Grievance May Be Any Genuine or Imaginary Feeling of Dissatisfaction or Injustice Which An
Grievance May Be Any Genuine or Imaginary Feeling of Dissatisfaction or Injustice Which An
Grievance May Be Any Genuine or Imaginary Feeling of Dissatisfaction or Injustice Which An
Human resources are one of the most vital assets of an organization as the productivity of all
other resources depends up on people. Human resources are also regarded as human factor,
human assets and human capital. The factors of production are land, labour, capital and
organization. Human resources is the most important factor of production. Human resources
handle all physical and financial resources in an organization. Without their efforts, these
non-human resources remain idle.
In today’s dynamic world, creativity is vital to every organization. People in the organization
are the only resources of such creativity. The human resources can produce unlimited ideas.
No other resources in the organization can do that. All the activities of an organization are
initiated and accomplished by the persons to makeup the organization.
In their working life,employees do get dissatisfied with various aspects of working- may be
with the attitude of the manager ,policy of the company, working conditions or behavior of
colleagues.Employers try to ignore or suppress grievances. But they cannot be suppressed for
long. Grievance acts as rust which corrodes the very fabric of organization.
procedures. It must be expressed by the employee and brought to the notice of the
.Grievances take the form of collective disputes when they are not resolved. Also they will
then lower the morale and efficiency of the employees. Unattended grievances result in
short, grievance arises when employees’ expectations are not fulfilled from the organization
must crop up from employment issues and not from personal issues.
Grievance may result from the following factors:
a. Improper working conditions such as strict production standards, unsafe workplace,
bad relation with managers, etc.
b. Irrational management policies such as overtime, transfers, demotions, inappropriate
salary structure, etc.
c. Violation of organizational rules and practices
The manager should immediately identify all grievances and must take appropriate
steps to eliminate the causes of such grievances so that the employees remain loyal and
committed to their work. Effective grievance management is an essential part of personnel
management. The managers should adopt the following approach to manage grievance
Quick action-
As soon as the grievance arises, it should be identified and resolved. Training must be
given to the managers to effectively and timely manage a grievance. This will lower the
detrimental effects of grievance on the employees and their performance.
Acknowledging grievance-
The manager must acknowledge the grievance put forward by the employee as
manifestation of true and real feelings of the employees. Acknowledgement by the
manager implies that the manager is eager to look into the complaint impartially and
without any bias. This will create a conducive work environment with instances of
grievance reduced.
Gathering facts-
The managers should gather appropriate and sufficient facts explaining the grievance’s
nature. A record of such facts must be maintained so that these can be used in later stage
of grievance redressal.
The actual cause of grievance should be identified. Accordingly remedial actions should
be taken to prevent repetition of the grievance.
- After identifying the causes of grievance, alternative course of actions should be thought
of to manage the grievance. The effect of each course of action on the existing and future
management policies and procedure should be analyzed and accordingly decision should
be taken by the manager
Execution and review-
The manager should execute the decision quickly, ignoring the fact, that it may or may not
hurt the employees concerned. After implementing the decision, a follow-up must be there to
ensure that the grievance has been resolved completely and adequately.
Therefore the effective grievance management can help to reduce the discontent or
dissatisfaction experienced by employee and improve work performance of the organization.
Also, the effective grievance handling management can help to increase the level of
satisfaction of the employees and also to remove or reduce the absenteeism, alcoholism,
accident, late coming, lack of cooperation, insubordination, withdrawal attitude of employees
in place of work, etc
Thus the reasoning for this study to asses the impact of grievance redressal in aspect of
culture, policies, laws and rules management in enhance work performance in our
This study intends to assess ways in which the grievance management policy, strategies and
practices enhance work performance in organizations.
Through that assessment, it will help management and policy maker to make and facilitate
good policy and developing good strategic concerning grievance management in
organizations. And it will help management and workmen to make and utilize effectively
grievance management practices in the organization.
Furthermore the study will provide a solid basis for management to know the way and how
the grievance can affect work performance and the way to handle them in their organizations.
The research will help Trade unions and other set up grievance machinery to have a new
knowledge in the discipline of grievance management.
The study also will be significance to organizations’ Management to identify and dealing with
the nature and causes of grievances in organizations.
Lastly, it will help the management and other set up grievance machinery to make wide and
good channel of receiving complaining in their organizations.
Successful organizations do not just happen but they will be framed up by the
efforts of thousands of workers who lay foundation for its success.
Hence, employees/workers are considered as the important assets of the
organization and it is the basic responsibility of the responsibility of the
management to look after them.
Most grievances seriously disturb the employees. This may affect their morale,
productivity and their willingness to cooperate with the organization. It helps in
enhancing the work performance.
The grievance–redressal mechanism serves as an outlet for employee grievances,
discontent and frustration.
Specific Objectives:
(i) Identify the nature and causes of grievances in the organizations.
(iii) Determine the grievance management practices and channel of receiving complaining
in the organization.
(ii) The effective grievance management policy and strategies could neither guide nor
direct the organization to take the right and correct decision concern the grievance.
(iii) The effective grievance management practices and different channels of receiving
complaining are not properly aware to the workmen hence could not raise the level of
satisfaction of working environment, workers’ motivation, and commitment.
(iv) The grievances in the organization have effect on employees work performance.
(v)Well functioning grievances handling system is positively related to higher employee
satisfaction, employee commitment and employee retention.
The scope of the study is confined to know the employee grievance redressal mechanism of
GSKCH LIMITED and its impact on employee’s performance.
The scope of this study is the universe of GSKCH taking sampling size as 50 which is 3%
percent of the universe considering the employees of few departments that is production and
engineering department i.e. workmen .The scope of the study is limited since it is confined to
shop floor i.e. workmen hence it cannot be consider for the entire universe and still there is
further scope for research work.
It’s also confined to the issues like working conditions, welfare measures, the IR practices
and the role of trade unions and management in solving the grievances of the workmen.
The study also confined its focus to the present grievance policy and reporting channels
provided by the GSKCH.
The study is limited only to the extent of dowlaiswaram industrial area and is limited to the
opinions of sample workmen of GSKCH,RAJAHMUNDRY.
Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose
Thus, the function of research design in this study has provided for the collection of relevant
evidence with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. It shows the structure of the
Research design has been used as the plan that shows the approach and strategy of
investigation aim at obtaining relevant data which fulfill the research objectives. Furthermore,
the research design of the study showed the sample instruments, procedures and data analysis.
In this study two methods of data collection have been used namely quantitative methods and
qualitative methods.
In qualitative method of data collection, data that are collected tend to be descriptive using
words while in quantitative method usually use structured tools and is done deductively in
data analysis and information is numerical.
Descriptive research method describe situations. They do not make accurate predictions,
and they do not determine cause and effect.
Descriptive research usually involves surveys and studies that aim to identify the facts. In
other words, descriptive research mainly deals with the “description of the state of affairs as it
is at present”and there is no control over variables in descriptive research.
In business studies survey method of primary data collection is used in order to test concepts,
reflect attitude of people, establish the level of customer satisfaction, and conduct
segmentation research and a set of other purposes.
Questionnaire is an instrument of data collection that consists of set of predetermined and structured
questions given to respondents to respond in writing. This method is quite popular, particularly in
case of big enquiries. It consist of number of well planned and focus questions which typed and
printed in a definite order on a form, or set of forms
The universe of the present study comprise of the employees at GLAXO SMITH KLINE
CONSUMER HEALTH CARE LTD,Rajahmundry.. The total strength of the employee
working are 1793.
Sampling is a process of selecting the participants and people selected are called
samples or subjects . Therefore, Sampling is the process of obtaining information about the
all population by examining only part of it. This study selected only a few sample on the
assumption that the sample data would represent all population parameters.
To avoid sampling errors, time constraints associated with whole population. Working with a
sample saves the time because there is no need to interview the whole population instead
sample from the same population has been selected to represent the whole population.
Simplification of data collection and easy report writing is among of the reasons to use
sample instead of the whole population. This is due to the fact that collecting data from large
population is very difficult and complicated than collecting data from the sample size which
enable to write this report easier.
The selection of grouped people from the universe is called as sample. The
sampling technique which is used in the present research study is simple random sampling
based on the proportionate distribution of the total population. From the above justification
we can say that the sample size is considered and declared to be at 3 per cent of the universe,
which comprises of 50 respondents.
The data collection is an interest, aspect of the study for the purpose of achieving
data efficiency. Data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources.
The secondary Data was collected from books, journals articles, magazines, web sites, guide
references, the records of the organization, etc. It is the data, which has been collected by
individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our particular research
The study has been met the following constraints but made effort to overcome them in order
to make this study valid.
All employees were not considered due to time limit. Hence, a sample of 3 percent of
the population has been taken up for the purpose of the study.
Lack of essential HR and union officials records, poor and ineffective information
concern grievances management system. But spent a considerable amount of time
visiting the selected organizations to collect questionnaires, interact with the
respondents, thus helped to get quality and valid information for the study.
The timing of data collection regarding grievance redressal in the organization is very
Energy drinks & milk drinks are perceived as luxury & expendables, which is the reason
for low in-take.
While the white beverages are hailed for their therapeutic offerings, the Consumers look
upon the brown as mere taste additives.
Brand loyalties are not very strong, as the key target-children always look for change and
new thing.
Promotions such as freebies offered with product, contents also play an important role in
brand choice. They are mainly targeted at children who force their parents to buy the
White beverages are popular in south where they are consumed as a substitute for milk;
consumption of browns is higher in north & west, which are surplus regions.
Indian health drink market is very large. There is a big competition between the
manufacturers. The consumers want to buy that health drink which is of maximum use to
them. So the manufacturers of the products mainly concentrate on quality and nutrition. The
major market players of the Industry are –GlaxoSmithKline, Cadbury, Heinz, GCMMF, and
In the market GlaxoSmithKline plays the vital role with market volume and share of
the leaderof thehealthdrink market. The others in the market are Cadbury, Heinz, GCMMF,
and Nestle with the market shares of 12%, 10%, 4%, and 3% at places of 2,3,4,5 respectively.
BRAND NAMES: BOURNVITA (Health Drink),DAIRY MILK (chocolates), 5STAR
(chocolates) etc.
Bournvita is the leading brand in the brown drinks segment of milk/malted food products.
Overall share in the malted food drinks market is estimated at 15%. Brown drinks earlier
positioned as taste enhances were losing market to white drinks during the last few years.
Cadbury re-launched Bournvita with a new formulation and advertising campaign positioning
it on the health benefit platform to compete with white drinks. The brand was re-launched in
the South – the largest food drink market in the country, during 2001 to contributing 24% of
total turnover.
Cadbury’s other products include Cadbury’s Drinking Chocolate and Cadbury’s Coca
powder. These account for only 1% of Cadbury’s turnover.
The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) forays into the white
health-food-drink market with Amul Shakti, a white beverage. The Rs 1,400-crore health-
food-drink market is dominated by Smith Kline Beecham Consumer Healthcare's brand
Horlicks and Viva; Heinz's Complan, Nestle's Milo and Cadbury's Bournvita. The health food
drink segment comprises white and brown categories.
Amul Shakti is being positioned as a milk food that has "real milk for real
nourishment" and GCMMF says it will provide the brand mass media support to create
consumer awareness.
The Swiss multinational is a quiet giant on the world stage, writes the business and general
interest magazine, Facts. People tend to join... and never leave, which makes for an unusual
corporate culture.
For breakfast, a Nespresso and an LC1 yogurt, for lunch, a bowl of Maggi soup accompanied
by a glass of Perrier and a Frisco ice cream. For a snack, a Powerbar and, in the evening, a
plate of Buitoni and, for dessert, some Cailler chocolate. And of course, Friskies for the dog.
You can feed yourself throughout an entire day with just one company, says Facts.
Horlicks is the largest brand in the segment, followed by Bournvita at No.2 and Complan at
GlaxoSmithKline leads the health beverage market with a 62% volume share and a 64%
value share. GSK consumer has acquired the two Jagatjit brands. The two brands Maltova
and Vivatogether had annual sales 6500tons.The brands have been acquired for a
consideration of acquisition, SmithKline market share has raised to a
dominating 70%. Cadbury has a share maintained No.2 position with a 12% volume share
and Heinz has a share of 10%. Nestle is a relatively new entrant in the category.
