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Dear friends,

This editorial is the last I will write from my office here at 20 Rachel Imeinu,
which has been ‘home’ to the ICEJ for the past 22 years. For our Jerusalem staff
there is a sense of sadness, as we will miss the beauty of the building and gardens.
But we also are thankful for over two decades of God’s blessing and provision. In
this landmark building, we have seen many prayers answered and many people
impacted from Israel and around the world. Quite a few staff first met here, married
and started families. Dignitaries, prime ministers, and scores of Christian tourists
and ordinary Israelis came through our doors. It was truly a season of blessing!

Now we move on to a new facility in Talpiot, a main business hub of Jerusalem. As

you receive this magazine, we will be settling into our new offices. I just reminded
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in
our staff of how King David was troubled over having a nice palace while God
1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of all of Jerusalem dwelt in a portable tent, so he sought to build the Lord a house. Yet God had
and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ never asked for such a home and was content with the tabernacle in Sinai and
represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to
the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration
Shiloh. Wherever Israel went, His presence followed. When Solomon later built
of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant the Temple in Jerusalem, he prayed: “But will God indeed dwell with men on the
with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are: earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much
* To stand with Israel in support and friendship; less this temple which I have built!” (2 Chronicles 6:18) Still, the Lord declares:
* To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding
God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the
“Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build
Middle East; Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made… “But on
* To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles
Christians and Arabs and to support the churches
and congregations in the Holy Land.
at My word” (Isaiah 66:1–2).
From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more
than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations. Our prayer is that the presence of the Lord will be with us in the new location as
Our vision is: He was with us here. For “if Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from
* To reach every segment of Israel’s society with a Christian here” (Exodus 33:15).
testimony of comfort and love, and
* To reach and actively represent to Israel the support
of denominations, churches and believers from every The next magazine will include more about our new location. Meanwhile, we
nation on earth. must continue our daily ministry of comfort to the people of Israel. Recently, we
The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based welcomed the newest wave of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants at Ben-Gurion Airport.
ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members We also visited the Druze community in the North to help with educational projects,
and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we
minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating and we are now preparing Passover baskets to make it a joyful season again this
to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ. year for many needy Israelis.

Please keep our staff in prayer for extra strength in this busy season. Also, if you
feel led to support us with a special financial gift for the moving expenses, please
do so by mentioning “Embassy move” with your donation.
ICEJ President Dr Jürgen Bühler Yours in Christ!
VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus
VP Finance David Van der Walt
VP Operations Barry R. Denison
VP International Spokesman David Parsons
Editor/Publishing Director Julaine Stark
Writer/Editor Kayla Muchnik
Editorial Assistant Lynzi Lapka
Staff Writers Aaron Hecht, Lily Sironi Dr Jürgen Bühler
Graphic Design/Illustrator Peter Ecenroad
Administration Tobias Hoschke ICEJ President
Photography Istock, Shutterstock,
ICEJ Staff and Branches
The New King James Bible is used for all Bible
references unless otherwise noted.
Portion of the Torah
Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian View this cover photo through ICEJ's new
Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without AR app (p. 14) to watch a special video
written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has
no subscription price and is supported through contributions
greeting on your smartphone.
worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries
where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org
INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN EMBASSY JERUSALEM visit www.icej.org/media/word-jerusalem
P.O. Box 1192, Jerusalem • 9101002, ISRAEL

Support our ministry online at www.icej.org






In his eulogy to Billy Graham last year, Franklin

Graham made one statement about his father which
really touched me. He spoke about the deep love
and respect his father had for the Word of God. “The
Bible was his sole authority”, Franklin said, adding he
remembers so many times his father would hold up the
Bible while preaching and proclaim: “The Bible says…”

ver Christmas, I was Andy Stanley’s views, there is a deliberate,
troubled as I read growing move away from the Word of
Irresistible, a new God and from the Old Testament.
book by Andy Stanley
who is a cutting-edge When speaking in congregations around
preacher with significant influence the world, I often ask: “How many have
in the Evangelical world today. In his read at least once through the entire Since the discovery of
book, Stanley advises preachers to Bible, from Genesis to Revelation?” The the Dead Sea Scrolls in
drop such phrases as ‘the Bible says’ answer is sobering. In most cases only a 1947–1956, extensive
and ‘the Bible teaches’, claiming there few hands go up; sometimes not even a excavations have
is nothing to be gained by it and single hand. I find the highest percent taken place in Qumran
much to be lost. In addition, Stanley of Bible illiteracy among churches in along the Dead Sea
suggests reading the Old Testament Western countries. While the results
with great caution, as it contains no are a little better when I ask who has
doctrinal relevance to the Church today read the entire New Testament, the Bible
and represents a God that “appears in general and the Old Testament in
uncivilized” to the modern reader. particular seems to be ignored, a black would overly challenge the audience.
box for many believers. In one church, I A close friend told me that for years
This approach represents a growing was told by the pastor that I was quoting now he cannot remember hearing a
phenomenon in the Church today. too many Scriptures. One, maximum single sermon in his church on any
Though some may be less extreme than two per sermon will do; otherwise, I Old Testament passage.

This phenomenon is nothing new

and can be traced back to the early
Church. Marcion, an influential
teacher in the church of Rome
Marcion, an influential teacher around 140 AD, rejected the Old
in the church of Rome around Testament writings and even some
140 AD, rejected the Old New Testament books as being too
Testament writings and even Jewish and misrepresenting the
some New Testament books loving God revealed by Jesus. While
as being too Jewish he was removed as a heretic, his

4 | MARCH/APRIL 2019
‘Marcionism’ would leave a wide imprint MAIN SOURCE OF DOCTRINE
on the Church for centuries to come. AND TEACHING. REGARDING
This all leads us to ask: What does the
Bible say about its own relevance and COUNSELS HIS SPIRITUAL SON
authority? And how did the early Church
approach Scripture? Indeed, the question
often posed by Jesus to the scribes and GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF
teachers – “Have you not read?” – is more
relevant than ever today (see Matthew
12:3; 19:4, etc.). DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR
Tanach – the Old Testament
First of all, the early Church did not IN RIGHTEOUSNESS…”
have a New Testament yet, as it was only
written and canonized decades later.
(2 TIMOTHY 3:16)



