable digital outputs ( from C relays)
 Optional analogue and digital extension modules can be added as well as a wide range of field bus

 Over current
 Short circuit at start-up
 Input phase loss
 Output phase loss
 Motor overload
 Earth fault
 Overvoltage
 Under voltage
 Over temperature
 Motor stall

Application macros

The features a selection of built-in, pre-programmed application macros for configuration of inputs,
outputs, signal processing and other parameters. It shall have interfacing facilities to communicate data
to SCADA system. These include:
 FACTORY SETTING for basic industrial applications
 HAND/AUTO CONTROL for local and remote operation
 PID CONTROL for closed loop processes
 TORQUE CONTROL for process where torque control is required.
 SEQUENTIAL CONTROL for processes where torque control is required.
 USER MACRO 1 and 2 for user’s own parameter setting
 Comprehensive testing and diagnostic function Tests

Each unit of Variable frequency drive shall be tested at the manufacturer’s work. Test result must
satisfy the efficiencies on various loads and at different frequency levels against their quoted values
during bidding.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 464

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Lighting system shall comply with the following International Standards, including those referred to
therein IEC 60083, 60598, 60669, 60884, 60906 and 60947. However at least 50% of street lighting
shall be solar based as per specifications given below:


A standalone solar photovoltaic street lighting system (SLS) shall be an outdoor lighting unit used for
illuminating a street or an open area. The Solar Street Lighting System shall consist of solar
photovoltaic (SPV) module, a luminaire, storage battery, control electronics, inter-connecting
wires/cables, module mounting pole including hardware and battery box. The luminaire shall be based
on LED which emits light when electric current passes through it. The luminaire shall be mounted on
the pole at a suitable angle to maximize illumination on the ground. The PV module shall be placed at
the top of the pole at an angle facing south so that it receives solar radiation throughout the day,
without any shadow falling on it. A battery is placed in a box attached to the pole.

Electricity generated by the PV module charges the battery during the day time which powers the
luminaire from dusk to dawn. The system lights at dusk and switches off at dawn automatically.
Bidder can consider suitably rated PV module for requirement of the light fixture wattage selected
based on the requirement of illumination level required.

Nos. of poles and type of fixture will be arrived based on the lux level specified for street lighting


PV Module 74 Wp under STC or as required

Battery Lead acid Tubular Flooded or Tubular GEL / VRLA , 12V- 75 AH @ C/10
Light Source Compact Fluorescent Lamp of 11 Watt
Mounting of light Minimum 4 meter pole mounted
Electronics Efficiency Minimum 85% total
Inverter Quasi sine wave or sine wave type
Duty Cycle Dusk to dawn
Autonomy 3 days or Minimum 42 operating hours per permissible discharge



i. Indigenously manufactured PV module shall be used.

ii. The PV module shall have crystalline silicon solar cells and shall have a certificate of testing
conforming to IEC 61215 Edition II /BIS 14286 from an NABL or IECQ accredited
iii. The power output of the module(s) under STC shall be a minimum of 74 Wp at a load
voltage* of 16.4 ± 0.2 V. Either two modules of minimum 37 Wp output each or one module
of 74 Wp output shall be used.
iv. The open circuit voltage* of the PV modules under STC shall be at least 21.0 Volts.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 465
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

v. The module efficiency shall not be less than 14 %.

vi. The terminal box on the module shall have a provision for opening it for replacing the cable,
if required.
vii. A distinctive serial number starting with NSM will be engraved on the frame of the
module or screen printed on the tedlar sheet of the module.
*The load voltage and Voc conditions of the PV modules shall not be applicable for the system
having MPPT based charge controller.


i. Lead Acid, tubular positive plate flooded electrolyte or Gel / VRLA Type.
ii. The battery will have a minimum rating of 12V, 75 Ah at C/10 discharge rate.
iii. 75 % of the rated capacity of the battery shall be between fully charged and load cut off
iv. Battery should conform to the latest BIS/ International standards.


i. The lamp shall be suitably rated LED light fixtures.

ii. The lamp shall be housed in an assembly suitable for outdoor use, with a reflector on its back.
No blackening or reduction in the lumen output by more than 10%, shall be observed after
1000 ON/OFF cycles - two minutes ON followed by four minutes OFF is one cycle.


i. The total electronic efficiency shall be at least 85%.

ii. The inverter shall be of quasi sine wave/ sine wave type, with frequency in the range of 20 -
30 KHz.
iii. Electronics shall operate at 12V and should have temperature compensation for proper
charging of the battery throughout the year
iv. .No load current shall be of less than 20 mA.
v. The PV module itself shall be used to sense the ambient light level for switching ON and OFF
the lamp.
vi. The PCB containing the electronics shall be capable of solder free installation and
vii. Necessary lengths of wires/cables, switches suitable for DC use and fuses shall be provided


i. Adequate protection shall be incorporated under “No Load” conditions e.g. when the lamp is
removed and the system is switched ON.
ii. The system shall have protection against battery overcharge and deep discharge conditions.
iii. Fuse shall be provided to protect against short circuit conditions.
iv. Protection for reverse flow of current through the PV module(s) shall be provided.
v. Electronics shall have temperature compensation for proper charging of the battery
throughout the year.
vi. Adequate protection shall be provided against battery reverse polarity.
vii. Load reconnect shall be provided at 80% of the battery capacity status.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 466
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

i. A corrosion resistant metallic frame structure shall be fixed on the pole to hold the SPV
ii. The frame structure shall have provision to adjust its angle of inclination to the horizontal
between 0 and 45, so that the module can be oriented at the specified tilt angle.
iii. The pole shall be made of Galvanized Iron (GI) pipe.
iv. The height of the pole shall be 4 meters above the ground level, after grouting and final
v. The pole shall have the provision to hold the luminaire.
vi. The lamp housing shall be of water proof and shall be painted with a corrosion resistant paint.
vii. A vented, acid proof and corrosion resistant metallic box with a locking arrangement for
outdoor use shall be provided for housing the battery.


i. The system shall have two indicators, green and red.

ii. The green indicator shall indicate the charging under progress and shall glow only when the
charging is taking place. It shall stop glowing when the battery shall be of fully charged.
iii. Red indicator shall indicate the battery “Load Cut Off” condition.


i. All the components and parts used in the solar street lighting systems shall conform to the
latest BIS or IEC specifications, wherever such specifications are available and applicable.
ii. The street lighting system including the battery will be warranted for period of five years
from the date of supply.
iii. The PV module(s) will be warranted for a minimum period of 25 year from the date of
supply. The PV modules must be warranted for their output peak watt capacity, which shall
not be less than 90% at the end of Ten (10) years and 80% at the end of Twenty five (25)
iv. The Warranty Card to be supplied with the system must contain the details of the system.


An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual, in English and the local language, shall be
provided with the Solar Street Lighting System. The following minimum details must be provided in
the Manual:

 Basic principles of Photovoltaic.

 A small write-up (with a block diagram) on Solar Street Lighting System - its
 components, PV module, battery, electronics and luminaire and expected
 Performance.
 Type, Model number, Voltage & capacity of the battery, used in the system.
 The make and wattage of the CFL used in the lighting system.
 About Charging and Significance of indicators.
 Clear instructions about erection of pole and mounting of PV module (s) and
 Lamp housing assembly on the pole.
 Clear instructions on regular maintenance and troubleshooting of the Solar
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 467
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Street Lighting System.

 DO's and DONT's.
 Name and address of the contact person for repair and maintenance, in case of non-
functionality of the solar street lighting system

General Requirements

Lighting system equipment shall cover lighting panels, lighting fixtures, switches, receptacles with
switches, for outdoor lighting - lighting masts, street lighting poles, etc.

Normal and emergency lighting for indoor and outdoor areas shall be provided.
Supply for emergency lighting shall be derived from 110 V DC distribution board to be provided
under this Contract. The Bidder shall provide emergency lighting in the vital installation including
pump house, switchboard room, office building, administration areas, etc. Minimum 10% of the total
normal lighting fixtures shall be emergency type.

Galvanized conduits shall be used for all exposed wiring and black enameled MS conduit shall be
DJB or their representative d for all concealed wiring. Minimum size of conduit shall be 20 mm /
25mm for exposed / concealed conduits respectively. Wiring inside the pump house, switchboard
room and other areas shall be concealed type.
Wires used for conduit wiring of lighting fixtures / ceiling fans and receptacles shall be 250/440V
grade, PVC insulated, single core, stranded copper conductor wires of sizes not less than 2.5 sq. mm
and 4 sq. mm respectively. Wires shall conform to IS standards. Three individual wires with proper
color coding (P-N-E) shall be used for wiring and no joint in wires between conduit is allowed. 3 core
x 2.5 sq. mm. copper cables shall be used for circuiting of peripheral lighting. Lighting Panels

Lighting panels shall be of wall mounting type and fabricated out of 1.6 mm. thick cold rolled sheet
steel. lncomer circuit shall be controlled by a switch disconnector with a link in the neutral circuit.
Outgoing circuits shall be controlled by single pole MCBs of minimum 10A rating and a link in the
neutral circuit. TPN MCB shall be provided for street lighting/ area lighting purposes. Breaking
capacity of MCBs shall not be less than 10 kA. Residual circuit breakers (RCCBs) shall be used on all
lighting and receptacle circuits.

It shall be possible to terminate incoming and outgoing circuits from top and bottom. Knock-out for
cable / conduit entries for all the circuits shall be provided. Separate circuits shall be provided for
control of lighting fixtures and receptacles. Each phase shall have at least one spare circuit.

The panel shall be provided with 3 phase and neutral copper busbar adequately rated to cater to the
requirement of all the outgoing circuits. Two earthing terminals shall be provided external to the
panels for terminating the external earthing conductor.

The panel shall be internally wired using color coded, stranded copper conductor, PVC insulated
wires of 1100 V grade.

The panels shall have hinged door, gasketed all round and provided with handle lock. Operation of
incomer switch or MCBs shall be possible without opening the door.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 468
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Detailed specification of lighting panel and its accessories (e.g. busbar, MCB, indicating instrument,
indicating lamp, etc.) are described at MV and LV switchboard. Lighting Fixtures and its Accessories

Lighting fixtures for illumination of outdoor and indoor areas shall be supplied. Fixtures for outdoor
installation shall be of weatherproof design with degree of protection of IP65. The fixtures shall be
suitable for operation on a nominal supply of 240 V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC with a voltage variation
of + 10 %.

Fixtures shall be complete with internal wiring, lamp, capacitor, starter, holder, ballast, reflector,
louvres / perspex, etc. as required for their satisfactory operation. Fixtures shall be energy efficient
and ballast shall be electronic low loss type. All indoor lighting fixture for office and control room
shall be decorative type and for remaining areas it shall be industrial type.

Lamp holders for shall be of the spring loaded, low contact resistance, bi-pin rotor type, resistant to
wear and suitable for operation at the specified temperature, without deterioration in insulation value,
contact resistance or lamp holding quality. Bidder shall use LED lamp in suitable fixtures at all
location of the plant.
Lighting fixture reflectors shall generally be manufactured from steel or aluminum sheet of not less
than 20 SWG thicknesses. Each fixture shall be complete with a four way terminal block for
connection and looping of incoming and outgoing cables. Each terminal shall be able to accept two
2.5 mm2 copper stranded conductors. Each lighting fixture shall be provided with an earthing terminal
suitable for connecting 16 SWG copper stranded conductor. All metal or metal enclosed parts of the
housing shall be bonded and connected to the earth terminal to ensure satisfactory earthing continuity
throughout the fixture. All reflectors and louvers shall be finished to the same standard as the fixture

The enamel finish shall have a minimum thickness of 2 mils for outside surface and 1.5 mils for inside
surfaces. The finish shall be non-porous and free from blemishes, blisters, and fading.

Size of wire chosen shall be such as to limit the voltage drop to within 3 %. Minimum area of
conductor shall be 1.5 sq mm stranded copper for lighting and 2.5 sq mm / 4 sq mm for 5A / 15A
receptacle circuits respectively, and current density shall not exceed 2.5 A/sq mm. Generally, not
more than 8 to 10 lighting points shall be wired in one circuit. For calculating connected loads of
various circuits, a multiplying factor of 1.25 shall be assumed on the rated lamp wattage for sodium
vapour and fluorescent lamp fixtures to take into account the losses in the ballast. A loading of 100
watts and 500 watts shall be assumed for each, single-phase 5 amps and 15 amps receptacles
respectively. Wires belonging to different phases shall not be run in the same conduit. However, more
than one circuit on the same phase can be run in the same conduit. For every phase wire, a separate
neutral wire shall be run. Neutral wire for different phases shall not be looped.

The following types of fixtures shall be considered for various areas. The construction features are
indicative. Equivalent or superior feature is acceptable.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 469

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Flood lighting fixtures – Energy saving, environmental friendly, long life, exclusive innovative die-
cast aluminium IP-65 flood light with high power LEDs as light source. Type Turbo LED flood light
with 120W/160W LED fixtures.

High Mast Lighting- 18 Mtrs. High Mast Lights with suitably rated LED lighting fixtures.

Gate post lights - Post top lantern fitting with LED lamp shall be used.

Indoor Areas – LED Light fixtures shall be used. These fixtures shall be used in switchboard room
offices and pump houses and other areas. Where false ceiling is provided, fixtures shall be suitable for
recessed mounting. For non-false ceiling office areas, decorative type fixtures shall be used.

Outdoor Areas- Suitable type of fixtures with LED lamps shall be considered.

Street Lighting- Energy saving, environmental friendly, long life, exclusive innovative die-cast
aluminium IP-65 street light with high power LEDs as light source. Suitable LED Street light with
90W/120W LED fixtures shall be used.

Suitable type and rating of solar operated lighting fixtures with LED lamps shall also be used. System
shall be hybrid type to facilitate the charging facility at the event of non-sunny days.

1200mm sweep ceiling fans shall be provided in areas such as offices, etc. as per design requirement.
Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be made for enclosed areas where ceiling fans are not
proposed to be installed or cannot be provided. Power supply for the ceiling fans shall be derived
from lighting circuits. Ceiling fans shall be complete with all accessories. Regulators shall be
electronic (triac) type.

The work shall comprise wiring in heavy gauge (minimum 16 SWG) GI conduits, fixed and supported
at intervals of 300 mm on walls, ceiling etc.; installation of light control switches and receptacles
housed in GS boxes; earthing with 16 SWG copper wire run along the conduit and clamped to it at
every 300 mm; and termination of cables/wires at lighting panels, light control switches, receptacles,
lighting fixtures etc., as required. The minimum size of conduit shall be 20 mm. Space factor (ratio of
total wire area to internal conduit area) shall be 40 %. Concealed conducting shall be provided to all
building / office areas. For pump house area, the Bidder shall adopt surface conducting also.

Receptacles and Switches – It shall be weather-proof for outdoor application. For Pump-house area
and Switchgear room, industrial type receptacles with switch shall be provided. For Office areas, it
shall be decorative type. 3 phase welding receptacles shall also be provided as per requirement.

Types of fixtures proposed by the Bidder for various areas shall be subject to DJB or their
representative ’s representative approval.

The lighting poles for streetlights shall be of tubular / swaged type steel poles, circular in
construction. The steel poles shall be coated with bituminous preservative paint on the inside as well
as embedded outside surface. Exposed outside surface of the steel poles shall be painted with one coat
of red lead oxide primer. After completion of installation, two coats of aluminum paint shall be
applied. The supply of poles shall be complete with fixing bracket, necessary pipe reducer for fixing
the fitting and also include the necessary associated pole mounted junction boxes. 2 nos. studs shall be
provided on the pole for earthing. The lighting poles shall have an end cap with brackets for mounting
lamps (of suitable wattage) in weatherproof fittings, cut-off type or semi- cut off type luminaries. The
brackets shall be welded to the pole and shall ensure an suitable overhang depending on height of the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 470

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Junction boxes with terminals shall be supplied for branching and terminating the lighting cables,
weatherproof and suitable for usage in outdoor areas. The junction boxes shall be dust and vermin
proof and shall be fabricated from 2 mm CRCA sheet steel and shall be complete with removable
cover plate with gaskets, two earthing terminals each with nut, bolt and washer. The Bidder shall
provide support arrangement (through 25 x 4 mm GI flat U clamp) for proper fixing of the junction
box to the pole.

The boxes shall be hot dipped galvanized / painted with on shop coat of red oxide zinc chromate
primer followed by a finishing coat of paint. Suitable rubber gaskets shall be provided on the doors of
the junction boxes. The junction boxes shall have a locking facility, suitable to be opened by a
common panel key for all the junction boxes. The boxes shall have provision for mounting on the
poles. Suitable knockouts for the entry for cable / conduit entry shall be provided with terminal
blocks, HRC fuses etc.

The terminal blocks shall be mounted securely on brackets welded to the back sheet of the box. The
terminals shall be 1.1kV grade, one piece construction complete with barriers, galvanized nuts, bolts,
washers and provided with identification strips of PVC. The terminals shall be made of copper alloy
and shall be of box clamp type. Double compression brass glands shall be provided for entry / exit of
the cables into the junction box. Illumination Levels
Lighting system shall be designed to achieve the average maintained levels of illumination as
indicated below. The Bidder shall be required to measure the actual levels and carry out necessary
modifications to accomplish specified levels. It is to be noted that the values measured after
installation will exceed those specified due to inclusion of light loss factor in the calculation.
Measurement shall be carried out after 100 burning hours.

a) Pump House : 200 lux

b) Office / Conference Room : 400 lux
c) Switchboard Room / PLC room : 250 lux
and main indoor areas
d) All other indoor areas : 150 lux
e) Outdoor plant/ Street lighting : 10 – 20 lux

The illumination system shall be so designed that the uniformity factor is of acceptable level and that
the glare is within limits. The ratio of maximum to minimum illumination levels shall not exceed 20
in outdoor area.

The following values of ‘light loss factor’ shall be considered for design:

a) Indoor air-conditioned area : 0.8

b) Other indoor areas : 0.7
c) Outdoor area : 0.6

The Bidder shall furnish detailed design calculations, uniformity factors, ratio of maximum to
minimum illumination levels, ratio of average to minimum illumination levels, glare values, etc. for
approval. Detailed characteristics of various types of fixtures including photometric curves and tables
shall also be furnished for review.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 471
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Receptacles with Switches

Adequate number of receptacles of 6A, 16A and 32A rating with MCBs suitable for operation on 230
V AC, 1 phase, 50 Hz supply shall be provided as detailed below:

a) Decorative and industrial type shall be proposed in relevant areas.

b) Receptacles proposed for outdoor installation shall be of weatherproof design of degree of
protection IP65.
c) Single phase receptacle shall be provided with a switch / MCB of the same current rating,
housed in the same enclosure. Three phase receptacles shall be associated with a MCB of the
same rating, housed in the same enclosure. The number, type, rating and location of
receptacle shall be subject to approval of the DJB or their representative’s Representative. Switches
Decorative / industrial type switches of 6A / 16A rating shall be provided for all indoor areas.
Switches shall be provided to control a group of lighting fixtures in various areas. Switches shall be
housed in galvanized steel boxes. Water Coolers


Water cooler shall conform to IS 1475/78 with latest amendment suitable for operation on 230 volts
±10%, 50 cycle’s single phase AC supply. It shall be supplied with hermetically sealed type suction
cooled compressor with overload protection conforming to IS 10167. It shall have cooling capacity of
40 liters per hour with storage capacity as 80 liters.

Water coolers shall be required for site office. Two nos. water coolers shall be installed and make
them in operation. Tests
Lighting panels, fixtures, receptacles and other accessories shall be subjected to routine and
acceptance tests as per the applicable standards.



The scope shall cover, in addition to supply, complete installation of plant items and accessories as
indicated in various parts of the specification. Requirements / guidelines / information / parameters /
instructions, etc. specified in this section shall apply to all the sections.

Installation work pertaining to plant items and systems such as cabling, lighting, earthing and
lightning protection systems, etc. shall comply with the applicable standards, safety codes, etc.

Installation shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved drawings. Changes,
modifications, if any, required to suit site conditions, shall be carried out only with the prior approval
of the DJB or their representative’s Representative. All such changes shall be incorporated in the "As
built" drawings to be furnished by the Bidder.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 472

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All tools, brazing equipment, crane, scaffolding, rigging materials, ladders, consumables, hardware,
etc. required for installation shall be provided by the Bidder.

It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to engage Specialist Engineers from his Sub-Bidders /
Manufacturers to supervise installation work for plant items such as switchboard, motors, etc. where
felt essential. Such services shall be arranged by the Bidder at no extra cost to the DJB or their

It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to obtain approval / clearance, if any, from local statutory
authorities, for conducting any work for completed installation.

The Bidder shall ensure that all plant under erection as well as the work area and the project site are
kept clean to the satisfaction of the DJB or their representative. In case the DJB or their representative
is not satisfied about the cleanliness, he will have the right to carry out the cleaning operations.
Expenditure incurred by him in this regard will be to the Bidder's account. Packing cases and packing
material, except for spares shall be cleared from sites.

In order to avoid hazards to personnel moving around the equipment, which is kept charged after
installation before commissioning, such equipment shall be cordoned off by suitable barriers to
prevent accidental injury.

Switchboard shall be installed on finished surfaces. Proper aligning, joining of various vertical
shipping sections, busbar connections, inter panel wiring, etc. will be the responsibility of the Bidder.
The Bidder shall take utmost care in handling instruments, relays and other delicate mechanisms.
Wherever the instruments and relays are supplied separately, they shall be installed only after the
erection of switchboards is complete. Cabling System

All apparatus, connections and cable work shall be designed and arranged to minimize risk of fire and
any damage, which might be caused in the event of a fire.

Cables shall be laid directly buried in earth, on cable trays in built-up trenches, in conduits / pipes
along walls / structures / foundations / ceilings, etc. wherever required as per direction of engineer in
charge. Cables from substation to various MCCs, PDB, and other LT Panels shall be laid in RCC
cable trench on the trays .Trench shall be covered with RCC slab after finishing the cable laying work.
The Bidder's scope of work includes unloading, excavation, laying, backfilling, fixing, bending and
terminating the cables. The Bidder shall supply the necessary material and accessories required for
installation and termination of the cables which shall include but not be limited to items such as
glands, lugs, terminating accessories, hardware, consumables, saddles / spacers, GI conduits / pipes,
cable identification tags, protective bricks, civil materials, etc. Buried Cables

Cable installation in outdoor areas shall be carried out in directly buried cable trenches. Stabilized
thermal backfilling shall be used for directly buried cables. Cabling from trenches up to junction box /
equipment, etc. shall be carried out in GI conduit / pipes of class B. Provision of GI pipe sleeves in
trench wall shall be the Bidder's responsibility. Where cables cross roads or water / sewage pipes, the
Bidder shall provide rows of 150 mm diameter GI pipes in a concrete block for passage of cables.
Bidder shall also lay spare pipes for future use. Alternatively, Bidder shall provide concrete cable duct
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 473
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

for road crossing. LV cables shall be buried at a depth of minimum 750 mm while HV and MV cables
shall be buried at a depth of minimum 1000 mm. For road crossings, the pipe for the cables shall be
buried at not less than one meter depth.

Directly buried cables shall be laid on a 75 mm thick riddled and compacted earth bed. The cables
shall then be covered on top and at their side with riddled earth to a depth of about 150mm. This shall
then be gently pulled down to a depth of about 100 mm above the top of uppermost cable to provide
bedding for the protective concrete cable covers, which shall be placed centrally over the cables. The
protective cable covers shall be of reinforced concrete. The RCC covers shall have one hole at each
end to tie them to each other with GI wires to prevent displacement. The trench should be then
backfilled with the excavated soil and well rammed in successive layers of not more than 300 mm
thick, with the trenches being watered to improve consolidation, wherever necessary. To allow for
subsidence, a crown of earth not less than 50 mm in the center and tapering towards the sides of the
trench should be provided.

All cables to be routed along any particular route shall be laid at one time to avoid repeated
excavation, etc. Each cable shall be tagged with numbers. The tag shall be of aluminum with the
number punched on it and securely attached to the cable / conduits by not less than two turns of 20
SWG GI wire. Cable tags shall be of rectangular shape for power cables and of circular shape for
control cables. Cables tags shall be provided on all cables at each end, on both sides of wall / floor
crossings, on each duct / conduit entry, at each bend/ corner and at every thirty (30) meters in cables
trench / tray racks on straight run.

Where groups of HV, LV and control cables are to be laid along the same route in the same trench,
suitable nonmetallic barriers/bricks to segregate them physically shall be provided. When power
cables are laid in the proximity of communication cables, minimum horizontal and vertical separation
of 300 mm shall be maintained. Power and communication cables shall, as far as possible, should not
cross at right angles to each other. Cables in Trays

Cables in trays shall be cleated individually or in a group using GI saddles. Interval for cleating shall
not exceed 1500 mm.

In case of laying on cable trays / racks, power and control cables shall be laid in separate cable trays,
the order of laying of various cables being as given below:

a) HV cables on top tiers

b) LV cables on subsequent tiers
c) Control, instrumentation and other service cables in bottom-most cable tier.

Ladder type FRP cable trays and painted rack support shall be installed in cable trenches for power
cables. Perforated trays shall be used for control and instrumentation cables. Embedded flats for
fixing cable tray supports shall be provided in cable trenches to support the cable trays during civil
works. Where such flats cannot be used, the fixing of cable trays shall be done using anchor fasteners.
All cable trays shall be earthed at a regular interval.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 474

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The cable trays shall be complete with all necessary coupler plates, elbows, tees, bends, reducers,
stiffeners and other accessories and hardware. Cable trays and accessories such as tees, elbows,
reducer, etc. shall be fabricated out of minimum 2 mm thick sheet of hot dip galvanized sheet except
for trays of width 300 mm and lower for which 16 G GS sheet is acceptable. Bends, tees, etc. shall be
supplied or fabricated at site, as required. Cable tray supports such as angles, channels, etc. shall be of
galvanized steel. Galvanizing thickness shall be not less than 85 micron. Cable Pulling

The cables shall be laid in built-up trenches, directly buried in ground, or on cable trays, vertical
raceways, clamped on structures / walls / ceiling, pulled through pipes and conduits, etc. The scope of
cable installation shall include excavation and backfilling (in case of buried cable trench), laying,
pulling of cables, proper dressing of cables on cable trays, racks, vertical raceways and supply and
installation of cable tags, saddles, spacers and nylon cord for tying as required. The cost of supplying
covers for cable route / joint markers, supply of sand and cover plates are included in the scope of the

Standard cable grips and reels shall be utilized for cable pulling. If unduly difficult pulling occurs, the
Bidder shall check the pull required and suspend pulling until further procedure has been approved by
the DJB or their representative’s Representative. The maximum pull tension shall not exceed the
recommended value for the cable measured by the tension dynamometer. In general, any lubricant that
does not injure the overall covering and does not set up undesirable conditions of electrostatic stress
or electrostatic charge may be used to assist in the pulling of insulated cables in conduit / pipes and

After pulling the cable, the Bidder shall record cable identification with date pulled neatly with
waterproof ink in linen tags / aluminum tag and shall securely attach such identification tags.
Identification tags shall be attached to each end of each cable with non-corrosive wire. The wire must
be non-ferrous material on single conductor power cable. Tags would further be required at intervals
on long runs of cables on cable trays and in pull boxes. Cable and joint markers and RCC warning
covers shall be provided wherever required.

Each cable shall be pulled into the particular conduit / pipe and shall be taken from the particular reel
designated for the run. In hand holes, pull boxes or junction boxes having any dimension over 1000
mm, all conductors shall be cabled and / or racked in an approved manner. Care shall be taken to
avoid sharp bending or kinking cables, damaging insulation or stressing cable beyond manufacturer's
recommendations in pulling. Cable shall be protected at all times from mechanical injury and from
absorption of moisture at unprotected ends. The bending radii for various types of cables shall not be
less than 12/15 times the overall diameter of the cable for armoured cables and 15/20 times the overall
diameter of the cable for unarmoured cables.

Cables on cable racks and in conduits / pipes shall be formed to avoid bearing against edges of trays,
racks, conduit / pipes or their supports upon entering or leaving racks or conduit / pipes.

Cables splices shall not be used except where permitted by the DJB or their representative's
Representative. Splices shall be made by Bidder for each type of wire or cable in accordance with the
instructions issued by cable manufacturers and the DJB or their representative's Representative.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 475
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Before splicing, insulated cables shall have conductor insulation stepped and bound or penciled for
recommended distance back from splices to provide a long leakage path. After splicing, insulation
equal to that on the spliced conductors shall be applied at each splice.

At cable terminal points, where the conductor and cable insulation will be terminated, terminations
shall be made in a neat, skillful and approved manner by specially trained staff. Terminations shall be
made by the Bidder for each type of wire or cable in accordance with instructions issued by cable
manufacturers and / or the DJB or their representative's Representative.

Control cable termination shall be made in accordance with wiring diagrams, using proper color codes
for the various control circuit.

When control cables are to be fanned out and corded together with a cord, the Bidder shall make
connections to terminal blocks, and test the equipment for proper operation before cables are corded
together. If there is any doubt about correctness of connection, the Bidder shall make a temporary
connection with sufficient length of cable so that the cable can be switched to another terminal
without splicing. After correct connections are established, cables shall be cut to their correct lengths,
connected to terminals in the specified manner, and corded together where necessary to hold them in
place in a skillful manner. Jointing of cables shall be in accordance with relevant Standards and
manufacturer's instructions. Materials and tools required for cable jointing work shall be supplied by
the Bidder. Cables shall be firmly clamped on either side of a ‘straight through joint’ at a distance of
not more than 300 mm away from the joints. Identification tags shall be provided at each joint at all
cable terminations.

Where cables pass through floor or wall openings or other partitions, suitable bushes / pipe sleeves of
GI shall be provided by the Bidder. The Bidder shall seal the cables at the bushes / pipe sleeves using
fire resistant material.

Cable seals shall be examined to ascertain if they are intact and that cable ends are not damaged. If the
seals are found to be broken, the cable ends shall not be jointed until after due examination and testing
under supervision of the DJB or their representative's Representative. Before joining is commenced,
insulation resistance of both sections of cables to be jointed shall be checked by megger.

In case of motor cables, after installation and alignment of motors, the Bidder shall complete the
conduit / pipe installation, including a section of flexible conduit / pipe between motor terminal box
and trench / tray, if necessary. The Bidder shall install and connect the power, control and heater
supply cables as per equipment manufacturer’s drawings / instructions. The Bidder shall be
responsible for correct phasing of the motor power connection and shall interchange connections at
the motor terminal box, if necessary, after each motor is test run.

Connections to recording instruments float switches, level electrodes, limit switches, pressure
switches, thermocouples, thermostats and other miscellaneous equipment shall be done as per
manufacturer's drawings and instructions.

In each cable run, some extra length shall be kept at a suitable point to enable one or two straight-
through joints to be made, should the cable develop fault at a later date.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 476
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Conduits / Pipes

Where cable trench is not available, cables shall be laid in GI conduits / pipes routed along walls /
columns / beams / steel structures or buried in concrete slabs, etc. to suit site conditions. GI conduits
shall be Class C type. Supply and installation of GI conduits / pipes, their accessories such as bends,
tees, couplers, etc., saddles, spacers, junction / marshalling boxes and GI hardware required for
installation shall be included in the Bidder's scope. Interval between supports shall not exceed
500mm. For multiple cables, maximum utilization factor (ratio of total wire area to internal conduit
area) shall be 50% of the conduit area.

Non-metallic conduits / pipes shall be used for single core cables of a 3 phase circuits. Junction Boxes / Marshalling Boxes
Junction boxes / marshalling boxes shall be hot-dip galvanized, weather proof with IP 55 degree of
protection and shall be provided with cable glands for incoming and outgoing cables. The boxes shall
be fabricated from 1.6 mm thick sheet steel and galvanized. The boxes shall be suitable for mounting
on walls / columns / steel structures, etc. and shall be supplied with mounting accessories. The front
covers of the boxes shall be removable and provided with gaskets. All the terminals shall be complete
with insulated barriers, terminal studs, washers, nuts, etc. The boxes shall be effectively earthed. Fire Proof Sealing (FPS) System

Fire proof sealing system shall be provided and shall consist of

a) Fire-stops / fire-seals for sealing of cable / cable tray and conduit / pipe penetrations, both
horizontal and vertical, through brick or RCC walls / floors, to prevent the spread of fire from
one area to other areas by fire-resistant barriers.

The FPS system shall also include all the necessary accessories and equipment required for
supporting, holding in position, fixing and installation of the fire-stop.

The FPS system shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the codes and standards
mentioned herein IEC-111 and IEC-112. Fire Stop / Seal

The FPS system adopted for cables or cable trays penetrating through walls and floor openings, or
cables passing through embedded conduits / pipes / pipe-sleeves, constitutes a `fire stop / seal', which
is meant to prevent spreading of fire between areas separated by fire-resistant barriers. Performance Requirements

Requirement of fire stops

i. The material, design and construction of the fire stops shall be such as to provide a fire-rating
of 120 minutes for a fire on any side and meet all requirements listed in this specification and
the relevant codes and standards.
ii. The materials used in the fire stops shall be non-hygroscopic, compatible with the type of
iv. The fire stops shall be suitable for retrofitting of cables through the penetration seal without
disturbing the sealing of the cables already existing.\
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 477
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Application of Fire Proof Sealing System

a) Fire stops
Fire stops shall be provided for cable penetration openings listed below
i. The passage of cables / cable trays pipe sleeves / embedded conduits through walls /
ii. Vertical raceways, if any, which carry cables between successive floors, through
openings provided in the RCC floor slab, shall be sealed by fire stops at each floor
iii. Cable entry through openings in floor slabs.

Bidder shall furnish the test certificates for the fire stops after award of Contract for DJB or their
representative for review. If the certificates are not satisfactory, all the tests shall be conducted free of
cost. The offered system i.e. fire stops and fire breaks shall be identical (or better) with the system
which is successfully type tested for the specified rating i.e. the composition density of the material,
thickness of coating in case of fire breaks and any other properties of the material / system offered
shall be identical or better than the tested system and shall be subject to DJB or their representative
approval. Performance Tests:

a) The fire stops shall be subjected to the following type tests:

i. Fire Rating Test
ii. Hose Stream Test
b) Type tests shall be conducted on different fire stop test specimens described above as per
IEEE-634. The sizes of the fire stop test specimens shall be similar to the largest of the sizes
being used in the plant.
c) Preconditioning of fire stop test specimens
Before conducting the Fire Rating and Hose Stream tests, each test specimen shall be
preconditioned for thermal ageing, water immersion and vibration.
d) Test on Fire Stops
During the Fire Rating test, the transmission of heat through the cable penetration fire stop
shall not raise the temperature on its unexposed surface above the self-ignition temperature of
the outer cable covering, the cable penetration fire stop material, or material in contact with
the cable penetration fire stop, with a maximum temperature limit on the unexposed surface
of 2000C.

Earthing and lightning protection system shall comply with the following International Standards,
including those referred to therein.

ANSI / IEEE Std. 80 and 142, IEC 61024, and IS 2309, 3043.

The scope includes measurement of electrical soil resistivity (during dry season) at site, supply of
earthing conductors, earth electrode pits, lightning protection system and their installation including
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 478
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

associated civil work as per the specifications and approved drawings, to the satisfaction of the DJB
or their representative ’s Representative. The scope of works shall also comprise designing the
earthing and lightning protection systems as per the applicable standards and specific design basis
listed below:

a) Average value of soil resistivity as measured for different electrode spacing, at site. (from 2
to 100 Meter or more in steps of 5, 10 Meter. At least 20 nos. readings shall be taken over
the plant area, each in two different directions)
b) Permissible values of step and touch potentials based on weight of human being as 70 kg
and Earth fault current of 40 kA for 1 seconds
c) Gravel with surface resistivity of 3000 ohm-m
d) Depth of burial of earth conductors of 600 mm below ground level
e) Ground resistance with only electrodes of maximum 1 ohm.
f) Ground resistance of earthing grid of maximum 1 ohm
g) Corrosion allowance of at least 20 %
h) Earthing conductor material shall be minimum 20 mm diameter and 3 m long GI Pipe.

Earthing system design and calculations shall be subject to DJB or their representative’s approval.

Earthing and lightning protection system shall be provided to ensure equipment safety, personnel
safety and to facilitate designed operation of protective devices during earth fault conditions in the
associated system.

The Bidder shall install bare earth conductors as required for the system and individual equipment
earthing. All the work such as cutting, bending, supporting, drilling, brazing / soldering/welding,
clamping, bolting and connections to structures, equipment frames, terminals or other devices shall be
in the Bidder’s scope. All hardware and consumables such as fixing cleats / clamps, anchor fasteners,
lugs, bolts, nuts, washers, brazing electrodes, flux, bituminous compound, anti-corrosive paint, etc. as
required for the complete work shall be included by the Bidder.

Tap connections (earthing leads) of more than 500 mm long, from main earthing grid to equipment
shall be embedded in the floor by the Bidder together with associated civil work such as chipping /
chasing, concreting and surfacing, etc. The concrete cover over the conductor shall not be less than 50

The scope of installation of earth conductors in outdoor areas, buried in ground shall include
excavation in earth up to 600 mm depth and 400mm width, laying of conductor at 600 mm depth,
brazing as required of main grid conductor joints as well as riser’s up to 500 mm above ground at
required locations and backfilling. Backfilling material to be placed over buried conductor shall be
free from stones and other mixtures. Backfill shall be placed in layers of 150 mm, uniformly spread
along the trench and compacted. If the excavated soil is found unsuitable for backfilling, the Bidder
shall arrange for suitable material from outside. Earthing conductors in outdoor areas shall be laid
1500mm away from buildings. The scope of installation of earth conductors in outdoor areas buried in
ground, shall include excavation of earth up to 600 mm depth, brazing / welding of main grid
conductor, joints as well as risers of length 500 mm above ground at required locations and then

Wherever earthing conductor crosses underground service duct and pipes, it shall be laid 300 mm
below them. If the distance is less than 300 mm, the earthing conductor shall be bonded to such
service ducts / pipes.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 479

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The scope of installation of electrodes shall include installation of electrodes in constructed earth pits,
and connecting to main buried earth grids. The scope of work shall include excavation, construction
of the earth pits including all materials required for treatment (salt, charcoal, chemicals, etc.), placing
the electrode and connecting to main earth grid conductors.

The work of embedment of earthing conductor in RCC floors / walls along with provision of earth
plate inserts / pads / earth risers shall be done by the Bidder preferably before the floors / columns /
walls are cast. The embedded conductors shall be connected to reinforcing rods wherever necessary.

The scope of installation of earthing leads to the equipment and risers on steel structures / walls shall
include laying the conductors, brazing / cleating at specified intervals, brazing to the main earth grids,
risers, bolting at equipment terminals and coating brazed joints by bituminous paint.

Earthing and lightning protection system conductors along their run on walls / columns, etc. shall be
cleated at an interval of 750 mm.

Main earthing conductor shall be buried below the trench at crossing points.

Metallic frames of all electrical equipment shall be earthed by two separate and distinct leads and then
connected with earthing system.

Neutral of a transformer shall be earthed to two separate earth electrode pit by two separate earth

Crane rails shall be connected to the earthing system.

An earthing mat shall be provided under the operating handle of the disconnector. Operating handle of
the disconnector and the supporting structure shall be bonded together by a flexible connection and
connected to earth grid.

Metal pipes and cable conduits shall be effectively bonded and earthed by earthing clamps efficiently
fastened to the conduit at both ends.

Neutral connection shall never be used for equipment earthing.

A separate earth electrode shall be provided for each lightning arrester and for each lightning
conductor down comer.

Cable sheaths and screen shall be bonded to the earthing system.

Armour of multicore cables shall be bonded to earthing system at both ends, while that of single core
cables shall be earthed at source end only. The size of conductor for bonding shall be appropriate with
the system fault current.

Conduits, fixtures, junction boxes, etc. shall be bonded to the earthing system by 16 SWG diameter
copper wire looped from lighting panel earth bus onwards. Outdoor lighting poles, junction boxes,
etc. shall be earthed by 12 SWG copper wires.

Street light pole and junction box shall be earthed with 12 SWG tapped off from the 25x3 mm GI
earthing conductor to be laid along the street lighting cable.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 480

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All metallic parts such as transformer, fence, gate, etc. shall be properly earthed.

Wherever earthing conductor passes through walls, galvanized steel pipe sleeves shall be provided for
the passage of earthing conductor. The pipe ends shall be sealed by the Bidder, by suitable water-
proof compound. Water stops shall be provided wherever earthing conductor enters the building from
outside below ground level.

All connections in the main earth conductors buried in earth / concrete shall be brazed type.
Connections between main earthing conductor and earth leads shall also be of brazed type.
Connection between earth leads and equipment shall be by two bolts. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM
Lightning system confirm to the specification laid down in

1. IS 2309 Protection of Buildings and allied structures against Lightning.

2. NFPA 780-Standard for the installation of Lightning protection system, National Fire
protection Association-2000.
3. UL96- Lightning Protection components.
4. UL96A-Installation Requirement for Lightning protection system
5. IS/IEC 62305-1:20110-Protection against Lightning
6. IS/IEC 62305-2:20110-Protection against Lightning
7. IS/IEC 62305-3:20110-Protection against Lightning
8. IS/IEC 623054:20110-Protection against Lightning


Conductor system protects structures consisting of air terminals on roofs, bonding of structure
and other metal objects, grounding electrodes and inters connecting conductors. Lightning system

1. Air terminals and Interconnecting conductors

2. Grounding and equipotential bonding for lightning protection.
3. Down conductors
4. Joints and bonds
5. Testing Joints
6. Earth terminations and
7. Earth Electrode.

Installation of lightning conductors on the roof of buildings shall include laying, anchoring, fastening
and cleating of horizontal conductors, grouting of vertical rods wherever necessary, laying, fastening /
cleating / brazing of the down comers on the walls / columns of the building and connection to the test
links to be provided above ground level.

Lightning protection system down-conductors shall not be connected to the conductors of safety
earthing system above ground level. The lightning protection system for the structures shall be
installed by forming a grid of exposed continuous earth conductors and taking down-comers along the
walls/supports of the structure and terminating the same at earth pits. A separate earth electrode shall
be provided for each lightning arrester and for each lightning conductor down comer. The lightning
protection system earth pits shall be inter-connected to form the safety earthing grid provided for the
building / structure. The safety earthing grid shall be connected to the mains grid of the switch yard.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 481

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The lightning protection air termination rods and / or horizontal air termination conductors shall be
fixed in a firm manner. The necessary accessories such as cleats, clamps, brazing materials, bolts,
nuts, shall be supplied by Bidder.

Air termination systems shall be connected to earthing system by down conductors. There shall not be
any sharp bends, turns and kinks in the down conductors.

All joints in the down conductors shall be of brazed type. All metallic structure within 1 meter of
down conductors shall be bonded to lightning protection system.

Every down conductor shall be provided with a ‘test link’ mounted on wall / column at about 1000
mm above ground level housed in a 16 SWG GS enclosure. The test joint shall be directly connected
to the earth electrode.

The lightning protection system shall not be in direct contact with underground metallic service ducts,
cables, cable conduits and metal enclosures of electrical equipment. However, all metal projections,
railings, vents, tanks, etc. above the roof shall be bonded together to form a part of roof grid.

Lightning protection system down conductors shall not be connected to other earthing conductors
above ground level. In addition, no intermediate earthing connection shall be made to lightning
arresters and transformer, who’s earthing leads, shall be directly connected to electrode pit.


Suitable rating and type of surge diverter shall be provided when earth pits of lightning system to be
connected to main earth grid. Lighting protection unit shall also be connected to each of HT/ LT Panel
to protect the panel against lightning. Earth Electrodes and Pit
Treated earth pits shall comprise of treatment material such as salt and charcoal or any other
conductivity enhancing compound. Treatment material placed around the electrode shall be finely
graded, free from stones and other harmful mixtures. Backfill shall be placed in 150 mm thick
uniformly spread and compacted layers. If excavated soil is found unsuitable for backfilling, the
Bidder shall arrange for a suitable soil from outside.

Earth electrodes shall be fabricated from minimum 20 mm diameter, 3m long, copper rod or 40 mm
diameter, 3m long GI pipe. The minimum spacing between adjacent electrodes shall be 6 m. Design
and constructional details of electrode pit shall be subject to the DJB or their representative’s
Representative approval.

Electrodes shall, as far as practicable, be embedded below permanent moisture level.

Test pits with concrete covers shall be provided for periodic testing of earth resistance. Installation of
electrodes in test pits shall be suitable for watering. The necessary materials required for installation
of test pits shall be supplied and installed by Bidder. The installation work shall also include civil
works such as excavation / drilling and connection to main earth grid. Earth electrode pit marker shall
be provided.

Treated earth pits shall be treated with suitable treatment material mentioned above, if average
electrical resistivity of soil is more than 20 ohm meter.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 482

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Minimum conductor size for connections to various equipment shall be as per the table as follows,
however sizes of earthing conductor and nos. of earthing pits will be selected based on the soil
resistivity report of the site, approved earthing system design:

Equipment Rating KW Conductor Size

Motors Up to 11 kW 8 SWG GI wire
11 kW up to 22 kW 4 SWG GI wire
22 kW up to 37.5 kW 25 x 3 mm GI flat
37.5 kW to 90 kW 25 x 6 mm GI flat
90 kW to 200 kW 40 x 6 mm GI flat
Above 200 kW 50 x 10 mm GI flat
PCC 50 x 6 mm GI flat
PDB 50 x 6 mm GI flat
DG and other panel 50 x 6 mm GI flat
Local control station, street light pole and 8 SWG GI wire
its junction box
All switchyard equipment As Calculated
Main earth grid As Calculated
Lighting Panel 25 x 3 mm GI flat
Down conductors for lightning 35x3 mm GI Strip
Indoor fixtures 14 SWG GI wire

All paint, scale etc. shall be removed before earthing connections are to be made.

Anchor bolts or fixing bolts shall not be used for earthing connections.




1. This specification covers the requirements of 3 phases 415 V, 50 Hz, 50KA

continuous rated, Aluminium TPN bus with enclosure suitable for indoor / outdoor
type. The bus – duct shall be designed for continuous current ratings and for a
maximum temperature rise of 40°Cover an ambient temperature of 45°C.

2. The bus – bars shall be of hard drawn high conductivity electrolytic grade aluminium
flats of electrical grade 63401-WP as per IS: 5082. The bus- bars shall be of uniform
cross section along its entire length. No tapering of the bus bars’ cross-section is

3. The enclosure of bus – duct shall be of 14 SWG sheet steel of minimum thickness of 2
mm bolted on to an angle iron / structural steel framework. The bus duct shall be
painted after suitable pretreatment of all structural steel and plates with anti-corrosive
epoxy base primer paint & two coats of anti-corrosive epoxy base paint externally with

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 483

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

a colour of pebble / flint gray shade RAL7032and dried in an oven. The enclosure shall
conform to IP: 55 for outdoor and IP: 54 for indoor, as per Indian Standards. Inner
surface of the bus – duct shall be coated in the rubber paint.

4. The bare bus-bars shall be provided with a coat of Matt finish.

5. The joints in the bus-bars shall be of the bolted type and it shall be ensured that the
following precautions are observed.

i. The contact pressure must be ample and this shall be maintained during the
time the panel is in service.

ii. The surfaces of the conductors must be clean.

iii. With flat conductors, the overlap should be equal to or greater than the width of
the bars or ten times the thickness of the bar whichever is greater.

iv. The joints shall be treated by the application of joint compound to render the
joint moisture-proof.

For the joints use of bolts of cadmium plated high-tension MS bolts having
expansion characteristics due to temperature change similar to the conductor may be
used with steel nuts.

vi. Smearing the surfaces with oxide inhibiting grease just prior to making the
joint in order to preserve the efficiency of the joints. Minimum phase and earth
clearance required shall be maintained at joints. The joints shall be thoroughly

6. The bus bar arrangement shall generally conform to IS: 5578 and IS: 11353. The bus –
duct shall be also supplied with suitable earth bus running all along the length of the
bus – duct made of copper strips. Current density at any part shall not exceed
prescribed limits. Two copper flats of same phase shall be stacked together or the
spacing between them shall be maximum of the thickness of one conductor.

7. The bus bars shall be phase identified by colour, at intervals. Colour code shall be
RED, YELLOW and BLUE for phase and BLACK for the neutral bus – bar.

8. Bus – bars shall be supported on tough, non-hygroscope8. Bus – bars shall be

supported on tough, non-hygroscopic, resin bonded self-extinguishing fire retardant
insulators preferably of SMC / DMC with ribbed construction to prevent tracking due
to dust paths. Bus-bars and supports shall withstand the maximum stresses that are
induced in the event of. The short-circuit currents being as specified. The bus-bar
support shall be at a minimum interval of 500mm.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 484

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

9. The bus- bars shall be supplied with flexible expansion joints at both the ends and also
at bends. The supports and expansion arrangement shall be so chosen to avoid undue
stress to the bus – bars, supports and end connections.

10. Dust excluding gaskets of neoprene shall be used for enclosures to ensure water and
dust tightness. The duct shall be (mostly) suitable for outdoor installation. Minimum
two numbers of space heater switch thermostats shall be provided to prevent moisture
condensation and maintain cubicle temperature 5 Deg. C above the ambient.

11. The clearance between the individual bare phase power bus-bars and between the
phase and earth bus –bars in air shall be not less than 25 mm and 19 mm respectively.

12. Drain points shall be provided at the bottom of the bus – duct, at suitable locations.
The bus-duct shall be provided with silica gel breathers, in all sections.

13. Bus duct joints shall be covered with encapsulated PVC sleeves. Phase cross over
shall be provided wherever required.

14. Fire proof sealing shall be provided wherever bus ducts enter/exit the wall of
substation building.
15. Joints of bus ducts shall be covered with pvc caps.
16. Phase cross over shall be considered wherever required in the route length of bus


1. The design, manufacture and performance of the equipment to be supplied under the
scope of this specification shall comply with latest revisions of relevant Indian
Standards and rules.

