Chemical Chart: How To Biblically and Scientifically Avoid The Pig!

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Leviticus 11:7-8 “And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.
You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you. “

Isaiah 66:17 “Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's
flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.”

Peace Family! I know as young Five Percenters we are sometimes asked questions by our
parents, family members, and friends, about why we don't eat certain foods, especially PORK!! Bacon,
baby back ribs, sausages, and the like. Some people really don't understand our ways. Well the reason
they don't understand us is because they have been mis-educated as to the laws of the Bible, the Old
Testament as well as the New Testament in regards to the dangers of eating pork. They may claim that
“only Jews and Muslims don't eat it, but Jesus made it clean.” Not True! As a matter of fact you can
ask them this question “Did Jesus Eat Pork?” Of course he didn't because he followed the dietary law
of Musa (Moses). Now if Christian means to be “Christ-like” and Jesus never ate pork, also Christians
are supposed to look to Jesus' life as the prime example of how to live, then why would they then turn
around and eat something which Jesus himself never ate because he followed the Mosaic Law out to a

At Matthew 5:17 Jesus said “Think NOT that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I
am NOT COME TO DESTROY, but to fulfill.”
ful·fill means:

• To bring into actuality; effect: fulfilled their promises.

• To carry out (an order, for example)
• To measure up to; satisfy. See Synonyms at
• To complete.

So if Jesus in his own words according to the Bible says that he came NOT to destroy, but to
fulfil the law then that means that he came to measure up to, to complete, or carry out, or bring into

Mark 7:18-19 has been used by many to supposedly justify eating unclean meats.
“Then Jesus said,
...Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot
defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the
draught, purging all meats?”

Some bible-versions add words to verse 19, such as ("this he said, making all meats clean.")
ALWAYS IN PARENTHESES OR BRACKETS, whenever you see parentheses or brackets in a quote,
that means that someone else is adding their own words and personal interpretation to the quote.
The Greek text of that passage, the oldest known version, does not contain the words "this he
said". The Greek text says, basically translated, "But it does not enter the heart but the stomach, and
then it goes out into the waste, purging all that was eaten". In a nutshell: Jesus was NOT talking
about "making foods clean", but that "impure things" come out, afterwards.
The proper context of this begins at Mark 7:1-5, which describe the Pharisees’ practice of
always washing their hands up to their elbows before eating, and other traditions of washing pots and
BUT THE TRADITION OF CEREMONIAL HANDWASHING . Jesus showed and proved that unclean
thoughts are the things that most defile a man, not just ceremonially unwashed HANDS in verses 20-
23. The parallel passage to Mark CHAPTER 7 is Matthew CHAPTER 15. After explaining that
defilement of the mind is far worse than defilement of the body, Jesus ends with, "These are the things
which defile a man [evil thoughts, adulteries, etc. described in Matthew 15:18-19]:but to eat with
unwashen HANDS defileth NOT a man," in verse 20. So we can see here that at Mark chapter 7 Jesus'
issue was NOT the eating of unclean food, but the issue of whether ritualistically washed hands made
one defiled. Now I don't think that Jesus wanted people to be dirty, the people who were accusing him
were referring to a particular traditional style of washing, NOT APART OF THE MOSAIC LAW, to
put on airs as if they were clean when in fact they were unclean (mentally) in their ways, and actions.
The Pharisees constantly watched Jesus every move. He abided by the Mosaic Law (the law of Musa).
They were constantly falsely accusing him of some sort of minor infraction of one of their (Pharisee)
traditions, But never did any Jew accuse Jesus of eating, or ADVOCATING THE EATING OF,
UNCLEAN MEATS, even when they brung charges before Pontius Pilate the eating of unclean foods
WAS NOT on that list. Jesus said he did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfil and keep it, therefore
we can conclude that NO! Jesus did not eat pork!

Accept it or reject it!

Did Jesus Eat Pork? part 2
Leviticus 11:7-8 “And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.
You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you. “

Isaiah 66:17 “Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh
and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.”

Peace Family, this month we will do more research to show and prove that according to the
Bible Jesus never ate Pork and did not advise his followers to eat it. First we have to deal with
the fact that according to the Bible there is a Restrictive Dietary Law, meaning a law of Diet, or
food you eat, these laws are in the Bible at Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter
14 (please read these laws).
Jesus, during his ministry, gave a parable condemning the Pharisees (The Religious Leaders of
his time) who literally strained out a little gnat (unclean insect), but figuratively swallowed a
huge camel (another unclean animal) at Matthew 23:24 which shows and proves that Jesus
acknowledged the dietary law. This parable makes no sense at all if Jesus came to destroy the
law of clean and unclean animals for food.

Jesus at Matthew 13:47-50 compares unclean fish to evil people who are cast into Hell:
47Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:
48Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the
bad away.
49So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the
50And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

This parable makes no sense to those who do not understand the difference the LAW places
between the clean and the unclean animals.
In Mark 5:1-17, Jesus cast out a Legion of demons from a man who was possessed. The
demons begged Jesus to let them go into a herd of nearby swine. So, he allowed it, and the herd
of pigs ran violently down a steep place and drowned in the Sea. Jesus knew what the demons
would do to the swine, again showing that he supported the Law of Clean and Unclean.
But if these laws are so logical and beneficial to mankind, where did the idea come from that
they have been destroyed? Why are “Bible-believing Christians” at the forefront of promoting
this blatantly FALSE notion? Misleading interpretations that are read into scripture as found in
Acts 10. Studying the "evidence" is instructive.
In Acts 10, Peter has a vision to help him understand the future plans for the growth of the
early community of Jesus' followers. He envisioned unclean animals and was told three times
to eat. Each time he emphatically refused because he believed it was wrong, this is why Peter
three times stated "Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean (Acts
10:14). Then in (Acts 10:15) God says "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common".
Such a statement "proves that the dietary law was still in effect after the death of Jesus" at
least for Peter's standards because he is unsure if this is seen as a command by God. (Acts
10:13–16). Now this is the same Peter who supposedly heard Jesus abolish the dietary laws
earlier in Mark 7 (notice Acts 10:2) and was taught by Jesus personally for three-and-one-half
years, b.u.t. he was still under the clear impression that eating unclean meats was wrong! Peter
was really frustrated over the meaning of the vision. (NOW IF JESUS HAD MADE ALL

Acts 10:17-28

17Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which
were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,
18And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
19While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
20Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
21Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom
ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?
22And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all
the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words
of thee.
23Then called he them in, and lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and certain
brethren from Joppa accompanied him.
24And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and he had called together
his kinsmen and near friends.
25And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
26But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.
27And as he talked with him, he went in, and found many that were come together.
28And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company,
or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or

Peter stressed over this dream until three Gentile men came knocking at his door with a request
to hear the Gospel explained (21–27). Under normal circumstances Peter would not have
associated with these men who were outside of the covenant community, because the Hebrews
considered the Gentiles (Europeans) to be "unclean," the same as pork, so when these three
Gentiles (Europeans) approached him the reality of the Understanding of the dream made itself
Born unto Peter:
Acts 10:28

28And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company,
or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or

Peter does not conclude in this chapter, or anywhere else in the New Testament, that the dietary
laws were to be abolished. The so-called evidence is simply not there! Neither Jesus nor Peter
abandoned these guidelines.

The evidence for Jesus and the Apostles abolishing the dietary laws is weak. The Bible
does not advocate this. So where did this come from? [The clues are to be found in the social,
political and religious factors that influenced church doctrines of the second century ad (cf. Dr.
Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday, 1977, chap. 2).]

According to Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi, author of the books “From Sabbath to Sunday, and
Durant, Caesar, and Christ,” As more Gentiles (Europeans) came into the community of Jesus'
early followers they had to deal with the strong anti-Hebrew sentiment of Latin and Greek
authors of the time. Evidently the embarrassment of adhering to the Asiatic customs of the
followers of Jesus was too much for the newly converted Gentiles, and they basically severed
their ties from Hebrew influence, and declared themselves distinct and separate from anything
Hebrew. In their attempt to formulate a Gentile (European) non-Hebrew version of Jesus'
teaching they replaced the Saturday Sabbath with Sunday, the Passover with Easter, and
abolished the Dietary Laws. Early Gentile Christian writers stretched their dubious Biblical
interpretations paper thin, like Mark chapter 7 and Acts chapter 10, in order to establish a
“Bible base” for their new practices, never seen before in Jerusalem among the Original
Hebrew Followers of Jesus.

