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HTTP Reading
Jack Worthing
A young gentleman from the country, in love with Gwendolen Fairfax.
Algernon Moncrieff
A young gentleman from London, the nephew of Lady Bracknell, in love with Cecily
Gwendolen Fairfax
A young lady, loved by Jack Worthing.
Lady Bracknell
A society lady, Gwendolen’s mother.
Cecily Cardew
A young lady, the ward of Jack Worthing.
Miss Prism
Cecily’s governess
The Reverend Canon Chasuble
The priest of Jack’s parish
Algernon’s butler
Jack’s servant.
Plot summary
Jack and Algernon are wealthy gentlemen. Jack (known to Algernon as Ernest) lives a
respectable life in the country providing an example to his young ward Cecily. Algernon lives
in luxury in London and has invented an imaginary invalid friend (Bunbury) whom he visits
in the country whenever an unappealing social engagement presents itself. Jack has also
invented a character - a wayward younger brother called Ernest whom he uses as pretext for
going up to London and enjoying himself.
Jack wants to marry Algernon’s cousin Gwendolen, but must first convince her mother, Lady
Bracknell, of the respectability of his parents. For Jack, having been abandoned in a handbag
at Victoria station, this is quite a difficult task.
Algernon visits Jack’s house in the country and introduces himself to Cecily as Ernest,
knowing that Cecily is already fascinated by tales of Ernest's wickedness. He further wins her
over and they become engaged. Shortly after, Jack arrives home announcing Ernest’s death.
This sets off a series of farcical events. Cecily and Gwendolen have a genteel stand-off over
which of them has a prior claim on ‘Ernest’. Jack and Algernon vie to be christened Ernest.
Eventually, Jack discovers that his parents were Lady Bracknell’s sister and brother-in-law
and that he is, in fact, Algernon’s older brother, called Ernest. The two sets of lovers are thus
free to marry.
During these events the characters of Canon Chasuble and Cecily’s governess Miss Prism
have also fallen in love, and in the best tradition of the well-made play the story ends with all
the loose ends tied up and everyone set to live happily ever after.
The curtain opens on the flat of wealthy Algernon Moncrieff in London's fashionable West
End. While Algernon (Algy, for short) plays the piano, his servant (Lane) is arranging
cucumber sandwiches for the impending arrival of Algernon's aunt (Lady Bracknell) and her
daughter (Gwendolen). Mr. Jack Worthing (a friend of Moncrieff's and known to him as
Ernest) arrives first. Jack announces that he plans to propose marriage to Gwendolen, but
Algernon claims that he will not consent to their marriage until Jack explains why he is
known as Ernest and why he has a cigarette case with a questionable inscription from a
mysterious lady.
Jack claims that he has made up the character of Ernest because it gives him an excuse to
visit the city. In the country, however, he is known as Jack Worthing, squire, with a troubled
brother named Ernest. At first he lies and says the cigarette case is from his Aunt Cecily.
Algernon calls his bluff, and Jack confesses that he was adopted by Mr. Thomas Cardew
when he was a baby and that he is a guardian to Cardew's granddaughter, Cecily, who lives
on his country estate with her governess, Miss Prism.
Similarly, Algernon confesses that he has invented an imaginary invalid friend, named
Bunbury, whom he visits in the country when he feels the need to leave the city. After
speculating on marriage and the need to have an excuse to get away, the two agree to dine
together at the fashionable Willis', and Jack enlists Algernon's assistance in distracting Lady
Bracknell so that Jack can propose to Gwendolen.
Wilde sets the tone for hilarious mischief in this first scene. The many layers of meaning
work together to entertain and to provoke thought. He makes fun of all the Victorians hold
sacred, but in a light-hearted, amusing wordfest. His humor has multiple layers of meaning:
social criticism of the upper and middle Victorian class values, references to the homosexual
community and its culture, use of locales and landmarks familiar to his upper-class audience,
and epigrams — short, witty sayings — and puns that not only provide humor but also
reinforce his social critique.
