Multifaceted Aspects of Human Cloning: July 2006

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Multifaceted Aspects of Human Cloning

Article · July 2006

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Tanuj Kanchan Thimmaraju Mohan

All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur Gulbarga University


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Multifaceted Aspects of Human Cloning

Tanuj Kanchan, T. S. Mohan Kumar*, Ashish Kumar**, Sanjoy Das***

Curious human brain has led to numerous discoveries. an Udder cell (6,7). Soon there were reports of cloned
Human cloning, which was a topic of science fiction for mice and large farm animals. Genetically altered
hundreds of years, turned real with arrival of Dolly, a fibroblasts were used to clone large farm animals,
cloned sheep in 1997. Cloning since its inception has sheep (8) and cow (9) by nuclear transfer. Cloning
led to seemingly unending and controversial debate of human embryos has already been achieved but
worldwide on a number of medico legal, ethical and successful cloning of humans has not been proven yet
social issues (1,2). The present review discusses all these despite of some claims regarding the same. The South
aspects of human cloning. Korean scientists announced the cloning of a human
What is cloning ? embryo first in February 2004. They grew the embryo
for seven days before destroying it. Recently, South
Clone means one or a group of genetically identical
Korean scientists have created the world's first cloned
cells, organisms or plants derived by vegetative
dog Snuppy (10).
reproduction from a single parent; also, a DNA
population, derived from a single hybrid DNA molecule Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning Technologies
by replication in a eukaryotic or bacterial host cell (3). 1. Reproductive Cloning Technology includes a
The word "clone" is derived from a Greek word for taking process called "somatic cell nuclear transfer"
a cutting from a plant. Scientists traditionally used the (SCNT). The genetic material from the nucleus of
term "cloning" to describe different processes for a donor adult cell is transferred to an egg whose
duplicating biological material. In simple terms, human nucleus, and thus its genetic material has
cloning is a process of producing genetically identical been removed. The reconstructed egg containing
human beings. In general biological terms, human the DNA from a donor cell is treated with
cloning is defined as "the asexual replication of an chemicals or electric current in order to stimulate
existing genome or individual, or a replica of a DNA cell division. Once the cloned embryo reaches a
sequence, such as a gene, produced by genetic suitable stage, it is transferred to the uterus of a
engineering". female host where it continues to develop
Historical Milestones until birth. Thus, reproductive cloning is a process
First report of successful cloning of lambs (4) that of nuclear transplantation and embryo splitting.
went unnoticed was soon followed by arrival of "Dolly" Dolly was created by reproductive cloning
in 1997 (5). Ian Wilmut and colleagues at Roslin Institute technology.
and PPL therapeutics near Edinburgh produced the clone, 2. Therapeutic Cloning Technology also known as,
Dolly the lamb. Dolly was created by taking cells from "embryo cloning," is the production of human
the udder of an ewe and "reprogramming" them to embryos for use in research with the goal of
create a new embryo by a process known as nuclear harvesting stem cells that can be used to study
transfer, and implanting the embryo in another ewe. human development and treat diseases. Stem cells
Doubts related to Dolly's origin that if she was really a are extracted from the egg at blastocyst stage and
clone was put to rest by Forensic DNA testing methods, can be used to generate any type of specialized cell
which confirmed Dolly to be the direct descendent of in the human body.
From the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, K.M.C., Manglore & *Manipal, **Deptt. of Microbiology & ***Forensic
Medicine & Toxicology, HIMS, Dehradun India.
Correspondence to : Dr. Tanuj Kanchan, Deptt. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Kasturba Medical College, Manglore, India.