I advise all who read this to research this for yourself and come to your own conclusion. DO


Did Jesus Eat Pork? Part 3
Leviticus 11:7-8 “And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.
You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you. “

Isaiah 66:17 “Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh
and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.”

Peace to the GODS and the EARTHS,

This is part three of “Did Jesus eat Pork? Which means that we will be once again striving to give you the true
Understanding of this topic primarily from the New Testament, because the fact of the matter is according to the
Bible, Jesus NEVER ATE PORK. The Bible says that the duty of teachers of the people is to inform them (the people)
of the Law. According to the prophet Ezekiel: ". . . They shall teach My people the difference between the holy and
the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean" (Ezekiel 44:23). Now if someone is
claiming to represent the Divine Truth of the True and Living GOD, and is NOT teaching the difference between the
Clean and the Unclean, then I think you need to run away from that person, sprout some wings and fly away if you

This month we will continue exploring our topic although this time we will be examining the dietary practices of the
Apostles and early disciples of Jesus after he returned to the Essence. As we have seen, no scriptural evidence exists
that indicates that Jesus' early followers ever changed their practice of following the restrictive dietary law. Instead,
we see the plain words of one of Jesus' apostles saying, about a decade after Jesus' death, that he had “never eaten
anything common or unclean.” (Act 10:14)

Food controversy in the first century

While reading the New Testament, we find that there was indeed a controversy involving food. However, if we take a
closer look at the Bible it reveals the issue to be very different from what many have been led to believe by false
teachers. At 1 Corinthians chapter 8 Jesus' disciple Paul discussed “the eating of things offered to idols” (verse 4).
Why was this an issue? “ In Paul's time, meat was sacrificed to pagan gods, by the Romans and other pagans in the
immediate area, later this meat was sold in the public markets. Some of the followers of Jesus wondered if it was right
for them to eat meat that had been sacrificed to pagan gods” (Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, 1995,
“Meat”). It is interesting, though, to note that in Acts 14:13, the only passage in which the type of animal sacrificed to
idols is mentioned, was oxen, clean animals. This controversy was not over the kinds of meat that should be eaten.
Obedient Hebrews of the day, did not consider unclean meat, swine and the like, to even be a possible source of food.
Instead, the controversy dealt with the conscience of each follower of Jesus when it came to eating meat, clean meat,
that might have been sacrificed to idols. Paul explained that “an idol is nothing” (1 Corinthians 8:4), basically stating
that it does not matter if meat had been sacrificed to an idol, the meat was still suitable for food. Paul continued:
“However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a
thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. But food does not commend us to God; for
neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse” (verses 7-8). So it did not matter if one
bought it at a market or ate it at someones home, (1 Corinthians 10:25-27). His main concern was that one did not
stumble another whose understanding was weak, concerning sacrificed meats (1 Corinthians 8:13; 10:28). The
question of meat sacrificed to idols was a great controversy in first century. It is the foundation of many of Paul’s
discussions of conscience. Unlike the Dietary Law of clean and unclean animals, which was recorded in the Old
Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures are vague concerning the matter of food offered to idols. But, in the first-century
world, bringing this issue to light was paramount.

Some False teachers may claim that Paul’s statement at Romans 14:14
“I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself” meant that Jesus' early followers
made no distinction between clean and unclean meats. Although Jesus and his original 12 Apostles spoke Aramaic the
New Testament of the Bible was written in the Greek Language. So the understanding of a few Greek words will help
us solve this.

The New Testament writers referred to two concepts of unclean, using different Greek words to show and prove the
two ideas. Unclean could refer to unclean animals not intended to be used as food such as the animals listed in
Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Unclean could also mean ceremonial uncleanness. In Romans 14 Paul uses
koinos, which translates as “common” (W.E. Vine, Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament
Words, 1985, “Unclean,” p. 649). Along with the meanings of “common” and “ordinary,” the word also means things
considered polluted or defiled. This word, along with its verb form koinoo, is used at Mark 7:2, 15-23, where it refers
to ceremonial uncleanness in the incident when the disciples ate without having first washed their hands. (God Speaks
Newsletter Feb 48) . Using a Bible concordance you can verify that koinos and koinoo exist throughout the New
Testament to mean this kind of ceremonial uncleanness. Basically something could be considered ceremonially
unclean, (defiled) even though it was otherwise considered a clean meat, like for instance, dropping some Kosher
meat on the ground could defile it, making it ceremonially unclean.


An entirely different word, akathartos, is used in the New Testament for animals specified as unclean. In the
Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament in wide use in Paul’s day), akathartos is used to specify the
unclean meats listed in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Most Bible translations distinguish between the meanings
of the words koinos and akathartos. When Paul said in Romans 14:14 that “there is nothing unclean [koinos, or
‘common’] of itself,” he was making the same point he had made in the book of 1 Corinthians that just because meat,
that was otherwise allowable under the dietary law to eat, may have been associated with idol worship, does not mean
it is intrinsically unfit for human consumption. If a person is as familiar with the New Testament as these False
Teachers that advocate that eating pork is sanctioned by the Bible claim to be, they should know from the context of
the scriptures that Paul wasn’t talking about the biblical dietary restrictions at all. Paul states at Romans 14:20 that
“all food is clean.” The word translated “clean” is katharos, “free from impure admixture, without blemish, spotless.
The sense of these verses is basically that “nothing [is] unclean [koinos: common or ceremonially defiled] of itself,”
and “all is clean [katharos: free from impure admixture, without blemish, spotless].” Paul’s point is that the chance
that meat could have possibly been sacrificed to idols did not defile the meat, not that pork is clean.

There was NO expiration date given for the Dietary Law

The book of Revelation, THE VERY LAST BOOK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, in describing the last days and
times leading up to the return of the Christ, uses the expression “a haunt for every unclean and hated bird!”
(Revelation 18:2). If the Restrictive Dietary Law from Moses in the Old Testament was expired, then why was the
designation of “UNCLEAN” animal (bird) made manifest to John the Revelator in the last book of the Bible
Revelations, which only speak about the last days and times? (Matthew 5:17-19). Revelation 18:2 may refer to
“unclean spirits” (people with unclean mentalities) in the New Testament. Even so, this metaphor would make no
sense if there were not a distinction between actual clean and unclean birds. Unclean spirits (devilish mentalities) are
also compared to frogs, another unclean animal, in Revelation 16:13. Another scripture that refers to the end of days
presents this picture: “For behold, the Lord will come with fire and with His chariots, … the Lord will judge all flesh;
and the slain of the Lord shall be many. ‘Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves, to go to the gardens
after an idol in the midst, eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse, shall be consumed together,’ says
the Lord” (Isaiah 66:15-17). Here we see that, eating unclean things is condemned. The Bible, Old Testament, as well
as the New Testament is crystal clear. Distinctions between clean and unclean meats existed long before the New
Testament was written; they were followed by Jesus himself, his Apostles, as well as the other early disciples; and
they still apply now in the time of the presence of GOD Himself. The Restrictive Dietary Law is still being kept by the
Righteous which “keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). As
always I ask that you the reader do your due diligence and research this for yourself!

Accept it or reject it!

-Crown Prince Allah

Some of the Foods We Eat and Do Not Eat

Vegetables We Do Eat
Small Navy Beans
Small Pink Navy Beans
String Beans June Beans
White Cabbage Cauliflower
Egg Plant Okra
Asparagus Whole Wheat Bread
Carrots Broccoli
Turnip (white) Spinach
Tomatoes Celery
Lettuce Radish
Fresh Corn White Potatoes

Meats We Do Eat
Of course no meat is good for us but if we are going to eat meat the best is
Lamb Beef

Squabs Chicken

(young pigeons) (We eat chickens, but they are not good for us)

Fish We Do Eat
Pike Trout
Bass Perch
Salmon White Fish

Vegetables We Do Not Eat

Butter Beans
Lima Beans

Black Eyed Peas Green Cabbage

Collard Greens Pinto Beans
Kidney Beans Brown Field Peas
Corn Bread Nuts
Meats We Do Not Eat
Pig (Hog-Swine) The Hog meat is divinely forbidden by Almighty God
Rabbit Possum
Squirrel Coon and any other animal of the family.
No wild game which walks, crawl run or flies.

