Sample SWOT Analysis
Sample SWOT Analysis
Sample SWOT Analysis
Kyriaki Sotiriadou
Captain, Hellenic Army
Lila Antonopoulou
Associate Professor of Health Economics, Department of Economics,
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
Background. The “Home Care” program is an intervention aiming at the creation of a social support and
solidarity network and the avoidance of exclusion and institutionalization for low income elderly who face
health problems related to disability or intense loneliness and seclusion.
Introduction - Objective. The present study aims to assess the implementation of the program in Greece,
in order to identify and address strategic issues which could define its future course.
Methodology. The assessment is carried out by PEST and SWOT analyses, which provide a systematic and
comprehensive reflection of the internal and external operational environment of the program, aiming at
developing its strategic planning and improving its functioning.
Results. The “Home Care” program in Greece is a successful social support program, valued very positively
by the local communities. However, there are substantial problems, the most important of which concerns
the uncertainty about the program’s future funding, and therefore its viability. Other problems relate to the
program’s technological infrastructure, which is in many cases nonexistent, and to the inadequate training
and further education for the program’s personnel.
Conclusions. The “Home Care” program may constitute an important pillar of primary health care in
Greece, provided that the necessary steps for improving its functioning would be taken. For this purpose,
it is necessary to ensure the program’s unhindered funding, along with upgrading its technological
infrastructure and provide opportunities for continuous education and training of its personnel.
Key words: Home Care, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis
psychological and social support”, etc. levels and ranges in excess of 80% (Alexias and Flamou,
The “Home Care” Program sets as its primary goal “to 2007; Pergamali, 2006; Chalkoutsaki, 2006; Daniilidou et al.,
meet the basic needs for social care and decent living for 2003).These satisfaction percentages are a bit exaggerated,
the elderly and people with temporary or permanent mainly because the elderly are often prone to errors of
health problems or disability”3. The program was response (Bauld et al., 2000; Geron, 2000). Nonetheless,
implemented locally usually under the supervision of a the satisfaction rates are indeed high, which fully justifies
municipal corporation of the respective local authority and the adoption of such programs and stresses the need for
is funded by the European Social Fund through the their further widening and expansion. Moreover, their
Regional Operational Programs of the 3rd Community operation has employed a significant number of people,
Support Framework. thus contributing to solving the problem of unemployment
The programs operate with fairly very good results in at local level. It is estimated that some 3.600 unemployed
most cases. In studies of this or other similar programs are engaged and found a job in the program throughout
(KAPI) the degree of satisfaction shown extremely high the country (ΑΝΚΑ, 2006).
1. According to Eurostat predictions, in the period 2005-2050 total population of Europe will fall by 2.1%, but the elderly (65-79 years) will
increase by 44.1% and the very old (+80 years) by 180.5%. [European Commission, Green Paper “Confronting demographic change: a new
solidarity between the generations”, COM(2005) 94 final, 16.3.2005, Brussels]
2. “The rising demands of an ageing population – the Greek experience”, Speech by the Governor of the Bank of Greece N. Garganas, in the
Economist Conference “Social Security Reform in Greece”, Athens, 14.02.2008,
3. Article 13, Law 3106/2003: Reorganization of the National System of Social Care, Greek Government Gazette 30/10.2.2003, Vol. Α.
2. PEST analysis
The PEST (P Political – Economic – Socio-cultural – calls for proposals are about to be announced, in the
Technological) analysis is an important tool of strategic framework of the new Regional Operational Programs. It
management through which the political, the economic, the should be noted however that in these calls for proposals the
socio-cultural and the technological operating environment of eligible applicants include not only the local municipal
an organization is comprehensively described. corporations which run the program thus far, but other bodies
as well, such as the Church, various organizations and NGOs,
Political environment even private bodies. That means that the existing structures
The “Home Care” program was initiated as a pilot project are in jeopardy once again.The inability of the state to provide
in the Municipality of Peristeri in 1997 and subsequently a definite solution has created a state of insecurity and anxiety
extended to 102 municipalities throughout the country. With among workers, which certainly has adverse effects on the
the implementation of the 3rd Community Support overall operation of the program.
Framework, the program expanded to the all municipalities in
the country, receiving adequate funding for an initial period of Economic environment
two years. However, the continuation of the program proved The program’s local structures throughout the country are
problematic, since there has never been a definite settlement not financially independent and self-ruled. Coordination,
and consolidation of its operation and its functioning was support, supervision and control are exerted by the Project
based on last minute renewals. This is illustrated by the Management Group set up in the Ministry of Health
successive laws and legal enactments: the Joint Ministerial specifically for that purpose (Joint Ministerial Decree
Decrees Π4β/5814/1997 and Γ4β/Φ383/οικ.4504/1998 4035/27.07.2001). Auditing and control is conducted in three
regulated the initial operational details for the program. The levels: primary level, which is carried out by the respective
Law 3106/2003 (Article 13) set a more concrete framework Regional Operational Program’s Managing Authority,
for the operation of the program, while Law 3146/2003 secondary level, which is carried out by the Paying Authority
(Article 13) gave an extension of the program for two more of the Community Support Framework and tertiary level
years (until 2005). Then, with Law 3329/2005 (Article 26) a external fiscal auditing, carried out by the Fiscal Auditing
further two year renewal has been given and with Law Committee. However, direct operational supervision, as well as
3613/2007 (Article 27) the renewal was “renewed” until financial control and support of the program’s local structures,
31/8/2008. Finally, just four days before the program’s ending belong to the municipal corporation of the respective
(27/8/2008), the Joint Ministerial Decree municipality, which is the implementing body at the local level.