Vol. 8 No. 3, July-September 2006 125


Applications (11,12) progeny. Cloning is an "invasion of personality" and a

1. Cloning is most likely to serve as a new unusual but "Pandora's box with unpredictable consequences (14)".
perhaps efficacious treatment for infertility or sought Cloning and human dignity : The notion of "human
by couples, who because of a high risk of genetic dignity" is commonly used ethical justification for
disease or other factors cannot or do not wish to cloning laws on the basis that reproductive human
conceive a child. cloning necessarily infringes with the notions of human
2. Researchers believe that stem cells have a potential dignity (15). UNESCO's Universal Declaration on the
to serve as replacement cells in treatment of Human Genome and Human Rights, recommends a ban
degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, on "practices which are contrary to human dignity, such
Parkinson's disease, spinal cord damage, diabetes, as reproductive cloning" (16) and the World Health
cardiovascular disorders, cancer research and Organization, 1998 reaffirmation that "cloning for the
therapy etc. replication of human individuals is ethically unacceptable
and contrary to human dignity and integrity (17) are
3. Cloning technology can also be used to generate
known illustrations of the same.
tissues and organs for transplants. The cloned tissue
or organ is a genetic match to the recipient thus The reasons behind claims that cloning infringes with
risk of tissue rejection would be eliminated. the human dignity are that :
4. This technology might be helpful in preservation 1. Dignity closely relates to "autonomy" and human
and repopulation of the endangered species and "uniqueness," the concern is that a clone's
genetic improvements etc. autonomy will be compromised and the uniqueness
lost because of identical genome (18).
5. It may become possible to clone a dead or dying
person. 2. The act of cloning can be implicated as an intention
to "violate the rights of the clone in the future",
6. Researchers also hope to use cloning to help with
because the person cloned would not be created
basic research into human diseases.
for their own benefit but someone else's. This is an
Arguments Against Cloning (13) instrumental way of using another human, as a
Religious Perspectives means to someone else's ends; which is
Most prominent arguments for an outright ban on unacceptable human control.
human cloning include that human beings have a right 3. The most fundamental ethical case against human
to be "born in a human way and not in the laboratory" cloning is that no human being should have his or
and that life is meant to come from God through the her complete genetic make up pre-determined by
blessed relationship of a man and a woman. Other another human.
arguments include that "We all have the right to be born 4. Cloning is "replication" and not "reproduction".
of love". When embryos are made in a test tube or a The asexual nature of the process is "unnatural,"
petrie dish "they can be frozen, poured down the sink and found only in the lowest forms of life. Thus,
and treated as objects rather than subjects of infinite cloning degrades human dignity.
human value." Catholic teaching opposes cloning, Physical Risks
whether therapeutic or reproductive, as the process is
It took 277 attempts and 29 implantations to produce
the same in either case; only the purpose is different.
one healthy Dolly and because cloning humans is more
The official opinion of the Roman Catholic Church is
complicated, "even more deaths and lethal birth defects
that "every possible act of cloning humans is intrinsically
can be expected during experimentation". Many attempts
evil" and can never be justified. Hinduism and Islamic
at animal cloning produced disfigured monsters with
views with relation to human cloning are not unanimous.
severe congenital abnormalities. Cloned animals tend to
Ethical Issues have immuno-compromised status, higher rates of
Direct objections are that cloning is unnatural; it infection, tumour growth and other complications, or
affects human dignity and violates the individual's right other developmental abnormalities not appearing till after
to genetic uniqueness, whereas consequential objections birth. Some of the defects may not be revealed until a
concern unjustified health and psychosocial risks for the clone is mature. Dolly, the most famous sheep in history,

126 Vol. 8 No. 3, July-September 2006


suffered from arthritis at an unexpectedly early age and beliefs. Perhaps the most urgent ethical, legal and social
was euthanised on February 14, 2003 at the age of 6 issues about cloning arise in the context with the known
after being diagnosed with an incurable lung disorder- and unknown risks following human experiments making
probably linked to the cloning process. Dolly's death, it potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible.
while not definitively traceable to the cloning process Legislations Relating Cloning
again highlighted the possible health risks associated with Although a global comprehensive treaty, relating cloning
reproductive cloning (19). The big worry besides technologies is lacking, different countries have laws to
congenital and developmental abnormalities is impact cope with emerging medico legal problem. 1997 Council
of cloning on mental development and early ageing of Europe Convention on Human Rights prohibited cloning
cannot be predicted by existing technology (20). for reproductive and research purposes in most of Europe.
Psychological Risks In 1998, the Commission of the European Convention in
Children may suffer from a diminished sense of Paris ratified a Protocol prohibiting all those methods that
individuality and personal autonomy as the feeling that can create identical human beings but some countries
he or she is different from others and a copy of someone did not sign it. UK has enacted Human Reproductive
else, may creep in. A cloned child may feel that their Cloning Act of 2001, which prohibits the placing in a
future is constrained by the life path of their gene donor. woman of a human embryo, which has been created
Besides ill-defined relationship, unbearable emotional otherwise than by fertilization (22). In 2001, an
pressures in trying to establish his or her identity may amendment to the "Human Fertilization and Embryology
shatter the clone's personality. The mental development Act" was made to allow research on therapeutic cloning
and reaction of the clone to such stresses, as it grows up (23). Similarly, USA has enacted Human Cloning
cannot be predicted in advance and thus it would be Prohibition Act of 2001 (HCPA 2001) to regulate use of
unethical to inflict that risk knowingly (21). cloning technology (24). Among the Asian countries,
Social Issues Japan enacted a law that bans human reproductive cloning
Main risk of human cloning is that it would allow but allows stem cell research. Other Asian countries, such
third parties to impose biological predetermination. as India, China, Singapore, and South Korea, also allow
Widespread practice of human reproductive cloning will experimentation with stem cell research. In Bangladesh,
encourage a form of eugenics as people arbitrarily decide at present cloning prohibition law is absent. Scientists
which traits are desirable that may possibly lead to could misuse this legal disparity and therefore a
Degradation of the Quality of Parenting and Family Life universally accepted law is required. The regulation of
and Objectification of Children. Parents having complete human cloning continues to be a significant national and
control over the genome of their children might begin to international policy issue. The United Nations postponed
view children as objects i.e. it might lead to the indefinitely a vote on proposed worldwide ban on human
objectification of children. Objects derive their worth cloning in November 2004 after 22 nations including India
from how well they serve the needs of others. Parents and Britain opposed the motion.
may value their children according to how well they meet Status of Cloning in India
expectations and larger society may not recognize them India allows experimentation with stem cell research.
as individuals. Thus, reproductive cloning would have In India medical termination of pregnancy is permitted
an adverse impact on the social definition of family: under the MTP Act of 1971 (25). The resulting fetal
Legal Issues tissues that are freely available from the MTP Clinics
People that support further research into human and hospitals can be utilized for research purposes.
cloning argue that respect for personal autonomy, Termination of pregnancy for obtaining fetus for stem
freedom of reproductive choice, and freedom of scientific cell research or for transplantation is not permitted. The
inquiry should prohibit lawmakers from making human main source of embryonic cells will be from the ART/
cloning illegal. Opponents believe that the government IVF clinics dealing with the infertility treatment where
has the authority to override these rights for larger spare or supernumery embryos will be available for the
interests of the society. Laws governing human cloning purposes. However, no embryos can be created for the
should reflect ethical positions and not based on religious sole purpose of obtaining stem cells.

