Risk Mitigation Policy

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Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

The assistance provided under this policy is contingent upon appropriation of funds by
City Council and the allocation of resources to implement this policy.
All assistance is subject to the availability of funds.
March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2
SUMMARY OF RENTAL & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE ...................................................................... 3
I. RESIDENT RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (RRAP) ........................................................ 4
A. POLICY PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. 4
B. ELIGIBILITY............................................................................................................................ 4
C. EXCEPTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 5
D. PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................... 5
E. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE .................................................................................................... 6
II. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FOR HOUSING STABILIZATION ...................................................... 7
A. POLICY PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. 7
B. ELIGIBILITY............................................................................................................................ 7
C. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ....................................................................................................... 7
Renters .................................................................................................................................... 8
Homeowners ........................................................................................................................... 8
DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX I .................................................................................................................................... 10
Table C: Criteria for the Proof of Hardship for Emergency Assistance Program for Housing
Stabilization............................................................................................................................... 10

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy


The Mayor’s Housing Policy Task Force (MHPTF) recommended a variety of policies and
strategies in the compassionate spirit of embracing change without harming the existing
communities that make up the San Antonio we know today. The MHPTF policy
recommendations include strategies to mitigate, prevent, and minimize displacement in the
face of the community change we know has already begun.

Mitigating displacement is one component of a comprehensive and compassionate housing

policy framework that recognizes residents who are currently being displaced and need
immediate assistance while the City address the root causes of displacement.

The Risk Mitigation Policy represents one part of the City’s approach to preventing, mitigating,
and minimizing displacement. The City's overall approach to displacement prevention will be to
expand beyond current rehabilitation/preservation dollars, address rising property taxes
through legislative efforts, and conduct a city-wide outreach campaign to educate residents on
homeownership tax exemptions, predatory home buying tactics and fair housing rights. Other
displacement prevention policies being explored by NHSD include Neighborhood
Empowerment Zones, Homestead Preservation Districts and community land trusts.

In October of 2018, The Risk Mitigation Fund was created by City Council as a first step in
mitigating displacement. This fund provides support through three mechanisms: relocation
assistance for households that are directly displaced, emergency assistance to help households
stay housed in a moment of crisis, and the creation of a rental incentive fund to help the most
vulnerable households with barriers to finding affordable housing. The City will proactively
work with vulnerable communities and households who apply for or access the fund to ensure
it can be adaptable to changing community need. The City will analyze the data collected and
review the program not less than annually to ensure we are providing the best assistance to the

Following the adoption of this policy, the City will continue to build on the MHPTF’s work,
focusing on preventing and minimizing displacement. This means looking closely at our
development incentive policies, which are already being amended so that they will not be
awarded to proposals which will result in direct displacement. It also means working proactively
with private market housing providers and the development community. This policy creates a
new avenue for property owners who must relocate residents to go beyond the state-
mandated minimums. The City will proactively approach property owners in this scenario to
offer residents more time and to partner with the City to ensure they have the supports they

The Department of Neighborhood and Housing Services thanks all of the stakeholders and
participants who provided input in the development of this Risk Mitigation Policy.

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy


If your household… You may be eligible for…

• Is forced to move from an apartment Up to $3,000 (multi-family) or $7,000 (mobile

or mobile home park due to home) for:
redevelopment , rehabilitation, or a
code enforcement action against the • Coverage of moving-related expenses,
property owner including deposits for your new rental unit or
site preparation cost for mobile home
• Is experiencing an increase in rent of • Housing counseling and resource referral for
5% or more which results in your supportive services
housing no longer being affordable to • Households with elderly or disabled members
you are eligible for an additional $500

• Is experiencing an emergency Up to $3,500 for rent or mortgage and up to

hardship that puts you behind on $1,500 for utilities:
rent, mortgage, or utilities
• One-time financial assistance in a 12 month
• Housing counseling and resource referral for
supportive services

Important Information:
• This program is for households within the city limits of San Antonio
• You’ll be asked to provide information related to your income and hardship
• Your household must have a total income that is less than or equal to 100% of Area Median
Income (AMI) as determined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD.)
• Payments will be made on your behalf to vendors such as utility companies, property managers,
and movers
• This is one-time assistance for households annually
• To qualify for assistance due to a rent increase, the increase must be at least 5% and your
housing costs must exceed 30% of your income
• Applicant must be the primary lease or mortgage holder

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy


To provide relocation assistance to households impacted by redevelopment,
rehabilitation, or a code enforcement action against the owner of the multifamily
development or mobile home park in which they reside. The policy also provides
relocation assistance for households who experience at least a 5% increase in rental
housing costs, resulting in the dwelling unit being unaffordable to the household.

Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
a. Be a current resident of the city of San Antonio
b. Have a household income at or below 100% of the San Antonio-New Braunfels
Metropolitan Statistical Area Median Income (AMI), as determined by the US
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
c. Be the primary lease holder in a multifamily unit or a lot in a mobile home park
and meet one of the following:
i. Be subject to redevelopment or a code enforcement action against the
property owner of the rental housing in which they reside or;

ii. Be subject to a qualifying rent increase

a) The household must provide documentation demonstrating a rental
rate increase within a 12-month period that is at least:

Qualifying Rent Increase

Income Level Minimum Increase

At or below 60% AMI 5%

61-80% AMI 7%
81-100% AMI 10%

b) The proposed increase must bring total housing cost to over 30% of
household income
c) Have not received relocation assistance over the allowable limits
under this program in the previous 12 months
d) Mobile home residents must lease a lot in a mobile home park or the
home itself

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

This policy does not apply to the following circumstances:
a) For relocation assistance sought due to redevelopment or a code enforcement
action against the property owner:
i. A dwelling unit that is vacated because of damage caused by the household
ii. Events beyond the owner’s control, including but not limited to fire,
vandalism, natural disaster, or other destruction
iii. A household that qualifies for relocation assistance under federal or state
iv. Relocation that is being provided by the property owner exceeding the
requirements of this policy
v. A dwelling unit where the landlord has provided a fixed term tenancy and
notified the household prior to occupancy
vi. A dwelling unit operated as emergency or temporary shelter for persons
experiencing homelessness
b) For relocation assistance sought due to an increase in rental costs, the policy does
not apply to the following circumstances:
i. Rental agreements for week-to-week tenancies
ii. Renters that occupy the same dwelling unit as the owner/landlord

The process of receiving relocation assistance can be initiated in two ways:
a) Households who receive a notice to vacate or have been notified of a qualifying
increase in rental costs may submit an application for assistance to the
Neighborhood and Housing Services Department (NHSD) with the required
documentation identified in Section I (B)
b) Property owners who plan to issue notices to vacate due to redevelopment are
strongly encouraged to partner with the City by notifying NHSD ten (10) business
days prior to issuing notices to vacate. By partnering with the City, the property
owner shall:
i. Provide written notice to vacate in English and Spanish to all residents. The
minimum notice shall be;
a) 90 days for multifamily developments or;
b) 180 days for mobile home parks
ii. Agree to hold at least two meetings in coordination with NHSD to ensure
residents are aware of the impending relocation, RRAP, and the City’s
housing navigation services. The meetings should be held at a time and
place that is convenient for the owner, NHSD, and the households who
received notices to vacate
iii. Financial assistance is dependent on the availability of funding
iv. Households are subject to the eligibility requirements outlined in section (B)
of this policy

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

a. The types of assistance available under RRAP include:
i. Housing counseling services including referrals and coordination with
schools as needed. Referrals will be made to service and housing providers
within the household’s neighborhoods of choice when possible
ii. Financial assistance for reasonable relocation and moving expenses,
including the following:
a) First month’s rent
b) Application fees and deposits
c) Security deposit at replacement housing
d) Rental of moving truck and movers
e) Moving materials such as boxes and moving pads
f) Outstanding utility debt
g) Utility connection and disconnection fees or deposits, where these
cannot be waived
h) Costs specific to mobile homes including:
1. Relocation of a mobile home
2. Storage of items while the home is being transported
3. Mobile home park fees
4. Site preparation (including preparing a pad, utility
connections, repairs and skirting)
b. Households with elderly or disabled individuals are eligible to receive an
additional $500
c. Households being relocated due to a code enforcement action against the owner
of the multifamily development or mobile home park in which they reside are
eligible to receive financial assistance for hotel stays and storage until new
housing is secured, subject to the eligibility requirements in Section B
d. The amount of assistance for which a household is eligible will be determined by
the household’s income and current housing unit type (multifamily or mobile
home) in accordance with Table A. City staff shall use a tiered approach to
prioritize assisting households with the greatest need

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

Table A: Resident Relocation Assistance Program Allowances

Relocation Assistance*
Income** Multifamily Mobile Home Park

≤ 80% AMI • Up to $3,000 • Up to $7,000

81-100% AMI • Up to $2,250 • Up to $5,250

* Households with elderly or disabled individuals are eligible to receive an additional $500.
Households relocating due to a code enforcement action may receive additional funding to cover
hotel and storage costs until new housing is secured.
** San Antonio-New Braunfels Metropolitan Statistical Area Median Income (AMI) for the
current year, as determined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


To provide assistance and housing counseling services to stabilize renter and
homeowner households experiencing emergency situations affecting their ability to pay
rent-related and utility expenses.

