VMS Deposits of Latin America PDF
VMS Deposits of Latin America PDF
VMS Deposits of Latin America PDF
SRK Consulting,
Smithsonian Institution
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
© 2000 Mineral Deposits Division Geological Association of Canada. All rights reserved.
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The GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA is Canada's national L'ASSOCIATION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA est la société nationale cana-
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understanding among both professionals and the general public. The GAC de faire progresser la géologie et de sensibiliser les spécialistes et les membres du
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sections of GAC have been set up in Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg and géologie Précambrien, en sédimentologie, en tectonique, en volcanologie, en
St. John's, and there are affiliated groups in Toronto and the Maritimes. pétrologie igné et en sciences de la Terre touchant à l'environnement. Des sections
GAC activities include the organization and sponsorship of conferences, régionales existent à Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg et St. John's, et des
seminars, short courses, field trips, lecture tours, and student and professional awards groupes affiliés se sont constitués à Toronto et dans les provinces maritimes.
and grants. The Association publishes the quarterly journal Geoscience Canada and Les activités de l'Association géologique du Canada comprennent l'organisation
the quarterly newsletter Geolog , a Special Paper series, Short Course Notes, and et le parrainage de conférences, de colloques, de cours de formation, de courte durée,
several continuing series. GAC also maintains liaison with other earth science de visites sure le terrain et de tournées de conférences. Elle décerne des octrois et
societies and provides advice to government and the public on geologic issues. The des bourses aux étudiants et aux personnes qui traivallent dans le domaine des sci-
Association was incorporated under the Canada Corporation Act in January 1984. ences de la Terre. L'Association publie un journal trimestriel, Geoscience Canada,
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au grand public sur des questions géologiques. L'Association a été constituée en cor-
poration en janvier 1984, en vertu de la Loi dur les corporations canadiennes.
The purpose of this project has been to provide a venue for publications on VMS deposits in Latin America. The
objective was to bring together many disparate sources to contribute manuscripts that include district synthesis and
deposit specific studies. These range geographically from Tierra del Fuego through to Mexico and the Caribbean, and
geologically from the Archean through to the Tertiary. The manuscripts include initial ideas and thoughts based on
exploration and development of deposits through to fully developed and researched papers. In many cases, as proj-
ects mature and thinking evolves some of the concepts and models presented will invariably change; however, the
basic geologic data will remain. The objective was not to be the final word on Latin American VMS deposits, rather
to be the initial word. With this in mind it became important to produce the volume in a timely manner.
The idea from this volume was born in the fall of 1997, in discussion between Bob Cathro (MDD Treasurer) and
Dirk Tempelman-Kluit (MDD publications chair). Given the interest among Canadian geologists and their leading
role in Latin American exploration this concept was a natural for MDD. The project was approved in principle in
January 1998 and James Macdonald approached Roland Bartsch and myself to edit the volume. We later asked
Amelia Logan (Smithsonian Institution) to participate, capitalizing on her local knowledge and fluent Spanish. After
everything got rolling, Roland left for warmer climes and Amelia and myself finished the project.
To plan the scope of the volume a steering committee was formed with Robert Cathro, David Jennings, Tom
Schroeter, Art Soregaroli, Peter Tegart, Dirk Tempelman-Kluit and John Thompson. Robert Cathro and Dirk
Tempelman-Kluit played a critical role in providing direction and encouragement. Time and resources for this proj-
ect were provided by SRK Consulting of Vancouver, the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office and the Smithsonian
Institute. Geomatics International kindly supplied the satellite imagery used on the cover.
Amelia and I would like to thank the following for thorough reviews of the papers in this volume: David
Adamson, Marc Bardoux, Timothy Barrett, Eric Braun, Nate Brewer, Ron Britten, Robert Carmichael, Terry
Chandler, Fiona Childe, Garnet Dawson, Jim Franklin, Michael Gray, Charley Greig, Mark Hannington, Dorthy
Hosler, Stephen Juras, Chris Lee, John Lewis, Peter Lewis, Robert Macdonald, Mark O’Dea, David Rhys, David
Terry, Tina Roth, Norman Russell, Anne Sasso, Chris Sebert, Hugh Squair, Ian Thomson and Richard Tosdal.
Many papers in the volume were presented at an international symposium titled “Volcanogenic massive sulfide
deposits of Latin America”. The symposium was held in conjunction with GeoCanada 2000, The Millennium
Geoscience Summit in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on May 29- June 2, 2000. The symposium was convened by
Andrew Conly (University of Toronto) with the support of the Mineral Deposit Division of the Geological
Association of Canada.
This volume would not have been possible without the sustained efforts of our colleague Rachel Browne (SRK
Consulting). Her considerable efforts and talents in organizing manuscripts as well as personally typesetting the vol-
ume has been key to the timely completion of this volume.
Ross Sherlock
Iqaluit, Nunavut
November, 2000
On March 24, 1994, three long-time, well-respected members of the Vancouver exploration
community, geologists Robert S. Hewton and Christopher Westerman and geophysicist Robert
Rivera, died in a helicopter crash near La Tigrera, Ecuador while engaged in mineral explo-
ration. Born and educated in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, respectively,
they typified the international nature of the profession.
Bob Hewton played an important early role in the creation ot the Mineral Deposits
Division of the Geological Assciation of Canada, serving as its Secretary in 1982-1983, as its
sixth President in 1984-1985 and as a Director in 1988-1991.
It is our hope that this volume on Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits in Latin America
will contribute to greater international cooperation in the study of mineral deposits. It is
dedicated to the memory of our former colleagues and all geologists, prospectors, gambusinos
and faiscadores who have died while exploring for minerals in the Americas.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Geology and volcanogenic massive sulphide potential of Bolivia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Geology and setting of the Miguela A-Zone, Guarayos Greenstone Belt, Eastern Bolivia . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Regional setting, stratigraphy, alteration and mineralization of the Tambo Grande volcanogenic
massive sulphide district, Piura Department, northern Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Cerro Lindo Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
The Perubar Ba-Pb-Zn VHMS deposit, Central Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization in the Aripuanã District of Mato Grosso, Brazil . . . . . . . 447
The Palmeirópolis deposit, Tocantins State Brazil: A typical metamorphosed volcanogenic massive
sulphide deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
The potential for volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the magmatic-arc-related
volcano-sedimentary belts in and around the São Francisco Craton, Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
The Paul Isnard gold-copper occurrence, French Guiana: The first volcanogenic massive sulphide
occurrence in the Guiana Shield? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Mineral deposits associated with submarine volcanism of Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Exploration, geology and mineral deposits of the Fin del Mundo volcanogenic massive sulphide
project, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Volcanogenic massive sulphide district of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
The volcanogenic massive sulphide Santa Elena Deposit, San Juan Province, Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
Volcanic-exhalative massive sulphide deposits in Chile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
Paleozoic massive sulphide orebodies of the Nahuelbuta and Queule Mountains, South-Central Chile:
Results of geothermobarometry and sulphur isotope studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
AMERICA, 1500 BC – 1600 AD
Consulting Geological Engineer, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada
The Pre-Hispanic period in Latin America was a time of outstanding technical and artistic achieve-
ment by indigenous people who were members of one of the few societies on earth that advanced
independently to the Bronze Age (the use of metals as tools and jewelry in place of rocks and bones).
Turning a hard rock into a softer and more useful metal was a unique step in human development that
was only achieved earlier in the Middle East and in Asia. This paper traces the various steps leading
from the heating, shaping, annealing and casting of native copper to the roasting of oxidized ores in
gossans with carbon to produce metals, the smelting of sulphides, the production of alloys such as
gold-copper, gold-silver, arsenic bronze and tin bronze, and electrochemical replacement and deple-
tion gilding to enhance the surface of the alloys.
Recent archaeological studies of metal artifacts and the metallurgical residue from mining activi-
ties has shown that the earliest metalworking in Latin America took place in the Andean highlands of
southern Peru and Bolivia, commencing about 1500 BC. This technology gradually expanded north-
ward to southern Ecuador and south to northern Chile and Argentina. At least 1000 years before the
rise of the Inca empire in 1474 AD, metalsmiths had developed sophisticated techniques of electro-
chemical replacement to bring gold and silver to the surface of copper-rich alloys. Arsenic bronze was
discovered about the same time, and sulphide smelting was achieved about 1200 AD. One of the
world’s earliest gold placer camps was developed on the Tipuani River in eastern Bolivia.
A separate gold-based metallurgical centre was developed about 200 BC in southwest Colombia
and northern Ecuador, which gradually spread north through Panama into Nicaragua. The indigenous
people along the Pacific coast of Colombia even learned how to fabricate with placer platinum about
1000 years before it was recognized as a separate metal in Europe.
The final stage of pre-Hispanic mining and metallurgy was the transfer of this technology into west-
ern Mexico using watercraft from the coast of Ecuador and Peru about 650 AD. The transmitted met-
allurgical skills flourished in Mexico using local ores.
After the Spanish Conquest had virtually destroyed the indigenous cultures, European prospectors
and miners began to follow up on the known distribution of mineral deposits. This resulted in the most
ambitious and successful program of exploration and mining development that the world had ever
seen. Most of the giant silver camps of Mexico were discovered between 1546 and 1591, while the
great silver lode at Potosi, Bolivia, was found in 1545.
“The tumbaga (copper-gold) alloys, with their inherent gold The history of Latin America recorded by early
enrichment properties, swept through the Americas from Peru European writers generally dismissed the cultural
to Mexico and were in common use in that entire region when achievements in the former period, which was largely
the Spaniards invaded Mexico, Central America and South
America in the sixteenth century. They constitute the most sig- obliterated, as primitive, and stressed the glorious
nificant contribution of the New World to the repertoire of accomplishments in the latter. Recent archaeological
alloy systems developed among ancient societies.” studies of metal artifacts and the metallurgical residue
(Lechtman, 1988) from mining activity have shown that the Pre-
Hispanic period was actually a time of outstanding
technical and artistic achievement by indigenous peo-
INTRODUCTION ple who were members of one of the few societies on
The story of Latin American mining prior to 1600 earth that advanced independently to the Bronze Age.
AD consists of two parts, the Pre-Hispanic period This term refers to the use of metals as tools and jew-
prior to 1492 AD and the subsequent Colonial period. elry in place of rocks and bones (the Stone Age).
Copper-based alloys were common in Europe and it Charles (1980) has presented a simple summary of
never occurred to Columbus and the Spanish explor- the sequential steps of discovery required to produce
ers who followed him that the metallurgical skill copper, copper-based alloys and iron. Unless other-
required to produce these alloys was clear evidence wise noted, most of this section is based on his
that they had encountered a remarkable culture. research. These same steps appear to have been fol-
Throughout this paper, the people who lived in lowed in all Bronze Age cultures, including Latin
Latin America before the European contact, and their America, but since they have been studied most thor-
descendants, are referred to as indigenous people oughly in Europe and the Middle East, a brief review
rather than as Indians, the name given to them by the of the archaeological history from that region will be
Spanish. In Canada, citizens who were previously helpful here.
called indigenous, aboriginal, native or indian now There is strong evidence that native copper was
prefer to be called First Nations People. the first metal used by man and that this use occurred
Space does not permit the inclusion of enough over a long part of the Neolithic period, starting about
maps to show the location of all the smelting and min- 7000 BC. It appears that native copper was used for
ing sites mentioned in the text. For more details, the tools and ornaments in almost every part of the world
reader should consult the list of references at the end where it occurs, although only a few cultures
of this paper. advanced to the Bronze Age. In the Middle East, Asia
and Latin America, most native copper was formed
THE BRONZE AGE by the weathering of copper-iron sulphide deposits. In
Because archaeology is so dependent upon the the first stage, oxidation resulted in the formation of
random preservation and discovery of artifacts, and so sulphuric acid, ferric sulphate and finally copper sul-
much of the record from earlier cultures has been lost phate. These percolated downward to form copper-
because of human scavenging and erosion, scientists carbonate minerals (such as malachite and azurite)
are still unsure of how many ancient cultures evolved and copper-silicate minerals (such as chrysocolla) in
as far as the ancient Americas. Although several cul- the leached cap and gossan zones near surface, and
tures assimilated Bronze Age technology through secondary copper sulphide minerals (such as chal-
trade, independent discovery may only have occurred cocite, covellite and bornite) in the zone of supergene
in the Middle East, in China and/or Southeast Asia enrichment below the water table.
and in South America. Turning a hard rock into a The second stage in the formation of native copper
softer and more useful metal was a unique step in depended on the arid conditions associated with the
human development (Muhly, 1988). In the words of advance of the last glaciation, which lowered the
Wertime (1964), “one must doubt that the tangled web water table and resulted in the oxidation of the low-
of discovery, comprehending the art of reducing oxide iron copper minerals in the supergene zone to form
and then sulphide ores, the recognition of silver, lead, cuprite and native copper. Subsequent erosion
iron, tin, and possibly arsenic and antimony as dis- exposed the native copper at surface and revealed the
tinctive new metallic substances, and the technique of association between it and the colourful copper oxide,
alloying tin with bronze, could have been spun twice carbonate and silicate minerals in the gossan. Early
in human history”. prospectors soon became adept at recognizing those
Archaeologists generally agree that the Bronze gossans that contained native copper.
Age began in the mountainous region that extends Early metalsmiths discovered that native copper
from southeast Turkey through northern Iraq and Iran could be shaped by cold-hammering and that this
and east through Armenia to the Caucasus Mountains could be accomplished more easily after the object
in Azerbaijan. This region was referred to by was heated periodically to a temperature of about
Europeans as the Near East, the Middle East or Asia 330°C. This was sufficient to cause recrystallization,
Minor. Much of it now coincides with the ancestral a process that is called annealing. Native copper has a
homeland of the Kurdish people. hardness of about 50 on the Vickers scale, whereas
repeated cold-working and annealing could raise this alloys of different metals, of which arsenic bronze and
to 115, which is even harder than pure iron or low- tin bronze were the most useful because of their supe-
carbon steel. rior hardness, workability, durability and appearance.
As the native copper that could be recovered by Just as impurities in native copper lowered its melting
primitive shallow trenching or mining became deplet- point, metalsmiths later realized that copper alloys
ed, new raw material had to be found. The smiths then also had lower melting points than pure copper, which
discovered that copper could be produced from the made them easier to work. Arsenic bronze was appar-
associated carbonate- and oxide-copper minerals in ently the first type to be produced because arsenic
the gossan if these minerals were melted at much minerals and copper minerals commonly occur
higher temperatures in the presence of carbon. This together in mineral deposits. Tin, on the other hand,
new metallurgy required the same sophisticated seldom occurs with copper and was relatively rare in
pyrotechnological skills and equipment, such as kilns, Europe and the Middle East until large deposits were
furnaces, fuel and forced air, that were used in the discovered in Cornwall about 2000 BC. Many arsenic
production of pottery and bricks. By studying the slag oxide minerals are green and closely resemble oxide
produced by the smiths, potters learned which impu- copper minerals in gossans, which suggests that the
rities to add to their glazes to produce desired colours. first bronze may have been produced accidentally by
After the smiths learned how to improve their fur- the inadvertent contamination of oxide copper ores.
naces enough to produce temperatures above 1083°C, The arsenic oxide minerals are derived from the
copper could be melted and poured into molds to weathering of arsenic-copper sulphides such as enar-
make castings. When the easily treated copper miner- gite and tennantite or the iron-arsenic sulphide
als in the weathered zone had been depleted, further arsenopyrite. Bronze Age miners soon learned how to
furnace improvements were required to reach the next recognize these sulphides because of the distinctive
stage of development, called smelting. Whereas garlic smell they emit when struck with a hammer.
weathering had already removed most of the gangue Although arsenic and tin bronzes have similar
minerals from the oxidized ores, smelting of sulphide properties, tin bronze was easier to produce because it
minerals such as chalcopyrite required direct contact only required the mixing of copper and tin, which was
with charcoal to produce reducing conditions, and the easily produced from the common tin oxide mineral
addition of a flux to lower the melting temperature of cassiterite by roasting with carbon and a flux. By
the gangue and permit the separation of the liquid comparison, combining impure mixtures of copper,
metal from the liquid gangue. An abundant supply of arsenic and gangue minerals to produce arsenic
trees that would produce good charcoal became bronze gave more unpredictable results. The main
essential near the metallurgical centres, so some min- reason that tin gradually replaced arsenic in bronze
ing districts could not be exploited until better trans- production was probably the health of the workers.
portation methods were developed. Luckily, the most Roasting arsenic minerals in a furnace produced toxic
useful fluxes were iron oxide minerals such as fumes that would have shortened the lives of the
hematite that occurred naturally with the copper min- smiths, who held an important position in Bronze Age
erals in the gossans. The melting point of these slags society. Ownership of mines and metals meant wealth
was usually about 1400°C, which could be attained in and power and the desire for raw material could lead
the furnaces by using bellows to produce forced air. to war. Owners could not afford to lose such vital workers.
All of these discoveries were achieved slowly by trial
and error, without any knowledge of the chemistry THE USE OF BRONZE IN LATIN AMERICA
involved. It is most interesting that modern experi- For a long time, there was a tendency for histori-
ments to produce metals with these techniques have ans and miners to ignore the pre-Hispanic achieve-
proven extremely difficult (Wertime, 1968; Shimada ments in mining and metallurgy. For example, Kemp
and Merkel, 1991). (1972) stated, “Tales of ‘Indian mines’ existing prior
The final metallurgical step was the production of to the conquest of Mexico is largely a myth . . . Indians
Latin American metallurgy never developed the bel- rugged terrain, ores and metals were traded from the
lows that was used in the Old World for producing a highlands down river valleys to the narrow coastal
forced air draft and relied instead on the less efficient strip and technology then spread north and south
ceramic tuyere, or blowing tube. along the coast (Lechtman, 1980).
Three regions emerged as preeminent centres of
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South American metallurgy. The first was in the
Although native copper was dug from shallow pits northern and north-central highlands of Peru and
and hammered for use in the Lake Superior region as Bolivia, and adjacent Pacific coast, with extensions
early as 4000 BC (Easby, 1966), the first pyrometal- into northwest Argentina and northern Chile. This is
lurgy in the Western Hemisphere involving smelting an arid region with deep oxidation and abundant cop-
and the controlled production of alloys was developed per and silver ores. Arsenic ores are common in the
by indigenous people in the central Andean highlands north but are not abundant in the southern Andes,
of South America about 1500 BC (West, 1994). The although they do exist and were used. The arsenic
oldest artifacts appear to be tiny pieces of hammered occurs mainly as copper-arsenic sulphide and sulfos-
gold foil that were found with lapis lazuli beads and a alt minerals (such as domeykite, enargite and tetra-
complete gold worker’s tool kit (stone hammers and hedrite/tennantite) or oxide minerals (such as oliven-
anvil in a bowl) in a grave at Waywa, Peru ite and chenevixite), while the copper is present as
(Grossman, 1972). There is evidence that by about oxide, carbonate and sulphate minerals (such as malachite,
500 BC, emphasis had changed from the use of main- azurite, atacamite, chrysocolla, chalcanthite, brochantite
ly placer gold to a gold-oriented metallurgy that also and antlerite) (Lechtman, 1980). Early silver and
involved the use of copper and silver, and that copper copper mining was most active in the area between
smelting was underway. This gradually evolved into a Quiruvilca and Hualcayuc, in northern Peru. Arsenic
copper-based metallurgy and the metalsmiths had bronze was probably first produced there through the
learned, by about 200 BC, how to control heat well inadvertent smelting of mixed ores. Later, it was pro-
enough to solder and weld three-dimensional forms duced at many scattered sites such as the Las
by joining pieces of pre-shaped metal sheet. Increased Capillitas mines, 50 km from Hualfín, Argentina
sophistication led to the production of gold-copper (Lechtman, 1980). One of the principal silver mines
and silver-copper alloys and to skills in hammering, dating to Inca or earlier times was located at Porco,
annealing and gilding, mainly along the coastal plain Bolivia (Bakewell, 1997). According to de Lucio
in northern Peru. Arsenic bronze was discovered (1997), another was situated at Cailloma, Peru and
about 200-600 AD and sulphide smelting had been primitive mining tools have been found at Nazca and Cusco.
achieved about 1200 AD (Lechtman, 1980, 1984, Although it is widely believed that the lead miner-
1988, 1994; Shimada and Griffin, 1994; West, 1994). al galena, which is common in this region, was used
In spite of the arid climate, native copper rarely to smelt silver ores, no undisturbed ancient sites have
occurs at surface in the Andes (Georg Peterson, 1970, ever been found. The best evidence has been found as
reported in Lechtman, 1980), which is a region with manufacturing debris near the town of Jauju in the
one of the fastest rates of uplift and erosion in the Peruvian highlands (Howe and Petersen, 1994).
world. As a result, there is little evidence to suggest It may seem surprising that few ancient mines
that a melting stage preceded smelting. A large vari- have been found but, as suggested earlier, mine pro-
ety of complex copper-silver oxide ores were avail- duction expanded significantly after the Conquest and
able, however, and a highly sophisticated technical most of the evidence of earlier activity was likely
level was achieved much more quickly in South obliterated by subsequent mining or erosion, or sim-
America than in the Old World. Andean metallurgy ply ignored. One interesting example of the type of
developed in several distinctive directions because of evidence that was probably quite common has been
local variations in mineralogy and the cultural impor- documented at Chuquicamata, Chile, the site of one of
tance assigned to gold and silver. Because of the the world’s largest porphyry copper mines. It is located
(Hosler, 1994)
A.D. 650-1520 Guatemala
Rica 2
CENTER Colombia
200 B.C. - A.D. 1540
0 Possible route of diffussion
15 Arequipa 32 Tizapa
16 Cerro Verdo 33 Tasco
17 Cuajone 34 Campo Morado 22
23 24
Chile 26
0 500 1000 1500
28 29
100 80
0 0
at an elevation of about 2700 m in the Atacama desert, here. The main part of the gold field occurs where the
one of the driest areas on earth, and is about 18 km steep gradient of the streams down the mountain front
from the nearest water source. In 1899, long before flattens into wider valleys. The richest paystreak
large-scale surface mining began, the remarkably pre- occurs in a channel 500 to 2500 m wide of naturally
served body of a miner was found in a shallow, col- cemented conglomerate within the oldest gravels,
lapsed shaft in the Restauradora Mine. The body had although gold is also found in younger beds. The gold
become desiccated in the dry, cold air and impregnat- tends to occur as flattened grains the shape and size of
ed in part with copper, imparting a greenish tone. He oatmeal, and is associated with minor amounts of tin
became know as the “Copper Man” (Bird, 1979). and iron minerals. The gold is quite pure, ranging
The site was not professionally studied at the time from 915 to 960 fine. It is derived from widely scat-
and few details exist about the mine or tools found tered gold veinlets that occur throughout the
with the body. He was mining veins of the copper Cordillera Real in the Yani and Polo Sur areas. Other,
chloride mineral atacamite, which would have been less important sources of placer gold exploited in the
an easy ore to smelt. It was assumed initially that he Pre-Hispanic period are situated in the Suches-
must have died at about the time of the Conquest. Antaquilla area of Bolivia, 230 km northwest of La
Fortunately, the body and some stone tools from the Paz (Herail, 1991; Herail and Viscarra, 1991; Stoll,
vicinity were donated to the American Museum of 1961) and in the Madre de Dios river system (Ross
Natural History in New York in 1905. When the body Beaty, personal communication) and Santa and
was radiocarbon-dated in about 1979, the date of Marañon river basins (de Lucio, 1997) of Peru.
death was determined to be about 484 AD (Bird, Rich vein and placer deposits of the oxide tin min-
1979). A similar find has been reported from the eral cassiterite were found in southern Peru and
Huantajaya Mine in Chile (West, 1994). Bolivia about 1000 AD and tin bronze was soon pro-
Although the metallurgy in the Peruvian-Bolivian duced in an area centred at Machu Picchu, Peru. As
highlands was originally gold-based, little informa- mentioned earlier, tin bronze was easier to produce
tion appears in the archaeological literature about the than arsenic bronze. The new tin district and the
source of the gold. Most of the gold looted from the arsenic-rich district in northern Peru produced their
Incas probably came from the Tipuani region of own distinctive varieties of bronze from their local
Bolivia, located about 110 km north of La Paz on the ores until the formation of the Inca state about 1474
eastern flank of the Andes. Linked to the capital at AD. Tin bronze became the standard after political
Cusco by trails and roads long before the conquest unification because the Incas controlled the supply of
was completed in Bolivia in 1548, this is one of the tin. Tin bronze became a “peoples alloy”, while gold
oldest and most poorly documented gold fields in the and silver were produced by a state monopoly and
world. All the easterly flowing tributaries of the Rio reserved for royal use. Under the Incas, the best met-
Beni that drain the Cordillera Real, such as Mapiri, alsmiths in the empire were brought to the capital at
Kaka, Challana, Zongo and Coroico, were auriferous, Cusco and metal production was substantially
but Tipuani was the most important. The Rio Beni increased (Lechtman, 1980).
flows into the Rio Madeira on its way to the Amazon. The second metallurgical district in South
One of the principal sites of ancient mining on the Rio America was situated farther north, along the coastal
Tipuani, known as the Roman playa (riverbank), con- plain near the present border between Peru and
tained crude tools of stone, wood and copper as well as Ecuador. It was centred on the Moche Valley and
charms and perfectly rounded beads of gold pierced Lambayeque-Vicus area, where gold is rare but cop-
for a string. According to Woodbridge (1927) and per is locally available. By about 1250 AD, complex
Stoll (1961), the Incas concealed the location of the sulphide ores containing arsenic were being transport-
Tipuani placer deposits from the Spanish until 1562. ed from the highlands. In addition, recent studies have
Because information on the gold placer is hard to identified ancient shallow copper-arsenic mines and
find, a brief description of the geology is included smelting sites near Batán Grande, Peru (Shimada,
1994; Shimada et al, 1991,1994). Both sources were Cerro de Buriticá in Antioquia and at Mariquita near
used in the production of arsenic bronze. the Magdalena valley (West, 1994). Although some of
Metallurgy in the third region, which was located this gold was traded southward, most was sent to the
in southwest Colombia and extended into northern Gulf of Uraba on the Caribbean coast through a jew-
Ecuador, was based on abundant gold in the moun- elry and trading centre at Dabeiba. The Colombians
tains and platinum in placer deposits along the Pacific perfected the lost-wax process of casting finely fash-
coast. The discovery and utilization of native plat- ioned figurines and ornaments and worked extensive-
inum by the indigenous people living in the Choco ly with the gold-copper alloy known as tumbaga. The
area of Colombia and along the Colombia-Ecuador period from 400 to 700 AD is considered by some to
border was a unique development in metalworking. have been the classical period in Colombian metallur-
Platinum was not recognized as a separate metal in gy when the best goldwork was produced (Bray,
Europe until the early decades of the 18th Century 1974a; West, 1994). Madrid’s Museo de America
(Bray, 1974b). In fact, the Spanish placer miners in holds one of the most elegant collections of ancient
Colombia considered the dull gray metal to be a use- gold objects that has survived. It was collected from
less impurity and threw it back into the river (Scott two ancient tombs at La Soledad, near the town of
and Bray, 1994). Because of its high melting point Filandia in Quimbaya (Jones, 1974b).
(about 1750°C), it could not be melted with available Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica formed a single
technology but the smiths learned how to sinter it with metallurgical province characterized by a preference
gold by heating on a bed of charcoal. This melted the for lost-wax casting and by the use of gold-copper
gold, causing it to flow and bind with the platinum. alloys, depletion gilding and false filigree. Metallurgy
The platinum occurred with gold in placer deposits reached Panama, where gold and copper are quite
in rivers that drain ultramafic intrusions occurring abundant, by 200-300 AD and Costa Rica by at least
along the coastal plain. True platinum metallurgy, as 700 AD. Metal objects were traded as far north as
opposed to the use of gold with accidental platinum Mayan Mexico. Much later, Nicaragua became famed
inclusions, was confined to the coastal Tumaco- for its exquisite goldsmithing (West, 1994). Since
Esmeraldas belt that straddles the border. Extensive 1930, a large cemetery has been excavated at Sitio
studies of a major site at La Tolita, Ecuador showed Conte, Panama, on the Gulf of Panama. This ceme-
that this metalwork originated about 300 BC and was tery, which was abandoned around 900 AD, has yield-
fully developed about five centuries later. ed a major collection of gold jewelry and revealed
Technologically, it was characterized by the use of that a complex society lived there (Bray, 1974a, 1992;
sheet and pieces assembled by means of soldering, Cooke and Bray, 1985; Hearne, 1992).
welding or filigree and included objects made of
native platinum, sintered gold-platinum alloys and MEXICO
gold objects coated with platinum on one side. The Metal artifacts first appeared in the central part of
pronounced differences from Peruvian metallurgy the Pacific coast around 650 AD after metallurgy was
argue against transfer of technology from there (Bray, introduced from South America via a maritime route.
1974; Scott and Bray, 1994). This region, called West Mexico by archaeologists,
Before the 10th century AD, southwest Colombia contains a varied array of ore minerals, including cop-
hosted a separate metallurgical tradition that contrast- per carbonates and sulphides, arsenopyrite, argentite,
ed with those of the central and northern Andes silver sulfosalts and cassiterite. West Mexican metal-
(Plazas and Falchetti, 1985). Placer gold was abun- workers produced mainly ritual and sacred objects
dant in the tropical lowland valleys between the throughout the 900-year history of this technology
northern Andean ranges of Colombia. Mining started (Hosler, 1994).
about the 4th century BC from tributaries of the Before 1200 AD, copper was used mainly for bells
Cauca and lower Magdalena rivers, as well as from but also for small cold-worked implements. After
ancient lode gold mines located at Los Remedios and 1200 to 1300 AD, the smiths began to produce arsenic
bronze, tin bronze and copper-silver alloys, not only (1972), and the monograph on Jalisco State by the
for their golden and silvery colours but also to opti- Consejo de Recursos Minerales (1992). Sites mined
mize the design and function of objects previously by the Spanish prior to about 1540 were probably
made of copper. After 900 AD, metallurgical knowl- known to the indigenous people whereas sites that
edge spread into parts of northern and central were not mined until later are probably Spanish dis-
Mesoamerica and copperware from Mexico was coveries. Copper-silver mining districts that are defi-
being traded into the Hohokam culture in the United nitely Pre-Hispanic are Zumpango del Rio and Tasco
States southwest by 1100 AD (Hosler, 1988a). in Guerrero State; Temascaltepec, Sultepec,
Lead isotope analyses have been used to demon- Zacualtipán and Amatapec in Mexico State; and
strate that many of the artifacts found in other parts of Tamazula, Talpa de Allende, Espíritu Santo, Ayutla,
Mesoamerica were produced in West Mexico (Hosler Zapotlan and Purificación in Jalisco State. Tamazula
and Macfarlane, 1996). This isotopic study was stim- may be the Morcillo Mine acquired by Hernán Cortés.
ulated by Cumming et al (1979), who found that there Of special interest, according to West (1994), are mer-
is a trend in West Mexican ores toward higher lead cury mines in the Sierra Gorda of Querétaro State,
isotope ratios with increasing distance from the which date from the time of Christ, and turquoise
Middle American Trench, which they attributed to mines at Chalchihuites in Zacatecas state, which have
increasing concentrations of crustal lead. been dated from 200 to 900 AD. Archaeological evi-
Strong archeological evidence exists to support the dence has also been reported for Pre-Hispanic mercu-
theory that metal objects and metallurgical ideas were ry mining in the Guadalcazar area of San Luis Potosi
introduced into West Mexico from Peru and Ecuador State. According to Merrill (1906), mercury was
by traders using watercraft capable of long distance mined by indigenous people at Chilapan and tin was
voyages. The evidence includes pottery styles, an recovered at Tasco and Izmiquilpan.
unusual type of tomb (called a shaft tomb) that dates
to 200-400 AD, and the copper-based metallurgy. THE SPANISH CONQUEST
These traits do not appear in other parts of Mexico, or As every student knows, Christopher Columbus
farther to the south in Central America (Hosler, “discovered” America in 1492. Discovery, in this
1988b). At least two coastal groups of indigenous case, means the bringing of newly found lands within
people were noted for their expertise in navigation, the habitual knowledge of the society from which the
one that lived along the Manabi coast of Ecuador and discoverer came. By this definition, the Europeans
the other around the Bay of Sechura in northern Peru. discovered the rest of the world between about 1430
Both had developed balsa log sailing rafts with a cen- and 1600 (Palmer and Colton, 1995).
treboard and large dugout canoes equipped with a sail During the fifteenth century, trade expanded
(Murra, 1975; West, 1994). steadily and merchants and traders began to rely more
Merrill (1906) and Jennison (1924) were among on ships rather than caravans to transport their goods.
the first geologists or engineers writing in English At the same time, gold currency was becoming
who acknowledged the important Pre-Hispanic increasingly important to settle accounts. Columbus,
accomplishments in mining. Documents dating from who was born in Genoa, received much of his training
the early years of the Conquest, in the 1520’s, indicate and was first exposed to the gold trade while working
that the Spanish conquerors and early settlers, who for the merchants of Portugal, which was home to the
were mostly soldiers and adventurers, were abysmal- finest mariners and navigators of the day. Gold had
ly ignorant of mining and ore reduction (West, 1997). been transported by caravan across the Sahara from
Fortunately, there are better records from the early West Africa to the Mediterranean coast since the 10th
years of the conquest in Mexico than there are from Century (Boyle, 1979) and up to 1350, at least two
South America. The following evidence of Pre- thirds of the European supply had come from West
Hispanic mines has been derived from West (1997), Africa (Barraclough, 1978). About 1430, Portuguese
Hosler (1994), Prieto (1973), Merrill (1906), Kemp mariners began to extend their trade for slaves and
gold farther south along the coast of West Africa. In was closely linked to other momentous events that
1471, they established a medieval stone castle called were occurring in Europe at the time. The Middle
São Jorge da Mina (St. George of the Mine) at Elmina Ages were giving way to the Renaissance and
on the Gold Coast of Ghana. Columbus made at least Columbus was lucky to be seeking financial support
one trip there in a Portuguese ship about 1483. In con- at a time when new ideas in fine arts, literature, sci-
trast to the later conquest of Latin America, the ence, philosophy, politics and religion were being
European gold trade with Africa was accomplished accepted. This was the age of Leonardo da Vinci,
without occupying the continent (Wilks, 1997). Erasmus, Gutenburg, Machiavelli, Copernicus,
By this time, most educated men knew that the Martin Luther, Raphael, Paracelsus, Rabelais, Titian,
world is a sphere (Morison, 1974). Inspired by Marco Galileo and Michelangelo.
Polo’s grand and romantic tales of the exotic mineral- Christopher Columbus was a devout man, whose
and spice-opulent Indies, Christopher Columbus journals indicate that his main motivations were
longed for a seagoing mission west to Asia. Between adventure, glory and the desire to enlarge the
1483 and 1492, he sought financial backing from var- Kingdom of the Cross rather than the lust for gold.
ious royal patrons but his plan was rejected as too However, he and his crew became understandably
costly and impractical. Spain was the logical support- excited when the first people they encountered in
er because it was restricted from eastward exploration America, on the Bahamian island of San Salvador,
around Africa toward Asia by a papal decree that had were found to wear small gold pendants suspended
awarded that part of the world to Portugal. However, from the nose. Columbus noted in his diary how
Spain was preoccupied until 1492 with a war against peaceful they appeared and how easily they could be
the Moors. converted to Christianity and enslaved. The expedi-
It was the practice of the day for explorers to nego- tion then sailed south to Cuba, where more evidence
tiate concessions for their discoveries: rights, proper- of gold was found, and finally to Haiti, where gold
ty, titles and so forth. In spite of poverty and discour- jewelry was more abundant and nuggets were panned
agement, Columbus had continued to demand exten- from the Rio Yaque del Norte on the north coast. He
sive privileges and when royal backing was finally returned to Spain with glowing accounts of gold,
obtained, he negotiated a lavish concession that naked natives and the potential to convert them. Pope
included a tax-free income of ten percent of all rev- Alexander VI responded by awarding the lands west
enues - gold, silver, gems, and spices – obtained in the of Longitude 45°30’W to Spain in 1494 (Morison,
new lands. He was also granted the right to invest in 1974). That meridian was later found to cross South
one-eighth of any subsequent voyage and the heredi- America between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, which
tary titles of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and Viceroy or explains why Portugal was able to lay claim to Brazil.
Governor of any lands that he might discover For the second voyage, which involved twelve
(Morison, 1974; Rachlin, 1996). In modern mining hundred men and seventeen ships compared with the
terms, Columbus had negotiated an incredibly rich original three, Columbus warned that there should be
“finders fee”. strict controls on gold trading to prevent the colonists
Throughout the years, Columbus collected more and priests from neglecting their other duties. By the
rights and privileges and these were recorded in doc- time of his third voyage in 1498, royal consent was
uments signed by King Ferdinand, Queen Isabella and required for prospecting and mining (Jones, 1974).
royal officials. Columbus had several copies of the During this voyage, Columbus became aware that the
documents, called the Books of Privileges, prepared indigenous people living on the Paria Peninsula of
for safekeeping in various locations. Four sets have Venezuela, opposite Trinidad, possessed ornaments
been preserved, none of which is complete. They are made of an alloy of copper and gold (later named
located at Genoa, Paris, Seville, and the Library of tumbaga), which they valued more highly than local
Congress in Washington (Rachlin, 1996). gold because it had to be imported from Central
The timing of this first voyage across the Atlantic America (Morison, 1974).
By the time of his fourth and final voyage, Spain recalled “we came here to serve God, and also to get
had introduced a system of mining claims and taxes rich” (quoted in Morison, 1974).
(royalties) (Jones, 1974). In October 1502, Columbus The voyages of Columbus were soon followed by
encountered indigenous people on the coast of Costa the conquest of the Aztecs and Mayas in Mexico in
Rica wearing disks of gold and later traded for gold 1519 and of the Incas, centred in Peru, a little over a
on the north coast of Panama. When he died in Spain decade later. By the middle of the 16th century, the
in May 1506, a disappointed man, Columbus did not major gold-producing regions were in Spanish hands
realize the he had set in motion the Spanish Conquest and huge quantities of Indian artifacts had been melt-
and the Spanish Colonial Period in the New World. ed down into bullion for shipment to Europe (Bray,
The few royalty payments he had received had been 1985). In an unsuccessful attempt to save his life, the
reduced to one tenth of the Royal Fifth (2 per cent) Inca ruler at Cajamarca agreed in November 1532 to
and everything else that he had been promised except pay a ransom of gold objects that filled a room about
the titles was ignored. No court officials or bishops 6.7 m long and 4.9 m wide to a depth of about 2.3 m,
attended his modest funeral (Morison, 1974). plus twice as much silver (Jones, 1974). This was
The voyages of Columbus created fantastic new melted down to produce 6.1 tonnes of 22-carat gold
trade and revenue opportunities for Spain and many and 11.8 tonnes of silver, enough to give each
converts for the Catholic Church. However, it was infrantryman a booty of 20.5 kg of gold and 41 kg of
gold rather than land or a desire to convert the indige- silver. The plunder from Cusco was even greater
nous people that attracted a new breed of settler. (Burkholder and Johnson, 1994). Shimada and
These were mercenaries and footloose gentry of war- Merkel (1991) estimated the total as 10 tonnes of 22
like habits called “conquistadores”, who had been left carat gold and 70 tonnes of fine silver.
idle after the Moors were finally driven out of Spain Having stripped the living Indians of their wealth,
in 1492. The Moorish Wars had taught them that no the conquistadores next turned their attention to the
atrocity was too horrible to commit against the infi- tombs and monuments of the dead. Before the end of
dels they found at the end of their heroic quest the 16th century, “mining companies” were carrying
(Palmer and Colton, 1995). The conquistadores creat- out this work on a large scale. Sacred gravesites were
ed the world’s first gold rush but they also established ransacked for gold, initiating a sad tale of destruction
a pattern of mindless, ruthless greed that would be that has continued until the present. For example, the
linked with the search for gold to the present day. great Pyramid of the Sun at Chan Chan in northern
The Spanish Empire was a remarkable creation. Peru was divided into 23 parts and sold to treasure
Whereas the Roman and British Empires took cen- hunters in the late 1500’s. Each part came with a grant
turies to build, Spain was in possession of a major of Indian laborers to do the heavy work. In 1602,
portion of the Western Hemisphere within a few years another consortium of looters diverted the Moche
after Columbus’s voyages. With Spain, the colonial River against the pyramid to destroy nearly two-thirds
idea took explicit form. Land, mines and inhabitants of it and recover 2.79 tonnes of gold (Bray, 1985).
were to be worked exclusively to enrich their Spanish At the ancient mining and metallurgical centre of
masters although rescuing souls was a strongly Batán Grande in the Leche River valley, northern
avowed purpose. A clever reconciliation was found Peru, Shimada and Griffin (1994) counted over
between these two conflicting objectives. In the 100,000 looter’s holes and hundreds of long bulldoz-
words of Prescott (1886), “the Indians would not er trenches on air photos in 1978. The magnitude of
labor without compulsion, and unless they labored the treasure looted from individual tombs became
they could not be brought into communication with clear when a ruling-class gravesite that had been over-
the whites nor be converted to Christianity”. By this looked by the looters was professionally excavated
means, Christianity became the sanction for slavery there by archaeologists in 1991-1992. It yielded 1.1
(Galbraith, 1977). In his classic contemporary history tonnes of jewelry and grave goods, of which 75 per
of the conquest of Mexico, Bernal Díaz del Castillo cent consisted of metal objects and scrap, mostly 14
Figure 2. A well equipped prospecting expedition in the 16th Century (from Agricola's De
Re Metallica, 1556
1555, San Francisco del Oro in 1567, Charcas in called the patio process, was introduced in 1554 by
1570, and Santa Eulalia and Real de Angeles in 1591. Bartolomé de Medina,. It was a simple system based
Meanwhile, the great silver lode at Potosí, Bolivia on mercury amalgamation of silver ore in place of the
was discovered in 1545. The geographical boundaries former method of smelting it with a lead oxide flux
of Spanish colonial mining were thus identified and charcoal. Mexico became the greatest silver-pro-
between the mid-1540’s and 1600 (Bakewell,1997). ducing nation in the world and the patio process was
Most of these new discoveries consisted of oxi- used with little change for 350 years (Probert, 1997).
dized silver minerals, which were highly weathered From the middle of the 16th century until the end of
and friable, making them easy to mine. Although the colonial era, about 1810, Spanish America pro-
these new silver discoveries were huge, many of them duced between 3 and 3.5 billion ounces, or about one
had relatively low silver contents and contained too hundred thousand tonnes of silver (Garner, 1997).
little lead to be profitably exploited with the available Medina was an unlikely person to make such an
smelting techniques. Silver grades of less than about important discovery. He was a prosperous textile trad-
6000 grams/tonne (200 ozs/ton) could not be prof- er in Seville when he developed an interest in silver
itably treated at the time. The answer to this problem, smelting at the age of 50. Medina apparently met a
ous that no one imagined that they would be enforced current knowledge of the technical evolution and its
(Galbraith, 1977). spread throughout the Andes and into Central
Much has been written about the cruel working America and western Mexico by 650 AD has resulted
conditions in the Spanish Colonial mines and patios. from an intensive investigation by archaeologists dur-
Although slavery was widely practiced at first, it is ing the past 40 to 50 years. These studies have shown
important to remember that slavery and forced labor that Latin America had reached a sophisticated stage
were widely practiced at that time in much of the in metal production at a time when no mining activi-
world. Each of the prominent miners in Tasco and ty whatsoever was taking place north of Mexico.
Sultepec owned between 100 and 150 slaves. A new Because the knowledge required for a culture to
law issued in 1542 formally abolished indigenous advance from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age is so
slavery but the regulations could not be enforced profound, some people have suggested that the
(West, 1997). By 1600, 60 to 70 per cent of the Andean metallurgical centre might have developed
indigenous workers were wage laborers, partly from information transmitted via trans-Pacific contact
because epidemics had created a labor shortage from Asia. However, the long interval between paral-
(Bakewell, 1997). Conditions had been even harsher lel metallurgical discoveries in Europe/Asia and
in the early years after the Conquest but that, too, has South America is considered strong evidence against
to be viewed in context. Indigenous people at the bot- that theory.
tom of the social structure had not enjoyed any free- By coincidence, there is an interesting symmetry
dom under their tribal chiefs before the Spanish between the Latin American archaeological research
arrived and faced the risk of being killed in daily rit- and the advances made by geologists in the study of
ual sacrifices to ensure that the sun rose each day. In volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, the
the words of Burkholder and Johnson (1994) “war subject of this volume, during the same 40 to 50 year
captives, criminals, slaves and persons supplied by time frame. These polymetallic deposits of copper,
subject peoples as tribute fell victim to the obsidian zinc, lead, silver and gold were previously thought to
sacrificial blade atop the great pyramids. After a vic- have formed by injection from great depths along
tory ceremony, warriors often provided a feast for structural pathways. Metals were believed to have dif-
friends and relatives, in which the sacrificed captives’ ferentiated during magmatic recrystallization from
flesh was served in a stew . . . In 1487, the Mexicas the nearest granitic intrusion. Despite the inadequate
dedicated the new temple of Huitzilopochtli in understanding of the genesis of these deposits, many
Tenochtitlán by sacrificing more (some sources say were discovered by prospecting, geophysics and geo-
many more) than twenty thousand persons”! chemistry. Canada is richly endowed with VMS
The attempts by the church to protect its indige- deposits and it is natural that Canadian geologists
nous converts, restrictions set by the crown on their have taken a prominent role in studying and searching
exploitation, and epidemics led almost immediately to for them.
the importation of African slaves. It has been estimat- Our understanding of ancient, land-based VMS
ed that 100,000 had been brought to America by deposits has benefited from the recent discovery and
1560. However, African slavery was never as impor- study of active, sulphide-producing hydrothermal
tant in most of Spanish America as it later became in vents on modern seafloor spreading ridges. VMS
some of the Dutch, French and English colonies or in deposits are now known to be predominantly strati-
Portuguese Brazil (Palmer and Colton, 1995). form accumulations of sulphide minerals that have
precipitated from hydrothermal fluids at or just below
EPILOGUE the seafloor, and are associated with volcanic rocks in
Mining and metallurgy in the western hemisphere, a wide range of ancient and modern geological set-
which was mainly directed and financed from the tings (Barrie and Hannington, 1997).
United States and Canada during the twentieth centu- Latin America is currently undergoing vigorous
ry, started in the Peruvian Andes about 1500 BC. Our exploration for VMS and other types of mineral
deposits. This is providing new opportunities for University Press, New Haven.
geologists to contribute to the archeological research Consejo de Recursos Minerales. 1992. Geological-Mining
Monograph of the State of Jalisco. Edited by José Cárdenas
by identifying ancient mine workings and metallurgi- Vargas. Mexico City.
cal sites that contain slag and other artifacts. By Cooke, R. G. and Bray, W. The Goldwork of Panama: An
ensuring that these sites are protected for profession- Iconographic and Chronological Perspective. in The Art of
al study by archeologists and contributing lead iso- Precolumbian Gold: The Jan Mitchell Collection. Edited by
Julie Jones. Little, Brown and Company, Boston.
tope and other data, geologists and miners can pro-
Cumming, G.L., Kesler, S.E. and Kristic, D., 1979. Isotopic
vide invaluable assistance to this incredible study. Composition of Lead in Mexican Mineral Deposits.
Economic Geology, 74: 1395-1407.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS De Lucio, F., 1997. A History of Mining Technology in Peru.
This paper has benefited from suggestions provid- in The Silver and Silversmiths of Peru. Edited by Jose Torres
Della Pina and Victoria Mujica. Patronata Plata del Peru,
ed by many colleagues and family members. Special Lima.
thanks are due to Profesor Dorothy Hosler of MIT, Easby, D. T. Jr., 1966. Early Metallurgy in the New World.
who kindly reviewed an earlier draft. Scientific American, 214(4): 73-81.
Galbraith, J. K., 1977. The Age of Uncertainty. Houghton
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SRK Consulting, 800-580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3B6
† Current address
Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, P.O. Box 2319, Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0
Volcanogenic massive sulphides are found in a wide variety of geologic environments spanning
geologic time. By far the largest number of deposits are found in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous
volcanic arcs throughout Latin America, both in terms of average size and contained metals. The dis-
parity in terms of numbers of deposits seen in Mesozoic versus Precambrian rocks as well as the
apparent metal content and size is likely a reflection of the high prospectivity of the younger arc rocks
as well as a general lack of exploration in the Precambrian terranes for base metal deposits. The
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous volcanic arcs are very prospective for VMS deposits, they tend to con-
sist of local accumulations of felsic volcanic rocks in submarine environments which are favourable
localities to form polymetallic deposits. These deposits represent obvious exploration targets and have
a relatively long history of exploration and development particularly in the Caribbean and Mexico. As
a result there are many VMS occurrences in these young rocks and the average size tends to be rather
small despite the inclusion of some very large deposits such as Tambo Grande and San Nicolás.
The Precambrian Terranes of South America do not have a long history of base metal exploration
due to the relatively remote locations and poor infrastructure. These areas have generally been the
focus of gold exploration. As a result few VMS deposits are known from these areas and the ones that
are known tend to be larger, as needed to justify development. It is likely with continued exploration
and improved infrastructure that there will continue to be new discoveries of VMS deposits in the
Precambrian terranes of South America.
1983; 1993; Sidder and Mendoza, 1995). These rocks lithologies (Channer and Anderson, 2000). It has a
represent a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline sequence, likely long history of gold production from shear zone host-
formed in an island arc to back arc setting. Although ed-quartz vein deposits and has excellent potential for
considered to be highly prospective, to date, no VMS hosting a VMS deposit. Both tholeiitic and calc-alka-
deposits, or even showings, have been identified in line differentiation trends have been found, represent-
Venezuela (Gibbs and Barron, 1993; Sidder et al., ing the evolution from immature island arcs to back
1991; Sidder, 1995). arcs and marginal basin settings.
The Pastoria Province shows a general evolution A number of massive sulphide showings have
from mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and sedimentary been identified in Guyana, consisting of disseminated
yan na
Venezuela Gu m uya
r ina hG
Su nc
3 Fre
Atlantic Ocean
po re S
2 6
co C
Phanerozoic ncis
Archean, Basement 8
Figure 1. Geologic map of the Archean-Proterozoic rocks of South America showing the location of various VMS deposits.
After Araújo (2000), Biste and Gourlay (2000), Channer and Anderson (2000), Franklin et al. (2000), Kerr et al. (2000), Lobato
et al. (2000). 1. Miguela, 2. Aripuanã, 3. Groete Creek, 4. Paul Isnard, 5. Boquira Lead, 6. Salobro, 7. Bico de Padra, 8.
Alpinópolis 9. Palmeirópolis.
pyrite and chalcopyrite associated with felsic and 15 % with low values of Cu, Pb, Ag and Au. The area
intermediate volcanic rocks (Ally, 1985). The is dominated by low-grade metamorphosed basalt
Barama-Mazaruni greenstone belt in Guayana, which lava flows and andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks,
hosts VMS deposits, is directly correlated with the associated with metagreywackes and chert
rocks of the Pastora supergroup, indicating this belts (Mascarenhas and da Silva, 1994).
prospectivity for VMS mineralization (Channer and Within the Cuieté Velho metavolcano-sedimentary
Anderson, 2000). sequence, part of the Mantiqueira Province in Eastern
The Cuchivero Province consists of predominant- Gerais, massive sulphide layers have been identified
ly felsic intrusive and extrusive rocks. Within the (Paes et al., 1998). The VMS occurrences are associ-
Caicara formation, the rocks consist of primarily rhy- ated with biotite schists, amphibolite and talc schists,
olites, dacites and associated volcaniclastic rocks. interpreted as metamorphosed tholeiitic volcanic
The felsic rocks of the Cuchivero province are not rocks, thought to represent an Archean greenstone
considered to have a high potential for hosting mas- belt fragment (Lobato et al., 2000).
sive sulphide mineralization since the majority of vol- The gold-bearing massive sulphide Mina III
canism is subaerial (Channer and Anderson, 2000). deposit, located within the Crixás greenstone belt
along the southern margin of the São Francisco
Guyana Craton, may represent a distal, gold-dominated VMS
Limited exploration has identified a number of deposit (Jost et al., 1996; Lobato et al., 2000). The
massive sulphide showings within the Guayana deposit consists of an array of massive pyrite lenses
Shield in Guyana, consisting of disseminated pyrite up to 2.5 m thick. The country rocks, host to the mas-
and chalcopyrite (Ally, 1985). Mineralization is gen- sive sulphide deposits, consist of carbonaeous schists,
erally spatially related to intermediate to felsic sub- oolitic, laminated and massive marble belonging to
aqueous volcanism associated with clastic rocks. the Ribeirão das Antas formation and metabasalts of
The most prominent massive sulphide occurrence the Rio Vermelho formation. A back-arc environment
in Guayana is within the Barama-Mazaruni green- is interpreted for the origin of these rocks (Jost et al.,
stone belts and includes the Groete Creek (Fig. 1; 1996; Resende, 1998; Resende et al., 1998).
Table 1) deposit. This occurrence extends 1,525 The Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Rio das Velhas) green-
metres along strike, 410 m down dip, and has a width stone belt is composed of ultramafic to mafic and
of 10 m at an average grade of 0.6 % copper (Channer intermediate metavolcanic rocks at the base overlain
and Anderson, 2000; Walrond, 1985). Sulphides are by iron formation, metagreywackes, metaturbidites
associated with a subvolcanic porphyry, coarse brec- and felsic to intermediate pyroclastic rocks (Lobato et
cia and volcanic tuffs. al., 2000; Baltazar and Pedreira, 1998; Zucchetti et
al., 1988). The Bico de Padre Deposit is located with-
Brazil in sheared trondjemite and mafic rocks of the Nova
Although few VMS deposits have been discovered Lima Group. Mineralization consists of pyrite, spha-
in Brazil, there remains good potential for VMS lerite, galena and chalcopyrite in centimetre to
deposits within greenstone belts and volcano-sedi- decimetre veins (Borba, 1998).
mentary sequences of the São Francisco Craton The Alpinópolis greenstone belt (Fig. 1; Table 1)
(Lobato et al., 2000; Figure 1; Table 1). Numerous hosts up to 16 sub-economic sulphide deposits, con-
workers have described the belts, including Almeida taining up to 0.4 % Zn, 0.3 % Cu and 0.15 % Ni
and Hasui (1984), Mascarenhas et al. (1984), Schrank (Carvalho, 1990). VMS mineralization is associated
and da Silva (1993), Pedrosa-Soares et al. (1992), and with predominantly tholeiitic to calc-alkaline
Baars (1997). metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, consisting
In the region around the town of Mundo Nova, sul- of garnet-chlorite and sillimanite-biotite schists
phides have been identified in drill holes (Lobato et (Carvalho, 1990; Carvalho et al., 1992).
al., 2000). Drill intersections include zinc grades up to The Gavião block contains some of the oldest
Table 1. Summary of Latin American VMS Deposits.
Guayana Groete Creek Barama-Mazaruni Archean felsic/intermediate volc 1,525m (strike) x 410m (dip) 39
. x 10m wide @ 0.6% Cu
Brazil Valley Deposit Guapore Craton Archean felsic lavas, pyroclastics 12Mt 6.3 % Zn, 2.2% Pb 37
Arex Deposit Guapore Craton Archean felsic lavas, pyroclastics 12Mt 6.3 % Zn, 2.2% Pb 37
Bico de Pedra Quadrilatero Ferrifero GB Archean mafic to int volcanics 0.03Mt 0.36% Cu, 1.53% Zn, 0.52% Pb, 38
flows and pyroclastics 44g/t Ag, 1.45g/t Au
Boquira Lead mine Boquira formation Archean amphibolitic , siliceous 5.6 Mt 8.9% Pb, 1.4% Zn 42, 43, 44
Alpinopolis greenstone Alpinopolis greenstone belt Archean metasedimentary 0.4% Zn, 0.3% Cu, 0.15% Ni 45
Salobro Riacho dos Machados unknown metavolcano-sedimentary 3.9% Zn, 1.1% Pb 46
Palmeiropolis Palmeiropolis Sequence Proterozoic felsic volcanics, 7Mt 3.5% Zn, 0.9% Pb, 1.2% Cu 40, 41
Bolivia Miguela A-Zone La Pastora Proterozoic intermediate to rhyolite 1.62Mt 3.76%Cu, 1.26g/t Au, 11.3g/t Ag, 36
0.33% Zn
Arizona Jerome District Yavapai Series Proterozoic Felsic volcanics 42.3Mt 4.16% Cu, 0.31% Pb, 1.46% Zn, 50
1.73g/t Au, 59.3 g/t Ag
United Verde Cleopatra Formation Proterozoic Felsic volcanics 33.7Mt 4.89% Cu, 0.13% Zn, 1.46g/t Au, 50
53.0g/t Ag
Argentina Santa Elena Alcaparrosa Fm. Lr.Paleozoic, mafic volcanics-sediments 0.08% Cu, 1.84% Pb, 2.51% Zn, 35
Ordovician ? 83g/t Ag 4.52g/t Au
Aguilar Padrioc Fm. Lr.Paleozoic shales 25 Mt 15-18 % Zn, 5-15 % Pb 58
and 134-370 g/t Ag.
Venezuela Bailadores Mucuchachí Devonian- felsic tuffs-sediments 1.45Mt 26% Zn, 7% Pb, 1.5% Cu 27
Aroa District Paleozoic 1.5Mt 8% Cu 47
Santa Isabel Paleozoic mafic-felsic volcanics 47
Mexico Francisco I Madero Zacatecas subterrane Ur. Triassic metamorphosed 36.28Mt 4.7% Zn, 0.8% Pb, 36g/t Ag 20
Los Gavilanes Esperanza formation Triassic ? Felsic volcanics- 24
El Gordo Esperanza Formation Triassic ? Felsic volcanics-
Cuba Carlota Jur.-Lr. Cret. Peridotite, calc. schists 2.35Mt 1.13% Cu, 0.28% Pb+Zn 1
Guachinango Jur.-Lr. Cret. Peridotite, calc. schists 5.00Mt 0.81% Cu 1
La Victoria Jur.-Lr. Cret. Peridotite, calc. schists 0.54Mt 0.86% Cu, 0.30% Pb+Zn 1
Hierro Mantua Esperanza Ur. Jur.- Porphyritic basalt 11.39Mt 1.76% Cu 1
Lr. Cret.
Hierro Mantua Esperanza Ur. Jur.- Porphyritic basalt 2.04Mt 1.44g/t Au, 11.65g/t Ag 1
Lr. Cret.
Unión Esperanza Ur. Jur.- Diabase <0.5% Cu 1
Lr. Cret.
Juan Manuel Esperanza Ur. Jur. Diabase <0.5% Cu 1
-Lr. Cret.
[continued on following page]
Country Deposit Formation Age Host Rocks Size Grade References
Júcaro Encrucijada Lr.Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt 0.59Mt 1.38% Cu, 0.31% Pb+Zn 1
Cacarajícara Encrucijada Lr.Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt 0.62Mt 1.2% Cu 1
Mendieta Encrucijada Lr. Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt 1
Buenavista Encrucijada Lr. Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt 0.11Mt 2.58% Cu 1
Yagruma Encrucijada Lr.Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt 0.72% Cu, 0.9% Pb+Zn 1
Margot Margot Lr.Cretaceous Tholeitic basalt <1.55% Cu, <1.17 g/t Au, 1
< 4.4 g/t Ag
América Margot Lr.Cretaceous Serp. Breccia, basalt <0.52% Cu 1
Monte Rojo Lr.Cretaceous Serp., gabbro 1
Cuba Libre Lr.Cretaceous Serp., basalt, gabbro 1.00Mt 1% Cu 1
Ventura Lr.Cretaceous Serp. <0.4% Cu, <1.0g/t Au 1
El Hoyo Lr.Cretaceous Serp. 0.5-7.12% Cu, 0.1-11.75% Pb+Zn 1
Antonio Los Pasos Lr.Cretaceous Dacite breccia 1.67Mt 0.52% Cu 1,7
San Fernando Los Pasos Lr.Cretaceous Felsic lapilli tuff 2.00Mt 1.84% Cu, 3.35% Pb+Zn 2,1
Los Cerros Los Pasos Lr.Cretaceous Felsic pyroclastics 0.38% Cu, 0.58% Pb+Zn 1
Minas Bahia Honda equivalent Cretaceous(?) ophiolite 3,5,6
Peru María Teresa Huarmey Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 1.0Mt 4.0% Zn, 1.3% Pb, 0.3% Cu, 31
100 g/t Ag
Aurora Augusta Cañete Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 87% Barite 31
Perubar Cañete Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 2.5Mt 12% Zn, 0.7% Pb, 30g/t Ag 31,32
& (4.0Mt) 80% Barite
Palma Cañete Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 12% Zn, 3.8% Pb, 45g/t Ag 31,32
Balducho Cañete Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 31,32
Cerro Lindo Cañete Basin, Casma Fm. Lr.Cretaceous mafic volcanics 75Mt 0.87% Cu, 3.28% Zn, 50.7g/t Ag 33,32,31
[continued on following page]
Country Deposit Formation Age Host Rocks Size Grade References
Tambo GrandeTG-1 Ereo Fm pre-mid felsic-mafic bimodal 64Mt 1.7% Cu, 1.4% Zn, 31 g/t Ag 30
-Cretaceous and 0.7 g/t Au
Tambo GrandeTG-1 Ereo Fm pre-mid felsic-mafic bimodal 8.2Mt 5.2 g/t Au, 48 g/t Ag oxide cap 30
oxide cap -Cretaceous
Tambo Grande TG-3 Ereo Fm pre-mid felsic-mafic bimodal 110Mt 0.7% Cu, 1.0% Zn, 19 g/t Ag 30
-Cretaceous and 0.7g/t Au
Colombia El Alacran Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 4.8Mt 1.4% Cu, 0.83g/t Au 34
oxide 0.5Mt 2.5g/t Au in oxides 34
Guadalupe Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 28Mt 1.88% Cu (eq) 34
El Roble Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 1.2Mt 4.7% Cu, 3.1g/t Au, 9.8g/t Ag 34
Santa Anita Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 0.5Mt 2.8% Cu, <1.0g/t Au, 1-2g/t Ag 34
La Equis Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 1-10% Zn, <10g/t Au, 12g/t Ag 34
Sababablanca Calima Terrane Ur.Cretaceous mafic associated 0.1Mt 4-6% Cu, 10-12g/t Au 34
Chile Punta del Cobre Jurassic- Andesita, Dacita > 40Mt 1-2% Cu, 0.2-0.5g/t Au, 7g/t Ag 51,52,53
Cutter Cove Jurassic basalts small 57,53
Cuba El Cobre Hongolosongo Fm. Lr. Pal.- Andesite lavas, tuffs 8.44Mt 1.83% Cu 1
Ur. Eoc
La Cristina El Cobre Group Lr. Pal.- Andesite tuff 0.8-8.0% Cu, 0.5-3.0% Pb+Zn, 1
Ur. Eoc. 1.0-6.0g/t Au
Infierno El Cobre Group Lr. Eocene Andesite-dacite tuff 0.6-1.41% Cu, 0.3-38.2% Pb+Zn, 1
0.5-4.19g/t Au, 10-121g/t Ag
Eureca El Cobre Eocene andesite 0.06Mt 7-9% Cu 3
1. Russell et al. (2000) 2. Bottrill et al. (2000) 3. Childe (2000) 4. Carby (1985) 5. Kesler et al. (1990) 6. Feoktisov et
al. (1983) 6. Feoktisov et al. (1983) 7. Bogdanov et al. (1966) 8. Lewis et al. (1989) 9. Lewis et al. (2 000)
10. Holbek and Daubeny (2000) 11. “Energold Mining Ltd. & Atna Resources Inc. News Release, March 12, 1999”
12. Vaughan et al. (1921) 13. Koschmann and Gordon (1950) 14. Espaillat (1995) 15. Espaillat et al. (1989) 16. Oliver
et al. (2000) 17. Johnson et al. (2000) 18. Hall and Gomez-Torres (2000a) 19. Miranda-Gasca (1995) 20. Giles and
García (2000) 21. Rhys et al. (2000) 22. Ortigoza (1988) 23. Lewis and Rhys (2000) 24. Hall and Gomez-Torres
(2000b) 25. Hall and Gomez-torres (2000c) 26. Petersen (2000) 27. Carlson and Staargaard (2000) 28. Broili et al.
(2000) 29. O’Dowd (1999) 30. Tegart et al. (2000) 31. Steinmüller et al (2000) 32. Vidal (2000) 33. Ly (2000) 34.
Jaramillo Cortes (2000) 35. Zappettini and Brodtkorb (2000) 36. McNamee (1977) 37. Kerr et al. (2000) 38. Borba
(1988) 39. Ally (1985) 40. Araujo (1986) 41. Araujo and Nilson (1988) 42. Cassedane (1972) 43. Rocha (1985) 44.
Fleischer and Espourteille (1998) 45. Carvalho (1990) 46. De Abreau and Belo de Oliveira (1998) 47. Channer and
Anderson (2000) 48. Info-Mine Golden Star Database 49. Franklin et al. (2000) 50. Lindberg (1989) 51. Camus (1980)
52. Marschik (1996) 53. Vivallo (2000) 54. Collao y Alfaro (1982) 55. Schira et al. (1990) 56. Ruiz y Peebles (1988)
57. Thomas (1973) 58. Logan et al., (2000).
rocks in Brazil, 3.35 Ga (Barbosa, 1996). These rocks to sericite and chlorite in the vicinity of the deposits
consist of primarily komatiites and ultramafic vol- (Kerr et al., 2000). The sulphides are massive to dis-
canic rocks and tholeiitic basalts and dacites (Cunha seminated consisting of pyrite, sphalerite, galena and
and Froes, 1994). Within the Gaviao block, the chalcopyrite.
Umburunas, Ibitira-Ubiraçaba, Brumado, Bate-Pé and
Guajeru greenstone belts contain numerous Cu-Zn PROTEROZOIC
massive sulphide occurrences, often associated with
ultramafic and calc-silicate rocks (Lobato et al., 2000). Bolivia
The Boquira greenstone belt is host to stratabound The Precambrian rocks of eastern Bolivia consist
Pb-Zn deposit at the past producing Boquira Lead of three well defined Proterozoic tectonic belts. VMS
mine (Fig. 1; Table 1; Lobato et al., 2000) where in deposits have recently been discovered in the Miguela
excess of 5.6 Mt of ore grading 8.9 % Pb and 1.4 % and El Porvenir concessions within the Proterozoic
Zn were mined. Mineralization is closely associated Guarayos greenstone belt (Fig. 1; Table 1). The area
with amphibolitic, siliceous, magnetite bearing iron is underlain by amphibolite grade volcanic sedimen-
formation within dolomitic carbonates (Cassedane, tary rocks (Biste and Gourlay, 2000). The rocks of the
1972; Fleischer and Espourteille, 1998). These rocks Guarayos greenstone belt range from tholeiitic to
are interpreted as forming in a shallow water margin- calc-alkaline in geochemical affinity.
al basin (Rocha, 1985). The most significant deposit is at the Miguela A-
Within the Guaporé craton, recent exploration has Zone, which is massive to disseminated pyrite, spha-
identified significant sulphide deposits in the lerite, galena and chalcopyrite and is hosted in the La
Aripuanã district (Fig. 1; Table 1). These Archean to Pastora formation. Sulphides are confined to a 400 m
mid-Proterozoic supercrustal rocks are divided into a thick sequence of intermediate to rhyolitic volcanic
southern felsic volcanic sedimentary sequence domi- rocks, quartz-muscovite-rich sediments with thin lay-
nated by tuffaceous rocks, and a northerly basalt-rhy- ers of mafic material. The hangingwall and footwall
olite package, which have been intruded by granite rocks to the felsic unit consist of fine-grained amphi-
plutons diorite-gabbro intrusions (Kerr et al., 2000). bolite. These rocks are overlain by silica, and iron-
Two significant sulphide deposits are identified in rich metamorphosed mudstone and siltstone, thin lay-
Aripuanã; the Arex and Valley deposits. The deposits ers of felsic tuff and magnetite or pyrrhotite-rich
are hosted within felsic lavas, autoclastic breccias and banded iron formation (Biste and Gourlay, 2000).
epiclastic and pyroclastic tuffs and are highly altered
Brazil Argentina
The Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt is comprised of The Proterozoic ophiolites of the Sierras
a lowermost mafic volcanic unit, intermediate felsic Pampeanas hosts mafic associated Cu-Co and Ni
unit and uppermost sedimentary unit (Kishida, 1979; deposits (Tío, Tacurú, Estrella Gaucha and Las
da Silva, 1987; Baars, 1997). These rocks have under- Cuevas; Table 1; Logan et al., 2000). The deposits are
gone greenschist to amphibolite grade metamor- hosted in the igneous-metamorphic basement of
phism. The mafic rocks are ocean-floor tholeiites, Precambrian to Lower Paleozoic age (Gordillo and
which are overlain by compositionally variable calc- Lencinas, 1979). They are generally small, hosted by
alkaline volcanic sequences. Regional thrust and gneisses, schists, amphibolites, marbles and consist of
shear structures are known to host significant massive to disseminated magnetite, ilmenite, pyrite,
mesothermal lode-gold mineralization (Santos et al., chalcopyrite and hematite; in addition, carrolite and
1993; Vieira et al., 1998). Base metal occurrences are pyrrhotite occur in the Tío mine (Logan et al., 2000).
associated with pelite- and albitic chert-dominated
rocks (da Rocha Neto and Pedrieira, 1994). Arizona
The Rio Capim greenstone belt, consisting of a Although not in Latin America the Jerome district
lower unit of tholeiitic basalts and an upper unit of is one of the most significant Proterozoic VMS dis-
calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks (Winge and Danni, tricts in the world. The outcrop distribution of
1980), represents a remnant of ensialic, back-arc Proterozoic rocks in Arizona is irregular and limited
basin fill, metamorphosed to amphibolite facies with due to more recent cover rocks; it does however,
local retrograde to greenschist facies (Winge, 1984). locally extend into northern Mexico, providing limit-
A number of pyrite-dominated Cu-Zn showings occur ed potential for VMS deposits in this area. The
in the felsic intervals. Jerome district (Table 1) has produced in excess of 42
The Rio Salitre volcano-sedimentary sequence, million tonnes of massive sulphide with an average
including the Rio Salitre, Barreiro, Colomi and Casa grade in excess of 4.0 % Cu, the bulk of which was
Nova greenstone belts, consist of tholeiitic to komati- from the United Verde deposit (Lindberg, 1989).
itic ocean-floor basalts, associated with felsic vol- Massive sulphide mineralization at United Verde is
canic rocks (Ribeiro and Silva, 1998). These belts are located near the top of a thick section of rhyolite at the
host to numerous massive sulphide deposits. stratigraphic contact between felsic units of the
The Palmeirópolis sequence (Fig. 1; Table 1) con- Cleopatra member of the Deception Rhyolite
sists of a lower unit of banded amphibolites and felsic (Lindberg, 1989; Gustin, 1990).
pyroclastic rocks and greywackes (Ribeiro and
Teixeira, 1981; Leão Neto and Olivatti, 1983; Araújo, ORDOVICIAN
1986; 2000). The amphibolites are interpreted to rep-
resent basalts which host the sulphide deposits Argentina
(Araújo, 1986; 2000; Araújo et al., 1996). The inter- The Ordovician basin of northwestern Argentina
mediate unit consists of felsic metavolcanic rocks and forms part of the intracratonic extensional basin
minor metapelite, while the upper unit consists of extending from Peru to northern Argentina (Logan et
metapelite with metachert and banded iron formation. al., 2000). The sedimentary sequence begins with
The Salobro Zn-Pb massive sulphide deposit (Fig. conglomerates and sandstones of the Middle
1; Table 1) is hosted by a ferruginous, siliceous hori- Cambrian Mesón Group, which lie discordantly on
zon of the Salobro sequence, possible correlate of the basement and grade upward into pelitic facies.
Riacho dos Machados Group (Mourão et al., 1997). During the Tremadocian, more than 3,200 m of shales
The sulphide mineralization occurs within amphibo- were deposited. Sedimentary exhalitive deposits of
lite schists, most likely of magmatic origin, with Pb-Zn-Ag with the proximal sectors rich in Cu
grades of 3.9 % Zn and 1.1 % Pb (de Abreu and Belo (Aguilar, Jujuy, La Colorada, Salta; Table 1) occur in
de Oliveira, 1998). sedimentary rocks of lower Tremadocian age (Logan
et al., 2000; Sureda and Martín, 1990). consists of felsic tuffs overlain by black phyllite
The Santa Elena deposit (Table 1) is located in San (Carlson, 1977). The massive sulphide is defined in
Juan province, Argentina, on the western side of the two zones with mainly sphalerite-pyrrhotite-galena
Precordillera. The region is underlain by clastic sedi- and chalcopyrite with minor pyrite and arsenopyrite.
ments and locally mafic volcanic rocks of Ordovician The resource estimate quoted is 1.45 million tonnes
age. The orebodies are related to the basaltic sequence grading 26 % Zn, 7 % Pb, and 1.5 % Cu (Staargaard
hosted at the sediment-igneous contact (Zappettini and Carlson, 2000) making this deposit unusual in
and Brodtkorb, 2000). Kay et al. (1984), based on terms of its metal content and mineralogy.
trace element analyses of the basalts, suggest forma-
tion in a back arc basin setting. Mineralization con- TRIASSIC
sists of pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chal-
copyrite, arsenopyrite and galena with sulfosalts. The Mexico
deposit was operated historically in the oxide zone for
iron sulphates. The Fresnillo-Guanajuato Subterrane
The Guerrero Terrane in Mexico (Fig. 3) is subdi-
DEVONIAN-PENNSYLVANIAN vided into a series of subterranes Campa and Coney
(1983). The bulk of the volcanic associated deposits
Venezuela in Mexico are within Cretaceous arc volcanics built
The Phanerozoic lithologies of northern Venezuela on older basement, generally on the Teloloapan and
(Fig. 2) host several massive sulphide prospects in the the Huetamo-Zihuatenejo subterranes. However,
Cordillera de Mérida a northeast trending mountain some deposits in the Fresnillo-Guanajuato subter-
range, a continuation of the main Andean chain ranes are interpreted to be hosted in Triassic rocks and
(Channer and Anderson, 2000). These include the may represent older VMS-style mineralization. The
Santa Isabel deposit (Table 1) which is a past-produc- oldest unit recognized in the Fresnillo-Guanajuato
er and associated with mafic and felsic volcanic subterrane is the Late Triassic Zacatecas, Esperanza,
rocks. The deposits in the Aroa district (Table 1) Aperos, and El Maguey Formations, all of which like-
which occur as veins and lenses in mafic volcanics, ly represent the basement assemblages, upon which
interpreted to be VMS in origin. The deposits in the the arc sequences were built (Ruiz and Centeno-
Aroa district were operated between 1609 and 1963 Garcia, 2000). The Zacatacas Formation consists of
producing about 1.5 million tonnes of high grade shale, sandstone with volcanic tuffs, breccias, pillow
(+8 %) copper ore (Channer and Anderson, 2000). lavas and minor limestone, which was deformed and
The Bailadores deposit, the best known of the metamorphosed prior to the development of the
Phanerozoic VMS deposits of Venezuela, is located in Cretaceous arc assemblage (Centeno-Garcia et al.,
the Cordillera de Mérida and hosted by the Devonian- 1993; Ruiz and Centeno-Garcia, 2000). Deposits
Pennsylvanian aged Mucuchachí Formation. The hosted in the basement may include the Fancisco I
Mucuchachí formation unconformably overlies the Madero, which is not obviously VMS related and
Sierra Nevada Formation a metamorphosed basement deposits of the Los Gavilanes area which is inferred to
sequence and is in-turn overlain by Pennsylvanian to be hosted in Zacatecas Formation equivalent rocks
Permian sequence of continental sediments. The based on similar lithologies.
Mucuchachí formation is up to 5,000 m thick consist-
ing of fine grained slates and phyllites with local lens- Francisco I Madero
es of limestone and in the Bailadores area a sequence The Francisco I Madero deposit is located about
of felsic pyroclastic rocks, up to 2,000 m thick that 15 km northwest of Zacatecas city, and is presently
hosts the deposit (Staargaard and Carlson, 2000). the subject of a feasibility study by Servicios
The immediate footwall to the Bailadores deposit Industriales Peñoles S.A. de C.V. (Giles and García,
is felsic crystal and lithic tuffs and the hangingwall 2000). Mineralized intervals are enigmatic and at
Atlantic 12 9
Panama 11
+ +
4 3
Figure 2. Geologic map of Colombia and Venezuela showing the distribution of Paleozic and mesozoic VMS districts. After
and Channer and Anderson (2000), Jaramilo (2000), Staargarrd and Carlson (2000). 1. El Alacran, 2. El Roble, 3. Santa Anita,
4. La Equis, 5. Sabanablanca, 6. Guadalupe, 7. Bailadores, 8. De Lima II, 9. Aroa, 10. Santa Isabel, 11. Timotes, 12. La Villa,
13. Seboroco, 14. Toronduy.
least partially replacement and partially stratabound pyrrhotite, galena, chalcopyrite, galena bismuthinite
in a limestone-shale sequence overlying andesitic and native bismuth (Miranda-Gasca, 1995).
marine volcanics, inferred to be Triassic in age Stratabound mineralization is hosted in graphitic
(Miranda-Gasca, 1995; Giles and García, 2000). The metasediments with banded pyrite and chalcopyrite,
lower, and largest, manto body is hosted in black galena and sphalerite. The stratigraphic sequence that
slates with abundant graphite and reaches thicknesses hosts Francisco I Madero is tentatively correlated,
of about 200 m. The mineralogy consists of based on lithologic similarities, with the Triassic por-
tions of the Zacatecas Formation (Miranda-Gasca, Within the Lemaire Formation sequence 5 units
1995). are recognized (Broili et al., 2000)
Trans-Mexican Volcanic belt
Guerrero Subterranes 2
Zihuatanejo-Huetamo Zacatecas
Arcelia 1
Fresnillo - Zacatecas
Papanoa - Las Ollas - Camalotito 8
Mixteco Terrane
metamorphic rocks 7
Mexico City
4 5
0 150 300 km 3
Figure 3. Geologic map of Mexico emphasising the Guerrero subterranes and VMS districts. After Campa and Coney (1983),
Giles and García (2000), Hall and Gomez-Torres (2000,a,b,c), Johnson et al. (2000), Lewis and Rhys (2000), Miranda-Gasca
(1995), Oliver et al. (2000), Rhys et al. (2000). 1. San Nicolás, 2. Francisco I Madero, 3. Campo Morado, 4. Rey de Plata, 5.
Tizapa, 6. La Minta, 7. Cuale, 8. Los Gavilanes, 9. El Gordo
Amina Formation comprising the fore-arc and the Los feldspar tuffs with flat REE patterns and enrichments
Ranchos Formation the axial arc. There are several in LILE and depletions in Nb, REE and HFSE with
VMS-related occurrences in the Cerro Maimón and respect to N-type MORB (Lewis et al., 2000).
equivalent strata in the Greater Antilles but mineral- Cerro Maimón deposit (Fig. 5, Table 1), hosted by
ization is largely restricted to epithermal subtypes in the Maimón Formation, is a polymetallic deposit
the Los Ranchos Formation such as the Pueblo Viejo hosted within a felsic assemblage which is generally
deposit (Childe, 2000; Lewis et al., 2000). enclosed within a dominantly mafic volcanic package
The Maimón formation, in the Dominican (Lewis et al., 2000). It does contain a small secondary
Republic, is a lower Cretaceous bi-modal volcanic precious metal-rich oxide cap.
sequence that extends the full length of the Greater The San Antonio deposit is also hosted by the
Antilles (Lewis and Draper, 1990). The Maimón for- Maimón Formation where mineralization occurs in at
mation is characterized by mafic rocks that range least two stratigraphic intervals in a sequence domi-
from tholeiities with bonnitic affinities to normal nated by felsic volcanic rocks (Holbek and Daubeny,
oceanic arc tholeiites (Lewis et al., 2000). The felsic 2000). Compared to Cerro Maimón the San Antonio
volcanic rocks are generally quartz-plagioclase deposit has higher Zn and Au and lower Cu.
Chile Argentina
7 2 3
6 4
11 8 5 12
13 14 15
Figure 4. Geologic map of the Tierra del Fuego district with VMS deposits. Hatched area indicates the distribution of Jurassic
volcanic rocks. After Broili et al. (2000), Ametrano et al. (2000), Vivallo (2000). 1. Rio Amarillo, Rio Café, 2. Lago Guanaco,
3. Rancho Hambre, 4. Pink Hill, 5. Puerto Almanza, 6. Arroyo Rojo, 7. Sargent, 8. Beatriz, 9. Estancia Túnel, 10. Hope, 11.
Yendegaia, 12. Pampa Indios, 13. Pel Español, 14. Bania Aguírre, Río Bolsa, 15. B. Valentin, 16. B. Ben Suciso, 17. Gardiner,
18. Centinela, 19. Jackson, 20. Cutter Cove, 21 Cúpula
a Bahia Honda
Ile de la Tortue Amina
Eocene belts
Complex CUBA Schist Schist
Early Cretaceous belts
Gre Maimon
ater Ultramafic belts
Ant Fm.
Los Ranchos Pre-Robles
Los Pasos Fm. Fm. Fm.
Water Island
gh Fm.
an Trou
El Cobre
er A
Wagwater VIRGIN
b Júcaro Minas District
Figure 5. Geologic map of the Greater Antilles with VMS districts. After Childe (2000), Russell et al. (2000).
Fernando and Los Mangos (Bottrill et al., 2000). The Margot Formation
Los Pasos Formation’s extent in Cuba is limited dom- The Margot Formation hosts small, mafic volcanic
inated by mafic volcanic rocks and lesser felsic vol- associated, VMS occurrences, the Margot and the
canic rocks. Its age is considered to be Neocomian and América deposits (Russell et al., 2000). The forma-
it is overlain by Aptian limestone that separates the tion has paleontologic ages of Upper Albian-
formation from the overlying Upper Cretaceous calc- Cenomanian or Aptian-Albian and has island arc
alkaline arc rocks (Russell et al., 2000). This period of tholeiitic to MORB geochemical affinities (Russell et
limestone deposition may correlate with the Hatillo al., 2000). The formation of these deposits is consid-
Limestone Formation in the Dominican Republic, ered to be fore-arc or back-arc basins rather than
which unconformably overlies the Los Ranchos Protocaribbean crust. The Margot and América
Formation and represents a hiatus in volcanic activity deposits are hosted in fault bounded slices of basalt
(Russell and Kesler, 1991). Within the Los Pasos with sediment interbeds and brecciated serpentinite
Formation are the massive sulphide deposits of Los respectively (Russell et al., 2000).
Mangos-San Fernando, Antonio and Los Cerros
deposits (Fig. 5, Table 1). The deposits appear to be at Encrucijada (Bahia Honda) Formation
a similar stratigraphic level and are associated with The Bahia Honda district, in Cuba, is an Early to
felsic pyroclastic rocks (Russell et al., 2000). Late Cretaceous ophiolite complex. Mafic volcanic-
The Los Mangos-San Fernando deposit (Fig. 1; hosted copper-rich VMS deposits occur in the Bahia
Table 1) occurs as massive to semi-massive sulphide Honda ophiolite complex, Encrucijada Formation, in
deposits in the Lower Cretaceous Los Pasos the eastern part of western Cuba (Fig. 5). These
Formation. The deposit is at the stratigraphic contact deposits include the Buena Vista, Júcaro,
between a footwall felsic lapilli-ash tuff and a hang- Cacarajícaro, Mendieta and Yagruma (Fig. 5; Table
ingwall basaltic tuff (Bottrill et al., 2000). The 1), which are described as lenses and stock-work
Antonio deposit (Table 1), has a dacitic tuff as its veins of pyrite, marcasite and chalcopyrite with less-
footwall and a hangingwall of dacite lavas and flow er sphalerite, pyrrhotite, enargite and bornite, hosted
breccias (Russell et al., 2000). The Los Cerros deposit within mafic to ultramafic flows, sills and sediments
is hosted within felsic rocks (Russell et al., 2000). (Bogdanov et al. 1966; Russell et al., 2000). The geo-
Esperanza Formation chemistry of these host lithologies is consistent with
MORB (Russell et al., 2000) and is believed to repre-
The Guaniguanico block of western Cuba hosts sent obducted oceanic crust. Case et al., (1984) have
several large Sedex deposits and also a number of correlated the Bahia Honda complex with the Sierra
Besshi-type deposits. The most northerly belt of de Santa Cruz ophiolite in Guatemala, which is the
deposits is the Esperanza Formation of Upper Jurassic host to the Oxec VMS deposit.
to Lower Cretaceous age, and includes the Hierro
Mantua orebody and the Juan Manuel - Unión Guatemala
deposits (Fig. 5; Table 1). Copper is the dominant
base metal in this belt and lead-zinc are minor. Sierra de Santa Cruz ophiolite
Mineralization is hosted in limestones and calcareous The Oxec deposit in Guatemala (Petersen and
schists with intercalations of siliciclastic sediments Zantop, 1980; Petersen, 2000) is hosted by pillow
and concordant lenses of basalt to andesite (Russell et lavas, part of the mid-Cretaceous Sierra de Santa Cruz
al., 2000). Although these deposits might also be ophiolite. The deposit is structurally disrupted with
included in the Sedex category, they appear to be the mafic host lithologies structurally juxtaposed
associated with volcanic horizons and may be consid- against the ultramafic lithologies of the ophiolite. The
ered Besshi-type deposits (Kesler et al., 1996). sulphide body itself is structurally disrupted and
cross-cut by post-mineral mafic dykes. Sulphides
consist of massive pyrite pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
(Petersen and Zantop, 1980; Petersen, 2000). formably overlie the Teloloapan subterrane (Sedlock
et al., 1993).
Mexico: Guerrero Terrane VMS deposits in the Teloloapan subterrane occur
The Guerrero Terrane of western Mexico (Fig. 3), in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous arc volcanic
originally defined by Campa and Coney (1983) is the rocks in four districts (Miranda-Gasca, 1995),
largest tectonostratigraphic terrane of Mexico and is - Tizapa-Esmeralda-Santa Rosa
the primary host of the VMS districts. The Guerrero - Azulaquez-Tlanilpa
terrane was initially subdivided into three subterranes - Rey de Plata
(Campa and Coney, 1983) the Teloloapan, - Campo Morado-Suriana
Zihuatanejo and Huetamo. However, recently
(Centeno-García et al., 1993) Zihuatanejo and
Huetamo have been considered a single subterrane.
The Tizapa mine (Fig. 3; Table 1) is a producing
Other subterranes are Fresnillo-Zacatecas, Arcelia,
VMS deposit, operated by Servicios Industriales
Guanajuato and Papanoa-las Ollas-Camalotito (Fig.
Peñoles S.A. de C.V. (Giles and García, 2000). The
3). Most significant in terms of VMS deposits are the
ore bodies are stratabound at or near the contact of
Teloloapan, Fresnillo-Zacatecas, Guanajuato, and the
footwall plagioclase-porhyritic sericitic and or chlo-
Zihuatanejo-Huetamo subterranes.
rite schists interpreted as a bi-modal andesitic-rhy-
Teloloapan Subterrane olitic sequence. The immediate footwall is interpreted
to be a felsic tuff of variable thickness. The deposit is
The Teloloapan subterrane is dominated by calc-
strongly deformed with west verging folding and
alkaline mafic volcanics, with lesser felsic volcanic
imbricate thrust faults (Lewis and Rhys, 2000). The
rocks intercalated with greywacke-shales and lime-
hangingwall sequence consists of locally carbona-
stones (Talavera et al., 1993). Fossils yield Late
ceous phyllite and limestone (Lewis and Rhys, 2000).
Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ages; no older basement
The mineralogy of the deposit is massive pyrite with
rocks are recognized (Campa and Coney, 1983). This
sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, sulfosalts and rare
assemblage is metamorphosed up to greenschist
stannite (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). The Esmeralda lens
facies and is often strongly deformed. Age relation-
is located about 1 km Northeast of the Tizapa mine
ships are grossly constrained by biostratigraphy of
and may occupy a higher stratigraphic interval than
interlayered reefal limestones giving a general age of
the Tizapa deposit.
Hauterivian-Aptian, Aptian- Albian (Campa and
Coney, 1983). The Teloloapan subterrane is interpret- Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area
ed as a calc-alkaline volcanic arc complex, composed The Azulaquez-Tlanipa area consists of at least 15
of at least three lithotectonic elements (Monod et al., sulphide occurrences (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). The
1993). deposit area is underlain by a bi-modal sequence of
- Paleozoic or Triassic metavolcanic and metasedi- calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and intercalated sedi-
mentary rocks of the Tierra Caliente complex and ments (Rhys et al., 2000). The lower portions of the
the Taxco Schist that forms the structural or strati- stratigraphy are mafic volcanic rocks overlain by sili-
graphic basement clastic sediments that form the immediate footwall to
- Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous andesitic to the massive sulphides. The hangingwall to the mas-
rhyolitic volcanic and sedimentary rocks that sive sulphides are felsic tuffs.
unconformably overly the basement assemblages.
- Mid-Upper Cretaceous limestones and clastic sediments. Rey de Plata
The Rey de Plata deposit (Fig. 3; Table 1) is oper-
Lower Tertiary felsic-intermediate volcanic and ated by Servicios Industriales Peñoles S.A. de C.V.
clastic rocks and Neogene to Quaternary volcanic (Giles and García, 2000). The Rey de Plata area has
rocks of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt uncon- several sulphide lenses and ore bodies the largest of
which is the Tehuixtla followed by the Rey de Plata Peñoles S.A. de C.V. between 1925-1942 producing
and Antares lenses, all of which are inferred to be high grade gold, silver and lead ore from oxidized
hosted at the same stratigraphic interval. Two small material (Giles and García, 2000). The deposit is hosted
lenses, Virgo and Libra, are at a higher stratigraphic in a dominantly andesitic volcanic sequence with vol-
interval (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). The immediate foot- umetrically minor dacite which is the immediate foot-
wall is andesitic volcanic rocks which are con- wall to the sulphides. The hangingwall consists of
formably overlain by felsic volcanic rocks interbed- variably calcareous sandstones and fine grained clas-
ded with black shales. Fine grained siliclastic sedi- tic sediments.
ments are overthrust on the volcanic sequence. Felsic
volcaniclastic rocks generally immediately underlie Zihuatanejo-Huetamo Subterrane
the sulphides and fine grained sediments form the The Zihuatanejo subterrane is made up of a series
immediate hangingwall. The mafic and felsic rocks of complexes. The oldest of which is the Arteaga
from the immediate mine stratigraphy are enriched in Complex that represents the basement upon which the
LREE and depleted in HREE indicating an evolved arc was built. The Arteaga complex is comprised of
island-arc origin (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). The up to 60 % sedimentary rocks and the rest mafic
Tehuixtla lens is hosted in felsic volcanic rocks flows/intrusions and diorite intrusions. The Arteaga
altered to a quartz-sericite pyrite assemblage and is complex has Triassic aged radiolarian chert. The arc
zoned with a pyrite, chalcopyrite lower lens and a sequence, developed on the Arteaga complex, con-
sphalerite, sulfosalt, galena dominated upper zone, sists of a sequence of sediments and volcanic rocks.
capped by a thin jasper layer (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). Magmatism is dated between 137-71.3 Ma (Ruiz and
Centeno Garcia, 2000).
Campo Morado
The Campo Morado (Fig. 3; Table 1) volcanogenic Cuale
massive sulphide deposits occur in a lower The Cuale District (Fig. 3; Table 1) is hosted by a
Cretaceous, bimodal, calc-alkaline volcanic sequence north-south elongated window, or roof pendant,
in a northerly trending belt in the Guerrero Terrane in which consists of Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary
northeastern Guerrero, Mexico. More then 20 mas- rocks, and is roughly 25 by 5 km in size (Hall and
sive sulphide lenses are recognized in the sequence Gomez-Torres, 2000c). Within this window are two
(Miranda-Gasca, 1995; Oliver et al., 2000). At Campo felsic complexes that host the massive sulphide
Morado, massive sulphide deposits occur in a deposits of the Cuale and El Bramador Districts. The
sequence of felsic to intermediate flows and tuffs, and Cuale District consists of nineteen deposits that are
heterolithic fragmental rocks. Many deposits occur in past producers, plus an additional six that received
the area and at least four of these have had sufficient work in the past and may have recorded some minor
work to develop a resource figure (Oliver et al., production. The total aggregate production is just
2000). Most of the deposits are in the upper part of the over 2 million tonnes of sulphide (Hall and Gomez-
felsic sequence or at the contact with stratigraphically Torres, 2000c; Giles and García, 2000). The Cuale
overlying, fine-grained chemical and clastic sedimen- district is hosted by the Zihuatanejo subterrane which
tary rocks. The age of the felsic section is constrained generally consists of calc-alkaline andesitic to rhy-
by preliminary U-Pb data to be approximately 145 Ma olitic volcanics and interbeds of sediments. The
or Lowest Cretaceous. Limited paleontology data deposits are hosted in a lower Cretaceous felsic vol-
support a Lower Cretaceous age for the sedimentary canic sequence with a dacitic footwall generally
rocks in the section (Oliver et al., 2000). occurring as flows or intrusions. The immediate host
to the massive sulphides is the “ore-zone pyroclas-
Suriana tics” consisting of fine tuff, lapilli tuff and breccias
The Suriana deposit is located 5 km south of the that are intercalated with the shale beds. The lapilli tuff
Campo Morado district (Fig. 3; Table 1). The deposit fragments are generally dacitic, however, fragments of
was operated sporadically by Servicios Industriales
andesite, schist, mudstone and pumice have been consists of mafic, with lesser felsic, volcanic rocks
observed. The estimated thickness of this unit is interbedded with sandstone, chert and limestone.
thought to be a maximum of 300 m. The hangingwall VMS deposits in the Fresnillo-Guanajuato subter-
consists of dacitic tuffs (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). rane occur in both the Triassic basement and the
The El Bramador district is located about 10 km Cretaceous arc volcanics (Miranda-Gasca, 1995).
SW of the Cuale district and has seen minor produc- Deposits inferred to be hosted by the Triassic base-
tion in the 1800’s. Deposits in this district occupy a ment assemblage have been described previously and
similar stratigraphic interval at the top of a felsic consist of the Francisco I Madero and Los
sequence and are hosted by, or interlayered with, fine Gavilanes/Guanajuato areas. Deposits in the
grained sediments (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). Cretaceous arc include the San Nicolás deposit
Several sulphide deposits occur in the Cuale-El described below.
Bramador area such as the La América mine, El Rubí,
and El Desmoronado (Table 1). These sulphide lenses San Nicolás
are hosted in an analogous stratigraphic position as The San Nicolás deposit (Fig. 3; Table 1) is host-
the Cuale and El Bramador districts with a felsic foot- ed in an assemblage of marine volcanic and sedimen-
wall and sedimentary hangingwall (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). tary rocks of Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous age
known as the Chilitos Formation (Johnson et al, 2000;
La Minita de Cserna 1976). Rocks of this assemblage include
The La Minita deposit (Fig. 3; Table 1) was mined deformed and lower greenschist-facies felsic to mafic
by Servicios Industriales Peñoles S.A. de C.V., during flows, volcaniclastic rocks, chert, limestone and clas-
the 1970’s through to the 1990’s (Giles and García, tic sedimentary strata that form isolated exposures in
2000). The lower most stratigraphic unit in the imme- an area largely covered by Quaternary sediments.
diate mine area is a lower andesite to basalt sequence From the few faunal assemblages that have been stud-
which is overlain by felsic volcanic rocks that host the ied, at least part of the Chilitos Formation falls in the
baritic lenses. The hangingwall sequence consists of Tithonian to Hauterivian age range (Johnson et al.,
sandstones, shales and reefal limestones (Ortigoza- 2000), or approximately 152-124 Ma.
Cruz, 1988; Giles and García, 2000). The main The San Nicolás deposit is hosted within volcanic
deposit at La Minita is Vulcano, which is domal in and fine grained sedimentary rocks of the Chilitos
shape and reaches a maximum thickness of 70 m. Formation (Johnson et al., 2000). Felsic flow dome
Several smaller lenses are also recognized at the same complexes, hosted within a mafic volcanic and sedi-
stratigraphic interval. Magnetite replacement bodies ment complex, form intervals up to 300 m thick and
are hosted at the same startigraphic interval as the are the immediate footwall to sulphide mineralization
baritic lenses and grade laterally into sedimentary at San Nicolás. Stratigraphic interpretations indicate
units and tuffs (Ortigoza-Cruz, 1988). two levels of mineralization that merge at the south-
eastern part of the deposit. Hangingwall units consist
The Fresnillo-Guanajuato Subterrane of black mudstones and mafic flows and sills
The oldest unit recognized of the Fresnillo- (Johnson et al., 2000).
Guanajuato subterrane is the Triassic Zacatecas
Formation, which likely represents the basement Peru-Ecuador
assemblages, upon which the arc sequences were built Extension and associated volcanism and sedimen-
(Ruiz and Centeno-Garcia, 2000). The sequence was tation began in the Late Jurassic and continued until
deformed and metamorphosed prior to the develop- the Late Cretaceous in marginal basins along the
ment of the Cretaceous arc assemblage. The Zacateas western margin of Peru and Ecuador. Three distinct
Formation is tectonically overlain by the Cretaceous but interconnected sub-basins are recognized; the
arc volcanics (Ruiz and Centeno-Garcia, 2000). The Loncones, Huarmey and Cañete basins (Fig. 6). These
arc sequence in the Fresnillo-Guanajuato subterrane basins extend north into Ecuador where volcanism,
coeval with the Lacones basal sequence, are recog- width and is the main constituent of the Cordillera
nized in the Macuchi and Célica formations that host Occidental. The formation, with a minimum thickness
massive sulphide deposits (Macellari, 1988). of 8,000 m, is composed mainly of fine grained
In general the depositional environment of the marine sediments interbedded with mafic volcanic
western part of the basins was influenced by volcan- intervals. The Macuchi Formation is conformably
ism where the eastern part of the basin generally lacks overlain by the Silante Formation (O’Dowd, 1999).
volcanic activity and is characterized by siliciclastic Many sulphide occurrences occur within the Macuchi
and carbonate platform sedimentation (Steinmüller et Formation, the most important of them are the La
al., 2000). The tectonic environment of these basins is Plata and Macuchi deposit, which geologically are
generally characterized as rifted continental marginal similar but are separated by about 60 km. The hang-
basins (Jaillard et al., 1990). ingwall to the La Plata deposit is massive to brecciat-
The Lancones basin, in northern Peru hosts ed andesite locally with hematite and jasper intervals
deposits in the Tambo Grande district. The Lacones near the mineralization. The footwall to the sulphides
basin can be extended intermittently northwards appears to be brecciated dacites-andesites, strong
through Ecuador where it is coeval with the Macuchi hydrothermal alteration makes this identification
and Célica formations that host the La Plata and the uncertain. Sulphides are massive to semimassive
Macuchi massive sulphide deposits (Macellari, 1988; pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and lesser galena bor-
O’Dowd, 1999). The Huarmey basin hosts the Maria nite and chalcocite (O’Dowd, 1999; Chiaradia and
Teresa deposit and the Cañete basin hosts, the major- Fontboté, 2000).
ity of Peruvian VMS deposits including; the Aurora
Augusta, Perubar, Palma, Balducho, Raul, and Cerro Huarmey and Cañete basins
Lindo (Vidal, 1987; Steinmüller et al., 2000). The Huarmey and Cañete basins (Fig. 6; Table 1)
hosts several baritic zinc deposits in the Casma
Lacones Basin Group. The Casma Group comprises a 6,000 to 9,000
The Tambo Grande series of deposits (Fig. 6; m thick sequence of submarine volcanic rocks and
Table 1) are located in the Lancones basin, hosted interbedded sediments ranging from about Albian to
within the pre-mid Cretaceous Ereo Formation. Cenomanian in age (Vidal, 1987). The western facies
Several deposits are known and are currently the sub- of the Casma Group consists of basaltic to andesitic
ject of a feasibility study; these include the TG-1, TG- volcanics and derived sediments with lesser sedimen-
3 and B5 (Table 1). These deposits are proximal to tary interbeds (Vidal, 1987). The eastern facies is
dacitic domes and associated volcaniclastic rocks characterized by a sequence of andesitic to dacitic
emplaced within tholeiitic to transitional subalkaline volcanics and derived sediments with lenses of shale
volcanic rocks (Tegart et al., 2000). Synvolcanic and limestone.
faults and subbasins localized the distribution of vol- The María Teresa deposit is located with the
canic rocks and accumulations of the sulphides. The Huarmey basin and is hosted by felsic tuffs of the
Tambo Grande deposits represent some of the largest Lower Cretaceous Casma Group (Vidal, 1987;
accumulations of sulphides ever discovered, compa- Steinmüller et al., 2000). The mineralization consists
rable with deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The of pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite lenses along
oxide cap at TG1, is the host to significant gold and with stratabound baritic zones up to 12 m thick. María
silver mineralization, and likely represents a primary Teresa is the only VMS occurrence known in the
seafloor oxide precipitate (Tegart et al., 2000). Huarmey basin (Steinmüller et al., 2000).
The Macuchi Formation (Fig. 6) is an Upper The Aurora Augusta deposit is hosted in the west-
Cretaceous-Eocene aged basin located along the ern facies of the Casma Group. The deposit consists
western flank of the north-south trending Cordillera of fine grained monomineralic barite (Vidal, 1987;
Occidental of central Ecuador. The Macuchi Steinmüller et al., 2000).
Formation forms a N-S trending belt about 50 km in The Perubar area collectively comprises the
82° 78° 74° towards the top of the lens. The sulphide-barite lens-
La Plata es are underlain by a stockwork zone that is strongly
silicified and consists of pyrite and sphalerite veinlets
and disseminations (Vidal, 1987; Polliand and
2° Fontboté, 2000; Steinmüller et al., 2000).
The Palma deposit is hosted by rocks of the east-
ern facies of the Casma Group. The deposit is zoned,
Tambo Grande rocks are mafic volcaniclastic rocks with lesser shales
and limestones (Vidal, 1987; Steinmüller et al., 2000).
The Cerro Lindo deposit is also hosted in the Casma
Group forming a large baritic sulphide lense at the
lithologic contact between mafic volcanic rocks and
pelagic sediments (Ly, 2000).
María Teresa
drilling has intersected pyrite and chalcopyrite-rich
Aurora Augusta
Perubar massive sulphides hosted by massive basaltic flows
Lima Palma
Cerro Lindo that the basalts are similar to MORB (Donnelley and
A 16
Precambrian (8) B 40 Mesozoic (43)
Mesozoic (43) 35
10 25
8 20
Precambrian (8)
6 Cenozoic (2) 15
4 10
Phanerozoic (2)
1.5 5
Phanerozoic (2) Cenozoic (2)
1.3 0.4
0 0
Tonnes Silver
Tonnes Gold
Precambrian (8)
123 10,000
0 0
Figure 8. A. Average size of deposits by age group (Table 1). B. Pounds of contained base metal by age group (Table 1).
C. Tonnes of contained gold by age group (Table 1). D. Tonnes of contained silver by age group (Table 1)
Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The average size of apparent metal content and size is likely a reflection
Precambrian deposits is 14.4 Mt based on an average of the high prospectivity of the younger arc rocks as
of 8 deposits where the average size of the Mesozoic well as a general lack of exploration in the
deposits is 12.5 Mt based on an average of 43 Precambrian terranes for base metal deposits. The
deposits. The sum of the contained metal (Fig. Lower Cretaceous rocks are very prospective for
8B,C,D) shows that the bulk of the resources are in VMS deposits, they tend to be associated with local
the Mesozoic rocks however the Precambrian accumulations of felsic volcanic rocks in submarine
deposits have a total of 12.2 million pounds of base environments which are excellent localities to form
metals from 8 deposits, or an average of 1.5 million polymetallic deposits. These deposits make excellent
pounds of base metals per deposit. The Mesozoic exploration targets and have a relatively long history
deposits have a total of 36.7 million pounds of con- of exploration and development particularly in the
tained metal from a total of 43 deposits, or an average Caribbean and Mexico. As a result there are many
of 850,000 pounds per deposit. VMS occurrences in these young rocks and the aver-
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Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
The Guerrero terrane in western Mexico is one of the largest accreted terranes of oceanic affinity
in the north American Cordillera and thus is an important exploration target for massive sulphide
deposits. Small but economic deposits have been exploited in the past which has led to recent dis-
coveries of larger gold-rich deposits. The diversity of deposits in the Guerrero terrane is the result of
the complex geology consisting of accreted composite arc and back-arcs.
The basement of the Guerrero terrane is the Artega Complex and consists of pillow lavas with mid-
ocean ridge chemistry and juvenile isotopic compositions. Chert associated with the pillowed basalt
contains poorly preserved radiolarians of Triassic age. The Arteaga Complex also contains large vol-
umes of greenschist to lower amphibolite metasedimentary rocks that derived their sediments from a
Grenville age source, which was likely nuclear Mexico. Overlying the Arteaga complex is a mostly
Cretaceous sequence of marine limestone interbedded with intermediate volcaniclastic rocks. These
rocks represent the bulk of the Guerrero terrane and delineate an arc that was off the coast of western
Mexico in the Cretaceous. Recent tectonic models suggest that there was a significant basin between
Mexico and the incipient Guerrero terrane. Accretion of the Guerrero terrane occurred post Jurassic
and deformation occurred during the Laramide Orogeny. After the accretion, the Guerrero terrane was
affected by Cretaceous and Tertiary magmatism that is part of the Sierra Madre Occidental and Trans
Mexican Volcanic Arcs.
Because of the oceanic nature of the terrane, as well as extensive and varied magmatic history that
affected the original arc rocks, the Guerrero terrane has been considered an important target for many
kinds of ore deposits including skarns, polymetallic veins and volcanogenic massive sulphide
deposits. More than 60 volcanogenic massive sulphide and sedimentary exhalative occurences have
been recognized in the Guerrero terrane, most of which have been categorized as Kuroko-type Zn-Pb-
Cu. The deposits range from less than 100,000 metric tonnes to 75 million tonnes at San Nicolás.
J-K arc-related rocks ter
CV ne
Teloloapan subterrane
Arcelia subterrane Puerto Vallarta
subterrane 20 o
subterrane Colima 1 CO CV
Basement units 3 4 5 Taxco
6 B
Arteaga complex Arteaga Mixteco
A 2 terrane
CV (Acatlan complex)
ca terrane
Zacatecas Formation Zihuatanejo
0 200 km Xol
A B Cross section (Figure 2) Acapulco apa
1 Location of Stratigraphic
Columns (Figure 3) 100 o
Figure 1. Location of the Guerrero subterranes, major assemblages and basement units (Arteaga complex and Zacatecas
Formation) (modified from Campa and Coney, 1983, Centeno-Garcia, 1994).
Madre Occidental Volcanic Province and recently assemblage that is known as the Guerrero terrane
with the Trans Mexican Volcanic Arc. Volcanic and (Campa and Coney (1982) or the Guerrero Superterrane
intrusive rocks of these arcs cover and affect large if Baja California is also considered (Dickinson and
portions of the Guerrero terrane.. Lawton, in press). The Guerrero terrane was accreted to
Because many parts of the Guerrero terrane are of nuclear Mexico by arc-continent collision in early
oceanic affinity, massive sulphide deposits have been Cretaceous time (e.g. Ortiz et al., 1991; Freydier et al.,
an obvious exploration target for the region. The com- 1996). Dickinson and Lawton (in review) argue that the
plex history of the Guerrero terrane, which begins in collision occurred around 120 Ma in northern Mexico
the Triassic with a submarine origin near a mid-ocean and around 110 Ma in the south.
ridge, followed by a long lived arc that lasted most of The nomenclature of the Guerrero terrane is com-
the Cretaceous, with intrusion of large magma bodies plex because although the Guerrero terrane consists of
that range from diorite to granodiorite in composition similar lithological units throughout, differences in
and some minor highly peraluminous bodies, allows the chemistry of the igneous rocks, as well as detailed
for a large range of targets that include volcanic mas- variations in lithology and deformation styles indicate
sive sulphide deposits, sedimentary exhalative that the terrane is composite. Initially the Guerrero
deposits, Fe and Au-rich skarns and Tertiary Au-Ag- terrane was subdivided into three subterranes based
polymetallic vein deposits. on these differences. These subterranes are the
Teloloapan, Huetamo and Zihuatanejo subterranes
REGIONAL SETTING OF THE GUERRERO TERRANE (Campa and Coney, 1983). However, recent work
Approximately the western half of Mexico, which shows that the Huetamo and Zihuatanejo subterranes,
includes the peninsula of Baja California is a complex have similar basement rocks and overlying lithologies
but mostly volanogenic Mesozoic and younger arc (Centeno-Garcia et al., 1993a, 1993b; Centeno-
Garcia, 1994) and can probably be considered as a stone that contains some light green chert bands and
single subterrane. remains of recrystalized crinoids. The Arteaga com-
The Teloloapan subterrane, however, has recently plex was originaly deposited as an ocean-floor
been subdivided into two different assemblages – sequence that was deformed and locally metamor-
Teloloapan and Arcelia - because of seemingly differ- phosed during Middle Jurassic time (Centeno-Garcia
ent histories (Talavera-Mendoza et al., 1995). A final et al., 1993a). The chert blocks containing radiolari-
subterrane, named the Arperos Bain by Lapierre et al ans, and isotopic ages of deformation suggest a Late
(1992) and Fresnillo-Guanajuato by Centeno Garcia Triassic to Early Jurassic time of deposition for the
(1993) is exposed in the northeastern most parts of the Arteaga complex.
Guerrero terrane near the cities of Guanajuato, The arc sequence rests in angular unconformity on
Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes as described by Ortiz- the Arteaga complex. Sedimentation began with a
Hernandez et al. (1991), Lapierre et al. (1992), Centeno conglomerate formed by clasts derived from the com-
and Silva-Romo (1993), and Martínez-Reyes (1994). plex. It is followed by interbedded basaltic-andesitic
The Guerrero terrane was deformed and partially and some rhyolitic lava flows, pyroclastic and epi-
metamorphosed during the Laramide Orogeny, which clastic deposits, limestone, and locally evaporites
affected southwestern North America in the (Fig. 3; Pantoja, 1959; Ferrusquia et. al., 1978;
Cretaceous (Campa and Coney, 1983). All the subter- Campa and Ramirez, 1979; Grajales-Nishimura and
ranes are presently limited by thrusts, and constitute Lopez-Infanzón, 1984; Buitron, 1986; Pantoja and
nappes that verge toward the east over nuclear Mexico. Estrada, 1986; Pantoja, 1990). Units of interbedded
shale, sandstone, and conglomerate are found at dif-
GEOLOGY OF THE GUERRERO TERRANE ferent levels in the succession (Fig. 3). These are up
to 2,000 m thick in the Huetamo region. Results from
Zihuatanejo Subterrane the analysis of composition and provenance of these
The Zihuatanejo subterrane is exposed in the sediments are discussed below. The arc was mostly
Huetamo region and along the Pacific Coast of submarine, although some units were deposited on
Mexico (Fig. 1). The oldest unit of this subterrane, transitional and subaereal environments (Pantoja,
and of the whole Guerrero terrane, is the Arteaga 1959; Ferrusquia et. al., 1978; Campa and Ramirez,
Complex (Centeno-Garcia et al., 1993a), that repre- 1979; Buitron, 1986; Pantoja and Estrada, 1986;
sents the basement upon which the arc was built (Fig. Pantoja, 1990, Centeno-Garcia et al., 1993b). The arc
1, 2 and 3). The Arteaga complex is composed up to magmatism along the coast of the Zihuatanejo subter-
60 % sedimentary rocks (Varales Formation and rane is Valanginian to Campanian in age (Grajales-
Jaltomate Member). The Varales Formation consists Nishimura and Lopez-Infanzón, 1984; Buitron,
of siliciclastic turbidites, made up of interbedded 1986), although fossils of Late Jurassic
black shale, quartz-rich sandstone and minor black (Kimmeridgian) age have been reported from the
chert. This formation locally shows intercalations of Huetamo region (Pantoja, 1959). The total thickness
green shales interbedded with thin carbonate beds of of the arc sequence is unknown, at least 3,750 m have
the Jaltomate Member (Centeno-Garcia, 1994). Other been measured from drilling (Grajales-Nishimura and
lithologies, associated with the Varales Formation, are Lopez-Infanzón, 1984).
basaltic pillow lavas and lava flows, diabase dikes, A melange-like metamorphic complex (Las
and diorite intrusions. Large olistolithic blocks of pre- Ollas), with blueshist-facies, is exposed in
viously deformed rocks are included in the Varales Zihuatanejo (Fig. 1, 2, 3; Vidal-Serratos, 1991;
sediments. These blocks are made up of light-green Talavera-Mendoza, 1993). This unit is Albian in age,
thin to medium bedded chert, that is tightly folded and and it might represent a subduction complex related to
recrystalized. They contain radiolarians of Late the volcanic-arc (Delgado-Argote, 1982; Delgado-
Triassic (Ladinian-Carnian) age. There are also Argote et al., 1990; Vidal-Serratos, 1991; Talavera-
blocks of metamorphosed and recrystallized lime- Mendoza, 1993).
Figure 2. Cross-section A-B (Fig. 1) through the Guerrero terrane showing the structural juxtaposition of the various subterranes.
Maastrichtian 1
Colima 4 6
Campanian Ciudad Teloloapan
2 3 5
Zihuatanejo Arteaga
Senonian Arcelia
Figure 3. Stratigraphic columns of the Guerrero composite terrane (location on Figure 1).
phosed limestone in El Saucito area, east of Zacatecas EVOLUTION OF THE GUERRERO TERRANE
city (Yta et al., 1990). Deep marine sedimentary The oldest rocks of the Guerrero terrane are in the
facies are exposed near Guanajuato city (Fig. 1, 2 and Zihuatanejo subterrane and consist of pillow lavas of
3), where the arc assemblage is made up of pillow basaltic composition. The age of the basalt is thought to
basalts, interbedded with thin bedded siltstone, shale, be Triassic based on poorly preserved radiolaria in
sandstone and some limestone (Ortiz-Hernandez et chert coexisting with the basalt. Overlying and inter-
al., 1991; Lapierre et al., 1992; Martínez-Reyes, mixed with the basalt is a sequence of metamorphic
1994). This subterrane has been interpreted as relicts sedimentary rocks knows as the Arteaga Complex
of an ocean basin (Arperos Basin) in the far-traveled (Centeno-Garcia et al. (1993). The sediments that form
arc models (Lapierre et al., 1992). However, the role the Arteaga Complex are recycled from a Grenville-
of old rocks of the Zacatecas Formation in the age source that presumably was nuclear Mexico since
Arperos basin is not discussed in such models. The all of nuclear Mexico’s basement is of Grenville-age.
boundary between the Sierra Madre and the Fresnillo- Because most of the lithologies of the Guerrero
Guanajuato subterrane is covered by Cenozoic vol- terrane are of magmatic origin, Geochemical analyses
canic rocks (Fig. 1). of the igneous rocks can constrain the tectonic regime
in which the magmatism occurred. The pillow THE VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULPHIDE AND
basalts, which form the base of the Zihuatanejo ter- SEDIMENTARY EXHALATIVE DEPOSITS OF THE
rane, which has the oldest rocks of the Guerrero ter- GUERRERO TERRANE
rane, consists of basalt with mid-ocean ridge isotopic Although we focus mostly with the geology of the
and trace element characteristics. The basalts are Guerrero terrane, here we briefly summarize some of
depleted in light-rare earth elements (LREE) and have the salient features of volcanogenic massive sulphide
initial SNd values of +10 to +6 (Centeno-Garcia et and sedimentary exhalative deposits that have been
al., 1993a, 1993b; Centeno-Garcia, 1994). In con- recognized in this terrane. More than 60 vol-
trast, REE and Nd isotopic signatures of the Jurassic- canogenic massive sulphide and sedimentary exhala-
Cretaceous volcanic rocks suggests that they were tive occurences have been recognized in the Guerrero
formed in an evolved intra-oceanic island arc (Ruíz et terrane by Miranda-Gasca (1995). Most of the
al., 1991; Lapierre, et. al., 1992; Centeno-Garcia et deposits have been categorized as Kuroko-type Zn-
al., 1993a, 1993b; Talavera-Mendoza, 1993; Pb-Cu and are in the Zihuatanejo subterrane. These
Talavera-Mendoza et al., 1993, 1995). Positive initial deposits range from less than 100,000 metric tonnes
ΣNd values for the majority of the Jurassic- up to 75 million at San Nicolás (Johnson et al. 2000).
Cretaceous volcanic rocks, and most of the Tertiary Miranda-Gasca (1995) shows that there are four
granitoids are positive (ΣNd +2 to +8) (Schaaf, 1990; groups of deposits in the States of Guerrero and
Ortiz-Hernandez et al, 1991; Lapierre et al., 1992; Mexico. These are the Campo Morado-Suriana,
Centeno-Garcia et al, 1993a), indicating little or no Azulaquez, Tizapa and Rey de Plata. In western
assimilation of old crust by the magmas. Jalisco there is another group of deposits around
Dickinson and Lawton (in review) have evaluated Cuale. Scattered occurrences of deposits deposits
the paleogeography of the Guerrero terrane and its exist in Zacatecas, Guanajuanto and Michoacan. Very
relationship with North America. The Guerrero arc is few volcanogenic massive sulphides have been eco-
thought to have been formed with a large basin nomical in the Guerrero terrane. Among the most
between it and nuclear Mexico. The oceanic basin notable are Cuale, which was exploited mostly for sil-
must have closed in Late Cretaceous time (Tardy et al, ver, La Minita, which first produced barite but then
1991a; 1991b, 1994; Lapierre, et. al., 1992; Dickinson was mined for polymetallic ore, Tizapa, and the small
and Lawton, in review). This model is in contrast to deposits El Rubi, Campo Morado, El Faisan, Suriana,
that of other authors that have suggested that the Santa Rosa and Calmalli. These deposits were eco-
Guerrero terrane represents a marginal arc (Campa nomic mainly because of silver production from oxi-
and Ramirez, 1979), which developed relatively close dized ore.
to the continent. Some authors (de Cserna, 1978; The shale of the volcanogenic massive sulphide
Elias-Herrera and Sanchez-Zavala, 1990) have also deposits is generally conformable with a stockwork at
proposed that the presence of continental crust the base. However some important deposits that have
beneath the Guerrero terrane means that the terrane is been considered as volcanogenic massive sulphides,
of continental affinity and that it may represent a such as Tizapa, Aurora, San Ignacio and Arroyo Seco
facies change from miogeoclyne to eugeoclyne from do not seem to have a stockwork zone at their base.
east to west in Mexico. The work by Centeno-Garcia Generally there seems to be mineralogical and chem-
et al. (1993) on the basement of the Guerrero terrane ical zoning of the deposits that are Pb-Ag at the top of
and the recent review of the geology of Mexico by the lenses and are Cu-rich at their bases.
Dickinson and Lawton (in review) strongly suggest
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Farallon Resources Ltd., 1020 - 800 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 2V6
The Campo Morado precious-metal-bearing, volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits occur in a
Lower Cretaceous, bimodal, calc-alkaline volcanic sequence in a northerly trending belt in the
Guerrero Terrane, northeastern Mexico. During Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary greenschist-
facies regional metamorphism, the rocks were deformed strongly into a northeast-verging fold-and-
thrust belt. Three later stages of weak deformation were dominated by kink-folds, broad warps, and
extensional faults respectively. Most massive sulphide deposits occur in the upper part of a sequence
of felsic flows and heterolithic volcanoclastic rocks or at its contact with overlying chert and argillite-
sandstone. The Reforma and El Rey massive sulphide deposits are on the overturned limb of a major,
thrusted anticline, and the Naranjo, El Largo, Estrella de Oro and El Profundo massive sulphide
deposits are to the south on the upright limb of the same major fold. The La Lucha, San Rafael and
G9 massive sulphide occurrences are in an upper plate to the southwest which was thrusted over the
plate containing the Naranjo, El Largo, Estrella de Oro and El Profundo deposits. In most of the
deposits, Au, Ag, Zn and Pb are concentrated near the stratigraphic top, and Cu is concentrated near
the stratigraphic base. Major minerals are pyrite, quartz, ankerite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena.
Minor minerals are tennantite-freibergite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. Gold and silver occur in argent-
ian gold, and silver also occurs in tennantite-freibergite. The cumulative inferred resource of massive
sulphide for the Reforma, Naranjo, El Rey and El Largo deposits exceeds 30 Mt, with the latter two
deposits incompletely delineated. Underlying pyrite-quartz stockwork zones contain chalcopyrite,
chlorite and sphalerite. Hydrothermal alteration minerals in the stratigraphic footwall are pyrite,
quartz, chlorite, ferroan dolomite and ankerite. In the stratigraphic hangingwall, hydrothermal alter-
ation minerals are sericite, calcite-dolomite and lesser clay minerals and quartz. The deposits belong
to a volcanogenic massive sulphide system formed in a subaqueous environment, and are of the
bimodal, siliciclastic type.
Table 1 Inferred resources for the Reforma and historic Naranjo deposits*
Deposit Tonnes Au g/t Ag g/t Cu % Pb %
Reforma 8,593,000 2.26 127 1.04 -
(includes) 2,700,000 4.87 247 1.14 -
Historic Naranjo
low grade pyrite 198,000 0.96 60 1.03 -
silica sand ore 123,000 1.37 103 - -
lead ore 24,000 23.66 627 - 8.8
iron oxide ore 81,000 2.68 278 - 0.2
*Unpublished report by O.R. Whitaker (1912) to the Canadian Agency Ltd., managers of the Reforma Syndicates.
of 16 massive sulphide occurrences in the Campo Huetamo. The district is bounded to the east by the
Morado area. Mixteco Terrane, to the west by the Sierra Madre
In late 1995, Farallon Resources Ltd. began an Occidental and to the north by the Trans-Mexican
intensive geological and geochemical exploration Neogene Volcanic belt (Fig. 1). The Teloloapan sub-
program at Campo Morado. This program included terrane is a deformed Lower Cretaceous sequence
regional and detailed geological mapping and multi- which includes bimodal volcanic rocks, platform car-
element soil-geochemical surveys. Emphasis was bonate, quartz sandstone, shale and siltstone. The
placed on assessment of the depositional environ- abundance of bimodal volcanic rocks is a main differ-
ment, structural setting, alteration facies and vectors ence between the Teloloapan sub-terrane and the other
and the geochemical characteristics of prospective two major sub-terranes, which have a higher percent-
host units. From June 1996 to June 1998, a core- age of volcanoclastic and clastic sedimentary rocks.
drilling program totaled 64,200 m in 320 holes. This The evolution and origin of the Guerrero Terrane
included definition drilling of the Reforma deposit, is in dispute. Campa and Coney (1983) described it as
the discovery and definition of the Naranjo deposit, an allochthonous block of Upper Jurassic to Lower
and the discovery and partial definition of the El Cretaceous, volcano-sedimentary island-arc-derived
Largo and El Rey deposits and the discovery of the rocks, which formed an accretionary prism onto the
Estrella de Oro and G9 zones. Detailed geological, western margin of the Mexican craton in Campanian-
gravity, soil and geophysical surveys continue to Eocene time. Freydier et al. (1993) proposed a similar
define the resource potential of the district. Estimates geodynamic model for the evolution of the Guerrero
of grade and tonnage of the Reforma, El Rey, Naranjo Terrane as a long-lived island arc, isolated from con-
and El Largo deposits are shown in Table 2. tinental Mexico by an oceanic basin, the Arperos
Metallurgical, engineering, environmental and infra- Basin. The allochthonous nature of the terrane, and
structure studies are in progress to quantify the mine- even the existence of the terrane, was questioned by
able resources. Lang et al. (1996), who found no evidence for the
bounding faults which had been defined by other
REGIONAL GEOLOGY workers to separate the sub-terranes. A more-
The Campo Morado district is in the Sierra Madre autochthonous origin was suggested by Centeno-
del Sur range in the north-central part of the state of Garcia et al. (1993) on the basis of the presence of
Guerrero, Mexico, 160 km south-southwest of cratonic-derived clastic sedimentary detritus in the
Mexico City at elevations ranging from 600 to 1600 Guerrero stratigraphic record.
m. The district occurs in the Guerrero Terrane; a large, During the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene,
fault-bounded composite terrane defined by Campa Laramide age orogenesis, the region was deformed
and Coney (1983), which contains three main sub-ter- into a north-northeast verging fold and thrust belt and
ranes defined as Teloloapan, Zihuantenejo, and was metamorphosed to sub-greenschist to greenschist
facies (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). The total amount of heterolithic fragmental rocks. Precious metal-rich
crustal shortening due to folding and thrust faults was massive sulphide deposits are defined as containing
60 km (Lang et al. 1996). gold greater than 2 g/t and/or silver greater than 100
g/t (Fig. 6.4-1 in Poulsen and Hannington, 1996).
PROPERTY GEOLOGY Preliminary geological descriptions of these deposits
At Campo Morado, precious-metal-bearing, vol- have been presented by Oliver et al. (1998). Most of
canogenic massive sulphide deposits occur in a the deposits are in the upper part of the felsic pile or
sequence of felsic to intermediate flows and tuffs, and at the contact with stratigraphically overlying, fine-
Table 2 Inferred resources for the Reforma, El Rey, Naranjo and El Largo deposits
Deposit Tonnes Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Specific
(Millions) (g/t) (g/t) % % % Gravity
Reforma 11.9 1.90 117 0.71 0.75 2.06 3.62
(including) 4.2 4.28 227 0.78 1.47 3.87 3.88
Naranjo 9.7 1.40 69 0.76 0.51 1.91 4.14
(including) 2.6 3.04 138 0.94 1.29 3.94 -
El Rey 3.7 1.35 74 0.48 0.53 2.38 4.18
(including) 1.4 2.73 138 0.47 1.10 4.29 -
El Largo 3.8 1.19 67 0.66 0.46 2.45 4.08
(including) 1.5 1.33 108 0.78 0.77 4.35 -
Total 29.0 1.57 89 0.69 0.60 2.10
(including) 9.6 3.27 172 0.78 1.26 4.02
Sierra Madre
Trans-Mexican Volcanic belt Fresnillo
Guerrero Terrane Zacatecas
Bimodal volcanic and clastic/carbonate sedimentary rocks Sierra Madre
Guerrero Subterranes Occidental
1 Zihuatanejo
2 Huetamo
3 Arcelia Guadalajara 6
4 Teloloapan
5 Fresnillo - Zacatecas Transmexican
6 Guanajuato
1 Mexico City
7 Papanoa - Las Ollas - Camalotito
Guerrero Basement
A Arteaga fic Sierra Madre 2 Campo Morado
B Placeres
Mixteco Terrane an 1 4
metamorphic rocks
Sierra Madre Oriental Acapulco
limestone, shale, sandstone 0 150 300 Kilometres
PRECAMBRIAN TO MESOZOIC Modified after Coney and Campa, 1987
Sierra Madre Occidental
deformed basement
Figure 1. Regional geology and location of the Campo Morado VMS deposit
grained chemical and clastic sedimentary rocks. lower Cretaceous, upper Valanginian to lower
Surface geology (Fig. 2) based on mapping by Hauterivian (Haggart, 1997). The Hinge fault, a major
Farallon geologists consists of five major lithostrati- thrust fault, separates this block from a lower over-
graphic units or formations. The age of the felsic sec- turned block containing rocks of the Campo Morado
tion is constrained by preliminary U-Pb data to be Felsic Volcanic unit and the Reforma massive sul-
approximately 145 Ma or Lowest Cretaceous. phide deposit. At the Naranjo deposit, only the
Limited paleontology data also suggests Lower upright top of the Reforma Sedimentary unit was
Cretaceous ages of the sedimentary rocks in the sec- intersected in drill core. This top portion is dominated
tion. Stratigraphic positions of some of these forma- by calcareous argillite, cherty argillite and minor
tions are uncertain, mainly because of incomplete wacke. It overlies a thick interval of limestone
knowledge of the early deformation. exposed to the east, and conformably underlies rocks
of the Campo Morado Felsic Volcanic unit.
La Cañita Volcanic Unit
This unit of felsic to intermediate volcanic and Campo Morado Felsic Volcanic Unit
volcanoclastic rocks occurs southeast of the pueblo of The lithology and internal stratigraphy of this unit
Campo Morado. At the northwestern end, lenses of are variable, and the thickness varies up to a few hun-
massive chert and siliceous rhyolitic flow occur. dred metres, being thickest in the cores of felsic
Along strike to the southeast, the flow contains 3-7 % domes. In the Naranjo deposit area, a layer of chert
plagioclase phenocrysts and locally up to 7 % quartz and cherty argillite up to 10 m in thickness occurs
phenocrysts. Farther southeast is a zone of massive along the lower contact. In general, the lower two-
volcanic wacke. To the northeast is a porphyritic thirds of the section is dominated by massive felsic to
intermediate flow or subvolcanic intrusion, in part intermediate flow and dome complexes, and by lesser
altered moderately to strongly to ankerite. At the amounts of lapilli tuff and lenses of heterolithic vol-
structural top of the unit, to the southwest, a mixed canic rock. The flows and domes range from massive
zone of felsic and intermediate tuff and wacke are to auto-brecciated to strongly brecciated; the last
interlayered with argillite and one 10 m interval of grades into volcanoclastic fragmental rocks with
fine to coarse, pebble conglomerate dominated by abundant juvenile fragments of felsite flow and minor
fragments of felsic volcanic rocks. This mixed zone is to moderately abundant exotic fragments, commonly
overlain structurally by a thick interval of limestone of argillite. In domes, the composition grades from
and lesser amounts of argillite, probably at the base of intermediate near the base to felsic near the top.
the Reforma Sedimentary unit. The overall thickness At the Reforma and Naranjo deposits, the upper
of the La Canita Volcanic unit is several hundred metres. part of the unit consists of a clast-supported, het-
erolithic fragmental rock dominated by lapilli-size,
Reforma Sedimentary Unit angular to subrounded fragments of flow material,
The Reforma Sedimentary unit is exposed above less abundant fragments of argillite, chert and silt-
the Hinge fault in the Reforma deposit area and was stone and locally up to 3 % fragments of massive sul-
intersected in drillholes in the lower part of the phide. These are set in a sparse to moderately abun-
Naranjo and El Largo deposits. At Reforma, the strati- dant matrix of silt or fine tuff. Near the top of the sec-
graphic section in the Reforma Sedimentary unit is as tion, this rock grades into a finer heterolithic rock in
follows, from stratigraphic top to bottom: calcareous which fragments are supported in a matrix of silt sized
argillite, phyllitic limestone, rhythmically bedded silt- fine tuff. Minor heterolithic rock also occurs in and
stone-wacke-argillite marker unit and lapilli directly above the massive sulphide bodies. Distal to
tuff/wacke interbedded with argillite and pyritic silt- the volcanic centre at Reforma, the felsic volcanic
stone/argillite. rocks comprise fine- to medium-grained tuff interlay-
A single fossil (Distoloceras) from the western ered with argillite, some of which contains abundant
extremity of the Reforma area is indicative of the fragments of felsite. At the north end of the Naranjo
Zo unmapped
2014000 mN ot
Ck unmapped
- Refo R efo Pueblo
r m a Flt r Campo Morado
ult ul
West NarEan
jo F
lt au
au lt
t 4
2012000 mN
el Fault 6 5
Naranjo C
k. S an
Felsic Subvolcanic Intrusive Rocks
2. El Rey
3. Naranjo
4. Historic Naranjo
5. El Largo
2010000 mN 6. San Rafael
7. Estrella de Oro
8. El Profundo
9. G-9
10. La Lucha
378000 mE
380000 mE
Thrust Fault
0 500 1000 Metres
deposit, outcrops of volcanic rocks consist of altered the Naranjo Sedimentary-(Volcanic) unit and many of
felsic to intermediate flows and lesser tuff, common- the contacts are along moderately dipping faults.
ly with abundant hematite after pyrite.
At the El Largo deposit, a rapid, lateral transition Hypabyssal Intrusive Rocks
is illustrated by the change from flows and domes to The Campo Morado Felsic Volcanic unit and
heterolithic fragmental rocks and massive sulphides, Reforma and Naranjo Sedimentary units were intrud-
and then to distal sedimentary rocks. ed by high-level, massive felsic bodies. One large
body north of and truncated by the Reforma fault con-
Naranjo Sedimentary-(Intermediate Volcanic) tains two members: a plagioclase-phyric latite and a
Unit quartz- and plagioclase-phyric, leucocratic rhyo-
This unit conformably overlies the Campo Morado dacite. At the south end of Guerrerito ridge occurs an
Felsic unit and is at least several hundred metres intrusion of quartz- and plagioclase-phyric, leucocrat-
thick. It contains intervals dominated by quartz sand- ic rhyodacite. The Reforma Sedimentary unit is
stone and quartz siltstone interbedded with others intruded by irregular bodies of hypabyssal, aphanitic,
dominated by siltstone and argillite. The argillite is commonly brecciated felsic bodies, which may have
calcareous in places and grades into argillaceous been intruded into wet sediments. The largest intru-
limestone and, locally limestone. Commonly present sion is structurally above the east side of the Reforma
near quartz sandstone layers are irregular lenses of massive sulphide deposit. These intrusions probably
heterolithic fragmental rock up to 50 m thick. The represent subvolcanic equivalents of the Campo
heterolithic rocks contain angular to subrounded, peb- Morado Felsic Volcanic unit.
ble- to cobble-size fragments of quartz sandstone and
quartz siltstone, with fewer fragments of siltstone and STRUCTURE
argillite, in a groundmass of finely comminuted mate- The deformation patterns are complex. In most out-
rial. The heterolithic rocks may have formed by crops only one major penetrative foliation is present.
slump into fault-bounded basins, some of which may A second (later) foliation is present in a small percent-
represent reactivation of growth faults formed during age of outcrops and is generally weaker than the first.
the development of the Campo Morado Felsic Faulting contributes an added complication to the
Volcanic unit. structural complexity of the area. Large thrust faults
follow the hinge line of large recumbent folds and
Guerrerito Ridge Intermediate Volcanic- allow for stratigraphy reversals. These thrust faults
Subvolcanic Unit have been cut and stepped by a series of normal faults
This unit contains two distinct sub-units of roughly with movements in the order of 100 m. In all, at least
similar composition, which may be related genetically. four periods of deformation has been recognized.
One, consisting of a massive porphyritic flow, occurs A major, penetrative deformation event (D1) is
on Guerrerito and La Lucha ridges. In general, contacts characterized by north-northeast-verging, upright to
are conformable with underlying rocks, but in detail slightly overturned F1 folds and thrust faults. The
they are irregular and along faults. Because the top of axial surface of the largest F1 anticline lies between
the unit was eroded, the overall thickness is unknown. the inverted Reforma and upright Naranjo stratigraph-
On Reforma ridge and north of Pueblo Reforma, a ic sections (Fig. 3, section B-B1). D1 features are
massive unit of andesitic wacke at least 30 m thick irregular and typical of zones containing blocks of
contains scattered angular fragments up to 30 cm highly varied strength. On limbs of folds in incompe-
across of porphyritic andesite flow. Locally, this rock tent rocks, S0 was transposed parallel to S1. In com-
overlies a 1 m thick basal zone of finely bedded green petent rocks, transposition effects are limited and pri-
siltstone and wacke, which also contains scattered mary sedimentary features are preserved. D1 structur-
coarser blocks of porphyritic andesite flow. These al features were deformed slightly to moderately by
rocks overlie thinly bedded siltstone and argillite of later deformation events.
A A’ B B’
Naranjo Fault
1400m Hinge Fault 1400m
Upr ned
C C’
El Rey Fault
1500m rig ne
d 1500m
Up ur
El Largo Naranjo Fault
1250m 1250m
El Rey Reforma
fragmental rock. This fragmental unit thickest in the stratigraphic levels in the Campo Morado Felsic
west-central part of the deposit and absent at either Volcanic unit. Also present are intervals of weak to
end. Below the heterolithic rock occurs massive felsic strong stringer mineralization dominated by quartz
flow, flow-breccia and a minor volcanoclastic unit. and pyrite with less abundant chalcopyrite and spha-
This volcanoclastic unit is also most abundant in the lerite. The upper lens (which includes the historic
centre of the zone and disappears off to the east and Naranjo deposit) is oxidized and strongly leached.
west. Figure 4 shows thicknesses of the Reforma The lower two lenses and related stringer zones sug-
massive sulphide body relative to the Campo Morado gest the presence of a hydrothermal centre beneath the
Felsic Volcanic unit. These spatial relations suggest Naranjo deposit. At the base of the Campo Morado
the presence of a vent zone near 4750E with the mas- Felsic Volcanic unit, the Reforma Sedimentary unit is
sive sulphide body spilling onto the proximal flanks predominantly cherty to calcareous argillite with
of the vent. interbeds of chert. This interval overlies a thick section
of limestone, which is well exposed on to the east.
El Rey Deposit The Naranjo deposit is at the upper contact of the
The El Rey deposit, 200 m southwest of the upright Campo Morado Felsic Volcanic unit with the
Reforma deposit, appears overturned with the mas- overlying Naranjo Sedimentary (Volcanic) unit. This
sive sulphides structurally beneath the Campo is at the same stratigraphic level as the Historic
Morado Felsic Volcanic unit. The stratigraphic and Naranjo deposit. The former consists of felsic flows
structural setting is similar to that of the Reforma and heterolithic fragmental rocks with minor lapilli
deposit. The Hinge fault occurs several metres above tuff and tuff. Above the massive sulphide deposit is a
the structural top of the felsic pile, but is less promi- thin discontinuous zone of heterolithic fragmental
nent than at Reforma. The deposit is cut by exten- rocks overlain by a zone of intermediate lapilli tuff and
sional normal to oblique faults, of which the main tuffaceous siltstone. Directly above this, the Naranjo
one, the El Rey fault, dips northeasterly, with offset Sedimentary (Volcanic) unit is predominantly siltstone
measured in tens of metres. The massive sulphide and argillite. Stratigraphically higher the unit consists
body is compositionally zoned and, like the Reforma of interbedded sandstone and argillite, with two lenses
deposit, has a zone rich in Au, Ag, Zn, and Pb at its of heterolithic fragmental sedimentary rocks.
structural base (stratigraphic top). The Naranjo deposit is an elongate massive sul-
phide lens that thickens to nearly 80 m in a steep-
Naranjo Deposit sided basin near its southern end. Many aspects of the
A train of coarse blocks and boulders of gossan, deposit are similar to those of the Reforma deposit,
ferricrete and strongly hematitic felsic volcanic rocks although metal zonation is not as sharply defined. In
represents the surface exposure of the historic the Naranjo deposit, an upper zone contains high val-
Naranjo deposit. Drillholes in the historic Naranjo ues of Au, Ag, Zn and Pb, a central zone contains low
area intersected lenses of massive sulphides at three to moderate values of Cu, and a lower zone of high
Massive Sulphide
5 60
Felsic Volcanic Unit
15 90
15 30
Figure 4. Reforma deposit massive sulphide and Campo Morado Felsic Volcanic unit Isopachs
values of Cu and rare high values of Zn and Au. basin of massive sulphides suggesting that the former
Northeast of the main massive sulphide body, several area is a vent zone for the hydrothermal solutions
drillholes intersected several metres of bedded to which produced both the stringer zone and the mas-
massive chert interpreted as a distal exhalite associat- sive sulphide deposit.
ed genetically with the massive sulphide body. In
places the along strike transition is rapid from unmin- El Largo Deposit
eralized chert to thick intercepts of massive sulphides. The El Largo deposit occurs in a felsic volcanic
Unlike at Reforma, the chert zone does not extend centre containing a massive steep-sided dome at the
over the top of the main part of the massive sulphide core surrounded by brecciated dome rocks and relat-
body. Beneath the massive sulphide body in het- ed coarse volcanoclastic debris on the flanks. To the
erolithic fragmental rocks and in an underlying felsic south, these rocks grade rapidly outward into a sedi-
flow sequence is a replacement and stockwork alter- mentary basin dominated by argillite. Near the top of
ation and vein system containing pyrite and quartz the volcanic section is a 3 to 5 m thick continuous and
and locally abundant chalcopyrite and chlorite. This stratabound copper mineralized zone in which chal-
stockwork zone is thickest to the north of the main copyrite-pyrite veins, replacements and massive sul-
Minera Teck, S.A. de C.V., Mariano Otero 2347, 3er Piso, Colonia Verde Valle, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 45050
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver,
British Columbia V6T 1Z4
The San Nicolás volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit in southeastern Zacatecas, Mexico, was
discovered in 1997. Exploration in the area in 1996 led to the identification of a small (<1 Mt) mas-
sive sulphide lens on the El Salvador claim, 2 km east of San Nicolás, which was the first VMS dis-
covery in the state of Zacatecas. The focus of exploration was shifted to the San Nicolás area because
a copper showing and host rocks in nearby outcrops suggested that the geology was similar to that at
El Salvador. Following results of a gradient-array induced polarization survey, the first hole drilled to
test a 500 m x 500 m chargeability anomaly in the San Nicolás area intersected 175 m of massive sul-
phides. Subsequent drilling has outlined the largest VMS deposit yet discovered in Mexico, with an
estimated mineral resource of more than 99 million tonnes.
The mineral resource consists of an upper Main Sulphide Zone with a high-grade polymetallic cap
and a copper-rich Lower Sulphide Zone. The Main Sulphide Zone is a northwesterly trending elon-
gate lens of massive sulphides 900 m long, over 200 m wide and up to 280 m thick. The Lower
Sulphide Zone consists of massive to semi-massive sulphides and associated stringers inferred as
being a feeder complex for the Main Sulphide Zone. The Main Sulphide Zone contains estimated
mineable reserves of 75 million tonnes grading 1.40 % Cu, 2.11 % Zn, 0.53 g/t Au and 30 g/t Ag with-
in a preliminary open pit model.
The deposit is hosted in a succession of volcanic and subordinate sedimentary rocks of the Upper
Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous Chilitos Formation. The footwall of the deposit consists of rhyolite flows
and breccias, mafic to intermediate flows and dikes, and siliceous sedimentary rocks. The hanging-
wall is a succession of mafic flows and flow breccias, siliceous to carbonaceous mudstones, volcani-
clastic sediments and minor tuffs. Tertiary volcaniclastic breccias lie unconformably upon the Chilitos
volcanic succession. Sulphide deposition was apparently structurally controlled by a syndepositional
fault and by the steep flank of a rhyolite dome. Lithogeochemistry of the volcanic host rocks indicates
a bimodal chemical distribution with tholeiitic affinities. The San Nicolás deposit is tentatively inter-
preted as having formed in an extensional back-arc setting.
103 00
102 00
102 30
Quaternary Continental Sediments
Tertiary Continental Volcanic and
minor Sedimentary Rocks
Cretaceous-Tertiary Granitic Intrusions
Figure 2
22 30
Real de
22 00
0 25 km
102 00
101 30
Figure 1. Geology of southeastern Zacatecas, modified from Consejo de Recursos Minerales (1992a). Inset shows location of
Zacatecas state.
targets using geophysics, geochemistry and limited subsidiary of Teck Corporation) and Western Copper
drilling. Companies involved during this period were Holdings Ltd. conducted detailed mapping, geochem-
Industrial Minera Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Industrias ical sampling and air-track drilling in 1996, focusing
Luismin, S.A. de C.V., and Minera Santa Fe de on El Salvador and La Virgen copper oxide showings.
Mexico, S.A. de C.V. The possibility that the copper mineralization was
The Consejo de Recursos Minerales (1992b) com- volcanogenic was recognized at this stage but efforts
pleted a report on an oxide copper occurrence at El were focused more on delineating the oxide mineral-
Salvador (Fig. 2) and concluded that the origin and ization than on determining its origin. Diamond
nature of the mineralization was hydrothermal frac- drilling at El Salvador commenced in October 1996
ture filling. Minera Dolores, Angustias y Anexas, and a VMS target was identified when hole SAL-5
S.A. de C.V. explored the El Salvador claim by bull- intersected 2.1 m of massive sulphides grading
dozer trenching in 1994 and uncovered a new zone of 2.07 % Cu, 1.53 % Pb, 16.57 % Zn, 3.68 g/t Au and
copper oxide mineralization, from which they shipped 213 g/t Ag. Further drilling in 1996 and 1997 outlined
several small lots of high-grade copper oxides to a a laterally persistent massive sulphide zone and later-
local smelter. Minera Teck, S.A. de C.V. (the Mexican ally equivalent cherty sedimentary units at the contact
VMS Occurence
Fault 0 1000m
Figure 2. Geology of the El Salvador joint venture area. See Figure 1 for location.
between felsic volcaniclastic rocks and overlying Between October 1996 and March 1997, Teck
andesite flows. A geological resource of approxi- completed reconnaissance prospecting and geochem-
mately 1 Mt was estimated at El Salvador from the 26 ical sampling of the joint venture area concurrently
holes that were drilled, with the most significant mas- with regional mapping at 1:20,000 scale. Airborne
sive sulphide intersection (SAL-12) grading 1.04 % geophysical surveys consisting of magnetics, electro-
Cu, 1.06 % Pb, 5.99 % Zn, 1.98 g/t Au and 196 g/t Ag magnetics, resistivity and radiometrics were also
over 13.3 m. completed during this stage. The mapping program
outlined the general geology of the property and iden- deformed and non-metamorphosed to lower green-
tified geologically favorable targets for further explo- schist-facies felsic to mafic flows, volcaniclastic
ration. Several copper anomalies, including one from rocks, chert, limestone and clastic sedimentary strata
old workings in the El Suavecito area located near that form isolated exposures in an area largely cov-
San Nicolás, were identified by prospecting and con- ered by Quaternary sediments (Fig. 1). Stratigraphic
firmed through assays of rock chip samples. In asso- relationships among the various exposures are uncer-
ciation with the geology and prospecting, results of tain but in common practice the rocks of this assem-
the airborne geophysical surveys helped to prioritize blage are tentatively assigned to the Chilitos
areas for further exploration, including the El Formation. From the few faunal assemblages that
Suavecito (San Nicolás) area. Orientation surveys have been studied, at least part of the Chilitos
were completed over the El Salvador VMS occur- Formation falls in the Tithonian to Hauterivian age
rence to test various ground geophysical methods and range (Cantú-Chapa 1974, Yta 1992), or approxi-
it was determined that time-domain gradient-array mately 152-124 Ma.
induced polarization (IP) gave the best response rela- The Chilitos Formation and related rocks are
tive to cost. In the summer of 1997, approximately 22 exposed along the northeastern edge of the Guerrero
km of gradient-array IP surveys were completed and tectonostratigraphic terrane (Campa and Coney
a large anomaly (500 m by 500 m) characterized by 1983). This composite terrane of predominantly
high chargeability with associated low resistivity was oceanic arc affinity is characterized by Upper Jurassic
detected at San Nicolás. to Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks
Diamond drilling began in the San Nicolás area in and, according to most authors, was accreted to North
November, 1997. The discovery of the Main Sulphide America in mid-Cretaceous time by northeast-direct-
Zone was made in hole SAL-25 at a vertical depth of ed thrusting (Centeno-García et al. 1993, Tardy et al.
205.8 m, with the intersection of massive sulphides 1994). An alternative interpretation is that Triassic
continuing for 179.7 m to a depth of 385.5 m (see Fig. assemblages that constitute the oldest known rocks in
3 for hole locations; all are vertical holes). The struc- this part of the Guerrero terrane were accreted in the
turally and stratigraphically deeper Lower Sulphide Middle or Late Jurassic and the Upper Jurassic –
Zone was intersected in hole SAL-24 at a depth of Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks
403.7 to 458.5 m, a 54.8 m interval. During the peri- were deposited as an overlap assemblage (Sedlock et
od from November 4, 1997, to July 25, 1998, more al. 1993). Northeast-directed thrusting in Late
than 25,600 m of core were drilled in 58 vertical holes Cretaceous to Early Tertiary time resulted in imbrica-
for definition and metallurgical sampling of the San tion of the Chilitos Formation and related rocks with
Nicolás deposit. Attention shifted rapidly to delin- Upper Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous carbonates and
eation of open-pittable reserves and pre-feasibility fine-grained siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the
work, including a geotechnical and hydrological Sierra Madre terrane. Mesozoic volcanic and sedi-
study of the deposit and its hangingwall that was com- mentary assemblages, throughout the region, are
pleted in September, 1998. As this paper goes to press intruded by Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary granite
(February 2000), the Main Sulphide Zone remains to granodiorite plutons and are overlain uncon-
open to the north and the Lower Sulphide Zone is formably by extensive felsic volcanic flows and ash-
open to the west and south. flow tuffs of Tertiary age (Consejo de Recursos
Minerales 1992a).
On the El Salvador property, Upper Jurassic –
The San Nicolás deposit is hosted in an assem- Lower Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks are
blage of marine volcanic and sedimentary rocks of exposed over an area of approximately 30 km2 (Fig.
Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous age that in 2). The rocks include mafic to intermediate flows and
Zacatecas is known as the Chilitos Formation (de related shallow intrusions, rhyolite flows and intru-
Cserna 1976). Rocks of this assemblage include sions, felsic tuffs, and volcaniclastic lithic wackes.
0+0 4+0
0 0N
1+0 2+0
2+0 SAL-58 1+0
0S 0N
N 3+0
SAL-53 0
0+0 Isopachs (m)
4+0 SAL-44 10 50 SAL-50 Diamond
0S 0
SAL-76 SAL-52 Drill Hole
SAL-42 SAL-41
5+0 20 SAL-30 Chargeability
0S SAL-71 0 SAL-73 SAL-39 Anomaly
SAL-31 (>7.5 mV/V)
6+0 SAL-67 SAL-83
0S SAL-25
SAL-74 Line of Section
SAL-40 SAL-70 SAL-32
SAL-75 SAL-84 Figures 4, 7
0S SAL-37 SAL-29
SAL-77 SAL-35
SAL-72 SAL-47
SAL-62 SAL-49
0S SAL-60 SAL-82
10 150 SAL-43
SAL-24 0
SAL-78 50 SAL-57
9+0 SAL-55 SAL-59
0S SAL-45
SAL-36 SAL-51
SAL-85 SAL-87
10+ 0
00S SAL-64 SAL-68
0 200 m
Figure 3. Drillhole locations and isopach map of the Main Sulphide Zone, San Nicolás deposit. Isopach contour interval 50 m.
Mudstone, chert and limestone are intercalated with canic extensional faults and in part postvolcanic (?)
the volcanic units. Tertiary volcaniclastic breccias and strike-slip faults. The geometry and relative ages of
rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs lie in angular unconformity structures throughout the property are currently being
over the Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary succession studied through detailed mapping.
south of the area shown in Figure 2. Most of the prop-
erty is covered with Quaternary alluvium and caliche. GEOLOGY OF THE SAN NICOLÁS DEPOSIT
Stratification in the Mesozoic volcano-sedimenta- The San Nicolás deposit is covered by gently
ry assemblage over most of the property dips gently to northeast-dipping volcanic units and Tertiary brec-
moderately southwestward. Local northeasterly dips cias. Therefore, all interpretations of lithology and
are due in part to northwest-trending folds and in part structural relations in the deposit are based entirely on
to tilting along faults. The assemblage is cut by drill core. Rock descriptions are supplemented by
northerly, northwesterly and westerly striking faults, limited petrography.
most of which are of uncertain age and sense of dis-
placement. Aeromagnetic data show a strong north- Stratigraphy
westerly structural grain across the property, and the The San Nicolás massive sulphides are hosted in
San Nicolás deposit is itself controlled by northwest- volcanic rocks and associated fine-grained sedimenta-
striking structures that are probably, in part, synvol- ry rocks that are tentatively assigned to the Chilitos
Formation. Initial drilling indicated the presence of forms the southwest footwall of the Main Sulphide
two massive sulphide zones at different positions in Zone. The lower part of the rhyolite complex consists
the stratigraphic section. Subsequent drilling has of massive flows that are light to medium grey to light
shown that these zones are separated by up to 200 m green and contain ~5 % phenocrysts of sericitized
in the central part of the deposit, that they are appar- white feldspar 1 to 2 mm long. These flows are over-
ently connected in the southeastern part, and that lain by, and complexly intercalated with, coarse auto-
there are additional smaller tongues or lenses of mas- clastic breccias and flow-laminated rhyolite. The
sive sulphide. Rock units are described below in flow-laminated rhyolite is commonly spherulitic and
ascending stratigraphic order, beginning with the locally perlitic. The breccia clasts are composed of
footwall of the deposit. A section through the deposit massive to flow-laminated rhyolite, are blocky and
is shown in Figure 4. subangular to subrounded and commonly 5 to 15 cm
across. Preliminary petrography indicates that the
Footwall Units breccia clasts are silicified and the matrix is devitri-
The lowermost unit intersected in drilling to date fied with altered glass being replaced by cryptocrys-
consists of black to medium grey graphitic mudstones talline quartz, sericite and locally chlorite. Toward the
with thin laminae and lenses up to 5 cm thick of light top of the rhyolite complex, the breccias generally are
grey, fine-grained siltstone and limestone. The maxi- finer-grained with angular to wispy clasts 1 to 5 cm
mum thickness of this unit drilled to date is 70 m. long composed mostly of recrystallized hyaloclastite
The graphitic mudstones are overlain by mafic (Fig. 5a). The rhyolites are interpreted as representing
flows, associated sills and dikes, and intercalated sed- a submarine flow-dome complex on the basis of the
iments and tuffs that collectively form units up to 120 steep geometry of the upper contact and the complex
m thick (“MVT” unit). The flows are olive green, intercalation of massive to banded flows and auto-
massive, locally amygdaloidal, locally plagioclase clastic to hyaloclastite breccias.
phyric and commonly contain dark green chlorite Distinctive porphyritic rhyolites 10 to 30 m thick
pseudomorphs after pyroxene 1-2 mm across that give occur within the MVT unit, locally directly overlying
the rock a mottled appearance. Flow breccias are the lower graphitic mudstone unit. These rhyolites are
common and peperite textures occur at contacts pale yellowish green and contain 5-10 % quartz phe-
between dikes/sills and sedimentary units. Medium to nocrysts (anhedral, 2-3 mm), 1-10 % white feldspar
dark grey, massive or thickly bedded to laminated, phenocrysts (2-3 mm, replaced by sericite and minor
cherty sediments form units up to 15 m thick. carbonate) and 5-10 % disseminated pyrite. Tentative
Medium to fine-grained volcaniclastic wackes up to correlation of these rhyolites between drill holes sug-
30 cm thick are interbedded with the cherty sedi- gests that they dip southwestward and crosscut other
ments. Light greenish-grey to dark green tuffs form units (Fig. 4). Similar quartz-phyric rhyolite is rare
units up to 4 m thick. The tuffs are composed of 10- but does occur locally within the flow-dome complex.
20 % altered feldspar crystal fragments, 1-10 % Therefore, although contact relations in core are
quartz phenocrysts, 10-15 % volcanic lithic fragments ambiguous due to strong alteration and local shearing,
and 5-15 % olive green, elongate to ribbonlike the quartz-phyric rhyolites are tentatively interpreted
sericitic clasts (interpreted as formerly having been as dikes that may be subvolcanic equivalents to the
pumice) in a siliceous-sericitic matrix. The elongate flow-dome complex.
clasts and sericite in the matrix define a moderate to
strong foliation that dips shallowly based on high Massive Sulphides
core-axis angles. The Lower Sulphide Zone consists of massive and
Rhyolite to rhyodacite flows and breccias (here- semi-massive sulphides and sulphide stringers com-
after referred to as rhyolites) are intercalated with the posed of fine-grained pyrite and chalcopyrite.
MVT unit and form a complex up to 300 m thick, the Chalcopyrite is present throughout the zone, forming
top of which dips moderately to steeply northeast and stringers up to several cm wide and locally forming
2000 2000
1900 1900
1800 1800
1700 1700
Volcaniclastic Breccia
massive intervals. Sphalerite is present locally. The The upper 2 to 35 m of the Main Sulphide Zone
Lower Sulphide Zone dips southwestward and has a contains high concentrations of sphalerite and chal-
generally tabular form, curved so that it is concave copyrite in addition to pyrite and generally displays
upward and to the southwest. The zone apparently laminated and brecciated intervals. Gold and silver
merges with the southeastern part of the Main concentrations are also elevated in the upper part of
Sulphide Zone and terminates against a southwest- the sulphide body. Sphalerite occurs as thin black to
dipping fault beneath the axis of the Main Sulphide dark brown laminae alternating with pyrite as well as
Zone to the northwest. Stringers within the Lower in breccia matrix along with barite. Chalcopyrite
Sulphide Zone commonly follow flow laminations in forms wispy laminae and discordant stringers, irregu-
the rhyolites that typically are the host rock, and tex- lar patches on massive pyrite and small crystalline
tures within the massive sulphides suggest that they in aggregates along vuggy barite veins. In lower-grade
part were formed by replacement of flow-laminated to intervals, chalcopyrite is only locally visible as very
brecciated volcanic rocks. The geometry of the Lower thin stringers, as patchy replacement of pyrite and as
Sulphide Zone, its spatial relationship with respect to a yellowish sheen on the core, even though copper
the Main Sulphide Zone and textural relationships concentrations throughout the Main Sulphide Zone
within it suggest that it consists of multiple layers of typically average >0.5 %.
massive sulphide connected and overprinted by coa- The footwall contact of the Main Sulphide Zone is
lesced stringers that represent a feeder system to the typically uneven and gradational over 5 to 20 cm into
Main Sulphide Zone. a stringer zone. In some drill intersections, the foot-
Sulphide stringers occur in volcanic rocks (mostly wall contact is marked by brecciated clasts of massive
in the rhyolites) above, below and laterally from the pyrite in a grey matrix of cryptocrystalline quartz and
massive core of the Lower Sulphide Zone, and to a barite. The hangingwall contact is typically sharp but
lesser extent in the footwall of the Main Sulphide is locally gradational over 5 to 10 cm into interlami-
Zone. The rock is designated as a “stringer zone” in nated sulphide and mudstone.
