A Study of Marginal Costing of Haier India Pvt. LTD Pune City.
A Study of Marginal Costing of Haier India Pvt. LTD Pune City.
A Study of Marginal Costing of Haier India Pvt. LTD Pune City.
I, Shaikh Asif Nazir hereby declare that this work is the result of my own
independent work and investigation except where otherwise stated. I further declare
that this work has been as part my academic curriculum M com II, sem IV.
I also declare that this project report entitled. ‘A Study of Marginal Costing’
practices in Haier India Pvt. LTD is a bonafide work prepared by me and hand
information given in this report is true to my knowledge.
Marginal costing is a technique where only the variable costs are considered while
calculating the cost of product. It is not a totally independent area. It depends on related
disciplines & field of study such as economics, accounting, production, marketing
&quantitative method. Marginal costing industries a prerequisite for mobilizing real resources
to organise production & accounting. Marginal costing is the process of identifying the
strengths & weakness of the firm by properly establishing relationship between the items of
fixed & variable cost. Marginal costing can be undertaken by fixed & variable costs are
charged to products while fixed costs are written off to marginal profit & loss Account during
the period in which they incurred as fixed cost. The objective of a company is maximise is
value to its shareholder. Value is represented by the price of the ordinary shares of the
company over the long run. It is reflection of the company’s investment & costing decision.
Decision making in any business organisation is primary function of company required
selected from the quality information, cost of each item, choose the exact cost of the product
is the purpose of decision making. There are various methods or techniques used in marginal
costing such as comparative statement, contribution, p/v ratio, Break even sales & margin of
safety. The marginal costing is one of the most powerful tools of costing analysis. Information
extracted by these tools can be put to the process of analysis. The information arranged in
appropriate manner then informed to the company to take decision. It is with the help of
every exact cost than the costing statement can be analysed more clearly & decision made
from such analysis. Due to its importance in the organization &interest in studying these
2. Great experience for my future:-
The most important thing is that this experience will help me in the future.
Discussions, interview, data collection, preparation of actual project & all other steps
in project have given me great confidence for the future efforts. Besides this I can also
undertake research work in future & make use of research fellowship granted by
Marginal costing is a technique of ascertaining cost used in any particular method of costing.
According to this technique:
Variable costs are charged to cost unit and the fixed cost attributable to the relevant period is
written-off in full against the contribution for that period. Therefore it has very limited scope
as it distinguishes between the treatment of fixed and variable components as parts of fixed
costs, is difficult to adopt the technique in capital intensive industries where fixed costs are
very large.
1. The study involves variable cost, contribution, fixed cost, profit & all items of the
marginal costing.
2. The study is based on marginal costing statement of last 5 years, which were obtained
from the company.
The study involves calculation of profit variable ratio, contribution, margin of safety & profit & loss
of the Haier India PVT.LTD.
A hypothesis is an explanation for a phenomenon which can be tested in some way which
ideally either proves or disproves the hypothesis. For the duration of testing, the hypothesis is
taken to be true, and the goal is to rigorously test the terms of the hypothesis. The concept of the
hypothesis is a very important part of the scientific method, and it also holds true in other
disciplines as well. And therefore after going through the literature study, the following are the
hypotheses of study;
1.6 Limitation
Following are some limitations of the project work, facing at the time of
study & preparation of the project.
1. The organisation was reluctant in sharing information pertaining to financial position and
business operations .In short, the management of the firm is very conservative and was found
reluctant of provide of balance sheet information.
2. Limitation in collection of secondary data:-
3. Organisation does not have proper cost records which creates a problem in getting
secondary data for the project. Necessary data is not available with the society.
4. Generalization: Conclusion & suggestion drawn may be applicable only to a particular area of
the organisation & may not be true the any other organisation.
1.7 Conclusions
1. It has been observed that the organization does not maintain separate departments & it does
not follows marginal costing techniques for decision making.
