Food Standards Agency Food and Feed Law Guide: Section 1 Section 2
Food Standards Agency Food and Feed Law Guide: Section 1 Section 2
Food Standards Agency Food and Feed Law Guide: Section 1 Section 2
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has produced this guide as a reference tool for food and feed legislation applicable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. All reasonable efforts
have been made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of publication, but no guarantee can be given regarding the accuracy of information provided.
Food Standards Scotland (FSS) was established 1 April 2015 as the national food body for Scotland, with responsibility for those central Government functions previously carried out by the FSA in
Scotland. The Food Law Guide therefore does not include details on food law in Scotland.
Following machinery of government changes introduced in 2010, FSA responsibilities for food law across England Wales and Northern Ireland is no longer harmonised.
• In England, Defra is responsible for food labelling, other than for matters of food safety such as ‘Use By’ dates and Allergens Labelling etc. The Department of Health has central government
responsibility for nutrition-related food legislation in England.
• In Wales, the FSA retains responsibility for general food labelling. The Welsh Government is Responsible for nutrition related to food legislation.
• In Northern Ireland the FSA retains responsibility for general food labelling and nutrition related to food legislation.
Composition &
General Import Controls Labelling Biological Safety Chemical Safety Biotechnology
Food safety, Traceability, Food Safety aspects (inc. Food and feed additives,
Hygiene controls, food allergens) only Standards for feed Contaminants, Food
Public Health aspects of Spongiform Genetically Modified (GM) food
FSA incidents, Rapid Alert materials as set out in the contact materials
food & feed Encephalopathies and feed
System for Food and Feed safety, nutritional feed catalogue
content and PARNUTS (TSEs)1 Chemical Safety of Feed
Feed (RASFF)
1 In relation to specified risk material, mechanically separated meat and slaughtering techniques
2 Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Composition &
General Import Controls Labelling Biological Safety Chemical Safety Biotechnology
Traceability, Hygiene, Public Health aspects of All General Labelling, All except for organic Transmissible Spongiform Food and feed additives, Genetically Modified (GM) food
Rapid Alert System for food & feed Food safety aspects products Encephalopathies (TSEs)4 Contaminants, Food
FSAW Food and Feed (RASFF) in relation to food for contact materials
human consumption
Chemical Safety of Feed
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pesticide Residues N/A
Northern Ireland
Traceability, Hygiene, Public Health aspects of All General Labelling, All except for organic Transmissible Spongiform e.g. additives, Genetically Modified (GM) food
Rapid Alert System for food and feed Food Safety aspects, products Encephalopathies (TSEs)5 contaminants, food
Food and Feed (RASFF) contact materials
FSA Foods for Particular
Nutritional Uses,
Animal Feed (Hygiene, These Regulations, provide for the continuing Wales Regulation (EC) 152/2009 laying down the methods
Sampling etc and execution and enforcement of Regulation (EC) 2016 No. of sampling and analysis for the official control of
Enforcement) (England) No 183/2005 laying down requirements for feed 387 (W. feed
Regulations 2015 hygiene, (“Regulation 183/2005”) and 121)
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 152/2009 Regulation (EC) 183/2005 laying down
laying down the methods of sampling and requirements for feed hygiene, (“Regulation
analysis for the official control of feed, NI 2016 183/2005”);
(“Regulation 152/2009”), and also make No.5
provision as to administration generally in
relation to feed law, in particular so as to give
effect to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 on official
controls performed to ensure the verification of
compliance with feed and food law, animal health
and animal welfare rules, (“Regulation 882/2004)
Feed (Sampling and Makes amendments to the Agriculture Act 1970 2010/323 (NI) The provisions on None available.
