Comparative Methods For Demonstration: Study of Tissue Culture of Toxoplasma Gondii
Comparative Methods For Demonstration: Study of Tissue Culture of Toxoplasma Gondii
Comparative Methods For Demonstration: Study of Tissue Culture of Toxoplasma Gondii
Copyright C 1987, American Society for Microbiology
Two methods for the isolation of Toxoplasma gondii were analyzed and compared. Bradyzoites or tachyzoites
of three strains of T. gondii were injected into mice and introduced in parallel onto MRC5 fibroblasts cultured
The course of infection in mice was greatly dependent on the virulence of the strain and on the parasitic stage
inoculated. In the chronically infected mice, evidence of Toxoplasma infection was only detected 45 days after
inoculation through the demonstration of cysts in the brain or the presence of specific antibodies in the serum.
The mean ratio of infected mice and positive cultures was compared in relation to the inoculum size. The tissue
culture method was found to be at least as sensitive as mouse inoculation. Since Toxoplasma organisms may be
isolated within a few days in tissue culture, it is proposed that this method should be used when early isolation
of the parasite is crucial for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
Toxoplasma gondii is usually isolated from susceptible maintained through passage at 6-month intervals by intra-
laboratory animals. Mice are most commonly used, since peritoneal inoculation of brain cysts. To obtain tachyzoites,
they can be readily infected by intraperitoneal injections of cysts from chronically infected mice were inoculated intra-
trophozoites or bradyzoites. Depending on the virulence of peritoneally into mice treated with cortisone acetate (0.2
the strain, mice develop either an acute infection with mg/day subcutaneously from the day of inoculation); perito-
parasite-rich ascites or a chronic infection characterized by neal exudate containing tachyzoites was harvested 5 to 7
the presence of cysts in the brain. days later.
Inoculation of blood, body fluids, or tissue extracts into For the collection of tachyzoites, the peritoneal cavity of
mice may be used for diagnosis (1, 12), but the result is often infected mice was washed with 5 ml of sterile phosphate
delayed because the encysted parasites may not be identified buffer solution (PBS; 0.01 M, pH 7.2). Contaminating cells
before 30 days after inoculation. were eliminated by gel filtration through Trisacryl GFO5
Several reports have demonstrated that tissue culture (IBF-France); 10 ml of gel was packed into a 20-ml syringe
methods could be applied to the rapid isolation of Toxo- barrel and washed with 40 ml of PBS. An equal volume of
plasma organisms from blood (7, 17) or infected tissues (2, peritoneal wash collected from infected mice was allowed to
5), and could serve for diagnosis when serological tests are pass through the column; the filtrate contained tachyzoites
inconclusive. However, the sensitivity of these methods has with less than 0.01% contaminating peritoneal cells.
not been evaluated. This was the main objective of this Bradyzoites (C and H strains) were obtained from chron-
study, in which three strains of T. gondii were cultivated on ically infected mice. Cysts were isolated from brain tissues
human fibroblasts (MRC5 strain) and inoculated into mice. on a Percoll gradient (Pharmacia, Sweden) (3) and then
disrupted by trypsin digestion (trypsin 1/250 [Difco Labora-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tories]; 0.5% in PBS, 5 min at 37°C). Bradyzoites were
centrifuged and washed with PBS.
Mice. Adult male and female Swiss albino mice were used. Viable tachyzoites and bradyzoites (brightly refringent by
All were negative for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in the phase-contrast microscopy) were suspended in minimum
direct agglutination test (Bio-Mérieux, France). essential medium (MEM) (Flobio, France) supplemented
Parasites. Three strains of parasites were studied. The RH with 10% fetal calf serum (Flow Laboratories, France) and
virulent strain was maintained in mice by syringe passages of enumerated in a hemacytometer. They were inoculated into
peritoneal fluid from infected mice at 3-day intervals. The mice or cultures within 2 h after collection.
two other strains were of human origin; one (C strain) was Toxoplasma antigen. Toxoplasma antigen was prepared
obtained from a congenitally infected placenta (5), and the from T. gondii tachyzoites of the RH strain. Purified para-
other (H strain) was isolated from the blood of a bone sites were lysed with distilled water and then disrupted by
marrow transplant patient with disseminated toxoplasmosis. six successive cycles of freezing and thawing. After centrif-
These strains were of low virulence in mice and could be ugation at 10,000 x g for 1 h, the supernatant fluid was
collected and used as the antigen for immunization of
Corresponding author. rabbits. The protein content was 0.5 mg/ml (13).