Thus, when New Testament writers refer to ‘Scripture’, they are repeatedly refer to the then-existing Hebrew Scriptures – the
clearly referencing the Old Testament. Old Testament. The New Testament directly quotes or cites
the Hebrew Scriptures more than 300 times and alludes to
Also, the early Church never used the term ‘Old Testament’. They them over 1,600 times.
referred to the Hebrew Scriptures as the Tanach. This is a three-letter
acronym [T-N-K] containing the first letters of each section of the Old So Billy Graham’s practice of often referring to what “the
Testament. The ‘T’ is for Torah, or the Law contained in the five books Bible says” was not a quirky habit of an old-fashioned
of Moses, also referred to as the Pentateuch. The middle ‘N’ refers to preacher, but was the same time-honoured custom followed
the Prophets (Nevi’im in Hebrew) which includes all the prophets of by Jesus and the Apostles. And we do well to keep this
the Old Testament, from Isaiah to Malachi (except for Daniel, which practice alive today.
is counted among the Writings). The final ‘K’ is for Kotvim, or the
Writings. The Writings contain all the other books from Joshua The Noble Church
through Samuel, Job, Psalms and ‘Song of Songs’. The book of Acts honours one particular church as being
‘noble’ – the church of Berea, in Greece. Luke testifies of them:
Thus, New Testament authors often refer “These were more fair-minded
to the Old Testament as “the Law and the than those in Thessalonica, in
Prophets” (e.g., Matthew 5:17; 11:13; 22:14; that they received the word with
John 1:45; Acts 13:15; etc.); or “the Law all readiness, and searched the
and the Prophets and the Psalms” (Luke BILLY GRAHAM’S Scriptures daily to find out whether
24:44). Only once in the Bible is the Old PRACTICE OF OFTEN these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
Testament referred to as ‘old testament’ Paul must have loved this church.
– in 2 Corinthians 3:14. Here, the Greek REFERRING TO WHAT First, they readily received the
text literally speaks of the “old covenant”, “THE BIBLE SAYS” WAS preaching of the word of God. Yet
but Jerome’s Latin translation in the fifth they also went home and made
century used the expression ‘old testament’ NOT A QUIRKY HABIT sure the message matched with
in this passage and the term stuck. OF AN OLD-FASHIONED Scripture.

‘The Bible says’ PREACHER, BUT WAS THE Please understand, they did not
The Bible never refers to itself as the SAME TIME-HONOURED check Paul’s sermons against
‘Bible’, but rather as the ‘Scriptures’. In Peter’s epistles or the Gospels.
more than 20 instances, Jesus affirmed CUSTOM FOLLOWED All they had at the time was the
his teachings by declaring, “It is written”, BY JESUS AND THE Tanach – the Law, the Prophets
or “the Scripture says”, or “Have you and the Writings. In other words,
not read?” APOSTLES if they could not find what
Paul was preaching in the Old
Think about it: Jesus was God incarnate. Testament, they likely would not
As Creator of heaven and earth, he could have established an entirely have accepted his Gospel. This also means the original
new framework and set of rules to define his role and mission. Yet Apostles only preached the Gospel from the Old Testament
he continuously accredited the Scriptures as the fixed point through (Acts 17:2-3; 18:28). Many Christians today would be lost
which he identified himself. if they had to share the Good News of Jesus solely from
the Old Testament. And again – Paul did not consider the
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refocused our approach to the Bereans to be a particularly critical or backwards-minded
Torah from mere external obedience of the letter to a transformative audience; on the contrary, he called them more fair-minded
expression of the heart and mind. Yet he never discounted the Law and noble than the others.
or advocated for replacing it, choosing instead to expound upon
and sharpen its meaning. “‘Do not think that I came to destroy Jesus in the Old Testament
the Law or the Prophets’”, Jesus told his disciples. ‘I did not come Jesus did not come to start something completely new, but
to destroy but to fulfil. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and to affirm and fulfil what was written. For three-and-a-half
earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from years, John the Apostle watched Jesus teaching, engaging
the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least with men and women, and caring for children, the sick and
of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least the rejected. And then John described his experience with
in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he Jesus as “the word became flesh”. While hearing his words
shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.’” (Matthew 5:17–19) and watching his deeds, suddenly the passages of the Old
Testament became a ‘red-letter edition’ for his disciples. In
“It is written” was his chosen weapon to overcome Satan. And Jesus, they saw their Scriptures coming alive and understood
what was true for Jesus is true for the New Testament writers, who the true meaning of God’s word. Jesus elevated the outward

6 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

ritual of the Law in the Tanach to the

level of transformed hearts. While his
bold new approach to Scripture at times
frustrated even the disciples (Matthew
19:10), he also promised the Holy Spirit
would soon purify their hearts, just as
the prophets foretold (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

Jesus also declared it was the “Scriptures

who testify about me” (John 5:39). This
is a concept Jews hold to this day. A
rabbi once told me: “Jürgen, you can
find Messiah on every page of the Bible
(the Tanach). For example, the very
first verses of the Bible say: ‘In the
beginning God created the heavens
and the earth, … and the Spirit was
hovering over the waters.’ This was
the spirit of Messiah! He already was
there.” And this is exactly what we find
in John chapter 1. “In the beginning Evangelist
was the word, and the word was with Billy Graham
God…” The places where Jesus can be addressing a
found in the Hebrew Scriptures are countless. Whether in the All Scripture is given by gathering in
story of Joseph who was rejected and sold by his brothers and inspiration of God… and it Trafalgar Square
became the redeemer of Israel, or through the lives of Moses, starts, not with the book of in London in 1954
David and many other figures and stories which foreshadow Matthew, but in Genesis.
the future Redeemer. In so many ways, the New
Testament can only be understood through the pages of the Old
Thus, when Jesus met two disciples on the way to Emmaus after Testament. For example, it would be difficult to fully grasp the
his resurrection, Luke tells us: “…beginning at Moses and all atoning power of the blood of Jesus without understanding the
the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the sacrificial system of the Tabernacle and Temple. The heroes of
things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). We also find Paul faith, from Noah and Abraham to Nehemiah and Ezra, serve as
in Rome speaking thusly to the Jewish leaders: “So when they our examples to this day of how to trust in God. In the same way,
had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to the books of the New Testament and working of the Holy Spirit
whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of can shed light on the writings of the Old (2 Corinthians 3:14ff).
God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of
Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening.” (Acts 28:23) Conclusion
All this, of course, should not cause us in any way to abandon or
The main source of doctrine devalue the New Testament. On the contrary, knowing and studying
For the early Church, the Tanach was considered the main the Hebrew Scriptures helps us better understand Jesus and the New
source of doctrine and teaching. Regarding the Hebrew Bible, Testament. It should encourage us to take the entire word of God for
Paul counsels his spiritual son Timothy: “All Scripture is what it is – the word of God! Indeed, the whole canon of Holy Scriptures
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for deserves our fullest respect as God our Creator speaking to humanity.
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” (2
Timothy 3:16). In fact, all the major doctrinal positions of the So ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your hearts and minds as you
Church emerged from the Old Testament. The divinity of Jesus read your Bible. Ask Jesus to show you the wonders of his word.
(Isaiah 9:6; Micah 5:2), his atonement through suffering and I encourage you to embrace and study all the books of the Bible.
death (Isaiah 53) and his resurrection (Psalm 16:10), the high Decide even today to read through the entire Bible. I assure you,
priesthood of Jesus according to the order of Melchizedek it will change your life. God promises us: “So shall My word be
(Genesis 14; Psalm 110), salvation by faith (Genesis 15:6; that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void,
Habakkuk 2:4), the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28; but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the
Ezekiel 36 & 37), Gentile inclusion in the redeemed (Genesis thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
12:2; Isaiah 11:10), and so forth – all can be found in the Tanach.
From start to finish, Hebrew Scriptures informed and inspired I pray this will be your experience as you study and absorb the
the theology of the early Church. whole counsel of God.