The design and workmanship shall be in accordance with best engineering practices
as applicable to industrial electrical enclosure.

Industrial Local Control Station enclosure shall be Cast Aluminium LM6 alloy or
FRP enclosure having minimum 3 mm thickness.

The enclosure shall be weather proof, IP-55 suitable for outdoor installation. Local
control stations for use in hazardous areas shall be Ex-d protection, suitable for gases
such as methane (CH4), CO, CO2 and H2S and shall be suitable for zone-
1application. These shall be CMRS certified. All mating surfaces of industrial LCS
shall be with continuous non-deteriorating type special rubber gasket/neoprene
gaskets. An additional 2mm thick Aluminium canopy shall be provided to give
adequate protection against weather.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 485
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Two threaded entries shall be of 20 mm shall be provided on each Local Control
Stations at the bottom for fixing the cable glands. Metallic/rubber plug shall be
provided for sealing one of the cable entry.
The enclosure shall be provided with two(2) nos. of external earthing terminals and
one (1) no. internal earthing terminal each of 2.5 mm diameter complete with nut,
spring washers for termination.

All internal wiring up to the terminal block in the Local Control Station shall be
carried out with 1.5 sq.mm stranded copper conductors. Wires shall be PVC insulated
type 650/1100V grade. The wire shall be terminated with crimping type lugs only and
shall be provided with ferrules at both the ends.

The Local Control Stations shall be treated with two coats of epoxy primer after
thorough cleaning and treating of the surfaces and shall be finally provided with two
coats of epoxy paint. Shade of final paint shall be 631 of IS5.

Each LCS shall be provided with name plate. Name Plate shall be made from rear
engraved, Perspex with letters of size minimum 6 mm on black backgrounds. All
name plates shall be identical in size and shall be fixed with screws on the cover.


Each push button shall be provided with 1NO+1NC contacts, each rated to carry,
make and break 10A at 240 V AC.

Colour of the actuators of “STOP” push button shall be RED and that of “START”
push button shall be GREEN. Stop push button actuator shall be mushroom head type
and shall have stay-put feature i.e. once the STOP push button is pressed, it remains in
pressed position until its actuator is turned in either direction. START push button
shall be totally shrouded type to prevent accidental start of the motor.

Voltage grade of terminal block shall be 660V. Current rating, their size and make
shall be as per the requirement specified. Two nos. spare terminals shall be provided
in each local control station.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 486
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


The various drawing and documents to be submitted with offer and after placement of
order shall be as per attached schedule. Before starting manufacture of the equipment,
the manufacturer shall take the approval of design drawings from the engineer.
The LCS shall be routine tested at manufacturer’s works in the presence of
purchaser/his representative before dispatch to site.



1 Material of Enclosure Die Cast Aluminium alloy LM6/FRP
3 Actuator GREEN for START and RED for STOP
4 TYPE Spring return for START and mushroom
headed stay put for STOP
5 Standard to which equipments IS 8623 & IS 4237
6 Terminal Block
6.1 Type Clip-on
6.2 Size 2.5 sq.mm
6.3 Voltage Grade 660V
6.4 Current Rating 10A
7 Internal Wiring
7.1 Size 1.5 sq. mm Stranded copper conductor.


The contractor shall provide the required nos. of DG sets of suitable capacity to cater auxiliary loads
of gas engines and Bio gas power plant auxiliary loads for starting of bio gas engines. The DG set
shall be equipped with automatic starter and automatic change over switch in case of power failure.
The contractor shall lay separate feeder line from automatic change over switch of DG set to
respective units where consistent power supply is required.

The detailed scope of supply, installation, testing and commissioning includes the following.
(i) AMF controlled silent type Diesel Generating set of required capacity at 0.8 power
factor developing 415 volts +/- 5%, 3 phase 4 wire system, required
(ii) Necessary set of piping required for lub. oil system, fuel system, circulating water
system for radiator and exhaust piping.
(iii) Necessary flexible connections to be inserted in water circulation, lub, oil, fuel and
exhaust piping system.
(iv) Necessary lead acid battery for starting including cable work.
(v) Necessary winterization system scheme.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 487
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(vi) Necessary set of foundation bolts and suitable vibration isolation mountings.
(vii) Necessary cable work between control panel and the alternator both power and
control as per detailed specification.


This shall comprise of necessary set of heavy duty batteries 24 V.D.C. or as suitable, starter
motor axial type gear to match with the toothed ring on the fly wheel. A bimetallic relay
protection to protect the starter motor from excessively long cranking runs suitable
integrated with the engine protection system shall be included within the scope of work.
Battery capacity shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting system as well as
the requirements of control panel, indications and auxiliaries etc. The scope shall cover all
cabling, terminals including initial charging etc.


The battery charger shall be suitable to charge required numbers of batteries of 12 volts-
25 plates 180 AH capacity each at 24 volts complete with, transformer, rectifier, charge
rate selector switch, indicating ammeter & voltmeter etc.

SILENCERS:-Residential silencer suitable for indoor mounting shall be provided.


Engine instrumentation shall be centralized on an instrumentation panel. The instrument

panel shall be resilient, mounted on the engine and shall have the following mounting:
(i) Cooling water temperature indicator.

(ii) Lub. Oil pressure indicator.


Following protection and equipment shall be provided.

(i) Low lubricating oil pressure.

(ii) High cooling water temperature.

(iii) Over speed shut down.

(iv) Switching and protection equipment for engine auxiliaries such as motor, Jacket
water heater, etc. as applicable shall be included.

A set of operation devices shall be incorporated in the front of panel as under:


Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 488

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

This shall cut off in OFF position, D.C. control supply to entire panel thus
preventing startup of engine due to any cause. However, battery charger, lamp test
button for testing the healthiness of indication lamps, D.C. voltmeter / ammeter
etc. shall be operative. It shall be feasible to lock the switch in off position for
maintenance and shut down purposes.

(b) Operation selector switch OFF/AUTO/manual/test position.

(c) Voltmeter, frequency meter, selector switch.

(d) Ammeter with selector switch.

(e) Relays, contactors, timers, circuit breakers as required.

(f) Auto/manual statics selector.

(g) Necessary battery charger with boost/trickle selector D.C. voltmeter and D.C.
Ammeter with lamp indications for healthy mains boost charge and float charges.

(h) Compatibility with ‘Building Management System’ *BMS): PLC compatibility and
required nos. of input/output terminals points should be provided in the AMF control


Tests shall cover the following-

(a) Routine tests as per standards at manufactures works.

(b) Insulation resistance tests.

(c) Operation checks


A. The firm must furnish a copy norm as below:-

-- Exhaust norms of engine offered shall be minimum euro-II/ bharat-III

-- Acoustic Enclosure type test

The test must be carried out through a test lab., which is accredited by CPCB for
this purpose.

B. The acoustic enclosure shall be as per standard design of D.G. set OEA/OEM and
shall also confirm requirement of bye-laws of CPCB. Sound level when measured at
a distance of 1mtr.should not exceeds 75db. Adequate illumination inside the
enclosure shall be provided.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 489

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

NOTES:-Bidder shall alternatively consider

1. Clean gas holder for 15 minute capacity to black start of gas engines.
2. Suitably rated UPS of motor duty to cater the auxiliary services load of gas
3. Diesel Generated power shall also be used for gas flare and water sprinkler
system to be used for horticulture.
5.3.15 SUBSTATION DESIGN The sub-stations shall be located in a safe area close to the load center HV/MV sub-stations & MCC rooms shall be elevated at least by 1 Mtr. by compacting
the soil so that the bottom of the cable trench within sub-station is above the surrounding
grade level. A separate entry of 3 m x 3 m with rolling shutter shall be provided for drawing in all
equipment for erection. The main entry for operating personnel shall be preferably
provided with double door system. The Sub-station shall also have an emergency door
opening outwards. For attending sub-stations, an operator’s room shall be provided. An annunciation panel
to monitor the switchgear located in the sub-station shall be installed in the operator’s
room. Sub-station wall adjacent to the transformer bays shall be 355 mm thick in case of brick
construction or 230 mm thick in case of RCC construction. Sub-station building shall be without any columns within the switchgear room to ensure
optimum space utilization. Battery banks shall be located in a separate adequately ventilated room in the sub-station
buildings, along with the necessary exhaust system and water connection with sink. Floor
of the battery room and walls up to 1.0 m height shall have acid / alkaline resistant
protective material coating / tilling. Light fittings in this room shall be chemical resistant
The battery rooms shall be provided with minimum two exhaust fans and louvered
opening in opposite wall/door. UPS system and other power electronics equipment e.g. variable speed drive panels shall
be located in air-conditioned room. Sub-station shall have firefighting equipment, first aid boxes and other safety equipment
as per statutory requirements. Mats of required voltage rating shall be provided in front o
switchboards. Equipment like transformers, neutral grounding resistors, reactors and HV capacitor
banks shall be located in bays adjacent to the sub-station building. All bays shall have
well drained floor, surfaced with gravel or other suitable material. Each bay shall be
provided with 2.5m high removable chain link fence with a lockable gate at the open side.
Partition walls between transformer bays and the ends of the last bay shall be of fire proof
type and shall extend at least 600 mm above the height of the equipment. Height of the
bay shall be decided so as to facilitate maintenance and easy removal of equipment and
requirements of natural ventilation. Oil immersed transformers with oil capacity exceeding 2000 liters shall be provided with
a soak pit of sufficient capacity to take the whole of the oil of the equipment. Where oil
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 490
Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

capacity of transformers exceeds 9000 liters, provision shall be made to drain away the oil
to a separate waste oil tank/pit located away through suitable drainpipes of 150 mm or
200 mm in diameter. Fixed fire extinguishing system shall be provided for all oil-filled
transformers having oil content more than 2000 liters. One set of accessories consisting of cell testing voltmeter, spanner, face shield, PVC
apron, rubber gloves etc. shall be provided in each battery room. The substation building shall be sized to take care of present and future needs and to
maintain adequate clearances between equipment for ease of maintenance.

The following minimum clearances around various equipment shall be maintained.

a) Front clearance for HV/MV switchboard 2500 MM

b) Front clearance for all other switch- 2000 MM

a) Rear clearance for panels having Less than 200mm or
Maintenance access from front only more than 750 mm
b) Rear clearance for panels requiring 1500 mm (HV SWBDs)
Maintenance from rear 1000 mm (MV SWBDs)
c) Side clearance between two switch- 1500 mm
Boards or from nearest obstruction (but not less than twice
The width of each panel)
f) All around clearance for transformers/NGR 1000 mm

g) All around clearance for capacitor bank/ 1000 mm

series reactor
h) Battery rack to wall clearance for

- Single row, single/double tier 100 mm

- Double row, single tier 100 mm
- Double row, double tier 750 mm

i) Battery rack-to-rack clearance 750 mm

j) Head room clearance below bus ducts for 2000 mm

Any other overhead equipment

k) Front clearance for wall mounted equipment 1000 mm

l) Front clearance for operation station/ 2500 mm

Annunciation/control panel

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 491

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Vertical clearance above the top of the highest equipment shall be minimum 1500 mm
measured from bottom of roof slab and minimum 500 mm measured from the bottom of
the lowest roof beam. However for the areas with false ceiling, minimum clearance of
750 mm shall be provided between false ceiling & top of any equipment. All substations, UPS rooms, battery charger/battery rooms shall be provided with at least
25% space for future expansion. The DG sets shall be preferably located in a separate building other than the substation, in
a safe area to reduce noise level in substation. However in case the same is located in the
substation building, the DG set foundation shall be structurally delinked from the
slab/floor of the rest of the substation building. Exhaust of diesel engine shall be kept
away from the process/hydrocarbon handling areas and diesel day oil tanks shall be
located outside the DG room. Suitable ventilation system shall be provided to avoid heat
accumulation in the DG room.
1. Filled in Data sheets
2. Electrical Load List
3. Transformer capacity sizing calculation
4. APFC sizing calculation
5. Battery & Battery charger sizing calculation
6. Guaranteed losses of transformers
7. Single Line Diagram for HT & LT Power Distribution
8. List of Electricals
9. Instrument Index
10. Control system architecture
11. Control room layout
5.3.18 General
1.0 Incomers of LT switchgear panels shall have four poles. Each MCC Panels shall have two
incomers, one bus coupler and required numbers of outgoing feeders as per system
requirement. Minimum one no. of each type and rating or 20% of the outgoing feeders
shall be considered as spare feeder in each LT Panels. Feeders rated 630A and above shall
be Air circuit Breaker, up to 400A MCCB, 63A and below shall be MCB. MPCB of
adequate rating and KA capacity shall be used for motors rated up to 3.7 Kw.
2.0 Incomer rating of LT Panels /MCCs shall be selected considering total running load + 50%
standby feeders load+ 10% spares feeder’s load and additional 10% margin on the sum of
3.0 Any fees paid to statutory body for testing, inspection of installed electrical equipment
will be reimbursed later by DJB against documentary evidence.
4.0 Minimum size of power cable shall be 2.5 sq. mm copper conductor or 6 sq.mm
Aluminium conductor cable. Control cable shall be 2.5 sq.mm copper conductor cable.
5.0 HT panel shall be suitable for 33KV, (25 KA for 1 Sec). There will be two Incoming
source on dual circuit at one place at substation of proposed 128 MGD STP and further
subdivided to.
5.1 Substation-S/S-1 carrying the load for Primary Treatment, Sludge Thickening,
Miscellaneous & gas handling System.
5.2 Substation-S/S-II near Biological Treatment
5.3 Substation-S/S-III near Tertiary system.
5.4 Substation-S/S-IV for Effluent Pumping Station.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 492

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.0 DC system equipment (comprising batteries, Battery charger & DC distribution board)
with adequate capacity shall be proposed for protection / control circuits and other vital
devices of each substation. DC system, Calculation of DC Battery size, DC battery
charger, should be attached with the bid.
7.0 All the protection relay of 33 kV kV HT panel shall be of microprocessor based except
master tripping relay and check supervision relay.
8.0 No any other/ authorized manufacturers shall be considered for panel manufacturering.
Only approved vendors will be acceptable. In case of non-response/regret from approved
vendors, approval of additional vendors shall be initiated.
9.0 Delivery time of any equipment shall not be more than six months before the date of
10.0 The Control system and instrumentation for the plant shall be provided as per typical
control system architecture attached with this tender.
11.0 Height of operating switch for LT switchgear panels should not be more than 1800mm
and should not be less than 300 mm.
12.0 Suitable arrangement of power requirement for starting the bio gas engines and gas flare
during the mains power failure shall also be considered.
13.0 Power generated from bio gas engines should be synchronized to mains power at S/S-II
5.3.19 Transformer Transformer ratings shall be considered based on the total load (Motor load+
Lighting load+ HVAC load). In addition to that 10% margin shall be considered for
contingency load. Transformer should not be loaded more than 80% of the rated capacity. Voltage regulation during starting of largest motor at last should not be more than
5% at 0.8 power factors and 100% load.
5.3.20 Motor All the motors shall be squirrel cage Induction motor with TEFC enclosure, premium
efficiency and for continuous duty. For hazardous area Flame Proof motors shall be
considered. Starting of motors shall be considered as follows:- Motors rated up to 5.5 Kw ---------------- DOL Starter
ii. Motor rated 7.5 Kw and above up to 37 Kw---Star/Delta Starter
iii. Motors rated 45 Kw and above-------------------- Soft Starters
iv. All motors above 100HP/75KW shall be provided with RTD's (at least two RTD's
per winding) earth leakage protection, comprehensive micro process Based
protection having locked current /over load, negative phase sequence relay, under
load, over current, earth fault, start nos., transit currents etc. Variable Frequency
Drives as per process requirement. Margin in Brake Kilowatts (BKW)
Motor kW shall be selected based on the table as given below:-

Required BKW of Pump/ Drives Multiplying Factor to decide Motor rating

Up to 1.5 1.5
Above 1.5 to 3.7 1.4

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 493

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Above 3.7 to 7.5 1.3

Above 7.5 to 15 1.2
Above 15 to 75 1.15
Above 75 kW 1.1

5.3.21 Capacitors APFC Panel with ALL Polypropylene (APP)/Mixed Dielectric (MD) type capacitor bank
shall be considered to improve power factor of the entire plant up to 0.98 or better. Additional capacitors shall also be considered on each side of bus coupler to compensate
the power factor due to Transformers impedances. Suitably rated reactor shall also be considered with Capacitor banks. Impact of over voltage shall also be considered in sizing of capacitor.
5.3.22 Lighting 20 Mtrs. Height high masts with LED lamps shall be considered (Minimum-16 Nos.) for
area lighting based on the lux level as 50 Lux shall be considered. In addition to high mast lighting, solar operated LED lighting shall also be considered for
shadow areas. Hybrid type solar operated lights shall be considered to facilitate the charging during non-
sunny days.
5.3.23 Earthing Entire earthing system for existing STP has to be dismantled and the material to be stored
in DJB designated store. Adequate nos. of earth pits and earthing conductor have to be considered to achieve the
earthing resistance lower than one ohm. Earthing system design has to be made based on the soil resistivity data of the site. Size of the earthing conductor shall be considered to withstand the stress of fault Current
for one second. However minimum size will be as specified elsewhere in the tender.
5.3.24 Cable Tray Cable tray shall be of FRP having minimum thickness of 3mm. Size of cable tray shall be
selected considering 20% extra space for owner’s use.
5.3.25 Cable laying RCC cable trenches of adequate size shall be used for cable laying between Electric
substation and various LT panels located at different location of the plant. Cable shall be
laid on trays inside the cable trenches. Minimum 400 mm space shall be considered for movement of a person during
maintenance of cables inside the cable trench. Cable trenches shall be covered with rcc cover after completion of installation of cables. Cable trenches shall have slope for draining the accumulated water during rainy season. The accumulated water inside the trench shall be drained or pumped to plant drainage

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 494

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

5.3.26 Power Distribution Scheme

Block Diagram of power distribution system for the entire plant shall be displayed in the
substation, preferably in wooden frame with glass cover.
5.3.27 Telecommunication System

Telecommunication system with EPBX shall be provided. Telephone sets will be provided
for major areas of the plant such as—

i.) Substations
ii.) Administrative Building
iii.) Control Room
iv.) All Pump Houses
v.) Security Room
vi.) Gas Engine’s Room
5.3.28 Public Addressing System

A centralized amplifier based system that’s been designed to provide voice paging and to
broadcast alarm tone during emergencies.

The system can transmit alarm tone and routine voice messages, from a central location, to
all or selected areas of the facility, in a reliable and safe manner, by the use of loud

5.4 Power Factor Penalty:-

Whenever the average power factor is less than 0.98, penal charges shall be levied at the rate of the
following percentages of the amount of the monthly bill including energy charges, reliability charges,
FAC, and Fixed/Demand Charges, but excluding Taxes and duties:

Sr. No. Range of Power Factor Power Factor Level Penalty

1 0.975 to 0.980 0.98 0%
2 0.965 to 0.974 0.97 0.5%
3 0.955 to 0.964 0.96 1.0%
4 0.945 to 0.954 0.95 1.5%
5 0.935 to 0.944 0.94 2.0%
6 0.925 to 0.934 0.93 2.5%
7 0.915 to 0.924 0.92 3%
8 0.905 to 0.914 0.91 4%
9 0.895 to 0.904 0.90 5%
10 0.885 to 0.894 0.89 6%
11 0.875 to 0.884 0.88 7%
12 0.865 to 0.874 0.87 8%
13 0.855 to 0.864 0.86 9%
14 0.845 to 0.854 0.85 10%

Note: P.F. to be measured /computed up to 3 decimals, after universal rounding off.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 495

Part 5 – Electrical System General & Particular Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents

6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 496

6.2 Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 496
6.3 Scope............................................................................................................................................. 496
6.3.1 Reference Standards ............................................................................................................................. 496
6.3.2 Statement of Compliance ..................................................................................................................... 499
6.3.3 Submissions by Contractor................................................................................................................... 499
6.4 Basic Features.............................................................................................................................. 501
6.5 Design Requirements for Control And Instrumentation Systems (C&I) ............................. 502
6.5.1 Instrument Design Criteria ................................................................................................................... 502
6.6 Laboratory – Laboratory Instruments and Sampling System ............................................... 506
6.7 Online Instruments Specifications ............................................................................................. 508
6.7.1 Pressure Measuring System ................................................................................................................. 508 Pressure Gauges ................................................................................................................................... 508 Pressure Switch .................................................................................................................................... 509 Pressure Transmitter ............................................................................................................................. 510
6.7.2 Level Measuring System ...................................................................................................................... 511 Level Gauges (Magnetic Type) ............................................................................................................ 511 Ultrasonic Level Transmitter ............................................................................................................... 511 Ultrasonic Differential Level Measurement ......................................................................................... 513
6.7.3 Flow Measuring System ....................................................................................................................... 514 Ultrasonic Flowmeter – Open Channel ................................................................................................ 514 Open channel Area Velocity Flowmeter .............................................................................................. 515 Electromagnetic Flowmeter ................................................................................................................. 516 DPT (orifice Type Flowmeter) ............................................................................................................. 518 Gas Flowmeter (Ultrasonic Type) ........................................................................................................ 520
6.7.4 Temperature Monitoring Instrument .................................................................................................... 521 Temperature Transmitter ...................................................................................................................... 521
6.7.5 Quality Monitoring instruments (Analyzers) ....................................................................................... 522 DO Analyzer ........................................................................................................................................ 522 TSS Analyzer ....................................................................................................................................... 523 pH Analyzer ......................................................................................................................................... 523 Ammonia Analyzer .............................................................................................................................. 524 BOD Analyzer ...................................................................................................................................... 525 COD Analyzer ...................................................................................................................................... 526 Total Phosphorus Analyzer .................................................................................................................. 527 Oil In Water Analyzer .......................................................................................................................... 528
6.8 Surge Protection Devices ............................................................................................................ 528
6.9 Cabinets for Field Instruments .................................................................................................. 529
6.10 Panel Details ................................................................................................................................ 529
6.10.1 Cabinet / Enclosure for Instruments ..................................................................................................... 529
6.10.2 Panel Design and Construction ............................................................................................................ 530
6.10.3 Panels – Major ..................................................................................................................................... 530
6.10.4 Panels – Minor ..................................................................................................................................... 532
6.10.5 Panels – Composite .............................................................................................................................. 532
6.10.6 Panels - Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) ............................................................................................. 533
6.10.7 Panel Protection ................................................................................................................................... 533
6.10.8 Panel Isolation ...................................................................................................................................... 534
Volume – 2 , Section X: Table of Contents Page i
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.10.9 Panel Terminal Blocks ......................................................................................................................... 534

6.10.10 Panel Internal Wiring ........................................................................................................................... 535
6.10.11 Panel Wiring Identification And Termination ...................................................................................... 536
6.10.12 Panel Earthing ...................................................................................................................................... 536
6.10.13 Panel Heating ....................................................................................................................................... 537
6.10.14 Panel Lighting ...................................................................................................................................... 537
6.10.15 Panel Ventilation .................................................................................................................................. 537
6.10.16 Panel Piping and Tubing ...................................................................................................................... 537
6.10.17 Panel Labels ......................................................................................................................................... 538
6.10.18 Panel Finish .......................................................................................................................................... 538
6.11 Recording Equipment ................................................................................................................. 539
6.11.1 Chart Recorders.................................................................................................................................... 539
6.11.2 Electrical Indicators and Integrators..................................................................................................... 539
6.11.3 Alarm System ....................................................................................................................................... 540
6.11.4 Matrix Type Alarm Annunciators ........................................................................................................ 540
6.11.5 Push-Buttons and Indicator Lights ....................................................................................................... 541
6.11.6 Analogue Signal Transmission ............................................................................................................. 541
6.11.7 Analogue Process Controllers .............................................................................................................. 541
6.12 SCADA System............................................................................................................................ 542
6.12.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 542
6.12.2 Basic Requirements for the Control System ........................................................................................ 542
6.12.3 System Components ............................................................................................................................. 542
6.12.4 Open Communications ......................................................................................................................... 543
6.12.5 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................................................... 543 Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................................... 543
6.12.6 Hardware Details .................................................................................................................................. 543 Subsystem Description ......................................................................................................................... 543 Peripheral Subsystem ........................................................................................................................... 544
6.12.7 Hardware Components Description ..................................................................................................... 545 Communication cum SCADA Server, Web Server, ISR Server .......................................................... 545 Workstation Console Dual Monitor ..................................................................................................... 545 Remote Access Terminal (1no.) ........................................................................................................... 546 LAN Switch ......................................................................................................................................... 546 Color Laser Printer ............................................................................................................................... 547 UPS (1 No.) .......................................................................................................................................... 548 UPS (6 Nos. Tentative) or as per bidder design ................................................................................... 548 Router (2 Nos.)or as per bidder design ................................................................................................. 548 IP Camera (18 No. - Tentative): To cover all the units in the plant ..................................................... 549 Video Projection System (1 No.) ......................................................................................................... 551 12C Single Mode Fibre Cable .............................................................................................................. 552 Server Panel ......................................................................................................................................... 552 PLC (1 No.) .......................................................................................................................................... 553
6.13 System Communications ............................................................................................................ 555
6.13.1 Module Communication Bus ............................................................................................................... 556
6.13.2 Configuration Software ........................................................................................................................ 556 IEC 61131-3 ......................................................................................................................................... 556
6.13.3 Graphical Configuration and Documentation ...................................................................................... 556
6.13.4 Windows Based Operator Software ..................................................................................................... 557
6.13.5 Reliability ............................................................................................................................................. 557 Controller ............................................................................................................................................. 557
6.13.6 Operator Interface ................................................................................................................................ 558
6.13.7 System Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 558
6.13.8 Features Required in SCADA System ................................................................................................. 558
6.14 Detailed Specification of SCADA System Components ........................................................... 558
Volume – 2 , Section X: Table of Contents Page ii
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.14.1 Data Acquisition................................................................................................................................... 558

6.14.2 Data Exchange ..................................................................................................................................... 558
6.14.3 Data Processing .................................................................................................................................... 559
6.14.4 Quality Codes ....................................................................................................................................... 559
6.14.5 Sequence-Of-Events Recording ........................................................................................................... 560
6.14.6 Supervisory Control ............................................................................................................................. 560
6.14.7 Information Storage and Retrieval ....................................................................................................... 560
6.14.8 Extensive Use of Standard ................................................................................................................... 560
6.14.9 System Sizing & Extensibility ............................................................................................................. 560
6.14.10 SCADA Interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 561
6.15 Graphical User Interface (GUI)................................................................................................. 561
6.15.1 Trending ............................................................................................................................................... 561
6.15.2 Alarms .................................................................................................................................................. 561
6.15.3 Events ................................................................................................................................................... 562
6.15.4 Hardcopy Printing of Display .............................................................................................................. 562
6.15.5 Report Generation ................................................................................................................................ 562
6.16 SCADA System Access Security ................................................................................................ 562
6.16.1 Alarm Summary Displays .................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.2 Event Summary Displays ..................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.3 Operating Information Summaries ....................................................................................................... 563
6.16.4 Abnormal Summary ............................................................................................................................. 563
6.16.5 Out-Of-Scan Summary......................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.6 Alarm Inhibit Summary ....................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.7 Tag Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.8 Help Displays ....................................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.9 Alarm Beeper Services ......................................................................................................................... 563
6.16.10 Alarm Pager Services ........................................................................................................................... 564
6.16.11 Training Of Owners Engineers............................................................................................................. 564
6.17 Testing / Inspection ..................................................................................................................... 564
6.17.1 Test on Complete Control System........................................................................................................ 564
6.17.2 Commissioning Tests ........................................................................................................................... 564
6.17.3 Final Operational Testing and Acceptance........................................................................................... 564
6.18 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................ 565
6.18.1 Test on Control Panels and Switchboards ............................................................................................ 565 Mechanical Completion Test ............................................................................................................... 565 Commissioning Tests ........................................................................................................................... 565
6.18.2 Test of Relays ....................................................................................................................................... 565 Mechanical Completion Checks ........................................................................................................... 565 Commissioning Checks ........................................................................................................................ 566 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................................... 566
6.19 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) .......................................................................................... 566
6.20 CONTROL PHILOSOPHY ....................................................................................................... 566
6.20.1 Control Philosophy............................................................................................................................... 566 Pumps Automation ............................................................................................................................... 566 Pressure Indication ............................................................................................................................... 567 Flow Measurement ............................................................................................................................... 567 Weather Station .................................................................................................................................... 567 Level Switches/ Transmitters ............................................................................................................... 567 DO Meters ............................................................................................................................................ 567 Alarms .................................................................................................................................................. 568 PLC Logic ............................................................................................................................................ 568 Alarms .................................................................................................................................................. 569
Volume – 2 , Section X: Table of Contents Page iii
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Plant Operation Modes ......................................................................................................................... 569 Plant Operational Data and Record ...................................................................................................... 569
6.21 Intercom System.......................................................................................................................... 570

Volume – 2 , Section X: Table of Contents Page iv

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Instrumentation Specifications
6.1 General
DJB Invited to install latest technology with compatible automation system having fully automatic
process control, ON LINE to monitor and control the New Okhla STP plant from a single location
using a common SCADA control room. Typical control system architecture is enclosed with bid
which is to be strictly followed by bidder / contractor while designing the control system and
instrumentation. The plant data collected through online monitoring of water quality and flow shall be
displayed locally where the instrument is installed and also transferred to the PLC / SCADA control
room. The data shall also be made available via the internet to various statutory bodies / locations.

The bidder shall provide, install, test and commission all instruments (online and laboratory) and local
panels required for proper operation of the works. Details of instruments associated with the actual
waste water treatment processes are in some instance given in the relevant sections of the
specification. The bidders are advised to diligently go through the complete tender document and
quote instruments accordingly. The bidder shall include in their bid a list of instruments / devices
showing compliance to agencies such as ISO, BIS, EPA, etc. as applicable.

The instrument proposed for each application shall be of reputed make with latest technology and that
which in the opinion of the contractor and the manufacturer is most appropriate subject to DJB
approval. In addition to the above criteria, the instruments offered shall be of approved make of DJB
and the selection of instruments shall minimize the quantity and multiplicity of spares required to
facilitate ease of maintenance and servicing.

6.2 Objective
Using the latest technology for ON LINE monitoring and control of various parameters DJB hopes to
achieve following aim:

 Improvement in effluent quality

 Proper monitoring and correction
 Lesser manpower
 Generation of all faults and trends
 Correct display of input raw material and output treated effluent
 Long term historical storage of process data
 Analysis and graphical plots of historical data
 Prevention maintenance management
 Inventory control
 Maintain plant operation summaries
 Improve plant efficiency and increase the plant life
 Maintain records of pumping through flow meters
 Maintain record of quantity of gas generated and power generated

6.3 Scope
This part covers the general requirements for the design, supply, installation, inspection and testing of
the instrumentation and automation solution proposed for flow measurement, monitoring of water
quality and control of plant.

6.3.1 Reference Standards

Unless otherwise approved, instrumentation shall comply with relevant quality standards test
procedures and codes of practice collectively referred to as Reference Standards including those listed
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 496
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

below in accordance with the requirements detailed elsewhere in this specification. IEC 60381-1:1982
Analogue signals for process control systems.

Specification for direct current signals:

 IEC 60947-4-1:2000 Specification for low-voltage switchgear and Control Gear. Contactors and
motor-starters. Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters.
 IEC 60947-4-2:1999 Specification for low-voltage switchgear and Control Gear. Contactors and
motor-starters. A.C. semiconductor motor controllers and starters.
 IEC 60947-4-3:1999 Specification for low-voltage switchgear and Control Gear. Contactors and
motor-starters. Contactors and motor-starters. AC semiconductor controllers and contactors for
non-motor loads.
 IEC 60770-1:1999 Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems. Methods for
performance evaluation.
 BS ISO 1217:1996 Displacement compressors. Acceptance tests.
 ISO 2112:1990 Specification for amino plastic moulding materials.
 ISO 6817:1997 Measurement of conductive liquid flow in closed conduits. Method using
electromagnetic flow meters.
 BS EN 837-1:1998 Pressure gauges. Bourdon tube pressure gauges. Dimensions, metrology,
requirements and testing.
 BS EN 1057:1996 Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in
sanitary and heating applications.
 BS EN 1092-1:2002 Flanges and their joints. Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and
accessories, PN designated. Steel flanges.
 BS EN 1563:1997 Founding. Spheroidal graphite cast iron.
 BS EN 60529:1992 Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code).
 BS EN 60534-1:1993 Industrial-process control valves. Industrial-process control valves.
Control valve terminology and general considerations.
 BS EN 60546-1:1993 Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control
systems. Controllers with analogue signals for use in industrial-process control systems. Methods
for evaluating performance.
 BS EN 60584-2:1993 Thermocouples. Tolerances.
 BS EN 60654:1998 Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control
equipment. All relevant parts.
 BS EN 60751:1996 Industrial platinum resistance thermometer sensors.
 BS EN 60873:1993 Methods of evaluating the performance of electrical and pneumatic analogue
chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems.
 BS EN 61000-6:2001 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards. Emission
standard for industrial environments.
 BS 89:1990 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their
accessories. All parts.
 BS 90:1975 Specification for direct-acting electrical recording instruments and their accessories.
 BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures. All parts.
 BS 1042-1.4:1992 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Pressure differential devices.
Guide to the use of devices specified in Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
 BS 1041-2.1:1985 Code for temperature measurement. Expansion thermometers. Guide to

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 497

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

selection and use of liquid-in-glass thermometers.

 BS 1041-2.2:1989 Code for temperature measurement. Expansion thermometers. Guide to
selection and use of dial-type expansion thermometers.
 BS 1041-3:1989 Temperature measurement. Guide to selection and use of industrial resistance
 BS 1041-4:1992 Temperature measurement. Guide to the selection and use of thermocouples.
 BS 1042-1.4:1992 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Pressure differential devices.
Guide to the use of devices specified in Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
 BS 1123-1:1987 Safety valves, gauges and fusible plugs for compressed air or inert gas
installations. Code of practice for installation.
 BS 1203:2001 Hot-setting phenolic and amino plastic wood adhesives. Classification and test
 BS 1553-1:1977 Specification for graphical symbols for general engineering. Piping systems and
 BS 1571-2:1975 Specification for testing of positive displacement compressors and exhausters.
Methods for simplified acceptance testing for air compressors and exhausters.
 BS 1646-1:1979 Symbolic representation for process measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Basic requirements.
 BS 1646-2:1983 Symbolic representation for process measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Specification for additional basic requirements.
 BS 1646-3:1984 Symbolic representation for process measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Specification for detailed symbols for instrument interconnection diagrams.
 BS 1646-4:1984 Symbolic representation for process measurement control functions and
instrumentation. Specification for basic symbols for process computer, interface and shared
display/control functions.
 BS 1794:1952 Specification for chart ranges for temperature recording instruments.
 BS 2765:1969 Specification for dimensions of temperature detecting elements and corresponding
 BS 3680 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. All relevant parts.
 BS 3693:1992 Recommendations for design of scales and indexes on analogue indicating
 BS 4675-2:1978 Mechanical vibration in rotating machinery. Requirements for instruments for
measuring vibration severity.
 BS 4999-142:1987 General requirements for rotating electrical machines. Specification for
mechanical performance: vibration.
 BS 5169:1992 Specification for fusion welded steel air receivers.
 BS 5728-3:1997 Measurement of flow of cold potable water in closed conduits. Methods for
determining principal characteristics of single mechanical water meters (including test
 BS 6004:2000 Electric cables. PVC insulated, non-armoured cables for voltages up to and
including 450/750 V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring.
 BS 6739:1986 Code of practice for instrumentation in process control systems: installation
design and practice.
 BS 7671:2001 Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth
edition. Instrument Society of American Standards and Recommended Practices:
 S 5.1 Instrumentation symbols and identification
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 498
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 S 5.4 Instrument loop diagrams

 S 7.3 Quality standard for instrument air
 RP 16.1 Terminology, dimensions and safety practices for indicating variable 2, 3 area meters
 RP 16.4 Nomenclature and terminology for extension-type variable-area meters (rota meters)
 RP 16.5 Installation, operation, maintenance instructions for glass tube variable area meters (rota
 RP 16.6 Methods and equipment for calibration of variable area meters (rota meters)
 RP 18.1 Specifications and guides for the use of general purpose enunciators
 S 26 Dynamic response testing of process control instrumentation
 RP 31.1 Specification, installation and calibration of turbine flow meters
 S 37.1 Electrical transducer nomenclature and terminology
 S 37.3 Specifications and tests for strain gauge pressure transducers
 S 50.1 Compatibility of analogue signals for electronic industrial process instruments
 S 51.1 Process instrumentation terminology
 RP 60.08 Electrical Guide for Control Centres

6.3.2 Statement of Compliance

The Contractor shall provide a list of the reference standards used and shall provide a
compliance/non-compliance statement for all the online and lab instruments proposed.

All standards which the Contractor intends to use but which are not referenced herein shall be
submitted to the Engineer for consent before any design against that standard proceeds. Installation
works shall comply with all relevant local Indian Regulations including the Code of Practice for
Electrical Wiring Installations – IS 732.

6.3.3 Submissions by Contractor


The Contractor shall make submissions to the Engineer of all design drawings and schedules relating
to instrumentation and control equipment and systems provided under this Contract. These
submissions shall include, where relevant, the following:

Functional Design Specification

The Contractor shall submit a complete functional design specification (FDS) for approval by the
Engineer. This document shall serve as the primary mechanism by which the Engineer may confirm
that the Contractor possesses an accurate understanding of the system and its control requirements.
The Contractor is encouraged to obtain clarifications and to suggest refinements to the control
descriptions contained in this Specification. The FDS shall comprise an overall description of the
plant, its functioning and control, and a detailed description of each section of the control system
covering modes of operation, manual overrides, set-point and parameter selection and adjustment. The
detailed description shall include a step-by-step control description which defines the function of each
piece of equipment and each control action and interlock, including details of the program in each
programmable item. The format of the program details may be chosen by the Contractor, however it is
suggested that this format be chosen to satisfy the requirements of the software design documentation,
if applicable, as described elsewhere.

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The FDS shall describe the ‘fail-safe’ features incorporated into the design for the event of failure of a
plant item or system, or loss of an input signal affecting a control loop or process sequence.

The FDS shall describe control actions taken and monitoring functions which remain available during
a power failure, and any automatic controls or sequencing which take place during system start-up
and shut-down.

The FDS shall be presented in a clear and precise manner and shall include figures or drawings where
appropriate. The Contractor shall submit and obtain approval of the FDS from the Engineer before
beginning the detailed control system design. The contractor should take note of the importance of
this obligation.

Drawings and Schedules

Process and instrumentation diagram which shall comply with BS 1646 (all parts) and
BS 1553-1:1977.

General arrangement drawings of field-mounted instruments showing installation details.

General arrangement drawings of instrument and control panels, fully-dimensioned in plan and
elevation views, showing foundation and fixing details, access doors, clearances, cable-entry
positions, weight and lifting arrangement.

Layout drawings of panel fascias showing instruments, controls and details of all labels.

Layout drawings of panel interior showing equipment, terminal blocks and cable ways.

Annunciator arrangement and engraving details.

Internal circuit and wiring diagrams for instrument and control panels.

Schematic control diagrams.

Instrument loop diagrams.

Instrument wiring and piping diagrams.

Interconnection wiring diagrams.

Cable block diagrams, drawings and schedules.

Instrument system and panel power distribution diagrams.

Programmable-device functional design specifications which shall include hardware details, logic
flow charts, ladder diagrams and program listings.

Schedules of inputs to and outputs from programmable controllers and telemetry outstations.

Labelling schedules.

Comprehensive testing schedules for all off-site, on-site, pre-commissioning and commissioning tests
and take-over tests.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 500

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

All other drawings necessary for the provision of ducts, openings, trenches, fixing holes for panels
and the like and for the complete understanding of the operation, maintenance and extension of the
system including any required for the Purchaser to dismantle, repair, maintain, modify or extend the
Plant during the O&M period.

Data and Calculations

 Manufacturer’s catalogues and data sheets
 Calculations to support control system design
 Specification for protective coatings and painting

 Manufacturer’s works tests
 Pre-installation checks
 Pressure-testing schedules
 Instrument loop test check sheets
 Installed instrument performance tests
 System tests
 Statutory certificates of compliance (such as hazardous area equipment)

Operation and Maintenance Instructions

Composite manual describing the functional and operation of each piece of equipment.

Composite manual for testing and servicing every system and individual item.

6.4 Basic Features

Each instrumentation system shall be designed, manufactured and installed to achieve the following
basic requirements:

Basic Requirements

 To maintain the highest standards of availability, reliability and accuracy and to give clear
warnings of any deterioration in performance
 To suit the abilities of the staff who will:
(i) Use the systems
(ii) Service the systems
 To measure, indicate, process, store and control the relevant parameters, as specified
 To give clear warnings of dangerous and other abnormal conditions and to initiate plant safety
procedures, shutdowns and corrective measures as specified to assure the safety of ‘operations
and maintenance’ personnel and that of the plant and to store and collate the data, as required
 To derive, present and utilize, as required, such additional data to facilitate:
(i) The most efficient operation of the plant
(ii) The routine maintenance of the plant

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.5 Design Requirements for Control And Instrumentation Systems (C&I)

The instrumentation, control and automation installations shall fully comply with design standards,
regulations and the material and workmanship requirements of the Specification. The instrumentation
control and automation systems shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards being practiced as
per the industry norms. All consumable items and spare parts shall be readily available within India.

All equipment and materials incorporated in the system shall be selected, designed and rated to
operate under the defined performance duties and specified site conditions and to maintain a high
level of operational reliability. The instrumentation control and monitoring system equipment and
materials shall have an operational life of not less than 15 years.

Unless otherwise specified, all functions shall be transmitted electrically and all analogue signal-
transmission systems shall be in accordance with IEC 60381-1:1982 or equivalent and shall use a
signal of 4mA to 20mA dc. Where possible, measuring systems shall be designed so that any
necessary power supply is taken from the appropriate instrument panel. Transmitting devices shall
have integral indicators to monitor the output signal or connections suitable for use with a portable
test meter, and shall be capable of meeting the performance requirements specified in the appropriate
part of IEC 60770-1:1999 or equivalent. Equipment mounted in enclosures shall be suitable for
continuous operation at the maximum internal temperature possible in service, due account being
taken of internally-generated heat and heat dissipated by other plant. All components shall be rated
adequately and circuits shall be designed so that change of component characteristics within the
manufacturers’ tolerances shall not affect the performance of plant. All equipment shall be designed
to operate without forced (or fan) cooling.

All measuring instruments shall have zero and span adjustment. Instruments not mounted in panels
shall be supplied complete with all brackets, stands, supporting steelwork and weatherproof
enclosures (separate from the instrument cases) necessary for securing them in their working positions
and affording complete protection at all times including periods of servicing, adjustment, calibration
and maintenance. The installation arrangements for meters measuring conductivity, pH, and dissolved
oxygen, and ionic concentration shall include a sample bench and other facilities for operating
portable test meters. Each installation shall incorporate a valve and pipework for obtaining a sample
representative of the fluid at the position of the permanent meter tundish and drain. If the measuring
and sampling points are remote from each other, the test and sample facilities shall be provided at
both points. Sample transport times shall be minimized by provision of a bypass and drain with
control and isolating valves and a local flow meter to enable the correct sample flow to be adjusted.
An automatic portable sampler shall be provided for collecting and transporting the samples from the
sampling locations to the laboratory.

6.5.1 Instrument Design Criteria

The design criteria to be applied to instrumentation system shall be as follows:

 Instrumentation & Control (I&C) systems shall be selected, designed, manufactured, installed,
tested and rated to operate under the defined performance duties and specified site conditions and
to maintain a high level of operational reliability. Instruments mounted in field and on panels
shall be suitable for continuous real time operation. All electronic components shall be
adequately rated and circuits shall be designed so that change of component characteristics shall
not affect the plant operation.
 All I&C equipment shall be new, of proven design, reputed make and have data logging facility.
Unless otherwise specified, all instruments shall be tropicalized. The outdoor equipment shall be
designed to withstand tropical rain and shall be suitable for the worst environmental operating
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 502
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

conditions. Wherever necessary space heaters, heat dissipaters, dust and weather proof cabinets
shall be provided. Instruments offered shall be complete with all the necessary mounting
accessories & safety features.
 No custom made hybrid type IC's [Integrated Circuits] shall be used in any circuit in
instrumentation and control equipment. Any hybrid circuits or sealed modules or devices which
do not have alternative manufacturer shall be disclosed in the Bid by Contractor, so that such
devices can be included as component spares in sufficient quantity in advance and shall be
deemed to be included in the bid price.
 Instruments and loggers provided shall be able to carry out continuous real time monitoring and
logging of selected water quality parameters.
 All instrumentation shall be suitable for continuous real time operation and be powered through
the UPS.
 As far as possible and depending upon the location and availability of wireless services (GPRS /
GSM, etc.), all transmitting instruments and data loggers shall be of wireless type. In case of
non-feasibility, the output of the transmitting instruments shall be 4-20 mA / 0-10V DC linear
having two wire system.
 After a power failure, when power supply resumes, the instruments and associated equipment
shall start working automatically.
 Unless otherwise specified, the normal working range of all indicating instruments shall
be between 25% and 80% of the full scale range.
 The field instruments i.e. the instruments mounted outside the control panel shall be mounted at
a convenient height of approximately 1.2 m above grade platform.
 Unless otherwise stated, field mounted electrical and electronic instruments shall be
weatherproof to IP-65 or better.
 The instruments shall be designed to work at the ambient conditions of temperature, humidity,
and contamination that may prevail at site. The instruments shall be given enough protection
against corrosion. All wetted parts of instrument sensors shall be non – corrosive and suitable for
use within sewerage environment.
 The performance of all instruments shall be unaffected for the ±10% variation in supply
voltage and ±5% variation in frequency simultaneously.
 Unless otherwise specified, double compression glands shall be used for glanding the
cable in field instruments and instrument control panel.
 All digital outputs shall be volt free.
 All probe type analyzers should be IP68 rated.
 All displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts and should utilize back lit liquid
crystal diode LCD/ LED technology.
 Instrumentation shall utilize solid state electronic technology and avoid the use where practical
of any moving parts.
 Minimum maintenance requirements. The instruments selected shall be rugged and not
require any consumables / filling solutions. Systems should be able to work with minimum
power requirements.
 Lockable enclosure shall be provided for all the field mounted instruments.
 All the instruments and cabinets shall have tag plates / name plates permanently attached to

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 503

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 All instruments to be used or installed within a corrosive sewerage environment shall be
Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe.
 The data obtained from the online quality monitoring system shall be conveyed back via suitable
communications protocol, to web servers hosted by a service provider. The service provider shall
have the data storage capacity for next 15 years. At the service provider end, it is desirable to
have functionality for viewing, processing, calculation, analysis and graphical display of data.
There should be an option to customize the functionality and make it user specific for client
 Unless otherwise specified, all continuous online monitoring instruments shall be plug and play

Instrumentation system shall be provided to monitor the field parameters to meet the process
requirements shall be considered as per following table:-



1. Area Velocity Flowmeter
2. .Differential Level Transmitter
3. TSS Analyzer
4. BOD/COD Analyzer
1. Head Works
5. Ammonia Analyzer
6. Oil & Grease analyzer
7. pH Analyzer
8. Total Nitrogen Analyzer
1. TSS Analyzer
2. Sludge Blanket/ Sludge density indicator
2. Primary Clarifier, if applicable
3. Magnetic Flowmeter in Sludge Withdrawal
3. Biological Reactor DO and ORP Analyzer
1. BOD Analyzer
2. TSS Analyzer
4. Secondary Clarifier, if applicable 3. Sludge Blanket/ Sludge density indicator
4. Magnetic Flowmeter in Sludge Withdrawal
1. Magnetic Flowmeter in Sludge Withdrawal
5. Sludge Thickener Line
2. Sludge Blanket/ Sludge density indicator
1. pH Analyzer
2. TSS Analyzer
3. Indicative COD/BOD Analyzer
6. Treated Effluent 4. Ammonia Analyzer
5. Phosphorous Analyzer
6. Area Velocity Flow meter
7. Total Nitrogen Analyzer
1.Temperature Transmitter
2.pH Analyzer
7. Digester
3.GasFlow Indicator

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 504

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

8. Primary Sludge Pumps Header Line Electro Magnetic Flowmeter

9. Return Sludge Pumps Header Line Electro Magnetic Flowmeter
10. WAS Header Line Electro Magnetic Flowmeter
1. Orifice type Flow meter
11. Air Flowing to Biological Reactor 2. Pressure Switch
3. Pressure Transmitter
1. Gas Flowmeter (Ultrasonic type)
12. Bio Gas line feeding to Gas Engine 2. Calorific Value Measurement
3. CO2, CH4 & H2S Gas Concentration
1. Ultrasonic Level Transmitters
13. All Sumps & Tanks
2. Magnetic Type Level Gauge (For Tanks only)
14. Pressure Transmitter Delivery Header Line of Pumps
15. Pressure Gauges Delivery Line of each Pump

Note:- Above listed instruments are minimum, however any extra instruments if required to meet the
process requirements shall be considered in the scope of work.

