BBC Acoustics WHP021
BBC Acoustics WHP021
BBC Acoustics WHP021
WHP 021
January 2002
R. Walker
Author : R. Walker
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BBC Research and Development White Paper No. WHP 021
Author: R. Walker
In the current financial and technical climate, The original documents were last updated in the
there is seen to be less need for acoustic period 1987-1992. No effort has been made to
specifications. Certainly, the standards that were update these documents, other than to correct a
once thought to be necessary for all kinds of number of grammatical errors and internal cross-
programme production are not now seen to be so references. In particular, the references to, for
important. However, the truth is that acoustic example, British Standards, are now out of date. It
standards still need to be applied. The differences is certain that many of them have been updated
are in the numerical values of those standards, since the original documents were written. It is
and the perceived lack of cost-effectiveness of left for the reader to obtain the most recent
more stringent requirements. versions, if required. Furthermore, BBC papers
referred to and not included in this collection
Most of that change is in the altered acceptability should be considered to be ‘out of print’ and
of technical defects in programmes amongst therefore no longer available - unless they have
managers, production staff and audience alike. also been published in electronic form as White
The original criteria were based on physical Papers on the R&D web site. However, it is
characteristics of programme production and hoped that sufficient information has been
properties of human aural perception. The physics included here to make this collection reasonably
of programme production have changed little and self-contained.
those of physical human hearing process not at
all. Any ‘relaxations’ in the acoustic criteria The specifications referred to are now attached at
which are now thought to be appropriate will the end of this collection as a set of three single-
manifest themselves either in more difficult page documents that can be used as model
programme production or in audible defects in the specifications.
programme sound.
Acoustics Committee Note No. 1990/1
The Report includes a chart giving the airborne Inter-relationships and relaxations.
sound insulation requirements between many
different types of areas, including ancillary areas Because the required sound insulation depends
and building exteriors. About 400 combinations directly on the level of background noise in the
are given explicitly, together with a description of receiving area, these two criteria are inextricably
the method to enable others to be calculated if linked. In principle, this means that the necessary
necessary. sound insulation depends on the achieved
background noise level. This is not a practicable
Acoustics Committee Note Number 1988/1 basis for planning because neither ventilation
contains a fuller description of the derivation of system nor sound insulation design are precise.
the criteria and some examples of the criteria as Some latitude has, therefore, to be allowed. At the
functions of frequency. It also contains present time, the tolerances for ventilation system
descriptions of measurement techniques, noise are +0/-10 dB. The sound insulation criteria
instrumentation requirements and and some are based on the +0 dB limit. Thus, there is
examples of suitable tolerances, in the form of a already a 10 dB potential shortfall in the
model specification which may be used or effective, achieved insulation.
modified for use in contract documents.
In these days of financial stringency, in many (if
Internal acoustics. not most) cases, there is an expressed requirement
to “reduce the cost [standards]”. This is usually
The specifications for the necessary internal interpreted as reducing the sound insulation. The
acoustic conditions in rooms of different types formal insulation criteria are based on the Users’
have never been formalised to the same extent as previously stated requirement that interference
those for background noise and sound insulation. from external sources should always be
There are a number of reasons for this. The most “inaudible”. In fact, because of the way in which
important one is that, apart from some common the criteria were derived, based on the psycho-
cases such as ‘Talks’ studios and sound control acoustic ‘masking effect’, they are actually for the
rooms, each case has to be considered “just perceptible” limit rather than the “just
individually. Acoustics Committee Note 1989/2 imperceptible” one. A rigorous study carried out
gives some guidance on the normal values for the by Radio Projects determined that many of the
mid-frequency reverberation time as a function of areas studied were actually functioning
room size and usage, but the allowable ranges satisfactorily with sound insulations about 5 dB
given there are very wide and that document less than the formal limit. By extrapolation, this
alone would not be sufficient for the design of relaxation has subsequently been allowed for all
any individual area. The reverberation time is cases, on the understanding that it will sometimes
usually also a function of frequency. Some permit definite and audible interference between
examples of these variations are also given in areas.
Acoustics Committee Note 1989/2.
Whether or not this 5 dB allowance may be
The internal acoustic design of an area depends on additional to the allowable 10 dB shortfall in
many other factors besides the reverberation time. ventilation system achieved levels will depend on
These are, at the present time, not the circumstances of the individual project. It may
quantifiable although a number of International also not be generally allowable for other, non-
Committees and many research workers are programme noise sources such as traffic, aircraft,
studying the problem (and have been for some workshops, offices, etc.
years). Foremost amongst these other factors are
the state of acoustic diffusion and control of In considering the potential relaxations it is
strong, discrete reflections. important that the tolerances are appropriately
distributed. It is unwise to allow the overall
Acoustics Committee Note 1989/2 also contains acoustic design, implicitly or by default, to inflict
descriptions of measurement techniques, all of the tolerances on the one part of the system
instrumentation requirements and some examples - the sound insulation - that it is practically
of suitable tolerances, in the form of a model impossible to change retrospectively.
specification which may be used or modified for use
in contract documents.
The attached document is a proposed model should be familiar to consultants. Likewise, all
specification for Reverberation Time and set of material that is not absolutely necessary should be
recommendations for internal acoustic design. omitted. The specification is neither a design
guide nor a ‘statement of case’.
