HR Principles
HR Principles
HR Principles
The <Company> Human Resources Policy and Procedures Manual has been
developed to facilitate the implementation and clearly define <Company>’s
policies on human resource management.
The policies specified within are consistent with those of best practice
management principles. They have the full support and commitment of
<Company> management.
HR policies must be kept current and relevant. Therefore, from time to time it
will be necessary to modify and amend some sections of the policies and
procedures, or for new procedures to be added.
▌ Policy Statement
▌ Objective
▌ Application
The policy will be seen to be successfully applied when all employees are
seen to perform their duties professionally with skill, care and diligence.
This includes:
In order to protect <Company> from the potential effects of the misuse and
abuse of email, the following instructions are to be observed by all users.
▌ Internet
Managers should be notified when a gratuity has been received. If the gratuity
has been received as a thank you for work performed then it should be noted
on the employee’s personal file to ensure it is included in the employee’s next
All employment and promotion decisions will be based solely upon individuals’
qualifications, experience, prior contribution and demonstrated capacity to
perform at higher or improved levels of performance and will be in accordance
with the principle of equal employment opportunity. <Company> will take
whatever affirmative action is necessary to attract and retain qualified
▌ Objective
The objective of the Equal Opportunity Policy is to support the attraction and
retention of employees that contribute most to the development of the
<Company> business.
▌ Application
▌ Process
<Company> encourages any employee who feels they have been harassed to
contact a company manager. The company aims to provide a working
environment which is free of workplace harassment or intimidation.
▌ Objective
▌ Application
The sexual harassment policy will be successfully applied when all staff are
treated on merit by their managers, by peers, by direct reports and by all other
team members.
▌ Process
Making a Complaint:
If you believe you are being, or have been, harassed, follow the procedure
Receiving a Complaint:
Investigating a Complaint:
When a manager investigates a complaint, he/she should follow the
procedure below:
▌ interview all directly concerned, separately
▌ interview witnesses, separately
▌ keep records of interviews and investigation
▌ do not assume guilt
▌ interview the alleged harasser, separately and confidentially
▌ let the alleged harasser know exactly what he/she is being accused of
▌ give him/her a chance to respond to the accusation
▌ listen carefully and record details
▌ make it clear he/she does not have to answer any questions
▌ ensure confidentiality, minimise disclosure
▌ determine appropriate action based on investigation and evidence
▌ check to ensure the action meets the needs of the complainant and
▌ Objective
The objectives of the business expenses policy are to ensure staff are not out
of pocket in the course of fulfilling their responsibilities, and expenses can be
correctly allocated to optimise the company’s tax position.
▌ Application
The business expenses policy will be successfully applied when all staff
expenses are reported, allocated and reimbursed within 30 days.
▌ Process
Minor one off expenses ($50 or less) may be reimbursed through petty cash.
Where possible this should be in advance for a known requirement and
receipts, along with change, should be returned to petty cash.
Expenses for more than $50 or for employees with ongoing individual
expenses requirements should be submitted to Accounts on an Expenses
Claim Form which has been signed off as approved by the employee’s
immediate supervisor.
All claims must be submitted by the seventh of the month for the previous
month in arrears. Only one claim should be made per month. Exceptionally
large expense claims may be submitted at the time of incurring them and not
wait until the end of the month.
▌ Objective
The objective of the induction policy is to familiarise the employee with the
company, their job, the industry, colleagues, company systems, processes
and policies with a view to ensuring they can make a contribution to business
outcomes as quickly as possible.
▌ Application
The induction policy will be successfully applied when all new employees
meet their probationary period performance targets.
▌ Process
Review the progress against the schedule with the employee at the end of
each week.