Market volume
4% 3% 1%
46% of the retailers stated that good quality is the criteria that a consumer looks for
while purchasing malt based beverage, 44% said that consumer go for taste and
packing, promotions at low price was the deciding factor in the purchase of malted
food drinks.
While the product is purchased for children in the age group of 6 -16 years, the
parents take the decisions.
Headquartered in the UK and with operations based in the US, the new company is one of the
industry leaders.
Key people:
Chris Gent, Chairman
Andrew Witty, Chief Executive
Julian Heslop, Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Chairman of Research and Development
1873: James and William Horlick, from Gloucestershire, founded a company in Chicago,
USA to
1875: Business moved to larger premises at Racine, Illinois with an abundant supply of spring
1883: Patent granted for first malted milk drink mixing powder with hot water.
1914: James created Baronet. World War One saw extensive use of this nutritional drink at
home and at the
1921: Death of James saw the company split, with William having responsibility for the
Americas and Sir
1935: Small factory opened in Australia for the local market, including New Zealand
1952: Horlicks is linked to the successful treatment of gastric ulcers and some form of
1960: Factory built in Indian Punjab to make Horlicks from buffalo milk.
1968: Factory built in West Punjab, Pakistan to supply local demand (including East Pakistan,
1969: Horlicks acquired by the Beecham Group (since 1989, SmithKline Beecham and from
GlaxoSmithKline). The Slough factory now produced 30 million lbs. of powder each year.
1975: Second Indian factory under construction in Andhra Pradesh, with further expansions
up to 1978
Based on 2003 Annual Results, GSK had sales of £21.4 billion ($35.2 billion) and
profit before tax of £6.7 billion ($11 billion).
GSK has over 100,000 employees worldwide. Of these, over 40,000 are in sales and
marketing, the largest sales force in the industry. Around 35,000 employees work at 85
manufacturing sites in 37 countries and over 16,000 are in R&D.
Amongst GSK's quality nutritional products, Horlicks stands out as the No.1 malt
drink. As the leading nourishing malt drink, Horlicks established its household stature as the
trusted source of nourishment by combining wholesome goodness of milk, wheat, and malted
barley. Horlicks contains twice the calcium of a glass of fresh milk and is fortified with Iron
and 8 key essential vitamins.
GSK also has leadership in four major therapeutic areas - anti-infective, central
nervous system (CNS), respiratory and gastro-intestinal/metabolic. In addition, it is a leader
in the important area of vaccines and has a growing portfolio of oncology products.
GSK R&D is based at 24 sites in seven countries. The company has a leading position
in genomics/genetics and new drug discovery technologies. The GSK R&D budget is about
In the early years Horlicks was imported, bottled and sold in India. Due to change in
the import policy in the year 1955 the import of Horlicks was stopped.
In 1956-57, a team from HORLICKS Limited visited India to explore the possibilities
of setting up a plant. With the support of the then Maharaja of NABHA, His Highness
PRATAP SINGH, a plant was set up at NABHA, in Punjab. Thus was born on October 30,
1958, Hindustan Milk Food Manufactures Private Limited, promoted by HORLICKS
Limited, Bombay, merged with Hindustan Milk Food Manufactures Limited and the
non-resident equity shareholding was reduced to 40%. The name of the company was also
changed to HMM Limited.
We want to become the indisputable leader in our industry - not simply in terms of
size, but in how we use that size to achieve our mission and improve the quality of human
life.Becoming the indisputable leader in our industry means conquering the challenges that
face us as an industry, and as a global society.
“We undertake our quest with enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, excited by the constant
search for innovation. We value performance achieved with effort. We will attain success as
a World class leader with each and every one of the people contributing with passion and
unmatched sense of urgency.
Sense of urgency
All employees have opportunity to make meaningful contribution and to succeed based on
Clear expectations; focus on critical few performance matters and will be rewarded.
One team, in a single-minded pursuit of our mission, reflecting a common spirit and
integrated strategies.
“We face a highly competitive market place, populated by other excellent companies,
with their own gifted people, and their own determination to succeed. How do we, as a
company, expect to focus our energies to stay ahead of the competition by achieving
excellence in five areas that are primary drivers for our business”
GSK’S culture is the set of norms that create powerful precedents for acceptable
behavior within the firm. These unwritten ‘rules of the road’ create expectations around
acceptable risk, change orientation, creativity and innovation, team versus individual effort,
customer orientation, extra effort and more. Culture is a powerful force and can provide an
engine to achieve market success.
Flexible Thinking – Being open to different views and ideas.
Developing People – Continuously developing self and supporting others.
Continuous Improvement – Continuously identifying ways to simplify and improve
Enable and Drive change – Being proactive, taking accountability and empowering
others to act.
Customer Driven – Putting the customer/patient at the heart of every decision.
Building Relationships – Building trustful relationships based on integrity.
Quality to GSK means total consumer satisfaction. The success of the business in an
increasingly competitive environment depends on the quality of the product and service.
To ensure that it consistently delivers to the customer, both internal and external alike
products in services which totally meet their requirements in terms of safety, efficiency and
To meet these requirements first time, on time and every time.
To adopt quality as a priority in all over the business processes.
To continuously seek improvements in the quality, cost and level of service provided.
To protect the environment they work in and to conserve resources wherever and
whenever possible.
To attain the commitment of all employees in the organization to quality as a
collective responsibility.
The company will pursue excellence in occupational safety and hygiene as an essential
element in their plan for business success.
The company operates in 3 core business areas:
Consumer health care
Health care services
Regional Offices:
New Delhi
Depots (South):
Kandlakoya (Hyderabad)
Depots ( East):
Dankuni (Kolkata)
Depots (North):
Luck now
Kandlakoya (Hyderabad)
In the Economic Times Brand Equity Survey 2014, Horlicks has been ranked as the
most trusted brand in hot beverages. Further, Horlicks and Boost also figured in top
100 brands across India.
Horlicks was recognized in the top 20 most valuable brand by WPP BrandZ.
Chocolate Horlicks was awarded the Best Digital Strategy award at Media Abbys for
‘Mixes in milk even before you skip this Ad’.
Horlicks Ahaar Abhiyan wins Best Pro Bono Marketing for providing better access to
nutrition and fight malnutrition.
GSK company was awarded ‘Star MNC’ Of the year Business Standard, 2014.