2. The organization is suffering from operating losses but the profits of the organization are
going on decrease year by year.
3. There is insufficient control over the variable cost & fixed cost. The variable & fixed
overheads are going on increasing year by year. Due to increase in variable & fixed cost,
increase in sales did not give high profit to the organization.
4. It is observed that although there is sufficiency in labour force comprising 733 employees,
the technical qualified staff is inadequate.
5. It is observed that sales & contribution in increasing & simultaneously the fixed cost is also
increased, so profit margin is not increased in the ratio of increased sales & contribution.
6. It has been observed that although classification& codification is done in the accounts
departments there is problem regarding the same in locating the items easily.
7. The organizations fixed overheads are 100% fixed, weather is production or not these fixed
overheads are incurred.
8. It is observed that the variable & fixed overheads are going on increasing year by year. The
increase in fixed cost is due to increase in depreciation & interest & increase in variable cost
is because of increase in sales & production.
9. The increase in sales is due increase in raw materials in the factory area.
Chapter 2
Haier India Pvt. LTD began with a vision to support the country’s drive towards
Haier is the preferred business partner of refrigerator majors worldwide
in Pharma, Rubber, Colorants and Imaging. Headquartered at Pune,
we are a multi-division and multi-product company that has manufacturing
facilities at Nandesari, in Gujarat and at Pune, Roha and Taloja in Maharashtra
and Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, all of them complying with ISO 9001:2000 standards.
We are poised to take on the opportunities offered by globalization, increasing
shareholder value, improving opportunities for our employees, driving greater
innovation and seeking sustainable solutions for the world. We are a signatory
to the Responsible Care initiative and are committed to ethical business
The purpose of all human activity is to make life better. Haier believes in
improving life through innovative science. Through innovations, we constantly
endeavour to bring better products and processes that bring greater value to
Core Purpose
"Improve Life Through Innovative Science"
We are a role model enterprise, respected globally for excellence in quality and innovation
We enhance stakeholder value while adhering to the code of responsible care and ethical values
We are an employer of choice and preferred business partner worldwide
Corporate Values
Haier believes in honouring its commitment. integrity and transparency are an integral part of our
relationship with customers, employees, society.
Respect for Life: the company believes that life in all its forms must be respected. We respect
and value our people. Our employees are our value creators whose efforts, creativity and bond we
cherish. Our customers, who reward us for our value creation and our stakeholders, who are
committed to us in our endeavour to improve life. We also recognize and respect our environment and
take every effort to preserve it.
Excellence We are a role model and benchmark company for our products, services
and business processes.
Innovation We nurture creativity and encourage application of knowledge and
ideas in all facets of our business.
Customer Customer is upper most in our mind.
Haier India Pvt. LTD has five manufacturing facilities at different locations in the Western
part of India that have a logistic advantage being within six hours from a major port.
The company manufactures Inorganic, Organic and Fine & Specialty chemicals. There
are two units in the state of Gujarat and three units in the state of Maharashtra. The
Inorganic Chemicals are produced at one of the facilities in Gujarat while the Organic and
Fine & Specialty chemicals are produced at the other facilities. One of the facilities is
devoted to the processes Hydrogenation and Reductive Alkylation.
Each of the facilities has DCS controlled operations. The company's main strengths are
Nitration, Chlorination and Hydrogenation.
The company also has the technical capabilities to carry out the following reactions at its
Each manufacturing facility has a proper ETP to ensure that the COD and BOD levels of the
discharge are maintained as per the prescribed standards set by the Pollution Control Boards.
At Haier, R&D is the key to survival and growth, given that a fast paced global
environment results in ever changing customer needs and new products and processes
drain away competitiveness.
From mere quality issues, Haier India has now moved into the field of customized
chemicals, newer technologies, expanding applications that satisfy customers.
To that end we have a central R&D facility, the Haier India Pvt. LTD&
Development Centre (DRDC) at Pune that has been approved by the
Government of India. Dept. of Science & Technology. DRDC has a sophisticated analytical
laboratory and facilities for testing new technologies and new products.