Fish We Do Not Eat

Eat no fish without scales or weighing over 50lbs. Eat no fish that sucks its food (sucker fish).
No seafood such as Crabs, Lobster, Oysters, Frogs, Shrimps, Clams, etc.


Swine, Hog, Pig, Lard, Animal fat, Animal

shortening, Gelatin, Hydrolyzed animal
protein/protein, Collagen, Enzymes, Tallow,
Emulsifiers, Stabilizers (Mono and Di-
glycerides), Tween, Swine pepsin, Calcium
stearate, Poly-sorbates, Monostearates,
Fatty acids.


The Father's opinion on the right Foods

Allah, The Father: Feed them the right foods. Don't teach religion.

Interviewer: A lot of people think that helps make people strong.

Allah, The Father: Well Mayor Wagner don't think so...I mean Mayor Lindsay don't think so. He said that the
churches and the organizations have lost it! That they cannot control the children! Now, where do they keep them
at? That's why Mayor Lindsay is the greatest mayor that ever been. He tells the truth. He's a great mayor. He gets out
with the people. Now he got a TV show so he make communication. Now he's going out there in California. Mayor
talking about "I got to meet Barry tonight" to get off the telephone to make a special call to something else. Mayor
Lindsay the greatest mayor who ever lived.

Interviewer: What is the right foods you're talking about?

Allah, The Father: Don't eat the swine!

Interviewer: Everything else is all right?

Allah, The Father: No, everything else isn't all right. Don't eat no shrimp. Don't eat no crabs. Don't eat none of that

Interviewer: Crabs?

Father Allah: Lobsters.

Interviewer: Seafood you mean?

Allah, The Father: Yes. There's other seafood. Don't eat no buffalo fish because it doesn't have no scales. Anything
bite it, the poison go right into it. If the fish has a scale, you bite it; the poison doesn't effect it because of the
texture. Don't eat the old, eat the young. Because you shouldn't eat meat at all period because you're taking on
animal protein so you still spoil the human being system. If you are going to eat meat eat the best. Not only is it good
for you, it's good for me too.

Interviewer: What's the best kind of meat?

Allah, The Father: Beef. Lamb. Fish. Don't eat buffalo fish because it has no protection. Something bite it, the poison
go right into the fish. If you bite a fish with a scale, does the poison go into it? Don't eat tuna over 150 pounds but
most tuna come over 150 pounds.

Interviewer: How do you know?

Allah, The Father: I'm telling you how it comes because civilized people know.

Interviewer: Are there any kinds of other foods?

Allah, The Father: There are many kinds. Don't eat butter beans. Don't eat collard greens because it belongs to the
weed family. Eat the white cauliflower because it melts in your mouth. The spinach you eat that. The broccoli you eat
that. Cauliflower you eat that. There are certain foods you have to eat. You've got to save your own what? Self! No
medication can save you.

Interviewer: What about the people who do eat it?

Allah, The Father: Well that's their business. That's their business. Don't worry about them. Don't you eat it. That's
why many women not built up. They eat the wrong what? Food and can't hold a baby. Can't hold it. So don't worry
about the other people. All you do is tell them. Save yourself. Live as long as you can. Now when I do stop eating
meat I know I have to stop drinking wine. See?

Interviewer: Why can't you? Why so?

Allah, The Father: Because the liquor will have nothing to eat on. It will eat me up. There are many things you got to
understand. This is why President Johnson got an operation on his hand. You know? And it won't heal. And when
they sewed it up it wouldn't stay together. Why? Because it's decayed. You know what I mean by decay? It won't stay
what? Together. It's not solid. It's decayed. Because when you sew it together, you find some people they sew it
together. They have a bad break in and it open, the thread keep pulling apart as it tighten up it come right on what?
Through. It won't close up. Why? It's decayed.

Why you think people get old? Do you think when you get old you call it a blessing? Do you call it a blessing when
you get old? Huh? That's no blessing! That's long suffering!

Interviewer: (Laughing) But everybody gets old.

Allah, The Father: Do they? I'm not going no more further! I'm 39 years old meaning understanding born. I'm not
going no further. If I do want to go further then I know how to kill myself by taking on the wrong what? Foods! Doing
the wrong what? Things! That's how you get old.

Interviewer: Do you think you're going to get older?

Allah, The Father: Not me! Not me!

Interviewer: You're not going to get older?

Allah, The Father: Not me!

Interviewer: How do you know that?

Allah, The Father: I know it!

Interviewer: How do you know?

Allah, The Father: Because I know what it do for me. I know what it do for me.

Interviewer: Then your body won't change?

Allah, The Father: Not mine. Because I'm going to tell the truth. I'm not going to talk about no one. I'm just going to
tell you what they do and you can't bring an accusation against me. I'm only telling you what they did because I'm
studying them. And all things were put forth before I became involved myself into the knowledge of self and let them
know. I can tell them all about them but they can't tell me nothing about me because I'm a new breed that they
don't know about. Now what they're going to tell about me when I can tell them all about themselves?



Aldi Food Aunt Maples 2% Maple Syrup Non-Animal Clean

Alberto-Culver Molly McButter Natural Butter Non-Pork Clean

Molly McButter Lite Sodium Butter Non-Pork Clean

10” Unbaked Pie Shells with vegetable Clean

Chef Pierre Vegetable

Clabber Girl Davis Baking Powder Non-Pork Clean

Country Home Bakers 10" Unbaked Pie Shells Shortening/Vegetable Clean

Dominick's Frozen Pie Shells (Reg. & Deep Dish) Non-Pork Clean
Refrigerated Pie Shells Lard - Pork Unclean

Hides/Skins, Clean Clean

Elyon (Golden Fluff Inc.) Gelatin (All varieties)

Emes Kosher Jel Discontinued N/A

Francesco Rinaldi 24oz Tomato Basil Clean

Francesco Rinaldi Non-Animal
Francesco Rinaldi 24oz Marinara Sauce Non-Animal Clean

Fleming Companies Best Yet Gelatin Pork Unclean

Gefen (Kenover Clean

Gelatin Non-Pork

All products having a circle “U” or Clean

Note: The above Kosher symbols
approved by the IOG for Heinz
College Inn Chicken Broth Non-pork Clean

Hershey Foods Corp. Chocolate Syrup Non-Animal Clean

HP Health Care DiabetiSweet Non-Pork Clean

Jel-Sert My-T-Fine Puddings Non-Pork Clean
Royal Gelatins Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Royal Puddings Non-Pork Clean
Royal Flan Non-Pork Clean

JM Sucker Co. Crisco (All Varieties) Non-Pork Clean

K.C. Masterpiece Barbecue Sauces Non-Pork Clean

Honey Teriyaki Marinade Non-Pork Clean
Garlic & Herb Marinade Non-Pork Clean
BBQ Marinade Non-Pork Clean

Kraft Foods JELLO Pork Unclean

Instant Pudding Mixes: Banana Cream, Clean

Kroger Non-Pork
Tapioca & Pistachio
Note: All Kroger products containing Unclean
gelatin (source is pork)

Lawry’s Marinades Non-Animal Clean

Season Salt Non-Animal Clean
Taco Seasonings Non-Animal Clean

Lea & Perrins Worestershire Sauce Non-pork Clean

Little Crow Foods Bakin' Miracle Non-Pork Clean

Fryin' Magic Vegetable, Syn. Clean

Marshmallows Most Brands--(Solid) Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Elyon Miniature Marshmallows Gelatin, Kosher Fish Clean
Paskesz Mini Marshmallows Gelain, Kosher Fish Clean
Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Crème Non-Animal Clean
Solo Foods Baker's Corner Marshmallow Crème Non-Animal Clean

McCormick Bag Gravy Pork/Processing Unclean

Chili Sauces Pork/Processing Unclean
Bag Seasoning Mixes Pork/Processing Unclean
Individual Seasonings bearing a cRc Clean
Kosher Symbol

All Products with a circled "U" w/o L- Clean

Mrs. Smith Bakeries Non-Pork

Nabisco A-1 Steak Sauce Non-Animal Clean

Knox Gelatin Pork Unclean

Natural Desserts Brand Gel-Dessert - Gelatin - Vegan Non-Pork Clean

Instant Pudding Mixes Non-Pork Clean
Nutra Drink Brand Non-Pork Clean

Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Non-Animal Clean

(Gelatin Fruit Pectin)

Pappy’s Foods, Inc. Jewel Seasoning Salt Non-Animal Clean

Pinnacle Foods Vlassic Peppers, Pickles & Relishes Non-Pork Clean

Safeway Select Frozen Pie Shells (Reg. & Deep Dish) Non-Pork Clean
Refrigerated Pie Shells Pork Unclean

BakeShop Products (Per their representative, they can not

Sam’s Club/Wal-Mart
guarantee that LARD is
never used in their products. They stated to look for animal free
products to be safe.

