Kliping Bahasa Inggris
Kliping Bahasa Inggris
Kliping Bahasa Inggris
Disusun Oleh :
Jl. Ja’far Sodiq, Kalibening, Tingkir, Kota salatiga
TAHUN 2018/2019
1. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta on May 2nd 1889. He came from
Pakualaman family, the son of GPH Soerjaningrat, grandson of Pakualam III and grew up in a family
of Yogyakarta Kingdom.
Then, in 1922 when he was 40 years old (according to the count of Caka Year), Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat changed his name to Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
Since that time, he was no longer using a knighthood in front of his name. Based on the Indonesian
spelling in since 1972, its name is misspelled as Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Ki Hajar Dewantara ever studied at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) at the Dutch colonial era it is
an elementary school in Indonesia.
After graduating from ELS, then he went to STOVIA (Bumiputera Medical School) is a school for the
education of indigenous doctors in Batavia in the Dutch colonial era. This time it became the Faculty
of Medicine, University of Indonesia. Although he did not could not complete his education because
of illness.
Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer and journalist in various newspapers, such as: Tjahaja
Timoer, Midden Java, De Expres, Sediotomo, Kaoem Moeda, Poesara, and Oetoesan Indies. His
writing is very communicative and brave with anti-colonial spirit.
Besides work as a writer, he is also active in social and political organizations. Since 1908, the
beginning of the Boedi Utomo (BO), he was active in the propaganda section to socialize and
Indonesian public awareness about the importance of a sense of unity in the nation.
Not only that, it turns Ki Hajar Dewantara also known as a prominent pioneer of education for the
natives of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial era.
In fact, he managed to establish a school of the National University Student Park (National Institute
of Taman Siswa Onderwijs) on July 3rd 1922.
At first the Dutch colonial government attempted to deter his plan. Dutch government issued a Wild
School Ordinance on October 1st 1932. However, because of his persistence and struggle, the
ordinance was finally lifted.
The college emphasizes a sense of nationality to indigenous education so that they love the nation
and homeland and fight for independence.
Ki Hajar Dewantara’s been appointed as Minister of Teaching Indonesia referred to as the Minister
of Education, Teaching and Culture in the cabinet of the first Republic of Indonesia.
For his service pioneered education in Indonesia, in 1957 he received an honorary doctorate (doctor
honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Finally, he was declared as Father of National Education of Indonesia, as well as his birth day
serves as National Education Day.
Ki Hajar Dewantara died on 26th April 1959 in Yogyakarta. He was buried at the Taman Wijaya Brata,
tombs for Taman Siswa’s family. His face was also immortalized on the Indonesian currency
denomination of old 20,000 rupiahs.
2. Dewi Sartika
One of the most famous female figures in Indonesia is Dewi Sartika. She is also known as Djuragan
Dewi or Djuragan Ageung is a national hero in the world of women’s education.
Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung. Her father named Raden
Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time. While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas.
Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands. Although it is so
contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time.
For opposing the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, her mother was exiled to Ternate,
while her father died. So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom, who
called Arya. At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka.
Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle. She was also
knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant.
She showed her potential in the world of education as a child. In fact, she taught children
of kepatihanmaid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch.
This made Cicalengka in an uproar. People felt shocked because at that time there had been no
rabble of children who can read and write.
As a teenager, Dewi Sartika was back to Bandung and stayed with her mother. She was more
determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s
After a very long struggle, she finally managed to establish a school that is devoted to women. Then,
on January 16, 1904, after consultation with the Regent R.A.A Martanagara, for the first time, she
managed to open a school.
The school was given the name of Sakola Istri or Sekolah Perempuan. Sakola Istri was the first
school in the Dutch East Indies, it was originally only had 20 students.
Sakola Istri was located in Bandung district hall, she was helped by two cousins, Ny. Poerwa and
Nyi. Oewid.
At the top, in 1912, she had 9 Sakola Istri in Pasundan. In 1914, Sakola Istri was renamed Sakola
Kautamaan Istri (School of Virtue Women). Exactly in 1920 the whole region of Pasundan owned
Sakola Kautamaan Istri.
In September 1929, when Sakola Kautamaan Istri was 25 years, the school became the Sakola
Raden Dewi. As for her dedication in this field, she was awarded by the Indian – Dutch government.
Dewi Sartika died on September 11th, 1947 in Tasikmalaya. She was buried in the funeral Cigagadon
Rahayu Village District of Cincem. Finally, after 3 years his tomb was moved to a cemetery complex
Regent of Bandung at Karang Anyar Street, Bandung regency.
Struggle as well as her dedication to the nation of Indonesia, made her an honorary degree, and
were given on December 1st 1966 as the National Independence Hero.
3. B . J. Habibie
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is the third President of Indonesia. He was born on June 25, 1936 in
Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. He is the fourth of eight children in his family. His parents are Alwi Abdul
Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. He spent his childhood in Pare-Pare. Since he was
a kid, he has shown his integrity and persistent behaviour. At school, Habibie whose hobbies are
riding horse and reading book is famous for his intelligence.