Analysis and Specified undesirable substances
Undesirable Substances (The other provisions of this SI have been 2010/2287 (W.199) were revoked by
(England) Regulations revoked) Schedule 2 to the
2010 Animal Feed (England)
Regulations 2010
2010/2503 and parallel
legislation in the
2010/355 (NI)
S.I. 2010/2652 (W.220)
S.I. 2015/454
Animal Feed (England) Makes amendments to the Agriculture Act 1970 S.I. 2010/2652 SI 2013 No, 3133
Regulations 2010 (W.220) SI 2013/3207 (W.317)
(The other provisions of this SI have been 2013/294 (NI)
revoked) SI 2015 No 255
Regulation Purpose Parallel Amendments EU legislation Guidance
Food Additives, Flavourings, Provides for the executive and enforcement 2013/2591 Flavourings
Enzymes and Extraction of EU Regulations on food additives, (W. 255) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) industry/guidancenotes/additives-supps-
Solvents (England) flavourings (including smoke flavourings) and 1321/2013 establishing the Union list of guidance/foodadlegguid
Regulations enzymes. 2013/220 authorised smoke flavouring primary products for
2013 2013/ 2210 (NI) use as such in or on foods and/or the production
Transposes the extraction solvent requirements of derived smoke flavourings 873/2012 on
(Directive transitional measures concerning the Union list of
2009/32/EC). flavourings and source materials set out in Annex
I to Regulation (EC) 1334/2008.
The 2013 Regulations revoke and replace all Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
food additive type legislation. 872/2012 adopting the list of flavouring
substances provided for by Regulation (EC)
2232/96 introducing it in Annex I to Regulation
(EC) No 1334/2008 and repealing Commission
Regulation (EC) 1565/2000 and Commission
Decision 1999/217/EC (as amended)
Commission Regulation (EU)
Regulation (EU) 1056/2012 amending Regulation
(EC) No 1332/2008 on food enzymes
Extraction Solvents
Directive 2009/32/EC on the approximation of the
laws of the Member States on extraction solvents
used in the production of foodstuffs (as amended)
Regulation Purpose Parallel Amendments EU legislation Guidance
Continuation of Food Additives
Food Additives, Flavourings, Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008 of the European
Enzymes and Extraction Parliament and of the Council on food additives
Solvents (England)
Regulations Commission Regulation (EU) 231/2012 laying
down specifications for food additives listed in
Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC). 1333/2008
Consolidated versions (including all
amendments) of the above two pieces of
legislation can be accessed by clicking here.
Chernobyl Third Country Governs imports of specified foods originating in Regulation (EC) Regulation (EC) 733/2008 (repealed Council None available.
Imports regulations third countries following the Chernobyl accident No 1048/2009 Regulation 737/90); Commission Regulation
in 1986. (extends 733/2008 1661/1999; Council Regulation (Euratom) No.
to 31/3/2020) 3954/87; Regulation EC/1609/2000
Specified Products from Provides for the execution and enforcement of 2008/1080 (W.114) 2012/47(E) Commission Decision 2008/289/EC on
China (Restriction on First Commission Decision 2008/289/EC regarding 2008/171 (NI) SI 2012/64 (W.15) emergency measures regarding the unauthorised
Placing on the Market) the unauthorised genetically modified organism 2012/3 (NI) genetically modified organism “Bt 63” in rice and
(England) Regulations 2008 ‘Bt 63’ in rice and rice products originating in, or 2012/64 (W) rice products originating in, or consigned from,
2008/1079 consigned from China. China.
2013/180 (NI)
As amended 2012:
2013/1683 (E)
As amended 2013:
2013/1653 (W)
Special conditions governing Governs imports of specified foods originating in Regulation (EU) 2017/2058 Regulation (EU) 2016/6
the import of feed and food Japan following the Fukushima nuclear accident Regulation (EU) 2017/2058 industry/imports/banned_restricted/japan
originating in or consigned in 2011.