60292/2158/27.08.2008 extended the program’s operation According to recent data (ΑΝΚΑ, 2006), each local structure
until 31/12/2008. Meanwhile, with the same JMD, the program has an average cost for consumables 149,13? per month,
for the 4th Programming Period (2007 – 2013) was renamed average cost for the car use 135? per month and average cost
to “Measures to strengthen social cohesion and improve for fixed assets 2.345?. Evidently, the local structures operate at
quality of life for the elderly and people in need of home care”. a very low cost per capita, much lower than having to provide
Under this titled the program is about to be proclaimed, and closed hospital care to these people. Depending on the level
# Volume 02 • Issue 02
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of care and the time period of care, home care could Technological environment
cost no more than 40% - 75% of hospital care (Hollander The use of supportive technologies for providing
and Chappell, 2002; Uchida et al., 2001). better care for the elderly in their own place is an issue
that has been promoted for several years (Elliott, 1991).
Socio – cultural environment Nowadays, the vast proliferation of information and
Factors such as kinetic disability, emotional and cognitive communication technologies, and the widespread diffusion
disorders, fallings, widowhood and a poor subjective of the Internet, the integration of new technologies in the
perception for one’s own health status are related to larger health sector is at the forefront of health policies. The
demand for private or public home care services, worldwide adoption of e-Health initiatives offers new approaches in
(Stoddart et al., 2002). Population ageing and the general many areas of care. The advanced technological
social trends that have reduced the share of informal care environment could be exploited in order to provide up to
provided by the family are also factors that contribute to the date and sophisticated health care services in the context
development and expansion of the services provided by the of the “Home Care” program. However, in most
“Home Care” program. Each local structure of the program structures of the program there is not the immediate
served an average of 94 individuals (ΑΝΚΑ, 2006). Most of possibility even of a simple computer. It is therefore an
these are pensioners of the Farmer’s Pension Fund.There are urgent necessity to bridge this gap between the
no detailed income data, however, according to recent technological reality that is now readily available on the
estimates about 90% of them belong to the lowest income one side, and the nonexistent technological capabilities of
scale of 0-500 r per month. the program’s structures on the other side.
3. SWOT analysis
The SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities the program (ΑΝΚΑ, 2006).
– Threats) analysis is a important tool of strategic Wide social acceptance. The program enjoys a wide
management developed in the early 1970’s (Andrews, social acceptance throughout the country, and it has been
1971). It is implemented in order to identify and thoroughly announced the most best service provided by the
describe the strengths and weaknesses present within an municipalities (ΑΝΚΑ, 2006).
organization and the opportunities and threats that exist Thorough knowledge of the local conditions . Each
in the external environment of the organization. Usually local structure has an extensive awareness and
all these elements of the analysis are presented in the understanding of its surrounding environment and specific
comprehensive and concise form of a four-section local conditions. The initial collection and recording of
diagram, so as to constitute a valuable analytical tool in data for the region’s elderly population as well as
the hands of the administration of the organization, which everyday practice of the structures’ operations help in
could be used to improve the overall operation and achieving this acquaintance.
performance of the organization, through capitalization of Experienced personnel. The personnel is usually
its strengths, elimination of its weaknesses, exploitation of employed in each structure since its establishment and
opportunities and confrontation of threats. therefore is fully aware of the structure’s operating details
and has accumulated a very important experience related
S trengths to effectively deal with each particular case which arises.
High-quality services provided. The services provided Sense of social responsibility on behalf of the
to the elderly facilitate the assurance of a dignified and personnel. The program’s personnel has is fully aware of
healthy living in their own home. At the same time, the the impor tant social role and contribution to the
beneficiaries’ families are alleviated and disengaged by an wellbeing of the local societies.
important load of care. Good relationships among personnel members. The
Decreased institutionalization rates. Many cases would establishment of good relationships among workers helps
end up in the patient’s institutionalization, were not for in improving the everyday operations of the structure.
the program’s provision of care for chronic illnesses. Good relationships with the managing authority. The
Decreased utilization of hospital services. Many cases establishment of good relationships with the municipal
would end up in the hospital, whereas now, with the corporation which is the managing authority helps in
program, the stressful contact with the hospital is avoided achieving a smooth overall functioning.
or minimized. This has also impor tant economic Networking with other social structures . Establishing
implications, as hospital care is very costly. On the other networks with other social structures in the area
hand, there is a significant relief of the work load for the (hospitals, health centers, pharmacies, social welfare) helps
hospital personnel which in many cases is already working in providing high quality services.
under severe pressure. Innovative actions . Each structure can undertake
Satisfied beneficiaries . In their vast majority the innovative actions in their local area which promote the
beneficiaries are satisfied with the services provided by structure image and social acceptance. For example, it can
operate a medicine collection program, and collect No disclosure of the actions . In most cases there is
medicines that have not been used by people. These no adequate disclosure and broadcasting of the actions
medicines, after being checked for their appropriateness, and results, which could further expand the acceptance
can be forwarded to the program beneficiaries, thus by the general public.
saving an important amount of money for them.