Sara Lee Beuler's Pie Crust (Aldi's) Pork Unclean

Sweet ‘N Low Sugar In The Raw Non-Pork Clean

United Sugars Corp. Crystal Sugar Non-Pork Clean



Anheuser-Busch Budweiser Chelada Clam Broth Unclean
Bud Light Clamato Chelada Clam Broth Unclean

Juice Drinks, Vegetable products and

Bolthouse Farms Salad Dressings bearing the OU kosher Non-Pork Clean

Campbell Tomato Juice Non-Animal Clean

V8 Vegetable Juice Non-Animal Clean

Canada Dry Mott's Clamata (All Varieties) Clam Broth Unclean

Coca-Cola Most products Clean

Minute Maid Juices To Go Ruby Red
Pork/Processing Unclean
Grapefruit Drink
Jugos Del Valle Strawberry Banana
Pork/Processing Unclean
Jugos Del Valle Strawberry Juice
Pork/Processing Unclean
Dr Pepper/ Seven Up, Inc. Dr Pepper Clean
Seven Up Clean

Heineken USA All Varieties Non-Animal Clean

Horizon Organic Juices (All Varieties) Non-Animal Clean

Jel-Sert Fla-Vor-Ice Non-Pork Clean

Flavor Aid Non-Pork Clean
Mondo Drinks Non-Pork Clean
Otter-Pops Non-Pork Clean
Pop-Ice Non-Pork Clean
Wyler's Non-Pork Clean

Magnolia Spice Teas All Varieties Non-Animal Clean

Miller-Coors Lite, MGD, MGD Light & Sparks Non-Animal Clean

Watertown Hop Products Non-Animal Clean
Coors - ALL Non-Animal Clean

Minute Maid Minute Maid Fruit Drink Non-Animal Clean

Minute Maid – 100% Pink Grapefruit
Cochineal Unclean
Hi-C Fruit Drink Non-Animal Clean
Five Alive Juice Non-Animal Clean

Mistic Brands, Inc. All Drinks Non-Animal Clean

Whipple Smoothies Milk Clean
Ruby Red Drink Vegetable Color Clean

Vegetable Color/Red
Ocean Spray Juice Ruby Red (All Varieties) Clean
White Cranberry Peach Canthaxanthin Unclean
All Other Drinks Non-Animal Clean

Old Orchard Products with Carmine/Cochineal Insect Unclean

Products without Carmine/Cochineal Clean

Pespi Cola All Drinks Non-Animal Clean

Snapple All Drinks Non-Pork Clean

Ruby Red Drink Vegetable Color Clean

Welch's All 100% Juices & Drinks Non-Animal Clean



Al Khyam Bakery Pita Bread Non-Animal Clean

Alpha Baking CompanyS.Rosen Breads/Rolls Duck Feathers Unclean

Some of their products don’t have this food additive, so read the

Bake House Creations Crescent Rolls Non-animal Clean

(Sara Lee/Aldi's

Best Food Baking, Co. Brownberry Bread Vegetable Clean

Boboli Bread Vegetable Clean

Beuler's (Aldi Foods) Crescent Rolls Non-Pork Clean

Buttermilk Biscuits Non-Pork Clean
Jumbo Buttermilk Biscuits Non-Pork Clean
Texas Art Butter Flavor Biscuits Non-Pork Clean

Certified Groceries Country Delight Bread Vegetable Clean

(Baker Divison)

Chicago Baking
Butternut Vegetable Clean
Sunbeam Vegetable Clean
Roman Meal Vegetable Clean

Dough, no longer uses L-Cysteine in

Cinnabon Inc. their products. All FREE of pork, lard, Non-Pork Clean
beef tallow, reneet and gelatin

Cloverhill Bakery (Aldi

All Baked Goods Vegetable Clean

Cole Bread Frozen bread loaves (All Varieties) Enzymes, pork Unclean

Dominick’s Fresh Bake Shop Products Beef/Pork Unclean

French Bread L-Cysteine/Life-Forms Unclean
Dominicks/Safeway Pre-Packaged
Breads, Bagels, Muffins,
Hotdog&Hamburger Buns
Are Designated CLEAN unless they
contain L-Cysteine, Mono-Digly./Enzy,
Earthgrains Jewel Crescent Rolls Mono-digly.Beef/Pork. Unclean
Jewel Jumbo Biscuits Mono-digly, Beef/Pork Unclean
Jewel 10ct. Buttermilk Biscuits Tallow, Beef/Pork Unclean
Jewel Homestye Biscuits Tallow, Beef/Pork Unclean

George Weston
Thomas' Sahara Pita Breads Non-Pork Clean

Interstate Brands Co. Wonder Bread Vegetable Clean

Beef Steak Bread Vegetable Clean
Bread Dujour Vegetable Clean

Jewel/Osco Fresh Bake Shop Products Beef/Pork/Veg. Unclean

Jewel Louisiana Crunch Cake Non-pork Clean

Jiffy Mix Corn Bread mix Lard, Pork Unclean

King’s Hawaiian King’s Hawaiian Bread & Rolls L-Cysteine Unclean

La Mas Raca Flour Tortillas L-Cysteine Unclean

Little Crow Foods Miracle Maize - Country Style Vegetable Clean

Miracle Maize - Sweet Vegetable Clean

McDonald's Sesame Seed Buns L-Cysteine Unclean

Metz Baking Co. Betterway Bread Mono-dyg.,Beef/Pork Unclean

(A Division of Sara
Holsum Bread Mono-dyg.,Beef/Pork Unclean
Pillsbury Breads Mono-dyg.,Beef/Pork Unclean
Mother’s Bread Mono-dyg.,Beef/Pork Unclean

Mississippi Bakery L’Oven Fresh Breads Vegetable Clean

(Aldi Brand) L’Oven Fresh Hamburger buns Vegetable Clean
L’Oven Fresh Hot Dog buns Vegetable Clean
All Products containing L-Cysteine are

Nature's Own 100% Wheat Bread Non-Pork Clean

North Baking Company Jewel Breads Vegetable Clean

(Jewel Brand) Jewel Rolls Vegetable Clean
Jewel Hotdog Buns Vegetable Clean
Jewel Hamburger Buns Vegetable Clean

Panera Bread Bagels (all varieties contain L-Cysteine) L-Cysteine Unclean

Breads & Pastries, vegetarian mono-
Non-Pork Clean
Pepperidge Farm Breads Non-Animal Clean
Cookies Non-Animal Clean
Pepperidge Farm Garlic Bread w/
Beef / Pork Unclean
Any of their products that contain Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Pillsbury All can refrigerated biscuits Beef / Pork Unclean

Quaker Oats Company Aunt Jemima Pancake & Waffle Mix Non-Animal Clean

Safeway Select 5 Cheese Garlic Toast L-Cysteine Unclean

Garlic Cheese Bread L-Cysteine Unclean

Sam's Club Svenheads Swedish Bakery Asst. Danish Plant-ingredients Clean

Sara Lee / BIMBO

Breads (Sold to BIMBO Bakeries USA) Mono-diglycerides, Veg
Bakeries USA
Iron Kids Bread Mono-diglycerides, Veg
Earthgrains Breads Mono-diglycerides, Veg
Are designated CLEAN if they don't
contain L-Cysteine.

White Castle "BUNS" L-Cysteine Unclean



All products having a "K" in a triangle
Archway Cookies Non-Pork Clean
Pork Free.

