Bafna Pharmaceuticals: Regulated Growth
Bafna Pharmaceuticals: Regulated Growth
Bafna Pharmaceuticals: Regulated Growth
IPO Review
The company has two manufacturing facilities near Chennai (one in • To partly repay a loan taken from SBI,
Madhavaram and another in Grantlyon). The company is now Chennai
shifting its focus to the lucrative regulated markets and also the
ethical retail prescription based domestic markets. It has • To meet the public issue expenses
constructed a manufacturing facility in Grantlyon Village, near and to achieve listing on stock
Chennai to expand its operations to regulated market like US and exchanges
UK and also to manufacture its own products.
Pending approvals
Officials from the UK MHRA visited its plant near Chennai in early 2008 and the
company expects approval in few months. However, if the approval does not
come in, the revenue profile would remain the same. Currently, the company’s
operating margins are wafer thin at 5-8%.
The company reported a 19.29% CAGR in top-line over FY05-07. But there was
a de-growth in bottom-line during the same period from Rs 0.48 crore to a loss
of Rs 0.33 crore. For the nine-month period ended Dec 31, 2007, the company
reported a net profit of Rs 2.21 crore on sales of Rs 25.38 crore.
For the full year FY07, the company reported a profit before tax of Rs 1.19
crore against Rs. 1.06 crore in FY06. Though the company improved its
performance, it was not been able to improve its profit margins. The profits
margins have bounced back to 10.83% in the nine months for year ending
The annualized EPS for FY08 (on the basis of nine-month profit and post-IPO
fully diluted equity) of Rs 1.08 discounts the offer price of Rs 40 by 37.04x
while the annualized weighted average FY08 EPS (at full year equity of Rs 9.58)
of Rs 1.82 discounts the issue price by 22x. The pricing looks to be on higher
side factoring the current financials. The company is foraying into the lucrative
regulated markets and domestic retail segment. We believe the meaningful
revenue would come from FY10E onwards. Investors with a long-term
perspective should subscribe to the issue.
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