County Times: United Way: Giving Back
County Times: United Way: Giving Back
County Times: United Way: Giving Back
County Times
W W W. C O U N T Y T I M E S . N E T
United Way:
Giving Back
2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 14, 2019
CONTENTS United Way of Calvert County President/CEO Kelly Chambers
Southern Maryland Higher Education Center is now the University System of Maryland at Southern
FEATURE12 Maryland
The school board honored the Patuxent High Seahawk makes Men’s All-CAC basketball team.
OBITUARIES 18 School Harlequins.
APRIL 13TH, 2019
County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 22
The Calvert County Department of pected to be completed within 90 days.
Public Works is immediately closing a The repairs will not restrict access to
section of Pine Boulevard in Lusby for
90 days due to emergency culvert repairs.
homes, but motorists may need to adjust
their community access points between
The area affected stretches along Pine Saw Mill Road and White Sands Drive. SERVING CALVERT COUNTY
Boulevard from Barnacle Lane to Cathy For information on Calvert County
Court in the White Sands community. Government, visit www.CalvertCoun- ON NEWSSTANDS EVERY
Work will include replacement of a
failed culvert under the roadway. The
approximately $250,000 project is ex-
Press Release from Calvert
County Government
County Times St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 14, 2019
By Guy Leonard ter said. “But there’s still good stable has only been underway for a week, bring a substantial boon to the local
Staff Writer enrollment.” has been smooth. and regional economy by providing a
A regional workforce needs study “I’m very happy with the way things way to take traditionally military tech-
As of March 1 the Southern Mary- USM engaged in showed that along are going,” Anderson said. nology used in drones and other auton-
land Higher Education Center official- with the need for more degreed profes- Dr. Ben Latigo, the interim execu- omous systems and help bring it to the
ly merged with the University System sionals in high technology jobs, there tive director at the center and also the civilian market.
of Maryland (USM). was an urgent need for courses that of- chief academic officer, said the center This fits with the vision of local lead-
The long-awaited merger is a har- fered degrees in health care, business would operate administratively from ers to diversify the county’s economy
binger of not only advanced unmanned and education. the USM’s main campus in Prince away from the defense industry and its
and autonomous systems technology, USM was looking to fill that need George’s County. tightening budgets.
vis-à-vis the planned, new research in taking over at the higher education “Starting today [March 1] USM has But the third building will also allow
building, but of expanded educational center. appointed College Park as the adminis- for the critical expansion of the edu-
opportunities for county residents and “Clearly Southern Maryland is one trative body,” Latigo said. “We are now cation programs available at USMSM,
the rest of Southern Maryland. of the more advanced technology econ- part of the state university system.” Latigo said.
Anthony Foster, Associate Vice omies in the state,” Foster said. “But The Board of Regents at USM will “The third building will provide the
Chancellor for Planning and Account- there’s also demand for more business conduct a search for a new director to space we need,” Latigo said. “Half of
ability for USM, said the transition is degrees, more health care degrees and run USMSM later this year. the space will be for the additional
underway. also for education. Currently, the larger body is ensur- classrooms we need; the other half will
“We need to get a reason- “We are looking at these needs and ing that the financial systems between be for the pure research of unmanned
ably smooth handover,” Fos- trying to match programs to meet the two are merged properly. systems.”
ter told The County Times. “This them.” “The transition will be done in stag- Latigo said the latest addition to the
is not something we usually do.” Another key program USM will pur- es,” Latigo said. “It will be gradual.” USM will be unique.
