Cement Bricks With Rubber Crumbs

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Adrian Bustamante1, Greg Mark Dablo2, Romel Sia3, Renato Arazo4

MS Environmental Engineering Student, University of the Philippines, Philippines
BS Environmental Engineering Graduate, MOSCAT, Philippines
BS Environmental Engineering Graduate, MOSCAT, Philippines
Dean, Institute of Engineering and Technology, MOSCAT, Philippines

Responding to the need of minimizing the extraction of natural resources like sand and lime, this study attempted to use industrial
wastes such as fly ash and rubber crumbs as substitute materials in making composite brick. A composite brick was produced by
varying the rubber crumbs composition, as sand substitute in the mixture, from 1030 wt.% relative to total aggregate weight. Fly
ash, 20 wt.% relative to cement and fly ash weight, was used as binder substitute. After 28 days of curing, composite brick was
tested in terms of compressive strength, density and water absorption capacity. Compressive test showed that the brick can only
be used in less impacted area considering that it does not meet the minimum standard to be considered as substitute to the
commercially available brick. A decreasing trend of its compressive strength is observed as the amount of rubber crumbs
increases from 10 to 30% of the total aggregate weight. The addition of light rubber crumbs and fly ash desirably decrease the
density of the composite brick when compared to those commercially sold in the market. Water absorption test revealed that the
produced composite brick is more efficient in minimizing water absorption. This study demonstrated that composite brick can be
made using industrial wastes as substitute for aggregate and binder, with huge implication in brick concrete making.

Keywords: Composite brick, rubber crumbs, fly ash, and concrete brick

1. INTRODUCTION billion tons [3] and is continually growing year after year. It
is estimated that by year 2050 the need of cement for
Concrete brick is a common building material generally concrete making will be towering to approximately 18
composed of sand as aggregate, cement as binder and water billion tons. Because of this huge cement demand coupled
which forms a durable stone-like mass material when it with the diminishing supply of natural resources, prices
hardens. Sand and cement are the most common elements would inevitably continue to increase which eventually
used for construction. In the past decades, rapid urbanization affect economic and environmental sustainability. Thus,
has led to an increase demand for river sand as a source of several studies have been conducted to find alternatives of
construction material. This has resulted to excessive sand sand and cement for the production of concrete. One of the
mining activities which distort natural equilibrium of the solutions is utilization of discarded materials such as fly ash
stream. and scrap tire to partially substitute cement and sand in
concrete making. The use of these substitute materials will
Cement, as main component of concrete, is not an not only produce new engineering material but also
environment friendly material since it emits tremendous significantly reduce the problem on waste disposal such as
amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) during production. It is air pollution from scrap tire burning and water pollution due
estimated that the production of each ton of cement clinker to fly ash contamination. This work aims to produce a
emits approximately one ton of CO2 and other greenhouse composite brick where rubber crumbs is partly used as
gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere. It constitutes 58% aggregate substitute and fly ash as part of the binder.
emission of CO2 worldwide which results to massive
accumulation of these gases into the atmosphere causing 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
global warming [1].
2.1 Preparation of Raw Materials
Mining of minerals for cement making causes
environmental destruction, and in some cases, it is being Rubber crumbs was collected from tire recapping center in
worsened due to lack of information on proper extraction. Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. To achieve uniformity of
Besides, continuous construction of infrastructures causes rubber crumbs, the No. 15 wire mesh was used in sieving.
more volume of minerals (lime) to be extracted in quarry Particles sizes that pass through the sieve were used as
sites which resulted to destruction of mountains and river substitute aggregate in the composite brick making.
basins [2].
Fly ash was collected from STEAG Coal Power Plant in San
The world’s yearly cement output in the last decade was 1.5 Martin, Villanueva, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 1
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