from Japan following the
accident at the Fukushima
nuclear power station
Regulation (EU) 2016/6
Meat Products Specified exceptions to meat products and 2004/1396 (W.141) S.I. 2008/517 Not applicable Links to guidance for Wales and
legislation subject to a transitional defence S.I.2008/713 Northern Ireland are below
(W.74) The Meat Products Regulations 2004 –
[DEFRA has The Meat Products (Wales) Regulations 2004 2014/3087(W.308) Summary Guide for Bakers
responsibility for this and the Meat Products (Wales) (Amendment) S.I. 2005/2626 Guidance on labelling of added
legislation in Regulations 2008 are revoked by the Products ingredients in MPR 5 Meat
SR 2014/285 in NI S.I.2005/3254 (W.247)
England] Containing Meat etc (Wales) Regulations 2014
Bread and Flour Requires bread and flour, to meet certain criteria 1998/24 (NI) The Miscellaneous Food Not applicable Guidance for the legislation in Wales
legislation in their composition. Additives (Amendment) and Northern Ireland is here
1988/141 Regulations 1999
[DEFRA has
responsibility for this
legislation in 199
England] 9/uksi_19991136_en.pdf
1999/244 (NI)
Cocoa and Chocolate Prescribes definitions and reserved descriptions 2003/3037 (W.285) Directive 2000/36/EC relating to cocoa and Guidance for the legislation in Wales
Products legislation for designated cocoa and chocolate products 2003/313 (NI) chocolate products intended for human and Northern Ireland, including a
consumption. Quick Guide to Chocolate, is here
[DEFRA has
responsibility for this
legislation in
Coffee Extracts and Prescribes definitions and reserved descriptions 2001/1440 (W.102) Directive 1999/4/EC relating to coffee extracts
Chicory Extracts for coffee extracts and chicory extracts. 2001/45 (NI) and chicory extracts
[DEFRA has
responsibility for this
legislation in
Fruit Juices and Fruit Prescribes definitions and reserved descriptions 2013/2750(W267) Directive 2012/12, amending Council Guidance for the 2003 legislation in
Nectars Regulations 2013 for certain designated fruit juice products 2013/253 (NI) Directive 2001/112/EC relating to fruit juices and Wales and Northern Ireland is here
2013/2775 certain similar products intended for human
consumption. Prescribes definitions and
[DEFRA has reserved descriptions for certain designated fruit
responsibility for this juice products
legislation in
Regulation Purpose Parallel Amendments EU legislation Guidance
Casein and Caseinates Prescribes definitions and reserved descriptions 1986/40 (NI) The Criminal Justice Act Council Directive 83/417/EEC on the None available on the FSA website.
legislation for casein and caseinate products 1985/2026 1988, s. 52 approximation of the laws of the Member States
(S.I. 1989/2321) relating to certain lactoproteins (casein and
[DEFRA has 2016/1130 (W.270) (S.I. 1990/2486) caseinates) intended for human consumption
responsibility for this (S.I. 1991/1476)
legislation in (S.I. 1992/2596)
England] (S.I. 1996/1499)
(S.I. 2009/3235)
S.I. 2009/3377 (W.299)
S.R. 2009/415
The Country of Origin of Lays down rules for the application of Regulation 2015/1519 (W.177) Commission implementing Regulation (EU) No FSA Wales and Northern Ireland are
certain meats (EU) No 1169/2011 as regards the indication of 2015/321 (NI) 1337/2013 working on guidance notes
Regulations the country of origin or place of provenance for
2015 fresh, chilled and frozen meat of swine, sheep,
goats and poultry
[DEFRA has
responsibility for this
legislation in
Food (Lot Marking) Requires a food forming part of a lot to be clearly 1996/384 (NI) Directive 89/396/EEC. Guidance for the legislation in Wales
legislation indicated. 1996/1502 (E&W) The new Regulations continue the requirements and Northern Ireland is here
[DEFRA has that food produced prepared or packaged as part
responsibility for this of a lot is marked or labelled as to enable the lot
legislation in to be identified.
Condensed Milk and Prescribes definitions and reserved descriptions 2003/3053 (W.291) S.I.2006/14 Directive 2001/114/EC, relating to certain partly Guidance for the legislation in Wales
Dried for condensed milk and dried milk products 2003/300 (NI) S.I.2006/31 (W. 5) S.R. or wholly dehydrated preserved milk products and Northern Ireland is here
Milk legislation 2006/3 intended for human consumption.