The regional centers the USM operates sue in the merger are “2 plus 2” pro- The key to making the merger as ef- “All the private institutions will
are of the system’s creation and are not grams or partnering with the College fective and productive as many elected stay,” Latigo said. “It will be the only
from merging with another entity; more of Southern Maryland to bring gradu- leaders, both local and state, as well institution [of the regional centers]
over the universities that already offer ates from that institution to finish out as education officials hope is the au- with a research component.
courses at what will now be known as their degree with USMSM. tonomous systems research facility “This is an exciting time and it will
the University System of Maryland at “That’s the vision,” Foster said. more commonly known as the third be even more exciting with the third
Southern Maryland (USMSM) will Joe Anderson, a member of the building. building; we will be able to attract new
continue to have a home there. Board of Governors at the higher edu- The funding for the third building universities.”
Foster said another of the main aims cation center which is now the Board at USMSM, at least in the engineering The expansion of the USM’s pres-
of USM at the center was to bring en- of Advisors, said the merger promised and planning phase, has been included ence in St. Mary’s is in addition to the
rollment of students back up; it had to bring new and important education- in Gov. Larry Hogan’s capital budget. unmanned air systems center they run
suffered in recent years as a result of al opportunities to Southern Maryland. The engineering funding stands at next to the county’s airport terminal
restrictions in federal funds available “That’s going to be a major focus about $13 million; while the entire on Airport Road.
for defense and civil servant workers over the next few years,” Anderson project could cost about $78 million to The county’s vision is to turn the en-
to continue their education. said. “That’s going to be a big and im- construct. tire area into a technology innovation
Also, the inclusion of hybrid cours- portant change. “We expect approval in the next hub, also known as an airport innova-
es, as well as those taught entirely on- “It’s going to allow a lot of young month,” Latigo said of the third build- tion district with an emphasis on aero-
line, reduced the number of face-to- people, who might not have thought ing. “If the new building is approved, space technology.
face students at the center, Foster said. they would have been able to, to go to we expect to break ground in October.
“The center had been buffeted by college in their own community.” “The third building is key.”
some difficulties in recent years,” Fos- Anderson said the transition, which The research facility is expected to
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times Local News 7
Thursday February 28th and Monday one. Arnold then became disorderly
March 4th, an unknown suspect(s) en- and began to walk away from Deputy
tered the construction site and stole sev- Parks during questioning. Deputy Parks
eral supplies. The estimated value of sto- attempted to detain Arnold and she re-
len items is approximately $3,300. sisted. Arnold was subsequently arrested
and transported to the Emergency Room Legal Notice
Theft: 19-13711 where she was cleared to be transported
On March 9th, 2019 Deputy R. Evans to the Calvert County Detention Center. REQUEST FOR BIDS
responded to the Calvert Tap House lo- Once arriving at the Detention Center, TOWN OF LEONARDTOWN, MARYLAND
cated in Prince Frederick for the report Arnold was formally charged with Dis- TUDOR HALL/DORSEY STREET WELDED
of a theft. The victim advised sometime orderly Conduct and Intoxicated Public STEEL ELEVATED SINGLE PEDESTAL
between the hours of 12:45 am and 1:00 Disturbance. WATER STORAGE TANK RECONDITIONING
am an unknown suspect(s) stole her
The Town of Leonardtown, Maryland is requesting sealed bids from qualified water
purse and the contents inside. Total val- On March 5th, 2019 Detective Mc- storage tank reconditioning contractors for the cleaning and repainting of selected and
ue of stolen items is approximately $130. Court conducted a traffic stop in the area designated areas on the interior “DRY” chamber of their Tudor Hall/Dorsey Street welded
of Traskers Blvd and Route 4. Deputy steel elevated potable water storage single pedestal tank.
