Anti Bribery Policy
Anti Bribery Policy
Anti Bribery Policy
November 2017
The adverse economic and social consequences of bribery and corruption are a
major deterrent to development, everywhere in the world.
Sanofi has zero-tolerance for bribery. Sanofi has been engaged for many years in
fostering throughout its organization, but also in its relationships with external
stakeholders, an ethical culture aiming at reaching the highest standards in terms of
responsibility and business integrity.
The purpose of this Policy is to establish guidance for Sanofi Employees and Third
Parties interacting with Sanofi to comply with applicable Anti-corruption and Anti-
bribery Laws and Regulations, as well as to promote a culture of ethics and integrity.
This policy also aims at protecting Sanofi and Sanofi Employees’ reputation and at
avoiding potential civil and criminal fines.
This Policy is global in scope and applies to Sanofi worldwide, all Sanofi Employees
and Third Parties engaged in activities with Sanofi.
• Any person acting in an official capacity on behalf of a Government or a
Government Organization;
• Any officer or employee of a company or business owned in whole or part by a
Government or a Government Organization;
• Any officer or employee of a public international organization, such as the
World Bank or the United Nations;
• Any officer or employee of a political party or any person acting in an official
capacity on behalf of a political party; and/or
• Any candidate for political office.
Sanofi: The Sanofi parent company with its headquarters in Paris - France and any
corporation or business entity which, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled or is
under common control of the Sanofi parent company. The term 'control' means direct
or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the equity having the power
to vote on or direct the affairs of the entity.
Sanofi employee: Any employee of the company, whether full time or part time,
temporary or trainee and any other employee category according to local regulation.
Trafic d’influence: Article 433-2 of the French Criminal Code defines “Trafic
d’Influence” (influence peddling) as the fact, for any person, to solicit or accept at any
time, directly or indirectly, any offer, promise, donation, gift or benefit whatsoever, for
himself or others, for the purpose of misusing or abusing its actual or perceived
influence for the purpose of obtaining distinctions, employment, markets or any other
favorable decision from a Government or a Government Organization. Each time the
words bribery and or corruption are used in this Policy, they include “Trafic
Code of Ethics
Global Policy Global Procurement
Sanofi, Sanofi Employees and Third Parties are prohibited from giving, promising to
give or offering to give Anything of Value, to any Person for the purpose of
influencing any act or decision of the Person, and/or the entity the Person represents,
in order to secure an improper advantage or to otherwise obtain or retain business
for Sanofi.
The above prohibition also applies to indirect provision of Anything of Value to any
Person, including but not limited via the use of intermediaries or relatives of the
Person. Sanofi, Sanofi Employees and Third Parties are prohibited from making,
offering to make, or authorizing a payment to any person or entity (e.g., suppliers,
agent, distributor or intermediary) with knowledge that all or part of the payment will
be offered or given to a Person to secure an improper advantage or to obtain or
retain business.
The prohibition set forth in this Policy also applies should Sanofi Employees use their
own personal funds or assets.
In order to promote a culture of ethics and integrity, as well as, to comply with all
applicable Anti-corruption Anti-bribery Laws and Regulations, Sanofi has
implemented a comprehensive set of policies and standards defining clear rules that
must be complied with by all Sanofi Employees and, when applicable, by Third
These policies and standards govern certain activities to ensure they are
implemented for genuine and legitimate business reasons and include specific
provisions aiming at preventing bribery and corruption.
These policies and standards are not meant to be exhaustive in addressing all the
circumstances that may arise. If a particular situation is not covered or the provisions
of the policies and standards are not clear to a Sanofi Employee, the latter must
consult his or her manager and or the Legal and Ethics & Business Integrity
Each Sanofi Employee is responsible to comply with this Policy and is expected to
perform the trainings made available by the Ethics & Business Integrity Department.
Each Sanofi Employee has a duty to prevent breaches of this Policy by reporting any
questionable situation according to the Sanofi Code of Ethics and the Alerts
Management policy.
According to the provisions of article 17 of the French Law of December 9th 2017 on
Transparency, the Fight Against Corruption and the Modernisation of the Economy,
this policy could be integrated within the company legal entities and facilities’ internal
regulations (“règlement intérieur”).
In accordance with all relevant rules, regulations and internal procedures, Sanofi
requires that all books, records, and accounts are kept in reasonable detail to
accurately and fairly reflect all transactions and dispositions of assets and that
adequate internal controls are maintained to provide reasonable assurance that
management is aware of, and directing, all transactions ethically and in compliance
with applicable Sanofi Policies and Standards.
Violations of Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Laws and Regulations may result in civil
and criminal penalties for Sanofi and Sanofi Employees, in addition to disciplinary
actions against Sanofi Employees according to the company legal entities and
facilities’ internal regulations (“règlement intérieur”) and the Corrective and/or
disciplinary actions policy.
End of Document