Hemodynamic Disorders
Hemodynamic Disorders
Hemodynamic Disorders
Sr. No. TOPIC Page No.
1 Classification of hemodynamic disorders 2
2 CVC of lung 2
3 CVC of liver 3
4 CVC of spleen 4
5 Shock 5
6 Stages of shock 8
7 Hemostasis 10
8 Thrombosis 14
9 Thromboembolism 17
11 Caissons disease 21
12 Fat embolism 22
13 Infarction 23
14 Pathophysiology of edema 26
16 Cardiac edema 29
17 Pulmonary edema 31
19 Important questions 33
• Decrease in volume:
- due to extravasation into tissue is called hemorrhage
- extensive loss of blood or plasma leading to hypotension & tissue hypoperfusion, is called
Gross appearance
• Early stage:
- Heavy
- Cut surface: red
• In later stages:
- Firm due to fibrosis.
- Cut surface: rusty brown due to hemosiderin liberated from degenerated red cells.
- Together called ‘brown induration’.
Microscopic appearance
• Alveolar septa:
- Widened due to dilated and congested alveolar capillaries
- Later: fibrosis
• Alveoli:
- Intra-alveolar hemorrhage: red blood cells seen in alveoli due to rupture of congested alveolar
- ‘Heart failure cells’: are hemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophages in the alveolar lumina.
Hemosiderin is released from the degenerating red cells. Heart failure cells are the hallmark of
CVC of lung.
CVC lungs
Back pressure on Right heart
CVC of Liver
Gross appearance
• Size: Enlarged
• External surface:
- Rounded edges
- Tensed capsule
• Cut surface:
ü Nutmeg liver (Red & yellow mottled appearance):
- Red area correspond to congested centrilobular sinusoids & necrotic centrilobular hepatocytes
- Yellow area correspond to viable periportal hepatocytes with fatty change
Microscopic appearance
• Peripheral zone: less severely affected. Peri-portal hepatocytes show fatty change.
Back pressure on pulmonary vein
CVC lungs
CVC of Liver
CVC of Spleen
Portal hypertension:
Gross appearance
Microscopic appearance
• Red pulp:
- Sinusoids: dilated & congested.
- Red pulp shows foci of hemorrhages, with deposition of iron & calcium and surrounded by
fibrosis & elastic tissue. These nodules are called Gamna-Gandy bodies.
• White pulp:
- White pulp: atrophied
Shock is a state of systemic hypoperfusion; caused either by reduced cardiac output or reduced effective
circulating blood volume. The end result of shock is hypotension, impaired tissue perfusion and cellular
1. Cardiogenic shock
2. Hypovolemic shock
3. Neurogenic shock
4. Anaphylactic shock
5. Septic shock
1. Cardiogenic shock:
• Causes:
• Clinical features:
- Chest pain
- Visibly dyspneic
- Nausea, vomiting
• Causes:
Due to blood loss Due to fluid loss
1. Trauma 1. Severe burns
2. Surgery 2. Persistent vomiting
3. Bleeding 3. Severe diarrhea.
• Clinical features:
- H/o trauma, burns
- H/o GI bleeding: hematemesis, melena, use of NSAID
- H/o coagulopathies: bleeding episodes, petechaie.
- Gynaec cause: vaginal bleeding, vaginal passage (abortion, ectopic pregnancy)
• Definition: ‘Septic shock’ results from the immune response to infectious organisms that may be
blood borne or localized to a particular site.
• Infective organisms:
1. 70% are caused by endotoxin-producing gram negative bacilli; hence called ‘endotoxic shock’:
- E. Coli
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Proteus
- Pseudomonas
• Pathogenesis:
Bacteria are attacked by inflammatory cells
LPS consist of toxic fatty acid (lipid a) core & polysaccharide coat including O antigens
LPS then binds to signal-transducing protein, mammalian Toll-like receptor protein-4 (TLR-4)
Multiorgan failure
• Superantigens: These are bacterial proteins that cause syndromes similar to ‘Septic shock’ by
activating T-lymphocytes. E.g. Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 produced by Staphalococci
• Clinical presentation:
- Fever
- Peripheral leukocytosis > 12,000/cmm
4. Neurogenic shock:
• Definition: State of shock caused by sudden loss of sympathetic nervous system signals to
smooth muscle in vessel walls. As a result vessels relax resulting in peripheral vasodilatation &
peripheral pooling of blood.