Figure 4 where it consists of >10 % stringers of pyrite
with chalcopyrite or of >5 % stringers of chalcopyrite. Hangingwall Units
The Main Sulphide Zone is a northwesterly elon- The immediate hangingwall of the Main Sulphide
gate lens of massive sulphide up to 280 m thick, more Zone consists of black mudstones intercalated with
than 900 m long and from 200 m to more than 400 m light green mafic flows and sills (“MVS” unit). The
wide (Fig. 3, 4). It is composed predominantly of fine- mudstones are massive to laminated, commonly are
grained pyrite that ranges from massive and structure- internally brecciated, are siliceous to mildly carbona-
less to fragmental. Where fragmental, rounded pyrite ceous and contain 1 to 5 % thin pyritic laminae.
clasts are cemented by fine-grained pyrite and/or fine- Where brecciated, they contain abundant barite and/or
grained barite, locally with sphalerite. Some drill core quartz stringers. The flows and sills are pale to olive
exhibits textures that suggest a replacement or multi- green, aphyric, and range from glassy to aphanitic and
stage origin for the sulphides. These include curved amygdaloidal. The MVS unit generally contains inter-
laminations that resemble flow laminations in the host vals of intercalated mudstones and flows at the base
rhyolite, textures that resemble hyaloclastite breccia and top of the unit and thicker intervals of flows and
replaced by sulphide, coarse-grained pyrite aggregates sills in the middle. Peperite is common along contacts
that form along crosscutting vein-like structures and between mudstones and flows or sills (Fig. 5c). Green
between rounded breccia fragments of fine-grained crystal or crystal-lithic tuffs up to 2.5 m thick are
pyrite (Fig. 5b), and domains several centimetres wide locally intercalated with mudstones at, or near, the
of alternating fine-grained and medium to coarse- base of the unit. The MVS unit ranges from 3 to 80 m
grained pyrite. Whether pyrite has in part replaced in thickness and is thickest over the central part of the
host rocks, earlier-formed sulphides and/or gangue Main Sulphide Zone.
minerals is uncertain. The MVS unit is overlain by a succession of mafic
Figure 5. Photographs of San Nicolás core. In all photographs downhole is to the right and down. (A) Rhyolitic hyaloclastite
breccia showing angular to wispy clasts and matrix variably altered by quartz-sericite-chlorite. SAL-40, 148-151 m depth. Coin
is 20 mm in diametre. (B) Massive sulphides displaying rounded clasts of fine-grained pyrite cemented by medium to coarse-
grained pyrite. Dark material between clasts is volcanic host rock intensely altered to quartz-sericite-chlorite. Light-coloured
pod in upper left is a quartz vein. SAL-42, 338-342 m depth. (C) Mafic flows and sills (light grey) and carbonaceous mudstones
of the hangingwall MVS unit. Peperite is developed in central and lower right portions of the photo. Lighter grey laminae in
mudstones in upper part of photo contain pyrite. SAL-91, 209-212 m depth. (D) Mafic flow breccias of hangingwall. Light grey
phenocrysts in clasts and matrix are pyroxene replaced by clay minerals and carbonate. SAL-88, 183-185 m depth.
flows and flow breccias that are 100 m thick in the and in part euhedral prismatic phenocrysts) and chlo-
north and pinch out near the southern edge of the area ritic fragments (1 to 3 mm, dark green to black) proba-
drilled to date. These rocks are light to olive green and bly after glass. The groundmass appears glassy and the
are distinguished by the presence of 1-10 % pyroxene matrix of breccias within the unit is relatively dark in
phenocrysts (euhedral, 2 to 5 mm, typically replaced by colour and probably consists of altered hyaloclastite.
clay minerals, calcite, or epidote) and abundant amyg- The uppermost unit of the Chilitos Formation at
dules variably filled by chlorite, clay minerals, calcite San Nicolás comprises mafic flows, volcaniclastic
and quartz (Fig. 5d). In addition, they locally contain rocks and minor siliceous sediments. This unit is up to
up to 15 % plagioclase (white to light green, 1 to 3 mm, at least 100 m thick and its upper contact is an angu-
typically destroyed by alteration), amphibole (1 to 3 lar unconformity. The mafic flows are amygdaloidal
mm, dark green to black, in part replacing pyroxene and aphyric to finely plagioclase-phyric. The volcani-
clastic rocks include tuffaceous sandstone, feldspath- the hangingwall of the Main Sulphide Zone have mild
ic-lithic wacke, crystal-lithic tuff and hyaloclastite. to intense alteration characterized by replacement of
Most of these rocks are light green where they are not feldspars and amygdules by clay or sericite + epidote
oxidized. Very fine-grained, green, massive to laminated + calcite, replacement of groundmass by clay or
tuffaceous sandstones with intercalated purple-grey to sericite, and the presence of chlorite and calcite
black mudstones are characteristic of the unit. stringers. This alteration is most intense in the lower
Laminations are commonly steeply dipping (based on part of the mafic flows and breccias unit.
low core-axis angles) and more gently dipping reactiva-
tion surfaces commonly separate steeply dipping Structure
domains, indicating that the steep dips are related to The northwesterly elongate geometry of the San
intraformational slump folds. The wackes are fine to Nicolás sulphide body is controlled in part by the
very coarse-grained, are composed mainly of volcanic steep margin of the rhyolite flow and breccia complex
lithic clasts and angular feldspar, and form massive units and in part by faults. The rhyolite dips 40-65º to the
up to several m thick. The composition and predomi- northeast and forms the southwest footwall of the
nantly massive character of the volcaniclastic units, the Main Sulphide Zone. On the northeast flank of the
presence of slump folds, and the association with inter- Main Sulphide Zone, a fault zone characterized by up
calated flows and tuffs suggests that the volcaniclastic to 12 m of clay gouge and brecciated footwall rock is
sediments were deposited rapidly by syneruptive mass- observed in the immediate footwall. This fault zone
flow processes in relatively deep water. dips moderately southwest and probably has a more
A wedge of Tertiary volcaniclastic breccia overlies complex geometry than that depicted in Figure 4.
the Mesozoic rocks of the Chilitos Formation with Separation of footwall units across the fault suggests
angular unconformity. The breccia is medium to dark that it has a normal-sense component of displacement
reddish brown, massive and polymictic, containing a and the gentle northeasterly dip of hangingwall strata
wide variety of felsic to mafic volcanic and minor is consistent with antithetic tilting above a listric nor-
sedimentary clasts supported in a clay matrix. The mal fault. The fault has not been traced downdip
clasts are angular to subrounded and range from sand beyond the “keel” of the Main Sulphide Zone, possi-
to cobble size. The unit averages 40 to 50 m thick bly because it has been filled with sulphide stringers
over the western part of the San Nicolás deposit, of the Lower Sulphide Zone or by quartz-porphyritic
thickens to 185 m in the eastern part of the zone, and rhyolite dikes. Alternatively, the fault zone may sole
thins to zero along the southern limit of the area into the graphitic mudstone unit. Breccias in the keel
drilled. The range of clast types and massive charac- area are strongly silicified. Massive and stringer sul-
ter of this unit suggest that it was deposited rapidly by phides are relatively thin in the footwall (northeast) of
sedimentary mass-flow processes. the fault and strata of the immediate hangingwall are
apparently not displaced more than a few tens of
Alteration metres. These observations lead to the interpretation
The footwall rocks display strong to intense chlo- that displacement on this fault zone was coeval with
rite and quartz-sericite alteration along the southwest- sulphide deposition and that the fault controlled the
ern margin of the Main Sulphide Zone, particularly northeast flank of the deposit, with relatively minor
near holes SAL-24, SAL-29 and SAL-36. The motion occurring after mineralization.
restricted distribution of strong chlorite alteration Fault zones along the southwest edge of the area
suggests proximity to a former fluid vent. Stringers of explored by drilling apparently strike northwesterly,
calcite, iron carbonate and barite are common are steeply dipping and have an uncertain sense of dis-
throughout the footwall of the deposit, and barite placement. These faults have only been documented in
veinlets locally cut the sulphides. footwall rocks so far, and therefore their age relations
Almost all of the mafic volcanic rocks have at with respect to mineralization are not yet known.
least weak clay or sericitic alteration. Mafic flows in
Teck Corporation made preliminary mineable
Y (ppm)
5 Transitional
60 =
Z r/Y reserve and resource estimates in mid-1998 based on
=7 assay results from 49 diamond drill holes (SAL-24
40 Zr/Y
Calc-Alkaline through SAL-78 excluding exploration holes outside
Zr/Y = 20 the deposit area). A mineral resource of more than 99
million tonnes (Table 2) includes preliminary estimat-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 ed open-pit reserves in the Main Sulphide Zone of 75
Zr (ppm)
million tonnes grading 1.40 % Cu, 2.11 % Zn, 0.53 g/t
Au and 30 g/t Ag. Resource estimates for massive and
stringer mineralization of the Lower Sulphide Zone
are 21.8 million tonnes grading 1.29 % Cu. The esti-
B Com/Pant Phonolite
mates do not include a portion of the Main Sulphide
Rhyolite Zone that has low-grade copper-zinc mineralization.
A distinct metal zonation is noted in Table 2 and is
Zr / TiO2
Rhyodacite/ Trachyte
Dacite illustrated by Figure 7. A stratiform polymetallic zone
TrachyAnd corresponding to the upper 2 to 30 m of the Main
Andesite/ Sulphide Zone is characterized by high-grade zinc
.01 Basalt
(>6 % on average) and 0.5 % to 1 % copper with ele-
SubAlkaline Basalt Alk-Bas Bsn/Nph vated silver and gold. The high-grade zinc zone
.001 grades downward into a lower-grade zinc-copper
.01 .1 1 10
Nb / Y zone that also has a lower content of precious metals.
A massive pyrite zone up to 80 m thick, characterized
by <1 % zinc and <1 % copper with only traces of sil-
Ti / 100 ver and gold, gradationally underlies the mixed zinc-
C copper zone. This zone in turn grades into a copper-
rich zone up to 70 m thick that grades
OFB: B 1.92 % copper on average. Finally, the Lower
Sulphide Zone is enriched in copper (>1 %) with local
intervals enriched in the other metals.
C The San Nicolás VMS deposit consists of (i) an
elongate, lenticular Main Sulphide Zone, composed
Zr Y*3 principally of fine-grained massive pyrite with a poly-
metallic cap, and (ii) a copper-rich Lower Sulphide
Figure 6. Lithogeochemistry of San Nicolás volcanic rocks. Zone, characterized by massive and stringer sul-
(A) Zr-Y diagram (MacLean and Barrett 1993) shows tholei- phides. The Lower Sulphide Zone is tentatively inter-
itic affinity. (B) Immobile-element classification diagram
preted as older massive sulphide lenses connected and
(Winchester and Floyd 1997) of all volcanic rocks in the
deposit area shows strong bimodality. (C) Zr-Ti-Y diagram
overprinted by a feeder system. The deposit is hosted
(Pearce and Cann 1973) of mafic rocks. A+B = low-potassi- in a bimodal, tholeiitic volcanic succession with
um tholeiites, B = ocean floor basalts, B+C = continental arc minor sediments. Textures in the volcanic rocks, par-
basalts, D = within-plate basalts. ticularly the abundant hyaloclastic breccias, indicate
submarine deposition. The results of preliminary lith- Morado (Oliver et al. 1998) and several small
ogeochemical studies also indicate that the volcanic deposits in the Cuale district (Berrocal and Querol
units have an oceanic signature and may have formed 1991), are also hosted in Upper Jurassic (?) – Lower
in an extensional back-arc setting. Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the
In terms of metal content, the San Nicolás deposit Guerrero terrane. These deposits are associated with
is similar to the Cu-Zn deposits described by Franklin felsic volcanic flows and tuffs in successions that gen-
et al. (1981), although the nearby El Salvador VMS erally have sediments in greater abundance than mafic
occurrence has a slightly higher lead content. On the or intermediate flows. The San Nicolás deposit, the
basis of host-rock composition, San Nicolás would largest VMS deposit yet discovered in Mexico, is
best be classified as a bimodal-mafic type deposit as hosted in a succession that, on the scale of the deposit,
defined by Barrie and Hannington (1999) because, on has mafic flows in far greater abundance than sediments.
both the property and regional scales, mafic volcanic
rocks are more abundant than felsic rocks and are ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tholeiitic in composition. A comparison with Our present knowledge of the San Nicolás deposit
Canadian deposits shows that San Nicolás has some geology comes from several years of fieldwork on the
characteristics of Archean Mattabi-type deposits such El Salvador project by Minera Teck geologists,
as Kidd Creek, for example an association with felsic including Juan Benítez, Ricardo Contreras, Jorge
flows and hyaloclastic breccias, the presence of Guerrero, Jim Janzen, Gillian Kearvell and Roberto
stringer sulphides in the footwall, and the presence of Pulido. Other staff of Minera Teck and Teck
abundant carbonate in the alteration assemblage Corporation that have contributed on a technical level
(Morton and Franklin 1987). However, the apparent- include Paul Donkersloot, Jorge Ferrétiz, Juan García,
ly discrete zone of intense chlorite alteration in the Jim Gray, Joseph Kapler, Tom Lane, Alfonso Ochoa,
footwall stringer zone, presumably related to a former Gabriel Ruvalcaba, Scott Smith and Craig Thorsen.
conduit of hydrothermal fluids, is perhaps more akin Britton Hermanos Perforaciones de Mexico, Chemex
to deposits of the Noranda type. Labs, Dighem, Quantec Geofísica de Mexico and Eva
Other Mexican VMS deposits, such as Campo Schandl provided professional services that are
High Grade Zn
Pyrite Zone
0 100 m
High Grade Cu
Figure 7. Cross section showing metal zonation of the San Nicolás deposit. See Figure 3 for location and Figure 4 for geology
in same plane of section. Note that the pyrite envelope in the Lower Sulphide Zone corresponds to stringer zones and the high-
grade Cu zone correlates well with massive sulphides.
reflected in our data and interpretations. Earlier drafts de Cserna, Z. 1976. Geology of the Fresnillo area, Zacatecas,
of this paper were reviewed internally by Joe Ruetz, Mexico. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 87: 1191-
Roger Scammell, John Thompson, George Thornton Franklin, J.M., Lydon, J.W., and Sangster, D.F. 1981.
and Ken Thorsen. Reviews by Dave Adamson, Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits. Economic
Michael Gray and Ross Sherlock led to further Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, 485-627.
improvements and clarifications. Finally, we thank MacLean, W.H., and Barrett, T.J. 1993. Lithogeochemical
techniques using immobile elements. Journal of
Teck Corporation, Western Copper Holdings Ltd. and
Geochemical Exploration, 48: 109-133.
Industrias Luismin, S.A. de C.V., for permission to Morton, R.L., and Franklin, J.M. 1987. Two-fold classification
publish this paper. of Archean volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits.
Economic Geology, 82: 1057-1063.
REFERENCES Oliver, J., Payne, J., and Rebagliati, M. 1998. Precious-metal-
Barrie, C.T., and Hannington, M.D. 1999. Classification of bearing volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, Campo
volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits based on host- Morado, Guerrero, Mexico. Exploration and Mining
rock composition. Reviews in Economic Geology, 8: 1-11. Geology, 6: 119-128.
Berrocal-L., G., and Querol-S., F. 1991. Geological descrip- Pearce, J.A., and Cann, J.R. 1973. Tectonic setting of basic
tion of the Cuale District ore deposits, Jalisco, Mexico. In volcanic rocks determined using trace element analyses.
Economic geology, Mexico. Edited by G.P. Salas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 19: 290-300.
Geological Society of America, The Geology of North Sedlock, R.L., Ortega-Gutiérrez, F., and Speed, R.C. 1993.
America, vol. P-3, Chapt. 45, pp. 355-363. Tectonostratigraphic terranes and tectonic evolution of
Campa, M.F., and Coney, P.J. 1983. Tectonostratigraphic ter- Mexico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 278.
ranes and mineral resource distributions in Mexico. Tardy, M., Lapierre, H., Freydier, C., Coulon, C., Gill, J.B.,
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20: 1040-1051. Mercier de Lepinay, B., Beck, C., Martínez-R., J., Talavera-
Cantú-Chapa, C.M. 1974. Una nueva localidad del Cretácico M., O., Ortiz-H., E., Stein, G., Bourdier, J.-L., and Yta, M.
Inferior en México. Revista del Instituto Mexicano del 1994. The Guerrero suspect terrane (western Mexico) and
Petroleo, VI: 515. coeval arc terranes (the Greater Antilles and the Western
Centeno-García, E., Ruíz, J., Coney, P.J., Patchett, P.J., and Cordillera of Colombia): a late Mesozoic intra-oceanic arc
Ortega-Gutiérrez, F. 1993. Guerrero terrane of Mexico: Its accreted to cratonal America during the Cretaceous.
role in the Southern Cordillera from new geochemical data. Tectonophysics, 230: 49-73.
Geology, 21: 419-422. Winchester, J.A., and Floyd, P.A. 1977. Geochemical discrim-
Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992a. Geological-mining ination of different magma series and their differentiation
monograph of the state of Zacatecas. Secretaría de Energía, products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology, 20:
Minas e Industria Paraestatal, Subsecretaría de Minas e 325-343.
Industria Básica, Publicación No. M-2e. Yta, M. 1992. Etude géodinamique et métallogénique d’un
Consejo de Recursos Minerales 1992b. Informe de visita de secteur de la “Faja de Plata,” Mexique: La zone de Zacatecas
reconocimiento realizada al fundo minero “El Salvador” ubi- - Francisco I. Madero - Saucito. Ph.D. thesis, Université
cado en el Mpio. de Villa González Ortega, Estado de d’Orléans, Orléans, France.
Lewis Geoscience Services Inc., 15715 Mountainview Drive, Surrey, B.C. Canada V4P 2W9
Panterra Geoservices Inc., 14180 Greencrest Drive, Surrey, B.C. Canada V4P 1L9
The Tizapa Zn-Pb-Cu-Au-Ag deposit in southwestern Mexico consists of stacked ore lenses within
a Kuroko-style volcanogenic massive sulphide system. The deposit occurs within the Guerrero terrane,
a Late Paleozoic to Cretaceous assemblage of calc-alkaline volcanic arc rocks and clastic sedimentary
rocks, and overlying platform carbonates. Strata exposed in the deposit area are 1) grey phyllites of the
Triassic (?) to Jurassic Tejupilco Schist, stratigraphically overlain by 2) Late Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous intermediate to felsic metavolcanic rocks of the Teloloapan volcanic assemblage, and 3)
calcareous carbonaceous phyllite and limestone of the Middle Cretaceous Amatapec Formation.
Massive sulphide lenses occur at the stratigraphic contact between the Teloloapan volcanic assem-
blage and the Amatapec Formation. The footwall metavolcanic rocks are bimodal and include a lower,
andesitic plagioclase porphyritic sequence and an upper probable felsic tuff unit of highly variable
thickness. Potassium feldspar megacrystic augen gneiss intrudes the Tejupilco schist south of the
mine, and several compositional varieties and ages of dykes are present in both footwall and hang-
ingwall of the deposit. Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic rocks unconformably overlie the deformed
Mesozoic and Paleozoic sequence. All pre-Tertiary rocks are affected by mid- to upper greenschist
facies metamorphism associated with the Laramide Orogeny.
Penetrative fabrics, contractional faults, and folds in the Tizapa area formed during two major duc-
tile strain events (D1, D2). A D1 penetrative foliation (S1), is presently parallel to compositional lay-
ering, formed during regional metamorphism, and lacks correlative megascopic structures. It is over-
printed by and transposed into a D2 spaced to penetrative foliation (S2) that is parallel to axial sur-
faces of major west-vergent mesoscopic and megascopic recumbent folds of S1 and compositional
layering. A component of west-southwest directed shear strain, parallel to a west-southwest trending
elongation lineation, is indicated by shear bands, oblique fabrics and asymmetric pressure shadows on
porphyroclasts. West-directed D2 thrusts and nappes imbricate parts of the volcanic sequence and sul-
phide bodies at Tizapa.
The main ore bodies at Tizapa were a single continuous sulphide horizon that was deformed into a
thrust-disrupted, west-verging and north-plunging recumbent syncline/anticline pair during D2.
North-northwest plunging thickened ore shoots result from this deformation, and overturned fold
limbs are substantially thickened relative to upright limbs.
Several phases of post-D2 crenulations affect the sequence, and a broad, west-trending anticline divides
the area into south and north dipping S1/S2 domains. Dominant late brittle faults include the Falla Riolita,
a west-striking structure separating the Tizapa mine area rocks from stratigraphically lower rocks to the
south, and numerous northwest-striking faults with up to several tens of metres displacement.
Alteration beneath orebodies at Tizapa is characterized by banded and disseminated pyrite in (i)
intensely sericitized phyllitic felsic metavolcanic rocks immediately below the sulphide horizon, and
(ii) underlying intense chlorite alteration of andesitic metavolcanic rocks that extends for up to 50 m
below the ore. Plots of metal distribution in the orebodies at Tizapa indicate several Cu-rich zones that
correspond with areas of thick footwall alteration and abundant pyrite bands with variable Cu-con-
tent. These areas may be deformed stockwork feeders to the ore.
Mixteco Terrane
Tizapa Tertiary and Quaternary
volcanic rocks
19° 00'
Santa Rosa Other Terranes
Azulaquez 18° 30'
Rey de Plata
0 10 20 30 40
mapping of the Tizapa and Esmeralda areas by metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the
Consejo de Resources Minerales (Parga-Perez at al., Tierra Caliente Complex and the Taxco Schist that
1984), and several theses which addressed various form the structural or stratigraphic basement in the
aspects of the geology in the region (e.g. Parga-Perez, region, (ii) Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous
1981). The history and development of the mine are andesitic to felsic volcanic and clastic rocks of the
outlined by Giles and Garcia (2000). Teloloapan volcanic arc that unconformably or tec-
tonically overlie the basement units, and (iii) mid- to
REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING Upper Cretaceous limestone (Morelos and Amatapec
The Tizapa deposit is within the Teloloapan sub- formations) and clastic rocks. The Teloloapan
terrane, a tectono-stratigraphic division of the Subterrane is bordered on the west by Cretaceous
Guerrero Terrane (Campa and Coney, 1983). This basalt and marine sedimentary rocks of the Arcelia
subterrane is a calc-alkaline volcanic arc sequence Subterrane. Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary
composed of at least three lithostructural elements polyphase shortening and greenschist facies meta-
(Monod et al., 1993): (i) Paleozoic or Triassic morphism during the Laramide orogeny affected all
Quaternary / Tertiary
basalt flows
felsite intrusions
D2 limestone
carbonaceous phyllite
stratigraphic dip
mine or prospect
Mesozoic rocks in the region (Tolson, 1990), resulting have been assigned to the Upper Jurassic to Lower
in east- and west-vergent thrust faults and recumbent Cretaceous Teloloapan volcanic sequence and the
folds, and two generations of moderate to shallow- Amatapec Formation, respectively, by Monod et al.
dipping foliation (Salinas-Prieto et al., 1993; Monod (1993) based on regional stratigraphic relationships
et al., 1993). and the presence of Albian fossils in the limestone.
Lower Tertiary, felsic to intermediate volcanic and A west-striking, subvertical to steeply north dip-
clastic rocks, and Neogene to Quaternary volcanic ping brittle fault, the Falla Riolita, cuts the deposit
rocks of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt uncon- area just south of the Tizapa mine. For much of its
formably overlie the deformed Mesozoic sequence length, the fault coincides with a flow-banded to brec-
(Sedlock et al., 1993), and cap many of the ridges in ciated rhyolite dyke (Fig. 3). Stratigraphic separation
the Tizapa deposit area (Fig. 2). Tertiary, north and is over 600 metres, with lower strata exposed south of
northwest-striking normal faults affect rocks as young the fault in a series of thrust panels.
as Oligocene in the region, and locally form grabens The Tizapa ore bodies and other deposits in the
filled with Neogene volcanic rocks (Jansma and region (e.g., Santa Rosa, Esmeralda) are stratabound
Lang, 1997). and occur at or near a contact between lower, plagio-
Two dominant styles of mineral deposits occur in clase-phyric, sericitic and/or chloritic schist and phyl-
the Teloloapan Subterrane. The first consists of Early lite (Teloloapan volcanic assemblage), and an upper
Cretaceous, Kuroko-type volcanogenic Zn-Pb-Ag-Au sequence of locally calcareous carbonaceous phyllite
massive sulphide deposits in four districts (Fig. 1; and limestone (Amatapec Formation). Five main ore
Miranda Gasca, 1995): (i) Tizapa-Esmeralda-Santa lenses are presently being mined. These ore lenses are
Rosa, (ii) Azulaquez-Tlanilpa, (iii) Rey de Plata, and interpreted to have formed as a single continuous sul-
(iv) Campo Morado-Suriana. The second consists of phide layer, that was subsequently imbricated through
northwest-striking Tertiary polymetallic sulphide- faulting and folding into the present complexely
quartz veins associated with normal faults that have stacked configuration (Fig. 4).
been exploited at Taxco and at several mines in the
Zacualpan district (Noguez et al., 1991). Tizapa Mine Area Lithologic Units
75 42
Q Quaternary conglomerate and basalt flows bedding 78 5
porphyritic rhyolite dyke and breccia bedding / S1 foliation
30 28
5 upper phyllite S1 foliation 3
42 27
4 sericite-dominant schist and phyllite S2 foliation
42 35
3 chlorite-dominant schist and phyllite Faults
78 36
1 augen gneiss mine access road
5 37
mine portal
Q 42
mine portal
67 76
64 48 Q 4 74
34 59 67 5 58
3 14 1
86 23
Falla Riolita 18
54 75
43 20
2 61
33 14
the augen gneiss is intrusive into the Tejupilco schist. Metavolcanic sequence (Teloloapan volcanic assem-
Lower phyllite unit (Tejupilco Schist)
Metavolcanic rocks of the Teloloapan volcanic
Silver-grey to black phyllite of the Tejupilco assemblage are exposed extensively in eastern and
Schist overlies the augen gneiss south of Falla Riolita northeastern portions of the Tizapa deposit area, as
(Fig. 2, 3). This phyllite is composed primarily of well as south of the Falla Riolita, 1.4 km southwest of
non-calcareous, silvery-grey metamudstone, and the mine (Fig. 2). Near the Tizapa mine area, the vol-
attains a thickness of approximately 800 m. canic rocks are structurally interleaved with calcare-
Subordinate metasiltstone, and local 0.3 m to 10 m ous carbonaceous phyllite of the overlying sequence
thick interbeds of pale grey to tan sericitic phyllite (Fig. 3). The thickness of the volcanic sequence at the
and schist representing possible tuffaceous or vol- mine is uncertain due to this structural thickening, but
caniclastic beds, occur throughout the lower phyllite it is probably greater than 200 m (Fig. 3). The vol-
(Fig. 5). In lower parts of the sequence, the phyllites canic section on the south side of Falla Riolita, 1.6 km
are commonly carbonaceous, and locally contain southwest of the mine, is a structurally intact section
limestone and chert beds. Rocks equivalent to this that is approximately 220 m thick (Fig. 2).
unit have not been identified north of the Falla Riolita The Teloloapan volcanic sequence in the Tizapa
at the mine.
SW Falla 0 100 m
Riolita Tizapa Mine Area
massive sulphide
Figure 4. Geological cross section through the Tizapa mine and the Esmeralda prospect. View to the northwest. See Figure 2
for legend and section location.
Figure 5. Lower phyllite sequence (Tejupilco Schist) south of the Falla Riolita, showing interbedded carbonaceous phyllite
(dark grey) and sericite phyllite.
Figure 6. Typical example of porphyritic andesitic metavolcanic unit in the footwall of the Tizapa deposit.
From drill hole MJM-5, 160.2 m.
Figure 7. Examples of rhyolitic metavolcanic rocks, Esmeralda prospect. Note the laminated texture of the
matrix of the top sample, which is typical of felsic volcanic units in the area, and the presence of quartz and
plagioclase porphyroclasts in both samples. Coin is 2.1 cm in diametre.
area consists of chlorite, chlorite-sericite, and sericite laminae (Fig. 7). Beds of grey sericite phyllite and
schists. Their mineralogy and geochemical character carbonaceous phyllite occur locally within this unit at
(Fig. 7) support a bimodal sequence consisting of a the Esmeralda prospect, 0.7 km north of the Tizapa
thick, structurally lower andesitic unit and a thinner, mine (Fig. 2), where it is interlayered with carbona-
less continuous structurally higher felsic volcanic ceous mudstone. The texture and common presence
unit. The felsic part of the sequence can be traced of clastic interbeds suggest that this unit is a felsic
south of the Falla Riolita, but is absent 2 km to the meta-tuff. The thickness of the felsic metavolcanic
northeast of the deposit (Fig. 2). unit varies from 1 to 40 m at Tizapa and up to 140 m
at the Esmeralda prospect.
Chlorite and chlorite-sericite schist andesitic
metavolcanic rocks Upper metasedimentary rocks (Amatapec
Green to tan plagioclase-porphyritic chlorite and Formation)
chlorite-sericite schist form the dominant exposures The Teloloapan metavolcanic rocks are overlain
near and to the northeast of the Tizapa mine (Fig. 2, throughout the Tizapa deposit area by calcareous car-
3). These schists contain 2-10 % plagioclase phe- bonaceous phyllite and meta-limestone that together
nocrysts in a fine-grained, green to pale grey or tan, form the upper metasedimentary sequence (Fig. 2, 3).
muscovite ± chlorite + plagioclase + quartz ± calcite A stratigraphic contact between the volcanic
matrix (Fig. 5). Biotite, tremolite, and actinolite occur sequence and the overlying calcareous sedimentary
locally on surface and in deep drill holes beneath the sequence is implied by: (i) the parallelism of bedding
Tizapa deposit. Two subunits are distinguished based in the two sequences, (ii) the presence of sulphide
on dominant phyllosilicate phase: 1) schists com- beds (Tizapa orebody) at the contact in the Tizapa
posed primarily of chlorite with minor sericite, which mine, and (iii) beds of felsic tuff that occur locally in
are overlain by 2) mixed sericite-chlorite schist. the basal portions of the carbonaceous phyllite. Based
Interbeds of grey phyllite occur locally near the top of on regional stratigraphic relationships and fossil
the sequence in the Tizapa mine area, and several assemblages, Monod et al. (1993) assign limestone of
limestone beds occur within 50 m of its top to the the upper metasedimentary sequence to the Albian
northeast of the deposit area. Primary textures, other Amatapec Formation.
than the porphyritic character of the unit, are obscured
in most areas by deformation and metamorphism. Carbonaceous phyllite
Most outcrops have a non-layered, homogeneous tex- Calcareous grey to black carbonaceous phyllite
ture and an even distribution of feldspar porphyro- (Fig. 8) up to 100 m thick commonly forms the lower
clasts, suggesting a flow or intrusive origin. However, parts of the upper metasedimentary sequence (Fig. 2,
some areas contain interlayered mudstone and pre- 3). These phyllites can be distinguished from the
serve fragmental textures (lapilli), indicative of inter- phyllites of the Tejupilco Schist by their generally cal-
stratified tuffaceous or volcaniclastic intervals. careous nature and the lack, except locally, of sericite
phyllite interbeds. Thinly-bedded grey limestone is
Sericite schist felsic metavolcanic rocks commonly interstratified with the carbonaceous phyl-
Pale grey to white, plagioclase ± quartz porphyrit- lite, and increases in abundance higher in the section.
ic sericite-quartz phyllite and schist occur above the No metavolcanic units occur in the carbonaceous
chlorite and chlorite-sericite schist in much of the phyllite at Tizapa, but at the Esmeralda prospect, beds
Tizapa deposit area (Fig. 2). These rocks are distin- of sericite phyllite that resemble the underlying felsic
guished from the underlying schists by (i) the lack of unit interfinger within the lower 50 m of the carbona-
chlorite as a matrix phase, (ii) generally fewer or no ceous phyllites. Two kilometres to the northeast of the
plagioclase phenocrysts (0-3 %), (iii) the local pres- mine, the carbonaceous mudstone at the base of the
ence of quartz as a phenocryst phase, and, (iv) a pale upper sequence is only approximately 40 m thick and
grey, yellow or white fine-grained quartz-rich matrix is highly gossanous due to the presence of abundant
that commonly has 0.5-3 mm wide grey and white
Figure 8. Carbonaceous phyllite in the stratigraphic hangingwall of the M0 orebody, 1180 level, Tizapa mine.
Penetrative S1 foliation is folded and preserved in lithons between continuous, spaced S2 foliation surfaces.
Fe-oxide lamina. To the southwest, at Cerro de la Pila, embayed. Planar to contorted flow banding defined
the carbonaceous phyllite is absent and limestone by dark grey to black glassy bands is common. The
directly overlies the volcanic sequence (Fig. 2). dykes are often brecciated, with angular flow-banded
fragments in grey, sandy matrix. They are probably
Limestone Neogene in age.
The calcareous carbonaceous mudstone at the base Other minor intrusions include: 1) a sill of foliat-
of the upper sequence grades upward into a thinly to ed, fine to medium-grained hornblende porphyritic
thickly bedded pale grey, recrystallized and foliated metadiorite several tens of metres thick that occurs
limestone unit that is over 300 m thick (Fig. 2). The within phyllite on the ridge south of Falla Riolita; 2)
limestone contains pale to dark grey bands that probably pale grey, boudinaged, fine-grained plagioclase-
reflect transposed bedding, and is commonly interlay- phyric dykes and sills generally less than one metre
ered with thin beds and laminae of carbonaceous thick that intrude all rock units in the mine area; 3)
phyllite, sericite phyllite, and locally, greywacke. undeformed, fresh, fine-grained, grey to dark green
Minor Intrusive Rocks dykes with pyroxene phenocrysts that may be coge-
netic with nearby Quaternary basalt, and 4) aplitic
Dykes and small intrusions of several composi- dykes and stocks up to 10 m thick that occur south of
tions are ubiquitous but volumetrically minor in the the Falla Riolita within the augen gneiss.
Tizapa mine area. The largest are white to pale grey
rhyolite dykes up to 25 m wide that intrude the east- Whole Rock Geochemistry
west striking Falla Riolita and related structures (Fig. Geochemical analyses of samples of metavolcanic
3). They are composed of 3-15 % quartz, plagioclase rocks collected from surface and undergound at the
and locally, biotite phenocrysts in an aphanitic, pale Tizapa mine area show distinctions between the
grey matrix. Quartz phenocrysts are rounded and mapped lithologic units (Table 1; Fig. 9). On a
Table 1. Whole rock geochemical data for altered volcanic rocks in the footwall to the Tizapa ore lenses, and their less altered stratigraphic equivalents from out-
side of the mine area. Abbreviations: U/G = underground sample; DDH = drill core sample; FW = footwall. Rock types are as follows: 1a = plagioclase porphyrit-
ic chlorite schist (least altered andesite); 1b = plagioclase porphyry with pale grey, quartz-bearing matrix; 2 = pale grey to white felsic schist (least altered felsite);
3 = sericite-pyrite-quartz schist (footwall alteration); 4 = chlorite-pyrite schist (footwall alteration); 5 = quartz-sericite-pyrite schist (M1/M2 hangingwall); 6 = K-
feldspar megacrystic quartz diorite (augen gneiss). Analyses performed by Chemex Labs of Vancouver, British Columbia by XRF pressed pellet. Detection limit
for major elements is 0.01%; for other elements detection limit is 2 ppm, except Zr (3 ppm).
Sample Al2O3 CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O P2O5 SiO2 TiO2 LOI TOTAL Ba Cs Hf La Nb Rb Sr Ta Y Zr
Number % % % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
99910 15.91 4.52 <.01 7.73 0.10 7.54 0.05 4.30 0.11 54.07 0.67 3.50 98.50 26 <1 4 13 4 2 225 <1 23 129
99914 14.76 4.71 <.01 5.98 0.72 4.61 0.07 3.30 0.10 60.63 0.63 2.77 98.28 145 <1 4 14 4 15 250 <1 26 112
99916 17.65 3.45 <.01 7.05 0.37 5.74 0.05 5.25 0.12 54.45 0.69 3.57 98.39 421 2 4 14 4 8 263 <1 24 115
99923 18.79 2.04 <.01 7.99 4.88 4.40 0.21 0.17 0.13 49.98 0.84 8.63 98.06 548 4 5 12 4 142 74 <1 21 132
99928 12.86 0.81 <.01 3.86 2.51 4.75 0.03 0.43 0.01 69.64 0.18 3.33 98.41 783 4 6 26 5 68 133 <1 34 167
99933 13.86 0.71 <.01 4.45 1.34 4.13 0.03 0.64 0.03 68.25 0.19 4.84 98.47 422 3 7 72 6 53 240 <1 53 211
99937 9.67 1.59 <.01 2.81 2.07 1.17 0.03 0.53 0.04 78.90 0.13 1.80 98.74 716 5 5 20 5 78 524 <1 21 149
99951 16.25 1.85 <.01 4.62 3.39 1.96 0.09 2.76 0.11 61.00 0.70 6.03 98.76 604 5 5 21 5 57 77 <1 28 165
99909 9.71 0.23 <.01 0.39 0.80 0.21 0.01 3.93 0.06 82.78 0.12 0.61 98.85 297 1 4 17 4 24 91 <1 24 110
99913 12.22 0.13 <.01 0.91 4.29 0.17 0.01 1.96 0.02 78.11 0.16 1.03 99.01 810 <1 5 13 4 76 62 <1 21 150
99944 10.36 0.38 <.01 0.40 0.37 0.03 0.01 5.54 0.03 81.19 0.12 0.45 98.88 104 <1 5 14 4 10 65 <1 35 150
99919 13.65 0.10 <.01 5.56 3.17 2.93 0.10 0.06 0.02 67.38 0.12 5.65 98.74 469 5 6 21 5 117 21 <1 35 149
99920 5.86 0.10 <.01 16.87 0.43 0.10 0.01 <.01 0.01 65.00 0.06 10.69 99.13 98 1 2 13 3 16 6 <1 17 62
99931 11.27 0.51 <.01 2.93 2.52 3.93 0.15 0.08 0.01 72.80 0.10 4.12 98.42 398 3 4 18 4 88 26 <1 27 118
99949 13.81 0.23 <.01 2.29 3.53 2.87 0.13 0.17 0.03 72.25 0.12 3.03 98.46 535 3 6 23 5 118 26 <1 35 132
99918 12.72 0.17 <.01 12.55 2.39 3.55 0.10 0.07 0.09 60.13 0.47 6.12 98.36 394 3 4 15 4 79 18 <1 19 122
99921 12.09 0.18 <.01 12.82 2.46 3.00 0.10 0.23 0.09 61.09 0.49 6.28 98.83 397 3 3 12 4 73 33 <1 18 106
99926 14.10 0.20 <.01 18.92 1.86 5.68 0.22 0.13 0.09 48.87 0.55 7.95 98.57 320 2 5 22 5 61 15 <1 23 159
99947 16.37 0.30 <.01 11.03 3.83 4.44 0.19 0.15 0.11 54.37 0.70 7.09 98.58 687 5 4 14 4 116 27 <1 23 126
99945 13.23 0.22 <.01 2.73 1.27 2.93 0.03 1.18 0.03 73.76 0.12 3.34 98.84 310 4 5 23 5 47 344 <1 32 140
99940 15.10 1.01 <.01 3.77 2.44 1.86 0.03 4.92 0.16 66.82 0.63 1.59 98.33 584 4 5 14 5 43 127 <1 30 159
99939 12.44 12.31 <.01 8.22 0.13 5.38 0.16 3.94 0.14 45.78 1.31 9.24 99.05 19 <1 2 4 2 4 198 <1 27 85
Winchester & Floyd 1977 (fig 6) typically range between 4.2 and 7.5, indicating com-
positions that are transitional between calc-alkaline
A Com/Pant Phonolite and tholeiitic (Barrett and MaClean, 1999). The K-
feldspar megacrystic metadiorite (“augen gneiss”)
Rhyolite plots in the same field as the andesitic volcanic rocks
Zr / TiO2
B samples of chlorite + pyrite schist (chlorite-pyrite
alteration) beneath the pyrite-sericite schist, and 5-50
m beneath the ore, consistently plot in the andesite
CHLORITE field (Fig. 9a). These results indicate that a narrow
Fe2O3 (wt %)
20 band (5-10 m) of rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic rocks
occurs at the top of the andesitic sequence beneath the
15 Tizapa orebodies. The change from sericite-dominant
to chlorite-dominant schist beneath the orebodies is a
combined effect of both alteration and original lithol-
5 ogy. Alternating layers of chloritic and sericitic units
RHYOLITE 5-15 m stratigraphically below ore at Tizapa may rep-
0 2 4 6 8 10 resent interstratification of andesitic and felsic tuff.
Na2O+CaO (wt %)
Figure 9. LEGEND
Chemistry of volcanic and igneous rocks in the
Tizapa area, Plagioclase
based on porphyritic
XRF chlorite
pressedschist pellet
(least altered andesite) of repre-
analyses The Tizapa orebodies have been traced by drilling
Plagioclase porphyryitic rock, pale green -grey matrix
sentative samples. Note that sericite-pyrite-quartz altered and underground mining over an approximately 700
Pale grey to white felsic schist (least altered felsite)
units and chlorite altered units
Sericite-pyrite-quartz in thealteration
schist, footwall footwall of the Tizapa m by 500 m area. They comprise five major sulphide
orebody haveChlorite
felsic+ pyrite schist, footwall
volcanic andalteration
andesitic compositions, lenses denoted by their structural position in the mine:
Quartz-sericite-pyrite schist, from M1/M2 hanging wall
when plotted on a Winchester
quartz diorite
and Floyd (1977) M0, L1, M1, M1.5 and M2 (Fig. 10, 11). Total mined
diagram (A). Alteration is accompanied by decreases in rela- and remaining proven and probable reserves at Tizapa
tive Na2O + K2O, SiO2, and Na2O + CaO content, and with
as of December, 1998 were 4.5 Mt at 1.9 g/t Au, 325
increase in Fe2O3 (B). Complete geochemical analyses listed
in Table 1. g/t Ag, 1.8 % Pb, 7.9 % Zn, and 0.7 % Cu (Giles and
Garcia, 2000). The style of mineralization, base metal
signature (Zn + Pb >> Cu), associated felsic to inter-
Winchester and Floyd (1977) discrimination plot of mediate volcanic rocks, and style of footwall alter-
immobile elements Zr/Ti versus Nb/Y, two distinct ation at Tizapa is typical of many Kuroko-type vol-
clusters are evident: samples of plagioclase porphyrit- canogenic massive sulphide deposits.
ic chloritic schist plot in the andesite field, while sam- Sulphide mineralization in the Tizapa area com-
ples of the pale grey, felsic schist are chemically prises stratabound sulphide bodies located primarily
equivalent to rhyolite or dacite (Fig. 9a). Zr/Y ratios at the contact between metavolcanic rocks and over-
of least altered metavolcanic rocks in the Tizapa area lying carbonaceous metasedimentary rocks (Fig. 12).
Widespread disseminated, banded, and stringer pyrite graphically higher than at Tizapa. Abrupt interfinger-
and chalcopyrite occurs in footwall metavolcanic ing of chlorite-sericite schist and carbonaceous phyl-
rocks. Sulphide bodies consist of fine-grained pyrite lite in the prospect area may indicate thrust imbrica-
with bands and disseminations of sphalerite, galena, tion and/or recumbent folding.
arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite (Fig. 13). Contacts of
sulphide bodies are sharp (Fig. 12). Tetrahedrite, Footwall alteration to the Tizapa orebodies
friebergite, boulangerite and argentite are reported as Recognition of hydrothermal alteration associated
accessory minerals that contain most of the precious with the Tizapa orebodies is complicated by the
metals (Monroy-Fernandez and Aragon-Pina, 1994). metamorphic overprint, which has produced regional
Sulphide bodies range from a few centimetres thick mineral assemblages similar to those found in the
up to more than 20 m in parts of L1 and M2 (Fig. 10). alteration zones. Criteria that distinguish rocks that
The M0 orebody can be traced underground have undergone hydrothermal alteration prior to
through a disrupted fold closure into the L1 orebody, metamorphism include (1) the presence of disseminated
which in turn is traceable into the M1 and M2 ore- and banded pyrite, (2) more complete recrystallization
bodies, indicating that together they define a single and destruction of primary volcanic textures, and (3)
sulphide horizon which is folded into a tight, west- a greater relative abundance of chlorite and/or sericite
verging recumbent fold (Fig. 10, 11). M0 and L1 both and lesser preservation of feldspars in the altered
occur at the contact between calcareous carbonaceous rocks than in their unaltered, metamorphic counterparts.
phyllite in the stratigraphic hangingwall and underly- Footwall alteration zones display a consistent tex-
ing sericite phyllite at the top of the metavolcanic tural and mineralogical zoning with increasing dis-
sequence. No metavolcanic rocks occur above these tance (depth) from massive sulphide bodies:
orebodies (Fig. 10). However, sericite phyllite geo- Sericite-pyrite alteration occurs 3-10 m beneath
chemically similar to the footwall sericitic phyllite the sulphide orebodies, and overprints felsic rocks. It
occurs in lowermost hangingwall of the M1 and M2 usually comprises an upper zone (0.3-4 m) of abun-
orebodies (Fig. 10). This sericitic phyllite may reflect dant 0.5-25 cm wide bands of coarse-grained pyrite ±
(a) the presence of a felsic unit that was deposited quartz ± chalcopyrite that are spaced at 2-30 cm apart,
locally over ore lenses M1 and M2 but not L1 and in a matrix of sericite + disseminated pyrite + quartz
M0, after formation of the sulphide bodies, (b) that (Fig. 14). The bands commonly join obliquely and
the sericite phyllite has been structurally inserted bifurcate, suggesting that they formed as footwall
above the orebodies, or (c) that the M1 and M2 ore- veins rather than sedimentary layers. Pyrite bands
bodies sit at a slightly different stratigraphic position abruptly decrease in abundance with depth (Fig. 15),
than L1 and M0. and grade into assemblages of intense sericite-dis-
The Esmeralda prospect, 0.7 km north of the seminated pyrite-quartz in lower portions of this alter-
Tizapa mine (Fig. 2), consists of several discontinu- ation zone. Elliptical, green chlorite-sericite blebs,
ous sulphide bodies that are up to 5 metres thick with- possibly representing retrograde metamorphism of
in a 400 metre (north-south) by 100 metres (east- cordierite, occur locally in sericite-pyrite in the
west) area. Drilling here has defined a resource of altered footwall rocks in peripheral portions of the
approximately 350,000 tonnes grading 4 % combined Tizapa deposit.
Zn + Pb (Parga-Perez et al., 1984). The Esmeralda Chlorite-pyrite alteration is present for up to 45 m
mineralization occurs in a similar stratigraphic posi- beneath the sericite-pyrite alteration, primarily in the
tion to the Tizapa orebodies, at the top of the volcanic andesitic metavolcanic rocks. Assemblages of intense
sequence associated with felsic volcanic rocks. chlorite + disseminated pyrite ± Fe-carbonate define
However, unlike the Tizapa ore, the Esmeralda sul- this zone (Fig. 16). Chlorite commonly forms >75 %
phide bodies are entirely enclosed within felsic rocks. of the rock in this zone. Coarse bands of pyrite, simi-
This felsic unit is up to 100 m thick, substantially lar in texture and abundance to those in the sericite-
thicker than at Tizapa, and may include units strati- pyrite zone, commonly occur in the upper 10 m of the
Fold axial surface trace: anticline, syncline
Graphitic, commonly calcareous, phyllite
Pyrite bands/veinlets
Disseminated pyrite
0 50
21 75
SCALE: 1:500 29 q 38 42
34 49 q
q 30 c
q 30
49 30 q
36 q q
74 26
q c
q 26
9300 E
9400 E
Figure 10. Composite geological plan of 1154 and 1163 m levels, Tizapa mine. The M0, L1, M1 and M2 orebodies form a sin-
gle, folded horizon that occurs primarily at the contact between the metavolcanic and carbonaceous phyllite units. Note the
tight, west verging morphology of D2 folds affecting the orebody. The thickened hinge of the minor fold on the M0 orebody
between 9340E and 9450E forms an ore shoot that has been traced by drilling for several hundred metres to the north.
chlorite zone. Relict porphyritic textures are some- stratigraphic equivalents outside of the mine area
times visible, but plagioclase phenocrysts are altered document changes in chemistry related to alteration.
to sericite. As described above, immobile element ratios (Fig. 9a)
Beneath the chlorite alteration zone, primary pla- are similar for samples collected from footwall
gioclase is preserved, and alteration is non-pervasive. sericite-pyrite-quartz and chlorite-pyrite alteration
Stringers of pyrite + quartz ± sphalerite are common, zones at Tizapa and their least-altered stratigraphic
and calcite is abundant. equivalents. However, footwall rocks at Tizapa (both
Carbonaceous phyllite within the hangingwall chlorite-pyrite and sericite-pyrite zones) contain sig-
sequence contains no pyrite or any other visible indi- nificantly lower Na2O and CaO concentrations and
cations of alteration, except for local slivers of pyrite- higher MgO, K2O, and Fe2O3 concentrations than
sphalerite within 5 m above ore that can usually be least altered samples (Table 1; Fig. 9b). These pat-
traced laterally back into the ore and may be tectoni- terns are typical of alteration zones in volcanic rocks
cally imbricated. beneath Kuroko-type massive sulphide deposits in
Japan (Date et al., 1983).
Alteration Geochemistry
Geochemical characteristics of whole rock sam- STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY
ples collected from footwall rocks at Tizapa and their Four main periods of deformation can be docu-
M1 29 15
c c c c q
46 42
55 q 40
q q q
48 q
56 c
63 c M2
c q
c c
10200 N
c c
36 25
c c 61 c
44 c 36
q 29
31 c
c 25 c
c c
26 c 34
9500 E
9600 E
9700 E
10100 N
mented at the Tizapa deposit: by patterns in metal zoning patterns within the Tizapa
ore body (see below). If these structures existed, they
i) D1 development of penetrative foliation (S1), are obscured by penetrative deformation.
which is preserved only locally due to over-
printing by later deformation events; D1 deformation
ii) D2 west-vergent folding, thrusting, and pene- The earliest recognizable deformation at Tizapa is
trative strain, which formed the dominant recorded as a locally preserved planar penetrative
structures controlling the distribution of strati- foliation (S1). No megascopic D1 structures are rec-
graphic units and ore lenses at Tizapa; ognized in the Tizapa area; if such structures existed,
iii) D3 folding about a regional west-trending anti-
they have been structurally overprinted to the extent
cline, accompanied by formation of west-trend-
that they are not distinguishable from D2 structures.
ing crenulations; and
S1 foliation is defined by penetrative micaceous folia,
iv) D4 brittle faulting.
preserved in lithons between spaced S2 foliation sur-
faces (Fig. 8), and is syn-metamorphic. It is only
Possible faults of (pre-D1) synvolcanic origin,
detectable in about half of the Tizapa area, and else-
which may have localized mineralization and thus
where is transposed into S2 foliation. S1 surfaces dip
could serve as a guide to exploration, are suggested
moderately to steeply to the northeast; where both S1
hangingwall phyllite
massive sulphide
0 100 m
Section 4
Section 10
Figure 11. Simplified cross sections through the Tizapa mine oriented N40E, illustrating the distribution of orebodies and the
effects of west verging folding and imbricate thrust faulting. Section lines on figure 10.
and S2 fabrics are visible S1 always has steeper dips erly-vergent tight to isoclinal recumbent folds and
than S2. thrust faults (Fig. 17).
Figure 12. Sulphide ore (centre) at the contact between pale grey, sericite phyllite containing pyrite stringers
(left) and carbonaceous, dark grey phyllite (right, with quartz veinlets); M0 orebody, 1154 level, Tizapa mine.
Figure 13. Typical ore, M2 orebody, 1259 level, Tizapa. The ore is composed of pyrite with bands of spha-
lerite + galena (dark grey). The coin is 2.1 cm in diametre.
Figure 14. Banded pyrite-sericite from the base of the M0 orebody, 1100 level, Tizapa Mine. Pervasively disseminated pyrite occurs
in a sericite-quartz matrix. The fine-grained sulphide band at right is the base of the M0 orebody. The coin is 2.1 cm in diametre.
Figure 15. Pyrite bands in the footwall of the M0 orebody, 1154 level east, Tizapa. Bands of pyrite occur in sericite-quartz-
pyrite schist approximately 1 m below ore. The pyrite bands are locally folded and may connect along strike; they may repre-
sent pyrite veinlets that are transposed into S2. Note the back-rotated foliation segments defined by oblique pyrite bends in the
centre of the photograph. These suggest that a component of top to the west non-coaxial strain was accommodated on the S2
foliation. View to the south; width of view approximately 2 m.
Figure 16. Representative samples of chlorite-pyrite phyllite in the altered footwall to the M0 (left and right) and M2 orebod-
ies (centre). The samples were collected 5 to 20 m stratigraphically below the ore. Disseminated pyrite (left and centre samples)
and Fe-carbonate + pyrite (right sample) occur in a chlorite matrix.
Figure 17. Recumbent D2 syncline in folded carbonaceous phyllite and sericite schist at the junction between the M0 and L1
orebodies. S2 is axial planar to the fold. Sulphide lenses up to 0.2 m thick occur locally along the contact here. View to the
south; field of view is approximately 2.5 m.
along which rocks weather and exfoliate. It varies scale folds of the M0 ore body in the western part of
from a penetrative grain-orientation fabric defined by the mine (Fig. 10). A megascopic fold closure bisects
feldspar, quartz, and micas, to a spaced cleavage the L1 ore body, and the overturned L1 fold limb is
defined by planar concentrations of sericite or chlo- structurally thickened, a pattern common in meso-
rite. S2 dips moderately to the northeast in most of the scopic asymmetric folds both in the mine and on sur-
mine area, and to the southwest on the south side of face (Fig. 10). Second order folds of the major fold
the Falla Riolita due to D3 folding (Fig. 3). limbs produce local thickened north-plunging ore
Many areas show weak, top to the west S2 fabric shoots. The M0 ore lens contains one such ore shoot,
asymmetry defined by numerous microscopic and which can be traced through the vertical extent of the
mesoscopic indicators: 1) quartz pressure shadows mine and has been intersected in exploration drill
mantling plagioclase porphyroclasts commonly have holes at deeper levels several hundred metres to the
asymmetric forms and curved fibre growth. 2) Long north. Megascopic fold axes and fault cut-off lines
axes of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains are plunge shallowly (10 - 20º) towards the north-north-
inclined slightly to the S2 fabric. 3) Asymmetric shear west, parallel to the measured axes of early meso-
bands cut shallowly across S2. 4) Long axes of scopic folds.
feldspar megacrysts within the augen gneiss are Thrust sheets and faulted folds are most common
inclined slightly to the surrounding S2 foliation. 5) at higher levels within the mine. For example, the M2
Within highly strained parts of the footwall alteration ore body occurs on an overturned synclinal fold limb,
zones, small asymmetric lenses containing back-rotat- thrust westerly over the corresponding upright limb
ed S2 are common (Fig. 15, 18). 6) Narrow, brittle- represented by ore bodies M1.5 and M1 (Fig. 11).
ductile shear zones that commonly deform layering Thrust faults also displace the upper limb of ore lens
contain internal fabric geometry indicating westerly- L1 from its inferred M0 continuation, and stack M1.5
directed asymmetry. over the hangingwall of M1 (Fig. 11). Thrust faults in
An L2 mineral elongation lineation is variably the mine commonly follow flats along ore lenses, and
developed in the Tizapa area, with its strongest ramp across hangingwall and footwall units.
expression in the augen gneiss unit. L2 plunges shal- Structural imbrication and thickening of ore lenses by
lowly to moderately to the east or west, and is most the thrust faults can have several geometric forms,
intense in those areas with the strongest S2 foliation. depending on the magnitude of fault displacement and
Massive sulphide lenses in the Tizapa mine are whether flat portions follow the hangingwall or foot-
stacked vertically and in some instances overturned wall contacts of ore lenses. These include slivers of
by D2 tight to isoclinal, west-vergent recumbent phyllite and/or schist completely enclosed within ore
folds, faulted recumbent folds, and thrust sheets (Fig. lenses; splays off of the primary ore lenses into either
11). Structural and stratigraphic criteria used to define hangingwall or footwall rocks; and small isolated sul-
these map-scale structures in the mine include: 1) sec- phide pods in either hangingwall or footwall. In addi-
ondary structural indicators, such as parasitic fold tion, boudinage of massive sulphide layers common-
geometry, fault cut-offs of stratigraphic layering, and ly results in large variations in ore lens thickness over
cleavage/bedding angular relationships; 2) strati- short distances (Fig. 19).
graphic repetition, in particular the relative positions
of the metavolcanic footwall and the carbonaceous Post-D2 deformation
phyllite hangingwall sequences; and 3) footwall alter-
ation zoning patterns. D3 folds
Megascopic D2 structures display a continuum of Broad, west-trending D3 folds deform D1 and D2
styles ranging from recumbent folds with relatively fabrics in the Tizapa mine area. The orientation of S2
intact hinges, to thrust-faulted folds, to stacked thrust bends gradually from northeast dipping north of the
sheets. Intact folds include a major anticlinal closure Falla Riolita, to southwest-dipping to the south of the
between ore bodies L1 and M1 (Fig. 11), and smaller fault, defining a major shallowly west-northwest
Figure 18. Deformed limestone at Cerro de la Pila, 2.4 km southwest of the Tizapa mine. Shear bands and
back-rotation of intervening segments occur around a deformed quartz vein, and suggest a component of non-
coaxial, westerly-directed strain on the dominant S2 foliation. View to the north.
Figure 19. Boudinage of sulphide lenses, M0 orebody, 1154 level, Tizapa. Boudinage here affects a minor sul-
phide lens in the footwall of the main M0 orebody (above). Banded pyrite-sericite alteration occurs below.
Field of view is approximately 1 m.
plunging D3 anticline subparallel to and just south of 10), and equivalent faults are present in surface out-
the fault. crops. Narrow rhyolite dykes intrude these structures.
Crenulations of S2 foliation planes are common. These faults may be conjugate to, and branch from,
Crenulations plunge shallowly to the northeast or the Falla Riolita (Fig. 4).
southeast, and both orientations may be present in a
single outcrop. Associated crenulation cleavage is Flat Faults
rare due to the low strain associated with the crenula- Faults with subhorizontal to shallow westward
tion event. The parallelism between many crenulation dips occur in surface outcrops in several areas, and in
lineations and D3 fold hinges suggest formation dur- the mine cut and displace lower portions of the L1 ore
ing D3 deformation. lens for up to several tens of metres. Most flat faults
on the surface have upper plate displacements of sev-
D4 Faults eral centimetres to the south. Foliation drag adjacent
D4 faults in the Tizapa mine area include the west- to the faults and oblique internal fault gouge fabrics
striking Falla Riolita, numerous smaller southwest- are compatible with southerly-southwesterly dis-
dipping faults, and minor sub-horizontal faults. placements of upper plate rocks.
> 2.1%
0 200 m N 1.4%-2.1%
Cu % 0.74%-1.4%
drillhole intersection
1. 4
L1b M2
L1a M1 M1.5
M0 2.1
1 .1
> 4.0%
Pb % 2.1%-3.1%
drillhole intersection
3.1 1
2.1 3. 2.1
M0 M2
L1b 4.0
L1a 3.1
1 .1
1 0
3. 4.
3.1 1
Figure 20. Plan view of contoured Cu and Pb diamond drill hole grades in the Tizapa orebodies in pre-deformational
relative position, based on palinspastic restoration of the mineralized horizon. Note the zones of enriched Cu content
in the M0, L1 and M1 orebodies (top). These correspond with the thickest areas of sericite-pyrite footwall alteration,
and may represent feeder zones. Pb enrichment exhibits the opposite pattern (bottom), and is similar to the distribution
patterns of Zn and Ag. The limits of contouring to the east, north, and west represent the limits of data, and not the
limits of the orebody.
100 MO L1 M1
c c c c
50 c
c c c c c c
c c c c
0 500 1000 limestone massive sulphides
metres carbonaceous phyllite stockwork feeder zones
meta-rhyolite sericite-pyrite alteration
c c
meta-andesite c c chlorite alteration
Figure 21. Schematic cross section through the Tizapa and Esmeralda deposits prior to penetrative deformation. Note the posi-
tion of the orebodies at the top of the volcanic pile, associated footwall alteration, and the variation in the thickness of the felsic
volcanic unit along strike.
ore. Alteration is thickest and pyrite banding best thick zones of footwall alteration may represent parts
developed under Cu-rich areas of the orebodies in M0 of the ore body closest to the feeder system.
and M2. The banded pyrite is Cu-rich in these areas Northwest trends of these Cu-enriched zones are
and can contain several percent Cu. Footwall alter- oblique to the more northerly-trending zones of D2
ation associated with sulphide mineralization in the structural thickening, and may reflect the original
area can be distinguished from regional metamorphic geometry of the underlying structurally controlled
affects by: (i) the presence of disseminated pyrite ± feeder systems.
chalcopyrite, (ii) extremely sericite-rich or chlorite-
rich schists lacking primary textures, (iii) sericite ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
schists containing possible cordierite, and (iv) elevated The authors are grateful to Servicios Industriales
Fe2O3 and low NaO + CaO contents in volcanic rocks. Peñoles for permission to publish this manuscript, and
Underground and surface mapping and interpreta- to the geology staff at the Tizapa mine for their help
tion of drill sections at Tizapa indicate that the main and geological discussions during the fieldwork.
massive sulphide lenses were an originally continu-
ous horizon that was subsequently deformed into a REFERENCES
thrust-disrupted, west-verging, north-plunging tight Barrett, T.J. and MacLean, W.H., 1999. Volcanic sequences,
lithogeochemistry and hydrothermal alteration in some
recumbent D2 syncline/anticline pair. North-north-
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structural thickening, either coinciding with over- Campa, M.F. and Coney, P.J. 1983. Tectono-stratigraphic ter-
turned limbs or parasitic second order folds, rather ranes and mineral resource distribution in Mexico. Canadian
than primary distribution patterns. Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 20, pp. 1040-1051.
Date, J., Watanabe, Y. and Saeli, Y., 1983. Zonal alteration
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bodies, when effects of D2 faults and folds are Japan. Economic Geology Monograph 5, pp. 365-386.
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Heredia-Barragán, M.A. and Garcia-Fons, R.J. 1989.
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norte de Guerrero - suroccidente del Estado de México. Monroy-Fernandez, M.G. and Aragon-Pina, A., 1994. Estudio
XVIII Convención Nacional AAIMMGM, Memorias técni- de caracterization del estado mineralogico del oro en colas
cas, pp. 81-99. de flotacion del mineral piritoso de Tizapa, Estados Unidos
Jansma, P.E. and Lang, H.R. 1997. The Arcelia graben: New de Mexico. Servicios Industriales Penoles, S.A. de C.V.,
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Tejupilco, Los Estados Unidos de Mexico, unpublished des Ciencas (Geologia), 135 p.
internal report. Parga-Perez. J. J. and Rodriguez-Salinas. J. J., 1991. Geology
Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Japan International of the Tizapa Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Au massive poly-
Cooperation Agency, 1993. Informe de la exploracion coop- metallic sulphides, Zacazonapan, Mexico. In Salas, G.P.,
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Autonoma de Mexico, p. 92.
The Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area is one of four VMS districts in the Teloloapan subterrane, an Upper
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous calc-alkaline volcanic arc within the Guerrero Terrane in southern
Mexico. Lithologies in the area comprise a bimodal volcanic sequence that is interbedded with marine
sedimentary rocks. From the base upward, the stratigraphy consists of: a lower andesite flow and vol-
caniclastic sequence more than 400 m thick, a 20 to 130 m thick sequence of carbonaceous mudstone
and limestone, a sequence of plagioclase-bearing felsic tuff with minor flows, more than 250 m thick,
and an upper andesitic sequence of tuff and minor flows of unknown thickness. A synvolcanic dior-
ite which cuts the lower andesitic and felsic sequences gave a U-Pb zircon age of 137 +/-1 Ma, pro-
viding a minimum Early Cretaceous age.
Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Laramide deformation produced recumbent folds and shallow
dipping slaty cleavage in two events: (i) D1, associated with bedding parallel cleavage and east-verg-
ing folds, and (ii) D2, defined by recumbent, west-verging folds and foliation. Bedding parallel to dis-
cordant, late D2 shear zones, are localized in sedimentary rocks below the felsic tuff unit. Tertiary nor-
mal faults with a northwest-strike are widespread in the region.
Stratabound base metal sulphide mineralization comprises concordant lenses and disseminations
that occur in carbonaceous mudstone and tuff at and near the base of the felsic tuff unit. The lenses
are composed of tectonically laminated sphalerite - galena - pyrite - chalcopyrite – sulfosalts. Barite
and chert may accompany the sulphides. Mineralization occurs in a series of four groups of showings
that are exposed intermittently over a distance of 7 km. It is often transposed and entrained in shear
zones, and may be tectonically displaced from its source. The mineralised bodies are elongate, paral-
lel to the west-northwest trending D2 stretching lineation. Local zones of pyrite-chlorite-sericite alter-
ation and silicification at a lower or similar stratigraphic position to the sulphide lenses may be foot-
wall alteration. Quartz-sulphide breccia veins also occur within the region, but they post-date pene-
trative deformation and probably are genetically related to Tertiary normal faults.
The Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area shares several characteristics with other Early Cretaceous VMS districts
in the Teloloapan subterrane. These include: (i) the occurrence of sulphide mineralization in carbonaceous
sedimentary rocks which define a volcanic hiatus, (ii) an association with a felsic volcanic centre strati-
graphically above andesitic volcanic rocks, and (iii) the intensity and style of overprinting deformation.
on the Manto Rico prospect between 1976 and 1982 Laramide orogeny affected all Mesozoic rocks in the
(Cominco Ltd., internal files). region. It occurred in at least two pulses, resulting in
Between 1995 and 1998 Valerie Gold Resources early east- and later west-vergent thrust faults and
Ltd. and TVX Gold Inc. conducted base and precious recumbent folds, and two generations of moderate to
metal exploration on their 208 square kilometre shallow dipping cleavage (Salinas-Prieto et al., 1993;
Mamatla Mineral Concession. More than 75 mineral Monod et al., 1993). Tertiary, north and northwest-
occurrences were identified on the concession striking normal faults affect rocks as young as
(Holcapek, 1996), the most significant being located Oligocene in the region, and locally form grabens that
between Azulaquez and Tlanilpa (Fig. 2). The explo- are filled with Neogene volcanic rocks (Jansma and
ration program consisted of soil sampling, prospect- Lang, 1997).
ing, induced polarization and magnetometer surveys, Two dominant styles of base metal mineralization
airborne magnetometer-radiometric-electromagnetic occur in the Teloloapan subterrane. The first consists
surveys, geological mapping and diamond drilling of of Early Cretaceous, Kuroko-type volcanogenic Zn-
more than 140 holes. This paper is based largely on Pb-Ag-Au massive sulphide deposits in four districts
the geological mapping conducted by the authors dur- (Fig.1): (i) Tizapa-Santa Rosa, (ii) Azulaquez-
ing 1996 for Valerie Gold Resources Ltd. (Rhys and Tlanilpa, (iii) Rey de Plata, and (iv) Campo Morado-
Ross, 1997; Enns and Findlay, 1997). Suriana (Miranda Gasca, 1995; Heredia-Barragán and
Garcia-Fons, 1989). The second consists of north-
REGIONAL GEOLOGY west-striking Tertiary polymetallic sulphide-quartz
The study area (Fig. 1) is within the Teloloapan veins, associated with normal faults, that have been
subterrane, a tectono-stratigraphic division of the exploited at Taxco and at several mines in the
Guerrero terrane (Campa and Coney, 1983). This sub- Zacualpan district (Noguez et al., 1991).
terrane is a calc-alkaline volcanic arc sequence that is
composed of at least three lithostructural elements GEOLOGY OF THE AZULAQUEZ-TLANILPA AREA
(Monod et al., 1993), which consist of: (i) Paleozoic The Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area is underlain by a
or Triassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks polydeformed, bimodal sequence of volcanic rocks,
of the Tierra Caliente Complex and the Taxco schist and marine sedimentary rocks of the Teloloapan arc
that form the structural or stratigraphic basement in assemblage (Fig. 2). Extensive exposures of the
the region, (ii) Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Morelos Formation limestone occur to the east and
andesitic to felsic volcanic and clastic rocks of the southeast of the study area. The base of a felsic vol-
Teloloapan volcanic arc that unconformably or tec- canic unit, recognizable throughout most of the map
tonically overlie the basement units, and (iii) Middle area, provides a useful datum to correlate lithologies
to Upper Cretaceous clastic rocks and limestone. The in the area (Fig. 3). Zr/Y ratios of greater than 5 indi-
Teloloapan subterrane is bordered on the west by cate a transitional to calc-alkaline affinity for
Cretaceous basalt and marine sedimentary rocks of andesitic volcanic rocks, felsic volcanic rocks and a
the Arcelia subterrane. Lower to Middle Cretaceous diorite intrusion exposed in the map area (Table 1).
carbonate rocks of the Morelos Formation to the east Local exposures of mafic volcanic rocks have Zr/Y
may interfinger with the Teloloapan arc rocks ratios of between 3 and 3.5, indicating tholeiitic com-
(Altamirano et al., 1979; Heredia-Barragán and positions (Table 1; Barrett and MacLean, 1999).
Garcia-Fons, 1989). Lower Tertiary, felsic to interme- Three geologically distinctive areas have been
diate volcanic and clastic rocks, as well as Neogene to defined (Fig. 2):
Quaternary volcanic rocks of the Trans-Mexican vol- 1. In the northwestern portion of the study area
canic belt unconformably overlie the deformed between Otates and Tlanilpa, stratigraphy is
Mesozoic sequence (Sedlock et al., 1993). upright and homoclinal. It is divisible into three
Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary shortening and conformable sequences, consisting of (i) a
greenschist facies metamorphism during the lower sequence of andesitic volcanic rocks, (ii)
Figure 1. Location and geological setting of the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area within the Teleloapan sub-
terrane, southwestern Mexico.
m pire
22 22
A' 16
20 14
Manto 20 s ve
20 ins
18 21
36 29
A 27
8 40
41 5
21 35
14 26
yo H
23 24
2055000N 23
43 21
El Capire
40 I 41
40 17
6 47 25
60 38
2051000N 52
45 40
Tejo La
17 20
Yer 18
B 82
vein uena 85
54 42
36 2055000N
Guadalupe 10
21 20
B' B'' Tertiary conglomerate
Cruz Blanca 30
47 33
Ash to lapilli tuff, andesitic flows
Santa Rita
36 Felsic tuff
30 55
Turbiditic greywacke and mudstone 2053000N
Mafic volcanic conglomerate, basalt flows
El Salitre
Shear zone
Sulphide mineralization
Cruz Blanca
El Capire
Aurora II
1.5 km 2.2 km 1.6 km 1.5 km 1.9 km 2.9 km
Figure 3. Stratigraphic columns through the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area. See Figure 2 for locations. The base of the felsic tuff
unit is used as a stratigraphic datum.
Limestone Fe-oxide bearing,
rusty mudstone
1750 1750
T urbiditic greywacke to mudstone
1700 1700
Lower volcanic, basaltic conglomerate
1650 1650
Lower andesitic unit, andesitic flows 1600
and volcanoclastic units
1550 1550
Sulphide mineralization
1500 1500
1450 1450
0 100 200 300 400
1400 1400
~ Section A
B B' B"
2000 2000
1950 1950
1800 1800
1750 1750
1700 1700
1650 1650
Section B EAST
Figure 4. Cross sections illustrating stratigraphic and structural features. Both views are to the north-northwest. See Figure 2 for locations. Top: Cross section
through the Manto Rico area. Bottom: Cross section in the Azulaquez area showing the effects of recumbent folding and the discordant nature of the shear zone
beneath the felsic tuff unit.
a unit comprising clastic sedimentary rocks and blende phenocrysts in a fine-grained or aphanitic,
limestone, that host stratabound sulphide miner- green to red groundmass (Fig. 6).
alization, and (iii) an upper sequence composed Discontinuous lenses and beds of volcanic con-
of basal felsic (marker unit) and upper andesitic glomerate, tuff breccia, hyaloclastic breccia, and bed-
tuffs (Fig. 4A). Between Manto Rico and Otates, ded tuff comprise approximately 20 % of the outcrops
the lower andesitic rocks interdigitate with fine- in the lower andesite sequence (Fig. 7). Clasts range
grained clastic sedimentary rocks which become from pebble to boulder size and may be angular or
increasingly abundant to the north. rounded. Matrix is green or maroon, and feldspar-
2. The central portion of the map area is underlain rich, typically with numerous ash to lapilli sized frag-
dominantly by felsic tuff and a diorite intru- ments. The most common clast types are porphyritic
sion. Windows of clastic sedimentary rocks andesite or dacite, although clasts of andesitic tuff,
that are correlated with the clastic/limestone diorite, and clastic sedimentary rocks are locally pres-
unit in the Otates-Tlanilpa area are locally ent. Bedded block, lapilli and ash tuff is abundant in
exposed in topographic lows beneath the felsic the Otates area and west of Metlixtapa (Fig. 2) where
tuff in this area. it is interlayered, or interfingers, with fine-grained
3. In the south and east region of the map area, clastic sedimentary rocks.
(between Azulaquez, El Salitre and Metlixtapa;
Fig. 4B), a folded sequence of turbiditic Upper andesitic sequence
greywacke, mudstone and siltstone, with lenses In the north and northwestern parts of the map
of limestone, basalt and basaltic volcaniclastic area, the felsic tuff unit is overlain by at least 250 m
rocks, occurs beneath the felsic tuff unit. This of grey, green and purple andesitic ash and lapilli tuff
sequence is in the same stratigraphic position with local feldspathic greywacke and mudstone lens-
as the mineralised clastic rocks and limestone es and interbeds. Isolated exposures of andesitic vol-
at Otates and Tlanilpa, but a direct correlation canic rocks occur as erosional remnants above the fel-
was not established. sic tuff unit in the southern portions of the map area.
Flows are locally present, but are less abundant than
Lithologic Descriptions in the lower volcanic sequence. They comprise mas-
sive, green, plagioclase-phyric andesite and occur
Andesitic volcanic rocks above the andesitic tuffs along ridge tops north of
Extensive exposures of andesitic volcanic rocks that Aurora I and east of Tlanilpa. Samples of ash tuff col-
occur in the western and northern portions of the map lected in the Otates-Tlanilpa area are andesitic, and
area can be subdivided in two sequences based on their have a similar chemistry to the lower andesite
stratigraphic position relative to the felsic tuff unit (Fig. sequence (Fig. 5).
3). Flow rocks in both sequences have compositions Mafic volcanic rocks
that range from basaltic andesite to andesite (Fig. 5).
Mafic volcanic conglomerate and breccia, and
Lower andesite sequence intimately associated basalt flows are interbedded
Andesitic rocks stratigraphically beneath the felsic with turbiditic clastic sedimentary rocks and lime-
tuff unit are composed mainly of massive plagioclase stone in southeastern portions of the map area,
+/- hornblende porphyritic flows, and subvolcanic between Azulaquez and Metlixtapa. These occur in at
dykes and sills with subordinate volcaniclastic rocks least one unit that is 30 to 200 m thick, and which lies
and tuff. The base of the lower andesitic volcanic stratigraphically above a 20 to 50 m thick limestone
sequence in the western map area was not encoun- band, below the felsic tuff. Volcanic conglomerate is
tered, and its overall thickness is greater than 400 m. most abundant, and is composed of round to sub-
The flows are generally composed of 3 to 15 % round, cobble to boulder-size clasts of pale green,
blocky plagioclase phenocrysts, and up to 10 % horn- amygdaloidal pyroxene-porphyritic basalt in a green
Com/Pant Phonolite
Zr / TiO2
Alk-Bas Bsn/Nph
SubAlkaline Basalt
.01 .1 1 10
Nb / Y
Upper andesitic volcanic rocks, flows and ash tuff
Felsic tuff unit
Lower andesitic volcanic rocks; flows
Amygdaloidal basalt, flows and clasts in mafic volcaniclastic units
Figure 5. Winchester and Floyd (1977) plot of XRF whole rock geochemical data from samples of volcanic and plutonic units
in the Azulaquez Tlanilpa area. See text for details.
to purple, plagioclase-rich sandy matrix. Clasts of thick, occurs within basal portions of the felsic tuff
limestone and mudstone occur locally. unit in the western part of the map area, south of
Discontinuous, pale green, pyroxene porphyritic and Tlanilpa. The flow is stratigraphically higher than
amydaloidal basalt flows and tuff are interlayered basalts from the southeast, and indicates mafic vol-
with the volcaniclastic rocks. These flows have dis- canism continued at least to the early stages of felsic
tinctly higher P2O5 and TiO2 content, and lower Zr volcanism.
than the andesitic volcanic rocks (Table 1).
In the northwestern parts of the map area, basalt is Sedimentary Rocks
generally absent. A single flow approximately 10 m Sedimentary rocks in the map area are dominated
Figure 6. Photograph illustrating a typical plagioclase porphyritic andesitic flow (left) and volcaniclastic
lithic breccia (right) from the lower andesitic sequence west of Tlanilpa. The coin is 2.1 cm in diametre.
Figure 7. Volcanic conglomerate from the lower andesitic volcanic sequence west of the Capire showing.
Clasts are mainly porphyritic andesite.
Figure 8. Plagioclase-rich volcaniclastic sandstone and interlaminated grey siltstone and mudstone from near
the base of the felsic tuff unit at Tlanilpa. Porphyritic rhyolite clasts occur at the base of some sandstone beds.
Figure 9. Typical example of the felsic tuff unit, comprising plagioclase +/- quartz crystals in a fine-grained,
sericite-quartz matrix. The coin is 2.1 cm in diametre. The sample is from near Otates.
by turbiditic siltstone, mudstone and feldspathic bivalve fragments and chert nodules. The mafic vol-
greywacke, with interbeds and lenses of limestone. In caniclastic rocks are generally developed stratigraph-
lower portions of the stratigraphy, the belt of lower ically above the thickest and most continuous lime-
andesitic volcanic rocks is bounded to the north and stone band.
northwest of the map area, and to the southeast
between Azulaquez and Metlixtapa, by sequences of Felsic Tuff
clastic sedimentary rocks that may represent a facies The clastic sedimentary rocks are overlain in much
transition to basinal conditions. Most sedimentary of the map area by white weathering plagioclase-bear-
rocks occur beneath the felsic tuff unit, but thin lens- ing ash, lapilli and crystal tuff that is accompanied by
es of greywacke and siltstone occur higher in the minor rhyolite flows. Felsic volcanic rocks are most
sequence. Interbeds of felsic tuff, or plagioclase rich abundant west and southwest of Azulaquez, where
turbidites are common in the clastic sedimentary they attain a combined maximum thickness of more
sequence 5 to 20 m stratigraphically below the felsic than 250 m. In the northern part of the map area, the
tuff unit (Fig. 8). felsic tuff is only 5 to 25 m thick at Manto Rico, and
In the Tlanilpa area, between Otates and the El is absent north of the San Carlos veins (Fig. 2). Where
Capire showing, a 10 to 120 m thick unit of mudstone, it is thinnest, as in its basal section, the felsic tuff is
siltstone and limestone overlies the lower andesitic frequently interbedded with the marine clastic sedi-
volcanic rocks over a strike length of five kilometres mentary rocks.
(Fig. 2). This unit hosts several stratabound base Felsic tuff is composed of 2 to 30 %, 0.5 to 3 mm
metal showings. It is composed primarily of dark grey long subhedral plagioclase crystals in a pale green,
to black laminated siltstone, carbonaceous mudstone, waxy, and sericitic aphanitic matrix (Fig. 9). Quartz
minor greywacke and interbedded lenses of lime- crystals occur locally. Coarser tuff units may contain
stone. A 50 m thick lens of turbiditic, feldspathic 5 to 20 %, 1 to 5 cm long, subrounded felsic clasts
greywacke and mud chip conglomerate occurs within that may be pumice. On a Winchester and Floyd
the mudstone-limestone unit between Otates and (1977) compositional discrimination plot, samples of
Tlanilpa (Fig. 3), over a strike length of two kilometres. felsic tuff unit straddle the rhyolite-rhyodacite bound-
It may represent a submarine turbiditic fan. Between ary (Fig. 5), and are distinguished from other volcanic
the El Capire showing and Metlixtapa, only discon- rocks in the area by their high SiO2, and low Fe2O3 (as
tinuous lenses of fine-grained clastic rocks and lime- total Fe) and TiO2 contents (Table 1).
stone occur between the felsic tuff unit and the under- Several massive, siliceous, and locally brecciated
lying andesitic volcanic rocks. Several windows of rhyolite bodies up to 2 km in length are intercalated
clastic sediments that are exposed in topographic lows with felsic tuff in the southern parts of the map area
beneath the felsic tuff unit (e.g. at the Aurora II show- northeast of Metlixtapa. These may represent felsic
ing) in central portions of the map area may represent flows or flow domes.
a continuation of the sedimentary unit to the east.
A folded sequence composed of feldspathic Intrusive rocks
greywacke, siltstone and mudstone with interbedded A diorite intrusion is exposed over more than 4 km
limestone and lenses of basaltic volcaniclastic rocks along Arroyo Huispa, east of Tlanilpa. It is variably
occurs beneath the felsic tuff unit in the southern and porphyritic, and contains 15 to 45 % fine- to medium-
southeastern portions of the map area between grained plagioclase, and 8 to 15 % hornblende phe-
Azulaquez, El Salitre and Metlixtapa. It is at least 400 nocrysts that are set in an aphanitic, green ground-
m thick. Limestone units range from 10 to more than mass. Dykes of this unit intrude felsic volcanic rocks
100 m in thickness and increase both in thickness and north of the Yerba Buena vein and east of Metlixtapa.
abundance to the east and south, where they join thick The presence of mineralogically and texturally identi-
carbonate units of the Lower to Middle Cretaceous cal diorite clasts in the andesitic volcanic sequence,
Morelos Formation. The limestone often contains and the geochemical similarity of this intrusion to the
Table 1. Representative whole rock lithogeochemical analyses of lithologies in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area. Chemex Labs of Vancouver, British Columbia per-
formed the analyses by XRF pressed pellet. Detection limit for major elements is 0.01%; for other elements, detection limit is 2 ppm, except Zr (3ppm). Lithologic
codes are as follows: 1a = lower andesitic sequence, flow; 1b = lower andesitic sequence, ash tuff; 2a = upper andesitic sequence, flow; 2b = upper andesitic
sequence, ash tuff; 3a = mafic volcanic unit, amygdaloidal flow; 3b = mafic volcanic unit, amygdaloidal flow clast in volcaniclastic; 4 = diorite; 5 = felsic tuff.
Sample Easting Northing Lithologic Al2O3 CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O P2O5 SiO2 TiO2 LOI TOTAL Ba Rb Sr Nb Zr Y
number code % % % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
9,031 410,007 2,055,797 1a 17.56 3.25 0.01 6.50 0.26 2.41 0.03 6.21 0.10 56.50 0.80 4.46 98.08 130 4 224 4 108 20
9,036 409,975 2,054,090 1a 15.97 4.92 0.01 7.62 0.99 3.11 0.15 4.25 0.12 56.55 0.91 4.72 99.31 245 22 198 4 114 22
9,010 410,026 2,054,519 1a 16.74 6.84 0.01 7.63 1.03 4.07 0.04 2.52 0.10 55.66 0.72 3.86 99.21 270 18 380 4 132 16
9,034 409,920 2,055,370 1a 17.85 5.80 0.01 7.64 1.12 4.51 0.03 2.47 0.08 53.20 0.88 4.86 98.44 330 20 266 4 132 16
9,045 408,510 2,057,750 1a 16.98 8.23 0.01 7.30 0.89 2.31 0.10 2.31 0.11 56.84 0.89 2.67 98.63 215 24 786 4 108 20
9,087 409,875 2,054,235 1a 16.29 7.62 0.01 6.29 1.03 2.48 0.11 2.73 0.12 57.88 0.85 4.04 99.44 305 20 352 4 123 24
9,080 409,775 2,055,940 1b 17.70 6.28 0.01 5.41 1.80 1.43 0.08 3.49 0.11 58.15 0.80 2.81 98.06 350 42 234 2 111 20
9,014 408,782 2,058,509 2a 17.38 0.09 0.01 7.34 6.76 2.02 0.18 1.60 0.06 59.46 0.70 3.60 99.19 575 180 26 4 126 38
9,049 408,415 2,057,460 2a 18.01 4.07 0.01 5.48 1.95 1.48 0.07 4.95 0.10 60.50 0.74 2.16 99.51 260 50 428 2 117 16
9,040 408,160 2,058,090 2b 19.42 4.57 0.01 7.04 1.78 1.86 0.08 4.07 0.17 53.75 0.85 5.92 99.51 285 42 314 4 126 32
9,038 409,904 2,058,366 2b 16.24 6.14 0.01 8.04 0.15 5.54 0.09 2.98 0.12 54.58 0.91 4.56 99.35 65 4 272 4 147 22
9,084 408,820 2,057,050 2b 18.90 2.33 0.01 5.34 2.40 1.84 0.06 4.63 0.08 58.99 0.75 3.95 99.27 650 72 288 4 138 22
9,081 408,452 2,057,548 2b 17.56 5.37 0.01 8.44 1.49 2.24 0.15 3.84 0.13 55.44 1.02 4.16 99.84 335 36 210 4 102 20
9,020 414,234 2,053,872 3 14.26 13.28 0.01 3.77 1.03 2.77 0.12 3.11 0.35 50.82 0.79 8.82 99.13 575 16 302 10 63 18
9,030 410,275 2,055,350 3 15.13 13.97 0.01 7.05 1.33 3.89 0.18 2.92 0.26 43.45 0.99 10.30 99.48 750 28 346 10 75 22
9,089 414,530 2,054,325 3 15.60 15.27 0.01 6.40 1.47 3.15 0.11 2.66 0.47 42.57 0.99 9.60 98.29 255 28 348 8 72 24
9,015 414,070 2,054,225 3 18.54 6.15 0.01 5.77 1.66 2.60 0.16 5.96 0.43 51.38 1.39 5.31 99.35 865 36 604 10 90 30
9,003 411,131 2,054,322 4 15.22 2.43 0.01 6.26 2.27 4.74 0.13 2.41 0.11 59.38 0.69 5.00 98.64 685 46 170 4 162 22
9,006 413,157 2,056,164 4 14.47 2.58 0.01 5.53 4.16 3.16 0.12 2.29 0.09 61.00 0.62 4.36 98.38 380 116 144 4 153 22
9,004 411,579 2,054,557 4 14.85 0.17 0.01 8.70 1.88 9.70 0.17 0.85 0.09 54.44 0.64 7.23 98.72 670 44 22 4 138 18
9,088 411,135 2,054,400 4 15.12 5.43 0.01 7.42 0.52 3.29 0.08 3.05 0.12 59.08 0.84 3.50 98.45 220 18 406 4 129 18
9,005 413,145 2,056,088 4 15.27 2.21 0.01 5.62 5.02 3.10 0.10 2.43 0.09 61.62 0.66 3.58 99.70 505 86 108 4 174 22
9,021 411,670 2,054,580 4 15.51 0.33 0.01 6.02 2.49 5.17 0.16 1.96 0.10 62.53 0.70 4.47 99.44 530 48 62 4 162 20
9,028 413,155 2,054,925 5 13.52 0.10 0.01 2.12 4.01 2.67 0.04 0.60 0.03 71.16 0.19 3.47 97.91 765 80 44 4 174 30
9,023 411,800 2,053,310 5 11.57 0.98 0.01 2.58 0.73 2.55 0.01 1.62 0.03 76.28 0.16 2.96 99.47 465 28 146 4 153 26
9,050 408,328 2,057,318 5 13.81 0.84 0.01 2.08 2.33 0.88 0.03 3.86 0.03 71.03 0.19 1.83 96.91 385 68 142 4 183 24
9,024 412,180 2,053,080 5 13.97 0.57 0.01 3.86 1.92 2.44 0.03 2.71 0.04 70.56 0.18 3.30 99.58 450 52 108 6 174 28
9,016 413,490 2,053,870 5 13.40 0.49 0.01 1.93 0.96 2.03 0.01 2.23 0.04 74.11 0.18 3.45 98.84 495 32 188 6 183 28
9,007 413,352 2,056,303 5 10.07 0.54 0.01 1.64 0.74 0.73 0.01 3.91 0.04 78.66 0.15 1.60 98.09 295 18 210 4 153 26
9,041 407,313 2,057,917 5 13.44 0.73 0.01 2.42 0.84 2.30 0.02 2.34 0.03 73.76 0.17 2.95 99.00 655 30 204 4 174 34
9,017 413,225 2,053,740 5 11.47 0.36 0.01 1.91 0.65 2.68 0.01 2.37 0.02 73.60 0.15 2.86 96.08 540 18 128 4 165 12
andesite units (Fig. 5), suggest that it may be a sub- penetrative grain orientation fabric that is preserved
volcanic intrusion. mainly in western portions of the map area and is gen-
A sample of diorite collected from diamond drill erally parallel to bedding. It is often transposed into
hole A1-6, north of the Aurora I showing (Fig. 2), was the S2 foliation, or is preserved in lithons between S2
submitted to the University of British Columbia surfaces. Minor, east-verging probable F1 folds were
Geochronology Laboratory for U-Pb zircon identified at several locations. East-verging, megas-
geochronometry. An Early Cretaceous age of 138.7 copic F1 folds and thrust nappes are reportedly com-
+/- 1 Ma was obtained (R. Friedman, personal com- mon elsewhere in the region (Monod et al., 1993), but
munication, 1996). no major D1 folds associated with S1 were recog-
Easterly-trending, green plagioclase porphyritic nized in the map area.
dykes that are up to 40 m wide intrude diorite and the
surrounding felsic tuff south of Aurora I. These are D2 deformation
unfoliated, and probably Tertiary in age. Rare, D2 is the most widespread and intense deforma-
aphanitic to plagioclase porphyritic green and grey tion event recognized in the map area. S2 foliation,
dykes also occur throughout the map area. the dominant fabric element in the area, is a slaty to
phyllitic cleavage that is defined by the planar alignment
Conglomerate of phyllosilicate mineral grains, either as a penetrative
Local erosional remnants of probable Tertiary con- or as a spaced foliation. The cleavage generally has
glomerate unconformably overlie the clastic sedimen- shallow to moderate dips to the northwest. It is axial
tary and andesitic rocks in the San Carlos area, and planar to megascopic, tight, and southwest-verging
along Arroyo Huispa (Fig. 2). This unit is more than recumbent folds (F2) in the eastern parts of the map
70 m thick and contains round clasts up to 25 cm in area (Fig. 4), and to minor folds with variable ver-
diametre of quartz sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. gence in the west. An elongation lineation, L2, trends
west-northwest in the plane of S2. It is defined by the
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY elongation of phyllosilicate mineral grains, clasts and
The rocks in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area are chert nodules in limestone, pressure shadows on
affected by two dominant, syn-metamorphic cleavage feldspar grains in the felsic tuff unit, and elongation of
forming events (D1 and D2) that are associated with clasts and lapilli in tuff and volcaniclastic units.
recumbent folding, and shallow dipping shear zones. Shear zones are locally developed in carbonaceous
These events define the main pulse of Upper clastic sedimentary rocks and in the basal part of the
Cretaceous-Early Tertiary, Laramide orogeny, which overlying felsic tuff unit. They are defined by intense
produced ubiquitous slaty cleavage, easterly-directed S2 cleavage development and contain the L2 elonga-
thrusts and recumbent folds throughout southwestern tion lineation, suggesting a syn-D2 timing. However,
Mexico (Sedlock et al., 1993). Later fabrics accom- these structures must have formed late during D2
modate only minor shortening and have little affect on since they locally truncate recumbent F2 folds (Fig.
the overall distribution of lithologies. Dips of bedding 4). Shear zones typically have shallow to moderate
and cleavage in the area are generally shallow. west dips and are 5 to 30 m wide. Intense shear zones
Stratigraphy in the western parts of the map area affect carbonaceous sedimentary rocks and limestone
defines an upright, shallow northwest to northeast between the Santa Rita, Cruz Blanca and Guadalupe
dipping monoclinal sequence. In contrast, in the showings (Fig. 2), at Aurora II, and between Aurora I,
southeast part of the map area, rocks are affected by Capire and Tlanilpa. Extensive disruption and trans-
tight, recumbent folds which cause repetitions and position of bedding, as well as intercalation of clastic
inversions of stratigraphy. sedimentary rocks, felsic tuff, and sulphide mineral-
ization occurs in the shear zones. Where developed,
D1 deformation kinematic indicators, including shear bands, oblique
The earliest schistosity S1, is a shallow dipping, foliation, and asymmetrical boudinage provide con-
flicting shear sense on these structures, and their Concordant mineralization (VMS)
interpretation is complicated by widespread transpo- Lenses of laminated base-metal sulphide mineral-
sition of D1 fabrics. The superposition of felsic tuff ization occur as a series of prospects in four areas
on to older, folded clastic sedimentary and mafic vol- (Fig. 2): (i) the El Capire - Aurora I prospects, (ii) the
canic rocks by the shear zone in the Cruz Blanca area Aurora II prospect, (iii) the Azulaquez area, contain-
is consistent with a component of top to the west ing the Guadalupe, Cruz Blanca, San Antonio and
shear on that structure (Fig. 4), and is compatible with Santa Rita prospects, and (iv) the Manto Rico and Los
top to the west imbrication of sulphide lenses at Mantos prospects. All of these showings are hosted
Aurora II. by dark grey calcareous, carbonaceous siltstone and
Other structural elements mudstone and interlayered felsic tuff near the base of
the felsic tuff unit. Locally, coarser clastic units occur
D3 is manifested by broad, open, north-northeast in the stratigraphic footwall to mineralization. For
trending upright folds of bedding and S2. A spaced example, the Manto Rico prospect occurs in interlay-
crenulation cleavage (S3) that strikes north-northeast ered carbonaceous mudstone and felsic tuff
and dips steeply, is axial planar to the folds, and (Casselman, 1976) at the top of a turbiditic
crenulates S2 cleavage. Other structural elements greywacke-conglomerate wedge. Lenses of felsic vol-
include east-trending, steeply dipping kink bands in canic and mudstone clast breccia up to 1 m thick
the Otates area (D4), and sets of subvertical, north- occur in the immediate stratigraphic footwall of sul-
northeast striking quartz-calcite extension veins. The phide mineralization at the Cruz Blanca prospect.
veins are oriented at a high angle to the L2 stretching Although generally confined to the clastic sedi-
lineation and may have formed late during D2. mentary rocks, mineralization locally extends a few
Faults metres stratigraphically upward into the felsic tuff at
the Aurora, Cruz Blanca and Guadalupe showings.
The youngest structural features recognized in the Stratabound sulphide mineralization only occurs
area are gouge-filled normal faults. The most contin- rarely in other parts of the stratigraphy. One exception
uous faults with greatest displacement generally is Mina Capulines, two kilometres east-northeast of
strike west-northwest and have moderate southwest San Carlos, where an east-dipping stratabound pyrite
dips (Fig. 2). Subvertical east-striking faults are also layer, 0.7 m thick, is hosted by lower andesitic tuff,
common. Displaced lithologies, and shallow-dipping about 15 to 20 m stratigraphically below the sedimen-
gouge fabrics in exposed faults suggest that displace- tary rock contact.
ment is predominantly dip slip on the southwest-dip- Sulphide mineralization occurs in foliation-paral-
ping faults with vertical displacements of up to sever- lel, tectonically laminated lenses (Fig. 10), laminae
al hundred metres (Fig. 4). Black carbonaceous sedi- (Fig. 11), and fine-grained disseminations. Pyrite,
mentary rocks are incorporated into many faults. sphalerite, and galena, with subordinate chalcopyrite,
Faults that cut andesitic volcanic rocks have bleached, tennantite and tetrahedrite are the dominant metallic
rusty K-feldspar-bearing alteration with disseminated minerals, and are accompanied by a variable amount
pyrite, and, or quartz-calcite-sphalerite veinlets. of barite (Holcapec, 1996; Casselman, 1976).
MINERALIZATION Typically, the sulphides occur as multiple bands com-
prising 40 to 75 % sulphide minerals that are 0.5 to 15
Both stratabound base-metal sulphide mineraliza- cm thick (Fig. 10), but locally, individual massive sul-
tion and younger, post-D2 quartz-sulphide breccia phide lenses are up to two metres thick. Multiple sul-
veins are represented in the Tlanilpa-Azulaquez area. phide bands and disseminations define mineralised
Table II lists assays for selected mineralised drill zones that typically range between 0.5 and 15 m in
intersections, which indicate the silver-rich nature of thickness, and which have a total sulphide content of
stratabound lead-zinc mineralization in this region. 5 to 50 %.
The best defined zone of mineralization in the
Figure 10. Deformed sulphide mineralization, El Capire deposit. Bands of sphalerite + galena + pyrite (homogenous grey band
at centre and above) are interlaminated with deformed sericite phyllite, dark grey, carbonaceous phyllite (bottom left), and dis-
membered quartz and calcite veinlets (white). The sample is from a shear zone localized beneath the felsic tuff unit. Domains of
oblique cleavage between S2 surfaces beside the coin suggest a top to the west shear sense was accommodated on the shear
zone at this location.
Figure 11. Transposed pyrite-sphalerite laminae occur in calcareous, carbonaceous phyllite with barite-rich layers (grey, top
left corner) from the Aurora II prospect. Total sulphide content of the sample is approximately 5 % in laminae (medium grey
bands to lower left of coin) and as pervasive disseminations. S1 foliation defined by deformed calcite laminae is preserved in
lithons between S2 surfaces below the coin. The coin is 2.1 cm in diametre.
study area is at El Capire-Aurora I (Fig. 2). Here, a texture of many bands. Recumbent folds combined
600 m long and up to 300 m wide, flat-lying deposit with S2 parallel slip surfaces cause local structural
has been defined by drilling. It is hosted by a 80 to thickening and imbrication of sulphide lenses.
130 m thick unit of calcareous, carbonaceous mud- Apart from sericite-pyrite alteration of tuff beds
stone and siltstone with minor felsic tuff interbeds directly associated with sulphide lenses, no alteration
that is overlain by felsic tuff and underlain by por- zones were identified stratigraphically below sulphide
phyritic andesite. Although generally 1 to 8 m thick, lenses. At showings that are affected by D2 shear
mineralization within a 200 m long and 50 m wide, zones, this may be due to tectonic transportation from
northwest-trending elongate core area at El Capire their original hydrothermal source. Zones of perva-
occurs over a vertical thickness of between 30 and 60 sive and veinlet quartz, sericite, pyrite and chlorite
m. Eleven drill holes in this thick core area averaged alteration in diorite northeast of the Aurora I showing,
0.24 g/t Au, 91.4 g/t Ag, 0.09 % Cu, 0.50 % Pb and in lower portions of the felsic tuff unit 600 m south-
1.22 % Zn over an average width of 37.4 m. Higher east of Aurora II and at a locality one kilometre north
grades were encountered over narrower intervals of the Yerba Buena showing may represent alteration
throughout the Capire-Aurora I deposit (Table 2 ). associated with nearby mineralization. An extensive
Banded, pale grey barite occurs with the sulphides zone of pervasive, intense, quartz-sericite-pyrite alter-
at many showings, in foliation-parallel bands or as ation occurs in andesite near the town of Mamatla,
laminae (Fig. 11). It is particularly abundant at the north of the map area and 8 km north of Azulaquez.
San Antonio and Manto Rico showings, where it
occurs in lenses with disseminated pyrite at the same Quartz-sulphide veins
stratigraphic position, but along strike from, Northwest-trending, steep southwest-dipping
stratabound sulphide mineralization. Black chert is quartz-sulphide veins occur within a six kilometre
locally present at San Antonio, Cruz Blanca, corridor in the northern part of the map area. This area
Guadalupe, Capiri and Manto Rico, where it is spa- contains multiple, drusy quartz-sulphide breccia veins
tially associated with mineralization. The barite and that are 0.2 to 4 m wide and are typically enveloped
chert may represent chemical sediments that are later- by K-feldspar-sericite-carbonate bearing and quartz
ally equivalent to mineralization. veinlet stockworks. Purple amethyst is locally abun-
The mineralised zones are highly strained and are dant in some veins. The Yerba Buena vein is the most
frequently transposed into late D2 shear zones that are continuous, with a strike length of at least 1.4 km.
localized in the carbonaceous clastic rocks near the Other showings include Vampire, San Carlos,
base of the felsic tuff unit. Shear zones may affect Esperanza, and Minas La Tejona (Fig. 2). The Yerba
much of the width of the hosting sedimentary rocks. Buena and Vampire vein systems display a vertical
They locally obscure the stratigraphic position of sul- mineralogical zoning, from coarse pyrite-quartz-spha-
phide mineralization in the Azulaquez area, where lerite-galena breccia veins at deeper levels, to drusy,
sulphide lenses are entrained in a shear zone that trun- auriferous arsenopyrite-chalcopyrite-bearing quartz
cates the upper limb of a megascopic, recumbent F2 breccia veins on ridge tops. Sulphide-rich portions of
fold (Fig. 4). Individual sulphide lenses often are veins intersected by drilling typically grade between
elongate and parallel to the west-northwest trending 0.5 and 6 % Zn, 0.1 and 3 % Pb, 0.01 and 0.06 % Cu,
L2 elongation lineation. Structural intercalation of 10 to 70 g/t Ag and 0.05 to 0.7 g/t Au.
mudstone, siltstone, limestone and felsic tuff is common Vein type mineralization in the Tlanilpa-
in deformed mineralised zones, resulting in lenticular Azulaquez region is younger than the deformed,
lithons, lenses and wispy bands of felsic tuff and sul- stratabound base metal sulphide mineralization. The
phides in black or calcareous sediments. The sulphide veins are undeformed; they truncate and brecciate all
laminae have often localized significant shear strain, penetrative fabrics. Within hydrothermal alteration
as evident from displacement and imbrication of envelopes, pyrite and K-feldspar replace phyllosili-
lithons across them, and the fine-grained, mylonitic cate minerals that define S2 cleavage. The vein-type
Table 2. Selected drilling and underground sampling results from stratabound sulphide deposits in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area. See Figure 2 for showing loca-
tions. Sample widths are apparent thickness. Information sources are as follows: 1 = Valerie Gold Resources Ltd., press release, July 15, 1996; 2 = Holcapec,
1996; 3 = Valerie Gold, press release, April 4, 1997; 4 = Valerie Gold, press release, Feb. 12, 1997; 5 = Cominco Ltd., internal files. NA = not analysed.
El Capire drill core Hole C-21, 87-89.2 m 2.2 m 410,783 2,054,348 0.33 200.5 0.34 1.50 3.62 3
El Capire drill core Hole C-38, 90.9-94.9 m 4.0 m 410,387 2,054,216 2.66 430.0 0.35 2.88 7.18 3
El Capire drill core Hole C-34, 87.4-93.1 m 5.7 m 410,840 2,054,260 0.14 57.2 0.39 2.18 4.14 4
El Capire drill core Hole C-40, 90-94.0 m 4.0 m 410,840 2,054,172 0.33 121.0 0.11 1.51 3.13 3
El Capire drill core Hole C-43, 45.1-51.1 m 6.0 m 410,747 2,054,195 0.22 55.7 0.16 1.22 3.57 3
Aurora I drill core Hole AUI-2, 26.45-36 m 9.55 m 411,040 2,054,363 3.04 267.7 0.52 3.17 5.59 1
Aurora I drill core Hole AUI-19, 40-47.5 m 7.5 m 411,056 2,054,426 0.54 230.0 0.44 3.67 6.71 3
Aurora II drill core Hole AU2-1, 6.5-15.1 m 8.6 m 411,910 2,053,761 1.16 480.7 0.18 0.93 2.11 1
Aurora II drill core Hole AU2-2, 20.5-23.7 m 3.2 m 411,946 2,053,828 1.27 346.0 0.35 1.85 4.34 1
Aurora II drill core Hole AU2-5, 93.2-95.2 m 2.0 m 411,720 2,053,788 1.82 247.0 0.26 1.68 3.40 3
Aurora II channel West incline, average of 6 samples 2.18 m average 411,715 2,053,635 2.66 576.1 NA* 2.19 6.40 2
Aurora II channel West drift, average of 7 samples 1.98 m average 411,705 2,053,625 0.90 130.5 NA* 0.78 2.52 2
Aurora II channel Sublevel 1, 15 samples 2.5 m average 411,700 2,053,620 5.46 297.1 0.30 2.06 5.11 2
Cruz Blanca drill core Hole CB-1, 23.0-27.5 m 4.5 m 413,740 2,053,970 0.82 282.8 0.26 0.90 2.10 1
Cruz Blanca drill core Hole CB-2, 5.0-10.5 m 5.5 m 413,776 2,053,962 0.26 113.2 0.16 0.62 1.65 1
Cruz Blanca drill core Hole CB-11, 25.8-27.3 m 1.5 m 413,758 2,053,985 0.43 350.0 0.30 1.40 3.70 4
Guadalupe channel Average of 10 drift samples 1.53 m average 413,225 2,054,880 0.88 471.2 0.69 2.43 8.40 2
mineralization probably formed along steep exten- (Franklin, 1995). The common occurrence of barite
sional fractures during Tertiary normal faulting in the with sulphide mineralogy, and their association with
region, since both veins and faults (i) have similar ori- calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks, and the paucity of
entations, structural style and timing, (ii) are fre- mafic volcanic rocks in the footwall stratigraphy to
quently enveloped by bleached K-feldspar alteration, the deposits, are all comparable with deposits of the
and (iii) faults frequently contain disseminations and Hokuroku district of Japan. The Azulaquez-Tlanilpa
veinlets of base metal sulphides. The quartz-sulphide deposits occur in a stratigraphic position similar to
veins may be the same age as the historic Ag-bearing other Zn-Pb-rich VMS-type deposits in the
veins at Taxco and Zacualpan. Teloloapan subterrane, including Rey de Plata,
Campo Morado and Tizapa. All of these deposits are
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS associated with felsic volcanic rocks that overlie
Calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Azulaquez- intermediate volcaniclastic rocks and flows. The Rey
Tlanilpa area form a bimodal volcanic arc that de Plata deposits, 35 km south of the study area (Fig.
interfingers with a succession of clastic sedimentary 1), also occur with lenses of carbonaceous mudstone
rocks and limestone of unknown thickness in the east in basal portions of a 400 m thick metamorphosed
and southeast parts of the map area (Fig. 12). The rhyolite tuff unit (Herdia-Barragan and Garcia-Fons,
upper part of the volcanic sequence interfingers with 1989). This rhyolite tuff is developed above more
limestone of the Morelos Formation for which Albian than one kilometre of andesitic volcanic rocks, and
fossils indicate an Early Cretaceous age (Altamirano may interfinger with early Cretaceous carbonate
et al., 1979). The distribution of lithologies suggests rocks to the east (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). At Campo
that in Early Cretaceous time, the volcanic rocks Morado and Tizapa, felsic volcanism may have termi-
formed an arc that was developed 5 to 15 km offshore nated before or during sulphide deposition, since the
to the west-northwest of the Morelos carbonate plat- mineralization in these districts is directly overlain by
form (Fig. 12). Basaltic volcanism occurred locally in clastic sedimentary rocks and limestone (Oliver et al.,
the sedimentary basin between the volcanic arc and 2000; Lewis and Rhys, 2000). A U-Pb zircon age of
the carbonate platform. 145 Ma from felsic volcanic rocks in the footwall of
Sulphide deposits in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area the Campo Morado orebodies (Oliver et al., 2000),
occur on the northern margin of a felsic volcanic com- and Early to Middle Cretaceous fossils obtained from
plex that was probably centred to the east of overlying limestone in the Tizapa and Campo Morado
Metlixtapa, where the felsic succession is thickest and areas (Monod and Busnardo, 1993) suggest that min-
where possible felsic subvolcanic intrusions or flow eralization throughout the region is broadly coeval
domes are developed. The sulphide deposits occur with the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa showings.
near the stratigraphic base of the felsic volcanic unit Like other deposits in the Teleloapan subterrane,
in carbonaceous sedimentary rocks that define a vol- the sulphide deposits in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area,
canic hiatus between andesitic and overlying felsic have been affected by significant non-coaxial strain
volcanism (Fig. 12). Resurgence of andesitic volcanic localized in clastic sedimentary rocks near volcanic
activity followed deposition of the felsic volcanic contacts during the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary
unit, possibly fed by the diorite intrusion that occurs Laramide orogeny. Sulphide bodies are dismembered
east of Tlanilpa. The 138.7 +/- 1 Ma U-Pb zircon age and elongated parallel to the west-northwest trending
of this intrusion provides a minimum age for the D2 stretching lineation. Consequently, future explo-
volcanic sequence, which is consistent with the ration in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area will require
Albian age of fossils in the limestone of the Morelos detailed stratigraphic mapping, and the tracing of tec-
Formation. tonically transposed and dismembered sulphide bod-
Mineralization in the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area is ies along D2 shear zones and across recumbent folds.
Zn-Pb rich and Cu-poor, consistent with classification
within the Zn-Pb-Cu group of VMS type systems
V V V V V 138.7+1 V V
V V V Ma V V
Mafic volcanoclastic rocks
Clastic sedimentary rocks and flows
Felsic tuff and rhyolite
A Upper andesite tuff
V Lower andesitic flows and
volcanoclastic rocks Diorite
Lower Andesite tuff
Sulphide mineralization
Figure 12. Schematic stratigraphic section of the Azulaquez-Tlanilpa area. View to the northeast.
Industrias Peñoles S.A. de C.V., Av. de las Industrias 4335, Chihuahua, Mexico 31156
Throughout its one hundred years of active participation in the Mexican mining industry, Industrias
Peñoles has explored and operated numerous polymetallic deposits. The massive sulphide Ag-Pb-Zn
deposits which are found in the volcanic sedimentary sequence of the Lower Cretaceous Guerrero ter-
rane, at the western and central regions of the country, are considered to be of volcanogenic origin.
The Suriana Mine which consists of lenses hosted in a rhyolitic tuff unit near the andesitic tuff and
lava, produced 0.7 Mt of ore with 7.7 g/t Au, 603 g/t Ag, 4.5 % Pb and 0.4 % Zn between 1927 and
1942. The production of the LaMinita Mine between 1981 and 1986 was 6 Mt with 60 g/t Ag, 0.3 %
Pb, 3.0 % Zn and 34 % BaSO4 hosted in a lens on the contact of andesitic tuff and a sequence of lutites
and limestone. The Cuale Mine (1981-1986) exploited 6 lenses hosted in shales in contact with rhy-
olitic tuffs, with a total production of 1.3 Mt with grades of 0.8 g/t Au, 204 g/t Ag, 1.4 % Pb, 5.4 %
Zn and 0.4 % Cu. The Tizapa Mine, in production since 1994, has reserves of 4.5 Mt with 1.9 g/t Au,
325 g/t Ag, 1.8 % Pb, 7.9 % Zn and 0.7 % Cu in four lenses emplaced in carbonaceous shale and phyl-
lites. The Rey de Plata Mine is presently under development with resources of 3 Mt with 1.4 g/t Au,
240 g/t Ag, 2.1 % Pb, 8.7 % Zn and 0.5 % Cu hosted in a pyroclastic sequence with interfingering of
carbonaceous lutite horizons. The Francisco I Madero project, also under development, has resources
of 40 Mt grading 40 g/t Ag, 0.8 % Pb and 5.2 % Zn in a pyrite horizon hosted in the contact of argilla-
ceous limestone and argillites.
The above described deposits form two groups distinguished by their volcanic association and rel-
ative proximity to the discharge vent and define massive sulphide belts suitable for exploration.
Modern geochemistry and geophysics methods together with the identification of favourable geolog-
ical environments, have proven useful in detecting drilling targets in deposits hidden by alluvial and
post-mineral rocks.
Guerrero, 160 km southwest of Mexico City, 5 km through geology, geochemistry, and 3,000 m of dia-
south of the Campo Morado district, and consists of a mond drilling, but was unable to develop sufficient
25 km mineralized belt of volcanogenic showings. reserves to justify the reopening of the mine.
In 1925 Peñoles leased the rights to exploit the The deposit is located within the Lower
Suriana Mines. These mines were worked on a fairly Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequence of the
regular basis from 1903 to 1912 mining, in total 125 t Guerrero terrane, in the Teloloapan subterrane. The
of Ag, 3.9 t of Au and 4 t of Pb were produced from lithological sequence consists of andesitic marine vol-
the supergene zone. The mines became inactive in canic rocks and dacitic-rhyolitic lenses underlying a
1912. Peñoles established an experimental plant in sequence of lutites, sandstone and calcareous units.
Temixco obtaining positive metallurgical results; The Cretaceous sequence is covered by rhyolites and
therefore, in 1927 Peñoles built a 300 t/d plant. This conglomerates of the Eocene-Oligocene. The miner-
plant was considered to be the only one of its kind, alization is hosted in the upper part of a rhyolitic-tuff
because the processing consisted of chloritizing roast- unit, close to the contact with tuffs and andesitic lava.
ing, followed by cyanidation, obtaining recoveries of It includes massive sulphide lenses, stringer and dis-
87 % Au and 90 % Ag from oxidized and mixed ore. seminated mineralization. The general strike of the
The ore was delivered to the plant by a 10 km long mineralized horizons is NW with dips in the order of
aerial tramway, with a grade of 7 g/t Au and 565 g/t 40 to 75 degrees SW. The mineralized horizons reach
Ag. The company closed the mine in 1942. In 1989- a length of up to 1,200 m and thickness ranging from
90 Peñoles undertook an exploration campaign 2 to 80 m. The mineralization is associated to the
felsic volcanism and consists of fine-grained pyrite, associated with the deposit. This sequence is covered
sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. In by the rhythmic unit of lutites and sandstones and reef
the oxidation areas, the mineralogy is dominated by limestones. The deposit is hosted at the contact of the
hematite, goethite, limonite, argentojarosite and free tuff and sediment units, with a double dipping region-
gold. The most extensive hydrothermal alteration is a al dome, at the nose of a SE structure coinciding with
network of stringers and quartz replacements, sericite the axial plane forming a dome shape. The lens has a
and disseminated pyrite which is associated with fel- maximum length of 600 m and thickness ranging
sic rocks. It is closely related to the upper portion of from 6 to 70 m. This is a stratiform deposit of vol-
the massive sulphide bodies. The region is affected by canogenic origin and may represent a secondary
two fault systems with a N70E and N10E strike, mobilization process which modified the original tex-
which strongly displaced the mineralized horizons. tures and caused replacement of limestones in the
The rocks are affected by regional foliation product of upper part of the body. It contains three types of ore-
cataclastic stress and metamorphism. bodies: massive barite with sulphides; barite stringers
There is no detailed information available on past with sulphides and massive magnetite with sulphides.
production; however, there is evidence that a produc- The first of these orebodies is the economically attrac-
tion of 600,000 tonnes of oxides and mixed ore were tive zone. It consists essentially of barite with Ag, Pb
processed at the Peñoles Plant between 1927 and and Zn. More specifically, it is divided in a lower
1942. The grades of the ore mined during the 1927-30 barite subzone, sulphides (Zn-Pb-Cu) and sulphosalts
period averaged 7.7 g/t Au, 603 g/t Ag, 4.5 % Pb and (Ag), an intermediate barite zone with sulphosalts
0.4 % Cu. (Ag) and sulphides (Zn-Pb) and a higher disseminat-
ed barite and jasper zone with sulphides (Pb-Zn) The
La Minita main minerals are: barite, sphalerite, galena,
This deposit is located in the SW region of the stromeyerite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite,
State of Michoacan, 80 km SE of the city of Colima native silver, cerussite and anglesite.
(Fig. 1). The first mining operations in this property During the productive years of the mine, 1981-
go back to 1961 and were dedicated to mining barite 1995, 6 million tonnes of ore were mined with 60 g/t
for the company Minerales de Puebla. At the end of Ag, 0.3 % Pb, 3.0 % Zn and 34 % BaS04 . There are no
the sixties, Minera Autlán carried out a drilling pro- records available on the previous production of the mine.
gram for manganese ore with negative results; how-
ever, they found anomalous values of Zn and Ag, but Cuale
at that particular time, these minerals were not of The Cuale mining district is located at the western
interest. In 1974, Minerales de Colima continued to tip of the Talpa de Allende municipality, some 200 km
work the area looking for barite. In 1976 Peñoles ini- west of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The district has been
tiated a volcanogenic lead-zinc exploration campaign known since 1804. It was mined intermittently during
The exploration of La Minita started in April 1979, the last century, obtaining an estimated production of
when the mineral rights were acquired from 250,000 t of selected ore, with grades of 900 to 1,000
Minerales de Colima, The mine was designed for g/t silver. The mines were closed down in 1900 and
open pit mining and beneficiation by selective flota- since then several companies, including Esperanza
tion of 2,240 t/d of ore with silver, lead, zinc and Co. (1918-22), Peñoles (1936-42) and Eagle Picher
barite. The mine was in operation from 1981 to 1995. (1954-59) tried to reopen the mines. Compañía
This property was closed down because the mineral Fresnillo claimed the area in 1965 and in 1972 initiat-
reserves were depleted. ed intensive exploration work, including 7,400 m of
The deposit is located in the rocks of the Guerrero diamond drilling. The exploration stage was complet-
terrane of the Lower Cretaceous. There are three main ed in 1976 with encouraging results, prompting the
lithological units, the oldest consists of spherulitic construction of a new mine. Operations commenced
tuffs and andesitic lithics overlain by a felsic tuff unit in 1980 with a production of 500 t/d. In 1987 the mine
closed because reserves were depleted. terrane. Carbonaceous shales and phyllites make up
The basement consists of a granite and granodior- the stratigraphic unit which hosts the massive sul-
ite pluton underlying the volcanic sedimentary phide deposits. This sequence is covered by conglom-
sequence of the Lower Cretaceous, part of the erates and plio-quaternary basalts. The massive sul-
Guerrero terrane. The lower portion consists of tuffs phide lenses consist of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chal-
and lava of rhyolitic composition. The upper portion is copyrite, bornite, argentite, tetrahedrite and pyrar-
made up of lutites, limonites, sandstone and tuff. The gyrite, with subordinate pyrrohotite, arsenopyrite,
sequence is partially covered by Tertiary rhyolitic covellite and marcasite. Four main orebodies are host-
breccia. The mineralized bodies known and exploited ed in a horizon, 10 to 50 m apart with thickness rang-
are Coloradita, Chivos de Arriba, Chivos de Abajo, ing 3 to 12 m, occupying an area of approximately
Socorredora, Naricero and Grandeza. They are located 500 x 400 m. The bodies have been affected by com-
in a favourable horizon in the upper portion of the pressional, extensive faulting, generating some inter-
lutites and limonites unit, close to the contact with the ruptions and overthrusts of the mineralized horizons.
rhyolitic tuff unit. The orebody consists of fine grained There was no production prior to 1995. The esti-
banded lenticular massive sulphides with colloform mated reserves are in the order of 4.5 Mt with 1.9 g/t
textures and transported ores. In the Grandeza area of Au, 325 g/t Ag, 1.8 % Pb, 7.9 % Zn and 0.7 % Cu.
the deposit, it is associated with a stockwork structure.
The mineralogy consists of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, Rey de Plata
chalcopyrite, argentite, tetrahedrite, covellite and bor- This deposit, located in the State of Guerrero 135
nite. Gold is associated with pyrite-sphalerite. Barite, km directly SW of Mexico City, has been known since
carbonates and gypsum comprise the gangue. The the last century. It was partially explored and mined by
bodies are located in a 2 x 2 km area forming lenses Peñoles between 1946 and 1949. From 1976 to 1980
with a maximum width of 30 m. an intensive exploration program was undertaken,
Between 1981 and 1986 the production of the including 11,000 m of drilling, which allowed to
Cuale Mine totaled 1.3 Mt with 0.80 g/t Au, 204 g/t define the reserves in the Rey de Plata, Tehuixtla and
Ag, 1.4 % Pb, 5.4 % Zn and 0.4 % Cu. It is estimated the Zn-Cu lens in the order of 3 Mt with 1.4 g/t Au,
that the Cuale District produced a total of 2.0 Mt with 240 g/t Ag, 2.1 % Pb, 8.7 % Zn and 0.5 % Cu.
similar grades as those described above. Additional prospecting work with drilling and mining,
including a 300 m shaft, generated sufficient mineral
Tizapa resources so that in 1998 Peñoles, in association with
This deposit is located in the State of Mexico, 67 Dowa, approved the development of a mine, sched-
km south of Toluca (Fig. 1). Some small mining oper- uled to start production at 1,100 t/d by the year 2000.
ations have been known in the area, which showed Rey de Plata is a volcanogenic massive sulphide
pyrite-rich thin lenses, but there is no information on deposit located in a pyroclastic sequence of rhyolitic-
the old mining production. The CRM started explo- dacitic and andesitic composition with interfingered
ration in 1978 carrying out 10,000 m of diamond sedimentary horizons. Regionally, the pyroclastic
drilling between 1979 and 1985. The positive results sequence forms the lower portion of a volcanic unit
obtained encouraged the Peñoles-Dowa joint venture covered by limestone and argillaceous rocks. The
which, from 1987 to 1990, drilled 63 additional holes lenses and bands of massive sulphides are hosted in
(7,500 m) and a 750 m heading that cut across the clay-pyrite altered rocks. The mineralogy consists of
main lenses. In 1992 the joint venture resumed explo- sphalerite and pyrite, with subordinated galena, chal-
ration work and reinterpreted the geology allowing the copyrite, tetrahedrite and sulphosalts.
construction of a new mine that started operations in The Tehuixtla body is the largest, its thickness
August 1994, and currently has a capacity of 1,200 t/d. ranges from 2 to 18 m and has a lenticular shape dip-
The deposit is located in the Lower Cretaceous ping 25 degrees to the SW. Lenses of barite are com-
volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Guerrero mon, but not in economically significant concentra-
tions. The quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration is the most ceous matter. A maximum thickness of 400 m has
common, forming a halo of up to 150 m over the min- been identified so far. Narrow dykes of dacitic com-
eralized layer. It consists of lenses of silica and pyrite position dated (by Peñoles) at 61 Ma. intersect the
with bandings of sericite and other clays. The miner- above described sequence and are generally hosted in
alized layer outcrops in the Rey de Plata area and it the N-S faults.
dips to the SW where the Tehuixtla body is hosted, at There are two types of orebodies: 1) Zn-Pb sul-
a depth of over 250 m. phide lenses included in the chlorite-epidote units
and, 2) Lenses with Ag-Cu content within the pyrite-
Francisco I Madero pyrrhotite unit. The Ag-Cu orebody consists of irreg-
The Francisco I Madero project is located 20 km ular lenses in a belt with an almost N-S direction in
west of Zacatecas, (Fig. 1). This property was part of the middle portion of the pyrite-pyrrhotite unit. It
the National Mining Reserve and from 1976 to 1983 forms laminations and bands of chalcopyrite-pyrite,
the CRM carried out drilling, geophysical studies and cubanite and enargite with associated silver values.
other activities. The results of this work led to the sus- The Zn-Pb sulphides are contained within a series of
pension of the project. In 1994, Industrias Peñoles interfingered lenses with thickness ranging from 6 to
acquired the property and, on basis of geological, geo- 65 m hosted in a 2.5 x 3.0 km area, forming a thicker
chemical and geophysical interpretations, carried out axis with a N-S orientation. It consists of sphalerite
135,000 m of diamond drilling and, within a period of bands and laminations with minor galena interbedded
less than 2 years, was able to calculate proven (meas- in silica with clay-pyrite or chlorite-epidote.
ured) and probable (indicated) reserves of 40 Mt with
40 g/t Ag, 0.8 % Pb, and 5.2 % Zn and 3 Mt with 89 CONCLUSIONS
g/t Ag and 1.33 % Cu. The deposits discussed above define a series of
The deposit lies in the middle portion of a lime- belts suitable for the exploration of massive sulphides
stone-clay sequence that overlies marine andesitic within the volcano-sedimentary sequence of the
volcanics of the Guerrero terrane. In the region, the Guerrero Terrane. The Suriana, Cuale and Rey de
Guerrero terrane is covered to the west by a thick Plata deposits are closely related to the explosive fel-
layer of rhyolites of the Tertiary, forming a contact sic volcanism and show the characteristics of a prox-
with a SE-NW orientation. These rocks form the first imal deposit with respect to the discharge source. The
steps of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range. Tizapa and Francisco I Madero deposits, on the other
At the east of the Guerrero terrane is the contact with hand, are associated with sedimentary rocks and their
the calcareous rock of the Sierra Madre terrane. In the volcanic affinity is not evident, suggesting distal type
deposit, the oldest rocks are argillites in laminar stra- mineralization. In neither case there is any evidence
ta formed by carbonaceous clay with stringers and that correlates the size and content of the deposit with
quartz lenses, characterized by a total absence of car- its deposition environment; however, the extension of
bonates. Overlying this unit there is a layer consisting the alteration zones may be indicative of the dimen-
of pyrite-pyrrhotite with clay, chlorite, epidote and sion of the mineralization process, which has an
some magnetite. Its maximum thickness is 120 m and impact on the volume of the deposit.
it has a characteristic banding, structures of synsedi- Numerous mineralization showings have been
mentary collapse and a concentrical zoning of studied by mapping the lithology and associated alter-
pyrrhotite-pyrite. This unit contains a major part of ations, using geochemical methods, geophysical sur-
the economically mineable sulphides of the deposit. veys, drilling and, above all, considering the regional
The overlying layer consists mainly of chlorite-epi- location of the favourable environments which form
dote bands, tremolite-altinolite, silica and pyrite, with the boundaries of the volcanogenic deposits. In recent
an irregular thickness (maximum 70 m). Covering the years indirect prospecting methods have been used to
above units are thinly stratified recrystallized clayey investigate potential deposits, hidden by alluvial and
limestones consisting mostly of calcite and carbona- postmineral rocks. Aeromagnetometry, induced
polarization and gravimetry are valuable tools to Gomez Torres S., Góngora Demetrio. Geología y distribución
detect the drilling targets. (A translation, original sub- de Yacimientos del Terreno Guerrero. Internal Report,
Industrias Peñoles, 1998.
mitted in Spanish). Heredia M. A., and García F. J., Distribución de Yacimientos
Vulcanogénicos en la provincia norte de Guerrero y surocci-
REFERENCES dente del Edo.de México. Technical Proceedings, AIM-
García F. J., Juan M. Pérez I., Luis F. Novelo. Geología del MGM XVIII Convention, 1989.
Yacimiento Rey de Plata, Teloloapan, Meico. Technical Industrias Peñoles. El Primer Siglo de Peñoles. Special
Proceedings, AIMMGM Convention, 1981. Edition, 1986.
Giles, D. A., Exploration for Skarn and Stratabound Zinc- Industrias Peñoles. Technical Reports on the Mining Units,
Lead-Silver Orebodies in Mexico, International Conference 1995.
on Carbonate-Hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits, Society of Franklin J. M., Lydon J. W., and Sangster D. F., Volcanic
Economic Geologists, 1995. Associated Masive Sulfide Deposits. Economic Geology,
Giles, D. A., Garcia F. J., Gomez Torres S., Gonzalez 75th Anniversary Volume, 1981.
Leopoldo. Geología y mineralización del Yacimiento FI Scott S. D., Modern and ancient volcanogenic masive sulfide
Madero, Zac. Internal Report, Industrias Peñoles, 1997. (VMS) deposits. Short Course presented to Industrias
Peñoles, 1998.
International Croesus Ventures Corp., 1592 Eaglecliff Road, Bowen Island, British Columbia, V0N 1G0, Canada.
The Cuale District represents Kuroko-type volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization that
occurs in a relatively undeformed Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary package of the Guerrero terrane
of Mexico. The deposits are polymetallic and, in comparison to massive sulphide deposits worldwide
are relatively high-grade for silver, lead, zinc and copper. Supergene enrichment in the oxide portion
of the orebodies has resulted in significantly enhanced precious metal grades. Pyrite, followed by
sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite are the dominant sulphides. Barite, tennantite, tetrahedrite, enar-
gite, geocronite, proustite-pyrargyrite and stannite are also present.
To date twenty-five massive sulphide deposits have been recognized. These occur in a variety of
depositional settings. The proximal deposits are associated with dacitic domes, and are underlain by
exhalative centres represented by chloritization, sericitization and silicification, with veined and dis-
seminated sulphides. Sulphide zoning is an important aspect of these deposits as they have sphalerite-
galena on the top and the flanks, with pyrite-chalcopyrite underlying the central portions. The trans-
ported deposits are the result of slumping down the paleotopographic slopes, which has then caused
the sulphides to be brecciated and fragmented. The distal deposits are located in basinal settings, with
the sulphides exhibiting sedimentary bedding. A siliceous exhalite that is high in precious metal val-
ues occurs at the same stratigraphic horizons as the massive sulphides, and appears to connect a num-
ber of the deposits.
Spatially the deposits are most abundant in basinal settings composed of argillaceous sediments,
which are adjacent to explosive rhyolitic or dacitic domes. The timing of the mineralization appears
to be restricted to a relatively short period that is represented by less than one hundred metres of sed-
imentary stratigraphy.
replacement along fractures or favorable horizons. A feasibility studies (Franciso I Madero and San
number of experts in Kuroko-type deposits, including Nicolas). Clustered in a number of areas of similar
T. Sato, T. Urabe and D.J. Kirwin began studying the lithologic and tectonic settings are over 150 other
district in 1982. In conjunction with Mexican geolo- occurrences (Fig. 1).
gists working with Zimapan, S.A. de C.V. (a sub- Several subdivisions of the Guerrero terrane have
sidiary of Penoles) a comprehensive understanding of been proposed. The massive sulphide deposits of
the deposits and the district began to evolve. By the western Jalisco, Colima and Michoacan States are
early 1990’s this work had largely come to fruition in located within the Zituatanejo subterrane of the
the excellent overview and deposit descriptions of Guerrero terrane as defined by Ramirez et al. (1991)
Berrocal and Querol (1991). and Talavera et al. (1993), or the Nahuatl terrane as
set out by Sedlock et al. (1993). The oldest rocks that
REGIONAL SETTING outcrop are a series of zeolite to lower amphibolite
The Guerrero terrane underlies an area of over facies metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks that
350,000 square kilometres. It is the largest terrane in have been interpreted to be a magmatic arc/marginal
Mexico, and is best exposed and studied in the Sierra basin assemblage which is likely Triassic to Middle
Madre del Sur, along the western coast of Mexico. Jurassic in age. This assemblage outcrops in the east-
Due to the intrusive activity in the Sierra Madre ern portion of Guerrero and Mexico States and has
Occidental, and later Tertiary volcanic activity that informally been named the Tierra Caliente Complex
occurred throughout much of central Mexico the dis- by Ortega-Gutierrez (1981). Similar rocks are known
tribution of the Guerrero terrane is, for the most part, near Arteaga in Michoacan State, where the name
restricted to isolated windows and roof pendants. Arteaga Complex has been proposed (Centeno-
In general the Guerrero terrane is characterized by Garcia, 1994).
two major tectonic assemblages: the Triassic-Middle The most recent regional mapping in the general
Jurassic “basement assemblage” that consists of vicinity of Cuale is in the Colima region, 200 km to
ocean-floor sediments derived from continental the southeast (Centeno-Garcia, 1994). The oldest
sources, and the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous arc assem- rocks are the Lower Cretaceous Tecalitlan, Alberca
blage that formed in an oceanic island arc setting. and Encino Formations, which are composed mostly
During the Laramide orogeny this arc was accreted of andesitic-basaltic lava flows with some rhyolite,
against the Mexican Craton. At this time the polarity interbedded with pyroclastic (intermediate tuffs and
of the sedimentation changed from westward to east- ignimbrites) and epiclastic deposits. This volcaniclas-
ward, and the sediments from the arc-assemblage tic sequence was deposited mostly in a submarine
flooded onto the Mexican Craton. This process marks environment and records a major period of arc mag-
the “continentalization” of the Guerrero terrane, and matism that hosts the volcanogenic massive sulphide
represents a large addition of juvenile crust to the deposits of western Mexico. The total thickness is
western North American Cordillera (Centeno-Garcia, unknown, but up to 2,400 metres has been measured
1994). The direction of subduction that produced the from boreholes, without reaching the base. This vol-
arc(s) is a matter of controversy; Coney (1983), and canic activity decreased during the Early Albian, and
Tardy et al. (1991) have proposed westward subduc- almost ceased by the Mid-Late Albian. During Late
tion, and Ramirez et al. (1991) propose two subduc- Albian-Cenomanian time, thick calcareous sequences
tion zones, one to the east and one to the west. Other were deposited. One of the main formations during
associated tectonic environments such as marginal this period is the Tepalcatepec Formation. It is made
basins have been recognized (Tardy et al., 1991). up of relatively small limestone patches that are sur-
The Guerrero terrane is host to the only two vol- rounded by lava flows, interbedded with horizons of
canogenic massive sulphide deposits that are currently volcaniclastic and rhythmically bedded clastic
in production in Mexico (Tizapa and Rey de Plata), deposits, tuff, rhyolites, and minor evaporites. These
plus two others which are currently undergoing units were deposited mostly in submarine and transi-
U. S. A.
Tahue subterrane
Mexico Tepehuano subterrane
15 Nahuatl subterrane
14 Major city
Leon Massive sulphide deposit
Sinaloa Durango
Monterrey 1 Cuale
Torreon 2 Carmen
3 San Nicholas
Zac. 4 Francisco I Madero
5 Las Gavilanes
4 Zacatecas 6 La America
Cu-Pb-Zn SMELTER 7 Dios Me Ayuda
2 3 San Luis Potosi 8 La Minita
5 9 Arroyo Seco
1 6 Leon Guan.
Copper King
Campo Morado
Guadalajarra 12 Rey de Plata
Jalisco 13 Tizapa
7 8
Mich. Mexico
City 14 Parral
9 12
15 Calmalli
13 16 El Gordo
0 200 400 Guer.
Km 10
tional environments, with some subaerial layers six that received work in the past and may have
recorded. The maximum observed thickness is 2,250 recorded some minor production. They have been
metres (Centeno-Garcia, 1994). The Albian- divided into three “camps” consisting of El Canton
Cenomanian Madrid Formation consists of limestone, Mountain to the west, Mesa del Corozon in the centre
calcareous shale, gypsum and occasional andesitic and Descumbridora Mountain to the east.
flows and tuffs at the base. A borehole in central The Bramador District is located 20 km to the
Colima State measured a 3,600 m section comprised south and hosts nine volcanogenic massive sulphide
mostly of limestone (Grajales and Lopez, 1984). deposits (La Concha, La Trozada, Los Alpes, La
This stratigraphic package has been intruded by Castellana, San Jose, Delicias, El Rosario, La
numerous mid-Cretaceous and Tertiary plutons, and is Colaradas and San Pedro). Fifteen kilometres to the
overlain unconformably by Tertiary volcanic rocks. east in a smaller, separate window is the “Quatro
Minas” (San Pedro, San Rafael, San Antonio and San
CUALE MINING DISTRICT Geronimo) of the Amaltea District.
The Cuale District is hosted by a north-south elon-
gated window, or roof pendant, which consists of Exploration and Mining History
Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and is Discovery of the Cuale District is credited to two
roughly 25 by 5 km in size. Within this window are local Indians searching for flint in the area of the
two felsic complexes that host the volcanogenic mas- Descumbridora Mountain in 1804. During the night
sive sulphide deposits of the Cuale and Bramador one of them stole out with the samples, and took them
Districts. The Cuale District represents nineteen to the Spaniards at Talpa de Allende. In 1810 the
deposits that were in production, plus an additional Spanish who had been operating the mines since 1805
were killed near Guadalajara when Mexican chosen because it had a water supply steady enough to
Independence was declared (Hoyle, 1919). drive the water wheels that provided the milling
The earliest known claim on El Canton Mountain power. From 1880 to 1882 there were twelve arrastras
was registered on the Prieta orebody in 1823 (Table working in the district and in 1888 the process of lix-
1). The Prietita manto was discovered soon afterward, iviation was introduced (Hoyle, 1919). During the
and both were worked intermittently by the time of “Union en Cuale Company” about 75 % of the
Hernandez family (Beatty, 1899; Macomber, 1962; silver was recovered and about eight tons of metal
Chase, 1937). containing 80 % silver was transported to Guadalajara
In 1854 Jesus Camarena, a lawyer in Guadalajarra, each month (Beatty, 1899).
who was engaged with the task of settling the estate Messers. Geist and Menzies had every intention of
of Luis Hernandez acquired the property and formed continuing the operation, however in 1900 when they
the “Union en Cuale Company”. Norberto Vallarta learned that Felix Arrayze had registered the Estrella
was one of the initial shareholders (Hoyle, 1919). At claim (which occupied the downdip extension to the
the time Las Penas was a part-time fishing station Prieta orebody) they were so infuriated that drainage
located on Banderas Bay that supplied fresh fish to tunnel was dynamited to prevent Arrayze from enter-
mining operations at Cuale. Through his friendship of ing the mine. The mine soon filled with water and, the
Benito Juarez, then the President of Mexico, Jesus lack of ventilation caused the timbers to rot. A later
Camarena was able to secure a large harbor frontage earthquake completed the damage (Chase, 1937).
on Banderas Bay, which in now Puerto Vallarta Prior to 1919 a total of 35 mines had operated in
(Beatty, 1899). the district, most of which were outside the lands con-
The “Union en Cuale Company” operated the trolled by the “Union en Cuale Company”, but in
mines for 41 years until a drop in the price of silver total, their output did not equal that of the La Prieta
forced their closing. Approximately 25 million (Hoyle, 1919).
ounces of silver were produced, mostly from the The Esperanza Company took out an option in
Preita orebody at a rate of 10 to 20 tonnes per day 1920, and in the early 1930’s a syndicate comprised
with a smaller tonnage coming from the lower grade of Kennecott, Phelps-Dodge, and Real del Monte
La Prietita manto (Chase, 1937). Early in the history mapped and sampled the dumps (Chase, 1937). Minas
of the Prieta orebody the oxide ore (metal colorado) de Penoles of Monterrey reopened two of the tunnels
was exploited. Later production came from the pri- during the Second World War, and in 1954 Eagle
mary sulphide minerals (Macomber, 1962). Pitcher de Mexico carried out geological mapping and
Two tunnels were generally driven at a time, the diamond drilling which lead to a much greater under-
upper tunnel was used for transportation and produc- standing of the district (Macomber, 1962).
tion, with the lower one for drainage, these were con- Zimapan, S.A. de C.V. (a subsidiary of Industrias
nected by raises to provide ventilation (Beatty, 1899). Peñoles S.A. de C.V.) acquired the Cuale District in
Shortly after the death of Jesus Camanera, in 1896 the 1965 and commenced exploration in 1971.
lower workings were flooded due to one of the min- Geological mapping was carried out 1972 along with
ers inadvertently breaking into La Prieta Fault. A dis- a TURAM geophysical survey. Access roads were
astrous mine fire later caused a large portion of the completed in 1975. From 1972 to 1978 a total of 215
mine workings to cave in (Chase, 1937). Although a drill holes, totaling 11,038 metres were completed
considerable amount of high-grade ore remained, the mainly on the Chivos de Arriba, Chivos de Abajo,
assets of the “Union en Cuale Company” were sold to Socorredora, Naricero, Coloradita, Prieta and Minas
Messers. Geist and Menzies for the relatively small del Oro (Grandeza) orebodies. This work indicated
sum of 60,000 pesos in 1898 (Chase, 1937). 1,471,000 tons of ore grading 1.15 g/t gold, 169 g/t
Beginning at the time of Luis Hernandez the ores silver, 1.27 % lead, 4.89 % zinc and 0.34 % copper,
were treated at a several small reduction plants at San and on this basis a 20,000 tonne per month mill was
Francisco, which lay on the River Cuale. This site was commissioned in 1981 that operated until 1988
Table 1. Chronology of the mines and discoveries of the Cuale District
Esperanza Tunnel Esperanza El Canton pre 1919 La Truenera El Canton pre 1919
Jesus Maria Tunnels Jesus Maria Descumbridora pre 1899 La Zacaralampie El Canton pre 1919
La Batalla El Canton pre 1919 Lower Paz Tunnel Las Bolas El Canton pre 1919
La Belle Aur 6 El Canton pre 1919 Talpas Tunnels Las Talpas Descumbridora pre 1919
Coloradita Tunnel La Coloradita El Canton pre 1855 El Naricero Tunnel Naricero El Canton pre 1919
Esperanza Tunnel La Esperanza El Canton pre 1919 La Trinidad Tunnel Naricero El Canton pre 1919
La Grandeza La Grandeza Descumbridora pre 1919 Paz de Ceilo Tunnel Paz de Ceilo El Canton pre 1962
La Guadalupe Tunnel La Guadalupe El Canton pre 1919 Upper Paz Tunnel Paz de Ceilo El Canton pre 1962
La Jesus Maria Tunnel La Jesus Maria El Canton pre 1919 San Antonio Tunnels San Antonio Descumbridora pre 1919
La Lucema El Canton pre 1919 Lumbrera Tunnel San Juan (?) Descumbridora pre 1899
Cristo Tunnel La Paz / Cristo El Canton pre 1962 Lumbrerita Tunnel San Juan (?) Descumbridora pre 1899
La Peregrina Tunnel La Peregrina Descumbridora pre 1919 San Nicolas Tunnel San Nicolas El Canton pre 1919
Jesus Tunnel La Prieta El Canton 1855 San Rafael Tunnel San Rafael El Canton pre 1919
Esperanza Tunnel La Prieta El Canton pre 1899 Vetarron El Canton pre 1962
Luz Tunnel La Prieta El Canton pre 1899 Zapopan Tunnel Zapopan El Canton pre 1919
Refugio Tunnel La Prieta El Canton pre 1855 Zona de Pirita El Canton 1972
Chorrillo Tunnel La Prieta El Canton pre 1919
(Berrocal and Querol, 1991). Penoles continued its nomenclature, most of the descriptions in this section
exploration efforts until 1990, and in total drilled 506 are based on this work.
holes representing 28,500 metres, and mined almost The oldest rocks are a series of Jurassic sediments
2.5 million tons of ore (Table 2). that consist of pelitic schist, with intercalations of
In 1998 International Croesus Ventures Corp. was psammitic schist, sericite schist and chlorite schist.
able to obtain a significant land position in the district The base of this sequence is not exposed, but is esti-
through staking, and is currently studying the struc- mated to be at least 800 metres thick (Berrocal and
ture and stratigraphic setting of known deposits in Querol, 1991).
order to commence a program of deep drilling. An unconformity separates the Jurassic rocks from
a shale-sandstone sequence that occurs within the
Stratigraphy and Lithology Lower to Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy. These
The most comprehensive mapping of the Cuale Cretaceous sediments host the dacite flows and pyro-
District was by a joint venture between the Japanese clastics, which are present throughout the sequence
International Cooperation Agency and Metal Mining and form the volcanic edifaces. The thickness of this
Agency of Japan (1986). Unless otherwise noted the unit is estimated to be about 700 metres, with the
Mine Operation Tonnes Gold g/t Silver g/t Lead % Zinc % Copper %
Naricero open pit 782,544 0.34 157 1.05 2.85 0.06
Grandeza open pit 756,661 1.89 22 1.41 2.35 0.20
La Prieta-Rubi underground 113,335 0.73 226 3.80 9.24 0.32
Socorredora open pit 195,721 0.10 187 1.85 7.02 0.16
underground 4,771 1.21 199 3.41 3.32 0.12
total 200,492 0.13 187 1.89 6.93 0.16
dominant rock type an argillaceous shale. 90 Ma (Gastil et al., 1979). Tertiary plugs of dacitic
The footwall dacite is the stratigraphically lowest and andesitic composition have also intruded the
volcanic unit. It is light gray to pale green, aphyric central portions of the window.
and locally weakly brecciated. Phenocrysts of quartz
and plagioclase are locally abundant, with the matrix Structure
normally vitreous and devitrified. Phyllitic and/or Regionally the bedding trends north to northwest,
argillic alteration in locally present in association with with the dip undulating from 10 and 30º. A synclinal
the massive sulphide deposits. Based on the geologi- axis passes through the central portion of the Cuale
cal cross sections the maximum thickness of this unit District and any folds that are observed are generally
is estimated to be 500 metres. broad open structures with wavelengths greater than
The ore-zone pyroclastic unit is the most impor- 100 metres. Other small-scale folds are observed in
tant stratigraphic interval in the district due to its the vicinity of faults. The steep paleotopography
proximity to the volcanogenic massive sulphide caused by the volcanic edifices results in steeper than
deposits. It is thought to represent a sequence of sub- normal attitudes for the contacts of some of the
marine pyroclastic flows that are very closely associ- volcanic units.
ated with the underlying footwall dacite lavas. In A series of north-northwesterly trending normal
appearance they are pale green to gray, and mainly faults cut the stratigraphy. The dip of these faults
consisting of fine tuff, lapilli tuff and breccias that are appears to be steep to the southwest, with displace-
intercalated with the shale beds. The lapilli tuff frag- ments in the order of tens of metres. Another major
ments are generally dacitic, however fragments of structure, the La Preita Fault trends NE 52º and dips
andesite, schist, mudstone and pumice have been 50 – 65º to the northwest (Macomber, 1962). This
observed. The estimated thickness of this unit is structure can be traced for 2½ km and forms the
thought to be a maximum of 300 metres. northwesterly boundary of the Coloradita, La Prieta
Overlying the ore-zone pyroclastic is the hanging- and Prietita orebodies (Fig. 2).
wall dacite pyroclastic. This unit consists of volcanic
flows with overlying pyroclastic rocks consisting of CUALE DISTRICT MINERAL PROPERTIES
fine tuff and tuff breccia. In appearance this unit is
pale gray to gray in colour, and characterized by phe- El Canton Area
nocrysts of quartz. The groundmass is glassy, cryp- The most prolific portion of the Cuale District is
tocrystalline, felsic and strongly silicified. The tuffs the east slope of El Canton Mountain (elevation 2,380
and tuff breccias exhibit grading on the scale of metres). Within a southwesterly trending zone of the
metres to tens of metres, and the maximum thickness favorable stratigraphy measuring 2,500 by 800 metres
of this unit is estimated to be 500 metres. there are ten massive sulphide deposits that were
Tertiary rocks unconformably overlie the recently in production (Prieta, Preitita, Preititas,
Cretaceous section with the base of this unit represent- Chivos de Arriba, Chivos de Arriba, Coloradita,
ed by a sandstone-conglomerate unit. Upwards, this Socorredora, Naricero, El Refugio and San Nicolas).
package consists of a sequence of lavas and pyroclas- In addition, five other deposits have seen limited pro-
tics that alternate between andesite and dacite. Four duction in the past (Paz de Ceilo, Cristo, Vetarron,
distinct stages of andesitic volcanics are recognized, Polvorin and Las Bolas), or were deemed to be too
which are separated by three stages of dacitic lavas. low grade to mine (Zona de Pirita).
Granodiorite plutons have intruded the stratigra-
phy in the central portion of the Cuale window, and on La Prieta
the western and southern margins. They generally According to production figures in Table 2 and
exhibit a phaneritic texture with euhedral quartz and descriptions of the past production the La Prieta ore-
feldspar along with variable amounts of biotite and body has the highest grades in the district. Eight adits
hornblende. Isotopic dating indicates a range of 83 to access a strike length of over 900 metres with the
Dacitic pyroclastic
La Prieta Granodiorite
Prietita Dacite porphyry
Prietitas Coloradita
La Paz Hangingwall dacite/shale
Chivos de Arriba
Ore zone pyroclastic
Socorredora Chivos
de Abajo
Footwall dacite
Las Shale/sandstone
Bolas Corozon CUALE
MESA DEL Massive sulphide deposit
Guadalupe COROZON Siliceous exhalite
Refugio Jesus Maria
Patrocinio Stockwork mineralization
San Nicolas
~~ Fault
Mill or reduction works
Las Talpas
Juan Caldero El Carmen
El Rosario
To Puerto San Antonio 0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Vallarta Peregrina DESCUMBRIDORA
MOUNTAIN Kilometres
Figure. 2. Cuale District geology (modified from Japanese International Cooperation Agency and Metal Mining Agency of
Japan, 1986)
early mining progressing from northeast to southwest. sulphide mineralization range from a few centimetres
The hangingwall stratigraphy is a massive to to over 10 metres thick, 30 to 70 metres long, by 70 to
thick-bedded porphyritic rhyolite, with minor rhyolite 80 metres high (Berrocal and Querol, 1991).
tuff beds. The footwall consists mostly tuffs, felsic The mineralization is zoned consisting of a silver-
flows and argillaceous sediments (Macomber, 1962). rich zone of massive sphalerite and galena that is
The orebody has been described as lying in the between 0.5 and 4.0 metres in thickness at the hang-
footwall of the La Prieta Fault (Macomber, 1962; ingwall. Below this is a lower grade zone of massive
Berrocal and Querol, 1991). The strike of the La pyrite that is 5 to 6 metres thick, which then grades
Prieta Fault and the mineralization is N 50ºE, with the into altered volcanic and sedimentary rocks over a 10
La Prieta Fault having a northerly dip of 65º. The to 30 m interval (Macomber, 1962). Assay samples of
work of Macomber (1962) suggests the dip of the the higher grade material range up to 1.8 g/t gold, 894
mineralization steepens from 40º N on surface to 77º g/t silver, 15.1 % lead, 22.0 % zinc, with trace
N over a vertical distance of roughly 200 metres. The amounts of copper (Chase, 1937). Within the massive
plunge of the mineralization has been described as 40º sulphides barite, tetrahedrite, stannite and chalcopy-
to the west (Macomber, 1962). The shoots of massive rite have been observed. Sedimentary banding is also
Felsic - intermediate
flows and pyroclastics
Hangingwall dacite
Argillaceous sediments
Felsic pyroclastics
Massive sulphide
Stockwork mineralization
Felsic dome
Footwall dacite
Dacite porphyry
Figure 3. Stratigraphic column for the Cuale District (modified from Japanese International Cooperation Agency and Metal
Mining Agency of Japan, 1986)
present (Lowther, 1949; Kirwin, 1982; Berrocal and slopes of a presumed submarine plateau.
Querol, 1991). Abundant disseminated sphalerite and
galena has been observed in the argillaceous sediments Prietita and Prietitas
to the footwall of the mineralization. Immediately Access to the Prietita orebody was provided by
above the mineralization is a zone of choritized clays approximately 1,500 metres of underground work-
with occasional elongated siliceous nodules, and a ings. Peñoles recommenced underground mining of
distinctly brecciated zone that appears to represent the the Prietita orebody in the early 1980’s, along with the
La Prieta Fault (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). open pit mining of the Prietitas, which appears to be
There is some confusion as to the origin of the the surface manifestation of the Prieta orebody
mineralization. The early references, when the mine (Berrocal, 1985).
workings were open, refer to the orebody as a vein The geology of the Prietita orebody is very similar
hosted by the La Prieta Fault (Macomber, 1962). to the La Prieta orebody. The thickness averages
Figure 4 indicates the La Prieta orebody is the about three metres, with the thickest portion being 15
downdip extension to the Chivas de Arriba orebody metres. The maximum strike length as defined by the
(Berrocal and Querol, 1991). Portrayed in this cross underground workings is 150 metres, and based upon
section is a scenario whereby the Chivas de Arriba these figures an orebody of about 300,000 tonnes can
orebody was deposited at the edge of a submarine be inferred for the top 50 metres (Macomber, 1962).
plateau and portions of it slide down accumulating Assays for the massive sulphide mineralization vary
along a slope to form an oreshoot of the La Prieta. The from 1.0 – 2.0 g/t gold, 171 – 714 g/t silver, 1.3 –
same scenario exists for the Coloradita orebody and 19.7 % lead, 5 – 27.6 % zinc and 0.2 – 6.6 % copper.
another oreshoot of the La Prieta located to the east. It It was also noted that the lead and zinc content
is suggested by Berrocal and Querol (1991) that these increase to the east, where the thickness of the miner-
oreshoots accumulated independently along the alization is greatest (Macomber, 1962). The sulphide
Hangingwall dacite
Chivos de Argillaceous sediments
Porphyritic felsic dome
Massive sphalerite, galena
lt and barite
Fau Massive pyrite
Prie Stockwork sulphides
La ~~ Fault
0 25 50
Figure 4. La Prieta and Chivos De Arriba Mines – Cross Section (modified from Berrocal and Querol, 1991)
eralization. On surface the oxidized ore attains grades ermost horizon appears to be hosted by the porphyrit-
of 11.71 g/t gold over a 6.25 m thickness (Ontiveros, ic rhyolite breccia, and the upper horizon is hosted by
1980). At depth one of the better drill intersections the rhyolite tuff. The lower horizon is the largest, hav-
contained 0.78 g/t gold, 354 g/t silver, 5.29 % lead, ing the lateral dimensions of 120 by 80 metres, with
20.88 % zinc and 0.69 % copper over a 9.35 metre an average thickness of 11.0 metres (Luna-Barcelo,
interval. In appearance the massive sulphide ore is 1979). Over the top portions of this dome the massive
brecciated and reworked, suggesting transport down a sulphide bodies dip at 15 to 35º to the southwest,
slope. Large blocks, up to 1.5 metres across consist- steepening to 45 to 50º along the flank (Berrocal and
ing of sphalerite-galena-barite and massive pyrite are Querol, 1991). Figure 5 shows the position of the La
scattered in a fine-grained matrix of pyrite-chalcopy- Prieta Fault, which in this case is completely unrelat-
rite. The upper surface of the fragmental ore is ragged ed to the mineralization, but does occur at roughly the
and is overlain by a clayey tuff that is less than one same orientation as the massive sulphides.
metre thick (Urabe, 1982). Adjacent to the massive A well-defined stockwork zone consisting of veins
sulphide mineralization in the footwall rhyolite por- of pyrite, chalcopyite, sphalerite, galena and quartz
phyry is a well-developed pyrite-quartz stockwork underlie the massive sulphide horizons. Silicification
zone (Kirwin, 1982). and chloritization are the dominant forms of alter-
ation, and the sulphide content is semi-massive,
Coloradita approaching massive over small intervals. Overlying
Historically the Coloradita orebody has been inter- the massive sulphide horizons is an altered zone that
preted as a massive sulphide vein that is situated at the is not as intensely developed as the footwall zone. It
junction of the La Prieta Fault and a crosscutting consists of silicification and possibly kaolinite, with
structure. The older workings consist of four tunnels disseminated and veined sulphides.
that were relatively short and likely date from the time The uppermost massive sulphide horizon appears
of the “Union en Cuale Company” (Macomber, to be lead-zinc rich, with some barite; whereas the
1962). During the late 1970’s Peñoles drilled 22 sur- lower horizon exhibits classic zoning patterns consist-
face and underground holes, and open pit mining was ing of a lead-zinc rich top that is underlain by pyritic
carried out between 1982 to 1984. Based upon this massive sulphides that are enriched in copper.
work the Colaradita is now considered to be a classic Illustrating this point is Hole 40E from the central
example of a proximal volcanogenic massive sul- portion of the deposit, which contains 0.5 g/t gold,
phide deposit (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). 129 g/t silver, 6.96 % lead, 18.43 % zinc and 0.37 %
The stratigraphy consists of a basal rhyolite por- copper over the top 4.56 metres; and 0.54 g/t gold,
phyry that is characterized by phenocrysts of quartz 41 g/t silver, 0.32 % lead, 0.53 % zinc and 3.82 %
and feldspar that are set in an aphanitic matrix. copper over the bottom 6.15 metres (Ontiveros,
Overall this unit has the configuration of a domal 1980). The precious metal values appear to be hosted
structure. It is overlain by a porphyritic rhyolite brec- by tetrahedrite, along with native silver and gold.
cia, which is composed of the same material as the Silver and gold rich oxide zones occur where sulphide
underlying dome, and grades upward into a rhyolite zones come to surface.
tuff. Uppermost in the sequence is a tuffaceous sand-
stone, which represents a mixing of tuffaceous and Chivos de Abajo
sedimentary material. A TURAM electromagnetic survey conducted in
The mineralization consists of two main lenses of 1971 initially located the Chivos de Abajo orebody.
massive sulphides that are draped over the top, and Drilling conducted by Penoles from 1972 through
flank of the rhyolite dome. A vertical distance of 1977, plus underground exploration resulted in the
roughly 20 metres separates these massive sulphide delineation of a small orebody that was mined by an
horizons. Several smaller discontinuous horizons open pit in 1982.
(less than 1.0 metre thick) are also present. The low- Two porphyritic rhyolite units are present which
Hangingwall dacite
Argillaceous sediments 2100m
Porphyritic felsic tuff
Porphyritic felsic dome
Massive and banded
sphalerite, galena and
barite 2050m
Massive pyrite
Disseminated sulphides
Oxidized sulphides
Stockwork mineralization
~~ Fault
0 50 100
1950m Metres
are separated by approximately 20 metres of argilla- overlapping pod of massive and banded fine-grained
ceous sediments. Uppermost in the sequence is a fel- sphalerite, galena and barite. The horizon immediately
sic unit, which likely represents a tuff. Overall the above the massive sulphides contains “balls” and
stratigraphy is essentially flat-lying, with the north- lenses of sphalerite, galena and barite along with
western extremity exhibiting a 10 to 20º degree dip to siliceous carbonate nodules. Below the massive sul-
the north. phide horizon the argillaceous sediments contain
The argillaceous sediments are the host to several small concordant pyrite laminae (Urabe, 1982). In the
massive sulphide lenses. The internal structure of centre of the deposit the massive pyritic mineraliza-
these lenses is quite complicated, as they appear to tion is enriched in copper having grades of 71 g/t sil-
represent transported sulphide bodies. Typically the ver, 0.16 % lead, 0.83 % zinc and 1.90 % copper over
sulphides exhibit a fragmental texture. All the ore 14.1 metres. The lead-zinc rich portions can grade up
breccias are pyritic and show northeasterly imbrica- to 1,484 g/t silver, 3.56 % lead, 13.84 % zinc and 1.15
tions that are hosted within a powdery pyrite-chal- % copper over a thickness of 9.9 metres. It is sug-
copyrite matrix. The clast size is distinctly smaller gested that this lateral zoning is also the result of the
than in the Chivas de Arriba orebody, averaging about sulphides sliding down the slope of a rhyolitic dome,
20 cm in diametre. Cross bedding at a 30º angle to with the lead-zinc rich portions that likely formed on
bedding is consistent throughout the orebody (Urabe, top of massive pyrite sliding the furthest (Kirwin,
1982). A quartz-pyrite stockwork that is hosted by the 1982; Urabe, 1982).
basal porphyritic rhyolite and the lowermost portion
of the argillaceous sediments represents the exhala- Zona de Pirita
tive centre. Immediately to the west, within the The Zona de Pirita is a small pyritic orebody that
argillaceous sediments is an oblate pod of massive was located by drilling in 1972, by the first hole of
fine-grained pyrite (Fig. 6). Further to the west is an what became an eighteen-year drilling campaign by
tuff that appears to have a disconformable contact only present in the southern extremity of the deposit,
with the overlying porphyritic quartz latite. The thick- and is less than two metres thick.
er intervals of the argillaceous sediments are up to Within these horizons the sulphides generally
forty metres, with the rhyolite tuffs seldom exceeding occur as disseminated aggregates, lenticular aggre-
ten metres. The thickest unit is the porphyritic quartz gates, and discrete crystals (Urabe, 1982; Kirwin,
latite that is more than 120 metres. Overall the shape 1982). The mineralogy consists of pyrite, sphalerite,
resembles an inverted bowl with the bedding in the galena, chalcopyrite, barite, quartz and gypsum, plus
central portion of the deposit flat-lying, but at the minor amounts of boulangerite, tennantite and
edges dipping at 10 - 30º. stromeyerite that are generally associated with the
The massive sulphide mineralization occurs in galena. Within some of the bands of massive spha-
three horizons that are roughly elliptical in shape, lerite, colloform nodules of chalcopyrite are present,
tapering gradually in all directions. The lower horizon and in the argillaceous sediments discrete grains of
is hosted entirely by the upper sequence of argilla- sphalerite that are rimmed by barite have been
ceous sediments. The middle horizon is the largest observed (Kirwin, 1982). The copper and gold grades
and occurs at the top of the upper sequence of argilla- are distinctly lower than the other deposits in the dis-
ceous sediments in the northern portion of the deposit, trict (Ontiveros, 1980), and there does not appear to
but appears to upwardly transgress the stratigraphy be a zoning pattern for the base metals within the sul-
into the overlying porphyritic rhyolite tuffs in the cen- phide horizons (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). The sil-
tral and southern portions. This horizon is the largest ver and gold grades are distinctly higher in the south-
measuring roughly 150 by 200 metres, with a maxi- ern portion of the deposit. One of the better intersec-
mum thickness of 11 metres. The upper horizon is tions from the central portion of the deposit contains
Felsic lapilli tuff
0 25
Porphyritic felsic tuff
Argillaceous sediments
Massive sphalerite
and galena
Siliceous exhalite
1.1 g/t gold, 835 g/t silver, 9.42 % lead, 24.44 % zinc north, and may have a bearing on the origin of this
and 0.33 % copper over a 4.22 metre interval deposit. The bedding is undulating, but in general dips
(Ontiveros, 1980). to the northeast between 10 and 25º. A number of
northeasterly dipping normal faults have dissected the
Naricero stratigraphy, producing offsets up to 30 metres
The Naricero deposit was the largest producer for (Berrocal and Querol, 1991). These faults do not
the district (Fig. 8). During the early to mid 1900’s it appear to be present in the overlying porphyritic
was high-graded by small underground operations quartz latite, and might be contemporaneous with the
that were run by a number of independent operators. formation of the ore (Urabe, 1982). A large alteration
Penoles conducted a number of drilling campaigns zone consisting of veins, veinlets and disseminations
between 1974 and 1989, and commenced mining on a of pyrite, along with chloritization, sericitization and
larger scale through underground and open pit meth- intense silification is lies immediately under the
ods between 1982 and 1987. Naricero deposit.