S.I 2008/85
[DEFRA has S.I.2008/137 (W.19) S.R.
responsibility for this 2008/42
legislation in S.I 2009/3238
England] S.I.2009/3378 (W.300)
S.R. 2009/416
Fish Labelling legislation Provides an updated list of the commercial 2013/2139 (W.209) 2014/3079 (W.304) Council Regulation 104/2000/EC on the Guidance for the legislation in Wales
designations and granting of provisional 2013/219 (NI) 2014/287 (NI) common organisation of the markets in fishery and Northern Ireland is here
[DEFRA has commercial designations. and aquaculture products as applied by
responsibility for this Commission Regulation 2065/2001/EC laying
legislation in The 2013 Regulations revoke the Fish Labelling down detailed rules for the application of Council
England] (Wales) Regulation (EC) No.104/2000 as regards
informing consumers about fishery and
Regulations 2010 2010/797 (W.78) aquaculture products
Natural Mineral Water, Requires recognition of water as “natural SI 2009/1598 Council Directive 2009/54/EC on the Exploitation Guidance for the legislation in Wales
Spring Water and Bottled mineral water” and sets standards for bottled SI 2010/433 and marketing of natural mineral waters and Northern Ireland is here
Drinking Water legislation spring water and drinking water. SI 2010/896 (amends SI
2015 No. 1867 (W. 2010/433) Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of
[DEFRA has In wales and Northern Ireland 2015 274) water intended for human consumption
responsibility for this Regulations revoked all previous regulations
legislation in and consolidate regulations in this area into a 2015/365 (NI) Commission directive 2003/40/EC establishing
England] single SI the list, concentration limits and
labelling requirements for the constituents of
In Wales and Northern Ireland 2017 2017 No. 935 natural mineral waters and the conditions for
Regulations transposed Commission Directive (W.229) using ozone-enriched air for the treatment of
2015/1787, removing the requirement for natural mineral waters and spring waters
enforcement authorities to carry out check and
2017 No.201 (NI)
audit monitoring on water put into bottles. Commission Directive (EU) 2015/1787 amending
Annexes II and III to Council Directive 98/83/EC
on the quality of water intended for human
Spreadable Fats (Marketing Provides for the execution and enforcement of 2008/1341 (W.141) Council Regulation 1234/2007/EC (
Standards) and the Milk and certain provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 2008/239 (NI)
Milk Products (Protection of No.1234/2007 Decision 88/566/EEC as amended. Commission
Designations) legislation Directive 445/2007/EC on the application of
Council Regulation 2991/94/EC laying down
[DEFRA has standards for spreadable fats and of Council
responsibility for this Regulation 1898/87/EC on the protection of
legislation in designations used in the marketing of milk and
England] milk products
Jam and Similar Products Prescribes definitions and reserved 2004/553 (W.56) Directive 2001/113/EC Prescribe definitions Guidance for the legislation in Wales
legislation descriptions for certain designated jam 2003/519 (NI) and reserved descriptions concerning fruit jams, and Northern Ireland is here,
products jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut including a Quick Guide to Jam here
purée intended for human consumption
[DEFRA has
responsibility for this
legislation in
Regulation Purpose Parallel Amendments EU legislation Guidance
Food Supplements Regulates the sale of food supplements, with 2003/273 (NI) S.I. 2005/2626 Directive 2002/46/EC on the approximation of Guidance for the legislation in
(England) legislation specific requirements regarding labelling, SI. 2005/2759 the laws of the Member States relating to Northern Ireland is here and for label
safety and composition, with respect to the S.I. 2007/330 food supplements, OJ No. L183, 12.7.2002, advisory statements and suggested
[Department of Health has vitamins, minerals and their forms which may SI.2009/3251 p.51. reformulations is here,
responsibility for this be used in food supplements. SI.2009/3251
legislation in England] S.R. 2007/116 Commission Regulation1170/2009/EC amending
S.R.2009/407(NI) Directive 2002/46/EC and Regulation
1925/2006/EC as regards the lists of vitamin and
[Welsh Government has
minerals and their forms that can be added to
responsibility for this foods, including food supplements.
legislation in Wales]
Quick-frozen Foodstuffs Prohibits the placing on the market of a quick- 2007/389 (W.40) Commission Regulation 37/2005/EC on monitoring
(England) Regulations frozen foodstuff unless certain conditions are 2007/110 (NI) of temperatures in the means of transport,
2007 satisfied warehousing and storage of quick-frozen
2007/191 foodstuffs intended for human consumption.