2.2 Composite Brick Making and water absorption capacity. Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA), at 5 % level of significance, was employed in
The brick was made in a 1:2 ratio (1 unit weight of binder comparing the properties of bricks from three different
for every 2 unit weight of aggregate). In terms of binder, mixtures. One sample t-test was employed in comparing the
only 80 wt.% was cement and the remaining 20 wt.% was properties of the produced composite brick and the standard
fly ash as binder substitute. For the aggregate, the sand was value.
substituted by rubber crumbs from 1030 wt.%. Table 1
shows the component of each mixture. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Table-1. Aggregate and binder component of each 3.1 Physical and Mechanical Properties of
composite brick mixture
Aggregate, wt.% Binder, wt.% Composite Bricks
Mixture Crumb Sand Fly ash Cement Table-2. Physical and mechanical properties of bricks
Properties Experimental Result
Mixture 1 10 90 20 80
(113.3g) (1019.7g) (113.3g) (453.2g)
Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3
Compressive 1074.14±52.7 586.99±30.4 405.11±35.3
Mixture 2 20 80 20 80 Strength, psi
(226.6g) (906.4g) (113.3g) (453.2g)
Density, kg/m3 1716.58±26.3 1661.89±6.7 1484.37±17.0
Mixture 3 30 70 20 80
(339.9g) (793.1g) (113.3g) (453.2g)
wt.% 4.59±0.75 5.25±0.91 7.20±0.78
The cement, fly ash, sand, rubber crumbs, and sufficient
water were mixed thoroughly until obtaining homogenous As shown in Table 2, mixture 1 with 10% rubber crumbs
concrete mixture. With the frame measuring 8” length, 3” has an average compressive strength of 1074.14 psi; mixture
width, and 2” depth; the mixture was poured, manually 2 with 20% rubber crumbs has a mean compressive strength
compressed by the pallet and set aside in a safe place. of 1074.14 psi; and mixture 3 with 30% rubber crumbs has
the lowest compressive strength of 405.11 psi. The average
After 24 hours, the composite brick was removed from the values of compressive strengths were inversely proportional
molder. It was then cured in a wet environment by with the percentage of rubber crumbs replacement. The
submerging it in water for 28 days. Eventually, the produced compressive strength of the composite brick decreased with
wet composite brick was dried to completely eliminate an increase in the amount of rubber crumbs.
water. The dried brick was then used for quality testing and
analysis. The primary cause of the strength reduction is the poor
adhesion of the cementitious products to the surface of the
2.3 Quality of Produced Composite Bricks rubber particles [4]. This is also because rubber easily
The produced bricks were tested in terms of its compressive cracks when subjected to load which accelerates failure of
strength at LYL Development Corporation Testing the specimen [5].
Laboratory Services at KIMWA Compound, Baloy,
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Densities of three mixtures were decreasing with increasing
Density of the composite brick was calculated after amount of rubber crumbs (Table 2). Numerically, the
complete drying using the formula shown in Eq. 1 below. density decreased from 1716.58 kg/m3 (mixture 1) to
1484.37 kg/m3 (mixture 3).
Density=mass/volume Eq 1
Density reduction was expected because of the low specific
Water absorption capacity was determined by submerging gravity of the rubber aggregates with respect to that of the
bricks in water for 12 hours. After which, the brick’s excess sand [5]. Furthermore, rubber particles were non-polar in
water was drained and it was dried by damp cloth to remove nature which has the ability to attract and entrap air in the
visible surface water. The weight of the wet brick was rough surface causing the increase in air content and
determined and recorded as saturated weight (Ws). reducing the density of the specimen [6].
Eventually, the brick was dried and and the dry weight (Wd)
was determined. Water absorption was calculated using Eq. Reduction in density is a desirable feature in a number of
2 below: applications, including architectural applications such as
nailing concrete, false facades, stone backing and interior
Water Absorption, %=(Ws-Wd)/Wd x 100 Eq. 2 construction [6], as well as precast concrete bricks or blocks
and slabs [5].
2.4 Statistical Analysis
Water absorption capacities in three mixtures were
Sample bricks from each mixture were tested, in three increasing with increasing percent component of rubber
replications, to determine the compressive strength, density, crumbs (Table 2). The water absorption of mixture 1, 2, and

Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 2
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3 were 3.81%, 5.25%, and 7.20%, respectively. This means Table-4: Comparison of the compressive strength
that the composite brick containing more percentage of of produced composite bricks and the standard
rubber absorbs more water during wet curing or hydration Parameter Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3
The reason for this behavior was the existence of capillaries Test standard, psi 2000 2000 2000
which were filled with water in the concrete containing Experimental Result
rubber during wet curing [7]. In addition, poor bonding Mean, psi 1074.147 586.993 405.11
between rubber particles and cement paste resulted to
StDev, psi 52.699 30.426 35.299
rubber-cement surface interface which acts as the bedding
for pressurized water to flow around the concrete matrix. SE Mean, psi 30.426 17.566 20.38
Observed Dif*, psi -925.853 -1413.007 -1594.89
3.2 Comparison of Bricks Properties According to t –value -4.136 -34.897 -39.004
Mixtures P-value 0.0538 0.0008 0.0006