Vol. 8 No. 3, July-September 2006 127


Institutional ethics committee should keep in view the 7. Signer EN, Dubrova YE, Jeffreys AJ et al. DNA Fingerprinting
ethical, legal and social issues and should adhere to the Dolly. Nature 1998 ; 394 : 329-30.
"Ethical Guidelines for biomedical research on human 8. Schnieke AE, Kind AJ, Ritchie WA et al. Human Factor IX
subjects" issued by the Indian Council of Medical Transgenic Sheep produced by transfer of nuclei from
Research (ICMR) in October 2000 (26). In India, only transfected fetal fibroblasts. Science 1997 ; 278 : 2130-33.
the research programmes and not the therapeutic 9. Cibelli JB, Stice SL, Golueke PJ et al. Cloned transgenic
transplantations are permitted at present. calves produced from nonquiescent fetal fibroblasts. Science
1998 ; 280 : 1256-58.
10. Human Cloning. The Times of India (Mangalore). 4th
It is difficult to find a solution to various issues related August; 2005: 1.
to cloning technologies or to reach a consensus on 11. Robertson JA. Human Cloning and challenge of Regulation.
universal policy. The central objections to human NEJM 1998 ; 339 (2) : 119-22
reproductive cloning are not objections relating to dignity
12. Solter D. Dolly is a clone- and no longer alone. Nature
but objections relating to risk, especially those imposed 1998 ; 394 : 315-16.
on children born in the course of early human
13. Strong C. The ethics of human reproductive cloning. Reprod
experimentation. There is consensus that the reproductive Biomed Online 2005 ; 10 (1) : 45-49.
cloning is unjustified now, because of the health risks
14. Butler D, Wadman M. Calls for cloning ban sell science
involved and should be restricted. However restriction
short. Nature 1997 ; 386 : 8-9.
on cloning as such can impede important research and
15. Caulfield T. Human cloning laws, human dignity and the
progress in animal biotechnology and medicine. Thus the
poverty of the policy making dialogue. BMC Med Ethics
benefits sought using the technology against any potential 2003 ; 29 (4) : E3
harm to the offspring should be weighed. Instead of
16. Observations on the Universal Declaration on the Human
seeking prohibition of human cloning, focus of attention Genome and Human Rights, UNESCO, Paris, November 11,
should be towards the development of more effective 1997 (Article 11).
cloning procedures, guidelines and regulations. This will 17. World Health Organization. Ethical, scientific and legal
allow us to obtain its benefits while minimizing the risks implications of cloning on human health, Geneva 1998.
involved. Research related to reproductive cloning should 18. Annas GJ. Why should we ban human cloning? NEJM
be universally banned but therapeutic cloning related 1998 ; 339(2) : 122-25
research should be conducted under restriction and strict 19. Vogel G. Dolly Goes to Greener Pastures. Science 2003 ;
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human cloning should shift from being "totally 20. Giles G, Knight JJ. Dolly’ death leaves researchers woolly
unacceptable" to cloning under controlled conditions. on clone ageing issue. Nature 2003 ; 421: 776.
References 21. Emery and Rimoin’s Principles and Practice of Medical
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23. Human Fertilization and Embryology Act-1990 and its
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128 Vol. 8 No. 3, July-September 2006

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