Online instrument system shall have the ranges listed in “Table 2” below:

Table 2
Online Instrument Range

Sl. No. Parameter Required Range(s)

Online Continuous Dissolved Oxygen Measuring System – DO
1. 0 – 20 mg/l
2. Ultrasonic Level Measurement As required at site
3. Ultrasonic Differential Level Measurement As required at site
4. Ultrasonic Open Channel Flow Measurement at Parshall Flume 5 mtrs
5. Gas Flow meter (Ultrasonic Flow Measurement System) 0 – 3000 Normal m3/hr
6. Pressure Transmitter As required at site
Continuous Online Total Suspended Solids Analyzer – TSS
7. 0 –5000 mg/l
8. Continuous Online pH Measuring System 0 – 14 pH
10 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Analyzer - BOD Analyzer 0 – 500 mg/l
11. Chemical Oxygen Demand Analyzer - COD Analyzer 0 – 500 mg/l
12. Measurement of CO2, CH4 and H2S Gas Concentration 0 – 100%
13. Electro-Magnetic Flow Meter As required at site
14. Online Gas Calorific Value Measurement 6000 Kcalorie/m3
15. Total Phosphorus 0 – 10 mg/l
16. Oil In Water 0 – 15 ppm
17. Total Nitrogen Analyzer 0-30 mg/l

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 505

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.6 Laboratory – Laboratory Instruments and Sampling System

The laboratory shall be housed within the administrative building and shall be equipped with
instruments, equipment, chemicals and other infrastructure that is necessary to perform the routine
analysis for the parameters as detailed in “Table 2”. The equipment shall be supplied with all the
accessories that are necessary to make the equipment functional for analyzing parameters and
generating daily reports. In addition to these, contractor shall also provide necessary chemicals,
glassware and reagents required for sample testing in the laboratory along with calibration standards /
solutions for calibrating the instruments.
The quality of the sewage entering, passing and leaving the treatment plant shall be monitored via
online monitoring equipment as well as manual sampling systems and tested daily, at least from the
following parameters:
Table 3

Sl. No. Parameter

1. BOD5 or BOD3
2. pH
3. SS
4. Temp
5. COD
6. TOC
7. Ammonia
8. Total Phosphorous
9. Acidity, Alkalinity
10. Ammonical Nitrogen
11. Total Nitrogen
13. Dissolved Oxygen
14. SVI
15. Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness
16. Gas Analysis
17. Calorific Value Monitoring
18. Volatile Suspended Solids
19. Total Solids, Volatile Solids
20. Specific Gravity
21. Moisture Content
22. Total Coliform
23. Faecal Coliform
24. Total Dissolved Solids
25. Bacteria, Escherichia Coli
26. Oil & Grease

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 506

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Three nos. portable samplers shall be provided to collect composite samples for monitoring from

Inlet chamber for raw sewage

At the outlet of clarifying units
At the outlet of Tertiary effluent

The laboratory shall have the equipment, storage space and chemicals for all the chemical and
bacteriological routine analyses. The area of laboratory shall be sufficient with sufficient length of
working platforms and adequate no. of sinks. Area of laboratory shall be defined by bidder as per the
requirement but not less than specified in the bid document. At least the following equipment and all
required laboratory chemicals / reagents given in Table 3 are to be provided by the contractor within
the scope of work and have to be replenished by him till the end of the O&M Period.

All lab based test instruments results shall be stored automatically and transferred to the PLC as well
as web servers on real time basis for control and report applications.

Table 4
Lab Instruments

Sl. No. Description

1. Single / Multi parameter meter for pH, Conductivity, DO, Ammonia and Phosphate
2. Mains operated pH meter completed with one calomel electrode and glass electrode
3. UV / VIS Spectrophotometer
4. Water bath with 6 to 8 concentric holes and discs, electrically heated
5. Hot plates – 25cm
6. Ultrapure Water Plant / Distillation
7. Conductivity with TDS meter
8. Refrigerator (280 litres capacity) double door / cooling cabinet for sample preservation
9. Muffle furnace
10. Electronic Burettes and Dispensers
11. Magnetic stirrer
12. Analytical balance (Electronic) with weight box – Resolution up to 4 decimal places
13. Jar-Test apparatus – 6 Stirrers
14. Centrifuge
15. Flame photometer with gas cylinder
16. Fume cupboard
17. Field Test kit for cations and anions
18. Depth Sampler
19. Total Organic Carbon Analyser
20. Sieve shaker with standard sieves and two pan balance weighing up to 200gm samples
21. Hot Air Oven
22. Autoclave

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 507

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sl. No. Description

23. Binocular microscope
24. Automatic Portable Sampler
25. Pipette Box (Stainless Steel)
26. Wooden Racks/Aluminium Racks
27. Wire Baskets
28. Cotton/ Aluminium Foils
29. Burners (Bunsen) With Pilot Lamp
30. Suction Flask (1 Litre Cap)
31. Suction Pump
32. Sampling Bottles
33. Measuring Cylinders (1000 Ml, 500 Ml, 200 Ml, 100 Ml, 50 Ml, 25 Ml)
34. Vacuum pump
35. Soxhlet extraction unit
36. Kjeldhal digestion unit
37. Weighing Balance (max 10kg)
38. Laminar Air Flow chamber
39. M. Endo Broth (dehydrated)
40. Lactose or Lauryl Tryptose broth
41. Mac Conkey broth
42. Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth
43. Total Plate Count Agar
44. Peptone / Triyptone Water
45. BOD Analysis: Incubator, Reagents, etc.
46. COD Analysis: COD Reactor – 15 Vials, Reagents, etc.
47. Filtration assembly for suspended solids
48. Incubator 44°C (Water/Air-Jacketed)

6.7 Online Instruments Specifications

The bidder shall provide duly filled data sheets for all the instruments as per the “Technical
Specifications” format used for individual instruments given below. The data sheets should also
comply and include other important information as detailed under respective heads. The completed
data sheets would be submitted by the bidder as part of the technical bid.

6.7.1 Pressure Measuring System Pressure Gauges

l . Pressure gauges shall be of chemically sealed diaphragm type as per requirement and
shall be provided in the delivery headers of all pumps, blowers and compressor.
Pressure gauges shall be suitable for sewerage/ sewerage gas application.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 508

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2. Specification

a) Pressure gauges shall comply with IS 36241 BS 1780. For arduous duty where the
gauge is subject to pressure pulsations and/or vibration, it shall be provided with a
glycerin filled dial.
b) The internal parts of pressure gauge shall be of stainless steel material. For other
fluids an appropriate non- corrosive diaphragm material shall be used.
c) The minimum diameter for round pressure gauges shall be 150 mm unless specified.
d) The accuracy of pressure gauges shall be ± I% over the operating range. The zero and
span of pressure gauge shall not change by more than ±0.1 % of the span per deg.c
change in ambient temperature. The gauges shall be of precision type.
e) Pressure gauge shall be provided in the delivery headers of all pumps, blowers and compressor
and at location shown in P and I drawings.
f) Type shall be Bourdon (SS316)
g) Accuracy shall be ± I % of full scale
h) Dial size shall be 150 mm
i) Glass shall be Shatterproof
j) 25% above maximum pressure shall be considered for over range protection.
k) Flanged bottom entry connection shall be provided
l) Housing material shall be Die cast aluminum
m) Wetted parts shall be SS 316
n) Additional Accessories like Snubber, isolation valve and ·drain valve, Impulse tubing and
fittings and Diaphragm seal shall be provided.
o) Case of the pressure gauge shall be SS3 l 6
p) Window material shall be Shatter proof glass
q) Pointer travel shall conform to Not less than 200 deg and not more than 270 deg Pressure Switch

The pressure switch shall be suitable for humid and H2S laden atmosphere. It should have scaled
adjustment knob to enable the adjustment of trip and reset pressure without the use of a screwdriver.
It should be adjustable pressure switch for monitoring over pressure (5mbar to 12 mbar), vacuum (-5
down to-700mbar) or differential pressure (5 to 50 mbar) of liquid, gas and aggressive media.

Technical Specifications

Application : For monitoring over pressure

Temperature Range : -2 to C
Diaphragm material : Silicon, FKM, EPDM
Electrical Rating : 6A/220V AC, 2A/24V DC
Contacts plating : silver
Arrangement of Contacts : 1 C/O contact
CE conformity : ATEX Certification
Damping : Restrictors alternatively with 0.3/0.5/0.8 mm diameter.
Accessories : Mounting brackets and protection caps with IP-54
Mounting Position : As per site requirement
Connection : Threaded or Tube connection

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 509

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Pressure Transmitter

Pressure measuring system shall measure pressure and transmit signal proportional to pressure. The
system shall consist of a combined pressure transducer and transmitter, digital panel indicator,
connecting pipe work, diaphragm seal and valves. Pressure measuring system shall be rugged in
construction and shall be capable for with standing surge pressures likely to occur in the monitored
system. Pressure transmitters shall have over range protection up to 1.5 times the maximum line
pressure and shall be capable of withstanding full line pressure on any side with the other side vented
to atmosphere without damage or effect on the calibration. No plastic material shall be used in their
construction. Internal parts shall be of stainless steel, bronze or approved corrosion-resistant material.
Where necessary, a special diaphragm shall be used to segregate the corrosive fluid media. In
ammonia applications, the diaphragm shall be in stainless steel.

The zero and span of a pressure transmitter shall not change by more than ±0.1% of the span per °C
change in ambient temperature. After application for 10 minutes of pressure at 130% of maximum
pressure, the change in zero and span shall not exceed ±0.1% of the span. Pressure transmitters shall
be protected to BS EN 60529:1992, IP 65 standard or higher. For transmitters installed in locations
liable to flooding or underwater applications, they shall be to IP 68 standard and shall operate up to a
maximum submergence of 20 meters of water.

Technical Specifications

Parts : Transmitter and communicator

Type : Electronic variable capacitance; two-wire
Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : As required at site
Accuracy : ± 0.25% of span or better
Humidity : 0 to 100% relative humidity
Damping : Fluid or electronic type with adjustment
Indicator : LCD with LED backlighting
Materials : Wetted parts including process flanges and drain /
vent valves, Type 316 stainless steel unless otherwise
Wetted O-Rings : Glass filled TFE, graphite filled PTFE, or Viton,
unless otherwise specified
Fill Fluid : Silicone
Output : 4-20mA DC output proportional to the pressure
Mounting : Pipe or wall as specified. Provide stainless steel
brackets with stainless steel bolts
Housing : Modular with separate compartments for
electronics and field wiring termination. Epoxy
coated aluminium, unless otherwise specified

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 510

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz

Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc

6.7.2 Level Measuring System Level Gauges (Magnetic Type)

Magnetic type level gauges shall be used. It consists of a chamber, a magnet equipped float which
rises and lowers with the fluid level, and an indicator which is mounted to the chamber.

The indicator houses a column of small flags which indicate the level of the fluid in the chamber,
based on the position of the float. As the fluid level rises and lowers, the float rises and lowers as well,
and the flags are tripped from one orientation to the other; typically the red side indicates the liquid
level and the silver side indicates the vapor space.

As the float rises and falls with the process level, tripping the flags, it also stimulates any attached
transmitters and switches, providing a signal back to the control system.

The indicators contain flags made of aluminium coated with paint, which can withstand high
temperatures. The flags are assembled so that the components are prevented from separating, for
example due to vibration in the application.

The standard flag color is red, which is the universal color of warning and stands out in an industrial
environment, making sure the level in the vessel is highly visible.

Technical Specifications

Float Cage Material : PP

Wetted Part Material : PP
Indicator Housing : Aluminium
Process Connection Orientation : Side Flanged
Process Connection Material : PP
Process Connection Size & Rating : 40 NB, ANSI B16.5,150#,FF
Visibility : 100%
C-C Distance : As per Process requirement
Float Material : PP
Display : Bicolor Rotating Flappers (Red & white)
Flapper MOC : SS304
Scale MOC : SS-304
Graduations : 10mm
Instrument Range : Equal to C-C distance
Fasteners : ASTM193 Gr.B7/A194 Gr.2H
Gasket : Viton
Vent Plug : 1/2” NPT Vent with Plug
Drain Valve : ½” NPT Ball Valve Ultrasonic Level Transmitter

Ultrasonic level measuring devices applied for liquid level measurement shall comprise of level
sensor / transducer, level transmitter, digital level indicator / remote indicator, control unit and any
other items required to complete the level measuring system.
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 511
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The transducer shall be suitable for flange or bracket mounting as required. To reduce the effect of
sewage turbulence in wet wells / tanks, averaging facility should be provided in the transmitter
unit for providing steady readings.
The design and application of the ultrasonic level measuring system shall take into account the
vessel / sump / wet well / channel construction, the material, size, shape, environment, process fluid
or material, the presence of foam, granules, size etc.

In case of ultrasonic level sensor, the installation shall avoid any degradation of instrument
performance due to spurious reflections, absorption, sound velocity variations, sensor detection area,
temperature fluctuations, specific gravity changes and condensation. For applications where spurious
reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with facilities for spurious reflection
rejection. If turbulence exists, shielding, stilling tubes or other measures shall be provided to avoid
effects on the measurement.

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principal : Ultrasonic

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : As required at site
Accuracy : ± 0.25% of measured value or better
Resolution : 2mm or 0.2 percent of range, whichever is greater
Blanking Distance : As short as 0.3 meters
Beam Angle : 12 degrees or less
Temperature compensation : Integral
a.) Sensor : Flange or bracket
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 3 SPDT contacts
Zero & Span : Field Adjustable
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 512

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor

Cable Length : As per site requirement Ultrasonic Differential Level Measurement

The ultrasonic type differential level measuring system shall consist of ultrasonic type level sensors
on upstream and downstream of screens, differential level computer / transmitter and indicator. The
flow computer / transmitter shall be microprocessor based and shall have facility for programming
(i.e. adjustment of set points) while the sensor shall be capable of adjustable datum setting facilities.

The differential level control shall be done by two ultrasonic sensors, one before and one after the
screen to sense the differential level through the screen and give a signal to the control to start the
screens operation as soon as a pre-set differential level is reached. After receiving the level signal the
control shall start and operate the screen as long as the pre-set level difference appears.

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principal : Ultrasonic

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : As required at site
Accuracy : ± 0.25% of measured value or better
Resolution : 2mm or 0.2 percent of range, whichever is greater
Blanking Distance : As short as 0.3 meters
Beam Angle : 12 degrees or less
Temperature compensation : Inbuilt
a.) Sensor : Flange or bracket
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 3 SPDT contacts
Zero & Span : Field Adjustable
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 513

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.

Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement

6.7.3 Flow Measuring System Ultrasonic Flowmeter – Open Channel

The open channel flow meter should employ ultrasonic principle to measure level and level to flow
conversion should be inbuilt in the unit. Ultrasonic flow measuring system shall consist of flow sensor
/ transducer, flow computer and flow transmitter. The flow transmitter shall be coupled with an
ultrasonic level sensor for emitting and receiving ultrasonic waves and signal conditioning & flow
compounding unit. The unit shall be suitable for installation in corrosive environment and shall be
unaffected by H2S laden atmosphere.

Flow transducers shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for continuous operation. Flow
transducers shall have waterproof construction and shall be suitable for installation in underground/
above ground pipeline.

The design and application of ultrasonic level meter shall take into account the channel construction,
the material size, shape, environment, process fluid or material, the presence of foam granules, size
etc. To avoid the effects of disturbances in the velocity profile, a straight and uninterrupted run,
upstream as well as downstream from the location of the flow sensor shall be provided in accordance
with the requirements of the flow meter manufacturer.

The flow transmitter shall be suitable for field mounting and shall accept an input from the flow
sensor. It shall process the input signal and provide isolated 4-20mA/0-10VDC output proportional to
flow rate. The flow range shall be adjustable.

Flow measurement shall not be affected by physical properties of waste water viz., temperature,
pressure, viscosity, density etc., within given limits. The system should have inbuilt temperature
sensor for automatic compensation for changes in air temperature to ensure measurement accuracy.
Contractor shall provide additional compensating electronic circuits if required. The installation shall
avoid any degradation of performance from spurious reflections, absorption, sound velocity
variations, sensor detection area, temperature fluctuation, specific gravity changes and condensation.
For application where spurious reflections are unavoidable the control unit shall be provided with
facilities for spurious reflection rejection. The structure required for supporting the level sensor,
platform, railings etc. shall be in the ontractor’s scope.

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principal : Ultrasonic

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 2 Meters
Accuracy : ± 0.5% of measured value or better
a.) Sensor : Installation in open channel (above Parshall Flume)
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 514
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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole

Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-65
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 3 SPDT contacts
Zero & Span : Field Adjustable
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Temperature Compensation : Inbuilt temperature sensors for automatic
compensation for changes in air temperature
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement Open channel Area Velocity Flowmeter

The flowmeter shall be designed for open channel flow monitoring applications. The meter can
calculate flow using standard open channel level to flow and area velocity conversions, as well as
user- defined equations, level to area data points, or level to flow data points, depending on the
application need.

The Flowmeter has unique features for data integrity. It logs key events such as changes in calibration
and power changes to validate data accuracy. Data can be easily reviewed to detect any type of data

Standard Features

 485 Modbus Input

 RS-585 Modbus output
 Multiple parameter data logging
 Program & Summary Reports
 Data Integrity Verification


Flow measurement

Options and Accessories

 Analog output card

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 515

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Battery Backup Power

 Mechanical Totalizer
 Advanced Cellular and Ethernet communication option
 Mounting Hardware

Technical Specifications

Materials : Polyphenylene Oxide PPO

Enclosure : NEMA 4X/IP66
Power required : 100 to 220V AC, 50 Hz
Cable entry : Standard ¾” NPT conduit
Flow measurement : Area Velocity
Inputs : Analogue In
Setup : Front Panel Key Board, Remote Cellular or Ethernet
Flow conversion : Area Velocity
Data Retrieval : USB Drive, remote cellular or Ethernet
Outputs : Modbus, Analog
Materials : Epoxy, chlorinated PC, SST, Cable-UV-Rated PVC
Temperature Range : 0 to 70°C
Velocity Measurement
Range : -1.5 to 6.1 m/s
Velocity Measurement : Bi-directional
Velocity Accuracy : +/- 0.03 m/s
Minimum Depth : 25 mm
Level Measurement
Range : 0.01 to 3.05m
Level Accuracy : +/- 0.10% Full Scale Electromagnetic Flowmeter

Flow meters shall operate on the electromagnetic induction principle and shall consist of a measuring
sensor and measuring transmitter complying with ISO 6817:1997. Measuring sensors shall have a full
bore stainless steel metering tube and non-conductive, abrasion-resistant lining to suit the fluid being
metered. The lining of material can be of PTFE or polyurethane. No rubber lining will be allowed.
The flow meter shall have flanged connection. Measuring sensors shall have factory-sealed power and
signal cables. Unless otherwise specified, the cable lengths shall be sufficient to permit termination
external to the chamber, either at a junction box or at the measuring transmitter. Remote flow
indicator cum integrator shall be provided on the control panel.

Measuring sensors installed within a chamber shall be suitable for indefinite submersion under a head
of water equal to the chamber depth or 3 meters whichever is the greater. Measuring sensors shall be
installed on a steel cradle or concrete plinth with upstream and downstream straight pipe lengths not
less than those recommended by the manufacturer. When fitted in lined non-metallic or internally-
coated pipe work, measuring sensors shall have an earthing electrode or corrosion-resistant earthing
rings. To ensure full electromagnetic compatibility the flow tube flanges and transmitter housing shall
be connected earth.

Measuring sensors shall be bonded by tinned copper braid links at each end to the adjacent pipe work
to ensure a good connection between the body and the metered liquid. Measuring sensors installed in
a catholic protected pipeline shall have isolation and bonding in accordance with the
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 516
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

recommendations of the manufacturer. The measuring transmitter shall provide a precise current input
to the field winding of the measuring sensor and shall convert the resultant signal from the electrodes
to analogue and pulse outputs in accordance with IEC 60381-1:1982. The signal processing facilities
of the converter shall ensure that the output signals are unaffected by interfering voltages, stratified
flow, changes in fluid electrical conductivity within the limit stated, non-homogeneity of the fluid and
the presence of ferrous particles. The zero and output signals shall be unaffected by partly-fouled

The following measuring transmitter features shall be provided as a minimum; additional

requirements may be stated elsewhere in the Specification:-

Measuring Transmitter Features:

 Pulsed D.C. field excitation

 Scaled pulse output for integration counter drive
 Capability of bi-directional measurement with differing forward and reverse ranges and with
local and remote indication of flow reversal
 Contact operation at a programmable measured value
 Integral display of flow and integrated quantity
 Galvanic isolation between each output circuit and between the electrode circuit and output
 Output circuit isolation from earth within the instrument but suitable for earthing at any point in
the external circuit
 Key entry for basic parameters
 Commissioning and re-scaling to require no special programming knowledge
 Adjustable low flow cut-off


 Continuously adjustable velocity and flow range settings

 Terminals accommodated in a compartment separate from electronic components
 Outputs including: analogue - 4-20mA
 Pulse - two programmable outputs
 Alarms - two outputs programmable for high/low
 Flow, polarity, forward/reverse, instrument fault, liquid sensing fault condition including
partially empty pipe

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principal : Electromagnetic

Type : Pulsed DC
Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Metering Tube : SS 304
Sensor Housing : SS 304 fully welded
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 517
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Connection / Junction Box : SS 304

Lining Material : PTFE/Polyurethane
Range : As per site requirement
Accuracy : ± 0.5% of flow rate at maximum mean velocity of
1.5 to 3.0 m/sec
Electrode Type : Flush or bullet nose as recommended by the
Earthing Ring/Electrode Material: Type 316 stainless steel

Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-65
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Display : Indicating and totalizing
a.) Indicator : Digital 16-character display
b.) Totalizer : Digital 16-character display
Mounting : Pipe, wall, panel
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA / 0-10VDC output based on the
flow rate
Zero & Span : Field Adjustable
Turndown Ratio : Minimum of 10 to 1 when flow velocity at minimum
flow is at least 0.3 meters per second
Zero Stability Feature : Required to eliminate the need to stop flow to
check zero alignment
Pressure Loss : Very Low
Removable Electrodes : Required
Flange Material : Carbon steel, Epoxy Coated
Empty Pipe Detection : Inbuilt
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Temperature Compensation : Inbuilt temperature sensors for automatic
compensation for changes in air temperature
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc. DPT (orifice Type Flowmeter)

Differential pressure flowmeters, also known as DP flowmeters, create a cross sectional change in the
flow tube, which causes the velocity of the flowing fluid to change. A change in velocity occurs

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 518

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

whenever there is a change in flow cross-section; i.e., with a decrease in velocity, an increase in
pressure occurs. Differential pressure flowmeters can be used as liquid flowmeters or gas flowmeters.

Flat metal plate with an opening in the plate, installed perpendicular to the flowing stream in a
circular pipe. As the flowing fluid passes through the orifice, the restriction causes an increase in
velocity and decrease in pressure. A differential pressure transmitter is used to measure pressure
between the orifice and the pipe flow stream. There is always a permanent pressure loss. No dirty
liquids allowed. Orifice differential pressure flowmeters can be constructed to measure gas, liquid or
steam. Orifice plates are primary flow elements which measure flow as a function of differential

Technical Specifications

Application : Fluids (Air Blowers outlet)

Orifice assembly : 316L SS
Stem and Manifold : 316L SS
Transmitter Sensing House : 304 L SS
Process Isolating Diaphragms Seal : PTFE
Process Connection : ASME B16.5 (ANSI) Class 150,300)
Type of Transmitter : Two Wire
Input Supply : 24 V DC
Out Put : 4 to 20mA (Isolated) HART
Accuracy : + 1.5%
Range ability : + 0.1%
Zero & Span Adjustment : Available
Sensing Element : Membrane
Sensing Element Material : 316L SS
Wetted O’ring Material : FKM Viton
Process Connection : ½’ (M) Adaptor
Fill Fluid : Silicon
Mounting : 2” Pipe Mpounting
Enclosure Material : Die Cast Aluminium with protective powder
coating on polyester based.
Enclosure Protection Class : IP66
Cable Entry : ½”(NPT)F
Display : Digital 7 Segment Back lit LCD Display
Area Classification : Safe
Alarm Contact
(Upper Limit & Lower Limit) : Required

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 519

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Gas Flowmeter (Ultrasonic Type)

Ultrasonic measurement system dedicated for process gas flow application shall be used for
measuring the gas flowing in bio gas lines.
Technical Specifications

A. Measuring System

Area Classification : Hazardous

Measuring Principle : Ultrasonic Transit Time
Application : Flow Measurement of bio gas
B. Design

Features : 1 or 2 path all welded flow sensor with o-ring fitted

with titanium transducers.

Modular Cons Construction : The measurement system consists of a measuring

sensor and a signal converter.

Measuring Range : -30 to +30 m/s

Signal Converter

Inputs/Outputs : Current, pulse, frequency and/or status output, limit

switch and/or control input.
Self-Diagnostics : Integrated verification, diagnosis function:
flowmeter, process measured value, bar graph.
Communication interfaces : Modbus, HART, FF


Graphic display : LC display, backlit white.

Operator input elements : 4 optical keys for operator control of signal converter
without opening the housing
Remote Control : All DTM’s and drivers will be available at internet
homepage of the manufacturer.
Accuracy : +/- 2% of actual measured value.

Repeatability : <+/- 0. 2%


Sensor : NACE MR175/103

Transducer : Titanium grade 29

Transducer Holder : 316LSS

Transducer O-ring : Standard: FKM/FPM

Coating : Polyurethane
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 520
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Converter housing : Die-cast aluminium, polyurethane coated

Power Supply : 22oV AC/24V DC

Signal Cable : Shielded cable with 2 triax cores

Cable entries : ½” NPT

6.7.4 Temperature Monitoring Instrument Temperature Transmitter

Temperature Transmitter shall have a sensor usually RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) that
collects the data about temperature from a particular source and converts the data into understandable
form for a device or an observer. RTD sensor is one of the most accurate sensors. In resistance
temperature detector resistance is proportional to temperature. The sensor is made from platinum,
nickel and copper metals. It requires an external current source to function properly.

The technique used to measure temperature by RTD shall be two wire in which current is forced
through RTD to measure the resulting voltage.

Technical Specifications

Area Classification : Safe & Hazardous

Type : Two Wire
RTD Type Supported : Yes
Power Supply : 24 V DC
Output : 4-20mA, HART, Isolated
Accuracy : + 0.2%
Instrument Range : As Required
Calibration Range : as Required
Mounting : 2” Pipe Mounting
RTD Cable Connection : ½” NPT(F)
Enclosure Material : Aluminium, Polyester Powder Coated
Enclosure Protection Class : IP66
Electrical Connection : ½” NPTF
Display : LCD, Local Indicator
Certification : ATEX Certification

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 521

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.7.5 Quality Monitoring instruments (Analyzers) DO Analyzer

DO Analyzers shall be installed to continually record the dissolved oxygen level at every grid within
each aeration basin. The primary sensing device used for the dissolved oxygen level measurement,
shall be a sensing probe mounted within the aeration basin and connected to a controller for
displaying and transmitting the results

Technical Specifications
Measuring Principal : Optical
Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 to 20.0 ppm, 0 to 20.0 mg/L
Accuracy : ± 0.5% or better
Repeatability : ±0.5% of span
Sensitivity : ±0.5% of span
Pressure Limit : 4 - 6 bar
Temperature Indication : Inbuilt
Calibration Method : Air Calibration: One point, 100% water saturated air;
Sample Calibration: Comparison to standard
instrument, or comparison to Winkler Titration
Cleaning : Air Blast Unit. Probe should be able to function with
cleaning unit attached to it
a.) Sensor : Inside aeration basin at each grid
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68 for Sensor
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 522
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor

Cable Length : As per site requirement TSS Analyzer

Technical Specifications
Measuring Principal : Optical
Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 – 50 mg/l, 0 - 1000 mg/l, 0 – 5000 mg/l
Accuracy : <5% of reading or better
Pressure Limit : 6 bar
Flow Rate : Maximum 3m per second
Temperature Indication : Inbuilt
Calibration Method : Single point or two point
Sensor Cleaning : Inbuilt
a.) Sensor : Inside pipe / channel / tank
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68 for Sensor
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement pH Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principal : Combination / Differential Electrode

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 523

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,

Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 - 12 pH
Accuracy : ±0.02 pH or better
Repeatability : ±0.05 pH
Sensitivity : ±0.01 pH
Pressure Limit : 4 - 6 bar
Flow Rate : Maximum 3m per second
Temperature Indication : Inbuilt
Temperature Compensation : Inbuilt automatic temperature compensation
Temperature Accuracy : ±0.5 °C
Calibration Method : Two point automatic, one point automatic, two
point manual, one point manual
a.) Sensor : Inside pipe / channel / tank
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
For Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement

Sensor Cleaning : Inbuilt (Air & Water ) Ammonia Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,

Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 524

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Range : 0 – 5 mg/l, 0 - 50 mg/l

Accuracy : 3% ±1mg/l or better
Repeatability : 2% ±1mg/l or better
Flow Rate : Maximum 20 L/h
Cleaning : Automatic
a.) Analyzer : Wall, Panel
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Analyzer : IP-55 or better
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 or better
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Cable Length : As per site requirement BOD Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principle : UV Absorption

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 – 50 mg/l, 0 - 500 mg/l
Accuracy : ± 5% or better
Compensation : 550 nm
Sample pH : 4.5 to 9 pH
Pressure Limit : 0.5 bar
Cleaning : Automatic
a.) Sensor : Inside pipe / channel / tank
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 525
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement COD Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principle : UV Absorption

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 – 250 mg/l, 0 - 1000 mg/l
Accuracy : ± 5% or better
Compensation : 550 nm
Sample pH : 4.5 to 9 pH
Pressure Limit : 0.5 bar
Cleaning : Automatic
a.) Sensor : Inside pipe / channel / tank
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-55 or better
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-55 or better
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 526
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA

Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement Total Phosphorus Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principle : Photometric

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 - 10 mg/l
Accuracy : 2% of the measured value + 0.05 mg/L or better
Repeatability : 2% of the measured value + 0.05 mg/L
Flow Rate : Maximum 20 L/h
Sample pH : 5 to 9 pH
Pressure Limit : 0.05 bar
a.) Analyzer : Wall, Panel
b.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Analyzer : IP-55 or better
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-55 or better
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Cable Length : As per site requirement

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 527

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Oil In Water Analyzer

Technical Specifications

Measuring Principle : UV Fluorescence / Laser Induced Fluorescence

Application : H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases,
Corrosive Waste Water Environment
Safety : Explosion Proof or Intrinsically Safe
Range : 0 – 15 ppm
Accuracy : ± 5% or better
Cleaning : Automatic
Analyzer Type : Panel Type / Sensor (Probe Type)
a.) Panel Type : Wall Mounted
b.) Sensor (Probe Type) : Inside pipe / channel / tank
c.) Transmitter / Controller : Wall, Panel, Pole
Protection Category
a.) Sensor : IP-68
b.) Transmitter / Controller : IP-66 (NEMA 4X)
Transmitter / Controller Type : Microprocessor Based
Diagnostic : Inbuilt
Display : LCD with LED backlighting
Power Supply : 230 V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz
Analog Output : Isolated 4 – 20mA
Relay Contacts : Minimum of 2 SPDT contacts
Operating Temperature : 0 to 50°C
Communication Protocol : Open Protocol like MODBUS, PROFIBUS, etc.
Sensor Cable : Integral to sensor
Cable Length : As per site requirement

Sensor Cleaning : Inbuilt (Air & Water )

6.8 Surge Protection Devices

Surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be suitable for withstanding the surge arising out of high energy
static discharge / lighting strikes and protect the instrument to which it is connected against damage.
SPDs shall provide protection through the use of quick acting semiconductors like Tranzorb, zener
diodes, varistors and an automatic disconnect and reset circuit. SPDs shall be passive and shall require
negligible power for operation. During the occurrence of a surge it shall clamp on the allowable
voltage and pass the excess voltage to the ground. The SPD shall be self-resetting to minimize the
down time of the measurement loop.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 528

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

SPDs shall be provided to protect devices transmitting and receiving analogue and digital signals
derived from field devices located outdoors.

The surge protection device shall be rated for surge rating of 10kA.

Two numbers of surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be provided for each signal and power
loop for field instruments located out-doors. One SPD shall be provided in the field near
transmitter and the other SPD of the loop shall be mounted in the control panel/ console.
SPDs shall also be provided in the 240 V AC incoming power supply to panels/ consoles.
Surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be suitable for withstanding the surge arising out of
high energy static discharge I lightning discharges and protect the instrument to which it is
connected against damage. SPDs shall provide protection through the use of quick acting
semiconductors like Tranzorb, zener diodes; varistors and an automatic disconnect and reset
circuit. SPDs shall be passive and shall require negligible power for operation. During the
occurrence of a surge it shall clamp on the allowable voltage and pass the excess voltage to
the ground. The SPD shall be self- resetting to minimize the down time of the measurement

SPDs shall have a weather proof casing and shall be suitable for field/back of panel mounting. There
should be total isolation between input, output and ground terminals. The rating and type of SPDs
shall be as per the instrument manufacturer's recommendation and shall be subject to Employer's
representative's approval.

6.9 Cabinets for Field Instruments

Wall mounted cabinets shall be provided for enclosing transducer unit and associated accessories
which are mounted outside the main control panel. The cabinet shall be of die-cast aluminium/FRP
enclosure for field instruments provided not less than IP-65 protection and shall be lockable. The
cabinet shall have facilities for earthing. A steel plate shall be provided inside the cabinet for
mounting instrument and accessories.

6.10 Panel Details

6.10.1 Cabinet / Enclosure for Instruments

Enclosures shall be any form of board, cabinet, panel, desk, box or case used to protect, contain or
group instrumentation, telemetry or control equipment. Cabinets shall be fabricated from cold rolled
steel with powder coating sheet of minimum 2 mm thick and shall be suitable for wall mounting or
pedestal mounting as required. A steel plate/pipe, as per the requirement, shall be provided in the
cabinet for mounting the instrument and accessories. The cabinet shall be properly painted from inside
and outside and shall have built in locking facility. The cabinet shall also be earthed properly. All
equipment in or on enclosures shall be arranged logically and, as far as possible, symmetrically, with
projections kept to a minimum. Each enclosure shall be designed on ergonomic principles and shall
permit in-situ and safe access for any normal adjustment, maintenance and servicing. The tops of
plant-mounted enclosures shall be sloped downwards from front to rear.

The minimum degree of protection shall be IP 54 for indoor locations and enclosures for use outside
buildings or in places where splashing may occur shall have a minimum rating of protection to BS EN
60529:1992, IP 65 and have tops which project sufficiently to protect the vertical faces of the
enclosure and any component mounted thereon from splashing, inclement weather and direct sunlight.
Also, when enclosures for use outside buildings are located where exposure to direct sunlight will
give rise to high top-panel surface temperatures such that the internal temperature rises above the
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 529
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

manufacturer’s recommendation (normally 4 ° ), the enclosure shall include a sun shield fitted to the
top of the enclosure and should have sufficient air ventilation for heat dissipation.

Fixing arrangements for surface-mounting enclosures shall be external to the enclosure and shall
ensure that the rear face of the enclosure is not in contact with the surface to which it is fixed.
Enclosures shall have hinged access doors, fitted with recessed lockable handles. Doors shall be of
rigid construction and provided with close-fitting flexible seals in recesses to prevent the ingress of
liquids, moisture, dust and vermin. Hinges shall be of the lift-off pattern and one hinge shall engage
before the other for ease of fitting. Wherever necessary, removable access covers secured by quick-
release fasteners shall be provided to ensure ease of maintenance for all installed apparatus. Mounting
plates, brackets and racks shall be provided for all other internal equipment which shall be hinged or
otherwise arranged with quick-release fasteners or captive screws to give quick and easy access to
equipment, securing screws, terminals and wiring.

Enclosures for two or more devices with electrical circuits shall have gland plates and terminal blocks
as specified elsewhere. Each enclosure shall be designed for the safe testing and servicing of
equipment with the power on. Each part which may be live under any circumstances shall be so
covered or shielded as to prevent inadvertent contact.

6.10.2 Panel Design and Construction

Unless otherwise specified, all instrument panels, instrument cubicles, control panels, control consoles
and desks, associated equipment and terminal racks, telemetry and electronic equipment racks and the
like shall be free-standing, floor-mounted units and shall conform to the requirements of this part and
will hereafter be referred to as panels. The design and dimensions of control consoles and desks shall
be determined according to their intended function but shall be in accordance with the requirements of
the Specification drawings. The height shall not exceed 1400mm above the finished floor level.

Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Specification drawings, the height of panels shall be not
greater than 2130mm overall (excluding lifting devices) above finished floor level. Front-of-panel
instruments and controls shall be mounted so that the height of their centers above the floor shall be
generally between 1800mm and 900mm for indicators, 1400mm and 900mm for recorders and
process controllers, 2000mm and 750mm for alarm facias and signal lamps and 1500mm and 750mm
for manual controls. Controls, switches and push-buttons shall be positioned below or adjacent to any
associated reading instrument. Panels for use in locations such as pumping stations and machinery
rooms shall have anti-vibration mountings. The clearance between the extremities of apparatus
mounted on the internal walls shall allow safe and unobstructed access to all terminals and to parts
requiring maintenance. Panel layout drawings shall normally include a list of all instruments,
accessories and components contained therein. If the drawings have insufficient space for the list, a
separate schedule of instruments, accessories and components shall be provided and the panel
drawing shall contain a cross reference to the contents list and an indication of the panel location of
each item on the list.

6.10.3 Panels – Major

Panels shall be constructed generally as specified in the preceding clause and as shown in the
Specification drawings. Panel material shall be prime-quality, cold-rolled and annealed mild steel or
zinc-coated mild steel sheet, suitably braced and stiffened as necessary with flat bar or angle to form a
rigid structure.

Panel fronts shall be flat and free from bow or ripple. Exterior corners and edges shall be rounded or
welded and ground to give a smooth overall appearance. Flanged edges shall be straight and smooth.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 530

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Materials shall be chosen with due regard to the panel size, number of cut-outs, instrument weight and
position of center of gravity and method of fabrication, with the following:

 minimum thicknesses except where otherwise shown in the Specification drawings

 instrument bearing surfaces, gland plates and pneumatic distribution plates: 3mm
 internal mounting plates: 3mm
 doors, covers and filler panels: 2mm

No design involving the use of externally-visible assembly or fixing bolts and screws nor any design
resulting in dust or water-collecting crevices will be accepted. Stiffeners and supporting frameworks
shall be provided where necessary inside panels. Framework shall be hinged or fixed, suitable for the
installation of instruments, components and internal equipment for which it is provided and located to
give easy access to adjacent equipment.

When a panel is constructed in sections, the sections shall be designed for ease of assembly during
installation and, in any case, shall not exceed 2m in length. All necessary nuts, bolts, washers and the
like shall be supplied and included in the same shipment as the relevant sections. Sections exceeding
1m in length shall be provided with double doors. Unless otherwise shown in the Specification
drawings, each panel shall be mounted on a self-draining base frame fabricated from 150mm deep,
steel channel section which shall be drilled or provided with clamps for bolting to the floor. The base
frame shall be set back from the panel front face to give a toe space of not less than 25mm. The
outside of the base frame shall be covered with an approved kicking strip.

Ceiling and other filler panels shall be fabricated from sheet steel and adequately stiffened. Each
section shall have 50mm returned edges along all four sides and shall be braced to the main steelwork
of the panel. A chequered-plate floor shall be provided inside and above the level of the base frame,
having openings suitable for the bottom entry of cables when applicable. Sufficient removable
undrilled gland plates, in sections convenient for handling, shall be fitted close to the appropriate
terminal blocks and not less than 230mm above the panel floor or not less than 230mm below the
panel top. The gland plates shall have removable side covers giving access to both sides of the gland
plate and ensuring vermin-proof and dust-proof construction. Gland plates of a surface-mounted
enclosure may form a part of the base or top. Panels containing pneumatic or other instruments using
a fluid as the transmission medium shall have distribution plates with bulkhead unions for the
termination of internal and external pipework.

All doors shall open outwards and all doors in one panel assembly shall use the same lock and key
combination. Panel design shall ensure adequate ventilation and air circulation without permitting the
entry of vermin or dust. Panels installed in control rooms or other clean condition areas shall have
louvres to allow air circulation. Temporary closures shall be provided to prevent the entry of dust and
vermin during transit and installation. After commissioning has been completed, all entries except air-
circulation louvres shall be sealed.

No equipment other than front-of-panel items shall be mounted on panel wall surfaces. If electrical
and non-electrical instruments are mounted in the same panel, the panel shall be subdivided internally
to separate the electrical and non-electrical sections. All connections shall be arranged to ensure that
no accidental damage to cabling or electrical components can occur in the event of failure of any non-
electrical component or connection. Provision shall be made for safe and easy handling during transit
and installation. If lifting eyes are provided, they shall be reversible and panel tops shall be reinforced
where necessary.

Where equipment is specified to be installed at a future date, space shall be allocated, and cutouts with
removable masking plates, brackets, supports, wiring, terminals and piping and the like shall be
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 531
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

provided. Panels shall be finish-coated at the place of manufacture before commencing the installation
of apparatus and other fittings.

6.10.4 Panels – Minor

Panels for installation on the Plant which contain relatively few items of equipment, or where so
specified elsewhere, shall be classed as minor panels and shall be constructed generally as specified in
the preceding clause and comply with this Clause. Panels shall be fabricated from sheet steel or other
approved material less than 2.5mm thick suitably braced to form a robust and rigid structure. Exterior
corners and edges shall be rounded to give a smooth overall appearance and assembly bolts, screws or
rivets shall not be visible on the front face.

The design shall be such as to ensure adequate ventilation and air circulation where required, without
permitting the entry of vermin. Openings for cables shall be made vermin-proof. Doors shall be
hinged and shall be provided with close-fitting flexible seals in recesses to prevent the ingress of
liquids, moisture, dust and vermin. Unless otherwise specified, panels shall be suitable for floor
mounting and shall not exceed 2130mm in height. Where surface mounted panels are provided, the
fixing shall prevent the ingress of moisture and the rear of the enclosure shall be not less than 10mm
from the wall.

Lifting eyebolts shall be removed, issued to the Purchaser and subsequently replaced with bolts after
installation. Panels shall be extensible, and symmetrically arranged as far as possible with projections
kept to a minimum. Where two or more panels are fitted together, they shall form a flush-fronted
continuous panel of uniform height. Front door and top cover dimensions shall match. Instruments,
relays, and control devices shall be mounted at a height not more than 2000mm and not less than
300mm from floor level.

The arrangement of equipment within each enclosure shall be such as to permit easy access for
installation and maintenance. No instruments, relays or other components shall be mounted on rear
access doors or removable covers.

6.10.5 Panels – Composite

In situations where space limitations preclude the use of separate instrumentation, control and
automation (ICA) and switchgear panels and, at the sole discretion of the Engineer, ICA equipment
may be combined within a single enclosure subject to the following conditions:


 The observance of all other clauses herein relating to enclosures, mounting boards and minor
 The written assurance of each supplier of ICA equipment that the proximity of the switchgear
will have no detrimental effect on the life or performance of any ICA component
 The total segregation of ICA equipment and switchgear including the glanding and termination
 The absence of any voltage exceeding 250V ac or 50V dc from any compartment containing
ICA equipment.
 The use of the full height of the panel (excluding the busbar chamber and cable space) for any
ICA equipment compartment.

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.10.6 Panels - Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)

Any panel required to be installed outside buildings shall, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer,
be manufactured from double-skin, resin-bonded fiberglass, with a totally encapsulated infill of rigid
weatherproof and ‘boil proof’ plywood to BS 12 3:2 1 between the two skins to provide a rigid and
vandal-proof enclosure. The environmental rating shall be IP 65 or better.

For any application in a non-temperate climate or where so specified elsewhere, the roof section shall
be sloping and have a totally-encapsulated infill of end-grain balsa instead of plywood. Box-section
steel shall be encapsulated into door edges and door frames. Door locks, handles and hinges shall be
of a high tensile strength, non-corroding alloy with stainless steel pins and through fixing bolts. Large
plane surfaces shall have adequate reinforcing to ensure rigidity.

The doors shall be complete with latching handles and locks. All door catches and locks shall latch
onto steel-reinforced surfaces. Threaded studs shall be incorporated into the design of the panel for
the mounting of sub frames within the panel. Any panel drilled to provide fixings for internal
equipment will not be accepted. Each cubicle shall be provided with a floor or deck with a removable
gland plate for cable entry.

The laminate material shall have flame-retardant characteristics in compliance with BS 476 Class 2,
and shall retain ‘stability, integrity and insulation’ for 3 minutes. olour-impregnated gel coats
backed by coloured resin shall be used to ensure maintenance free and ‘colour-fast’ finishes. The
external finish colour shall be advised by the Engineer and the internal finish colour shall be white.
The fronts of externally-visible instruments and windows shall be of glass. An air-gap of 100mm shall
be provided between the top surface of the panel and its protective canopy. All internal equipment
shall be mounted on supports built into the fiberglass structure. Fixing bolts through the skin will not
be accepted.

6.10.7 Panel Protection

Adequate facilities for isolation and protection by miniature circuit breaker or fuse for each
instrumentation and control circuit and sub-circuit shall be provided and shall be so arranged that any
interruption causes minimum disruption of plant, operates the appropriate alarm and cannot result in
any unsafe operating condition. All fuses shall be of the cartridge pattern and main fuses shall be of
the high rupturing capacity type. Fuse and solid-link carriers and bases shall be of plastic-moulded
insulating material of an approved make. Ceramic materials will not be accepted. Live connections
shall be efficiently shrouded and it shall be possible to change fuses with power on without danger of
contact with live metal. The fuses shall be rated to give maximum protection to the equipment in
circuit and the rating shall be permanently inscribed on the fuse label and on the fuse carrier.

Unless necessary for the protection of particular equipment, miniature circuit breakers used for
individual circuits in a panel or control desk shall not trip on over-voltage or under-voltage. Bases for
solid links shall not be interchangeable with those for fuses. Fuses and links in the same circuit shall
be mounted opposite each other in separate adjacent rows and shall not alternate in the same row. At
least 10% and not less than two unallocated miniature circuit breakers or fuses and links shall be
provided in each panel distribution board. Miniature circuit breakers and fuses of similar size and
rating shall be of the same make and type. At least 10%, and not less than two, spare fuses and links
of each rating shall be provided and fitted in clips inside the panel.

Each instrument requiring a power supply shall be individually wired and protected so that, in the
event of a failure in one circuit, the remainder is unaffected. Power supply circuits shall be of
sufficient rating that any protective device may operate without reducing the voltage at the terminals
of any other component to an unacceptable level. Remote alarms shall be operated on failure of the
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 533
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

electrical supply to a panel or to any internal sub-circuit. Clearly identifiable, switched socket outlets
of 15A minimum rating to comply with IS 4615, supplied at the main cabinet operating voltages shall
be fitted within the panel at the rate of one for each operating voltage per meter of panel length; for a
panel whose length is less than one meter, one switched socket outlet for each main operating voltage
shall be provided. Suitable socket outlets for portable tools and hand lamps shall be provided as
specified elsewhere.

6.10.8 Panel Isolation

Clearly-labelled isolating circuit breakers shall be provided for each incoming power supply. Switches
shall be of the quick make-and-break type with spring-loaded contacts that close fully without
requiring full operation of the handle. The handle and cover shall be interlocked so that the handle
cannot be operated when the cover is open and the cover cannot be opened unless the switch is in the
‘off’ position. The ‘on’ and ‘off’ positions of each switch shall be indicated clearly.

Circuit breakers for panel power supplies shall be mounted near an access point and in positions
where they may be operated easily from a standing position. Plug-in isolating links or devices of an
approved type shall be provided in any circuit that may still be alive when the power supply isolators
are in the ‘off’ position, as, for example, in circuits controlling equipment whose power supply is
independent of the panel. Such links or devices shall be properly screened and, if not incorporated in
or adjacent to their associated outgoing terminals, shall be labelled with suitable warning notices. Any
item of panel equipment to which panel internal wiring is connected with a plug and socket instead of
terminals shall be wired in flexible cable of adequate rating between the ‘free’ plug and a socket
mounted adjacent to the device. The power supply connector shall be a socket.

6.10.9 Panel Terminal Blocks

External wiring for panel power supplies shall be terminated on the appropriate isolator. Signal cables
from strain gauges, analyzers, resistance thermometers, re-transmitting slide wires and thermocouples
may be terminated at their appropriate instruments. A terminal block shall be provided as the interface
between the corresponding conductors of each internal and external wire and each internal and
external connection except those listed above. The terminal blocks shall be mounted vertically where
possible and not nearer than 230mm to the floor or less than 230mm from an incoming cable gland.

Terminal block rows shall be spaced apart by not less than 150mm and arranged to permit convenient
access to wires and terminals and to enable ferrule numbers to be read without difficulty. Other
circuits shall be grouped on the terminal blocks according to the classification given in the clause for
‘Panel internal wiring’ which shall be clearly marked along the corresponding section of each
terminal board. Groups of different voltages on the same board shall be separated by insulated

All connections shall be made from the front of terminal blocks and no live metal shall be exposed at
the back. All terminal blocks shall be of the type which clamps the wire securely and without damage
between two plates by means of a captive screw and which permits removal of any terminal without
disturbance to adjacent terminals. Pinch-screw type terminal blocks will not be accepted. Terminal
moldings shall be in melamine to ISO 2112:1990, polyamide or equivalent. Terminal rails shall be
hot-dip galvanized. Current bars between the two connection points of each terminal block shall be of
copper or brass with tin/lead alloy plating. All steel parts shall be zinc-plated and passivated with a
yellow chromate layer.

Terminal blocks for input and output analogue signals and for circuits containing volt-free contacts
internal or external to the cabinet shall be of the Klippon type SAKC or equivalent which permit the
connection of a test millimeter or continuity meter without disconnecting any wiring. Terminal blocks
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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

for power supplies for equipment external to the panel shall permit the isolation of the item of external
equipment without affecting the operation of any other circuit within or outside the panel.

No more than one core of external cables or one internal wire shall be connected to any terminal. If
terminal blocks are used as common points for two or more circuits, individual terminals with the
appropriate number of permanent cross-connections shall be provided. The lengths of exposed cable
cores shall be sufficient to reach any terminal in the appropriate row or rows. The cores shall be
formed into a neat loom and a separate loom shall be provided for each cable. Identification ferrules
as specified in the clause for ‘Panel wiring identification and termination’ shall be fitted on each core
of all external cables and on each internal wire. The size of the terminals shall be appropriate to the
size and rating of the cable cores which will be connected to them but shall not be smaller than
Klippon type SAK2.5 or equivalent unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.