A. Reverberation time specification.
This model does not represent any significant
The need for such a specification has arisen intentional changes to the reverberation time
because of the changes in the BBC's approach to criteria. It merely formalises the situation already
building projects. Using external consultants we existing. Design specifications for reverberation
can no longer expect to control projects by time are given here as examples only. Individual
informal discussions. cases may be specified to be different to these
It is intended that this specification document be
issued to or incorporated into the other documents B. Internal acoustic design.
issued to a consultant, either within (ie. ACED) or
outside the BBC, as the expected and contracted The second part of the document is in the form of
performance of the subject of the contract. design guidelines. Because many of the
parameters which are important in the design of a
In each individual case it is for the users, that is satisfactory room are not quantifiable, these can
Radio, Television, World Service, News and only be given as general guidelines. Objectively,
Current Affairs or Regions, to define the detail they can be neither specified nor assessed.
contents of the specification. This proposal is
intended to form the basis of such a specification.
It attempts to cover all aspects of the
measurement of reverberation time.
A. SPECIFICATION FOR 1.5 Test Specification.
This specification also covers the method of
1 Scope. carrying out the measurement of the reverberation
time in practical situations.
1.1 General.
2 Object and general requirements.
This specification describes the criteria, the
method of measurement and the tolerances for 2.1 Object.
reverberation time in BBC premises.
The reverberation time in any enclosed space is a
1.2 Application. function of the size and material contents of the
space. In many cases, material will have been
The most critical areas are those in which included in the design with the specific purpose
programmes are to be made. Other areas may also of modifying the acoustic environment, but
require the same criteria because of the critical almost all of the material, including the structure
assessment of programme material that occurs in of the room boundaries will have some acoustic
them. effect. In rooms that are to be use for the
production or assessment of programme material,
The least critical areas are those without any where the internal acoustic environment is
direct programme connection, such as offices and specified in detail, it is important that the
other ancillary rooms. Criteria are not often intended conditions are achieved within close
specified for these and, where they are, are limits. In non-critical rooms, such as offices and
usually less stringent but are nevertheless especially newsrooms and similar potentially
applicable. noisy environments, it is occasionally desirable to
include acoustic treatment for reasons of the
Although this specification gives the normal occupants’ comfort. In such cases, the tolerances
ranges of criteria values for programme areas, the are wider.
actual numerical values to be applied will be
specified individually. The object of this specification is to ensure that the
appropriate criteria and tolerances are
1.3 Tolerances. interpreted in a consistent manner and that the
measurements are carried out in accordance with a
The tolerances which are to be applied to the unified method.
criteria reflect the different sensitivities of the
types of rooms. Programme areas usually have 2.2 Requirements.
more stringent tolerance limits than non-
programme areas. Throughout this document the directives "shall" or
"must" refer to mandatory specifications. Other
1.4 Parameters specified. directives refer to optional specifications.
3.2 Decay curve 3.12 Sound level.
The path followed by a plot of sound pressure Common contraction of "sound pressure level".
level in decibels as a function of time, after an 20 times the logarithm of the rms sound pressure
excitation source has ceased. relative to 20 Pa.
numbers. In some cases, usually in very large equivalent reverberation time for the
rooms or where there is otherwise a specific instrumentation of 0.5 T is the absolute maximum
requirement, the areas to which the criterion that can be regarded as meaningful and,
relates will be specified. corrections should be applied if it exceeds
0.1 T (see Appendix).
5 General Criteria.
Alternatively, the source may consist of wide-
The formal criteria and tolerances are limited to the band noise, with the frequency analysis carried
frequency range including the International out by a one-third octave, real-time analyser. In
Standard one-third octave band centred on 50 Hz this case, it is necessary to ensure that the room
to that centred on 10000 Hz. response to the excitation signal is uniform such
that the difference in level between any two
Reverberation time criteria are currently defined in adjacent bands is less than 6dB.
terms of typical values for rooms of different types.
As a guide, Figure 2 shows these The sound output device is most conveniently one
recommended ranges, but each case will have an or more loudspeakers, which should be nominally
individual specification, depending on the detail omni-directional and arranged to produce as
requirements, which will also include permitted diffuse a sound field as possible so that the direct
tolerances of the type shown in Fig. 1. field is not dominant at any microphone position.
6.2.3 Measurement of the average sound Many of requirements of Section 6.2 are also
fields. applicable to this method. However, the impulsive
excitation may be by any convenient means and
Because of the statistical irregularities inherent in the signal recording and analysis must, perforce,
the measurement, it will usually be necessary to be electronic.
obtain for each frequency band and microphone
position an estimate of the ensemble average The method is subject to some serious errors
decay line. This may be obtained by averaging when applied over a wide dynamic range because
several individual decays. of the inherent rounding errors caused by
truncation of the infinite timescale. It should only
To obtain the room average value for the be used to obtain reverberation time values over a
reverberation time, measurements of the sound pressure level range which is significantly
reverberation time in each frequency band shall less than the actual signal-to-noise ratio.
be taken at several different microphone positions
and the average value (see Section 6.4) of the 6.4 Processing of results.
results obtained for each frequency band. The
number of these microphone positions shall be For each frequency band the values obtained at
not fewer than five in rooms of less than 400 m3 each microphone position for reverberation time
and at least ten in larger rooms. None of these must be averaged to obtain the overall value for
positions shall be within 1 m of a wall, floor or the area and for that frequency band. The average
ceiling surface. They should be distributed is defined as the simple arithmetic sum of the
reasonably evenly throughout the volume of the individual sample values divided by the number
room and should not be closer together than 2 m. of samples.
In very small rooms, that is of less than 50 m3, 6.5 Presentation of results.
these requirements will not be realistic. In such
circumstances, it will be necessary to use closer The results should be presented in a graphical
spacing of the microphone positions and/or fewer form as the average reverberation time against
than five different positions. frequency band. The recommendations of BS
6397:1983 (ISO 263(1975)) may be followed, see
In very large rooms or if otherwise specified, for example BS 4196:Part 0:1981 (ISO 3740-
specific restrictions may be applied as part of the 1980), but any reasonable presentation will be
contract to the range of microphone positions. acceptable. The presentation must include an
indication of the design criterion.
None of the above shall be taken as excluding
continuously moving microphone positions, such Any frequency bands in which, for reasons of
as are obtained by use of rotating booms. In such excessive background noise, the measurement
cases, the area swept by the boom may be taken to could not be made or was limited to an estimate
be equivalent to the number of individual, fixed of the initial reverberation time only must be
microphone positions that it could encompass, clearly indicated as such in the presentation of the
within the restrictions which apply to individual results.
microphone positions.
Any frequency bands in which the ensemble
6.3 Instrumentation, 2. average decay curve showed significant curvature
shall be indicated as such.
An alternative and equivalent method is the
Schroeder reverse impulse integration method. All presentations must include full details of the
This method theoretically obtains ensemble measurement - the definitions of the area (that is,
average decays for a single microphone position by both the name by which it are known and that of
using a single impulsive excitation and carrying the building), the date and approximate time of
out a mathematical integration process on the the measurement, the equipment used for the
reversed time waveform. Given adequate signal- measurement, the number of microphone
to-noise ratios, this method is capable of giving positions and the type of excitation. A
equivalent results to Method 1. dimensioned sketch of the location must also be
included, indicating the size, shape and internal Significant secondary (dual-slope) decays are not
volume of the area. permitted at any microphone position or in any
frequency band. The criterion of significance is if
7 Tolerances. the reverberation time over the range -20 to
-35 dB (relative to the steady-state sound pressure
7.1 ‘Programme areas’ level) differs from that over the range -5 to -20 dB
by more than a factor of 2:1. The primary result
Most critical areas will have an individual shall be that over the -5/-20 dB range and the
reverberation time design criterion and set of preferred means of presentation is by showing a
tolerances. These may include some frequency subordinate point on the results. If the ratio is
dependent features. However, there is a large more than 2 then this shall be deemed to be
class of areas which usually have the same unacceptable.
specification and tolerances, namely relatively
small studios used for voice only and many rooms 7.2 ‘Non-programme areas’
in which sound quality assessments or sound
control functions are carried out. The description Non-critical areas almost never have criteria for
of this criterion is given here as an example. reverberation time. However in some cases,
Other types of areas will be subject to the same usually in order to control the internal
general controls and limitations, even though the environment for the room’s occupants, it is
numerical details will differ. desirable to specify an upper limit to the
reverberation time. This may also be a function of
In setting these tolerances it is recognised that frequency.
there are difficulties in the design of some rooms
and the measurement of reverberation time at low 8 Appendix - correction for
frequencies. Accordingly, the tolerances have instrumentation response time
been divided into three frequency bands. (All
frequency ranges are inclusive). The actual reverberation time, Ta, of a room,
when measured with instrumentation with an
Control Room criterion: inherent response time equivalent to a
reverberation time of Ti, is related to the
Overall. - The achieved reverberation time measured reverberation time, Tm by:
averaged over the frequency range 200 Hz to
3.15 kHz shall lie in the range 0.2 to 0.3 s. 2 2
Whatever average value is actually achieved, the Ta = Tm - Ti
remaining tolerances are expressed relative to this
achieved average, Tm.
there are no guarantees. They are given here
Diffusion of sound and the distribution of the
sound absorbing material.
Early reflections.
Reverberation time specification
The permissible tolerance limits are
log RT, s expressed relative to Tm, the
average of the measured
C reverberation times for the one-third
octave frequency bands 200Hz to
3150 Hz.
Multipliers of Tm are :-
E A=
A B=
D C=
50 200 3150 10k
One-third octave band centre frequency, Hz
Talks studios and their control rooms 0.2 0.8 1.2 2.5 0.6 1.0
Other sound control rooms 0.2 0.8 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.0
(1) This value is an example only. For typical range of values refer to Fig. 2.
(2) These numbers are multipliers of the average value, Tm. They are not the reverberation time in seconds .
Reverberation time, s
Serious music
3 4 5 6789 2 3 4 5 6789 2 3 4 5 6789 2 3
100 1000 10000
Volume, m 3
Fig. 2a Typical reverberation time of sound studios
Reverberation time, s
3 4 5 6789 2 3 4 5 6789 2 3 4 5 6789 2 3
100 1000 10000
Volume, m 3
Fig. 2b Typical reverberation time of television studios
(Values represent average reverberation time in the frequency)
(range 250-4000 Hz., based on preferred BBC studios)
The attached document is a proposed model formalises the situation already existing. In any
specification for Background Noise levels. case, the actual specifications in individual cases
may be set to be different to those given here.
The need for such a specification has arisen However, it should be noted that there might be
because of the changes in the BBC's approach to consequential effects on other aspects of the
building projects. Using external consultants we design which arise as a result of deviations from
can no longer expect to control projects by these recommended criteria.
informal discussions.
Acoustics Committee Note No. 1992/1 2. Object and general requirements.
Criteria for background noise levels.
2.1 Object.
3.2 Noise. some overall measure such as the ‘A-weighting’
Any unwanted acoustic energy within a room.
4.3 Microphone positions.
3.3 Background noise.
The sound level is specified as an average value for
The inevitable acoustic noise within a room that the whole of a room. This average value is
results from sources both external to and within obtained by repeating the measurement at a
the room, by virtue of its location and associated number of places in the room and carrying out an
services. averaging process on the resulting numbers.
The number of cycles per second of the sound. 5.2 ‘Programme areas’
Measured in units of ‘Hertz’ (Hz)
The formal criteria and tolerances are limited to
3.6 Leq. the frequency range including the one-third
octave band centred on 50 Hz to that centred on
Equivalent level. The steady sound level which 4000 Hz. Outside that frequency range less
would have the same average sound power as a stringent limits and tolerances are applicable.
time-varying level.
Three general background noise criteria are
3.7 Mechanical ventilation system. currently defined for rooms in which broadcast
programmes are made or are critically assessed.
System for inputting or extracting air by means of a They are shown in Fig. 1 as the curves i, ii and iii
mechanical device. and are tabulated in Table 1. They have precisely
the same shape as each other and differ only in
4. General Parameters. their level, being spaced by 5dB. In Television,
only the studio and the sound and production
4.1 Frequency characteristics. control areas fall within this category.
The general form of a background noise criterion Two additional criteria are defined for mobile
as a function of frequency is as shown in Fig.1. The applications, where the practical difficulties limit
permitted sound level has high values at low the extent to which noise can be controlled. These
frequencies and lower values at high frequencies. are, numerically, 10 and 15dB above criterion i
This is generally characteristic of mechanical respectively.
ventilation systems and of airborne sound
interference. It is specified and measured in one- For areas meeting these criteria, the
third octave bands for programme areas and classifications which have proved successful in the
octave bands for non-programme areas. past are -
Vp Criterion for TV vehicle vision variations in the noise level during the 1 second
production areas. integration period (see Section 7).
Other areas, in which non-critical activities take The measurement of the average noise level in a
place, will usually be specified to either the NR35 room shall be carried out in general accord with
(Private Office) or the NR45 (General Office) the methods of BS 4142 (ISO R1996), the
criteria shown in Fig. 2 and also in Table 2. These essential principles of which are repeated here for
include such places as apparatus rooms and convenience.
canteens/kitchens where there may be a statutory
or H.& S.W. requirement to control the noise To obtain the average value for the level of the
levels. For Television control areas, all except noise within a room measurements of the sound
Sound and Production control fall within this level in each frequency band shall be taken at
category. several different microphone positions and the
average value (see Section 6.3) of the results
The specifications for such areas are in general obtained for each frequency band. The number of
accordance with the CIBSE Guide A1 extract. these microphone positions shall be not fewer
than five in rooms of less than 400 m3 and at least
5.4 Noise from other than mechanical ten in larger rooms. None of these positions shall
ventilation systems. be within 1 m of a wall, floor or ceiling surface.
They should be distributed reasonably evenly
All noise from other sources that are normally throughout the volume of the room and should not
present within a building shall be reduced by be closer together than 2 m. In very small rooms,
sound insulating partitions, building layout, that is of less than 50 m3, these requirements will
vibration breaks or other noise and vibration not be realistic. In such circumstances, it will be
control means so that the highest level recorded at necessary to use closer spacing of the microphone
any frequency in the controlled room in the positions and/or fewer than five different
absence of the ventilation noise is less than the positions.
value of the specified criterion at that frequency.
To enable the subsequent identification of
This Section (5.4) shall not be taken to refer to excessively noisy locations, values recorded at all
abnormal noise such as building modifications in microphone position and in every frequency band
the vicinity of the controlled room even if such shall be noted separately (see Sections 6.4 and
noises occur frequently. 7.1).
6.3 Processing of results. derived relative to them or other critical area
criteria as specified) are as follows:
For each frequency band the values obtained at
each microphone position must be averaged to Overall. The average of the measured sound
obtain the overall value for the room. If all of the pressure levels in every frequency band shall fall
sample values lie within a total range of 10 dB within a range which is +0 to -10 dB relative to the
then the average can, with negligible error, be the specified criterion.
simple arithmetic sum of the individual sample
values divided by the number of samples. Position. No individual microphone position
within the limits specified in Section 6.2 shall
If a 10 dB range does not contain all of the give a measured sound level at any frequency
sample values then the more accurate logarithmic more than 5 dB above the average value for the
average is necessary. This is a true average of the whole room at that frequency .
noise energy in the room (see Appendix A).
Variation. There shall be no perceptible variation
The averaging process is repeated for all of the of the noise level over short time periods. This
measured frequency bands. requirement shall be deemed to be satisfied if
there is a maximum variation in noise level of less
6.4 Presentation of results. than 5 dB for all normal operating conditions.
The results for the average noise level in the room Uniformity. In the average results there shall be
should be presented in a graphical form as the no one-third octave band value which exceeds the
sound level against frequency band. The average of the two adjacent band values by more
recommendations of BS 6397:1983 (ISO than 5 dB.
263(1975)) may be followed, see for example BS
4196:Part 0:1981 (ISO 3740-1980), but any Although the formal criteria are limited in scope to
reasonable presentation will be acceptable. The the frequency range 50 Hz to 4000 Hz, there are
presentation must include the design criterion. It mandatory limits for the permissible levels
must also include the results obtained at any outside that range:
excessively noisy microphone position, as defined
in Section 7.1. Low frequencies. For the one-third octave bands
of 40 Hz and below the average noise level in
The presentation may also include any additional each band should not exceed a level that increases
measurements made of noises other than that from at a rate of 4 dB per band from the specified
the ventilation system. Alternatively, these criterion value at 50 Hz.
additional results may be presented on a separate
sheet which must repeat the design criterion. High frequencies. The average noise level in
each one-third octave frequency band should not
All presentations must include full details of the exceed that specified by the criterion at 4000 Hz
measurement - the definition of the room (that is, for criteria i and ii and 2000 Hz for criterion iii.
both the name by which it is known and that of
the building), the date and approximate time of 7.2 ‘Non-programme areas’
the measurement, the equipment used for the
measurement, the number of microphone The non-critical areas have no lower limit to the
positions and the identification of the noise permissible noise levels. The tolerances for these
sources. areas are simply that in every frequency band the
average sound pressure level shall not exceed the
7. Tolerances. specified criterion.
TABLE 1: BBC CRITERION VALUES* (in results by averaging the absolute sound energy
one third octave bands) represented by each result.
400 9.9 14.9 19.9 29.9 34.9 B: Numerical values of the criteria.
500 8.1 13.1 18.1 28.1 33.1
630 6.3 11.3 16.3 26.1 31.1 Computerised methods of report preparation may
800 4.7 9.7 14.7 24.7 29.7 make it desirable to have the criteria available as
1000 3.2 8.2 13.2 23.2 28.2 algebraic expressions rather than as tables of
1250 1.8 6.8 11.8 21.8 26.8 values. This may make it easier to use non-
1600 0.4 5.4 10.4 20.4 25.4 standard values and, with the availability of
2000 -0.9 4.1 9.1 19.1 24.1 higher resolution output devices, also permits
2500 2.8 7.8 17.8 22.8 smoother reproduction.
3150 1.6 6.6 16.6 21.6
4000 0.5 5.5 15.5 20.5 The BBC criteria were originally specified in the
form of a graph which was hand-drawn and which
TABLE 2: ISO NR VALUES* conforms with no reasonable algebraic
(in octave bands) expression. However, the following has been
found to produce a close fit to criterion i and, by
Hz NR35 NR45 definition, will become the basis of the values in
31 79.2 86.0 future.
63 63.1 71.0
125 52.4 61.1 c = 188254/b3 - 26910/b2 + 2540/b - 47.34
250 44.5 53.6
500 38.9 48.6
1000 35.0 45.0 where c is the required criterion value and b is the
2000 32.0 42.2 ISO standard band number (= 10 log f).
4000 29.8 40.0
8000 28.0 38.3 The ISO NR criteria are defined by international
agreement in the form of a table of values and are
not available as an algebraic expression.
However, the following has been found to
*NOTE. These values are given to 1 decimal
produce a close fit — to within 0.1dB at most
place of accuracy mainly to present a relatively
levels and frequency bands.
smooth curve when produced electronically. It is
neither meaningful nor necessary to use such
c = (4346.7N - 331858)/b3 - (676.5N - 56499)/b2
accuracy for calculations or presentation of the
+ (24.328N - 1411.1)/b + 0.7796N -3.422.
measured results.
where b is the ISO standard band number and N is
APPENDICES. number of the Noise Rating curve.
The average sound energy in the room is RW. 3rd November, 1992, Rev. 3
obtained from the individual microphone position
Sound pressure level, relative to 20
Fig. 1 One third octave band background noise criteria for programme areas.
band, dB relative to 20 Pa
Sound pressure level of
31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band centre frequency, Hz
Acoustics Committee Note number 1988/1
Criteria for airborne sound insulation.
The attached document is a proposed model The format is based on the style of British (and
specification for airborne sound insulation. incidentally ISO, etc.) Standards, giving only the
briefest background explanation. Such standards
The need for such a specification has arisen should be familiar to consultants. Likewise, all
because of the changes in the BBC's approach to material which is not absolutely necessary has
building projects. Using external consultants we been omitted. The specification is neither a design
can no longer expect to control projects by guide nor a ‘statement of case’.
informal discussions.
This model does not represent a further increase in
It is intended that this specification document be the stringency of the insulation criteria. It
issued to or incorporated into the other documents merely formalises the situation already existing. In
issued to a consultant, either within (eg. ACED) any case, the actual specifications in individual
or outside the BBC, as the expected and cases may be set to be different to those given
contracted performance of the subject of the here. However, it should be noted that there might
contract. be consequential effects on other aspects of the
design that arise as a result of deviations from
In each individual case it is for the users, that is these recommended criteria.
Radio, Television, External Services, News and
Current Affairs or the Regions, to define the
detail contents of the specification. This proposal
is intended to form the basis of such a
specification. It attempts to cover all aspects of
the field measurement of airborne sound
insulation. For reasons of technical difficulties, it
does not attempt to cover the problem of impact
noise. Impact noise is covered by the companion
NOISE LEVELS" (Acoustics Committee Note
CRITERIA FOR AIRBORNE SOUND 2 Object and general requirements.
2.1 Object.
1 Scope.
The sound insulation between any two separated
1.1 General. areas is a function of their locations and the
building structure between them. Most commonly
This specification describes the criteria, the the areas will be rooms used for different
method of measurement and the tolerances for purposes but, sometimes, one may be an open
airborne sound insulation in BBC premises. space - for example, the building exterior. For the
purposes of producing or assessing broadcast
1.2 Application. programmes, the interference caused in one area
by sound from another must not be excessive.
The most critical areas are those in which
programmes are to be made. Other areas may also Even in non-critical rooms, such as offices, there is
require the same criteria because of the critical an upper limit to the level of interference which the
assessment of programme material which occurs occupants can tolerate.
in them.
In general, there will be a minimum sound
The least critical areas are those without any insulation requirement in both directions between
direct programme connection, such as offices and two areas but one of these directions will be more
other ancilliary rooms. The criteria for these are stringent than the other and will, therefore, set the
less stringent but are nevertheless applicable. specification. In other cases, there will be a
requirement in only one direction.
Although this specification gives the normal
criteria values for some circumstances, the actual For financial reasons, the insulation values
numerical values to be applied in individual cases specified are not usually sufficient to reduce
will be specified individually. interfering noise to below the threshold of human
hearing. Background noise level in the receiving
1.3 Tolerances. room (normally from the mechanical ventilation
system) is relied upon to mask interference which
The tolerances which are to be applied to the would otherwise be audible. If this background
criteria reflect the different sensitivities of the noise is not present as specified, or is too low in
types of rooms. Programme areas have more level, audible interference may be unacceptable
stringent tolerance limits than non-programme even though the sound insulation meets its
areas. specification.
3 Definitions. 3.9 Warble-tone.
The definitions of terms used in this specification A test signal consisting of a sinusoidal waveform
can be found in the International Electrotechnical of variable frequency which also has
Vocabulary (I.E.V.), Chapter 801, Acoustics and superimposed slow, narrow-band frequency
Electroacoustics. For convenience, some of the modulation. Typical values for the modulation are
terms are also defined (less formally) here. a frequency of 10 Hz and a peak deviation
of +10%.
3.1 Sound insulation.
4 General Parameters.
The reduction in the amplitude of a sound as a
consequence of an acoustic barrier or of distance. 4.1 Frequency characteristics.
For all field specifications and measurements to
which this specifcation relates the sound The general forms of sound insulation criterion as
insulation is measured as aSound Level a function of frequency are as shown in Fig. 1.
Difference. They have low values at low frequencies and
higher values at high frequencies, up to some
3.2 Noise (acoustic). frequency beyond which no further increase is
required. This is generally characteristic of
Any unwanted acoustic energy within a room. building partitions. They are specified graphically
and must be measured in 1/3 octave frequency
3.3 Noise (electrical). bands.
5 Criteria. essential principles of which are repeated here for
convenience. However, no corrections shall be
Unless otherwise stated these criteria shall be applied to the results for the area of the partition
taken to be applicable to the overall level or the sizes or the reverberation time of either of
difference between two rooms, not to any part or the rooms.
parts of the transmission path individually. Also
unless otherwise stated, they shall be taken to be 6.2.1 Generation of source sound field.
applicable when all doors and windows on any
significant path for airborne sound between the The sound may be generated in the source area by
two areas are closed. any convenient means which produces a spectrum
adequate to cover the required frequency range
The formal criteria and tolerances are limited to but a loudspeaker is most commonly used. The
the frequency range including the one- test signal may be wideband noise or switched,
third octave band centred on 63 Hz to that centred filtered noise or gliding warble-tone.
on 10000 Hz.
The loudspeaker should be placed to give a sound
A large number of sound insulation criteria field which is as diffuse as possible and so that the
(~400) are currently defined for pairs of areas of direct field is not dominant at the position of the
all types. As examples, Figure 1 shows the normal partition.
criteria for the partition between
6.2.2 Measurement of the average sound
a two Radio talks studios fields.
b two large Television studios
To obtain the average value in each area
c a Radio drama studio and a private office
measurements of the sound level in each
d a canteen and a Television sound control
frequency band shall be taken at several different
microphone positions and the average value (see
Section 6.3) of the results obtained for each
6 Measurement. frequency band. The number of these microphone
positions shall be not fewer than five in rooms of
6.1 Instrumentation.
less than 400 m3 and at least ten in larger rooms.
None of these positions shall be within 1 m of a
The measurements of the noise levels shall be
wall, floor or ceiling surface. They should be
carried out using a sound level meter conforming
distributed reasonably evenly throughout the
to BS 5969:1981 (IEC 651:1979), Type 1 fitted
volume of the room and should not be closer
with 1/3 octave filters conforming to BS
together than 2 m.
2475:1968 (IEC 225:1966) or the equivalent
In very small rooms, that is of less than 50 m 3,
these requirements will not be realistic. In such
The time-weighting response must be set to S
circumstances, it will be necessary to use closer
(slow) or the equivalent.
spacing of the microphone positions and/or fewer
Alternatively, a measurement of the Leq over a than five different positions.
1 second period with instrumentation of
In very large rooms or if otherwise specified,
equivalent accuracy will be considered to be
specific restrictions may be applied as part of the
effectively identical, provided that there are no
contract to the range of microphone positions.
substantial variations in the noise level during the
1 second integration period (see Section 7).