GSK was awarded ‘Golden Peacock ‘ award for sustainability second year session.
GSK CEO was awarded India’s Top 100 CEO’s, Rank 3 by Business Today.
GSK’s CFO was awarded Best CFO by Business Today.
Nabha factory has been awarded ‘Certificate of Merit’ at National Energy
Conservation Awards 2011.
Nabha factory won 2nd place in Energy Conservation from ‘Punjab Energy
Development Agency’ (PEDA) in State Level Energy Conservation competition for
the year 2010 for second successive year.
Further, Nabha Factory also secured ‘President’s Roll of Honor’(PROH) as a part of
GSK Excellence Recognition Awards for their contribution towards reduction in
energy consumption.
Rajahmundry factory has won National Award ‘Excellent Energy Efficient Unit’ for
excellence in energy management, 2011 from CII.
Sonapet site has been awarded 1st place in State Level Energy Conservation Award
from Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA) FOR YEAR
GSK is planning to introduce a new nutritious product called ‘JOSH’for the army
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats involved in Marketing OTC products by pharmaceutical companies. It
involves specifying the objective of the business and identifying the internal and external factors that
are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. The Non-Prescription (OTC Drugs) industry
and the companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Ranbaxy Consumer Health Care Division, Cipla, Morepen,
and Cadila Etc are also facing a massive amount of new challenges. There are many factors that affect
the overall competition in the OTC industry and there are many factors that can add to the competitive
advantage of a pharmaceutical company in order for them to be one of the biggest players in OTC
sector. Thus it was important during the research to find out the strengths weakness, opportunity and
threats of the sample GSK Consumer healthcare Division.
Opportunity : Threats:
Large market for existing OTC products. Sever competition from Domestic
Growing self medication among rural and companies like Ranbaxy
urban population. OTC Products becoming MA TURE
FMCG intermediates for effective Non availability of OTC products in rural
distribution channel parts.
Direct marketing to the consumers New area of OTC Herbals and ayurvedic
Conversions of many mature products to products.
OTC. Rising costs of products
The company’s operations and manufacturing functions are mainly divided into major
2.Consumer Healthcare
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer HealthCare ltd., has a strong marketing and distribution
network in India comprising over 1800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 4,00,000
retail outlets. It’s flagship product, Horlicks, is highly respected brand which is over 100
years old in India. The company also manufactures and markets Boost, Viva, Maltova and
Biscuits and in addition promotes and distributes a number of products in diverse categories,
including prominent brands such as Eno, Crocin, and Iodex.
GlaxoSmithKline’s Consumer Healthcare business is based on scientific innovation.
The company has dedicated consumer healthcare R&D centers and takes research as seriously
as marketing excellence, offering cutting –edge capability.
'The Great Family Nourisher'
Horlicks is the leading Health Food Drink in India and enjoys more than 50% share of
the Health Food Drink Market. (Source: A.C Neilson report on market shares)
Horlicks has been a popular brand in the country since the 1930’s. Today, the modern
Horlicks stands for trust and its promise of ‘Pleasurable Nourishment’ with a delicious range
of flavours including Chocolate, Vanilla and Elaichi.
Horlicks is the only health drink, clinically proven* in India, to make kids taller, stronger and
Boost is India's leading malt-based Health Food Drink in a chocolate flavor. It was
developed by the company's R&D team in 1974 and launched in 1975-76. Its success
characterizesthe manner and skill with which GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare has
responded to the changing contours of this product segment in recent times.
Boost has a market share of 13% countrywide amongst all Health Food Drinks (HFD),
while in South India - the biggest region for the category - it commands a market share of
Well begun is half done! Viva is based on the belief that a good start to the day
ensures that the rest of it goes well too. New Viva has Vita HealthTM - a combination of 9
essential Vitamins [Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Vitamin B12 &
C], Iron, Calcium and Phosphorous. Viva contains the natural goodness of milk, wheat and
malted barley. Just 2 cups a day give you the nourishment to help provide a healthy
foundation for life and, of course, a great start to the day.
Maltova, a chocolate Health Food Drink, was acquired from Jagatjit Industries
Limited in Feb 2000. To kids Maltova is the fun health drink, which is extremely tasty, and
makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting.
It was relaunched in June 2002 with an enriched formulation and improved packaging.
The relaunched New Maltova had Active Rechargers, a combination of essential vitamins,
minerals and carbohydrates.
Maltova has again been restaged in November 2004, with an attractive new packaging
that connotes an extremely high taste appeal and a sense of fun and excitement. The
communication and the promotions have been made more exciting by bringing in cartoon
characters like Scooby Doo.
Chocolate Horlicks:
Category was further strengthened with the launch of Chocolate Horlicks in November 1990.
Mother's Horlicks:
This unique formulation has an essential fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid or
DHA from a vegetarian source. Numerous studies have suggested that DHA helps in brain
development of the child during pregnancy and the first few years of life. It is important to
note that in infants, breast milk is the only source of DHA.
Women’s Horlicks:
Junior Horlicks:
Horlicks Lite:
Horlicks Biscuits:
It has been in the country since 1919.the IODEX brand is owned by smith Kline
French lab UK and licensed to GSK pharmaceuticals Ltd., India.From January 2002, the
sales, marketing and promotion of the brand has shifted to GSK consumer. The deeply
penetrating action of IODEX provides long lasting relief from back- aches, waist pains,
muscles strains and sprains.
ENO is a 100 years old global brand. It is part of the gastrointestinal category. Eno is
the only powder antacid in India and has shown a very favorable growth over the years. This
has been strengthened with the introduction of the lemon variant and the sachet pack.
Rajahmundry named after the king Raja Raja Narendra Varma is well known for its
history and holiness with a lot of temples and the sacred river Godavari which has celebrated
its Pushkarams recently attracting people globally for the successful celebrations.
Horlicks was an instant success in India and the product was always in short supply.
To meet the growing demand of the product the management foresaw the need of a factory in
India, in 1966 a lots of surveys was carried out to find a suitable location.
Rajahmundry was found to be an ideal location for the second factory because of the
following reasons:
The wide availability of milk – one of the most important raw materials for the
production of Horlicks.
Cost of labor being cheap.