• Causes:
1. Anaesthetic accident
2. Spinal cord injury
5. Anaphylactic shock:
• Definition: A state of shock due to production of IgE antibodies against certain allergic substance
like food or drug. IgE sticks to mast cells and basophils; which in turn release Histamine (a
powerful vasodilator and airway constrictor) & other mediators.
• Allergens:
1. Foods: nuts, fruit, vegetables, fish, spices
2. Drugs: Penicillins, Anaesthetic drugs, Aspirin
3. Latex: Rubber latex gloves, Catheters
4. Bee or wasp stings
Stages of shock
Unless the insult is massive & rapidly lethal, (e.g. a massive hemorrhage from a ruptured aortic
aneurysm), shock tends to evolve through following three, somewhat artificial phases.
1. Stage I : Non-progressive compensated stage
2. Stage II : Progressive decompensated stage
3. Stage III : Irreversible decompensated (Refractory) stage
• Pathophysiology:
1. Fluid conservation by kidney
2. Sympathetic stimulation
Stimulates granular cells of JGA to secrete renin
Sympathetic stimulation:
Stimulates baroreceptors
Sympathetic stimulation
• Clinical features:
- Cool and pale skin due to cutaneous vasoconstriction
- Tachycardia
• Pathophysiology:
Significant persistent vasoconstriction in stage I
• Clinical effects:
ü Patient appears confused
ü Reduced urinary output
• Pathophysiology: Consequences of anoxic injury to various organs & tissues of body are primarily
responsible for progression of shock to irreversible stage.
1. Heart:
Nitric Oxide synthesis
3. Adrenals:
Adrenal exhaustion
4. Intestines:
Prolonged vasoconstriction of intestinal vessels causes ischemic necrosis of intestine
Moreover in shock, anoxic injury to RE-system (spleen & liver), impairs defense mechanism
5. Lungs:
In initial stages, lungs are rarely affected because they are resistant to hypoxia
When bacterial sepsis supervenes, lungs show diffuse alveolar damage, called ‘Shock lung’
Intact endothelium insulated platelets from highly thrombogenic subendothelial ECM constituents.
1. Heparin-like molecule interact with antithrombin-III to inactivate aII (thrombin) and aX (common
pathway) and aIX (intrinsic pathway).
2. Thrombomodulin binds to thrombin (aII) converting it from a procoagulant to an anti-coagulant.
The complex activates protein C. Activated protein C in presence of protein S inactivates factors
aV (common pathway) and aVIII (intrinsic pathway).
3. Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) produced by intact endothelium inhibit activated Tissue
Factor, coagulation factors aVII (extrinsic pathway) and aX (common pathway).
Step 1- Vasoconstriction
Injured blood vessel expose platelets to highly thrombogenic subendothelial extracellular matrix
substances like collagen (most important), proteoglycans, fibronectin and other adhesive glycoproteins.
This leads to activation of platelets. Activated platelets undergo following changes:
- Receptor for vWF on platelets: GpIb (genetic deficiency of GpIb receptor leads to bleeding
disorder called Bernard Soulier syndrome)
- The complex stabilizes adhesion against sheer forces of blood.
ü Platelet activation leads to surface expression of phospholipid complexes, which provide binding
sites for calcium and coagulation factors of the intrinsic coagulation pathway.
4. Platelet recruitment:
- More platelets are recruited to the site of injury by ADP released from δ-granules &
Thromboxane-A2 (TxA2) synthesized and secreted by activated platelets.