Theft: 19-13784 Childress and his K9 partner responded
Specifications and Bid Documents can be obtained from: The Town of Leonardtown,
On March 9th, 2019 Deputy Rediker to the traffic stop and performed a scan
22670 Washington Street, P. O. Box 1, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650. Payment for the
responded to Sonoma Lane in Prince of the vehicle which resulted in a posi- Bid Documents is non-refundable and shall be made as follows:
Frederick for the report of a theft from tive alert. A subsequent search of the
vehicle. The victim stated that some- vehicle revealed a small black glove One (1) check for $50.00 made out to The Commissioners of Leonardtown, 22670 Wash-
ington Street, P. O. Box 1, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650. Check can be hand delivered
time between the hours of 12:30 am and with 14 small capsules containing sus-
to the Town between the hours of 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday. or sent via US
11:30 am an unknown suspect stole $80 pected a heroin/fentanyl mixture. The Mail. Payment MUST be received before bid package can be picked up or sent out. Bid
in cash and black in color Beats Head- driver, Bryan Edward Seay (29), was packages being sent will be sent via standard US Mail, unless the Express Mail account
phones from their unlocked vehicle. The placed under arrest number of the company requesting the bid package is provided with the payment of the
total estimated value of stolen property and transported to the mailing of the bid package.
is approximately $330. Calvert County De- Bid packages can be reviewed at No Charge at the Leonardtown Town Hall located at
tention Center where 22670 Washington Street, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 between the hours of 8:30 AM
Theft: 19-13963 he was charged with – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday.
On March 10th, 2019 Deputy Ward re- CDS: Possession- Not
Sealed bids will be received until Friday, April 5, 2019 2:30 P.M. local time, at Town
sponded to Smoky Road in Huntingtown Marijuana, and Pos- Hall, 22670 Washington Street, P. O. Box 1, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650. Bids re-
for the report of a theft of farm equip- session with Intent to ceived will be opened, read aloud and recorded at that time.
ment. The complainant advised that Distribute Fentanyl/Heroin Mix.
his 15-Foot Field Cultivator was stolen A bid security, bid bond or certified check in the amount of 10 percent (10%) of the Total
Bid Amount shall be submitted with each bid. Bid security/bond/certified check shall be
between the end of February 2019 and On March 5 , 2019 Deputy Ward re-
made payable to The Commissioners of Leonardtown.
March 10th, when it was reported. The sponded to the Giant in Prince Freder-
approximate value of stolen property is ick for a report of a theft. Deputy Ward A Pre-Bid meeting will be held at the Leonardtown Town Hall, 22670 Washington Street,
estimated at $3,000. made contact with the manager who Leonardtown, Maryland 20650, March 21, 2019 @ 10:00 AM local time to permit bid-
ders to discuss the project, Scope of Work, present questions/concerns and then visit the
stated the suspect, Julie Williams (70),
actual tank site. Attendance is NOT mandatory, but is strongly recommended. This will
ARRESTS: walked out of the gro- be the ONLY time the water tank will be open for inspection by the bidders.
cery store with a cart
On March 4th, 2019 Deputy Wilder re- full of unpaid items. Please forward all questions in writing to Leonardtown Water Tank Consultant, Mr.
sponded to the Calvert County Detention Williams walked back Douglas DeClerck, 47 South Broad Street, Hughesville, Pennsylvania 17737 via e-mail: – Questions received before 2:00 PM on Tuesday March 26,
Center for the complaint of destruction into the store with em- 2019 will be answered by Friday, March 29, 2019 @ 3:00 PM. Only written questions
of property. It was revealed that James ployees after being and responses will be binding.
Thomas Lanzi (27), broke a sprinkler questioned. Deputy
head inside of his Ward had the employ- The Town of Leonardtown, Maryland reserves the right, without liability, to accept or
reject any or all bids, waive any and all informalities and to award this bid as it deems is
holding cell causing ee’s ring up the amount of stolen items in the best interest of the Town of Leonardtown. Bids shall remain firm for a period of 90
his jail issued items to from the store which totaled $164.53. days after bid opening.
be destroyed. The to- Williams was placed under arrest and
tal value of damaged transported to the Calvert County De- By Authority:
Laschelle McKay
property is approxi- tention Center where she was charged Town Administrator
mately $250. Lanzi with Theft $100 to $1,500.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 9
Sell it - Buy it
Real Estate │ Business & Inventory │ Personal Property/Estates
│ Farm Equipment & Machinery │ Livestock │ Storage Units │
Benefits/Fundraisers │ Certified Personal Property Appraiser
Millwood Amish Community Public Auction
27429 Thompson’s Corner Rd – Mechanicsville, MD
FRI – MARCH 15th @ 3 PM: Groceries, Misc. Housewares & Box Lots
UPDATE & NEW THIS YEAR – Friday will consist of a load of groceries
(from Richard Betz who supplies the regular grocery auctions in the area),
and a variety of misc. housewares/box lots.