Wide availability of water – a natural resource
The proximity to the biggest market – South
The enthusiastic and co-operative government
The factory is headed by the general manager, who reports to the vice president
(operations) at Head Office. Under the General Manager, there are department heads to look
after the different functions of the factory.
Production has taken great strides to bridge the gap in its site vision statement of main
world class standards by continuous over hauling of existing equipment technology.
They at Rajahmundry production are very proud with the result in the year gone by. They
have been at an all time record in the history of Rajahmundry term has set new benchmarks
for all the major key performance indicators. This was visibly demonstrated by the
achievement of production volumes of over 19000 tones of Horlicks for the first time in the
history of Rajahmundry.
The finance function has scaled many heights to achieve customer delight and ensure
cost competitiveness. By completing three sales tax assessments in row and on the average of
the fourth one, the finance function of set to break a; records. Steps have been taken to reduce
bank charges by 1.50 lakhs, obtained refund claims from excise for 1.85 lakhs, and
completion of verification of 2200 assets. A new initiative has also been taken in the form of
“activity based costing”. For the first time the finance function has proactively launched the
“financial planning module” for the workmen.
Purchase Department:
Head office purchase raise the purchase order, and does the negotiations for all raw
materials except Milk, Wheat flour and Sugar, which is carried out at Rajahmundry.
Quality Assurance:
Quality to GlaxoSmithKline means ensuring total Consumer satisfaction. Quality is
the heart of everything they do right from vendor’s selection raw material receipts goods
manufacturing practices in process checks to finish product testing. The success of the
business in an increasingly competitive environment is depending and quality of the product
and service.
Procurement Department:
Head office purchase raise the P.O., does the negotiation for all raw materials except
milk, wheat flour and sugar carried out of Rajahmundry. The site purchase handles the
scheduling of receipt of all the raw materials and packing materials used in the plant. The
complete procurement process for wheat flour, sugar and packing material for ghee is handled
by the site purchase. This is so because of strategic advantages derived out of locations
proximity for wheat and low volumes for sugar and ghee packing components. The total
value of all RM/PM procured at Rajahmundry is approximately 5.5 Crore.
Inputs on vendor performance for all components ordered by M.O purchase
are sent to then periodically. It is involved in the procurement of services like annual service
contract etc.
Engineering Department:
Engineering department supports the production by providing the following services.
This section is responsible for steam generation plant (including DM water plant). The plant
has five boiler, 4 of which are conventional 3 p tm Lancashire type fire tube boilers, and the
remaining is an 8 t pm fluidized bed combustion (FBC) water and fire tube type boiler plant
required to approximately 10 TPM. A new 12 TPM FBC is being commissioned to augment
the capacity. This addition was necessitated by the addition of one more line of production.
Feed water to the boiler is made of 20% fresh DM water and 80% recovered condensate. A
separate DM water plant is being is de-aerated in order to reduce the amount of dissolved
oxygen ensuring minimum scaling in the tubes. The economizer improves the efficiency of
the boiler and the mechanical ash collector is installed for pollution control purposes. The
FBC boiler firing is started by using a diesel burner. It also has a control panel with a ply
circuit for interlocking purposes. The coal conveying mechanism has a system for crusher.
The feeding in the convenient boilers is manual.
Human Resource Administration:
The major activities performed by this department apart from the general activities are:
Administrating industrial relations
Undertaking Wage negotiation process
Conducting training and development program
Emphasizing welfare activities
Educating workmen
Workmen’s families’ involvement in life enrichment
Start vocational training for workmen’s family
Behavioral training for workmen on attitudes, values etc.
Stores Department:
Stores department handles are the materials entering the factory premises on the basis
of the schedule given by site purchase.
The stores are classified in to following sections:
1. Raw materials / packing material stores.
2. General stores.
3. Finished goods store.
Quality Assurance:
The QA user department approves a good inward from (GIF) is prepared for all
materials which stores is also responsible for the fumigation of the materials requiring special
treatment before releasing it to production.
GSK, Dowleswaram is main center and does not have any marketing activities. Sales
Department performs the marketing activities, which are located regionally:
North Regional Office, Delhi
South Regional Office, Chennai
East Regional Office, Kolkata
West Regional Office, Mumbai
The factory runs in four shifts for every day all through the year. The shift timings are
as follows:
All the workmen are given a grace period of 5 minutes on entering timings of each
shift. After the grace period of 5 minutes the swipe machines will not accept the cards
punched, resulting in making a particular workmen absent. Wage And Salary Administration
WASA is divided into two parts , the time office system and the payroll system time. Office
system is in the VB and the payroll process is in A/S 400 languages respectively.
The permanent workers will be given grades . The grades will be given from Grade 4,
Grade 3, Grade 2, Grade 1 and last special grade will be given.
Special Grade 85
Grade 1 71
Grade 2 73
Grade 3 110
There are many factors (internal and external) that can influence work
performance of the organization. Some of them are Business competition, availability of raw
material and etc. These factors can be solved and handled by using knowledge, skill and
common sense of the employees.
Grievance is one of the factor deals direct with employees and all concern their
working environment (Gupta, 2006). Therefore effective grievance handling is an essential
part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive
workplace. Grievances are natural in any organization. These should be solved as early as
possible otherwise they can create serious problems for the organization, the industry and
Numbers of organization have set up grievance machinery at their working
places. Trade union movements have being working hand in hand with their respective
institutions.A systematic procedure should, therefore, be developed to settle all grievances.
Such a procedure provides the following benefits:
(i)It brings grievances into the open so that management can know them and take
necessary action to settle them.
(ii)It helps in preventing grievances from assuming dangerous proportions. Management can
solve a grievance before it becomes a dispute. It is an orderly and expeditious means for
redressal of grievances.
(iii)It enables the management to know the attitudes and feelings of employee concerning
the policies, rules and practices of the organization. With such knowledge necessary
improvements in policies and rules can be made.
(iv) It provides the workers a formal opportunity for expressing their fears, anxiety and
dissatisfaction. Such release of emotions helps to improve the morale and productivity of
(v) It helps to maintain cordial relations in the industry. It brings uniformity in the handling of
grievances. It also stimulates confidence in employees and builds a sense of security among
them. It enables both the parties to settle the grievances to their mutual satisfaction.