All persons who are responsible for the work activities of other employees will
be held accountable for:
▌ identifying practices and conditions which could injure employees,
clients, members of the public or our environment
▌ implementing steps to control such situations
▌ if unable to control such practices and conditions, reporting these to
their superiors
6.1 Smoking
Smokers who need to take breaks should do so during their allotted breaks
(no more than two per day in addition to their lunch break). These breaks
These breaks must not be taken at the entrance to <Company> offices. This
is a poor representation of the Company and people who may be visiting
<Company>, visitors do not want to be walking through a cloud of smoke.
This policy applies to all levels throughout <Company>. The policy is not
concerned with social drinking or the taking of prescribed drugs for medical
purposes, the concern is directed to instances where alcohol or other drug
dependence or abuse affects the job performance and or/safety of any
Attending work under the influence of alcohol will not be tolerated and may
result in disciplinary action or ultimately dismissal.
<Company>, at times, makes alcohol available to staff over the age of 18.
Limiting the consumption of any alcohol made available is the responsibility of
the employee. Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other illicit drug is
illegal, it is your own responsibility to ensure you comply with this.
It is the policy of <Company> to provide all employees with a safe and healthy
working environment by identifying, assessing and controlling manual
handling risks within the workplace.
In all circumstances, do not lift or manually handle items larger or heavier than
you can easily support. If you are in any doubt, ask for assistance.
If an employee is injured while away from work, <Company> will allow them to
exhaust their paid sick leave, accumulated annual leave or long service leave.
If the injured employee has used all leave owing, been off work for a lengthy
period and is not fit enough to return to work then management will discuss
with the employee their expectations of returning to work.
<Company> will hold an injured worker’s position open for a period of time as
stated in the relevant legislation unless it is not reasonably practicable to do
7.1 Introduction
At <Company> we aim to be an employer of choice– one where people want
to work. As a business we are committed to giving all members of our team
every opportunity to develop their careers, to contribute to our business and to
share in its success.
The Performance Management System is designed to support the completion
of the work of the organisation. It will also define, measure and recognise the
contribution of individuals and help the organisation establish achievable
goals for all of its people – it is a team based approach.
At any stage, if you have any questions or concerns you can raise them with
your Manager.
If our organisation can help its people feel more of the positive emotions and
eliminate most of the negative then we will have come a long way to being an
employer of choice.
All <Company> employees will have position descriptions, these will only be
produced in an agreed format and amendments need to be approved by
▌ Objectives
▌ Process
▌ Policy Statement
All new employees are appointed with the intention of the placement being
permanent unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.
All new employees will serve a three month probationary period to ensure
both <Company> and the employee are happy with a permanent commitment
to the role. Managers should engage new employees in informal performance
based feedback regularly and have specific meetings to discuss progress
after one and two months respectively.
Prior to the completion of the three month probationary period new employees
will undergo a performance appraisal to provide feedback on performance,
guidance on future direction and to set selected specific objectives for the
next performance appraisal period.
▌ Objectives
▌ Application
▌ The manager and the employee will agree on the date for a
performance appraisal meeting. In the case of all probationary period
appraisals, this must be before the completion of three months of
▌ The manager and the employee will meet and agree any objectives for
the next appraisal period.
▌ Policy Statement
▌ Objectives
▌ Application
▌ Process
▌ The manager and the employee will meet and agree any objectives for
the next appraisal period.
▌ Policy Statement
▌ Objectives
▌ Application
▌ Process
7.7 Superannuation
▌ Policy
▌ Process
Employees can nominate a super fund of their choice when they commence
with the Company. All employees must belong to a superannuation fund whilst
employed by <Company>. Contributions made by the company and employee
will cease when the employee is of an age in accordance with occupational
superannuation standards.
▌ Procedure
It is preferred annual leave is not accrued from year to year. Employees are
expected to co-operate in taking annual leave as requested when the
business closes for the Christmas break.
In the first 12 months of employment, employees can only take annual leave
once it has accrued (or at management’s discretion), unless required by
management to take annual leave over the Christmas period.
Applications for annual leave should be lodged four weeks in advance. Leave
application forms should be filled out and forwarded to payroll for action.