5. Platelet aggregation:
- Adjacent platelets bind to each other through fibrinogen (Factor I)
- GpIIb-IIIa is the receptor for fibrinogen (genetic deficiency of GpIIb-IIIa receptor leads to
bleeding disorder called Glanzmann thrombasthenia)
- Called primary (reversible) plug
Ca 2+
Ca 2+
X aX
V aV
Soluble fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin gel, which encases platelets and other circulating
cells to form secondary hemostatic plug.
Plasminogen Plasmin
Normal endothelial cells adjoining the site of injury, restrict clot to the site, by secreting:
(i) Adenosine diphosphatase
Degrade ADP
Thrombus is a pathological process, whereby clotted mass of blood is formed in non-interrupted vascular
system or thrombotic occlusion of a vessel after a relatively minor injury.
Three primary influences predispose to thrombus formation, called Virchow’s triad are endothelial
injury, alteration in blood flow and hypercoagulability.
1. Endothelial injury:
Endothelial injury predisposes to thrombosis by 3 mechanisms:
i) it exposes platelets to highly thrombogenic subendothelial ECM culminating in activation of
intrinsic pathway.
ii) Injured endothelium releases tissue factor, which activates the extrinsic pathway.
iii) Endothelial injury also depletes locally anti-thrombotic substances like PGI2 and PAs.
• Causes of turbulence:
1. Ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque
2. Aneurysms
• Causes of stasis:
1. MI causes region of non-contractile myocardium leading to stasis
2. Mitral valve stenosis (RHD) results in left atrial dilation and stasis
3. Atrial fibrillation causes stasis of blood in atria
4. Hyper viscosity syndrome e.g. polycythemia vera cause small vessel stasis
5. Sickle cell anemia causes vascular occlusion and stasis
3. Hypercoagulability:
• Not a common cause of thrombosis.
• Classified as:
i) Primary: genetic disorders associated with deficiency or defect of anti-thrombotic proteins:
a) Mutation of Factor V gene (Leiden mutation) rendering Factor Va resistant to cleavage by
b) Anti-thrombin III deficiency
c) Mutation of prothrombin gene
d) Protein C deficiency
e) Protein S deficiency
ü Classification:
i) Primary
ii) Secondary: to autoimmune disease, e.g. SLE
ü Clinical manifestations:
i) thrombocytopenia
ii) recurrent thrombi
iii) venous thrombi in deep leg veins, hepatic & retinal veins
iv) arterial thrombi in cerebral, coronary, mesenteric & renal arteries
v) valvular vegetation's
vi) repeated miscarriages due to Ab-mediated inhibition of t-PA required for trophoblastic
invasion of uterus
Thrombi can arise within the heart (cardiac), in arteries, veins or capillaries. When arterial thrombi arise
in heart chambers or in the aortic lumen, they usually adhere to the underlying wall and are called mural
Aortic mural thrombi arise from ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque and aneurysmal dilation.
Capillary thrombi are minute thrombi present in the capillaries. They are caused by acute inflammation,
vasculitis, DIC.
1. Resolves: within 1-2 days by fibrinolysis
2. Propagation: enlarges accumulating more fibrin, platelets and RBCs
3. Organization & incorporation into wall:
If thrombus persists for few days
Healing occurs by granulation tissue, endothelial cells & smooth muscle cells proliferation.
clot is red due to gravitation of RBCs) dark (RBC) & light (platelets &
✓ ‘chicken fat’ ( supernatant serum is fibrin) bands.
Microscopic ✓ Red blood cells in the dependent area. ✓ Red areas of lines of Zahn are
appearance ✓ Pink proteineceous material in the composed of blood cells;
supernatant area ✓ White areas composed of platelets,
Embolism = ‘plug’ or ‘foreign body’. Embolus is a detached insoluble intravascular solid, liquid or
gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its origin.
