Dana Vol 12 PP 7 15 PDF
Dana Vol 12 PP 7 15 PDF
Dana Vol 12 PP 7 15 PDF
7-15, 2000
An overview of the status of eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), stocks in Italy is presented, in order to evaluate
possible conriections between recruitmeflt, exploitation by fisheries and needs of the eel aquaculture
Data on glass eel fisheries, although partial and relative only to coastal waters, demonstrate that
thts fishery is going into rapid decline due to decreasing recruitment. The contraction of coastal lagoon
fishery yields and the reduction of exterisive culture production in the Venetian valli are partly related to
the fall in recruitment. Freshwater stocks are apparently less affected by scarce recruitment because
most significant stocks (i.e. lake fisheries) are sustained by restocking.
A series of priorities for a national management strategy is outlined, based on these main features.
Keywords: eel, glass eel, Anguilla anguilla, fisheries, management.
Eet, Anguilla anguilla (L.), exploitation in Italy has a long-standing tradition, inciud
ing fisheries for alI continental stages, Le. glass eel, yellow and migratory silver eel.
The eel has been an important commercial species in Italy since 1300, when it was
first extensively reared by means of managed fisheries in the Venetian lagoons. The
Comacchio valli reached a peak in prosperity in 1800 due to the eel fishery and pro
cessing industry.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the North Adriatic area was very
important and glass eel ascent, together with the juvenile migrations of other euryha
line finfish, guaranteed the natural seeding source for the valli and the coastal
lagoons. Glass eel exploitation has always been intense also along the Tyrrhenian
coast, in Tuscany and Latium. The yield was used for both seeding purposes and di
rect consumption, especially in Tuscany where glass eels were (and are today, even if
illegal) a traditional delicacy. For this reason, poaching has always been a frequent
In the 1960s and 70s, glass eel fisheries iflcreased in number and were better or
ganised, following the rise in demand from the aquaculture sector. Seed demand in
creased for restocking coastal lagoons, because spontaneous ascent lowered due to
changing ecological conditions of these environments. Therefore, intensive aquacul
ture began to develop. Nowadays most of the eel production comes from this sector,
Italy being the main producer in Europe, constituting nearly 40% of European pro
Eel fisheries in inland waters are set up in lakes and some rivers. Inland fisheries
play a minor role as compared to the coastal lagoon fisheries. The latter environ
ment covers around 150 000 ha, of which approximately 61 000 ha are presently
A series of problems, such as the reduction in adult catches in rnany ecosystems
and the wide-spread recruitment decline all over the European continent, is causing
concern for the future of the eel industry in Italy. At the same time, attention is turn
ing to wild stocks, in relation to habitat losses and environmental degradation, and
hence to the necessity of stock management on a local basis.
The present paper contains an overview of the status of eel stocks in Italy. Atten
tion has been given to the evaluation of possible connections between recruitment,
stock exploitation by fisheries and needs of the eel aquaculture industry.
The present work was carried out as a part of a research project of the Italian Min
istry of Agriculture (Ministero per le Politiche Agricole, MIPA) on the sustainability
of finfish fry fisheries in ftaly. Three different units were involved, the target species
of the present unit being the eel, Anguilla anguilla. The project sought to review al!
available data on the main biological and economic features of eel stocks in Italy, in
order to provide the Administration with the necessary background to outline a sus
tainable management strategy for eel at the national level, possibly within a conti
nental framework.
In order to build up an outline of eel yields from the different sectors, all official
data were collected, from published statistics or from appropriate authorities.
Building up a complete picture of the present situation of the glass eel fisheries
proved very difficult for many reasons. Fishing takes place in the transition area be
tween sea and inland waters under two different Administrations. The Ministry of
Agriculture controls salt and brackish waters, while inland waters are the responsi
bility of local Administrations, i.e. regions or provinces. In both departments a Ii
cence is necessary, which has to be renewed annually, in which quantities to be fished
have to be deciared. Fishermen must notify their catches and sales. The destination of
glass eels ought to be restricted to aquaculture and restocking purposes, but the black
market in some regions remains a problem. In the absence of counterchecks, collec
tion of data can be partial, and their reliability doubtful.
Despite this, data on licenses, required quantities and catch returns were collected
from the Ministry of Agriculture regarding coastal waters, while data have been re
quested from local Administrations in order to build up a picture of glass eel fisheries
in inland waters.
With regard to eel yields from fisheries and aquaculture, statistics were collected
and compared from different sources, i.e. the Istituto Italiano di Statistica, ISTAT
(1996), relative to inland waters and coastal lagoons, and FAO (1999). In order to
verify a series of features such as methods, yields, local management strategies, needs
and perspectives, interviews were carried out directly with representative of provinces
and regions, institutions, private companies and fish farms ali over Italy.
The present paper is an extract from a national report where the results of the in
vestigations are extensively reported (MIPA 1997, Ciccotti et al. 1999).