B Y D AV I D P A R S O N S , I C E J S E N I O R S P O K E S M A N

s time marches on, we tend to divide history into distinct But this was more than a dietary law; the Lord also specified
periods, each with a beginning and an ending. Today, we He will require an account for every life. This passage is
live in the Digital Age. But in biblical terms, our present age the first appearance of this key principle in Scripture, and
began in Noah’s lifetime, when God destroyed the ancient world it also warns against murder. But the rule goes even deeper
due to its irretrievable rebellion and offered and is rooted in the concept Imago
mankind a new, post-Flood beginning. Dei: Mankind is a special creation of
God’s covenant with Noah established the God made in His image. So, we must
order of the seasons we still enjoy today. draw a line between ourselves and
But the Bible also warns this current age “BUT AS THE DAYS the animals and should not act like
will one day end amid a massive global them. Rather, man must maintain a
upheaval, similar to the Deluge, ushering OF NOAH WERE, high view of himself as the closest
in the promised Messianic Age. Jesus SO ALSO WILL THE thing in Creation to God, which
himself said: “But as the days of Noah means every human life has dignity
were, so also will the coming of the Son COMING OF THE and deserves respect.
of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37) SON OF MAN BE.”
How could Jesus make such a prediction? (MATTHEW 24:37) Now when God makes a rule, He
does not waste His breath. Every
After all, God promised never to destroy violation has consequences! Here,
the earth again by water. While this is true, the implication is that God would
there are other means of judgment at His disposal, and we often no longer be bound by His side of the Noahide covenant
overlook the fact that God’s covenant with Noah came with a rule and could severely judge the earth again – just not by water.
for mankind to follow. So, what was this rule?
This helps explain why Jesus warned that His second coming
In many ways, the Flood account parallels the Creation story. For would be like the “Days of Noah”, which he also paired with
instance, just as Adam could eat from every tree, except for one the “Days of Lot” (Luke 17:26-30). The apostles Peter and Jude
specific tree (Genesis 2:16-17), Noah was told mankind could now also linked the days of Noah and Lot, and both insisted that
eat of all things, even the animals, but there was an exception. the fiery judgment which befell Sodom is an “example” of the
Man was not to eat live flesh with its blood (see Genesis 9:3-6). coming global judgment at the end of the age (2 Peter 2:4-6;

8 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

and political theorists all cited it to support their

Floodgates widely divergent worldviews, from atheistic
Book Premier Communism (with its violent mass purges
in Jerusalem last century) to laissez fare Capitalism (where
only the fittest survive).

Darwinism also gave rise to Scientific Racism,

as many white Europeans used the theory to
justify their condescending views towards
the “lower” races. The worst expression of
this phenomena was Aryanism. Indeed,
Hitler’s main treatise, Mein Kampf, reads like
a biological paper, justifying on Darwinian
grounds the elimination of the inferior Jewish
race to prevent degeneration of the supreme
Aryan race.

The bad fruit produced by Darwinism is

endless, and its ungodly influence has
thoroughly permeated the modern world. It
has fuelled the death mills of abortion; it has
led to the growing acceptance of homosexuality
and the rise of militant atheism. How can this
be? Because mankind has used Darwinism as
Jude 6-7). In fact, Jesus and the Apostles all foresaw the present age a scientific pretext to walk away from any moral accountability
ending in a great cataclysm like the Flood, only by fire this time, to God. We have reasoned away His existence and now become
followed by the new beginning of Christ’s peaceful, righteous reign the judges of morality in His place. Even among those who
on earth – what we call the “Millennium”. still believe in a Creator God, many feel the world is so broken
they could have done a better job in making it. But, to assume
They could say this with confidence because there are Flood analogies moral superiority to God is a dangerous place to be!
and allusions throughout the Hebrew prophets connected to the
end-of-days judgment. The clearest example is Isaiah 24, which No doubt, the stronghold of Darwinism lies at the root of the
foretells of a time when the earth will be laid waste and its surface irreversible moral rebellion against God in the earth today. It
distorted (v.1); the inhabitants of the earth will be burned and few also has exalted itself against the truth of Christ as both fully
men left (v. 6); the windows of heaven above and foundations below God and fully man. For if we truly understood the concept of
will open again… as in the Flood (v. 18); alas, the earth will split Imago Dei, we would realise that when the Lord formed Adam
apart and be violently shaken (v. 19). All this will be happening from clay in Genesis 2:7, He was actually making the bodily
because mankind has “broken the everlasting covenant” (v. 5) – a form that God Himself would one day come to dwell in forever.
reference to God’s covenant with Noah (see Genesis 9:16). In other
words, Isaiah foresaw an ominous day when humanity would be in What an amazing thought – that God wanted to reside in one of
serious violation of the underlying rule of the Noahide covenant. these human bodies! It gives mankind such great worth. And
if we are in Christ, we have the matchless hope and promise
In my new book Floodgates, I make the case that humanity has been that we will enter the age to come with immortal bodies like
in breach of this command ever since the mainstream acceptance His, freed from our current human limitations. For “we know
of Darwinian evolution, which directly refutes the divine origin that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall
of mankind. Indeed, Darwinism erases the line between humans see Him as He is.” (1 John 3:2)
and animals and says we came from
them, thereby greatly devaluing
human life.
NEW You can read an in-depth
From its inception, Darwinism explanation on the Flood
was highly seductive. For starters, model in David Parsons’
it provided an easy means to explain new book Floodgates.
away the old order, when the Church
and Crown both claimed to rule by
divine right. It also proved very
Charles Darwin
flexible, as radical revolutionaries