(vi) It serves as check upon arbitrary and biased action on the part of management. Managers
know that their actions can be reviewed and challenged and, therefore, become more careful.
Despite the number of efforts in resolving grievances, but the problem still continues. These
problems like strikes, go slows, poor conditions of services and demonstrations which
reduced the work performance and productive of the of industry/ organization still happen in
many organizations.
Therefore, this study aims to assess the grievance policy, strategies and practices of the role
of grievance management and its impact on employee performance in organizations.
Employee: a person who is hired for another or for a business, firm etc in return for payment.
A grievance is a sign of an employee’s discontentment with his job or his relationship with
colleagues. Grievances generally arise out of day-to-day working relations in an organization.
In an organization a grievance may be presented by an employee or group of employees, with
respect to any measure or situation that directly affects the individual or is likely to affect, the
conditions of employment of many workers.
A grievance is specific, formal dissatisfaction expressed through an identified procedure
-GUPTA, 2006
A grievance can defined as a type of discontent which must always be expressed .a grievance
is usually more formal in character than a compliant. It can be valid or ridiculous, and must
grow out of something connected with company operations or policy. It involves an
interpretation or application of the provisions of the labour contract -FLIPPO. A grievance is
a complaint of one or more workers in respect of wages, allowances, conditions of work and
interpretation of service stipulations, covering such areas as overtime, leave, transfer,
promotion, seniority, job assignment and termination of service -THE INTERNATIONAL
An analysis of these definitions reveals the following features of a grievance (Gupta, 2006):
(i) A grievance reflects discontent or dissatisfaction or a feeling of injustice.
(ii) The dissatisfaction must arise out of employment and not from personal or family
(iv) The dissatisfaction may be valid and legitimate or irrational and ridiculous or false.
(v) A grievance arises only when an employee feels that injustice has been done to him.
(vi) Grievances if not redressed in time tend to lower morale and work performance of
In a broader perspective, grievance would include any discontent or dissatisfaction
experienced by employee which affects the performance of the organization. An employee
can be aggrieved at the treatment meted out to him by his superiors or the management, on
his conditions of service, the nature of job and a host of other organizational factors. But the
feeling of dissatisfaction sometimes may be verbally shared or kept within or it may be
expressed in written or oral forms. Nevertheless as long as the dissatisfaction with the system
persists, an employee’s performance may be adversely affected
There are some employees doing not want to express their dissatisfaction before any one in
any form but discontent exists. It may be because of their personality characteristics, position
in the family and social- economic and cultural background. Other employees also are
reluctant to complain for a number of reasons including, to avoid tension, do not like to be
called ‘chronic complainers’ or have a greater tolerance. This type of discontent among
employees is very dangerous because it is not known when they may erupt.
There are symptoms which can be observe from the behaviour and actions of the individual
employee. These symptoms include absenteeism, alcoholism, accident, late coming, lack of
cooperation and withdrawal attitude of an employee in the place of work than his/her
previous behaviour.
Other visible symptoms could be bad tempered behaviour and appearance, moodiness, worry
and tension, increase in wastage and decline in productivity of the worker.
Grievances, if they are not identified and redressed, may have adverse effects they are:
On production:
Low production.
Less productivity.
Increase in wastage of materials and defects.
Increase in cost of production per unit.
On employees:
On managers:
Legal Sanctity :
The procedure should be in conformity with the existing law. It should be designed to
supplement the statutory provisions. Wherever possible, the procedure should make use of
machinery provided under legislation. The procedure may be incorporated in the standing
orders or code of ethics or collective bargaining agreement of the organization.
The grievance procedure must aim at speedy redressal of grievances. This can be ensured in
the following ways:
(a) As far as possible the grievance should be settled at the lowest level;
(c) Time limits should be prescribed and rigidly enforced at each level; and
The grievance procedure must be acceptable to all and should, therefore, be developed with
mutual consultation among management, workers and the union. In order to be generally
acceptable, the procedure must ensure:
(a) A sense of fair play and justice to workers;
The procedure should consist of as few steps as possible. Channels for handling grievances
should be carefully developed. Employees must know the officers to be contacted at each
level. Information about the procedure should be communicated to the employees.
Follow up
The working of the grievance procedure should be reviewed at periodical intervals. Necessary
improvements should be made to make the procedure more effective.
Identify Grievances:
Employee dissatisfaction or grievance should be identified by the management if they are not
expressed. If they are ventilated, management has to be promptly acknowledged them
Define correctly:
The management has to define the problem properly and accurately after it is
identified / acknowledged.
Collect data:
Complete information should be collected from all the parties relating to the
grievance. Information should be classified as facts, date opinions, etc.
Prompt Redressal:
The grievance should be redressed by implementing the solution.
Implement And Follow Up:
The implementation of the solution must be followed up at every stage in order to
ensure effective and speedy implementation.
A typical grievance produced in a unionized environment might look something like
Any dispute which may arise from an employee or union compliant with respect to the
interpretation of the terms and conditions of this agreement shall be subject to the following
Grievance procedure, unless expressly excluded from such procedure by the terms of this
agreement. All grievances shall be initiated at Step1. Time limits set forth herein may be
extended upon mutual agreement of the parties. The union shall have the right to be notified
and be present at all steps of the Grievance procedure.
Step1: The employee, union steward or officer, and/or the union representatives shall present
the grievance to the most immediate supervisor who has the authority to make adjustment in
the matter within 14 days of the alleged grievance or knowledge thereof.
Step2: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached in step 1 within three days following its
completion, the employee, the union and/or the union representative may present the
grievance to the department head. Upon the request of said department head, the grievance
shall be writing and shall state the grievance(s) name(s).
Step3: If a satisfactory settlement is not reached in step 2 within five days of the date of
submission of the written grievance to the department head, the employee, the union
committee and/or the union representative may present the grievance to the personnel
The director or his/her designee shall schedule a meeting to be held within 14 days of the
receipt of the grievance by the personnel director with the union committee and/or union
representative for the purpose of attempting to resolve the grievance.
The personnel director or his/her designee shall respond in writing within 7 days of the date
of the meeting. Time frames may be extended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties.