A team of over 30 persons, including PhDs and Chemical Engineers are supported by
a technical services group of Chemists / Chemical Engineers at the manufacturing divisions.
The Centre works closely with reputed universities and research institutes of India like
the University Institute of Chemical Technology - Mumbai, National Chemical Laboratory
- Pune and the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology - Hyderabad.
Approved by the Government of India., Dept. of Science & Technology, the centre is
primarily engaged in research and process development for new products as well as
optimization of the manufacturing processes for existing products. The pilot plant of the
company ensures solutions for extremely demanding customers.
Shri. Haukh Shau
He is Ex-Chairman and Managing
Director of Indian Haier appliances
Corporation LTD. He has also held
various important positions like Joint
Secretary to the Prime Minister of India,
Secretary of Post and Telegraph Board,
Chairman of Gujarat Industrial
Investment Corporation, Vice Chairman of
Capital (India), Chairman of Gujarat
Industrial Research & Development
Agency and Gujarat Ecology
Commission. Shri. Shau has made
contribution in social, cultural and rural development activities like leprosy
eradication, water management conservation and management of man-made and
other natural heritage. He has also contributed significantly in the academic and
research areas. He is holding the office of Chairman in National Institute of
Design and Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology and is an active member on the
Board of several Companies. He has joined the Company i.e. 21/10/2003.
Haier has many a firsts to its credit and these have been earned through its constant
Endeavour for identification of products that are required by the end user industries.
Haier's R&D centre in Pune aims to provide specialized products that add value and enhance
every aspect of life.
Sir P. C. RAY Award for the Best Chemical Manufacturing Unit in India o Awarded the
"EXPORT HOUSE" status by the Govt. of India in 1998 and is in force till date.
The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) award was
presented, by the then Prime Minister of India, Mr. I. K.
Gujral, to the then Vice-Chairman of Haier Mr. C. K. Mehta 1997-98.
The company won the Certificate of Merit, at the "ENVIROTECH '93",
for sustainable development for adopting environment friendly practices
'in house' for the treatment and disposal of the effluent generated at its
various manufacturing facilities, from the CHEMTECH Foundation,
India. The company is one of the first to display the figures of the
pollution emitted at the gate of each of its manufacturing facilities on a
daily basis.
In a short span of 30 years Haier has steadily climbed the steps of excellence and is continuing in
its efforts to reach the top and be the best. Mentioned here are some of its milestones:
With years of expertise, a track record of innovation and indigenous development, HAIER
produces a spectrum of chemicals. We cater to a wide range of industries including Colorants,
Agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Rubber, Specialty & Fine chemicals and have the world’s largest
chemical companies as our customers.
HAIER APPLIACNES is the world leader in 2, 4 Xylidine and 2, 6 Xylidine and the second largest
producer of DASDA. We also manufacture a wide range of Home appliances for use in industrial
explosives, paints, cosmetics, lubricants, polymers, optical brighteners, photographic chemicals,
petroleum additives, specialty fibres and water treatment chemicals.
Products manufactured are tailor made as per the needs and specific
requirements of the customer.