Tired of staring at
SAT – MARCH 16th @ 8 am: Tools; Farm Equipment & Machinery;
Furniture & Crafts; Antiques/Collectibles; Sheds and More! Selling with
several auctioneers at a time. Food and Refreshment available both days.
Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
you can be sure that you’ll be getting the best service available.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 11
410-535-0442 • 877-445-6538
12 Feature The Calvert County Times Thursday, March 14, 2019
opment. Their study also explores how
building a community of practice among
students and faculty at St. Mary’s Col-
lege promotes the development of skills
and knowledge that develop graduates’
OF THE WEEK character.
Funded by the Center for Research
MEET MAY on College-Workforce Transitions of
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the the Wisconsin Center for Education
corner, brimming with four leaf clovers, Research at the University of Wiscon-
leprechauns, and the luck of the Irish! sin, Madison, this program supports re-
We hope to change May’s luck by finding search projects that use ethnographic or
her perfect family! May is 14 pounds of cat
nip loving, thick plush coat wearing kitty! She
(L-R) Professor of Anthropology William mixed methods to address the question,
Roberts, and SMCM students Melody
is very affectionate, playful and just wants to be on your lap. There Raynaud and Daniel Mehaffey
how do anthropology majors prepare for
is a possibility that May kissed the Blarney Stone, as she is vocal and life after college?
can carry on quite a conversation! She is litter box trained, spayed, St. Mary’s College of Maryland an- St. Mary’s College of Maryland is ac-
microchipped, and her vaccinations are all up to date. Please come in thropology students Melody Raynaud credited by the Middle States Commis-
and visit with her today. You “May” get lucky and find that she is the and Daniel Mehaffey have been selected sion on Higher Education through 2024-
perfect cat for you. As our pet of the week, her adoption fee will be as inaugural Undergraduate Research 2025. St. Mary’s College, designated the
waived for qualified adopters. Fellows for the American Anthropologi- Maryland state honors college in 1992, is
The Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter is located at 5055 Hallowing Point Road in cal Association. Raynaud and Mehaffey ranked one of the best public liberal arts
Prince Frederick. We are open for adoptions Tuesday through Saturday. are two of only six fellows selected from schools in the nation by U.S. News &
For more information about this week’s Pet of the Week a nationwide pool of applicants. World Report. Approximately 1,600 stu-
or any of our other adoptable pets please check out our With mentor William Roberts, pro- dents attend the college, nestled on the
website or give fessor of anthropology, Raynaud and St. Mary’s River in Southern Maryland.
us a call at 410-535-PETS (7387). Please follow us on our Mehaffey will focus their research on
Facebook Page @ Calvert County Animal Shelter and
answering questions regarding their Press Release from SMCM
Instagram @CalvertCountyAnimalShelter.
experience of navigating career devel-
Co me
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times 15
Le o n ard to w n
outside flags,
Open 7 new artists, new OVER 35 INDOOR STORES, SHOPS, & SERVICES
Days A crafts. Stop “BRUDERGARTEN”
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Located Next to Maryland Antiques Center LIKE US ON FACEBOOK @SHEPERD’S OLD FIELD MARKET
St. Mary’s College Appoints New Schultz Selected to All-CAC First Team
Assistant Varsity Sailing Coach
team race national champi-
onships, received Academic
All-American honors in
2015 and was selected to
All-MAISA honors. Shane
was an active member of the
Student Athletic Advisory
Committee (SAAC) from
2012 – 2015.