99% of all emboli arise in thrombus. Unless otherwise qualified, the term embolus implies
thromboembolism. Rare forms of embolism:
1. Fat embolism
2. Gas embolism
3. Amniotic fluid embolism
4. Tumor embolism
5. Miscellaneous: Fragments of tissue
Placental fragments
Barium emboli following enema
Foreign bodies e.g. needles, talc, sutures, bullet
1. Source of embolus
a) Arterial or systemic emboli:
- Arise from left heart or arterial tree
- Lodge in arterial circulation
b) Pulmonary emboli:
- Arise from venous system
- Lodge in lung
2. Matter of embolus
Solid Liquid Gaseous
a) Thrombus a) Fat globules a) Air
b) Tumor clump b) Amniotic fluid
c) Tissue c) Bone marrow
d) Parasites
e) Foreign body
4. Flow of blood
a) Paradoxical embolus (crossed embolus): Paradoxical embolus is an embolus which is carried
from the venous side of circulation to the arterial side or vice-versa, through:
- Patent foramen ovale
- Septal defect of heart
- Arteriovenous shunts in lungs
b) Retrograde embolus: Retrograde embolus is the embolus, which travels against the flow of blood.
- Normal course for tumor emboli from adenocarcinoma of prostate is :
Gonadal vein
Renal vein
• Classification:
1. Arterial (systemic) thromboembolism.
2. Venous (pulmonary) thromboembolism.
• Arterial thromboembolism:
✓ Source:
1. Myocardial infarction 1. Atherosclerosis 1. From venous
(left ventricle & right atrium) circulation
2. Cardiomyopathy 2. Aneurysm
3. Valvular disease
4. Prosthetic heart valve
✓ Site of lodgment:
1. 70-75% arterial emboli lodge in arteries of lower limb.
2. 10% lodge in cerebral arteries.
3. 10% lodge in the arteries of abdominal viscera: spleen, kidney, intestines
4. Coronary arteries.
✓ Clinical consequence
1. Gangrene:
- Embolism of popliteal artery causes dry gangrene of lower limb.
- Embolism of femoral artery do not produce marked ill effect because of active dilatation of
muscular anastamotic branches.
2. Infarction: cerebral infarct, myocardial infarction, infarction of abdominal viscera
3. Arteritis
4. Aneurysm
• Venous thromboembolism:
✓ Source:
1. 95% arise from deep vein thrombi (DVT) of lower limb:
- popliteal vein
- femoral vein
- iliac vein
2. 5% arise from:
- Varicosities of superficial veins of legs
- Pelvic veins:
a) Peri-ovarian, uterine & broad ligament venous thromboembolism are common in women :
✔ On long term OCPs,
✔ Late pregnancy
✔ Post-partum
b) Peri-prostatic vein
3. Right heart
4. Pulmonary artery disease
✓ Site of lodgment:
1. Large embolus gets impacted at bifurcation of main pulmonary artery, called saddle embolus.
2. Small emboli or a large embolus getting fragmented into multiple small emboli, lodge in the
peripheral branches, especially of the lower lobes of lung.
3. Paradoxical emboli of venous origin reach the arterial circulation.
✓ Clinical consequence:
1. Resolution: 60-80% of emboli dissolve by fibrinolytic activity.
2. Pulmonary infarct: emboli that lodge in the end-arteries, lead to pulmonary infarction.
3. Pulmonary hemorrhage: Obstruction of medium-sized arteries, which are not end arteries, lead to
pulmonary hemorrhage and not infarction because of dual blood supply.
4. Instantaneous death: results from saddle embolus or massive pulmonary embolism.
5. Acute cor-pulmonale (right heart failure secondary to obstruction of pulmonary micro-
6. Chronic cor-pulmonale or pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary arteriosclerosis: result when
multiple small pulmonary emboli undergoing healing.
Embolism = ‘plug’ or ‘foreign body’. Embolus is a detached insoluble intravascular solid, liquid or
gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its origin. Amniotic fluid embolism is an
example of liquid embolism.