The stratigraphic succession for the Naricero The massive sulphides are contained within two
deposit is similar to the Socorredora in that the min- horizons that are separated by a stratigraphic interval
eralization is hosted by an intercalated sequence of of 30 metres. The argillaceous sediments are the pre-
argillaceous sediments and porphyritic rhyolite tuffs. ferred host, although some portions transgress into the
Above this is a thick interval of porphyritic quartz rhyolite tuffs. The lower horizon is the thickest, and
latite that appears to have a disconformable contact more laterally extensive having the dimensions of 390
with the underlying stratigraphy. The argillaceous by 195 metres, with an average thickness of 2.7
sediments are up to 30 metres thick, whereas the por- metres (Luna-Barcelo, 1979). The mineralization is
phyritic rhyolite tuffs tend to be thinner. A rhyolite composed of subangular fragments of massive and
dome is located approximately 150 metres to the disseminated sulphides with reworked volcanic mate-
0 25 50
Porphyritic felsic tuff Argillaceous sediments
Shale/felsic pyroclastic Massive sulphide Metres
Felsic lapilli tuff
~ Fault
rial (Kirwin, 1982). According to Berrocal and Querol rences (Jesus Maria, Patrocinio and Mesa del
(1991) the mineralogy exhibits a “fragmental trans- Corazon) are present. These occur in the ore-zone
ported” texture in which the principal ore minerals are pyroclastic unit that is a continuation of the stratigra-
disseminated or evenly sized large sphalerite grains phy hosting the San Juan deposit to the south.
with chalcopyrite exsolutions and veinlets, as well as
mixed pyrite-galena grains. Sphalerite is more abun- Jesus Maria
dant than pyrite, with the galena content very low. As with most of the early mining efforts, the oxi-
Lesser amounts of tetrahedrite-tennantite, geocronite dized ore of the Jesus Maria had been initially worked
and proustite-pyrargyrite are also present. The overall from surface, or by short adits. During the late 1950’s
grade is relatively low; however one of the better there were four tunnels in the area (Macomber, 1958).
grade intersections did contain 0.94 g/t gold, 500 g/t Penoles conducted drilling over an area measuring
silver, 3.08 % lead, 18.76 % zinc and 0.37 % copper 175 by 150 metres in 1977 and 1984, and between
over a 3.25 metre interval. This material was likely 1982 - 1983 most of the ore had been removed by
indicative of the higher-grade ore that was exploited open pit mining.
by the early independent operators. The stratigraphy consists of a porphyritic rhyolite
that is overlain by a thin (10 – 40 metre thick) unit of
San Nicolas felsic breccia (Fig. 9). This in turn is overlain by a
The workings of the San Nicolas deposit consist of porphyritic quartz latite. Two stratiform lenses of
two short adits, plus several open cuts. They are locat- massive sulphide mineralization are present consist-
ed to the west of a northerly trending arroyo that hosts ing of pyrite, sphalerite and galena that range from 2
a major fault. The stratigraphy and structure consists to 10 metres in thickness. Both the stratigraphy and
of a westerly dipping rhyolite porphyry at the base mineralization strike north-south and dip at about 30º
that is overlain by an intensely altered chloritic tuff, to the west, steeping to 50º in the westernmost por-
and a thick interval of rhyolite tuff on top. Adjacent to tion. The upper horizon is situated at the contact
the adit, to the west of the arroyo is a five metre thick between the felsic breccia and porphyritic rhyolite. A
stratabound sequence of rocks that are intensely sili- small tonnage of 43,000 tonnes grading 0.34 g/t gold,
cified and, altered to chlorite and sericite. This also 182 g/t silver, 1.47 % lead, 3.35 % zinc and 0.15 %
contains disseminated and veined pyrite, sphalerite copper was outlined in the upper horizon by the 1977
and galena. Samples of this material carry up to 2.4 drilling (Ontiveros, 1980). Grades in the thicker por-
g/t gold, 356 g/t silver, 2.9 % lead, 0.54 % zinc and tions of this lens attained 0.37 g/t gold, 134 g/t silver,
0.21 % copper (Mendoza-Hdez, 1985). Samples from 3.54 % lead, 9.44 % zinc and 0.33 % copper over an
one of the waste dumps consist of massive coarse- 8.55 metre thickness. However to the east, in the up-
grained sphalerite and galena, with trace amounts of dip direction the mineralization becomes consider-
pyrite and chalcopyrite. The recrystallized, or coarse- ably thinner (approximately 1.0 metre) with the base
grained appearance of these rocks suggests a thermal metal grades dropping off to 0.10 % lead, 0.24 % zinc
metamorphic overprinting that could have been and 0.03 % copper, but the precious metal values
caused by the underlying dacite porphyry. increasing to 0.5 g/t gold and 428 g/t silver.
In the general vicinity of the San Nicolas deposit To the south, the 1984 drilling outlined two
are the underground workings of the Refugio and stacked orezones that were hosted by the porphyritic
Esperanza, both of which are thought intersect small rhyolite, plus some additional mineralization in the
massive sulphide deposits. overlying felsic breccia. This mineralization has been
described (Berrocal-Gonzalo, 1984) as consisting of
Mesa del Corozon Area veinlets and disseminations of pyrite, sphalerite and
The Mesa del Corazon area occupies a series of galena that are hosted by a zone of silicification and
small plateaus that are roughly in the centre of the argillic alteration. Significant intersections include a
Cuale District. Three small massive sulphide occur- 2.7 metre thick section grading 0.06 g/t gold, 12 g/t
“Union en Cuale Company”. From 1891 to 1897 it lead, 0.04 % zinc and 0.02 % copper (Mendoza-Hdez,
produced 693 tons of ore (Beatty, 1899). A Company 1985), which is consistent with grades obtained
Report dated 1891 states the following “the strike of through drilling.
the Lumbrera vein is given as N 70º E, and the dip 46º
to 58º to the NW” and “The ores occur in shales. The Peregrina and San Antonio
minerals which predominate are galena, silver sul- The Peregrina and San Antonio prospects are
phides, black blende (sphalerite), and copper pyrites located within the ore-zone pyroclastic unit, and
(chalcopyrite). The width of the vein is reported to be occur along the contact between a rhyolite breccia and
26 metres” (Hoyle, 1919). Although the present loca- the underlying rhyolite porphyry. Two short adits,
tion of this mine is not known, based upon the plus a number of shallow open cuts are present at the
description, it would appear to be in the general vicin- Peregrina and San Antonio. On surface the mineral-
ity of the San Juan deposit. ization at the San Antonio is very oxidized and has
been described as disseminated pyrite that is associat-
San Juan ed with a series of quartz veinlets. These quartz vein-
The workings of the San Juan mine consist of lets occur over an 80 centimetre thickness. Silver is
eleven short adits, plus a number of open cuts that can main economic commodity, with the average grade of
be traced for approximately 250 metres along the con- 948 tonnes at the San Antonio waste dumps of 0.6 g/t
tact between a rhyolite breccia and the underlying gold, 374 g/t silver, 0.09 % lead, 0.11 % zinc and
rhyolite porphyry. An old millsite dating back to the 0.01 % copper.
early 1800’s is also present, suggesting that the San
Juan may in fact be the Lumbrera deposit. SUMMARY
The stratigraphy consists of a basal unit of massive The Cuale District exhibits similar characteristics
gray rhyolite porphyry, which varies from porphyritic to the Kuroko volcanogenic massive sulphide
to aphanitic. In places this unit is strongly silicified, deposits of Japan. The abundance of the deposits in
and contains finely disseminated pyrite. It is reported the Cuale district that display a variety of different
that a possible unconformity separates this unit from diagnostic features, plus the paucity of deformational
a cream coloured rhyolite that contains minor phe- and metamorphic complications has created an ideal
nocrysts of quartz. A moderate amount of silicifica- setting for the study of this class of deposit.
tion is present in this unit, along with veinlets of The Cuale massive sulphide deposits are Lower
quartz. The uppermost unit representing the hanging- Cretaceous in age, and bear a spatial and likely a
wall to the massive sulphides is a yellow coloured genetic relationship to the felsic volcanism of the
rhyolite tuff/breccia that contains phenocrysts of ore-zone pyroclastic unit. They appear to be related to
quartz and fine grains of feldspar. In general the the explosive rhyolitic domes, but are most abundant
stratigraphy strikes to the north-northwest, and dips to in adjacent basinal settings composed of argillaceous
the west at 34º (Mendoza-Hdez, 1985). sediments. The mineralization appears to be restricted
The thickness of the mineralization varies from 70 to a relatively short period of time that is represented
cm to 2.0 m, and is generally comprised of finely dis- by less than one hundred metres of sedimentary
seminated pyrite, sphalerite and galena that is hosted stratigraphy.
by quartz. In places the sulphides become massive to The deposits occur in a number of different set-
semi-massive, and exhibit a variety of replacement tings. The stockwork mineralization is generally
textures such as crosscutting veins and large clots of restricted to the porphyritic rhyolite of the footwall
pyrite, which are up to 2 centimetres in diametre. In statigraphy (Grandeza, Los Talpas, El Caldera, El
the southernmost adits, barite and quartz are present. Roserio, El Carmen, San Rafael, Coloradita, Chivas
Silver is the main commodity of interest. Sampling of de Arriba and Naricero deposits). This form of miner-
the waste dumps in 1985 by Penoles indicated an alization consists of disseminations, and crosscutting
average grade of 0.21 g/t gold, 142 g/t silver, 0.28 % veinlets and veins of sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite,
sphalerite and galena) that are enclosed in sericitic, Berrocal G. L. and Querol, F.S. 1991. Geological description
chloritic and silicified zones. Immediately beneath the of the Cuale District ore deposits, Jalisco, Mexico. The
Geology of North America, Vol. P-3 Economic Geology,
massive sulphide mineralization this form of mineral- Mexico, The Geological Society of America, 1991 pp. 355-
ization coalesces to create a dense stockwork sulphide 363.
veins and silicification (Jesus Maria, San Juan, Berrocal-Gonzalo, L. 1984. Zimapan S.A. de C.V., Company
Patrocinio, Chivas de Arriba and Coloradita Report, March 29, 1984.
Berrocal L.G., Torres, G.D. and Franco, S.M. 1990. Zimapan,
deposits). In the proximal deposits (Coloradita,
S.A. de C.V. Company Report.
Chivas de Arriba, Jesus Maria and La Prieta) the Bravo-Medina, N. 1988. Zimapan S.A. de C.V., Company
overlying massive sulphide mineralization is zoned Report.
with “yellow ore” (pyrite-chalcopyrite) lying beneath Centeno-Garcia, E. 1994. Tectonic evolution of the Guerrero
the “black ore” (sphalerite-galena). Transported sul- Terrane, Western Mexico. University of Arizona, Ph.D. the-
sis, 220 p.
phides that are inferred to have slid down the paleoto- Chase, P.W. 1937. Prieta, Prietita, Socorredora & other mines,
pographic slopes occur along the flanks of the rhyo- Cuale District, Jalisco. Compania Minera de Penoles S.A.
lite domes, and in the adjacent sedimentary basins Company Report, 24 p.
(Chivos de Abajo, Naricero and Las Bolas). Distal Coney, P.J 1983. Un modelo tectonico de Mexico y sus rela-
ciones con America del Norte, America del Sur y el Caribe.
massive sulphide deposits such as the Socorredora Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petrolio, vol. 15(1), pp. 6-
and possibly the Las Bolas exhibit fine sedimentary 15.
features, and are well removed from the exhalative Gastil, G.D., Krummenbacher, M.A. and Jensky, H. 1979.
centres. A siliceous exhalite consisting of quartz, with Reconnaissance geology of West-Central Nayarit, Mexico.
elevated values precious metal values occurs distal to Summary: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 90,
pp. 15-18.
the massive sulphide deposits (Corazon, Guadalupe, Grajales, M. and Lopez, M. 1984. Estudio petrogenetico de las
San Nicolas, Peregrina, San Juan and San Antonio). rocas igneas y metamorficas en el Prospecto Tomatlan-
Supergene enrichment of gold and silver in the oxi- Guerrero-Jalisco en Chihuahua, Durango y Coahuila.
dized portions has resulted in bonanza type grades for Association Mex. De Geol. Petr., Bulletin vol. XLII, no. 2,
the early producers that are especially evident in the Hoyle, C. 1919. Report on properties of “LA UNION EN
siliceous exhalite deposits. CUALE”. Company Report, 55 p.
Japan International Cooperation Agency / Metal Mining
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Agency of Japan 1986. Report on the Cooperative Mineral
Exploration in the Jalisco Area, The United Mexican States.
A number of individuals have helped in the prepa-
Kirwin, D.J. 1982. Investigation Report Concerning “Kuroko
ration of this manuscript such as my colleges at Type” Massive Sulphide Mineralization at Cuale, Jalsico.
International Croesus Ventures Corp. Bob Cathro and Compania Fresnillo S.A. de C.V. Company Report.
Greg Crowe whose insights seemed to take less time Lowther, G.K. 1949. Notes on the Cuale Area, Jalisco, May 4,
to formulate than the authors. David Jennings of 1949. Company Report, 9 p.
Luna-Barcelo, R. 1978a. Zimapan S.A. de C.V., Company
Farallon Resources Ltd. is thanked for his editorial Report, April 26, 1978.
comments, as are the two reviewers of this manuscript Luna-Barcelo, R. 1978b. Zimapan S.A. de C.V., Company
Tina Roth and Ross Sherlock. The exploration team Report, May 6, 1978.
headed by Matt Wunder of Noranda Exploracion, Luna-Barcelo, R. 1979. Yacimientos Minerales y Exploracion
del Cuepro “Naricero” en el Distrito Cuale, Mpio. De Talpa
Mexico, S.A. de C.V. provided important insights into de Allende, Jalisco. I.P.N. Tesis Profesional.
the district, as did Enrique Ontiveros and Martin Macomber, B.E. 1958. Summary of Exploration at Cuale,
Garcia, the caretaker at Cuale. Industrias Peñoles Jalisco. Eagle Pitcher de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Company
S.A. de C.V. is thanked for providing access to the Report, May 26, 1958.
property and the information. Macomber, B.E. 1962. Geology of the Cuale Mining District,
Jalisco, Mexico. Rutgers * The State University, Ph.D.
Thesis, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A. 386 p.
REFERENCES Mendoza-Hdez, H. 1985. Compania Fresnillo S.A. de C.V.,
Beatty, E.C. 1899. Report on the property of the “Union in Company Report.
Cuale Company” State of Jalisco, Mex. Compania Minera Ontiveros, E. 1978. Seccion Geologica, Barrenos 4-P, 4-O, 4-
Penoles Report. H, 4-D Area Socorredora. Zimapan, S.A., Company Report.
Ontiveros, E. 1980. Estudio geologico de exporacion del dis- Talavera-Mendoza, O., Ramirez-Espinoza, J. and Guerrero-
trito minero de Cuale. Etado de Jalisco, Mexico. Tesis Suastegui, M. 1993. Geochemical evolution of the Guerrero
Profesional, University Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Terrane-Example of a late Mesozoic multi-arc system, in
Mexico. Proceedings of the first circum-Pacific and circum Atlantic
Ortega-Guiterrez, F. 1981. Metamorphic belts of southern terrane conference. Univ. Nal Auton. De Mex., Instituto de
Mexico and their tectonic significance. Geofisica Geologia, Ortega-Gutierrez, F., et al. Editors, 5-22
Internacional, vol. 20, pp. 177-202. Noviembre, 1993.
Ramirez-Espinosa, J., Campa-Uranga, M.F., Talavera- Tardy, M., Lapierre, H., Boudier, J.L., Yta, M. and Coulon, C.
Mendoza, O. and Guerrero-Suastegui, M. 1991. 1991. The late Jurassic-early Cretaceous arc of Western
Caracterizacion de los arcos insulares de la Sierra Madre del Mexico (Guerrero terrane): Origin and geodynamic evolu-
Sur y sus implicaciones teconicas. Convencion sobre la tion. Abstract. In Conv. Sobre las evolucion geologica de
evolucion geologica de Mexico. Primer congreso Mexicano Mexico, Primer congr. Mexicano de Mineralogia, memoria,
de mineralogia. Pachuca, Hgo. Memoria, p. 163-166. Pachuca, Hgo., Jun. 23-28, 1991, p. 213-214.
Abstract. Urabe, T. 1982. Geological Overview and Mineral Deposits of
Sedlock, R.L., Ortega-Gutierrez, F. and Speed, R.C. 1993. the Talpa Area, Jalsico. Japanese International Cooperation
Tectonostrotigraphic Terranes and Tectonic Evolution of Agency-Consejo de Recursos Minerales, Report of Activity,
Mexico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper, no. No. 3.
278, 180 p.
Golden Temple Mining Corp., 1592 Eaglecliff Road, Bowen Island, British Columbia, V0N 1G0, Canada.
The El Gordo is a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit hosted by volcano-sedimentary rocks of
the Guerrero terrane located near the city of Guanajuato, in central Mexico. These oceanic rocks
belong to the Esperanza Formation, which is exposed in a northwesterly trending window that is sur-
rounded by Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks.
The massive sulphide potential of the property was first recognized by Golden Temple Mining
Corp. in February of 1997 through a program of regional prospecting that focussed on massive sul-
phide deposits of the Esperanza Formation. Shortly after the sale of the Leon-Guanajuato Mineral
Reserve in summer of 1998 to Grupo Mexico (IMMSA) and Industrias Penoles S.A de C.V., the
property was optioned to Noranda Exploracion, Mexico S.A. de C.V. whose work forms the basis of
this manuscript.
U. S. A.
Tahue subterrane
Mexico Tepehuano subterrane
15 Nahuatl subterrane
14 Major city
Leon Massive sulphide deposit
Sinaloa Durango
Monterrey 1 El Gordo
Torreon 2 Carmen
3 San Nicholas
Zac. 4 Francisco I Madero
5 Cuale
4 Zacatecas 6 La America
Cu-Pb-Zn SMELTER 7 Dios Me Ayuda
2 3 San Luis Potosi 8 La Minita
9 Arroyo Seco
Puerto 5
16 1 10 Copper King
Vallarta 6 Leon Guan.
11 Campo Morado
Guadalajarra 12 Rey de Plata
13 Tizapa
7 8
Mich. Mexico
City 14 Parral
9 12
15 Calmalli
13 16 Las Gavilanes
0 200 400 Guer.
Km 10
unconformity Granite
equivalent to the - Zuloaga Formation
- Novillo Formation Limestone
- Santiago Formation
Mafic flow/intrusive
possibly equivalent to the Mafic pyroclastic
- Chilitos Formation
- Nazas Formation
Felsic flow
Felsic pyroclastic
- El Maquey Formation
- Taray Formation
possibly equivalent to the Tonalite
- Gran Tesoro Formation
- Caopas schist Diorite
- Rodeo Formation
- Chilar Formation
Figure 2. Stratigraphic Column for the Leon-Guanajuato District (modified from Consejo de Recuros
Minerales, Carta Geologico – Minera, Guanajuato F14-C43; Sedlock, et al., 1993; Martinez-Reyes, et al. 1995)
LA PAZ Andesite - Basalt
Comanja Granite
Tr J-K
Esperanza Formation
Volcano - Sedimentary
Skarn deposit
(1.5 million)
0 5 10
Km Guanajuato
Figure 3. Geology of the Leon-Guanajuato District (modified from Martinez-Reyes, Vassallo and Franco-
Ibarra, 1995)
The age of the Esperanza Formation is poorly constrained and a subject of much controversy. Based
upon regional correlations with the Aperos, Zacatecas, El Maguey and Taray Formations an Upper
Triassic appears to be most appropriate (Sedlock, et al., 1993), while others feel it is Jurassic in age
(Ortiz-Hernadez, et al., 1990).
The stratigraphy consists of micritic limestones and argillaceous sediments that are overlain by a
100 metre thick sequence of felsic flows and pyroclastics, which host the El Gordo massive sulphide
mineralization. Regionally, the Esperanza Formation can be correlated with the Zacatecas Formation,
which in turn hosts the Francisco I Madero deposit in Zacatecas State. Recent estimates for the
Francisco I Madero deposit indicate 40 million tonnes grading 36 g/t silver, 0.8 % lead and 4.7 % zinc,
with a 3 million tonne copper zone grading 80 g/t silver and 1.1 % copper (Giles and Garcia, this vol-
ume). The stratigraphy of El Gordo prospect can also be correlated with the Los Gavilanes vol-
canogenic massive sulphide deposit located 30 km to the northwest and other occurrences within the
Leon-Guanajuato Mineral Reserve (Hall and Gomez-Torres, this volume)
Exposures of massive to disseminated pyrite up to 50 metres in thickness can be traced along strike
for approximately 1,200 metres in a small arroyo. Surrounding this arroyo is a 200 metre thick sec-
tion of Quaternary basalt (Basalto El Cubilete) that has covered much of the massive sulphide miner-
alization, and stratigraphy of the Esperanza Formation.
Two phases of deformation have affected the Esperanza Formation. The F1 folds are rootless, iso-
clinal structures, with the F2 folds being open, symmetrical structures that have a vertical, close-
spaced cleavage. Bedding of the Esperanza Formation and F1 folds strike northwesterly (N40ºW),
and dip steeply to the northeast. The axial planes for the F2 folds are strike at N50ºW.
EG-08 4.3% Copper LEGEND
over 9.3 m
Tertiary cover
Sulphide mineralization
00 EG-03
40 EG-04 Copper-lead-zinc- silver
soil anomaly
EG-02 1.31% Copper
0 N over 29.0 m true thickness Max-min anomaly
80 EG-05
3 exposed in road cut
Drill hole site
00 Channel sample
34 EG-01
N El Go
rdo C 0 100 200 300 400
0N 0N 00 ree
0 0 26
28 k Metres
The sulphides are stratiform and well bedded, with the mineralogy consisting of pyrite, with lesser
amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcocite, digenite, bornite, galena, magnetite and
barite. Drilling has encountered three to five distinct sulphide horizons in one limb of the folded
stratigraphy. Within these horizons, the sulphide bands vary from 0.5 cm to 12.9 metres in thickness,
with the thickest and highest-grade intersection occurring in hole EG 99-03. Within a 46.6 metre
intersection of massive to semi-massive sulphide a 9.3 metre interval assayed 4.37 % copper, 0.38 g/t
gold, 33.5 g/t silver, 0.01 % lead, and 0.02 % zinc. Wallrock alteration consisting of sericite, chlorite
and quartz underlies the massive sulphide horizons. A siliceous exhalite consisting of fine-grained
quartz with fine laminations of pyrite and sphalerite occurs to the southeast, in holes EG 99-04 and 06.
Soil sampling has indicated an anomaly for copper-lead-zinc-silver-gold that is 1,700 metres long
by 800 metres wide. A Max-Min electomagnetic survey has indicated four discrete anomalies. The
mineralization of hole EG 99-03 is associated with one of the weaker anomalies.
Analogous deposits in terms of tectonic setting and stratigraphic relations to the Leon-Guanajuato
District and Francisco I Madero deposit belong to a class known as “Bimodal-Siliciclastic”. These
occur in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Ural Mountains of Europe and the Bathurst District of eastern Canada.
This class of deposit hosts most of the world’s largest volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits and is
characterized by mafic to felsic volcanism that is hosted by a dominantly sedimentary package.
A number of geologists in addition to those referenced in this manuscript have made significant
contributions to the development and understanding of this deposit. These include Curt Hogge,
Hipolito Monje, Chris Moreton and Carlos Cham. Noranda Exploracion, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. is
thanked for providing access information and for the excellent fieldwork that was carried out on the
behalf of this project.
Consejo de Recuros Minerales, Carta Geologico – Minera, Guanajuato F14-C43.
Martinez-Reyes, J., Vassallo, L.F. and Franco-Ibarra, Felipe de Jesus 1995. Geologfia y Potencial
Minero de la Procion Central-Poniente de Estado de Guanajuato, La Zona de la Ex-Reserva
Minera “Leon-Guanajuato”. Folleto de divulgacion, Instituto de Geologia Estacion Regional del
Centro, Secretaria de Desarrollo Economico, Direccion de Promocion Minera.
Ortiz-Hernadez, E., Lapierre, H. and Monod, O. 1990. El Arco Introceanico Aloctono (Cretacico
inferior) de Guanajuato-Caracteristicas Petrograficas, Geoquimicas, Estructurales el Isotopicas
del Comlejo Filoniano y de las Lavas Basalticas Asociada; Implicaciones Geodinamicas. Univ.
Nal. Auton. de Mex., Inst. Geologia, Revista, vol. 9, num. 2, 1990 (1992) p. 126-145.
Sedlock, R.L., Ortega-Gutierrez, F. and Speed, R.C. 1992. Tectonostratigraphic Terranes and
Tectonic Evolution of Mexico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper, No. 278, 180 p.
Golden Temple Mining Corp, 1592 Eaglecliff Road, Bowen Island, British Columbia, V0N 1G0, Canada.
The Los Gavilanes volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit is hosted by volcano-sedimentary rocks
the Guerrero terrane of central Mexico. These oceanic rocks belong to the Esperanza Formation,
which is exposed in a northwesterly trending window of the Sierra de Leon-Guanajuato. Tertiary vol-
canic and sedimentary rocks enclose this window. The age of the Esperanza Formation is loosely con-
strained and can be interpreted to be either Upper Triassic, or Jurassic.
At the Los Gavilanes deposit the stratigraphic succession consists of limestone, followed by argilla-
ceous sediments, which are overlain by a thin sequence of felsic to intermediate flows and pyroclas-
tics. This stratigraphic interval appears to be same as the Francisco I Madero deposit located near
Fresnillo in Zacatecas State (40 million tonnes grading 36 g/t silver, 0.8 % lead and 4.7 % zinc), and
other massive sulphide occurrences of the Leon-Guanajuato District.
The stratigraphy strikes northwesterly, and dips to the southwest between 20 and 40º. The F1 folds
strike at N80ºW, and are southwesterly dipping, recumbent folds, which are rootless, isoclinal struc-
tures. The F2 folds are symmetrical open structures that have vertical close-spaced axial plane cleav-
age that strike at N50ºW.
Preliminary drilling has outlined massive to semi-massive sulphide mineralization over a lateral
extent of 500 by 600 metres. The sulphides are stratiform, and appear to represent an undulating body
that is flat-lying to moderately dipping to the southwest. Intermediate to felsic volcanics host this min-
eralization, with the sulphide mineralogy consisting of pyrite, pyrrhotite and marcasite, with lesser
amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. The massive sulphides occur as bands that vary from
0.5 cm to 5.4 metres in thickness with the overall thickness of the massive sulphide-bearing horizon
0.6 to 49.4 metres. The thickest sulphide intersections occur to the south and west. Pyrite is in gener-
al more abundant than pyrrhotite, except in the southern portion where pyrrhotite becomes the domi-
nant sulphide. Chalcopyrite is more abundant than sphalerite and galena in the proximal northeastern
portion of the deposit where the wallrock alteration is most intense. The gold content is highest to the
northeast, as is the gold:silver ratio. The distal portion of the deposit is located to the southwest, and
has higher zinc values.
Analogous deposits in terms of tectonic setting and stratigraphic relations to the Los Gavilanes and
Francisco I Madero deposits occur in the Iberian Pyrite Belt of Europe, the Ural Mountains, and the
Bathurst District of eastern Canada. Based upon their tectonic and stratigraphic setting these deposits
belong to a class known as “Bimodal-Siliciclastic”, which host the majority of the world’s largest
massive sulphide deposits.
the centre of the property. The surrounding terrain is The Guerrero terrane is interpreted to be an island
somewhat mountainous with elevations ranging from arc that is floored by oceanic and continental crust. It
2,000 to 2,600 metres. is characterized by two major tectonic assemblages: a
In the fall of 1996 Golden Temple Mining Corp. Triassic-Middle Jurassic “basement assemblage” that
recognized that the Apolo/Venus Property hosted vol- corresponds to ocean-floor sediments derived from
canogenic massive sulphide mineralization in an area continental sources, and a Late Jurassic-Cretaceous
of Mexico where this type of deposit was previously assemblage that formed in an oceanic island-arc set-
unrecognized. In 1998 Noranda Exploracion de ting. During the Laramide orogeny, this arc was
Mexico S.A. de C.V. acquired an option from Golden accreted to the Mexican Craton. At this time the
Temple and commenced exploration. Preliminary sur- polarity of the sedimentation changed from westward
veys in the form of geological mapping, ground and to eastward, and the sediments that were derived from
airborne geophysics, geochemical surveys, trenching the arc-assemblage flooded onto the Mexican Craton.
and diamond drilling have been carried out over the This process marks the “continentalization” of the
past year. To date this work has outlined a small, flat- Guerrero terrane, and represents a large addition of
lying volcanogenic massive sulphide body measuring juvenile crust to the western North American
roughly 600 by 500 metres that is currently open to Cordillera (Centeno-Garcia, 1994). The direction of
the east, south, and west. Intersections of massive to subduction that produced the arc(s) is a matter of con-
semi-massive sulphides up to 50 metres in thickness troversy; Coney (1983) and Tardy et al. (1991) have
have been encountered in wide spaced drilling. proposed westward subduction, while Ramirez et al.
Currently there is no estimate of the tonnage and (1991) has proposed two subduction zones, one to the
grade as many of the intersections are not economic at east and one to the west. Other associated tectonic
current metal prices. environments such as marginal basins have also been
The Los Gavilanes deposit is a new discovery in recognized (Tardy et al., 1991).
an emerging district in Mexico. It is the intention of The Guerrero terrane hosts two volcanogenic mas-
this manuscript to review the geological setting, and sive sulphide deposits that are currently in production
exploration methodologies that were used for the Los (Tizapa and Rey de Plata), plus two others that are
Gavilanes deposit. currently undergoing feasibility studies (Franciso I
Madero and San Nicolas). There are also over 150
REGIONAL SETTING other occurrences of volcanogenic massive sulphides
The Guerrero terrane is the largest tectonic unit in that are clustered in a number of areas of similar litho-
Mexico. It underlies most of western Mexico, logic and tectonic settings (Fig. 1).
comprising an area of over 350,000 square The Apolo/Venus Property is located in the
kilometres. Due to the intrusive activity of the Sierra Mesozoic stratigraphy of the southern portion of the
Madre Occidental, and later Tertiary volcanic activity Tepehuano terrane. The oldest rocks are metamor-
that occurred throughout much of central Mexico, the phosed greenschists of the Aperos Formation. These
Guerrero terrane is only exposed in small greenschists consist of volcaniclastic flysch, tuff,
isolated windows. chert, limestone and shale that have been assigned a
A number of subdivisions of the Guerrero terrane Triassic to Jurassic age. In the northern portion of the
have been proposed; 1) three subterranes: Teloloapan- Tepehuano terrane, the Aperos Formation tentatively
Ixtapan, Zihutanejo and Huetamo (Campa and Coney, can be correlated with the Zacatecas Formation of
1983), 2) three terranes: Tahue, Tepehuano and Norian age (Servais et al., 1982). Based upon strati-
Nahuatl (Sedlock et al., 1993), with the southern and graphic similarities, the Zacatecas Formation may be
central portions subdivided further into, 3) five correlated with the same stratigraphic sequence that
subterranes: Las Ollas, Zihuatanejo, Huetamo, hosts the Franciso I Madero massive sulphide deposit
Arcelia and Teloloapan (Ramirez et al., 1991; (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). Elsewhere in the Tepehuano
Talavera et al., 1993). terrane, the Aperos Formation is known as the
U. S. A.
Tahue subterrane
Mexico Tepehuano subterrane
15 Nahuatl subterrane
14 Major city
Leon Massive sulphide deposit
Sinaloa Durango
Monterrey 1 Las Gavilanes
Torreon 2 Carmen
3 San Nicholas
Zac. 4 Francisco I Madero
5 Cuale
4 Zacatecas 6 La America
Cu-Pb-Zn SMELTER 7 Dios Me Ayuda
2 3 San Luis Potosi 8 La Minita
9 Arroyo Seco
Puerto 5
1 16 10 Copper King
Vallarta 6 Leon Guan.
11 Campo Morado
Guadalajarra 12 Rey de Plata
13 Tizapa
7 8
Mich. Mexico
City 14 Parral
9 12
15 Calmalli
13 16 El Gordo
0 200 400 Guer.
Km 10
Esperanza and/or the El Maguey Formations (Sedlock the Cretaceous (possibly Jurassic) Chilitos Formation
et al., 1993). The age of the Esperanza Formation is a located in Zacatecas State, which hosts the San
subject of much controversy. In the northern part of Nicolas massive sulphide deposit. The Chilitos
the Tepehuano terrane, the Esperanza Formation has Formation is composed of mafic to intermediate flows
been assigned a probable Triassic or Jurassic age, and and related shallow intrusions, felsic flows, felsic
is tentatively correlated with the Upper Triassic tuffs, volcaniclastic lithic wackes and cherts (Johnson
Zacatecas Formation. Radiolarians of probable Early et al., 1999).
Cretaceous age (Davila-Alcocer and Matinez-Reyes, Lower Cretaceous (Albion) carbonates that are
1987) indicate the entire assemblage is probably post- interpeted as the western continuation of the platformal
Jurassic. Deformational features in the Zacatecas carbonates of the Gulf of Mexico unconformably
Formation include first phase folds which are evident overlie the Aperos Formation in the Guanajuato area
by a well-developed foliation and tight folding; and a (Chiodi et al., 1988). To the south and east the Aperos
second phase which produces open to tight folding Formation is structurally overlain by faulted slabs of
and local thrust faulting (Centeno-Garcia, 1994). mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks that have been inter-
The relationship with older stratigraphy and the preted as an ophiolite complex (Monod et al., 1990).
overlying Cretaceous stratigraphy is unknown,
although a major angular unconformity exists APOLO/VENUS PROPERTY
between the metamorphic rocks of the Arteaga The Apolo/Venus Property occupies the northern
Complex and the arc-related rocks in western Mexico portion of a northwesterly trending window of the
(Centeno-Garcia et al., 1993). The nearest exposure is Triassic Esperanza Formation (Fig. 2). This window
is roughly 70 km long by 15 km wide. The city of area that exploited the precious metal-bearing quartz
Guanajuato lies to the southeast, and Lagos de veins include the El Orita, San Ignacio de Loyola, La
Moreno to the north. Esperanza y Villegas and El Roblecito (Consejo de
Recursos Minerales, 1992).
Mining and Exploration History A number of other small properties have seen lim-
Mining has occurred in the Guanajuato area since ited production in the past (La Paz de Mexico, La
the middle of the 16th century with some of the mines Esperanza, Pichichahua and the Comanja-1). In 1990
being among the oldest in Mexico. Silver and gold two mines were operating in the district (Tres
were the primary commodities, with most of the Estrellas and El Dore). Grades from these mines aver-
mining activity focussed on the Veta Madre ( “the aged about 2.1 - 2.9 g/t gold, 32 - 100 g/t silver and 3
Mother Vein”). to 6 per cent combined lead and zinc. The mineraliza-
The village of Comanja de Corona, located near tion consists of veins and veinlets of quartz with less-
the centre of the Apolo/Venus Property is one of the er pyrite, galena, sphalerite, along with native gold
oldest in Mexico. A monument in the town centre and silver.
suggests it was established in 1534, about ten years The Los Gavilanes adit appears to have been driv-
earlier than the city of Guanajuato. Mining at the El en during the early Spanish Colonial period, likely
Orcon mine began in the 16th century, and was con- about the same time as the early mining at the El
tinued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A Orcon. The only known previous work on Los
smelter was established in the village of Comanja de Gavilanes was by Las Cuevas S.A. de C.V. (a previ-
Corona towards the end of the 18th century for treat- ous affiliate of Noranda), and Minera Gamma SA de
ing the auriferous ore of this mine. Other mines in the CV (a past subsidiary of Noranda) during the late
LA PAZ TERTIARY Andesite - Basalt
Comanja Granite
Tr J-K
Esperanza Formation
Volcano - Sedimentary
(1.5 million)
0 5 10
Km Guanajuato
Figure 2. Geology of the Leon-Guanajuato District (modified from Martinez-Reyes, et al., 1995)
1960’s. At the time, it was known as the Carmen extensions indicated 62 metres of additional
property. The work consisted of underground sam- mineralization containing a weighted average of
pling of the Los Gavilanes adit, geological mapping, 1.38 % copper. For the entire 101 metre sampled
an induced polarization (IP) survey and diamond interval, the weighted average was 1.18 % copper.
drilling. The program was somewhat limited in Higher grade intervals included 2.23 % copper over
nature, and focussed entirely on copper, as the price of 17 metres, 1.62 % copper over 16.5 metres and
gold at the time was pegged at $35 per ounce. 1.92 % copper over 17 metres, which likely represent
A total of eleven short drill holes were attempted, massive sulphide mineralization. Only three gold
the deepest reaching 75 metres. Recoveries were assays were reported from the underground sampling.
poor, but the drilling did confirm the presence of a These ranged from 1.0 to 2.4 g/t, which is consistent
large alteration system containing elevated copper with the gold values from the most recent under-
values. The induced polarization survey was conduct- ground sampling.
ed over four lines, spaced 100 metres apart. A strong In 1980, the Consejo de Rescursos de Minerales
anomaly was outlined immediately to the south of the established the Leon-Guanajuato Mineral Reserve
Los Gavilanes adit, which is consistent with the which covered what is now the Apolo/Venus
southerly dip to the mineralization. The underground Property. The purpose of this mineral reserve was to
mapping indicated several extensions to the workings conduct exploration on behalf of the government.
that are presently caved in. Sampling from these Soon after the government released this portion of the
unconformity Granite
equivalent to the - Zuloaga Formation
- Novillo Formation Limestone
- Santiago Formation
Mafic flow/intrusive
possibly equivalent to the Mafic pyroclastic
- Chilitos Formation
- Nazas Formation
Felsic flow
Felsic pyroclastic
- Aperos Formation
- Zacatecas Formation Massive sulphide
- El Maquey Formation
- Taray Formation
possibly equivalent to the Tonalite
- Gran Tesoro Formation
- Caopas schist Diorite
- Rodeo Formation
- Chilar Formation
Figure 3. Stratigraphic Column for the Leon-Guanajuato District (modified from Consejo de Recuros Minerales, Carta
Geologico – Minera, Guanajuato F14-C43; Sedlock, et al., 1993; Martinez-Reyes, et al. 1995).
reserve in 1996, two medical doctors from Zacactecas Stratigraphy and Lithology
staked the Apolo/Venus Property. The Esperanza Formation underlies the northern
In the summer of 1996 Minera Dolares S.A. de and eastern portion of the property. It has been
C.V. carried out a limited amount of rock sampling exposed along a northwesterly axis due to uplift that
over the Apolo/Venus Property on behalf of Minera is related to the intrusion of the Tertiary Comanja
Teck S.A. de C.V. Also at this time, a portion of the Granite. Surrounding and overlapping onto the
Los Gavilanes adit was rehabilitated and sampled, Esperanza Formation and Comanja Granite are
and four shallow trenches were excavated immediate- Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 4).
ly to the north of the adit. The Esperanza Formation consists of carbona-
In the fall of 1996 Golden Temple Mining Corp. ceous shales, with the upper portions containing
recognized that the massive sulphide and alteration calcareous shales and clayey limestones that are
assemblages in the Los Gavilanes adit were indicative interbedded with sporadic intermediate and felsic
of volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization, and flows. The geochemistry of the volcanic flows indi-
immediately acquired the property through an option cates an alkalic affinity (Martinez-Reyes et al, 1995).
agreement. Shortly after the sale of the Leon- A limestone unit that is locally known as the
Guanajuato Mineral Reserve in summer of 1998 to La Perlita Limestone is found in the northern portion
Grupo Mexico (IMMSA) and Industrias Penoles S.A of the Apolo/Venus Property. It overlies the
de C.V., the property was optioned to Noranda Esperanza Formation and is likely equivalent to
Exploracion, Mexico S.A. de C.V. Cretaceous limestones found elsewhere in the Leon-
Guanajuato District.
Andesite - Basalt
Comanja Granite
Volcano - Sedimentary
MEXICO Massive sulphide prospect
de Corona
0 1 2 3 4 5
The Comanja Granite occupies the central portion Stratigraphy and Lithology
of the Apolo/Venus Property. It is equigranular, medi- Within the Los Gavilanes-Cerro Colorado Grid the
um to coarse grained, and consists mainly of quartz, stratigraphy consists of silicified black argillites, silt-
plagioclase and potassium feldspar, with minor stones, variably altered limestone, quartz-sericite
pyroxene. Recent mapping by the Univerisdad schists and iron-rich cherts that belong to the
Nacinal, Autonoma de Mexico (Martinez-Reyes et al, Esperanza Formation. These have been intruded by
1995) suggest it is Tertiary in age. the Tertiary Comanja Granite (Moreton, 1999).
Surrounding the Esperanza Formation and La Based upon the current structural interpretation,
Perlita limestone is the Durarte Conglomerate. This the limestone situated to the north of the Los
unit is thought to be Tertiary in age (Martinez-Reyes Gavilanes adit is the oldest stratigraphic unit, and
et al, 1995), and an unconformity represents the time appears to represent the core of a F1 recumbent fold
interval between this unit and the La Perlita limestone. (Fig. 5). Locally this limestone has been silicified due
Other members of the Tertiary stratigraphy include to later alteration. Metamorphism has developed calc-
the El Gigante-Bernalejo andesites and an ignimbrite silicate assemblages consisting of actinolite-tremolite,
unit known as the Cuatralba. The El Gigante- wollastonite and garnet.
Bernalejo andesites occur to the northeast of the This limestone is overlain by silicified black
Apolo claim, while the Cuatralba ignimbrites sur- argillites and siltstones, which are well stratified and
round the entire uplifted sequence of the Leon- thinly bedded. These are overlain by a 20 to 80 metre
Guanajuato District. thick interval of felsic to intermediate volcanic flows
Structure and tuffs. It is these volcanic rocks that host, and in
part overlie, the massive sulphide mineralization (Fig.
Bedding of the Esperanza Formation strikes mainly 6). Also associated with the massive sulphide horizons
in a west to northwesterly direction, with shallow to are irregular intervals of siliceous exhalite. A second
moderate dips to the southwest. Two main phases of sequence of silicified black argillites and siltstones
folding are present. The first phase (F1) folds are overlie the felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks.
recumbent, rootless, isoclinal structures that can result
in structural repetitions of the stratigraphy. The second Structure
phase (F2) folds are northwesterly trending, open sym- In general the stratigraphy strikes northwest and
metrical structures that are characterized by a vertical dips 20 – 40º to the southwest. The F1 folds are root-
axial planar fracture cleavage. Changes in bedding ori- less, isoclinal structures that strike N80ºW and have a
entations can be used to recognize these folds. There is moderate southwest dip. These folds have caused
also evidence for the rotation of some of the F2 folds at small structural repetitions of the stratigraphy. To the
the margins of the Comanja Granite (Moreton, 1999). northwest of the Los Gavilanes adit, a silicified lime-
A north northwesterly striking series of fractures, stone unit cores one such fold. The fold axis for these
which are most pronounced in the Tres Estrellas to folds are thought to be shallow and doubly plunging
Los Gavilanes area are readily discernable from the about a northeasterly trending axis that passes through
air. In some cases these structures represent faults and the area of the Los Gavilanes adit.
host mineralized quartz veins. They are thought to be The F2 folds are symmetrical open structures that
Tertiary in age as this fracture pattern cuts through the have vertical close-spaced axial planer cleavage
Comanja Granite. (Moreton, 1998). The axial planes for these structures
LOS GAVILANES DEPOSIT strike N50ºW. In places these folds have refolded the
F1 folds resulting in a complex interference pattern.
The Los Gavilanes Deposit has been the focal Faults which strike east west and at N10ºE have
point for an ongoing program of fieldwork, with most been recognized. The former are the more significant
of the work focussed on the Los Gavilanes – Cerro in terms of displacement (Moreton, 1998), such as
Colorado Grid (Fig. 5). the fault that appears to have truncated the Southern
Comanja Granite
~~ Volcano - Sedimentary
~ Limestone
Gossan - strong
Gossan - weak
Drill hole site
12 Los Gavilanes adit
~~ Fault
~~~ A’
~~~ ~~ 7
9/10 2/8
6 5 4 3 Soil Geochemistry
13 Grid
0 500 1000
Metres A Line of Section
IP anomaly, or the fault that occurs in the Los most F2 fold is a broad open feature, that is also
Gavilanes adit. southwesterly dipping.
In the deposit area the base of the stratigraphic
Mineralization sequence consists of thinly bedded black argillites
Stratiform and relatively flat-lying massive to that have been intruded by a granodiorite (Comanja
semi-massive sulphide mineralization has been out- Granite). Overlying the argillites is a sequence of fel-
lined by drilling over an area of 600 by 500 metres. sic to intermediate volcanic tuffs and flows, which
This mineralization was initially discovered in the attain a maximum thickness of 80 metres. To the
Los Gavilanes adit, with most of our current under- southwest this volcanic sequence thins to 20 metres.
standing based upon a recently completed 13-hole The felsic volcanic flows and tuffs are most abundant
drill program. along a northeasterly trending axis that passes through
The intent of this drill program was to test a num- the central portion of the deposit. At the margins of
ber of the geophysical, geological and geochemical this axis the intermediate volcanic flows and tuffs are
targets that were generated as a result of the recent more abundant. The felsic volcanic flows tend to
fieldwork. In general the drilling was too wide spaced occur to the footwall of the volcanic packages, and
to accurately define the structure or shape of the min- are generally overlain by felsic tuffs and breccias.
eralization. The F1 folds shown on Figure 6 are iso- The massive to semi-massive sulphides consist of
clinal and southwesterly dipping, while the southern- pyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite and lesser amounts of
A 0 100 200 A’
99-1 99-13 99-4
Felsic-intermediate volcanics Massive sulphide
Argillite Semi-massive sulphide
Comanja granite Exhalative chert
Mafic dyke ~~ Fault
Figure 6. Los Gavilanes Cross Section at 2800 W.
sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. In general the banding within the massive sulphide bands is rela-
massive sulphides occur as beds that vary from 0.5 tively rare, but can be displayed by all the sulphide
centimetres to 5.4 metres in thickness. Separating minerals. The pyrite is generally fractured and locally
these beds are layers of felsic tuff, or a siliceous displays a framboidal texture. Where pyrrhotite and
exhalite. The overall thickness of the sulphide-bear- pyrite are present together, the pyrite tends to occur as
ing horizon varies from 0.6 to 49.4 metres, with the large idiomorphic grains (up to 3 cm in diametre)
thicker intersections occurring to the south and west. which are surrounded by pyrrhotite. Chalcopyrite
Pyrite is generally more abundant than pyrrhotite, generally occurs as blebs within pyrrhotite, or as
although in the southwestern portion of the deposit infilling fractures in pyrite. The sphalerite is general-
pyrrhotite becomes the dominant sulphide. ly brown, and banded.
Chalcopyrite is more abundant than sphalerite and The best base metal grades occur in Hole 99-4
galena in the northeastern portion of the deposit (0.02 g/t gold, 157 g/t silver, 2.24 % copper, 4.16 %
where the wallrock alteration is most intense. The lead and 10.35 % zinc), which was also the narrowest
gold content is highest in the northeast, as is the intersection (0.60 metres). Distal massive sulphides at
gold:silver ratio. the western margin of the deposit grade 0.07 g/t gold,
The sulphides are generally coarse-grained and 18.5 g/t silver, 0.81 % copper, 0.03 % lead and 3.02 %
display textures that are indicative of replacement zinc over 5.45 metres in Hole 99-6. This is contrasted
and/or metamorphic recrystallization. Sedimentary by the northeastern, proximal portion which contains
0.34 g/t gold, 11.9 g/t silver, 0.59 % copper, 0.22 % alteration. Also present is an intensely altered, thinly
lead and 0.38 % zinc over 21.0 metres in Hole 99-9. laminated marble, with local strong development of
Wallrock alteration has affected local areas associ- calc-silicate mineral assemblages (tremolite, cum-
ated with the massive sulphide mineralization mingtonite, epidote and garnet). This calc-silicate unit
producing irregular zones of quartz-sericite schist, is exposed for a strike length of approximately 800
which are now heavily oxidized. Within the oxidized metres, and is estimated to be up to 50 metres thick.
portions of the alteration zones relict sulphide veins Along strike this calc-silicate unit grades into a
and boxworks after disseminated sulphides are a siliceous exhalite.
common feature. The Tres Estrellas and La Pena Rica prospects are
Sampling of the Los Gavilanes adit in 1996 pro- located 10 km to the northwest of the Los Gavlanes
duced an intersection of 1.78 g/t gold, 20.0 g/t silver, adit, in the centre of the property. Both contain mas-
1.14 % copper, 0.02 % lead and 0.03 % zinc over a 48 sive to semi-massive pyrite bands up to 50 cm thick.
metre interval that was estimated to represent a true The host rocks are metasediments, felsic volcanics
thickness of 31 metres. Massive sulphides grading and andesites of the Esperanza Formation. The felsic
1.15 g/t gold, 31.4 g/t silver, 2.33 % copper, 0.02 % volcanics form the footwall of the massive sulphide
lead and 0.06 % zinc occur over the bottom 7.7 mineralization. They are silicified and sericitized with
metres, with the base of the massive sulphides not disseminated pyrite. Within the metasediments a dark
exposed. The upper portion consists of hydrothermal- green chlorite is present as an alteration mineral.
ly altered and oxidized, volcanic and sedimentary The Paz de Mexico prospect is located in the
rocks that contain 2.17 g/t gold, 26.0 g/t silver, 0.40 % north-central portion of the property. The mineraliza-
copper, 0.02 % lead and 0.02 % zinc over a 23.3 metre tion consists of banded massive sphalerite and galena.
thickness. Supergene enrichment has likely enhanced Geological mapping has traced two stratiform sul-
the gold, silver and copper grades. Oxidized and phide horizons that average three metres in thickness
hydrated copper in the form of chalcanthite is present for approximately 275 m along strike. Hosting this
as stalactites in those portions of the underground mineralization is a sequence of felsic volcanic rocks
workings that contain the massive sulphides. and sediments of the Esperanza Formation. Channel
Malachite and azurite also occur within the massive samples from one of these horizons graded 1 g/t sil-
sulphides. The hangingwall alteration consists of ver, 0.01 % copper, 0.01 % lead and 2.94 % zinc over
sericite, quartz and/or chlorite. Goethite and limonite, a 3.4 metre thickness. Assay values from a 15 kilo-
after sulphide veins and boxworks are also present. gram float boulder found in an area of subcrop grad-
ed 90.9 g/t silver, 8.1 % lead and 12.7 % zinc.
Regional geological mapping has outlined the GEOCHEMISTRY
favorable stratigraphic interval over a strike length of Geochemical data was obtained for 124 stream
approximately 16 km. Several other occurrences of sediment samples. With the exception of the south-
massive sulphides and gossanous outcrops after mas- western portion of the property, which was not sam-
sive sulphides, have been located (Cerro Colorado, pled because it was underlain by the Comanja
Tres Estrellas, La Pena Rica and Paz de Mexico). At Granite, the sampling density is approximately two
present, none of these prospective areas have been samples per square kilometre.
evaluated in any detail, although they will likely be Four areas of anomalous geochemistry were out-
the subjects of future work. lined by the stream sediment sampling (Los
The Cerro Colorado area is located on a small gos- Gavilanes-Cerro Colorado, Tres Estrellas, Paz de
sanous hill roughly four kilometres northwest of the Mexico and El Gato) (Fig. 4). All appear to be caused
Los Gavilanes adit. Local areas of gossanous float by massive sulphide mineralization. Anomalous
after semi-massive sulphides occur within a large area levels of silver, copper, lead and zinc and to a lesser
of quartz-sericite-pyrite and chlorite-pyrite-quartz degree iron and barium occurs in these areas. The
most anomalous samples were from the Los Gavilanes from 490 Hz to 4,600 Hz; 2) a proton magnetometer
(74 ppm silver, 954 ppm copper, 670 ppm zinc and system; and 3) a radiometrics system. Unfortunately
278 ppm lead) and Cerro Colorado (1.6 ppm silver, the somewhat rugged terrain resulted in flight eleva-
107 ppm copper, 1,710 ppm lead and 932 ppm zinc). tions that were higher than the survey specifications,
Soil sampling was carried out over the entire Los which caused the depth of penetration for electromag-
Gavilanes-Cerro Colorado Grid, with 914 samples of netic data to be very shallow (estimated to be less than
the B-horizon collected intervals of 50 metres. Gold, 7 metres in places).
silver, copper, lead and zinc and to a lesser degree iron The airborne geophysical survey did prove useful
and barium were used to identify the anomalous areas in distinguishing the main rock types. The Comanja
(Figures 7c – 7f). Granite showed up as a pronounced high for the
The Southern Soil Anomaly measures roughly 900 potassium and total count radiometric surveys, with
by 500 metres and is anomalous for zinc and copper, very high resistivities on the 490 Hz horizontal coil.
and to a lesser degree gold and lead. It is associated The Esperanza Formation exhibited lower resistivi-
with a prominent gossan that occurs within the ties, a low count for the potassium radiometrics, and a
Comanja Granite. mixed magnetometer response. The lowest resistivi-
The Los Gavilanes Soil Anomaly measures about ties and magnetic responses were associated with the
700 by 500 metres, and is anomalous in gold (up to phyllites in the area of the Los Gavilanes-Cerro
346 ppb), copper (up to 668 ppm) and lead (up to Colorado Grid.
2,863 ppm). The anomaly approximates the area of a Several small magnetic anomalies were located
prominent gossan, with the Los Gavilanes adit occur- within the Los Gavilanes-Cerro Colorado Grid. Hole
ring to the north, or uphill side. GV 99-1 tested one such anomaly (Fig. 7a) that was
The Northern Soil Anomaly has the largest lateral associated with a moderately strong induced polariza-
extent. Anomalous values in lead (up to 3,321 ppm), tion anomaly. This hole intersected 7.8 metres of
followed by zinc (up to 2,163 ppm), then gold and cop- semi-massive to massive pyrrhotite and pyrite. The
per outline an anomalous area that measures roughly resisitivity response for the 490 Hz horizontal coaxial
2,700 by 500 metres, with the northwestern end of this coil of the electromagnetic survey produced several
anomaly continuing off the grid. Geological mapping anomalies that were coincident with low resistivities
has encountered relatively few gossanous outcrops that of the induced polarization survey. Holes GV 99-1, 3,
are associated with this anomaly. 5 and 6 tested these features and in every case found
The Cerro Colorado Soil Anomaly is located on massive to semi-massive pyrite and pyrrhotite inter-
small hill. Lead and zinc values are anomalous over sections between 7.6 and 29.8 metres thick.
an area of 500 by 700 metres. Several gossanous out- The proton ground magnetometer survey was carried
crops are present which appear to be along strike from out over the immediate vicinity of the Los Gavilanes
gossanous outcrops that are exposed in the southern adit. Several discontinuous highs were outlined. The
portion of the Northern Soil Anomaly. most prominent is coincident with the airborne mag-
netometer anomaly located near Hole GV 99-1.
GEOPHYSICS The induced polarization (IP) survey covered 30
An airborne geophysical survey was conducted line kilometres of grid. The electrode array was
over the entire Apolo/Venus Property, with ground dipole-dipole with a fifty-metre separation that was
magnetometer and induced polarization surveys over used to measure six levels. Four main anomalies were
portions of the Los Gavilanes-Cerro Colorado Grid. located that parallel the stratigraphy, and a somewhat
The airborne geophysical survey covered 20 confusing pattern of disconnected anomalies that lie
square kilometres on lines spaced 200 metres apart, to the west and north of the Los Gavilanes adit (Fig. 7b).
for a total of 905 line kilometres. The survey includ- The Southern IP Anomaly is the strongest. It can
ed 1) five electromagnetic systems having vertical be traced for 1,100 metres and appears to dip moder-
and horizontal coaxial coils using frequencies ranging ately to the southwest. The chargebilities range from
Induced polarization 00
chargeability anomalies
Strong: >12 msec NORTHERN
Moderate: 8-12 msec ANOMALY
Drill hole site
Los Gavilanes adit 12
Airborne magnetic WESTERN
(reduced to pole)
43020 nT EASTERN
43000 nT 7
7 10 0 500 1000 ANOMALY
42980 nT 9/10 00 9/10
42960 nT 11 2/8 N 11
42940 nT 6 6 2/8 ANOMALY
42920 nT 10 5 4 3 SOUTHERN
42900 nT 00 13 ANOMALY 5 13 25
S 0 00
Drill hole site
1 0 500 1000 1
Los Gavilanes adit Metres
Metres Metres
12 12
Metres Metres
Figure 7. Geophysical and Soil Geochemical data for the Los Gavilanes – Cerro Colorado Grid
10-12 milliseconds (3 to 4 times background), attain- Ricon Ibarra, El Saltio, Los Rameriz and El Gordo.
ing a high of 21 milliseconds in the area of Hole GV All appear to be hosted by sediments and/or volcan-
99-5. The four drill holes (GV 99-5, 6, 11 and 13) that oclastic rocks of the Esperanza Formation and repre-
tested this anomaly encountered massive to semi- sent the same stratigraphic interval as the Los
massive pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization with lesser Gavilanes deposit. This package can be traced for at
amounts of chalcopyrite and sphalerite over a strike least 50 km stretching from the El Gato area of the
length of 400 metres. The thickest intersection Apolo/Venus property (Fig. 4), to the El Gordo
occurred in Hole GV 99-5. This IP anomaly weakens deposit located immediately to southeast of the Leon-
considerably to the northwest, where the massive sul- Guanajuato Mineral Reserve (Fig. 2).
phides become thinner and more sphalerite rich. It is At the El Gordo deposit, a 100 metre thick
quite likely that the Western IP Anomaly may repre- sequence of felsic flows and pyroclastics that is
sent the faulted extension of the Southern IP Anomaly. underlain by micritic limestones and argillaceous sed-
The Los Gavilanes IP Anomaly is approximately iments host the massive sulphide mineralization.
400 metres long and occurs in the immediate vicinity Exposures of massive to disseminated pyrite up to 50
of the Los Gavilanes adit. This anomaly is up to 22 metres thick can be traced along strike for approxi-
milliseconds in strength, relatively narrow, and mately 1,200 metres in a small window of the
appears to dip moderately to the southwest. Holes GV Esperanza Formation. The sulphides are stratiform
99-9 and 10 tested this anomaly and encountered mas- and well bedded, with the mineralogy consisting of
sive to semi-massive pyrite, with minor amounts of pyrite and lesser amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite,
chalcopyite in a siliceous matrix. pyrrhotite chalcocite, digenite, bornite, galena, mag-
The Northeastern IP Anomaly is about 400 metres netite and barite. Drilling has encountered three to
long, with a north-south strike and a moderate dip to five distinct sulphide horizons in one limb of the fold-
the west. It was tested by three holes (GV 99-2, 7 and ed stratigraphy. Within these horizons, the sulphide
8), all of which failed to intersect significant vol- bands vary from 0.5 cm to 12.9 metres in thickness.
canogenic massive sulphide mineralization. Within a 46.6 metre intersection of massive to semi-
The Northern IP Anomaly is situated roughly 800 massive sulphide a 9.3 metre interval assayed 4.37 %
metres northeast of the Los Gavilanes adit. It is the copper, 0.38 g/t gold, 33.5 g/t silver, 0.01 % lead and
largest and can be traced for at least 1,200 metres 0.02 % zinc. Wallrock alteration consisting of sericite,
where it continues off the surveyed portion of the grid chlorite and quartz underlies each of the massive sul-
to the northwest. This anomaly is interpreted to be phide horizons. A siliceous exhalite consisting of
caused by a flat lying to southwesterly dipping planar fine-grained quartz with fine laminations of pyrite and
body, although the geological mapping suggests the sphalerite is located along strike, 400 metres to the
presence of an antiform in this area. Gossanous out- southeast of the massive sulphides (Hall and Gomez,
crops have been mapped in this area. The one drill this volume).
hole (GV 99-12) that tested this anomaly failed to In the area of the El Gordo deposit two phases of
encounter significant mineralization. deformation have affected the Esperanza Formation.
The F1 folds are rootless, isoclinal structures, with the
COMPARISON WITH OTHER DEPOSITS F2 folds open, symmetrical structures that have a ver-
In Mexico, deposits similar to the Los Gavilanes tical, close-spaced cleavage. Bedding of the
occur within and adjacent to the Leon-Guanajuato Esperanza Formation and F1 folds strike northwester-
Mineral Reserve and in the case of the Francisco I ly (N40ºW), and dip steeply to the northeast. The
Madero deposit, 170 km to the northwest (Fig. 1). axial planes for the F2 folds strike at N50ºW (Hall
Along strike from the Los Gavilanes deposit to the and Gomez, this volume).
southwest the following occurrences exhibit charac- Within the Leon-Guanajuato Mineral Reserve, the
teristics of volcanogenic massive mineralization: Los Ramirez is the best example of volcanogenic
Barbosa, Buenas Aires, Madrono, Mina Honda, massive sulphide mineralization. This prospect is
exposed in a small arroyo, located midway between the fractured, exhibits pull apart textures and is recrystal-
Los Gavilanes and El Gordo deposits (Fig. 2). Hosting lized. Colloform pyrite is a rare feature. The chal-
this prospect are argillaceous sediments and felsic copyrite, sphalerite and galena are generally found as
pyroclastic rocks of the Esperanza Formation that fillings between the pyrite crystals, or as bands that
display a pronounced schistosity. Sulphides consisting parallel the graphite bands (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). It
of pyrite, sphalerite and galena occur in stratiform is generally interpreted that the Fransciso I Madero
bands ranging from 0.1 to 10 centimetres in thickness, deposit is syngenetic in origin (Giles and Garcia, this
which are exposed over an interval of 2.0 metres. A 60 volume; Miranda-Gasca, 1995), although the lower
centimetre wide channel sample taken perpendicular to massive sulphide lens has been interpreted to be part
bedding graded 0.49 g/t gold, 50 g/t silver, 0.36 % of a skarn that is associated with Tertiary intrusive
copper, 0.14 % lead and 5.82 % zinc. activity (Miranda-Gasca, 1995).
Elsewhere in central Mexico are two world class The Late Cretaceous to possibly Jurassic Chilitos
volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits that have Formation hosts the San Nicolas deposit, located near
recently been the subject of extensive drill campaigns the city of Zacatecas, in Zacatecas State. This vol-
(Francisco I Madero and San Nicolas). The Francisco cano-sedimentary package has an island arc affinity
I Madero deposit is located near the town of Fresnillo and based upon the relative lack of deformational fea-
in Zacatecas State. A recently completed ore reserve tures appears to be younger than the Los Gavilanes
estimate indicates 40 million tonnes lead-zinc deposit. A resource of 83.4 million tonnes, consisting
material grading 36 g/t silver, 0.8 % lead and 4.7 % of 72 million tonnes in the main zone grading 0.53g/t
zinc, with a copper zone containing 3 million tonnes gold, 30 g/t silver, 1.35 % copper and 2.27 % zinc;
grading 1.1 % copper (Giles and Garcia, this volume). and 11.4 million tonnes in the lower zone grading
The Francisco I Madero deposit is thought to be 1.62 % copper has recently been estimated. The foot-
hosted by the Zacatecas Formation (Miranda-Gasca, wall stratigraphy consists of mafic to intermediate
1995), which is considered to be Upper Triassic in age flows and dykes, siliceous sedimentary rocks, and
(Burckhardt, 1905 and 1930), and correlative with the felsic flows and breccias. The hangingwall stratigraphy
Esperanza Formation (Sedlock, et al., 1993). At the is a succession of mafic flows and flow breccias,
Francisco I Madero deposit three main sedimentary siliceous to carbonaceous mudstones, volcaniclastic
units are present: a lower unit composed of sericite- sediments and minor tuffs (Johnson, et al., 1999).
chlorite schist; a middle one composed of calc-silicate A class of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits
horizons that are interbedded with argillaceous known as “Bimodal-Siliciclastic” is likely analogous
sediments; and an upper one that contains a higher in terms of tectonic setting and volcanic association to
proportion of calc-silicate horizons. The lower the Leon-Guanajuato District, and possibly the
portion of the basal unit hosts approximately 90 % of Francisco I Madero deposit. Other deposits that
the reserves in a mineralized zone that is up to 200 belong to this class occur in the Iberian Pyrite Belt,
metres in thickness. Graphitic layers of this unit are Ural Mountains and the Bathurst District of eastern
interbedded within a groundmass of epidote, sphene, Canada. “Bimodal Siliclastic” massive sulphide
actinolite, diopside and hedenbergite (Miranda- deposits are defined as having roughly equal portions
Gasca, 1995). of volcanic and siliciclastic rocks, with felsic vol-
The sulphides at the Fransciso I Madero consist of canics generally more abundant than mafic volcanics
pyrrhotite in massive bands that contain sphalerite, (Barrie and Hanington, 1997). The felsic host rocks
galena, chalcopyrite, galena, bismuthinite and native are generally calc-alkalic, and in some cases it can be
bismuth. These appear to be stratiform, and are up to argued that they were derived by partial melting of
several metres thick (Miranda-Gasca, 1995). Sulphide sedimentary sources. The mafic volcanics are gener-
textures in the upper and middle portions consist of ally tholeiitic, but both the Bathurst district and the
pyrite bands that parallel beds of graphite, sericite, Iberian Pyrite belt have mildly alkaline basalts high in
quartz, actinolite and chlorite. The pyrite is generally the stratigraphic section. As a class of deposit they are
have an average size of 23.7 million tonnes and are In central Mexico world class volcanogenic mas-
the largest (Barrie and Hanington, 1997). sive sulphide deposits occur in Mesozoic volcano-
The Iberian Pyrite Belt is host to 90 volcanogenic sedimentary stratigraphy. The Late Cretaceous to pos-
massive sulphide deposits (Carvalho, et al. 1997) sibly Jurassic volcanic rocks of the Chilitos
which includes 11 out of the 25 largest deposits in the Formation have an island arc affinity. The Upper
world. In general terms the stratigraphy consists of Triassic (possibly Jurassic) rocks which host the Los
the Upper Devonian Phyllite-Quartzite Group (con- Gavilanes deposit are comprised of oceanic sediments
sisting entirely of phyllites and quartzites, with minor and volcanics of the Esperanza Formation, which is
limestone lenses) which is overlain by the Lower correlative with the Zacatecas Formation that hosts
Carboniferous Volcanic-Siliceous Complex, and the Franscisco I Madero deposit.
finally the Flysch Group. The Volcanic-Siliceous The Los Gavilanes resembles the Francisco I
Complex varies between 100 and 1,000 metres in Madero deposit in that both appear to be massive sul-
thickness, and consists of shales, greywackes, phide deposits hosted by sericite-chlorite schists and
quartzwackes and quartzites, with felsic and mafic black shales of a similar age. The calc-silicate assem-
volcanics. In the western and southern portions of the blages in the silicified limestone that underlies the
Iberian Pyrite Belt, lavas and dolerites having a chem- Los Gavilanes is similar to the Francisco I Madero
ical signature comparable to within-plate alkaline deposit, as is the sulphide mineralogy consisting of
basalts are also present (Thieblemont, et al., 1998). pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena,
The massive sulphide deposits are generally found on along with similar silver and gold grades.
top of the felsic volcanism in close association with The volcanogenic massive deposits of the
black shales and siliceous shales (Carvalho, et al., Esperanza Formation share a similar stratigraphic set-
1997). Characteristic of the Iberian Pyrite Belt is the ting as a worldwide class of deposits known as
thick sequence of sediments that occurs below the “Bimodal-Siliciclastic”. This class of deposits is char-
Volcanic-Siliceous Complex. acterized by a dominantly sedimentary stratigraphy in
The tectonic setting of the Iberian Pyrite Belt con- which the volcanic rocks associated with the massive
sidered to be extensional. Melting of a mafic crustal sulphide mineralization are bimodal.
protolith at low to medium pressures with a steep
geothermal gradient is thought to be the cause for the
felsic rocks that are associated with the massive sul- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
phide deposits (Leistel, et al., 1998) A number of geologists in addition to those refer-
enced in this manuscript have made significant con-
CONCLUDING REMARKS tributions to the development and understanding of
The Los Gavilanes deposit exhibits the following this deposit. These include Curt Hogge, Luis Mayoral
features that are in common with volcanogenic mas- and Carlos Cham. Noranda Exploracion, Mexico,
sive sulphide deposits in general: 1) a sulphide miner- S.A. de C.V. is thanked for providing access informa-
alogy consisting of pyrite and pyrrhotite, with lesser tion and for the excellent fieldwork that was carried
amounts of sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite; 2) out on the behalf of this project. Tim Barrett and Ross
massive sulphide mineralization that is stratiform; 3) Sherlock are thanked for their constructive comments
wallrock alteration consisting of sericite, quartz and while reviewing this manuscript.
chlorite; 4) metal zoning with copper-gold enriched in
the vent area, and lead-zinc enriched in the more dis- REFERENCES
tal portions; 5) a stratigraphic association with felsic Barrie, T. and Hannington, M. 1997. Classification of VMS
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iMAP Interactive Mapping Solutions, 2170-1050 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3S7
Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization in the Greater Antilles occurs on the islands
of Cuba and Hispaniola; stratabound deposits in the Wagwater Formation suggest that VMS mineral-
ization may also be present on the island of Jamaica. Despite a long history of exploration and
mining, recent discoveries suggest the potential for future VMS discovery in this region.
Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization in the Greater Antilles is hosted within specific belts
that can be grouped on the basis of magmatic affinity, lithology, metal signature and known or inferred
age of host strata. The oldest group of deposits, inferred to have formed during the early stages of
development of the Greater Antilles island arc, are characterized by zinc-copper-silver ± gold miner-
alization and Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian?) bimodal volcanic and volcaniclastic host rocks with
a primitive island arc affinity. This group includes deposits in the Los Pasos Formation in central Cuba
and the Maimón Formation and Amina Schist in the Dominican Republic. In western Cuba mafic- to
ultramafic-hosted copper-rich VMS mineralization of Late to Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Turonian?)
age occurs in the Bahia Honda Ophiolite Complex and Las Minas District. These copper-rich VMS
deposits are hosted within slices of obducted oceanic crust and have been correlated with similar min-
eralization in the Oxec District of Central America. Copper-rich VMS mineralization hosted within
massive to pillowed basaltic flows of MORB affinity and Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian?)
age has been documented at one locality in the Peralvillo Formation in the Dominican Republic. This
style of mineralization is interpreted to have formed in a back-arc spreading centre formed in response
to the obduction of peridotite belts and a reversal in the subduction polarity of the Greater Antilles arc
in early Late Cretaceous time. This change in arc polarity has been correlated with an evolution from
tholeiitic to calc-alkaline magmatism; it also correlates with a marked decrease in the abundance of
VMS mineralization. Subsequent to this change in the tectonic regime in early Late Cretaceous time,
VMS mineralization is restricted to calc-alkaline strata of Eocene age, deposited in localized back-arc
rift basins, such as the Cobre Formation in eastern Cuba and possibly the Wagwater Formation
in Jamaica.
a Bahia Honda
Ile de la Tortue Amina
Eocene CA belts
Complex CUBA Schist Schist
Early Cretaceous PIA belts
Gre Maimon
ater Ultramafic belts
Ant Fmn.
Los Ranchos Pre-Robles
Los Pasos Fmn. Fmn. Fmn.
Water Island
ugh Fmn.
a n Tro
El Cobre
r An
Wagwater VIRGIN
b Júcaro Minas District
Figure 1. a) Distribution of Eocene calc-alkaline, Early Cretaceous primitive island arc and ultramafic assemblages in the
Greater Antilles; b) location of VMS deposits and prospects in the Greater Antilles.
The distribution of these deposits is typical of other arc environment on an oceanic substrate.
well established VMS districts, as the deposits tend to Although lateral facies variations, limited expo-
cluster within specific, favorable formations within sure and post-depositional faulting have hampered
the arc system (Figs. 1a and b). In general, VMS precise stratigraphic correlations within and between
deposits in the Greater Antilles tend to be relatively the islands of the Greater Antilles, volcanic and intru-
small, but high grade, often with significant precious sive rocks of similar age and magmatic affinity can be
metal values. They are typically copper- or copper- traced across this region. Donnelley and Rogers
zinc-rich, the scarcity of truly polymetallic (copper- (1980) have defined three distinct igneous suites with-
lead-zinc) or lead-rich deposits is consistent with the in this arc system, consisting of mid-ocean ridge
tectonic setting, that is, arc formation predominantly basalt (MORB), primitive island arc (PIA) and calc-
on a juvenile oceanic substrate. alkaline (CA) assemblages. In addition to the three
Several classification schemes have been proposed magmatic suites, ophiolitic rocks of Early to Late
to categorize VMS deposits, the most widely accept- Cretaceous age, representing obducted slices of
ed being the threefold classification of Sawkins oceanic crust, form discrete belts across the Greater
(1976), which divides deposits into Kuroko-, Besshi- Antilles (Pindell and Barrett, 1990).
and Cyprus-type, based on tectonic setting, host Mid-ocean ridge basalt of Early Cretaceous
lithologies and metal content. However, this system (Aptian to Coniacian) age is interpreted to have erupt-
of classification has limitations in the Greater ed in the early stages of development of the Greater
Antilles. Although some of the copper-rich, mafic Antilles arc, perhaps as early oceanic plateaus or
volcanic and volcanic-sediment hosted deposits in seamounts whose formation was roughly coincident
this region have fundamental similarities to the with the onset of pre-Albian age PIA volcanism.
Cyprus and Besshi deposits, the compositionally Donnelley and Rogers (1980) and Donnelley et al.
bimodal volcanic-hosted deposits are distinct from (1990) interpret compositionally bimodal, subaqueous
true Kuroko-type mineralization in terms of tectonic to locally subaerial PIA assemblages to have formed
setting, magmatic affiliation of host lithologies and in response to early subduction within the arc system.
metal content. Therefore in this paper VMS mineral- Widespread Late Cretaceous volcanic and intrusive
ization is categorized simply by host rocks, known or rocks of intermediate composition in the Greater
inferred age, metal association and when known, Antilles have a CA magmatic affinity (Donnelley et
magmatic affinity, without using commonly used al., 1990). Throughout the Greater Antilles these
VMS classification schemes (cf. Thompson et al., more evolved CA assemblages are separated from
1994; Sherlock et al., 1996) (Table 1). older MORB and PIA assemblages by a regional
unconformity. Draper and Lewis (1991) and Lebrón
Tectonic Evolution of the Greater Antilles and Perfit (1994) have suggested that this abrupt
The Greater Antilles is a Cretaceous to Tertiary arc change in magmatic affinity is coincident with a
system which was deformed by Late Mesozoic to reversal of subduction polarity, from northeast to
Cenozoic tectonic processes (Lewis and Draper, 1990). southwest directed subduction in Early Cretaceous
Rocks in western and central Cuba are thought to have (Albian) time. Lebrón and Perfit (1994) further
formed, at least in part, on a continental substrate and speculate that the evolution of the magmatic rocks
contain continentally-derived detritus, suggesting for- may be in direct response to a change in the composi-
mation proximal to an evolved emergent landmass. tion of both the subducted slab and entrained sedi-
Strata in western Cuba have been correlated with ments. Draper et al. (1996) correlate reversal of sub-
similar assemblages in Guatemala and the Yucatan duction polarity with obduction of ophiolite assem-
Peninsula (Khudoley and Meyerhoff, 1971). In blages in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, followed by
contrast, assemblages from eastern Cuba eastward to extrusion of basalts of the Peralvillo Formation and
the Virgin Islands, including the islands of Hispaniola, other mafic volcanic sequences in this region in Late
Puerto Rico and Jamaica, formed in a primitive island Cretaceous time.
Table 1. VMS mineralization in the Greater Antilles
Deposit Country Formation Age Metals Host Lithologies Status, Reserves & Past Production
El Cobre/ Cuba El Cobre Eocene Cu-Au andesite porphyry Past Producer at El Cobre, drilling at Zona Barita in late 1990’s (1)
Zona Barita & pyroclastics
Eureca Cuba El Cobre Eocene Cu-Au andesite porphyry Past Production: 63,500 t of 7-9% Cu (2)
& pyroclastics
Hope Jamaica Wagwater Eocene Pb-Zn- andesite & volcanic- Past Cu-Pb Producer (3)
Cu-Ag derived sediments
Sabana D.R. Peralvillo Late Cretaceous Cu>>Zn pillowed to massive Drilled prospect (late 1980’s), cut >10 m of low grade massive sulphides (4)
Potrero (Cenomanian basalt flows
Buena Vista Cuba Encrucijada Early-Late Cu ophiolite (flow & Past production: 0.363 Mt of medium quality sulphide & oxide ores (2); Proven &
(Bahia Honda Cretaceous pyroclastic rocks) Probable Reserves: 0.106 Mt of 2.58% Cu (13)
Complex) (Aptian-Turonian)
Júcaro Cuba Encrucijada Early-Late Cu ophiolite (flow & Past producer; Proven & Probable Reserves: 0.589 Mt of 1.38% Cu, 0.31%
(Bahia Honda Cretaceous pyroclastic rocks) Zn+Pb (2, 13)
Complex) (Aptian -Turonian)
Minas Cuba Bahia Honda Early-Late Cu ophiolite (flow & Several small past-producers and prospects (1,5)
equivalent Cretaceous (?) pyroclastic rocks)
Los Mangos- Cuba Los Pasos Early Zn-Cu bimodal volcanic Past Production: 1840-1942: 13,600 t @ 17-20% Cu; 1955-1961:
San Fernando Cretaceous -Ag 0.2 Mt @ 2.75% Cu, 7.0% Zn, 3.0g/t Au, 205g/t Ag.
(Albian-Aptian?) 1997 Indicated Resource: 1.0 Mt of 1.84% Cu, 3.35% Zn (2,6)
Antonio Cuba Los Pasos Early Cretaceous Cu bimodal volcanic Past Production from oxide zones;
(Albian-Aptian?) Sulphide Resource: 1.67 Mt of 0.5-0.6% Cu (2, 13)
Los Cerros Cuba Los Pasos Early Cretaceous Cu bimodal volcanic Past Production from oxide zones; low grade pyritic sulphides
(Albian-Aptian?) (up to 0.38% Cu, 0.49% Zn, 0.09% Pb, 0.45g/tAu, 0.8g/t Ag) (13)
Cerro de D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn- bimodal volcanic Inferred Resource: 3.5 Mt of 3.77% Cu, 2.04% Zn, 0.62g/t Au,
Maimon (Albian-Aptian?) Au-Ag 46.36g/t Ag in sulphides; 0.30 Mt of 0.31% Cu, 0.02% Zn,
3.10g/t Au, 59.9 g/t Ag in oxides based on drilling in 1970’s to 1980’s (7)
San Antonio D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn- bimodal volcanic Drilled prospect, exploration ongoing at time of publication, short (0.5-4m) high
(Albian-Aptian?) Au-Ag grade massive sulphides at 3 stratigraphic levels over a 2 km strike length (8)
Loma La Mina D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn bimodal volcanic Historic Cu production in oxide zones, Drilled Prospect (1960’s to 1990’s)
(Albian-Aptian?) -Au-Ag (9,10,11)
Loma Pesada D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn bimodal volcanic Drilled Prospect (1991) Indicated Resource: 1.105 Mt of 2.13% Cu, 0.77% Zn,
(Albian-Aptian?) 4.37g/t Ag, 0.16g/t Au (14)
Loma Barbuito D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn bimodal volcanic Drilled prospect (1990’s) cut low grade massive sulphides up to 26m thick,
(Albian-Aptian? including 6.16m of 4.4% Cu, 3% Zn, 108.3g/t Ag, 1.4g/t Au (12, 14)
El Altar D.R. Maimon Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn bimodal volcanic Drilled prospect (12)
El Anon D.R. Amina Early Cretaceous Cu-Zn bimodal volcanic Drilled prospect, Indictaed Resource of 0.3 Mt of 1.58g/t Au in oxides in the
(Albian-Aptian?) Cerro Verde Zone & 0.27Mt of 2% Cu, 1.67% Zn, 1.28g/t Au,
13.6g/t Ag at Anomaly B (4, 14)
Pueblo Viejo D.R. Los Ranchos Early Cretaceous Au-Ag-Zn bimodal volcanic Past Production: 5.3 Moz. Au & 24.4 Moz. Ag from oxides, reserves of >20 Moz.
(Albian-Aptian?) Au, 200 Moz. Ag & 3 Mt
abbreviations: t=tonnes, Mt=million tonnes, Moz=million ounces, m=metres, km=kilometres, D.R. = Dominican Republic
(1) Feoktisov et al. (1983) (2) Bogdanov et al. (1966) (3) Carby (1985) (4) Espaillat et al. (1989)
(5) Kesler et al. (1990) (6) Bottrill et al. (this volume) (7) Lewis et al. (1989) (8) Energold Mining Ltd. & Atna Resources Inc. News Release, March 12, 1999
(9) Vaughan et al. (1921) (10) Koschmann and Gordon (1950) (11) Energold Mining Ltd. News Releases, August 12, 1998 and January 18, 1999
(12) Espaillat, 1995 (13) Russell et al. (this volume) (14) ACA Howe, 1998
By Paleocene to Eocene time arc magmatism in as the Los Mangos–San Fernando deposit, in the Santa
the Greater Antilles was confined to CA volcanism Clara district, suggest potential for future discoveries.
localized within in small basins such as those of the El
Cobre Formation in the Sierra Maestra of eastern Los Pasos Formation
Cuba and the Wagwater Group in Jamaica. The pres- The Los Pasos Formation consists of volcanic and
ent day tectonic regime of the Greater Antilles is volcaniclastic rocks of inferred Early Cretaceous
dominated by post-Eocene left-lateral strike-slip (pre-Albian) age, which crop out in the Santa Clara
movement, which has formed the Cayman Trough. district of central Cuba (Figs. 1a and 1b). The Los
Cuba is now part of the North American plate, where- Pasos Formation is compositionally bimodal, with
as the other islands of the Greater Antilles lie on the massive to amygdaloidal basalt and basaltic andesite
Caribbean plate. The Caribbean plate is bounded to and rhyolitic to dacitic flows, subvolcanic intrusives
the east and west by subduction zones, with the and tuffs; minor intercalated sandstone and shale
oceanic Cocos and Nazca plates being subducted occur within the sequence (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996).
under Central America to the west and Atlantic ocean Massive sulphide mineralization hosted within highly
crust being subducted under the Lesser Antilles to the altered felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the
east (Mann et al., 1991). Los Pasos Formation occurs at the Los Mangos-San
Within the Greater Antilles copper and copper- Fernando, Antonio and Los Cerros deposits (Table 1
zinc-gold-silver VMS mineralization is found within and Fig. 1b).
Lower to lowermost Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks The copper-zinc-rich San Fernando Mine was dis-
of PIA and MORB affinity, as well as Lower to Upper covered in 1827 and mined intermittently from 1840
Cretaceous mafic-ultramafic ophiolitic assemblages. to 1942, with an estimated 13,600 tonnes of ore grad-
In addition, gold-enriched baritic to massive sulphide ing 17-20 % copper recovered from near-surface
mineralization, of probable VMS origin, occurs with- oxide zones (Bottrill et al., this volume). The mine
in Eocene CA strata. was reopened in 1955 and mining to 1961 produced a
further 200,000 tonnes at an average grade of 2.75 %
VMS mineralization in the Greater Antilles copper, 7.0 % zinc, 3.0 g/t gold and 205 g/t silver
(Bogdanov et al., 1966; Bottrill et al., this volume).
Cuba Exploration in the late 1990’s in the vicinity of the old
Cuba is host to a wide range of styles of massive mine led to the discovery of the Los Mangos orebody;
sulphide mineralization, including VMS and Sedex the discovery hole at Los Mangos intersected 3.25 m
deposits. This paper discusses the tectonic setting, of 14.09 % zinc, 0.81 % copper, 0.32 % lead, 272
magmatic affinity and VMS metallogeny of the prin- grams of silver per tonne and 1.71 grams of gold per
cipal belts which host VMS mineralization in Cuba. tonne (Holmer Gold Mines Ltd. News Release,
For a more comprehensive review of specific VMS January 16, 1997). Further drilling has outlined an
deposits in Cuba the reader is referred to Russell et al. indicated resource of 1,000,000 tonnes of 3.35 % zinc
(this volume). Feokistov et al. (1983) and Kesler et al. and 1.84 % copper and an inferred resource of a fur-
(1990) present reviews of Sedex mineralization in the ther 1,000,000 tonnes of comparable grade; gold and
Pinar del Río district of western Cuba. silver were omitted from the calculations due to a lack
Predominantly copper–rich VMS mineralization is of data for these elements in older drill holes (Bottrill
abundant in Cuba in comparison to other islands of the et al., this volume). Mineralization consists of finely
Greater Antilles and has been a significant source of laminated zinc-rich (pyrite>sphalerite>chalcopyrite)
base metals intermittently throughout the twentieth sulphides overlying massive copper-rich
century, and possibly much earlier (Bogdanov et al., (pyrite>chalcopyrite>>sphalerite) sulphides hosted
1966). Historic VMS districts include Pinar del Río, within and locally at the top of a sequence of felsic
Minas and Santa Clara (Fig. 1). Despite a long history lapilli to ash tuff, altered to a quartz-sericite-pyrite
of exploration in Cuba, recent VMS discoveries, such assemblage. The mineralized sequence is overlain by
a thin rhyolite-dacite tuff unit, which is capped by a Kesler et al. (1990) suggest a correlation with massive
mafic sequence consisting of basalt to basaltic- sulphide mineralization in the Minas District of Cuba,
andesite lapilli tuff with lesser flows (Bottrill et al., some 100 km to the east.
this volume).
The Antonio deposit is located approximately 27 El Cobre Formation
km southeast of Los Mangos-San Fernando. Sulphide The Paleocene to Upper Eocene El Cobre
mineralization at Antonio consists of pyrite and chal- Formation in eastern Cuba consists primarily of
copyrite with lesser sphalerite and sulphosalts, hosted water-lain pyroclastic strata, with minor basaltic and
at the top of a sequence of altered felsic volcanic brec- dacitic flows lower in the sequence and limestone
cias overlain by basalt flows and breccias. Sulphide higher in the sequence (Lewis and Draper, 1990) (Fig.
reserves of 1,666,300 tonnes grading 0.52 to 0.6 % 1a). Copper-gold-rich baritic VMS mineralization
copper have been calculated for the Antonio deposit; occurs in the Cobre Formation at the past-producing
enriched oxide zones overlying the massive sulphides El Cobre deposit and the nearby Zona Barita (Guild
are mined out (Bogdanov et al., 1966; Russell et al., and Cox, 1975; Joutel Resources News Release,
this volume). March 7, 1999) (Fig. 1b). Based on textural evidence,
Some 15 km southeast of Antonio, the Los Cerros mineralization at El Cobre and Zona Barita may have
deposit is also the site of past production from near- formed primarily as a subseafloor replacement (T.
surface secondary oxide zones. Remaining primary Bottrill, pers. comm., 1999). Also within the Cobre
sulphide mineralization consists of pyrite with lesser Formation, a similar style of mineralization has been
chalcopyrite and sphalerite hosted by dacite and rhy- described at the Eureca deposit by Bogdanov et al.
olite altered to a quartz-chlorite-epidote-sericite- (1966). Massive to semi-massive mineralization at
albite assemblage (Russell et al., this volume). Eureca consists of a barite-pyrite-chalcopyrite lens
which, prior to mining contained 63,500 tons of ore
Bahia Honda Complex with an average copper grade of 8 %, as well as
Mafic volcanic-hosted copper-rich VMS deposits pyrite-chalcopyrite “vein-incrustations” which cut
occur in the Bahia Honda ophiolite complex in the pyroclastic rocks and andesite porphyry. Based on
eastern part of the Pinar del Río District of western similarities in alteration and mineralogy, Bogdanov et
Cuba (Fig. 1a). Deposits of this type include Buena al. (1966) suggest Eureca has similarities to VMS
Vista and Júcaro (Table 1 and Fig. 1b). Bogdanov et mineralization at Rio Tinto in Spain. However, Kesler
al. (1966) describe VMS mineralization at the past- et al. (1990) suggest that the mined-out deposit repre-
producing Buena Vista deposit as lenticular to stock- sents epithermal vein style mineralization. Based on
like zones of pyrite and chalcopyrite hosted within the information available, barite-sulphide-gold miner-
mafic to ultramafic flows and pyroclastic rocks. Some alization at Eureca, El Cobre and the nearby Zona
20 km away at Júcaro, copper-rich massive to semi- Barita is tentatively included as VMS mineralization
massive sulphide mineralization is hosted within of probable Eocene age.
similar strata.
Lewis and Draper (1990) suggest that the Bahia Hispaniola (Dominicanf Republic and Haiti)
Honda Complex represents an overturned oceanic The island of Hispaniola is divided into the
succession of allochthonous affinity. Strata associated Dominican Republic to the east and Haiti to the west,
with VMS mineralization form a 50 km long, 1-7 km with the roughly north-south political boundary
wide belt of mafic lavas and tuffs, subvolcanic intru- obliquely cutting the northwest trend of the principal
sions and marine sediments of Early to Late belts and tectonic features of Hispaniola (Fig. 1a).
Cretaceous (Aptian-Turonian) age (Feokistov et al., The most significant ore deposit on Hispaniola is the
1983). Case et al. (1984) correlate the Bahia Honda world class Pueblo Viejo gold-silver-zinc deposit,
complex with ophiolitic rocks which host similar hosted by the Los Ranchos Formation in the central
mineralization in the Oxec District of Guatemala; Dominican Republic (Fig. 2). Known VMS mineral-
Amina Schist
Maimon Fm.
Los Ranchos Fm.
Loma Barbuito
Zn-Cu-Ag-Au Cerro de Maimon
0 25 50 San Antonio
kilometers Sabana Potrero Peralvillo Fm.
Figure 2. Location of VMS deposits and prospects in the Dominican Republic, island of Hispaniola.
ization on Hispaniola is hosted by bimodal volcanic 2). General features common to VMS mineralization
rocks of the Maimón Formation and Amina Schist, as in the Maimón Formation include a spatial association
well as basalt of the Peralvillo Formation. Copper- with bimodal volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, zinc-
and copper-zinc-rich VMS deposits in the Maimón copper mineralization with low lead concentrations
Formation are known for their historic production, and significant precious metal grades that are
however, no development has occurred in the latter enhanced in near-surface, secondary oxide zones.
half of the twentieth century. The two most advanced VMS deposits in the
Maimón Formation are Cerro de Maimón and San
Maimón Formation Antonio (Fig. 2). The geology and mineralization of
The Maimón Formation crops out as a 1-10 km these two deposits, along with Loma la Mina, a small-
wide by 65 km long, northwest trending, volcanic and scale historic producer, is summarized below. For
sedimentary belt in the central Dominican Republic greater detail on Cerro de Maimón and San Antonio
(Fig. 1a); palentological and isotopic age constraints the reader is referred to Astacio (1998), Lewis et al
are scarce. Geological relations suggest an Early (this volume) and Holbek and Daubeny (this volume).
Cretaceous (pre-Albian) age, which is consistent with Other VMS mineralization in the Maimón Formation
unpublished lead isotopic model ages (S. Horan, is found at the drill-tested Loma Barbuito, Loma
unpublished data, 1995), fossil data (S.K. Donovan, Pesada and El Altar prospects, as well as at several
unpublished data, 1994) and correlation with other grassroots prospects (Table 1).
PIA assemblages in the Greater Antilles. The Maimón Formation contains volcanic and vol-
Copper-rich base metal deposits in the Maimón caniclastic strata with minor intercalated marine sedi-
Formation have been exploited on a small scale since mentary strata, all of which are metamorphosed to
at least the time of Spanish colonization (Vaughan et greenschist to sub-greenschist facies. Volcanic strata
al., 1921; Koschmann and Gordon, 1950). Modern consist of massive to pillowed mafic flows and felsic
base metal exploration in the Maimón Formation flows, tuffs and fragmental rocks with coeval dykes
beginning in the 1970’s led to the discovery of a num- and small intrusive bodies. Marine sedimentary strata
ber of VMS deposits and prospects (Table 1 and Fig. include greywacke, shale, conglomerate, limestone
and chert. The sedimentary assemblage and lack of primary sulphide resource of 3.36 million tonnes of
terrestrial fossils indicated formation in a relatively 3.93 % copper, 1.93 % zinc, 0.56 g/t gold and 47.3 g/t
deep water environment. silver, overlain by a secondary oxide resource of 0.32
Strata of the Maimón Formation strike northwest million tonnes of 3.10 g/t gold and 59.9 g/t silver
and dip steeply to moderately to the southwest. The (Lewis et al., 1998). The deposit is hosted by variably
sequence is bound to the northeast by the Hatillo deformed and metamorphosed flows, volcaniclastic
Fault, which thrust rocks of the Maimón Formation rocks and chert near the southwestern margin of the
northeastward, over younger sedimentary rocks of the Maimón Formation. The hangingwall is metamor-
Hatillo, Las Lagunas and Los Ranchos Formations, phosed, but not hydrothermally altered, and consists
probably in the Late Eocene. The Hatillo Thrust is of tuffs of intermediate composition, mafic flows and
locally imbricate, with small slices of Maimón thin lenses of chert. The footwall consists of meta-
Formation rocks lying northeast of the principal fault morphosed quartz-sericite-pyrite altered felsic vol-
trace. To the southwest, the Maimón Formation is in caniclastic and intermediate composition tuffaceous
fault contact with the Loma Caribe Peridotite and rocks (Astacio, 1998; Lewis et al., 1998).
Peralvillo Formation; drill intercepts at Cerro de Massive sulphide mineralization at Cerro de
Maimón show the Peralvillo-Maimón contact to be Maimón extends from surface, where it occurs as gos-
strongly sheared (Lewis et al., 1998). Deformation in san, to depths of at least 200 m. At depth, primary sul-
the Maimón Formation may be related to obduction of phides form massive to semi-massive lenses of pyrite
the Loma Caribe peridotite in mid-Cretaceous time, with lesser chalcopyrite and sphalerite and minor bor-
resulting in an increase in the intensity of deformation nite, tetrahedrite-tenantite, galena and idalite
of the Maimón Formation southwest towards the peri- (Astacio, 1998). Supergene processes have resulted in
dotite belt (Draper et al., 1996). Strata on the south- enhancement of precious metal grades and replace-
west side of the Maimón Formation are highly ment of primary sulphides by chalcocite.
deformed and locally mylonitic, whereas strata on the Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization
northeastern side is less deformed and can retain pri- was discovered at San Antonio in the late 1980’s; a
mary volcanic and sedimentary textures (Draper et al., small drill program in 1990-91 at the La Parcela zone
1996). The exception to this is immediately adjacent intersected massive sulphide mineralization in two of
to the Hatillo Thrust, where strata are typically well four holes drilled. The discovery hole cut 15.6 m of
foliated and locally sheared. low grade, massive to semi-massive pyrite with minor
Major element lithogeochemical studies indicate amounts of sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Drilling of a
that volcanic strata of the Maimón Formation are further sixteen holes in 1999 intersected thinner (1.2-
compositionally bimodal, with relatively low primary 4.6 m) intervals of high grade massive sulphides,
potassium and high sodium concentrations (Kesler et including 3.1 m of 3.39 % copper, 8.55 % zinc, 0.13
al., 1991a; Holbek and Daubeny, this volume). Trace % lead, 185.2 g/t silver and 1.38 g/t gold (Energold
element analyses of Maimón Formation rhyolite and Mining Ltd. and Atna Resources Ltd. News Releases,
basalt yield low concentrations of high field strength March 12, 1999). San Antonio occurs within a com-
(HFSE) and rare earth (REE) elements, along with positionally bimodal volcanic and volcaniclastic
enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) sequence. Mineralization occurs at three or more
(Espaillat, 1995; Lewis et al., 1998); Maimón stratigraphic horizons, including at or near the contact
Formation volcanic rocks have a tholeiitic affinity between unaltered felsic hangingwall tuffs and frag-
characteristic of PIA assemblages (Donnelley and mental rocks and footwall quartz-sericite±pyrite
Rogers, 1980). altered schists in the La Parcela zone, as well as with-
Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization at in footwall quartz-sericite±pyrite altered schists in the
Cerro de Maimón was discovered in the mid-1970’s Copper zone. At the time of writing (March, 2000)
during the early stages of modern base metal explo- drilling is ongoing at San Antonio.
ration of the Maimón Formation. Drilling indicates a The Loma la Mina deposit, located approximately
10 km west of Cerro de Maimón, is the site of historic tains abundant flows and contemporaneous sub-vol-
copper mining (Vaughan et al., 1921; Koschmann and canic intrusive rocks, the Amina and Ile de la Tortue
Gordon, 1950); evidence of mining activity remains Schists are comprised of volcanic-derived sedimenta-
in the form of old pits, trenches and dumps, as well as ry material, with little or no lava. Draper and Lewis
small piles of slag. From the 1960’s to present three (1982) suggest that these facies variation may reflect
small drill campaigns have been conducted on the a more distal setting for the Amina Schist; this analo-
property in the search for base and precious metals gy may be extended to the Ile de la Tortue Schist. A
(Energold Mining Ltd. News Releases Aug. 12, 1998 distal setting may in part be responsible for the scarci-
and January 18, 1999). ty of known VMS mineralization in the schists rela-
Chlorite and quartz-sericite-pyrite schists of the tive to the Maimón Formation. El Anon, in north-
Maimón Formation are exposed on top and down the western Dominican Republic, represents the only
west side of Loma la Mina, in the hangingwall of the documented VMS prospect known in this belt. At El
northwest trending Hatillo thrust fault. Strata at Loma Anon copper- and zinc-rich sulphides hosted within
la Mina are considerably more deformed than at Cerro quartz-sericite-pyrite and chlorite schists have been
de Maimón and San Antonio, with primary textures cut in drill holes in four zones, namely Cerro Verde,
rarely preserved. Late brittle (?) faults which cut and Elias Gossan, Anomaly A and Anomaly B (Brouwer
offset stratigraphy, along with intense deformation et al., 1989, ACA Howe, 1998) (Fig. 2). An oxide-
and paucity of outcrop have hampered recognition of hosted indicated resource of 300,000 tonnes of 1.58
the primary stratigraphic sequence at Loma La Mina g/t gold, thought to be derived from the secondary
and prevented direct correlation with stratigraphy concentration of underlying low grade pyritic ore,
which hosts massive sulphide mineralization at Cerro was calculated for Cerro Verde and a massive sul-
de Maimón and San Antonio. Schists at Loma la Mina phide indicated resource of 272,667 tonnes of 2 %
are gossanous and commonly malachite and azurite copper, 1.67 % zinc, 1.28 g/t gold and 13.6 g/t silver
stained, particularly in the vicinity of old workings. was calculated for Anomaly B (ACA Howe, 1998).
At surface, primary iron and copper sulphides are
almost completely weathered to oxides. A strong gold Los Ranchos Formation
in soil anomaly is roughly coincident with surface The Los Ranchos Formation is a Lower
oxide mineralization. Drilling has intersected multiple Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian), compositionally
lenses of deformed but broadly conformable, low bimodal volcanic and volcaniclastic assemblage of
grade volcanogenic massive to semi-massive sul- PIA affinity, which is thought to have formed con-
phides, with thicknesses locally exceeding ten metres. temporaneously with or slightly later than the
Maimón Formation (Donnelley and Rodgers, 1980;
Amina and Ile de la Tortue Schists Kesler et al., 1991b) (Fig. 1a). In contrast to the
The Amina Schist, in northwestern Dominican Maimón Formation, a fossil assemblage that includes
Republic and the Ile de la Tortue Schist, off the north terrestrial plant debris suggests formation in a subaer-
coast of Haiti have been correlated with the Maimón ial to shallow subaqueous environment. Near its
Formation on the basis of similarities in lithology, faulted western margin, the Los Ranchos Formation is
magmatic affinity and structural style (Draper and host to the world class Pueblo Viejo gold-silver-zinc
Lewis, 1982; Lewis and Draper, 1990; Kesler et al., deposit, from which 5.3 million ounces of gold and
1991a) (Fig. 1a). The Amina Schist is geochemically 24.4 million ounces of silver has been mined from
similar to the Maimón Formation, with a weakly com- oxide ore bodies and sulphide-hosted reserves are
positionally bimodal assemblage of basaltic andesite estimated to be in excess of 20 million ounces of gold,
and dacite to rhyolite with low primary potassium 200 million ounces of silver and 3 million tones of
concentrations and high iron to magnesium ratios zinc (Fig. 2). Russell and Kesler (1991) interpret
(Draper and Lewis, 1982; Kesler et al., 1991a). Pueblo Viejo to have formed from acid sulphate (high
In contrast to the Maimón Formation, which con- sulphidation) fluids in a maar-diatreme setting, how-
ever, new insights into geologic relations at Pueblo veins suggesting that drilled section at Sabana Potrero
Viejo and a general shift away from the maar-dia- is overturned, imbricated or that multiple, stacked
treme model has led to reevaluation of this model by lenses may be present.
Kesler (1998). Recent reexamination of well-known
VMS deposits, such as the Boliden deposit in Puerto Rico
Sweden, as well as the discovery of the precious Much of Puerto Rico is underlain by three fault-
metal-rich VMS Eskay Creek deposit in Canada has bounded igneous sequences which record a similar
led to the recognition of a group of deposits which tectonic evolution to the arc assemblages of
formed in a subaqueous, transitional setting with Hispaniola (Schellekens, 1991; Schellekens, 1998).
characteristic of both epithermal and VMS mineral- Base metal exploration beginning in the 1950’s resulted
ization (Sillitoe et al., 1996). Features of this style of in the discovery of several significant Late Cretaceous
mineralization include high precious metal concentra- porphyry copper deposits, including Tánama and Río
tions relative to traditional VMS mineralization, an Viví (Guild and Cox, 1975). Volcanogenic massive
epithermal (As-Sb-Hg) trace element signature and sulphide mineralization is not recognized in Puerto
the presence of low pH alteration assemblages (alu- Rico. However, limited exposures of a Lower
nite, pyrophyllite, dickite). Cretaceous bimodal, mainly volcaniclastic sequence
At Pueblo Viejo the presence of alunite, pyrophyl- of PIA affinity, the pre-Robles Formation, which was
lite, and enargite attest to the high sulphidation nature emplaced at least in part in a subaqueous setting,
of the mineralizing fluids. Characteristics such as the suggests limited potential for Early Cretaceous Zn-
high zinc concentration and bedded pyritic-carbona- Cu-Ag-Au VMS mineralization (Fig. 2).
ceous sediments of probable exhalative origin suggest
that Pueblo Viejo is a transitional epithermal- Virgin Islands
VMS deposit. Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization is
not documented in the Virgin Islands. However, sim-
Peralvillo Formation ilar to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands contains limit-
Basaltic lavas of the Peralvillo Formation crop out ed exposures of prospective bimodal stratigraphy of
around the southern end of the Maimón Formation in PIA affinity in the Water Island Formation
the central Dominican Republic; where observed, the (Donnelley, 1966) (Fig 1a). Bimodal volcanic rocks
contact is faulted (Espaillat et al., 1989; Lewis et al., of the Water Island Formation consists mainly of sub-
1998) (Fig. 2). Trace element geochemistry indicates aqueous lavas with minor volcaniclastic rock and as
that the basalts have a geochemical signature similar such represent prospective stratigraphy for the dis-
to MORB (Donnelley and Rodgers, 1980; Espaillat et covery of VMS mineralization.
al., 1989) and are interpreted to have formed within a
back arc spreading centre in probable Late Cretaceous Jamaica
time, immediately following a reversal in subduction The surface area of Jamaica is dominated by
polarity and cessation of Early Cretaceous PIA vol- Tertiary limestone, overlain by alumina-rich soil from
canism (Draper and Lewis, 1991). which bauxite is mined. Exposures of volcanic and
Copper-rich VMS mineralization within the intrusive strata are limited to the Wagwater Trough
Peralvillo Formation has been identified at Sabana and several small Cretaceous inliers. Non-bauxite
Potrero, where drilling has intersected pyrite- and mineral exploration in Jamaica has focused mainly on
chalcopyrite-rich massive sulphides with lesser spha- porphyry copper and epithermal gold potential, in
lerite, hosted by pillowed to massive basaltic flows large part due to discovery of these styles of mineral-
cut by diabase (Brouwer et al., 1989; Espaillat et al., ization on the nearby islands of Puerto Rico and
1989) (Fig. 2). Massive sulphide mineralization is Hispaniola (Fenton, 1987). Possible VMS mineraliza-
structurally overlain by altered basalt containing an tion occurs within the Wagwater Group at the Hope
anastamosing stockwork of quartz-sulphide±chlorite Mine, near Kingston (Figs. 1a and b).
Early-Late Cretaceous (Aptian-Turonian) well the world class Pueblo Viejo deposit suggests
Ophiolite-hosted Cu mineralization high potential for future VMS discoveries in the
This style of mineralization is restricted to western Greater Antilles.
Cuba and includes deposits such as Buena Vista and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Júcaro in the Bahia Honda ophiolite complex and
deposits in the Las Minas district. These cupriferous Ian Thomson and Terrence Bottrill are gratefully
pyrite deposits are hosted within mafic volcanic stra- acknowledged for sharing their insights on the Hope
ta interpreted to represent fragments of obducted and Zona Barita deposits, respectively. Grenville
oceanic crust. Correlation of the Bahia Honda Draper is thanked for his assistance in acquiring
deposits with ophiolite-hosted copper-rich massive difficult to obtain papers on Caribbean geology and
sulphide mineralization in the Oxec district of mineralization. The reviewers are thanked for their
Guatemala suggests that this style of VMS mineral- comments and suggestions, which greatly improved
ization was relatively widespread in Aptian-Turonian this manuscript.
time and as such, ophiolite sequences of comparable REFERENCES
age in the northern Greater Antilles and Central
ACA Howe, 1998. Unpublished Report Prepared for Sarmin
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Astacio, T.V. 1998. Mineralogy, lithogeochemistry and oxy-
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hosted Cu-rich mineralization deposit, Dominican Republic. M.Sc. thesis, New Mexico
Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico.
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Atna Resources Ltd., 1550-409 Granville Streeet, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1T2
atna@atna.com; www.atna.com
The San Antonio concession is situated within the Cordilleran Central of the Island of Hispaniola,
approximately 30 km NNW of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Early Cretaceous volcanic
and sedimentary rocks that underlie the San Antonio concession are part of the Maimon Formation
that occurs within the central part of the Dominican Republic. The volcano-sedimentary sequence on
the San Antonio concession is approximately 1,500 metres thick. Immediately north of the conces-
sion, the Maimon Formation is thrust over the slightly younger Los Ranchos Formation, while to the
south, the Maimon Formation is in fault contact with the dominantly basaltic Upper Cretaceous
Peralvillo formation. Volcanic stratigraphy of the Maimon Formation is characterized by mafic vol-
canic flows and associated fragmental rocks, felsic pyroclastic rocks, and a variety of reworked vol-
caniclastic rocks. The chemistry of the volcanic rocks and their stratigraphic setting suggests deposi-
tion within a primitive island arc setting. The rocks underlying the concession have been metamor-
phosed to lower greenschist facies and exhibit moderate to intense strain. Micro to minor scale, tight
to isoclinal, folds are common but mapping has not delineated any large scale fold structures.
Volcanogenic sulphide mineralization and exhalative barite and jasper occur at three or more strati-
graphic levels within the San Antonio concession, two of which have been drill tested. The Parcela
deposit is a small sheet-like zone of massive sulphide mineralization at the upper stratigraphic level
which has been defined by nine diamond drill holes over a 400 m strike length and a 275 m width
(down dip). The zinc, copper, silver and gold bearing massive sulphide mineralization ranges in thick-
ness from 0.3 to 15.9 m, and occurs at the contact of footwall felsic pyroclastic rocks and hanging-
wall epiclastic rocks. The Copper zone is located 1.5 km east of the Parcela deposit. This zone lies
lower in the stratigraphy than the Parcela deposit, and is partially defined by five drill holes over a
strike length of 400 m and up to 180 m down dip. The Copper zone mineralization occurs at or near
the contact between footwall mafic rocks and hangingwall felsic pyroclastic rocks. The mafic rocks
consist of pillow basalt and related fragmental rocks. Copper zone mineralization ranges from thin
massive sulphide bands to extensive sections of intercalated sulphide bands and sericite-altered, fel-
sic protolith, probably representing deformed stockwork mineralization. Both the Copper zone and
Parcela deposits are accompanied by minor hangingwall alteration and moderate to intense footwall
alteration consisting of quartz, sericite, and minor Fe-carbonate and chlorite.
Chemical zoning within the mineralization and peripheral alteration, and deposit morphology indi-
cate that stratigraphy is facing upwards.
Regional setting
Figure 1. Location of the San Antonio 1 Concession and the The VMS bearing stratigraphy of the San Antonio
Maimon Formation VMS Belt. concession is part of the Maimon Formation (Bowin,
1960; Kesler et al, 1991), which together with the
Peralvillo Formation, form a narrow, northwest trend-
locally in creeks, on ridge tops and road cuts. Paved
ing, arcuate belt of volcano-sedimentary rocks that
or gravel roads traverse the length of the concession
extends for 65 km, forming the northern flank of the
and a network of trails provides access to the remain-
Cordillera Central (Fig. 2). The rocks of the Maimon
der of the property. Elevations on the concession
Formation were likely deposited in a submarine envi-
range from 55 to 380 m.
ronment of an Early Cretaceous ocean island arc set-
Geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, geo-
ting (Kesler et al. 1991) and are characterized by
physics and diamond drilling on the San Antonio con-
andesite to rhyolite flows, felsic pyroclastic rocks,
cession has resulted in the discovery of two zones of
marble, carbonaceous shale, iron formation, and a
volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization.
number of volcanogenic massive sulphide showings.
HISTORY The Peralvillo Formation, consisting of basalt flows,
argillite, shale and chert, is in fault contact with the
The area of the San Antonio concession has been
Maimon Formation along its northeastern edge. The
explored intermittently for the last 25 years, due in
Amina schist, which may be Maimon equivalent, is
part to its proximity to the large Pueblo Viejo gold
located to the west of the Maimon-Peralvillo belt and
deposit (Fig. 1). Falconbridge Mines Ltd. followed by
collectively these rocks represent Early Cretaceous
Standard Quimica, a Venezuelan company, both
fore-arc and island arc volcanism (Lewis and Draper,
undertook gold exploration in the area between 1973
and the early 1980’s. Canyon Resources Ltd., in a
The Maimon-Peralvillo belt is bounded by two
joint venture with Battle Mountain Gold Ltd., further
major structures. The northeastern limit of the
examined the gold potential of the Yamasa area and
Maimon Formation is defined by the Hatillo Fault
applied for the current concession in 1988. The joint
zone, a late Eocene, southwesterly dipping thrust fault
venture drilled four holes on the concession, one of
(Kesler et al. 1991), that places Maimon Formation
which intersected 15.9 m of semi-massive to massive
stratigraphy over volcanic rocks of the slightly
sulphide grading 1.0 % Cu, 0.5 % Zn, 6.7 g/t Ag and
younger and less deformed Los Ranchos Formation to
0.3 g/t Au, within what was later to be termed La
the northwest of the San Antonio concession, and
Parcela zone. Energold Mining Ltd. acquired all of
over limestone of the Late Cretaceous Don Juan
Canyon Resources-Battle Mountain exploration con-
Formation, northeast of the concession (Fig. 2). On
cessions in the Dominican Republic in 1996. Atna
the southeastern edge of the concession rocks of the
Resources Ltd. optioned the concession in late 1998
Peralvillo Formation are separated from serpent-
and carried out a program of pole-dipole IP, geologi-
Pueblo - Viejo
~~ Cerro de Maimon Deposit ~~
~ ~
~ ~
~~~ ~ ~~
~ ~~ ~
~ ~
~ ~~
San Antonio 1 Concession
~~ ~ ~~
0 1 2 3 4 5 8 km
Scale as shown
~ ~
Figure 2. Regional geology.
enized peridotite of the Early Cretaceous Loma ic complex occurs in the southwestern most edge of
Caribe terrane by the left-lateral, strike-slip the property (Fig. 3). The lower contact of the
Hispaniola Fault Zone (Mann et al., 1991) (Fig. 2). A Maimon Formation occurs north of the property
northwest striking, moderately southwest dipping boundary and has not been mapped. The contact
foliation and essentially parallel, primary layering between the Maimon Formation and the overlying
dominates the structural grain of the Maimon Peralvillo Formation is rarely exposed, but is well
Formation. Metamorphism of the Maimon Formation constrained by mapping; the straightness of the this
rocks is variable, but typically of lower greenschist contact suggests a steeply dipping to vertical fault.
facies. Kesler (et al., 1991) reports that metamorphic Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization on
grade and deformation of the belt increases from the San Antonio concession occurs at two or more
southeast to northwest. stratigraphic positions within a sequence dominated
The Maimon Formation and the bounding pack- by felsic volcanic rocks. These felsic rocks are in con-
ages of rocks are highly metaliferous (see Childe, this formable contact with a thick section of underling
vol.). The Maimon Formation is host to at least one mafic flows and fragmental rocks. To the southwest,
VMS deposit and a number of prospects and show- the felsic volcanic unit is conformably overlain by a
ings. The best documented of these occurrences is the fineing upward sequence of volcaniclastic and epi-
Cerro de Maimon deposit, which is located 14 km clastic rocks and a second package of interlayered fel-
northwest of the San Antonio concession and hosts sic and mafic volcanic rocks. All of these units strike
approximately 3.5 million tonnes grading 4 % Cu, 2 west northwesterly and dip moderately to the south-
% Zn, 44 g/t Ag and 0.6 g/t Au, (Kesler et al. 1991). west (Fig. 3).
Northeast of the Maimon Formation, the Los Ranchos
Formation is host to the +20 million ounce Pueblo Maimon Formation:
Viejo gold deposits. South of the Maimon Formation, Rocks of the Maimon Formation have been subdi-
the Peralvillo Formation contains volcanogenic mas- vided into four units (Fig. 4) on the basis of composi-
sive sulphide mineralization and a number of gold in tion, texture and assumed stratigraphic position,
quartz-vein showings (Russell et al. 1982). essentially following the sub-divisions of Kesler (et
al. 1991). These four subdivisions have been given
Property geology informal unit names reflecting local geographic fea-
Mapping on the San Antonio concession is ham- tures near the areas of best exposure. Collectively,
pered by generally poor exposure and tropical weath- these four units are greater than 1,500 metres thick.
ering. Individual lithologies can be difficult to identi- Contacts between the units appear to be conformable,
fy, as colour and texture are often obscured by weath- and the sequence is believed to be upright, younging
ering. However, excellent exposures occur in some of from north to south. Maimon Formation rocks extend
the larger creeks as well as the Rio Yamasa, which north of the concession but this area has not been
provides coverage over much of the property. mapped in any detail; it is probable that an additional
Additionally, diamond drill core has provided expo- band of felsic rocks occurs north of our mapping on
sure of a narrow band of stratigraphy in the central the basis of Kesler’s map in Lewis and Draper (1991).
property area. With few exceptions, tracing individual The Lambedera mafic unit (Mf1) is the lowest unit
volcanic or volcaniclastic units in surface exposures is of the Maimon Formation which is exposed on the
difficult. However, grouping of rocks primarily on the San Antonio concession. This unit is greater than 700
basis of gross composition, has proven effective, par- metres thick and consists of mafic volcanic flows to
ticularly as these groups can commonly be distin- mafic volcaniclastic rocks and agglomerates or
guished by multi-element soil geochemistry. conglomerates with felsic fragments within a mafic
Most of the San Antonio concession is underlain matrix. In general, surface exposures of this unit
by the Maimon and Peralvillo Formations. consist of roughly equal proportions of massive, fine
Serpentinized peridotite of the Loma Caribe ultramaf- grained flows and matrix to clast supported fragmental
~ ~
~~ ~
~ ~ Ri
~~ ~~ o La Parcela Zone
~~ Cu Zone
~ ~
~~ ~
San Antonio 1 Concession
Upper Cretaceous
Lower Cretaceous
Maimon Formation Major Fault
~ ~
Serpentinized peridotite
Diorite / Gabbro
Lower Cretaceous
Duarte Formation
Duarte Formation
Peralvillo Formation
Maimon Formation
Mf4 Leonorita schist: a: Quartz phyric felsic flows, crystal tuffs
and ash tuffs; b: Amygdaloidal andesite flows.
Los Ranchos Fm
Figure 5A. Heterolithic, predominantly felsic clasts hosted in a chloritic matrix, an example from the
Lambedera unit fragmental rocks near the contact with Los Mosquitos sediments on the northwestern part of
the San Antonio concession
Figure 5B. Slightly deformed pillow textures in Lambedera flow rocks near Rio Yamasa.
Figure 5C. Diamond drill core from drill hole SA99-12 showing a relatively sharp, silicified contact between
stringer-type sulphide mineralization (+/- silica exhalite) in altered felsic ash tuff and underlying mafic tuffs
of the Lambedera unit from the Copper zone. The contact is located at the base of the 5 cm band of siliceous
exhalite located in the middle of the 3rd row from the top.
Figure 5D. Symmetrical, metre-scale, tight folds within fine grained epiclastic rocks of the Los Mosquitos
unit in the Rio Yamasa high strain zone.
rocks. The fragments range from ash to lapilli size mineralization associated with volcanogenic massive
and are usually monolithic with rare exotic, some- sulphide mineralization. The more siliceous parts of
times felsic, clasts (Fig. 5a). Clasts are typically flat- the Parcela unit form localized topographic highs
tened and supported by a mafic matrix, giving out- within the concession area. Although most outcrops
crops a dark green colour. Well preserved pillow of this unit are only recognizable as a quartz-sericite
textures (Fig. 5b) are exposed in outcrops along the schist, in drill core, moderate to thick flows of quartz-
Rio Yamasa and intervals of epidote-quartz-chlorite phyric rhyolite, lapilli tuffs and crystal tuffs can be
breccia observed in drill core likely represent brec- identified. Thickness of the various lithologies is
ciated pillow material. variable from drill hole to drill hole.
Character of the Lambedera unit changes both Contacts between mafic and felsic lithologies are
along strike and with depth. In the eastern part of the generally sharp, however, because these lithologies
concession, fine-grained, weakly porphyritic flows are commonly thinly interbedded along the upper and
with minor interbedded argillite are prevalent, where- lower margins of the Parcela unit, contacts between
as fragmental rocks predominate in the western part the major units can be somewhat arbitrary. A strong
of the concession. The lower contact of the unit has gold, barium, and lead soil geochemical anomaly is
not been investigated. At the upper contact the rocks associated with the central part of the Parcela unit and
typically become thin bedded and tuffaceous. Jasper extends for 5 km along the eastern part of the San
horizons are common in the upper parts of this unit Antonio concession.
and, near areas of mineralization, the upper contact is Los Mosquitos unit (Mf3) consists of volcaniclastic
silicified. In the central area of the concession the to epiclastic rocks that range in thickness from about
Parcela felsic unit (Mf2) overlying the Lambedera 100 metres to greater than 900 metres. These rocks
mafic rocks pinches out and the sediments of Los may have been deposited in a basin that now domi-
Mosquitos unit (Mf3) form the upper Lambedera con- nates the geology of the western half of the conces-
tact. This mafic-sediment contact swings to the north- sion. On the eastern half of the concession, where unit
east for 500 metres before resuming the regional Mf3 overlies the altered felsic volcanic rocks of the
northwesterly trend (Fig. 3). Actual mafic-sediment Parcela unit, it consists of reworked, fine to coarse-
contacts were not observed, but outcrop patterns sug- grained tuffs and thin bedded, variably siliceous
gest that the contact is at least in part depositional (chemical?) sediments, and occasionally bedded or
with the two units being interdigitated, perhaps indi- laminated jasper. These rocks are unaltered, except
cating the formation of a small sedimentary basin to locally, where moderate to strong chlorite alteration
the northwest. However, the deflection of the vol- occurs above massive sulphide mineralization in the
canic-sedimentary contact could also be partly con- Parcela deposit. Sections of this unit observed in drill
trolled by unrecognized structures. core, consist of ash to heterolithic lapilli tuffs interca-
The Parcela volcanic rocks, consist of a 500 metre lated with lesser fine-grained, thinly laminated, grit or
thick section dominated by felsic volcanic flows and greywacke. Primary sedimentary structures are ubiq-
lapilli to ash tuffs. These felsic rocks are intercalated uitous in these intervals and a number of features,
with lesser amounts of mafic flows, mafic tuffs, jasper such as graded bedding, load casts and flame struc-
horizons and massive sulphide mineralization (Fig. tures, indicate that stratigraphy is upright, younging to
5c). Rocks of the Parcela unit are typically well foli- the south. Primary sedimentary layering is also com-
ated and sericitic; consequently, apart from quartz mon in surface exposures of this unit. Mapping indi-
phenocrysts, primary textures in outcrop are cates the unit fines upwards from coarse-grained vol-
obscured. On surface, extensive areas of the felsic caniclastic rocks, possibly agglomerates, at its basal
volcanic unit are altered to sericite-limonite-hematite contact, to thin-bedded, fine-grained, greywacke at
± quartz assemblages, commonly with gossans the upper contact. Some of the fine-grained epiclastic
indicative of weathered sulphides. These gossans are sections of this unit are sufficiently siliceous to form
interpreted to be the surface expression of stringer property-scale topographic highs.
The uppermost units of the Maimon Formation least two gossanous zones and a small stratiform lens
within the map area have been termed the Leonorita of massive pyrite; all of which indicate potential for
schists which consist of a felsic unit (Mf4a) and mafic massive sulphide mineralization. The Sabana-Poterro
unit (Mf4b) which are similar to units Mf2 and Mf1, prospect, a predominantly copper with minor zinc
respectively. The spatial distribution of the Leonorita bearing massive sulphide occurrence is located with-
schists is suggestive of a fold, but structural data does in the Peralvillo Formation immediately south of the
not support this, and the apparent closure may be an San Antonio concession (Espaillate, et al. 1990).
artifact of the scale of mapping and the lack of out-
crop. Thus, the current interpretation is that the felsic Loma Caribe Peridotite
and mafic lithologies are interbedded. Serpentinized peridotite, interpreted to be part of
The Leonorita felsic unit consists of massive to the Loma Caribe ultramafic complex which separates
thick bedded quartz-phyric, and locally also feldspar- rocks of the Peralvillo Formation from the similar
phyric, flows and possibly crystal tuffs. Quartz aged rocks to the south underlies the southwest corner
phenocrysts range from 1 to 5 % of rock volume. of the concession. The peridotites display a strong
Coarse fragmental rocks were not observed as they tectonic fabric and consist of slickenslided masses of
were in the Parcela unit. The Leonorita mafic rocks serpentine surrounding less deformed blocks of fine-
are dark green chlorite-epidote schists with rare grained to medium-grained dunite. Soil geochemistry
chlorite and quartz filled amygdules and epidote from areas underlain by these ultramafic rocks is
spots. In outcrop these rocks are very similar in highly anomalous in nickel (1,000 to 7,073 ppm).
appearance to the more massive mafic rocks seen in
the Lambedera unit. Bedded volcaniclastic and Intrusive Rocks
epiclastic rocks are a minor component within the A small number of undeformed, fine to medium
mafic sequence and are similar to those observed in grained, holocrystaline, gabbro dykes intrude the
the underlying Los Mosquitos unit. All of the rocks in Maimon Formation. These intrusive rocks maybe
the Leonorita units display a strong penetrative folia- related to Eocene diorite intrusives (Draper and
tion. Locally, the felsic rocks host alteration and min- Lewis, 1991) that outcrop north and northwest of the
eralized similar to the stockwork alteration and min- concession. Rare mafic dykes from 2 to 10 metres
eralization observed in the Parcela unit. Gossans and thick occur in the hangingwall to the Parcela zone
soil geochemistry associated with this mineralization mineralization and are fine grained, dark green and
form a discontinuous, four kilometre long, primarily contain up to 20 % medium-grained amphibole
gold in soil geochemical anomaly. phenocrysts. Chemically, these dykes are distinct
from both the mafic volcanic rocks and the diorite-
Peralvillo Formation: gabbro intrusions.
The Peralvillo Formation overlies the Maimon
Formation along a regional scale fault contact. On the STRUCTURE
San Antonio concession, the Peralvillo Formation is A weak to strong, WNW striking, foliation, typi-
in excess of 1,500 metres thick, and is composed of cally parallel to bedding, is developed in most of the
fine-grained massive to moderately foliated, mono- volcanic and sedimentary units underlying the San
lithic, mafic volcanic rocks with lesser argillite, Antonio concession. Small scale minor folds are com-
graphitic argillite, and chert. At its upper contact, the mon in drill core and locally in outcrop. However, the
Peralvillo Formation is likely separated from the largest folds observed in outcrop are tight, regular
Duarte Complex serpentinized peridotite by the folds with amplitudes of 1 metre which occur near the
Hispanoila Fault (Mann et al, 1991). Rio Yamasa in Los Mosquitos sediments (Fig. 5d).
Within the San Antonio concession, the Peralvillo No direct evidence of regional scale folding has been
Formation hosts intervals of jasper, a number of for- observed although indirect evidence for megascopic
mational barite-copper geochemical anomalies, at folds occurs in drill hole SA99-11, where stringer
type mineralization is structurally underlain by a suc- ly altered ash tuff. Sulphide mineralization consists of
cession of massive sulphide mineralization, massive stratiform pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and bornite
barite and unmineralized felsic volcanic rocks sug- in a gangue of quartz and barite. An additional hole
gesting a locally overturned sequence. Significant drilled in 1991 and a further six holes drilled in 1999
amplitude folds are probable, given the regional set- within the Parcela zone have defined a generally, thin
ting, and would be difficult to discern due to outcrop (0.5 to 3 m), sheet-like body of mineralization over a
limitations and nature of stratigraphy, however, it is 400 metre strike length and approximately 275 metres
also possible that the minor folds are caused by local- down-dip. One drill hole appears to close the zone off
ized ductile strain proximal to shear zones. at depth and other drill holes indicate that the zone is
The San Antonio concession is roughly centreed thinning along strike in both directions from the dis-
on the Rio Yamasa valley which is localized by a high covery hole. Due to weathering, mineralization is not
strain zone where rocks are strongly foliated, locally exposed at surface, although it is reflected by anom-
sheared and phyllonitic. Observations of minor folds, alous soil geochemistry and gold-rich float samples.
which range from locally abundant centimetre sized The Copper zone, named for the abundant mala-
isoclinal folds to rare, metre-scale, tight asymmetrical chite present within the discovery outcrop, is marked
folds, are generally confined to the high strain zone. by a coincident soil geochemical and IP geophysical
This zone is, at least in part, coincident with anomaly. The initial drill hole (SA99-07) intersected
hydrothermally altered quartz-sericite schists. The 1.2 % Cu, 15.8 % Zn, 24g/t Ag and 1.3g/t Au over
high strain zone is 500 to 800 metres wide and folia- 1.9 metres. A further four drill holes have defined a
tion becomes less pronounced peripheral to the zone. massive sulphide lens that measures over 400 metres
Within the strain zone, primary layering is nearly strike length and approximately 180 metres in the
always parallel to foliation, coincident to the orienta- down dip direction. The zone lacks sufficient thick-
tion of the strain zone. North of the strain zone, layer- ness for exploitation but remains open to expansion.
ing, and to a lesser degree, foliation measurements The massive sulphide textures in both zones are
become much less consistent and may mimic the variable, but generally consist of weakly laminated
asymmetical minor folds at a much larger scale. sulphide minerals. Zinc-rich bands are composed of
Rocks of the Peralvillo Formation lack a penetra- cream to gray coloured, fine-grained, net-textured
tive foliation except for within 50 metres of the con- sphalerite with interstitial ‘buckshot’ pyrite, chal-
tact with the underlying Maimon Formation. This copyrite and gangue. Copper-rich bands are generally
observation supports the interpretation for a regional narrow and consist of wispy to irregular aggregates of
scale fault contact between the Peralvillo and the primary bornite, chalcocite and chalcopyrite.
Maimon Formation (Draper and Lewis, 1991). Chalcopyrite occurs as scattered blebs within pyrite
layers or as copper-rich bands within massive pyrite.
MINERALIZATION Generally, sulphide intersections are zoned from zinc-
Exploration drilling to date, has defined two zones rich at the top to more pyrite-chalcopyrite dominated
of volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization on at the base. Siliceous sulphide zones, and more rarely,
the concession; the Parcela deposit and the Copper barite sulphide zones, commonly overlie the massive
zone (Table 1). Both zones of mineralization occur mineralization whereas the lower contacts are typical-
within the Parcela felsic volcanic unit near the centre ly gradational, with pyrite- chalcopyrite laminae and
of the concession (Fig. 2). The discovery hole in the disseminations fading in quartz, sericite schists.
Parcela zone was drilled in 1990 and intersected two Precious metal grades, particularly gold can be signif-
closely spaced zones of massive sulphide mineraliza- icant with grades of up to 16 g/t Au within a 20 cm
tion: an upper, narrow (30 cm) zinc and gold rich thick massive sphalerite band. Gold distribution is
(15.2 % Zn and 5.8 g/t Au) zone; and a lower high somewhat erratic, whereas the best silver grades cor-
pyrite but low-grade zone extending 15.9 metres. The relate with high copper values. There is a moderate
two sulphide zones are separated by 4 metres of high- correlation of gold with barite. Galena is rarely
2 2 MgO
80 25
75 Com/Pan
70 Rhyodacite/Dacite
65 T rachyte 15
60 Andesite T rAn
55 10
50 Sub-alkaline
basalt 5
45 AB
Bas/T rach/Neph
40 0
.001 .01 .1 1 10 0 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5
Zr/TiO2 TiO2(wt%)
Figure 6. Solid unit symbols denote samples listed in Table 2. (a) AFM diagram for unaltered Maimon Formation mafic vol-
canic rocks and selected dyke rocks underlying the San Antonio concession from Irvine and Baragar (1971). (b) SiO2 versus
Zr/TiO2 for Maimon Formation and dyke rocks on the San Antonio concession from Winchester and Floyd (1977). (c) Al2O3
versus TiO2 diagram for Maimon Formation and dyke rocks on the San Antonio concession.
andesite to basalt fields (Fig. 6a). Without the epi- rocks. Unaltered (Na2O > 3 wt. %, LOI< 3 wt. %)
clastic rocks, which tend to plot the dacite field, the mafic volcanic units and dyke rocks on the San
Maimon Formation rocks display a bimodal character Antonio concession plot in both the calc-alkaline and
on the basis of silica content. The weakly unimodal tholeiite fields on the AFM diagram (Irvine and
distribution of silica noted by Kesler (et al., 1991) was Baragar, 1971), a feature compatible with more prim-
likely caused by sampling of unidentified fragmental itive island-arc type basalts (Fig. 6b). More detailed
Table 2. Selected San Antonio whole rock data.
Sample Unit Lithology Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO Cr2O3 Ba Ni Sr Zr Y LOI SUM
number type* % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % %
72882 Lambedera Mafic flow C 52.8 15.6 13.33 5.34 4.87 2.67 0.11 0.98 0.1 0.22 0.015 74 <20 134 29 23 3.7 99.8
72906 Lambedera Mafic flow C 53.0 15.7 13.68 4.42 4.22 4.40 0.60 1.00 0.05 0.17 0.013 275 < 20 81 36 22 2.9 100.1
72908 Lambedera Mafic tuff C 54.5 15.8 10.34 5.94 3.65 5.72 0.59 0.52 0.07 0.37 0.027 273 35 63 26 14 2.6 100.1
72909 Lambedera Mafic tuff C 56.9 15.4 9.27 5.33 3.33 6.51 0.24 0.50 0.06 0.40 0.023 193 24 55 18 13 2.1 100.0
73001 Lambedera Fragmental S 55.7 15.4 11.73 4.83 3.60 1.38 2.40 0.68 0.06 0.13 0.010 133 50 132 34 12 4.0 100.0
73002 Lambedera Pillowed flow S 61.3 14.6 8.55 2.76 4.43 3.74 0.72 0.84 0.11 0.10 0.004 179 < 20 140 52 18 2.5 99.7
73188 Lambedera Fragmental S 54.4 16.1 9.88 6.40 3.19 4.13 1.81 0.57 0.01 0.15 0.020 88 25 348 17 14 3.4 100.1
72861 Parcela Felsic flow C 74.5 13.8 2.11 0.72 0.81 4.62 1.99 0.10 0.03 0.06 0.020 515 < 20 48 84 27 1.3 100.2
72903 Parcela Felsic flow C 72.7 14.6 2.43 1.37 2.08 3.02 1.93 0.13 0.03 0.14 0.022 784 23 122 76 27 1.6 100.1
72916 Parcela Pyroclastic C 65.3 16.0 5.39 2.96 4.05 2.64 1.26 0.37 0.08 0.07 0.025 562 < 20 168 44 12 2.2 100.4
72983 Parcela Felsic flow C 67.9 16.4 3.91 0.93 2.14 5.89 1.24 0.35 0.07 0.03 0.021 463 < 20 58 44 16 1.4 100.3
73093 Parcela Felsic flow S 75.7 12.7 2.55 0.85 0.74 3.20 2.53 0.11 < .01 0.05 0.027 583 30 83 67 20 1.4 100.0
72704 Mosquito Volcaniclastic C 70.4 12.1 4.40 2.30 3.60 2.40 1.00 0.40 0.1 0.10 0.021 667 24 229 63 30 3.0 100.0
72631 Mosquito Ash tuff C 67.7 13.6 5.28 2.97 2.64 1.20 2.78 0.46 0.08 0.10 0.019 1163 < 20 280 43 24 2.6 99.6
73043 Leonorita Felsic flow? S 77.6 10.9 2.32 1.47 0.38 5.50 0.07 0.28 0.06 0.06 0.019 61 23 42 49 17 1.1 99.7
73086 Leonorita Felsic flow S 75.0 12.7 2.36 1.13 0.35 4.49 1.35 0.23 < .01 0.02 0.022 189 < 20 47 71 20 2.3 99.9
73111 Leonorita Felsic tuff? S 71.1 14.2 4.01 0.65 1.67 5.06 0.66 0.29 < .01 0.04 0.023 79 21 163 65 17 2.2 100.0
73082 Leonorita Mafic flow S 55.4 15.8 9.10 6.90 4.80 4.20 0.40 0.40 <.01 0.17 0.024 42 44 398 28 12 3.6 100.1
73177 Parcela area Mafic dyke S 58.3 18.1 5.92 1.98 4.06 4.94 2.60 0.78 0.38 0.19 0.017 1497 20 531 143 22 2.1 99.6
72814 Parcela area Mafic dyke C 58.0 17.9 6.01 2.01 4.97 4.67 3.20 0.75 0.34 0.17 0.017 1671 22 610 115 22 1.5 99.8
73190 Diorite Mafic dyke S 54.4 17.6 7.40 2.32 5.14 4.24 2.84 1.17 0.64 0.19 0.012 1848 < 20 825 95 46 3.0 99.3
73972 Diorite Mafic dyke S 54.7 16.4 8.67 2.15 4.83 4.83 2.64 1.22 0.82 0.21 0.002 1304 < 20 692 100 34 3.1 99.9
*C = core, S = surface
analysis of the Maimon geochemistry was carried out quartz-sericite-pyrite-barite alteration. The mineral-
by Lewis (et al., 1998) who interpreted the low, but ization is laterally very extensive giving rise to soil
variable TiO2 contents and low concentrations of the geochemical and geophysical anomalies with strike
high field strength elements as well as REE as indica- lengths of up to five kilometres. Potentially economic
tive of “primitive” oceanic island-arc tholeiites as in mineralization appears to be much more restricted,
the PIA series of Donnelly and Rogers, (1978). occurring as thin sheet-like bodies over a few hun-
Degree of alteration may be inferred from the dreds of metres, however drill testing is still at an
Al2O3 versus TiO2 plot (Fig. 6c). The felsic rocks early stage. Locii of the more significant areas of min-
show two groupings where covariance of aluminum eralization may be controlled by narrow, near verti-
and titanium indicate the addition or subtraction of cally dipping, basins or graben-like structures but fur-
minerals without these elements (ie: silica or carbon- ther work is required to confirm this.
ate). The trend of Lambedera unit rocks, variable
TiO2 with constant Al2O3, suggests magmatic or ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
depositional processes that result in variable titanium This work was undertaken as part of an exploration
compositions. Mafic dykes and the diorite intrusive program carried out by Atna Resources Ltd. on a proj-
rocks have distinctly different geochemistry from the ect optioned from Energold Mining Ltd. and the support
mafic flow rocks. of both companies is appreciated. Rob Wilson of Atna
Resources assisted in editing the manuscript and in the
CONCLUSIONS creation of the graphics. The manuscript was greatly
The Maimon Formation is an Early Cretaceous improved through the comments of the reviewers.
bimodal volcanic sequence that has been subdivided
into four units: a lower mafic unit consisting of pil- REFERENCES
lowed flows and related fragmental rocks; a felsic unit Bowin, C.O., 1966. Geology of the central Dominican
Republic; a case history of part of an island arc. In Caribbean
characterized by quartz-phyric flows, pyroclastic
geological investigations. Ed. by H.H. Hess. Geological
rocks and massive sulphide mineralization; a sedi- Society of America Memoir 98, pp. 11-84.
mentary to epivolcaniclastic unit derived from both Childe C., 2000. Geology and Tectonic Setting of the
mafic and felsic volcanic source rocks; and an upper Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Mineralization in the
unit of interbedded felsic and mafic flows with minor Greater Antilles. In VMS deposits of Latin America,
Geological Association of Canada Special Publication. Ed.
pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. The Maimon by R. Sherlock and A. Logan.
Formation occurs in a fault-bounded northwest trend- Donnelley, T.W. and Rogers, J.J.W., 1980. Igneous series in
ing linear belt, which together with the adjacent island arcs: the northeast Caribbean compared with world-
Peralvillo Formation and arc volcanic rocks of the wide arc assemblages. Bulletin Volcanologique #43, pp.
Los Ranchos Formation represent parts of an early or Draper, G. and Lewis, J.F. 1991. Geologic Map of the Central
basal island-arc sequence. This setting, together with Dominican Republic. In Geologic and Tectonic
northeasterly directed transpression has resulted in Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate
thrust and strike-slip fault contacts between the asso- Boundary in Hispaniola. Edited by Mann, P. Draper, G. and
ciated formations and high strain zones within the Lewis. J. F. Geological Society of America Special Paper
262, map 2b.
Maimon Formation. The lithologies and geochemistry Espaillat, J. Bloise, G. MacVeigh, J.G. and Lewis, J.F. 1990.
of the Maimon Formation are compatible with a prim- Petrography and geochemistry of the mafic rocks of the
itive arc environment. Peralvillo Formation in the Sabana Potrero area, central
Volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization of Dominican Republic. Transactions 12th Caribbean
Geological Conference, St. Croix, 1989.
the San Antonio Concession occurs at two, or more, Irvine, T.N. and Barragar, W.R.A. 1971. A guide to chemical
stratigraphic positions within felsic flows and pyro- classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can. Journal of
clastic rocks. Mineralization is copper-zinc or zinc- Earth Sci. vol. 8 pp. 523-548.
copper with significant gold and silver credits and is Kesler, S.E. Russell, N. Reyes, C. Santos, L. Rodriguez, A.
and Fondeur, L. 1991. Geology of the Maimon Formation,
accompanied by moderately extensive haloes of
Dominican Republic. In Geologic and Tectonic
Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate Lewis, J.F., Astacio, T., and Espaillat J. 1998. The Maimon
Boundary in Hispaniola. Edited by Mann, P. Draper, G. and Formation. In Mineral Deposits of the Dominican Republic.
Lewis. J. F. Geological Society of America Special Paper Ed. by P.G. Fiess. The Society of Economic Geologists,
262, pp. 173-186. March 1998 Field Trip, Dominican Republic.
Lewis, J.F. and Jiminez, J.G. 1991. Duarte complex in the La Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., 1991. An overview of
Vega-Jarabocoa-Janico Area, Central Hispaniola: Geologic the geological and tectonic development of Hispaniola. In
and geochemical features of the sea floor during the early Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-
stages of arc evolution. In Geologic and Tectonic Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola. Edited by Mann, P.
Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate Draper, G. and Lewis. J. F. Geological Society of America
Boundary in Hispaniola. Edited by Mann, P. Draper, G. and Special Paper 262, pp. 1-28.
Lewis. J. F. Geological Society of America Special Paper Russell, N., Brouwer, S., and Kesler, S.E., 1982. Economic
262, pp. 115-142. geology of the central Dominican Republic. In Society of
Lewis, J.F. and Draper, G. 1990. Geology and tectonic evolu- Economic Geologists Fall Field Trip Guide Book, 1982.
tion of the northern Caribbean margin. In The Caribbean Edited by S.E. Kesler.
Region. Edited by G. Dengo and J.E. Case. The Geological Winchester, J.A. and Floyd, P.A., 1977. Geochemical discrim-
Society of America, Geology of North America, Vol. H, pp. ination of different magma series and their differentiation
77-140. products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology, vol.
20, pp. 325-343
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The George Washington University, Washington D.C. 20052
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico
Corporation Minera Dominicana, Avenida Maximo Gomez H 29 B, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Present address: 949 S.Longmore, Apt. #255, Mesa, Arizona, 85282
Formerly Dept. of Exploration, Falconbridge Dominicana
Exploration over the past 25 years has led to the discovery of several volcanogenic massive sul-
phide (VMS) deposits within the Maimon Formation, central Dominican Republic. Rocks of the
Maimon Formation of apparent Lower Cretaceous (pre Albian) age form a narrow 73 km long belt
composed of mainly low grade metamorphosed volcanogenic rocks. The southwestern part of the
Maimon belt, where the Cerro de Maimon and Loma Pesada VMS deposits are located is a high strain
greenschist facies ductile shear zone consisting of interlayered mafic phyllonites and felsic mylonites.
The rocks are much less deformed in the northern part of the belt, the location of the Barbuito deposit,
and original textural features can be recognized. Much of the volcanic pile consists of bedded sub-
marine volaniclastic units with lesser amounts of volcanic flows and shallow intrusions. Minor black
shales, cherts, limestone and exhalite horizons are also present.
The Maimon protolith, as determined from analyzing least-altered rocks, is comprised of a bimodal
spilite-keratophyre suite, best seen at Loma Pesada. Basaltic rocks range from low TiO2 (0.2-0.4 %)
high MgO (up to 15.4 %) tholeiites with boninitic affinities to typical oceanic arc tholeiites (TiO2 =
0.5-0.8 %; MgO < 8.0 %). The boninitic basalts have depleted (<<N-type MORB) concentrations of
HFSEs and REEs. A short interval of basalts in the Loma Pesada section shows elevated TiO2 and
high Fe/Mg ratios reflecting a more evolved series.
Felsic rocks are quartz-plagioclase tuffs and porphyries (keratophyres) with flat chondrite normal-
ized REE patterns and negative Eu anomalies. Like the basalts the keratophyres have a clear subduc-
tion zone signature with enrichment in LILEs, and depletion in Nb, REE and HFSEs with respect to
N-type MORB.
Characteristic features of the Maimon VMS deposits are their pyrite-rich nature, copper-zinc min-
eralization (Cu:Zn~2:1), low lead concentrations (<1000 ppm) and significant precious metal values
( 0.69 g/t Au and 44.7 g/t Ag at Cerro de Maimon). Of the four massive sulphide deposits that have
been located only the Cerro de Maimon deposit is economically feasible at the present time.
The application of geochemical techniques has shown that the original rocks at Cerro de Maimon,
formed prior to the deposition of the sulphides, were mafic to intermediate tholeiitic basalts. The
hydrothermal alteration in footwall rocks involved the loss of calcium and sodium and the extensive
introduction of silicon and potassium in the form of quartz and sericite. Oxygen isotope values of
altered footwall rocks at Cerro de Maimon and Loma Barbuito range from 8.1 to 13.4 ‰ whereas
hangingwall rocks and least altered rocks range from 3.4 to 4.7 ‰. The unusually high oxygen iso-
tope values are considered to be due to the introduction of hydrothermal silica during mineralization.
The VMS deposits in the Maimon Formation were formed in a nascent primitive island arc, prob-
ably in the forearc area.
Ile de la Tortue
Haiti Thrust
Duarte Complex
Figure 1. Geological map showing position of Maimon Formation in the Dominican Republic.
Cretaceous (pre-Albian) bimodal volcanism that main islands of the Greater Antilles and marked by
extends the full length of the present day Greater rudist-bearing limestones of Albian age, seperates the
Antilles arc (Lewis and Draper, 1991, Lewis et al., early Cretaceous arc tholeiite bimodal volcanism
1996; Childe, 2000). In the Dominican Republic, the from the extensive calc-alkaline volcanism that took
fore-arc and island arc components of this early vol- place through the Late Cretaceous.
canism are preserved as the Maimon and Amina The Maimon Formation is a northwest trending
Formations (fore-arc) and the Los Ranchos Formation belt, about 9 km wide and 73 km long, of mainly
(axial island arc). metamorphosed volcaniclastic rocks, that lies
The Maimon volcaniclastic rocks of the fore-arc between the Loma Caribe peridotite belt and the Los
basin host several exhalitive massive sulphide Ranchos Formation to the north (Figs 1, 2). At the
deposits whereas the extensive mineralization southern contact a thin belt of mainly mafic volcanic
throughout the Los Ranchos Formation is of the rocks, the Peralvillo Formation of Late Cretaceous
epithermal type. Many features of the structure and age, separates the Loma Caribe peridotite from the
lithologies of the Maimon protolith are analogous Maimon Formation. At the contact between the
with those found in the Eocene basement of the Izu- Peralvillo and Maimon Formation, the rocks are high-
Bonin-Mariana fore-arc (Bloomer et al., 1995). ly sheared as seen in drill cores. At the northern con-
A regional unconformity, recognized on all the tact along the Hatillo Thrust the Maimon Formation
Figure 2. Map showing the Maimon concession and principal localities within the Maimon Formation.
overthrusts the Las Lagunas Formation of Late Cerro de Maimon are the main reason for the assump-
Cretaceous age and Hatillo limestone of Albian age. tion that the youngest units of the Maimon are to the
The Hatillo Limestone overlies the Los Ranchos north. Kesler et al. (1990) reported that pillow lavas
Formation unconformably. The Maimon Formation are clearly upright along the northeast side of the belt.
extends to the west as the Amina Formation (Fig. 1). The Maimon Formation is divided into two struc-
Amina rocks have similar lithologies to the Maimon, tural metamorphic provinces parallel to the north-
but the metamorphism is more uniform, the deforma- west-southeast structural trend of the belt (Draper et
tion is more complex, and the rocks are more highly al., 1996). The Ozama shear zone in the southwest of
recrystallized (Draper and Lewis, 1982; 1991). the Maimon belt is a high-strain greenschist facies
Rocks of the Maimon (and Amina) Formation ductile shear zone consisting of interlayered mafic
constitute a bimodal spilite-keratophyre suite. Much phyllonites and felsic mylonites. The extreme defor-
of the volcanic pile consists of bedded submarine vol- mation in this zone has obliterated most of the origi-
caniclastic units with lesser amounts of intercalated nal textures. The Altar Zone in the northeast part of
volcanic flows and shallow intrusives. The volcani- the Maimon belt is composed of much less deformed
clastic rocks are mainly tuffs but horizons of breccias rocks which can be recognized as interlayered mafic
and conglomerates can be recognized in less and felsic tuffs, breccias and flows. These show vari-
deformed rocks. A belt of well-laminated rocks of able degrees of schistosity and exhibit both pure and
obvious sedimentary origin occurs through much of simple shear fabrics. These structural data suggest
the central part of the Maimon Formation outcrop that the deformation feature, and in particular the
area. These are mainly fine-grained laminated meta- Ozama shear zone in the Maimon Formation, resulted
tuffs but cherts, dark shales and limestones are also from northward thrust emplacement obduction of the
present. These meta-sedimentary rocks appear to be peridotites over the arc rocks of the Maimon
totally conformable with the more typical Maimon Formation. Most of the deformation and metamor-
Formation meta-volcaniclastic rocks. Layers of man- phism of the Maimon Formation rocks, particularly in
ganese oxide, hematite iron concentrations and cherty the Ozama mylonite zone, resulted from the obduc-
layers interbedded with the volcaniclastic units are tion of the Loma Caribe peridotite on to the early
considered to have resulted from exhalitive activity. Antillean arc in the mid Cretaceous (Draper, et al.,
The age of the Maimon Formation is not well 1996). This obduction event was followed by the
established. The general structural/tectonic relations deposition of limestone over the early arc rocks and
suggest the Maimon Formation is Early Cretaceous in was accompanied by a polarity reversal so that sub-
age. Model ages calculated from the lead isotope data duction changed from northwest-dipping to south-
(Horan, 1995) suggest an early Cretaceous age simi- west-dipping (Draper, et al., 1996). The new volcan-
lar to model ages calculated from the lead isotope data ism beginning in the early Cenomanian was of the
for the Los Ranchos Formation (Cumming and calc-alkaline type and continued to Eocene time.
Kesler, 1987). Fragments of echinoid spines found in In the middle to late Eocene, Hispaniola under-
a meta-limestone interbedded with tuffs in the central went northeast-southwest contraction (Mann et al.,
part of the Maimon Formation are similar to those of 1991). Many of the mid-Cretaceous thrust structures
hemicidarids from the Early Cretaceous of Mexico were reactivated at this time, including the Hatillo
and Jamaica (S.K. Donovan, unpublished data, 1994). thrust (Bowin, 1966), which juxtaposed the Maimon
The regional strike of the foliation in the Maimon belt against the lower Eocene and upper Cretaceous
Formation rocks is northwest parallel to the regional rocks. Reactivated thrusts emplaced the peridotites in
strike of the Median Belt (Bowin, 1966; Draper and a northeast direction over the Peralvillo Formation of
Lewis, 1991). The foliation and apparent bedding dips Late Cretraceous age. Horizontal axis rotation accom-
to the south over most of the area of Maimon. The panying contraction steepened earlier faults and folia-
stratigraphic relations of the sulphide deposit to the tions. The Eocene reactivation probably faulted out
host rocks and the younger Peralvillo Formation at high-grade metamorphic rocks, which are expected to
have formed adjacent to the sole thrust of the ophiolite Table 1 lists the major and trace element composi-
as well as tectonically thickening the Maimon belt. tions of representative examples of the least altered
samples of Maimon rocks. These samples are chosen
Geochemistry to illustrate the range in chemistry of the Maimon in
A total of more than six hundred major element comparison with rocks from Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc
whole rock analyses have been made of samples from systems, which have similar composition for both
the Maimon Formation. This includes samples taken major and trace elements.
from five transects across the Maimon belt. Samples Using the above data bases, plots have been select-
were selected for analysis to determine the range in ed to show variation in composition of Maimon rocks.
lithologies and whole rock chemistry from the entire These are TiO2-SiO2, TiO2-Zr, and Ni-SiO2 shown in
area. Many of the samples used for geochemical studies Figures 3a, 3b and 3c respectively. It can be seen from
come from the drill cores of the areas where the miner- these plots that TiO2 is a useful geochemical discrim-
al exploration has been focused. This allows the selec- inant and that the rocks plot in distinct groups accord-
tion of unweathered rocks for detailed geochemistry. ing to locality and composition. The TiO2/Zr plot
Samples were analyzed at several different labora- (Fig. 3b) reflects two trends in the evolution of the
tories allowing a cross-check to be made. Major ele- Maimon magmas. The increase in TiO2 with a slight
ment analyses on Cerro de Maimon rocks were made increase in Zr is typical of the tholeiitic trend where-
by XRAL and later by ACME Laboratories Canada. as the trend in increasing Zr at a low concentrations of
Many of the trace element determinations on drill TiO2 is a feature shown by the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc
core samples were determined by XRF by Shannon boninitic rocks (Bloomer et al, 1995).
Horan at the University of Florida at Gainesville Multi-element trace element and rare earth element
(Horan, 1995). A selected group of these samples was plots are used to examine separately the compositions
analyzed for Rare Earth Elements by ICP-MS at the of the mafic and felsic rock groups (Figs. 4 and 5).
Geological Survey of Canada. Other high precision Maimon Formation rocks can be conveniently
trace element analyses were made by ICP-MS tech- classified into three groups: mafic, intermediate and
niques at Activation Laboratories, Canada. felsic according to their silica content. Least altered
Several data sets of the geochemistry of Maimon Maimon rocks range in composition from mafic
rocks have been compiled. The first group to be exam- (basaltic) types mainly between 50 to 60 % SiO2,
ined here is a compilation of 134 whole rock major intermediate between 60 to 70 % SiO2 and felsic
element analyses of least altered rocks from through- (acidic) between 70 to 80 % SiO2.
out the Maimon outcrop area and from drill cores. The mafic (basaltic) rocks are present as several
The second data set is composed of 64 analyses of metamorphic mineral assemblages. Samples with lit-
a selected group of least altered rocks for which satis- tle deformation from the northern part of the Maimon
factory trace element analyses have been made. Only belt include flows as well as various volcaniclastic
those rocks that have undergone the least hydrothermal lithologies and it is assumed that the protolith to the
alteration were selected for this study. This was deter- deformed lithologies in the Ozama zone to the south
mined from petrographic examination and the major included similar rock types.
element geochemistry. Samples with obvious quartz Basaltic members of the Maimon Formation have
or carbonate veining or alteration were not included. a low but variable TiO2 content and low concentra-
Depending on the composition, samples with low val- tions of HFSE and REE, characteristic of oceanic
ues for CaO and Na2O were also excluded from the island-arc tholeiites, the primitive island-arc (PIA)
data set. In order to examine the protolith of the series of Donnelly and Rogers (1978). The mafic
Maimon rocks only the immobile high field strength rocks range from low TiO2-high MgO basalts with
(HFS) and rare earth elements (REEs) have been depleted (<<N-type MORB) concentrations of HFSEs
used. Other data sets are of the hydrothermally altered which have boninitic affinities (Pierce et al., 1992), to
rocks associated with the massive sulphide deposits. those with slightly higher TiO2 and lower MgO, more
Table 1. Representative chemical analyses of Maimon Formation rocks with comparisons from the Izu Bonin area.
EA-01/93.45 metabasalt El Altar drill core; LP-04/87.0 chlorite-epidote schist, Loma Pesada; LB -16/30.0 aphyric metabasalt
Loma Barbuito; LP-04 quartz-sericite schist, Loma Pesada; 91-122A Keratophyre north of Rincon; LP-09/153.4 Dacite intrusive
into the Maimon, Loma Pesada; 62R-3 Boninite ODP Leg 125; 66R-1 Rhyolite ODP Leg 125 (Pierce et al., 1992).
Sc 31 40 37 38 4.7 20 3 29 11.8
Cr 634 826 <10 37 28 2 25 1036 33
V 192 191 351 285 30 10 63 166 31
Ni 182 304 9 55 3 <5 ** 306 9
Co 47.6 46.5 40.8 2 <5 10 45 5.6
Cu 5 55 53 40 1 <5 28 60 50
Zn 172 30 122 65 28 30 56 63 92
Zr 19.6 23.5 101 40 99 123.3 46 35 81
Y 10 6.6 38 18 24 43 11 7.2 10.7
Nb 0.4 0.1 1.7 0.8 1 1.4 <1 0.53 0.98
Rb <0.1 1.6 0.4 <1 13.9 ** 6.4 29
Sr 12.2 62.8 135.2 96.6 58 41.8 564 107 104
Ba 7.3 33.3 26.4 7 104 261 325 47 388
Hf 0.7 0.4 2.8 0.7 3.6 1.1 0.9 2.1
Th 0.36 0.09 0.27 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.27 0.67
La 1.6 0.5 3.6 0.9 2.1 2.5 1.5 1.81 3.6
Ce 3.9 1.3 11.7 3 6.1 12 3.7 3.86 8.1
Pr 0.51 0.2 1.8 0.99 0.52 0.59 1.41
Nd 2.9 1.1 9.8 <5 4.5 9 2.6 2.84 5.9
Sm 0.9 0.5 4 1.1 1.7 2.8 0.8 0.81 1.39
Eu 0.35 0.18 1.28 0.5 0.34 0.5 0.34 0.27 0.46
Gd 1.4 0.6 5 2.2 0.87 0.97 2.16
Tb 0.3 0.2 1 <.5 0.46 0.8 0.15 0.16 0.26
Dy 1.6 1.1 6.1 2.9 0.84 1.05 1.82
Ho 0.3 0.3 1.4 0.66 0.16 0.23 0.38
Er 1.1 0.9 4.4 1.9 0.39 0.69 1.21
Tm 0.15 0.13 0.67 0.35 0.07 0.11 0.18
Yb 1.1 0.9 4.2 1.3 2.4 4.7 0.4 0.8 1.17
Lu 0.21 0.14 0.65 0.21 0.37 0.81 0.06 0.14 0.19
Figure 3a Figure 3c
1.6 300
1.4 300
TiO2 0.8 Ni
(wt %) 150
0.4 100
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0
SiO2 (wt %) 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Figure 3b
SiO2 (wt %)
Loma Pesada
- mafics
Loma Pesada
- felsics
Loma Pesada
- felsic intr
El Altar- mafics
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Zr (ppm)
Figure 3. TiO2 - SiO2, TiO2 - Zr, Ni-SiO2 variation diagrams of least altered Maimon rocks. Samples are labeled according to
typical of oceanic arc tholeiites (Fig. 3 and 4a). Maimon. However, in a small section over no more
Rocks with the highest MgO and highest NiO are than 250 m in thickness in the Loma Pesada drill
those from the hangingwall at Cerro de Maimon. TiO2 cores TiO2 increases to 1.8 % reflecting a more
ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 % in rocks with boninitic evolved series.
affinities, up to 0.9 % in most of the mafic rocks in the Rocks of intermediate composition are mainly
0.1 0.1
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni
Figure 4b REEplot(rock/chondrites)
LP04/87 Figure 5b REE plot (rock/chondrites)
50 91-122A
5 93-25
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 4(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normalized Figure 5(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normalized to
to N-type MORB of representative samples of least altered N-type MORB of representative least altered felsic rocks from
meta-mafic rocks from the Maimon Formation. the Maimon. 91-84 is an intrusive feldspar porphyry (dacite).
Figure 4(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of represen- Figure 5(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of represen-
tative samples least-altered meta-mafic rocks from the tative least altered felsic rocks from the Maimon.
Maimon Formation.
chlorite and epidote-bearing quartz felspathic schists. is seen clearly at Loma Pesada both in the field and in
In comparison with rocks of mafic composition, the drill cores.
intermediate rocks show more uniform composition. Rocks of felsic composition are metarhyolites or
They have lower MgO (< 6.0 %) and Ni (< 50ppm) meta-quartz keratophyres that consist of phenocrysts
in contrast to the mafic rocks (Fig. 3). In most of the of plagioclase and quartz in a quartzo-felspathic
rocks of intermediate composition from the central matrix. These occur as large plugs or flows along the
area, Loma Barbuito and Cerro de Maimon TiO2 northern margin of the Maimon Belt where the rocks
ranges from 0.3 % to 0.7 %. On the other hand mafic are less deformed. In the Loma Pesada and Loma
rocks from Loma Barbuito and two samples from Los Barbuito areas, the felsic lithologies are interbedded
Hojanchos area in the northeast have relatively high with the mafic lithologies. Quartz and felspar are
TiO2 between 0.6 % to 0.8 %. detrital in origin and the felsic rocks in these areas are
It is considered that most of the rocks of interme- clearly volcaniclastic in origin.
diate composition are volcaniclastic in origin and Sericite commonly occurs in the felsic rocks and a
have resulted from mechanical mixing between the common assemblage in schistose rocks in the Ozama
basaltic and rhyolitic (keratophyric) end member zone is sericite-quartz-plagioclase. The sericite in
lithologies. This mixing of volcaniclastic lithologies most of the rocks is probably related to the metamor-
phism. However, the sericite in sericite-quartz-plagio- MORB. The REE patterns for three least altered fel-
clase “felsic” rocks associated with the massive sul- sic rocks of primary igneous origin are shown in
phides is considered to have resulted from the mobi- Figure 5b. Note the flat pattern and negative Eu
lization and addition of potassium as a result of anomalies in these rhyolites (keratophyres), a feature
hydrothermal alteration. typical of arc rhyolites from the Pacific (e.g., Bloomer
The multi-element plot (Fig. 5a) shows that et al. 1994). Sample 91-84 from Loma Pesada is an
Maimon meta-quartz keratophyres are depleted in intrusive felspar porphyry probably of Eocene age.
TiO2, HFSEs, and REEs compared with other arc rhy-
olites. Like the basalts the rhyolites have a clear sub- Lead isotope ratios
duction signature with enrichment in LILE’s, deple- Isotopic compositions for Sr, Nd and Pb have been
tion in Nb, REEs and HFSEs with respect to N-type determined for selected representative rocks from
Cerro de Maimon
The Cerro de Maimon deposit is located along the
southern margin of the Maimon Formation
immediately below the contact with Peralvillo
Formation, about 7km east of the town of Maimon
(Fig. 2). The following is a summary of the main
Figure 7. Geological cross section through the Cerro de
features of the deposit. A more complete account is
Maimon deposit.
given in Astacio (1998), Lewis et al. (1998) and
Astacio et al. (2000). Figure 6 is a geological map of
the Cerro de Maimon area and Figure 7 is a cross sec-
Maimon Formation (Horan, 1995). Plots of the tion through the deposit.