First, Wilde must introduce his characters and setting. Both Jack and Algernon are living
their lives through masks; deliberately, their double lives parallel Wilde's living as a married
man with a clandestine homosexual life. Both characters are also recognizable to the upper-
and middle-class audiences as stock figures.
Algernon is a stylish dandy — a young man very concerned about his clothes and appearance
— in the pose of the leisure-class man about town. His fashionable apartment in a stylish
locale immediately tells the audience that they are watching a comedy about the upper class.
After introducing Algernon, Wilde turns him into a comic figure of self-gratification, stuffing
his mouth with cucumber sandwiches. Self-gratification is ammunition against the repressive
Victorian values of duty and virtue. In fact, as Algernon and Jack discuss marriage and
Gwendolen, food becomes a symbol for lust, a topic not discussed in polite society. Much of
what Algernon says is hopeless triviality, beginning a motif that Wilde will follow throughout
the play: Society never cares about substance but instead reveres style and triviality. Wilde
seems to be saying that in Victorian society people seem unaware of the difference between
trivial subjects and the more valuable affairs of life.
Jack is a little more serious than Algernon, perhaps because of his position as a country
magistrate and his concern over his unconventional lineage. Helplessly a product of his time
and social standing, Jack knows the rules, the appropriate manners, and the virtue of turning a
phrase beautifully. He is an accepted upper-class gentleman, mainly because of the Cardew
fortune. Novels written during this period, such as those of Charles Dickens, often turned on
melodramatic plot devices such as the orphan discovering his real identity and winning his
true love. Wilde hilariously turns this popular orphan plot on its head by having Jack found in
a handbag in a major railroad station. Absurdity is Wilde's forte.
Both men are living a secret life, Jack with his Ernest identity and Algernon with his friend,
Bunbury. Even Lane, Algy's servant, seems to have a second life in which he filches
champagne and sandwiches from his "betters." Wilde seems to be saying that in a society
where all is respectable but dull, a fictitious identity is necessary to liven things up. The
classic nineteenth-century farce often turned on such mix-ups.
The deliberate use of the name Ernest is calculated. Earnestness, or devotion to virtue and
duty, was a Victorian ideal. It stood for sincerity, seriousness, and hard work. Duty to one's
family and name was a form of earnestness. Wilde turns these connotations upside down,
making Ernest a name used for deception. Some critics suggest that earnest (in this context)
means a double life. Other critics believe that earnest is understood in some circles to mean
homosexual. By using the name Ernest throughout the play, and even in the title, Wilde is
making references to social criticism, his own life, and his plot devices. He playfully makes a
pun using earnest/Ernest when Algernon says, "You are the most earnest-looking person I
ever saw in my life," following his discussion of Ernest as Jack's name.
Marriage in Victorian England comes under fire throughout the first act. Wilde saw marriages
filled with hypocrisy and often used to achieve status. Wilde also saw marriage as an
institution that encouraged cheating and snuffed out sexual attraction between spouses. When
Lane says that wine is never of superior quality in a married household, Algernon questions
Lane's marital status. Lane flippantly mentions that his own marriage resulted from a
"misunderstanding." The nonsense continues as Jack explains that his purpose in coming to
the city was to propose. Algernon replies that he thought Jack had "come up for pleasure? ...I
call that business." Algernon humorously explains that to be in love is romantic, but a
proposal is never romantic because "one may be accepted." Marriage brings about an end to
the romantic excitement of flirting: "...girls never marry the men they flirt with. Girls don't
think it right." Each of these references to marriage or courtship trivializes a serious subject
and turns around accepted values. Wilde corrupts the maxim, "Two's company; three's a
crowd," to humorously chide the conservative audience. Algernon says, "In married life three
is company and two is none." So much for the joys of wedded life. In short, Wilde seems to
say that marriage is a business deal containing property, wealth, and status. Family names
and bloodlines are deathly important.
Wilde uses food and eating as symbols for the sensual and/or for lust. Victorians did not
discuss such subjects in polite society. Mouthing platitudes about the reverence of marriage,
duty, and virtue, Victorian males often conducted extra-marital affairs with the blessings of a
hypocritical society. Wilde expresses their repressed sexual drives with the hilarious scenes
of his characters eating voraciously and discussing food.
He also refers to sex and vitality with the euphemism of "health." When Algernon says that
Gwendolen is "devoted to bread and butter," Jack immediately grabs some bread and butter
and starts eating greedily.
Class warfare is also a subject of this first act. While the servants, such as Lane, wait on the
upper classes, they also observe their morals. They might not comment, but their facial
expressions betray their understanding of their own role in life, which involves waiting and
doing, but not commenting.
Style and manners also come under attack. In Victorian England, style and correct manners
were much more important than substance. Algernon feels his style of piano playing is much
more important than his accuracy. Triviality is the witty, admired social repartee of the day, a
perfect homage to style over substance. In fact, the characters in this play often say the
opposite of what is understood to be true. In this way Wilde shows his audience the hypocrisy
of their commonly held beliefs.
Victorian culture is also a target. Algernon's quip, "More than half of modern culture depends
on what one shouldn't read," is a reference once again to hypocrisy. Read something
scandalous to be in style, but do not speak of it in polite company. Double standards abound.
Daily newspapers come under Algernon's attack as the writings of people who have not been
educated and who think of themselves as literary critics. Perhaps Wilde is saying that the
critical reviews of the day should be in the hands of people who are educated to understand
Wilde's upper-class audiences, far from being angered by his attack on Victorian values, were
actually mollified by references to locations and cultural names with which they were
familiar. British names of real places such as Willis', Grosvenor Square, Tunbridge Wells in
Kent, or Half Moon Street, would have been well-known references in their world. Upper-
class London audiences recognized these familiar locations and knew the character types that
Jack and Algernon represented.
Some critics have suggested that Wilde began his writing projects by accumulating a group of
epigrams he wished to explore. (Often, these sayings about life were widely known but not
really examined closely.) He turned these hackneyed phrases upside down to suggest that,
although they knew the clichés, most British audiences did not stop to think about how
meaningless they were. For example, "Divorces are made in heaven" (a corruption of the
familiar "Marriages are made in heaven") suggests that divorce contributes to happiness —
perhaps a greater truism than the familiar phrase given the tenor of Victorian society. Wilde
makes fun of peoples' trivial concerns over social status when he says, "Nothing annoys
people so much as not receiving invitations."
Wilde's use of language as a tool for humor continues with his hilarious puns. A pun is a
wordplay that often involves differing understandings of what a word means and how it is
used in a given context. In speaking of dentists and their impressions, Jack says, "It is very
vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist. It produces a false impression." Algernon
counters, "Well, that is exactly what dentists always do." False teeth, dental impressions to
mold them, and social impressions are all wrapped up in this pun. In a society where turning
a phrase and witty repartee were considered much-admired skills, Wilde was at his best.
Half Moon Street a very fashionable street in London's West End; its location is handy to
gentlemen's clubs, restaurants and theatres.
"slight refreshment at five o'clock" known as light tea, served to people who visit at this
time of day.
Divorce Court Before 1857, divorces could only be granted by Parliament at great expense,
and they rarely happened. In 1857, Divorce Court was passed by Parliament, making divorce
The Albany Ernest Worthing's address on his calling cards was actually the home of George
Ives, a friend of Wilde's and an activist for homosexual rights.
Bunbury the name of a school friend of Wilde's. Here, someone who deceives.
corrupt French Drama possibly a reference to the plays of Alexander Dumas in the 1850s
Tirai terbuka pada telapak kaya Algernon Moncrieff di modis West End London. Sementara
Algernon (Algy, untuk pendek) memainkan piano, hamba-Nya (Lane) adalah mengatur
mentimun sandwich untuk kedatangan akan datang dari Algernon bibi (Lady Bracknell) dan
putrinya (Gwendolen). Mr Jack Worthing (teman Moncrieff dan dikenal kepadanya sebagai
Ernest) tiba pertama. Jack mengumumkan bahwa ia berencana untuk melamar ke Gwendolen,
tapi Algernon mengklaim bahwa ia tidak akan menyetujui pernikahan mereka sampai Jack
menjelaskan mengapa ia dikenal sebagai Ernest dan mengapa ia memiliki kasus rokok
dengan tulisan dipertanyakan dari seorang wanita misterius.
Jack mengklaim bahwa ia telah dibuat karakter Ernest karena memberinya alasan untuk
mengunjungi kota. Di dalam negeri, namun, ia dikenal sebagai Jack Worthing, pengawal,
dengan saudara bermasalah bernama Ernest. Pada awalnya ia berbohong dan mengatakan
kasus rokok adalah dari Bibi nya Cecily. Algernon panggilan tebing, dan Jack mengaku
bahwa ia diadopsi oleh Bapak Thomas Cardew ketika ia masih bayi dan bahwa ia adalah
seorang wali untuk Cardew cucu, Cecily, yang tinggal di tanah miliknya dengan pengasuh
nya, Miss Prism.
Demikian pula, Algernon mengaku bahwa ia telah menemukan seorang teman yang tidak
valid imajiner, bernama Bunbury, yang ia mengunjungi di negara itu ketika ia merasa perlu
untuk meninggalkan kota. Setelah berspekulasi tentang pernikahan dan kebutuhan untuk
memiliki alasan untuk pergi, dua setuju untuk makan bersama di modis Willis ', dan Jack
enlists bantuan Algernon dalam mengganggu Lady Bracknell sehingga Jack dapat
mengusulkan untuk Gwendolen.
Wilde menetapkan nada untuk kerusakan lucu dalam adegan pertama ini. Banyak lapisan
makna bekerja sama untuk menghibur dan memprovokasi pikiran. Dia membuat
menyenangkan dari semua Victoria terus suci, tetapi dalam, wordfest lucu cahaya-hati.
Humor nya memiliki beberapa lapisan makna: kritik sosial dari nilai-nilai kelas Victorian atas
dan menengah, referensi ke komunitas homoseksual dan budaya, penggunaan lokal dan
landmark akrab bagi penonton kelas atas, dan epigram - singkat, ucapan cerdas - dan puns
yang tidak hanya menyediakan humor tetapi juga memperkuat kritik sosialnya.
Pertama, Wilde harus memperkenalkan karakter dan pengaturan. Kedua Jack dan Algernon
hidup kehidupan mereka melalui masker; sengaja, kehidupan ganda mereka sejajar hidup
Wilde sebagai pria yang sudah menikah dengan kehidupan homoseksual klandestin. Kedua
karakter juga dikenali dengan atas dan kelas menengah penonton sebagai tokoh saham.
Algernon adalah pesolek stylish - seorang pemuda yang sangat peduli tentang pakaiannya dan
penampilan - dalam pose pria rekreasi kelas tentang kota. Apartemen modis nya di lokasi
bergaya segera memberitahu penonton bahwa mereka sedang menonton komedi tentang kelas
atas. Setelah memperkenalkan Algernon, Wilde ternyata dia menjadi tokoh komik kepuasan
diri sendiri, isian mulutnya dengan mentimun sandwich. Kepuasan diri sendiri adalah amunisi
terhadap nilai-nilai Victoria represif tugas dan kebajikan. Bahkan, seperti Algernon dan Jack
mendiskusikan pernikahan dan Gwendolen, makanan menjadi simbol untuk nafsu, topik tidak
dibahas dalam masyarakat sopan. Banyak dari apa yang dikatakan Algernon adalah kesia
harapan, mulai motif yang Wilde akan mengikuti seluruh bermain: Masyarakat tidak pernah
peduli tentang substansi melainkan menjunjung gaya dan kesia. Wilde tampaknya
mengatakan bahwa dalam masyarakat Victorian orang tampaknya tidak menyadari perbedaan
antara subyek sepele dan urusan lebih berharga dari kehidupan.
Jack adalah sedikit lebih serius daripada Algernon, mungkin karena posisinya sebagai hakim
negara dan keprihatinannya atas garis keturunan yang tidak lazim. Tak berdaya produk waktu
dan status sosial, Jack tahu aturan, sopan santun yang sesuai, dan kebajikan mengubah frase
indah. Dia adalah menerima kelas atas pria, terutama karena keberuntungan Cardew. Novel
yang ditulis selama periode ini, seperti yang dari Charles Dickens, sering menyalakan
perangkat petak melodramatis seperti anak yatim menemukan identitas aslinya dan
memenangkan cinta sejatinya. Wilde meriah ternyata yatim piatu ini petak populer di
kepalanya dengan memiliki Jack ditemukan di tas di stasiun kereta api utama sebuah.
Absurditas adalah forte Wilde.
Kedua laki-laki hidup rahasia, Jack dengan identitas Ernest dan Algernon dengan temannya,
Bunbury. Bahkan Lane, hamba Algy ini, tampaknya memiliki kehidupan kedua di mana ia
filches sampanye dan sandwich dari "atasannya." Wilde tampaknya mengatakan bahwa
dalam masyarakat di mana semua terhormat tapi membosankan, identitas fiktif perlu
menghidupkan hal-hal. Klasik lelucon abad kesembilan belas sering dihidupkan seperti
Sengaja menggunakan nama Ernest dihitung. Kesungguhan, atau pengabdian kepada
kebajikan dan tugas, adalah yang ideal Victoria. Ini berdiri untuk ketulusan, kesungguhan,
dan kerja keras. Tugas untuk keluarga seseorang dan nama adalah bentuk kesungguhan.
Wilde ternyata konotasi ini terbalik, membuat Ernest nama yang digunakan untuk penipuan.
Beberapa kritikus menyatakan bahwa sungguh-sungguh (dalam konteks ini) berarti
kehidupan ganda. Kritikus lainnya percaya bahwa sungguh-sungguh dipahami di beberapa
kalangan berarti homoseksual. Dengan menggunakan nama Ernest seluruh bermain, dan
bahkan dalam judul, Wilde membuat referensi ke kritik sosial, hidupnya sendiri, dan
perangkat plot. Dia main-main membuat pun menggunakan sungguh-sungguh / Ernest saat
Algernon mengatakan, "Anda adalah orang yang paling sungguh-sungguh tampak yang
pernah saya lihat dalam hidup saya," berikut pembahasannya tentang Ernest sebagai nama
Pernikahan di Victoria Inggris datang di bawah api sepanjang babak pertama. Wilde melihat
pernikahan yang penuh dengan kemunafikan dan sering digunakan untuk mencapai status.
Wilde juga melihat pernikahan sebagai sebuah institusi yang mendorong kecurangan dan
padam tarik seksual antara pasangan. Ketika Lane mengatakan bahwa anggur tidak pernah
kualitas unggul dalam rumah tangga menikah, Algernon mempertanyakan status perkawinan
Lane. Lane sembrono menyebutkan bahwa pernikahannya sendiri dihasilkan dari
"kesalahpahaman." Omong kosong terus sebagai Jack menjelaskan bahwa tujuannya datang
ke kota itu untuk mengusulkan. Algernon menjawab bahwa ia berpikir Jack telah "datang
untuk kesenangan? ... Saya menyebut bahwa bisnis." Algernon bercanda menjelaskan bahwa
untuk menjadi cinta romantis, namun proposal tidak pernah romantis karena "satu dapat
diterima." Pernikahan membawa mengakhiri kegembiraan romantis menggoda: "... gadis
pernah menikah dengan laki-laki mereka main mata dengan gadis tidak berpikir itu benar.."
Setiap referensi ini untuk pernikahan atau pacaran trivializes subjek serius dan berbalik nilai
diterima. Wilde merusak pepatah, "perusahaan Two; tiga ini orang banyak," untuk bercanda
mencaci penonton konservatif. Algernon mengatakan, "Dalam kehidupan pernikahan tiga
adalah perusahaan dan dua adalah tidak." Jadi banyak untuk kebahagiaan hidup menikahi.
Singkatnya, Wilde sepertinya mengatakan bahwa pernikahan adalah transaksi bisnis yang
mengandung properti, kekayaan, dan status. Nama keluarga dan garis keturunan yang
mematikan penting.
Wilde menggunakan makanan dan makan sebagai simbol untuk sensual dan / atau untuk
nafsu. Victoria tidak membahas mata pelajaran seperti dalam masyarakat sopan.
Mengucapkan kata-kata hampa tentang penghormatan pernikahan, tugas, dan kebajikan, laki-
laki Victoria sering dilakukan perselingkuhan dengan berkah dari masyarakat munafik. Wilde
mengungkapkan drive seksual direpresi mereka dengan adegan lucu dari tokoh-tokohnya
makan lahap dan membahas makanan. Dia juga mengacu pada seks dan vitalitas dengan
eufemisme dari "kesehatan." Ketika Algernon mengatakan bahwa Gwendolen adalah
"dikhususkan untuk roti dan mentega," Jack segera mengambil beberapa roti dan mentega
dan mulai makan rakus.
Perang kelas juga merupakan subjek tindakan pertama ini. Sementara pegawai, seperti Lane,
menunggu kelas atas, mereka juga mengamati moral mereka. Mereka mungkin tidak
berkomentar, tapi ekspresi wajah mereka mengkhianati pemahaman mereka tentang peran
mereka sendiri dalam kehidupan, yang melibatkan menunggu dan lakukan, tapi tidak
Gaya dan sopan santun juga diserang. Di Inggris Victoria, gaya dan benar sopan santun yang
jauh lebih penting daripada substansi. Algernon merasa gaya piano bermain jauh lebih
penting daripada akurasi nya. Kesia adalah cerdas, dikagumi jawaban yg sosial hari,
penghormatan yang sempurna untuk gaya di atas substansi. Bahkan, karakter dalam drama ini
sering mengatakan kebalikan dari apa yang dipahami untuk menjadi kenyataan. Dengan cara
ini Wilde menunjukkan pendengarnya kemunafikan keyakinan mereka umumnya dipegang.
Budaya Victoria juga target. Algernon menyindir, "Lebih dari setengah dari budaya modern
tergantung pada apa yang tidak harus membaca," adalah referensi sekali lagi untuk
kemunafikan. Membaca sesuatu skandal berada di gaya, tetapi tidak berbicara tentang hal itu
di perusahaan sopan. Standar ganda berlimpah. Koran harian diserang Algernon sebagai
tulisan-tulisan orang-orang yang belum berpendidikan dan yang menganggap diri mereka
sebagai kritikus sastra. Mungkin Wilde mengatakan bahwa ulasan kritis hari harus berada di
tangan orang-orang yang dididik untuk memahami seni.
Penonton kelas atas Wilde, jauh dari marah serangan terhadap nilai-nilai Victorian, benar-
benar mereda oleh referensi ke lokasi dan nama budaya yang mereka kenal. Nama-nama
Inggris tempat nyata seperti Willis ', Grosvenor Square, Tunbridge Wells di Kent, atau Half
Moon Street, akan referensi terkenal di dunia mereka. Kelas atas penonton London diakui
lokasi tersebut akrab dan tahu jenis karakter yang Jack dan Algernon diwakili.
Beberapa kritikus telah menyarankan bahwa Wilde mulai proyek tulisannya dengan
mengumpulkan sekelompok epigram ia ingin mengeksplorasi. (Seringkali, perkataan ini
tentang kehidupan secara luas dikenal tapi tidak benar-benar diteliti dengan seksama.) Dia
berbalik frase basi terbalik untuk menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun mereka tahu klise, paling
penonton Inggris tidak berhenti untuk berpikir tentang bagaimana berarti mereka. Misalnya,
"Talak dibuat di surga" (korupsi dari akrab "Pernikahan yang dibuat di surga") menunjukkan
bahwa perceraian kontribusi untuk kebahagiaan - mungkin disangkal lebih besar dari frase
akrab diberi tenor masyarakat Victorian. Wilde membuat menyenangkan dari kekhawatiran
sepele rakyat lebih status sosial ketika ia mengatakan, "Tidak ada yang mengganggu orang
begitu banyak seperti tidak menerima undangan."
Penggunaan Wilde bahasa sebagai alat untuk humor berlanjut dengan permainan kata-kata
lucu nya. Sebuah pun adalah permainan kata yang sering melibatkan pemahaman yang
berbeda-beda dari arti sebuah kata dan bagaimana ia digunakan dalam konteks tertentu.
Dalam berbicara tentang dokter gigi dan kesan mereka, Jack mengatakan, "Hal ini sangat
vulgar bicara seperti seorang dokter gigi ketika seseorang tidak seorang dokter gigi. Ini
menghasilkan kesan palsu." Algernon counter, "Yah, itulah apa yang selalu dilakukan dokter
gigi." Gigi palsu, tayangan gigi untuk membentuk mereka, dan tayangan sosial yang
dibungkus dalam pun ini. Dalam masyarakat di mana mengubah frase dan jawaban yg cerdas
dianggap keterampilan yang sangat dikagumi, Wilde adalah di terbaik.
The major theme of this play is the satire of the upper classes. This is a particularly
appropriate theme for Wilde to choose because of his experience among upper class people.
Wilde’s leisurely setting-the country, where almost no action takes place-is a perfect
backdrop, because it insinuates that the wealthy do nothing with their time. He
characterization is also clever. None of the upper class characters have any real depth, which
suggests a onedimensional nature. They are trivial, and shallow as well. An example of this
can be found in the interaction between Gwendolen and Cecily, who immediately profess
their admiration for one another and then, suddenly, turn on each other when they are at odds
over “Ernest.” The only characters that can be seen working are Lane, Merriman, and Ms.
Prism, who are not of the upper class. To further this theme, Wilde incorporates many mini-
themes, such as the absurdity of social life, the triviality of the wealthy, the importance of
money, and the lack of reverence for marriage.
The primary purpose of these themes is to provoke laughter from the audience. They can do
so because they are testing the social values of their time. Wilde is able to satirize the upper
classes by placing this play in an upper class social arena. Next he fills the characters
language with epigrams, which make them seem ridiculous. Because they characters
constantly contradict what basic values in their speech, or do not base their statements on any
logic at all-they lose credibility as real-life, believable people. This works to Wilde’s
advantage because, despite what he may or may not think about the upper class, he wants his
play to be funny and not overly offensive; they are, after all, the patrons of his show. Finally,
Wilde makes the major issue of the play marriage. Marriage is an excellent way to poke fun
at the aristocracy for two reasons. First, it is a traditionally sacred ceremony; second, he can
highlight the importance of wealth and status among the upper classes, which often view
marriage as a financial contract.
Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an
individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve
humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. A writer in a satire uses fictional characters, which stand
for real people, to expose and condemn their corruption.
Satir adalah teknik yang digunakan oleh penulis untuk mengekspos dan mengkritik kebodohan dan
korupsi dari individu atau masyarakat dengan menggunakan humor, ironi, berlebihan atau ejekan.
Ini bermaksud untuk meningkatkan kemanusiaan oleh mengkritik kebodohan dan kelemahan.
Seorang penulis di sebuah satire menggunakan karakter fiksi, yang berdiri untuk orang-orang nyata,
untuk mengekspos dan mengutuk korupsi mereka.
While narration does sometimes occur in drama, there is no narrator in this play. The characters
speak in the first person, but the reader does not know what they are thinking-the reader is not
1.) Algernon: “I don’t play accurately-anyone can play accurately-but I play with wonderful
expression.” Act I
One can take this as an example of Wilde’s support of the Aesthetic movement, which valued art for
art’s sake. This philosophy did not require art to instruct or handle political issues. Unconcerned with
the accuracy of his music, and in appreciation of its artistic value, Algernon can, here, be viewed as
an aesthete.
2.) Algernon: "Really, if the lower orders don't set us a good example, what on earth is the use of
them?"Act I
Algernon says this after he and his servant, Lane, have a discussion about marriage during which
Lane seems relaxed about the subject. Algernon questions what is the use of the lower classes if
they are not setting a good example for the upper classes. He states that the lower classes have no
sense of moral responsibility.
This quote is intended to be humorous. Algernon is being serious, but Wilde is commenting on the
absurdity of the upper class and their lack of moral responsibility. It is ironic because in the 19th
century England, the upper class was supposed to be the respectable class, setting an example for
everyone else.
3.) Algernon: “My dear fellow, the way you flirt with Gwendolen is perfectly disgraceful. It is almost
as bad as the way Gwendolen flirts with you.” Act I
This is another unintentionally humorous quote on the behalf of Algernon. Its tone mocks the
stuffiness and hypocrisy of dating among the upper classes.
1.) Algernon: "Saya tidak bermain secara akurat-orang dapat bermain secara akurat-tapi saya
bermain dengan ekspresi yang indah." Babak I
Satu dapat mengambil ini sebagai contoh dukungan Wilde gerakan Aesthetic, yang bernilai seni
untuk seni. Filosofi ini tidak memerlukan seni untuk mengajar atau menangani isu-isu politik. Tidak
peduli dengan akurasi musiknya, dan di apresiasi nilai artistik, Algernon bisa, di sini, dilihat sebagai
2.) Algernon: "Sungguh, jika perintah yang lebih rendah tidak menetapkan kita contoh yang baik, apa
yang di bumi adalah penggunaan mereka?" Babak I
Algernon mengatakan ini setelah ia dan hamba-Nya, Lane, memiliki diskusi tentang pernikahan
selama Lane tampaknya santai tentang subjek. Algernon mempertanyakan apa adalah penggunaan
kelas bawah jika mereka tidak menetapkan contoh yang baik untuk kelas atas. Dia menyatakan
bahwa kelas bawah tidak memiliki rasa tanggung jawab moral.
Kutipan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi lucu. Algernon sedang serius, tapi Wilde adalah
mengomentari absurditas kelas atas dan kurangnya tanggung jawab moral. Hal ini ironis karena di
abad ke-19 Inggris, kelas atas seharusnya menjadi kelas terhormat, pengaturan contoh bagi orang
3.) Algernon: "Kawan, cara Anda menggoda dengan Gwendolen sempurna memalukan. Hal ini
hampir seburuk cara Gwendolen menggoda dengan Anda. "Babak I
Ini adalah satu lagi kutipan tidak sengaja lucu atas nama Algernon. Nada mengolok-olok stuffiness
dan kemunafikan kencan kalangan kelas atas.
Algernon yang tinggal di London kedatangan temannya Ernest yang tinggal di desa. Ernest
datang ke London dengan maksud untuk melamar Gwendolen, sepupu Algy. Tapi Algy tidak
setuju dan malah menanyakan tentang kotak rokok Ernest yang tertinggal di rumahnya.
Ernest mengaku bahwa kotak rokok itu adalah miliknya, tapi Algy kembali bertanya
mengenai tulisan di dalamnya, yaitu bahwa kotak tersebut adalah pemberian dari Cecily
untuk paman Jack. Mulanya Ernest mengelak dengan mengatakan bahwa Cecily adalah
bibinya, namun setelah didesak lebih lanjut ia mengaku bahwa ia bernama Jack di desa dan
Ernest di kota. Selain itu, ia juga mengaku bahwa di desa ia menyebarkan cerita bahwa ia
memiliki seorang adik bernama Ernest yang tinggal di London, dan Ernest sering sakit-
sakitan, sehingga Jack dapat sewaktu-waktu meninggalkan desa dengan alasan mengunjungi
adiknya yang sakit.
Mereka kemudian kedatangan Gwendolen dan ibunya Lady Bracknell. Ketika Lady
Bracknell sedang berbincang dengan Algy di ruangan sebelah, Ernest melamar Gwendolen
dan diterima, karena Gwendolen selalu ingin menikah dengan seorang laki-laki bernama
Ernest. Tapi ketika Lady Bracknell mengetahui hal ini, ia marah dan menolak Ernest karena
latar belakang kehidupannya yang tidak jelas. Ernest mengaku bahwa ia tidak memiliki
orangtua, melainkan ditemukan di dalam sebuah tas tangan berwarna hitam di stasiun kereta