1. Epithelial squames
2. Lanugo hair:
- are fine hairs found on the fetus body all over
- normally shed before birth
- replaced by vellus or terminal hair
3. Fat
4. Mucin from RT & GIT
5. Meconium:
- first intestinal discharge from newborns
- viscous, dark green
- composed of intestinal epithelial cells, mucus, bile, swallowed lanugo
Embolism = ‘plug’ or ‘foreign body’. Embolus is a detached insoluble intravascular solid, liquid or
gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its origin. Decompression sickness is an
example of air embolism.
When an individual breathes under pressure, increased amount of gas dissolve in body fluids (blood,
interstitial fluid, fat). If this individual decompresses rapidly, gases come out of solution as minute
bubbles. O2 is readily soluble; N2 & helium (gases used by sea-divers & aeronauts) persist as gas emboli,
called decompression sickness.
Decompression sickness
Clinical effects
• Acute form:
ü Cause: emboli in blood vessels of mainly musculo-skeletal system, RS, CNS & heart
ü Clinical features:
1. Musculoskeletal system: patient doubles up due to pain in joints, ligaments & tendons, called
2. Lungs: ARDS, called ‘chokes’
3. CNS: vertigo, coma, death
4. Heart: MI
Thus acute form of decompression sickness is called 'Bends & Chokes' disease.
• Chronic form:
ü Cause: ischemic necrosis, activation of platelets & coagulation factors.
ü Clinical features:
1. Musculoskeletal system: avascular necrosis of head of femur, tibia, humerus
2. Lung: hemorrhage, edema, emphysema…
3. CNS: paresthesia, paraplegia
Embolism = ‘plug’ or ‘foreign body’. Embolus is a detached insoluble intravascular solid, liquid or
gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to a site distant from its origin. Fat embolism is an example of
liquid embolism.
1. Fatty marrow:
✔ multiple fractures of long bones, rib, sternum
✔ Osteomyelitis.
2. Injury to subcutaneous tissue:
✔ severe soft tissue trauma
✔ deep burns
✔ injury to pelvic fatty tissue during child birth
3. Injury to fatty liver
4. Phosphorus, carbon tetrachloride poisoning.
5. Lymphangiography
Traumatic fat embolism occurs in 90% individuals with severe skeletal injuries but less than 10% of
patients have any clinical findings.
Release of free fatty acids from fat globules causes local toxic endothelial injury
Characterized by:
1. Pulmonary insufficiency
2. Neurologic symptoms
3. Anemia
4. Thrombocytopenia
Clinical features
Histological diagnosis
An infarct is an area of ischemic necrosis within a tissue or an organ, produced by occlusion of either its
arterial supply or venous drainage. 99% of all infarcts result from thrombotic or embolic events, causing
arterial occlusion.
Types of infarct:
Classified according to:
1. Color of infarct: white or red
White infarct Red infarct
Gross appearance ✔ White / pale / anemic ✔ Red or hemorrhagic
Cause ✔ Arterial occlusion ✔ Venous occlusion
✔ Infarcts of solid organs: heart, ✔ Infarcts of loose organs, lung
spleen, kidney ✔ Arterial occlusion with re-perfusion
e.g. if the embolus breaks into small
fragments & lodges into smaller
vessels, there is re-flow of blood
converting white infarct into red
✔ Organs with dual blood supply or with
ü Often multiple
ü Site: Commonly located at periphery of organs
ü Shape:
- Wedge
- Apex pointing towards occluded vessel at hilum of the organ
- External surface of the organ forms base of the wedge
ü Often depressed under surface, due to fibrosis
Microscopic appearance
- Infarcted areas show evidence of hemorrhage only for first 12-18 hours. Later coagulative
necrosis (liquefactive necrosis in brain) develops.
- While the margins of infarcted area show inflammatory (neutrophils & macrophages) response
beginning within few hours. Inflammation is well defined within 1-2 days.
- Most infarcts are ultimately replaced by scar tissue except brain.
• Myocardial infarction:
ü Cause
1. Coronary artery disease: atherosclerosis, embolism
2. Valvular heart disease
3. Shock
4. Emotion & exercise
ü Site:
Most common site:
- Left ventricle due to pathology of left anterior descending coronary artery which supplies
anterior wall of left ventricle & anterior 2/3rd IVS.