1. Glass eet [isheries and recruitment
Glass eel fishing is carried aut in estuaries, lower reaches of rivers at channel mouths
and lagoon openings. At the moment, mast of the glass eel yield comes from the Cen
tral and Southern Tyrrhenian area. The main sites of glass eel catches are the estuaries
of rivers such as the Arno and Ombrone in Tuscany, the Tiber and the Garigliano in the
Latium, and the Volturno and Sele in the Campania region. Those sites are frequented
flot only by local fishermen but occasionally also by fry fishermen from other regions,
who reach those sites with trucks equipped with oxygenated tanks to collect mullet, sea
hass, sea bream and eel fry. Local fishermen are usually single ar co-operative fisher
men, equipped with boats and structures to store the product alive. Fishing instruments
vary depending an the characteristics of the site. Dip nets are used aften in Tuscany, but
usually glass eel fishing is carried aut with fyke nets of varying dimensions, which are
aften provided with wings.
Despite the fact that direct consumption is forbidden, and that the destination of
glass eels ought to be seeding for aquaculture ar restocking, a certain amount of glass
eels for consumption reaches the traditional markets of Pisa, Livorno, Viareggio and
Lucca. This black market exists for three reasons namely: glass eels for consumption
provide greater prafit to the fishermen; wild glass eels have lower survival rates as seed
than weaned elvers ar fingerlings from France and Denmark; and even where glass eels
are requested for seeding, due to scarce recruitment it is difficult for individual groups
of fishermen to obtain sufficient quantities to satisfy the demand.
The number of licenses issued by the Ministry for coastal waters from 1989 to 1999
(Figure 1) demonstrates a decrease in fishing effort, probably due to a progressive drop
in yields.
Number of licences
The number of fishing sites for which there has been application has drastically re
duced: in the ‘80s the applications were made for ali the Maritime Departments (four
sites an the Adriatic, two an the lonian Sea and eight an the Tyrrhenian). In 1999, ap
plications were for one site (Chioggia) in the North Adriatic and one on the Central
Tyrrhenian (Livorno).
Catch returns
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Figure 2. Quantities for which authorisation is required and catch returns, from 1982 to 1999.
orised times and places. For the nets, mesh sizes and minimum and maximum dimen
sions of gears are listed.
Official statistics consider only eel catches in lakes and artificial basins, riverine
catches being probably worthless. It must be borne in mmd that statistics consider only
professional fisheries. Catches from anglers are, however, possibly quite significant.
The inland waters eel catches from 1969 to 1996 are shown in Figure 3. The annual
yield was always between 325 and 750 tonnes until 1987, while in the last ten years aver
age yields have been less than 400 tonnes, except for years 1995 and 1996 (ISTAT, 1996).
Yield, tonnes
196970 ‘71 ‘72 ‘73 ‘74 ‘75 ‘76 ‘77 ‘78 ‘79 ‘80 ‘81 ‘82 ‘83 ‘84 ‘85 ‘86 ‘87 ‘88 ‘89 ‘90 91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96
Figure 3. EeI yields in inland waters from 1969 to 1996. Data refer to lakes and artificial basins (source:
Instituto Nazionale di Statistica, Annals of Hunting and Fisheries Statistics).
The ‘vallicoltura’ practised in the upper Adriatic lagoons is one of the most ancient
forms of aquaculture. Target species inciude, besides the eel, many euryhaline species
such as mullets, sea bass and sea bream. The main difference from coastal lagoon man
agement practised in other similar environments is that the ‘vallicoltura’ is run using ar
tificial fry stocking and active hydraulic management. Most of the fishing takes place at
the ‘lavorieri’, which are traditional fish barriers, based on the principle of V-shaped
traps, whose structure, dimension and design have evolved greatly through the een
turies. In other coastal lagoon environments, such as the Sardinian ponds, artisanal
fisheries also exist inside the lagoons, and in the past management was mostly based on
natural fry ascent and often lacked hydraulic management. This is not always possible
today because of the ecological degradation of these environments.
Fishing equipment for eel catches besides the fish barrier useful for catching silver
eel in winter, inciudes a variety of other instrurnents ranging from single fyke nets to
groups of fyke nets, long lines, traps and baskets, depending on the sites, local tradi
tions, and particular skilis of local fishermen.
Statistics on eel production in lagoon environments from 1969 to 1996 are reported
in Figure 4. Data should only refer to lagoon fisheries, while extensive culture produc
tions such as the vallicoltura yields ought to fall within the aquaculture productions (see
next section, Figure 5). It is possible, however, that overlap occurs between these data.
Yleld, tonnes
2500 r
Coastal waters
196970 ‘7172737475 76’77’78’79’80’81’82’83’84’85’86’87’88’89’90’91’92’93’94’95’96
Figure 4. Eet yields in coastal waters from 1969 to 1996 (source: Institute Nazionale di Statistica, An-
nats of Hunting and Fisheries Statistics).
A decreasing trend is evident, which took place during the ‘8 Os, with yields decreas
ing from an average of 1500 tonnes in the ‘7Os to about 500 tonnes in the ‘90s.