Step4: If the grievance is not resolved at step 3 the union may within 14 days after the
personnel director’s written response is due, serve written notice upon the employer that they
desire to arbitrate the grievance, and the union may request the federal mediation and
conciliation service to furnish a panel of five arbitrators. Within 10 days of the receipt of the
panel of arbitrators the parties shall select an arbitrator. The union shall make the first and
third strike and the employer the second and fourth strike of names. The remaining individual
shall serve as arbitrator and hear the dispute.
The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. The cost of the
arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties, except that each party shall be responsible for
the cost of any witnesses testifying on its behalf. Upon the mutual consent of the parties more
than one grievance may be heard before one arbitrator.
GSKCH has formulated a Grievance redressal mechanism for its employees advising the
officers from time to time to put in their best efforts, to capture the grievances submitted by
the workmen in the better manner at different stages and redress the grievances and
complaints expeditiously. The genuine grievances of a workman are attended to by the
managerial personnel in a well established manner and this procedure is followed at 3 levels
for prompt action.
Workmen&Management attend
the meeting
Concerned departmental
follow up
manager look into the matter
The following terms and conditions must be reviewed before beginning a new report.
a. Confidentiality
The Network does not track visitors to this web site. You can choose to provide your
name or remain anonymous, unless prohibited by country regulations. Please see our
Privacy Policy for more information.
b. Instructions
When submitting a report please complete all screens of the Web Report Form and
provide all required information -required fields are bold and marked with * . No
information will be transmitted until you click the "SUBMIT" button on the final screen.
c. Emergencies
Even though The Network takes every report we receive seriously, we are not a 911 or
emergency service. Please contact your local emergency services if you need to report a
critical situation.
d. Assistance:
GSK's ability to respond to your report depends on the accuracy and completeness of the
information you provide. The best and easiest ways to report your concern are either to
call your Speak Up integrity line, or to complete this on-line web report form
e. Notice & Consent:
By completing this web form, you agree that GSK and The Network may use the
information that you are submitting for the purposes of reviewing and investigating your
submission of potential misconduct, violation of law or policy, or other unethical activity,
including the disclosure of such information to third parties. You also agree that GSK
and the Network may transfer, store and process the information that you are submitting
outside the European Economic Area or anywhere that GSK or the Network, their
affiliates, or their third party service providers are based.
Telephone GSK
Report form on
service provider
mangement,Com Letter by post to
pliance,HR GSK mailbox
representatives Global
First employees can consider if they wish speaking internally to GSK manager,compliance or
a HR representatives.If employee feels uncomfortable discussing the issue internally ,then
any other channels can be used which are provided. the telephone and internet reporting
channels are manned independently of GSK ,supported globally and employees can make
their report anonymously if they prefer and as applicable according to the respective
country’s laws and regulations.
No matter how the employees choose to raise their concern, all questions and issues are
treated as confidentially and investigate fairly, co-operate with the governments, and comply
with legal obligations
After the report is being filed, it will be forwarded to appropriate GSK management or follow
Members of management will review and address the employee concern; they may
include representatives from the Global Ethics and Compliance function, HR and or
Employee’s concern will be handled promptly, discreetly and
professionally.Discussions and Enquiries will be kept in confidence to the extent
appropriate and permitted by law.
On request employee may obtain certain follow-up information about how your
concern was addressed.
The grievance registers are placed in GMP& Non GMP units where the employees can write
their grievances in it. Employees can lodge complaints pertaining to any aspect relating to
work. These written grievances are discussed in the grievance meeting which is held once in
every month. These grievances are maintained in separate records. Any Grievance or
complaints or suggestions can be recorded in the register.
Constitution: 6 members (purely management)
This is a forum apart from the grievance committee which provides the direct
access to workmen without routing through the grievance committee.
The help desks are conducted for two days in a month at GMP & Non-GMP
canteens. The possible action would be immediately initiated soon after the
grievance is recorded and the status would be reported in the next month. This
seems to be easy and readily accessible machinery for disposal of their
Table 4.1
stronglyagree agree neutral disagree strongly
The above table 4.1 illustrates about the grievances faced by employees in
GSKCH. From the above table it can be analyzed that around 90 percent of the sample
respondents have strongly agreed that the grievances occur frequently in the organization
whereas 10 percent of them are neutral in their response.
Table 4.2
Grievance channel
20 percentage
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
The above table 4.2 illustrates about the channel of receiving grievances or complaints in
the organization. Referring to the above table it can be said that 40 percent of total
respondents strongly disagree with the statement and around 40percent of them are neutral in
their response only 20 percent of them agree. that they are aware of the grievance channel.
Table 4.3
Reporting person
Immediate supervisor Headof HR Colleagues(Discussion) Functionhead
The above table 4.3 states about the reporting channel of Grievances. From the above
table we can analyze that 44 percent of the sample respondents report their grievances to the
immediate superior. Around 24 percent of them report to HR head and whereas 20 percent of
respondents discuss with their colleagues whereas 12 percent report to their function head.
Table 4.4
4) Employees are Aware of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism in GSKCH?
The above table 4.4 clearly states that 28 percent of respondents are aware of the
grievance redressal mechanism. In the above table majority of the sample respondents 44
percent are neutral in their response. Around 28 percent of them have almost strongly
disagreed to the statement.Thus, it may be referred that the organization should take steps to
create awareness for the employees regarding the grievance redressal mechanism.
Table 4.5
The above table 4.5 illustrates about the Grievance prone subjects in GSKCH. Referring
to the above table it can be said that majority of the sample respondent’s i.e, 66 percent stated
that grievances occur mostly through working conditions.
Table 4.6
6) Employees directly approach &discuss their Grievances with the Immediate Supervisor?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.6 it is clear that the employees directly approach their supervisor
for reporting grievances. Most of the sample respondents i.e, 86 percent have agreed with the
statement and around 4 percent disagree towards the statement and 10 percent are neutral in
their response
Table 4.7
7) Along with Work Related, Personal Grievances are also Being Addressed in the
Personal Grievances
40% Percentage
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.7 it can be analyzed around 88 percent of the sample respondents
strongly disagree with the statement .whereas 10 percent of them are neutral in their
Thus, it may be referred that the organization does not address personal grievances.
Table 4.8
8) There is always a Positive Response of the Superior Towards employees Grievances.
From the above table 4.8 it is clear that there is not a positive response of superior
towards employees grievances.24 percent have agreed with the statement and around 42
percent disagree towards the statement and 34 percent are neutral in their response.