- Right atrium
Right ventricle is spared because of thin wall and less metabolic requirements.
Left atrium is spared because it receives oxygenated blood.
• Splenic infarct:
ü Cause
1. Thromboembolism from the heart / aorta
2. Myeloproliferative diseases
3. Hodgkin’s disease
4. Sickle cell disease
5. Septicemia
• Kidney infarct:
ü Cause
1. Thromboembolism arising from heart / aorta
2. Renal artery atherosclerosis / arteritis
3. Sickle cell disease
Edema means ‘swelling’ in Greek. Edema is defined as increased accumulation of fluid in the
interstitium. Fluid collections in different body cavities are called hydrothorax, hydropericardium and
hydroperitonium (ascites).
Any organ or tissue can be affected by edema. The commonly affected organ/ tissue is subcutaneous
tissue, lungs and brain. Severe generalized edema with profound subcutaneous swelling is called
Edema can be pitting, when the interstitial fluid is displaced upon pressing on the subcutaneous edema
with finger leaving a finger-shaped depression. On the other hand, fluid does not displace on pressure in
non-pitting edema. The rigid nature of this edema is due to high internal osmotic pressure in the fluid.
Examples of non-pitting edema are myxedema (hyperthyroidism) due to presence of hyaluronan in the
edema fluid, lymphedema (e.g. elephantiasis) and lipoedema.
Plasma (5%)
Interstitial fluid
Lumina of organs e.g. GIT
Body cavities: Pleural
Fluid exchange:
• Fluid exits from the arteriolar end of capillaries into interstitium & re-enters the circulation at the
venular end. A small residual amount of fluid in the interstitium is drained by the lymphatics,
ultimately reaching blood circulation via thoracic duct, which drains into left subclavian vein.
2. Hydrostatic pressure:
- Hydrostatic pressure is defined as the capillary blood pressure.
- It drives fluid out of the vessel.
3. Osmotic pressure:
- Osmotic pressure is the pressure exerted by chemical constituents of body fluid, e.g.: electrolytes
(crystalloid osmotic pressure) and proteins (colloid osmotic pressure or oncotic pressure).
- It draws fluid into the vessel.
Net force:
- At arterial end of capillaries, there is net hydrostatic force, thus fluid leaves the vessel to enter
interstitial space.
- At venous end of capillaries, there is net osmotic force, thus fluid enters the vessel
from the interstitium.
1. Increased hydrostatic pressure:
• At arterial end: Increased hydrostatic pressure (e.g. hypertension) has but little effect.
• At venular end: Increase in hydrostatic pressure, will reduce the net oncotic pressure, resulting in
decreased reabsorption of interstitial fluid.
• Associated clinical conditions:
3. Lymphatic obstruction:
• Lymphatic obstruction occurs due to inflammatory or neoplasm. E.g.:
ü Filariasis: lymphatic obstruction in inguinal region resulting in edema of external genitalia &
lower limbs, called elephantiasis.
ü Carcinoma of breast:
- Infiltration of superficial lymphatics by tumour emboli, cause edema of overlying skin giving
peau d’ orange appearance.
- Axillary nodes dissection or irradiation, produce lymphedema of the affected arm.
Generalized Localized
a) Systemic infection a) Localized infection
b) Poisoning b) Insect-bite
c) Drugs c) Local irritant
d) Chemicals
e) Anaphylaxis
f) Anoxia
1. More common 1. Less common
2. Cause: hemodynamic derangement (non- 2. Increased vascular permeability
inflammatory edema) (inflammatory edema)
3. Physical examination: 3. Physical examination:
ü Clear ü Turbid
ü SG: < 1.012 ü SG: >1.020
ü pH > 7.3 ü pH < 7.3
4. Chemical examination: 4. Chemical examination:
ü Protein: ü Protein:
- < 3 gm/dl, - > 3 gm/dl
- albumin with low fibrinogen, hence fluid - albumin with high levels of fibrinogen &
does not clot. coagulation factors, hence fluid readily clots.
