Descriptive Writing Rubric
Descriptive Writing Rubric
Descriptive Writing Rubric
Sources (Content) All sources used for All sources used for Most sources used for Many sources used for
quotes and facts are quotes and facts are quotes and facts are quotes and facts are
credible and cited credible and most are credible and cited less than credible
correctly. cited correctly. correctly. (suspect) and/or are not
cited correctly.
Grammar & Spelling Writer makes no errors Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 errors Writer makes more
(Conventions) in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling than 4 errors in
that distract the reader that distract the reader that distract the reader grammar or spelling
from the content. from the content. from the content. that distract the reader
from the content.
Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
(Organization) and leaves the reader recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does conclusion, the paper
with a feeling that they almost all the loose not tie up several loose just ends.
understand what the ends. ends.
writer is \"getting at.\"