207Pb/204Pb ratios for samples of the sulphides and the
whole rocks from the Maimon are compared with Host rock lithologies
other Cretaceous arc rocks from the Caribbean. Both The Cerro de Maimon massive sulphide deposit
mafic and felsic rocks of the Maimon have low lies within the Ozama shear zone of the Maimon
207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios and fall in the
Formation and hence the rocks are strongly deformed,
Pacific MORB field. The chemically similar Water and have the fabric of mylonites and phyllonites typ-
Island suite from the Virgin Islands has similar prim- ical of shear zones. Few primary features can be rec-
itive Pb-isotope ratios whereas the other PIA suites ognized not only because of the deformation but
(e.g., Los Ranchos) which are more evolved chemi- because of the strong hydrothermal alteration particu-
cally, have slightly more enriched Pb-isotope arrays. larly of the footwall rocks.
The Pb data indicates a similar MORB source for all The host rocks to the ore body were mainly mafic
the initial bimodal volcanism in the Greater Antilles. to intermediate submarine volcaniclastic and volcanic
The isotopic and trace element data indicate the rocks prior to alteration and metamorphism. Many of
basalts and keratophyres have a common parent. It is the pale quartzo-feldspathic lituologies at Cerro de
difficult to derive the keratophyres by direct melting Maimon that were mapped or logged as felsic rocks
of a mantle source because of their large volume and are the result of the extensive hydrothermal alteration
the low compatible element concentrations in the ker- and metamorphism. A cross section through the ore
atophyres. Two possibilities are that the keratophyres
Figure 8a Pearceplot(rock/MORB)
100 30.00
10 CM-79
CM-53A 25.00
Al2O3 %
Figure 8b REEplot(rock/chondrites) 15.00
Hanging Wall
50 CM-75
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Least Altered
Figure 10. Quartz-Sericite-Albite ternary plots of altered Figure 11. Cu - Zn - Pb diagram of 801 massive sulphide
rocks from the Cerro de Maimon. samples from the Cerro de Maimon deposit.
hangingwall and least altered rocks from the footwall rocks by the hydrothermal alteration. On the other
for Cerro de Maimon are given in Table 2. Both types hand Na2O has not been totally removed in the east-
of mafic lithologies in the hangingwall have high ern footwall rocks but MgO has probably been added.
MgO content (up to 15.4 %) and high Ni. The pale- It is considered that the lithologies and chemistry of
coloured epidote-bearing group contains higher con- the eastern footwall rocks resulted largely from sea-
tents of CaO and appears to have compositions closer water alteration followed by a relatively mild over-
to typical tholeiitic basalts compared with the dark print of hydrothermal alteration.
green chlorite-rich group. The latter are often serici- Because the Cerro de Maimon rocks were volcani-
tised and have relatively high K2O content (up to clastic in origin, it is not possible to establish exact
6 %). Figure 8a is a multi-element plot of examples of precursors before the rocks were altered and meta-
meta-basalts from Cerro de Maimon. Note the vari- morphosed. However, using the composition of least
able concentration in the large ion lithophile elements altered rocks from Cerro de Maimon and rocks out-
and the high Cr and Ni contents in three samples. The side the area of hydrothermal alteration it is possible
HFSE and HREEs are all uniformly depleted with to obtain some idea of the extent of mass loss and
respect to N-type MORB. These meta-basaltic rocks mass gain during alteration and metamorphism.
have distinct REE patterns (Fig. 8b) with enrichment Detailed studies of the lithogeochemistry of the
in the light REEs, a feature not seen elsewhere in the hydrothermally altered rocks associated with massive
Maimon Formation. sulphide deposits has shown that the elements Ti, Al,
Zr and REE are immobile under typical conditions of
Hydrothermal Alteration hydrothermal alteration and greenschist grade meta-
Examples of the compositions of the altered rocks morphism (eg., McLean and Barret, 1993 ).
from the footwall and hangingwall sections of the Primary and alteration relationships between
Cerro de Maimon are given in Table 2. Note that CaO immobile elements have been examined on the Cerro
and Na2O have been depleted in the western footwall de Maimon rocks using plots of Al2O3-TiO2 and
Cr 36 22 8.66 31.8 56
Ni 1 20 8 <10 37 42
Co 5 4 33 37
V 51 97 66.4 36.3 208
Cu 52 49 <50 40
Zn 128 95 196 96
Zr 43 35 50 66.4 36.3 37
Y 10 14 19 24.8 8.7 11
Nb 1 2 1.44 0.95 0.7
Ba 4217 2330 923 36.3 267 200
Rb 11 26 1.23 3.17 22.6
Sr 21 21 407 161 16 451
Sc 11 <10 22 19 30 32
Th <0.5 <0.5 0.59
La 0.25 1.9 2.7 0.7 4.2
Ce 0.81 5.2 9 3 7.3
Sm 0.43 1.7 2 0.6 1.6
Yb 0.97 2.2 2.1 1.3 0.6
TiO2-Zr. The Al2O3-TiO2 plot (Fig. 9) shows clearly The Quartz-Sericite-Albite diagram (Fig. 10) and
the distinct alteration lines for the footwall and hang- a SiO2-Zr plot (not shown) highlights the high degree
ingwall rocks at Cerro de Maimon. These data sug- of silica and potassium mobility during the hydrother-
gest a change in the magma system at the end of the mal alteration. The diagram also demonstrates the
deposition of the sulphides. breakdown of plagioclase and that considerable silica
Figure 13(a). Cross section through drill cores LP-03, LP-04 and LP-09 at Loma Pesada.
footwall rocks. δ18O in the hangingwall rocks ranges most abundant rock type in the Loma Pesada area.
from 7.9‰ to 10.1‰ (average 8.9‰ in 8 samples). These mafic schists are intercalated with minor thin
δ18O values for rocks in the eastern footwall least horizons of pale coloured, sericitic quartz-feldspar
altered rocks ranges from 4.9 to 7.6‰ (average 6.68‰; schistose rock. Most of the Loma Pesada rocks are
8 samples). Calculated values for δ18O for the parental foliated and recrystallized. However, some rocks are
hydrothermal fluids range from 3.4 to 4.7‰ and tem- massive or only weakly foliated and the original tex-
peratures of ore deposition are from 309ºC to 358ºC. tural features and minerals are at least partly preserved.
LP-09/67.1 is an example of a porphyritic mafic
Loma Pesada lava with boninitic affinities containing relic phe-
The Loma Pesada deposit is located 4 km north of nocrysts of pyroxene and olivine? in a matrix of
the site of the Falconbridge Dominicana nickel plant. fibrous amphibole.
Figure 12 is a geological map and Figures 13a and Detailed traverses showed a higher percentage of
13b are cross sections through the Loma Pesada area. felsic lithologies intercalated with mafic lithologies
northeast and southwest of the drill core area as
Host Rocks reflected on the map (see Fig. 12 for details). In places
Strongly foliated to laminated greenschists com- there is a rapid change from dominantly mafic to
posed of the assemblage plagioclase + quartz + epidote dominantly felsic lithologies over a few metres. The
+ chlorite ± amphibole ± sericite ± magnetite are the thickness of the mafic or felsic layers (units) varies
Figure 13(b). Cross section through drill cores LP-10, LP-12, LP-13 and LP-16 at Loma Pesada.
from a few centimetres to about 60 metres although interpreted to be a sequence of mainly mafic volcani-
felsic layers are rarely thicker than 4 metres. In other clastic rocks (tuffs) interspersed with thin intervals of
parts of the section mafic lithologies are dominant felsic quartz-bearing volcaniclastics. Mafic rocks that
over tens of metres with only minor intercalations of are probably flows are also present in minor quantity.
felsic rock. The sequence of layered volcaniclastics is clearly
The fine laminations are considered to reflect com- bimodal in composition but in some horizons particu-
positional differences produced during the deposition larly outside the drilled area, the clastic layers are
of the original rock and mineral grains. The coarser- compositionally gradational and intermediate compo-
grained plagioclase found in the mafic lithologies, and sitions are present.
the quartz (seen as quartz eyes in the field) and Based on the chemical analyses, core logs and
plagioclase in the felsic lithologies, are considered to measured thicknesses in the field, it is estimated that 96
be clastic in origin. This together with the laminations % of the Loma Pesada drill core section is composed of
suggests the rocks are a sequence of fine to medium- mafic volcaniclastic rocks with some mafic flows. The
grained tuffs. On the other hand horizons of weakly individual “beds” of intercalated felsic tuffs vary from
foliated rock are probably flows but could be more a thickness of a few millimetres to about 35 m. This
massive beds in the volcaniclastic sequence. layered volcaniclastic sequence is intruded by small
The rocks of the Loma Pesada area are therefore massive bodies of non-foliated feldspar porphyry.
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 15(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normal- Figure 16(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normalized
ized to N-type MORB of meta-mafic rocks from Loma to N-type MORB of meta-felsic rocks from Loma Pesada.
Pesada. 15(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of meta- 16(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of meta-felsic
mafic rocks from Loma Pesada. rocks from Loma Pesada. See text for explanation of samples.
patterns more typical of calc-alkaline series rocks. greyish appearance in contrast to the dark greenish
Their trace element patterns differ significantly from black of the chlorite-rich rocks. The epidote also con-
those of the felsic tuffs. These felsic porphyry intru- centrates in bands or layers parallel to the foliation.
sives found in the Loma Pesada area are probably Aggregates or clots of epidote vary from 1-2 mm
related to the dioritic bodies that also intrude the east- to 3 cm across. Epidote, quartz, chlorite and/or calcite
ern part of the Maimon Formation. are commonly associated. Much of the deposition and
distribution of epidote is probably the result of
Hydrothermal Alteration hydrothermal activity related to the initial magma-
Chlorite and epidote are the most prominent alter- tism. On the other hand, most of the granular epidote
ation minerals at Loma Pesada. Epidote is a common developed in the matrix of the rocks is probably the
mineral phase in both footwall and hangingwall result of metamorphic recrystallization.
rocks. This is in contrast to Cerro de Maimon where Sericite-quartz-pyrite alteration at Loma Pesado is
epidote is confined mainly to the hangingwall rocks. clearly hydrothermal in origin and directly related to
Epidote occurs in most rocks as small grains about the massive and disseminated pyrite. Examples of this
200 microns intergrown with the quartz-felspar type of alteration are seen in LP-09 (231-248 m) and
matrix as an integral part of the rock. Granular epi- in the footwall to LP-10 (Figs. 13a and b). However,
dote is often highly concentrated and gives the rock a unlike Cerro de Maimon, sericitic and hydrothermal
silica alteration is not pervasive through either foot- concentrated with very fine-grained massive pyrite
wall or hangingwall rocks at Loma Pesada. Traces of that encloses a coarser-grained barren pyrite zone
sericite can be found in most rocks, however, and (e.g., LP-04 in Fig. 13a). In this section, the contact of
stringers of sericite are ubiquitous in the felsic tuffs. the massive sulphide with mafic rock is sharp at both
Sericite appears to be more concentrated in the weath- the hangingwall and the footwall.
ered mafic rocks as observed in the upper 30 m of the The second section (Fig. 13b) shows the massive
drill core. This is probably due to preferential leaching sulphide with a thickness of 3.80 m as in LP-12 but
of the other mineral components during weathering. thins to 0.25 m in LP-16. The thicker part of the mas-
Thin bands, 1-2 cm thick, of oxidized pyrite are sive sulphide grades down-dip into pyrite bands and
found at the contact between layers of contrasting disseminated pyrite in a quartz-sericite matrix (LP-
lithology. 13). The footwall to the thicker part of the massive
Although the general nature of the alteration asso- sulphide as seen in LP-12 is a fine-grained chlorite-
ciated with the mineralization at Loma Pesada is rich mafic rock (tuff) that grades rapidly into dissem-
understood, no quantitative study of the chemical inated pyrite in a quartz-sericite matrix. This suggests
trends has been made. The data indicate very little that precipitation of base metal sulphides and precious
mobilization of silica, potassium or sodium although metals is related to a certain level of quartz-sericite
calcium has probably been depleted to some degree hydrothermal alteration.
and redeposited during the epidotization process.
Because all the rocks in the immediate area of Loma Oxygen Isotopes
Pesada have been metamorphosed and/or hydrother- Oxygen isotope measurements were made on eight
mally altered, it is difficult to select any precursors. samples taken from four drill cores through the Loma
Pesada deposit (Table 3). The mineralogy of the sam-
Massive Sulphides ples analyzed is given in Table 4. Histograms of these
The discovery of the Loma Pesada massive sul- data are shown in Figure 17. The two samples of
phide deposit by Corporación Minera Dominicana in mafic hangingwall rocks from LP-05 gave values of
1990 was based on EM37 geophysics, geochemistry 1.4 and 4.7‰, the lowest values recorded for all
and detailed field mapping. The massive sulphide Maimon samples so far measured. The five samples
body consists of a 4 to 15 m thick wedge shaped layer, taken from the immediate footwall to the massive sul-
dipping approximately 45º to the southwest and phide, all of which showed some evidence of
extending about 200 m along strike. The deposit is hydrothermal alteration, gave δ18O values ranging
still open to the southeast. from 5.5 to 8.3‰. These values are considerably
The total massive sulphide as outlined to date lower than those from the footwall rocks at Cerro de
amounts to about 3 million metric tons mainly of mas- Maimon and reflect the low amount of hydrothermal
sive pyrite but with up to about 6 % chalcopyrite and silica in the Loma Pesada footwall rocks. Sample LP-
less than 5 % sphalerite. It is estimated that within the 10/149.4 is a felsic rock with 8.3 ‰. This corresponds
deposit there are 1.1 million metric tons containing to the average value of 8.7‰ given by four quartz
2.13 % Cu, 0.77 % Zn, 41.6 ppm Pb, 4.37 g/t Ag and separates. Note that these values are considerably
0.16 g/t Au. No intersection was found in the four lower than those given by the Cerro de Maimon sam-
holes drilled in 1995 to test the extension of the body ples with dominant hydrothermal quartz.
to the southeast. A geophysical anomaly located 250 Calculation for the quartz-sericite mineral pair at
m to the northeast, similar to the anomaly associated Loma Pesada gave a temperature of δ18O of 118ºC
with the deposit, has yet to be tested. and δ18O of -9.6‰ for the ore bearing fluid. These
Features of the zonation of mineralization are low numbers can be explained by assuming a subaer-
illustrated in the two examples of cross sections ial environment and the long-lived presence of mete-
through six drill holes shown in Figures 13a and 13b. oric water later in the system that might have shifted
In several intersections Cu, Au and Ag tend to be original δ18O values for the mineralizing hydrother-
Table 3. Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Footwall and inal textures are destroyed. The hydrothermally
hangingwall rocks for Loma Pesada and Loma Barbuito. altered rocks are exposed at the surface over an area
of about 16,000 m and the area is covered by numer-
Sample # d18O(‰) Locality ous blocks of gossans (Fig.18).
LP-05/120.4 (HW) Quartz 40-45%; Chlorite 25-30%; Epidote 23-25%; Sericite 2-3%; Plagioclase <1%
LP-05/123.5 (HW) Epidote 55-66%; Quartz 20-24%; Plagioclase 8-10%; Chlorite 5%; Calcite 2-3%
LP-10/141.6 (ore zone/FW) Quartz (fine-grained and fringes) 35-40%; Sericite 45 50%; Sulphides10-15%;
LP-10/141.9 (FW) Epidote 55-60%; Quartz 20-24%; Plagioclase 8-10%; Chlorite 5%; Calcite 2-3%
LB-10/149.4 (FW) Quartz 90%; Sericite 5%; Chlorite 1-2%; Epidote 1-2%; Albite 1%
LB-16/54.4 (HW) Quartz 50%; Epidote 24%; Chlorite 24%; Calcite 2-3%
LB-16/77.3 (ore zone/FW) Quartz+Feldspar (?Albite) 63-68%; Sericite15-20%; Sulphide 8-12%
LB-16/82.9 (ore zone/FW) Quartz 80%; Sericite 14-16%; Sulphides 4-6%
LB-16/104.6(ore zone/FW) Quartz-60%; Sericite 35%; Sulphides 5%
LB-18/72.4 (ore zone/FW) Quartz 70-75%; Sericite 15-20%; Plagioclase 2-3%; Suphides 4-5%
LB-18/85.9 (altered FW) Sericite 55-60%; Quartz Vein 35-40%; Quartz Phenocryst 2-3%; Epidote 1-2%
Massive and Disseminated Sulphides are shown in Figure 17. The high δ18O values of 8.9
The Barbuito prospect was identified as an impor- to 13.6‰ for the footwall rocks are comparable to
tant target by Rosario Domincana early in their explo- those from the footwall at Cerro de Maimon. This is
ration of the Maimon Concession. Drilling in the as expected because the type of alteration is similar.
early 1980’s resulted in nine intersections. The miner- A temperature of 152ºC and of δ18O of -32.4‰ for
alization consists of massive to disseminated sulphide the mineralizing fluids was calculated for the mineral
with a maximum thickness of about 20 m. The sul- pair in sample LB-16/77.3, whereas 352ºC and δ18O
phide lens strikes at 160º and is at least 120m long. It of 5.5‰ was calculated for a mineral pair in sample
dips approximately 30° to the SW with a gentle LB-16/106.5. The difference in temperature and δ18O
plunge to the south. The best intersection consisted of of the fluids can be explained by the nature and posi-
6 m of massive sulphide containing 4.45 % Cu and 3 tion of the samples. The samples are from the same
% Zn. The range in values were as follows: Cu: 0.24- drill core but are separated by 29 m. Sample LB-
4.45 %; Zn: 0.29 - 3.78 %; Ag: 3.2 - 108.5 g/t; Au: 0.3 16/106.5 lies immediately below the copper sulphide
- 2.7 g/t. Lead analyses were unsatisfactory but values mineralization at 106 m whereas there is only semi-
determined on massive sulphides were consistently massive pyrite without copper values at 77 m the
less than 1000 ppm. Falcondo drilled three holes in locality of LB-16-77.3. It can be implied therefore
1995 to test the extension of the mineralization to the that a more isotopically enriched/evolved fluid at a
east but obtained only one significant intersection temperature capable of carrying copper in solution
with massive sulphide. (300 - 350ºC) was responsible for copper mineraliza-
tion around 106 m below surface. An isotopically
Oxygen Isotopes depleted fluid at lower temperatures failed to do so
Five samples of footwall rocks and one sample higher up in the stratigraphic section due to the dom-
from the hangingwall from two drill cores LB-16 and inance of seawater fluid at a higher water/rock ratio.
LB-18 from Loma Barbuito were analyzed for oxygen San Antonio and other prospects
isotopes (Table 3). The mineralogy of the samples
analyzed is given in Table 4. Histograms of these data Massive sulphide lenses have been located in the
San Antonio area south of Yamasa along the south-
1 1
0.1 0.1
0.01 0.01
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb Sc Cr Ni
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 1
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 20(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normal- Figure 21(a). Multi-element plots (Pearce, 1983) normalized
ized to N-type MORB of meta-mafic and intermediate rocks to N-type MORB of meta-felsic rocks from Loma Barbuito.
(LB-16/17.0) from Loma Barbuito. Figure 21(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of meta-
Figure 20(b). REE plots normalized to chondrite of meta- felsic rocks from Loma Barbuito. LB-16/17.0 is an andesite
mafic and intermediate rocks from Loma Barbuito. for comparison. LP04 is from Loma Pesada.
size (Table 2 in Large, 1992). The average are in the footwall rocks (Ishikawa et al., 1976).
grade for gold in the Cerro de Maimon deposit (8) The high δ18O values varying from 8.1 to
is 0.69 g/t. Thin lenses show Au values up to 16 13.4‰ found in the footwall rocks at Cerro de
g/t at San Antonio. Maimon and Loma Barbuito are considered to
(6) Although the complete dimensions and shape be directly related to the introduction of
of the massive sulphide bodies has not been hydrothermal silica into the system along with
sufficiently investigated all the bodies are strat- an enriched δ18O for the ore-forming fluids.
iform lenses with a low aspect ratio as can be (9) The VMS deposits in the Maimon Formation
seen in the cross sections. It is possible that thin were formed in a nascent primitive island arc,
sheet-like bodies may extend over several hun- probably in the forearc area.
dreds of metres at San Antonio.
(7) Sodium and calcium depletion is a significant ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
factor in the alteration to the footwall of the Many geologists have contributed to our present
Maimon VMS deposits. Potassium and silica knowledge of the VMS deposits in the Maimon
are usually added with the growth of sericite Formation particularly the Cerro de Maimon deposit.
and quartz. The highest values for the alteration These include G. McVeigh, R. Moore, J.J. Watkins, T.
index (MgO+K2O)/(Na2O+CaO+MgO+K2O) Watts (Falconbridge Limited.), G. Bloise, S. Brouwer,
Table 5. Oxygen Isotope Values of Mineral Separates for Loma Pesada and Loma Barbuito
Sample # d18O (‰) - Quartz d18O (‰) - Sericite T (°C) d18O (‰) - H2O
LP-05-120.4 8.4
LP-05-144.5 9.0
LP-07-125.4 8.9 2.1 117.9 -9.6
LP-10-141.9 8.4
C. Chaves, E. Reyes (Falconbridge Dominicana) and P., Hawkins, J. W., Johnson, L., 1995. Early arc volcanism
graduate students S. L. Horan and V. A. Astacio. Most and the ophiolite problem: A perspective from drilling in the
western Pacific in Active Margins and Marginal Basins of
of the analytical work presented here was funded the Western Pacific. Edited by B. Taylor and J. H. Natland,
through a National Science Foundation grant to Lewis American Geophysical Union Monograph 88, p. 1-30.
and by Falconbridge Dominicana and Falconbridge Bowin, C.O., 1966, Geology of the Central Dominican
Limited. The oxygen isotope study was funded by Republic, in Hess, H. H., editor, Caribbean geological inves-
tigations: Geological Society of America Memoir 98,11-98.
Falconbridge Limited through a grant to A. Campbell
Childe, C., 2000, Geology and tectonic setting of the vol-
and V. A. Astacio at New Mexico Institute of Mining canogenic massive sulfide mineralization in the Greater
and Technology. Antilles. In VMS deposits of Latin America. Edited by R.
Sherlock and A. Logan. Geological Association of Canada
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deposits, Features, styles, and genetic models, Economic Editores del Caribe C. por A.
Geology, 97, 471 - 510. Rosario Dominicana, S.A., 1985, Exploration Project in the
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tion of the northern Caribbean margin, In The Caribbean Rosario Dominicana, S.A., 184 pages.
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Although Cuba is rich in natural resources, there are few widely available reviews of Cuban min-
eral deposits. In this review we describe the tectonic setting of Cuban volcanogenic massive sulphide
deposits and group them into the conventional Cyprus, Kuroko and Besshi classification.
The geological history of Cuba began with the breakup of Pangea and the formation of oceanic
crust in Jurassic time. The Greater Antilles island arc was created when subduction began in Lower
Cretaceous time and continued until mid-Eocene, when the Cuban portion of the arc collided with,
and was attached to, the North American Plate.
The collision created three main tectonic belts. On the north side of Cuba, carbonate facies of the
Bahamas Platform dominate. These are overthrust by a dissected ophiolitic assemblage of serpenti-
nite, tholeiitic basalt and marine sedimentary rocks. In western Cuba, Cyprus type deposits occur in
tholeiitic basalts and serpentinites of the ophiolite complex.
The Cuban ophiolites are in turn overthrust by volcanic rocks of the Cretaceous island arc. Kuroko
type, or arc-related, massive sulphide deposits occur in the lower part of the arc. The host rocks are a
Primitive Island Arc suite that has been described from other Greater Antilles islands. No Kuroko type
deposit is known in the upper, calc-alkaline portion of the arc. The Paleogene arc, ocurring only in
eastern Cuba, also hosts Kuroko type deposits, including El Cobre, the first copper mine discovered
in the New World.
In western and central Cuba, blocks of metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are
interpreted as fragments of the continental margin are host to volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits.
In western Cuba massive sulphide deposits associated with intervals of basaltic to andesitic volcan-
ism are considered to be Besshi type. In south-central Cuba the Escambray block of predominantly
marble and schist, hosts deposits that are associated with ophiolitic assemblages in a major fault zone.
They are described as tectonically emplaced Cyprus type deposits, although some Cuban geologists
consider them to be Besshi type deposits similar to those in western Cuba.
Compared to other Greater Antilles islands, Cuba has a greater abundance of Cyprus and Besshi
type deposits. The Besshi deposits are associated with Mesozoic continental fragments that are not
preserved on other islands. Similarly, the collision of the Cuban portion of the Cretaceous arc with the
Bahamas Platfom resulted in a greater proportion of outcropping ophiolitic rocks and associated
Cyprus type deposits in Cuba.
Gulf of Mexico
200 kilometres
Terrane A
Escambray Sea
Isla de Pinos
Figure 1. Generalized geologic map of Cuba. Modified from Lewis and Draper (1990) and Iturralde-Vinent (1994). See Figure 5
for section AB.
Platform, the Ophiolite Belt that is thrust over the block (Somin and Millán, 1981) and is interpreted by
Bahamas Platform rocks, and the Cretaceous- Iturralde-Vinent (1994) to be a fragment of the
Paleogene island arcs that are in turn thrust over the Yucatan block that was incorporated into the subduc-
ophiolites (Fig. 1, 5) (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996a). A tion zone beneath the Cretaceous volcanic arc. This
fourth, fragmented belt, consists of three blocks of interpretation is supported by Rosencrantz (1996),
metamorphosed continental margin deposits: the who interprets the contact between the metamor-
Guaniguanico block at the western end of Cuba, the phosed Escambray Terrane and the Cretaceous arc
Isle of Youth (Pines) off the south coast, and the rocks as the exposed westward continuation of the
Escambray Massif on the south coast of central Cuba. Camagüey Trench, although he notes that this inter-
Iturralde-Vinent (1994) has named them collectively pretation assumes that the Escambray and Isle of
as the Southwestern Cuban Terranes. VMS deposits Pines Terranes converged on the arc from the south,
occur in all belts, except the Bahamas Platform. whereas the Guanicanico Terrane appears to have
Following collision of Cuba with the Bahamas originated north of the arc. Massive sulphide deposits
Platform and its attachment to the North American associated with ultramafic rocks are found in the
Plate, latest Eocene to Recent sedimentary rocks were Escambray Terrane (Fig. 4).
deposited unconformably on the arc rocks and now
represent about 60 % of the surface geology of the Ophiolite Belt
island (Fig 1). The main Cuban ophiolites crop out along almost
the entire length of the island, on its north side. The
Southwestern Cuban Terranes outcrops cover an area of 1500 square kilometres and
The Southwestern Terranes have been largely their total extent beneath the post-orogenic sediments
ignored in most plate tectonic models. Iturralde- could be over 15000 square kilometres (Lewis and
Vinent (1994) has proposed that they are parts of the Draper, 1990). They are disrupted, occurring as thrust
Yucatan Block that became separated during intra- slices and melanges with interspersed fault blocks of
continental rifting in Late Jurassic time. Other authors Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In spite
consider them to be part of the Bahamas Platform of the deformation, all components of the ophiolite
(Khudoley and Meyerhoff, 1971). The largest block, assemblage have been recognized in most localities.
Guaniguanico, at the western end of the island (Fig. The age of the ophiolites is estimated, from their rela-
1), consists of low-grade metamorphosed siliclastic tions to other rocks, to be Jurassic to Early
deposits of deltaic and shallow marine environments, Cretaceous, (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996b) and although
overlain by conglomerates, sandstones, and lime- they appear to form a continuous belt, there are three
stones with intercalations of tholeiitic basalt. On the distinct types of emplacement. Ophiolites west of
north side of the Guaniguanico block, the Cajálbana Havana dip moderately to the north, are thrust over
ophiolites consist mainly of tholeiitic pillow basalt the Guaniguanico block, and are in turn overthrust by
with intercalated limestones, cherts, sandstones and the Cretaceous volcanic arc. In contrast, the ophiolites
rare serpentinites (Fig. 3). The geochemistry of the of central Cuba dip steeply to the south, are thrust
basalts is consistent with their formation during the over rocks of the Bahamas Platform, and are them-
rifting event between the Yucatan block and South selves overthrust by the Cretaceous volcanic arc (Fig.
America (Kerr et al., 1999). The terrane hosts a large 5). The ophiolites of both areas are considered to be
number of massive sulphide deposits, most of which derived from back-arc basins of a south-facing arc
have been previously described as SEDEX, but some (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996b). In eastern Cuba the ophio-
of which have been considered as Besshi-type (Simón lites are much less dismembered and form a large tab-
Méndez, 1992; Kesler et al., 1996) (Fig. 3). ular, sub-horizontal thrust sheet from 800 to 1000
The Escambray massif contains high-pressure, metres thick. They were thrust northward over meta-
low-temperature metamorphic rocks that include morphosed and unmetamorphosed Cretaceous vol-
stratigraphic sections similar to the Guaniguanico canic arc rocks and so are unlikely to have originated
Guaniguanico Terrane
Esperanza Fm. (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous) Buenavista
Yagruma Mendieta Jucaro
Castellanos Fm. (Upper Jurassic)
N Gulf of
Mexico t
rF aul
Mantua Cajálbana Ophiolite
Limestone (Cretaceous)
tf o Lower Cretaceous
San Fernando Amphibolite Complex
Escambray Terrane
Victoria Granitoid
Kuroko Type Deposit
Los Cerros Cyprus Type Deposit
Guachinango Thrust Fault
Caribbean 20 kilometres
Figure 4. Geology and VMS deposits of central Cuba. Modified from Cabrera (1986).
Volcanic Arc
Paleogene Kuroko Type
Cretaceous El Cobre
La Cristina
Volcanic Arc Infierno
Southwest Ophiolite
Upper Terranes Belt
Cyprus Type
Cyprus Type `
Buenavista Kuroko Type
Victoria Margot Antonio
? Carlota
Lower Américá San Fernando
Guachinango Monte Rojo Los Cerros
Besshi Type
Upper Juan Manuel
Jurassic Hierro Mantua
Sedex Type
Lower to
The basalts are chemically similar to MORB (Cabrera et al., 1989). Basalts of the Margot Formation have a
et al., 1985), and were described by Daziano and geochemistry consistent with that of oceanic tholei-
Barbón (1998) as ocean-floor basalts, rich in MgO ites (Kerr et al., 1999). The ophiolites generally occur
and with komatiite affinities. More recently, Kerr et as a melange, along with slices of Bahamas Platform
al. (1999) have described them as geochemically akin rocks, Cretaceous arc rocks and Campanian-
to rift basalts. Paleocene sedimentary rocks. Thrust faulting has
The Júcaro (Fig. 7) and related deposits of emplaced serpentinites above gabbro, diabase and
Cacarajícara, Mendieta, Buenavista and Yagruma basalt. Although the ophiolites only crop out in small
(Fig. 3) have the form of massive lenses that are clear- areas around the deposits, oil wells have shown the
ly stratigraphically controlled, but vein and dissemi- ophiolites to be over 4000 m thick (Wassal, 1956).
nated mineralization is also present. The ores consist The deposits occur in flows and sedimentary rocks
of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, with lesser at the top of the ophiolite sequence, usually in tecton-
marcasite, pyrrhotite, enargite and bornite. Three ic contact with serpentinites. The Margot deposit
main mineral associations have been recognized: (Linares and Lobachev, 1971) is 200 m long, up to
pyrite, pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-quartz and 20 m thick and occurs in basalt, with tuff and lime-
pyrite-quartz. Alteration minerals in the host rocks stone horizons. The massive sulphide body is elon-
include quartz, epidote, sericite and chlorite. At gated and appears to have been deposited, along with
Júcaro, chlorite is most evident beneath the massive the basalt, tuff and limestone, in a narrow channel on
sulphides (Cruz Gómez, 1993). Copper grades are top of serpentinite (Morales and Arzuaga, 1994).
highest in the Buenavista deposit (2.7 %) and zinc Meyerhoff et al. (1957) noted pillows in the basalt and
grades are always less than 1 % (Table 1). intercalations of radiolarian chert. Mineralization
East of Havana, in the most easterly of two small consists of massive and disseminated pyrite, with
ophiolite occurrences, are two Cyprus type deposits in minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The grade of hand
the Margot Formation (Fig. 1). The formation has a samples is reported as up to 1.55 % Cu, with 1.17 g/t
paleontologic age of Upper Albian-Cenomanian Au and 4.4 g/t Ag. Associated alteration minerals are
(Piotrowska et al., 1981) or Aptian-Albian (Fonseca chlorite, sericite, quartz and calcite. Mining ceased in
1957 when the pit collapsed during heavy rains. The
S N nearby América deposit is a pyrite lens 50 m long and
15-20 m thick in serpentinite breccia. The lens con-
tains up to 75 % pyrite with inclusions of pyrrhotite.
Hand samples contain up to 0.52 % Cu in chalcopy-
rite. Silicification is the most common form of alter-
ation around the deposit, with lesser amounts of chlo-
rite and calcite.
Cyprus type deposits are also known in the
Ophiolite Belt in eastern Cuba (Moreira et al., 1999).
In general they are small deposits and have not been
exploited. Near Holguín, the Monte Rojo deposit is a
2.5 m thick massive sulphide lens with a strike length
Disseminated Sulphides of 550 m and a down-dip extension of more than 60
Massive Sulphides m. It occurs at the contact of serpentinite with gab-
Porphyritic Basalt bros and diabases of the cumulative phase (Penteleyi
100 metres and García, 1990). Alteration surrounding the sul-
Tuffs and Sedimentary Rocks
phides consists of silicification, chloritization and epi-
Figure 7. Geological section through the Júcaro Cyprus type dotization. An unusual feature of the deposit is an
VMS deposit. After Tolkunov et al.(1974b). intrusion of trachyte that cuts the western end of the
massive sulphides, contains up to 2 g/t Au and is con- Cuban geologists who have worked extensively in the
sidered a later superimposed event. Escambray metamorphic terrane. In the most recent
The Cuba Libre deposit, near Camagüey, is asso- discussion of the deposits, Alvarez et al. (1989) state
ciated with sub-volcanic intrusions of gabbro and dia- that the deposits most closely resemble the Besshi
base that are in fault contact with serpentinites. type. In reviewing the information from other recent
Escobar (1994) describes the deposit as consisting of studies of these deposits (Dublan et al., 1986; Stanik
pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite in quartz, sur- et al., 1981; Millán and Somin, 1985) they conclude
rounded by an alteration zone of quartz, chlorite and that the volcanic rocks with which the deposits are
argillite. The deposit has been traced for 600 m along associated are not tectonic slices of ocean floor that
strike, 150 m downdip and is up to 40 m thick. were incorporated into the Escambray Terrane during
Because of the lack of massive sulphides and basaltic its attempted subduction, but are original components
flows, Escobar (1994) concludes that the deposit is of the metamorphosed terrane and have undergone the
not truly of Cyprus type, but probably formed a short same degree of high pressure metamorphism. They
distance beneath the sea floor, in feeder zones to a consider the deposits to be syngenetic and more close-
now-eroded Cyprus type deposit. ly related in origin to the Besshi type deposits in the
In Guantánamo Province, El Hoyo deposit occurs Guaniguanico terrane, that are described below.
in tectonized serpentinite. Selected hand samples con- However, whether the massive sulphide mineraliza-
tain 0.5-7.12 % Cu and 0.1-11.75 % Zn (Nicolaiev et tion was deposited syngenetically within the
al., 1981). The body is 300 m long and 50 m wide with Escambray stratigraphy, or was emplaced tectonically
disseminated to massive pyrite. The Ventura body, at a later time, its undoubted association with ophi-
with a strike length of 700 m and a thickness of 3-10 olitic rocks suggests a Cyprus type origin.
m, occurs in serpentinized peridotite and contains up There are three main deposits: Carlota, Victoria
to 0.4 % Cu and up to 1 g/t Au (Svoboda, 1966). and Guachinango, along with a number of smaller
In the Escambray Terrane, a group of unusual, lenses. The three main deposits are separated by about
possible Cyprus type, deposits occurs on the north- 10 km along strike, but pyritic lenses are found over a
west side of the metamorphic complex (Fig. 4). distance of 40 km and all are closely associated with
Although the host rocks are predominantly marbles a major fault that dips moderately to the north. The
and schistose limestones, the sulphide bodies are Guachinango deposit, containing 5 Mt of 0.81 % Cu,
always closely associated with ultramafic and mafic is estimated to be 800 m long, 200 m down-dip and up
rocks that occur locally along a 70 km fault zone. to 31 m thick. It occurs as a concordant lens of band-
Tolkunov et al. (1974a) described the deposits as ed and massive sulphides in schistose and marbleized
Cyprus type, but only on the basis of their mineralog- limestone (Tolkunov et al., 1974a). Closely associat-
ical composition. They believed that they formed ed with the sulphides are altered peridotites and mafic
much later than the host rocks, by replacement along volcanic rocks, as well as micaceous schists. The sul-
faults and they did not recognize the ophiolitic nature phides are almost exclusively pyrite, with minor
of the mafic and ultramafic rocks, which they consid- pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena. The
ered to be Eocene intrusions in the Jurassic metamor- base metals are concentrated in the hangingwall. The
phic rocks. Pardo et al. (1994) considered the deposits composition of the Carlota deposit is similar, with
to be of sedimentary-exhalative origin, later modified 1.13 % Cu and 0.28 % combined Pb and Zn (Table 1).
by regional metamorphism. The Victoria deposit (Fig. 8) has an estimated reserve
Following the model of Iturralde-Vinent (1996b), of 0.54 Mt, averaging 0.86 % Cu and 0.39 % com-
it is suggested here that the ophiolitic rocks and asso- bined Pb and Zn (Table 1).
ciated massive sulphides are fragments of ocean floor
that were emplaced in the Escambray Terrane at the Kuroko type deposits
time of its collision with the Cretaceous volcanic arc. Kuroko type, or arc-related, massive sulphide
This view differs from the current opinions of some deposits are known in the lower part of the Cretaceous
Table 1. Cuban VMS deposits.
* proven + probable reserves and mineral grades. (Oficina Nacional de Recursos Minerales, 1998).
** Bottrill et al., this volume
KUROKO Antonio Los Pasos Neocomian Dacite breccia py, cpy, sph 1,666,300* 0.52
San Fernando Los Pasos Neocomian Felsic lapilli tuff py, cpy, sph qtz, chl, ser, barite 1,000,000** 1.84 3.35
Los Cerros Los Pasos Neocomian Felsic pyroclastics py, cpy, sph qtz, chl, epid, ser 0.38 0.58
El Cobre Hongolosongo Lr. Pal.-Ur. Eoc . Andesite lavas, tuffs py, cpy, sph qtz, ser, chl, clays 8,436,010* 1.83
La Cristina El Cobre Group Lr. Pal.-Ur. Eoc . Andesite tuff qtz, ser, chl, barite 0.8-8.0 0.5-3.0 1.0-6.0
Infierno El Cobre Group Lr. Eocene Andesite-dacite tuff py, cpy, sph, gal qtz, ser,chl, cal, 0.6-1.41 0.3-38.2 0.5-4.19 10-121
BESSHI Hierro Mantua Esperanza Ur. Jur.-Lr. Cret. Porphyritic basalt py, cpy, sph 11,389,000* 1.76
Hierro Mantua Esperanza Ur. Jur.-Lr. Cret. Porphyritic basalt py, cpy qtz, cal, gossan zone 2,043,000* 1.44 11.65
Unión Esperanza Ur. Jur.-Lr. Cret. Diabase py, cpy qtz, cal <0.5
Juan Manuel Esperanza Ur. Jur.-Lr. Cret. Diabase py, cpy qtz, cal <0.5
Caribbean Precaución
Sea La Cristina
Infierno El Cobre
El Roble
Turquino de Cuba
Figure 10. VMS deposits of eastern Cuba. Geology after Iturralde-Vinent (1996d).
W 100 metres E 10). La Cristina (including the old Eureka mine, which
was estimated in 1957 to contain 0.5 Mt of ore grad-
ing 2-3 % Cu) occurs in andesitic tuffs. In the dissem-
inated and massive mineralization the copper content
varies from 0.8 to 8 %, zinc from 0.5 to 3 % and gold
from 1 to 6 g/t (Svoboda, 1966). The host rocks are
altered to quartz, sericite, chlorite and rare barite. The
nearby Precaución prospect consists of two massive
sulphide lenses in an altered package of volcanic
rocks, with selected samples containing up to 9.13 %
Cu and 5.07 g/t Au (Joutel Resources Ltd. 1995).
The Infierno and related deposits (El Pino, El
Roble) occur in andesite-basalt tuffs with intercala-
tions of andesite-dacite. The immediate host rocks are
andesite-dacite tuffs. The massive sulphide lenses are
often accompanied by stockworks. The lenses vary
from 7 to 30 m in thickness and are found in a zone of
altered rocks with a strike length of over 2 km and a
width of 100 m. The sulphides are represented by
Andesite Basalt
sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite, with lesser
covellite, native gold, marcasite and barite in a quartz
Andesite Tuff Chloritic Alteration
gangue. The mineralization is stratigraphically con-
Silicified Tuff Sulphides trolled and is underlain by a stockwork of disseminat-
Vein / Layered
Fragmental Tuff ed sulphides and quartz (Porro, 1994). The principal
Ignimbrite alteration minerals in the host rocks are quartz, chlo-
rite, calcite and albite, with chlorite concentrated
beneath the massive sulphides and sericite above and
Figure 11. Geological section through El Cobre deposit,
showing the main ore vein and stratigraphically controlled on the flanks. In hand samples the zinc content ranges
massive sulphide horizons. After Luna et al. (1992). up to 38.2 %, lead to 28.8 %, copper to 1.41 %, gold
to 4.19 g/t and silver to 121 g/t (Moreira et al., 1999).
and their sedimentary-exhalative origin is widely 25 m thick. Outcropping mineralized zones have
accepted. The most northerly belt of mineralization is extensive gossan development, with secondary enrich-
in the Esperanza Formation of Upper Jurassic to ment of gold and copper. The Hierro Mantua deposit
Lower Cretaceous age, and includes the Hierro (Fig. 12), with a strike length of 1300 m, occurs main-
Mantua orebody and the Juan Manuel - Unión ly in sedimentary rocks, but the mineralization itself is
deposits (Fig. 3). Copper is the principal base metal concordant with a unit of porphyritic basalt (Tolkunov
present in this belt and lead and zinc are insignificant. et al., 1974b). The sulphide zone is composed of pyrite
Although these deposits might also be included in the and chalcopyrite with minor sphalerite, galena, enar-
SEDEX category, they appear to be associated with gite and pyrrhotite and has a reserve of 11.3 Mt con-
volcanic horizons and have beeen classified as Besshi taining 1.76 % Cu. The oxidized zone is at present
deposits (Kesler et al., 1996). being mined for its gold content (Lavandero et al.,
The mineral deposits occur in the middle part of the 1997) and has a reported reserve of 2 Mt grading 1.44
Esperanza Formation at the transition from terrigenous g/t Au (Table 1). Tolkunov et al. (1974b) report that
sediments below to carbonate-dominant above. The this zone also contains 50-60 g/t combined germanium
host rocks to the mineralization are limestone and cal- and gallium.
careous schist, with intercalations of sandstone, mud- The Unión and Juan Manuel deposits, west of
stone and carbonaceous schist. Volcanic rocks are rep- Hierro Mantua, also consist mainly of pyrite and chal-
resented as concordant lenses of basaltic to andesitic copyrite, but with non-economic copper contents in
composition (Lavandero et al., 1985). The sulphide the primary mineralization. Some small-scale mining
mineralization consists of pyrite and pyrite-chalcopy- of copper in the oxidised zone took place in the 19th
rite, with minor pyrrhotite, magnetite and enargite and century. The area contains more than twenty small
forms discontinuous conformable lenses over a strike concordant sulphide bodies over a strike length of 7
length of 30 km (Feoktistov et al., 1983). Individual km, with dimensions ranging up to 1000 m along
bodies range up to 1000 m long, 400 m downdip and strike, 40-400 m downdip and 1-25 m thick. The sul-
Silicic Schist
Figure12. Geological section through the Hierro Mantua Besshi type VMS deposit. After Tolkunov et al. (1974b).
phides are massive and locally banded and are always vation and much of the area is covered by flat-lying
closely associated with horizons of diabase (Simón post-orogenic sediments. Even the areas shown as
Méndez, 1992). The massive lenses consist mainly of being underlain by Upper Cretaceous arc rocks (Fig.
pyrite, with minor chalcopyrite, marcasite, mel- 1) are mapped from scattered outcrops in generally
nikovite, pyrrhotite, enargite and bornite. flat agricultural areas. Perhaps the apparent lack of
Silicification and carbonatization are the most com- VMS deposits in the Upper Cretaceous arc rocks is
mon type of alteration of the host rocks. simply a consequence of the paucity of outcrop. It
may also be significant that the largest preserved area
CONCLUSIONS of Upper Cretaceous arc rocks, in east-central Cuba,
Cuba appears to have a higher content of VMS contains widespread epithermal mineralization
deposits than other islands of the Greater Antilles, (Simon et al., 1999), suggesting that the presently
particularly of the Besshi and Cyprus types. The pres- exposed rocks were deposited in shallow water or
ence of Besshi type deposits, and the even more abun- subaerial conditions and not in an environment that
dant SEDEX deposits, in the Southwestern Terranes, favoured formation of VMS deposits.
is related to the continental rifting of Pangea near the
present site of western Cuba and the preservation of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Mesozoic continental fragments alongside the The authors are very grateful to Jesús Hernandez,
Cretaceous volcanic arc rocks. In other islands of the Director of the Instituto de Geología y Paleontología,
Greater Antilles, where the arc formed farther from Havana, for permission to research the files of the
the continental margin, no such fragment is known. Institute and have access to many unpublished docu-
Similarly, the collision of the Cuban portion of the ments. CaribGold Mines Inc. provided support during
Cretaceous volcanic arc with the Bahamas Platform, the preparation of the manuscript. We would like to
caused more intense tectonic compression there, com- thank to Ross Sherlock and Fiona Childe for their
pared to the eastern part of the arc. This resulted in a reviews and suggestions for improvement. Thanks
higher percentage of outcropping ophiolitic rocks in also to Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Guillermo Millán
Cuba compared to other islands of the Greater Antilles, and Dr. Stephen E. Kesler for their useful comments
and therefore more exposure of Cyprus type deposits. and suggestions.
Kuroko type deposits, that are directly associated
with arc development, are not particulary more abun- REFERENCES
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Bottrill Geological Services, 192 Weldon Avenue, Oakville, Canada L6K 2H8 (botgeol@istar.ca)
Holmer Gold Mines Limited, 1103-121 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2K1 (info@holmergold.com)
Los Mangos - San Fernando is a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit within the Cretaceous Los
Pasos Formation, one of a series of similar deposits within the Manicaragua district. The host rocks
are part of a volcanic arc which accreted with the southern margin of the North American continent
in the Eocene. The deposit lies at the contact between a hangingwall basalt lapilli-tuff with sub-ordi-
nate andesite-basalt flows and an underlying sequence of felsic lapilli-tuffs, ash-tuffs and minor mixed
tuffs. There are other base and precious metal sulphide showings in the surrounding area which have
similar characteristics to the Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit, but which have had only minor
exploration. The volcanic sequence in the district centred on the deposit and enclosing these other
showings is considerably thicker compared with sections along strike to both east and west, is intrud-
ed by a synvolcanic body of diorite and appears to have been deposited in a local constructional vol-
cano. Regional metamorphism is of lower greenschist or sub-greenschist facies.
The Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit consists of at least five discrete horizons within a 50 metre
thick, felsic lapilli-tuff which lies close to the contact with overlying basaltic lapilli-tuff and minor
flows. The sulphides appear to have been deposited as exhalite concurrent with the felsic pyroclastic
volcanism in local depressions between individual debris flows. Alternatively the mineralization may
represent a form of sub-sea floor replacement as pore and clast boundary filling and glass replacement
of essentially unconsolidated felsic ash-tuffs.
The footwall and mineralization hosting felsic tuffs are intensely altered to a mixture of quartz,
sericite, chlorite, biotite, clay minerals and local andalusite with disseminated and veinlet pyrite, chal-
copyrite and sphalerite. The hangingwall basalt unit is essentially unmineralized and unaltered except
for widespread chlorite and biotite.
The deposit was mined at various times in the 19th Century and again in 1955-61 when it produced
400,000 tonnes at a grade of 2.75 % Cu, 7.0 % Zn, 3.0 g/t Au and 205 g/t Ag. There have been vari-
ous phases of exploration in 1958-63, 1975-81, 1988-91 and by Holmer Gold Mines since 1994.
Holmer’s indicated resources have been estimated as 1,000,000 tonnes at a grade of 1.84 % Cu and
3.35 % Zn, with inferred resources of an additional 1,000,000 tonnes of similar grade.
tobacco plantations and cattle ranching, and to the south ful attempt to find a nine metre thick shoot reported at
there are small towns and agricultural villages. the 58.5 metre level of an unidentified shaft.
Access to the district is by multi-lane paved high- Following a drill program in 1953, the Santa
way from Havana to Santa Clara, along a paved road Isabela and Los Mangos workings were rehabilitated
to the south to Manicaragua, to the east towards to a depth of 36.6 metres and new (unstated) reserves
Cumanayagua and Cienfuegos and then limited to a were discovered with average drill grades of 3.2 % Cu
few gravel and dirt roads to the historical Los Mangos and 9.7 % Zn. A flotation plant of 50 tons per day was
- San Fernando mine site. opened in 1955, increased later to 100 t/d (possibly in
1956) and to 300 t/d in 1958 and continued at this rate
HISTORY until the closure of the mine in 1961. There are no
The Los Mangos - San Fernando deposits were actual recorded final production figures but at full
discovered in 1827 and mined periodically until 1961. production of 350 days per year this would total
They were developed from a series of adits and 400,000 tons at grades of 2.5 to 3.0 % Cu, 6.0 to
twelve shafts, from San Fernando in the east, through 8.0 % Zn, 2.0 to 4.0 g/t Au and 100 to 300 g/t Ag,
Ceiba, Santa Isabela and Los Mangos to Arroyo Azul with recoveries of 89 % Cu, 80 % Zn and 40 % Au
in the west, with mineralization developed down to and Ag. Total mined tonnage is not recorded but there
145 metres vertically and over a strike length of up to were no mineable reserves left in 1961.
200 metres east of the Los Mangos shaft on eight In 1958-63 a combined team from the Soviet
irregularly spaced levels mining various discrete min- Union and Cuba (Gorielov, 1964) carried out a pro-
eralized bodies or lenses. gram of underground drifting (667 m) and drilling
Past production records are incomplete, but (3,419 m) from the Los Mangos shaft as well as six
production in 1840-1868, 1883-85 and 1942 is surface diamond drill holes (1,175 m) in an attempt to
estimated at 15,000 tons of 17-20 % Cu, probably locate reserves sufficient for a 90,000 t/y plant. They
from supergene enriched near-surface mineralization explored on the 66 metre level to the south with
or as hand-cobbed concentrate (Allende, 1925, 1927; drilling towards the west and on the 170 metre level
Ansted, 1856; Bartlett, 1955, Bottrill, 1997; Castro, where they drifted to the east beneath the area of the
1956, 1957; Constant, 1917; Long, et al., 1942, historical Ceiba shaft to as far as the San Fernando
Pagliuchi, a, b, 1943; Pfeffer, a, b, c, 1958; shaft, with limited fan drilling from these headings.
Ramagosa, undated). Most of this production came Although they concluded that they failed to find any
from the upper levels on the south side near the Los mineralization, they in fact intersected the down-
Mangos and Santa Isabela shafts. faulted northern extension of the mineralization from
The property was examined and reported on station C-1 to the north of the historical workings
favourably by many geologists in the late 1890’s and (Table 1). The majority of the development was in the
early 1900’s, including by E. G. Spilsbury (1884), N. barren footwall felsic pyroclastic unit and interbedded
S. Shaler (1903), M. B. Yung (1906), A. S. Dwight mafic units, and nowhere near what is now under-
(1908), C. M. Weld (1916) and H. F. Henderson stood to be the stratigraphic horizon which hosts the
(1916). The mine was dewatered in 1903 and then bedded sulphide mineralization.
again in 1915-1916, the latter involving re-opening The area including the present project was
900 m of old workings and 150 m of new headings explored as part of a joint Cuban-Czechoslovak
(Constant, 1917, Pagliuchi, 1943). 1:100,000 regional, geological and geochemical pro-
In 1942, the San Fernando shaft was explored to the gram from 1975 to 1981, which resulted in the identi-
29.5 metre level, with drifts on the 15.8, 19.2, and 25 fication of numerous anomalies in the larger region.
metre levels (Long, W., Seymour, O. G., 1942). The The Cubans undertook a follow-up program in 1988
mine was visited by many geologists including Thayer, which resulted in the identification of various anom-
Giles, Hawkes, and C.F. Parks of the USGS. In 1943 alous zones including San Joaquin, Santa Rosa and
the Santa Isabela shaft was dewatered in an unsuccess- Loma Chivo (Fig. 2).
Further drilling in the area of the mine in 1988- and completed programs of diamond drilling totalling
1991 by a Cuban-Bulgarian joint-venture resulted in 4,040.9 metres in 26 holes (Arcial, 1995; Bottrill,
the calculation of a resource in the area of the histor- 1995, 1996; Formell, 1997; Rodríguez, 1998; Santa
ical deposit (Arcial, et al., 1991). Cruz, et al., 1997).
Since 1994, Holmer has undertaken an airborne
magnetic and electromagnetic survey over the origi- GENERAL GEOLOGY OF CUBA
nal concession from GeoMinera in February, 1994; The geology of Cuba is relatively simple (Fig. 1),
completed ground geophysical surveys of 30 km of as a volcanic island arc which accreted with the south-
VLF-EM on eight grids and 4.775 km of induced ern edge of the North American craton seen in five
polarisation-resistivity surveys on three grids in 1995; litho-stratigraphic belts, from north to south across
surveyed total field magnetics and MaxMin II hori- the island (Iturralde-Vinent, a, b, c, 1996; Iturralde-
zontal loop electromagnetics (“HLEM”) over 18 km Vinent, et al., 1996; Kerr, et al., 1999; Lewis and
on 24 lines in the Los Mangos - San Fernando area in Draper, 1990; Pushcharovsky, 1989).
November 1996 and April 1997; taken selected soil 1. The north side of the island from the west of
samples for geochemistry, primarily for gold, in 1995;
Matanzas Clara
100 km
Isal de Holguin
Las Tunas
Figure 1. The general geology of Cuba showing the location of the Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit within the Zaza vol-
canic arc north of the Manicaragua batholith, within the lithotectonic framework for the island of the various litho-stratigraphic
assemblages of the Bahamas Platform, the ophiolite and melange sequence, the Zaza and Sierra Maestra volcanic arcs and the
exotic continental margin assemblage in the south and west.
Havana to about mid-way along the coast, volcanic stratigraphy and appear to be related
exposes the edge of the North American craton to the later stages of evolution of the arc and
in the Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonates of are comagmatic with locally extensive felsic
the Bahamas Platform. Three distinct zones are volcanic rocks.
identified with progressively increasing chert 4. Sequences of Jurassic and Cretaceous clastic
and continental clastic rocks to the south which and carbonate sedimentary rocks form the
correspond to the shelf, slope and rise facies of majority of the westernmost part of Cuba, the
the original continental margin sedimentary Isla de la Juventud and the Escambray Massif
wedge. These are all overlain by Palaeocene to the south of Los Mangos - San Fernando.
and Eocene carbonate block olistostromes with These rocks are very similar to the Caracas
accompanying ophiolite blocks. Formation along the coast of Venezuela, and
2. Ophiolite melange sequences are exposed as are possibly rifted sections of the margin of the
south dipping wedges, with intervening bands South American craton. They have been sub-
of Bahamas platform carbonates, or as jected to high temperature-low pressure meta-
melanges or olistostromes and were probably morphism on Isla de la Juventud, with evidence
obducted onto or are in strike-slip fault contact for a large underlying granitoid. In the
with the edge of the North American craton. Escambray Massif they are of high pressure,
They consist of dunite, harzburgite, gabbro and low temperature facies, as subduction wedges,
sheeted diabase dykes, with overlying tholeiitic and were probably metamorphosed in the north
basalts, cherts and abyssal sedimentary rocks. dipping subduction zone beneath the volcanic
At the far east of the island they form shallow island arc. In the exposures close to the west
north dipping sheets or flat synclines which end of the island these Mesozoic sedimentary
contain large lateritic nickel deposits. sequences are intermediate pressure and tem-
3. Island-arc and back-arc sequences of Late to perature facies as slates and shales in a series of
Early (Aptian-Campanian) Cretaceous calc- thrust fault slices, which host a variety of sedi-
alkaline “Zaza Arc” volcanic rocks are exposed mentary-exhalative base metal deposits.
as tilted wedges younging to the north from 5. The Sierra Maestra, in the southeast of the
basal mafic, basaltic-andesite flows and flow- island, is a Palaeocene volcanic island arc, with
breccias upwards through intermediate post-arc volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks
andesite-dacite, to local felsic dacite-rhyolites. to the immediate north, intruded by Palaeocene
The arc was formed above a north-dipping sub- granitoids.
duction zone in its present orientation during
These litho-stratigraphic belts are exposed in a
its formation somewhere in the original
Cretaceous Caribbean plate to the south and series of tectonic blocks, separated by east-northeast
was later brought into contact with North striking faults which are overlain by thick, post oro-
America along a series of transform faults, genic, Cenozoic sedimentary basins (Fig. 1). Each
probably during anti-clockwise rotation of the tectonic block varies in its age of collision with the
Caribbean plate. An amphibolitic blueschist Bahamas platform, with the initial collision at the
terrain, traditionally included as part of the west end, and progressing to the east. This west to
Escambray metamorphic complex, underlies east progression in the timing of collision may be a
this Zaza arc. The arc volcanic rocks are intrud- reflection of anti-clockwise rotation of the Caribbean
ed granite, quartz-diorite, tonalite and syenite plate relative to the North American craton. The col-
batholiths. The intrusions in the Los Mangos - lision appears to have begun whilst the Zaza volcanic
San Fernando area appear to under plate the arc was still being actively developed along the corre-
volcanic sequence, intruding the Escambray sponding subduction zone. The section at the west
blueschist terrain, whereas those further to the end is relatively incomplete as an arc, consisting
east in the Camagüey area cross-cut the marine mostly of basal mafic volcanic units, so that its for-
mation appears to have been terminated by the early clastic and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks. At a
collision and truncation of the corresponding subduc- more local scale (Fig. 2) the sequence is divided into
tion zone. Those sections in the centre of the island in two formations. The lower is the Los Pasos Formation
the Santa Clara block exposure a more completely of bimodal marine felsic and mafic volcanic units
developed arc including some relatively aerially with some evidence of subaerial input, which hosts
restricted upper felsic units, co-magmatic batholiths the mineralization. The upper is the Relámpago
intruding the deeper stratigraphic units at the base of Formation of dominantly mafic volcanic rocks, both
the arc in the blueschist terrain of the Escambray flows and pyroclastics, with some interbedded clastic
Massif - and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. sedimentary rocks.
Those Zaza arc sections further to the east in the Within the Los Pasos Formation there are a series of
Camagüey-Holguin blocks are the most complete, distinct volcanic cycles from basal basalt flows, local-
including extensive younger felsic volcanic units, ly pillowed, through basaltic-andesites, as flows and
more extensive co-magmatic intrusions, extensive pyroclastic rocks, into overlying felsic volcanic rocks,
volcanic-derived sedimentary basins - and a spectrum mostly pyroclastic. There are local felsic flows or rhy-
of mineral deposits including representatives of por- olite domes which appear to be flanked on their mar-
phyry-copper deposits, skarns and epithermal pre- gins by coarse felsic debris flows. There are at least
cious metal systems. The final collision was at the three mappable cycles in those areas where the stratig-
east end of the island with the youngest, and least raphy has not been intensely altered or disrupted by
deformed ocean floor sequence in the Nipe-Purial faulting. Large areas within the district as shown on
ophiolites and the youngest volcanic arc in the Sierra figure 2 are underlain by relatively homogeneous sili-
Maestra. There is a progression in styles of deforma- cic-clay rich rocks from extensive re-charge hydrother-
tion from west to east, corresponding to the age of mal silica and sericite alteration in the footwall of the
collision and the formation and preservation of more various mineralized horizons, so that the individual
complete sections of the arc, with the most complex volcanic units can no longer be distinguished.
structures (primarily anastomosing thrust and strike In general the Los Pasos Formation thickens
slip fault duplexes) in the west, through relatively towards the centre of the area, as do individual map-
simple tilted homoclinal blocks with block-faulted pable units, indicating deposition in an original
basins in the centre, to essentially upright, weakly volcanic constructional feature. It is not possible to
deformed sequences at the east end. determine whether this is a depositional basin or an
original constructional strata-volcano.
LOCAL GEOLOGY In the immediate area of the Los Mangos - San
The immediate area around the Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit (Fig. 3) there are four main strati-
Fernando deposit is underlain predominantly by a graphic units from bottom to top:
north-dipping homoclinal sequence of Cretaceous a. A local basal unit of predominantly rhyolite
marine volcanic rocks and their hypabyssal sub-vol- and dacite lapilli tuff with abundant coarse ash
canic intrusive equivalents of the Zaza volcanic arc, lapilli tuffs and local coarse and fine ash tuffs
intruded along the south side by the Manicaragua at least 200 metres thick. This unit hosts only
batholith (Fig. 2). Outcrop is generally very poor minor sulphides, mostly pyrite, accompanied
although the soil cover is typically shallow. There is by relatively weak hydrothermal alteration.
considerable difficulty in locating natural outcrops These felsic units are interbedded with or
due to the dense thorn bush. intruded by minor predominantly porphyritic,
but locally massive intermediate to mafic units
as flows or sills, as well as heterogeneous inter-
The volcanic rocks are part of the regional mediate tuff breccias, both in beds which are
Mahagua Group of mafic to intermediate lavas and typically 10 to15 metres thick.
pyroclastic rocks, minor limestones and interbedded b. A distinct, mineralization-hosting unit, approx-
80 05'00''
0 500 1000 Relampago Formation
metres N
San Joaquin
Lomas Malas
Los Quemados
Las Cadenas
Manicaragua Batholith Loma Chivo
Figure 2. The geology, alteration zones, mineral occurrences and exploration features within the Los Mangos - San Fernando
section of the Manicaragua district. The mineral showings are identified through a combination of their location at felsic to
mafic volcanic contacts, together with associated alteration as described in the text, a general distribution within broad areas of
low magnetic amplitude and localised induced polarisation anomalies.
imately 50 metres thick, consisting of beds sent an almost random infilling of a local depo-
similar to those in the underlying unit of coarse sitional feature from distinct sources, probably
ash-lapilli rhyolites and dacites with minor deposited at the same time as, or very shortly
finer ash tuffs and interbedded with thinner before, deposition of the sulphide mineralization.
mafic flows or sills. The overall distribution of c. A 15 to 30 metre thick rhyolite-dacite fine ash
individual volcanic units appears to be more tuff overlying the mineralized unit, developed
irregular with thinner and less extensive indi- mostly down dip and towards the east.
vidual beds than in the underlying unit. No dis- d. An upper unit, at least 150 metres thick, of pre-
tinct cyclical arrangement can be established dominantly basalt to andesite-basalt lithic lapil-
between either the coarse and fine felsic beds, li tuffs, with intercalations of fine grained
or between them and the more mafic and mixed basalt tuffs and minor basalt flows. This unit
pyroclastic beds or layers. Rather they repre- forms the majority of the outcrop in the area of
IP Anomaly
P-10 Los Mangos Shaft No.1
Leached cap (90m west of section line) HG94-1
Figure 3. A typical cross-section along line 263,750 East. It is based on the intersections within a 30 metre wide strip, 15
metres on either side of the section line. The Los Mangos No. 1 shaft is 90 metres west of the section, with development on
shallow levels (-13 to -45 m) to the south and at deeper levels (-66 to below the -123 m level) on either side of one of the
steeply south dipping northwest striking faults. A third mineralized block extends north of a second, parallel fault and has been
tested by historical underground drilling to a depth of 300 metres. The sulphide mineralization extends down dip from the
leached-cap outcrop within the 50 metre thick uppermost felsic lapilli and ash tuff unit beneath the basalt lapilli tuff unit. While
much of the sulphide mineralization is within small lenses these tend to lie on five main horizons with locally distinct pyrite
bodies, typically in the footwall of the base metal sulphides. The three recent holes on this section cut various of these horizons
down-dip of the historically exploited sulphide horizons.
Within the Los Pasos Formation there are a series south and north-northwest striking, near-vertical
of small composite intrusions of gabbro and diorite, andesite-dacite porphyry dykes as well as basalt
probable sub-volcanic and hypabyssal bodies related dykes in the area of the Los Mangos - San Fernando
to the volcanic rocks which they intrude. The largest deposit. Most of these are relatively narrow and are
of these forms a northwest-striking unit to the east of individually too small to show on either the typical
the Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit, possibly in cross-section (Fig. 3) or the geology map (Fig. 4).
the centre of the original depositional basin or con-
structional volcano. Structure and Metamorphism
There are locally extensive dyke swarms of In general the volcanic sequence is homoclinal,
various compositions primarily intruding along dipping to the north at 30° to 70°. There is no evi-
the northwest fault set, possibly as feeders of dence of folding or any major stratigraphic repetitions
Relámpago Formation. There are numerous north- due to thrusts.
15 17
0 5
Los Pasos Formation
Basalt andesite flow and tuff
Basalt lapilli tuff, minor flows
Mineralized horizon (leached cap)
Felsic lapilli tuff and fine tuffs
Fault zones
Figure 4. Interpreted distribution of the major lithological units in the Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit. The mineralized
zone is seen at surface as a zone of deep iron oxide development or a leached cap, dipping to the north at shallow angles. It is
underlain by a sequence of predominantly coarse felsic pyroclastic rocks and overlain immediately by basalt lapilli tuff with
predominant flows and finer tuffs to the north. The entire sequence is separated by a series of northwest striking faults.
Both the volcanic and intrusive rocks are cut by a Mangos - San Fernando and east of the sub-volcanic
braided network of close-spaced faults and wider gabbro-diorite body (Fig. 2), throughout the area
deformation zones, primarily striking northwest, with underlain by most of the other mineral showings in the
a less clearly defined northeast striking set. The pre- area. Off-sets appear to be both sinistral and dextral,
dominant northwest striking set, known as the compressional and extensional, and the net effect is
Cachimba faults, are nearly vertical, and appear to be neutral. In part, these northwest striking faults appear
curvilinear, concave to the southwest. These form to be the result of the intrusion of the Manicaragua
areas of deformation and cataclastic fabrics which are batholith into the base of the volcanic sequence where
difficult to distinguish from pyroclastic rocks due to the Los Pasos Formation is at its thickest.
the deep tropical weathering. Numerous other faults In the immediate area of Los Mangos - San
can be interpreted from a 1994 aeromagnetic survey. Fernando these faults strike at 110°, and dip steeply at
There is a strong concentration of these Cachimba 80° to the southwest with an apparent reverse sense of
faults in the centre of the area from east of Los motion, locally duplicating the host stratigraphy. The
Figure 5. Distribution of the known historical mine workings and other exploration indicators in the Los Mangos - San
Fernando deposit. The majority of the Los Mangos workings extend over a strike length of 200 metres and width of 100 metres
and to a depth of 150 metres, with the smaller San Fernando workings a further 250 metres to the east. An exploration drive at
the -170 metre level extends beneath the San Fernando workings in the footwall of the mineralized stratigraphy. The up-dip
expression of the historical workings, seen as a leached cap on surface, locally corresponds with a coincident copper-zinc-gold
soil geochemical anomalies. There are extensive induced-polarisation anomalies down-dip of the surface expression south of the
old workings, as well as a distinct area of low magnetic amplitudes corresponding to the old workings extending to the east,
open beyond the area surveyed to date and the trend of the mineralized intersections in the core drill holes.
effect of these faults on the local stratigraphy and dis- indicate a series of east-west domains of higher mag-
tribution of the mineralization was not well recog- netic amplitude, some of which correspond with
nised and led to an impression of a steeper apparent mapped basalt units, as well as more irregular or ellip-
dip of 55° compared with the actual 30° north dips. tical highs which equate with synvolcanic gabbro
Although the mineralized areas contain both bodies or with the possible rhyolite domes, with their
biotite and andalusite as alteration minerals, the high magnetite content. In general, it is possible to
majority of the area is only weakly metamorphosed, outline the individual stratigraphic units of different
probably of sub-greenschist facies. Zeolites are compositions within the magnetic data, especially
observed in late stage extensional fractures. from the calculated vertical gradient map. It is also
possible to distinguish the numerous off-sets of these
EXPLORATION RESULTS anomalies corresponding to the northwest striking
faults, and other parallel lineaments.
Geophysics Within the volcanic stratigraphy there are exten-
The Cuban-Bulgarian organisation completed an sive areas within which the overall magnetic ampli-
induced polarisation-resistivity survey over the entire tude is substantially depressed, i.e. in which the mag-
concession in 1988 using unknown instruments and netite content is reduced, possibly through alteration
specifications. A series of anomalies were identified, of magnetite to various sulphide minerals. Despite the
which are summarised as metal factor and chargeabil- overall lower amplitudes it is still possible to trace the
ity outlines for the Los Mangos - San Fernando mine individual stratigraphic units from adjacent zones of
area. The Cuban data indicate that different systems overall higher magnetic amplitude. Some of these
were used in different parts of the original survey areas of low magnetic amplitude correspond with
area, with the more coherent and discrete anomalies known zones of extensive wall rock alteration, such
corresponding to the area of highest potential includ- as in the footwall of Los Mangos - San Fernando.
ing Los Mangos - San Fernando, San Joaquin and the Numerous GEOTEM airborne electromagnetic
northern part of Loma Chivo. (AEM) anomalies were identified and classified by
These IP anomalies appear to be discrete and cor- Geoterrex as: narrow conductors of vertical extent;
respond to specific stratigraphic targets, rather than to broad areas of shallow sources or flat lying conduc-
the areas of general pyritic alteration. The most sig- tive zones reflecting surface alteration and weather-
nificant IP anomaly at > 4 % chargeability lies just ing; or, narrow sources of moderate amplitude and
south of the historical Los Mangos and San Fernando greater depth. It is typically anomalies of the latter
workings and corresponds to the up-dip position of type which correspond with sulphide mineralization.
the main mineralized horizon, immediately down-dip Some of the more significant AEM anomalies include
of the near-surface leached cap and gossan zone (Fig. those in an east-west belt south of the outcrop of the
5). A separate IP anomaly lies to the southwest, and Los Mangos - San Fernando mineralized horizon.
may be the faulted extension of the same mineralized A very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM)
horizon, which does not outcrop in this area beneath survey was completed by Sagax Geophysics for
historical waste and tailings and the river alluvium. Holmer early in 1995 over a series of connected grids
The Cuban-Bulgarian organisation also completed covering parts of the San Fernando, San Joaquin,
a down hole induced polarisation survey from hole 11 Santa Rosa and other unnamed targets. There is one
at depths of 52 and 92 metres, using unknown instru- strong anomaly which corresponds with the interpret-
ments, arrays or power sources. Distinct anomalies ed trace of the linear AEM conductor along the
were identified to the north and south. outcrop trace of the Los Mangos - San Fernando
Holmer completed a Geoterrex fixed-wing air- mineralized horizon.
borne survey over the property in February 1994, col- In April 1995, JVX completed an induced polari-
lecting multi-frequency GEOTEM time-domain elec- sation-resistivity survey for Holmer covering three
tromagnetic and magnetic data. The magnetic data lines over Los Mangos, of which only the two outer
lines extended to the south over the host stratigraphy. tions in the immediate area of the Los Mangos - San
In general, the overall Los Mangos - San Fernando Fernando mine, totalling 6,145 metres in 25 holes.
mineralized system is identified as a broad charge- Historical drilling of 12,175 metres in 169 holes was
ability high and resistivity low. completed in the late 1950’s from underground on the
In 1996-97 Holmer completed a Max-Min II and 21, 66, 91 and 123 metre levels, mostly as fans of
horizontal loop electromagnetic (“HLEM”) and total multiple holes in dip and azimuth from ten drill sta-
field magnetic survey over 18 km on 24 lines in the tions, which have proven to be difficult to interpret.
Los Mangos - San Fernando area. The principal con- During the 1958-63 program the Soviet-Cuban team
ductors correspond in part with the 110° striking completed and additional 52 underground holes
faults which off-set the mineralized horizon. The totalling 3,420 metres from the drifts on the 66 and
magnetic data revealed the existence of a distinctive 170 metre levels. No core is available from any of the
area of low magnetic amplitudes corresponding to the past drilling programs, which generally suffered from
deeper part of the historical Los Mangos mine area poor recoveries and selective assays of only the visu-
and extending to the east towards San Fernando ally better mineralized intervals. The holes in the
beyond which this anomaly is open. The magnetic immediate area of the historical mine workings of
low is also parallel to and down-dip from the large IP approximately 800 metres in 46 holes formed the
anomaly described above (Fig. 5). basis of the resource calculation using Soviet methods.
Holmer completed programs of diamond drilling
Soil Geochemistry totalling 4,040.9 metres in 26 holes in 1994 (1 hole),
In 1988 a Cuban-Bulgarian programme completed 1995 (7 holes), 1996 (3 holes), 1997 (15 holes), of
a soil geochemical survey which outlined significant, which 3,337 metres in 22 holes were in the Los
high amplitude anomalies in copper, zinc and barite, Mangos - San Fernando mine area (Fig. 5). The first
some of which correspond with known mineraliza- hole (HG-94-01) was located to test the down-hole IP
tion, and others which have no known sources. anomaly located north of the historical workings and
Prominent among these anomalies are those at Los intersected bedded massive to semi-massive spha-
Mangos - San Fernando, San Joaquin, Santa Rosa, lerite-rich, and locally chalcopyrite-rich mineraliza-
Loma Chivo and Porfirio. Smaller anomalies include tion on two horizons within the altered felsic
those at Las Cadenas, Loma Malas and unnamed lapilli tuff unit. Subsequent holes were drilled to the
anomalies to the east and west of Santa Rosa. The southwest of the historical mine; as 25 metre spaced
anomalies are shown as outlines at various contours step-outs, undercuts and over-cuts to HG-94-01, and
of greater than 300 ppm Cu, 600 ppm Zn and 1,000 to both the west and east along the down-dip projec-
ppm Ba. Most of the significant anomalies are on or tion of the mineralized horizon, those to the east being
close to hill tops, and appear to be more-or-less in situ mostly vertical holes. The intersections to the west are
over their probable bedrock sources. mostly along the northern margin of the historical
In 1995 Holmer completed limited soil sampling mine and intersected the extensions of the same min-
coverage on 100 metre spaced lines in the area south eralized horizons which were exploited historically.
of the historical workings which outlined significant In most cases the holes were stopped within the felsic
gold anomalies of 1 to 3 g/t Au as well as copper and unit on entering the first one or two mineralized
zinc anomalies (at > 600 and >1,000 ppm, respective- layers, based on the spatial relationship of the holes to
ly) along the surface trace of the Los Mangos - San the old stopes as then understood and the supposed
Fernando mineralized horizon (Fig. 5). steeper dip of the stratigraphy. Other holes entered
dykes which were interpreted at the time to be a lower
Diamond Drilling mafic unit stratigraphically below the felsic
Surface diamond drilling campaigns were com- pyroclastic unit.
pleted in 1963, 1988 and 1991 by the various Cuban-
Soviet, -Czechoslovakian and -Bulgarian organisa-
MINERAL DEPOSITS San Fernando area (Fig. 2). The lowermost cycle con-
Each of the mafic to felsic volcanic cycles of the tains mineralization at its top in Las Cadenas and
Los Pasos Formation host massive sulphide mineral- Loma Chivo zones. The most extensive middle cycle
ization zones, mostly as surface showings with the contains Los Mangos - San Fernando in the west, San
exception of those in the immediate Los Mangos - Joaquin in the centre and the Santa Rosa and Los
Quemados in the east. The immediate area around and
to the southwest of Los Mangos - San Fernando con- sericite and chlorite.
tains two locally developed cycles which may be sep- 3. Pyrite » chalcopyrite » sphalerite, as dissemi-
arate stratigraphic horizons or represent structural nated to densely disseminated and veins of 2 to
repetition of this middle cycle. The uppermost cycle 80 % pyrite, rare marcasite and very rare spha-
contains Loma Malas at the top of the thickest section lerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and galena.
of the Los Pasos Formation. Textures are predominantly euhedral and
The major deposit is in the area around the small, anhedral-granular.
past-producing Los Mangos - San Fernando mine. No distinguishable mineral zoning as in Cu:Zn
This is a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit in ratios or chalcopyrite:sphalerite ratios can be estab-
three distinct mineralogical facies of massive chal- lished from the available data. Whereas individual
copyrite, bedded, typically weakly to strongly dis- samples or intersections represent close to end mem-
seminated sphalerite-pyrite-chalcopyrite and barren bers of the chalcopyrite or sphalerite rich assem-
pyrite. The first two contain significant by-product blages, most typically contain both. The pyrite miner-
silver and gold. alization is more extensive than either of the the base
Mineralogy metal sulphide assemblages, either as discrete lenses
with only minor and local zones of base metals, and
The principal sulphide occurrences are as veins more typically as a separate layer in the immediate
and disseminations, primarily as pyrite with locally footwall of the base metal sulphides. There is also sig-
predominant sphalerite and/or chalcopyrite, with local nificant widespread pyrite throughout the felsic rocks,
and rare tetrahedrite, galena, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite in both the main mineralized unit and in the footwall
and bornite. The gangue minerals are mainly quartz, felsic lapilli tuffs, as discrete semi-massive layers and
sericite, and minor chlorite. as broad disseminations.
Three distinct sulphide assemblages have been
recognized: Alteration
1. Massive, 30-70 % densely disseminated, veined There is a distinct propylitic facies of widespread
and mottled chalcopyrite, 4-50 % pyrite, < 1 % chlorite, epidote and locally pyrite throughout the Los
tetrahedrite and <1 to 25 % sphalerite. The char- Pasos Formation and in parts of the overlying
acteristic sulphide textures are anhedral- Relámpago Formation basalts. In the footwall felsic
granular, corroded or as cement. The main to mixed pyroclastic rocks in the immediate Los
gangue minerals are quartz, sericite and chlorite. Mangos - San Fernando area there is a distinct zonal
2. Grey or semi-black zones of sphalerite > pyrite pattern of alteration with a central core, immediately
> chalcopyrite with minor tetrahedrite - chal- southwest of the mine, of andalusite-sericite-quartz
copyrite - pyrrhotite - galena - bornite - surrounded by a broad, stratabound sericite-quartz
arsenopyrite. They are densely disseminated, assemblage. To the south there is a cross-stratal zone
spotted and veined in the east, changing to of quartz-sericite-biotite alteration.
principally disseminated mineralization toward Broad areas are mapped as underlain by felsic
the west. Sphalerite is the principal mineral at pyroclastic rocks, but it is not clear to which extent
12-60 % in the densely disseminated ores and
these represent true felsic volcanics or are mafic units
much less (up to < 1 %) in the weaker dissem-
which have been extensively altered in a broad vol-
inated zones. There is 2-48 % pyrite, 3-22 %
canic geothermal system.
chalcopyrite and rare grains up to < 1 % of
There are also extensive areas with intense oxida-
galena; there are even rarer grains of tetra-
tion at surface and which probably correspond in
hedrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and bornite.
large parts to the original distribution of more pyritic
The predominant sulphide textures are subhe-
areas. These generally fall into two classes, the first of
dral-granular, anhedral-granular and corroded.
which are stratabound, primarily in the footwall of
The principal gangue minerals are quartz,
known volcanogenic massive sulphide occurrences,
and the second which follow some of the major north- dipping lenses.
west striking faults. The deeper, northern block was mined from the 66
Distinct barite horizons have been mapped, origi- to the 146 metre levels on at least three separate hori-
nally described as quartz-barite veins. Many of these zons. Mineralized shoots were developed at the west
correspond with stratabound barite anomalies in the end near the Los Mangos shaft on the 45, 66 and 123
areas of known volcanogenic massive sulphide min- metre levels, but the more extensive development was
eralization, and others are associated with areas of towards the east on the 91 and 123 m levels, with
alteration and geochemical and geophysical anom- additional access from the 146 m level.The latter was
alies in exploration target areas. mostly driven for development, but failed to locate
any significant mineralization as the shallow dip and
Distribution of Mineralized Zones fault controls, although recognised by the consulting
The Los Mangos - San Fernando deposit has been geologist at the time (Pfeffer, 1958), were not used to
traced on surface and to depth for three kilometres direct the location of the development headings.
along strike, of which the major section from Los The Soviet-Cuban drilling from the 170 metre
Mangos to San Fernando is 450 metres long and level in 1958-63 located additional mineralization
traced down dip from surface to 300 metres along the from the northernmost drill station (C-1) in the next
bedding plane or for 250 metres north and to a verti- fault block top the north. The down-dip potential of
cal depth of 230 metres to the base of the mineralized this zone is unknown, but open.
unit relative to the collar of the Los Mangos shaft. A series of historical shafts and extensive adits
The felsic-mafic contact and the mineralization were developed midway between the Los Mangos and
dip to the north at an average of 30°, with a strike of San Fernando zones in the area of the Ceiba and
approximately 075°. In the 200 metre strike extent of Colorado shafts (Fig. 5). These probably represent
the original Los Mangos mine for which there are development on the up-dip extent of the deeper min-
detailed level plans the deposit consists of a series of eralized horizons than those exploited from the Los
discrete lenses which reflect at least five separate Mangos and Santa Isabela shafts.
stratigraphic horizons within the uppermost altered The original San Fernando shaft area, is primarily
felsic lapilli tuff unit. The mineralization is also off- a zinc zone, at depths of 12 to 25 metres in the shaft.
set into separate blocks by the series of 110° striking Samples taken in 1917 (Constant) averaged 33.2 %
steep reverse faults with the more northerly blocks Zn, 5.22 % Cu and 345 g/t Ag. Forty tons which were
progressively down-dropped to the north. More local- hand-picked to minimise the copper content assayed
ly, the mineralized horizons are divided into discrete 41.0 % Zn, 2.72 % Pb, 1.51 % Cu, 8.6 g/t Au and
shoots by numerous, mostly north striking, post- 555 g/t Ag.
mineral dykes. Four of the five holes drilled by Holmer to the east
The upper (13 to 45 metre) levels in the block from of the historical mine workings and north of the
surface down to the first major 110° striking fault was Soviet-Cuban underground development and drilling
mined in the 1800’s primarily from a supergene has intersected significant widths of locally high cop-
enriched copper zone as chalcocite, covellite and bor- per and zinc grade massive sulphides, while the fifth
nite. There were at least two major mineralized hori- probably entered a near vertical feldspar porphyry
zons which were mined, one to the west, immediately dyke of unknown strike orientation.
adjacent to the Los Mangos and Santa Isabela shafts The overall distribution of the mineralization as
on the 13 to 45 metre levels, and a second some 100 recorded appears to be relatively complex with a
metres further east on the 13 and 21 metre levels only. number of isolated ore lenses or bodies which form an
This zone was later extended in the primary irregular pattern in plan, cross-section and long-sec-
sulphides from the 45 to 146 m levels, in an area 105 tion. Part of this complexity is due to the local devel-
m long by 25 m wide, within which there are a series opment of ore shoots on the five separate mineralized
of irregular to spherical ore shoots and steeply horizons within the overall 50 metre thick mineralized
upper felsic lapilli tuff unit and the local limits of the drilling it is apparent that the Los Mangos - San
mineralization on the post-mineral dykes. Part of the Fernando deposit is primarily stratabound massive to
complexity may also be due to the mineralization semi-massive sulphides of essentially volcanogenic
event coinciding with active volcanism, with deposi- character. Some of the features of the deposit are:
tion of the sulphides upon and between separate puls- ! It is hosted within a 50 metre thick altered,
es or layers of individual pyroclastic layers and mafic sericitic and andalusite bearing felsic lapilli tuff
flows with irregular shapes and distribution. The sul- and ash tuff unit, underlain by similar felsic
phides may have been deposited in local pools tuffs interbedded with heterogenous intermedi-
between coarse felsic volcanic lobes or as replace- ate lapilli tuffs and mafic flows, immediately
ment bodies between those semi-consolidated lobes overlain by a thin, finer grained rhyolite-dacite
within finer grained, glass-rich, ash units. tuff unit with a hangingwall unit of aerially
extensive, largely unaltered unit of mafic flows
Resource Estimates
and basalt-andesite lapilli-tuff.
In late 1997 indicated resources were estimated by ! The overall zone has been traced for up to
Holmer from twelve cross-sections, 25 m apart, and 3,000 metres along strike, for 300 metres down
for 25 metres horizontally north and south along the dip from surface along the bedding plane or for
sections in areas of widely spaced holes as 1,036,296 250 metres north and to a vertical depth of 230
tonnes at a grade of 1.84 % Cu and 3.35 % Zn. The metres. Within this extensive area the base
data included all surface and underground intersec- metal mineralization is restricted to a single
tions using a cut-off of 1 % Cu, 1 % Zn or 20 g/t Ag, stratigraphic unit up to 50 metre thick and in up
and averaged by incorporating all true thickness cor- to five separate stratigraphic horizons each up
rected intersections on each cross-section. The results to eight metres thick, extending as more or less
were only calculated for Cu and Zn because of the continuous sheets or as more discrete lenses as
lack of data on Ag or Au for most of the historical, either base metal sulphides or separate pyrite
pre-Holmer holes. rich bodies.
The data-base, both the actual distribution of the ! There is little or no development of any cross-
mineralization and the local grades, is highly restrict- stratal mineralized stringer zone within either
ed in the mine area. Most of the data in this area con- the felsic lapilli tuff or the interbedded hetero-
sists of underground holes which were drilled as fans geneous lapilli tuffs.
in both azimuth and dip radiating from a few major ! The detailed distribution of the mineralized
set-ups, and are therefore everywhere oblique to both horizons is controlled by the form and distribu-
strike and dip. Even projections of 12.5 metres can tion of original felsic tuffs as various lobes,
create numerous false impressions of the distribution with local depressions or pools between them.
of the mineralization. The in situ density was calcu- ! The overall stratigraphic package, the host unit
lated from the measured density of the host altered and the individual mineralized horizons strike
rock of 2.8 g/cc, and the average grades and known at 075° and dip to the north at an average of
densities of the sulphide minerals in a combination of 30°; the overall host unit is separated into dis-
tinct blocks by a series of evenly spaced, sub-
30 % sulphide and 70 % gangue for an overall aver-
parallel, 110° striking, 80° south dipping
age of 3.43 g/cc.
reverse faults.
Inferred resources were estimated extending for
! Individual ore-shoots are terminated against
200 metres on the dip and for 100 metres along strike,
numerous, but volumetrically minor andesite-
with an average thickness of 15 metres, for a total of
dacite porphyry and basalt dykes, possibly as
1,029,000 tonnes, with the same grades as above.
feeders to the overlying mafic units within
CONCLUSIONS which the dykes are more abundant.
! The overall extent of the base metal mineral-
From the historical data and the more recent
ized system is open along strike and down-dip.
A idea of the overall size of the system is seen uments in the historical archives of the Department of
in the soil geochemical data (>1,000 ppb Au, Industry in Havana, Cuba, observed and reviewed by the
first listed author . There has been little published in the
> 300 ppm Cu and >1,000 ppm Zn) as well as
readily available literature for many years on the geology of
the IP anomalies. The surface expression of the Cuba or its mineral deposits.
mineralized horizon is a leached cap lying well Allende, Roque (a). 31 May, 1925. Finca San Joaquin: San
south of the old mine area, and is potentially Fernando, Sta Elena, Sta Isabel, San Jose, Minas de Santa
overlying a supergene enriched zone similar to Clara. (*); (b). 1927. Yacimientos Minerales de la Republica
de Cuba, Monografia de Cobre, Boletin de Minas # 11. (*)
that originally developed in the older, shallow-
Ansted, D.N. 1856. Of the San Fernando Copper Lodes near
er sections of the Los Mangos, La Ceiba and Cienfuegos, in Cuba, Quarterly Journal of the Geological
San Fernando shafts. The overall zone of Society of London, vol XIII, p. 240-242.
potential extends for at least 1,000 metres Arcial, C., F. 1995. Informe de los trabajos realizados Enero-
along strike, and with a known down-dip extent Agosto 1995; Internal report of Holmer Gold mines Limited,
8 p. (*)
of 300 metres, and open to depth down-dip.
Arcial, C. F., and Dundlov, T., et al. 1991. Informe prospecion
detallada Cobre San Fernando, Empresa Geologo-Minera
This paper has been prepared by some of the team Bartlett, Charles E. May 6, 1955. Memorandum to Pedro
who have explored the area at various times since Muniz, Operacion de la Mina San Fernando. (*)
Bottrill, T. J. (a) 1995. San Fernando Project, Santa Clara,
1994 funded by Holmer Gold Mines Limited in a Cuba; private report for Holmer Gold Mines Limited,
multi-year Economic Association Contract of explo- November 8 1995, 26 p.; (b) 1996. Review of geology, min-
ration, development and mining with GeoMinera, eralization and exploration programs on the San Fernando
S.A. the Cuban state mining agency. It incorporates Project, Santa Clara, Cuba; private report for Holmer Gold
Mines Limited, July 1996, 32 p.; (c) 1997. San Fernando
the work of many other geologists who worked on the Mine: history and geology of the mine as derived from
project including Sr. R. Rodríquez G., Mr. T. review of the historical records in the archives of the Fondo
Neelands, the recent Exploration Manager and his Geologo, Minbas; private memorandum for Holmer Gold
predecessor Ing. Luis Igreda Coz, as well as from Ing. Mines Limited, January 26, 1997, 12 p.
Castro, Carlos and Muniz, Pedro. June 1956. Compañia
Florencio Arcial C., the original Cuban project geolo-
Inspiracion de Cobre, Report to Dept Mines. (*)
gist. Much of the geology is derived from a detailed Castro, Carlos. Feb, 1957. Report to Cuban Department of
petrological and mineralogical study completed for Mines. (*)
Holmer as part of their exploration programme by C. L. Constant Co., N.Y., N.Y. December 8, 1917. Report on
Ing. Maria Santa Cruz Pacheco et al. of the Cuban the San Fernando Mine. (*)
Formell C., Francisco. October 1997. San Fernando Project,
Instituto de Geologia y Paleontologia. Manicaragua, Cuba, internal report for Holmer Gold Mines
The section on the General geology of Cuba was Limited, with December 1997 addendum.
developed by two of the authors (TJB, FFC) based on Gorielov, V. 1964. Informe, San Fernando Cobre, sobre los
field work throughout the island and a thorough review trabajos de exploracion geologica, efectuados en 1961-1963
en el yacimiento de cobre “San Fernando” de la Provincia de
of the published as well as much unpublished literature
Las Villas, Instituto Cubano de Recursos Minerals. (*)
by Cuban authors and their associates from the former Iturralde-Vinent, Manuel, A., 1996 (a). Ofiolitas y Arcos
communist block in the CIS and Eastern Europe. The Volcanicos de Cuba (Cuban Ophiolites and Volcanic Arcs).
senior Cuban author (FFC) was the senior representa- IGCP, Working Group on Stratigraphic Correlation of
tive of the Cuban government during the development Volcano-Sedimentary Sections, Project 364, Caribbean
Ophiolites and Volcanic Arcs, Special Publication No. 1.
and publication in Moscow of the joint Cuban-USSR Iturralde-Vinent, M., A., 1996 (b). Introduction to Cuban
geology map of Cuba at 1:250,000 (Pushcharovsky, Geology and Geophysics. In Iturralde-Vinent, Manuel, A.,
1989) and was later the associate director and most sen- ed., Ofiolitas y Arcos Volcanicos de Cuba (Cuban Ophiolites
ior mineral deposit geologist within the Cuban Instituto and Volcanic Arcs). IGCP, Working Group on Stratigraphic
Correlation of Volcano-Sedimentary Sections, Project 364,
de Geologia y Paleontologia. Caribbean Ophiolites and Volcanic Arcs, Special Publication
No. 1, p. 3-35.
REFERENCES Iturralde-Vinent, M., A., 1996 (c). Cuba: El Arco de Islas
Note: Most of these references as indicated by (*) are to doc- Volcánicas del Cretácico. In Iturralde-Vinent, Manuel, A.,
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lution of the northern Caribbean margin. In Dengo, G. and Deposit, Executive Summary, internal report for Holmer
Case J. E., eds.., The Caribbean region: Boulder, Colorado, Gold Mines Limited.
Geological Society of America, The Gseology of North Santa Cruz Pacheco, M., et al.1997. Estudio mineralogico y
America, V, H., p. 77-140. petrogafico en la parte norte del sector “Los Mangos” del
Long, W., Seymour, O. G. 1942. Report on San Fernando prospecto San Fernando, Provincia Villa Clara; Instituto de
Mine, Minas de Matahambre. (*) Geologia y Paleontologia.
Pagliuchi, F.D. (a) September 1943. Resumen of Various
Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Utah, 135 S. 1460 E., Room 719, Salt Lake City, UT 84105
The Oxec copper deposit occurs in the northwest portion of a large ultramafic-mafic thrust sheet
that constitutes the Sierra de Santa Cruz, Guatemala. The deposit formed in the proto-Caribbean ocean
about 138-113 Ma. By late Campanian time (84-74.5 Ma) this slice of oceanic crust (Sierra de Santa
Cruz ophiolite) and the deposit were obducted and slid to their current location on the Cretaceous
Sepur Fm.
In the mine vicinity, the ultramafic-mafic complex consists of serpentinized peridotite (hartzbur-
gite), massive gabbro, a sheeted dike complex, two pillow lava sequences, and overlying radiolarian
chert. The copper ores are hosted by the lower pillow lava sequence. Intrusion of dikes that gave rise
to stratigraphicaly higher lava units dissects the orebody. As a result the approximately 1 million ton
orebody of 3 % Cu was disaggregated into numerous ore pods the largest of which are a few tens of
metres in maximum dimension.
Whole rock chemical analyses indicated N-MORB affinity for the mafic rocks. The gabbros, and
upper pillow basalts are pervasively altered to a chlorite-albite±epidote-actinolite-sphene assemblage.
Mass transfer calculations demonstrate that these rocks are strongly enriched in Na2O and H2O,
strongly depleted in CaO, and slightly depleted in FeO. The lower pillow basalts sequence and dikes
intimately associated with the ore are strongly chloritized and silicified. They show strong leaching
of Na2O and CaO and strong enrichment in FeO and H2O.
Pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are the dominant sulphides. A sulphide-basalt breccia occurs in
the northern part of the deposit and is inferred to represent part of the feeder zone. Minor, paragenet-
ically early phases include hematite, magnetite, and valleriite and indicate an early oxidizing
hydrothermal environment. Reduced fluids displaced early oxidizing fluids precipitating pyrite fol-
lowed by pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
Microthermometric measurements on mineralizing fluids trapped in vein quartz with pyrite indicate
temperatures of 280 to 320oC (pressure adjusted). Chlorite geothemometry indicates that maximum
temperatures of 327oC were reached in the strongly altered rocks and agree closely with homoge-
nization temperatures. Chlorite compositions in weakly altered rocks indicate temperatures near
255oC. Fluid salinities range from 3 to 8 weight percent NaCl equivalent with an average of 4.9 per-
cent. There is no correlation between temperature and salinity. Saline fluids probably originated by
phase separation that occurred in the sub-seafloor hydrothermal system.
vide new data on the thermal history and present new ultramafic portion of the complex. A slightly smaller
mineral chemistry data on the magmatic and mafic-ultramafic body is exposed 50 km to the west,
hydrothermal alteration minerals in Oxec ore system. and still another one is exposed another 50 km farther
west. In the next 100 km along the fault and splays of
GEOLOGY the fault another 7 or 8 small slivers of mafic-ultra-
mafic complex can be found.
Regional Geology All these mafic-ultramafic outcrops are believed to
The Polochic transform fault system, extends from be fragments of oceanic crust (Wilson, 1974,
Mexico in the west to the Caribbean in the East and Rosenfeld, 1980, 1981, 1990). Intra basalt chert nod-
forms an approximate boundary between metamor- ules indicate that a spreading centre forming the proto-
phosed Paleozoic rocks to the South and unmetamor- Caribbean ocean had been initiated by Valanginian
phosed upper Paleozoic and younger rocks to the time (138 to 131 Ma). Supra-basalt volcaniclastics
North (Fig. 1, Bonis, 1970). A series of mafic-ultra- indicate development of a primitive island arc during
mafic rocks occur on the northern side of the fault. Aptian time (119-113 Ma.). The Jolomax Fm., a sha-
The largest and eastern most sheet-like mafic-ultra- ley argillite melange that underlies a large area in the
mafic complex is the Sierra de Santa Cruz ophiolite core of the ophiolite, has been interpreted as an accre-
and it measures 15 km wide, 85 km long and up to tionary prism developed on the wall of a Cenomanian
2 km thick. Well-developed nickel laterites occur age (97.5-91 Ma.) trench. In late Campanian time (84-
along the southern margin of this ophiolite in the 74.5 Ma) the Jolomax accretionary prism and a slab of
Qa 89o30'
J-T Qa
Oxec Mine Faul
o chic
L. Izabal
P Qa
20 Km
Ko Sierra de Santa Cruz Ophiolite (Undiv.)
Qa Quaternary Alluvium
J-T Jurassic-Tertiary Sediments (Undiv.)
P Paleozoic Rocks
Figure 1. Regional geology and location map (geology modified from Bonis, 1968).
the proto Caribbean lithosphere were obducted onto Three sets of normal faults are identified in the
the leading edge of the Yucatan. Gravity sliding then mine area. The El Poso fault (Fig. 3) strikes N 70ºW,
placed the allochton on the Sepur foreland basin (Fig. dips steeply south, and displaces the Oxec fault in
2). Folding by transpression of the Chortis terrain apparent left-lateral sense. Displaced pods of ore,
against the southern margin of Yucatan took place in however, suggest that the southern side was down-
Paleocene times (Rosenfeld, 1990). Neogene strike- dropped slightly accounting for the apparent left-lat-
slip movement on the Polochic fault cut off and trans- eral surface displacement. Numerous offsets parallel
ported to the East the southern extension of the Santa to the El Pozo fault, also with apparent left-lateral off-
Cruz Ophiolite (Fig. 2). set, are observed within the mine.
A minor N10ºE fault system is parallel to the
District Geology southern extension of the Oxec fault where it has a
The district geology summarized here is based on dominant strike-slip component. A N70º to 80ºE fault
a detail description by Petersen and Zantop (1980). system is well developed underground, but has no
The Oxec copper mine, operated by Transmetales surface expression.
Ltd. in the late seventies, is located on the Oxec River. A stratigraphic reconstruction of the rock units in
The deposit is situated in the northwest margin of a the mine area is shown in figure 3. The lower-most
large mafic-ultramafic complex that makes up part of unit is the Sepur Formation, a unit which in the mine
the Sierra de Santa Cruz (Fig. 1). area consists of a rhythmic sequence of thinly bedded
Three thrust faults occur in the immediate deposit shale and sandstone (Bonis, 1968). Overlying the
area (Fig. 3). The Santa Cruz thrust fault defines the Sepur Formation is the ophiolite that consists, from
contact between the ophiolite suite and the overridden base to top, of the serpentinite complex, the dike com-
Cretaceous-Tertiary Sepur Fm. Sediments. The Oxec plex, lower pillow basalts, upper pillow basalts, radi-
thrust fault juxtaposes mafic rocks (dike complex) olarian chert. This is not a continuous section as the
with ultramafic rocks (serpentinite complex). Oxec thrust juxtaposes the serpentinite and gabbro
Exposures are too poor to determine whether the con- and the unnamed thrust juxtaposes the upper basalts
tact between the lower pillow basalts and upper pil- and sheeted dike complex. The gabbro and the sedi-
low basalts is tectonic or stratigraphic, however, a mentary cover units commonly associated with ophi-
finely brecciated zone indicates that the upper pillow olites are not exposed in the mine area but have been
basalts are in tectonic contact with the sheeted dikes. identified outside the map area (Rosenfeld, 1979).
Santa Cruz Thrust Sepur Fm.
Upper Pillow Basalt
Lower Pillow Basalt
Dike Complex
D Serpentinite
300 Area FAULTS
Oxec Thrust Approximate
N5200 200 Area inferred
Shaft 250 m
El Poso Fault
Figure 3. Surface geology of the Oxec mine area (after Petersen and Zantop, 1980).
aSample number as in Table 2. Notes: Analytical conditions: 15 KeV, 30nA, 15 sec/element, 10mm spot. Standards: fluorphlogopite for F, Si, Al, K, Mg, rhodonite for Mn, Binn
ilmenite for Ti, ferrosillite95 for Fe, ON-70 for Cl. Normalization basis: chlorite- 10 cations, 18 O, 8 H; Chromite- 3 cations, 4 anions; plagioclase- 5 cations; serpentine- 5 cations 4
H; pyroxene- 4 cations; epidote- 7 cations, 11 H, 13 O.
Table 1. Electron microprobe analyses of chlorite (CHL), serpentine (SER), chromite (CHR), plagioclase (PL), pyroxene (PX) and epidote (EP).
Anal. No. 23 25 13 14 42 48 8 12 40 45 46 41 10 11 9 24
Samplea 117 117 50 50 77 77 50 50 77 77 77 77 50 50 117 50
El. Wt. %
K 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Na 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.00 8.69 8.70 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.19 0.22 0.00 0.03
Ca 0.01 0.03 0.12 0.19 0.01 0.00 0.17 0.20 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 14.02 14.09 16.85 16.48
Mg 7.85 8.74 9.64 9.70 10.98 11.04 0.00 0.00 20.64 21.18 23.34 23.65 9.53 10.18 0.00 0.00
Fe2+ 21.96 20.67 19.05 18.90 6.61 6.68 0.03 0.08 3.80 3.74 2.09 1.39 7.39 6.32 0.00 0.00
Fe3+ 0.50 0.13 0.00 0.00 5.22 4.01 7.67 9.14
Mn 0.15 0.14 0.27 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.20 0.15 0.08 0.09
Ti 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.31 0.14 0.04
Cr 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.00 21.53 24.13 0.00 0.01 0.83 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Al 9.84 9.76 8.79 8.61 17.57 16.54 9.97 9.98 1.22 0.98 0.19 0.10 1.01 1.06 12.59 11.69
Si 11.91 12.25 12.96 13.05 0.17 0.01 31.79 32.09 18.27 18.96 20.38 20.13 24.13 24.46 17.65 17.55
H 1.21 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.34 1.33 1.39 1.38 0.20 0.20
O 43.74 44.20 44.29 44.25 37.17 36.77 48.21 48.60 47.63 48.40 50.40 49.97 42.71 43.28 43.04 42.55
F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.36 0.36 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01
Sum 97.28 97.24 96.43 96.28 99.71 99.54 98.92 99.76 94.12 95.71 97.97 96.75 99.53 100.11 98.26 97.78
K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Na 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01
Ca 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.78 2.03 2.01
Mg 2.13 2.34 2.58 2.60 0.78 0.79 0.00 0.00 2.60 2.62 2.77 2.83 0.88 0.92 0.00 0.00
Fe2+ 2.59 2.41 2.22 2.21 0.20 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.20 0.11 0.07 0.30 0.25 0.00 0.00
Fe3+ 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.13 0.66 0.80
Mn 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Ti 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
Cr 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Al 2.40 2.36 2.12 2.08 1.12 1.07 0.98 0.97 0.14 0.11 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.09 2.25 2.12
Si 2.79 2.84 3.01 3.03 0.01 0.00 3.00 3.01 1.99 2.03 2.09 2.08 1.92 1.92 3.03 3.05
H 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.96 0.98
O 18.00 18.00 18.03 18.04 4.01 4.00 7.99 8.00 9.12 9.08 9.09 9.07 5.97 5.97 12.98 13.00
F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A site 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.80 0.80 2.03 2.02
Aliv 1.21 1.16 0.99 0.97 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.08
Alvi 1.19 1.20 1.13 1.11 0.29 0.19 0.98 0.98 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.00 0.01 2.28 2.17
XMg 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.54 0.79 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.93 0.96 0.98 0.75 0.79
T(oC) 327 311 258 250
Table 2. Chemical analyses for eight rocks from the Oxec Mine area (Oxides in weight percent, trace elements in ppm)
Analysis No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample No.a 33 50 57 83 25 102 106 78
aSample number, x, in Gu/O-n-77. bTotal Fe as FeO and as Fe2O3. cLoss on ignition (H2O; CO2 < 0.2 %). dSUM when
total Fe is as Fe2O3*. nd, not determined; tr, trace.
Notes: Sample locations are as follows: (1) Dike completely enclosed in the serpentinite, about 4.5 km south of the
mine; (2) Fresh pre-ore dike from the N-80 drift; (3) Pre-ore dike with hydrothermally altered margins from the K-90
drift; (4) Post-ore dike from the No. 12 stope; (5) Upper pillow lavas 0.9 km north of the mine; (6) Ore host rock, i.e.,
lower pillow lava from the 1-17 drift; (7) Highly altered syn-ore dike in DDH 70-54; (8) mineralized Lower pillow basalt
from the 200 area. Mine coordinates for each sample are given in Petersen (1979).
siderable cataclasis. Even in the least altered and They are so altered and deformed that they are recog-
deformed of these dikes is extensively chloritized. nized as pillow lava from the vessicles seen in thin-
Compositions of chlorite in the most altered dikes section (Fig 5D). The rock is shiny, black, and mas-
are given in Table 1, and whole rock chemical compo- sive and contains variable concentrations of dissemi-
sitions are given in Table 2. Chemically the chlorites nated and massive sulphides. Outcrops are commonly
are low-Fe, low-Si brunsvigite (Fig. 6, Hey, 1954). red due to the oxidation of the sulphides. Dikes feed-
ing higher basalts and the upper basalts cut through
Lower pillow basalts the lower basalts and orebody partitioning them into
The lower pillow basalts host the massive sulphide small pods (Figs. 5E, 7). The pods have maximum
orebodies and are volumetrically the smallest unit. dimensions of several tens of metres.
1.0 brunsvigite
Total Fe (atomic)
3.0 DIKE
Fe / (Fe + Mg)
0.0 0.0
4.0 Si 8.0
Figure 6. Chlorite compositions in weakly and strongly Figure 7. Geologic map of K-90 drift showing dissection of
altered Oxec rocks. Chlorite fields from Hey (1954). orebody by late dikes (after Petersen, 1979). Symbols: Cross-
Temperature contours (ºC) calculated from Cathelineau hached = dikes; shaded = ore; hached = serpentinite com-
(1988). Units are atomic proportions or absolute atoms calcu- plex. The fault is the Oxec Thrust fault.
lated on a 20 cation basis.
In sub-economic zones the lower pillow basalts (1971) and Rosenfeld (1981) indicate that this unit
are largely composed of a complex intergrowth of forms a relatively continuous belt 15 km long and 1
albite and chlorite and chlorite-replaced mafic phe- km wide, striking west-southwest. Rosenfeld (1990)
nocrysts. Plagioclase is largely sericitized and divided this unit into an upper and lower series by on
albitized, and the original albite twinning is poorly the basis of the local occurrence of the Tzumuy Fm.
preserved. Epidote, sphene, and sulphides are minor However, in the mine vicinity the absence of the
components. Silicification is extensive. Tzumuy Fm. makes it impossible to separate the two
Equivalent, considerably more altered rocks (Table units and in figure 3 these units are simply identified
2) consist almost exclusively of quartz and chlorite. as “upper basalts”. This unit is strongly faulted and
Quartz occurs as patches, as small laths, in veins, and intensely weathered. Pillows rarely exceed 1 m in
in spherules (Fig. 5E). The quartz laths are silicified diametre (Fig. 5F). Hyaloclastite is abundant locally.
plagioclase and the spherules appear to be relict vesi- Pillow interiors are greenish gray and very fine-
cles. These textures, relict “bow tie” texture, abundant grained. Glomeroporphyritic textures and plagio-
chlorite, and late-quartz indicate that the rocks are clase-clinopyroxene bow-tie glomerocrysts typical of
highly chloritized and silicified pillow basalts. ocean-floor basalts (Frey et al., 1974) are well devel-
oped. Olivine microlites have been altered to chlorite
Upper pillow basalts with associated minute pyrite crystals. Minor pyrite
The upper pillow basalts are exposed in the south- occurs in the pillows. Pillow rinds are black, contain
western part of the mine area (Fig. 2). Aceituno abundant light coloured variolites, and average about
8 mm in thickness. The pillow rinds consist of chlo- pyrite crystals. Sulphide-bearing veins within the
rite, skeletal amphibole (uralitized pyroxene), and altered lower pillow basalts typically consist of a sul-
albite. The skeletal texture of the uralitized pyroxene phide and epidote centre rimmed by quartz. Finally,
is a quench texture, typical of pyroxene in ocean-floor quartz-lined, sulphide-filled veins are found in weak-
basalt rinds (T. Donnelly, oral commun.). Minor min- ly altered basalt.
erals include secondary sphene, calcite, and epidote. A sulphide-basalt-quartz breccia is well exposed
in the 300 area (Fig. 3). There, massive quartz enclos-
The Oxec deposit es angular fragments of highly altered basalt (Fig.
5G). Chalcopyrite and pyrite are disseminated
Structure throughout the breccia.
Dike intrusion and brittle deformation has disag- The copper mineralization is highly variable with-
gregated the Oxec deposit, which originally formed as in and between ore pods. Usually, only pods that have
one orebody (Figs. 5D, 7). The ore pods and addi- blocks of massive sulphides contain ore-grade miner-
tional sub-economic sulphide concentrations consist alization. Hand picking upgraded ore coming from a
of a chaotic mixture of massive and disseminated iron given stope to over an average of three percent copper
and copper sulphides associated with the chloritized on average. Numerous stopes yielded ore grades in
and silicified lower pillow basalt. excess of eleven percent copper.
Ore pods vary greatly in volume and shape. Some The hydrothermal mineralogy of the Oxec deposit
are long and narrow whereas others are digitated, dou- is relatively simple. Pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and
bly convex, polygonal, pencil-like, or wedge-shaped. pyrite are the dominant sulphides. Exceedingly minor
Large ore pods measure 2 to 30 m wide, 40 to 80 m constituents of the ore include hematite, magnetite,
long and 2 to 15 m high. Ore-grade mineralization is and valleriite. A paragenetic sequence is shown in fig-
concentrated along an 800 m zone which is partly ure 8. In the early stages, hematite formed, followed
bounded on the east by the Oxec fault (Figs. 3, 7). by magnetite, early pyrite, chalcopyrite and
pyrrhotite. The formation of late pyrite, quartz, and
Mineralization and paragenesis calcite are at the end of the mineralizing cycle.
Copper and iron sulphide mineralization occurs as Supergene minerals include native copper, chalcan-
masses and lenses which vary in size from a few cen- thite, and malachite.
timetres to several metres; as thin, sigmoidal At least three types of pyrite are recognized and
stringers; in symmetrically zoned veinlets; and in include early and late varieties as well as that replac-
quartz-basalt breccia. Large sulphide masses are ing pyrrhotite. Early pyrite forms euhedral crystals up
aggregates of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite. The to 2 mm on edge and contains inclusions of magnetite
sulphides are completely enclosed by chloritized and ± hematite and chalcopyrite filled fractures. Late
silicified basalt. Some hand specimens from the mas- pyrite postdates formation of chalcopyrite as indicat-
sive ores hint of centimetre-scale layering. The thin ed by pyrite-bearing quartz veins which cut early
sigmoidal stringers of sulphides found throughout the pyrite crystals in chalcopyrite. Both early and late
mine, particularly in the K-90 drift (Fig. 7), are all that pyrite contain 0.5 to 0.15 weight percent cobolt
remains of sulphide coatings on pillows. (Petersen, 1979). Pyrite after pyrrhotite contains 0.6
Sulphide-bearing veins with symmetrical alter- to 0.7 weight percent cobalt.
ation halos occur in three different rock types where Magnetite occurs as small, 10-mm irregular blebs
they exhibit distinctive mineralogies and textures. randomly distributed in early pyrite, and very rarely
First, in the K-90, drift, they are found within dikes in in chalcopyrite. Hematite occurs only in the early
close proximity to the lower pillow basalts. Typically, pyrite and is always associated with magnetite.
the zoning sequence from the centre outward is pyrite Magnetite usually encloses the hematite.
± epidote to quartz to highly chloritized dike and Chalcopyrite is the main copper-bearing sulphide
finally to unaltered dike. The veins contain euhedral at Oxec. It has a very uniform grain size and composi-
tion. It may occur as relatively pure masses, but more complexes were analyzed to provide an initial assess-
commonly it is associated with pyrrhotite and pyrite. ment of chemical changes during hydrothermal sub-
Magnetic pyrrhotite is an extremely widespread seafloor alteration and mineralization (Fig. 4, Table
mineral at Oxec. It occurs as relatively pure masses 2). All rocks have undergone chemical changes as
with or without chalcopyrite, as blebs (200-500mm) indicated by the mineralogical descriptions in the pre-
in chalcopyrite, and as nuclei enclosed by pyrite. In vious sections. None of the rocks analyzed from the
most cases in which pyrrhotite and pyrite are inti- mine area can be considered unaltered. Analyses 2, 3,
mately associated, the sulfidation of pyrrhotite to 4, and 5 represent weakly altered rocks whereas
pyrite is evident. Pyrite first develops along the basal analyses 6, 7, and 8 represent of highly altered rocks.
parting of the pyrrhotite; when the pyrrhotite is com- On the basis of relatively conserved elements
pletely converted to pyrite, the resulting pyrite has a Petersen and Zantop (1980) concluded that the basalt
well-developed bird’s-eye texture. Age relationships / gabbro suite were ocean floor basalts (N-MORB).
between the pyrrhotite and the chalcopyrite are Using the chemical data for average N-MORB of
impossible to establish. Each contains irregular inclu- Wilson (1989) as an approximation for an unaltered
sions of the other, pyrrhotite inclusions in chalcopy- parent it is possible to calculate chemical fluxes using
rite being more common than the converse. Pyrrhotite the method of Grant (1986). In the absence of a large
typically contains 0.3 to 0.5 weight percent cobolt and database of trace elements to assist in the identifica-
0.1 weight percent nickel. tion of conserved elements, the calculations are based
Valleriite occurs in trace amounts in both chal- on conservation of aluminum (Fig. 9, Table 3).
copyrite and pyrrhotite. It occurs along pyrrhotite- Weakly altered rocks show small variable changes
chalcopyrite contacts, along microcracks in chalcopy- in Fe2O3 and MnO, weak gains in SiO2, major gains
rite, and apparent exsolution in the pyrrhotite. in Na2O and LOI and moderate losses in MgO and
Quartz occurs in thin veinlets that crosscut all sul- CaO. By comparison strongly altered rocks show
phides and represents a late stage in the mineralizing weak gains in MnO, major gains in SiO2, Fe2O3 and
process. In the 300 area, quartz is the dominant alter- LOI, weak losses in MgO, and major losses in CaO
ation phase and probably related to a feeder zone, as
shown by enclosed basalt fragments, and patches and
stringers of pyrite and chalcopyrite (Fig. 5G).
S ta ge
Calcite occurs locally in small patches and thin I II III IV
veinlets and is the last hydrothermal phase. he ma tite
Early solutions were oxidized based on early pres-
ence of hematite and later magnetite (Fig. 6). ma gne tite
Magnetite precipitated as local conditions became
more reducing through increased discharge of reduc- p yrite
ing hydrothermal waters. ƒO2 declined and ƒS2
increased in later fluids and resulted in pyrite enclos- c h a lc o p yrite
ing or replacing the earlier magnetite and hematite.
Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite formation suggests lower p yrrh o tite
ƒS2 than pyrite prevailed during main stage mineral-
ization. In the waning stages of mineralization, pyrite va lle riite
again became dominant, along with quartz.
qua rtz
ca lcite
Mass transfer Figure 8. Paragenesis of sulphides and gangue minerals
Eight samples from the dike and pillow basalt (after Petersen and Zantop, 1980).
10.0 Geothermometry
Table 3. Elemental changes resulting from hydrothermal range of formation temperatures. Their study showed
alteration. Mass gains and losses in percent. that no single method adequately predicts chlorite for-
mation temperature in all environments owing to the
limitations inherent in each approach. This study used
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the empirical temperature-composition relation
Oxide reported by Cathelineau (1988) because it was
SiO2 2 15 25 12 11 24 31 212 calibrated in a geothermal field where chlorite was
Al2O3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 forming in mafic volcanic rocks. The relation T(ºC) =
iv iv
Fe2O3 -16 10 13 -11 -3 114 146 259 - 61.92 + 321.98 Al where Al is the tetrahedral
MnO -18 8 0 -13 0 -12 -4 47 aluminum site occupancy in chlorite is used to
MgO -26 -38 -4 -36 -13 -29 19 -20 calculate temperature.
CaO -8 -34 -42 -8 -30 -73 -73 -88 Chlorite is a wide spread alteration mineral in
Na2O 37 155 136 108 135 -43 -76 -94 Oxec rocks and has the potential of providing tighter
TiO2 -34 -3 -74 -44 -22 -58 -71 16 constraints on temperature variations in this
LOI 581 451 343 409 745 916 1118 1814 hydrothermal system. An average temperature of
255ºC is calculated for chlorite in weakly altered
P2O5, K2O not listed because their analytical totals are rocks and an average temperature of 320ºC is calcu-
lated for chlorite in strongly altered and mineralized
extremely low. Sample numbers as in Table 2.
rocks (Table 2). The 320ºC temperature for the high-
ly altered rocks is consistent with fluid inclusion tem-
Table 4. Summary of fluid inclusion data.
peratures in quartz from feeder zone rocks. This sug-
gests that the pressure corrections applied by Wilson
Sample Salinity (NaCl Pressure-corrected and Petersen (1989) were of the right order of magni-
Equiv. weight homogenization tude. It is reasonable to postulate that temperatures
percent) temperture (oC) would be lower in rocks distal to the feeder zone.
60 4.7 (3.0-8.4) 304 (304-327) DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY
46 6.8 (3.3-8.7) 319 (283-336)
49 7.4 (5.5-8.5) 310 (306-314)
There are several easily measurable variations in
103B 5.2 (4.3-5.8) 327 (239-347) the composition of chlorite from different parts of the
139A 3.7 (3.5-4.1) 322 (322-344) hydrothermal system. Rocks that have higher percent-
96 3.7 (3.2-4.4) 301 (248-332) ages of chlorite have a greener cast, and those that are
more altered have a deep green to black appearance.
Sample Gu/O-n-77; Sample location given in Wilson and The colour of the chlorite is a function of the Mg/Fe
Petersen (1989) ratio. The tetrahedral site occupancy varies as a func-
tion of temperature with the higher temperature chlo-
rites containing higher amounts of tetrahedral Al. In
overall correlation between homogenization tempera- Oxec rocks, higher temperatures correlate with sam-
ture and salinity exists at Oxec. ples that are mineralized and have experienced greater
amounts of mass transfer (sample 117 vs 50). The
Chlorite thermometry number of samples in which the composition of chlo-
Chlorite geothermometry has been applied in a rite was determined is inadequate establish a thermal
number of deposit settings to estimate thermal condi- zoning pattern that might be useful to exploration.
tions attending mineralization (Larson, 1994; Braxton Nevertheless, chlorite compositions may be useful in
and Petersen, 1999). DeCaritat et al. (1993) provide a regional exploration to vector into regions of high
thorough review of the various approaches and cali- fluid and heat flow because most of the gabbro and
brations comparing five different methods across a basalt would have similar pre-alteration compositions.
The coincidence of maximum temperatures arrived Stoiber, Peter Marsh, Ing. Cesar Recinos, Ing. Leo
at from fluid inclusion studies and chlorite chemistry Piedmont, Dr. T. Donnelly, Joshua Rosenfeld, Paula
is remarkable. Maximum measured temperatures do Wilson, Stan J. Morrison, Michael DePangher and Dr.
not appear to have exceeded about 325ºC. William T. Parry and their contributions are grateful-
Considerably higher temperatures have been recorded ly acknowledged. Transmetales, Ltd., Dartmouth
at other Cyprus-type deposits (Spiess et al., 1980; Styrt College and the University of Utah Electron
et al., 1981). The relatively low temperatures at Oxec Microbeam Laboratory and the Fluid Inclusion
may indicate that the system was not very robust and Laboratory provided funding for these efforts.
may explain the small size of the deposit. Reviews by Ross Sherlock and Ron Britten improved
Salinities higher than seawater values in VMS the manuscript and are gratefully acknowledged.
deposits are common and indicate that magmatic
waters may be involved in the mineralization or that REFERENCES
phase separation has taken place in the sub-seafloor Aceituno, M.A. 1971. Photogeologic map: Company files,
Guatemala City, Transmetales LTDA.
hydrothermal system (deRonde, 1995). If phase sepa-
Bischoff, J.L. and Dickson, F. W. 1975. Seawater-basalt inter-
ration was an ongoing process in the Oxec hydrother- o
action at 200 C and 500 bars: implications for origin of
mal system, the absence of low salinity fluids sug- seafloor heavy metal deposits and regulation of seawater
gests that mineralization took place when moderate chemistry: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 25: 838-897.
salinity fluids were exiting the vent. In the absence of Bonis, S.B. 1968. Geologic reconnaissance of the Alta
Verapaz fold belt, Guatemala. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis,
additional chemical and isotopic data a magmatic Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
contribution cannot be ruled out. Bonis, S.B. 1970. Mapa Geologico de la Republica de
The Oxec deposit shares many characteristics with Guatemala 1:500,000. Insituto Geographico Nacional. 4
other Cyprus-type deposits such as association with sheets.
Braxton, D.P. and Petersen, E.U. 1999. Thermal auerols of
basaltic host rocks, basalt host rocks that are part of an fossil epithermal systems: A case study from the Calera
ophiolite sequence, copper mineralization as chal- Vein, Orcopampa, Peru. 75th Anniversary Volume. The
copyrite, and alteration consisting of chloritization Geological Society of Peru.
and silicification of host rocks and albitization of Cathelineau, M. 1988. Cation site occupancy in chlorites and
peripheral rocks. There are also some significant dif- illites as a function of temperature. Clay Mineralogy, 23:
ferences: pyrrhotite is a major component of the ores Constantinou, G. and Govett, G.J. S. 1973. Geology, geo-
at Oxec, whereas in other Cyprus-type deposits it is chemistry, and genesis of Cyprus sulfide deposits. Economic
only a variable constituent, usually at the top of the Geology, 68: 843-858.
deposit (Constantinou and Govett, 1973). DeCaritat, P., Hutcheon, I. and Walshe, J.L. 1993. Chlorite
geothermometry: A review. Clay and Clay Minerals, 41: 2,
One economically unfavorable characteristic at 219-239.
Oxec is that as a resulted from protracted magmatic deRonde, C.E.J. 1995. Fluid chemistry and isotopic character-
activity at the site of mineralization the orebody was istics of seafloor hydrothermal systems and associated VMS
intruded by numerous dikes that partitioned it into a deposits: Potential for magmatic contributions. In MAC
Short Course 23, Magmas, Fluids and Ore Deposits, Edited
multitude of mineable ore pods and hundreds of non-
by J.F.H. Thompson. 479-509.
mineable, sulphide-poor pods. Initial drilling results Frey, F.A., Bryan, W.B. and Thompson, G. 1974. Atlantic
failed to recognize the significance of these dikes. The ocean-floor: geochemistry and petrology of basalts from legs
dilution effects became apparent as the ore zone was 2 and 3 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Journal of
exposed underground. On the other hand, had the Geophysical Research, 79: 5507-5527.
Grant 1986. The isocon diagram- A simple solution to
deposit not been covered, none of it may have survived. Gresen’s equation for metasomatic alteration. Economic
Geology, 81: 1976-1982.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Hajash, A. 1975. Hydrothermal processes along mid-ocean
Numerous individuals participated in the cumula- ridges: an experimental investigation. Contributions to
Mineralogy and Petrology, 53: 205-216.
tive research efforts aimed at understanding the Oxec
Hey, M.H. 1954. A new review of the chlorites. Mineralogical
copper deposit — Drs. Half Zantop and Richard Magazine. 30: 277.
Guaniamo Mining Company, Centro Gerencial Mohedano, Of.9D, Calle Los Chaguarramos, La Castellana, Caracas,
The Venezuelan portion of the Guayana shield occupies an area of nearly 400,000 km2 of which
about 135,000 km2 are occupied by volcano-sedimentary terrains, including granite - greenstone
belts. In Venezuela the shield can be divided into four lithotectonic provinces (Imataca, Pastora,
Cuchivero, and Roraima) and also the Amazonas territory. No volcanogenic massive sulphide miner-
al deposits, or even showings, have been reported. In contrast, a base metal exploration program in
neighbouring Guyana in the 1960’s found numerous showings. The Guyana greenstone belts are con-
tiguous with those of eastern Venezuela. The geological characteristics of the Guayana shield green-
stone belts are similar to those of other, well-known, Precambrian greenstone belts such as the Abitibi,
which contain volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits.
The Pastora - Botanamo greenstone belt in the Pastora province has the highest potential to host
Precambrian volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Exploration in this region has historically
focussed on shear zone hosted gold deposits and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits may have
been bypassed. The Cuchivero province has lower potential for hosting volcanogenic massive sul-
phide deposits. This province is dominated by felsic volcanics but results of field studies suggest that
much of the volcanism was subaerial. However, large areas of this province remain unmapped and it
is possible that the oldest parts of the sequence were formed subaqueously. The Amazonas region con-
sists of high grade gneisses and is of relatively unknown potential for sulphide ore deposits.
Phanerozoic Cu - Zn - Pb deposits and showings occur in northern Venezuela in a north - east trend-
ing branch of the Andean mountain range. The largest known deposit is the De Lima II, near
Bailadores, with reserves of 2 Mt at 1.5 % Cu.
The Ministry of Mines conducted extensive regional studies throughout Bolivar state and the
Amazonas territory during the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Exploration by mining companies in the
1990’s has focussed on gold and diamonds, and most work has been in the greenstone belts. The main
control on the location of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits is intermediate to felsic subaque-
ous volcanism, and any regional exploration program must start from this premise, as was success-
fully done in Guyana.
0 200km
5 Brazil
Archean Province
Greenstone Belts
Trans-Amazonian Granitoids
1 Barama - Mazaruni greenstone belts
Middle Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks
2 Pastora province
Cuchivero Province 3 Ventuari domain
models for volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, ined using the following approach. First, the key char-
and the lack of focus and exploration dollars from acteristics of Precambrian volcanogenic massive sul-
mining companies. Walrond (1985) described a met- phide deposits are reviewed, then the general geology
allogenic scheme for the Guayana shield in Guyana, of the various provinces of the Guayana shield is sum-
Surinam, and French Guiana and observed that the marized. Subsequently, the prospectivity of these
difficulty of access to remote jungle areas, combined provinces is assessed based on their geology and the
with the interpretive problems arising with remote presence or absence of the key characteristics of vol-
sensing data in deeply weathered tropical terrains, had canogenic massive sulphide deposits from other
also contributed to the general lack of success in the Precambrian areas. Since no volcanogenic massive
location of bedrock ore deposits. These authors rec- sulphide occurrences have been described from the
ognized the potential for volcanogenic massive sul- Precambrian of Venezuela, particular attention is
phide deposits for geological and tectonic reasons. given to the descriptions by Ally (1985) of vol-
Venezuela, despite its potential, has been largely canogenic massive sulphide occurrences in Guyana.
bypassed by the exploration boom in South America These occur in the Barama - Mazaruni greenstone
during the past ten years. belts, which are geologically continuous with those of
In this paper the volcanogenic massive sulphide the Pastora province in Venezuela (Fig. 1), and pro-
potential in the Guayana shield of Venezuela is exam- vide the strongest empirical evidence for the probable
7 and fault control. Most Precambrian volcanogenic
14 9 massive sulphide deposits are dominated by Cu - Zn
ores (Franklin et al., 1981) and have been affected by
10 Erebato 2 1
San Juan deformation and metamorphism, causing changes to
de Manapiare 4 3
El Viejo initial geometry and mineralogy (Sangster, 1972).
11 Sta Elena
Atabapo The lithotectonic association is the most important
Amazonas criterion in regional area selection for exploration.
13 Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits occur in
1 Caroni River 8 Guaniamo River
2 Paragua River 9 Quebrada Grande
greenstone belts of both Archean (e.g., Abitibi belt)
3 Caura River 10 Parucito River and Proterozoic (e.g., North Wisconsin, Flin Flon -
4 Erebato River 11 Ventuari River
5 Guri Reservoir 12 Casiquaire River Snow Lake) ages (see Table 2). Relative proportions of
6 Aro River 13 Orinoco River
7 Cuchivero River 14 Suapure River mafic and felsic volcanic rocks vary widely from mafic
- dominated belts (e.g., Abitibi, Flin Flon - Snow Lake)
Figure 2. Geographical features (rivers and towns) men- to felsic - dominated (e.g., Bergslagen; Table 2).
tioned in the text for the Venezuelan part of the Guayana At the local scale, the most important criterion for
shield area selection is the clear association between mas-
sive sulphide deposits and felsic volcanic centres. In
existence of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits fact, Ally (1985) observed that the best exploration
in the Venezuelan greenstone belts. In this article the strategy in Guyana was to explore in areas of known
Venezuelan spelling has been used for Guayana, with concentration of felsic volcanics, since the paucity of
different spellings used only when referring to other data prohibited any more detailed identification of
countries such as Guyana. Geographical areas and favorable horizons or areas.
location names used in the text are shown in Figure 2.
Venezuela has some recorded base metal produc- THE GEOLOGY OF THE VENEZUELAN PART OF
tion from Phanerozoic deposits in the north and west of THE GUAYANA SHIELD
the country. Although not the main focus of this article, The Venezuelan section of the Guayana shield
we also summarize the deposits and occurrences. includes ~25 % of the total shield area, which extends
into Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Surinam, and French
KEY GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PRECAMBRIAN Guyana (Gibbs and Barron, 1993). In Venezuela the
shield can be divided into four lithotectonic
The principal regional and local scale geological provinces: Imataca, Pastora, Cuchivero, and Roraima
features of Precambrian massive sulphide deposits are (Menéndez, 1968; Martin-Bellizia, 1972; Gibbs and
reviewed in Table 1. In separate columns of Table 1, Barron, 1993). The Amazonas territory forms a fifth
examples of these features are given for the Guyana region, not yet identified as a separate province (Fig.
and Venezuela portions of the Guayana shield. In 1). The Roraima province consists of mid -
Table 2 the principal features of numerous Proterozoic fluvio - lacustrine sediments and is not
Precambrian greenstone belts are summarized and the considered to be prospective for volcanogenic mas-
presence or absence of volcanogenic massive sul- sive sulphide deposits. Comprehensive descriptions
phide mineralization is indicated. of the geology of the Venezuelan section of the
Regional features include the lithotectonic associa- Guayana shield are to be found in Gibbs and Barron
tion, the stratigraphic control, and the observed cluster- (1983, 1993) and Sidder and Mendoza (1995), and
ing of deposits into camps or districts within some of much of the information summarized here is taken
which a log normal size - frequency distribution has from these sources. The general geological sequence
Table 1. Key geological features of Precambrian volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits with examples from Guyana and
Facies Felsic volcanic centre Synvolcanic Supergroup rocks including Yuruari and Caballape
forming positive intrusion; associated Ianna and Yakishuru localities formations
topographic dacite-rhyolite lava (Barama belt), Million Mount
feature c,d and debris flows with (Cuyuni belt),and Eagle Mountain
onlapping sediments - Mahdia area (Mazaruni belt)
Alteration Discharge zones 2 to 3 km wide; local Alteration described at: Baramalli
pluton provides heat Creek, Area 33, Aranka
Recharge zones Up to 30 km wide,
hydrothermal cell may
last for 10 Ma and
penetrate to 8 km depth
(e.g., Noranda district) h
Local structure Synvolcanic, Control location of
extensional faults discharge zones
Metamorphism Change of primary Felsic and mafic host Greenschist to amphibolite Greenschist to amphibolite
and Deformation mineralogy and rocks form qz-fspr facies metamorphism; facies metamorphism;
deposit geometry e schists / gneisses and folding and faulting have folding and faulting have
amphibolites, respectively. occurred occurred
Minor deformation causes
orebody parallel to
foliation, major
deformation causes a rod
- like, sub-vertical body .
Notes: a - Franklin et al. 1981; b - Herrington et al. 1997; c - Binns and Scott, 1993; d - Fouquet et al. 1993; e - Sangster, 1972; f -
DeMatties, 1994; g - Brauhart et al. 1998; h - Cathles, 1993; i - Ally, 1985; j - Gibbs and Barron, 1993.
Table 2. Comparison of Venezuelan and Guyanese greenstone belts with other Precambrian examples.
Volcanic rock percentages Stratigraphic
Location Age (Ga) Area (sq. km) Volcanic series VMS mineralization Reference
ultramafic basalt andesite felsic thickness (km)
Miagri belt
3.0 - 2.5 0 20 30 50 10 1,000 no ultramafics; island arc MacCalder mine - 2 Mt (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag) Borg and Shackleton (1997)
(Tanzania craton)
Quadrilatero Ferrifero 3.0 - 2.7 95 5 6 7,000 oceanic back arc basin none Baars (1997)
(Sao Francisco craton)
Murchison belt
3.0 - 2.8 78 2 20 15 120,000 rifting and intracratonic collisional none Myers and Swager (1997)
(Yilgarn craton)
Kalgoorlie belt
2.7 - 2.68 50 50 7 25,000 amalgamated arc none Myers and Swager (1997)
(Yilgarn craton)
major deposits - Kidd Creek (130 Mt @ 6.1% Zn,
predominantly tholeiitic in lower part increasingly 2.9% Cu, 0.2% Pb, 85 g/t Ag), Louvicourt (24 Mt
Abitibi belt
2.76 - 2.67 93 7 12 115,000 cal-alkaline up section; volcanic arcs in microplate @ 2.0% Zn, 3.9% Cu, 31 g/t Ag, 1 g/t Au), Stott (1997)
(Superior province)
setting Mattagami Lake (25.6 Mt @ 5.1% Zn, 0.42% Cu,
21.6 g/tAg, 0.3 g/t Au)
Sukumuland belt
2.8 - 2.5 0 40 30 20 7 20,000 no ultramafics; island arc 2 possible VMS deposits (Bulyanhulu, Samena) Borg and Shackleton (1997)
(Tanzania craton)
Various greenstone belts 95,000 (12
2.2 - 2.1 45 55 10 bimodal volcanism; island arc one deposit Attoh and Ekwueme (1997)
(West Africa craton) belts)
Rio Itapicuru island arc tholeiites; calc-alkaline and pyroclastic
2.2 - 1.9 65 35 10 7,000 none Baars (1997)
(Sao Francisco craton) felsic volcanics; back arc turbidites
Reindeer zone Major VMS area (e.g., Flin Flon 63 Mt @ 4.1% Zn,
1.91 - 1.76 85 15 10 12,000 (2 belts) oceanic island arc Lewry and Stauffer (1997)
(South Trans - Hudson orogen) 2.2% Cu, 43.2 g/t Ag, 2.85 g/t Au)
Ladysmith Rhinelander belt
Major VMS area (e.g., Crandon 67.4 Mt @ 5.56%
(Pembine - Wausau subterrane, N. 1.88 - 1.76 75 25 ? 15,000 volcanic arc and back arc DeMatties (1994)
Zn, 1.04% Cu, 0.48% Pb, 38.8 g/t Ag, 1.1 g/t Au)
calc-alkaline, continental back arc; quartzite
Bergslagen region Major VMS area (e.g., Falun 28.1 Mt @ 4% Zn, 2-
1.9 - 1.87 8 3 89 10 50,000 sediments at base of volcanic sequence and Allen et al (1996)
(Baltic shield) 4% Cu, 1.5% Pb, 13-24 g/t Ag, 2-4 g/t Au)
intercalated with rhyolite dominated volcanics
Colombia Area 15
Brazil 3
7 5
9 12
Cabru 6
ta V entu
ari R ift
200 KM
Quaternary sediments
Diabase dykes
Parguaza Granite
1 La Ceiba Migmatite Roraima Group
2 La Encrucijada Granite
Cuchivero Group
8 Caicara Formation 14 Puente Palo Granite
Undivided rocks
3 Pueblito Gneiss 9 Los Pijiguaos Granite 15 Guri Fault Supamo Complex
4 El Callao 10 Guaniamito Granite Pastora - Botanamo Supergroup
5 Cicapra Formation 11 Guaniamo Kimberlite ARCHEAN
6 Real Corona - El Torno 12 San Pedro Imataca Complex
Figure 3. Geology of the Venezuelan part of the Guayana shield (after Sidder and Mendoza, 1995)
Notes. a - Modified from Sidder and Mendoza, 1995; b - Channer et al. 1998
Map Area
Supamo complex
Ultramafic intrusions
Los Caribes formation
Roraima group
Caballape formation
Yuruari formation
Carichapo group
Figure 4. Geology of the central and eastern parts of the Pastora - Botanamo greenstone belt
formation is about 5000 m thick and is discordant on and calc - alkaline differentiation trends. Tholeiitic,
the Pastora supergroup. Metamorphic grade is no mafic to intermediate rocks are most abundant.
higher than greenschist and deformation is weak, with Isotopic studies show that the volcanic rocks are man-
moderate folding. tle derived, with no component of Archean continental
Los Caribes formation. This contains red phyllite crust. It is thought that the Pastora province greenstone
and sandstone, polymict conglomerate, siltstone, and belts represent an evolution from immature oceanic
minor felsic tuffs. The rocks are metamorphosed to island arcs to back arc marginal basin settings. The
greenschist facies and are folded. Transamazonian orogeny represents the accretion of
these terranes to the Archean core of the shield.
Real Corona - El Torno assemblage
This is a separate area, 100 km south-west of Cuchivero province
Ciudad Bolivar, west of the Aro river (see Figs. 2, 3), This province occurs in the west and south of
consisting of a basin some 45 km by 16 km, contain- Bolivar State (Fig. 1) and consists of extrusive and
ing basal quartzites, overlain by basalts, gabbro, and intrusive felsic rocks. Rocks of the Cuchivero group
minor sediments. This assemblage is possibly part of occur in a zone from Santa Elena, through northern
the Pastora supergroup. Brazil, northern Amazonas territory, and western
Bolivar State over to the Caura river (Fig. 2).
Tectonic environment Lithologically the group consists of rhyolites, dacites,
Geochemical studies have identified both tholeiitic ignimbrites, high level granitic porphyries, granites,
and lesser quantities of mafic rocks (Rios, 1969; chlorite, and carbonate. Lithic fragments are of rhyo-
Mendoza, 1972). In western Bolivar State the vol- lite composition and are difficult to distinguish from
canic sequence has been denominated the Caicara for- matrix, due to welding. They usually have finely dis-
mation and the intrusive units are known as the seminated opaques, which allow them to be identi-
Guaniamito granite, the Santa Rosalia granite, and the fied. Compaction - related foliation is observed and is
San Pedro granite (Mendoza, 1972). oriented north-west, similar to the structural trend of
Rocks of the Cuchivero group extend east to the the Suapure area. These rocks are intruded by the
Suapure River (Figs. 2, 3), where they come into con- granites, suggesting that they are the oldest exposed
tact with the Suapure group. The Suapure group is units in the group. Sidder and Mendoza (1995) report
younger and consists of granite intrusions, the that the volcanic rocks were subaerially deposited.
Pijiguao granite and the Parguaza rapakivi granite Moreno et al. (1985) found volcanic rocks of the
(Mendoza, 1975). The combination of the Cuchivero Caicara formation in the Alto Paragua region: these
and Suapure groups is known as the Cedeño super- rocks ranged from andesite to dacite and rhyolite in
group. Discordantly overlying the Parguaza granite composition and are calc-alkaline. These authors also
are stratified sediments of the Roraima group. reported the presence of clastic sediments associated
However, Sidder and Mendoza (1995) report that con- with the volcanic rocks, and suggested the presence of
formable contacts between the Caicara formation and a local depositional basin.
overlying Roraima sediments have been observed in Rb/Sr age determinations on these rocks give ages
southern areas. of ~1930 to 1790 Ma (Table 3). Geochemical data
Field and petrographic evidence suggest that rocks show that these rocks form a comagmatic calc-alka-
of the Cuchivero group are not regionally metamor- line series (Mendoza, 1977).
phosed or deformed. Rather, there are local effects
due to igneous intrusion or later shearing. Cuchivero group granites
Santa Rosalia granite. This granite is massive to
Caicara formation foliated, and medium to coarse grained (Rios, 1969).
The volcanic rocks of the Caicara formation con- It is intrusive into the volcanic rocks of the Caicara
sist of rhyolites, dacites, and associated volcaniclastic formation, although locally they may be in fault con-
rocks. The felsic rocks consist of lavas, tuffs, and tact. Age determinations using Rb/Sr whole rock
breccias of grey - green colour. The rocks clearly analysis have given a mean age of ~1880 +/- 88 Ma
show their eruptive nature, with primary flow tex- (Gaudette et al. 1978).
tures, porphyritic texture, and presence of clasts. Guaniamito granite. The Guaniamito granite is
Often, however, the rocks have been deformed and generally foliated, and medium to coarse grained
show zones of intense shearing, with abundant asso- (Rios, 1969). Olmeta (1968) determined a whole rock
ciated quartz veining and alteration. K-Ar age of 1700 +/- 80 Ma for this granite.
Mendoza (1972, 1977) distinguished three distinct
volcanic textures: rhyodacitic tuffaceous lavas with Suapure group granites
flow textures and phenocrysts, rhyodacitic welded San Pedro granite. The San Pedro granite is intru-
tuffs or ignimbrites, and intrusive breccias with lithic sive into the Caicara formation and contains xenoliths
fragments from 1 - 2 cm to 20 - 30 cm in size. The of metabasite. Mendoza (1972) suggests that it is of
tuffaceous lavas are holocrystalline, massive to flu- similar age to the Santa Rosalia granite.
idal, and porphyritic. The matrix is fine grained with Pijiguao granite. Mendoza (1972) describes the
occasional mineral filled cavities. Ignimbrites of rhy- Pijiguao granite as a leucocratic rock of salmon pink
olitic composition contain 20 - 50 % phenocrysts, and colour, fine grained, equigranular, massive, and
up to 20 % lithic fragments. The matrix is completely exposed below the Parguaza granite. The absolute age
devitrified, and texturally modified by recrystalliza- of this intrusion is unknown but it appears to be the
tion. Original cooling fractures are filled with quartz, immediate precursor of the Parguaza granite to which
region into the Ventuari dominion, lying north of the migmatites formed between 1560 and 1450 Ma, at the
Orinoco, and the Casiquiare dominion, lying to the same time as the Parguaza granite.
south (Fig. 1). Similar rocks on the Colombian side of Regional geophysical studies (magnetic and radio-
the border are known as the Mitú migmatite complex metric aerial survey) were conducted in the
(Priem et al. 1982). Rocks in the Casiquiare dominion Amazonas territory in the mid - 1970’s. The line spac-
consist of tonalite, trondhjemite, and granites, which ing was from 1 to 4 km, and altitudes of between 150
show complex intrusive relations. Rocks in the m to 300 m above the ground (Herrero, 1985). Large
Ventuari dominion include various volcanic units, scale magnetic and radiometric anomalies were
which are probably equivalent to the Caicara forma- ground truthed by Mendoza et al. (1977), who report-
tion, and granites equivalent to the Santa Rosalia ed diabase dykes, fault zones, and alkaline and mafic
granite (Mendoza et al. 1977). intrusives.
Talukdar and Colvée (1975, 1977) studied the vol-
canic rocks (Yavi and El Viejo formations) in the El Tectonic environment
Viejo area and Parucito valley, in the Ventuari domin- Gaudette and Olszewski (1985b) suggested that a
ion. The volcanic rocks are intruded by synvolcanic tectonic boundary is present along the Orinoco and
granites, and are also in fault contact with later gran- Ventuari rivers in the Amazonas province, forming
ites. The volcanics consist mostly of rhyolite and rhy- the contact between the Ventuari and Casiquiare
odacite, with subsidiary dacite and andesite. All rocks dominions. Regional gravity data (Perarnau and
are regionally metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Graterol, 1985) show a strong gravity low along the
The rhyolites are welded tuffs with disordered, dis- Río Ventuari, in the area of the contact between the
continuous flow structures. The quantity, size, and two dominions. It is possible that this area, along with
type (pumice, crystal, lithic) of fragments is variable. the western side of the Cuchivero province further to
Some lapilli tuffs are present. Many outcrops show the north, may have been a zone of NE - directed sub-
well preserved flow structures, defined by glassy duction over a long period of geological time, from
shards, while others are massive. Dacites occur in two 1900 Ma to about 1450 Ma (Priem et al. 1982; Barrios
types: one is porphyritic and appears to be a lava flow, et al. 1985; Gaudette and Olszewski 1985b).
the other is a lapilli tuff with abundant pumice frag-
ments. Andesite also occurs in two types: one is por- VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULPHIDE POTENTIAL
phyritic, while the other is massive and fine grained.
Also, oligomictic conglomerate was found, contain-
ing rounded pebbles and boulders of volcanic rock Imataca province
and orthoquartzite. This indicates a subaqueous envi- The Imataca province (Fig. 1) is of unknown poten-
ronment for this region. In the Atabapo region, further tial for volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Any
west of the Parucito valley, Barrios (1985) notes that mineralization will have been strongly affected by the
volcanic rocks are interbedded with sedimentary stra- two episodes of high grade (upper amphibolite to
ta. Geochemical analysis by the same author indicates granulite) metamorphism and deformation (Table 3).
a calc - alkaline trend for these rocks.
Gneisses in the Casiquiare dominion are known as Pastora province
the Atabapo, Minicia, and Macabana gneisses. The Pastora - Botanamo greenstone belt (Fig. 4)
Isotopic and geochronologic data suggest that igneous possesses many of the key elements of productive
activity and metamorphism were contemporaneous greenstone belt terranes, including a bimodal volcanic
between 1860 Ma and 1730 Ma (Gaudette et al. 1977; sequence with about 8 % felsic rocks (Table 2), and an
Olszewski et al. 1977; Gaudette and Olszewski, interpreted oceanic arc to back arc tectonic setting.
1985a,b). Priem et al. (1982) determined that the Support for the prospectivity of the Pastora
granite gneiss basement in eastern Colombia had a province comes from the documented massive sul-
minimum age of 1850 Ma, and that the Mitú phide showings in Guyana (Ally, 1985), which consist
Table 4. Description of the principal base metal showings in Guyana (after Ally, 1985)
of disseminated pyrite - chalcopyrite and are associat- felsic rocks is higher at 20 %, than in the Pastora -
ed with felsic to intermediate volcanics, and clastic Botanamo greenstone belt (see Tables 1, 2). In the
rocks, including carbonaceous horizons. Details of Groete Creek - Area 33 belt, Ally (1985) reports six
these showings are summarized in Table 4 and their showings in a linear north - east zone some 100 km in
locations are shown in Figure 5. The Barama - length (Fig. 5): these showings are associated with
Mazaruni greenstone belts are contiguous with the sub-volcanic porphyry, coarse breccias, tuffs, and sul-
Pastora - Botanamo greenstone belt (Fig. 1). In the phide fragments. Walrond (1985) reports on earlier
Barama - Mazaruni greenstone belts the proportion of work by Hamilton that the Groete Creek deposit has a
1 Groete Creek
Guyana 2 Tupuru-Mariwa Mountain - Sardine Hill
3 Aremu
4 Baramalli Creek
5 Mara-Mara river mouth
6 Area 33
7 Popekai rapids (Cuyuni river)
8 Waikuri-Kutuau
9 Haimaralli
10 Aranka
9 2 1
8 3
Avanavero Suite:
Gabbro-norite dykes
Roraima Group
conglomerates, tuffs
Trans-Amazonian granitoids
Figure 5. Geology of Guyana and locations of volcanogenic massive sulphide showings in the Barama - Mazaruni greenstone
belt (after Voicu et al. 1999 and Ally, 1985)
Table 5. Comparison of the principal geological features of the Cuchivero province (Guayana shield) and the Bergslagen
district (Baltic shield)
Notes: a - Mendoza, 1972; b - Mendoza, 1975; c - Sidder and Mednoza, 1995; d - Allen et al. 1996; e - Mendoza et al.
1977; f - Herrero, 1985.
al. (1991) report that some areas of Caicara formation alies are the foci of radial fault patterns and are sug-
volcanics are strongly silicified with up to 10 % pyrite gested by Herrero (1985) as areas of potential sulphide
and trace chalcopyrite. Apart from volcanogenic mas- occurrence (Table 5). Mendoza et al. (1977) reported
sive sulphide deposits, epithermal gold deposits and on the economic potential of the different rock units,
Olympic Dam - type deposits type, are promising and identified the felsic volcanic units as having
exploration targets in the Cuchivero province (Sidder potential for sulphide mineralization. They noted some
and Mendoza, 1995). occurrences of disseminated sulphide mineralization
with contents of 5 - 10 % in Kakuri - Erebato. This
Amazonas province area shows strong hydrothermal alteration and is also
Favorable features of this region include: a large a first priority aeromagnetic anomaly (Table 5).
area of felsic rocks, some of which were formed sub-
aqueously. From previous studies, numerous areas of VOLCANOGENIC MASIVE SULPHIDE DEPOSITS AND
possible economic significance were identified. In par- OCCURRENCES IN NORTHERN VENEZUELA
ticular, to the south of San Juan de Manapiare, and also Most deposits and showings of Cu - Zn - Pb in the
in the area between the Caura and Erebato rivers, northern part of Venezuela occur in the north - east
large, circular anomalies were located: these anom- trending mountain range which derives from the main
Yaracuy state
DA Delta Amacuro In this state copper mineralization occurs as
0km 225km
T Tachira hydrothermal veins but also as sulphide pods in areas
S Sucre
A Amazonas of mafic volcanics and graphitic schists. The rocks are
B Bolivar 1 Bailadores
2 De Lima II intensely deformed and the sulphides occur as
M Merida 3 Aroa
Z Zulia 4 Santa Isabel numerous small pods. These deposits, known as the
Map Area
L Lara 5 Timotes
Y Yaracuy
mines of Aroa, were found in 1609 and were exploit-
6 La Villa
C Carabobo 7 Seboroco Colombia
ed until 1963. Over 1,500,000 tonnes were mined at a
Ar Aragua 3 Toronduy
G Guarico Brazil grade of 8.4 % Cu. The pods occur parallel to stratig-
raphy and contain chalcopyrite and pyrite. Sphalerite
Figure 6. Locations of volcanogenic massive sulphide and galena are rare. The deposits are interpreted as
deposits and showings in the Phanerozoic rocks of Venezuela volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. The com-
(after Rodriguez, 1986) plex stratigraphy and deformation in the area have
prohibited further evaluation.
Merida state
Andean chain in Colombia and trends through
Táchira, Merida, Lara, and Yaracuy states, reaching The best known volcanogenic massive sulphide in
the coast in Carabobo state. Here we summarize the Venezuela is the De Lima II deposit, some 10 km
published occurrences, using Rodriguez (1986) as a from the town of Bailadores. Studies by the Ministry
general reference. The Venezuelan ministry of mines of Mines from 1970 - 75 determined reserves of 4
conducted a mapping and exploration program in this million tonnes with Cu grades of 1.00 - 4.28 %. The
area from 1969 to 1974, the results of which were lower section of the deposit is copper - rich, while
summarized by Moya (1977). The locations of these sphalerite and galena occur in the upper section
showings are given in Figure 6. (Carlson, 1977). Sulphides are located in the lower
part of the Mucuchachí formation, of upper
Aragua - Guarico states Carboniferous age, along the contact of a basal pyro-
Volcanic rocks in the Villa de Cura group contain clastic unit with overlying black shales, the dominant
lenses and veins of chalcopyrite, pyrite, and spha- lithology in the sequence. The pyroclastic unit has
lerite. Volcanic rocks consist of mafic to felsic com- been altered to quartz - sericite. Sulphide minerals
positions, with lavas, tuffs, and breccias. The princi- include sphalerite, pyrrhotite, galena, chalcopyrite,
pal area is known as Santa Isabel and was mined and lesser quantities of arsenopyrite and pyrite. Rocks
through underground workings until 1966. The min- in the area have been metamorphosed, thus the for-
eralized zone trends east - west, following a fault mation of pyrrhotite from pyrite. This deposit has
zone. The strong faulting and folding in the area have been interpreted as a volcanogenic massive sulphide
separated what may have been larger sulphide accu- deposit due to the stratigraphic control on mineraliza-
mulations into numerous small pods or lenses. The tion, the subaqueous volcano - sedimentary environ-
ment, the footwall alteration zone, and the general The Cuchivero province and Ventuari dominion of
zonation from Cu - rich upwards to Pb - Zn - rich, typ- the Amazonas region are felsic volcanic - dominated,
ical of other massive sulphide deposits. The average but the small information base makes it difficult to
grade of the deposit is 1.45 Mt, 26 % Zn, 7 % Pb, and assess their prospectivity. These areas show general
1.5 % Cu (Staargaard & Carlson, 2000. This volume). similarities with the Proterozoic felsic volcanic -
dominated Bergslagen district, host to the 28.1 mil-
Other regions lion tonne Falun deposit. Previous studies indicate
Various small hydrothermal base metal occur- some areas of high prospectivity for massive sulphide
rences have been documented in Merida state deposits, especially the Erebato region.
(Timotes, Torondoy - both Cu), Zulia (La Villa - Pb), The Venezuelan part of the Guayana shield is an
Lara (Pb), and Sucre (Pb). Stratiform sediment - host- underexplored region in comparison with other
ed Cu deposits have been found in Táchira state in the Precambrian shield areas. The geological characteris-
Seboruco and El Cobre areas. Mineralization is host- tics of the Guayana shield suggest that volcanogenic
ed by the Triassic - Jurassic volcanic host rocks of the massive sulphide deposits will be present.
La Quinta formation (Moya, 1977). This area is
thought to have significant potential (Rodriguez, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
1986). Basic volcanic rocks in the Caño Tigre area of We thank Dr. Cornel de Ronde, an anonymous
Zulia state contain native copper and other sulphides reviewer, and Dr. Ross Sherlock for their constructive
filling amygdales (Moya and Figueroa, 1977; Viteri, criticisms of the manuscript.
1977a, 1977b). The copper mineralization occurred
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Christofferson, H. 1996. Facies analysis of a 1.9 Ga conti-
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Geología, Publicación Especial Nº 10, Ministerio de Energia Venezolano, 1143-1168.
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Geology, 94, 1277-1304. Wynn, J.C., McCafferty, A.E. and Salaxar, E. 1995. Analysis
Walrond, G.W. 1985. A metallogenic scheme for the Guiana of aeromagnetic data to improve geologic maps of the
shield. Memoria I, Simposium Amazonico, Boletin de Bochinche mining district, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela. U.S.
Geología, Publicación Especial Nº 10, Ministerio de Energia Geological Survey Bulletin 2124, C1-C13.
Consulting Geologist, 912-510 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6B 1L8
Copper Ridge Explorations Inc, 500-625 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 2T6
The Bailadores base metal volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit is located in the Cordillera de
Mérida in western Venezuela. It is hosted in a sequence of felsic pyroclastic rocks within the Devonian
to Pennsylvanian Mucuchachí Formation, an unmetamorphosed to low grade marine sequence domi-
nated by graphitic slates and phyllites. The Mucuchachí Formation is in turn part of a metamorphic
core complex forming the backbone of the Cordillera de Mérida.
The deposit was investigated between 1967 and 1978, mainly by the Dirección de Geología of the
Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos of Venezuela which completed 56 diamond drill holes as well
as two short adits and a variety of surface work. The last published resource estimate was stated as
1.45 million tonnes grading 26 percent zinc, 7 percent lead and 1.5 percent copper.
From bottom to top, the deposit sequence includes felsic lithic, lapilli, breccia and crystal tuffs, fine
grained intermediate to felsic ash tuff and black phyllite with intercalations of felsic crystal and lith-
ic tuffs. Massive to banded sphalerite and pyrrhotite with lesser galena and chalcopyrite and minor
arsenopyrite occur in two slightly overlapping layers, each up to about 15 metres thick, at or near the
contact zone between the felsic tuffs and the black phyllite.
The deposit is underlain by an alteration zone consisting of a core of massive chlorite-biotite-mar-
garite successively enveloped by chlorite- and then sericite-dominant alteration. Neither the footwall
alteration zone nor the minor stringer style chalcopyrite mineralization found within it have been com-
pletely delineated. Massive sulphides are open along strike and to depth.
0 1 2 3 4
Maracaibo l
Caracas KM
l Merida
San Cristobal ra
Venezuela ie
Bailadores ue
VMS Deposit Caric
VMS Deposit
0 200 400
ranging in age from Late Paleozoic to Tertiary (Fig. grade sequence of marine sedimentary deposits of
2). It is distinct from most of the other South Devonian to Pennsylvanian age. Up to 5,000 metres
American Cordillera for the lack of younger volcanic thick, it extends along almost the full length of the
rocks, its relief being entirely due to recent tectonic Cordillera de Mérida. It comprises mainly gray to
uplift (Giegengack, 1984). Numerous northeasterly black, often silty and/or graphite-bearing slates and
trending faults, the largest of which is the seismically phyllites along with locally developed lenses of lime-
active Boconó fault zone, are present. stone. A unit of felsic pyroclastic rocks, up to 2,000
Geological contacts in the metamorphic core com- metres thick, occurs at its base in the Bailadores area
plex have been variously described as stratigraphic or and hosts the Bailadores volcanogenic massive
as metamorphic isograds. The latest view is that the sulphide deposit.
complex comprises a sequence of metamorphic facies The Mucuchachí Formation is overlain by the
and unmetamorphosed units of mainly Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian to Permian Sabaneta Formation, a
and Permian age but locally as old as Precambrian sequence of continental sediments divided into a
(Case et al, 1990). Although a number of contacts are lower clastic member and an upper red bed member.
clearly isograds, the range of radiometric ages for It is in turn conformably overlain by the Permian
granitic plutons (Late Precambrian to Early Triassic) Palmito Formation, an upwardly fining sequence of
enclosed within the complex suggests that some of the marine clastic sediments capped with limestone. The
igneous-metamorphic associations must lie noncon- Tostosa greenschist, which is found mainly north of
formably on similar but older associations. the Boconó fault, is thought to be at least partly cor-
The oldest rocks have been grouped into the Sierra relative with the above Late Paleozoic section.
Nevada Formation and include medium grade quart- Other Paleozoic sediments overlying the core
zofeldspathic gneisses, schists, amphibolites and complex are mainly marine and include those of
granitoid intrusives. Their age is believed to be as old Ordovician, Silurian, and Carboniferous to Permian
as Precambrian although some portions may represent age. Mesozoic sedimentary strata of Triassic and
more strongly metamorphosed correlatives of Late Jurassic age are mainly continental while those of
Paleozoic units. Cretaceous and Paleogene age are mainly marine. The
The Sierra Nevada Formation is overlain by the youngest Neogene and Quaternary deposits are
Mucuchachí Formation, an unmetamorphosed to low mostly continental.
;; ;;
;; ; ;
Figure 2. Regional geology of southern Cordillera de Mérida. After Case et al, 1990.
The last records of physical work date from 1977 Chloritization, and to some extent sericitization, of
and 1978 and show that a small number of holes were this unit increase with proximity to the massive sul-
drilled by the Ministerio to firm up the resource and phide deposit. In places, a mottled texture suggests
that some ground magnetic and EM surveys were car- the presence of relatively sericitized, lapilli to brec-
ried out to the north of the deposit (Martinez, 1977; cia-sized felsic fragments in a more chloritic and finer
Martinez and Garcia, 1978). grained matrix. In past work, the chloritized section
has been described as a separate unit but it is likely
PROPERTY GEOLOGY that it actually represents footwall alteration of the
footwall felsic fragmental rocks. The altered zone
Stratigraphy and mineralization ranges from 100 to 300 m in thickness but not enough
The Bailadores deposit occurs along the contact work has been carried out to determine its lateral
between a sequence of felsic volcanic rocks and over- extent beyond the deposit.
lying black phyllites, the predominant lithology of the
Mucuchachí Formation. Minor intercalations of vari- Massive sulphides
ous clastic sediments, amphibolite (mafic volcanics) Semi-massive to massive sulphides occur in two
and fossiliferous limestone (gastropods, tetracorals,
crinoids) are also present in the area (Sifontes and
Garcia, 1975). The felsic volcanics form a pile approx-
imately 20 km long and up to 2,000 metres thick at the
base of the Mucuchachí Formation where it lies uncon-
formably on basement rocks. This is the only currently
recognized occurrence of volcanic rocks within the
regionally extensive Mucuchachí Formation.