Washing machine
BALANCE SHEET HAIER INDIA PVT. LTD as on 31st March 2013- Rs in
2014 lakh
31st march
Particular note no 31st march 2014 2013
Amount Amount
Equity and liabilities
Shareholder funds 3
Share capital 4 1,045.38 1,045.38
Reserve and surplus 29,706.84 27,014.36
30,752.22 28,059.74
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowing 5 27,125.26 23,933.71
Other long- term liabilities 6 244.39 217.62
Long-term provision 7 418.57 361.85
Deferred tax and liabilities 8 3,477.13 2,335.49
31,265.35 26,848.67
Current liabilities
Long-term borrowing 9 19,071.61 7,073.93
Trade payable 10a 14,616.50 20,420.52
Other current liabilities 10b 8,594.97 5,420.97
Short-term provision 7 1,323.98 1,044.47
43,607.06 33,959.89
TOTAL 105,624.63 88,868.30
Noncurrent assets
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 11 45,601.53 32,428.12
Intangible assets 12a 526.52 113.78
Capital working progress 12b 7,109.72 11,755.20
Noncurrent investment 13 312.22 132.92
Long-term loan and advance 14 2,512.36 2,206.05
Other noncurrent assets 15 _ _
56,062.36 46,636.07
Current Assets
Inventories 16 12,995.06 10,435.84
Trade receivable 17 29,193.10 24,225.17
Cash and cash equivalent 18 644.14 950.05
Short term loan and advance 19 6,597.94 6,343.42
Other current assets 15 132.04 277.75
49,562.28 42,232,23
TOTAL 105,624.63 88,868.30
Chapter No 3
Review of Literature
1. Marginal cost is defined by I.C.M.A, London as “the amount at any given volume of
output by which aggregate costs are changed if the volume of output is increased or
decreased by one unit. In practice, this is measured by the total variable costs attributable to
one unit.”
2. The ICWA has defined marginal costing as “the amount at any given volume of
output by which aggregate costs are changed if the volume of output is increased or
decreased by one unit” In this, a unit may be a single article, a batch of articles, an order, a
stage of production capacity or a department.
Objectives Of Marginal Costing
Marginal costing is not restricted to finance and accounts people, but it is open to all
facets of organisation including marketing, planning and strategy divisions. A manager
with a vision for having a radical perspective on marginal costing and total profitability
improvement can change his/her life by using this technique.
A clear objective will help to deliver precise and accurate results; it will also help to
predict the time frame involved the scope of the project and identify the relevance of it in
current situation. Following are fundamental objectives of the study,
Scope Of Marginal Costing
Marginal costing is a technique of ascertaining cost used in any particular method of costing.
According to this technique:
Variable costs are charged to cost unit and the fixed cost attributable to the relevant period is
written-off in full against the contribution for that period. Therefore it has very LTD scope –
as it distinguishes between the treatment of fixed and variable components as parts of fixed
costs, is difficult to adopt the technique in capital intensive industries where fixed costs are
very large.
1. The study involves variable cost, contribution, fixed cost, profit & all items of the marginal
2. The study is based on marginal costing statement of last 5 years, which were obtained from
the company.
The study involves calculation of profit variable ratio, contribution, margin of safety & profit
& loss of the Hailer India PVT. LTD.
Importance Of Marginal Costing
Present project work will be the guideline for the organisation in future for maintaining
the costing records & department. With the help of this project they can understand the
importance of maintaining costing department & records, which will help to control the
expenses & the unexpected losses during the production.
The project work will be the good guideline for the costing students of the next year for
the project reports.
The most important thing is that this experience will help me in the future. Discussions,
interview, data collection, preparation of actual project & all other steps in project have
given me great confidence for the future efforts. Besides this I can also undertake research
work in future & make use of research fellowship granted by U.G.C.
Marginal cost in other words is variable cost. For a typical manufacturing company the
following elements of costs are variable or marginal costs:
Direct material
Direct wages
Direct expenses
Variable overheads
a) Marginal costs may be presented in a statement form or under break-even charts. The usual
statement forms for presentation of marginal costs are as follows:-
Particular Product A
Rs Rs
Sales ×××
1. ×××
2. ×××
Contribution ×××
Less- fixed cost
Profit ×××
However, for a group of products (say A, B &C) fixed cost should be deducted
from the total contribution of all the products.