ANOVA result in comparing the compressive strength of This proved that among the bricks produced using three
the bricks showed a p-value of 2.5exp-06 which is different mixtures, only the brick from mixture 1 with
significantly lower at 5% level of significance. It proved that lowest amount of rubber crumbs replacement can somehow
there is a significant variation in the mean values of the withstand axially when subjected to pushing force and
compressive strengths between mixtures. This means that allowable load before it crushes or breaks.
the compressive strength of the composite brick is
significantly affected by the raw materials it was made of. The result implied that bricks with rubber crumbs generally
Those bricks with little amount of rubber crumbs has high cannot withstand to load when used in the same way as most
compressive strength. brick is used. This kind of composite brick can be used in
areas that carries lighter load.
Table-3: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in comparing the
properties of bricks produced from three mixtures 3.3.2 Density of Bricks and the Standard
Property F value P value
In terms of density, the probability values of the bricks from
Compressive strength 217.63 2.5E-06 three mixtures when compared to standard were less than
Density 129.60 1.16E-05 0.05 (5% level of significance). The p-values in comparing
Water absorption 4.65 0.018703 brick’s density standard value and those composite produced
from mixtures 1 to 3 were 0.0028, 0.0002, and 0.0004,
Densities of the composite bricks from three mixtures reveal respectively. These imply that the densities of the three
significant difference with a p-value of 1.16exp-05 (Table bricks produced at different mixtures were significantly
3). It implies that the density of the composite brick lower compared to the standard value.
significantly decreased as the amount of rubber crumbs was
increased. Reduction of densities of the produced composite bricks was
The p-value of 0.018703 means that there is significant due to the influence of the amount of rubber crumbs in the
variation in the water absorption capacities of bricks from mixtures. Though fly ash helped increase the density by
three mixtures (Table 3). This means that the composite filling up the voids in the composite matrix, it was not
brick with fewer amounts of rubber crumbs can withstand enough to compensate the reduction caused by rubber
better in retarding water to penetrate into the pore spaces of particles.
the brick.
Table-5. Comparison of the density of the produced
3.3 Comparison of Bricks Properties to the composite bricks and the standard
Standard Parameter Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3

3.3.1 Compressive Strength of Bricks and the Test standard, kg/m3 2000 2000 2000
Standard Experimental Result
Table 4 shows probability values in comparing bricks from Mean, kg/m3 1716.58 1661.893 1484.373
three mixtures to the standard compressive strength of 2000 StDev, kg/m 3
26.31 6.681 16.929
psi. Brick produced using mixture 1 has p-value of 0.0538
which is statistically near to 5% level of significance. This SE Mean, kg/m3 15.19 3.857 9.774
means that brick compressive strength mean value of Observed Dif*, kg/m 3
-283.42 -338.11 -515.627
1074.147 psi is not significantly different to the standard
value of 2000 psi. While the compressive strengths of bricks t –value -18.658 -87.657 -52.756
produced using mixtures 2 and 3 were significantly lower P-value 0.0028 0.0002 0.0004
compared to the test value with p-values of 0.0006 and
0.0008, respectively.
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 3
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Because there was poor bonding between rubber particles desirable result because too little water absorption is
and cement, rubber crumbs acted as void in the cement undesirable because rain water that enters the pores would
matrix which increased its volume and resulted to reduction tend to run off very quickly towards the joints and may find
of the brick’s density [5]. This finding was consistent to its way into the building as well as reduce the durability of
other findings [8] which stated that rubber particles provide the mortar.
a porous effect between the rubber and the cement matrix
since it is less stiff than cement. 4. CONCLUSION
This result is favorable producing lightweight construction Based on the experimental work and from the analyses of
material with great advantage in handling and results obtained, the following conclusions were drawn:
transportation. Lightweight materials can easily be handled
and transported which saves fuel and energy. It may also [1]. The addition of rubber crumbs leads to the undesirable
improve structural efficiency in terms of strength/weight reduction of the compressive strength of the composite
ratios resulting to load reduction in the structure and brick which attributed to the poor binding between
substructure, fewer structural components resulting to more rubber and cement in cement-rubber interface. With
usable space in the structure, and reduction in the number this, the produced composite brick limits its use if the
and size of reinforcements. primary requirement is the strength.
[2]. There is a desirable reduction of the density with the
increase of rubber crumbs replacement primarily due
3.3.3 Water Absorption of Bricks and the Standard
to lower specific gravity of rubber compared to sand.
Comparison of the brick’s water absorption standard and [3]. The water absorption unfavorably increases as the
those produced from mixtures 1 and 2 revealed p-values amount of rubber crumbs increases. This is because
lower than 0.05 (5% level of significance), 0.0158 and there were many voids that were ready to fill with
0.0346, respectively. This means that bricks produced using water during hydration and wet curing.
these mixtures have less water absorption capacity when [4]. Though the addition of rubber crumbs increases the
compared to allowable standard. Simply, 4.59% and 5.24% voids of the specimen, the produced bricks still have
water absorption capacities of bricks from mixture 1 and 2 desirable water absorption capacity with value lower
respectively were statistically lower than the standard value than the maximum allowable standard value. This
of 8%. For brick produced using mixture 3, it has a p-value proves that the incorporation of rubber crumbs in brick
of 0.2152 which is significantly higher than the 5% level of making improves water absorption during brick laying.
significance. This means that there is no strong evidence to The excess absorbed water during hydration can result
show that water absorption capacity of brick from mixture 3 in water concentration resulting to leakage through
(mean = 7.19%) is better than the set standard value of 8%. brick and brick-mortar interface.