Director of Sailing Bill
Ward is excited to have
Shane working with the
Seahawks, “Al was such a
heady player as an under-
graduate--she studied the
game and will undoubtedly
improve the students’ expe-
rience and performance.”
Prior to her return to in-
tercollegiate athletics at her
alma mater, Shane worked at
Allianz Asset Management
as an international benefits
specialist. She is looking
forward to returning to St.
Mary’s County and getting
back on the water. Shane
Allison Shane, St. Mary’s College of Maryland assistant states, “I am excited to share Spencer Schultz ‘20 | Photo Credit: Bill Wood
varsity sailing coach. Photo credit: Matthew Cohen
my experiences with the Junior Spencer Schultz represented St. good for third in the conference. Schultz
St. Mary’s College of Maryland is student athletes and also en- Mary’s College of Maryland on the 2019 also paced the Seahawks in rebounds
pleased to announce the appointment courage college hopefuls to come to St. All-Capital Athletic Conference men’s with 7.4 per game and field goal percent-
of Allison Shane as assistant varsity Mary’s College.” basketball team that was released by the age (59.5), which is the third-best mark
sailing coach. Shane grew up sailing in St. Mary’s College of Maryland is ac- league on Thursday (Feb. 21) morning. in the CAC.
Duxbury, Mass., and taught at Duxbury credited by the Middle States Commis- Schultz was selected to the First Team. Schultz earned back-to-back CAC
Yacht Club and Duxbury Bay Maritime sion on Higher Education through 2024- “Spencer battled through adversity Player of the Week honors on Dec. 17
School (DBMS) for several summers. 2025. St. Mary’s College, designated the with injuries in the past,” Head Men’s and Jan. 4. In addition, the Clear Spring,
Shane graduated with a bachelor of arts Maryland state honors college in 1992, is Basketball Coach, Chris Harney ‘97 Maryland native was named the Decem-
degree from St. Mary’s College in 2015, ranked one of the best public liberal arts said. “It’s great to see all of his hard ber Student-Athlete of the Month at St.
where she majored in public policy and schools in the nation by U.S. News & work pay off with this recognition.” Mary’s College.
competed on the varsity sailing team for World Report. Approximately 1,600 stu- The 6-7 forward led the Seahawks in
all four years. She helped lead the Se- dents attend the college, nestled on the scoring, averaging 17.4 points per game, Press Release from SMCM
ahawks to a second-place finish at the St. Mary’s River in Southern Maryland.
Heavy Rains Have Home Owners and Businesses Talking Flood Insurance
It’s another rainy day in Southern But what many homeowners fail to real- ground, you can be sure that this was to at least minimize the impact a flood
Maryland, and a perfect time to talk ize is that flood insurance should be a happening all over the state even in ar- event could have on you, your family,
about Flood Insurance. consideration even when you fall into a eas nowhere near the coast or a body of and your financial health.
Did you know that 2018 was the wet- low risk flood zone. water. Riverside Farmers is here to help you
test year on record for many areas in It is important to note that home in- Let’s look at Ellicott City for example. with that. We can help you understand
Maryland and Virginia? surance policies do not cover flood Flash floods in May of 2018 devastated your flood risk and offer affordable cov-
Average rainfall in the state of Mary- damages under any circumstance. historic Main Street. Some of the area is erage options that meet your specific
land is typically around 42”, but some Flood insurance coverage is defined in Flood Zone AE, a required coverage needs, regardless of your flood zone.
areas finished out the year with over and regulated by the Federal Govern- area for most lenders, but some of the Take a moment to discover your
66”. That’s nearly 60% more water ment through a program called FEMA. area effected by the flood was defined flood zone here
flooding our roads, collecting in our A flood can be defined as: as Flood Zone X, an area that often re- search#searchresultsanchor or give us
rivers and streams, puddling and even- “A general and temporary condition quires no coverage at all when working a call at 301-842-7587 and our expert
tually pooling in our neighborhoods of partial or complete inundation of nor- with lenders. Its safe to say that some team will be happy to assist!