Annual leave will count towards continuous service.
Any annual leave requests in excess of two weeks continuous leave must be
signed off by management.
Employees may request to cash out up to two weeks of their credited annual leave
entitlement every 12 months (or the pro-rata equivalent for part-time employees). A
request to cash out annual leave must be made in writing and given to your manager
for approval.
You will be entitled to long service leave in line with the provisions of the appropriate
legislation in your state.
Maternity leave is unpaid leave which is available for a minimum period of six
weeks and for a maximum period of 52 weeks if the employee is the primary
carer. Other types of leave can be taken in conjunction with maternity leave
providing the total period of absence does not exceed 52 weeks.
Any employee taking maternity leave is required to take at least six weeks
continuous leave after the date of the birth of her child. The employer may,
with 14 days notice, require the employee to commence maternity leave
within six weeks of the presumed confinement date.
Where the pregnancy is terminated other than by birth of a living child and the
employee has not commenced maternity leave, her entitlement to such leave
ceases to exist. However, an employee may be entitled to special maternity
leave, as specified by her doctor, if the pregnancy has extended beyond 28
weeks, and is terminated other than by birth of a living child.
Details of return to work date must be given four weeks in advance. The
employee is entitled to return to the position held prior to taking maternity
leave or to an alternative position of comparable status and pay.
Paternity leave is unpaid leave available for a minimum period of one week at
the time of confinement and a maximum period of 52 weeks if the employee is
the primary carer.
Other types of leave can be taken in conjunction with paternity leave providing
the total period of absence does not exceed 52 weeks.
Where the pregnancy is terminated other than by the birth of a living child and
the employee has not commenced paternity leave, his entitlement to such
leave ceases to exist.
Details of the return to work date must be given four weeks in advance. The
employee is entitled to return to the position he held prior to taking paternity
leave or to an alternative position of comparable status and pay.
An employee seeking to adopt a child may take up to two days of unpaid pre-
adoption leave to attend any interviews or examinations required to obtain
approval for the adoption.
Employees adopting a child under the age of five years are entitled to take up
to 52 weeks of unpaid adoption leave (shared between both parents). This
leave is only available when the adopted child has not previously lived
continuously with either parent for at least six months and is not a child or
step child of either parent. Parents may take up to three weeks unpaid leave
simultaneously when an adopted child is placed with them.
Other types of leave can be taken in conjunction with adoption leave providing
the total period of absence does not exceed 52 weeks.
The maximum amount of study leave that should be approved is four hours
per week to attend lectures or 10 full days per year for those who are studying
by correspondence and who are required to attend residential courses.
Applications should be lodged four weeks in advance by filling out a training
course application form and forwarding to payroll.
The <Company> will maintain time-in-lieu accounts which will record time-in-
lieu credits and debits. This allows management to provide time-in-lieu as a
discretionary benefit. Generally, time-in-lieu should be taken within the same
financial year within which it is accrued.
Other types of appropriate paid leave should be used before approval for
leave without pay can proceed.
Failure to return to work on the date stipulated may result in loss of continuity
or termination. Extension of leave will be considered on an individual basis.
An exchange of letters is required setting out all conditions.
Employees may donate blood during working hours without loss of pay
provided that:
▌ the payment will be for up to two hours, once in each quarter of the year
▌ the time fits in with work requirements
▌ it is with the approval of their immediate supervisor on presentation of
an attendance card authorised by the Red Cross Transfusion Service
The total absence for such leave must be reasonable (take into account
current work deadlines etc) and must be agreed between the employee and
<Company> may refuse a request by an employee to attend emergencies if
they are urgently required at work. If an employee does not accept the
decision of the directors and leaves work without permission, they may be
subject to disciplinary proceedings including dismissal.
▌ Objective
The objectives of the leave policy are to ensure all staff have adequate time
away from work for family holidays, special events, rest and recreation while
avoiding the build up of large amounts of annual leave not taken on the
Company balance sheet.
