Gematria - Magic PDF
Gematria - Magic PDF
Gematria - Magic PDF
Medieval mystics were quick to perceive the significance of Nothing as a concept. An earlier idea considered
appropriate to express the Unmanifest aspect of God had been the Infinite or 'Ain Sof. It was now expanded by
renaissance era kabbalists to become the Three Veils of the Unmanifest: 'Ain, 'Ain Sof, 'Ain Sof 'Or, which means
Nothing; No Limit; No Limit to the Light.
Note that the alphabets are here arranged in numerical order. Arabic has a different letter order.
Greek Hebrew Arabic
1 Alpha A 'Alef glottal stop' 'Alif ' glottal
2 Beta B Beyth B or V Ba B
3 Gamma G Gimel G or J[?] Jim J
4 Delta D Daleth D or Dh Dal D
5 Epsilon E short Heh H [A] Ha H [A]
6 [Digamma] ---- Wav W [O or U] Wav W [O or U]
7 Zeta Z Zayin Z Za
8 Eta E long Cheyth Ch [as in loch] Cha [loch]
9 Theta Th Teyth T Ta T
10 Iota I Yodh Y [I or E] Ya Y [I or E]
20 Kappa K Kaf K or Kh[?] Kaf K
30 Lambda L Lamedh L Lam L
40 Mu M Meyim M Mim M
50 Nu N Nun N Nun N
60 Ksi X [KS] Samek S Sin S
70 Omicron O short "Ayin Ay " pharyngeal "Ayin " pharyngeal
80 Pi P Peh P or F Fa F
90 [Qoppa] ---- Tsaddi Ts Tsad Ts
100 Rho R Qof Q[back K] Qaf Q
200 Sigma S Reysh R or Rh[?] Ra R
300 Tau T Shin S or Sh Shin Sh
400 Upsilon U Tav T or Th Ta T
500 Phi F Kaf [f] K Tha Th
600 Chi Ch[loch] Meyim [f] M Kha Kh
700 Psi Ps Nun [f] N Dhal Dh
800 Omega O long Peh [f] P[?] or F Dhad D
900 [Tsampi] ---- Tsaddi Ts Dza Dz
1000 ---- ---- Alef writ large Ghain " guttural
In some cases, the pronunciation is not able to be expressed adequately in ASCII.
Unfortunately, the Roman letters which the Western world generally uses does not lend itself to gematria. The craft
of Numerology bears a superficial resemblance to Gematria in so far as it adds the letters of names and other words
together. It is usually interpreted very differently. There is no universally accepted system of allocating numbers to
the letters.
The simplest, most straightforward and by far the commonest system is to number the letters of the 26 letter
alphabet [A-Z] in order from 1 to 26.
There have been attempts to use the numeral equivalents of Hebrew, Greek and Arabic for the letters of the Roman
alphabet, but this presents many problems, as can readily be seen by an inspection of the above Table. There can be
many quite legitimate variants for some letters to the point that, in my opinion, it is folly to attempt it. There is no
system that can handle the fact that while there are five vowels in the Roman alphabet, there are seven in the Greek
alphabet; and none at all [perhaps three, sort of] in the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets.
Nevertheless, there are systems of cabalistic magic that do use the Roman alphabet, notably those developed by
William Gray and , that are magically quite reasonable. I would not discourage anyone from studying them, even if I
myself prefer something different.
I always translate any word from a European or other language into Greek or Hebrew. I do not have enough Arabic
to be able to work with that language sufficiently accurately unfortunately.
I use gematria in my magic extensively; my personal gematrical dictionary has been built up over nearly fifty years
and fills four filing cabinet drawers. It contains something like eight thousand 5" x 8" cards, typed or hand-written
on both sides, arranged in numerical order [all numbers from Zero and 1 to 1200, most numbers up to 5000, and
many beyond that. Each card can hold up to 40 words in either Hebrew or Greek. It is s-l-o-w-l-y being transferred
on to a database. [I need either to win the Lottery; or be given a flatbed scanner with outstandingly good OCR,
please? *grins*].
I felt it was necessary to put all this down, partly because I felt that many folk on this echo could use some reliable
information on what Gematria is and how it came about, before I gave my own gematrical analysis of the word