Each row of terminal blocks shall contain at least 25% spare terminals over the number required for
terminating all cores of external cables in that row. Unless otherwise specified or shown in the
Specification drawings, each external cable shall contain at least 20% spare circuits, with a minimum
of one spare circuit. Terminal blocks shall be numbered consecutively in a sequence different from
that used for identifying wiring. The terminal numbers, voltage grouping and terminal board layout
shall correspond precisely with wiring diagrams so that quick and accurate identification of wiring
can be made. All the terminal boards shall be provided with covers of transparent insulating material
that does not sustain combustion and shall be sectionalized where possible to give access to groups of
terminals without uncovering all boards. Terminals which may be live when the panel is isolated from
its main supplies shall be suitably labelled to minimize the risk of accidental contact.

6.10.10 Panel Internal Wiring

Panel circuits shall be segregated into the following categories:-

Group 1: Power control and very-high-level signal wiring (above 50V):

 AC power supplies
 DC power supplies
 DC current signals above 50mA (such as CT circuits)
 AC voltage and control signals above 50V (such as PT circuits)

Group 2: High-level signal wiring (6V to 50V dc):

 Signals from conventional electronic transmitters and controllers (such as 4mA to 20mA)
 Circuits to alarm enunciators and other solid-state devices (excluding those in categories 2.1,
2.5, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)
 Digital signals
 Emergency shut-down and tripping circuits
 On / Off control circuits
 Intrinsically safe circuits
 Speech-frequency circuits

Group 3: Low-level signal wiring (5V dc and below):

 Signals from thermocouples
 Signals from resistance thermometers and re-transmitting slide-wires

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Signals from analytical equipment and strain gauges

For Group 3 wiring, internal connections to the instruments shall be made by one of the following

 The twisted, screened conductors of the external cable shall be led direct to their appropriate
instruments via ducting systems installed for this purpose during construction of the panel.
 The conductors of the external cables shall be terminated on terminals segregated from all
other categories and the connections to the appropriate instruments shall be made using twisted
pairs with individual screening installed for this purpose during construction of the panel.

Internal wiring for all circuits in Group 2 except those sharing a common connection shall be multi-
stranded, twisted pair, 0.75mm² minimum copper conductors with HPDE or PVC insulated cable of
adequate grade and rating in accordance with BS 6004:2000. Wiring for circuits in other Groups or
sharing a common connection shall be run in stranded, 1.0mm² minimum copper conductors with
250V grade, PVC-insulated cable of adequate grade and rating. Wiring sheath colours shall be black
for ac circuits, and grey for dc circuits (excluding thermocouple circuits) and blue for Group 2.6
circuits. Circuits supplied at 240V, between 240V and 110V dc shall also be physically segregated
from each other and from other circuits. Access to wiring and components of circuits having voltages
exceeding 240V shall not be possible unless and until the circuit has been isolated.

Separate ducts, trunking, cable looms, tray work and the like shall be provided within the panel for
each category with at least 150mm between parallel paths of Group 1 and those of any other Group.
Intrinsically-safe circuits and their terminals shall be segregated from other circuits and terminals. All
wiring shall be neatly and securely fixed by insulated cleats, bunched and secured by approved plastic
strapping or run in approved insulated wiring trunking or non-corrodible flexible tubing. Not more
than 75% of the capacity of trunking, ducts, looming, or tubing shall be used. Insulated earth wiring
shall be so arranged that access to any equipment or connection point or the removal of any item of
equipment is unimpeded. Wiring for future equipment shall be secured and terminated on terminal
blocks. Lacing for wiring looms shall be of rot-proof cord or plastic strips. Inter-section wiring in
multi-section cabinets shall be via a terminal block in each section.

6.10.11Panel Wiring Identification And Termination

Identification ferrules shall be fitted at both ends of each wire. The numbers or letters used shall
correspond with the appropriate wiring diagram. The ferrules shall be of plastic insulating material
with permanent black characters on a colour-coded background for numbers and on a white
background for letters, unaffected by oil or water. They shall be so arranged that they can be read
logically from left to right when viewed normally. The system of wire identification shall be such that
wires in the same circuit on opposite sides of a terminal shall have the same reference, and this system
shall be continued through all external cabling. Terminal ferrules (spade, tongue, crimped connections)
shall be provided on each conductor.

6.10.12Panel Earthing

A continuous copper earth bar of not less than 25mm % 6mm cross section shall run the full length of
each panel and shall be securely fixed and bonded electrically to the main frame. The cable gland-
plates and the earth bar shall be provided with suitable brass terminals of not less than 6mm diameter
for connecting the metal cladding or armouring of all incoming and outgoing cables to the station
earthing system.

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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

A second continuous copper earth bar of not less than 25mm % 6mm cross section, electrically
isolated from the steelwork of the panel and metal cladding and armouring of cables, shall be
provided for earthing the signal earth connection of each instrumentation and control device and the
screen(s) of each instrument cable not earthed elsewhere to the station instrumentation earth plate.
The earth bar shall have sufficient brass terminals as specified above for each instrumentation and
control device and the screen of every shielded cable plus 25% spare terminals. In multi-section
panels, each earth bar shall be electrically bonded to the corresponding bars in the adjacent section(s).
Instrumentation and instrument cable screen earthing shall comply with BS 6739: 1986, Section 10,
unless otherwise stated in this clause.

6.10.13Panel Heating

Each panel shall have one or more thermostatically-controlled tubular or ribbed panel heaters to
prevent condensation and assist ventilation and which shall be adequate for ambient temperatures
down to 5°C. The heater rating shall not exceed 0.2W/mm and the surface temperature of any part
which could be contacted accidentally shall not exceed 60°C. Heaters shall be so situated that no
deterioration can be caused to any equipment or wiring in the panel. The heating circuits shall be
switched and fused independently of the instrumentation and control equipment and manually
controlled by an enclosed switch mounted in an accessible position within the panel. Thermostats
shall be mounted remote from the heaters and other sources of heat and shall be fully adjustable over
a range of not less than 0°C to 50°C.

Thermostats shall cut out each heater when the internal temperature of the panel exceeds a preset
value; differential thermostats shall be used to maintain the panel internal temperature at a pre-set
value above the external ambient temperature. If the permanent power supply is not available at the
time of installation of the panel and condensation is detected, a temporary power supply shall be
connected to the panel of sufficient rating to operate the heaters.

6.10.14Panel Lighting

Each panel shall be adequately illuminated internally, as evenly and as free from dazzle as possible,
by fixed fluorescent lighting controlled from totally-enclosed light switches and by totally-enclosed
door-operated switches positioned so as not to interfere with access. There shall also be one installed
inspection lamp per three meters of panel length or part thereof with adequate flexible connection
cable to reach any point in the panel. The control switch for an inspection lamp shall form part of the
lamp assembly. Lighting circuits shall be fused independently of any instrumentation and control
circuit and designed to allow lamps to be replaced safely and shall be fed from a distribution board
and circuit breaker connected on the live side of the main panel ac supply circuit breaker.

6.10.15Panel Ventilation

Each panel shall be provided with ventilation fans as required to ensure that equipment within the
panel is maintained within manufacturer’s recommendations, with due regard to the environment in
which the panel will be mounted. Fans shall be controlled by a suitably labeled enclosed switch
mounted internally in an accessible position. Fans shall be mounted with their axes horizontal and
shall be arranged to draw clean air into the panel. Air entries shall have filters which can be renewed
from outside the panel and shall be designed to prevent the entry of rain, spray, injurious fluids, sand
or dust.

6.10.16Panel Piping and Tubing

Panels containing equipment using a supply of compressed air shall have a common air pressure-
reducing station with duplicate pressure-reducing valves and filters. The pressure reducing station
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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

shall also include isolating valves upstream and downstream of each filter/reducing-valve set,
pressure-relief valve, pressure indicator and low-pressure alarm unit for the low-pressure header and a
pressure indicator for the high-pressure pipework. The pressure-reducing station components shall be
mounted in a clear space inside the panel, supported on a suitable framework between the lower
horizontal row of instruments and the main low-pressure header.

All piping, fittings and valves downstream of the pressure-reducing station shall be of brass, copper or
plastic. PTFE tape shall not be used downstream of the main filters. The low-pressure header shall be
brass and shall be near the panel floor with drain valves and tundishes piped to a drain. Branch air
headers shall be of brass (15mm diameter minimum) and shall run vertically from the header to the
instrument. The low pressure header and each branch shall have a 6mm minimum, non-ferrous shut-
off valve for each instrument requiring an air supply and a compression coupling for each air-purge
connection. At least 10% spare connections for possible future instruments shall be provided in each
panel section. Any header dismantled before shipment shall have brass unions or flanges at each
panel-section junction.

Panel-mounted instruments shall be piped to bulkhead fittings on a gland plate during assembly at the
manufacturer’s works. Piping shall be colour-coded in accordance with Recommended Practice
ISA−RP 7.2 issued by the Instrument Society of America and shall be segregated from wiring so that
any leakage is harmless. Each panel-mounted pressure gauge shall have a stainless steel flush-
mounted shut-off and fine-regulating valve mounted vertically below. A drip tray shall be provided
below each row of gauges. Exhaust and de-pressurizing pipework shall be routed out of the panel.

6.10.17Panel Labels
Labels shall be provided for every panel to describe the duty or otherwise identify the panel and its
sections and every instrument, component and item of equipment mounted internally and externally.
Where applicable, front-of-panel labels shall be as shown in the Specification drawings. Wording
shall be clear, concise and unambiguous and shall be subject to review by the Engineer before
manufacture. Each label shall be permanently secured to the surface near the item to which it refers.
Externally-fitted labels shall be of perspex or other approved transparent plastic, with letters and
numbers rear-engraved and filled with black. The rear surface of each perspex label shall be finished
with a coat of paint of the same colour as the panel external finish. Instrument duty labels fitted
externally shall be below the item to which they refer. Embossed tape or similar adhesive labels will
not be approved.
Laminated materials or rear-engraved and filled plastic shall be used for internally-fitted labels, which
shall be white with engraved black letters. Labels conforming to the requirements of the preceding
paragraphs or other approved means shall be provided:

 To describe or identify circuits or circuit components

 To identify DC polarity
 To warn or remind about dangerous or potentially-dangerous circumstances
 Wherever elsewhere specified
Unless otherwise specified, all engraving shall be in plain block letters, 4mm high. The minimum
practicable number of different sizes shall be used. Manufacturers’ nameplates shall not be fitted on
panel external surfaces.

6.10.18Panel Finish
For control and instrument panels, desks and cubicles a hard, smooth, durable finish, free of
blemishes, shall be provided. Before painting, all external welds and any rough areas shall be
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 538
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

smoothed, and all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and free from scale, contaminates, corrosion or
grease. If rust-proof or Zintec steel has not been used in the construction, the panel shall be treated
with a passivating agent such as phosphoric acid. All internal surfaces shall have a minimum of three
coats of paint of which the first shall be an approved ant rusting priming coat and the final coat shall
be opaque gloss white enamel. All external surfaces shall have not less than five coats of paint of
which the first shall be an approved etch priming coat, and the second and third suitable undercoats,
all of which shall be rubbed smooth when dry before application of the next coat. The undercoats
shall be easily distinguished in shade or colour from the priming and finishing coats. The two final
coats shall be of stove enamel paint, gloss or semi-matt finish, to a colour and finish to be advised by
the Engineer. Stoving shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendation of the paint
manufacturer. The overall dry film thickness (DFT) shall be between 85 and 120 microns. Nuts, bolts,
washers and other fixing devices which may have to be removed for transit or maintenance purposes
shall be galvanized or otherwise finished to an approved standard. A 500ml tin of matching touch-up
paint shall be provided and packed with each panel. The colour of glass reinforced plastic panels shall
be to the approval of the Engineer.

6.11 Recording Equipment

6.11.1 Chart Recorders

Chart recorders shall be microprocessor-controlled or have auto-balancing potentiometric movements

and conform with BS 90:1975 where applicable and shall be able to pass each test specified in BS EN
60873:1993 or equivalent standard. Recording instruments shall have an accuracy of +/-0.5% full-
scale deflection or better. The operating temperature range shall be 0°C to 50°C. The recorder shall be
equipped with indicating scales and pointers for each measured variable. The pen and a reasonable
length of chart shall be visible without opening the case. Strip-chart recorders shall be electrically
driven and have monthly or fanfold charts of not less than 100mm width which shall advance at a
minimum of three selectable rates, including 20mm per hour.

Recorder inks and inking systems shall be suitable for use both in highly-humid conditions and in air-
conditioning. Inks of differing colours shall be used for recording two or more quantities on the same
chart. Each recorder chassis shall be easily withdrawable from its housing for chart changing without
interrupting its circuits. Recorder scales and charts shall be in accordance with BS 1794:1952 and BS
3693:1992 or equivalent as applicable. Single-pen recorders used for more than one measurement
shall have rotary-switch selectors with plates engraved to show the density of the selected

6.11.2 Electrical Indicators and Integrators

Indicators for use with analogue signal-transmission systems shall comply with BS 89:1990 or
equivalent and have an accuracy class index of 1.0. Indicator movements shall be critically damped
(dead-beat). Indicators for use on more than one circuit shall have rotary switches to select the circuit,
with engraved plates to show the circuit selected. Indicators shall have circular scales or shall be of
the vertical edgewise type and shall be designed to avoid parallax error. Scales shall be clearly marked
in SI units and shall comply with BS 3693:1992 or equivalent. All instruments mounted on one panel
or board, or in adjacent groupings, shall have similar styles of figures and letters. Dials shall be white
with black scales and lettering not subject to fading.

The material for scales shall be such that no peeling or discoloration will take place with age under
any environmental conditions. Major scale marks and numerals shall be of the same size and
thickness and shall be separated by not more than twenty-five minor marks. Pointers shall taper to the
width of the scale marks. Integrators shall be of the multi-digit cyclometer type. Integrators operating
in conjunction with an electromagnetic or ultrasonic flow meter shall use the pulse output from the
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 539
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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

flow transmitter. Any integrator operating from a device without a pulse output shall have an integral
or separate current-to-pulse converter with sufficient adjustment of the pulse rate to avoid the use of
any multiplying factor except in integer power of 10. Each integrator shall incorporate an adjustable
limiter whereby any input below a pre-set value is inoperative. Unless otherwise specified, integrators
shall have a minimum of eight digits with a decimal point where applicable.

6.11.3 Alarm System

Alarms shall be initiated by the opening or closing of volt-free contacts which shall remain unchanged
throughout the periods in which the alarm conditions exit. Alarm circuits shall be capable of
conversion from open-healthy to open-alarm or vice versa by a simple modification after installation
requiring no additional parts or special equipment.

Each alarm shall initiate the operation of both visual and audible devices. The sound intensity of each
audible device shall be suitable for the maximum sound level of its environment.

Audible devices in the same room or area shall have distinguishable sounds and adjustable sound

6.11.4 Matrix Type Alarm Annunciators

The alarm annunciator shall be microprocessor based, modular, split type unit with alarm windows
mounted on the front door and electronic modules inside the panel. The weather protection class for
alarm annunciator shall be IP-54 of IS 13947, Part-I.

Each alarm shall initiate a visible and audible indication of the specified condition. Unless otherwise
specified, alarm indicators shall be grouped together in annunciator units each having at least 20%
spare ways. Alarm indicator lamps (Cluster LED type) shall have transparent screens engraved with
legends approved by the Project Implementation Unit of DJB (PIU). The legend area of each
indication shall not exceed 40mm high and 75mm wide.

When any alarm condition occurs, a condition device common to an alarm annunciator system shall
sound and the appropriate indicator shall flash on and off. The flashing rate shall not be less than 2 Hz
and shall not exceed 5 Hz. On pressing an accept pushbutton, the audible device shall be silenced and
the flashing light shall become steady. The alarm indicator shall remain illuminated until the alarm
condition ceases and a reset pushbutton has been operated.

The operation or acceptance of one alarm shall not inhibit the operation of the audible device or the
flashing of the appropriate alarm indicator if a further alarm condition occurs.

At unmanned locations alarms operated on two or more annunciators shall require acceptance at each

Alarms shall be accepted automatically and the appropriate audible device silenced after an adjustable
period of 1 to 5 minutes.

An integral ‘test’ pushbutton shall be provided to illuminate each lamp in the appropriate group and to
operate the audible device but shall not cause a spurious alarm condition on any other annunciator.

Alarm circuitry shall be arranged so that spurious or transient alarm states persisting for less than 0.5
seconds do not initiate any action.

Alarm annunciator / indicator legends or labels shall be arranged with three lines of text as follows:
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 540
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Top Line: Location; example: Sludge Blanket Level

 Middle line: parameter; LEVEL
 Bottom line: status. HIGH

6.11.5 Push-Buttons and Indicator Lights

Push-buttons in control circuits shall have shrouds, guards or other suitable means for preventing
inadvertent operation. Status-indicator lights shall be of the high-intensity LED type. Indicator lights
shall be of a design which allows easy LED replacement from the front. Indicator lights shall be easily
visible above the ambient light level when viewed from within an included angle of 120 degrees.
LEDs shall be chosen to ensure clear discrimination between the energized and de-energized states
and to ensure an average working life of not less than 3 hours. A ‘lamp-test’ push-button shall be
provided for each group of indicator lights. The colours of push-buttons and indicator lights on
instrument panels shall be as follows:


Duty Push button - Signal lamp

Start or on (energize) - Green
Stop or off (de-energize) - Red
Open valve - Black*
Close valve - Black*
Accept - Black
Lamp test - Black
Reset - Black
Motor running (energized) - Red
Motor stopped (de-energized) - Green
Valve open - Red
Valve closed - Green
Urgent alarm - Red
Non-urgent alarm - Yellow
Plant healthy or ready for use - White

*Panel-mounted push-buttons for valve operation shall be coloured black,

unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, with the duty clearly defined by
legend on an associated label.

6.11.6 Analogue Signal Transmission

Unless otherwise specified, analogue signal-transmission systems shall be in accordance with BS EN

60546-1:1993 and shall use a signal of 4mA to 20mA DC. Transmitting devices shall have integral
indicators to monitor the output signal or connections suitable for use with a portable test meter.
Transmitters shall be capable of meeting the performance requirements laid down in the appropriate
part of IEC 60770-1:1999.

6.11.7 Analogue Process Controllers

Analogue controllers shall use solid-state components and shall have outputs containing three terms
with negligible interaction. The controller fascia shall have measured value, set value and output

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 541

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

indication, manual set-value and output controls, auto/manual switch for control mode and remote-
local transfer switch for set-value control. Manual control stations shall have measured-value and set-
value indication, local/remote switch and control available lamp indicator. Each controller shall have
the means to restrict its output signal to a predetermined, fully adjustable band so that the regulating
device is not moved to unsafe positions. The adjustment of these safe operating limits shall be by
means of accessible, clearly marked, internal components. A continuously adjustable proportional
band of not less than 5 to 500% shall be provided. Integral and derivative action times shall be
adjustable over ranges which shall not be narrower than 6 seconds to 25 minutes and 0-to 10 minutes
respectively. If the integral or derivative action times' adjustments are in steps, the ratio of successive
steps shall not exceed 2. The controls used to set the P, I and D values may be at the front of the
instrument or mounted internally in an accessible position.

Each controller shall be designed so that in the event of failure, it shall be possible to plug a portable
manual station into the controller case and to control the regulating device manually. Controller
design shall ensure automatic procedure-less, bump less transfer whenever the instrument is switched
from "auto" to "manual" or vice versa. Controller action shall be adjustable from direct to reverse and
vice versa by the operation of an internal switch. Analogue process controllers shall be capable of
meeting the performance requirements laid down in the appropriate part of BS EN 60546-1:1993.

6.12 SCADA System

6.12.1 General

The purpose of this document is to briefly describe the proposed Automation system (SCADA
System) for Delhi Jal Board. The SCADA shall monitor complete parameters of Plant including
Mechanical Equipment (Pumps, Motors, Valves, etc.) Process Instruments and Power Network. The
System should be such that it has feature as per generic requirements to enable the system for
seamless integration with other SCADA System.

The SCADA System shall collect data of various Process instruments, Mechanical Equipment, MFM
and I/Os through Communication Network. The System Architecture has been provided for reference

The System shall collect data through PLC under scope of supply. The field instruments (continuous
monitoring online analyzers) can transfer data to Control Centre directly through wireless technology
/optical fiber cable communication system, other equipment (pumps, motors, valves, etc.) data will
report to remote PLC and PLC will report to Control Centre through fiber cable. The fiber cable will
be laid across all location in Ring so that we can get redundant communication.

6.12.2 Basic Requirements for the Control System

This section summarizes the basic requirements for the control system, including the system’s
components, its open communication capabilities, its combined DCS functionality, and its scalable

6.12.3 System Components

The control system shall consist of a modular controller (including control, I/O, and
communications functions), a peer to peer architecture, comprehensive process automation software
(including configuration, documentation, operator interface, historian, and simulation software) and
software modules that facilitate open systems connections.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 542

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The system shall include a full complement of modular supporting equipment (including mounting
racks, power supplies, termination strips, equipment enclosures, prefabricated cables, furniture, etc.),
all of which shall be designed to simplify construction and the overall engineering effort.

6.12.4 Open Communications

The control system shall be open to enable easy integration with OPC (OLE for Process Control)
[where OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)] server so as to collect the data from
the remote housing station.

The control system shall include features traditionally associated with both a programmable logic
controller (such as logic processing, modular rugged hardware, and remote I/O architectures) and a
distributed control system (such as continuous and complex control, advanced operator interfaces,
sophisticated redundancy). These capabilities must seamlessly reside in one control system, without
the use of special gateways or interfaces.

6.12.5 Scope of Work

The solution should meet the functionality as per requirements for connectivity of PLC, IP Camera
etc. with Control Centre. The scope of supplies for the SCADA project shall be as detailed below and
given in the System Architecture attached herewith (Refer Annexure-1A). Scope of Supply

 Supply of Control Centre Hardware and Software for SCADA System

 Networking Equipments (Router, Firewall etc.) for Control Centre.
 Interface / Integration of PLC Units with SCADA System.
 Integration of Field instruments Hardware with Control Centre.
 Testing, Erection & Commissioning of supplied system.
 Training as per detailed Offer.

6.12.6 Hardware Details

This chapter contains a detailed configuration description of Automation System.
The building sub-systems are:
 SCADA cum Communication Server
 User Interface subsystem like WS
 Video Projection System
 IP Camera
 Local Area Network subsystem like LAN switch, Router, Firewall
 12 C Single Mode Fiber cable
 Peripheral subsystem

Each subsystem is built from hardware common components. All subsystems and hardware
components are described below: Subsystem Description

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 543

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

This section lists and describes the subsystems (associated hardware components) at each location.


Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 SCADA cum Communication The interfaces for each server are connected to
Server Ethernet networks to collect data from field.
1 WEB server Interface with Internet to remote client
1 ISR server Databases server with Oracle/SQL for Alarm and
MIS Report


Qty Hardware Component Remarks

2 Workstation Console The console is provided with 298782+ 2 TFT
The interface is connected to the Ethernet networks.
1 Remote access terminal LAPTOP connected through a serial link and a


Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 LAN Switch Ethernet switch 14 ports (10/100 Base TX)+2 Fibre
6 Remote Location LAN switch Ethernet switch 14 ports (10/100 Base TX)+2 Fibre
1 Router 2 LAN+2 WAN, all are 10/100 with 2 V.35 Port
2 Firewall 4LAN+2 WAN, all Wan are 10/100Mbps and LAN
are 10/100/1000 Mbps
Lot 12C Single Mode Fibre armored For Connectivity
cable Peripheral Subsystem


Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 Laser Printer(Colour) Each laser printer is connected to Ethernet network.


Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 10 KVA(Minimum) UPS for The UPS is designed for 10 KVA (Minimum) with
Control room Hardware two hours backup.
1 3 KVA(Minimum) UPS at all The UPS is designed for 3 KVA (Minimum) with
Remote location two hours backup.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 544

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

IP Camera

Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 IP Camera Each Camera is connected to Ethernet network for
Remote location surveillance of the complete WWTP

Video Projection System

Qty Hardware Component Remarks

1 Rear Projection one cube with Each VPS is connected to Ethernet network.

6.12.7 Hardware Components Description

This section describes the common hardware components. Communication cum SCADA Server, Web Server, ISR Server

Intel® Xeon® Quad-Core Processor E5606 2.13 GHz, 8MB L3 Cache 1
Integrated Two Broadcom dual-port Gigabit Ethernet with TOE enabled 1
8GB Memory (4x2GB), 1333MHz, DDR3 RAM 1
2nd Intel® Xeon® Quad-Core Processor E5606 2.13 GHz, 8MB L3 Cache 1
300GB 15K RPM,6Gbps SAS 3.5 Hot Plug Hard Drive " With RAID5 3
DVD+/-RW ROM, SATA, Internal for Ms 2008 R2 1
High Output Power Supply, Redundant, 460W 1
Power Cord, GType, 230V (Nepal, Sri Lanka, India) 2
2U Cable Management Arm 1
2U Sliding Rail 1
Windows Server 2008 1

* The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. Workstation Console Dual Monitor

Intel® Xeon® Dual-Core Processor W3503 (2.40 GHz, 4 MB cache, 1066
MHz memory)
Video Card ATI FirePro 2270 (512 MB )
RAM Memory 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 SDRAM Memory, 1333MHz,ECC 1
HDD 500 GB SATA (7200 RPM) HDD
Input Power Supply 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 2 Hz)
Power Cord Indian Style
CD Drive 16X DVD + /-RW Combo Drive

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 545

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Keyboard USB Entry Keyboard

Mouse USB Optical Scroll Mouse (2 buttons) with Mouse Mat
LAN(Ethernet port) Dual Broadcom RJ45 10/100/1000 BASE on board Ethernet NIC
I/O Cards One serial RS-232 port, 4 USB port and one parallel port
Indicator & Switch Power on/off x 1, HDD x 1. Power on/off x 1, System reset x 1

*The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. Remote Access Terminal (1no.)

Processor 2nd generation Intel® ore™ i3-2350M processor (2.30 GHz, 1333, 3M
Operating System Genuine Windows® 7 Professional SP1 32bit (English) for India
Display 14.0" HD WLED Anti-Glare (1366x768)
Memory2 2GB2 DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz
Hard Drive 320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
Video Card Intel® HD Graphics/ Intel® HD Graphics 3000( It depends on processor

*The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. LAN Switch

Specification Managed Industrial Ethernet switch
IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseT
Ethernet Standards IEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) and 100BaseFX
IEEE 802.3x for Flow Control
FCC Part 15, CISPR (EN55022) class A, Shock- IEC60068-2-27,
Vibration-IEC60068-2-6, EN61000-4-2 (ESD), EN61000-4-3 (RS),
Design Standard
EN61000-4-4 (EFT), EN61000-4-5 (Surge),
EN61000-4-6 (CS), EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11 standards
Input Voltage 9.6-60 VDC
0 to 60°C
Ambient Relative
5% to 95% Non-condensing
Overload Current
Mounting DIN Rail Mounting

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 546

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

No. of Ports 12 Nos. (10 CU + 2 FO)

10 no. RJ45 Ports with 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, Full/Half
Ethernet ports
duplex mode, and auto MDI/MDI-X connection
Two 10/ 100BaseFX port SC Type Single-Mode, 1310 nm Supports Ring,
Fiber Port
and Self-Healing

* The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. Color Laser Printer


Print speed Up to 12 & 8 ppm

Print quality Up to 600x600 dpi with HP ImageREt 3600
(A4 Size, ready) 26/32 sec
Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software
Print speed footnote
application, driver and document complexity.
Memory, standard 128 MB, expandable to 384 MB
Processor speed 600 MHz
Duty cycle (monthly, A4) Up to 30000 pages
Connectivity, standard Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port; built-in Fast Ethernet 10/100Base-TX
Print technology In-line colour laser printing technology
Print languages HP PCL 6, HP PCL 5c, HP Postscript level 3 emulation
Paper trays, standard 2
Paper handling input,
150-sheet input tray
Paper handling output,
150-sheet face-down output bin
Input voltage 115 to 127 VAC (+/- 10%), 60 Hz (+/- 2 Hz), 12 A;
220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 2 Hz), 6 A
445 watts maximum (active), 18 watts maximum (ready), 6.7 watts
Power consumption
maximum (sleep), 0.48 watts maximum (off)
Tray 1: A4, A5, A6, B5 (JIS), 10 x 15 cm, 16K, envelopes (ISO DL,
ISO C5, ISO B5), post cards (Standard #10, JIS Single, JIS
Media sizes supported
Double); Tray 2 : A4, A5, A6, B5 (JIS), 10 x 15 cm, 16K, envelopes
(ISO DL, ISO C5, ISO B5), post cards (JIS Single, JIS Double)
Tray 1: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm; Tray 2 : 100 x 148 to 216 x 356
Media sizes, custom
Tray 1: 60 to 176 g/m² (up to 220 g/m² with HP laser glossy photo
Media weight, supported papers); tray 2, optional tray 3: 60 to 163 g/m² (up to 176 g/m² with
postcards, up to 220 g/m² with HP laser glossy photo papers)
Recommended operating 15 to 27° C
Operating humidity range 20 to 70% RH
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 547
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

* The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. UPS (1 No.)

Microprocessor based IGBT, High Frequency Switching Sinusoidal
multiple PWM
Rating 15 KVA (Minimum)
Input 230 V AC, +10%, -15%
Output 230 V AC
Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries, CSB / Panasonic / Global &
Yuasa or eqvt
Backup Hours 120 Minutes UPS (6 Nos. Tentative) or as per bidder design

Microprocessor based IGBT, High Frequency Switching Sinusoidal
multiple PWM
Rating 3 KVA (Minimum)
Input 230 V AC, +10%, -15%
Output 230 V AC
Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries, CSB / Panasonic / Global &
Yuasa or eqvt
Backup Hours 120 Minutes Router (2 Nos.)or as per bidder design

Memory RISC @ 533 MHz
Flash Memory:256M Bytes
SDRAM: 256M Bytes
Interface 2 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Port
2 Serial Ports (V.35)
2 X 10/100 Mbps WAN Interface
1 Console port
1 Auxiliary port
Throughput 300 Kpps (64-byte packets)
Routing table size 30000 entries
Network Management IMC - Intelligent Management Center; command-line
interface; Web browser; SNMP Manager; Telnet;
RMON1; FTP; IEEE 802.3 Ethernet MIB

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 548

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Operating Temperature 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F) (Relative Humidity: 5% to 90% non-

Non-Operating Temperature -40° to 70° C (Relative Humidity: 5% to 90% non-condensing)
Power 100-120/200-240 VAC

*The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. IP Camera (18 No. - Tentative): To cover all the units in the plant


Sensor 1/2.7” HD progressive scan MOS
Lens C/CS mount lens
Auto Iris Type DC drive
Illumination (low light • olor: .2 lux at F1.2
sensitivity) • B/W: . lux at F1.2
Pan and Tilt Pan Range: 0 to 360°, Tilt Range: -90 to 40°
White Balance ATW/AWB (range: 3200 to 10000°K)
• olor: 1 dB
Dynamic Range
• B/W: 11 dB
Auto Electronic Shutter 1/30 to 1/25000 sec.
S/N Ratio 50 dB (Gamma, Aperture, AGC OFF; DNR ON)
ICR Control Auto (light sensor control) or DI control
DNR Built-in DNR
WDR Level 1-8/Off
AGC control 2X, 4X, 8X, 16X, 32X, 64X
Flickerless Control Indoor/Outdoor mode
Black Level Control High/Medium/Low
Auto Exposure Level ±5
Image Rotation Flip, Mirror, and 180° rotation
Image Setting Manual tuning with saturation, sharpness, and contrast
• Video
Video Compression H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10) or MJPEG
Video Outputs Ethernet
Up to 3 video streams (2 x H.264 and 1 x MJPEG)
• Stream 1: H.264, 12 x resolution (max.)
Video Streams
• Stream 2: H.264, 72 x 4 resolution (max.)
• Stream 3: MJPEG, 72 x 4 resolution (max.)

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 549

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Video Resolution and FPS

Not less than 20 FPS in NTSC or PAL
(frames per second)
• Network
Protocols UPnP, RTP, RTSP, ICMP, IGMPv3, QoS, SNMPv1/v2c/v3,
DDNS, Modbus/TCP, 802.1X, SSH/SSL
Ethernet 1 10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet port, RJ45 connector
• Serial Interface
RS-485 1 half-duplex RS-485
1, max. 8 mA
Digital Input • High: +13 V to +3 V
• Low: -30 V to +3 V
Relay Output 1, max. 24 VDC @ 1A
• LED Indicators
STAT Indicates if the system is booted properly or not
Network 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps
Power Power on/off
• Local Storage
SD Socket Standard SD socket (SDHC)
• Power Requirements
Power Consumption: As per requirement
Input • Redundant power inputs
• 12/24 VD , 24 VA , or Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af)
• Physical Characteristics
Metal, IP65 protection or better. In case camera body has lower IP
Camera Body Housing rating, external housing providing IP65 rating or better should be
Installation Wall mounting, pole mounting, corner mounting
External housing and mounting accessories for PAN and TILT
functionality (if not inbuilt) should be used.
• Security
Password User level password protection
Filtering By IP address
Authentication 802.1X
Encryption HTTPS, SSH
• Alarms
Camera tamper, virtual fence, alert zone, missing object,
unattended object
Video Motion Detection 3 independently configurable motion areas

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 550

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Scheduling Daily repeat timing schedule

Imaging JPEG snapshots for pre/trigger/post alarm images
Video Recording Event recording and stored in the SD card
Automatic transfer of stored images via email or FTP as event-
Email/FTP Messaging
triggered actions
Custom Alarms HTTP event servers for setting customized alarm actions
Pre-alarm Buffer 24 MB video buffer for JPEG snapshot images
• Environmental Limits
Operating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
Storage Temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
Ambient Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
H2S laden atmosphere and other poisonous gases, Corrosive Waste
Water Environment

*The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. Video Projection System (1 No.)

Resolution SXGA+
Individual Cube Size 67" Diagonal
Image Size (mm) 1361 x 1021
Display Technology DLP, single chip
Native Resolution 1400 x 1050 pixels
Aspect Ratio 4:03
Screen to screen gap Rear access:
Adjustable up to 0.2 mm
DMD .9 ” DMD 12 deg.
Light Source LED - 1R1G1B - 12 sq mm each
Brightness 650 Lumens
Luminance (Nits or cd/m ) Based on screen used, lamp mode and screen size
Brightness Uniformity Greater than 90%
Screen Type Fresnel/ Lenticular/Black Bead/Cross Prism (XPS)
Full Viewing Angle 180 degrees
Colors 16.7 million
Color Temperature Range 3200K to 9300K
Color Temperature Range 3200K to 9300K
LED Life (typical) > 60,000 Hours
Inputs RGBHV on BNC, Dsub -15,
DVI-DX2, Composite video, (NTSC/PAL/SECAM)

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 551

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Component video HDTV, RS232C

Outputs Video/DVI
Control RS-232/IR, RS 422/IP
Voltage AC100-240V @ 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption ‹3 W

Operating Temperature 10-35°C

Operating Humidity 10%~90%
Storage -20 to 60°C

*The system (hardware, software, accessories, etc.) being provided during installation would be of latest
configuration. 12C Single Mode Fibre Cable



Nos. of Core 12
Maximum Tensile Loading 1361 x 1021
Installation 2700N
Long Term Installed 900N
Operating Temperature -30°C to +60°C
Normal Dia 14.8 mm
Nominal weight 200 KG/KM
Mode Single Mode
Single mode Fiber: (G.652.B) Server Panel

The equipment can be of any Standard make which can comply with the following


Type SERVER RACK 42U/600W/1000D

Captive Front Panel Hardware, Pkt of 20
Castors (Plain)
ServerRack , 19"/42U
consisting of High quality extruded Aluminium vertical profiles 4 Nos.Top and
Specification Bottom steel end
frames with bottom Panel having gland plate for cable entry, Top cover with
FHU provision, Side
Panels with latches and venting slots at bottom 1/3 area and 2 pairs of 19"
Mounting Angles

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 552

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Dimension: 2150 x 600W x 1000D Powder Coated BLACK

Front CRCA steel single door with Perforation
Rear CRCA steel single door with Perforation
Component Shelf, Universal, 19"W/575mmD, Load cc 50 kg.
Top Mounting, Fan Housing Unit with 4 fans 230 V / 90CFM
Rotary Keyboard Tray with slides
Castors (with brake)
Earth Continuity straps (kit) PLC (1 No.)

The equipment should be of Reputable make which can comply with the followings


1. Powerful Integrated Controller

The controller shall consist of a family of intelligent integrated modules, with each performing a
dedicated function. It shall have an integrated redundant interface for the I/O modules as well as
redundant interface for the Human machine interface.

Additionally the controller should be able to able to communicate to its redundant pair directly
preferably on a Passive backplane.

2. Modular Architecture

The modular approach shall enable a very small system to be installed with expansion to a very large
system without changing the basic hardware or disrupting the architecture. A minimum of the
following module types must be available: control modules, I/O modules, communications modules,
computer modules, and power supply modules.

3. Controller Packaging

For installation flexibility and high reliability, controller hardware must be designed to withstand
harsh conditions within industrial environments, such as heat, humidity, shock, vibration, and
electrical surge and discharge.

A. Module Hardware

Module hardware must meet the following requirements:

 The modules shall be identical in appearance.

 All the module shall be housed in a powder coated metal case rack to prevent physical damage
from handling or dust.
 All control and I/O modules shall be rated for operation within the following ranges: 0-50 Deg C
and 5-95% relative humidity, non-condensing.
 I/O and power modules shall have circuitry to protect the system from electrical surge and

The modules shall comply with the following specifications:

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 553

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)

 IEC 60751 (1983-01) Industrial platinum resistance thermometer sensors

 IEC 61000-4-2 (2001-04) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)- Part 4-2
 IEC 61000-4-3 (2002-03) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3
 IEC 61000-4-4 (1995-01) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4
 IEC 61158 (2000-08): Field-bus standard for use in industrial control systems - Part 2:
 IEC 61131-3 (1993-03) for Programmable controllers - Part 3

The modules shall comply with the following shock and vibration standards:

 Vibration: IEC 68-2-6, Fc: 10-50 Hz, 2g

B. Module Racks

The modules shall be grouped together in racks to form the control system. The racks shall provide
the communications mechanism to fully integrate the modules and facilitate intercommunications
between racks. A rack should hold approximately ten individual modules, with each slot identical and
able to accept any module. Modules should be connected to the backplane using high quality, gold-
plated, industry-grade pin connectors.

It shall be possible to remove and reinsert the modules under power with no damage to the rack or
modules and without removing any external wiring or cables. The rack and modules shall provide a
physical keying mechanism to prevent incorrect module insertion during system operation.
To simplify installation and maintenance, the module racks and modules shall be designed for front
access only. All user functions, including diagnostics, field wiring, cable connections, switches and
status indications, shall be available from the front of the rack.

C. Power Supply

Redundant Power supplies shall be available for card rack mounting to form as an integral part of the
system. The module rack must provide two individual power supply buses that to be driven by two
independent power sources for high availability placed in the rack in current sharing mode. Each
module shall be capable of using power from any of the two buses.

D. Enclosures

The racks shall be mounted in an industrial enclosure with a front & rear -access design, with all
frequently accessed items (such as modules, connectors, status indicators, switches, and termination
assemblies) located in the front of the enclosure. For maximum flexibility, the enclosures shall be
modular, with the ability to be stacked, joined side to side, or joined back to back. To provide the
degree of environmental security required, enclosures shall be available in sealed and vented versions.
Enclosure shall be

i) for Indoor IP 44 and ii) for Outdoor IP 65

4. Control Module
A control module shall provide process control functions. The control module should be used with
dedicated I/O modules to read and control field signals. The module shall also be capable of operation
independent of I/O modules, “supervising” operation of other control modules. In addition, the control
module shall be capable of executing on a 5 millisecond resolution input-to-output when required by
the application.

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

A. Hardware

The control module shall consist of a single-slot module with a dedicated microprocessor. Memory
should be battery-backed RAM so that the module retains its configuration and state information to
optionally and automatically restart after a power failure without requiring its database to be
downloaded. The minimum memory required is 16MB.

During a hot start, all variables can be selected as retain or non retentive.

B. Software

The control system must support a full complement of process control functions. It shall be possible
to define these functions using a mix of function blocks, ladder logic diagrams, sequential function
charts, and textual programming. Each of the four languages and their interaction within a
configuration shall be based on the IEC 61131-3 standard. The languages shall be completely
interchangeable and interactive, with a single control module’s database capable of including any
combination of the four languages.

5. Input / Output Devices

Input/output Modules shall be intelligent I/O modules. Each module should be able to communicate
with the CPU in a dedicated fashion without requirement of any additional interfacing hardware so as
to reduce the common cause of the Failure. Each module should have its own microprocessor to
execute its input/output function, maintain ownership of its configured data, and perform module

All process I/O shall be electrically isolated from both computer common and communications
common. Isolation shall meet be min 1500 VAC requirements. Modules shall automatically determine
their physical address and report this information to the controller. No range jumpers or user-
configurable physical address jumpers should be necessary.

All configurable data shall be set via software, with no hardware jumpers used. Configurable data
should include Channel tag.

All the I/O modules shall have max 8 channels for the Analog and 16 channels for the Digital
modules. Special modules like Counter inputs shall monitor dry contact pulses with an input
resolution of one Hz minimum.

A. Field Termination for I/O Modules

Each I/O module’s field signals shall be wired into the system such that an I/O module can be
removed at any time without disturbing the field wiring.

The field wiring should be separate from the I/O module(s). The extension from the module(s) shall
be accomplished via a marshalled I/O cable assembly. This assembly should be a multi-conductor
cable that attaches to the module rack (and the back of the I/O module) on one end and a finished
termination end.
The marshalled termination assemblies shall be DIN rail-mounted PCB-based fixtures that include
terminal blocks and two receptacles for accepting the interconnect cable plug. These receptacles must
be female to eliminate the possibility of power from the terminal block being exposed on pins.
6.13 System Communications
The communication networks in the system shall provide redundant, high-speed, secure controller
information exchange via Ethernet TCP/IP. Communication between individual modules shall be via
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 555
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

redundant, local, independent buses that allow complete integration of the family of modules.

6.13.1 Module Communication Bus

All the communication to the I/Os in the DCS shall use a deterministic. This protocol must be
compliant to IEC61158, and open. It shall be possible to connect a minimum of 100 nodes on a single

The bus must be redundant. Minimum data transmission rate is 10 Mbps.

Communication on the expanded network shall be accomplished in a manner identical to that of

local communication bus. The extension shall be transparent to the user, and no extra software
configuration effort shall be required.

6.13.2 Configuration Software

The configuration software shall be portable. It shall run on a personal computer of the most current
technology under Windows.

The software shall execute in the off-line mode when the computer is not attached to any controller
hardware, allowing controller databases to be created, edited, and documented. When the computer is
attached to the controller hardware via the networked or direct-connected PCs, the networked
workstations, or by running in the industrial computer module, an on-line mode of operation shall be
available to allow use of all off-line functions plus on-line troubleshooting tools. This software shall
be able to be used to configure continuous, batch, and safety protection control strategy configurations
from a single user console. IEC 61131-3

The configuration software shall allow controller databases to be created using the following standard
languages defined by the specification IEC 61131-3: function blocks, ladder logic, sequential function
charts, and structured text.

6.13.3 Graphical Configuration and Documentation

Controller configuration should provide graphical configuration methods, with functions entered into
a database using a point and click object-oriented routine. The resulting database should be its own
documentation because of the graphical appearance. Furthermore, the graphical database must be
transferable directly to the controller as it exists, including all graphical information, with no compile
routine necessary before transferring the database to the controller. The graphically configured
database shall be stored and executed in the controller, and the controller-resident database shall be
viewable graphically on-line and upload able to a PC or workstation without the need for storing the
“source” database off-line.

A. On-Line Tools

The configuration software shall provide on-line tools that assist in troubleshooting control schemes.
These tools must include on-line display of variables, the ability to force values and states, support for
on-line database changes, and on-line real-time trending.

It should be possible to display variables’ values and the status of ladder logic and SF elements
while viewing an on-line controller database. The ladder logic and SFC element states shall be
indicated using colors.

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Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The configuration software shall provide the ability to write values, states, and modes to independent
variables and elements in the controller. It shall also provide the ability to force non-independent
variables and elements to a predetermined value, state, or mode.

During troubleshooting, the user shall have the ability to stop the controller and single-step its
execution. This will provide a way to clearly understand complex configuration schemes and highly
interactive logic that might need to be examined.

B. Prebuilt Library of Functions

The configuration software shall include a predefined library of control schemes. The library must
include at least:

 Single PID loop with alarm

 Single PID loop with external setpoint and alarm
 Ratio control loop with alarm
 Cascade loop with alarm
 Primary control loop with alarm etc.

Separate, optional libraries should be available for specialized applications.

The configuration software shall also allow commonly used functions created by the user to be added
to a library for future use.

C. On-Line Help

On-line help screens in the configuration software shall be available to assist while creating a
database. The help screens shall include descriptions of every configuration element (e.g. each
function block and ladder logic element).

D. System Architecture

A system architecture graphic depicting the hardware within the control system. This graphic should
give status information for the modules in the system by using colors to indicate general health of the

6.13.4 Windows Based Operator Software

The industrial-grade PC-based operator interface software shall be able to run on a personal computer
of the most current technology under Windows. The software shall provide all standard operator
functions, including process monitoring, alarm management, real-time and historical trends, reports,
plus provide process graphic displays, an integrated historian, Internet enabler, batch manager and
control simulator.

6.13.5 Reliability
The system must be designed for maximum reliability and minimal downtime. This should be
achieved through a fault-tolerant design with minimal common cause failures and state-of-the-art
redundancy schemes. Controller
The controller must have a fault-tolerant design, with redundancy in the same model

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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

A. Standard Fault Tolerance

The module communication bus and each I/O communication bus must be redundant. If one side of a
redundant bus should fail, communications should continue, uninterrupted, on the remaining side of
the bus.
The module rack shall provide two separate power supply modules, with each module capable of
drawing power from any of the two.

B. Redundancy

Complete 1:1 redundancy needs to be quoted. The redundant control modules that share a single set of
I/O, identical, standard hardware must be used for all redundancy schemes with option of duplication
of control modules and I/O modules.

It must be possible to replace a failed component on-line, without removing power. Process control
shall continue to be executed in the non-failed unit.

When a module is replaced, the new module must automatically initialize, receive the current database
from the primary module, and pick up in synchronous execution as a secondary module in the
redundant relationship. This should take place without user action for any of the steps.

6.13.6 Operator Interface

Window based operator interfaces need to be supplied such that the failure of one component, card, or
module does not cause the operator to lose any portion of the process window.

6.13.7 System Architecture

The system should be capable of Remote I/O modules architecture at various remote locations near to
the major equipment sensors to reduce the commissioning. There will be remote I/O module stations
at various locations of the plant and connected to main PLC through OFC cable. Please refer the
system architecture.

6.13.8 Features Required in SCADA System

The system will be based on latest version of SCADA system. The main SCADA system will be
redundant. Based on application, servers are to be distributed with redundancy. For Cyber Security it
is proposed that Security Solutions Shall be provided and separate DMZ zone be made so that outside
intrusion can be minimized. Network monitoring system shall also be provided for monitoring of
Network devices. SCADA system will have many extra features and the proposed system should
support multiple PLC/ RTU Protocol like Modbus, Profibus, DNP (Serial/TCPIP), OPC etc.

6.14 Detailed Specification of SCADA System Components

6.14.1 Data Acquisition

The SCADA system shall perform data acquisition from PLC and field Equipments. PLC is to be
located at each location of the plant. PLC communications with Control Centre shall utilize the Open
protocol like Modbus, Profibus.

6.14.2 Data Exchange

The SCADA systems shall be able to exchange various types of data with the other application software
using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 558
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.14.3 Data Processing

a) Analog data

Analog data processing shall be performed according to the requirements listed below.

- Conversion to Engineering Units

- Reasonability Limits Checking
- Limit Monitoring

b) Digital/Status Input Data

The following status input data types shall be accommodated as a minimum:

Two-state points: The following pairs of state names shall be provided:

(1) Open/Closed
(2) Tripped/Closed
(3) Alarm/Normal
(4) On/Off
(5) Auto/Manual
(6) Remote/Local

c) Calculated Data

It shall be possible to define the calculations on real-time data and historical data, periodically and on
request. The results shall be incorporated into the database as calculated data available for display &
report generation.

The user shall be able to define calculated analog values using database points as the arguments and
mathematical functions as the operations. Functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, maximum value, minimum value, average, count, square root, exponentiation, trigonometric
functions, logarithms and other statistical functions shall be provided.

The SCADA system shall be capable of analysing the open/closed status of switching devices, such as
Motor, PUMP etc. The configuration shall be updated whenever a switching device status change is

6.14.4 Quality Codes

Quality codes indicate the presence of one or more factors that affect the validity of a data value. All
quality codes that apply to a data value shall be maintained in the database for that data value. At least
following quality codes shall be supported:

- Telemetry failure
- Delete from scan
- Limit violated
- Manually replaced
- Alarm inhibit
- Abnormal data

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 559

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.14.5 Sequence-Of-Events Recording

The Sequence-of-events (SOE) data is listing of status change events with time stamp. SOE data shall be
collected by the SCADA system from PLCs. The description of each event shall include the database
description name, device state, the date, and the time (to the nearest millisecond) of each event.

6.14.6 Supervisory Control

An authorized user of an SCADA system shall be able to control the operation of field devices
connected to PLCs. A control action shall require a confirmation of selection prior to execution of
control command.

The user shall be able to select and operate any controllable switching device. Controllable switching
devices will be of like, Pump, Motor.