The internal composition of the felsic sequence is
not well understood because of a lack of regional
mapping. The detailed stratigraphy over the 200 to
300 m section immediately hosting the sulphide
deposit is much better known because of drilling and
some underground openings. Figure 3 illustrates the
stratigraphic section as it is currently understood.
Unfortunately, only portions of the deposit area have
been mapped at anything near a property scale. Figure
4 is taken from Carlson (1977) but is derived in part
from earlier mapping by government workers
(Sifontes and Garcia, 1973). Figure 5 illustrates sev-
eral example cross-sections through the deposit area.
main layers, generally separated by a few metres of zero to 20 percent of the rock and consist mainly of
ash tuff, that overlap near the centre of the deposit. quartz with lesser sericite, chlorite and biotite. In
Drilling has outlined the two zones along a strike places, subangular quartz-rich fragments up to a few
length of approximately 1,150 m and from 70 to 250 centimetres in size may represent metamorphosed
m down dip. The lower and upper layers may reach chert fragments.
thicknesses of up to 14.9 metres and 10.8 metres Sulphide layers are generally banded on a scale of
respectively (Staargaard, 1994b). Mineralization is 1 to 2 centimetres with respect to sphalerite-galena
open along strike and to depth. and pyrrhotite. Sphalerite grains are typically greater
The massive sulphides are quite uniform through- than 0.5 mm in diametre and are usually fractured.
out the deposit and consist predominantly of spha- Pyrrhotite and galena are finer grained and, in spha-
lerite (+50 %) and pyrrhotite (15-25 %) with lesser lerite-rich layers, often interstitial. Within layered sul-
galena (5-15 %), chalcopyrite (<10 %), arsenopyrite phides, chalcopyrite typically occurs as very fine
(<5 %) and pyrite (1 %). Gangue minerals comprise grained inclusions in sphalerite grains. Arsenopyrite
Figure 5. Selected cross-sections through the Bailadores deposit. See Figure 4 for locations.
is found as fine subhedral to euhedral grains, often in values are generally in the range of 30 to 100 grams
clusters, and frequently has the other sulphide miner- per tonne, in places reaching levels of several hundred
als filling fractures within it. grams per tonne (Staargaard, 1994b). ICP analysis of
Although a silver grade was not stated in the seven selected samples of massive sulphides collect-
resource quoted earlier, inspection of drill hole inter- ed from a dump near the Caricuena adit returned, in
sections throughout the deposit indicates that silver addition to high values in zinc, lead and copper,
elevated levels of silver (53.6-88.5 ppm), gold (202- Footwall alteration and metal zoning
567 ppb), arsenic (237-1732 ppm), bismuth (85-489 The Bailadores deposit is underlain by a relatively
ppm), cadmium (>100 ppm), antimony (188-222 typical footwall alteration zone. Immediately below
ppm) and tungsten (425-1011 ppm). Values for bari- massive sulphides, the host ash tuff and underlying
um (3-20 ppm) and gallium (1 ppm) were low footwall felsic fragmental rocks have been intensely
(Staargaard, 1994a). altered to a rock composed of up to 70 percent chlo-
Intermediate to felsic ash tuff rite along with important amounts of biotite and mar-
garite. With increasing distance both laterally and ver-
This unit hosts the massive sulphide layers and tically from the deposit, margarite and biotite disap-
consists of a light gray to tan- coloured, fine-grained, pear, the intensity of chloritization decreases and
banded phyllitic rock composed mainly of quartz and sericitization becomes more obvious. The total extent
sericite with minor chlorite and biotite. Small of the footwall alteration zone is not known because
amounts of pyrrhotite are present as disseminated of limited surface mapping and the confinement of
grains elongated parallel to foliation. Locally, more drilling to the immediate deposit area. Limited whole
siliceous sections of this unit immediately overlying rock analysis of diamond drill core by Escarrachi
the main sulphide layers may contain thin layers and (1980) shows that values of Na2O and CaO in the
lenses of sphalerite and galena together with lesser footwall rocks are generally less than 0.5 %, suggest-
pyrrhotite and occasional chalcopyrite. ing that they have been depleted.
Hangingwall felsic tuff Disseminated sulphides occur in both the hanging-
wall and the footwall of the massive sulphide hori-
This unit consists of weakly sericitized, felsic lithic zons. In the immediate footwall of the deposit, the
and crystal tuffs that occur in several layers ranging chloritic schist is variably mineralized with up to two
from less than one metre to more than 50 metres in percent pyrite and chalcopyrite. Stringer-style chal-
thickness within the hangingwall black phyllites. copyrite-rich mineralization has been intersected in
Lower contacts tend to be sharp while upper contacts the footwall of the deposit in various drill holes
are more gradational with the black phyllite, suggesting although no clearly defined stringer zone has yet been
sudden influxes of pyroclastic material that gradually outlined. On surface, mineralization and alteration are
waned. Plagioclase, which comprises 10 to 50 percent manifested in a broadly developed gossan in highly
of the rock, occurs as variably sericitized crystals and fractured felsic volcanic rocks. Portions of the gossan
crystal fragments up to 5 mm in length. The finer may represent a stockwork zone, although iron oxides
grained tuffs show evidence of shards and welding have replaced all primary sulphides.
textures, although these have been typically obscured
by subsequent metamorphism and deformation. Metamorphism and structure
Black phyllite The deposit and host rocks have undergone low
grade metamorphism. Case et al (1990) describe the
The sequence in the deposit area is capped with results of regional mapping which show a metamor-
fine-grained, black, phyllitic argillaceous rocks typi- phic aureole within the Mucuchachí Formation cen-
cal of the Mucuchachí Formation. These show a faint, tred on the Permian to Triassic Pueblo Hondo granite
delicate bedding defined by variations in grain size, pluton about 15 km to the northwest of the deposit.
quartz content or sulphide content. Petrographic work The metamorphic effect appears to have been intensi-
shows that they generally consist of quartz (20-50 %), fied locally in the vicinity of the Bailadores deposit,
sericite (≤70 %), chlorite (≤50 %) and biotite (15 %), perhaps as a result of the altered bulk chemistry in this
with occasional small feldspar fragments. area due to hydrothermal alteration, as indicated by
Disseminated pyrrhotite typically comprises three to the local preponderance of pyrrhotite over pyrite
five percent of the unit. within the Mucuchachí rocks. Annealing textures are
present in some portions of the sulphide deposit and
the sulphide minerals are relatively coarse grained category of Barrie and Hannington’s (1999) VMS
(Escarrachi, 1980). deposit classification.
The deposit sequence strikes northeasterly and This account of the geology of the Bailadores
dips to the southeast at 45° to 80°. Although a weak deposit has been largely descriptive, mainly because
northeasterly foliation with variable dip is present in little modern research has been carried out on this
the deposit area, margarite and biotite porphyroblasts interesting and relatively isolated example of mid-
in the footwall alteration zone rarely show preferred Paleozoic VMS mineralization. Of particular interest
orientation, suggesting that metamorphism was large- would be detailed studies of the full extent and char-
ly thermal. Interpretation of diamond drill informa- acter of alteration associated with the deposit as well
tion suggests that the deposit and enclosing host rocks as a more complete description of the stratigraphic
may have been deformed into an “S-fold” as shown in section and tectonic history of the region. In addition
Figure 5 although this needs to be confirmed with sys- to radiometric age-dating, the presence of well-pre-
tematic surface mapping. Small-scale drag folds have served fossils in limestones within the Mucuchachí
been observed in outcrop and in drill core. Formation in the immediate area might allow more
Towards the southwest end of the deposit, a sig- precise constraints on the age and perhaps even the
nificant, northwest-trending left lateral fault has dis- depth of formation of the deposit. Finally, and not
placed the massive sulphide horizon by approximate- least of all, further exploration is required to fully
ly 150 m (Fig. 4). The deposit is terminated at its define the deposit itself, which remains open along
southwestern end by a parallel fault and the offset strike and to depth, and to search for other deposits
portion has not yet been discovered. It is possible that associated with the Mucuchachí Formation felsic
other offsets occur within the deposit but they have volcanic rocks.
not yet been recognized due to the wide spaced
drilling pattern and lack of surface exposure. REFERENCES
Barrie, C.T. and Hannington, M.D., 1999. Classification of
DISCUSSION Volcanic-Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits Based on
Host-Rock Composition. In Volcanic-Associated Massive
The Bailadores deposit is a volcanogenic massive Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples in Modern and
sulphide deposit of mid-Paleozoic age. Regionally, it Ancient Settings. Edited by C. Tucker Barrie and Mark D.
is situated at the upper contact of a unit of felsic frag- Hannington. Society of Economic Geologists with the
mental volcanic rocks constituting the base of a thick, Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of
Canada, Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 8, Chapter
weakly metamorphosed sequence of marine argilla- 1, pp.1-11.
ceous to silty sediments. The deposit is zinc-rich, Carlson, G.G., 1977. Geology of the Bailadores, Venezuela,
composed mainly of variably banded, stratiform Massive Sulfide Deposit. Economic Geology, 72: 1131-
pyrrhotite and sphalerite with lesser galena, chalcopy- 1141.
Case, J.E., Shagam, R. and Geigengack, R.F., 1990. Geology
rite, pyrite and arsenopyrite. A copper-rich stockwork of the northern Andes; An overview. In The Geology of
has been intersected in places below the layered sul- North America. Edited by G. Dengo and J.E. Case. Volume
phides but its full extent has not yet been determined. H, The Caribbean Region. The Geological Society of
Footwall alteration is present, grading outwards from America, pp. 177-200.
the strong development of chlorite, margarite and Ely, R., 1994. Las Empresas y Los Grupos Ambientalistas:
Una Advertencia para NAFTA. Paper presented at the
biotite immediately below the deposit to a chlorite- Congreso Internacional AMEC in Mexico City. Asociación
sericite assemblage and then a more diffuse zone of Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses. 16p.
mainly sericitization. Limited lithogeochemical sam- Escarrachi M., R.A., 1980. Geología, Alteración,
pling suggests that Na2O and CaO are relatively Mineralización, Geoquímica y Genesis del Yacimiento
Volcanogénico de Sulfuros Masivos de Las Tapas, Estado
depleted in the footwall alteration zone. Based on the Mérida, Venezuela. Ministerio de Energia y Minas de
host rock association of felsic volcanic rocks in a Venezuela report, 263p.
largely clastic sedimentary sequence, the Bailadores Giegengack, R., 1984. Late Cenozoic tectonic environments
deposit can be placed into the bimodal-siliciclastic of the Central Venezuelan Andes. In The Caribbean-South
American Plate Boundary and Regional Tectonics. Edited by
W.E. Bonini, R.B. Hargraves and R.B. Shagam. Geological 1969. Boletin Geología Publicacion Especial 5, pp. 2728-
Society of America Memoir 162, pp. 343-364. 2755.
Graterol, M., 1972. Mineralogía de la Mena del Yacimiento Sifontes G., R.S. and Garcia D., E., 1973. Mapa geologico de
De Lima No. 2, Region de las Tapias, Bailadores, Estado la region Bailadores-Guaraque, Estado Mérida. Ministerio
Mérida. 4th Congreso Geologico Venezolano, Caracas, de Minas e Hidrocarburos preliminary map.
1969. Boletin Geología Publicación Especial 5, pp. 2605- Sifontes G., R.S. and Garcia D., E., 1975. Prospeccion
2613. Geológico-Minera en la Region de Bailadores-Guaraque,
Martinez R., M. and Garcia G., L.S., 1978: Prospeccion Estado Mérida. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos report,
Magnética y Electromagnética en el Yacimiento de Lima II, 91p.
Bailadores, Estado Mérida. Ministerio de Energia y Minas Staargaard, C.F., 1994a. Preliminary Evaluation of the
report, 9p. Bailadores Polymetallic Massive Sulphide Deposit, Mérida
Martinez R., M., 1977: Estudio Geofisico Terrestre para la State, Venezuela. Private report for client, 21p.
Localización y Cartografia de Vetas y Mineralizaciónes de Staargaard, C.F., 1994b. Reconstruction of Historical Drilling
Polisulfuros en el Yacimiento de Lima II-Bailadores, Estado on the Bailadores Polymetallic Massive Sulphide Deposit,
Mérida - Mediante Calicatas Electromagnética s. Ministerio Mérida State, Venezuela. Private report for client, 7p.
de Energia y Minas report, 58p. Woznessensky , B., 1972: Investigaciónes Metalogénicas en
Mining Journal, 1976. los Andes Venezolanos; 4th Congreso Geológico
Nogueira, A., Santana, A., Lavie, E. and Garcia D., E., 1972. Venezolano, Caracas, 1969. Boletin Geología Publicación
El Yacimiento de Plomo, Zinc y Cobre de Bailadores, Estado Especial 5, pp. 2827-2844.
Mérida. 4th Congreso Geológico Venezolano, Caracas,
Diagonal 103 no. 57ª-14, Ofic. 301, Bogota D.C. Colombia
The Western Cordillera in Colombia represents an area of high potential for the discovery of
volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (VMS). Most of the cordillera is underlain by the Calima
Terrain that consists of an ophiolitic sequence of Upper Cretaceous age, comprising basic to interme-
diate volcanic rocks and pelagic sediments.
To date, five VMS prospects have been discovered in the Western Cordillera. Their resources range
from 0.1 to 4.8 million tonnes and grades from: 1.5-4 % Cu, 1-7 % Zn 0.5 % Pb, 2-3 g/t Au and 10-
20 g/t Ag. Preliminary studies on these prospects suggest an affiliation with Kuroko type mineraliza-
tion with the exception of the Sabanablanca deposit, which has a basalt association with high Cu val-
ues, characteristic of Cyprus type deposits.
Guadalupe, the only prospect located in the Central Cordillera, contains an indicated resources of
about 28 million tonnes at 1.8 % Cu equivalent. The volcanic-sedimentary sequence hosting the min-
eral deposit is interpreted as an allochthonous block derived from the Western Cordillera. A Besshi
type genetic model is suggested for this deposit.
Based on available information is difficult to establish any reliable differences in the genetic model
of the deposits located in the Western and Central Cordilleras. In both cases the hosting rocks show
evidences of syngenetic alteration associated with extrusion of lavas in a submarine environment and
are affected by low grade metamorphism. Mineralization, usually related to hydrothermal alteration,
displays similar paragenesis: Cu-Zn-Pb sulphides with variables amounts of Au-Ag. Considering that
the favorable geological environment for the formation of massive sulphides occur along 800 km, the
Western Cordillera of Colombia offers high potential for VMS exploration.
the volcano-sedimentary sequence that created the suggesting an ophiolitic nature. During the Eocene, an
Western Cordillera (Calima Terrane, Fig. 1). This insular arch was developed related with the subduc-
terrane, consists of oceanic material accreted to the tion of the Pacific Plate under the Calima Terrane.
Tahami terrane (Ta) which comprises continental mate- This process is represented in calc-alkaline batholiths
rial. The two terranes form the Central Cordillera of and stocks, which intrude the volcano-sedimentary
Colombia (Fig. 1). The tectonic contact between both sequence along the Western Cordillera. The porphyry
terranes is known as the Romeral’s Tectonic Belt. The copper deposits with variable contents of Cu, Mo, Au
subduction resulted in Upper Cretaceous calc-alkaline are associated with the more recent phases of this
magmatism (Antioqueño and El Bosque batholiths). magmatism, consisting of subvolcanic andesitic and
The accretion resulted in the tectonic juxtaposition of dacitic rocks.
the oceanic allochtonous blocks (Calima Terrane), on In the Dagua, Diabasic and Cañasgordas groups, the
the continental base of the Central Cordillera. volcanic rocks consist of basaltic lava, spilite and dia-
base, with interbedded tuff. In many cases, the lava
Geological Setting shows pillow structures. In general, the basaltic lava
The Western Cordillera is formed by Cretaceous have a tholeiitic affiliation with low contents of potassi-
volcano-sedimentary sequences, known as the Dagua um. The associated sediments consist primarily of sand-
Group and the Diabase Group (Nelson, 1962) and is stone, siliceous lutites, cherts and limestone. In general
correlated to the north with the Cañasgordas Group the whole sequence shows low grade metamorphism.
(Restrepo, J.J. and Tussaint, J.F., 1981). Locally, there
are ultramafic and gabbro bodies, along the cordillera,
Figure 1. Allochtonous terranes in Colombia (adapted from Restrepo and Toussaint, 1989).
(Unidades Litológicas)
6 Riodácitas,Aglomerados.
5 Dacita Porfitica
4 Aglomerados
Andecita Porfiritica
Wacas,brechas volcanicas
2 Limolitas.
Wacas, Limolitas
Andresitas, porfiriticas
6 5 4 3 2 1
0 50 100 200
there is another property called Mina Ra, that consists of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a quartz and cal-
although less important, it does demonstrate the cite gangue. Approximately 500,000 tonnes are esti-
potential of the volcano-sedimentary sequence for the mated with an average grade of 2.6 % Cu and traces
exploration of the VMS. of Au and Ag. This deposit has been the subject of a
small scale mining producing copper concentrates.
El Roble The operation has been inactive since 1976.
El Roble is located in the Department of Choco, 4
km north of the town Carmen de Atrato and 150 km La Equis
SW of the city of Medellin (Fig. 2). The sulphide body La Equis is located in the Department of Choco,
is hosted in a sequence of diabase and andesites some 170 km SW of the city of Medellin (Fig. 2). The
interbedded with cherts, clastic sediments (greywacke), mineralized body is hosted in a pre-Eocene volcanic
some limestones and conglomerates of the Cretaceous sequence of intermediate to felsic (andesites, dacites,
Cañasgordas Group. Locally, the sequence is intruded rhyolites?) composition.. The mineralogy of the sul-
by andesitic bodies in dykes and columns, probably phide body consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena,
associated with Tertiary magmatism. sphalerite, gold and silver in a milky quartz gangue.
The massive sulphides consist essentially of chal- Reserves in the order of 120,000 tonnes were estimat-
copyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and some traces of spha- ed with grades ranging from 8 to 12 % Zn, 0.8 to 1.5
lerite and galena with a quartz and carbonate gangue. % Pb, 12-15g/t Au, and 10-12 g/t Ag.
The alteration of the host rock consists of chlorite, Calle and Salinas (1986) proposed two possible
quartz and sericite (Calle and Salinas, 1983). The genetic models to explain the formation of the
resource estimated by EERESA (Colombian- deposit. The first suggests an elongated structurally
Japanese Consortium), were in the order of 1.2 mil- controlled sulphide body, produced by hydrothermal
lion tonnes with average grades of 4.71 % Cu, 3.11 % flows related to the intrusion of the Mande batholith.
g/t Au and 9.81 g/t Ag. The second considers a VMS type mineralization,
El Roble is the only VMS deposit that has been associated with the extrusion of the volcanic rocks in
commercially mined in Colombia, for a period of 10 a submarine environment. It is interpreted as an
years, at an average rate of 300 tonnes per day and incomplete section of a Kuroko type massive sulphide
production of copper concentrate with economic gold deposit. Based on the regional geological framework,
and silver values. The concentrates were exported to the environment of formation and the metallogenic
Japan for refining. At the present time the mine is aspects, the author supports the second hypothesis.
depleted and some exploration work is being carried
out in its surrounding area, attempting to define Sabanablanca
additional mineralization. The Sabanablanca prospect is located in the Valle
de Cauca Department, approximately 120 km NW of
Santa Anita the city of Cali (Fig. 2). The Cretaceous volcano-sed-
The Santa Anita prospect is located in the imentary sequence consists of basalt, diabase and
Department of Choco, approximately 140 km SW of black lutites. Towards the east, there is a faulted con-
Medellin (Fig. 2). The sulphide body is located very tact with a metasedimentary sequence of phyllites and
close to the contact between the Barroso and black schists (MINERALCO 1991). The mineraliza-
Penderisco formations of the Upper Cretaceous tion is located in the northeast extension of the vol-
(Cañasgordas Group). The first of these formations is canic-sedimentary units (Kdb: basalts, diabase and
made up of basic volcanic rocks, tuffs and sedimenta- pillow-like lava and Kdc: phyllites, shale and chert),
ry rocks. The latter consists of lutites, cherts, defined by Barrero (1979). The massive sulphide
greywacke, sandstone and conglomerates (Mazo and deposits located close to the volcanic-sediment con-
Gutierrez, 1971; INGEOMINAS, 1987). tact are made up of chalcopyrite, chalcocite (possibly
The zone is extensively faulted and mineralization secondary), pyrite and sphalerite. The gangue is com-
posed essentially of quartz, carbonate and subordinate nous block derived from the oceanic domain of the
epidote. The alteration associated with the sulphides Western Cordillera and tectonically juxtaposed.
shows intense silicification (over 15 m) accompanied The two mineralized intervals known as El
by subordinated chlorite. The estimated reserves up to Azufral and el Arroyo are interbedded in a sandstone,
now exceed 100,000 tonnes with an average grade of argillites and cornubians sedimentary sequence
6 % Cu and 12-13 g/t Au. Towards the north and (Smith, 1998). Geophysical studies carried out by Val
south of the main zone, there are areas with alteration d’Or, Peru (1998) based on an electromagnetometric
of oxides and copper carbonates which suggest a program (TME-MAG), confirmed the depth of the
continuance of the mineralized zone. horizons discussed above and identified another two
mineralized layers (Fig. 4).
Guadalupe The El Azufral strata has an average thickness of
The Guadalupe prospect is located in the 9 m and can be followed along a strike of approxi-
Department of Antioquia, approximately 140 km NE mately 100 m. The main sulphides are pyrite,
of the city of Medellin (Fig. 2). Guadalupe is the only pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and subordinated sphalerite.
VMS deposit discovered in the Central Cordillera. It The oxidation zone shows secondary minerals, partic-
is hosted in a Cretaceous sequence, called the San ularly limonite malachite and azurite. Ten (10) trench
Pablo Formation, which consists of sediments and samples, taken from the sulphide body showed aver-
submarine basaltic volcanic rocks. The entire age grades of 2.03 % Cu, 0.3 % Zn, 0.13 ppm Au and
Cretaceous assemblage is interpreted as an allochtho- 6.0 ppm Ag. The El Arroyo horizon to the south,
TEM-1 ( Azufral )
TEM-2 ( El Arroyo)
1000 m.s.n.m
Kap Kc
200 m
400 m
Kc : Hornfelsas Gossan
Figure 4. S-N profile of the Guadalupe VMS Prospect (adapted from Smith M, 1996).
shows the same mineral assemblage. Trench sampling providing the information which served as the basis
resulted in average grades of 1.65 % Cu, 0.5 % Zn, for this paper.
0.34 ppm Au and 18.5 ppm Ag. Since the sampling (Translation. Original submitted in Spanish)
was done at surface for both zones, it is possible that
the results obtained have been influenced by oxidation REFERENCES
and do not correspond to the primary mineralization. Barrero, D. 1979. Geology of the Central Western Cordillera,
West of Buga and Roldanillo, Colombia. INGEOMINAS,
The main alteration assemblage is silicification,
Special Geological Publication, No. 4, 75 pp.
accompanied by the incipient development of sericite Calle, B. y Salinas, R. 1986. Geología y geoquímica de la
and chlorite. On the basis of the high proportion of Co plancha 165, Carmen de Atrato. Report, 1987. INGEOMI-
+ Ni / Cu and the low content of Pb, obtained in the NAS.140 pp.
geochemical canal samples, a Besshi type genetic INGEOMINAS,1987. Recursos minerales de Colombia.
Second edition. Special Geological Publication. Vol. I. 564
model is suggested for Guadalupe. The results are pp.
very preliminary. The extension of the outcroppings
of the mineralized horizons and their continuity at INGEOMINAS - U.S.G.S., 1986. Map – Terrenos geológicos
depth lead us to believe that there are inferred en Colombia. Special Geological Publication, No. 14-I, 235
resources in the order of 28 million tons with 1.88 % INGEOMINAS - U.S.G.S., 1986. Evaluación de los recursos
Cu equivalent. The above comments, together with minerales no combustibles de Colombia. Special Geological
the excellent infrastructure of the area, confirm the Publication, No. 14-II, 55 pp.
great potential of this prospect. Mazo, J. y Gutiérrez, N. 1971. Estudio geológico y de benefi-
cio de mineral de cobre de la mina Santa Anita, Carmen de
FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Atrato, Chocó. Ministerio de Minas y Petróleos. Zona min-
era de Medellín.
VMS deposits in Colombia are associated with the MINERALCO, 1991. Informe de comisión a la mina
submarine hydrothermal systems associated with Sabanablanca, municipio de El Dovio. Internal Report, 9 pp.
Cretaceous ophiolitic sequences. In general, the min- Nelson H.W. 1962. Contribución al conocimiento de la
Cordillera Occidental, sección Cali - Buenaventura. National
eralogical associations are rich in Cu and Zn with Geological Service. Geological Bulletin 10. pp. 81-108.
locally significant Au and Ag values. The Pb contents Restrepo, J.J. y Toussaint,J.F., 1973. Obducción Cretácea en el
are minor with the exception of the Las Equis deposit Occidente Colombiano. Publicación Especial Geología.
where they reach values of up to 1.5 %. Universidad Nacional Medellín. pp 1-26.
Restrepo, J.J. y Toussaint, J.F.1989. Terrenos alóctonos en los
The Western Cordillera (Calima Terrane) shows
Andes Colombianos, explicación de algunas paradojas
the greatest exploration potential for VMS deposits in geológicas. V Geological Congress of Colombia.
Colombia. However, the Guadalupe deposit, located Proceedings, Vol. I. pp 92-107
in the Central Cordillera, shows greater volume, Smith, M.R. 1998. A major Besshi -type VMS Cu property in
although it should be noted that at the moment the Colombia. Internal Report. Minerales Ensenada. 20 pp.
Val - D´OR, Perú. 1998. Geophysical report on Guadalupe
reserves are only inferred. VMS. Internal Report, Minerales Ensenada. 10 pp.
Vargas, H. 1999. Reservas y potencial en el proyecto El
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alacrán, San Juan de Asís, Córdoba, Colombia. Internal
The author would like to thank INGEOMINAS, Report. Santa Gertrudis, SOM - Río Quieto, B.V. 22 pp.
Santa Gertrudis, SOM and the Grupo Bullet, SA, for
Section des Sciences de la Terre, Rue des Maraîchers 13, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
The Western Cordillera of Ecuador hosts three Au-rich Cu-Zn VHMS deposits within an Early
Tertiary island arc sequence, now accreted to the continent. The deposits are characterized by pyrite-
chalcopyrite mineral parageneses including bornite, covellite, digenite, tennantite, and are affected by
a quartz-sericite alteration. Lead isotope compositions are homogeneous within each deposit but dif-
fer significantly among the three orebodies, even if two of them are only 1.5 km apart. Lead isotope
compositions of the orebodies overlap those of the volcanic host rocks and are consistent with lead
derived from mixing of pelagic sediments, mantle and oceanic crust. Geological setting mineralogy,
and gold grades of the VHMS deposits of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador bear some similarities to
those of recent and present-day massive sulphides of the western Pacific.
The VHMS deposits studied are hosted by the define linear trends in conventional plots (Fig. 3), the
Paleocene-Eocene Macuchi Unit, an intraoceanic Main Macuchi rocks being in general more radiogenic
island arc accreted to the continent during the Early than the Basal Macuchi ones. The isotope trends indi-
Tertiary (Fig. 1: Cosma et al., 1998; Reynaud et al., cate that lead in the Macuchi rocks derives from mix-
1999). The volcanic and volcaniclastic lithologies of ing of at least two different sources, which are iso-
the Unit are the result of submarine eruptions ranging topically homogeneous on a scale of 200 km, i.e., the
from basalt to basaltic andesite, accompanied by less- distance across which samples have been collected
er dacite and rhyolite, with tholeiitic to calc-alkaline (Fig. 1). Accepting the ensimatic nature of the
affinity (BGS and CODIGEM, 1999). A lower Macuchi arc, the 207Pb-rich source can only be repre-
sented by pelagic sediments (Chiaradia and Fontboté,
Pinon Salado
80¡ 79 W
0 100 km
M ac
Macuchi arc
San Lorenzo arc
1 S
Sto. Domingo
La Plata
Quevedo El Patino
2 S
050 km
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
sampled localities
Figure. 1. Geological map of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador between 0° and 2°S showing the location of rock samples and
VHMS deposits (modified from Cosma et al., 1998 and from BGS and CODIGEM, 1999). Legend: 1=pre-Cretaceous metamorphic
basement rocks; 2=Cretaceous-Paleocene oceanic floor; 3=Cretaceous-Paleocene island arcs (including Paleocene Basal Macuchi);
4=Latest Cretaceous-Paleocene forearc; 5=Eocene island arc (Main Macuchi); 6=Tertiary-Quaternary forearc basins; 7=Tertiary-
Quaternary continental arc. The thick lines represent terrane boundaries and major faults. The geotectonic map in the inset shows the
main terranes of Ecuador (modified from Litherland et al., 1994). Grey=oceanic terranes; white=continental terranes.
submitted b). MORB-crust or San Juan oceanic ic level than Macuchi (Fig. 2). The host basaltic
plateau crust (proposed by Cosma et al., 1998, as the andesites display a strong quartz-sericite alteration in
possible basement of the Macuchi arc) account for the proximity of the ore, similar to that observed at La Plata.
207Pb-poor end-member (Fig. 3). Volcanic rocks of At La Plata and Macuchi the ore minerals display
the Basal and Main Macuchi sequences display also similar paragenetic sequences and define layered tex-
positive correlations of the 207Pb/204Pb ratio with tures. The main ore minerals are early pyrite and chal-
MgO and other fractionation indexes (Ni, V, Ti/Zr, copyrite, the latter partly replacing pyrite.
etc.). This suggests their derivation from 207Pb-rich Chalcopyrite is in turn substituted by a bornite-pyrite
parent magmas that have undergone fractional crys- association. At Macuchi bornite is replaced by covel-
tallization and assimilated low radiogenic Pb of lite-digenite (the latter hosting rare enargite) and by
MORB-crust or of the San Juan oceanic plateau at idaite. Low-Fe sphalerite is coeval to or postdates
shallow levels. These correlations exclude assimila- bornite in both deposits. In general the paragenetic
tion of upper continental crust by the parent magmas evolution of sulphides indicates a progressive
reaffirming pelagic sediments as the only source of increase in sulfidation conditions with time. Native
the radiogenic lead present in the Macuchi Unit gold forms blebs of few tens of microns inside early
(Chiaradia and Fontboté, submitted b). chalcopyrite (Macuchi: Figure 4) or is associated with
bornite (Macuchi and La Plata). At La Plata gold has
GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, METAL AND PB ISOTOPE been also found in association with late galena.
La Plata, situated about 60 km SW of Quito (Fig.
1), is hosted by the upper part of the Main Macuchi
sequence (Fig. 2). Lenses of massive and disseminat-
ed sulphides (several decimetres to a few metres thick La Plata
Main Macuchi
and up to 100 m in extension, Lehne, 1990), as well EOCENE
as veinlets occur within bleached and sheared Na- El Patino
depleted andesites that display silicification and seric- Macuchi
itization. The ore lenses are zoned with a Cu-rich
footwall and a Zn-rich hangingwall (Paladines, 1989;
Lehne, 1990). A preliminary resource of 840,000
PALEOCENE Basal Macuchi
tonnes @ 4.8 g/t Au, 54 g/t Ag, 4.1 % Cu, 0.7 % Pb
and 4.2 % Zn has been reported (Cambior Annual ?
Report, 1998).
Macuchi, situated 70 km SSW of La Plata (Fig. 1), UPPER
is hosted by the lower part of the Main Macuchi
sequence (Fig. 2). The orebody is a lens of massive
sulphides, 125 m long and up to 18 m thick, in a 1 2 3 4 5
sequence of basaltic to basaltic andesite volcanic and
volcaniclastic rocks with rarer felsic tuffs, porphyric 6 7
andesites and dacites. The mineralization occurs as Figure. 2. Stratigraphic column of the occidental portion of
replacement, stockwork and layered sulphides. The the Western Cordillera of Ecuador at 1°S (modified from
main alteration assemblage is quartz-sericite, prevail- BGS and CODIGEM, 1999). Legend: 1=oceanic crust of the
ing over quartz-chlorite. The Macuchi mine was Piñon Formation or San Juan Complex; 2=undifferentiated
exploited from 1941 to 1950 with an average ore grade volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the lower part of the
of 5 % Cu, 7.6 g/t Au and 8.5 g/t Ag (Stoll, 1962). Macuchi Unit (Basal Macuchi); 3=basaltic pillow lavas;
4=limestone; 5=undifferentiated volcanic and volcaniclastic
El Patiño, a smaller pyritic orebody situated about
rocks of the upper part of the Macuchi Unit (Main Macuchi)
1.5 km NE of Macuchi, is found at a higher stratigraph- 6=basaltic andesite andesitic pillow lavas; 7=sandstones.
15.70 UC
Pacific sediments
and Mn-nodules
San Juan
15.50 average MORB Complex
39.0 UC
San Juan
37.8 Complex
17.8 18 18.2 18.4 18.6 18.8 19 19.2 19.4 19.6
Figure 3. 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb plots showing the isotopic compositions of volcanic
rocks and ore minerals of the Main Macuchi arc sequence. The source of data on Macuchi rocks and ores is Chiaradia and
Fontboté (submitted a and b). The San Juan Complex isotopic compositions are from Mamberti et al. (1999). Sources of East
Pacific MORB, Pacific pelagic sediments and Mn-nodules are various. Also shown for reference are the evolution curves of the
upper crust (UC), orogen (OR) and mantle (M) (Zartman and Doe, 1981).
Figure 4. Microphotographs of ore minerals from the VHMS deposits of La Plata Abbreviations: Au=gold; cp=chalcopyrite;
dg=digenite; py=pyrite.
Quartz, sericite, calcite, chlorite and barite are the in relation to their stratigraphic position (Figs. 2 and
gangue minerals. 3). The relatively low radiogenic signature of
Ore samples of La Plata, Macuchi and El Patiño Macuchi, situated in the lowest part of the Main
display gold enrichments over silver and zinc when Macuchi sequence, suggests mixing of Pb of the Main
normalized to primitive mantle concentrations and Basal Macuchi (Fig. 3) possibly due to hydrother-
(Chiaradia and Fontboté, submitted a). Ore samples of mal convective cells straddling the two sequences.
the three deposits display also overall correlations of The same mechanism can explain the isotopic com-
Au with Cu, Ag, As, Sb, Ba, and of Ag with As, Cu, position of El Patiño which, nevertheless, bears a
Ba (Fig. 5). larger component of Main Macuchi lead (Fig. 3)
The Pb isotope compositions of the three VHMS being situated at a higher stratigraphic level than
deposits fall along the trend defined by the volcanic Macuchi (Fig. 2). El Patiño requires perhaps a limited
arc rocks in conventional isotope diagrams and large- contribution from an additional source to explain its
ly overlap the field defined by the Main Macuchi slightly lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios compared to the
rocks (Fig. 3). Therefore, the VHMS deposits contain Main Macuchi rocks (Fig. 3).
the same lead mixture of the volcanic rocks hosting
them, i.e., MORB-type mantle enriched by pelagic CONCLUSIONS
sediments and either MORB-crust or oceanic plateau The occurrence at Macuchi and La Plata of pyrite-
basaltic crust. The isotopic compositions are internal- chalcopyrite mineral assemblages, including covellite,
ly homogeneous within each of the three orebodies bornite, digenite, idaite, tennantite, enargite may be
but vary significantly among the deposits, apparently typical of the high sulfidation VHMS type. However,
106 103
Ag (ppm)
Cu (ppm)
104 R
102 1
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Au (ppm) Au (ppm)
104 103
As (ppm)
Sb (ppm)
1 1
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Au (ppm) Au (ppm)
105 103
Ag (ppm)
Zn (ppm)
10 1
10-2 10-1 1 10 102 10-2 10-1 1 10 102
BaO (wt.%) BaO (wt.%)
Figure 5. Element correlation diagrams for selected ore samples and reserves (R) of Macuchi, La Plata and El Patiño.
in contrast with the argillic or advanced argillic alter- been observed. Also, different from typical Au-rich
ation commonly associated with high sulfidation high sulfidation VHMS’s (e.g., Sillitoe et al., 1993),
VHMS deposits (Sillitoe et al., 1996), only sericitic La Plata and Macuchi occur in an arc sequence domi-
alteration, indicative of slightly acidic conditions, has nated by basic rather than by felsic magmatic rocks.
Lead isotope compositions indicate that lead (and Occidental del Ecuador entre 0°-1°S and 1°-2° S. Mision
by inference the other metals) of the VHMS ores is Britanica, CODIGEM, Quito, Ecuador.
Chiaradia, M. and Fontboté, L. (submitted a) Radiogenic lead
derived from the host volcanic rocks of the Main signatures in Au-rich VHMS ores and associated volcanic
Macuchi sequence. As the latter, therefore, the VHMS rocks of the Early Tertiary Macuchi island arc (Western
ores contain radiogenic lead from pelagic sediments Cordillera of Ecuador). Submitted to Economic Geology.
mixed with low radiogenic lead of MORB-type man- Chiaradia, M. and Fontboté, L. (submitted b) Assimilation of
oceanic crust lead by radiogenic magmas of the Early
tle and oceanic crust.
Tertiary Macuchi island arc (Western Cordillera of Ecuador).
Lead isotope compositions of the three ore Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research.
deposits investigated are internally homogeneous, but Cosma, L., LaPierre, H., Jaillard, E., Laubacher, G., Bosch,
vary significantly among deposits. The isotopic D., Desmet, A., Mamberti, M. and Gabriele, P. (1998)
difference between Macuchi and El Patiño, separated Pétrographie et géochimie des unités de la Cordillère occi-
dentale d’équateur (0°30’S): implications tectoniques.
by 1.5 km, suggests a lack of homogenization at the Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 169, 739-751.
hundreds of metre scale. Hannington, M.D., Poulsen, K.H., Thompson, J.F.H. and
The gold enrichment over silver and zinc in the Sillitoe, R.H. (1999) Volcanogenic gold in the massive sul-
normalized spectra of ore samples as well as the sig- fide environment. In Barrie, C.T. and Hannington, M.D.
(eds.) Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits: process-
nificance of geochemical and isotopic compositions es and examples in modern and ancient settings, Reviews in
of the Main Macuchi rocks, host to the VHMS Economic Geology, 8, 325-356.
deposits, discussed in Chiaradia and Fontboté (sub- Lehne, R.W. (1990) The Cu-Zn-Au-Ag deposit of La Plata,
mitted a), indicate a possible petrogenetic control on Toachi), Ecuador. In Fontboté, L., Amstutz, G.C., Cardozo,
the high gold grades of these deposits. M., Cedillo, E. and Frutos, J. (eds.) Stratabound ore deposits
in the Andes. Special Publication of the Society for Geology
Mineralogy, gold grades, metal association and pos- Applied to Mineral Deposits 8, Springer-Verlag, 389-393.
sible petrogenetic control on gold enrichment of the Litherland, M., Aspden, J.A. and Jemielita, R.A. (1994) The
Macuchi island arc VHMS deposits bear similarities metamorphic belts of Ecuador. Overseas Memoir 11, BGS,
with those described in recent Au-rich VHMS deposits 147 p.
Mamberti, M., Bosch, D., LaPierre, H., Hernandez, J., Jaillard,
from the western Pacific (Hannington et al., 1999). E. and Polve, M. (1999) Petrology and geochemistry of Mg-
rich basalts from Western Ecuador: remnants of the Late
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cretaceous Caribbean plateau? In Extended Abstracts of the
We wish to thank Dr. Agustín Paladines 4th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics,
ISAG99, 4-6 October 1999, Göttingen (Germany), Institut
(Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador)
de Recherche pour le Développement.
for introducing us to the geology of the Western Paladines, A. (1989) Zonificación geotectónica y metalogenia
Cordillera of Ecuador. This study is funded by the del Ecuador. Mañana Editores, Quito, Ecuador, 192 p.
Swiss National Foundation (grant # 2000-054150.98 Reynaud, C., Jaillard, E., LaPierre, H., Mamberti, M. and
to LF) and is a contribution to GEODE, a programme Mascle, G.H. (1999) Oceanic plateau and island arcs of
southwestern Ecuador: their place in the geodynamic evolu-
funded by the European Science Foundation. tion of northwestern South America. Tectonophysics, 307,
REFERENCES Sillitoe, R.H., Hannington, M.D. and Thompson, J.F.H. (1996)
Aye, F., Cesbron, G. and Picot, P. (1983) Contribution de la High-sulfidation deposits in the volcanogenic massive sul-
pétrographie et dela minéralogie à la connaissance des fide environment. Economic Geology, 91, 204-212.
indices à Au, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ba, de Macuchi (équateur). Note Stoll, W.C. (1962) Notes on the mineral resources of Ecuador.
N. 924, Département Gîtes Minéraux, BRGM, Orléans, Economic Geology, 57, 799-808.
France, 16 p. Zartman, R.E. and Doe, B.R. (1981) Plumbotectonics - The
BGS and CODIGEM (1999) Mapa Geologico de la Cordillera model. Tectonophysics, 75, 135-162.
Senior Partner, Inproser S.A., Pasaje Villegas No. 1243, Casilla 22626, La Paz
Coordinator Multi Andean Project (MAP), Servicio Geológico de Bolivia
(Sergeomin), F. Suazo No. 1673 ,La Paz
Geologist, Servicio de Geología y Minería de Bolivia (Sergeomin), F. Suazo No. 1673 , la Paz
Bolivia is a land-locked country located in the central part of South America. It is recognized
worldwide to have been a mining country since pre-colonial times. During the Spanish colonial
period (1535-1825) Bolivia was a major silver producer. Bolivia became a world leader in tin pro-
duction in the 20th century. A renewed effort of exploration and development began in the late 1980’s
and resulted in the discovery of bulk mineable deposits as Kori Kollo (Au-Ag), San Cristobal (Zn-
Ag) and Don Mario (Au-Cu).
To date, little exploration has been directed towards volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS)
deposits. However, there is evidence for this type of mineralization in two regions of Bolivia: in the
Cordillera Real, northwestern Bolivia and in the Precambrian Shield in eastern Bolivia.
In the Cordillera Real, lenticular-shaped disseminated and massive sulphide mineralization of pos-
sible VMS-affinity is contained in Upper Ordovician sequences of pelites and psammites of the
Amutara Formation. Also in Silurian and Devonian age rocks nearby Charazani and Akamani. The
sulphides occur in stratabound/stratiform layers and consist mostly of pyrite with lesser amounts of
pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The layers of mineralization display anomalous gold,
copper, lead and zinc values. A metre-thick layer of trachyandesite outcrops 200 m below the miner-
alization and suggests that there was volcanic activity during the Upper-Ordovician. Quartz-gold
mantos and veins are located in sandstones about 500 m above the sulphide layers. These may be
genetically related to the sulphides.
Potential VMS mineralization is contained in Proterozoic rocks of the San Ignacio Schist Super-
Group of the Precambrian Shield in eastern Bolivia. The San Ignacio Schist Super-Group is composed
of several individual schist belts, which include the Guarayos, Ñuflo de Chávez, San Ignacio and
Cristal. The belts are made-up of sequences of quartzite, feldspathic metapsammites and micaceous
schists and phyllites. Also included are subordinate ferruginous, calc-silicate, meta-volcanic and
graphite-rich schists. Possible VMS mineralization occurs as thin seams of disseminated chalcopyrite
and pyrite in amphibolite-grade schists. At Miguela, stratiform massive and disseminated sulphides
occur closely associated with submarine felsic metavolcanic intrusions and lava flows.
A regional geochemical stream-sediment survey of the Precambrian rocks has identified copper
anomalies within the San Ignacio Schist Super-Group. Sporadic associations of Zn-Cu-<Pb, Cu-
<Pb<<Ag and Cu-Zn are seen in the Guarayos-Ñuflo de Chávez schist belts. In the Cristal schist belt,
associations between Cu-Ba and Zn-Pb-Ag were respectively observed nearby and south of the Don
Mario (Au-Ag-Cu) prospect.
A presence of disseminated and layered sulphide mineralization, geochemical anomalies and vol-
canic rock units suggest that parts of the Cordillera Real and Precambrian Shield in Bolivia may be
favorable areas for the exploration for VMS-style deposits.
Chávez areas. In the Cristal schist belt, associations between Cu-Ba and Zn-Pb-Ag were observed
nearby and south of the Don Mario prospect respectively.
It can be concluded that favourable environments for VMS mineralization were discovered in
Bolivia worthy of additional and systematic exploration that would lead in the discovery of large
VMS type ore-deposits.
10° 10°
12° 12°
14° 14°
Tr i n i d a d
16° 16°
La Paz
Zo ie
ne ld
18° 18°
in r
Skarn deposit ?
22° 22°
of gold and 20 grams of silver. Gold production in probable reserves total 259 million tonnes of ore grad-
1999 was 256,000 ounces. The latest “discovery” in ing 2.0 opt Ag, 1.57 % Zn and 0.55 % Pb (Apex
the southern Altiplano is the volcanic associated San Silver’s press release, Oct. 1998).
Cristobal zinc, silver, lead deposit, whose proven and
Aucapata - Yani Belt
100 Km
68° 66°
Figure 2. Geological map and favourable areas for VMS- mineralization in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia.
The Eastern Cordillera 2.3 M oz Au grading 1.4 g/t Au (Arce et al., 1995;
The Eastern Cordillera mountain belt is about Arce, 1999). Others are Amayapampa-Capacirca,
1,000 km long and 150 to 400 km wide. It is formed Iroco, Rosario de Araca and Vinto. After a hundred
of Paleozoic marine siliciclastic sediments, which years of extensive exploitation, polymetallic vein-
comprise principally thick sequences of shales, silt- type tin, tungsten and zinc-lead-silver mineralization
stones and sandstones of Ordovician to Devonian age. still present additional potential.
There are infolded Upper Paleozoic shelf sediments The Cordillera Real in the northern part of the
and Cretaceous to Tertiary continental sediments. The Eastern Cordillera (Aucapata-Yani belt) contains
sediments have been strongly folded, thrusted and important gold placers, auriferous quartz veins and
locally intruded by dacitic-andesitic intrusives. mantos associated with felsic plutons, and
In the last decade during the exploration “boom”, stratabound sulphide-gold mineralization.
several sedimentary hosted vein-disseminated gold Massive sulphide layers are distributed over more
deposits were discovered in the Eastern Cordillera, than 15 km in extent in the area NW of Yani. The
from which the largest is Pederson with a resource of lower level of the sequence contain coeval spilitized
flows and volcanic sills. In addition, a trachyandesitic
Table 1. Main characteristics of the mineralization in the Cordillera Real, - Northeastern La Paz, Bolivia
Meta-sandstone, NW-SE Au, Sn, Sb, Pb, Sub-greenschist Ordovician Ocloyica orogeny
black shale, megafracture Zn, Ag, Cu, U, facies (Caradocian), (unconformity between
pyritic shale quartz, pyrrhotite, Silurian and Ordovician and
galena, sphalerite, Devonian Silurian)
chalcopyrite, pyrite, Upper Devonian
stibnite Chanica orogeny, Kolla
Phase and Quechua
Table 2. Chrono-Stratigraphy of the Bolivian Precambrian shield (after Litherland et al., 1986)
San Ignacio Chiquitania Gneisses Gabbros and diorites
(1800 – 1280 Ma) Complex Granophyric Complexes
Gneisses & migmatites Meta-igneous mafic and
ultramafic rocks
A summary of the main characteristics of suspect- sammites and micaceous schists or phyllites with sub-
ed VMS deposits is shown In Table 1. ordinate ferruginous, calc-silicate, metavolcanic and
In the area gold-quartz veins, mantos and stock- graphite-rich unit (Table 2). The San Ignacio
works also occur. The mantos and veins are parallel to Supergroup can be defined as: ‘pre Sunsas Group
bedding and they commonly reach several kilometres schists and phyllites and other intercalated metasedi-
in length and more than 500 m of vertical extent. mentary and meta-igneous rocks’.
Their thickness varies from few cm to 2 m. The gold Pelitic phyllites and schists are diagnostic of the
content ranges from 10 ppb to 300 ppm Au, thus min- schist belts and thus, by definition, the Schists
ing is very difficult. The mineral assemblage is sim- Supergroup (Table 2). These belts are nor regarded as
ple, and composed of quartz, small amounts of pyrite, true analogues of the classic Archean greenstone belts
arsenopyrite, chlorite, scheelite, occasionally chal- (Windley, 1977), which are predominantly metavol-
copyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite and albite. canic sequences, usually with distinct cuspate con-
Structurally, many mantos are related to anticlines, tacts with the surrounding granitoid rocks, their
other deposits are located near the junction of the NW shapes being related to deformation around early plu-
-trending with a NNE - trending lineament (Fig. 3). tonic bodies (Litherland, 1979). The Bolivian belts
Vein-type sulphide Zn-Cu-Ag mineralization is are almost certainly younger, mainly metasedimenta-
hosted in Devonian pelites and psammites, in the ry, and show a variety of individual forms believed to
lower plate of a regional thrust fault, which overlie be due to the refolding of synformal cores during one
Ordovician over Devonian rocks. These areas show or more orogenies. However, like the greenstone
similar fracture-fault-fold patterns as the Upper belts, gneisses generally surround them and granitoid
Ordovician (Fig. 3). rocks, and are favourable sites for mineralization
The uppermost parts of the Ordovician as well as (Litherland et al., 1986).
parts of Lower Silurian are lacking in the entire Bands rich in carbonaceous material are found in
Cordillera Real. Various authors interpret this region- higher metamorphic grades in the form of graphitic
ally stratigraphic break as a result on the Ocloyica phyllites or schists and, in places, as graphitic
orogeny (Table 1) or of regional uplift (Fornari and quartzites. Although laterisation processes produce
Herail, 1991). superficial iron enrichment, especially in softer
The tectonic style of the Cordillera Real is schists, primary iron concentrations in metapelites
controlled by a general strike in the Andean direction have been noted as ferruginous mudstones, phyllites
(NW-SE), which predominates in Variscan (Chanica) and schists. Thin seams of conglomerates with a fer-
orogeny’s fold axes, foliation and lineaments. In tempo- ruginous matrix have also been reported. Within the
ral connection with the Variscan orogeny, a widespread southern arc of schist belt the somewhat monotonous
contact metamorphism is developed linked to granitic pelite/psammite sequences are broken in places by
intrusions. This observation is important for the genetic outcrops of metamorphosed mafic or ultramafic intru-
interpretation of the massive sulphide layers and gold- sive rocks. The full sequence of Barrovian index min-
quartz mantos. The Andean (Kolla and Quechua erals is represented in the metapelites: chlorite,
Phases) Orogeny generated block tectonic movements biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite.
and reactivation of faults (Schneider, 1990). Low grade, fine-grained, chlorite, chlorite-biotite or
chlorite-muscovite phyllites are reported from several
PRECAMBRIAN Volcanic-associated massive sulphide (VMS)
The San Ignacio schist Supergroup forms part of Mineralization in the Schist Belts of the
the Metamorphic Basement of the Bolivian Precambrian
Precambrian (Fig. 4). It crops out in the form of dis- At Miguela volcanogenic massive sulphides occur
crete belts composed of quartzites, feldspathic metap- as three mineralized bodies hosted in a sequence of
Massive Sulphide
Geological Record Orogeny Description
QUATERNARY 100 - 2.000
100 - 500
andesitic volcanism
Intrusions Granodiorites
Lower Jurassic
/Upper Triassic
Kolla Phase
Upper Devonian
/Lower Carbon. Variscan Granitic intrusions
< 1.000
marine sediments
in general Zn - Cu - Ag
Quartz - cassiterite
1.000 - 2.000
500 - 1.500
stratigraphic break
2.000 - 4.000
2.000 - 3.000
quartz-scheelite mantos
> 2.000
16° ta l BRASIL
ci o
F trai
ght Z
o ne
A gua
Ñuflo de
pel Boundar y Sl i de
San D
San Ignacio
San Diablo
100 Km
0 100
62° 60°
Figure 4. Geological map of the southwestern part (San Ignacio Schist Super Group) of the Bolivian Precambrian
volcano-sedimentary rocks. The main ore-body is tab- rence of thin seams of sparsely disseminated chal-
ular in shape and has about 500 m in strike length and copyrite and pyrite in amphibolites. Moreover,
a true thickness of about 20 m. Massive pyrite, chal- prospectors have collected specimens of copper and
copyrite and minor sphalerite and galena (and rare silver sulphides and of massive pyrite allegedly found
magnetite and pyrrhotite) are hosted in a sequence of in the area (Appleton and Llanos, 1986).
biotite-quartz schist, muscovite schist and overlain by Analysis of Available Information to Define New
amphibolitic andesite. All the gold and base metal VMS targets
geochemical anomalies are hosted in that lithology.
Possible evidences of VMS mineralization in the Summary of Structure and Mineralization
San Ignacio Super-Group are related to the occur- In order to define prospectivity of the schist belts,
the main characteristics from the schists belts from The methodoly used was simple and it consisted
Guarayos, Ñuflo de Chávez, San José-San Diablo, firstly on defining the lithologic controls of the sul-
San Ignacio and Cristal, are summarized in Table 4. phide mineralization on the four ‘Guide Formations’
From Table 4, the schists from Guarayos, Ñuflo de mentioned above. Then, the identified lithologic and
Chávez, San Ignacio and Cristal present more consis- mineral components such as types of meta-sediments,
tent relationship between structure and mineralization. meta-igneous sills, meta-volcanics and regional meta-
Therefore, they will be considered for further analysis. morphic minerals were used as guides to compare
The Guarayos and Ñuflo de Chávez schist belts with all the formations in the San Ignacio schist
show faulting-shearing trend between 115-140 Super-Group (Table 5).
degrees, which was developed during the Sunsas As a result, quartzite. mica schist and graphitic
orogeny, coincident with the event of deformation units were identified as the more common meta-
Do3 from the San Ignacio orogeny. This resulted in a sediments in the schist belts; gabro/amphibolite and
complex tectonic framework with a development of ultramafics as the usual meta-igneous sills; additional
isoclinal folds, tight folds and upright open folds meta-volcanics (meta-tuffs and felsic) were seen in
along several directions. Furthermore, at Miguela, the Ñuflo de Chávez and Guarayos schists and finally
several faults and fractures cross the area with 115º to the regional metamorphic minerals as
135º trend, which may correspond with the regional hornblende/tremolite, muscovite/biotite and chlorite
structural control of the VMS mineralization in that are widely distributed among most of the schist belts
prospect area. of the San Ignacio Super-Group.
Folding during the Sunsas affected mostly the Furthermore, eight additional formations within
schists belts because of its ductility and correlates the San Ignacio schist Super-Group were defined as a
with an increase of the metamorphic grade towards permissive to host VMS-style mineralization. They
the NE (Litherland et a., 1986). The Do3 fold paral- are: Porvenir, La Honda, Zapocó; Páquio, Dolorida,
lels, on a wider arc, the Phanerozoic Arica elbow to Suriquizo; Motacú-Los Patos and Primavera (Table
the west against the Amazonic Craton. The inflexions 5). They were classified by their host schist (Table 6),
in the fold are of 120º, ideal for continental break-up which have led to finally conclude that the Cristal,
related to linking of triple-point fractures. A NNE- San Ignacio, Guarayos and Ñuflo de Chávez schist
directed subduction zone could explain it and their belts are permissive to host VMS-style mineralization
Do3 overprinting by the change in strike from a NNW in terms of lithology. As far as this analysis, the Ñuflo
trending collision zone to the N-trending transform de Chávez schists would correspond to the more
zones (Litherland et al., 1986). prospective lithologies for VMS-mineralization.
The event of deformation Do3 can be preliminary
defined as the main structural control of the suspect- Geochemistry
ed VMS mineralization in the San Ignacio Schist One of the main objectives of the Proyécto
Super-Group. Precámbrico carried out by the Servicio Geológico de
Bolivia (formerly GEOBOL) and the British
Comparison of Lithologies Between Formations Geological Survey (1976-1982) was to identify min-
with known VMS Deposits to Those with Possible eral resources and areas of economic mineral poten-
VMS Potential tial (Litherland, 1986). One of the methods used was
An analysis of the lithology and petrology was a reconnaissance geochemical surveys over the whole
carried out to determine additional areas for VMS Precambrian Shield. Analyses for Ag, As, Co, Cu, Fe,
mineralization in the Precambrian. The Quiser (Ñuflo Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, B, Ba, Be, Cr, La, Li, Mo, Nb, Sn Sr,
de Chávez and Guarayos schists), Santa Rosa (Ñuflo Y and Zr of stream sediment samples were carried
de Chávez schist) , Guarayos (Guarayos schist) and out. Analytical methods used were atomic absorption
Cristal (Cristal schist) Formations are known to host spectrophotometry and colourimetry for certain ele-
sulphide mineralization. ment analysis and optical emission spectrography for
Table 3. Detailed lithological and petrological components of the formations present in all the schist-belts of the Bolivian
Precambrian (Modified from Litherland et. al., 1986).
SCHIST BELT Ñuflo de Chávez Cristal San Ignacio
Quartzite c a a s s s c s c c a
Meta- c s s c s
Feldspathic s a a s s a c a a c s
Phyllite/slate c s s a s s a
Mica schist a c a a s a s a
Graphitic units s a s s s c s
Ferruginous s s s
Calc-silicates s s c s s
Gabbro/ a s s a s
Ultramafics c s s s s
Mafic s
Intermediate (s)
Meta-tuffs (s) (c (s)
Grain s a a a
Volcaniclastics c a a
Cross/graded c s c a s a s
Igneous s a a
D (Dolorida) CL (El Cielo) CH (Chaquipoc)
S (Sutto) P (Porvenir) CR (Cristal)
SR (Santa Rosa) Q (Quiser) PR (Primavera)
ET (Ex-Tajibos ) H (La Honda) B (Bonanza)
SQ (Suriquizo) ZP (Zapocó) MP (Motacú/Patos)
PQ (Páquio) G (Guarayos) SU (Suponema)
Table 4. Main characteristics of the schist belts in Southwestern Precambrian-Bolivia
Schist Belt Formation Structure Sulphides Sulphide Commodities Soil Metamorphic Grade Age
Guarayos Quiser, Regional faults Pyrite, chalcopyrite, Stratiform, Gold, copper, Laterite Amphibolite facies Middle
Guarayos and fractures <sphalerite, <galena, disseminated silver, zinc (low to medium) Proterozoic
with general & << pyrrhotite
trend 115 to
San Ignacio Not Regional faults Pyrite, pyrrhotite, Not determined Copper, tin, Extensive Amphibolite facies Middle
determined & shear zones chalcopyrite & antimony laterite (low to medium) Proterozoic
with 35º & 115º stibnite
& shear zn. 65º
Nocemano Not Regional Unknown Not determined unknown Laterite Amphibolite facies Middle to
determined lineament of (low to medium) Lower
135º Proterozoic
San José- Not Regional faults Pyrite, chalcopyrite? Not determined Gold, copper?(*) Laterite Amphibolite facies Middle to
San Diablo determined & shear zones (low to medium) Lower
trending from & skarn? Proterozoic
45 to 120º
Cristal Cristal Regional Chalcopyrite, galena, Skarn-type, Gold, silver, Extensive Amphibolite facies Middle to
lineament pyrite, chalcocite, disseminated copper laterite (low to medium) Lower
striking 315º, sphalerite & pyrrhotite & stratiform? & skarn Proterozoic
a syncline,horst
& graben
(*) The San José-San Diablo schist belt might host Au-Cu mineralization since is affected by the Don Mario shear zone, the same at the Don Mario
Prospect (Au-Cu).
Table 5. Comparison of lithological, petrological and mineralogical components between formations in the Precambrian.
Rocks and Minerals used Guide-Formation Other formations that are geologically
for comparison purposes (with VMS-deposits) similar to the Guide-Formations
others. It should be mentioned that gold was not ana- The first is controlled by the Concepción Front to the
lyzed during this survey. east and the Blanco Ibaimini Line to the west (Figs. 4
In the present study, only samples from the San and 5) and the second area is controlled by two
Ignacio schist Super-Group have been reviewed, due regional structures as the Aguapei Line to the east and
to reasons formerly explained. They consisted of the San Diablo Shear zone to the southwest.
about five thousand samples, which covered an area In the first area, a geochemical association
of 52,500 km². Moreover, distributions of Ag, Cu, Pb, between Zn-Cu-<Pb occurs nearby the Miguela
Zn and Ba in the study area were depicted (Fig. 5). prospect and Cu-<Pb<<Ag in the Puquio Norte area.
The threshold values used are: Ba = 681 ppm, Ag = A Cu-Zn association was seen northward of Miguela
1.5 ppm, Zn = 51 ppm, Pb = 32 ppm and Cu = 19 and eastward of Puquio Norte. Finally, a geochemical
ppm. Arsenic was not taken into account since the association between Zn and Ba bounds the copper
analytical methods used acused important changes (gold?) mineralization.
in sensitivity. The second area shows a clear association between
The results obtained have revealed that stream Cu and Ba nearby the Don Mario prospect; and a Zn-
sediment samples derived from the Ñuflo de Chavez Pb-Ag was observed south of Don Mario (Fig. 5).
schist belts have revealed anomalous arsenic, lead and
zinc (Appleton and Llanos, 1985). Moreover, the
Guarayos and the Ñuflo de Chávez schist belts have
distinct geochemical distribution patterns (Fig. 5).
The Miguela and Don Mario Prospects- Important margin of the Bolivian Precambrian Shield. It is host-
Mineral Occurrences in the San Ignacio Schist ed in a Proterozoic schist belt metamorphosed to
Super-Group amphibolite facies. The main rock types are meta-
rhyolite and quartz-muscovite-rich, silica and iron
Don Mario Prospect rich mudstone meta-sediments.
The Don Mario prospect (Orvana Minerals) occurs The mineralization occurs in three ore-bodies,
on the extreme western border of the Archean age which are related to two stratigraphic levels and relat-
(2,800-3,000 yr-old) Brazilian Shield. It is found in ed to a system of synvolcanic growth faults. The main
supracrustal rocks of mid- to lower-Proterozoic age ore-body is tabular in shape and has about 500 m in
that are surrounded by variably migmatised and strike length and a true thickness of about 20 m.
deformed micaceous quartz-feldspathic gneisses of Massive pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor sphalerite and
the Chiquitania Complex. Syn- to late-kinematic galena (and rare magnetite and pyrrhotite) are hosted
granites, tonalities, trondhjemites, granophyres, and in a sequence of biotite-quartz schist, muscovite
diorites intrude the Complex. The Complex and intru- schist and overlain by amphibolitic andesite. All the
sions comprise the 1,280-1,600 M yr-old San gold and base metal geochemical anomalies are host-
Ignacio Orogeny. ed in that lithology. Miguela has a resource of 1.62 Mt
Don Mario is hosted by metamorphosed and of 3.76 % Cu, 1.26 g/t Au, 11.3 g/t Ag and 0.33 % Zn
altered volcanic sequences –principally the Cristal (Biste, 1999).
schists, that consists of biotite-plagioclase gneisses. DISCUSSION
Rocks comprising Don Mario hill form an asymmet-
ric synclinal-fold oriented N45ºW –bearing fault. The Bolivia has a long mining tradition, dating back to
mineralized body at Don Mario is oriented parallel to the pre-Spanish times, when gold, silver, tin and other
the regional fault. The faults have an eastward trend. metals were mined. For about four hundred years,
The host rock consist of meta-arenite, tremolite, during the Spanish colonial period, Bolivia was a
green mica, and amphibolite. Sulphide oxidation and major silver producer. The main silver district was
alteration products – limonite, malachite and azurite Cerro Rico de Potosí as well other mines in the Andes
are found in the core zone of the mineralization. region. Later, in the 20th century Bolivia became a
Primary sulphides include chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, world leader in tin production. Modern exploration
chalcocite, sphalerite and pyrrhotite. Copper and zinc started in late 1980’s when companies started to look
sulphides formed concurrent with metamorphic tremo- at non-traditional deposit types with new exploration
lite and amphibolite. Don Mario has reserves of 1.5 Mt techniques, after the lifting of the fiscal reserve. Since
of 11.13 gm/ton Au. (Kempff, 1995). then, several bulk minable deposits such as Kori
Kollo (Au-Ag), Pederson (Au-Sb), San Cristóbal (Zn-
Miguela Prospect Ag), Don Mario (Au-Cu) and Puquio Norte (Au) were
The Miguela prospect is situated on the western discovered (Fig.1).
(Stream Sediment) (Stream Sediment)
5000 7000 2000 4000 5000 7000 2000 4000
ppm ppm
256 - 681
85000 85000
1.0 - 1.5 N
681 - 1149 1.5 - 1.9
>1149 Schist
(approx. location)
(approx. location)
Guarayos Guarayos
83000 83000
San Ignacio
Ñuflo de Chavez
San Ignacio
Ñuflo de Chavez Nocemano
San Diablo San Diablo Cristal
(Stream Sediment) LEAD COPPER
5000 7000 2000 4000 (Stream Sediment) (Stream Sediment)
5000 7000 2000 4000 5000 7000 2000 4000
0 - 59 ppm
15 - 19
29 - 32
51 - 59
19 - 29
85000 85000
32 - 44
> 80 > 29
> 44
(approx. location)
Schist (approx. location)
(approx. location)
San Ignacio Guarayos 83000
San Ignacio
Guarayos BRAZIL San Ignacio
Figure 5. Geochemical anomalies of selected (Cu, Ag, Zn, Pb, Ba) elements in stream sediment samples in the southwestern part
(San Ignacio Schist Super - Group) of the Bolivian Precambrian Shield (Appleton et al., 1985)
this paper. To Nicolás Calderón who assisted in the Heuschmidt, B., Miranda, V., 1999: Mapa Metalogénico de
preparation of figures. Many thanks to Carlos Riera Bolivia Esc. 1:1.000.000. Boletín SERGEOMIN, 19. La Paz
50 p.
for his kind support and to Jaime Guzmán, Chris Kempff, O., 1995: Don Mario, una ocurrencia precámbrica de
Picken and GAC reviewers for their suggestions to cobre-oro, Departamento de Santa Cruz. La Paz,
improve the manuscript. Conferencia Bolivia Mining ’95.
Litherland, M. V., 1979: La geología y potencial de minerales
REFERENCES del área de San Ignacio de Velasco (Quad. SE 20-4: Santa
Cruz, Proyecto Precámbrico, IGS/GEOBOL, Informe Nº 3
Appleton, J. D. and Llanos, A., 1986: Geochemical atlas of
(open file), 123 p.
eastern Bolivia: Keyworth, British Geological Survey; La
Litherland, M., Annells, R. N., Appleton, J. D., Berrangé, J. P.,
Paz, Servicio Geológico de Bolivia.
Bloomfield K., Burton, C. C. J., Darbyshire, D. P. F.,
Arce, O., Villaroel, L., & Thompson, I., 1995: Mineralización
Fletcher, C. J. N., Hawkins, M. P., Klinck, B. A., Llanos, A.,
aurífera en sedimentos en el Altiplano Central, Bolivia.
Mitchell, W. I., O’Connor, E. A., Pitfield, P. E. J., Power, G.
Prospecto Nobel e Isvaya, nuevos ejemplos. E. M. Altiplano
and Webb, B. C.,: 1986, The geology and mineral resources
- Orvana Mineral. In Bolivia Mining 1995, La Paz, 11 p.
of the Bolivian Precambrian Shield: British Geological
Arce, O., 1999: Geología y exploración en el Yacimiento
Survey, Overseas Memoir 9, 153 p, incluye mapa geológico
Auro-antimonífero de San Bernardino (Pederson) Bolivia. In
del área del Proyecto Precámbrico, escala 1:1.000.000.
Bolivia Mining 1999, 14 p. Santa Cruz, 1999.
McBride, S., L., Robertson, R.,C.R,., Clark, A., H. & Farrar,
Avila, W., 1990: Tin Bearing granites from the Cordillera
E., 1983: Magmatic and metallogenetic episodes in the
Real, Bolivia; Petrological and geochemical review.
northern tin belt, Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Geol. Rundsch.,
Geological Society of America, Special Paper 241, p. 145 –
72; p. 685 - 713.
Redwood, S., 1993: The Metallogeny of the Bolivian Andes.
Biste, M., 1985: Strata-bound gold mineralization in the
Mineral Research Unit, Short Course No. 15. UBC,
Precambrian basement of eastern Bolivia and the
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 59p.
Rondonia/Para region (Brazil). Monograph. Ser.on Min.
Richter, D., H., Ludington S., & Soria-Escalante, E., 1992:
Deposits, v. 25, pp.137-150, Gebrüder Brontraeger, Berlin-
Geologic setting, in Geology and mineral resources of the
Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia: U.S.
Biste, M., 1999: The Miguela Copper Gold discovery in the
Geological Survey Bulletin 1975, p. 14 - 24.
Precambrian. Presentation in the Mining and Construction
Schneider, H., J., 1990: Gold deposits in Lower Paleozoic sed-
Conference Bolivia 99, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
iments of the Cordillera Real, Bolivia. In Fontboté et al.,
Fletcher, C. J. N. and Litherland, M., 1981: The geology and
(eds). P. 137 - 146.
tectonic setting of the Velasco alkaline province, eastern
Tistl, M., & Schneider, H., J., 1985: The Variscan ther-
Bolivia: London J. geol Soc. V. 138, p. 541-548.
mometamorphism and its relations to gold-quartz mineral-
Fornari, M., Herail, G., 1991: Lower Paleozoic gold occur-
ization in the NE Cordillera Real., Bolivia, 2Bl. Geol.
rences, in the “Eastern Cordillera” of southern Perú and
Paläont., Teil 1, p. 1579 - 1589.
Northern Bolivia: a genetic model, In: Ladeira E., A., (ed.)
Uribe - Zeballos, H., 1997: Mineralogy and Fluid inclusions of
Proceeding Sympsium Brazil Gold 91. Belo Horizonte,
the Polymetallic veins in the Escala District South Altiplano
Brazil, 13 - 17 May 1992. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 135
- Bolivia. MSc Thesis 102 p. Imperial College of Science,
- 147.
Technology and Medicine. London, 1997.
Gustavson Associates, Baker and McKenzie , Mintec &
Windley, B.F., 1977: The evolving continents 385pp. (new
GEOBOL, 1992: Compendio de Geología Económica de
York: John Wiley).
Bolivia. Ministerio de Minería y Metalurgia. La Paz.
Essex Resource Incorporated - Bolivia, Calle Aruma No 10/11, Urbari, Casilla 2341
Essex Resource Corporation, Suite 1220 - 800 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6C 2V6
The Miguela A-Zone volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit is located at the western
border of the Precambrian shield of eastern Bolivia, hosted in a Proterozoic greenstone belt and meta-
morphosed to amphibolite facies. The mineralization occurs in a 400 m thick felsic interval within a
thicker succession of tholeiitic mafic volcanic rocks. The main rock types are meta-rhyolite and
quartz-muscovite-rich meta-sediments in the footwall to the VMS mineralization, and silica and iron-
rich mudstone and siltstone, magnetite or pyrrhotite-rich banded iron-formation in the hangingwall
and lateral to the known VMS mineralization. This lithofacies is informally known as the “La
Pastora” formation and can be traced for at least 28 km of strike length. All important geochemical
and geophysical anomalies and gold and base metal showings are hosted in this formation.
The mineralization occurs in three lenses, is confined to two different stratigraphic levels, and is
related to a system of synvolcanic growth faults. The lowermost A-3 lens is underlain and laterally
surrounded by a zone of hydrothermal alteration, intense pyritization and sodium depletion. The main
A-1 lens has been the focus of exploration. It is tabular in shape, dips 45°, has a true thickness
between 12 and 23 m and is capped by a quartz-rich layer enriched in barium. It is continuous for
450 m in strike, 350 metres down-dip, with an inferred resource of 1.62 Mt grading 3.76 % Cu, 1.26
g/t Au, 11.3 g/t Ag and 0.33 % Zn, although the deposit remains to be fully defined.
The A-Zone is deeply weathered due to the intensive lateritization of the regolith since the
Miocene. A 45 m thick supergene chalcocite and a 40 m thick oxide zone overlie the primary
sulphide mineralization. The oxide zone is enriched in gold and depleted in base metals and silver,
whereas copper is strongly enriched in the supergene zone.
Routine geochemical and geophysical surveys, commonly used in massive sulphide exploration in
Canada and elsewhere, have proved effective in the deeply laterized Bolivian Shield. Exploration on
the Miguela and El Porvenir concessions have identified several targets with geochemical and geo-
physical signatures comparable to the A-Zone, which remain to be drill tested. Further exploration of
the remainder of the Guarayos Greenstone Belt is a priority. Given the exploration success in a short
period of time, the Guarayos Greenstone Belt has excellent potential to host world class deposits.
the geological setting and potential of this new slash-and-burn agriculture cover the entire area. Most
mineral district. of the marketable timber has been already harvested.
Santa Cruz
San Jose
Quaternary deposits Regional fault
Mesozoic alkaline rocks
Tucavaca belt & Lower Paleozoic Brasiliano Cycle (900 - 500 M.a)
Sunsas & Aguapei platform sediments Sunsas Cycle (1,280 - 950 M.a)
Greenstone belt San Ignacio Cycle
(1,600? - 1,280 M.a)
Gneiss, granite, granuite of mobile belt
(garimpeiros) have exploited the gold placer deposits Rock outcrops are rare, and most of the area is flat and
“La Pampa” and “Iyozar” since 1994, producing a deeply laterized to a depth of up to 40 m.
total of approximately 300 kilograms of gold. These
activities were suspended at the end of 1997 due to Discovery and Exploration
the declining gold price and the depletion of The A-Zone mineralization was discovered in
resources. The exploration companies Tanganika 1994 by stream sediment and soil sampling, which
A.V.V. and EMSU S.R.L. started an extensive grass delineated a 2.0 by 0.7 km gold anomaly close to
root exploration program on the Miguela concession boulders of gossan and iron-stained quartzite (Biste
in 1993, mainly focused on gold and base metal min- and Matthews, 1995). A trenching program in 1995
eralization in a volcano-sedimentary belt (Biste and and 1996 confirmed the presence of volcanic rocks
Matthews, 1995 and 1996a). In 1995, Essex Resource and a strata-bound gossan formation enriched in gold
Corporation acquired a 100 % interest in Tanganika in the 1 to 70 gram/tonne range and with peak values
A.V.V. and accelerated systematic exploration of the of up to 250,000 gram/tonne (Biste and Matthews,
Miguela concession (Biste and Matthews, 1997; 1996a). Induced polarization and ground magnetic
Biste, 1998a and 1998 b). surveys were completed at a regional scale across the
Miguela and El Porvenir concessions with detailed
GEOLOGY surveys over the A-Zone (Val d’Or, 1997, Biste
1998a). This work identified a favourable stratigraph-
Regional Setting ic sequence, informally known as the “La Pastora”
The Precambrian of eastern Bolivia is an uplifted formation, which was traced for approximately 12 km
Tertiary laterized plain buried by Quaternary alluvial across the Miguela and adjoining El Porvenir conces-
sediments at its margins (Fig. 2). Three well-defined sions. During 1996 2,464 m of diamond drilling in 19
Proterozoic tectonic belts are recognized; these belts holes were completed at the A-Zone, and two holes
are essentially sub-parallel and decrease in width and totalling 434 m wide drilled at El Porvenir. The
metamorphic grade from north to south. These are drilling at the A-Zone intersected VMS mineraliza-
known as the Parana Craton and the Sunsas and tion below a 40 m thick oxide zone (Biste and
Tucavaca/Aquapei tectonic belts (Litherland et al., Matthews, 1997). A subsequent Horizontal Loop
1986). Approximately 10 percent of the Precambrian Electromagnetic (“HLEM”) survey confirmed suc-
shield consist of “schist belts”, which were metamor- cessfully the extensions of three individual massive
phosed to greenschist/amphibolite facies and intruded conductors (Val d’Or, 1998).
by granite. They are characterized by the presence of A 4,000 m diamond-drilling program was carried
mafic and felsic volcanics, ferruginous exhalites, out in 1997 to explore the continuity of VMS miner-
graphitic schists, phyllites and quartzites. Less than alization of the A-Zone. It delineated an upper miner-
30 percent of these belts have been investigated. alized level extending 350 m down-dip to a vertical
These “schist belts” are interpreted to represent green- depth of approximately 240 m, and traced the miner-
stone belts, and have excellent geological potential alization for over 550 m of strike length. Three dia-
for auriferous banded iron-formation, shear zone mond holes were drilled north of the A-zone in the El
related gold mineralization, volcanogenic massive Bagre Zone to explore the extension of the VMS min-
sulphide (VMS) deposits and secondary laterite eralization. In parallel 3,399 m of reverse circulation
hosted gold mineralization. drilling was carried out to investigate the weathered
The Guarayos Greenstone Belt is host of the VMS zone on top of the A-Zone mineralization to a depth
mineralization of the Miguela concession. It compris- of 80 m below surface. Follow up soil sampling, geo-
es supracrustal volcano-sedimentary rocks of amphi- logical mapping, trenching, trench sampling, test pit-
bolitic metamorphic grade, overlying an older crys- ting, auger drilling, HLEM, ground magnetic and IP
talline basement and has been affected by the surveys have been completed at the Miguela and El
1,400 Ma Mid-Proterozoic San Ignacio Orogeny. Porvenir concessions. This work has been concentrated
in the central and southern part of the area to explore drill samples (Fig. 3). A gneiss-granite basement
the continuation of the prospective La Pastora forma- complex borders the eastern side of the Miguela
tion (Biste, 1999a and 1999b). claim. The major part of the area consists of mafic,
An 800 m reconnaissance drilling program was intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks, tuff and clastic
completed in 1998 in the southern central part of the sediments, and a exhalitic facies consisting of chert
El Porvenir concession (Biste 1998a). The soil base and banded iron formation. An oval shaped mafic
metal anomalies and electromagnetic conductors body occurs in the centre of the Miguela claim, which
defined on this concession are related to a sulphide represents a younger intrusion of probable Upper
and magnetite-bearing banded iron-formation with Proterozoic age.
anomalous base metal content. The stratigraphic relations between the different
sites is not clearly understood due to the absence of
Property Geology rock outcrops and the presence of complex tectonic
The geology of the area has been derived from a structures. It is assumed that the rock sequence of the
synthesis of geological surface mapping, interpreta- A-Zone mineralization is in a normal position, striking
tion of geophysical airborne and ground surveys, and 40 degrees and dipping between 40 and 60 degrees
logging of soil, auger, trench, reverse and diamond northwest. The VMS mineralization is confined to a
400 m thick felsic sequence, which is composed of the La Pastora formation in the southern part of the El
intermediate to rhyolitic volcanic rocks, quartz-mus- Porvenir claim. A major, six kilometre long, north-
covite-rich sediments with thin layers of mafic mate- south striking elongated felsic lens exists in the cen-
rial (Fig. 4). The hanging and the footwall of this fel- tral part of the Miguela claim about 5 km west of the
sic unit consist mainly of massive fine-grained amphi- A-Zone (Fig. 4). These bodies consist mainly of mas-
bolite. The felsic rocks diminish along strike to the sive recrystallized quartz-rich granofels and are sand-
south of the A-Zone, due to the presence of a synvol- wiched in the less competent country rocks, similar to
canic growth fault, and are replaced completely by large scale boudins.
amphibolitic andesite.
The lithological units of the El Porvenir claim Structure
trend 40 degrees and dip 45 to 55 degrees to the north- The contact zone between the local basement and
west. The western part of the claim consists of deeply the described supracrustal rock sequence is not
laterized amphibolite with minor inclusions of felsic exposed. Most of the rock types are highly foliated.
volcanic rocks. These are overlain by the “La Only the massive felsic and quartz-rich units form
Pastora” formation, which consists of silica, and iron- bodies of competent lithologies up to several kilome-
rich metamorphosed mudstone and siltstone, thin lay- tres length. Several regional-scale faults and fractures
ers of felsic tuff and tuffite, and a magnetite or cross the area trending 115 to 135 degrees (Fig. 4).
pyhrrotite-rich banded iron-formation, which covers They are parallel to the shape of a seven by three kilo-
approximately 20 percent of the claim. It is assumed metre large elongated magnetic anomaly in the centre
that this formation forms the hangingwall and the lat- of the Miguela claim and are of Upper Proterozoic
eral equivalents of the A-Zone mineralization and age. The most important lineament is the Ibaimini
other inferred ore bodies. fault, which divides the area in two parts with differ-
Felsic dome structures occur about 2 km north of ent structural regimes. The lithological units north of
the A-Zone in the El Bagre area and in the footwall of the fault trend 25 to 40 degrees and dip 45 to 75
degrees northwest. The Pastora formation forms a
complex tectonic structure in the El Porvenir claims,
which is “V”-shaped, forming overturned isoclinal
fold structures with axial planes dipping northwest.
The strike of the “La Pastora” formation turns to the
west close to the Ibaimini fault, indicating the pres-
ence of a “U”-shaped large scale structure. The rocks
south of the Ibaimini fault are outside of the Miguela
claim. They strike 140 degrees, are vertical and con-
sist principally of pelitic sediments, thin layers of
banded iron-formation and mafic material.
predominate in the A-1, semi-massive to disseminat- tures and volcanic agglomerate (Figs. 7 and 8) in the
ed in the A-2 and thin, massive to semi-massive sul- andesite and rhyolite, respectively.
phide layers and a large strata-bound pyrite dissemi-
nation in the A-3 body. The main A-1 body is the best Ore Mineralogy and Fabric
explored lense. It is tabular in shape, dips 45 degrees The VMS mineralization contains only a restricted
northwest and exhibits a true thickness between 12 range of opaque minerals. The most important pri-
and 23 m along the drilled section (Fig. 6). It is con- mary minerals are pyrite and chalcopyrite with minor
tinuous for 450 m along strike, 350 metres down-dip amounts of sphalerite and galena in places. Magnetite
and remains open to depth and along strike. The min- and pyrrhotite are rare in the A-Zone but are very
eralization is hosted in a sequence of biotite-quartz abundant in the El Bagre and El Porvenir zones. No
schist, muscovite schist and rhyolite and overlain by arsenopyrite is present. The dominant nonsulphide
amphibolitic andesite. The direct hangingwall of the oxide gangue minerals are sericite/muscovite, biotite,
VMS layer is a quartz-rich rock, which exhibits high quartz and minor chlorite and carbonate. North and
barium values of up to 7,199 ppm, equivalent to 1.3 south of the A-Zone, stratabound calcsilicate minerals
weight % of barite. There is evidence of pillow struc- such as garnet, actinolite and diopside are abundant.
Figure 10. Oxide Zone on top of the Miguela A-1 ore body of deep trench at line 47,000 N.
The sulphide minerals are mostly coarse grained due Most of the gold and silver is concentrated in the
to strong recrystallization by metamorphism and strata-bound massive pyrite-chalcopyrite mineraliza-
deformation. For this reason, primary sulphide bed- tion reaching maximum values of 8.25 g/t gold and
ding is rarely preserved, but bedding between sul- 162 g/t silver respectively. The alteration zone in the
phide layers and volcanic material is quite common. footwall of the A-3 zone is highly anomalous in gold
Stockwork (Fig. 9) mineralization is less frequent, but but of uneconomic grade. As a rule the gold distribu-
occurs in the lowermost A-3 body where massive sul- tion is erratic and no correlation with any mineralog-
phide layers are in contact with andesitic layers. ical parameters can be recognized. The width of the
massive and semi-massive sulphide layers diminishes
Hydrothermal Alteration north of the A-Zone and the mineralization becomes
Hydrothermal alteration occurs both stratabound richer in zinc, lead and silver.
and semiconformably in the footwall, and laterally to The drilling at the El Bagre Zone intersected a
the known VMS mineralization. The alteration 340 m thick zone of pyrite/pyrrhotite mineralization,
assemblage consists of pyrite, muscovite, silica and an extensive zone of chloritization and a thin massive
lesser tourmaline, carbonate and chlorite. The alter- pyrite layer with highly anomalous cobalt (411 to 680
ation is most intense in the footwall and laterally adja- ppm). Sulphide mineralization south of the A-Zone is
cent to the A-3 lens, and can be traced at least two only moderately developed. It is confined to the
kilometres to the north within the favourable horizon. exhalitic sediments of the “La Pastora” formation and
The southern limit of the A-Zone is marked by a fault consists of disseminated and well-laminated
zone, interpreted as synvolcanic, which on local scale pyrrhotite, minor pyrite, and traces of sphalerite and
has controlled the geometry of the sulphide mineral- chalcopyrite. The base metal content is anomalous,
ization and hydrothermal alteration (Fig. 14). The fel- but subeconomic and reaches the highest abundance
sic rocks disappear abruptly south of this fault and are levels in the southern part of the El Porvenir claim.
replaced by amphibolitic andesite and the Gold is enriched in the oxide zone, where base
serizite/muscovite and pyrite alteration by chlorite metals are leached away from the parent rock by deep
and carbonate. weathering (Table 2). Copper is highly concentrated
in the supergene zone, where gold and base metals are
Weathering Zone depleted. The best element correlation exists in the
The VMS mineralization of the A-Zone exhibits a primary mineralization, where gold correlates well
deep weathering profile, which is due to the lateriti- with silver and copper, and copper with silver. In the
zation of the regolith since the Miocene. The primary oxide and supergene zone gold correlates only with
sulphide mineralization is overlain by up to 45 m lead (Biste, 1999c).
thick supergene chalcocite and 40 m thick oxide
zones. The latter consists of iron-silica-rich rocks and LITHOCHEMISTRY
a strata-bound gossan formation with a strong enrich- The volcanic rocks of the Guarayos greenstone
ment of gold (Fig. 10). Copper is also enriched in the belt were deposited in a subaqueous environment,
hangingwall of the strata-bound A-1 Zone mineraliza- having been affected by hydrothermal alteration
tion forming a halo of dispersed native copper, processes during the formation of the VMS mineral-
chrysocolla, malachite and azurite, and secondary ization and by regional metamorphism under amphi-
chalcocite averaging 1.12 % copper (Fig. 6). bolitic conditions. For that reason, least altered rock
samples were used for a rock classification based on
Metal Distribution lithochemical composition. Major and minor element
The A-Zone plots in the ternary Zn-Cu-Zn dia- analyses were performed by X-Ray-Fluorescence
gram in the field of copper-rich VMS mineralization. analysis, and trace elements by Atomic Absorption
Average grades of the diamond drill core samples are Spectroscopy; both at the laboratory of Bondar
set out in Table 1. Clegg/Inchcape Testing Services of Canada.
Table 1. Average grade of base and precious metals of the different primary mineralization types of the Miguela A-1 zone.
Type of Mineralization Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) Copper (%) Zinc (%) Lead(%)
Massive 1.28 12 3.15 0.55 0.05
Banded 0.27 3 0.30 0.08 0.01
Disseminated 0.01 2 0.08 0.04 0.02
Table 2. Average grade of base and precious metals of the oxide, supergene and primary mineralization of the Miguela A-1
Type of Mineralization Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) Copper(%) Zinc(%) Lead (%)
Oxide zone, enriched in gold 4.7 7.18 0.14 0.00 0.09
Oxide zone, enriched in copper 0.06 1.30 1.12 0.14 0.00
Supergene zone 0.68 7.54 2.63 0.06 0.01
Primary VMS Mineralization 1.53 13.93 2.29 0.50 0.14
Table 3. Chemical whole rock composition of diamond drill core samples of the Miguela A-1 zone. Reported are average val-
ues of individual samples.
Rock Type n SiO2 TiO2 AI2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Cr Ba Sr Y Nb Zr Rb
Rhyolite 30 76.92 0.29 7.52 6.00 0.01 0.25 0.19 0.26 1.56 0.10 600 216 67 9 19 104 50
Dacite 31 66.25 0.36 14.69 4.39 0.05 1.70 2.36 1.40 2.36 0.11 300 547 173 17 18 153 67
Andesite 19 61.08 0.33 14.93 8.19 0.06 3.49 1.49 0.83 2.56 0.09 500 521 73 12 10 116 59
Gabbro 16 54.76 0.96 18.42 8.26 0.12 3.63 7.68 3.22 1.45 0.20 300 439 297 31 7 198 62
Dacite 11 65.03 0.40 15.38 4.95 0.06 2.36 1.86 5.39 1.61 0.12 200 424 184 21 18 149 62
Agglomerate 64 61.18 0.38 14.67 7.45 0.09 4.04 3.99 1.66 1.81 0.12 300 457 132 15 11 118 61
Tholeiitic Basalt 89 53.77 0.55 14.87 12.46 0.18 5.05 7.91 2.00 0.59 0.11 200 327 185 13 6 109 26
Table 4. Summary of the gold and base metal data used in the resource estimate of the Miguela A-1 zone.
RESOURCE ESTIMATE been defined. It may extend over the whole length of
A preliminary resource estimate has been carried the Guarayos greenstone belt.
out for the best investigated A-1 lense by an inde- The VMS mineralization of the Miguela A-Zone
pendent consulting geologist (McNamee, 1997). occurs in three lenses related to two different strati-
Eight diamond drill holes placed in a small area of the graphical levels. The mineralization is copper-gold-
southwestern portion of the upper mineralized level rich and its formation has probably been controlled by
have demonstrated continuity of mineralization in a synvolcanic growth fault system (Fig. 14). The ore
three dimensions. The assay results from these eight bodies are stratabound and no stringer zone has been
drill holes on three section lines were used in the observed so far. The copper-zinc metal zonation
calculation of an Inferred Mineral Resource by appli- expected in a VMS deposit is not well defined at the
cation of the following criteria (Table 4). A-1 Horizon. However, the drill holes completed
north of the A-Zone intersected significant zinc and
! The mineralization has a down-dip length of lead grades. The ore lenses represent sea-floor precip-
350 m. itates and/or a near-sea-floor replacement mineraliza-
! No projection has been made down-dip beyond
tion within permeable host lithologies of the felsic
the deepest intersection.
unit (Large, 1992; Galley et al., 1995; Zalesky and
! The mineralization has an indicated strike
Peterson, 1995). The geological resource potential of
length of 210 m using a projection of 50 m to
the A-1 lens is estimated at over 4 million tonnes.
the north and 50 m to the south of the three sec-
This size compares well with deposits of other VMS
tion lines.
districts and places the A-1 resource in the median
! The specific gravity of the massive sulphide
size category of VMS deposits of Canada and
mineralization is 4.5.
Australia (Large, 1992; Franklin, 1997).
Based on these assumptions, an Inferred Resource Precambrian VMS deposits are known to occur in
of 1,620,000 tonnes has been calculated with weight- clusters and the recognition of three massive sulphide
ed average grades of 3.76 % Cu, 1.27 g/t Au, 11.27 g/t lenses at the A-Zone, and various other significant
Ag and 0.33 % Zn. Assuming that the A-1 lense min- showings along the strike of the favourable horizon, is
eralization is continuous over 450 m of strike length an extremely positive development at such an early
and down-dip for 450 m, it has the potential to host exploration stage. The presence of known anomalies
about 4.25 million tonnes of a gold-bearing copper- with geochemical and geophysical signatures compa-
rich base metal mineralization. rable to the A-Zone is most encouraging, and provides
ample evidence that the Guarayos greenstone belt may
DISCUSSION have the potential to host a significant VMS camp.
The discovery of VMS mineralization at the
Miguela A-Zone is a very significant development in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the exploration of the Bolivian Shield. The mineral- This paper is the result of an intensive exploration
ization is hosted in a bimodal tholeiitic metavolcanic program, which was financed by Tanganika A.V.V.
sequence of the Guarayos greenstone belt which and Essex Resource Corporation. The authors give
extends over a distance of about 100 km parallel to thank to the Bolivian colleagues and employees of
the western border of the shield area (Litherland and Essex’s Santa Cruz office who made with their quali-
al., 1996). This belt appears to be of a comparable age fied work an important contribution to this publica-
of the greenstone belts of the Canadian shield, which tion. Critical comments by two GAC reviewers were
host many bodies of VMS mineralization in similar very helpful in refining the manuscript.
geological conditions. The Miguela VMS mineraliza-
tion is confined to a felsic unit, informally known as BIBLIOGRAPHY
“La Pastora” formation, which has been traced for at Biste, M.H. 1985. Stata-bound Gold Mineralization in the
Precambrian Basement of Eastern Bolivia and the
least 28 km of strike length, but its limits have not yet
Rondonia/Pará Region (Brazil). In Monograph Series of
Mineral Deposits 25: 137-150; Gebrüder Borntraeger, Incorporated Bolivia. 1996 Work Progress and 1997 Work
Berlin-Stuttgart, 1985. Program and Budget. Internal Exploration Report, 36 p.
Biste, M.H., Bufler R. and Friedrich, G. 1991. Geology and Biste, M.H. 1998a. Essex Resource Incorporated Bolivia.
Exploration of Gold Placer Deposits of the Pre-Cambrian Results of Geological Exploration. First Phase from 1995 to
Shield of Eastern Bolivia. In Gisements Alluviaux d’Or, 1998. El Porvenir Joint Venture COMIBOL - ESSEX, Final
Alluvial Gold Placer, Yacimientos Aluviales de Oro. Edited Exploration Report, Volume 1 to 10.
by Gérard Hérail et Michel Fonari. Editions de Biste, M.H 1998b. Summary Report. The Guarayos VMS-Belt
I’ORSTORM, La Paz 1991, pp. 145-158. and Its Exploration Potential, Private Consulting Report, 16
Biste, M.H. and Matthews, M.J. 1995. Report on the First Year p.
of Geological Exploration in the Pre-Cambrian Claims of Biste, M.H. 1999a. Essex Resource Incorporated Bolivia.
Tanganika A.V.V, Eastern Bolivia. Internal Exploration 1997 Work Progress and 1998 Work Program and Budget.
Report, 17 p. Internal exploration report, 51 p.
Biste, M.H. and Matthews, M.J. 1996a. Tanganika A.V.V. - Biste, M.H 1999b. Essex Resource Incorporated Bolivia.
1995 Work Progress Report and 1996 Work Program and Results of Test-Pitting Program, Miguela Zone A, 1998.
Budget. Internal Exploration Report, 32 p. Internal Exploration Report, 9 p.
Biste, M.H. and Matthews, M.J 1996b. Essex Resource Biste, M.H 1999c. Essex Resource Incorporated Bolivia.
Corporation - 1996 Work Program and Budget for Miguela Zone A-1. Preliminary Report on Estimation of
Geological Exploration of the Bolivian Pre-Cambrian Mineral Resources as of January 01, 1998. Internal
Projects. Internal Exploration Report, 11 p. Exploration Report, 18 p.
Biste, M.H. and Matthews, M.J. 1997. Essex Resource Bufler, R., Friedrich, G. and Biste, M.H. 1990. Supergene gold
enrichment in laterites of the Ascensión de Guarayos area, Litherland, M. et al. 1986. The geology and mineral resources
eastern Bolivia. In Lateinamerika Koloquium, Abstracts, of the Bolivian Pre-Cambrian shield. British Geological
München. Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, Overseas
Craig, H.B. 1996. Petrographic Report. 20 Samples from Memoir 9, London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 153 p.
DDH Program, Miguela Concession, Eastern Bolivia. McNamee, J.A., 1996. Geological Report on the El Porvenir
Vancouver Petrographics Ltd., 29 p. Property, Eastern Bolivia and Review of Preliminary
Craig, H.B. 1997a. Petrographic Report on 6 Samples from Geochemical and Geophysical Results, Independent
Miguela Project in Bolivia. Vancouver Petrographics Ltd., Consulting Geologist’s Report prepared for Essex Resource
10 p. Corporation.
Craig, H.B. 1997b. Petrographic Report on 12 Samples from McNamee, J.A., 1997. Essex Resource CorporationBolivia,
Porvenir Project in Bolivia. Vancouver Petrographics Ltd., Independent Consulting Geologist’s Report prepared for
19 p. Essex Resource Corporation
DeMatties, T.A. 1994. Early Proterozoic Volcanogenic Setmin 1999. Leader in the positioning of mining concessions.
Massive Sulfide Deposits in Wisconsin: An Overview. State of the art technology, precision and efficiency, techni-
Economic Geology, 89: 1122-1151. cal and legal security. 28 p.
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Deposits. In Mineral Deposits Modeling, Edited by Setting of early Proterozoic Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide
Kirkham, R.V. et al., Geological Association of Canada, Deposits, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Economic Geology, 88: 566-
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Galley, A. G. et al. 1995. The Subsea-Floor Formation of Winchester, J.A. and Floyd, P.A. 1977. Geochemical discrim-
Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide: Evidence from the Ansil ination of different magma series and their differentiation
Deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada. Economic Geology, 90: products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology, 20:
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Special Publication, Number 2, Society of Economic Bolivia, Part 1. Boletin del Servicio Geologico de Bolivia,
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Large, R.R. et al. 1989. Gold Distribution and Genesis in Val d’Or 1997. Geophysical Report. Volume 1 to 3. Empresa
Australian Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits and Minera Suruqui S.R.L., Miguela Project, Department of
Their Significance for Gold Transport Models. Economic Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Geology, 67:520-536. Zalesky, E. and Peterson, V.L. 1995. Depositional Setting and
Large, R.R. 1992. Australian Volcanic-Hosted Massive Deformation of Massive Sulfide Deposits, Iron Formation,
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Economic Geology, 87: 471-510. Belt, Superior province, Ontario. Economic geology, 90:
Manhattan Minerals Corp., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Precious metal-bearing, volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the Tambo Grande region of
northern Peru rank among the largest of all VMS occurrences in the world. To date, three sulphide
deposits are known, and geologic and geophysical data imply that additional occurrences remain to
be found. The TG1 deposit, the best known of the three, contains an inferred resource of 64 million
tonnes grading 1.7 % Cu, 1.4 % Zn, 0.7g/t Au and 31g/t Ag. A barite oxide cap overlying the sul-
phides contains an additional resource of 8.2 million tonnes grading 5.2g/t Au and 48g/t Ag. The TG3
deposit, 500 metres south of TG1, contains a resource of 110 million tonnes grading 0.7 % Cu, 1.0 %
Zn, 0.7 g/t Au and 19g/t Ag. The deposits, including the newly discovered B5 deposit, 11 km south
of TG3, lie proximal to dacite domes emplaced in pre-mid-Cretaceous, tholeiitic-subalkaline basalt
flows of the Ereo Formation, a basal member within the northeasterly oriented Lancones Basin. The
basin formed within a rifted marine continental margin, between the coastal Amotape ranges and the
continental Olmos Massif. Rifting was likely the product of northwesterly directed extensional tec-
tonism as part of the continued continental break-up of Laurentia from Gondwana which began in
Middle Jurassic time. Secondary grabens and locally developed Tertiary sub-basins, within the
Lancones Basin, are characterized by basalt horsts, dacite domes, flanking volcanic breccias, volcanic
conglomerates adjacent to synvolcanic faults and overlying locally derived heterolithic debris flows.
Massive sulphides lie within sub-basins. Sulphides filled a deep northwesterly oriented, in part struc-
turally bounded trough at TG1, whereas, TG3 sulphides filled northwesterly elongated basins proxi-
mal to a central dacite dome emplaced over a basalt horst. The B5 deposit appears to have a similar
setting to the TG1 and TG3 deposits, although the details are as yet unknown. The region has under-
gone negligible post-mineral tectonism and magmatism, and the deposits are relatively pristine with
volcanic and mineralogic textures being well preserved.
The deposits display all the classic characteristics of VMS deposits. These characteristics include a
distinct lithologic break from footwall to hangingwall, basal quartz-chlorite stockwork zones and sul-
phide zoning within the mounds, including barren pyrite cores, basal chalcopyrite replacement, and
peripheral zones with mixed chalcopyrite-sphalerite and locally tennantite. Metal contents are similar
to compositions of “typical” VMS deposits in bimodal mafic sequences, although the median gold
content is higher. The deposits are flat lying and unusually thick, attributable to long-lived hydrother-
mal systems. The deposits have many similarities, but also significant differences to the well known
ancient VMS deposits in the Flin Flon and Noranda camps. The notable differences are in TG1 where
late stage supergene copper enrichment in the form of chalcocite and digenite formed a zone at the
top and margins of the sulphide pile. Another relatively unusual feature at TG1 is the presence of a
late stage auriferous sulphate that overlies the sulphides in the form of a barite cap. Similar deposits
are actively being formed in arc and spreading-centre environments on the modern day sea floor in
the western Pacific, Juan de Fuca and mid-Atlantic ridges.
port of Paita on the Pacific. Access by paved high- previous geological investigations of the deposit.
ways and secondary roads is excellent. Further exploration of the property was curtailed until
The base-metal potential of the area was recog- May 1999 when Manhattan Minerals Corp. complet-
nized in the mid 1970’s by the French state-owned ed an agreement with the Peruvian government to
mineral exploration and research group, Le Bureau de explore and develop the resources of the area.
Recherches, Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM), in The ongoing diamond drilling program by
cooperation with the Instituto Geologico Minero y Manhattan has partially defined two distinct separate
Metalurgico (INGEMMET), the state geological deposits by diamond drilling and a third has recently
agency of Peru. Following up on iron oxide been discovered. The deposits, TG1, TG3 and B5
occurences documented in the Boletin de la Sociedad (named after their associated gravity anomalies) are
Geologica Del Peru (1904), BRGM collected rock unusually thick, flat lying and, except for B5, near
samples in the town of Tambogrande that returned surface. The occurrences display typical characteristics
weakly anomalous base metal and silver values. of VMS deposits, including a distinct break in lithol-
Drilling of a self-potential geophysical anomaly by ogy from footwall to hangingwall, an oxide “cap”
BRGM in 1978 resulted in the discovery of base (TG1), a zinc-rich upper and distal zone, and increasing
metal massive sulphides in the TG1 deposit. Later copper near the base. Chalcopyrite-sphalerite miner-
detailed gravity surveys of TG1 defined a positive alogic zoning in the two deposits is similar, but at
surface anomaly outlining the deposit. Based on 21 TG1 an upper and peripheral chalcocite-digenite
drill holes to the end of 1981, an inferred resource of enriched zone and a gold-barite-oxide cap occur. The
42.3 million tonnes grading 2.04 % Cu, 1.45 % Zn, deposits formed concomitantly with volcanism of the
0.35 % Pb and 38.4 g/t Ag was outlined (BRGM, Ereo Formation, a pre-Albian, dominantly mafic
1981). Injoque et al (1979) and Pouit (1981) describe volcanic assemblage deposited in the early stage of
development of the Lancones Basin. The deposits are
relatively unmetamorphosed with most volcanic and
mineralogic textures being well preserved.
The TG1 sulphide deposit, measuring 950 m long,
350 m wide and ranging to over 200 m thick, occupies
Department of Piura
a northwesterly-elongated intra-basin graben. The
Pacific Ocean inferred sulphide resource at TG1 is 64.2 million
Tambo Grande
tonnes grading 1.7 % Cu, 1.4 % Zn, 0.7 g/t Au, and 31
g/t Ag contained within a larger 100 million tonne
pyrite body. A flat-lying sequence of exhalative aurif-
Paita erous barite units, grading upwards to goethite pre-
cipitate or replacement deposit, directly overlies and
Sechura extends beyond the limits of the sulphides. The barite
Coastal gold resource lies under an average of 15 m of sand
Plain and gravel and contains an inferred resource of 8.2
million tonnes grading 5.2 g/t Au and 48 g/t Ag .
Pacific The TG3 deposits, 500 m south of the southern
margin of the TG1 deposit, consist of multiple stacked
sulphide lenses flanking a dacite dome. The deposits
Ocean are overlain by volcanic debris flows and basalt which
together have an average thickness of 120 m.
0 50km
Sulphides are contained in two mounds, one of which
measures up to 300 m thick and 500 m across. The
Figure 1. Location map of the Tambo Grande VMS district. inferred sulphide resource at TG3 is 110 million
tonnes grading 0.7 % Cu, 1.0 % Zn, 0.7 g/t Au and Formations filled the basin (Reyes and Caldas, 1987).
19 g/t Ag . These rocks are exposed in a 40 km wide by 80 km
A third massive sulphide body associated with the long northeasterly plunging anticline located along
B5 gravity anomaly, 11 km south of TG3, was dis- the southeastern side of the basin. The southwestward
covered in January 2000. Although little is known extent of the volcanic sequence is not known because
about the deposit, 280 m of massive sulphides were Tertiary continental sedimentary rocks of the Sechura
intersected and appear similar to mineralization at Basin cover the Lancones Basin.
TG1 and TG3. The Ereo Formation consists of 500 m or more of
Manhattan Minerals’ exploration and feasibility basalt pillow lava flows intercalated with hyaloclastic
studies through June, 2000, consisted of gravity, mag- breccias, minor dacite flows and tuff beds, and lesser
netometer and electro-magnetic geophysical surveys, volcaniclastic strata. Dykes of basaltic and possibly
and detailed logging of more than 70,000 m of core in andesitic composition intrude them. Preliminary rock
over 400 holes. Gravity, magnetic and in part electro- geochemical data from the Ereo Formation (Table 1)
magnetic surveys were interpreted by correlating the have tholeiitic to sub-alkaline affinities, similar to
geophysical response to specific gravity, magnetic volcanic rocks erupted in marine or oceanic back-arc
susceptibility, and rock conductivity measurements settings. The base of the Ereo Formation has not been
from core samples. The interpretive geophysics was observed. The basal Ereo is unconformably overlain
used to define district geologic trends. The studies by 250 m of Upper Albian agglomeratic andesite and
summarized here draw on results from approximately dacite interbedded with calcareous arenite, impure
16,000 sulphide core samples analysed for base and limestone, greywacke, tuff and ignimbrite of the La
precious metal content, trace-element analyses, and Bocana Formation. Approximately 1500 m of the
150 polish- thin sections. A preliminary set of 72 lith- Lancones Formation lies conformably on the La
ogeochemical and whole-rock analyses, in addition to Bocana on the east and west flank of the anticline, but
thin sections of volcanic host rocks is described and is absent along the anticlinal crest. On the eastern
interpreted together with petrographic observations of flank of the anticline, the Lancones Formation is com-
primary volcanic and secondary alteration textures. posed primarily of massive andesitic pyroclastic
The overall paleo-tectonic setting of the deposits is rocks, whereas the western flank is composed of grey-
interpreted relative to the regional geologic setting in green to grey-violet andesitic pyroclastic rocks and
the Lancones Basin as described by Reyes and Caldas interbedded sedimentary layers of calcareous arenites
(1987), Chaez et al. (1991), Morris and Aleman and greywacke. Numerous minor base-metal and
(1975) and its relationship to the geodynamic evolu- barite occurrences are also found in the La Bocana
tion of northern Peru (Mourier et al,1988; Jaillard et Formation. The basin extends north into Ecuador
al, 1990; Macellari, 1988; Mitouard et al, 1990). The where volcanism, coeval with Lancones Basin basal
deposit settings are compared on the basis of chem- sequences, is represented by andesitic flows and vol-
istry to modern marine volcanic systems and some caniclastic rocks of the Celica and Macuchi
ancient VMS deposits. Formations (Macellari, 1988). These rocks also host
volcanogenic massive sulphide occurrences.
REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The depocenter of the Lancones Basin shifted
westward in Cenomanian time with deposition of the
Stratigraphy Copa Sombrero Formation consisting of flysch
The Tambo Grande massive sulphide district in successions up to 3700 m thick (Fig. 2). The forma-
northern Peru formed contemporaneously with a pre- tion is represented in the lower units by debris flows,
Albian (Mid Cretaceous) marine rift known as the turbiditic sandstone and breccias intruded by igneous
Lancones Basin (Fig. 2). Mafic and less common sili- sills and dykes. Up-section the stratigraphic sequence
cic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, from strati- changes to a finer turbidite facies consisting of rhyth-
graphic lowest to highest, of the Ereo and La Bocana mically interbedded black shale and greywacke
80 deg 00 'W
Pa Pp
gd-di K/Tcs
Cu,Pb ,Zn
gd-di Cu,Pb ,Zn
ot gd
Kl gd
gd/di Cu,Zn ,Pb ,Mo,Ag,Au ,
T Sy K/Tcs Au
gd T
Ba,Au ru
gb Kl Cu,Ba Cu Ba
LaBrea gb Py, Prh,Ba ,Cu,Pb Ba
gr i n
gb gd/mg
Pp Cu Au gd/gr Ba Kl gd/t
T Tsb B Ba
ult d
ira d T
Portachuelo Fau n c Keb
lt gr/t
u lt
Tsb Kl
Olmos Massif
ault Cu,Zn ,Pb ,Ag
ita F Au
Cu Ba d gr/t
ult T
Paita Tsb r a Fa
Tsb T Sechurabasin ,undifferentiated
Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary
K/Tcs -Copa Sombrero Formation
Middle Cretaceous
Kl -Lancones Formation
cifi -Subsurface Fault
cO -Surface Fault
n 0km 20 40km
Figure 2. Simplified regional geology of the Lancones Basin (modified after Reves and Caldas. 1987:
Petro Peru-unpublished reports).
Table 1. Chemical composition of representative volcanic rocks from the TG1 and TG3 deposits.
Sample ID SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI Total Cr2O3 Ba Sr Y Nb Zr Rb
80TG1-019-170.60 73.88 0.21 10.37 2.41 0.04 1.44 1.50 0.19 2.95 0.05 3.01 99.60 0.07 10000 142 31 8 125 63
80TG1-010-126.40 71.68 0.27 13.26 1.41 0.05 0.43 2.42 5.96 0.71 0.06 2.64 99.05 0.03 961 72 54 18 175 41
79TG1-008-198.20 71.37 0.17 8.60 8.06 0.08 5.51 0.30 0.09 0.51 0.01 4.24 99.08 0.02 988 -5 36 15 132 26
79TG1-009-180.80 69.52 0.17 8.57 9.13 0.07 6.62 0.05 0.09 0.12 0.02 4.70 99.11 0.01 187 -5 30 13 128 17
80TG1-012-104.00 67.71 0.30 13.86 4.94 0.08 1.80 1.53 3.52 1.65 0.06 3.31 99.03 0.02 2119 73 59 11 181 63
80TG1-013-111.90 62.25 0.37 17.85 5.50 0.07 2.81 0.48 2.23 3.11 0.06 4.26 99.25 0.02 1967 48 71 11 270 93
80TG1-016-146.40 68.77 0.35 10.37 7.54 0.03 0.79 0.74 0.20 2.60 0.06 6.59 98.42 0.14 2217 13 34 9 96 67
80TG1-002-107.70 68.41 0.25 11.72 5.75 0.05 2.70 0.92 2.55 1.55 0.05 4.64 98.83 0.03 1718 147 53 13 174 51
80TG1-010-143.30 71.24 0.22 11.66 4.09 0.05 0.99 1.59 5.49 0.40 0.05 2.73 98.65 0.05 659 88 40 14 140 33
80TG1-012-112.60 71.74 0.24 11.97 3.08 0.04 1.10 2.13 5.84 0.08 0.05 2.55 98.93 0.04 383 90 59 19 163 22
80TG1-002-103.40 67.20 0.25 12.44 8.15 0.02 0.93 0.06 0.12 3.02 0.02 6.43 98.91 0.05 1878 8 52 12 175 62
99TG1-061-371.05 68.85 0.21 11.35 6.30 0.08 5.55 0.23 0.41 1.07 0.04 4.36 98.57 0.01 798 40 8 153 41
79TG1-003-250.50 63.23 0.18 9.44 12.04 0.08 7.72 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.02 5.84 98.79 0.01 134 -5 25 6 124 14
79TG1-007-215.90 71.97 0.19 8.29 9.38 0.07 4.29 0.14 0.14 0.47 0.04 3.98 99.04 0.02 445 -5 24 9 110 21
80TG1-015-103.15 66.52 0.23 11.77 9.66 0.12 1.65 0.31 0.44 1.79 0.05 5.36 98.46 0.02 5128 50 39 7 165 48
79TG1-005-89.00 64.87 0.38 15.30 6.36 0.08 2.83 0.37 5.66 0.36 0.08 2.57 99.04 0.03 1166 64 64 16 213 33
79TG1-004-169.20 46.26 0.69 14.96 11.85 0.21 14.10 0.29 2.22 0.03 0.07 8.64 99.38 0.03 196 22 17 6 36 20
80TG1-002-55.50 50.25 0.87 16.75 10.81 0.12 8.17 3.50 3.03 1.10 0.05 4.77 99.84 0.02 3579 333 16 5 54 26
80TG1-012-56.40 49.44 0.80 15.50 11.66 0.17 6.80 3.90 5.20 0.04 0.13 5.53 99.26 0.01 525 104 19 6 40 13
80TG1-020-87.60 43.79 1.28 16.37 14.00 0.35 9.93 1.09 2.41 1.05 0.18 8.58 99.12 0.01 472 106 16 1 61 24
99TG1-062-148.30 47.24 0.66 15.39 7.58 0.15 13.13 2.71 2.12 0.50 0.06 8.35 98.15 0.04 1980 19 1 43 28
99TG1-062-175.20 48.31 0.80 16.60 8.86 0.30 11.86 1.59 3.36 0.06 0.07 6.50 98.36 0.01 246 20 1 48 11
99TG1-059-83.50 47.25 0.86 15.87 10.76 0.10 8.47 4.59 4.37 0.10 0.06 5.78 98.25 -0.01 187 16 1 36 12
99TG1-059-100.40 49.09 1.09 15.77 10.81 0.07 8.97 3.48 1.92 0.53 0.12 7.15 99.06 0.01 256 18 1 57 22
80TG1-013-117.10 44.65 0.84 15.19 9.97 0.21 10.05 8.32 1.58 0.39 0.17 8.13 99.63 0.05 401 254 17 7 63 20
80TG1-016-161.20 42.35 0.87 14.78 9.25 0.12 5.94 13.77 1.98 0.43 0.19 9.51 99.33 0.05 472 343 16 1 74 21
79TG1-006-94.00 59.65 0.97 15.96 7.55 0.12 2.97 5.07 5.00 0.07 0.22 2.29 99.95 0.02 231 230 29 9 128 21
79TG1-007-110.20 61.01 0.78 15.45 6.27 0.13 2.75 3.50 3.69 0.99 0.20 4.37 99.37 0.01 1736 166 36 8 147 40
79TG1-004-162.40 51.31 0.88 18.69 8.23 0.21 3.19 4.51 4.19 1.60 0.35 6.33 99.63 -0.01 819 376 25 9 87 55
80TG1-020-90.80 48.31 0.78 19.21 7.74 0.19 3.40 5.65 4.01 1.98 0.27 7.94 99.60 -0.01 801 255 26 10 76 57
80TG1-019-87.80 61.48 0.73 14.11 6.36 0.26 3.56 2.39 0.39 3.57 0.19 3.64 99.74 0.02 10000 225 29 1 130 61
80TG1-019-155.50 82.31 0.84 0.42 4.67 -0.01 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.03 6.83 98.45 0.06 10000 228 5 7 47 17
79TG1-005-76.70 97.75 0.29 0.21 0.49 -0.01 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.35 99.33 0.03 -50 40 42 17 216 31
79TG1-009-40.60 93.86 2.61 0.24 0.56 -0.01 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 1.53 99.79 0.03 7522 132 15 23 128 26
80TG1-020-59.40 92.43 1.63 0.45 1.44 -0.01 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.89 100.80 0.05 10000 211 15 15 196 25
79TG1-007-99.15 93.05 0.97 0.27 0.64 -0.01 0.03 0.09 0.01 0.05 0.02 4.54 99.72 0.02 -50 48 30 25 189 31
79TG1-007-84.00 95.54 0.81 0.26 1.32 -0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.02 1.47 99.66 0.09 -50 59 17 22 160 31
79TG1-009-52.20 92.15 0.30 0.39 3.02 -0.01 0.05 0.08 -0.01 0.08 0.01 2.19 98.34 0.03 -50 73 22 16 193 25
79TG1-009-66.00 94.55 0.46 0.82 0.67 -0.01 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.02 0.84 100.01 0.06 10000 146 30 18 261 24
80TG1-016-78.70 93.76 0.38 0.72 1.10 -0.01 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.01 1.17 99.29 0.06 10000 124 19 19 199 34
80TG1-019-70.40 86.38 0.43 0.42 3.76 -0.01 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.01 3.21 99.57 0.11 10000 97 19 8 184 19
Table 1. Chemical composition of representative volcanic rocks from the TG1 and TG3 deposits (continued).
SampleID SiO2 TiO2.1 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI Total Cr2O3 Ba Sr Y Nb Zr Rb
99TG3-001-140.50 51.69 0.79 14.95 5.90 0.14 3.07 7.41 4.93 0.41 0.14 9.13 98.64 0.01 404 79 29 -5 89 19
99TG3-011-198.5 61.05 0.76 14.83 7.14 0.15 2.65 4.63 4.65 0.24 0.16 2.63 98.98 0.02 246 192 38 8 132 24
99TG3-003-109.40 45.39 0.87 16.34 8.31 0.20 5.66 9.18 4.63 0.04 0.17 8.45 99.29 0.01 112 81 20 -5 55 10
99TG3-001-71.40 58.37 0.84 15.42 8.07 0.14 3.66 2.38 5.55 0.16 0.10 4.06 98.79 0.02 99 88 27 7 76 11
99TG3-001-119.10 56.42 0.77 14.79 7.95 0.16 2.94 4.26 4.20 0.93 0.09 5.97 98.57 0.01 473 52 28 5 103 41
99TG3-002-63.09 55.81 0.85 15.97 9.43 0.15 3.22 8.22 2.62 0.04 0.10 2.88 99.35 0.02 89 207 26 -5 80 9
99TG3-002-111.86 61.54 0.74 14.71 6.93 0.12 2.84 5.36 4.12 0.11 0.10 2.90 99.52 0.02 89 159 30 6 90 16
99TG3-015-192 51.94 0.77 14.30 12.76 0.17 3.68 6.01 3.87 0.09 0.08 5.23 99.21 0.03 2690 123 19 -5 67 9
99TG3-003-32.50 44.54 0.99 16.68 12.31 0.18 8.20 6.77 2.66 0.67 0.13 6.70 99.92 0.02 414 188 16 -5 44 15
99TG3-003-86.40 48.67 0.97 16.51 10.65 0.14 7.00 8.98 1.85 0.58 0.09 4.61 100.15 0.02 246 400 10 -5 59 17
99TG3-002-49.20 46.92 0.88 14.86 11.05 0.19 8.35 7.86 3.67 0.39 0.19 4.50 98.96 0.02 217 328 15 -5 49 21
99TG3-003-77.50 45.33 1.12 15.65 10.41 0.15 6.31 8.02 4.53 0.25 0.16 7.45 99.44 0.01 207 126 20 -5 47 12
99TG3-003-191.90 47.77 1.01 15.85 9.03 0.17 8.64 4.85 1.40 0.77 0.18 9.09 98.95 0.04 1300 119 19 6 61 30
99TG3-013-63.75 46.35 0.94 15.11 8.15 0.17 10.25 9.24 1.59 1.39 0.19 5.85 99.40 0.09 463 190 16 -5 70 47
99TG3-001-58.30 47.39 1.37 15.71 9.14 0.18 7.53 5.58 4.32 0.12 0.25 7.28 98.96 0.05 177 112 23 -5 101 10
99TG3-001-90.80 44.29 1.22 16.89 9.17 0.23 8.27 4.91 2.73 2.12 0.22 8.06 98.36 0.05 1572 269 25 -5 110 41
99TG3-002-150.00 49.90 0.88 15.58 9.91 0.12 5.49 10.23 4.36 0.06 0.24 3.37 100.20 0.02 158 102 23 -5 47 19
99TG3-003-26.61 47.58 1.05 16.75 9.98 0.18 8.84 5.77 4.15 0.51 0.18 4.58 99.67 0.04 286 271 21 -5 73 24
99TG3-011-230.73 46.62 1.24 14.88 8.23 0.15 9.29 7.08 2.80 0.40 0.22 8.04 99.14 0.05 946 349 23 6 102 16
99TG3-002-80.60 46.02 0.89 15.14 10.09 0.17 6.78 12.85 2.03 0.69 0.21 4.21 99.18 0.01 414 336 9 -5 55 29
99TG3-013-174.9 72.14 0.29 12.09 2.16 0.06 0.69 2.45 5.33 0.57 0.05 3.12 99.19 0.02 1852 103 51 9 192 41
99TG3-002-187.30 72.63 0.16 10.56 2.49 0.05 0.55 4.17 0.22 2.64 0.03 5.24 98.97 0.04 1468 34 47 12 175 68
99TG3-013-206 68.95 0.34 12.78 4.02 0.09 1.03 2.63 3.96 1.27 0.06 3.73 98.96 0.02 325 78 51 10 212 56
99TG3-015-300 71.24 0.22 10.23 3.31 0.10 0.78 4.05 3.52 0.80 0.05 4.36 99.24 0.03 5143 140 49 8 163 35
99TG3-001-243.00 71.48 0.32 13.02 2.64 0.04 0.81 1.67 5.80 0.41 0.07 2.40 98.73 0.01 148 42 53 15 207 31
99TG3-002-228.30 68.59 0.26 14.29 3.21 0.04 0.78 1.80 7.56 0.08 0.05 2.58 99.29 0.01 69 56 42 16 176 29
99TG3-008-170.3 60.37 0.45 15.46 5.35 0.02 1.09 1.96 1.74 3.32 0.11 6.52 97.47 -0.01 10000 213 66 -5 219 92
99TG3-011-319.13 75.21 0.23 10.74 3.22 0.04 0.50 1.32 4.45 0.61 0.05 2.65 99.11 0.03 266 68 50 11 147 31
Cerro 1 65.74 0.54 13.89 3.48 0.11 0.73 4.89 4.81 1.01 0.15 3.94 99.41 0.02 481 233 45 18 138 39
Cerro 2 66.23 0.41 12.52 5.46 0.09 1.14 3.46 5.31 0.52 0.10 3.97 99.30 0.03 285 64 50 14 155 32
9TG3-011-242.93 74.22 0.23 12.03 2.68 0.04 0.47 1.19 4.06 1.21 0.03 2.23 98.54 0.04 778 112 59 17 209 53
99TG3-003-314.2 70.85 0.34 12.01 5.23 0.07 3.45 0.28 0.11 2.30 0.08 3.90 98.81 0.02 1429 -5 49 11 170 66
Cerro 3 78.07 0.20 10.93 1.24 0.02 0.27 0.73 4.65 0.88 0.05 1.47 98.60 0.04 187 30 49 15 167 64
sandstone. Uplift and erosion of the La Brea-Amotape the south. The Piura river in the Tambogrande area
Mountains to the west provided Paleozoic metamor- coincides with the present day northern limit of the
phic clasts found along the western margin of the continental basin. The stratigraphic sequence is char-
basin in the Copa Sombrero Formation. Paleocurrent acterized by intercalated grey-green-maroon marine
data from these members have an average azimuth lutite, poorly consolidated sandy layers, pebble con-
orientation of 40 degrees indicating a northeastward glomerate cemented with calcite, white friable marl,
basinal paleoslope, likely resulting from an emerging evaporite, and containing carbonaceous fragments.
paleo-high located to the southwest (Iddings and South of the Piura river, up to 100 m of Pleistocene
Olsson, 1928; Kennerly, 1973; Morris and Aleman, sand with minor caliche deposits and coarse-pebble
1975; Reyes and Caldas, 1987; Chavez and Nunez del conglomerate cemented with calcite covers the
Prado, 1991). Present day Paleozoic exposures at La Tertiary sequence. Water from wells drilled in this
Brea, Paita, Illescas and Lobos de Tierra, and the strata is typically salty. The thick accumulation of
absence of Mesozoic strata in the subsurface south of Tertiary sedimentary rocks and Pleistocene aeolian
present day Piura city (Alencastre, 1980), suggest the sand deposits that overlie the VMS deposits hosted in
Lancones depositional basin was bordered on the Cretaceous volcanics south of Tambogrande have
southwest by paleo-highs much as it is today. The made exploration challenging.
Basin extended northward into Ecuador where depo-
sition, equivalent to the Copa Sombrero Formation, is Structure
contained in the Napo Formation (Macellari, 1988). The Lancones Basin developed as a northeast-
Intrusive stocks within the Lancones Basin form trending marginal continental graben formed by rift-
part of the Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastal ing along the northwestern coast of South America
Batholith that stretches the length of western Peru during the late stages of Gondwana breakup in Upper
(Reyes and Caldas, 1987). Within the Lacones Basin, Jurassic and Cretaceous time. The basin lies within
the intrusions are composed entirely of gabbro and the coastal area of the Andes in the Huancabamba
diorite, and are confined to a relatively small area deflection, a major change in the orogen strike. A
north of Tambogrande. The small gabbro stocks are complete hiatus of post-Permian and pre-Albian dep-
dominated by augite–orthopyroxene porphyries, but osition characterize the region, although the basal
some contain olivine with ophilitic and metamorphic Ereo Formation has not been dated. The rift basin is
textures. The diorite ranges from fine to medium- located east of the Devonian miogeoclinal carbonate
grained, with grey-green zoned plagioclase, horn- rocks, which unconformably overlie polyphased
blende and accessory biotite. The age of these intru- metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age of the
sions has not been determined, but chemically they Amotape Mountains, and west of the Olmos Massif,
are similar to the basal mafic volcanic series in the the continental-equivalent assemblage. Significant
Lancones Basin (Ereo Fm), and therefore, these crustal thinning likely occured within the basin and
intrusions may be the subvolcanic equivalent of the oceanic rocks probably underlie the entire area as evi-
volcanics. Peripheral to the basic intrusions are gran- denced by a strong (100 mgal) positive Bouguer grav-
odiorite and monzonite stocks, analogous to the ity anomaly coincident with the Amotape Range and
Western Peruvian batholiths. These are found around Lancones Basin (Braban, 1987; Mourier et al, 1988).
the margin of the basin (Reyes and Caldas, 1987). The subsurface features of the Sechura Basin,
At the end of the Cretaceous, the tectonic setting south of the Lancones Basin, are documented in well
of the northern Andean Cordillera changed. As a logs from oil exploration (Alencaste, 1980; Petro
result, a thick sequence of Tertiary, continentally Peru, unpublished well logs). Faults in the underlying
derived, marine sediments and local felsic volcanic Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the distribution of
units (Alencastre, 1980) was deposited on the south- Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the subsurface indicate
ern portion of the Lancones Basin, and northern part that the Lancones Basin is a major first-order graben.
of the younger, continental Sechura Basin that lies to Northeasterly trending faults within underlying older
rocks do not cut unconformably overlying Tertiary east. The resultant thinning of continental crust
strata. The faults can be projected from the Paita behind the Amotape Mountains was extreme, and
paleo-high to the Ereo volcanic terrain south of allowed basaltic magma to penetrate and erupt undi-
Tambogrande (Fig. 2). These faults also correlate with luted within the Lancones Basin. Mourier et al, (1988)
mapped sites in the Lancones Basin north of concluded from paleomagnetic measurements that
Tambogrande. All outcrop of Cretaceous volcanics in Devonian strata in the Amotape Mountains under-
the Basin are contained within the projected northeast- went clockwise rotation from the main Andean trend.
trending Casita, Chulucanas and Tavara Faults (Tavara This is consistent with a northwest extensional envi-
Fault inferred from gravity data). In addition, most ronment and resulting northeasterly oriented graben-
basic intrusions, as well as all the copper, zinc and bounding faults.
barite occurrences lie between these fault projections. The southwesterly extension of the Lancones
In plan view, an arcuate set of easterly striking Basin is restricted by the Illescas, Paita and La Brea
faults is observed to cut Lower Cretaceous basin paleo-highs. Cretaceous lithologies are also absent
rocks and influence deposition of overlying Tertiary under Tertiary sedimentary rocks as recorded in oil
sedimentary rocks. Cretaceous volcanic rocks on the well logs drilled as far northeast the city of Piura.
north side of these faults are consistently down Northeasterly directed paleo-currents recorded in the
dropped. The faults become tangential to the domi- Copa Sombrero Formation also suggest development
nant northwesterly Andean trend east of the basin. of a paleo-high, southwest of the Lancones Basin in
These faults are also observed in well drilling (Petro Cretaceous time.
Peru, unpublished reports), and seismic profiles Jaillard et al (1990) proposed that during Early to
exhibit northerly dips and normal movement with Middle Mesozoic times the sedimentary and magmat-
north side down (Fig. 2). The Huaypira, Portachuela ic history of the north-northeast-trending Colombian-
and Sullana faults are mappable (Reyes and Caldas, Ecuadorian Andes and the northwest-trending
1987), whereas others are visible on satellite images. Peruvian coastal Andes exhibited a spatially contrast-
Government magnetometer and gravity surveys ing evolution involving several successive tectonic
(Alencastre, 1980), and recent geophysical surveys in and geodynamic settings. The Lancones Basin is situ-
the area by Manhattan Minerals substantiate the ated near the junction of these contrasting western
projection of these faults. Andean continental margins at 5 degrees south lati-
tude in what has been called the Huancabamba deflec-
Tectonic and depositional model - Lancones Basin tion. A geodynamic reconstruction of the Caribbean
The Lancones Basin resulted from northwestward region (Pindell and Dewey, 1982; Klitgord and
extension. Basalt, andesite and volcaniclastic sedi- Schouten, 1986; Ross and Scotese, 1988) assumes a
mentary rocks were deposited prior to Middle continuous western margin from northern Mexico to
Cretaceous time and filled a northeasterly oriented northern Peru in Early-Mesozoic times. During Early
graben bounded by the Casita fault on the northwest to Middle Jurassic times rifting, due to the northwest-
and the projected Tavara fault on the southeast. Over ward shift of North America which began in the cen-
1000 m of volcanic flows and sedimentary derivatives tral Atlantic in western Gondwana during late Triassic
were deposited in this restricted basin. Considering times, created an oceanic embayment along northwest
that the base of the Ereo volcanics is unknown, the South America. Subduction beneath northwest South
volcanic sequence is likely much thicker and could America started and resulted in emplacement of Mid
have commenced deposition as early as Upper to Late Jurassic calc-alkaline arc magmas along the
Jurassic time. The proposed graben and subsequent Colombian-Ecuadorian Andes. Spreading along the
development of the Lancones Basin resulting from oceanic ridges between South America and paleo-
northwestward extension produced a northeasterly Mexican margins produced an extensional regime
trending rift separating the Amotape Paleozoic shelf throughout the northern Andean region as well as
carbonates from their continental equivalent to the sinistral transform offset along the southwest-facing
Peruvian margin. This extensional tectonic regime sulphide accumulation (Fig. 4).
likely continued in northernmost Peru into the The TG1 and TG3 deposits and TG8 and TG7
Cretaceous as evidenced by the structural and strati- anomalies lie within a 7 km northerly oriented 2 mil-
graphic setting of the Lancones Basin. During the ligal gravity anomaly (Tambo Graben Trend) that
Middle Cretaceous, spreading along these ridges exhibits a chevron shape in plan view (Fig. 4). A 10
decreased, and was slowly replaced by Pacific spread- km gravity trend (West Graben Trend), and its exten-
ing centres. As a result, oblique northeastward-directed sion to the south, contains the TG4, TG5 and TG6
subduction under South America commenced along anomalies and the B5 sulphide deposit. The gravity
northwestern Peru, resulting in southwestward exten- response is attributed to high specific gravity rocks
sion, westerly oriented normal faulting and intrusion (basalt, barite and sulphides). On the Tambo Graben
of Cretaceous-Tertiary plutons (Mitouard, 1990). Trend magnetic results mimic the gravity trends and
The Sechura, Paita and Illescas paleo-highs repre- display a linear dipole configuration similar to the
sent microcontinental remnants isolated by sinistral gravity trend. Magnetic susceptibility testing of the
movement along the southwest-facing coast of north- core and three dimension modeling of magnetic data
ern Peru. Evidence for this proposed left-lateral move- indicate that high susceptibilities result from basalt
ment is found in oil well logs as stratigraphic off-sets domes or horsts lying adjacent to and in part underly-
below the Tertiary sediments, paleomagnetic measure- ing massive sulphide accumulations. In the case of the
ments of Paleozoic rocks in the Basin, and present-day Tambo Graben Trend, massive sulphides have been
Paleozoic geometry along the northwestern coast of found to correlate with gravity anomalies with flank-
Peru. The best candidate to account for this apparent ing areas of high magnetic susceptibility. The
sinistral movement is its relationship to Tethyan favourable geologic trends to massive sulphides dom-
spreading along northwest South America, documented inantly contain mafic flows and locally intercalated
to have lasted until the Middle Jurassic. No plutonism dacite, volcanic breccia, locally prominent heterolith-
older than Cretaceous has been recorded south of the ic volcanic conglomerates near faults, heterolithic
Huacabamba flexure in northern Peru suggesting volcanic debris flows and stratigraphically truncating
subduction under northern Peru caused by spreading synvolcanic faults dominate these trends geologically.
in the southwest Pacific, didn’t commence until at The west boundary of the northern portion of sul-
least Middle Cretaceous times. The model can best be phides at TG1 is defined by a steeply dipping pre-
explained by a series of diagrams exhibiting the stec- depositional fault that strikes southerly, parallel to the
tonic events and volcanic deposition in the Lancones west boundary of the Tambo gravity trend. Refer to
Basin in Cretaceous times and post depositional events the plan map of the TG1 and TG3 deposits related to
influencing the basin in Tertiary times (Fig. 3). the gravity response (Fig. 5). This fault appears to
have been re-activated late in the development of the
SETTING OF THE DEPOSITS sulphide pile and forms a discontinuous sheared mar-
The Ereo Formation mafic volcanic rocks form the gin to the deposit. The TG1 sulphides fill a deep,
core of a broad anticline that extends northeasterly northwesterly-oriented fault-bounded and dacite-
where it plunges gently under the overlying Lancones lined trough, obliquely oriented at 35 degrees to the
Formation. South of Piura river Tertiary sedimentary Tambo second-order graben (Fig. 6). Sulphide accu-
rocks of the Sechura Basin cover the volcanic rocks. mulations at TG3 fill elongated troughs on the flanks
In this area of covered terrain, geophysical data define of a dacite dome overlying a northwesterly elongated
the structural model for the district. Air-borne mag- elongated basalt high, similar to the TG1 structural
netic surveys and ground gravity surveys combined orientation (Fig. 7). A thick volcanic debris flow cov-
with structural and stratigraphic interpretation of drill ers the top of the TG3 deposit suggesting the presence
data from the TG1 and TG3 deposits and TG6, TG7 of a paleo-horst to the west.
and TG8 anomalies suggest that secondary structural
basins within the regional graben were sites for
Northern Peru
te ic
Er e
R if
n ti
.C C
Middle Jurassic - Rifting along NW margin of Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous
n e
ar ng
ta V
en e
n tin V
g h
Co ou V
o Am
br V
So V
aV a
e sB
La Brea
n ti
Sechura Basin
. Co
Figure 4. Simplified gravity map of the Tambo Grande District, showing the relationship of
known deposits, gravity response and projected second order grabens
Cross Section-Fig.6
(looking NW)
TG-1 Deposit 9455000
9454750 9454750
9454500 9454500
9454250 9454250
9454000 9454000
Long Section-Fig.7
(looking NW)
North 9453750
9453500 9453500
Phase 1 Drilling
Phase 2 Drilling
Gravity Contour
TG-3 Gold Oxide Resource
South Sulphide Resource
Fault Lines
573000E 573250E 573500E 573750E 574000E
0 300 600m
Figure 5. Plan map of the TG1 and TG3 deposits showing relationship of gravity response to deposits.
100.00 100.00
50.00 50.00
0.00 0.00
-100.00 -100.00
-150.00 -150.00
13 9 20 14 29 40 48 45 49 6 12 23 51
18 2 35
Figure 7. TG3 deposit long section looking North-West (trace shown in Figure 5).
deposits. These deposits occur as two separate sul- Pleistocene sand and
30 30 gravel
phide mounds (TG3 North and TG3 South) located in
topographic basins underlain by massive dacitic flows Basalt (hanging wall),
amygdaloidal flows
and flow breccias on the flank of a dacite dome (Fig.
7). The dacite dome formed on top of a basalt paleo- 100-140 100-140
Andesite debris flow -
high or horst in the floor of the Tambo secondary 125 fragmental
graben. Sulphide mound development was con- Andesite volcaniclastic flows,
lapilli tuff
strained laterally by fragmental dacitic rocks. Lutite - carbonaceous thin beds
Andesitic flows and volcaniclastic rocks overlay the
sulphide deposits. At TG3 South, a thick andesitic Dacite volcanic sediment
debris flow appeared to have rapidly buried and in 150
part, eroded the sulphide mound. Ultimately a thick Massive sulphides (upper mound)
sequence of basalt flows and flow breccias covered
most of the older stratigraphy. The depositional
sequence is presented in a generalized stratigraphic
column of the TG3 deposit (Fig. 8), and lithologic Felsic amygdaloidal flow
units are described below.
The footwall basalts are a mix of massive amyg- Dacite breccia, fragment
daloidal flows and flow breccias, generally aphanitic, supported (talus debris)
rocks and flow breccia located between the TG3 consisting of angular, chloritic-altered, flow banded
North and South sulphide basins. The dacites are typ- dacite fragments in a matrix of very fine-grained
ically light to dark grey and aphanitic to fine-grained quartz and chlorite. Fragments make up 70 to 80 per-
feldspar phyric. Chlorite alteration of the breccia cent of the rock. The fragments are angular to sub-
matrix is common. The TG3 North deposit sits direct- rounded and range up to 10 cm in diameter. Chlorite
ly on the flank of the domal dacites. In contrast at alteration is ubiquitous, but strongest in the matrix.
TG3 South, the dacite-basin margins, and the floor to This unit likely formed as talus wedges originating
a lesser extent, are partially filled with a thin sequence from the central dacite dome, and a dome developed
of intercalated volcanic-derived sediments, conglom- southwest of the TG3 South deposit.
erates and dacite rubble sloughing off the dome flank. A distinctive felsic amygdaloidal flow unit occurs
These units may have acted as a seal to further focus in the upper part of the dacite sequence. It is typically
hydrothermal solutions into the central part of the a medium grey to pinkish-grey, siliceous, aphanitic to
basin. Several thin discontinuous layers of dacitic fine-grained feldspar phyric or massive felsic rock.
pebble conglomerate are also intercalated at the base Amygdules consisting of calcite cores with chlorite
of the sulphides on the flank of the dacite-dome com- rims can make up to 10 percent of the rock and form
plex. Conglomerates are heterolithic with subangular elongated tube-like bodies up to 1.5 cm long. The unit
to rounded aphanitic to porphyritic dacite pebbles is noted in roughly the same stratigraphic location on
averaging 1 to 2 cm in diameter. Other clast types both the north and south flanks of the TG3 South
include amygdaloidal basalt, chloritic altered basalt deposit. The distribution of this unusual unit suggests
and felsic dyke material. The northeast flank of the both the central and southern domes had similar
dome formed a more pronounced steep-sided basin eruptive histories and were fed from the same
wall compared to the southwest flank of the dome. magma chamber.
The sulphide mound at TG3 South is a stacked The dacite dome and sulphides at both the TG3
series of sulphide lenses. Each lens has a dacite peb- North and South deposits are roughly stratigraphical-
ble breccia at its margin and is overlain by dacite flow ly equivalent. A thin discontinuous layer of lutite
breccia. The pebble breccia units are wedge-shaped and/or conglomerate with sulphide fragments overlies
and thickest near the steepest part of the mound. both sulphides and dacites. At TG3 North, an approx-
These epiclastic rocks are similar to those observed at imately 15 m thick sequence of intercalated dacite
the TG1 deposit and in the footwall of TG3 North lapilli tuff, dacite tuff, and lesser amounts of siltstone
deposit. Close to the base of these units they locally and lutite overlies the sulphides and is in turn overlain
contain abundant rip-up sulphide fragments where the by andesites. The base of the sequence has a thin unit
debris flows passed over the sulphide mounds (Fig. of chalcopyrite and sphalerite-bearing massive sul-
9b). Rounded to subangular pyrite (some with minor phides that correlates with the top of the TG3 North
base metal and barite) fragments up to 3 cm in diam- sulphide mound as well as the top of the TG1 deposit.
eter constitute up to 50 percent of the rock. These It appears to be the last episode of felsic volcanism
units formed down slope from the sulphide mound and associated sulphide deposition before the basin
and provide good exploration indicators for nearby was filled with more mafic rocks.
sulphide accumulations. A sequence of andesite volcaniclastic and flow
The inter-sulphide-lens pebble breccias are typi- rocks with minor intercalated fine-grained sedimenta-
cally overlain by a dacite rubble breccia that in some ry rocks overlies the dacites and sulphides where the
places reaches a thickness of over 150 m. This unit sediments are absent (Fig. 7). These andesitic rocks
partly overlays the flanks of the lower sulphide lens at are typically medium to dark greenish-grey, aphanitic
TG3 South. It restricted subsequent sulphide deposi- to fine-grained feldspar phyric, and amygdaloidal.
tion to a 150 m wide zone in the central part of the sul- They dip gently to the west in the TG3 North mound
phide mound but did not completely bury the sulphide area, and range from a few metres to over 150 m in
pile. The dacite breccia is a distinctive clastic rock thickness. Much of the sequence is composed of
homogeneous andesite lapilli tuff and massive south pinching out near the centre of the TG3 South
aphanitic amygdaloidal flows with calcite and chlo- sulphide mound. The three dimensional shape of the
rite-filled amygdules averaging 1-2 mm in diameter. unit is still not well understood, but the source
There are, however, a few unusual units within the appears to be from the west. The debris flow has no
sequence. Several flow units have distinctive large evident stratification and occupies a prominent basin
elongated amygdules (Fig. 9c). These units are gener- between the underlying andesitic rocks. The unit
ally aphanitic, massive, and have a medium greenish- appears to have been deposited rapidly, causing cata-
grey to blue-green colour. strophic in-fill of the sedimentary basin possibly due
Distinctive, thin andesite breccia units (not shown to collapse of a fault scarp. Two distinct types of
on Fig. 7) commonly overlie the large-amygdule andesite debris flow rocks have been noted. The most
andesites. These units have pale to medium greenish- abundant type is a mottled light to medium greenish-
grey to blue-green, angular to subangular fragments grey fragmental rock with a sporadically siliceous
ranging up to 10 cm in diameter and constitute 20 per- quartz-epidote and chlorite-altered sandy matrix. Also
cent of the volume. Fragments typically have curved present but less abundant are light to medium grey,
surfaces and, less commonly, delicate sharp points aphanitic, siliceous dacite fragments and distinctive
which suggest they are hyaloclastites. The andesite rounded to subangular jasper fragments. The second
breccia is commonly located between sedimentary type of debris flow is darker-coloured than the epidote
rocks (siltstones and/or lutites) above, and massive material described above. This unit has a mottled dark
andesite flows below. They have the appearance of greenish to maroon-brown colour due to fine-grained
flow-top breccias that were subsequently buried by disseminated hematite and is generally sporadically to
fine sediments. moderately magnetic.
An unusual appearing mafic fragmental rock con- A series of dark coloured basaltic rocks overlies
taining sporadic amygdules may be a welded tuff. part of the andesite sequence and andesite debris flow
This unit is typically a light greenish-grey colour unit. They consist of intercalated amygdaloidal flows,
overall, but is mottled light to dark greenish-grey at flow breccias and tuff breccias filling a basin up to
the decimetric scale. The rock is aphanitic to fine- to 100 m thick. The flow rocks are dark green and
medium-grained feldspar phyric. The rock appears to generally massive and aphanitic (Fig. 9e). The basalt
be a semi-welded lapilli tuff which had gas trapped in breccia generally consists of dark green aphanitic
the matrix between fragments, giving the pockets an fragments with small chlorite amygdules in a matrix
irregular shape. of massive chlorite or fine-grained chloritic fragmen-
Andesite tuff breccias make up a relatively minor tal material.
part of the andesite package. The breccias consist of Basalt tuff-breccias consist of tightly packed flat-
dark green to grey-brown elongated aphanitic amyg- tened amygdaloidal fragments up to 5 cm wide in a
daloidal fragments up to 10 cm in diameter in a chlo- lapilli-tuff matrix. This basalt commonly has sporadic
ritic lapilli tuff matrix. The large fragments have quartz-epidote alteration, with irregular epidote
calcite amygdules that are larger, up to 5 mm, near the patches up to 10 cm in diameter. This alteration is
fragment selvages giving them the appearance similar to that of the mafic flow rocks intercalated
of bombs. with the sulphides at TG1. Both rock types have the
In the TG3 South area, part of the sulphide deposit same chemistry and may be the same unit.
is directly overlain by an andesite debris flow up to Mafic intrusions are more common than felsic or
100 m thick (Figs. 7 and 9d). In some places this unit intermediate lithologies. Several types of mafic dykes
overlays conglomerate above the sulphides. In other cut the entire stratigraphic sequence from the footwall
places it overlays and may be intercalated with the to the hangingwall, including the massive sulphides.
andesite sequence. The unit appears to be restricted to Variations in the mafic dykes are considerable, but
the south side of the dacite dome separating the TG3 may simply be textural. Mafic dykes are most
North and South deposits and it tapers rapidly to the commonly a medium greenish-grey fine-grained
Figure 9a. Photo 99TG3-050, 292.60m; M9-14 Dacite Figure 9b. Photo 99TG3-007, 309.10m; M9-5 Type 1
flow breccia conglomerate with sulphide rip-up fragments
Figure 9c. 99TG3-011, 198.5m; M8-14 Amygdaloidal Figure 9d. Photo 99TG3-002, 111.50m; M8-29
andesite with large amygdules (ANAL) Andesite debris flow(ANDF)
Figure 9e. 99TG3-007, 93.7; M8-11 Amygdaloidal Figure 9f. Photo 79TG1-008, 190.40m; M2-23
basalt flow (BSAM) Multiphase stockwork in the footwall of the TG1 deposit
crystalline aggregate of feldspar and chlorite with up generally rounded to subangular, tightly packed, and
to 15 percent fine-grained chloritic clots after mafic average 1-2 cm in diameter. The most abundant frag-
phenocrysts. The rock is generally very weakly mag- ments are fine-grained dacite or dacite porphyry.
netic. Preliminary chemical data (Table 1) suggests a Other fragments consist of fine-grained, dark green
sub-alkaline composition. These dykes or sills are crystalline andesite, amygdaloidal andesite or basalt
common in the footwall and hangingwall of the TG3 with chlorite amygdules, dark green to black chlorite
deposit, but less abundant in the sulphides. They are (plus or minus disseminated pyrite), and rarely fine-
common to both the TG1 and TG3 deposits. grained crystalline felsic material (aplite). These het-
Rhyodacite intrusions identical to those noted in the erolithic conglomerates which invariably underlie the
TG1 deposit are observed cutting dacite southwest of sulphides are found basin-ward at the base of project-
the TG3 South deposit. These intrusions are light ed normal faults on the flank of the sulphides.
greenish-grey, massive, medium-grained feldspar Several layers of felsic tuff to lapilli tuff are inter-
porphyry and occur near the core of the southern calated and more numerous within the upper part of
dacite dome. the sulphide pile. They are generally less than 2 m
thick and form continuous to discontinuous flat-lying
STRATIGRAPHY AND PETROGRAPHY - TG1 horizons. These felsic rocks consist of a white, mas-
sive, fine-grained, siliceous cherty material with
The footwall and lateral host rocks of the TG1 ghost anhedral feldspar phenocrysts. In many cases
deposit appear to have the same volcanic lithologies they appear as thinly laminated fine-grained tuffa-
as TG3, off-set by normal faulting during the forma- ceous sediments. Rarely, quartz eyes are observed
tion of a northwesterly oriented, stepped graben (Fig. suggesting rhyolite compositions. These stratagraphic
6). Footwall rocks beneath the sulphides also contain horizons in the central part of the deposit are com-
intercalated breccias, most likely reflecting collapse monly intensely altered to vuggy silica.
of nearby fault scarps. Amygdaloidal basalt flows are interbedded with
The basal basalt consists of dark greenish-grey sulphides principally along the southern and northeast
massive aphanitic amygdaloidal to porphyritic flows sides of the deposit. The southern flow attains a thick-
or hyaloclastite breccias, and lesser amounts of tuff to ness of more than 50 m. These rocks are a medium
lapilli tuff. They generally contain abundant sub-mil- greenish-grey, medium hard, aphanitic to fine-grained
limetric chlorite amygdules. These basalts probably crystalline aggregate of feldspar, chlorite and epidote
represent the original seafloor. with up to 10 percent amygdules of chlorite, calcite,
The dacite flows and breccias, underlain on the and pyrite.
east side of the graben by basalt found in the deeper Intrusive rocks in the TG1 area are relatively com-
holes, are most abundant in the immediate footwall of mon and many types noted in the logging may be
the TG1 deposit. Visually they are pale to medium largely textural variations. Preliminary lithogeochem-
grey porphyritic dacite flows or hypabyssal intrusions ical analyses indicate four types of intrusions. One
with 5 percent distinctive white euhedral plagioclase intermediate and two mafic varieties form generally
phenocrysts up to 4 mm long in an aphanitic, thin and discontinuous dykes and sills in footwall
siliceous, commonly flow-banded matrix. Dacite rocks and the sulphide pile. Rhyodacite forms irregu-
breccias are also common and exhibit hyaloclastite lar plugs in both the footwall and lateral host rocks to
textures. Volcaniclastic rocks (dacite tuff and lapilli the sulphide deposit.
tuff) are less common. Preliminary lithological data Mafic dykes and sills are the most abundant intru-
from samples of these felsic volcanic rocks indicate a sions. They most commonly consist of massive dark
rhyodacite composition analogous to the dacite greenish-grey to black aphanitic to fine-grained crys-
domes at TG3. talline aggregates with or without small chloritic
The conglomerate units are heterolithic with an and/or rare calcite amygdules. Intermediate intrusions
overall medium greenish-grey colour. Fragments are are either feldspar porphyries or melanocratic fine to
medium-grained crystalline aggregates. These mafic envelopes of dark green to black chlorite. This presum-
and intermediate intrusive rocks are most abundant in ably iron rich chlorite is sporadically distributed in the
the immediate footwall to the sulphide pile where immediate footwall to the sulphides and is likely relat-
they appear to be sill-like bodies deflected along the ed to hydrothermal solutions. Peripheral to the sul-
base of the sulphides. In some locations, however, phide deposit, the quartz-sericite alteration is over-
these intrusions cut through the massive sulphides as printed by sporadic light to medium green chlorite
northwest trending, near vertical dykes and form 2 to alteration. This probable magnesium-rich chlorite
10 m thick sills above the lower sulphide lens. commonly occurs as rims around breccia fragments
Volumetrically these intrusions do not occupy a and likely formed as the result of contact with seawa-
significant part of the sulphide body. ter. Alteration in footwall rocks in the TG1 deposit is
The mafic dykes may have been feeders to the most intense under the thickest part of the sulphides.
amygdaloidal basalt flows observed intercalated with Footwall alteration in the TG3 deposit area is identical
the sulphides in the southern part of the deposit. to the TG1 deposit. The ultimate size and distribution
Dykes and sills are rare in the upper part of the sul- of this alteration zone in TG3 is not known, but in a
phide pile suggesting that the upper sulphides may northeast direction exceeds 800 m in width.
postdate the intrusions.
“Rhyodacite” intrusions are light greenish-grey MINERALIZATION
massive, homogeneous feldspar porphyries. The
groundmass consists of fine-grained crystalline Stockwork Zone
feldspar, sericite and quartz, and hosts 15-20 percent The stockwork zones in the TG3 and TG1 deposits
stubby, euhedral to subhedral, prism-shaped white are restricted to the footwall usually beneath the cen-
feldspar phenocrysts to 5 mm long (average 2-3 mm). tral and deepest parts of the sulphide mounds, where
Chemically, the intrusions are dacitic in composition they cut all rock types. Stockwork zones do not
and may be late stage intrusions related to the dacite extend to the limits of the sulphides indicating that
domes and flank the sulphide body. Morphology of sulphides were deposited above central vents and
these intrusions is not well defined, but they occur as spread laterally onto structurally unfractured ocean
a northwest-trending series of irregular plugs and floor. The most common stockwork zone consists of a
dykes up to 50 m wide in the footwall and along the quartz-sericite altered dacite host with up to 80 per-
western flank of the deposit. cent, generally less than 1 cm wide fine-grained crys-
talline pyrite stringers. Chalcopyrite-filled stringers
ALTERATION are generally spatially limited to within a few metres
The footwall of the TG1 deposit is largely com- of the base of the massive sulphides. Quartz is the
posed of ubiquitous quartz-sericite altered dacite. most common gangue mineral, although chlorite, cal-
These rocks range from soft, sericite dominant, to cite and barite are also noted. In some locations the
hard, silicified dominant. Alteration intensity is gener- stringers are clearly multiphase. In hole 79TG1-008
ally greatest in the vicinity of the quartz-pyrite stock- medium-grained pyrite stringers with minor amounts
work zones where original textures are commonly of quartz and chlorite gangue initially cut dark green-
obscured. The alteration is caused by sodium depletion ish-grey dacite (Fig. 9f). The host rock was bleached
of the feldspars in the dacite footwall rocks (Table 1). to light yellowish-grey along the stringer selvages. A
The footwall stringer zone exhibits massive silicifica- second phase of predominantly quartz stringers was
tion. In thin section these rocks have remnant volcanic developed within the cores of the pyrite stringers, but
textures with phenocrysts and lithic fragments in a also crosscut the host volcanic material with no asso-
groundmass of very fine-grained sericite, plagioclase, ciated significant visible alteration haloes.
quartz, plus or minus chlorite. Stringer zones in the The stockwork zones at TG3 contain stringers and
dacite beneath the central part of the sulphide pile veins averaging 1 to 2 cm in width, composed of
commonly have narrow, (less than a few metres wide) pyrite, quartz and rarely chalcopyrite. Some zones
consist of a breccia matix flooded by silica in place of containing chalcocite, digenite and covelite, with lit-
discrete stringers. Ore-grade intersections of stock- tle or no zinc occurs at TG1 above the chalcopyrite-
work are rare, and are generally restricted to the first sphalerite zone and along the margins of the deposit
few metres directly beneath the massive sulphides. near the basin walls. This zone constitutes approxi-
The TG3 North deposit contains more intense chal- mately 20 percent of the sulphides at TG1 but is
copyrite filled stockwork than the South mound. The absent at TG3. The top part of the sulphide pile at
dacite rubble breccia lying between the sulphide lens- TG1 is composed largely of barren pyrite.
es at TG3 South contain only a few minor stockwork Gangue mineralogy consists largely of barite, cal-
zones, suggesting that fluid movement was restricted cite and minor quartz, all of which occur as a matrix
to the central part of the sulphide pile and sulphides interstitial to pyrite grains. The gangue matrix may be
spread laterally onto the flanking dacite mounds. absent, or make up to 20 percent of the rock.
Typically, barite and/or calcite constitute between 2 to
Sulphide Zone 10 percent by volume of the rock. Distribution of the
The TG1 and TG3 massive sulphide deposits con- gangue minerals is not well documented to date, but
sist of 85 to 99 percent pyrite, up to 15 percent barite, initial observations indicate that barite is the dominant
on average 5 percent combined chalcopyrite and gangue mineral in the upper central part of the
sphalerite, and small amounts of quartz and calcite. deposits. Chalcopyrite and sphalerite, are commonly
The TG1 deposit contains more than 100 million but not invariably associated with a barite matrix.
tonnes and the TG3 deposit more than 110 million With depth at TG3, calcite becomes more abundant
tonnes of massive sulphides. They can be divided into and eventually dominant. With depth at TG1 the
zones based on base metal mineralogy, gangue miner- matrix shifts from barite to quartz dominant. In the
alogy and texture. Base metal mineral zones are the margins of the deposits the sulphides are more tightly
more consistent, predictable and understandable of packed and contain less gangue. In rare instances, the
the three. barite matrix and fine-grained loosely packed pyrite is
Base metal sulphide mineral zones within the TG1 observed merging with small barite stringers cutting
and TG3 deposits are spatially distinct within the sul- more compacted pyrite masses, or possibly frag-
phide piles (Figs. 6, 7). Sulphide zonation is similar in ments. All textural evidence indicates that barite,
both deposits. In general, the central core of the quartz, and calcite were deposited relatively late in
deposits is composed largely of massive pyrite with the formation of the deposit.
little or insignificant base metal content. A basal chal- The sulphides at TG1 and TG3 exhibit a variety of
copyrite (plus or minus magnetite) rich zone, up to 50 textures. The most common textures are massive
m thick, developed along the base and margins of the crystalline sulphides. that range from very fine to
TG1 and TG3 sulphide deposits. The chalcopyrite coarse grained. Very fine-grained pyrite (plus or
zone occupies the lower portions of TG1 and does not minus base metal sulphides) is generally compact
extend south where the deposit thins. This mineral with little or no non-sulphide matrix. The crystalline
zone constitutes approximately 15 percent of the TG1 sulphides have a conchoidal fracture and appear
deposit. In both deposits, a zone of chalcopyrite-spha- almost porcelain. Very coarse-grained pyrite can have
lerite is distributed around the pyrite core lying above crystal sizes in excess of 1 cm in diameter, and have
the basal chalcopyrite and extending to the margins of up to 5 percent open pore space interstitial to the
the deposit on all sides. This mineral zone is restrict- pyrite grains probably initially occupied by anhydrite
ed to depths below 50 m from the top of the sulphides which was dissolved by cooling fluids. Far more
at TG1, but at TG3 the zone extends to the top and lat- abundant than either of the extremes noted, however,
eral fringes of the sulphide pile. At TG1, this zone is a fine-grained, crystalline pyrite aggregate with
occupies about 30 percent of the deposit and contains crystal sizes generally less than 0.5 mm in diameter.
the major portion of the sulpho-salt mineralogy, prin- This material can be compact, or have up to 15 per-
cipally as tennantite. A fourth mineralogical zone cent barite (plus or minus lesser amounts of quartz
Figure 9g. Photo 79TG1-002, 72.80m; M0-27 Possible Figure 9h. Photo 79TG1-003, 110.80, M2-3 Coloform
solution channelway within massive pyrite pyrite-sphalerite around fluid conduit in pyrite
Figure 9i. Photo 80TG1-019, 47.6m; M3-1 Pyrite and Figure 9j. Photo 80TG1-019, 75.9m (M3-20). Coarse-
sphalerite frgments grained heterolithic fragmental sulphides with probable scour
Figure 9k. Photo 99TG1-030, 48.80m, M7-3 Massive spha- Figure 9l. Lakefield Research Laboratory, Sample 010516 -
lerite replacing fragmental pyrite Gold grain encapsulated in barite within goethite
is a felsic volcanic sandstone or volcaniclastic unit, grey and pinkish grey, but a pale to medium orange-
generally less than two metres in thickness. This unit is brown colour is most typical. Crude bedding can be
typically a distinctive breccia with a red hematitic observed in most core. Both the sandy felsic breccia
matrix. Breccia fragments are angular to sub-rounded and the baritic sandstone units are generally gold
and range in diameter up to 15 cm. Fragments consist enriched. Native gold most commonly occurs encap-
of aphanitic, massive to flow banded felsic volcanic sulated within barite (Fig. 9l).
flow rock, vuggy silica, and less commonly, felsic tuff. Overlying and in part intercalated with the felsic
The matrix is generally a quartz-rich sandstone or breccia and sandy baritic units are a variety of
reworked tuff with a mix of fine to coarse-grained, goethite-rich gossanous units. These goethite units
milky to vitreous angular quartz and barite grains in a have an overall dark red-brown colour but normally
hematite-rich silica (plus or minus) clay cement. Vuggy consist of a mix of mottled dark brown to almost
silica varieties of this unit are also common. Rarely, the black (goethite), dark red-brown (hematite) and dark
stratigraphic position of the felsic fragmental unit is yellow-brown (limonite) material. Significant varia-
occupied by a rhyolite flow or flow breccia. tions in composition and textures occur within this
The felsic breccia unit is commonly intercalated unit. The most typical rock is a breccia with 1 to 3 cm
with, and subsequently overlain by, baritic sandstone. angular to rounded, massive to thinly laminated,
The unit is probably a baritic precipitate or a goethite fragments in a sandy to massive botroyoidal
reworked equivalent. It is typically fine to medium- goethite matrix. Rare elongated barite crystal or frag-
grained, friable and composed predominantly of ments occur in the breccias. These may have formed
barite and milky to glassy quartz grains. Barite con- in situ as barium-bearing fluids moved upward
tent can range from trace to over 70 percent. The through the pile and encountered oxygenated seawater.
colour of the unit varies from brick red to mottled The upper part of the oxide zone is generally a mix
of hematitic, earthy, and clay-rich gossan. Some parts
are friable masses of hematite and limonite with frag-
ments or zones of indurated goethite. The friable
0-20m Overburden parts may have a clay component and hence are
Sand and gravel (alluvium).