Envision Pastors gather

at Yad Vashem



he ICEJ hosted its annual Envision Conference in January, with their time in Israel. Noted Bible teacher Peter Tsukahira spoke on
over 150 pastors and ministry leaders from 25 different nations the great importance of these ministers receiving fresh revelation
gathering in Jerusalem for a special time of fellowship, touring from God. “What you need to be praying while you are here in the
the Land, and learning more about God’s heart for Israel. land is ‘God, open the eyes of my heart. Show me what you are
doing here in this land.’”
The main sessions at Envision featured teachings by the ICEJ
leadership and select local ministers, who provided a solid biblical Magne, who leads a congregation in Germany, shared that this
perspective on Israel – both the ancient and modern land and people. was a motivating factor for him. “I have a firm understanding of
Given that the New Testament admits there is something of a “mystery” the importance of Israel”, he said. “I hope to renew and strengthen
to Israel, the teaching series aimed to equip pastors and ministry my connection and relationship with God’s heart for Israel.”
leaders to speak and teach confidently on the subject. For some
attendees, like Brian from Denmark, this was their first trip to Israel, Panel discussions with local Jewish and Arab pastors, as well
so they had so much to take in even just driving around Jerusalem. as Messianic professionals and business owners, provided
Yet even for those who have been here many times before, like Bible a rare inside perspective on life in Israel for the believing
teacher Sally Howard from Atlanta, Georgia, there is always so much community here. In one session, Arab and Jewish ministers
more to learn about Israel to take back to her church and community. shared the stage, discussing the unique opportunities and
challenges faced by their congregations in Israel. The unity
On the opening night, ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler gave a and cooperation between these shepherds and congregations
powerful message from the story of Baalam and Balak in Exodus, inspired the audience, as they stand firm for the truth of being
that many today are looking for vantage points from which they one new man in Christ!
can scrutinize and denounce Israel for her faults, but we need to
maintain God’s perspective on this uniquely chosen nation. Other panels discussed trends in business and Israel’s corporate
culture, and ways to get involved. “I think the Lord is calling each
The next morning, ICEJ VP & senior spokesman David Parsons of you to a deeper relationship with the community in Israel”,
emphasized the importance of preaching the full counsel of Scripture explained Israeli consultant Yoel Shoshani. “Above all, I encourage
about Israel from the pulpit. “Your view on Israel says much about you to be an ambassador for us to your nation.”
your view of God!” Parsons exclaimed.
An especially touching session featured three local pastors who
Connecting with Israel and the local Body shared their personal Aliyah experiences. Pastor Birlie Belay is an
In addition to offering ministry tools and networking opportunities, Ethiopian Jewish immigrant who has started several Ethiopian
Envision also challenged attendees to deepen the personal impact of Messianic congregations here in Israel. He explained the many

1 0 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

Panel discussions
with local Jewish and TESTIMONY
Arab pastors, as well as
struggles that Ethiopian Jews have in moving to Messianic professionals and VEE FROM
Israel, including the extreme culture shock and business owners, provided
the discrimination he faces for being African and a rare inside perspective
a Messianic Jew. In the middle of these struggles,
on life in Israel
Birlie also sees God moving powerfully.

“God is doing new things here in Israel”, Birlie “This is my first time to
said. “We need your prayers for the leaders and are the conflict over Israel, the conflict over Israel, and it has been an
pastors to do God’s will here. Your love makes our communities, and the conflict within eye-opening experience”,
us more jealous for Yeshua… God sent you to ourselves, he explained. “God embarked upon said Pastor Vee, originally
encourage us, stand with us, and pray for us!” this adventure to rescue you, and the war was from Malaysia but now
won on the Cross of Calvary. But we have to based in Canada. “I wasn’t
The conference also included several day outings work out and live out our salvation”, Malcolm even planning on coming
to places of special interest in Israel. The first declared. to Israel, but everything
excursion took the pastors and leaders to Yad fell into place for me to be
Vashem, the revered Holocaust remembrance Meanwhile, ICEJ VP of International Affairs able to attend the Envision
center in Jerusalem. Throughout the tour, each Mojmir Kallus discussed some of the difficult conference. Just in this
story they heard about the Holocaust brought New Testament verses concerning the Jewish week here, God has shown
a new level of understanding and impact to the people, and the need for patience “until” their me more of His love for
group. A separate field trip took the pastors to the hardness of heart is over and the restoration of Israel and that the missing
volatile border with Gaza to see up-close how the Israel is complete. “God has a glorious future piece in our churches is the
ICEJ has been helping Jewish villages there cope for the people of Israel”, Mojmir stated. revelation of Israel.”
with years of rocket fire and other terror attacks.
In another session, ICEJ VP for Jerusalem Vee overseers seven different
War of the Worlds Operations Barry Denison outlined in churches spread throughout
ICEJ director emeritus Rev. Malcolm Hedding Scripture the unique prophetic role the world in Malaysia,
was also on hand to add to the ministry reserved for the Gentiles in assisting with Canada, New Zealand and
component, and he stressed the need to recognise the ingathering of Israel in modern times. Australia. “I am inspired to
and steel ourselves for the intense spiritual battle Drawing from Isaiah 66:18-20, he likened it to get serious about learning
already raging around us, particularly over Israel’s an aromatic “grain offering” being brought to more about Israel, so that I
destiny. The three spheres where we battle most the Lord at the Temple. can share it with the churches
I am overseeing”, he said.

“In this conference, I have

felt a stronger brotherhood
in Christ. I have seen the
unity of the Arab Christians
and the Messianic Jews
working together and I am
very encouraged.”

“Pray for the church

in Malaysia to be more
outspoken about the truth
of God and to stand up
Envision Pastors tour a bomb for Israel.”
shelter near the Gaza border






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85 USD 5 USD

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Your hope will soar as you read the amazing
account of God's divine intervention in the
life of Pastor Meka Dany, National Director of
ICEJ–India. Since coming to Christ from a Hindu
background, Pastor Dany was no stranger to
persecution and trials. When his entire home
exploded leaving him severely burned and
barely alive, even doctors expected that he would surely die. But
when it seemed all was lost, that's when God stepped in! You will find
new courage and faith through this testimony.
Use ICEJ's new AR app on your smartphone (p. 14) for a video preview of Dany's story.
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Gladys opening
her gift basket
from ICEJ

the balcony and yelled for help. Their home

Gladys and Sergio’s story had suffered a direct hit!
of protection is one of great
As Sergio led Gladys safely out of the
hope in our Almighty God home, she looked at the devastation and
who preserves his children felt her dreams were crushed. Yet when the
amidst great tragedy! police arrived, they made an extraordinary
discovery: The rocket never exploded!
Instead, the massive rocket – over five
meters long – had split in two and exited the


home unexploded. The security forces were
perplexed how this happened. But Gladys knew why! The Lord had
kept His promise to protect them.

MIDST OF GREAT During the ambulance ride to the hospital, Gladys kept repeating

TRAGEDY Psalm 91:7. She asked God, “Why did this happen?” And she heard
the Lord reply, “I told you that it would not touch you.”
“This situation changed me”, Gladys explained during a solidarity
visit from an ICEJ team. “I strongly believe that God is with me and
“It was here. It hit in our home!” He answers my prayers. This made me stronger as a believer to trust
in God, and it strengthened my marriage.”

