BSMT 2 Reviewer
BSMT 2 Reviewer
BSMT 2 Reviewer
3. After staining a blood smear, the RBCs appeared 11.Hematopoietic stem cell marker:
bluish when viewed under the microscope. The a. CD10
following are possible causes, except: b. CD34
a. Stain of buffer is too basic c. CD35
b. Inadequate rinsing d. CD56
c. Inadequate buffering
d. Heparinized blood was used 12.Capillary tube:
a. Length: 11.5 cm Bore: 3.0 mm
4. Macrocytes: 25-50% b. Length: 30.0 cm Bore: 2.6 mm
a. 1+ c. Length: 7.0 cm Bore: 1.0 mm
b. 2+
c. 3+ 13.Third layer in the examination of spun
d. 4+ hematocrit;
a. Plasma
5. Codocytes: 41 per oil immersion field b. Buffy coat
a. 1+ c. Fatty layer
b. 2+ d. Packed red cells
c. 3+
d. 4+ 14.If the RBC count of a patient is 5.0 x 1012/L,
what is the approximate hemoglobin value?
6. Stomatocytes: 15 per oil immersion firld a. 12 g/dL c. 15 g/dL
a. 1+ c. 3+ b. 14 g/dL d. 20 g/dL
b. 2+ d. 4+
15.MCHC: 28 g/dL
7. 12 RBCs with basophilic stippling were seen on a. Outside reference range and considered normal
a blood smear. How do report this finding? b. Within reference range and considered normal
a. Positive c. Outside reference range and considered
b. Rare, few, moderate, many abnormal
c. 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+ d. Within reference range and considered abnormal
d. average number / OIO
16.Which of the erythrocyte indices is not used in
8. Hypochromia grading: “Area of pallor is two- the classification of anemia?
thirds of cell diameter” a. MCV
a. 1+ b. MCHC
b. 2+ c. MCH
c. 3+
d. 4+
Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 3: HEMATOLOGY
17.Normocytic and normochronic anemia is usually 24.Which of the following cells could be seen in
seen in patients with ___. lesions of mycosis fungoides?
a. Iron deficiency anemia a. T lymphocytes
b. Aplastic anemia b. B lymphocytes
c. Thalassemia c. Monocytes
d. Anemia of chronic disease d. Neutrophils
18.What is the primary cause of death in patients 25.Fresh blood smears made from capillary blood
with sickle cell media anemia? are used for this cytochemical stain:
a. Aplastic crises a. Sudan Black B
b. Infectious crises b. Chloroacetate esterase
c. Vaso-occlusive crises c. Periodic Acid Schiff
d. Bleeding d. Peroxidase
31.Side angel scatter in a laser-based cell counting 39.Euglobulin clot lysis time:
system is used to measure: a. Screening test
a. Cell size b. Confirmatory test
b. Cell number c. Other test
c. Cytoplasmic granularity d. None of these
d. Antigenic identification
40.Visual detection of fibrin clot formation:
32.Number of platelet stages: a. Fibrometer
a. Six b. Electra 750
b. Seven c. Coag-A-Mate X2
c. Eight d. Tilt tube
d. Nine
41.Concentration of fibrinogen (mg/dL) that will
33.Stage in the megakaryocytic series where affect PT and PTT tests? (Per)
thrombocytes are visible: a. 75
a. Metamegakaryocyte b. 100
b. Megakaryocyte c. 200
c. Promegakaryocyte d. 400
d. Megakaryoblast
42.First factor affected by Coumarin is:
34.Platelet estimate: 100,000-149,000 a. VII
a. Low normal b. X
b. Slight normal c. VIII
c. Normal d. HMWK
d. Moderate decrease