(Avg 8m)
earthy in nature. The clay-rich gossan can vary in
colour from white to grey to orange-brown, and is a
mix of kaolinite and various iron hydroxides and
Clay-Rich and Earthy Gossan
(Average Possible saprolitic volcanic rocks intermixed with oxides. In some places remnant feldspar phenocrysts
6-8m) iron precipitate .
are apparent, indicating that the protolith was a vol-
canic rock, probably an andesite or a dacite. Barite
Goethite-Rich Gossan and associated gold can also be a significant con-
5-20 m
Probable goethite precipitate in places mixed with angular
6-8 m) felsic-lithic and vuggy-silica fragments; commonly baritic and stituents of the clay-rich and earthy gossans, indicat-
gold enriched .
ing that in some places hydrothermal fluids permeat-
0-10 m Barite Sandstone ed to the uppermost parts of the oxide zone.
(Average Fine-grained angular barite (+/- quartz) grains with a hematitc
3-5 m) cement; generally gold enriched .
(Average Felsic Volcaniclastic - typically gold enriched .
2 m)
A preliminary suite of samples from Tambo
0-2 m Barite Sandstone - typically gold enriched .
(Avg <1 m)
Vuggy Silica - Possibly bacterially produced silica rind .
Grande has been analyzed for major oxides and trace
0-10 cm
elements at ITS-Bondar Clegg by borate fusion
Massive Sulphides extraction and X-ray fluorescence methods.
Depth to sulphides - 30 to 40 metres
Representative analyses are given in Table 1. A total
of 74 samples are included here; 41 from TG1 and 33
Figure 10. Simplified stratigraphic column of the TG1 from TG3. These almost exclusively unweathered
oxide zone. samples from drill core range from strongly altered
quartz-chlorite-sericite-pyrite assemblages to rela- TG3. Samples with greater than 0.2 percent K form a
tively unaltered rocks. The samples are from the distinct population and are probably altered. Most of
hangingwall and footwall volcanic strata close to the these samples are mafic rocks that would not be
TG1 and TG3 deposits. expected to have such high K values. Their distribu-
Immobile element data, for least altered samples, tion correlates with dacite units stratigraphically.
broadly display a bimodal distribution as shown on Barium values greater than 1100 ppm form a distinct
a Nb/Y and Zr/TiO2 plot of Winchester and Floyd population and are considered anomalous and corre-
(1977) where the data cluster around basaltic andesite late to sulphide horizons. Alteration generally appears
and rhyodacitic compositions (Figs. 11a and b). Zr/Y to be characterized by a loss of Na and Ca, and gains
ratios vary between 2 and 7 suggesting a tholeiitic in Fe, Mg, K and Si. This likely reflects destruction of
to transitional affinity for both the mafic and feldspar and formation of chlorite-sericite and
felsic lithologies. hydrothermal silica.
Immobile element binary plots of Al2O3 - TiO2
(Figs. 11c and d) can be used to distinguish litholo- DISCUSSION
gies, particularly where the rocks are strongly altered.
Ideally an alteration line results from the alteration of Geological setting and deposition of sulphides
a single precursor lithology with the spread of sample The TG1 and TG3 deposits, and possibly the B5
points along the line resulting from the net mass deposit, are hosted in north trending, chevron shaped,
change of mobile elements (MacLean and second order grabens. These grabens formed oblique-
Kranidiotis, 1987). This initial data set suggests there ly to the northeast trend of the Lancones Basin as a
are three distinct geochemical types at TG1 and two result of a northwest oriented extensional tectonic
of these types present at TG3. The best-developed regime which could have commenced as early as
alteration line is for felsic rocks at TG1, which shows Upper Jurassic time (Fig. 3). Such geometry is rela-
a linear relationship in Al2O3 - TiO2 ratios (Fig. 11c), tively common to active seafloor volcanic extension-
suggesting a consistent precursor composition. Felsic al regimes such as the Sumisu rift, Izu-Bonin arc that
rocks from TG3 plot around the alteration line estab- resulted from conjugate oblique faulting within a larg-
lished for TG1 suggesting similar compositions (Fig. er extending basin (Okamura and Murakami, 1991).
11d). The plots also, however, show increased scatter Within the Tambo Trend second order graben, TG1
in the ratios indicating the presence of different felsic and TG3 sulphides were deposited in conjugate sub-
subtypes. The mafic rocks at both TG1 and TG3 show basins initiated by northwest oriented horst and
similar distribution of Al2O3 - TiO2 ratios with some graben development in basal basalt. Faulted margins
scatter, suggesting that there may be more than one- of the second order basin have not been observed in
precursor composition for the mafic lithologies. Some the drilling, but evidence such as a thick debris flow
TG1 rocks show an unusual lithology characterized over top of the TG3 deposit indicates that there was
by very high silica contents (greater than 90 % SiO2) significant relief in the area during, and shortly fol-
and relatively low Zr/TiO2 ratios. These rocks are lowing, the formation of the sulphide mounds.
likely highly silicified mafics. Geological settings of the TG1 and TG3 deposits
Chemical alteration features are exceptionally are similar and they appear to have formed in the
obvious in the preliminary data set (Table 1). Strong same manner. Dacitic volcanism, probably erupting
Na depletion and Si enrichment seem to characterize along northwest trending, third order graben-bound-
much of the alteration. A preliminary review of Na, K ing faults, modified the seafloor topography by cov-
and Ba contents in rocks with corundum contents ering vent areas near the margins and tops of basalt
greater than five percent suggests that the rocks are horsts. These multiple event dacite domes in part
highly altered. Any samples with less than one per- filled graben basins with dacite flows and epiclastic
cent Na are considered an altered population and plot derivatives. Continued rifting and block faulting with-
on the sections within the footwall dacites of TG1 and in the larger second order graben likely contributed to
Com/Pant Phonolite
1.0 c
Zr/(TiO2 * 0.0001)
Al2O3 (%)
Andesite 10.0
0.01 Andesite/Basalt
strongly silicified mafic(?) lithologies
SubAlkaline Basalt
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Nb/Y TiO2 (%)
5 b d
same felsic alteration line
Zr/(TiO2 * 0.0001)
Al2O3 (%)
0.1 Rhyodacite/Dacite 10.0
Andesite 5.0
0.01 Andesite/Basalt 0.0
Alk-Bas 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
SubAlkaline Basalt TiO2 (%)
this multi-episodic volcanic development. basin was also partially filled with heterolithic epi-
Hydrothermal fluids were localized along the original clastics termed conglomerate or dacite debris flow.
structures within the basal basalt. Sulphide mounds These epiclastic units contain both basalt and dacite
developed in basins adjacent to the dacite domes. fragments suggesting that the source material could
The TG1 sulphides are contained within a 1000 m have come from as far away as the inferred fault
long by 500 m wide northwest-oriented basin that scarps of the second order graben. As the dacite
slopes to the north. The shape and orientation of the domes grew, possibly with contemporaneous subsi-
basin was initiated by graben development in the dence of the basin floor due to continued rifting, the
basalt ocean floor. Subsequently, multi-episodic conglomerate units were warped steeply up the
dacite domes grew on the basin margins and partially basin walls.
filled the basin with dacite flows. Dacite breccia The pyrite plus or minus base metal mineral stock-
spalling off of the dome flanks (carapace or rubble work that underlies the northern and deepest part of the
breccia) intermittently covered the basin floor. The basin, suggests sulphide accumulation started in this
area and spread south onto unfractured ocean floor. ing from the sulphide pile below. The barite-bearing
Thin horizons of felsic volcaniclastic or perhaps sandstone commonly contains milky to glassy quartz
epiclastic material are sporadically intercalated with and indicates mixing and reworking by normal sedi-
the sulphides and primarily have lateral continuity mentary processes occurred contemporaneously with
across the entire width of the deposit. The felsites are the precipitation of exhalative barite.
commonly altered to vuggy silica in the central part of The iron hydroxide (goethite predominant) precip-
the pile coincident with the barren pyrite core. Vuggy itate or replacement deposit overlies the baritic units
silica is likely a product of alteration due to continued and extends well beyond the limits of the sulphides,
hot upwelling fluids. The source for these felsic lay- suggesting that the hydrothermal system remained
ers is still uncertain. They typically extend to the active after dacite volcanism ended. This unit is bari-
deposit margins where they appear to merge with um and gold enhanced above the sulphide deposit.
more massive wedges of intense hydrothermally Vuggy silica fragments incorporated within this iron
altered, silicified, and brecciated felsic volcanics up to cap may represent layers of silica sinter or possibly
50 m thick. These felsic wedges have been logged as felsic tuff that broke up as the pile compacted. The top
rhyolite but appear to be un-rooted and may simply be of the oxide sequence, dominated by clay with spo-
altered dacites where hydrothermal solutions migrat- radic iron staining and goethitic fragments, may be a
ed up the deposit margins. On the other hand, they mix of volcanic tuffs or flows that were saturated with
could represent phreatomagmatic eruptions along the iron-rich solutions, and subsequently altered to clay
graben margins that may have been violent enough to by weathering or acidic hydrothermal fluid action.
broadcast debris across the entire width of the basin. Some parts of the oxide cap are ultimately covered by
Part way through the deposition of sulphides at saprolitic, hematite-altered andesite (or possibly
TG1, basalt flows entered the basin from the north dacite) porphyry. The lack of oxidation in sulphides
and south, partially burying the sulphides. The largest below the felsic-barite units suggests the sulphides
of these flows, in the south part of the basin, reaches were protected from oxidation during uplift.
a thickness of over 50 m. Sulphide deposition continued The TG3 sulphide deposits occupy basins margin-
after this volcanism, eventually completely burying the al to dacite domes, similar to the setting of the TG1
basalts. Similarities in chemistry and lithology between deposit. A central multi-episodoic dacite dome devel-
these mafic flows and the hangingwall basalt in TG3 oped on a horst of basalt prior to the deposition of the
suggest that TG1 is the younger of the two deposits. TG3 North and South sulphides (Fig. 12b). Dacite
The final depositional stages in the formation of rubble breccia southwest of TG3 South and dacite
the TG1 deposit are not well understood. A period of flows northeast of TG3 North suggest that dacite
felsic volcanism likely immediately followed or domes also formed in these areas. Dome development
occurred contemporaneously with the end of sulphide in the graben was critical to the creation of third order
deposition. The eruptive centre was probably located intra-dome basins which host sulphides at TG3.
near the eastern flank of the basin and not within the The depositional history of the TG3 sulphides
sulphide pile. The product of this volcanism, a quartz- started in the South deposit (Fig. 12b). Sulphides
rich sandy breccia (or possibly tuff), sporadically cov- filled a roughly 400 m wide, symmetrical bowl-
ers the sulphides in thin layers. The clastic component shaped basin to a depth of approximately 100 m. The
of this group of rocks may have eroded from a felsic upper surface of the sulphide pile at this point had a
eruptive centre, or may be reworked felsic tuff. In slight positive relief. A short hiatus in sulphide depo-
either case, it is predominantly an immature sediment sition allowed dacite conglomerate (or volcanic-
appearing to fill shallow basins on a gently undulating derived debris-flow) units to accumulate along the
sulphide mound. The discontinuous baritic sandstone flanks of the mound (Fig. 12c). Renewed dacite vol-
overlies the sulphides and felsic clastic material in canism occurred simultaneously in the central and
topographic highs and lows suggesting that it is a southern dacite domes (Fig. 12d). Chloritic-altered
direct precipitate from hydrothermal solutions escap- flow banded fragmental dacitic material ( dacite
0 300m of
sulphides, or by replacement of favorable permeable dation. TG3 is most representative of the bi-modal,
stratigraphy by hydrothermal fluids. Vent-related bed- mafic dominated deep-water suite. TG1 and to a less-
ded sulphides are unlikely to form on the sea floor due er extent TG3 have been modified by a late stage,
to rapid oxidation of the fine-grained sulphide parti- lower temperature event. Supergene copper devel-
cles. It is more likely that hydrothermal fluids perme- oped in the upper part of the base-metal rich periph-
ated soft carbonaceous sediments on the sea floor, ery to the TG1 deposit. The barite and gold-rich
cooled rapidly over short distances below the water exhalite at the top make TG1 unique.
interface and precipitated sulphides. TG1 likely underwent significant modification due
Gold deposition in the TG1 oxide zone is associat- to the circulation of local seawater. Water was drawn
ed with barite. Both gold and barite are generally through the massive sulphides by convection as has
most abundant near the base of the oxide zone, specif- been observed at several scales in modern systems. At
ically in the felsic fragmental and baritic sandstone the TAG field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge this type of
units. Barite presumably formed when barium-bear- remobilization was observed at both the deposit scale
ing solutions contacted sulphate ions (SO4) derived (Hannington, 1995) and at the chimney scale (Tivey
from seawater. Barite precipitates are most abundant and McDuff, 1990). In this case the altering fluid was
immediately above the sulphide pile where solutions modified seawater. Under slightly reducing, near-neu-
first came into contact with cold oxygenated seawater. tral pH conditions, the dominant transporting agent
Tabular barite crystals continued to grow in the base would be HS-.
of the oxide zone as seawater continued to enter the This convective fluid model explains all the fea-
pile and contact with the hydrothermal fluids. tures noted at TG1. Key to this model is the domi-
The brecciated nature of the overlying goethite nance of bi-sulphide transport, which has been
unit was caused by collapse of the pile, perhaps dur- demonstrated in several places. Copper shows an
ing simple compaction. Anhydrite could have been unusual solubility relationship under these conditions.
incorporated in the pile and later dissolved allowing Virtually all copper precipitates as chalcopyrite on
the material to collapse. The argillic-altered volcanic cooling to ~280ºC. As a bisulphide however, copper
flows and/or tuffs, intercalated with iron hydroxide is soluble at low temperatures and thus may be redis-
precipitates that cover the deposit, are the product of tributed in significant quantities. Lydon pointed out
continued hot spring activity. that copper has a solubility “minimum”; it drops out
from the primary Cl- dominated hydrothermal fluid at
Metal Transport Model 280ºC, but can be re-dissolved as a bisulphide at
The TG deposits best fit a depositional model that ~200ºC (Franklin et al 1981). It then can be re-pre-
is similar to most Cu-Zn deposits in a bimodal, mafic- cipitated at about 50ºC, as low temperature copper
dominated deep water suite. The deposits have little phases. Gold is also exceptionally soluble at low tem-
lead (typical of deposition from high temperature peratures as a bisulphide. Thus a locally advecting,
solutions i.e. ~350ºC from a fluid that formed in equi- near-neutral, sulphur-saturated fluid would carry sig-
librium with basalt). Such precipitation usually coin- nificant copper and gold. The copper would precipi-
cides with chalcopyrite deposition (but not chal- tate at low temperature in the upper and marginal part
cocite-covellite), and occurred as the fluids cooled of the orebody as chalcocite and covellite. Gold
through ~280ºC. The deposits however, have higher would not precipitate until the bisulphide complex
gold than some in this classification, and although not contacted an oxidizing zone (i.e. seawater). Upon oxi-
shown on the figures, the gold spacially correlates dation, all of the gold would precipitate quickly and
with zinc, lead, and barium. The gold is most abun- efficiently. This sequence of events could produce
dant in sulphides and baritic oxides at the top of the low-temperature copper zones near the top of the sul-
deposit. The gold was more likely deposited (or re- phides and a gold zone above the deposit at the sea-
deposited) from a lower temperature fluid, dominated water interface.
by bi-sulphide transport and precipitation due to oxi-
Lesnikov, Sefika Lesnikov, Arturo Cordova, Juan Injoque, J., Miranda C., Duninn-Borkowski E., 1979. Estudio
Quiroga, Luis Aviles Rolando Cruzado, Segundo De La Genesis Del Yacimiento de Tambo Grande y Sus
Implicancias. Boletin de la Sociedad del Peru, v. 64, p. 73-
Castro, Juan Carlos Merino and Edward Lyons whose 99
detailed observations form the backbone of this Jaillard, E., Soler, P., Carier G., Mourier, T., 1990.
report. The geotechnical team headed by Brian Geodynamic evolution of the northern and central Andes
Thurston consisted of Arturo Bulnes, Edwin during early to middle Mesozoic times: a Tethyan model.
Journal of the Geological Society, London, v. 147, p. 1009-
Sandoval, Segundo Estrada, Jose Chang, Segundo
Lopez and Jose Canales who logged the physical MacLean, W.H. and Kranidiotis, P., 1987. Immobile elements
characteristics of the core that was then correlated to as monitors of mass transfer in hydrothermal alteration:
the geophysical surveys for on-going exploration. Phelps Dodge massive sulfide deposit, Matagami, Quebec.
James Franklin’s insight and knowledge provided Economic Geology, v. 82, p. 951-962
MaLellari, C. E., 1988. Cretaceous paleogeography and depo-
valuable guides to interpreting the volcanic sequences sitional cycles of western South America. Journal of South
as well as providing a petrochemical review of the America Earth Sciences, v. I, p. 373-418
rocks and comparisons to modern VMS systems. Mitouard, P., Kissel C., Laj, C., 1990. Post-Oligocene rotatons
Ross Sherlock provided added guides to the whole in southern Ecuador and northern Peru and the formation of
the Huacabamba deflection in the Andean Cordillera. Earth
rock and lithogeochemical signature of the volcanic and Planatary Science Letters, v. II, p2, p. 329-339
stratigraphy. Richard Tosdal reviewed the paper and Morris, R.C., and Aleman, A.R., 1975. Sedimentation and tcc-
in particular criticized the proposed regional setting of tonics of the middle Cretaceous Copa Sombrero formation in
the district which lead to many useful discussions. Northwest Peru. Boletin de la Sociedad Geologca del Peru,
There are many others not mentioned who con- v. 48, p 49-64
Mourier, T., Laj C., Megard, F., Roperch, P., Mitouard, P.,
tributed, not the least of which was Steve Haras who Farfau Medrano, A., 1988. An Accreted continental terrane
put the figures together. in northwestern Peru. Earth and Planatary Science Letters, v.
I, P1, p182-192
REFERENCES Ochoa Alencstre, A., 1980. Evaluacion hidrocarburifera de la
Chavez, A., Nunez Del Prado, S.H., 1991. Evolucion Vertical Cuenca Sechura. Boletin de la Sociedad del Peru, v.67, p.
de Facies de la Serie Turbiditica Cretacea (Grupo Copa 133-152
Sombrero) en el perfil tipo Huasimal- Encuentros (Cuenca Palacios Moncaya, O. 1994. Geologia de los Cuadrangulos de
Lancones en el Noreste del Peru). Boletin de la Sociedad del Paita, Piura, Talara, Sullana, Lobitos y Zarumila. Instituto
Peru, V. 82, p.5-21 Geologico Minero y Metalurgio, Bul. 54, Serie A
Fischer, A.G., 1956. Desarrollo geologico del Noroeste Reyes,L. R., Caldas J. Y., (1987) Geologia de los Cuadranglos
Peruano durante el Mesozoico. Sociedad Geologia del Peru, de las Playas, La Tina, Las Lomas, Ayabaca, San Antonio,
v.30, p 177-190 Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgio, Bul. 49
Hannington, M.D., Jonasson, I.R., Herzig, P.M., Peterson, S., Taylor, B., Klaus, A., Brown, G. R., Moore, G. F., Okamura,
1995. Physical and chemical processes of seafloor mineral- Y., Murakami, F., 1991. Structural development of Sumisu
ization at Mid-ocean Ridges: In Seafloor Hydrothermal sys- rift, Izu-Bonin Arc. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96,
tems. Physical, Chemical, Biological and Geological NO. B.10, p. 16,113-16,129
Interactions, Geophysical Monograph 91, American Winchester, J.A., and Floyd, P.A., 1977. Geochemical dis-
Geophysical Union, p. 115-157 crimination of different magma series and their differentia-
Franklin, J.M., Lydon J.W., Sangster, D.F., 1981. Volcanic- tion products using immobile elements. Chemical Geology,
associated massive sulphide deposits. Economic Geology 75 20, p. 325-343
anniversary volume, p. 485-627
Manager, P.L. GEOEXPLOMIN E.I.R.L., Av. Del Parque Norte 643 - Lima 27 – Perú
Tel: (511) 224 –2693 Fax: (511) 225-3617 E-mail: geoexplo@si.com.pe & coriri@si.com.pe
Cerro Lindo is a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit with Zn-Cu-Ag mineralization, hosted in
a sequence of sedimentary and volcanic rocks (Huaranguillo Formation) which has been intruded by
granodiorites and tonalites of the Coastal Batholith. The volcanic-sedimentary sequence is metamor-
phosed, faulted and folded, forming a NW-SE belt approximately 9 km long. In addition to Cerro
Lindo, there are 9 prospects, marked by colour anomalies with geochemicaly anomalous concentra-
tions of Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ba.
Initially four pyritic bodies (lenses 1, 2, 3 and 4) were identified; however, subsequent studies
indicated that bodies one to three are dismembered portions of an originally single body, called the
Main Lens, while the fourth lens is separate and located about 200 m to the northeast. The pyritic bod-
ies have disseminated and layers of Zn-Cu-Ag mineralization and are cross-cut by veins containing
similar mineralogy as well as andesitic porphyry dykes. The Main Lens is folded and faulted, form-
ing an antiform with a thickness of 50 to 180 m. Lens 4, is highly faulted and disturbed by the dykes,
with a thickness of 10 to 30 m.
In Lens 4, the footwall shows a silicified stockwork with pyrite veins and stringer mineralization
which gradually increases the pyrite content until it contains rounded fragments of pyritized and
silicified rock in a granular pyrite matrix. It also shows pyrite bands alternating with sphalerite,
galena and chalcopyrite bands.
In Lens 2, the host footwall shows pyrite dissemination, veins and veinlets which grades into the
pyritic body. The barite content increases towards the margins and there is a predominance of zinc at
the top of the pyritic body while copper dominates towards the bottom. These findings lead us to the
conclusion that the eastern sector of the footwall is almost vertical to the northeast of the pyritic bod-
ies, while, in the western sector, the footwall is found below the pyritic bodies.
Phelps Dodge estimated 75 million tonnes classified as “Geological Resources” grading 0.89 % Cu,
3.28 % Zn and 50.7 g/t Ag.
L. Paucarcocha
L. Coyllorcocha
m as
deO L. Huarmicocha
San Vicente
de Cañete
a San Juan de Yanac
Chincha Alta J ua
Pisco Ri o
Isla Sangayan
Los Molinos
Figure 1. Location and access
The main shareholder was Mr. Luis Sulay, who tried Regional Framework
to mine a barite outcropping. At that time, an induced The deposit is located within a sequence of meta-
polarization survey was carried out, which indicated morphosed volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the
there were 5 anomalies and the potential of sulphide Huaranguillo Formation (Middle to Upper
resource at depth (Arce, 1973). The efforts to contin- Cretaceous), which is found as an enclave on the
ue with the operation were abandoned when the price Coastal Batholith (Upper Cretaceous to Lower
of barite dropped. Tertiary) Figure 4.
A short time afterwards this project was taken over The Huaranquillo Formation is the eastern facies
by Minera BTX who found Ag anomalies of up to of the Quilmana Formation which is dominated by
1,500 g/t Ag in barite outcrops. A pyritic body was sedimentary rocks in contrast to the western side
also found, as well as the presence of oxides and cop- where the volcanic rocks are dominant (INGEMMET
per and zinc sulphates and sulphides in the bed of the – Bulletin 44, National Geological Mapping Series).
Topara River. Stratigraphically, the Quilmana Formation is located
In 1982 the project was purchased by Compañía in the upper member of the Casma Group. Two mem-
Minera Milpo, S.A. who filed for new mining rights bers of the Huaranquillo Formation can be distin-
covering all the colour anomalies located within the guished in this area (Salazar and Landa, 1993), the
lineament. In 1987 Milpo started a systematic explo- lower one contains laminated shaly lutites, lutities and
ration campaign carrying out detailed topographical- volcanic ash alternating with andesitic and metavol-
geological surveys, sampling of outcroppings and canic layers and occasionally with finely stratified
tunneling some 150 m in two galleries at 1,850 and limestone. The upper member has thin layers of lime-
1,860 metres above sea level, called A and B respec- stone interbedded with laminar shaly lutites and
tively. The objective was to determine the distribution volcanic beds.
of barite and Ag below the outcroppings. The results The Coastal Batholith consists of several intru-
showed 17.1 g/t in Gallery A and 602 g/t Ag in sions, the oldest and most widely distributed is
Gallery B. In 1992 Milpo completed a rough access tonalite and diorite, followed by subsequent intru-
road, 15 km of trenches, systematic sampling of sions of monzonite and granodiorite. This intrusive
benches, 3,000 m of underground workings and 3,557 complex outcrops to the northeast and southwest of
m of drilling. On the basis of the information obtained Cerro Lindo and caused the contact metamorphism,
from this work, it was determined that there were 4 thrusting, faulting and deformation of the
massive sulphide bodies. Huaranguillo volcanic – sedimentary sequence.
In 1995 Milpo formed a joint venture with Phelps
Dodge, who continued the exploration work in Cerro Local Geology
Lindo, with 6,725 m of diamond drilling in 19 holes. Hornfels have been detected in the area where the
As a result of this work, 75 million metric tonnes of exploration work is being carried out, as well as nodu-
mineral classified as “Geological Resources” were lar schists, interbedding of andesites and dacite-rhyo-
estimated, grading 0.89 % Cu, 0.36 % Pb, 3.28 % Zn lites, forming a thick package in contact with the
and 50.7 g/t Ag. The mineralization towards the intrusives of the Coastal Batholith. Both units were
north, east south and in depth is still to be determined. intersected by andesitic porphyry dykes and irregular,
At the present time Milpo has resumed exploration discontinuous pegmatitic veins (Ly, 1982, 1994).
work with the intent of going into production. Figure 5.
GEOLOGY Hornfels
Very little has been written on the geology of Hornfels are located in direct contact with the
Cerro Lindo; although the area is included in the geo- massive sulphide bodies both at the hangingwall as
logical survey at scale 1/100,000 carried out by well as at the footwall. Their texture is granoblastic,
INGEMMET (Salazar and Landa, 1993). porphyroblastic and rarely lepidoblastic; colour may
Toldo Grande
Orco Cobre
Cerro Lindo
Property Boundary
0 5 Km.
be light gray, brownish grey or yellowish on the sur- phism process starting from the sedimentary volcanic
face. Quartz, muscovite (sericite), andalusite, biotite sequence integrated by the lutite, shaly lutite, sand-
and feldspar assemblages make up the hangingwall stone and dacitic to rhyolitic tuff, with occasional
with sporadic contents of barite, calcite and dissemi- interbedding of calcareous lutites.
nated pyrite. In the footwall, an assemblage of quartz,
muscovite (sericite), andalusite, potash feldspar, dis- Hornfels-Nodular Schist
seminated pyrite and granular pyrite veins. The horn- This type of rock has been observed interbedded in
fels probably originated from the contact metamor- the hornfels of the wall rock in Body 1 and consists
Franja 3
Porphyry andesite dyke CL-17 Diamond drilling
Barite-(Clays) DTH-22
DTH borehole
Silicified and Galleries
limonitised breccia
Metamorphosed sedimentary
and volcanic Quebrada
Projection of sulfides in
54˚ "D"
8554800N "c"
n ja
52˚ "E"
COTA:1914.1 CL-05
51˚ CO RE
SO COTA:1819.2
UP 77˚
Fra DTH-22 60˚
n -2
ja DT
CL-19 60˚
50˚ M
GAL365E("F") CL
Cx.3250S .
Cx.900S .
DT -1
DTH-5 DTH-1 1
COTA:1917 DTH-15
a Fall
aT Hu
rad C ung C
UE 1
CL 03
Figure 5. Local geology of Cerro Lindo ore body.
initially of spotted hornfels that due to a variation in of silicified, limonitized and sericitized rocks measur-
the intensity of the metamorphism results in a schist ing from decimetres to millimetres, leached and con-
with grey nodules encapsulated in a clear, creamy, fine solidated by oxides (limonite, jarosite and goethite),
matrix, composed of quartz, muscovite, and biotite sulphates and silicates. This breccia was generated by
with varying contents of andalusite, rutile and opaques oxidation of the massive sulphides and collapse of the
(pyrite). The spotted hornfels would correspond to the country rock.
areas which have a lower metamorphic grade. Three main belts were identified containing a
limonitized siliceous breccia on which benches or
Andesite trenches were opened with a bulldozer.
Andesite is found as interbedding in the sequence 1) Belt 1, 150 m wide, runs along the cut of the
of hornfels, with an aphanitic texture, dark grey to benches with a NW-SE strike. It is not possible
greenish colour; aphanitic matrix and moderately to find out if it continues on the surface because
propylitized plagioclase phenocrysts and biotite. it is covered with quaternary material.
2) Belt 2, Ranging from 30 to 200 metres wide,
Dacite – Rhyolite
runs along the cut of the benches, with a NW-
These rocks are found interbedded with the SE strike and a total length of 550 metres.
andesites within the hornfels and schist sequence. 3) Belt 3, 200 metres wide, total length 350
Their colour ranges from light grey to whitish with metres, N-S strike, outcrops at both margins of
pyrite dissemination and veinlets, large quartz grains the Topara quebrada.
and biotite or chlorite caused by a subsequent alteration.
Greenish copper sulphates outcrop at the bed of
Granodiorite – Tonalite – Monzonite the Topara quebrada plus some white outcroppings
These intrusives, belonging to the Coastal with an occasional content of sphalerite and chal-
Batholith, outcrop to the southeast, northwest and copyrite associated with silicified outcroppings with
northeast of the deposit and are responsible for the dissemination of pyrite.
actual distribution, metamorphism, faulting and fold- At the bottom of the quebrada (Belt 3) there is
ing of the volcanic sedimentary sequence. pyritic body outcropping with highly silicified rock
fragments with pyrite dissemination and stringers.
Andesitic porphyry dykes Towards the east, the pyrite fills the fractures within a
These dykes intrude the volcanic sedimentary stockwork, the content of pyrite increases towards the
sequence, the mineralized bodies and the intrusives of east until it engulfs the silicified rock blocks and
the Coastal Batholith. They are a greenish-grey colour, forms a banded sulphide body.
porphyrytic texture with euhedral and subhedral Alterations
feldspar and hornblende phenocrysts. They reach up to
60 m in thickness and several kilometres in length. The alteration found in these colour anomalies are
silicification, argillization, pyritization, sericitization
Pegmatitic veins and propylitization.
Pegmatitic veins are of an irregular thickness, have ♦ Silicification: Affects leached breccia, the
sinuous shapes and lack longitudinal continuity. pyritic body that outcrops at the bottom of the
quebrada within Belt 3 and, to a lesser extent,
The surface geological survey identified the exis- ♦ Argillization: Associated to the leached brec-
tence of siliceous breccia belts or strips with an abun- cia, decreases towards the periphery. Some
dance of limonites, kaolin, manganese oxide and sul- kaolin has been identified in some sectors of
phur, associated to granular and massive barite. the leached breccia.
The siliceous breccia contains angular fragments
♦ Pyritization: Affects all the rocks of the project, Zn-Cu-Ag massive sulphides
and increases more towards the silicified Portions of the massive sulphide bodies are band-
leached breccia, even forming a pyritic body ed structure, but there are also sections without band-
that engulfs silicified and pyritized rocks in ing with a coarse, brittle, granular pyrite. Associated
Belt 3. A large quantity of oxides (limonite,
with these bodies are semimassive sulphides, stock-
goethite and jarosite) within the breccia belts,
works with sulphide disseminations and veinlets in
and to a lesser extent, in its surroundings, is a
the footwall.
product of this alteration.
Four pyritic lenses were explored during an explo-
♦ Sericitization: Similarly to the pyritization, it ration campaign which included galleries and dia-
affects all the country rock, together with the mond drilling. The diamond drilling program and the
pyritization and argillization determine the subsequent geological interpretation of Cerro Lindo’s
anomalous colouring that characterizes the sections (Fig. 7) suggests that: lenses 1, 2 and 3 are
project. actually a structurally dismembered lense and lense 4
was initially a separate body. For the purposes of this
♦ Propylitization: Found surrounding the
report, we shall continue using the initial classifica-
coloured anomaly, but it has been identified
also within some other sectors of the project, tion because of the differences in comparing the
limited to small areas. thickness of lens 1, 2 and 3. In general, the bodies are
near surface or outcrop in topographically high areas
Bench sampling and are found down to 170 metres below surface
A total of 970 samples were collected from 5 to 10 towards the bed of the quebrada.
m trench samples in the different benches and out- The dimensions of the bodies are not completely
croppings. The pertinent statistical data resulted in the defined, since according to the boreholes and drifts,
parameters shown in Table 1. The average of the the continuity still has to be explored to the southeast,
analyses carried out with samples taken in some sec- northwest, west and in depth.
tions of the benches developed in the main belts, are Based on the results of the geological exploration,
shown in Table 2. Phelps Dodge estimated the following resource of 75
Geochemical maps of Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn indicate million tonnes at 50.7 g/t Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag, 0.89 %
that the geochemical anomalies of silver and lead are Cu, 0.36 % Pb, 3.28 % Zn.
located at the topographic highs while Cu and Zn Mineralogy of the bodies
anomalies are found at the topographic lows.
The ratio of pyrite with respect to the rest of the
GEOLOGY OF THE DEPOSIT sulphides is about 85 to 15. The second most impor-
Two types of mineralization were determined on tant mineral is sphalerite, followed by chalcopyrite
the basis of mine workings and drill core: Massive and galena. The main supergenic enrichment minerals
sulphide bodies with Zn-Cu-Ag mineralization with are covellite, chalcocite and bornite surrounding the
development of a secondary enrichment horizon; and upper parts of the bodies.
irregular Pb-Ag-Cu-Zn veins. Pyrite occurs as bands and also with a coarse
oz Ag/st % Cu % Pb % Zn
Average 0.81 0.05 0.18 0.38
Standard deviation 1.27 0.20 0.59 0.48
Maximum value 18.20 3.90 8.00 9.60
Table 2. The above average values were obtained from samples taken from the benches and outcroppings.
granular texture. Banding is defined by alternating deposit were used to gain a better understanding of
thin layers of silica, barite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite the paragenesis in Cerro Lindo (Aranda, 1996). There
and galena; but in highly pyritic sections, the banding are several variants on the depositional sequence, but
is defined by the difference in the particle size which there is a general trend that indicates that the possible
ranges from fine to medium. These textures are likely sequence of the formation, from the oldest to the most
metamorphic in origin and do not reflect primary recent, would be as follows:
banding. The coarse grained nature of the sulphides Pyrite
are favourable for releasing minerals during the met- Sphalerite
allurgical process. Chalcopyrite – pyrrhotite
The most important non-metallic mineral is barite Galena
which can be found in granular form and mixed with Barite
clays and oxides (jarosite – hematite) in the different Quartz
outcroppings. Inside the mine it occurs in a nodular,
banded form combined with the sulphides. Although this sequence describes the formation of
Pyrrhotite has also been identified associated with the massive sulphide bodies, within the bodies them-
the base of the massive sulphides, filling small veins selves, textures of later replacements and fractures
associated with pyrite and chalcopyrite in the footwall filled with pyrite, quartz, chalcopyrite and sphalerite
and also disseminated in the lower levels of the have been observed that correspond to subsequent
massive sulphide body. mineralization stages.
The study of polished sections recognized the Zoning from footwall to hangingwall
occurrence of molydenite, arsenopyrite and tetra-
hedrite: the molybdenite and the arsenopyrite are The best preserved bodies are lenses 4 and 2. The
associated to chalcopyrite and pyrite. Tetrahedrite different zones described in the following paragraphs
occurs associated to sphalerite and galena, and as a have been recognized in these bodies.
filling in sphalerite microfractures (Aranda, 1996). Lens 4
Paragenesis This body outcrops at the bottom of the quebrada,
Petrographic studies from different parts of the 600 metres upstream from the campsite. The
XC 050 E
XC 995 E
(Niv. 1860
(Niv. 1863
XC 775 E
XC 750 W
XC 700 W XC 700 E
XC 3070 N
Galeria B
8'554,600-N (Niv. 1850)
XC 900 N
XC 3250 N
XC 800 N
ra (Niv. 1820)
XC 900 S
XC 800 S
XC 3250 S
XC 3150 S
XC 850 S
0 100 200
20 mts. 20 mts. 50 mts. 16mts.
behind m.s.n.m.
behind in front in front
1900 1900
Nivel 1860 Nivel 1863
Nivel 1820
? 1800
DDH-05 DDH-02
Section C-C'
0 100 200
Sedimentary and metamorphosed volcanic rocks Fault
Porphyry andesitic dyke Banded structures/stratification
sequence described below starts 100 metres upstream are silicified, show granular pyrite dissemination and
from the outcropping of the body and ends in the appear rounded and aligned with a N 05°W strike; the
andesitic porphyry dyke, 25 metres downstream from matrix is coarse pyrite with a final filling of silica and
the body. The different zones are illustrated in Figure fine pyrite. Almost at the top of this sequence there is
8. a section of approximately 2 metres where the pyrite
Footwall consisting of very hard siliceous hornfels content increases in such a way that the blocks are
with white and pink spots and pyrite (5 %) in veins surrounded by pyrite. The microscopic study of a
and disseminated, as an assemblage of sericite, rounded fragment surrounded by pyrite identified an
quartz, andalusite and potash feldspar locally with assemblage of quartz, sericite and feldspar with pyrite
biotite, rutile and zircon, which may have corre- (5 %), andalusite (5 %), rutile and apatite, which may
sponded to a rhyolitic porphyry. have originated as a rhyolitic porphyry.
Gradually the rock appears more silicified and The size of the blocks decreases rapidly into the
forms large stockworks with pyrite dissemination, sedimentary part of this deposit, which consists of
small veins, and stringers; initially found in sporadic over 90 % sulphides, mainly pyrite with galena, spha-
fractures (from 0.3 to 10 mm thick) filled with pyrite, lerite and chalcopyrite and presents a banding parallel
but as it gets closer to the body, a stockwork defined to the alignment of the rock fragments. The grain size
with pyrite small veins and stringers can be recog- is between 0.5 and 1.5 mm and the bands do not
nized as well as the increased dissemination of pyrite exceed 2 mm in thickness; when the banding is
in the rock. solely pyrite, the bands are defined as a function of
The stockwork intensifies, the blocks of rock the particle size.
become smaller and the pyritic matrix increases until it The configuration of the stockwork and the
forms 70 % of the outcropping. Initially, the fragments aligned blocks surrounded by pyrite would indicate
chalcocite and covellite are accompanied (at the pres- DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
ent time) of calcanite and other sulphates. Gallery F As a result of all the exploration work carried out,
intersects this horizon for 45 metres, which would Phelps Dodge was able to estimate the existence of
represent between 20 and 25 metres vertically; the mineral reserves, classified as “geological resources”:
copper content varies between 1.5 and 20.0 % and the 75 million tonnes grading 0.89 % Cu, 0.36 % Pb,
average of the sampling is 85.7 g/t Ag, 4.1 % Cu, 0.2 3.28 % Zn, 50.7 g/t Ag.
% Pb and 0.8 % Zn. On the surface, the secondary There is still a lot of work to do in the “known”
enrichment is represented by an outcropping of bodies to better define lateral continuity, depth and
hematite, goethite and jarosite with spectacular red- spatial location. Likewise, there is still exploration
dish brown to yellow colours. work to be carried out in the other geochemical and
Another place where the secondary enrichment geophysical anomalies, particularly on those located
was intersected was in vertical borehole CL-08, to the NW of Cerro Lindo, where there is a strong
which reached 10 metres vertically with copper val- probability that there will be positive results.
ues of 0.9 to 2.2 % Cu and average of 11.7 g/t Ag, In spite of the fact that the potential of major
1.82 % Cu, 0.26 % Pb and 1.54 % Zn. reserves has been confirmed, at the present time, the
TYPE OF DEPOSIT depressed price of metals coupled with the heavy
taxation system, would mean that from an economic
Cerro Lindo is classified as a massive sulphide point of view , that the value of the mineral would
volcanogenic deposit on the basis of the following result in a break-even underground operation.
features (Franklin et al, 1981; Lydon, 1990), Figure 9: However, the situation could be reversed if the current
♦ Development of pyritic bodies where the sul- conditions were to improve, or if the cut-off grade
phides of a granular texture and sections with could be reduced by increasing the production rate,
banding can be seen. seeking to achieve a balance between investment
♦ Presence of structures typical of volcanogenic and profitability.
deposits such as an area of stockwork in silici- There is a possibility to exploit part of the deposit
fied rock with faults and veins filed with pyrite by open pit. This would lower the initial operating
at the base, gradation to a zone comprising costs and the profits obtained could be used to finance
mainly granular pyrite with silicified and pyri- the underground mining operation. It would be neces-
tized fragments and the final development of sary to undertake a study to determine the feasibility
the massive sulphides with the presence of of carrying out an open pit mining operation.
banding at the top.
♦ Massive pyrite with a predominance of chal- The author would like to express his appreciation
copyrite at the base of the massive sulphides to Mr. Isaac Cruz, Eng., Manager of Compañía
and sphalerite and galena (to a lesser extent) to Minera Milpo S.A. for his permission to publish this
the top, also concentrations of barite to the top. paper; to the many other professionals who con-
♦ Increase in the size of the grain associated to tributed to the development of the Cerro Lindo
the metamorphism of the host volcanic sedi- Project; to engineers Samuel Cayo and Jorge
mentary sequence. Hinostroza for their important collaboration in the
preparation of the paper, and to the geologists who
The magnitude of the volcanogenic massive visited the project and contributed their ideas and
sulphide deposits generally present tonnages that do not experience providing us valuable information, among
exceed 10 million tonnes. It is possible that the volume them, Darryl Drummond, Bruce A. Youngman, James
found in Cerro Lindo represents a larger time of deposi- L. Oliver, César Vidal, Neville Rhoden and Peter
tion of minerals or overlying of depositional events. Tegart for their enthusiasm and support during the
preparation and publication of this paper.
Sharp hanging
wall contact
Massive, rubbly or brecciated structure
"Exhalite" or ( strong chemical zonation paterrn )
"Tuffite" horizon
SIO²± PySIO²± Hem
Bedded or layered structure
( chemically heterogenous )
Orebody 4
Orebody 2 - Galería B
Gradational footwall
alteration pipe
(Translated. Original submitted in Spanish). Ly P. 1982. Informe de los trabajos en el Prospecto Agatha.
Private report
REFERENCES Ly P. 1994. Resumen de Operaciones 1993. Private report.
Lydon, J.W. 1990. Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits,
Aranda, A. 1996. Estudio Petromineralógico de 8 muestras.
Part 1: A Descriptive Model. Ore Deposit Models,
Private report.
Geoscience Canada reprint series; 3, p. 145-154
Arce J.E. 1973. Estudio Geofísico de Polarización Inducida.
Lydon, J.W. 1990. Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits,
Private report
Part 2: Genetic Models. Ore Deposit Models, Geoscience
Canchaya S. 1992. Estudio Microscópico de 8 muestras.
Canada reprint series; 3, p. 155-182
Private report
OMNI Microscopia Electronica. 1999. Estudio Petrográfico
Chacón N. 1989. Metalogenia del Eugeosinclinal Albiano-
de 6 Secciones Delgadas. Private report.
Cenoniano en la Cuenca Nor-Occidental del Perú. Thesis,
Salazar H., Landa C. 1993. Geología de los Cuadrángulos de
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 180 p.
Mala, Lunahuana, Tupe, Conayca, Chincha, Tantará y
Chappuis M. 1996. Cerro Lindo Project - Quick Evaluation.
Castrovirreyna. INGEMMET.
Private Report
Salinas C. 1994-1995. Reportes Geológicos Mensuales.
Franklin, J. M., Lydon, J. W. and Sangster, D. F. 1981.
Private report.
Volcanic-Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits: Economic
Schuh, W. 1996. Executive Report for the period of August
Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, p. 485-627
through December 1996. Private Report. Vidal C. 1987. Kuroko-type deposits in the Middle Cretaceous
Vidal C. 1980. Mineral deposits associated with the Coastal marginal basin of central Peru: Economic Geology, p. 1409-
Batholith and its volcanic country rock. Thesis, Liverpool 1430
University, 239 p.
Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET), Av. Canadá N° 1470, Lima 41, Perú
Fax: 0051 14 672915 E-mail: steinmul@chavin.rcp.net.pe
PO Box 8076, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 3R7
E-mail: dbgrant@hotmail.com
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (VMS) have been mined in Peru for over half a century for
their lead, zinc and barite resources. Currently, VMS deposits account for about 3 % of the annual base
metal production in Peru and are therefore a significant component of the country’s mining industry.
VMS deposits are known within the northern and central coastal belt, which forms part of the west-
ern flank of the Peruvian Andes. This portion of the Andes consists of rocks deposited in an aborted,
Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous back-arc basin. The VMS deposits are located within the Lancones,
Huarmey and Cañete basins, which make up the volcanic, western part of this back-arc basin.
The VMS deposits can be divided into four groups:
! Cu-Zn deposits hosted by basaltic and andesitic rocks and locally felsic volcanic strata similar to
deposits in bimodal mafic sequences;
! Cu-Zn deposits within basalt and andesite similar to the Besshi-type;
! Zn-Ba deposits associated with altered felsic domes of the Kuroko type; and,
! Zn-Ba deposits hosted by black shales and dark carbonate rocks and transitional between VMS
and SEDEX-type deposits.
Host rocks to the VMS deposits are Early Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary strata. Only two VMS
deposits are known within the Lancones and Huarmey basins: the Tambo Grande Cu-Zn deposit in
the former, and the María Teresa Zn-Ba deposit in the latter. Basaltic and andesitic lava, volcaniclas-
tic rocks and locally dacitic strata host the Tambo Grande, whereas María Teresa is associated with
an altered and silicified complex within basaltic and andesitic lavas. The majority of VMS discover-
ies in Peru are located within the Cañete basin, where two main deposit types are distinguished. The
copper deposits such as Raúl and Condestable represent the first type. They are hosted by basaltic and
andesitic lava, volcaniclastic rocks, sandstone and limestone. The second type includes the zinc-barite
deposits such as Perubar and Palma, which are hosted by black shales and dark carbonate rock, inter-
calated with basaltic and andesitic lava and volcaniclastic rocks.
An Early Cretaceous age is indicated for these VMS deposits based on K-Ar age determinations on
alteration minerals, and other geological evidence, such as facies analyses suggest a shallow marine
environment for ore deposition. Fluid inclusion and physicochemical evidence indicate formation
temperatures for the copper ores between 340° and 350°C, and for the zinc-barite ores between 200°
and 250°C. Stable isotope data indicates a mixture of heated seawater and magmatic fluids made up
the ore fluids.
Exploration for VMS deposits should be directed to Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary environments
(Lancones, Huarmey and Cañete basins), and should take into account both volcanic terranes and the
transitional zones between sedimentary and volcanic terranes. Regional ore guides are abrupt facies
changes and thickness differences in volcano-sedimentary strata, altered and silicified complexes
within basic and intermediate volcanic rocks, and black shales and dark carbonate rocks intercalated
with basic and intermediate volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. In addition to these Cretaceous envi-
ronments, Early to Late Jurassic volcano-sedimentary series, most probably formed in an arc-related
marine environment, may also have good potential for VMS deposits.
82° 78° 74° shales and black bituminous limestones of the middle
Tumbes Ecuador
to late Albian Muerto Formation. Towards the centre
of the basin the sedimentary rocks interfinger with
Piura 1 Totoral about 2000 metres of volcano-sedimentary rocks of
2 Tambo Grande the Lower to Upper Albian Ereo, La Bocana and
6° 6° Lancones formations. The oldest volcano-sedimenta-
ry rocks belong to the Ereo Formation and consist of
basaltic-andesitic and andesitic lavas that locally
exhibit pillow structures. Andesitic, dacitic and rhy-
olitic lavas intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks and
Trujillo sandstones of the La Bocana Formation overlie the
Ereo Formation. The later is succeeded by the
Huarmey 3 María Teresa Lancones Formation, consisting of volcaniclastic
10° basin 4 Aurora Augusta 10°
rocks and andesitic lavas intercalated with bituminous
5 Perubar
(Leonila Graciela, limestone and limy sandstone. Based on the litholo-
14° 14°
deposition, comprising the Ereo, La Bocana and
Late Jurassic (Tithonian) and terminated in the Early intercalated with bioclastic limestones and limy sand-
Cretaceous (Albian), accumulating mainly volcano- stones of the Copara Formation. According to
sedimentary rocks. Towards the end of Albian time, Ostermann et al. (1983), the stratigraphic record of
the basin was uplifted and deformed during the the Copara Formation reveals the presence of vol-
Mochica orogenic phase (around 105 Ma). During the canic centres, locally surrounded by platform sedi-
Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, the volcano-sedimenta- mentation with reef development.
ry strata were intruded by the Coastal Batholith. The Above the carbonates of the Pamplona and
generalized stratigraphy of the Cañete basin, with Atocongo Formations, and/or the volcano-sedimenta-
west-to-east and north-to-south facies changes is ry rocks of the Copara Formation, lie rocks of the
shown in Figure 4. Casma Group. The Casma Group also shows a west to
The earliest rocks within the Cañete basin are east facies change (Ostermann et al. 1983;
basic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Puente Steinmüller, 1987). The western facies consists of
Piedra Group (Tithonian-Berriasian), which outcrop lavas intercalated with limestone and siltstone, whereas
from Lima southward as far as Ica. As mentioned the eastern facies is made up of lava, volcaniclastic
above, the Puente Piedra rocks were probably formed rock, bituminous shale, dark limestone as well as bio-
during the early stage of back-arc spreading. The clastic limestone. Cardozo (1990) believes that the
Morro Solar Group (Valanginian) which is made up of volcanic rocks of the western facies are products of
deltaic and fluviatile sandstones and shales, and fissure eruption, whereas the eastern Casma rocks are
which can also be traced from Lima to Ica succeeds mainly subaerial with the local development of shal-
the Puente Piedra Group. In the Lima area the silici- low marine basins (Steinmüller 1987). Wauschkuhn et
clastic rocks of the Morro Solar Group grade transi- al. (1986) and Steinmüller (1987) found that geo-
tionally into the carbonate rocks of the Pamplona and chemically there are similarities to the volcanic rocks
Atocongo formations (Hauterivian to Aptian). South of the Huarmey basin, basalts and basaltic andesites
of Lima, the carbonate rocks change gradationally to with back-arc characteristics. However, a more felsic
basaltic and andesitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks eastern facies with dacites and rhyolites, as recorded in
the Huarmey basin, is not present in the Cañete basin.
In summary, it is concluded that the connection to
Back-arc basin
the paleo-Pacific ocean was interrupted after the dep-
osition of the Puente Piedra Group. In the southern
Casma Group
km Huarmey basin and the northern Cañete basin, this
50 Perubar
and Palma interruption prevailed during the sedimentation of the
siliciclastic Morro Solar Group and the carbonatic
Casma Group Casma Group
Pamplona and Atocongo formations until the end of
Pamplona and Copara
Atocongo Formation the Aptian. In the southern parts of the Cañete basin
Moro Solar Group the interruption was terminated earlier, after the sedi-
Raúl and
Puente Piedra Group Condestable mentation of the Morro Solar Group in the
1000 m
80 km
Valanginian. The isolation from the paleo-Pacific
N and/or W S
ocean may be explained by a slowing of back-arc
Magmatic arc Magmatic arc spreading, which triggered uplift in the late
Berriasian. Cardozo (1990) suggests that this uplifted
Volcaniclastic rocks Limestone
area was the northern extension of the Arequipa
Basaltic-andesitic lavas Sandstone
Black shales and
Massif, which bordered the Cañete basin to the south.
dark limestones The disappearance of the land mass and the reconnec-
tion of the Cañete basin to the paleo-Pacific ocean
was caused by the intensification of back-arc spread-
Figure 4. Generalized stratigraphy of the Cañete basin.
ing (Cardozo 1990).
Table 1. Characteristics of early Cretaceous VMS deposits and occurences in Peru.
Type of Resource
Name Longitude Latitude Host rocks Deposits Commodity Tonnage* Average Grades Ref
Tambo Grande 80-10-00 04-55-00 andesitic lavas and volcaniclastic massive sulphide ore with Cu, Zn, Ag 64.2 million 1.7% Cu, Manhattan
rocks of the Ereo Formation m\arginal stockwork ore tonnes 1.4% Zn, Minerals, 1999
0.7 g/t Au,
31 g/t Ag
Au 8 million tonnes 5.2 g/t Au, N Miner 11/17/99
48 g/t Ag
María Teresa 77-08-25 11-21-45 silicified complexes within massive sulphide ore and Zn, Pb, Cu, 1 million tons 4% Zn, MEM 1998
basaltic and andesitic lavas barite lenses underlain by Ag, Ba 1.3% Pb,
with basaltic and andesitic lavas lenses underlain by tons of barite, 80% BaSO4,
and volcaniclastic rocks of stockwork ore 2.5 million tons 12% Zn,
the eastern facies of the of sulphide ore 0.7% Pb,
Casma Group 30 g/t Ag
Elenita: breccia pipe emplaced Elenita: massive sulphide- Zn, Pb, Ag, Elenita: not Elenita: 7% Zn, Vidal 1987
into basaltic and andesitic lavas barite ore with marginal Ba known 2% Pb,
and volcaniclastic rocks of the stockwork ore 110 g/t Ag
eastern facies of the Casma Group
Palma 76-35-20 4/12/15 black shales and dark massive sulphide ore and Zn, Pb, Ag, not known 12% Zn, MEM 1989
carbonate rocks intercalated with barite lenses Ba 3.8% Pb,
basaltic and andesitic lavas and 45 g/t Ag
volcaniclastic rocks of the
eastern facies of the Casma Group
Balducho 76-34-37 12-19-34 contact metamorphosed rocks of barite lenses, massive Ba, Zn not known not known INGEMMET 1982
the eastern facies of the Casma sulphide ore and
Group? stockwork ore
Raúl & 76-37-21 12-41-53 basaltic and andesitic lavas and massive sulphide ore, Cu 40 million tons Raul: 1.35% Cardozo 1983
Condestable 76-35-00 12-42-00 volcaniclastic rocks intercalated disseminated ore and Cu Condestable:
with sandstones and limestones stockwork ore 1.25 % Cu
of the Copara Formation
Cerro Lindo 75-53-48 6/13/26 contact metamorphosed andesitic massive sulphide ore and Cu, Zn, 27 million tons 2.5% Zn, Minas y Petroleo,
lavas,volcaniclastic and clastic barite lenses (Pb,Ag), Ba 1.2% Cu, 1999
rocks of the eastern facies of 26 g/t Ag
the Casma Group
* includes reserves and past production
nations and veinlets of pyrite and traces of sphalerite, The host rocks of the deposits belong to the
chalcopyrite and galena. Near the hangingwall the Copara Formation and comprise basaltic and
silicified rock grades into an irregularly shaped, 20- andesitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks intercalated
metre thick, argillic alteration zone. The argillic zone with sandstones and bioclastic limestones. According
consists of quartz, pyrite, clay minerals, iron oxides to Cardozo and Wauschkuhn (1984) these rocks are
and jarosite, with anomalous lead and silver (Chacón products of a stratovolcano, which developed, partial-
1988). Several subhorizontal barite lenses occur in ly subaerial, on a shallow marine platform. Caldera
the upper margins of this zone. The barite is fine subsidence and the emplacement of a dacitic subvol-
grained and banded on a centimetre scale. The band- canic intrusion characterized the final development
ing is defined by grain size differences, oxidation and stage of the volcano.
intercalations of chert layers. In the deeper parts of Economic mineralization at Raúl and Condestable
the argillized zone diamond drilling confirmed the occurs both in volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks,
presence of massive sulphide ores made up of spha- occurring as stratabound disseminations, stringers and
lerite, galena and chalcopyrite. Basaltic and andesitic breccias in the former, and as stratiform bodies in the
lavas conformably overlie the argillized ore zone. latter. The ore is predominantly pyrite and chalcopy-
rite, with minor pyrrhotite, marcasite and magnetite.
Deposits and occurrences within the Cañete basin Gangue minerals are actinolite, tremolite, clinozoisite,
The majority of Peruvian volcanogenic massive chlorite and prehnite, which indicate a “greenschist-
sulphide deposits discovered to date are located with- like” alteration of the Raúl and Condestable ores
in the Cañete basin. According to Cardozo and Vidal (Cardozo 1990). It is believed that this peculiar alter-
(1981), the deposits can be divided into two main ation was created by hydrothermal alteration of rocks
types: copper deposits hosted by the Copara affected by burial metamorphism prior to ore forma-
Formation and zinc-barite deposits hosted by the tion (Injoque, 1999). Vein mineralization plays a sub-
Casma Group. The Raúl and Condestable deposits ordinate role, but is relatively common in the Raúl
comprise the first type (Wauschkuhn 1979a; deposit, where it appears in both northeast and east-
Wauschkuhn and Thum 1982; Cardozo 1983, 1990; trending systems. The northeast-trending veins are
Cardozo and Wauschkuhn 1984). Aurora Augusta, mineralogically very similar to the stratabound ores,
Perubar (Leonila Graciela, Juanita, Santa Cecilia, whereas the east-trending veins contain major
Elenita), Palma, Balducho and Cerro Lindo comprise amounts of quartz, calcite and sphalerite.
the second type (Vidal 1980,1987; Steinmüller 1987; Geochronologic (K-Ar) data indicate that mineraliza-
Steinmüller and Wauschkuhn 1987,1990; Ly 1998). tion, as well as the alteration of the host rocks, took
The copper deposits Raúl and Condestable are not place simultaneously at around 128 Ma, during the
universally accepted as VMS deposits. Injoque deposition of the Copara Formation (Vidal et al. 1990).
(1985), Vidal et al. (1990) and Injoque (1997) inter-
preted Raúl and Condestable as skarn-type deposits. Aurora Augusta
This deposit is located about 50 km northeast of
Raúl and Condestable Lima (Fig. 1), near Jicamarca. Aurora Augusta is a
The Raúl and Condestable deposits are located 90 small-scale barite mine, which first produced in 1975.
km south of Lima (Fig. 1), near Mala. The two are Volcanic rocks of the western facies of the Casma
neighbouring and form a single economic entity. Group host the deposit. The ore of Aurora Augusta
Mining at Raúl and Condestable started in 1960 and occurs as irregular shaped, tabular bodies at the top of
1964, respectively. Total combined tonnage for the a funnel-shaped complex, with quartz-sericite-pyrite
deposits is estimated at about 40 million tonnes with alteration. Potassium-argon dating suggests a forma-
an average grade of 1.3 % Cu. Currently, mining tion age for the alteration between 116 and 106 Ma
at Raúl and Condestable is suspended due to low (Vidal 1987), which is coeval with the deposition of
metal prices. the Casma rocks. The ore consists mainly of
monomineralic, fine-grained barite. Sulphide-rich ly made up of pyrite and sphalerite veinlets and dis-
zones are scarce. Volcaniclastic rocks and lavas con- seminations; chalcopyrite, galena, pyrrhotite and
stitute the hangingwall of the mineralized zone and magnetite are minor constituents. The massive sul-
the contact between these overlying volcanic rocks phide-barite ore is banded and composed of pyrite,
and the orebody is abrupt and largely concordant. pyrrhotite and sphalerite with increasing barite con-
centration towards the top; chalcopyrite, galena and
Perubar (Leonila Graciela, Juanita, Santa Cecilia, magnetite are subordinate. Both ore types have a con-
Elenita) tact metamorphic overprint. They are coarse-grained
These mineral deposits are located 50 km east of with granoblastic and lepidoplastic intergrowth of sul-
Lima, near Cocachacra in the Río Rímac valley phides and barite. Also, the pyrrhotite is exclusively
(Fig. 1). Mining operations began in 1950 with barite hexagonal (Vidal 1987).
production from the Leonila Graciela deposit. Later, The Elenita deposit is associated with a breccia
sulphide ores with high zinc concentrations were pipe and consists of irregular, massive ore zones,
discovered at Leonila Graciela and Juanita leading to grading outwards into stockwork ore. The massive
the start of zinc production in 1980. The Leonila sulphides are composed of pyrite, sphalerite and
Graciela, Juanita and Santa Cecilia deposits form a barite with minor chalcopyrite, galena, marcasite,
single, tectonically disrupted orebody with a pyrrhotite, jamesonite and sphalerite. The stockwork
combined tonnage of about 6.5 million tonnes of zone consists of quartz, pyrite and sphalerite.
sulphide-barite ore, grading 80 % BaSO4, 12 % Zn,
0.7 % Pb and 30 g/t Ag. The ore of the Elenita deposit Palma
grades about 7 % Zn, 2 % Pb and 110 g/t Ag The Palma deposit is located 55 km southeast of
(Vidal 1987). Lima in the Río Lurín valley (Fig. 1). Although
All of these mineral deposits occur within a roof mining at Palma began at a small scale in 1985, the
pendant of the eastern facies of the Casma Group deposit is incompletely explored and no reserve data
intruded by Late Cretaceous granitoids of the Coastal are available. The ores grade 10 % Zn, 2 % Pb and
Batholith. The Casma rocks are folded, with the 45 g/t Ag.
northwest-striking fold axes plunging northwest. The The deposit at Palma is hosted by rocks of the
most significant faults in the area trend north-north- eastern facies of the Casma Group, consisting of
west. Due to the emplacement of the intrusives, the basaltic and andesitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks
mineral deposits and their host rocks are commonly intercalated with black shales and dark micritic lime-
affected by hornblende-hornfels facies, contact meta- stones with bioclastic layers. These were deposited by
morphism (Vidal 1987). Mapping within areas not subaerial volcanic activity, which in places was inter-
affected by contact metamorphism indicates that the rupted by deposition in shallow marine environments
Casma Group, in the mining area, consists of volcani- (Steinmüller 1987). Structurally northwest trending
clastic rocks and basaltic and andesitic lavas, interca- and southeast plunging fold axes are characteristic in
lated with dark shales and micritic limestones. These the area.
rocks locally contain algal mats and bioclastic debris The Palma ore is on the eastern limb of an open,
and are products of a subaerial volcanism interrupted drag-folded anticline, within black shales and dark
locally by deposition under shallow marine condi- carbonate rocks. It is stratiform and consists, in its
tions (Steinmüller, 1987). lower parts, of laminated bituminous shales with lay-
The Leonila Graciela, Juanita and Santa Cecilia ers of pyrite and pyrrhotite and small amounts of
deposits occur along a northwest trending fault trace. sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The pyrrhotite is mainly
These orebodies are hosted by black shales and dark monoclinic and is associated with Fe-rich sphalerite
micritic limestones and consist of stratiform massive (Steinmüller 1987). Towards the higher parts of the
sulphide-barite zones underlain by stockwork ore. mineralized zone, the pyrrhotite content diminishes
The stockwork ore is strongly silicified and principal- and the sulphides are composed of thin layers of
pyrite, sphalerite and galena. The top of the mineral- synvolcanic faults, which served as vents for the ore
ized zone consists of barite lenses. The Palma ore is fluids. Based on physicochemical considerations,
strongly deformed, generally fine-grained and reveals Franklin (1999) believes that ore deposition took
both brittle and plastic deformation textures. In spite place in water depths of about 1300 to 1500 metres.
of the tectonic overprint, sedimentary structures such The chalcocite and digenite bearing upper part of the
as framboidal pyrite can still be identified within the TG-1 orebody is believed to be a product of post-
black shales at the base of the orebody (Steinmüller depositional remobilization processes. Oxidized sea-
and Wauschkuhn, 1987). water leached the chalcopyrite-rich lower part of the
orebody, thereby dissolving copper and reprecipitat-
Balducho ing it at higher, cooler levels as chalcocite and digen-
The Balducho deposit is located 40 km northeast ite. The enrichment of gold in the oxide cap is also
of Pucusana within the Rio Chilca valley (Fig. 1). explained by diagenetic remobilization processes,
Although it has been mined intermittently over the which are summarized by Hutchison (1990). It is
years, neither grade and tonnage, nor mineral produc- believed that the gold was leached out of the sul-
tion data are available. phides by convecting seawater and tranported as
The deposit is hosted by the near vertical, meta- bisulphide complexes to higher levels where it pre-
morphosed pelites, intruded by granodioritic intru- cipitated under oxidizing conditions.
sives of the Tiabaya Superunit of the Coastal
Batholith (Vidal, 1987). The economic mineralization Raul and Condestable
consists of stratiform barite and massive sulphide Based on paleogeographical reconstruction,
lenses and an adjacent stockwork sulphide zone. The Cardozo (1983) assumes that the formation of the
maximum width of the zone of economic ore miner- Raúl and Condestable deposits was related to subma-
als is about 300 metres. Massive sulphides consist of rine caldera subsidence. Sulphide deposition occurred
pyrite and sphalerite, while the stockwork zone con- under shallow marine conditions within a geothermal
tains chalcopyrite. Due to the contact metamorphic environment. Lead isotope analysis on sulphide min-
overprint, the sulphides are coarse grained and exhib- erals from Raúl and Condestable, indicates a mantle
it granoblastic textures. source for the lead (Gunnesch et al. 1990). Stratiform
mineralization is believed to represent submarine hot
FORMATION OF THE VMS DEPOSITS spring deposition on the sea floor, whereas dissemi-
It is generally agreed that submarine volcanic nations, stringers and breccias may result from
processes formed the known VMS deposits in Peru, impregnation and open space filling of volcanic rocks
however, there has been relatively little research on immediately beneath the sea floor. Fluid inclusion
these deposits. Detailed studies of ore formation have fillings and thermochemical evidence of coexisting
been conducted on the Raúl and Condestable (Ripley sulphides suggest ore formation temperatures
and Ohmoto,1977, 1979; Cardozo, 1983; Cardozo between 340° and 350°C (Ripley and Ohmoto 1977).
and Wauschkuhn, 1984), and the Leonila Graciela, Based on sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen isotope data,
Juanita, Santa Cecilia, Elenita and Palma deposits these authors suggest that the hydrothermal fluids
(Steinmüller, 1987, 1988). Also, there is recent and were principally heated seawater, which was enriched
ongoing evaluation regarding the formation of the in metals and reduced sulphur by circulation through
Tambo Grande ores (Franklin, 1999). the volcanic-sedimntary sequence. This modified sea-
water is believed to have been the source of the sul-
Tambo Grande phides and, caused the “greenschist-like” alteration of
Geochemical evidence indicates that the volcanic the host rocks (Ripley and Ohmoto 1977, 1979). Heat
host rocks of the Tambo Grande deposits formed in a was most probably derived from subvolcanic intru-
back-arc setting (Franklin, 1999). The sulphides accu- sions. On the other hand, Cardozo (1983), advocates
mulated in a well confined rift basin, controlled by a magmatic origin for the hydrothermal fluids based
80° 75° 70° than 300°C needs a seawater depth of more than 1500
metres to reach the seafloor. If the sea water is
Ecuador shallower, the ore fluid will boil and chalcopyrite will
precipitate at sub-seafloor level. As ore deposition at
Raúl and Condestable occurred under shallow marine
conditions, it is not surprising that most of their
5° 5° chalcopyrite-rich ores formed as replacement beneath
the seafloor. Endogenous processes which are brought
Brasil forward against the VMS model are therefore
compatible with submarine volcanogenic ore deposi-
tion. For this reason, we support a volcanogenic
Trujillo origin of Raúl and Condestable.
10° 10° Perubar (Leonila Graciela, Juanita, Santa Cecilia,
Elenita) and Palma
Oyotún Formation
Facies analyses suggest that the stratiform orebod-
Lima Jahuay, Guaneros,
Río Grande, Chocolate ies of Leonila Graciela, Juanita, Santa Cecilia and
and Junerata Formations
15° 15°
trend (Steinmüller 1987). Steinmüller (1987) believes
500 km
temperatures between 200 and 250°C, based on the
mineralogical and chemical composition of the sul-
80° 75° 70° phides. The fluids were discharged onto the seafloor
Figure 5. Exposures of Jurassic volcano-sedimentary envi- through feeder channels evidenced by the stockwork
ronments in Peru. sulphides below the stratiform, massive sulphide bod-
ies. Accumulation of the sulphides probably took
place within brine pools formed by the mixing of
on studies of sulphide deposition in volcanic lakes by hydrothermal fluids with seawater. The zonation of
Wauschkuhn (1979b). the sulphide bodies is a result of decreasing tempera-
As mentioned earlier, a submarine hot spring ture as well as increasing pH and oxygen fugacity
origin for Raúl and Condestable is not generally during sulphide deposition.
accepted. In particular, Vidal et al. (1990) and Injoque As the mineralogy and chemistry of these strati-
(1997) classify these deposits as amphibolitic Cu-Fe form sulphides and the Elenita sulphide breccia is
skarns. However, they agree that Raúl and similar, Steinmüller (1987) assumes that the
Condestable were formed in a submarine geothermal hydrothermal fluids which formed the Elenita sul-
environment by fluids derived mainly from seawater. phides had physiochemical characteristics similar to
However, they also point out that the mineralogical the fluids responsible for the formation of the strati-
and geometric features are more characteristic of skarn form mineralization. Paleoenvironmental reconstruc-
than VMS-type deposits. These authors believe ore tion and sulphur isotopes indicate that the Elenita
formation was essentially an endogenous process with deposit was not formed on the seafloor but under sub-
little or no hot-spring associations on the sea floor. aerial conditions and probably by phreatic eruptions.
Whether VMS deposits form on and/or beneath The sulphur of the hydrothermal fluids involved in the
the seafloor is principally governed by water depth formation of the Elenita sulphide breccia and the
(Finlow-Bates, 1980). A copper-rich ore fluid hotter stockwork mineralization beneath the stratiform
sulphides, was of magmatic origin. However the sul- the geological setting and the metal content, Franklin
phur involved in the formation of the stratiform sul- (1999) describes Tambo Grande as being similar to
phides appears to have been derived principally from deposits in bimodal mafic sequences (e.g., Noranda
bacterial reduction of seawater (Steinmüller, 1988). and Kidd Creek).
Lead isotope analyses by Gunnesch et al. (1990) Cardozo (1983) points out that the Raúl and
revealed that the lead involved in sulphide formation Condestable deposits are within the same geotectonic
is a mixture of a mantle derived component with a setting and have similar host rocks as Besshi-type
crustal component. deposits, but they contain much less zinc.
Vidal (1987) states that the deposits within the
VMS DEPOSIT CLASSIFICATION Casma Group belong to the Kuroko-type, but this has
In summary, and in keeping with their metal con- to be revised as Kuroko-type is only justified for
tent and their geological setting, the known Peruvian deposits within the western facies of the Casma
VMS deposits are divided into four distinct types: Group (María Teresa and Aurora Augusta). They are
! Cu-Zn deposits hosted by basaltic and andesitic associated with silicified and brecciated bodies that
rocks with locally dacitic strata (Tambo have similarities with the rhyolite domes typical of
Grande) similar to deposits in bimodal mafic Kuroko deposits. Black shales and dark carbonate
sequences; rocks host all the deposits within the eastern facies of
! Cu-Zn deposits within basalt and andesite the Casma Group. They are surrounded exclusively
(Raúl, Condestable) similar to Besshi-type by basic and intermediate volcanic rocks, which is not
deposits; typical of Kuroko-type deposits. Based on the geo-
! Zn-Ba deposits associated with altered felsic logical environment, the mineral zonation of the ore-
domes (María Teresa) similar to Kuroko-type bodies and the metal content, Steinmüller (1987)
deposits; and, suggested these deposits are transitional between the
! Zn-Ba deposits hosted by black shales and dark VMS and SEDEX type deposits described by Large
carbonate rocks (Leonila Graciela, Juanita, (1980, 1983). The intermediate character of the
Santa Cecilia, Palma) transitional between deposits is explained by their geological setting within
VMS and SEDEX-type deposits. the transitional zone between the western volcanic
and the eastern sedimentary facies of the back-
It is not easy to classify the known Peruvian VMS
arc basin.
deposits based on the classification schemes for
massive sulphide deposits proposed by authors such POTENTIAL FOR VMS DISCOVERIES IN PERU
as Solomon 1976, Sawkins 1976, Hutchison 1980,
Geological environments with good potential for
Klau and Large 1980. Most of these deposits exhibit
hosting VMS deposits certainly include the Lancones,
characteristics that match more than one deposit-type,
Huarmey and Cañete basins. The geological setting
and are therefore considered transitional between the
and history of these basins is well studied and under-
end members.
stood. However, along the coastal belt of Peru there
In the case of Tambo Grande, Pouit (1987) sees
exist additional volcano-sedimentary strata, which may
similarities with deposits of the Cyprus type.
also prove to be suitable hosts for VMS deposits. In the
However, the Tambo Grande is not associated with
north these comprise the Oyotún Formation and in the
ophiolite sequences typical of Cyprus-type deposits,
south the Jahuay, the Guaneros, the Río Grande, the
but is hosted by basalt and andesite with locally
Chocolate and the Junerata formations (Fig. 5).
dacitic rocks and has a zinc-rich ore body. The
Unfortunately, the geological setting of these
Besshi-type classification for Tambo Grande, as
volcano-sedimentary sequences is not well understood.
proposed by Valdivia and Torres (1995) also has
It is concluded that the Lancones basin, due to
deficiencies; the host rocks of Grande are devoid of
extensive Early Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary
continental derived sedimentary rocks, typical of
sequences, gentle topography and good access,
Besshi-type deposits (Fox, 1984). Finally, based on
represents the most promising target area for new speculate that the rocks of the Oyotún, Río Grande,
VMS discoveries. At present VMS deposits and Jahuay, Chocolate, and the Junerata and Guaneros
occurrences are known only within the intermediate formations indicate the start of the Mesozoic mag-
to basic volcanic rocks of the Ereo Formation. matic arc. Although, most of the Jurassic volcanic
However, in light of the geological setting of the zinc- rocks have limited outcrops, the Oyotún Formation
rich deposits within the eastern Casma facies of the crops out quite extensively in the north of Peru (Fig.
Cañete basin, further exploration in the Lancones 5) and hosts mineralization which could belong to the
basin should include not only investigation of the vol- VMS type; the best known examples are the Linderos
canic terranes but also the transitional zones between prospect (INGEMMET, 1994) and the prospects of
sedimentary and volcanic facies. Particularly, those Compuerta-Nueva Arica (Torres, 1994).
areas with black shales and dark carbonate rocks are We conclude that the Oyotún Formation as well as
considered highly prospective. the Lancones, Huarmey and Cañete basins, have good
Due to the emplacement of the Coastal Batholith, potential for the discovery of new VMS deposits in
outcrops of Early Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary Peru. Considering the gold association found at
stratigraphy within the Huarmey and Cañete basins Tambo Grande, these have become much more attrac-
are limited. Also, the terrane is rougher and access tive as exploration targets.
difficult. The setting for VMS deposits within these
two basins, however, suggests that undiscovered Cu- REFERENCES
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Section des Sciences de la Terre, Rue des Maraîchers 13, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
The mid-Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Casma Group in Central Peru hosts sev-
eral Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) deposits. The main mine is on the Perubar Ba-Zn-
Pb VHMS deposit, formed by the Graciela, Juanita, Cecilia Norte and Cecilia Sur massive sulphide
(±barite) bodies. The stratigraphy of the Casma Group at Perubar consists of four units, mainly com-
posed of submarine volcanic rocks and pyroclastic deposits ranging from basaltic-andesitic to rhyo-
dacitic composition, intercalated with volcaniclastic sandstones, tuffaceous mudstones, siltstones, and
impure limestones. The massive sulphide lenses are found on top of an impure limestone interval and
in close spatial association with andesitic to rhyodacitic lavas, hyaloclastites and pyroclastic rocks.
The Perubar deposit was strongly dislocated shortly after its deposition following an active fault-
block subsidence event. Massive sulphide lenses were separated from their main feeder zones and
partly mobilized along the margin of deeply subsiding blocks. Once put back in its original position
the Perubar VHMS deposit presents a typical proximal-to-distal zonation, from: (i) pyrite-pyrrhotite-
sphalerite (+ rare chalcopyrite) stockwork, (ii) massive pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite, (iii) massive Zn,
(Fe>Pb) sulphides (±barite), (iv) banded barite and Zn, (Fe>Pb) sulphides, and (v) banded barite-
pyrite. Typical footwall hydrothermal alteration zones have been recognized and range from a strong-
ly chloritized-sericitized core to a peripheral extensive quartz-sericite alteration zone. The geological
evolution recorded in the Casma rocks of the Cocachacra district suggest the existence of a local sub-
marine caldera system at Perubar. The deposit probably formed at shallow water depth (<500 m?), as
indicated by the presence of limestones in the basin at the time of mineralization.
central facies grading progressively to a shallower, thick Prospective Unit (2) is characterised by the
more acidic, and generally more pyroclastic eastern onset of bimodal volcanism and consists of submarine
facies (Atherton and Webb, 1989). The rocks of the volcanic rocks and pyroclastic deposits ranging from
western part of the basin are not exposed. The Casma basaltic-andesitic to rhyodacitic composition interca-
rocks outcroping at Perubar are considered to be part lated with volcaniclastic sandstones, tuffaceous mud-
of the eastern facies stones, siltstones, and impure limestones. The mas-
The stratigraphy of the VHMS hosting Casma sive sulphide lenses are found in this unit, at about 80
Group at Perubar consists of four main units (Fig. 3 to 100 m above the last encountered sill of the
and 4). The Footwall Unit (1) consists of a thick Footwall Unit, just on top of an impure limestone
sequence (> 2km) of interbedded marine vol- horizon and in close spatial association with andesitic
canogenic mudstones, siltstones and sandstones inter- to rhyodacitic lavas, hyaloclastites and pyroclastic
calated with submarine tuffs and basaltic to andesitic rocks (Fig. 3 and 4). The 50 to 100 m thick overlying
lava horizons with calc-alkaline and tholeiitic affini- Hangingwall Unit (3) consists of similar assemblages
ties. Towards the top of this unit, basaltic and than found in the underlying Prospective Unit, but
andesitic lavas, hyaloclastite breccias and peperites contains more abundant felsic volcanic rocks and is
become more predominant and indicate an increasing characterized by extensive mass flows, slumps, and
and more proximal volcanic activity. In addition, a polymictic breccias. The Upper Unit (4) consists of
dense network of gabbroic to dioritic sills intruded the more than 200 m of relatively shallow marine vol-
Footwall Unit (Fig. 3). The overlying 100 to 150 m canic and pyroclastic rocks possibly representing
Figure. 2. Perubar deposit geological map, Cocachacra mining district (largely modified from Perubar staff maps).
debris flow deposits. rock geochemistry of the volcanic host rocks did not
From Upper Cretaceous to Eocene, the Huarmey- significantly change since the VHMS hydrothermal
Cañete marginal basin underwent compressive tecton- event, as also confirmed by sulphur isotope data
ic episodes and intrusion of the Peruvian Coastal showing that closed system conditions prevailed dur-
Batholith, resulting in a progressive uplift and folding ing contact metamorphism (Polliand et al., 1999).
of the basin and development of contact metamo- From Oligocene to Pliocene, the Perubar deposit
prhism aureoles in the vicinity of intrusive contacts. underwent successive Andean orogenic pulses, gener-
The Casma rocks in the Cocachacra mining dis- ating dextral normal-slip faults mainly activated
trict are located in a roof pendant (Fig. 1) intruded by along corridors corresponding to pre-existing NNE-
two granodioritic plutons of the Peruvian Coastal SSW trending crustal-penetrating discontinuities. It
Batholith and underwent contact metamorphism up to resulted mainly to dextral translations along the NNE-
amphibole (volcanics), biotite-sillimanite (volcani- SSW trending Corte Ladrones and Split faults (Fig. 2).
clastic mudstones and sandstones) and pyroxene-gar-
net-calcosilicate (calcareous sediments) hornfels ORE SETTING
facies. Pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite assemblages The massive sulphide orebodies at Perubar were
formed in iron-rich massive sulphide zones. Whole- strongly dislocated shortly after their deposition
Figuer. 3. Stratigraphic column of the Casma Group outcroping in the Cocachacra mining district area.
Figure. 4. Cross sections of the Perubar deposit. Note the deeply synsedimentary subsided blocks. For cross section location,
see Figure. 2.
Figure. 5. Aptian-middle Albian schematic reconstitution of the Perubar deposit in its supposed original setting. Compare the
outlines of the mined orebodies with those shown in Fig. 2.
following an active fault-block subsidence event. back in its original position (Fig. 5), the Perubar
Massive sulphide lenses were separated from their VHMS deposit presents the following zonation: (i) a
main feeder zones and partly mobilized along the central pyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite (+ rare chalcopy-
margin of subsiding blocks, producing massive sul- rite) feeder zone represented by the Webs and Rimac
phide slumping and brecciation. Figure 2 shows the stockwork orebodies (Fig. 2); (ii) a transition zone,
present-day setting of the different massive sulphide grading from stockwork-ore to more replacive-ore,
and stockwork bodies of the Perubar deposit and mainly following impure limestone horizons and cor-
Figure 5 an Aptian-middle Albian reconstitution of responding to the sphalerite and calcite-rich Rimac-D
the deposit in its supposed original setting. Once put orebody (Fig. 2); (iii) massive sulphide (± barite)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Subalkaline Subalkaline
basalt basalt Andesite Andesite Rhyodacite Rhyodacite
SiO2 % 50.56 51.19 55.7 58.09 67.12 69.42
TiO2 % 0.88 1.16 0.82 1.1 0.55 0.23
Al2O3 % 17.7 18.86 16.5 17.32 10.5 14.9
Fe2O3 % 4.22 10.79 4.31 6.77 4.32 2.25
MnO % 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.2 0.09 0.05
MgO % 2.38 3.33 3.18 2.66 0.94 0.82
CaO % 8.36 7.1 4.01 5.6 2.73 2.23
Na2O % 0.74 5.05 0.99 6.66 0.91 4.84
K2O % 7.22 1.06 8.84 0.52 4.27 3.18
P2O5 % 0.15 0.27 0.21 0.2 0.15 0.09
LOI % 2.35 0.4 3.11 0.66 1.14 0.71
Cr2O3 % 0.02 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
the footwall volcano-sedimentary pile. However, it most likely formed at shallow seawater
Shortly after the VHMS mineralizing event, an depth (<500 m?), as indicated by the presence of
abrupt and chaotic subsidence regime started, spliting limestones in the basin at the time of mineralization.
the seafloor into deeply subsiding small sub-basins Moreover, the general low Copper content at Perubar
delimited by volcano-tectonic faults spaced com- suggests that the temperature of the system was lower
momly at less than 500 m. It resulted in the downward than for most Kuroko deposits, as the hydrothermal
translation, slumping and brecciation of the Perubar fluid did not effectively transport this element.
VHMS deposit and emplacement of the chaotic Considering a fluid temperature <300°C with a salin-
Hangingwall Unit (Fig. 4). Together with this ongoing ity higher than that of normal seawater, the hydrostat-
strong fault-block subsidence, volcanic activity ic condition required for the formation of a Zn-rich
became more and more predominant. Subsequently, a and Cu-poor VHMS deposit like Perubar might have
major eruptive event probably was responsible for the been attained at a seawater depth <500 m.
deposition of the Upper Unit volcanic/pyroclastic
debris flow-like sequence. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
This work is part of an ongoing PhD thesis project
CONCLUSION at the University of Geneva supported by the Swiss
Within the regional context of the Peruvian National Science Foundation grant FN 2000-
Huarmey-Cañete extensional marginal basin, the 54150.98 and is a contribution to the Europe Science
complex sedimentary and volcanic evolution record- Foundation GEODE programme. We gratefully
ed in the Casma rocks of the Cocachacra district, acknowledge W. Mueller and L. Oldham who insti-
together with evidences of rapid uplift followed by gated this project and transmitted us their knowledge
abrupt fault-block subsidence suggest the existence of of the deposit, the geologists and staff of the Perubar
a local submarine caldera system at Perubar. mine for their help during the field work periods,
According to Ohmoto (1996), the formation of sub- especially R. Egoavil and C. Zumarán, and the geolo-
marine calderas played a key role in the genesis of gists from Glencore Peru, M. Steinmann and S.
VHMS deposits in the Japanese Hokuroku district. Bureau, for logistical support during the project.
Under extensional basin settings, it is more likely to
develop piecemeal caldera collapse rather than pis- REFERENCES
ton-like subsidence, as mentioned by Kokelaar Atherton, M. P. and Webb, S. 1989. Volcanic facies, structure,
and geochemistry of the marginal basin rocks of central
(1992). The chaotic fault-block subsidence recorded
Peru; Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 2, no 3,
in the Hangingwall Unit could correspond to such a p. 241-261.
piecemeal caldera collapse. The VHMS mineraliza- Benavides, V. 1999. Orogenic evolution of the Peruvian
tion at Perubar most likely was emplaced in an intra- Andes: The Andean Cycle. Geology and ore deposits of the
caldera incipient depression, prior to the main caldera Central Andes, SEG Spec. Pub., v. 7, p. 61-107.
Couch, R., Whitsett, R., Huehn, B. and Briceño-Guarupe, L.
collapse. This situation differs slightly from the post- 1981. Structures of the continental margin in Peru and Chile,
caldera collapse emplacement generally observed in in Kulm et al., eds., Nazca plate: Crustal formation and
Kuroko deposits. The narrow collapsing sub-basins at Andean convergence: Geological Society of America
Perubar probably developed in fault-splays above Memoir 154, p. 703-726.
Gibons, H. L., Morton, R. L. and Hudak, G. J. 1999.
steep, crustal-penetrating discontinuities that focused Submarine volcanic processes, deposits, and environments
plumbing of magmas, basement fracturing and favorable for the location of volcanic-associated massive
hydrothermal fluid discharges at these sites sulfide deposits, Reviews in Economic Geology, v. 8, p. 13-
Therefore, considering the Perubar deposit mas- 51.
sive sulphide mineralogy, footwall alteration charac- Kokelaar, P. 1992. Ordovician volcanic and sedimentary
record of rifting and volcanotectonism: Snowdon, Wales,
teristics, volcanic environment and tectonic setting, United Kingdom, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.
the denomination of Kuroko-type deposit seems to be 104, p 1433-1455.
appropriate for this Andean VHMS mineralization. Mégard, F. 1978. Etude géologique des Andes du Pérou cen-
tral, Mémoires ORSTOM, Paris, v. 86, 310 p. Polliand, M., Fontboté L. and Spangenberg, J. 1999. Tracing
Ohmoto, H. 1996. Formation of volcanogenic massive sulfide back sulfur isotope reequilibration due to contact metamor-
deposits: The Kuroko perspective, Ore Geology Reviews, phism: A case study from the Perubar VMS deposit, Central
10: 135-177. Peru. Mineral Deposits: Process to Processing, Stanley et al.
Polliand, M., Fontboté, L., Bureau, S., Steinmann, M. and (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, v. 2, p. 967-970.
Egoavil, R. 2000. Ore setting and hydrothermal alteration at Vidal, C. E., 1987, Kuroko-Type Deposits in the Middle
the Perubar VMS deposit, X Congreso Peruano de Geología, Cretaceous Marginal Basin of Central Peru, Econ. Geol., v.
Resúmenes, Sociedad Geológica del Perú Eds., Lima, p. 233. 82, p. 1409-1430.
* Present address: Department of Geology, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Figure 1. Generalized geology map of South America showing teh location of the Aripuanã project.
;; ;;;
yyy ;;
yy ; yyy
;; ; ;;
;;; yy
to mafic plutons in tectonic cycles terminating at clastic tuffs, altered and metamorphosed to quartz-
about the end of Lower Proterozoic time. sericite schists. In the vicinity of mineralization they
Subsequently, there was a major anorogenic magmat- are strongly sericitic and chloritic. The hangingwall
ic event in which predominantly acid volcanics sequence includes well-bedded fine to lapilli tuffs,
(Uatuma Group) were erupted extensively across the aphyric rhyolitic flows, graded turbidites, argillites
craton, associated with intrusion of high-level felsic and calc-silicate rocks. Isoclinal folding is recognised,
plutons. Continued incipient rifting in mid- with sub-vertical penetrative axial plane cleavage, and
Proterozoic time formed shallow basins filled with there is evidence for SSW-vergent thrusting and subse-
undeformed clastic and minor carbonate sediments, quent shearing on E-W and WNW striking structures.
with basaltic flows and sills. Broadly stratabound mineralization can be traced
The town of Aripuanã lies on an elevated plateau by soil geochemistry and intermittent gossan outcrops
underlain by flat-lying rift sequence rocks. These over some 30 km. of strike (Fig.3). Drilling at several
unconformably overlie deformed and metamorphosed localities along this belt has encountered primary min-
supracrustal rocks which outcrop a few km. to the eralization below the zone of surface weathering, con-
north of the town, forming a WNW-ESE trending belt sisting of tabular and lenticular bodies of massive and
bounded to the north by gneiss-granite terrain of the semi-massive to disseminated sulphides dominated by
Xingu basement complex (Fig. 2). The supracrustal pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. The
belt can be broadly divided into a southern felsic vol- enclosing rocks are variably chloritic, sericitic, biotite-
cano-sedimentary sequence dominated by tuffaceous rich, calc-silicate bearing or strongly siliceous, and are
rocks, and a northerly bimodal basalt-rhyolite pack- interpreted as hydrothermally altered felsic tuffs, tuffa-
age. Both are intruded by a variety of granite plutons ceous sediments, and cherty to calcareous exhalites.
and smaller diorite-gabbro intrusions. A prominent The two principal deposits located to date are both
circular granite pluton (Rio Branco) outcrops to the incompletely explored. A preliminary resource esti-
NW of Aripuanã. The metavolcanic sequence wraps mate of about 12 million tonnes at 6.3 % Zn, 2.2 %
around this in outcrop, with known mineralization Pb has been published by Karmin for Valley, and
located in distinctively altered rocks along a NW-SE Anglo American have reported that Arex is of a sim-
to N-S trending arc, which then swings back to the ilar size and grade. It also contains copper-rich zones.
east where it is partly covered by the younger sedi- There are small occurrences of gold mineralization
ments. Knowledge of the geology of the Aripuana with disseminated pyrite in strongly sericitic
region is at an early stage, and there is uncertainty metatuffs adjacent to the base metals mineralization.
regarding the tectono-stratigraphic setting of these The deposits have been interpreted as either vol-
metavolcanic rocks, including their relationship to the cano-exhalative in origin, or intrusion-related
normally undeformed Uatuma volcanics. Age dating hydrothermal replacements. At Arex in particular, a
indicates that the metavolcanics and their granitic clear zonal relationship is evident between pyritic
intrusives are close in age at 1.77 to 1.75 Ga, which is zinc-lead mineralization and adjacent copper mineral-
within the range of ages measured for the Uatuma ization with associated magnetite, pyrrhotite and ele-
volcanics elsewhere. vated gold values. The consistency of this relationship
in folded host rocks points strongly to a volcano-
LOCAL GEOLOGY AND MINERALISATION exhalative origin, in which the copper-rich mineral-
All of the currently known mineralization lies ization occupies the original footwall feeder zone
within mainly tuffaceous rocks which are folded, underlying sea-floor replacement and exhalative zinc-
metamorphosed to greenshist rank, and disrupted by rich mineralization. The broadly stratabound form,
faulting. At the Arex and Valley deposits, the host sulphide mineralogy, mineral textures, and the nature
sequence is interpreted as facing to the SSW. The of the altered host rocks, are consistent with this inter-
rocks in the footwall of the mineralised zone are fel- pretation, although there has clearly been disruption,
sic lavas, autoclastic breccias and epiclastic and pyro- re-crystallization and remobilization during deforma-
Instituto de Geociências - Universidade de Brasília, Brasília - DF - Brazil -70.910-900
email: sylviaa@unb.br
The Palmeirópolis massive sulphide (Zn-Cu-Pb) deposit in south Tocantins State, Brazil, occurs in
the lower part of the Proterozoic Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimentary Sequence. The Palmeirópolis
Sequence is part of a large bimodal volcano-sedimentary belt located in central Brazil. The deposit
consists of four highly deformed massive sulphide lenses with an estimated resource of 4 Mt at 1.23
% Cu, 4.64 % Zn, 0.72 % Pb and 25.1 g/t Ag. The sulphide bodies are underlain by hydrothermal
alteration zones consisting mainly of anthophyllite-biotite (cordierite-garnet) rocks, plagioclase-
biotite rocks and by sillimanite-quartz rocks. Chemically, the alteration zone rocks with their strong
depletion of alkalies and enrichments of magnesium, aluminium and ore metals resemble the chlorite
zones that underlain many non-metamorphosed volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. These rocks
are interpreted to be mainly basalts that had undergone hydrothermal alteration during ore deposition
and subsequently were metamorphosed to the upper amphibolite facies.
The sulphide ore is characterized by sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, and galena. The sul-
phides were significantly altered by metamorphic and deformational effects and no remnants of the
original texture were observed. The metamorphic and deformational effects include development of
triple junction in sphalerite and pyrrhotite, recrystallization of pyrite as euhedral cubic porphyroblasts,
deformation of twins in pyrrhotite and curved cleavage traces in galena. The Palmeirópolis ore is
characterized by a typical durchbewegung fabric.
The study of the Palmeirópolis volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, the first one found at the
large volcano-sedimentary belt of central Brazil, allows the establishment of important exploration
guides to the region.
v N
v v Neoproterozoic sedimentary
Brazil belts
v v v Cana Brava mafic and
v v v C-2v ultramafic Complex
v v v v v
Townshipv v v v v v 13°10'S
a d
v v v v C-1v v
v v v v v v Palmeirópolis VSS
e CV
v v v v v v
c Upper unit: pelitic and
f v v v v v v chemical metasedimentary rocks
v v v v v v Intermediate unit: felsic
v v v v v v metavolcanic rocks with minor
v v v v v v chemical and pelitic
metasedimentary rocks
v v v v v v
vvv Lower unit: basic metavolcanic
v v v v v v vvv
rocks (amphibolite) associated
v v v v v v with metamorphosed banded
v v v v v v iron formation and metachert
100 km
v v
V v Ore bodies
Araí Group V v (C-1, C-2 and C-3 and CV)
Goiás Massif V
v vv v
Uruaçu Belt Township
Mafic and ultramafic v v Fault
complexes 10 km
Brasília Belt
Proterozoic volcano-
sedimentary sequences Phanerozoic cover 48°25'W 48°10'W
Figure 1. A) Geological sketch map of central Brazil. Heavy line indicates the limit of the São Francisco Craton. Arrows indicate
tectonic vergence of supracrustal rocks (a; Palmeirópolis Sequence; b: Indaianópolis Sequence; c: Juscelândia Sequence; d: Cana
Brava Complex; e: Niquelândia Complex; f: Barro Alto Complex). B) Simplified geological map of the Palmeirópolis volcano-sed-
imentary Sequence (VSS) (located by small box in A) with the four ore bodies location. Modified from Araujo et al. (1995).
associated with the volcano-sedimentary sequences Proterozoic fold belts located between the Amazon
that are located at the western border of the large gran- and São Francisco Cratons. The main geotectonic
ulitic mafic-ultramafic complexes of central Brazil. units present in the region are the Goiás Massif, the
Araí Group and Neoproterozoic sedimentary belts,
GEOLOGICAL SETTING including the Uruaçu and the Brasília Belts (Marini et
The Palmeirópolis deposit is situated within the al., 1984; Fuck et al., 1987) (Fig. 1A).
Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimentary sequence There is no widely accepted model for the geolog-
(PVSS), part of a 300 km long volcano-sedimentary ical setting of the PVSS. Its stratigraphic relationship
belt that includes the southern Indaianópolis and to the adjacent units is not clear because of limited
Juscelândia volcano-sedimentary sequences. The belt exposure, faulted contacts and paucity of reliable
is located at the western border of the granulitic geochronological data.
mafic-ultramafic complexes of central Brazil (Cana The PVSS is a bimodal tholeiitic sequence (Araujo
Brava, Niquelândia and Barro Alto). Together, the and Nilson, 1988) that has been subdivided into three
volcano-sedimentary sequences and the mafic-ultra- units (Figueiredo et al., 1981) (Figs. 1B, and 2). The
mafic complexes form a linear array within lower unit consists of large volume of fine-grained
Distribution of metamorphic
Upper Unit: pelitic and chemical v v v minerals in the alteration zones
metasedimentary rocks vvv
vvv Amphibolite (Hbl and Pl) of the Palmeirópolis deposit
Intermediate Unit: felsic Massive sulfide
metavolcanic rocks
vvv Alteration zones with disseminated
vvv sulfide and intercalations of
vvv amphibolite and Grt-Bt
v v v Lower Unit: Fine-grained amphibolite
v v v basic metavolcanic rocks v v v Grt-Bt amphibolite
v v
v v v (fine-grained amphibolite) vvv Grt Ath Sil Gh Pl Ti
vvv Crd St Bt Qtz Ilm
v v v Amphibolite (Hbl and Pl)
vvv vvv
vvv vvv
PVSS - regional stratigraphic Stratigraphic column of
column the ore bodies
Figure 2. General stratigraphic columns of the Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimentary Sequence (PVSS) and the ore bodies illus-
trating the mineralogy of the alteration zones. Ath: anthophyllite; Bt: biotite; Crd: cordierite; Gh: gahnite; Grt: garnet; Hbl:
hornblende; Ilm: ilmenite; Pl: plagioclase; Qtz: quartz; Sil: sillimanite; St: staurolite; Ti : titanite. Modified from Araujo and
Nilson (1988).
amphibolite containing lenses of metamorphosed PVSS (Girardi et al., 1978; Drago et al., 1981). Pb-Pb
banded iron formation and chert. This unit represents dating of galena from the Palmeirópolis deposit sug-
an extensive episode of submarine basic volcanism gests an age in the range of 1170 to 1270 Ma (Ralph
associated with initial breakup of continental crust Thorpe, Geological Survey of Canada, pers. comm.).
and development of new ocean floor during the These data are not conclusive and do not establish the
Proterozoic (Araujo and Nilson, 1987). Related intru- precise age of the PVSS, but they do suggest that the
sive activity includes basic and ultrabasic dykes and sequence is not older than 1300 Ma.
granitic bodies that cut this unit.
The PVSS intermediate unit contains metamor- GEOLOGY OF THE PALMEIRÓPOLIS DEPOSIT
phosed felsic volcanic to sub-volcanic bodies repre- The geology of the Palmeirópolis deposit has been
sented by quartz-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase schist, described by Figueiredo et al. (1981), Araujo and
quartz-biotite-plagioclase schist and quartz-mus- Nilson (1988) and Araujo and Scott (1991). The rocks
covite schist. Metre scale xenoliths of amphibolites have undergone deformation and metamorphism that
are observed within the metamorphosed felsic sub- obscured many of their original features. Despite this,
volcanic bodies. the main units may be further divided to show a sig-
The upper unit of the PVSS contains interbedded nificant internal succession. The stratigraphic column
pelitic and chemical metasedimentary rocks. in Figure 2 relates the internal stratigraphy at the
The PVSS was metamorphosed under amphibolite deposit to that of the Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimen-
facies conditions. Based on the stability of the miner- tary sequence.
al associations and on mineral pairs geothermometers, The C-1, C-2 and C-3 sulphide bodies are hosted
peak metamorphic temperature is estimated to have by rocks of the lower unit of the Palmeirópolis
been 550 to 625ºC and pressure between 2 and 5.5 sequence. These ore bodies are associated with
kbars (Araujo et al., 1995) amphibolite and a heterogeneous package of
Geochronological data based on Rb-Sr systematics hydrothermally altered rocks, represented mainly by
suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of ca. 1300 Ma for the anthophyllite-biotite assemblages with lenses of
amphibolite. Metamorphosed felsic subvolcanic bod- 16.8 wt. %) and relatively high concentrations of CaO
ies, are also present in the vicinity of the C-1 and C-2 (7.1 to 16.9 wt. %), FeO*(> 11.0 wt. %) and TiO2
ore bodies, but no felsic rock is in contact with ore. (>0.9 wt. %). Cr values are particularly low and indi-
The sulphide bodies are located at the contact cate either that the amphibolite has been generated
between the amphibolite and the alteration zone from Cr-poor mantle or that Cr was removed (proba-
rocks. From top to the base of the deposit the follow- bly as Cr-spinel) in earlier stages of magma crystal-
ing stratigraphy is observed: lization. The low Ni contents (57 to 128 ppm) suggest
- typical amphibolite with hornblende and plagioclase derivation from a very fractionated magma (Araujo et
- massive sulphide al., in press)
- disseminated sulphide in alteration zone assem- Major, minor and trace element chemistry as well
blages as petrographical data indicate two distinct groups of
- garnet-biotite amphibolite amphibolites. Group I rocks have chemical composi-
- typical amphibolite with hornblende and plagioclase tion similar to the N-MORB, and their REE patterns
are 10 to 20 times the chondrite. Group II is charac-
The upper contact between the massive sulphide terized by enrichment of the whole spectrum of
and the amphibolite is sharp. The lower contact incompatible elements in relation to the MORB. The
between the sulphide body and the alteration zone is REE chondrite-normalized patterns of the group II
gradational over a few centimetres to metres. amphibolites are flat at 30 to 40 times chondrite val-
The Cabeceira Verde Prospect is associated with ues. Group II amphibolites are similar to the rocks
felsic rocks of the PVSS intermediate unit. The ore is associated with the alteration zones of the vol-
hosted by quartz-muscovite-K feldspar schists. canogenic ore bodies and are interpreted to be prod-
Sulphide minerals, represented mainly by pyrite, are ucts of hydrothermal alteration related to the origin of
preferrentially oriented according to the rock foliation. the deposit. However, based on the evidence of
Host Rocks incompatible trace element ratios, it is possible that
magmatic differentiation played a role in the genera-
Amphibolite tion of the two amphibolite groups.
Figure 4. Photomicrographs of the Palmeirópolis deposit alteration zones. A) Anthophyllite-biotite assemblage. Tabular crystals
of anthophyllite (Ath) associated with biotite (Bt) define strong foliation, idioblastic to subidioblastic garnet porphyroblasts (Grt)
are common. Plane-polarized light. B) Anthophyllite-biotite assemblage. Rock composed by biotite (Bt) , cordierite (Crd), stauro-
lite (St), quartz (Qtz) and sulphides (black). Chlorite (Chl) is retrometamorphic after biotite and cordierite is partially replaced by
pinite. Note lacking of foliation. Plane-polarized light. C) Biotite-plagioclase assemblage. This rock shows poorly developed lepi-
dogranoblastic texture and is composed by plagioclase (Pl), quartz (Qtz) and biotite (Bt). Cross-polarized light. D) Quartz-silli-
manite assemblage. This rock is composed by biotite (Bt), quartz (Qtz) and sillimanite (Sil). Plane-polarized light.
staurolite porphyroblasts. Quartz, plagioclase (ande- ciated with the anthophyllite-bearing assemblages.
sine composition), cordierite, staurolite, gahnite, horn- The alteration zone has great chemical variability
blende, diopside, and fibrous sillimanite are commonly in its major elements. SiO2 content ranges from 39.7
present. Apatite, zircon, titanite, rutile are accessory. to 87.8 wt. % and MgO from 0.34 to 16.1 wt. %.
Gahnite is always present in the sulphide-rich zones. Variable CaO and alkalis, and also variable but main-
Pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena ly high Al2O3 contents are typical.
are always present. Sulphides are more abundant asso- Chemically the anthophyllite-biotite rocks in the
Palmeirópolis deposit resemble the chlorite zones that phism on the oxygen isotopic signature of the alter-
underlie many non-metamorphosed VMS deposits, ation zone (Araujo et al., 1993; 1996b; 1996c).
showing a strong depletion of alkalis and enrichment Amphibolite from Palmeirópolis has whole-rock
of magnesium, aluminum and ore metals. Cr, Ni and d18O values between 5.6 and 7.9‰. The anthophyl-
Sc contents are also high when compared with the lite-biotite rocks have similar d18O values (5.2 to
other rocks from the alteration zones, and they are the 7.9‰) and are much higher than those commonly
best elements to discriminate among the different reported for chlorite zones (d18O between 2 and 3‰)
alteration zone assemblages (Araujo et al., in press). associated with other VMS deposit . No isotopic dis-
The biotite-plagioclase assemblage is character- tinction was observed between the host rocks (amphi-
ized by rocks having higher CaO contents than the bolite) and the alteration zones represented by antho-
two other assemblages at the alteration zones. Values phyllite-biotite assemblages. The different isotope
for Cr, Ni, Co and Sc are intermediate between values behavior observed in the alteration zones associated
for the anthophyllite-biotite and the sillimanite- with the Palmeirópolis ore bodies when compared to
quartz assemblages. other similar VMS deposits may reflect the small vol-
The sillimanite-quartz assemblage is characterized ume of altered rocks present at Palmeirópolis. The
by high SiO2 content, Al2O3 content above 6.0 wt. %, small size of the alteration zone at Palmeirópolis, and
and MgO content ranging from 0.34 to 5.88 wt. %. Cr, its intimate intercalation with unaltered host rocks,
Ni and Sc values are very low. favor isotopic rehomogenization by means of perva-
When compared to MORB, the three assemblages sive fluid flow during the metamorphic event (Araujo
from the alteration zones are enriched in the LILEs, et al., 1996c).
have lower Sr and higher Th contents. The LILEs
content of the anthophyllite-biotite assemblages are Massive Sulphide Bodies
compared to the content of the felsic schists. The massive sulphide bodies average 1 to 3 m in
However, Zr, Hf, Sm and Yb contents are lower, and thickness, and have a strike length of about 120 m.
P, Cr, Ni and Sc contents are higher in the anthophyllite However, folding and deformation clearly modified
-biotite assemblages than in the felsic schists. The their morphology and these can not be considered
HFSEs and the REE contents of the anthophyllite- their original thickness and length.
biotite assemblage resemble that of the trace element The contact of the sulphide zones with the
enriched amphibolite (Group II). The trace and rare hangingwall and the footwall rocks vary from sharp to
earth element contents of the biotite-plagioclase gradational. In general, the footwall contact is more
assemblage and the quartz-sillimanite assemblage gradational than the hanging-wall, and it is marked by
are in general comparable to the content of the increase in Cu content and by the conspicuous pres-
felsic schists. ence of highly altered rocks (anthophyllite-biotite
Chemically, the Palmeirópolis alteration zones assemblages). The footwall assemblages are charac-
show great variability. They are characteristically terized by gahnite (zinc-bearing spinel) and by Zn-
enriched in trace and rare earth element, and these rich staurolite (Araujo et al., 1995).
enrichments increase from the anthophyllite-biotite Irregular blocks of country rocks are engulfed local-
through the biotite-plagioclase to the sillimanite- ly by sulphides to produce breccias. Folding and shear-
quartz assemblages. The alteration zones at the ing, with irregular sulphide injections into wall rocks
Palmeirópolis deposit consist of a mixed volcanic are also common along the margins of the deposit.
unit, comprise by mafic and felsic components, but
with a strong predominance of the mafic component. Mineralogy and textures in massive sulphide bodies
High silica rocks characterize the felsic components. The C-1, C-2 and C-3 ore bodies have very simi-
Oxygen isotopic analyses were carried on samples lar mineralogy characterized by intimately intermixed
associated with the Palmeirópolis deposit, this study pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and minor
allows one to evaluate the effects of the metamor- galena. Arsenopyrite, mackinawite, cubanite,
molybdenite, ilmenite, magnetite and titanite are (a) as individual crystals and (b) as inclusions within
accessory minerals. sphalerite. The distribution of chalcopyrite inclusions
Pyrrhotite is the dominant matrix sulphide (Fig. may vary from randomly dispersed to crystallograph-
5A), occurring as a mosaic of grains characterized by ically oriented rows of blebs or rods within sphalerite.
triple junctions. Deformed twin lamellae are observed Presence of inclusion-free sphalerite is also observed,
in pyrrhotite grains. in these cases the border of sphalerite crystals are
Sphalerite grains, characterized by strong red inter- marked by aligned blebs of chalcopyrite (Fig. 5B).
nal reflections, tend to developed 120 triple junctions. Few crystals of chalcopyrite shows development of
Chalcopyrite is observed in two distinct textures: laths of cubanite and inclusions of mackinawite.
Figure 5. Photomicrographs of the Palmeirópolis ore. A) Palmeirópolis ore composed by sphalerite (sph) and pyrrhotite (po).
Plane-polarized light, oil immersion. B) Aligned blebs of chalcopyrite (white) along boundaries of sphalerite grains (sph).
Plane-polarized light, oil immersion. C) General aspect of the Palmeirópolis ore, rounded fragments of the host rocks within a
sulphide matriz composed mainly by sphalerite (sph). Pyrrhotite (po), pyrite (py) and galena (ga) are also presented. Plane-
polarized light, oil immersion. D) “Durchbewegung” texture, showing the sulphide flowage between rounded gangue fragments.
Plane-polarized light, oil immersion.
Pyrite tends to recrystallize as euhedral cubic por- sedimentary sequence are the areas close to felsic
phyroblasts. These porphyroblasts can be fractured, schists. These felsic bodies may have provided a heat
the fractures are usually sealed by other sulphides, source for the hydrothermal cell and a volatile mag-
such as galena. matic phase that produced some of the trace element
Galena has a erratic distribution in the enrichment associated with the ore bodies, and indi-
Palmeirópolis ore bodies. The presence of galena in cate a hiatus during the building of the volcanic pile.
the C-1 and C-2 ore bodies is constant, but subordi- 2. The Palmeirópolis region is characterized by a
nated, the C-3 ore body contains minor galena. large volume of amphibolite. Amphibolite (Group II
Galena from the Palmeirópolis deposit displays amphibolite) associated with the ore bodies is charac-
curved cleavage traces. teristically enriched in trace elements. An exploration
The textures and structures displayed by the program should focus on the trace element content of
Palmeirópolis ore result from the dynamic deforma- the amphibolite, mainly its Zr, Hf and REE content.
tion and heating accompanying the amphibolite facies Amphibolite with high trace element contents should
regional metamorphism. indicate potential areas of mineralization within the
The C-1 and C-2 ores contain breccias in which Palmeirópolis Sequence (Araujo et al., 1996a).
pyrrhotite, sphalerite and minor chalcopyrite surround Modern airbone/eletromagnetic surveys may outline
millimetre to centimetre scale subrounded fragments the contacts between groupI and group II amphibolite
of the host rocks to produce a typical on a regional scale.
“Durchbewegung” fabric (Figs. 5C and 5D). 3. Given that the Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimen-
The massive sulphide of the C-3 ore body is tary sequence is only a small part of a major volcano-
homogeneous although local banding is observed. sedimentary belt, exploration programs should
This banding is characterized by intercalations of involve the entire belt, including the Juscelândia
pyrrhotite-rich layers with sphalerite- or chalcopyrite- (Fuck et al., 1981) and Indaianópolis (Danni et al.,
rich layers. The contact between the banded ore and 1982) volcano-sedimentary sequences. Considering
the massive ore is gradational. the great similarities among the three sequences
(Marini et al., 1984), the same exploration approach
A number of small massive sulphide ore bodies REFERENCES
occur in rocks from the lower unit of the Araujo, S.M., Fawcett, J.J. and Scott, S.D.. 1995.
Metamorphism of hydrothermally altered rocks in a vol-
Palmeirópolis volcano-sedimentary Sequence, Brazil.
canogenic massive sulphide deposit: the Palmeirópolis,
Host rocks include mainly basic metavolcanic, now Brazil example.Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 25: 173-
amphibolites. The deposit is associated with miner- 184.
alogically complex hydrothermally altered zones. The Araujo, S.M., Gorton, M.P. and Scott, S.D. 1996a. Os anfi-
alteration zones rocks chemically display enrichment bolitos enriquecidos em elementos traços da Seqüência vul-
cano-sedimentar de Palmeirópolis, Tocantins: uma ferra-
in trace and rare earth element, these enrichments menta na prospecção de metais básicos na região. Congresso
increase from the anthophyllite-biotite through the Brasileiro de Geologia, 39, Sociedade Brasileira de
biotite-plagioclase to the sillimanite-quartz assem- Geologia, Salvador, Anais , 3: 178-180.
blages. The alteration zones at the Palmeirópolis Araujo, S.M., Longstaffe, F.J. and Scott, S.D. 1996b. Effects
of the high-grade metamorphism on the oxygen isotope
deposit consist of a mixture of mafic and felsic composition of the alteration zones associated with the
components, but with a strong predominance of the Palmeirópolis volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit,
mafic component. Tocantins State, Brazil. Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia,
Suggestions for exploration on the Palmeirópolis 39, Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Salvador, Salvador,
region were outlined by Araujo et al. (in press) and Anais , 7: 339-342.
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1. The main targets in the Palmeirópolis volcano Canada and Palmeirópolis, Brazil volcanogenic massive sul-
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Departamento de Geologia, IGC, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Pampulha, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil, 31270.901, lobato@igc.ufmg.br
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasília, Cx. Postal 04465, Campus Universitário, Brasília, Brazil, 70910.900,
Few volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits have been discovered in Brazil, despite exploration
campaigns during the late 1970’s and 1980’s, which focussed on mafic-ultramafic, greenstone belt
(GB)-type targets. In the light of significant advances in the characterisation of Brazilian geology
since then, this article analyses the potential for VMS mineralization in GBs and metavolcano-
sedimentary sequences in and around the São Francisco Craton.
For the purpose of this review, a tectonic classification system for VMS deposits is used. It embod-
ies five VMS types, which are dominated by intra-oceanic, oceanic-arc volcanic rocks (Types 1, 3 and
4) and by epi-continental, ocean-continent, continental-margin arc predominantly sedimentary asso-
ciations (Types 2 and 5). A five-fold classification based on host rock composition closely mirrors the
former classification in most aspects. The classification schemes are integrated, suggesting that it is
the most appropriate and practical for elaborate analyses of both occurrences and tectono-stratigraphic
The present analysis of VMS potential adopts a very generic definition for GBs, taking into account
all metavolcano-sedimentary sequences that contain evidence for their origin in intra-oceanic or epi-
continental back-arc environments and the tectono-stratigraphically associated arc settings. The par-
tial preservation of these rock sequences, within and at the margins of the present-day São Francisco
Craton, occurred during collisional tectonic events. Although some of the critical data are available
for the São Francisco Craton GBs in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, Bahia and Sergipe,
adequate, peer review of some of the data is lacking in some cases, which hampers the estimation of
their potential for hosting VMS deposits.
The Archean GBs encompass Crixás, Pilar de Goiás, Guarinos, Goiás, Faina, Rio das Velhas,
Piumhi, Morro do Ferro, Cuieté Velho, Contendas-Mirante, Tremedal, Mundo Novo, Jacobina,
Umburunas, Ibitira-Ubiraçaba, Brumado, Bate-Pé, Guajeru, Licínio de Almeida, Urandi, Riacho da
Santana, Boquira Belt, Ibiajara, Paramirim and other small volcano-sedimentary tracts. In the
Palaeoproterozoic, the Rio Itapicuru, Rio Capim, Rio Salitre, Barreiro, Colomi, Casa Nova, Almas-
Dianópolis, Porto Alegre, Pindorama, Conceição do Tocantins, Mossâmedes, Rio do Peixe, Silvânia,
Araí, Dom Silvério greenstone belts are focused. The Mesoproterozoic is represented by the
Palmeirópolis, Indaianópolis and Juscelândia volcano-sedimentary belts, and the Neoproterozoic by
the Salinas and the Goiás Magmatic Arc belts (Bom Jardim de Goiás, Arenópolis, Iporá-
Amorinópolis, Jaupací, Mara Rosa, Chapada and Santa Terezinha). Volcano-sedimentary belts of
unknown age embody Riacho dos Machados, Rio Paraúna, Serro - Alvorada de Minas, Pedro Pereira
and others.
The identified VMS deposits and showings are concentrated in Archean, Meso- and Neoproterozoic
sequences. The ten most important are the Mundo Novo Prospect, Mundo Novo (Bahia State); Ribeirão
da Folha, Salinas Formation; Salobro, Riacho dos Machados Group; Cuieté Velho, Cuieté Velho
Sequence; Bico de Pedra, Rio das Velhas GB (Quadrilátero Ferrífero); Alpinópolis, Alpinópolis
Sequence (all five in Minas Gerais State); Bom Jardim de Goiás, Bom Jardim de Goiás Sequence;
Zacarias, Mara Rosa Sequence; Palmeirópolis, Palmeirópolis Sequence; Mina III, Crixás (all four in the
State of Goiás). Controversy does exist regarding the volcanogenic nature of some the above deposits.
The Salobro Deposit is mineralised in a sequence of unknown, Precambrian age. The early Meso-
and Late-Neoproterozoic sequences also contain abundant evidence of the presence of local heat
sources, relevant primary igneous textures, and some of the requisite hydrothermal alteration features.
Significantly, the volcano-sedimentary successions are similar to many Phanerozoic VMS-hosting
sequences, embodying a variety of nascent rift, back-arc and arc systems in intra-oceanic and espe-
cially epi-continental palaeo-environments.
The Archean sequences of Goiás also contain very well preserved sequences with a strong VMS
potential. The Rio das Velhas, and Morro do Ferro GBs are, in contrast, pervasively deformed, oblit-
erating much primary evidence of the origin of its volcano-sedimentary sequence. The Archean
sequences of Bahia State appear to preserve many primary volcano-sedimentary textures, suggesting
a greater potential for economic VMS-grade and -geometry preservation.
In the case of the Archean and Palaeoproterozoic of Bahia State, recent exploration advances
demand evaluation for investment prioritisation. The compilation of a whole range of geological and
geophysical data, from the different volcano-sedimentary sequences of central and northern São
Francisco Craton, confirm, in most cases, the presence of metabasalts and sedimentary rocks. Both of
the latter rock sequences commonly reveal an ocean-floor affiliation, an important indicator of the
metallogenetic potential for VMS ore deposits. Amongst these, the Mundo Novo, Umburunas, Rio
Itapicuru, Rio Salitre and Riacho de Santana GBs stand out as particularly favourable cases.
In other sequences of Bahia, characterised as intra- or epi-continental (Boquira, Licínio de
Almeida-Urandi GBs) and even rift-type (Contendas-Mirante) basins, the existence of an oceanic,
volcanic substratum is not unequivocally registered in the geochemical fingerprints of the metavol-
cano-sedimentary rocks. There too, the presence of metacherts, Mn-rich and carbonate metasedimen-
tary rocks and BIFs, amongst others, is conspicuous, suggesting that critical processes of chemical
and/or hydrothermal precipitation may have acted. The significance of these rocks should be investi-
gated, case-by-case, in order to distinguish between volcanogenic-exhalative potential (polymetallic,
Zn-rich, Type-5 VMS deposits) and sedimentary-rock-exhalative potential (large volume, Au-Cu-
poor, polymetallic SEDEX deposits).
In general, the potential for bimodal, mafic-dominated (Type 1), ophiolitic (Type 3) and, perhaps,
Besshi (Type 4) VMS deposits is greatest in the Archean GBs (Goiás and Quadrilátero Ferrífero GBs,
as well as the Bahia Archean GBs). Significant potential also exists for the bimodal, felsic-dominated
(Type 2) VMS deposits in the intermediate and upper sections of those GBs and of the
Palaeoproterozoic sequences (including Riacho dos Machados and the numerous Palaeoproterozoic
Bahia GBs). The potential for bimodal, siliciclastic (Type 5) VMS deposits in the Archean of Goiás is
relatively high, given the importance of sedimentary-rock-dominated, volcano-sedimentary intercala-
tions there. The same may be true for some of the Archean, sedimentary-rock-dominated GBs of Bahia,
particularly in the western Gavião Block, the Guanambi-Corretina Block and the Sobradinho Domain.
Beyond the demonstrable Archean potential for VMS deposits, perhaps the most important prelim-
inary conclusion of this contribution is the strong potential for VMS deposits, particularly Types 5 and
2, in the Meso- and Neoproterozoic sequences, borne out by the predominance of many occurrences
there. While both Types 3 and 4 VMS deposits appear to occur in the restricted, yet diagnostic, expo-
sures of intra-oceanic rocks, these sequences are overwhelmingly metasedimentary in nature. This
leads to two specific problems for the realisation and correct evaluation of this postulated tendency.
First, traditional, Precambrian GB-based exploration efforts in Brazil have focussed exclusively on
the metavolcanic sequences, in particular in mafic and ultramafic rocks. The present analysis shows
this prejudice to be unfounded under the given geological circumstances and the empirical criteria
taken from a world-wide database. Second, both the Archean and Proterozoic sequences are general-
ly metamorphosed under all facies conditions, from anchimetamorphic to granulitic. The recognition
of, in particular, aluminous and ferromagnesian mineral assemblages and their distinction as either
regionally metamorphic or metamorphosed hydrothermal is critical. Both weathering decomposition
and the preferred, often precipitated, attribution of an exclusively regionally metamorphic origin to
minerals like the alumino-silicate polymorphs, garnet, cordierite and biotite, can seriously hamper
field observation.
This problem is illustrated in the case of the Mateus Leme – Pitangui Belt, Rio das Velhas GB, and
of the Salinas Group, at São José da Safira. In more felsic-volcanic areas (Type 2, and possibly Type
5 VMS deposits), and particularly in deposits which formed at volcaniclastic-dominant, shallow sea-
water depths (< ~1500 m), Na depletion and aluminous assemblages (kaolinite, andalusite, kyanite,
pyrophyllite, diaspore, chloritoid, corundum) characterise much of the paraconformable hydrothermal
alteration associated with these deposits.
In the light of these data, emphasis should be placed on the appropriate characterisation of the
potential of Archean and Proterozoic sequences in terms of necessary, VMS-controlling factors.
Much, semi-detailed and regional mapping is required, together with urgent sequence stratigraphy and
sufficient geochemical fingerprinting. Appropriate definition of existing occurrence types is lacking,
and will surely assist objectively in the search for other, economically important VMS deposits.
1970’s and the 1980’s, which focussed on mafic-ultra- prises a lenticular or pod-like body containing more
mafic, GB-type targets. In the light of significant than 60 % massive sulphides, and zoned from a spha-
advances in the characterisation of Brazilian geology lerite, pyrite and/or galena-rich top to a pyrite- and
since then, this article analyses the potential for VMS chalcopyrite-rich base. Sedimentary chert or
mineralization in GBs and metavolcano-sedimentary “exhalites” may occur along strike from the massive
sequences in and around the São Francisco Craton. sulphide bodies. Commonly, a discordant, hydrother-
We adopt a very generic definition for GBs, implicit mal alteration zone gradationally underlies the mas-
in the compilation presented by de Wit & Ashwal sive or near-massive sulphides. This contains chlorite
(1997). We refer to all metavolcano-sedimentary ± quartz ± sericite ± carbonate, as well as chalcopy-
sequences that contain evidence for their origin in intra- rite-pyrite stringer mineralization, together interpret-
oceanic or epi-continental back-arc environments and ed as the zone of fluid discharge. Regionally exten-
the tectono-stratigraphically associated arc settings. sive, semi-conformable alteration zones may be pres-
The foundation for this analysis of the potential for ent below the ore zone. At low metamorphic grades,
VMS deposits in and around the São Francisco Craton alteration assemblages include sericite-quartz-calcite/
lies in a review description of the critical, genetic dolomite, whereas those at some depth below Noranda-
characteristics necessary for the their formation and type deposits reflect silicification and spilitisation.
preservation. The available data from the various Most of the VMS camps are associated with
identified volcano-sedimentary sequences in and bimodal volcanic assemblages of submarine, interme-
around the Craton are compared with this empirical diate to felsic flows and pyroclastic rocks, interpreted
set of criteria in order to establish relative probabili- to represent stratovolcanoes, central volcanic com-
ties for VMS occurrences. Thereby, a dynamic system plexes, or large composite cones. Many authors stress
of target valuation is created that can be modified a caldera setting, cauldron subsidence and resurgence,
with the discovery of new, critical data. and localisation of volcanic vents and alteration pipes
along synvolcanic faults. Fewer deposits are associat-
THE FORMATION OF VMS DEPOSITS ed with komatiite-tholeiite assemblages consisting of
various combinations of komatiites, tholeiitic basalts,
Characteristics and associations icelandite, FIII-type rhyolites and calc-alkaline
Type examples of GB-hosted VMS deposits occur andesite and rhyolite. However, the Kidd Creek
in the Superior Province. They comprise clusters or Deposit occurs in this latter association.
“camps” commonly with one or more large or giant Such volcanic rocks are believed to have erupted
deposits in association with numerous smaller from high-level, subvolcanic, zoned basic-felsic
deposits. The deposits tend to be associated with spe- magma chambers that may be represented by the sub-
cific volcano-stratigraphic horizons marked by felsic volcanic intrusions, which commonly occur one to
volcanism, which are commonly boundaries between several kilometres stratigraphically below the VMS
contrasting rock types (e.g. andesite and rhyolite) deposits. These intrusions are interpreted to be heat,
(Lydon 1988, Sawkins 1990, Groves & Barley 1994, and possibly metal, sources (“heaters”) for the VMS
Franklin et al. 1998). Orebodies tend to occur at strati- deposits, driving convective hydrothermal activity
graphic levels where the presence of tuff and chert and mineralization (Franklin et al. 1998).
layers indicates a break in the volcanic activity. Most Many of the VMS clusters are associated with fel-
economic deposits contain in the range of 1 to 10 Mt sic volcanic rocks of distinctive trace-element geo-
of ore, with a few in the range 10 to 50 Mt. Typical chemical composition, the so-called FIII-type vol-
grades are >1 % Cu and >3 % Zn. Rare examples are canic rocks of Lesher et al. (1986). Kerrich & Wyman
larger. The largest is the Kidd Creek Deposit contain- (1997) present a thorough review of the trace-element
ing 130 Mt ore at 2.7 % Cu and 6.5 % Zn, and lesser characterisation of potential VMS-hosting volcano-
Pb at 1.9 % and 16 g/t Ag. stratigraphic settings, on the basis of the studies by
An idealised deposit (Franklin et al. 1998) com- Campbell et al. (1981, 1982) and Barrie et al. (1993)
at Abitibi & Kuroko, Lesher et al. (1986) in the composition, closely mirrors that of Franklin et al.
Superior Province, and Pearce (1996). (1998) in most aspects. It presents the notion of VMS-
The felsic volcanic rocks that host VMS deposits deposit classification in a very practical format, in
characteristically display flat rare-earth-element- that host-rock lithological packages are used to classi-
patterns, moderate to pronounced Eu anomalies, low fy the deposits. It may be considered to be easier to
to intermediate La/Yb ratios (0.8 to 9.0) and variable apply, particularly to ancient environments, since it
high-field-strength-element (HFSE) contents. requires only an evaluation of the host lithological
Typically, the VMS-hosting volcanic sequences are package and not of the tectonic environment of rock
characterised as having their origin in oceanic rifts, formation as such. We present the classification
rifted island arcs or calc-alkalic arcs. Continental and schemes in an integrated manner below, suggesting
alkalic arc settings are concluded to be associated with that it is the most appropriate and practical for elabo-
barren sequences. These geochemical sampling tech- rate analyses of both occurrences and tectono-strati-
niques apply to the entire or part of the volcanic graphic provinces, as in the present analysis.
sequence. For exploration it is not necessary to sample Type-1 or bimodal-mafic-type deposits form in
only the specific, volumetrically insignificant, felsic cen- arcs above ocean-floor-dominated subduction. They
tres of volcanism that generally host VMS deposits. constitute the volcanic, bimodal group, whose strati-
Some authors (e.g. Gaskarth & Parslow 1987, graphical pile is basalt-dominated (well over 50 %),
Vivallo & Claesson 1987) have generically associated with a lesser felsic component (<25 %) resulting in a
the occurrence of VMS deposits in Proterozoic mafic/felsic ratio of 3:1. The mafic rocks are tholeiitic
volcano-sedimentary sequences with the tholeiitic to and locally calc-alkaline, and the felsic rocks have a
calc-alkaline transition in the paleo-arc evolution. In an high SiO2-content in calc-alkaline rhyolites, suites
attempt to predict the existence of VMS deposits in that are produced through the melting of oceanic
often poorly characterised GBs, this generic association crust. Siliciclastic rocks are confined to a few
may be the best available approximation to volcanic intraflow clastic units, and to proximal epiclastic
evolution. It may critically direct research and explo- rocks. Pyroclastic strata are subordinate. Pillow
ration efforts and regional targeting before the more basalts, felsic flows and flow domes are prominent.
elaborate, trace-element-fingerprinting techniques. These deposits are the richest Cu-bearing types and
are the most common of all VMS-types, typically
Classification known to occur in Late Archean to Palaeoproterozoic
VMS deposits have been classified on the basis of GBs, although younger deposits do occur.
their composition (e.g. Cu-Zn-Pb triangle, Franklin et Type-2 or bimodal-felsic-type deposits are related
al. 1981; Au rich deposits, Poulsen & Hannington to ocean-continent subduction. They are dominated
1995), geological setting (e.g. tectonic regime, Barrie by felsic volcanic rocks (generally 50 to 70 %), com-
& Hannington 1999a) or host rock composition (e.g. prising calc-alkaline to high-SiO2 rhyolites.
Divi et al. 1979). About 80 % of the world’s VMS Siliciclastic rocks constitute some 15 % of the host-
deposits are in arc-related strata, with the remaining rock pile, more abundant than in the bimodal-mafic
20 % in mid-ocean ridge ophiolitic settings. Some of group. Submarine pyroclastic strata dominate. The
the latter are rifted marginal basins and others are in remaining rocks are calc-alkaline or tholeiite to calc-
preserved mid-ocean ridges. alkaline mafic rocks, generally andesitic in composi-
Franklin et al. (1998) present a tectonic classifica- tion with moderate vesicularity. Hyaloclastite is com-
tion system, embodying three types (1, 3 and 4) dom- mon. Rocks are both intrusive and volcanic. The
inated by volcanic rocks (intra oceanic, oceanic arc) Kuroko Deposit is the best-known example of this
and two (2 and 5) with a significant sedimentary asso- second most-numerous group, which accounts for the
ciation (epi-continental, ocean-continent, continental- largest volumes of Zn and Ag. While ages are in gen-
margin arc; Figure 1). A five-fold classification by eral similar to those of the bimodal-mafic group, these
Barrie & Hannington (1999a), based on host rock are most abundant in Phanerozoic systems.
yy;y ;;;;;
Intra-Oceanic Systems Epi-Continental Systems
;; ;;;;;;;
yyy yyyy ;
Volcanic Volcanic
Type 1 Arc
Seaward Accretionary Uplift
yy ;;;yyyyy
Trench Wedge Basin
Epithermal? Seaward
ChileanT rench
;; yy
;; y
;yy ;;;
; y
Type 4 Type 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 4 Type 5
Back-arc Barren Back-arc
Ridge Basin
Arc Trough
Volcanism fragment Volcanic DeepT rench Wall Arc
ceases Trench No
MarianaT rench Uplift
? ?
;y yy
y; ;
0km 200 400km 0km 200 400km
New Pelagic
Lower Oceanic Crust/
Old Epiclastic
New Oceanic
Crust (Back-arc)
Figure 2. Geological map of the Sao Francisco Craton and its greenstone belts.
20 45'S
+ +
21 00'S
Limit between the metavolcano-
Paraná Basin cover sedimentary segments
de Minas 2 .
Araxá-Canastra Groups
Meta-ultramafic ophiolites 0 10 Km
Morro do Ferro Greenstone
Belt Sequence
Barbacena Complex
Figure 3. Simplified geological map showing the distribution of the granite-greenstone terranes at the southwest of Minas
Gerais State. Modified after Carvalho et al. 1999.
Type-3 or mafic-type deposits are hosted in vol- poorest in Pb, they are amongst the least abundant of
canic ophiolitic sequences, strongly dominated by the VMS types. They typically occur in Phanerozoic
tholeiites and local boninites (>75 %), with rare or ophiolites, with a few, giant deposits in the Late
absent felsic volcanic rocks. Host piles have less than Archean (e.g. Kidd-Munro Deposits, Abitibi
10 % siliciclastic or ultramafic rocks. The deposits Subprovince) and the Palaeoproterozoic (e.g. Amiss
most commonly originate at a mid-ocean-ridge, but Group Deposits, Saskatchewan).
also form above intra-oceanic subduction zones and at Type-4 or mafic-siliciclastic-type deposits occur in
back-arc spreading ridges. The richest in Cu and the basalt-sediment, back-arc sequences with near-equal
ho do Pontal
Rio Salitre
. .
. . Se
.. . . . . rgi
. . . . pa
eto na
Pr . . .
. .
. .
. .
R io
. .
. .
. Rio Itapicuru
. . . .
. . . .. . . .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . .
. . . . Jacobina .
. . . . Mundo Novo . .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. . . . . .
. .
. .
.Boquira . . .
. . . . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . .
Pb-Zn .
Umburanas . Salvador
. .
. Riacho de .
. . . . . .
. Santana
. . . . Contendas-Mirante
. . .
. .
. . .
. ..
. . . . . ...
. . . . .
.. Brumado
. . . . 42° 00'
Ibitira-Ubiraçaba Dom Basílio Tanhaçu
Licínio de Almeida Guajeru
çua .
R i o
. 14° 00' Lagoa Real
e 14° 00'
. C
t a
. 2
1 3
. .
. Brumado
. Ibiassucê
. .
Malhada de Pedra Aracutu
Rio do Antonio
42° 00' Cunha 1998
Figure. 4: Geological map of the northeastern São Francisco Craton with the distribution of greenstone belts after da Silva and
Cunha (1998)
proportions of mafic volcanic or intrusive rocks and depositional mounds; (ix) “distal” fallout and
turbiditic siliciclastic sedimentary rocks that may be hydrothermal plumes. For mineral exploration, the
carbonate bearing. In the Japanese-type examples, two most important characteristics are the large-scale,
deep-water pelites, wackes and subordinate quartzites lower, semi-conformable alteration zones, and the
predominate. Felsic volcanic rocks are rare or absent. palaeo-heat source. These attributes are subtle, requir-
These deposits are typically Mesoproterozoic or ing careful mapping and petrographic analysis, along
younger, and are commonly complexely deformed. with judicious use of analytical and isotopic data to
The Besshi deposits of Japan and the Windy Craggy elucidate the petrochemical sequence.
deposit of British Columbia are examples. They re-
present the least abundant of all VMS types. Heat energy
Type 5 or bimodal-siliciclastic-type deposits occur VMS metals precipitate from acid hydrothermal
in mature, epi-continental arcs and back-arcs, con- solutions. Low pH is maintained by convective pump-
taining near-equal proportions of mainly felsic vol- ing and/or seafloor-fluid temperatures above 375ºC.
canic and siliciclastic strata. Felsic volcanic rocks are High geothermal gradient or focussed, intrusive sys-
calc-alkaline while mafic volcanic rocks are tholeiitic tem heat source is required. Types 1 and 3 deposits
and locally alkaline. Hangingwall basalt is absent or have well documented sub-volcanic intrusions, as at
minor. Sedimentary and epiclastic rocks comprise up Noranda. These are up to 60 km2, multiple intrusions,
to 80 % of the sequence. Examples are Bathurst (New with no contact aureole. Disseminated, porphyry-like
Brunswick) and the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Portugal), copper sulphides and miarolitic cavities are common.
typifying the Phanerozoic host sequences of the Felsic intrusions are common, though a layered gab-
deposit group. These deposits have the greatest ton- bro underlies Matagami. Intrusions associated with
nages, the largest deposit sizes, the lowest Cu con- Type-2 deposits are similar to those of Type 1. The
tents and the highest Pb contents of all VMS types. role of intrusions at Type 3, ophiolite deposits, is
Thirty-four percent of VMS deposits world-wide unclear, as with Type 4 deposits. Mafic sills may be
are Paleozoic. Archean and Proterozoic deposits important. synvolcanic intrusions within sequences of
equally share 29 % of total metal content and togeth- Type 5 deposits are poorly documented.
er constitute 40 % of all deposits. The median deposit
size of each arc-, Besshi- and ophiolite-type, is about Igneous petrochemistry
1-1.5 Mt. Type-5 deposits are much larger, on average There is a fragile relationship between magma
4 Mt. lead content is anomalously high in felsic set- type and the abundance or composition of deposits.
tings. Metal distribution in Phanerozoic mafic vol- Sub-volcanic intrusions and related volcanic rocks
canic Types 1, 3 and 4 reflects that of MORB. Type-5 have aberrant petrochemical trends, caused by unusu-
metal proportions reflect that of continental crust, ally rapid heat removal to the hydrothermal system,
although their Ag/Au ratios are usually high. Type-2 assimilation of hydrated country rock, or interaction
deposits are richer in Au, compared with Ag, particu- with seawater. Extensive fractionation may be evident
larly in the Proterozoic belts. in both major element and REE trends. (i) For Types
1, 2 and 3 sodic dacite and rhyolite dominate the fel-
Criteria: critical elements of a convective system sic melts. (ii) In Type 5, and possibly 2, more K-rich,
The body of evidence over the years supports a continent-derived melts may be evident. These are
generalised, convective, hydrothermal model more volatile-rich and their fluids may resemble
(Franklin et al. 1998). The nine principal elements of epithermal, high-sulphidation fluids. (iii) Type 4
such a system are: (i) heat energy: sub-volcanic intru- deposits include MORB, but alkalic and within-plate
sion; (ii) metal sources; (iii) high temperature reaction basalt compositions are present as well. (iv) Type 3
zone: convective system; (iv) magmatic source; (v) deposits are typical in modified, alkalic E-MORB,
insulating cap; (vi) fluid conduit; (vii) near surface with LREE- and LLE-enriched, back-arc composi-
interaction zone: alteration pipes; (viii) vent sites: tions. Differentiated plagiogranites may occur. (v)
Basalts of Types 1 and 2 are related to nascent-rifted reviewed. The main periods of mineralization in
arcs, and Types 3 and 4 to mature back-arcs. (vi) terms of number of deposits are bracketed between
Archean through Cenozoic mafic sequences are ~2750-2700 Ma – Late Archean; 1900-1800 Ma –
LREE-enriched and display Eu negative anomalies, Palaeoproterozoic; 500-450 Ma – Cambro-
by plagioclase removal or hydrothermal alteration. Ordovician; 390-250 Ma – Devonian through Permo-
Carboniferous; and 30-0 Ma – Neogene. The abun-
Semi-conformable hydrothermal alteration dance of both bimodal-felsic and bimodal-siliciclastic
In basalt-dominated areas (Types 1, 3 and 4), the in the Phanerozoic reflects a decrease in the global
lower semi-conformable alteration assemblage is heat flux with time, with more evolved, felsic arcs in
albite-epidote-actinolite-quartz. The uppermost alter- the Phanerozoic.
ation of Type 1 deposits is Na-depleted and proximal-
ly pervasive. The lower alteration zones are metal- GREENSTONE BELT-TYPE, VOLCANO-
depleted, particularly Cu. Silicification and epidotisa- SEDIMENTARY SEQUENCES
tion, with loss of Ca and addition of Na (as albite),
dominate. Type 3 alteration is similar. In shallow lev- Definition of greenstone belt-type volcano-sedi-
els at Cyprus, adularia and smectite occur. mentary sequence
Type 2, and possibly 5, alteration displays lateral- Greenstone belts (GBs) represent some of the ear-
ly extensive carbonate alteration (proximal siderite) liest records of Earth’s lithospheric history, and many
immediately subjacent to the deposits. Organic-rich also contain substantial ore deposits. De Wit &
strata may occur. Na depletion and Al-rich assem- Ashwal (1995, 1997), on whose analysis this review
blages (andalusite) dominate. The alteration style is based, indicate that only some 40 of the 260 known
resembles that associated with high-sulphidation GBs have been adequately described and quantita-
epithermal deposits. Alternatively, Type-2 alteration tively documented. There is no satisfactory definition
is characterised, from top to bottom, by quartz-micro- of the term GB. It is indiscriminately applied to rem-
cline-biotite through chlorite-quartz-albite to quartz- nants of ancient (mostly Archean) supracrustal rocks
albite-chlorite-epidote. This is similar to that of older, with a variable volume of slightly metamorphosed,
mafic-dominated systems, where celadonite and K- hence green, igneous rocks. Because many of these
micas are more common and K-feldspar less so. Type rocks are significantly deformed, these supracrustal
4 alteration is poorly documented. assemblages were also frequently referred to in the
The literature is abundant with descriptions of the early part of this century as “schist belts”. In fact, def-
other, non-critical elements of convective systems, initions of GBs emphasise low-grade assemblages,
such as discharge-zone alteration. This is beyond the and the worse exposed and higher-grade areas tell
scope of this critical analysis. similar but partially obscured stories.
The term “greenstone belt” is inherited from times
Age relationships when most detailed geological maps were published
The database of Franklin et al. (1998) shows that world-wide at scales between 1:100 000 and 1:250
VMS deposits are by far the most abundant in the 000, requiring the use of regional terms. The study of
Paleozoic Era. They contain even a greater proportion these terrains principally aimed to separate the grani-
of the base metals than expected from their toids and gneisses from the “green stones”. At scales
abundance. Although Paleozoic deposits account for around 1:10 000 to 1:25 000, GBs are shown not to be
only 34 %, they carry 58 % of the total metal. the simple supracrustal sequences with layer-cake
Archean and Proterozoic deposits have similar metal stratigraphy buckled into synclines, that they were
contents and abundance: 15 % and 14 %; 19 % and depicted to be as late in the early 1980s. Instead, they
21 %, respectively. are thin sheets with large cross-sectional aspect ratios.
In the recent contribution by Barrie & Hannington Many greenstone successions are allochthonous with
(1999a), a through-time distribution of VMS is respect to surrounding sialic crust. They appear at all
metamorphic grades, but the most common are those Baars (2000 in prep.) suggests that the São
at greenschist and sub-greenschist facies. Francisco Craton, as it was sculptured by the end of
GBs are as complex and variable as Phanerozoic the Neoproterozoic, the Brasiliano Event, is repre-
orogenic belts, with a multiplicity of tectonic envi- sented by a map distribution similar to that of the pre-
ronments. The characterisation of these palaeo- cursor Paramirim Craton at the end of the
tectonic environments has become one of the most Palaeoproterozoic. This is in spite of long-held claims
important objectives of GB research (e.g. Condie that the Craton was concentrically and significantly
1994). The partial preservation of these rock reduced in size by general, cratonward tectonism,
sequences, within and at the margins of the present- especially during the Brasiliano / Pan-African Event.
day São Francisco Craton, occurred during collisional The tectonic processes of this age that affected the
tectonic events. As is the case in Brazil, research São Francisco Craton were essentially diachronous,
continues in many cases with only rudimentary thin-skinned events with extensive fold-and-thrust
knowledge of the cartographic distribution of litho- belts masking underlying, stable cratonic crust. In
logical units. In some cases, the data, even at a regional terms of GB and volcano-sedimentary-belt distribu-
scale, are sparsely distributed in short, imprecise tion, this interpretation is consistent with the distribu-
conference publications, unpublished post-graduate tion of Archean and Palaeoproterozoic GBs within the
theses, or unpublished company reports. We present craton interior and the internal zones of the post-
some of the critical data for the São Francisco Craton Palaeoproterozoic mobile belts, to the exclusion of
GBs in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, younger GBs. In addition, the younger volcano-
Bahia and Sergipe. Adequate, peer review of some of sedimentary belts are concentrated, coincident with
the data is lacking in some cases, which hampers the one another and with remnants of ancient GB tracts,
estimation of their potential for hosting VMS deposits. in the central and outer zones of the mobile belts that
surround the peculiarly shaped Craton. A few, minor,
GB distribution in the São Francisco Craton Neoproterozoic remnants are thrust cratonward to
In the context of the foregoing definition of GBs, allochthonous and rootless positions in the broad
this contribution lends on classical reviews by de inner zones. To the extent that host-rock-formation
Almeida & Hasui (1984), and Mascarenhas et al. era has a bearing on VMS potential, these regional
(1984), as well as recent ones by Schrank & da Silva observations are very important and will only be
(1993), Pedrosa-Soares et al. (1994), and Baars (1997, enriched by additional, precise geochronological
2000 in prep.) in order to define the distribution of determinations of the GB and volcano-sedimentary
GBs in the São Francisco Craton. The first publica- sequences in and around the São Francisco Craton.
tions emphasise the Archean and Palaeoproterozoic While the critical heat flow conditions have
GBs. Of late, it has been possible to classify various changed significantly in these periods, from the
other metavolcano-sedimentary sequences as generic Archean to the Neoproterozoic / Eopaleozoic, the
GBs, on account of detailed cartography and geo- fundamental litho and asthenospheric processes that
chemical characterisation. In this sense, we recognise control plate tectonism have remained in place. The
that the geology of the São Francisco Craton and its cyclicity of metallogenesis has reduced its frequency
marginal mobile belts represent a continuous history and some of its detailed geochemical characteristics
of basin generation, ocean formation and closure, through time. Nevertheless, the essential supply of
ocean-continent and continent-continent collision, metal abundance from the mantle to the crust during
cratonic stabilisation, intracratonic subsidence and regional, extensional events has persisted (Sawkins
renewed rifting from the Archean to the Cenozoic. 1990, Barley & Groves 1992).
Indeed, the Mesozoic Rocas Verdes Complex, Chile, Volcanogenic massive sulphide exploration in the
is proposed to be a short-lived, modern analogue to São Francisco Craton has focused on Archean and
complex, ancient GBs (Sawkins 1990, p. 6, Stern & Palaeoproterozoic GBs. In the light of (i) the empiri-
de Wit 1997). cal abundance of VMS deposits associated with
various geological era, and (ii) the generic association northern GB were proposed by Danni & Ribeiro
of VMS deposits with arc-related volcano-sedimenta- (1978) and Sabóia (1979), and of the southern GB by
ry sequences, exploration in and around the São Danni et al. (1981). Work by Jost & Oliveira (1991)
Francisco Craton and its orogenic belts should con- and Resende et al. (1998) considerably improved the
sider other geological terrains as preliminary targets. knowledge about the lithologic compositions, pre-
The only place for era-based prejudice is that which served sequences, and their palaeogeographic signifi-
takes into account the occurrence of VMS deposits cance. It has become clear that the five belts evolved
world-wide associated with the five main geological with similar lower volcanic sections, giving way to
era indicated above. sedimentary sections deposited in contrasting palaeo-
geographic settings.
The greenstone belts The preserved volcanic sections consist of lower
This section does not provide an in-depth review komatiites, locally with primary volcanic features such
of the geology of the GBs object of the study. It aims as cumulate and spinifex textures, flow layering, flow
to provide the reader with the general, critical geolog- breccias, and pillows. Tholeiitic basalts follow, con-
ical data for each GB that are necessary to charac- taining relict-pillowed flows, vesicles, varioles, and
terise the potential for VMS. The descriptions are flow breccias. Metachert and Algoma-type banded iron
organised in order of apparent GB age. Despite formation (BIF) occur as sedimentary intercalations.
tectono-metamorphic overprinting, rocks of most The preserved sedimentary record in Crixás,
belts commonly occur at low strain, such that original Goiás, and in the eastern portion of Guarinos indi-
structures and textures may be preserved. Thus, cates that the prevailing environment was a long-lived
igneous or sedimentary terminology is widely used, euxenic environment, with carbonaceous schists giv-
and the prefix ‘meta’ is implicitly inferred but, in ing way to shallow-water limestone sequences at
most places, textually omitted. Crixás and Goiás. These are overlain by rhythmic
quartzite-shale sequences (Theodoro 1995, Resende
Archean et al. 1998). Sedimentation in the western portion of
the Guarinos GB initiated with a complex assemblage
Crixás, Pilar de Goiás, Guarinos, Goiás, Faina of mafic tuffs alternating with proximal turbidites, lat-
The Archean terranes of the State of Goiás occur erally disposed with respect to the main mafic vol-
within an approximate 50 000-km2 area of the south- canic pile. Both the basalts and the turbidites are over-
ern portions of the Goiás Massif. They comprise lain by an 80-m-thick BIF containing, at the base, at
about 80 % of granite-gneiss complexes ranging in least four well preserved exhalative mounds with
age from 2.9 to 2.4 Ga and linear GBs of 3.2 to 2.9 wide hydrothermal alteration zones and feeders
Ga. The granite-gneiss complexes are made up of (Resende 1994, Resende & Jost 1995). A thick
gneisses and intrusive bodies, mostly of granodiorite sequence of carbonaceous schists follows, and is in
and tonalite, with minor granite. The GBs are typical- turn unconformably overlain by a rhythmic quartzite-
ly metamorphosed at low grades, resting allochtho- shale sequence. In the Pilar de Goiás GB, basic vol-
nously on the granite-gneiss complexes, having been canism ceased in favour of a 250 mthick, graded shale
deformed during several episodes ranging in age from sequence, chert and upper calc-silicate rocks.
Archean to Neoproterozoic. The limits of the Archean Sedimentary rocks in the Faina GB consist of two typ-
segments are entirely tectonic with rock units ical shelf quartzite-shale-carbonate sequences. The
assigned to the Palaeo-, Meso-, and Neoproterozoic. lower of these rests on basalts via an erosional uncon-
The GB rock assemblages occur in five belts of formity, and is separated from the upper by a regres-
40- to 150-km length and, on average, 6 km width. sion surface followed by transgression.
Three belts cluster in the north (Crixás, Guarinos, and Evidence of felsic volcanic activity is rare in these
Pilar de Goiás) and two 80 km to the south (Goiás and five GBs. To date, there is only secure evidence in the
Faina). The first stratigraphic subdivisions of the Goiás GB. A lenticular, 300 m thick dacite unit, with
minor rhyolitic, pyroclastic rocks, overlies basalts and data about the sedimentary record of the five belts
is laterally interlayered with carbonaceous schists. (Jost et al. 1996, Resende 1998, Resende et al. 1998)
Chert, locally rich in pyrite and interlayered with car- indicate a predominantly-mafic source area, with
bonaceous schist, occurs as narrow intercalations in minor felsic contribution. This indicates that neither a
the pyroclastic section. There is no evidence of felsic continent nor an arc was sufficiently near to feed the
volcanic contribution in the Pilar de Goiás GB. In depositional sites. A mid-ocean ridge of a back-arc
Crixás, a pumice-rich horizon of carbonaceous schist environment is interpreted as the origin for these GBs.
is evidence of a distal contribution (Theodoro 1995). Herein, the authors propose that the Mina III Gold
There are probable ash-falls, represented by a mus- Mine may represent a distal, gold-only VMS deposit.
covite-rich matrix of BIFs overlying basalts, in the No other VMS deposits have yet been found or
western portion of the Guarinos GB (Resende 1994), described in any of these five gold-rich belts. The
and by the pure sericite schist within carbonaceous scarcity of felsic volcanic rocks, the apparent lack of
schists at the east of that GB (Jost et al. 1995). felsic sub-volcanic intrusions, and the prevalence of
Coincidentally, all these evidences occur within a basalts suggest that mafic intrusions may have been
similar stratigraphic position as the pyroclastic rocks the heat source to drive hydrothermal systems within
of the Goiás GB. Thus, they may be interpreted as the basalt piles. Alteration pipes have been found only
being related to a single, terminal, felsic volcanic in the Guarinos GB (Resende 1994, Resende & Jost
event. In the Faina GB, felsic dykes that crosscut the 1995), but their depositional result is a thick mag-
basalts, but do not the overlying sedimentary netite-hematite bearing BIF. Controversy persists
sequence, may be related to the same event. regarding this proposal, considering that many
Recent U-Pb SHRIMP data (Queiroz et al. 1999) authors suggest an epigenetic, deformation-related
indicate that granitoid complexes adjacent to the Crixás origin (most recently Fortes et al. 1997).
Greenstone Belt have an age of 2842 ± 6 Ma, and were
emplaced within the metamorphosed and overturned Quadrilátero Ferrífero (or Rio das Velhas) and others
GB. The komatiites of the Crixás belt yield a Sm-Nd The Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) is a metamorphic
age of 2825 ± 98 Ma (Arndt et al. 1989). However, due complex of rock sequences from the Archean and the
to alteration after eruption and mobilisation of the Palaeoproterozoic, including TTG-batholith domes,
REE, the authors suggest that the volcanic rocks may folded and thrust into a 80 x 80 km quadrangular for-
be older than 3.0 Ga. Uranium-Pb SHRIMP data from mat. This entity is known as the Iron Quadrangle for
titanite (Queiroz et al. 1999) indicate that the granitoids hosting extensive, economic Lake Superior-type iron
underwent tectonic recycling at about 2.0 Ga. Internal formations, and sub-economic, Archean, Algoma-
K-Ar and Rb-Sr isochrons, as well as Ar-Ar release type iron formations. Most authors refer to the GB as
data obtained by Fortes et al. (1993, 1997) and Fortes the Rio das Velhas GB, in view of the typical
(1996) from samples of schists indicate that thrusting sequence comprised by the supergroup with the same
ranges in age from 650 Ma to 500 Ma, and is thus name, although Baars (1997) preferred the more
Neoproterozoic in age. These schists are interpreted as generic term QF GB. The belt is famous for its lode-
metamorphosed hydrothermal alteration zones under- gold deposits (e.g. Ladeira 1991, Lobato et al. 1998,
lying the massive sulphide bodies and are sampled Lobato et al. 2000b).
from high strain zones. The Rio das Velhas GB (e.g. Zucchetti et al. 1998,
Compiled data shows that the basalts of the five Baltazar & Pedreira 1998, Lobato et al. 2000a) is
GBs are similar to modern back-arc environment, but composed of a lower sequence of ultramafic to mafic
differ in their high Sr, Cr, and Ni content. Chondrite- and intermediate volcanic rocks at the base of the
normalised REE vary from flat to slightly enriched in Nova Lima Group, with minor BIFs. These are
LREE. The felsic volcanic rocks of the Goiás GB followed by pelites and BIFs, significant greywackes,
have a geochemical nature that may be explained by turbidites and interbedded, felsic to intermediate
differentiation from a mantle source. Geochemical pyroclastic rocks. Arenites, argillites, turbidites and
calc-silicate rocks, at the top of the Group succeed the much less deformed states. In general the data are
cessation of volcanism in the pile. The stratigraphy either absent, inconclusive or simply contradictory as
gives way to the Maquiné Group, which is dominated to the real stratigraphic correlation between these
by clastic, terrigenous sedimentary rocks, represented sequences. In view of this, we adopt an integrated
by quartz schists, quartzites and conglomerates. The regional vision of the geology of these greenschist
Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (see and greenstone belts.
Zucchetti & Baltazar 1998) mapped the GB, refining Aluminous hydrothermal alteration occurs in tholei-
its stratigraphy (Dorr 1969) and indicating new type itic basalts of the basal Ouro Fino Unit, Nova Lima
localities for some of its units. Group. These locally display deca- to centimetre-thick
Baars (1997) cites evidence for an origin of basal bands carrying anthophyllite and cordierite. They are
komatiites around 3.19 and 3.22 Ga near Congonhas. variably schistose, and also contain quartz, plagioclase,
Machado et al. (1996) report detrital zircon ages from Mg-chlorite, phlogopite and accessory garnet, cum-
3.54 to 3.0 Ga in QF sedimentary rocks, while mingtonite, tourmaline and rutile (da Silva 1998a).
Machado & Noce (1993) indicate an age of 3029 Ma In the north-western Mateus Leme – Pitanguí Belt
for a zircon from acid volcanic rocks of the Nova extension of the Rio das Velhas GB, Romano (1990,
Lima Group. Carneiro (1992) and Noce (1995) pres- 1993) describes extensive hydrothermal alteration
ent U-Pb age determinations that prove a long, over 50 km in length and hectametric width. The
Archean to Palaeoproterozoic history of felsic dome alteration is hosted entirely within volcanic and vol-
generation and metamorphism in and around the GB, caniclastic rocks with characteristic chert intercala-
reviewed in Noce et al. (1998). Thermal and isotopic tions of the Pitangui Group, correlate of the Nova
perturbation continued through to the Neoproterozoic. Lima Group. Various spectacular textures and alumi-
Compelling data regarding the geochemical nature nous assemblages are carefully described, and they
of the mafic volcanic rocks of the Nova Lima Group encompass four types. Nodular peraluminous rocks
(Zucchetti 1998) show that various families of basalts consist of tubular, elliptic and spheroidal nodules of
are preserved in the sequence. These data, in addition corundum, with or without kyanite/andalusite,
to evidence for the presence of komatiites (Schorscher enveloped in pyrophyllite-diaspore-kaolinite haloes.
et al. 1982) at the ultramafic end of the spectrum and Accessory tourmaline, rutile and chloritoid, and rare
andesites and rhyolites with intermediate and felsic barite are present. Massive, fine-grained muscovitites
compositions, show that the Rio das Velhas contain subordinate pyrophyllite, tourmaline, kaolin-
Greenstone Belt contains a wide spectrum of mid- ite and rutile. Restricted, coarse-grained quartz-mus-
ocean ridge basalt and arc-related rocks. This high- covite-kyanite schists contain secondary pyrophyllite,
lights the need for more detailed mapping and geo- diaspore and kaolinite. Quartz-sericite schists domi-
chemical data to define more clearly the tectono- nate in the extensive hydrothermal alteration zone,
stratigraphic subdivisions within the QF. and host the other peraluminous rock types. Fine-
In this context, the structural branches of the QF grained granular-lepidoblastic sericite and embayed,
are important clues to deciphering the complexity of corroded quartz intergrow commonly hosting thin
this Archean terrane. The GBs at Mateus Leme- monomineralic chloritoid-kyanite-diaspore-pyrophyl-
Pitanguí in the NW (Romano 1990, 1993), Itapecirica lite-tourmaline rocks. Massive pyrophyllite consti-
in the W, Itabira-Nova Era (NE), Oliveira-São João tutes agalmatolite ore, or lard stone. Romano &
del Rei-Barbacena (SW; Ávila 1992), and Congonhas Carmo (1992) map and describe proximal peralumi-
in the S-SE (Seixas 1988, Seixas & Baars 1991, Rosa nous, sericitic and distal propyllitic alteration zones.
Seixas et al. 1998, Rosa Seixas et al. 1999a,b) are Chlorite, carbonate, epidote and sulphide subzones
continuous, structural extensions of the QF (with are described by Frizzo et al. (1991), with a transition
azimuth directions indicated in paraentheses). Each to keratophyric volcanic rock. Sulphidation is sparse-
contains rocks of similar affiliations to those of the ly disseminated in the peraluminous zone, and
Rio das Velhas Supergroup, although commonly in relatively abundant in the external alteration zones.
overlying tholeiitic, Mg-rich basaltic unit. The well documented, volcano-sedimentary sequences in
komatiitic to tholeiitic volcanic rocks are marked by the São Francisco Craton have similar geochemical
the apparent absence of an calc-alkaline evolution. features. Old gold workings in sheared, hydrother-
Various aluminous and carbonaceous sedimentary mally altered amphibolites occur close to the contact
schists and ferruginous and/or graphitic quartzites are with Neoproterozoic, calc-alkaline granites of the
intercalated with these suites, interpreted to represent Galiléia Suite (Nalini et al. 1998). A small massive
tuffs, pelites, marls and ferruginous cherts. At Bom sulphide occurrence is reported (J.H. Grossi Sad, pers.
Jesus da Penha, Mg-rich basalts, ultramafic rocks, comm.) although inadequately described.
amphibolites, marls, and pelitic, aluminous and car- The Cuieté Velho Sequence represents an
bonaceous sedimentary rocks are overlain by a suc- Archean, greenstone-belt-type fragment. The pres-
cession of pelitic, arkosic and chemical sedimentary ence of this tectonic fragment well within the Araçuaí
rocks, and quartzites with quartz-muscovite schists. Belt suggests that the São Francisco Paleocontinent
Deformed, granitic intrusive bodies, up to 400 m in extended at least to the proximities of the studied
length, are intercalated in the former rock units. At area. This is farther east than previously alluded to.
contacts with ultramafic rocks, centimetric tourmaline This is corroborated by the sedimentary and meta-
crystals, quartz, margarite and corundum develop. morphic polarities preserved within the Rio Doce
The metamorphic, errorchron age of 2918 ± 105 Ma Group, also suggesting a westward continental
from the enveloping migmatites (Artur et al. 1990) provenance and tectonic domain (Paes et al.2000)
represents a minimum age for the GB.