The main limiting factor in eel production in lagoons today, apart from the habitat
changes related to coastal waters eutrophication and pollution, is seed availability for
stocking. National glass eel catches are used for lagoon restocking, and the fall in re
cruitment and the consequent decline of glass eel fisheries cannot be compensated for
by imported seed, because of increased prices. This, together with the fact that the eel
life cycle ifl lagoons is long (average seven vears) and hence non-competitive with the
aquaculture product, means that other species are given preference when local manage
ment strategies are formulated.
4. Aquaculture
Intensive eel culture plays a major role within the national context. This started in the
1970s when yields decreased in extensive production. The need to recover former pro
duction levels induced many producers to try the intensive technology. First attempts
were based on Japanese technology, modified to suit the local realities.
Present-day technology is highly variable, but eel culture is usually carried out in
fresh water, at temperatures ranging between 20 and 28°C, in open concrete or earthen
ponds, with or without suppiementary oxygenation depending on the densities. These
are never lower than 0.5 kg!m
, and can reach 20 kg/m
2 , depending on water availabili
ty. In recent years, many farms have invested in recirculation systems based on Danish
technology, aimed at improving performances and reducing impacts on the environment.
The limiting factor for most industries has become seed availability and its high
costs. Seed consists mostly of small eels (5-20 g). A choice must be made between na
tionally caught or imported wild seed, which often performs poorly due to prolonged
storage or transport, and weaned seed, i.e. elvers and small eels mostly imported from
France and Denmark, which are expensive but give good returns. Wild glass eels are
seldom used, except in fish farms which are equipped with the necessary structures and
technology to wean these to feeding stages.
Production data from 1984 to 1997 are reported in Figure 5. Statistics comprise in
tensive aquaculture and extensive culture, the latter referring mostly to vallicoltura.
Extensive production has progressively decreased in the last decade. The slight increase
Production, tonnes
+ semi-intensive culture
The overview on the status of eel stocks in Italy highlights certain features.
Data on glass eel fisheries, although partial and relative only to the sector of coastal
waters (i.e. estuaries), demonstrate that this fishery is going into rapid decline and is at
risk of total disappearance. This is clearly due to falling recruitmeflt, also confirmed by
the trend of the time-series observed on the Tiber estuary, the only site in Italy where
constant monitoring has been carried out (Ciccotti et al. 1998a, 1998b). A strong mar
ket for glass eels remains, owing to interest from the aquaculture sector and also for re
stocking purposes.
The infrequency and lowering of yields makes them subject to sale for direct con
sumption on the black market. This in turn hampers the monitoring and the collection
of consistent time series of recruitment on a national basis.
The contraction of coastal lagoon fishery yields and the reduction of extensive cul
ture production in the Venetian valli are partly related to declining recruitment. In
many lagoon environments, nevertheless, reductiori of habitat quality due to eutrophi
cation and pollution also play a role, together with local management problems
(Cataudella & Rossi 1998, Ciccotti 1997).
Freshwater stocks are apparently less affected by scarce recruitment, but this is due
to the fact that most significant stocks (i.e. lake fisheries) are sustained by restocking.
Incomplete data suggest that local stocks have been affected by habitat reduction due to
dams, while there is some doubt as to whether stocks have been affected by the general
decrease in habitat quality.
Intensive eel aquaculture is very important because it has replaced the extensive sec-
tor in Italy. However, it is at present strongly limited by scarce seed availability and by
its high costs.
By taking into account these data, a series of priorities for a national management
strategy can be singled out at different levels. These options have been dealt with ex
tensively in a national report and in some papers (Ciccotti et al. 1998c, Ciccotti et al.
1999), and can be summarised thus:
i. Establishment of a long-term monitoring program for glass eel fisheries, all over
Italy. The Ministry of Agriculture is at present supporting a research project aimed
at the setting-up of a monitoring system for glass eel fisheries on a national basis.
ii. Revision of the regulations regarding glass eel fisheries, and providing incentives for
a centralised system of stocking and commercialisation of glass eels, in order to safe
guard professionals and discourage illegal markets.
iii. Restoration of the inland water stocks, by actively involving the professional fisher
men in restocking practices.
iv. Recovery of the traditional role of coastal lagoons, and their involvement in the
management of the eel stock, for example defining escapement targets of mature sil
ver eel.
v. Integration of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the management process, with
a view to involving them directly in the eel management.
More generally, and on a larger scale, it will be necessary to intensify research on the
features of eel biology which are useful for management, following international guide
lines as they emerge.
The Authors are grateful to the many employees of Province Administrations, the General Directorate
for Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, ICRAM, ISTAT, fish farms and fishermen Cooperarives that
gave assistance during the present work. Special thanks go to Dr Alessandro Perolo and to Prof. Remi
glo Rossi.
Cataudella, S. & R. Rossi, 1998. Considerazioni generali sulle Valli di Comacchio nell’ambito di
politiche ambientali di nuova generazione. In Risanamento e tutela delle Valli di Comacchio fra