Toxoplasma antibodies. Antibodies to T. gondii were ob- presence of brain cysts was determined by examination of
tained by immunization of New Zealand White rabbits. six brain fragments (one frontal and two parietal fragments
Initial immunization was made with 500 Fxg of antigen mixed of each hemisphere).
with 0.5 mg of muramyl dipeptide (Choay Chimie, France) Statistical analysis. The effects of method mousee inocula-
and 1 ml of incomplete Freund adjuvant (Difco); 200 1dl was tion versus culture), strain, and inoculum dose were evalu-
injected intradermally at five sites. An identical weekly ated in a maximum likelihood logistic regression analysis of
booster was administered for 2 months until a serum agglu- the number of positive mice per the total number of inocu-
tination titer of 1:4,096 was obtained. The rabbits were lated mice or cultures (4).
exsanguinated, and immunoglobulin G (IgG) was purified by Correlations between the number of positive brain smears
ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE Trisacryl; IBF, or cultures and the number of parasites inoculated were
France) (16). studied by the nonparametric Spearman test (R) (8).
Cell cultures. Human embryonic fibroblast cell line MRC5
(Bio-Mérieux, France) was maintained in MEM containing RESULTS
10% decomplemented fetal calf serum, kanamycin (200
ptg/ml), and ampicillin (100 ,ug/ml). One milliliter of a sus- Development of toxoplasmas in culture. Tachyzoites and
the H strain). In 28 of 29 mice, cysts were found in at least TABLE 1. Sensitivity of mouse inoculation and tissue culture to
one brain smear; for one mouse, six brain smears were inoculation with tachyzoites and bradyzoites
negative but blind passage was positive. Brain cysts were
found either grouped or dispersed and ranged in size from 15 No. of positive No. of posi- Organisms
to 100 ,um in diameter. The number of positive smears was Parasite No.
inocu- cultures/no.
inoculated tiveb mice/no.
inoculated found
mice)( of
found to correlate poorly with inoculum size (R = 0.38, P < stage lated (mean positive (mean positive Brain
0.05) (Fig. 1). ratio)` ratio) Ascites cysts
The immunofluorescent antibody test was strongly posi-
tive (titers of >1:500) for the 29 chronically infected mice; Tachyzoites 1 1/24 (0.04) 0/10 (0) 0 0
3 4/24 (0.17) 2/11 (0.18) 1 1
the agglutination test was positive for 28 of 29. For control 10 11/24 (0.46) 4/11 (0.36) 3 1
mice, brain smears and serological tests were negative. 30 18/24 (0.75) 10/11 (0.91) 7 3'
Comparison of sensitivity of the methods. Cultures were 100 22/24 (0.92) 8/11 (0.73) 7 1
examined after 2, 4, 8, and 10 days; for each inoculum size,
results included examination of six cover slip cultures inoc- Bradyzoites 1 0/16 (0) 0/8 (0)
ulated with tachyzoites (three strains in duplicate wells) and 3 5/16 (0.31) 3/8 (0.37)
10 12/16 (0.75) 6/8 (0.75)
5 1o0 --- - - -_
4- >
2. 50 1
i 3 10 3Ô 160
FIG. 1. Relationship between the number of positive brain
smears (six examined) and the inoculum size (tachyzoites or FIG. 2. Relationship between the mean ratio (±+ 1 standard error)
bradyzoites) in 29 chronically infected mice. Symbols: M. C strain of positive culture (O) and mice (-) and the number of bradyzoites
(18 mice); A, H strain (11 mice). or tachyzoites inoculated.
mained negative. However, the demonstration of cysts in the 3. Cornelissen, A. W. C. A., J. P. Overdulve, and J. M. Hoen-
brain provides the best evidence of infection; at least three derboom. 1981. Separation of Isospora (Toxoplastna) gondii and
brain smears should be examined since the cysts may be rare cystozoites from mouse brain tissue by continuous density-
and their number poorly correlated to the inoculum size. gradient centrifugation. Parasitology 83:103-108.
Finally, the methods used for the demonstration of Toxo- 4. Cox, D. R. 1970. Analysis of binary data, p. 152. Chapman &
plasma infection in mice can only be applied for routine Hall, London.
5. Derouin, F., M. C. Mazeron, and Y. J. F. Garin. 1986.
diagnosis in specialized laboratories; the results are often Toxoplasmose congénitale. Diagnostic rapide par mise en évi-
delayed since mice usually develop a chronic rather than an dence de toxoplasmes dans le placenta par culture cellulaire.
acute infection. In contrast, tissue culture methods which Presse Méd. 15:1684.
are commonly used for isolation of viral pathogens are more 6. Eyles, D. E., and N. Coleman. 1956. Relationship of size of
readily available for the cultivation of T. gondii (9). inoculum to time to death in mice infected with Toxoplasma
Our results show that tachyzoites or bradyzoites from gondii. J. Parasitol. 42:272-275.
different strains of T. gondii can be grown in MRC5 fibro- 7. Hofflin, J. M., and J. S. Remington. 1985. Tissue culture
blasts cultures. With an IF technique, Toxoplasmia organ- isolation of To.vopilasma from blood of a patient with AIDS.
Arch. intern. Med. 145:925-926.
isms were easily identified in fibroblasts within 2 days after 8. Hollander, M., and D. A. Wolfe. 1973. Nonparametric statistical
inoculation; however, later examination (after 4 days) is