and yards, leaking into our basements, mally dry land areas from: (1) The over- people from that area, people we know Stay dry out there everyone!
and even opening sinkholes from PAX flow of inland or tidal waters; (2) The and work with, were without coverage Alyssa Schmidt is an agent with
River to Laurel. News stories on flood- unusual and rapid accumulation or run- for flooding and are now paying out of Riverside Farmers Insurance at 22888
ing seemed to pop up with every rain- off of surface waters from any source; pocket to cover the costs of rebuilding Three Notch Road in California, MD.
storm last year, from Mechanicsville (3) Mudslides (i.e., mudflows) which and replacing, after a flooding event that She can be reached at 301-842-7587
to Annapolis, through Ellicott City and are proximately caused by flooding and they never could have predicted. or alyssa.kbobkoskie@farmersagency.
Baltimore. are akin to a river of liquid and flow- The critical takeaway from this is that com
When you first bought your home, ing mud on the surfaces of normally dry Flood Zones do not guarantee the po-
your lender may have talked to you land areas, as when earth is carried by a tential impact for floods or flood dam- By Alyssa Schmidt
about flood zones, and if your home current of water and deposited along the age. As a home or business owner it is Riverside Farmers Insurance
falls into a certain zone you may have path of the current.” your responsibility to carefully evaluate Special to the County Times
been required to obtain flood insurance. And with all this extra water on the the risks and take the steps necessary
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times Entertainment 17
myth.) 20. Type of graph (abbr.)
5. Removes 48. Plant genus
8. Disfigure 22. North and South are two 51. Swiss river
with “Many People, One Place.” John
11. Polish city
13. Move quickly on foot
25. Spread
30. Adjusted
6. One who perpetrates
wrongdoing 52. Prejudice
53. Actor Idris
27. Covers the engine
7. Make one
McAllister, President of the Historic country
St. 28. Commentator Coulter
14. Landlocked West African 31. Vietnamese offensive 54. Freedom fighters (slang)
32. Nazi architect 8. Kate and Rooney are two
9. __ Ladd, “Shane” actor 58. Criticize
Mary’s City Foundation board will 29. Mousse
15. Used in aromatherapy 33. Nigerian peoples
The greatest of all time 38. When you hope to get 10. Makes fun of
Flag ceremony participants Tamia Chase, ceive the museum’s highest honor, the 31. Witness
representing the Piscataway Conoy tribe Cross Bottony award, for his years of 32. Unlikely to be
and John Taft Bailey, representing St. Mary’s service to the institution. Music for the forgotten
Countyat Maryland Day flag ceremony 2018
ceremony will be provided by the South- 33. Bar bill
Celebrate Maryland in the place ern Maryland Youth Orchestra and the
Southern Maryland Gospel Choir. The CLUES ACROSS earth 34. Morning
where it all began! Historic St. Mary’s 35. City south of Moscow
program will close with the Ceremony 1. Employ 39. Herringlike fish
City (HSMC) invites the community to
of the Flags, a perennial crowd-pleaser, 41. No (Scottish) 36. Highly incensed
commemorate the 385th anniversary of 4. Not a starter
the founding on Saturday, March 23 by when children from across Maryland 7. Matchstick game 42. White-breasted N. 37. Intricately decorated
offering free admission for all! present their county colors. 38. Drew closer to
Historic St. Mary’s City is a museum
8. One who receives a gift American auk
Living history sites will be open from 43. American time 39. Beers
10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Plan to visit of living history and archaeology on the 10. One shows highlights 44. Adult female 40. Central China city
the Godiah Spray Tobacco Plantation to site of Maryland’s first capital in beauti- 12. Open sore 45. Singer Horne 44. Touch lightly
see heritage breed cows, pigs and chick- ful, tidewater Southern Maryland. For 13. Within 47. Habitual twitching
more information about the museum 14. __ Caesar, comedian 46. Pronouncements
ens and the Woodland Indian Hamlet 48. From a distance
and learn about the people and culture contact the Visitor Center at 240-895- 16. Investment account
that were here before Maryland. Step 4990, 800-SMC-1634, or info@DigsHis- 17. A negatively charged 49. Indian term of respect
on board the Maryland Dove to imag- ion 50. One from Utah
ine the risk taken on the original jour- 19. Immoral act 51. Never sleeps LAST WEEK’S
52. Type of bulb
In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.
Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.
Salmon Dinner
ONGOING American Legion Post 206, Chesapeake Beach Tuesday, March 19
Broad Perspective 5:30 - 7:00 PM Steak Dinner
A Photographers’ Show. Eclectic styles and visions! This Famous Lent Delight is hosted by the American American Legion Post 206, Chesapeake Beach
A symphony of nature, Americana, wildlife, abstracts, Legion Auxiliary Stallings-Williams Post 206 in the 5:30 - 7:00 PM
and digital photographic art. Show runs through April lower level dining room. $15 includes sides and bever- Order your steak directly from the Grill-Master and
7. Wed-Sun, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM. calvART Gallery, age. Public invited. 410-257-9878 get what you order. $17 includes sides, salad, beverage,
Prince Frederick Shopping Center. 410-535-9252 and roll. Public welcome. 410-257-9878. www.AL-
Celtic Circle
March Madness North Beach Community Center, 4th St. & Dayton
Newly redesigned gallery featuring artists’ works that Ave., North Beach Public Hearing
highlight March -- fierce and calm! Show runs through 7:00 - 9:00 PM Calvert Pines Senior Center, 450 West Dares Beach
March 31. ArtWorks@7th, 8905 Chesapeake Ave., North In Honor of St. Patrick! Enjoy traditional music, sto- Road, Prince Frederick
Beach. 410-286-5278 ries, history and Irish nibbles. Wear your green! Join in 7:00 PM
singing the ballads to St. Patrick and our Irish ancestors! The Calvert County Board of County Commission-
Rise Up! Slante’! Sponsored by the Celtic Society of Southern ers hold a Public Hearing to consider and receive com-
A Teen Art Exhibit showcasing the talent, creativity Maryland. Alcohol free. Free to all ages! Families wel- ments on the FY 2020 Staff Recommended Operating
and perspective of today’s teens. Exhibit runs through come! Info, email Jackie at and Capital Improvement Budget. There is a limit of 2
April 14. Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, minutes for individuals and 5 minutes for group repre-
Dowell Rd., Solomons. sentatives. 410-535-1600 ext. 2651
Saturday, March 16
Community Shredding Event
UPCOMING North Beach Fire Department Wednesday, March 20
Tribute to Nat King Cole 8:00 AM - Noon Dinner
Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons Get ready for Spring, and get rid of old paperwork! Union Church 8912 Chesapeake Ave.,North Beach
Friday, March 22, 7:00 PM The Town of Chesapeake Beach, Town of North Beach (next to Town Hall)
Maritime Performance Series: Karen Lovejoy and and the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department are 5:00 - 6:30 PM
The Lovejoy Group highlight the music, the man, and holding a Community Shredding North Beach Fire The Youth Bible Study Group serve a complimentary
his influence on jazz. $20 online and $25 at the door. DepartmentEvent at the North Beach Fire Department. dinner. All are welcome to attend. 410-257-3555. www.
Purchase the entire series $80. 410-326-2042. This is a resident-only event.