▌ Application
The leave policy will be successfully applied when staff take appropriate
breaks from work and when all annual leave is taken within the calendar year.
▌ Process
All planned leave will be taken at a mutually agreed time and will take into
account workload requirements and an employee’s individual needs.
All staff should adhere to the travel and accommodation policy when travelling on
Company business. The Company recognises business travel is generally an
inconvenience and seeks to make such inconvenience more comfortable at a cost
that is appropriate for the Company’s size and cash flows.
▌ Objective
The objective of the travel and accommodation policy is that the employee can be in
the required location to do business and be ready to do business. All travel
arrangements are intended to be comfortable, practical and economical ensuring the
employee endures no discomfort when they are required to travel or stay away from
▌ Application
The travel and accommodation policy will be successfully applied when travel is
completed within budget at no discomfort to the employee.
▌ Policy
All our travel, both domestic and international is to be booked at economy class rates
or the lower available discount fare, unless otherwise approved by management.
▌ Process
At least three days notice and wherever possible, the maximum period of notice of
bookings required, should be given, to allow maximum use of available discounted
▌ Policy
Capital city and major provincial city accommodation should be booked wherever
practicable through the previously nominated bookers.
Accommodation in country areas will be at the discretion of the traveller but should
take maximum advantage of available corporate membership plans and lowest
available rates.
All accommodation and meal charges are to be paid by the user, unless an
alternative arrangement has been previously agreed by the relevant manager. Where
there is more than one employee present, meal charges should be paid by the most
senior employee.
▌ Process
▌ Policy
▌ Policy
Approval must be obtained from the employee’s manager before any vehicle is
<Company> does not have accounts with any car rental firms. All rentals are to be
paid for by the employee and claimed as personal expenses.
Car rental is to be used only when other means are unavailable, more costly or
impractical. The class of car should be a small sedan, unless a larger vehicle is
absolutely necessary. Insurance for car rental must be incurred on the rental contract
and signed for. If an accident occurs, the rental company should be advised promptly.
▌ Policy
Employees who are travelling on work related business and who require the use of a
taxi for travel should pay the fare and then forward an expenses form with receipt to
accounts to be reimbursed.
▌ Policy
Work social events are optional events for employees. All employees need to
organise their own transportation to and from the venue unless previously
organised by management.
10.1 Discipline
▌ Policy Statement
<Company> has a human resources’ strategy that recognises the value of its people.
Part of this strategy is the fair treatment of all employees. This requires a minimum
standard of conduct and performance be agreed, set and communicated with all
employees. If employees do not meet this standard, appropriate corrective action,
such as training, should be undertaken. Discipline should only be engaged with an
employee on a performance issue if all other corrective action has failed to achieve
the desired result.
Employees should be treated fairly and the proper procedures should be followed.
Employees must be made aware of their responsibilities, counselled and given the
opportunity to reach the standards expected of them and the chance to defend
themselves before action is taken.
It is a requirement to have a third party attend a disciplinary meeting, and notes taken
be signed as a true record of discussions.
The expected standard must be clearly defined and the measurement criteria
understood. A reasonable date for achievement of standards must be agreed. This
should be shown as a minimum time, e.g. within one month.
For serious issues, employees must be advised in writing and such advice should be
recorded on the employee’s personnel file.
▌ Process
▌ Poor Performance
If all these processes have been followed and the employee’s performance still
has not improved, then the employee may be dismissed*.
▌ Misconduct
This letter should invite the employee to present his/her version of events to the
investigating officer and inform he/she may be accompanied by a representative.
The only purpose of the representative’s visit is to observe – they are not
*Note: In all such cases ‘procedural fairness’ guidelines will apply. This means the
warning and dismissal process must allow the employee to offer their view of the
events concerned. The employee must have every chance to defend
himself/herself and has the right to appeal a decision made. If this process is not
followed the dismissal may be overturned by an Industrial Relations authority.