Bake-Line Products, Inc Aldi Stores:

Cookie Shoppe Striped Shortbread Non-Animal Clean
Cookie Shoppe Fudge Covered Grahams Non-Animal Clean
Cookie Shoppe Premium Chocolate
Non-Animal Clean
Cookie Shoppe Pecan Shortbread Non-Animal Clean

Bake-Line Products, Inc. Jewel Stores:

Sandwich Crème Cookies (all varieties) Non-Animal Clean

Balance Bars Balance Bars (All varieties) Non-pork Clean

B.C. Bundt Co. Banana Nut, Lemon, & Vanilla Cakes, Non-Pork Clean
Pineapple Orange, & Strawberry Cakes, Non-Pork Clean
Louisiana Crunch, & Sock-it-to-Me
Non-Pork Clean

Benton (Aldi Brand) Fig Bars Plant Based Ing. Clean

All Entenmann’s Products w/o L-

Best Foods Clean
Products containing L-cysteine Unclean

Beuler's (Aldi's) Cinnamon Roll with white icing Non-Pork Clean

Chocolate Chip Cookies Non-Pork Clean
Tree Shaped Cookies Non-Pork Clean

Bishops (Aldi Stores) Bakers Treat Peanut Butter Waffers Vegetable Clean

Bud’s Best Cookies All varieties Non-Pork Clean

Cloverhill Bakery (Aldi

Donuts Vegetable Clean

Clyde's Donuts Donuts - Soybean Oil Non-Pork Clean

Donuts - With L-Cysteine L-Cysteine Unclean

Con-Sup North America

Belmont Vanilla Cream Wafers Pork fat Unclean

Daddy Ray’s Fig Bars Non-Animal Clean

Delicious Brands Salerno Butter Cookies Vegetable Clean

Mama’s Sandwich Cookies Vegetable Clean

Dominick’s Dominick’s Snack Crackers w/o bacon Vegetable Clean

(All varieties with bacon) Pork Unclean

Duncan Hines Brownie Mixes Non-Animal Clean

Cake Mixes Non-Animal Clean
Cookie Mixes Non-Animal Clean
Frostings Non-Animal Clean

Animal Free - Instant Oatmeal, Crackers

Eco-Planet Non-Pork Clean
& Cookies

Products with a circled U or Triangle K

Flowers Bakeries Clean
and no L-Cysteine
Most Mrs. Freshley’s Products Non-Pork Clean
Mrs. Freshley’s Sno Balls Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Walmart Sub & Kaiser Rolls Non-Pork Clean

Heaven Scent Animial Free - Cookies & Rice Bars Non-Pork Clean

Interstate Brands Co. Dolly Madison Cupcakes Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Hostess Cupcakes Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Hostess SnoBalls Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Banana Dreams & Banana Flips Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Only non-gelatin pastry products Clean

Jel-Sert No Bake Cheesecake Discontinued

Jewel Food Store Snack Crackers Non-pork Clean

Kashi Products TLC Crackers Enzy., Plant/Microbial Clean

Keebler Cheez-It Crackers Enzy.-Plant/Microbial Clean

Kellogg Company Low Fat Granola Bars Non-Pork Clean

Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars Non-Pork Clean
Pop-Tarts (frosted) Gelatin, Beef Clean
Pop-Tarts (un-frosted) Non-Gelatin Clean
Pop-Tarts Pastry Swirls Gelatin, Beef Clean
Rice Krispies Treats Squares Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Special K Protein Snack Bars Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Krispie Kreme Doughnuts, Pastries & Fruit Pies Vegetable Clean

Lofthouse Cookies Co Most Cookies Non-Pork Clean

Pink Sugar Cookies Pork Unclean

McKee Foods Corp. Little Debbie Snack Cakes Vegetable Clean

Sunbelt Snacks Vegetable Clean

L’Oven Fresh Products that bear a

Mississippi Bakery
(Aldi Foods) symbol without L-Cysteine in the
ingredient legend are designated Clean.
L’Oven Fresh Mini Butter Croissants L-Cysteine, Duck Unclean
All Products containing L-Cysteine are

M&M / Mars Kudos (whole grain snacks) Vegetable Clean

Mrs. Smith Bakeries Baker's Treat Pecan Sweet Rolls Non-Animal Clean

Nabisco Food Group All non-gelatin products Non-Pork Clean

Any product containing gelatin or L-
Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Ritz Crackers Non-Pork Clean

Otis Spunkmeyer Co Bagels (All Varieties) Non-Pork Clean

Bear Claws Pork Unclean
Cinnamon Rolls Pork Unclean
Cookies (All Varieties) Non-Pork Clean
Danish (All Varieties) Pork Unclean
Muffins (All Varieties) Non-Pork Clean

Pepperidge Farm Cookies Non-Animal Clean

Gold Fish Crackers (All Varietes) Enzy., Beef/Microbial Clean
Pepperidge Farm Cakes (All Varieties) Gelatin,Beef/Pork Unclean

Sara Lee Classic French Cheesecake Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean

Strawberry French Cheesecake Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean
French Silk Pies Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Tropical Coconut Cream Pies Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Tangy Lemon Meringue Pies Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Banana Cake Pork Unclean
Carrot Cake Pork Unclean
Fruit Pies Vegetable Clean
Pound Cake Non-Animal Clean
Coffee Cake Non-Animal Clean
Layer Cake Non-Animal Clean
Original Cheesecake Non-Animal Clean
Cheesecake Bites Non-Animal Clean
Cheesecake Slices Non-Animal Clean
New York Style Cheesecake Non-Animal Clean
Bagels Non-Animal Clean
Muffins Non-Animal Clean

Schulze & Burch Biscuit

Aldi’s Baker’s Treat toaster pastries Beef, Pork, or Soy Unclean

Snack, Gourmet, Wheat, & Cheese

Snack Rite (Aldi's) Enzymes, Bacterial Clean
Fit & Active Thin Wheat Crackers Enzymes, Bacterial Clean

Tasty Baking Co. All Products without L-Cysteine Clean

Products with L-Cysteine Unclean

Vista Bakery, Inc. (Lance

Mercer Products (Aldi's)
Chocolate Chip Cookies Non-Animal Clean
Chocolate Sandwich Creams Non-Animal Clean
Fudege Cremes Non-Animal Clean
Mixed Sugar Wafers Non-Animal Clean
Oatmeal and Iced Oatmeal Gelatin, Perch Fish Clean
Peanut Butter Dreams Non-Animal Clean
Vanilla Sandwich Creams Non-Animal Clean
Cambridge Products (Aldi's)
Saltines Non-Animal Clean
Oyster Crackers Non-Animal Clean

Voortman Cookies All Varieties Non-Animal Clean



Affy Tapple All Products Non-Pork Clean

Everest Gum Glycerin, Synthetic Clean
Confectionery Co.
Bubble Tape Gum Glycerin, Synthetic Clean

Atkinson's Candy
Assorted Sours (Hard Candy) Non-Pork Clean
Chick-O-Sticks, Coconut Long Boys Non-Pork Clean
Mint Twists, Peanut Butter Bars Non-Pork Clean
Rainbow Coconut Bars Non-Pork Clean
Rainbow Twists & Peco Brittle Non-Pork Clean

Bloomy's Dubble Bubble Gum with OU symbol Non-Pork Clean

Bubble King
Gum Balls Non-Pork Clean

Bubble Yum Bubble Gum Additives/ingredients Unclean

Brach's Candy All Products Containing Gelatin Pork Unclean

Cadbury-Adams Bubbaloo Bubble Gum Non-Pork Clean

(A Subsidiary
Trident gum (Regular) Glycerin, Vegetable Clean
of Kraft)
Trident Layers (All Varieties) Pork Ingredients Unclean
Trident Splash (All Varieties) Pork Ingredients Unclean
Trident for Kids Cow milk protein Clean
Altoid Mints/Gums Pork Unclean
Suchard, Inc.

Colombina Candy Coastal Bay Confections Crystal Fruit Drops Animal Free Clean

Dr. Katz Thera Breath Products Non-Pork Clean

Elite Brand Bazooka and most chewing gums Non-pork Clean

Farley's &
Amazin' Fruit Gummi Bears Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Heide Gummi Bears Gelatin, Pork Unclean
All Products with Gelatin/Carmine Pork Unclean

Ferrara Pan All Gummy Candies Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Red Hots, Jawbusters, Lemonheads Non-gelatin Clean
Atomic Fireballs, Boston Bake Beans Non-gelatin Clean
Certified kosher by UMK

Ferrero Tic Tacs Mints Non-Pork Clean

Fit & Active

Nacho Tortilla Chips & Blue Chips Non-Pork Clean

Frito Lay Cheetos Rennet/Calf Clean

Cheetos Flamin Hots Enzy., Pork Unclean
Doritos Nacho Cheese Enzy., Pork Unclean
Fritos Chili Cheese brand chips Non-Pork Clean
Grandma's Rich'N Chewy Chocolate Chip
Pork Unclean
SunChips French Onion Multigrain Snacks Non-Pork Clean
FRITO-LAY French Onion Dip Non-Pork Clean
FRITOS Bean Dip Non-Pork Clean
FRITOS Mild Cheddar Flavor Cheese Dip Non-Pork Clean
*For a list of their Pork-Free products, visit them

Snack food products contain microbial enzymes,

Garden of Eatin' no meat and are lacto ovo vegetarian (Safe for Non-Pork Clean
vegetarians who eat milk and eggs).