For e.g.:- Direct material Rs.20, Direct labour Rs.8, Other variable cost Rs.4
The production is of 40000units & the fixed cost is Rs.100000. Selling price is
Rs.50 per unit. Ascertain marginal cost, contribution and profit
Marginal cost statement
Particulars Rs Rs
Contribution 720000
Less – fixed cost
Sales ×× ×× ×× ××
Contribution ×× ×× ×× ××
Less- fixed cost ××
Profit ××
Fixed cost
Thus, though selling price of product B is higher than the selling price of
product a contribution per unit of product B is less than of product A
Usually selling price includes an element of profit. However, products may be sold at no
profit a loss basis or sometimes may be at a loss. Therefore, the following equations can
be used;
1. Whether to accept or reject a new order. The new order may be accepted if it
yields the greatest contribution, thereby maximising the profits.
2. A product or sells mix. The mix which gives maximum contribution is to be
3. A selection of production method from alternative methods available. Here also,
the method which gives the maximum contribution is to be adopted subject to
the consideration for key factor.
Direct material 10
Direct labour 4
Selling price 25
Particulars Rs Rs
Direct labour 4
By transposition it means:-
3. p/v ratio = change in profit/ contribution
Change in sales
This formula is used when figures for two successive years are given in the
A comparison for profit volume ratio of different products can be
made to find out which product is more profitable. Profit volume ratio can be
improved by:
1. Increasing the selling price per product/ unit.
2. Reducing variable cost per unit.
3. Adopting more profitable product.
P /v ratio = sales – variable cost
Sales × 100
= 200 – 160
200 × 100
= 40
200 × 100
= 20%
2. Use of profit volume ratio in decision making :-
Particulars Product A Product B
= 60% = 50%
As the p/v ratio of product A is higher, and then product B, product A is more
profitable. (Even if the selling price of A is less than the selling price of B).
Margin of safety is the difference between actual sales & sales at break-even point. The
margin of safety is nil at break-even point as at this point there is neither profit nor loss.
It represents the strength of the organization. A high margin of safety gives confidence
to the organization as a sudden drop in value will not affect the profit so much. On the
other hand, an undertaking with low margin of safety may wipe off the profit & turn
into a loss with a drop in sales.
Sales at given level margin of safety
Of activity *D B.E.F
Efforts should be made by the management to increase the margin of safety so that more
profit may be earned. The margin can be increased by taking the following steps:-
1. Increase the level of production
2. To reduce the both fixed & variable cost
3. Increase the selling price
4. Substitute the existing product by more profitable product.
Total contribution
P/V Ratio
Key factor is that factor, which is the most important one for taking
decisions about profitability of a product. Key factor being the important factor,
contribution in terms of the Key factor is to be considered for ascertaining the
profitability & not simply the maximisation of total contribution. The Key factor may be
sales, raw material, production capacity, labour shortage etc. When a Key factor is
operating, the best position is reached when contribution margin per unit of Key factor
is maximised.
Formula = contribution
Key factor
For e.g.:-
Variable cost 80 70
20 10
i. If there is no ‘key factor’ Product A is more profitable as is its contribution is
more than Product A.
ii. If there is a key factor, say machine capacity, profitability must be decided on the
basis of contribution per unit of machine capacity. Suppose, machine capacity is
LTD to 500 hrs& 4 units of product A & 9 units of product can be produced in 1
5. Alternative method of production.
6. Selection of suitable product mix.
7. Finding out product wise profitability.
8. Export pricing decision.
1. Evaluation of performance:-
By application of marginal costing technique, profitability of each department or
product can be evaluated.
2. It is simple to understand & easy to operate.
3. It is very useful tool of profit planning. It guides the management about the
profitability at various levels of production & sales.
4. It provides the management with useful technique like break even analysis, p/v
ratio etc.
5. It is very valuable technique in decision making. It provides information to the
management in making decision like make or buy, selling price fixation, export
6. It helps in cost control by concentrating on variable cost as the fixed cost is non-
controllable in the short period.
7. By not charging fixed overhead to cost of production the effect of varying charges
per unit is avoided.
1. The separation of expenses into fixed & variable cost presents certain technical
difficulties whereas marginal costing technique assumes that all expenses can be
divided fixed & variable cost. In fact, no variable cost is completely variable & no
fixed cost is completely fixed. Actually most of the expenses are semi-variable & it
is difficulties to segregate them into fixed & variable.
2. Marginal costing does not give complete information. The exact cause is not
disclosed by marginal costing.
3. Marginal costing lays greater emphasis on sales rather than production. In fact,
efficiency of business is to be judged by considering both sales & production.
4. Marginal costing technique is less effective in capital intensive industry where fixed
cost is more.
5. In marginal costing, selling price is fixed on the basis of contribution alone which
is not proper.
6. Marginal costing is not applicable in those concerns where large stocks have to be
carried by way of work in progress.
7. Marginal costing is useful for short term assessment of profitability. However long
term assessment of profit can be correctly determined on full cost basis only.
Research Methodology
“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
This study involves only the secondary data covering a period of three years between
The secondary data was collected from company’s website for profile, magazines,
articles relating to marginal cost and management tools. The annual report and cost
details provided by the company. Statistical tools like, Growth Rate, Correlation, T –
Test were used.
Research methodology is a science of how research is done scientifically. It is a way to
systematically solve the research problem by logically adopting various steps.
Methodology helps to understand not only the products of scientific inquiry but process
itself. Aims to describe and analyze method, throw light on their limitation and
resources, clarify their presupposition and consequences, relating their potentially to the
twilight zone at the “frontiers’ of knowledge”
Research design Researchers organize their research by formulating and defining a
research problem. This helps to focus the research process so that draw conclusions
reflecting the real world in the best possible way.
4.2 Sources of data
A) Primary data/information
Data gathered before, which is collected for the first time. It obtained through
personal interview and discussion with the concerned executives of the selected
company. Primary data gathered by:
Communication methods
Observation methods
B) Secondary data;
Pre existing data not gathered for purposes of the current research, which have been
used previously for any research and are now being used for a second time. In short, the
data presented in research report when used again for further research are called
secondary data. It is less expensive and can be obtained faster than primary data. For
example: Annual Reports / Published Accounts.
Secondary data are collected from a) Articles, Books, Internet, Published and
unpublished reports and b) Final reports of the organization i.e. Balance sheet, Profit
and Loss account and ANNUAL Reports of Haier India PVT.LTD
Chapter 5
Data analysis &
Particulars Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)
A) Sales 44,05,67,587
B) Variable Costs
15.Miscellaneous expenses 1,13,06,899
C) Contribution (A-B)
D) Fixed Costs
6.Rent 7,73,581
8.Insurance 6,73,032
15.Service Charges 83,04,000
Profit (C - D)
5.2 Contribution
Sales 44,05,587
= 44, 05,67,587-31,91,65,546
*Contribution = Rs.12,14,02,041
5.3) Profit Volume Ration (P/V Ratio)
Break-even point (units) =4,88,09,712/92,188
If cross break-even point, there results profit to the business and if the sales are less the
business suffer loss.
Below figure indicates a simple (Traditional) Break Even chart of Haier India PVT.LTD for
the year ended 31st March 2012
Cost 35
sale 30
10 Margin of Safety
Fixed Expenses
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Production (Units)
Break Even Chart (Second Method):
Below figure indicates a Break Even Chart (Second Method) of Haier India PVT.LTD for
the year ended 31st March 2012.
40 Profit
Cost 35
sale 30 Angle of incidence
reve 25
nue Variable Cost
(10la Break Even Point
c Rs) 15
10 Margin of Safety
Fixed Expenses
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Production (Units)
This method is more helpful to the management for decision making because it shows
the recovery of fixed costs at various levels of production before profits are realized.
b) Contribution Break Even Chart (Third Method):
Below figure indicates a Contribution Break Even Chart (Third Method) of Haier India
PVT.LTD for the year ended 31st March 2012?