Table-6: Comparison of water absorption capacity of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT

produced composite bricks and the standard
The authors would like to acknowledge the technical help of
Parameter Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3
Engr. Dennis T. Yamuta, Engr. Allen Rhay B. Bayantong,
Test standard, % by mass 8 8 8 Engr. Jose Rey Q. Joyno and Dr. Ronelo G. Cablinda.
Experimental Result
Mean, % by mass 4.59 5.247 7.197 REFERENCES
St Dev, % by mass 0.751 0.911 0.777 [1]. Summerbell, D. et al. (2012). “Performance variation:
SE Mean, % by mass 0.4334 0.526 0.448 CO2 emissions from cement manufacturing. University
Observed Dif., wt.% -3.41 -2.753 -0.803
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[2]. Esguerra, N. et al. (2008). “Characterizing the
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P-value 0.0158 0.0346 0.2152 case of strategic quarry sites in the Ilocos Region”,
UNP Research Journal Vol. 17. Retrieved: February
Results indicated that the bricks produced from three 23, 2014.
mixtures had desirable water absorption properties with [3]. Mehta, P. & Monteiro, P. (2004). “Concrete:
values lower than the maximum allowable requirement. Microstructure, properties, and materials”. Retrieved:
Water absorption is one of the most significant parameters July 17, 2014 from:
in developing good bond strength between bricks and http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~paulmont/165/review2.pd
mortars. A brick with low water absorption capacity better f
resist to volume changes which prevents possible cracking [4]. Thomas, B. et al. (2014). “Strength, abrasion and
of the bricks and structural damage in buildings. It would permeation characteristics of cement concrete
likewise prevent cracking in the event of freezing and containing discarded rubber fine aggregates”,
thawing due to less water inside the pores. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 59, pp204-
212. Retrieved: January 03, 2015.
The result further showed that the water absorption capacity [5]. Mavroulidou, M. & Figueiredo, J.(2010). “Discarded
is not extremely low with values from 4.59 to 7.20%. This is
Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 4
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

tyre rubber as concrete aggregate: A possible outlet for

used tyres”, Global NEST Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4,
pp359-367. Retrieved: July 15, 2014.
[6]. Siddique, R. & Naik, T. (2004). “Properties of concrete
containing scrap-tire rubber – An overview”, Waste
Management, Vol. 24, pp563-569. Retrieved: April 27,
[7]. Ganjian E. et al. (2007). “Scrap-tyre-rubber
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[8]. Yilmaz, A. & Degirmenci, N. (2008). “Possibility of
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January 03, 2015.

Engr. Adrian Bustamante is presently a
graduate student of the University of the
Philippines Diliman taking up MS
Environmental Engineering. He obtained
his BS Environmental Engineering at

Engr. Greg Mark Dablo is a graduate of

the degree BS in Environmental
Engineering at Misamis Oriental State
College of Agriculture and Technology

Engr. Romel Sia is a graduate of the

degree BS in Environmental Engineering
at Misamis Oriental State College of
Agriculture and Technology (MOSCAT).

Dr. Renato Arazo is currently the Dean of

Institute of Eng’g. and Technology of
MOSCAT. He was a visiting scholar of
Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Volume: 04 Issue: 10 | Oct-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 5

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