Habibie’s father passed away due to heart attack when he was in elementary school. After that, his
mother sold their vehicle and house and then moved to Bandung. As a single parent, Habibie’s
mother worked hard to afford her life with her children.
In 1954, after Habibie graduated from senior high school in Bandung, he continued his study to
Bandung Institute of Technology. He did not finish his study at ITB because at the same time he got
a scholarship from The Ministry of education and Culture of Indonesia to study in Germany. He
remembered that Bung Karno had ever said about the importance of plane development for
Indonesia, and then he decided to take aerospace engineering with aeroplane construction specialty
at Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule (RWTH), an institute of technology in Germany.
Habibie studied hard to be success since he remembered how hard his mother worked for his life.
Even, Habibie spent his time in holiday to earn extra money for buying books. When holiday ended,
he did not do anything except studying. In 1960, he graduated with great score, almost perfect (9.5).
With his education background, he applied at an industry company of train, named Firma Talbot.
After that, he continued his doctoral degree at Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet Fuer
Maschinenwesen Aachean. In 1962, he got married with Hasri Ainun. She was a doctor and she
followed his husband to Germany. Habibie and Ainun has two sons. They are Ilham Akbar dan
Thareq Kemal. At that time, life got harder. He had to go to work in the early morning because he
walked to the office to save more money. He went home in the evening and studied. He finished his
doctoral degree in 1965 with perfect score (10).
In his life, Habibie has got many achievements and awards from Indonesia and other International
institution. Before he fulfilled a call from President Soeharto and went back to Indonesia, he had
worked at a leading aeroplane industry, MBB Gmbh, Germany. In Indonesia, Habibie had been the
minister of Research and Technology for 20 years and led 10 governmental company of strategic
industry. He was elected by society representative assembly as the Vice President of Indonesia.
When the crisis happened in 1998 and President Soeharto was insisted to step down from his
position, Habibie was assigned to replace President Soeharto to be the third President of Indonesia.
In 2012, the life of Habibie and how he met Ainun were filmed and got high rates for the inspirational
story. Hasri Ainun passed away on May 22, 2010 in Ludwig Maximilians Universitat hospital,
Klinikum, Muenchen, Germany. She suffered a cancer for a long time however she never told her
husband, Habibie. It was known that she had cancer when she collapsed and had to be hospitalized.
For Habibie, Ainun is everything. She is a great partner of life who had accompanied him to go
through good and bad times in life.
4. Ra Kartini
One of very famous female figures in Indonesia is Raden Ajeng Kartini. She is also commonly
known as R.A Kartini.
She is known as one of the national hero determined to fight for the emancipation of women.
R.A Kartini was born on April 21st 1879 in Jepara. Since the number of services and struggle for
people of Indonesia, the day of her birth was celebrated as Kartini Day.
Kartini was born in a noble family so she earned R.A (Raden Ajeng) in front of her name. According
to Javanese tradition the title used before she got married, while after marriage then knighted used
is R.A (Raden Ayu).
Her father named R.M. Sosroningrat is a son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV. At that time, Kartini’s
father was a regent in Jepara and an honorable man.
Kartini’s mother named M.A. Ngasirah was the son of ‘Kyai’ / religion teacher in Telukawur, Jepara.
She was not highborn, but just ordinary people.
That’s what makes R.A Kartini must have a stepmother. This is because the Dutch colonial rule
requires a regent married to noblesse.
Finally Kartini’s father then married a descendant of Madura’s King noblewoman named Raden
Adjeng Woerjan.
R.A Kartini was the fifth of 11 siblings, consisting of siblings and half-brother. Nevertheless, she was
the oldest of her sisters.
As derived from the offspring of nobility, Kartini is entitled to receive a decent education. Then, her
father sent her to ELS (Europese Lagere School).
According to Javanese tradition, after the 12 years old, the child should be ‘dipingit‘ (living at home),
is no exception for R.A Kartini. However, although she was at home, she still continues to learn.
Her lofty ideals are eager to see the indigenous women can study and learn as today.
New ideas about emancipation or equality of indigenous women by her, considered a novelty that
can change society’s views.
In addition, her writings also contain about the significance of belief, wisdom and beauty, humanity
and nationalism.
Not only that, she also touched on religion, for example, she questioned why a man may practice
polygamy, why the holy book should be read and memorized without obligation to understand, and
After becoming adult moman, then in 1903 R.A Kartini married a regent of Rembang City named
K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih Djojo Adhiningrat. Although many historians say that the wedding is the
insistence of her parents.
Most people estimate at the time of marriage, Kartini R.A still wants to live freely. But in order to
make the hearts of parents happy and proud, she prefers to follow the wishes of her parents.
While it is like other destiny. Exactly a year after getting married, she must be in the call by the God
(25 years old). Note before she died, she had a son named R.M Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat.
RA Kartini’s Books
Aku Mau … Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. Surat-surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar
Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang
Kartini Surat-surat kepada Ny RM Abendanon-Mandri dan suaminya
Letters from Kartini, An Indonesian Feminist 1900-1904
Panggil Aku Kartini Saja (Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
Surat-surat Kartini, Renungan Tentang dan Untuk Bangsanya
5. Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Yunus