A. Motivation: Story Time
I. Objectives:
“Grandma’s House”
Distinguish the kind of B. Present the song “Ili-ili Tulog
Intervals between two Anay”
Listen to the song.
Differentiate Melodic
1st listening [Listen
Intervals from Harmonic
2nd Listening [Sing to
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Intervals
3rd Listening [Sing
B. Song: Ili-ili Tulog Anay
with Accompaniment]
C. Reference: Music And Arts
for Fun 6 Aesthetic Discussion
D. Materials: What is the title of the song?
Technology: Computer What is the Melodic Contour of
and Projector Measure 1?
E. Concept for the Teachers: V. Deepening
A. Discuss the Intervals.
Melodies move in
Melodic and Harmonic
different directions either
by steps or by skips.
Kinds of Intervals
The distance between the
B. Sing the Interval song.
melodic movements are
VI. Generalization:
called Intervals.
Ask: What do you call the
III. Procedure:
distance between two notes?
A. Preliminaries:
What are the two types of
Opening Prayer
VII. Application: Analyze the song
Class Rules “Ili-ili, Tulog Anay”
Standards to follow VIII. Evaluation:
B. Drill:
Rhythm Drill Determine whether the intervals are
Tone Drill melodic or harmonic then identify the
C. Opening Song: “Little Bird kind.
Morning Song” 1. Melodic – Octave
D. Review: Show you can 2. Harmonic – 5th
determine the Melodic contour 3. Melodic – 4th
of measures 1 & 3 in the song 4. Harmonic – Unison
“Little Bird Morning Song” 5. Melodic – 7th