Calvert Photo Club
Tri-County Job & Career Fair College of Southern Maryland, Prince Frederick Thursday, March 21
College of Southern Maryland, Center for Business 10:00 AM - Noon
“Travel Photography – A Sense of Place” Guest Fly a Kite
and Industry (BI), La Plata Campus, 8730 Mitchell
Speaker: Rich Isaacman, VP Digital Photo Club An- Hallowing Point Park, Prince Frederick
Road, La Plata
napolis. Free. Public Welcome. 410-257-5453. calvert- 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Tuesday, April 9, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Bring your kite and watch it soar in the beautiful blue
Register Now!!! Registration is open until March 26.
sky (weather permitting). Don’t forget your camera. Career Services, 301-934-7569
Horsemanship Badge Days
Freedom Hill Horse Rescue, 7940 Flint Hill Road, NARFE Chapter 1466 Meeting
Calvert County Public Library, Prince Frederick
Thursday, March 14 Owings
1:00 PM
12:00 - 2:00 PM
TBT Zumba Gold-Toning Program aims to meet certain requirements of Girl The National Active and Retired Federal Employees
Sunderland Elementary School Scout and Boy Scout badges. Groups and individuals Association special event, co-sponsored with the library
7:00 - 8:00 PM age 5-18 are welcome! Experience the world of horses and the Calvert County Historical Society. Presentation
The class will focus on muscle conditioning, balance, and their gentle nature. Tour the farm and a riding dem- by guest Harry Stein, Senator Van Holland’s policy advi-
range of motion and coordination -all in a party atmo- onstration. Capacity 12 per session. $15 RSVP required, sor for federal employment, labor, budget, and tax issues.
sphere. Register: Calvert County Parks & Recreation Upcoming dates for Non-members and guests are welcome. 410-586-1441
410-535-1600 x8200. Horsemanship Days: May 11 and July 13.
Night at the Museum: For Young Professionals
Texas Hold ‘em Tourney & Cash Games Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons
Friday, March 15 4120 Old Town Road, Huntingtown 5:30 - 7:00 PM
7:00 PM An evening of meeting and greeting, exploration
Doors open at 6:00. Buy in $80; early registration be- and discovery hosted by Calvert Marine Museum, The
Nest Box Monitoring
fore 6:45 extra chips. Food, beer and sodas included. Patuxent Partnership, NextGen Professionals, the Young
Flag Ponds Nature Park, Lusby
Professionals Group of Charles County, Calvert Cham-
9:00 - 11:00 AM
ber Young Professionals Network, and Pax River Pro-
Volunteers trek around the park to learn nest box loca-
fessional Development Council. Free. Pre-registration
tions and prepare them for the season. A 1.5 mile hike Sunday, March 17 strongly encouraged. 410-326-2042. www.calvert-
over moderate terrain. 410-586-1477. St. Patrick’s Day
Beware the Ides of March
Harlem Wizards/PHS Band Fundraiser
Northeast Community Center, 4075 Gordon Stinnett
Ave., Chesapeake Beach
Monday, March 18 Patuxent High School, 12485 Southern Connector
Firehouse Zumba Gold-Toning Blvd. Lusby
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Dunkirk Firehouse, Ward Road 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Movie marathon, ancient Roman trivia and more!
6:30 - 7:30 PM The world-famous Harlem Wizards will play a game
Dress in ancient Roman garb to win a prize. Free. 410-
If you love to dance, this is the fitness class for you. All against a team of Southern Calvert County administra-
535-1600 ext. 8210
fitness levels welcome; no experience necessary. Drop in tors and teachers. Proceeds will benefit the PHS Band
$5. Active duty first responders free. 301-520-2338 Program. Tickets on line:
draising.html or at the door.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times Calendars 21
For more information & to register for events visit
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Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert
Al Dailey
County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
Advertising in its news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty timf
To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include
Editor the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be deliv-
Dick Myers
ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Graphic Designer for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
Jeni Coster possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Staff Writer edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument.
Guy Leonard Copyright in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains
Ron Bailey
Contributing Writers
with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it
in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 The Calvert County Times ClassifiedADS 23