ladys needed few words to describe the most harrowing day of
her life. Last November, she and her husband Sergio were at As Gladys related her experience, her heart overflowed with
home in Ashkelon, just north of Gaza, when they heard sirens both sorrow and thankfulness. The destruction of her home was
and Hamas rockets being intercepted by Iron Dome batteries. All night shocking, yet she was utterly grateful for God’s protection. When
long, the alarm kept sounding and sent them scurrying towards the Gladys later met an old man with scratches all over his face from
bomb shelter specially built into their home. rocket shrapnel, she appreciated God’s protection even more. A
rocket directly hit their home, yet Gladys and Sergio walked away
From inside the shelter, they heard a rocket hit nearby. After a while, without a scratch!
Gladys went to the balcony and saw smoke rising in the distance. For
Gladys, her balcony is not only a great lookout point, but one of her Despite losing everything, Gladys insists, “I still prefer to live in
favorite places to talk with God. Standing there watching the smoke Israel, even if a rocket hits my home, because this is the land that
rise, Gladys heard the Lord say: “A thousand may fall at your side, ten God wants me to live in.”
thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” (Psalm 91:7)
Gladys and Sergio are now in temporary housing, but must still
Sergio suggested they move their mattresses into the shelter for the pay rent on their gutted home. When the ICEJ heard their story
night, which they did. They had just closed the door, when muffled in the Israeli media, we stepped in to provide some much-needed
explosions of Iron Dome intercepts began again and then everything assistance. Gladys was greatly comforted with the love and care from
went silent. But the eerie calm abruptly ended in a loud, violent BOOM! her brothers and sisters in Christ. “I am so thankful you are here”,
she said. “It brings healing.”
Hearing debris falling outside, Gladys shouted, “It was here, it hit in our
home!” But her husband thought otherwise. Gladys slowly opened the Your generous support allows the ICEJ to reach out quickly to
door to investigate. A gray cloud of smoke and sulfur enveloped her, so families like Gladys and Sergio when they most need our help.
she slammed the door in shock. Later, Sergio ventured out into the dark, Please pray for this dear couple, and many other Israeli families who
smoke-filled home. Stepping over debris and broken glass, he reached must overcome the trauma of violence and terror every day.

1 4 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

OF ESCAPE Countless women have
been trafficked and now
B Y L I LY S I R O N I are caught in the snare of
prostitution in central Israel

Women who are abused, lost and hurting Today, the center provides numerous services for these battered women,
including supplies for infants and new mothers. Many of the women
have found a well of hope amid south Tel are simply seeking warmth and support, while others are desperate to
Aviv’s desert of prostitution, poverty, slavery escape the vicious trap of prostitution.

and addiction. This hope is found at the “Red Red Carpet’s work is highly sensitive and dangerous. A security guard
is stationed at the door to prevent pimps from trying to forcibly drag the
Carpet” ministry center which receives women girls back to the streets. Inside, some of the women have been known
in distress, some even near death. to turn violent against themselves or the workers out of fear or a drug-
induced hysteria. Workers at the center must be extremely sensitive to

hen they first enter the center, many women are shocked to the moods of the women and often simply sit and listen to their stories
see fellow prostitutes being cared for with a tender grace. A in order to provide emotional support.
small Israeli lady greets them at the door and wraps each one
in a hug. The warmth easily touches hearts as they are introduced to Regrettably, some of the women are dying from sexually transmitted
volunteers eager to offer a nice lunch. They talk with the women as if diseases. To them, the Red Carpet team offers the redeeming love of the
they were old friends. After a hearty meal, the women are offered a hot Lord and their most earnest prayers.
shower, plus a free haircut and manicure, before they are ushered to a
special area to pick out new clothes, shoes and bags, along with toiletries For those who seek to escape this abusive profession, Red Carpet offers
and other necessary items. These are all luxuries, as many of these the safety and tools to take back their lives. Women who are pregnant
women are homeless. Treated for once with dignity and respect, they can receive prenatal support and counseling – hopefully securing one
leave the center a little different than when they arrived. crucial victory at a time in the fight against abortion.

This description of life in south Tel Aviv is not fiction. Sadly, it is the The Red Carpet center is salvaging and changing lives forever. Without
reality for countless women who have been trafficked and now are the center, these women would have nowhere to turn to flee their
caught in the snare of prostitution in central Israel. Thankfully for them, enslavement. The continued support of ICEJ donors is vital to helping
the Red Carpet center is not fictitious either, but a ministry birthed out rescue these extremely vulnerable women. Please also pray for these
of the godly compassion of a believing Israeli couple who saw women women, that they would find the courage and strength to break away from
in need and decided to reach out to them. The work they do is physically their cruel masters and seek help from the center. And pray for the Red
and emotionally demanding, and comes at the cost of their family time, Carpet workers, that they might have the grace and power needed to truly
their rest, and their own pocketbook. help these women become free and whole again.



handymen from abroad to join our local

team in refurbishing many of the older
apartments and to adapt the living quarters
of the residents to their changing needs. It
has been a great blessing for the residents.”

At the same time, this project is impacting

the Christian volunteers in special ways.
They take pride in bettering the home
through their valuable time and trade skills.
Blessing These foreign volunteers also not only

see the land, but connect with the people
and return to their home countries as
ambassadors for Israel.

One recent handyman from Germany was

72-year-old Rainer Kert. During his stay,
Rainer helped repair a handrail and other
features around the property, bringing
greater safety and comfort to the survivors
at the Haifa Home. After serving the
survivors for several weeks, Rainer stated:
“What touched me the most, was that I was
in such close contact with people who lived
through hell, and that I – a German – could
New building Damage repaired have a positive impact in making the lives
ramp installed from tree collapse of Holocaust survivors more comfortable.”

This year the ICEJ team in Haifa hopes to:


• Upgrade and expand the volunteer
• Create more videos capturing the great

work ICEJ is doing at the Haifa Home
• Develop a local team in Haifa to help with
the daily tasks
B Y I C E J S TA F F • Finish construction in a new building
for residents in need of intensive care

e truly have an out-of-the- the Holocaust survivors with opportunities to • Continue upgrading and renovating
ordinary home,” assured ICEJ share their personal stories of suffering and existing buildings
Haifa Home director Yudit Setz. survival with visitors from around the world. • Add gardens and beautify the exteriors
Each story, along with photos, is also displayed of the survivor’s home.
The purpose of ICEJ’s Haifa Home for in the Haifa Home’s museum, which receives
Holocaust Survivors is not just to provide a steady stream of visitors both from Israel This one-of-a-kind humanitarian project
the best care for the residents, but also to and abroad. needs your prayers. Please pray for
bring purpose in their last years of life. God’s wisdom in Will and Yudit’s daily
In fact, it was revealed in a recent study The Haifa Home buildings are always in need decisions, for a healthy balance of work
published in the Journal of the American of maintenance, so the ICEJ team in Haifa and rest, for grace to minister to the
Medical Association that while Holocaust recently launched a renovation and expansion residents, and for the right volunteers
survivors experience more chronic illness called ‘Project Upgrade.’ This work is overseen at the right time to complete each job.
than the general population, they outlive by a dynamic couple, Yudit and Will Setz, who As the ICEJ Haifa team moves forward
them by an average of seven years. The are on-site managing the daily progress of in this year of new beginnings, we look
study cites several possible reasons for this, the renovations. When heavy rain and wind ahead with great expectation to see
such as their unique resilience, including hit Haifa early in the new year, causing water how the Lord will continue to move in
favourable genetic, physical and emotional damage in some apartments and even toppling extraordinary ways!
capabilities which may have helped them an old tree against the main dining hall, Yudit
survive the Shoah in the first place. and Will were able to respond rapidly and
supervise the cleanup and repairs.
However, this extra lease on life requires Impact the lives of Holocaust
a special kind of care, not just for the “Our journey now is discovering how to fit Survivors today: int.icej.org/aid/
body but also for the mind and the soul. our volunteers into the work we do”, explained haifa-home-holocaust-survivors
Therefore, ICEJ’s Haifa Home provides Yudit. “We started to invite Christian