Foodstuffs Suitable for Provides for the execution and enforcement 2010/2651 (W.219) Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. To be published soon
People Intolerant to Gluten provisions of The EC Regulation which puts in 828/ 2014 on the requirements for the provision of
legislation place compositional criteria based on SI revoked and information to consumers on the absence or
internationally accepted safe levels related to replaced by the reduced presence of gluten in food
the claims 'gluten-free' and 'very low gluten' for Food Information
[Department of Health has
foods that have been specifically manufactured (Wales)
responsibility for this
to satisfy the particular nutritional requirements (Amendment
legislation in England
of people who are intolerant to gluten Regulations 2016
(English SI 2010/2281).
Revoked on 20 July.
SR revoked and
replaced by the
FSA retains policy lead
Food Information
for gluten]
Regulation Purpose Parallel Amendments EU legislation Guidance
Food for Particular Reflects the repeal and replacement of Council revoked by SR 2016 Directive 2009/39/EC on foodstuffs intended for
Nutritional Uses Directive 89/398 with Council Directive 2016 251 particular nutritional uses (OJ No. L124,
(Miscellaneous 2009/39/EC 20.5.2009, p.21)
Amendments) legislation
Nutrition and Health Sets out penalties and transitional measures to 2007/349 (NI) S.R. 2010 No. 259 (NI) Regulation 1924/2006/EC on nutrition and health
Claims legislation enforce the EC regulation in England claims made on foods, as corrected by
Corrigendum (OJ No. L12,18.1.2007, p.3).
[Department of Health has
responsibility for this
legislation in England]
Food for Particular Reflects the repeal and replacement of Council revoked by SR 2016 Directive 2009/39/EC on foodstuffs intended for None available on the FSA website.
Nutritional Uses Directive 89/398 with Council Directive 2016 251 particular nutritional uses (OJ No. L124,
(Miscellaneous 2009/39/EC 20.5.2009, p.21)
Amendments) legislation
Addition of Vitamins, Sets out penalties and transitional measures to 2007/301 (NI) SI 2009 No. 3251 Regulation (EC) No. 1925/2006 on the addition of Guidance for the legislation in
Minerals and Other enforce the EC Regulation in England SR 2009/407 (NI) SR vitamins, minerals and certain other substances to Northern Ireland is here
Substances legislation 2010/292 (NI) foods (OJ No. L404, 30.12.2006, p.26).
Processed Cereal-based Prohibits the sale of Cereal-based Foods and 2003/530 (NI) S.I. 2005/2626 Commission Regulation 284/2011
Foods and Baby Foods for Baby Foods for infants and young children
Infants and Young unless they comply with compositional and i200 Directive 2006/125/EC on processed cereal-
Children legislation labelling requirements. 5/20052626.htm based foods and baby foods for infants and young
S.I. 2005/2630 children (OJ No. L 339, 6.12.2006, p.16).
[Department of Health has
responsibility for this i200
legislation in England] 5/20052630.htm
SI. 2007/2591
[Welsh Government has
S.R. 2007/408 (NI)
responsibility for this
legislation in Wales]
Medical Food legislation Prohibits sale unless complies with rules as to 2000/187 (NI) S.I. 2004/2145 Directive 1999/21/EC on dietary foods for special Guidance for the notification of
2000/845 formulation, composition, instructions for use, S.I. 2005/2626 medical purposes (OJ No. L91, marketing of medical food in Northern
naming and labelling S.I. 2007/2591 7.4.1999, p.29) Ireland is here
[Department of Health has S.R. 2007/408 (NI)
responsibility for this
legislation in England]
Notification of Marketing of Restricts the sale of foods for particular 2007/60 (NI) S.I 2010/295 Article 11 of Directive 2009/39/EC on foodstuffs
Food for Particular Nutritional nutritional uses (PNU foods). S.R. 2010/33 (NI) intended for particular nutritional
Uses Regulations 2007 uses (OJ No. L124, 20.5.2009, p.21) Consolidated
2007/181 version available at:
Novel Foods and Novel Provides for the execution and enforcement of [Note: The Devolution-related Regulation (EC) No. 258/97 concerning novel foods
Food Ingredients certain specified provisions of Regulation (EC) Regulations were Amendments: and novel food ingredient laying out detailed rules for e
Regulations 1997 No. 258/97 concerning novel foods and novel made before 2000/253 (W.5) the authorisation of novel foods, ingredients and
1997/1335 food ingredients. Devolution and processes.