Op po rt unit i es
Weaknesses Clarification of legal status. Moves to safeguard the
Personnel shortages. In many structures there is an future of the structure, such as permanency of staff, may
urgent need for a physiotherapist and a psychologist, occur because of the increased needs and demands that
because most of the structure beneficiaries face kinetic society raises for the provision of the structure’s
problems as well as psychological and emotional services
distractions. Modernization of operations. The acquisition of a
No training for personnel. The program’s workers computer and an external evaluation are basic steps
have not been trained at all. There has been no initial that can significantly improve the internal workings of
training neither when the structures were established, the structures.
nor some continued education and training ever since. Staff training. There are opportunities that should be
This fact deprives workers from updating their exploited to provide training and continuous education
knowledge and be aware of recent trends and for the structures’ personnel on many issues, such as
advancements in their field of action, namely in nursing, management and administration of health services and
in consultation, in psychological support, etc. social services, various health care issues, psychology etc.
Job str ess a nd sta ff bur nou t. Many structures Expansion of activities. Each structure may extend
operate with the absolutely necessary personnel which its activities with some simple steps such as obtain a
in many cases is not enough to cover the increased second car, or employment of a physiotherapist or a
needs. This, combined with pending decisions by the psychologist.
state about the program’s consecutiveness and viability, Stre ngthening and be tter expl oiting re lat ions with
creates stressful working conditions for the program’s o t h e r s o c i a l s t r u c t u r e s . Relationships with other
workers. structures can be expanded and strengthened to allow
Shortages of equipment. Many structures operate broader cooperation, exchange of good practices, joint
with severe equipment shortages, not having even a actions and initiatives, etc.
simple computer for the maintenance of their records. Collaboration with voluntary organizations. Each
Limited mobility. Each structure possesses one car structure can establish relationships with voluntary
for visiting the beneficiaries in their houses.This restricts organizations in joint activities and initiatives, both by
staff mobility and limits the number of visits. Should the promoting volunteerism and assisted by the same
structure have a second car the visits’ scheduling would expansion of volunteering.
be greatly different, most probably resulting in better
provision of services. T hr ea t s
Weak management. Usually no staff member in the Unstable regulatory regime. The legislative regime is
structure has even elementar y knowledge and unclear and there may be changes that threaten the
experience of management and this has as a result poor viability of local structures and create disruption in
programming of the structure’s actions, and poor overall several regions.
performance. Loss of funding. The funding is guaranteed only until
Nonexistent business plan. In most cases the 2011. Then, the structures should work with local
structures do not prepare a business plan on an annual authorities' own resources or seek funding.
or any other basis. Economic recession and cuts in social funds. The
L a c k i n g o f e v a l u a t i o n . Audits usually are recent financial crisis could have serious effects on
administrative in nature and there are no impact overall social costs and threaten the sustainability of
evaluations performed in order to assess the program’s social structures.
effects and outcomes for the local community. It should Unable to service the increase d number of patie nts.
be noted that in most European countries impact The number of people needing assistance is increasing,
evaluation is a widespread process which is almost partly because of an aging population and because of
compulsory in many cases. Evaluation is one of the main the increasing difficulty of the elderly’s families to meet
components of the implementation of the system of the increased care needs.
social programs (Rossi et al., 2004). Specifically with
regard to programs for the elderly, they are nowadays
evaluated in their entirety (van Campen, 2008).
# Volume 02 • Issue 02
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5. Concluding remarks
It is obvious that the “Home Care” program is a positive growth and expansion of their role, which would relieve a
contribution to tackling social problems at local level and is large number of elderly people who have an immediate
an important component of primary health care in Greece. need for such services. A modern welfare state is
But we must raise awareness of the central authority to characterized, among others, by the smooth and effective
allocate the necessary resources in order both to ensure functioning of structures of social care and this is something
the survival of structures and to create conditions for that remains a challenge for Greece.
In Greek Actions on the Continue Operation of “Home Care” Units. A study
of the Karditsa Development Agency (ANKA) on behalf of KEDKE,
Alexiou, C., Flamou, A., 2007. Assessing the social and psycho- Karditsa.
emotional support for elderly people with health problems, social
isolation and exclusion: The case of the “Home Care” program. Pergamali, Maria, 2006. Satisfaction of the elderly by the “Home Care”
Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 24 (Suppl. 1), 37-42. program in the Municipality of Heraklion. Postgraduate Thesis
(supervisors: A. Philalithis and A. Alegakis), Department of Medicine,
ANKA, 2006. Survey and Registration of Problems, Needs and
# Volume 02 • Issue 02