1 6 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

ICEJ Staff tour

newly built indoor
playground in Sderot

50,000 children visit the

complex every year. The buzz of
activity and general cacophony
of children at play when we entered the playroom made us smile.
LET THE KIDS BE KIDS! Shmuel Ochaion, the overseer of the project, shared with us that
many schools use the playroom as a fun excursion, and explained
“the playroom gives the kids the opportunity to just be kids!” As if
to prove his point, eight-year-old Harel came running up – sweaty

or more than a decade, residents of Sderot and other communities and jubilant – to crow about his success playing soccer in the
on the Gaza border have lived under incessant rocket fire. The indoor playing field.
ongoing uncertainty of these attacks meant that fear kept the
Teachers Jacqueline and Esther were enthusiastic about
children from playing outside. In response, American friends built an
being able to use the space, pointing out how therapeutic
indoor playground, called the Sderot Playroom. This protected indoor
and relaxing it is for the children to come. They were thrilled
complex includes moon bounces, a mini shopping center where children
to hear that ICEJ Aid would be replacing equipment, toys,
can play and pretend, a computer room, an educational video game area,
outdated computers, and worn out games. The news of
air hockey tables, table tennis, a music room, and more.
the new educational video game stations elicited the most
Around 400 children can enjoy the playroom at a time, and approximately enthusiasm and warmest thanks.


hen Tatyana needed assistance, the ICEJ’s Homecare team
was there. In 1998, Tatyana and her husband made Aliyah
from Kiev, accompanied by her elderly parents. After her
mother passed away, her father needed home-nursing care. “The
Embassy will help you”, acquaintances told her. When Tatyana called the
ICEJ for help, that was the beginning of a long relationship with ICEJ
Homecare. After Tatyana’s father passed away, she and her husband
developed serious health problems so Homecare came back into their
lives and continued to provide help and friendship.

During a recent visit, Tatyana shared: “Life has been difficult in Israel. My
health problems and having seven grandchildren gave me no time to make a
circle of friends or learn Hebrew, but in Israel I feel at home. This is my home!”

When our Homecare worker, Corrie, asked Tatyana what gave her the
most joy in Israel, her face beamed as she instantly replied, “My son’s
family!” Tatyana’s son made Aliyah four years before his parents and
started a family. She also expressed appreciation for the “new friends
I’ve made through ICEJ. I know I am not alone in difficult moments.”

Her joy also includes memories of Israeli Guest Night at the ICEJ’s Feast of
Tabernacles and visits from Christian friends at her husband’s hospital bedside
for his 80th – and last – birthday. Her apartment was painted and extra groceries Tatyana has always been very thankful to ICEJ
arrived for a Jewish holiday, thanks to the generous giving of ICEJ donors. Homecare for the assistance provided to her
family and recently expressed her gratitude
“They didn’t help me out of obligation, but they helped me with the with this touching, handwritten letter in Russian.
heart”, she says.



In keeping with
the theme of
“Beginnings”, this
issue of the Word
from Jerusalem
unveils an exciting
new feature:
Augmented Reality.

Thanks to an app created by Inter Active

AR, a local Israeli innovation company, and
your Android Smartphone or iPhone, the
magazine you hold becomes an interactive

A NEW YEAR & A NEW HOME: experience, providing access to relevant

video clips, interviews, previews of Embassy

ICEJ HEADQUARTERS UPDATE Resources products and more!

BY DR JÜRGEN BÜHLER 1. follow the instructions below to install the app,
2. watch for the special ICEJ AR
icon next to photos, illustrations

his new year holds the promise of many Thank you for your prayers or other graphic images
new beginnings, and for the ICEJ one of regarding this move. Please throughout the magazine,
those new beginnings involves a move to continue praying for grace, strength, 3. hold the phone so the image appears on
new offices. After much prayer, and four months protection and favour as our your phone’s screen, and
of evaluating almost every available rental space staff adjusts to the new working 4. enjoy the AR content as it plays on
in Jerusalem, we have finally found a new place environment after 22 years at the your phone.
to serve as our ICEJ Headquarters for at least Rachel Imeinu property. Once some
the next two years. The new ‘home’ takes up an necessary remodeling is completed Watch for exclusive content available only to
entire floor in a large office building in southern in June, we will be ready to receive readers of the Word from Jerusalem in the
Jerusalem. (Pictured above) visitors. Watch for updates on our coming issues!
progress, when we will share the
new address and instructions on STEP 1: DOWNLOAD THE APP
arranging a tour of the new building! For Android Phone / Tablet
1. Open the Google Play Store
During this transitional season, we 2. Search for “ICEJ AR” and locate the icon
also invite you to continue praying 3. Click “Install” and click accept on the
for a more permanent home for “needs access to” dialog
the ICEJ, as we are
convinced that the For iPhone / iPad
A map of Lord would have 1. Open the Apple App Store
Jerusalem us own and not 2. Search for “ICEJ AR” and locate the icon
showing just rent an office 3. Click “ICEJ APP” Install Icon
the location building here in
of our old Jerusalem. We are STEP TWO: VIEW THE
and new excited about the SPECIAL AR CONTENT
headquarters great plans God has 1. On your Smartphone, select the ICEJ
building to expand our work AR icon to start the app and your camera
and ministry in will be activated
Israel and around 2. Hold your phone so the photo next to an
the world, and we look forward with ICEJ AR icon [icon] shows on the screen.
faith and anticipation to seeing this 3. An AR (augmented reality) animation will
unfold in this new year filled with start automatically.
new beginnings!

18 | MARCH/APRIL 2019


One popular way to attack

Israel these days is through
BDS (Boycott, Divest and
Sanction), whether in
business, culture or via
"Germans, defend yourselves,
legislation. don't trade in Jewish shops,"

proposed law currently making its
reads a sign Nazi troopers
way through the Irish parliament
paste on a window of a Jewish-
would criminalize the trading of
owned store in Berlin, 1938
goods from Israeli settlements. As a native
German and citizen of the European
Union, I find this bill totally misguided, extremely unfair, counter- incentives do the Palestinians have to make concessions? Are the Jews
productive to peace, and – above all – morally outrageous. It is a who have returned to the heart of their ancient homeland any more a
clear example of why BDS will never bring peace and only harms the threat to world peace than those Palestinian neighbours who have been
people it claims to help. violently attacking them for decades?