2000/656 (E+W)
extended to the advice/novel/faqs/
whole of the UK.] Other amendments:
Commission Recommendation
1999/3182 (E)
97/618/EC sets out guidance for
Relevant legislation:
submission of applications for
2000/768 (E) 2009/3235 (UK/E) authorisation.
2000/1925 (W.134) 2009/3377 (W.299)
2009/415 (NI)
2004/2335 (E)
2004/3220 (W.276)
2004/33 (NI)
Food Standards Act 1999 An Act to establish the Food Standards Not applicable None available
(C.28) Agency
The General Food Provides for the enforcement of 2013/291(NI) Regulation 178/2002/EC laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the
Regulations (Northern certain provisions of Regulation (EC) European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety.
Ireland) 2004 No. 178/2002
2004/505 (NI) Commission Regulation (EU) 931/2011 - on the traceability requirements set by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002
for food of animal origin.
Food Hygiene Rating To provide for the operation of a N/A
Act (Northern Ireland) mandatory food hygiene rating
2016 scheme in Northern Ireland.
General Food Provides for enforcement of S.I.2005/3254 Regulation 178/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ No. L31, 1.2.2002, p.1) laying down
2 certain provisions of Regulation (W.247) the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying
Regulations 2004
2004/3279 (EC) No. 178/2002 of the 2013/3007(W.298 down procedures in matters of food safety.
European Parliament and of the )
Council (O.J. No. L31, 1.2.2002, Commission Regulation (EU) 931/2011 - on the traceability requirements set by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of
p. 1) the European Parliament and of the Council for food of animal origin.
The Food and Animal Provides protective measures 2002/1798 Commission Decision
Feedingstuffs (Products with regard to the products of (W.173) 2002/69/EC (OJ No. L30,
of Animal Origin from animal origin imported from
31.1.2002, p.50) as amended by Commission Decision
China) (Emergency China.
2002/441/EC (OJ No.
Control) (Wales)
Regulations 2002. L151,11.6.2002, p.16).
These have been partially revoked in relation to England only, with enforcement of Regulation 178/2002 now in the Food safety and Enforcement (England) Regulations 2013, as noted above. The partial revocation is recorded in
the list of recently-revoked English legislation below.
Animal By-Products (Enforcement) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 (as amended) 2011/124 DARD NI
General Product Safety Regulations 2005 2005/1803 Department for Business Innovation and Skills
The Beef and Veal Labelling (Wales) Regulations 2011 2011/991 (W.145) Welsh Government / Defra
Materials and Articles in Contact with To Provide for the execution and enforcement in England of the provisions of
Food (England) (Amendment) Commission Regulation (EC) No. 282/2008 on recycled plastic materials intended
Regulations 2018 to come into contact with foods.To provide for the execution and enforcement in
England of the provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) 2016/1416 amending
and correcting Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles
intended to come into contact with food,
Gluten in Food (Information for To Provide for the execution and enforcement in England of the provisions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 828/ 2014
Consumers) (England) Regulations 2017 Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 828/ 2014
The Animal Feed (Composition, To implement amendments to Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 of the European
Marketing and Use) (England) Parliament and of the Council as regards requirements for the new labelling and
(Amendment) Regulations 2016 placing on the market and conditions of use of feed additives. An amendment to the
Annex of the regulation has also been made to introduce a new category of feed
(Novel Foods ((England)) Regulations To implement the Regulation on Novel Foods (EC) No 2015/2283 and provide a 2017/1103 (W279) Regulation on Novel Foods (EC) No 2015/2283
2018) proportionate enforcement framework in England.
2017/233 (NI)
This SI will revoke Novel Foods and Novel Food Ingredients Regulations
The Animal Feed (Basic Safety Directive 2013/59/EURATOM lays down basic safety standards for protection
Standards) (England) Regulations 2018 against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation. The provision
relating to animal feed is Article 21(1) which states:
It is considered that a transposition of the Directive was required for animal feeding
Revoked in the last 12 months