Applicants must meet all the following criteria:
a. Be a current resident of the City of San Antonio
b. Be the primary lease or mortgage holder in a multifamily unit, mobile home, or
single family home within the city limits of San Antonio
c. Have a household income at or below 100% AMI as defined by HUD
d. Provide documentation for the proof of hardship that renders the household
unable to pay rent or utilities as identified in Appendix I, Table C

The City will conduct an assessment to determine the exact amount of financial
assistance available to each household. The City in its sole discretion will determine
eligible expenses and administer assistance directly to the provider.

City staff shall provide assistance based on income and use a tiered approach to assist
households with the greatest need.

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

Table B: Emergency Assistance for Housing Stabilization Allowances

Emergency Assistance
Income* Renters Homeowners
• Up to $3,500 for
• Up to $3,500 for rent and;
≤ 80% AMI mortgage assistance
• Up to $1,500 for utilities
• Up to $1,500 for utilities
• Up to $2,625 for
• Up to $2,625 for rent and;
81-100% AMI mortgage assistance
• Up to $1,125 for utilities
• Up to $1,125 for utilities
* San Antonio-New Braunfels Metropolitan Statistical Area Median Income (AMI) for the current year, as
determined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

a. Assistance will be administered directly to property management on behalf of
the applicant
b. Households will be eligible to receive up to three (3) months of rent and rent-
related assistance. Assistance can only be provided once over a 12 month period.
After the first month of assistance, if a proof of hardship persists, the household
can receive up to two monthly rent payments, subject to an assessment
conducted by Fair Housing staff
c. A household is eligible to receive:
i. Up to $3,500 for rent-related expenses per household per 12 month
ii. Up to $1,500 for utility expenses per household per 12 month period
d. Utility assistance covers electricity or water bills only, and payment will be
deposited directly to the utility companies (CPS and SAWS)
e. Fair housing counseling referrals include those to social and financial service
agencies offering relevant services, counseling and resources

a. Assistance per household will be up to $1,500 in utilities and $3,500 per
household per 12 month period
b. Only mortgages on principal residences are eligible
c. Utility assistance covers electricity or water bills only, and payment will be
deposited directly to the utility companies (CPS and SAWS)
d. Fair housing counseling referrals include those to social and financial service
agencies offering relevant services, counseling and resources
i. Referrals to the City’s available home repair programs for households
with structurally unsafe housing conditions will also be provided

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy


Affordable Housing: Housing is affordable when a household is paying no more than 30 percent
of their income for gross housing costs, including utilities.

Area Median Income (AMI): The middle income level at which one-half of all households in the
community earn more, and one-half of all households earn less.

Disabled: A person with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits at least one
major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such impairment or are regarded
as having such impairment.

Dwelling Unit: A permitted unit of accommodation that is used as a residence by one or more
persons who maintain a household.

Elderly: People 62 years of age or older.

Household: Any person or persons who occupy a residential unit primarily for living or dwelling
purposes under a rental agreement or lease, or mortgage.

Multi-Family Development: A property with four or more residential dwelling units including
but not limited to, apartments and townhomes.

Mobile Home Park: A contiguous development of land that has been separated into two (2) or
more mobile living home sites which may or may not be contiguous, which are platted or
designed for the accommodation or placement of mobile living units, and which are rented or
offered for rent by the site owner.

Redevelopment: The replacement, rehabilitation, or repurposing of existing improvements on

an already developed site.

Qualifying Rent Increase: An increase in contracted rent, inclusive of pet rent, and non-utilities
charges such as maintenance and amenities fees, that is at least 5% for 0-60% AMI households,
7% for 61-80% AMI households, or 10% for 81-100% AMI households over a twelve (12) month

March 21, 2019
Risk Mitigation Fund Policy

Table C: Criteria for the Proof of Hardship for Emergency Assistance Program for Housing Stabilization

Job/Wage Instability Health-Related Issues Other

Income Medical
Temporary Unexpected Expenses
Termination Hours Reduced Wages Reduced One-time support
Termination Employer letter Employer letter Estimate of Receipt and Receipts of expenses
letter from stating change regarding wage treatment cost discharge incurred such as:
employer in hours reduction or and hospital/or paperwork from Funeral, tow, car
notice of furlough insurance bill hospital repair, divorce, etc.

Proof of Paystubs for Employer letter of Diagnosis Doctor's note with

unemployment last three pay current/future paperwork release date for
application cycles hours per pay (doctor's note) work

Proof client has Unemployment FMLA paperwork, FMLA paperwork,

applied for letter/SSI benefits if applicable if applicable
benefits discontinued


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