According to this bill, anyone found guilty of importing or selling any In practice, this criminal law would harm Palestinians the most. As
goods or services originating from “occupied territory” would face a the SodaStream episode made clear, many businesses and factories
fine of up to €250,000 or five years in jail. Yet the bill is deliberately in the Israeli settlements employ Palestinian workers and pay them
worded to only apply to “Israeli settlements” in the West Bank, salaries four times higher on average than what ordinary Palestinians
eastern Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Those pushing this Irish bill earn. These breadwinners often support large families, so tens of
have proudly proclaimed it will lead Europe and the world out of thousands of Palestinians could be impacted if, due to BDS pressure,
the current impasse in negotiations and towards Middle East peace. Israeli businesses fire these workers and move elsewhere.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
But the truly odious aspect of the Irish bill is its blatant anti-
The international community has always approached the Israeli- Semitism, as it viciously singles out Jewish ‘occupiers’, while
Palestinian conflict as a dispute which must be resolved by the parties ignoring all other occupying forces in the world. What about olive
involved. From Resolution 242 forward, every UN Security Council oil from the Turkish-occupied part of Cyprus, fish from Russian-
decision has been geared to offering the parties a suggested pathway occupied Crimea, or dates from Moroccan-occupied Western
to peace and encouraging them to sort out their differences in direct Sahara? All these products are free to enter the Euro zone, while
talks. This approach helped produce the Oslo Accords, witnessed it is the Jews who must be taught a lesson again. How can this
by the EU, which left the fate of the settlements to a final-status truly be a righteous act, as the Irish sponsors claim, when it is so
agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. clearly discriminatory?

However, the Republic of Ireland is now trying to force the issue I cannot help but think these Irish do-gooders are taking us straight
unilaterally. Yet, how is putting someone in an Irish dungeon for buying back to the racist laws of the 1930s in Germany. Kauft nicht bei Juden!
a gold-medal winning bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from Tura going to “Don’t buy Jewish!” was the rule then and is precisely what this law
bring us closer to peace? A housewife making a salad with olive oil from tells Irish citizens today. It is legislated anti-Semitism dressed up in
Shiloh or a dessert with dates from the Jordan Valley could unknowingly nicely polished legalese and mere lip service to promoting peace and
bankrupt her family. Will some Jew-hating neighbour see such “European values”.
contraband in her kitchen and report the family to the Irish authorities?
How can you ever fairly enforce such an absurd criminal law? If we have truly learned the lessons of the Holocaust, Europe will
reject this attempt to single out Jews for punishment.
The bill is also counterproductive to peace, in that it rewards Palestinian
intransigence. When all the blame is being placed on Israel, what So please stop the nonsense, Ireland!



ICEJ staff members Israelis always prepare a warm

greet the new Olim welcome for the newcomers


Relatives reunited with A family ICEJ VP David Parsons with

their grandfather reunited Jewish Agency officials

ICEJ VP Barry Denison greeted the immigrants as they stepped
off the plane. As soon as the first Olim entered the arrival hall,
an entire mob of family members flooded to greet them. Frail old

grandmothers in wheelchairs embraced grandchildren they were
meeting for the first time. Almost instantly songs and drumming
broke out in the room. At last, families were reunited in their
true homeland.

very special flight from Addis Ababa landed at Ben Gurion
airport in early February 2019. On this flight were 83 The ICEJ has pledged to pay for the flights
Ethiopian Jews finally cleared to make Aliyah. Some had of all 1,000 Ethiopian Jews approved for
been waiting their entire lives to return to their ancestral homeland
2019, and this was the first of many joyful
and reunite with family members. This was no ordinary arrival.
reunions. Together we can bring them back
While ICEJ staff members waited with the local families for the Olim home: Become a partner today and shape
(new immigrants) to arrive, we heard numerous stories of family
Israel’s tomorrow: www.icej.org/aliyah
members waiting to meet a mother, brother, or grandmother they
had not seen in 12, 18, or even 38 years! Their longing was palpable.

20 | MARCH/APRIL 2019

THE AFFLICTIONS More than 1,700 people were

arrested across France during
OF THE SCATTERED the latest yellow vest protests as
demonstrators clashing with riot
B Y LY N Z I L A P K A police caused more damage in Paris

“Worldwide, the situation for Jews is unstable Barry Denison, VP of Operations, oversees ICEJ’s Aliyah
assistance. Digging through the Scriptures recently, he uncovered
now, but Aliyah is strong,” writes ICEJ’s Aliyah more truths about Aliyah from the prophet Isaiah which he shared
Director, Howard Flower, commenting on at ICEJ’s Envision Pastors and Leaders Conference this year.
the sharp rise in Aliyah last year. This boost
“O Zion, bearer of good news, lift up your voice mightily, O
illustrates a unique pattern in the different Jerusalem, bearer of good news…” (Isaiah 40:9 NASB) In many
countries from which Jews are immigrating: translations, this passage is translated as a command to bring good
news to Zion. However, the original Hebrew indicates Zion itself
Jewish communities face numerous challenges, is the bearer of good news. Therefore, as it relates to Aliyah, Zion
whether financial crisis, refugee living situation, bears good news to those Jews living in desolate circumstances as
they return to the homeland the Lord intended for them.
threat of war, Antisemitic acts and hate speech,
or other threatening circumstances. Denison continued with Isaiah 52:9-10 which reads, “Break forth,
shout joyfully together, you waste places of Jerusalem; for the Lord
Living in Instability has comforted His people, He has redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord has
A significant region for Aliyah activity is the former Soviet Union, bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, that all the ends of
including Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In Russia, the fall of the the earth may see the salvation of our God.” (NASB) Aliyah is a comfort
Ruble triggered a major financial crisis, forcing a large majority of to the Jewish people, especially now, as they suffer under persecution,
people below the poverty line. Others live in consumer risk zones, poverty, and many other life-threatening circumstances. Aliyah is strong
which often suffer food shortages and lack of other essentials, because God is laying bare His strength and drawing His people home.
exposing residents to health risks and malnutrition.
As believers, God establishes a responsibility for us regarding Aliyah.
Aliyah Grows Rapidly Again in Isaiah, the Lord declares, “‘The time is coming to gather all
Spurred by heavy oppression, Jews are seeking refuge in their nations and tongues. And they shall come to see My glory… and they
homeland of Israel. The hand of God is demonstrated in the process will declare My glory among the nations. Then they [the nations] shall
of Aliyah. His people are taking refuge in Israel, as they adapt to the bring all your brethren from all the nations as a grain offering to the Lord,
culture, learn the language, receive training, get a job, and build a on horse, in chariots, in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy
new life here. God is rescuing His people not just from exile, but also mountain Jerusalem,’ says the Lord.” (Isaiah 66:18-20 NASB) As we –
from the harsh living conditions in their current countries. the Church – help the Jewish people return to their homeland of Israel,
God is preserving His people and Christians help make this God honors it as a grain offering, holy and pleasing before the Lord.
financially possible. With the support of Christians worldwide, the
ICEJ assists more than ten percent of all Jews making Aliyah to Israel Thus, let us continue to lift up our offering before the Lord, giving
each year. In 2018, we helped 2,539, and are on track to assist over glory to Him as Jerusalem continues to be a bearer of good news to
3,500 this year. her scattered ones.





