Crystallization Notes
Crystallization Notes
Crystallization Notes
Solid organic compounds prepared in the laboratory or extracted from natural sources,
such as leaves, are often impure. One of the steps usually involved in the purification of
such solid compounds is crystallization. It is the slow formation of a crystalline solid. In
general, the crude compound is first dissolved in a minimal amount of hot solvent. At this
stage, insoluble impurities can be separated from the hot solution by gravity filtration. If
colored impurities are present, the solution is treated with decolorizing charcoal and then
filtered. The hot, saturated solution is then allowed to cool slowly so that the desired
compound crystallizes. When the crystals are fully formed, these are isolated from the
mother liquor (the solution) by filtration.
The success of this process is based on the difference in the solubilities of the compound
and the impurities, and on the fact that most compounds are more soluble in a hot solvent
than in a cold one.
Crystallization is different from precipitation since the latter is a rapid formation of solid
material. If the hot, saturated solution is cooled too quickly, the compound may precipitate
instead of crystallizing. The precipitate may still contain impurities. However, if the solution
is allowed to slowly cool down, impurities are likely to be excluded. The molecules in the
crystal structure are in equilibrium with the molecules still in solution. Molecules unsuitable
for the crystal lattice tend to return to the solution. Thus, crystallization is a more selective
process. Since impurities are often found in low concentrations, they tend to remain in
solution as cooling continues.
As with all ideal things, such an ideal solvent does not exist. However, the main
consideration for choosing a solvent is this: that the compound should be moderately
soluble in it. Crystallization brings us back to the rule of thumb: like dissolves like. Polar
compounds are soluble in polar solvents. So how do we make sure that our target
compound is just moderately soluble in a given solvent? Through experiment. Fortunately
for us, information about good solvents or solvent systems for the crystallization of certain
compounds can be found in literature.
Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual
Toxic solvents must not be sniffed, and should be handled under a hood.
Boiling chips should be used when heating solvents to reduce the risk of uneven boiling,
which may result in bumping or splattering of hot liquid. These chips release bubbles when
hot, ensuring even heating. Fresh boiling chips must be used at all times.
Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual
5. Simply placing the system in a cold room since some materials are best crystallized
at low temperatures.
Steps in Crystallization
Dissolving the Compound
The solid compound will be dissolved in a minimum amount of hot solvent in an Erlenmeyer
flask. A flask is preferred over a beaker since it minimizes the possibility of splattering
liquids. It can also be corked and stored.
Solid lumps must be pulverized first before dissolving in the solvent. To make sure that only
a minimum amount of solvent is used, small portions of the solvent are added until the
compound completely dissolves. Usually, excess solvent can be reduced by boiling it off.
There will be no need for gravity filtration if the resulting solution looks clean and clear.
Colored impurities can be eliminated by adding decolorizing charcoal.
Only a small amount of decolorizing charcoal is to be added to the solution. Since the
carbon particles adsorb organic compounds, it might as well adsorb some of the desired
compound. As much as possible, it must be made certain that a maximum amount of the
compound is recovered from the sample. To prevent a large amount of sample loss,
addition of an excess solvent always accompanies every decolorizing process.
The decolorizing step is generally performed after the crude compound has been dissolved
in an appropriate solvent system. When adding decolorizing charcoal to a solution, it is very
important that an excess amount of fresh, cold solvent is added first into the solution or the
solution is allowed to cool down. The carbon particles can act as minute boiling chips. If
they are added to a hot solution, frothing may occur. It is also because of this that the
mixture will froth once it is heated with decolorizing charcoal.
Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual
After gently boiling the solution, it is then subjected to gravity filtration. The receiving flask
and funnel must be very warm to avoid premature formation of crystals. The addition of
more solvent prior to boiling also prevents premature crystallization during gravity
filtration. If the filtrate still appears to have some color, the solution may be treated again
with decolorizing charcoal and refiltered. Once the solution appears colorless and clear,
excess solvent may then be boiled off as before.
The glassware (an Erlenmeyer flask and a funnel) must be preheated in an oven, and used
while very hot at the time when the solution to be filtered is ready. The receiving flask will
also serve as the site for crystallization later on. Keep the solution being filtered hot. While
waiting for some of the solution poured on the funnel to drain into the receiving flask, heat the
remainder of the unfiltered solution to keep it hot.
If premature crystallization occurs in the funnel, wash the crystals down with fresh, hot
solvent. It would be better to add only small portions of the hot crystallization solution
instead of filling the funnel to the brim and keep the rest of the solution hot. After filtering
all of the solution, wash the empty flask with a small amount of fresh, hot solvent to
dissolve remaining traces of crystals in the flask and then pour this into the filter paper.
If crystals immediately form in the receiving flask, it can be reheated to redissolve the
crystals. If the crystals remain undissolved, additional hot solvent can be added to dissolve
these formations. At this point, excess solvent may then be boiled off.
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On the other hand, if the solution is cooled slowly, as shown in figure 3, the impurities
trapped inside the crystal lattice of hexagons may be displaced by particles which fit better
in the crystal lattice, which are the hexagons as well. This results to a large and pure
crystallized product. It is important that the solution be cooled gradually but not too slowly
that impurities adhere in the crystal matrix again.
If several days are required for crystallization, the solution must first be cooled to room
temperature before corking the flask and storing it. Rubber stoppers are not to be used
when organic solvents are involved to prevent the former from being dissolved.
It may also be that too much of the solvent was used, especially if scratching or adding a
seed crystal did not work. In this case, boiling off excess solvent may be employed.
Survey of Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual
If oiling out still occurs, let this oil solidify. The solidified oil may then be separated and
redissolved in fresh, hot solvent. By this time, much of the impurities may have been
removed to allow crystallization to proceed more smoothly.
Optional: The mother liquor collected from suction filtration may still contain some
dissolved compound and provide another batch of crystals, aptly called the second crop.
The crystals may be obtained by boiling off excess solvent, and allowing the solution to cool
down as before. Each successive crop, though, will be less pure than the previous one. Thus,
only one to two crops are usually taken. All harvested crystals can be purified further by
recrystallization in fresh solvent.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado at Boulder; 2014 May
14 [cited 2014 June 19]. Available from:
Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University; 2001 February 1 [cited 2005 May 22].
Available from:
Fessenden RJ, Fessenden JS. Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry. USA:
Merck & Co.; 1983.
Most CF. Experimental Organic Chemistry. USA: Wiley & Sons; 1988.