In the receive area if the sound generated by the
test method in any frequency band does not
6.2 Method.
exceed by 6 decibels the noise from other sources
The measurement of the average sound level in that band then the measurement shall be
difference between two areas shall be carried out regarded as invalid. The sound level in the source
in general accord with the methods of BS area must be increased until a valid measurement
2750:Part 4:1980 (ISO 140/IV-1978) and is obtained or until it is shown that the minimum
BS 2750:Part 5:1980 (ISO 140/V-1978), the value of sound insulation indicated exceeds the
relevant criterion.
At the beginning of the measurement session, at positions and the type of the source area
intervals of not more than 30 minutes thereafter excitation. A dimensioned sketch of the location
and again at the end of the measurement the must also be included, indicating the sizes of the
accuracy of the measurement system(s) shall be two areas, the dimensions and the construction (so
checked using an appropriate acoustic calibrator far as it is known) of the partition.
accurate to +0.5 dB.
7 Tolerances.
6.3 Processing of results.
7.1 ‘Programme areas’
For each area and each frequency band the values
obtained at each microphone position must be There is no acoustic penalty in values of sound
averaged to obtain the overall value for the area insulation that exceed the criterion. Accordingly, all
and for that frequency band. If all of the sample tolerances are specified in terms of adverse
values to be averaged lie within a total range of deviation, which is defined as the criterion minus
10 dB then the average can, with negligible error, the achieved sound insulation. It is set equal to
be the simple arithmetic sum of the individual zero if it would otherwise be negative.
sample values divided by the number of samples.
In setting these tolerances it is recognised that
If a 10 dB range does not contain all of the there are difficulties in the design of partitions
sample values then the more accurate logarithmic and the measurement of sound insulation at low
average is necessary. This is a true average of the frequencies. Accordingly, the tolerances have
noise energy in the area (see Appendix A). been divided into two frequency bands.
The averaging process is repeated for all of the The permitted tolerances for areas in which
measured frequency bands for each area. programme making or critical assessment of
sound quality are carried out (these include all
For each frequency band the average value of the areas covered by background noise criteria (i),(ii)
sound level for the receive area is subtracted from and (iii), by criteria derived relative to them or
that for the source area to obtain the sound level other critical area criteria as specified) are as
difference. follows:
All presentations must include full details of the APPENDIX A: ENERGY AVERAGING
measurement - the definitions of the areas (that is,
both the names by which they are known and that The average sound energy in the room is obtained
of the building), the date and approximate time of from the results for the individual microphone
the measurement, the equipment used for the positions by averaging the absolute sound energy
measurement, the number of microphone represented by each result.
If the nth microphone position from a total of N has
produced a noise level in a particular
frequency band of Ln dB then the average for the
room, Lr, is obtained from:
1 L /10
L r 10 log10 N
n 1
Sound pressure level difference, dB
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band centre frequency, Hz
Acoustics Committee Note No. 1990/3
course would not be necessary if the problem of of 10dB(A) or less is required - typically to be
acoustic noise could be eliminated by the found only in specialist acoustic
manufacturers. For such occupied apparatus environments such as those areas in which the
rooms it is recommended that the noise level from equipment is due to be installed.
all sources should be less than NR 45 to prevent
fatigue being experienced by staff (see Figure 2). Method:
Because of the additive effect of several noise 1. Place the equipment to be measured in the
sources, individual items of equipment should not middle of the room, raised from the floor. It
be installed in occupied apparatus rooms if the should be powered and made to operated in its
noise generated by each exceeds a level of 5 dB noisiest mode. Listen carefully to the
below NR 45 - ie NR 40. character of the noise - any noise component
with a distinct pitch or a cyclical character is
Similarly, for equipment due to be installed in likely to prove unacceptable, as is any impact
more critical areas, the noise from individual or percussive noise.
items should not exceed a level of 5 dB below the
relevant BBC Noise Criterion. 2. Using the sound level meter set as before,
take measurements at a distance of 1m from the
3. Equipment purchased from equipment at 6 points:- all four compass
manufacturers points, plus above and below, if possible.
The highest of these should be taken as the
In order to contain the problem at source, indicator of noise level.
manufacturers must be discouraged from
producing equipment which generates excessive Interpretation
acoustic noise.
Equipment giving indications above 40dB(A)
When equipment is ordered against a BBC is likely to prove unacceptable in occuppied
specification, the specification should include a apparatus rooms unless additional shielding is
clause relevant to the background noise criterion to be provided. If the equipment is to be the
for the room in which the equipment is to be sole equipment in the room, then
installed. The noise from the equipment should 45dB(A) may be acceptable.
not exceed a level of 5dB below that criterion as
explained above. It may be more difficult to achieve
satisfactory results with standard commercial
Equipment manufacturers and installers are equipment, especially where large volume
advised to seek expert assistance when attempting sales are being made to other customers who
accurate measurements of equipment generated may be less concerned with the problem of
noise, but may find it useful to make for acoustic noise. Nevertheless, the
themselves a simple noise test to serve as a manufacturers should be pressed to reduce
preliminary assessment of likely problems. The noise levels where possible. This may be
following procedure is offered. achieved by use of quieter or fewer cooling
fans, or possibly reducing the supply voltage
Requirements: to those fitted in the equipment. It is
important that the suppliers are made aware
1. A sound level meter to BS5969 or IEC 651 of our concern now so that at least they may
will be required. make due allowance in future designs.