The Tanzanian board
n January, the Czech Parliament hosted an international seminar
on the legal status of Jerusalem under international law and
the future of the two-state solution. Organized by the ICEJ with TANZANIA
local Czech partners and The Hague Initiative for International
Cooperation, this event brought together an impressive lineup of ICEJ TANZANIA BECOMES
renowned international speakers, including ICEJ Vice President &
Senior Spokesman David Parsons, legal counsel Andrew Tucker, A FULL-FLEDGED BRANCH
Israeli analyst Yitzhak Sokoloff, chairman of the European Coalition BY MOJMIR KALLUS
for Israel, Tomas Sandell, and others to the Czech capital. More than

60 participants from 13 nations, along with ICEJ directors from n December 2018, I visited Tanzania. The short trip
four European countries, were greeted by Czech MPs and the Israeli took me to Arusha, a modern city located within
ambassador, Daniel Meron. sight of the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro, and then to
Dar es-Salaam, a bustling metropolis on the shores of
Since the 1970s, the idea has developed that international law the Indian Ocean. The purpose for this trip was simple:
I wanted to visit what has been our most productive
requires resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict by creating a State of
branch in Africa over recent years and understand the
Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, and borders based on the
reasons for its success.
“1967 lines”; the so-called “two-state solution”. Conference speakers
challenged this concept and pointed out the difference between legal In just a few short years, our energetic National Director,
facts under international law and political proclamations, such as Stanton Newton, managed to mobilize thousands of
non-binding UN resolutions. In practice, however, the international Tanzanian Christians to support Israel. Coached by David
legal system is at risk of being manipulated by coalitions of nations in Parsons, who has been tirelessly traveling to the country
order to achieve their ideological ends. Denying the Jewish people the over the past three years, Newton drafted the constitution
right to determine where their capital is located falls into this category of the Tanzanian branch and appointed the first board
of “lawfare”. members. During my trip, an important milestone was
achieved: The board signed their constitution which will
With the evident collapse of the Oslo Accords, it is time to revisit be submitted to the authorities for registration.
this prevailing legal paradigm to resolve the conflict. The goal of
the seminar was to provide a legal framework for the exploration of This development opens the way for further growth of
the Tanzanian branch. The local team translated and
alternative policy solutions to balance the rights of the Jewish State of
designed a special version of the Word for Jerusalem in
Israel with the rights of Palestinian Arabs to political autonomy, and
Swahili – the common language of East Africa, spoken
economic and social advancement. by approximately 100 million people. We also planned to
hold an ICEJ regional conference for East Africa this year
Our hope is that, in at least a few European nations, insights gained in the city of Mwanza, on the shores of Lake Victoria.
from the seminar will inspire policy makers to adopt a more realistic
approach to the conflict, which could help make life better for people ICEJ Tanzania exemplifies that with the right people and
in the region. ICEJ has a network of branches in Europe with people motivation, ICEJ can thrive in every culture and connect all
who will certainly assist them in working towards this goal. peoples, tribes and languages with Israel.

2 | MAY / JU NE 2 02019

Passover Celebration

any families in Israel live in poverty and are unable to Thank you for coming, thank you for warming our homes
properly celebrate the Passover Feast. Every year, ICEJ with your presence.”
Aid and supporters like you provide Passover care
packages to families in need throughout Israel. Here are a few At Netanya’s Social Welfare facility, we handed out 50 care
highlights from last year’s Passover 2018: packages. One recipient, a religious Jewish man named Isaac,
has four children and a beloved wife who has been bedridden for
In Beit She’an, 50 needy families received gifts. A father of 14 more than 14 years. When Isaac received his gift, he said: “Thank
children said: “My family appreciates your support. We thank you you with all my heart for being here today and listening to me.
that we can celebrate and remember Pesach.” Thank you for these gifts that indeed show you care. My wish is
that next year, I will belong to the people who give and no longer
In Kiryat Gat, 20 Ethiopian families that had just made Aliyah need any support. Chag Pesach Sameach. (Happy Passover)”
to Israel received care packages. One of the women said: “The
heart only works if blood is flowing through it, and only then Many hearts were made glad through your generous donations, and
you are alive. If you do something with your whole heart, only we know God will do marvelous works again this Passover, which
that is life-giving. This is your visit and the work you are doing begins on the 19th of April. We hope to provide even more Passover
in the land – life giving, making sure that the heart is working. care packages to help needy Jewish families celebrate Passover!

Send your gift today with a “Chag Pesach Sameach!” Happy Passover!
Donate online at: int.icej.org/content/passover-joy-everyone


The new Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, and his

wife Stavit, welcomed David Parsons of the ICEJ
at the city’s recent gala reception for religious
communities to greet the New Year. Barry Denison,
ICEJ VP of Operations was also in attendance. Mayor
Lion took over from Nir Barkat, who was a good Jani Salokangas has been a valued member of the
friend of the Christian Embassy and is now seeking ICEJ staff since 2012, most recently as our Director
a Knesset seat in Israel’s national elections in April. of Marketing and the Arise young adults program.
The new mayor has many career accomplishments, As of January, Jani has stepped into a new role as
including his work with the Jerusalem Development National Director of ICEJ-Finland. He was quickly on
Authority to complete the First Station renovations the job, meeting with Israeli ambassador to Finland,
and other exciting new sites around the capital city. Mr. Dov Segev-Steinberg.



“This amazing adventure SUMMER
deepened and renewed my
passion for God and ignited a
new desire to live fully
for Him” - Peter

Tour package includes:
Half board (Breakfast & Dinner)
Meeting and assistance on arrival
Licensed English speaking guide
Luxury AC Bus
Hotel accommodation
Transfers on arrival & Departure
Lots of fun and sun
Great tour leaders


Felicia from Canada shares about her
experience on the ICEJ Arise Tour in Israel:
“The Arise tour greatly impacted my life. When I went on the tour, my faith was
dormant for a number of years. In Israel, the connections I made, the people
I met, and the places we visited slowly reignited my faith. It has been a four-
year transformative journey since then. I can wholeheartedly say God has
changed the posture of my heart completely since visiting Israel.”

“Before the tour, I only heard negative headlines about Israel in the news.
But when you’re there, you truly feel safe and protected. I see Israel as an
extraordinary place. It opened my eyes to the biblical truths of the Holy
Land, the recent history of Israel, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

“If you feel that subtle heart tug calling you to Israel, don’t ignore it. That’s
the voice from heaven telling you it’s your time to go home. I was hesitant
at first, but God led the way. I think every believer should experience Israel
at some point. I can tell you it was truly life changing.”

Many more young lives, just like Felicia, have been greatly impacted in their
relationship with God through the ICEJ Arise tour. We encourage you to sign
up today or encourage other young people to sign up for this unforgettable
trip to Israel this summer 11-21 July 2019!

Sign up today: www.Arisegeneration.org/summer-tour

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