Garrett’s Popcorn All Products Pork Free Clean

General Mills Buggles (All) Nat. Flavor sourced from pork Pork Unclean
Geotze's All Products Non-Pork Clean

Hershey's All Candies with Gelatin Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Amazin' Fruit (All Varieties) Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Good N' Fruity & Good N' Plenty Carmine/Cochineal Unclean
Jolly Rancher Gummis Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Jolly Rancher Hard Candies Unclean

Jay's Oke-Doke Cheese Popcorn Enzyme, Pork Unclean

Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Coating, beeswax Clean

Assorted Sour Balls Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Just Born Peeps Marshmallow Candy Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Mike&Ike, Hot Tamalas, Zours, Teanie Beanie Non-Gelatin Clean
Jelly Beans and Peeps Jelly Beans

Kellogg Fruit Snacks Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean

Kraft Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Lincoln Snack Co.Fiddle Faddle (all varieties) Non-Pork Clean

M&M/ Mars M&M candies Whey, Non-pork Clean

Snickers Bar Whey, Non-pork Clean
3 Musketeer Bar Whey, Non-pork Clean
Milky Way Bar Whey, Non-pork Clean
Twix Bar Whey, Non-pork Clean

Nabisco Planters Cheese Balls Gelatin, Pork/Beef Unclean

Planters Cheese Curls Gelatin, Pork/ Beef Unclean
Crème Savers Candies (all varieties) Flav. Agents, Pork Unclean

Natonal Candy Dubble Bubble Gum Pops Clean

Nestle Most Candies Gelatin, Beef Clean

(Wonka) Pixy Stix Carmine Unclean
Gummy Sweetarts Gelatin, Pork/Beef Unclean
All Candies containing Carmine and/or Gelatin Pork/Insect Unclean

BallOFire, Bingo, BubbleBrights, Eyeball-to-

Oak Leaf
Eyeball, Frost Bites & Fun Fruit GUM with OU Non-Pork Clean
Proctor & Gamble Pringles (All Varieties) Non-Pork Clean

Richardson Starlights, Jumbo Candy Balls, Tiger Pops Non-Pork Clean

Mint Ball Pops, Rainbow Mix, Non-Pork Clean
Filled Tutti-Frutti & Strawberry Non-Pork Clean
Lemmon Buttons Non-Pork Clean
Sour Balls Non-Pork Clean

Sargento MooTown Snacks Cheeze & Sticks Rennet, Beef Clean

MooTown Cheeze & Pretzels Rennet, Beef Clean
MooTown Cheeze & Crackers Rennet, Beef Clean

Sorbee Int. Country Time Hard Candy Animal Free Clean

Spangler Candy Astro Pops, Candy Canes Clean

Dum Dum Pops, Saf-T-Pops Clean
Suck An Eggs Clean
Marshmallow Peanuts Gelatin, Pork Unclean

St. Claire's Co. Organic Winter Mints Non-Pork Clean

The Stork
Mamba candies Beef Clean
Riesen candies Beef Clean
Werthers candies Beef Clean

Tootsie Roll
Charm Blow Pops Glycerin, Synthetic Clean
Junior Mints & Junior Caramels Glycerin, Synthetic Clean
Confections, Inc.)
Tootsie Rolls, Frooties, Pops Whey, Synthetic Clean
Caramel Apple Pops & Charleston Chews Whey, Synthetic Clean
Sugar Babies Whey, Synthetic Clean
Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum Pork Unclean

Uncle Ray's, LLC

Clancy's Regular & Ripple Potato Chips Non-Animal Clean
Clancy's Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips Non-Animal Clean
Clancy's Bar B Q Potato Chips Non-Animal Clean
Note:The above have to have a J in date code

Van-Melle Airheads (all varieties) Non-Gelatin, Red 40 Clean

Gelatin, Beef,
Mentos Candy & Chewing Gum (all varietes) Unclean
Vitner Company White Cheddar Popcorn Enzymes, Pork Unclean
Cheese Twist Enzymes, Pork Unclean
Cheese Crunchy’s Enzymes, Pork Unclean
Cheedar Cheese Popcorn Non-pork enzymes Clean
Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips Enzymes, Microbial Clean

Goodmark Foods,
Andy Capp’s:
Inc. :
Cheddar Fries Non-pork enzymes Clean
Hot Fries Non-pork enzymes Clean
Salsa Fries Non-pork enzymes Clean
BBQ Fries Non-pork enzymes Clean

Cheeze Kurls, Inc.

Triple Mix Products Non-pork enzymes Clean
Cheese Pops Non-pork enzymes Clean

Warner Lambert: Body Smarts: Chocolate Peanut Bar Non-Animal Clean

(Consumer Group
Body Smarts: Yogurt Berry Bar Non-Animal Clean
For Pfizer)
Body Smarts: Fruit Medley Chews Non-Animal Clean
Body Smarts: Fruit Chews Non-Animal Clean
Chiclets Non-Animal Clean
Cinn-A-Burst Non-Animal Clean
Clorets gum Beef & Pork Unclean
Dentyne gum Glycerin, Synthetic Clean
Advantage gum Cow milk protein Clean
Certs, gum and mints Clean
Bubblicious (all flavors) Clean
Freshen Up Gum Non-Animal Clean

Welch's Fruit Snacks Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Pork - cross
Wrigley Co. All Gums, Life Savers, Gummies Unclean
Pork - cross-
Starburst Fruit Chews Unclean
Skittles (Most) No Cross-contamination. Made at
Non-Pork Clean
a different plant.
Skittles Crazy Cores Non-Gelatin Clean

Wyandot World
Aldi Brand:
Class Snacks
Clancy's Cheese Flavored Crunchy's Non-pork enzymes Clean
Casa Mamita (Aldi's)
Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips Non-Pork Clean
Ranch Chips Non-Pork Clean
Tortilla Chips Non-Pork Clean
Note: Wyandot makes Nacho Cheese Flavored
Tortilla Chips for Casa Mamita, Kroger, Myers
and Albertson's (Jewel's). They are all Clean.



Biscuits Leclerc Ltd.
Breakfast Cereals (Most) Non-Animal Clean
The ones with Gelatin/Marshmallow Pork Unclean

ConAgra Breakfast Harvest Cereals (Aldi's)

Cranberries & Nuts Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Granola w/Raisins Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Fruit & Grains Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Banana & Nuts Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Chocolate Granola Bars Non-Pork Clean
Peanut Butter Granola Bars Non-Pork Clean

General Mills Lucky Charms Cereals Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Kashi GoLean Cereal & Crunch Cereal Non-Pork Clean

Good Friends Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Good Friends Cinna-Raisin Crunch Non-Pork Clean
Heart to Heart Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Honey Puffed Kashi Cereal Non-Pork Clean
Kashi Medley, Pillows, & Pilaf Non-Pork Clean
Puffed Kashi Cereal Non-Pork Clean

Kellogg Co. Most *Cereals (Look for "K" symbol) Gelatin, Beef Clean
Kellogg Fruity Marshmallow Krispies Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Marshmallow Fruit Loops Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Snack-Ums Rice Krispies Treat Krunch Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Kellogg Smorz Cereal Gelatin, Pork Unclean
*All Cereals containing marshmallow
Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Little Crow Foods CoCo Wheats Non-Pork Clean

Malt O Meal Golden Puffs Gelatin, Fish Unclean

(Uses whichever fish gelatin available on the open market.)
Marshmallow Mateys Cereal Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Frosted Mini Spooners Gelatin, Pork Unclean
All other Bag Cereals Non-Gelatin Clean
Hot Wheat Cereals: Original Non-Animal Clean
Chocolate Non-Animal Clean
Maple & Brown Sugar Non-Animal Clean
Big Bowl Instant
Apple & Cinnamon Flavor Gelatin, Fish Unclean
Maple & Brown Sugar Flavor Gelatin, Fish Unclean
Variety Pack Gelatin, Fish Unclean