The Alpinópolis segment is distinct from the Contendas-Mirante, Tremedal, Mundo Novo,
Fortaleza de Minas GB in that it displays much fewer Jacobina
peridotitic flows, more tholeiitic basalt flows, thicker The Contendas-Jacobina Lineament, with a general
cherts, no BIFs, aluminous sedimentary rocks and N-NE trend and more than 500 km of extension,
tuffs. It has a distinct metallogenetic character. corresponds to a suture zone preserved at a
Carvalho (1990) integrates geophysical and surface Palaeoproterozoic continent-continent collision zone.
and subsurface geochemical data to identify 16 sube- According to Sabaté et al. (1990), the lineament
conomically mineralised, sulphide orebodies there, marks the limits between oriental and central crustal
containing Zn, Cu and Ni. domains of the northern São Francisco Craton (the
Jequié and Gavião Domains). The Contendas-Mirante
Cuieté Velho Volcano-Sedimentary Belt, the Mundo Novo GB and
The Cuieté Velho Metavolcano-sedimentary the Jacobina Group describe the lineament.
Sequence, Pocrane Complex (Paes et al. 1998, Paes
1999, Paes et al. 2000) near the town of Conselheiro The Contendas-Mirante Volcano-Sedimentary Belt
Pena, is part of the northern Mantiqueira Province, in (Marinho 1991) is predominantly constituted by
eastern Minas Gerais. Amphibolites, tremolite-actino- supracrustal rocks metamorphosed in the greenschist
lite and biotite schists, quartzites and lesser talc facies, with a progressive increase to the amphibolite
schists predominate at the base. Intermediate biotite facies towards its margins. The metamorphic assem-
schists with quartzite lenses, in association with calc- blages parallel two N-S-oriented coaxial fabrics. The
silicate rocks, amphibolite and talc schists grade to package is composed of three lithostratigraphic units.
quartzites at the top. Unaltered amphibolites and The Lower Unit comprises tholeiitic mafic and
hornblende schists display a MORB, tholeiitic signa- calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks, as lava flows and
ture, and geochemical characteristics compatible with dominant pyroclastic subunits, with intercalations of
greenstone-belt, Archean basalts. Tremolite-actinolite immature siliciclastic and chemical sedimentary
schists are interpreted as metamorphosed cumulate rocks, including marbles, cherts and BIFs. Cunha
rocks. Cogenetic mafic rocks have a Sm-Nd isochron (1996) recently identified a komatiitic basalt in this
age of 3099 ± 142 Ma, with an SNd(T) of +1.1. Other unit. Marinho (1991) uses Sm-Nd, Pb-Pb and U-Pb
isotopes to determine ages between 3.0 and 3.3 Ga for
the volcanic rocks. leading to erosion and rifting, and having created
The Intermediate Unit is composed of pelitic to thereby conditions of formation for the Jacobina
psammitic, and epiclastic sedimentary rocks, with sub- Group quartz-pebble conglomerates.
ordinate calc-alkaline mafic and minor intermediate Geochronological data indicate GB-formation at
volcanic rocks. Lead-Pb age determinations (Marinho the Archean-Palaeoproterozoic transition at around
1991) suggest an age of 2.5 Ga for the mafic volcanic 2.7 - 2.5 Ga. Da Silva (1998b) reports a Sm-Nd model
rocks. Metamorphic Rb-Sr rehomogenisation occurred age T(DM) of 2.6 Ga, determined in dacites from the
at around 2.0 Ga. The Upper Unit is essentially com- Mundo Novo area.
posed of epiclastic sandstones and conglomerates. Common gold garimpos are associated mainly
Nutman et al (1992) use detrital zircons from con- with ultramafic rocks (Silveira & Conceição Filho
glomerate to establish a deposition period between 2.15 1991). Polymetallic base-metal sulphide showings
and 1.9 Ga, the latter also a Late-Trans-Amazonian were discovered by Unigeo-Anglo American Corp. at
granite age. Several Archean and Proterozoic granitoid Fazenda Coqueiro, associated with magnetic and geo-
plutons and some mafic-ultramafic intrusions, includ- chemical anomalies, and confirmed in drillcore
ing the 2.47 Ga, gabbro-dominated Rio do Jacaré through bimodal volcanic rocks (Mascarenhas & da
Stratified Sill (Marinho 1991), truncate the entire sys- Silva 1994).
tem. The latter contains four massive, V-rich, PGE-
bearing, titano-magnetite orebodies. Umburunas, Ibitira-Ubiraçaba, Brumado, Bate-Pé,
Da Silva (1996) suggests that the dominantly Guajeru, Licínio de Almeida, Urandi
pelitic Tremedal Sequence may be a tectonic remnant, The Gavião Block, situated in the Brumado region
to the south, of the Contendas Mirante GB. in central-southern Bahia, exhibits vast exposures of
Aluminous mineral assemblages, reported as regional the Archean cratonic basement, including the oldest
metamorphic, and fuchsite-bearing rocks may attest known rocks of Brazil in the crust-derived, 3.35 Ga
to the eventual metallogenic potential. Boa Vista - Mata Verde Complex (Nutman et al
Marinho (1991) proposes basin formation in con- 1996). The latter complex displays T(DM) of 3530
tinental through oceanic-rift environments for the (Wilson 1987, Marinho 1991). The Sete Voltas and
whole package. Marinho et al. (1994) and da Silva & Serra dos Pombos Complexes display similar patterns
Cunha (1999) describe how rocks of the Lower Unit (Martin et al. 1991, Marinho et al. 1993). They are
are source to many stream-sediment Pb, Zn, Cu, As, dominantly granite-gneissic and migmatitic terrains,
Ag and Au anomalies, and persistent, high, native-Zn with sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary GB
and -Cu counts in the Contas and Sincord River ter- enclaves of the Archean and Palaeoproterozoic.
races. Electromagnetic anomalies define expressive These decakilometric, curvilinear tracts have dis-
bedrock conductors. Several ubiquitous vein-type tinct lithologic and stratigraphic characteristics within
barite occurrences, with Cu-Pb sulphides, disseminat- the range of preserved sequences in the Serrinha
ed Zn, a few Au showings, massive pyrite-pyrrhotite Block. Here, the first and most spectacular records of
bodies suggests a polymetallic sulphide potential. komatiitic flows with well-preserved spinifex textures
The Mundo Novo GB, first defined by were identified in the northern São Francisco Craton
Mascarenhas & da Silva (1994), is located between lobe. The most expressive areas were individually
the towns of Piritiba and Mundo Novo. It is dominat- characterised with the denominations of Umburanas
ed by low-grade metamorphosed basalt lava flows (Cunha & Fróes, 1994), lbitira-Ubiraqaba, Brumado
and andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks, associated and Guajeru (Cunha et al. 1994) GBs (as per Barbosa
with greywackes, and chert- and, BIF-derived chemi- & Dominguez 1996).
cal-exhalative sedimentary rocks. Allochthonous, The well-documented Umburanas GB consists of
ultramafic tectonic slices, from the Jacobina Group, three lithostratigraphic units, associated with three
occur within the Mundo Novo sedimentary rocks. distinct volcanic cycles (Cunha & Fróes 1994). The
Late uplift is inferred as a result of basement arching, Lower Unit is composed of basal, spinifex-textured
komatiites and ultramafic volcanic rocks, and tholei- Important Cu-occurrences are known in ultramafic
itic basalts and dacites. Quartzites with conglomeratic and calc-silicate rocks (0.4 to 2.1 % Cu) and Au in
horizons, pelitic and chemical sedimentary rocks sheared felsic volcanic rocks (0.1 to 7.45 g/t Au).
(BIFs, cherts, carbonates, calc-silicate rocks), and The Licínio de Almeida and Urandi Belts are dom-
minor intercalations of felsic volcanic rocks. The inantly sedimentary and are located to the west, with-
Intermediate Unit is dominated by felsic volcanic in the Gavião Block, at the eastern margin of the
rocks of the third volcanic cycle, with subordinate Espinhaço Range. Souza et al. (1990) define the
pyroclastic, epiclastic and mafic-flow correlates. The Licínio de Almeida as a group of low-grade rocks
Upper Unit is constituted essentially of carbonates. consisting of aluminous schists, and pelitic, calc-sili-
The entire sequence is truncated by granitoid intru- cate and chemical sedimentary rocks, including
sions. At least two deformation phases accompany manganoan BIFs (Rocha et al. 1998), marbles and
dominant greenschist-facies metamorphic assemblages. cherts. Direct correlation with the other GBs of the
Geochronological data from Sm-Nd, single-zircon Gavião Block is difficult. Rocha (1990) interprets the
Pb-Pb and SHRIMP U-Pb isotope systems indicate Belt as resulting from an episode of mixed psammitic-
ages around 3.0 Ga for the mafic volcanic rocks and pelitic-chemical sedimentation during the Late
quartzites of the Lower Unit of the Umburanas GB, Archean, without proximal volcanism. Chemical sed-
and around 2.7 Ga for the felsic volcanic rocks of the imentary rocks in the Urandi Belt have a possible vol-
Intermediate Unit (Cunha & Fróes 1994). canic contribution. Furthermore, amphibolites there
The Ibitira-Ubiriçaba and Brumado GBs are char- are ascribed to amphibolite-facies BIFs, emphasising
acterised by sequences with amphibolitic basalt and the sedimentary nature of the Belt. Potential for VMS
gabbro, chemical sedimentary rocks (BIFs, marbles, deposits is restricted to the bimodal-siliciclastic type.
calc-silicate rocks), ultramafic rocks, carbonates, The Licínio de Almeida Belt is well known for its sig-
quartzites and calc-silicate quartzites, and felsic vol- nificant manganoan-BIF-hosted manganese deposits.
canic rocks (Moraes et al. 1980, da Silva 1996). The
Bate-Pé GB tract also registers greenschist-facies Riacho da Santana
metamorphism, predominantly in quartzites and mica In the Guanambi-Correntina Block at the west of
schists. Aluminous minerals, garnet, kyanite and stau- Bahia State, some remnants of GB-type volcano-sed-
rolite are present at places (Dias Lima et al. 1981). imentary sequences occur, the Riacho de Santana GB
The age of these GBs is not precisely determined, being the most expressive example (Silveira & Cunha
although their proximity and geological similarity 1997). This Belt includes three main lithostratigraph-
with the better-studied, Archean Umburunas GB is ic units: (i) the Lower Unit, composed of komatiitic
used as evidence in favour of an Archean origin. volcanic rocks associated with chemical and detrital
The Guajeru GB in the southwestern portion of sedimentary rocks; (ii) the Intermediate Unit, consti-
the Gavião Block is constituted, at the base, by tholei- tuted by mafic and felsic volcanic rocks, and chemi-
itic basic and komatiitic ultrabasic schists and serpen- cal and pelitic sedimentary rocks; and (iii) the Upper
tinites, with quartzite and carbonate intercalations. Unit, which is essentially represented by mixed
The intermediate and upper portions of the sequence siliceous-carbonate platform sedimentary rocks, with
are dominantly sedimentary with oxide-facies BIFs, basalt intercalations. Local greenschist-facies meta-
fuchsitic quartzites and carbonates. morphic imprint displays lateral variations to the
Active research and mineral exploration devel- amphibolite facies. Plutons, including the Cara Suja
oped in the Umburunas, Ibitira-Ubiraçaba, Brumado, Massif, dykes and sub-volcanic sills have an alkaline
Bate-Pé, Guajeru GBs, mainly by the Companhia affiliation. Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb T(DM) model ages of
Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral-CBPM, have resulted in 2.33 Ga and 2.7 Ga for the basalts and 2.0 Ga for alka-
numerous target discoveries of Cu-Zn massive sul- line intrusive rocks, respectively, confirm the Archean
phide occurrences, Au, Ni-Cu (PGE) and Cr, the best origin of the GB (Paim et al. 1999).
results to date occurring in the Umburunas GB. Intensive mineral exploration by the CBPM indi-
cates several favourable targets (Silveira & Cunha ates, at places in contact with quartzites by way of
1997). These include base-metal massive sulphide epidotite horizons. The steep, concordant tabular and
and gold targets, all related to hydrothermal alteration folded orebodies at Boquira produced some 5.6 Mt
features, with the presence of chemical and chemical- ore between 1959 and 1985, at weighted average
exhalative sedimentary rocks, ultramafic, mafic and grades of 8.9 % Pb and 1.4 % Zn.
felsic volcanic rocks, and porphyritic alkaline intru- Other volcano-sedimentary linear tracts in the
sive rocks. An expressive, 100 m strike-length gossan Paramirim Block contain Cu-associated Au mineral-
is reported, associated with a tuff, chert and carbon- izations, as at Baixa Funda in lbiajara. Soares et al.
ates package. It is associated with an 800 m IP/R (1990) denominate the Paramirim Belt stretching
anomaly, with rocks yielding grades of up to 1.3 % Cu some 45 km over a narrow band of 1 to 4 km. It con-
and 2 to 5 g Au/t. tains some volcanic in addition to sedimentary rocks,
attesting to a possible GB association.
Boquira Belt, Ibiajara, Paramirim and others
The Paramirim Block at the west of Bahia State Palaeoproterozoic
consists of granite-gneisses and migmatites, and vol-
cano-sedimentary to dominantly sedimentary Rio Itapicuru
sequences, forming narrow, isolated, N-S tracts. The The major Rio Itapicuru GB (Kishida 1979, da
interpretation of such associations as representatives Silva 1987, Schrank & da Silva 1993, Baars 1997) is
of discrete volcano-sedimentary sequences, or as frac- located in the north-eastern portion of the Serrinha
tions of the same, disrupted GB is controversial. The Block, Bahia. Narrow volcano-sedimentary belts and
largest strip, with some 64 km length and 3 km width tracts in a classic GB architecture stretching over 100
and known as the Boquira Belt, hosts stratabound km envelop N-S-trending, elongate granite and gneiss
and/ or stratiform Pb-Zn(-Cd-Ag) ores, including the domes. The GB itself covers some 700 km2, and is
deposits of the now inactive Boquira Lead Mine. It comprised of a lowermost mafic volcanic unit, an
was first described by Gonçalves (apud Cunha et al. intermediate felsic unit and an uppermost sedimentary
1994) and Nagell (1970). unit. The mafic rocks are ocean-floor tholeiites, which
Rocha (1985) and Carvalho (1982) describe iron are overlain by arc calc-alkaline volcanic sequences.
formations of oxide, carbonate and silicate facies, Turbiditic sedimentary rocks, with a significant vol-
with quartz-magnetite, quartz-hematite, silicate-mag- canogenic component, and chemical sedimentary
netite and carbon-magnetite subfacies. These rocks rocks, including chert and BIFs top the sequence. This
are intercalated in quartzites and carbonates. There supracrustal association exhibits a greenschist to
are no proven records of volcanic rocks, although amphibolite metamorphic imprint. Syn and late-
banded amphibolites of unclear origin are important, tectonic granites and gabbros intrude the system.
particularly at base metal mineralised localities All geochronological data clearly indicate the
(Fleischer & Espourteille 1998). The record is inter- complete Palaeoproterozoic development of the Rio
preted as an isolated chemical-sedimentary sequence Itapicuru GB (de Brito Neves et al. 1980, Gaál et al.
formed in a Late-Archean, shallow-water epi-conti- 1987, da Silva 1992), from basin formation through
nental basin containing anaerobic organisms (Rocha ocean-continent subduction, orogenesis and late
1985). Banded gneiss intercalations are common, as shear-zone gold mineralization, between 2.2 and 1.95
are chlorite-garnet-biotite schists. Ga. Negative eNd values for felsic volcanic rocks, an
The Pb-Zn(-Cd-Ag) mineralizations in the inherited, xenolith-hosted zircon of 2.9 Ga corrobo-
Boquira Formation (Cassedane 1972, Rocha 1985, rate chemical evidence for crustal contamination dur-
Fleischer & Espourteille 1998), best represented at ing felsic magmatism. Nevertheless, there is still clear
the exhausted Boquira Lead Mine, is closely associat- evidence for oceanic crustal recycling in the felsic
ed with the amphibolitic, siliceous magnetite BIF sub- chemical signatures. The latter rocks are associated
facies. These are, in turn, hosted by dolomitic carbon- with 100 Ma older P MORB tholeiites in a bimodal
sequence. Da Silva (1992) proposes a fully developed ensialic, back-arc basin fill, metamorphosed in the
and subducted back-arc and coupled continental vol- amphibolite facies, with local retrograde re-equilibra-
canic arc geotectonic setting. In that sense, the Rio tion to greenschist-facies assemblages (Winge 1984).
Itapicuru GB may represent a major, Trans- The CBPM has identified a number of pyrite-domi-
Amazonian suture zone preserved within the present- nated, disseminated sulphide Cu-Zn and Au targets
day northern São Francisco Craton (da Silva 1987, hosted in the felsic section.
Sabaté et al. 1990, Barbosa & Dominguez 1996).
Regional thrust and shear structures are known to Rio Salitre, Barreiro, Colomi, Casa Nova
host significant lode-gold mineralization (e.g. Vieira In the region of the middle São Francisco River,
et al. 1998). Regional metamorphic assemblages indi- the Sobradinho Domain seems to represent a north-
cate greenschist and lower-amphibolite conditions. wards prolongation of the Serrinha and Paramirim
Hydrothermal alteration beyond the shear-zone-relat- Blocks (Barbosa 1996). Included in this domain are
ed, Fazenda Brasileiro and Maria Preta Gold Mines volcano-sedimentary sequences, including the Rio
(Alves da Silva & Matos 1991) is briefly described at Salitre and Barreiro Complexes (Dalton de Souza et
a few places (da Rocha Neto & Pedreira 1994). It is al. 1979) and other sedimentary sequences, with sub-
possible that local, aluminous amphibolite-facies ordinate volcanic rocks, known as Colorni and Casa
assemblages, with sillimanite, kyanite, garnet, Nova Complexes. These are located within the frame-
cordierite, represent metamorphosed volcanogenic work of the Riacho do Pontal Fold Belt, defined by
alteration zones, such as at the central, elongate Dalton de Souza et al. (1979).
Ambrósio Dome (Matos & Davison 1987; e.g. Dalton de Souza & Teixeira (1981) describe the
Fazenda Varginha Gold Prospect, da Rocha Neto & Rio Salitre GB as a low-grade volcano-sedimentary
Pedreira 1994). Syn- and late-volcanic intrusive rela- sequence, comparable to a greenstone belt. It is com-
tionships are common throughout the GB sequence posed of ultramafic, mafic and felsic volcanic rocks,
(da Silva 1998, Gomes et al. 1998). with associated psammitic, pelitic and chemical-
Base metal occurrences and geochemical anom- exhalative sedimentary rocks (Dalton de Souza &
alies are known at various sites in the GB. Massive Teixeira 1981). Ribeiro & da Silva (1998) define the
sulphide showings have been reported at at least two Rio Salitre volcano-sedimentary sequence, and its
CBPM, pelite- and albitic chert-dominated prospects associated intrusive rocks, as a granite-greenstone ter-
(da Rocha Neto & Pedreira 1994). Extensive Si-K-Ca rain. It shows the presence of tholeiitic to komatiitic
hydrothermal alteration is associated with Au-Cu at ocean-floor basalts, associated with arc-type felsic
another site. Gomes et al. (1998) provide initial evi- volcanic rocks and with dominantly volcanogenic
dence for the undiscovered importance of magmatic chemical-pelitic sedimentary rocks. Whole-rock, Rb-
hydrothermal mineralization at Lagoa do Gato, 15 km Sr geochronological data indicate Proterozoic ages
east of Fazenda Brasileiro. The well-documented around 2.0 Ga for the supracrustal rocks of the
transition from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline associations Sobradinho Domain, and Ri of 0.706. (Dalton de
and the mineralised margins of the intrusive Souza et al. 1979, Brito Neves et al. 1980).
Teofilândia Dome serve as an important regional Base-metal and gold mineralizations have been
guide for VMS potential. identified in these GBs. A belt with concentrations of
massive and disseminated sulphides with a 1600 m
Rio Capim strike extension and 20n m width, known as the Sabiá
The dismembered, far-northern extension of the target, has also been discovered. A massive sulphide
Rio Itapicuru GB, east of the town of Uauá, compris- horizon is hosted by tremolitised calc-silicate rocks of
es the Rio Capim GB as defined by Winge & Danni the upper part of the lower volcanogenic portion of
(1980). It encompasses a lower unit of tholeiitic the Rio Salitre GB.
basalts and an upper unit of calc-alkaline felsic vol-
canic rocks. It is interpreted to represent a remnant of
Almas-Dianópolis, Porto Alegre, Pindorama, (1999b) confirm the occurrence of tholeiitic, intra-
Conceição do Tocantins continental basalts and dacites with some calc-
Granite-GB terranes of the south-eastern portion alkaline arc rocks. The Upper Metasedimentary Unit
of Tocantins State were first described by Costa occurs in the eastern portions of the Almas GB and
(1984), who grouped the supracrustal rocks into the in the northern parts of the Porto Alegre GB. It
Riachão do Ouro Group. The GB of the Almas- consists of carbonaceous schists with intercalations of
Dianópolis region occurs in a number of curvi-linear, oxide-facies BIF, chert, quartzite and minor, felsic
NS-trending belts. The three best known are the volcanic rocks.
Almas, Porto Alegre and Dianópolis GBs separated Rock types of the Conceição do Tocantins GB are
by a variety of gneiss and intrusive complexes. The in general similar to those of the Almas-Dianópolis
granitoid complexes have an elliptical plan view and GB. However, the former contains a higher frequency
consist of variable proportions of trondhjemite, of BIFs. The BIFs of the Conceição do Tocantins are
tonalite, granodiorite, monzogranite, quartz monzodi- commonly the country rocks to Au-bearing,
orite and quartz diorite (Cruz & Kuyumjian 1994). hydrothermally altered zones (Thomsen &
Rubidium-Sr geochronological data are available Kuyumjian 1994b).
only for one tonalite intrusion (Serra do Boqueirão
Suite), which yields ages of 2050 ± 276 Ma and 2217 Mossâmedes
± 85 Ma (Costa 1984), interpreted as the result of iso- The Mossâmedes Sequence (Simões 1984,
topic resetting of Archean rocks. The region also con- Barbosa 1987) occurs as a narrow ENE belt in the
tains several small hornblende-gabbro, pyroxenite, vicinities of the town of Mossâmedes, Goiás, overly-
and hornblendite bodies that intrude the GB. The lack ing shallow-water, greenschist-facies conglomerates,
of intense internal deformation in the intrusions and quartzites, and pelites of the Serra Dourada Sequence,
the partial overlap of the intrusions by the sedimenta- corresponding to early-rift deposition. Volcanic rocks
ry rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Natividade Group, of the Mossâmedes Sequence comprise greenschist-
led Cruz & Kuyumjian (1994) to interpret their intru- to lower amphibolite-facies basalts and andesites.
sion during the Late Archean to Early Proterozoic in These may contain horizons rich in quartz and epi-
age. The most detailed studies of the Almas- dote, with minor amphibole, locally with more than
Dianópolis GB are presented by Cruz (1993), Cruz & 50 % epidote, suggesting intense pre-metamorphic
Kuyumjian (1994), Kwitko et al. (1995), Kuyumjian hydrothermal alteration of selected volcanic intervals.
& Cruz (1996) and Ferrari & Choudhuri (1999a, b), These rocks are overlain by a succession of dacitic to
and of the Conceição do Tocantins GB by Thomsen & rhyolitic tuffs and subvolcanic intrusions. The felsic
Kuyumjian (1994a,b). rocks commonly contain intercalations of muscovite
Cruz (1993) proposes a stratigraphy for the GBs schists with variable amounts of kyanite, chlorite, and
with two units in complex contact relationships. The pyrite, interpreted as metamorphosed synvolcanic
Lower Metavolcanic Unit occurs in the western por- hydrothermal alteration products. The top of the vol-
tion of the Almas GB, in the north-western part of the canic pile is marked by a white, pyrite-bearing chert.
Porto Alegre GB, and throughout the Dianópolis GB. The upper section of the sequence is made up mostly
It comprises basalt flows metamorphosed in the of pelites, calcic schists, and carbonaceous phyllites
greenschist and lower amphibolite facies. Komatiites with subordinate felsic pyroclastic rocks.
are restricted to the northern extremity of the Geochemical data (Barbosa 1987) show that the vol-
Dianópolis GB (Padilha 1984). Hydrothermal alter- canic rocks are similar to modern, low-K, tholeiitic,
ation of the basalts is common along later shear zones arc assemblages. Volcanic rocks of the overlying
(Silva et al. 1990, Kwitko et al. 1995). A geochemical Mossâmedes Sequence dated by Fuck & Pimentel
section across basalts at the Córrego Paiol Gold Mine (1990) yield a Rb-Sr age of 1933 ± 70 Ma and a
suggests their tholeiitic to calc-alkaline origin (F.J. Sm-Nd model age of 2200 Ma, and by Pimentel et al.
Baars et al. unpubl. data). Ferrari & Choudhuri (1996) an isochronic Rb-Sr age of 1978 ± 55 Ma.
Evangelista et al. 1990, Dürkop et al. 1997). lower, continental rift-type basalts that evolved into
The ultramafic rocks are Mg-rich apparently with MORB equivalents.
a komatiitic basalt signature, although this is not
unequivocal. Brueckner et al. (1998) report the Sm- Palmeirópolis
Nd T(DM) model age of schists as 2269 Ma and The Palmeirópolis Sequence (Ribeiro Filho &
T(CHUR) model age as 2111 Ma, suggesting mantle Teixeira 1981, Leão Neto & Olivatti 1983, Araújo
extraction of the protoliths of the sedimentary rocks 1986) is sub-divided into three units. The Lower Unit
between those times. Metamorphic mineral separates begins with coarse, banded amphibolites that give
clearly indicate that metamorphism occurred at 549 place to felsic pyroclastic rocks and greywackes, in
Ma. Jordt Evangelista (1992) conclude that the Dom turn underlying an assemblage of amphibolite, pelite
Silvério Group is a Palaeoproterozoic GB. There are and quartzite cut by mafic and ultramafic dykes. The
no published polymetallic occurrences there, although Intermediate Unit contains felsic volcanic rocks with
the wide lithological and mineralogical varieties minor pelite and BIF. The Upper Unit consists of
attract attention in terms of VMS potential. pelites with minor chert and BIF. The geochemical
composition of the amphibolites is similar to that of
Mesoproterozoic modern mid-ocean ridge basalts (Araújo 1986, Araújo
The eastern portions of the Goiás Massif (Queiróz et al. 1996a). The Palmeirópolis Sequence and associ-
& Jost 1998) contain a north-south trending, 300 km ated VMS deposits are detailed by Araújo (2000,
long, east-vergent thrust zone, considered as the west- this volume).
ern limit of the Brasília Belt (Fuck 1994). The hang- Indaianópolis
ingwall of the fault contains the layered mafic-ultra- The Indaianópolis (Danni & Leonardos 1980) or
mafic Cana Brava, Niquelândia, and Barro Alto Coitezeiro Sequence (Brod 1988) lies to the west of
Complexes, from north to south. These are metamor- the Niquelândia Complex, the contact being a 3 to 4
phosed in the granulite facies. They consist of dunites, km wide, vertical, dextral, strike-slip shear zone, the
websterites, pyroxenites, gabbros, norites, and Rio Traíras Lineament. The Sequence consists of five
anorthosites (Girardi et al. 1978, Danni & Leonardos units (Brod 1988). The lowest unit encompasses
1980, Girardi et al. 1986, Correia 1994, Ferreira Filho pelites with minor carbonate schist, BIF and chert,
et al. 1994, Ferreira Filho 1995, Suita 1996, Lima followed by a thick package of basaltic to andesitic
1997). The layered complexes were intrusively lavas and pyroclastic rocks, locally with vesicles and
emplaced during the Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic tran- flow structures. The mafic volcanic rocks underlie
sition, around 1.60 to 1.56 Ga, and were metamor- sub-volcanic rhyolite bodies, ignimbrites, lapilli-tuffs
phosed during the Neoproterozoic (Hasui & Almeida and, locally, chert. These, in turn, underlie a rhythmic
1970, Tassinari et al. 1981, Fuck et al. 1989, Fugi succession of shallow-water pelite and quartzite giv-
1989, Oliveira 1993, Correia 1994, Ferreira Filho et ing place to alternating carbonaceous schist and mag-
al. 1994, Correia et al. 1997). The footwall of the fault netite-sericite schist, underlying a chloritoid schist.
consists of both Archean gneisses and Neoproterozoic The top of the sequence consists only of pelites.
sedimentary rocks of the Brasília Belt. The amphibolites of the Coitezeiro Sequence are
To the west, the complexes are overlain by thick derived from midocean ridge volcanic rocks (Danni et
volcano-sedimentary sequences metamorphosed al. 1982, Araújo et al. 1995). Brod (1988) further
under amphibolite facies and known, from north to demonstrates the geochemical and spatial affiliation
south, as the Palmeirópolis, Indaianópolis (or of those tholeiitic rocks with the felsic volcanic rocks.
Coitezeiro), and the Juscelândia Sequences. Their Alkaline basalts are, however, similar to the oceanic,
stratigraphy and geochemical composition are very intra-plate, Hawaiian basalts.
similar, perhaps representing parts of a once larger
basin. The Juscelândia Sequence apparently contains Juscelândia
a more complete volcanic section, initiating with The Juscelândia Sequence (Fuck et al. 1981)
consists, from base to top, of fine amphibolites with of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Craton
intercalations of chert, felsic gneisses (including margin, precursor to the West Congo-Araçuaí
minor amphibolite, calc-silicate rocks), felsic tuffs, Orogen. Metasedimentary rocks of varied, micaceous
and pelites with felsic and mafic volcanic intercala- pelites and psammites, with a significant calcareous
tions. Based on lithogeochemical data, Moraes (1992) component, important carbonaceous schists and clas-
and Moraes & Fuck (1994) first interpreted the tic sedimentary rocks dominate the Formation. Minor
sequence as being similar to the upper portions of volcano-sedimentary facies comprise BIF, chert,
ophiolite complexes and formed in a back-arc or graphite and hyper-aluminous schists, and contains
intra-arc environment. The geochemical composition tectonic slivers of ultramafic and mafic rocks, which
of the mafic volcanic rocks is similar to that of vol- have petrochemical signatures that indicate their ori-
canism in modern back-arc environment. Calc- gin at a mid-ocean ridge (Pedrosa-Soares et al. 1992,
alkaline or shoshonitic contributions, that may anchor Pedrosa-Soares et al. 1998). The Ribeirão da Folha
an arc to the basin, are absent. Facies has N-MORB-type basalts dated at around 816
Recently, Moraes (1997) describes that the ± 72 Ma. Pedrosa-Soares & Noce (1998) entrench the
Sequence is made up of a bimodal volcanic associa- debate (Söllner et al. 1991, Costa et al. 1995) on the
tion with hypabyssal, felsic intrusions. The geochem- existence of an extensive, pre-orogenic, ocean basin
ical composition of the amphibolites indicates a along the eastern margin of the Craton. They postulate
lower/intermediate section derived from continental the correlation of the Salinas Formation rocks with
rift or plateau basalts, and an upper section from N- other, higher-grade equivalents further south, as well
MORB basalts. The felsic rocks are metamorphic as citing extensive evidence in favour of the presence
products of rhyolites, rhyodacites and sub-volcanic, of a well developed magmatic arc within the Atlantic
continental rift granites. Apparently, the early volcan- Metamorphic Belt.
ism occurred in a continental rift, which evolved to an In the São José da Safira area, Minas Gerais State,
open-ocean basin system. ultramafic rocks consist of serpentinite with pre-
served peridotite cores, talc-anthophyllite schists and
Neoproterozoic coarse-grained, diopside-rich bodies with a tremolite
The Neoproterozoic metavolcano-sedimentary matrix. They are closely associated with BIF (mag-
sequences of the central Brazilian Shield are not netic oxide, sulphide and silicate types), muscovite
traditionally considered to be GBs. Nevertheless, in and graphite schists. This rock assemblage is inter-
adopting a generic definition of intra-oceanic and epi- preted as an ophiolitic mélange that is intercalated
continental, volcano-sedimentary origin, we propose a along thrust surfaces with two different sequences.
series of important examples that, in terms of VMS The underlying, older unit is correlated to the Salinas
potential, are at least as important as the older counter- Formation (distal Macaúbas Group). It is composed
parts. Two important tectono-stratigraphic systems, of quartz-muscovite-biotite schist with garnet, stauro-
apparently containing compatible sequences, are not lite, kyanite, and/or sillimanite; quartz-garnet-amphi-
considered here. These are the Araxá Group to the west, bole-rich calc-silicate rock; and sparse amphibolite
which contains bimodal volcanism and an ophiolite lenses, respectively derived from metamorphosed
mélange (Strieder 1993), and the Andrelândia Group to deep-sea pelite, marl, and igneous mafic rocks. The
the south (Ribeiro et al. 1995, Paciullo et al. 1998). overlying, younger sequence consists of ortho-
quartzite, laminated, hematite and mica quartzite, and
Salinas is correlated to the Capelinha Formation (Neves &
The Salinas Formation is part of the Macaúbas Ferreira 1999).
Group at the eastern margin of the São Francisco As a working model, the authors interpret these
Craton (Pedrosa-Soares et al. 1992). It represents the rocks as remnants of the Adamastor-Brazilide
submarine, sedimentary-rock-dominated, sand-mud oceanic lithosphere, as described for rocks from the
sequence of Neoproterozoic age that incorporates part Ribeirão da Folha area. Further geochemical and
isotopic investigation is underway to better constrain greywackes, siltites and rhythmites, derived from the
this assumption. erosion of the volcanic pile, granite and gneisses. The
upper unit contains shallow-water quartzites, mica
Goiás Magmatic Arc: Bom Jardim de Goiás, schists and conglomerates.
Arenópolis, Iporá-Amorinópolis, Jaupací, Mara The Arenópolis Sequence is a NNW-trending belt,
Rosa, Chapada, Santa Terezinha covering 500 km2, flanked by calcic orthogneisses,
The Goiás Magmatic Arc consists of orthogneiss- between the towns of Piranhas and Arenópolis.
es and metavolcano-sedimentary sequences exposed Pimentel (1985) and Pimentel & Fuck (1987) divide
between Sanclerlândia and Bom Jardim de Goiás the sequence into two major units metamorphosed
(Pimentel & Fuck 1992). It extends northwards to the under greenschist to lower amphibolite facies, and
town of Mara Rosa (Viana et al. 1995) and probably separated by a narrow zone of banded gneisses, local-
to the northern part of the Goiás Massif, in Porangatu ly migmatitic. The western unit contains pelites, mar-
and Porto Nacional. Geochemical and isotopic data of bles, fine amphibolites, quartzites and pyrite-bearing
the best known terranes in the south show that the chert. Small, metamorphosed bodies of coarse gab-
rocks belonging to the Goiás Magmatic Arc formed as bro, peridotite, pyroxenite, and serpentinised dunite
intra-oceanic arc, accreted between ca. 930 and 600 intrude the sequence. The eastern unit contains basalt,
Ma (Pimentel & Fuck 1992). The oceanic crust that commonly pillowed, and andesite flows, followed by
separated the Amazon and São Francisco-Congo dacitic to rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks underlying
Cratons during the Neoproterozoic is almost entirely greywackes, feldspathic schists and quartzites.
obliterated by deformation. Geochemical data (Pimentel & Fuck 1987) suggest
For the purpose of this contribution, the magmat- that the eastern unit derived from an arc volcanic pile
ic-arc rock association is subdivided into the Southern while the eastern from an outer arc sequence.
and Northern Domains, separated by the remnant of Rhyolites of the Arenópolis Sequence yield a Rb-Sr
Archean terranes of Goiás. Both segments are made age of 928 ± 8 Ma (Pimentel & Fuck 1992).
up of calcic and calc-alkaline orthogneisses, volcano- The Iporá-Amorinópolis Sequence near the town
sedimentary sequences, pelite sequences with minor of Iporá, in Goiás, consists of the distinct NS-trending
mafic-ultramafic ophiolite slivers, and narrow and Iporá and NNW-trending Amorinópolis segments.
long bodies of granitic mylonites. Several late- to They are some 7 km wide and 10 km long. At Iporá,
post-tectonic granites of ca. 590 and 480 Ma intrude basalts have minor intercalations of rhyolitic and
the arc rocks. dacitic tuffs, and pelites, locally with conglomerates.
The Southern Domain comprises the Bom These are metamorphosed in the greenschist to lower
Jardim de Goiás, Arenópolis, Iporá-Amorinópolis, amphibolite facies (Rodrigues 1996). Hydrothermal
Jaupací Sequences. alteration of the volcanic rocks is widespread, and is
The Bom Jardim de Goiás Sequence crops out represented by muscovite schists with variably abun-
over ca. 50 km2 to the south-east of the town of Bom dant amounts of magnetite, kyanite, chlorite, and
Jardim de Goiás. Seer (1985) divides the sequence chloritoid (Franco et al. 1994). The Amorinópolis
into five units metamorphosed under greenschist segment contains a predominantly rhyolitic, tuffa-
facies. The lower unit consists of locally pillowed ceous assemblage, with minor andesitic and basaltic
basalt and andesite flows, with subordinate pyroclas- layers, and subordinate pelites, greywackes and con-
tic rocks. These underlie a succession of andesitic to glomerates. To Franco et al. (1994) and Rodrigues &
dacitic tuffs, containing layers of chert hosting Cu-Au Pimentel (1995), the geochemical composition, the
mineralization near a small, dioritic pluton. The bimodal character, and the paucity of andesite are
sequence follows with sub-aerial rhyolitic tuffs, and compatible with the sequence’s origin in a mature arc
minor rhyolitic and andesitic flows. The overlying or a marginal basin.
units are sedimentary. The lowermost unit encom- The Jaupací Sequence occurs within an NS-trend-
passes polymictic conglomerates, sub-arkoses, ing, greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies belt
extending between Jaupaci and Israelândia, Goiás, genetic and hosted by a hydrothermally altered, A-
limited by gneisses and intrusive granites. The type granite. Felsic volcanic rocks of the Posse Gold
sequence was defined by Amaro (1989) and consists Deposit and a tonalite yield zircon U-Pb ages of 862
of basalts, which prevail in two NNE-trending zones ± 8 Ma and 856 +13/-7 Ma, respectively, and a titan-
separated by felsic volcanic rocks. The basalts pre- ite recrystallisation age of 632 ± 4 Ma. The Zacarias
serve porphyritic texture and vesicles. They are geo- Deposit occurs in the central belt and is a vol-
chemically similar to modern low-K tholeiites, typical canogenic Au-deposit hosted by a chert with barite
of island-arc environment. The felsic volcanic rocks occurring within andesitic to basaltic, locally felsic
predominate over the mafic equivalents. They are volcanic rocks.
calc-alkaline, mostly tuffaceous rhyolites and dacites. The Chapada Sequence occurs to the SSW of the
Small, sub-volcanic granodiorite and granite bodies Mara Rosa Sequence. It was originally defined by
intrude the SE portion of the sequence. Amaro (1989) Machado (1981) as comprising gneisses, migmatites,
considers that propylitisation of volcanic rocks near actinolite, talc and sericite schists, quartzites, car-
these plutons may indicate hydrothermal activity dur- bonaceous schists and BIFs correlated to the Crixás
ing intrusion, and targets to be considered during GB. Ribeiro Filho (1981) argues in favour of a
future exploration. Pimentel & Fuck (1992) suggest Proterozoic age. Kuyumjian (1989) identifies a sedi-
that the easterly Jaupaci and Iporá-Amorinópolis mentary and an amphibolite sequence. The sedimen-
Sequences are younger arc rocks than the Arenópolis tary rocks encompass quartzites and mica schists with
and Bom Jardim de Goiás Sequences. variable amounts of staurolite, kyanite, garnet, and
The Northern Domain comprises the Mara Rosa, biotite, as well as chert and BIF. The amphibolites
Chapada and Santa Terezinha Sequences. comprise mafic volcanic rocks with intercalations of
The Mara Rosa Sequence (Ribeiro Filho 1981), pelite and BIF. Late tonalite, granodiorite, gabbro,
occurring between the towns of Mara Rosa and hornblendite and pyroxenite intrusions cut the
Porangatu, is an assemblage of volcano-sedimentary sequences. Kuyumjian (1989) interprets an origin in
rocks disposed in NNE-trending narrow belts separat- an immature ocean-island arc that evolved to a back-
ed by tonalitic and granodioritic orthogneiss blocks. arc basin. The basalts are similar to modern arc equiv-
Arantes et al. (1991) detail the supracrustal alents, while the granitoids are mantle derived, with
sequences, dividing them into three NNE-trending minor crustal contamination. Viana et al. (1995) argue
belts. They are metamorphosed under greenschist to that the Chapada and Mara Rosa Sequences are geo-
lower amphibolite facies. The eastern belt consists of chemically and lithologically similar. The Chapada
greywackes, mafic and intermediate flows and tuffs, Cu-Au Deposit occurs within a wide, metamorphosed
and felsic tuffs. The central belt contains predomi- hydrothermal alteration zone in calc-alkaline basalts
nantly mafic volcanic rocks, BIFs and manganese for- and dacites, intimately related to intrusive tonalites
mations, carbonaceous schists and minor ultramafic and diorites (Kuyumjian 1999).
rocks. The western belt comprises lower mafic vol- The Santa Terezinha Sequence, of unknown pre-
canic rocks, followed by felsic tuffs and a thick pack- cise age, is situated to the north of the Archean Crixás
age of sedimentary rocks. Geochemical data present- GB terranes. Souza & Leão Neto (1981) correlate the
ed by Viana (1995) indicate that the Mara Rosa rocks with the Mara Rosa Sequence, while Machado
Sequence evolved under an ensimatic, juvenile, (1981) interprets it as the top of the Crixás GB.
island-arc environment. Ribeiro Filho (1981) correlates it to the
The Posse and Zacarias Gold Deposits occur in the Mesoproterozoic Juscelândia, Coitezeiro, and
eastern belt at Mara Rosa. Gold at Posse is hosted in Palmeirópolis Sequences. Owing to intense shear
a NW-trending and NE-dipping shear zone crosscut- deformation, the stratigraphy is very complex. Biondi
ting felsic volcaniclastic rocks of the eastern belt (1990) describes the most common rocks as chlorite-
(Arantes et al. 1991, Kuyumjian 1999). However, muscovite-quartz schists, interlayered with minor
Palermo (1996) interprets the mineralization as syn- magnetite-muscovite schists, muscovite quartzite and
chlorite-talc schist. The latter hosts one of Brazil’s 1994, Baars 1997). Between Serro and Alvorada de
most important emerald deposits within carbonatised, Minas, Uhlein (1982) describes a complex, volcano-
chloritised and sericitised ultramafic rocks. The sedimentary sequence with important stratiform and
sequence formed in a turbiditic, deep-marine environ- pod-like chromite concentrations. Fogaça (1982)
ment, with episodic felsic and ultramafic volcanism defines the volcano-sedimentary Rio Paraúna
and related exhalative deposits (BIFs and chert). Supergroup near Diamantina. Other gneiss-hosted,
tectonic slivers are poorly mapped in a discontinuous
Unknown age arcuate tract west and north of Guanhães town, near
the limits of the eponymous tectonic complex (Baars
Riacho dos Machados 1997, Grossi Sad et al. 1997). The Pedro Pereira GB
The metavolcano-sedimentary Riacho dos is hosted within the Archean Gouveia Complex
Machados Group is part of the Araçuaí Fold Belt at (Machado et al. 1989).
the eastern margin of the São Francisco Craton. It is Unfortunately, relatively little is known about the
host to gold mineralization at the recently-closed tectono-stratigraphic details of these narrow
Riacho dos Machados Mine (da Fonseca 1993). The sequences, therefore turning impracticable any real
sequence comprises ultramafic, mafic and acid evaluation of the potential for VMS mineralization on
volcanic rocks intercalated with pelites. The gold is the basis of the same criteria used for the other GBs
shear zone-hosted and associated principally with a under evaluation.
sulphide-bearing, quartz-muscovite schist, derived
from the hydrothermal alteration of pelitic and quartz IDENTIFIED VMS DEPOSITS AND SHOWINGS
feldspathic schists. Dacitic and mafic/ultramafic This section briefly aims to describe the geology of
rocks are of calc-alkaline and tholeiitic sub-alkaline the few known occurrences of VMS, base-metal
association, respectively, compatible with their deposits of the São Francisco Craton. Systematic
formation in an epi-continental volcanic arc (da exploration is lacking and it is notable that each one of
Fonseca et al. 1997 and references therein). The the ten occurrences cited below are set in its own, geo-
pelites have textures and geochemical composition logically distinct, volcano-sedimentary environment.
compatible with greywackes. The thrust faults that The contexts range from the Bico de Pedra Deposit
establish the regional architecture, and which host the hosted in Archean, felsic rocks of the mafic-dominated
gold mineralization, are related to a continental colli- Nova Lima Group, to the Ribeirão da Folha
sion of unknown age between the precursor to the São showings hosted by Neoproterozoic ultramafic
Francisco Craton and the Guanambi-Correntina Block. diopsidites and cherts of the sedimentary rock predom-
A more complex stratigraphy is inferred for less inant Salinas Formation. This fundamentally underpins
known parts of the volcano-sedimentary sequence to the assertion that the VMS potential in the selected
the north and south (Mourão et al. 1997, Noce et al. sites is real, widespread and requires only focussed
1997, de Abreu & Belo de Oliveira 1998). In the exploration and research efforts to be realised. Below,
extreme north, the Salobro sequence contains chemi- the ten known occurrences in the region under study
cal sedimentary and acid volcanic rocks that host the are arranged in geographic, compass order, from north-
eponymous massive sulphide occurrence. east through south to north-west.
Rio Paraúna, Serro - Alvorada de Minas, Pedro Mundo Novo Prospect, Mundo Novo, BA
Pereira and others
Various greenstone-type associations are tectoni- During 1997, the CBPM undertook regional geo-
cally wedged within the Mesoproterozoic Espinhaço logical investigations of the region around the town of
Supergroup and the Archean through Mundo Novo, in epynomous GB, Bahia State
Palaeoproterozoic, ortho- and paragneiss Guanhães (Mascarenhas & da Silva 1994). Preliminary geo-
Complex, off the eastern edge of the São Francisco chemical and aerial geophysical surveillance, coupled
Craton (Almeida Abreu 1993, Pedrosa-Soares et al. with further detailing suggested an important metal
potential for Zn and other base metals. Seven drill zons, and as breccia-disseminated ore. Textural evi-
holes total 1700 m. One of the latest drilling inter- dence indicates that the former post-dates the dissem-
cepted a massive layer of about 8 m, averaging 15 % inated mineralization. Quartz-sulphide breccias are
Zn and low Pb, Cu, Ag and Au, at a depth between also present. De Abreu & Belo de Oliveira (1998)
369 and 384 m. Another hole also intercepted a mas- report grades of 3.9 % Zn and 1.1 % Pb. The origin of
sive sulphide zone. It is 28 m thick, revealing an aver- the deposit is not clearly established or reported to
age grade of 7.2 % Zn, including a 9 m thick zone at date. Significant aluminous hydrothermal alteration
11.2 % Zn (CBPM, written communication). features are described elsewhere, at São João da
Significant polymetallic, VMS potential is inferred. Safira (see above), in tectonic extensions of the
Salinas Formation.
Ribeirão da Folha, Salinas Formation, MG
The VMS potential of the Salinas Formation is Cuieté Velho, Cuieté Velho Sequence, MG
most forcefully founded upon the occurrence of Massive sulphide layers are reported (J.H. Grossi
pyrite-dominated, massive sulphide layers associated Sad, pers. comm., Mineração Cuieté Velho 1995)
with chemical sedimentary rocks in the Ribeirão da within calc-silicate rocks in abandoned mine adits, in
Folha Facies (Pedrosa-Soares et al. 1992, Pedrosa- the Cuieté Velho volcano-sedimentary sequence.
Soares 1995) and in the São João da Safira region
(Neves & Ferreira 1999), to the south. In the former, Bico de Pedra, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG
disseminated sulphides are widespread, and metric, Borba (1998) describes the Au-Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag
massive sulphide (pyrite, and less pyrrhotite and chal- mineralization at Bico de Pedra, located in the
copyrite) pods are typical of diopsidites. Field data Dom Bosco Syncline, southern Quadrilátero
presented above corroborate further VMS potential in Ferrífero. It occurs along the sheared contact of the
the Salinas Formation, on the basis of metamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic Itacolomi Group with the Nova
hydrothermal alteration assemblages. Lima Group. The sulphide orebodies are hosted mainly
in the trondhjemitic Bico de Pedra Aplite and mafic
Salobro, Riacho dos Machados Group, MG Nova Lima rocks, invariably close to their contact.
The Salobro Zn-Pb massive sulphide deposit is Centi- to decimetre-thick orebodies dominate, but
hosted by a ferruginous, siliceous horizon of the vol- individual layers of up to 50 cm as well as a 2 m thick,
cano-sedimentary Salobro Sequence, possible corre- densely mineralised ore zone have been described.
late of the Riacho dos Machados Group. De Abreu & At deeper levels, gold is associated with Cu, and
Belo de Oliveira (1998) suggest that the deposit may Zn and Pb are associated at shallower levels. The
represent a sedimentary-exhalative deposit. mineralization is characterised by sulphide-rich,
Nevertheless it is included here, since the published mainly pyritic bands, concordant with the mylonitic
data are inconclusive with regard to the correct foliation. The hydrothermal alteration of the aplite is
metallogenic classification. marked by early sericite (after albite), carbonate and
The deposit is located about 15 km west of pyrite development, and later sulphidation with
Porteirinha, Minas Gerais, in the Serra do Coco pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and galena. Metallic
(Mourão et al. 1997). The base of the sequence is bismuth occurs in the sulphides. Sphalerite and biotite
dominated by quartz schists, with varying amounts of are typical of the waning stage.
amphibole, mica, chlorite and epidote, quartzites, A total of 30,000 tonnes of sulphide ore at 1.45 g
locally conglomeratic, magnetite BIF, and levels rich Au/t, 0.36 % Cu, 1.53 % Zn, 0.52 % Pb, and 44 g Ag/t
in graphite and garnet (de Abreu & Belo de Oliveira are reported. Lyrio et al. (1976) and de Matos (1991)
1998). The sulphide-rich horizon occurs within consider the mineralisation to be syngenetic with
amphibole schist, of probable magmatic origin. exhalative volcanism of Archean age. De Matos
Pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite occur (1991) indicates that the volcano-sedimentary
both as massive, centimetric to metric, banded hori- sequence was deposited in a back-arc environment.
Borba (1998) interprets the mineralization as shear- Bom Jardim de Goiás, Bom Jardim de Goiás
related, developed from a magmatic hydrothermal fluid Sequence, GO
during the Trans-Amazonian Event, which is to have The lower portion of the Bom Jardim de Goiás
been responsible for the trondhjemitic magmatism. sequence hosts chalcopyrite-pyrite Cu-Au mineraliza-
Alpinópolis, Alpinópolis Sequence, MG tion in chert layers near a dioritic pluton, within an
intermediate to felsic volcanic and pyroclastic pile
Sixteen sulphide orebodies are identified by de that overlies basalt. Seer (1985) characterises VMS-
Carvalho (1990) in the Alpinópolis GB on account of type lenticular mineralization with associated
integrated geophysical, surface and subsurface geo- hydrothermal alteration.
chemical, and drillcore geological data at a single one
of various prospects in the area. Drilling has inter- Zacarias, Mara Rosa Sequence, GO
sected massive- and disseminated-sulphide horizons. The Zacarias Gold Deposit occurs in the central
They constitute extremely deformed orebodies, with belt of the Mara Rosa Sequence. The Au-only miner-
variable thicknesses between 1 and 4 m, concordant alization is volcanogenic, hosted in chert occurring
with the mylonitic foliation. The predominant litho- within andesitic to basaltic, and locally 860 ± 8 Ma
logical association of the mineralization is with sedi- felsic volcanic rocks. The associated, massive barite
mentary garnet-chlorite and sillimanite-biotite schists, is ubiquitous. One of the authors (H. Jost) describes
and ferruginous quartzites. Some orebodies occur the occurrence as a possible distal, Au-only,
within ultramafic rocks. VMS system.
Sulphides are similar independent of host rock
association. In order of abundance, the minerals are Palmeirópolis, Palmeirópolis Sequence, GO
pyrrhotite, with or without pentlandite solid solutions, The potential for VMS deposits in the three
pyrite, and minor sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Mesoproterozoic, volcano-sedimentary sequences of
Magnetite, chrome-magnetite, chromite and ilmenite Goiás and Tocantins is dictated by the occurrence of a
constitute the oxides. The detected mineralizations Zn-Pb-Cu deposit with a 7 Mt reserve at
are subeconomic at up to 0.4 % Zn, 0.3 % Cu and Palmeirópolis. This reserve occurs in two orebodies
0.15 % Ni. averaging 3.5 % Zn, 0.9 % Pb, and 1.2 % Cu, and 6.7
De Carvalho (1990) and de Carvalho et al. (1992) % Zn, 1.5 % Pb, and 0.4 % Cu, respectively, and
suggest that these attenuated sulphide concentrations excludes a third orebody. The deposit was first
are distinct from the Ni-rich orebodies of the announced by Figueiredo et al. (1981), with further
Fortaleza de Minas GB, registering evidence for their description by Marques & Marques (1985), and
origin in ocean-floor, volcanogenic exhalative sys- detailed by Araújo (1986) and Araújo & Nilson
tems. They may be modelled, in an idealised GB-sec- (1988). It occurs close to the contact of amphibolites
tion, within the tholeiite to calc-alkaline transition, and intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks with the
immediately above the ultrabasic section and below small, plagiogranitic Morro Solto Pluton. The orebod-
the sedimentary-rock-dominant section. The working ies overly a Cu-rich stringer ore enveloped by alter-
hypothesis serves as a basis for further exploratory ation haloes. The three orebodies are mineralogically
testing, both with regard to other known sulphide similar and contain pyrrhotite and pyrite with associ-
intersections and possible undiscovered orebodies. It ated sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena. The alter-
would be crucial to investigate the nature of the meta- ation haloes, studied in detail by Araújo et al. (1995,
morphic assemblages, in order to detect occult, alu- 1996b,c, 1998), are formed by an inner core of antho-
minous hydrothermal alteration assemblages. The phyllite-biotite-cordierite-bearing rocks, followed by
nature of the protoliths should be characterised, with biotite-cordierite-rich rocks, and an outer rim of
a view to defining the nature of the possible VMS sericite-rich rocks (Araújo 2000, this volume).
target too.
Mina III, Crixás, GO The country rocks of the massive sulphide lenses
The gold-bearing massive sulphide deposit of encompass carbonaceous schist, oolitic, laminated
Mina III was discovered by the end of the 1970’s by a (possibly stromatolitic) and massive marble belong-
joint venture of Inco and Kenecott. Underground ing to the Ribeirão das Antas Formation, and basalts
production at Mina III began at the end of the 1980’s of the Rio Vermelho Formation.
through Mineração Serra Grande S.A., a joint venture The Mina III Upper-Zone Deposit consists of an
between Mineração Morro Velho S.A. (Anglo array of massive sulphide lenses 0.5 to 2.5 m thick, 50
American Corp.) and INCO. Mina III is situated in the to 200 m long along strike and up to 400 m along
Crixás GB, about 3 km south of the town of Crixás. plunge. The lenses commonly contain 50 % to 90 %
The authors emphasise the controversy regarding coarse arsenopyrite + pyrrhotite, in variable propor-
the true classification of the deposit. Many papers tions, and parts contain only arsenopyrite or
suggest an epigenetic, deformation-related origin pyrrhotite. Other minerals are magnetite, ilmenite and
(most recently, Fortes et al. 1997). The inclusion chalcopyrite. The gangue is a fine to very fine associ-
of the deposit here is aimed at proposing an ation of quartz, plagioclase, carbonate, sericite,
alternative working model to account for certain biotite, white mica, epidote and rutile. Gold occurs as
descriptive features that are not compatible with the irregular 5 to 10 µm flakes (locally up to tens of mil-
published hypothesis. limetres in diameter) as inclusions in arsenopyrite,
According to Yamaoka & Araújo (1988), Mina III ilmenite and quartz.
contains orebodies that are subdivided into the main Locally the massive sulphide lenses grade into a
Upper and Lower Zones, and the minor Intermediate dark grey to black, fine schist consisting of pyrrhotite
and Garnet Zones. The Upper Zone is a massive sul- and magnetite, with minor ilmenite, arsenopyrite and
phide deposit, containing 5.2 Mt averaging 12.7 g chalcopyrite, in a gangue of biotite, chlorite, quartz,
Au/t. The Lower Zone consists of a gold-bearing sericite, carbonate, plagioclase, tremolite-actinolite,
quartz vein, 0.5 to 5.0 m thick, 500 m long along and garnet. In this case, gold is rare and occurs as fine
strike and 1200 m along plunge. inclusions in arsenopyrite.
Kuyumjian (1981), Yamaoka et al. (1985), The ore locally contains centimetric to decimetric,
Thomson (1986, 1987, 1991), Yamaoka & Araújo milky quartz veins, concordant or discordant with the
(1988), Thomson & Fyfe (1990), Bettencourt et al. local foliation. Where present within pyrrhotite-rich
(1991), Fortes (1991, 1996), Magalhães (1991) have zones, the veins commonly have coarse arsenopyrite
addressed the structural controls of the Mina III gold and may bear additional gold.
orebodies. There is a consensus that they are con- The massive sulphide lenses are intimately related
trolled by an east-vergent thrust fault. Queiroz (1995) to a rock assemblage with abundant Al- and Fe-rich
describes the latter fault to be confined to a 5-km minerals. These host rocks are grouped into quartz-
wide, WNW-trending transtensional belt of the north- chlorite-carbonate-muscovite schists, biotite-rich
ern portion of the Crixás GB. At the mine site, the marbles, muscovite schist, chlorite-muscovite schists,
high-strain foliation dips at 255/40, and the lineation- and chlorite-garnet schists, in gradational relation-
parallel orebodies plunge at 300/38. The local struc- ships amongst themselves and the basalts. The schists
ture is delineated by the metamorphic foliation, and are interpreted as metamorphosed hydrothermal prod-
bedding is transposed in the north-westerly plunging, ucts of basalt. In general, these schists occur on top of
asymmetric Rio Vermelho Antiform (Magalhães the massive sulphide lenses. Considering that the
1991) whose axial plane dips at 037/80. Furthermore, sequence is overturned, the alteration products were
the orebodies are contained in strained zones cross- originally underneath the lenses, an important feature
cutting the stratigraphic sequence and metamorphic to the present interpretation of the origin of the ore.
foliation, entrenching the notion that the mineraliza- The quartz-chlorite-carbonate-muscovite schists
tion is younger than the metamorphic peak and the are light green and consist of fine to medium quartz,
structural overturning (Thomson & Fyfe 1990). chlorite, Fe-dolomite, muscovite, and minor biotite,
ilmenite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and arsenopyrite. The sulphide lenses. While it represents a very distinctive
biotite marbles are light beige, massive to well foliat- feature in these lenses, it contrasts with the typical
ed, and consist of Fe-dolomite, phlogopite, quartz, carbonate alteration associated with Au-rich quartz
and white mica, with minor plagioclase, arsenopyrite, veins of the Lower Zone of Mina III. Carbonate alter-
chlorite, and rutile. Their stable C- and O-isotope ation is also present at other nearby reserves, such as
composition (Fortes 1996) is compatible with their the disseminated ore zones of Mina Nova and
origin as hydrothermal products. Muscovite schists Pompex. Peculiar features of the massive sulphide
and chlorite-muscovite schists are light-beige to sil- lenses also encompass (i) their composition, with
very or green, and contain very fine muscovite, local- pyrrhotite + arsenopyrite grading into magnetite-rich
ly paragonite, and chlorite, with minor ilmenite, zones; (ii) their association with altered basalts; (iii)
albite-oligoclase, quartz, biotite, chlorite, chloritoid, the extensive asymmetric gold-bearing hydrothermal
almandine, tourmaline, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chal- alteration zones (Intermediate and Garnet Ore Zones);
copyrite and hematite. The chlorite-garnet schist (iv) the alteration, in general stratigraphically under-
(Garnet Ore Zone) is dark-green and contains alman- lying the sulphide lenses.
dine porphyroblasts up to 5 cm in diameter, and minor These combined features suggest that it may be
quartz, biotite, chloritoid, muscovite, grunerite, Fe- more appropriate to model the massive sulphide lens-
dolomite, plagioclase, epidote, ilmenite, hematite, es of Mina III as volcanogenic exhalative in origin.
arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Late modification, in particular plunge control, by
Primary fluid inclusions in the quartz of the way of deformation would still hold true, as proposed
gangue of the massive sulphide lenses (Fortes 1996) by Yamaoka et al. (1985). Low base-metal concentra-
are somewhat complex and contain a variety of com- tions in the Mina III massive sulphide deposit may be
ponents. Isochoric curves of these early fluid inclu- compatible features characteristic of the distal por-
sions indicate that trapping took place at a wide pres- tions of either ophiolite–hosted, Type-3 deposits, or of
sure interval, between 0.2 to 2.5 kbar, at a temperature mafic-siliciclastic, Type-4 deposits, such as those at
range of 475° to 350°C. Late fluid inclusions are com- Besshi, but with particularly low base-metal contents.
positionally simple and ice melting homogenises to The hypothesis should be tested on the basis of rela-
liquid between 107º and 222ºC. tive polymetallic concentrations, compared to the nat-
Yamaoka et al. (1985), and Yamaoka & Araújo ural database of Franklin et al. (1998).
(1988) interpret the Mina III orebodies in general as
syngenetic, exhalative massive sulphide and chert POTENTIAL FOR VMS-TYPE MINERALIZATIONS IN
(quartz vein) with further remobilisation by folding SÃO FRANCISCO GBS & VOLCANO-SEDIMENTARY
and shearing. Simultaneously, Thomson (1986)
proposed that the ore formed by a post-metamorphic
metasomatic process related to Neoproterozoic thrust- Quantification of potential
ing. From the end of the 1980’s on, the literature The relative potential for the existence of a mineral
adopted the epigenetic and thrust-related origin for all substance in a given terrane can be semi-quantitative-
the Mina III orebodies, altering only minor details ly estimated on the basis of appropriate, critical geo-
relative to Thomson’s (1986) proposal. The prevailing logical criteria (Adams 1985). The potential for VMS
consensus holds therefore that Neoproterozoic thrusting mineralization is estimated as a probability function
is a common control at all orebodies. Consequently, in of geological favourability and target maturity
recent years, all the Au-orebodies of the Crixás GB (MacKenzie 1996). From foregoing discussions, it is
have been interpreted under one single thrust-related clear that geological favourability for VMS mineral-
model, fundamentally directing exploration. ization comprises evidence for (i) the existence of a
The literature about the gold deposits of the Crixás heat source (ii) association with a semi-conformable,
GB has however failed to account for the Al-Fe-rich, hydrothermal alteration zone with mineralization (iii)
silicate hydrothermal alteration related to the massive petrochemically appropriate, volcano-sedimentary
rock sequence and/or (iv) appropriate age (Franklin et economic VMS-grade and -geometry preservation.
al. 1998, Barrie & Hannington 1999a, Sangster 1998). In the case of the Archean and Palaeoproterozoic
Target maturity reflects the existing knowledge of Bahia State, where recent exploration advances
base in terms of quality of results and quantity demand evaluation for investment prioritisation, the
(Adams 1985). The result is a relative measure of the following broad proposals are made. The compilation
geological potential of each terrane for VMS mineral- of a whole range of geological and geophysical data
ization. Since the criteria for different VMS deposit from the different volcano-sedimentary sequences of
types vary (Franklin et al. 1998), the VMS potential central and northern São Francisco Craton confirm, in
of a given terrane for each type varies accordingly. A most cases, the presence of basalts and sedimentary
database is currently being developed to measure rocks. Both of the latter rock sequences commonly
these potentials in the volcano-sedimentary sequences reveal an ocean-floor affiliation, an important indicator
of the São Francisco Craton. The preliminary results of the metallogenic potential for VMS ore deposits.
of this exercise must produce results that are compat- Amongst these, the Mundo Novo, Umburunas, Rio
ible with the qualitative evaluation, presented in this Itapicuru, Rio Salitre and Riacho de Santana GBs
paper, of the compared data for each volcano-sedi- stand out as particularly favourable cases.
mentary terrane. Until such time, as the qualitative In other sequences of Bahia, characterised as intra-
and quantitative descriptive data presented in this or epi-continental (Boquira, Licínio de Almeida-
broad overviewed are adequately synthesised into the Urandi GBs) and even rift-type (Contendas-Mirante)
comparative database, VMS potential can only truly basins, the existence of an oceanic, volcanic substra-
be qualified for the entire São Francisco Craton and tum is not unequivocally registered in the geochemi-
its marginal terranes. A semi-quantitative, relative cal fingerprints of the volcano-sedimentary rocks.
estimate of VMS potentials in the host rocks of the There too, the presence of cherts, Mn-rich and car-
broad study region, therefore, ensues as our next goal. bonate sedimentary rocks and BIFs, amongst others,
is conspicuous, suggesting that critical processes of
Qualification of geological potential chemical and/or hydrothermal precipitation may have
The known VMS occurrences in the studied region acted. The significance of these rocks should be
are concentrated in Archean, Meso- and investigated, case-by-case, in order to distinguish
Neoproterozoic sequences. The Salobro Deposit is between volcanogenic-exhalative potential (poly-
mineralised in a sequence of unknown, Precambrian metallic, Zn-rich, Type-5 VMS deposits) and sedi-
age. The early Meso- and Late-Neoproterozoic mentary-rock-exhalative potential (large volume, Au-
sequences also contain abundant evidence of the pres- Cu-poor, polymetallic SEDEX deposits).
ence of local heat sources, relevant primary igneous In general, the potential for bimodal, mafic-domi-
textures, and some of the requisite hydrothermal alter- nated (Type 1), ophiolitic (Type 3) and, perhaps,
ation features. Significantly, the volcano-sedimentary Besshi (Type 4) VMS deposits is greatest in the
successions are similar to many Phanerozoic VMS- Archean GBs, such as Goiás and Quadrilátero
hosting sequences, embodying a variety of nascent Ferrífero GBs, as well as the Archean Bahia GBs.
rift, back-arc and arc systems in intra-oceanic and Significant potential also exists for the bimodal, fel-
especially epi-continental palaeo-environments. sic-dominated (Type 2) VMS deposits in the interme-
The Archean sequences of Goiás also contain very diate and upper sections of those GBs and of the
well preserved sequences with a strong VMS poten- Palaeoproterozoic sequences, including Riacho dos
tial. The Rio das Velhas, and Morro do Ferro GBs are, Machados and the numerous Palaeoproterozoic
in contrast, pervasively deformed, obliterating much Bahian GBs. The potential for bimodal, siliciclastic
primary evidence of the origin of its volcano-sedi- (Type 5) VMS deposits in the Archean of Goiás is rel-
mentary sequence. The Archean sequences of Bahia atively high, given the importance of sedimentary-
State appear to preserve many primary volcano-sedi- rock-dominated, volcano-sedimentary intercalations
mentary textures, suggesting a greater potential for there. The same may be true for some of the Archean,
sedimentary-rock-dominated GBs of Bahia, particu- slivers, and BIF. Careful analysis shows that the
larly in the western Gavião Block, the Guanambi- respective kyanite-muscovite, anthophyllite and car-
Corretina Block and the Sobradinho Domain. bonate-diopside assemblages bear no relationship to
Beyond the demonstrable Archean potential for the regional Barrovian field metamorphic profile.
VMS deposits, perhaps the most important preliminary Teixeira and Kuyumjian (1991) apply the hot-spring
conclusion of this contribution is the strong potential alteration model to explain the high-Al alteration
for VMS deposits, particularly Types 5 and 2, in the assemblage in the Mateus Leme-Pitangui area. They
Meso- and Neoproterozoic sequences, borne out by consider the subvolcanic granite at Pará de Minas as
the predominance of many occurrences there. While the best heat source for this ancient volcanogenic sys-
both Types 3 and 4 VMS deposits appear to occur in tem. The authors relate the presence of gold-antimony
the restricted, yet diagnostic, exposures of intra- mineralizations in the Pitangui region to this system.
oceanic rocks, these sequences are overwhelmingly As indicated by Hannington et al. (1999), in more
sedimentary in nature. This leads to two specific felsic-volcanic areas (Type 2, and possibly Type 5
problems for the realisation and correct evaluation of VMS deposits), and particularly in deposits that
this postulated tendency. First, traditional, formed at volcaniclastic-dominant, shallow seawater
Precambrian GB-based exploration efforts have depths (< ~1500 m), Na depletion and aluminous
focussed exclusively on the volcanic sequences, in assemblages (kaolinite, andalusite, kyanite, pyrophyl-
particular in mafic and ultramafic rocks. The present lite, diaspore, chloritoid, corundum) characterise
analysis shows this prejudice to be unfounded under much of the paraconformable hydrothermal alteration
the given geological circumstances and the empirical associated with these deposits. In the past, shallow-
criteria taken from a world-wide database. Second, water environments were considered largely non-
both the Archean and Proterozoic sequences are prospective for VMS, owing to effects of boiling on
generally metamorphosed under all facies conditions, high-temperature hydrothermal fluids, and the ten-
from anchimetamorphic to granulitic. The recognition dency for metals to be deposited in vertically, exten-
of, in particular, aluminous and ferromagnesian sive, sub-sea floor stockworks rather than as massive
mineral assemblages and their distinction as either sulphides on the sea floor. The occurrence of highly
regional metamorphic or originally hydrothermal cation-depleted aluminium silicates, like in high sul-
(metamorphosed) is critical. Both weathering phidation epithermal systems, seem to reflect alter-
decomposition and the preferred, often precipitated, ation by acidic hydrothermal fluids generated (i) by
attribution of an exclusively regional metamorphic phase separation of a boiling hydrothermal fluid; (ii)
origin to minerals like the alumino-silicate poly- by alteration at high water/rock ratios of an evolved
morphs, garnet, cordierite and biotite, can seriously seawater hydrothermal fluid, or (iii) by possible
hamper field observation. incorporation of magmatically-generated ore fluids
This problem is illustrated in the case of the (see Gibson et al. 1999). According to Hannington et
Mateus Leme – Pitangui Belt, Rio das Velhas GB, al. (1999), where magmatic volatiles are involved the
cited above. Romano’s (1993) meticulous description acidic nature of hydrothermal solutions promotes
permits the reader to visualise a regional hydrother- advanced, high-Al, argillic alteration, and the forma-
mal alteration system, be it volcanogenic or post-vol- tion of a unique assemblage of Cu-Fe sulphides (e.g.
canic. At slightly higher metamorphic grades, the enargite, luzonite, tennantite, bornite-pyrite, covel-
ubiquitous aluminous assemblages and their field lite), similar to that associated with high-sulphidation
relationships would readily be overlooked as reflect- epithermal Au-Cu deposits. This gives rise to the
ing an exclusively regional metamorphic origin. This application of a ‘high-sulphidation’ model to some
suggestion remits one, for example, to the case of the gold-rich, shallow-water VMS (Sillitoe et al. 1996).
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1 Franklin Geosciences Ltd., 2 Golden Star Resources Ltd., 3 Guyanor Ressources S.A,
4 Asarco Guyane Française S.a.r.l., 5 Consultant
The Paul Isnard copper-gold occurrence, in Northwestern French Guiana, consists of disseminated
and vein sulphide minerals and gold in Early Proterozoic (ca. 2.2 Ga) felsic and mafic volcaniclastic
strata and flows. The felsic strata are comprised entirely of pyroclastic ash and lapillistone. The mafic
strata are basalt flows and hyaloclastite lenses, with intercalated pelite. The area has been penetra-
tively deformed; the strata are steeply south dipping, and cut by synvolcanic, later bedding-parallel
and still later high-angle faults. The felsic rocks are Na-rhyolite and dacite, with trace element con-
tents similar to Types 1 and II (Lesher et al. 1986) arc or back-arc associations. The arc-tholeiitic
mafic rocks may have been deposited in a local basin, which was structurally transposed into its
present configuration.
The gold and base metals are distributed in a broadly stratiform, but locally crosscutting series of
zones, in both the felsic and mafic strata. Gold is associated with disseminated and vein pyrite, with
subordinate chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Copper and gold have a close spatial association; zinc (along
with anomalous lead) is most abundant at the margins of the gold-copper zone. The strata have been
intensely altered; alkali depletion is widespread, with sericite and iron chlorite as the main alteration
minerals. The altered rocks are strongly aluminous (excess normative corundum). Near the most Fe-
chloritized sections, Na and Ca are enriched.
The Paul Isnard occurrence is probably a sub-seafloor replacement deposit formed as part of a syn-
volcanic, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) -like hydrothermal system. Deposition was at mod-
erate (~1000 m) water depth, where adiabatic cooling caused copper and gold to precipitate from a
convectively driven hydrothermal fluid. Zinc and lead precipitated in the cooler outer parts of the sys-
tem. Thus the occurrence is likely of the VMS-type, and represents the first such occurrence in the
Guiana Shield.
300000 mE
Property KAW
400000 mN SAUL
Figure 1. Location of the Paul Isnard prospect in French Guiana. The stippled areas outline the Early Proterozoic greenstone
and dominated by two important massifs: Massif netic survey. Between 1995 and 1999, 56 diamond
Dekou-Dekou and Massif Lucifer, with elevations of drill holes comprising 10,916 m were completed, and
460 and 540 m above sea level respectively. The cli- 635 m of fresh rock was channel sampled on the
mate is equatorial, hot and rainy, with little seasonal numerous outcrops located in the creeks. The entire
variation: annual average minimum and maximum zone has been surveyed with ground geophysics (IP,
temperatures are 22°C and 32°C respectively. The magnetic, mise a la masse and in part with ground and
area receives an annual average of 2.5 m of rainfall. down-hole EM surveys). Much of the history of
recent exploration is in Millo et al., 1999
This area of French Guiana is one of the major his- The Paul Isnard project lies within the
torical gold-producing regions of the country. Artisan Precambrian Guiana Shield, which stretches from the
miners have exploited surficial gold since the end of mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil to the Orinoco
last century and in an industrial way since the end of River in Venezuela. The Guiana Shield is composed,
World War II. Guyanor Ressources S.A. acquired the in order of age, of Archean formations, Lower
properties in October 1994, through the acquisition of Proterozoic greenstone belts, plutonic complexes,
the alluvial mining company Sotrapmag. In April Middle Proterozoic continental detrital deposits, and
1997, Sotrapmag terminated one century of alluvial Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata (Bardoux
mining. At the end of 1999, Guyanor Ressources S.A. et al. 1997).
established contracts with small local alluvial mining Archean rocks occur only in Venezuela, with the
societies, in order to start alluvial exploitation again. Imataca complex, dated at 3.4 Ga (see Choubert, 1994
Geologists from the Government of France have for a review of most of the age data presented herein).
been exploring the Paul Isnard area since 1883, and Several Lower Proterozoic greenstone belts, each
since 1930 through France’s national mining office, trending ESE-WNW, are present in the Guiana
Bureau des Mines Guyanais (BMG) and subsequent- Shield. These include the Pastora Supergroup and
ly Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières Supamo complex in Venezuela, Mazaruni and
(BRGM). In 1930 and 1958, the BMG explored using Barama series in Guiana and the Northern and
trenches and adits in the quartz vein - associated gold Southern Paramaca series in French Guiana. These
zones (Elysée and Montagne d’Or properties). In range in age between 2.20 and 2.07 Ga, and are com-
1976, BRGM covered the two greenstone belts in prised of volcano-sedimentary sequences including
French Guiana with 500 m by 2000 m geochemistry ultramafic, mafic, intermediate and felsic compo-
grids for gold and base metals, as part of the French nents. These supracrustal strata have been deformed
Guiana Mining Inventory. The office continued the by the Transamazonian orogeny at about 2 Ga. Mafic
exploration between 1977 and 1982 with 250 by 100 to felsic plutonic complexes intruded the greenstone
m and 100 m by 50 m geochemistry grids for gold in belts during and just after their formation.
the north and in the east of the area (St Pierre and
Dégrad-Neuf zones). In 1985, the BRGM developed GEOLOGY OF THE PAUL ISNARD AREA
an interest in Montagne d’Or zone, or “Golden The Paul Isnard area (Fig. 1) is located in the Early
Mountain”, on the northern flank of the Massif Proterozoic greenstone belt that forms part of the
Dekou-Dekou. Between 1985 and 1991, several geo- northern Paramaca sequence. This distinctive belt is
chemistry grids in the zone showed a large gold separated from a more southerly belt by a plutonic
anomaly. Presently, Guyanor Ressources, a 71 % complex, the Massif Central Guyanais. It extends
owned subsidiary of Golden Star Resources (GSR) from the eastern part of Surinam to the eastern border
holds 100 % of the Paul Isnard property. of French Guiana, (Choubert, 1964, Manier, 1992,
Guyanor started exploration in the Montagne d’Or Milesi et al. 1995, Vanderhaeghe et al. 1998).
zone in 1994 with an airborne radiometric and mag- L’Ile de Cayenne sequence, dated at 2.144 Ga
(Milesi et al. 1995), is the oldest in French Guiana. It Isnard project area. The Paramaca units (Montagne
consists of highly metamorphosed rocks, including d’Or zone in the south, and Dégrad-Neuf zone in the
migmatite, amphibolite and quartzite. This is overlain east) contain gold and sulphide mineralization in fel-
(stratigraphically) by the Paramaca sequence that has sic volcanic rocks. In the Élysee zone in the west gold
radiometric ages of between 2.20 and 2.07 Ga. The is associated with quartz veining in granite. The EDS
Paramaca sequence formed in extensional continental occurrence (Saint Pierre zone) contains gold associat-
and subduction related arc- and back-arc environ- ed with a faulted contact and with gold-bearing con-
ments, and consists of metavolcanic and metasedi- glomerate, and in some regional faults (BRGM
mentary strata. The relationship between the L’Ile de showed the existence of gold mineralization along a
Cayenne and Paramaca sequences is unclear; and NWN-SES fault to the east between Paramaca and
although some authors continue to distinguish them, dioritic units).
they seem to have formed during the same events. The area has been affected by its equatorial cli-
During the first Transamazonian collisional (com- mate, and the rocks are highly weathered. A typical
pressional) orogenic phase, dated at about 2.10 Ga, weathered profile in Paul Isnard area consists, from
the Paramaca sequence was deformed and metamor- the surface, of colluvium (0 to 1 m deep), massive clay
phosed to upper greenschist to lower amphibolite with quartz and saprolite fragments (1 to 3 m deep),
assemblages. Gabbro (2.15 Ga), diorite (2.11 Ga) and mixed lateritic clay - saprolite (mottled zone, 3 to 6 m
granite (2.10 - 2.08 Ga) intrusions that cut these stra- deep), saprolite zone (15 to 20 m) deep and fresh rock
ta have distinct contact metamorphic haloes. (20 m deep). This extensive lateritic overburden and
The Ensemble Détritique Supérieur (EDS), com- the dense vegetal cover result in large zones of the area
posed of detrital sediments, formed in pull-apart remaining unmapped and under-explored.
basins located along the northern margin of the
Paramaca greenstone belt, along major east-west STRATIGRAPHY, VOLCANOLOGY AND
reverse-sinistral Sillon Nord-Guyanais fault system, PETROCHEMISTRY
during the second Transamazonian orogenic phase. The Montagne d’Or area (Fig. 2) is a bimodal vol-
During this transcurrent tectonic event, dated at about cano-sedimentary pile, sheared and metamorphosed
2.08 Ga, all of the strata in the greenstone belt were to upper greenschist - lower amphibolite assemblages
again deformed and metamorphosed. Much later, (Schwartz, 1996; Hubé, 1997). The sequence is a
some doleritic dykes and associated small gabbro and steeply dipping south facing homocline with a bed-
basaltic intrusions were emplaced during the opening ding-parallel E-W foliation. The primarily volcanic
of Atlantic, 196 Ma ago. and sedimentary strata contain semi-concordant and
The first geological mapping in the Paul Isnard crosscutting intrusions. The simplified stratigraphic
area was done by the BRGM (Choubert, 1964) and sequence includes a lower mafic unit, overlain by a
has been extensively modified by Guyanor Resources thick felsic unit, with an upper mafic unit that occurs
since 1994. This area of Paramaca felsic to mafic primarily in the eastern part of the area, and an upper-
metavolcanic and metasedimentary strata has been most sedimentary unit. There are a few outcrops of
intruded extensively by gabbro and dioritic plutons. the volcanic rocks and the upper sedimentary
The Paul Isnard volcanic assemblage is bounded by sequence is exposed in stream beds. Most of the infor-
the granite-gneiss complex of the Massif Central mation provided below is based on drill core observa-
Guyanais to the south, east and west, by the L’Ile de tions. These are augmented by 208 analyses for major
Cayenne rocks to the southeast and by the Ensemble and minor elements (XRF and ICP-MS determina-
Détritique Supérieur (EDS) sedimentary-filled basin tions), 471 ICP analyses (hot aqua regia extraction)
to the north. In addition to the reverse-sinistral fault for base metals, and 9150 ICP analyses for gold. All
between EDS and Paramaca units in the north, other samples were taken well below the saprolite zone, to
faults cut the area. These have highly variable trends. avoid any effects of element mobility associated with
Several gold-bearing occurrences comprise Paul- the weathering. Tables 1 and 2 provide average com-
Figure 2. Generalized geology of the Paul Isnard area. The sequence is south – facing. The “tuff-pelite” unit at the north of the
sequence is predominantly mafic. The distribution of the sulphide-rich zone is an interpretation based on correlations between
drill-holes. Analysis of the data (herein) suggest that the sulphide and gold are distributed in a semi-conformable zone, but that
their original distribution may have been controlled by syn-volcanic faults. The distribution of the most significant semi-con-
formable alteration (“hyperchlorite”) is also shown. The geographic positions for this and subsequent diagrams is the Universal
Transverse Mercator grid, based on the parameters for WGS84, zone 22N.
Table 1. Average compositions of the three members of a tain quartz crystals in about the same abundance as
felsic pyroclastic ash flow unit. the other units. They are logged as both “felsic weld-
ed tuff” and “felsic tuff”, but the presence of welding
Felsic Felsic Felsic has not yet been petrographically confirmed. These
Lapilli Tuff “Welded ” portions of the ash flow have lower silica, Na2O and
Tuff Tuff CaO contents than the other two zones, and higher
MgO, Fe2O3(t) and K2O contents. These chemical
Weight %
SiO2 69.24 71.75 66.93 differences are probably the result of the higher reac-
Al2O3 14.60 14.25 13.76 tivity of the fine-grained ash to both seawater and
hydrothermal alteration. The higher MgO content
CaO 2.53 1.83 1.14
MgO 1.07 0.88 1.21 indicates that the ash was in contact with seawater
MnO 0.07 0.07 0.10 when it was still hot. Such enrichments in MgO and
Fe2O3T 4.00 4.41 8.90 losses of Na2O and CaO have been noted in many dis-
K2O 2.37 2.52 3.06 tricts, including Noranda (Dimroth, 1975). A picture
Na2O 3.49 2.98 1.90 of a composite ash bed is shown in Figure 3. The
P2O5 0.10 0.06 0.09 thickness of each bed varies from about 15 cm to over
TiO2 0.32 0.27 0.35
four metres. A few mafic intervals are intercalated
with the felsic tuff beds near the top of this unit.
LOI 1.97 2.30 3.44
Upper mafic unit
Ba 937 968 1009 Both mafic intrusions (sills and dykes) and mafic
Cu 37 210 488 flows are present in this section. The unit consists
Pb 10 31 16 largely of sheet flows, which may have ponded
Nd 18 16 17 against a synvolcanic fault. The mafic flows are inter-
Ni 12 12 14 calated with felsic ash flows to the east for a short lat-
Nb 2 7 2
eral distance. The flows are usually almost feature-
Yb 1 1 1
Y 5 5 7 less, but include a few vesicle zones and possible
Zr 101 86 89 hyaloclastite. Pillows, although evident, are not abun-
Zn 26 56 232 dant. Vesicles are both quartz and chlorite (after Mg-
zeolite?) - filled. Distinct, irregular chloritic frag-
ments adjacent to zones of vesicles identify the hyalo-
clastite zones. The exceptional homogeneity of other
as lapilli tuff, the units noted in the logs as “felsic parts of this mafic unit may suggest that it includes
agglomerate” are probably the coarsest facies of each some very fine-grained intrusions. The principal con-
ash-flow sequence. Such coarse fragments identify stituents of this unit include:
the beginning of a new eruption and may indicate 1) Mafic and Intermediate Tuff: Three types of
proximity to a volcanic centre. mafic and intermediate tuff are present. The
The second “facies” or member comprises the cen- “mafic banded tuff” is comprised of distinctly
tral portion of each ash flow cycle, and is composed banded units that occur between flows. The
of fine to medium-grained ash, locally termed “felsic bands are discontinuous, and they probably are
tuff”. Quartz crystals, identical in size to those in the a combination of basaltic detritus and
coarser basal units, are scattered throughout most of deformed hyaloclastite that formed between
these. Again, this member is well sorted. pillowed flows. They define flow boundaries
The third “facies” comprises the upper portion of and are compositionally almost identical to the
each ash flow, and is composed of very fine ash. mafic flows. Other units logged as mafic tuff
These units have an aphanitic groundmass, but con- are composed of intercalated mafic and felsic
Lapilli (bottom)
Medium Ash
Pumice/ash fragments
Coarse Ash
Fine Ash
Figure 3. A composite of several contiguous pieces of drill core, illustrating graded ash flow beds with gradational clast sizes.
On the left, a close-up of the bottom of ash flow bed with coarse juvenile lapilli supported in a finer matrix. Note also the matrix-
supported quartz crystals. This texture represents either the base of a volcanogenic turbidite or debris flow. MO97-27-54.2m
detritus. These are interflow horizons, and Table 2: Average compositions of mafic rocks in the Paul
mark a pause in volcanic activity. Some are Isnard area
highly deformed, and others display excellent
graded beds providing consistent facing indica- Mafic Mafic Mafic Mafic
tions (all to the south). The mixed tuff layers dykes flows banded lava
generally have higher silica contents (51-55 %, tuff
Table 2) compared with the mafic flows, and
also have lower TiO2 contents (typically 0.5- N 3 12 10 25
0.9 % TiO2). Many of the mafic tuff units are SiO2 55.16 53.54 51.01 49.88
garnetiferous, reflecting a slight lowering of Al2O3 13.87 13.20 13.74 13.54
alkalis and moderate to high Mn contents. CaO 6.14 6.29 8.38 9.26
Many of these units have unusually high Ni MgO 3.76 5.09 4.96 5.92
contents and contain disseminated sulphides; MnO 0.14 0.17 0.21 0.20
their origin discussed below. Fe2O3T 13.21 13.21 13.68 14.02
2) Mafic Intrusions: The mafic intrusions are all K2O 2.67 1.66 1.12 0.43
very fine-grained. Locally their contacts are not Na2O 1.44 1.78 2.01 2.24
parallel to schistosity, and all show some strain P2O5 0.13 0.22 0.12 0.12
near their margins. The fine-grained nature of TiO2 0.57 0.94 1.20 1.33
the intrusions and their altered margins also are LOI 5.16 3.52 3.15 2.45
typical of synvolcanic intrusions. All contacts PPM
are deformed, indicating that these dykes were Ba 786 640 442 139
emplaced early in the history of this area. Cu 627 683 115 153
Although no chemical data are available for Pb 27 15 16 32
them, the similarity of their textural and miner- Nd 18 28 12 11
alogical attributes to those of the volcanic Ni 40 93 70 82
Nb 3 3 4 4
rocks indicate that they may be synvolcanic,
Yb 1.3 1.8 2.3 2.8
and are petrogenetically related to the upper Y 10 16 19 23
mafic unit. Their orientation could not be deter- Zr 81 89 85 85
mined, but the positions of all intrusions were Zn 148 194 219 104
plotted (along with the hyperchlorite distribu-
tion, discussed below) on a separate plan (Fig.
4). The mafic intrusions show very poor to no
lateral continuity. For example, abundant dykes
in hole MO98 54 are not evident in the adjacent epidote and quartz have replaced the feldspar crystals.
hole, MO97 32. A similar lack of correlation is The groundmass is composed of a fine-grained aggre-
observed in holes MO9 38 and 27. This gener- gate of quartz, feldspar, mica and carbonate. The
al lack of horizontal continuity may indicate feldspar phenocrysts are typically deformed into sub-
that the dykes were oriented at right angles to rounded ovoid shapes, and have quartz and carbonate
the strata. in their pressure shadows. The groundmass biotite is
The “Intermediate Intrusion” is a unique and aligned in the foliation plane. The unit forms a series
easily identified unit that is locally sub-parallel to the of distinct thin sub concordant sills that post-date vol-
strata, but actually transects two major units, the fel- canism, but predate deformation.
sic unit and upper mafic unit. All sections of this Upper sedimentary unit
intrusion are remarkably similar in texture and miner-
alogical composition. The white elongate feldspar The sediments were not specifically examined.
relict grains are set in a dark grey groundmass. Albite, Their presence towards the southern part of the Paul
Figure 4. Same area as Figure 2, but showing the distribution of dykes and “hyperchlorite” alteration. The dykes do not correlate
from hole to hole, suggesting that they are oriented perpendicular to the strata. These zones are generalized from the core logs.
Isnard property may indicate the waning stage of, or a NE-SW. These directions have been interpreted from
hiatus in felsic volcanism. creek deviations and some rare fault breccia. They
correspond to a later tectonic phase than that which
STRUCTURAL FEATURES formed the prevalent E-W foliation, and have not off-
Foliation is consistent throughout the area, strikes set the strata.
E-W with dips to the south varying between 70° to
85°. No major folds have been observed in the zone, PETROCHEMICAL OBSERVATIONS
but very rare centimetre-scale folds have been noted To assess the petrochemical attributes of the rocks
in the drill core. Two major E-W faults exist in the the major and trace element data were examined
Montagne d’Or zone. The first is located in the north statistically and grouped on the basis of immobile
at the top of the lower mafic unit, and is identified by element plots and calculated petrogenetic factors.
a graphitic layer that is several centimetres thick. No These groups of samples were then compared with the
mineralization is associated with this fault. The sec- lithotypes assigned in the original core logs, and if
ond is located in the south of the zone and is evident the petrochemical data were ambiguous, the core was
in the airborne geophysical maps; it forms a distinct re-examined. Given that mafic and felsic volcanic
cliff and separates the sedimentary strata from the and intrusive rocks were already recognized in
amphibolite unit to the south. Near this cliff, mylonite the area, the objective of this statistical exercise
– like fabric has been observed in outcrops. Hubé, was to see if further division of the lithologies on a
(1997) showed a sinistral movement on this fault. chemical basis was possible. The frequency
This fault contains some pyrite, but no gold. Two distributions of the least mobile major and trace
other minor structural trends are evident, NW-SE and elements (TiO2, Y, Zr, Yb, and Nb) and the Rare Earth
Elements (REEs)) were examined. Only the “least abundance of normative corundum is an excellent
altered” samples were used to assign petrochemical indicator of alteration. Alteration tests are more use-
parentage; intensely altered samples (see discussion ful if applied to single lithologies; thus before using
of alteration, below) were excluded. them, a few additional tests of the major lithological
The results for some of these are shown in Figures groups as defined by either logging or chemical clas-
5, 6 and 7. sification are needed to be undertaken, in order to
The probability plots of TiO2 and Y (Fig. 5) reveal ensure the integrity of each group. Also, information
three distinct populations of data. The felsic and on the petrogenetic origin of the various lithologies
mafic groups are totally separated, and are probably can provide some insights as to the types of mineral-
petrogenetically unrelated. The origin of the interme- ization that might occur in the Paul Isnard area.
diate group of rocks is more problematical, and may In Figure 7, the REE elements are plotted as chon-
be a result (in part) of mixing of the mafic and felsic drite normalized “spider” diagrams, for each of the
populations. These are also evident on the TiO2 vs. Y,
and the felsic samples form a distinct, well defined lin-
ear array (see Zr vs. TiO2 plot) with about 70 to 74 %
SiO2. Those samples that lie off of this linear trend -1
may be altered, and will be re-examined later.
The “intermediate’ samples have one unusual -2 Mafic
chemical attribute, illustrated in the Ni vs. TiO2 plot in
Figure 6. In establishing a classification system based -3
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
on chemical composition (above) these samples were
usually classified as “intermediate”. If the trace ele-
ment distributions are solely the result of mixing
Expe cte d Va lue for Norma l Dis tributio n
Table 3. Threshold and range values for definition of lithologies on a chemical basis
4.0 350
3.5 M
3.0 M
M 250
2.5 M
M 5M M M M
0 M MM
M 150
2.0 IM M I
I I 100 M M MMMM
1.5 I I I M MM M
60 I M M M MM
Ni 50
Yb 1.0 F F F
60 I I M
FF 70
I 60
200 35
180 30 M
25 50
160 50
140 M
120 I
15 M
Zr 100 FF
I I 10 60
M 70F I II
60 FF F I
50 60 5
Mafic Flows 141 Mafic Tuff
100 100
PI Mafic
10 10
PI Felsic
1 1
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
10 10
1 1
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
High Ni Samples
100 Felsic 100
10 10
1 1
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 7. Plots of the REE element distributions of the major lithologies as defined by the PI logs. Note that “felsic” includes
the felsic tuff, lapilli tuff and welded felsic tuff groups.
major lithologies plus the “high Ni” group of samples. lope that is characterized by light-REE enrichment, a
The REE profiles of the felsic and mafic groups are steep slope, and a moderately well developed nega-
clearly distinct. The felsic samples all lie in an enve- tive Eu anomaly.
The mafic rocks at Paul Isnard form two groups lain tuff cycles, each with a coarse, lapilli-dominated
(Fig. 8). Most of the mafic rocks lie in a very narrow base (containing juvenile or primary pyroclastic frag-
envelope, with virtually no change between the light ments), a medium to coarse fragment centre and a fine
and heavy REE normalized abundances, and are sim- ash top. Alteration and exceptionally good sorting of
ilar to those found in back-arc ocean floors associated each ash flow unit are consistent with a subaquaeous
with ocean-ocean subduction zones. These are similar pyroclastic flow depositional mechanism. Clasts were
to the bulk of the mafic rocks at Snow Lake, and are altered by contact with seawater (Mg-enriched, Si and
also similar to many Archean basalt sequences asso- partially Na depleted), while still hot ash. Pyroclastic
ciated with VMS deposits. A second group of basalt eruptions usually form if water depths are less than 2
samples from Paul Isnard have slightly enriched light km, and typically form in moderate (~1000-500 m)
REEs, more typical of evolved arcs or back arcs. The water depths, necessary to promote magma vesicula-
melts that formed these LREE-enriched units were tion prior to eruption (see Gibson et al., 1999). Such
possibly contaminated by partial assimilation of fragments may be transported away from the eruptive
hydrated crust. These two groups are also evident in centre and deposited in deeper water. However, the
the immobile element classification plots (Fig. 8). The coarse nature of the basal fragments in each cycle at
bimodal distribution of mafic compositions is partic- Paul Isnard may indicate proximity to a volcanic vent.
ularly evident on the Y-Zr-Ti plot (c.f. Pearce and The paucity of sedimentary units in this sequence
Cann, 1973). The samples that lie closest to the calc- indicates that it was deposited rapidly.
alkaline field are those with the light REE enrich- The Paul Isnard felsic rocks have highly fraction-
ment. These basalt samples have high K and Na con- ated REE compositions, and are most similar to the
tents, and may indicate that the mafic magma has most evolved rocks in upper part of the sequence in
assimilated some crustal material. the Snow Lake district of Manitoba. These latter strata
Lesher et al (1986) have established typical REE formed near the end of the local volcanic history, and
distribution patterns for Archean felsic rocks, and formed the uppermost parts of that volcanic edifice.
have proposed a classification scheme that discrimi- The mafic rocks consist of massive and pillowed
nates between suites of felsic rocks that are potential- flows, bedded tuff strata and subvolcanic intrusions.
ly productive or non-productive for VMS deposits. Lower mafic unit contains abundant epidote, and may
Their Type 1 rhyolite group has low VMS potential, represent the upper portion of a lower semicon-
whereas their Types 2 and 3 groups are commonly formable alteration system. Mafic intrusions occur in
associated with VMS deposits. The felsic rocks from both the felsic and mafic sequences, show little or no
Paul Isnard have REE distributions that most closely lateral (hole to hole) continuity, and probably are
resemble the Type I sequence, with a subordinate dyke swarms, filling synvolcanic fault zones.
group in the Type 2 composition (Fig. 9). Bailes and Chloritization at their margins indicates that they
Galley (1996) provided the data for REE distributions were intruded into seawater-saturated strata. In many
associated with the highly productive Early VMS districts, synvolcanic dykes generally occur in
Proterozoic Snow Lake district of Manitoba, and a paleo-faults. In the Noranda district and elsewhere the
similar data set was obtained for the Skellefte district abundance of such dykes defines both caldera bound-
of Sweden, another major Early Proterozoic VMS aries and hydrothermal fluid conduits (Gibson and
district. The Snow Lake and Skellefte data are also Watkinson, 1990). The dyke swarms illustrated in
Type II. The Paul Isnard felsic melts are typical of Figure 4 may define paleo-fracture zones, which
highly evolved arcs (or those with a stronger conti- could have been conduits for hydrothermal discharge.
nental association). The bedded tuff units consist of a variety of lithologies,
many of which are of mixed (felsic-mafic) origin.
CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE The Paul Isnard mafic rocks are typical island-arc
tholeiites. They display some evidence of melt
The felsic rocks form an extensive series of water- contamination, suggesting that they resided in a shal-
Ti/100 TiO2
Island-arc A,B
Ocean-floorB OIT
B Within-plateDD IAT
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 8. Immobile element and REE plots of the mafic rocks form the PI drill core. Note the bimodal distribution of data in
all three plots; the group to the left in the upper two plots corresponds to the samples with light REE enrichment. All of the
mafic compositions are island-arc tholeiite.
low subvolcanic magma chamber. Compositional block, with the felsic units deposited in an adjacent
trends such as this are observed in other VMS dis- basin (see below). The abundance of mafic dykes in
tricts, and may be attributed to very high-T conditions the adjacent felsic units adds support to the argument
at medial or upper crustal levels. Such conditions are that the western edge of the mafic flow unit is an early
ideal for engendering large-scale hydrothermal circu- fault. Such faults are excellent loci for hydrothermal
lation, and indicate excellent VMS potential. fluids, and the fact that this western termination coin-
The mafic flows may be part of a synvolcanic fault cides with one of the thickest portions of gold-copper
unit is logged as “mafic tuff”; it has sharp contacts The samples identified as felsic tuff have typical REE
with the felsic units both above and below, and is thus patterns, with steep slope (~3), normalized Yb content
either a dyke or a distinct bed. This is followed by a of less than 5, and slight negative europium anom-
section of graded felsic tuff and lapilli tuff, which is alies. The samples of “mafic tuff” (211, 215) and
gradually chloritized towards the end of the box. This “hyperchlorite” (212, 213) are somewhat similar, but
is the transition into hyperchlorite, and clearly illus- have exceptional slopes (7-9) and high normalized Yb
trates the “replacement” or alteration nature of the latter. (10). This is surprising, considering that most mafic
In order to establish the chemical relationships of rocks in the Paul Isnard area have flat REE patterns,
this alteration, a section (DDH MO97-40) within the at about 10x chondrite. This complexity is shown by
felsic unit that has major and trace element data was Sample 211, which is supposed to represent mafic
examined more closely. This section includes some tuff, but has a pattern much more similar to felsic tuff
hyperchlorite, but is logged as including a mafic tuff (c.f. Figure 9). Given the length of the sample (1.2 m),
unit as well as several mafic dykes. it may have included significant amounts of felsic
The REE distributions of these samples indicate material. Alternatively, some “mafic tuff” units are
that they may all belong to the felsic group (Fig. 11). actually highly chloritized felsic material.
Figure 10. Upper plate: Section of drill core illustrating the gradational nature of the hyperchlorite alteration. This section
includes chloritized felsic rocks, a mafic tuff unit, and hyperchlorite. (MO97-40: 182-187).
In order to examine this further, some mass bal- Zn are so large as to be off of the scale used for these
ance tests are applied, using the Grant (1986) isochon diagrams. The copper gains are even larger, and
method. Samples PIWR 209, 210, 214 and 216 were extend well beyond the range of the isochon diagrams.
selected to ensure that the same primary lithology The down-hole distribution of the key indicator
(felsic tuff) is compared. PIWR 214 and 216 are very elements in the felsic volcanic rocks (Fig. 13) pro-
close to the hyperchlorite zone. The hyperchlorite vides further information on the processes attendant
sample was compared with the mafic tuff samples on the formation of the gold zone:
(211 and 215), as these three have similar REE pat- 1) The median K2O content for unaltered felsic
terns, TiO2 and other immobile element contents. All rocks is 1.8 % (range = 1.5-2.5 %), for CaO is
of these comparisons are shown in Figure 12. 2.5 % (range = 2.0-3.0 %), and for Na2O is 4.5
As the hyperchlorite zone is approached, the felsic
% (range = 3.8-5 %). Many of the values for
tuff gained Fe2O3, K2O, Cu, Zn and some MnO. It lost
K2O are higher than this in Hole MO97-40.
CaO, Na2O and Sr. MgO changes are variable, with a
small addition evident in some comparisons. Quartz The K2O - enriched zones are on the strati-
phenocrysts are preserved through as much as 50 % of graphic hangingwall of the hyperchlorite and
the hyperchlorite zones, but in the most intensely gold-rich zones. CaO is locally depleted in the
altered portions of them, quartz phenocrysts are not gold-rich zones.
evident, and have probably been dissolved. 2) The alkali elements are remarkably enriched
The gains and losses in the felsic tuff are entirely near the hyperchlorite zone; Na and Ca
consistent with alteration associated with high-tem- increase near the centre of the zone, (along
perature, metal-rich hydrothermal fluid. The gains in with Fe), but decrease to anomalously low con-
tents at its margins.
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Figure 11. REE distribution patterns in hyperchlorite samples. Numbers to left of data lines are original sample numbers (see
3) Copper is enriched in the gold zones, but max- Hyperchlorite in the upper mafic sequence:
imum zinc enrichment is over 50 m away from As noted previously, hyperchlorite zones are more
the gold and hyperchlorite areas. Zinc may be widespread in the upper mafic unit than in the felsic
symmetrically enriched about the most gold strata. The textural and mineralogical nature of the
rich area (adjacent to the hyperchlorite); this
hyperchlorite is quite similar to that observed in felsic
distribution is expected if the metals are dis-
rocks, with each zone gradational into the adjacent
tributed laterally away from a synvolcanic
basalt. The most intensely chloritized parts have
feeder zone, but this zonation is not consistent
developed a distinct spotted texture, and are probably
with a seafloor depositional site for zinc (or
composed of two types of chlorite. The spots are typ-
copper). This relationship will be explored
ically 3 to 8 mm in diameter, and resemble spotted
more fully later.
20 20
15 15
10 Ni 10 Cu
Zr K2O
Zn Ce
K2O Ce Ba La
MnO Al2O3 SiO2
Rb SiO2 Al2O3
Yb TiO2
5 MgO
P2O5 Y CaO
Na2O Pb 5 MgO
Fe2O3T Yb P2O5 Sr
Cu CaO
155 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
AveragefelsicMO97-40 AveragefelsicMO97-40
FelsicW elded Tuff
20 Ni 20 Zn
165 HypochloritizedUnit
Felsic Tuff
170 15
FelsicLapilli Tuff
175 Cu
FelsicW elded Tuff PIWR210 10 Ba
Ce Zr 10 Ni
180 Fe2O3T
K2O La Zr
PIWR21 1 Ce
Mafic Tuff Al2O3 SiO2
FelsicLapilli Tuff SiO2 K2O La Ba
185 Rb TiO2 Yb
HypochloritizedUnit PIWR214 5 Fe2O3T Na2O
FelsicW elded Tuff
P2O5 Y Yb Pb
Sr 5 Rb
TiO2 Pb
195 0 0
MaficDyke 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
FelsicW elded Tuff AveragefelsicMO97-40 AveragefelsicMO97-40
200 Intermediate Tuff
FelsicW elded Tuff
100 50
80 40
La 20
P2O5 Zr
60 TiO2 Yb 30
Sr 15
Fe2O3T Ba Y
40 Rb
20 CaO
Pb Zr TiO2
K2O Yb
Ba Y
5 SiO2
20 CaO
Zr Yb Na2O
10 K2O
Fe2O3T Pb Cu
TiO2 0 Al2O3 Rb
0 5 10 15 20
Pb K2O
Al2O3 Na2O
0 SiO2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
PI215Mafic Tuff PI21 1Mafic Tuff
Figure 12. Isochon plots of unaltered and altered felsic rocks, and in chlorite alteration that occurs within or near thin units of
mafic rock (MO97-43, lowest two plots). Section at left illustrates the lithological distributions in this hole, and the sample loca-
chlorite alteration observed associated with the felsic volcanic rocks. The most important change is
Noranda deposits, and elsewhere (Riverin and the addition of iron. Large amounts of zinc and lead
Hodgson, 1980). were also added, but in the comparisons done here,
Chemical data from one section of hyperchlorite in copper appears to have been added only in minor
mafic rocks (MO97-43) are presented in Figure 14. amounts. However, copper has been pervasively
The chemical changes are similar to those observed in added to the entire area, and the lack of an anomalous
5 2
5 15 0 0 0 0 0
70 25 50
3. 1 45
addition may result from the choice of samples very low angle, can be traced for at least 1500 m in
(see later discussion). The hyperchlorite zones have the footwall to the deposits, and is gradational
lost Na2O, CaO, Sr, and possibly some MgO. The upwards (stratigraphically) into the felsic strata that
gains and losses are compatible with alteration from a form the footwall to the mines. Alteration in the felsic
large volume of Fe-rich hydrothermal fluid that rocks is dominantly Fe-rich, and is similar to that
destroyed feldspar. observed in the Paul Isnard hyperchlorite zones.
The origin of this fluid is not entirely clear. A sim-
ilar form of alteration was noted below the Anderson CHEMICAL ALTERATION ASSOCIATED WITH
30 90
MO97-43-PIWR 245
20 MO97-43-PIWR 245 60
Hyperchlorite 50
10 Y
30 Fe2O3T
Cu Cs
Sr Co MgO 20
K2O Zr SiO2 CaO Ni Pb
Ce Rb
10 K2OLa SiO2 Al2O3
Y Cu
Ba P2O5 Ni
Ba Rb
Ce Zr Na2O Sr CaO
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
20 30
MO97-43-PIWR 245
MO97-43-PIWR 245
Cu Y
La Zn
Co MgO 10 MnO
Al2O3 TiO2 Ni Co
5 P2O5 Rb
K2O SiO2 CaO Ni K2O
Zr Y P2O5
Rb Ce Zr
Na2O Ce SiO2
Ba MgO Sr
CaO Na2O
0 0 Pb
0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30
Figure 14. Isochon diagrams for hyperchlorite in mafic rocks, MO97-43.
consistency of the results, a third area (Fig. 16: MO97- shows very large additions of arsenic, zinc and mer-
32), at the margins of a gold zone, was examined. cury (in addition to gold). The diagram on the left
(details of the lower left corner of the previously
Alteration in mafic rocks: described graph) shows that copper, iron and potassi-
The predominant addition to these rocks (in addi- um were added, and sodium and calcium are depleted.
tion to Au) is Fe (see Figure 16). This is in part due to Sulphides are also enriched (Sulphide %). Rb is
addition of sulphide, but may also be due to formation enriched, indicating the formation of mica (probably
of Fe-chlorite. The second-most prominent alteration sericite) during alteration, and Sr is strongly depleted,
is addition of K2O, probably as sericite. Na2O is indicating feldspar destruction. The other graphs (Fig.
strongly depleted in these zones, as well. Zinc, and to 16) illustrate the same additions and losses, confirm-
a lesser but still prominent extent, lead is enriched in ing the observations made in the first comparison. In
the gold zones, as is copper. Zinc and lead may be the MO97-35 the same changes have occurred, even
best indicators of mineralization, as they are more though the amount of sulphide addition is very small.
specifically enriched in the gold zones. Here, on the periphery of the gold-enriched zone, Ca
and Mg are enriched slightly. Na is not strongly
Alteration in felsic rocks depleted. This combination of changes is compatible
Three gold-rich sections in DDH MO97-35 were with a less intense, seawater-dominated alteration
examined (Fig. 16). In the first comparison (upper- system, in contrast to the alteration associated with
most two graphs) an average of three high gold sam- the most gold-rich parts of the system.
ples was computed and compared with an average of The alteration attributes observed associated with
three low-gold samples. The diagram on the right gold mineralization are typical of those resulting from
MO97-35 20 Hg 60
Felsic Rocks Cs
Ba 50
of High Au Samples
MO97-35 Average
15 Co Sr
of High Au Samples
MO97-35 Average
Zn Ni Y
10 Nd 30 As
Cu Al2O3
CaO Pb MgO SiO2
TiO2 Sm Cor La Rb 20 Hg
P2O5 Yb K2O Ba
5 Nb
Co Sr
MnO Na2O Zn Ni Y
10 Fe2O3T
Rb SiO2
Yb La Zr
Spc CaO
P2O5 Cu MgO Sm Al2O3
MnO Nb Cor
Spc Ce Na2O K2O
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Average of Samples 118,121,123 Average of Samples 118,121,123
10 50 600
Nd 45
40 500
8 Hg
20.9 ppm Au
Zr Y 400
20.9 ppm Au
20.9 ppm Au
6 30
Al2O3 Fe2O3T
25 Cs 300
La P2O5
4 Ba
SiO2 20 Spc
Yb CaO
Rb Ce
15 MgO 200
K2O Na2O
MnO Sr
2 10 Nd
Hg Sm
Nb Zr
Cu 5 La
TiO2 MgO Y
Cor SiO2 Ni
Sr CaO
0 0 Cor 0 Yb
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
20 250
Average of High Au Samples AU
PIWR 51,71 & 73
10 Cor Rb Co
Y Hg
SiO2 Nd 100
Cs Zr
La Al2O3 Zn
5 Sm
Ce Nb TiO2
Sr 50
P2O5 Na2O Cu
Spc Fe2O3T K2O Al2O3 Y Ba
CaO Zr Co Sr
0 0 MnO P2O5 Yb La
Ce Nb
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Average of Low Au Samples Average of Low Au Samples
PIWR58-60 PIWR58-60
30 600 As
19.5 ppm Au
19.5 ppm Au
20 PIWR71 400
Co Hg
10 Y
Ba Pb 200 Zn
SiO2 Cor
Yb Rb
Al2O3 Ni Nd Cs
Sm Zr
K2O 100
MgO TiO2
P2O5 Nb
CaO MnO Cs Ba
0 Na2O 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
30 200
19.0 ppm Au
19.0 ppm Au
Ba As
10 Spc
Y Co Cs
Zr Rb
Fe2O3T Al2O3
Nd 50
Ni Zn
MnO Sr
Sm La
TiO2 NbCe
P2O5 MgO Pb Y Ba As
Na2O Cs
0 0 Pb
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
high-temperature interaction with a metalliferous, from felsic rocks; there are no hyperchlorite zones in
seawater-derived hydrothermal fluid (Franklin, this hole, and only a few mafic dykes. Unfortunately
1996). The abundance of mercury and arsenic may the hole is at the margin of the major gold zone. The
indicate a shallow water depositional environment data patterns indicate that anomalous copper is dis-
(c.f. Mattabi, Morton and Franklin, 1987). As there is tributed over about 100 m from the high gold zones,
no gain or loss of Mg in the core zone of the mineral- as is lead. Zinc is not anomalous in this test, but mer-
ization, there does not seem to have been any involve- cury is anomalous over about 150 m. Fe increases
ment of cold seawater in most of the alteration sys- substantially over about 150 m away from the high-
tem. However, as Mg is enriched at the margins of the grade sections, and in many samples K2O is anom-
gold-enriched zone (along with CaO), there may have alous for almost 200 m. The distribution of copper
been some heating of trapped seawater, and local pre- and zinc was also examined in Hole MO96-14 (Fig.
cipitation of Mg-clays and possibly anhydrite at the 18). These data show that anomalous copper and zinc
margins of the system. In typical alteration pipes that are associated with the gold zones, but not with the
directly underlie VMS deposits, Mg is added because hyperchlorite. This adds further to the argument that
of the progressive heating of locally down-drawn sea- the hyperchlorite is not directly related to the gold
water. Lack of this in the core of the gold-enriched mineralizing event.
zone indicates that seawater had not penetrated into The final step is to establish the threshold values
the centre of that zone. The seawater/rock ratio in the that define alteration associated with the gold miner-
core of the gold-enriched zones at Paul Isnard was alization. Table 4 is derived from examining the fre-
therefore very low (c.f. Seyfried and Janecky 1985). quency distributions of these elements (not shown).
This suggests that the mineralization formed sub- These probability plots for each element generally
seafloor and probably at depths where seawater was provide a basis for defining separate anomalous and
unable to penetrate in great quantity. background populations. Lead and mercury are
In summary, the mass balance studies indicate that exceptions; almost all of the values provided for these
Fe and K enrichment accompanied gold deposition, elements by the analytical method used for this study
and that elements associated with volatile-rich fluids should be considered anomalous.
(Hg and As) are also significantly enriched. Only at
the margins of the mineralization is there any evi- Additional Alteration Indicators
dence of locally heated advecting seawater-related One of the more reliable derivative indicators of
alteration. These observations are compatible with a hydrothermal mineralization is the abundance of
system that was cooling through adiabatic phase sep- normative corundum as an alteration indicator. As
aration (i.e. boiling) in the sub-seafloor, precipitating feldspar in the groundmass of most volcanic rocks
copper and gold in its core, and reacting with both fel- generally was completely replaced, and its cations
sic and mafic rocks to form Fe-chlorite and sericite. released to the fluid phase during hydrothermal alter-
Cooling must have been occurring at depths sufficient ation, excess alumina remained in most altered rocks.
to not engender seawater draw-down, with sufficient This is reflected in the calculated normative corundum
permeability to prevent extensive hydrofracturing. content (a good surrogate for measuring excess alumi-
The next step in examining the alteration distribu- na), which may actually reflect the formation of alu-
tion in the gold-rich zones of the Paul Isnard area is to minous clay minerals during alteration. Corundum is
examine some down-hole distributions. In Figure 17 a generally present in the calculated norm for most sub-
series of sections for Hole MO97-35 illustrate the marine volcanic sequences, as most hot volcanic mate-
variations in selected major and minor elements, rela- rial reacts with seawater, losing some Na and gaining
tive to the gold-bearing zone near the end of the hole. some Mg, a process that generates some excess alumi-
These trends confirm the information gained from the na. Fine-grained tuff tends to react more than coarser-
isochon plots, and illustrate the magnitude and con- grained fragmental volcanic rocks or flows.
sistency of chemical alteration trends. All samples are The distribution of normative corundum was
100 F
80 F
F 40 F
100 F
F F 20 F F
120 F
100 F
100 80
80 F
60 60 F
40 F 40
20 FF FF
20 F
F 5 F
F 4
2 F F F
3 F
1 F F F F
F 2
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Distance Down Hole (m) Distance Down Hole (m)
10 4 F
9 F
8 F F F
7 F F F
K 2O
6 F FF
5 F
F 2 F F
4 F
3 F F
2 1
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Distance Down Hole (m) Distance Down Hole (m)
Figure 17. Selected major and minor element distributions in Hole MO97-35. The lines are “best fit” splines through the data,
and illustrate the progressive trends down the hole
Element Threshold Element Threshold 80
Fe2O3 >3.9% Cu >100ppm band
K2O >3.3% Zn >40ppm 100
Na2O <2% Pb >15ppm 105
CaO <1.2% As >8ppm 115
Hg >50ppb 120
examined in two ways. Values in excess of 8 % are 140 0 0 0
Lithology Log
13 0
statistically anomalous and were plotted as zones on a
map (Fig. 19). The zone of normative corundum cor- Au ppm Cu ppm Zn ppm
responds closely with the distribution of the highest
base metal and gold contents; the contoured data indi- Figure 18. Distribution of gold, copper and zinc in a section
cate that the trend is actually almost N-S, at approxi- of hole. Note that the shading on the log is the same as for
Figure 13, the black bands are mafic intrusions, dark gray
mately 90º to strike. Although this treatment of the
bands are felsic lapillistone, light gray bands are fine ash,
data is biased by the uneven availability of whole- and stippled band is “hyperchlorite” alteration.
rock analyses, it may be highly significant in consid-
ering the origin and ultimate distribution of the min-
eralization at Paul Isnard. The trends in distribution of
corundum possibly represent the true direction of welling hot hydrothermal fluid.
hydrothermal channels in this part of the system. This BASE METAL AND GOLD DISTRIBUTION
trend would be consistent with the presence of a sub-
seafloor “pipe” system leading upwards (to the south) Information regarding the mineralization, avail-
towards the paleo-seafloor. able in Schwartz (1996) was augmented in this study
by examination of some statistical parameters. Pyrite
SUMMARY OF ALTERATION STUDIES is the predominant sulphide mineral. It occurs prima-
The alteration in the Paul Isnard area formed rily as disseminations, and (more prevalently in the
through replacement of all lithologies by Fe-rich chlo- mafic rocks) in veins and stringer-like zones. Massive
rite and Fe-sulphides in the hyperchlorite zones. sulphides have not (yet) been observed. Chalcopyrite
Sulphur and Fe were added to the rocks, as were K, is closely associated with the most gold-rich zones,
gold and base metals. Na and Ca were concomitantly and sphalerite has been observed near the periphery of
removed. The precipitation mechanism was likely these zones. Although the property has been explored
direct interaction of the hydrothermal fluid with the primarily as a gold prospect, the sulphide zones do
surrounding rocks, in a fracture system that was contain elevated copper and zinc contents. A resource
orthogonal to the strata. Mg-rich alteration, typical of estimate for gold has been undertaken (Costelloe,
many VMS environments, is relegated to the periph- 1999 and company files) but not for base metals.
ery of the system, and is probably unimportant as an Copper and zinc are present in sub-economic
exploration guide in the Paul Isnard area. Down-draw amounts, and are significant in considering the gene-
seawater was unable to reach this portion of the upper sis of the gold-sulphide zones. In order to provide
crust, probably because it was displaced by upward- some indication of the base metal contents of the Paul
Figure 19. Contour map of normative corundum. Note that the data are constrained by the available drill holes as shown. Two
areas of abundant (>7%) normative corundum illustrate the cross-stratal distribution of this alteration indicator. These may rep-
resent paleo-discharge zones. Compare with Figure 24 to see the correspondence between the distribution of normative corun-
dum and anomalous zinc and lead.
Isnard area, the available analyses (collected as part (10349 analyses) and whole rock data (266 samples)
of the regional petrochemical study) are examined sets were combined into a single file and analyzed sta-
statistically. The probability distributions of copper, tistically (Table 5). Base metal values from the ICP
zinc, lead and iron illustrate that the overall base data set were used, and it is important to recall that
metal contents of the many of the rock samples in the these are obtained by hot aqua regia extraction and
Paul Isnard area are anomalous (Fig. 20) relative to therefore representative of the acid-soluble (sulphide,
typical metal contents for most volcanic rocks (see carbonate, limited phyllosilicate) portions of the rock.
Barrie and Hannington, 1999, and references therein). Sulphur values are visual estimates.
About half of all of the copper contents are above 150 Several observations emerge from this analysis.
ppm, which typically is a maximum content for mafic Generally, few strong correlations are evident. Copper
volcanic rocks in arc sequences. Similarly, about 20 and gold are moderately well correlated, although this
% of the zinc and lead values exceed 150 and 30 ppm correlation is only slightly less strong than that for
respectively. A substantial number of the samples copper with silver (in contrast to a poor correlation of
contain highly anomalous contents (Zn and Cu > 1000 silver with lead). Silver and gold are also strongly
ppm, Pb>30 ppm, Fe2O3 >20 %). Clearly, significant correlated, as are zinc and silver. The Cu-Ag correla-
amounts of base metals (along with silver, mercury tion indicates that silver occurs in copper minerals,
and arsenic) have been added to the Paul Isnard strata. typical of most Zn-Cu-Pb (Noranda type or bimodal
In an effort to examine key correlations and spatial mafic associated) deposits (Franklin et al., 1981).
relationships of the mineralization, all base metal and Zinc is not strongly correlated with copper and poor-
related data from the ICP (441 samples), gold assay ly correlated with gold, indicating that zinc deposition
was separated from these other elements. Arsenic is them, based on the available data (see discussion of
not strongly correlated with any other elements, but alteration, below). The sulphide veins are intensely
antimony has a modest correlation with silver, possi- deformed and transposed (Fig. 21), and appear to
bly indicating some sulphosalt presence. Nickel is have formed early in the geological history of the area.
correlated negatively, or very poorly, with all ele-
ments except cobalt. Ni and Co were not part of the SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF BASE METALS AND
Cu-Au mineralization process. Their correlation is
related to either a magmatic process, or to the break- Contoured abundance data for gold, copper, zinc
down of organic material in sediments (diagenetic and lead were plotted on the geological base map for
pyrite in graphite-bearing sedimentary strata may the area. Such plots are dependent on sampling densi-
contain up to 1 % of Ni and Co). Other correlations ty, which is necessarily confined to the available drill
were tested to examine the possibility of other genet- core. The number of data points for gold is extensive,
ic models for the Isnard mineralization (not shown); but those for the other metals are more limited.
no strong correlation is evident between the base met- Nevertheless, some interesting patterns emerge (Fig.
als and other major or minor elements, including the 22). Although gold appears primarily to be distributed
REEs, U and Th. in zones that are parallel to the principal stratigraphic
No mineralogical or petrographic studies of the and structural trend, there are distinct discordant
sulphide-rich vein systems have been undertaken. As zones which cross-cut the strata near the centre of the
described previously (hyperchlorite zones) all area. This discordance is more evident of in the con-
sulphide zones are associated with Fe-rich chlorite tour plots of the base metals. They are not distributed
alteration; Mg-rich alteration is not associated with parallel to the strata, but form distinct cross-cutting
zones. This may indicate that the entire area is a
4 paleo-discharge zone, with its core (high temperature)
represented by copper and gold enrichment, and the
3 Pb margins represented by zinc and lead enrichment.
2 Zn
Probability Value
Table 5. Spearman correlation coefficients for base metals and related elements.
Cu Zn Pb Sulphur % Au Ag As Sb Co Ni
Cu 1.00
Zn 0.46 1.00
Pb -0.06 0.07 1.00
Sulphur % 0.59 0.40 -0.04 1.00
Au 0.72 0.40 -0.06 0.69 1.00
Ag 0.79 0.68 0.56 0.56 0.70 1.00
As 0.20 0.12 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.31 1.00
Sb 0.21 0.28 0.11 0.05 0.17 0.48 0.35 1.00
Co 0.02 0.51 0.05 0.17 -0.05 0.29 0.14 0.07 1.00
Ni 0.05 0.45 0.03 0.02 -0.09 0.22 0.00 0.09 0.85 1.00
rations can occur. Examples of this style of mineral- ing constraints on fluids such as were probably pres-
ization in shallow-water rocks include the Selbaie ent at Paul Isnard. This diagram represents the topol-
Mine (Deptuck et al., 1982), and the Headway Coulee ogy of solubilities of the main metals and gold in a
occurrence (Osterberg et al., 1987). In these, mineral- typical VMS system. The major unknown factor in
ization is distributed along sub-seafloor fracture-fault preparing such a diagram is the range of sulphur con-
systems, which have undergone subsequent transposi- tents of the hydrothermal fluid. In a boiling system
tion during deformation. It is thus worthwhile to con- these may vary widely, although if the system that
sider a mechanism by which copper and gold could be made the Paul Isnard mineralization is typical of those
separated from the other VMS constituents. observed on the modern seafloor, the total H2S con-
Figure 23 is used to explain the solubility and boil- tent would have been about 0.01m. For a more
Figure 21. Sulphide-rich sample from MO 97-27:77.5-78.6m. Sulphide zones (dark bands, and outlined in lower piece of core)
are refolded veins; deformation has been intense, and all phases of deformation noted by Hube (1997) and Schwartz (1996) are
present in these veins. These veins formed prior to deformation, and are probably syn-volcanic.
Typical deep-water
(Noranda) environment
10 100 10
Temperature C
PI 10
200 subsurface
Au(HS)- Base Metal
ppb Contours in ppm
1 SCl=1.0m
100 V.shallow
Zn Assemblage
1000 1
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 23. Solubility of copper and zinc (as chloride species) for a typical hydrothermal fluid. Solubility of gold shown as two
species; the chloride species is most common in deep water systems, and will co-exist with bisulphide species in boiling sys-
subsurface stringer zone. As a consequence of this, formed, with its constituents obtained from down-
however, there should be significant zinc zone at drawn cold seawater. The zonal alteration, including
some stratigraphic level above the copper zone. In the Na enrichment (core) and depletion (margin) and K
Headway Coulee area, for example, this separation is enrichment, with pronounced aluminosilicate alter-
several hundred metres (Osterberg et al., 1987). ation in the core of the system, is consistent with a
shallow VMS system.
The alteration associated with the gold-copper Structural Modification
zone is dominated by Fe-chlorite, which can only be Explanation of the present distribution of litholo-
produced by interaction of a hot Fe-rich hydrothermal gies must take into account the following: The felsic
fluid (~300ºC) with surrounding rocks. Convective and mafic strata appear to be time equivalent; the
cooling by advecting seawater seems to have been transition is sharp between them. Secondly, a few sills
confined to the margins of the system The only Mg transect this contact (the “intermediate intrusion”
enrichment detected in this study is peripheral to the sills”), but precede most, if not all of the deformation.
mineralization, indicating that at the margins of the Thirdly, the area has undergone pervasive deforma-
system perhaps some lower-temperature alteration tion with a sense of sinistral shear. Finally, gold-
recharge zone Mg +K
+Fe Footwall
H2 O/rock>1 aluminous
H2 O/rock>>1
Pi Cu-Au Zone
275-300 0C
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Pi Cu-Au Zone
fracture/fault zone
Fe alteration/stringer zone
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;; Carbonatization?
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; impermeable barrier
H2 O/rock<1
+Si Massive sulphide deposit
reservoir zone +Ca
Disseminated sulphide
pH=3 +Na
;; Silicification
400 0C rcriti sefie
supe ld Talus, breccia
Host rock
subvolcanic intrusion
Subvolcanic intrusion
Figure 24. Generalized model for VMS formation (after Franklin, 1996) modified to explain the distribution of Au-Cu miner-
alization in the Paul Isnard area. Note that many of the features shown in this diagram have not been identified in the PI area.
The mineralization at Paul Isnard formed from a was undergoing cooling in the subsurface, possibly
convective hydrothermal system that was active dur- aided by adiabatic boiling. All metals were transported
ing volcanism. It is thus similar to many other syn- in a Cl-bearing fluid, and their close spatial relation-
volcanic VMS-style systems. The metal contents and ship, along with that of anomalous lead, is consistent
correlation data are consistent with having formed with a VMS-related origin for the Paul Isnard system.
from a seawater-dominated hydrothermal fluid that ! Deposition occurred in a back-arc sequence,
PI Subsurface
Au-Cu zone
Synvolcanic faults
Lower mafic tuff Felsic pyroclastic flows Graded felsic Gold/base metal stringer-
/flows/sediments and tuffs pyroclastic ash flows replacementzones
Intrusive Unit HyperchloriteZones
Figure 25. Upper diagram is a reconstruction of the Paul Isnard geology; south is to the top of the diagram. Note that the syn-
volcanic faults that possibly controlled the emplacement of synvolcanic dykes also became the locus for hydrothermal fluid dis-
charge. The central diagram illustrates the effect of sinistral transpressive deformation. The box indicates the approximate posi-
tion of the map for the Paul Isnard area. The lower diagram attempts to represent the same model, rotated to the present geo-
graphic orientation (stratigraphic top to the south).
and was focussed along synvolcanic faults that Choubert, B., 1964. Ages absolus de la Guyane Française
also formed the margins of a local pull-apart (Précambrien Guyanais). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 258, p.
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CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Paso 258 –9° A. 1640 Martínez, Argentina, milkabro@gl.fcen.uba.ar
Instituto de Recursos Minerales-Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Calle 47 nº522, 1900 La Plata, Argentina,
The geological and tectonic history of the southern part of South America is complex, and is com-
prised of several magmatic events and orogenies that have favored the formation of different types of
mineral deposits. Ten metallogenic belts that contain deposits associated with submarine volcanism
from the Proterozoic to the Jurassic have been recognized in Argentina. Although the Zn-Pb-Ag ± Ba
Sedex deposits are the most important from the economic point of view, Cyprus, Kuroko and W vol-
canogenic type deposits have also been recognized.
One of the oldest metallogenic belt (PRE-ZS1), of Upper Proterozoic age, is comprised of an ophi-
olitic sequence with associated Cyprus type deposits. Volcanogenic Cyprus type deposits were also
formed during the Lower Palezoic (PRE-ZS2 metallogenic belt). The volcanic-exhalative W deposits
of the Lower Paleozoic (PRE-PAM1 metallogenic belt) are associated with arc magmatism.
The POS-PAM1 metallogenic belt in NW Argentina hosts the largest known Pb-Zn deposits of the
South American Paleozoic. The Aguilar mine, Jujuy, the largest producer of non-ferrous metals in
Argentina, has produced more than 25 Mt of ore with an average of 4 % Pb, 6 % Zn and 100 g/t Ag.
Pb-Zn-Ag Sedex deposits with Cu-rich proximal zones are hosted by sedimentary rocks of Lower
Tremadocian age. The Ordovician intracratonic basin was formed under an extensional regime after
the collision of the Arequipa-Antofalla craton to the Brazilian-Río de La Plata craton during the mid-
dle Cambrian, and extends northwestward to Peru. Pb-Zn-Ag Sedex deposits were also formed in
Proterozoic basins of Patagonia.
In the Ordovician basin of the Precordillera, Zn-Pb-Au-Ag VMS deposits associated with mafic
magmatism were formed in a tectonic setting related to an early oceanic rift next to the continent;
Ba Sedex deposits were formed in slope sequences (PRE-CUY1 metallogenic belt). Cu-Pb-Zn
Kuroko type deposits formed in association with an OIB type magmatism of the Eruptive Puna belt
During Mesozoic time, accompanying the aperture of the Atlantic Ocean, an extensional regime
was established and intracratonic as well as back-arc basins were developed along the periphery of
the craton. In the Neuquén basin, Ba Sedex type deposits were formed in association with sequences
of Pliensbachian-Toarcian age (POS-SAG1 metallogenic belt). In southernmost South America,
Kuroko type deposits associated with silicic volcanism were formed in a Jurassic extensional back-
arc basin (POS-AMJ2 metallogenic belt).
Table 1. Metallogenic belts that host mineral deposits associated with submarine volcanism.
the framework of the tectonic evolution of the south- exploration is required to evaluate the mining poten-
ernmost part of South America. For each belt we tial of the zone.
describe type deposits as well as the potential to host Tungsten deposits of volcanogenic origin of the
similar deposits. Lower Paleozoic PRE-PAM1 metallogenic belt (Fig.
The Lower Paleozic POS-PAM1 metallogenic belt 1) represent the largest tungsten reserves of
(Fig. 1) hosts the largest recognized Paleozoic Pb-Zn Argentina. These deposits were exploited during
deposits in South America, with Mina Aguilar being Wold War I and II (Table 2) and are currently inactive.
the largest producer in Argentina (Table 2). Since The Cyprus-type deposits of the Proterozoic PRE-
1936, Mina Aguilar, Jujuy province, has produced ZS1 metallogenic belt (Fig. 1) (Table 2) of Córdoba
more than 25 Mt of ore with an average of 4 % Pb, 6 are small, and were only exploited on a small scale.
% Zn and 100 g/t Ag (Sureda, 1999). Mina Aguilar Cyprus-type deposits of the Lower Paleozoic
presently produces an average of 2100 t/day of ore PRE-ZS2 metallogenic belt (Fig. 1) include the
with an average of 5.5 % Pb, 8.2 % Zn and 120 g/t Ag. Salamanca-La Barrera (Mendoza) and Santa Elena
Reserves are even more significant (Table 2). The (San Juan) deposits (Table 2). Production records
largest potential reserves in the district are found in exist for the years 1969-1973 of copper minerals that
Mina Esperanza (Fig. 7, Table 2) (Sureda., 1999). The were recovered in the province to produce copper sul-
development and exploitation of Mina Esperanza, phate. Precise production data are not known.
Jujuy, began in 1990 and presently produces 400 t/d. Volcanic-exhalative barite deposits that formed in
The Proterozoic PRE-PAT1 metallogenic belt (Fig. Lower Paleozoic PRE-CUY1 metallogenic belt and in
1) hosts the Gonzalito Sedex district (Table 2), which the Jurassic POS-SAG1 metallogenic belt (Fig. 1)
was the third largest producer in Argentina from 1953 represent a large part of the national production of Ba
to 1979; it produced about 0.8 M t of ore (61,807 t of (Table 2). The most important deposit of the Neuquen
concentrates of Pb and 12,725 t of concentrates of Zn). basin, Arroyo Nuevo, produced more than 0.2 Mt at
More recently, a district with Kuroko-type mas- 92.4 % BaSO4.
sive sulphides in Tierra del Fuego has been identified
in the Jurassic POS-AMJ2 metallogenic belt (Table
2). While this district appears very promising, more
METALLOGENIC BELTS THAT HOST MINERAL Argentina (Zappettini, 1999a and b). The metallogenic
DEPOSITS ASSOCIATED WITH SUBMARINE belts that host deposits associated with submarine vol-
VOLCANISM canism are concentrated in different ages: Proterozoic-
The integration of the tectonic settings in a frame- Lower Cambrian, Ordovician and Jurassic (Fig. 1,
work of pre-, syn-, and post-accretional processes Table 2). In this paper we follow the nomenclature
explains the complex metallogenic history of proposed by Nokleberg et al., (1998) for the metallo-
Metallogenic Belts
Cyprus Type
Kuroko Type
Metallogenic Belts that host deposits
Sedex Pb-Zn-Ag
related to submarine volcanism
Sedex Ba
modified from Zappettini (1999)
Volcanogenic W
Figure 1. Metallogenic belts that host deposits related to submarine volcanism of Argentina, modified from Zappettini (1999a).
Table 2. Mineral deposits associated with submarine volcanism of Argentina.
Pampa de San Luis PRE-PAM1
Sierra del Morro San Luis PRE-PAM1
Kuroko Beatriz Tierra del POS-AMJ2 1.53 1.3 2.0 0.16 13.0
Arroyo Rojo Tierra del POS-AMJ2
Sedex Pb-Zn-Ag Aguilar Jujuy POS-PAM1 25 15-18 5-15 137-370
La Colorada Salta POS-PAM1 12 0.5 1 1.1
Gonzalito Río Negro PRE-PAT1 0.5 1.2 8.6 up to 400
Sedex Ba Arroyo Nuevo Neuquén POS-AMJ1 0.5 92.4
Canota Mendoza PRE-CUY1 0.5
1 For ages see Table 1
2 Tonnage and grades are for all the deposits together
3 Tonnage and grades are for all the deposits together
genic belts. From the tectonic point of view, Argentina and Ni deposits are encountered (Fig. 3). The colli-
has been divided into five principal terranes (Ramos, sion of the Pampia Terrane with the Río de la Plata
1996): 1, the Río de la Plata craton, 2, Pampia, 3, craton during the upper Proterozoic (750 Ma) as a part
Cuyania, 4, Chilenia and 5, Patagonia (Fig. 2). of the Brazilian orogen generated a compressional
In the following paragraphs, the evolution of the tectonic style and generated an intense penetrative
metallogenic belts that developed deposits associated deformation (Ramos, 1992; Mutti, 1992) in the
with submarine volcanism is detailed chronologically Sierras Pampeanas Orientales overprinting the miner-
in a framework of the tectonic evolution of southern- alized bodies. As a result of this collisional event, the
most South America. For each of the belts, type obduction of the oceanic crust was produced, along
deposits are described as well as the potential for with regional metamorphism that reached amphibo-
hosting such deposits. lite facies (Di Marco and Mutti, 1992a). The stock-
work structures and breccia pipes were deformed and
PRE-ZS1 Metallogenic Belt metamorphosed during this event. The amphibolites
associated with the deposits show an affinity with
Tectonic and Metallogenic evolution ocean ridge basalts in extensional environments
The Proterozoic basin of Sierras Pampeanas hosts (MORB-E) and the deposits of Cu-Fe-Ti-Co-Ni are
one of the oldest known metallogenic belt in interpreted to have formed in a submarine setting (Di
Argentina, PRE-ZS1, which hosts volcanogenic Marco and Mutti, 1994). During the lower Paleozoic,
deposits (Fig. 1). The PRE-ZS1 belt comprises an late to post-tectonic silicic magmatism took place,
ophiolitic sequence where Cyprus-type Fe-Cu-Ti-Co which only caused very localized changes in the
amphibolites (Di Marco and Mutti, 1994).
Geology of the deposits
The amphibolites occur as 100-300 m long lenses
Massif Sutures
massive-textured ore.
Tío: quartz-epidote-biotite; Tacurú: quartz-biotite- and calcites were deposited along the shallow border
chlorite and Estrella Gaucha: quartz-epidote-chlorite of the rift, and in deeper waters, around the volcanic
(Di Marco and Mutti, 1994). centres, clastic sediments and volcaniclastics were
deposited. The Pb-Zn-Ag deposits are associated with
PRE-PAT1 Metallogenic Belt clastic and chemical sediments, whereas the ocean
floor basalts are associated with slope facies (tur-
Tectonic and metallogenic evolution bidites) in deeper environments. In general, these
Patagonia, the last terrane accreted to Gondwana rocks were deposited in environments of shallow to
in the upper Paleozoic (Ramos, 1988), hosts the PRE- medium depth on a stable continental margin, far
PAT1 metallogenic belt of Proterozoic age (Fig. 1). from active plate margins (Dalla Salda et al., 1999).
During the Proterozoic, an intracratonic rift devel- This environment is considered a pre-upper
oped in the Somun Curá terrane with the consequent Proterozoic intracontinental rift.
formation of extensional intracratonic sedimentary
basins. In these marginal basins, composed by a plat- Geology of the deposits
form and deeper clastic facies, sedimentary-exhala- The Gonzalito District is located in the SE of the
tive deposits of Pb-Zn-Ag (Fig. 4) developed (Dalla province of Río Negro (Fig. 4), to the east of the
Salda et al., 1999; Aragón et al. (1999). Dolomites Sierra Pailemán (latitude 41° - 42° S and longitude
32º 2
Lower Paleozoic
Metamorphic rocks
Inferred Faults
a 66º00'
o R .
mbr R.
El Te
an Negro
i l em
Pa 3
0 50 Km SIERRA
405 R
Inferred faults
7R Strik/Dip Schistocity
0 1 2 km
Figure 4a. Geology of Sierra Pailemán, Somun Curá Massif; modified from Aragón et al. (1999);
b. Geology of the Gozalito District, modified from Dalla Salda et al. (1999)
65°-66° W). The district consists of sulphide-poor belt includes the mines Gonzalito, Vicentito, La
Sedex deposits of Zn-Pb-Ag that formed distal to Querencia and Polito; the western belt includes the
exhalative sources, and were deformed, metamor- mines Tres Marías and María Teresa (Fig. 4).
phosed and remobilized. Previous studies of the area include Del Mónaco
The deposits are located in two belts: the eastern (1971), Zubia (1976), Vallés (1978), De Ferran (1983)
and Dalla Salda and Aragón (1994). The regional morphite, galena and vanadinite. Below the level of
geology was described by Rosenman (1972), Ramos oxidation (~40 m), the ores consist of galena, spha-
(1975), Vallés (1978) and Giacosa (1987). The base- lerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, marcasite,
ment consists of the Neoproterozoic Mina Gonzalito rhodochrosite and quartz. The best example of remo-
Gneiss (ore host rock) and the El Jagüelito ectinites bilized and reconcentrated ore is in the María Teresa
(Ramos, 1975; Linares et al., 1990). The basement mine (Dalla Salda et al., 1999). The metamorphosed
complex was intruded initially by Permian plutons sulphides are cross-cut by veins of fluorite in a calc-
(Granito Pailemán) and later by Jurassic lavas and silicate gangue. The Zn ore consists of Zn-rich chlo-
dikes (Marifil Formation). The uppermost units are rites and oxides of Zn, Pb and Mn. In the same
Cenozoic sediments (Roca Formation) and volcanics sequence, black schists occur with average contents
(Somun Curá Basalts). Although the metamorphism of of 17 % Fe and occasionally up to 40.83 %, which is
Mina Gonzalito Gneiss is Proterozoic, the main defor- interpreted as an iron formation (Dalla Salda et al.,
mation and remobilization of the ore are associated 1999). Some schists are also rich in Mn (Mn>0.8 %).
with pre-Upper Paleozoic and Pre-Jurassic events. The The lenses of massive sulphides have metal contents
regional structure is complex, and the change in the between 3 and 12 % Zn, Pb and Ag, the strata with
strike and dip of the schistosity is related to a complex disseminated ore have from 1 to 3 % Zn > Pb. The
interference pattern, which shows structural closures higher values of Zn relative to Pb and S in the
and saddles. These structures controlled the redistribu- strataform ore is, therefore, interpreted to be the result
tion of the ore (Dalla Salda et al., 1999). of selective mobilization of Pb as sulphide complexes
The Mina Gonzalito Gneiss in general reached with its consequent redeposition in structural traps.
amphibolite facies, although the ore-bearing schists
are lower grade (chlorite-garnet schists). The Mina PRE-PAM1 Metallogenic Belt
Gonzalito Gneiss is characterized by biotite-, biotite-
garnet and occasionally sillimanite gneisses, amphi- Tectonic evolution of the PRE-PAM1 metallogenic
bolites, calc-silicate rocks and synkinematic leuco- belt
cratic granitoids that are associated with metavol- Volcanic-exhalative W deposits of the PRE-PAM1
canics. The ore of the Gonzalito district occurs as dis- metallogenic belt (Fig. 1) have a complex geologic
seminated stratabound deposits, however, the highest history. The PRE-PAM1 metallogenic belt is associat-
grade ore occur as lenses of polymetallic massive sul- ed with an arc magmatism that was developed along
phides that resulted from the remobilization and the western flank of Pampia in a basin generated after
reconcentration of the latter during Upper Paleozoic the collision of Pampia with the Río de La Plata
and Pre-Jurassic events (Aragón et al., 1999; Dalla Craton. During the Lower Cambrian, prior to the
Salda et al., 1998). Most of the ore-bearing units are accretion of the Cuyania and Antofalla-Arequipa ter-
“metalliferous black schists” that bear Zn, Pb, Ag, V ranes, in a marine basin developed along the western
and occasionally Au in silicates, oxides, sulphides and flank of Pampia, a sedimentary sequence (turbidites,
carbonates, over thicknesses of 1.2-2.5 m. The ore- sandstones and shales) was deposited, and tholeiitic
bearing metasedimentary sequences are biotite-, flood basalts formed, possibly during an initial rifting
amphibolite-, quartz-biotite-muscovite- and quartzo- of the back-arc basin (Brodtkorb and Brodtkorb,
feldspathic schists. Some marbles, metamarls, amphi- 1999). Hydrothermal systems associated with this
bolites and quartzo-felsdpathic schists show lower, magmatism generated tungsten deposits (El Morro
but still anomalous, metal contents. and Yulto). However, the deposits of La Florida dis-
The lenses of polymetallic sulphides are foliation trict are associated with silicic volcanism. During the
parallel, occur as en echelon disks have thicknesses Lower Cambrian, the Antofalla-Arequipa terrane col-
between 0.7 and 1.5 m, and lengths between 30 and lided with the Pampia terrane (Fig. 2) and produced
100 m. The mineralogy includes: limonite, man- the deformation and metamorphism of the volcanic-
ganese oxides, cerussite, anglesite, wulfenite, pyro- sedimentary sequence (Pampean Orogeny, 580-540
Ma). Nevertheless, the dominant structural style of the et al. (1991). The largest producers were: El Morro
region corresponds to deformation during the No. 1, La Providencia, El Peje, Los Rodeos and Lucifer.
Famatinian Orogeny (560-360 Ma), which was pro- The geology of the zone includes schists and
duced with the collision of the Cuyania terrane with biotite gneisses; marbles, orthoamphibolites and calc-
Pampia (Fig. 2) (Ramos et al., 1986; Astini et al., 1996). silicate rocks; pegmatoids of metamorphic origin;
synkinematic and postkinematic pegmatites and veins
Geology of the Deposits of quartz and tourmaline. The folding of the meta-
The volcanogenic tungsten deposits are located in morphic strata is the result of a prolonged and intense
Sierra de San Luis, Sierra de Altautina y Sierra pre-Devonian metamorphic event.
Grande de Córdoba (Fig. 5). The geological setting The scheelite deposits are stratabound, occur in 6-
consists of a metamorphic-igneous basement of upper 10 m thick layers, and are closely related to the cal-sil-
Proterozoic-Lower to middle Paleozoic in age. The icate-rich rocks and the ortoamphibolites (Brodtkorb
dominant rocks are biotitic schists, gneisses, and and Brodtkorb, 1999). The top of the amphibolites
migmatites, and to a lesser extent anfibolites, lime- shows epidote/clinozoicite, interpreted as submarine
stones, sandstones, which were intruded by pre-, syn- hydrothermal alteration. The belts of calc-silicate rocks
and post-tectonic granites, pegmatites and veins. show a banded structure and consist of hornblende,
They occur in two groups that differ in the composi- tremolite-actinolite, epidote and lessor amounts of
tion of their associated volcanic rocks as well as in the plagioclase, chlorite and calcite; and quartz, talc,
grade of the superimposed metamorphism. These are: biotite, muscovite, diopside, zircon, apatite, titanite,
1) deposits associated with calc-silicate rocks and scheelite, fluorite, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
ortoamphibolites (amphibolite facies), and 2) those pyrrhotite, magnetite and ilmenite as accessory minerals.
associated with silicic metavolcanics, cuarcites, tur- The scheelite grains are xenoblastic (0.4-1 mm in size),
malinites and spessartitic cuarcites -coticule- (green- have variable contents of MoO4 and are oriented parallel
schist facies). The first group occurs in a 300 km long to the schistosity. Tectonization produced
belt along the Sierra grande de Córdoba, Sierra de significant remobilization, and led to very high
Altautina (Ametrano, 1996, 1999) and Sierra de San concentrations of scheelite along tectonic planes and
Luis. The mining districts include: Agua de Ramón, fold hinges (Brodtkorb and Brodtkorb, 1999). The
Ambul, Zinqui, Los Guindos y Sierra de Altautina genesis of these deposits is interpreted to be the result
(Córdoba), and El Morro, Yulto, San Felipe, Sierra de of hydrothermal processes associated with submarine
la Estanzuela, Villa de Praga (San Luis) (Fig. 5). The tholeiitic volcanism (Delakowitz et al., 1991;
second group occurs in two low-grade metamorphic Brodtkorb and Brodtkorb, 1999).
belts in the Sierra de San Luis and the districts are: The La Florida mine district (Fig. 5) was one of
Valle de Pancanta, La Florida, Los Cocos, Pampa de the four large producers that operated during the First
Tamboreo, La Teodolina, El Araucano-La Higuera y World War and continued to operate intermittently
Santo Domingo (Fig. 5). until the 1970s. The geology of the zone includes
Due to their economic importance, El Morro and phyllites and biotite schists with intercalations of
Yulto, San Luis, will be described as the type deposit quartzites and metavolcanics (Brodtkorb et al., 1985;
for the first group and La Florida, San Luis, as the 1999; Hack et al., 1991). The phyllites consist of mus-
type deposit of the second group. covite, biotite or chlorite, and quartz; and as acces-
The El Morro Oeste district is localized in a zone sories, garnet chlorite, andalusite, epidote, zoicite,
40 km long from N to S in the Sierra de San Luis (Fig. tourmaline, calcite and pyrite. The quartzites contain
5). These deposits have been the focus of numerous plagioclase and zoicite, muscovite and microcline;
studies, such as Smith and González Stegemann and as accessories, tourmaline, garnet, chlorite, epi-
(1947), Monchablón (1956), Brodtkorb and dote, zircon and apatite. Disseminated scheelite is
Brodtkorb (1977, 1980, 1999), Llambías and associated with metavolcanics. The metavolcanics
Malvicini (1982), Delakowitz (1987) and Delakowitz can be traced for 6 km. The rock consists of phe-
nocrysts of quartz and microcline in a fine-grained for their pervasive silicification and tourmalinization
matrix of quartz, albite and minor microcline; the (Brodtkorb et al., 1999b).The present structure is due
accessory minerals are zoicite, garnet, epidote, clino- to the Famatinian orogeny. Post-mineralization tec-
zoicite, apatite, sericite, biotite, scheelite, monazite, tonics produced displacements and divided the
ilmenite and hematite. These deposits are well known deposit into three blocks. Metamorphic remobilization
Alluvial sediments V V
V V Volcanic rocks
Serrezuela V
Cruz del Eje V V V
Migmatites Capilla del Monte
Schists and gneisses 31º
Volcanogenic W deposits
Alta Gracia 1- Sierra del Morro-Yulto
2- Dique San Felipe
3- Sierra de la Estanzuela
Villa Dolores 32º
4- Villa de Praga
5- Sierra de Altautina
Quines V
6- Ambul
7- Agua de Ramón
8- Zinqui
9- Los Guindos
10- Santo Domingo
11 V 10 11- El Araucano-La Higuera
16 2
Paso del Rey 33º
La Toma 12-La Teodolina
13-14-15 13- La Florida
14-Los Cocos
0 20 40 km
15- Pampa del Tamboreo
SAN LUIS 66º 65º 54º
16- Valle de Pancanta
Figure 5. Geology of Sierra de San Luis (San Luis province) and Sierra de Ambul (Córdoba province). Modified from
Brodtkorb and Brodtkorb (1999) and Brodtkorb et al. (1999).
form veins of quartz and quartz-tourmaline with outer Kuroko-type deposits (Escaya Range, Cochinoca,
zones that contain course grained scheelite that Jujuy); the western belt consists of tholeiitic basalts
provided economic concentrations. with enriched mid-oceanic rift basalts (E-MORB)
(Coira, 1992; Rapela, 1992). In both the eastern and
POS-PAM1 Metallogenic Belt western belts, the volcanic rocks evolved over time to
a calc-alkaline series, indicating, that during the
Tectonic Evolution of the POS-PAM1 Belt Arenigian the tectonic environment changed from an
The POS-PAM1 metallogenic belt (Fig. 1) hosts extensional to a compressional regime, developing a
the largest known Pb-Zn deposits in the Paleozoic of magmatic arc and incipient closing of the Ordovician
South America. During the upper Proterozoic, the basin (Ramos, 1988). The sandstones, claystones and
western margin of Gondwana developed as a deep black shales of the Arenigian reach 1450 m of thick-
marine basin that later closed due to a collision of the ness (Harrington and Leanza, 1957). The best-known
Arequipa-Antofalla Craton with the Brazilian-Río de deposit in sedimentary rocks of the Arenigian is La
La Plata (Pampia terrane) craton in the middle Colorada (Table 2). The Puna Turbidite Complex
Cambrian (Aceñolaza and Toselli, 1976; Ramos, (Bahlburg et al., 1990) consists of a sequence of 4000
1988). After this collision, the Ordovician basin m of laminated shales interbedded with Llanvirnian,
developed between the two cratons in response to the Llandeilian and Caradocian sandstones. Syngenetic
rifting that prevailed until the Middle Ordovician pyrite, cherts, limestones and silicic volcanics are
(Ramos, 1988). The Ordovician basin of northwestern common in these units (Sierra de Lina, Sierra de
Argentina forms part of the intracratonic extension-
al basin that extends from Peru to northern
Argentina (12°-26° south latitude) (Aceñolaza and
Toselli, 1976; Coira et al., 1982; Ramos, 1988) (Fig. CRATON
6). South of 26° south latitude, the regime was pre- v
dominantly compressional. This basin was filled
with a sedimentary sequence with intercalations of v
alkaline basalts (OIB type) from the Middle BOLIVIA 20º8’
Cambrian to the Tremadocian (Rapela et al., 1992). AREQUIPA
The sedimentary sequence begins with conglomer- CRATON
ates and sandstones of the Middle Cambrian Mesón SANTA
Group, which lie discordantly on basement and v
v Mina Aguilar
grade upward into pelitic facies, suggesting rapid CHILE v
subsidence. During the Tremadocian, more than vv 24º8’
Arenigian Ridge vv v
3200 m of shales were deposited (Harrington and v
Tremadocian Ridge SALTA
Leanza, 1957); locally anoxic conditions are Sedex Pb-Zn-Ag
deposits ARGENTINA
observed in the Sierra de Zenta, Sierra de Aguilar Ba ocurrences
vv Distal Facies with FACIES
and Sierra de Santa Victoria (Pérez et al., 1998). volcanics
Proximal Facies vv
Sedex Pb-Zn-Ag deposits with proximal sectors rich vv vv
++ Precambrioan cratons vv
in Cu (Aguilar, Jujuy; La Colorada, Salta) occur in 28º8’
Pb-Zn-Ba veins
sedimentary rocks of the lower Ordovician (Sureda vv vv
and Martín, 1990; Zappettini, 1999a). During the DISTAL
Arenigian, the closing of the Ordovician basin began 0 100 200 300 km
72º 68º 64º
and the Eruptive Belt of La Puna, a bimodal mag-
matic arc that generated two belts developed (Coira, Figure 6. Geology of the Ordovician basin, NW Argentina.
1992). The eastern belt consists of mafic (OIB) and Modified from Sureda (1999).
intermediate rocks that are associated with Cu-Pb-Zn
Guayayaos and Cordón Gallegos) (Pérez et al., 1998). Cretaceous. Radiometric dating by K/Ar and Rb/Sr
By early Cardocian time the closing of the Ordovician yield an average age of 118 ±15 M.a. for the Aguilar
basin by the collision of the Arequipa-Antofalla granite (Linares and Latorre, 1975) (Fig. 7).
Craton as part of Laurentia (Dalziel, 1997) against the Ordovician strata in the Sierra de Aguilar begins
Río de La Plata-Brazilian Craton was accompanied by with sedimentary rocks in a shallow marine to marine
folding and metamorphism of the Ordovician deltaic environment with anoxic facies in a transgres-
sedimentary rocks (the Ocloyic orogeny). sive regime that is assigned to the lower Tremadocian
The anomalous contents of Zn, Pb, Cu and Ba-Mn by the presence of Dictyonema sp. (Despensa
found in the sedimentary rocks of the Ordovician Formation, Alonso et al., 1982) (Fig. 8) The
basin (in the Cambrian of Nazareno, the Arenigian of Lampazar Formation (Harrington and Leanza, 1957;
Quichagua, and the Llandeilian of Gallegos (Pérez et Martín et al., 1986) is composed of a succession of
al., 1998) and their correlation with the biostratigra- fossiliferous black shales and fine sandstones. It is
phy indicate that the Zn-Pb Sedex deposits and the intercalated with the Padrioc Formation.
bands of syngenetic sulphides are not limited to the The Padrioc Formation (Aceñolaza and Toselli,
Tremadocian (Pérez et al., 1998). Rather, they are 1976; Alonso et al., 1982) contains the important
related to the extensional regime that dominated from exhalative deposits of this metallogenic province
the Middle Cambrian to the Middle Ordovician. (Sureda and Martín, 1990) and is composed of arkosic
Therefore, the favourable environment for the devel- sandstones and coarse-grained calcareous sandstones
opment of Sedex type deposits, in intracontinental with intercalations of limestones, cherts, intraforma-
basins during the Tremadocian and in back-arc basins tional conglomerates and black, fossiliferous shales.
during the Arenigian to Caradocian, make the Upward and laterally are the shales and fine dark
Ordovician basin of NW Argentina a world-class tar- sandstones of the Lampazar Formation.
get for the exploration of Sedex deposits. The Cardonal Formation comprises a succession
of greenish gray sandstones with lessor interbeds of
Geology of the Deposits dark shales that only contain a few small mineralized
The Pb, Zn and Ag deposits of the Aguilar mine bodies (Sureda and Martín, 1990a). The Acoite
are described in the following paragraphs as an exam- Formation (Harrington and Leanza, 1957) comprises
ple of the Sedex deposits of the Tremadocian. The a thick succession (3000 m) of turbidites and green
Aguilar mine is located in the Sierra de Aguilar, Jujuy and gray shales interbedded with dark limestones and
Province, at 23°12’ of south latitude and 65°42’ of sandstones of the lower to middle Arenigian. The
west longitude, at an elevation of 4450 m (Fig. 7). maroon sandstones and shales of the Sepulturas
The Aguilar deposit has been the focus of numer- Formation indicate a change in the source areas of the
ous studies, including: Brown (1941), Spencer region, and represent the Guandacol orogeny.
(1950), Ahlfeld (1955), Brown (1962), Linares The ore of the Aguilar mine consists of 10 strati-
(1968), Stipanicic and Linares (1969), Halpern and form bodies located in a 200 m thick section in the
Latorre (1973), Linares and Latorre (1975), upper part of the Cuarcitas Aguilar Formation
Brodtkorb et al. (1978), Sureda and Amstutz (1981), (Spencer, 1950; Alonso et al., 1982). The average
Alonso et al. (1982), Martín et al. (1986, 1987), dimensions of the orebodies vary between 150 and
Sureda and Martín (1990a,b), and Sureda (1999). 1000 m in length, 50 and 300 m in width, and 5 to 80
The Sierra de Aguilar is an anticline that consists m in thickness. These mineralized units extend along
mostly of marine sedimentary rocks of the Lower and two km inside the contact metamorphic aureole of the
Middle Ordovician (Fig. 8). Large reverse faults Aguilar Granite, at the southeastern extreme of the
delineate a horst. The principal structures strike N-S outcropping pluton. The Cuarcitas Aguilar (K)
and correspond to the Andean orogeny. The orebodies Formation consists of metaquartzites, slates and horn-
are found on the western limb. The Aguilar and Abra fels that resulted from the contact metamorphism
Laite granitic plutons were emplaced during the caused by the intrusion of the Aguilar Granite.
Quera Stream
Aguilar Chico QUERA
Grande R
Cuarcitas Aguilar Fm.
ZARZO Granito Aguilar Fm.
Acoite Fm.
Abralaite Stream HUECO
Cardonal Fm.
Aguilar Granite Padrioc Lampazar Fm.
Despensa Fm.
Pb-Zn-Ag deposits
Secondary Faults
am Contact
o cS
dri Inferred contact
Este Fa
Agua Castilla Stream
sa S
Río Qu
0 1 2 3 4 5 km
Figure 7. Geology of the Sierra Aguilar District, Jujuy province. Modified from Sureda (1999).
semseyite, gudmundite, stannite, isostannite, macki- stratification of the original rock (Fig. 9). The dis-
nawite, breithauptite, ullmannite, and native gold, sil- seminated structure is present toward the base of the
ver and antimony are present as accessory minerals mineralized bodies, and consists of marmatite and
(Brodtkorb et al., 1978). Of these last accessory min- galena with subordinate pyrite and pyrrhotite.
erals, several have been formed by post-depositional Below the ores, there are secondary structures that
processes such as metamorphism and metasomatism. were formed by remobilization or metasomatism dur-
The ore shows different types of structures, the ing the intrusion of the Aguilar granite. Geochemical
most common being brecchiated, banded and dissem- studies indicated that the emplacement of the
inated (Sureda and Martín, 1990b). The banded struc- Cretaceous granites introduced As, B, Be, Mo, Zr and
ture grades into bands of massive sulphides. The Ti (Martín et al., 1988; Sureda and Martín, 1990a).
banded structure of the ore is concordant with the The synsedimentary paragenesis of sulphides
D. Deflexus Miembro
D. aff. D.v-deflexus
D. aff. D.v-fractus LUMARA
D. cf. D. Compressus 8 8- Mina La Candelaria
6- Pozo Bravo
T. bigsbyi
D. aff. D.v-deflexus ACOITE 5- Blancaflor G
Tetragraptus sp.