Table 4.9
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The above table 4.9 clearly states that 30 percent of respondents agree that
management gathers relevant facts about the Grievance. In the above table majority of the
sample respondents 50 percent are neutral in their response. Around 20 percent of them have
almost strongly disagreed to the statement.
Table 4.10
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.10 it is clear that employees grievance management policy is
satisfying employees in the organisation.68 percent have agreed with the statement and
around 12 percent disagree towards the statement and 20 percent are neutral in their
Table 4.11
11) How much times your superior takes on a complaint (duration of handling process)?
40% Percentage
Indefinite Depends on the level
From the above table 4.11 it is clear that Grievance handling process time is indefinite.80
percent have agreed with the statement and around 20 percent says that the time for handling
grievance depends on the level of the compliant.
Table 4.12
12) The Decisions Taken By the Top Management Related To Grievance Are Satisfactory
Management decision
20% Percentage
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.12 it is clear that the decisions taken by top management are
satisfactory.40 percent have agreed with the statement and around 26 percent disagree
towards the statement and 34 percent are neutral in their response.
Table 4.13
13) Availability of Suggestion or Complain Box helps in boost up employee morale and
Suggestion box
30% Percentage
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.13 it is clear that the suggestion box helps the employees in
raising complaints confidentially and it improves employees morale.60 percent have agreed
with the statement and around 20 percent disagree towards the statement and 20 percent are
neutral in their response.
Table 4.14
Job satisfaction
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
From the above table 4.14 it is clear that the Grievance redressal is one of the major
components of job satisfaction.86 percent have agreed with the statement and around 4
percent disagree towards the statement and 10 percent are neutral in their response
Table 4.15
Work performance
stronglyagree agree neutral disagree strongly
The above table 4.15 illustrates about the grievances affect the working
performance of employees in GSKCH. From the above table it can be analyzed that around
90 percent of the sample respondents have strongly agreed that the grievances affect the work
performance in the organization whereas 10 percent of them are neutral in their response.
Table 4.16
16) The Speak up channel and Help Desk Forums Are Useful in Carrying out Grievances
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.16 it is clear that the speak up channel and Help desk help
employees in the organisation.68 percent have agreed with the statement and around 12
percent disagree towards the statement and 20 percent are neutral in their response.
Table 4.17
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
From the above table 4.17 it is clear that the employee’s absenteeism is high in the
organization. Most of the sample respondents i.e., 90 percent have agreed with the statement
and 10 percent are neutral in their response
Table 4.18
stronglyagree agree neutral disagree strongly
The above table 4.18 illustrates about the commitment of employees in
GSKCH. From the above table it can be analyzed that around 90 percent of the sample
respondents have strongly agreed that the employees commitment is high in the organization
whereas 10 percent of them are neutral in their response.
Table 4.19
19) Complaints and Grievances are often being Taken Care Off by the management.
compliants aspect
20% Percentage
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
From the above table 4.19 it is clear that Complaints and grievances are being taken care
of by the management .24 percent have agreed with the statement and around 40 percent
disagree towards the statement and 34 percent are neutral in their response
Table 4.20
20) The Management Has Been Making Efforts To Dispose Of All Grievances Procedurally
With A View To Ensure Justice And Satisfaction To All Employees.
From the above table 5.20 it is clear that 50 percent disagree towards the statement that
the management has been making efforts to dispose of all Grievances procedurally with a
view to ensure justice and satisfaction To all employees around 20 percent agree towards the
statement and 30 percent are neutral in their response.
1. All of the workmen opine that grievances occur often in the organization.
2. Most of the workmen are not aware of Grievance redressal mechanism at GSKCH.
3. Majority of the workmen agree that grievance prone subjects are working conditions
and work life.
4. Most of the Employees approach and share their grievances to their immediate
5. Most of the workmen opine that grievance mechanisms are helpful in solving the
6. All of the workmen agree to the statement that grievance records are very helpful in
carrying their grievances to the management.
7. All of the workmen opined that the role of the grievance committee is satisfactory in
the grievance settlement.
8. Speak up channel is help desk forums are helpful in resolving grievances.
9. Management need to improve in the following aspects:
Canteen problems
Reduction of the heat in oven room of the production department.
Organization should improve working environment, working conditions which are the
causes of the grievances in the organizations. Thus will prevent or help in reducing
Complaints and suggestions are often being taken care off to improve morale of
Create proper awareness among employees about using reporting channels like speak
The study has been proved that, the grievances occur more often in GSKCH. Thus made more
discontent or dissatisfaction to the workers at GSKCH and it has been affected more the
employee’s performance and productivity
Grievance is one of the factor deals direct with employees and all concern their working
environment. Therefore effective grievance handling is an essential part of cultivating good
employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive workplace
Grievances are natural in any organization. These should be solved as early as possible
otherwise they can create serious problems for the organization, the industry and society.
GSKCH has formulated a Grievance redressal mechanism for its employees advising the
officers from time to time to put in their best efforts, to capture the grievances submitted by
the workmen in the better manner at different stages and redress the grievances and
complaints expeditiously. The genuine grievances of a workman are attended to by the
managerial personnel in a well established manner and this procedure is followed at levels
for prompt action
In GSKCH Rajahmundry, the grievances of workmen are redressed through different
methods and ways like speak up channel,grievance committee,registers and grievance
V S P Rao: Human Resource Management
K.Ashwathappa: Human Resource Management
P.K.Padhi : Labour and Indus trial laws
GSKCH Grievance records
A Study on Employee Grievance Redressal And
It’s Impact on Employee Performance at GSKCH, Rajahmundry.
Name: age:
Department: designation:
6) Employees directly approach &discuss their Grievances with the Immediate Supervisor?
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Neutral D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree
7) Work Related and Personal Grievances Are Being Addressed In the Organization.
13) Availability of Suggestion or Complain Box helps in boost up employee morale and
16) The Speak up channel and Help Desk Forums Are Useful in Carrying out Grievances.
19) Complaints and Grievances are often being Taken Care Off by the management.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Neutral D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree
20) The Management Has Been Making Efforts To Dispose Of All Grievances Procedurally
With A View To Ensure Justice And Satisfaction To All Employees.
A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Neutral D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree.