Criteria For Chamber Theater (Gas 12)
Criteria For Chamber Theater (Gas 12)
Criteria For Chamber Theater (Gas 12)
Delivery -40%
4 Points
Population is clearly tied in with topic in an obvious manner; a strong connection is shown between
population and topic.
3 Points
Population is tied in with topic; a fairly clear connection is made between population and topic.
2 Points
1 Point
Population is not tied in with topic; no connection between population and topic is made.
Does the video explain why the chosen topic is important on a global scale?
4 Points
The video expertly makes the case for the topic’s importance using precise arguments.
3 Points
The video explains the topic’s importance but the arguments are not complete.
2 Points
The video states that the topic is important but provides little explanation.
1 Point
The video does not explain why the chosen topic is important.
35% – Memorable/Creative: How well does the video draw in the viewer and keep their attention?
4 Points
Viewer is left with a strong understanding of the topic, will remember the video, and feels like they want
to learn more.
3 Points
Viewer is left with general understanding and will remember the video.
2 Points
Viewer mostly understands the topic and might remember the video. Some introduced themes/topics
may distract from message.
1 Point
4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
20% – Logical Solution: Is the solution offered appropriate and supported by your claims?
4 Points
3 Points
A solution is offered but doesn’t clearly connect to the video’s claims. The solution is appropriate.
2 Points
A solution is offered by does not match the video’s claims or is not appropriate.
1 Point
No solution is offered.
10% – Production: What is the overall quality of production (including visual and sound elements)?
4 Points
Video is well planned with smooth transitions and edits. Sound is expertly balanced and easy to hear. All
sound and visual elements coincide with the video’s message.
3 Points
Video is well planned with competent edits. Sound is well balanced and easy to hear. Most sound and
visual elements blend with video’s message.
2 Points
Video was somewhat planned. Transitions and edits are rudimentary. Sound is reasonably balanced.
Some sound and visual elements are distracting.
1 Point
Video is not well planned and has poor edits. Sound is of poor quality. Many sound and visual elements
distract from the video’s message.