**Note: For some offences <Company> retains the right to report the matter to the police
where charges may be laid. The police will be notified with regard to any criminal
act against the Company or another member of staff. Management has a duty of
care to shareholders and staff and at all times will be subordinate to legal process.
▌ Policy Statement
During all stages of the disciplinary process employees have the right to appeal
against any disciplinary action taken against them.
An employee who believes the disciplinary action taken against them is unfair, is able
to appeal the process.
An appeal will be treated fairly, dealt with discreetly and actioned promptly.
▌ Process
Managers should:
▌ acknowledge receipt of the employee’s objection
▌ investigate the matter thoroughly
▌ report back to the employee within seven days
If the appeal is disallowed an employee is entitled to appeal to the next most senior
The next most senior manager should investigate the matter and report back to the
employee within 10 working days.
The employee has no further right of appeal under this process if the second appeal
is disallowed.
10.3 Grievance
▌ Policy Statement
<Company> supports the right of every employee to lodge a grievance with his/her
manager if the individual believes a decision, behaviour or action that affects their
employment is unfair. We aim to resolve problems and grievances promptly and as
close to the source as possible with graduated steps for further discussions and
resolution at higher levels of authority as necessary.
The employee should attempt to resolve the complaint as close to the source as
possible. This can be at a quite informal and verbal level. If the matter is not resolved
then further steps need to be taken.
All available attempts to settle a grievance before starting the formal grievance
process should be taken.
For the formal grievance process to begin, complainants must fully describe their
grievance in writing, including dates and locations wherever possible and the
remedies sought.
The person(s) against whom the grievance/complaint is made should be given the
full details of the allegation(s) against them and should have the opportunity and
reasonable time to respond before resolution is attempted. The duration of this
should not exceed one week.
If resolution is still not reached, the matter will be referred to the Managing Director
for consideration and final decision. A grievance taken to this level must be in writing
from the employee.
The employee’s manager will forward to the Managing Director any additional
information thought relevant. The Managing Director will provide a written response
to the employee and also communicate with any other parties involved.
If the matter is still not resolved, the employee will be advised of his/her rights to
pursue the matter with external authorities if they wish.
The above procedure takes place for individual employee grievances. Whatever the
final outcome, it will affect the attitudes of each party and their long-term relationship.
The issues which sparked the grievance should be reviewed by management at
executive level so the dispute does not reoccur.
<Company>’s policy is to ensure all staff who are faced with a traumatic event in a
work environment are provided with immediate support and counselling, by a
professional, external provider.
Traumatic events can include being the victim of a robbery or assault, witness to
such an event, witness to a significant injury, or death of another employee or any
other person, within the work environment.
The company will pay for such counselling for a reasonable period.
▌ Objective
The objective of the post trauma counselling policy is to provide immediate care to
any staff affected and to support their return to work.
▌ Process
▌ Be prepared to listen:
o to the facts
o to how he/she is feeling
o do not give advice, direction or comment on how they should act or
▌ The counsellor may make recommendations on how the employee should get
home and which family and friends should be contacted for additional
From time to time during the course of your employment, you may be given access to
sensitive information, data, company property, keys to premises or any other
company related property/information. It is expected employees will treat this as
intellectual property and therefore it should be stored securely either physically
and/or electronically. Failure to properly look after company information or property
will result in disciplinary proceedings including dismissal.
In such circumstances, any business or other external interests that have a real or
perceived conflict of interest should be declared to <Company>.
The Company will review the potential areas of conflict with the employee and
mutually agree on practical, commercial arrangements, which may include, but is not
limited to, the following:
You will at all times advise management of any other interests you or any
related bodies corporate in which you participate, have or are potentially
entering into that could cause conflict with your employment, interests or
commitment in <Company>.
Signed_____________________________ Dated______________