6.14.7 Information Storage and Retrieval

Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR) system shall collect and store analogue data (telemetered and
calculated) periodically at every 5 minute (configurable) and status data by exception. Associated
quality codes shall be included. It shall be possible to perform calculations on the stored data, and the
results of these calculations shall be collected and stored. Other information such as alarms, events, SOE
and reports shall also be stored. The data shall be stored on hard disc with date tag on daily basis for
easy retrieval. Subsequently, the data shall be retrieved for analysis, display, trending, and report

6.14.8 Extensive Use of Standard

The SCADA Software should be such that it uses an extensive use of standards, achieved by a
corporate commitment to comply with all standards that are recognized on the SCADA market, and in

- Intel (or compatible) based hardware;

- Operating system options of WNT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows 2003;
- Uses Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Object Oriented Database;
- Developed with Microsoft Developer’s Studio;
- Installed using Microsoft Install Shield utilities;
- Component Based Architecture;
- Interfaced using Active X controls (OCX);
- TCP/IP for Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN & WAN) ;
- Web-enabled Operator Consoles;
- Control Center Application Programming Interface (CCAPI) Initiatives

6.14.9 System Sizing & Extensibility

The hardware and software openness of SCADA allows the customer to smoothly upgrade the
proposed system with great facilities. Common upgrading needs include (but not limited to) the
following items:

- Additional measurement points (analog and digital);

- Additional protocol-compliant IEDs;
- Additional protocol-compliant PLCs;
- Additional operator consoles;

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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

- Additional printers;
- Connection to other SCADA centers

6.14.10 SCADA Interfaces

User interface and gateway services communicate with SCADA over the following interfaces:

- OLE Automation Control Interface - OLE Automation provides the easiest programming
interface to SCADA. OLE automation client services may be built using Visual Basic or C++.
The service may direct SCADA to add, delete, or modify SCADA objects, may issue controls,
and may retrieve measurement data. The OLE Automation interface may be distributed across
CPUs, such that a service on one server uses SCADA running on another server;

- Publisher/Subscriber Control Interface - The publisher / subscriber interface allows for high
performance data update and automatic refresh. This interface is based on TCP/IP sockets, and
may run on the same server or between servers. This may be used directly from C++ or using
custom OLE controls in Visual Basic;

- Custom ITelemetrySink Interface – The custom ITelemetrySink interface is used by gateway

services for high performance data transfer. This interface works between two processes on the
same server. This interface supports C++ programming.

6.15 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The GUI shall operate within a window environment The system shall use displays which mimic the
existing control panels so that the operators working in conventional control room environment are
comfortable while working on the new system. Contractor shall develop control panel display
generally similar to the one existing in conventional control room.

The GUI shall allow the personnel to monitor and control the equipment through the control panel
displays and Tabular displays. The control panel displays shall be dynamically updated for measurands,
device positions, annunciations. To have better visibility of control panels, it shall be possible to iconise
each control panel separately. Operator shall select that icon to zoom/view that panel display & carry out
operations such as alarm annunciation accept/reset, device close/open operations etc.

6.15.1 Trending
Trend displays shall enable the user to select real-time and historical data for trending on graphical
displays and for tabular displays. It shall be possible to take print of these trends.

6.15.2 Alarms
Alarms are conditions that require user notification when detected. Audio, visual alarm shall be
generated for all such conditions. It shall be possible to accept & reset all trip & non-trip alarm
annunciation appearing on control panel facia from control panel display itself. Alarm annunciation on
control panel shall have following characteristics:

Condition Facia Sound

Alarm initiation by relay
Flashing Glow On
Accept PB pressed Steady Glow Off

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 561

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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Off (if relay contact is reset)

Reset Off
Steady Glow (if relay contact is not reset)

Other alarm conditions shall be acknowledged from respective alarm list displays. Other alarm
conditions shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) Telemetered or calculated value limit violations

(b) Un-commanded changes of a power system device state
(c) Data source communication errors resulting in loss of data
(d) SCADA hardware and software element failures.

The standard products for advanced alarm management shall also be provided. Regardless of the alarm
management technique used, all alarm messages shall be recorded with time & date tag on auxiliary
memory for review and printing on demand by the user.

Displays shall highlight alarm condition using a combination of colour, intensity, inverse video and
blinking. Alarm messages shall be a single line of text describing the alarm that has occurred with date
& time of occurrence.

6.15.3 Events
Events are conditions or actions that shall be recorded by the SCADA system but do not require user
action. Events shall be recorded in the form of an event message. The event message format shall be
similar to the alarm message format. Events shall include but not limited to followings:

Values returning to normal from a limit violation state

Device status change on manual operation.

6.15.4 Hardcopy Printing of Display

A means shall be provided to produce a copy of a display. The display printout shall be initiated from
user friendly push buttons/pull down menus. The options for printing mode shall include at least
selection for orientation, background colour, page size, colour or black & white print and print preview.
It shall also be possible to print selected portions of display and direct printing on any of the connected

6.15.5 Report Generation

The user shall be able to schedule periodic reports generation, direct a report to a display, print a report,
and archive a report. Hardcopy report formats shall be handed over to contractor for generation of report
formats in the system. It shall also be possible to define and generate the additional user configurable
reports. The generation and printing of any report shall not effect normal scanning of data from PLC.
The report scheduling display shall enable entry of the following parameters, with default values
provided where appropriate:

(a) Report name

(b) Report destination (printer or archiving device)
(c) Time the system should produce the report.

6.16 SCADA System Access Security

A mechanism for defining and controlling user access to the SCADA system shall be provided.
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 562
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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.16.1 Alarm Summary Displays

Displays that list or summarize all unacknowledged and acknowledged alarms shall be provided. The
user shall be able to select between viewing alarms in chronological and reverse chronological order.
The default shall be most recent alarms. The summary shall separate acknowledged and
unacknowledged alarms. To facilitate identification of unacknowledged messages the time field shall
blink or entire row shall blink. It shall be possible to sort alarms by user defined text, date, time.

6.16.2 Event Summary Displays

Event summary displays shall list the most recent events. The user shall be able to select between
viewing events in chronological and reverse chronological order. The user shall be provided with a
convenient and efficient means of selecting an event summary display. It shall be possible to sort events
by user defined text, date, time.

6.16.3 Operating Information Summaries

The operating information summaries defined below shall be provided. Summary items will be listed in
reverse chronological order with the most recent item shown on the first page. The user shall have the
ability to sort summary items by device.

6.16.4 Abnormal Summary

The summary display shall list devices and values that are found to be abnormal, i.e., are not in their
normal state. Telemetered, calculated, and manually entered status and data values shall be included.

6.16.5 Out-Of-Scan Summary

The out-of-scan summary display shall list device status and data values that are not currently being
processed by the system.

6.16.6 Alarm Inhibit Summary

This display shall list devices and data values for which the user has suspended alarm processing.

6.16.7 Tag Summary

This display shall list and describe all active device tags.

6.16.8 Help Displays

Help displays shall be provided to aid the user in interpreting displayed information and to guide the
user through a data entry or control procedure.

6.16.9 Alarm Beeper Services

The Alarm Beeper service audibly notifies the operator of recent alarms by playing a wave file.
Wave files can be used to distinguish between Alarm priorities. All the Windows’s wave files or
customized wave files can be used.

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of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

6.16.10Alarm Pager Services

The Alarm Pager service allows the user to configure the system to issue various pages in response to
specified alarms.

6.16.11 Training Of Owners Engineers

The contractor is required to provide in depth training to Owners engineers (10 Nos.) for 1 month on all
aspects of the system being supplied. Training module shall be mutually discussed and finalized to cover
Owner’s personnel to operate, append, modify and troubleshoot the System effectively. All the
documentation and write up material for trainees shall be provided by the contractor.

The vendor should conduct this training at his premises, before testing of the package start. The
Bidder should devise an exhaustive training program.
6.17 Testing / Inspection

6.17.1 Test on Complete Control System

On completion, the functioning of the complete system shall be tested to demonstrate its correct
operation in accordance with the Specification.

For control system testing, the contractor may provide temporary means to simulate operating
conditions, but the system will not be finally accepted until correct operation has been demonstrated
to the satisfaction of the Engineer when all the pumps are operating.

The system shall be shown to operate correctly whatever the selection of duty and standby equipment
may be.

Conditions to be tested shall include:

 Normal automatic operation.

 Normal manual operation
 Emergency manual operation

6.17.2 Commissioning Tests

Correct operation of controllers shall be verified by observing that the final control element moves in
the proper direction to correct the process variable as compared to the set point.
All logic sequences shall be verified to operate in accordance with the specifications.
All defects and malfunctions disclosed by test shall be corrected immediately. New parts and
materials shall be used as required and approved and tests shall be repeated.

A report certifying completion of validation of each instrument system indicating calibration values,
verification that the system performs as per requirements and any provisional settings made to devices
shall be provided. A format for commissioning checklist to be provided for approval before
performing the commissioning tests.

6.17.3 Final Operational Testing and Acceptance

Upon completion of instrument calibration and system validation, all systems shall be tested under
process conditions.

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Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The testing shall include, but not limited to all specified operational modes, taking process variables
to their limits (simulated or process) to verify all alarms, failures, interlocks and operational interlocks
between systems and / or mechanical equipment.

Any defects or malfunctions shall be immediately corrected using approved methods and materials
and the tests shall then be repeated.

Upon completion of final operational testing, a report shall be submitted, indicating that the total
control system provided meets all the functional requirements specified herein. This report shall be
made in the format approved by the Engineer. The Engineer shall certify this report and it shall
constitute final acceptance of the control system.

6.18 Commissioning

After completion of installation works the contractor shall arrange to carry out following checks/tests
in the presence of DJB representative / Engineer – in – charge.

6.18.1 Test on Control Panels and Switchboards Mechanical Completion Test

i) Check name plate details of every associated equipment according to specification

ii) Check for physical damage
iii) Check for tightness of all bolts, clamps and connecting terminals
iv) Check earthing
v) Switch developments
vi) Each wire shall be traced by continuity tests and it should be made sure that the wiring is as
per relevant drawings. All interconnections between panels/equipment shall be similarly
vii) All the wires should be meggered to earth Commissioning Tests

i) Checks on relays, functioning of relays, simulation of fault for testing

ii) Checks on motors
iii) Setting of relays, other alarm, tripping devices and interlocks as per scheme
iv) Phase angle checks, measurement of magnitude and phase angle of current transformer
secondary currents and potential transformer secondary voltage
v) Functional checking of all power and control circuits e.g. closing, tripping, control, interlock,
supervision and arm circuits including proper functioning of the components equipment. If
inter locks are provided with other equipment, it shall be thoroughly tested.

6.18.2 Test of Relays Mechanical Completion Checks

i) Check name plate details according to specification

ii) Check for any physical damage
iii) Check internal wiring
iv) Megger all terminals to body
v) Megger AC to DC terminals

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 565

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Commissioning Checks

i) Check operating characteristics over the entire range by secondary injection

ii) Check minimum pick up voltage
iii) Check operation of electrical / Mechanical targets
iv) Relay settings to be checked by injecting different values of current
v) Setting of relays as per discrimination chart Miscellaneous

Mechanical completion checks and commissioning tests on items not covered above, shall be carried
out by the contractor as per the instructions of DJB representative / Engineer - in – charge.

6.19 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

All the DDCs and control instrumentation should be powered through UPS. The Network Controllers
and Operator workstation should also be powered through online UPS.
Bidder shall provide true ON Line 3 Phase UPS system with rated working load plus 100% standby
with parallel redundant in a room. The UPS system shall be provided with necessary By pass
arrangement. Each UPS shall have minimum 120 minutes battery backup. The batteries shall be of
maintenance free type.

All DC or AC voltage required for instrumentation system shall be derived within the control panels
by providing a regulated DC power supply units or transformers. Inverter of small capacity sufficient
to feed UPS, shall be supplied and installed along with control gear, changeover scheme and earthing
and inverter shall have 4 hour back up.



6.20.1 Control Philosophy

The treatment plant conceived is an auto control plant capable of Automatic Operation requiring
minimal operator attention. The conceived Auto Control is as follows: Pumps Automation

Auto start / stop of the following pumps depending upon level in the tanks/ sumps

a) Auto start (timer control) of Primary sludge pumps pumping to sludge thickener
b) Auto start and stop of RAS sludge pumps as per the control logic of the Bidder
c) Auto start and stop of dilution water pumps as per the control logic of the Bidder
d) Manual start of digester feed pumps as per Bidder operation philosophy, with auto stop in case
of any alarms
e) Manual Start of Sludge dewatering System, under operator supervision. , with Auto stop in
case of low level in sludge storage sump
f) Manual start and stop of Treated water tanker filling pumps as per requirement

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 566

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

g) Auto start and stop of filtrate / centrate as per level in the sump Pressure Indication

All operating pumps will have pressure indication which will reflect on the panels. Flow Measurement

The flow meters will be area velocity flow meter & electromagnetic flow meter with local and remote
indicators. There shall be online flow measurement at the following locations.

a) Inlet chamber with area velocity flowmeter

b) Excess Sludge from Primary clarifiers to Mechanical Thickener Sump
c) Excess Sludge Secondary Bioreactors to Mechanical Thickener Sump
d) Excess mixed ( excess bio + primary) sludge feeding from Mechanical Thickener Sump to
mechanical Thickeners : one FIR for each Mechanical Thickener
e) Filtrate from Mechanical Thickener ( combined filtrate line with a FIR )
f) Thickened sludge pumps to digesters with flow measurement on each digester inlet
g) Flow measurement to each sludge dewatering machine
h) Flow measurement on filtrate/Centrate pumps
i) Gas flow measurement from gas holders feeding gas to Gas Engines for utilization.
j) Gas flow measurement on all gas flares
k) Air flow to each section of bio reactors where control of DO is an important process requirement
where air flow is a mixing requirement Weather Station

Install a complete weather station to and record

i.) Daily wet & dry bulb record

ii.) Relative humidity
iii.) Rain fall record
iv.) direction of wind with a wind rose

The weather station shall be located at a central place as directed by the engineer in charge and the
data collected shall be fed into the PLC Level Switches/ Transmitters

Level switches and transmitters shall be provided at all varying level sumps for operation of pumps.

For alarms, there shall be separate level switches. The level switch used for operation of pumps shall
not be used for alarms. DO Meters

DO meter shall be provided with interlock to the aeration blowers, there shall be separate DO meters
for each Bio reactor tank.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 567

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Alarms

Audio visual alarms which shall be activated on the following conditions

a) Low Level in all sumps / tank with interlock with pumps

b) XHL in all sumps / tanks with alarm
c) Water Quality of treated effluent not meeting the standards with respect to Turbidity
d) XHL in Sump and the drives which should be ON & OPERATING not started.
e) Air Blowers or Aerators Not Operating – & DO not up to level required

6.20.2 Specific Operational Requirements for PLC & Control Cabinet PLC Logic

The treatment plant instrumentation shall be linked to a PLC. The conceptual PLC – operating plant
philosophy technical Requirements is as follows

a) The objective of the PLC is:

i.) Provide Data Acquisition (DA) and operating status of the plant functions for plant operation
and performance monitoring
ii.) Control pumps as per automation philosophy interlocked to the level and pressure switches
iii.) Record data of listed drives / parameters in plant - ie operating hours per day etc.
iv.) Record and provide Trending of critical parameters as listed below
v.) Provide Alarm of faults / breakdown
The data record and trending data, alarms from the PLC should go to a printer which should
record the information as follows:
a) Alarms as and when it takes place with time and detail of fault
b) Data record of drives - to be automatically printed on a daily basis at a given time - say
1200 hrs. However a facility should be provided to take a status print out at any required
moment using a manual signal - this signal can be given from a pressure sensitive key
board .The log report shall give service / preventive maintenance alarms for the drives -
like lubrication, oil change, filter cleaning etc. after a set number of operating hours of
each drive - these alarms are to be repeated until the service alarm accept button has been
pressed by the operator.
c) Trending data of the listed parameters to be available as follows :
i. for the past 8 hour period
ii. for the past 24 hour period
iii. for the past 7 days period
The trending data should be printed automatically for past 24 hr period at a given set time every day -
say 1200 hrs and the record for the past 8 hrs , 24 hrs and 7 days be available by giving a signal from
the pressure sensitive key board.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 568

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Alarms

(i.) Normal Alarms

All alarms are software alarms - to be printed on the printer, accompanied with an audio - visual alarm
for a definite time .however whenever there has been an alarm of any time there shall be a facility to
give an normal audio - visual alarm also to be enabled when the plant is under operation in an
"attended " mode - i.e. there is an operator. This audio - visual alarm facility is to be disabled when
the plant is under "non attended” mode.

(ii.) Emergency Alarms

Emergency audio / visual / telephonic alarm is to be activated in case of an emergency fault in the
"non attended mode ".

(iii.) Service Alarms

Alarms along with the daily log report for service / preventive maintenance of the drives - like
lubrication, oil change, filter cleaning etc. after a set number of operating hours of each drive - these
alarms are to be repeated until the service alarm accept button has been pressed by the operator. Plant Operation Modes

The plant shall be operated in two modes:

(i.) Attended Mode - i.e. when there is a operator present in the plant, and certain sections of the
plant are to operate only in the attended mode such as sludge dewatering, screenings and grit

(ii.) Non Attended Mode - i.e. no operator - normally this will take place at night and on weekends.
The Emergency audio / visual / telephonic alarm is to be activated in case of an emergency
fault. Plant Operational Data and Record

The plant operational data from all the on line meters as well as manual laboratory data shall be stored
online on “cloud based “Plant Management System (PMS).

The data should be available to authorized personnel on either PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phones
with internet capability.

The control system in addition to providing the facilities detailed in the preceding clauses
shall provide the following specific requirements.

The automation system should automatically on the restoration of power (following a power
failure) start the plant/Plant operation sequence after expiry of delay timers based on level of
sump and follow a startup sequence to prevent the simultaneous startup of various drives.
Automation system shall be designed in such a way that process control is automatic through
various logics and process control parameter, flow, raw sewage characteristics etc.

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 569

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The typical input/ output (I/O) requirements of various drives to be controlled and monitored
through DDCs are shown in Table- 1

Plant should be controlled through central control room. Control system should provide
complete information, including equipment/drive failure through alarm system, status of all
drives, pressure on various lines, air/bio gas flow in various lines, sewage/sludge flow in
various lines.

6.21 Intercom System

An intercom system with 3x12 EAPBX shall be provided at all suitable locations especially
between the following points within existing treatment plant and the pump house area:

 Control room
 All rooms within the Administration Building
 The pump room with the adjacent main distribution panel room
 Duty Room
 Security Cabin at the entrance of the plant

Sl. I/O ,Controls and Alarm requirement

No. DI DO AI AO Controls Alarms

1. Tanks and associated Pumps

Tank Level (Through Ultrasonic level * Level control High and low
Pump Start/Stop( 2A rated potential * Duty cycling on
free relay contact output) demand and runtime
Standby to come
online in case of
duty failure
Pump Status( Through current relay) * Fail to start
Pump trip status( Through potential * Trip alarm
free contact of overload relay)
Pump auto manual switch * Manual mode
status(Through auxiliary potential free
contact of auto manual switch)
Pump current consumption(Through * Over current
current transducer)
2. All electrical drives
Start/Stop( 2A rated potential free * Duty cycling on
relay contact output) demand & runtime
Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 570
Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sl. I/O ,Controls and Alarm requirement

No. DI DO AI AO Controls Alarms
Standby to come
online in case of
duty pumps failure
Status( Through current relay) * Fail to start
Trip status( Through potential free * Trip alarm
contacts of overload relay)
Auto manual switch status(Through * Manual mode
auxiliary potential free contact of auto
manual switch)
Current consumption(Through current * Over current
Control sensors for automatic * * High/low
operation of the drives if required value alarm
3. Power failure * Power failure
4. DG Mode of operation * Run reduced no ofDG mode ON
equipment as
5 Power failure restart Restart pumps inPower failure
sequence restart mode
6. Pump house/plant energy consumption *
and electrical parameters monitoring

Notes :
i. The I/O schedule detailed is indicative. The Contractor shall provide all the I/Os
necessary in order to achieve the complete control and monitoring of the Pump house.

ii. 25% spare for each type of digital and analogue I/Os shall be provided in each

Volume – 2 , Section X: Technical Specifications Page 571

Part 6 – Instrumentation Specifications
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X : Part - 7 Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning ........................................... 572
7.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 572
7.2 Materials, Plant and Equipment ......................................................................................... 576
7.2.1 Category of Inspection............................................................................................................ 577
7.3 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Document ........................................................................ 579
7.4 Tests at Manufacturer's Premises ....................................................................................... 581
7.4.1 Mechanical Equipment ........................................................................................................... 581
7.4.2 Electrical Equipment .............................................................................................................. 589
7.4.3 Instrumentation, PLC, SCADA and Associated Equipment................................................... 592
7.5 Tests at Site ........................................................................................................................... 594
7.6 Inspection at Site................................................................................................................... 594
7.7 Plant Protection on Site ........................................................................................................ 595
7.8 Civil Inspection (Water Leakage Test) ............................................................................... 595
7.8.1 Tanks and Basins .................................................................................................................... 595
7.9 Erection ................................................................................................................................. 595
7.9.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 595
7.9.2 Workmanship.......................................................................................................................... 596
7.9.3 Precautions.............................................................................................................................. 597
7.9.4 Contractor’s Equipment, Materials and Appurtenances ......................................................... 597
7.9.5 Leveling and Grouting of Machinery ..................................................................................... 597
7.9.6 Records, Procedures and Reports ........................................................................................... 598
7.9.7 General Preparations Before Completion of the Plant ............................................................ 598
7.9.8 Field Control Inspection ......................................................................................................... 599
7.9.9 Completion of Erection........................................................................................................... 599
7.9.10 Inspection after Erection ......................................................................................................... 600
7.10 Pre-Commissioning............................................................................................................... 601
7.10.1 Pre-Commissioning Tests ....................................................................................................... 602
7.11 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................... 602
7.12 Commissioning Tests ............................................................................................................ 603
7.13 Safety Procedure and Practice ............................................................................................ 604
7.14 Fire Safety ............................................................................................................................. 604
7.15 Site Acceptance Test Document .......................................................................................... 604
7.16 Test on Completion............................................................................................................... 605

Volume – 2, Section: X, Table of Contents Page i

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

7.16.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 605

7.16.2 Manual Commissioning Tests ................................................................................................ 605
7.16.3 Manual Operation Tests.......................................................................................................... 606
7.16.4 Automatic Commissioning Tests ............................................................................................ 606
7.17 Dry Test Requirements ........................................................................................................ 607
7.17.1 Civil and Building Works ....................................................................................................... 607
7.17.2 Mechanical Works .................................................................................................................. 607
7.17.3 Electrical Works ..................................................................................................................... 608
7.18 Process Plant Item / Equipment .......................................................................................... 608
7.18.1 Hydraulic Wet Test Requirements .......................................................................................... 608
7.18.2 Safety Audit ............................................................................................................................ 609
7.18.3 Process Wet Tests (with Raw Sewage)................................................................................... 609
7.18.4 Co-operation with other Contractors in the Execution of their Tests ..................................... 610
7.19 PERFORMANCE TEST...................................................................................................... 610
7.19.1 Evaluation of Performance Test Data ..................................................................................... 611
7.19.2 Additional Performance Test .................................................................................................. 611
7.20 ACCEPTANCE .................................................................................................................... 612
7.20.1 Acceptance Conditions ........................................................................................................... 612
7.20.2 Procedures for Acceptance ..................................................................................................... 612

Volume – 2, Section: X, Table of Contents Page ii

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X : Part - 7 Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning

7.1 General

Inspection and tests schedule shall be as follows;

(i) Manufacturer tests

(ii) Acceptance Inspection / Quantity checking
(iii) Install /Site Inspection
(iv) Site Acceptance Test
(v) Tests on Completion
(vi) Process Wet Tests (by Raw Sewage)
(vii) Operation Test (Tests After Installation)

All equipment under category ‘A’ & ‘B’ of the plants mentioned under clause 7.2 shall be liable for
inspection and testing before dispatch at the Manufacturer’s premises or workshop, as required by the
Engineer, who reserve the right to be present in all testing to see that the equipment conform to the
specifications. No materials of these categories shall be delivered to the site without inspection having
been carried out or waived in writing by the Engineer.

All inspection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the Specification and in absence of
Specification, relevant Indian Standard or internationally approved equivalent standard.

All types (as applicable), routine and acceptance tests shall be conducted in the presence of Engineer /
Third Party Inspection Agency on all the equipment as per latest applicable IS/IEC at no extra cost. Any
modification / revision in the equipment as required by the Engineer shall be carried out by the Contractor
without any extra cost. All such costs / fees for revisions / modifications shall be deemed to be included in
the prices of supply of equipment as quoted by the Contractor. Typical type test reports for other
equipment shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval by Engineer.

After award of contract, Contractor shall furnish a QA plan for approval by Engineer. QA plan shall
include testing for incoming supply of raw materials and bought out items, stage inspections and tests on
finished products at manufacturer’s works / appropriate testing station. QA plan shall clearly indicate tests
which are intended to be witnessed by the Contractor alone and those by both Contractor and Engineer.

The Engineer and/or duly authorised and designated representative/Third Party Inspection Agency, to be
appointed by Engineer, shall be entitled to attend the aforesaid inspection and/or tests.

The Engineer and/or duly authorised and designated representative/ Third Party Inspection Agency shall
have access to the Contractor’s premises at all times to inspect and examine the material and workmanship
of the mechanical and electrical plant and equipment during its manufacture there. If part of the plant and
equipment is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the
Engineer to inspect as if the plant and equipment was manufactured on the Contractors own premises.
Testing (including testing for chemical analysis and physical properties) shall be carried out by the
Contractor and certificates submitted to the Engineer who will have the right to witness or inspect the
above mentioned inspection /testing at any stage desired by him. Where inspection or testing is to be
carried out at a subcontractor’s works, a representative of the Contractor shall be present.

For bought out items, the Manufacturers shall have to show to the Engineer the test and guarantee
certificates of the original materials supplier and furnish photocopies of the same for Engineer’s records.

Contractor shall provide test procedure, pre-factory test results, and calculation sheet, photo in advance and
provide all of test result with necessary document including its data and photo to show Engineer that test is
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 572
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

carried out in proper condition and the its test results.

The procedure for the testing and inspection to be carried out during or following the manufacture of the
materials to ensure the quality and workmanship of the materials and to further ensure that they conform to
the Contract in whatever place they are specified shall be as described below:

(i) The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 21 clear days notice in writing of the date and
the place at which any plant or equipment will be ready for inspection/testing as provided in the
Contract. The Engineer or his duly authorised representative shall thereupon at his discretion
notify the Contractor of his intention either to release such part of the plant and equipment upon
receipt of works tests certificates or of his intention to inspect. The Engineer shall then give
notice in writing to the Contractor, and attend at the place so named the said plant and
equipment which will be ready for inspection and/or testing. As and when any plant shall have
passed the tests referred to in this section, the Engineer shall issue to the Contractor a
notification to that effect.

(ii) The Contractor shall forward to the Engineer duly certified 6 copies of the test certificates
and characteristics performance curves for all equipment.

(iii) If the Engineer fails to attend the inspection and/or test, or if it is agreed between the parties
that the Engineer shall not do so, then the Contractor may proceed with the inspection and/or
test in the absence of the Engineer and provide the Engineer with a certified report of the
results thereof as per (ii) above.

(iv) If any materials or any part of the works fails to pass any inspection / test, the Contractor
shall rectify or replace such materials or part of the works and shall repeat the inspection
and/or test upon giving a notice as per (i) above. Any fault or shortcoming found during any
inspection or test shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer before proceeding with
further inspection of that item. Any circuit previously tested, which may have been affected
by the rectification work, shall be re-tested.

(v) Where the plant and equipment is a composite unit of several individual pieces manufactured
in different places, it shall be assembled and tested as one complete working unit, at the
maker’s works.

(vi) Neither the execution of an inspection test of materials or any part of the works, nor the
attendance by the Engineer, or the issue of any test certificate pursuant to (iii) above shall
relieve the Contractor from his responsibilities under the Contract.

(vii) The test equipment, meters, instruments etc., used for testing shall be calibrated at recognised
test laboratories having accreditation of NABL at regular intervals and valid certificates shall
be made available to the Engineers at the time of testing. The calibrating instrument used as
standards shall be traceable to National/International standards. Calibration certificates or test
instruments shall be produced from a recognised/Laboratory for the Engineer’s consent in
advance of testing and if necessary instruments shall be recalibrated or substituted before the
commencement of the test.

(viii) Items of plant or control systems not covered by standards shall be tested in accordance with
the details and program agreed between the Engineer and Contractor’s Representative. If such
materials or works are found to be defective or not conforming to the Contract requirements,
due to the fault of the Contractor or his sub-contractors, the Contractor shall defray all the
expenses of such inspection and/or test and of satisfactory reconstruction.

(ix) Tests shall also be carried out such that due consideration is given to the Site conditions
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 573
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

under which the equipment is required to function. The test certificates shall give all details
of such tests.

(x) The Contractor shall establish and submit a detailed procedure for the inspection of materials
or any part of the works to the Engineer for approval within the date indicated in the
Programme Details. The detailed procedure shall indicate or specify, without limitation, the
following :
 Applicable code, standard, and regulations.
 Fabrication sequence flow chart indicating tests and inspection points.
 Detailed tests and inspection method, indicating the measuring apparatus to be used, items
to be measured, calculation formula, etc.
 Acceptance criteria.
 Test report forms and required code certificates and data records.
 Method of sampling, if any sampling test to be conducted.
 Contractor’s or Engineer’s witness points.
(xi) The Contractor shall not pack for shipment any part of the Plant until he has obtained from
the Engineer written approval to the release of such part for shipment after any tests required
by the Contract have been completed to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

(xii) The Inspection and Testing procedures shall be carried out for the equipment as applicable.

(xiii) The detailed procedure shall indicate or specify, without limitation, the following:
 Material Certificates for all the specified materials
 Welding Qualification
 Stage Inspections (in process inspection)
 Visual Inspection.
 Dimension Checking
 Dynamic balancing for all rotating parts
 Hydrostatic / Leak testing for all pressure parts, Pneumatic Leak Test wherever applicable
 Operation check
 Liquid penetrate tests or magnetic particle tests for all machined surfaces of pressure parts.
 Ultrasonic test for forging materials viz.,
 Plates of thickness 20mm and above for pressed / formed parts.
 Plates, flanges and bars of thickness / dia. 40mm and above used for fabrication of
pressure and load bearing members and rotating parts.
 Radiographic testing for all but welded parts, as per applicable codes.
 Hardness tests for all Hardened surfaces.
 Type, routine and acceptance test, as applicable

The Contractor shall maintain proper identification of all materials used, along with reports for all
internal / stage inspection work carried out, based on the specific job requirement and based on the
datasheets / drawings / specifications.

The travelling, boarding & loading arrangement shall be as per the provision mentioned vide clause
no 1.23, Part –I, Section XI,

However, cost of inspection when equipment/material or any part of the facilities is not ready at the
time specified by the Contractor for inspection or when re-inspection is necessitated by prior rejection
shall be borne by the Contractor and will not be reimbursed.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 574

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Witnessed testing will normally be waived off on standard types of equipment such as small motors
made by approved manufacturers, individual standardised instruments, small mass produced
components used in the manufacture of Plant items, small bore pipework and fittings, minor
installation materials and low voltage cable. In order to remove doubt this shall not relieve the
Contractor of his obligation under the Contract to ensure that all Plant is tested at the manufacturer's
works prior to delivery to Site.
All destructively tested samples shall be replaced with new.

As a guide to the Contractor, the witness testing shall be of the following, but not limited to these

1. Mechanical:

 All type of Pumps

 Mechanical Medium and Fine Screens
 Scraper System & Bridges of PST & SST
 Complete Chemical Dosing Systems
 Mixers
 Air Blowers
 Decanter equipment
 All type of Valves Sluice Gates
 Weir Gates
 Valve And Penstock Actuators
 Thickener System
 Sludge Dewatering Equipment and Associated Plant
 Fine Bubble Diffuser Systems
 UV Disinfection System
 Gas Compressors/Blowers
 Digester System
 Dewatering equipment
 Gas Scrubber System/ equipment
 Heat exchangers
 Cooling tower
 Heat recovery System/pumps
 Boilers
 Gas safety/control valves
 Flame arrester and trap assembly
 Biogas Engines and Generators
 Flares
 EOT Cranes
 Storage and Process Vessels
2. Electrical:

 Power transformers
 11kV Outdoor Isolator Kiosk, HT & LT Breakers
 MCC s and switchboards
 Capacitor banks with APFCR
 Standby Generator systems.
 Motors (Rated higher than 25 Kw)
 HT & LT cables

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 575

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Battery and Battery charger with D.C Distribution board

 11kV Disconnectors
 11kV Lightning Arrestor
 11kV Drop-Out Fuse
 Control and Instrumentation
 Plant control and MMI software systems;
 Control panels
 MMI s
 UPS s.
 Variable Frequency Drives
 APFCR Panel with Capacitor Banks

3. Instrumentation and Control:

 Level Measuring System

 Pressure Gauges
 Pressure Transmitter System
 Flow Measuring System
 DO analyzer
 ORP analyzer
 Temperature Measuring System
 Instrumentation and Control Cables
 Instrument Control Panel
 Programmable Logic Controller
 SCADA / HMI System
 Uninterruptible Power Supply System

7.2 Materials, Plant and Equipment

The Contractor shall place orders for the material and the equipment only after approval of the

The Contractor shall submit the detailed drawings from the approved manufacturer and the
procedure of submission, review and revision shall be as specified herein:

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer's test results and quality control certificates. The
Engineer will decide whether he or his representative will inspect and test the material / equipment
or whether he will approve it on the basis of the manufacture’s certificate.

The following inspection and test categories shall be applied prior to delivery of the equipment, of
various categories as indicated in the technical specifications for each type of the equipment:

Category A: -The drawing has to be approved by the Engineer before manufacture and testing. The
equipment/material has to be inspected by the Engineer or a third party inspecting agency approved
by the Engineer at the manufacturer’s premise before packing and dispatching. The contractor shall
provide the necessary equipment and facilities for tests and the cost thereof shall be borne by the

Category B: - The drawings of the equipment have to be submitted and approved by the Engineer
prior to manufacture. The equipment/material has to be tested by the manufacturer/contractor and the
manufacturer’s test certificates are to be submitted and approved by the Engineer before dispatching
of the equipment. Notwithstanding the above, the Engineer, after examination of the test certificates,
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 576
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

reserves the right to instruct the Contractor for retesting, if required, in the presence of the
Contractor’s representative

Category C: - Samples of the materials and/or equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer for pre-
construction review and approval. Following approval by the Engineer, the material may be
manufactured as per the approved standards and delivered to the Site.

For material/equipment under Category “A” and “B”, the Engineer will provide an authorization for
packing and shipping after inspection.

The testing and approval for dispatching shall not absolve the Contractor from his obligations for
satisfactory performance of the plant.

7.2.1 Category of Inspection

The categorization of the various material, equipment and plant for purpose of inspections is as below.
However, this list can be altered and additions or subtractions done or categories changed in due
course during the implementation of the Contract by the Engineer. Mechanical Works

Category of
Sr. No. Items
(i) All Types Pumps Category A
(ii) All types of Valves with / without Actuators (400 mm size & Category A
(iii) Pipe work above 300mm Category A
(iv) Sluice gates Category A
(v) E.O.T Crane Category A
(vi) Mechanical Medium And Fine Screens Category A
(vii) Grit Removal System Category A
(viii) Mechanical Systems of PST and SST Category A
(ix) Air Blowers Category A
(x) Decanting Category A
(xi) Membrane Category A
(xii) MBBR Media Category A
(xiii) Thickener System Category A
(xiv) Digester Gas Mixing and Heating System Category A
(xv) Mechanical Sludge Dewatering System Category A
(xvi) Filtration system Category A
(xvii) UV Disinfection Systems Category A
(xviii) Metallic bellows, Expansion Joints and Dismantling joints of (400 Category A
(xix) mm size
Fine & above)
Bubble Diffuser System Category A
(xx) Gas Compressors/Blowers Category A
(xxi) Scrubbing System Category A
(xxii) Gas Engines & System Category A
(xxiii) Heat Exchanger System Category B
(xxiv) Actuators for Valves & Sluice Gates Category B
(xxv) Flame Arrester System Category B
(xxvi) Cooling water pumps Category B
(xxvii) Lubricating water pumps Category B

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 577

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Category of
Sr. No. Items
(xxviii) Air Ventilation System Category B
(xxix) Mixers Category B
(xxx) Drain and dewatering Pump sets Category B
(xxxi) Pipe Work 300mm and below Category B
(xxxii) Exhaust Fans Category B
(xxxiii) Portable Fire Extinguisher Category B
(xxxiv) Ventilation System/Air Conditioners Category B Electrical Works

Category of
Sr. No. Items
(i) Motor above 25 kW Category A
(ii) Motor below 25 kW Category B
(iii) HV Outdoor Current Transformer Category A
(iv) HV Outdoor Switch Disconnector/ Isolator Category A
(v) HV Outdoor Lightning Arrester Category A
(vi) Gantry/ Structure for Switchyard/ Transmission Line Category A
(vii) Transformer (including OLTC, RTCC panel) Category A
(viii) MV and LV Capacitors and APFC Panel Category A
(ix) HV, MV and LV switchboards Category A
(x) LV Variable Frequency Drive Category A
(xi) Starter for LV motors Category A
(xii) Battery and Battery Charger and DCDB Category A
(xiii) EPABX System Category A
(xiv) Cathodic protection- Transformer/ Rectifier (T/ R) units Category A
(xv) Outdoor 11 kV accessories for substation (i.e. Fuse, Category B
ACSR Conductor, Clamps and connectors, hardwares,
(xvi) Cathodic Protection equipment other than T/ R units Category B
(xvii) Neutral Grounding Resistor Category B
(xviii) Sub-Distribution Boards, Lighting Panels Category B
(xix) Lighting System Category B
(xx) VHF Communication System Category B
(xxi) UPS System Category B
(xxii) HV, MV and LV Power and Control Cables Category A
(xxiii) MV/LV Cable Termination Category B
(xxiv) Earthing System Category B
(xxv) Local Push Buttons Category C
(xxvi) Cable tray and accessories Category B Instrumentation Works

Category of
Sr. No. Items
(i) Instrument Control Panel for Primary Treatment system Category A
comprising of PLC/RI/Os System.
(ii) Instrument Control Panel for Secondary Treatment system Category A
comprising of PLC/RI/Os System.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 578

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Category of
Sr. No. Items
(iii) Instrument Control Panel for Sludge Treatment system comprising Category A
of PLC/RI/Os System.
(iv) Instrument Control Panel for Gas Handling system comprising of Category A
PLC/RI/Os System.
(v) PLC control panel with SCADA system, digital indicator, alarm Category A
annunciator, pushbuttons etc.
(vi) Temperature scanners Category A
(vii) Flow switches Category A
(viii) Digital panel meters Category A
(ix) Conductivity level switches Category A
(x) Control panel for surge protection system Category A
(xi) Full Bore Electromagnetic Flow meters Category A
(xii) Clarifier and dosing control panel Category A
(xiii) BOD/COD analyzer Category A
(xiv) TSS Analyzer Category A
(xv) Pressure Switches Category B
(xvi) Differential pressure switches Category B
(xvii) Ultrasonic type level measuring systems Category A
(xviii) Ultrasonic flow meter Category A
(xix) Float type Level Switches Category B
(xx) Instrumentation and Control cables Category B
(xxi) Surge Protection Devices Category B
(xxii) Radar type level meter Category A
(xxiii) Pressure transmitter Category B
(xxiv) Flow indicator and integrator Category A
(xxv) Alarm Annunciator Category B
(xxvi) Motorized Actuators for valves Category B
(xxvii) Open channel flow meter Category A
(xxviii) Turbidity meters Category B
(xxix) PH meter Category B
(xxx) Laboratory instruments and equipment Category B
(xxxi) Pressure Gauges Category B
(xxxii) Portable temperature monitor Category B
(xxxiii) Portable sound level meter Category B
(xxxiv) Portable vibration meter Category B
(xxxv) Laptop Computers Category B
(xxxvi) Printers Category B

7.3 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Document

At least Thirty five (35) days prior to commencement of inspection of each Plant item / equipment the
Contractor shall supply a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Document for approval. This shall comprise
four copies of the following:

 Un-priced copy of the Contractors order for the Plant item / equipment concerned:
 Details of the inspection and test procedures to be carried out.
 Pre-factory test results and its photos.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 579

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The FAT Plan shall provide comprehensive details of the tests to be carried out, the purpose of each
test, the equipment to be used in carrying out the test and the methods to be adopted in carrying out
the tests. The FAT shall provide space within the documentation for results of the tests to be added
and for each test and for the FAT as a whole to be signed off by the Contractor and the Engineer.

On completion of the tests, the Contractor shall provide four copies of all test certificates, curves etc.
for the inspected Plant item. Test certificates shall be provided for the Plant item as a whole plus
certificates for the relevant component parts.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, not later than 35 days prior to the commencement of the
first inspection and test during manufacture, a programme detailing the inspection dates for all Plant.
Those items of Plant that the Engineer has specifically identified for witness testing test shall be
highlighted in the programme.

The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of any changes to the programme.

The Engineer shall not be requested to inspect an item of Plant until the Contractor has satisfied
himself that the equipment meets all requirements of the Engineer’s Requirements.

The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing at least 21 days in advance regarding readiness
for carrying out inspection of equipment/material etc. at manufacturer's works or at places of
inspection. The programme for inspection shall be finalised by the Engineer after the receipt of the
above. In case inspection cannot be carried out due to non-readiness of equipment/material etc. a
subsequent date shall be finalised for carrying out the inspection in which event all expenses incurred
by the DJB for such visits shall be recovered from the Contractor. Contractor's Representatives shall
essentially be present during all inspections. The following information shall be given in the
inspection call letter mentioned above:

(i) Name of manufacturer/supplier;

(ii) Address of place where inspection is to be carried out;
(iii) Proposed date/s and equipment to be inspected;
(iv) Name/s of contact personnel at manufacturer's/ supplier/s works with their telephone and fax
(v) Name of Contractor's Representative who will be present during the inspection.
(vi) Confirmation that internal testing has been completed.

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary instruments, test facility, water / electric power, test
piece, samples, engineers/ workers, and others to carry out the tests after assembly at his cost. All
instruments used for such tests shall be calibrated and certified by and approved by an independent
testing authority not more than one month prior to the tests in which they are used. Calibration
certificates with expire date and name of authorization agency for instruments used for such tests shall
be produced for the approval of the Engineer and if necessary, instruments shall be recalibrated before
the commencement of the tests.

If during or after testing, any item of plant fails to achieve its intended duty or otherwise proves
defective, it shall be modified or altered as necessary and retested and re-inspected as required by the

In case equipment/material etc. is found not to comply with the specification, dates for re-inspection
shall be finalised and expenses incurred by the DJB for such visits shall also be recovered from the

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 580

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

7.4 Tests at Manufacturer's Premises

7.4.1 Mechanical Equipment Pumps

1. General

All pumps shall be assembled at the factory to ensure correct alignment and fitting of all parts, which
shall be ‘match marked’ before shipment. All testing and inspections under this Sub-clause shall be
performed satisfactorily prior to shipment of any pump.

The performance guarantee tests shall be conducted in two stages i.e., first at the manufacturer’s works
and finally at work site after complete installation and commissioning, including all preliminary test
before final successful test in complying with the Engineer’s approved test and inspection method and
relevant standards.

All pumps shall undergo witness performance tests at the pump manufacturer’s Works.
Each pump and all the mechanical equipment related to WWTP works shall be tested at its rated speed
with one of the job motors, being supplied under the Contract, only after job motors have been
successful tested as per specifications. Reduced speed tests shall not be acceptable.

All tests such as Q/H curve, efficiency of pumps, power consumption, vibration and noise level shall
be conducted. Pump casings shall be subject to hydrostatic pressure testing as an assembly at 150% of
the pump shut-off head or 200% of the pump rated head whichever is higher. The hydrostatic pressure
shall be held for not less than 30 minutes after all leaks have been stopped between attachments.
Impeller and pump rotating assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per ISO 1940 / Gr. 6.3 / VDI

The tests shall cover the entire range of total head from shut-off to the minimum total head at which the
pump can operate without cavitations, noise, or vibration with suction well water level indicated on the
drawings as low water elevation. The minimum head shall be equal to or less than the run out head
specified for each pump. Data shall be recorded for not less than seven points between shut-off and
minimum total head for suction well low water elevation.

For final tests, pumps shall be run so as to obtain the range heads specified in the performance tables
by means of throttling of opening valves on the pumping mains and test results will be compared with
those guaranteed by averaging the KW consumption hour and overall efficiency/quantity curves shall
be plotted to demonstrate that the plant will be capable of meeting the full range of operating
conditions at Site.

After factory performance tests, the Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of test reports.

2. Performance Tests

For performance tests, pumps shall be run so as to obtain the designed head and range heads specified
in the performance tables by means of throttling of opening valves on the pumping mains and test
results will be compared with those guaranteed by averaging the KW consumption.

The pumps shall undergo witnessed performance (acceptance) tests as per BS EN ISO 9906:2000/ ISO
9906 applicable for Grade 1 at the rated speed at the pump manufacturer’s factory. Other pumps shall
be tested in accordance with IS 9137. All pumps shall be tested for performance without internal
coating and with the same electric motor being supplied under this Contract but only after successful
completion of type tests and routine tests of all the motors.
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 581
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Performance test shall be conducted at the rated speed at manufacturer’s works to measure the
capacity, total head, efficiency and power. For acceptance, criteria specified by the said standard (BS
EN ISO 9906:2000/ ISO 9906 applicable for Grade 1) for minus tolerance of pump discharge flow,
pump head, pump efficiency etc. shall not be allowed. These tests shall form the basis for pump
acceptance except for vibration and noise. The pump shall be tested over the entire range comprising
shut off head to maximum flow at run out head specified at which the pump can operate without
cavitation, noise, or vibration with suction pool water level indicated. Minimum seven readings
approximately equidistant shall be taken for plotting the performance curve. The following formula
shall be taken for computing the power input to the pump:

Power input to the Pump in kW = Q x H

367.2 x p
Where, Q = Discharge in cub-m/hr
H = Total head in mwc in case of Horizontal Pumps and Effective Head in case of V T
p = Efficiency of pump.

NPSH tests of one pump of the same duty from each pumping station shall be undertaken to verify that
the pumps meet the specified criteria. The pumps shall be run at constant flow capacity and speed with
the suction condition varied to produce cavitation. Plots of pump head shall be made for various NPSH
values. Site conditions shall be simulated as near as possible, particularly the minimum site NPSH

If the vibration, noise level readings taken during performance test at manufacturer’s works show
higher values than that permitted, Contractor shall guarantee to show that the values shall be
maintained at site after erection. Any cost of rectification needed on this count shall be borne by the
Contractor. If the proposed modifications recommended by the contractor are not acceptable to the
Engineer, the pump unit shall not be accepted.

The material certificates, physical properties, heat treatments and shop test certificates of pump casing,
impeller, shaft, shaft sleeve, impeller and casing rings shall be duly approved and certified by the
manufacturer and these shall be subject to review and approval by Engineer.
Notwithstanding the above requirement for inspection and quality control, the following inspection and
quality control measures shall be carried out by the Manufacturer, but not limited to:

(i) Identification of all materials used in construction, check of their conformity to

standards specified, sample coupon identification for cast, forged components,
particularly of impeller, shafts, couplings, fasteners etc. and approval of materials for
further processing.
(ii) Check of heat treatment of various components.
(iii) Check of machining accuracies, tolerances including horizontality, parallelism, concentricity,
surface finish, run outs, rating tolerances, etc.
(iv) Mating clearances, tolerances, machining accuracies, run outs etc. of bearing housing, impeller
and casing wear rings, etc.
(v) TIR of shafts.
(vi) Dyes penetrate Test on impeller and wear rings.
(vii) Ultrasonic test of all shafts.
(viii) Hardness test of mating components where differential hardness is specified like wear rings.
(ix) Surface preparation and painting of external surfaces.
(x) Any other tests, including NDT (as applicable), as specified in the data sheets / drawings

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 582

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Valve

All tests shall be carried out on all valves as per the latest edition of BIS or internationally approved

During testing there shall be no visible evidence of structural damage to any of the valve component.
Motorized valves shall be tested with their actuators, with a differential head equivalent to their
maximum working pressure, to prove that the actuators are capable of opening and closing the valves
under maximum unbalanced head condition within the specified opening or closing period.

Hydrostatically testing shall be as per relevant IS/BS standard for each type of valve. The following
tests shall be carried out for sluice valves, Knife Gate valves etc.:
(i) Pressure test
(ii) Leakage test
(iii) Seat leakage test
(iv) Body hydrostatic test
(v) Valve operation
The following test shall be carried out for non-return valves:
(i) Pressure test
(ii) Leakage test
(iii) Seat leakage test
(iv) Body hydrostatic test
(v) Valve operation Air Blowers

The following tests shall be carried out:

(i) Visual inspection
(ii) Dimensional check for mounting and overall dimensions
(iii) Performance tests
(iv) Hydraulic leak tests
Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant Indian/International Standard. All air
blowers shall be tested with their ancillaries to confirm design performance particularly in respect of
flow and pressure. The test shall demonstrate that vibration and noise are within the specified limits
and that the pressure relief valve operates correctly.

Air receiver shall be tested in accordance with the relevant section of B.S. 5169 or IS: 7938.

Each and every rotating part/assembly/sub-assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per grade
G16 of ISO 1940/1.

All pressure vessels shall be inspected and hydro water tightness tested. Process Plant Plants

All the process plant equipment/ items shall be tested to ensure they meet the Engineer’s
Requirements for quality of workmanship, construction, and performance.

Each and every rotating part/assembly/sub-assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per grade G16
of ISO 1940/1.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 583

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Crane & Hoists

The cranes shall be completely assembled in the manufacturer’s Works and shall be subjected to the
tests as specified in IS 807 & IS 3177 or relevant internationally approved standard. The Contractor
shall provide the test weights.

Hoists and lifting equipment shall also be assembled and tested at the place of manufacture in
accordance with IS 3938.

Each and every rotating part/assembly/sub-assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per grade G16
of ISO 1940/1. Sluice Gates

All tests shall be carried out on all valves as per the latest edition of BIS or internationally approved
(i) Seat Clearance Check
With the gate fully closed, the clearance between seating faces when checked with the
thickness gauge, shall not exceed 0.1 mm.
(ii) Movement Tests
Each gate shall be shop operated three times from the fully open position to the fully closed
position and return to fully open, under no flow conditions to demonstrate that the assembly is
(iii) Leakage Tests
With the gate in closed position design pressure shall be applied for a period not lesser than 5
minutes to the unseating side of the sluice gate and the leakage shall not exceed the maximum
leakage permissible as per IS 13349.

(iv) Hydrostatic Tests

Finally a differential of one and a half times the design pressure shall be applied to the
unseating side of the gate. Under these tests no part shall show any deflection of deformation. Mechanically Raked Medium / Fine Screens

The screen shall be subjected to following tests at manufacturer’s premises before dispatch:
(i) Dimensional Check:
All the important dimensions of the screen are to be verified with respect to approved G.A.
drawing. Screens shall be checked for overall dimensions, clearance between the bars / aperture
size and its material.

Conveyor shall be checked for dimensions and physical conditions, belt joint portion, travelling
accuracy of belt, motors and its performance of safety device.
(ii) Operational Test:
The complete screen including its carriage, rake, drive system and brake motor shall be
mechanically operated and tested in dry condition to verify interference free movement and
satisfactory operation.
(iii) Material Identification Test:
To ensure that Screens are actually made of Stainless Steel of required material identification
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 584
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

test shall be conducted for all important screen components like Bars, Frame, and Dead Plate
etc. during inspection and reports shall be submitted along with joint inspection report.
(iv) Dye Penetration test:
Dye penetration test shall be conducted at random for checking the soundness of welding
joints during the inspection. Both Procedure as well as person conducting the dye penetration
test should be certified by the outside agency as per relevant standard.
(v) Review of WPS, PQR & Welder’s qualification certificate:
All the certificates are to be offered for review during the inspection and copy of same to be
submitted along with joint inspection report. Fine Bubble Diffusers

Clean water Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) tests shall be performed for each
different diffuser grid geometry/arrangement proposed in the design. These tests shall be performed
by the diffuser Manufacturer at the Manufacturer’s testing facility or an equivalent facility
appropriately equipped with an adequately sized testing tank and other required appurtenances. The
testing shall be performed in full compliance with the latest version of the applicable standard
testing protocol. These tests shall be witnessed by Engineer per procedures set forth for witnessing
elsewhere in this document.

All diffusers including 5 % spares shall be thoroughly inspected by Contractor for physical damage
to the membrane or any other part of the diffuser and results of the inspection shall be reported to

All Fine bubble diffused aeration systems will be field tested.

Testing will verify the installation as well as the diffuser’s ability to deliver the specified air flow
rates at the manufacturer’s stated pressure loss. Testing will also verify the uniformity of mixing

(i) Leveling tests:

Introduce clear water into each tank to the top of the diffuser elements.
Check the level of the diffusers to verify that all element horizontal surfaces are
within 10 mm of a common horizontal plane and at the specified elevation.

(ii) Leakage and distribution of flow tests:

After successful completion of the leveling tests, raise the water level to 50mm
above the manifold.
Visually inspect the water surface to ensure that the airflow is uniformly distributed
across the tank.
Repair any leaks in the elements holders, elements, pipes or the like.
Repeat the test until the installation is essentially void of air leaks. Pipe-work

Testing of pipes and fittings shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian Standards and
internationally approved standards. Pipes, fittings and expansion bellows shall be hydrostatically
tested for 1.5 times the rated pressure.

The following tests shall be carried out for pipelines:

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 585
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Pressure test
Leakage test
Colour check for welding pipeline
Welding beat check

1) Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes

(i) Testing
All pipes for testing purposes shall be selected at random from the stock of the manufacturer and shall
be such as would not otherwise be rejected under the criteria of tolerances as mentioned in IS: 458.

Contractor shall provide laboratory test /analysis results of cement and aggregate component and
cement vs. aggregate vs. water mixing ratio and concrete mixing time and mixing method.

During manufacture, tests on concrete shall be carried out as per IS:456. The manufacturer shall
supply, when required to do so by the Engineer the results of compressive tests of concrete cubes and
split tensile tests of concrete cylinders made from the concrete used for the pipes. The manufacturer
shall supply cylinders or cubes for test purposes required by the Engineer and such cylinders or cubes
shall withstand the tests prescribed as per IS:458. Every pressure pipe shall be tested by the
manufacturer for the hydrostatic test pressure. For non-pressure pipes, 2 percent of the pipes shall be
tested for hydrostatic test pressure.

The specimen of pipes for the following tests shall be selected in accordance with relevant clause of
IS: 458 and tests in accordance with the methods described in IS: 3597.

 Hydrostatic test
 Three edge bearing test
 Absorption test
 Dimension and colour of surface
 Damage

(ii) Sampling and Inspection

In any consignment, all the pipes of same class and size and manufactured under similar conditions of
production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. The conformity of a lot to the requirements of
this Engineer’s Requirements shall be ascertained on the basis of tests on pipes selected from it.
The number of pipes to be selected from the lot for testing shall be in accordance with Table 15 of IS:

Pipes shall be selected at random. In order to ensure randomness, all the pipes in the lot may be
arranged in a serial order and starting from any pipe, every r-th pipe be selected till the requisite
number is obtained, r being the integral part of N/n where N is the lot size and n is the sample size.

All pipes selected shall be inspected for dimensional requirements, finish and deviation from straight.
A pipe failing to satisfy one or more of these requirements shall be considered as defective.

The number of pipes to be tested shall be in accordance with column 4 of Table 15 of IS: 458. These
pipes shall be selected from pipes that have satisfied the requirements mentioned in the above clause.

A lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of IS:458 if the following conditions are

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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The number of defective pipes shall not be more than the permissible number given in column 3 of
Table 15 of IS:458.

All the pipes tested for various tests shall satisfy corresponding requirements of the tests.

In case the number of pipes not satisfying requirements of any one or more tests, one or two further
samples of same size shall be selected and tested for the test or tests in which the failure has occurred.
All these pipes shall satisfy the corresponding requirements of the test.
All destructively tested samples shall be replaced to new.

2) Steel Cylinders Pipes and Specials

(i) Testing

Welding beat check Remove all scale on the welding points and welding beat and its thickness shall be
checked by the Engineer.

(ii) Penetration Test

A suitable liquid penetrate (kerosene oil/Dye) is applied to the surface of the portion under
examination and is permitted to remain there for sufficient time to allow the liquid to penetrate into
any defects open at the surface. After the penetrate time, the excess penetrate which remains on the
surface is removed. Then a light coloured powder absorbent called a developer is applied to the
surface. This developer acts as a blotter and draws out a portion of the penetrate which had previously
seeped into the surface openings. As the penetrate is drawn out it diffuses into the coating of the
developer, forming indication of the surface discontinuities or flaws.

Each steel cylinder shall be subjected before lining/coating to a hydrostatic test under a water pressure
equivalent to the test pressure in accordance with Clause 10 of IS:1916 and relevant provisions of
IS:3597, provided that the whole of the area of the calculated reinforcement is used in the steel
cylinder. In the case of pipes where a part of the principal reinforcement is provided in the cage, the
steel cylinder shall be subjected to proportionately less hydrostatic test pressure.

Manufacturer's standard specials shall be hydrostatically tested before lining/coating. Where feasible,
other specials shall be hydrostatically tested (before lining/coating) at factory. However, when this is
not practicable, at the discretion of the Engineer, the unlined specials shall be tested by penetration
test as per IS:3658 or other approved means.

3) Cast Iron / Ductile Iron Pipes

(i) Mechanical Tests

Mechanical tests shall be carried out during manufacture of pipes and fittings as specified in relevant
IS codes. The results so obtained shall be considered to represent all the pipes and fittings of different
sizes manufactured during that period and the same shall be submitted to the Engineer. The method
for tensile tests and the minimum tensile strength requirement for pipes and fittings shall be as per
relevant IS codes.

(ii) Brinell Hardness Test

For checking the Brinell hardness, the test shall be carried out on the test ring or bars cut from the
pipes used for the ring test and tensile test in accordance with IS 1500.
(iii) Retests
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Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

If any test piece representing a lot fails in the first instance, two additional tests shall be made on test
pieces selected from two other pipes from the same lot. If both the test results satisfy the specified
requirements, the lot shall be accepted. Should either of these additional test pieces fail to pass the
test, the lot shall be liable for rejection.

(iv) Hydrostatic test

For hydrostatic test at works, the pipes and fittings shall be kept under test pressure as
specified in relevant IS codes for 15 seconds, they may be struck moderately with a 700 g hammer.
They shall withstand the pressure test without showing any leakage, sweating or other defect of
any kind. The hydrostatic test shall be conducted before coating the pipes and fittings. Ventilation system

The ventilation system shall be tested at manufacturer's works to verify the design flow and pressure. Generators
All tests shall be carried out as per the latest edition of BIS or internationally approved standard. The
following tests shall be carried out:

(i) Visual inspection

(ii) Dimensional check for mounting and overall dimensions
(iii) Performance tests

The engine shall be tested at manufacturer works assembled with alternator. Test shall be carried on
after at least 10 hrs in a continuous Engine running time under normal operation including idling

Contractor shall provide the test procedure in advance.

The results shall be evaluated by calculated and measurement data to verify whether all data is cover
the specification or not at manufacture.

Tests shall include but not necessary be limited to the following;

(i) Normal: 90%-100% load.

(ii) Load change test:115%
(iii) No load test: 0%

Inspection shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following;

(i) Quantity checking

(ii) Engine model /Type
(iii) Spare parts
(iv) Dimensions.

Performance test: It shall also include the followings:

(i) Starter (Auto/Manual)

(ii) Fuel consumption
(iii) Specific fuel consumption (Fuel Vs. output HP)

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 588

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(iv) Efficiency of Engine out put

(v) Quick over load test.
(vi) Acceleration test
(vii) Fluctuation of engine temperature.( room air and engine)
(viii) Noise level (dB)
(ix) Vibration
(x) Motor speed (rpm)
(xi) Power factor
(xii) Voltage drop(Max, Total)
(xiii) Insulation resistance
(xiv) Over load test
(xv) Acceleration test

7.4.2 Electrical Equipment

The Contractor shall carry out further specified tests as follows in addition to any tests stated or
implied by the foregoing sections of the bid specifications. Switchgear and Motor Control Gear Assemblies

Switchgear and control gear shall be witness tested as complete assemblies.

Factory built assemblies of HT/LV switchgear and control gear shall be tested in accordance with
relevant Indian Standards. Additionally, switchgears and control gear assemblies shall be tested for
the following:

1. Interchange Ability

All components of the same rating and construction, designated as draw out or plug-in shall be
demonstrated as being interchangeable.

2. Protection and Control Circuits

For all forms of current transformer protection the following information, as applicable shall be made
available to the Engineer before the time of inspection:

(i) Current transformer magnetising curve.

(ii) Recommended relay setting.
(iii) Calculated primary operating current at this setting
(iv) Calculated through-fault stability values where applicable.
(v) Values of any stabilising and setting resistors employed in the system.

As far as possible, based on the completeness of the circuits, in the final manufactured form within
manufacturer's premises, the satisfactory operation of associated control and protection circuits shall
be proved by the following tests as applicable:

(i) To ensure the correct operation of all relays and coils at the recommended setting by
current injection.
(ii) To ensure the correct polarity between current and voltage elements of power relays, meters
and instruments.
(iii) To ensure the correct operation of control circuits at normal operating voltage by operation
of local control switches and simulation of operation from remote control positions.

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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Note: Checking the operation of protection relays and control circuits shall be carried out with all
relevant circuits energized at their normal rated voltage.

The following tests shall be carried out:

(i) Dielectric tests at approved voltages.

(ii) Primary injection tests to ensure correct ratings and polarity of current and voltage transformers
and of the current operated protection relays and direct acting coils, over their full range of
(iii) Tests on auxiliary relays at normal operating voltages by operation of associated remote relays.
(iv) Correct operation of sequencing and control circuits at normal operating voltages by operation of
local control switches, and simulation of operation from remote control positions.
(v) Correct functionality of the equipment in all modes of control. Motors

The manufacturer’s type test certificate will be accepted for motors rated at less than 18.5 kW. A
type test certificate and an individual motor test certificate shall be provided for all other motors.
All type test certificates shall be not later than 3 years.

Electric motors shall be subjected to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with relevant Indian

It will be responsibility of the Contractor to select sizes, and types of motors to suit the starting and
running characteristics of driven equipment with due consideration for specified margin over the
requirement of the driven equipment at duty point. Motors not complying with the above shall be
replaced by the Contractor at his own cost by appropriate motors. Replacement motors shall
undergo testing and inspection as per the provisions in the contract. Cost of such testing and
inspection shall be to Contractor's account.

1. Routine Tests

All routine tests shall be carried out on all motors as per the latest edition of IS 325 or internationally
approved standard.

2. Acceptance Tests

Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor and slip shall be conducted on all the motors.

3. Type Tests

The following type tests shall be carried out on one motor of each rating above 18.5 kW.

(i) Isolation resistance test

(ii) Temperature rise test
(iii) Momentary overload test
(iv) Vibration measurement test
(v) Noise level test
(vi) Over speed /over load test
(vii) Starting current, starting torque, and pull out torque at reduced voltage

The motor rotor assembly shall be dynamically balanced as per grade 6.3 of ISO 1940/1.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 590

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Transformers

Transformers shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests as defined in the relevant standard.
Type test certificates not later 3 years shall be provided for the following:
(i) Impulse voltage withstand
(ii) Temperature rise. Capacitor bank with APFCR

The capacitor bank with APFCR will be subject to routine and acceptance tests as defined in the
relevant standards. Battery and Battery Charger with D.C Distribution Board

The Battery and Battery Charger with D.C Distribution Board will be subject to works routine and
acceptance tests as defined in the relevant standards Cables

All cables and armoured cables shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with
the relevant Indian Standards.

Test certificates shall be provided against each drum and/or cable length.
The tests carried out on every cable length and/or drum at manufacturer's premises shall include:

(i) High voltage DC insulation pressure test, between cores, each core to earth, metallic
sheath or armour as applicable
(ii) Insulation resistance test
(iii) Core continuity and identification
(iv) Conductor resistance tes HV Disconnectors

Disconnectors shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with the relevant Indian
Standards. HV Lightning Arrestor Set

Lightning Arrestor shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with the relevant
Indian Standards. HV Drop-Out Fuse

Drop-Out Fuse shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with the relevant Indian
Standards. HV Outdoor Isolator Kiosk

HV Outdoor Isolator Kiosk shall be subject to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with the
relevant Indian Standards.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 591

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Standby Generator Sets

The Contractor shall carry out further specified tests as follows in addition to any tests stated or
implied by the foregoing sections of bid documents.
(i) Functionality check
(ii) System operational test
(iii) Manufacturers standard tests
(iv) Run set for 2 hours at full load
(v) Step load acceptance and rejection tests using the maximum step loads plus 20 % to be
applied in use at the Sewage treatment plant.

7.4.3 Instrumentation, PLC, SCADA and Associated Equipment General

Each item of plant shall be subjected to the manufacturer’s own tests which shall be certified.

Each item of plant and its installation shall be subject to inspection and testing at the place of

The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all necessary test equipment. The
Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer, the correct operation of any item of plant and the
Engineer may witness any test. Tests which, in the opinion of the Engineer, were failed or not
performed correctly shall be repeated.

Calibration tests for field instruments and analytical instruments should be conducted on site after
installation and the same should be witnessed by the Engineer.

Before any test is made, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a full list of test equipment &
test procedures (method statements) to be used. Each item of test equipment shall have a standard of
accuracy better than that stated by the manufacturer of the item to be tested. The Contractor shall
provide evidence of the condition and performance of any item of test equipment, in the form of test
certificates issued by an appropriate authority independent of the Contractor and manufacturer, or
as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Test equipment shall be checked frequently during the period
of the tests.

The Contractor’s staff responsible for supervising and carrying out tests shall be fully conversant
with the various items of equipment of other manufacturers and if necessary the Contractor shall
arrange for his personnel to attend suitable training courses on his own expense.

Any fault or shortcoming found during any inspection or test shall be rectified to the satisfaction of
the Engineer before proceeding with further inspection or testing of that item. Any circuit
previously tested, which may have been affected by the rectification work, shall be re-tested. Preliminary Inspection and Testing

1. Field-Mounted Instruments

After the successful completion of the manufacturer’s own inspection and testing of instruments
supplied under the Contract, similar tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer and the
Contractor. Such tests shall include a demonstration that an increase or decrease of the measured
value at several points over the full range of the instrument produces a corresponding increase or
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 592
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

decrease in the instrument output signal. These tests shall include checks on the specified accuracy of
the instrument at all points.

2. Instrument Panels, Enclosures and Mounting Boards

The manufacturer shall not present instrument panels, enclosures and mounting boards (assemblies)
for inspection and testing until the manufacturer’s own tests and inspection has been completed. A
preliminary inspection and test of these assemblies may then be witnessed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall give not less than 7 days’ notice in writing that he has completed his tests and
inspection and is ready for the witnessed tests and inspection. Where this notice period is different in
the Conditions of Contract this shall take precedent.

The witnessed inspection and testing shall include the following:

(i) A visual inspection of the panel assembly to show that the design, construction and finish
are satisfactory and in accordance with the Specification;
(ii) A check that equipment is securely mounted, accessible for removal or calibration
without damage to or undue disturbance of other components, wiring or piping;
(iii) That all engraving and labels are correctly positioned, fixed and designated in accordance
with the Specification;
(iv) Panel power-distribution circuits have the correct breaker/fuse rating coordination and
(v) Power-isolation facilities meet the Specification;
(vi) The main incoming supply voltage, frequency and/or pneumatic supply pressure is within
the required limits, these being checked at the beginning and end of the test and the results
recorded on test certificates;
(vii) The output of all power supply units again at the beginning and end of the testing with
results being recorded;
(viii) The power supply voltage or air pressure of all component instruments of the assembly(s),
these voltages/pressures being recorded on the test certificate;
(ix) The insulation resistance of all circuits except sensitive electronic equipment which is liable
to damage by application of the test voltage, such circuits being disconnected before making
the insulation resistance tests and these tests being carried out in accordance with IEE
Wiring Regulations;
(x) That the clean earth bar is isolated from main frame of the panel.

Internal lighting and anti-condensation heaters and associated thermostats, isolators, limit switches
and wiring shall be checked for compliance with the Specification.

Spare capacity within the panel(s) shall be checked to see that it complies with the Specification. This
shall include future equipment space, spare terminals, space in wiring trunkings and provision for
additional cable entry.

3. Functional Testing

Once the preliminary inspection and testing is complete to the satisfaction of the Engineer, functional
testing shall commence. The purpose of the functional tests is to demonstrate that instrument panels
enclosures and mounting boards (assemblies) conform to requirements of the Specification.

Not less than 30 days before the commencement of functional tests, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer, for approval, two copies of comprehensive test procedural documents detailing each test to
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 593
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

be carried out. The document shall include result forms on which the results of each test will be
entered. The forms shall include spaces for numerical values, where necessary, and witness signatures.

All applicable drawings and data shall be provided at the place of inspection by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide all test instruments and equipment necessary to test the assemblies in
their entirety.

The following is a typical list of the equipment required:

(i) Switch boxes;

(ii) Indicator light boxes;
(iii) Analogue signal sources;
(iv) Dummy loads;
(v) Meters;
(vi) Simulators;
(vii) Desk-top computers;
(viii) Programmers for DCS or outstations;
(ix) Insulation test equipment Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and SCADA

The Contractor shall carry out specified tests as follows in addition to any tests stated or implied by
the foregoing sections of this clause.

The tests shall be carried out on the fully assembled control panel containing the PLC and
associated equipment in order to demonstrate correct functional operation of the hardware and
software systems.

7.5 Tests at Site

In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by Engineer, the Contractor shall offer for
inspection to Engineer, the completely erected plant/part of Plant on which tests are to be carried out.
After such inspection, each equipment/sub-system shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance
with the applicable standards in the presence of Engineer. Such tests shall include but not be limited
to the tests specified in following clauses.

The Contractor shall possess during the entire working period the Electrical Contractor's licence of
appropriate class from the concerned statutory authorities governing the area of work place. The
Contractor shall fully comply with the relevant statutory rules and regulations. On completion of the
installation or at intermediate stages, if required by the statutory authorities, the Contractor shall arrange
for inspection and obtain the approval from the concerned statutory authorities. If any fees are to be paid to
statutory authorities for testing, inspection and calibration these shall be paid by the Contractor and shall be
included in his erection and commissioning charges.

7.6 Inspection at Site

During erection of the Plant the Engineer will inspect the installation from time to time in the
presence of the Contractor's Supervisor to establish conformity with the requirements of the
Specification. Any deviations found shall be corrected as instructed by the Engineer.

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Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

7.7 Plant Protection on Site

Factory finished plant shall be adequately protected both before and during installation against
damage to finished surfaces, fitted components, and the ingress of dust. It may be necessary for
structural finishing operations to be carried out in the vicinity of installed plant before it is taken over
and the Contractor shall take this into consideration in complying with the requirement of this clause.

7.8 Civil Inspection (Water Leakage Test)

7.8.1 Tanks and Basins

Units with water retaining structures shall satisfy the following tests for water tightness, before
external finishes are applied (if any):

The water for testing shall fill the first 1.25 meters and may be filled as quickly as supply permits.
Between this and top water level, the rate of filling shall not exceed a steady rate of 300 mm per 24
hours unless otherwise directed. After filling to top water level no further water shall be introduced
for 7 days. After expiry of seven days and after the filling, the level of the surface of the water shall be
recorded. The level of water shall be recorded again at subsequent intervals of 24 hours over a period
of seven days and the structure shall satisfy the test if at the end of this week no leakage is apparent
and or the water level does not drop more than 40 mm over the period of 7 days.

The Engineer shall decide on the actual permissible nature of this drop in surface level, taking into
account whether the tanks are open or closed and the corresponding effect it has on evaporation
losses. Foregoing visible leakages and sweating will not be accepted.

If the structure does not satisfy the condition of test and the daily drop in water level is decreasing the
period of test may be extended for a further seven days and the if specified limit is then reached the
structure may be considered as satisfactory.

Following satisfactory completion of the tests the Contractor shall empty the structures and dispose of
satisfactorily the contents. He shall clean and disinfect the structures and any equipment therein of all
deposits left by the testing.

7.9 Erection

7.9.1 General

The Contractor’s staff shall include adequate and competent erection engineers with proven, suitable,
previous experience on similar Contracts to supervise the erection of the Works and sufficient skilled,
semi-skilled and unskilled labour to ensure completion of Works in time. The Contractor shall not
remove any representative, erector or skilled labour from the Site without prior approval of the

The Contractor shall also provide sufficient erectors skilled in electrical, mechanical and instrument

In the case of a foreign firm based overseas the Contractor's Representative shall be thoroughly
conversant with the manufacturer's Plant and equipment, and its erection and shall be an expatriate.
Also the Contractor shall provide at least two approved senior English speaking working erectors to
supervise the erection of all Plant.

The Contractor shall ensure that no installation or erection work shall commence until full and
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 595
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

unconditionally approved working drawings, signed and stamped by the Engineer are available at

The Contractor’s erection staff shall arrive on the Site on dates to be agreed by the Engineer. Before
they proceed to the Site, however, the Contractor shall first satisfy himself, as necessary, that
sufficient plant of his (or his sub-contractors) supply has arrived on Site so that there will be no delay
on this account.

The Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements to ensure that sufficient plant has been or is
about to be delivered to site, so that there shall be no delay to the start of erection. The Engineer will
not entertain any claim by the Contractor in respect of delayed erection due to a delay in the delivery
of any items of Plant to the site.

The Contractor’s representative responsible for erection shall be an erection engineer who is
conversant with the erection and commissioning of the complete Works. If there are more than one
erector, one of them will be in charge and the Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing which
erector is designated as his representative and is in charge. Erection engineer is to report to Project

During erection of the Plant the Engineer will inspect the installation from time to time in the
presence of the Contractor’s Site representative to establish conformity with the requirements of the
Specification. Any deviations and deficiencies found or evidence of unsatisfactory workmanship shall
be corrected as instructed by the Engineer.

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain necessary License / Authorization / Permit for
work from the Licensing Boards of the Locality/State where the work is to be carried out. The persons
deputed by the Contractor’s firm should also hold valid permits issued or recognized by the Licensing
Board of the Locality/State where the work is to be carried out.

The installation work shall comply with the latest applicable Standards, Regulations, Electricity Rules
and Safety Codes of the locality where the installation is to be carried out. Nothing in this
specification shall be construed to relieve the Contractor of this responsibility.

It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain approval/clearance from local statutory authorities
including Electrical Inspector, wherever applicable for conducting of any work or for installation
carried out which comes under the purview of such authorities.

The Contractor shall carry out the complete erection of all plant, including the provision of all
necessary skilled and unskilled labor, material, transportation, supplies, power and fuel, Contractor's
Equipment and appurtenances necessary, for the complete and satisfactory erection of the Plant.

7.9.2 Workmanship

Erection of Plant shall be phased in such a manner so as not to obstruct the work being done by other
contractors or operating staff who may be present at the time. Before commencing any erection work,
the Contractor shall check the dimension of structures where the various items of Plants are to be
installed and shall bring any deviations from the required position, lines or dimensions to the notice of
the Engineer.

Plant shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations and at the locations
shown on the approved drawings. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
adhere strictly to the aforesaid approved drawings. If any damage is caused by the Contractor during
the course of erection to new or existing Plant or buildings or any part thereof, the Contractor shall, at
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 596
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

no additional cost to the Engineer, make good, repair or replace the damage, promptly and effectively
as directed by the Engineer and to the Engineer satisfaction.

The Contractor shall align all equipment and holding down bolts and shall inform the Engineer before
proceeding with grouting-in the items concerned. The Contractor shall ensure that all equipment is
securely held and remains in correct alignment before, during and after grouting-in.

The Contractor shall be responsible for setting up and erecting the plant to the line and levels of
reference and of the positions, levels dimensions and alignment, appliances and labour in connection
therewith. The checking of setting out of any line or level by Engineer shall not in any way relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness thereof.

The Contractor shall have a separate cleaning gang to clean all equipment under erection and as well
as the work area and the project site at regular intervals to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In case the
cleaning is not up to the Engineer’s satisfaction, he will have the right to carry out the cleaning
operations and any expenditure incurred by the Engineer in this regard will be to the Contractor’s

The Contractor shall pin and plug in the holes prepared, all small clips, plugs, screws, nails, sleeves,
inserts, etc., required for fixing electric wires and conduits, small pipe work and all other apparatus.

7.9.3 Precautions

The approval by the Engineer of the Contractor’s proposals for rigging and hoisting any items of the
Plant into their final positions shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for damage to
completed structures, parts or members thereof or other installed equipment. He shall at his own cost
make good, repair or replace any damaged or injured items, whether structural, electrical,
architectural, or of any other description, promptly and effectively to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

No Plant, equipment or other loads shall be moved across the floors of structures without first
covering the floors with timber of sufficient size so that applied loads will be uniformly transferred to
floor beams and girders. If it is required to reduce bending stresses and deflection, the beams and
girders shall be provided with temporary supports. Any movement of Plant and other loads over the
floor structures shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer.

7.9.4 Contractor’s Equipment, Materials and Appurtenances

The Contractor shall have available on the Site sufficient suitable equipment and machinery, as well
as all other materials and appurtenances required by him, of ample capacity to ensure the proper
erection of Plant and to handle any emergencies such as may normally be expected in work of this

The Contractor shall be responsible if any installation materials are lost or damaged during
installation. All damages and thefts of equipment/component parts, after takeover by the Contractor,
till the installation is taken over by Engineer shall be made good by the Contractor to the satisfaction
of Engineer.

7.9.5 Leveling and Grouting of Machinery

Contractor shall undertake, sufficiently in advance, chipping of any unevenness of concrete on

foundations, anchor bolt pockets, cut-outs etc., to achieve uniform level of reference for erection. All
concrete surfaces receiving grout shall be chipped as required to ensure better bonding with the
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 597
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Contractor shall undertake the inspection of all components to be erected sufficiently in advance to
check their soundness and conformity to drawings and the inspection records shall be signed by the
Engineer as approval for undertaking the installation of the components. Any damage, shortfalls etc.
shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

All grout for equipment shall be carried out using non-shrinkable continuous grout materials with
suitable framework of at least 12mm thickness. Surfaces to receive the grout shall be chipped and
roughened and laitance shall be removed by wire brush or blast of air. Concrete surface shall be
blown off by compressed air before commencing grouting. Grouting shall be done in one continuous
operation from one side such that grout flows in a single wave until grout reaches all confined spaces
with no air pockets and air from all confined spaces is expelled. A hydrostatic head of 150 mm shall
be maintained during grouting operations. All grouting shall be carried out in the presence of the
Engineer. All lines and levels shall be checked after grout is set. Blockouts shall be closed using
cement concrete of the same grade as that of the parent structure.

7.9.6 Records, Procedures and Reports

The Contractor shall maintain records pertaining to the quality of installation / erection work and
inspection, testing, compliance with all technical requirements in respect of all his works as described
in the previous paragraphs. The reporting formats shall be in the approved formats. The Contractor
shall submit such records to the Engineer after the completion of any particular work before
submitting the bill of supply / progress of work. Such report shall comprise shop inspection reports,
shop testing reports, material test reports, based on which dispatch clearances are provided, and all the
quality control reports of welding, erection and alignment records.

All the above mentioned records shall be submitted in the final form duly countersigned by the
Engineer attesting conformity to specifications and his approval of installation, and duly incorporating
all the additions, alternations, and information as required by the Engineer, on the basis of preliminary
reports giving the progress of the work. Such records notwithstanding, any records submitted earlier
with bill of supply / progress, etc., shall be duly bound and submitted to the Engineer in six copies by
the Contractor on his notification of the mechanical completion of erection.

7.9.7 General Preparations Before Completion of the Plant

All documents are to be completed in accordance with the Contract schedule before completion of

The Engineer and the Contractor shall preserve and control these documents in a safe and appropriate
place on Site in order that both parties’ personnel can make use of them at any time. Technical Documents

(i) Operation and Maintenance manual

(ii) Design documents including the Contractor’s design data, drawings and Specifications.
(iii) Tools and test equipment list
(iv) Spare parts list
(v) Lubricant list Procedures

(i) Mechanical testing procedure

(ii) Electrical testing procedure
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 598
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(iii) Instrumentation testing procedure

(iv) Detailed pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures
(v) Detailed Performance Test procedure General and Coordination Documents

(i) Detailed organization charts for pre-commissioning and commissioning showing lines of
authorities and responsibility, and functions of all key personnel
(ii) Job description of the members of the team
(iii) Scheduled dates of assignment of each member to pre-commissioning and commissioning
(iv) Detailed schedule showing the time sequence which the Contractor anticipates to follow for the
various steps in completion of erection, pre-commissioning and commissioning of each unit
and equipment.
(v) Regulations for safety, hygiene and discipline
(vi) Practical organization of the relationship (meetings, reports, etc.) between the Contractor and
the Engineer at the phases of pre-commissioning and commissioning.
(vii) Emergency communication route. Manpower

Required manpower shall be provided as agreed between the Contractor and the Engineer in a
Manpower Mobilization Plan, which shall include the number and qualifications of the operator and
maintenance personnel to be furnished by the Engineer for the Plant.

7.9.8 Field Control Inspection

Contractor shall conduct periodic field control inspection to prevent any field accident. The Engineer
shall field inspect jointly or conduct unannounced inspections.

7.9.9 Completion of Erection

The completion of Plant under erection by the Contractor shall be deemed to occur if all the units of
the Plant are structurally and mechanically complete and will include, among other such
responsibilities, the following:

(i) Plant in the Scope of the Contract has been erected, installed and grouted as per
(ii) Installation checks are completed and approved by the Engineer.
(iii) Erected Plants are totally ready for commissioning checks.
At the stage of completion of erection, the Contractor shall ensure that all the physical, aesthetic
and workmanship aspects are totally complete and the Plant is fit and sound to undergo tests on
completion and subsequent pre-commissioning checks.

Upon achieving the completion as described above, the Contractor shall, after having given 21 days
advance notice of the expected date for carrying out the inspection, notify the Engineer by a written
notice intimating completion of erection and notify the Engineer for inspection. The Engineer shall
proceed with the inspection of such units within 24 hours of such a notice.

The Engineer shall certify completion when there are no defects / defaults in the Works or provide
the Contractor with a list of deficiencies for rectification, hereinafter referred as the “Punch List”.
The Contractor shall complete the rectification work within a jointly agreed period before pre-
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 599
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

commissioning activities and obtain the Engineer’s acceptance or approval before proceeding with
the same.

The Engineer may inform the Contractor that the works are accepted with the Punch List (items
which do not hamper operability, safety or maintainability) and allow the Contractors to proceed
with the pre-commissioning checks when the Contractor under-takes to complete such outstanding
works within an agreed time prior to or during the defects liability period. Taking over shall be
based on rectification of all deficiencies which are to be completed before acceptance, as advised by
the Punch List.

The erection period indicated by the Contractor would be deemed to cover all the activities up to
Completion as stipulated in previous paragraphs, notice of completion by the Contractor, inspection
by the Engineer for Completion, and Contractor’s rectification of all deficiencies as noticed by the
deficiency/Punch List, and acceptance by the Engineer of such rectification’s, prior to Tests on

Minor defects, which in the opinion of Engineer do not hamper operability or maintainability, will
not be taken into account for deciding Mechanical Completion Such defects shall be rectified
concurrent to commissioning checks before Tests on Completion. However, the Engineer’s decision
in this regard is final.

The commissioning period as notified by the Contractor shall include all periods of pre-
commissioning, trial runs and tests on completion.

It is in the Contractor’s interest to offer the section/units/systems, progressively under Identified

milestones within overall erection period, duly completed for rectification of any deficiencies
pointed out by the Engineer and to achieve mechanical completion before undertaking the tests on
Completion within the specified erection period. The Engineer also reserves the right to withhold the
cost as estimated to be equivalent to the rectification of deficiencies pointed out to the Contractor until
such a time as the deficiencies are rectified by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

7.9.10 Inspection after Erection

After the erection of any item of Plant and its associated equipment has been completed, it shall be
offered to the Engineer for inspection in its static state prior to commissioning the item. Completion of erection and procedure prior to setting to work.

The mechanical completion of plant under erection shall be deemed to occur if all the units/systems
of the Works are structurally and mechanically complete as noted below:

All rotary, static, structural equipment, piping, electrical/instrumentation and other equipment under
the scope of the Contract have been erected, installed and grouted and are as per relevant

All systems have been washed/flushed/drained/boxed up where necessary.

All system testing including pressure, vacuum and nondestructive tests, no load tests and such other
tests are completed with safety valves/relief valves set to operating conditions installed in position.

All panels, local control desks erected with power/control cable terminations with all continuity
checks, insulation checks and other installation checks are carried out.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 600

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Prior to pre-commissioning checks, the Contractor shall erect the entire Plant and ensure readiness
of civil works to the satisfaction of Engineer, so that the Works are physically ready to undergo pre-
commissioning checks. Pre-commissioning checks will include checks like no-load running of
machinery, checks on instruments and electrical including calibration and loop checks, functional
checks, inter-lock checks etc.

At the stage of mechanical completion of erection, the Contractor shall ensure that all the physical,
aesthetic and workmanship aspects are totally complete and the Plant is fit and sound to undergo
pre- commissioning checks.

The following documentation shall be completed before the Contractor notifies Mechanical
Completion of Erection to the Engineer

(i) All shop inspection records compiled and bound in 4 (four) copies. (ii) All erection
and commissioning procedures duly approved.
(ii) All instruction manuals in draft form - with each sheet bearing a stamp to indicate
"DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY" submitted in 4 (four) copies.

Upon achieving mechanical completion, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of such
completion of section/units/systems and readiness for inspection for acceptance of mechanical
completion of erection. The Engineer/ Engineer shall proceed with inspection of such
sections/units/systems within
10 days of such notice.

Consequent to inspection, the Engineer will inform the Contractor a list of deficiencies for
rectification and the Contractor shall complete the rectification work within a jointly agreed period
prior to start of pre- commissioning tests. The erection period allowed by the Contractor shall
include all activities of mechanical completion as noted above.

7.10 Pre-Commissioning

After the completion of erection, pre-commissioning activities listed below shall be carried out to
make the Plant ready for commissioning. All instruments, materials and provisions necessary for
conducting site tests shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost.

Upon completion of erection of each piece of equipment, facility or discrete part of the plant,
mechanical checks and tests shall be carried out according to the Contractor’s checklist. The
mechanical checks and tests shall be to establish that:

(i) The Plant is erected in accordance with the Contractor’s construction drawings, pipe
work drawings, instrument diagrams, etc., issued for the Plant;
(ii) Materials are installed and mechanically function in accordance with the Contract;
(iii) Applicable codes as listed in the Contract are followed for materials and

Items such as painting, thermal insulation and final clean up which do not materially affect the
operation or safety of the Plant will be excluded. All these items shall be listed and completed after
pre-commissioning or commissioning at the discretion of the Contractor, but before acceptance.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 601

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

The Contractor shall prepare and maintain at Site test forms and records, which shall include:
(i) Description of type of test or check;
(ii) Date and times of test or check;
(iii) Identification of equipment and facilities;
(iv) Test pressure, test data and results, including remarks, if any; and
(v) Signature of the Contractor’s personnel attesting to data recorded; if any. The Contractor’s
construction forces thereof shall carry out checks, tests and records.
Wherever the Engineer’s witnessing or attesting of the check or test is required, the Engineer or his
Representative shall attend such check and test. For this purpose, the Contractor shall keep the Engineer
informed of a day-to-day test plan schedule. The test plan schedule may be revised from time to time to
reflect the actual progress of the work and test.

Any items found incomplete or requiring repair or adjustment shall be marked as such on the test records
and reported by the Contractor to the Engineer and the Contractor’s personnel in charge of the relevant
construction area.

Checking procedures shall be repeated until all the items on the checklist are cleared. A complete set of test
records shall be handed over to the Engineer on completion.

7.10.1 Pre-Commissioning Tests

The tests on the different mechanical, electrical and instrumentation equipment shall be

7.11 Commissioning

After the completion of pre-commissioning activities the final checks and preparations necessary for
start-up of the plant shall be carried out. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a written Notice
of Mechanical Completion, which shall include:
(i) Identity part of the Plant considered mechanically complete.
(ii) Copies of all relevant completed test reports.
(iii) Date on which the completion of the tests was achieved.
(iv) Check list.
(v) Request for issuance of a Mechanical Completion Certificate in respect of that part.

(vi) Within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the Contractor’s written Notice, the
Engineer shall:

In the case of acceptance, issue a Mechanical Completion Certificate.

 In the case of objection, submit a rejection statement setting forth-remaining items

to be completed or defects or deficiencies to be corrected before Mechanical
Completion status can be accepted. When the Engineer rejects the Contractor’s Notice
the Contractor shall take any necessary action to complete or correct the items marked
and give the Engineer a second Notice of Mechanical Completion.
After the issuance by the Engineer of a Mechanical Completion Certificate,
commissioning activities listed below shall be carried out to enable the start-up and
operation of the Plant. Procedures are described as below:

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 602

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

a) Commissioning procedure shall be carried out in a methodical sequence as

 Warming up
 Start-up
 Initial running
 Operability adjustment
 Stable operation
 Final adjustment
b) At all stages of commissioning sequence, the Plant shall be operated at
optimum Plant conditions. To ensure this, the Contractor may make minor
adjustment to the conditions indicated in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual as necessary.
c) The Contractor shall check the operating conditions of the Plant by
constantly monitoring operating data.
d) The Contractor shall specify for each discrete part of the Plant the
operational data to be recorded and the manner in which the data is to be
e) The Engineer’s Representative on the forms to be mutually agreed shall
record all the operating data. The Engineer’s Representative shall make a
copy of the operating log and analytical data from initial operation through to
the completion of Performance Test available to the Contractor for
f) The Contractor shall carry out commissioning tests in the presence of the
Engineer. The evaluation of test results and decision passed by the Engineer
regarding the test results will be final and binding on the Contractor. Any
additional tests or repetition of tests to establish satisfactory operation of any
equipment shall be carried out by the Contractor, if so desired by the
Engineer, at no extra cost.
g) All checks and tests shall be as per the Manufacturer’s drawing manuals,
relevant codes of installation and as per commissioning checklists.
h) Among other commissioning tests, the following shall be carried out at site
after completion of installation. Contractor shall ensure to use calibrated test
equipment having valid calibration test certificates from standard laboratories
traceable to National Standards / International Standards. All tests to be
carried out in the presence of Engineer.

7.12 Commissioning Tests

Following commissioning tests are to be carried out on all the equipment/systems, as applicable.

(i) Insulation resistance measurement of equipment, accessories, cabling/wiring etc.

(ii) Dielectric tests on equipment, accessories, cabling/ wires etc.
(iii) Phase sequence and polarity
(iv) Voltage and current ratios
(v) Vector group
(vi) Resistance measurement of winding, contacts etc.
(vii) Continuity tests
(viii) Calibration of indicators, meters, relays, etc.
(ix) Control and interlock checks
(x) Settings of equipment and accessories
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 603
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(xi) Checking of accuracy/error

(xii) Checking of operating characteristics, pick-up voltages and currents, etc.
(xiii) Operational and functional tests on equipment, accessories, control schemes,
alarm/trip/indication circuits, etc.
(xiv) Measurement of guaranteed/approved design values including lighting levels, earth resistance
measurement, etc.
(xv) Complete commissioning checks of the system

7.13 Safety Procedure and Practice

Following safety procedure and practice should be provided by the Contractor in the switchboard
room/ substation as per latest edition of I.S. 5216.
(i) Rubber matting in front of HV, MV and LV switchboard and other panels in switchboard
(ii) Shock treatment chart in switchboard / electrical equipment room
(iii) Caution/Danger Board on -
 HV, MV and LV switchboard and other LV panels
 Lighting distribution board
 Transformer yard.
(iv) Sand bucket in switchboard / electrical equipment room/ transformer yard
(v) Fire extinguisher in switchboard/ electrical equipment room
(vi) One set of hand gloves in switchboard room
(vii) First aid box in switchboard / electrical equipment room

7.14 Fire Safety

The requirement of hand appliance in switchboard room, electrical equipment room shall be as per the
latest edition of Fire Protection Manual of Govt. of India / Govt. of Delhi.

7.15 Site Acceptance Test Document

Fifty six (56) days prior to commencement of Tests on Completion the Contractor shall supply a Site
Acceptance Test (SAT) Document for approval. This shall comprise four copies of the details of the
inspection and test procedures to be carried out in testing the Works.

The SAT Plan shall provide comprehensive details of the tests to be carried out, the purpose of each
test, the equipment to be used in carrying out the test and the methods to be adopted in carrying out
the tests. The SAT shall provide space within the documentation for results of the tests to be added
and for each test and for the SAT as a whole to be signed off by the Contractor and the Engineer.

The SAT shall categorise tests as follows:

(i) Dry tests: Dry tests are those tests carried out without process fluid being present.
(ii) Wet tests: These can be further sub-divided into:
Hydraulic tests: Hydraulic wet tests are those tests carried out with potable water in
order to prove the hydraulic capability of the Works.

Process tests /System tests: Process wet tests are those tests carried out with raw
Sewage as the feed stock to prove the process capability of the Works.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for water supply, chemical, electric power, fuel,
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 604
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

instrument and labour during hydraulic wet tests.

It shall be assumed that the co-operation of other contractors in the carrying out of Tests on
Completion will not be unreasonably withheld.

7.16 Test on Completion

7.16.1 General

Prior to the commencement of Tests on Completion the Contractor shall submit for approval the
(i) Site Acceptance Test Documents
(ii) As-Built Drawings
(iii) Operation and Maintenance Manuals
(iv) Site test results / data sheet and photo

Tests on Completion shall not be commenced until the aforementioned documents are approved.

The initial charges of oil, grease, electrolyte, generator fuel / oil, chemical, disposal of cake, etc.
necessary for Tests on Completion shall be provided by the Contractor. Raw Sewage and electricity
required for Tests on Completion will be provided by the Engineer free of charge. If necessary,
Contractor shall create design loading conditions for testing purposes by testing fewer than the total
number of installed units of process tanks or equipment at a time. In such cases, multiple tests shall be
conducted to ensure that all installed units are tested. In the event that raw sewage/influent wastewater
is not available at the plant, the Contractor shall defer testing until such time as sewage becomes
available for treatment as described elsewhere in these Bid Documents. The Contractor shall provide
adequate notice (this notice period shall be determined by the normal lead time for locally purchased
chemicals plus at least 28 days) of his chemical requirements prior to commencement of the Tests on
Completion involving their use.

The cost of chemicals used for the Tests on Completion shall be met by the Contractor.
The inspection and tests procedure which will be carried out are provided under the general
conditions of contract- Clause -- and shall also consist of the following:

7.16.2 Manual Commissioning Tests

Manual Commissioning Tests shall be such preliminary trials, tests and retests on individual items
of Plant or complete systems as are required by the Engineer in order to demonstrate that the Plant
as a whole is ready to undergo the Manual Operation Tests (Clause 3.11) and that these will take
place with a minimum of interruption.

The Manual Commissioning Tests shall demonstrate not only the items of Plant under normal
operation, but also their response to abnormal and emergency conditions.

The Engineer will notify to the Contractor which items of Plant will be tested and the extent to
which they will be tested in order to fulfill the requirements of the Specification.

Leakage tests at 1.5 maximum working pressure shall be carried out on all erected pipe work prior
to the Manual Commissioning Tests.

Pump curves shall be available for the Manual Commissioning Tests and all instruments essential
for the tests shall have been calibrated.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 605

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

7.16.3 Manual Operation Tests

When the Manual Commissioning Tests have been completed so that the items of Plant have been
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer Representative, the Contractor shall commence the
Manual Operation Tests.

These tests shall demonstrate the correct operation of the whole Plant whilst using the minimum
quantity of automatic control and monitoring equipment. Such equipment shall be at least that
required both for the maintenance of safety and for the normal mode of operation of the Plant.

The Plant will be required to demonstrate satisfactory operation at all design flow rates.

The tests shall be of seven consecutive days' duration; if the supply of water should fail or other
matters interfere outside the Contractor's control, the tests may be of such number of broken days as
the Engineer considers is the equivalent.

The exact date of commencement shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be
dependent on the following conditions having been met:

(i) All relevant items of Plant in approved working order

(ii) All items of Plant correctly identified with labels

7.16.4 Automatic Commissioning Tests

The Automatic Commissioning Tests shall be such preliminary trials, tests and retests on individual
items of Plant or complete system as are required by the Engineer in order to demonstrate that the
Plant as a whole is ready to undergo the Tests of Completion (Clause 3.13) and that these will take
place with a minimum of interruption.

At least one week before the commencement of these tests, the Engineer will notify the Contractor
which items of Plant will be tested and the extent to which they will be tested in order to fulfill the
requirements of the specification.

The Tests on Completion, as provided under the General Conditions of Contract – Clause 9 shall
not be carried out until the completion of the above tests.
All pipe work shall be hydrostatically tested at site to a pressure equal to 1.5 times the
maximum working pressure likely to be encountered in the system.
The Contractor shall carry out all tests on the Plant and shall supply four copies of all test
results to the Engineer.
All tests shall be to the approval of the Engineer who may require them to be repeated,
prolonged or modified as may be necessary to ensure that any or all items of Plant conform
to the Contract.
The Engineer shall be permitted to inspect all Plant which is undergoing tests and may
himself conduct tests.

Where it is necessary for the Engineer to make arrangements for the supply of water, chemicals,
power, etc., for any testing, the Contractor shall not commence the tests until after these
arrangements have been made on or after a date agreed by the Engineer and the Contractor shall
make no claim for delay to such testing on this account except as provided for under General
Conditions of contract.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 606

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

If any item of plant fails during or after testing to achieve its intended duty or otherwise proves
defective, it shall be modified or altered as necessary and re-tested and re-inspected as required by
the Engineer.

Vibration/noise level tests shall be carried out at site which will form basis for acceptance of the
equipment. If the Contractor is not in a position to meet the requirements given below as per ISO
10816, the equipment may either be rejected or the Contractor shall carry out all necessary
modifications to keep vibrations within the acceptable limits specified.
Noise Level (dB at 1.86 Velocity of vibration
m from equipment) (mm/sec)
All rotating equipment not having 85 1.12
reciprocating parts with motor kW less
than or equal to 15 kW
All rotating equipment not having 85 1.8
reciprocating parts with motor kW more
than 15 kW and less than or equal to 75
All rotating equipment not having 85 2.8
reciprocating parts with motor kW
greater than 75 kW
All equipment having reciprocating 85 -
parts viz. compressors, dosing pumps
sampling pumps

The Contractor shall have a minimum of two commissioning engineers, one for process and plant and
the other for electrical/instrumentation works on site during all tests in order to both demonstrate the
Plant and to correct any faults which may occur.

7.17 Dry Test Requirements

As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out as a general requirement:

(i) A general inspection to check for correct assembly and quality of workmanship
(ii) A check on the presence of lubricant, cooling medium, electrolyte, etc.
(iii) A check on adequacy and security of Plant fixing arrangements.
(iv) A general check to ensure that all covers, access ladders, water proofing, guard railings etc
are in place.
(v) A check on damp-proofing, rust-proofing and vermin-proofing and particularly the sealing
of apertures between building structures, chambers etc and the outside.

7.17.1 Civil and Building Works

As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the civil engineering and
building works:

(i) Check for the presence of foreign bodies in pipe work and structures.

7.17.2 Mechanical Works

As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the mechanical systems:
(i) Carry out preliminary running checks as far is permitted by circumstances in order to
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 607
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

ensure smooth operation of Plant.

7.17.3 Electrical Works

As a minimum requirement the following dry tests shall be carried out on the electrical systems:
(i) Check phasing and polarity.
(ii) Carry out point to point check on all cables.
(iii) Check on security of cable terminations.
(iv) Check on completeness and adequacy of earthing systems.
(v) Check setting on protection relays, sizes of fuses and motor overload settings.
(vi) Carry out checks on cabling systems in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
(vii) Check operation of main circuit breakers by secondary injection methods.
(viii) Check rotational direction of Plant.
(ix) Check instrument loop integrity, functionality and calibration.
(x) Check operation of standby generator installation and mains / generator changeover
(xi) 4 hour load test (using the normal load of the Works) shall be carried out on the generator
when the load is available.
(xii) Check plant functionality.
(xiii) Check functionality of the central MMI and its power supply.

7.18 Process Plant Item / Equipment

All process plant items / equipment shall be tested to ensure they meet the Engineer’s Requirements
for quality of workmanship, construction and performance.

7.18.1 Hydraulic Wet Test Requirements

Hydraulic wet tests shall be carried out on completion of dry tests.

Clear Water shall be used for hydraulic wet tests. The purpose of the tests is to prove the hydraulic
performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this, the Contractor shall ensure that each part of the
Works is hydraulically loaded to its rated throughput for a period of at least four hours.

In order to ensure a sufficient supply of water to carry out these tests the Contractor shall provide all
required facilities, including but not limited to any temporary facilities that may be required for storage
and recycle of Clear Water or facilities for the disposal of the water off Site in an approved manner.
The following tests inter alia shall be carried out:

(i) Pressure testing of all piped systems laid direct in ground in accordance with the
relevant standards.
(ii) Fill all structures and check for leaks.
(iii) Filling of all storage vessels to check for leaks and distortion.
(iv) Running of all pumped systems in order to check for.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 608

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(v) Correct functionality.

(vi) Absence of leaks.
(vii) Correct running temperatures.
(viii) Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress.
(ix) Check drive running currents.
(x) Carry out calibration of instruments where appropriate.
(xi) Carry out valve operation, diversions etc. to fully hydraulically load each process element
(or where there is a requirement to withstand an over load), overload each process element.
(xii) Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems.

The Contractor shall simulate the conditions that will prevail when operating as a process in order to
demonstrate the correct functionality of process control loops etc.

During these tests a check on the performance of Plant shall be made to compare its site performance
with the factory test data and to identify any constraints on performance due to site conditions.

7.18.2 Safety Audit

After satisfactory completion of hydraulic wet tests and prior to introduction of process fluid to the
plant a safety audit shall be carried out to ensure compliance with the necessary requirement for safety
and for operation of Plant. The safety audit shall be documented. The safety audit document shall be
approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of Plant commissioning.

7.18.3 Process Wet Tests (with Raw Sewage)

On approval by the Engineer the Contractor shall carry out process wet tests.

Raw Sewage shall be used as the primary feed stock for process wet tests. These tests shall be carried
out to demonstrate the process performance of the Works. In order to demonstrate this, the Contractor
shall ensure that each part of the Works is loaded to its rated throughput (including a period of overload
if required in order to demonstrate compliance with the Engineer’s Requirements) for a continuous
stable operating period of not less than 48 hours. If necessary, Contractor shall create design loading
conditions for testing purposes by testing fewer than the total number of installed units of process tanks
or equipment at a time. In such cases, multiple tests shall be conducted to ensure that all installed units
are tested. In the event that raw sewage/influent wastewater is not available at the plant, the Contractor
shall defer testing until such time as sewage becomes available for treatment as described elsewhere in
these Bid Documents.

The Contractor shall provide all required facilities for the disposal off Site in an approved manner. The
following tests inter alia shall be carried out:
(i) Check for leaks on vessels, structures, pumps and pipe work.
(ii) Running of all pumped systems in order to check for.
 Correct functionality.
 Absence of leaks.
 Correct running temperatures.
 Smoothness of running and the absence of undue vibration or stress.
 Check drive running currents where the solution pumped is different from that pumped
during hydraulic wet tests.
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 609
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(iii) Carry out calibration of instruments.

(iv) Carry out valve operation, diversions etc. to fully hydraulically load each process element
(or where there is a requirement to withstand an over load), overload each process element.

(v) Demonstrate correct functionality of electrical, control and instrumentation systems not
checked during dry or hydraulic wet tests or which may have changed as a result of the
different operating conditions now prevailing.
On completion of the tests on the various parts of the works the Contractor shall run the plant as a
whole in order to demonstrate the full functionality and performance of the Works at various
throughput rates for a continuous period of not less than 15 days.

During the various process tests the Contractor shall take samples and carry out Sewage quality
analysis at not greater than one-hour intervals in order to demonstrate to the Engineer that the Works is
functioning in accordance with the Engineer’s Requirements. Each sample shall comprise two 1 litre
(minimum) quantities and shall be labelled to identify the contents, where taken and time and date. The
flow recorded at the time of sampling shall also be indicated in the log book or record. One sample
shall be used by the Contractor for his analysis; the other shall be handed over to the Engineer.

The Engineer reserves the right to take additional samples and to carry out his own tests or to check the
samples taken by the Contractor.

The Engineer shall be given reasonable access to the premises where analysis is taking place in order to
check on working practices and the procedures being adopted.

7.18.4 Co-operation with other Contractors in the Execution of their Tests

The Contractor shall, where required, assist other contractors in carrying out their tests on completion
and or tests after completion.

Where this assistance does not constitute part of the Contractors own work associated with Tests on
Completion or Tests after Completion the Contractor shall be reimbursed at the rates approved by the


After the final operation of the Plant, a Performance Test shall be carried out to demonstrate the
compliance with the technical particulars furnished in Technical Schedules, Section IV; Part 1.

Prior to conducting Performance Test, the Contractor and the Engineer shall agree upon detailed
Performance Test Procedure.

Performance Test including the tripping of the pump sets to verify the adequacy of surge Protection
device schedule shall be determined with due regard to the actual progress of the Works and condition
of the Plant.

Performance Test shall be carried out by the Contractor’s personnel according to the instructions set
forth in the Contractor’s Operation and Maintenance Manual and under the supervision of Engineer’s
operating personnel.

Performance tests shall be conducted for continuous 72 hour

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 610

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

7.19.1 Evaluation of Performance Test Data

Evaluation of Performance Test data accumulated during, or as a part of Performance Test shall be
done by the Contractor within seven days (7) after the completion of Performance Test and to be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval.

Any abnormal test data which is not compatible with other significant data shall be ignored or the test
data in question may be taken again if practical from the Plant operating conditions. Tolerances

(i) The performances of the materials or the Plant shall be evaluated on the basis of
the average performance over the entire period of Performance

(ii) The guarantees given in respect of output and power Input shall be verified
according to the standard BS EN ISO-9906:2000 criteria at the manufacturer’s
work, Report of Test Results

 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a report on Performance Test in writing,
indicating whether the Performance Guarantee has been met.

 The report shall include:

 Test results,
 Analysis,
 The Contractor’s evaluation, and
 Reference information supporting the evaluation. Reasons for Failure

If Performance Test results show that Test was unsuccessful, the Contractor shall state probable
reasons for such failure. The Engineer’s Response to the Report

Within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the performance Test Report, the Engineer shall signify in
writing agreement or comments. Contractor’s Action in the Case of Performance Test Failure

If the evaluation of Performance Test results shows that the failure of Performance Test is
Contractor’s fault then the Contractor shall advise the Engineer of his intention as to whether he
wishes to pay the Liquidated Damages or takes corrective measures and repeat Performance Test.

7.19.2 Additional Performance Test

If, due to the Contractors default, any parts of the Performance Guarantee are not met and the
Contractor takes corrective actions to enable the Plant to satisfy the Guarantees, an additional
Performance Test shall be conducted pursuant to sub-clause 7.4 and Clause 9 of the General
conditions of Contract in Part 1 of bid document.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 611

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Modifications of the Plant

Before repetition of any Performance Tests, the Contractor shall take the following actions:

Investigate the cause for non-fulfillment of the Performance guarantees,

Make such changes, modifications or additions to the Engineering or equipment of the Plant
as considered necessary to meet the Guarantees. Engineer’s Permission

The Engineer shall allow the Contractor necessary time to carry out any actions deemed necessary by
the Contractor and the Engineer shall make the Plant available for that purpose and operate the Plant
in such conditions as required by the Contractor.


7.20.1 Acceptance Conditions

Acceptance will occur in any of the three following possible ways:

(i) Fulfillment of Guarantees

When Performance Test has been successfully completed and the Performance Guarantees are

(ii) Deemed Acceptance

When Performance Test has not been completed or has not been carried out for reasons not
attributable to the Contractor within the specified date or other mutually agreed period.

(iii) Payment of liquidated Damages

When the Contractor has paid the liquidated damages specified in this Specification.

7.20.2 Procedures for Acceptance

Procedures for acceptance are stated as below:-

For each of the above three cases, the Contractor shall submit a written request to the Engineer for a
Taking over Certificate to be issued with the following statements:

(i) Fulfillment of Guarantees

 Identification of the Plant (or any individual unit),

 Date of Completion of Performance Test,
 Date and Reference No. of Performance Test Report. and
 Statement that all the performance Guarantees have been met.

(ii) Deemed Acceptance

 Identification of the Plant (or any individual unit),
 Specified or mutually agreed date of Completion Date, and
 Statement that Performance Test has not been carried out or completed due to the reasons not
attributable to the Contractor and specifying the reasons thereof.
Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 612
Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(iii) Payment of Liquidated Damages

 Identification of the Plant (or any individual unit)
 Date of Completion of Performance Test,
 Date and Reference No. of Performance Test Report, and
 Document showing that the Contractor has paid to the Engineer a due amount of
 Liquidated Damages corresponding to the performance deficiencies.

Volume – 2, Section: X, Technical Specifications Page 613

Part 7- Inspection, Testing, Erection & Commissioning
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X : Part - 8 Operation & Maintenance .............................................................................. 614
8.1 Scope of Works ....................................................................................................................... 614
8.2 General..................................................................................................................................... 614
8.3 Facility Operation ................................................................................................................... 624
8.4 Facility Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 635
8.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 635
8.4.2 Preventive and Corrective Maintenance ......................................................................... 636
8.4.3 Maintenance Management ............................................................................................. 637
8.4.4 Calibration of Instruments and Measuring Equipment .................................................. 637
8.4.5 Special Tools and Spare Parts ........................................................................................ 638
8.5 Records and Reporting........................................................................................................... 638
8.5.1 Archiving of SCADA and CMMS Data......................................................................... 638
8.5.2 Site Diary........................................................................................................................ 638
8.5.3 Safety and Health Records ............................................................................................. 639
8.5.4 Monthly Report .............................................................................................................. 639
8.5.5 Annual Report ................................................................................................................ 641
8.5.6 Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report .................................................................. 641
8.5.7 Annual Environmental Audit Report.............................................................................. 642
8.6 Asset Management .................................................................................................................. 642
8.6.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 642
8.6.2 Asset Remediation Plans ................................................................................................ 643
8.6.3 Condition Surveys .......................................................................................................... 643
8.6.4 Residual Life Assessments ............................................................................................. 645
8.6.5 End-of-Contract Condition Survey ................................................................................ 645
8.7 Handing Over of the Facility ................................................................................................. 646
8.7.1 Handback Plan................................................................................................................ 646
8.7.2 Pre-handover Procedures................................................................................................ 647
8.7.3 Handing over on Completion ......................................................................................... 647
8.8 Training Requirements .......................................................................................................... 647
8.8.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 647
8.8.2 Off The Job Training ...................................................................................................... 647
8.8.3 On The Job Training....................................................................................................... 649
8.8.4 Training Programme....................................................................................................... 650
8.8.5 Training Personnel ......................................................................................................... 651
8.8.6 Instrumentation, Control & Automation Training requirements .................................... 651
8.8.7 Operations and Maintenance Training ........................................................................... 651

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X : Part - 8 Operation & Maintenance

8.1 Scope of Works

Operation & Maintenance of plant shall start after completion of Defect Liability period. It shall be of
10 years and 1 year DLP period.

The contractor shall operate and maintain sewage treatment Facilities and all associated works and
systems under this contract, for a period of 10 years and 1 year DLP. The Facilities consists of:
i) Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of 564 capacity including all civil units,
electromechanical equipment and instrumentation as per the contractor’s proposal, to ensure
that all the output guarantees are met including Power Generation by using biogas from the
sludge treatment process of the plant,
ii) General facilities and utility services including all other components of work done under this
iii) PLC based SCADA system,
iv) All other equipment and systems stipulated in technical specification for Civil Works, Process,
and Electrical and Mechanical equipment,
v) All buildings and staff quarters.
vi) Job training for Engineers & engineering staff.
vii) Any other services required for smooth operation of the Facility.

The Contractor shall also dispose of sludge, screenings, grit and any other material, as per
specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. It is noted that all costs during the Operation
and Maintenance (O&M) period, excluding the cost of power is to be borne by the Contractor. Within
the Contractor’s quoted cost, the Contractor is to ensure that the following guarantees are maintained
during the operation and maintenance period. Each is explained in further detail in this specification

i) Quality of treated effluent.

ii) Quality of Dewatered Sludge.
iii) Consumption of chemicals.
iv) Consumption of Electricity.
v) Power Generation by using Biogas

8.2 General

The scope of work under this contract for operations and maintenance broadly comprises but is not
limited to the following:

a) All the cost for operation and maintenance of the WWTP such as manpower, chemicals, fuel,
spares, tools, transportation, disposal of treated effluent, disposal of sludge, disposal of
screening waste and grit, maintenance of civil structures, electrical and mechanical equipment
and automation is in the scope of the Contractor. The Contractor scope of work shall include
preventive maintenance, repairs and replacements as required by the equipment manufacturer’s
written instructions at no extra payment other than whatever has been quoted.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 614
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b) Under this Contract, the Contractor is required to operate and maintain the entire WWTP
facilities consisting of treatment plants, the pumping main, the communication system,
11kV/0.433 kV switchyards, electrical, instrumentation and control systems, all ancillary
buildings, campus area, roads and ancillary civil structures along road for 10 years and 1 year
DLP as specified in the Contract (as at the commencement date of O&M period and all the
additions, alterations done under this Contract thereafter).

c) During operation and maintenance the Contractor shall ensure that the Engineer achieves the
required output parameters as specified by the Engineer. Without limiting the Contractor’s
obligations during the Operations and Maintenance Period, the Contractor shall:

(i) Assist the Engineer in identifying any additional clearances that are to be
required to be obtained by the Engineer for the fulfillment of the obligations of
the Contractor under the Conditions of Contract.
(ii) Provide all required consumables, including chemicals and spares required for
functioning of equipment, except power.
(iii) The chemical consumables, including chlorine used under the Contract shall be
provided by the Contractor at his cost and included in his O &M price.
(iv) Arrange all the necessary manpower for the operation and maintenance of the
(v) Make all necessary arrangements for the tools and plant, spares, machinery and
transportation vehicles necessary for operation and maintenance
(vi) Procure and store all required materials/consumables, equipment, lubricants,
inventory for repair and maintenance required for operation and maintenance,
and maintain proper stock register for the same.
(vii) Be responsible for providing all Operation and Maintenance Services
(viii) Be responsible for the security of the facility and comply with applicable laws
and/or statutory requirements as may be applicable in the land from time to time
(ix) Plan, manage, co-ordinate and carry out the treatment and pumping of raw
sewage and treated sewage as per the instructions given by the Engineer from
time to time
(x) Maintain adequate stores and inventory, as per the operation and maintenance
manual, for timely repairs.
(xi) Maintain and operate all civil structures, mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation control equipment in pumping stations, treatment plant, roads
and communication systems.
(xii) Co-ordination with other Contractors/agencies
(xiii) Be responsible to minimize wastage by attending to leakages within the specified
(xiv) Be responsible for most efficient use of chemicals
(xv) Be responsible for most efficient use of power in running of plant and machinery
(xvi) Be responsible for the implementation of the environmental and social
mitigation measures as specified
(xvii) Be responsible for the Residue Management Disposal of Hazardous Substances
or Hazardous Waste, and providing necessary Residue Disposal Facility
Information to the appropriate agency
(xviii) Maintain operating and maintenance/repair records of all civil structures,
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation control equipment in pumping station,

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 615

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

treatment plant, and communication systems

(xix) Maintain inspection book at all units of the WWTP
(xx) Maintain drinking water supply facilities at administrative building, WWTP
Campus and all its units and staff quarters.
(xxi) Make the necessary arrangements to dispose of the sludge produced by the
(xxii) Be responsible for submission of monthly report

8.2.1 Output and Operational Guarantees

(1) The contractor is fully responsible for treating all the sewage reaching at the inlet chamber.
The performance of the contractor shall be treated as non-compliance if the treated effluent
does not meet with the guarantees listed under this clause unless in force majeure condition.

(2) Treated Effluent Quality

The contractor shall operate the Waste Water Treatment Plant that at all times the treated effluent
quality attains the following parameters:-

pH 6.5-9.0
TSS ≤ 10 mg/lt
Total Nitrogen ≤ 10 mg/l
Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N) ≤ 5 mg/lt
BOD5 ≤ 10 mg/lt
COD ≤ 50 mg/lt
Phosphate as P (PO4-P) ≤ 2 mg/lt
Fecal Coliform < 230 MPN/100ml

(3) Sludge Quality Standard

Sludge shall be dewatered and treated so that it can be effectively reused for various application as
deemed fit by the bidder. The bidder shall not be allowed to dump the sludge or dispose it off in a
low land area for filling in environmentally unsafe manner.

i) Plant Residuals Guarantee

The plant residuals shall achieve the following:

Screenings: The screenings shall comprise of all particles of an effective size in excess of 5 mm and
be “free of dripping water” i.e. the screenings on collection does not contain any dripping water when
disposed from the plant.

Grit: The grit removed shall contain the maximum putrescible organic matter less than 10 % on
dry basis of an average particle size between of more than 150 microns but less than 1000 microns.

All dewatered sludge shall be appropriately treated and made reusable in an environmentally safe

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 616

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(4) Chemical Requirements

The chemical consumed to operate the Waste Water Treatment Plant and other facilities under this
contract shall not exceed the guaranteed chemical consumption as guaranteed by the contractor in the
Bid Document. All cost related to the extra chemical consumption and rectification of the works to the
guaranteed chemical consumption will be borne by the contractor.

(5) Power Generation Guarantees

The contractor shall ensure that the power generated from biogas should not be less than the figure so
guaranteed by the bidder. Damages payable by Contractor to Employer on reduction in Power
Generation from WWTP shall be equal to the value of the power generation deficiency, based on the
guaranteed Power Generation provided by the Contractor for WWTP and the current rates charged to
the Employer for electricity consumed.

(6) Electric Power Consumption Guarantees

The contractor shall ensure that the net power consumption in the plant should not be more than the
figure so guaranteed by the bidder. Ddamages payable by Contractor to Employer on excess
consumption of net electrical energy shall be equal to the actual cost of the excess energy used for
Operation and Maintenance of the Works for WWTP under the Contract, based on the guaranteed
consumption provided by the Contractor and the current rates charged to the Employer for electricity
consumed. Tests and Sampling during O&M Period

8.2.2 Tests and Sampling during O&M Period

The sampling and testing shall be carried out as detailed in the following table. The Contractor’s
schedule for tests and sampling shall also be maintained during the O&M period:


Frequency of
Sr. No. Parameter Type of Sample
1. Influent & Effluent Temperature Daily Grab
2. Grab
Influent & Effluent pH Daily
3. Influent, Primary and Final Effluent Composite
4. Influent, Primary and Final Effluent Composite
5. Influent, Primary and Final Effluent Composite
6. Effluent Ammonical Nitrogen Daily Composite

7. Effluent Fecal Coliforms 3x / week Grab

8. Effluent Phosphorous Daily Composite
9. Effluent Sulphates 3x / week Composite
10. Effluent Total Kjedahl Nitrogen Daily Composite

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 617

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Frequency of
Sr. No. Parameter Type of Sample
11. Biological Reactor D.O. Continuous Online
12. Biological Reactor MLSS, and SVI Daily Grab
13. All Sludge VSS, TSS and Specific 3x / week Grab
14. Gravity
Dewatered Stabilized Sludge after Daily Grab
Centrifuge % Solids

8.2.3 The Operation

1 General

The Contractor shall from the date for commencement of the Operation and Maintenance until expiry
of the Operation Period carry out the Operation in strict accordance with the Registered Design, the
Contractor’s Plan and the programme consented to by the Employer and the provisions of the
Contract. The Contractor shall provide all necessary Plant, and equipment to ensure the safe and
secure Operation of the Facility. The scope of work for the Operation shall include the following:

 Liaise with the Employer and other stakeholders;

 Implement quality system and environmental management system in accordance with ISO
9001 and ISO 14001;
 Operation of all systems associated with the Facilities and disposal of residue from the
 Prepare records and reports;
 Keep the Facility in clean, hygienic, tidy and safe conditions;
 Sustain and maintain condition of landscape establishment;
 Implement security control of the Facility;
 Carry out tests and laboratory analysis;
 Carry out preventive and corrective maintenance;
 Carry out audits, Performance Tests, Condition Surveys and Residual Life Assessments;
 Carry out overhaul, renewal and replacement of Plant;
 Carry out refurbishment of buildings, structures and civil works;
 Review and update the Contractor’s Plan;
 Prepare submissions to the Employer and/ or the Employer’s Representative, utility
companies, government departments and authorities;
 Obtain and renew licences, permits and certificates necessary to operate the Facility;
 Conduct trainings for Contractor’s staff and Employer’s staff;
 Handback the Facility to the Employer and the follow-on contractor at the end of the
Operation Period;
 All other activities set out in the Specification;
 All other liabilities, obligations set forth and reasonably implied in the Contract; and
 Handle and resolve complaints of public in relation to the operation of the Facility;
 Provide ambient air monitoring

2 The Contractor shall operate the Facility in full compliance with the Environmental
Performance Requirements and Operational Performance Requirements as specified in the
Specification. In the event that the Employer certifies non-compliances with these requirements

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 618

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

under the Conditions of Contract, the payment of the Operation Fees shall be reduced or
penalty will be applied, without prejudice to other provisions in the Contract, in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract. Non-compliance points are allocated as specified.

3 The Contractor shall apply for and maintain all licences, permits and certificates necessary for
the Operation of the Facility. Whenever there is alteration or modification of requirements of
the said licenses, permits or certificates, the Contractor shall propose the necessary changes to
the Registered Design, the programme and/or relevant parts of the Contractor’s Plan for the
Employer’s consent.

4 The Contractor shall supervise and control the actions of all Plant, and personnel on the Site to
ensure the safe and secure Operation of the Facility. The Contractor shall maintain all areas in a
clean and orderly condition at all times and shall ensure the correct and proper operation and
handling of all equipment and materials. In particular, the Contractor shall comply with the
approved operation and maintenance procedures for all plants and equipment and shall ensure
that the safety systems are fully operative at all times.

8.2.4 Site Usage

1 Without the prior written consent of the Employer, the Contractor shall not erect nor bring on to
the Site any additional structures, plants, equipment, materials or accommodation, other than
those in the Registered Design or Contractor’s Plans consented to by the Employer.

2 Without the instruction of the Employer, the Contractor shall not use the Facility, including but
not limited to all Plant for any activities other than for the Operation under provisions of the

8.2.5 Condition of the Facility

(1) During the Operation Period, the Contractor shall carry out maintenance, repair, rehabilitation
and replacement work to ensure safe and effective operation of the Facility. The specific
requirements are provided in the Specification.
(2) On the expiry of the Operation Period, the Facility shall be handed back to the Employer in a
good and fully serviceable condition suitable for the immediate and continual use by the
Employer, his agents or the follow-on contractor in accordance with the Conditions of Contract
and the Specification.
(3) The colour of any paintwork and external finishes of buildings and structures, including any
architectural finishes or the Registered Design shall not be changed without the prior consent in
writing of the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall inspect all paintwork and
external finishes of buildings and structures at least once every year and shall carry out
repainting or remedial works as necessary to the consent of the Employer’s Representative.

8.2.6 The Contractor’s Plan

(1) The requirements for the Contractor’s Plan are specified in the Specification. The following
plans in the Contractor’s Plan are relevant to the Operation:-

a) Project Management Plan;

b) Human Resources Plan;
c) Operation Plan;
d) Asset Management Plan;
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 619
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

e) Handing Over Plan;

f) Environmental Management and Quality Plan; and
g) Safety and Health Plan

(2) The Contractor shall review, update and submit if necessary, plans (a) to (e) above annually
during the Operation Period. In case there is no change to the previous plan(s), the Contractor
shall declare such status in writing to the Employer instead of submitting the same plan(s).

(3) The Contractor shall review, update and submit if necessary, the plans (f) to (g) above at
monthly intervals during the Operation Period. In case there is no change to the previous
plan(s), the Contractor shall declare such status in writing to the Employer instead of
submitting the same plan(s).

(4) If the Employer is of the opinion that any of the plans does not meet the requirements of the
Contract, the Contractor shall revise or update the relevant plans and submit to the Employer
for consent within 7 days of the date of notice served by the Employer.

8.2.7 Health and Safety

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequate stability and safety of all work and
operations connected with the execution of the Operation and the safety and health of all
persons on the Site.
(2) The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure that all facilities within
the Site are safely secured during typhoons and all other inclement weather conditions. The
measures taken shall prevent facilities from causing damage to the Plant, and all persons on the
(3) The Contractor shall ensure that the Facility is adequately lit at all times, the level of
illumination of each part of the Facility being consistent with the safe and effective functioning
of that part of the Facility and for security purposes. The Contractor shall provide emergency
lighting in accordance with the Specification.
(4) The Contractor shall maintain the fire services installations at the Facility for fire detection and
fire fighting. Fire services installations shall be approved by the Delhi Fire Services Department
as appropriate.
(5) The Contractor shall display guidelines on personnel health precautions to be taken by all
employees and users of the Facility, including those guidelines concerned with the risk of
Leptospirosis (Weils Disease) at locations agreed by the Employer’s Representative.

(6) The Contractor shall develop and implement a Safety and Health Plan. The Contractor shall
review and update the Safety and Health Plan in accordance with the Specification. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Safety and Health Plan shall take into account of construction work
associated with maintenance of the Facility.

(7) The Contractor shall develop site specific safety training for all personnel as specified in the

(8) The Contractor shall keep records on all safety and health matters. Such records shall be
updated daily and be available at all time for inspection by the Employer’s Representative. The
safety and health records shall include as a minimum the following information:-

a) A record of all employees on the Site;

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 620
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b) Dates and times of employees and staff having completed site orientation/safety
training courses/drill exercises;
c) List of safety and health equipment issued and maintenance records;
d) Safety and health inspections carried out under the supervision of the Safety Manager;
e) Safety and health instructions issued to employees and staff;
f) Safety and health incidents/accidents and actions taken; and
g) Safety and health prosecutions, non-compliances or observations notified by the
Employer’s Representative, Ministry of Labour and Employment or other authorities,
and actions taken.
(9) The Contractor shall formulate and implement strategies to promote good air quality and
prevent indoor air pollution problems for buildings or any part of the building which is totally
enclosed and served with mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system for human
comfort, such as the offices, control rooms, and all indoor locations accessed by operation
(10) The Contractor shall conduct fire and emergency drills at least 4 times each year during the
Operation Period in enabling his staff and all personnel working in the Facility to familiarize
with the proper response to fire incidents and emergency situations. The drill plans shall be
included in the Operation Plan for consent and the drill records shall be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative.
(11) First aid kits shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor throughout the Operation
8.2.8 Environmental Management and Quality Assurance

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for taking mitigation measures to reduce environmental
impacts and nuisances arising from the Operation of the Facility.

(2) The Contractor shall implement an Environmental Management System in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 14001 and develop a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan.
The Contractor shall review and update the Environmental Management Plan when appropriate.

(3) The Contractor shall maintain proper function of the ventilation for the whole operation to
prevent any leakage of objectionable odour.

(4) The Contractor shall implement a Quality Assurance System in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 9000 and develop a comprehensive Quality Plan. The Contractor shall
review and update the Quality Plan in from time to time and when appropriate.

(5) Ensure Noise Pollution within the WWTP as per MoEF norms .

(6) Ensure Air Quality within the plant is devoid of corrosive gasses and the environment is within
the health norms specified by the Ministry of Environment

8.2.9 Cleanliness

(1) The Contractor shall all the times keep the Site and the Facility in a clean, tidy and hygienic
condition to ensure that efficient operation of the Facility is maintained and appropriate
environmental standards are complied with during the Operation Period.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 621

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(2) The Contractor shall clean litter and debris from surface water drainage channels on a regular
and frequent basis. If features are found that are preventing the adequate performance of the
surface water management system or which may develop to an extent so that the performance
requirements of the system are no longer adhered to, appropriate remedial work shall be carried

(3) In addition to regular cleaning, the Contractor shall carry out thorough cleaning at least once
per month of all indoor carpets to ensure free of deep seated dirt, stains and soils, with wet /
steam carpet cleaning method.

(4) The Contractor shall clean and wash the streets of the Facility at least three times a day. The
area to be washed and cleansed is hereinafter referred to as "the streets". "The streets" means
the highway and all adjacent footways and verges within the Facility. The Contractor shall take
necessary measures to avoid spillage/leakage of sludge, water, wastewater, chemicals, fuels or
other waste within the Site. Any spillage/leakage occurred shall be confined and cleaned
immediately. The Contractor shall conduct a thorough check and clean-up at the end of the
opening hours on each working day.

8.2.10 Landscape Establishment

(1) The Contractor shall sustain and maintain in healthy, attractive and safe condition for all trees,
shrubs, groundcovers, annuals, perennials and turf within the Site established in accordance
with the Registered Design. The Contractor shall also clean-up and dispose of all clippings,
pruning, etc., generated in the process.

(2) The following items of work are general descriptions for guidance only and shall not be
construed as a complete detailed list of all operations to be performed:-

 Maintain all landscape plant materials;

 Control and eliminate weeds in mulched areas, turf areas, planting beds, and inert
 Control and eliminate pests; and
 Mow and edge turf.

(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of landscape of the WWTP that is not
limited to irrigation and watering of the grass land inside the boundary of the WWTP.

8.2.11 Good Relations

(1) The Contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable actions to preserve good relations with
stakeholders, neighbours, statutory authorities and bodies and to avoid impairing any amenities
by the behaviour and actions of his employees, by the use of Plant, or by air or water pollution,
or otherwise.

(2) The Contractor shall immediately correct any nuisance such as dust, odour, waste or the like
caused by receiving and treatment of Sludge and by transfer of ash and residue.

8.2.12 Safety & Security

1) The Contractor shall take all safety precautions under various acts and rules under the Central
and State Governments. The Contractor shall be responsible for safety of staff and the
consequences thereof. The Contractor shall deploy round the clock security personnel at the
plant entrance and in the compound for the safety of the plant and premises during the O&M
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 622
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

period. The Contractor shall be completely responsible for the safety of the plant, equipment and

2) The care of the whole of the permanent works shall remain with the Contractor who shall be
responsible for all accidents or damages from whatever cause arising and chargeable for
anything that may be stolen, removed, destroyed or damaged to whomsoever belonging and also
for making good all defects and damages to the said works or to any property adjoining to any
cause whatever, whether such damage or defects were occasioned by the negligence of the
Contractor or not or completion whereof or whether payment may wholly or partially have been
made or the works approved as supposed to have been properly done and no certificate of
approval of any works by any officers or members of the Engineer shall affect or prejudice the
right of the Engineer against the Contractor or be considered or held as at all conclusive as to
the sufficiency of any work materials.

3) Adequate safety precautions against fire, flooding, lightening, electrical shocks, accident due to
moving /non- moving heavy /light equipment shall be strictly observed by the Contractor at the
Contractor’s own cost. Suitable safety measures like gumboots, gloves, safety belts, ladders,
safety la, gas masks, Oxygen apparatus, insulated tools, alarm etc. shall be provided by the
Contractor. Necessary medical first aid kit shall be made available all time. In presence of
observance of above safety precautions, the Contractor shall be responsible for any unforeseen
loss of the equipment or persons dealing with it. Special care shall be taken by the Contractor
while carrying out the work in sewage gas zone. Any incidence of loss of human life or
accident will be totally Contractor’s responsibility.
4) The Contractor shall ensure that the staff employed takes all necessary precautions while
carrying out the work either in shift duties or any general shift as per Indian Electricity Rules
/Factory Act/CPHEEO Manual or, manufacturer’s special instruction for safety /gas handling.
The staff shall use: gas masks, oxygen breathing apparatus, gum boots, safety belts, safety la
and hand gloves during execution of the work as required per the task.

5) During night hours, the main gate shall be locked. However, shift duty staff shall be alerted and
open the gate during surprise checking by Engineer’s staff or any other Government authorities
or the Contractor’s nominee without any wait after checking their proof of identification. Only
bona-fide persons shall be allowed on the WWTP premises. Smoking, consumption of alcohol
and other illegal substances are strictly prohibited within the WWTP site.

6) The Contractor shall provide security services to meet the following objectives:
 To prevent damage, vandalism and the like to the Facility;
 To prevent unauthorized removal of any part of the Facility;
 To prevent unauthorized entry to the Facility;
 To prevent unauthorized parking within the Facility;
 To prevent unauthorized use of the Facility; and
 To provide first aid in an emergency in the Facility.
7) The Contractor shall provide security services on a 24-hour basis throughout the Operation
8) Before and after opening hours of the Facility, the Contractor shall provide security personnel to
patrol the Facility, and provide a gate control service at the main entrance to the Facility.
9) Outside the opening hours of Facility, the security personnel shall observe the CCTV monitors in
the guard house at the main entrance to the Facility with the CCTV cameras trained on, but not
limited to:
 peripheral areas along the Site boundary;
 Open tanks including aeration tanks, primary sedimentation tanks and secondary clarifiers,
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 623
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 entrances to buildings and office area;

10) Any malfunctioning of security and safety installations (including CCTV cameras) and
procedures shall be logged and remedied promptly and the Contractor shall ensure that security
and safety are not materially compromised at any time. Where necessary, interim provisions shall
be implemented
11) Security and safety installations and procedures shall be reviewed and updated at regular intervals
during the Operation Period to take advantage of technological improvements and comply with
prevailing good practice.
12) Regular tests, inspections and maintenance of the fire alarm system, and the fire services
installations in line with industry standards and statutory requirements shall be carried out. Any
malfunctioning shall be logged and remedied promptly.
13) The Contractor shall arrange the issue of passes to his employees for the Operation of the Facility,
and persons authorised by the Employer for the admission to the Site and the Facility, and in such
event any person who fails to show his pass on demand to any duly authorised person shall be
refused admission. Incidents of unauthorised entry shall be reported to the Employer’s
Representative promptly.
14) The Contractor shall not allow and shall prevent any persons, other than his employees, agents for
the Operation of Facility, and persons authorised by the Employer, from entering the Site and the
Facility. For the avoidance of doubt, no visitor shall be allowed without prior permission of the
Employer’s Representative.
15) The Contractor shall maintain a record showing the names identity document numbers of all his
employees or persons authorised by the Employer to whom passes have been issued. An updated
record shall be available at all times for the Employer’s inspection. The Contractor shall ensure
that any pass issued must be returned and invalidated on the cessation of the bearer’s
employment, or as directed by the Employer’s Representative, and in any case on the issue of the
Handover Certificate.

8.3 Facility Operation

8.3.1 Operation Plan

The Contractor shall submit a draft Operation Plan to the Employer’s Representative for certification.
The draft Operation Plan shall be developed based on and shall not differ in any material respect from
the Outline Operation Plan submitted by the Contractor. The Operation Plan shall include, but shall
not be restricted to, the following sections:

(1) General Matters

 Overall plan for operation and maintenance of the Facility with due consideration on the
reliability of performance, flexibility to cope with variability, diligence to maintain
tidiness and cleanliness, capability to respond to emergency situations and effectiveness
to handle complaints and to meet the Environmental Performance Requirements and
Operational Performance Requirements;
 Provision of spare parts and special tools with quantity and particulars throughout the
Operation Period for effective and uninterrupted operation of the Facility;
 Plan for maintaining good communication and relationship with neighbours and
stakeholders; and
 Measures to enhance and sustain the good image of the Facility and the public

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 624

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(2) Operation and Maintenance

 Sampling and testing methodologies in determining physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of influent and effluent of the Facility;
 Identification, elimination and mitigation of safety and health risks associated with the
Operation of the Facility;
 Means and flow of communication among field staff, staff at control rooms and truck
drivers for sludge disposal;
 Procedures and plans to maximize energy recovery and power generation from biogas
produced in the sewage treatment;
 Inventory control of consumables such as fuel, sand and various types of chemicals,
dangerous goods and hazardous materials;
 Safe and proper storage and transfer of various types of materials and chemicals,
dangerous goods and hazardous materials to assure the continuous operation of the
Facility, the compliance with statutory requirements and avoidance of environmental
 Upkeep of the CMMS to ensure availability of reliable on-line and archived data to
satisfy operational needs as well as for assessment of the Contractor’s compliance with
contract requirements;
 Maintenance management plans for every system, building and infrastructure of the
 Preventative maintenance programmes;
 Procedures to handle corrective maintenance;
 Precautionary measures and arrangements for inclement weathers;
 Procedures to record and handle complaints;
 Arrangements for Employer’s Audits;
 Operational arrangements related to Performance Tests;
 Operational arrangements related to Condition Surveys and Residual Life Assessments;
 Procedures to prepare and submit routine records and reports to the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative.

(3) Operational Performance and Environmental Performance Monitoring

 Procedures, plans and actions to achieve compliance with the contract requirements in
respect of Operational Performance and Environmental Performance;
 Setting of appropriate triggering levels for early action against potential non-compliance
with the contract requirements in respect of Operational Performance and Environmental
 Procedures, plans and actions to avoid non-compliance with the contract requirements in
respect of Operational Performance and Environmental Performance; and
 Procedures and actions to rectify non-compliance with the contract requirements in
respect of Operational Performance and Environmental Performance.

(4) Operational Contingency Plan

 Identification of potential problems that may cause disruptions to operation and
assessment of potential impacts;
 Measures to handle identified potential problems and prevent disruptions to operation;
 Measures to handle emergency situations that may cause disruptions to operation and
even shutdown of the Facility;
 Estimation of the duration of shutdown due to various disruption incidents;
 Procedures to handle unauthorized entry to the Facility;
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 625
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Precautions and procedures to resume operation after removal of the emergency

situations; and
 Fire and emergency drill plans.

(5) Information Technology System

 Arrangements for ensuring data security and integrity, and prevention of unauthorized
 Arrangements for data recovery in dealing with accidental lost of essential operational
 Arrangements for allowing flexibility of the computer database to store and process data
upon introduction of new technologies and data management system; and
 Provision of access to the Employer and the Employer’s Representative in the specific
parameter of operation.

(6) Environmental Considerations

 Assessment of air impacts including emission from power generation, arising from the
Operation of the Facility;
 Assessment of water impacts arising from the Operation of the Facility,
 Assessment of noise impacts arising from the Operation of the Facility;
 Assessment of ecological impacts arising from the Operation of the Facility;
 Assessment of waste management arising from the Operation of the Facility;
 Assessment of rodent and insect control arising from the Operation of the Facility; and
 Assessment of other potential nuisances and environmental impacts arising from the
Operation of the Facility.

(7) The Contractor shall obtain the Employer’s consent on the certified draft Operation Plan,
which will then be construed as the Operation Plan. The Contractor shall review and update
the Operation Plan from time to time or when required.
(8) The Contractor shall update or amend the Operation Plan whenever the need to do so becomes
apparent, which may include but not limited to the following:-
 a Change ordered by the Employer, in accordance with the Conditions of Contract;
 any new or emerging technologies, techniques, practices and methods related to the
Operation of the Facility that is more efficient or effective;
 any change in the procedures and arrangement of the treatment process as a result of
liaison with the Drainage Services Department;
 any change required due to additions, amendments to current enactment, regulations,
bye-laws or rules, or new enactments, regulations, bye-laws or rules made during the
continuance of the Operation.

(9) The Contractor shall submit the updated Operation Plan for the Employer’s consent in a
timely manner so as not to interfere the Operation. Submission of revision or update shall not
relieve the Contractor from any of his liability or obligation under the Contract.
(10) Throughout the Operation Period, the Contractor shall operate the Facility wholly in
accordance with the currently consented Operation Plan.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 626

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

8.3.2 Opening Hours of the Facility for Sludge Reception

(1) The Facility shall run 24 hours every day and 365 days each year continuously under normal
operation. It is the obligation of the Contractor to maintain the system operation safely with
redundant backup despite failure occurs on non-critical systems.
(2) All activities on the Site likely to produce any noise shall be subject to the requirements of the
latest Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation) Rules with respect to the Operation.

8.3.3 Contractor’s Resources

(1) Organization Structure

The Contractor shall develop and implement a Human Resources Plan to manage the Facility.
The information shall include:

a) Description of human resources plan, strategy and monitoring mechanism;

b) Organization structure, bureaucracy and line of reporting;
c) Position description, qualification and, responsibility and authority; and
d) Succession planning of key positions.

(2) Staffing

For all operation and maintenance works, the Contractor shall provide skilled staff which has
adequate qualifications and sufficient experience of similar works.

The Contractor shall appoint a Plant Manager to be responsible for managing the Operation of the
Facility. This manager shall be suitably qualified and experienced and shall have experience of
managing similar facilities elsewhere. A detailed curriculum vita (CV) of the Operation Manager shall
be provided to the Employer for approval prior to the commencement of the Operation of the Facility.
Also CV of Shift-in-charge, Plant Supervisors shall be approved by the Engineer.

The following Table describes the minimum staffing, and their minimum qualifications and
experience in similar works that the Contractor will be required to deploy for carrying out the O&M

The requirements below are minimum only. The Contractor shall arrange for extra work force, as and
when required, so as to smoothly run the operation and maintenance including preventive
maintenance, repairs etc. and general cleanliness of the installations.

The Contractor shall make appropriate arrangements for maintenance of items like road work,
buildings, horticulture, patrolling and maintenance of civil structures, vehicle operations and other
activities defined to fulfill its obligations under O&M Contract.

In the event of absence of staff during DLP and O&M period, the deduction of payment shall be done
on a per day basis for the number of days absent. A day salary will be deducted at the recovery rates
considering 30 calendar days in a month as mentioned below:

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 627

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sr. Minimum Rate for
Personnel No. Qualification Main Task of the Personnel
No. experience each
in Rs.
1. Plant 1 BE (Civil/ 15 years Manage and co-ordinate 11,000
Manager/Engineer Chemical/Env. the operation activities to
In charge ) achieve satisfactory
operation of the Facility
2. Engineer 1 BE (Mech/ 8 years Responsible for daily 8,000
(Mechanical/ Electrical) O&M, process units,
Electrical) electrical / mechanical
equipment of the WWTP
and data collection.
3. Jr. Engineer 1 Diploma 5 years Responsible for daily 3,000
(Civil) (civil) maintenance of civil works
4. Chemist 1 (M.Sc. 5 years Daily analysis of samples 2,500
Chemistry/ of WWTP and fixing of
Env.) chlorine doses and sludge
5. Lab technician 3 BSc/Diploma 5 years To assist the chemist in 2,500
(one no. in each daily analysis of samples.
6. Lab attendant 3 Graduate 2 years To assist the chemist in 2,500
(one no. in each daily analysis of samples
shift) and to work in shift.
7. Health and safety 1 Diploma in 5 years Responsible for H&S of 2,000
officer H&S plant and staff.

8. Operators/Shift In ITI 5 years Execution of specific tasks 1,500


charge as indicated by the

Engineer (Mech) and (E&I)
As per

for operating the different

installation of WWTP.

9. SCADA 3 ITI 5 years Responsible for Operation 1,500

Operators (one no & maintenance of SCADA
in each shift) system.

10. Electrician (one 3 ITI 5 years Responsible for 1,500

no in each shift) maintenance of electrical

11. Fitter(Mech.) (one 3 ITI 5 years Responsible for 1,500

no in each shift) maintenance of mechanical

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 628

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Sr. Minimum Rate for
Personnel No. Qualification Main Task of the Personnel
No. experience each
in Rs.
12. Helper/Non- NA NA Assistance to operators & 500

Skilled labour fitters for maintenance of
As per plant

13. Cleaner/Sweeper NA NA Plant cleaning, assistance 500


in removal of
As per

screenings/grit/sludge etc.

14. Security Guards NA NA Plant safety 500

4 per

15. Gardener 1 No NA NA To maintain the 500

garden/Landscaping of the
*Recovery rate shall be increased @8% per year on the rates specified above.
** Bidder to propose minimum number of persons to be deployed.

8.3.4 Manning Level

(1) The Facility shall be manned 24 hours every day with adequate number of the Contractor’s staff
as may be necessary to ensure the safe and effective Operation of the Facility in compliance
with the Contract. The Contractor shall determine the required manning level of each shift of
operation and arrangement during emergencies and inclement weather conditions for the
Employer’s consent. The manning level shall be maintained at all times as that set out in the
Human Resources Plan.

(2) The Contractor shall at all times provide sufficient personnel to enable the fulfillment of all
Operational Performance Requirements and Environmental Performance Requirements in
accordance with the Specification, including the provision of sufficient staffing and equipment
to handle any emergencies such that Operational Performance Requirements and
Environmental Performance Requirements are maintained.

(3) The Contractor shall appoint an Operation Manager to be responsible for managing the
Operation of the Facility. This manager shall be suitably qualified and experienced and shall
have experience of managing similar facilities elsewhere. The Contractor shall refer to the
Specification for detailed qualification requirements of the Operation Manager. A detailed
curriculum vita of the Operation Manager shall be provided to the Employer for approval prior
to the commencement of the Operation of the Facility.

(4) Staff credentials and experience shall be provided to the Engineer for approval in advance of
placement or replacement for the duration of the Contract.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 629

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(5) Not more than one of the Contractor’s key staff (noted in table above) shall be absent from the
project site at any given time. In case, it is necessary for more than one of the key personal to
be absent at a given time, the Contactor shall provide replacements of equivalent or better
qualifications for prior approval by Engineer.

(6) The Engineer is authorized to direct removal of any or all staff employed during the O&M
period of the WWTP if in the sole opinion of the Engineer it becomes necessary. The
Contractor shall comply with such directions and post a suitable substitute(s).

8.3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manual

(1) The Contractor shall prepare standard operation and maintenance procedures for the Facility.

(2) The Contractor shall update the standard operation and maintenance procedures on an ongoing
basis to reflect any changes to the Facility of newly introduced regulations and standards.

(3) The Contractor shall prepare the Operation and Maintenance Manuals for the Facility, in a
format to be agreed by the Employer. The scope of the manual for all the major equipment and
systems of the treatment works should include the following:

a) Introduction
b) Permits and Standards,
c) Description, Operation and Control of Wastewater Treatment Facilities
d) Description, operation and Control of Sludge Handling Facilities
e) Personnel
f) Sampling and Laboratory Analysis
g) Records and Reporting
h) Maintenance
i) Emergency Operation and Response Program
j) Safety
k) Utilities

(4) The Contractor shall ensure that the Operation and Maintenance Manuals are comprehensive
and cover all Plants of the Facility. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall have
detailed descriptions of operation and maintenance procedures supplemented by updated
drawings, figures, graphs, photographs and manufacturers’ literatures.

(5) A draft set of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for certification and subsequently to the Employer for consent at least 60 days
before the Plant Commissioning.

(6) Upon receiving certification and consent of the draft Operation and Maintenance Manuals, the
Contractor shall update the Operation and Maintenance Manuals on an ongoing basis to reflect
changes of the facilities, changes of work safety or other related regulations and standards.

8.3.6 Traffic Control

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for the control of all traffic within the Site.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 630

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

(2) The Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of the traffic management within
the Site. The Contractor shall provide assistance to and coordinate all the works required by
other departments and authorities to implement the traffic arrangement.

(3) The Contractor shall erect and maintain in good conditions traffic control and warning signs
inside the Facility. Traffic signs and road markings shall be in accordance with the
Specification and local safety regulation related.

8.3.7 Handling, Disposal/ Reuse of Waste Water Treatment By-products

The Contractor shall operate and maintain a system for the handling and disposal/ reuse of by-
products from the treatment, including solid waste, screenings, grit and sludge and other residue.
Contractor shall transport the screening, grit material and reusable dewatered sludge for various
purposes as per Contractors choice but will not be allowed for filling or dumping purpose.

(1) All costs related to handling of the by-products, including but not limited to license application,
transportation, tests and treatment shall be borne by the Contractor and deemed to be included
in the Operation Fees.

8.3.8 Release of Bio-Gas

The Contractor shall conduct his activities in the WWTP site in such manner that bio-gas will not be
released or leak at the site or elsewhere. The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting any adverse
consequences resulting from any such release, leakage or spillage and shall make / file reports with
respect to enquire under the conditions of contract for operation and maintenance and applicable law.
In case release /flaring of bio-gas is required, necessary arrangement shall be provided for flaring the
gas as per the norms as prescribed by CPCB/ PPCB.