Sound pressure level, relative to 20
Figure 1. BBC Noise Criteria for maximum tolerable noise background noise in studios from
ventilation systems. One-third octave analysis.
band, dB relative to 20 Pa
Sound pressure level of
31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band centre frequency, Hz
Acoustics Committee Note No. 1990/4
Specifications for broadcast studios and technical to ‘A’ weighted and ‘slow’ response the
areas normally include a criterion for the background level must be no higher than
maximum permissible background noise level. 40dB(A) when measurements are to be made
Traditionally, these criteria have been directed for occupied apparatus room equipment. For
towards the designers and manufacturers of studios and monitoring rooms, a background
ventilation plant in order that the noise from such of 10 dB(A) or less is required - typically to
plant should be kept down to an acceptable level. be found only in specialist acoustic
It is, however, important to recognise that the environments such as those areas in which
criteria relate to noise from all sources and this the equipment is due to be installed.
includes the technical equipment installed within
the areas concerned. Method.
Designing for quiet.
Previous documentation
Acoustics Committee Note No. 1990/2
2. During construction
Preliminary sound insulation tests are usually
carried out as soon as the studio observation
windows, doors and ventilation duct installations
are complete and prior to any acoustic treatment
being installed. These particular tests are aimed
at checking that the building structure is intact or
alternatively identifying any acoustic problems
This specification applies to the following enclosed space :
Room :
The reverberation time averaged over the one-third octave bands with centre frequencies from ......... Hz to ....... kHz
shall lie in the range ....... s to ......... s.
Tm A=
A B=
D C=
D =
50 200 3150 10k
One-third octave band centre frequency, Hz
The reverberation time specification shall apply for the enclosed space in the following state (delete as necessary)
For each band in the range from 50 Hz to 200 Hz the reverberation time shall fall within the limits A.Tm and a
straight line (on a logarithmic scale of reverberation time) drawn from C.Tm at 50Hz to B.Tm at 200 Hz.
For each band in the range from 200 Hz to 3150 Hz the reverberation time shall fall within the limits A.Tm and
For each band in the range from 3150 Hz to 10000 Hz the reverberation time shall fall within the two straight line
tolerance limits (on a logarithmic scale of reverberation time) drawn from B. Tm at 3150 Hz to E. Tm at 10000 Hz
and A. Tm at 3150 Hz to D. Tm at 10000 Hz.
This specification applies to the following space :
Room : Criterion :
50 35.2 40.2 45.2 55.2 60.2
63 31.0 36.0 41.0 51.0 56.0
80 27.4 32.4 37.4 47.4 52.4
100 24.1 29.1 34.1 44.1 49.1
125 21.2 26.2 31.2 41.2 46.2
160 18.6 23.6 28.6 38.6 43.6
30 200 16.1 21.1 26.1 36.1 41.1
250 13.9 18.9 23.9 33.9 38.9
315 11.8 16.8 21.8 31.8 36.8
20 400 9.9 14.9 19.9 29.9 34.9
500 8.1 13.1 18.1 28.1 33.1
630 6.3 11.3 16.3 26.1 31.1
10 800 4.7 9.7 14.7 24.7 29.7
1000 3.2 8.2 13.2 23.2 28.2
1250 1.8 6.8 11.8 21.8 26.8
1600 0.4 5.4 10.4 20.4 25.4
2000 -0.9 4.1 9.1 19.1 24.1
Measured values of sound pressure level shall be equal to or less than the specification in all of the one-third octave
bands with centre frequencies from 50 Hz to 10000 Hz — subject to the following tolerances :-.
Overall: The average of the sound pressure levels in every band shall fall within a range +0 to -10 dB
relative to the specified criterion.
Position: No individual microphone position shall give a sound level in any band more than 5 dB above
the average value for the whole room in that band.
Variation: There shall be no perceptible variation of the noise level over short time periods. This condition
shall be deemed to be satisfied if there is a maximum variation in noise level of less than 5 dB
for all operating conditions.
Uniformity: There shall be no value which differs from the average of the values in the two adjacent bands
by more than 5 dB.
Low frequencies: For bands of 40 Hz and below the average noise level in each band shall not exceed a level
which increases at 4 dB per band (12 dB per octave) from the specification for the 50 Hz band.
High frequencies: For bands above the limit of the specified criterion the average noise level shall not exceed that
specified for the high-frequency limit of the criterion
This specification applies to all elements of the structure and services separating the following areas :
Room 1 : Room 2 :
D A= B=
C= D=
E= F=
This specification applies in both
directions unless stated otherwise.
63 Fx100
One-third octave band centre frequency, Hz
Values of sound pressure level differences shall be equal to or exceed the specification in all of the one-third octave
bands with centre frequencies from 63 Hz to 10000 Hz - unless adverse deviations are permitted as described below :-
For the frequency bands from 63 Hz to 250 Hz the average of the adverse deviations should not exceed . .2 . dB
and no individual adverse deviation shall exceed . .5 . . dB.
For the frequency bands from 250 Hz to 10000 Hz the average of the adverse deviations should not exceed . . .2. . dB
and no individual adverse deviation shall exceed . . 5. . . dB.
Masking noise.
Where a background noise criterion applies to either room, this should be stated :-