Niobina Taurina 4 4- Hueco - Quera
3 D
Lingula sp. 3- Tapada - Fitzhugh S
Nanorthis sp. T
1 2- Esperanza - Zarzo R
1- El Aguilar - Oriental
Parabolina argentina PADRIOC
- Pirita
Figure 8. Stratigraphic column of the Sierra Aguilar District and location of the Pb-Zn-Ag deposits. Modified from Sureda
their chemical characteristics, they can be classified bodies of various dimensions (up to 200 m long) that
as ocean floor gabbros, principally N-MORB tending are located in shear zones within the serpentine.
toward E-MORB (Villar, 1998). These gabbros corre- Surrounding the mineralized bodies, there is a zone
spond to an environment related to an oceanic rift with disseminated pyrrhotite that contains 0.2-0.5 %
formed in the Eopaleozoic during early stages of the Cu. Toward the North of Salamanca thicker serpenti-
accretion of Chilenia (Villar, 1998). nite bodies, which contain the La Barrera and La
The upper section of the ophiolites is composed of Luisa deposits, are found. The ore from both
pillow lavas intruded by small bodies of gabbro and Salamanca and La Barrera consists primarily of
some ultramafic rocks (Haller and Ramos, 1984); pyrrhotite (50-70 %) and chalcopyrite (10-20 %), and
locally they are overlain by pelagic deposits, repre- in lesser proportion, marmatite and cobalt-pentlandite
sented by chert layers and finely banded limestones (Brodtkorb, 1971). Supergene minerals include
(Quartino et al., 1971). These lavas are associated limonite, malachite, hematite, azurite, rare native cop-
with massive sulphide deposits such as Santa Elena, per, cuprite and chalcosite. To the east of the
San Juan. Salamanca mine, a Paleozoic granodiorite crops out.
The basalts of the Precordillera (upper levels of Associated with the basaltic magmatism of the
the Famatinian ophiolites) are highly evolved; they upper levels of the ophiolite, Zn-Pb-Au- Ag Cyprus-
are characterized by a high content of TiO2 and type deposits were formed (Santa Elena, San Juan;
enrichment in the lighter rare earth elements similar to Méndez et al. 1995; Zappettini and Brodtkorb, 2000).
oceanic tholeiites. They present similarities with The Santa Elena mine (Table 2) is located in the
poorly evolved back-arc basins and with a ridge seg- Sierra de Alcaparrosa, on the western flank of the
ment of transitional and plume type (anomalous ocean Precordillera (31°20’ South Latitude and 69°25’ West
ridges), such as the Reykyanes ridge south of Iceland Longitude). The geology of the zone consists of
(Kay et al., 1984). One possible model would be an Precambrian leptometamorphic rocks, and
early oceanic rift near the continental margin (Kay et Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous
al., 1984). shales, siltstones and sandstones. The sulphides are
found associated with basalts that are intercalated
Geology of the Deposits with sedimentary rocks of the Ordovician
The PRE-ZS2 metallogenic belt has sulphide Alcaparrosa Fm. The mineralogy of the ore consists
deposits associated with the serpentinites of auriferous pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, minor chal-
(Salamanca-La Barrera, Mendoza) and basalts in the copyrite, and arsenopyrite in a gangue of quartz and
upper member of the ophiolites (Santa Elena, San carbonates. The oxidation zone reaches a thickness of
Juan) (Table 2). 25 m and consists primarily of hydrated ferric sul-
The Salamanca-La Barrera mines are located in phates, which were the focus of exploitation.
the Cordón del Portillo and have been known since In distal facies (slope sequences) of the
1852 (Angelelli, 1984). Previous work includes Ordovician-Silurian basin, exhalative barium deposits
González Stegemann (1949), Brodtkorb (1971). were formed (Canota, Mendoza). The barite deposits
The geology of the area of the Salamanca mine of Canota are located in the east-central sector of the
includes schists, serpentines, orthoamphibolites, and Precordillera morphostructural unit (Etcheverry et al,
seams of kersantite and quartz. The serpentine bodies 1983, Brodtkorb et al. 1988, Etcheverry and
are located in micaceous, amphibolitic, chloritic, talc- Brodtkorb, 1999) (68°50’ and 32°33’/36’) at about
bearing, garnetiferous and quartzitic schists of 1000 m elevation (Fig. 10).
Paleozoic age, which also enclose lenticular bodies of In a belt about 7 km long, various deposits are
dolomitic limestone and actinolite. The serpentine located, such as the La Victoria and Pirucha mines,
bodies are up to 900 m long by 100 m thick, and the Ramoncito and Don Manuel occurrences in the
resulted from the alteration of peridotites. The NE, and the Eugenio José and Vicente occurrences in
Salamanca deposit is formed by a series of lenticular the SW. The production of La Pirucha was 30,000 t
between 3.97 and 4.15 - due to the significant quanti- v
ty of clays that remained trapped during the diagenet- v
ic formation of the nodules and lenses. The results of La Victoria
chemical analyses show low levels of SrO and CaO Qda
. Cano
Ea. Canota
and a negative Eu anomaly characteristic of barites of
marine origin. Isotopic analysis of 87Sr/86Sr per-
formed on various nodules gave average values of
68º50’ 0 1 km
0.70885 ± 3, indicating an origin from Ordovician
seawater, while some of the crystals show values of Alluvial deposits. Quaternary Canota Fm. Silurian-Devonian
Terraces. Quaternary Villavicencio Fm. Ordovician
0.71125 ± 2 (Brodtkorb et al., 1988; Brodtkorb et al., vv
Volcanic rocks. Triassic?. Mineralized belt
1990). Analyses of d34S show different compositions. Las Cabras Fm. Triassic Ba Mine
One type shows a border-nucleus-border variation of
33.4‰ – 39.9‰ - 27.3‰ and the other, 39.4‰ - Figure 10. Geology of the Canota District, Mendoza
province. Modified from Etcheverry and Brodtkorb (1999).
61.0‰- 34.8‰. The heterogeneity of the isotopic dis-
tribution shows that the environment was changing
during the formation of the nodule. Likewise, the high
value of d34S suggests bacterially mediated sulphate
The POS-SAG1 belt is comprised of the Neuquén
reduction. The nodular and lentiform textures are con-
basin - an extensive sedimentary basin located
sidered to be of diagenetic origin, whereas the crystals
between 34 and 40° south latitude (to the east of the
are believed to be of late diagenetic origin
Cordillera Principal) which was formed under an
(Etcheverry and Brodtkorb, 1999).
extensional regime during the Upper Triassic to
POS-SAG1 and POS-AMJ2 Metallogic Belts Lower Jurassic. It is a sialic backarc basin that devel-
oped on Precambrian (?) - Paleozoic to Triassic base-
Tectonic Evolution of the POS-SAG1 and POS- ment composed of igneous, sedimentary and meta-
AMJ2 Metallogenic Belts morphic rocks. Thick clastic and volcanic sequences
that were deposited in a half-graben with discontinu-
During the Upper Triassic, accompanying the
ous depocenters were deposited from the Jurassic to
opening of the Atlantic Ocean, an extensional regime
the Cretaceous. Sedex Ba deposits (Arroyo Nuevo,
developed that generated intracratonic and backarc
Neuquén, Fig. 11) were formed in association with
basins along the periphery of the craton. Two
sequences of Pliensbachian-Toarcian age (Brodtkorb
Mesozoic metallogenic belts are of interest, which
and Etcheverry, 1994; Leanza et al., 1990).
from N to S are: POS-SAG1 and POS-AMJ2 (Fig.1).
The POS-AMJ2 metallogenic belt is associated
with an extensional backarc basin that developed dur- (de la Cruz and Suárez, 1997) Sedex Ba deposits
ing the Jurassic in the southernmost part of South (Arroyo Nuevo) were formed.
America. The formation of the graben was accompa- The VMS deposits of the POS-AMJ2 metallogenic
nied by extensive volumes of pyroclastic rocks and belt occur in two parallel belts striking E-W - the
the intrusion of ryolithic domes, mafic lavas and, over Cordillera Alvear to the north and the Cordillera
less extensive areas, intermediate lavas. The lower- Sorondo to the south (Broili et al., 2000). The massive
most strata consists of the Lemaire Fm., a thick vol- sulphide deposits are hosted in Jurassic rhyolites of
canic sequence that is intercalated with a sedimentary the Lemaire Formation (Fig. 12). The deposits consist
sequence, overlain by the sediment dominated of pyrite (pyrrhotite), sphalerite, galena, and chal-
Yahgán Fm. The volcanic-sedimentary sequence is copyrite and occur massive, disseminated and as vein-
Upper Triassic to Cretaceous in age (Ametrano et al., lets. The deposits of the Alvear Range have
2000). The backarc basin closed in the Upper pyrrhotite, whereas those of the Cordillera Sorondo
Cretaceous-Tertiary with the development of a mag- have only pyrite. The district has more than ten
matic arc represented by granitic-syenodioritic-diorit- prospects. The most well known prospect is Arroyo
ic intrusive rocks (Ametrano et al., 2000). The present Rojo in the Río Encajonado mineral belt. Ametrano et
structure of the Andes of Tierra del Fuego is the result al. (2000) have interpreted that the Beatriz and the
of the Andean orogeny (Cingolani, 1989). Arroyo Rojo deposits represent different portions of a
The POS-AMJ2 metallogenic belt, which contains VMS system, the former being a basal portion with a
Kuroko-type volcanogenic deposits (mina Beatriz, stringer area and the latter a cuspate section.
Arroyo Rojo, Fin del Mundo), formed in association For more details on the geology of these deposits,
with silicic volcanism. The massive sulphide deposits the reader is referred to Ametrano et al., (2000) and
were formed in small basins on the flanks of the rhy- Broili et al., (2000). The occurrence of other VMS
olite domes (Broili et al., 2000). deposits within the same belt in Chile such as Cutter
Cove and La Serena (Vivallo, 2000) and the many
Geology of the Deposits prospects on the Argentine side encourage further
Although no VMS deposits have been found in the exploration within this belt.
SAG1 metallogenic belt, the occurrence of Sedex Ba
deposits and of iron and manganese formations in the CONCLUDING REMARKS
Chachil Formation (Leanza et al., 1990) suggests a Argentina hosts many mineral deposits and occur-
potential environment for Sedex deposits. In associa- rences associated with submarine volcanism. In par-
tion with marine fossils of Pliensbachian-Toarcian ticular, the largest concentrations of metals have been
age, and submarine lava flows that represent the correlated with major tectonic events such as the col-
beginning of marine deposition in the Neuquen basin, lision of the Arequipa-Antofalla craton with the
Brazilian-Río de La Plata craton, and the opening of
Andesite dike. the Atlantic Ocean.
Barite veins Tertiary
Brecciated barite layer Historically, the greatest mining potential has been
Shales related to the Sedex deposits of the Ordovician basin
Tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones Lower Jurassic SE
(Los Molles Fm.) in Northwestern Argentina (POS-PAM1 metallogenic
Barite layer
belt). This basin continues to be one of the most inter-
F esting regions in the country for exploration from the
F metallogenic point of view. Further exploration could
greatly increase the potential for the discovery of new
0 25 m
Sedex deposits such as Aguilar (Pb-Zn-Ag) and La
Colorada (Cu-Zn-Pb). In addition, there are thick sed-
Figure 11. Cross section of the Arroyo Nuevo Ba deposit, imentary sequences with volcanic intercalations of
Neuquén province. Lower Paleozoic age within this metallogenic belt
75° W 70° W
51° S
Isla Grande
de Tierra
Chile del Fuego
Pa Argentina Isla de Los
cif Estados
55° S Oc
100 km
that cover vast surfaces in the provinces of La Rioja Jujuy, Argentina. Inst. Cien. Geol. Rev., (5), 15-37, San
and San Juan. Such sequences also have a potential Salvador de Jujuy.
Ametrano, S., Etcheverry, R., Echeveste, H., Godeas, M. and
for hosting Sedex deposits. Zubia, M., 2000. VMS district of Tierra del Fuego,
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in the province of Río Negro as a Sedex type deposits Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of Latin America.
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Ametrano, S., 1996. Los yacimientos de scheelita de la Sierra
of VMS deposits in the North-Patagonian Massif.
de Altautina, provincia de Córdoba. Unpub. thesis
The potential for finding economic VMS deposits Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, p. 317. La
in the POS-AMJ2 metallogenic belt in the southern- Plata.
most part of Argentina is very high. The occurrence of Ametrano, S., 1999. El distrito scheelítico de la Sierra de
similar geological environments to those in Chile that Altautina, provincia de Córdoba. In E.Zappettini (ed),
Recursos Minerales de la república Argentina . Instituto de
host large VMS deposits such as El Toqui and El Cobre Geología y Recursos Minerales SEGEMAR, Anales 35,
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province of Chubut (Lago La Plata, Lago Fontana). Angelelli, V., 1984. Yacimientos metalíferos de la República
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reserves of volcanic-exhalative origin and may have Congreso Geol. Arg. Actas 2, 279-282.
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The PRE-PAM1 metallogenic belt is a very early Paleozoic evolution of the Argentine Precordillera as
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with favourable geological and tectonic settings for Barbieri, M., Sureda, R.J. and Argañaráz, P., 1987. Datos
the development of VMS deposits. Therefore, further isotópicos preliminares 87Sr/86Sr sobre baritinas del tramo
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prospects of economic interest. Inferior, República Argentina. 10° Cong. Geol. Arg.,
Simposio Procesos Metalogénicos, Serie Correlación
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Geológica, 3, 109-122. San Miguel de Tucumán.
Brodtkorb, M.K. de, 1971. El yacimiento Salamanca, ejemplo
The authors would like to thank Eduardo de depósito hidrotermal de Cu-Ni, República Argentina. 1°
Zappettini from the Servicio Geológico Minero Cong. Ibero-Am. Geol. Econ. Madrid. A 4-1, 1001-1009.
Argentino, Víctor Ramos from the Universidad de Brodtkorb, M.K. de, Pezzutti, N. Brodtkorb, A., Schalamuk,
I.B., Danderfer, J.C., and Danieli, J.C., 1992. Volcanitas de
Buenos Aires, and Silvia Ametrano and Ricardo la F. Chachil en el Cerro Atravesada, prov. del Neuquén.
Etcheverry from the Universidad Nacional de La Asoc. Geol. Arg. Rev., 47 (3), 263-264.
Plata for valuable discussions, Adriana González for Brodtkorb, M. K. de and Brodtkorb, A., 1977. Stratabound
drawing the figures and Ross Sherlock for his useful scheelite deposits in the Precambrian basement of San Luis,
Argentina. In Klemm and Schmider (eds), Time and
review of the manuscript. stratabound ore deposits. Springer Verlag.
Brodtkorb, M. K. de and Brodtkorb, A., 1980. Especulaciones
sobre un origen singenético-sedimentario de la scheelita pre-
Aceñolaza, F.G. and Toselli, A.J., 1976. Consideraciones sente en las metamorfitas del nordeste de la provincia de San
estratigráficas y tectonicas sobre el Paleozoico Inferior del Luis. 6° Cong. Geol. Arg., 3, 37-50.
Noroeste Argentino. 2° Cong. Latinoamericano de Geol. Brodtkorb, M. K. and Brodtkorb, A., 1999. Yacimientos de
Actas 5, 2, 755-763. scheelita asociados a anfibolitas y rocas calcosilicáticas, San
Ahlfeld, F.,1955. Geologie der Blei-Zinklagerstätte Aguilar, Luis. In E. Zappettini (ed), Recursos Minerales de la
Argentinien. Zeit. Erzb. Met., 8 (12),1-6. República Argentina, Instituto de Geología y Recursos
Alonso, R.N., Malanca, S. and Sureda, R.J., 1982. Minerales SEGEMAR, Anales 35, 257-269, Buenos Aires.
Consideraciones sobre el Ordovícico en la Sierra de Aguilar, Brodtkorb, M.K. de and Etcheverry, R., 1994. Diferentes mod-
elos de depósitos de baritina y celestina de la Cuenca Latinoamericano de Geol. y 6° Cong. Nac. de Geol. Econ.,
Neuquina, Argentina. 7° Cong. Geol. Chil, 2, pp794-798. 3, 11. (abstract).
Brodtkorb, M. K. de, Fernández, R., Pezzutti, N. and Dalla Salda, L., Aragón, E., López de Luchi, M., Benialgo, A.
Brodtkorb, A., 1999 Yacimientos de wolframio asociados a and Pezzotti, C., 1999. Geology and tectonic setting of
metavolcanitas y metasedimentitas, San Luis. In: E. Gonzalito mining district, Río Negro. 14° Cong. Geol. Arg.,
Zappettini (ed), Recursos Minerales de la República 2, 283-286.
Argentina, Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales Dalziel, I.W.D., 1981. Back-arc basin in the southern Andes: a
SEGEMAR, Anales 35, 323-335, Buenos Aires. review and critical reappraisal. Phil. Transactions of the
Brodtkorb., M.K. de, Lanfranco, J.J. and Sureda, R.J., 1978. Royal Society of London, A300, 319-335.
Asociaciones minerales y litología del yacimiento Aguilar, Dalziel, I.W.D.,1997. Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic geography
provincia de Jujuy, República Argentina. Asoc. Geol. Arg. and tectonics; review, hypothesis, environmental specula-
Rev., 33 (4), 277-298. tion. Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull.109, (1), 16-42.
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La franja con mineralización scheelítica entre el dique La de la provincia d Río Negro: Ideas y sugerencias. OEA,
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Geológica Argentina, Revista, 40(1-2), 51-59. De la Cruz, R. and Suárez,M., 1997. El Jurásico de la cuenca
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Consulting Geologist, 2622 E. Snead, Spokane, WA 99223 U.S.A.
Yamana Resources Inc., 9 N Post St., Suite 555, Spokane, WA 99201 U.S.A.
20 Mayfair Drive, London, Ontario N6A 2M6 CANADA
The Fin Del Mundo project, located at the southernmost end of South America in the Cordillera
Fueguina of Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina, is a newly recognized polymetallic volcanogenic massive
sulphide (VMS) district, the southernmost such district known in the world. Work by several companies,
including Yamana, Noranda and Westmin, have outlined two mineralized belts within parallel east-
west trending mountain ranges, the Alvear Range on the north and the Sorondo Range on the south.
Sulphide occurrences are hosted by Jurassic aged rhyolitic volcanic rocks of the Lemaire/Alvear
sequence. Within the most explored part of the district, the Sorondo Range, this sequence is comprised
of a thick section of shale overlain by an equivalent thickness of mafic and silicic volcanic flows and
domes with volcaniclastics. These rocks have been folded and thrusted toward the north-northeast,
and metamorphosed to a greenschist facies.
Massive sulphide accumulations formed syngenetically in small basins upon and along the flanks
of rhyolite domes. The sulphides are predominantly pyrite in the Sorondo Range and pyrite-pyrrhotite
in the Alvear range. Base and precious metals occur within sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite as mas-
sive, disseminated, and stringer sulphide zones. The sulphide minerals have been ductily deformed
during subsequent folding, thrusting and metamorphism of the host rocks.
The geology, alteration, and sulphide concentrations are similar in many respects to the well-known
Kuroko type VMS deposits, with some similarities to the Noranda polymetallic VMS district in
Quebec, the Bathurst District of New Brunswick, the Mount Read Volcanics of west Tasmania, and
to the Iberian Pyrite Belt of Portugal and Spain.
Reconnaissance in the Cordillera Fueguina of Tierra del Fuego island, from the Chilean border to
its eastern tip, has determined the most promising area lies in its western third. Reconnaissance work
consists of regional stream sediment geochemical sampling, mapping, and an extensive airborne geo-
physical survey.
Detailed exploration has focused primarily upon the Rio Encajonado mineral belt in the Sorondo
Range, between the Sargent and Gregores prospects. The most explored occurrence, Arroyo Rojo, has
several generations of detailed geologic mapping, sampling, ground geophysics, and seven drill holes.
These data suggest a VMS target remains at Arroyo Rojo. Drilling at two of the other showings was
inconclusive in one case and negative in the other. There are many other prospects, including
Gregores and Rio Hambre, which have favorable exploration potential, and numerous geophysical
and geochemical anomalies have yet to be evaluated.
summarized in Table1. Minera Aguilar first recog-
DEL in the 1970s during regional reconnaissance explo-
ration for base metals. Subsequent regional mapping
Lago Fagnano
FIN DEL MUNDO in the Sorondo Range noted several extensive colour
VMS PROJECT anomalies and gossan zones in a belt of sericitic felsic
volcanic rocks of the Jurassic-age “Alvear
Ushuaia Formation.” Regional rock and stream silt sampling
Sloggett Bay
Beagle identified several significant copper, lead, and zinc
Pacific Channel anomalies hosted by these volcanic rocks.
Peninsula N Follow up work in 1980 discovered a small nunatak
0 100 km
containing a lens of polymetallic massive
Volcanic rock
Cape Horn belts sulphides exposed near the flank of a headwall glacier
Figure 1. Location of volcanic rock belts in Tierra del perched in a hanging valley near the source of the west
Fuego, Argentina and Chile. branch of Rio Encajonado. Minera Aguilar
followed up with ground geophysical surveys and iden- outcrops were now visible. A conspicuous large
tified two strong Turam, SP, and IP anomalies. The colour anomaly marked a belt of felsic volcanic rocks
exploration program was terminated soon afterward, and within this belt were several important new show-
and this pioneering massive sulphide discovery – later ings of massive sulphides.
named “Arroyo Rojo”– remained largely neglected The subsequent exploration history of the VMS
until its “rediscovery” by Polimet/Yamana (Fig. 3). district is somewhat checkered. Yamana consummat-
Early in 1994, Compania Minera Polimet, a sub- ed joint venture agreements first with Noranda
sidiary of Yamana Resources Inc., investigated Mining and Exploration and later with Westmin
reports of geology with sulphide occurrences in the Resources Ltd. Both companies, experienced in eval-
Fin del Mundo region which sounded akin to poly- uating VMS systems, dropped their earn-in interest
metallic volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) despite what the authors interpret as encouraging
deposits. Polimet applied for cateos (exploration results. All this work is summarized in Table 1.
claims) covering approximately 100,000 hectares in Yamana’s first partner labored for one and a half
the Sorondo and Alvear Ranges, and initiated recon- field seasons during 1995 and 1996. They recognized
naissance prospecting and mapping. Geologists found seven new prospects including Rio Hambre, Rio Cafe
the headwall glacier at the Arroyo Rojo massive sul- and Gregores (Fig. 3). During the latter part of the
phide occurrence had progressively retreated in the 14 1996 field season, after the joint venture agreement
years since the original discovery and many large new was terminated, Yamana discovered another new
Figure 2. Photo looking west from Sargent prospect, Fin del Mundo project, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Tierra Major Valley
in centre, flanked by the Alvear Range on the right (north) and the Sorondo Range on the left (south).
sulphide occurrence, Sargent, while giving tours to rocks, intrusion of felsic domes, mafic lavas, and
prospective new partners. Yamana’s second partner lesser lavas of intermediate composition accompanied
worked for one field season during 1997. They recog- extension and graben development throughout the
nized several new banded sulphide occurrences, Jurassic. Along the present site of the Beagle Channel
including Lago Guanaco, Cerro Portillo, Xerxes, and these rocks are submarine in origin and are hosts to the
Desolado (Fig. 3). In addition 18 diamond core holes polymetallic VMS deposits of the Rio Encajonado and
were drilled on three of the prospects. After this sec- Rio Hambre belts. To the north and east, within the
ond partner also terminated their interest, Yamana continent, these same rocks, minus the chemical
continued a limited field program during the 1998 sediment, are subaerial and constitute the volcanic
field season. massifs of central Patagonia where they are hosts to
low sulfidation epithermal precious metals deposits.
The metamorphic basement of Tierra del Fuego is Stratigraphy
a collage of cratonic blocks accreted together during The base of the layered rock sequence, the
the Paleozoic construction of supercontinent Lapataia Formation, is exposed in the Sorondo Range
Gondwanaland (Dalziel et. al., 1987; Ramos, 1988). In and consists of phyllite, schist and gneiss in the
late Triassic time the South Atlantic Ocean began to amphibolite facies of regional metamorphism. These
open and southern South America broke along several rocks are exposed at tidewater in Bahia Lapataia
grabens. Voluminous outpourings of felsic pyroclastic where the border of Argentina and Chile intersects the
Lago Fagnano
Tierra Majo
r Val
1 Rio Hambre 10 Cerro Portillo 19 Gregores Norte
2 Rio Hambre West 11 Sargent 20 Gregores
3 Rio Cafe 12 Arroyo Rojo 21 Red Sore
4 Los Cotorras 13 Lago Guanaco 22 Rio Almanza
5 Rio Tristen/Lago Verde 14 Rio Encajonado Oeste
N 0 5 10 15 20 km 6
Sombre Grande
Lago Mani
Rio Amarillo
Lago Pato
Vertiente Amarilla
9 Bob's Knob 18 Xerxes
Figure 3. Location of prospects on the Fin del Mundo project, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Beagle Channel (Fig. 3). The Lapataia Formation is cleavage that is deemed main-phase Andean orogeny
considered to be upper Paleozoic to lower Mesozoic (Bruhn, 1979, Ametrano et al., this volume).
in age, based on correlation with isotopically dated The Lapataia Formation is unconformably
rocks of comparable composition exposed farther overlain along the Beagle Channel by a thick
north. Additionally, rocks of the Lapataia Formation sequence of subaqueous siliciclastic and pyroclastic
have both foliation and folds that are broken by a rocks and lava flows in the greenschist facies of
regional metamorphism. These rocks, the Serie Tertiary-age Hardy Formation, comprised of coarse
Tobifera, grade into compositionally and temporally clastic rocks and mafic lavas which flank plutons and
similar, but subaerial, volcanic products northward grade downward and laterally into greywacke of the
across Tierra del Fuego and into Patagonia. The Yahgan Formation.
region’s explorationists have referred to the sequence
of volcanic rocks and enclosing marine clastic sedi- Structure
mentary rocks of the Sorondo and Alvear Ranges col- Observable structure in the region is mostly attrib-
lectively as the Alvear Formation, although the felsic uted to the Andean orogeny. It can be both intense and
volcanic rocks that are most abundant toward the base complex (Bruhn, 1979). Through-going regional
of the section are also separately known as the structure, dominated by northwest-striking thrusts,
Lemaire Formation (Borrello, 1972; Caminos et. al., normal faults, folds, and cleavage, appears to be con-
1981). In this report, this will be referred to as the temporaneous and parallel to the original long axis of
Lemaire/Alvear sequence. the marginal basin. The structure developed as part of
The Lemaire/Alvear sequence is upper Jurassic in a north-northeast to south-southwest compressional
age, based on a few isotopic age determinations and regime, with horizontal shortening directed toward
stratigraphic relationships. In the Sorondo Range, the continent. The felsic volcanic section appears to
specifically in the Rio Encajonado mineral belt, the
sequence is up to 5,500 m thick and consists of five
500 m
mappable entities (Fig. 4). From base to top these are: Andesite hyaloclastite
1) shale, 3,000 m; 2) lower basaltic andesite hyalo-
clastite flows and sills, 500 m; 3) volcaniclastic resed-
imented rhyolite and epiclastic rocks, 500 m; 4) mas- Massive to brecciated
1,000 m
sive to brecciated rhyolite in domes, mounds, and rhyolite in domes,
mounds and lobe flows
lobe flows, 1,000 m; and 5) uppermost andesite
hyaloclastite, 200 to 500 m. The polymetallic VMS
occurrences of the Rio Encajonado and Rio Hambre
500 m
resedimented rhyolite
belts cluster on and about massive to brecciated rhyolite and epiclastic rocks
domes, mounds, and lobe flows within the Basaltic andesite
500 m
massive rhyolite (unit 4). hyaloclastite flows
and sills
Subaqueous clastic sedimentary rocks and vol-
5,500 m
canic rocks of the Lemaire/Alvear sequence are over-
lain by and are provenance for shale and greywacke
of the Cretaceous Yahgan Formation. The Yahgan
clastic rocks, which accumulated in a marginal basin,
are in turn locally intruded and succeeded by rocks of
the Tortuga ophiolite complex of upper Jurassic to
3,000 m
have undergone total shortening on the order of 100 metre belt extending from Sargent to Gregores. This
percent in northward verging thrusts and folds belt strikes west-northwest with an axial plane cleav-
(Gibson, 1997). age inclined 60 degrees to the southwest. Rhyolite
Exact location of thrust faults is problematic, and domes are interpreted as forming along a prominent
correlation of rock sequences across faults is difficult, rift in a marginal basin. This structural style is com-
suggesting large offsets. In the Sorondo Range sedi- parable to the west side of the Noranda polymetallic
mentary rocks of the younger Yahgan Formation have VMS district in Quebec where lenses of massive sul-
been mapped as thrust over older volcanic rocks of phide are within an eight-kilometre long alignment of
the Lemaire/Alvear sequence, a structural relationship rhyolite domes. Along this trend, the Millenbach,
which implies that the entire section along this contact Amulet, Old Waite, Norbec, and Vauze mines are at
could be overturned (Lencinas, 1994; Hodder and approximately the same stratigraphic level, occurring
Terry, 1997). It is also suggested that Tierra Major either in topographic depressions upon the domes or
Valley follows the strike of a major thrust that sepa- in small basins on flanks or between domes (Hodder
rates the Sorondo and Alvear ranges and repeats the and Terry, 1997).
same stratigraphic sequence in these two ranges
(Darch, 1995; Lencinas, 1996; Ametrano et. al., this GEOLOGY OF THE MINERAL BELTS
volume) (Fig. 5). In the Rio Encajonado and Rio Hambre belts,
Folding in the Yahgan Formation is disharmonic VMS prospects are mainly restricted to two principal
with respect to folding in the underlying volcano-sedimentary sequences: 1) on and about rhy-
Lemaire/Alvear sequence (Bruhn, 1979). In general, olite domes, which probably are along a rifted edge of
folds in Yahgan Formation shale and greywacke are the marginal basin into which the Lemaire/Alvear
tighter, more common, more continuous, and much sequence was deposited; and 2) strata-bound within
more conspicuous as compared to those of the volcaniclastic rocks of the Lemaire/Alvear sequence,
Lemaire/Alvear volcanic rocks. In the Sorondo above basaltic andesite flows and sills but below the
Range, bedding in sedimentary rocks is transposed by horizon of rhyolite domes.
slaty cleavage. In the Alvear Range, however, bed-
ding and slaty cleavage both dip south and are essen- Lithofacies
tially parallel. Volcanic rocks are commonly schistose The Lemaire/Alvear sequence has been most thor-
and have aligned chlorite and white mica. oughly mapped in the central part of the Rio
Late penetrative foliation dominates in volcanic Encajonado belt from the Sargent prospect to the
rocks of the Lemaire/Alvear sequence. Slaty cleavage Gregores prospect (Fig. 6). The sequence is approxi-
crosses contacts between rock types, although at a mately 50 percent shale, 20 percent basaltic andesite
regional scale it parallels primary layering and major flows, sills, and hyaloclastite, and 30 percent felsic
thrusts. Original bedding, difficult to see because of volcanic rocks. Shale is variable in composition and
subsequent folding and deformation, is best preserved can be subdivided into a northerly siliceous compo-
in shale and mudstone, but it can also be seen in epi- nent in the Alvear Range and a southerly more car-
clastic rocks, rhyolitic flows, and as flow banding in bonaceous component in the Sorondo Range. The
some of the more massive rhyolites. Mapping indi- shales probably represent first-order extensional basin
cates that the region’s massive sulphide accumula- fill upon and through which the volcanic rocks were
tions are along original bedding and layering, not deposited. Flows of basaltic andesite are locally pil-
along the later cleavage. lowed and commonly amygdaloidal. Hyaloclastite is
In the Sorondo Range, some overturned anticlines commonly resedimented. Major definable lithofacies
within the Lemaire/Alvear sequence have cores of in felsic volcanic rocks are massive rhyolite, rhyolite
massive and brecciated rhyolite. The principal mas- breccia, and volcaniclastic resedimented rhyolite, all
sive sulphide occurrences are associated with five described in more detail below. Epiclastic rocks, the
rhyolite domes aligned in anticlines along a ten-kilo- products of deposition in small basins, are intercalat-
ed throughout the section. These rocks are moderate- fragments. It contains slightly sorted rhyolite
ly well sorted, with polymictic clasts of rhyolite, clasts, many of which are foliated.
basaltic andesite, and shale. Clasts retain much of
their original textures that, together with the presence Mineralization and alteration
of ubiquitous chert representing submarine chemical The majority, and most extensively explored, base
sediment, are evidence of sub-marine deposition. metal massive sulphide occurrences are in the Rio
The three major lithofacies of the felsic volcanic Encajonado belt, with fewer and less explored occur-
section are as follows: rences within the Rio Hambre belt. The occurrences
1) Massive rhyolite facies – represents original are closely associated with domes of massive to brec-
extrusive lava or hypabyssal intrusive rock. It ciated rhyolite lithofacies of the Lemaire/Alvear
is in large part non-foliated, locally with strong sequence and are interpreted to be sulphide concentra-
colour banding. It typically contains several tions formed in structural depressions upon and flank-
percent fine-grained disseminated sulphide ing the domes (Fig. 7). Examples of three important
minerals, resulting in rusty-orange surfaces on sites of massive sulphide concentration are as follows:
joints and fractures. It is aphyric to porphyritic 1) Arroyo Rojo-Lago Guanaco – lenses and clasts
with quartz eyes and feldspar phenocrysts. of massive sulphide in a depression, or puddle,
2) Rhyolite breccia facies – largely autoclastic in upon a rhyolite dome complex. This is overlain
origin and commonly occurring marginal to by rhyolite breccia and hyaloclastite. Footwall
massive rhyolite domes. It contains monomic- rhyolite is veined with quartz and sulphide
tic rhyolite clasts of variable size with jigsaw minerals.
texture or variable degrees of comminution. 2) Sargent – sulphide minerals, dispersed in layers
3) Resedimented volcaniclastic rhyolite facies – and massive in clasts, are concentrated within a
mainly a crystal-rich sandstone with variable small basin on the edge of a large composite rhy-
amounts and sizes of lithic and pumiceous olite dome that transgresses and lobes over shale.
0 5 10 15 km
Figure 5. Diagrammatic regional cross-section (looking east) of Tierra Major Valley and the Sorondo and Alvear.
Figure 6. Regional geology and lithofacies interpretation of the central Rio Encajonado mineral belt, Sorondo Range (after D.A. Terry and R.W. Hodder, 1997).
Arroyo Rojo
Sargent Gregores
2nd (3rd)
basin fill
1st order
basin fill
2nd order
basin structures
3) Gregores – sulphide minerals in chert-rich rock abundant than pyrite, as at Gregores. Pyrrhotite is
interpreted as interflow chemical sediment locally as abundant as pyrite in the Rio Hambre belt
deposited between lobe flows of rhyolite pro- but is only a minor constituent in sulphide occur-
truding from coalescing rhyolite domes. rences of the Rio Encajonado belt. Anomalous
Examples of some lesser sulphide concentrations amounts of arsenic with or without gold are present in
are disseminated sulphide minerals in rhyolite breccia several occurrences in Rio Encajonado belt and
at Xerxes and Rio Encajonado Oeste, layered and dis- arsenopyrite is locally present.
seminated sulphide minerals at the contact between In massive occurrences, sulphide minerals are
shale and fragmental rhyolite at Rio Hambre, and sul- very fine to medium grained with rhythmically inter-
phides at the edge of a rhyolite dike at Lago Pato. layered and nodular ferruginous chert. The sulphides
Stringer veins of sulphide minerals occur sporadical- may be layered, brecciated, or foliated with textures
ly throughout the mineral belts but are most common compatible with shearing, ductile deformation, or
in close proximity to the footwall and peripheries of mylonitization. Layers have individual bands of gale-
massive sulphide accumulations. na, or more rarely chalcopyrite, containing augen-like
Sulphide minerals are predominantly pyrite with fragments of sphalerite. The bands are commonly 4 to
lesser amounts of sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite. 7 centimetres wide but can be as thin as 0.5 centime-
Exceptionally, base metal sulphide minerals are more tres (Fig. 8). Banded galena is usually very fine
grained whereas much of the sphalerite is recrystal- grams/tonne silver. This work established Arroyo
lized and coarse grained. Rojo as a drill target and affirmed the Rio Encajonado
Alteration is fairly extensive but commonly mineral belt as geologically favorable for the discov-
obscured by regional greenschist facies metamor- ery of polymetallic VMS deposits.
phism and foliation, typical of low-rank metamorphic Creek boulders below the exposure are intensely
environments. In general, massive sulphide bodies are stained with jarosite and iron oxides, and ferricrete is
surrounded by a halo of semi-massive and dissemi- locally conspicuous in glacial outwash down the val-
nated sulphide minerals enclosed by silicic and chlo- ley. An orange-red crust of iron oxide patina several
ritic rock that extends for several metres away from millimetres thick coats sulphide-rich rocks and adja-
massive sulphide. Surrounding this is a much broader cent outcrops (Fig. 8).
zone of sericitic rock, which is the most common, The Arroyo Rojo massive sulphide occurrences are
widespread, and readily recognizable form of alter- on top of a rhyolite dome that appears to occupy the
ation in the Fin del Mundo mineral belts. Sericitic axis of a local anticline (Hodder, 1996; Hodder and
rocks may be strongly foliated to schistose and almost Terry, 1997). Sulphide concentrations and enclosing
always associated with one to five percent finely dis- rocks strike east, parallel to the hanging valley, and dip
seminated sulphide minerals. Sulphide-rich clasts an average 70 degrees to the south. The rocks from
locally comprise 15 to 20 percent of the rock. base to top are: 1) amygdaloidal andesite flows from
25 to 100 m thick, 2) rhyolite and shale breccia, with
PROSPECT GEOLOGY block-sized clasts, that underlies the principal sulphide
lenses and contains disseminated pyrite, 3) pumice
Rio Encajonado mineral belt breccia that is the immediate basal part of massive sul-
The Rio Encajonado mineral belt extends 30 kms phide and consists of vesicular bombs to lapilli-sized
along the Sorondo Range, from near Tierra del Fuego and ash-sized particles, and 4) felsic to dacitic crystal
National Park on the west to near Rio Remolino on the lapilli tuff to hyaloclastite breccia that overlies mas-
east (Fig. 3). The majority and most extensively sive sulphide. The latter is approximately 150 m thick
explored base metal sulphide occurrences are in this and is overlain to the south of the main massive sul-
belt, with the most important occurrences in the ten phide outcrop by an epiclastic sequence that forms the
kilometre segment extending from Sargent to Gregores. base of the Yahgan Formation (Darch, 1995).
There are two concordant massive sulphide lenses
Arroyo Rojo exposed along strike. They consist of a 70 m long
Arroyo Rojo is the principal polymetallic VMS upper (western) lens and 35 m long lower (eastern)
occurrence within felsic volcanic rocks of the lens, which are separated by about 100 m of slightly
Lemaire/Alvear sequence, Sorondo Range. Found in sulfidic and largely concealed outcrop (Fig. 9a & b).
the 1980s near the headwaters of a tributary to Rio The lenses are from 2 to 4 m thick and consist of
Encajonado Oeste, the discovery outcrop is above banded massive sulphides, mainly pyrite with 10 to
timberline, at 840 m elevation, on a north-facing slope 30 percent sphalerite and irregular concentrations of
at the upper end of an east trending hanging valley. At galena and chalcopyrite. The basal part of the massive
the time of initial discovery, a small glacier covered sulphide concentration is predominantly fine-grained
all but a 5 m by 0.5 m part of the sulphide concentra- banded pyrite and sphalerite, with coarse local spha-
tion. By the time of “rediscovery” in 1994, the glacier lerite up to 3 mm; the upper part contains fine-grained
had receded and exposed 200 m of pinching-and- banded chalcopyrite in addition to pyrite and spha-
swelling sulphide bodies up to 5 metres wide. lerite (Fig. 8). Galena is common, although difficult to
Mapping and sampling at Arroyo Rojo outlined a 200 recognize. Microscope study indicates that some chal-
m long zone of discontinuous massive sulphides up to copyrite and galena occur in veinlets, many of which
3.5 m wide with 2.2 percent copper, 3.9 percent lead, are traceable back to massive to semi-massive sul-
14.5 percent zinc, 1.1 grams/tonne gold, and 140 phide layers, from which they apparently have been
Figure 8a. Overview of Arroyo Rojo upper massive sulphide lens, looking east.
Figure 8b. Massive sulphide outcrop, Arroyo Rojo upper lens. Banded pyrite-sphalerite-galena. Note iron
oxide patina which obscures exposure.
remobilized (Boggs, 1994). end of the upper lens with a 4.4 m interval of 18.9 per-
Sulphide concentrations have a siliceous gangue cent zinc, 3.9 percent lead, 0.8 percent copper, 50.9
and locally contain quartz veinlets and boudinaged grams/tonne silver, and 0.9 grams/tonne gold (Fig. 9a
augen-like clots of quartz (Fig. 10). Petrographic study and 9b).
shows the siliceous material is fine-grained recrystal- During 1997 six core holes were drilled to test the
lized chert. The chert, locally carbonaceous and inter- two exposed massive sulphide lenses along 245 m of
laminated with fine-grained pyrite, is interpreted as a strike, to a vertical depth of 200 m (Fig. 9a and 9b).
subaqueous chemical sediment (Siems, 1994). The sulphide lenses are very near and closely follow
Massive sulphide lenses are surrounded by a 5 m the south wall of the valley, dipping steeply beneath a
wide envelope of pervasively silicic and slightly chlo- high, sheer bluff which forms the south valley wall.
ritic rock containing disseminated and stringer spha- This location makes it very difficult to position explo-
lerite, galena and chalcopyrite. This envelope is in ration drill holes on the down-dip, hangingwall side
turn surrounded by a much broader zone of sericitic of the zone. As a result, all six holes were drilled from
schistose rock containing up to 20 percent dissemi- the footwall side at very shallow angles to dip (Fig.
nated pyrite. This outboard sericitic zone covers an 11). However, because the holes are inclined close to
area at least 75 m by 400 m in plan. the orientation of numerous bedding plane features
Samples in a series of sawn channels were taken such as faults and chloritic slips, this procedure makes
across the massive sulphide outcrops in 1995 by drilling difficult and hinders stratigraphic interpreta-
Darch (1995). The best channel was across the east tions. Nevertheless, drilling confirmed massive
AR-4 -45°
(94m west)
UPPER -45°
70 -45°
B -6
AR °
Projected trace of main sulfide
horizon at surface
Figure 9a. Geological sketch map of the Arroyo Rojo massive sulphide horizon with drill hole traces projected vertically to the
surface. Explanation and assay summaries are given in Fig. 9b.
sulphide lenses are more continuous to depth than copper, 1.4 percent lead, 3.0 percent zinc, and 26
along the surface, supporting the earlier interpretation grams/tonne silver (Fig.10). Another hole appears to
from the ground geophysical survey. have stopped in 3 to 5 percent sphalerite in very
Drill results are summarized in table form in Table sericitic and chloritic rhyolite, possibly in footwall
2. The drilling did not intercept a thick interval of just before the massive sulphide horizon (Gibson,
high grade massive sulphide, although the authors 1998). The Arroyo Rojo massive sulphide occurrence
believe that results overall are encouraging. The best remains open at depth, along strike to the east, and
drill intercept is 18.6 m (true thickness) of 1.0 percent possibly along strike to the west (Gibson, 1998). A
Figure 9b. Explanation and assay summaries for Arroyo Rojo sketch map of Figure 9a.
Figure 10a. Massive sulphide outcrop, Arroyo Rojo upper lens. Banded massive pyrite-sphalerite-galena,
with dark bands of coarse sphalerite and silica augens.
Figure 10b. Drill core from 83 m depth, Arroyo Rojo Hole 3. Banded massive pyrite-sphalerite-galena-chal-
copyrite with silica augens.
0 10 20 30 40 m ARROYO ROJO
Massive sulfide
outcrop DDH#
AR-97-03 Glacier
Depth True thick. Cu Pb Zn Au Ag
meters meters % % % ppb ppm
63.0 1.5 0.03 2.65 2.89 42 13
Foliated rhyolite Silica-flooded Massive sulfide
breccia hyaloclastite breccia
Shale and mudstone Shear zones and
hyaloclastite faults
Foliated rhyolite Carbonate
geophysical anomaly coincident with the Arroyo chalcopyrite-bearing outcrop, 13 m by 25 m, was dis-
Rojo horizon, one kilometre east of the main showing, covered by the 1996 follow up program. The discovery
has yet to be drilled. outcrop strikes west-northwest and dips 50 degrees
south (Fig. 12). The Sargent sulphide concentration
Sargent consists of multiple thin massive sulphide zones with
The northwest side of Mount Olivia was first rec- up to 7.5 percent copper over a width of 0.25 m.
ognized as a prospect in 1994 because of altered float The suite of rock types at Sargent is similar to
boulders found at the base of the mountain where those at Arroyo Rojo and appears to be at approxi-
Route 3 enters Tierra Major Valley from the south. mately the same stratigraphic level. The base is a
The Sargent occurrence is at 800 m elevation at the shale overlain by felsic volcanic rocks, including
top of a northwest facing valley above timberline, sericitic massive rhyolite and its brecciated and resed-
directly up slope from a stream sediment copper imented clasts. Rhyolite breccia is foliated. The entire
anomaly (>90 ppm copper) found during 1995. A felsic volcanic sequence is approximately 400 m thick
Table 2. Drill hole summary.
Figure 12a. Discovery outcrop, Sargent prospect, looking east. South-dipping foliated sericitic rhyolite with
numerous bands of massive chalcopyrite-pyrite.
Figure 12b. Outcrop at Sargent prospect with deformed lens of massive chalcopyrite-pyrite in foliated and
brecciated sericitic and chloritic rhyolite.
and is intercalated with a green hyaloclastic rhyolite, spicuous base metal sulphide-bearing cobbles, devoid
and overlain by massive rhyolite breccia which is in of pyrite, up slope to their source.
turn overlain by andesite flows and andesite hyalo- The suite of rock types is similar to that at Arroyo
clastite breccias. Rojo and appears to occur at the same approximate
Sulphide-hosting rocks appear to be along the axis stratigraphic level. Gregores, Arroyo Rojo, and
of a local anticline with sulphide concentrations on Sargent all lie along the axis of a small anticline
the flank of a rhyolite dome (Hodder, 1996; Hodder (Hodder, 1996). The massive sulphide at Gregores is
and Terry, 1997). A 6 m wide zone of foliated sericitic between the lobes of massive flow banded aphyric
rhyolite in the discovery outcrop contains massive to rhyolite domes and occurs as a flat lying lens between
semi-massive sulphide lenses and stringers conforma- massive rhyolite and rhyolite breccia. The base of the
ble to foliation. The sulphide zone consists of three lens is marked by chert and shaly chert.
thin (4 to 7-centimetres thick) bands of massive chal- The Gregores massive sulphide lens, exposed on
copyrite and pyrite. Bands are surrounded by a halo of the face of a steep cliff on the south wall of the hang-
semi-massive and disseminated sulphide minerals ing valley, is at least 40 m long and from 0.2 to 0.5 m
averaging about 10 percent of the rock. An envelope thick. A composite sample collected along the lens
outside of the most sericitic and sulfidic rock consists contains 29.9 percent lead, 19.9 percent zinc, 750
of dark green-black chlorite rich rock with lesser grams/tonne silver, and 0.58 grams/tonne gold.
sericite. Chlorite and sericite tend to replace feldspars. Sulphide minerals are non-banded fine-grained
Small quartz veins are common in the rhyolite. The “steel” galena interspersed with fine-grained spha-
occurrence is interpreted to be a footwall stockwork lerite. Pyrite is sparse to absent, accounting for the
alteration zone attenuated by regional foliation general lack of iron-staining and associated wall rock
(Rockingham, 1997). colour anomalies that typically serve as useful
Eight holes were collared on the Sargent prospect, prospecting guides elsewhere along the Rio
although only five were successful in reaching target Encajonado belt.
depths because of drilling difficulties caused by com- Alteration consists of sericite and added quartz in
plex faulting and shearing. All drill holes intersected felsic volcaniclastic rocks. In addition, black chlorite
significant alteration and several holes intersected veinlets with minor pyrite are strata-bound with the
prominent stringers of base metal sulphides or thin massive sulphide and dispersed with sericite in rhyo-
bands of massive sulphides (Rockingham, 1997). lite (Hodder, 1996).
The drill results are summarized in Table 2. Some The hanging valley at Gregores has a number of
holes intersected significant amounts of base metals sulphide showings in addition to the aforementioned
and alteration in sericitic foliated rhyolite with foot- massive sulphide showing on the cliff face. Stringer-
wall stringer sulphides, and two holes intersected sig- type veins of galena and sphalerite occur in boulders
nificant but thin layers of massive base metal sul- in the creek bottom downstream from the massive sul-
phides. Other holes were not successful in reaching phide lens. Samples from these boulders contain up to
target depth. 1.5 percent zinc, 0.9 percent lead and 19.6
grams/tonne silver. During 1997, additional massive
Gregores galena cobbles were found in glacial till high on the
The Gregores prospect is above timberline in a cirque wall 300 m north of the main showing. No
rugged hanging valley near Diente de Tiburon, outcrop source for this new find has yet been located.
approximately 5.5 km east of Arroyo Rojo. This was
identified as an area of interest in 1995 by Darch Lago Guanaco
(1995) from stream sediment samples containing up The Lago Guanaco area was identified late in 1996
to 5,526 ppm lead, 1,600 ppm zinc and 44.6 in an east trending hanging valley about one kilome-
grams/tonne silver. The massive sulphide occurrence tre north of Arroyo Rojo. It is at 670 m elevation,
was found a year later by following a trail of incon- above timberline, and is stratigraphically lower than
the Arroyo Rojo massive sulphide lens. The initial not sufficient to explain the extensive silt sample geo-
selected sample contained 3.0 percent copper, 11.3 per- chemical anomalies. The Genie-EM survey in 1995
cent lead, 22.6 percent zinc and 147 grams/tonne silver. indicates the area is crossed by a conductor, possibly
The Lago Guanaco prospect is interpreted to be corresponding with a slightly graphitic black shale
surface stringer and disseminated pyrite with or with- horizon (Darch 1995).
out sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite in a foliated Xerxes - Select samples collected from a quartz-
rhyolite breccia in contact with shale. Most sulphide veined foliated sericitic rhyolite, on the east side of
minerals appear to be concentrated along late struc- Rio Encajonado Este, 4.5 km east of Arroyo Rojo,
tures, foliation, and cleavage associated with thrust- contain up to 0.3 percent copper, 11.7 percent zinc,
ing (Hodder and Terry, 1997). Samples from hand dug >1,000 ppm lead, and 46 grams/tonne silver. Rhyolite
trenches along the trend contain up to 3.0 percent pinches out laterally against unaltered andesite. The
copper, 11.3 percent lead, 22.6 percent zinc, and 147 volcanic rocks are both overlain and underlain by
grams/tonne silver. black argillites, with the underlying argillite capped
The results of three diamond core holes drilled in by a distinctive chert. Follow up soil sampling at 25
1997 were not encouraging. These results are summa- m spacing on lines 50 m apart produced a weak multi-
rized in Table 2. element anomaly (copper, lead, and zinc) coincident
with the area of the main showing and three single
Other occurrences in the Rio Encajonado belt station anomalies from within the rhyolite.
The nine other prospects within the belt are shown Conductors found by a 1995 ground geophysical sur-
in Figure 3 and have had a limited amount of work vey have been attributed to graphitic shale horizons,
done on them. Most of this work is reported by although the results are not definitive (Darch, 1995).
Rockingham (1997). Gregores Norte - A single rock sample from the
Cerro Portillo - Cerro Portillo, west of Sargent northwest side of Diente de Tiburon, upstream from
across the valley from Route 3 where it enters Tierra stream sediment anomalies, contains 0.41
Major Valley from the south, consists of chloritic grams/tonne gold, 38.7 grams/tonne silver, 11,300
rhyolite in the same stratigraphic sequence as Sargent. ppm arsenic, and 662 ppm antimony. The host rock is
Minor stringer veins of chalcopyrite, malachite, a quartz-veined massive rhyolite containing dissemi-
and bismuthinite occur sporadically along strike for a nated arsenopyrite and galena. The rhyolite is within
few hundred metres, with select samples up to 0.3 black shales and confined to a narrow ridge at the
percent copper, 1.5 percent zinc, and 0.15 percent base of the large Gregores rhyolite dome.
lead. Soil sampling has found a number of isolated Desolado - Two grab samples from a prominent
base metal anomalies. orange iron seep in a forested area with little outcrop
Rio Encajonado Oeste (Lago Guanaco Muerte) - are very anomalous in zinc, copper, manganese, and
Stream sediment samples along Rio Encajonado, 1.5 nickel. Ferricrete boulders have been found above and
km east and on strike with Arroyo Rojo, consistently east of the seep, and small amounts of chalcopyrite
have elevated abundance of base metals with locally occur in shale exposed above timberline on strike
up to 6,641 ppm lead and 1,060 ppm zinc. Numerous with the seep. A grid of 160 soil samples around the
occurrences of stringer sphalerite, galena, chalcopy- seep found elevated gold values but only sparse
rite, and pyrite have been found in boulders and out- amounts of base metals.
crops of massive and foliated rhyolite in this area. Vertiente Amarilla - Very anomalous amounts of
Additionally, several centimetre-thick layers of mas- lead (>1,000 ppm) are in silt samples from a large
sive sphalerite were uncovered in a trench up slope groundwater spring on the west side of Rio
from a local iron seep. Soil sampling substantiates Encajonado Este. The spring is depositing a white
and extends these occurrences and discloses another non-calcareous material of unknown composition.
anomaly in an area covered by till. The limited show- Soil sampling above the spring identified one spot
ings found in the prospect area to date are probably lead anomaly of 143 ppm.
Lago Pato - A select rock sample has 2.8 percent An irregular 800 m by 2,100 m soil sampling grid
copper from the slickensided contact between a massive was used to define base metal anomalies at the
andesite and a rhyolite dike. Sulphides are localized to prospect. A total 286 soil samples were collected,
the contact, which is interpreted to be a thrust fault. with results outlining separate large zinc and lead
Rio Almanza - Stream sediment samples from the anomalies. The zinc anomaly (>100 ppm) is 600 m
upper reaches of Rio Almanza have elevated amounts long and trends northwest, the lead anomaly (>60
of gold. Near the head of the creek, an orange- ppm) is 800 m long and trends north. Individual sam-
coloured ridge is topped by massive and foliated ples contain up to 921 ppm lead, 437 ppm zinc, 301
domal sericitic rhyolite, locally brecciated with ppm copper, 3.4 ppm silver, and 552 ppm arsenic
goethite-coated fractures (Lencinas, 1995). Ferricrete (Darch, 1995).
boulders are present and oxidized pyrite fragments are A follow up Genie-EM and ground magnetic sur-
found in resedimented rhyolite along the ridge. Rock vey conducted during 1995 defines a weakly conduc-
sampling has found elevated amounts of base metals tive trend along the southwest edge of the soil grid,
but has been unable to identify a source for the gold. following the contact of felsic volcanic rocks with
The anomaly remains unexplained. underlying andesites, approximately parallel to Route
Red Sore - A prominent red carbonate groundwa- 3. The conductor is attributed to a narrow graphitic
ter spring along Rio Remolino is upstream from the black shale interflow horizon, but the interpretation is
highest arsenic value (843 ppm) encountered in complicated by a gas pipeline that crosses the west
Darch’s (1995) regional stream silt sampling pro- end of the grid area. The conductive trend is coinci-
gram. The spring deposits are not anomalous in any dent with base metal soil geochemical anomalies and
metals. The arsenic anomaly remains unexplained. with sulphide-bearing boulders and outcroppings.
Darch (1995) concluded that a drill target had been
Rio Hambre mineral belt defined. Subsequent in-fill sampling in 1997 affirmed
The Rio Hambre mineral belt extends 30 km along the soil geochemical anomalies, however uncertainty
the Alvear Range north of Tierra Major Valley, from remains whether a drill target has actually been
near Tierra del Fuego National Park on the west to defined (Rockingham, 1997).
Rio Hambre on the east. The occurrences are associ-
ated with shale-dominated rock sequences and com- Other occurrences in the Rio Hambre belt
monly contain almost as much pyrrhotite as pyrite. The eight other prospects within the belt are
shown in Figure 3 and have had a limited amount of
Rio Hambre prospect work done on them. Most of this work is reported by
Rio Hambre is the only occurrence in the Alvear Rockingham (1997).
Range with extensive detailed follow up work. The Rio Amarillo - A rock sample with 1.79
prospect was first recognized in 1994 from sulphide- grams/tonne gold and 9.5 grams/tonne silver was
bearing float boulders along Route 3 where it enters taken from an area of prominent colour anomalies and
Tierra Major Valley from the north. The occurrence is ferricrete. The rocks are sericitic rhyolite breccia.
below timberline and readily accessible by road, but Subsequent soil and silt sampling confirm elevated
exploration is difficult because of thick vegetation gold values, with 268 ppb gold and 178 ppm arsenic
and deep soils. in a silt sample from the mouth of a creek below the
Stringers and disseminations of sphalerite, galena, original rock sample.
pyrite, and minor chalcopyrite are found in boulders Rio Cafe - Rocks are black shale and basaltic
and sparse outcrops. Rocks are sericitic schists and andesite, locally pillowed and locally veined with
graphitic black shales, intercalated with rhyolites and quartz carbonate and patches of mariposite. Fine
small amounts of pink ferruginous and manganiferous grained disseminated pyrite-pyrrhotite and thin bands
chert. A select sample from one outcrop contains 8.9 of semi-massive sulphides occur at andesite-shale
percent zinc and 1.0 percent lead. contacts, and the hillside above a zinc stream
sediment anomaly contains ferricrete boulders. ing it difficult to confidently interpret stream sedi-
Reconnaissance soil samples have up to 3.07 ment, soil, or pan concentrate geochemical anomalies.
grams/tonne gold, 426 ppm zinc, and 80 ppm lead. Regional geochemical sampling during the 1995
Rio Tristen/Lago Verde - Stringer pyrite and and early 1996 campaigns found anomalies clustered
pyrrhotite with small amounts of chalcopyrite are in several major areas, identifying almost all impor-
present in a sequence of sericitic and chloritic vol- tant sulphide occurrences subsequently found in the
caniclastic rhyolites intercalated with basaltic Rio Encajonado and Rio Hambre belts. Figure 13
andesites. One cherty area, approximately 20 m thick summarizes and identifies subtle geochemical differ-
and 1 km long, averages 10 percent sulphide with ences between the two belts, with first order arsenic
lenses of up to 30 percent pyrite and thin bands of and lead anomalies mainly restricted to streams drain-
mariposite-bearing massive pyrite (Adams, 1996). ing the Rio Encajonado belt and first order barium,
Las Cotorras - Stream sediment and soil samples cadmium, cobalt, and nickel anomalies restricted to
from an area of sulphide-rich black shales are elevated streams in the Rio Hambre belt (Broili and Klohn,
in zinc and nickel contents, although rock samples have 1996). Reinterpretation during 1997 of the earlier
only background concentrations of base metals. The stream silt geochemistry results, using different statis-
sediment and soil anomalies are reproducible in repeat tical thresholds, found new anomalies (Rockingham,
sampling, but a clear-cut target has yet to be defined. 1997). The results of the various geochemical pro-
Bob’s Knob - A sample of massive to foliated, grams is summarized in Table 1.
siliceous fragmental rhyolite, with local brecciation, Airborne and ground geophysical surveys have
quartz veins, and iron-staining, contained 3.64 been utilized in the district’s exploration programs, as
grams/tonne gold and 8.6 grams/tonne silver. The summarized in Table 1. At Arroyo Rojo, Turam, SP
anomalous sample could not be repeated in the field. and IP ground surveys during the early 1980s report-
Rio Hambre West - Float from outcrops of orange- edly identified two distinct anomalies, which were
stained shale and local foliated resedimented chloritic later confirmed by an EM survey in 1995-96. The
and sericitic rhyolite contains semi-massive pyrite conductive body appears continuous over a 200 to
with minor chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. 250 m strike with a thickness of 1 to 5 m, suggesting
Sombra Grande - Veinlets with traces of chal- the two massive sulphide lenses are connected at shal-
copyrite and pyrrhotite occur in foliated rhyolite brec- low depth. Additionally, a non-drilled EM conductor
cia in a sequence of rhyolite, ladder-veined rhyolite was identified along strike and east of the exposed
breccia, hyaloclastite and andesite. massive sulphide lenses.
Lago Mani - Minor disseminated pyrite and pods An airborne geophysical survey during 1996 iden-
of semi-massive pyrite occur in shales intercalated tified many preliminary anomalies (Kendle, 1996).
with massive fragmental and foliated schist near a Subsequent work during 1997 found none of the
rhyolite dome. Soil sampling failed to identify anom- area’s massive sulphide concentrations directly relat-
alous amounts of base metal. ed to strong EM conductors, although conductors
were commonly present in nearby areas. Many of the
GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOPHYSICS geophysical anomalies identified in the original air-
Because of the temperate climate, chemical weath- borne survey have yet to be field checked.
ering of sulphides in Tierra del Fuego may be minimal
and fresh sulphides commonly occur within millime- DISCUSSION
tres of the surface of rock. However, in some areas of Stratiform and strata-bound massive sulphide con-
sulphide concentrations, ferricrete has formed in near- centrations in Tierra del Fuego are upon or flank rhy-
by alluvium and iron-rich patina extensively covers olite domes which intrude a thick section of volcani-
rock exposures. These observations suggest that met- clastic and epiclastic rocks that fill a pre-arc marginal
als in the Fin del Mundo project can be either mechan- extensional basin. These rocks, succeeded by an ophi-
ically transported or chemically dispersed, thus mak- olite complex emplaced at the height of extension, are
overlain by clastic rocks cascading from a rising out- Hodder and Terry (1997) noted the similarities in
board arc and compressed as that arc closed and structural style of the ten kilometre long central Rio
deformed the basin. The environment of deposition Encajonado mineral belt to the west side of the
might be compared to deposits such as those within Noranda polymetallic VMS district in Quebec. Here,
the Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics of west massive sulphide lenses are within an eight kilometre
Tasmania, interpreted by Large et al (1987) and long alignment of rhyolite domes, with several mines
McPhie and Allen (1992) as polymetallic massive sul- at approximately the same stratigraphic level in topo-
phide lenses deposited from hydrothermal circulation graphic depressions upon the domes or in small basins
along early rift faults. between the domes, similar to the Sargent, Arroyo
Darch (1995) believed that geology, alteration, and Rojo, Gregores, and other sulphide occurrences in the
sulphide concentrations in the Fin del Mundo region Rio Encajonado belt.
are similar in many respects to Kuroko type poly- A recent reclassification of VMS deposits pro-
metallic VMS deposits. Some of the similarities posed by Barrie and Hannington (1999) includes a
include geologic age, island-arc environment, a peak bimodal-siliciclastic type that appears to more closely
in bimodal volcanism, sulphide accumulations in match the general nature and setting of the Fin del
local rhyolite domes in an andesitic (eruptive breccia) Mundo massive sulphide occurrences, although the
pyroclastic sequence, and significant content of rocks in Tierra del Fuego have a smaller proportion of
precious metals. volcanic rocks compared to siliciclastic rocks than is
typical for the bimodal-siliciclastic environment. The and are associated with arsenic and lead geochemical
felsic volcanic rocks of this environment are general- anomalies. The occurrences in the Rio Hambre belt,
ly calc-alkaline, possibly derived by partial melting of enclosed by rock sequences with an abundance of
sedimentary sources, and mafic rocks are generally shale, contain abundant pyrrhotite together with
tholeiitic or slightly alkaline (Barrie and Hannington, pyrite and are associated with barium, cadmium,
1999). Although this classification has not been veri- nickel, and cobalt geochemical anomalies.
fied by chemical analyses of the Fin del Mundo vol- The density, distribution, and similar character of
canic rocks, subaerial volcanic rocks of comparable occurrences suggests that this area should properly be
age and setting in adjacent Patagonia (Rapela and considered a district – the Fin del Mundo District.
Pankhurst, 1992) are indeed respectively calc-alkaline Geologically, the district has many similarities to
and tholeiitic to slightly alkaline. Further, the evi- southeast Alaska, but the Fin del Mundo District is still
dence is compelling that the marginal basin developed in its exploration infancy. Two of the three drilled
on continental crust (Dalziel et al, 1987). prospects merit further drilling, and non-drilled targets
The type examples of the bimodal siliciclastic type remain at other prospects. Many geochemical and geo-
VMS deposits are the Iberian Pyrite Belt of Portugal physical anomalies have yet to be examined in field.
and Spain, and the Bathurst District of New Although exploration is difficult and the season is short
Brunswick, Canada (Barrie and Hannington, 1999). in Tierra del Fuego, it is no more so than in southeast
Bimodal-siliciclastic type VMS deposits have the Alaska, and the reward/risk ratio is comparable.
largest tonnages, the largest average deposit size, the
least copper, and largest lead content of the five VMS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
deposit types chartered by Barrie and Hannington. The authors thank Yamana Resources Inc. for
allowing the publication of this paper and acknowl-
SUMMARY edge the many contributions by Dr. Andres Lencinas,
Massive sulphide concentrations found to date in the region’s principal exploration pioneer. The data
Tierra del Fuego are mostly stratiform and strata- were gathered by many field geologists employed by
bound in depressions upon and flanking a line of rhy- Minera Polimet, Yamana Resources Inc., Noranda
olite domes. These domes are part of the Jurassic age Mining and Exploration Inc., Noranda Exploracion
Lemaire/Alvear sequence and intrude a thick section Chile Ltda., and Westmin Resources Ltd., with pro-
of silicic volcaniclastic and epiclastic rocks enclosing prietary project reports by Wayne Darch and Chris
less voluminous basalt flows and sills. The volcanic Rockingham proving especially useful. These and
rocks are underlain by marine shales of the many others, too numerous to mention, deserve a
Lemaire/Alvear sequence and overlain by marine great debt of gratitude for their valiant efforts in this
shales of the Cretaceous age Yahgan Formation. The new VMS district located at the “End of the World
rocks are deformed by folds, thrust faults and normal
faults which developed as part of a north-northeast REFERENCES
compressional event. Adams, G. 1996. General Geology and sulfide occurrences,
Upper Rio Tristen Area, Alvear Volcanic Belt, Fin del
Polymetallic sulphide occurrences are widespread
Mundo Project, Tierra del Fuego. Yamana Resources Inc.,
along the Rio Encajonado and Rio Hambre mineral unpublished report, 4 p.
belts. Sulphides occur as disseminations, stringers, Ametrano, S., Etcheverry, R., Echeveste, H., Godeas, M., and
and semi-massive to massive lenses of pyrite, Zubia, M. 2000. Distrito VMS de Tierra del Fuego,
pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite with Argentina. In press, 15 p.
Barrie, C.T. and Hannington, M.D. 1999. Classification of
accessory silica, and they are enclosed by sericitical- Volcanic-Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits Based on
ly and chloritically altered volcanic rocks. The mas- Host-Rock Composition. In Volcanic-Associated Massive
sive sulphide lenses are syngenetic and formed Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples in Modern and
coevally with submarine felsic volcanism. The Rio Ancient Settings. Edited by C.T. Barrie and M.D.
Harrington. Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 8, pp. 1-11.
Encajonado occurrences contain almost no pyrrhotite Boggs, R.C. 1994. Polished thin section examination of sec-
tions #1, #2, and #3. Compania Minera Polimet, S.A., Hodder, R.W. and Terry, D.A. 1997. A second overview of
unpublished report, 17 p. sulfide mineral concentrations in volcanic rock lithofacies at
Borrello, A.V. 1972. Cordillera Fueguina. En Geologia El Fin del Mundo Project, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Regional Argentina. Edited by Leanza. Academia Nacional Westmin Resources Ltd., Private report of March 6, 16 p.
de Ciencias, pp. 741-753. Kendle, F. R. 1996. Summary of Exploration Activities on the
Bridges, E.L. 1988. Uttermost Part of the Earth: Indians of Fin Del Mundo Project Area, Province of Tierra Del Fuego,
Tierra del Fuego. Reprint by Dover Publications, Inc., Republic of Argentina, January - February 1996. Noranda
Mineola New York, 556 p. Exploracion Chile Ltda., unpublished report, 6 p.
Broili, C. and Klohn, M. L. 1996. Summary Pamphlet, Fin Del Large, R.R., Herrmann, W., and Corbett, K.D. 1987. Base
Mundo Project, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina. Compania metal exploration of the Mount Read Volcanics, Western
Minera Polimet, S.A. unpublished report, 35 p. Tasmania: Pt. 1. Geology and exploration, Elliott Bay.
Bruhn, R.L. 1979. Rock structures formed during back-arc Economic Geology, v. 82, pp. 267-290.
basin deformation in the Andes of Tierra del Fuego. Lencinas, A. 1994. Tierra del Fuego. Compania Minera
Geological Society of America, Bulletin, Pt. 1, v. 90, pp. Polimet, S.A, unpublished report, 20 p.
998-1012. Lencinas, A., Kromer, R. and Sanchez, V. 1996. Final Report
Caminos, R., Haller, M., Lapido, O., Page, R., and Ramos, V. on Tierra del Fuego Geochemistry and Geology, March
1981. Reconocimiento geologico de los Andes Fueguinos, 1996. Compania Minera Polimet, unpublished report, 13 p.
Territorio Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Actas 8 Congreso McPhie, J., and Allen, R.L. 1992. Facies architecture of min-
Geologico Argentino, 3, pp. 754-786. eralized submarine volcanic sequences: Cambrian Mount
Dalziel, I.W.D. deWit, M.J., and Palmer, K.F. 1974. Fossil Read Volcanics, Western Tasmania. Economic Geology, v.
marginal basin in the southern Andes. Nature, v. 250, pp. 87, pp. 587-596
291-294. Ramos, V.A. 1988. Late Proterozoic-early Paleozoic of South
Dalziel, I.W.D., Storey, B.C., Garrett, S.W., Grunow, A.M., America - A collisional history. Episodes, v. 11, no. 3, pp.
Herrod, L.D.B., and Pankhurst, R.J. 1987. Extensional 168-174
Tectonics and Fragmentation of Gondwanaland. In Rapela, C.W., and Pankhurst, R.J. 1992. The granites of north-
Continental Extensional Tectonics. Edited by M.P. Coward, ern Patagonia and the Gastre Fault System in relation to the
J.F. Dewey, and P.L. Hancock. Geological Society of break-up of Gondwana. In Magmatism and the causes of
London, Special Publication 28, pp. 433-441. continental break-up. Edited by B.C. Storey, T. Alabaster,
Darch, W. 1995. Summary of Exploration activities on the Fin and R.J. Pankhurst. Geological Society of London, Special
Del Mundo Project Area, Province of Tierra Del Fuego, Publication 68, pp. 209-220.
Republic of Argentina, January - April, 1995. Noranda Rockingham, C. J. 1997. Summary of Exploration, Fin Del
Mining and Exploration Inc., unpublished report, 31 p. Mundo Project, Province of Tierra Del Fuego, Republic of
Gibson, K. 1997. A structural summary of the Encajonado Argentina, November 1996 to April 1997. Westmin
Volcanic Belt in the vicinity of Arroyo Rojo and Sargent vol- Resources Limited unpublished report, 47 p.
canogenic massive sulfide occurrences, Tierra del Fuego, Siems, P.L. 1994. Final report on the petrography of the Tierra
Argentina. Westmin Resources Limited, unpublished report, del Fuego property. Compania Minera Polimet, S.A., unpub-
22 p. lished report, 35 p.
Gibson, K. 1998. Summary of Exploration, Fin Del Mundo Zubia, M., Godeas, M., and Ametrano, S. 1989. Area mina
Project, Province of Tierra Del Fuego, Republic of Beatriz, Territorio Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Republica
Argentina, November 1997 to April 1998. Compania Minera Argentina: una manifestacion de metales de base estratoliga-
Polimet, S.A., unpublished report, 28 p. da y sinenetica. Edited by M. Brodtkorb and I. Schalamuk.
Hodder, R. W. 1996. Preliminary review of rock types and set- Proyecto 242 IGCP, Simposios sobre el Cretacico de
ting, Sargent, Arroyo Rojo, and Gregores Prospects of el Fin America Latina, Actas, C, pp. 15-44
Del Mundo Project. Westmin Resources Limited, unpub-
lished report, 51 p.
(*) Instituto de Recursos Minerales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Calle 47 n° 522. 1900 La Plata, Argentina
E-mail: inremi@museo.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
(**) Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR), J. A. Roca 651. 1322 Buenos Aires, Argentina
E-mail: mgodea@secind.mecon.gov.ar
In Tierra del Fuego, a large back-arc basin was developed during the Mesozoic, with polymetallic
mineral occurrences (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag-Au). These occurrences consist of massive bodies, stockworks
and also disseminations of iron sulphides occasionally accompanied by base metal sulphides. The
occurrences are hosted in marine metasedimentary rocks and in syn-sedimentary silicic intrusions.
The exploration and research carried out in the last few years indicates that these deposits are vol-
canogenic massive sulphide-type (VMS) with overprinted metamorphism. The deposits in Tierra del
Fuego are associated with a bimodal magmatism (bimodal-siliciclastic – type).
Bulk chemical analysis of the massive ores and the chemical composition of the individual sul-
phides suggest that the deposits of the Beatriz mine and Arroyo Rojo prospect represent different por-
tions of a VMS system, the former being a basal portion with a stringer area, and the latter a cuspate
section. The action of late cupriferous fluids is demonstrated in the Beatriz mine by abundant chal-
copyrite blebs in sphalerite and replacements of cobaltite by chalcopyrite. The absence of barite and
the presence of pyrrhotite and magnetite indicate a euxinic depositional environment. Values of d34S
from massive ores are within the ranges of magmatic sulphide; however, the d34S values of pyrite-
rich cherts may indicate an additional seawater sulphur contribution.
Several points encourage exploration in Tierra del Fuego: a) the occurrence of several areas with
colour anomalies; b) the evidence of other minor hydrothermal episodes at different stratigraphic lev-
els of the volcano-sedimentary sequence; c) the occurrence in Chile, within the same belt, of eco-
nomically viable deposits, and others still under exploration, indicate a defined metallogeny; the dis-
seminated and stockwork occurrences are not separated of VMS model, but could be part of the
already defined schemes for the most important districts.
75° W 70° W
America Isla Grande
de Tierra
del Fuego
Isla de Los
55° S
100 km
Volcanic arc
CHILE ARGENTINA Pyrite chert occurrences
Punta Arenas
1 Río Amarillo, Río Café
Cúpula 2 Lago Guanaco
Cutter Cove 3 Rancho Hambre
4 Pink Hill, Gregores
5 Puerto Almanza
6 Arroyo Rojo
Isla Grande de 7 Sargent
Tierra del Fuego 8 Beatriz, Monte Susana
9 Estancia Túnel
Lago Fagnano
1 Ocean
Hope 3 7 2 4
96 5
Yendegaia 8 Ushuaia B. Buen Suceso
Pampa Indios B. Valentín
Pacific Pto. EspañolBahía Aguirre,
Ocean Río Bolsa
Jackson Beagle Channel
The only exploitation carried out so far has been Sargent. This company controls other locations with
placer mining of auriferous sand and gravel placers potential polymetallic mineralization (VMS-type) and
located in the eastern area of the Beagle channel. This a precious metal epithermal-type prospect in Chilean
placer mining started at the end of the 19th century territory, associated with Jurassic volcanics (Fig. 1c).
and exhausted the placers in a short time. The first
record of metalliferous deposits in the region comes GEOLOGICAL SETTING
from Popper (in Kittl, 1931), who evaluated the aurif- The geological environment (Figs. 1b and 2) is
erous placers at Sloggett bay, which produced approx- characterized by a deformed metamorphic basement
imately 20,000 ounces of gold. represented by accreted prisms, of Upper Paleozoic
Kranck (1932) presented a systematic study of age. In the southern part of South America, in Tierra
both sides of Beagle channel, where he surveyed dif- del Fuego, during Jurassic time there was an exten-
ferent mountain areas and found base metal sulphides sional episode (Dalziel et al., 1974; Bruhn et al.,
(sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite) in the 1978) which formed a back-arc basin. During its evo-
area. In this paper there are brief references to the lution, a thick silicic volcanic unit was deposited
occurrences located at Yendegaia bay, the east coast (Lemaire Formation), which was interbedded with
of Roca lake and San Juan bay. marine sedimentary rocks. These sedimentary rocks
Surveys carried out during the eighties by the correspond in their lower levels to high energy envi-
Argentine Geological Mining Survey (Servicio ronments that evolved towards deeper environment
Geológico Minero Argentino, SEGEMAR) in the facies represented by pelites and shales during periods
Andes of Tierra del Fuego (Caminos et al., 1981) pro- of no silicic volcanic activity. Fossils (ammonites,
vided a better geological knowledge of the region and belemnites and inoceramides) found in Chile within
discovered several colour anomalies (Los Castores black slates, interlayered with volcanics in the
creek, Remolino river – Túnel, Sloggett bay, Aguirre Mesozoic sequence, date the unit as Upper Jurassic
bay, Fig. 2). A survey, a mineralogical description and (Fuenzalida and Covacevich, 1988). These sedimen-
the first metallogenic description of Beatriz mine, tary rocks with some rhyodacitic volcanic rocks
near Ensenada bay in the Beagle channel in Tierra del correspond to the Yahgán Formation (Kranck, 1932).
Fuego National Park (Fig. 2), was carried out by Later, when conditions were suitable for attenua-
Zubia et al. (1989 a, b). The polymetallic occurrence tion and fracturing, there was an overflow of basaltic
associated with this mine was the object of small scale dikes and bodies, which are best exposed in the back-
underground exploration, which is believed to have arc basin (Dalziel et al., 1987).
taken place more than 30 years ago. In Argentina, the basement crops out only along
In the middle 1990’s, Yamana Resources Inc. (cur- the border with Chile (Fig. 2) and is known as the
rent owner of the prospects included in the prospec- Lapataia Formation. The sedimentary and volcanic
tion called “Fin del Mundo”) formed two separate rocks of the back-arc basin were later affected by low
joint ventures with companies which were succes- grade metamorphism and deformed. The intercalation
sively operators of the project (Broili et al., 2000). of the rhyolitic volcanic episode (Tuffaceous Series,
From the work carried out by this group up to 1997, Thomas, 1949; Lemaire Formation, Borrello, 1969
several locations with sulphide occurrences were and 1972) in the volcanic-sedimentary sequence of
found, namely Sargent, Arroyo Rojo, Gregores, etc. the back-arc is well exposed in other locations in the
(Fig. 1c). The companies carried out prospecting and Andes (Fig. 1b). The age of the main units of this
exploration tasks, which consisted of airborne elec- basin is Upper Triassic to Cretaceous. Dark to green-
tromagnetic profiles, detailed geological works, geo- ish mafic rocks, also metamorphosed and located at
chemical sampling (stream sediments and rock chips) Paso Garibaldi and other places, represent the rift
and drilling programs on selected targets. period according to Dalziel (1981); to the west, in
According to Yamana Resources (1998), 18 drill Chile, they are called Rocas Verdes (Dalziel et al.,
holes were completed, mostly at Arroyo Rojo and 1974) and other authors suggest they are related to the
A. d
3 aT
los C
Sie Lago Escondido
Paso Garibaldi
5 54º45’
Mte. Olivia Sierra
3 de T
1 homa
USHUAIA Río s Bridg
Lar es
b Ea. Túnel Sier sipa
b ra So
ron do k
Pto. Almanza
1 n e l
2 B e a g l e C h a 7
Pto. Williams
Isla Navarino
68º30’ 68º00’ 67º30’
Non diferentiated deposits 0 10 20 km
Lapataia metamorphites Pz? (Till, peat, etc.)
Formation of Upper Jurassic age, are frequently bution pattern (Fig. 5) suggests that these rhyolites
observed as interdigitations within metasediments of formed in an evolved volcanic arc. The variation in
the Yahgán Formation, can be seen at the foot of the MgO content in these rocks indicates alteration
Mount Susana (Plate 1a, b), and suggest a “wet intru- due to interaction with marine water (Fig. 5). Lentz
sion”. A similar setting has been observed by Pesce et (1996) pointed out that values higher than 0.5 % MgO
al. (1996) to the east of Arroyo Rojo, in the Termas correspond to submarine volcanics, and lower values
del Río Valdez area. In other regions the relationships to subaerial volcanics.
between the metasediments of the Yahgán Formation Accordingly, and with transitional passages and
and the volcanic rocks of the Lemaire Formation is interdigitations, there is a succession of sedimentary
unclear. However, it is assumed that the primary con- rocks, rhyodacitic pyroclastics, and ignimbrites of
tact of the rhyolitic volcanics is evident in the men- Lower Cretaceous age, corresponding to the Yahgán
tioned sites and it is of sedimentary type. Exposures Formation. The sequence was intensely deformed and
of this volcanism are common to the east up to the Isla was affected by low-grade metamorphism (prehnite-
de los Estados (Fig. 1b). pumpellyite facies). The sedimentary rocks have sim-
ilar characteristics to those of peat-bearing rocks.
Lithology They are slates, phyllites and sandstones; consider-
The volcanics have undergone low-grade regional ably thick black slates with abundant recrystallized
metamorphism. They have a blastoporphyritic texture pyrite, relict framboidal pyrite and graphite are com-
as the result of a complete recrystallization of the mon. Silica veins are abundant; their thickness is vari-
matrix. The matrix is an aggregate, sometimes lepido- able, and they are concordant with the foliation and
granoblastic, mainly constituted by quartz and slaty cleavage.
sericite/muscovite, with scarce chlorite, plagioclase, Quartino et al. (1989) informally named the entire
and occasionally stilpnomelane. The relic phenocrysts lithological group as “Deformed Complex of the
are quartz, alkaline feldspar and plagioclase. Quartz Andes of Tierra del Fuego”, to refer to the leptometa-
displays a strong cataclasis, pressure shadows, flux- morphic and eruptive sequence deformed by folding.
ion, undulatory extinction and punctual and train To the south of the Beagle channel, in Chile, an
inclusions. The quartz-sericite matrix is commonly ophiolitic complex has been recognized (massive
layered and lenticular. Epidote, sphene and prehnite basalts, dolerites and gabbros); it is partly below the
are observed as metamorphic minerals; igneous peats of the Yahgán Formation and was called
accessory minerals are apatite and zircon. Pyrite is Complejo Tortuga by Suárez et al. (1985a). Kranck
common, and is even very abundant in automorphic (1932), Katz (1972) and Bruhn and Dalziel (1977)
crystals and also as pyritospheres where they are usu- have already mentioned these rocks in the Andes of
ally rotated and accompanied by pressure shadows. Tierra del Fuego. In the district area, between Mount
Both mineralogical and chemical compositions (Fig. Olivia and Lake Escondido, there are outcroppings of
5) indicate the rocks are rhyolites, rhyodacites and dark to greenish eruptive rocks that Quartino et al.
dacites. The amount of sericite and pyrite is variable, (1989) assigned to a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline range,
but increases in abundance together. Siliceous veins partly intrusive and with spilitic characteristics.
are usually abundant. The metamorphism superim- Relatively serpentinized ultramafic rocks crop out
posed upon the volcanics has obliterated the from Estancia Túnel up to Ushuaia Bay, as well as
hydrothermal alteration textures, except for pyritiza- metamorphosed basalts on national road N° 3. Haller
tion. In regions of the large rhyolitic domes of the and Delpino (1989) considered these lithologies as
Alvear range, some microscopic textural features sug- testimonies of a dismembered ophiolite. On the other
gest an ignimbritic facies. The foliation in the hand, Acevedo (1996) and Olivero et al. (1997) con-
metavolcanic rocks may be very conspicuous. sidered the quartz diorites and hornblendites from
Trace element data (Fig. 5) indicated that the rocks Estancia Túnel as post-tectonic Andean plutonites.
belong to a volcanic arc. Furthermore, the REE distri-
Structure and deformation marked banding of variable grain size, from very fine
The dominating structure is defined as an intense to coarse, with rare disharmonic folds. Important
folding to the NE following the formation of an anti- metamorphic effects observed under the microscope
clinorium. Andean compressional effects generated in the massive sulphide include: recrystallization of
several tectonic layers bounded by reverse faults (Fig. pyrite into poikilitic megacrystals, annealed texture
2) that affected the back-arc basin sequences. integrated by sphalerite/chalcopyrite or sphalerite/
Dynamic metamorphism caused foliation folding at galena, and peripheral redistribution of chalcopyrite
different scales; boudinage and shearing were also blebs in recrystallized sphalerite grains.
generated. The sequence has a dominant east-west Deformational processes are evident through: rotation
strike and monoclinally dips towards the south. The of pyrite and sphalerite porphyroblasts, pyrite crack-
dominant foliation is parallel to the primary bedding. ing, chalcopyrite fluxion and filling of pyrite fractures
and “pressure shadows” around sulphide porphyrob-
In addition to the gold placers that once attracted In addition, there are other occurrences of massive
Popper (in Kittl, 1931), other types of occurrences deposits containing only pyrite, linked to a chert host
have been determined in the southern part of Tierra in black shales of the Yahgán Formation. These con-
del Fuego province, some of them large (Fig. 2). The sist of recrystallized idiomorphic pyrite , medium
surveyed deposits correspond to three different types: grain size and high sulphide concentration (50-60 %
massive, stockworks, and disseminated. The lack of pyrite vs. 40 % SiO2), as well as abundant relict
mining exploitation hinders a clear understanding of partially recrystallized pyritospheres.
the relationship between the geometric types that are Stockwork deposits
described in the following section.
These consist of veinlets (maximum 3 to 5 cm
Massive deposits thick) hosted both within metasediments and in
Polymetallic lenticular bodies where the sulphides metarhyolites, along foliation planes or in tensional
represent more than the 60 % and their geometry is structures. They are polymetallic, with a simple min-
controlled by deformational episodes occur in Arroyo eralogy, silica gangue and very scarce carbonate. The
Rojo, Sargent and Beatriz mine (Fig.2). most abundant sulphides are chalcopyrite, pyrite and
The grain size of the massive sulphide deposits is sphalerite; galena is not so abundant, and cobaltite
variable (from very fine to coarse), with pyrite being appears as an accessory mineral. Their dimensions are
the sulphide with the greatest response to metamor- variable; in the case of those hosted in metavolcanics,
phic recrystallization. They are hosted in metavol- they constitute in some locations intricate networks.
canic bodies of the Lemaire Formation or in metased- Disseminated sulphides
iments of the Yahgán Formation that are proximal to
rhyolitic bodies. Sulphide disseminations occur in metarhyolites and
Mineralogy is simple with banded textures that metasedimentary rocks, being more common in black
show the effects of the superimposed metamorphism. slates. Some concentrated disseminations occur near
Pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena are the massive ores, and all are adjacent to rhyolite domes.
most abundant minerals. Pyrrhotite and cobaltite are The disseminations have homogeneous distribution,
less abundant, and as accessory minerals marcasite, with fine to coarse grain sizes. Recrystallized pyrite,
arsenopyrite, magnetite, tetrahedrite and seleniferous with a great tendency to automorphism, and relict pyri-
bournonite are found. As secondary minerals, only tospheres are very common To a lesser extent
covellite, malachite, azurite and “limonites” have pyrrhotite is present. Sphalerite and chalcopyrite were
been identified. The scarce gangue consists of quartz found only in the dissemination at Puerto Almanza.
and some calcite.
Macroscopically, textures are characterized by a
a b
c d
e f
et al., 1989a). The results obtained from a sampling of than 50 % of the pyritic chert is recrystallized pyrite
fourteen channels, cutting the lens and the wall rock, with a great tendency to automorphism, as well as
are the following: pyritospheres. The coastal outcropping, which lacks
Table 1. Grades of the Beatriz mine, sampling in channels (Zubia et al., 1989a).
In an area of approximately 1 km2 near the Beatriz vegetation, reveals the strong limonitic oxidation
mine, a stockwork deposit is hosted in foliation planes accompanying the pyritic chert. Chemical data sug-
and tensional structures of the metasedimentary rocks gest that this chert is an exhalite.
of the Yahgán Formation and in rhyolites of the
Lemaire Formation, sometimes in an anastomosing Mount Olivia
pattern. The area corresponds to that with less vegeta- On the western slope of Mount Olivia, adjacent to
tion due to its proximity to the coast of the Beagle national route 3, the Yahgán Formation metasedimen-
channel. These veinlets present a variable thickness tary rocks crop out with abundant intercalated beds of
between 0.5 and 5 cm, and lengths that may reach 10 black slates. In several of these beds there are dis-
m. The gangue is almost exclusively quartz and its seminated sulphides comprising 30 to 60 % of the
main components are chalcopyrite and pyrite; minor rock. These concentrations are hosted in beds parallel
and secondary elements are sphalerite, galena, to foliation and/or bedding. Their thickness may be up
cobaltite, covellite, malachite and azurite. The texture to 0.30 cm and their lengths follow the strike for up to
is typically that of open space filling. Cobaltite in 10 m. The only sulphide is medium to coarse grained
these veinlets usually presents the same kind of pyrite that forms alternating beds of recrystallized
replacement in its core by chalcopyrite resulting in pyrite and framboidal pyrite (Plate 2d). Limonitic oxi-
“atoll” crystals. dation is not well developed because of the small
Sulphide dissemination is present in all of the exposures the lower elevations, which are forested.
mapped area (Fig. 3), and consists of pyrite, fram-
boidal pyrrhotite and graphite, in concentrations of Sargent
0.1 % or less. Geophysical studies carried out in the This locality is on the northwest slope of Mount
area, by IP and magnetometry, as well as soil geo- Olivia (Fig. 2). The occurrence is hosted in a rhyolitic
chemistry (Zubia et al., 1989a) showed sector anom- body exposed within a glacial cirque located above
alies (Fig. 3). the forest. The exposed rock is mainly reddish in the
To the east, on the coast of the Beagle channel and areas with greater pyritization. A (tectonic?) contact
at the foot of Mount Susana (Fig. 3), the Yahgán with black slates of theYahgán Formation can be
Formation consists mainly of black slates with abun- observed in the region. In the cirque, there are out-
dant concordant intercalations of a pyritic chert. croppings of metarhyolites with scarce and small
These intercalations are distributed within the 15 m intercalations of phyllites and dark slates. The rela-
thickness of the slates, and extend along strike for tionship between these lithologies and the dominant
more than 1 km. The deformation affecting the rocks, rhyolitic body cannot be established due to the glacial
such as microfolding and boudinage, are very evident denudation that has taken place. Nevertheless, folia-
in this pyritic chert (Plate 1-c, d) due to its differential tion of the outcropping metasedimentary rocks is par-
behavior as compared with that of the slates. More allel to the rhyolite contacts. The rhyolites are coarse-
50m m 40m m
25m m 50m
c d
25m m
25m m f
Plate 2 – Microscopic ore pictures a) Beatriz mine, massive lens. Poikilitic pyrite porphyroblasts with chalcopyrite inclusions,
fractures filled with chalcopyrite, rotation of crystals and “pressure shadows” of fine grained sulphides (chalcopyrite + spha-
lerite, annealed texture). Quartz (black); b)Beatriz mine, massive lens. Annealed texture, sphalerite (dark grey) and chalcopyrite
(light grey). Pyrite grains (white) and quartz (black); c) Beatriz mine, massive lens. Idiomorphic cobaltite crystals with cores
replaced by chalcopyrite in coarse grained chalcopyrite; d) Mount Olivia. Black slate level with high concentration of dissemi-
nated pyrite. Upper part: fine grained framboidal pyrite. Down: idiomorphic pyrite e) Sargent, massive sulphide level.
Recrystallized and fractured pyrite (clear). Chalcopyrite (medium) filling pyrite fractures with scarse sphalerite (dark grey).
Black: rhyolite; f) Arroyo Rojo, massive sulphide lens. Pseudomylonitized sulphides with deformed sphalerite pophyroblasts
accompained by pressure shadows (medium grey, big grain in the centre of picture). Abundant cubic pyrite disseminated
(white), fine grained framboidal pyrite (upper right). Dark: rhyolite
grained, have marked foliation, blastoporphyritic tex- metarhyolites are mainly blastoporphyritic with a
tures and a recrystallized matrix because of regional recrystallized matrix due to greenschist facies meta-
low-grade metamorphism (with abundant microscop- morphism resulting in an abundance of quartz,
ic sericite, chlorite and prehnite replacement). sericite and chlorite. Deformation effects displayed
Percentage dissemination of pyrite in rhyolites is vari- by the phenocrysts include rotation and formation of
able and is generally associated with sericite. The “pressure shadows”. Epidote and prehnite are
beds of theYahgán Formation in contact with the rhy- common and minor carbonates and pyritization are
olite to the south are pyrite rich black slates, similar to abundant. The deformation has generated shearing
those described along the west slope of Mount Olivia. structures (Plate 1f).
A 20 cm thick massive sulphide bed within the The shape of the massive sulphide lens, and its
rhyolites is intercalated with thin slates, phyllites and fragmentation into an upper or western portion and a
chert and consists of recrystallized intensely fractured lower or eastern portion, are due to the deformation.
coarse-grained pyrite (Plate 2e). Pyrite fractures have The contacts between the lens and the rhyolites con-
been sealed by chalcopyrite accompanied by scarce sist of transitional zones of about 50 centimetres. In
sphalerite. The gangue consists of metarhyolite frag- fact, the boundaries of the massive sulphide lens are
ments and scarce quartz. Adjacent to this massive sul- defined by an increase of coarse recrystallized pyrite
phide bed there are veinlets (up to 0.5 cm thick) that (up to 0.5 cm) in the rhyolite and occur as bands par-
consist of galena, sphalerite and pyrite in quartz allel to foliation. In the middle of the massive sul-
gangue. phide lens, large sphalerite porphyroblasts (0.5 to 1
Exploration by Yamana Resources Inc. (1998) cm) are more abundant than pyrite, forming a massive
indicates two drill intercepts with results in the sulphide in which the gangue is mainly the rhyolite.
following table: Sulphide textures are mainly mylonitic with a pre-
dominance of sphalerite lensoidal porphyroblasts. In
comparison with the Beatriz mine, Arroyo Rojo con-
tains minor chalcopyrite; sulphide grains are coarser
Table 2. Intercepts in the Sargent drill holes (Yamana
Resources Inc., 1998) and the carbonatic and siliceous gangue is minor or
absent. The sulphides’ gross banding has a simple
mineralogy composed by sphalerite, galena and pyrite
Thickness Cu % Pb % Zn % and minor chalcopyrite. Tetrahedrite and seleniferous
Sargent S 97/12 0.30 m 1 10 27.5 bournonite are accessory minerals. Framboidal pyrite
Sargent S 97/9 1.3 m 3.9 - - is very common. Microscopic textures are similar to
those described for the Beatriz mine, showing meta-
morphism and deformation effects such as recrystal-
lization of pyrite and sphalerite, annealed texture
Arroyo Rojo (sphalerite/galena), peripheral redistribution of chal-
The Arroyo Rojo massive sulphide deposit is copyrite blebs in recrystallized sphalerite, lenticula-
located in an area of difficult access, to the southeast tion of the sphalerite porphyroblasts, “pressure shad-
of the Sargent prospect (Fig. 2). At the headwaters of ows”, etc. (Plate 2f). No cobalt-bearing minerals have
Rojo creek, and in a cirque, is a section of the Lemaire been found.
Formation, with a strikingly reddish colour formed by Figure 4, reproduced from Yamana Resources Inc.
sulphide oxidation. To the south is the contact with (1998), indicates the intercept values obtained in drill
the metasedimentary Yahgán Formation. There is no holes 3, 4 and 5 carried out by Westmin. These drill
vegetation where a lens of massive sulphide crops out holes have more zinc and less copper than the
(Plate 1e) along 100 m with a maximum thickness of Beatriz mine.
up to 6 m. This lens is hosted in the metarhyolites and
is parallel to the regional foliation (Fig. 4). The
a N
65 85
0 25 50 m
b 1.7 m @
2.2 % Zn
3.7 m @
11.5 % Zn
1.9 % Pb 4.4 m @
0.7 % Cu 18.8 % Zn
0.9 % Pb 3.9 % Pb
1.0 % Cu 42.4 g/t Ag
#4 0.37 g/t Au 0.8 % Cu
1.0m@ 22.1 g/t Ag 50.9 g/t Ag
2.4% Pb 0.9 g/t Au
0 5 10 m
Figure 4. a- Geological sketch of massive sulfiide lenses in Arroyo Rojo. b- Detail of the western sulphide lens. (After Yamana
Resources Inc., 1998).
and in thin short stockwork veinlets (maximum 0.5 were carried out (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain and
cm thick). In addition to this, there is very fine University of Salzburg, Austria) for the most abun-
grained disseminated pyrite in the metavolcanic- dant sulphides. Table. 3 shows all data plotted in
metasedimentary sequence. The veinlets contain Figure 5.
quartz and/or carbonate gangue and pyrite as the most The REE pattern of the pyritic chert is similar to
abundant components with subordinate sphalerite, that of the rhyolites (Fig. 5). In addition to this, a tri-
galena and chalcopyrite. The microscopic texture angular diagram (Cu+Co+Ni / Fe / Mn) to discrimi-
corresponds to open space filling. nate hydrogen rich sediments from hydrothermal
alteration (Bonatti, 1975, Fig. 5) indicates that the two
Puerto Almanza analyzed samples of the pyritic chert from Mount
This locality is on the coast of the Beagle channel Susana (obtained by “chipping”) belong to the
(Fig. 2). There is an outcropping section of the Yahgán hydrothermal field.
Formation along some 40 m, with 15 m thickness The trace metal contents of the massive sulphides
with a deep reddish tinting, which consists of gray and (Beatriz mine and Arroyo Rojo) when compared with
purple slates, with some intercalated beds of metagraywack- the pyritic chert (Fig. 5), are similar; however, Cu, Zn
es. The dominant foliation trends east-west and defor- and Pb are not.
mation appears as local fracturing, microfractures and It should be mentioned that zinc contents for the
microlenticulation of its components. pyritic chert fluctuate between 100 and 700 ppm for
The reddish tinting is due to the presence of oxi- the analysis of 3 samples. Thus, the pyritic cherts rep-
dized pyrite hosted in the metasedimentary rocks. The resent in the Yahgán Formation another expression of
dissemination follows the foliation planes, conform- a hydrothermal episode with a high silica and pyrite
ing at millimetric levels. Fine grained, automorphic content that, in addition, are hosted in similar levels to
pyrite is dominant, although there are also abundant that of the rhyolitic bodies (Ametrano and Paar, 1996).
beds of pyritospheres. In some of these beds, pyrite As can be seen in Figure 5 concerning the Beatriz
and pyrrhotite are abundant, whereas sphalerite, gale- and Arroyo Rojo sulphides, Beatriz has higher con-
na and chalcopyrite are minor constituents. The sul- tents of Co, Cu, As, Se, Bi and Ag. Cobalt is con-
phides show a deformation caused by crushing, which tained both in cobaltite and pyrite. On the other hand,
makes them elongated following the foliation. Arroyo Rojo contains more lead and zinc, and chal-
Coarser-grained sulphides are hosted in quartz-car- copyrite is subordinate. The metal contents in Beatriz
bonate veinlets within foliation planes. are similar to those found for late Cu-rich basal por-
tions (Bi, Se, Co) of VMS systems. In contrast,
Other localities Arroyo Rojo shows a dominant Pb-Zn composition
While the area of this survey goes up to Puerto which is consistent with an early of the most widely
Almanza in the east, Acevedo and Radoszta (1987) accepted VMS model (Marcoux et al., 1996; Eldridge
recognized pyritic occurrences up to Buen Suceso bay et al. 1983; Large, 1992).
in Le Maire strait (Fig. 1c), always with a spatial connec- Figure 5 shows a chart of cadmium contents of
tion with the volcanic rocks of the Lemaire Formation. sphalerite vs. their mole % in FeS. A slight increase in
FeS content can be observed in sphalerite from stock-
GEOCHEMICAL AND ISOTOPIC STUDIES works at Beatriz, Sargent and Rancho Hambre as
compared with the massive sulphides of Beatriz and
Geochemistry Arroyo Rojo, not surpassing 10 mole %, as it is the
In addition to chemical analyses of rhyolites (ICP, case in the Iberian Belt (Marcoux et al., 1996).
XRF, NA), evaluations of metal contents (NA, AA, Relating to cadmium, all the sphalerites are below the
ICP) have been carried out on chips of the pyritic range of epithermal sphalerite established by
chert, as well as REE analysis (Intertek T.S., Bortnikov (1995) - between 0.5 and 2 weight %.
Vancouver). Several electronic microprobe analyses Galena on the charts in Figure 5 clearly shows the
Chemical data of rhyolites: B and S (Mount Susana), OL (monte Olivia), RH (Rancho Hambre), Sg (Sargent),
AR (Arroyo Rojo) - weight % oxides
SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O
RH4 82.33 0.09 8.67 1.59 0.32 0 0.08 0.05 1.67 5.18
S1 81.75 0.06 10.77 0.5 0.39 0 0.07 0.11 6.3 0.07
AR1 78.69 0.14 10.14 1.42 1.11 0.04 1.72 3.37 2.13 1.2
OL1 81.18 0.1 10.41 1.24 0.45 0.01 0.46 5.5 0.04 0.61
RH3 75.41 0.14 12.06 1.99 1.08 0.02 0.93 0.33 1.76 6.27
Sg9 81.75 0.09 4.09 6.53 3.86 0.09 3.42 0.03 0.05 0.06
AR2t 70.55 0.99 12.12 5.81 1 0.05 4.77 0.6 0 3.94
B12 79.28 0.07 11.22 1.13 0.45 0 0.09 0.08 3.27 4.4
P2O5 LOI Sc Rb Ba Sr Nb Zr Ti Y
RH4 0.01 0.69 0 103 1338 30 7 109 538 12
S1 0 0.25 4 3 22 80 8.9 100 357 17
AR1 0.04 3.44 4 46 290 227 9.1 192 852 69
OL1 0 1.33 4 27 36 517 7 171 600 34
RH3 0.01 1.01 76 143 669 43 7.9 161 833 33
Sg9 0.04 2.78 3 2 0 0 4.9 74 532 12
AR2t 0.16 5.33 34 146 1910 21 4.2 88 5957 14
B12 0 0.63 6 93 3098 86 10 107 420 16
Th U La Ce Nd Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu
RH4 9.47 2.99 20.94 42.87 16.95 2.59 0.3 0.5 1 0.2
S1 9.92 2.97 12.89 29.75 13.88 2.68 0.2 0.1 1.98 0
AR1 12.19 3.05 16.25 35.55 21.33 5.08 0.81 1.02 5.08 0
OL1 10.01 3 31.02 65.04 30.02 5.7 0.9 0.4 3 0
RH3 12.91 3.97 43.71 87.42 37.75 6.66 1.09 0.99 2.98 0.5
Sg9 3.94 1.97 1.97 3.94 6.89 0.69 0.2 0.39 0.98 0
AR2t 1.57 0.1 5.23 18.83 5.23 2.41 0.73 0.1 1.05 0
B12 12 3 26.01 55.02 18.01 3.6 0.6 0 2 0.3
Chemical data of pyritic exhalites and massive ores of Arroyo Rojo and Beatriz mine - elements ppm (Au ppb)
Cr Ni Co Cu Pb Zn Mo Ag Au Hg
EP1 146 38 5 73 32 100 34 4.2 38 0.498
EP2 529 101 15 129 68 685 6 2.4 14 0.098
EP3 180 7 148 54 5 56 2
AR1 100 82 9 5000 22300 63000 11 93 492
MB4 49 120 10500 5547 20291 267 68
As Se Sb Te Bi
EP1 164 18
EP2 336 1
EP3 250 30 35
AR1 231 350 94 1 122
MB4 426 932 30.5 1 523
fluctuating silver contents at the Beatriz mine. Also, Table 4. Isotopic Pb values in 2 samples.
the Beatriz mine has higher silver contents than the
massive sulphide at Arroyo Rojo. Likewise, selenium 208Pb/ 204Pb 207Pb
Galena / 204Pb 206Pb /204Pb
and bismuth have higher contents in Beatriz sulphides
than Arroyo Rojo. The correlation of Bi/Ag is very Beatriz 38.501 15.652 18.504
good for galena. In every case, stockwork galena has A.Rojo 38.505 15.645 18.645
intermediate values.
We conducted more than 100 electron microprobe *2 sigma = + 0.012, 0.014, 0.048 Standard = NBS 981
analyses of pyrites whose results support the **Data correction by fractionating + 0.13 % / atomic mass
following conclusions: unit according to NBS 981.
5 1000
Com/Pant Phonolite
Zr/TiO2 Rhyolite 100
TrachyAnd VAG+
Andesite Syn-COLG
Alk- Bas
SubAlkaline Basalt ORG
0.001 1
0.01 0.1 1 10 1 10 100 1000
Nb/Y Y
a b
1000 10
Sample / Chondrite
MgO (wt %)
1 0
La Pr Eu Tb Ho Tm Lu 50 63 77 90
Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb
SiO2 (wt %)
c d
Cu + Co + Ni
Symbol references
= rhyolites
= pyrite cherts
Fe Mn
Figure 5. Geochemical graphs. a) Geochemical discrimination of volcanic rock of Winchester and Floyd, (1977); b)
Discrimination diagram of the tectonic setting of Pearce et al., (1984); c) Chondrite normalized REE distribution; d) MgO vs
SiO2 relation.; e)- Cu+Co+Ni – Mn – Fe diagram, fields after Bonatti (1975);
100 000
10 000
Aº Rojo
1 000
100 exhalite
Cr Ni Co Cu Pb Zn Mo Ag Au Hg As Se Sb Te Bi
Bi (wt %)
Cd (wt %)
0.0 0
0 6 12 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
FeS (mol %) Ag (wt %)
g h
Symbol references
Se (wt %)
Arroyo Rojo
1 Stockwork (Beatríz, Sargent)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Ag (wt %)
Figure 5 (Continued) f) Metal contents of massive sulphides ores (Arrroyo Rojo and Beatriz mine) and pyrite exhalites; g) Cd
vs FeS in sphalerites; h) Bi vs Ag in galenas; i) Se vs Ag in galenas.
The higher recrystallization observed in the granu- which also contained bismuth (tellurium, selenium).
lometry of Arroyo Rojo ore could be related to a These fluids also produced a chalcopyrite precipitate
somewhat higher temperature reached by metamor- at the base of the initial sulphide mass, thus constitut-
phism in this area; thus these are unusual values for ing a cupriferous zone (“interaction zone”, Marcoux
this kind of deposits. et al., 1996) forming chalcopyrite blebs in sphalerite
as a consequence of replacement processes.
Available data and the geological environment CONCLUSIONS
suggest the model of deposits related to submarine Based on the chemical data obtained from the
volcanism of the massive sulphide - type, with over- massive sulphides so far, and on the chemical compo-
printed metamorphism. However, many detailed vol- sition of their sulphides, it can be assumed that
canism studies need to be carried out to distinguish Beatriz mine and Arroyo Rojo are fragments of the
the areas with submarine characteristics from those model, the former being a basal portion with a
which might be subaerial. This could be useful when stringer area, and the latter a cuspate section. The
prospecting. action of late cupriferous fluids is demonstrated in the
Barrie and Hannington (1997) classify the VMS Beatriz mine by abundant chalcopyrite blebs in spha-
into 5 types, according to the hosting lithological lerite and replacement of cobaltite by chalcopyrite.
environment. According to current knowledge of the Absence of barite and presence of pyrrhotite and mag-
region, occurrences at Tierra del Fuego would be netite are in agreement with an euxinic environment.
bimodal-siliciclastic - type (approx. 50 % of silicic Fragmentation of the deposits would be coherent with
volcanics and 50 % of siliciclastics). Franklin et al. the structure of the tectonic plates of the Andes of
(1998) considers this type to be located in arc and Tierra del Fuego.
back-arc tectonic environments. The latter authors Some considerations should be noted for the district:
have established a correlation between the deposit 1) Several areas with colour anomalies (Fig. 2)
volume and the age. Those VMS with larger volumes encourage the continuation of prospecting,
correspond to Paleozoic, whereas Mesozoic or despite difficult access to the area.
Cenozoic VMS are smaller. 2) The volcano-sedimentary group of the back-arc
Canadian Archean massive sulphide deposits, basin has had other minor hydrothermal
Kuroko deposits in Japan, Australian VMS and the episodes, such as those represented by the sur-
Iberian pyritic belt have permitted a model definition veyed pyritic chert.
establishing that the upper part of these systems is 3) The existence in Chile, within the same arc, of
comprised of massive sulphide (essentially Pb-Zn), economically viable deposits, and others still
and underlying them are Cu-rich massive sulphides being surveyed, indicate a defined metallotect.
and/or a stringer area. On the other hand, studies of 4) The disseminated and stockwork occurrences
Marcoux et al. (1996) agree with those of Eldrige et are not a separate VMS model, but are part of
al.(1983) and the VMS model of Large (1992): Cobalt the already defined schemes for the most
sulfarsenides were formed at the beginning of VMS important districts.
genesis, bismuth-bearing mineral phases being
deposited during the last episode of copper fluids, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to Westmin for their logistic support during field ceous marginal basin in the Andes of Tierra del Fuego. En
work; to Dr. Donald Sangster for the valuable discus- Talwani M. y Pitman W. (Edits.): Island Arcs, Deep Sea
Trenches and Back Arc Basins. American Geophysical
sions and the contacts facilitated for isotope studies, Union, 1: 395-405.
and to Dr. Milka K. de Brodtkorb for her support Bruhn R.L., Stern C. Y M. J. De Wit, 1978. Field and geo-
and suggestions. chemical data bearing on the development of a Mesozoic,
volcano-tectonic rift zone and back-arc basin in the
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Ametrano S. y Paar W., 1996. La composición química de los
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Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales – SEGEMAR. Avda. Julio A.Roca 651. 1067 Buenos Aires. Argentina.
E-mail: ezappe@secind.mecon.ar
CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires. Paso 258 –9 A. 1640 Martinez. Argentina. E-mail: milkabro@gl.fcen.uba.ar
The Santa Elena deposit is located near the city of Calingasta, province of San Juan, Argentina, on
the western side of the Precordillera. The region is characterized by a sequence of turbidites and shales
in part associated with basalts locally with pillowed lavas, of Ordovician age. The orebodies are relat-
ed to the basaltic sequence. The primary sulphide ore has been explored with small underground
workings. The mineral association consists of pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite,
arsenopyrite and galena with sulfosalt inclusions, associated to quartz and carbonates. Grades are 1.84
% Pb, 2.51 % Zn, 0.08 % Cu, 83g/t Ag and 4.51g/t Au. The deposit was exploited in the oxidation
zone for iron sulphates. Isotopic compositions of pyrite and galena were determined. The d34S in
pyrite gives +0.2 ‰ ± 0.5 and d34S in galena +1.5 ‰ ± 0.5 values. It is considered that this VMS
deposit is related to hydrothermal facies associated to the basic magmatism of ordovician age.
The orebodies are emplaced in the basaltic
sequence. Meissl and Maidana (1983) have recog-
nized three main mineralized sectors: Alcaparrosa
structure, with N 80°W strike, and 60°SSW dip, 260
m length and 6.5 m thick; Alta structure, with N 60°
E strike and 63°SE dip, 150 m length; and Diagonal
structure, with N 15°E to N 35°E strike and 35°ESE
dip, 320 length and 1 to 1.5 m thick (Fig. 2). Other
minor orebodies in the region are located 1.8 km SE
of Santa Elena (Nira mine and Don Daniel, Quartino
et al., 1971).
The Santa Elena was discovered at the beginning
of the century and developed for its iron sulphates
mineralization. In 1938 the primary sulphide ore was
recognized (Stappenbeck, 1910; Angelelli and
Pre-Alcaparrosa Fm. Trelles, 1938).
Alcaparrosa Fm. The deposit has been exploited in the oxidation
zone for iron sulphates. The mine produced 7,000
Post-Alcaparrosa Fm.
tonnes at 25 % FeO grade between 1941 and 1974
(Angelelli, 1984). In 1938 Angelelli and Trelles
Basalts (1938) determined up to 9,500 tonnes of iron oxides
Faults resources. Iron sulphates were exploited superficially
from trenches. The main work is an 145 m length by
Figure.1 Geology of the Sierra de Alcaparrosa, San Juan 8 m wide open pit, with a 20 m deep shaft in its cen-
(modified from Furque and Caballé, 1986).
tral part and a 2 m length gallery (Angelelli, 1984).
The primary sulphide ore was explored with under-
ground works (shafts and galleries). Grades deter-
mined are 1.84 % Pb, 2.51 % Zn, 0.08 % Cu, 83 g/t
Figure.2 Geology of the Santa Elena mine (modified from Meissl and Maidana, 1983).
Ag and 4.51 g/t Au (Meissl and Maidana, 1983). 1938; Toubes-Spinelli, 1982, 1983; Meissl and
Maidana, 1983).
MINERALOGY AND ISOTOPIC STUDIES The basalts present variable propylititic, pyritic,
The primary mineral association consists of pyrite, carbonatic and sericitic alteration.
marcasite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, Isotopic composition of pyrite and galena has been
arsenopyrite and galena with sulphosalt inclusions. determined. The dS34 in pyrite gives +0.2‰ ± 0.5 and
Disseminated pyrite, that carries gold, is always pres- dS34 in galena +1.5‰ ± 0.5, values that indicate an
ent, frequently in relation with basalts. Sphalerite igneous source.
appears in two generations, occurs with chalcopyrite Lead isotopic ratios in galena are 206Pb/204Pb:
inclusions and is cross cut by arsenopyrite. Marcasite 18.345; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.586 and 208Pb/204Pb: 38.086.
is very frequent and associated with pyrite. Galena, These values are close to those obtained from
less abundant, is argentiferous. Chalcopyrite is partly Proterozoic rocks of the Precordillera (Abbruzzi et al.,
altered to chalcocite and covelline. The gangue min- 1983). The 207Pb/204Pb value is somewhat higher and
erals are quartz, two generations of carbonates and could indicate a heterogenic mantelic reservoir con-
minor amorphous silica and ankerite. taminated by magma-crust interaction.
Supergene minerals are hematite, melnikovite,
chalcosine, digenite, natroalunite, goethite, kieserite, GENETIC MODEL
scorodite, goslarite, epsomite and a series of iron sul- The genesis of this deposit requires more detailed
phates such as jarosite, ferropalidite, copiapite, sarmi- studies. Haller and Ramos (1984) relate the mineral-
entite, amarantite, fibroferrite and botryogen as the ization with the ophiolitic sequence and Mendez et al.
most frequent, and in lesser amounts calingastite, (1995) associate the mineralization with exhalative
slavikite, coquimbite, rozenite, bianchite, kirovite, submarine events.
butlerite and parabutlerite (Angelelli and Trelles, We consider that this volcanogenic massive sul-
phide (VMS) is related to hydrothermal facies associ- unpublished report. Buenos Aires.
ated with a basic magmatism. The presence of dis- Haller M. and Ramos, V.A. 1984. Las ofiolitas famatinianas
(eopaleozoico) de las provincias de San Juan y Mendoza. 9°
seminated pyrite in the basaltic flows (partly extrusive Congreso Geológico Argentino, Actas 2, 66-83. San Carlos
pillowed lavas) silicified and carbonatized, the pres- de Bariloche.
ence of chert in the upper sedimentary layers that Kay S.M., Ramos V.A. and Kay R.W. 1984. Elementos may-
overlyes the stockwork, and the characteristic miner- oritarios y trazas de las vulcanitas ordovícicas de la
Precordillera occidental: basaltos de rift oceánico tempra-
al paragenesis that appears as lenses, disseminations
no?próximo al margen continental. 9°Congreso Geológico
and stockwork veinlets are consistent with this model. Argentino, 2, 48-65. San Carlos de Bariloche.
The presence of a “yellow belt”, 6 km length and Meissl E.F. and Maidana M.R. 1983. Mina Santa Elena. La
1.5 km wide, indicates the importance of the Alcaparrosa, Calingasta, provincia de San Juan, República
hydrothermal alteration process. The genetic link Argentina. 2° Congreso Nacional de Geología Económica.
Actas 2, pp.551-566. San Juan.
between the mineralization and the oceanic basalts is Mendez, V. Zanettini, J.C. and Zappettini, E.O. 1995.
confirmed by means of isotopic data. Geología y metalogénesis del orógeno andino central,
República Argentina. Dirección Nacional del Servicio
REFERENCES Geológico. Anales 23. Buenos Aires
Abbruzzi, J., Kay, S.M. and Bickford, M.E. 1993. Implication Quartino B.J., Zardini A.R. and Amos A.J. 1971. Estudio y
for the nature of the Precordilleran basement from exploración geológica de la región Barreal-Calingasta.
Precambrian xenoliths in Miocene volcanic rocks, San Juan Provincia de San Juan. República Argentina. Asociación
Province, Argentina. 12° Congreso Geológico Argentino y Geológica Argentina. Monografía 1, 1-184. Buenos Aires.
2° Congreso de Exploración de Hidrocarburos. 3, 331-339. Sillitoe R. H.1977. Permo-carboniferous upper Cretaceous
Mendoza. and Miocene Porphyry Copper type mineralization in the
Angelelli, V. 1984. Yacimientos metalíferos de la República Argentina Andes. Economic Geology 72, 1, 99-109.
Argentina. Comisión de Investigaciones de la Provincia de Stappenbeck R. 1910. La Precordillera de San Juan y
Buenos Aires, p. 704. La Plata Mendoza. Ministerio de Agricultura. Sección Geología,
Angelleli, V. and Trelles, R.A. 1938. Las alumbreras de Mineralogía y Minería. Anales 4, 3, 3-179. Buenos Aires.
Rodeo y Barreal y los sulfatos de hierro de Alcaparrosa, Toubes-Spinelli R.O.1982. Aluminocopiapita zincífera de la
provincia de San Juan. Obras Sanitarias de la Nación, mina Santa Elena, Quebrada de la Alcaparrosa, provincia de
Boletín No.2, 8-10, 139-158. Buenos Aires. San Juan. Revista de la Asociación de Mineralogía,
Caballé, M. F. 1986. Estudio geológico del sector oriental de Petrografía y Sedimentología, 13 (1-2), 25-28.Buenos Aires.
la Cordillera Frontal, entre los ríos Manrique y Calingasta Toubes-Spinelli R.O. 1983. Primera mención de kirovita para
(provincia de San Juan). Ph.D. Thesis. University of La la República Argentina. Revista de la Asociación de
Plata. Argentina. Mineralogía, Petrografía y Sedimentología, 14 (1-2), 3-6.
Furque G., and Caballé, M.F. 1986. Descripción geológica de Buenos Aires.
la Hoja 20b- Calingasta, provincia de San Juan. SEGEMAR,
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Avda Santa María 0104, Santiago, Chile
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in Chile are found in Paleozoic metamorphic rocks and
Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous volcanic sedimentary sequences. The Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, com-
prise an accretion prism and contain small Cu and Cu-Zn deposits that have not been economically
attractive, particularly south of the 38°S. These are stratiform deposits are hosted by metamorphosed
and deformed volcanic-sedimentary sequences. The most important are Tirúa (38°25’), Pirén
(39°55’), Mina Silva (46°34’), Manto Rosillo (46°33’), La Serena (52°47’) and Cutter Cove (53°21’).
The volcanic-sedimentary sequences, that formed in a back-arc basins of the Jurassic-Lower
Cretaceous, host the most important massive sulphide type deposits (Cu, Zn-Cu, Zn-Pb-Cu) in Chile,
from an economic standpoint. Punta del Cobre (27°30’S) and El Toqui (45°) are the better known dis-
tricts. However, the genesis of these deposits is still controversial.
Figure 1. Distribution in the back-arc basins developed during the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous and the main massive sulphide
districts and deposits in Chile. 1, Approximate position of the magmatic arc 2, Tarapacá basin filed with volcanic sequences at
the base and carbonated sedimentary rocks at the top 3, Ensialic basin of central Chile with mainly volcanic fill 4, Marginal
greenstone basin containing an ophiolitic sequence. Based in Mpodozis and Ramos (1990), Davidson and Mopdozis (1991).
most of the Triassic; while the second, also known as rocks (Aguirre, 1985; Mpodozis and Ramos, 1990).
the Andean cycle, corresponds to a geological evolu- From the Upper Cretaceous onwards, in response to
tion of the margin under the geodynamic conditions regional tectonics, a compressive tectonic system was
of active subduction, similar to the present configura- established (Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991), which
tion (Mpodozis and Ramos 1990; Davidson and closed the back-arc basins leaving the presence of a
Mpodozis, 1991). magmatic arc as the predominant feature.
The Paleozoic cycle is characterized by successive The back-arc basins of the Jurassic-Lower
accretion of allochthonous blocks on the western bor- Cretaceous (Fig. 1) present different characteristics.
der of Gondwana. These include, at the north, The marginal greenstone basin (Stern et al., 1976;
Precambrian rocks belonging to the Arequipa massive Dalziel, 1981), located approximately between
(Mpodozis and Ramos, 1990), while south of the 25°S 51°30’S and 55°S, is characterized by the develop-
an accretion prism developed consisting of metasedi- ment of an ophiolitic sequence with the characteristics
mentary and metavolcanic blocks of rocks, distributed of the ocean floor. In central Chile an ensialic basin
along the present Coastal Cordillera, parallel to the was developed with mostly volcanic fill (Aberg et al,
current coast line (Hervé et al, 1981). The chemical 1984). In the Copiapó area, the rocks at the base
composition of the metavolcanic rocks located south of this basin are basaltic andesite volcanic rocks
of 34°S show affinity with ocean ridge tholeiitic which grades upward into carbonate sedimentary
basalts (e.g. Hervé et al, 1976; Godoy, 1979; Vivallo marine sequences.
et al, 1988; Shira et al, 1990). Most of these sequences
were affected by low to medium grade metamorphism VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULPHIDE DEPOSITS
during the Carboniferous (González Bonorino and
Aguirre, 1970; Aguirre, 1985; Kato, 1976; 1985). A Paleozoic
magmatic arc represented by calc-alkaline granitoids The Coastal Cordillera, at latitude 38° and 42°S,
of the Carboniferous-Permian extends on a north- consists mainly of, polymetamorphic and polyde-
south direction, almost continuously, from 27 to 45°S formed Paleozoic rocks. The mineralogical and chem-
(Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991). Acid and granitoid ical composition of these rocks indicates that origi-
volcanic rocks from the Permian Triassic age belong- nally they were pelitic and psammitic sediments with
ing to a major magmatic province (Choiyoi) cover interbeds of tholeiitic basalts and ultramafic serpen-
and intrude the magmatic Carboniferous Permian arc tinized rocks (e.g. Alfaro, 1980). This sequence has
(Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991). Petrologic evidence been interpreted as part of a dismembered ophiolitic
indicates that the rocks in this magmatic province complex which was developed in an ocean ridge envi-
originated in an extensional tectonic environment ronment (Hervé et al., 1976; Aguirre, 1985; Frutos
(Kay et al, 1989). and Alfaro, 1987) or marginal basin (Vivallo et al.,
The evolution of the continental margin during the 1988; Schira et al., 1990). Locally, small Cu and Zn
Mesozoic and Cenozoic has been controlled by the massive sulphide bodies have been identified associ-
existence of an east dipping subduction system. ated with metabasalts, which have been interpreted to
During the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, the conti- be exhalative origin (Table 1). The deposits are strat-
nental margin was characterized by the development iform and lenticular consisting of pyrite, chalcopyrite,
of a series of magmatic arcs and associated back-arc sphalerite, pyrrhotite, with quartz and muscovite as
basins, controlled by extension and subsidence, both the gangue minerals. Both the sulphide bodies as well
developed under a Mariana type subduction system as the country rock are deformed and recrystallized
(Davidson and Mpodozis, 1991). In general, the mag- (e.g. Schira et al 1990). The nature of the country
matic arc is represented by volcanic and plutonic rock, the stratiform character of the sulphide bodies,
rocks which are distributed in belts with a north-south together with their mineralogy and textures, suggest
direction, while the back-arc basins consist of marine that the formation was due to a submarine volcanic
sedimentary rocks local accumulations of volcanic environment prior to the metamorphism.
Table 1. Cu, Zn-Cu y Zn-Pb-Cu deposits and showings of probable volcanic-exhalative origin in Chile.
Punta del Cobre District Veins, Breccia Cu, Au, Andesite, Dacite ›40 Mt Camus (1980)
Stratiform Zn 1-2% Cu, Marschik (1996)
0,2-0,5 g/t Au , 7 g/t Ag
El Toqui District Stratiform Zn, Pb, Cu, Limestone, volcanic 10 Mt Wellmer et al. (1983)
Veins Au, Ag andesitic rock 8%Zn, 1,5%Pb, Townley (1996)
0,6%Cu ,1,5g/t Au,
50g/t Ag
Manto Rosillo Stratiform Zn, Pb, Cu Phyllite, marble 15.000t Schneider y Tolosa
Ag 12-40% Zn, 16% Pb (1990)
12%Cu, 380g/t Ag
The most important and better known Cu-Zn of massive sulphide bodies hosted in limestone.
deposits in this section are Tirúa and Pirén (Table 1, Individually, the lenses have average thickness of 10
Figure 1). Both deposits correspond to small, and to 15 m and 30 to 50 m long and are connected by dis-
currently uneconomic, massive sulphide bodies continuous veinlets (Roeschmann, 1981). The ore-
associated with metabasalts. The Tirúa deposit body contains pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena,
consists of massive pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite tetrahedrite and chalcopyrite. Between 1947 and 1962
lenticular bodies hosted in metabasalts. The sulphide the production was 40,000 tonnes of Pb and 20,000
bodies have an average thickness of 0.5 m and are tonnes of Zn with grades reaching up to 25 % Zn and
about 20 m long and have a strike length of about 150 400 g/t Ag (Ruiz and Peebles, 1988). Primary fluid
m (Alvárez, 1970) parallel to the foliation. Seven inclusions in calcite intergrown with sulphides have
sulphide intervals were detected in Pirén (Schira et homogenization temperatures in the range of 200 to
al., 1990), with thickness under 30 cm with unknown 250°C and salinity between 6-8 % NaCl eq.
lateral extent. The sulphide bodies occur interbedded The genesis of these deposits is unclear. Ruiz and
in a sequence of metasedimentary and metavolcanic Peebles (1988), based in the stratiform character of
rocks. The country rock is not obviously altered, how- the massive sulphide bodies and the simple mineralogy
ever, Schira et al., (1990) suggests that the local of the ore body, suggest an exhalative volcanic origin
presence of tourmaline is the result of hydrothermal for both deposits. However, Roeschmann (1981) and
activity. The sulphide bodies contain pyrite, Schneider and Tolosa (1990), due to the presence of
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, which show some discordant structures with the country rock and
the effect of the recrystallization and deformation the proximity to plutonic intrusive bodies, suggest
produced by the regional metamorphism. that they formed by metasomatic replacement, genet-
A second group of Pb-Zn-Cu or Zn-Cu massive ically associated to the intrusives. On the basis of
sulphide deposits are hosted in Paleozoic rocks south similar arguments, Townley (1996) interpreted that
of 46°S (Table 1, Fig. 1). The most significant are both deposits are skarns, with an early event of high
Manto Rosillo and Mina Silva. Manto Rosillo (Ruiz temperature (>400°C) followed by another at a lower
and Peebles, 1985, Camus 1985; Schneider and temperature (>300°C). However, the calc-silicate min-
Toloza, 1990) consists of stratiform Pb-Zn-Cu mas- eralogy of the skarn type deposits, is not recognized.
sive bodies located in the contact between the phyl- Cutter Cove (Thomas, 1973), Ancón Sin Salida
lites and marble. The contacts with the country rock and La Serena (Ruiz and Peebles, 1988) (Fig. 1), are
are abrupt and the orebody is highly folded. The small polymetallic massive sulphide deposits of
deposit is stratiform with a thickness ranging from 0.5 presumed volcanic-exhalative origin. These deposits
to 1.5 m, strike length of 250 m and 30 to 40 m width. are located in Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary
The deposit shows a vertical zoning with the spha- sequences which extend south of 52°S latitude. The
lerite-rich base and an upper interval dominated by deposits are located on or close to the contact between
pyrite. Present in minor amounts are chalcopyrite, metabasalts and pelitic schists. Forsythe and
galena, tennantite and tetrahedrite (Ruiz and Peebles, Mpodozis (1983) mention the presence of Mn and Fe
1988). Microthermometry of fluid inclusions in spha- oxide stratiform deposits associated with Paleozoic
lerite (Toloza, 1987) indicate homogenization temper- pillow basalts in the Madre de Dios Archipelago
atures in the range of 417 to 478°C, while the fluid (50°30’S) in Magallanes.
inclusions in calcite associated with sulphides
(Townley, 1996) homogenize to a liquid phase in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous
range of 200 to 290°C with an average salinity of 7 % Economically the most important stratabound
NaCl eq. The isotopic composition of the S in the sul- massive sulphide type deposits, of probable vol-
phides suggests a magmatic origin of this element canogenic origin, are located in Upper Jurassic –
(Schneider and Toloza 1990). Lower Cretaceous volcanic sedimentary sequences.
The Silva Mine (Ruiz and Peebles, 1988) consists These deposits are concentrated in the mining districts
of Punta del Cobre and El Toqui, in the north and maximum depth of 150 m with widths ranging from 1
south of the country respectively (Fig. 1). Both are to 60 m. The width decreases in depth and the bodies
located in back-arc volcanic sedimentary sequences tend to be wedge shaped. Chalcopyrite is the main
(Aguirre, 1985) associated to the development of the mineral in the orebody with variable quantities of
magmatic Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous arc (Mpodozis pyrite, specularite, quartz and calcite, cementing the
and Ramos, 1990). breccia. The stratabound deposits occur as lenticular
The most important district from an economic stratiform bodies, with thickness ranging between 1
standpoint is Punta del Cobre (Fig. 2), in the Copiapó and 35 m (Marschik, 1996) and lateral extension of a
region (27° 0’ S). The production of this district, from few hundred meters.
1800 to 1982, was in the order of 5 million tonnes of The stratabound bodies (Camus, 1985) are restricted
ore grading 4.8 % Cu (Camus, 1985). In 1997 the
annual production of the district exceeded 2 million
tonnes, with an average grade of 1.5 % Cu (Flores,
1996; Díaz et al, 1998). The copper deposits of this
district are located in a subhorizontal sequence of pre-
dominantly volcanic rocks of the Upper Jurassic to
Lower Cretaceous period (Punta del Cobre
Formation). This sequence (Fig. 3) consists of basal
andesitic rocks on which dacitic domes formed
(known locally as “albitófiros”). Epiclastic breccia
(basal breccia), conglomerates, ferruginous chert and
finely laminated lutites cover the dome and the lower
lava discordantly (Camus, 1980). The upper part of
the sequence consists of basalts and andesites
interbedded with marine sedimentary rocks (Grupo
Chañarcillo). The sequence is intruded on the west
(Fig. 2) by plutons of granodioritic to dioritic compo-
sition (119 and 116 Ma; Arevalo, 1995), which gener-
ated an extensive contact metamorphic aureole. The
deposits of the district are located mainly in the
dacitic domes (albitóforo) and correspond to veins,
breccia stacks and stratabound deposits (Fig. 3).
The veins are vertical and intersected the lower
part of the sequence and occasionally the basal brec-
cia. Thickness ranges from a few centimetres up to
approximately 60 m with strike lengths up to 600 m
and vertical extension of 300 m. The mineralization is
massive with the development of stockwork veinlets
towards both sides of the vein. The main minerals are
chalcopyrite with variable quantities of magnetite, Figure 2. Distribution of the sulphide deposits in the Punta
specularite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and lesser sphalerite (2 del Cobre district, the “La Candelaria” deposit is located in
% Zn). The alteration of the country rock includes the centre-west of the district. Towards the south, the strati-
silicification, potassic alteration (potassium feldspar, form iron (Abandonada) and copper (Resguardo) deposits of
the Las Pintadas mining district. Modified by Marschik
biotite) and actinolite in depth.
Generally, the breccia bodies (Camus, 1985) are
tabular and hosted in the domes (albitófiros) with a
to the contact zone between the volcanic part (albotó- volcanic exhalative origin for deposits of the Punta
firo) and the sedimentary part (basal breccia) of the del Cobre district. Lledó (1997) described the pres-
Punta de Cobre Formation. Mineralization is hosted ence of chalcopyrite concretions in the Providencia
in a matrix of breccia containing angular clasts of vol- mine, located immediately north in the Punta del
canic rocks of the lower units, chert and calcareous Cobre district and the same geological environment,
rocks. Chalcopyrite is the principal mineral in the ore- which are interpreted as being of syngenetic origin.
body and is accompanied by pyrite, specularite and Marschik (1996) based on the age of the potassic
quartz. Towards the wall of the mineralized bodies, alteration (114 Ma), the presence of batholithic intru-
the sulphides are replaced by specularite and, locally, sives of a similar age, and the mineralogy of the ore-
can grade laterally to mineralized bodies with specu- body, suggested an epigenetic origin for the deposits
larite in the orebodies. of the district, associated with the emplacement of
Regionally, the rocks that are hosted in the sul- intrusives and proposed that they represented a transi-
phide deposits have been affected by an intense sodi- tion between the magnetite-apatite Kiruna type
um metasomatism, producing albitization in the vol- deposits and the porphyry copper deposits.
canic rocks. A potassic alteration event, with biotite At the La Candelaria mine, Cu-Fe-Au deposits are
and potash feldspar, is superimposed on the sodium stratabound and hosted in volcanic rocks of the lower
alteration (Marschik, 1996). part of the Punta del Cobre Formation (Fig. 3). The
Immediately south of the Punta del Cobre district, sulphides are disseminated, in veins and occasionally
forming part of the same geological environment, is stratiform bodies, particularly towards the periphery.
the Las Pintadas mining district (Fig. 2). This district The mineralogy of the orebody is similar to that of
contains stratiform iron deposits hosted in sedimenta- other deposits in the Punta del Cobre district, with
ry rocks in the basal section of the Chañarcillo Group. chalcopyrite as the main mineral accompanied by
It has been suggested that these deposits are volcanic- magnetite, hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and gold. The
exhalative in origin (Espinoza 1986, 1990). In the proximity of this deposit to other deposits in the dis-
southern part of the district and hosted in volcanic trict, together with a similar geological environment
rocks of the Punta del Cobre Formation are and mineralogy of the orebody, suggest that they are
stratabound copper deposits of which the Farola mine probably related. However, Ryan et al (1995) suggest
is the most important. This deposit corresponds to a that La Candelaria deposit represents a metamor-
stratiform body of massive sulphides 10 m thick, phosed porphyry copper deposit.
2,000 m long and 140 m wide, with grades of 1.5 % The El Toqui district is located approximately
Cu, 0.4 g/t Au and 50 g/t Ag and proven reserves of 1 1,700 km south of Santiago, in the Aisén region. This
million tonnes (Lledó, 1998). The minerals in the deposit has the most important Zn and Pb resources in
lower part of the deposit, occur in veinlets and dis- Chile. Annual production is on the order of 16,000
seminated, while in the top part are massive, strati- tonnes of Zn and 190 kg of gold. The estimated
form, and locally banded (Lledó, 1998). Chalcopyrite reserves of the district are about 10 million tonnes
is the main mineral of the body, accompanied by vari- with an average grade of 8 % Zn, 0.6 % Cu, 1.5 % Pb,
able quantities of pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite and 1.5 g/t Au and 50 g/t Ag (Townley, 1996). The
hematite. The alteration assemblage of the country deposits are hosted in a volcanic-sedimentary
rock includes albite, biotite, actinolite, garnet, chlorite sequence (Fig. 4) consisting of Upper Jurassic-Lower
and scapolite. Cretaceous andesitic lavas (Ibañez Formation) over-
Camus (1980), on the basis of the spatial and lain by Lower Cretaceous marine sedimentary rocks
stratigraphic relations of the different types of sul- (Coyhaique Formation). The sequence is intruded by
phide deposits (breccia, veins, stratiform) and the vol- small felsic bodies. The Zn-Pb veins are housed in the
canic-submarine environment (Segerstrom and Ruiz, volcanic rocks, while the stratiform Zn and Zn-Pb-Cu
1962; Ortiz et al, 1966; Von Osten, 1967, Lino, 1984; deposits are restricted to three intervals hosted by cal-
Arévalo, 1995, Lledó, 1998) suggested a common careous lithologies of the volcanic-sedimentary
Figure 3. Schematic section showing the stratigraphy and location of the different types of deposit in the Punta
del Cobre district. (1) Carbonated rocks of the Chañarcillo (Lower Cretaceous). Units 2 to 5 correspond to the
units of the Punta del Cobre Formation (Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous). (2) Top lava, (3) Sedimentary unit,
includes basal breccia and lutites with interbedding of chert, (4) Dome (Albitofiro), (5) Lower lava (6) Stratiform
deposit, (7) Vein (8) Mineralized breccia. Modified by Camus (1985).
Figure 4. Schematic section showing the stratigraphy and distribution of the stratiform deposits and veins in El
Toqui mining district. (1) Lutite, (2) Andesitic tuff, (3) lode, mantle, (4) Limestone (5) Rhyolitic tuff, (6) Altered
rhyolitic tuff, (7) Zn-Pb-Cu stratiform deposit, (8) Pb-Zn Vein. Modified from Camus (1985)
Chilean ophiolites and their implication for ocean floor Vivallo, W.; Alfaro, G.; Díaz, L. 1988. Los metabasaltos de la
metamorphism, seismic layering and magnetism. Journal of serie occidental de la Cordillera de la Costa, entre los 38°-
Geophysical Research, Vol. 81, N° 23, p. 261-272. 41° latitud sur: evidencias geoquímicas de cuenca marginal
Thomas, A. 1973. Geología y perspectivas económicas del durante el Paleozoico. VII Latin American Geological
yacimiento Cutter Cove, Provincia de Magallanes. Informe Congress, Vol. 1, p. 260-273.
Inédito, ENAMI, Santiago, Chile. Von Osten, G. 1967. Geología general y prospección geofísica
Tolosa, R. 1987. Geología y génesis del manto de cinc Rosillo, del área de Punta del Cobre entre Tierra amarilla y Punta
Aysén, Lago General Carrera. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, bateas. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 143 p. Santiago, Chile.
183 p. Santiago, Chile Wellmer, F.W., Reeve, E.J., Wentzlau, E. and Westenberger, H.
Townley, B. 1996. Ore deposits, tectonics and metallogenesis 1983. Geology and the ore deposits of the Toqui district,
of the continental Aysen region, Chile. Ph. D. Thesis, Aysen, Chile. Economic Geology, p.1119-1143.
Queen’s University, 246 p. Kingston, Canada.
Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, CHILE.
Instituto de Geología Economica Aplicada, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción, CHILE
Volcanic massive sulphide deposits (VMS) occur as scattered outcrops along a NNW-SSE belt in
Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of the Coastal Cordillera of Southern Central Chile. Stratigraphically
the ores are hosted by green schists which are the dominant rock of the Tirúa Unit.
The massive sulphide deposits outcrop (from N-S) at: Tirúa (Mina Vieja), Casa de Piedra,
Hueñaliben, Trovolhue and Pirén localities. The mineralogy of the deposits is dominated by pyrite,
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite and includes lesser quantities of bornite, magnetite, hematite,
arsenopyrite, molybdenite, rutile, galena, argentite, chalcocite, covellite, mackinawite and marcasite.
Textural and structural evidence indicate that the ore minerals were formed contemporaneously
with the protolith of the green schists, which are interpreted to be recrystallized tholeiitic basalts. A
volcanogenic origin for these deposits is suggested by the sulphur isotopic composition found in the
pyrite of the massive sulphides (mean of δ34S = + 3.14‰), which compared with sulphur isotope data
of various other genetic types of deposits, indicates a relationship closer to magmatic and hydrother-
mal ore mineralization. Mean sulphur isotope values suggest that the mineralization at Casa de Piedra
and Hueñaliben (mean of δ34S = + 0.5‰) was closer to the hydrothermal centre while that at Tirúa
(mean of δ34S = + 5.9‰) and Pirén (mean of δ 34S = + 3.5‰) was more peripheral.
Studies were performed on fluid inclusions in quartz contained in the mineralization and green
schists at Tirúa, Casa de Piedra and Pirén. The homogenization temperature in liquid-rich inclusions
from the mineralization is similar to that inclusions hosted in the green schists. The wide range of the
homogenization temperature (196° to 451°C) may be due to greenschist facies and subsequent retro-
grade metamorphism.
The presence of an assemblage of albite, epidote, chlorite, calcite, quartz and actinolite suggest that
the metabasic host rocks have undergone regional greenschist sub-greenschist facies metamorphism.
Sphalerite compositions suggest a pressure range of 3.5 to 9.0 kbars, which is commensurate with the
regional metamorphic facies.
The sulphur isotope data presented here is consistent with values derived from a magmatic source
and overlap those of modern hydrothermal vent fluids in spreading ridges in basaltic rocks to suggest
a volcanic origin for these VMS deposits. Fluid inclusion and sphalerite geobarometric data indicates
that successive metamorphic episodes affected massive sulphides and country rocks.
m are intercalated in the greenschists and oriented Analyses for the geobarometric study on sphalerites
along the trend of the schistosity. The other orebodies were done on an microprobe (EPMA) at the Institute of
(Casa de Piedra, Trovolhue, and Hueñalihuén) are Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology of
smaller. The sulphide mineralization is mainly com- Tohoku University, Japan. The geobarometry data
posed of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and presented here was taken from Collao et al. 1986.
pyrrhotite. The major and minor element contents of
the massive sulphide deposits (47 analysis) are: 0.4 % REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING
- 1.7 % Cu, 0.1 % - 1.2 % Zn, 0.1 % - 1.2 % Zn, 10 The massive sulphide deposits occur in Paleozoic
% - 47 % Fe, 29 –115 ppm Ni, 14 – 78 ppm Co, 5 - metamorphic rocks belonging to the central southern
470 ppm Pb, 0.08 - 27 ppm Mo, 6 – 92 ppm Ag and part of the Crystalline Basement of Chile along the
0.04 – 0.05 ppm Au. Mining has not been recorded in coastal cordillera (Fig. 1). The Paleozoic basement is
this area. Some ore extraction occurred at Mina Vieja unconformably overlain by marine and continental
de Tirúa early in this century. The whole belt is con- rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic ages (Fig. 1).
sidered a potential ore source. Plutonic rocks of about 320 Ma (Hervé et al. 1976)
Based on petrologic, geochemical and field rela- outcrop towards the NE margin of the studied area.
tionships, the VMS deposits have been interpreted as Aguirre et al. (1972) divided the Crystalline
formed by volcanic-exhalative activity (Collao and Basement into two units named the Western and
Alfaro 1982; Collao 1986; Collao et al. 1990). To Eastern Series. The Eastern Series is characterized by
explain the conditions of formation of these deposits intercalated metapelites and metagraywackes while
sulphur isotopic analyses were carried out on pyrite mica schists, quartzites, greenschists, metabasalts and
and fluid inclusions determinations were done on serpentinites characterize the Western Series. Both
samples from Mina Vieja de Tirúa, Casa de Piedra, series were affected by deformation and greenschist
and Pirén outcrops. facies metamorphism. All of the mineralization
(VMS; banded iron formation and Cr pods) is con-
ANALYTICAL METHODS tained in the Western Series. In this study the Western
The isotope analyses on pyrite from the VMS Series has been subdivided into two regionally map-
deposits were done at the Department of Geology of pable units named the Tirúa and Nahuelbuta (Fig. 1).
the University of Tasmania, Australia and at the The Tirúa Unit, is constituted mainly of geenschists
Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic (metabasites) with serpentinite bodies and less fre-
Geology of Tohoku University, Japan (preliminary quently micaschists and metacherts. In the East, the
data in Collao et al. 1990). Additional analyses Nahuelbuta Unit is characterized mainly by grey
included in this paper were done at the Research and micaschists (metapelites and metagraywackes, Collao
Reactor Centre of the Scottish University, U.K and and Montecinos 1996), metacherts, iron metacherts
GEA Institute, at Concepción University, Chile. (BIF, Oyarzún et al., 1984) and serpentinites with
The pyrite samples were treated according to some Cr pods (Fig. 1).
Sasaki et al. (1979). The SO2 content was obtained by Massive sulphide mineralization contained in the
the method of Robinson and Kusakabe (1975) and Tirúa Unit is described below.
analyzed on a MM 903 (VG Isogas), Micromass 602
D and on a Sira II-VG Isotech mass spectrometer. The Tirúa Unit and Massive Sulphide
All the microthermometry measurements (n=242) Mineralization
of fluid inclusions were obtained on a Linkam TH 600 The Tirúa Unit is located in the western part of the
type heating and freezing stage (Shepherd, 1981) and coastal cordillera comprising the Nahuelbuta and
carried out in the Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology Queule Mountains, which widen towards the South to
and Economic Geology of Tohoku University, Japan 70 km at Queule (Fig. 1). The unit is characterized by
and in the Department of Earth Sciences, Concepción green schists (dominant) with intercalations of mica
University, Chile. schists. Rare occurrences of metacherts intercalated
within the green schists and serpentinite outcrop minor minerals include bornite, mackinawite, galena,
near Pirén. arsenopyrite, molybdenite, chalcocite, covellite, mar-
Based on geochemistry, the green schists have casite and magnetite. Argentite has been detected
been interpreted as basic metavolcanic rocks of only in Mina Vieja de Tirúa where sphalerite mineral-
tholeiitic affinity (Godoy 1979; Hervé 1977; Collao et ization in some smaller beds tends to exceed chal-
al. 1980). copyrite, content. At Pirén and Hueñaliuén deposits
The Tirúa Unit has been less tectonically deformed the ore mineralization is dominated by pyrite within a
than the Nahuelbuta Unit. The penetrative foliation matrix of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and minor spha-
(S2), which is the main regional structural feature lerite (Fig 2A). Accesories are bornite, mackinawite,
affecting both units, has a general strike varying and molybdenite. At Pirén deposit other sulphides
between ENE to NE, dipping 20 – 40º toward SE. present as secondary minerals in varying amounts are
Massive sulphide (Fe, Cu, Zn) mineralization in marcasite, digenite, chalcocite, and covelline. At
lens-shaped bodies outcrops along the NNW-SSE Trovolhue deposit most of sulphur mineralization as
fringe of the Tirúa Unit. This massive sulphide min- instertitial matrix between pyrite grains has been
eralization is found in five sectors of the coastal replaced by limonite (Fig. 2B).
cordillera, south of the village of Tirúa. Individual In the metavolcanic rocks major silicate minerals
occurrences listed from North to South are: Tirúa include albite, epidote, chlorite and quartz (Fig. 3A).
(Mina Vieja), Casa de Piedra, Hueñalihuén, Other minor minerals include actinolite, muscovite,
Trovolhue, and Pirén (Fig. 1). The Mina Vieja of sphene, calcite and rutile. This mineral assemblage
Tirúa is the largest deposit and is composed of a main corresponds to that of Miyashiro (1994) for green-
lenticular body with four smaller beds having a gen- schist facies metabasites, which includes actinolite +
eral attitude of N 80ºE /40ºSE. The lens-shaped body chlorite + epidote + albite (+ quartz + muscovite +
has a maximum thickness of 0.5 m and can be fol- sphene + calcite + opaque minerals). It is also similar
lowed for 15 m along the S2 foliation direction. to the Type III.1 greenschist metabasite classification
In Casa de Piedra and Hueñalihuén the mineral- proposed by Graham et al. (1983) which is composed
ization strikes N 32-36ºE and dips 21-25ºSE. Further of epidote + chlorite + calcite + quartz + albite (with or
south the most important sulphide occurrence is without sphene, calcite, rutile, muscovite and biotite).
located at Pirén Alto. The ores occur as seven tabular
sheets having a general strike of 40ºE and dipping GEOBAROMETRY
33ºSE. The ore lenses have a thickness varying The sphalerite geobarometer has been widely and
between 0.1 to 0.3 m. Laterally they can be followed successfully applied to metamorphosed ores
only for 20 m due to a cover of soil and vegetation. (Hutchison and Scott, 1980; Scott, 1983).
Compositions of sphalerite inclusions in pyrite repre-
SULPHIDE MINERALIZATION AND MINERALOGY OF sent preserved high pressure-temperature equilibria
THE HOST ROCKS isolated from further reaction during subsequent ret-
The sulphide mineralization consist mostly of rograde conditions by the relatively inert encapsulat-
pyrite, with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ing pyrite, may provide reliable estimates of peak
and pyrrhotite (Fig. 2A). The ratio of pyrite / chal- pressure (Scott, 1983). It has been possible to apply
copyrite is variable, but always exceeds 5:1. the sphalerite geobarometer to the Mina Vieja de
Sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite occur between Tirúa and Pirén Alto deposits because metamorphic
the grains of pyrite (Fig. 2A) and less frequently form sulphide assemblages include intergrown sphalerite,
inclusions in pyrite (Figs. 3B, 4A). The sphalerite and pyrite, pyrrhotite (hexagonal pyrrhotite, according X
pyrrhotite content is lower than the chalcopyrite con- ray analyses). Sphalerite in equilibrium with
tent, with the exception of some smaller beds at Tirúa pyrrhotite (Fig. 3B) and pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite (Fig.
and Casa de Piedra mineralizations where sphalerite 4A) encapsulated in pyrite crystals can provide pres-
exceeds the chalcopyrite content. In both deposits sure information in metamorphic terrains (Scott and
Figure. 2. Photomicrographs of typical occurrences of sulphide mineralization in VMS of Nahuelbuta and Queule Mountains.
A. Chalcopyrite (Cp)-pyrrhotite (Po)- sphalerite (Sp) of filling intergranular between pyrite (Py) grains at Pirén Alto orebody. B.
Limonite (Lm) and silicate minerals (SM) of filling intergranular between pyrite (Py) grains at Trovolhue orebody. Reflected,
polarized light. Magnification x 12.
Figure. 3. Photomicrographs of typical occurrences of silicate and sulphide mineralization in VMS of Nahuelbuta and Queule
Mountains. A. Epidote (Ep), chlorite (Ch), quartz (Qz) and pyrite (Py) grains in small bands arranged in the attitude of S2 -pen-
etrative foliation planes. Casa de Piedra greenschist rock. Transmited, polarized light. Magnification x 12. B. Inclusion of
sphalerite (Sp) -pyrrhotite (Po) within pyrite (Py) grain at Tirúa orebody. Reflected, polarized light. Magnification x 66.
Figure. 4. Photomicrographs with occurrences of sulphide mineralization and fluid inclusions in VMS of Nahuelbuta and
Queule Mountains. A. Inclusion with chalcopyrite (Cp) -pyrrhotite (Po)- sphalerite (Sp) withing pyrite (Py) grain at Pirén Alto
orebody. Reflected, polarized light. Magnification x33. B. Fluid inclusions type I (fluid-rich variety) trapped in quartz (Qz).
Fluid inclusions are distributed as planar pseudosecondary groups. Casa de Piedra orebody. Transmited, polarized light.
Magnification x120.
Barnes 1971; Scott 1973; Lusk and Ford 1978; Scott FLUID INCLUSION THERMOMETRY
1983) (Fig. 5). Most fluid inclusions in the quartz grains from the
The sphalerite from the metamorphosed ores massive sulphide mineralization and greenschist
shows high values of FeS (11.0 % to 15.7 % molar), rocks are of a spheroidal or elongated shape. They
indicating that the mineralization experienced a wide occur in bands of quartz grains following the penetra-
pressure range (Table 1). At Pirén Alto the interpret- tive schistosity (Fig. 3A). All the fluid inclusions
ed pressure varies between 3.5 (sphalerite in equilibi- trapped in quartz correspond to the fluid- rich variety
um with pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite) to 9.0 kbar (spha- (type I, according to classification of Roedder, 1984)
lerite in equilibium with pyrrhotite) and in Tirúa with a small vapor bubble (5 to 20 % of the volume of
deposit between 5.8 to 6.2 kbar. The sphalerite geo- the inclusion) (Fig. 4B). The inclusions are generally
barometric data matches well with values of 5 kbar to under 15 mm in diameter and are uncommon. Fluid
6 kbar obtained from the chemistry of Ca-Na amphi- inclusions are distributed as planar clusters (Fig. 4B)
boles belonging to the greenschist silicate phase and less frequently as small groups or isolated inclu-
(Collao et al. 1986) according to a previous study by sions towards the central part of quartz grains. The
Oyarzún (1982) which adopts the method employed isolated inclusions yield higher temperature estimates
by Brown (1976). However, this pressure is slighly than the planar groups. The homogenization tempera-
higher compared to the pressure given by Schira ture of fluid inclusions in the massive sulphide ores
(1990) for this silicate association, which was esti- and from the surrounding greeschist rocks are similar
mated at less than 4 kbar in the Pirén area. in terms of range, mode, and mean peak values, which
range between 196° to 451°C (Table 2, Figs. 6, 7).
Table 1. Composition and mole % FeS in sphalerites from massive sulphides of Nahuelbuta and Queule Mountains, South
Central Chile
Sphalerite (mole % FeS) in different touching assemblages Pressure
Encasulated within pyrita As a matrix (kb)
Deposit Sample
Fe Zn S Cu Cd In Mn Sp+Po Sp+Po+Cpy Sp+Cpy Sp+Cpy+Bo Sp (*) Near Sp+Po+Cpy Sp+Cpy A B
C-31 7,7 58,1 33,5 0,4 13,3 6,2 6,3
C-34 7,8 58,8 33,8 0,4 13,3 6,2 6,3
C-35 8,0 58,0 33,4 0,2 0,5 13,8 5,8 5,9
14,5 Po
2 H-22 8,5 58,1 33,1 0,6
(*) Others minerals near sphalerite (Sp) into the same pyrite grain. Bo: bornite; Cpy: chalcopyrite; Gal: galena; Po: pyrrhotite;
Calculated pressure according: A) Hutchison and Scott (1981); B) Lusk and Ford (1978). Sphalerite geobarometric data,
from Collao et al. (1986).
Figure. 5. Composition of sphalerite coexisting with pyrite Figure. 6. Homogenization temperature in fluid inclusions
and hexagonal pyrrhotite as a function of temperature and in quartz from massive sulphide ores (A) and greenschist
pressure (in bars) based in Lusk and Ford (1978). Crosses rocks (B), South-Central Chile.
represent experimental points by Scott and Barnes (1971).
Circles represent conditions at (1) Central and southern
Bolivia, (2) Balmat, New York, (3) Highland - Surprise
Mine, Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho, (4) Quemont Mine, Noranda,
Quebec, (5) Nairne Pyritic Formation, South Australia, and
(6) VMS deposits of Nahuelbuta and Queule Mountains,
South Central, Chile. Based in Scott and Barnes (1971).
The results of freezing measurements in some of the surrounding greenschist rocks; peaks occur at 390°C,
bigger fluid inclusions give estimated salinities 400°C and 410°C. These peaks mark higher tempera-
between 2.9 to 14.6 weight percent of NaCl equivalent ture populations in secondary fluid inclusions gener-
for the massive sulphide ores. Estimated salinities of ated during the metamorphism, which could represent
inclusions in surrounding greenschist rock fall into the prograde higher grade metamorphic conditions. On
low to moderate range of the sulphide ores (Table 2). the other hand the mode or secondary peaks at
The homogenization temperature data was plotted 350°C, near the mean of values may represent anoth-
as frequency-temperature histograms (Figs. 6, 7) and er important thermometric event of high to moderate
is summarized in Table 2. The data shows a certain temperature, which is observed for each deposit.
similitude with respect to the mode and occurrence of Peaks around 290 °C and 270 °C (Table 2; Figs. 7, 8)
the secondary peaks between deposits and to the may represent inclusions that formed during a retro-
Table 2. Summary of microthermotric data in massive sulphide ores and surrounding greenschist rocks, from Nahuelbuta and
Queule Mountains, South-Central Chile.
Fig. 7. Homogenization temperatures are similar in mode and have coincident secondary peaks from the different ores and
greenschist rocks as result of metamorphism.
Orebody of Casa de Piedra
25 Orebody of Pirén
Greenschist of Pirén
20 Greenschist of Tirúa
0 100 200 300 400 500
Homogenization Temperature °c
Homogenization Temperature °c
Greenschist from
0 5 10 15 20
Salinity, Wt. % NaCl Equivalent
Figure 8. Homogenization termperature versus salinity in fluid inclusions in quartz from some massive sulphide deposits and
greenschist rocks, South-Central Chile.
grade metamorphic event or by secondary processes. pressure and temperature conditions of metamorphism.
This population is largely contained in the planar If the thermo-barometric data are plotted on the
groups of fluid inclusions; those inclusions found in metamorphic diagram by Bucher and Frey (1994) it
small groups towards the central part of quartz crys- becomes clear that it is equivalent to greenschist and
tals, which are interpreted as primary inclusions and subgreenschist facies conditions (Fig. 9). It is consis-
tend to show higher temperatures. tent with the mineralogic assemblage indication of the
In the diagram of homogenization temperature metabasite greenschist facies according Miyashiro
versus salinity (Fig. 8) most values of lower salinity (1994). Estimated temperatures using fluid inclusions
(less than 7.5 equivalent wt % Na Cl) show a wide should be higher if it is possible to determine trapping
range of homogenization temperatures and few values temperature conditions (trend with arrow indication
of moderate salinity tend to be higher temperature. In in the diagram). On the other hand, pressure could be
general, such wide variation could reflect a conse- less if is considered information of Shira, 1990 (trend
quence of prograde and retrograde of metamorphic is indicated with arrow in the diagram).
processes as suggested by Touret (1981). However,
some of the higher homogenization temperatures SULPHUR ISOTOPE STUDIES.
could also be due to necking, which produces greater Pyrite for sulphur isotope analysis was collected
variability in homogenization temperature (Roedder, by picking the coarse fraction, which was ground (50
1967. All the fluid inclusions of this study may give to 100 mesh) and subsequently selected under a
evidence about metamorphism or some secondary stereoscopic microscope.The results are expressed in
deformational event postmetamorphism. According the conventional δ34S (CDT) ‰ (Table 3).
Crawford (1981) the fluid inclusions in metamorphic The sulphur isotope data in pyrite from the VMS
rocks, provides information about the composition of deposits of Nahuelbuta and Queule Mountains show
fluid phase present during the metamorphism, its evo- δ34S values always positive having a range between +
lution during metamorphic mineral growth, and the 0.1 to + 6.5‰ with a mean of δ34S = + 3.14‰ (stan-
dard deviation: 2.1). Compared with sulphur isotope phide mineralogy and the sulphur isotope content of
information from various genetic types of deposits pyrite suggest a submarine volcanic origin for the
(Nielsen 1979), the results are similar to other mag- massive sulphide deposits in the Nahuelbuta and
matic and volcanogenic hydrothermal ore deposits. Queule Mountains (Collao et al. 1980; Alfaro et al.
The lower mean value of sulphur isotope ratios from 1983; Collao and Alfaro 1982; Alfaro and Collao
the Casa de Piedra and Hueñaliben deposits (mean of 1990; Collao et al. 1990). The δ34S values of pyrite
δ34S = + 0.5‰) suggests that they were more proxi- from the massive sulphide ores are similar to those of
mal to a hydrothermal vent, than the deposits of Tirúa a magmatic source (Nielsen 1979), seems to most
(mean of δ34S = + 5.9‰) and Pirén (mean of δ34S = probable. Based on the interpretations of sulphur iso-
+ 3.5‰) (Fig. 10). Based on the interpretations of sul- tope data of the Raul Mine, Perú, by Ripley and
phur isotope data of the Raul Mine, Perú, by Ripley Ohomoto (1977), it can be suggested that the mag-
and Ohomoto (1977), it can be suggested that the matic source of mineralizing fluids was more proxi-
magmatic source of mineralizing fluids was more mal to the massive sulphide ores of Casa de Piedra
proximal to the massive sulphide ores of Casa de and Hueñaliben (mean of values of δ34S = + 0.5‰),
Piedra and Hueñaliben, than those of Tirúa and Pirén. than those of Tirúa (mean of δ34S = + 5.9‰) and Pirén
(mean of δ34S = + 3.5‰). The δ34S values are com-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION pared with sulphur isotopes analyses in pyrite from
Field and laboratory evidence, such as the well the banded iron formation at Mahuilque (mean of –
preserved pillow structures in metabasalts, the sul- 2.7 δ34S‰, Collao et al. 1990) located to the East of
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