Cost 40
Variable Cost
reve 30
nue 25
c Rs)
Break Even Point Profit
Fixed cost
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Production (Units)
Break Even Chart is easy to understand. By observing the chart we get a clear picture of
the company’s situation this is useful for cost control also.
Chapter No 6
6.1 Conclusion
1) It has been observed that the organization does not maintain separate departments &
it does not follows marginal costing techniques for decision making.
2) The organization is not suffering from operating losses but the profits of the
organization are going on decrease year by year.
3) In the HAIER APPLIANCES there is insufficient control over the variable cost & fixed
cost. The variable & fixed overheads are going on increasing year by year. Since due to
increase in variable & fixed cost, increase in sales does not gives high profit to the
5) It is observed that contribution in the year 2012 is increased but in the year 2012 the
contribution is decreased. Hence, the organization is not doing well.
6) It is observed that sales & contribution in increasing & simultaneously the fixed cost
is also increased, so profit margin is not increased in the ratio of increased sales &
7) It has been observed that although classification& codification is done in the accounts
departments there is problem regarding the same in locating the items easily.
8) The organizations fixed overheads are 100% fixed, weather is production or not these
fixed overheads are incurred.
9) It is observed that the variable & fixed overheads are going on increasing year by
year. The increase in fixed cost is due to increase in depreciation & interest & increase
in variable cost is because of increase in sales & production.
10) The organization is able to give sufficient information about the sales & cost for the
project. They have given their full co-operation for the project report by supplying the
correct information.
11) It has been observed that the management is trying to motivate the employees by
giving various facilities which plays an important role in any organization.
12) The increase in sales is due increase in raw materials in the factory area.
6.2 Suggestions
1) The organization should maintain the separate costing department & should follow
the marginal casting technique for decision making as its plays significant role in
modern days.
2) The organization is not suffering from operating loss but the profit of the organization
is decreasing year by year. The organization should take effective step to increase the
profit by increasing sales volume & reducing variable & fixed expenses.
3) The organization should reduced& have control over the variable & fixed expenses &
this will result in high profits.
4) In order to increase sales & quality of the products the organization appoint
technically qualified staff or should give tanning to the present employees & make them
technically qualified.
5) The organization should try its best to increase the contribution. The contribution can
be increased by increasing sales volume & reducing the variable cost.
6) The organization should replace the obsolete machinery by modern technique in
order to increase sales volume & quality of the product.
7) By placing the modern machinery instead of obsolete or old machinery, the sales
volume will increase & there by fixed cost & variable cost will reduced, by spreading
fixed cost over large volume of production.
8) The organization should maintain cost records so that they can know increase &
decrease in costs of production.
9) The organization should try to motivate the employees and create the feeling of
attachment towards the organization.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student of Abeda Senior College, Pune and presently doing a project on “A study
of Marginal Costing”. I request you to kindly answer my questions and I assure you that
the data generated shall be kept confidential.
8) What is your firm’s strategy for better use of Marginal Costing Technique?
9) Explain the technique of Marginal Costing and state its importance in decision making.
10) What changes has your recent Marginal Costing plan bought in the production of the
12) Explain the various managerial problems which are simplified by the use of marginal
costing technique.
13) In what way marginal costing contributes to cost control, performance evaluation and
profit planning?
Chapter No 7
Books Referred
Management Accounting, Vol-II - PATKAR, MG, Page, 32-33
Advanced cost Accounting Vol-III - JAIN & NARGAN, Page, 45-47
A text Book of cost Accountancy Vol-I - M.A.ARRORA, Page, 5-10
Advanced cost Accounting & cost system, Vol-IV - S.N. MAHESHWARI, Page, 60-62
Cost Accounting method & Problem, Vol-III - B.K. BHAR, Page, 40-42
Costing, Vol-II - TERRY LUCEY, Page, 25-27
Research mythology, Vol-V - C.R. KOTHARI, Page, 50-52
Websites Referred