ü Fluid glucose same as blood ü Fluid glucose: low
ü Fluid LDH: ü Fluid LDH:
- low - high
- eff. LDH : s. LDH = < 0.6 - > 0.6
5. Microscopic examination: 5. Microscopic examination:
ü few cells ü Many cells
ü mainly mesothelial cells ü mainly polymorphs and mesothelial cells
6. Example: CCF, ascites 6. Example: abscess
2. Right heart failure secondary to left heart failure: is a more common cause of cardiac edema.
Initially left-sided heart failure will cause pulmonary edema, which is then followed by right heart
failure and cardiac edema. Causes of left heart failure:
− MI
− Hypertension
− Mitral valve disease
− Aortic valve disease
Angiotensinogen Angiotensin-I
(α2-globulin) (in lungs & kidney)
Clinical presentation
Pulmonary edema
• Pathophysiology:
- Normally the plasma hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary capillaries is much lower, average 10
mmHg. With plasma oncotic pressure of 25 mmHg,
25mmHg OP - 10mmHg HP = 15 mmHg OP
Thus, at the arterial end of pulmonary capillaries, there is net oncotic pressure of 15 mmHg, hence
fluid does not enter the interstitium, thus lung tissue is normally free from fluid.
- An increase in plasma hydrostatic pressure over plasma oncotic pressure will lead to escape of
fluid in the lung interstitium, thus causing pulmonary edema.
• Pathophysiology: Alveolar edema is caused by injury to the vascular endothelium of pulmonary bed,
leading to leaking out of plasma fluid & proteins into the interstitium & causing pulmonary edema.
a) Acute high altitude pulmonary edema: Individuals climbing to high altitudes (>2500 meters), with
acclimatization, develop:
1. polycythemia
2. raised pulmonary arterial pressure
3. increased pulmonary ventilation
4. increased heart rate
5. increased cardiac output;
and the individual breathes safely even under low atmospheric pressure.
However if acclimatization is not allowed, he will develop cardio-pulmonary ill effects, leading to
pulmonary edema.
Irrespective of the underlying mechanism, the morphology of pulmonary edema is the same.
Pulmonary edema is most common form of localized edema.
• Gross appearance:
- Fluid accumulates in the basal regions of lower lobes due to gravity (dependent edema).
- Lungs are heavy and moist.
- Frothy fluid (mixture of air & fluid) extrudes out from cut surface.
- In late stages, the lungs become firm & heavy due to fibrosis and cut surface rusty brown in
colour due to hemosiderin, called ‘brown induration’.
• Microscopic appearance:
- Alveolar capillaries are congested.
- Excess fluid (granular pink precipitate) collects in the interstitium, called interstitial edema. As a
result alveolar septa are thickened.
- Later the alveolar linings break & the fluid enters the alveolar spaces, called alveolar edema. The
alveoli show micro-hemorrhages and inflammatory cells. The hemosiderin from degenerating red
cells is taken up by macrophages. These hemosiderin-laden macrophages are called ‘heart failure
- In late stages, there is variable amount of fibrosis.
Nephrotic syndrome
• Causes:
ü Primary kidney disease causing Nephrotic syndrome include:
1. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (Common causes
2. Membranous glomerulopathy of NS in adults)
3. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
4. Minimal change disease (commonest cause of NS in children)
1. Pathophysiology of edema
2. What is edema? Discuss pathogenesis of cardiac edema.
3. Vascular endothelium as thrombo-resistant surface.
4. Define and classify thrombosis. Explain the etiopathogenesis of thrombosis.
5. Fate of a thrombus
6. Define embolism. Mention different types of emboli. Describe fat embolism.
7. Pulmonary embolism
8. Amniotic fluid embolism
9. Reversible shock
10. Pathogenesis of septic shock
(Note: Answers only to those questions not addressed in the text or written scattered are given here.
In some answers are given in detail to cover relative topics.)
9. Fate of thrombus