The following cereals are found at Aldi's stores:

Breakfast Best Cereals

Millville Cereals with Gelatin and or

Pork Unclean
Millville Cereals without Gelatin and or
Non-Pork Clean

McKee Foods Corp. Sunbelt Cereals Non-Pork Clean

Post Cereals Non-Pork Clean

Quaker Oats Company Instant Oatmeal:

Apples & Cinnamon Plant/synthetic Clean
Cinnamon & Spices Plant/synthetic Clean
Maple Brown Sugar Plant/synthetic Clean

Ralston Foods (Aldi's) Shredded Wheat Non-Pork Clean

Millville Trail Mix Bars Non-Pork Clean
Honey Puffs Non-Pork Clean
Wheat Puffs Non-Pork Clean
Crispy Oats Non-Pork Clean
Honey Nut Crispy Oats Non-Pork Clean
Frosted Shredded Wheat Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Millville Marshmallow & Stars Cereal Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Sovex Foods (Aldi’s Breakfast Best Low Fat Granola Cereal

Gelatin, Fish/unknownUnclean
Brand) with Raisins



Baldwin-Richardson FoodsBaldwin Ice Cream Non-Animal Clean
Mrs. Richardson Toppings Vegetable/plant Clean

Berner Foods Casa Mamita Salsa Non-Pork Clean

Con Quesso Mild Non-Pork Clean
Leland Cheese Topping Non-Pork Clean

Bernstein's Dressings Unclean

Best Foods I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Non-Gelatin Clean

Regular Quarters-Butter Non-Gelatin Clean
Regular Spread-Butter Non-Gelatin Clean
Spray Butter Non-Gelatin Clean
Squeeze Butter Non-Gelatin Clean
Sweet (Unsalted) Butter Non-Gelatin Clean
Fat Free Butter Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean
Light Butter Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean
Sweet Cream & Calcium Butter Gelatin, Beef/Pork Unclean

Bongards Creameries (Aldi

Clancy’s Cheese Spread (like Velveeta) Pork Free Clean

Gelatin, Pork/Cross
Borden Foods Cheese Singles Unclean
Natural Cheeses Pork-free Clean

Brown Cow Farm YOGURTS (All varieties) Non-Pork Clean

CDS Aldi's brand natural cheeses Microbiological Clean

ConAgra Foods Jolly Rancher Gel Snacks Non-Gelatin Clean

Reddi Wip Topping Non-Pork Clean

Cool Cups Snacks 4-pack Gel Snack Non-Pork Clean

Country Classic Dairies Cottage Cheese Enzymes, Beef Clean

Crystal Farms Natural cheeses Non-Animal Clean

Process cheeses Beef and Pork Unclean
Cheese Loaf singles Beef and Pork Unclean
Hot Pepper cheeses Beef and Pork Unclean

Flavored: Coffee, Cran Raspberry,

Dannon Non-Pork Clean
Lemon & Vanilla Yogurts
Plain: Lowfat, Nonfat, Clean Natural,
Non-Pork Clean
& Organic Yogurts
Frozen: All Varieties Non-Pork Clean
Soft Frozen Fat Free:
Blueberry Pie, Strawberry, Chocolate Non-Pork Clean
French Vanilla, Orange Blossom, Non-Pork Clean
Peach Passion, Praline Pecan, Non-Pork Clean
NY Cheesecake, White Chocolate Non-Pork Clean
Mousse & Red Raspberry Yogurts Non-Pork Clean
SS No Sugar Added:
Vanilla, Chocolate, & Nonfat Gourmet Non-Pork Clean
Variety Pack Mix Non-Pork Clean
All Yogurt Products with Gelatin or
Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Dean Foods Dairy products Gelatin, Beef Clean

(Morning Star Foods
Dairy Ease 100% Lactose Free Milk Non-Pork Clean
Dips (All Varieties) Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Chugs' Milk VD3, non-animal Clean
Ice Cream Non-Pork Clean
Milk VD3, non-animal Clean
Sour Cream Non-Pork Clean

Dole Foods, Inc. Fruit N' Gel Bowls (Most) Non-Pork Clean
Fruit N' Gel Bowls with Cochineal Cochineal Unclean
Jar Fruit Cochineal Unclean

Driggs Farms Sundae Shoppe Ice Cream Sandwich Non-Pork Clean

(acquired by Land-O-Sun
Sundae Shoppe Nut Cones Non-Pork Clean
A Subsidiary of Dean Sundae Shoppe Strawberry Swirl Ice
Non-Pork Clean
Foods Cream

Edy’s Dreamery's Galactic Chocolate Swirl Gelatin, Pork Unclean

All other Dreamery Ice Creams Non-Pork Clean
Edy’s Grand Ice Cream Vegetable/Plant Clean
Edy's Sherbet Vegetable/Plant Clean
Fruit Bars Vegetable/Plant Clean
(Plain flavors only e.g. Vanilla,
Chocolate, etc…)
Edy’s Rocky Road Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Friendly Farms (Aldi's) Blueberry, & Strawberry Yogurts Non-Pork Clean

Strawberry-Banana Yogurt Non-Pork Clean

General Mills Colombo & Yoplait Yogurts

Without Gelatin or Cochineal Non-Pork Clean
With Gelatin or Cochineal Gelatin, Pork, /Insect Unclean

Aldi brand: Happy Farms Natural

Great Lakes Cheese Microbial/Chymosin Clean
Processed Cheese Singles/Spreads Enzymes,pork/calf Unclean

Hickory Farms Cheese Products - Microbial enzymes Non-Pork Clean

Horizon Organic Butter Non-Pork Clean

Cheeses Non-Pork Clean
Cottage Cheese Non-Pork Clean
Milk Non-Pork Clean
Parmesan Cheese Rennet, Beef/Pork Unclean
Puddings Non-Pork Clean
Sour Cream Non-Pork Clean
Yogurt Non-Pork Clean

Kashi Products GoLean Ready-To-Drink Shakes Non-Pork Clean

Kraft Foods Blue Cheese Dressing Calf Clean

Romano, goat and
Ceasar Salad Dressing Clean
Ranch Salad Dressing Calf Clean
Grated Parmesan Cheese Clean
Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese Clean
Light Philadelphia Brand Neufchatel
Natural Swiss cheese Clean
Flav. Enzymes,
Kraft Singles Unclean
Flav. Enzymes,
Kraft Velveeta Unclean
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Clean
Mayo Real Mayonnaise Clean
All Products with Gelatin Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Kroger Company Natural cheese without gelatin Non-Pork Clean

Cheese Singles & Cheeses with gelatin Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Land O’ Lakes, Inc. Butters and Margarines Non-Pork Clean

Cheeses Pork Unclean

Lifeway Kefir Probiotic Drinks & Farmer's Cheeses Non-Pork Clean

Master's Gallery Jewel Cheese Singles Pork Unclean

Jewel Natural Cheeses Non-Pork Clean

McNeil Lactaid 100% Lactose Free Milk Enzymes, fungal Clean

Multi-Foods Pet Evaporated Milk Non-Pork Clean

Nestle Nestle Carnation Coffee Mate Vegetable Clean

Carnation Evaporated Milk Vegetable Clean

Old Homes Foods Oberweiss, Low Fat Yogurt Gelatin, Beef Clean
Soft Whip Yogurt Non-Pork Clean
Oberweiss Milk VD3, non-pork Clean

Peak Foods Aldi's Frozen Whipped Topping Non-Pork Clean

Richelieu Foods, Inc. Aldi Salad Mate Dressings:
French Dressing Non-Animal Clean
Ranch Dressing Cow Clean

Saputo Cheese USA Dragone Enzyme, calf,kid,lamb Clean

Gardenia Enzyme, calf,kid,lamb Clean
Frigo Enzyme, calf,kid,lamb Clean
Lorraine Enzyme, calf,kid,lamb Clean
Stella Enzyme, calf,kid,lamb Clean

Sargento Shredded, sliced cheeses Non-Animal Clean

6 Cheese Italian Blend Beef Clean
Romano/Provolone Cheese Wedges Beef Clean
Light 6 Cheese Italian Blend Beef Clean
Light Sliced Provolone Beef Clean