8.3.9 Release of Hazardous Substances or Hazardous Wastes

The Contractor, after first notifying the Engineer, shall be responsible for fulfilling all requirements
associated with any release of any substance or waste into the environment (from the facility to the
site ) as required by the Applicable law or by any Legal Entitlement including but not limit to the
notification or reporting of release / Hazardous Waste. The Contractor shall prepare memorandum
evidence such notification or reporting and provide copies thereof to the Engineer along with any
documents provided to the relevant regulatory agency regarding such release.

8.3.10 On-site Communications

(1) The Contractor shall manage and maintain computer facilities and telemetry connections
between the Facility and the Employer's on-site and off-site offices as specified in the
(2) The Contractor shall manage and maintain telephone and facsimile services to the Facility and
for the use of the Employer’s Representative.
(3) The Contractor shall establish communication links and provide proper equipment for
communication between field staff, staff at control rooms, and truck drivers for operation and
by-product disposal.
(4) Prior to using any radio-communications on the Site, the Contractor shall have to obtain
necessary licenses granted by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing and all relevant
bodies and authorities.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 631

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

8.3.11 Inventory Control

Throughout the Operation Period, the Contractor shall provide and maintain special tools and spare
parts in accordance with the Registered Design and sufficient for 2 years operation. The Contractor
shall also maintain stock level of all consumables as required in the Specification or otherwise
consented to by the Employer, to ensure continuous operation of the Facility. The required stock
levels shall take into consideration reliability of sources and supply interruptions, for example, due to
inclement weather.

(1) The target stock levels to meet the requirements the Specification shall be set out in the
Operation Plan. The quantity or amount of each item required to meet the target stock level
shall be entered in the Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for

(2) The current stock levels shall either be updated on-line by monitoring signals of the SCADA
system (e.g. level of chemical tanks) or by manual input to the CMMS at a reasonable
frequency with reference to the respective consumption rates, but in any case not fewer than
once per week. All delivery of spare parts and consumables shall be recorded as appropriate.

(3) The Contractor shall develop and implement an appropriate inventory control system and work
procedures such that stock levels of spare parts and consumables shall be updated in the CMMS
and appropriate record files immediately at the time the spare parts and consumables are
retrieved from the store. In general, the method and frequency of updating shall be stated in the
Operation Plan for the Employer’s consent.

(4) The Contractor shall carry out inventory checks in every six months. The inventory checks shall
be scheduled to avoid disturbance to the Operation and a one-week advance notice shall be
served to the Employer’s Representative. The Employer may, at his discretion, attend any of
these inventory checks.
8.3.12 Chemicals, Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials

(1) The Contractor shall provide and maintain storage of chemicals, Dangerous Goods and
hazardous materials required for the Operation. Dangerous Goods means any of the goods or
substances to which the Dangerous Goods Ordinance applies.

(2) The Contractor shall include in his Operation Plan a detailed list all chemicals, Dangerous
Goods and hazardous materials to be used in the Operation with inventory control programme,
safety plan and procedures for handling and storage.

(3) The Contractor shall maintain appropriate stock levels to allow continuous and efficient
Operation of the Facility but the quantity stored in the Facility shall not exceed the regulatory

(4) All chemicals, Dangerous Goods and hazardous materials shall be packed in containers of
suitable design and construction so as to prevent leakage, spillage or escape of the contents
under normal conditions of handling, storage and transportation, and shall comply with relevant
statutory and the requirements of Delhi Fire Services Department.

(5) Storage areas of chemicals, Dangerous Goods and hazardous materials, including any room,
cupboard, cabinet or bin, should display a hazard warning panel, notice or marking at or near
the entrances or opening of the storage area and such panel, notice or marking should:

a) be indicated in English and Hindi;

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 632

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

b) be securely attached to or worked in vertical plane of the storage structure;

c) be weather resistant and rigid;
d) be kept clean and free from obstruction; and
e) meet statutory and Delhi Fire Services Departments requirements where appropriate.

8.3.13 Breakdown and Emergencies General
a) The Contractor shall notify the Employer’s Representative in advance in writing of all
shutdowns and interruptions to any part of the Operation. Provided that in the event of an
emergency shutdown or any emergency action at the Site, the Contractor shall forthwith give
notice by telephone and as soon as practicable thereafter give notice in writing to the
Employer’s Representative and specify the probable cause, effect and extent of such
b) Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and responsibilities under the other provisions of
the Contract, the Contractor shall provide from time to time all temporary arrangements and
contingency provisions necessary or as may be provided in the Contract to maintain the
Operation during the maintenance, overhaul, renewal, breakdown, Performance Tests,
Condition Surveys and subsequent repair of any part of the Facility, without limitation to the
generality of the foregoing:-
c) The Contractor shall not be permitted to suspend the Operation by reason of any such event;
d) The Contractor shall make available at all times such workers, Plant as provided in the Contract
for the execution of emergency works to the Facility;
e) If by any reason of any accident or failure of other event occurring which, in the opinion of the
Employer’s Representative requires the emergency works to be executed or services to be
performed, the Employer’s Representative may give to the Contractor an order verbally in the
first instance, to be followed by an instruction within 1 days of the issue by the Employer’s
Representative of the verbal order. The Contractor shall upon receipt of the verbal order
immediately execute the works or perform the services with due diligence as instructed in the
verbal order.

8.3.14 Emergency Procedures The Contractor shall prepare an Operational Contingency Plan as part of the Operation
Plan. This shall state the non-routine operational procedures to be adopted during
emergencies, and shall include at least the following:-

 Fire;
 Vehicle breakdown and accidents;
 Facility closure;
 Procedure to handle excessive incoming sewage due to rain storm or infiltration;
 Floods;
 Inclement weather conditions;
 Power outage;
 Spillage of chemicals;
 Labour disputes; and
 Others. The Operational Contingency Plan shall be submitted to all relevant authorities including
but not limited to the Employer’s Representative for comment and submitted to the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 633

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Employer for approval. The Contractor shall review and update the Operational
Contingency Plan regularly or when considered necessary by the Employer.

8.3.15 Employer’s Audit Unless otherwise specified, an Employer’s Audit of the Facility operations shall be carried
out, on a monthly basis, jointly by the Contractor and the Employer’s Representative and
shall include, without limitation, inspection and audit of the following:-

a) Influent/Effluent quantities and characteristic;

b) General plant and equipment conditions;
c) Spare parts conditions;
d) Storage of chemicals, dangerous goods and hazardous materials;
e) Storage of consumables;
f) Conditions of security and safety installations;
g) Site Cleanliness and Housekeeping;
h) Odour;
i) Noise;
j) Lighting;
k) Surface water;
l) Dust;
m) Vermin/insect;
n) Site Diary and Safety and Health Records;
o) Operational records and data including SCADA and CMMS database;
p) Manning levels; The observations and findings of the Employer’s Audit, among the observations and
findings identified from the routine inspection carried out by the Employer’s
Representative, shall be used to determine non-compliance with the Environmental
Performance Requirements and the Operational Performance Requirements as specified in
the Specification. In such case, the Employer will notify the Contractor as soon as is
practicable specifying his observation of non-compliance in accordance with the Conditions
of Contract. On the basis of the Employer’s Audit the Contractor shall be required to remedy any part of
the Operation that is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. Nothing in relation to the Employer’s Audit shall relieve the Contractor of his obligations,
liabilities and responsibilities and shall not constitute any admission on the part of the
Employer that any such obligations, liabilities and responsibilities have been complied with. The Employer’s Representative will advise the Contractor of the date and time of the
Employer’s Audit. The Contractor’s Operation Manager and Safety Manager shall be
present during the Employer’s Audits.
8.3.16 Unscheduled Audit From time to time the Employer will send an audit team comprising the Employer’s
employees and/or the Employer’s agents to carry out on-site detailed monitoring of every
aspect of the operation and maintenance of the Facility. The Employer will give the
Contractor 7 days’ notice (the notice should be kept to the minimum) of commencement of
the said audit. The Contractor shall make provisions to assist the Employer’s audit team to
monitor the operation and maintenance.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 634

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) These shall include without limitation the following:

a) To provide detailed operational and maintenance procedures and records within 3

days of being requested by the Employer in writing;
b) To provide on the spot verbal explanation of operational and maintenance matters
when asked;
c) To provide responses to questions raised by the said team on the operation and
maintenance of the Facility; and
d) To provide comments within 14 days of receipt of report(s) produced by the said team
regarding the operation and maintenance of the Facility.

8.4 Facility Maintenance

8.4.1 General The Contractor shall carry out corrective and preventive maintenance for the Facility in
accordance with the maintenance management plans in the consented Operation Plan to
ensure the facilities and equipment perform to the specific standards. The Contractor shall ensure on a continuing basis that at all times his maintenance
procedures are sufficient so that:

a) The Facility operates on a continuous basis in compliance with all stipulated

performance requirements;
b) The Facility is maintained to achieve its full working life; and
c) The condition of the Facility at the expiry of the Operation Period enables it to
meet its residual design life requirements as set out in the Specification. All elements of the Facility shall be maintained at regular and frequent intervals so that their
performance requirements are met. The system of planned maintenance shall include the maintenance of adequate records. Maintenance shall be carried out in a safe manner following the procedures for ensuring the
safety of operatives including but not limited to a "permit-to-work" system, the correct use
of lifting equipment and the isolation of Plant. All elements of the Facility shall be regularly and frequently cleaned, checked for damage,
and repairs made as appropriate. The frequency of cleaning and checking shall be proposed
by the Contractor for agreement with the Employer’s Representative. The cost of maintenance, including remedial works identified in the Performance Tests and
Condition Surveys, shall be deemed to be included in the Operation Fees. The Contractor shall complete remedial works identified in the Performance Tests and
Condition Surveys in the manner and within the time allowed in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract. If the Contractor fails to complete the remedial works to the
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative within the specified time, the Employer is
empowered to instruct the remedial works to be carried out by other contractors and deduct
the costs for such instruction from any payments due to the Contractor.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 635

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The Contractor shall make and maintain detailed records of all Facility maintenance work,
which shall remain available for inspection by the Employer's Representative within 24
hours’ notice. In accordance with the Specification, the records of Facility maintenance work shall be
submitted by the Contractor to the Employer’s Representative on a monthly basis, and will
be made available for inspection by Contractor bidding for any follow-on contract. The Contractor shall maintain the Facility wholly in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract and the approved maintenance management plans in the Operation Plan. If the
Contractor identifies any possible alternative method of maintenance that may be more
efficient he shall notify the Employer accordingly. If any such change to the method is
acceptable to the Employer it will be implemented in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Contract.

8.4.2 Preventive and Corrective Maintenance The Contractor shall be responsible throughout the Operation Period for the maintenance of
the Facility and parts thereof including all preventive maintenance, overhaul, repairs,
rehabilitation, renewal and replacement of Plant which at all times shall be maintained in
good functional conditions and to perform in accordance with the Specification. The Contractor shall develop and implement specific preventive maintenance programmes
for every system, equipment, building and infrastructure of the Facility with the objective of
maximizing their availabilities as well as minimizing any unscheduled maintenance or
emergency shutdown. The scope and frequency of preventive maintenance shall meet the manufacturer’s
recommendations, as a minimum, and shall be adjusted with reference to conditions
identified in the previous preventive maintenance and any repair carried out recently. The preventive maintenance programmes shall be incorporated into the Operation Plan and
updated whenever necessary in accordance with the Specification. The same shall be entered
into the CMMS in accordance with the Specification for generation of work orders and for
monitoring. For the avoidance of doubt, the replaced items or parts upon maintenance or repair shall be
regarded as the property of the Contractor and at his disposal and/or removal off-site away
of these items shall be made known to the Employer’s Representative. Scheduling of preventive maintenance which requires system or equipment shutdown shall
ensure that the ability of remaining system or equipment can meet the Operational
Performance Requirements and Environmental Performance Requirements. The Contractor shall effect all necessary or appropriate maintenance with due diligence and
expedition. Conditions of the Facility shall be proactively managed with defects rectified
within a time frame agreed to by the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall
rectify any defects identified by the Employer’s Representative in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract. Preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and the subsequent repairs, renewal or
replacement work shall be carried out in a safe manner, including the adoption of the
appropriate safe work procedures stated in the Safety and Health Plan.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 636

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the setup and use of temporary equipment /
works such as mobile lifting equipment, mobile access platforms, scaffolding, platforms and
ladders, etc. All relevant guidelines, Code of Practices and statutory requirements shall be
strictly followed.

8.4.3 Maintenance Management The CMMS shall include functions for the creation and upkeep of work orders and
maintenance records. The database shall include the following information:

 Preventive maintenance programmes of systems, equipment, building and

infrastructure of the Facility, which are used to generate work orders for preventive
maintenance automatically;
 Logs off system or equipment fault / breakdown and automatic generation of work
orders for corrective maintenance;
 Date of inspection / maintenance (preventive or corrective) carried out;
 Names and positions of Contractor’s staff carried out the inspection / maintenance;
 Logs off manual alterations of any operations records, etc;
 Details of inspection / maintenance carried out including:-
 Causes of maintenance
 Maintenance procedures
 Special gears / equipment used
 Spare parts used
 Equipment / parts replaced
 Any follow-up actions / recommendations (e.g. change of operational
procedures, etc.) The CMMS shall have functions to organize, sort and filter the maintenance records in the
database as required and perform statistical analysis and generate reports for performance
monitoring. The CMMS database shall be archived on a monthly basis. One electronic copy of the entire
database shall be stored on the Site for retrieval as necessary. Another backup copy shall be
passed to the Employer’s Representative.

8.4.4 Calibration of Instruments and Measuring Equipment The Contractor shall maintain accuracy and reliability of all measurement facilities
throughout the Operation Period to enable correct and effective monitoring and control of
the Facility. The Contractor shall be responsible for the calibration and re-calibration as necessary of all
measurement facilities. All calibration work shall be carried out so as not to delay or disrupt
the Operation. Calibration frequency shall not be less than that recommended by the
manufacturers of the instruments or measuring equipment and in any case no longer than 12-
month intervals. For the avoidance of doubt, all costs associated with any agreed calibration
shall be deemed to be borne by the Contractor and included in the Operation Fees.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 637
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The calibration shall be carried out by an accredited testing and calibration organization
consented to by the Employer’s Representative. The results of calibration shall be made
available to the Employer’s Representative.

8.4.5 Special Tools and Spare Parts During the Operation Period, the Contractor shall provide and maintain special tools and
spare parts in accordance with the Registered Design. The storage of special tools and inventory of spare parts shall be recorded and monitored in
accordance with the Specification. At the expiry of the Operation Period, the Contractor shall handover to the Employer all
special tools and spare parts in accordance with the Registered Design. The stock level of
spare parts shall be sufficient for 2 years operation from the date of Handover Certificate.

8.5 Records and Reporting

8.5.1 Archiving of SCADA and CMMS Data The Contractor shall maintain all operation and maintenance records, including the SCADA
and CMMS data, throughout the Operation Period in a safe and secure manner. No record
shall be discarded without prior consent of the Employer. Any amendment to the records
shall only be made in accordance with proper checking and authorization procedures, which
shall be included as part of the Operation Plan submitted to the Employer for consent. The Employer’s Representative shall be allowed to check the abovementioned data and
records described at any time. As far as possible, all records shall be kept electronically utilizing the Contractor’s Site
computer facilities with backup security. If the computer facilities fail, then appropriate
paper records shall be produced and filed. The records shall be filed electronically and the electronic files shall be submitted to the
Employer and/ or the Employer’s Representative upon request. Copies of any paper record
shall also be submitted at the same time. The Contractor shall submit formats of electronic
and paper records to the Employer for consent. For the purpose of retrieving SCADA and CMMS data under this Clause, the Contractor
shall provide and maintain workstations at the Employer’s offices, including an on-site
office and an off-site office, the location of which shall be determined by the Employer. The
requirements of these workstations shall be in accordance with the Specification. The
workstations shall be complete with all necessary hardware and software. All cost, including
for the avoidance of doubt application and subscription fees for licences and communication
services, are deemed to be included in the fixed Operation Fees.

8.5.2 Site Diary The Contractor shall maintain a Site Diary which shall include, as a minimum, the following
information on a daily basis:

 Date and weather;

 Operation hours;
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 638
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Labour on the Site;

 Flow and quality records of influent and effluent;
 Disposal records of treatment by-products;
 Accidents and incidents;
 Instructions to the Contractor;
 Comments by the Contractor;
 Complaints received and action taken;
 Authorized visitors to the Site; and The exact scope, form and layout of the Site Diary shall be agreed with the Employer from
time to time. The Site Diary shall be in a printed proforma completed with one original and three copies:

a) Employer (Original);
b) Employer’s Representative;
c) Contractor; and
d) File copy. The Site Diary shall be checked and signed by authorized personnel of the Contractor in
accordance with the consented Operation Plan. The completed Site Diary shall be made
available to Employer’s Representative for inspection not later than noon time on the
following day. The Contractor shall keep appropriate records of all personnel employed at the Site. These
records shall be available for inspection by the Employer’s Representative at any reasonable
time. These records shall be kept available for inspection throughout the Operation Period. The Contractor shall retain at the Facility a Construction Site Safety Manual or approved
equivalent. All accidents occurring to personnel during the Operation Period shall be
recorded and reported to the Employer’s Representative within two hours of the occurrences
of the accidents.

8.5.3 Safety and Health Records The Contractor shall keep records on all safety and health matters as specified in the
Specification and update such records daily for inspection by the Employer’s

8.5.4 Monthly Report The Contractor shall provide and present details, in the form of Monthly Reports, of
operational data and information in relation to the Operation of the Facility to the Employer
in a systematic and concise manner. Monthly Reports shall be submitted in duplicate to the
Employer and the Employer’s Representative by the 14th day of the month following the
month to which the report relates. Typical required information and data shall include, but
not be limited to the following:-

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 639

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Project Management

 An updated organization chart which includes details such as number of
employees in the Facility by trades;
 Change of staffing;
 Summary of visits to the Facility;
 Performance Tests or Condition Surveys carried out and scheduled in the
following month;
 Meetings held with the Employer, and other related authorities, etc;
 Scheduled meeting in the following month; and
 Quantity and quality of influent and effluent, and a summary of problems
encountered during the month. Energy Consumption, Energy Recovery and Power Generation Data

 Summary of energy consumption (fuel and electricity) of the Facility,;
 Quantity of biogas produced and power generated; Inventory and Consumables Data

 Quantities of chemicals, reagents, fuel and spare parts consumed;
 Stock level of chemicals, reagents, fuel and spare parts;
 A list of current suppliers for chemicals, reagents and additives and their
contact details;
 Delivery records of all consumables. Environmental Monitoring Data

 Records and document concerning the disposal of treatment by-products. Maintenance Records

 Summary of all preventive and corrective maintenance, plant alteration,
renewal and replacement activities with descriptions, photos and drawings
as appropriate;
 Summary of the CMMS database for ongoing maintenance / repair work
carried forward to the next month;
 Summary generated from CMMS database for backlog of outstanding
preventive maintenance work orders for 30 days and more (counting from
the CMMS preset work order completion date), with reasons of delay and
measures taken / plan to rectify;
 Summary generated from CMMS database for backlog of outstanding
corrective maintenance work orders for 3 days and more, with reasons of
delay and measures taken / plan to rectify; and
 Programme showing the scheduled maintenance (including planned and
ongoing) work in the following month. Incident Report

 Covering injury of any staff or members of the public / fire / property
damage, etc. and their corresponding statistical analysis;
 Covering any fatal incidents of any staff or members of the public;
 Details of incidents and recommendation on prevention of re-occurrence;
 Comparison with relevant statistics in the past; and
 Safety and security issues. Complaint Record

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 640

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 Detailed account of each complaint including complainant, time, nature,

issue of complaint and action taken; and
 Statistical analysis of all complaint records. The Contractor shall supplement and present any additional operational data and
information, in form of Monthly Reports or in ad-hoc manner, as requested by the
Employer’s Representative from time to time. Details of report formats shall be approved by the Employer.

8.5.5 Annual Report The Contractor shall submit Annual Reports to the Employer and the Employer’s
Representative before the last day of the anniversary month following the year to which the
report relates. summaries of quantities and characteristics of sewage received and treated at the
Facility during the reporting year; overall performance of the Facility with highlights on non-compliance with
Operational Performance and Environmental Performance Requirements; summary of expiry dates for licences, permits and certificates for the Operation; summary of major equipment breakdown, repair, overhaul, renewal, replacement,
modification, Performance Tests, Condition Surveys carried out, with CMMS
reports; summary of incidents related to safety and health, environmental issues, security
and complaints; scheduled maintenance, overhaul, renewal, replacement, modification of major
plant and equipment, Performance Tests and Condition Surveys in the
forthcoming 12 months; list of Changes ordered by the Employer, with details and status; summary of payments of Operation Fees; and records of the Contractor’s financial performance including audited accounts
with balance sheets and profit/loss statements. Details of report formats shall be approved by the Employer.

8.5.6 Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report The Contractor shall submit Monthly Environmental Monitoring Reports to the Employer
and the Employer’s Representative by the 14th day of the month following the month to
which the report relates. Typical required information and data shall include, but not be
limited to the following:-

 results of environmental monitoring undertaken during the reporting period;

 actions and mitigation measures adopted or to be adopted to redress unacceptable,
consequential or unanticipated environmental impacts, together with an assessment
of their likely effectiveness;
 comparison with both statutory and contractual compliance limits; and

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 641

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

 details of response in the event of any omissions or failures. Details of report formats shall be approved by the Employer.

8.5.7 Annual Environmental Audit Report The Contractor shall submit Annual Environmental Audit Reports to the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative before the last day of the anniversary month following the year
to which the report relates. The Annual Environmental Audit Report shall include review on environmental monitoring
data and operational data obtained in the reporting year, with particular reference to the
effectiveness of mitigation measures identified in the previous Environmental
Monitoring/Audit Reports and measures that the Contractor proposes to adopt in
overcoming any shortcoming.

8.6 Asset Management

8.6.1 General The Contractor shall submit a draft Asset Management Plan to the Independent s
Representative for certification. The draft Asset Management Plan shall be developed based
on and shall not differ in any material respect from the Outline Asset Management Plan
submitted by the Contractor. The Asset Management Plan shall include, but shall not be
restricted to, the following sections:- Asset Overview

 classification and registry of assets of the Facility;
 significance of assets to the performance of the Facility;
 dependencies between the assets;
 asset management strategy; Performance and Standards

 design lives of Plant, buildings and structures;
 benchmarks, standards and guidelines adopted for Performance Tests,
Condition Surveys and Residual Life Assessments; Asset Performance Monitoring

 plans, scopes, arrangements and reporting for Condition Surveys and Residual
Life Assessments in accordance with the Specification;
 plans, scopes, arrangements and reporting for Performance Tests in accordance
with of the Specification; Asset Remediation Plans

 refer to the appropriate section in the following,

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 642

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The Contractor shall obtain the Employer’s consent on the certified draft Asset Management
Plan, which will then be construed as the Asset Management Plan. The Contractor shall
review and update the Asset Management Plan annually. The Contractor shall carry out all corrective and preventive maintenance programmes for the
Facility in accordance with the consented Operation Plan and Asset Management Plan. The Contractor shall carry out or cause to be carried out repair, replacement and
rehabilitation of the Facility and the Site as required for the ongoing operation of the Facility
in accordance with the design performance and standards. The Contractor shall note that all reports prepared by the Contractor under this Specification
will be made available for inspection by the Contractor for any follow-on contracts. All costs associated with works and services pursuant to this Specification shall be borne by
the Contractor and deemed to be included in the Operation Fees.

8.6.2 Asset Remediation Plans The Contractor shall develop and implement asset remediation plans which shall include, as
a minimum, the following:-

 schedules for overhaul and replacement of Plant;

 schedules for refurbishment and renewal of buildings and structures;
 planned actions to bring or keep the assets above their minimum conditions required
under the Contract;
 criteria for acquisition and disposal of assets; and
 means and arrangements to demonstrate to the Employer that the Plant, , buildings
and structures have the respective residual lives specified in the Specification at the
expiry of the Operation Period; If the design life of any Plant, buildings or structures stated in the Asset Management Plan
or otherwise established during Residual Life Assessments in accordance with the
Specification expires during the Operation Period, the Contractor shall before such expiry
renew, rehabilitate or replace such Plant, buildings or structures. The cost of such renewal,
rehabilitation or replacement shall be deemed to be included in the Operation Fees provided
that with respect to the design life of any Plant, buildings or structures which is due to expire
but which Plant, buildings or structures still performs safely and efficiently and in
accordance with the Contract requirements, the Contractor may at the option of the
Employer’s Representative defer such renewal, rehabilitation or replacement so long as the
said performance continues but the Contractor shall in any event complete the said renewal,
rehabilitation or replacement before expiry of the Operation Period.

8.6.3 Condition Surveys The Contractor shall engage with the Employer’s Representative to carry out Condition
Surveys of the Facility in the presence of the Contractor or the Employer’s Representative.
The surveys shall be carried out in the seventh month of the 3rd, 6th and 8th year of the
Operation Period, unless otherwise consented to by the Employer. The scope of the Condition Survey shall include:

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 643
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) Inspection and auditing of manuals, schedules, reports, SCADA and CMMS
records for compliance; Visual inspection of all components, including Plant, buildings and structures
for state of maintenance and repairs; Inspection of performance records and performance evaluation of the plant
and equipment in operating condition; Witness testing of the plant and equipment in operating condition, including
the Performance Tests specified in the Specification; Based on the above information, forming a view as to the general operation
and maintenance condition of the Plant, buildings and structures, with due
regard to their service hours and/or age; and Making recommendation on enhancement of the operation and maintenance
of the Facility, where applicable. The Contractor shall compile and submit a condition survey plan to the Employer for
approval at least 45 days prior to commencement of the Condition Survey. The condition
survey plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Contractor to ensure uninterrupted
Operation of the Facility. The condition survey plan shall include the following information,
as a minimum: a programme showing the systems, equipment, structures, etc. which are
included in the Condition Survey; detailed descriptions of precautionary measures, methodologies,
procedures, timing for the inspections, audits, measurements or tests to
be carried out on each survey item; effect on normal operation of the Facility including any reduction in
redundancy or standby capacity, with mitigation measures or temporary
arrangements clearly stated; any safety, health and environmental related issues; details of any temporary work for the Condition Survey; and contingency plan for emergency situations that may arise during the
Condition Survey. The Condition Survey shall not commence until the condition survey plan have been
approved to by the Employer. The entire condition survey shall be completed within 1
calendar month. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer and the Employer’s
Representative, a detailed condition survey report within 28 days of the completion of the
Condition Survey. The report shall include:- methodologies and findings of the survey; identification of any damage or defects; recommendation of rectification work required to satisfy requirements of
the Contract; and recommendation of enhancement to the operation and maintenance of the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 644

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) In the event that the Employer considers, as a result of the Condition Survey and the
Residual Life Assessment specified in the Specification, if appropriate, that any part or parts
of the Facility require repair, maintenance, rectification or replacement to satisfy the
requirements of the Contract, the Employer will serve notice under the Conditions of
Contract on the Contractor of the work necessary to be carried out. The Contractor shall
ensure that all such repair, maintenance, rectification or replacement are completed within
reasonable time and in any case not more than 90 days after receipt of the Employer’s
notice, unless otherwise consented to by the Employer. Prior to the handing over of the Facility, the Contractor shall conduct an End-of-Contract
Condition Survey as specified in the Specification. The Condition Surveys in the 6th and 8th years of the Operation Period shall include the
Residual Life Assessment as specified in the Specification. For the avoidance of doubt, all costs associated with the carrying out and reporting of the
Condition Surveys shall be borne by the Contractor deemed to be included in the Operation
8.6.4 Residual Life Assessments The Condition Surveys in the 6th and 8th years of the Operation Period and the End-of
Contract Condition Survey shall include a Residual Life Assessment. The Residual Life
Assessment shall be carried out as part of the Condition Surveys by the Independent
Surveyor. The Residual Life Assessment shall benchmark the Facility against relevant international
standards / guidelines, and performance of similar facilities on a worldwide basis. The Contractor shall include a separate section in the survey report specified in the
Specification for the Residual Life Assessment, to record the following:- Residual life assessment methodology; Standards, guidelines and references adopted; Detailed descriptions of assessment carried out; Findings of assessment; and Recommendation of work required for the upkeep of the Facility in
satisfactory conditions.

8.6.5 End-of-Contract Condition Survey All requirements for Condition Surveys specified in the Specification and those for Residual
Life Assessments specified in the Specification shall apply to the End-of-Contract Condition
Survey unless otherwise specified. The End-of-Contract Condition Survey shall be carried out at least 9 months but not more
than 12 months prior to the expiry of the Operation Period to verify conditions of the
Facility and ascertain the residual life of the Facility. For the avoidance of doubt, the End-of-Contract Condition Survey shall include a Residual
Life Assessment as specified in the Specification. As part of the End-of-Contract Condition Survey, the Contractor shall carry out tests and
provide all necessary assistance to the Employers’ Representative to determine whether the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 645

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Facility to be handed over to the Employer is in good and serviceable condition suitable for
continual use and meets the residual life requirements as specified in the Specification. The Contractor shall compile and submit an End-of-Contract Condition Survey Plan to the
Employer for consent at least 60 days prior to commencement of the End-of-Contract
Condition Survey. The plan shall include tests and inspections requested by the Employer. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer, and the Employer’s
Representative, a detailed End-of-Contract Condition Survey report within 28 days of the
completion of the End-of-Contract Condition Survey. The report shall include
recommendation of work required to meet the residual life requirements specified in the
Specification. In the event that the Employer considers, as a result of the End-of-Contract Condition
Survey, that any part or parts of the Facility require repair, maintenance, rectification or
replacement to satisfy the requirements of the Contract, the Employer will serve notice
under the Conditions of Contract on the Contractor for the work necessary and the work that
becomes necessary during the remainder of the Contract to be carried out and completed to
the satisfaction of the Employer no later than 60 days prior to the expiry of the Operation
Period. In the interpretation of the End-of-Contract Condition Survey, the Employer will
have due regard for the obligation under this Contract on the Contractor to fully maintain the
Facility that is to be handed over to the Employer in good and serviceable condition suitable
for continual use to the performance requirements of the Facility. If in the opinion of the Employer, the Contractor has failed to carry out any work to hand
over the Facility in good and serviceable condition to the Employer for continual use at the
expiry of the Operation Period, the Employer may order such defects to be made good and
deduct the Costs from any payments due to the Contractor from this or any other contract
the Contractor may have with the Employer. After the remedial works carried out according to the notice served by the Employer after
the End-of-Contract Condition Survey, the Contractor shall carry out joint inspections with
the Employer’s Representative on the plant and equipment that has been maintained or
replaced, including all necessary tests to demonstrate that the requirements of the Contract
have been met.
8.7 Handing Over of the Facility
8.7.1 Handback Plan The Contractor shall submit a draft Handback Plan to the Employer’s Representative for
certification. The draft Handback Plan shall be developed based on and shall not differ in
any material respect from the Outline Handback Plan submitted by the Contractor. The
Handback Plan shall include, as a minimum, the following:

(a) Plans to transfer the Facility to the Employer or the follow-on contractor;
(b) Transition plans with respect to the Contractor’s Personnel including a plan for
transition of the operators to the Employer or the follow-on contractor;
(c) A proposed process for the transfer of all Contract Records to the Employer;
(d) Plans to transfer operations and maintenance functions to the Employer or the
follow-on contractor, and
(e) A 3-month programme to train staff of the Employer and/or Employer’s agents in
all aspect of the Operation and Maintenance of the Facility

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 646

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The Contractor shall obtain the Employer’s consent on the certified draft Handback Plan,
which will then be construed as the Handback Plan. The Contractor shall review and update
the Hand back Plan every year. No later than 6 months prior to the expiry of the Operation Period the Contractor shall carry
out training in the Handback Plan. All costs and expenses associated with the training of
Employee’s staff shall be borne by the Contractor and included in the Operation Fee.
8.7.2 Pre-handover Procedures The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps and co-operate fully with the Employer and
any follow-on contractor so that any continuation of the operation is achieved with
minimum disruption and so as to prevent or mitigate any inconvenience or risk to health and
safety of the employees of the Employer and members of public. The Contractor shall use reasonable endeavours to assist the Employer in the preparation
for, and conduct of, a fair and competitive bidding process for any follow-on contract. In
particular, the Contractor, shall make available to the Employer any information, and assist
in the verification of any information as the Employer reasonably requires in connection
with the bidding process All the information provided by the Contractor to the Employer shall be true and correct in
all material respects and will not be misleading, by omission or otherwise. The Contactor shall make available at least 18 months prior to the expiry of the Operation
Period, full details of the operation and maintenance documentation and records of the
Facility for the entire Operation Period to date so that these can be made available for
inspection by Contractor for any follow-on contact. The report of the End-of-Contract Condition Survey and records of the subsequent
maintenance and replacement works (if any) will be made available for inspection by
Contractor for any follow-on contract.

8.7.3 Handing over on Completion

To ensure smooth transition of the Operation from the Contractor to the follow-on contractor, the
Contractor shall co-operate fully with the follow-on contractor from the date of his appointment to
allow the follow-on contractor’s staff to train and work alongside the Contractor’s own operatives
before the expiry of the Operation Period to gain familiarity in the provision of the Operation.

8.8 Training Requirements

8.8.1 General

The Contractor shall provide comprehensive training for the different categories of the Employers
operation and maintenance staff. Training shall fall into two main types which are ‘off the job’ and
‘on the job’. Off the job training shall take place in the class room and on the job training shall be
carried out on the running plant(s).

8.8.2 Off The Job Training

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 647

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The Contractor shall prepare formal training documentation for distribution to the trainees.
Visual aids shall be used to illustrate the points being made and to make the training
programme interesting and enjoyable for the participants.

The off the job training shall comprise the following:

Off the Job Training Programme for all Trainees

To provide training:
 on the simple physical-chemical and biological process principles involved in the
operation of the Works;
 regarding basic features of the electro-mechanical and instrumentation equipment
to be installed
 health and safety;
 plant safety procedures;
 on the use of the local and central HMIs.

Off the Job Process Training Programme for Operators

To provide training:
 on the operation of individual items of plant and sections of the Works including
automatic operation and manual operation;
 on the day to day operation of the Works and procedures;
 on a comprehensive list of ‘what if’ scenarios dealing with the actions to be taken
in the event of potential process problems, alarms, plant failures, overflows, power
failures etc.;
 on first line mechanical maintenance;
 safe work practices;
 on safety procedures to be followed in operating, maintaining, and cleaning the
 special procedures to be followed in the event of chlorine leak.

Off the Job Training Programme for Electrical Maintenance Staff]

To provide training:
 on the configuration, construction and operation of the electrical Plant;
 on the electrical maintenance requirements of the Works;
 on the switching and safety procedures to be followed;
 safe methods of working;
 on fault finding and repair procedures.

Off the Job Training Programme for Control and Instrumentation (ICA) Maintenance Staff
(Refer to the following section)

Off the Job Training Programme for Mechanical Maintenance Staff

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 648
Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

To provide training:
 on the routine mechanical maintenance requirements of the Works;
 on lubrication requirements of the Works;
 on fault finding, repair and overhaul procedures;
 safe methods of working.

Off the Job Training Programme for Waste Water Treatment Management Staff

To provide training:
 sewage treatment process management techniques;
 Waste Water Treatment Plant cost management;
 Waste Water Treatment Plant laboratory management;
 safe methods of work general;
 on safety procedures to be followed in operating, maintaining and cleaning the

8.8.3 On The Job Training The Contractor shall utilise the Operation and Maintenance Manuals as the primary training
aid in carrying out the on the job training. Shortcomings, omissions and errors identified in
the O & M Manuals during the training shall be rectified prior to final acceptance of the O &
M Manuals.
On the Job Training Programme for all Trainees

To provide training:
 plant familiarisation tour;
 on the use of the local and central HMIs;
 health and safety;
 identify areas where special safety precautions are necessary.

On the Job Process Training Programme for Operators

To provide training:
 under operational conditions on the operation of individual items of plant and
sections of the Works including automatic operation and manual operation;
 illustrate by example the day to day operation of the Works and procedures;
 illustrate by example the actions to be taken in the event of potential process
problems, alarms, plant failures overflows, power failures etc. (as identified in
the ‘what if’ scenario off the job training);
 illustrate by example the first line mechanical maintenance;
 illustrate by example safety procedures to be followed in operation,
maintenance and cleaning of the Works.

On the Job Training Programme for Electrical Maintenance Staff

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 649

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

To provide training:
 carry out detail tour of the electrical plant;
 illustrate by example the operation of the electrical Plant;
 illustrate by example the electrical isolation and maintenance procedures;
 illustrate by example fault finding and repair procedures;
 illustrate by example switching and safety procedures to be followed;
 illustrate by example safe systems of work.

On the Job Training Programme for Mechanical Maintenance Staff

To provide training:
 illustrate by example the routine mechanical maintenance requirements of the
 illustrate by example lubrication procedures;
 illustrate by example fault finding, repair and overhaul procedures.
 illustrate by example safe systems of work.

8.8.4 Training Programme Off the job training shall be carried out prior to Handing Back of the Works or any section
of the Works. Off the Job training shall be carried out prior to On the Job training. On the Job training
shall be completed as a condition for acceptance of the Works following completion of the
Tests after Completion. The Contractor shall provide a training plan for each category of staff. The training plan
shall detail the content and duration of each course. The training plan shall be submitted for
the approval of the Engineer at least 120 days prior to the commencement of the Tests on
Completion. The duration of training offered for each category of staff shall not be less than
that detailed in the following table.
Off the Job
On the Job
(minimum days
Category of Staff (minimum days duration
duration for each
for each course)
All staff 1 1
Operator 3 5
Electrical technician/electrician 2 2
Control/instrument technician 10 5
Mechanical technician/fitter 2 2
WWTP management 3 (see note)

Note: It is assumed that WWTP managers on the job training will be continuous
throughout 12 months in a calendar year when the plant(s) is operated by the

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 650

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The training day shall be assumed to be not less than 8 (eight) hours split into two sessions.
The Contractor shall provide facilities for training which shall include inter alia the training
rooms/locations, tables and chairs, projectors, white/black boards, training aids etc. Where trainees of a given category can all be released from their Works operational duties
simultaneously they may be trained together. Where this is not possible the Contractor shall
repeat the complete course for those who could not attend.

8.8.5 Training Personnel The Contractor shall provide suitably qualified trainers to carry out the off the job and on the
job training. The trainers are to be experienced in Waste Water Treatment Plant management, operation
and maintenance in their relevant discipline and in the training of skilled and unskilled staff. The Contractor shall submit the curriculum vitae of the trainer nominee's to the Engineer for
approval 120 days prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion. The training
expert shall be fluent in English and Hindi Languages or the Contractor shall provide the
services of an interpreter during the training periods.

8.8.6 Instrumentation, Control & Automation Training requirements The Contractor/ system supplier shall conduct training courses for personnel selected by the
Employer. Training shall be conducted by personnel employed by the Contractor/ system
supplier familiar with the system supplied and who have experience and training in
developing and implementing instructional courses. The contractor shall arrange training for personnel of the Employer for 5 days before the
conduction of the completion test of the Facility. The entire cost of the complete training programme, including reasonable per diem expenses
to cover meals, lodging, transport and similar expenses for all the Employer’s personnel and
the consultants attending the training program, shall be the borne by the Contractor/ system
supplier and shall be included in the contract price. The Contractor shall submit information on the training programme for approval, prior to
shipment of the equipment. This submittal shall include a course outline; time required,
course schedule, sample workbook and instructor qualification information for each level. The Contractor/ system supplier shall make a workbook on each course available to every
person taking the courses listed herein. The workbook shall be of sufficient detail so that, at
a later date, a trainee could review in detail the major topics of the course. The training times shall be scheduled by the Employer in advance with the Contractor/
system supplier so as not to disrupt the Employer’s ability to operate the plant.

8.8.7 Operations and Maintenance Training Training shall be provided for ten (10) of the Employer’s personnel at the Contractor/
system supplier facility on operations and maintenance of all system components separately
for the WWTP. The training program shall be divided into two segments and shall consist of
at least 5 (five) working days, each of 8 (eight) hours duration.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 651

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O) The maintenance training program shall be developed for personnel that have electronics
maintenance and repair experience and a general knowledge of computer systems, but shall
not assume any familiarity with the specific hardware furnished.

As a minimum, the following subjects shall be covered:

 System Architecture and Layout

 Hardware Components
 Module Switch Settings (Configuration Switches)
 I/O Modules
 Power Supplies
 Data Highway:
 Programmer connection
 IOP programming and diagnostic techniques
 Battery replacement and recharging
 PC and workstation familiarization and maintenance:
 Troubleshooting
 Disassembly
 Cleaning
 Component Replacement
 Re-assembly
 The operation training programme shall include the following topics:
 Power-up, bootstrapping and shutdown of all hardware devices
 Interpretation of all standard displays
 Appropriate actions for software and hardware error occurrences
 Use of operator interface displays and keyboards
 Use of printer including replenishment of supplies
 Manual data entries
 Creation and editing of graphic operator display screens.
 Loading of any required software into the system
 Data base creation and editing.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 652

Part 8 – Operation & Maintenance
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Table of Contents
Section X : Part – 9 List of Approved Makes ...................................................................653

1. Mechanical Equipments .............................................................................................653

2. Electrical Equipments ................................................................................................659

3. Instrumentation ..........................................................................................................664

Volume – 2, Section X: Table of Contents Page i

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Section X : Part – 9 List of Approved Makes

1. Mechanical Equipments
Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes
1. Anerobic Digesters, Gas Mixing Utile Engg. Co.
System Gardner Denver
VA Tech
2. Agitator Cum Mixer REMI
Rathi Lightnin
Fibre & Fibre
3. Air Valve Kirloskar Brothers Limited (KBL)
Indian Valve Company (IVC)
4. Bar Screen Jash Engg. Ltd.
Johnson Screen Ind. Ltd.
Hindustan Dorr liver
Huber Technology
5. Screening Conveyance Jash Engg. Ltd.
Compaction and Dewatering Johnson Screen Ind. Ltd.
Hindustan Dorr liver
Huber Technology
6. Cast Iron / Ductile Iron Pipes & The Indian Iron & Steel Company Ltd.
Fittings and Dismantling Joints
Jindal Saw Ltd.
Electro Steel Castings
Tata Iron & Steel Co.
7. Centrifugal Turbo Air Blower Siemens India Ltd.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 653
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes

8. Centrifuge Humbolt
Alfa Laval
9. Chain Pulley Block Indef Engg.
Hercules Hoists Ltd.
Reva Engineering
W.H.Brady & Co. Ltd.
10. Chlorinator Toshcon Jescon
11. Diffuser SSI
12. Dosing System / Dosing Pump / Asia LMI
Metering Pump Prominent
Milton Roy
AQUA Aerobic
Kruger/ Hydro Tech
13. Fire Extinguisher Steelage Industries (MINIMAX)
Kooverji Devshi & Co. Ltd. (FIREX)
Vijay Fire Protection System Pvt. Ltd. (VIJAY)
14. Flame Arrestor Moisture Trap Combustion Research Associates
PVRV / Flare System PROTEGO India Pvt. Ltd.
Innovative Environmental Technology

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 654

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes
Protego India Pvt. Ltd, Innovative Environmental
Geo Miller & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
16. Gas Compressor SWAM Pneumatics Pvt. Ltd.
Kirloskar Pneumatic Co.
Ingersoll Rand
Chicago Pneumatic (I) Ltd.
17. Gas Valves Audco
Combustion Research Associates (CRA)
18. Gate Valves/Sluice Valves Kirloskar Brothers Limited
Indian Valves Company
19. Gear Reducers Essen Pro
Allen Beri
20. Geared Motors Bonfigli
21. Gravity Thickener Triveni
Geo Miller & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
22. Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps Mather & Platt
Kirloskar Brothers Limited
23. HOT and EOT Hercules Hoists Ltd. (Indef)
W.H.Brady & Co. Ltd.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 655

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes
AVON Cranes
Reva Engineering
West Works Sales Corporation
24. Knife Gate Valves VAG
Degremont Technologies
AQUA Aerobic
25. Membrane Filtration (vacuum/ Kubota
pressure) Norit
26. Disc/ Cloth Filters Siemens/Evoqua
AQUA Aerobic/ Meta Water
Kruger/ Hydro Tech
27. Nuts & Bolts TATA
Geo Miller & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
29. Safety Equipment Perfect Chloro System
SS Engineers & Safety Consultant
Medical Engineers
Super Safety Services
30. Screw Pumps Roto
UT Pumps Pvt. Ltd.
31. Gas Engine Excellent Engine
Innovative Environmental Technology

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 656

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes
Green Power
Jenbacher (Austria)
Guascor (Spain)
Waukesha – USA

32. Sluice Gates Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.

Indian Valve Company
Jash Engineering
33. Submersible Mixer Grundfos
34. Submersible Pumps Flyght
KSB Pumps
Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.
Aqua Machineries Pvt Ltd. (Aqua)
35. Submersible Pumps for Tube BS
well Mody
Great India
36. Sump Pumps / Dewatering SU Motors P. Ltd.
Pumps and Pit Pumps Mody Ind. FC Pvt. Ltd.
Grundfos - Pumps
Kishore Pumps
Aqua Machineries Pvt Ltd. (Aqua)
37. Valves (Non Return Valve, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd.
Pressure Release Valve, Sluice Indian Valve Company
38. Vortex Type Grit Separator Smith & Loveless
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 657
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

Mechanical Equipment’s
Equipment’s Approved Makes
Huber Technology
Geo Miller
39. DAF Thickener CROFTA
World Water Works
40. UV System Trozen

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 658

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

2. Electrical Equipments


Equipments Approved Makes
1 11 KV Switch Gear Asian Brown Boveri
Kirloskar Systems
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
Jyoti Ltd.
Siemens India Ltd.
Crompton Greaves
Kirloskar Electric Ltd.
Alstom / Ariva
2 415V Switch Gear/ Bus Duct Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Siemens India Ltd.
Control and Switchgrear
English Electric Ltd.
Voltas Ltd.
Jyoti ltd.
Bhartia Cutler Hammer
Electric Control Gear Ltd.
3 Actuator Rotork
AUMA India
4 Alternator Jyoti
5 Battery Charger Uptron Powertronics (Shreetron)
Automatic Electric ltd.
Kerla State Electricity Crop.
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 659
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Equipments Approved Makes
Baroda Power Electronics
Tata Emerson
6 Battery (Maintenance Free) Standard Batteries Ltd.
Chloride India Ltd.
Amco Batteries Ltd.
7 Cables (Power & Control) Fort Gloster
Asian Cables Corporation Ltd.
Finolrex Cables Ltd.
Batra Henley
8 Cable Glands Comet
9 Cable Lugs Dowell
10 Ceiling Fans Bajaj
11 Electric Poles Jindal

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 660

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Equipments Approved Makes
12 Exhaust Fan Bajaj Electricals Ltd.
Crompton Greaves Ltd.
Jay Engg. Works
General Eelctric Co. Ltd.
13 Flame Proof Push Button Station & Lighting Siemens
Fittings Schneider
Bajaj Electrical Ltd.
Crompton Greaves Ltd.
Wipro Ltd.
14 Flame Proof Equipment FCG
Sudhir Switchgear
15 Lightening Arrester National Radio & Electronics Co. Ltd.
Lighting Protection International Ltd.
16 Lighting Accessories (Switch/socket etc) GE Power
Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Control & Switchgear
17 Lighting Switch Gear/ Ballast Philips
Wash low

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 661

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Sr. No. Equipments Approved Makes
18 LED Lamps Syska







Cutler Hammer
Ind Kopp
20 Motors Jyoti
21 Numerical Relays ALSTOM
Universal Electric
22 Power capacitors & APFC relays Siemens, L&T, BHEL
Crompton, Khatau
ABB, Meher ,Manohar Brothers
Madhav Domain Javiac
Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 662
Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Sr. No. Equipments Approved Makes
Schneider ,EPCOS, Kapsales ,Genelec
ASIAN and Voltas Ltd
23 Power Transformer KEC, Crompton
ABB, Siemens
Voltamp, EMCO. (Nasik)
Alstom, Bharat Bijlee
NGEF ,Voltas
24 Soft Starters Innovative
25 UPS Tata emerson
Merlin Grein
AROS (Italy)
Tata Liebert
26 VFD L&T
Allen Bradley
27 HT Termination Kit Birla 3M

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 663

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)

3. Instrumentation


Sr. No. Equipment’s Approved Makes
1 Electromagnetic Flow meter / Ultrasonic Flow ABB
Meter Forbes Marshall
Endress Hauser (E&H)
Krohne Marshall
YBL Yokogawa
Combustion Research Associates
2 Instrumentation / Continuous Online Water Emerson
Quality Monitoring Instruments ABB
Forbes Marshall Polymetron
Analytical Instruments
DR. Lange.
Endress Hauser
M/s. Panam Engineers Ltd.

3 LEVEL SWITCH Endress Hauser

Nivo Control
Level Cone
Forbes Marshall

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 664

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Sr. No. Equipment’s Approved Makes
Verna Trifag
H. Guru
High Tech (Orion)
Forbes Marshall
Endress & Hausser
Level Tech
Endress & Hausser
6 Area Velocity Flowmeter Teledyne
1 Control System/ Instrumentation, DCS/ PLS & Siemens
SCADA System Rockwell Automation
Tata Honeywell
Johnson Controls (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Landis & Staefa (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 665

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes
Construction of 564 MLD (124 MGD) WWTP with effluent standards Bid Document
of BOD – 10 mg/l, TSS – 10 mg/l, or better and Power Generation on JICA funded Yamuna Action Plan Project (III)
Design, Build and Operate (one year DLP plus 10 years O&M) basis
& demolition of existing Phase-I , II, III and IV WWTPs at Okhla
under YAP-III (Package-O)


Sr. No. Equipment’s Approved Makes
Forbes Marshall
1 Optical Fiber Cables Delink
RR Cable
1 Laboratory Instruments Merc

Volume – 2, Section X: Technical Specifications Page 666

Part 9 – List of Approved Makes

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