Schreiber Foods, Inc. Cub Store Brand cheese Pork Unclean

Ultra Food Store Brand cheese Pork Unclean

Breyers, Good Humor, Klondyke &

Unilever Gelatin, Pork/ Insect Unclean
Sicle Products with Gelatin
Products without Gelatin or Carmine Non-Pork Clean

Wish-Bone Italian Dressing Non-Pork Clean

Robusto Italian Dressing Non-Pork Clean


Abbott Laboratories Isomil Soy Clean
(Ross Products
Pedialyte (OU) Non-Pork Clean
Pediasure (OU) Non-Pork Clean
Promote (OU) Non-Pork Clean
Similac Alimentum Advance Enzymes, Pork Unclean
Similac with Iron Cow milk Clean
Similac Low Iron Cow milk Clean
Similac Lactose Free Enzymes, Pork Unclean

Bristol-Meyer Pregestimil Hypoallergenic Enzymes, Pork Unclean

Gerber Products *Bakery Items Non-Pork Clean

Cereals Non-Pork Clean
Juices Non-Pork Clean
Fruits & Vegetables in jars/plastic Non-Pork Clean
Dinners & Meat Items in jars Beef/Pork Unclean
*Note: Look for the OU kosher symbol

Mead Johnson Enfamil Cow milk Clean

Enfamil w/ Iron Cow milk Clean
Enfamil Lactofree Cow milk Clean
Nutramigen hypoallergenic formula Enzyme, pork Unclean
Prosobee Soy bean protein Clean

Nestle Carnation Good Start Supreme Enzyme, Pork Unclean

Good Start Supreme Soy DHA & ARA Non-Pork Clean
Good Start Essentials Non-Pork Clean
Good Start 2 Essentials Non-Pork Clean
Good Start 2 Essentials Soy Non-Pork Clean



Aidels Regular Sausage (20-30 Varieties) Pork Unclean
Mini’s Sausages Non-Pork Clean
(Chicken, Cajun & Tomato)
Breakfast Sausages: Maple Bacon Pork Unclean
Breakfast Sausages: Mango Chicken Non-Pork Clean

Bar S Turkey Breakfast Sausage Non-Pork Clean


Best Kosher

Cajun Moon Sausage

All products are pork-free Non-Pork Clean

Cameco (Aldi's) Lunchmate Lunch Meats Pork/Pork processing Unclean

Chef Boyardee Pizza Kit (Cheese) Pork Unclean

Con Agra Swift Premium Brown ‘N Serve Turkey Clean

(Banquet) Turkey Sausage
Swift Premium Brown ‘N Serve Beef Clean
Beef Sausage
Butterball Turkey Bacon Non-Pork Clean
Butterball Skinless Beef Hotdogs Pork casing Unclean
Butterball Turkey Hotdogs Pork casing Unclean
Butterball Beef Franks Non-Pork Clean
Butterball Cotta Salami Non-Pork Clean
(Aldi) Kirkwood Pot Pies (All Varieties)Lard Unclean
Marie Callender's Beef Pot Pie Gelatin, Pork Unclean
Fresh Turkey Bratwurst Pork casing Unclean
Fresh Hot Italian Turkey Sausage Pork casing Unclean
Sweet Italian Turkey Sausage Pork casing Unclean
Fresh Turkey Breakfast Sausage pork-
Non-Pork Clean

Eckrich Smoked Beef Sausage (all varieties) Pork casing Unclean

Kielbasa Turkey Sausage Pork casing Unclean

Farmland Beef Franks Non-Pork Casing Clean

Black Angus Beef Smoke Sausage Beef Casing Clean

Freschetta Cheese Pizza L-Cysteine/Duck Unclean

General Mills Totino's/Jenos Products Pork Unclean

Gorton Fish Patties Haddock & Flounder Clean

Hebrew National Beef Franks Non-Pork Clean

Black Angus Beef Smoke Sausage Casing, Beef Clean
Sliced Meats Non-Pork Clean

Homerun Inn Pizza Cheese Pizza (Restaurant) Non-pork Clean

Deep Dish Cheese Pizza (Frozen) L-Cysteine Unclean

Hormel Foods Corp. Turkey Pepperoni Non-pork Clean

Casa Mamita Tamales (Aldi’s Brand) Non-pork Clean
Spam & Oven Roasted Turkey Spam Pork Unclean

Hormel/Jennie-O Original & Extra Lean Turkey Bacon Non-pork Clean

Turkey Breakfast Sausage Casing, Beef/Sheep Clean
Turkey Ham Liquid Smoke Flavoring Clean
Cahill Turkey Ham (Aldi's) Liquid Smoke Flavoring Clean
Turkey Franks Non-pork Clean
Sausage Links Pork Unclean
Frozen Breakfast Lover's Turkey
Non-pork Clean

All products produced on same

Johnsonville Products Pork,Cross-contaminationUnclean

Kashi Products Kashi Waffles Non-Pork Clean

Kellogg Co. Eggo Waffles Non-pork Clean

Eggo Toaster Muffins Non-pork Clean

Kraft Foods Digiorno 4-Cheese Pizza Enzyme, goat,kid,lamb Clean

Digiorno Spicy Chicken Pizza Enzyme, goat,kid,lamb Clean

Pre-packaged Thin Sliced Meats; available at Kroger, Wal*Mart, Albertson’s,

Land O’ Frost
and Sysco stores.
Beef Spice flavorings Clean
Corned Beef Spice flavorings Clean
Turkey, Honey Turkey Spice flavorings Clean
Chicken Spice flavorings Clean

All fried products

Long John Silver Cross contamination Unclean
share the same oil
Cheese used on sandwich Enzyme, Pork Unclean

Louis Rich Turkey Ham Cellulose/Plant Clean

(Oscar Mayer) Turkey Bologna Cellulose/Plant Clean
Turkey Bacon Cellulose/Plant Clean
Exceptions: (Louis Rich also produces products using pork, READ the LABEL.)
Cotta Salami Cellulose/Plant Clean
Beef Franks Cellulose/Plant Clean

Nestle Stouffer’s Noodles Romanoff Gelatin, Pork Unclean

Stouffer’s Meals with Cheese Enzymes, Beef/Pork Unclean
Stouffer’s (All Other Meals) Pork Derivatives Unclean
Hot, Lean & Croissant Pockets Pork Derivatives Unclean
Pizza Mini's Pork Derivatives Unclean

Oscar Meyer Bun Length Beef Franks Cellulose/Plant Clean

Lunchables (All varieties) Cheese, Pork Unclean

Hungry Jack Frozen Buttermilk

Pillsbury Plant source flavoring Clean
Mini Buttermilk Pancakes Plant source flavoring Clean

Red Baron All Pizzas Pork Processing Unclean

Sara Lee Ball Park Beef & Kosher Beef Franks Non-Pork Clean

Scott Petersen Beef Polish Sausage Beef,Collagen casing Clean

Deli Roast Beef (Gelatin Glaze) Pork Unclean

Use both pork and non-pork casing. The non-pork casing is collagen and is
The Turkey Store, Co.

Tony’s Pizza Co. Tony’s Pizza (All varieties) L-cysteine Unclean

Trader Joe's Most Sausage contains pork casings Pork Unclean

Tyson Tyson Chicken Chunks Chicken Clean
Tyson Chicken Patties Chicken Clean
Aldi Brand Kirkwood Breaded Chicken
Chicken Clean
Aldi Brand Kirkwood Turkey Bacon Pork Unclean

Vienna Beef Store

Vienna Beef Franks & Polish (Retail) Casing, plastic Clean
Vienna Beef Franks & Polish 8 or 12
Casing, sheepskin Clean
Vienna Beef (JUMBO) Franks/Polish Casing, Pork Unclean
Vienna Beef Deli Meats Beef, cellulose casing Clean

Red Labeled Box (FRANKS) Check Casing
Blue Labeled box (POLISH) Check Casing

Vlasic Foods
Swanson Pot Pies (All varieties) Lard, Pork Unclean
Great Starts Breakfast Entrée Pork Unclean
Swanson Frozen Entrée Meals Beef/Pork Unclean
Products bearing the OU kosher sysbol Clean

White Castle Frozen Hamburgers & Cheese Burgers Buns, L-Cysteine Unclean
cRc - Chicago Rabbinical Council
OK - Organized Kashruth
OU - Orthodox Union
UMK - United Mehadrin Kosher

Learn how to read the labels!

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